The Carer Digital - Issue #100

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W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M

The Carer Digital



Issue 100

Report Reveals Over Half a Million People are Waiting for Social Care

A survey by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Service ADASS has revealed that more than half a million people are now waiting for an adult social care assessment, for care or a direct payment to begin or for a review of their care, attributing the blame on a “dire shortage of staff in the sector.” The survey suggests: • More than six in 10 councils that responded (61%) say they are having to prioritise assessments and are only able to respond to people where abuse or neglect is highlighted, for hospital discharge or after a temporary period of residential care to support recovery and reablement. • 506,131 people were waiting for assessments, reviews, and/or care support to begin • There has been a 16% increase in the number of hours of home care that have

been delivered since Spring 2021, but that dipped from a high of over 41m hours in Autumn 2021 in the first quarter of this year as staff vacancies and sickness impacted • Almost 170,000 hours a week of home care could not be delivered because of a shortage of care workers during the first three months of 2022 (4). That is a dramatic seven-fold increase since Spring 2021 The report reveals that despite staff working relentlessly over the last two years, levels of unmet, undermet or wrongly met needs are increasing, and the situation is getting worse. The growing numbers of people needing care and the increasing complexity of their needs are far outstripping the capacity to meet them.



EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital! A bit of a short editorial from me today, as I am at the Residential & Home Care show in London’s Excel. We are here today and tomorrow (May 18 & 19) on stand C15, so please do stop by if you are visiting or exhibiting. We always welcome feedback. Trade shows are a wonderful opportunity to speak with people at the “coalface” and I have been interacting with quite a few today. Staffing is at the top of the agenda, which links with our lead/front page story today. Editor A report reveals that 500,000 people are currently waiting for social care. A deeply alarming statistic, which the report says can be attributed to the DIRE shortage of staff in the sector. This comes as a shock to no-one. The sector always has suffered a chronic shortage of staff and the government’s decision to introduce mandatory vaccinations and then revoke the policy months later drove many out of the sector. However, renumeration has also always been high on the agenda. The “no jab no job” policy exasperated a chronic problem, and raised valid questions as to the government’s willingness to engage with the concerns of care workers and the sector generally. As industry experts and operators say in our lead story, the government is in grave danger of “over promising and under delivering” in its commitment to reform social care. The playing field needs to be levelled, which means that the government has to treat adult social care in the same way it does the NHS and direct more resources to the sector. If it does not, well, it cannot say it wasn’t warned. One of the terms used today at our stand was “joined up health and social care”. Technology can address many of the problems facing the sector today, since the pandemic first broke healthcare organisations have moved rapidly to move services online. Digital tools have been used to bring together different services across primary and social care, as well as community services. I have seen demonstrations today on various exhibitor stands of real innovative technologies digitalising care planning processes, which make time efficiencies and empower carers, giving time and tools to do their jobs effectively.

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Peter Adams

EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bartlett They all adds to the wellbeing of residents, from sleep to nourishment, hydration, medication management, incontinence, mental stimulation to name but a few. I have been truly amazed at the innovation. That said its back to the show, so please do pop by if you are here!

LAST WEEK FOR UNSUNG HERO NOMINATIONS! This week is the last week for our Unsung Hero Award. We have extended a few days simply due to staff illnesses, and Friday, May 20 is the last day to get your nomination in!!! Every home has one (probably more) that dedicated worker from any department who goes above and beyond, who can sometimes go unnoticed, and deserves a reward! A small gesture on our part, but it has been well received so please get nominating at Once again we are delighted to have received more heartwarming and uplifting stories from residential and nursing care settings around the country please do keep them coming to

Guy Stephenson TYPESETTING & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Charlene Fox Published by


Report Reveals Over Half a Million People are Waiting for Social Care (CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) Despite great achievements in increasing the amount of care provided, there is an even starker rise in the support now needed, with more people left without essential care to maintain their health, and dignity and lead good lives in their communities. Not only are people waiting longer for care assessments, reviews, care packages and personal budgets, but family carers are having to shoulder greater responsibility and are being asked to take paid or unpaid leave from work when care and support are not available for their family members. Making the focus of resources on acute hospitals, without addressing care and support at home, means people deteriorate and even more will need hospital care, the report says. Responding to the findings, Sarah McClinton, ADASS President said: “We have not seen the bounce back in services after the pandemic in the way we had hoped. In fact, the situation is getting worse rather than better. “Social care is far from fixed. The Health and Social Care reforms go some way to tackle the issue of how much people contribute to the cost of their care, but it falls short in addressing social care’s most pressing issues: how we respond to rapidly increasing unmet need for essential care and support and resolve the workforce crisis by properly valuing care professionals.

YET MORE DAMNING STATISTICS Independent Care Group Chair Mike Padgham said: “These are yet more damning statistics that show that reform of the social care sector is just not happening and older and vulnerable people are suffering as a result. “ADASS represents the local authorities who are delivering and commissioning care, we represent the providers who are struggling to deliver it – between us we can say that the sector is in crisis and urgent action is needed before that 500,000 becomes a million.” At the moment it is planned that the bulk of this will go into NHS care initially, but these figures show that the need is just as great, if not more urgent, in the social care sector,” Mr Padgham added. “It is totally pointless bailing out the NHS if social care is leaking at the other end. The end result is that the boat will sink and that is what we are seeing now. “Social care and NHS care need equal support – one cannot operate properly without the other – and we need the Government to recognise

that and to act, diverting some of the earmarked money to social care so that we can address the staffing crisis which is crippling care.”

RESOURCES GRADUALLY DIMINISHING Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says: “From the start of the pandemic the pressures on social care have increased, while the resources available are gradually diminishing.” ADASS further found that ‘almost 170,000 hours a week of home care could not be delivered due to a lack of care workers to meet demand during the first three months of 2022’. These figures reinforce Care England’s repeated warnings to Government that the care sector is at the edge of the precipice. Care providers must be supported by immediate financial assistance to meet the gap in care which is growing and will continue to do so if no further action is taken. Martin Green added “Without immediate Government intervention the adult social care sector will snap under the pressure to meet growing public need. It is vital that the Government addressed the issue of unmet need and ensure that the social care sector is robust and sustainable, so that it can continue to support citizens with a range of complex needs.”

YEARS RATHER THAN MONTHS TO RECOVER Cathie Williams, ADASS Chief Executive said: “Without action to prioritise care and support in people’s homes and local communities, it will take years rather than months to fully recover.” “We need a funded plan so that we can ensure that everyone gets the care and support they need, with more of the Health and Social Care Levy being used to fund care and support in people’s homes and communities over the next two years. People cannot wait for funding trickle into adult social care and wider community services”.

NEW FIGURES “GRIM READING” Commenting on the report Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director of Age UK said: “These new figures make for grim reading and behind them are real older and disabled people whose lives are being sadly diminished by lack of essential support. They highlight how desperate things are at the moment in social care, because of shortages of money and staff, so I hope Ministers will stop trying to claim that they have ‘fixed social care’. “It would be fantastic if they had but unfortunately there is clearly an awful lot more for them to do. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of older and disabled people are having to put up with a ramshackle service, with more than half a million unable to get even to first base by

having an initial assessment.” “I’d love to be able to give people some hope by suggesting that once the Government’s care reforms start to come in next year, things will start to improve. The problem though is that this wouldn’t be true, because their changes really only relate to how much financial support people get in paying for their care, they won’t do anything to expand the help available or improve its quality and reliability, and that’s what many older people and their families tell us worries them the most. After all, what’s the point of having the reassurance that you won’t face unlimited bills for your care, if there’s no one to provide it for you in the first place? “The Government deserves great credit for committing to improve social care, after all its recent predecessors chose to look the other way. However, Ministers are at grave risk of being seen to over-promise and under-deliver on their promises, as this latest ADASS survey demonstrates only too well. It’s an utterly miserable situation for many older and disabled people, as it is for all the committed people who work in social care, alongside those who commission services in local authorities, who know they have no chance of meeting local needs.” The Report Notes that: 1. Between the 23rd of February and the 11th of March, 61% of councils in England say they are having to prioritise assessments and are only able to respond to people where abuse or neglect is highlighted, for hospital discharge or after a temporary period of residential care to support recovery and reablement. 2. As of 28 February 2022, a total of 506,131 people were waiting for assessments, reviews, and/or care support to begin. This is a significant increase from the 294,353 people reported as waiting in September 2021 3. Since spring last year there has been a 16% increase in the number of hours of home care that have been delivered, but that dipped off in the first quarter of this year as staff vacancies and sickness impacted 4. Almost 170,000 hours a week of home care could not be delivered because of a shortage of care workers from January to March 2022. This is a 43% increase since last summer and a trend that has been steadily worsening. Increasing needs and increasing complexity of people’s needs are far outstripping the money and staffing to meet those needs. There has been a 671% increase since Spring 2021. 5. There were 94 responses to this survey, which is a 62% response rate. The results are extrapolated to represent figures for 152 local authorities for comparative purposes.


Why the UK Should Invest More Money into Assistive Technology By Barry Price, QCS Specialist Contributor ( In early March, Sajid Javid set an ambitious but necessary target for the social care sector. The Health Secretary said that by 2024, he wanted 80 percent of social care providers to use digital records.* Currently, it is estimated that around 40 percent of providers are still using paper-based systems.** It is a move that Quality Compliance Systems, the leading provider of content, guidance and standards for the social care sector – and one that champions person-centred care - wholeheartedly supports. That is not to say there is anything wrong with providers using paperbased systems. They can be highly effective. But, it is also true to say in some circumstances, traditional paper processes can sometimes hinder progress, create silos and ultimately curtail a provider’s ability to deliver great person-centred care. In contrast, on-call managers, who are able to access live digital notes from support staff, are in a much stronger position to give those frontline workers the best advice following an incident. I think too it is vitally important that the social care sector sees the possibilities that technology can bring through a much wider lens. It is not just the process of digital care and support record keeping that will benefit, technology is an enabler, which if used correctly, can have a transformative effect on person-centred care.

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Take Assistive Technology for instance. I’m sure most of you reading this piece have heard the phrase, but for anybody unfamiliar with the term ‘Assistive Technology’, I want to make clear what it is and what is isn’t. When people think of Assistive Technology, they think of tablets, laptops, smart doorbells and smart heating systems. While these are all great examples of Assistive Technology, in that they enable us to be more efficient in our everyday lives, in my opinion, these examples simply don't do it justice. It is also worth making the point that Assistive Technology does not have to be a state-of-the-art micro-processing system. Devices can be fairly rudimentary. In the words of Skills for Care, what really counts is that an Assistive Technology device enables “an individual to continue to live independently and improve their quality of life”.***

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY OR PERSONALISED TECHNOLOGY? So, in terms of providing a definition, Skills for Care’s encapsulates all these ideas. It defines Assistive Technology as “any device that enables an individual to perform a task that ordinarily they would be unable to do, or would need additional support to carry out”. Most importantly, Skills for Care makes the point that Assistive Technology should promote “independence, choice, control and enablement”. But why call it Assistive Technology? The pioneering minds, who have already made significant inroads into developing the technology in the social care sector and supported living services, prefer to call it personalised technology, because it brings independence and control to the right person in the right place at the right time. So, what does innovative and effective Personalised Technology look like? HFT, a national charity, which supports people with learning disabilities, has placed personalised technology at the very heart of its person-centred culture, which empowers staff and those they support, to recognise that the specific needs and abilities of each person are not fixed, but are constantly changing.

EXAMPLES OF PERSONALISED TECHNOLOGY There are many examples of staff and service users using Personalised Technology to good effect, but I am going to focus on just a few. One fantastic example of technology being used to augment person-centred care, is smart kettles that safely provides just the right amount of boiling water to enjoy a cup of tea. It isn’t just the technology that

allows a person to enjoy their favourite beverage without the help of a support worker, that is remarkable. It is the work that occupational therapists put into the technology that you don't see, that is most astonishing. They have to break down and capture every tiny micro-step that goes into making a cup of tea, which they feed back to the technologists. Secondly, even with the technology up and running, there is a lot of work to be done. Support workers must work with service users to ensure they remember all of the steps and carry them out in the correct sequence. For those with a severe brain injury, re-learning the steps can be extremely challenging and requires hours of practice and support. However, the sense of achievement felt by service users and staff after reaching the even smallest of milestones is a wonderful feeling.

HOW PERSONALISED TECHNOLOGY CAN HELP THOSE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES Personalised Technology has helped to transform the lives of those with dementia. GPS tracking technology built into a wearable device can enhance lives by returning a degree of independence to those with cognitive conditions and can give their loved one peace of mind. However, for those with learning disabilities, this Personalised Technology has the potential to arguably have a far greater impact. Why? Because in this instance the technology provides a safe and secure platform for a person with learning disabilities and their support worker to begin a course of travel training. In the early days of travel training, smart GPS technology is an enabler and does not provide a total solution. The training programme still requires one-to-one training, which is broken down into small steps. Let’s imagine, for instance, that a support worker wants to help a service user with learning disabilities navigate their way to and from a local shop. Following an initial assessment, the support worker would draw up a person-centred activity plan in partnership with that person. The support worker would firstly show the service user the way to the shop, pointing out notable landmarks along the way. Over several journeys, the support worker is then able to establish which parts of the route the person is comfortable with and which sections they’re struggling to master. The activity plan is then tweaked and focuses more on the trickier parts of the journey. In order to foster independence, as the service user becomes familiar with the route, the support worker firstly shadows them, and then encourages and empowers them to tackle certain sections themselves until they can comfortably find their way to and from their destination. It is then that the technology really starts to proves its worth. Having learned the route and how to use the technology, it becomes like an invisible safety harness. If the worst were to happen, and a service user with learning disabilities were ever to take a wrong turn, the GPS wearable device enables them to be easily found. Obviously, capacity, consent and data privacy are areas which need to be explored with the service user and/or their loved ones. Once they have been addressed, however, and documented in the care or support plan, the sky is the limit. This is why demand for Assistive Technology is so high. To illustrate my point, the World Health Organisation says that “one billion people need one or more assistive products”.**** The fact that only one in ten people have access to it is something that urgently needs to be put right. Learn more about how QCS can help you deliver outstanding care by starting a free trial now: * Sajid Javid says all care providers must use digital care records - 04.03.22 By Angeline Albert ** Sajid Javid says all care providers must use digital care records - 04.03.22 By Angeline Albert ***Skills for Care A guide to assistive aids and technology ****World Health Organization Assistive Technology: Kay facts - 18.05.18

Cheltenham Art Exhibition Showcases Pictures By People Living with Dementia In Local Care Homes

Residents from local care homes, run by The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT), have created a range of artwork pieces that are set to go on display in an art exhibition at Cheltenham Library for Dementia Action Week. Various local dementia groups, including Open Arms Artists and MindSCAPE, have also contributed pieces for the special exhibition. The exhibition will be opened by Darren Chandler, owner of Park Gallery in Montpellier, on Monday 16 May at 11.30am. The opening event will also be attended by Laura Morris, Chair of the

Cheltenham Action Alliance and Customer Relations Manager at Windsor Street Care Centre, and Betty, a resident from OSJCT Windsor Street Care Centre who will see her artwork on display. Pictures in the exhibition include: The Beatles Sketch by a resident from Monkscroft Care Centre, Dementia Symbols by a resident from Chestnut Court and Spring artwork by resident from Windsor Street Care Centre. In total 40 pieces of artwork, that have been produced by individuals who live with dementia, will be on display throughout the week. The OSJCT care homes taking part are; Windsor Street Care Centre in Cheltenham, Chestnut Court in Quedgeley, Monkscroft Care Centre in Cheltenham, Millbrook Lodge in Brockworth, and Edwardstow Court in Stow on the Wold. The event is taking place thanks to Laura’s passion for art (as a former art consultant) and her discussions with local organisations about ways to mark Dementia Action Week. Laura said: “This is a fantastic initiative which gives space and prominence to artwork created by people living with dementia. It gives us an insight into their creativity, and the residents who have had their artwork dis-

played are thrilled. It has been wonderful to see local community groups come together in this way.” Darren said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to support this Exhibition as part of Dementia Action Week. I couldn’t be happier to support those who are making a real positive difference for those with, or yet to be diagnosed with, dementia. I can’t think of a better way engage those with dementia and to raise awareness of the condition. Art is wonderfully accessible to anyone and is an expression of our true human-self. It brings a real sense of joy

to all those who ‘give it a go’!” Elaine Roberts, Librarian, said: “Cheltenham Library feels privileged to be showcasing artwork from local care homes in Cheltenham. The paintings on display have been created by care home residents who are living with dementia. What better way to launch Dementia Action Week, demonstrating there is so much more to a person than dementia. Creative activities help to reveal hidden depths and talent. Truly eye-opening!” To view the exhibition go to Cheltenham Library, Clarence Street, Cheltenham from 16 – 22 May.


91% of People Affected by Dementia See Clear Benefits to Getting a Diagnosis A survey, conducted as part of Dementia Action Week has revealed evidence showing that 91% of people affected by dementia saw clear benefits to getting a diagnosis, with many living with dementia wishing they had received a diagnosis earlier. Aiming to understandthe barriers and benefits of getting a diagnosis, the Alzheimer’s Society carried out a survey of 1019 people affected by dementia, and also interviewed 320 people who suspected they or someone close to them had symptoms of dementia but had not been diagnosed. The clear message from people living with dementia is that it is better to know.

The key reasons for putting off diagnosis were:

KEY FINDINGS The survey found that more than 9 in 10 people surveyed saw at least one benefit in getting a diagnosis, on average mentioning 2.5 benefits. The most frequently cited benefits were:

The research drove home how important timely diagnosis is, as many people who had ignored their symptoms and put off going to their GP had ended up reaching a crisis point, such as hospitalisation, before they sought a diagnosis. Tens of thousands of people are currently living without a diagnosis and the pandemic has caused a sustained drop in dementia diagnoses for the first time ever, with rates falling to a five-year low. We estimate, due to the backlog caused by the pandemic, that there are over 30,000 people living without the dementia diagnosis they would otherwise have received, which would unlock vital support and care. The Alzheimer’s Society is tackling barriers through an awareness raising campaign – It’s not called getting old, it’s called getting ill - this Dementia Action Week and beyond, driving home the benefits of getting a timely diagnosis, which, crucially, unlocks the door to the treatments and support which can have so much Cited benefits graph summary

more impact if accessed in the earlier stages of dementia. They are are highlighting that memory loss is not a normal part of ageing and are launching resources,

The survey also explored the barriers to getting a diagnosis and found 1 in 4 people had waited two years after experiencing symptoms before seeking a diagnosis. 60% of people who took the survey wished they had received their diagnosis earlier.

informed by advice from leading clinicians, to arm people with all the information they need when speaking with their GP. This includes online support and advice and a new symptoms checklist which can be printed and taken to the doctor to help both patients and clinicians have an easier diagnosis experience.

Banbury Care Home Celebrates Start of a New Era Glebefields, Barchester Healthcare’s newly refurbished care home in Drayton, Banbury held a Grand Opening event to celebrate the start of a new era, following significant investment to the home. Visitors were welcomed to view the home’s stylish new interior and take a tour of the home at the VIP event on Saturday 14th May, 2022. Nestled in the charming village of Drayton near Banbury, Glebefields is an impressive stone-built former rectory, overlooking miles of countryside in an area known for its outstanding natural beauty, including the adjacent Norman Parish Church of St. Peter. The home remained open, and welcoming residents throughout the major refurbishment which started on 17th May 2021 and completed in April 2022. We officially opened the doors in sunshine and style, with a VIP ribbon cutting ceremony performed

by the Mayor of Banbury; Councillor Shaida Hussain. Nisha Shaji, Glebefields General Manager said: “The home is looking better than ever after the recent investment and it was a pleasure to showcase the elegant new interior at the Grand Opening event. My door is always open and anyone who couldn’t make it to the Open Day is very welcome to drop by for a cup of tea any other day instead.” Speaking at the opening event, Councillor Shaida Hussain, said: “I am delighted to be here to officially open Glebefields care home, it’s wonderful that Barchester is investing with such confidence in the future of care in the county – that investment will ensure, not only top quality facilities, up-to-date accommodation and high standards of care, but also jobs, trainings and a boost to the local economy.”


Digitally Transforming Training Holds the Key to Improved Patient Care

By Dami Hastrup, CEO and Founder, MOONHUB (

As we focus on diagnosis this Dementia Action Week, we must also begin to prepare for an influx of people with dementia diagnoses and crucially how we care for them. Alzheimer’s Research UK has predicted that by 2050 57 million people worldwide will be living with dementia. Meanwhile, the Care Quality Commission has highlighted that unequal standards of dementia care are currently being delivered due to a lack of training, including at end of life. This needs to change. Digitalising the health and social care sector, including by introducing innovative approaches to training, will empower healthcare professionals to drastically improve the increasing number of patients’ quality of life.

than eLearning (10%) and classroom (5%) based training, and learners report being 275% more confident in applying the skills they’ve been trained on in the field. The outcome is a care workforce with honed technical skills, heightened cognitive awareness, and an understanding that dementia is only a diagnosis and not a definition of their patients. In addition to the benefits VR offers for patient care, it also has the potential to facilitate staff retention and attraction in a sector struggling with both (care worker turnover 2020-2021 was 34 percent). It has the power to change perceptions of care and gives carers a realistic overview of what working in the sector will be like. This means they’re better prepared and have the support needed to succeed and stay in the profession. The benefits of digitally transforming training, including through VR, are clear. So, what are some of the barriers to action?



