E church 087

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The Church Issue No. 087

Sunday November 16-23, 2014

Christians console Frank Mutubila after wife gets impregnated by Italian man




PF Secretary General Edgar Lungu (r) and Acting Vice President (l) have been opposing each other publicly in the recent past

(See page 04)

Zambians mourn Myles Munroe Repented Lsk man claiming to be Lucky Dube’s father speaks out

(See page 05)

(See page 06)

Why its foolish to blame God Don’t let your cadres mess with our for global g n ri e ff u s peace,church leaders tell politicians (Story on page 3)

(Analysis on page 10)

Christians question credibility of Apostle Suleiman who in July claimed that a Cabinet minister had bewitched Sata but he won’t die just yet…

Sata’s death puts nigerian prophet under pressure

(Story on page 2)

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ABOUT ‘THE home news CHURCH’ NEWSPAPER THE Church is the nation’s first, only and most comprehensive Christian newspaper and was Started in November 2012. The Church was incorporated with the vision of delivering up-to-date news, information, and commentaries relevant to Christians across denominational lines. It takes pride in preaching the word of God in a manner that even the lost souls will not find boring but interesting and useful.The Church is published by The Church Newspapers Ltd, a newspaper publishing and advertising firm registered in accordance with the Companies Act, Cap.389 of the Laws of Zambia. The Church newspaper is quickly growing to become a leading Christian news publication. It’s currently a weekly newspaper and its print run stands at 5000 copies per edition and is distributed in Lusaka and along the line of rail. It is also distributed in some selected churches in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces. The Church presents national and international coverage of current events affecting and involving Christian leaders, church bodies, ministries, mission agencies, schools, businesses, sports, entertainment and the general Christian public. Further, it also has a Christian look at Zambia’s social, political, business, and sports happenings. As a pan-denominational Christian media source, The Church views all Christ-centered denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ and does not promote or demote any Christ-centered denomination and/or congregation. STATEMENT OF OUR FAITH We believe... (i) In the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct... (ii) One God , eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... (iii) Our Lord Jesus Christ , God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory... (iii) The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit... (iv) The Holy Spirit , by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ... (v)The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ... (vi)The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. CONTACT US! Suite 08,2nd Floor Chester House, Cairo Road, P.O. BOX 36863, Lusaka Cell: (+260) 954-581-185 Fax: +260-211-232276 E-mail: church@zambia.co.zm Url:www.churchzambia.org


The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Nigerian prophet under fire over Sata’s death


By CLEOPATRA TEMBO HE Nigerian Christian Fellowship (that country’s version of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia-EFZ) has told The Church Newspaper that it is studying comments attributed to its countryman Apostle Johnson Suileman concerning the sickness and death of President Michael Sata. Last July when he held a prayer conference at Lusaka’s Woodlands Stadium, Apostle Suleiman told thousands of Zambians who gathered there that a prominent cabinet minister wanted to have President Sata killed so that he can take over the presidency. He also revealed that the same minister had earlier gone to India to fetch charms for the purpose of killing the president. But the clergyman told the audience that God had told him that the President wouldn’t die just yet as his mission on earth was not yet fulfilled. He said it was actually the cabinet minister who would die and not President Sata. He added that the death of the cabinet minister should be used as a sign of whether or not his prophecy came

from God. However, on October 28, president Sata passed on but no cabinet minister has died from the time Apostle Suleiman’s prophecy was made. This development has led into some concerned Christians in Lusaka asking the clergyman to either clarify his prophecy or apologize for what they termed as “prophe-lying.” “It is clear here, he said it himself; since no minister has died, he was lying. It’s not good for a man we Christians look up to- to lie in this manner. It is because of pastors like him that some people are looking down on Christianity. Abash false prophets!, “protested Francis Bwembya via Facebook. Another one Mervis Mulowa appealed to Apostle Suleiman to apologize. “Especially in our days, there appears to be an increase in the cases of people who just wake up one morning and make up some very funnyfuny ideas and then start telling people lies that its God who told them this and that. God is not man that he should lie. So, I think let that man from Nigeria apologize for telling lies… he ‘prophe-lied’ to us. And the bad part is that his lies had

Apostle Suleiman is the founder of the Liberation Fire Mission (LFM) a.k.a Omega Ministries the potential to divide and cause chaos in the nation,” she said. And in an emailed letter to The Church Newspaper, a reader Sam Malinji stated: “My prayer is that since

this prophecy has NOT come to pass and given that it was widely publicized, can you as a paper remind our Christian brethren about some of these issues so that we are spiritually alert as a nation. I have a burden as a citizen where what our own clergy speak about what God is telling them about our nation is trashed and only that of foreign prophets is given prominence.” But another group of Christians appeared to have kind words for Apostle Suleiman. “It’s not always that when a prophet makes a prophecy, it should come to pass. There are times when a prophecy is made and then prayers are made to

reverse the incoming calamity. That is when you find that things have gone the opposite direction. In that case, don’t blame the prophet. He should actually be appreciated for managing through prayer to reverse the calamity. I think that is the case with Apostle Suleiman. If you look at his track record, he is a great man in terms of prophecies,” argued a Mrs Bertha Jere on Facebook. During the course of last week, The Church Newspaper made attempts to contact Apostle Suleiman through his main church telephone line in Nigeria. But the church receptionist said it was not possible to speak to him at the moment as he was currently out of the office. The Church Newspaper thus through email sought a comment from the umbrella body of Nigerian evangelical churches- the Nigerian Christian Fellowship. The church mother body in their response stated that they would “study the unfortunate event” and respond in due to time. Apostle Suleiman is the founder of the Liberation Fire Mission (LFM) a.k.a Omega Ministries which began on 1st February 2004 and grew to a membership of over 1,000 members within 8 months. The church has branches around the world including Zambia. Apostle Suleman is also a writer, with over twenty bestselling books to his credit. The clergyman who is married to Rev. Lizzy is also known for his controversial prophecies. In December 2013, he made a list of about 50 general and specific prophecies scheduled to take place this year. Some have already come to pass while some have turned out to be wrong.

Nalolo council chairman urges God’s guidance

NALOLO district Council Chairperson Lubasi Ngombala has called on people to seek guidance from God as the country prepares for by-elections. Mr. Ngombala says God was the only answer because he is the only one who can give Zambians a genuine sixth republican President. He said it is now time for everyone to be united and bury their differences so that the peace that the country has enjoyed since Independence is maintained even

during the time of by-elections. Mr. Ngombala, who is also Nalolo Constituency Patriotic Front chairperson, said the party in the District will support whoever will be chosen as the Presidential candidate to ensure continued development in the area. District Council Chairperson was speaking at Muoyo Secondary School where the funeral procession of President Michael Chilufya Sata was beamed live on ZNBC TV.

