OPENHOPE issue 3

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Jesus Said: I am the

Way Truth

Life. Except Through Me. the

and the

No one comes to the Father

From The Bible: John 14:6





Opening their home to those in need only makes life richer for the Shepherd family


a chance for little fingers to get creative and get published!



The touching story of Iranian migrant, Sanaz finding faith and family



You can’t be born a Christian

Rochdale shoppers dramatically remember the words of Christ Director David Bargh Managing Editor Gareth Crossley - 07843 565 155

like a t s a w I hing, so dark, bu t o n , Jesus . Life was sus I see e r o f e n B persoat I have Je re d a e d h tu now t a bright fu


Copy Editor Rebecca White Distribution Coordinators Paul Gerrard & Den Sutcliffe-Smith Editorial Office OPENHOPE Magazine Studio 7 Champness Hall, Drake St, Rochdale OL16 1PB



22 OPENHOPE Magazine



OPENHOPE Welcome to the third issue of OPENHOPE. Why not make a cup of tea, sit down and spend half an hour with us? In this issue, we’ve brought together some truly amazing stories as well as our usual thought-provoking articles and features. Our cover story is that of Iranian migrant, Sanaz and her family. Now living in Rochdale, they found an English welcome they didn’t expect along with new faith, friends and family that Sanaz never imagined could be hers. We’ve been on the streets to hear what people in Rochdale know about things Jesus said. We ask Has Jesus been misquoted? And if so, what’s the real deal?



Digging below the surface, OPENHOPE met with the Shepherd family to explore why they live with an open door policy, inviting those in need right into their home and their lives. New to this issue is our kids page with colouring and activities! Send in your colouring page once it’s finished for a chance to have your picture published in the next issue of OPENHOPE! As always if you are affected by any of the issues that we’ve covered in OPENHOPE or you’d like to get in touch, we would love to hear from you! Gareth Crossley Managing Editor

jesus said:

Enter through the

narrow gate For wide is the gate and

broad is the road

that leads to destruction and many enter through it.

but small

is the gate and

narrow is the road

that leads to

life and only a few find it




is a year old and three issues in 6



We’ve had the privilege of hearing feedback from a good number of our readers, but we’d love to hear more! Tell us what you think. There are so many ways to connect with OPENHOPE: Find us on facebook. Call or Text: 07843 565 155 Or you can write to us: OPENHOPE Magazine, Studio 7, Champness Hall, Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1PB OPENHOPE Magazine





For Andy and Ally Shepherd, “Welcome in” is a very deliberate phrase. It’s the last call of my day, 8pm and I should have been there by now. I’m on my way to see some shepherds. Knowing I’m late, I rummage through my camera bag at the traffic lights to double check I have everything, yes. I arrive at the house and exhale, ready to apologise for my tardy arrival. Andy beams as the large door swishes back, and there’s the feeling.

was just intrigued. I had to speak with them about it, hoping to share some of the story a little wider. OK, so the family name – Shepherd - is coincidental, but the journey that this family are on bears more than a slight resemblance to the unpredictable and riskyyet-rewarding life of their sheepherding namesakes.

“Come in! Sit down! How’s things? As we begin to talk, a history of How are the girls?”. I’m welcome, ‘Open home’ emerges with a exceptionally welcome. catalogue of fondly-remembered people who just ‘needed a place to It’s this ‘welcome’ that I’ve come to call home for a while’. explore with Andy Shepherd, a local business man, and his wife Ally, a I sit back as the couple begin dental surgeon and church leader. conversational ping-pong, recalling I’d heard about something they together their many house guests. had done a few weeks earlier and 8