Dementia displays itself in a broad variety of ways, each of which can be very distressing for those living with it. To best support individuals with dementia, we need to provide person-centred care that has empathy, communication and knowledge at its heart. Virtual Reality (VR) presents a unique opportunity for training that delivers on this. Research shows that immersive and experiential simulations are most effective in enhancing carers’ understanding and empathy. Realistic care scenarios, designed in 360° video-shot learning environments, deliver a more holistic outlook of how people with dementia experience the world. The key perception challenges faced, the core cognitive difficulties, and key communication techniques needed to provide people with dementia with excellent support. It also means carers can practice reducing and preventing distress in a safe, risk-free environment. This increases the learners’ sense of emotional connection to the training. In fact, VR learners are 3.75 times more emotionally attached to course topics than classroom learners and 2.3 times more than e-learners, according to PwC. Beyond enhancing their compassion, VR enables learners to train anytime, anywhere, giving them a level of control that improves engagement. What’s more, research shows VR learners retain 75% more knowledge

Taking Care of Your Needs Passive fire protection needs to be at the forefront of all our minds but what is passive fire protection? Passive fire protection assesses a building in detail, poorly maintained fire doors, voids in ceilings & service shafts and penetrations made in walls, floors or ceilings can become conduits through which fire and smoke can spread. By identifying these failures within the fabric of the building, specialist repairs can be made to reinstate the compartmentation of the building to maximise the time available to evacuate the property, and or prevent a fire from taking hold in the first place. For many this remains a concern and knowing where to start can be stressful. It is important that you do your due diligence and you seek out a trained, competent, third-party accredited company to work with you and to discuss your needs. We are often told how a client has struggled to secure the services of a passive fire contractor. We have

According to research promoted by Alzheimer’s Research UK, the estimated health and social care costs of dementia in 2021 were £14.2 billion. Making it significantly more expensive than both cancer (£12.3 billion) and coronary heart disease (£11.6 billion). In line with rising costs, the Health and Social Care Committee recently recommended a need for greater dementia funding. As part of its report, it highlighted how current government commitments wouldn’t be able to tackle the training challenges present in the industry. With this issue yet to be fully resolved, we must consider how the industry can attain the funding needed to improve training and consequently care. In the last government spending review, £500 million was allocated to workforce training. If some of this could be directed towards digital transformation of dementia training, it would go a long way in improving the lives of the 850,000 people with the syndrome in the UK. Digitalisation and Quality of Life Inextricably Linked It’s time for the health and social care sector, along with those who fund it, to recognise that innovative, digital approaches to training can facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of how to care for people with dementia. With early evidence indicating that solutions such as VR could lead to a better quality of life for dementia sufferers, now is the time to act. found many companies would prefer to concentrate on large, long term contracts rather than smaller properties. We realised very quickly that we had an opportunity to provide a bespoke service for each of our clients taking care of individual needs. Over time we have become specialised in working within a live environment such as residential accommodation. When the project is complete, it does not mean the end of our relationship, UK Passive Fire Solutions is part of East Riding Group Ltd. We can offer many other services to you such as UK Pest Control Service and our Hospitality, Kitchen & Hygiene Products (HKHP) UK Passive Fire Solutions work with you from start to finish. Call or email today to get more information and receive your information pack; email or call: 01262 469872.


CQC Publishes Local Health Inequality Report The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) have published findings from their research into how GP practices use innovative methods to address local health inequalities. The work will inform CQC's developing regulatory approach so that it can better recognise and encourage innovation. This project has been made possible by a grant from the £3.7 million Regulators’ Pioneer Fund, launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The fund enables UK regulators and local authorities to help create a UK regulatory environment that unleashes innovation and makes the UK the best place to start and grow a business. To get a broad range of input, CQC and Yorkshire & Humber AHSN conducted a literature review, direct engagement with GPs and their practice teams, roundtable discussions with external stakeholders, and spoke with people who use services and carers. Tackling inequalities in health and care is central to CQC’s new strategy, along with understanding how providers in local systems are working together to improving outcomes for everyone in their area. As well as taking what has been learned from this project into its developing regulatory approach, CQC will be publishing an online resource later this year to help GP providers demonstrate their innovation to the regulator.

Dr Rosie Benneyworth, Chief Inspector of Primary Medical Services and Integrated Care at the Care Quality Commission, said: “GPs and practice teams up and down the country have unique and invaluable insight into the needs of the people in their community. As a regulator, it is vital that we do everything we can to recognise the way they use this understanding to develop new and innovative ways of working that deliver good, person-centred care. Thanks to everyone who took part, this project will help to shape the future of regulation and the role it can play in supporting and recognising innovation.” Richard Stubbs, CEO of Yorkshire & Humber AHSN commented: “This project is a welcome and useful step towards the goal of addressing health inequalities and improving access to services for all. An environment that champions innovation and encourages new ways of working is fundamental if we want to empower healthcare professionals to find effective solutions to tackle those challenges. Primary care plays a key role in identifying and responding to the specific needs of their local communities and I'm really pleased to see projects like this being introduced across our system." Business Minister Lord Callanan said: “Good regulation should spur innovation, not stand in its way, and this project could help pave the way for benefits to practices and service users alike.”

WWII Wren Attends Liberation Day Services in the Netherlands A WWII veteran was a guest of honour at services in the Netherlands, marking the country’s freedom from Nazi rule. Connie visited the graves of the war dead, before taking part in the Liberation Day parade on Thursday 5 May. The 95-year-old lives at Royal Star & Garter in Surbiton. The charity provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia, and also has Homes in Solihull and High Wycombe. Connie is living with dementia and moved to the Surbiton Home in December 2021. She made the visit to the Netherlands ahead of Dementia Action Week, which runs from 16-22 May. Royal Star & Garter supports residents to live life to the full, and staff were delighted to help Connie return to the Netherlands. It was the former Wren’s first visit to the country since the pandemic – prior to that she had been attending WWII services in the Netherlands for more than 40 years. She was taken by the Taxi Charity for Military Veterans, who worked with Royal Star & Garter to ensure Connie was able to attend. During the four-day visit, she paid her respects at the Oosterbeek Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery, and Grebbeberg Dutch National Cemetery, containing the graves of 800 Dutch military. On Liberation Day Connie took part in a parade in the historic town of Wageningen before attending a gala dinner.

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Striving to promote excellence of safety and health in care services.

Connie joined the Women’s Royal Naval Service when she was just 17, and served as an Officer’s Steward on HMS Brontosaurus, in Scotland, during WWII. Her husband Bill was one of 10,000 soldiers in Holland in 1944 who participated in an unsuccessful attempt to secure the bridge at Arnhem, and one of only 2,000 who made it home alive. Connie and Bill later attended services commemorating the Battle of Arnhem, in Holland. Connie continued going even after Bill’s death, and she attended services at Arnhem for 43 consecutive years before the Covid pandemic. Her granddaughter Shelly said: “This visit means the world to Nana. I’m over the moon that she was able to do it.” Surbiton Home Manager Helena Maher said: “Visits to the Netherlands to commemorate WWII have been such an important part of Connie’s life for more than 40 years. I know she missed them during lockdown, so I’m delighted we were able to work with the Taxi Charity to ensure she was able to return as soon as possible. It means the world to her.” Dick Goodwin, Vice President, Taxi Charity, said: “We were delighted that Connie was able to join the other 24 veterans that we took to the Netherlands for Dutch Liberation. The veterans sit in three golf buggies and three black taxis at the head of the parade and the streets of Wageningen are lined by thousands of men, women and children who cheer, applaud, and shower their liberators with flowers. It is a truly moving and unforgettable experience and there are many tears from both the veterans and those who come to say thank you and to celebrate their freedom.”


Dementia and Mental Health - Caring for the Carer With Dementia Action Week taking place from 16th – 22nd May, immediately following Mental Health Awareness Week, Greensleeves Care consulted its Admiral Nurse, Steve Mason, on the often-overlooked mental health difficulties that can occur in people who care for a loved one with dementia. According to a 2018 Alzheimer’s Society survey, nine in ten carers for people who have dementia experience feelings of stress or anxiety several times a week – and a further 80% find it difficult to talk about the emotional impact of caring. In Steve’s experience, many family carers (family members or friends who carry out informal care) receive minimal or no extra support. As a loved one’s dementia progresses, their abilities will continue to decline, and care becomes ever more complex to the extent that it can totally consume the family carer’s time and life. Steve said: “No one person can continue to care both day and night without an effect on their own health, yet many people put pressure on themselves to do so, which leads to feelings of failure when inevitably this lifestyle is no longer sustainable.” This gradual inability to cope will often lead to consideration of placing the person living with dementia into residential care. While this is often the right choice for everybody involved, it can still bring about further mental health difficulties for the carer, particularly feelings of guilt. Steve continued: “Although for many family carers, moving their loved one into a care home brings a sense of relief that their care needs can be fully met and they are in a safe setting, it is not uncommon to feel guilty about

having made this decision.” “Although these feelings of guilt may seem overwhelming, try and be kind to yourself by reminding yourself how you have managed to provide care up to this point.” When a loved one moves into a care home, at Greensleeves Care this process is as collaborative as possible. Family members are encouraged to help staff at the care home get to know their loved one, especially if they are living with dementia, and to be as involved as possible with their care plan. This way, family members are still

empowered to advocate on behalf of their loved ones, but it is less impactful on their own mental and physical health. Steve also pointed out that “After your loved one moves into a care home, you will have more time to dedicate to your own mental health, which in turn will enable you to be more present when you visit your loved one in their new care home. This can foster more meaningful relationships going forward.” There are also more options to remain a key part of your loved one’s day-to-day life, for example considering a volunteering role at the care home, or regularly joining in with activities. Greensleeves Care employs an Admiral Nurse, Steve Mason, who specialises in advising and supporting families affected by dementia as well as residents and staff living in the organisation’s residential and nursing homes and is always happy to assist. If you would like to get in touch with Steve, please feel free to contact Greensleeves Care also has a free online Advice Centre, with dedicated resources for people who care for loved ones: Other sources of support can be found as follows: Dementia UK’s free Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678 or by email at Dementia UK Carers Trust Carers UK Mind mental Health Charity

Edensor Resident’s Wish Comes True as She Watches Colchester United Play On 30 April, Edensor Care Home senior care worker Steve Polley and carer Mark Rochester took a very excited Ann Charlton to Colchester United’s last game of the

team, one point. After the game Ann had the chance to meet some of the players and was over the

season against Walsall. Ann was over the moon as this was her the first time in three

moon to get a photograph and an autograph with Colchester’s centre back, Thomas

years that she had been able to watch her favourite team live.


The visit was part of the Edensor wish tree initiative which gives all residents at the Diagrama Care Home in Clacton the opportunity to request one special wish. Ann is an avid supporter of Colchester United and her wish was to see her team play live. Due to covid restrictions and self-isolating Ann has not been able to attend a game for a few years so making her wish come true was very important for the Edensor team

When Ann got back to Edensor, she proudly showed everyone her picture with Thomas and told them all about her day at the JobServe Community Stadium in Colchester. Lindsey Milliken, Deputy Care Manager, Edensor, said, “A big thank you to senior carer Stephen Polley and carer Mark Rochester who made Ann’s wish come true.

Once the game started Ann proudly joined in with the other supporters singing

Our wish tree has been such a lovely thing to introduce and as well as taking Ann to

the football chants loudly to cheer on her team. The result was a 2-2 draw, and Ann

this match, we have fulfilled many other wishes including getting a kitten, visiting a

thoroughly enjoyed seeing Freddie Sears score two goals to get her League Two

golf range and throwing a fabulous princess party.”

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Increased Funding for Nursing in Care Homes Increased funding for nursing in care homes will support tens of thousands of care home residents with nursing needs, including those with learning and physical disabilities, with an 11.5% increase in 2022-23 and an estimated £87 million backdated for 2021-22. The standard weekly rate per person, provided for NHS-funded nursing care, has increased by 11.5% from £187.60 to £209.19 for 202223 and will be backdated to 1 April. In recognition of the additional time and work provided by nurses in care homes during the pandemic, a retrospective uplift on the 2021-22 rate has also been applied providing an estimated additional £87 million to the sector. The funding is paid by the NHS directly to care homes who employ registered nurses. This allows care home residents with specific healthcare needs to benefit from direct nursing care and services. Registered nurses provide support to people with a variety of needs, including people with learning disabilities, those living with enduring physical or mental health needs and various conditions associated with old age. This type of nursing requires a range of skills and training, with the extra funding supporting this important role. The additional funds will help cover the costs of nursing care and support the staff that provide it ensuring the vital service can continue

to support the needs of residents and all those who rely on it. Providing nursing care within care homes also helps reduce the pressure on hospitals where the government’s record funding can be used to help clear the Covid backlog. Minister for Care Gillian Keegan said: Our brilliant adult social care nurses work tirelessly to support people living with a variety of health needs. Increasing the weekly rate and the retrospective uplift reflects the cost of this vital work which is carried by our valued and skilled workforce to help those who need it. It is right we continue to review the cost of this care to ensure nurses can continue providing excellent care and support the needs of their residents. The rates are based on new research conducted by the Department of Health and Social Care in 2021 through a cost collection survey which was sent to nursing home providers. Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care Deborah Sturdy said: Nurses across social care play an essential role in delivering high-quality, complex care to those who require the skills and expertise of registered nurses. This funding is vital to supporting their role in planning and providing care.

The retrospective Covid uplift provides additional payments of £21.93 per resident per week for 2021-22. Before 2007, there were three rates for NHS-funded nursing care based on need. After 2007, a single rate was introduced with the higher rate remaining for those who were already on this rate before 2007. For those on the higher band the retrospective increase for 2021-22 will mean an extra £30.17 per resident per week. The higher band rate for 2022-23, with the increase, will be £287.78 per week. This is another example of a period of unprecedented investment and improvements across adult social care. The £5.4 billion from the Health and Social Care Levy over the next three years includes £1.4 billion to ensure local authorities pay a fairer rate for care and £500 million to develop the wider care workforce. From October 2023 people who draw on care and support will no longer face unpredictable care costs thanks to the government’s charging reform with five trailblazing local authorities turning charging reform on early so we can learn lessons and ensure a smooth national transition to the new system. Together with the white papers on reform and integration the government is fulfilling its promise to do what is necessary to develop world leading care.

Woodlands House Wins National Award for Providing Outstanding Palliative and End of Life Care Woodlands House operated by leading care provider Hartford Care has been awarded a national Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Quality Hallmark Award for its delivery of end-of-life care during the pandemic. The Award was given to Woodlands House as part of the Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Virtual Awards, which recognises health and social care providers delivering quality care in the final year of life. Woodlands House in Woodlands, New Forest, is one of 42 care homes, primary care, domiciliary care agency and hospitals which will receive the prestigious GSF quality hallmark across the country during the virtual ceremony. The Gold Standards Framework Centre provides expert training for frontline staff in health and social care, to enable a ‘gold standard’ of care for people nearing end of life. Before the pandemic hit, GSF provided face-to-face workshops, but have successfully adapted and moved online to adhere to COVID-19 regulations. The training has been a huge success and has supported both families and patients to discuss end of life care planning and what matters to them at the end of life. Julie Armstrong-Wilson, Lead Nurse for GSF said: “Congratulations to all 12 organisations that have suc-

cessfully achieved accreditation and reaccreditation. The last two years have posed some incredible challenges to the health and social care workforce, so we are very proud of all of our successful applicants that took the time to submit their portfolios of evidence. “We have also seen another 30 organisations demonstrate the sustainability of GSF and successfully receive the GSF Platinum Award (organisations that have been accredited more than once). The GSF team are so very proud of all our Award Winners, as there has never been a more important time to ensure we deliver quality end of life care, well done to you all!” Repeka Taukei, Manager of Woodlands House, said: “I am so proud of my team for achieving the Quality Hallmark Award. Woodlands House achieved Beacon Status in 2019 and we are delighted we have been able to continue providing exemplary care through our investment in end-of-life care. “We all want to ensure that our residents have all the comfort and care they need so that they pass away with dignity, respect and without pain according to their wishes.”


New Research Found 40% of All Unplanned Hospital Admissions For People Living with Dementia Happened in the Last Year of Life New research from King’s College London found that people living with dementia experience higher levels of unplanned hospitals admissions towards the end of life after receiving their dementia diagnosis. The study found that 40% of all unplanned hospital admissions after a diagnosis of dementia took place in the last year of life. The research published today in Age & Ageing, was part of the Empowering Better End of Life Dementia Care (EMBED-care) [1] programme which is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and supported by Marie Curie [2].It was carried out in four South London Boroughs [3] and analysed data on 19,221 people aged 50 and over, diagnosed with dementia, across a 22-year period (1995-2017).The researchers linked anonymised data on patients who had received a dementia diagnosis to hospital admission data and mortality data. The findings demonstrate the need for improved community care and services for people with dementia who are approaching the end of life, and high-quality dementia end-of-life care in hospitals. There were over 54,000 unplanned hospital admissions recorded, which steeply increased for people towards the end of life with over one in three admissions (37.3%) occurring in the last year of life, and many experiencing more than one admission. Although most people with dementia and their families prefer not spend time in the hospital

towards the end of life, in this study people with dementia spent between 12-59 days in the hospital in the last year of life. In the sample, 38.1% died in the hospital, which is similar to national data, and of these around one in 10 (9.1%) died on their first unplanned hospital admission after diagnosis. Emel Yorganci from the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care at King’s College London, and lead author on the paper, said: “This research shows that during the end-of-life period, people with dementia experience a much higher number of unplanned hospital admissions. These admissions, while sometimes necessary, can be detrimental to the person living with dementia, and may be a consequence of poor community support. Understanding when unplanned hospital admissions are most likely to occur can help to inform where resources need to be invested to provide high-quality dementia care. Without adequate high-quality community focused dementia care services to manage the needs of people with dementia at the end of life, admission rates are likely to remain high.” Retired nurse, Deborah Paget, experienced first-hand the impact of unplanned hospital admissions for people with dementia, after her mum suffered a fall in December 2018. Deborah’s mum was first diagnosed in 2007.She said: “In December 2018, my mother suffered a bad fall and we had to call

for an ambulance. I went in the ambulance with her, and without me there, she would have been exceptionally distressed. She didn’t know where she was, and you could see she felt completely lost. I think she felt frantic, she couldn’t retain what I said or what to do with the information. Once at the hospital, she did calm down gradually, but she wasn’t sure what was going on, who the people were or why she was there. She had no memory of her fall. Whilst in the hospital no one came to check on us for about three hours, and if I wasn’t there as a familiar face and a retired nurse, I can’t imagine how disorientated she would have been.” Debbie Ripley, Associate Director Strategic Partnerships and Services London at Marie Curie said: “For people living with dementia, being taken out of their home and rushed into hospital can be extremely distressing and upsetting. It can make the person feel vulnerable and scared, leaving themselves and their loved ones traumatised. We know that proper community palliative care, with the correct services in place, can reduced emergency admissions for people with dementia, and therefore can be the difference between a good end of life experience and a bad one. There continues to be a need for these to be improved, especially for those living with dementia.”

Owner of Leading Surrey Care Group Honoured to Celebrate Eid at Exclusive No. 10 Downing Street Event The owner of a family-run Surrey care group meets Secretary of State for Health and Social Care at an exclusive No.10 Downing Street event to celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan. Liakat Hasham, co-founder of CHD Living, an award-winning, family-owned and operated group of care homes and home care, specialist and rehabilitation services in Surrey, Hampshire and South London, recently attended an exclusive Eid reception at No. 10 for his outstanding contributions to the Ismaili Muslim community and as a leading care operator in Surrey. Several key political figures were present from the Conservative office, most notably Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, who interacted with the attendees and spoke with Liakat about the current state of affairs in the social care sector. The Prime Minister made a short address to the attendees, highlighting and applauding the contributions that ethnic minorities, and the Muslim community in particular, have made to UK society.

Discussing the event, Liakat said: “It was an honour to be invited to the Eid reception at No.10 Downing Street. Hosted predominantly for the Muslim community, selected invitations to the Eid reception were sent out to faith leaders and businessmen throughout the UK. My invitation covered both these areas, having served the Ismaili community for nearly 20 years and as the founder of CHD Living for over 30 years.” Liakat continued: “It was a pleasure to meet members of the Conservative cabinet, especially Sajid Javid. I was introduced to him as a care operator, and he was genuinely interested in what I did, asking the name of our company and the current challenges we were facing. We briefly discussed the state of the current market and the impact staff shortage was having on the care sector.” He concluded: “I think these events are very important as they connect you with peers in business alongside a cross section of Muslims, who practice the faith in different ways but all with the aim of improving the quality of life for everyone. I would certainly go again if privileged enough to be invited.”


An NHS Chef’s Guide to Budget-Friendly, Nutritious, and Delicious Meals

Matt Willis, Co-Head Chef at Clacton Hospital, NHS Property Services (NHSPS) ( shares insight around the challenges of hospital catering, and how best to manage budgets while cooking delicious and nutritious meals for staff and patients. Catering for hospitals comes with its challenges. It is often a balancing act between having nutritious, healthy meals, while also making sure they are within budget and not wasted. And most importantly, the meals must be enjoyable for patients and staff.

HAVING A SEASONAL MENU A big part of saving money and having a tasty menu is making sure meals are seasonal, freshly made and locally sourced. The patient menu is set by dietitians, so it must be adhered to for patients to get the nutrition they need. One way of ensuring this is cooking food from scratch. This can make a huge improvement to the quality of food. In our hospital, for example, making food from scratch allows us to significantly reduce salt out of the diets and ensuring that there are no pre-made or pre-packaged foods in every meal. Using local suppliers is important, as the produce is fresh, and it is a more sustainable way of picking up ingredients needed for the daily menu. It is also great for altering the menu on the day – whether that is down to weather changes, or we have had requests to change up the menu. Ultimately, it is most important to provide people with the food they want. By going local, this can be done in a budget-friendly and sustainable way.

CATERING FOR EVERY NEED It is important to know who you are cooking for. With so many patients and staff, catering for all comes

with challenges – for example, there are 14 official allergens we need to consider. However, it also encourages creativity and to think more about what people want to and can eat. For example, providing an alternative menu is helpful, such as kosher, allergen-free, or needing softer foods. Ultimately, it is important to keep patients happy.

REDUCING FOOD WASTE Another important part of catering and sticking within budget is reducing food waste. In a hospital, if there are two portions left over on a counter, it cannot be saved for later and unfortunately it goes to waste. To prevent waste, we must consider portion control. This can be challenging as patients need a nutrient rich diet and to feel full for a sustained period of time. Where possible, always aim to prepare smaller portions, and if people are still hungry, recommend a snack like fruit or something to keep them going. In our hospital, I encourage the team to manage portion control – it is a crucial part of our training. Leftovers can encourage you to be fun, creative and make simple foods delicious. Reducing food waste will also have a positive knock-on effect on budget, meaning that money won’t be wasted and can be continued to be spent on getting the best produce. My top tips to reduce food waste and budget are: • Make a fish pie with leftover fish, with a quick sauce and mash potato ready for next day lunch service. • I often put lamb in the slow cooker – if there is any leftover it works well in a lamb salad wrap. • Leftover spaghetti Bolognese works a treat as a topping for jacket potatoes, or chili con carne! I also put it over chips sprinkled with cheese on top under the grill. See our Catering for Care feature on pages 34-37.

Brave Carers Jump for Queen’s Jubilee A group of Macclesfield carers have taken to the skies for a daredevil jump in the name of a Jubilee party for the residents of an Upton Priory care village and their families. Helen Marsden, Liv Fallero and Chris Jones, braved a 15,000ft skydive to raise funds for not-for-profit dementia specialist, Belong Macclesfield, to host their own garden party for the Queen’s platinum celebrations, next month. The volunteers: a support manager, lead senior support worker, and maintenance facilitator, respectively, personally funded their trip to the country’s highest skydive, where it took just 60 seconds to fall the 2.8 miles from the sky back down to Lancashire countryside where the jump took place – a feat which would take around up to an hour to complete by walking on land. Thanks to the £1161.81 raised from sponsorship donations, Belong

Macclesfield residents will be able to welcome their family and friends for Jubilee celebrations in the village’s dementia friendly garden. Amongst the plans include singers, a silhouette artist and plenty of bunting, tea and cake. Caroline Ray, general manager at Belong Macclesfield, has praised the team’s efforts. She said: “We’re ever so grateful for Helen, Liv and Chris. The money they’ve raised will help to put on what will be a wonderful bank holiday, with everyone sharing in the fun commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. “Many of our customers are already expressing their memories of past Jubilees and even the Coronation – this one will be the event of a lifetime!”


