The Antlerette Volume 98 Issue 4

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The Antlerette

February 2024

The Importance of February

Kina Her, Staff

February is an important month for recognizing and celebrating the contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout history. Black History Month, also known as African American History Month, is a time to reflect on the struggles and triumphs of black individuals and their impact on society.

One of the main reasons why Black History Month is celebrated in February is because it coincides with the birthdays of two prominent figures in African American history - Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Both of these men played crucial roles in the fight against slavery and the advancement of civil rights for African Americans.

Black History Month is not only a time to honor the past, but also a time to acknowledge the ongoing challenges faced by the Black community. It serves as a reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion in all aspects of society, and the need to continue working towards equality for all.

Volume 98 Issue 4

By recognizing and celebrating Black History Month, we can educate ourselves and others about the rich and diverse history of African Americans, and ensure that their stories are not forgotten. It is a time to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black individuals in all areas, from politics and science, to art and literature.

In conclusion, Black History Month is an important reminder of the resilience, strength, and perseverance of the African American community. It is a time to honor the past, celebrate the present, and work towards a better future for all.


Taylor Swift Won. Shake It Off.

Adrian Bayardo, Editor in Chief

On February 4th, 2024, the annual Grammy music awards were held at Crypto Arena. The most popular and talented artists in the industry gathered to see who amongst them won an award (or awards) from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. The night produced several new winners; such as the Academy’s pick for “best new artist”, Victoria Monét and Miley Cyrus for her song “Flowers,” which won record of the year. The final award of the night however often attracts the biggest spotlight, and that award is album of the year. So who had the best album of the year according to the recording academy? Taylor Swift, and the internet is having a meltdown.

Taylor Swift’s tenth studio album Midnights took home the Grammy award for the best album of the year. Midnights beat out other very popular albums such as Lana Del Rey’s Did You Know There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Boulevard and SZA’s SOS. This win was historic, as it was Swift’s fourth album of the year award, making her the only artist to have won the award four times. Swift previously broke the record for most album of the year wins by a female artist in 2021 when her album Folklore won album of the year. Despite the monumental accomplishment, the news coverage and media attention surrounding Swift’s win has been plagued by controversy and criticism. Many are angry with Swift’s win and have resorted to attacking Swift in order to mitigate and downplay the significance of her winning this award.


When it came time for the album of the year award to be presented, fans were shocked when Celine Dion walked onto the stage to present the award. Dion, a Grammy-award winning artist who has since retired from singing due to her ongoing battle with an autoimmune disease, rarely makes public appearances anymore due to her declining health.

When Dion announced that Swift had won the award, many fans were displeased with how Swift conducted herself on stage. The internet was quick to scrutinize Swift for not acknowledging Dion when Dion handed Swift her Grammy. Many claim that Swift rudely swiped the golden trophy from the legendary singer’s hands and pushed her aside in order to steal the spotlight. This is far from the truth. While it is true that Swift did not mention Dion in her speech, Swift did in fact thank Dion. After Swift grabbed the award, she turned her head toward Dion. While cameras did not film Swift’s face, Dion can be seen clearly saying “ you ’ re welcome”, meaning that Swift did in fact acknowledge Dion and thank her for the award. In addition, Swift and Dion took a picture together after the fact. Swift was too overwhelmed by the fact that she just won a prestigious award to take the time in her speech to thank Dion, but making nervous mistakes is human nature.

This is not the only controversy to arise from Swift’s onstage presentation. When it was revealed that Swift had won the award, Swift celebrated with her friends at her table then brought her friend and fellow artist Lana Del Rey onstage with her. While it is true that Rey appeared hesitant to go on stage with Swift, Rey still agreed to go up there with her friend. She was not forced to by Swift. Some people saw this moment and believed that Swift


brought Lana Del Rey onto the stage solely to rub her win in Rey’s face, as Rey’s album was also nominated for the same category. What many people fail to realize is that Lana Del Rey was featured on Swift’s album, in fact she was the only featured artist on the entire album. Rather than bringing Rey onstage to brag about her win, Swift was simply acknowledging her talented friend’s contributions to the album, however the media has chosen to ignore the facts in order to paint Swift as a self-centered person undeserving of this award.

