The Carer Digital - Issue #78

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W W W. T H E C A R E R U K . C O M

The Carer Digital



Issue 78

MPs Narrowly Vote to Support Cap on Social Care Costs

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won a commons vote this week in support on how his proposals on a social care cap for England is calculated, despite a substantial Tory rebellion. MPs voted through a change to how the £86,000 lifetime cap on care costs is met but critics have said this will affect those with fewer assets the most while people with more assets will gain more. The Bill change was passed by 272 votes to 246 – a majority of 26 – with 19 Conservative MPs voting against the measure and 68 abstentions.

Under the government’s broader social care plan, from October 2023: • Those with assets of less than £20,000 will not have to pay anything from these towards care fees – although they might have to pay from their income • Those with more than £100,000 in assets – the value of their home, savings or investments – will not get any financial help from the council • Those with assets between £20,000 and £100,000 will qualify for council help, but will have to pay £86,000 themselves to reach the cap



EDITOR'S VIEWPOINT Welcome to the latest edition of The Carer Digital! The Prime Minister narrowly won a commons vote earlier this week in support of his social care cap for England, with a majority of just 26. It is one of the most hotly contentious topics in political and social life. In all my years of working on The CARER and observing the debate generally I have never really seen anybody come close to a satisfactory solution. Total spending on adult social care increased, I understand, by 2.2 per cent in real terms last year, increasing from £22.2 billion in 2018/19 to £23.3 billion in 2019/20. I remember a survey a couple of years back which revealed that just 15 per cent of adults say they are making plans for how they will pay for care they might need in the future, while half of English adults (50 per cent) say that they have never thought about how they will pay for care when they get older. The Local Government Association (LGA) called on the Government to lead a national campaign to heighten the profile and reputation of adult social care after the findings of the poll raised deep concerns about the public’s understanding and preparedness for the costs associated with adult social care. That has always been the issue. Preparing for adult social care and getting the public to buy into it is the most crucial of issues, otherwise it is a problem which will never be resolved. This week the government has created further controversy, with its care cap. However, no matter what solution has put forward there are always, I think, going to be winners and losers. Speaking of the government’s new cap on Sky News Sir Andrew Dilnot, who proposed a means tested cap in a report 10 years ago, said: "It would mean those who are less welloff will hit the cap after much longer than those who are better off and will end up having to spend, if they have a long car journey, as much of their own money as people who are much better off. "I think the government deserves credit for taking action here as many governments have not but this particular change has come as a surprise. "I think it is not welcome and does have the effect of being less generous to the less well-off.” I agree that the government does deserve credit for tackling an issue which has been repeatedly kicked down the road. Past governments always seemed to follow the strategy in health and care policy making: avoid social care reform, leave it to someone else! To be fair there is an increase in National Insurance payments of 1.25 per cent, and other levies which will raise £12 billion a year over the next three years, but the argument will, I believe, always come down to whether social care costs are fixed or means tested! But sooner or later the public will have to acknowledge that we all take responsibility and prepare for our own care costs. 15% of people currently doing so is a disappointingly low figure.

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Peter Adams

The debate regarding mandatory vaccines in care homes shows no sign of abating nor, I suspect, will it. The issue has been hugely damaging for the sector. I read this week comments from Neil Russell, who is chairman of specialist neurological care provider, PJ Care, who said he had lost 24 staff with a combined experience of nearly 90 years due to the implementation of mandatory vaccination. Adding that PJ Care had an additional 20 staff currently self-certified with a combined experience of 74 years, and also saying that could take years to replace staff lost in terms of recruitment, training and competency. I said last week there must be a better solution than to seeing dedicated long serving staff leave the sector with the possibility of return ruled out unless they comply with the policy they are clearly, for whatever reason, against. I really do think that UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea raised a valid point when she said : “Care have employers warned of the dire consequences of a draconian approach. The staffing crisis will become a catastrophe for a sector already on its knees. “Some homes may have to close if care staff are barred from their jobs. The upheaval and distress caused to many elderly residents and their families would be disastrous. “Forcing the vaccine on care staff is an own goal by the government. Take-up rates will only increase with persuasion, not punishment.” The union says the government should consider mandatory daily testing for non-vaccinated care home workers as an alternative, a very sensible compromise! We had 78,000 visitors to our website in October, opening over 600,000 pages and that doesn't take into account the readers we have for our digital and print issues. It is wonderful to see that readers are coming back time and again for the latest sector news and we are delighted to publish some stories from various homes around the country, from fund-raising to gardening. If you have anything you would like to share please do send it to me -

EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES Sylvia Mawson David Bartlett Guy Stephenson TYPESETTING & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Shelly Roche Published by


MPs Narrowly Vote to Support Cap on Social Care Costs (CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER) The bill change, referred to as Clause 49, has moved to a Second Reading that will see MPs debate the main principles of the bill in the coming weeks. The changes are expected to save the government £900m a year by 2027. The cap was expected to amount to a combination of all care costs, including means-tested council funding. Sir Andrew Dilnot told MPs last week the move would exacerbate geographical divides as most people with assets of less than £100,000 live in the north of England.

REGRESSIVE STEP Sally Warren, Director of Policy at The King’s Fund, said: “The change to the social care cap is a regressive step that will leave people with low levels of wealth still exposed to very high care costs. “It is likely to mean that some people with moderate assets living in poorer areas will still be forced to sell their home to pay for their care, while wealthier people from richer parts of the country will be protected from this. “This change was sprung upon MPs with very little notice and with no impact assessment made available. It is not the end of the story though – the Health and Care Bill will now pass to the House of Lords for peers to consider the implications of this regressive policy shift. “The government was brave in raising taxes to fund the long-overdue reform of social care but, having taken two steps forward, it has now taken one step back. “People with low and moderate levels of wealth may well wonder why the Prime Minister’s promise that no one need sell their house to pay for care will benefit wealthier people but doesn’t seem to apply to them.”

“ALL IS NOT LOST” The Independent Care Group (ICG) said the rebellion over last night’s vote on the new social care cost cap should be a wake-up call. ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “The strength of feeling against the proposals should demonstrate to the Government that they haven’t got social care done. “Just because something is marginally better to what we have now,

doesn’t solve the crisis – indeed for many the exclusion of council support from the new £86,000 cap on care costs will actually be worse. “But all is not lost, if it listens to what was said last night and what everyone is saying today, the Government still has time to pull care back from the brink. “It needs to act fast and implement change. The Prime Minister has been bold in the past and we need to see him be bold over social care right now. “We need to see big, positive investment in social care to enable it to work hand in hand with NHS care this winter and we need to see longterm reform to recognise, respect and reward social care’s workforce and give them the pay and conditions they have a right to expect.” The ICG is warning of a dire winter as a decade of under-funding combines with the current staffing crisis and the ongoing impact of Covid-19 to put an excessive strain on the social care system.

WILL RESULT IN INEQUALITY Stewart Stretton-Hill, tax, trusts and estate senior associate at Irwin Mitchell said: “The Government’s stance that that everyone should pay less for their care under the new system is ‘technically correct’ but it will result in inequality, hitting those with fewer savings proportionately harder. Individuals need to understand that the cap of £86,000 does not mean that’s all they will have to pay if they need care. It’s really important to read the small print to see what is excluded from counting towards that cap. This can include care fees paid by the local authority, daily living costs, payments by the NHS for care, fees for care needs that have not been assessed by the local authority, third party top-up payments… the list goes on.”

NEEDS FUNDAMENTAL SYSTEM CHANGE Dr Louise Grant, Executive Dean of the University’s Health and Social Sciences – says that the focus on funding is not enough and that we need to look at the bigger picture surrounding modern social care: “Any discussion about improving social care is welcomed by professionals and educators. For too long social care has been neglected, as have the needs of the population and the development of the social care workforce. While the current political discussion is focused on funding, it has also highlighted the issues of inequity in service delivery to the most

vulnerable, frail and disadvantaged members of our society. “Modern social care needs fundamental system change and a focus on workface development and career progression. If we are to attract people to the profession, it is vital that individuals feel they can grow and develop, ensuring they feel valued and able to provide the best possible service to people who need it. “So while social care funding is currently being prioritised, a more comprehensive discussion is necessary. As Gandhi once said: ‘The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members’."

HOPE PEERS VOTE TO OVERTURN IT Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: "The Government's amendment may have been passed by the House of Commons but no doubt the House of Lords will fulfil its constitutional role and give it the intense scrutiny it needs. We hope Peers will vote to overturn it. "No one disputes that the amendment significantly waters down the Government's plan for a cap on catastrophic care costs and does so in a way that protects only the better off. This is unfair and means the people who are most in need of protection against the risk of their care bills wiping out all their assets are least likely to receive it. Many of these older people whom the Government is now proposing to let down will have bought their council homes under the 'right to buy', an extraordinary situation for this group of Ministers to have created. "When the Prime Minister announced his intention to activate Sir Andrew Dilnot's cap on catastrophic costs three months ago Age UK said that this reform was definitely worth having, but increasingly the jury's out. Since then, the Government has failed to give social care the financial settlement it needed at the Spending Review; announced a National Insurance increase to help social care and then admitted almost all the money is going to the NHS; and made vaccination compulsory for care home staff without any plan to replace the thousands of workers its own analysis says will walk away as a result. "The fact that the Government is now intending to effectively gut their proposed cap on catastrophic care costs is therefore just the latest in a series of wholly unsupportive decisions so far as social care is concerned. What are we supposed to think about the Prime Minister's pledge to 'fix social care' now?"


Navigating the Complexities of CQC Domiciliary Care Registration

By Gillian Beal (

Setting up a new business is always an extremely demanding task. But for those in the social care sector, there are added pressures such as CQC registration which often require expert advice and guidance. So, when Tancia Davis wanted to start a business providing domiciliary care in the UK, she turned to QCS for help. Born and raised in Jamaica, Tancia came to the UK in 2002 at the age of 26. She had always wanted to be a nurse, but her dreams were put on hold when she started a family. However, her passion and determination remained undimmed, and she later completed the necessary nursing and care qualifications. Says Tancia, “Despite many obstacles, I never lost sight of my dream. Within two years of arriving in the UK I began to pursue my ambition. I first attended Establishment Castle College in Nottingham, to take their three year Access to Nursing course, and then I completed an Adult Nursing degree at the University of Nottingham. I worked in a residential care home for the entire seven years of my studies. After graduation in 2013 I started my journey as a Registered Nurse.” Tancia worked as a nurse first for the City Hospital in Nottingham and then the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. However, she came to realise that she wanted to start her own her own domiciliary care business, specialising in person-centred care. In Tancia’s experience, due to the pressures many hospitals face, some patients don’t always get much quality time over and above task-based support. The same can be said of residential care homes, mainly due to staff shortages. In domiciliary care, however, a greater emphasis is placed on the person and the care and support they require. With a thorough pre-assessment and properly funded care package, individuals receive quality support in the comfort of their own home, enabling them to maintain independence or recuperate in a familiar environment. “In the UK, it is the custom to consider residential care when our relatives reach a certain age,” explained Tancia. “In Jamaica, we keep our elderly at home, giving them support when they are frail, when they most need it. It’s this culture that I wanted to bring to my business, to provide that level of care to vulnerable people here.” Armed with the necessary qualifications and the dedication to work within the social care sector, Tancia registered her Solihull-based business, ‘First Care Health Care Limited’. But she had one major hurdle to overcome — Care Quality Commission (CQC) Registration. Having gathered all the necessary paperwork and supporting documentation, she made her application in October 2020. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the CQC registration process changed to increase due diligence checks. This was in part driven by CQC inspectors being unable to attend in-person service visits, but also to increase the quality of applications being received. In April 2021, Tancia had her first application returned, with a request for more information and clarity due to the new review process. She was close to giving up but, as an existing QCS customer, she was put in touch

with a specialist consultant who was able to offer support and guidance on how to proceed. She says, “QCS were wonderful, they knew the regualations inside out. The help they gave me during this process was unbelievable. They explained what I needed to do every step of the way.” She revised her application with new documentation showing how she would meet CQC regulations. She evidenced additional work she had carried out around business planning, financial forecasting, and began her interview preparation. Following re-submission, Tancia responded to the registration team’s request for further information and supporting evidence including a new home-office risk assessment, a routine part of the assessment process. Following re-submission, a fit persons interview and a provider assessment Tancia’s second application was finally approved in August. She says that QCS not only played a significant role in the registration process but continue to provide support going forward. “It’s an ongoing process. QCS continues to play a part, not just providing guidance on policies, but also the support to implement them. And I can always pick up the phone to get help if I am facing any issues.” From a domiciliary care perspective, Tancia liked the fact that QCS policies and procedures were fully customised to her business. Particularly useful were registration guidance, templates for business planning, financial forecasting, and care planning as well as fire risk assessments. The Lone Working Policy and Procedure, for example, guides staff on how to keep safe when working alone and confirms that the staff member must feel confident and competent to work alone. Tancia found the Risk Assessment policies very useful because “when we talk about person-centred care, safety is vital. They helped us with awareness, and to assess the individual and the home.” Tancia has also singled out the QCS app for praise.“Staff have access to all of QCS's policies on the App. This not only guides them on how to deliver more effective care, but also helps ensure that they are complying with regulations. For me, it is about ensuring that staff are well trained, are keeping up with policy, new legislation and regulations. That, for me, ensures that staff are competent and able to deliver great care." She explains that as a registered manager and nominated individual, she wants to know that the service users feel supported, and are well taken care of. “It is not about the carers going in and robotically doing a job without compassion. It is how you make the individual feel and how you leave them feeling that really counts.” Tancia also likes the fact that she can keep her staff files and service user files in one place. ”I can look at policies, and I can do a risk assessment with my service user - all the forms and the templates are there. I don’t have to create them – it’s been done for me, a real time saver. And as all my care plans are on the system, I use it a lot. I would estimate it has increased my efficiency by about 20%. The time it has saved me I can spend on my service users and training my staff.” When it comes to the future, Tancia remains ambitious. She would like to open more domiciliary care agencies across the country. “I am confident that I will get there as my main objective is to deliver outstanding person-centred care. I won't settle for anything less and nor should those who I support.” To find out more about the QCS or to purchase a subscription, please contact QCS’s team of advisors on 0333-405-3333 or email:

An Incredible Life – OBE Centenarian Who Escorted HRH Her Majesty The Queen – Celebrates 100th Birthday Resident Reminisces About His Youth And Community-Focused Career At The Lawn, the Altonbased residential care home run by charity Friends of the Elderly, resident Donald Swann, OBE had a wonderful day celebrating his milestone 100th birthday. Donald, who has been a resident for nearly two years, marked his Centenarian Day in style with a delicious birthday lunch with his son, Ian. Following lunch, Donald continued the celebrations at The Lawn care home, enjoying a special birthday cake and a fun afternoon chatting and reminiscing with the care team and friends about his extraordinary life. Donald received his OBE in the 1977 Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours List which were announced on 11th June that year. An OBE, standing for Officer of the Order of the British Empire, is the second highest ranking Order of the British Empire award and is presented to people who have made a noticeable and positive impact in their line of work. Donald received his award in recognition for his work with the Youth and Community Services in Huddersfield and Bradford. At Buckingham Palace, his wife Jean and his children Janet and Ian, looked on as Her Majesty the Queen presented Donald with the iconic gold cross and

red ribbon. That same year, Donald was the Queen’s escort at a major event at Elland Road, the Leeds United Football Stadium, which was arranged to celebrate the achievements of youth groups throughout Yorkshire. The stands were packed with 40,000 young people who had turned out to welcome the Queen and Prince Philip, in what was reported as ‘the biggest and the noisiest festival so far’ of the Queen’s Jubilee Tour. Donald’s work towards the recognition of the OBE really began back in 1961, when he became the first Principal Youth and Community Officer at Bradford Council and, with his team, transformed the service into one of the most enterprising authorities in the country. One of his most memorable achievements was establishing international links which enabled youth groups to travel across Europe and even to the then Soviet Union. Donald was also heavily involved with The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, which are open to all 14 to 24-year-olds regardless of background, location, ability or gender. He worked tirelessly to bring the Awards closer to the Youth Services throughout the country and established a purpose-built Awards Centre in Bradford. Donald said: “I was passionate about my work. I believed – and still do – that it is important for young people to have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build their individual confidence. By taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards and achieving the different elements, the young people I worked with learnt essential skills such as problem solving and team work, alongside becoming resilient and good communicators. All things that help in life. It was a wonderful thing to be involved with, it really did help transform lives.” When Donald retired he continued playing golf, a game that he loved – but not as much as ‘the beautiful game’ football. Both he and Jean were season ticket holders and followed The Whites (or

Peacocks) at Leeds United. However, his passion was, and still is his beloved Terriers, Huddersfield Town FC, who he has supported for nearly 95 years, having attended his first match when he was five. “I remember being lifted over the turnstiles to get into the ground, I can’t imagine that happening nowadays,” Donald added. Another hobby Donald is enthusiastic about is singing. He was in The Honley Male Voice Choir and was their Secretary, then Chairman and is now Honorary Vice President. He was absolutely delighted to receive a personalised engraved glass from his friends at The Honley Male Choir as a gift on his milestone birthday. Donald still loves to sing, and one of his favourite activities at The Lawn are the singing sessions. Alina Gutu, the Care Home Manager at The Lawn said: “We really wanted to make Donald’s 100th Birthday extra special and ensure he had a wonderful, memorable day. He’s a well-loved and well-liked member of the Lawn family and is a joy to be around. He’s always singing and enthusiastic about the activities he takes part in. We’re so glad he had a great day – a great day for a great man.” Donald concluded: “I came to The Lawn as my family and I had heard of its good reputation, and I have to agree. All the care team really look after me and we are always chatting, singing and up to something. “I received my OBE from Her Majesty in 1977 and now in 2021 have received my 100th Birthday card – and to top it all, she’s the Royal Patron of Friends of the Elderly. I’m honoured to have been fortunate enough to meet her. “I have had a truly unforgettable day. We were chatting earlier and I was asked what my secret to a long and happy life was? I’d have to say my wonderful family, good friends, singing, football and definitely early retirement.”


Spending on Social Care Not Enough to Support Everyone, Councils Warn Children’s and adult social care services could fail to support everyone they need to despite making up nearly two-thirds of councils’ total spending due to rising demand, increasing costs and inadequate funding, local leaders warn today. New analysis by the Local Government Association shows that social care-providing authorities, who want to be able to support all children and adults to lead an equal life, are now spending more than 60 per cent of their outgoings on these essential services, underlining the urgent need for action to address immediate pressures now. It comes as this year’s virtual National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC) opens today (Wednesday), featuring Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid, Chief Medical Officer for England Prof Chris Whitty, NHS England Chief Executive Amanda Pritchard and Children’s Minister Will Quince, among other high-profile speakers over three days. The LGA, which represents councils, says serious questions remain about whether the expected £5.4 billion from the new Health and Care Levy over the next three years will be enough to pay for recently-announced adult social care reforms. No funding was made available in the recent Spending Review to address immediate pressures on adult social care, including urgent action which is still needed on care worker pay and on staff recruitment and retention. The LGA says money raised from the new Levy should also be used to support frontline social care, to stave off the worst of the pressures and provide a degree of stability for the short- to medium-term.

The LGA also says that as well as existing and future pressures on adult social care, spiralling demand on children’s social services and future cost pressures in children’s social care are set to increase by an estimated £600 million each year until 2024/25, with many councils finding themselves in the unsustainable position of consistently having to overspend their children’s services budgets. Instead councils need the right level of funding to provide the early intervention and prevention support to stop children reaching crisis point in the first place. Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, said: “Everybody who is in need of social care to live their best life, no matter their age, should be able to receive it. “Councils want to do all they can to help people to live the life they want to lead, safe and well, but are now seriously concerned they may be unable to meet their full range of legal duties towards all those who need care and support. “Steadily growing demand has seen councils with these responsibilities devoting nearly two-thirds of their total spending to both children’s and adult social care, which is simply unsustainable. “There is a very real risk that local residents will feel they are paying twice with an increased social care precept on their council tax bills, on top of the new health and care levy, yet see their experience of social care services deteriorate due to dwindling resources. “The Government’s imminent white paper on adult social care should set out precisely how money raised from the levy will address all of its reforms, while also diverting more money to the frontline to urgently meet immediate pressures, including on care worker pay and staffing. “Children’s social care also needs an immediate funding boost to address a £600 million shortfall, amid spiralling demand and rising costs while we await the outcome of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.”

Moors Manor Care Home Supports Children in Need Residents at Moors Manor Care Home in Ringwood have baked and decorated some cakes up to raise money for Children in Need, all the staff wore pyjama’s or Pudsey clothes which made the residents smile. Taking place this year on Friday 19 November, Children in Need raises money to help support local charities and projects which are providing essential frontline help to children and young people in communities throughout the UK. Caroline, Deputy Manager at Moors Manor Care Home, said: “Taking part in Children in Need has been a huge amount of fun and everyone at the home has been behind us all the way. It’s for such an important cause. I’m very glad to be able to do my bit to raise both awareness and money for Children in Need and all the initiatives it supports.”


Improving The Employee Experience For Care Workers frontline workers have seen engagement decline dramatically over the past year. This is in sharp contrast to engagement levels in office-based companies (that have had remote working as an option) in which most organisations have reported that employee engagement has increased. Many care workers are disengaged, demotivated, and exhausted, and they’re heading straight for the door!


Recruitment and retention are huge challenges in the care industry right now with research highlighting how employee engagement among frontline staff has declined sharply over the past 18 months. And as the promise of a large pay rise or hybrid working just aren’t possible, care industry leaders need to find other ways to prevent their best people from walking out the door. The employee experience is therefore key, with a focus on making care workers feel valued, appreciated, and supported. Steven Frost, Founder and CEO of employee engagement expert WorkBuzz explains how this can be achieved.

THE STATE OF ENGAGEMENT Care workers have experienced the full brunt of the pandemic, forced to cope with health and wellbeing concerns, including burnout. It’s therefore unsurprising that 49 per cent of organisations with mostly

There’s an urgent need to improve the employee experience, with an emphasis on making every care worker feel valued and appreciated. Here’s how: Have an onboarding plan – The reason most care workers will leave their job in the first 90 days (and often the first few days) is because they feel lonely, isolated, and unsupported. There needs to be a clear onboarding plan which makes new recruits feel welcome, starting with a handwritten welcome note from the employee’s manager and colleagues to show that extra level of effort. Providing every new starter with a buddy/mentor for support must also become standard. Give employees a ‘voice’ – Decisions are often made far away from the frontline and yet care staff can contribute a lot to decision making. Interestingly, Germany has it written into law that when companies have more than five employees, a works council can be elected by the employees, thereby providing them with a voice. Many German care providers therefore consult with their workers on various matters, and this is an important lesson for the UK care market. By continually requesting feedback from employees and then using these insights to inform decision-making, care workers feel valued and heard. This approach also delivers a number of business benefits, such as improved service levels. Prioritise appreciation – Employees are unlikely to stick around if they feel taken for granted. It’s therefore vital for leaders to get to know their

teams on a personal level and be quick to give genuine appreciation. A personalised thank you note from a manager to an employee can have a huge impact, for example, helping to build engagement and loyalty. Develop your people – What are your employees’ career aspirations and developmental goals? By providing opportunities to learn and grow, care workers are more likely to remain loyal. This could include providing workers with the opportunity to be mentors and/or involving them in the recruitment of new staff. Offering courses/training would also be well received. Provide wellbeing support – What's in place to look after care workers’ health and wellbeing? Leaders must regularly check-in with their people to see how they're coping physically and emotionally, while watching for signs of burnout such as loss of motivation, fatigue, and work avoidance. Providing or signposting staff to mental health support services is also important. Train managers – Most managers will never have been trained on how to be a leader. Spend time on training ‘soft’ skills, such as active listening, how to use blame-free language and effective recognition giving. Put the right technology in place – Lack of 'mobile first' technologies can mean care workers just don't have the means to effectively engage with their leaders, colleagues, and the organisation, heightening their isolation. By using technology and apps that streamline communications and allow ongoing employee feedback, care workers will feel a greater sense of belonging and believe that their opinion matters.

A FINAL WORD In the face of ‘The Great Resignation’, it’s time to rethink care worker recruitment and retention. By continuing along the same path, staff attrition will only continue, and so it’s vital for the employee experience to become king.

