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015 – Third Quarter Issue – Vol. XXVI 2 r e m I No. Sum III

n blicatio u P d e All Bre

istribution In Washington, Id D y t i n aho, u Orego Comm n, Montana, & British Columbia Published Since 1988 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON USA


Nichole Mulligan - Custom Cowgirl Training Natural Horsemanship at its BEST!!

P.o. Box 427 • spokane, W a 99210-0427 • (509) 922-3456 Volume 27 • Issue III Summer 2015 • Summer Quarter Issue


Custom Cowgirl Training

ann Kirk Sensible Saddle Basics, Part 2 ............ 6 Helping Children Realize a Dream by Michelle Binder-Zolezzi ............. 12 Veterinary Knowledge How to Prepare for Unwanted Problems When Rescuing Unwanted Horses Dr. Jake Lynch, DVM ........................ 16 riverside State Park Foundation by Ken Carmichael, IEBCH .............. 24 baxter black On The Edge of Common Sense Snaffle Bit Futurity ............................ 30


Advertisers Index .............................. 38 Advertising Rates .............................. 39 Classified Advertising........................ 34 Clubs & Organizations ..................... 36

Horse Previews Magazine Quarterly Schedule All Breeds Always Included! january / WInTEr - 1st Quarter Issue aPrIl / SPrInG - 2nd Quarter Issue july / SuMMEr - 3rd Quarter Issue SEPTEMbEr / Fall - 4th Quarter Issue EDITOR Helen V. Boyd-Schwartz AssIsTAnT EDITOR Ashley Lewan sAlEs & ADMInIsTRATIOn Donna Eslick pRODucTIOn: Patrick McHale, Deborah Simpson, Shelly Wall, Devon McCarthy publIshER: Exchange Publishing OffIcE lOcATIOn: 304 W. Third Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201 cOnTAcT DETAIls: Tel: 509-922-3456 • 1-800-326-2223 Fax: 509-455-7940 Mail: PO Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210 HorsePreviews@ExchangePublishing.com www.Horse-Previews.com

In just her first year to compete in futurities, Nichole Mulligan has won two of the three she’s entered on her homegrown super star, Gucci. The 5 year-old palomino daughter of the leading barrel horse sire, Dash Ta Fame, out of VF Packin A Six Fire- a daughter of Bullys On Fire, which she personally owns. She won the WBRA Futurity earlier this year in Moses Lake, WA. Placing third in the average at the Sancup Futurity in Pasco, WA and then winning the prestigious Barrel Daze in Walla Walla, WA. She won the first round at the Sandcup with a smokin’ 16.9 winning the Futurity and the open division. “It’s been an emotional and humbling experience to do so well on a horse that I’ve bred, raised and trained,” Mulligan said. Nichole may be new to the futurity game, but the talented colt starter and mounted shooter had tons of horsemanship and competitive experience to see her to championship honors at the richest futurity in the Northwest pocketing over $14,276. Having the competitive mindset and the experience in competition was all she needed to be consistent and win. As a youngster she competed in junior rodeo and did a little high school rodeo as well. Nichole then took a 20 year break to get her horse training business going. Her main concern was to make it as a trainer. Winning all three of the BCHI Colt Starting challenges she competed in, really jumpstarted her career. Getting horses from all over the country to start and fix, she soon became known for her ability to tame the untamable. During all of this, she never stopped dreaming about barrel racing and having that perfect cross to run and win on. Not getting much time to race she started dabbling in the breeding, buying select mares and researching bloodlines. “I love the cross between speed and turn” Mulligan says, “I love to have them hunt that barrel from the back forty and have them go in and drag their butt.” Researching bloodlines for the past 15 years she feels she’s perfected the perfect horse for what she loves. A smart,

On Our Front Cover

willing nature, that loves to turn a barrel. Being a horsewoman foremost, all of her horses have that same personality trait: quiet, extremely broke and that inhale-a-barrel attitude! She prides herself in the fact that she can sell these horses, and people can go on to win on them. Her first big sale was a little mare named Kat. She rode Kat for over 6 years before turning her over to Jenny Smith in Los Angeles. Kat now places or wins wherever she goes. She also made the decision to sell Gucci to Nicole Riggle. Nicole has plans to qualify her for the prestigious “American”, and on the road to the NFR. Mulligan retained 2 embryos to the amazing mare Gucci. “Being able to ride her dam, “Vegas”, and Gucci it’ll be interesting to see how Gucci’s babies ride as well” Mulligan says. She’s realizing that she doesn’t have the time to travel to really get her horses out there to show the world how amazing they are, so letting them go to people who can really showcase their talents is the next best thing. Having own get of Judge Cash, On A Gator, Dr Nick Bar, Frenchmans Guy, As Good As Nick Gets, Eddie Stinson, Special Leader, PC Frenchmans Hayday, to name a few, Nichole has her hands full for a few years to come. Always having something for sale in just about every age group, she loves to try new bloodlines and see what fits for her future breeding purposes. Nichole is taking outside horses for starting, tuneups, and barrel training. www.customcowgirltraining.com is her website or contact through email 1customcowgirl@gmail.com


The Pacific Northwest Fjord Promotional Group presents the

28th International Fjord Horse Show 1st

August 14th-16th 2015 Davenport Wa.