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The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Bishop David Masupa, Apostle Kunda call for calm in PF…


By CLEOPATRA TEMBO OME church leaders in the country have expressed concern at the wrangles that have erupted in the ruling PF following the demise of President Michael Sata. Speaking through Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) Board Chairperson Bishop David Masupa, the church says the confusion being exhibited by the PF is a threat to national security. “That confusion where this one reads the PF constitution in this manner and the other one reads it the way they feel like is not necessary. It will just bring chaos in the country. “We want to appeal to the ruling party to resolve their issues amicably because once their party cadres get involved, there is going be riots and all manner of misbehavior in the country.

Don’t let cadres mess with our peace,church tells politicians

This is something that should be avoided at all costs,” said Bishop Masupa in an interview on Friday November 14. “As the church, we are urging them to solve this issue among themselves without involving cadres. Let them not allow the cadres to mess with the peace our country has been enjoying for a long time now.” The clergyman added that there was no need for the PF to fight over power because President Michael Sata left

them in a political environment suitable for them to win the by-elections. He warned that the PF risked losing the by-elections if they don’t unite. Last week, another clergyman Apostle Christopher Kunda of Presence of God Ministries called on politicians to maintain unity and peace ahead of the presidential by-elections. He said politicians should control themselves and their cadres adding that they should behave well during

the by election period. Apostle Kunda said it takes long to restore peace once it is lost hence the need to preserve it. He also retaliated that it was the responsibility of Zambians to pray for the country and maintain the peace which God has freely given to the nation. The ruling PF is engulfed in a serious succession dispute with party Secretary General Edgar Lungu and Acting president Guy Scott employing all manner of

methods to outdo each other. Although he is not eyeing the PF presidency, Dr Scott has been accused by Mr Lungu’s supporters of trying to stand in the way of Mr Lungu’s ascendancy to the top PF job. Mr Lungu and his supporters have insisted on the idea of having the PF central committee choosing the presidential candidate in the upcoming elections while Dr Scott has also implored the party to follow its constitution which stipulates that a general convention be held

to find Mr Sata’s successor. Apart from that, there have also been attempts to strip Dr Guy Scott of his Acting president position through the courts. The case was supposed to be heard on Friday November 18 but the High Court adjourned it to November 28,2014. In this case, a Mr Newton Nguni is seeking a judicial review

of the cabinet decision to transfer power from Mr Lungu to Dr Scott after President Sata died last month.

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By CECILIA JERE OME Christians in the country have offered words of solace to veteran broadcaster Frank Mutubila as he struggles to come to terms with the fact that his wife Evelyn is pregnant for another man. Mr Mutubila, who is former Zambia’s High Commissioner to Italy recently filed for divorce in the Lusaka High Court against Evelyn alleging that the former ZNBC newscaster had committed adultery and is currently pregnant. Mr Mutubila and Evelyn got married in December 1999 and have 3 children together. “The said marriage of the petitioner and the respondent has broken down irretrievably in that the respondent committed adultery with a person unknown and is currently pregnant,” the petition read in part. And one of the daily newspapers ‘The Post’ quotes a source as saying the man responsible for Evelyn’s pregnancy is actually an Italian. And commenting on this development, a Lusaka based clergyman pastor Michael Muleya described the Mutubilas pending divorce as unfortunate. “It’s never good to hear of two people divorcing. Divorce is extremely painful especially if there

Christians console Mutubila after wife gets impregnated by Italian The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014



Girl with bleeding eyes seeks prayers By TEBOGO MOOBI A 13-YEAR old South African girl (LEFT) is seeking prayers from Christians around the African continent as she battles a sickness that makes her bleed from the eyes. The girl from Katlehong in Ekurhuleni, also bleeds from other places all over her body. Blood comes out of her hands, stomach and legs. It often comes when she is at school and it scares other pupils. Jane Mothibe’s mum, Welheminah (43), has taken Jane to doctors and to their church for help. But nobody could find the cause of the bleeding. Now the desperate mum is asking Christains to pray for her daughter. “One doctor said I was crazy and laughed at me. He took my R350 and gave me medicine for Jane but said he saw nothing


wrong,” said Welheminah. The bleeding didn’t stop and Jane was sent to hospital. Many tests were done but doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her. The bleeding stopped in June but started again a few day ago. “Now it’s on her stomach, ears and thighs. It’s everywhere. Kids at school are even saying that she has blood cancer,” the mum said. Jane said she doesn’t feel any pain from the bleeding. “I don’t feel, and my classmates have to tell me that it’s started again. “I go to church and I believe in God. Why is this happening to me?” she wondered. Mysterious bleeding like Jane’s has been reported for many centuries. Catholic tradition calls it stigmata and it usually affects people who are very religious

and close to God. The bleeding is believed to come from wounds that match those Jesus suffered when He was crucified. A South African Catholic priest Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa told Daily Sun that the church will investigate what’s happening to Jane. “It could be a rare disease, but there could also be religious causes,” he said. One of Jane’s schoolmates told the People’s Paper that she loves Jane, but gets scared when the bleeding starts. Welheminah’s colleague, Carol Mofokeng, also tried to help the girl. “I have seen Jane being brought from school with bandages, but without wounds. This is sad. She needs help to understand what is happening to her,” Carol said. [Source: Daily Sun]

are children involved,” the clergyman told The Church Newspaper in an interview. He added: “These things are never easy especially for Mr Mutubila…just knowing that you took a woman from here in Zambia where as you know it’s very hot and with noisy party cadres to Italy where everything is cool and then she turns her back on you and commits adultery, that is very painful. But Mr Mutubila just has to be strong. Let him also be prayerful. His wife may have turned her back on him but God is still with him. It’s not easy but I know him, he is going to pull through.” And Pastor Muleya said there was nothing wrong with Mr Mutubila’s decision to divorce Evelyn. “Personally, there are 4 types of characters I don’t tolerate; thieves, witches, lairs and adulterers. These four are dangerous and when an opportunity to punish them arises, let them be punished. In this vein, I don’t see anything wrong with brother Mutubila divorcing the wife. It’s biblically correct. That woman is an adulterer…she is a shame to the womenfolk,” he alleged. The clergyman also added that Evelyn needs to repent of her sin. He also called on Mr Mutubila and the society to forgive Evelyn. And ordinary Christians took to Facebook to air their views on the matter. One of them, Izu Malala noted: “Mr Frank needs prayers from all of us as he goes through this. I have been through this and I know how it feels. I kept asking myself ‘what did I do wrong to deserve this kind of betrayal?’ I nearly committed suicide but due to the support I received at church, I managed to pull through. That is why I think Frank needs the support of us his Christian brothers and sisters.” Many other ordinary Christians expressed similar sentiments.