Let’s see, I guess we’ve had a few in the town was clearing one of people live with us. We had Debbie his rooms, but we said, look we’ve for a few years, then we had been blessed with a big house, young children so we had a gap, they can live with us. They stayed then Helen for three years. Well, it for a little over a year, Lubosh started as a response learned to speak good to a temporary need, The first time English, they both got then her parents jobs and eventually we met Mirka moved to Canada decided to stay in the and it worked really and Lubosh UK for a few more years well for her to just in their own place. was when they live with us, so she did. walked in with You never know how long Andy was working their suitcases. t h e y ’ r e away a fair bit at that going to time and I didn’t know Helen that stay, but it’s always well, but she offered to stay for a just worked. If you week, help with the babies, and live here, you’re well, it grew from there. She’s one never just sat on of my best friends now! the settee thinking, “someone’s got to Then we had Hannah for a few entertain me,” you years, Chris, Johnny, then Lubosh just have to get on and Mirka for a year, then Tammy. with your own life, and Some of them we knew well but life happens around you. We’ve the first time we met Lubosh and found that a lot of people prefer Mirka was when they walked in that. People sharing your home with their suitcases. don’t want to feel claustrophobic, they just need space to live, and We’d been to see their band from join in as and when they can. the Czech Republic doing a short tour in the UK and found out As a Christian, working in a normal that some of the band needed a job it’s tempting to think, ”Oh, I place to stay. One of the pastors can’t really do anything that may 10


make a difference,” but sharing your home, here’s something I can do that really helps some people. We’ve always found that God has blessed us materially. This is a big house but you can only sit in one room at once! So if you can use what you have to help others then you should do that. Many Christians talk about community living as a utopia, but this isn’t just theory, nor was it planned. It just happened. We live in community by having people live with us. You just share what you have, and others share what they have with you, and the meeting of those two things makes both lives richer. There’s a verse in the Bible that really struck me some years ago – 1 Thessalonians 2:8 - it says: “We loved you so much that we shared with you, not only the gospel of God, but our lives also.” So as people come in and we are able to say, “Please make

this your home, you’re welcome here.” I think that’s a practical demonstration of our faith – Christianity – which pervades everything we do. It’s often quoted, “Preach the Gospel and use words if you have to.” It’s that notion that sharing our faith is far more than telling people that Jesus loves them – plus those words are fairly empty if not backed up by a life that has been affected by that love. It’s about having faith that you and others can see. It’s not a one way deal either. A lot of the ladies that have stayed with us have been brilliant role models for our girls as they have grown up, as well as a help for Ally. And the guys - Lubosh in particular was such a great role model for our son. In fact it was Lubosh who really got him started playing his guitar seriously. We went on holiday while they were living with us and when we came back they had completely redecorated the house! They just wanted to do something in return so repainted the whole house. It was a total blessing. I should add, we really liked the colours - they did a great job! (Continued on page 14) OPENHOPE Magazine


you don’t need t there are so ma with very real n an opportunity to help is always there. JESUS



‘Truly I tell you, what of these brothers and The Bible, Matthew 25

to look for it, any people needs,

tever you did for one of the least sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 5:40 OPENHOPE Magazine


Culture seems to say that family invited somebody to come and is a precious space that should stay, just giving you a heads up’. be private and protected, where And the kids spent as much time children can have their own space with them as we did. etc. That has been a We just can’t Things became quite consideration for us, as you still need to protect unpredictable and leave this your family time, but once, memorably, all of our guests have person on their we had four recognized where ambulances and own, this is their place is as part eight paramedics of our extended at the house! But a God-made family. They’ll muck in it didn’t phase the with washing up and opportunity. kids at all. In fact our things, but will also son didn’t really be proactive and mindful about notice – he was playing Fifa ensuring we get enough space. most of the morning! And the girls coped with it and But in one sense, that which is the were able to empathise most precious to you, is the most with someone in real precious thing you can give away. need. Doing something like this as a family is an enriching challenge There did come a time when for the whole family! we had to help transition a guest into more permanent care, but More recently we’ve responded we’d been there for the interim. to people who have been in They recognized that and it was real desperate need with quite fine. The kids had questions complex circumstances, but still about it and it gave us a great it’s been a family work. opportunity to talk as a family and discuss the fact that long-term, A while back we invited somebody we’re not the best help in this case. in. I called the kids – who are all It was an amazing opportunity for teenagers now - and just said, ‘I our children. just want to let you know we’ve 14


