E church 88

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Adebayor accuses his mother of witchcraft

EMMANUEL Adebayor (left) has chased his mother out of his home, accusing her of practising juju on him and igniting a family feud.

The UK Daily Mail quoted Adebayor as saying “But how am I going to be in touch with my mum if my mum is the one telling everyone that my work will not go forward.” [Read more on back page]

The Church

More prophets ‘foresee’ violence after elections Established Nov 2012

Issue No. 088

Lusaka, Zambia, Sunday December 14-21, 2014


…as UCZ Church says whether the prophecies are true or not,Christians should pray hard so that peace is mantained (Story on page 2)

Zambia Air Force (ZAF) Chief of operations Brig. Gen. David Muma (second from left, seated) and his military delegation pose for a photo (at ZAF Head Quarters in Long Acres) with Bible Society of Zambia (BSZ) Board Chairperson Teddy Mulonga (second from right, seated), BSZ General Secretary Pastor Evaristo Mambwe (right) and BSZ senior Accountant Mrs Juliet Chansa (left). BSZ was donating Golden Jubilee souvenir Bibles to ZAF. (See story on page 3)

Pastor explains why he dresses ZNS chief explains how God’s word stops like a prostitute when preaching Zambian soldiers from conducting coups (Story on page 5)

(story on page 3)

Zambia’s first and only Christian newspaper

ABOUT ‘THE home news CHURCH’ NEWSPAPER THE Church is the nation’s first, only and most comprehensive Christian newspaper and was Started in November 2012. The Church was incorporated with the vision of delivering up-to-date news, information, and commentaries relevant to Christians across denominational lines. It takes pride in preaching the word of God in a manner that even the lost souls will not find boring but interesting and useful.The Church is published by The Church Newspapers Ltd, a newspaper publishing and advertising firm registered in accordance with the Companies Act, Cap.389 of the Laws of Zambia. The Church newspaper is quickly growing to become a leading Christian news publication. It’s currently a weekly newspaper and its print run stands at 5000 copies per edition and is distributed in Lusaka and along the line of rail. It is also distributed in some selected churches in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces. The Church presents national and international coverage of current events affecting and involving Christian leaders, church bodies, ministries, mission agencies, schools, businesses, sports, entertainment and the general Christian public. Further, it also has a Christian look at Zambia’s social, political, business, and sports happenings. As a pan-denominational Christian media source, The Church views all Christ-centered denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ and does not promote or demote any Christ-centered denomination and/or congregation. STATEMENT OF OUR FAITH We believe... (i) In the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct... (ii) One God , eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... (iii) Our Lord Jesus Christ , God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory... (iii) The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit... (iv) The Holy Spirit , by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ... (v)The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ... (vi)The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. CONTACT US! Suite 08,2nd Floor Chester House, Cairo Road, P.O. BOX 36863, Lusaka Cell: (+260) 954-581-185 Fax: +260-211-232276 E-mail: church@zambia.co.zm Url:www.churchzambia.org


The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

More prophets ‘foresee’ violence after elections

By CHILUFYA CHISENSE S the presidential by-elections slated for January 20 2014 draw near, there has been a sharp increase in the number of clergymen making prophecies about a possible civil strife after the polls. The social networking site Facebook has since been flooded with prophecies by prophets who have been claiming that God has shown them a civil strife awaits Zambia depending on how Zambians will handle the outcome of the elections. Interestingly, it’s not only Zambian clergymen who are making these prophecies but also foreign ones with the latest being Malawi’s Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (pictured). Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is considered as one of the best prophets in Malawi and across Africa. His recent prophesies on Lesotho’s unrest and the death of South Africa’s goal keeper, Senzo Meyiwa both came to pass as he prophesied. According to media reports, the Malawian prophet on December 7 urged his congregation to pray for Zambia as he saw violence erupting in the country following election disagreements. The clergyman went further to predict the winner of the


January 20, 2014 presidential by-elections. Speaking to his congregation, Prophet Bushiri said that he saw a man wearing a hat being sworn in as Zambia’s president. “Am seeing a man name ‘L’ being sworn in as President. This man is so much loved by Zambians and he is destined to win. If he fails, he will fail because of himself. Things will

go bad for him if he doesn’t humble himself and work with the white person,” said Bushiri. But he added: “Mark my words, if the person with name ‘L’ fails to join hands with the white person, then victory will be for a person with letters HH,”said the Prophet. But when it comes to unrest after the elections, the million dollar question is; should these prophecies be ignored or be

given a bit of some attention? This reporter caught up with Revered (Dr) Peggy Kabonde, the General Secretary at the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) and during that interview, the clergywoman explained when it comes to deciding whether or not to take a certain prophecy seriously, Christians should “test the spirit” of the prophet. “I have also read from Facebook and from other papers that many of the prophets and apostles are talking about violence in Zambia after the elections especially if we do not guard jealously the peace that we have enjoyed for many years,” Rev Kabonde noted. She went on: “…But then, some prophets are being used by God and there are those that are alarmists although it is not easy to distinguish as to who is telling the truth and who is not telling the truth. I know for sure and my faith tells me that there those that

are speaking genuinely and are being used by God as vessels to bring this message to the people of Zambia and not all of us even if we may be clergy may have that gift of prophecy but there a certain category of people that God himself will use so that they can bring His message to His people.” Rev Kabonde added that it would not be wise to ignore clergymen who are forewarning the nation about the impending civil strife. Rev. Kabonde also said that there is need for Christians to pray hard to prevent the unrest the clerics are prophesying about. She said reversing the calamity is possible because God has been very faithful to the nation. The clergywoman also advised Zambians to maintain peace before, during and after the elections adding that political parties taking part in the byelections should put God first and campaign with dignity.

BIGOCA urges youths not to be used for violence in campaigns

By CHILUFYA CHISENSE BIBLE Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) presiding Bishop Peter Ndhlovu has appealed to youths not to accept being used as tools of violence during the ongoing campaigns for the January 20, 2014 presidential by-elections. In an interview, Bishop Ndhlovu said politicians should not capitalize on youths and turn them into tools of violence. “…Let us not allow that. Politicians should not use innocent youths to be in the fore-front being used as tools of violence. “The one you are going to fight is your brother, the one you are going to injure is your mother, and the one you are going to kill is your sister, therefore, if any politician wants to send you to go and fight other Zambians, say ‘no’ because we cannot fight one another. Some politicians want their ego to be fulfilled,” he said. He also said that he and the

rest of the body of Christ in the country will continue to pray for peace and unity ahead of the January 2015 polls. “We, as the Church will continue to pray for unity. We will continue to pray for peace and I believe that nobody will break this peace in this country. We shall prevail as a united nation; we shall prevail as a country which loves one another. Therefore there is no reason to run away from our country, we have one country which we need to treasure, we have one country which we need to love,” Bishop Ndhlovu said. Early next year, Zambia goes to the polls to elect a new president who will succeed President Michael Sata. The United National Development Party’s Hakainde Hichilema, Patriotic Front’s Edgar Lungu and the Movement for Multi party Democracy’s Rupiah Banda are the three frontrunners in the January byelections.