Deadline Extended to Nominate The Carer's Next Unsung Hero Once again we here at The Carer are looking for our next Unsung Hero! A super deluxe luxury hamper will be the prize for the lucky winner!! March 23 marked the country’s second National Day of Reflection, as people from across the country join together in a minute’s silence at 12noon to reflect on those who have died and show support to the millions. No sector was impacted as much as adult social care, and National Care Forum CEO Vic Rayner put it very well when marking the first anniversary last year when she said: “In amongst all of this [ The Pandemic] the country turned its focus to social care – often because that is where the epicentre of impact of this deadly virus has hit home. It has been care workers who have borne the brunt of supporting people in homes and communities – day in day out – seven days a week. It has been care providers who have had to change and flex the way that they provide care to cope with the ever-changing understanding of how to provide care in a COVID-19 environment. Critically, it has been people living in care homes who have lost so much – so many of whom have tragically lost their lives to COVID, while huge numbers have been unable to see loved ones throughout this terrible year.” Regular readers will know we launched our Unsung Hero award 10 years ago when we were celebrating our 10th anniversary, and it proved to be so popular we have been running it ever since. When the pandemic broke, and we began reporting on a daily basis on how COVID and restrictions were impacting care homes, staff and residents, and we were reporting on

a daily basis the dedication of care staff and the difficulties they were experiencing. So, we decided to add on a few more awards! And, we received hundreds of nominations each time, heart-warming, heart-breaking and inspirational stories, making it almost impossible to choose an overall winner, so much so that each time we tagged on runner-up prizes! We are thrilled to announce our latest unsung hero award! Every care home will have somebody who goes that extra mile, which, due to pressures of work can sometimes go unrecognised or rewarded. A small gesture on our part and we aim to put that right! Once again, a luxury hamper awaits our next “Carer Unsung Hero”. No-frills, glitz or glamour, just send us your nomination with a paragraph or two, and please do give a little background/detail of what your nominee has done, and why you think your nomination deserves to be rewarded. Your own Unsung Hero can be from any department, frontline care, laundry, maintenance, kitchen, administration gardening– we will leave that up to you! Nominations close Friday, May 20th please send

An Introduction from MSD Independent I would like to introduce myself . My name is Mark Durbidge and I have been in the Distance Learning environment for the past 12years and have built this business to where we are today. I started originally with a market leading Company and moved on to starting my own business finding and enrolling people onto the courses. Our job is to introduce people to our Government funded courses to the Care Sector including Care Homes and Providers. We have enrolled over the years many people , and they have benefited in accomplishing a level 2 NCFE Cache certificate in one or more of our courses. Care Homes and Agencies also benefit as these courses are free through the funding. As with everyone else it took a downturn during the pandemic as we were unable to visit Care Homes or Agencies , so we started doing telephone and online enrolments. This proved very successful and we are continuing this service and now offering the original visits and group enrolments. We had a new website built during this time which has also been a great success as it contains detailed information regarding the courses we have

available from Mental Health, Mental Health First Aid, Autism, Dementia, Medication, Business Administration. Also our partner Colleges around the country supply experienced , qualified tutors to help where necessary students who may struggle a little. This is a great asset to people. Once people are enrolled we always send out a hard copy of their chosen course and they have the option of writing out the assessment or electronically submitting to the relevant College. The courses have been developed to a very high and informative standard and are highly recommended by Care Homes and Colleges alike.. These courses are free to people providing they complete them . Colleges do ask for a small admin fee from those who register and do not complete the course. Please contact me direct if you wish to have more information . I can be contacted on my mobile number 07943 743748 or email me direct on Alternatively our web site is

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through several Colleges we work with so staff will get

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Improving Care Home Staff Retention with Career Growth and Development Due to persistent workforce problems over the last two years, employers and providers of social care have had to adopt a range of strategies to help retain and support their staff. However, staff retention continues to be at an all-time low in the sector. Jacqui White, Group Operations Director of White’s Training, discusses the benefits of employers offering more training courses to care workers in times of crisis. With reports suggesting that many care workers have considered quitting over the last year, as well as suffering from the aftereffects of working on the frontline during a pandemic, the home care industry is facing staff turnover like never before. 66% of home care providers are experiencing more staff quitting their jobs than before the pandemic, with low pay and COVID burnout blamed for worsening the care recruitment crisis. Staff who work in care homes provide care and support to society’s frailest and most vulnerable people. At all times, care home providers must have enough qualified, competent, professional, and experienced workers to meet the needs of the people who use the service. Nonetheless, attracting, recruiting and retaining employees is a constant challenge.

RETENTION REALITY While home care organisations vary in size, service users, staff demographics, and even location, there is no one-size-fits-all approach for snoring employee retention. However, there are a number of key areas that could be improved, including communication and culture, as well as providing professional training opportunities. Investing in employee retention is critical to any company's success.

space of five years. Whilst 59% of the audience believed that if their company appreciated them more, it would have boosted their enthusiasm and career within the sector. Having a care qualification or ongoing training can make carers: feel their profession is more valued and higher status, feel more competent, capable and confident in their role and more likely to stay in social care with their current employer. A training programme can improve the integration of new team members and give management and care workers the opportunity to get to know one another better and strengthen team harmony. Research indicates that staff are 58% more likely to stay 3 years if there is a structured onboarding programme.


It promotes high-quality care continuity, a positive workplace culture, employee well-being, time and cost savings and positive Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings. Employers with a turnover of less than 10% reported that their main activities contributing to staff retention were: • Investing in learning and development (94%) • Embedding the values of their organisation (92%) • Celebrating the organisation’s and individual achievements (86%) • Involving colleagues in decision making (81%)

UNFULFILLED MEANS UNSUCCESSFUL According to a recent study by TotalJobs and Care UK, nearly onethird of social care workers want to leave the industry totally within the

As the industry looks towards a more stable future for employees working in the care sector, we are here to advise and support the employers' next steps. White’s Training provides a variety of courses for home carers from Dementia and Parkinson’s Awareness, to positive behaviour support. These courses are a part of White’s Training's Centre of Excellence, and are currently being delivered virtually, face-to-face or via e-learning. They are also able to help support your in-house training plan by offering Train the Trainer courses and ongoing support. Employers who embrace training courses demonstrate their dedication to their employees' self-worth and value. Offering this as a business makes it more enticing to carers looking for future positions. For more information on carer training, please visit:

Oxford Scientist Awarded £39K Funding Boost from Leading Dementia Research Charity Alzheimer’s Research UK has announced support for pioneering dementia research at the University of Oxford. The news comes during Dementia Action Week (16-22 May), a national campaign that encourages people to take action on dementia. Dementia is the umbrella term given to a group of symptoms including memory and thinking problems, communication difficulties and personality changes. Different diseases can cause dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most common. There are nearly a million people in the UK affected by dementia, with around 8,500 in Oxfordshire alone. A hallmark of Alzheimer’s is the build-up and spread of amyloid protein in the brain. Researchers think that this sets off a chain of events leading to the loss of nerve cells and the symptoms of dementia. The new £39K of funding will allow Prof Colin Akerman and his team from University of Oxford to investigate whether changes in cholesterol in the brain can lead to the build-up of amyloid protein in Alzheimer’s disease. Diet plays an important part in regulating cholesterol in the body, but cholesterol in our brains does not come from our food, and is instead made by specialised cells called astrocytes. Researchers don’t yet understand how astrocytes regulate their cholesterol production in the brain or why this changes in Alzheimer’s. Using cutting-edge techniques to grow these specialised brain cells in a dish, the team of Oxford scien-

tists will investigate the mechanisms that regulate cholesterol production by astrocytes. Prof Colin Akerman at the University of Oxford, said: “Cholesterol levels are normally tightly regulated in the brain, but there is mounting evidence that excess cholesterol contributes to the brain changes seen in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. “To understand how cholesterol production by astrocytes goes awry in Alzheimer’s, we need to learn how healthy astrocytes regulate their cholesterol production. “Thanks to this new funding, we will be able to explore whether changes in cholesterol production cause nearby nerve cells to produce harmful fragments of amyloid – a protein central to the development of Alzheimer’s.” Dr Sara Imarisio, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “With currently 944,000 people with dementia in the UK, more than ever before, it is vital that we invest in dementia research. Fundamental research projects such as this one underway at Oxford will allow us to better understand the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s disease and highlight potential new targets for future dementia treatments. “Alzheimer’s Research UK remains committed to funding the best science and Oxford has a strong dementia research community. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters across the country, we can continue to fund research and drive progress towards new treatments for people living with the condition.”

Brunelcare Launch New Dementia Coaching Initiative Brunelcare, a Bristol-based charity providing housing and care for over 80-years, has announced the launch of its new Dementia Coaching Initiative, where colleagues at the charity can become certified Dementia Care Coaches. Colleagues at Brunelcare have been taking part in an exciting learning and development initiative designed to enable people working in care settings to deliver the best possible, personalised outcomes for people living with dementia. Significantly improving quality of life, opportunities and engagement, the FITS, (Focussed Intervention Training and Support) into Practice Programme was developed by the Association for Dementia Studies at Worcester University following extensive research. Stuart Wright, Dementia Care Lead at Brunelcare, has delivered the programme to colleagues and supported them through the pilot FITS programme. Nine colleagues took part in the programme, where over nine months, the participants completed ten successful training days. Stuart has worked at Brunelcare for nearly 20 years and specialises in Dementia Care. He has developed and implemented the Human Rights Framework and Standard for people living with dementia, and turned his passion into his career. He now works full time at Brunelcare delivering state-of-the-art Dementia Coaching Sessions to Brunelcare colleagues and external audiences and supporting the various teams across Brunelcare.

FITS Participants said: “The FITS training has been very in depth, fun, interactive, emotional and very rewarding. Having nearly completed the FITS training, I now feel more confident to cascade the knowledge I have gained to my colleagues and promote a better understanding of dementia care.” Stuart Wright, Dementia Care Lead at Brunelcare, said: “There is a growing body of evidence that shows people working in care learn best from each other, rather than purely from classroom-based education. The role of the Dementia Coach is to deliver “on the job” learning and development that immediately has an impact on the quality of care and life for residents. This way of working also raises the skill, competence and confidence of those providing care and support." About the FITS Programme FITS uses evidence-based resources to support practice in a very hands-on way. The FITS into Practice programme is taught by Dementia Practice Development Coaches (DPDC), who have completed the masters level academic module at the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester. FITS into practice is an evidence-based training and support programme developed and evaluated in successive UK-wide research projects and is shown to provide positive outcomes for colleagues, residents and care homes.


Government Rejects Call for Integrated Recovery Plan to Tackle Backlog Caused by Pandemic Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has criticised the Government’s rejection of a recommendation for a broad national health and care recovery plan to tackle the backlog caused by the pandemic. MPs made the recommendation for a comprehensive plan to include emergency care, mental health, primary care, community care and social care in their report on clearing the backlog, published in December. The Government published its response yesterday evening. The Committee has also flagged the rejection once again of its call for the publication of an annual independent assessment of workforce numbers. Without it, it will remain impossible to know whether enough doctors, nurses or care staff are being trained, say MPs. Health and Social Care Committee Chair Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP said: “We urged the Government to produce a central integrated recovery plan as we emerged from the pandemic that went beyond tackling the elective backlog. Vital services that people depend on such as emergency care, mental health, community and primary care must be included. In rejecting our recommendation Ministers have missed an opportunity to set out a comprehensive plan of the role these services will play in recovery. The Government has presented us with a jigsaw of laudable plans and strategies, but has failed to produce the overarching vision that would fit those pieces together. “With millions of patients waiting for elective surgery, addressing the workforce crisis is critical. Yet once again the Government has failed to heed our call to publish independent annual reports to project how many staff will be needed. Without it, it remains impossible to know whether enough doctors, nurses or care staff are being trained.

“Public health services are dependent on funding at a level to match their crucial work – instead they face a real terms decrease. The Government points to increased funding to local authorities but the impact of inflation will mean a cut and a struggle to deliver what is needed. “On social care, we called on the Government to bolster its commitment to reform services with a long overdue ten-year plan. Instead, we’re asked to accept a ‘reform vision’. The absence of social care in this week’s Queen’s Speech speaks volumes. “At a time of crisis, exemplified by NHS doctors being urged to delay retirement, it is incredibly disappointing to again see the lack of clarity in the Government’s response to the recommendations we have made. I repeat my call to the Secretary of State to urge his Department to be clear on all of our recommendations and whether they are ultimately accepted or rejected.” Key recommendations made by MPs in report on clearing the backlog • Department of Health and Social Care urged to work with NHS England to produce a broader national health and care recovery plan by April 2022, that goes beyond the elective backlog to emergency care, mental health, primary care, community care and social care. • Plan must take account of the risk that a reliance on numerical targets alone will deprioritise key services and risk patient safety. • National health and care recovery plan must set out a clear vision for what ‘success’ in tackling the backlog will look like, and what patients can expect their care to look like in their local area in the coming years. • Repeats Committee’s previous recommendation for publication of independently audited annual reports on workforce projections that cover the next five, ten and twenty years, including an assessment of whether enough staff are being trained.

Shake it Like a Polaroid Picture – Moors Manor Care Home Celebrates World Cocktail Day World Cocktail Day is a global celebration of cocktails, the date marks the publication of the first recorded definition of a cocktail on May 13 in 1806 as a ‘stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water and bitters’. World Cocktail Day invites everyone to try something new, and perhaps a little exotic, this special occasion is celebrated by cocktail lovers worldwide. Whether you’re a tequila fan, a whisky lover, a gin aficionado or you just like to mix it up and try something new, World Cocktail Day has something for everyone. It was certainly a day of fun-filled tastings for the staff and residents at Moors Manor care home in St Leonards, near Ringwood. To mark the day, residents had so much fun taking part in a cocktail tasting party with sweet and savoury canapés prepared by our chef. Tracey Aldin, General Manager at Moors Manor said: “We have all had so

much fun today trying all sort of different cocktails from around the globe. Our residents really enjoyed their tasting session and had great fun sampling tasting them to vote for our favourite.” Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities. Moors Manor is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals. Moors Manor provides residential care, dementia care and respite care. 38 years of experience in providing bathing solutions for care homes or call a human 07805 028950

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Practical Issues To Consider When Supporting A Loved One With Dementia

In support of Dementia Action Week 2022, wills, trusts and probate solicitor Andrew Hitchon from law firm Bray & Bray ( explores some of the practical issues to consider when supporting a loved one with dementia. The Alzheimer's Society's Dementia Action Week unites individuals, workplaces, and communities to take action and improve the lives of people living with dementia. This year’s campaign runs from 16-22 May and the theme is diagnosis. The period following a dementia diagnosis is an incredibly difficult time for everyone involved, but it is important to consider the following steps as early as possible in order to ensure the future wishes of the

person living with dementia are correctly carried out. Getting these practical issues sorted early on, and while your loved one is still capable of making reasoned decisions, can ease the pressure later down the line. It can also help to combat the fear of not knowing if you are doing the right thing. Create a Will Making a Will creates certainty, reduces worry, and gives you the peace of mind of knowing exactly how your money, property and possessions will be dealt with after your death. Encouraging your loved one to either create or update their Will while they are still able is the best way of guaranteeing that their wishes are followed. Make a lasting power of attorney A lasting power of attorney (LPA) lets somebody living with dementia give permission in advance to a trusted person to make decisions on their behalf when they no longer have the capacity to decide for themselves. There are two types of LPAs. You can choose to make one type or both: 1. Health and welfare – the trusted person can make decisions on medical care and on welfare matters, such as living arrangements. 2. Property and financial – the trusted person can make decisions on managing financial affairs. Look at deputyship Ideally, an LPA should be put in place while a person living with dementia can still make decisions. However, in cases where a person has already lost the capacity to make an LPA, as a loved one or trusted friend you can make a request to the Court of Protection for the ability to carry out decisions on their behalf. This is called deputyship. As with LPAs, there are two types of deputyships:

Terryberry - Be Recognised, Be Engaged Terryberry is a global employee engagement solutions provider, HQ in Grand Rapids Michigan with UK offices in Cheshire and Cardiff, we help companies of all sizes, across all sectors. A dedicated account manager is included as part of all our employee reward & recognition programmes, who are on hand to guide you through every stage of the process. We’ve helped companies such as Co-op, AstraZeneca, Coca-Cola, M&S, Airbus, Jaguar Land Rover & The White Company run successful Long Service Award and Employee Benefits schemes. Visit our website: to learn more about our 360 Recognition platform.

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1. Personal welfare – the deputy can make decisions about medical treatment and care. 2. Property and financial – the deputy can take care of a person’s financial affairs.

SET UP A TRUST Setting up a trust is a practical step to take to ensure a person living with dementia has control over the future of their financial assets, like property or savings, while they are still able. There are a number of different types of trusts and ways of arranging them. Consulting a solicitor as early as possible following a diagnosis is the best way to be certain that everything is in order and as the person living with dementia wishes.


What Do COVID Vaccination Records Mean for Data Privacy? By Llinos Bradley, Senior Data Protection Consultant at Gemserv ( In November last year, the UK Government announced that the COVID-19 vaccination would become a condition of employment for all health and social care workers. Yet just three months later, they went back on their decision, for fear of losing over 80,000 unvaccinated NHS healthcare staff as a result. Losing thousands of health workers would have had a catastrophic impact on an already overstretched workforce and would seriously compromise the quality of patient care. From the 31st January 2022, it was announced by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care that Covid-19 vaccinations would no longer by compulsory for NHS healthcare staff. After a period of consultation, the regulations were removed from all health & social care on the 15th March. However, this decision has sparked fresh debate and worries regarding data privacy, especially if vaccination status comes to be used in the future as a condition of deployment.

WHERE DOES DATA PRIVACY FIT IN IN ISSUING COMPULSORY VACCINATIONS AS A CONDITION OF DEPLOYMENT? Data protection and employment legalisation is put in place to protect employees from potential discrimination on the basis of their health status. In this case, stating the COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of deployment for health care workers was a major deviation from data privacy regulations. NHS employers are still at liberty to ask for an employee’s vaccination status, however, particularly if there is COVID-19 outbreak, as hospitals still have responsibilities to control infections as this is still in line with current health related legislation. In some cases sensitive employee data may have already been collected, analysed and included in staff records, which would have been used to assess whether a staff member was aligned with the regulations. In instances such as these, revoking the regulation raises questions about information that has already been collected and used.

WHAT POTENTIAL DATA PRIVACY RISKS DOES VACCINATION DATA PRESENT TO THE HEALTH SECTOR? At present, NHS employers can still legally hold health data, including vaccination status, which falls under ‘special category’ data under UK GDPR stipulation. The catch is that processing this ‘special category’ data is viewed as an invasion of privacy, meaning that employees may ask for this information to be destroyed. In these circumstances, information collected could have already had an impact on staff, so would now form part of a formal record and therefore need to be retained. Organisations need to have a legal basis to store personal information as a result of the revocation. Employers need to ensure that all data privacy protection requirements have been factored in from the

start of the data collection process. If staff groups are not correctly defined from the offset, for example, employers could risk accusations of discrimination. Groups that aren’t included within existing HR records, such as suppliers or student/trainee workers that aren’t on the organisations payroll, for instance, could be in contact with patients, and may need to review information on infection, prevention and control measures in order to protect both the workforce and patients to reduce the risk of transmission. There are some circumstances, however, where healthcare employers have legitimate reasons for retaining employee data. If evidence required for the Government’s intended update to the Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections, for example, which applies to Care Quality Commission registered health and social care providers in England, is realised, this will look at strengthening its requirements in relation to COVID-19 and could include data that has already been collected. If, in the future, full vaccination status was made compulsory for all healthcare staff, there would still need to be a choice for individuals, but also a clear legal obligation to collect, use and retain vaccination data either way.

WHAT RIGHTS DO NHS STAFF WHO RESIGNED BEFORE THE INITIAL 3RD FEBRUARY DEADLINE HAVE? When the government first announced that all healthcare staff would need to have had their second vaccine by the 1st April to maintain their employment status, this would mean that staff would have needed to have had their first dose no later than the 3rd February. NHS Guidance states that employers should offer workers who may have handed in their resignation before this date the option to withdraw or pause their notice period until the consultation and Parliamentary process is confirmed. Additionally, for staff who may have left their role as a direct result of the initial regulation, NHS employers can extend an offer to reappoint individuals to their role. The NHS England and NHS Improvement viewpoint is that staff have a professional duty to be vaccinated, and that NHS employers should continue to encourage their staff to ‘drive vaccine confidence’ and to ‘protect themselves and everyone else’. Ultimately, vaccination as a condition of deployment is a challenging, complex call – we have to take into consideration the wellbeing of the general public, the rights of individuals and the ongoing health risk of COVID-19. Employers need to make sure that they are transparent and fair when relaying to staff how their sensitive information will be used, to ensure they are not penalised further down the line.

WHAT ORGANISATIONS SHOULD DO NOW The Control of Patient Information Regulations 2002 (COPI) notice that allowed the processing of such data expired on 30th June 2022 and as the Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment legislation was also revoked on 15th March 2022, organisations wishing to continue to collect workforce flu and Covid-19 vaccination status data must: • Carry out or review their own Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs), • Ensure that they have satisfied their own transparency requirements, and • Ensure that they have the necessary consent. Depending on Government policy from 1st July 2022, organisations (as data controllers) will need to review the basis on which they are holding the data.

Otiom, the World's First IoT Device Designed To Prevent People With Dementia From Becoming Lost Although commonplace, wandering can be dangerous or even life-threatening for people with dementia, and the stress can weigh heavily on friends, family and carers. Otiom - is beginning to make a positive impact in the social care sector and is demonstrating its potential to be a gamechanger for the care of people living with dementia.

WHAT IS OTIOM? Otiom is a unique and discrete tagging device which people with dementia can easily carry. It utilises IoT technology to ensure reliable tracking indoors and outdoors, and has a long battery life.

