The Captain's Log | Volume 50 Issue 5

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W W W. T H E C A P TA I N S L O G . O R G

October 10, 2018


TheaterCNU showcases love on stage 2



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5 1. Beatrice (Rachel Ingle) and Benedick (Matt Stevenson) share a kiss. 2 Don Johnna (Lauren McCaffrey) and Borachio (Peyton Creasey) get down to business. 3. Beatrice (Ingle) and Benedick (Stevenson) share a moment. PHOTOS BY HANNAH MCCLURE/ THE CAPTAIN’S LOG

What’s Inside

4. Benedick (Stevenson) finds himself in a sticky situation 5. Borachio (Peyton Creasey) and Count Conrade (Isaiah Brown) 6. Hero (Sydney Jones) and Leonata (Charlie Grass) and others join for a wedding. PHOTOS BY HANNAH MCCLURE/ THE CAPTAIN’S LOG

Last Friday night, Theater CNU opened “Much Ado About Nothing” in Peebles Theater as the first production of the 2018-2019 season. Matthew Ellis plays a central role of Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon, alongside Count Claudio and Benedick (two officers in Don Pedro’s Army), played by Jack Little and Matt Stevenson. The Shakespeare adapted play is directed by Julian Stetkevych. A timeless classic, “Much Ado about Nothing” is much at home in the centuries of theater. The story begins following the victory of Don Pedro in a war begun by the betrayal of his illegitimate sister, Don Johnna. Before the war, Benedick had an amorous affair with Beatrice, the niece of Leonata (the Governor of Messina). Adding to an already complicated situation is another officer named Claudio, who fell in love with Leonata’s daughter, Hero. Now the war has finished, leaving lovers time to reconcile - but not all goes according to the plan. Balancing the act of comedy and drama, the show’s cast brought to life this tale of love lost and eventually found. The show’s central couple, Beatrice (Rachel Ingle) and Benedick embodied a typical Shakespearean conflict rooted in love. Several features in the supporting cast included the officers of Messina’s police force: the Night Watch. Throughout the performance, the audience will note their characteristic accented Southern twang. Shakespeare is frequently adapted for a more modern dialogue, costuming and aesthetic, an element clearly present in Stekevych’s production of “Much

Ado about Nothing.” Actors danced to “Cake by the Ocean” by DNCE at a ball and at the end of the play they danced to “Marry You” by Bruno Mars. In addition, the costume design featured modern elements of military uniforms for men and various style dresses for women. Many of the woman’s outfits featured bright colors and styles resembling the 1960’s. Several characters wore wedding attire, ranging from simplistic floor-length white gowns to lace, ankle-length dresses. The set for “Much Ado about Nothing” is stationary, consisting of vast archways and a patio with shrubbery surrounding. The bushes were made of wood and painted to look as if they were perfectly trimmed and could be found at a vast mansion. Patio chairs and other garden furniture tie it all together. For lighting, there were a wide range of colors projected on the backdrop to shape and characterize different scenes. The lights were also used to indicate the various night scenes. Theater CNU’s production of “Much Ado About Nothing” will be showing October 10, 11 and 12 at 7:30 in Peebles Theater.







Go inside the Speaker event hosted by CNU Model UN.

Fall in love with the Newport News Fall Festival this past weekend.

Re-live CNU Volleyball’s impressive season.

Read about an up-and-coming Gloucester band’s new releases.

Get stoked to vote with a preview of this year’s Stroll to the Polls.


Weekly pic

The Trible Library is a second home to many students this week as they prepare for upcoming midterms. PHOTO COURTESY OF ALEX BURRUSS

If you have a photo that you would like to be featured in the “Weekly Pic” section, please send it to, along with your caption. We thank you for your submissions.



Quentin Watts gives CNUTV the inside scoop on what Stroll to the Polls really means and how important voter participation is.

October 3 CNU Model UN Panel CNU students asked questions after hearing three panelists, a former Ambassador, a Major General and a Holocaust survivor, speak about human rights.

October 11 Freedom of Speech Open Session Join President Trible in finalizing a statement about freedom of speech on a college campus. This event follows similar steps that the University of Chicago has taken to ensure that voices are heard.

October 4 Banned Book Reading Students felt strong passion as they read from books that have been banned in schools. This was the thirteenth annual event of its kind.

October 12 Fall Break At the halfway point through the first semester, Captains get to take their well deserved fall break. Enjoy it, Captains!

The Captain’s Log Staff

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Morgan Barclay Editor-in-Chief Michael Innacelli CNUTV Managing Editor Matthew Scherger BreakingCNU Editor Hannah Lindenblad Photography Editor Emma Dixon News Editor Phoenix Hines Sports Editor Ian Burke Copy Editor

Kristen Ziccarelli A&E Editor Anna Dorl Lifestyle Editor Liam Rowell Business Director Paige Stevens Social Media Manager Jason Singarayer CNU Studios Editor Jason Carney Co-Faculty Advisor Nicole Emmelhainz Co-Faculty Advisor

THE CAPTAIN’S LOG is the official student newspaper of Christopher Newport University. It is a public forum, which is published Wednesdays throughout the academic year. THE EDITOR welcomes letters from readers. Editors reserve the right to edit letters for length and AP style, as well as to refuse publication. An email with a “.doc” attachment is preferable. Reach us through: - Email: - Drop off: The Captain’s Log newsroom, DSU Suite 393 JOIN THE STAFF The Captain’s Log is always open to students who are interested in writing, photography and editing. Editors assign stories every Sunday at 7 p.m. WANT TO ADVERTISE? Circulation inquiries, advertising rates and policies are available upon request via email at or telephone at (757) 594-7196. For more information, visit our website at

Lederhosen and new experiences CNU’s Study Abroad Fair brought the opportunity to experience new cultures.

The career fair was attended by families and students and was hosted by faculty, staff and outside organizations. PHOTO BY BRAIN BIGGS/ THE CAPTAIN’S LOG. BY MORGAN BARCLAY


Lederhosen, basket art and flag after flag filled the DSU ballroom this past Friday, Oct. 5 in order to convince students to step off of campus and into another culture. A part of Family Weekend activities, families of students were encouraged to attend the event alongside their students.

The packed room housed 18 internal study abroad programs at CNU and featured representatives from 14 external study abroad programs. The fair also had representatives from the offices on campus that could provide assistance when planning a trip, including CNU Financial Aid, CNU Study Abroad Scholarships, CNU Exchanges, CNU Study Abroad and Study Abroad Student

Ambassadors. Each program or office had a table and a chance to present themselves to students. With poster board, freshly printed brochures and props, they were able to connect with students and parents passing by. These posters became crucial during the height of the event when the ballroom was filled with eager students and families.

One such student was sophomore Ian Burke. Interested in attending the CNU in Scotland program next year, he’s surprised by the magnitude of the event. “There’s a wide range of options and they all look really cool,” he explains. “There’s a class about Math and Physics during the French Revolution-- that has something for anyone.” Burke expresses that he wants to study abroad because he feels everyone needs multiple perspectives and going into a different country affords that opportunity. Two student volunteers of the event, Jordan Clark and Nicole Molnar, express similar sentiments. “When you’re living here you’re used to the atmosphere… being in another country you’re the foreigner… a lot of people need that experience,” Clark says. Molnar agrees, “it’s an experience everyone should have.” Both Clark and Molnar have had a chance to study abroad in the past and they welcomed the opportunity to help another student along in that process. Another student volunteer representing her study abroad program, ISA CNU, Arianna Santana says her experience being able to live with a host family in Spain over the summer was “amazing.” “Ever since freshman year, I wanted to study abroad, and I chose this program becauses the classes were taught in Spanish, it was cost effective and it was a longer program,” Santana says about her choice of program. “I got the full experience.”

So far, she has gotten to notice the slight differences between her learned dialect of Spanish and the Spanish that her host family spoke. “I still don’t know how to say straw,” she explains an incident where she attempted to ask for a straw in a restaurant. Being able to be fully immersed in a culture to see these differences she says is why studying abroad is such an interesting experience. She assuages fears of those thinking about studying abroad, “If you’re thinking about it, do it.” “The people going with you will have the same fears. Bond with them. Lean on them.” For many, however, the fear of being away from home is only one of the reasons stopping them from studying abroad. Funding for these programs can become costly and many have fears that these programs are out of reach. Molnar gives students the advice to go to the study abroad scholarship event. “They have a whole meeting about it,” she says. Molnar also expresses doing it the simple way — just saving money. Santana encourages people to not ignore small scholarships. because “they can add up.” CNU’s Financial Aid Office also encourages students to take advantages of the scholarships that they have available to students and encourages people to stay on top of the application deadlines and to keep searching. Lists of study abroad programs available can be found on the CNU Study Abroad website.

