Echoes Spring 2021

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The Magazine for Alumnae, Students, Families and Friends of The Baldwin School


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


DEI Work Underway at Baldwin





The Baldwin School is committed to the continuous growth and development of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Our community is a vibrant mix of cultures, people and perspectives, and we embrace each person as a unique individual, recognizing and celebrating our differences and similarities.


Editor: Lisa A. Algeo




We welcome letters regarding the contents of the magazine and/or issues pertaining to the school. Letters must be signed. The editor retains the right to edit at her discretion.



Design: Veronica Utz

Photo Credits: Abby Anthony, Jay Gorodetzer, Ivory Tree Portraits, Legacy Photography

All photographs are identified left to right unless otherwise noted.

Please send correspondence to: Lisa A. Algeo, Editor, Echoes The Baldwin School 701 Montgomery Ave. Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 For general alumnae requests or information, please contact the Office of Advancement and Alumnae Engagement: Laura Armstrong, Chief Development Officer or (610) 525-2700, x286



@baldwinschool @baldwinalumnae @marisaporges


Instagram @thebaldwinschoolathletics @marisaporges




@baldwinschool @marisaporges

Alumnae Group


ow exciting it was to welcome our Bears back to campus in September, exactly six months since the School was ordered to close campus last spring for what we thought was a two-week pause of in-person learning. Whether our students returned in person or online, the spirit of our Baldwin sisterhood and the sense of community that comes with being together was incredible. I know that our faculty and staff felt the same way. The 2020-2021 school year has been quite a journey. I am grateful for the unwavering efforts of our faculty and staff to help our students return to school and give them a sense of normalcy amidst a worldwide pandemic. These past months have been a testament to Baldwin’s resiliency, resourcefulness and commitment to our mission and each other. The re-opening of school was a Herculean effort on the part of many community members. I invite you to read all about it on pages 4-5 and, throughout this issue of Echoes, to see examples of how we creatively reimagined classes, co-curriculars, special events, traditions and more.

Our Cover Story provides an update on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work underway at Baldwin. This work reflects Baldwin’s commitment to building a space that allows our students to be empowered, validated, seen and heard and to celebrating our community, which is a wonderful mix of cultures, people and perspectives. We embrace each person as a unique individual, recognizing our differences and commonalities – and, as a school commmunity we stand against racism and acts of hate in any way, shape or form. This belief is central to our mission as educators committed to shaping young women prepared to make a lasting impact on the world. It reflects our core values of respect, honesty, compassion, responsibility and learning, our community's desire to continually do better and our belief that today's Baldwin girls are the future agents of change that will create a more just world for all. As you will see in this article, Baldwin’s work to support these values and beliefs includes a range of programs for students, faculty, staff, parents and alums, plus new initiatives focused on systemic change under the leadership of Ms. Stephanie Allen, who joined our Leadership Team as Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I am grateful to so many members of our community, including parents and alums from across the generations, who have partnered with us in these critical conversations. This issue of Echoes marks one year since Baldwin was ordered to close campus due to the pandemic. It provides a glimpse into all the ways that we have worked to meet the challenges facing our school community – from different modes of teaching and learning and COVID-related health and safety protocols to important conversations about race, equity and inclusion on campus and outside of Baldwin’s gates. I hope you join me in the shared sense of purpose and pride for all our community has done and will continue to do in support of Baldwin’s students and mission. Marisa Porges ’96, PhD Head of School Instagram: @MarisaPorges Twitter: @MarisaPorges




Although the Class of 2022 couldn’t hold their Ring Day last spring, as soon as campus reopened in the fall, this now-junior class celebrated this beloved tradition! With masks and social distancing, the Class of Blue reimagined this longstanding tradition and made it their own! The students celebrated with votive candles, individual pizzas and remarks from class officers and Head of School Dr. Marisa Porges '96. The Class of Blue made wishes for Baldwin and each other during this meaningful event.

13- and 14-Year Clubs Meet with Kindergarten Senior students in the 13- and 14-Year Clubs took it upon themselves to arrange a Zoom meeting with the Pre-K and Kindergarten students. The younger Bears were given a coloring page with a blank blazer on it. During the meeting, our seniors showed off their red blazers as the Pre-K and Kindergarten students colored their own blazers in their class color – Gold for Kindergarten and Purple for Pre-K.

2020 – 2021 Board of Trustees Baldwin’s Board of Trustees has been hard at work all year with virtual meetings. Members of the Board are: Patricia Weiser (P ’22, ’24), Chair; Brian Halak (P ’22, ’24), Vice Chair; Rachel Stern ’83, Vice Chair; Martha Ortiz (P ’16), Treasurer; Sejita Page (P ’19, ’22), Secretary; Tom Bachrach (P ’29, ’31); Amanda Bernard (P ’26); Darren Bramen (P ’22, ’23); Susanna Choo (P ’26, ’28), President, Parents' Association; Jennifer Cross (P ’23); Pontea Dixon ’98; Karen Doak ’01, President, National Board of Advisors; Mary DockrayMiller ’83; Peter Greenhalgh, Faculty Trustee; Fred Kountz (P ’29), Faculty Trustee; Stephanie Romeika La Nasa ’96 ; Crystal Jones Lucky ’82; John Pearlstein (P’21, ’24); Dr. Marisa Porges ’96, Head of School; Gene Pratter (P ’94); Nathan Raab (P ’30); Phil Rosenzweig (P ’22); Amy Sobel ’86; Kevin Steele (P ’22); Ricki Weisberg’98, President, Alumnae Association Executive Board; Julie Wollman ’77; Senior Trustee Samuel R. Scott (P ’96, ’98, ’00); and Honorary Trustees Rachel Funk Jenkins ’44 and Blair D. Stambaugh. NEW MEMBERS THIS YEAR:

Amanda Bernard (P ’26) studied political science at The London School of Economics and Social Science. She previously worked for Newsweek International and BBC News. Occasionally, Amanda will work as a consultant, primarily on briefings and speech writing. Darren Bramen (P ’22, ’24) is an investment officer at Veritable, LP with a strong background in finance and taxation. He graduated with an MBA in Finance from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and holds a BA in Business Economics from the University of California. Susanna Choo (P ’26, ’28) is the 2020-2021 Baldwin School Parent Association President. Her professional life has focused on underserved communities while actively advocating for equity and excellence in those communities. She holds a BA from Boston College, MA from Columbia University’s Teacher’s College and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in Quantitative Methods and Education Policy.



Pontea Fazeli Dixon ’98 is a director on the Investment Grade (IG) Credit Sales desk at Wells Fargo Securities. She actively participates in recruiting and mentoring efforts for Wells Fargo and was appointed as co-head of WomenGoFar, the firm’s Women’s Network. Pontea earned a BA in Economics from Cornell University’s College of Arts and Science in 2002, where she was a member of the Women’s Lacrosse Team.

on the court, Gene was a partner in and General Counsel of the law firm of Duane Morris LLP. A 1975 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a graduate of Stanford University, she is a member of the American Bar Association’s Litigation Section and the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Committees on Professional Responsibility and Professional Guidance.