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

orbituary By GERALD MULEYA S the national mourning of President Michael Sata reached its climax on November 9, the Christian community in the country was hit by a shocking message; Dr Myles Munroethe internationally acclaimed Evangelical speaker had died in a plane crash. Immediately, social media, local and foreign tabloid websites jumped on the story and within a short period of time, the sad news was the talk of town. Ordinary Zambians and clergymen and women took to social networking sites like Facebook to express their condolences and also celebrate the life of Dr Munroe. But then, who exactly was this Dr Munroe? Born on April 20, 1954, Dr Munroe was a Bahamian Christian evangelist and ordained Pentecostal minister who founded and led the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI). He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute as well as the author of numerous books. Early life and education Born in Nassau, Bahamas, Munroe grew up poor in a family of eleven children. Raised in the Nassau suburb of Bain Town, he was a lifelong resident of the Commonwealth. Munroe became a Christian during his teenage years, later attending Oral Roberts University (ORU) where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts, Education, and Theology in 1978 and a Master’s degree in administration from the University of Tulsa in 1980. Dr Munroe was also the recipient of honorary doctoral degrees from various schools of higher education and served as an adjunct professor of the Graduate School of Theology at ORU. Family


The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Zambia joins the globe in mourning Myles Munroe Dr Munroe, 60, died along with his wife, Ruth (right), and seven other people

His wife, Ruth Munroe, served as co-pastor with him at BFMI. Together, the couple had two children, Myles, Jr. (known as Chairo), and a

daughter, Charisa. Christian ministry Following his graduation from the University of Tulsa, Dr Munroe founded Baha-

mas Faith Ministries International in the early 1980s. Awards & achievements In 1998, the Bahamian government presented Dr

Dr Munroe’s ominous quote on dying young


R. Myles Munroe, the religious leader who died in a plane in the Bahamas on November 9, once preached that “the value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation.” Dr Munroe, 60, died along with his wife, Ruth, and seven other people when the private Lear Jet taking them to a Global Leadership Forum that Munroe had arranged crashed as it neared the Grand Bahama International Airport that Sunday night. The cause of the crash is under investigation. The Bahamian pastor

founded the Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship and had created a worldwide following with his charismatic preaching and he appeared to have been anticipating his own death in a 2003 sermon. “The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live. And most people are concerned about growing old rather than being effective,” Munroe said. “The people who have impacted the world didn’t

live long. Martin Luther King. John F. Kennedy. These people who impact the world were not old people, but they lived so effectively that we cannot erase them from history,” he said. Munroe frequently exhorted his congregation to live a life of purpose. “You weren’t born just to live a life and to die, you were born to accomplish something specifically,” he said in that 2003 sermon. “Matter of fact, success is making it to the end of your purpose, that is success. ... Success is not just existing, success is making

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

it to the end of why you were born.” In a different sermon, Munroe hammered home the importance of a life’s work. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose,” he said. Bahamian Prime Minister Perry Christie called Munroe “indisputably one of the most globally recognizable religious figures our nation has ever produced,” and said he was a man “who never hesitated to speak truth to power.” [Source:CBN]

Munroe with that country’s “Silver Jubilee Award” for his years of service to the Bahamas in the area of “spiritual, social and religious development.” ORU named Dr Munroe “Alumnus of the Year” in 2004. Dr. Munroe represented his country as the youngest recipient of the Queen’s Birthday Honors of the Order of The British Empire (OBE) Award 1998 bestowed by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of England, for his spiritual and social contributions to the national development of the Bahamas. During his professional career, Dr Munroe traveled to more than 100 countries and wrote dozens of books. His speeches addressed personal leadership, family structure, spiritual balance and principles. He discussed purpose in a 2003 speech (See accompanying article on this page). This multi-gifted motivational speaker served as a business consultant to governments, Fortune 500 companies and

corporations, addressing critical issues that affect every aspect of human, professional, leadership, social, and spiritual development. Bibliography Dr Munroe was the author and coauthor of numerous books and Biblical-related study guides as well as a featured speaker on motivational and Bible-study recordings. In addition, he was a contributing editor for various Bible editions including The Believer’s Topical Bible, The African Cultural Heritage Topical Bible, and was a contributing writer for Charisma Life Christian Magazine, and Ministries Today. Death Dr Munroe, his wife, and his daughter were killed in a private plane crash during airport approach on November 9, 2014. Bahamian officials stated that their aircraft struck a crane at a ship yard near Grand Bahama International Airport. Dr Munroe and the other passengers were en route to Freeport, Grand Bahama for a conference. Dr Munroe’s death was especially upsetting in his native Bahamas, and Prime Minister Perry G. Christie called the loss “utterly impossible to measure.” “He was indisputably one of the most globally recognizable religious figures our nation has ever produced. His fame as an ambassador for the Christian ministry preceded him wherever in the world he traveled, whether in the Caribbean, North America, Asia, Europe or Africa. He was a towering force who earned the respect and admiration not only of Christian adherents but of secular leaders both here at home and around the world,” Christie said in a statement. Oral Roberts President William M. Wilson released a statement following Munroe’s death. “His energy and enthusiasm for imparting Spirit Empowered Christianity to new generations was contagious,” Wilson said in the statement. “Whether in a leadership gathering with those in highest authority or in Bahamas as a caring shepherd in a community of believers, Myles was always the same -- upbeat, positive, loving, full of faith and searching for any way possible to make Jesus known in our generation. His loss will be felt around the world as well as in our hearts here at ORU.” [Additional reporting by Wikipedia/Good Morning America/ABC News]




By ALFRED TEMBO OME 7 years have now gone since the murder of Lucky Dube, Africa’s most celebrated reggae icon. And while reggae lovers around the world spent part of last month celebrating his life, the memory of the singer sends Mr Elias Silas Mhlanga Dube into pain and tears. This 80-something-year-old Mhlanga Dube is the Lusaka man who sometime back stole headlines as he went round claiming to be Lucky Dube’s biological father. Yes, the same one the singer was asking to ‘remember him’ in the 90s hit track ‘Remember Me.’ The Church Newspaper caught up with Mr Dube at his George Compound home in Lusaka and he took us through the events that led into him separating with his ‘son’, his brief walk in the world of darkness and how he found Jesus Christ. Mr Dube who is now a carpenter begins his story by rolling us back to 1958 when he left South Africa telling his now late wife (supposedly) Liz Zethu Dube that he had gone to Zambia and would be back within 3 months. But the truth was that he had gone looking for juju which he was hoping could protect him from being further bewitched by his former boss whom he identifies as Alison Sithole. “I left my then wife, Liz Zethu Dube hoping I was going to be returning in less than three months from day of departure in 1958. Unfortunately, until this day l never had the chance of returning to South Africa. My main aim was to look for traditional medicine that would immunise me against that of my former boss who l strongly believed had bewitched me,” he said. He said of his working relationship with Mr Sithole: “When l working with Sithole for eight years, l respected and treated with honor like a father and friend. I was so honest to him but in the end, he rewarded me with evil spells,” he said. Elias further explained, “I had no intention of disappointing him, but l had to leave him for another job where a certain white man offered me a higher salary. Unlike in the past where my job would come first, at this moment l opted for money first because l had just got married and needed more money to look after my wife and the baby.” Mr Dube recalls that he then travelled breath and width of Southern Africa in search of