Taylor Swift is without a doubt the most influential pop artist in the industry at the moment. Ever since Swift walked on stage to accept her Grammy, many people on social media have been questioning the academy’s rationale for picking Swift’s album over the other nominees. Midnights has been described by many music critics as bland and unoriginal, and some have gone as far as claiming that Swift only walked away with the album of the year award in her hand because the Academy felt obligated to give an award to Taylor Swift. Winning a Grammy award in general is incredibly difficult, let alone winning one of the major categories more than any other person in history. Regardless of your personal opinion on her music, she is without a doubt one of the most successful artists of all time, and she deserves to be recognized for her accomplishments.


History of Valentine’s Day

KyRee Fultz, Staff

Valentine’s Day is one of the most lucrative holidays in the world, generating approximately 25.8 million dollars every year, making it the third priciest holiday in the world. What exactly is Valentine's Day though, and how did it become this great global phenomenon?

When people think about Valentine's day, most people think about pink and red hearts, flowers, and chocolates. However, most people don’t know why we do this. It all originated with St. Valentine who has three different main legends. Most of the legends contend the same thing though: that St. Valentine was a freedom fighter and was a hero. Valentine's Day is thought to be the day that St. Valentine died, and it was used as an effort to celebrate him and his efforts in life. The pagan celebration Lupercalia was thought to be in February and was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. They would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification, and use their limbs for ritual purposes.


February 14th is important because it was commonly believed in France and England that this day was the beginning of the birds' mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of February should be a day for romance in the Middle Ages. Valentine greetings became popular back in the Middle Ages; however, actual written valentines didn’t begin to appear until after 1400. The oldest known valentine in existence is a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife. Charles was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. This writing became so famous that it is now part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.

Valentine’s Day is a special holiday full of love, so make sure you love to your fullest.


First Black Physician

James McCune Smith was the very first black male to earn a medical degree and become a physician; he was unable to be admitted into an American university because of his race. However he was able to be admitted into University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. He felt often overlooked because even with his determination and intelligence, he felt like people weren't so appreciative. He was able to graduate top of his class at his University.

However he was born into slavery: his mother was a black woman who was enslaved since birth and his father was a white man who was his mother’s master. Although he had European ancestry. it was still mandatory for him to go to an all-black school since he was half African American. He went to African Free school in New York City, where people of color and the enslaved attended. Later on he began to apply to colleges but was denied due to his race.

Smith earned his degree and was given a gynecological residency at Glasgow Lock hospital for women. He then went to live in lower Manhattan and he was able to treat both black and white patients. He began to even teach children in schools about medicine and general surgery. Smith later opened a pharmacy. He was the very first black male to ever own and work at a pharmacy.


James McCune Smith went on to have a wife, Malvina Barnet, and together they had eleven children but only five survived their childhood. Their five children later on went to school and had great careers. His sons married white women and worked as teachers, lawyers, and businesspeople. Smith was a great role model for all people that no matter their race, they should continue to study medicine if that is their passion.


Impacts of Love

Everyone, at some point in their life, experiences falling in love. Their first love, their second, third, and however many times it takes for you to find the one. Love is such a unique feeling because it is so complex. Until the day life started on earth, and until the end of time, true love will always win. All across the world, people everyday fall more and more deeply in love with someone, with some starting their journey with their best friend while some people are losing their favorite person. That's the thing, everywhere love is portrayed differently and at different points.