Fred Kountz (P ’29) is a faculty trustee and has worked at Baldwin for nine years. He is currently the Upper School Dean of Students and a 10th grade history teacher. Fred served with distinction in the United States Army (Reserve Component) as a Cavalry Platoon Leader and Executive Officer. He holds a BA and MA in History from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.

Nathan K. Raab (P ’30) is the president of The Raab Collection, LLC and a consultant on historical manuscripts for major private and public sector organizations. He is also the author of the nonfiction narrative, The Hunt for History (Scribner, 2020). He has handled the collections of several American historical families, including Thomas Jefferson, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gerald Ford and F. Scott Fitzgerald. He holds a BA in French and International Relations from The University of Pennsylvania, having previously attended the Haverford School ('96).

Gene Pratter (P ’94) became a federal district court judge in the Eastern District of PA in 2004. Before serving


Class of 2021 Legacy Students Receive Pins Each year at Baldwin, it is a wonderful tradition for families to celebrate their Baldwin legacy. Thirteen members of the Class of 2021 honored this special bond with family members who also attended Baldwin. Although they weren’t able to gather together this year, Baldwin mailed special legacy pins to each senior. The senior legacy students and family members are (pictured left to right and top to bottom): Rani Bleznak (sister Simi Bleznak ’19); Christina Cappola (sisters Katherine Cappola ’19 and Alexandra Cappola ’24); Abigail Dubinski (sister Hannah Dubinski ’18); Elina Emami (sister Armina Emami ’20, cousins Laila Ahmadinejad ’97, Tara Ahmadinejad ’03 and Tina Ahmadinejad ’02); Isabelle Hagino (sister Melia Hagino ’18); Kristen June (sister Sarah June ’10); Sarah Kait (sister Julia Kait ’19); Isabelle Kauffman (mother Stacy Katchman ’83); Theresa Kay (mother Alyssa Kay ’87, sister Christa Kay ’23 and aunt Christa Fabiani ’79); Taylor Levinson (cousins Kathleen McMahon ’22 and Tara McMahon ’18); Tessa Pearlstein (sister Joelle Pearlstein ’24 and cousin Lily Simon ’07); Lexington Smith (sister Haley Smith ’18); and Skylar Zachian (sister Rachel Zachian ’15).


Throughout the year, the Baldwin School Parents’ Association (BSPA) has been reimagining ways to thank teachers and staff, to fundraise and to sync-up with our Baldwin community during these virtual-laden times. Their mantra for the year has been "Together In Heart, In-person or Apart." In this spirit, they planned numerous all-school events including a Halloween pumpkin painting and sale, a Fall Survival Basket raffle and an all-division online Scholastic Book Fair complete with a virtual fireside reading with Head of School Dr. Marisa Porges ’96. The BSPA also sponsored a fun virtual “Do It Yourself” pizza party for Lower School fathers and daughters. The group has also reimagined their largest parent-driven Michael Buglia participates in the "Do It Yourself" pizza party with daughters Olivia ’33 and Ella ’31. fundraiser, the Community Auction and Dinner. This year, parents can participate in the MasterSeries@ TheBaldwinSchool - a virtual, four-event series ALUMNAE: UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION offering attendees a rare and up-close entertaining Have you moved recently? Have a new email or phone number? Visit Baldwin’s website experience with subject matter experts. at to update your contact information. SPRING 2021 ECHOES


RE-OPENINGBALDWIN IN SUPPORT OF FACULTY, STAFF AND STUDENTS Baldwin made sure there was plenty of support in place to begin and continue a successful school year:  540 hours of faculty development time to help start school with new virtual learning options

Re-Opening Baldwin Amidst a Global Pandemic Baldwin was thrilled to welcome its students back

 1,256 COVID-19 tests administered to students, faculty and staff prior to the beginning of in-person learning in September and January, after winter break

to campus this fall, offering in-person learning for

 Baldwin community members committed to safe and healthy practices both at school and in daily life using our “Claws Up” Compact

hours, while also offering virtual learning options.

 Contracted with Magnus Health to provide a COVID-19 symptom assessment tool that collects data each morning from students, faculty and staff via a mobile app to verify they are cleared to come to campus  Reimbursement for child care support for faculty and staff  One-time bonus for faculty and staff who teach and work in person  PPE stipend provided to all faculty and staff

all students, five days a week for normal school day

Baldwin’s Back-to-School Task Force, comprised of leadership team members, trustees, faculty and other key stakeholders, worked all summer to develop a comprehensive and successful return strategy. It became clear that Baldwin had numerous advantages, including a purposefully small student body, a relatively large campus space and the renowned expertise, creativity and adaptability of our faculty and staff.

 Extra paid time off and flexible schedules for faculty  Complimentary boxed lunch for faculty  25 new division-specific substitutes and nonteaching assistants hired to support faculty, staff and students  Creation of a new Wellness Team, including an extra nurse and a Wellness Coordinator.  Coffee, pizza, sweets and more provided by families and trustees for our faculty  350 Head of School coffees delivered to teachers  Monthly all-school, student-centered communitybuilding events  8 special deliveries to online learners

Baldwin’s Pandemic Task Force developed a robust Health and Safety Plan that helped create a safe learning environment. Classrooms were spread across all campus spaces, including in the Residence, Dining Room and Assembly Room, as well as outdoors. Inside every building and around every corner, the changes are evident – handwashing stations, ventilation fans, open windows and doors, safety signage, tents and outdoor furnishings.

TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES Upgraded the Comcast service across campus from


Ensured that all students had a personal device

2G to 3G to support faster network speeds and increased bandwidth indoors and outdoors



Wi-Fi hotspots for outdoor teaching

Upgraded the internet firewall to allow for more robust monitoring and increased security on the campus network

RE-OPENINGBALDWIN PHYSICAL CAMPUS UPDATES Baldwin’s maintenance team went above and beyond in the summer and during the school year to ensure the community could learn safely both inside and outdoors. Examples of facilities-related work this year includes:  35 handwashing stations installed  Expanded cleaning staff  Added 100+ hand sanitizer stations across campus  Converted all restroom faucets to touchless faucets  Ensured operation of all bottle-filling stations and removed all water fountains  70+ window fans installed to increase circulation of outside air inside classrooms The transformation continued online as well, where new technology and new approaches to teaching

 45 offices and common spaces converted to classroom space

were implemented to keep all students engaged in

 110 desks built to temporarily replace Harkness tables and help maximize social distancing

learning and connected with their Baldwin sisters.

 1,050 social distancing stickers installed around campus

Using webcams, headset microphones, digital whiteboards and countless other online tools and programs, Baldwin brought together teachers and students in both physical and virtual spaces.