THE OTIOM SYSTEM: Firstly, the tag: the monitoring device which is carried by the person with a tendency to wander. Secondly, the home base: which is placed in the home of the person with dementia. The Otiom tag constantly communicates with the home base via Bluetooth while the person is at home. Thirdly, the app: which is free on iOS or Android and allows an unlimited number of caregivers or relatives to operate the system. The app allows caregivers to set a safety level depending on individual circumstances. The safety levels have been designed to cater for all stages of dementia. At its lowest setting, location data can

only be accessed when carers are concerned about a person’s whereabouts to manually raise the alarm. The fact that tracking is non-constant helps avoid any invasion of privacy for the person with dementia. Otiom can be managed using a smartphone and a safety zone can be set outside the personal home or care facility where the person resides, including gardens or community areas. If the person leaves the safety zone, an alarm will be triggered and the Otiom-app will show the current location. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about Otiom. Call: 0131 467 5764 Email:



The Future of the Laundry in Infection Prevention Simply complete the survey and fill in your details to be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a Miele Triflex Vacuum Clean at The laundry room in any care home is a crucial part of the day-today operations. The job of handling both soiled and clean linen normally falls to the front-line care staff as very few establishments are big enough to have a dedicated laundry team or laundry manager. Because soiled linen is a breeding ground for infection, the way this is handled by the care team is crucial to infection prevention and control in the care home and helps to protect both residents and staff alike. As part of the mandatory training that is provided to all care staff on an annual basis, the handling of linen is described at length but in the everyday operation of a care home it can be difficult to ensure that the very highest of standards are being achieved. Space can be a limiting factor as many organisations have very small laundry facilities so being able to effectively separate clean and soiled laundry can be practically quite challenging. Time is also a major factor in the daily workings of the laundry room. Without a dedicated laundry team, front-line care staff are performing the duties of a laundry team as part of their daily tasks so being able to take the time and care over the specifics of the laundry operation is not always a priority. At Miele Professional we understand the challenges that care staff face when it comes to providing the very best in infection prevention and control in the laundry versus the reality of providing high standards of care for some of our most frail, elderly people. Our laundry equipment is designed to help take some of the guesswork out of infection

high enough to thermally disinfect the wash. Another benefit of the Miele Professional range is the connectivity. A new product due to be launched later this year by Miele will mean washing machines can be controlled by a smart phone resulting in no need to actually touch the display to select the desired programme and it can be programmed to 32 different languages, removing any issues with comprehension. They are also really quick too – reducing the turnaround time on laundry items whilst still providing the highest quality clean.


prevention by providing you with the reassurances you need that the products are hygienically clean every time. Our Hygiene model Little Giant washing machines offer infection control programmes that ensure that the wash reaches the recommended temperatures and holding times to thermally disinfect linens. gets up to a temperature

The Carer and Miele are offering you the chance to win a Miele Triflex vacuum cleaner for taking part. We want to know your experiences of working in the laundry, what challenges you face, what could make your life easier, how the equipment works for you, what could make it better for the sort of work that you do, what training you have access to and how Miele Professional might be able to provide you with more support. Simply complete the survey and fill in your details to be entered into the prize draw at

Tributes Paid to Signature at Bagshot Care Home Centenarian Tributes have been paid to Barbara Farrell, a Signature at Bagshot resident, who passed away just four days after celebrating her 100th birthday with friends and family. Mrs Farrell turned 100 on 24th March, before sadly passing away on 28th March. Mourners paid their respects to the community stalwart at a funeral ceremony on 28th April. Life began for Barbara in south London, the third of three daughters of Edward (Ted) and Elizabeth Illman. After excelling at school, she enjoyed a fruitful life serving her country working for the Admiralty within the medical section. It was working for the Admiralty, the British government department responsible for the command of the Royal Navy until 1964, that Barbara met her late husband of forty-five years, Julian, who was working as Personal Private Secretary (PPS) to the First Lord of the Admiralty, including to Winston Churchill. A community stalwart, who attributed self-discipline, a careful diet, regular sporting and physical activities to her long life, Barbara was an active member of the Camberley Lawn Tennis Club and played regularly until well into her 80s. Her tireless work in Camberley extended to helping countless children with their

reading at Watchetts Junior School, whilst supporting her husband Julian, who served as a prominent former Mayor of Surrey Heath in 1978 and a Surrey Heath borough councillor for several years. Owing to her husband’s involvement with the Camberley and District Athletics Club, it organises an annual 10k run under the Farrell name and Barbara, who served as a vice-president of the club, used to present the prizes there into her 90s. Barbara was also revered for her ‘Copper-plate’ handwriting, flower arranging credentials and knowledge of gardens. Colleagues at Signature at Bagshot noted ‘she loved the garden and enjoyed sitting outside on sunny days admiring the greenery. Barbara adored her own potted plants especially her beautiful geraniums which were placed just outside her door to the garden’. Barbara leaves a son, three grandchildren, six great grandchildren. Sybil Buijnsters, a client liaison manager at Signature at Bagshot, said: ‘Although Barbara was an independent lady living in our community, she was still very popular and well known and she had many friends visit her regularly. We will certainly miss the excitement on her face when she used to FaceTime her son, Tim. Barbara was a charming inspirational lady, and she will be missed.’

DO YOU KNOW THE CARER’S NEXT UNSUNG HERO? Regular readers will know we here at the Carer have been awarding an Unsung Hero regularly since 2016! Now, in these unprecedented and testing times we are Say hello looking for another to some Unsung Hero! previous (How we wish we could winners! reward you all!)

Care Home urst of Cloverfield Marion Brockleh

A Super Deluxe Luxury Hamper for the lucky winner!

Court n of Chamberlain Suzanne Goodma

Thelma O’Leary of Fern hill House Care Home

Tina Higginson of Sam brook care home

A no-frills, no glitz or glamour competition - all we ask is for you to send us a paragraph or two nominating your Unsung Hero from any department with a brief description of how they've gone that extra mile and deserve to be recognised.

✓ Do you know our next Unsung Hero? Email your nomination to us by Friday May 20th 2022 at


4 Reflections On Technology In Care: The Past, Present And The Exciting Future By Laurence Geller CBE 1. MONITORING

possible care for those that need it most.

Over the past few years, staff across the industry have provided outstanding care, amidst highly challenging circumstances. However, as demand for care increases, the pressure on staff does too. We need to look to means to support staff in their work, and to enable them to focus on delivering hands on, high-quality, human care. New technology can allow for remote monitoring, analysis and diagnosis of key needs. Audible cues can detect signs and symptoms of a possible fall, and mattress management technology can pick up possible incontinence. AI-enabled ‘pain-check’ facial analysis can assist in analysing patient condition and comfort. These tools can help ease the workload of staff, and provide them with digestible and accessible real-time information, allowing them to focus on what matters most.



We stand at a crossroads for the future of care. The sector has been in the spotlight much over the last few years, and not often for positive reasons. Social care has become an increasingly political subject, and there is much discussion around the sector, pertaining to Covid rules, funding, staffing levels, and its uncertain future. One certainty is that our people are our most important asset. It is they who set the tone and direction of the industry and are the beating pulse of its workings. However, they have seen great challenges over the past 2 years, and as a result, we need to look to new ways to protect, support and empower them. As we look at the next 5, and 10 years for the industry, we should look to face the problems of the sector head-on. Whilst funding and policy are integral parts of the solution, we must also look to generate solutions from within the industry itself. Increasingly, technology has become an accessible and widespread tool in care, and something that should be embraced as part of care’s future.

The safety of our patients must be paramount, and technology is certainly a great tool to aid that. Electronic patient care records are becoming more commonplace in healthcare settings, and should be embraced in care settings too. Software can monitor medication dosing, help track a patient’s condition over time, and flag things requiring immediate attention. Digitally enabled mattresses can detect and alert to changes in physiology, such as abnormal vital signs. These technologies can also allow for better continuation of care, throughout the care pathways, ensuring that a patient is not a nameless, folded sheet of paper, but instead a holistic individual with records to match.

3. THERAPY Care needs are becoming both more complex, and more understood. Technology can, and has, enabled a breadth of new therapies for some of the more complex conditions. For those suffering with dementia, it has unlocked a new realm of possibility in memory care, such as the use of virtual reality, sensory enhancement chambers and movement/motion therapy chairs. Circadian rhythmic lighting systems can reduce circadian dysfunction (a common problem for those living in care homes, particularly those with degenerative brain diseases). We have endless opportunities, now, and in the future, to provide the best

Arguably, dignity is one of the most important, and most overlooked aspects in developing the future of the care industry. Dignity in care goes beyond how we direct interactions with patients – but must be at the core of their experience, through every aspect of their day-to-day. Technology, when used correctly, is a greater enabler of a proud, holistic patient care experience. Direct care alarms, linking individual residents to portable devices held by staff can make alerts discreet. Applications can keep family members abreast of a resident’s routine and day from afar. Medication can be dispensed personally, and in privacy. All these developments allow ‘patients’ to reclaim their sense of ‘person’ and to have their care be a subtle addition, as opposed to an overt fact. Times are changing, and we as a sector must change with them. Care has sat in the shadows for too, and it is time, with the help of the blossoming care technology field, to bring it to the light.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Laurence Geller CBE is one of the leading real estate investors in the world, specialising in the luxury end of hospitality. He is currently founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of both Geller Capital Partners and Innovative Aged Care, the UK’s pioneer in high-end dementia care residential facilities that operate under the Loveday & Co brand name. Loveday is the UK’s first dedicated specialist provider of dementia care for high-net-worth individuals. Both of Laurence’s parents suffered from dementia – he saw first-hand the debilitating effects of the disease on the individual, as well as the impact on families who care for and support their loved ones. He currently serves as a Global Business Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society and in 2018 donated £1m to University West London to establish the Institute for Ageing and Memory. Laurence is an advisor to Nigel Huddleston MP, Minister for Sport at DCMS, on concussion in sport, and is the founder and chairman of Love of the Game, a charity which seeks to reduce concussion-related issues arising from contact and non-contact sports. He is funding a study into vascular repair and regeneration to lessen the chances of rugby players suffering from dementia in later life. Laurence is a respected philanthropist and raises significant sums for a variety of causes which include dementia training, education and care, children’s health, child poverty, education in general with the Royal Hospital Chelsea, UK military supporting institutions, UNICEF as well as a variety of US-based children’s and medical institutions.

‘Inspirational Nurse’ Hailed by Colleagues and Residents at Signature at Elton House, Picks up Trusted Care Prize A Clinical Services Manager at Signature at Elton House is celebrating after being awarded special recognition for her work at the luxury care home. Cristina-Amor Uy, who works at the care home in Bushey, is being hailed for her impact as a role model. She is setting up a program for Elton House to start receiving student nurses so she can mentor them as part of their nurse training. This, along with her ‘unwavering, positive, can-do attitude’ resulted in her being named among Trusted Care’s Nursing Superstars. The care home search website picked Cristina as one of four winning submissions from care homes across the country. Cristina was presented flowers by her colleagues at the care home and championed as a deserved winner. Karen Fleming, Client Liaison Manager at Signature at Elton House, who nominated Cristina for her award, said: "Cristina always has a very sunny disposition and inspires her staff and colleagues.

“Cristina has come in on her day off to cover last-minute sickness to ensure all of our residents are provided with the care they deserve. We really admire her selflessness. “She is always keen to help other departments when she can, going over and above what is expected of her. Cristina is always thinking about others and is in the process of setting up a program for Elton House to start receiving student nurses so she can mentor them as part of their nurse training. “This is just one example of her kindness and willingness to give up her own time to help others.” Reflecting on her award success, Cristina said: “I was overwhelmed being nominated for the award; I feel truly blessed to be recognised for doing the job I love.” Speaking about Cristina, one resident added: “I always know it’s going to be a good day when Cristina is on duty. er smile lights up the room and her care and compassion know no bounds.”

All Change at the Helm of Hartford Care Sean and Jo Gavin, who, together, have led the development of Hartford Care since its foundation 20 years ago, are stepping back from executive roles in the company at the end of May 2022. Sean Gavin will take a position on the Hartford Care Group Board of Directors and will continue to offer his wise words and experience to the group. Both will be providing ad hoc consultancy to the company as it continues to deliver care, comfort and companionship across its 16 homes. With Sean and Jo stepping back, Hartford Care is delighted to announce the appointment of Kevin Shaw as the company’s new CEO. Kevin, who has a deep passion for social impact, has a very strong background around the development of exceptional properties. Most recently, he created care homes and retirement villages as CEO of Sarista Development and

Santhem Residences. He was also the Managing Director at Audley Group and is a non-executive director at Housing Plus Group. Of his appointment, Kevin says: “I am delighted to be joining Hartford Care Group at such an exciting time for the company. Over the next few years, we have the support of our shareholders to double the size of the group and continue building upon the strong foundations created by Sean and Jo. Hartford Care has a talented, committed and socially conscious team which I look forward to working with.” Hartford Care Group Limited, part of a familyowned business, which was established more than a century ago in 1908, has 16 individual care and nursing homes located throughout the south of England.


Research Reveals Dementia as UK Women’s Leading Cause of Death for a Decade Alzheimer’s Research UK is calling for action to tackle dementia’s disproportionate impact on women, as a new analysis shows the condition has been the leading cause of death for UK women since 2011. As the charity launches its report at the start of Dementia Action Week (Monday 16 May), it is urging the Government to deliver on its Dementia Moonshot promise to double research funding, and convene a Dementia Medicines Taskforce to speed up progress in finding new treatments for this devastating condition. In 2020, 46,000 women died from dementia, almost twice as many as men (24,000) – and more than died of COVID-19 (41,000). While deaths from COVID-19 are now falling in the UK thanks to new treatments and the national rollout of vaccines, dementia continues to be the leading cause of death for women – with no new treatments for the condition in a generation. The charity’s analysis, The Impact of Dementia on Women, calls for action as part of the government’s new Women’s Health Strategy and its Dementia Strategy. Both strategies are due to be published in the coming weeks, and the UK’s leading dementia research charity argues that both can play a key role in addressing the challenges highlighted by the analysis. It’s now urging the government to ensure joined up action as the strategies are implemented, to avoid the impact of dementia on women continuing unchecked. The analysis shows: • Dementia became the leading cause of death for women in the UK in 2011 and has remained at this position ever since, including during 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Two in three people with dementia (65%) are women, and longer life expectancy on its own does not account for the higher incidence of dementia among women. • Around two thirds (between 60% and 70%) of people caring for loved ones with dementia are women. • Women receive worse healthcare than men in the UK, which has the largest gender health gap within G20 countries. • Across medical research, women are less likely to be included in clinical trials, despite being more likely than men to experience drug reactions. • Female dementia researchers are less likely to move into senior roles compared to their male counterparts, meaning research may be missing vital different perspectives that could help address the gender data gap.

Alzheimer’s Research UK is making a series of recommendations for government and the life sciences sector as a result of this analysis. It argues that: • With no current treatments in the UK able to tackle the diseases that cause dementia, the government’s forthcoming Dementia Strategy needs to target brain health to help more people reduce their risk of dementia, with an emphasis on risk factors that particularly impact women. • Ongoing research to better understand why dementia is more prevalent in women than men is critical – and the government must deliver its £160m Dementia Moonshot commitment to research, including funds targeted at answering this important question. • For research to yield results that are relevant to all those affected by dementia, data from women and sex-based analysis of results must be included. • Research funders and drug regulators must develop clear plans to ensure women can contribute fully to dementia research, both as participants and as researchers. Dr Amber John, a dementia researcher at UCL (University College London), was recently awarded a Research Fellowship from Alzheimer’s Research UK to study the links between psychological wellbeing and dementia risk.

She said: “I chose to focus on dementia research because I have seen the devastating impact that dementia can have on some people living with dementia and their loved ones. As an early career researcher, I’m currently laying the foundations for what I hope will be a long-term profession. It’s my ambition that over the course of that career, I’ll be able to make discoveries that will help to transform the lives of people with dementia. But as a woman it’s worrying to know that female dementia researchers are less likely to progress into senior roles, and this is something that must change. We must take action to break the bias and enable female researchers to participate on an equal basis with our male counterparts.” Researchers submitting grant proposals to Alzheimer’s Research UK are asked to show that they have considered equity, inclusion and diversity when determining study populations, and must specify the sex of animals being studied. And the charity is planning to trial blind reviews of applications, in an effort to limit bias and improve the diversity of researchers it awards grants to. These steps are part of the charity’s commitment to continually listen, review and improve its approach. Hilary Evans, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “It’s shocking to see that despite dementia becoming the leading cause of death for UK women more than a decade ago, this situation remains unchanged today. Dementia is devastating for every person it affects, but this report shows that its impact is hitting women particularly hard. The experiences of women like Carli and Amber underline the urgent need to find new ways to treat and prevent dementia, and the need to ensure women can make a full contribution to research alongside men. “Although many of these challenges are seen across other health conditions, they are particularly stark for dementia. Alzheimer’s Research UK is committed to addressing these issues in the research we fund, and we hope this report will kick-start a conversation about how we can take more action across the sector. Research funders and drug regulators have a vital role to play, and government has an important opportunity to help break the bias as it rolls out its new Women’s Health Strategy and Dementia Strategy. And ultimately, doubling government investment in research is vital if we’re to put an end to the fear, harm and heartbreak of dementia.”

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Selfless Signature At The Beeches Nurses Express Pride In Caring For Residents, And How ‘Their Voices Lead’ Signature at The Beeches is showcasing the incredible work its nurses perform, and the difference they make to its residents, as part of International Nurses’ Day. Today, nurses working at The Beeches in Brentwood, and from across the Signature family of 36 luxury care homes in London and the south east are sharing their stories as part of the day, organised by the International Council of Nurses. The 2022 theme for the annual celebration is Nurses: A Voice to Lead. Signature at Beeches has 16 nurses working at the care home and have revealed the opportunities and the rewards of working as nurses in the care home sector. Suzanne Hung, a nurse at Signature at the Beeches, says her decision to become a nurse was driven by instinct and the desire to make a positive difference. Reflecting on her career, and how a nurse has a voice to lead, she said: “During my career I have cared for people at times of incredible joy and immense grief. In my experience the simplest of acts, a smile, a kind word or just sitting holding someone’s hand make the most powerful difference. “At The Beeches, I have the privilege of working with an inspiring team dedicated to providing excellent care for our residents. As a nurse, we provide support and advocacy so our residents can live and lead their

best lives. “It's a great feeling to go home at the end of a shift feeling satisfied that the team and I provided outstanding care, and having no two days that are the same and you are constantly learning. “No two days are the same and you are constantly learning and developing leadership of care.” Goda Greivyte, has been a fully trained nurse for three years, having completed training at Oxford Brookes University, before moved back to Essex. Her experience took her from working in A&E for two and a half years, before completing six months in infection control during the Covid pandemic, which fueled her desire to make difference with elderly care home residents. Reflecting on her journey since joining The Beeches in January 2022, Goda said: “It’s a nice environment and the care and nursing standards are of a high quality, I have enjoyed working in the care home sector and being able to offer the care that our residents deserve and you would like to receive” “Nurses across the world strive to deliver the highest standard of care, which personally speaking is extremely rewarding. More importantly it allows residents to live and lead their best lives.”

Hugh Myddelton Celebrated International Nurses Day “Coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of

sionate about caring for others, and that compassion and commitment

modern nursing, International Nurses Day, held on Thursday 12th May, is

has shone through even more over the past year. They continue to work

a day to celebrate nurses and care staff around the world. Residents and

tirelessly, and I’m proud of the professionalism and duty of care they

staff at Hugh Myddelton House care home in Southgate, were happy to

uphold. All their efforts are focused on delivering the best possible care

get involved by hosting a much deserved presentation for our amazing

for our residents, so it’s nice to take this time to show our appreciation in


return. It is also lovely to celebrate our residents who were nurses them-

In 2022, the International Council of Nurses is seeking to focus on the

selves and thank them for all the hard work they did during their careers.”

need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strength-

Cristina, nurse at the home, said “I have always wanted to be nurse

en health systems around the world. International Nurses’ Day is a day to

from a young age and think it’s a great job for young people to consider.

give thanks for the dedication of care givers everywhere, who go above

You make such a positive effect on other lives, You get to meet amazing

and beyond the call of duty to deliver extraordinary care and support.

people, find out about their amazing life stories and it’s an honour sup-

Ramona Stanciu, General Manager at the home, said: “At Hugh Myddelton, our nurses and staff are hard-working, dedicated, and pas-

port them.”

Southgate Beaumont Honour Staff On International Nurses’ Day Coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, International Nurses Day, held on Thursday 12th May, is a day to celebrate nurses and care staff around the world. Residents and staff at Southgate Beaumont care home in Southgate were happy to get involved by hosting a much deserved celebration for their amazing team. The nurses were presented with some beautiful flowers and art work created by the residents. One picture is based on the saying that ‘Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes’! In 2022, the International Council of Nurses is seeking to focus on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world. International Nurses’ Day is a day to give thanks for the dedication of care givers everywhere, who go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver extraordinary care and support.

Beatrice Godfrey, General Manager at the home, said: “At Southgate Beaumont, our nurses and staff are hard-working, dedicated, and passionate about caring for others, and that compassion and commitment has shone through even more over the past year. They continue to work tirelessly, and I’m proud of the professionalism and duty of care they uphold. All their efforts are focused on delivering the best possible care for our residents, so it’s nice to take this time to show our appreciation in return. It is also lovely to celebrate our residents who were nurses themselves and thank them for all the hard work they did during their careers.” Rosalind Simpson, who lives at Southgate Beaumont said: “The staff here spend so much time and energy looking after us, it’s been lovely to show just how much we appreciate them, they do a smashing job.”

‘Being Part of a Big Family’, Signature at Bagshot Nurse Shares Her Story and How ‘A Nurse’s Voice Leads’ as Part of International Nurses Day Signature at Bagshot is showcasing the incredible work its nurses perform, and difference they make to its residents, as part of International Nurses’ Day. Today, nurses working at Bagshot and from across the Signature family of 36 luxury care homes in London and the south east are sharing their stories as part of the day, organised by the International Council of Nurses. The 2022 theme for the annual celebration is Nurses: A Voice to Lead. Nurses at Bagshot and across the Signature Senior Lifestyle family of 36 luxury care homes have revealed the opportunities, the challenges and the rewards of working as nurses in the care home sector. Having joined Signature in July 2015, a then newly-qualified nurse Adina Dobre voluntarily joined as a care assistant at Signature at Bagshot before she became a registered general nurse. Adina highlighted the positive impact that nursing has on residents at the care home,

and the opportunity she has had to connect with them immediately when working as a care assistant. She said: “I was a newly qualified nurse but having few months as a care assistant helped me accommodate and get to know my residents. The nursing team at Signature was so supporting and made me feel part of the team from the first day. “The best part working at Signature is the feeling of being part of a big family. To connect with the residents and to bring some joy in their life, to be the first person to help when things are not right or to just drink some tea and listen to them, to treat them as family because we have a lot to learn from them. “To be a nurse at Signature is more than a job. Is the gratitude we feel when we changed or improved someone’s life even for a moment. That is how I believe a nurse’s voice can lead.”