When you reach the point in your life of having your first love, the one you have been waiting for and the one that was the least expected, your heart connects to that person in a different way. You have never had this romantic connection with someone before, so you lose all control and love takes over. It makes dumb people do smart things and smart people do dumb things, but overall at the end of the day, we are all dumb when in love. I would say that your first gives you an image of love for everyone else and the rest of your life but that's not true. Your parents' relationship is the very first example of love that someone has and people tend to base that viewing on how they should be treated and what to look for and not to look for.


“Love is like a drug” is one of the truest statements made. It holds so much power not to one person, but to the world. This emotion can tear someone apart but yet make them feel whole at the same time, and that's why it's so dangerous. Any love that you have in your life, whether it's a partner or not, will have a huge impact on how you view life itself and every person you love after them.


What’s Love Got to Do with It

Whenever February rolls around, everyone knows what to expectValentine’s Day. Red and pink decorations are hung up, stores stock stuffed animals and chocolate, and suddenly the air is laden with the scent of flowers. Crushes are confessed to, couples celebrate, and love is - generallyin the air.

And yet, despite being a day of “love,” only romantic love is celebrated on Valentine’s Day. Largely this is because of an amatonormative culture - or, in other words, people in this society are assumed to always be seeking out a romantic relationship and that they can’t be “complete” without one. This is the concept behind every “Are you dating yet?” question every relative asks and every blind date a friend sets up.


So let’s turn away from that notion. Instead, celebrate other kinds of love. Romantic love isn’t the only kind that exists in life. There’s familial lovespending time with them is an easy way to bond and to show them how much they’re valued, whether that time is spent doing an activity together or eating a meal or simply talking. And platonic love is an oft-overlooked kind of love for others - friends enjoy gifts and outings just as much as romantic partners do. Don’t forget about pets either - just like humans, a treat and time spent together is enough to make their day.

Lastly - and this is perhaps the most important kind of love - is self-love. In today’s busy age, people are more often run-down and tired than they expected. To put it as a mental health metaphor, they’re out of spoons. So take a moment off once in a while. Listen to some music, light a candle, eat fancy food, and buy something nice. Life goes by quickly, and it’s too easy to get caught up in everyday matters. It’s healthy to take a break once in a while - and if some self-care is involved, all the better.


New Discovries on Mars

Mars, as our fourth planet from our solar system, possibly contains the necessities for life. Throughout the early 2000s, NASA has sent numerous satellites, as well as rovers, to physically examine Mars. This is roughly around the same timeframe Elon Musk, now Tesla and SpaceX CEO, gained interest in Mars. It was a little over a decade ago when NASA sent 2 rovers, Curiosity and Opportunity, which made drastic discoveries. Those 2 rovers were only meant to last a few years; however, Opportunity was active for 14 years before dying on Mars and Curiosity is still active today. NASA recently sent another rover (Perseverance) to Mars in 2021, and has made some new discoveries.

One discovery on Mars that surprised NASA scientists was the foundation of igneous rocks. The scientists were expecting to find sedimentary rocks, which would form mud and sand in a watery environment. Instead they found igneous rocks at the Jerezo River, which indicates that it was formed from volcanic activity. As Perseverance explored further down into the river delta, other studies showed that the rocks were formed from thick magma. Although this is something that shocked scientists, they are now further analyzing the igneous rocks as the crystals within the rocks highlight important details that scientists can use to figure out when water was present in the Jerezo River.


The rover Perseverance also discovered many mysterious rocks surrounding the crater near Jerezo. The mysterious rocks were found to have contained a mineral called olivine, a greenish material coating igneous rocks. NASA scientists came up with many theories as to why olivine is so plentiful around the crater. One theory was that it was caused by meteorite impacts of volcanic activity. Another theory is that olivine is formed underground from slowly cooling magma.

Upon further analysis, Yang Liu, part of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, concluded that because of the large crystal size and its uniform, it required a very slow cooling environment, which likely meant that the magma in the Jezero wasn't erupting on the surface.