By CLEOPATRA TEMBO THE Lusaka Minister’s Fellowship (LMF) has appealed to all political parties to act maturely and engage in issue based campaigns ahead of the January 2015 Presidential By- elections. LMF Chairperson Bishop Bornface Nkonde says his fellowship is concerned with the political upheavals occurring in the country following the

demise of the late Republican President Micheal Sata. Bishop Nkonde says following the late President Sata’s demise there have been intra-party divisions, injustices, violence and chaos in most political parties such as the PF and MMD. He said it is unfortunate to have such vices being perpetrated by political parties (Cont’d on page 5)

Lusaka pastors call for issue based campaigns

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

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The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

ZNS chief explains why Zambian soldiers are not into coup d’états

By CHRISPA MULENGA AMBIA National Service (ZNS) commandant Nathan Mulenga says the Holy Bible and the Christian faith plays a key role in the conduct of the military in Zambia. Speaking when the Bible Society of Zambia donated 4,500 copies of the Golden Jubilee Souvenir Bibles to ZNS recently, General Mulenga said it was good that the Bibles were donated to the military at a time when Zambia was at crossroads and heading to the polls. The ZNS chief used the opportunity to dispel rumors made

online by some bloggers that the military intends to take over the running of the country should the squabbling among those in the corridors of power continue. “These reports of squabbles in

By CHRISPA MULENGA THE Bible Society of Zambia (BSZ) has donated a total of 20,000 copies of camouflaged Golden Jubilee Souvenir Bibles to the Zambia defense forces. These defense forces includes the Zambia National Service (ZNS), Zambia Air Force (ZAF), Zambia Army, Zambia Police Service, the Zambia Prisons Service and the Zambia State Security and Intelligence Service. The Bible Society of Zambia in a statement obtained by The Church Newspaper states that the organization wants to contribute to the realization of Zambia as a Christian nation by encouraging men and women in uniform to engage with God’s word and to make the ministry of Chaplains easy. “The Society believes that the Bibles will add value to the service personnel in their Christian and spiritual transformation and growth,” stated the Bible society.

The Bible Society added that in the case of ZNS which received 4,500 copies of the Bible, the consignment cost it and its sponsors Operation Africa Australia about K117, 000. The cost of all the 20,000 Bibles donated to the defense forces is about K756, 000. The Bible Society of Zambia also appealed to the defense force chiefs to encourage the men and women in uniform to support the society by subscribing for membership. Meanwhile, the defense Chiefs commended the Bible Society of Zambia for the donation. The defense chiefs on separate occasions said the donation will go a long way in as far as the spiritual growth of the military personnel is concerned. Speaking when Society Secretary General Pastor Evaristo Mambwe presented the camouflaged Golden Jubilee souvenir Bibles to him at the ZNS Head quarters in Lusaka,

...as Bible Society donates 20k Bibles to defense forces

the political arena are disturbing. We have been reading on the internet that the military wants to take over and do this and that but you see that’s all not true,” General Mulenga assured.

He went on: “As the military, even in the midst of confusion, we find words of solace in the Bible. You see, there is nothing that beats the Bible. It strengthens us and protects from being led into tempta-

tion. That is why the military here is not into causing confusions in the nation. “God is in control of the whole situation. God will not allow this country to be in turmoil. All this will happen because

Zambia is a Christian nation. W are His people.” General Mulenga commended the Bible Society of Zambia for donating the Bible to ZNS.

(From Left to right) Bible Society of Zambia General Secretary Pastor Evaristo Mambwe, Board Chairman Ted Mulonga, Zambia Police Inspector General Stella Libongani, her deputy Dr Solomon Jere, Bible Society of Zambia senior Accountant Mrs Juliet Chansa and senior police officers pose for a photo at the Police Headquaters in Lusaka shortly after the Bible Society donated bibles to the Police Service.

ZNS Commandant General Nathan Mulenga said his troops and their immediate families will greatly benefit from the donated Bibles. And ZAF Chief of Opera-

tions Brigadier General David Muma who was standing in for Air Commander Eric Chimense noted that due to the complicated nature of the military, soldiers need the Word of God. He said the donated Bibles will help in shaping the

men and women in uniform. Brig Gen Muma said this when Society Board Chairman Mr Teddy Mulonga presented the camouflaged Golden Jubilee souvenir Bibles to him at the ZAF Head quarters in Lusaka. He also pledged that ZAF

will endeavor to support the Bible Society of Zambia in its operations as it continues to spread the Word of God. The Zambia Police, Prisons Service and Zambia Intelligence service chiefs also expressed similar sentiments.

OVER 50 per cent of Choma’s Kamunza Primary School population is orphaned, resulting in high absenteeism at the school, the school head teacher Oliver Hakachaba has disclosed. Four hundred out of 637 pupils come from single and double-orphaned households. Speaking when Dorcas Workers from the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church in Choma district donated 20 pairs of school uniforms to the vulnerable pupils from

Kamunza Primary School during the Church’s outreach programme, the school head teacher explained that absenteeism was rife at the school as pupils coming from poor families share a pair of school uniforms.Mr Hakachaba disclosed that a pair of uniform is shared between two or three pupils coming from the same home, adding that the one who wears the uniform for that day was the one to attend school.He said the other pupil or pupils would wait for

their turn to wear the same uniform, resulting in the pupils attending school once or twice in a week. Receiving the 20 pairs of uniforms, Mr Hakachaba thanked the Dorcas Workers for the gesture, saying the donation would help curb absenteeism among the vulnerable pupils and urged other well-wishers to consider donating school uniforms.And Dorcas Workers leader, Mary Lubinda, pledged continued support to the school.[Source:Zanis]

Choma SDA donates uniforms to orphans

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home news By GERALD MULEYA LUSAKA based clergyman has urged employers not to abuse their domestic workers. Reacting to the case of a 22year-old Ugandan domestic worker Jolly Tumuhiirwe who is currently in court for brutally abusing an 18-month-old baby, Pastor Clergy Chombela noted that abuse was one the main reasons as to why a domestic worker would behave in such a manner. Last month, a Ugandan domestic worker was caught on a home camera (installed by her employers) physically and savagely abusing a two-year old child under her care. Not only did the maid spank and strike the defenseless little child repeatedly with a torchlight, she went as far as kicking and stomping on the child, transferring her entire body weight on the baby. The horrific assault on the little girl was meted out for the perceived offence of rejecting her meal, and subsequently vomiting all over the couch and floor. But Pastor Chombela who described the behavior of the maid as unacceptable and that it shouldn’t go unpunished noted that some employers


The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

Uganda maid Saga: employers maybe to blame for abusive maids-Pstr Chombela were extremely abusive to their domestic workers hence the unbecoming behavior of some domestic workers. “Some workers behave the way they behave because they have been demoralized, abused and mismanaged by their bosses,” he said. He urged employers to invest in their workers socially, financially, intellectually and spiritually if they want to get the best return. “Do not deny your workers their monthly earnings. Treat your workers well. Human resource is the greatest resource God gives to companies and the country as a whole. When you abuse your workers, you lose big,” he said. And commenting directly on the Uganda maid saga, Pastor Chombela said the maid had no right to mistreat the child in the manner she did. “Whether she was mistreated by her

employers or not, the maid had no right to do something like that. That was very evil… and you see this matter is a moral issue,” Pastor Chobela

said adding that as opposed to transferring anger on innocent and defenseless children, aggrieved workers especially maids should report the abuse

that God expects servants to obey their masters and the masters should reciprocate this by treating their workers with dignity.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: 22-year-old Ugandan domestic worker Jolly Tumuhiirwe who is currently in court for brutally abusing an 18-monthold baby is captured here using a hidden home camera stepping on the infant.

(Cont’d from page 2) that are seeking to govern the country. Bishop Nkonde also urged the political parties to observe the electoral code of conduct and desist from violence, vote buying, insults and character assassinations. ‘We as LMF will de-campaign any political party or Presidential candidate who breaches the electoral code of conduct through violence, vote buying or character assassination but we pledges to support and rally behind corrupt free, truthful, humble, peaceful and God


to relevant authorities. Quoting Ephesians 6 Vs 5, Colossians 4 Vs 1, Deuteronomy 24 Vs 15 and Job 31 Vs 13, Pastor Chombela said

Lusaka pastors call for issue based campaigns

fearing candidates, “ he said in a statement. He has since called on the electorate to scrutinize all candidates based on their record of accomplishment, campaign message and personal character and that they should not allow themselves to be bought with money or any kind of materials. Bishop Nkonde said the church and all peace loving

Zambians should continue prying for the nation, political parties and their candidates for peace to prevail before, during and after the elections. The LMF is an interdenominational fellowship of pastors and other Christian leaders in Lusaka and umbrella fellowship of all community and Zonal pastor’s fellowship in

Lusaka and the province as a whole.