 500 camp chairs purchased for outdoor lunch and classes  4 heating units installed for outdoor classroom spaces  25 portable tents installed for outdoor learning and lunch  7 sheds constructed to store chairs and tents

The entire Baldwin community has made this most extraordinary school year possible. Our faculty and staff’s dedication and willingness to try new things, alongside the adaptability and resilience of our students on campus and at home, and the commitment of our families to support new protocols and procedures, is truly what has made school feel like Baldwin.

 500+ sq. ft of plexiglass purchased to create guards at all reception areas  575 tri-fold desk shields purchased for students to use when eating lunch inside  HVAC system upgraded to automatically circulate outside air into each room directly at the highest possible levels  Increased system filtration by using highest MERV filters compatible with each HVAC unit  Installed UV light filters into HVAC systems where feasible

Baldwin’s Tech Team was busy all summer preparing the campus with many technological upgrades to meet the increased needs of teaching and learning this school year. Upgraded and expanded the wireless network across the campus by installing

38 new wireless access points that are designed for high-performance and high-density

flat screen monitors installed

voice amplifiers purchased for teachers webcams purchased for faculty and classrooms





One of the trademarks of The Baldwin School is a commitment to the future that is informed by an appreciation for the past. The latest capital project the School has undertaken is a perfect demonstration of this viewpoint. The pool that so many Baldwin alumnae remember fondly will be transformed into an interdisciplinary hub that will give students an edge in the 21st century job market - and it is being made possible by an alumna who is part of the rich history of Baldwin’s first 100 years.



Lead Donation by a Baldwin Alumna Makes an Exciting New Project a Reality

Sally Warehime Yelland ’54 is excited to provide the lead gift that will allow construction of the Innovation Center to begin this summer. Over the past several years, she has been inspired by the strength of the School’s strategic vision and for the bold leadership of Head of School Dr. Marisa Porges ’96. “I am very proud of the accomplishments and opportunities for women occurring today. Very few women in our mothers' generation worked outside the home, and today the majority of our daughters have amazing careers. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to own a business and enjoyed working with our employees, who were proud of their craftsmanship,” Sally reflects. “I feel an immense sense of gratitude for the education and experience I received at Baldwin, so I am thrilled to support this exciting new academic space for today’s Baldwin students and look forward to all they will achieve!” A building dedicated to the tangible, hands-on work of interdisciplinary learning will be a significant step forward for Baldwin’s Strategic Vision, which reimagines the School’s curriculum with a focus on problem-solving, creativity, teamwork and adaptability. These

emphasis on flexibility to allow for every phase of project creation – from brainstorming and design to construction and presentation. Ample power sources, large sinks, fabrication tools, natural light and modular seating are among the key features that will facilitate the interdisciplinary learning. “The Innovation Center will be a modern, flexible and collaborative space for students in every grade and division to meet and work together,” said Jenny Cross (P ’23), Chair of the Board of Trustees’ Building and Grounds Committee. “This facility will ensure that we can achieve our vision of authentic, interdisciplinary project-based learning, which is so important to the future of our Baldwin girls.”

skills will be honed in a building designed specifically for different classes and grades to work together on projects they can see through from conception to completion. Transforming this space will restore the “old pool” building as a central point in the campus landscape, highlighting a beautiful courtyard space where faculty look forward to holding outdoor classes. With interdisciplinary programs in mind, faculty have weighed in on the plans for the development, with

School administration has been working with faculty, staff and parent volunteers and a top architectural team at Voith & Mactavish Architects to help design this space. To ensure this endeavor follows best practices, members of the School team visited peer independent schools to view recent similar constructions, and reviewed trends in creative mixedlearning spaces at top colleges and universities. Construction of the Innovation Center will begin this summer, with the grand opening planned for the winter of 2022.




Baldwin’s Grade 7 students studied the history of the earth and how the fossil record contributes to our knowledge of the past. They participated in a "make your own fossil" lab, which helped to explore what organisms create/have created good fossils throughout time and which organisms scientists know very little about because their features require such precise conditions to become fossilized. In the DREAM Lab, Grade 7 students learned about the IoT and vulnerabilities, malware, phishing, databases (SQL), encryption/ decryption/cryptography and more. Dr. Thomas Heverin (P ’26), Professor at Drexel University and Cybersecurity Systems Engineer supporting the U.S. Navy, zoomed live with the students to show them how to find vulnerabilities around the world using real-life, hands-on experiences. 8

Middle School Has Experiential Learning Day

This winter, Grade 6 - 8 students participated in a Middle School Experiential Learning Day, where online and on-campus students had fun and engaging sessions where they learned a new skill, made a craft or created a project. This opportunity allowed all students to get to know other classmates and teachers with similar interests and curiosities. Some of the sessions included creating video game music, making origami, bullet journaling, doing improv, participating in applied game theory and identifying personal goals and dreams for 2021 through a digital vision board.

17 Baldwin Seniors Honored by National Merit Program Baldwin is proud to announce that 17 students from its senior class have been recognized by the National Merit® Scholarship Program. Seven Baldwin students have been named Semifinalists: Christina Cappola, Samantha Eill, Sanae Hagino, Isabelle Lee, Diane Tian, Alice Zehner and Jessica Zhu; and 10 students have been named Commended Students: Hana Ahanger, Rhea Jain, Isabelle Kauffman, Taylor Levinson, Iris Li, Ava Olson, Layla Siahatgar, Maggie Song, Bella Xia and Bethany Xu.




Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Shelby Justl, a member of the Penn Museum’s International Program, met with our Grade 5 students to discuss everyday life in ancient Egypt, recent discoveries and experimental archaeology – a method of understanding and recreating the past by attempting these practices from ancient records. To conclude the unit, students presented their work during a Lower School assembly, which included CoSpaces coded and designed in the DREAM Lab to complement their research papers.


Sonia Scott ’28 and Vanessa Von Dulm ’28 worked together on a CoSpace scavenger hunt about Cleopatra’s life.

Joyce Chen ’28 and Charlotte Lawton ’28 created their CoSpace focusing on King Tut and Queen Nefertiti.

ACADEMICS Grade 11 Creates Personal Statements

After reading Elizabeth Acevedo’s The Poet X, the story of a high school student who uses personal writing and English class assignments to take charge and make sense of her life and world, 11th grade Baldwin students wrote personal statements of their own. Students chose from among the prompts that inspired Xiomara in The Poet X. They then turned their statements into videos, shared across the grade level, as a way to have their own voices heard.


(Top row) Josie Stockett '22, Nahla Yankowy '22, (Bottom row) Sienna Curley '22 and Sophie Cai '22 share their personal statements.