Chorleywood Beaumont Honour Staff On International Nurses’ Day Coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, International Nurses Day, held on Thursday 12th May, is a day to celebrate nurses and care staff around the world. Residents and staff at Chorleywood Beaumont care home in Chorleywood were happy to get involved by hosting a much deserved celebration. In 2022, the International Council of Nurses is seeking to focus on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world. International Nurses’ Day is a day to give thanks for the dedication of care givers everywhere, who go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver

our nurses and staff are hard-working, dedicated, and passionate about caring for others, and that compassion and commitment has shone through even more over the past year. They continue to work tirelessly, and I’m proud of the professionalism and duty of care they uphold. All their efforts are focused on delivering the best possible care for our residents, so it’s nice to take this time to show our appreciation in return. It is also lovely to celebrate our residents who were nurses themselves and thank them for all the hard work they did during their careers.” Harold Tasker who lives at Chorleywood Beaumont, said: “The staff here spend so much time and energy looking after us, it’s been lovely to show just how much we

extraordinary care and support. Ramona Stanciu, General Manager at the home, said: “At Chorleywood Beaumont,

appreciate them, they do a smashing job.”

Nurses at Signature at Cliveden Manor Share Their Stories Signature at Cliveden Manor is showcasing the incredible work its nurses perform, and difference they make to its residents, as part of International Nurses’ Day. Today, nurses working at Cliveden Manor and from across the Signature family of 36 luxury care homes in London and the south east are sharing their stories as part of the day, organised by the International Council of Nurses. The 2022 theme for the annual celebration is Nurses: A Voice to Lead. Signature at Cliveden Manor nurses have revealed the opportunities, the challenges and the rewards of working as nurses in the care home sector. Having embarked on careers from around the world, and each with a personal connection to the profession Silviu Matei and Klarika Laszlo have revealed how their roles have taken them to Marlow. Silviu Matei joined the care home in January, and is following in his mother’s footsteps, herself a registered nurse in Romania. He said: “My role as a nurse is a true vocation. When I was a teenager, I was initially interested in Maths and Computer Science and also studied at Art School, but I found myself being drawn towards my mother’s career. “I would sit and watch her carry out electrocardiograms (ECGs) on her patients, and it inspired me to

start my own career as a nurse. My role as a Signature nurse, and the leadership my colleagues and I have in the care of our residents, means we make such a difference to their lives. “This is very rewarding, and it is important we celebrate the work of all nurses around the world for the difference we all make.” Klarika Laszlo, despite also coming from a family of medical professionals, saw her original career pathway take her away from a career in nursing. However, her father’s short illness and subsequent passing compelled Klarika to begin her career in care. Joining Signature at Cliveden Manor in 2018, she embarked on the provider’s Nursing Associate training programme in partnership with BPP University in Waterloo, and qualified in January 2022 as a Nurse Associate. She said: “My father’s illness and his passing awakened a passion inside me to help others. “I am proud of my achievement of qualifying as a Nurse Associate, and feeling a valued part of the Nursing Team at Cliveden. Being able to progress within Signature has been the highlight of my career so far. “I would like to thank Mihaela Popa, Cliveden’s Nursing Care Manager, for supporting and encouraging me throughout my studies and who has motivated me to continue studying to become a full Registered Nurse, if the opportunity arises.”

Magnolia Court Honour Staff On International Nurses’ Day Coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, International Nurses Day, held on Thursday 12th May, is a day to celebrate nurses and care staff around the world. Residents and staff at Magnolia Court care home in Golders Green, were happy to get involved by hosting a much deserved celebration. In 2022, the International Council of Nurses is seeking to focus on the need to protect, support and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world. International Nurses’ Day is a day to give thanks for the dedication of care givers everywhere, who go above and beyond the call of duty to deliver extraordinary care and support. Octavian Stanciu, General Manager at the home,

said: “At Magnolia Court, our nurses and staff are hardworking, dedicated, and passionate about caring for others, and that compassion and commitment has shone through even more over the past year. They continue to work tirelessly, and I’m proud of the professionalism and duty of care they uphold. All their efforts are focused on delivering the best possible care for our residents, so it’s nice to take this time to show our appreciation in return. It is also lovely to celebrate our residents who were nurses themselves and thank them for all the hard work they did during their careers.” Ann White who lives at Magnolia Court said: “The staff here spend so much time and energy looking after us, it’s been lovely to show just how much we appreciate them, they do a smashing job.”

HC-One Care Homes Mark International Nurses’ Day HC-One care homes across the UK celebrated International Nurses’ Day on Wednesday 12th May – the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, widely considered as the founder of modern nursing – to celebrate the achievements of the nursing profession and to mark the contributions that Nurses make to society across the world. At Richmond House Care Home, near Leigh in Lancashire, Lorraine Scholey, Home Manager treated all Nursing Colleagues at the home with a surprise full English breakfast to mark the day, along with a personalised gift. The Nurses were very grateful and appreciated the lovely gesture made by Lorraine. Lorraine Scholey, Home Manager at Richmond House Care Home commented, “I just want to show my appreciation to all Nurses working in the home for their hard work and dedication, especially over the last year!” At Arcadia Gardens Care Home in Bridgeton, Glasgow, Residents and Wellbeing team Colleagues came together to arrange a special gesture of appreciation for all of the remarkable work that nursing Colleagues do at the home every day. Each Nurse was gifted a handmade card and a stunning bouquet of flowers, apart from Home Manager, Louise Singh who received her favourite coffee, as she prefers coffee to flowers. After the presentation there was a quiz, which everyone enjoyed participating in whilst eating a piece of delicious cake. Arcadia Garden’s Home Manager, Louise Singh said, “Thank you to our wonderful Residents and Wellbeing team for making all of our incredible Nurses feel special and appreciated on International Nurses’ Day.” At Melbury Court Care Home in Durham, the hard work and dedication of Nurses working globally and in the home was celebrated. The

team arranged for special gifts to be given to Colleagues in the Nursing team, along with Community Nurse Practitioner, Emma Noble who regularly visits the care home. Residents and Colleagues applauded as the Nurses received their tokens of appreciation. Hazel Southern, Melbury Court’s Home Manager stated, “Nurses do such important and selfless acts each and every day, it’s lovely to have a day dedicated to celebrating their commitment to helping others.” In Balornock, Glasgow at Northgate House Care Home, Colleagues and Residents celebrated the achievements of Nurse, Karuna Bersabal who recently passed her OSCI exam. Karuna, who is 24 years old, left her family and home country of the Philippines to move to Scotland with sponsorship from HC-One to become a Nurse. Colleagues and Residents gave Karuna a warm welcome and she quickly became a valued member of the HC-One family. Everyone at

the home was delighted to hear that Karuna’s hard work had paid off when she passed her OSCI exam and she is currently awaiting her PIN number to continue her nursing career at HC-One. To mark her achievement, Colleagues arranged for a beautiful bouquet of flowers to be presented to Karuna as part of the homes’ International Nurses’ Day celebrations and her achievement. Care Home Manager at Northgate House, Kate Cairns said, “We are all very proud of Karuna’s achievements, she is an inspiration to us all and an integral part of the team at Northgate House.” At Mossdale Residence Care Home in Burnholme, York, Colleagues and Residents came together to share their memories of Nurses, and those who were Nurses in their younger days reminisced about their career. Each Colleague of the professional nursing care team at the home received a small gift as a thank you for their hard work and commitment to helping others. Mossdale Residence’s Home Manager, Victoria Edwards commented, “It was wonderful to celebrate the amazing work Nurses do each and every day throughout the world, but especially our fantastic nursing team here at Mossdale Residence.”


Careful Consideration of Supportive Strategies Over Behaviour-Modifying Drugs for Dementia Residents By Jo Crossland, Head of Dementia Care, Avery Healthcare (

Mood-altering or behaviour modifying medication to treat ‘behaviour’ in dementia care has long been a contentious subject. The Banerjee report [2009] provided a sobering reminder of the dangers of people with often severe cognitive impairment being routinely prescribed powerful antipsychotic medication. This should have led to widespread change in how we regard the distressed actions and reactions experienced by individuals living with dementia. Undoubtedly, creating national reporting requirements to monitor antipsychotic use was a positive development, which subsequently caused a reduction in the number of these drugs being prescribed to residents with dementia living in Care Homes. However, other mood-

altering or behaviour modifying medication continues to be prescribed, often with apparent little regard to the root cause of a person’s distress, and frequently without thoroughly considering the potential impact of what can be significant side effects to that individual. For example, Lorazepam (also known as Ativan) is one of the groups of drugs known as Benzodiazepines, which can be clinically effective as a short-term treatment for several conditions, including anxiety and anxiety-induced insomnia []. Despite being recommended to be taken for no more than four weeks, due to the high risk of tolerance and dependence, in reality, Lorazepam is frequently prescribed to residents in care homes for long-term use. It is often administered to ‘manage’ distress in people with dementia on an ‘as required’ basis, without exploring underlying reasons for distress or considering alternative non-pharmacological treatment options. Common side effects of this drug and other Benzodiazepines include feeling sleepy or tired in the daytime, increased confusion, dizziness, and problems with coordination and controlling movements which can increase the risk of falls []. In addition, paradoxical effects of Lorazepam can include restlessness, agitation and feeling angry, risking making everyday life harder than ever for a person coping with cognitive decline. When supporting a person with dementia who has become distressed or is experiencing frequent and unpleasant actions and reactions, the cause of the distress should always be investigate, with non-pharmacological care interventions attempted first, before Benzodiazepines or antipsychotic medication to treat distress is consid-

ered. There could be any number of reasons as to why a resident with dementia may be experiencing distress, for example; physical causes, including pain and infection, or external triggers including unfamiliar or overcrowded environments or apparently unrealistic demands being made by others – common occurrences for a person with dementia living in a care home. Addressing underlying physical or external factors or conditions and using life story work to understand a person’s established and preferred way of living must be thoroughly considered by care teams working to support residents with dementia. This will provide alternative strategies to understand triggers for an individual and enable suitable approaches to be put in place to support a person during periods of distress. For example, avoiding situations that the team know a resident with dementia cannot cope with and exploring alternative options that the person finds more tolerable. Of course, we should never say never to mood-altering and behaviour modifying drugs – at the right time, for the right reasons, these medicines can be the difference between well-being and despair for an individual. However, they should never be the first line of treatment. People living with dementia deserve better than that. References: Banerjee, S. (2009) The use of antipsychotic medication for people with dementia: Time for action. Department for Health, London. BNF British National Formulary - NICE

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show 2022 A brand new show is set to take the care sector by storm this year. Inspired Motive acquired the ‘South West Care Show’ during the pandemic and have rebranded the show to make it more encompassing. With over 30 years of experience in the event industry, Inspired Motive will be hosting the Care & Occupational Therapy Show. The visitors will include buyers from Care Homes, Domiciliary care companies, Care Groups, NHS, Trusts, Individual Carers, and Individual Practitioners also. Attracting 3000+ visitors, it will truly be a festival of business for the care community. Their goal is to enable companies across the UK to exhibit innovative products that will aid care sector professionals to enhance their brand/services, with 175+ Exhibitors, 30+ Industry Leading Speakers and a Live Demo Area, the show is perfectly positioned to put you on the road to success. The show will also be appealing to Occupational Therapists as there will be services exhibited by those that cater to that market too, making it by far the largest care event in the South West.

The show has already confirmed impressive keynote speakers from the likes of Care England and Care Quality Commission with more to be announced in the coming weeks. They already have some great exhibitors at the show, from the likes of - Albert Goodman, Motor Tech, Appetito, Nourish, Oysta Technology and Reval Continuing Care. All of the show’s seminars are CPD accredited so you can also earn your CPD points whilst attending the show. All tickets for the show are free and will be released over the coming weeks. You can keep an eye on show announcements and ticket availability via their website If you are interested in exhibiting your own products/services at the show, please contact Luke Outram on 02045 178 888 or email - Driven By Health With care are official show media partners and we very much look forward to seeing you all there.

Community Collaboration Pilot Scheme to Begin to Help Residents to Live Later Life Well A Welsh care home and community scheme have merged to set up a collaborative day centre for the local community. MHA Hafan y Waun care home and MHA Communities Aberystwyth will be working together to encourage older people to get involved with a whole host of activities and services planned. The home provides residential dementia care for 90 residents, in purposebuilt, en suite accommodation while MHA Communities Aberystwyth helps to tackle loneliness and isolation in people over 55 through befriending, lunch clubs, assisted shopping, activity and friendship sessions, outings, assistance to attend appointments and much more. The scheme is the first of its kind for MHA, and will officially open on Wednesday 18 May from 10am at its base at Waun Fawr in Aberystwyth. The opening day will be split into two sessions, which members of the community who are aged over 55 are encouraged to attend. Karen Rees Roberts, communities’ manager at MHA Communities

Aberystwyth, said: “The launch day is an opportunity for people to be a part of this scheme as their input and feedback will be most valuable to the expansion and creation of MHA Communities. “The Rt Hon High Sheriff of Dyfed, Rowland Rees Evans and his wife Sian will be in attendance as well as members from the wider community. “By bringing the local community and care home under one roof, people from the local community and residents will have access to support and activities, extending our reach to those most in need beyond the care home. “In order to deliver this service, we will create a community centre within the care home. This centre will enable us to welcome members from the local community into the care home. “Befriending will be a key service, connecting members of the scheme and residents with volunteers. “We plan to use MHA Communities Aberystwyth as a model to shape our future work across the UK.”

Health and Safety Matters – Keep Up to Date The National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services ( NASHiCS ) focuses on all health and safety matters affecting the social care sector. The association has goes from strength to strength and has a growing membership across many providers and organisations covering the UK. Keeping up to date regarding Health and Safety matters is vital. The more you know, the more you can plan and the more you plan, the less you are susceptible in turbulent times. Through the association you can Network with colleagues responsible for Health and Safety, share your own ‘best practice’ experiences and hear how others have overcome challenges. Attend dedicated events, on health and safety at special member rates; and participate in national and local Networkers, Conferences and Seminars, in-person or virtual. Advertise job vacancies free; and benefit from special member offers and rates from suppliers of goods services and equipment.

Receive regular update emails covering latest developments and safety alerts/news; while giving access to current information, links on key safety topics; and monthly our highly praised e-News. Matters cover range from fire safety, training, infection control, lone working, falls prevention, first aid to stress, legionella, case law, regulation, people moving people and mock courts to mention just a few. See our website for report on past events – We have national links with other organisations, government bodies and enforcement agencies. Our aim is to promote and improve safety and health in care practice by providing a sharing and networking forum for debate, and discussion. Joining NASHiCS is a great and easy way to keep informed and aware. Health and Safety is an essential and matters to everyone involved with social care now and in the future. Find out more – | | 07840 160 030


How Dogs Can Help People with Autism By Julie Butcher- Head of Marketing at Webbox ( having a stable routine.

Dogs are wonderful animals. They're incredibly loyal, loving, and make great companions too. And these fantastic animals can also be great support for both adults and children with autism. They can be good for people with the condition in a number of ways, including by providing routine, being a calming influence, and more. Plus, adopting a dog can be great for the whole family! To explain more about how dogs can help people with autism in their daily routine, the pet care experts Webbox are here to tell us more.

CONVERSATION STARTERS It's common for neurodivergent people to find making friends challenging. It can be difficult for autistic people to understand body language, facial expressions, and social cues, which can make the thought of finding new friends anxiety-inducing. However, friends are important for all of us, not just for preventing loneliness and isolation, but to help us expand our worldview and consider things from other people's perspectives. The good news is that dogs can make it easier for people with autism to make friends. Dogs act as a conversation starter, and having the dog at your side can make you feel calmer and even boost your confidence to help you socialise more. If there is a dog-walking group in the local area, this can be great for autistic people too as they can both make friends in the group and fit it into their daily or weekly routine.

SENSORY SUPPORT People with autism can struggle a lot with sensory processing. For some, processing different sensory messages can be incredibly overwhelming, which is known as hypersensitivity. Many others experience hyposensitivity, which means that they have an abnormally decreased sensitivity to sensory stimuli. And some of those with autism can experience both of these extremes for different senses. There are a number of ways to handle difficulty in sensory processing, including by fidgeting, finding a quiet place to relax, or getting the right therapy. But one way to ease the discomfort which you may not have previously considered is to turn to your furry friend for support. Dogs can provide sensory stimulation through games, such as fetch or tug of war. The animals can also be helpful for stimming (self-stimulating behaviour) as they enjoy being touched and played with. For someone looking for repetitive movement, they may find comfort in petting their dog.

A CALMING INFLUENCE It's relatively common for autistic people to also experience stress and anxiety. In fact, a study by the National Autistic Society and Mind has found that 94% of people with autism experience anxiety, and almost half of these people fall into the severe anxiety category. Autistic people are more likely to experience stress and anxiety for a number of reasons, including sensory processing difficulties and unexpected changes to routines. It's important for people with autism to find ways to relax and

recharge during particularly stressful moments. The good news is that dogs can help them with this. Research has found that petting dogs even for just 10 minutes can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Pet owners also tend to have lower blood pressure and resting heart rates than the rest of the population, which is great for both mental and physical health (Pure Wow).

PROVIDES ROUTINE If you have a dog, you'll know that they thrive on routine and like predictability, so it's a good idea to feed them and walk them at the same time each day. Dogs can't tell the time like humans, so they use our routine to predict what happens next. As well as being a great way to alleviate anxiety in dogs, it can also help them with training too. Routine is also important for people with autism, which is why dogs can make a great addition to their lives. Having a daily timetable allows autistic people to predict what's coming next, which alleviates their anxiety and mentally prepares them for the day ahead. So if you or a family member have autism and you have a dog, both will benefit from

COMPANIONSHIP There's a reason that they say "a dog is a man's best friend". These animals are loving, loyal, and will always be there for their owners. They don't talk back, judge, or question why you're doing something a certain way — they're just happy to be in your company. When you've had a difficult day, or you're struggling with your human relationships, spending time with your dog can really boost your mood and make you feel less lonely. "Dogs are fantastic pets for so many people, but they're especially good for people with autism. As well as being companions and friends in themselves, they can even help people make friends too by giving them the confidence they need in anxiety-inducing situations. And when sensory processing issues become too much, spending time with your dog is a great way to both calm down and stim by petting them or playing a fun game. "Dogs tend to love routine just as much as autistic people do. So to help the both of you thrive, wake up and walk at the same time everyday, and make sure to have a regular feeding and treat schedule too."

Worthing Care Home Residents Enjoy an ‘Afternoon at the Movies’ Residents at Worthing care home Linfield House were taken to Hollywood, as staff transformed a room into a cinema and screened the classic movie Easter Parade. Residents at Linfield House, a dementia with nursing care home which is part of Worthing charity Guild Care, enjoyed the full cinema experience, with ushers offering trays of goodies and popcorn, and showing the cinema go-ers to their seats once they’d presented their tickets. This rounded off a busy month at the care home, with various activities taking place, including residents baking Easter cakes and enjoying homemade hot cross buns. They also participated in an Easter raffle where residents won lots of good-

ies and a popular Easter quiz. Resident Rita, 96, said: “I love all musicals, they remind me of my time on the stage when I used to perform. You cannot go wrong with a classic movie like Mamma Mia!”’ Resident Liz, 91, said: “The music never ages in movies”. Linfield House’s Deputy Manager, Michal Kusmierek said: “Our weekly cinema experience is such a fun way for the residents to reminisce and socialise. We try to make the experience as close to the real thing as possible and usually aim to run themed activities around it.”

On The Buses – Just Like Summer Holiday At Bernard Sunley, the Woking-based care home run by charity Friends of the Elderly, the team pulled out all the musical stops to celebrate resident Betty Bunce’s 91st Birthday. Betty and her care home friends enjoyed a delicious birthday tea and scrumptious birthday cake followed by a surprise performance by Daniel Brewerton, Betty’s favourite singer. However, the surprises kept coming and Betty’s day was topped off by a visit from one of her sons, Andrew, who joined his Mum for her ‘centenary minus nine’ day. Betty, who has been a resident at Bernard Sunley for five years, is always busy and gets involved in many of the daily activities. Betty said: “My favourite activity at Bernard Sunley is playing Boules. It gets rather competitive, but in a good way. It’s similar to bowls and is also known as Pétanque and whenever we’re playing the poor old Jack takes a beating from all our throws to get our opponents boule out of the way, it’s great fun.” Boules isn’t Betty’s only source of enjoyment at the home. Sharing what else she gets up to at Bernard Sunley, Betty continued: “I also love the arts, crafts and colouring sessions, but I find it a bit difficult nowadays as my hands and fingers can be quite stiff and painful sometimes, but that doesn’t stop me. I’ve always enjoyed knitting, sewing, embroidery and gardening – they are probably my favourite hobbies and bring back fond memories of my childhood. “When I was a little girl, I remember my father worked nights, so when he was home and asleep, my sister and I had to sit quietly colouring, sewing or knitting. We never got bored, we loved it. Similarly with gardening. It was my favourite subject at school and I remember spending many happy hours gardening at home with my father – they are such lovely childhood memories” Betty added. When World War II broke out, Betty’s school was closed and she recalls having to hide in her basement. “It was scary, but we kind of got used to the air strikes,” she said. “One day, our house got hit by bomb while we were hiding in the bomb shelter. Luckily, all my family were fine, but sadly, not our home. “We were taken to safe shelter, I suppose you’d say we were evacuated, and stayed in a big aeroplane hangar warehouse type of building. We were lucky and, thankfully, charity provided us with some clothes and other personal belongings needed and, after some time, we got back home and started rebuilding our

lives,” Betty recalls. After the War and leaving school, Betty worked as a Clippie on the London buses. “Working on the buses as a Clippie – or Bus Conductor – was a wonderful job, I really, truly enjoyed it. I had so many laughs with my drivers, no two days were ever the same. “I worked on the iconic red London buses, I think they were the AEC Regent III and RF buses. They are not in service any more, but still live on in many films and TV shows. I remember seeing them in the James Bond film Live and Let Die, the good old TV comedy On The Buses and, of course, in Summer Holiday, with Cliff Richard singing away behind the wheel. It wasn’t quite like that in real life though,” Betty added. Working on the buses proved to be the perfect job for Betty as it is where and how she met her future husband, Harry. “After coming back from serving in the War, my future husband – Harry – joined the buses and started working as a Clippie as well. We started talking and got on very well. I wasn’t interested in getting married at first, but with time we fell in love and eventually got married,” Betty added. Betty and Harry had two sons, Andrew and Peter and now is a proud Grandmother to three Granddaughters, Emily, Sophie and Ellie and credits her long and happy life to ‘laughter, love and a loving family.’ Andy Cumper, the Manager at Bernard Sunley said: “It is a pleasure to have Betty with us. She always has a story to tell and loves making a fuss over Jazz, the care home dog. Jazz always makes a beeline for Betty’s room when she visits, I think Betty may have a secret stash of biscuits!” Neither confirming nor denying whether she has a secret stash of biscuits for Jazz, Betty said: “Andy’s right, I enjoy playing with Jazz most of all. I love dogs and she always makes me laugh. I’ve had a lovely birthday and our amazing hairdresser here at Bernard Sunley did my hair wonderfully, she always knows how to do my hair just how I like it. “What a day I’ve had. I’ve been serenaded by my favourite singer, tucked into a delicious birthday cake, had a birthday visit from one of my sons and been spoilt rotten by everyone, it’s been great,” Betty concluded.