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper



The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

Secular singer LL Cool J talks about importance of tithing

By VINCENT FUNARO APPER and actor LL Cool J (in picture) appeared on Hot 97 in New York City for an interview last week where he discussed elements of his personal faith including his tithing. When asked about his over 20 years career in the world of hip-hop and how he’s been able to maintain relevance all these years with his music and acting in shows such as NCIS, he credited God and also discussed the importance of giving, more specifically tithing. “I mentioned earlier longevity, versatility and originality,” LL Cool J said. “What I didn’t mention was spirituality and believing in God. He continued: “Every dime I get, no matter what it is, I give 10 percent to the church. I’m a life-long tither. I believe strongly in giving. I believe you got to have that faith. And I’ve seen it work in my life, because as much as people in the world like to take credit and claim to be geniuses, at the end of the day there’s a higher power than you, and you got to answer to that power.” The interview also revealed that the hip-hop pioneer

and legend attends Greater Allen African Methodist Episcopal Cathedral in Jamaica, Queen, New York, which is pastored by former Democratic congressman Floyd Flake. LL Cool J further commented that he’s “unique” and “an anomaly” in the hip-hop industry because he’s been able to maintain his career while others are no longer in the business. “I’ve been blessed to be able to transcend eras,” he said. “That’s like a blessing. I’m kind of an anomaly. I’m unique in that way. Sometimes the stars line-up. God gives people favor in different areas, and in that particular area he’s just blessed me to be able to relate consistently to all different generations.” LL Cool J will be joining another self-proclaimed anomaly as he will be performing alongside Lecrae at this year’s Christmas in Brooklyn event in Brooklyn, New York, on Dec. 19. The show will feature other hip-hop legends, including LL Cool J’s former Def Jam label mates Run DMC. Madonna sits with her adopted Malawian daughter Mercy James during a brick laying ceremony at the cite of her Raising Malawi Girls Academy in April 2010. [Source: Christian Post]

Pastor wears mini-skirt to teach about prostitution By ERIC MASHABA A SOUTH AFRICAN pastor has turned to cross-dressing to warn men against spending their family income on prostitutes. Pastor Douglas Dlamini, 42, from Daantjie Trust outside Mbombela, Mpumalanga, also uses his music to spread his monogamy message to people living around the capital city. “My dress code attracts a lot of attention to what I have to say. It has been very effective because people are able to listen and learn something. I am of the view that prostitution should never be legalised because it splits families, spreads sexually transmitted diseases, increases poverty and encourages the rape of street kids and homeless people,” said Dlamini, during a recent sermon in Mbombela.Dlamini, who has been singing since 2004, said many men who have sex with prostitutes have reported being robbed. “The women would expose their private parts at taverns and perform lap dances. The men end up buying sex while they are drunk. Then they get robbed and their families are left with no money,” he said. The pastor admits that he got help with his marketing strategy.“A white man from Jo’burg listened to my song about a mini skirt and advised me to wear a mini skirt myself in order to attract viewers. He did a video of me singing in a mini skirt and people started enjoying my message. I have never looked back,” said the married father of four.However, Dlamini said he would never be caught dead wearing his mini skirt at church.“Some of

the congregants might feel uncomfortable, so I only dress like this when I go on my evangelical missions,” he said. Samuel Mnisi (50), a pastor from Daantjie, said Dlamini was speaking a language that most people understand. “I like Dlamini’s songs and teachings. It is not only a warning to men but to prostitutes as well as they will also get sexually transmitted diseases,” he said. Petunia Nkosi (48), from Kanyamazane, blamed the South African government for not tightening laws around prostitution. “Dlamini’s music and dances send a clear message. We have young girls who are below 16 who have become sex workers. It is wrong and should be stopped. Police should arrest the men who buy sex as they are the ones promoting the illegal business,” said Nkosi [Source:SA Daily Sun]

How to stop gums from bleeding when brushing BLEEDING gums are the first sign that gum disease - including gingivitis and the more severe periodontitis - is on the way. While three quarters of the population experiences gum disease in their lifetime, it’s usually curable if you practice excellent dental hygiene. See Step 1 and beyond for ways you start combating bleeding gums and gum disease today. Part 1 of 3: Understanding the Problem Figure out why your gums are bleeding. Bleeding gums aren’t always a symptom of gum disease, though that’s the most common reason they occur. Bleeding gums can be a symptom of other medical issues having nothing to do with your dental hygiene. If you suspect your bleeding gums are related to something other than poor brushing and flossing habits, see your doctor to discuss ways to address the problem. Bleeding gums can be related to the following conditions: Hormonal changes, Diabetes, Heart disease, Clotting disor-

ders, Cancer, movements, Scurvy, Blood and once thinning it becomes medications tartar and Genetic you can’t factors remove it Know why yourself. it’s imporYour dentist tant to stop has the Do you have a heath subject you want gum disease discussed or clarified here? SMS/ Mail that right tools in its tracks. to get health matter to 0954 581 185 or Gum disease, rid of the church@zambia.co.zm which is tartar that’s caused by leading to ing to the dentist for a deep the buildup of plaque on the cleaning. Your dentist will help bleeding gums. gums and teeth, is very comSeek medical attention soon you figure out why your gums mon among adults over the are bleeding. Your dentist can if you notice the following age of 35. It starts with ginsymptoms in addition to gum demonstrate the proper way givitis, which is the inflammato brush and floss, clean away bleeding: tion and swelling of the gums Pockets formed between your your built-up plaque, and let that leads to bleeding and teeth and gums you know whether you need pain. Left untreated, gingivitis Loose teeth to be treated for periodoncan turn into the more severe A change in the way your titis. periodontitis, which causes teeth fit together Regular trips to the dentist the gums and oral bones to Receding gums - at least once every six weaken and can lead to tooth months - are an important Swollen, red and tender gums loss. Gums that bleed a lot when way to combat gum disease. Gum disease is also related you brush your teeth It’s not possible to brush and to other severe medical condi- floss away every little bit of Part 2 of 3: Using Dentist-Aptions like heart disease, stroke, plaque before it turns into proved Methods for Stopping and kidney disease. Bleeding and Disease hard tartar on your teeth, unTake a trip to the dentist. The less the brush used is accurate Change the way you brush. If best way to fight gum disease in allowing small up/down you’re in the camp that thinks is to get a head start by gothat the harder you brush, the

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

chatting health

cleaner your teeth will get, your brushing habits might be the culprit here. Gums are composed of soft, fragile tissue that doesn’t need to be scrubbed hard to get clean. Choose a brush with soft, blunt bristles - never get the kind labeled “medium” or “hard.” Brush twice a day using the right technique - a soft, circular motion on all sides of the teeth and gums. Consider getting an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are gentle on your teeth and very effective at reaching to the back to remove tartar. If there’s one particular part of your mouth that feels sensitive, or seems to bleed more often, spend more time gently brushing that area. Gently massage the spot with your toothbrush for 3 minutes. This will help remove the plaque affecting the area. Floss without hurting your gums. Flossing once a day is absolutely essential for stopping gums from bleeding. There’s no other way to get [To be cont’d next week]




ID you know that it’s actually your world view that determines your levels of progress and continuity? I strongly advocate objectivity in terms of how we view situations. Especially when it comes to problems and hard situations. You see, these can make you or break you. Allow me now to suggest a few ways of how you can develop a way of seeing problems and circumstances for what they are. . Do not view problems you encounter external to yourself. May I propose to you that problems are a mental issue rather than an external circumstance. That is why things like poverty are a mindset more than being a situational circumstance. To solve any problem, you must begin by looking within yourself. Limiting beliefs, insecurity, fear, discouragement, and low self-esteem. These are all internal mental states rather than external. When you win in your mind,