Community Integrated Care Score a Win at the Sports Business Awards! The National Care Forum (NCF) – leading association for not for profit care providers, along with five other charities and membership organisations have called on the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to take immediate steps to ensure that older people are not forced to remain in hospital longer than medically necessary this winter. In an open letter to Sajid Javid, the National Care Forum, British Geriatrics Society, Age UK, Independent Age, Care England and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have called for immediate steps to be taken to address the shortage of care workers to ensure that older people are able to access the care they need when they are discharged from hospital. This includes an immediate bonus and pay rise for staff working in social care and for care workers to be added to the Shortage Occupation List. The letter highlights the stories shared through the British Geriatrics Society’s Timely Discharge campaign, illustrating the human impact on large numbers of older people in hospitals across the country who are medically fit for discharge but cannot access the care and rehabilitation they need to return home. A massive shortfall in available care staff means that older people are ending up stuck in hospital when they do not need to be there. Hospital staff are currently caring for COVID patients while trying to address the backlog of patients who had treatment delayed during the pandemic. This is made even more challenging by having wards full of patients who are fit for discharge but who cannot access the care they need at home. Care workers have worked tirelessly to support older people in care homes and at home through the immense challenges of the COVID pandemic. However, due to the combined effects of exhaustion, poor pay and conditions, Brexit restrictions and the imposi-

tion of mandatory vaccinations, they are now leaving the profession in significant numbers for better-paid jobs in other sectors. By giving care staff a bonus and pay rise and by adding care workers to the Shortage Occupation List, we believe that the Secretary of State could bring a halt to the current exodus of care workers, ensuring social care is in place to enable older people to be discharged from hospital. This will ensure timely care, support and rehabilitation is provided in the right place, and also help to alleviate pressures in acute care, giving the NHS breathing space to get through the winter months. In the longer term, a sustainable plan for the recruitment, retention and support of the health and social care workforce providing care for older people is urgently needed.

Vic Rayner OBE, CEO of the National Care Forum said: ‘The pressure on people is immense. Shortages in the care workforce mean that people are not able to be in the place they call home and often are spending too long in hospital where they are unable to receive the care they need. There is no time for government to delay. If we fail to take decisive action to address this workforce crisis, then we fail the people and communities that we are all here to serve.’ Dr Jennifer Burns, President of the British Geriatrics Society, commented: ‘Our Timely Discharge blog series shares the desperate stories of individuals, families, clinicians, managers and care providers, to raise awareness of the damaging effects on all involved when older people who are ready to go home are trapped in hospital for want of social care. The NHS is currently under extreme pressure without the added challenge of people remaining in hospital who medically do not need to be there. It is vital that Sajid Javid takes immediate action to relieve the pressure on the NHS and on social care over the upcoming winter months.’ Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: ‘Unfortunately, delayed discharges are back with a vengeance at a time when our hospitals are under unprecedented pressure from COVID-19 and treatment backlogs. These delays cause misery and distress to older people who cannot get home, and the principal reason for them is beyond dispute: a chronic and apparently growing shortage of care staff available to support older people when they leave hospital. The Government must get a grip on this situation and at least try and stop the situation from becoming worse, by putting more money into care workers’ pockets now. The other UK nations have already paid retention bonuses to care workers and the government in Westminster should follow suit.’

Robust Testing for Airborne Illnesses Urged Across the Care Industry This Winter to Protect Residents and Staff Airborne illnesses beyond COVID-19 and influenza must be part of prevention strategies in care homes to reduce hospitalisation of residents this winter, according to healthcare company Abbott. While the nation is increasingly familiar with COVID-19 symptoms, as well as influenza, there are airborne diseases that are also putting people at risk. Respiratory Syncytial Virus – known as RSV – is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. While COVID-19 and influenza testing are becoming common practice, visitors entering care homes with RSV may go undetected. The vital role testing plays in protecting both care home residents and staff is supported by Care England, the leading representative body for care providers in England. "It is helpful to raise awareness of other airborne diseases that care home staff, residents and visitors might be unfamiliar with. Before the pandemic, not many people had heard the term ‘coronavirus’, but increased awareness has helped most understand why safety precautions and testing are of paramount importance in the care sector," commented Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive at Care England. "We are fully aware of the immense pressure care homes are under as we head into the winter season, but the first line of defence against lesser-known airborne diseases – like RSV – is ensuring care staff are aware of it, increasing education on the symptoms, and ensuring testing is in place wherever possible," added Green. RSV symptoms may include a runny nose, cough, temperature, sore throat, and wheezing[i]. For those aged over 65, RSV accounts for 175,000 appointments with general practitioners, 14,000 hospitalisations and 8,000 deaths per year in the UK[ii]. There are currently no specific treatments for RSV infection and management is purely sup-

portive through oxygen supplementation; therefore, prevention of contracting the disease is essential. To detect RSV, care home providers should look to utilise kits that scan for airborne diseases – like Abbott’s ID NOW – a portable instrument used for front-line testing in health settings. It quickly provides results for COVID-19, influenza A & B, strep A and RSV, with positive results shown in a little as five minutes, and negative results in 13 minutes. Gabriela Zackova, director of Dementia and Wellbeing at Loveday & Co Care Homes has recently added an ID NOW testing device. Gabriela said: "We’re excited to be using this point of care test for our staff, residents and their visitors. Last year, winter was one of the hardest times for our sector, not only due to the increased pressure to keep people safe, but also for our residents, who were separated from the people they love which had a significant impact on their wellbeing and mental health." "ID NOW is a small, lightweight machine, about the size of a toaster, that will allow us to make even better decisions about risk levels for numerous viruses, enabling us to provide a more robust screening process for everyone at the facility." Abbott has been a global leader in COVID-19 testing throughout the pandemic. "While many staff and visitors will self-test for COVID-19 at home before entering the premises, it is vital precautions are taken for other airborne illnesses. By utilising a diagnostic testing device on-site, we can slow the spread of illness, better protect vulnerable residents, and minimise the risk of catching potentially life-threatening illnesses this winter," added Sam Lloyd, general manager, Infectious Diseases at Abbott’s rapid diagnostics business in the UK and Ireland. For more information on Abbott’s ID NOW testing instrument, visit:


Health Secretary Defends Social Care Plans Saying ‘Everyone Will Be Better Off’ Health & Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid has defended the government’s health and

social care plans after critics said they would hit those less well off. Mr has said “everyone, doesn’t matter where they live in the country, will be better off” under the Government’s new social care plans. The government has however have faced mounting criticism for changes to proposals which critics have said will mean poorer recipients of care, including those in the north of England and in areas with lower house prices, will be hit hardest by a cap on costs, amid reports that senior Tory MPs were urging the Prime Minister to ditch the plans or risk being forced into a U-turn. Sir Andrew Dilnot, who made previous care cap proposals, said those with fewer assets would see no benefit from the government’s plans. Tory MPs in the government’s ‘red wall’ seats in the north have threatened to oppose the plans when they are voted on this week in Parliament. t Mr Javid, speaking on The Andrew Marr Show on BBC One said that Sir Andrew was

only comparing his own proposals with the Government’s plan.

The Health Secretary said: “No-one will have to pay more than £86,000, doesn’t matter who they are, where they live in the country.” When questioned that that not everyone has assets of more than £86,000, Mr Javid replied: “That’s where we’ve set the cap, so to protect you from catastrophic costs, because most people’s care journey is not that long, most people’s care journey is a couple of years. “But one in, I think it’s around one in seven people, have costs higher than £86,000. “What we have also done, which is very different to what Andrew had set out in his original plans, is we’ve got a much more generous means test. “So what our plans mean, taken together, is that everyone, everyone – doesn’t matter where they live in the country – will be better off under the new proposals that we set out, versus the current system. Everyone will be better off.”

Care Home Residents Asked ‘Are We Too Old For Slime?? With Slime being a great toy to play with and make for children our Residents at Ashcombe House, worting road took part in a ‘Science of slime’ workshop with Wild Science. The fun interactive workshop taught us first about the science behind the slime, what makes it gooey and how it can be manipulated, learning how molecules behave in a polymer before getting to make lots of slime. The Slime recipe itself was very simple and quick to make which we found surprising, each resident made a different colour slime, the first slime was a gooey one which was very stretchy, and residents had a great time seeing how far they could stretch the slime and whose would stretch the furthest. Our second slime was more dense and almost bounced when dropped or thrown!! the slime making was very therapeutic, and a fantastic form of sensory play, engaging all the senses and we found it very soothing. Resident Ivy Gibson said ‘ I haven’t laughed so much for ages, feeling the sticky

slime all over my hands and just playing with it, it really has been a fantastic afternoon, and I can’t wait to tell my great grandchildren that their Nan knows how to make slime!” As we grow up and become adults, we forget to play and have fun. By playing, we invite joy and vitality into our lives! You literally trigger and release endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, by playing with slime! We all know that play is crucial in a child's self-development process, but it's also crucial for adults too to stay healthy. The greatest benefit of playing with slime is that it's calming. Even for adults, taking the time to hold that icky, gooey substance in your hands and play with it is very relaxing. It can lower stress levels and put you in a better mood. So we really are never too old to play with slime!


New Organisation Launched to Support Social Care Heroes As the pressures on social care workers mount and the care sector faces the hardest winter on record, a new organisation has launched to support social care workers and recognise their dedication and personal sacrifices. Support Social Care Heroes (SSCH) has been established by Nicola Richards, Managing Director of Palms Row Health Care and Chair of the Sheffield Care Association. SSCH, which is in the process of achieving charitable status, aims to preserve, protect and improve the health and wellbeing of those providing social care. There are 1.54m people working in social care in the UK and this is expected to increase to 2.17m by 2035. This workforce is often overlooked yet they keep the most vulnerable people in our society safe and well. Carers often work long, anti-social hours and they don’t often get the recognition and rewards they deserve. The situation was desperate before the pandemic but the last two years has seen them struggle like never before. It is hoped that SSCH will receive significant support following research which found that the overwhelming majority of the public feel that social care staff are undervalued (81%) and underpaid (80%). Nicola Richards commented: “We’re facing a precipice in social care and Support for Social Care Heroes is building a bridge to a future in which those who need care, and those caring for them, are valued by society. “The care sector loses its best people every week. Our organisation aims to end this revolving door for employees by bringing greater

meaning to their role and supporting employers to make meaningful, long-term changes to their circumstances. “Our country’s social care heroes have been on the front line and in the headlines for over 18 months and, though there is more public recognition for the amazing work they do, they are overworked, underpaid and lacking support. “While the sector continues to fight for fair wages and conditions for carers, Support Social Care Heroes aims to fill a gap by improving the wellbeing of these vital workers and show them that they are valued. It’s time to care for our social care heroes.” Donations to SSCH will raise funds to be used solely in supporting care workers, enabling a better work / life balance, improved resilience, fewer acute cases through stress, and eliminating chronic long-term illness whenever possible and retaining talent within the sector to help stabilise the current staffing crisis. Work will focus on taking successful person centred, holistic and fun wellbeing pilot programmes and scaling them up to deliver for care heroes across the country. Laura Hibbard, Care Manager at Westbourne Care home in Sheffield, added: “The last 18 months have been so tough for everyone in the care sector. Care home residents across the country have shown unimaginable resilience throughout the pandemic but the people who care for them are mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. “No one becomes a carer for the money, we do it to improve the lives of vulnerable people. It can be a hugely rewarding experience but it can also be extremely difficult at times. Carers often feel forgotten so I think it’s wonderful that SSCH is being established to acknowledge the cru-

cial role they play in our society.” Nadra Ahmed OBE, Executive Chair of the, National Care Association, commented: “Valuing our workforce for the professionalism they have shown though the past 20 months, and for many years before, is essential “We must do everything we can to show them how much we care about them as they support those in our services. The passion with which Support Social Care Heroes is being launched as an innovative, led by providers, organisation demonstrates how invaluable our workforce is to us “Being able to do something tangible for them when they need it most feels positive. Caring about those who care for others is the right thing to do.” Brigitte Kaviani, Head of Health and Wellbeing at the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, commented: “The last 18 months has been one of the most difficult periods in NHS and Social Care organisations. The SYB ICS is already supporting our care worker ‘heroes’ by providing mental health support via our mental health resilience hub Home ( which provides fast-track access to assessment and the appropriate support pathway via a 24/7, 365 helpline. “We also provide access to ‘free’ Health and Wellbeing programmes via our extensive programmes Workforce wellbeing :: SYB ICS. “Being able to support our Care home colleagues is paramount as we need to ensure we support them by providing Health and Wellbeing programmes and supporting any holistic and rewarding HWB initiatives.”

Witney Care Home Gets Happy Feet With The Visit Of Two Penguins Residents and staff members at Newland House Care Home in Witney p-p-picked up not one penguin but two during a visit on Wednesday (17th November)! The Humboldt penguins, Charlie and Groot, together with their handlers Jersey Shepherd and Aaron Newman from Heythrop Zoological Gardens in Chipping Norton, entertained everybody with their antics at Newland House. Some residents were delighted to have the penguins sitting on their laps while others fed them fish.

Aaron told them that 25-year-old Charlie, now something of a senior citizen himself, is the grand-dad of three-year-old Groot who is still getting used to being a penguin superstar on their visits to care homes. Sue Kent, Newland House’s Registered Manager, said: “What an afternoon we had! The penguins were a total hit with our ladies, gentlemen and team members, and brought many smiles to everyone’s faces. It was a fantastic experience for all of us and we were so sorry to see them go.”


Support When It Matters: Helping Families Prepare For Probate By Damon Segal - Co-founder at LifeTidy ( DEALING WITH PROBATE FIRST-HAND

Providing end-of-life care is not easy. For all of those involved, it’s an incredibly difficult and emotional time, which can make any decisionmaking a big challenge. In these situations, it’s hard enough to decide what you want to make for dinner, let alone what to prepare for probate. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that probate is an incredibly complex, often chaotic process for loved ones and executors. If you are not organised, it can be even more confusing, stressful and expensive.

I know just how difficult probate can be. When my brother suddenly passed away a few years ago, I was left to manage his estate. Due to the nature of his passing, both he and I were completely unprepared. As a result, I was left with the monumental task of navigating probate without any of the right information to hand. If this wasn’t challenging enough, I was doing all of this while grieving the loss of my brother, which made the whole experience very unpleasant. From start to finish, the process was incredibly long and time-consuming, being made considerably more complicated by the fact none of my brother’s affairs were in order. After opening just one draw in the study and being met with a mountain of paperwork, I knew that I had a lot of work ahead of me. It transpired that my brother had stored years of paperwork, assets and other important information in various locations around the house – from boxes under the bed to files on his computer, with no evident filing system. There was also the challenge of tracing passwords and requesting access to find certain information which was an extra challenge I hadn’t even considered. This meant locating the right documents took months. Far longer than it needed to. And there are still gaps that I have been unable to fill. But this situation is not unique to me, there are many others around the UK facing very similar situations. Research we conducted at LifeTidy found that 94% of people do not have their affairs fully organised in the

event of their death and approximately 30 million people do not have a will which can have a significant and detrimental impact on probate. This left me thinking that I would love to help people in my situation avoid some of the pitfalls to help make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

THE IMPORTANCE OF HELPING FAMILIES GET PREPARED The best piece of advice that caregivers can give to clients and their families is to get organised. My three top tips for getting prepared are:

1. Find out if the person has a will This will determine how you apply for a grant of probate.

2. Locate important information and assets For me, this was the most stressful part of probate and is why I came up with LifeTidy, this secure online platform stores all assets and other important information, such as birth and marriage certificates, saving accounts and policies in one safe place. Advising families to start the process of locating and collating this information as early as possible, especially when they can get guidance from their loved ones regarding the location of important documentation or valuations on items like jewellery, will save a lot of worries later down the line.

3. Find out how much inheritance tax you might need to pay Confirm whether the estate is liable for inheritance tax to avoid any unexpected payments. Tools like an inheritance tax calculator can help with this. By encouraging families to get organised today, caregivers can help provide much-needed peace of mind for tomorrow.

Essex Care Provider Achieves Industry Recognition For Life-Saving Partnership During Pandemic Essex care provider ECL has just won the prestigious award ‘Public Private Partnership’ at the Laing Buisson Awards. This national industry recognition comes following the success of Step 2 Home, ECL’s residential reablement service partnership which eased pressure on the NHS significantly during last year’s lockdown. With NHS services at capacity, options were limited for those who were medically fit but needed more support before returning to their own homes, and extended hospital stays were no longer an option. In direct response, ECL partnered with Essex County Council and NHS partners to set up Step 2 Home on 8th May 2020 in record time at former care home Howe Green. Without Step 2 Home, its 62 customers would have gone into high-care residential placements due to their District Nursing needs and unsuitable home arrangements. In addition to high-quality accommodation and wrap-around support, the Step 2 Home service included Physio and Occupational Therapy onsite daily, with District Nursing, GPs and Pharmacy to avoid hospital readmission. Despite operating at the height of Covid-19 cases, no outbreak occurred at Howe Green. Strict infection control protocols were employed including an Amber ward to isolate new customers for Covid-19 testing and a no visitor policy. To help with potential feelings of isolation, customers were offered the use of an Alcove carephone – an intuitive device that enabled them to make video calls to friends and

family members, to keep in touch for the duration of their stay. ECL also adjusted staffing ratios to allow 24hour constant supervision to customers who needed it. When hospital pressures eased and the service ended on 20th July 2020, over 80% of discharges successfully returned home or to a permanent place of residence. The ‘Public Private Partnership’ award win this year signifies the successes of Step 2 Home during a difficult period. This is ECL’s second award win of the month, having won the ‘Care Innovator’ award at The Great British Care Awards for Inclusive Employment Business Manager Sue Wray’s dedication to their Inclusive Employment Service. Joe Coogan, Director of Operations said: “We are delighted to have been recognised by the Laing Buisson Awards for Step 2 Home, which was such an important service to support the NHS in their time of need. The speed at which Step 2 Home was designed, commissioned, and mobilised is testament to the hard work and incredible cooperation of ECL, Essex County Council, and NHS staff. With just two weeks between commission and setup, we have no doubt our team’s rapid response to the NHS’s plight aided positive outcomes. While Step 2 Home was a short-term partnership, our commitment to care is forever. We hope that this recognition will raise awareness of the incredible work ECL does, providing care and support to thousands across Essex.” To find out more about ECL’s services, see

Hugh O’Neill Completes 1000-Mile Virtual Walk From Land’s End To John O’Groats To Raise Money For Cabrini House In Orpington Hugh O’Neill was inspired to do the 1000-mile fundraising walk for the charity Diagrama when he heard that Cabrini House, their home for adults with learning disabilities was fundraising to create a sensory room. In November, Hugh O’Neill, who runs corporate product branding company Recognition Express, walked the last mile of his 1000 mile walk up to Cabrini House in Orpington to meet the residents and staff who will benefit from his challenge. Hugh O’Neill, said, “As well as raising £3,360 I have lost over three stones since I began my walking challenge at the beginning of the year. When I got to 999 miles, I knew that my final mile would be the most important, as I would be walking to Cabrini House to meet the residents and staff who will benefit from the money I have raised during the walk. It has been a fabulous year and I am overwhelmed by how generous

people have been.”

Cabrini’s initial plans to build and equip a sensory room have now been upscaled. and they can now incorporate their very own sensory garden. They received a very generous donation of £4,000 from the Rolt family, whose brother Chris, lives at Cabrini. This gave Diagrama the funding they needed to complete the sensory room and the money raised from Hugh’s walk will allow the charity to buy upgraded sensory equipment and fund the additional plans of the sensory garden. Claire Morlham, Manager at Cabrini House, said, “We are over the moon that we have received so much support for our sensory room fundraising campaign. The Rolt family donation and the fundraising walk from Hugh O’Neill has allowed us to plan so much more than we could ever have hoped to enrich the lives of our residents.” To find out more about Cabrini House visit


Staffing Levels In Care ‘Dangerously Low’ says UNISON Survey Nearly a third (31%) of care staff say staffing levels are dangerously low, getting worse and negatively affecting the care provided, says a UNISON survey published this week. The findings are based on responses from more than 1,600 care employees and reveal some dying residents are being denied a dignified end to their lives. This is because there are not enough staff to sit with them in their final hours, says the union. Other shocking consequences of the staffing crisis highlighted by the survey include people being left in dirty sheets, denied regular baths or showers, and not helped to dress until the afternoon. An overwhelming majority (97%) of workers say their care employer is currently experiencing staffing shortages with burnout, overwork, and low pay (or better pay elsewhere) among the main reasons cited. The findings were based on responses from care workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The majority (52%) work in care homes, with the rest providing support in other locations such as people’s own homes or in supported living accommodation. Other findings from the survey include two thirds (67%) of staff saying they are thinking of leaving social care. The union says this is a disastrous but inevitable consequence of poverty wages, low morale and years of chronic underfunding. Care workers who took part in the survey were asked to choose a statement that best described the situation where they worked. A total of 47% said staffing shortages are having a negative impact on the care provided and 31% that staffing levels are dangerously low, getting worse and having a negative impact on the care provided. This compares with 20% who said there are some staffing shortages but their workplace is managing, and 1% who said the situation is fine and there are no serious staffing shortages. Of those thinking of leaving social care, the top reasons staff gave were burnout, stress, mental health and wellbeing (30%), followed by better pay elsewhere or low pay (29%) and compulsory vaccination (14%). Other reasons for wanting to quit included

poor treatment by their employer (11%) and overwork due to staffing shortages (10%). Commenting on the findings, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Social care is experiencing an unprecedented staffing crisis. “Care workers are leaving in their droves – burnt out from the pandemic, exhausted from covering under-staffed shifts and fed up with low wages. “This is nothing short of a nightmare for families worried about the care of their loved ones, overworked employees struggling to cope and employers concerned they won’t have the staff to stay open. “The care sector is desperately short of workers and can’t wait months for the government to come up with a solution. “Ministers should give all care employees some early festive cheer and announce an across-theboard pay rise. This would persuade many on the verge of quitting to stay and encourage more people to think seriously about working in social care.” Care workers who took part in the survey highlighted the impact that staffing shortages were having on the quality of care delivered and on staff morale. Comments included: · “People aren’t getting regular baths or showers, just a wash. There’s no time to do the job properly. Some are not getting dressed until 2pm, and assisted feeding is rushed. Staff are exhausted, angry and upset because they know they just don’t have the time to do everything as they should.” · “There are not enough carers on each shift. Residents are being put to bed early just so staff can deal with all the residents.” · “The dying aren’t dying with dignity because there’s not enough staff to sit with people in their final hours. Residents are being neglected, not having baths, meals are late, and staff are exhausted.” · “There are unsafe staffing levels on both the day and night shifts. Care is depressingly rushed and residents long for just those few extra minutes of social contact. But we simply don’t have the time. Staff are on their knees. Many are taking jobs in supermarkets for the same pay but far less stress.”

· “People aren’t getting enough one-to-one time or the right care due to low staffing levels. More falls are happening, and accidents are occurring more frequently.” · “The level of care is declining as there aren’t enough carers to do the job. People are being left in wet, dirty beds.” This month, the government’s ‘no jab, no job’ mandate for care home staff in England came into force. Until Christmas Eve, care workers can temporarily exempt themselves from having the Covid jab. After this date they will require a formal medical exemption. UNISON fears the end of the year could see an exodus of staff, pushing the care sector over the edge and forcing homes to close.


Merseyside Councils Launch Pilot to Help Health and Social Care Providers Deliver Support to their Citizens Three local authorities in Merseyside have launched a data-led early support pilot, designed to proactively identify individuals that may benefit from social care support, before they fall into crisis or long-term care. It has been developed by Liquidlogic and Graphnet, two of the UK’s fastest growing suppliers of health and social care software. The pilot, named the Merseyside Early Support Project, will initially be run across Knowsley, Liverpool, and Wirral. It uses proven technology to read the rich sets of data available to the region, including data sources from local councils, and population health management system, CIPHA. An algorithm developed by Liquidlogic and the Merseyside authorities is applied by Graphnet to create an early support score, which GPs can use to identify people that could benefit from being referred to social care. If the individual agrees to a referral, it is automatically sent through to the social care system, where it can be flagged in the Liquidlogic Adults’ System workflow for early assessment and support. There is no additional work for the GP other than recording the outcome. The solution is configurable, with numerous indicator areas, which

allows local authorities to focus resources in areas that have been identified as a high priority. For example, it could highlight an increase in GP or hospital visits over a three-month period, or complex medication plans associated with mobility difficulties or social isolation. It can also

track the types of hospital admissions, such as planned versus emergency, and how long and frequent those stays are, to determine the likelihood of that person needing rehabilitation and extra support when they return home. Examples of support could include reablement or homecare packages and need not require council funding. They could involve community resources and social prescribing or could be focused on care navigation to encourage self-funders to access the support that will be appropriate to them and in doing so avoid costly crisis support at a later stage. “This sort of early support work is right in the sweet spot of the agenda for Integrated Care Systems. It's using shared intelligence from across the health and social care community to identify people who need care before their situation deteriorates,” explains Liquidlogic Managing Director, David Grigsby. “It can then help to manage and monitor the effectiveness of that care, which is good for the individual and good for the system. It moves us away from reactive management into more proactive early support.”