Awards for High Point Senior, Junior, and Versatility. Awards valued at over $500.00

Pleasure Carriage Driving English & Western Riding Ridden & Driven Games Trail & Obstacle Challenge

Register at WWW.PNFPG.ORG or Contact

Come and cheer on our local Therapeutic riding kids as they compete Saturday Aug. 15th. We will have several classes dedicated to the Fjord horse and their therapeutic riders.

Holly Finnoe at Fjordfamily@gmail.com Susie Sabatini at 208-610-6888


MAMA SAID DASH aka Rocket ApHA Reg#910883

2007 Homozygous Black & White Tobiano 15.2 hands, 1150 lbs Sire: Heza Blue Tomcat Dam: Goin to the Cash Bar

Rocket is homozygous for both the tobiano and black gene! Guaranteed color and will never produce a red foal! Rocket has an excellent disposition and great conformation! Rocket’s pedigree includes Nevada War Drum, The Aztec Eagle, QT Poco Streke, Dash for Cash and Beduino just to name a few! His sire, Heza Blue Tomcat, one of the very few true blue roan tobianos, stands at stud in Australia. Rocket’s foals have great conformation, excellent dispositions and beautiful color! If you are looking for an excellent bred, color guaranteed stallion to breed your mare or mares to in 2015, please consider Rocket as you will not be disappointed!

“New FoalS Have arrived! Please Visit our Website for Pictures & Information on our Awesome Foals this Year!”

2015 Breeding Fee: $500 Non-Refundable Booking Fee: $150

POCO BUENOS GHOST aka Casper AQHA Reg#4504586

2004 Cremello Sire: Buenos Twisted Doc Dam: Pocos Miss Miranda 14.3 hands, 1050 lbs “Casper has a great foundation pedigree, great disposition and conformation. He is siring foals that are very easy to train, athletic and the bonus is the color of either buckskin, palomino or the rare smokey black!” Pictured are just two of the outstanding offspring that Casper is siring!

2015 Breeding Fee: $400 Non-Refundable Booking Fee: $150


C&S paint and Quarter Horse Ranch

Producing good working and using horses and adding color as a bonus!

Elk, WA 99009 • 509 220-7712

horsedr37@aol.com • www.cspaintquarterhorses.com

“A big Thank You to everyone over the past 8 years who has either chosen to breed thier mare or mares to one of our stallions or has purchased a horse from us! It is your support and hearing the wonderful stories of the resulting foals or the progress of our home bred horses that keeps us doing what we love every year!”— Charlene & Steve Ulrich



Ann Kirk Sensible Saddle Basics – Part 2 Can you believe it is July of 2015 already? It has been a great year thus far. We had a great Spring Tune-up Clinic in May and I thank all those who attended. Because I am committed to helping people enjoy and develop safe partnerships with their horses, clinics and lessons bring me tremendous satisfaction when I see people get great results and major breakthroughs with their equine friends. If I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me so we can chat. In my last article in April, I talked a lot about the principles I use when saddling and this time I will explain how I apply them. Let’s get started. If you have done emotional training using the Bridle Dance, this will be the logical next step. Take your bridled horse, saddle, pad and cue whip to the Round Pen. Warm your horse up with the Bridle Dance. When he is standing quietly, reach around him at the girth and give him a light squeeze. Be sure to have hold of the rein on your side and don’t squeeze too tight to start. Move his hip and switch sides. You can also use a soft lead rope or the sheet. While keeping contact with the rein, put it around his girth. When you have both ends together, apply pressure and release. If he moves, disengage his hip to a stop. When he’s comfortable standing, have him walk on the circle and apply pressure by pulling the 2 ends towards you. You can even progress to ‘tying’ the sheet or lead around the girth by just wrapping the ends around each other. Don’t

My goal is to connect

you with your horse by teaching you sensible,

hands-on exercises that will reduce frustration

actually tie a knot as this can cause too strong of a reaction in the beginning. If you just wrap the ends, they will loosen on their own or you can quickly release it with one hand if need be. Switch sides often. Remember to also move the pressure back some on the belly where the rear strap will eventually hang. Be prepared to move the hip away if this produces any kicking or bucking. Another great exercise is to have them walk while you have your arm over their back. From the left side take the rein in your left hand and turn the whip so it comes out the bottom of your right hand. Start the horse forward, place your right arm over his back at the girth. Or place your arm over first and then cue him forward, using the whip on your right hip if he doesn’t move off the kiss. Squeeze with the right arm and push into him with your right side to simulate the legs or the girth around him. Start soft and progress to a full-out bear hug. Disengage his hip with the rein and switch sides.