Grade 3 Uses TinkerCAD to Create, Connect Grade 3 DREAM Lab students celebrated Halloween by creating monsters and then modeling them to scale in 3D using TinkerCAD. Students wrote a descriptive paragraph about their monster using language that explained the scale and shape of the monster's features relative to the size and shape of their monster's body. Then, they swapped descriptive paragraphs with a classmate, who was asked to draw and model their "swap monster" using only the description in the paragraph. Meanwhile, Computer Science Department Chair and Lower School DREAM Lab Teacher Stephanie Greer posted a call for volunteers on social media, reaching out to friends, former students, former and current colleagues, teammates and family. The volunteers received the monster descriptions and drew their own version. On the final day of the unit, the students were surprised with a presentation of all the artwork compiled. What started as an activity within the walls of two third grade classrooms managed to find its way across the state, country and beyond in less than a week! Drawings were sent from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Vermont, Massachusetts, Colorado and California, as well as some from Greece and Croatia! The volunteer artists’ ages ranged from 4 - 80! This project was a beautiful reminder of how we can be connected even as we work to stay Elise Markle '30 created Cara, a peaceful and calm monster. apart and safe.


Baldwin students took part in the Draw-the-Lines Mapping competition, which challenged citizens to draw their own congressional maps of Pennsylvania. Madison Brown '21 was named the state champion in the high school division, winning the competition's top prize and praise for her "exemplary civic engagement." Isabelle Kauffman '21 took first place in the Eastern Region with her map and personal statement that stressed "modesty and acceptance of imperfection." Elise Kait '21 was awarded an Honorable Mention for a record-setting map that achieved the lowest population equivalence in the competition's history. Shania Mundy '22 won an Honorable Mention for her map that focused on compactness. Thea Rosenzweig '22 won an Honorable Mention for her entry and "outstanding personal statement."

Madison Brown '21

Isabelle Kauffman '21

Elise Kait '21

Shania Mundy '22

Thea Rosenzweig '22

Over the summer, sophomore Lisa Evans created an Amazon Alexa skill that predicts a person's COVID-19 individual risk of hospitalization, need for intensive care unit (ICU) services or fatality, based on their age, sex and pre-existing medical conditions. She used a personalized COVID-19 prediction model calculation created by the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) community. The Alexa skill interacts with the person to ask them a few questions that they can answer verbally and then it tells them their predicted COVID-19 outcome risks. She presented the skill at the 2020 OHDSI Global Symposium. Lisa’s Alexa skill has been certified by Amazon, with the full support of the OHDSI community, and it can be used by anyone with an Alexa device in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia or India. Just say "Alexa open odyssey evidence" to start the Alexa skill.




In jewelry class, students learn the foundational skills for making individually designed pieces of jewelry. The basics of metalsmithing (cutting metal with a saw and soldering with a heat torch) are emphasized. After mastering the basics, students go on to more complex, personalized work with different metals and materials.

Jenny Staple ’00 Holds Grade 6 Art Project Night The Baldwin School Parents’ Association sponsored a Grade 6 Art Project Night with alumna Jenny Staple ’00. As 29 sixth graders drew self-portraits in their blue blazers, Jenny told stories of her time at Baldwin and encouraged the students to lean into this school community.

Upper School Art: Other Rooms, Other Methods Kyndall Brown ’22 hand sawed Plexi and brass metal to make a key chain.

For the first time in perhaps ever, the Upper School Art classes are not being held in the beloved studios. But with displacement comes creativity, so the art classes are reinventing what an art class can be. Even some of our virtual learners set up home art studios to continue their creative classes.

ABOVE: “Art and Philosophy: Play the Cards You are Dealt, Realist vs. Idealist,” by Shania Mundy ’22 Bella Gormley ’23 hand sawed brass metal into a pattern of her choosing and then added color to the spaces using colored epoxy.

LEFT: Gabbi Reiser ’24 created a collage titled “The Art in Reading: Poetics of Vision.”

Victoria Patton ’22 hand sawed an image from “Alice in Wonderland.”

Elise Kait ’21 created a photomontage called “The Art of Walking: My World Reimagined.” Rhea Jain ’21 created a beautiful bracelet using hand sawed metal and colored epoxy.



ARTS Lower School Explores Various Art Forms This fall, our Pre-Kindergarten gained an understanding of how emotions play into artmaking as they created abstract paintings based on feelings using different types of line and color. Grade 1 was introduced to the theory of color. Students mixed primary colors to create secondary colors. Essentially, students explored the interaction between


colors as well as learned to understand the layout and order of colors on the color wheel. Grade 2 students explored the life and artwork of Henri Matisse through animated stories before learning to better understand the media of collage. They used geometric and organic shapes, positive and negative space and repetition to create artwork. Grade 3 students learned about Alberto Giacometti and created Giacometti figure drawings with glue. They also used kitchen foil to create a sculpture inspired by Giacometti’s bronze figures. Along with other materials, they turned flat, delicate kitchen foil into sculptures of people, inspired by the textured figures that Giacometti created. Grade 4 created a booklet project illustrating art elements such as line, color, shape, space and value. Each student chose a symbol, letter, object or silhouette to interpret and illustrate examples of these elements on each page.

MS Students Collaborate on a Community Hive Art students in Middle School

were prompted to reflect on the people they are grateful for in their community and the roles that help their communities thrive. Each student designed a hexagon cell to pay tribute to a person or role. Each hexagon came together and was displayed in a large class-wide collaborative honeycomb. In the way that honeybees all work together to create their thriving honeycomb, the students’ collaborative honeycomb display represented all the people in the community who are valued and respected.

Daria Scharf ’25 gave us a glimpse into a day in her life during quarantine.

After being separated all spring, Baldwin’s Middle School students returned in the fall to create their first art project, a dimensional self-portrait. Students first used Google slides to design a scene from inside or outside their houses to reflect their solitary time under quarantine. Students recreated these designs as a three-dimensional scene that is revealed through a window frame. Their scenes served as a symbolic representation of a day in their lives. SPRING 2021 ECHOES



Thirteen student athletes earned the U.S. Squash Scholar Athlete Award this year: Saachi Singh ’20 (four-year scholar athlete) Meghna Sreedhar ’20 (four-year scholar athlete) Aleezah Burhan ’21 Rhea Jain ’21 Theresa Kay ’21 Grace Lavin ’21 Isabelle Lee ’21 Sydney Bramen ’22 Sophia Lee ’22 Devon Shatzman ’22 Christa Kay ’23 Catherine Li ’23 Eugenia Li ’23 They are in select company as only 391 student athletes in the country earned this incredible distinction.

Senior Anajah Brown signed her NCAA National Letter of Intent to play basketball with Division 1 Siena College. Anajah is a 1,000-point scorer, Baldwin basketball captain, 2nd Team All-State and a 1st Team All-League and Main Line player.


Izzy Antanavicius ’22 Ranked No. 1 Player Izzy Antanavicius '22 was ranked the No. 1 player for the 16-year-old age group in the United States Tennis Association Middle States section, which consists of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia. This is the highest ranking she has ever achieved. Izzy is Baldwin’s No. 1 tennis singles player, the 2019 Inter-Ac League singles champion and the 2021 Baldwin team captain.