Chatty Brian Falls Silent and ‘Gives Care Home a Break’ for Children in Need

A talkative care home personality dressed up as Pudsey and stayed completely silent for four hours to help residents and colleagues raise funds for Children in Need. Popular Brian Knight stayed tight-lipped despite all manner of temptations put his way at Colten Care’s Avon Cliff in Bournemouth. “It was really hard for him as he talks all the time,” said Companionship team colleague Sharon Surgeon. “We were joking beforehand that he would be giving the whole home a break, but he made it, and well done to him.” After wearing a mask that read ‘I mustn’t talk’ all through his sponsored silence, Brian said: “It’s quite a challenge for someone as chatty as me to stay quiet for four hours in a Pudsey outfit and with people all around but I’m pleased to have achieved it and it’s all in a great cause.” The residents’ day started with an inspection of teddy bears, some homemade, on display in the Avon Cliff lounge.

It was accompanied by a quiz on the subject of bears and a discussion about all the different bears residents have heard of during their lives. The fun and games continued with a challenge: holding a large

spoon of jelly. “It was much harder than it sounds,” said Sharon. Resident Lois Barber said: “It was great fun taking part in all the Children in Need activities. We laughed so much. “At the same time, we’re always happy to help children who are disadvantaged as they deserve the very best of luck with their start in life.” As well as Avon Cliff, which raised £70, there was Children in Need fun at other Colten Care homes across the South. A five-hour indoor rowing machine challenge completed by Laura Sheldrake, Companionship team leader at St Catherines View, a dedicated dementia care home in Winchester, helped raise more than £130. Laura said: “It was a long day and I was absolutely exhausted at the end but it was great fun. Colleagues kept me going with doughnuts and cake.” Other activities at Colten Care homes included ‘spotty cupcake’ sales, dance challenges and pyjama-themed parties.


Drinking Coffee and Tea Linked to Reduced Risk of Dementia and Stroke Researchers from China and the US found that people who drank two to three cups of tea and coffee a day had a lower risk of stroke and vascular dementia. Findings are published in the journal PLOS Medicine This research involved volunteers from an existing large study, the UK Biobank, who were followed up over a period of 10-14 years. In total 365,682 participants, aged between 50 and 74, took part in the research. Participants self-reported their tea and coffee drinking habits at the beginning of the study. Researchers then recorded the numbers of people who went on to have a stroke (2.8%) or develop Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia (1.4%). People who drank two to three cups of coffee with two to three cups of tea per day had around 30% lower risk of stroke and dementia when compared to those who didn’t consume either. This association was found for people who just drank either tea or coffee, as well as those who drank both. People who had the lowest risk of developing dementia or stroke either: • Had two to three cups of coffee a day. • Had three to five cups of tea a day. • Had a combination of four to six cups of tea and coffee a day. Researchers in this study found that drinking tea and coffee was

linked to a lower risk of having an ischaemic stroke (caused by a blocked blood vessel) and vascular dementia, rather than a haemorrhagic stroke (caused by a burst blood vessel) or Alzheimer’s disease. Dr Rosa Sancho, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK,

said:“For most of us, our risk of dementia depends on the complex interaction of our age, genetics and lifestyle. We know that stroke increases the risk of developing vascular dementia. Understanding which aspects of our lifestyle have the greatest effect on our brain health is key to empowering people to make informed decisions about their lives. “Studies like this one are not able to pinpoint cause and effect, and while the researchers attempted to control for other factors that could affect a person’s risk of stroke and vascular dementia, no firm conclusions can be made about whether tea or coffee cause this lower risk. Participants only reported tea and coffee consumption at the beginning of the study, and there is no data on long-term habits, so it’s not clear how relevant the findings are to long-term brain health. “While previous studies have looked at associations between tea and coffee consumption and better brain health, there has been inconsistency in findings. Future research with participants of a range of ages and ethnicities will be needed to fully understand what types of dementia and stroke are associated with tea and coffee drinking. Participants in this study reported themselves to be mainly White British (96%), therefore we cannot infer an association that is relevant to everyone in the UK.”

Care Home Workers Take on Charity Cycling Challenge Staff from Barchester’s Chorleywood Beaumont in Chorleywood are taking on a gruelling 63 mile cycle ride across London to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support and Barchester Healthcare’s own Charitable Foundation. On Sunday 28 November, Wayne Hughes, Regional Director of Barchester Healthcare’s London Region, will lead a team of care home workers from his division on a cycling tour around 10 Barchester care homes to raise money for two worthy charities – Barchester’s Charitable Foundation and Macmillan Cancer Support. They will stop at each of the 10 care homes in their region to meet well-wishers and to be cheered on in their endeavours. The tour will start at 6.30am at Magnolia House in Hampstead and finish at 5.30pm at Ashford House in Stanwell via Islington, Wembley, Bushey, Chalfont St Peter, Harrow

and Chorleywood. Chorleywood Beaumont will be raising money for the two charities with a bake sale and a raffle. We do hope you can join us on the day for a coffee and a slice of cake. Wayne and his team have set up a justgiving page, please visit…/SouthDivisionLondonRegionF… to donate. Regional Director, Wayne Hughes, said: “It is going to be a long and tiring day in the saddle but we’re all really excited to take part and we’re hoping to raise lots of money for both causes. We know all the staff, residents, relatives and visitors will get behind us at each of the homes along the way. We’d like to thank everyone who has helped us so far, it has been a real team effort.”


Stigma of Talking About Death Causes People to Miss Out on Care, says Marie Curie The UK’s reluctance to talk about death and low awareness of palliative care contributes to 1 in 4 people missing out on vital care at the end of their lives says Marie Curie. The end of life charity hopes to help break the persistent stigma around death to help people understand the care and support they might need at the end of their lives. In a recent survey, despite living in pandemic times, around half of people in the UK (51 percent) think we don’t talk enough about death and dying as a society. The findings also reveal as many as a third of people, in the UK are not familiar with common terms used by healthcare professionals and others in care for dying people. Marie Curie says this means that people who need this vital care may not access it, or don’t understand what care to ask for. Among the words people didn’t recognise were palliative care (31 percent), hospice care (32 percent) and end of life care (33 percent). And when it comes to practical steps around end of life care and funeral planning nearly half didn’t recognise Power of Attorney (44 percent) or Living Will (53 percent) and over three quarters weren’t familiar with Advance Care Plan (77 percent). The lowest recognition was for the term used to describe written documentation expressing your health care wishes if you’re not able to communicate them yourself; Advance Directive (87 percent). The charity warns that our reluctance to think or talk about death and dying mean many of us feel deeply unprepared and distressed when facing the end of life, either for ourselves or our loved ones. Chief Investigator Professor Annmarie Nelson, Scientific Director at the Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre based at Cardiff University’s School of Medicine said: “Our research clearly shows that as many as one in three people are unfamiliar with end of life care terminology, which is a barrier to accessing care or services. It is shocking to realise that over 30% of the population do not understand everyday language used by health and care

professionals. This lack of a common language can lead to unnecessary confusion and distress at a time when important conversations are and should be taking place.” Marie Curie is highlighting its free phone line and web resources in its latest advert ‘Life’s Questions’ in the hope it will encourage more people to contact them for practical and emotional support (0800 090 2309/ Marie Curie is also calling for The Health and Care Bill, currently making its way through Parliament, to include a legal right for everyone in England to be offered a conversation about their personal needs, preferences and wishes for care at the end of life. Julie Pearce, Marie Curie Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Quality and Caring Services, said: “We’d urge everyone to become more comfortable talking about what they would wish for themselves at the end of life as we know this can aid the conversations we initiate with patients. We have seen care professionals grow in confidence initiating

FowlerUK are Back! Revolution Max Ltd has a change of name and owner. We’re pleased to announce that Revolution Max Ltd will now be known as Fowler UK (Trading) Limited and is back in the hands of the original owner, David Fowler. Fowler UK are a nationwide supplier of commercial laundry and

conversations about end of life care needs, but there is still some way to go for it to be the norm. It's essential we support patients and their loved ones through this journey and start conversations much earlier so that care can be better planned in advance.” Dr Catherine Millington-Sanders, RCGP & Marie Curie National Clinical Lead for End of Life Care (EOLC) said: “When someone is ill and dying, the person and those important to them should not have to think about how to get the best care for them in the last few months and weeks of their lives. For care to be planned and delivered in the best possible way, having 'what matters most' conversations early with their GP and community teams is vital to help plan the support they want to live well and die well. “Having discussions about end of life care, including ‘what matters most’ conversations in an open way, will help GPs and healthcare professionals to ensure they have all of the necessary information to plan and deliver personalised end of life care, taking into account a person’s wishes and preferences. This is why the work by organisations such as Marie Curie to address and remove the stigma around discussing death is so important. It can reduce the distress around talking about death and illness, and ensure people receive the end of life care they want and deserve. “GPs and community teams play a vital role in caring for people and their families at the end of life. It is essential that GPs are fully supported and resourced to deliver this sensitive and essential care. But in order to support what matters most to our patients, we need to urgently see government investing into general practice and our community teams in order to best support people at the end of life.” View the Marie Curie Life’s Questions TV advert created by Saatchi & Saatchi at

catering equipment. With a team of fully trained, gas certified field-base engineers, FowlerUK are a one-stop-shop for all your servicing and maintenance requirements. We also offer tailor made finance packages to suit any budget. Contact us today for further information on 01200 444430 or by email


Research Project Examines Experiences of Working in a Care Home During COVID-19 Warwick Business School (WBS), University College London and National Care Forum (NCF) are to study how Covid-19 has affected older people’s care homes and experience of working in them. The research project, which has public funding from the Economic and Social Research Council, focuses on three areas: How people work in older people’s care homes has changed during the pandemic. • How well supported the older people’s care home workforce felt during the pandemic • How well supported older people’s care homes felt during the pandemic It is very important to us at the NCF that the perspectives and experiences of those working in and managing older people’s care homes are captured – the voice of those on the frontline is essential in understanding the different ways in which Covid-19 has impacted on you all. The survey can be found here and findings will be shared with

NCF members, with an opportunity to discuss them with the researchers. The closing date is Friday 26th November 2021. Taking part is of course voluntary – however as an incentive, 10 people who answer the survey will win a £50 shopping voucher. To find out more, please contact Dr Didem Derya Ozdemir Kaya ( or Dr Aaron Gain ( This video introduces the research: As well as asking care home staff to complete the survey WBS are also preparing to interview volunteers to discuss the issues in more depth. If you would be willing to speak to a researcher directly then we are looking to talk one-on-one with a number of care home staff and provider managers. We would ask some questions in an informal interview taking up to an hour. We can offer a £25 voucher in recognition of your time. If anyone is interested and would like to know more information please contact

South Croydon Care Home Resident Celebrates 102nd Birthday A resident at RMBI Care Co. Home James Terry Court, in South Croydon, has celebrated her 102nd birthday. To mark the special milestone, Gladys Wilson enjoyed a celebration with her family, her fellow residents and the staff at the care home. Gladys was born on 11th November 1919, exactly one year after the end of World War One. She married her husband, John, in July 1939. The following year, they had a daughter, Margaret. Gladys’ first job was at Epsom Hospital, where she worked as a care assistant for a couple of years. She had various jobs throughout her life, but the one she enjoyed the most was working on an assembly line in a factory. Sadly, her husband passed away in 1982, and Gladys lived on her own until she moved to James Terry Court in September 2017. Gladys has a granddaughter, Lauren, to whom she is very close, and two great-grandchildren, Michael and Joe.

One of her hobbies is gardening, as she gets a lot of pleasure from growing plants and vegetables – a trait she inherited from her parents, who cultivated their own vegetable plot in their garden. When asked how she manages to keep her youthful looks, Gladys gave this piece of advice: “You’ve got to look after yourself and make the most of your life – you never know what’s around the corner!” Lucy Fernandes, one of the Activities Coordinators at James Terry Court, said: “It was great to help Gladys celebrate this remarkable milestone. She is a fascinating lady with an amazing sense of humour!” RMBI Home James Terry Court, in South Croydon, is run by RMBI Care Co., part of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. The Home is currently able to safely welcome new residents.


Compulsory Vaccinations Could Cause The Social Care Sector To Collapse This Winter By Kari Gerstheimer, CEO of Access Social Care, a charity that provides free legal advice and information to people with social care needs ( The government's decision to enforce compulsory vaccinations for the social care workforce highlights the reality that social care has and continues to be the poor cousin to the NHS. It is deeply unfair that Sajid Javid implemented the NHS staff vaccine mandate in April fearing a dangerous exodus of NHS staff over winter, but had no qualms giving the green light for social care vaccine policy in November. According to analysts, the ‘no jab, no job’ ultimatum could cause the sector to lose around 50,000 staff. If the forecasts are correct, the sector could collapse this winter. My charity Access Social Care provides free legal advice and information for older and disabled people with social care needs. We recently conducted a survey with our member organisations to find out how mandatory vaccination has impacted services. The findings showed that 100 percent of care providers reported losing members of staff due to the mandate, with 60 percent saying that this puts the safe delivery of services at risk. 100 percent are expecting to have problems recruiting in future and report that the mandatory vaccine will affect the amount of people they are able to support in future. Shortages have been a long-term problem for the sector, but recently the situation has become acute. Even before the mandate, there were 120,000 vacancies in social care. Care workers are leaving their jobs for a host of reasons including exhaustion and to search for higher

paid roles - in retail, hospitality, warehouses as well as taking up jobs in the NHS. But it’s not just staff retention, social care recruitment is a major problem. Several of Access Social Care’s clients have gone months without being able to recruit care workers meaning families are at breaking point trying to deliver 24hour care. Some parts of the country are more at risk from the mandate. We know from ONS data that people in the most deprived areas are three times more likely to report vaccine hesitancy than those in the least deprived. So, we can predict that these areas - which tend to have the highest demand for care - will see more care staff switching to different jobs. Contrary to the government's own levelling up agenda, compulsory vaccinations will deepen existing health inequalities between regions which are already so stark. Shortages also have a knock-on effect on the NHS because patients who could be looked after in the community will end up stuck in hospital. Most worryingly, there are swaths of people with very complex needs being sectioned or put into inappropriate mental health settings because they are not getting the social care support they need. This is frightening. When older and disabled people are not given proper care, they usually end up in the NHS system and the vicious cycle continues. It is illogical that a nurse working in a social care setting has to be vaccinated, but a nurse working in the NHS does not. Isolating policies for social care and not for the NHS runs the risk of isolating groups of people in society - further demotivating a group of people performing a vital function for society. The benefits of the vaccine are clear, but forcing people through a mandatory pathway is not the correct approach. Social care staff should not be a trial run for the NHS mandate. The sector deserves better.

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How To Create An Inclusive Culture In Your Care Home – One That Works for Both Staff and Residents

By Sid Madge, Meee (

Culture refers to the social behaviour and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups. Culture is where you meet others and the environment you individually and collectively create together. In this context is it easy to see why culture has such a massive impact on a care home. By developing an inclusive culture, that works for all - your staff, your residents, and your visitors - you will create a healthy place to work, live and visit. Here’s how to create a nurturing, supportive and inclusive culture so everyone can shine:

1. ASK MORE What is your culture? Is it what you want it to be? From there build something that accepts, honours and nurtures everyone involved for who they are. Everyone is interesting, has value, and brings something unique to the world. As adults we stop asking. We don’t want to look ignorant. We stop asking for what we want. But we all have the right to be in a place that is nurturing and supportive and to speak up when it’s not. Culture isn’t changed overnight. It comes about when lots of people start to speak up. 60” Action: Think about the culture of your workplace. What stands

out? Is there something specific that bothers you? If so, speak up. Decide to stop accepting it and lead by example.

2. BE MORE BILBO I recently lost my best friend Bilbo, a 12 year-old Springer Spaniel. He never complained, growled or moaned, he just lived life to the full. He was always happy to meet new people and saw the best in everyone. I think we should all Be More Bilbo. Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Bilbo always made me feel better. 60” Action: How does the culture of your care home make you feel? How do you make others feel? Are you uplifting and supportive or grumpy and demanding? How are you contributing to a positive or negative culture? Be More Bilbo.

3. EMBRACE CHANGE The greater we are at adapting to change, the richer our lives became. Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck refers to the growth and fixed mindsets. Children naturally have a growth mindset, they try, fail, try again and ask a million questions about everything. Adults try, fail and cover up any attempt they even tried and refuse to ask anything in case they look foolish. The kids have it right. 60” Action: When was the last time you resisted change? How did it turn out? Do you have a growth or a fixed mindset? Change is inevitable so we may as well embrace it and enjoy the journey.

4. BE THE BEST YOU Be the best you, you can be. Hold yourself to a higher standard and the results will follow. We can’t always control the outcome. Everything is always changing around us, but we always have control over what we

do in that change and who we are. 60” Action: In the last week can you point to at least one example where you were your best self? The more we demand that of ourselves the quicker cultures will change around us.

5. CELEBRATE DIFFERENCE Everyone matters, regardless of who we are or where we come from or where we are heading. In his book Wisdom of Crowds author James Surowiecki states that at the heart of collective intelligence is a “mathematical truism". If we ask a large enough group of diverse, independent people to make a prediction, then average those estimates, the errors each makes will cancel themselves out. If we celebrate difference and seek input from a diverse set of people, we will always get a better result than simply consulting the same type of people or a small set of ‘experts’. We should celebrate our own difference too. And make space for difference and diversity in all our cultures. 60” Action: When was last time you met someone from a different country or background – how did you react? We can all learn from each other. By taking just a few minutes a day to check in and monitor how we are impacting the other people in our environment we can develop better, stronger and more inclusive and supportive cultures in every care home. Sid Madge is a transformation and change specialist and founder of Meee. Meee draws on the best creativity and thinking from the worlds of branding, psychology, neuroscience, education and sociology, to help people embrace change and achieve extraordinary lives. Web: Web:

Care Home Workers Take on Charity Cycling Challenge Staff from Barchester’s Magnolia Court in Golders Green are taking on a gruelling 63 mile cycle ride across London to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support and Barchester Healthcare’s own Charitable Foundation. On Sunday 28 November, Wayne Hughes, Regional Director of Barchester Healthcare’s London Region, will lead a team of care home workers from his division on a cycling tour around 10 Barchester care homes to raise money for two worthy charities – Barchester’s Charitable Foundation and Macmillan Cancer Support. They will stop at each of the 10 care

Chorleywood. Magnolia Court will be raising money for the two charities, their General Manager Octavian Stanciu will be joining the bike ride and in the home they will be holding fun activities such as Guess the bear’s name competition and a bake sale. We do hope you can join us on the day for a coffee and a slice of cake. Regional Director, Wayne Hughes, said: “It is going to be a long and tiring day in the saddle but we’re all really excited to take part and we’re hoping to raise lots of money for both

homes in their region to meet well-wishers and to be cheered on in their endeavours. The

causes. We know all the staff, residents, relatives and visitors will get behind us at each of

tour will start at 6.30am at Magnolia House in Hampstead and finish at 5.30pm at Ashford

the homes along the way. We’d like to thank everyone who has helped us so far, it has

House in Stanwell via Islington, Wembley, Bushey, Chalfont St Peter, Harrow and

been a real team effort.”


Coalition of Charities Calls on Health Secretary to Take Immediate Action to Help Older People Get Home from Hospital The National Care Forum (NCF) – leading association for not for profit care providers, along with five other charities and membership organisations have called on the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to take immediate steps to ensure that older people are not forced to remain in hospital longer than medically necessary this winter. In an open letter to Sajid Javid, the National Care Forum, British Geriatrics Society, Age UK, Independent Age, Care England and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have called for immediate steps to be taken to address the shortage of care workers to ensure that older people are able to access the care they need when they are discharged from hospital. This includes an immediate bonus and pay rise for staff working in social care and for care workers to be added to the Shortage Occupation List. The letter highlights the stories shared through the British Geriatrics Society’s Timely Discharge campaign, illustrating the human impact on large numbers of older people in hospitals across the country who are medically fit for discharge but cannot access the care and rehabilitation they need to return home. A massive shortfall in available care staff means that older people are ending up stuck in hospital when they do not need to be there. Hospital staff are currently caring for COVID patients while trying to address the backlog of patients who had treatment delayed during the pandemic. This is made even more challenging by having wards full of patients who are fit for discharge but who cannot access the care they need at home. Care workers have worked tirelessly to support older people in care homes and at home through the immense challenges of the COVID pandemic. However, due to the combined effects of exhaustion, poor pay and conditions, Brexit restrictions and the imposition of

mandatory vaccinations, they are now leaving the profession in significant numbers for better-paid jobs in other sectors. By giving care staff a bonus and pay rise and by adding care workers to the Shortage Occupation List, we believe that the Secretary of State could bring a halt to the current exodus of care workers, ensuring social care is in place to enable older people to be discharged from hospital. This will ensure timely care, support and rehabilitation is provided in the right place, and also help to alleviate pressures in acute care, giving the NHS breathing space to get through the winter months. In the longer term, a sustainable plan for the recruitment, retention and support of the health and social care workforce providing care for older people is urgently needed. Vic Rayner OBE, CEO of the National Care Forum said: ‘The pressure

on people is immense. Shortages in the care workforce mean that people are not able to be in the place they call home and often are spending too long in hospital where they are unable to receive the care they need. There is no time for government to delay. If we fail to take decisive action to address this workforce crisis, then we fail the people and communities that we are all here to serve.’ Dr Jennifer Burns, President of the British Geriatrics Society, commented: ‘Our Timely Discharge blog series shares the desperate stories of individuals, families, clinicians, managers and care providers, to raise awareness of the damaging effects on all involved when older people who are ready to go home are trapped in hospital for want of social care. The NHS is currently under extreme pressure without the added challenge of people remaining in hospital who medically do not need to be there. It is vital that Sajid Javid takes immediate action to relieve the pressure on the NHS and on social care over the upcoming winter months.’ Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: ‘Unfortunately, delayed discharges are back with a vengeance at a time when our hospitals are under unprecedented pressure from COVID-19 and treatment backlogs. These delays cause misery and distress to older people who cannot get home, and the principal reason for them is beyond dispute: a chronic and apparently growing shortage of care staff available to support older people when they leave hospital. The Government must get a grip on this situation and at least try and stop the situation from becoming worse, by putting more money into care workers’ pockets now. The other UK nations have already paid retention bonuses to care workers and the government in Westminster should follow suit.’

“… Never Did I Think An Apron Could Be Game Changing, But I Do Now!” These are the words of a Limon Attire customer, Alexandra, about their specially designed Dining drApron®. The rest of her note read - "I can't tell you the difference it has made at mealtimes! We have no more arguments, nothing has seeped through, comes up brilliantly and, most importantly, Mum can put it on herself! Until Mum fell ill, never did I think an apron could be game changing but I do now! Sometimes it really is the little things in life." Barbara Lewis designed the Dining drApron® for her mother who had dementia and was having difficulty eating. She didn’t want to ask her stylish mother to wear an ugly, demeaning bib so she designed an attractive and practical apron for her to wear at mealtimes. Mum was quite happy in an apron to protect her clothes; she had worn aprons all her life and there was no stigma with them.

They have no unnecessary straps to get tangled in the wash, fit neatly around the neck and have a hidden towelling layer to soak up spills and, best of all, they are attractive. Barbara was inspired to make them with the pattern facing Mum as she had seen her interacting with the design and realised how frustrating it must be to see everything in her closest environment upside down. Wearing a Limon Dining drApron® a person can retain their dignity, identity and individuality whilst protecting their clothing. There are lots designs to choose from to suit differing interests for both men and women. Go to to learn more and see the other helpful products they make.

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Laindon Care Home Makes Residents’ Wish Come True Woodbury Court Care Home, in Laindon, Essex, strives to provide activities that considers the unique passion, hobbies and skills of each resident. So, when resident Christine expressed her wish to go swimming, everyone at the home made it happen. Christine has always had a passion for swimming and is always chatting with staff about her love for the activity. Christine has always wanted to go swimming again, even bringing her swimming costume to the home with her when she moved in. Home Manager, Mel, decided to make Christine’s wish come true and organised a very special day out for her. On the 17th of November, Wellbeing Leads, Jordan and Daisy, took Christine to the swimming pool so that she could enjoy her much-loved hobby once again. Christine had such a wonderful time at the pool and was full of smiles and laughter. Home Manager at Woodbury Court, Mel Oliver, commented:

“When I asked Christine what kind of things she enjoys, she explained that she used to love going swimming. When I asked if she would like to go swimming again, her face lit up. Christine said that she had her swimming costume in her top drawer ready. As soon as Christine was in the water, she said that it brought back so many wonderful memories and had missed the feeling of being in the water. I am so very proud that I have staff that are willing to go above and beyond to make our residents’ wishes come true. At Woodbury Court, the wellbeing of our residents is always at the forefront of what we do. This was truly a magic moment and I am so happy that we, at Woodbury Court could make this possible for Christine.”

Local Care Home Housekeeper Recognised For Long Service A woman who has dedicated over 30 years of her life to a Powys care home has been recognised for her commitment. Sarah Wood - known to her colleagues as Sally - has worked at Maes y Wennol in Llanidloes since it was built in July 1990. She was awarded with a certificate, flowers and a chocolate gift to say thank you for her hard work and commitment to the home. Residents and their families joined the staff at Maes y Wennol for the special celebration which also saw staff being awarded for their dedication and commitment to the service during the pandemic. The Mayor of Llanidloes, Cllr Janet Crisp, who was at the home for the event said: “It has been an extremely tough time for all of the staff here and they have worked tirelessly throughout, and I just want to say, on behalf of the whole community, how very grateful we are to each and every one of them.”