The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Now born again, Lsk man claiming to be Lucky Dube’s father struggles with past

enTerTainmenT news


The Church, Saturday,Sept 27 Oct 4,2014

The late Lucky Dube (left) and his supposed father Elias Dube of Lusaka’s George Compound what would liberate him from evil spiritual sanctions imposed by his former boss. But he didn’t succeed as whatever that was offered never gave him a permanent solution. That is how he found himself stuck in Zambia in the early 60s. Although he missed his family and very much wanted to reunite with them, there was no way he could do so. The mother to Lucky Dube-- Liz Zethu--- Mr Dube’s alleged wife later died due to heart attack after she heard that her husband had married again, something Lucky Dube confirms in the track ‘Remem-

ber Me.’ When Lucky Dube started his professional singing career, his supposed father back here in Zambia had no idea whom he really was. It was not until Lucky Dube released the hit track ‘Remember Me’ in which he sung “dad, wherever you are, remember me” that Mr Dube realized that the singer was actually his biological son. It was at this point that Mr Dube decided to go public with his claims that Lucky Dube was his biological son. The local media feasted on this story while the general

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

citizenry thought he was probably a ‘Chainama case.’ When Lucky Dube visited Zambia for a performance in the mid 90s, Mr Dube made some efforts to meet his ‘son.’ “There was one musician, the late (Ackim) Simukonda who told me to write a letter and would deliver it to him because if l make attempts of going to see him at the stadium, they would be futile due to high security around him. “Unfortunately, we missed each other when he came to my carpentry shop…l was away. And that was the end of it,” recalls Mr Dube.

And when Lucky Dube was murdered in 2007, crew from ‘Ilyashi lya pano isonde’- the ZNBC Radio 1 Bemba news program were on hand to cover Mr Dube as he solicited for funds from well wishers to help in his transport arrangements to South Africa to mourn his ‘son.’ However, his begging bowl came back with nothing to write home about because instead of helping out, most Zambians laughed him off. But Mr Dube’s dream to reunite with his relatives in South Africa has never died and he believes this is what his ‘son’

would have loved to see him do if the lyrical content of ‘Remember me’ is anything to go by. He said, “The only way to fulfill Lucky’s request is to go back where l started from. And that is to meet his family and l am certain this will eventually come to pass. Each time l hear the song (‘Remember Me’) l break into tears.” “I hear that one of Lucky’s daughter (Nkulee Dube) is a musician. God willingly l would love to meet her. I would be interested to meet all his other children who lam told are seven in all. “Back home in Chipinge, my father was a village headman and was polygamous with at least five wives which literary mean that l have several brothers and sisters I am yet to meet. “I hear that some of my brothers work at a coffee factory,” he said Mr Dube who is now born again says he regrets involving himself in African magic saying it was his involvement in the evil practice that led him into being permanently away from his family. He advised Christians not to entertain witchdoctors or anyone who promotes witchcraft. “Witch doctors are a lie. I went to Malawi and Mozambique but they offered short lived help. Only God will offer a permanent solution to your problems,” he assured. He encouraged Christians that although they may have made serious mistakes in the past, they can still do something to make things right. “We mostly regret of our past because they hold landmarks that grant us teaching for this day. The most important thing is to now be filled with remorsefulness and correct all that we did wrong. It is never too late,” he said. Mr Dube added: “God is fantastic. The day I accepted Him to be my true living savior, l felt my life at ease. There shall never be another God l will follow except the one who sent his begotten son to die for me on the cross.”


The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper



UESTION: Firstly, let me begin by thanking you for the advice you give in your column in The Church Newspaper. They are very informative and helpful. Well, I am a Christian woman who has been married for close to 9 years. We have 2 kids with my husband. But of late, things have changed. He is seeing another woman and I think I am losing him. Do you have any advice on how I can win him back because I have tried anything and it’s not working. Mrs BB, Livingstone. ******** NSWER: It’s always great to hear that people are beginning to love this column. I am really glad and humbled. I am however saddened to know that a woman out there is losing her husband to another woman. I really want to be the one to give you advice on your problem. But there is nothing that I can tell you which can beat what was said by Joe Beam- a American Christian marriage counselor who recently wrote an exciting article on the same issue. He wrote about some strategies one can use to win their spouse back. I have reproduced the article below though it is heavily edited for space purposes: *********** . Accept the Person but Not the Actions Never accept the sinful actions of another, but try to understand and accept what is behind the sin. What led the person to those actions? Was it pain? Feelings of neglect or disrespect? Even if you consider it imaginary, accept what your spouse sees has his/her reality and be very

The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Abandoned wife seeks advice on how she can win back her hubby



Ask Pastor Jay

l ce on all your marita For Christian guidan oblems. and relationship pr 581 185 or 54 09 to SMS/ Mail them zm church@zambia.co. open to the possibility that you played a part in causing your spouse to feel the way he/she feels. That doesn’t make you the “bad guy” or the other person the “good guy.” It simply makes each of you human beings. .Be Ready to Forgive I regularly see people who work hard to save their marriage and as soon as the spouse turns, the anger overwhelms the spouse trying


to save the marriage. At that point he or she doesn’t want to forgive. I’m warning you, don’t try to save your marriage unless you intend to follow through by learning to forgive. That doesn’t make the hurt instantly go away; it makes it possible for it to go away. That also doesn’t mean that you aren’t entitled to know who, what, when and where but that is a delicate matter for each of you that we’ve found often needs a third

party or at least a constructive plan. There are steps that the other person will need to take in order for you to be able to do this to the level necessary to save your marriage long term. But in the short term, while your spouse still wants to leave, you need to find a way to forgive them using a broad stroke. If your spouse feels he/she is just going to be punished by coming back, it’s very unlikely to happen. .Strategies to use The next steps are about strategy. In some ways, they’ll act as your secret weapon in winning back

your spouse. But you must be confident that they’ll work so that you’ll stick with them even if you feel the urge to do the things you shouldn’t.If anything will work, this will. i. Don’t Pursue If you beg, whine, cling, or try to manipulate your mate into staying, you push them away faster. Give the other person space to breathe. If you don’t leave them alone, you aren’t allowing him/her the opportunity to miss you. You probably need to take a step back in order to create a vacuum that the other person will see and feel. Don’t be rude or mean but don’t

through. You have about 15% more stress for every hour of sleep you lose per night. Why does this matter? Stress can cause the hormone that regulates sebum to go bonkers, causing acne. So, as another rule of thumb, don’t let stress mount up in your life. Try not to pick at or pop your pimples. You’re using natural remedies for your acne treatment — that’s great. Don’t wipe away all your gains by popping your pimples. The short-term gratification might be overwhelming, but it’s really not good in the long run. Acne is a bacteria that lives in your pores. Popping the pimple gives the acne a chance to spread over the skin to other pores, infecting them.