How to analyze problems, circumstances correctly The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014



r By Pasto Walubita Siyanga

you have won in life. . They blame others for what is happening or not happening. Regardless of what oth-

ers have done to you, or how others have mistreated you, success is still your own making. Most people love to play the victim card, and

it does nothing but concretise your bad situation even more. Pity parties don’t pay. Having emotional episodes about your misfortunes only

2 education corner MANY people make mistakes with the way they use words (in English). We shall be looking at common mistakes we make in our everyday communications. . Unless if…X Instead of saying: Unless if you study hard, you will fail the examinations. Say: Unless you study hard, you will fail the examinations. Or: If you do not study hard, you will fail the examinations. ‘Unless’ means ‘if… not’. Now if you say ‘Unless if…’, you mean ‘unless if … not’. It does not make any grammatical sense. . Return back….X Instead of saying: The President will be returning back home on Friday. Say: The President will be returning home on Friday. Or: The President will be coming back home on Friday. Return, which is used in formal situations, is the same as ‘come or go back’, which suits well informal ones.




with Kawewe Kawewe


.Double Comparative….. X In (English) Grammar, comparison takes three forms; namely, positive, comparative and superlative forms. We can not use two words from the same category or form e.g. more stronger or most strongest. ‘More’ and ‘stronger’ take a comparative form, a category for comparing two things or persons. In the same vein, ‘most’ and ‘strongest’ are both in the superlative form, a category used to compare three or more things or persons. Instead of saying: Mr. Mwila is more stronger than any other man in the group.

Say:Mr. Mwila is more strong than any other man in the group. Or: Mr. Mwila is stronger than any other man in the group. We can express comparative comparison in the following ways: Using one word from the comparative form e.g. stronger. Using one word from the comparative form and another from the positive form e.g. more strong. For the sake of emphasis, we use a word from the positive form and another from the comparative form e.g. much better or stronger. We do not use words from

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the same form e.g. more better or more stronger. . Future plans….X Instead of saying: What are your future plans? Say: What are your plans? Or: What do you intend to do (in future)? There are no ‘future plans’, neither are there ‘past plans’. A plan is something that you intend to do in future. . In the bus….X. Instead of saying: I am in a minibus; I am going home. Say: I am on a minibus; I am going home. In some cases, we will only know that a person has made a mistake when they give more information about a particular situation. ‘I am in a bus’ alone is not a wrong sentence construction in any way; however, the moment more information ‘I am going home’ is added, we then realise that there is a mistake. So, you are in a minibus, when you are repairing or cleaning it, for example: you are on a


keeps you in mediocrity. So yes you were an orphan, yes you never knew your dad, yes you were abandoned, and yes you were used or broken hearted, but it’s time to move on. Life must go on. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Move on because nobody will really care much about you. Yes you will be pitied, but what will that help? . They blame the economy, the environment or anything else they can find. It’s called a scarcity mindset. It’s a situation where you see the glass as half empty. Some people are zoomed into what they don’t have. They are so tuned in lack.


minibus, when you are on a journey. . In colour….X Instead of saying: His car is white in colour. Say: His car is white. It is obvious something can not be white in design, shape or anything. It is quite clear the word ‘white’, ‘black’ and ‘metallic green’, for example, refers to colour. . The use of ‘before’.... X Instead of saying: Mr. Mutale, give me my book before I forget (it). Say: Mr. Mutale, give me my book now or I will forget it. The word ‘before’ expresses sequence. One action or thing happens before the other. Even after being given the keys, Mr. Mutale will forget… . Now what will he forget as he already has his book? ************** The author is a private tutor of English and a Freelance journalist. For comments or questions, email him on kawewe2@ yahoo.com.



The first step to having success is to acknowledge and use what you have in your hands. You might not have money now, but you have a gift, a trade, and a talent. Stop focusing on who left. Focus on the one who is there. . Most of our problems are mere delusions of our thinking. It’s been said that the problem is how you think about problems. Most people’s mind-sets are marred with esteem issues and fears. Most people just do not have mental clarity. They are not sober enough to see things for what they are. Everybody does not hate you? You are not the most unlucky person. All this kind of thinking is very delusional. The moment you begin to think with clarity about your situations and circumstances, the quicker your results will come. . Don’t go through life thinking you need to change your life – instead change the way you think. What must change is not your life, but your thinking. The bible says as man thinketh, so is he. You are a sum total of your thought life. So you want to change your life? Change your mind. This has been pastor Walu. Do have a great day and be blessed. ********************** Walubita Siyanga (pastor Walu) is the C.E.O of Life build Solutions Limited, a Training consultancy, human resource support, and personal development Company. Walubita Siyanga is a life coach, Motivational speaker, and a professional counsellor. He is also a branding and image consultant, writer, media expert, and pastor. For bookings, and other engagements contact him on 0977-515 773. You can call, sms or whatsapp on the same number. Or email him on walub2@gmail.com



‘ENTER JUBILEE BY FIRE ‘PRAYER BOOK BY PASTOR SINYANGWE The daily prayer point book titled ‘ Enter Jubilee by Fire’ for the months October to December is now out.This powerful and inspiring prayer book written by Pastor Sunday Sinyangwe will help you grow your faith in God and also help in making you realize your potential during this Jubilee year.

To order a copy or ask where its sold, call 0977 252 265. The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper


Q Pastor Jay,

:ALLOW me to commend The Church Newspaper for coming up with this section in this newspaper. I personally find it informative and interactive especially that we are allowed to ask questions and we are answered right away. Mine is a common scenario especially here in Zambia. I am married to a man who divorced his first wife some two years ago. I am not really sure why they divorced. My question is, in the eyes of God, is our marriage considered as adultery or it’s a normal marriage? Mrs G Mfula, Lusaka *************

The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

‘I am married to a divorcee; are we committing adultery?’ Ask A Pastor Jay NSWER: To answer this question, we need to know situations when the Divorce is okayed by the Bible. God allows divorce in two key situations: if sexual sin was committed or a non-believer files for divorce. According to the Bible, if you are a Christian who has either 1) never been

been divorced. Then you must consider two issues. The first issue can be answered with a question, “Is the person you are married to a believer in Jesus Christ?” God warns For Christian guidance on all your marital us to marry only Chrisand relationship problems. tians. In the Old TestaSMS/ Mail them to 0978 159 703 or ment He gives us the church@zambia.co.zm principle (see illustration in 1 Kings 11:1-8). married or 2) has had a with God’s blessing. In In the New Testament He biblical divorce, then you your case, you have maris more precise. have the right to remarry ried someone who has

Thought Provoking Issues DIFFERENT people get ministered to in different ways. For some it’s through the usual church sermons and for many others, it’s through music. Excerpt for music, Jesus while on earth did use quite a number of methods to minister to people. There is one method, though, which whenever Jesus applied it left the listeners thinking. Jesus had a way of provoking the thoughts of his audience through short stories and proverbs. For this reason, Jesus’ most popularized teachings were those taught inform of proverbs and short stories.It is against this background that we introduced this section which contains some short inspirational, spirit lifting and heartwarming stories collected from around the world. While most are fictional, a few others are real life stories aimed at ministering important spiritual and life lessons. Enjoy!