Regarding Perserverance’s future goals, NASA is hoping that the rover will find evidence of life on Mars. Currently, NASA scientists are utilizing the Perservance’s laser and its ground penetrating radar in order to achieve that goal. Another goal of the rover is to characterize the planet's geology and past climate. NASA scientists are super optimistic about future discoveries on Mars and are planning to send spacecraft towards Mars to collect such samples and bring them back to Earth for further research.


The History of the Super Bowl and Information on Super Bowl LVIII

The Super Bowl is an enormously popular sporting event that takes place each year to determine the National Football League, or NFL, champion. Millions of fans gather around televisions on a Sunday around January or February to celebrate this event, which is broadcasted in more than 170 countries, making the Super Bowl one of the most-watched sporting events in the world, with elaborate halftime shows and new commercials adding to the appeal.

In the year 1920, the NFL was formed, but it wasn’t until more than 40 years later that the Super Bowl was created. In 1960, a group of businessmen, who wanted to own football franchises, launched an alternative league, known as the American Football League, or AFL. For several years, the NFL and AFL were rivals, competing for fans, players and support. Then, in 1966, the owners brought up an agreement to merge the leagues by 1970. The first Super Bowl, which featured the AFL champion, the Kansas City Chiefs, and the NFL champion, the Green Bay Packers, was played on January 15, 1967. The game was originally called the “AFL-NFL World Championship Game,” but it later changed to the term “Super Bowl” by Chiefs owner, Lamar Hunt, to refer to the championship game. After the leagues were merged, the NFL split into two conferences: the American Football Conference (AFC) and the National Football Conference (NFC).


Currently, on January 28, 2024, the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs were the two finalists for this year ’ s Super Bowl of 2024, and this has been the talk throughout the end of January and the month of February. People are debating whether the San Francisco 49ers or the Kansas City Chiefs would win in this year ’ s Super Bowl LVIII. The Super Bowl LVIII took place at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas and the game started on February 11, 2024 with R&B singer Usher being featured in the Super Bowl LVIII Halftime Show.

In the end, Super Bowl LVIII has become one of the most memorable games with the Kansa City Chiefs winning Super Bowl LVIII by 25-22 in the overtime against the San Francisco 49ers. Many celebrities; such as ’ Taylor Swift, Ice Spice, Blake Lively, Justin and Hailey Bieber, and many more joined with the crowd to cheer for the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers.


Judge Vs. Man

Lucan Amituanai, Staff

On January 8th, 2024, a headline took over the media and an infamous video spread all across the internet of a court trial. This court trial was a normal one until the final sentencing from Judge Mary Kay Holthus. When Judge Holthus denied a probation request from three-time convict Deobra Redding’s attorney, she prepared to sentence Redding when suddenly he left his seat, jumped over the bench, and attacked her.


A video surfaced of the incident and went viral after capturing the full attack from Redden. Judge Holthus announced that she was okay and only had a minor head injury, but also stated that the defendant ripped some of her hair out and slammed her head against the walls and floor. Redden was in court for battery charges, where he was looking at a one and a half years to a two-year sentence. Redden had a past history of violence after serving a year in prison back in 2021 for another case of domestic battery, and only added onto it with the attack. Judge Holthus came out and declared that her official sentence wasn’t going to change despite the incident, and handed his separate attack case to another jury and judge.

On January 8th, 2024, Deobra Redding was tried by a grand jury and indicted on 9 total charges, including an attempted murder sentence and harm on a protected person. At the moment, he’s looking at a 60 to life sentence in prison, adding onto his previous sentences.

This situation blew up in America and got a lot of attention from all over the world about the court system and how we can improve our protection of our important figures. The incident 100% could’ve been stopped and prevented with proper help and order. Redden’s sentencing and attack should serve as a message and a lesson for our government.