A hard fought Family Weekend game The Captains lost in overtime of the game.



Family Weekend brings a lot to campus, but one of the biggest events of the weekend is always the CNU Football game. This year’s game certainly put on a show for the families who attended the weekend festivities. After a poor showing from the Captains in the first half, allowing Salisbury to score 21 unanswered points, the Captains brought it all the way back to force overtime in the second half. This was thanks to the Captains recovering two of their own punts after mistakes from the Salisbury punt returners. Recovering the punts meant that the Captains offensive surge in the second half could tie the game up at 21-21. Joshua Davis, #9, played a huge role in the second half as he was on the receiving end of all three touchdown

passes. Davis was able to amass 130 receiving yards with a longest reception of 27 yards on the night. Two of Davis’s touchdown receptions came from #12, Jack Anderson and the final touchdown reception came from #8, Brock Carnes. This offensive surge was coupled with a solid defensive performance by the Captains in the second half. Salisbury could only manage 225 yards in the whole game with all of them rushing yards. This was led by #7, BJ Hill and #24, Julien Spence having 11 and eight tackles respectively. The Captains nearly stole the game with a last minute field goal attempt. After storming up the field in the final minutes, the Captains kicker #97 Ben Garbarini saw his 47 yard kick fly inches beyond the uprights. After going to overtime, the Captains looked strong in the first couple of plays but could only settle for a

field goal from Garbarini. The Captains then could not stop the Salisbur y Seagulls offense as they would go on to score and win the game 2724. The loss was the second overtime home loss in a row for the Captains. The Captains go into their week off with a 3-2 record and will look to bounce back in two weeks against William Patterson University away.

The CNU Football team charges onto the field during the Family Weekend game. PHOTO BY HANNAH MCCLURE/THE CAPTAIN’S LOG



A night honoring human rights

CNUMUN held a panel of speakers to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. BY DUNCAN HOAG DUNCAN.HOAG.15@CNU.EDU L a s t We d ne s d a y, O c t . 3 , the CNU Model United Nations (CN U M U N ) hosted a pa nel in recog nition of the 70th A nniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which w a s p r o c l a i m e d o n D e c . 10 , 1948. The panel, entitled “Solving the Human Crisis,” included speakers from a wide variety of areas, ranging from the military to civil ser vice to civilian sectors. Each talk dealt with human r ights t hey ex ist in t he past, present and future. There were three speakers at the event: former ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina R icha rd K auzla r ich, retired Major General Donald McGregor a n d H olo c a u s t s u r v i v o r A g i Geva. President of CN U M U N, Cleo Mimano, indicated that the three speakers differed primarily in their approach to the subject of human rights. “ K au z e r b a c h a n d [ M ajo r General] McGregor gave a more analy tical approach, while Agi Geva was giving more of a first hand account of a crisis,” Mimano says. A lt h o u g h t h e e v e nt w a s or g a n ized a nd hosted by t he Model U.N. Club - in conjunction with the Reiff Center and a number of academic depar t-

ments - the main organizers of the event were Noah Mulligan a nd Ra ka n A lza rqa. Mulliga n is the Undersecretary of Public Relations for Model U.N. Club and Alzarqa is the Under Secretary General of the club. Mu llig a n ment ioned t hat he had t houg ht of t he pa nel the previous spring, but it was originally supposed to consist of only one speech given by a member of Congress. When this idea did not work out, Mulligan and Alzarqa looked elsewhere. Both of their personal connections - along with some coincidence - ultimately helped supply the event’s speakers, including the keynote speaker and Holocaust survivor, Geva. G e v a r e told her s tor y of living in concentration camps and suffering under the Nazis after she was forcibly deported from her home in Hungary. She later em ig rated to Israel a nd eventually the U.S. Mu llig a n w a s able to get G eva as a spea ker t h rough h i s i nter n sh ip at t he Un ited States Holocaust Memor ial Museum. “I worked with Emily Potter, who is in cha rge of out reach there, on curating research and I told her about this event, and she really liked the idea,” Mulligan says. “So she threw me a bone and allowed the Holocaust Museum to prov ide us w it h a

volunteer [speaker], who happened to be a survivor.” Retired Major General Dona ld A . McGregor w a s t he event’s opening spea ker, a nd cha rac ter ized t he problem of human rights as an amalgamat ion of g o v e r n a nce, cor r up tion, securit y, r ule of law and enforcement. Alzarqa indicated t h at h e r e a c h e d t h e r e t i r e d major general t h rough a pers on a l con ne c t ion f r om h i g h school. “I’m personal friends with his [the Major General’s] son, and I’ve known him since tenth g r ade. H i m a nd I h ave b e en rea lly good f r iend s, a nd I’ve seen his father speak, not publicly, but privately about a wide variety of political topics, and I always thought he would be a good choice to encompass this event,” Alzarqa says. “I have to say, after never having seen him speak in public before, I saw him speak at this event and I was blown away.” Richard D. Kauzlarich was another speaker at the event. Kauzlarich ser ved as t he U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegov i na f rom 19 97 to 19 9 9, w h ich were t he yea r s i m mediately follow ing the Bosnian Genocide. He has over 30 years of ex p er ience i n t he for eig n ser v ice, a nd h is t a l k foc used pr imar ily on effor ts of international diplomacy to prevent

hu ma n r ight s abuses such as those that occurred in Bosnia in 1995. T hese included mass depor tations, killings and the t a rget ing of polit ica l leaders within the Bosnian Muslim community. Mulligan said that he and A l z a r qa h ad me t K au z la r ic h by pure chance at a Model U.N. conference in Charlotte, NC , a f ter a not her sp eech he gave. “Rakan and I were discussing things after his [Kauzlarich’s] speech. We decided he was a good orator. We went to him with a vag ue idea of what was happening w it h t he event we were planning. As we told him more about it over the summer, he agreed to come,” says Mulligan. Mulligan says that he and A l za r qa c hose hu m a n r i g ht s as t he event’s topic pa r tially becau se it w a s a subjec t t he CNU’s student body could benefit from seeing. Moreover, he indicated that there were not a lot of similar events already taking place on campus. “ T he Un i v er s a l D e cla r ation of Human Rights sparked the idea, but I would say human rights is a pretty engaging topic. I t h i n k i t ’s s o m e t h i n g t h a t CN U’s populace would benefit from seeing first hand - what happen s worldw ide, a nd how there are still instances where

human r ights are v iolated on either massive scales or small scales. But rega rdless [of t he scale], t hey still occur, a nd I don’t think it’s something that CN U gets a lot of speakers or lectures on,” Mulligan says. Mu l l i g a n e x pr ess e d t h at he hopes to see more event s that are run either by students or by a combination of the student body and the administration. “I’m hopi n g t h at we c a n start having more lecture series - speaker events or events on campus that can be bigger and run by students, more so than by the administration. Not to say that one is better than the other, but saying that it would be best if we can try to merge the two a little bit in some capacity, rather t h a n co mp a r t m e nt a l i z i n g it to one or the other,” Mulligan says. A lzarqa made a similar p oi nt , b ut a l s o s t r ess e d t he importance of engaging with the community through putting on similar educational events that are open to students. “I think that’s another way to show the students of Christopher Newport University that if you can have these two guys pull toget her an entire event revolving around this, then it’s important not to just sit back, but to engage with the community,” Alzarqa says.

(Left) Former Ambassador Richard Kauzlarich and retired Major General Donald McGregor respond to audience questions during the CNUMUN panel. (Top) Holocaust survivor Agi Geva retells her account of living in Nazi concentration camps. PHOTO COURTESY OF KRISTEN ZICCARELLI .