The résumé of Jesus Christ


ELLO. My name is Jesus - The Christ. Many call me Lord! I’ve sent you my resume because I’m seeking the top management position in your heart. Please consider my accomplishments as set forth in my resume. ADDRESS: Ephesians 1:20 PHONE: Romans 10:13 WEBSITE: The Bible. KEYWORDS: Christ, Lord, Savior and Jesus QUALIFICATIONS I founded the earth and established the heavens, (See Proverbs 3:19) I formed man from the dust of the ground, (See Genesis

2:7) I breathed into man the breath of life, (See Genesis 2:7) I redeemed man from the curse of the law, (See Galatians 3:13) The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant comes upon your life through me, (See Galatians 3:14) OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND I’ve only had one employer, (See Luke 2:49). I’ve never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful. My employer has nothing but rave reviews for me, (See

Matthew 3:15-17) SKILLS WORK EXPERIENCES Some of my skills and work experiences include: empowering the poor to be poor no more, healing the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised, (See Luke 4:18). I am a Wonderful Counselor, (See Isaiah 9:6). People who listen to me shall dwell safely and shall not fear evil, (See Proverbs 1:33). Most importantly, I have the authority, ability and power

to cleanse you of your sins, (See I John 1:7-9) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND I encompass the entire breadth and length of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, (See Proverbs 2:6). In me are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, (See Colossians 2:3). My Word is so powerful; it has been described as being a lamp unto your feet and a lamp unto your path, (See Psalms 119:105).

s s e n e iv g r o f f o t c a Shocking B

granted you that forgiving ELOW is a letter love from my heart. I can written to a man on only hope you believe me death row by the eand will accept my forgiv Father of the man whom ness. the man on death row had to “But this is not all I have killed: ke ma to nt wa I . you say to “You are probably suryou an offer — I want you le, op pe all of I, t prised tha to become my adopted , am writing a letter to you o child. You see, my Son wh but I ask you to read it in ld, chi y onl my s died wa its entirety and consider and I now want to share the As sly. iou its request ser ve my life with you and lea Father of the man whom y ma s Thi . you my riches to you took part in murderor you to se sen not make y ing, I have something ver e anyone else, but I believ . you to say important to I er. off you are worth the I forgive you. With all so rs tte ma have arranged my heart, I forgive you. I that if you will receive my for d realize it may be har offer of forgiveness, not you to believe, but I really only will you be pardoned do. “At your trial, when you for your crime, but you confessed to your part in also will be set free from the events that cost my Son your imprisonment, and his life and asked for my your sentence of death forgiveness, I immediately

forgive you for your part will be dismissed. At that in my Son’s death, I can point, you will become my forgive you for anything. adopted child and heir to I know you never will be all my riches. perfect, but you do not “I realize this is a risky have to be perfect to offer for me to make s, receive my offer. Beside to you — you might be you e onc t tha e liev be I er tempted to reject my off have accepted my offer ke ma I but — tely comple and begin to experience it to you without reservato the riches that will come tion.Also, I realize it may pri r you t tha , me m fro you h seem foolish to make suc ) ays mary (though not alw an offer to one who cost response will be gratitude my Son his life, but I now and loyalty. have a great love and an Some would call me foolish ss unc hangeable forgivene I for my offer to you, but in my heart for you. r you me l cal wish for you to Finally, you may be Father. concerned that once you Sincerely, y ma you accept my offer The Father of Jesus do something to cause you [Source:2jesus.com] as to be denied your rights an heir to my wealth. r “Nothing could be furthe can I f th.I from the tru

I can even tell you all of the secrets of your heart, (See Psalms 44:21). MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS I was an active participant in the greatest Summit Meeting of all times, (See Genesis 1:26). I laid down my life so that you may live, (See II Corinthians 5:15). I defeated the archenemy of God and mankind and made a show of them openly, (See Colossians 2:15). I’ve miraculously fed the poor, healed the sick and raised the dead! There are many more major accomplishments, too many to mention here. You can read them on my website, which is located at: www dot - the BIBLE. You don’t need an Internet connection or computer to access my website. REFERENCES Believers and followers worldwide will testify to my divine healing, salvation, deliverance, miracles, restoration and supernatural guidance. IN SUMMATION Now that you’ve read my resume, I’m confident that I’m the only candidate uniquely qualified to fill this vital position in your heart. In summation, I will properly direct your paths, (See Proverbs 3:5-6), and lead you into everlasting life, (See John 6:47). When can I start? Time is of the essence, (See Hebrews 3:15). [Source: 2jesus.com- Dismore Family]

A wife is bound as long as her husband lives; but if her husband is dead, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. (NASB) 1 Cor. 7:39 The second issue is about establishing if your husband’s divorce was a biblical one. If his reasons for divorcing the first wife are not as stated above, I am afraid you may be committing adultery with that man. That marriage might be right in the eyes of man and the law but to God, its nothing but adultery. The best thing to do would be to correct things. Seeking God’s forgiveness is paramount. You can also seek your pastor’s advice and He would help you in seeking God’s opinion on the matter decide the way forward. The sad part to this story is that most marriages in our country are actually adultery cases. Most people just don’t care what led to their spouse’s divorce. They just rush into marrying that person. This is wrong and must be stopped. CONCLUSION: God’s design is that we marry one person and never separate. That was God’s desire. ‘FOR THIS CAUSE A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND SHALL CLEAVE TO HIS WIFE; AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH’ Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. (NASB) Matthew 19:5-6 God’s design wants our spouse to be our friend (Mal. 3:14). The Hebrew word for “friend” is a special word having the sense of a “magical friend.” That is what marriage should be all about - magic and friendship! ****************** If you have any marital and relationship question and want it answered on this segment, please send it to our hotline 0954 581 185 or email church@ zambia.co.zm



The Church,Sunday,December The Church, Saturday, June14-21,2014 7-14,2014

The Tamanga Section

W What do HAT do you see? This is the most important question that an entrepreneur must answer. I remember watching Steve Jobs, launching the iPad, and I wondered: “What do you see?” I listened to Jeff Bezos, talk about the Kindle and I wondered: “What do you see?” I listened to Jack Ma, and I wondered: “What do you see?” Then, I thought about you, and I wondered: “What do you see?” Before I become what I have become today, I saw something. Here is what I saw: Our first mobile license was not Zimbabwe, as is generally believed: It was actually Botswana, in 1998, several months before we were licensed by a Supreme Court in Zimbabwe. The government of Botswana called for international tenders, from experienced operators. It was to be a “beauty contest”, in which operators had to submit proposals on how they would provide services, if they won the license. Botswana is a country that does things very professionally and transparently. Although I had lots of ideas, on how to win the tender, there was one big problem: we had never operated a cell phone network, and so we had no experience, to qualify as a bidder. Most people would have walked away at that stage, but I would not be deterred: I drew up a list of other major telecoms companies around the world, and began calling them, to see if they would be interested in joining a bid-