Popping pimples causes inflammation and may lead to scarring. So if you want your acne to be less visible, resist the urge to pop. Stop before you pop. If the acne is really bad, see a doctor. Acne can be really persistent, especially during the teenage years. You try a new drug or method, it seems to get better, and then a week later you’re back to the same old breakouts and zits. Dermatologists can diagnose your skin condition and offer targeted approaches to curing acne. If you’re thrown for a loop with acne, and you’ve tried everything under the sun, don’t be afraid to ask for a little help. [Source:Wikihow.com]


How to heal acne fast and naturally-Pt 2


art 4 of 4: Washing Your Face and Other Tips Wash your face with soap twice daily, If you have oily skin. Follow these steps: Get the materials you need. You will need a mild facial soap (bar or liquid), clean hands, and a wash cloth. *The milder the soap the better-irritation will only cause more acne.(To be cont’d next week) First make sure your hands are clean, then you can wet your face with warm water to open your pores. Don’t use hot water, because it will cause irritation, that worsens acne. Don’t wash with a wash cloth or anything that is rough. Just gently use

your fingertips or a soft clean sponge. Use a mild soap with a low percentage of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, sometimes they can cause dryness or redness, so only use in the morning or at night, not both. The other cleanser should be very mild. What ever you are using, make sure you only use a little bit. Rinse all of the soap off over the sink, making sure there is no residue. Next splash cool water onto your face to close the pores that you have just cleaned. Don’t use cold water, because this will cause irritation and broken capillaries. Dry your face with a soft towel or sponge by patting, never rub your face. Moisturize each time after you wash your face.

After washing your face, it can cause your skin’s pH balance to be to alkaline so applying moisturizer helps with it changing back. Just as your face needs to be washed in order to keep it healthy, you skin needs moisturize in order to stay vibrant and healthy. Find a moisturizer that works for you. Creambased moisturizers are generally recommended for people who have drier skin; they are denser, oilier, and don’t disperse as easily. Gelbased moisturizers are recommended for people who have oilier skin; they disperse really well into the skin and don’t leave oily traces. Get enough sleep. The more you sleep, the less stress you put your body

make them feel that they are all you’ve got. Make yourself scarce. That’s one of the keys to attraction and that leads us to the next step. ii. Do the PIES Make yourself attractive physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Do it for you but it also will affect the other person. I’m not telling you that you have to compete with your spouse’s lover. Simply attempt to be as attractive as you can at your stage in life. Get involved with a local gym, go for walks or bike rides, join a book club, and/or sign up for classes at church. Not only will those things help make you more attractive physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, but they’ll give you things to do and new friends to enjoy to help you resist the urge to pursue or be clingy toward the straying spouse. iii. Have fun No seriously. If you mope around, your spouse is not going to want to come back to you. Do you want to be around people who are constantly complaining, whining and negative? Do you feel attracted to those types of people? No you don’t. Let your spouse see you having fun. By that I don’t mean that you go over the top or fake it. Go out with your friends (preferably of the same gender) and have a good time. Go see a comedy at the movie theater, go to the mall, go to concerts-just have fun. Even if your spouse is not there to see, it’s possible that he/she will hear about it. Or maybe they’ll call about something and you’re too busy having fun to talk (that’s a good thing because it shows them that you have a life and a world that doesn’t revolve around them). At the very least you’ll be making yourself a more fun and attractive person.One final thing to keep in mind on this strategy step is that if you’re having fun, you’re probably doing the other things right too. iv. Do the Work It isn’t easy to put a marriage back together, but the LovePath works. If you do the things mentioned above to stay on the path, you’ll likely pull your spouse back to walking the path with you. It’s important to limit your panic. Do your best to stay cool, calm and collected so that you can focus on what you need to do to apply the strategies mentioned in this article. Above all, always seek God’s guidance. Pray about your problem as well as your spouse. Mix prayer with everything I have written on top. That’s the way to go.




ET’S face it. Stability is really everything. The bible in the book of James actually says a double minded person is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). Most of us could be more successful if we decided to build a bit more stability in our lives. So how do you come to a place of total stability in your life? . Stop wavering in purpose or intent. Matters of purpose need total and resolute focus. The best way to ensure stability is to stick to what you know to be your cause, and your purpose. Refuse to be swayed to the left or to the right. Stay on track. . Be steady in your actions. Allow me to say that sometimes, a lack of seriousness in terms of our actions is what lands us into instability in life. You can’t continue to be irresponsible in life and expect to yield results that come as a result of a responsible lifestyle. Your actions must be consistent with your principles. Otherwise there is no point in having principles. Start today. Walk your talk, and then you can talk your


How to build stability in life The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014



r By Pasto Walubita Siyanga

walk in that order. . Be governed by a set of principles.


Stability is always governed by principle. What are your convictions? What do you

stand for? Clarity in terms of principle is vital when it comes to having stability. Have a set

of rules that will drive all your involvements and actions. It’s the beginning point of success. . Have undivided loyalties. Loyal people are stable people. I have total respect for people who know how to stick to their commitments. You can’t keep changing relationships, jobs, friends, churches and pastors. If you want stability, learn to stick to commitments through thick and thin. See things through. Don’t be a runner. Be a sticker. Develop some stick-to-it-veness. Stick to your marriage. Stick to your friends. Stick to your job. Stick to your pastor. Stick to your church.


Thought Provoking Issues DIFFERENT people get ministered to in different ways. For some it’s through the usual church sermons and for many others, it’s through music. Excerpt for music, Jesus while on earth did use quite a number of methods to minister to people. There is one method, though, which whenever Jesus applied it left the listeners thinking. Jesus had a way of provoking the thoughts of his audience through short stories and proverbs. For this reason, Jesus’ most popularized teachings were those taught inform of proverbs and short stories.It is against this background that we introduced this section which contains some short inspirational, spirit lifting and heartwarming stories collected from around the world. While most are fictional, a few others are real life stories aimed at ministering important spiritual and life lessons. Enjoy!