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | N E W S | E M M A D I X O N | PA G E 5

Bringing workers of the grounds to the foreground The Grounds Department does a wide range of task everyday to keep CNU’s campus immaculate. BY EMMA DIXON EMMA.DIXON.17@CNU.EDU T here is no doubt that Ch r istopher New por t Un iversit y h a s a b eaut i f u l c a mpu s. The grass is always remarkably g reen, t he f lowers are always bloom ing a nd t he hedges a re always per fec t ly t r im med. In fact, CNU’s campus is so exquisite T he Princeton Rev iew r e cent l y r a n ke d it No. 17 i n the countr y for Most Beautiful Campus. T he reason our campus is so elegant is all thanks to the CNU Grounds Department. The Grounds Depar t ment is t he reason CNU’s 260-acre campus always looks pristine. T he Grou nds Depa r t ment is in charge of a wide variety of responsibilities, rang ing from making sure the grass is cut to taking care of all of the plants t o side w a l k upke ep t o t r a sh r emov a l. Two yea r s ago, t he Grounds Department also took over maintenance of the athletic fields. “Anything to do outside of the academic buildings that is g reen or brow n or sidewalk is probably us,” Dean Whitehead,

who has been the Director of the Grounds Department for almost 11 years, says. Compr ised of 20 f ulltime employees, six par t-time employees and 10 to 15 student employees, the Grounds Department is split into two divisions: turf and horticulture. The turf sec tor deals w it h t he upkeep and cutting of grass whereas the hor ticulture sector deals with the trees and beds. “O u r [ hor t ic u lt u r e] c r e w [does] a ll t he pr u n ing of t he sh r ubs a nd keepi n g t hem a ll tight a nd in shape, a nd pulling weeds and mulching. Pretty muc h a ny t h i n g t h at do es n’t have to do w it h mow i n g t he g rass,” CN U A lu m ni Bra ndon Smietanski, who is now Senior Landscaper, says. W hat the Grounds Department has to accomplish on a particular day is decided during a mor ning meeting ever y day between members of the administration. T he administration set s pr ior it ies for w h at t he y w a n t t h e G r o u n d s D e p a r tment to do each day and it can cha nge depending on several factors. “O ne of t he t h i n g s t h at can dictate what we do is

w h at e vent s m i g ht b e g oi n g on c a mp u s . S o le t ’s s ay t he Ferg uson Center is hav ing an event one evening, we’re going to morph our schedules so its mos t ad v a nt a g e o u s t o m a ke sure the Ferg uson Center can look as good as it can for that event,” A llen Crowder, Senior Groundskeeper, says. “Weather can also affect the schedule. So it’s not necessarily a set schedule. It’s not like on Monday we do [the] Suntrust [building] and on Tuesday we do Rappa hannock. It’s not that easy. It’s a job where you have to be adaptable. You have to be able to shift on a dime.” “It’s really all dependent on the day. If there’s an event, we have to ever y t h i n g ready for that event. Whether it’s just touching up shrubs and making t hem look n ice, w ipi n g st u f f dow n or lay i n g ne w mu lc h ,” Smietanski says. “But if we’re out there pruning some shrubs a nd t hey need us somewhere else to do anot her job you’ve just got to be ready to adapt and get up and move to the next task.” The Grounds Department’s employees work around 40 hours every week, although there are

some certain weeks of the year when they w ill work closer to 50. During certain times, such as the few weeks leading up to g raduat ion or when t hey a re changing out the f lowers, they will ramp up and work longer. Even if it rains, t he Grou nds Depa r t ment w ill cont i nue to work, although it can alter what they do during the day. “ I f i t ’s r a i n i n g a n d i t ’s not really bad we can still cut grass. Once it gets to the point where you’re leaving marks or you get stuck or you’re going to spin, they’ll pull [workers] out,” Crowder says. “When it gets to that point we may end up doing some t ra i n i n g i n [t he of f ice] or we may end up doing some maintenance around the shop area. We don’t go home when it rains.” T he Grounds Depar t ment wor k s a l l ye a r lon g, i ncluding t he sum mer season when students are gone and winter. D u r i n g w i nt e r, t he G r o u n d s D e p a r t me nt i s i n c h a r g e on clearing snow off of the sidewalks so students can make it to class safely. T hey a re also r e s p on si ble for s t or m w at e r management during severe rain.

Both Smietanski and Crowder mentioned their favorite par t about working for the Grounds Department. “My favorite is just being outside. I couldn’t work inside, so just being outdoors,” Smietanski says. “Also, learning all of the little different things to help keep the plants alive. It’s a constant learning process.” “For me, my favorite par t i s t he com r ader y w it h i n t he depa r t ment . T her e a r e some really good people. It’s a great g roup of fol k s a nd you don’t get that ever y where,” Crowder says. W h itehead believes some other institutions do not think as highly of t heir g rounds as CNU does. He also feels like he has been part of building CNU into what it is today through his work. “I g uess for me, it’s being able to prov ide a g reat atmosphere a nd g rou nd s, wh ich I t hin k en ha nces t he academic experience. We do our par t in providing a great atmosphere for someone studying on the lawn,” W hitehead says. “We feel like we are a par t of the academic experience. The grounds are an inspiring classroom.”

CAB’s Fall Fest is not lightyears away

CAB will be hosting their annual Fall Fest, which has an outer space theme this year, on October 19. BY EMMA DIXON EMMA.DIXON.17@CNU.EDU T h i s y e a r, t h e C a mp u s Activities Board’s (CAB) annual Fa ll Fest w ill be “out of t h is world.” The event will blast off on Oct. 19. The launch time will begin at 4 p.m. and will end at 7 p.m. T h e t h e m e f o r Fa l l Fe s t 2018 is outer space, w it h t he tagline, “Fall out of this World.” C A B w ill prov ide a w ide variet y of space-themed food and ac t i v it ies for s t udent s . T h i s year, CAB will also have a huge inf latable U.F.O. that when you walk inside is laser tag. “I think [Fall Fest] is import a nt becau se it accomplishes one of the key missions for the s t udent s, w h ic h i s to h ave a lively campus atmosphere and a campus where people are not just in t heir room or in t heir dor m s. T hey ca n have entertainment on campus where they ca n ha ng out a nd meet ot her people in the CN U communit y and star t developing t heir social skills that are important

after college,” Hayden Cochran, Special Events Chair, says. C A B ’s p r o m o t io n a l it e m for this year is Fall Fest fanny packs, which has the Fall Fest logo embroidered on it. Additionally, the novelt y item this yea r i s photo cer a m ic mug s. Students can go up to a g reen screen, get their picture taken w it h d i f fer ent space-t hemed backgrounds and have it printed on a mug. Anything CAB offers at the event is free. CAB has been planning Fall Fes t si nce i m med iately a f ter they chose their new executive board in February. “ T he f irst step is nailing dow n a t heme. Once you nail dow n a t heme, you ca n st a r t f i nd i n g t h i n g s t hat go a lon g with that theme that can really make the event as good as possible,” Cochran says. “But the h a r des t t h i n g I wou ld s ay i s na i l i n g dow n a t heme. Some themes are really cool, but it’s h a r d to f i nd i n f lat ables a nd activities to match it. You have to come up w ith a theme that people will be interested in, but

also is realistic to do with tying de cor at ion s, i n f lat a bles a nd food together. Unlike prev ious years, CA B has assigned each club an activity to be in charge of this year. “In the past, we have had clubs come and they would table at Fall Fest, but they would not really have any thing to do. It was just their club tabeling and they would have their promotional item for their club. [This year] it’s not just clubs tabeling. For example, RHA is doing mo on sho e r aces w her e s t udents can race in moon shoes,” Cochran says. “It’s just so that ever y where someone goes i n Fa ll Fest t here w ill be something to do. This year we have over 27 organizations par ticipating in Fall Fest and each one of them is assigned to either an activity, an inflatable or a giveaway.” L ike past yea rs, Fall Fest w i l l t a ke place on t he Gr eat Lawn. “Fall Fest, on t he sur face level, may not seem like it’s a

good event for someone to learn somet hing from, but it really is good in the sense of you are h a n g i n g out w it h you r community of peers. That’s why we have it ever y yea r,” Coch ra n says.

The logo for Fall Fest 2018. This year’s Fall Fest Theme is outer space. Fall Fest will take place on Oct. 18 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the Great Lawn. PHOTO COURTESY OF HAYDEN COCHRAN.

OPINIONS & INSIGHTS Freedom of speech on campus PAGE 6

“The Captain’s Log is free to write anything it pleases and CNU fully respects the Freedom of the Press.” CNU PRESIDENT PAUL TRIBLE

It’s necessary for the liberal learning curriculm. RACHEL WAGNER RACHEL.WAGNER.15@CNU.EDU MORIAH POLIAKOFF MORIAH.POLIAKOFF.15@CNU.EDU