had not even been involved in the preparations of the cell phone document, and he barely spoke throughout the rigorous presentations, and questioning that followed. To this day, I still tear-up, just thinking about that day, 16 years ago: It was time for the questions, from the Swedish advisors to the Botswana government: “You say that you expect to The Botswana government had achieve 120,000 customers, hired international consultants which is 10% of the Botswana from Sweden to run the propopulation, within 5 years? cess for them. That is not possible. This kind Although we were facing such of growth has not been seen fierce competition, and we anywhere; how can it be?’’ were unknown, I had deep “Those are our projections, sir,” I faith, that we would win. I replied calmly. did not care who we were up They stared at me. against, we had to beat them! I stared back. After submitting the docu“Can you show us where you get ments, we were advised after your numbers from?” a few weeks, that 5 bidders “Yes, I am happy to discuss our had made the final short list: research of this market. Please France Telecom, MTN, Bharti go to page xxx, and we can go Airtel, Vodacom and Mascom through our numbers with you.” Wireless. “We have seen your research. We received a letter inviting It is very well done, but we are us to Botswana to make oral finding it difficult to believe sented” their role. “Oh, Ok”. presentations of our proposthat there will be that level of There was also a require“Mascom Wireless, will do. als. demand.” ment for locals to have shares Now go register it quickly.” Our European technical part- For hours, we discussed the in the company. I called all And that is how Botswana’s ners, did not at first believe assumptions, until we had a the “big guys” in Botswana, largest operator got its name, we could win, but agreed to stalemate. and they told me they were and it went on to be become send some representatives to One of the advisors, in total already committed with one the second largest company in “show their face”. They would frustration said, “none of the of the other 20 bidders. The the country. not even pay for the cost of other bidders have this kind of hotel where I was staying in The two weeks prior to the submitting the bid documents. optimist projections. You are Botswana, had a very smart submission of the tender bid I paid for it with a personal twice the best estimates from local manager. So I said to for Botswana, are probcheque... It was just $5000. the others.” him, “get some of your friends ably the hardest I have ever Each bidder was given a full “We believe these numbers are together, and I will give you worked in my life, even to this day, to make presentations real.” I replied. some shares”, he had no clue day! and answer questions. Our They kept thumbing through our what it was all about, but We produced a 900 page team drove to Botswana from meticulous figures, looking to agreed! bid document, using a team Zimbabwe because we could find a fault. I decided not to use the of 35 people. Sometimes we not afford all the air tickets. I “There must be a mistake, sure“Econet” name because of the went for two or three days led the oral presentations: ly?” One of them said quietly. controversy in Zimbabwe. So, without much sleep. There I was with my small “No sir. There is no mistake. one of my colleagues said, There were 21 bidders who team from Zimbabwe with Those numbers are real. People “why don’t we call it Mascom had collected documents. They one representative from our will take up service.” Wireless?” were mostly big multinational partners, who struggled with “They are highly experienced “Mascom? How do you get companies from all over the English, facing these silver operators, how can you say, that?” I asked. world, including operators like haired Swedish consultants. they are wrong.” “Short for Masiyiwa CommuVodacom, MTN, Bharti, France The senior representative “I don’t know their numbers. I nications” Telecom. from our technical partner, only know ours, and I know that we can get service to that many people.” “What is it, you are seeing that others cannot see?” One of them asked. We left Botswana as the Vodacom team arrived for their presentation. They had arrived in a private jet, and were beaming with confidence. As I boarded the small propeller plane that moved between Gaborone and Johannesburg, I realised I had lost my voice, from all the talking at the presentations. I was also shaking with exhaustion from several sleepless nights. Four months later we were summoned back to Botswana. We were told the results would be announced on the radio: Mascom Wireless had won the tender, for Botswana’s first cell Newspaper Printers phone operation. A second license was to be issued to France Telecom, now known as Orange, as the runner up. A dream I had held for nearly 10 years had become reality: I The Church Newspaper Printers could finally set up our first cell P O Box 36863,Suite 8, 2nd Floor Chester House, Cairo phone network. I knelt down Road, Lusaka. Cell:0978 159703/0966 252 729 Email: and thanked God, even as tears church@zambia.co.zm /Url: www.churchzambia.com poured down my face.

you see? LEARNING Business

with a w i y i s a M e Striv

ding consortium. I was turned down by virtually everyone I approached, but I kept calling and sending “faxes”( there was no email). Sometimes calling as many as 20 companies a day. In those days, the Internet barely existed, so it was also difficult to get information, like you can today. Finally I found the Business Director of a major European operator. He told me they were interested but all his key people were on holiday, as it was July. I proposed to him that we would do all the work of preparing the bid documents, and they could have 25%, equity, if they joined us as “Technical partner.” He agreed, and he sent a small team, a few days before the bid, just to review and see that we had not “misrepre-

The Church


The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

kingdom business


ESUS says in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit (the humble, who rate themselves insignificant), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!” Let’s face it; humility isn’t a very popular word. Yet, all throughout the Bible, the Lord instructs us about the benefits of being “humble-minded.” I love James 4:6. It says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (ESV). In other words, the humble get the help! I believe humility is often misunderstood and even viewed as a weakness. But it’s the exact opposite. Humility places us in a position to receive God’s grace and become everything He’s called us to be. A humble person is also a happy person. They can take joy in their life and what God has called them to do, regardless of what the world thinks about it. For instance, you may think your present assignment from God is something mundane. The proud person always wants to do something they think the world will admire…something others see as “important.” The truth is we don’t have to do something important to be important. We are important because God loves and values us. Our worth comes from him. As we receive His love and find our true worth in Him, then we can truly enjoy our purpose in life

The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

10 ways to tell if one is ‘Biblically’ humble

secure and knows that God approves of him – to be okay with his wife being the one “out front.” I can honestly say that Dave is one of the happiest people I know. He knows what God has asked him to do…and he is doing it with joy. What are some other character traits of a humble person? . The humble can always ask for help, and they don’t insist on everything be-

ing done their way. . They are quick to forgive others, difficult to offend, and content to wait on God for vindication when they have been wronged. . They are patient and don’t get frustrated with the weaknesses of others (Galatians 6:2). . The humble person is a peacemaker. In fact, we need humility to maintain peace in our lives. Romans 12:16 is one of my favorite scriptures. It says, “Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty…but readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself.” Wow! Just imagine if we all decided to adopt just this one command from the Bible. If you’re like me, so many times you feel like saying, “My way or no way at all!” But there’s a better way…a way that leads to peace with ourselves and others. . A humble person knows when to be quiet. It’s

God as a lifestyle. (See1 Cor 9:24-27) Godliness is not a state of perfection, but a tireless pursuit of righteousness. A tireless press towards perfection. (See Phil 3:10-14, 1 Pet 1:16, Matt 5:48) Godliness is a conscious acceptance and acknowledgement of one’s shortcomings the consequences notwithstanding. ( Pr 28:13, Ps 51:1-4) Godliness therefore is a lifelong battle for every believer that desires to please God.(See Heb 12:1-4, 2 Tim 2:19) A quest for godliness is a spiritual warfare indeed. (See 1 Pet 5:8, Heb 3:13) Friends, it is a thing you do daily. There must be a daily update of your right standing in God. So understanding the characteristics of sin and how to deal with them is key to realizing the benefits of godliness. WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SIN?

Sin has a nature. If sin has a nature, it then can be denatured. In science we talk about denaturation of protein. So sin can be denatured. WHAT IS THE NATURE OF SIN? Sin is contagious. (See Ps 1:1-3, 1 Cor 15:33) Sin is destructive.[ Eze 18:4, Jer 17:11,Jos 24-25] Sin has a trap The second characteristics of sin is that it has a trap.Thank God that the trap can be broken. How do I break the Trap of Sin? Mortify the deeds of the flesh through prayers.[ See Jude 20,Rom 8:13, Col 3:5] Engage in continuous exercise unto godliness. [See Acts 24:16, 1 Tim 4:7-8, 1 Cor 9:24-26] Benefits of Godliness. Engenders boldness [See Pr 28:1, Acts 14:3] Secure for us eternity with Christ.[See 1 Cor 6:9-11, Gal 5:5-8; 19-21]

Special 2 Bible 3 Teaching 4

By Pastor Joyce Meyer

and live in contentment. So many people are miserable, constantly comparing themselves to others who are smarter, prettier, or more successful. But the “poor in spirit” have the ability to be happy with who they are. My husband, Dave, is a perfect example. Years ago, the Lord instructed him to leave his job in the engineering field to help establish Joyce Meyer Ministries.