Secretary of State Needs to Back Dementia Ambition with More Research Funding says Alzheimer’s Research UK Alzheimer’s Research UK said the government must increase funding for dementia research if its bold approach to tackling dementia is to be successful. Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, said he has an ambitious plan to tackle the dementia crisis, which will be unveiled later this year when the government publishes its Dementia Strategy. Susan Mitchell, Head of Policy at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “It is encouraging to see the Secretary of State announce a more ambitious approach to dementia as an acknowledgement of the scale of the challenge – but with no disease modifying treatments available, we need to see funding for research to match this ambition and achieve long term solutions. Given the government has so far not delivered on its 2019 ’Dementia Moonshot’ pledge to double funding for dementia research we need to see today’s commitments followed up by clear plans with accountability and suitable funding to enable delivery.

“We’ve called for the creation of a Dementia Medicines Taskforce to address the urgent need for new treatments for people with dementia. Such a taskforce could turbocharge efforts to develop and deliver lifechanging treatments but would need clear leadership from government to co-ordinate this activity. “The government’s existing target of diagnosing two thirds of people with dementia has not been ambitious enough so we welcome a stronger focus on improving the timeliness and accuracy of diagnosis. We must invest in research to improve the way we diagnose diseases like Alzheimer’s and ensure that innovations in diagnosis make their way into the health service as quickly as possible. “We are pleased to see the Secretary of State highlight the importance of preventing dementia through risk reduction. With up to 40% of dementia cases potentially preventable we must see the government embed approaches to good brain health across all policy areas to help more people reduce their risk of dementia.”

Signature at Camberley Pay Fitting Tribute To World War II Survivors and Veterans Signature at Camberley care home on the outskirts of Camberley has paid tribute to heroes from the Second World War at a poignant event in the home’s grounds. It came as part of VE Day, an annual occasion which brings the UK together to mark the end of World War Two in 1945, following Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s announcement via radio at 3pm that war in Europe had ended after Germany’s surrender the previous day. Residents and Signature team members came together at the care home, which cares for 80 residents, to mark the occasion with a garden party and the help of the local community. The party, which was opened by local dignitaries, the Mayor and Mayoress of Rushmoor Borough Council, Bruce and Tracey Thomas, was a big moment for everybody at the care home, with family members and friends welcomed all together for the first time since the start of the pandemic period. The highlight of the VE Day celebrations came when guests had the opportunity to see and learn about a vintage Humber Halk Staff Car called ‘Monty’, an iconic vehicle which was used as a military car by the

British armed forces during World War Two. There was a lovely atmosphere throughout the day, with guests laughing, dancing, and singing along to live 1940s music entertainment as they celebrated the big occasion. Girlie Braga, General Manager at Signature at Camberley, said: “Our VE Day celebrations were in full swing, which was particularly pleasing after the disruption these celebrations have faced over the last two years due to COVID-19. “Many of our residents have vivid memories of events on 8th May 1945, and it is important to continue recognising the date’s significance. Just as the country was brought together in unity 77 years ago, our home united today to remember not only the joyous occasion of VE Day, but also the sacrifice generations of people made during the Second World War.” Patrick Fell, a resident at Signature at Camberley, added: “I spent my entire working life in the RAF and the home provided a spectacular and fitting tribute to the veterans and survivors of the second World War. To be here with my daughter made it even more special.”

NHS ‘Bureaucracy Spending’ Figures will be ‘Galling’ for Frontline Healthcare Staff, says BMA Responding to the Daily Telegraph front page, based on Policy Exchange’s latest report, highlighting increased spending on NHS bureaucracy and management, BMA Council deputy chair Dr David Wrigley said: “At a time when we have a severely depleted and exhausted health and care workforce who have spent the last two years battling a pandemic only to now face another enormous challenge of tackling the record backlog in care left in its wake, many will feel frustrated that such a huge amount of money is being spent on bureaucracy and backroom functions, rather than reaching the front line. “While any organisation the size of NHS England requires high-quality, accountable management, especially during a pandemic, this must provide value for money for the taxpayer and crucially must not be at the expense of funding for services and frontline staff. “These figures will therefore be particularly galling to our colleagues as the Government continues to refuse to prioritise the very people who keep health and care services running: the doctors, nurses and other

health and care professionals looking after people in our hospitals and GP practices each day. “The report notes a doubling in NHS England staff in two years – at the same time as nursing numbers only increased by seven per cent. The picture is no better for doctors, with the number of full-time equivalent hospital doctors in England increasing by just 9% between January 2020 and January 20221, while we have actually lost the equivalent of 247 full-time, fully-qualified GPs over a similar period – a fall of almost 1%2 – continuing a worrying trend that has long pre-dated the pandemic. “The Government says it won’t offer doctors a fair pay rise that both reflects the spiralling cost of living and corrects years of pay erosion, because it can’t afford to do so. Neither will ministers scrap damaging pension rules that drive senior doctors away from the health service early. “But they seemingly have enough money to double what they’re spending on management and red tape. “If the Government is serious about looking after the public’s health needs, it needs to urgently reassess its priorities, with recruiting and retaining vital healthcare staff at the top of its list.”


Why Star Ratings Offer Peace of Mind for Residents and Providers

By Dan Sullivan, National Compliance Coordinator at NTH Solutions ( The last two years have seen a new level of scrutiny on cleanliness and safety in healthcare settings. As a sector, social care takes great care in their cleanliness for residents and staff – having coped amidst a global pandemic and adapting to increasing levels of safety, is testament to this. It’s one thing for you to know how clean and safe your care home is and to feel assured with the rigorous processes you have in place, it’s another thing to make sure your residents and their loved ones know this.

HOW CLEAN IS CLEAN? We are fully aware of the importance of infection prevention and control, and the associated hygiene practices required in these settings. So, although the levels of safety have always been a core part of running a healthcare environment, it’s been magnified due to the new world we’re living in. Most nursing and care homes will have a way of monitoring and measuring cleaning methods, but the big question is, how can you prove how clean your site is? The National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021 (NSoHC 2021) introduced by NHS England and Improvement are in place to promote a level of consistency across all healthcare settings. The Standards are effectively a tool to outline how healthcare settings can ensure they meet the highest levels of cleanliness for resident, visitor and staff safety. A core element of the Standards is the introduction of the star rating, a recognised scoring system to easily promote how clean a space is. The star rating result is generated by a standardised and scored audit, so it’s fully evidenced and verified. To the resident and their relatives, this is an easy-to-understand way of knowing and being able to trust the environment they’re in. To the care home provider, it’s recognition for doing the right thing and maintaining excellence in cleanliness, which is supported and recognised by the NHS. The aim is for all healthcare settings (where NHS care is provided)

to have a star rating displayed by November 2022. This is achievable for all social care settings as the Standards offer a way of documenting the day-today cleaning and putting in place a consistent quality auditing procedure to formalise what you already do. It’s a valuable step forward for primary care to maintain the provision of cleanliness, as well as showing how good you are and what sets you apart. If it’s likened to how much we care about food hygiene standards, we all know the level of reassurance it brings when we can see the Food Hygiene Standards Agency rating in our local fish and chip shop, so think of the benefits to have it in a setting where someone is taking care of your loved ones.

WHY SHOULD IT MATTER? Maintaining a certain standard of cleanliness is ultimately about patient safety, the proof and peace of mind to residents and visitors (and staff) that it’s a safe environment, knowing it has been audited and then proudly displayed through the approved star rating. There’s no better way to demonstrate your efficiency and commitment to safety than having it for all to see. Why let the hard work go unrecognised? What may feel like ‘another thing’ for care homes to comply with, is in fact something that should be welcomed. It brings uniformity to cleaning practices and provides you with the reassurance that you are delivering the highest service to your residents. We urge care home providers to think about where you might need support to implement anything you’re not currently doing. There are organisations that can guide and support you in the implementation and maintenance of high levels of cleanliness, to formalise your existing processes and provide you with the tools to put measures in place to keep you, your staff, residents and visitors safe. In a Covid-19 era, why wouldn’t you want to give instant and reliable reassurance when walking into your care home?

Fragrance Solutions for Care Home Environments At Oxy-Gen Powered®, we understand the sensitivities and challenges associated with the caring business, especially when it comes to providing a clean, safe and odourless environment for your valuable members. The Oxy-gen Powered range is designed to counter the unpleasant, tough odours that can present themselves despite a thorough cleaning regime. They are effective for odour elimination, yet safe for health. The Oxygen-Pro uses patented technology that ensures a precise dose of fragrance oil is released consistently and continuously, guaranteeing the same level of freshness throughout the cartridge life, silently and discreetly. Oxygen-Pro is a true nonaerosol, continuous Fragrancing and Odour Elimination System. Our air-care systems contain the proprietary odour neutralising agent, Neutra-Lox, which eliminates malodours rather than masking them. We can offer nonfragrant cartridges that simply eliminate nasty odours or a fantastic fragrance range that will not only eliminate those bad odours but will emanate continuous, clean, fresh-smelling fragrances into the air. The system is easy to use and is Carbon Footprint approved. In an independent study, the product has

been assessed and verified for emissions and energy consumption and was found to have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to aerosol products on the market. Changing cartridges is hassle-free and, more importantly, they are recyclable at the end of the cartridge life. The Oxygen-Pro system is an ideal replacement for environmentally harmful aerosols, gels, liquids and other fragrance systems. There are no allergens, no added VOCs, no propellants, no solvents, no alcohols, just continuous, clean fresh fragrance all day, every day! Email: or tel: 01270 766676.

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which

is exclusive to Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code.


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Hygienic Warewasher is Central to Care Home‘s Efficiency When choosing a commercial dishwasher for a healthcare environment there are a number of factors to consider including the plumbing and electrical supply, the financial outlay and the physical space available. Most important however are the industry and individual care-home’s specific hygiene requirements. Forbes Professional always conducts a comprehensive site survey to ensure that the right machines are specified for each site. They are proud partners with Miele, whose commercial dishwashers are fully WRAS compliant and comply with all the necessary industry regulations. For a care environment, Forbes’ latest range of tank dishwashers enable an impressively fast throughput, which is invaluable for a busy kitchen. However, for some care homes a specialist hygiene dishwasher is required in order to ensure that the highest levels of hygiene are maintained. Miele PG8059 HYGIENE freshwater dishwashers deliver a particularly high temperature final

rinse that is maintained for 5 minutes to ensure the ultimate hygienic clean. With a default temperature of 85c they more than exceed the Department of Health’s recommendations of a twominute cycle at 82c. During lockdown, Forbes continued to install and service these machines for a number of NHS hospitals as they meet the most stringent hygiene standards. Forbes Professional’s experienced account managers provide all the necessary advice to ensure adherence to the relevant operating parameters. Under their complete care package, clients avoid capital outlay and the fixed monthly payments are entirely deductible pre-tax profits. Clients also have the peace of mind afforded by a first-class engineer response service, at no extra cost for the duration of the contract. Contact, 0345 070 2335 or or see the advert on page 25.

Cash’s Labels- “The Name Behind the Name”

At Cash's, we aim to capture, reinforce and communicate our clients’ brand equity through quality and innovation, from design to distribution. Our product range fully caters for the needs of both small and large retailers and brand owners alike comprising of woven and printed labels, woven badges, care labels, branded and promotional swing tags, garment accessories, packaging and barcoding. Our ground breaking labelling and security technologies are also able to provide an unrivalled level of protection to our customers' brand

by assisting to combat counterfeiting and grey market activity. Our industry leading eCommerce system is designed to reduce cost, improve efficiency and streamline supply chain management and will fully protect the integrity and accuracy of critical business data. The order entry process is very simple meaning suppliers and vendors can spend their valuable time on tasks other than ordering apparel labelling and accessories. Visit or see the advert on page 23.

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. Ideal for events or to provide temporary catering facilities during your kitchen refurbishment, our versatile units and equipment offer an efficient and economic solution to the caterers’ needs. Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Warewashing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms and Restaurant Units are available as individual units in their own right or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer-term hires. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The standard specification of our smallest

Production Kitchen unit includes a six burner oven range, salamander grill, twin basket fryer, upright fridge, hot cupboard, single bowl sink unit with integral hand wash basin, plus ample power points to plug in Microwaves, Food Processors, Toasters etc. Internal equipment can be interchanged and clients can effectively specify their preferred layout. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. So if you’re planning a refurbishment or need to cater for an event then why not give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide advice and put forward a competitive proposal. For further information or to arrange a site visit, email: or call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website: or see the advert on page 23.

Reduce Your Operating Costs!! The first 10 CARE HOMES to respond will receive a FREE SURVEY to identify potential savings and recommendations for how you can realise: · Precise control of engineering and building services to reduce costs: • Plant room, water tanks, hot and cold distribution, heating and ventilating, lighting · Laundry services to achieve hygienic standards HTM0104 compliant: Optimum processing of bed linen, towels, staff uniforms and residents clothing · Health and Safety standards for your residents, staff and the building(s): HSG220 is the recognised guidance for implementation in CARE HOMES ACoP L8 and HTM04-01 compliance to ensure Legionella control Public Health England Covid 19 guidance on PPE and operational procedures · Sustainability, carbon footprinting to achieve a 'net zero' emissions strategy

Call or Email NOW: 07831 873355 Opeque can assist in reducing energy bills, complying with legislation, managing health and safety and achieving a sustainable operation. Over years, Opeque has worked with various industry sectors, from tyre manufacturing to laundries, schools to hotels and hospitals to care homes, optimising their manufacturing procedures and facilities management. Applying industrial engineering principles, we address productivity, resource efficiency, quality control, health and safety and asset management, bringing people, utilities, equipment, and buildings together to realise product excellence. We have worked with many care homes to provide laundry services and water hygiene and it is from these close relationships that we believe we can further assist your CARE HOME to reduce operating costs. or see the advert on page 6.

Just Imagine Being Whisked Away by Rail on an Iconic Steam Journey… Any Time – Any Place! Escape FIRST CLASS by rail through the misty mountains and glittering lochs of the Scottish Highlands OR wind through the Settle to Carlisle railway on one of the most scenic and impressive railways in the UK, all in pure comfort with familiar faces and a cup of tea to hand... “The Jolly Journey” creates a familiar and stimulating environment for residents to be whisked away with friends and family in an exciting steam carriage anywhere in the UK. Get your posh frock on, grab your handbag and enjoy the indulgence of the journey of a life time reminiscing about old times of travelling, holidays and sparking conversations about times gone by. Lunch can be served in the First Class carriage followed by afternoon tea and then a Jolly good SING SONG! The ‘Jolly Journey’ is a complete pod that is supplied and installed by our Little Islands team in just one day. It requires just 5 sqm metres of floor space; we can also theme the area around to create a traditional Victorian railway wait-

ing room. Featuring real wood panelled wall with brass luggage racks, ornate wall lights, gold cushions, antimacassars and period memorabilia. A table with brass lamp, opposite-facing seats which are designed to look and feel just like an oldfashioned travel carriage. A 55-inch 4K TV large clear window shows footage filmed in full HD with sound aboard live railway journeys from around the UK. The result is the residents can all enjoy a nostalgic day out day after day. Visitors will come more often and stay longer when joining in a live experience like ‘The Jolly Journey’. Children would love visiting and look forward to an exciting experience as opposed to being bored just sat in the lounge of the care home! The main thing is that the resident’s wellbeing and mood has been lifted supporting their mental health. Give us a call to find out more information – The Little Islands Team on 0800 093 8499 or visit You can view a demonstration at

NRS Healthcare Launches New Online Store, Healthcare Pro NRS Healthcare, the UK’s leading provider of independent living aids and associated services, and an official supplier to the NHS and local authorities, has announced the launch of its new online store, Healthcare Pro. Part of the NRS Healthcare family, Healthcare Pro demonstrates the company’s commitment to serve healthcare professionals and the general public online, underlining its unrivalled in-house occupational therapy capabilities and professional expertise in helping people live independently in their own homes. The new online shop, (previously known as, offers over 4,500 independent living aids, from personal care, to bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and mobility, chosen and trusted by professionals. Additionally, the website includes a new range of services, such as the Expert Product Advice and Home Living

Consultations with Occupational Therapists, to better support all its customers with a more complete solution.

The company’s public sector and clinical services divisions remain unchanged and continue to operate under the NRS Healthcare brand and at With a dedicated Occupational Therapy team of 130 professionals, the company offers a go-to source for up-to-date information and guidance on daily living aids, offering peer-to-peer engagement, education and support as well as guiding customers to a ‘right first time’ purchase. Clinical Services Director, Rachel Seabrook says: “NRS Healthcare is delighted to announce the launch of our new online store, Healthcare Pro. Through our 75-year heritage and position as an official supplier to the NHS, NRS Healthcare has a longstanding reputation as a trusted partner for healthcare professionals, who often recommend our website and products to the people they see.” Rachel Seabrook continues: “Healthcare Pro focuses on our high levels of expertise, credibility and professionalism, improves the customer journey and shopping experience, as well as providing easy access to product advice, support and associated services. We trust that this will give all our customers the added reassurance that they are shopping where the professionals shop.”


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Gailarde - Wholesale Supplier To MOWOOT II Combats Chronic Constipation The Care Home & Healthcare Sector Gailarde is a family run business established in 1979 to provide household textiles specifically manufactured for the contract trade. Our core principals of putting our customers’ needs first has helped us to grow into one of the UK’s largest suppliers to the contract market. Gailarde have been successfully supplying the care home and healthcare industry for over 40 years, supplying both the public and private sector. We are proud to hold a framework agreement as a supplier to the NHS for wipeable pillows, duvets and flame retardant bed linen. Our best selling bedroom collection includes flame retardant and easy care linen, as well as our core offering of specialist pillows and duvets designed with infection control features. Our bathroom range features superior towelling, shower curtains and bathroom accessories. Our competitive homeware range, features table

linen, tableware, kitchenware and cleaning supplies. We are also pleased to offer inventory, ready-made and build your own packs suitable for housing associations and supported living schemes. For refurbishment plans and new build projects, we supply a wide selection of furniture, including beds, mattresses, sofas, chairs and dining tables all compliant with care home and healthcare regulations. Our Soft Furnishings collection is ideal for transforming rooms. By using fabric from the leading suppliers, we can supply cushions and bedspreads through to runners and curtains, in a variety of styles and designs. As a customer you will have a dedicated account manager, on hand for any questions. For all enquiries, please give our friendly team a call on 020 8905 2776. Alternatively, please email our care home and healthcare specialists directly: or or see the advert on page 8.

MOWOOT II is a revolutionary non-invasive and nonpharmacological solution to chronic constipation. Developed by a team of medical professionals, MOWOOT II delivers gentle abdominal massage that speeds up intestinal transit in people with chronic constipation. Clinically proven and free from side-effects, MOWOOT II Chronic Constipation Therapy System fights constipation effectively, safely and comfortably without laxatives, enemas or colon cleansing supplements. Comfortable during use, MOWOOT II treats and manages chronic constipation in people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease as well as helps to combat medication-related constipation issues. MOWOOT II also fights chronic constipation in menopausal and post-menopausal women and elderly people. In a published clinical study*, MOWOOT II increased evacuation frequency, softened stools, improved reg-

ularity, reduced gasses and bloating and relieved abdominal discomfort. Results showed that as many as 72.2% patients experienced increased bowel movements, 77.4% patients manifested reduction in constipation symptoms and 81.0% patients enjoyed better quality of life. In just 10 to 20 minutes per day of abdominal massage with MOWOOT II, significant improvements were noted only days after the first treatment, whilst regular applications of MOWOOT II delivered positive health benefits and better quality of life. MOWOOT II – effective, safe and comfortable solution to chronic constipation! *McClurg D; Booth L; Herrero-Fresneda I. Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent Colonic Exoperistalsis Device to Treat Chronic Constipation: A Prospective Multicentric Clinical Trial. Clin Trans Gastroenterology 2020; 11(12): e00267. Contact Win Health Medical Ltd - 01835 864866

Herriot by Skopos – A Timeless Safeguard Your Care Home with InVentry Wool-Look Collection for Care Upholstery

Care homes are crucial for our society, so it’s important to ensure they’re a safe setting to help staff carry out the best possible care. With many family members and friends visiting their loved ones daily, InVentry is essential to track who’s entering and leaving your care home. Visitors are met with a simple signing in process and their information is stored directly in the system. This not only allows you to track who is onsite at any given time, but it ensures an even faster sign in during repeat visits. You can also ensure that the contractors you have onsite have the skills to do the job safely by asking custom questions before they sign in, with options to include documents they may need to read upon arrival, ensuring health & safety and the security of

your site is always maintained. InVentry can even help you become CQC and Care Inspectorate Compliant as our software allows you to receive star-rated feedback from those who have visited your care home. You can store this feedback within your system and note any actions taken to improve your processes and procedures! Head to our website: or see the advert on page 11.

Consort Claudgen launches Consort Connect app Consort Claudgen have launched Consort Connect app which allows users to have complete control over their heating remotely via their smartphone or tablet. The app is free and downloadable from Google Play or Apple Store. It can control Consort’s Wi-Fi enabled heaters and SL heaters connected to an SLPBWIFI wireless controller. It gives quick access to four operating modes and provides a 7day timer with twenty-four heating periods per day. It is easy to set up and users can configure the settings of all connected heaters on

the app. Users can also view the energy consumption statistics. Other features include a lock function, open window tracking and response capability, and custom automations. There is a selflearning control ability utilising occupancy and temperature sensors, however, this is only available on the SLPBWIFI controller and Consort heaters with Wi-Fi and occupancy sensor. For more information, contact our sales at 01646 692172 or visit or see the advert on page 6.