W hat do the Universit y of Chicago, P u rdue Un iversit y, t he Un iversit y of Nebraska, Johns Hopkins University and 43 other leading colleges and universities have to do with CNU? These institutions have all endorsed strong written commitments to campus freedom of expression, and CNU now has the opportunity to take a leadership position in this growing national movement. On Tuesday, Oct. 2, President Trible a n nou nced to fac u lt y, s t udent s a nd staff the university’s intent to develop a statement that appropriately characterizes CNU’s commitment to free speech and expression. This is a very important moment for CN U. In the spirit of free inquir y and open discourse, President Trible has called upon the CNU community to share their comments and suggestions with representatives from the committee that prepared the draft statement. The first discussion session took place on Oct. 4, and the remaining two sessions will occur on Thursday, October 11th at 7 p.m., and Friday, Oct. 12, at 4 p.m. in the new Trible Library theatre. These sessions are aimed to be community discussions rather than debates. Last fall, we began advocating for the adoption of such a statement by reaching out to student organizations and administration. Maintaining a culture of free inquiry and open dialogue requires a conscious commitment to these principles. We

greatly appreciate the steps that CNU has taken toward publicly affirming the rights of students, faculty and staff to speak, inquire, hear and debate. Some might fear that endorsing this statement means that the University is promoting all opinions as equal. However, from our point of view, the statement does the exact opposite: all people have the right to express their views, but the value of those views is only determined by the students, faculty and staff engaging in the free marketplace of ideas. We need not fear erroneous or even offensive opinion. Let the faulty ideologies surrounding racism, sexism and bigotry of all kinds be brought out into the open, where reasoned dialogue can combat them. Truth only becomes clear when we work together in a sound and rational dialogue to sort through our disagreements and discern reality from fantasy, fear and hatred. It is important to remember that ultimately, America’s greatest social advances came because of freedom of speech, not through the silencing of viewpoints that diverged from the mainstream beliefs of a past era. CN U ’s d raf t tex t owes much of it s essence to the Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression of the University of Chicago. The “Chicago Principles” represent a reinvigoration of commitment to a higher standard of conduct and acknowledgement of open discourse as the lifeblood of the University. Free speech organizations have turned to the Chicago Principles as a gold standard for universities to adopt as guiding principles, in thought and practice. In CNU’s draft statement, the emphasis

on civility and allowing space for controversial opinions to be articulated does not prohibit students from speaking out against that with which they disagree. If anything, the draft statement preserves the mode for such discourse––it just means that disruption for the sake of silencing opinions, rather than engaging with and disproving them, is not in alignment with Christopher Newport’s values as a liberal arts institution. We are here, at Christopher Newport University, seeking lives of significance. In order to be civically engaged to the fullest extent and prepared for a life serving our democratic republic, we as students must have the full rights to engage in discourse. Part of that engagement requires that we are faced with opinions that upset, disgust or even horrify us. We encourage all students to attend the upcoming discussions on this issue. We have been lucky not to face the hostility toward controversial speakers recently seen at institutions like Berkeley or Middlebury. However, even though we have never had such issues at CNU, endorsing this statement provides a commitment to future Captains. We feel that this campus represents many of the values of a true liberal arts education, which is not to say that we are perfect. However, CNU’s draft statement provides the platform for future improvements through community dialogue. Whether you agree or disagree with the points expressed in the draft statement, we urge you engage in the next discussion. How can we create a community committed to free expression and protect

the voices of the minority from being suppressed? How do we simultaneously champion free speech and diversity? These are challenging questions. The only way for us truly to answer them is through community dialogue between students, faculty and staff. We close with a quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes’ dissent in Abrams vs. the United States: “Persecution for the expression of opinions seems to me perfectly logical. If you have no doubt of your premises or your power, and want a certain result with all your heart, you naturally express your wishes in law, and sweep away all opposition. To allow opposition by speech seems to indicate that you think the speech impotent, as when a man says that he has squared the circle, or that you do not care wholeheartedly for the result, or that you doubt either your power or your premises. But when men have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct that the ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas -- that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried out. That, at any rate, is the theory of our Constitution.” At a university, perhaps above all other places, we can acquire the habits the characterize citizens of a free society. Let us embrace the opportunity confidently to adopt a statement that fosters an environment in which we can best learn and grow.

Slap in the face to survivors Kavanaugh’s nomination paints a clear picture. ANNA DORL ANNA.DORL.17@CNU.EDU

The appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States was a step backwards in time for sexual assault survivors everywhere. For many, the accusations surrounding his appointment, brought to national attention by the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, brought up traumatic memories dredged in the backs of their minds of horrendous experiences they have been tr ying to heal from and forget about. The fact that someone accused of such things could be appointed to such a prestigious position regardless of the claims against him is a slap in the face to sexual assault survivors not only in America, but around the world. Ford, though undoubtedly shaken by the hearing in general, kept her composure

while testifying against Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh and Senator Graham, on the other hand, lost their tempers in an attempt to defend Kavanaugh. If a woman, especially Ford, had behaved in such a way, she would have been called hysterical, hormonal, or other terms of that nature. Many Republicans, including Kavanaugh himself, believe that Ford’s coming forward was a Democratic ploy to cause voters to question Kavanaugh’s credibility. They also claim that Ford’s lack of memory about specific details of the event means that she wasn’t really assaulted. If she had been, if it was such a horrific incident, she would have remembered everything that happened. However, trauma affects the brain irreversibly, causing memory loss and other effects that can change a person forever. Kavanaugh did not initially want a full FBI investigation of the charges because

he claimed that they do not “reach conclusions.” Senator Durbin offered that if Ford’s charges were false, then Kavanaugh should be okay with the idea of a full FBI investigation to clear his name for good because no evidence of the crime would be found if he was innocent. Kavanaugh refuted this by claiming over and over again that “the FBI does not reach conclusions.” If Kavanaugh is really innocent, wouldn’t he have immediately agreed to an full-scale investigation to prove it? K a v a n a u g h’s a p p o i n t m e n t t o t h e Supreme Court proves that sexual assault cases are not taken seriously enough. So many voters are biased simply because of the party they align themselves with - for example, many Republicans believe that “Kavanaugh is Republican too, which means he’ll support my viewpoints if we elect him,” so they vote for people like him.

They look past issues such as Ford’s accusations in favor of what Kavanaugh could do for America through his new position as a Supreme Court Justice. The very idea that these accusations were made and that Kavanaugh’s nomination went through anyway calls to mind serious questions about what voters justify. With so many being elected to positions of power despite sexual assault allegations, where do we as Americans, as human beings, and as voters draw the line? What do we think is okay in our country? The fact of the matter is that sexual assault needs to be taken more seriously in America, especially when nominating the accused to positions of power. Whether or not Kavanaugh is truly guilty of assaulting Ford, Americans need to look more closely at who they are voting into office and decide for themselves what kind of people we want representing our country.

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | O P I N I O N S & I N S I G H T S | M O R G A N B A R C L AY | PA G E 7

Something needs to change Kavanaugh’s nomination is not the end. JACK RONAYNE JACK.RONAYNE.15@CNU.EDU

As some of you may well know, I’ve followed the Kavanaugh nomination extensively over the course of the past few weeks. The twists, turns, and revelations reminded of the O.J. Simpson case, which I viewed as dramatization over the summer with my Dad and brothers. Just as that case polarized the country along familiar lines, the Kavanaugh hearing repeated history in that regard. This episode in American history stands out as distinctly different, as the stakes for our country’s future were significantly higher. Both sides of the aisle have valid arguments. Kavanaugh’s hearing was by no means a criminal trial, while some incorrectly treated it as such. Boiled down to a simple point, the judge’s hearing was a job interview, one broadcast to the nation and to the world. I do agree with the point regarding presumption of guilt. Our country’s foundation stands upon innocence

until proven guilty, and Kavanaugh was not proven g uilty of any crime during the hearing. To me, those points remain convincing. While Kavanaugh’s stance on executive power causes me to pause with unease, I believe his prior job experience made him a qualified judge for the bench before the hearing. However, far too many facets of Judge K ava naugh’s cha rac ter to me remain alarming, concerning, and even repulsive. To begin, Kavanaugh’s defense against the allegations leveled against him by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford demonstrated the judge’s inability to remain impartial, collected and coherent. To me, Kavanaugh appeared unable to contain strong emotions, exhibited a tendency to quickly arrive at conclusions, and in a crucial moment, demonstrated an inability to rationally view the other side of the argument. A judge should retain qualities which society aspires to: tact, understanding, humility, patience, and most importantly, compassion. Kavanaugh possessed none

of those qualities when displaying the response to Ford’s statements. If this human being cannot possess such traits so early in the process, there is no evidence that Kavanaugh will do the same on the Supreme Court bench. As a vicious partisan debate swirled around the hearing throughout the past few weeks; one line of rhetoric stood out as particularly troubling. Certain leaders, outlets, men, and women argued that these women conjured narratives out of thin air; that the accusations of sexual assault were completely fabricated. This plotline is horrific. Over the course of my life, especially at Christopher Newport University, I’ve learned how sexual assault damages survivors in all aspects of their lives: physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Women do not, for the fun of it, make up such traumatic experiences to potentially expose themselves to widespread vicious criticism and scorn. Would a honored veteran make up an experience which led to PTSD? Would a wide-eyed

child make up a story about domestic violence? Rosemary Trible, beloved wife of CNU President Paul Trible, was sexually assaulted as a young woman. Women and men at my university take steps daily to prevent sexual violence on our campus and I sincerely hope the nation and world follows. I b el ie ve For d , I b el ie ve D eb or a h Ramirez, and I believe Julie Swetnick. I said in a similarly worded statement regarding last year’s hate march in my hometown of Charlottesville, I will be bringing change to this country in the way that I can: my right to vote. Please, for the sake of this country and democracy, vote. It is no understatement to say that every vote counts, so exercise your right which Americans have been continually fighting for in every conflict since the American Revolution. Our nation declines when its citizens sit idle and unengaged. It is your duty as a productive member of society and as a global citizen to vote, to bring change and restore hope.