It was a crazy three days, but exceptionally interesting. Some wonder about it being a risk to invite strangers in, but for many the stranger is taking just a much of a risk – they don’t know us either! We usually confer as a family before offering. In this case we talked about it, having spent three or four hours talking with them at our church, but we just both reached the same conclusion: We just can’t leave this person on their own – this is a Godmade opportunity to help somebody who is utterly starved of love. We didn’t fix their problems, but offered relationship when nobody else was there for them. We had one guest who really struggled to accept the hospitality and was just looking for a way to ‘pay’ us back, so she cooked a meal – and no ordinary meal – a huge feast bigger than the biggest Christmas dinner you’ve ever seen. It was wonderful and cost a fortune. We wanted to say, stop, you don’t need to do this, but that

was just their way of coping with somebody giving them something for nothing. Many people simply don’t have that concept in their library of understanding – that you can give without expecting anything in return. There was one guy who we knew was sleeping rough and so we’d taken a mattress for him, but then things got worse so we had him stay. That was one that stretched our faith! Having people in has never been something we’ve looked for. It’s just always been the response of our heart to help and love people in need. The people who have struggled with it the most have been our parents who just didn’t get it – it is just too far outside their cultural norm. We’ll still continue to live this way and we don’t need to look for opportunities to help. There are so many people with very real needs, the opportunity is always there, and while some have been more challenging than others, every single one has enriched our lives as a family OPENHOPE Magazine





Send in your finished colouring page to: OPENHOPE COLOURING COMPETITION Champness Hall Church, Drake St, Rochdale OL16 1PB. Winning colourings will be published in our next issue!


H THE m YOUR W az e A S E U R R T E E C H H E T S T! TO

I lift up my eyes to the hills, Where does my help come from? 18


My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and Earth. From the Bible Psalm 121:1



My life was dark with no hope. Now I’m just a new person!





Life in the UK wasn’t easy for Iranian migrant, Sanaz, until she found a new faith and a new family. A few years ago I was very frustrated and I had no hope, I was in a dark place. As a family we felt very alone, I can’t explain how alone we felt, even in our own home. We had nobody we could rely on and no hope for the future. We went through a very difficult time dealing with problems with solicitors and we received a lot of bad news from lots of places. Then one day, somebody put a leaflet about Jesus through our door, then the next time we had a problem somebody came from

a local church and helped us. This went on a few times. It wasn’t an accident, it was like Jesus was following me. At first I thought, “Oh, this is a Christian country, that’s why this is happening” then after a long time I said to my husband – I don’t think this is an accident – every time we come out of the solicitors, or we have serious problems, somebody comes along and talks with us about Jesus!” OPENHOPE Magazine


Step by step, I started to think more deeply about Jesus. The main step that encouraged me to know Jesus more was a very hard situation that we had when I was pregnant.

sent by Jesus who supported us. It was interesting to me that in that situation nobody we knew supported us but Jesus led people to support us even when our own people didn’t.

The Home Office stopped all of I felt like Jesus was touching my our support and heart and showing a completely left us, I was so proud way to me. they had been our to be Persian! Some time later I rock up until then! During that time I received a Christmas I wanted to was seven months card – it said that pregnant, we had no follow in their wise men came from money – to the point Persia with gifts for that we had nothing footsteps and be Jesus, his mother to eat – we were and father – gold one of them! under pressure to and other gifts. As a leave our house. We Persian this made me know a lot of Iranians living in the feel so proud! I said “Look! When UK but none of them said “Sanaz, nobody else had faith to support do you need anything?”, “Sanaz, Jesus a Persian came and gave come and eat with us”, “Sanaz, him gifts!” I was so proud to be come and stay with us” Not one! Persian – I wanted to follow in their footsteps and be one of them. The only people who came to us, surrounded us and gave us I started to read the Bible and I relaxation and support were Iranian wanted to know more about Jesus, I Christians or English Christians! watched Youtube videos by others They came from foodbanks, and who had converted to Christianity. many other Christian organisations As I listened I was impacted by their – It was people from churches – opinions and their experiences.