AKW Launches Upgraded Doc M Range and Installation Compliancy Guide AKW, one of the UK’s leading providers of accessibility solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of its ugraded Doc M sanitaryware range for public-use accessible toilets and washrooms. Committed to ensuring that compliance is as straightforward as possible, AKW has also launched a design advice guide alongside the range, to make compliancy as straightforward as possible. Ensuring toilets and washrooms conform to Document M of the UK Building Regulations involves buying and correctly installing the appropriate products. As well as giving examples of how a fully compliant Doc M washroom or toilet area should be designed and installed, the guide also includes the latest AKW Doc M pack options. There are 10 AKW Doc M packs to choose from and they range from fully compliant Doc M washrooms (including hand dryers, soap dispensers Etc.), to individual toilet cubicles. As well as traditional styling, there are two contemporary Doc M packs that feature stainless steel rails to fit in with any modern design aesthetic. Designed with hygiene in mind, the packs include an AKW Navlin Doc M close-coupled or low-level

rimless, raised-height toilet pan, a water-saving cistern and direct flushing system. The ergonomic, soft-close toilet seat and the grab rails are also available in a range of colours, to enable high colour contrast between surfaces for those with visual impairments. All of the Doc M packs feature either fixed or fold-up rails, and the washroom options are available with easy to use taps and British Standard BS 8300 wash basins. Stuart Reynolds, Head of Product and Marketing at AKW comments: “Our upgraded AKW Doc M packs offer specifiers even more choice when it comes to installing a public-use accessible toilet or washroom. Each pack has been designed for maximum comfort and ease of use and also comes with recommendations for how and where to fit the products to ensure compliance. Our Doc M guide has also been created to help make the whole process even more straightforward and can be downloaded at” For more information, please contact AKW on01905 823298, email: or visit

Skopos recently introduced the launch of the new upholstery collection, Herriot, perfect for upholstery solutions within Care. Four timeless designs brought together in a woollook quality, developed specifically for the contract sector with the added benefit of a waterproof layer, antimicrobial protection and soil resist. Inspired by the natural wilderness of the Moors and Dales, Herriot is a nod to the simplicity and beauty of the Yorkshire countryside, with a natural texture and favoured classic design cues, which bring sophistication and class to contract furniture. Herriot is one of many Skopos upholstery collections specifically developed for Care Interiors and has been developed using new

back-coating technology, minimising the use of chemicals in a move towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly flame retardant contract upholstery solution. Herriot upholstery fabrics achieve 40,000 + Martindale rubs for inclusion into high traffic contract areas, across all sectors. Sitting under the new Skopos Pro-tect Plus umbrella, with the added benefit of an antimicrobial finish, this collection supports best practise hygiene goals within caring interiors. Free samples of all of our fabrics are available via our website, or by calling our sales team 01924 436666 or visit or see page 11.

Wall & Door Protection for a Caring Environment For 55 years Yeoman Shield wall & door protection systems from Harrison Thompson & Co. Ltd. have been delivering healthcare providers with a solution to costly and unsightly impact damage to interior walls & doors. This proactive approach to impact damage can show a year on year saving on maintenance time and budgets. Offering a comprehensive range which includes, protection panels, protection rails, handrails and fire rated door protection systems, offered in over 48 colours, gives customers a wide choice to realise functional and aesthetic requirements. The ability to incorporate colours, signage and images, into Yeoman Shield’s core products can be beneficial to mental health environments be that creating a calming atmosphere or a practical assistance in wayfinding. The Guardian Handrail can also be supplied in an anti-ligature option safeguarding service users. Fire doors are never more important than in a residential setting catering for those more vulnerable. Yeoman Shield offer a full fire rated door protec-

tion system that when installed can prevent compromising impact damage and by doing so extends the functioning lifecycle of fire doors. To complement these products is the company’s newly launched Fire Door Services giving reassurance to the building’s responsible person by offering fire door assessments, remedial and door replacement works all carried out under FIRAS accreditation. Tel: 0113 279 5854 | email: See the advert on page 10.

Renray Healthcare Renray Healthcare has been producing high quality furniture for over 50 years and is one of the UK’s largest and leading suppliers to the healthcare sector. Whether you require a fast efficient delivery of quality furniture or a full room installation and fitting service, we have the experience and resources to handle your contract. We manufacture and assemble our products in our own purpose built factories in Cheshire and Europe to British Standards. Hence we are able to ensure your furniture is produced to the highest quality, working with you to plan and meet your projects time schedule and budget. We understand you are purchasing furniture that is fit for purpose, stylish and will continue to perform well into the future, which is why we design and build our furniture with you in mind. Telephone: +44 (0)1606 593456,

Email:, or see the advert on page 3 for details.


CATERING FOR CARE Carte D’Or Launches The Perfect Base To Create Flavour-Filled Desserts For Your Residents To Enjoy The key to a delicious dessert is the right ingredients. As a chef, you need quality, adaptability, and versatility, to create efficiency in the kitchen and variety on your menu. Carte D’Or have got you covered with all this and more, with their range of powdered dessert bases offering endless possibilities for your dessert menu. Carte D’Or have teamed up with Aaron Watson, Head Chef at Primrose Bank Care Home and winner of the NACC Care Chef Of The Year 2021, to demonstrate just how adaptable, controllable and reliable their range can be. Alongside Executive Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Alex Hall, Aaron has created a series of recipes that are easy to create and will really impress. These include a refreshing ‘Eaton less Mess’, soft doughnuts, a classic baked Alaska and fruity strawberry ice cream – all made using the Carte D’Or Strawberry Mousse and perfect for a movie night or warm summers day. Alex and Aaron have used the Carte D’Or Panna Cotta mix to make a rhubarb & custard, black forest, and raspberry panna cotta. All these recipes are quick, simple, and packed full of different flavours –

which is ideal when catering to various individuals’ preferences! Aaron commented: “You have to think of each resident as an individual, rather than thinking a dish will be suitable for everybody. You have to personalise it to each person”. Finally, Carte D’Or Crème Brulée is used to make an apple tart, coconut crème caramel and the classic Queen of puddings. The latter utilising leftover ingredients such as breadcrumbs, which are usually seen to go to waste. It’s made in 4 simple steps; just whisk, mould, chill and serve your delicious pudding. The coconut crème caramel is a play on Aaron’s winning dish from the 2021 NACC Care Chef of the Year competition and he highlights the importance of having these exciting dishes for residents: “Obviously, the food we put on the plate is a really important part of the residents’ day to day lives, mealtimes are one of the main times of the day, where all the residents can come together and interact”. To learn more and watch the full recipes visit

Catering for Your Residents with Bidfood An estimated 70% of residents in care are affected by Dementia. The term actually describes a group of symptoms, including memory loss, confusion, mood changes, and difficulty with day-to-day tasks. It’s more likely to occur as we age. It’s a difficult phase of life for residents affected by dementia, and it is important to help them maintain their independents, dignity and a daily routine. The reduction in cognitive function caused by dementia can make eating and meal occasions difficult and it can be challenging to serve the right food in the appropriate way. Some top risks and challenges include: • Risk of malnutrition • Not recognising food • Resisting being fed • Limited manual dexterity • Change in temperament Creating uplifting resident mealtimes tailored to those who are living with dementia is so important as mealtimes are a familiar, stimulating and important part of the day. However, for those who have problems holding a knife and fork, or holding their attention for a period of time, mealtimes can be stressful and challenging. Some of the tips that can make a real difference are: • Stimulating the senses: if residents can hear the sound of food preparation, or the table being laid, smell the food as it’s being prepared, and see activity in the kitchen, the familiar sounds, smells and sights as well as tastes may prompt their memory and help to stimulate the appetite. • Introducing finger foods: these are an ideal way to help residents retain independence and dignity, making it easier for them to eat with their hands or to eat on the go, whilst walking about. Introduce finger foods over a few days to get the person used to a new way of serving food. • Think smaller, frequent meals: these can help maintain nutrition levels and are easier to eat than three big meals a day. • Create memories with meals: themes and celebrations not only lift the spirits, but can help your residents recover memories. Music is a great way to engage residents at mealtimes and spark nostalgia and memories. • Two finger food recipesFinger foods are an ideal way to help residents maintain their independence, dignity, and a daily routine.

SMOKED KIPPER SCOTCH EGGS: These scotch eggs are a perfect snack to provide your residents. Delicious, and a great finger food for your residents with dementia.

Serves 10 40 minutes Ingredients: Free range medium eggs x 12 Hot & cold mix mashed potato 150g Water 50ml Whole milk 600ml Boned Scottish kipper fillets 200g Natural breadcrumbs 300g Plain flour 100g Method: 1. Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook the eggs for 8 minutes. Then cool the eggs down as quickly as possible before taking the shells off carefully. 2. Place the other 2 eggs in a bowl with 200ml of milk and whisk together. Set to one side. 3. Place the rest of the milk and water in a pan and bring to the simmer. Place the fish in and poach until just cooked. 4. Then flake the fish into a bowl and add the mashed potato mix. Combine well, and then add the warm milk to the bowl until the potato swells and becomes firm. Allow to cool. 5. Wrap the potato and fish mixture around the eggs and allow to chill. 6. Place the bread crumbs on a tray along with the flour. Firstly, roll the eggs in the flour, then dip into the egg mix, then roll in the breadcrumbs (this process may need to be repeated). 7. Then place the Scotch eggs on a tray and either deep fry until golden brown and reaching temperature, or place in a hot oven until cooked.

BRIE AND BLUEBERRY TART: This brie and blueberry tart is a perfect combination of sweet and savoury. An easy recipe guaranteed to satisfy any resident's taste buds. Serves 10 30 minutes Ingredients: Puff pastry sheets 280g Brie 200g Frozen blueberries 100g Thyme 5g Squeezy clear blossom honey 20g Method: 1. Defrost pastry and blueberries. 2. Preheat the oven to 180° then grease a muffin tray. 3. Lay the puff pastry out and cut into 10 equal squares, then

place into a muffin tin. 4. Cut the cheese into 10 equal parts and place on top of the pastry, then top with the blueberries. 5. Wash and pick the thyme and sprinkle over the blueberries. 6. Place in the oven and bake until the pastry has a crisp base and the cheese has melted. 7. Then allow to cool slightly before drizzling with honey and serving.

DYSPHAGIA We all love to sit down for a nice meal, but when you have dysphagia, the meal itself can be a danger. Dysphagia is more common amongst the elderly but can affect people of all ages. It affects our ability to swallow which can lead to food or drink entering the lungs leading to significant risk of choking or pneumonia. It can be a common reason for hospital admission for care residents and can even be fatal. Catering for those living with dysphagia means helping them stay safe when eating and drinking as well as helping them retain pleasure in mealtimes. Modifying meals, for example by pureeing, means running the risk of losing up to 50% of the nutritional content, and they aren’t always pleasing to the eye. Specialist ranges of texture-modified dishes can help here, for example Simply Puree which is available through Bidfood. This range is individually created for people with dysphagia, and each meal complies with IDDSI textures. This means that you can prepare them safely and with reassurance that each one has consistency in nutritional content. Having dysphagia may mean a person consumes less, so a pureed diet should be fortified to maximise the calorific value of each spoonful. Instead of using water therefore, try full fat milk or cream, melted butter or oil, sauces, gravy, honey, or juice for dilution. The first taste is with the eye, so to ensure meals are also visually appealing, make up modified consistency foods separately, then pipe them onto the plate while still hot and serve immediately. Use stronger flavours so that the food is still tasty when diluted and pureed, and make sure you taste food before serving- would you like to eat it? It’s also vital to make sure you’re regularly monitoring residents’ intake closely, including a nutritional assessment and weight check weekly to ensure that they are not losing weight, and are receiving sufficient nutrients. Make sure those who are preparing food are fully trained and aware of the risks related to swallowing difficulties, and the correct way to prepare modified consistency foods, and to thicken fluids for patients with this need. The International IDDSI Diet Standardisation tool is a global standard with terminology and definitions to describe the texture modified food and thickened liquids used for individuals with dysphagia of all ages, in all care settings and for all cultures. The Simply Puree IDDSI guide is a free easy to use tool to help you understand and cater for the different IDDSI textures. Read the Simply Puree IDDSI Guide at

Support Vegetarians This Dementia Action Week: 16–22 May 2022 This Dementia Action Week, Vegetarian for Life, a charity supporting vegans and vegetarians in later life, is encouraging carers to consider how they support people’s beliefs. What happens to the beliefs and values of those with dementia? If a person struggles to remember ideas that mattered to them, how do they continue to practice their values? This year, Dementia Action Week coincides with National Vegetarian Week – a time to reflect on how carers can and should support people to maintain their beliefs. The charity Vegetarian for Life (VfL) works with vegans

and vegetarians in later life. Many have been committed to meat-free diets for decades, often motivated by ethical desires to prevent harm to animals. Many fear, if they need care, that they may lose their ability to choose diets free from animal products. This fear is not unfounded. An Inquiry by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Vegetarianism and Veganism highlighted many instances where dietary practices linked to beliefs were not supported in care. In some instances, people who had been vegan for decades were regularly being fed

meat. In many ways, this concern goes beyond just respecting a person’s past wishes. Recent dementia research has considered the ideas of identity and personhood. Simply because a person struggles with memory, does not mean that their beliefs, and right to hold values, have disappeared. Dementia research begins to suggest that even when the condition is advanced, people should be supported to interact with ideas and concepts that are important to them.



CATERING FOR CARE Support Vegetarians This Dementia Action Week: 16–22 May 2022 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 28) This may support them to retain a sense of identity in a care setting, especially when interacting with carers. In such cases, the carer actually supports the person to retain a sense of themselves, even as their condition progresses. Practically, the question remains over how carers can be aware of the values held by those they care for. In some cases, people have families to explain beliefs that have guided a person’s life. However, VfL strongly recommends that people document their future wishes. In its Self-Advocacy Guide, VfL provides a template Statement of Wishes, allowing people to document their dietary beliefs. This statement includes sample wording, clearly explaining to carers how to support people on meat-free diets if they appear to be choosing meat based dishes. This may involve offering alternative meals and fortifying foods with plant based alternatives. Alzheimer’s Society also provides a template advanced statement to allow individuals to document their values. When values are documented, it is important that care providers reference these views and act accord-

Halo Hydration More than 70% of us are dehydrated at some point during the day - this can cause drowsiness, lack of focus, tiredness, confusion, muscle soreness and a dry mouth. We know water is boring, but it’s one of life’s necessities…there is however an alternative. Adding just one HALO sachet to your glass of water makes it not only delicious, but makes it highly nutritious, and makes your water work harder for you! Instead of trying to drink the recommended 2 bottles of water per day, simply mixing one sachet of delicious HALO Hydration to your glass of water gives you the

ingly. To support providers, VfL has produced a Memory Care Pledge, encouraging people to investigate and acknowledge individuals’ dietary beliefs. The pledge consists of five simple good practice points that care establishments can follow to ensure that vegetarian and vegan residents experiencing capacity issues or cognitive losses will be offered a choice of meals, drinks and snacks that uphold their ethical beliefs. Good practice recommendations include offering a resident the opportunity to eat at a vegetarian-only, or vegan-only table when possible, and in the event of an ‘accidental’ choice to eat meat, offering an alternative that upholds their philosophical beliefs. These recommendations are suggested because Vegetarian for Life is aware of vegetarian residents experiencing issues with capacity or cognition, who may otherwise pick meat from others’ plates. Beliefs are central to our identity and personhood. Dementia Action Week should be a time to focus on how providers can best support those with limited capacity to maintain beliefs and values that define them as people. For more information, visit or call 0161 257 0887. same amount of minerals that drinking 4 litres of mineral water does! Each HALO Hydration sachet contains a daily dose of Vitamin C, B Vitamins, magnesium, sodium, zinc, potassium, calcium, and an array of trace minerals, with only 1g of natural sugar and ZERO artificial ingredients. These are the nutrients that your body needs to hydrate properly, which, in these amounts, are not found as readily in a modern-day diet. Sir Andy Murray is a huge HALO fan and says: “HALO is the healthiest way to hydrate”. If there was ever a person to listen to, it’s 2 time Wimbledon Champion and father of 4, Sir Andy Murray. With summer fast approaching and dehydration becoming a factor for everyone, why not try HALO to help boost your hydration. Visit



Top Tips for Managing Incontinence from Ontex FLUID INTAKE Drinking sufficient fluids each day is essential for maintaining a healthy bladder. If you don’t drink enough your bladder will become overly sensitive. You should try to consume at least 1.5-2 litres (or 6-8 glasses) of fluids each day. DRINKS TO AVOID It is advisable to avoid certain types of drinks, such as tea, coffee, cola and chocolate, as they contain caffeine which can irritate the bladder. An irritated bladder becomes overactive, which makes you feel as though you need to empty your bladder when it is not full. HEALTHY EATING Your diet should be balanced, not too high in fat, with plenty of fibre, and contain at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Healthy eating is also important because being overweight can make bladder problems worse.

SMOKING There are a number of health risks associated with smoking. A ‘smokers cough’ can place extra pressure on the muscles of the pelvic floor, increasing your chances of experiencing stress incontinence. DEHYDRATION If you don’t drink enough your bladder will become more sensitive to smaller amounts of urine, which means you will go to the toilet more frequently. INFORM YOUR GP It is a good idea to notify your GP if you are experiencing bladder weakness for the first time or if you already have bladder weakness and it has become worse. RECOMMENDATIONS: KEEP A BLADDER DIARY Maintain a record of every time you experience bladder weakness.

Ontex Launches New Odobin Incontinence experts Ontex have launched the innovative new Odobin for use in care homes. Odobin removes bad incontinence odours in order to improve the experience of those living, working and visiting your care home. The Odobin has many important features, which make it the perfect partner for your establishment. FIVE KEY FEATURES Ergonomic – Odobin allows you to throw away incontinence waste easily and ergonomically. Fast – It is quick and easy to handle the Odobin – think of it as your personal assistant for removing inconti-

Note the activity you were performing at the time, the types of beverages and the quantity you consumed beforehand, as well as the extent of the leakage. Limiting fluid intake may actually increase the frequency of incontinence. Drinking a total of 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day is recommended. Unless advised to do so by your health professional, never restrict fluids to control incontinence. RECOMMENDED DIET* • 40% Fruits and vegetables • 30% Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods • 12% Meat, fish, eggs, beans • 8% Milk and dairy foods • 1% Oils and Spreads *

nence waste fast. Hygienic – Odobin provides the most hygienic way to remove incontinence waste. Odourless – Odobin is adept at removing up to 75 litres of the unpleasant odours of incontinence waste to ensure they don’t hang around the care home. Silent – The wheels on Odobin have been designed to ensure a silent operation, which is particularly important for those working a night shift who don’t want to disturb residents. For more information email Ontex at

Introducing The World’s First Movable Bedpan Disposer Panaway® M1 It has been great to get back out helping some customers face to face again but we are also aware of ongoing restrictions and the many pressures facing all. Haigh's product development has continued regardless and with the launch of the Panaway M1 mobile bedpan disposal system, the team has also made a virtual 3D version for you to view from your smartphone via the link / QR code below. Bedpans, commode pots, kidney dishes & urine bottles are simply and efficiently disposed using Haigh's proven technology now in an easy to deploy, mobile, plug and play format. Panaway M1 gives unprecedented flexibility when it

comes to bringing the infection prevention benefits of disposable medical pulp to your site, as well as the sustainability and cost considerations associated with using very little electricity and no hot water. A perfect solution as an emergency stand-in when a bedpan machine or washer is unavailable or as a cost-effective solution whilst migrating a site to a disposable system. If you or your colleagues have any questions or would like to know more, please feel free to email or call us. For more information about renting, purchasing or a trial of Panaway® M1 contact Michelle Marriot on +44 (0)7500 626463 or email or visit


CONTINENCE CARE Help To Manage Your Incontinence Issues Independently The Bendi Bag is ideal for wheelchair users who can sometimes find toilet access difficult The Comfort Leg Bag range comes in variety of materials from velvet smooth, real cotton and flock backing The Children’s Bag with smaller capacity and proportions comes with a discreet and secure twist tap that will not open accidentally while moving, or out and about

Urinary incontinence affects millions of people in the UK. Although a widespread problem, incontinence remains a taboo topic. Embarrassment often stops people from talking about it, let alone feeling able to access products and services that can help them. So, without the correct help and support, the problem often remains unsolved, which has a negative impact on people’s lives.



Since 1976 Manfred Sauer have provided a range of innovative urology products to help sufferers of urinary incontinence. But unlike other providers, our products are often designed and tested by both end users and healthcare professionals to ensure effective and user-friendly solutions that work. This means your incontinence issues can be managed independently, without worrying about frequent emptying or toilet access and do not impinge on your ability to live life to the full. Read about four of our most popular product ranges, which are all available on prescription.

SHEATHS We offer 5 types of urinary sheath to facilitate the drainage of urine away from the body into a drainage bag. They are made from either latex, or synthetic materials and available in a range of sizes. We also offer skin friendly tapes, straps and adhesives, hair guards, measuring tape as well as Preventox, which cleans and protects the skin, so you are always comfortable and have the best fit possible.


We supply four main types of leg bags with varying capacities. Perfect for being outdoors, and packed full of unique features and benefits, you now have a choice when it comes to managing your incontinence issues. The shape of our Discreet Thigh Bag allows for it to be worn high up on the thigh area and can even be hidden under shorts, skirts and even swimwear

Thousands of people across the country must perform Intermittent Self-Catheterisation (ISC) to effectively empty their bladder and having something that is simple to use, soft, flexible and easy to lubricate is essential. That’s where our IQ-Cath shines, plus, new for 2022 are male/paediatric and female single-use hydrophilic catheters which are immersed in saline and ready for immediate use. Nephsys For people who have had a Nephrostomy, and tubes are already in place, our NephSys system can drastically improve their lives. As well as providing a secure and sterile solution, which consists of an adjustable, elasticated belt; drainage bags and suspenders to secure the bag to the belt in the chosen position, the system is also comfortable and discreet. For help, support and advice, call 01604 595696, email or visit for more information about each product, or to order a free sample.

Texible Wisbi Smart Care Support Monitoring incontinence of a resident is often difficult and undignified. If that client also has dementia or is liable to fall out of bed, ensuring that they are safe is also challenging and time-consuming. The innovative Texible Wisbi Home Smart Incontinence and Bed Exit Sensor Mat will detect if the bed has been wetted and send a notification via the free Texible app to the caregiver. This allows the caregiver to change the bedding as soon as possible, preventing pressure sores caused by laying on soiled sheets. The Smart Incontinence and Bed Exit Sensor Mat also detects if the person has left the bed, allowing the caregiver to monitor someone at risk of falling out of bed. The Texible Wisbi Smartphone app connects the bed pad control box to your smartphone via Wi-Fi. You can download the free app (suitable for both Android and Apple devices) and you will be able to see both the continence and occupancy status of your loved one at all times, wherever you are. This gives you

peace of mind and allows you to carry on your day, or get a good night’s rest, without constantly stopping to check your resident or worrying if they are ok. For bed users who can toilet themselves, the app allows you to adjust the amount of time that your resident is out of the bed before it alerts you, so that it only sends the caregiver a notification if the user has been out of bed for more than the normal time. Texible Wisbi is hygienic, washable and very easy to use. The sensor mat can be machine washed at 95°c, and each mat has a lifetime of 100 washes. The pad will absorb up to 700ml/m², providing excellent absorption. See the advert below or visit for further details.



Smart Synergy: Why Two Leading-Edge Technologies Are Set To Transform Care By Stuart Barclay, UK Sales Director, Vayyar Care ( COVID-19 derailed the plans of many start-ups and for a technology supplier serving the nursing home sector, the challenge might well have proved insurmountable. Unable to physically access care homes, Arquella was prevented from piloting or deploying their cuttingedge nurse call system, the only such solution featuring a unique embedded care app. Fortunately, the company was able to use the enforced hiatus wisely, by integrating Vayyar Care’s transformative touchless technology. Arquella instantly saw the value of Vayyar Care’s unprecedented fall detection accuracy, its ability to gather rich activity data, and easy interoperability. The convenience of its app-based functionality was also key. It would allow carers to receive real-time updates on their mobile devices, allowing them to work more efficiently and react more rapidly to emergency scenarios. In fact, enhancing staff effectiveness is a core purpose of the integrated offering. Since the start of the pandemic, care providers have had to do much more with severely limited resources. Vayyar Care’s recent survey of the sector confirmed that staff recruitment and retention is the most significant challenge for two-thirds of care providers. Data revealing response times and how long staff spend in rooms will allow them to receive the support they need to do what they do best, increasing long-term employee satisfaction.