This day in history: “The Hammer”

The importance of assessing and reassessing history is seen in The Battle of Tours. MILLER BOWE

STEPHEN.BOWE.15@CNU.EDU A notable battle, a minor skirmish, a “defense of Western culture,” or something else-- today’s event in history is the Battle of Tours, which was fought on Oct. 10, 732. Frankish forces, led by Charles Martel ( “ T he Ha m mer ”), bat t led a n a r my belong ing to t he Umay yad Caliphate, earning a decisive victory. Charles Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne, one of the most important figures in medieval history. As the founder of the Carolingian dy nasty, Charles Martel is a figure who has often been used as a symbol. There are many who remember Tours as a key moment in the history of Christendom, and Charles as an important anti-Muslim figure. In the 1970’s, a French far-right terrorist group that targeted French Arabs named themselves the Charles Martel Group. Today, a similarly-named g roup called the Charles Martel Society styles themselves the “Saviors of Western Civilization,” and publish a pseudo-scholarly journal called the Occidental Quarterly to espouse white nationalist viewpoints. But was the Battle of Tours seen in this light during the 8th century? According to Dr. Charlotte Cartwright, a CN U professor specializing in the medieval era, the narrative of Tours as a battle between Christians and Muslims has its origins in romances written during the Crusades, when anti-Islamic rhetoric became prominent. “The modern interpretation of [The Battle of Tours] is based on 12th century literary adaptations that are designed to prove Christian knightly supremacy over

Muslims, but in an atmosphere of the time of the crusades, that don’t actually map onto the geopolitical realities of the 8th century.” During the 8th and 9th centuries, the Battle of Tours was not regarded as a landmark battle. “It’s a little minor skirmish, as far as we can tell. Arab sources don’t even ment ion it for t he most part,” Cartwright says. “And our Christian sources don’t make a big deal a b o u t it .” T h e fact t hat Ca roling ian sources say little about the battle is telling, as they were ver y concer ned w it h t he g r eat deeds of Charles as their dynasty’s fou nder. “ T h i s is clearly not a defining moment for Charles M a r t e l ,” C a r twright says. According to Cartwright, the Battle of Tours was mostly significant as one of many battles during the rise of Charles Martel to power during the decline of the Merovingian dynasty, which had ruled the Franks for some three centuries beforehand. “This is part of Charles Martel establishing himself as the pre-eminent war leader in the Frankish world, and thus the guy whose descendants are eventually going to be able to become kings,” said Cartwright. “But it’s part of an internal Frankish politi-

cal power struggle that has very little to do with who they’re fighting at any given time.” Meaning, contrary to many’s beliefs, that the context of Christians fighting Muslims was probably not notable. Writing in the late 18th century, the historian Edward Gibbon did not assess the bat tle in t he same way and drew from later literar y narratives when he des c r i b e d t he Battle of Tours in Volume Five of his “History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.” Gibbon characterizes the Battle of Tours as a great clash between the C h r ist ia n a nd Muslim worlds, and goes so far as to speculate t hat, had t hey not been defeated at Tours, the Umayyads may have continued to expand all the way into Scotland. Gibbon’s publication was an influential work of historical writing, but shows its age in many ways, and his characterization of the Battle of Tours as a clash of civilizations is a firmly antiquated one. However, Gibbon’s influence with this work can be seen today. History is frequently mined for symbols, and medieval history provides no shortage of figures and events to look to, mythologize, and exaggerate in the name of modern agendas. Charles Martel and the

“Everything is complicated. It’s never as simple as anyone, even professional historians, make it out to be, so it’s always worth questioning our predominant narratives...” Dr. Charlotte Cartwright

Battle of Tours are examples of this. Historical memory of Charles Martel has shifted over the centuries. During the crusades, he and Charlemagne were used as examples of good, knightly, Christian kings. As the Crusading movement waned, chroniclers turned against Charles, and at least one claimed his tomb was frequented by demons. In the 19th century he was again used as an example of an ideal Christian ruler. “The way that Charles Martel is presented very much shifts depending on bigger cultural movements going on at the time,” Cartwright says. History is frequently distorted, and that is part of the value in studying it. Assessing and re-assessing people and battles that have become symbols and questioning the traditional narrative are important elements of what historians do. “Everything is complicated. It’s never as simple as anyone, even professional historians, make it out to be, so it’s always worth questioning our predominant narratives and thinking about why they are predominant narratives,” Cartwright says. “Because I think a lot of times this tells you more about the people doing the writing than the people and/or the events from the actual past.” To groups like the Charles Martel Society, the name of Charles Martel is a symbol of the supremacy of white Europeans. Would Charles have really seen himself as a “defender of the west?” Would the people of the 8th century have the same conception of “Western Civilization” as 18th century enlightenment authors or 21st century white supremacists? Historical writing is shaped by the world it is written in, and that is why these are important questions to ask about how we see our past.



A street performer entertains the audience by allowing anyone who pays a d the monkey and take a photo with the monkey. PHOTO BY HANNAH LINDENBL

(Top) At the Newport News Fall Festival the proceeds from sales from their small pumpkin patch went to the restoration of the Lee Hall Depot, the last remaining station from the C&O Railroad’s expansion into Warwick County, Virginia. (Bottom) Near the entrance to the Festival was a petting zoo with a donkey, geese, goats and sheep for the attendees to enjoy.

The Southern Belle Alpaca farm and company that creates products with t Alpacas , brought two alpacas for everyone at the festival to see, and also br of there products for purchase. PHOTO BY HANNAH LINDENBLAD


Oberweis Dairy, which offers a variety of dairy products and a milk delivery service popular vendor since they have free samples of chocolate milk. The charismatic mi lively conversations with all of the customers. PHOTO BY HANNAH LINDENBLAD

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | S N A P S H O T | H A N N A H L I N D E N B L A D | PA G E 9

Food stands and truck offers a variety of fried festival food such as fries, fried Mac & cheese, burgers and hot dogs. Lemonades, sodas and shaved ice were also available for purchase, and were needed since the temperature was over eighty degrees.PHOTO BY HANNAH LINDENBLAD

dollar to hold


(Top left, right) Fortune Teller “Lady Mirra� offers free fortune tellings sessions for those who attend the Newport News Fall Festival and were willing to wait in line to see her. PHOTOS BY HANNAH LINDENBLAD.

There are many art vendors at this festival with a variety of different items for sale. For example, some vendors sell jewelry, wall art, pottery, photography and even clothes for dolls and dogs. PHOTOS BY HANNAH LINDENBLAD

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(Top left) Newport News Fall Festival offered multiple location to listen to live music including this concert, near the art and specialty food vendors and was also available near the food stands, and trucks. (Top right) Vendors not only sold art and food, but also sold niche items like ChaCha Chips, which are part of a reward system for parents to use to help children not only learn manners and behave, but also learn about animals at the same time. PHOTOS BY HANNAH LINDENBLAD



CNU Volleyball dominates the court

The Captains have won their past ten games and stand at 15-3 on the season.