The New Tesla Cyber-Truck Sucks

Khang Pham, Staff

Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, is known for his futuristic cars. The release of Tesla cars raised a very controversial question: “Can an electric car work?” But I’m glad that Elon has proven that his many electric cars work, and are now a status symbol to some. Even my family owns two Teslas and we personally love them. But the new Tesla Cyber Truck is downright awful; ever since its release, I’ve heard some positive comments, but most were negative. Let's get into the specific details of why the Cybertruck just sucks.


I want to start by highlighting the positive facts about the truck. First off, like any electric car, it’s very beneficial to the environment. Carbon emissions from gasoline cars produce emissions that are harmful to the environment. Unfortunately, the last positive aspect of the car is its price: $60,000 for a truck is already a really good deal, and since most trucks are “gas-guzzlers,” having an electric truck can save its users a lot of money on gas.

However, from what I’ve seen online, the Cybertrucks are flat-out horrible. Even though it’s an electric-style vehicle, the mining that it takes to produce its design and its battery is more harmful to the environment than the emissions from regular cars, as the batteries are made out of lithium, and the main components like the outside of the car are made from stainless steel. However many have reported that stainless steel is beginning to rust, which is not surprising as condensation helps metal rust. The doors open up to a perfect 90-degree angle, which if you ’ re not careful and it hits another car, could lead to serious damage, as stainless steel is a very sturdy material. But given the negative and positive reviews, it’s ultimately up to the buyer if they want to buy it.


Do Later Start Times Benefit Students?

Most students can agree that getting up at 6 or 7 am is not their favorite part of the day. In the United States, the average start time for school is 8:03 am. With an early starting time and a number of things to do before heading to school, most students do not get their recommended 8-10 hours of sleep, which could impact their ability to learn.

To teens, who are still developing, getting at least 8 hours of sleep is crucial to be able to perform to their full potential in school. A later starting time would give students the opportunity to get an adequate amount of sleep every night. Every parent, teacher, or school administrator’s goal is to make sure that their students have the best chance of getting the future they deserve, and good grades resulting from more sleep can help with that. Due to the lack of sleep that most students have, about 73% of them in the U.S. consume caffeine in some way every day. This caffeine intake from a young age can have negative effects on developing teenagers, such as anxiety and fatigue, worsening their academic outcomes.


Students may not be the only group benefitting from later start times, however. In 2022, a study was conducted, which concluded that middle and high school teachers at a suburban school district in Colorado felt less stressed and more rested three years after the middle school started 40-60 minutes later and the high school started 70 minutes later.

Overall, the move to later start times is well-intentioned and can actually have some significant benefits on both students and teachers.


The Benefits of Traveling

A trip to the Bahamas, Hawaii, or even Paris are all popular trips we want to take some day, but is it worth the cost? Many people's daily lives consist of constant stress from work and fast paced environments, and a change of scenery would help give your mind a break. Spending money on experiences as opposed to objects are proven to be more appreciated. Money is usually the reason why people can’t travel, which is really unfortunate since traveling should be something everyone experiences. Depending on where you are, a quick road trip through nature or to the beach can help one ’ s mental headspace significantly. We live this life to try new things and see new things, why not explore this beautiful world while you can?

We all get to the point in our schooling or jobs where we say “I need a vacation,” but end up pushing ourselves to continue anyways. It’s important for the mind and body to take breaks, and traveling does just that. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying new things increases the dopamine levels in the brain. Speaking to new people and getting to know different perspectives on life would help both your personal and work life. People often travel alone to discover things about themselves, seeing how in different places there’s different societal norms that you can compare to your own. Going to a place like Italy, you will try all different foods, express yourself through body language or use Italian that you know, and just observe how it differs from the US. You will face obstacles that you might underestimate yourself on being able to handle, and it deepens our understanding of various cultures around the world.