Other guests included Powys contracts manager and former Maes y Wennol home manager, Jacqueline Jones, as well as CEO for Shaw healthcare – which operates the home - Russell Brown, and chief operating officer, Mike Smith. Sandra Holt, service manager, commented: “It has been wonderful to be able to invite people back into the home for this special celebration for the staff. The last 20 months have been the most challenging and difficult times of our careers and I am beyond proud of my team and the way everyone has pulled together. We are very much looking forward to welcoming more people into the home for future events.” Maes y Wennol care home is operated by Shaw healthcare on behalf of Powys County Council and has residential care for up to 29 residents including those living with dementia.

Meallmore Achieves IIP Gold Accreditation Care provider, Meallmore Ltd has achieved the prestigious Investors in People (IIP) Gold Accreditation. For nearly 30 years, Investors in People has been recognised internationally as a leading people accreditation. By achieving this award, Meallmore is demonstrating its commitment to its people. Fewer than 1,000 organisations in the whole of the UK currently have IIP Gold Accreditation, and only 62 of those are classified as care providers – with just six in Scotland. The accreditation is the culmination of a three year process, which assesses how the organisation leads, supports and improves its people. After an initial assessment, all staff are surveyed and some are interviewed to indicate how they feel about working at the company and how they’re supported. The report deemed that ‘through 2020-2021 and the challenges associated with COVID-19 pandemic’, Meallmore has shown ‘the ethos and philosophy of a ‘gold-standard organisation’, and ‘clearly demonstrate a shared sense of purpose, together with a common set of values, leadership behaviours; and philosophy of care’. It further added, ‘your principles and values were not only highly visible – yet also provided a clear roadmap throughout COVID-19.’

Valid for three years and regularly assessed throughout this period, a gold accreditation demonstrates that all staff and leadership take full ownership of the practices in place to support people, and are actively trying to make work better for the entire team. Meallmore employs over 1,700 members of staff, working in 26 care homes around Scotland.

Gerry Hennessey, Managing Director of Meallmore, said: “This is a hugely important achievement for us. In this industry, our people are crucial to what we do, and we are committed to making sure they get the best experience working with us, which also results in us getting the best out of them. It was a very proud moment to hear that in the most challenging of times, all of our staff reported feeling safe and valued, and have so many positive things to say about being a part of Meallmore. “We believe in continual improvement, so we’re fully prepared to go beyond Gold, and we’re already planning our next steps to take things even further. Thank you to everyone for all of their hard work and dedication, which makes us what we are today, and makes every Meallmore home such an excellent place to work and live.” Bonnie Clarke, Interim Chief Executive of Remarkable, the organisation licensed to deliver Investors in People in Scotland, said, “This is a fantastic achievement for Meallmore. Investors in People recognises organisations who are truly committed to their people, continuous improvement and customer service. We have supported Meallmore since (2001) and we’re delighted to see their ongoing dedication recognised with this Gold award. Many congratulations!”

Cleva Launches to Bring Fintech Revolution to the Care Sector Cleva, a fintech developed for the home care sector, has launched its payments system for home care agencies – bringing a safe, quick and easy way for carers to shop and handle expenses for people under their care using a single card, and removing the hassle and admin of using cash. The new system brings proven technology developed by a leading UK-fintech to a whole new market, enabling care agency staff to spend more time looking after the clients they care for, and ensuring transparency of payments for both those under care and their families. Cleva is available for care agencies today and additional information can be found at Cleva provides every client with a digital wallet which can be loaded and monitored by them and their family. Each care worker then has a single Cleva Mastercard prepaid debit card which they can use for all of their clients, and an app which allows them to select a client’s digital wallet and spend on their behalf. Until now, carers have had to juggle petty cash, paper receipts and allocating correct change for each of their clients – which is complex and time-consuming to manage when buying items for multiple clients at once. “The core business of care agencies is to look after their clients and dealing with petty cash means they have less time to do that. In particular, when looking after multiple people, the manual payment reconcilia-

tion alone creates piles of unnecessary admin,” said Tom Bishop, CMO at Cleva. “We built Cleva to solve this issue using the same fintech approach which has revolutionised payments for consumers in the UK. Cleva delivers a better way, saving time and hassle for carers while also giving peace of mind to agencies, their clients and their families.” Cleva significantly eases agencies’ time and cost of managing a remote team of care workers by providing the care agency with a comprehensive web-based management system that allows full oversight of all payments and usage. The prepaid debit cards can be activated, deactivated and topped-up with funds without the need to divert the care worker to visit the local office. Security features include a range of payment restrictions, preventing payments being made across certain controlled areas including gambling and adult services, alerts when payments are made on the card, and full oversight of card usage by both the client, their family and the care agency.About Cleva Cleva is the first fintech developed specifically for the care sector bringing a safe, quick, and easy way for carers to make payments and buy things for the multiple people under their care all using a single managed prepaid card - removing the hassle and admin associated with using cash. Cleva brings proven technology developed by a leading UK-fintech to the care sector, enabling carers to spend more time looking after the clients they care for, and ensuring transparency of payments for both those under care and their families. Cleva is available for care agencies today and additional information can be found at The Cleva card is issued by Transact Payments Limited pursuant to licence by Mastercard International Incorporated. Transact Payments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.


Major Reforms to NHS Workforce Recruitment, training and retention of NHS staff and digital transformation will be put at the heart of the NHS in England, under new reforms announced by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. The plans will aim to see more patients benefit from the best possible care, with the right staff in place to meet patients’ needs. This will sit alongside the strategic NHS workforce plan Ministers previously commissioned to report in spring, looking at what the workforce of the future should look like. The Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid is also setting out his intention to merge the body responsible for the education and training of the health workforce, Health Education England, with NHSE/I, putting long-term planning and strategy for healthcare staff recruitment and retention at the forefront of the national NHS agenda. In addition, the Secretary of State has accepted the recommendations of Laura Wade-Gery, Non-Executive Director at NHS England and Chair of NHS Digital, including to merge NHSX and NHS Digital into NHSE/I. The recommendations build on the huge progress made on digital transformation during the pandemic, following a commission by the Secretary of State in summer 2020, and will improve co-operation between the key digital bodies of the NHS by bringing them under one roof for the first time. By merging these three organisations with NHSE/I, government and the NHS are ensuring the health and care sector is fully equipped to face the future and deliver for patients. The changes will better support the recovery of NHS services, address waiting list backlogs, and support hardworking staff, all while driving forwards an ambitious agenda of digital transformation and progress. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Sajid Javid said: “To ensure our record NHS investment makes a lasting impact, I am bringing workforce planning and digital transformation into the heart of the NHS. “These reforms will support our recovery from COVID-19 and help us tackle waiting lists to give patients excellent care in years to come.

“I would like to pay tribute to all our colleagues at Health Education England, NHS Digital and NHSX for the enormous progress they have made, which we will continue to drive forward with their help.” Amanda Pritchard, NHS chief executive said: “NHS organisations have worked more closely than ever to respond to the COVID pandemic and these changes build on that success. “Digital and workforce are central to transforming the NHS to tackle the backlog and recover services after the COVID pandemic, as well of course deliver on our Long Term Plan commitments and maintain momentum of the lifesaving NHS COVID vaccination programme, all while looking after thousands of patients in hospital with the virus. By coming together in this way, the whole health service can continue progress in delivering these goals.” Under the leadership of Sir David Behan and Dr Navina Evans, HEE has helped to grow the NHS workforce rapidly and played a vital role during the pandemic, enabling the safe deployment of students to the frontline and working closely with educational institutions to enable students to complete their studies. The workforce reforms build on the progress HEE has made, with record numbers of doctors and nurses currently working in the NHS. This includes: •integrating NHS, workforce and finance planning in one place at a national and local level; •driving changes to education and training to allow employers to recruit the health professionals they need to provide the right care to patients in the years to come; •enabling a single national strategy for the NHS and make every penny of the record government investment in the NHS count; and •providing a simplified national system and single line of accountability for NHS performance. The NHS and social care sectors have made significant digital and technological advancements over the last few years. NHSX has fulfilled its mandate, getting digital transformation into the heart of the NHS’s future vision.

Working at pace, both NHSX and NHS Digital have delivered innovative solutions to new challenges such as monitoring patients at home in virtual wards and the roll out of NHS COVID Pass. There are now nearly 20 million users registered to the NHS App which offers a wide range of individual health benefits and allows users to have their GP records at their fingertips. In addition to these reforms, DHSC will also establish a Digital Delivery Unit to sit within the existing NHS Delivery Unit. This single, central unit with data at its core will help government better understand the blockers to recovering NHS services following the pandemic and how they can be overcome. Ahead of winter to support the workforce, in 2021/22 the NHS is investing £37 million in mental health support with 40 dedicated staff mental health hubs across the country. From the outset of the pandemic the NHS increased its health and wellbeing support for staff by offering a range of services, including: a mental health helpline in partnership with the Samaritans, open 7am11pm, and a 24/7 text support service to provide listening and counselling support; specialist bereavement support from fully qualified trained advisors; a range of free self-help apps; and a dedicated website which signposts to further materials and practical support. From April 2022, thanks to the new Health and Social Care Levy, UK wide healthcare funding will rise by a record £36 billion over the next three years, and the reforms announced today will help ensure this funding makes a lasting impact. The levy funding is on top of the government’s previous historic longterm settlement for the NHS, which will see NHS funding increase by £33.9 billion to a total of £148.5 billion by 2023-24, which we have enshrined in law. The new funding includes a commitment to ring-fence an additional £8 billion to fund waiting list recovery – the biggest catch-up programme in NHS history.

A Flourishing Success for HC-One’s Gardening Competition Winners This year HC-One’s annual Gardening Competition saw a number of outstanding creations submitted for a variety of award categories from care homes across the UK. This year’s Gardening Competition has been even more significant in bringing joy and excitement to Residents and Colleagues, during what has been a difficult time due to the coronavirus pandemic. The gardening competition offered HC-One homes with the perfect opportunity earlier this year to go outside and make their gardens look wonderful, coinciding with visiting restrictions gradually easing, to welcome visitors back into homes and gardens. Residents enjoyed being outside in the fresh air, enjoying the calmness, freedom and personal discovery that the garden environment provides. Gardening helps individuals, in particular those living with dementia, by improving their wellbeing and physical health through keeping people active and helping them to remain stimulated, feel valued and useful. The judges were really excited to see what Residents and Colleagues achieved this year. It has been an amazing year for entries, and the judges thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many gardening projects from across HC-One’s homes. The judges for this year’s competition were Karen Johnson, former Clinical Director and Chief Nurse; Gary Reed, Property Director and James Tugendhat, Chief Executive Officer at HC-One, who judged the competition virtually this year. This year there were four categories that care homes could enter and a number of prizes to be won: The best pot/basket – six prizes of £50 each, a plaque and certificate. Best first impressions – two prizes of £250 each, a plaque and certificate. Best outdoor visiting area – six prizes of £250 each, a plaque and certificate. Green fingers award for Residents who showed outstanding gardening skills in their projects – seventeen prizes of £50 per home and a cer-

tificate. Gary Reed, Property Director at HC-One stated, “I have really enjoyed being a judge in this year’s Gardening Competition. It was a pleasure to review the wonderful entries submitted by our care homes. We had a high number and standard of entries this year. Thank you to all those who participated and congratulations to all of our winners.” The overall winner of this year’s Gardening Competition who stood out and submitted an exemplary entry was Kirkwood Court Care Home who won a prize of £750, a plaque and certificate.

Angela Douglass, Home Manager at Kirkwood Court Care Home said, “We are delighted to have been chosen as the overall winner of this year’s Gardening Competition by the HC-One judges. Our Colleagues and Residents thoroughly enjoyed transforming our garden environment. I’m delighted to see that their hard work has helped to enhance the outdoor areas of our care home for visitors and our Residents to enjoy all year round.” James Tugendhat, Chief Executive Officer at HC-One commented, “Well done to all our Residents and Colleagues who participated in this year’s gardening competition. We were delighted with the number of submissions we received and were very impressed with the efforts and transformations that we saw. Congratulations to all of our winners!” The winners of the best pot/basket category are: • Capwell Grange • Maple Court

• The Westbury • Hyde • Defoe Court • The Orchard For the best first impressions category the winners were St Christopher’s and The Westbury Care Home. The winners of the best outdoor visiting area category are: • Seabrooke Manor Care Home • Stoneyford Care Home • Bellefield Care Home • Clarendon Hall Care Home • Kirkwood Court Care Home • The Birches Care Home Last, but certainly not least, this year’s green fingers award category winners, who are Residents living in HC-One care homes, are: Cedar House – Karl Wilson and Joyce Pullen The Elms – Kevin Archer The Polegate – Doreen Catton, Rose Dye, Colin Mongardi, Jackie Wood and Ethel Cox Acacia – Stanley Parfrement Bankwood – Julia Gell, Arthur Redfern, Stuart Cowlishaw, Janet Gilks, Michael Burns and Ida Day Stadium Court – John Lowe Berry Hill Park – Barbara Grimes The Orchards – Margaret Sarjent Willow Brook – Michael Measham Westwood Lodge – Jean Kindley Avandale Lodge – Hedley Davies Averill House – Carol Morris, Mina Shaw, Vera Smith, Mavis McDougal, Doris Jones and Eileen Adamson Greengables – Michael Widdows The Millbrook – Sheila Baxter and Jackie Wright Ashington Grange – Kath Anderson Bishopsgate Lodge – John Parker, Judy Muller and Heather Linsley Grampian Court – June Peace The judges of the HC-One Gardening Competition were very grateful to all entrants for taking part and were particularly impressed with the amazing quality of entries, making it a very difficult and hard decision for the judges to decide on this year’s winners! This year’s prize winners were selected based on a number of key components including Resident involvement, effort, transformation, creativity and presentation. HC-One has had a great success with this year’s Gardening Competition and look forward to running the Gardening Competition in subsequent years to come.


Record 1.6 Million People Get Lifesaving Boosters Over Last Seven Days Nearly 1.6 million booster jabs have been delivered over the past seven days, the NHS said today as the NHS Covid-19 vaccination programme continues to protect the nation against the virus. It comes alongside over half a million texts (532,000) going out today (Wednesday) and 322,000 letters landing on doorsteps from tomorrow. The milestone follows another record week for booster jabs with nearly 1.5 million top-up jabs taking place last week (Monday to Sunday) – with more than 710,000 boosters reported on Friday and over the weekend alone. Last week also saw record bookings for boosters using the National Booking Service with nearly 900,000 people booking in their booster jab – a 42% increase on the previous week. A total of two million invites are being sent out by the NHS this week as more people become eligible as they reach the six-month mark. More than 85 million vaccines have already been delivered and nine in 10 adults have had their first dose since the NHS in England made history when Margaret Keenan received the first jab outside of a clinical trial in Coventry, in December 2020. There are more clinics delivering vaccines now than at any other point in the programme, including pharmacies, GP practices and other convenient community sites – almost every person registered with an English GP practice lives within 10 miles of a fixed vaccination location. NHS chiefs are today urging people who are receiving an invite to come forward for their top up jab ahead of winter. NHS medical director Stephen Powis said: “The NHS booster roll out continues to go from strength to strength, with nearly 1.6 million lifesaving booster jabs delivered in the last seven days, higher than last week’s record numbers, and with over half of eligible over 50s now protected – a remarkable effort from NHS staff and volunteers in such a short space of time. “The vaccine is quick and easy and it provides really important pro-

tection against the virus, especially as we go into the winter months. So, if your letter or text lands today, do come forward and book your jab – it will protect you and those around you.” Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Millions of people have already had their booster jab at vaccination sites across the country – including 1.6 million in the last week alone – ensuring they and their loved ones are kept as safe as possible over the coming months. “The ooster programme is maintaining protection for the most vulnerable this winter, and with hundreds of thousands more set to receive letters and texts this week, we’re continuing to bolster our monumental wall of defence around the country. “Once you receive your letter or text, or if it’s been six months and one week since your second dose, get online or ring 119 to book your jab as soon as possible.”

The NHS is vaccinating in line with guidance set by the JCVI which says that eligible groups can have a booster shot, a minimum of six months on from their second jab for maximum protection. Anyone eligible for a booster who is 190 days on from their second dose can go online and book through NHS Digital’s booking service or call 119 if they need extra support with their booking. More than nine in ten care homes have now been visited by the NHS or have a booster clinic booked in. The NHS started the booster programme within 48 hours of the JCVI recommendation and in little over a month since the rollout begun the NHS in England has delivered more than five million top-up doses of the life-saving jab – more than double the rate of the initial rollout in December. The vaccination rollout, the biggest and fastest in NHS history, has ensured million people across England have had both doses of the jab. The NHS will contact you to offer you a booster vaccine if you are eligible and it has been at least six months (182 days) since the date of your second vaccine dose. Anyone receiving an invite should come forward as soon as possible to get crucial protection. The booster programme is being delivered through existing sites including pharmacies, hospital hubs, GP practices and vaccination centres.In line with JCVI guidance, those who are eligible for a booster at least six months on from their second dose include: • Those living in residential care homes for older adults. • All adults aged 50 years or over. • Frontline health and social care workers. • Those aged 16 to 49 years with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19 (as set out in the green book), and adult carers. • Adult household contacts of immunosuppressed individuals.


Well Pharmacy partners with PainChek to Promote Person-Centred Care Well Pharmacy, the UK’s largest independent pharmacy chain, is pleased to announce a partnership with PainChek®, the world’s first AI-powered pain assessment tool to help people who are unable to verbalise if they have pain, such as those living with dementia. Sadly, pain often goes un-detected and under-treated in people with communication difficulties from medical conditions. The Well Care Home Services Team are actively signposting more than 350 care homes across the UK to use PainChek® as an effective solution to help measure pain in residents and promote the highest standards of care in residential homes. This secure medical device is simple and straightforward to use via mobile or tablet. It uses artificial intelligence (facial detection and analysis technology) and smart automation to detect and score pain in real time allowing informed clinical decisions around appropriate and effective pain management to be made. This partnership further highlights how Well Pharmacy are committed to offering a local community service with a real focus on person-centred care, quality and safety. Tandeep Gill, Care Home Business Lead at Well Pharmacy said:

“Well Pharmacy is delighted to partner with PainChek®. At Well we strive to offer an outstanding local service to care homes and their residents. PainChek® uses innovative technology to help residents who are not able to communicate for themselves to identify the presence of pain. “We’re delighted that through this partnership we are able to pass on an exclusive discount to benefit our care homes customers across the UK, so they can help improve the quality of life for their residents and offer person-centred care.” Pete Shergill, PainChek® UK&I Country Director said: “About half of people living with dementia suffer from pain, but they are often unable to verbalise they have pain, and sadly, it goes unmanaged and untreated. “Ensuring residents’ pain is assessed effectively is critical for care home operators, healthcare professionals and carers but it can be challenging. Therefore, we are really pleased that Well Pharmacy is partnering with us to promote and deliver a quick and easy-to-use solution that will allow carers and healthcare professionals to measure pain in residents, document checks and make informed clinical decisions for effective pain management. “By harnessing the power of medtech, care providers can deliver more efficient and effective care, streamline processes, and ultimately cut costs and save time – allowing staff to focus on delivering the highest standard of care.”

Midwife and Critical Care Worker Brings Vital Experience to Romsey Care Home A nurse, who has worked in healthcare for more than 40 years, is now heading up the team at Durban House in Romsey. Janie Wilkins (64) has been appointed as Registered Home Manager at the nurse-led care home and brings with her a wealth of experience. Starting her career as a nurse in 1976, Janie went on to become a midwife, bringing countless babies into the world. This was a role she held for 32 years,. And, after a spell of working in critical care with BUPA in London, decided to transfer to a job in Home Management nearer to where she lived. Janie said: “I had a wonderful, rewarding career as a midwife, but after moving on to critical care with BUPA in London, while commuting from my home in Lyndhurst, I made the decision to transfer to a job nearer to where I lived.” The healthcare worker started in Home Management in 2013 and has joined Durban House from her most recent role of Home Manager in Verwood, Dorset. As Registered Home Manager, Janie will have overall responsibility for the Romsey care home. She will oversee recruitment and training of all staff. She will also ensure all residents are safe and well cared for,

making sure the home is compliant with up-to-date care plans, audits and risk assessments. The role is one that Janie takes very seriously indeed. She added: “Making sure that residents are safe and happy is paramount. Moving a loved one into a care home, is a big moment for families, and I want to ensure the transfer is the best it can be.” It’s Janie’s career as a midwife, that shines through here. She said: “Whether it’s dealing with the start of a life, or dealing with a loved one’s final years, life will change immeasurably. These moments stay with you, and there’s only one chance to get it right! “At Durban House, I want to ensure all residents feel at home here. I’ll find out from their families about hobbies and interests, and about things they’ve always wanted to do but perhaps never had the chance – anything to give them the safe and security they need. I’m looking forward to getting to know the fabulous team and all of the residents here in the coming weeks.” Durban House is part of Sears Healthcare and CEO Richard Adams is thrilled to be welcoming Janie to the team. He said: “At Durban House, we are a nurse-led care home, so our approach focuses on providing a home from home for our residents while we meet their healthcare needs. Janie’s mix of incredible experience and compassion for the residents and their families, is a real asset to us. I’m over the moon to be welcoming her to the Sears team.” Situated about a mile or so away from Romsey town centre, Durban House offers excellent accommodation for nursing, dementia and end of life care.


Housing Manager On Why She Works at MHA and What She Loves About Her Role Meet Tracy Campbell, care manager for a retirement living scheme at MHA. She works at Assisi Place in Leeds, a retirement living scheme which offers the opportunity to join a friendly community, with all the freedom and privacy of having your own front door. The scheme has a range of facilities and amenities that are designed to make retired life easy and enjoyable. Tracy has a wealth of experience working with people in various roles such as supported living, drug and alcohol services, young person’s services, started her MHA journey 2 years ago. The 47-year old said: “ I am really enjoying working at MHA, my team is like a little family and that was something that really appeals to me. “Residents make my role, helping people regain independence gets lost in other places, but things are different here at MHA. “When residents come to us and are improving because of the sup-

port given by our scheme, which is really rewarding. “Being a housing manager does come with it’s challenges, you have to be up for it and sometimes do things that aren't in the job description. “Some days are tougher than others, but I wouldn't for one second change what I am doing. “You have to be fully committed when working in the care sector. “My team has been excellent during the pandemic and they adapted very well to the challenges in front of them, which is essential when working in care. “Being flexible, compassionate and a good listener is very important and you do have to have the ability to adapt as every individual is different and has different needs. “My job is very rewarding and I am very happy I am working at MHA and making a difference to people's lives.”

'What’s New Pussy Cat'- Cat Loving Care Home Resident Enjoys Visit to a Cat Café! Manton Heights Care Centre in Bedfordshire, are dedicated and committed to making a difference, enabling those living at the home to feel a connection, engagement and a purpose to be a part of life in a supportive community. The team piece together many fragments of the individual’s life history, their interests, skills and experience in order to create and support a meaningful, engaging and person-centred lifestyle programme. It also supports the team to create meaningful moments and experiences for residents to continue doing things they love. When the team at the Dementia and Residential home in Bedford discovered resident, Peggy Pearson’s, 93 love of cats and how much she missed having a cat the home, they wanted to somehow support Peggy to still carry on being around her favourite furry friends! When the team discovered that there was a local ‘Cat Café, they knew that this would be a perfect way of combining Peggy’s love of not only cats but homemade cake! With

Peggy’s blessing the team arranged a visit and along with Lisa Dye, Customer Relations Manager and the support of Health Care Assistant Kulthum Lawal a date was booked. The visit to the ‘Cat Café’ was such a success that Peggy couldn’t wait to tell everyone back at the home about her day out, “It was magical, I loved going to the Café and there were so, so many cats. It was lovely being able to cuddle and stroke them. Also, what was even better is they had lovely cake too!” Health Care Assistant Kulthum said of the visit, “it’s definitely an unusual idea and I really enjoyed the adventure, but the best bit was seeing Peggy’s face light up being around the cats.” Customer Relations Manager Lisa Dye said, “Developing person-centred activities has huge benefits to a person’s wellbeing and is something we have always strived to excel at. Memories of the individual’s life, achievements and personal characteristics give value to them and their family by allowing them to make the link between past and present.”

Wonderkin UK, Managing Director, Marites Allen, Talks About Smart Digital Incontinence Aid & Providing Convenience & Confidence in Chronic Care Management Care-giving, in real-time, is an issue that has been looked at again and again in chronic care management- it is not enough to look at if care is being given effectively, but also with efficacy and assurance- to both patients of care and those of the carers. Since the Covid-pandemic, the issue of time, lack of resource, and the disproportions of high quality care are at the heart of this matter. Wonderkin UK, a brand of digital incontinence pads, and app, is now changing the game quickly by elevating the status quo, and creating wonders through providing convenience and confidence through their digital technological products. Wonderkin UK’s, Managing Director, Marites Allen, tells us in the following interview how products such as Wonderkin’s digital incontinence pads and app are ensuring a better quality of life, for all, as we age; and how we all should think about, our own, not so distant future, when approaching the subject matter of implementing technology into taking care of the elderly and those in care homes and facilities.