Awarded every spring for the previous academic year, the varsity soccer team was recognized by the United Soccer Coaches organization with the 2019-20 High School Team Academic Award. The varsity soccer team was one of 312 teams (178 girls, 134 boys) from throughout the United States to earn the Team Academic Award for exemplary performance in the classroom as a team during the 2019-20 academic year. This is the fifth consecutive year the program received this honor. Additionally, Baldwin was the only team in the Inter-Ac League to earn the award. Baldwin varsity soccer had a 3.6 GPA for the 2019-2020 school year. 12



In mid-November, Baldwin celebrated the senior fall athletes in cross country, field hockey, soccer, tennis and volleyball. Although it was an unprecedented season that focused mostly on conditioning and intra-squad competition, the teams did compete against Agnes Irwin.

Upper Right: Taylor Levinson '21 dribbles with poise under pressure from Zoe Levine '24. Left: Maya Murray '21 carefully watches Olivia Stratton '21 set the ball. Middle: Alysia Copeland '23 prepares to block a pass from Ashling O'Dwyer '21. Lower Right: Abigail Dubinski '21 concentrates on her backhand.

PGA Championship Last summer, sophomore Megan Adelman won the Girls 1618 Division PGA Championship via a three-hole sudden death playoff. Megan shot an 80 (+9), which included an impressive birdie on the 17th hole. Megan’s victory propelled her to finish 2nd overall in the girls 16-18 division for The 2019-2020 Player of the Year rankings for the Philadelphia PGA Junior Tour. Megan is the captain of Baldwin's golf team, the sophomore representative for the Baldwin Athletic Association and also plays varsity soccer and basketball.


Former Baldwin soccer players Lauren Bracken '19 (Dickinson College, top), Celia Page '19 (Haverford College, middle) and Rachel White '18 (Haverford College, bottom) all made the 2020 Centennial Conference Fall Sports Academic Honor Roll. Each student earned a cumulative GPA of 3.40 or higher.

Junior Anya Mostek has been named a 2020 U.S.A. Swimming Scholastic All-American. In a competition year shortened by the COVID-19 pandemic, there were 1,087 swimmers whose efforts in the classroom and in the pool successfully earned them the title of Scholastic All-American. The honor is given to 9-12th grade students who maintain a minimum 3.5 grade point average and have swum an individual pool time equal to or faster than the 2019 Winter Junior qualifying time in any individual event from Aug. 16, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020. In addition, Anya competed at the 2020 Bill Schmidt Meet at the Graham Aquatic Center in York, PA and was highlighted, with the review stating, “16-year-old Anya Mostek, an uncommitted high school junior, swam a pair of best times in the 100- and 200-yard freestyles. On day 1 of the meet, in the 200 free, she swam 1:51.36. That knocked half-a second off her previous best time, which was set in North Carolina in August shortly after meets resumed. She followed that swim with a best time in the 100 free of 51.29, shaving .13 seconds off her previous fastest time. She also won the girls’ 200 back in 2:00.39, finished 4th in the 50 free in 24.28, won the 100 back in 55.50 and finished 4th in the 200 breast in 2:22.33.”



FACULTY PUBLISHED Head of School Dr. Marisa Porges ’96 has been featured in numerous publications and podcasts to discuss her book What Girls Need: How to Raise Bold, Courageous and Resilient Women. She interviewed with Main Line Suburban Life, Forbes, WNPR, Cheddar TV, The Jenny McCarthy Show on SiriusXM, Wharton Business Radio and Kansas Public Radio, to name just a few. Computer Science and Engineering Teacher Dr. Debora Lui coauthored the article "Communicating about computational thinking: understanding affordances of portfolios for assessing high school students’ computational thinking and participation practices," which was published in the January 2021 academic research journal Computer Science Education. It came out of a research project funded by the National Science Foundation and partnership with the Exploring Computer Science initiative. 14

Reed Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching: Named in honor of Marjorie Lindsay Reed ’39, this award provides funds to further enhance a faculty member’s role in the classroom. Both Math Teacher Harvey Campbell and Computer Science Chair and Lower School DREAM Lab® Teacher Stephanie Greer were the 2020 recipients, recognized at the All-School Winter Assembly in December. Harvey hopes to eventually visit Greece, one of the birthplaces of mathematics. Stephanie hopes to attend an immersive adult learning workshop at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, which offers programs in blacksmithing, clay, fibers, glass, graphics, metals and wood. The Agnes and Sophie Dallas Irwin Fund: This fund aims to enrich a teacher’s life and was awarded to English Department Chair Melissa Sullivan, Art Teacher Janice Wilke and Kindergarten Teacher Carol Zortman. All three hope to use the funds for travel in the future, including a trip to Scotland for Janice to study the Scottish Colorist painters. Anne C. Shoemaker Fund: This fund is to be used for personal enrichment or refreshment of self and spirit. This year’s award went to MS DREAM Lab® Coordinator Addison Lilholt and Receptionist and Transportation Coordinator Crystal Johnson, who hopes to soon use the grant for travel. Addison used his grant to purchase a large-scale 3D printer. It made an appearance (in the background) this fall during Baldwin Wired 2.0 and he anticipates it will actually help print big student projects moving forward. Addison’s young daughter gets excited anytime he uses the printer, and he looks forward to when she is old enough to begin printing her own designs. Friends of Ruth Fiesel Fund: Established to enrich a teacher’s intellectual or cultural life, this year’s award went to English Teacher Alex Greco. She will apply the funds to a local indigenous creator-led workshop for her Creative Writing students this semester or she will use them to create a more robust elective next spring Baldwin Benefits Fund: Established in 1991 by the Parents' Association, these awards are given for curriculum development or enhancements. Awardees included MS/US Counselor Liz Koster and School Nurse Doreen Jones, Kindergarten Teacher Alison Hassenplug (P ’34) and English Department Chair Melissa Sullivan. Liz and Doreen will use the grant to enhance the health and wellness curriculum for Grades 5, 7 and 10, as well as to identify areas for future interdisciplinary learning with a curriculum designed to cultivate appreciation and respect for one’s own body as well as an ability to embrace the beauty