At that time, God spoke to his heart and said, “If you do what I am calling you to do…and allow Joyce to do what I’ve called her to do, then you will have a lot of peace and happiness.” Dave is an extremely vital part of this ministry. We are a team, and he oversees all of the business and financial aspects of the organization. However, it takes a truly humble man – a man who is


Godliness is profitable unto all things

PASTOR Ogbonyomi Adeleye of Winner’s Chapel Lusaka main branch on Sunday October 30, 2014 continued with the fifth part of his homily titled ‘Understanding the wonders of Godliness.’ He was zeroing in on the subject he titled as ‘Godliness is profitable unto all things.’ Below are some of the key points picked from the message preached by Pastor Adeleye. There are amazing profits in godliness. The bible says in all labour there is profit. (See Pr 14:23) Godliness is a labour. Living right is a labour. That is why the bible compares it to bodily exercise and we all know that exercise is labour. So there are profits that await you when you labour in godliness. There are profits that await

for the height Job attained. Evil must die in your life, so the By Pastor Ogbonyomi glory that Adeleye God has you when you live a holy and mapped out for you will come righteous life. out. (See Pro 14:34) Job became the greatest man Friends, whereas sin brings a in the land not through crookcurse, righteous brings blessedness or perverseness, but ings. (See Ps 112:1-3) through uprightness and godly Wherever you see God’s blessperfection. ing, righteousness is in place. WHAT IS GODLINESS? (See Ps 92:10-14) We have been told since the No matter the dryness or the month began for those who draught in the land, the righhave cared to listen that to teous shall flourish; his leaves truly understand what certain will remain green things are, it is good to first You cannot stand in righteousunderstand what they are not. ness and be a misfit among Godliness is not a state of men. (See Job 1:1-30) sinlessness but a demonstration Righteousness was the reason of your desperation to please



certainly not wrong to talk, but a humble person is comfortable allowing others to have center stage and doesn’t feel the need to speak their mind in every situation. . A humble person sees their own weaknesses and can readily admit them. When we open up to others about ourselves, it can actually encourage and help them realize they’re not the only ones who deal with things. Dave is very easy going and has what I call “quiet faults,” meaning most people don’t immediately see them. I, on the other hand, have “loud faults” – some of my greatest struggles have been with my mouth! Now, I certainly don’t take joy in Dave’s weaknesses, but it does help on occasion for someone like me to know that he’s working on things too. . A humble person happily serves other people, and they don’t do it to be seen. They do it unto God, knowing their reward will come from God. . A humble person is very thankful. This is one reason why they’re usually so happy. When we live with an attitude of gratitude, it releases joy and power into our lives. . A humble person has a tender conscience and is quick to repent. . A leader who is truly humble treats everyone with respect. How a leader treats people is the quickest way to find out their level of humility. First Peter 5:6 says, “Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you.” The older I get, the more I realize the importance of humility. Now I pray things like, “Lord, I can do absolutely nothing without you today. Please help me – I need your grace in every situation.” I encourage you to pray and ask for God’s help. Nobody changes overnight, but by His grace, you can begin to develop an attitude of humility…and discover the life you really want.


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N the 15th of November in Uganda, a domestic worker was caught on a home camera (installed by her employers) physically and savagely abusing a twoyear old child under her care. Watching the video feed on the Internet is sufficient to send chills of horror down one’s spine. Not only did this employee spank and strike the defenceless little child repeatedly with an unusual object, a torchlight, she went as far as kicking and stomping on the child, transferring her entire body weight on this fragile human being. The horrific assault on the little girl was meted out for the perceived offence of rejecting her meal, and subsequently vomiting all over the couch and floor. Thousands of people, including Zambians took to the internet to express their disgust and utter shock at the level of cruelty of this domestic employee with many calling for the twenty-two year old maid to be locked up for life. Indeed, the local authorities apprehended the lady and charged her with torture; a charge that was later amended to attempted murder. The family of the victim is still reeling from the ordeal, as the father of the child claimed that he started to suspect the helper was abusing his daughter when he noticed a bruise on his child’s body and saw her limping. This prompted his decision to install the surveillance camera that recorded the incident that caused a global uproar. Truth is, nothing can excuse the horrific assault by the Ugandan maid on the little girl in her charge. But like Joel Allotey, an international blogger pointed out in one of his writings on the Ghanamedic website, “calling her a ‘monster’ helps us ignore the circumstances of domestic workers across the continent, circumstances that can lead to assaults like this.” It’s common knowledge that urban households across Africa employ domestic help, colloquially referred to as ‘housegirl’, ‘houseboy’, ‘gateman’ among other borderline pejorative terms. The idea of recruitment is to ease the burden of domestic activities on the employers, and in some rare instances, provide opportunity for gainful employment and sometimes education to underprivileged individuals. We totally agree with Mr Allotey when he points out in his blog referred to earlier that “… the concept of domestic help recruitment has mutated into a vicious cycle of physical, verbal and sexual abuse, maltreatment, and outright slavery.” As horrendous as the actions of the domestic help is, deserving just punishment for such a despicable act, one must wonder what would lead a


The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014

editorial comment

2nd Floor,Suite 08 Chester Hse, Cairo Rd, P.O. Box 36863, Lsk.Tel: 260-954-581-185, Fax:+260-211-232-276, E-mail: church@ zambia.co.zm, Url:www.churchzambia.org, Facebook:‘Church Newspaper Zambia’

Condemning the Ugandan maid is not the solution mentally stable individual to so viciously assault a young toddler. We must put our emotions aside and objectively assess the entire situation beyond the recorded incident. Could the help have in fact had some psychiatric problem that caused her to exhibit such an inhumane behaviour? Possibly. It is also conceivable that this help, like thousands of other domestic workers across the continent and even beyond, may herself have been a victim of abuse, physically and verbally, probably even sexually, causing her to transfer her aggression and frustration to the helpless child under her care. The behaviour exhibited by the lady in the video suggests one born out of a deep-seated hatred. This hatred is not likely targeted at the young toddler, but probably towards somebody else who may have been the cause of the maid’s own personal torment. This is another possibility that should be seriously considered. These assumptions in no way trivialise the intensity of the maid’s malevolent crime, nor do they justify her actions to any extent. The behaviour of the help was entirely unacceptable, and deserves the ultimate punishment within the confines of their local laws. However, we much look deeper into the situation at hand, considering all possible scenarios and remain unbiased in our assessment of the issue, before handing out our individual judgement and condemnation. Domestic helpers do suffer a great deal in the hands of their employers. Many are beaten mercilessly for the most trivial offences; oth-

ers verbally abused to the point whereby any shred of dignity and self-esteem they have left is stripped off. Many others, female and male alike, are raped and sometimes sexually as well as emotionally manipulated by their employers and other family members, with promises of money, gifts and even love. Older children of employers of domestic helpers are often raised by their parents to see the help as nothing more than a slave; a less-than-human object to be despised, ridiculed and maltreated at their whim. The help is there to be servile; to cook, clean and kowtow to the masters and mistresses of the house for a paltry wage. Live-in helps are sometimes made to eat different, less appetizing and less nutritious meals from the rest of the family. Their living quarters are sometimes just short of looking like prison cells, all in a bid for them to realise their place in the home, which is as the most insignificant non-member of the family he or she works for.It is evident that there needs to be a more organised system of domestic help recruitment, beyond underprivileged families in rural areas forcing their children to live with families in the city. Recruitment agencies that handle employment need to be regulated to ensure that the workers are not exploited by the agencies or the homes in which they work. The government also needs to draft legislature that protects the welfare of these individuals, to ensure that they earn a decent wage, are treated well in the home where they work, and have a channel to forward all complaints of abuse and maltreatment without fear of losing their livelihood or their lives in some cases. In a country like Zambia, it is very surprising that even people who call themselves Christians are the ones who appear to be on the forefront abusing their maids. At church, we preach the love of Christ to humanity but we fail to show love to the people who clean our homes and make our food. Brothers and sisters, that sort of hypocrisy is terrible. Let’s learn to treat our maids in a humane way. Let’s show them the love of Christ. In Conclusion; the million dollar question remains; should the Ugandan maid be punished for her vile actions against the helpless child? Yes. Should further investigations be done to inquire why the lady would do such a horrible thing? Yes. If it is discovered that the domestic help herself was also a victim of some form of abuse, would it be necessary to have some form of safety net and legal protection for other domestic employees to prevent such a horrible event from repeating itself? Absolutely yes.