A lot of times when people travel, they make a point to go see a memorable place in nature. Seeing these amazing places the world has to offer is worth way more than anything that is a material or object. Seeing places like the Grand Canyon in the US, Cloud Forest in Costa Rica, or Iguazu Falls in Argentina make us appreciate the things nature has to offer, which helps with us realizing how we can do our part to help mother nature’s land as well. It’s also been proven that getting outside and increasing your oxygen and vitamin D will help you feel calmer. Going on a hike, riding a bike, climbing, or diving are all things to do to make your trip more fun. Think about how boring life would be just staying at one place all the time doing the same old things. Going on trips with family and friends almost always has us talking about them years later, appreciating the memories we made. It should be a priority for everyone in life to go and see new places and try new things.

Traveling is very beneficial for both your mental and physical health. Studies show that women who travel at least every two years have less of a risk for developing heart disease compared to others. Seeing the different human behavior and culture creates new perspectives and broadens our understanding of other people.



I looked outside as the beautiful flakes of crystallized water fell. Snow, as my great grandmother had called it. I put my hand to the glass. I wanted to touch it, though I knew it was poisonous. How could something so beautiful be so deadly?

“Viola, there you are!” I jumped. When I spun around, I was relieved to see that it was just Christian standing there. If someone else had caught me this close to the glass, they surely would have reported me, and then I would have been thrown out into the beautiful deadly snow.

“You shouldn’t be here, Christian,” I mumbled.

“Neither should you, ” he shot back. He grabbed my wrist and I didn’t fight. We walked until we found the nearest sidewalk. We typed in our destination: the school, of course, and we settled in for the ride.

“You should’ve brought your car, ” I said.

“Well I hoped your mother was mistaken when she said you ‘went for a walk,’ he said. I cringed because I knew what he meant. That was code for I was going to the border, but only Christian knew that. There was a loud scream, and we looked up. I stepped off the sidewalk, despite Christian’s protest. “Oh my gosh!” I whispered. There was a man outside the border. He was in the snow, banging the glass. I moved to get a closer look.


“Please!” The man ’ s voice was muffled, but I could still hear what he was saying. “Please! I’M SORRY! I’M FINE! PLEASE!” A snowflake fell on the man ’ s bare shoulder and his scream was almost deafening. He screamed as the poisonous solidified water blurred our view. The figure of the man fell into an unconscious lump. I turned and buried my head in Christian’s shoulder and he put a protective arm around me, as if the angry mob might try to execute me too.

Mr. Parsons droned on and on. It was after lunch and everyone was exhausted. I was pretty sure nobody was listening until a girl named Tammy said five words nobody had heard in decades: “I don’t feel so good.” I looked up with the rest of the class. We all had our eyes on Tammy. She was trembling and gripping her stomach. I took a quick glance to my right and saw a couple of boys who snickered. The trashcan, who knows when someone is about to puke, perked up and rushed to her desk. It has been almost two whole decades since those cans hadbeen used. She was sick!! Would she be executed too!? I couldn’t help myself, as my thoughts began to drift to the man I saw earlier today, and tears began to fill my eyes. Mr. Parsons pressed a button behind his desk, and immediately after, two men in hazmat suits came into the room, picked the girl up, and dragged her out of the room. There was a long silence before anyone spoke a word.

“Who did it!?” Mr. Parsons demanded. He stalked over to the snickering boys. “Did you boys tamper with her lunch?” He demanded. “Bryce?” The blond one with the sly smile, Bryce, apparently, shrugged.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” he said.


Mr. Parsons straightened his paisley brown tie.

“I highly suggest you don’t do that again, unless you would like to be thrown outside the glass.”

The class took a collective gasp. Were teachers allowed to threaten students this way? Byrce went pale, or more pale then he was.

“I- I- It was just a harmless prank-”

“Well that ‘harmless prank’ caused your fellow student to throw up, ” Mr. Parsons said, his face twisted with disgust. Not disgusted that the girl threw up, more so that the boy had hurt a classmate. “You are suspended as of now; don’t come back for a week! Goodbye!”