An earthly message with a heavenly meaning


HERE is a story about two friends who were walking through the desert. Halfway through the journey they had an argument and one friend slapped the other in the face. The one who was slapped felt hurt, but without saying anything he wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.” They kept on walking until they found an oasis where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped began to drown and his friend saved him. When he recovered from the ordeal, he wrote on a stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.” His friend asked him, “Why, after I hurt you, did

you write in the sand and now you write on a stone?” The man, smiling, replied: “When a friend hurts us, we should write it down in

the sand, where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away. And when something great happens, we should engrave it on the stone of

of our hasty words? Psalms 18:21, The power of life and death are in the tongue. [Source:2jesus.com]

Lessons from the crumpled K20 note

A WELL known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a K20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, “Who would like this K20 bill?” Hands started going up. He said, “I am going to give this K20 to one of you but first, let me do this.” He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still the hands were up in the air. “Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty.

“Now who still wants it?” Still the hands went into the air. “My friends, you have all

learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it

New Must Read ‘Jubilee’ book by Pastor Sunday Sinyangwe Get yourself a copy of the powerful, life transforming and destiny changing book titled ‘Enter Jubilee By Fire’ written by Pastor Sunday Sinyangwe. This is one great Jubilee Gift from Pastor Sinyangwe you can’t afford to miss.

To order a copy or ask where (See pageits 4) sold, call 0977 252 265.


the memory of our heart, where no wind can erase it.” Don’t we all wish that the wind would blow away all

because it did not decrease in value. It was still

worth K20.” Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the

circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God’s eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to Him. Psalm 17:8 states that God will keep us, “as the apple of His eye.” THOUGHT: The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we are but by WHOSE WE ARE! You are special - Don’t ever forget it!

[Source:2jesus.com/The Church Newspaper]


. Always be decided in mind. Yet another way to build stability in your life is to always be decided in mind. Your mind is very powerful, and creative. But you can only tap into that mind ability when you are able to make decisions, but not just decision. Am talking about well thought out decisions. When you have set goals and resolutions, see them through. You may adjust your methods, and ideas, but stick to your end goal. . Govern your impulses. Most people lack selfcontrol. If they feel like getting drunk, they get drunk. If they feel like sleeping around, they sleep around. We all have impulses. But as been said, what you don’t master will master you. The bad habit you are keeping alive is what will kill you. Therefore if you want stability, embrace self-control. . Create and maintain a structured life style. Accountability systems in your life are a good idea. Be answerable to someone. Have a mentor. Be a family person. Have a stable business or job and be busy with it. Have a sense of order in your life. Watch your hangout, and watch your hook ups. I personally avoid people who do nothing, go nowhere, and agree to anything. Such people are highly unstable. This is pastor Walu. Do have a great day and be blessed. ************ Walubita Siyanga (pastor Walu) is the C.E.O of Life build Solutions Limited, a Training consultancy, human resource support, and personal development Company. Walubita Siyanga is a life coach, Motivational speaker, and a professional counsellor. He is also a branding and image consultant, writer, media expert, and pastor. For bookings, and other engagements contact him on 0977-515 773. You can call, sms or whatsapp on the same number. Or email him on walub2@gmail.com

6 7

‘ENTER JUBILEE BY FIRE ‘PRAYER BOOK BY PASTOR SINYANGWE The daily prayer point book titled ‘ Enter Jubilee by Fire’ for the months October to December is now out.This powerful and inspiring prayer book written by Pastor Sunday Sinyangwe will help you grow your faith in God and also help in making you realize your potential during this Jubilee year.

To order a copy or ask where its sold, call 0977 252 265. The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper


The Church,Sunday,November The Church, Saturday, June16-23,2014 7-14,2014

The Tamanga Section


NE of my favourite TV programs, is Global Public Square (GPS), on CNN, anchored by Fareed Zacharia. The other day, he spent some time, talking about a subject that is very close to my heart: “...Financial Literacy”. There is more to literacy, than “reading” and “writing”. Financial literacy, is really about the ability to understand everyday financial issues, and here I am not talking about accounting practice. I am talking about the ability to make sound financial decisions. There are many people, who know how to read and write, very well, and yet are at “sixes and sevens”, when confronted with simple financial issues. Which reminds me. I knew a businessman, who wanted to leave an inheritance to his two children. They were both highly competitive, with each ever seeking ascendancy on the other. So this is what he did: To one, he gave a parcel of land, and said to her, “this land is full of minerals, which I believe are worth at least $10m. You cannot sell this land, at anytime. The land yields no income, as it is, unless you get an investor or a loan. And should you seek, an equity investor, it can only be your brother, to whom you go. I estimate you will need not less than $1m, to

How to make sound financial decisions LEARNING Business

with a w i y i s a M e v i Str generate any income from it. It is my only inheritance for you.” To the other child, a young man, he said “take this $1m, in cash. Based on your lifestyle, it will be gone in a few years, unless you find a way to grow it. Should you decide to invest it, I would insist that you go only to your sister. It is my only inheritance for you.” Who got the greater inheritance? Who emerged in ascendancy? Discuss it, with your friends,

and business partners. If you have to say anything to me, about it, don’t use more than one paragraph. The correct answer, in business is not philosophical or ideological. Its just business. Whether you are in business or not; whether you have a job or are unemployed; even if you are still a student. You might even be a social entrepreneur, a doctor or a teacher: You still live in a world, in which everyday, you have to make sound financial deci-

sions. You also live in a world, in which others around you, including local and national leaders, as well as business leaders, must have the capacity to make sound financial decisions, for the well being of all. Ultimately, how sound your financial decision making is, will be seen in the results. “Time will tell, as they say”, whether our two young heirs, (whom I spoke about above), would make sound financial decisions. One is not born, with a capacity to make sound finan-

cial decisions, it comes through education, reading the right material, and also training. Being promoted to a top position in your organisation, or even being elected to public office, does not suddenly endow you with financial literacy, if you did not acquire and develop it, earlier in your life. The Evangelist, Myles Monroe, once said, in one of his teachings: “The rich man, and the poor man, have this in common; God gives sight to them both.” I have seen people, who inherited greater riches than what these young people got; go on to lose them. Even ending up in debts, that far exceeded what they got in the first place. Poverty, can come at a bewildering speed, if one is careless in the manner, they approach matters of financial decision making. And there is no one who is exempt from having to make sound financial decisions. Even if you are in the village, with a few cows and goats; it is even more critical. I have also seen people who started with very little, go on to create spec-

tacular wealth for themselves and their nations. At the heart of this, is the ability to make, “sound financial decisions”. It must be done, each and every day. It must be done for the short and for the long term. Sometime, when you are on your own, in the quiet of the day, ask yourself this question: “Am I really making sound financial decisions, in the affairs of my life? Even when I get K200 does it increase or decrease in my hands?”.... It always, always starts, with how well you handle, even the smallest sums. Make a conscious effort, to acquire, and develop, your financial literacy. It does not matter how old you are.... even if you are 63 years old. [To be continued next week] *********************** The author of this article Strive Masiyiwa from Zimbabwe is the founder and chairman of global telecommunications group, Econet Wireless. He is the 32nd richest man in Africa, according to the Forbes Magazine.