Q: HOW DOES YOUR NICE CARE SMART INCONTINENCE PADS AND MONITORING SYSTEM WORK? MA: Smart phone (Smart Mobile Devices) are used as the medium- to which it sets alarms and signals a disruption in the homeostatic condition or the patient. Unlike the regular brands that mainly functions as only a pad, Wonderkin's Bluetooth feature (enable) makes safety ( Provide Real-Time Alert) precautions a function (Compare to other incontinence aids) that no other pads on the market currently offer. With the Nice Care Smart Incontinence aids Real-Time Monitoring Technology and Bluetooth enable sensors, Wonderkin offer carers in elderly care facilities to be notified of the patient's void, sleeping posture, and inactivity in real-time, hence, effectively easing the care-giving process especially pressure care.

Q: WHAT KIND OF ‘REAL’ DIFFERENCE IS A PRODUCT LIKE NICE CARE DIGITAL INCONTINENCE PADS AND APP MAKING TO STAFF AND PATIENTS IN CARE HOMES AND CARE FACILITIES? MA: Real differences are only felt and seen, through another key factor: prioritisation for care staff. A good example would be body rotation and diaper change, where though they are seemingly simple tasks, it takes workflow,

task management, pad stock management to keep it all together and ticking along. The difference with a simple product like pads going digital is that carers are able to keep up and be informed of patients in real-time. Aside from prioritizing tasks, costs of pad consumption are cut down dramatically, making not only ‘cents’ financially, but ‘sense’ for the environment. Our pads are 70% biodegradable and hence, when you think about it, if every pad can be used to its full potential, with the patient not having skin irritations and rashes, by the way, the product is not only addressing financial costs to institutions like care homes, but also, providing a corporate social responsibility to those who use them. In Japan, for instance, our products have reduced pad consumption from 30K to 20K in facilities. It is not just about minimising the use of disposable wastes, but improving the quality of sleep for patients, and giving them more dignity, (of not being checked upon constantly) by reducing the number or times a change has to occur during the night.

Q: WHAT OTHER ISSUES DOES WONDERKIN AIM TO SPEARHEAD WITH ITS DIGITAL INNOVATIONS? MA: Another common issue for patients is communication- between their family members and the carers or care home. Our digital innovations give personalised health insights, powered by data that can be easily provided and accessed by both parties. Data protection and that data is being stored securely is paramount to us, and this type of application if it is to be applied to chronic care management. Hence we employ Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our Cloud System provider, which adopts world-class, highly secure data centres utilising state-of-the-art electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems. Different access rights are given to various account types within our system, including super admin, general admin, nursing home, nursing home manager and nurse accounts. The data transmission from the Sensor to the Hub is encrypted and contains no client’s data. For more information or enquiries on Wonderkin’s emerging technology and latest innovation solutions to care-giving in residential nursing and care homes visit: or contact


North Yorkshire Carers Braced for 'Winter Storms' North Yorkshire care providers are bracing themselves for a dreadful winter as a perfect storm of issues hits the care of the county’s most vulnerable. The Independent Care Group (ICG) today issued a winter warning over the impact a staffing shortage will have on quality and availability of levels of care for the most vulnerable people in our communities. It says the imposition of the Government’s “no jab, no job” policy is bound to impact upon staffing levels at a time when the sector has a dire shortage. ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “For social care across North Yorkshire we can only see a dreadful winter ahead unless we see a social care climate change. “As we head into winter we know there are at least 1,000 care worker vacancies across the county – which is a figure that places many providers in great difficulty when it comes to maintaining staffing levels. “The ‘no jab, no job’ policy is bound to add to that at a time when care providers need all the staff they can get. “Let us not forget that we are still coping with the additional rigours of Covid-19 and a staffing shortage that has been exacerbated by our inability to recruit from overseas due to Brexit. “Winter places huge extra pressure on NHS care services and on social care services. Then of course providers lose staff to sickness too. “For many care providers the loss of one or two extra staff due to the vaccination policy could be devastating to their ability to keep providing care. We may well see provider losses and there will certainly be

staffing issues – for example there are reports that almost 300 staff left their jobs in Hertfordshire care homes in the weeks before the 11 November deadline. “We urged the Government to postpone the vaccination policy until spring, as it has for NHS and homecare providers, but that plea fell on

deaf ears.” The ICG welcomed North Yorkshire County Council’s ‘Make Care Matter’ campaign to recruit more carers into the profession across the county. Mr Padgham added: “Anything that encourages people to join this rewarding and vital profession has to be welcomed. “The most important thing is that we find a way to improve the pay and conditions of staff and to do that the Government needs to fund local authorities better so that they, in turn, can pay providers a price for care that properly reflects the cost of delivering that care. Then they can reward their staff accordingly. “At the moment, the county council is doing its best to encourage recruitment, but with one hand tied behind its back. “Local authorities don’t have the funding to support social care properly across the country and that has the knock-on effect of meaning that providers cannot pay staff what they deserve. “Social care is a wonderful, rewarding job and many people enjoy and get a great deal of satisfaction from it. But people also have to pay the bills and when you can earn more than £10 working in a supermarket, why would you put yourself under the stress and pressure of delivering care, for less? “The Government and local authorities need to ensure there is enough funding in social care to ensure care workers can get the pay, conditions and career structure they deserve – then we will see people join this wonderful sector.

Wellbeing Care Appoints New Regional Manager Wellbeing Care, a family-run care group with services in Suffolk and Northamptonshire, has appointed a new regional manager to support its staff and residents post COVID-19. To the role, Jenny Daynes will be bringing almost 35 years of experience, having worked in various care settings, from hospitals to residential homes and domiciliary care environments. Before her latest appointment, Jenny had also undertaken training in NVQs and Management and has worked for the Church of England Diocese of Norwich as a Project Manager for Church schools. Supporting the management teams and staff across Wellbeing Care's three care homes, Jenny will now help ensure that residents receive the highest quality of care in safe, warm and homely environments. Discussing her appointment, Jenny said, “There is great job satisfaction providing care for those who need it, and I'm delighted to have joined the Wellbeing Care team. The ethos of the company is to be there for the residents - they always come

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first. As someone keen to make a difference myself, this commitment to improving the lives of the older generation stood out to me. When I picture Wellbeing Care in ten years, I see them as one of the top five care providers in the UK, and I hope to play an instrumental role in helping them achieve this”. Farooq Patel, director at Wellbeing Care, said, “We are delighted to welcome Jenny to the company. At Wellbeing Care, staff are chosen, not only for their experience but also for their attitude and outlook. That is why our teams are truly caring and compassionate, professional, skilled and approachable. With her previous experience, caring nature and dedication, we are confident she will be a fantastic asset to the team.” “We look forward to seeing the difference Jenny makes to the operations of our homes and the lives of those using our services," Farooq concluded. Wellbeing Care is always on the lookout for recruits to join its caring family. If a career in care could be of interest, please visit for more information on current vacancies.


Fortuna.Bambach, based in Enfield, is London's largest independent living centre.

We supply everything from daily living aids to highly specialised equipment and services, so we can offer a ‘one-stop shop’ to nursing and residential care homes, local authorities, hospitals and individuals. Our team of Trusted Assessors and technicians can offer expert advice, and work closely with Occupational Therapists (OTs), and other healthcare professionals to provide individual solutions. Not only do we sell and rent out a wide range of high-quality products, we also provide high standard aftercare including maintenance, LOLER testing and a comprehensive range of training courses. We provide a range of solutions at competitive prices, so that you don’t have to worry about ensuring that your equipment is safe and compliant.

✓ Wheelchairs, walking aids, seating, profiling beds, daily living aids and more ✓ Rental Options ✓ Adaptations - grab rails, stair lifts, level access showers, ramps, wet rooms ✓ Moving & Handling equipment and training ✓ Maintenance, Repairs and LOLER testing


Ornamin, a market leader in eating and drinking aids, who supply more than 2,000 care institutions worldwide have – in collaboration with Occupational Therapists (OTs) and nurses - developed a range of intelligent and functional tableware for people with cognitive problems or limited motor skills in their hands or arms.

Their range includes mugs with a unique cone-shaped interior design, - which help those with limited neck and arm movement or anyone who is bed bound to drink without assistance - plates and bowls that are non-slip with a sloped base, making it easier to trap the food (useful for those who have problems using their hands), and non-slip grip cutlery that provides a firm hold for a user with clammy, shaky or numb hands.

The stylish designs helps remove the stigma of using ‘special’ tableware, which in turn improves dignity and independence, while also easing the support needed from families, carers or care home staff. All of the products are made using high quality materials which are 100% recyclable, plus they’re durable, light to lift, quiet to use, break-resistant, and BPA FREE.


Drinkup21, is an innovative hands-free drinking system, which can dramatically improve the health of those at risk of dehydration.

This simple but effective product works on the same principle as a cup and drinking straw, but has been designed to enable anyone who cannot lift a cup to drink without assistance (even when arm function is completely lost), making drinking easier, improving fluid intake, and reducing the workload of carers.

Drinkup21 consists of a 1 litre bottle with a cap, a body (holder), a multi-positioning clamp and a flexible arm assembly. It also includes a Consumables Parts Pack containing a drinking tube, bite valve (mouthpiece), elbow connector. A tube cleaning brush is also available.

It can be secured to beds, tables and wheelchairs, and used with water, fruit juice and thickened fluids that contain higher nutritional content, thus providing a simple solution to the serious issue of dehydration in the elderly and those living with disabilities. Drinkup21 is beneficial for those with conditions including spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, the effects of stroke, dementia, and those who do not recognise the need to drink.

For advice and information: Fortuna.Bambach, 4, Northgate Business Centre, Crown Road, Enfield, London, EN1 1TG. Visit: | Email: Telephone: 020 8805 2020


Sundae School Treat for Care Home Residents For the party tea each banana split was made up according to residents’ pref-

Residents at a Somerset dementia care home have been enjoying an innocent indulgence at a tasty ‘banana split party’ organised by the activities team to brighten up the longer autumn days. The highlight of the party was the opportunity for each person to enjoy their own personalised banana split, but staff also pushed the banana boat out in other ways out to boost the party atmosphere. Richard Dempslake, activities organiser for Camelot House and Lodge, said: “Before everyone tucked into the party platters, we organised a bit of ‘Sundae School.’ “Our residents love a good quiz, so we had fun with a few banana-themed questions like where bananas are grown, and why they’re good for you, and we also enjoyed a fruity games of apple bobbing, using grabbers. “Music is really important to people with dementia, and it was lovely to see them singing along to themed playlist we put together. “The favourite song for the day, of course, was the Banana Boatsong, as well as other sweet classics such as Sugar Sugar, Sweets For My Sweet, Pure Imagination from the Willy Wonka film and la-la-ing along to the Banana In Pyjamas theme.”

erences, with the options of toppings available including whipped cream, cherries, strawberry or chocolate sauce, sprinkles, raisins, syrup and vanilla ice cream. Richard Dempslake said: “There was a lot of lip-smacking and finger-licking going on, and big smiles all round. “Sometimes it can be a challenge to encourage people living with dementia to eat, so it can be a good idea to tempt them by making food a fun experience. “Our chef, Chris Morris, understands the importance of presenting food in a way that will appeal to our residents, as well as catering to individual preferences and where appropriate we use eating and drinking as an opportunity for activity and social stimulation. “That’s not for everyone, but many of our residents do enjoy it – and the banana split party certainly fitted the bill.”

Care Home Aliwal Manor Love Feeling Part of the Community Whittlesey have once again put on a stunning memorial for Remembrance Day. The eye-catching displays have been erected in different areas of the city, on community greens, churches, and along the streets. Volunteers have generously spent hours hand-creating the tens of thousands of poppies used in the displays. As you can imagine it has also taken many volunteers and hours to place the handmade creations around Whittlesey. Sarah, Lifestyle Coordinator for Aliwal Manor in Whittlesey is local and knows many of the residents that reside in Aliwal Manor are also locals. Sarah has been walking around Whittlesey taking pictures of the wonderful displays. She prints them out, laminates them and they then go into a wonderful book that she has

called “Bringing the Outside in” The residents have loved looking at the pictures of all the handmade memorial items, especially the knitted soldiers/army/navy dolls, which they said must have taken many hours to knit. The residents have also been making some items for their remembrance garden and had the help from the maintenance operative, Tadis who made wooden crosses so their made poppies from recycled plastic bottles could be fixed onto them. Residents love to still feel part of their community and are very happy to have made a remembrance garden at the front of Aliwal for everyone in their community to see.

My Purchasing Partner - Helping You Buy Better Whether you need full procurement services or just supply chain support – My Purchasing Partner can save you time and money, with or without changing suppliers allowing you to focus on caring for your residents. We are an owner operated business who have been delighting our healthcare clients for over ten years. Our proven success is based on positive relationships with our clients, including some of the UK’s largest care

home groups. We listen to their individual needs and work with our wide range of suppliers, several of whom focus solely on the healthcare sector, to ensure that our bespoke service meets these needs every time. Think of us as an extension to your team and the thread between you and your suppliers - allowing you and your team to focus on the care and wellbeing of your patients and residents. We guarantee to save you time and money across many categories from food to planned preventative maintenance. By using our significant market leverage, we will reduce your spending with or without changing suppliers and promise to balance service, quality, and price to deliver a complete procurement partnership. We can be your very own buying team with absolutely no cost to you or contracts to sign for our services! Contact us for a free procurement health check and let us help you buy better! /


A Guide To Living With Dementia and Incontinence As age is the most significant risk factor for dementia there is naturally expected to be a growing number of people with dementia as the population ages. Let’s look at some of the statistics • It is estimated that in the UK, at least three to six million people, therefore 5-10% of the population, suffer from urinary incontinence • In 2015, the number of people with dementia was approximately 10.5 million in Europe. The number of affected people is predicted to increase to 13.4 million by 2030 and to 18.7 million by 2050 • There were an estimated 44.4 million people in the world diagnosed with dementia in 2013 and this figure is predicted to rise to 75.6 million by 2030 and to 135.5 million by 2050 What is clear from these statistics across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world is that the situation is only going to worsen not improve. And it’s not just an older person’s problem as younger people can also develop dementia. Although it is less common, it is important to avoid associating dementia uniquely with the older people and overlooking the many younger people who also experience it. Ontex understands that a review of numerous studies has demonstrated a correlation between increasing age and an increased preva-

lence of urinary incontinence and suggests that age is an independent risk factor for urinary incontinence. Alex Shaw, Marketing Manager UK & Ireland for Ontex comments, “Ontex believes that dementia is not an inevitable consequence of ageing and neither is incontinence. Equally, incontinence is not an inevitable consequence of dementia, however in cases of advanced dementia, where sufferers are completely dependent, incontinence will unfortunately be inevitable.”

THE FIVE CONTINENCE ACTIONS To be continent you must be able to: 1. Recognise the need to pass urine 2.Identify the correct places to do so 3.Reach the correct place 4.Hold on until you get there 5.Pass urine once you are there If someone has a problem with any of these issues they are at risk of becoming incontinent. A person with dementia is more likely to have problems going to the toilet or suffer from incontinence than a person of the same age without dementia if they are unable to follow these five important steps.

HOW TO HELP SOMEONE IN THIS SITUATION • Be supportive and remember that the person may feel embarrassed and upset as they may not realise they have been incontinent • Look for the non-verbal signs that someone needs to go to the toilet • Try to offer prompts and reminders every few hours to use the loo • If someone has an accident they may try to hide wet clothing or bedding.

Discreetly deal with it to avoid further embarrassment. • Try to encourage the person to drink six to eight glasses of fluid per day as it’s really important to stay hydrated • It’s also helpful to encourage a healthy, balanced duet with plenty of fibre • Consider practical things you can do in the person’s home such as placing a sign near the toilet entrance, a toilet seat or rail and things that might help at night such as a commode. • Keep continence pads in the bathroom and bedroom.

HOW ONTEX CAN HELP Ontex specialises in products for continence management and has designed its products ranges around discretion and giving confidence to the user. The iD & Lille product range covers all types and levels of incontinence for males and females of all ages. Approved by Dermatologists, the iD & Lille product range covers all types and levels of incontinence for males and females of all ages. The products deliver ultra-fast liquid absorption and keep liquid locked in the pad, as well as providing anti-leakage protection, odour control and breathable material for added comfort.

THE NEW ID PANTS RANGE The new look pants range now offers extra skin benefits by incorporating an improved top sheet with a mix of camomile, known for its soothing and calming properties, Vitamin E with antioxidant properties and zinc oxide, a natural purifying mineral component to help protect the skin. See the advert on page 7 for details.

Two New Homes for Greensleeves Care Award-winning care charity, Greensleeves Care, has taken on two additional homes in Berkshire this week. Buckler’s Lodge in Crowthorne achieved practical completion on Monday, 15 November. The home will welcome its first residents to the new 80-bed, luxury home in early January 2022 and will offer exceptional residential and dementia care. This home has been positively received locally, following the success of the established Greensleeves Care home, Glebelands, in nearby Wokingham. Buckler’s Lodge will create more than 100 job opportunities in the local area. Greensleeves Care further strengthened its presence in Berkshire by leasing The Manor care home in Old Windsor from Tuesday, 16 November. The home benefits from an enviable location set in six acres of

grounds and offers nursing, dementia, and residential care. The Manor is the 26th operating home for the charity with more developments on site and in the pipeline. Paul Newman, Chief Executive of Greensleeves Care, said: “I would like to thank the Greensleeves Care team for their hard work in bringing these two developments to fruition. We are delighted to welcome the residents and our new colleagues at The Manor care home in Old Windsor to the Greensleeves Care family. Interest in Buckler’s Lodge is also high, and we look forward to welcoming our first residents at Crowthorne in 2022. These new homes are key milestones in our long-term strategy to expand the delivery of high-quality care to the growing number of older people.”


Dementia Charity Launches Scientific Review to Understand Benefits and Risk of Sport Alzheimer’s Research UK is undertaking a comprehensive review into the links between sport and dementia risk. The announcement comes today (Wednesday 24 November), with the charity partnering with The Health Policy Partnership to carry out the six-month project. Dementia is a heart-breaking condition that affects nearly one million people in the UK. It commonly affects people’s memory and thinking, which can bring confusion and fear not only to those living with dementia but also for their loved ones. Recent media attention has focussed on high profile dementia cases, particularly within the sporting community. Emerging research shows some ex-professional sports players are at increased risk of developing the condition, but there has been little evidence to determine why this is the case. There are lots of factors that can contribute to a person’s risk of developing dementia, and these can sometimes interact with each other in ways that are difficult to study and understand. When it comes to dementia risk, age, genetics, and lifestyle are all at play. A landmark report estimated that eliminating 12 potentially modifiable risk factors linked to the condition could prevent around 40% of dementia cases. Now, the UK’s leading dementia research charity, Alzheimer’s Research UK, have partnered with The Health Policy Partnership (HPP) to conduct a new review to investigate the link between sport and dementia. The research project will last for six months and not only look at the current evidence base for the benefits and risks of sports but will also involve consultation with clinical, research and sporting stakeholders to understand any existing gaps in knowledge. The charity hopes this work will help direct future research questions and funding. Hat Hewitt, who owns her own CrossFit gym in Watford, shared this hope of making sure we understand the benefits and risk of sport.

“Exercise clearly plays an important role in my life and we hear a lot about the importance of exercise for our health, particularly around our mental wellbeing. This has been particularly important throughout mine and my sisters’ time caring for my mum who is living with a rare variant of Alzheimer’s, called posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). Exercise helps my mental wellbeing now but also protects it for the future. “Our brains are amazing and do a host of things day-to-day that we don’t even think of but dementia can put this at risk as it has for my mum. Funding research into the benefits and potential risks of sport when it comes to dementia is important. It will allow people to make more informed decisions about their lifestyles, which can only be a good thing.” Speaking about the new research Hilary Evans, CEO of Alzheimer’s Research UK said: “We know sport brings a range of health benefits, which also are good for the brain, but the more we understand about the potential risks of sport and their contribution towards the overall risk

of dementia, the better. “We are committed to improving the understanding of the risk factors for dementia with a view to minimising the number of dementia cases in the future. With new evidence emerging, and the relationship between certain sports and dementia risk receiving increasing scrutiny, this review is vital to help inform the direction of future research in this area. “The review fits in with Alzheimer’s Research UK’s existing research into risk and dementia prevention, helping realise our vision to live in a world free of the fear, heartbreak and harm that dementia brings.” Christine Ridout from The Health Policy Partnership said: “We know the impact dementia can have on the lives of so many and we are excited to partner with Alzheimer’s Research UK on this important research. This comprehensive review of the evidence on the risks and benefits of sport in relation to dementia will help us identify worldwide gaps in knowledge and highlight lessons that can be learnt across different countries and sports. We will also closely consult with experts from the sporting, clinical and scientific fields in the UK to learn from their experiences and discuss where evidence is missing or unclear. Combining these approaches, we hope to build an evidence-based platform that can shape the research and policy agenda for years to come.” Prof Jon Schott, Alzheimer’s Research UK’s Chief Medical Officer, said: “Evidence suggests that for most of the population, what is good for heart health is also good for the brain. There’s been growing interest in the link between head injuries and dementia, from the more severe traumatic brain injury to repeated sports injuries. While we know that one specific type of dementia – chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) – is associated with head injury there is still a limited amount of robust research in the area. We need a review like this to prioritise the most important questions to answer and shape research in the future.”

Town Mayor and Centenarian Resident Open Cheshire’s Newest Care Home The countdown is finally over for the opening of Congleton’s newest state-ofthe-art care home after it officially opened its doors to offer residents the very best in person-centered care. Nestled in a green residential area on its namesake road close to the market town’s centre, a celebratory launch event took place to mark the official opening of Priesty Fields Care Home on Monday, 15th November. Town Mayor, Cllr Denis Murphy, officially opened the home with a traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony alongside 100-year-old Congleton native and one of Priesty Fields’ first residents, Dorothy Cartridge. The large crowd in attendance were then treated to champagne and canapés to mark the occasion, before being given guided tours around the purpose-built home. Priesty Fields will offer 78 spacious en-suite bedrooms, along with a gastropub, farmers market, cinema, spa, salon, gym, library, private dining room, garden lounge, and GP office. During the opening ceremony, Cllr Murphy said: “I think the home is a fantastic facility. I’ve never been to a care facility like it! Getting the full tour of the rooms, spa, shops, bar and dining area was a wonderful experience. It’s a first-class facility and the people who choose to come here will have a splendid time and will be extremely well looked after.” He continued: “As a community, we are extremely lucky to have a facility of

this standard in Congleton, especially as it’s in the centre of town. One of the things Congleton has needed is a care home. We’ve got a very elderly population – the demographics for this particular area of Cheshire has a far higher number of elderly residents compared to other local authority areas, so facilities like this are very important for the community.” The innovative physical structure of the building has been tailored to suit the specific needs of people requiring continuous care, with enticing communal areas that encourage independence and stimulate the senses being included in the design. The home will also be sustainable aligning with the wider environmental objectives of the Hansdale care group, who operate the home along with eight others across the UK. Rishi Sodha, Care Director at Handsale, said: “We were absolutely delighted to welcome everyone to the official launch of Priesty Fields Care Home. Over the past two years, our purpose-built residential and nursing home has been meticulously constructed to ensure the very best person-centred care will be delivered to our residents, so we were delighted to see so many of the local community in attendance to support us. I hope everyone had a fantastic day and we look forward to providing exceptional care to the Congleton community and further afield.”

