The Aftermath 2011-2012 2nd Editon

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Halloween Special Teenage Halloween Fun Angela Locarno

As we get older the things we used to do, as kids are either “un-cool” or just not fun anymore. Well, as Halloween is just around the corner, teenagers are wondering what to do on this spooky holiday. Of course, Trick-or-Treating is fun, but in the hot and sticky weather of Florida walking around all night going from house to house to get candy isn’t as fun as it used to be. Instead of going out to Trick-or-Treating, pick a house to hang out at for the night and crack out the candy and music for a night filled with fun and friends. Getting together with a group of people is always great time, especially when you’re all dressed up in costumes. Have a costume contest to choose who’s the scariest or the most creative and reward them with a huge candy bar. While the nights still young, play some games where everyone can participate. A couple rounds of Catchphrase or Just Dance for the Wii will have everyone on their feet. As the night starts to fade, watch a classic scary movie like “Friday the 13th” or “Halloween.” These are just some of the many fun alternatives to Trick-or-Treating. So if you decide to have people over for Halloween remember, simple things such as friends, candy, and movies make for memorable nights.♦

Comedy Rex Why don’t skeletons go out on the town? They don’t have any body to go with them.

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