The response from Arquella’s customers has been exceptionally positive. They intuitively understand the benefits and appreciate the opportunity to replace legacy devices such as floor mats that trigger frequent false alerts, wasting time that frontline carers can ill afford. That’s why the accuracy of Vayyar Care’s fall detection is a true game changer — for both staff and residents. Older adults are far more safety-conscious and technologically aware than they were just a couple of years ago. They now demand fall alert and monitoring solutions that ensure safety without compromising their dignity, privacy and independence. What’s more, they’re no longer willing to settle for solutions such as hard-to-reach buttons and cords, wearables that often cause embarrassment, or cameras that inevitably intrude on their personal spaces. The pace of digital transformation in care is increasing, partly thanks to the efforts of CQC and the government, and partly due to the challenges presented by COVID. Communities must ensure that care is person-centred and enables proactive interventions and to do so, they need solutions that automatically gather real-time data which can easily be shared between caregivers. That data will also be used to demonstrate the quality of care and its outcomes. The sector requires data-driven, digital alternatives to outdated analogue technologies and Arquella is a key player in the ecosystem we’re enabling. The company is looking forward to its first in-market installation in the coming months, supported by distributor Panacea Healthcare Group. The offering will play a pivotal role in transforming operations for care homes across the UK and unlocking true personalised outcomes for residents. To find out more, please email me at

Why 4,438 Daily Falls in UK Care Homes Deserve Our Attention A’ “Responding to falls in care homes: two innovations” report by Dr Mark Hawker and River Rea from Involve, discussed how best practice in post fall management can provide time and cost savings to the wider health and social care system. Combining benefits of assistive lifting technology and video-based clinical support could return costs savings of up to £3,911 per fall, whilst also safeguarding residents’ lives. Across the 15,000 + care homes registered by the Care Quality Commission there are between 270,000 – 1,620,000 falls per year. As one of the most frequently reported accidents among residents, falls represent a pressing issue for providers of care, particularly as demand for places is expected to rise as the population ages. Author, Dr Mark Hawker says, “the risk factors for falls in care setting are diverse and the multiplicity of elements influencing the likelihood of falls makes them incredibly difficult to eliminate entirely. For the individual, the consequences of a fall are numerous and distressing, while the repetitive lifting requirement of carers puts them at risk of musculoskeletal injury. “The pilot studies we’ve examined demonstrate that by giving care home staff the tools to empower

safe lifting reduces the time residents spend on the floor after a fall waiting for an ambulance and help to arrive. Organised and safe post fall care is better for the resident and more cost effective for the NHS.” The report goes on to discuss the importance of reducing the risk of spreading infectious diseases by eliminating avoidable contacts. There are clear benefits of using technologies that reduce the number of external contact such as those that would be required to pick up a resident following a fall. While difficult to quantify, the reduction of contacts with healthcare workers such as paramedics, GPs and district nurses with residents is seen as essential during a pandemic. Mangar Health CEO Simon Claridge adds, “we have been working with NHS Ambulance Trusts for nearly 20 years and yet this report has been incredibly eye opening for us. We know lifting fallen care home residents is a daily challenge to prioritising ambulance calls, yet equipment and technology could easily lift the considerable pressures they are under and save the NHS millions annually. “We would like to call on NHS England, NICE and CQC to review the dynamics involved in a resident fall detailed in this report and consider alternative care models in a post pandemic environment.”

Falls Prevention Programme Features in World Health Organization Report A trailblazing programme designed to reduce falls in older people has received international recognition after being highlighted in a World Health Organization report. The Falls Management Exercise programme (FaME) targeted those at risk of falls in Leicestershire, Rutland and Derby, delivering specialist classes led by postural stability instructors over the course of 24 weeks. The classes were shown to improve balance, walking speed and reduce fear of falling, all the while helping to increase physical activity and reduce falls. Those taking part were also provided with techniques for getting down and up from the floor, should they have a fall. The success of the initiative, which saw the number of falls reduce over time, led to a blueprint being developed to allow health providers roll out the programme across the country. Now the FaME project has been given a global platform after being featured in the World Health Organization’s Step Safely report, which is designed to support practitioners, policy-makers and researchers in the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries. It identifies that each year in England, more than 200,000 emergency hospital admissions and four million bed days result from falls and

fractures among those aged 65 years and over, costing the health service approximately £2b. With the NHS facing pressure as a result of falls, researchers from the University of Nottingham put together an Implementation Manual for Commissioners to allow the FaME programme to be rolled out across other areas. They estimate widespread adoption of FaME could save the NHS more than £700m. The research was funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) East Midlands. Following publication in the WHO report, those behind the FaME programme are delighted the initiative could have a far-reaching, global impact. Dr Liz Orton, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham and Consultant in Public Health, said: “We couldn’t have asked for a better platform to share the impact of the FaME classes, which have been several years in the making and have shown such positive, encouraging results. “Exposure in the WHO report is hugely beneficial - the more people working in this field who hear about this preventative programme, the better.”

Professor Adam Gordon, Professor of the Care of Older People, University of Nottingham and Lead for the Building Community Resilience and Enabling Independence theme for ARC East Midlands, added: “We’re extremely proud to have been part of a project which is now receiving world-wide recognition and is being showcased to clinicians and researchers working at the forefront of this field. “With the blueprint now in place for other areas to implement FaME, we look forward to seeing its impact on those vulnerable to the often debilitating effects of a fall.” NIHR ARC East Midlands funds vital work to tackle the region’s health and care priorities by speeding up the adoption of research onto the frontline of health and social care. The organisation puts in place evidence-based innovations which seek to drive up standards of care and save time and money. NIHR ARC East Midlands is hosted by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and works in collaboration with the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network. It has bases at University of Leicester and University of Nottingham.


NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Silent Running Assistive Technology Tranquility in Care Homes Solutions from Medpage

Medpage t/a Easylink UK is a company who have designed, manufactured, and distributed Assistive Technology solutions to aid independent and assisted living for over 35 years. We introduced the first wireless bed and chair leaving detection alarms into the UK market more than 25 years ago. During the Pandemic, against all odds, we

launched a new brand of fall prevention and detection products. TumbleCare. TumbleCare products are simplistic, but effective, people sensors. The sensors detect a person in or out of their bed or chair, or physically falling. A warning notification is transmitted by radio signal to radio pagers, nurse call station, or over the internet to alert designated carers. Our philosophy over the years has not changed. To deliver quality, reliability, and performance at realistic prices. We are key suppliers to the majority of Local Authorities throughout the UK and the NHS of fall prevention products. Our systems operate as stand-alone solutions or can integrate with most commercial nurse call systems. We offer attractive sales discounts for trade and volume buyers and provide free advice and help in developing a falls prevention strategy. Visit our website and view our guide on wandering and falls or telephone our sales office on 01536 264869.

Edison Telecom - Specialist Solutions For Your Nurse Call Systems We here at Edison Telecom Ltd have been providing specialist solutions to your call system requirements tailor-made to each customers needs for over 25 years, says director Bob Johnson. Is your current Nurse Call “legacy”, obsolete, so full of software bugs or commercially not viable for your current supplier/maintainer to maintain?

We may have just the part and expertise that you are looking for to give your nurse call a further extension to life, adds Bob, “Edison will treat your nurse call with the same compassion that you give to those in your care. There will come a time when your equipment is beyond repair but Edison are experts in extending the life of obsolete systems.”

Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment. Similarly, carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum. There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings, particularly those suffering from dementia, these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature, light, and of course noise. Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources, for example, telephones ringing, loud conversations in corridors, and call bells sounding, often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents. A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers. The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout the whole building. Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is. At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a person’s ability to concentrate. It can affect their attention levels and capacity to

cope, as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing. Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers.” Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home. These include zoning whereby there are separate alarm types used depending upon the location of the call. In these circumstances, dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one “zone” whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone”. Each “zone” can operate different call tones, warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents. Pagers have been around for many years, are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise, and can be added to most Nurse Call systems. Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning, e-medication, etc. Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system. With the “Go” app, nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets, alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home. Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less stressed also, this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved, staff are retained and CQC ratings improve. Clearly, the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep. Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter, calmer, and more tranquil environment. For more information email us at:


NURSE CALL AND FALLS MONITORING Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions Fall Savers®, are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years.


Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers®. The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad. This results in less work for nursing staff, improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads. Wireless advantages include the ability to use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices.

Benefits include:

Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options, including: Call button Pager

Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts

TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition. Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad. Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside, in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering. An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors.

Features include:

Nurse Alert Mats Designed to combat the problem of residents who are inclined to walk undetected, the Nurse Alert Mat can help protect residents especially at night that are at risk of falls and accidents. When connected to a Nurse Call system or the mobile Floor Sentry Monitor it will then alert staff, sounding the alarm with a small amount of pressure thus enabling staff to investigate.

• Nurse Call Systems • Fire Alarm Systems • Door Access • Staff Attack • CCTV • Infection Control • Dementia Care • Electrical Contracting

Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately): Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit

Lotus Care Technology The NurseAlert pressure mat has been one of the most successful floor pressure mats due to it being non slip and carpeted which makes it feel very natural under a residents foot. Lotus Care Technology Ltd have many other fall saving devices that can give you peace of mind whilst caring for this at risk of falls. Having many years of experience in fitting and

maintaining Nurse Call Systems helps the guys at Lotus Care Technology understand that every home is different and has different needs. They can specify not only the best system for the environmental factors in the home but also take into consideration the best products that will make your carers and nurses jobs that little bit easier. Visit for details.

In addition The Floor Pressure Mat has a heavy non slip backing, It comes professionally sealed so can easily be cleaned for liquid spills and is fully serviceable.




44% of Care Employees Are Considering a Job Change This Year Close to one in every two care sector employees are thinking about a role change this year, according to new research published by workforce software company Sona. In a survey of 750 staff working in care in the UK, 30% said they are looking at a new role within care, and 14% could quit the sector entirely. Given the existing employment gap in care, these figures suggest that providers should be looking to ease the burden on their recruitment teams by prioritising programmes to increase employee satisfaction and retention. Respondents were asked which aspects of their work they feel are very important in any decision to switch employers. Salary (62%) came third, after relationships with residents and patients (63%), and more flexible schedules (62%). The research showed a clear correlation between working patterns and satisfaction at work. 54% of staff with more unpredictable hours are considering a job change this year, compared to 39% of those with predictable hours. Almost 20% of respondents who work unpredictable hours are considering leaving the sector. The findings were revealed as part of Sona’s Rethinking Retention report, which also looked at the factors most likely to make staff feel happy about working for their current employer. More recognition from management (92%), better internal communication (91%), having more freedom to choose their working patterns (90%), and better mental health support for employees (90%) were top of the list.

Intelligent Care Software (ICS) If you are looking for a care management system which answers all of your quality, monitoring and compliance needs, then looks no further than Care is. Care is provides the intelligent software solution for care home and domiciliary care managers and owners looking to roll all of their care and management functions into one electronic platform. We know this to be true because unlike some other CMS’s Care is was conceived, designed, built and is managed by nurses, registered managers and care home owners.

Richard Upshall, Product Director for Health and Social Care at Sona, said: "The possibility of more staff leaving the sector is very concerning given that recruitment is already a big challenge. However, our research shows that the most important contributors to happiness at work are all things employers can control. The status quo is clearly not sustainable, so providers should give themselves permission to radically rethink how they support, engage and motivate their staff. That includes looking at the role technology can play in creating more flexible working patterns, enhancing team communication and recognition, and supporting staff wellbeing.” For more information, please visit

ABOUT SONA Sona’s mission is to put technology in the hands of frontline staff that transforms how they manage their work and engage with their employer. Designed for the specific needs of modern care organisations, Sona’s ‘people operating system’ combines powerful productivity tools with a sleek, simple and intuitive user experience. Features include live schedule view, absence management, instant messaging, and an innovative shift booking platform that matches shift vacancies with employees willing to take on more hours. Trailblazing providers are revolutionising the way they manage, engage and retain their staff with Sona. Customers include Advinia Healthcare, Creative Support, and Praxis Care. The ‘CARE is’ suite includes care and support, care planning platform, our policy app with over 200 high quality policies which are updated regularly and which also includes our supervision, appraisals and training record apps and our audit app which templates all the essential audits and includes a record of inspection visits. At Care is we can get you started on your journey from paper or another care management system with minimum fuss, plenty of support and all for what we believe to be good value for money. With eMAR, mandatory training and a complementary care certificate coming in 2022, there has never been a better time to get on board.



Autonomy and Consent in Care Sam Hussain, Founder and CEO of the care management platform Log my Care, delves into the importance of consent in social care. Too often in care settings we hear the question “Why did no one tell me?” No care provider wants their clients to feel unheard or uninformed, that’s why autonomy in care is so important. In many care situations, service users may already feel like they’re losing control simply because of the circumstances that led them to seek support. Involving them in decision-making around their care can help them retain as much autonomy as possible.

REDUCE RISK Although there’s an element of risk with every activity in care, by giving consent, a client accepts those risks. For care providers, a signed record of this consent can be invaluable, should those risks become reality. Not getting consent right can lead to complaints, criminal liability and more. However, consent obtained correctly can protect those providing care.


Consenting to care means that people are at the heart of the plans put in place to support them. This is an opportunity to initiate discussions with clients about the care that might benefit them, and help tailor care plans to suit them.

LEGAL REQUIREMENT Finally, having a record of consent is a legal requirement that regulatory bodies, like the Care Quality Commission or the Care Inspectorate, check diligently, and will affect how they evaluate a care service as a whole.

HOW LOG MY CARE CAN SUPPORT YOU TO MANAGE CONSENT Log my Care’s consent management feature allows care providers to easily manage their clients’ consent records. Service users can digitally sign consent and lack of capacity forms directly on the platform and reminders can be scheduled to review these records at a later date. See the advert on this page for further details.

‘Work Smarter’ To Tackle Care Recruitment Crisis, Advises Bizimply The recruitment crisis continues to hit care homes hard. According to the latest ONS figures, to 31 March this year, vacancies in the health & social work sector, which includes care, stood at 216,000 – a 6.5% increase on the previous quarter and massive 65% up on the previous year. Care home owners and managers are learning how to run their business with a staff vacancy rate that is here to stay for a while. Conor Shaw, CEO at workforce management specialists Bizimply, says: “Tackling the staffing crisis means ensuring your teams are working not harder, but smarter. “Technology such as ours can be really helpful, allowing managers to create staff rotas and payroll easily and quickly, so they can spend more time with their teams, which raises morale and motivation. It can also

reduce the reliance on agency staff to fill the gaps. “The other benefit is that managers can give staff members their shift patterns further in advance, putting an end to last-minute requests to work. Improving your employees’ work-life balance can go a long way to making them feel more valued in their job and less likely to leave.” Shaw adds: “Nobody chooses a career in care to spend hours on administration. By automating routine tasks, care home managers and staff can concentrate on doing what they love - caring for residents.” A growing number of care homes across the UK and Ireland are now using Bizimply’s software to create staff rotas, payroll and more. To find out more:

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CYBER SECURITY How To Prevent Phishing Cyberattacks In Your Care Facility are because of actions inadvertently taken by employees. Cybercriminals have become more sophisticated than ever and email recipients are finding it increasingly difficult to spot imposter emails. Whilst you have little control over what’s happening externally with BEC, there are some steps that you can take to help prevent this cyberattack impacting your business. Implement the five tips below to help prevent Business Email Compromise in your care business:


Cyberattacks are on the increase and a favourite and growing approach is via email, which we call phishing. Cyber security company Nexor reported that there was a 31% increase in cyber related cases across May and June 2020, with the healthcare sector amongst one of the most targeted industries. According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2021 carried out by Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, among the 38% of small to medium sized businesses identifying a breach or attack, 83% had phishing attacks, 27% were impersonated attacks and 16% had malware (including ransomware). There are many forms of email phishing, but they all have one thing in common – to cause disruption to your business. One form of phishing attack known as ‘business email compromise’ uses compromised email credentials or imitates a legitimate email address in order to encourage the recipient to take action. It’s usually targeted at an individual or small group and relies upon the ability to look like someone in a senior position within a company or a trusted external provider. The aim of the attack could be to transfer funds, make a payment or share sensitive information – patient data for example. It’s exceptionally easy to fall prey to business email compromise or any phishing attack. In fact a report by Beazley PLC, highlighted that a staggering 90% of data breaches occurring in the UK in 2019 were caused by human error! This means that most incidents that occur in a business setting

Introduce multi-factor authentication into your systems. This is an authentication method that requires a user to provide two or more verification factors in order to gain access to a resource such as an application or online account. MFA will protect the user and therefore your business from an unknown person trying to access data, such as patient data, personal information or financial details. In addition to this, you could also create a rule for all new emails that come into the business from external sources. With this in place all external emails would be clearly identified, acting as an additional prompt for the recipient to make sure it’s a legitimate email.

SET UP Take a close look at the procedures in place for the set-up of new accounts. How do you verify their details and address? Look at how you manage any changes they request, to ensure that they are genuine.


2 STAFF TRAINING Carry out staff training on how to detect and avoid phishing emails. The Barnes Risk Management Hub has online learning resources that can be utilised for this purpose, and is an easy way to educate staff in what to look out for.

3 REINFORCE FUND TRANSFER/PAYMENT PROCEDURES Review and reinforce your fund transfer and payment procedures to identify areas that may be vulnerable. This could involve an authentication requirement for people or businesses that are not within your network.

At Barnes Commercial, we can help with a comprehensive risk review, including your vulnerability to cyberattacks and create a programme of covers that are best suited to your needs. As an independent broker we provide completely impartial advice on the best solution for your specific needs. Telephone 01480 272727 Email:

4 LIMIT USERS Reduce or limit the number of people that can authorise financial transfers and payments. The fewer people with the ability to carry out these tasks, the lower your risk of compromise becomes.


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THEMA Healthcare

"I have got 12 years experience in the care industry working in different settings as a nurse or nurse manager. During this time I have realized and understood what clients expect from a truly reliable healthcare professional. "With this in mind, we aim to provide to our clients the people for the job. Our goal is to create long term business relationships with our clients based on trust and providing high efficiency services as we will take time to listen and understand what is important to our clients. "Understanding the importance of flexibility, continuity and stability we will always have the best interest of both client and our staff at heart. Claudiu Nicolae Burtica, Director, Thema Healthcare THEMA Healthcare Ltd. supplies Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants to Care Homes, Rehabilitation Centres, Hospitals, Private Clinics, GP

Surgeries and Domiciliary Care Providers. At THEMA Healthcare we complete full checks on all our staff and we make sure their mandatory training is up to date. We offer exclusive contracts which means you will get the same staff. We cover short notice calls (without a contract with us) but we also offer the option for lock booking our staff for longer periods, days, weeks or even months in advance. THEMA Healthcare covers for short notice sickness, summer holidays period, annual leave, long term sickness and we help care providers until they recruit their own staff. 07894070385

Why Train Beyond the Care Certificate? It can be tempting to think that once the Care Certificate has been achieved it’s the end of training. The Care Certificate can demonstrate that staff have the minimum level of required training. Training to Level 2 and beyond will therefore improve abilities to cope with the challenges presented by working in a difficult sector. Obviously one of the most significant challenges was dealing with Covid but there will be new and different challenges ahead However, it is the clients who will benefit from the improvement that additional training will bring. Whilst these may include advances in the treatment of dementia, or changes to the legislative framework, there will undoubtedly be any number of other issues that will create new and complex problems that need to be dealt with. So, if you think the Care Certificate completes all the training, it might be time to think again.

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So why choose Step Up Training and Care?

We provide training services that will build implicit trust, leading to confidence by clients looking to use your services. At Step Up Training and Care, we know people are busy, work long hours and that a set 9-5 timetable will not work for most care homes and providers. We can tailor our learning programmes to meet individual needs, time our training to meet business commitments, working shift patterns and around family life. Zoom Boom is here to stay, and we can accommodate teaching and learning through blended learning such as classroom, remote, assessor based, one to one training sessions. Our trainers have personal experiences of working in the health and social care sector, hence our flexible approach. We empower people to learn. Training beyond the Care Certificate - Can you afford not to? T : 0121 794 1532 or 07384 698553 W : E :

STEP UP Training and Care At Step Up Training and Care we offer: • Tailored learning journeys and programmes • A flexible blended approach of one to one, in-house, classroom, practical assignments and online assessment methods • Training that will lead to higher quality of care delivery • Training led by tutors and assessors who are specialists in health and social care • Level 3 diplomas that are accredited to Highfield Qualifications

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PROFESSIONAL SERVICES & TRAINING In Dire Need Of Experienced Health Care Assistant, Senior Carer Or A Nurse? JJ Recruitment has the large database of well qualified applicants with experience in the health-care industry, such as health care assistants, senior carers, and nurses from overseas. We also have an expert team of solicitors for the necessary legal proceedings and advices.

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Solicitude Training Training packages are engaging and bespoke to individual organisations to ensure that they are relevant to that particular service and therefore optimise learning and include accredited as well as awareness courses. Solicitude Training is a registered centre with Qualsafe. Training can be delivered virtually, face to face or via e-learning or through a combination. The benefit of using a blended approach is that it can reduce delivery time (and therefore cost), but knowledge can be checked during the face to face delivery, to ensure that not only have the staff gained the knowledge, but that they can apply it to practice. E-learning courses are flexible, can be done from the comfort of the individual staff members own home and at a time that suits them. This enables all individuals to learn at their own pace, without any pressure, to keep up with other staff. The on-line courses are designed to be engaging, interactive and

• We have very minimal processing fees. • We assist you to get a sponsorship license. • Qualified and experienced candidates from overseas. Tel: 01704 809756 relevant to the individual to help staff learn and retain knowledge and so content is designed to enable staff to relate theory to practice. A well-trained workforce is an essential requirement to enable outstanding care to be delivered and these e-learning courses are designed to support the whole employee life cycle from induction through to career development, which in turn empowers staff to feel valued and continue their personal and professional development. E-learning enables services to ensure that all staff are compliant with their training in a cost effective and timely manner. With multi-buy discounts available, this enables services to reduce costs and budget for the years training. Packages can also be purchased that facilitate blended learning, enabling all learning styles and needs to be accommodated. For further information you can contact Solicitude Training on: Tel: 01256 242272 Email: Website:

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance

Global assists clients throughout the U.K. who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objectives of purchase, development and refinance. We have organised over £1.8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt, ease cashflow and develop businesses further. From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size

we assist at every stage of your business expansion. Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements, I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements. Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at

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