Moneypenny Launches Outbound Calling Service For UK Care Providers Leading outsourced communications provider Moneypenny has launched an outbound calling service to help time-poor UK care providers keep on top of customer care and recruitment. The newly launched service has two key functions – to handle new customer enquiries requiring bed availability and care provision and to follow up CVs and providing first stage candidate vetting for current vacancies. Stephanie Vaughan-Jones, head of the health and care sector at Moneypenny said: “We’re well aware of the huge demands on care home staff the moment – particularly when recruitment is still such a challenge. Our outbound calling service is designed to help care providers by alleviating some of the time-intensive every-day duties such as making follow up calls.” The launch is particularly timely as the care sector faces the worst recruitment crisis it has ever seen. Stephanie added: “People make evidence-based decisions when choosing their care provider, whether for themselves or a relative and

first impressions are often one of those factors. How you handle calls, including follow-ups, speaks volumes about you as a business and a care provider. It can make the difference between whether a new customer chooses you or a great candidate comes for interview. “By providing call follow-up, we’re able to make sure that care provider’s very first impressions are as positive as possible and importantly, that we save time for in-house teams so they can focus on greater endeavour. Finding ways to help an already-stretched sector operate more efficiently is a key priority right now.” Moneypenny’s outbound call service follows the recent launch of a dedicated call handling guide for care providers, which is intended to help review inbound call handling practices and find ways to improve

efficiencies and reputation. Stephanie concluded: “Lots of care providers view answering the phone as something that just happens, rather than an important communications activity that requires a strategy of its own. We hope that the launch of our free guide and now our outbound calling service will really demonstrate that we’re here, ready and able to help the care sector – whether you’re an independent care home, a multi-site group or a domiciliary care provider.” Moneypenny provides telephone answering, live chat, outsourced switchboard and customer contact solutions to hundreds of care providers across the UK, thanks to its dedicated team of 41 healthcare receptionists. In total, more than 13,000 businesses across the UK benefit from Moneypenny’s mix of extraordinary people and ground-breaking technology. For more information about Moneypenny’s work in the health and care sector visit:


PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Uniquely Adapted Clothing By Adaptawear At Adaptawear we specialise in uniquely adapted clothing for day and night. Our garments are designed to help improve independent and assisted dressing, removing the limitations of conventional clothes. A key product in our night time range is the Iona Nightie; fully opening at the back and at both shoulders, it can be put on from a lying or seated position. It ensures dignified toileting due to it’s open-back with generous overlap. Another unique product to Adaptawear are the All-InOne Pyjamas, these feature shoulder to ankle and between the legs zips. These pyjamas are designed to enable carers to dress a person from a lying position. They are suitable for people who have a tendency to inappropriately disrobe and help avoid picking and smearing behaviour. They also allow easy and quick access for toileting.

Our day time range is particularly popular with those who can independently dress with a few discreet adaptations. These include; velcro/magnetic shirts, front fastening bras, pull on elasticated waist trousers and discreet open back day and nightwear. Adaptawear clothing can help improve the life of those living with a variety of conditions and many of our items are available with VAT relief. All items can be found at or call 0800 051 1931 for more info. Don’t forget to use code CR10M at checkout for 10% off your order.

Jolly Trolley Brings Therapeutic Activity and Entertainment to Patients That Are Isolating The Jolly Trolley® is an essential for any care establishment as it promotes social interaction between the service users and their carers. This innovative system is fully mobile and battery operated, allowing residents who may be unable to leave their rooms to also be included with ease. The Jolly Trolley® comes complete with its own videos, quizzes, karaoke and other content, but personal music, photos and films can then be added from a USB stick to really bring out the magic! Don’t just take our word for it here are just some testimonials from our very happy Health and Social Care clients:

The Power of Scent It has been known for many decades that fragrance has the power to evoke emotions and memories, whether it is smelling a perfume that reminds you of an occasion in the past or a loved one that perhaps wore the fragrance or bought it for you, scent can bring back all of those happy memories and occasions. Your olfactory system is responsible for your sense of smell. Often called the “emotional brain”, it can instantly prompt powerful responses and memories. For instance, the scent of lemon might make you think of the lemon tree in your back garden growing up, but for another person it might be associated with the cleaning products their parents used in their childhood home. Having lost both parents to dementia, I remember going to see my mam in her care home and presenting her with a perfume that she wore occasionally for special occasions, at this stage she did not know my name, but I sprayed the perfume into the air and within seconds she told me what the perfume was and then over the next 30 minutes she was reminiscing of the times gone past, this had the same effect when we played her music to her, the memories and emotions came flooding back. Whether you use essential oils, fragrance oils or a mixture of both the scent can play a major part in your wellbeing and mood, for instance the aroma of fresh citrus and fresh green notes will make you feel uplifted, awake and fresh,

Chester Park- Megan Allan, Activities “The fact that we can upload what is relevant to the specific Individual is so meaningful for that person and I can assure you we have shed some tears being able to be part of that residents memory journey. It has been an amazing addition to our care home – from staff and residents – thank you.” Pennine NHS Trust - Beech Ward“we have been able to provide therapeutic activity & entertainment with ease to patients that are isolating” To see what the Jolly Trolley® can do for you, call us for a free demonstration on 0800 093 8499.

while rich fresh floral notes will give you a feeling of happiness, and spring and summer, while oriental will give you a feeling of warmth and a relaxed state of mind. At scentworks we offer a substantial range of essential oils, fragrance oils and formulations of both to suit all environments and needs whether it is for communal areas, washrooms, waste areas, offices, personal rooms, entrances etc. Our oils are all manufactured within the UK and are all IFRA controlled and compliant. Our scent diffusion equipment is discreet but also stylish, very quiet and very low maintenance, requiring only 1-2 service visits per year on self-replenished units which helps to keep costs to a minimum, from as little £1 per day. We have a selection of scent diffusion equipment with a wide range of coverage from small tabletop units suitable for an office environment, floor or wall mounted options for medium sized areas and up to larger units that connect directly to an air conditioning system above a roof void. All our scent diffusion equipment is programmable, which means that once set up you can just enjoy the fragrance not having to worry about switching the machine off as it will happen automatically. We offer a wide range of pricing solutions, whether this would be renting or purchasing of equipment along with fragrance and equipment packages, we are totally flexible to suit your requirements. Visit or see the advert on page 12.

MOWOOT II for Constipation Free Life MOWOOT II - a novel noninvasive and non-pharmacological solution to chronic constipation Developed by a team of medical professionals, MOWOOT II performs gentle abdominal massage that speeds up intestinal transit in the sufferers of chronic constipation. Clinically proven and sideeffects free, MOWOOT II Chronic Constipation Therapy System fights constipation effectively, safely and comfortably without laxatives, enemas or colon cleansing supplements. Comfortable to use MOWOOT II treats and manages chronic constipation in people with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease and medication-related constipation problems. MOWOOT II also combats idiopathic chronic constipation of menopausal and post-menopausal women and elderly people. In a published clinical study*, MOWOOT II increased evacuation frequency, softened stools, improved regularity, reduced gasses and bloating and relieved

abdominal discomfort. Results showed that as many as 72.2% patients experienced increased bowel movements, 77.4% patients manifested reduction in constipation symptoms and 81.0% patients enjoyed better quality of life. 10 – 20 minutes per day of abdominal massage with MOWOOT II demonstrates improvements with significant results noted within days after the first treatment. Regular applications ensure positive health benefits and better quality of life. MOWOOT II – effective, safe and comfortable solution to chronic constipation!

* McClurg D; Booth L; Herrero-Fresneda I. Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent Colonic Exoperistalsis Device to Treat Chronic Constipation: A Prospective Multicentric Clinical Trial. Clin Trans Gastroenterology 2020; 11(12): e00267.

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Specialist Dementia Bathroom Design Guide Launched by AKW AKW, a leading provider of accessible home solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of a new guide to creating dementia-friendly bathrooms. Produced with advice and support from specialist dementia design advisers at the University of Stirling’s Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC), it offers best practice guidance on designing this important space. The bathroom is one of the most challenging and dangerous places for a person with dementia and Dementia Friendly Design aims to compensate for the changes people experience when living with this condition. Importantly, a dementia-friendly bathroom doesn’t need to cost more than a standard bathroom adaptation, but the products and guidelines regarding colour etc. need to be followed to ensure maximum safety and comfort. Lynsey Hutchinson, Senior Interior Designer at DSDC, University of Stirling, comments: “The bathroom, despite being one of the smallest rooms to design in any building, is one of the most complicated. Indeed, there are at least ten tonal considerations within a bathroom or shower room. These include tonal contrast

for surfaces / critical planes such as walls, floors, doors, skirtings, sanitary ware and toilet seats which should achieve a minimum contrast of 30 points LRV (Light Reflectance Value) in order to see one object against another.” Stuart Reynolds, Head of Product and Marketing at AKW explains why the new dementia guide has been developed: “We have worked with the University of Stirling to translate the complex issue of dementia into practical design points that can be easily applied in any bathroom adaptation. The guide details the seven major dementia challenges that impact bathroom design and gives specific advice on what to install and where, to help overcome these issues. From flooring colour to lighting placement, the guide has it all.” For health and care professionals, specifiers, relatives, contractors and social landlords wanting to find out more, AKW’s Guide to Creating Dementia-Friendly Bathrooms is available to download from See the advert on page 9 for further details.

Yeoman Shield Fire Rated Door Edge Protector When specifying for a structure, it’s important to be aware of the level of wear and tear a door can be exposed to in a public building. Door edges, in particular, can be easily damaged or worn down by regular use – which can then render them non-compliant for fire safety regulations. To ensure that a project remains compliant, an architect can specify durable door edge protectors to add durability and longevity to doors. Not only will specifying edge protectors increase the longevity of doors, they will enhance the cost efficiency of a project by reducing maintenance demands and the possibility of having to replace unsafe fire doors. Yeoman Shield fire rated Door Edge Protectors are unique with a 2.0 mm Vinylac outer and a specially formulated 9mm PVCu reinforced core. They are FD30 (1/2 hour) and FD60 (1 hour) rated with intumescent seals that are in accordance to the fire door’s specification. Fire rated Door Edge Protectors are suitable for commercial applications such as residential blocks, schools and hospitals etc. Door Edge Protectors can also be specified with different fire seals, from a plain intumescent fire seal

to a brush, fire and smoke variant. Of course, for doors that are non-fire rated in an architect’s project Yeoman Shield also provide quality edge protectors without seals to enhance durability and reduce wear. Source a full range of door protection panels and kick plates from a single supplier by choosing Yeoman Shield. Our door protection panels and kick plates offer the same lasting durability and quality as our door edge protectors. Visit for details or see page 10.

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Scrubs UK and Uniforms UK are part of Uniform Group UK Ltd suppliers of Medical and Healthcare Uniforms. Our main aim is to provide the best products at the most competitive prices and are proud to be an ‘NHS approved supplier’. We pride ourselves on our excellent reputation and customer service and firmly believe that building relationships with our customer is key to offering the best service possible. Our uniforms meet infection-control requirements and offer the best in durability and comfort. We stock a wide range of styles, colours and sizes to suit everyone. Our own brand ‘Scrubs UK Premium’ range is one of our best sellers offering all day comfort together with durability and of course style! WE ARE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SEND YOU A FREE SAMPLE OF OUR SCRUBS UK PREMIUM SCRUBS SET PERSONALISED WITH YOUR LOGO FOR YOU TO SEE FOR YOURSELVES!

Renray Healthcare Renray Healthcare has been producing high quality furniture for over 50 years and is one of the UK’s largest and leading suppliers to the healthcare sector. Whether you require a fast efficient delivery of quality furniture or a full room installation and fitting service, we have the experience and resources to handle your contract. We manufacture and assemble our products in our own purpose built factories in Cheshire and Europe to British Standards. Hence we are able to ensure your furniture is produced to the highest quality, working with you to plan and meet your projects time schedule and budget. We understand you are purchasing furniture that is fit for purpose, stylish and will continue to perform well into the future, which is why we design and build our

We stock all major brands including, Cherokee, Dickies, Behrens, Alexandra, Koi, Orange Standard, Simki and Skechers. Healthcare uniforms come in all shapes and sizes, and we sell them all! We can also provide you with your catering staff, maintenance and reception uniforms. PERSONALISATION OF UNIFORMS IS OUR SPECIALITY! All embroidery is carried out in-house so we are able to react quickly to your order. For a limited time, we are offering FREE EMBROIDERY SET UP (normally £20) to all new customers. You will always speak personally to a member of our team when you call who are more than happy to help you with your requirements. Call today on 01270 814141 or visit or See the advert on page 20.

furniture with you in mind. Telephone: +44 (0)1606 593456, Email:, or see the advert on page 3 for details.


CATERING FOR CARE Has The Pandemic Created A Permanent Change In The Way Catering Operates? Rupert Lynch, Client Relationship Manager and Executive Chef at allmanhall, the independently owned food procurement expert, discusses whether the pandemic has led to permanent changes in the way catering operators work. Have caterers adapted and improved their operations as a result, or are they likely to return to the old ways of doing things.


Circa 18 months since the start of the pandemic, catering establishments are now well versed in the intricacies of ‘Covid compliance’. Kitchens have adapted to an ever-changing environment that was outside of their control and devised systems that could cope with the guidelines laid down by the Government. Following the relaxing of all rules in England, catering teams have undertaken risk assessments to ascertain whether all or some of the changes made over the previous year are required or whether they could adapt and implement some of the ‘enforced’ changes to enable a better and more efficient operation. Catering teams are still hesitant to make too many alterations, but many have relished the ‘new normal’ and many changes will now become permanent. These include the way the canteen or foodservice facility is laid out, how food is served (self-serve or served) the number of items on the menu and myriad of other changes that albeit were previously enforced, have now proved to be highly beneficial. For example, structuring lunch

service in schools, care homes and offices, to enable reduced volumes in canteens has been substantiated as a very successful practice, however this does have an impact on staffing hours in order to cope with the longer lunch service. Another benefit has been the introduction of split services, utilising servery counters to mirror a like-for-like service across the canteen, the offering has been reduced. In some instances, this has meant the lunch period allocated has been maintained, but at the same time held additional costs despite no increases regarding labour hours or shifts. One key consideration caterers have had to deal with was addressing the risk of a complete kitchen shutdown due to one or more staff testing positive. This has been a very real concern and limitation; a number of kitchen teams we have spoken to have stated they will be maintaining a ‘bubble’ status, whilst still trying to ensure an element of flexibility. Keeping teams working in bubbles has so far meant that some catering teams have been able to maintain a service even during the “ping-demic” of summer 2021. The indication at the time of writing is that many are looking to revert to pre-pandemic operational processes for their foodservice, including the use of crockery and cutlery in place of disposables.


Supply chain challenges and disruption continued into the summer period and has been further exacerbated by the shortage of HGV & LGV delivery drivers and issues surrounding availability of product. Catering operations must ensure they have adequate stock going into the autumn and are going to need be prepared to change menus, last minute. Service level agreements with suppliers are now subject to increased scrutiny and operators are going to fair best by being understanding of

Major NEW Product Launches Make a Change for the Better! Keeping healthy is increasingly seen as a social responsibility with many consumers now being motivated to protect their health not just for themselves but also for the ‘greater good’. In research that Major carried out, a staggering 93% described strengthening their immune system as important. That’s why at Major they have been busy creating an industry first… A gravy which

not only tastes amazing but is a great source of Vitamin D! Major’s Instant Gravy is allergen free, suitable for vegetarians and vegans, meets 2024 salt targets and is available in two varieties, perfect for meat and poultry dishes. Want to find out more and try for yourself, simply drop us an email at: or give us a call on 01933 356012 quoting The Carer for your free sample. See the advert on the previous page for details.

the situation, aware that they may not receive deliveries within their agree window. From allmanhall’s insight into how both clients and suppliers are adapting and planning ahead, it seems that the majority of catering teams are managing this well, communicating, showing flexibility and placing orders day 1 for day 3 as a minimum.


By their nature, kitchens are designed with good hygiene in mind and the pandemic forced an even more rigorous cleaning regime. Areas to keep a focus on are key touch points, cleaning regularly and deep cleaning the whole kitchen area at least once a week. A number of clients have spoken of the changes they have made to their shift and staffing requirements to facilitate this, and the extra training that has been required, too.


The majority of catering operators allmanhall has spoken to have indicated they will revert back to pre-pandemic levels and processes for some operational activities, notably the way the menu is designed. During the pandemic, menus were reduced to cope with the extra demand on staffing levels and time taken to pre-package food for delivery across campuses, for example. That said, having discussed this with a number of catering teams, they have largely indicated that although there will be more choice back on the menus, they will tailor it in such a way that the production methods are no more labour intensive than they have been over the last 18-month period. Operators have taken this opportunity to review their existing procedures and practises and implemented changes that they may have been previously considering, as improvements. See the advert on the facing page for details.

Cracking New Egg Dishes For Care Homes from Chef Martin McKee

Martin McKee, former NACC Care Chef of the Year, has created a series of new recipe videos showing how British Lion eggs can be used to create exciting, creative, and nutrient dense dishes to support the needs of care home residents. The recipes have been created to reflect the growing trend for menu simplification that has emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting staff and skills shortages, as well as incorporating nutritious ingredients in an original way. The five recipes have been developed in association with a specialist dietician to meet various nutritional requirements of residents, including undernourishment, dementia and dysphagia. The dishes include both savoury and sweet recipes and include Chicken and Leek Stuffed Mushroom; Deconstructed Spanish Omelette; Smoked Turkey, Cranberry and Egg Fried Sandwich; Lemon Meringue Pie; and a Custard Filled Doughnut. All the recipes are designed to serve 12 or more people and are easy to follow. British Lion eggs are approved by The Food Standards Agency to be eaten runny or

even raw by vulnerable groups, including care home residents. Before the change in advice for Lion eggs, care homes had to restrict the way they served eggs, but the change in 2017 meant that care home residents could once again enjoy a dippy egg, and benefit from a range of other nutritious, and delicious egg-based dishes. Martin said: ‘’Eggs are a must on care home menus and are a fantastically versatile ingredient. I have created a range of savoury and sweet recipes, calling on familiar favourites with a modern touch. The recipes I’ve created highlight the nutritional benefits of eggs, as they contain key vitamins and minerals and are high in protein which is essential for care home residents’ diets. I have also ensured that the recipes are straightforward and easy to replicate so that they can be enjoyed in care homes of any scale.” The video recipes are available to view on British Lion eggs YouTube channel and can also be found on See the advert on page 32 for further details.


HYGIENE AND INFECTION CONTROL A Person-Centred Approach To Mobility and Hygiene When looking at specific hygiene tasks, needs differ significantly across care settings and need to encompass both physical and cognitive capabilities determined through individual assessment. Assisted hygiene solutions are designed to allow you to work in an ergonomically sound position, to reduce the risk of injury, whilst supporting a beneficial interaction with your resident. Caregiver safety is paramount, and factors, which affect the risk of musculoskeletal injury, should be considered, such as: • The number, type and functional mobility levels of residents being transferred or participating in hygiene routines • The inadequacy (or absence) of suitable equipment • Restricted spaces • Lack of education and training for care skills To mitigate these risks, evidence has demonstrated that education alone is insufficient. Use of the right equipment improves caregiver safety and reduces injury-related costs for the organisation. Understanding functional mobility, combined with selection of appropriate equipment to support your resident and caregiver can assist in addressing this challenge. Visit or see the advert on page 22.

Maintaining a level of independence and involvement in activities of daily living for those in your care can be a challenge. Using the Mobility Gallery™ assessment tool (figure 1) allows you to understand a person’s functional mobility, the level of assistance required, the risk to the caregiver and the importance to stimulate functional mobility.

Person centred care places the resident at the centre of all we do. This assessment tool helps to optimise the mobility of the resident, improve dignified care and reduces the risk of injury to both the resident and the caregiver. Promoting mobility is the driving force behind The Positive Eight™ philosophy shown in figure 2.

Waterless Bathing Products Could Help Nurses Reduce the Risk of Infection Transmission

By Yvonne Carter, Clinical Director at GAMA Healthcare ( and previously Head of Infection Control at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (

For both nurses and carers, helping patients with their personal hygiene and bathing are essential components in quality of life and quality of care. Bathing has been argued to have a strong effect on patient well-being and patient comfort. For immobile patients, sometimes, a body wash in bed is the only option. Traditionally, the bed bath is performed with water and soap. However, alternatives are increasingly used in health care. Washing without water is one such alternative that has been claimed to provide several advantages, such as improved hygiene and skin condition. In practice, it is fast, minimises discomfort and results in less mess. In two studies, nursing staff have significantly preferred washing without water over traditional bathing.i Built on the experience from GAMA’s founders, the Carell wipes are an easy-to-use bathing solution to clean, moisturise and refresh. Delivering a full body wash in a single product and no need to spend time gathering supplies. They contain aloe vera and active moisturisers to promote healthy skin. They're dermatologically tested, alcohol, lanolin and paraben free with a patented skin-pH neutral formula.

SPEED AND EFFICIENCY Wipes replace the need for traditional cumbersome patient cleansing methods, which include preparing bowls, washcloths, soap, lotions and water. They require no towel drying which decreases waste, increases staff compli-

ance and may save money. A time in motion study comparing traditional bed bathing with waterless bathing in elderly care wards was carried out in practice, finding that staff saved 40 minutes whilst delivering care to six patients.i

PATIENT COMFORT AND PREFERENCE In the previously mentioned study, it was found that the experience was preferred by patients and improved staff practice due to the simple one pack one person formulation.i The drying time for the wipes is minimal, reducing the need for abrasive towelling, whilst the wipes themselves are soft. A study showed the prevalence of skin abnormalities in the traditional bathing group increased overtime, whilst the waterless bathing group observed a decrease in abnormality prevalence.i Additionally, another study showed a significant difference in skin dryness, favouring the waterless group.ii

INFECTION PREVENTION Carell wipes also remove the risk of microorganism transmission associated with wash bowl contamination, risks from re-using washbowls between patients, spillage, non-drying of washbowls or less than effective decontamination between washbowl uses. Improved patient cleanliness reduces the number of microorganisms present to transfer to healthcare workers, visitors and the environment The wipes are designed for use on each area of the body and can be used and disposed of safely, breaking the chain of transmission via bath basins. Once waterless bathing has been completed, wipes can be resealed in their original packaging and safely disposed of. This reduces the risk of outbreaks and HCAIs associated with drainage systems. A randomised trial into the cost-consequence of washing without water revealed there is no difference in costs verses traditional bed bathing, making waterless washing the more efficient alternative.i Find out more about Carell Wipes and access to dedicated training/resources on waterless bathing i ii

Angloplas Dispensers Help Reduce the Risk of Cross Infection Angloplas are a UK manufacturer who specialise in producing dispensers for the health and hygiene industry. Although these are designed to keep the workplace tidy and uncluttered they are, more importantly, built knowing the control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are a priority for healthcare providers, and who are employing a combination of infection prevention and control strategies, including hand hygiene, cleaning, training and the adoption of new technologies, to tackle the problem. As a result, a wide range of infection control products and technologies are emerging on the market, including antimicrobial technology. Angloplas’ range of dispensers are produced in the world’s first proven

Antimicrobial PVC with silver ion technology and which is exclusive to Angloplas. This helps reduce the risk of cross infection by stopping the growth of bacteria and mould and works continuously for the lifetime of the product, reducing levels of bacteria such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould by up to 99.99%. For non-clinical environments Angloplas has recently launched its new Budget Range of products which are made to the same exacting standards as the antimicrobial protected ones but with lower price tags. You can order Angloplas products directly from its website by going to and clicking Hospital, Health and Hygiene or by using the Quick Response code.


HYGIENE AND INFECTION CONTROL Far-UV Sanitisation For Care Homes Means Staff, Residents and Visitors are Safer From Viruses, Bacteria and Pathogens An outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic is an increased need for safe, disinfected public spaces. BiocareUV have been working with the government, education and healthcare sectors to provide a solution to the ongoing health issues in the UK and the rest of the globe. Our Far-UV products safely sanitise rooms and high touch areas leaving them free from pathogens, bacteria and viruses such as Covid 19, MRSA & Norovirus. The UV light at 222nanometers is safe to be around humans and animals whilst also being effective at destroying unwanted germs, leaving the room safer for your staff, residents and visitors in these uncertain times. Manufactured in the UK with government support, BiocareUV strive to make day to day living safer. The products come in various forms, from a hand held Biowand unit which sanitises the area manually, to a Biolume which fits into the ceiling and sanitises the room throughout the day, BiocareUV have the right solution for you. Businesses nationwide are struggling with the cost and inconvenience of absent staff members due to covid, flu or other winter viruses, BiocareUV can help to reduce this. The Biotile and Biolume products fit into the ceiling fixtures and are specifically timed to make sure the room is constantly sanitised, leaving it safer for your residents, their guests and your staff, significantly reducing the risk of staff illnesses and sick days.

Your residents are the most important part of your business and keeping them safe is your priority. Here at BiocareUV, the safety and wellbeing of everybody is our priority! Ultraviolet light (light at wavelengths between 100 and 400 nanometers) has well-known disinfection properties and have been used for many decades in the food and water industry. Most UV disinfection systems use germicidal lamps of wavelengths 240nm-280nm, with the most common being 254nm. Unfortunately, exposure to 254nm UVC light also causes damage to skin and eyes in humans. However, recently published studies have demonstrated that UV light at 222nm has the same germicidal capabilities of 254nm light without damaging skin or eyes and has increased efficacy for killing bacteria and viruses. Regulations permit the use of UV at these wavelengths within occupied spaces, properly controlled. Our products & systems ensure those regulations are never breached. “We’re justifiably proud of our products and our innovation and genuinely believe they will become a part of the global response to not just this pandemic, but how we deal with global health for the future” says Mike Humphreys, BiocareUV’s Operations Director. BiocareUV are here to help, to learn more about the products visit our website or get in touch with our team today by emailing BiocareUV – Your Health is Our Priority!

