Minnesota Fall Issue 2 - 9/13/12

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bartender of the week josh blarney's Age: 23

Favorite musician: Chris Body

Bar: Blarney’s

Favorite bar: Blarney’s!

Major: working toward a master’s of liberal studies and legal theory.

Three wishes: That everyone would think more, love more, and laugh more.

Favorite drink: Rusty Nail

Worst thing overheard in the bar: “Blarney’s servers are hotter than the ones at the Library!”

Pet peeve: When students come barging into the bar demanding a drink right away; chill out. Hangover cure: I don’t actually drink.

Create a holiday: Blarney’s day, every Labor Day before school starts

Favorite quote: “Life’s a stage.” –Shakespeare

the drinking game


Recipe for Disaster

Nutter Butter French Toast

Forgive us, loyal boozers, for we have sinned. We’ve been so preoccupied with blacking out that we forgot about the pleasures of just casually drinking among friends. Do your liver a favor and try this one out.

Have you ever bit into a Nutter Butter and thought, “Wow, it doesn’t get any better than this!” Well think again, because we’re taking your favorite buttery nuts to the next level.

What You’ll Need: Beer and beer only. Number of Players: Four or more. Level of Intoxication: You’ll get a great buzz going, so even if your alcoholic self wants to go hard, this is a good way to pregame.

What You’ll Need: Bread, bananas, peanut butter, and butter. Cook Time: As long as it takes your ex to bust a nut, so like, 10 minutes. Fatty Factor: It’ll give you a little chub, that’s for sure!

How to Play: - Grab some beers and sit around a table. - Choose a broad category (like U.S. states, colors, Adam Sandler movies, etc.). - Going around the circle, each player must say a word that falls under the chosen category (for example, if “Adam Sandler movies” is the category, possible answers would be Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison). - If a player can’t think of an answer, they must drink their beer for five seconds. - If a player repeats an answer that was already said, the player must take a sip of beer along with the person who originally said the answer. - Once someone messes up, switch to a new category. The Game Ends When: The beer runs out, and everyone just wants to call it a night. We’re tired from being so glamorous, give us a break, uggo.

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Let’s Get Baked: - Beat eggs in a bowl. - Spread one tablespoon of peanut butter on top of each slice of bread. - Cut up your banana and spread the pieces across your peanut-buttered bread. - Put the pieces of bread together, making a peanut butter and banana sandwich. - Melt butter into a frying pan. - Dip your sandwich into the beaten eggs. - Place the sandwich on the heated pan and cook until both sides are brown. If you’re really trying to indulge, grab your two main squeezes, Aunt Jemima and Betty Crocker, and smother syrup and chocolate all over this delicacy.

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