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

sports news

The Church, Sunday December 14-21,2014 Marta (L) of Brazil struggles for the ball with Florencia Quinones (#2) of Argentina during a match between Brazil and Argentina as part of International Women’s Football Tournament of Brasilia at Mane Garrincha Stadium on December 13, 2014 in Brasilia, Brazil. (Picture by Buda Mendes/Getty Images South America)


OALKEEPER Joshua Titima is positive that Power Dynamos will do well in the 2015 CAF Confederation Cup. Power returns to Africa next year after finishing second in the ended FAZ Super

League season. Titima said Power wants to

Power wants to win Confed Cup-Titima

win the Confederation Cup. “Our aim is to win the Confederation Cup,” he said.“We have to work hard and make Zambia proud,” He said qualifying for the Confederation Cup was not an easy feat. “The season was tough and we did well to come second in the league,” he added. [Source:LT]

Bale says Ronaldo deserves the Ballon d’Or

By PETER MCVITIE GARETH Bale says Real Madrid team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo deserves to win the 2014 Fifa Ballon d’Or after having a “fantastic” year. The Portuguese star inspired his side to the the Champions League, Uefa Super Cup and Copa del Rey last season, and

has carried his incredible form into the current campaign, hitting 29 goals in 21 games in all competitions. Ronaldo has been nominated for the Ballon d’Or alongside Barcelona’s Lionel Messi and Bayern Munich goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, who won the World Cup with Germany

this year, but Bale believes his team-mate who should take the prize for a second consecutive year. “Ronaldo was fantastic this year,” the Welshman told TeleFoot. “He deserves to win the Ballon d’Or.” Former France international

Liverpool’s need for another frontman to provide an alternative to Daniel Sturridge and Rickie Lambert. “As as a club we felt that buying Mario was the solution at the time,” the Liverpool boss told reporters. “In the summer, we had Rickie

Lambert. Fabio Borini looked 100 per cent that he was leaving, and obviously Daniel Sturridge has shown in his career so far that he gets injuries. “To go into the season with no-one else would have been very difficult for us. It would have been unfair to leave

Rickie Lambert, as a 32-yearold, as the only other striker that we had. “I felt it was a risk we needed to take with Mario because, as a group, we couldn’t afford not to at that time. It was obviously late on and we needed to have someone in.

“It’s something that we can’t regret now. I made it clear at the beginning it was a calculated risk - and that is why he probably cost the money he did.” [Source:Goal.com]

By DAN BRETT SAMIR NASRI has admitted that he could leave Manchester City if he is deemed surplus to requirements. The 27-year-old has stated that he will leave the Etihad Stadium if he is no longer wanted. He told BeIn Sports: “I do not know if I will leave the club. If they come to me and they tell me to pack my bags, I will leave.” The club were knocked out

of the Champions League by Barcelona in the Round of 16 last season and Nasri knows that it will be the players’ responsibility to produce a result, not just the manager. “If we play our game, we will win against Roma. The greatest risk is to play with pressure and to have this apprehension. If we dont ask questions, and we play our game, then we will do it. We have more qualities.

“If we are eliminated from the Champions League, this is not the fault of the coach, it is the players who are on the pitch”, he added. The player has backed himself to compete at the top level - either with City or another club - but has defended his decision to retire from international football, saying playing for his native France “does not make him happy”.He said: “I retired, it

is not a question of age. It is a question of feeling. Today, it’s sad to say, but the France team does not make me happy. Of course, I responded to the provocations of a journalist, there was also the story of a bus in 2008 (with Gallas and Henry). But I was more abused than someone who went on strike in 2010. I am a human, I have an ego and a personality. Nasri has also backed for-

Liverpool ran out of choice when it signed Balotelli-Rodgers By LIAM TWOMEY BRENDAN Rodgers insists Liverpool had no choice but to sign Mario Balotelli as the controversial Italian’s struggles on Merseyside continue. Liverpool splashed out €20 million to bring Balotelli from AC Milan in the summer as Rodgers re-modelled his attack in the wake of Luis Suarez’s departure to Barcelona, but the 24-year-old’s return to England has been frought with problems. Just two goals in 14 matches in all competitions have been compounded with a groin injury and a Football Association charge for an Instagram post that allegedly contained anti-Semitic and racist references. But Rodgers is adamant that the signing of Balotelli made sense at the time, given his undoubted ability and

Bixente Lizarazu also weighed in on the debate, backing Bale’s claims by saying, “Ronaldo was better than Lionel Messi this year.” Former Barcelona defender Maxwell, meanwhile, believes the Argentine forward is the game’s undisputed No.1. “For me there is no discussion,” he said. “Messi is the best player in the world.” That other Saturday, the Madrid talisman scored his 200th Liga goal, reaching the milestone with his 23rd hat-trick in the Spanish top flight - a new record. [Source:Goal.com]

Nasri: If Manchester City want me out, I’ll pack my bags!

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

mer international team-mate Franck Ribery after he suffered a similar fate despite returning to play for France. “I understand Franck [Ribery]. He was dragged through the mud after what happened in 2010. He then turned to France for two years and when he is injured, it is said that France is better without him. It’s hard to accept for a player like him.” [Source:Goal.com]


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enTerTainmenT news

Sports Church

The Church, Saturday,Sept 27 Oct 4,2014

Adebayor accuses his mother of witchcraft

(Cont’d from the frontpage) He reportedly accused his extended family of making schemes about his wealth should he die and were consulting with “juju advisors”. “They should stop talking, talking, they should stop

doing juju on me — they should leave me alone.” “They have already shared all the things I worked for,’ he said. ‘They shared my houses, they shared my cars. They say, “If he dies this car is for you, this house is for you”. Can you imagine?”

His family retaliated. His brother is reported to have said that Adebayor is receiving the advice of alfas – who are manipulating him for their own ends. “Emmanuel will not even talk to her. He’s been brainwashed by these Muslim alfas

— spiritual men — who prophesise when he scores goals and why he is not playing well.” The 30-year-old millionaire star, plays for Premier League side Tottenham Hotspur and earns £170,000-a-week. [Source:This is Africa]

Why ‘ba’ Nkana has never beaten Zesco Z Issue No. 088

Sunday December 14-21, 2014

ESCO United captain Jacob Banda says Nkana FC has continued to lose to his club because they are physiologically affected by previous defeats. Nkana has failed to beat Zesco in 16 competitive meetings losing 11 and drawing five since their nemesis were promoted in 2004.“They come into the game already defeated in their mind. Once they concede, Nkana tends to get demoralised and believe that they have lost,” Banda noted. This season alone, Nkana have lost to the Ndola club three times with the latest being the 3-0 defeat in the Barclays Cup final played on 29 November at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium. “Like in the Barclays Cup final we outplayed them after they conceded the first goal,” the goalkeeper aded. In the just ended FAZ Super League campaign, Nkana lost 1-0 at home before succumbing to a 3-0 loss away in Ndola. [Source:LT]




Cheyenne Woods, Tiger’s niece, earns LPGA tour card WHILE her uncle Tiger was struggling through his first tournament in four months at the Hero World Challenge, Cheyenne Woods (left) overcame a secound-round 79 to lock up her 2015 LPGA Tour Card. She shot a 2-under 70 in the final round of the third and final stage of the Qualifying Tournament at the LPGA International Golf Course in Daytona Beach, Fla. to finish T11 at 5 under. Woods, 24, is the daughter of Tiger’s half-brother Earl Dennison Woods Jr. Tiger’s father, Earl Sr., was Cheyenne’s grandfather and first coach. According to Golf Channel’s Randall Mell, Tiger called Cheyenne to congratulate her shortly after finishing up his final round at Isleworth. She had a successful amateur and collegiate career at Wake Forest University before turning professional in 2012. She captured her first major professional victory on the Ladies European Tour at the Volvik RACV Ladies Masters in 2013 and competed full time on the Symetra Tour, the LPGA’s developmental tour, in 2014. [Source:Golf.com]

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