Haigh - Discover the Benefits of Disposable Bedpans Working with care operators nationwide, Haigh helps simplify pad and pan disposal. Clients have reduced or eliminated waste bag collections, resulting in cleaner, nicer sluice rooms. Haigh can minimise the hassle involved in change, with delivery planning, installations, staff training, and ongoing servicing capabilities; so you can focus on infection control and a great patient experience. The Haigh team has been working alongside care providers to adapt to new ways of delivering maintenance, service and user training to fit with on site teams and the additional constraints that the latest infection control and test procedures bring. This has been well received, for example one multi-site care operator has also achieved significant operational cost benefits by mov-

ing a wide rage of maintenance services in-house, including waste disposal, and benefited from the expert support that Haigh have provided. With an in depth understanding of the end to end process for patient waste disposal, right through to the point where it is no longer the responsibility of the site, we know what is best for drainage and compliant effluent as well as the importance of reliability of the waste disposal machines themselves. For more information on how the Haigh team can help improve your pad and pan disposal processes please call or email the team at


HYGIENE AND INFECTION CONTROL Power Driving Productivity In today’s world, the cleaning industry faces complex challenges and increased demands where cleaning is about keeping people safe. Increasing productivity is the key to meeting these demands and increasing standards. The new NX300 Pro Cordless network from Numatic delivers professional level cordless performance to a versatile and expanding range. Quicker, safer and more convenient, switching to Pro Cordless raises productivity levels, saving time and money. An extensive research and development programme utilising the latest battery technologies has resulted in the newly developed 30 cell design, delivering a 60% increase in available energy. The

NX300 battery pack has been engineered and tested for extended commercial use. Investing in the right cordless network will drive cost efficiency and return on investment. Networked solutions reduce purchase and maintenance costs. Users can specify and ultimately reduce charger and battery requirements, delivering up to a 50% savings compared to stand-alone cordless fleets. The NX range includes both cylinder and back-pack vacuums while floorcare is covered with the ever popular TTB1840NX scrubber dryer and the newest additions with the 244NX compact scrubber dryer and RSU150NX Sanitise Pro. To find our more visit:

Brookvale Care Home Relies on Rensair to Deliver 24x7 Clean Air

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Air purification specialist Rensair has supplied Brookvale care home, located in Prestwich near Manchester, with portable, hospital-grade air purifiers to help prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Brookvale is a care home for adults with learning and physical disabilities, providing a calm, relaxed place to live and visit. “That calm and tranquility was challenged when the pandemic hit”, said Carl Richmond, CEO at Brookvale. “It became clear that we needed to put measures in place to ensure that we’re better equipped to deal with further potential outbreaks.” After conducting research, Brookvale sought advice from Rensair and, following a site visit to assess communal areas and occupancy levels, received a proposal based on the company’s modular, portable air purifiers. Rensair's patented technology, originally developed to meet the strict air quality requirements of Scandinavian hospitals, has since been adopted worldwide by doctor and dental practices, care homes and hospitals, including several NHS trusts. “Rensair’s pre-Covid experience

with hospitals added credibility and we had some prior knowledge of UV disinfection because of our hydrotherapy pool”, said Carl. It stands to reason that trapping pathogens with HEPA before destroying them with UVC light is more effective than fly-by-kill methods on moving targets.” In a test to determine the Rensair unit’s performance in reducing the concentration of Covid-19 particles in the air (using MS2 bacteriophages as a proxy for SARSCoV-2) , the Danish Technological Institute recorded a particle reduction rate of 99.98 % in 15 minutes and above 99.99 % in 30 minutes. Furthermore, the test reported 100% elimination of virus particles on the filter, with zero traces detected. “We now feel that the health of those within our care at Brookvale is properly protected and their families are reassured”, concluded Carl. “Equally important is the protection of mental wellbeing. For our clients, that means being allowed to continue their scheduled activities as well as enjoying unrestricted family visits.” See the advert on this page for details.


LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS Forbes Delivers a Streamlined Solution for National Care Groups

A national care group needs to know that they are delivering a consistently high standard of care and in order to do this they need to ensure that they are working with service partners that they can trust. When it comes to laundry provision, centralised procurement and management teams want to know that they will have access to a streamlined process for all account and service management. Established in 1926, Forbes Professional offers a nationwide delivery of a local-based service, with the security and reliability that comes from being a multiaward winning, CHAS approved business. We have an expansive network of depots and field engineers including our own in-house Gas Safe engineers. This enables a highly responsive service and maintenance response, which is mobilised via a dedicated hotline at


LaundryTec is the culmination of 40 years’ experience in the laundry equipment market by its founder Jeremy Hartigan. Based in Chester we offer support for our own Lavamac brand and all other makes. Uniquely LaundryTec will offer support for any laundry equipment, with reliable, cost-effective after sales support across the UK via our in-house service department Supported by Alliance Laundry (The World’s Biggest manufacturer) we distribute the Lavamac range of equipment that’s unique range of features include, Data Tracked Operation, Auto-Weight loading, Automatic chemical control, Simple to use controls and market leading efficiency in energy consumption make it a market leader The Air Sourced Heat Pump Dryers cost less to dry

our head office. We work closely with clients to devise the solution best suited to their requirements; conducting comprehensive site-surveys, offering detailed CAD designs and always specifying the most appropriate, industry compliant machines. We choose our manufacturers extremely carefully to ensure that we are offering the highest quality of both product and service. For the care sector, hygiene is always of paramount importance and our commercial laundry equipment fully adheres to the relevant WRAS and CQC guidelines for infection control. We are proud to be Miele National Partner which enables us to offer market leading, energy efficient machines including a wide range of heatpump dryers. All of our laundry equipment is available for rent, lease or purchase with maintenance. Our Complete Care rental solution gives access to premium equipment without upfront capital outlay and with no repair or replacement bills for the life of the contract. Clients are assigned a dedicated account manager who remains their point of contact, centralising all account management for a highly efficient process that keeps things simple for both procurement teams and care management staff. 0345 070 2335 18kg of washing than boiling a kettle! Auto- Chemical control and Auto weight Control calculates the energy required to the actual load and can control the chemical usage and offer reduction of up to 50% in chemical usage! Every replacement machine includes Installation, commissioning and as standard 24 months Parts and Labour Warranty. CMM customers will receive a 36-month warranty as Standard. If you want a friendly amenable face that can deliver on their promises let LaundryTec offer you the kind of support we offer Bupa, Care UK, Abbey Healthcare, and many others to your home? From Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) to fully comprehensive cover and reactive support properly maintained, and supported laundry equipment should be a cost effective, relaxed part of the care homes operation? Check out our website to see what of customers say

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LaundryTec Ltd offer a unique approach to laundry equipment

We don’t want to replace equipment or sign you into a long-term agreement. LaundryTec want to support your existing equipment, through PPM, Gas Safe Compliance and Quality emergency support.

Quality, Innovation and Support


We are also Lavamac distributors

0151 317 3127




Why 4,438 Daily Falls In UK Care Homes Deserve Our Attention

A recent report,’ “Responding to falls in care homes: two innovations” by Dr Mark Hawker and River Rea from Involve, discusses how best practice in post fall management can provide time and cost savings to the wider health and social care system. Combining benefits of assistive lifting technology and video-based clinical support could return costs savings of up to £3,911 per fall, whilst also safeguarding residents’ lives. Across the 15,000 + care homes registered by the Care Quality Commission there are between 270,000 – 1,620,000 falls per year. As one of the most frequently reported accidents among residents, falls represent a pressing issue for providers of care, particularly as demand for places is expected to rise as the population ages. Author, Dr Mark Hawker says, “the risk factors for falls in care setting are diverse and the multiplicity of elements influencing the likelihood of falls makes them incredibly difficult to eliminate entirely. For the individual, the consequences of a fall are numerous and distressing, while the repetitive lifting requirement of carers puts them at risk of musculoskeletal injury. “The pilot studies we’ve examined demonstrate that by giving care home staff the tools to empower safe lifting reduces the time residents spend on the floor after a fall waiting for an ambulance and help to arrive. Organised and safe post fall care is better for the resident and more cost effective for the NHS.”

The report goes on to discuss the importance of reducing the risk of spreading infectious diseases by eliminating avoidable contacts. There are clear benefits of using technologies that reduce the number of external contact such as those that would be required to pick up a resident following a fall. While difficult to quantify, the reduction of contacts with healthcare workers such as paramedics, GPs and district nurses with residents is seen as essential during a pandemic. Mangar Health CEO Simon Claridge adds, “we have been working with NHS Ambulance Trusts for nearly 20 years and yet this report has been incredibly eye opening for us. We know lifting fallen care home residents is a daily challenge to prioritising ambulance calls, yet equipment and technology could easily lift the considerable pressures they are under and save the NHS millions annually. “We would like to call on NHS England, NICE and CQC to review the dynamics involved in a resident fall detailed in this report and consider alternative care models in a post pandemic environment.” Anyone wishing to receive a copy of the report should email For more information email Mangar Health Tel: 01544 267674 See the advert on the facing page for more about Mangar.

Fall Savers - Affordable Fall Monitoring Solutions Fall Savers®, are an experienced market leading healthcare provider of resident safety solutions for over 15 years.


Eliminate all cables with our new generation falls management solutions! Upgrade your falls programme with the latest technology from Fall Savers®. The NEW Fall Savers® Wireless eliminates the cord between the monitor and sensor pad. This results in less work for nursing staff, improved safety for patients and reduced wear and tear on sensor pads. Wireless advantages include the ability to

use one monitor with two sensor pads simultaneously and support for many new wireless devices.

Benefits include:

Safer for patients; less work for staff Bed and chair pads available One monitor works with two sensor pads Integrates with most nurse call systems A variety of options, including: Call button Pager Floor sensor mat Wireless door/window exit alerts

TREADNOUGHT ®FLOOR SENSOR PAD The TreadNought® Floor Sensor Pad is built to last with a durable construction that far out lasts the competition. Our anti-bacterial floor sensor pad is compatible with most nurse call systems or can be used with a portable pager to sound an alert when a person steps on to the sensor pad. Caregivers typically place the sensor pad at the bedside, in a doorway or other locations to monitor persons at risk for falls or wandering. An optional anti-slip mesh reduces the potential for slippage on hard surface floors.

Features include:

Connects directly to most nurse call systems High Quality anti-bacterial Floor Sensor Pad Large Size Pad: Measures (L) 91cm x (H) 61cm Options (sold separately): Anti-slip mesh for hard surface floors See the advert on this page for further details or visit


NURSE CALL AND FALLS PREVENTION The New MPCSA11 from Medpage Medpage is a family ran company, with a huge heart and resources gathered over our 35- year trading history. The majority of the technologies we design, manufacture and distribute originate from enquiries received from healthcare professionals and personal family care observations. Our product portfolio provides a wide variety of care solutions for epilepsy, dementia, senior care, special needs and sensory loss. Our latest innovation, currently in use in several Hospitals, presents an effective fall monitoring, detection and reporting solution. The MPCSA11 is a complex software driven sensor monitor made to be user and operator friendly. This device has already proven successful in hospital and care home trials by reducing

patient falls while also reducing false positives from a safe patient. The device can monitor and interact with up to three sensor products: bed and chair occupancy pressure pads, PIR movement detection sensors and proximity signal products. In use, a patient or resident rising from their bed would be considered a falls risk, but what if they are simply moving to sit in a chair close to their bed? A standard bed monitor would raise an alarm alerting care staff, who would arrive to find the person safely seated. The MPCSA11 would only generate an alarm if the person was out of their bed or chair for a selectable time duration. Learn more Or see the advert on page 2.

Silent Running - Tranquility in Care Homes Quiet and calm care homes ensure that residents are able to live in a more relaxing and pleasant home environment. Similarly, carers and staff find that they too benefit from reduced stress when working in a home where noise levels are kept to a minimum. There are many environmental factors that can affect those sensitive to their surroundings, particularly those suffering from dementia, these can be fluctuations in ambient temperature, light, and of course noise. Repetitive and high levels of noise can originate from a number of internal and external sources, for example, telephones ringing, loud conversations in corridors, and call bells sounding, often one of the largest contributors to increasing the levels of stress and discomfort in residents. A published study by the University of Stirling stated that unanswered Nurse Call (Call Bell) alarms can be one of the most common causes of stress in dementia sufferers. The University recommends “fitting call alarms which alert nurses but do not resonate throughout the whole building. Alarms can be particularly disconcerting as they may encourage the person with dementia to respond or investigate what the matter is. At the very least the loss of sleep will compromise a person’s ability to concentrate. It can affect their attention levels and capacity to cope, as well as being detrimental to their overall state of wellbeing. Personal paging systems are preferable to bells and buzzers.” Modern Nurse Call systems can incorporate a number of methods to reduce their impact in a care home. These include zoning whereby there are sepa-

rate alarm types used depending upon the location of the call. In these circumstances, dementia sufferers and those vulnerable to noise can be located in one “zone” whist less vulnerable residents live in an alternative “zone”. Each “zone” can operate different call tones, warning lights or other methods to alert when help is required Reducing noise levels is essential to create a tranquil environment for residents. Pagers have been around for many years, are a relatively simple and cost-effective measure in reducing the levels of noise, and can be added to most Nurse Call systems. Smart Mobile Devices are now becoming more commonplace for care home staff and hold a variety of apps for care planning, e-medication, etc. Many Courtney Thorne clients are now utilising the “Go” app with their Nurse Call system. With the “Go” app, nurse call alarms are delivered immediately and silently straight to the handsets, alerting the individual carers to all Nurse call alarms without creating any general alarm sound and rarely disturbing the rest of the residents in the home. Calmer residents ultimately means that staff are less stressed also, this creates a happier workplace where morale is greatly improved, staff are retained and CQC ratings improve. Clearly, the positive ramifications of a quiet Care Home run deep. Get in touch today to find out how we can help your home become a quieter, calmer, and more tranquil environment. For more information email us at:

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have spares, enhancements and expertise for wired and wireless systems abandoned by the original manufacturer, whoever they are.

Call us on 01252-330220 We can give most systems a new lease of life and maintain them into the future. Please Please mention mention THE THE CARER CARER when when responding responding to to advertising. advertising.

Nurse Call Systems from Alarm Radio Monitoring Alarm Radio Monitoring (A.R.M) is a UK based manufacturer of wireless Nurse Call and Staff Alarm systems; offering a comprehensive range of Nurse Call, Staff Alarm, Fire Alarm, and Door Access bespoke systems. With over 28years experience in the design & development of wireless Nurse Call & Staff Alarm systems, A.R.M has established itself as a key player within the wireless solutions market to the public and private healthcare sectors. Wireless systems can be fitted while your home remains operational, so you do not have to close rooms off and they offer greater flexibility and ease for future expansion. Care Homes choose A.R.M nurse call systems because they: • are quick and simple to install. • make it easier for staff to identify the source of calls because they give full text descriptions. • give management the tools they need to monitor and control best practice. The system provides a full audit trail of which buttons are pressed and response times.

• failsafe eg alerts you in the event of a system fault or batteries are running low. • carry a year’s guarantee. • are supported 24/7, 365 days a year by specialist engineers over the telephone or online. Take the ongoing cost out of your operation with our unique return to base service exchange policy and low cost of ownership along with flexible finance options. No matter how demanding your environment, A.R.M believes everyone - whether you’re a customer in a care home or team member - should be within safe reach.


NEW - Glove friendly, touch screen display. Bed Angel – see advert on this page Our new and innovative falls detection system The Bed Angel ensures overnight bed monitoring and protection against falls, wandering and confusion. For further details: 01568 610 016 or email

Edison Telecom - Specialist Solutions For Your Nurse Call Systems We here at Edison Telecom Ltd have been providing specialist solutions to your call system requirements tailor-made to each customers needs for over 25 years, says director Bob Johnson. Is your current Nurse Call “legacy”, obsolete, so full of software bugs or commercially not viable for your current supplier/maintainer to maintain?

We may have just the part and expertise that you are looking for to give your nurse call a further extension to life, adds Bob, “Edison will treat your nurse call with the same compassion that you give to those in your care. There will come a time when your equipment is beyond repair but Edison are experts in extending the life of obsolete systems.”



Why Cyber Insurance Should Be Part of Your Risk Management Programme As our reliance on the digital world increases it is no real wonder that cybercrime is on the increase, and this has been clearly evident in the last twelve months. For the opportunistic cybercriminal, it’s been a good time to commit cybercrime, as we have moved away from our usual routines and reliable systems, leaving an exploitable gap in our security as we quickly adapted to new ways of working. According to Police data analysed by cyber security company Nexor, there was a 31% increase in cyber related cases over May and June last summer. The most common attack occurred through email or social media, and accounted for 53% of all attacks on businesses, leading to substantial multi-million pound losses. Healthcare, financial institutions, manufacturing, real estate, and education were the most targeted industries. The Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2020, released by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) revealed that nearly half of all businesses in the UK had reported cyber security breaches or attacks in the last 12 months but only 32% have insurance against such events. Whether a big or small-scale event, a cyber-attack is likely to have serious consequences for any business – shutting systems, deleting data, preventing data access or stopping them from trading altogether. Dealing with the fall out of a cyber-attack can be complicated and stressful, not to mention time-consuming and potentially expensive.

TYPES OF CYBER ATTACK Cyber-attacks can take many forms, all engineered to get the victim to disclose information or take action, or to infect systems with malicious software. Phishing, malware attacks and ransomware pose a threat to all businesses. It’s common to think that cyber threats against businesses come from unrelated hackers, cyber-attacks or ransomware and are big events, but sometimes they can be more subtle and come from sources a little closer to home.

employees, your reputation and may ultimately affect the future of your business. Having a comprehensive contingency and business interruption plan in place along with adequate insurance will help you to address and quickly overcome any fallout from a cyber-attack. A robust plan is vital to make sure you meet your legal obligations regarding data breaches and to reassure your customers.


There are four categories that cyber threats against a business typically originate; insider threats, human error or negligence, external threats and third-party threats. Wherever the threat originates the bottom line is how you to respond. Have you thought about how you would continue to run your care home if you lost access to all your data? You could lose access to client records and supplier data, order information, diary appointments, financial data, your website and more. If you are held to ransom for access to patient files, the financial consequences could be significant. Additionally, you may be affected by reputational damage, which could affect existing relationships and damage future prosperity. You may need to rebuild and replace lost systems or create a new website. And, if a data breach occurred you are likely to face significant fines from the Information Commissioner’s Office. All of the above will require money, time and resources and need to be addressed in a timely manner to help you retain customers,

Cyber liability insurance is a must for any care home business because it provides you with protection and peace of mind, should the worst happen. It will help against denial of service, which may occur with ransomware, the recovery from computer virus damage, which may have resulted in a significant loss of data, and other data breaches such as the loss of a memory stick or laptop. Getting assistance quickly and from reputable, knowledgeable and reliable sources will be key in ensuring your business can continue to operate with minimal disruption. If your care home holds data on a computer system, even with antivirus software in place, you can still be vulnerable to a breach. Cyber liability insurance is relatively inexpensive and will provide you and your business with complete reassurance in the face of a data breach crisis. Every business is different and will have specific needs, so make sure you get advice for your unique situation and requirements. Don’t wait until you have experienced a cyber-attack to put measures in place, be proactive and help protect your business now. Barnes Commercial Insurance Broker are specialists in arranging robust insurance for those operating in the care home sector. As independent advisers they provide impartial advice on the best solution for your specific needs. Telephone: 01480 272727 Email:

Specialist care home insurance We arrange tailored insurance programmes for care and nursing homes, hospices and domiciliary care providers, for both staff and business owners. Our extensive knowledge of the care market will help to ensure you have the right protection in place for now and, for the future. Secure robust cover that’s right for your business. CALL NOW FOR A QUOTE

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Barnes Commercial Insurance Broker is a trading style of Barnes Commercial Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN: 844370. Registered address: 3 Fenice Court, Phoenix Park, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambs, PE19 8EW. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 11909011.


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Is It Time To Upgrade Your Workforce Management Technology? Covid-19 has undeniably challenged care homes and will permanently reshape how many operate. The pandemic sparked the biggest and fastest transformation of the workplace. Automation, digitalisation and innovation to fit with this new world is happening at a pace that we have never seen before. It’s clear that things are not going to simply return to the way they were, instead we all need to look to the future and re-evaluate systems and processes. Here are five areas that workforce management technology could assist your care home.


Workforce management technology gives you the ability to better manage the health and safety of your employees. You have the tools to ensure optimal shift patterns and rotations that take into account health and safety requirements, procedures and regulations. Your system can tell you things like - who is working where and when? Who in their teams they have been in contact with? If they have been self-isolating - when will it be safe for

them to return to work? Do they need a return-to-work interview? At the touch of a button, you have all the information you need to need to answer these and multiple other questions. Workforce Planning & Optimisation Workforce management planning and decisions require accurate realtime information. It is extremely difficult to manage your workforce effectively without having detailed information on employee time, attendance, absences, activities, skills and scheduling. This pandemic has led to an extreme disruption around workforce management planning and optimisation. Care homes now need to find ways to ensure that their workforce is optimised under different conditions and a good system can automate many of these processes for you.

Giving employees Control The most successful organisations today are the ones that are putting their employees in control. They view them as their internal customers and are dedicated to serving their needs as well as the needs of the business. By doing this, they foster a culture of empowered, engaged and motivated staff who are more satisfied, productive and loyal. With the use of selfservice solutions, employees can easily organise and manage their own time, attendance, schedules, annual leave, absences and personal details. This in turn reduces queries, calls and emails to line managers, HR and Payroll Departments.


As we move to a post Covid-19 world, it’s expected that new business priorities will lead to the reshaping of teams and upgrading of workforce procedures and policies that will take into account new ways of working. In order to do this, you will require reliable workforce data to determine budgets and costs. Having a proper handle on workforce costs and productivity will be critical to the smooth operation of your care home. To find out more about how Softworks solutions could benefit your care home visit or see the advert on page 15.

Even before Covid-19, employers were realising the benefits of introducing more flexible working options. Benefits including; increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and attracting and retaining talent. A good system will give you a fully automated way to record hours worked, maintain flexi balances and manage planned/unplanned absences. Employees can log attendance on a PC, tablet or mobile either by time or by honour-based email timesheets. No need for spreadsheets and no manual processes saving time, eliminating errors and reducing administration.


everyLIFE Challenges the Status Quo Event season is in full swing and the team at everyLIFE Technologies are enjoying every minute of it. Seeing customers, colleagues and peers face to face is a welcome return to normal and everyLIFE has a lot to talk about. COVID-19 caused many new issues for the social care sector and highlighted many more that have been battled behind closed doors for some time, which the wider public knew little about. Taffy Gatawa, Chief Information & Compliance Officer at everyLIFE explored these issues and examined what they mean for social care both now and in the future in her keynote speech, titled “An Uncomfortable Truth: Social care deserves more” at The Care Show earlier this month. Looking forward to the event, Taffy said “We see so many hardworking professionals dedicate themselves to caring for others on a daily basis. There are common barriers that they have to try to overcome to provide the level of care that they want to, their frustration and disappointment is palpable. We want to do everything we can to help enable the best

All Your Care Home Needs Meet Matt Oxley, the man on a mission to help care homes save time and money. Making healthcare simple: that’s Matt Oxley’s mantra. And as CEO of Wippet (having previously been a director at Four Seasons Healthcare and Barchester Healthcare) he’s just launched a one-stop shop that allows healthcare providers to order everything they need in one place from trusted and vetted suppliers. Wippet is revolutionising healthcare with their new website, which offers carers everything they need, from everyday essentials such as incontinence pads and wipes to bigger items including furniture. Users can compare products and read reviews, then complete their purchase in a few clicks – all in one place. Wippet is quick, easy and user-friendly, saving precious time that can be used to care for people.

The Carer Digital Now Available Weekly

Our weekly digital edition supports the sector with all the latest news, expert advice and developments Sign up to get the latest edition direct to you at:

Just think of a giant Andr Android oid tablet built into a solid oak surr surround, ound, on a base that houses a lar large ge battery to allow you to use it all day long and smooth running wheels for easy movement between rooms care rooms in your car e home. !

Matt came up with the idea for Wippet as the Covid pandemic hit and disrupted supply chains - with shortages in vital products adding to the stress for carers who were already under immense pressure. A meeting with childhood friends John Barrowcliffe - an ecommerce expert - and David Meikle - a marketing expert - led to the three deciding to leave employment for entrepreneurship, and build a marketplace for the care sector. Matt’s career spans more than 25 years and has held senior leadership positions for some of the industries' most established brands such as Nuffield Health, BMI, Four Seasons Healthcare and latterly Barchester Healthcare - where he experienced first-hand the huge cost and complexity in managing a fragmented supplier market. He’s perfectly placed to talk about how Wippet can help reduce cost and pressure for staff in care homes. “From the smallest residential home to the largest healthcare group, we know that time spent on unnecessary admin is ultimately time that cannot be spent delivering care – and that’s a major problem,” says Matt. “Wippet offers a simple one-stop shop, where you can consolidate all your transactions into one place.” the advert on page 17 for further details. Customers and suppliers can also register their interest at

How to enhance your residents residents experience --!!