#9 Mackenzie Wright lifts the ball over the net. The Captains are currently on a win streak of ten and during these ten games they have outscored their opponents 30-4. They have also defeated three out of the four ranked teams they have played. PHOTO COURTESY OF CNUOCPR BY SYDNEY-PAIGE HERNANDEZ SYDNEY.HERNANDEZ.17@CNU.EDU

CNU Volleyball is continuing their winning streak after a strong season in 2017. Ending last season 28-4, CNU is currently 15-3, winning their past ten games. This past weekend, CNU played four games against, St Mary’s College of Maryland, Mar ymount University, Randolph College and Messiah College. The Captains played 13 sets and won 12. The team is currently composed of five freshman, six sophomores, five juniors and three seniors, led by Head Coach L indsay Birch, A ssist a nt Coach Cor y Taylor, and Team Managers Forrest Mann and Ke’alani Sison. The team has three Setters, five Opposites, five Outside Hitters, five Middle Blockers and five Defensive Specialists. T he three seniors on the team are, number 2 Kellyn DeChirico, number 3 Josie Lucernoni, and number 17, Cat Boyle. Kellyn DeChirico hails from Williamsburg, VA. She stands at 5’11 and plays Middle Blocker/ Opposite. DeChirico has been on the team since her freshman year at CNU and serves as a key reserve in the front row last year, finishing the season with a total of 48 points. She competed in seven matches in her first year and led CNU to victory in four

Ten game win streak

Sep. 22: CNU vs. York College(PA.) W, 3-0 Sep. 26: CNU vs. William Peace University W, 3-0 Sep. 28: CNU at Frostburg State University W, 3-1 Sep. 29: CNU vs. Lebanon Valley College W, 3-1 Sep. 29: CNU vs. Neumann University W, 3-0 Oct. 2: CNU vs. Bridgewater College W, 3-2 Oct. 5: CNU vs. St.Mary’s College of Maryland W, 3-1 Oct. 5: CNU vs. Marymount University W, 3-0 Oct. 6: CNU vs Randolph College W, 3-0 Oct. 6: CNU vs. Messiah College W, 3-0

matches from October 21st to October 28th last year. Josie Lucernoni comes from Ashburn, VA. standing at 5’7, Luceroni plays Defensive Specialist for the captains. Lucernoni has been on the team since her freshman year at CNU, ranking fourth on the team during her sophomore year and

setting a record in her junior year with 25 consecutive double digit dig efforts, becoming the sixth player in CNU program history to get at least 20 digs in three contests consecutively. Cat Boyle comes from Blacksburg, VA. The defensive specialist stands at 5’10. . Boyle has been on the team since her

freshman year at CNU and gained 14 kills with no errors her freshman year. She served as team captain her junior year and competed in ten matches as a defensive specialist. She finished the season with four aces, four assists and 14 digs.

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | S P O R T S | P H O E N I X H I N E S | PA G E 1 1

Five ways to maximize your workout

The Freeman Center has multiple resources in order for CNU’s students to maintain their physical health. Here is some ways students can utilize these resources. f ind a time where t he g y m isn’t crowded. Here are some of t he b e s t w a y s t o g e t a g reat workout in any way. 1. S w itc h up you r war m up, not your entire routine. As someone who loves r unning and walk ing on the treadmill, one of my favorite ways to turn a neg at ive i nto a p ositive (when I see all the treadmills are full) is to do a war m up on another machine. This keeps things interesting and keeps me constantly on the lookout for when people a re finished exercising. 2. Var y your scheduled work out time. Most people do t his any way, but if you can, change up t he time you workout. Most of t he t i me, t he g y m i s The treadmills in the Freeman Center gym. These are for when you need to get a good cardio workout in. more crowded at night You can also get a leg workout using these machines as well. KRISTEN ZICCARELLI/THE CAPTAIN’S LOG a nd has less people during the afternoon, BY KRISTEN ZICCARELLI So if t here is a day KRISTEN. ZICCARELLI.17@CNU.EDU facilities and equipment in the Freeman or t wo you can go during the day, go g y m , it seem s t h at a l l too of ten , t he for it. A nd t hen you may discover if Let’s face it, not all g yms are created machines fill up fast, exercise rooms are you t r uly are a mor ning, af ter noon, equal. A nd while CN U offers some nice booked and students are hard pressed to or night person. If you’re really hard-

core, you ca n go at 6:30 a.m. when it opens or 11:00 p.m. an hour before closi n g, a nd you’r e a l mos t g u a r a nteed a machine. 3. Take advantage of the free workout classes. Not a l l of u s h ave e x t r a mone y to spend on a Fitness Class pass, but you ca n st ill t a ke adv a nt age of t he F R E E H app y Hou r cla sses on Fr id ay a f ternoons. Not only is there a space already reser ved, but it can be a g reat way to begin your weekend in a stress-free way. 4. G o w it h a fr iend and do opposite workouts. If you have are lucky enough to have a g y m buddy, you can ensure maximized success with their company. One of you can work out on the free machine while t he ot her e xer c i ses some w her e el se, a nd t hen you ca n s w itch equ ipment / mach ines for t he second ha lf of you r workout. 5. Take your workout to nature. As much as we love our Freeman g ym, star ing at t hose beige walls can get a lit t le rout i ne. One remedy is to t a ke you r c a r d io out do or s on t he Nola nd T r a i l or ne a r b y nei g h b or h o o d s , a n d g o to t he g y m for you r wei g ht s a nd streng th training exercises. It’s g uaranteed that all the sidewalks won’t be filled. If you want to go and get a workout in at the g y m, the Freeman Center i s op en e v er y si n g le d ay du r i n g t he week . It is open Monday-Fr iday f rom 6:3 0 a.m. -12:0 0 a.m. Sat u rday hou rs are 9:0 0 a.m.-11:0 0 p.m.Sunday hours are 12:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

Artificial turf is worse than you think A lot of teams throughout the country play on turf fields. They seem useful, but there are multiple reasons that shows how dangerous playing on this material can actually be. BY MORGAN BARCLAY MORGAN.BARCL AY.15@CNU.EDU

A soccer field at the crack of dawn, the sun rising and shining on the plastic—time to get playing before the sun stays up too long and sliding will give me second degree burns. While an over exaggeration, the above statement is one many have to think about during the summer, as the plastic in artificial fields absorbs heat upwards to thirty degrees hotter than the air temperature. But that’s not the only problem with artificial turf. The rough plastic blades can become razors when wet causing cuts and scratches like the ones we saw during the women’s soccer game a month back. And even when dr y, players have noted ‘rug burn’ type rashes from the plastic substitute. This problem of cuts and burns becomes even more dangerous when combined with

the heightened danger of bacteria on the blades. Carr ying inside of it all of the blood, sweat and skin from the game, these turf fields are not something you want to go near an open wound. Not only does this affect the safety of the players, but it also affects the quality of the game. If players are afraid to slide, run, fall, a level of hesitance is added to the game which results in less interesting plays. Turf is also bad for the environment. Run off from the fields can carry with it the artificial ‘stuffing’ used within the field to keep the blades upright. That run off can find its way into waterways causing problems with drinking water. More than run off, it also affects the ground underneath the turf. Killing any living organism within the subsoil, recovering from these fields can be difficult without major soil remediation. Even omitting the potential long term

consequences of the toxins from the chemicals used to treat the ‘stuffing,’ of the f ield , t her e is mor e t h a n enough reason to k ill t he turf. T his is not new news eit her. T he Un ited St ates Nat ion a l Women’s S occer Team made headlines during the 2015 world cup when they refused to play on artificial turf, and again in 2017 when they faced similar problems. There are multiple ongoing studies about the harm turf does to players. T u r f f ield s a r e b a d fo r the game, the health of the player s a nd t he hea lt h of t h e e n v i r o n m e n t . We ’ v e k now n this for some time. It ’s t i m e w e r e t i r e t h e m once and for all.


concerts October 11


in theaters October 13

October 12 Cole Swindell and Dustin Lynch “Bad Times at the El Royale” R 7:00 p.m. Salem Civic Center 7:00 p.m. Richmond Coliseum “First Man” PG-13 Jake Owen

campus October 10

October 10, 11, 12

OURCA Open House

“Much Ado about Nothing”

1:00 p.m. Trible Library 230

7:30 p.m. Peebles Theatre

Homegrown talent reaches farther CNU Alum Eric Kennedy’s Indie Rock band, Elements and Artifacts, released their first music video for “All the World” last Friday, reaching beyond their roots in Gloucester, VA.

Members of Elements and Artifacts left to right: Kenny Epling, Rob Fehrman, Eric Kennedy and Jordan Gonzales PHOTOS COURTESY OF THROUGH IT ALL PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRISTEN ZICCARELLI KRISTEN.ZICCARELLI.17@CNU.EDU A n indie alter nat ive ba nd f rom Gloucester, VA just might be on your next shuffle of bops for this fall season. Formed in 2016, Elements and Artifacts grew from the shared hobby of two musicians: CNU Alum Eric Kennedy and Kenny Epling. While both had jobs and families almost immediately after graduating college, they decided to pursue their musical passions all the way to present day, where their band currently produces music and performs live. Their recently released music video for “All the World” debuted from their EP titled “Ordained.” The Elements and Artifacts band currently includes Kennedy on guitar and vocals, guitarists Kenny Epling and Jordan Gonzales, drummer Chris Wagoner and Rob Fehrman on bass. Although Kennedy played in a different band at CNU, he remembers a few notable people and experiences that contributed to his present success. “[My friends] really tried to encourage me when my band broke up to just stick at it, and because of that I started to write music just for myself and that became what this is now,” Kennedy says. “I’m so glad that I got that encouragement for sure.” Present day has seen a similar encouragement, where Elements and Artifacts has enjoyed recognition beyond campus

and garnered largely positive feedback from family, friends and people offstage. “The response has been overwhelmingly positive,” Kennedy says. “We wouldn’t keep on doing that if that weren’t the case, so hopefully we’ll continue.” Wagoner attributes their appeal to the diverse scope of their music, especially after noticing the range of interested ages in concert and on social media. “It’s got a 90’s flair, so it’s got that throwback feel, but with the way that its written, it appeals to the masses,” Wagoner says. “You got the younger generations that love the little bit of the grit in the vocals and then you got the older generation that enjoys the melodic tunes.” According to Kennedy, whose personal influences include Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Everclear, Soundgarden and other grunge bands. “I’m not going to write songs like Teen Spirit, but I can do my part and get across what I’m trying to get across,” Kennedy said. “Capturing that energy and that feeling as well, since they have a lot of emotion in their music and we want to put that forward to.” Perhaps one of the band’s biggest measures of achievement was performing at The NorVa Summer Rock Fest in August. “We had a great time at the NorVA and being able to play there was a big step for us,” Kennedy says. “Hopefully we’ll continue to play bigger and better venues with more crowds.” Their next event is in November opening for