Bryce stood, shouting in protest, “You don’t even know it was me!!”

“Bryce,” Mr. Parsons spat the word, almost like a curse. “Leave this classroom. Right. Now.”


No Homework is Beneficial

Students are always wondering why teachers have to assign homework almost nightly; although, we have other life responsibilities outside of school. I ask myself this question every day. Most students have chores, and many have the responsibility of helping their parents take care of their younger siblings, as well as the students who have extracurriculars whether that be a sport or a club.

School lasts about 7 hours a day and some students have an extra class so they can ensure they have all their credits, giving them an 8 hour day. This doesn’t include the many hours students spend at practice after a long day of school. Then we are expected to spend 1-3 hours on homework, which takes away from our time to relax and spend time with family and friends. This does not include the 8+ hours of sleep we are told to get. Then we are expected to get up the next morning and do it all over again. This gets draining after a while especially for those who are dealing with anxiety or depression.


Turning in homework for a grade causes a lot of stress in students. Instead of making kids take home their schoolwork to finish at home, why don’t teachers structure their lesson plans so that students can get all their work done while in class? Especially since that’s the whole point of going to school, but yet we still have to take it home. Think about it, most careers don’t require adults to finish their work responsibilities at home after a full day of work. Like adults, students have lives outside of school and deserve to leave their stress and responsibilities on campus.

We are required to attend school by law, but yet do not get a break when the last bell of the day rings. Students experience stress due to school and home lives. Why mix the two? Students deserve to rest and leave school out of their home lives to have time to enjoy life such as having fun with friends and family.


Superhero Serial: Valentine’s Day

“Is there a reason a giant teddy bear is sitting at our table?”

Andrei froze where he stood in the kitchen, and sheepishly turned around to glance at the massive golden bear. Del was faintly impressed that it even fit in the chair with how large it was, but she was more concerned with why it was there, not how.

Andrei unfroze, and pouted slightly. “You were supposed to be at work for another hour!”

Del responded with a half-hearted glare and a raised eyebrow. “That does not answer my question.”

He sighed, “It was supposed to be a surprise…”

“For what?”

Now Andrei looked confused, “For Valentine’s day?”

Oh. Oh dear. It was in fact, February 14th. The first February 14th since they were officially together. And she had completely forgotten. Now, to be fair, she had never really celebrated. Between awful foster homes as a kid and running herself ragged with work as an adult, she never felt like celebrating love before. But now…


Now she looked over their kitchen-living room combo, and noted that it was much cleaner than it had been when she left that morning. There was a faint scent of cleaning products in the air, all of the clutter had been organized or put away, and…

And there was a fresh bouquet of roses on the coffee table.

Andrei, having noticed where her gaze lingered, spoke up nervously. “I would have gotten your favorite flowers, but uh, I don’t know what that is yet, so I figured roses would be a pretty safe choice, since they’re the official romance flowers or whatever, even though–”

“They’re great.” Del cut off his rambling with a small fond smile, which quickly dropped once she remembered, “I don’t have anything for you, I’m sorry. ”

“Wha-? Oh! No no, it’s okay! I didn’t expect anything, I just… wanted to do something special for you. ” His admission trailed off at the end, anxiety written in the way he adjusted his glasses, before he straightened and cleared his throat. “However… maybe you could take over dessert? It’s ah, not going well…” He then stepped to the side to reveal the worst looking cupcakes she’d ever seen resting on the stove.

She tried to hold back a laugh as she spoke and was somewhat successful. “How did you even–? No, why did you try to make cupcakes? We’ve already established you ’ re useless at any kind of baking.”


“I thought it would be easier.”

“Yet you still made a mess. ” She began to clear off the counters and grab ingredients for some simple chocolate, but she paused to narrow her eyes. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you ’ re playing it up just so I always make dessert.”

Andrei only whistled cheerfully as he cleaned up his failed baking attempt.


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