Sanaz and her husband moved from Iran to England 4 years ago. Sanaz shared her story when she was baptized last month.

“ I began to know Jesus, I was able to forgive them. I felt calm, I was a new person!� 24


I heard what Jesus had done and what Christians were doing in the world – I just wanted to be one of them – I wanted to be called a Christian, a follower of Jesus. This man – Jesus, said if somebody hits you, forgive them and turn your other cheek to them.

done for me. It’s called ‘Light of the world’. Now Jesus is the light of my world.

I had been very angry with some people in the past, always going over and over the bad things that others had done to me. But as I began to know Jesus I was able to forgive them. I felt calm, I was a new person!

Light of the world You stepped down into darkness. Opened my eyes, let me see. Beauty that made this heart adore You Hope of a life spent with You

I have hope for my future, I’m not that disappointed person who has no hope – I have Jesus and He can hear me! He sent his family to me and now I can call on my new family when I have problems. Since Jesus came into my life, since I have communication with Jesus I’ve had so many good things happen for me – you wouldn’t believe it! Before Jesus, nothing, I was like a dead person. Life was so dark, but now that I have Jesus I see a bright future despite the fact that I still have many problems. I’m just not frustrated anymore! There is a song that we sing in church which speaks so closely of what Jesus has

Light of the World By Tim Hughes

King of all days Oh, so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Humbly You came To the earth You created All for love’s sake became poor I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You’re my God You’re altogether lovely Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.



“I doubted the very existence of God.”




Born and brought up in a Christian family didn’t automatically make me a Christian. I had my doubts. I had reservations about Christianity being the one true religion. I disliked the church and anything connected to it. I doubted the very existence of God. I had friends who followed other religions and so I had chance to explore their religions too, but there was something powerful about Christianity that I could not find anywhere else! My father was the leader of a large church in India, so I was always involved with the church and close to a Christian community. Over time, even my friends from other religions would ask me to pray in church for their needs or sick members of their family, which only fuelled my own questions. The name Jesus seemed to work miracles in all those prayers. Gradually my friends turned to Christianity because of the miracles in their own families. Their faith was based on what they experienced and saw for themselves. Some years later while I was in England, I had an experience that made me fear for my life, the only thing I could do was shout the name ‘Jesus’. To my utter shock the power that my friends found in His name was now real for me too. I know that calling His name literally saved my life! This changed my life completely and I now spend all my time and energy introducing others to my powerful King and friend – Jesus.




We asked local people what they knew about Jesus and what He actually said

The words of one man have had more impact on humanity and civilization than any other in history...





WHAT DID JESUS REALLY SAY? The illegitimate son of a 12 - 14 year old girl in a less-than-stable relationship with a young carpenter from Bethlehem, Jesus was born in a filthy make-shift room. Soon after his birth his family were on the run in Egypt – Jesus became an asylum seeker. He grew up and began to spread his ideas, healing thousands along the way, but he didn’t have a home, and claimed he was God’s son. His mother and brothers thought at one point he was mentally unstable and his twelve loyal followers pulled the most incredible vanishing act when Jesus was arrested for blasphemy, whipped, beaten, tortured and finally killed. Rising from the dead three days later, Jesus affirmed his claim that he was God’s only son and the world has never been the same since. Yet mention the name of this covenant-creating, promisekeeping, dead-raising, gracegiving, life-changing man and often you are met with a puzzled face.

It’s safe to say that in the UK, in 2016, the words of Jesus have, for the most part, been neatly relegated to the vaults of irrelevance. But were



his words deserving of historical tipex? And do people even know what he said anyway?

OPENHOPE set out to explore the views of people in Rochdale by asking if they knew anything that Jesus said. Like a tiny game of family fortunes we surveyed the town centre (trying desperately not to look like personal injury lawyers).