Assuming We Survive at 37th and Zen in Norfolk. Although Kennedy is not from this area, he acknowledges the wide-ranging opportunities for performers and interested audiences. “That’s sort of one of the greatest things about this area,” Kennedy says. “Musically and event-wise, there’s so much opportunities around here [and] probably ten good big-name venues that you could play at it all, depending on how much you want to work.” For the band members, balancing their work lives and band is largely a matter of dedication and commitment to making their dreams a success. “The more you put in, the more you get out,” Kennedy says. “We’re trying to put out as much as we can because we're weekend warriors, because of our jobs.” Much of their coordination revolves around making sure their schedules line up and continuously meeting to discuss new ideas. Collaborating on music ideas usually takes the form of sending demo recordings back and forth over email, layering each part of the track over the next. With their new music video and performances at the NorVa, Elements and Artifacts has spread their wings beyond Newport News or Gloucester where it all began and have spread their social media all throughout the state. For more information, visit their social media listed to the right.

Album: Ordained All the World 3:30 Ordained 5:15 What I Am 3:48 Generator 3:40

Social Media Instagram: @elements&artifacts Facebook: @elementsandartifactsband Spotify: Elements and Artifacts

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Review: Why the snap matters

The ending of “Infinity War” has been recieved with incredible popularity and some undeserved criticizim regarding the deaths of many characters. BY DANIEL MOSAKEWICZ DANIEL.MOSAKEWICZ.18@CNU.EDU Since its release in late April, the ending of Marvel Studios’s “Infinity War” has become unbelievably popular, and of course, notoriously criticized. The main point of criticism is often that the deaths do not matter, as many of the passing characters were ones with already announced future titles, including prominent characters such as Spider-Man and Black Panther. Many say this clearly means these characters are not really dead, making the ending pointless and ineffective. I disagree, and instead will explain how it is not the deaths themselves that create “Infinity War” ’s amazing ending. Most people know that “Infinity War” is one of a two-part event, and logically conclude that the characters killed by Thanos’s snap will return. I completely agree - there is no way the future faces of the franchises are going to go out like that. How can I love the ending, then, if I know the dead will soon be back?

It's simple. Their deaths were a promise that they would come back. The directors, the Russo Brothers, know it, and know you know it. What is important now is how they are going to come back and how much will the remaining Avengers have to sacrifice to bring them back. It is not about the characters that are gone, but rather the ones that remain. Three key characters have lost the one thing they care about, and are willing to do anything to get them back. Let’s start with the most obvious example of Tony Stark (Iron Man). It is well established in the Marvel Universe, that Tony wants to protect Peter Parker (Spiderman). Tony sees a chance to be the father he never had to a boy who desperately needs guidance. Peter is Tony’s redemption, and his last test to prove himself greater than his demons and

his father. Peter, and all he represents have now literally turned to dust in Tony’s hands. If you know anything about Tony Stark, you know just how well desperation drives him, and it is pretty obvious that he will get Peter back, but at what cost? What does he have left that he hasn’t given up already? His pride is long gone, his dignity is destroyed and he may very well have to give his life too. Tony isn’t the only one facing this level of devastation. Steve Rogers (Captain America), just watched his childhood friend fade to dust before his eyes. We’ve already seen the absolutely insane things Steve will do for Bucky (Winter Soldier), so there is no doubt that this will bring out an intensity and fury we’ve never seen. Will this drive Steve to fight Thanos man to man, or to pull

“It is not about the characters that are gone, but rather the ones that remain”

out something even deeper and desperate? The last character I want to relate this idea to is Rocket Racoon. Two previous films, establish just how much Rocket cares for and needs the Guardians of the Galaxy. Without them (especially Groot) he has no family and certainly no other friends. Essentially, he has no purpose to go on. Now, post-snap, this darkest fear has come true. He has nothing. For a character like Rocket, who is reckless, fierce and volatile, this is just a recipe for desperation and an indicator that extreme measures are going to follow. So, if you think the ending of “Infinity War”, is boring, remember this: it was a promise. Of course those characters are coming back, but how many are we going to lose in the process? What are the remaining heroes going to have to sacrifice to get them back? I can promise that it will be quite a bit. If anything the stakes have never been higher, more personal, and more heartbreaking than before, and that makes a great movie. “Infinity War” is incredible, but with a set up as good as this, the next one has a very good chance at being even better.

Breaking down barriers and building up smiles Comedian John Poveromo performed his stand-up routine at Cozzy’s Comedy Club and Tavern and interviewed about the mutual enjoyment of comedy between audience and comedian.

Comedian John Poveromo begins his show at Cozzy’s Comedy Club and Tavern after three openers Saturday night. PHOTOS COURTESY OF KRISTEN ZICCARELLI BY KRISTEN ZICCARELLI KRISTEN.ZICCARELLI.17@CNU.EDU Perhaps one of the most obvious facts about comedy is that it makes people laugh. Not everyone has such a talent to appeal to a society with wide-ranging types of humor, but those that do can certainly make a name for themselves. Brooklyn-born comedian John Poveromo performed at Cozzy’s Comedy Club and Tavern Saturday night, with three opening acts and a crowd filling almost every free table and chair. The dimly lit crowd reflecting white t-shirts and shiny drinks drew contrast to the spotlighted stage, where Poveromo performed his stand-up routine, receiving many laughs throughout the night.

Poveromo’s act featured a little bit of every topic – social issues, relationships and some politics thrown in. However, he was quick to veer off course into his interactions with the audience, asking about their lives and making lighthearted fun of their responses. In an interview, Poveromo elaborated on the best topics for stand-up: “I genuinely tend to lean more towards social commentary, I love talking about relationships, friendships and how people interact in general, but human behavior is my favorite thing to talk about.” On Saturday night, Poveromo referred frequently back to his own life, but also brought in audience background and interests to personalize his comedy. For instance, he had a recurring joke about a man in the audience who mistakenly said his wife was also his sister. Poveromo immediately caught on to the

audience’s laughter at this joke and brought it back several times throughout the show. Since the first time he tried standup, Poveromo recognized how shows can be equally enjoyable for those in front and behind the spotlight. “We get a bunch of older people and younger people, a great mix of people, they’re all there to have a good time, we’re all there to have a blast,” Poveromo said. “I really do get like a little bit of a buzz from telling a joke and having an audience respond to it.” His technique and topic vary from audience to audience, but one of the most certain things is having a good time. “I always go on stage, have something new in my act, [and] I like to improvise a lot,” Poveromo said. “I like getting in front of a new audience and just like hav-

ing a good time, that’s my favorite part.” Although Poveromo’s was an active member of his performance, he says comedy is not always about having an audience – at least in the more traditional sense. Paraphrasing a quote from comedian Doug Stanhope, Poveromo says, “being a comedian isn’t always about getting on stage and making people laugh, it’s about making the cashier smile and crack up after having a bad day.” He cites this kind of exchange as one of the most rewarding parts of his career. “That’s the stuff I did when I was younger, working jobs and stuff that inspires me,” Poveromo said. “I like connecting with people and breaking down the norm.” From an early age, he knew stand-up comedy was one of his favorite things to do, especially in the place of majoring in English or Political Science for four years in college and racking up a lot of debt. “After my first year [in college], I wound up going, ‘I’d rather invest ten years of this, because by the time I’m 30 I’ll have ten years of experience at this job at this career and I think that's invaluable,” Poveromo said. During his career, Poveromo has had a few TV and radio experiences performing, as well as the opportunity to write for comedy or satirical shows that aired on live TV. He describes himself as “notoriously off the cuff,” with a certain amount of excitement “like the first day of school.” Hoping to continue and further his career as a comedian, Poveromo believes his more critical view of society can end up making a long-term difference beyond the amused reactions from a stand-up performance. “I think comedy is important because comedy tends to break down barriers between people,” Poveromo said. “Comedians change the culture and I don't know if people realize that.”



