Just Graphics

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I love Graphic communication, particularly when typography and thoughful layout is used effectively. So this is just a little collection of graphic commissions and explorations I’ve created. Some are part of larger collections and past projects, others were created just out of passion.

Gareth Crossley Graphic Designer Writer & Educator

Coffee cup concepts for GATHER

Main logo & derivatives + ‘Originals’ logotype for JUST WORSHIP COLLECTIVE

Graphic concept for Album art and Graphic Tee

Poster concept for JUST WORSHIP

Cover concept for Keith Taylor’s novel ‘This is the Way the World Ends’ + inset creative element

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine

Article illustration & Title page for OPENHOPE Magazine

Screen print mockup for Bee Manchester

‘BETROTHED’ typography-based artwork + exploratory elements

composite work created from multiple image stock sources *just for fun

composite work created from multiple image stock sources *just for fun

Typography-based artwork + T-shirt applications

Custom typography poster

Graphic illustration & monochrome tee

Graphic illustration & monochrome tee

Graphic illustration & monochrome tee

Gold foil typography for OPENHOPE Magazine

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine

Self Portrait Digitally manipulated photography and watercolour

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine

Digital illustration explloring colour combinations and light

Digital illustration explloring colour combinations and light

Digital illustration explloring colour combinations and light

Digital illustration explloring colour combinations and light

Typohgraphy poster for social media + development stages

Digital illustration for Gateway Christian Education

The Christian faith calls for justice...

Feature illustration and quote page for OPENHOPE Magazine

...but always offers the possibility of restoration.

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine

Typography Poster for OPENHOPE Magazine


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