FACULTY in diversity. Alison used the grant money to update her Kindergarten classroom, making it more fluid and predictable for students, streamlining the organization to make it easier for little minds to navigate. She also updated her classroom library to ensure it offers diverse authors, characters, storylines and experiences. Melissa used the grant to conduct research on reading development to help foster more robust conversations about Baldwin’s Pre-K - Grade 12 English and Language Arts curriculum. This work included taking a class with the Reading and Writing Project at Columbia's Teachers College. She’s looking forward to building on this work in collaboration with her colleagues. The William H. Simon, MD Faculty Enrichment Award in Science and the Humanities: This award allows a teacher to explore a subject that combines a topic in science with one in the humanities and was awarded to Science Department Chair Maggie Epstein (P ’26, ’31) and English Teacher Terri Wiley. They used the grant money to purchase books and have regular meetings over the summer to refine their environmental justice project. This spring, students will be examining environmental issues around the globe and relating them to the cultures and stories of the people affected. The goal is for students to utilize their science, communication and critical thinking skills to support a solution that highlights equity and focuses on the environmental work of indigenous and ethnic communities. The Blair D. Stambaugh Award for Student and Faculty Enrichment: Supporting collaborative innovation and enrichment, this award went to Upper School History Teacher and Grade 10 Dean Athan Biss (P ’34) who is planning a Moot Court tournament at Baldwin. Trustee Recognition Award: In recognition of their service to Baldwin, Science Teacher Jeff Goldader, Lower School Library Media Specialist Emily Woodward (P ’29) and Computer Science Chair and Lower School DREAM Lab® Teacher Stephanie Greer were presented with this award. The Lois Pressman Sabbatical Fund: This fund allows faculty members to pursue new knowledge in a way that will be personally enriching and will have a direct, beneficial impact on students. This year’s recipient was Director of Libraries Lauren Friedman-Way. Lauren plans to use the grant to attend Villanova University's Teacher Leadership Program in order to augment her own professional growth in educational and leadership practices.

PRESENTED MS Spanish Teacher and Grade 7 Dean Gabbie ÁlvarezSpychalski (P ’20, ’27) and Kerry Kettering-Goens (The Haverford School) presented "Colorism in the Latinx Community" at the National Association of Independent Schools 2020 People of Color Conference in November. Gabbie also was a guest speaker at Northwood Academy Charter School, where she created a presentation for students in Grades 5 - 8 on the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion terms and common language. Co-Director of College Counseling Suzi Nam participated on a panel titled “Glowing Up in 2021: Finding Your Professional Path,” which was sponsored by Collegewise, an international educational college counseling consulting company, and addressed career paths in education. Suzi was also named a presenter and facilitator for the National Association for College Admission Counseling's first ever Anti-Racist Education Institute. She facilitated discussions around how to implement appropriate anti-racist practices and strategies within offices of admissions and college counseling. She also helped professionals with their work with students to eliminate bias when advising or considering students for college admission. Enrollment Assistant Lauren Forbes (P ’25), Director of Libraries Lauren FriedmanWay, English Teacher Alex Greco and Lower School Library and Media Specialist Emily Woodward (P ’29) presented at the National Coalition of Girls' Schools virtual conference on February 2. Their session, "Bringing BARWE to Your School," introduced the audience to BARWE (Building Anti-Racist White Educators) and provided steps for adopting it into their own educational communities. SPRING 2021 ECHOES


The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Work Underway at Baldwin The Baldwin School is committed to the continuous growth and development of our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. This work strengthens our community as home to a vibrant mix of cultures, people and perspectives, where we embrace each person as a unique individual, recognizing and celebrating our differences and similarities.

Over the last year, Baldwin has reaffirmed its commitment to addressing the needs of all of our students, recognizing the experiences specific to our Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) community members and nurturing a healthy, safe and inclusive educational environment. All of our DEI initiatives aim to foster and model respectful engagement and open dialogue. Thoughtful DEI programming, throughout the year and for all of our constituents, helps ensure that every student is seen, heard and supported. The below details some work underway to advance this goal.




and I’ve enjoyed meeting the

Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

girls and their families, actively listening and being a resource to the community. I believe that education and discourse surrounding DEI are important to the holistic development of students, and I look forward to all that we can achieve together.”

In August 2020, Baldwin announced the hiring of

Already this school year,

Stephanie R. Allen, M.S., who

Stephanie has launched new DEI

joined the Leadership Team as

programming and curriculum

Director of Diversity, Equity

initiatives, led assessment and

and Inclusion. Stephanie brings

strategy-setting work and

the experience and expertise

introduced a bias reporting

critical to leading our DEI

system. Throughout, she is

efforts, with extensive service

partnering with Baldwin’s

in this area within secondary

established DEI committee,

schools and higher education.

a faculty and staff group

Stephanie earned her B.A.

representing all three divisions

in Communications Studies

that continues to be central in

and her M.S. in Counselor

advancing DEI conversations

Education/Higher Education and Student Affairs from West Chester University, and will

STEPHANIE R. ALLEN, M.S. Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

and learning across the School.

soon complete her Doctorate of Education at Widener University. Most recently, Stephanie served as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Immaculata University. Prior to that, she spent almost 10 years supporting multicultural efforts at West Chester University, including as Assistant Director of Multicultural Student Recruitment and Community Outreach.

I believe that education and discourse surrounding DEI are important to the holistic development of students, and

“Working in higher education afforded me the opportunity to grow as a scholar and apply literature to my ongoing work. I have a great appreciation for

I look forward to all that we can achieve together.

student development and how it unfolds at all age levels,” she says. “I am excited to be here at Baldwin,



Efforts to recruit and retain


Faculty and Staff Professional Development

faculty and staff with diverse backgrounds are central to our goal of ensuring that teachers and other adult leaders at Baldwin reflect the

Efforts to recruit and retain faculty and staff with diverse backgrounds are central to our goal of ensuring that teachers and other adult leaders at Baldwin

diversity of our student body and the world.

reflect the diversity of our student body and the world. Professional development is also an essential part of Baldwin’s DEI work. (Building Anti-Racist White Educators) group, where Each year, Baldwin faculty and staff attend numerous local, regional and national DEI conferences, including the renowned National Association of Independent Schools' People of Color Conference. This year, we expanded our professional development programs

community members meet monthly to discuss how to build anti-racist systems in our school context to fully nurture the social, emotional and academic well-being of all our students and support the professional wellbeing of colleagues.

by partnering with Lion’s Story, a racial literacy program based on the work of Dr. Howard Stevenson, the Executive Director of the Racial Empowerment Collaborative at the University of Pennsylvania and a renowned expert on negotiating racial conflict and racial literacy in schools. Since June 2020, we have been working with Lion’s Story to provide regular


Student Programs and Curricula

workshops for all faculty and staff, programming for our Board of Trustees and a full year of mandatory training on DEI topics including bias, micro and macro

We have also focused this year on enhancing student-

aggressions, white fragility and research on the

facing DEI curriculum and programming across all

experiences of BIPOC students in independent schools.

divisions, to ensure that our students learn concepts of DEI, in age-appropriate ways, throughout their time

Alongside Lion’s Story meetings and training modules,

at Baldwin. Key elements include helping our girls

Baldwin faculty and staff have participated in a variety

grasp foundational understandings around identity and

of workshops to further understanding around DEI-

race, religion and identity alongside work navigating

related topics. Baldwin faculty also launched a BARWE

challenging discussions and anti-racist practices.