Stroll to the Polls gears up for another year

Take a look inside Alpha Phi Alpha’s Stroll to the Polls this year and get excited to make a difference this election season

The Upsilon Beta Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. starts the show off with a bang at last year’s Stroll to the Polls. PHOTO COURTESY OF BEN LEISTENSNIDER/CNU OCPR BY KAITLIN SANATA KAITLIN.SANATA.16@CNU.EDU

Fall semester is in full swing and clubs and organizations on campus

are gearing up for Stroll to the Polls, t h e a n n u a l s t r ol l d a n c i n g competition of the Upsilon Beta Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

The event encourages voter registration and participation in upcoming elections and voting in general, especially among college students.

Dainen Brass, a brother of the Upsilon Beta Chapter at CNU, revealed a little more about the history behind this event and what it means as a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. “Stroll to the Polls is an event for our national program, ‘A Voteless People is a Hopeless People,’” Brass says. “The goal is to get people inspired to go out and vote in the election season, which is very important this year.” Strolling is a type of line dance done in groups, first popularized in the 1950’s and now demonstrated at mo der n p a n hel len ic e vent s. Fraternities, sororities and other CNU organizations will be participating. The significance of this event was explained by Brass, who describes the night as a “celebration of voting.” “It’s such an important power in our society that many people try to restrict,” Brass says. “Celebrating it through dance and strolling and having this huge event where everybody can just come together and have fun.” According to Brass, the theme of this years Stroll to the Polls is ‘Invictus,’ which is based off of a poem written by Nelson Mandela in prison. Upon asking Brass what the poem means to the chapter, he recited their favorite line: “I’m the master of my fate, I’m the captain of my soul.”

Brass interprets the meaning of this line as a message of resiliency. “Despite what’s going on around you, you refuse to be stopped, you refuse to lay down to what society says or what life tells you it has to be like,” Brass says. The brothers of the Upsilon Beta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. have been pouring their hearts and souls into making this important event a success again this year. The brothers coach one or two teams, teaching them how to stroll and “polish up” their routines. The Stroll event involves multiple organizations on campus every year, w it h t he compet i n g ca mpu s organizations fundraising and encouraging other students to attend. Eight teams are working towards the title of “Stroll Champion” through fundraising for March of Dimes, social media and their performance on the Diamondstein stage later this month.

Stroll to the Polls will take place in the Diamonstein Concert Hall at 6 p.m. on October 20th. Tickets are $15, but $10 for voters with proof of registration.

Eating healthy on a college budget Trying to avoid (or get rid of) the dreaded Freshman 15? Eating healthy at the college dining hall does not have to be difficult BY ANNA DORL ANNA.DORL.17@CNU.EDU

Eating healthy in college can sometimes seem like a difficult and almost impossible task. When you have so many options available and no parents to breathe down your neck, saying things like, “should you really be eating that,” we tend to eat whatever we want. The fact is that not all students know how to keep themselves healthy while having access to all kinds of food. One good idea to save you money, as well as calories, is to check out your choices on campus. If you have a meal plan, CNU’s two dining halls offer a variety of healthy options. The Healthy Haven section can be found in both Regattas and the Commons, which are home to dishes that are a little better for you than many other choices. For example, try some of the grilled pineapple chicken as opposed to indulging in the temptation of Chicken Tender Tuesday. Vegetarian and vegan options can also be found here, as well as gluten free bread, cookies and other baked items. The

salad bars in each dining hall have different blends of lettuce and spinach, as well as a ton of different dressings and a variety of toppings such as fresh veggies, cheese, eggs, and meat. With so many choices, you’re sure to find something you like that isn’t just another slice of Regs pizza. Another tip you can utilize while attempting to eat healthier is to purchase healthier groceries. If money is tight (let’s face it, we’re college students – it probably is), places like Walmart and Food Lion are probably where you’re shopping for most of your groceries. Although your first thought may be to reach for the sugary cereal and ramen, which are undoubtedly cheap, easy and tasty options, remember that grocery stores have all kinds of food, and healthy choices are often easy to make. There are also health food specific stores such as Health Haven located by Village Thrift, as well as places like Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Lidl, a German grocery store chain, has a few locations in Newport News. One is just down the street from CNU. Because almost everything in there is Lidl’s own brand, their products are pretty

inexpensive, perfect for a college student’s budget. Explore the fresh produce section and pick out a fruit you’ve never tried before or get a bag of nuts or trail mix (splurge and get the kind with M&M’s if you want – you still have to treat yourself sometimes!) Many college students mindlessly reach for unhealthy snacks when stressed or bored, and those all add up eventually. Make sure you’re snacking smart. College kids tend to eat whatever they want whenever they want it, and we don’t always make the best choices. Swap out junk food for something that will be better fuel for your for your body, such as fruits, veggies, nuts. Buy one of those big plastic containers of peanuts or pecans in bulk from places like Costco – they’ll be cheaper and you’ll get more for your money. If you’re starving and need a snack in between back-to-back classes, save some money and some calories by avoiding vending machines in the academic buildings and keeping healthy snacks in your backpack instead, like a granola bar, a bag of baby carrots, or a banana. Carry a water bottle around with you and

The salad bar at Regattas has many healthy options. PHOTO BY ANNA DORL/THE CAPTAIN’S LOG take it to class; it’ll help curb hunger and keep you hydrated. Between juggling six different classes, on- and off-campus jobs and going to bed when the sun comes up, college can really take a toll on your health. Eating healthier helps feed your brain and your body and gives you the

nutrients you need, making it easier to focus and excel in the classroom and extracurriculars. It all really comes down to making small lifestyle choices that all add up to make a healthier and happier you. Anyone can do it, even a busy and broke college student.

W E D N E S D A Y, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | L I F E S T Y L E | A N N A D O R L | PA G E 1 5

Plant some happiness in your room Plants can liven up your dorm room and come in many varieties that even the most forgetful student will have a hard time killing BY MORGAN BARCLAY MORGAN.BARCLAY.15@CNU.EDU

If you’re anything like me, you know the last thing on your mind is taking care of plants. From work to clubs to school, I barely have enough time to feed myself let alone water an orchid. However, I recognize the wonderful benefits of owning plants. Here’s a list of college-student friendly plants that are both budget friendly and beautiful.


Epipremnum aureum Devil’s ivy, money plant, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, silver vine, taro vine-- this plant of many names has been around for forever is almost impossible to kill. Being able to grow in incredibly low light and being resistant to drought makes it is a dorm room must. Bonus: This plant is super easy to propagate. All you have to do is cut a vine and place it in water in front of a window and like magic you have two perfectly healthy pothos plants ready to trail down your window sill. DIFFICULTY: EASY WATERING: BIWEEKLY PRICE: $


Dracaena sanderiana Not actually bamboo at all, this member of the dracaena genus is so indestructible it can grow without dirt. Bonus, due to its fast growth you can shape it as it grows to create a living sculpture. The only drawback is it requires a good deal of sun to survive. DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM WATERING: CHANGE WATER MONTHLY PRICE:$


D. marginata A palm without the effort? This tropical and colorful plant is actually an evergreen able to grow in shade without much water, making it perfect for dorm rooms. Bonus, it’s relatively cheap and grows up to 13 ft as a houseplant.

Spathiphyllum Most flowering plants are delicate and vulnerable, but don’t tell peace lilies that. These sturdy plants are able to withstand mistreatment and bounce back. That said, they are sensitive to sun and require bright indirect sunlight, which can be difficult to come by in a dorm. However, if you’re willing to take the challenge peace lilies will more than please.





Zamioculcas A new plant to the houseplant game, these sturdy plants were first widely distributed in 1996. The plant is also known as the Zanzibar Gem, or the Welcome Plant. Their waxy dark green leaves create a striking shape and are able to withstand anything you could do to them. While they require pruning every once and while to ensure growth, their funky shape make the perfect decor. DIFFICULTY: EASY WATERING: ONCE A MONTH PRICE: $$$


Gynura aurantiaca Covered in tiny purple hairs, this plant feels like velvet and looks even funkier. Drought resistant and able to grow in medium light, this plant is the perfect way to bring living color to your room. Brighter lighting intensifies the purple in the leaves, making a more colorful addition to your dorm. DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM WATERING: BI-WEEKLY PRICE: $

(Top) One of Barclay’s pathos plants hangs in the window of her dorm. (Below, left) A Madagascar dragon tree. (Middle) A potted pathos plant sits next to a purple passion plant on a windowsill. (Right) A potted ZZ plant. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MORGAN BARCLAY/ THE CAPTAIN’S LOG

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 8 | PA G E 1 6

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