We pounded the pavement and as well as enjoying some lively banter with many of Rochdale’s finest, we found out just how much people knew about Jesus. Of course our survey was localised, and small, but a quarter of those people we spoke to said they didn’t know anything that Jesus had said. Our follow-up question – “Can you remember anything that’s written in the Bible?” met with the same result – a quarter of those we spoke to said they had no idea of anything at all written in the Bible. Of those who could remember things Jesus said many were unsure, but we teased out a few possible quotes & memorable moments.

“If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” MATTHEW 5:39

‘Turn the other cheek.’ ‘He kicked some people out of a temple.’ JOHN 2:13 He made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” JOHN 13:4

‘Be good to eac h other, if you’re not, you’ll go to Hell.’

‘Go and spread t he word.’ MARK 16:15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. OPENHOPE Magazine


“Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing”

From The Bible, LUKE 23:33-43 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals - one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.” The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.” There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the Jews. One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”



WHAT DID JESUS REALLY SAY? It would be easy at this point to feel like Jesus is a lost cause, somebody phone him up and let him know ‘nobody really remembers a thing you said!’

But a stunning number of people did remember one thing that Jesus said. Maybe you do too? Almost half of those we spoke to (after a few seconds delving into their memories) came out with the exact same words:

‘Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing’

Many became animated as they remembered the stories they had heard as children, dramatic retellings of the crucifixion were bubbling up in Rochdale’s shopping centres. People who - in their own words are ‘not interested’ in Jesus - remember one thing. While he was being murdered, he prayed that God would forgive the people who were killing him.

Again and again the same words were repeated. Far from failure, this is clearly a tremendous victory!

As Jesus was crucified, this was one of his last prayers “Father, forgive them...”

This simple prayer holds in it the essence of Christ’s message. The very reason he came to that filthy stable in the first place, the reason he gave himself to be mocked, tortured and killed - So that God could forgive them. Us. Anyone who calls of the name of his Son – Jesus. The price for sin is death, and only the death of a perfect man would be enough to pay for it. Jesus was that perfect man, who died in our place, taking the punishment for all. He tasted death on our behalf, then defeated it once and for all rising again to reign for eternity. He bought our freedom and our forgiveness and having done that, he declared “It is finished!” You can find more of Jesus’ stunning and powerful words throughout this magazine and in the Bible. Why not read it for yourself and make your own judgment about what Jesus really said.



How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the




From The Bible, Psalm 139:17&18

GOD THINKS ABOUT YOU? YES! Here’s a little excerpt containing some of the thoughts God has for you. They are all found in the Bible: “I am the Creator and you are my creation. I breathed into your nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). I created you in my own image (Genesis 1:27). My eyes saw your unformed substance (Psalm 139:16). I knit you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). I know the number of hairs on your head, and before a word is on your tongue I know it (Matthew 10:30; Psalm 139:4). You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). You are more valuable than many sparrows (Matthew 10:31). I have given you dominion over all sheep and oxen and all beasts of the field and birds of the heavens and fish of the sea (Psalm 8:6–8; Genesis 1:26, 28). I have crowned you with glory and honour as the pinnacle and final act of the six days of creation (Psalm 8:5; Genesis 1:26). However, from the very beginning, you exchanged the truth about me for a lie. You worshiped and served created things rather than me, the Creator (Romans 1:25). You have sinned and fallen short of my glory (Romans 3:23). Just as I said to Adam and Eve, the penalty for your sin is death (Romans 6:23; Genesis 2:17). And in your sin, you were spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). You were children of wrath, living as enemies to me (Ephesians 2:3; Romans 5:10). You turned aside from me. You became corrupt. There is none who does good, not even one (Psalm 14:2–3). What you deserve is my righteous judgment (Psalm 7:11–12). And yet, in my great love, I gave my unique Son, that all those who believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). While you were still sinners, Christ died for you. While you were still hostile toward me, you were reconciled to me by the death of my Son (Romans 5:8, 10). Sin doesn’t have the last word. Grace does (Romans 5:20).” Excerpt from an article by John Rinehart You can read the whole article here: OPENHOPE Magazine





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