For our youngest learners, our curriculum focuses on

emotional learning, plus events

building a community of respect and kindness and

like recent in-class Lunar New Year

celebrating our differences. As students progress

celebrations, a virtual performance

through the Lower School, they learn in age-

from an Indian dance company and a special assembly

appropriate ways about different cultures and people,

featuring a Black storyteller sharing works from the

as well as events and issues from the past and how

African and African American folklore traditions,

injustices still occur today. With this foundation,

engage our youngest students on ideas of identity

teachers work with their students to identify ways to

and belonging, and provide them with the knowledge

make change in our community and in the world. The

and practice needed to grow self-awareness, social

Lower School library and classroom libraries offer a

awareness and relationship skills.

wide variety of books and authors to support this effort and help our students see and learn about themselves

During Middle School, Baldwin’s curriculum expands

as well as others.

students’ DEI-related content knowledge and refines essential social-emotional skills, including perspective

Daily class meetings, weekly assemblies and classroom

taking (the ability to consider how someone else may

sessions with the Lower School Counselor and

think or feel about something) and self-advocacy. The

our Director of DEI also help foster a welcoming

Middle School curriculum is designed to broaden the

environment. Students are encouraged to listen

girls’ understanding of the world and their place in it.

to different perspectives, organize and participate

Courses employ a comparative approach as students

in diverse groups, respect and embrace cultural

study communities in America and around the world.

differences and practice communicating empathetically

Humanities courses include cultural anthropology,

with others. Classroom lessons that support social

civics and social studies that introduce a variety of cultures, identities and experiences and discuss issues including cultural appropriation and racial inequality.

We have also focused this year on enhancing student-facing DEI curriculum and programming across all divisions, to ensure that our students learn concepts of DEI, in age-appropriate ways, throughout their time at Baldwin.

Our Middle School students build on this foundation with a range of co-curricular programming. For example, they participate in a number of local and regional conferences, including the annual Middle School Diversity Conference at The Haverford School and the Latinx Youth Conference. Our clubs and community events include programming with affinity groups and facilitated discussions with faculty on cultural appropriation, social justice and Black excellence. These activities and the variety of clubs offer our girls many ways to explore conversations about race, religion and identity and to learn about different cultures and traditions.



Baldwin’s Upper School curriculum furthers this foundation by helping students practice the skills of deep

that address issues of diversity and identity at Baldwin and in the wider world. Faculty moderated lunch talks build on these co-curricular programs by providing

inquiry, reflective thinking and respectful dialogue

another forum for student conversation and creating

that are the background for productive conversations

a safe space to talk about challenging topics like gun

around race, equity and bias. In every grade, courses

violence, race, Civil War monuments and the Black

use a diverse reading list to expose students to

Lives Matter movement.

a variety of perspectives and stories, so they can appreciate the realities of others and see their own

With all of this work in mind, this fall we began a detailed

reality reflected. Classroom discussions are scaffolded

review of our PreK – Grade 12 curriculum through an

to set up respectful discourse that builds students’

audit process led by both our Director of DEI and our

comfort and confidence as they take on increasingly

Coordinator of Curriculum Development, Dr. Gretchen

nuanced topics in areas like differences of culture,

Boger. The aim of the audit is to further examine how

socioeconomics and gender norms. Elective courses

our course readings and syllabi reflect the experiences,

offer rich opportunities to engage with these

cultures and histories of marginalized groups, and to

topics, and include courses such as U.S. Politics and

better understand how we address critical issues like

Civics, Constitutional Law and the Supreme Court,

bias, systemic racism and equity. Our goal is to collect

Indigenous Literature and the Holocaust, to name a

information about how students encounter and engage

few. One popular elective is Black in America, which

with DEI and anti-racist learning across all divisions and

offers a reading-intensive, discussion-based seminar

to inform curricular adjustments moving forward that

in which students explore topics of racial identity,

enhance our DEI-focused work and help us better serve

alienation and political resistance.

the needs of all our students and families.

Upper School students also lead numerous clubs that celebrate and highlight the diversity of our community. These include Black Student Union, Asian Students Association, Hispanic Students Association, Jewish Cultural Alliance, Korean Language and Culture Club, Students for DEI Committee and Spectrum,


Parent and Alum Engagement

Baldwin’s affinity group for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies. Students also participate in a number of

Listening sessions with parents and alums in

conferences including the Mid-Atlantic Region Diversity

the summer and fall of 2020 were an important

Conference, Class/Socioeconomic Status/Financial

opportunity for us to engage with Baldwin community

Literacy Conference and, most recently, a DEI Student

members and learn from their perspectives and lived

Leadership Retreat, jointly held with local peer schools.

experiences around issues of DEI. These conversations

One of the most impactful programs in the Upper

inspired much of the new work underway for our

School is the annual Building Bridges day. This student-

students and teachers, as well as a number of new

led event includes workshops, speakers and activities

programs for the wider community.



We have been grateful for

For our

the feedback and support

alums, we

of our parents, throughout,

have been

and have been excited to

excited to partner with

engage with them on new

various groups, including the

programming designed

National Board of Advisors,

specifically around their

the Alumnae Association

needs and interests. The

Executive Board, the Baldwin

Parents of Black Students

Heritage Network and the

Association, newly formed

recently-formed Inter-Ac and

this year by parents, launched

Independent School Black

an impactful workshop

Alumni Association. The

series called Courageous

feedback from conversations

Conversations: By Parents,

with these groups has

For Parents. The series

inspired new DEI-related

is moderated by Homa

programming designed

Tavangar (P ’21), author of

specifically for our alum

Growing Up Global: Raising

community. In October,

Children to Be at Home in

Dr. Crystal M. Fleming '00,

the World. The first session,

Professor of Sociology and

“Anti-racist Parenting for a Stronger Baldwin Community,”

Africana Studies and Associate Faculty in the Department

was welcomed with great interest, and upcoming sessions

of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at SUNY Stony

will touch on how to disrupt bias with “good friction,” the

Brook, presented a talk based on her book How to Be

power of impact over intent and practicing and building

Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy,

courageous responses to common statements that can

and the Racial Divide. During this engaging and well-

perpetuate hurt and division.

attended event, Dr. Fleming explained how systemic racism leads to racial ignorance and provided a road

We were also excited that our Baldwin School Parents

map for transforming our knowledge into anti-racist

Association chose our DEI Fund as the Raise-the-

change. Another highlight for alums was the December

Paddle priority for this year’s largest fundraiser, our

film screening and discussion of “I’m Not Racist … Am I?”,

MasterSeries@TheBaldwinSchool events. The parents’

a feature documentary that follows a diverse group of

tremendous support will help fund DEI programs that

teens through a year-long personal exploration of racism.

include speakers and special events, such as recent

After viewing the film, alums participated in a discussion

assemblies by Dr. Debonair Oates on Black Female

facilitated by André Robert Lee, a producer of the film.

Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Querida Lugo on Afro Latina Womanhood. The fund will also

More events are ahead for both parents and alums,

support an upcoming program with a Holocaust

including a DEI-focused Lunch and Learn session during

survivor, various opportunities for students and faculty

the upcoming Class of Red reunion. We are proud of the

to attend DEI conferences and events for our parents

engagement of the entire Baldwin community and so

and alums.

grateful for your support of these critical conversations. SPRING 2021 ECHOES



Sarah Katz ’93 Receives Pro Bono Impact Award


Sarah Katz '93 received the Pro Bono Impact Award at the Philadelphia VIP Annual Awards on September 17. Philadelphia VIP is an organization whose mission is to “provide quality volunteer legal services and ensure access to justice for low-income Philadelphians.” Sarah is an Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Temple University's Beasley School of Law. She directs and teaches the Family Law Litigation Clinic, where her students handle custody, child and spousal support, adoption and other family law matters in Philadelphia Family Court. She researches and writes about trauma-informed legal practice, the child welfare system, child custody, intimate partner violence and other family law topics. She also frequently speaks on these topics at scholarly conferences and trainings for attorneys.

Jamillia Kamara '06 was recognized as one of Pittsburgh Magazine's "40 Under 40" in November. Jamillia is a Program Officer at The Pittsburgh Foundation where she has been working to help amplify and resource the work of Out of School Time nonprofit organizations.

Prior to her arrival at Temple, Sarah was a supervising attorney in the Family Advocacy Unit at Community Legal Services in Philadelphia. There, she was responsible for direct representation of parents in civil child abuse and neglect cases; management and training of new attorneys, paralegals and certified law students; policy and advocacy work at the city and state levels; and community and continuing legal education. She also served as an adjunct professor at Temple Law and a Lecturer in Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, teaching “Parent, Child and the State.” She began her legal career as a law clerk to the Honorable Norma L. Shapiro, Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

TRINA TWYEFFORT GREENE ’54 CREATES STATUE OF SOJOURNER TRUTH Trina Twyeffort Greene ’54 has continued her work on a new commission for a statue of Sojourner Truth Taking her First Step to Freedom, which is a 6-foot-tall statue that will be cast in bronze and sited outside the Sojourner Truth Library on the State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz, NY campus. This is a second version of her work. Some of her classmates were fortunate to attend the unveiling of her first statue in upstate New York many years ago.

BOOKSHELF Check out these Latest releases from alumnae. Queen of the Unwanted Jennifer Bellak Barlow ’83 Milk Fed Melissa Broder ’97 Expressions of Hope Coloring Book Joanne Fink ’77 22


How to Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy and the Racial Divide Crystal Fleming ’00 Blue Structure Jan Freeman ’75

The Subject of Crusade Marisa Galvez ’95 Writing to Persuade Trish Hall ’68


Embracing Change in a Chaotic Year Starting a new job was not on her to-do list last year, but when she was presented with the opportunity to join online grocery delivery company Shipt as Vice President of Business Strategy, Stacye Baker ’94, like so many of us last year, embraced change. Shipt delivers groceries and other goods from local and national retailers such as Target, Petco and CVS directly to your home. The company has seen significant growth since last March as consumers looked for ways to minimize trips to the store during the pandemic. In her new position, Stacye’s responsibilities encompass Shipt’s digital merchandising, including merchandising promotions and campaigns. She is also building a team to focus on retailer pricing strategies and business processes to drive collaboration across teams in the quickly growing business. When lockdowns began across the country last March, Shipt initially focused on how to meet demand and deliver on customer expectations despite an unprecedented surge in interest. Now, Stacye is tasked with developing merchandising and pricing strategies that support Shipt’s growth. “I’m excited to work across the organization to determine what we need to build into the business to drive sustainable processes

as we continue to grow,” she says. One of the highlights of Stacye’s role is working with numerous teams across the company. However, since starting at Shipt in September, Stacye hasn’t actually met any of her coworkers in person. “Given the fact that I interviewed for a role, accepted a role and started a role, and I've never met anyone [at Shipt] in person, this is a unique situation,” laughs Stacye. “I am definitely excited about the opportunity to meet the team in person and form personal connections by getting to know everyone outside of Zoom calls.”

She’s headed into 2021 pushing herself to proactively seek “new opportunities” — whether a new project at work or newfound hobbies and personal interests. She credits Baldwin with helping to instill that confidence in her. “When I think back to Baldwin, my biggest takeaway is how the faculty and staff gave me the confidence to know that I can do anything,” she says.

to Baldwin, my biggest takeaway is how the faculty and staff gave me the confidence to know that I can do anything.”

As a volunteer on the National Board of Advisors for the past few years, Stacye has enjoyed deepening her connection to Baldwin. Hearing from Head of School Dr. Marisa Porges ’96 and current students about the technology and resources available today, Stacye is struck by how the curriculum has expanded and students are encouraged to be more aware of the world beyond the classroom. “It is this more global perspective that continues to empower Baldwin students to excel academically while also making a positive difference in the community.”

Starting a new job in the midst of a pandemic — and leaving her role as a Senior Director of Merchandising Services at Home Depot after 16 years — was a big step outside of Stacye’s comfort zone. Speaking just a few days before the end of the year, Stacye reflected that starting a new role in a completely different industry pushed her to “embrace change, because you really never know what's on the other side unless you pursue it.”

From her time at Baldwin and throughout her career as a corporate executive, Stacye has valued educational and work environments founded upon respect, collaboration and community impact. “The development of these core values traces back to my time at Baldwin,” she says. “It is important to me to work for companies that care about people as individuals and that are driven by a mission greater than just attaining its financial targets.”

“When I think back


Homeopathy: Start Here Ann Jerome ’75 What Girls Need: How to Raise Bold, Courageous and Resilient Women Marisa Porges ’96

“Political Junkies” From Talk Radio to Twitter - How alternative media hooked us on politics and broke our democracy Claire Potter ’76

Birdbrain Eve Ottenberg Stone ’71 Summer at Meadow Wood Amy Gilgore Tan ’89 The Point of Impact Roy Barth with Carolyn Zalense ’82 SPRING 2021 ECHOES


At Baldwin, we take pride in offering the best education tailored for girls, providing them with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in this ever-changing environment. Baldwin students have an unwavering passion for learning, and whether in-person or virtually, they are committed to excelling academically. Led by dedicated and talented faculty and staff, our students learn the values of respect, compassion and resiliency, and practice those values in the classroom, on the playing fields, in the community and beyond. Through your support of The Baldwin Fund, you are partnering with us to help ensure our students continue to thrive, feeling connected and safe, and stand ready for whatever their future holds.

Make an investment in Baldwin’s future today with a gift to The Baldwin Fund by visiting or by check, made payable to The Baldwin School, at: The Baldwin School Office of Advancement 701 Montgomery Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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Why Baldwin? For more than 130 years The Baldwin School has combined the region’s premier college preparatory curriculum with distinguished arts, athletics and community service programs. Guided by outstanding faculty who are experts in girls’ education, Baldwin offers an experiential learning environment within a supportive and encouraging community.


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