kingdom business


O you say you refuse to believe in a God who allows so much suffering in the world. OK. You have obviously given this matter some thought. But have you considered it rationally? In order for your premise to hold water, there are at least two things which must be true about the god you have chosen to reject. First of all, he must be a god who has not entered into any personal suffering himself. And secondly, he must be a god who has not made any personal sacrifice in order to rescue man from eternal suffering. Otherwise, your premise is irrational. Please allow me to explain. There are plenty of deities in various religions you could logically reject in response to all the suffering in the world. Those deities have not suffered personally, and those deities did nothing to rescue man from eternal suffering in hell. If truth be told, those deities are not even actual gods in the first

The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Blaming God for global suffering is just foolish place, except in the minds of their adherents. The true God consists of three Persons in One God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is not rational to blame Him for worldwide suffering, and here is why. God created man to be perfect. He also chose to create man with free will. And when man chose to disobey God, sin and suffering entered the world. Billy Joel wrote the song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” But that’s really not true. Man is responsible for starting the first fire of suffering on our planet, and it was ignited in the Garden of Eden. It soon spread everywhere, and it continues to burn around the world today. The introduction of suf-

then it would be rational to blame God for suffering. But since God did the unthinkable when He took on human flesh and became a “suffering servant” on our behalf, the global conundrum of suffering cannot be pinned on God. At least not on the true God. You can try to pin it on one of the many mythical deities. But even then, you have simply pinned the blame on a figment of man’s imagination. Meanwhile, the true God is the only One who suffered to save us. In addition to God becoming a suffering servant,

we also know from Scripture that God created a place called “hell” for the devil and his angels. (see Matthew 25:41) And we know that people are sent to hell as punishment for their sin. Now if God truly is to blame for worldwide suffering, then surely He would never have suffered Himself in order to rescue man from eternal suffering in hell. A God who can rightly be blamed for suffering is not a God who sacrifices His only Son to deliver people from eternal suffering. So if you are intent on blaming God for the suffering in the world, then logically, you can only blame one of the many mythical deities. Those deities do not have “a willingness to en-

for 24years, yet God is saying here keep pressing. Godliness is a conscious acknowledgment of your sin and shortcomings. [See Pr 28:13, Ps 51:1-4, 1 Kings 15:1-5] David acknowledged his sin and secured heaven’s pardon. People of God, godliness is a lifelong battle for every believer [ See Heb 12:1-4] A quest for godliness is a spiritual warfare indeed. [See 1 Pet 5:8-9, Heb 3:13] Understanding the characteristics of sin and how to deal with them is key to realizing the benefits of godliness. What are the things to know about? Nature of Sin It is good to know friends that one nature of sin is that sin is addictive. [See Heb 3:13-14, Rom 8:5] What is an addiction? Addiction is described as an abnormally strong craving. Breaking the trap of sin The trap of sin can be broken Engage continuous fellowship. [See Heb 10:25].

Staying away from fellowship is staying away from God and staying away from God is drawing nearer to satan. You cannot escape sin when you begin to loose interest in fellowship. When you see man drawing away from church, you don’t need a prophet to tell you he has embraced sin. What are the Benefit of Godliness? Godliness enhances ever increasing unction. That talks about ever increase anointing. You don’t have to be a pastor to be anointed. No matter your area of endeavor as a believer you need to have the power of God in your life to make the most of your destiny. Many think its only pastors that need the anointing. That is not true. As a believer you need it or else the devil will make a mess of your destiny. [See Eccl 9:8, Lk 5:37-38, Ps 45:6-8, Pr 1:23]

special comment or By Past Dan Delzell

fering into the world was not God’s choice or God’s desire. God’s will from the beginning was that man would trust Him and follow Him. It was man who went off course. It was man who brought suffering into the world by his choice to disobey God. And yet, God decided to enter this world of suffering in order to rescue us because He loves us. If God had not entered the world as our Redeemer,

Understanding the wonders of godliness- Pt 2


ASTOR Ogbonyomi Adeleye of Winner’s Chapel Lusaka main branch last Sunday continued with the second part of his sermon titled “Understanding The Wonders Of Godliness.” Last week, he told his congregation that in life there are things we understand by finding out what they are and what they are not. According the clergyman, one of these things is godliness. He added that it is lack of the understanding of what godliness is and what is not that makes many think it is impossible to live a godly life. And last Sunday, he started by saying that through the bible, godliness has proved to be the foundation for profitable living. Below are some of the main points picked from his message: What godliness is and what it is not. In the bid to understand what a thing is you may need to

LAST SUNDAY AT WINNERS’ By Pastor Ogbonyomi Adeleye

understand also what it is not. Godliness is not a state of sinlessness but a demonstration of your despiration to please God as a lifestyle.( See 1 Tim 4:7, 1 Cor 9:24-27) Godliness is an adventure, it is not a state, It is a journey to a destination. It is a hunger and a thirst (See Matt 5:6) It is a passion, an undying passion to please God. The more hunger and thirst we have towards pleasing God the more godly we become. It takes an hunger and a thirst

to truly please God. [See Acts 24:16] Godliness is not a state of perfection, but a tireless press towards perfection. [See Matt 19:16-17] Jesus could not accept a state of perfection so don’t try it. Godliness is not a state of perfection, but a tireless press towards perfection. [See Phil 3:10-14] God knows how limited you are, what He expects from you is your press. [See Gen 17:1-2] Abraham have been pressing

dure personal suffering” on their resume. It is impossible to accurately pin worldwide suffering on the true God. It doesn’t stick. Not when you consider creation, free will, man’s sin, Christ as the suffering servant, the crucifixion, the atonement, the resurrection, heaven, and hell. It is completely irrational to blame God for suffering. But then again, if a person thinks he is rejecting God because of suffering, he is already deceived into thinking he has a legitimate bone to pick with His Creator. And the reality of suffering provides an easy excuse to rationalize a person’s unbelief. How ironic. It was man’s initial unbelief and disobedience regarding God’s command which led him to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. And so it shouldn’t surprise us that unbelief continues to bring confusion and missteps in man’s behavior, logic and spirituality. A God who suffers alongside His creation is a God who can be trusted, and a God who in fact expects to be trusted. When man does his own thing and places his confidence in his own understanding rather than in His Creator, man gets lost in his own misgivings. It’s no wonder God becomes the easy scapegoat when man fails to recognize his own culpability for the pain we find throughout the world. Thankfully, there is another world which awaits those who trust the suffering servant to forgive them. And in paradise, no one will ever doubt the goodness, integrity and compassion of our great and mighty God. Until then, I suppose the blame game will continue.