Imagine a piece of e equipment for your car care home that can enhance the experience of your ts mentally y,, rresidents esidents mentally, physically and also emotionally Inspir Inspired ed Inspirations have been working dir directly ectly with car care e homes in developing their interactive touch scr screen een activity tables over the last few years, to pr provide ovide a range of scr screen een sizes and units to suit every car care e setting. setting.!!

care possible, regardless of location, setting and need.” everyLIFE’s steely focus in its support of the care industry and the people cared about extends to its digital care management platform, PASS. The platform’s newest feature, PASSreporting, uses Artificial Intelligence to track and collate recorded care activities, turning this raw information into actionable insights that carers and care managers can easily apply to enhance the care they provide and the operational efficiencies of their organisation. Duncan Campbell, Commercial Director at everyLIFE, is excited by the opportunities PASSreporting offers “Care professionals gather a huge amount of information whilst they are with the people they care about, PASSreporting automatically interprets this and flags crucial moments that matter in someone’s care journey, from an increased dependency on care, to an increased likelihood of a fall. It has also been designed to highlight and support the operational needs of care organisation, including staff training requirements and simplified CQC visits, ultimately helping to save time and money.” To find out more about PASSreporting see the advert on the facing page.

Mentally - Brain training apps, memory apps, quizzes, board board games, rreasoning easoning challenges. challenges.!! Exercise Physically - Exer cise for the elderly online coordination, increased classes, hand eye coor dination, incr eased movement to move hands around around a large large screen.! screen.! Emotionally - Reminiscence tours on Google Earth, past and present YouTube present clips on Y YouT ouT Tube of ! hobbies or interests, interests, religious religious services and Group Group ZOOM calls to loved ones who cant get to visit in your residents residents person!! person!! ! “We now, “W We use it daily da and would not be without ut it now w,, even the residents residents find nd it easy and fun to use. Registerred ed Manager r,, Thank you!” Sandie Evans, Registered Manager, Oakland’’s Ca Car arre e Home, Crickhowell Oakland’s Care !

are made to or derr, if you’d like to All tables are order, enquire on a price guide and time scales for enquire deliveries, just visit their website www .inspir spiredwww.inspiredcom or scan the QR code on the right. For general enquiries, please email ! ! info@inspir!!

“This amazing bit of technology is making a huge di!erence di!e !errence to our ou ur rresidents” esidents” Melanie Dawson, Manager, Manager r, The Lawns L at Heritage Manor

“W We’ve noticed notice ed that quieter rresidents esidents who didn’ “We’ve didn’tt interact too much with others have suddenly been mor re e ac active ctive and mor re e vocal.” Lindsey more more Davies, Home e Manager r,, Cwrt Enfys Manager,

The scr screen een is 5mm temper tempered ed glass for your rresidents esidents safety and sealed against fluid uid ingress ingress meaning a spill of a cup of tea won’ won’tt ruin your ! equipment. It also means an easy clean solution to stop cr cross oss contamination using any normal surface cleaner cleaner.! rr..!

See the advert on page 48 for details.

! !


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Global Software Solutions from Leecare Read all the latest stories online at: Leecare’s comprehensive Platinum 5.0 program is easily customised to meet specific organisational needs. Offering as much or as little flexibility as desired, P5 assessment content across the suite and linked Apps can be modified to provide clients with reassurance that the software is fit for purpose. Integral to the program is a specialised form and report builder which enables easy tailoring of the program. Organisations can build or modify assessments, monitoring charts, care plans and reports as well as change default and individual resident settings ensuring optimal function and success. Mobile Apps which link to the program can also be modified at the push of a button. Layers of permissions built into the programme ensure staff can only read / write in particular resident files or assessments and do what they are mandated to. Our comprehensive understanding of the legal and political environments that govern each of the markets in which we operate means we are able to expediently add required forms / functions to the program to ensure our clients stay abreast of any changes. The Leecare platform incorporates a resident/clientcentric care system comprising over 150 aged / social care expert assessments and monitoring charts

designed with the latest evidence-based tools and the sector they serve in mind. We also provide over 100 meaningful, quality and system analysis ready reports. One source of truth is ensured and duplication is eliminated through linked data which maps throughout all relevant assessments in the program. Whenever an assessment is completed and saved the information entered will trigger a number of functions including the mapping of the information to another relevant assessment in the program, the generation of an automated progress note, a prompt to update a resident goal; the need to update other related clinical information in the program such as neuro obs post fall, the updating of any one of three different resident care plans, an update of relevant resident and management reports. As the system can be used from any device and accessed via Wi-Fi from anywhere, data can be entered in a timely manner at the point of care or when it is convenient, streamlining and simplifying workflow for nurses and care staff be it assessment data at the bedside or downloading maintenance reports from the workshop. Visit for further information.

Empowering Your Ambition with Xledger

Changing your finance system is not something you do every day. However, the benefits of taking this leap can advance the success of your care home – with greater insight and automated processes for your team, now and into the future. Xledger is a leading provider of cloud-based finance software. It helps over 10,000 organisations in 50 countries streamline, digitise and automate their finances. Accessible at any time, on any web-enabled device, Xledger has the tools to slice and dice your data and to

easily drill down from consolidation to individual level transactions. Its automated software can reduce the amount of time you spend on repeat invoices and expenditures. Xledger also prides itself on delivering a quick and simple implementation process with no requirement for a new IT infrastructure. Ultimately, the 100% cloud solution helps you to reduce costs, run a leaner, more efficient finance department and understand key financials in real-time. This gives you the opportunity to add real value to your organisation and frees up your time so you can focus on delivering the best care for your residents. Xledger will be exhibiting at The Care Show 2021 (Hall: 3A, Stand: F64). Xledger Senior Consultant Peter Hucker will also be hosting a session on the morning of Day 1 of the event, entitled Modernise Your Finance System: Why, How and What to Avoid, which is taking place in the Business Compliance Regulation Theatre. To book a demo or arrange a 1-2-1 meeting at the Care Show 2021, you can contact them by emailing or call 0117 457 3293.

Visit The Carer website to see all the very latest news and developments from the care sector as it happens! Sign up to get the latest stories delivered directly to your email at: @TheCarerUK

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TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Why Now Is The Moment To Embrace Digital Health Technology As Part Of The Care Home System By Axel Nordberg, Essity Global Brand Director ( As we emerge from the depths of a historic pandemic, the words of Florence Nightingale have never rung truer for carers around the world. From adapting to PPE requirements to abiding by social distancing, Covid-19 has forced all carers to relearn key parts of their trade to keep their residents safe and healthy. Naturally, this has not come without a cost. According to our data at Essity, the pandemic has had a detrimental impact on either the physical health, mental health or emotional wellbeing of more than eight out of ten of the UK carers surveyed. Every carer said their role had changed, with 95% working longer hours to manage urinary incontinence, cleaning and sterilising responsibilities – the highest of any country in Europe. Ultimately, the bravery of our frontline heroes can only endure this emotional and physical toll for so long. In the face of adversity, however, we must look forward. The development of digital health technology – and the appetite to integrate it into care homes – is accelerating at an exceptional rate, and the industry is realising that it is an essential component of a more efficient, higher quality future for care.


The pandemic has provided the care industry with a moment to step

back and evaluate how it operates. Alongside the long-term impacts of Covid-19, an ageing population will soon demand a new delivery of care – with care homes unlikely to be able to accommodate every patient that needs their service. For many, home treatment will become the practical solution. In recent years, digital health technology has made this process safer and more comfortable for those who require care, their families, and their carers. From medication reminder apps and ECG wearables, to information-sharing software that lets nurses access patient data remotely, innovation is delivering products and solutions to cater for home care. As more care organisations integrate digital health technology into their operations, they build the infrastructure for a digital future of care. With over a third of carers wanting the government or private companies to invest in more technology, there is a clear appetite to make that next step forward from those that matter.


To bring the power of digital health technology to life, it is important to discuss it in the context of the real, day-to-day issues putting an insurmountable strain on carers. Managing urinary incontinence – an important yet challenging aspect of a carer’s day-to-day role – has had both a physical and emotional impact on the carer during the pandemic, with the rate of resultant exhaustion (25%) and resentment (13%) rising by 19% and 10% respectively since 2019. It’s not just the carers that are impacted – 80% of carers find it hard to maintain the dignity of those suffering from the problem. Deploying technology to address these issues can be life-changing for carers and those needing care alike. However, the UK is currently lagging behind. Only 27% of UK carers said that they have access to

sensor technology to support incontinence care, compared to the European average of 32%. Reusable sensors, such as our recently launched TENA SmartCare Change Indicator, can track when a patient needs changing and provide app notifications to their carers, ensuring instant attention and avoiding unnecessary checks. With 71% carers currently struggling with the time required to make frequent checks associated with urinary incontinence, this technology is invaluable to the efficiency of their role.


The value of digital health technology in the management of urinary incontinence is just one example of the impact it can have in a care environment, albeit a strong one: 98% of UK carers say that it helps them feel better about their role. This figure alone highlights the value of digital health technology in enabling carers to react to health issues sooner and in a smarter way. By integrating technology into the care routine, any decline in the residents or loved one’s well-being, however slight, can be tracked and used to notify those that can provide the necessary support. As patterns appear in their personal data, it even has the potential to allow carers to predict and prevent various health issues. As an industry, we must continue to work together – as innovators and carers – to co-create digital health technology solutions that will have a meaningful impact on people’s lives. The pandemic has provided the care sector with an opportunity to engage in digital transformation and provide its frontline heroes with the technological support they need to keep those in care, safe, healthy, and happy. Better connected care will deliver better care, for everyone.

Empower Your Care Teams With Flexible Digital Care Management Nourish Care is a Digital Care Planning provider that works with a range of different care services, including residential, nursing, dementia care, learning disabilities, large care groups and more. The app-based system is made up of digital care plans, custom interactions and personalised timelines for everyone within a care service. The digital platform allows care teams to record at the point of care, and analyse data over time to tailor care plans to the individual’s needs. The most important goal for Nourish is to enable carers to spend less time on admin, and more time providing face-to-face, person-centred care. Nourish were one of only two software providers to be assured by NHSX for its DSCR (Digital Social Care Records) Digital Purchasing System (DPS) at launch, and were also the first to be certified by the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB), with whom they worked very closely to define a new set of standards for interoperability across the care sector.

Some of the most recent additions to the Nourish platform include a Medication Module that allows care providers to streamline medication management. The app also now has an additional option to use Nourish Insights - a powerful reporting and analytics feature that allows care owners and managers to closely track and monitor trends within those they support, to continue to improve the delivery of care. To learn more about the Nourish platform, you can visit them at The Care Show on 13th & 14th October at stand H82. Founder and CEO, Nuno Almeida will also be delivering two talks on the 13th, including Accelerating Quality Improvement by Empowering Circles of Care and Digital Social Care Records - Joining Up Care. You can also contact Nourish to book your free personalised demo by visiting or calling 02380 002288.


TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE Check EU Employees Right To Work, Warns Bizimply Care employers will need to keep clear records of their team members’ immigration and right-to-work status as the UK moves into the post-Brexit ‘hostile environment’ from 1 July. Care workforce specialist Bizimply is warning businesses that they need a clear and accessible record of every employee’s status in order to demonstrate compliance with the regulations. Under UK law, employers face imprisonment and unlimited fines for knowingly employing someone who does not have the right to work in the UK. Employers using Bizimply’s suite of workforce management software can easily and confidentially record all the necessary status confirmation and supporting documentation for employees, and make it available to check if required. Employers can be jailed for five years and pay an unlimited fine if found guilty of employing someone who they know or had ‘reasonable cause to believe’ did not have the right to work in the UK.

Details of the Settled Status regulations are at An employer toolkit is at See the advert this page or visit


The industry is under considerable financial pressures. An efficient electronic booking on/off system that will schedule, provide budgets, calculate hours worked, overtime and absence such as sickness and holiday entitlement will save Time and Money.


Collecting payroll information from paper timesheets can be slow, prone to errors, and very labour intensive. Staff rosters can be produced as far in advance as practical and accurate within budgeted hours. Staff book on and off-duty electronically, thus eliminating any time errors. Wage queries are virtually eliminated and immediate checks can be made without wading through reams of paper which invariably are inaccurate, misfiled or even 'lost".

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Some systems use tokens, which can be lost or left at home, requiring management involvement in the booking on/off procedure. Fingerprint systems can be beaten and Social media is awash with ways to copy fingerprints. Face recognition combined with a staff PIN is simple to use and manage using touch screen technology and web cams. Staff see their image displayed immediately when booking on or off and confirms their identity visually. It provides the best deterrent available as it builds a greater 'image knowledge’ of each employee, a picture is worth a thousand words. Eliminates 'buddy punching' where employees can book colleagues on/off duty using someone’s tokens, swipe card or even fingerprint.

HOW IS DATA PROTECTED? With the correct security setup computer systems provide more data protection than paper-based records which can be easily removed or stolen. GDPR covers all data including paper records and therefore the chances of infringing the rules and incurring fines is greater with paper. For further information visit or call 03333 444 562.



Apprentices Key To Filling Gap In Health and Social Care Workforce

By Jason Whitehouse, Head of Health and Social Care, Realise (

With growing concerns about recruiting and retaining staff in social care settings, the need to train new staff and upskill existing colleagues has never been greater. Jason Whitehouse, Head of Health and Social Care at training provider Realise, investigates how apprenticeship schemes, other training and competitive pay can help address staffing issues in health and social care settings. When it comes to recruiting and retaining staff in social care settings, the

UK is facing something of a perfect storm. The effects of Brexit on the sector have been well documented. The UK care sector has been reliant on European workers for decades but migration restrictions has forced many people to return to their native countries. The problems have been magnified by the pandemic, through people having restrictions on the number of care settings they can work in, the requirements of self-isolation policies and now the looming November deadline of mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for care workers. The statistics paint a grim picture. The latest Skills for Care report shows around 105,000 vacancies being advertised in the sector on an average day, while staff turnover rates remain high at 28.5 per cent in 2020/21. There is also no doubt in my mind that some workers are leaving the industry for jobs they perceive to provide better financial and career opportunities. I’ve heard instances where people working in our sector have considered retail jobs as an attractive option because of improving pay and fewer responsibilities in those types of roles. The tide can be turned and, for that to happen, workforce reform is essential and must happen now. At the heart of that must be extensive training and development opportunities to deliver the care needed and help wages compete with other sectors. It’s vital that we make the health and social care sector appealing again and ensure that young people are fully trained so they have the best opportunity to have rewarding careers. A recent survey has found that nearly half of social care employers are currently operating with, or below, the bare minimum of skills required to run operations successfully. The Open University research found significant skills shortages, with 10%

of respondents reporting they lacked vital skills to run their operations successfully, and a further 34% saying they had the bare minimum of skills required among their teams. This shows that we need a long-term plan that focuses on investing in employees and creating opportunities. I believe apprenticeship schemes, as well as training and development programmes, can help provide a natural career path to those who are new to the sector. From a business point of view, it makes sense for health and social care settings to take advantage of the current support available to them. The worst case scenario is that 95% of the cost of the apprenticeship training is funded by the government and, for larger organisations, it can be completely subsidised by the apprenticeship levy. The most exciting thing about our sector is that there’s a fast progression route with five different level courses that enables ambitious individuals to progress and develop quickly. Quality work-based learning programmes are available at all levels, from Prepare to Work in Adult Social Care Level 1 through to Leader in Adult Care Level 5. The hard work can’t stop there though. Once apprenticeships are completed, it’s crucial that staff are appreciated and rewarded with a competitive level of pay so that we keep pace with other sectors. As well as keeping people in their current jobs, we need to encourage and inspire a new generation so that we have a continuous stream of talented workers coming through. We can’t afford to wait any longer because it’s clear the sector needs support and I think these recommendations will tackle the most significant challenges currently facing the health and social care workforce.

Care Staffing Crisis Tackled With Comprehensive Recruitment, Retention, and Training Pathway Programme Staff shortages in the care sector are well-documented and Staffordshire-based Acacia Training has responded with the launch of a new Professional Care

Pathway programme. Structured as a flexible six-year package, the training programme provides learners with the opportunity to

FUNDED LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA in ADULT CARE At Step Up Training and Care we offer: • Tailored learning journeys and programmes • A flexible blended approach of one to one, in-house, classroom, practical assignments and online assessment methods • Training that will lead to higher quality of care delivery • Training led by tutors and assessors who are specialists in health and social care • Level 3 diplomas that are accredited to Highfield Qualifications

T : 0121 794 1532 or 07384 698553 W : E :

progress to a Level 5 qualification with the option to additionally complete a teaching qualification in the final year. It is open equally to those new to the sector, those already following a career within it, and those considering a return to health and social care. For employers, the pathway commences at the recruitment stage making it the most comprehensive and advanced programme of its kind in the care sector. Created in direct response to the needs of care employers, Acacia’s Professional Care Pathway has been developed to transform how care workers are perceived, through the raising of standards and provision of professional qualifications to degree level and beyond. Lisa Davies, speaking on behalf of Acacia Training, said: “The pandemic shone a spotlight on the vital role of those working in care, but recruitment and retention combine to pose the sector with its biggest challenge of all and there are now in excess of 100,000 positions vacant. “Care employers are under immense pressure to deliver their core services, yet they’re also battling to keep their existing staff empowered and invested in their careers AND attract new talent. They’re superheroes but they can’t do it all - our Professional Care Pathway addresses this.” Starting with recruitment, the Professional Care

Pathway allows employers to hand their vacancies over to Acacia’s dedicated recruitment service to manage all aspects of advertising the vacancies, vetting applications and recommending an interview shortlist. Acacia Training then delivers sector specific preemployment induction training for successful candidates before they commence on their professional career training. The Professional Care Pathway not only offers flexibility to the learners but is also entirely flexible to meet the needs of the sector. Acacia’s first partner in the programme is Home Instead which provides care at home services nationwide. Lisa Davies concludes: “When Home Instead approached us to support on its recruitment and training needs, it quickly became apparent that the challenges it faces are far from unique. “Acacia can relieve the pressure for care providers across areas including engagement, motivation and promotion. Starting with recruitment and onboarding, through our in-house careers guidance service, our impactful employee engagement strategies, and our rich heritage in all areas of care sector training, we can provide the most comprehensive and professionally focused recruitment, training and retention programme to meet the needs of every UK care provider.” To find out more about Acacia’s Professional Care Pathway programme, contact the team on

Why Train Beyond the Care Certificate

It can be tempting to think that once the Care Certificate has been achieved it’s the end of training. The Care Certificate can demonstrate that staff have the minimum level of required training. Training to Level 2 and beyond will therefore improve abilities to cope with the challenges presented by working in a difficult sector. Obviously one of the most significant challenges was dealing with Covid but there will be new and different challenges ahead However, it is the clients who will benefit from the improvement that additional training will bring. Whilst these may include advances in the treatment of dementia, or changes to the legislative framework, there will undoubtedly be any number of other issues that will create new and complex problems that need to be dealt with. So, if you think the Care Certificate completes all the training, it might be time to think again.

SO WHY CHOOSE STEP UP TRAINING AND CARE? We provide training services that will build implicit

trust, leading to confidence by clients looking to use your services. At Step Up Training and Care, we know people are busy, work long hours and that a set 9-5 timetable will not work for most care homes and providers. We can tailor our learning programmes to meet individual needs, time our training to meet business commitments, working shift patterns and around family life. Zoom Boom is here to stay, and we can accommodate teaching and learning through blended learning such as classroom, remote, assessor based, one to one training sessions. Our trainers have personal experiences of working in the health and social care sector, hence our flexible approach. We empower people to learn. Training beyond the Care Certificate - Can you afford not to? Call 0121 794 1532 or 07384 698553 or visit for details.



The Vocabulary of Leadership By Peter Bewert, Managing Director at Meaningful Care Matters (

Leadership! It’s a word that is commonly stated in many different situations. It comes up in personal, professional, social, family, and many other aspects of life. But what does it really mean and further still, what does it really do? Some would say that leaders are part of a bureaucratic chain that seeks to control the lives of us mere minions, conforming us to societal rules made by leaders who are above the leaders, and the bigger leaders beyond that… bureaucracy at its best! So, many self-help and leadership books assert we must ‘tap into the leader within’, well, what happens when one struggles with deciding what to have for breakfast and praying that we simply make it through the day without inadvertently

telling someone to ‘go away’ (usually said with a more uncouth colloquial vernacular in one’s head and on occasions, out loud). As human beings, we complicate many things all too frequently and most of the time unnecessarily. Leadership is simple. The test of a good leader is whether that person inspires you to make a change to better yourself as a person. Leadership, therefore, is about engagement, interaction, relationships, and connections which are meaningful and that matter. We all have the ability to tap into the leader within. Just as we all have the ability to use our leadership to inspire and empower, or to create a feeling of disenchantment around us. Over 25 years of working in health and social care, I have learnt 4 top motivators of emotionally led leadership. If we embrace these top four principles, we will undoubtedly influence positive cultures where people are real, people are genuine, and people can connect meaningfully: 1. Know Yourself: When we know ourselves and how we like to interact and engage with others, this is the first step to authentic meaningful relationship. This is the foundation of leadership. 2. Know your communication style: Knowing the way you like to give and receive information is important. This allows us to develop our communication styles where we are not so strong and in which others may have as their preference. This allows for better understanding. 3. You are not an oracle: Being open to other ideas and ways of thinking are essential. We don’t know everything and, sure, we can bring our best to the table, but when we truly listen to the collective thoughts and ideas of those who we engage with, that’s how we move from good to great. 4. You have a heart for a reason: People are driven by the heart and soul of their emotions. The difference between good leaders and great leaders is understanding emotional intelligence and the impact of emo-

tions on people and their actions. This means being open to feelings and emotions and learning to not only recognise them, but to also speak the language of feelings. Culture is an umbrella term outlining the societal norms and behaviours which govern our behaviours. One could argue culture designs us and, in part, this is true. However, culture is shaped by the people within. Leaders have the ability to impact culture. The question is, what influence will we exert on moulding our cultures of the future? I would like to think we are all seeking for a better world for ourselves and future generations to experience. This can only come when we embrace agile, emotionally intelligent framework, and this has to come from our leadership styles in action. Feelings, actions, interactions, and knowledge will shape our cultures of the future; we are the designers of the culture we wish to see. Good leadership begins with self. It empowers self and others to be the best version of ‘me’ and embrace the unique individualism that comes from the diversity of beliefs and cultural practices. So, what are you going to influence today? Peter Bewert is the Managing Director at Meaningful Care Matters, a leading care and organisational development group that specialises in helping health and social care providers to access a variety of support services. The group helps to facilitate the creation, reinvigoration and sustainable implementation of person-centred care cultures where people matter, feelings matter, and we are ‘Free to be Me’. Contact the team on

Care Home Finance from Global Business Finance Global assists clients throughout the U.K. who specialise in the healthcare sector to achieve their objecWe have organised over £1.8bn for clients in the past 30 years, providing clients with competitively priced funding to refinance existing debt, ease cashflow and develop businesses further. From helping clients make their first purchase through to allowing groups to grow significantly in size we

Selling by Auction Is the Fastest and Most Certain Way to Complete a Property Transaction

Owing to the pressures of the Covid-19 pandemic, Charles Darrow Auctions is experiencing increasing demand from business owners looking to sell their Care Home premises by auction. While government support continues, property availability is still low. However, market demand from buyers searching for former Care Homes for either investment purposes or alternative uses is high. We are seeing sellers successfully take advantage of the high levels of market demand right now, rather than waiting to join what is likely to become a saturated market, with an anticipated influx of commercial property likely to be hitting the market in the first quarter of 2022. To satisfy this demand, we are looking for entries into our next auction and will consider all types of Care Home. Our company ethos is to achieve the best price possible by providing the most up to date accurate marketing advice to our clients. Lucy Fuller, Auction Surveyor at Charles Darrow commented “An auction sale can often take as little as

assist at every stage of your business expansion. Every proposal is individual and deserves to be treated that way, so we hope you will allow us to be of

tives of purchase, development and refinance.

four weeks from instruction to an exchange of contracts, whereas a standard Private Treaty sale is currently taking on average four to six months to reach exchange of contracts, with no guarantee the buyer will not withdraw from the transaction at any point in the process. Our auction process allows people to seriously commit to a purchase when bidding, as contracts will exchange instantly to the highest bidder at the fall of the gavel”. Sadly, a lot of business owners around the UK are now in some form of financial distress and with this likely to worsen as government support is withdrawn, a quick method of sale is likely to be required by many of them before the year end. We believe that selling by auction is truly the fastest and most certain way to complete a property transaction and we would love to have the opportunity to discuss your marketing options with you. If we can help you, please contact the Auction team at Charles Darrow on 01626 572894 / 01626 330022 or visit

assistance to you and call us to chat through your plans and requirements, I am sure we will be able to tailor a facility to your requirements. Call us on 01242 227172 or e-mail us at

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