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The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

sports news

The Church, Sunday November 16-23,2014

Mario Balotelli (R) in action during Italy Training Session at Coverciano on November 12, 2014 in Florence, compete for the ball during Italy Training Session. Pictures courtesy of Getty Images


ICKET sales for the Zambia versus Cape Verde 2015 Africa Cup qualifier match slated for this Wednesday started last Saturday with the most expensive going at K400 per head. Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) communications officer Nkweto Tembwe said tickets are being sold at most Post Offices in Lusaka, Kabwe and Ndola. In a statement made available to The Church Newspaper, Tembwe however said only VIP tickets, which have been pegged at K400, will be sold from Football House in Lusaka. Tembwe disclosed that the lower west gate has been put at K150 while the lower

It’s K400 for Zambia Vs Cape Verde VIP ticket! Di Maria used to lose control, reveals Ancelotti

east and the upper west gates are at K100. The upper east gate has been priced at K50 while the lower and upper north and the lower and upper south have all been priced at K20. The Zambia national soccer team takes on the Blue Sharks of Cape Verde on Wednesday at 18:00 hours at the Levy Mwanawasa stadium in Ndola.

By STEFAN COERTS REAL MADRID coach Carlo Ancelotti has aimed a dig at Angel Di Maria in the wake of the Argentina international’s move to Manchester United in the summer. The 26-year-old played a key role in Madrid’s successful Champions League campaign

last term and his €75 million sale to Louis van Gaal’s side initially caused deep frustration around the Santiago Bernabeu. Ancelotti, however, has claimed the Argentina international could often upset the rhythm of his side by losing the ball - though he has warned

sional colleagues, and Messi is obviously no exception.”The book also suggests that the 29year-old’s Madrid team-mates jokingly compare Messi to a dog or puppet kept in one of Ronaldo’s designer bags.

The two players have emerged as the outstanding footballers of their generation in recent years and have won the Ballon d’Or – given to the world’s best player over the previous 12 months - six times between

them.However, despite the respectful manner in which the pair often greet and talk about one another in public, rumours have persisted that they are far from friends, as a result of their personal and club rivalry.

By Miles Chambers Luis Suarez has defended his history of biting players in matches by insisting it’s “relatively harmless”. The forward received a fourmonth ban from competitive football for biting Giorgio Chiellini at the World Cup and only made his debut for new club Barcelona, who paid Liverpool €86 million for his services, late last month. The lengthy Fifa ban was because of his history of biting players, something very few other professional footballers

have ever been caught doing - the incident with Chiellini was the third time in the past five years that the Uruguayan has been caught attacking an opposition player with his teeth. Although Suarez admitted he could see why people are scared about being bitten, he compared his own moments of madness favourably to when boxer Mike Tyson infamously bit off part of Evander Holyfield’s ear. “They treated me like a criminal,” he admitted in his autobiography, which Marca

published part of on last week. “[But] it was my fault. “It was the third time something like that happened to me and I needed help, although I was an easy target. “Biting scares a lot of people, but it’s relatively harmless, or at least it was in the incidents I was involved in. “None of my bites were like Mike Tyson’s on Evander Holyfield, but nobody cares about that.” Suarez made his unofficial debut for Barca in the Gamper Trophy back in the summer

Ronaldo: I don’t call Messi names By ALEC FENN CRISTIANO RONALDO has firmly denied calling Barcelona star Lionel Messi several offensive names inside the Real Madrid dressing room. In a new book entitled ‘MESSI’, it is claimed Ronaldo has a cold and distant relationship with Messi and often refers to him in the most unflattering language. However, after learning of the news on last week, the Madrid man moved to quickly reject the story out of hand and insists he would never treat a fellow professional with such disrespect.Writing on his official Facebook page, he said: “News is circulating that I allegedly made offending remarks regarding Lionel Messi. “This is absolutely false and I have assured my lawyer takes action to sue those responsible. I have the utmost respect for all my profes-

Italy. LEFT: Balotelli (R) and Giorgio Chiellini

James Rodriguez should not be seen as a replacement for Di Maria’s role. “Di Maria could take matches by storm with his energy, but he also used to lose control sometimes, misplacing important passes,” Ancelotti told Onda Cero. “People should think twice before saying that James can fill Di Maria’s boots, because they’re very different players.” The Madrid boss then went on to praise Toni Kroos and stressed that the Germany international is the perfect replacement for Xabi Alonso. “Kroos is another ‘professor’. He has

aced his crash course in replacing Xabi Alonso,” said the Italian. “I’ve been surprised by the fact that he never gets on edge. He always plays the same way, whatever the pressure. He’s very important: a lot of our play goes through him. “What’s more, he’s still very young. He plays at pace, always picks the right pass, doesn’t lose the ball and wins back possession.” Kroos has made 18 appearances for Madrid in all competitions so far this season, scoring once in the process. [Source:Goal.com]

Suarez says although biting might be scary, it’s harmless

The Church...Zambia’s first faith-based newspaper

and he has revealed his head coach compared the striker’s sentence to that of a highsecurity terrorism prisoner in Cuba. “’They’ve finally released him from Guantanamo Bay to be with us,’” the 27-year-old claimed Luis Enrique said after the match. “Everyone applauded the newly-released prisoner and I tried not to blush.” Suarez was linked heavily with Arsenal last year but, ultimately, Liverpool clung on to the

former Ajax forward for one final season. He conceded that the decision was made in part because Steven Gerrard convinced him that a bigger club from abroad would want him sooner or later. “He was spot on,” the striker said of the Anfield skipper. “He said: ‘Stay, play well for Liverpool, and Bayern, Real Madrid or Barca will soon come calling, because you’re good enough to play anywhere.’” [Source:Goal.Com]


Sports Church

God’s time is the best -Sate Sate Issue No. 087

Sunday November 16-23, 2014



facebook/thechurchnewspaperzambia.com By GERALD MULEYA KANA striker Ronald ‘Sate Sate’ Kampamba (left) says he always knew that although he rarely played for the national team, his time to do so regularly would come. In an interview shortly before he and the rest of the Chipolopolo team flew to Mozambique last week for the crucial Africa Cup 2015 Qualifying match, Kampamba was not shy to reveal his Christian beliefs on why it’s important for one to wait for the right time. “God’s time is the best. I had to be patient and wait for my time to come,” he said. The Nkana striker has won over the soccer fans over time and many feel time has come for him to get a regular place in the Chipolopolo senior team. Kampamba was one of the youngsters Coach Honour Janza included in his camp for the Mozambique and Cape Verde game. Meanwhile, Kampamba has set his eyes on winning the golden boot award for the second consecutive time. Currently, Kampamba gaol tally this season stands at 12, two behind leading scorer Jackson Mwanza. A delighted Kampamba says he believes he can knock off Mwanza off the leaders’ charts. “I have faith I can finish as top scorer again. I am thanking my fans for the support. I thank my team mates,” he said. “I thank everyone who watches me for the support.”


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