Book a Clinic in Your Area and Attend for Free!

Trail riding CliniC augusT 22-23

and make your

partnership possible. You are personally

invited to come and join

this fun-filled, incredible journey that will make your goals a reality!

Need More Confidence? Let Ann Kirk Guide You With Sensible Horsemanship

Contact: Ann Kirk www.AnnKirk.com email: info@annkirk.com (509) 292-2475

Teaching the Art of Reading the Heart - Sensible Horsemanship JULY 2015 • HORSE PREVIEWS • PAGE 6


Some horses get really worried about this exercise as they are used to you leading them, not walking that far behind. If they rush forward, just work the bridle, disengage their hip and start again. This is a great transitional exercise for getting them used to you being in control from behind their ‘drive-line’. They are used to you being the leader when you are near their front half, but when we ride, we are controlling them from the back half. This will really help to change that and you can work the shoulders, the back-up and all the bridle work more like you were in the saddle with this exercise. Don’t hurry! When he is comfortable being squeezed and having something tightened around him, put the blanket and the saddle on him. If you’ve sacked him well, you should be able to throw it up like you would on a well broke horse. Usually, I will hook the reins out of the way and attach a 12 ft lead to the left side of his bit. I use a continuous rope rein and I don’t want him to pull away from me when he’s only partly saddled. By using a lead, I am able to get away from him if he does over react, yet still have some control.

bridle, let him out to the end of the lead or just let go if you think you might get hurt. If you have prepared him properly, he should work easily and without great concern but if he doesn’t, it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Remember, you are working with a horse and horses often revert to what comes natural. I do at least 10 reps of the Bridle Dance before stopping him and tightening the cinch some more. Then repeat the 10 reps until you have the saddle fairly tight. I won’t cinch them as tight as I will before mounting as I want the experience to be positive. I also want the back cinch up at least another notch from where I started. Eventually, I will tighten the back cinch fairly snug so the horse can get used to the whole package, but not always the first time. If all has gone well and he is working through the Bridle Dance smoothly, let him wear the saddle for 20-30 minutes while you work with him at a walk. Then take it off. It has been a great first lesson. Saddle him a few times, even in the same day, before moving him up to higher speeds. Next time, we will talk about how to progress him up to trotting and loping and some controlled and freestyle sacking while saddled. These are exercises you will use to be sure he is comfortable with the saddle before you mount. Until then, stay safe and take time to enjoy your days of training. — God Bless your day, Ann Kirk

When the saddle is on, hold it with the right hand and walk him a few feet with your left hand on the left rein. Disengage his hip and switch sides. Do the same on the right side. Keep switching until he’s okay with just carrying the saddle. If he seems really nervous, walk him a few steps, stop and remove the saddle so the emotions will come down. Then throw it D more D information on Ann Kirk and her Sensible Horsemanship up there and do it again. Sometimes, I use a pony saddleDDor D a D For cordura that is light enough to work with one hand so I can Program, go to www.AnnKirk.com. These lessons are available on DD allD that the D Sensible D D D Horsemanship DVDs. Ann is also available for private better work the bridle while they get used to having lessons or clinics in your area. flapping stuff thrown up there. You might start with 309 even East Insert Roada Deer Park, WA 99006 bareback pad, with or without stirrups. D D D D D DD D … 309 E. Insert Rd. Let the horse tell you when he is comfortable with one step Deer Park, WA 99006 before you go to the next. If he moves suddenly and the sadDD D D (509) D D 723-8166 dle falls off, no harm done. In fact, if you have an old saddle (425) 681-0142 that you don’t mind hitting the ground, it is good the Personalized caretoatpush an affordable price! DD D D dleigh@cnw.com D D D saddle off a few times as an additional sacking exercise. In B it back Outside Shelter/Heated Water 309 East Insert Road Deer Park, WA 99006 either case, just pick it up and put on. This is great to do with your young foals also so it will be a done deal by the BOARDING B 50’ x 50’ Individual Runs PREMIER FULL SERVICE D D D D D DD D … time they get old enough to ride. WITH RESIDENT ATTENDANT




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When all is well, drop the B rigging and again him Weekly Penwalk Cleaning forward while holding the saddle in place. You might want Premium Alfalfa/Orchard Grass heated Hay water to take the back cinch off for B this part of the first saddling weekly, Personalized care at an affordable price! but usually I don’t. From the left, reach under and grab the B On-Site Attention ◆ Premium alfalfa/grass hay, fed 2x daily cinch. While holding the rein or lead line attached to the bit, B Outside Shelter/Heated Water lift the cinch up against his belly and immediately release. ◆ Supplements/ grain fed when supplied by owner upon request B $300 Monthly * *Additional services B 50’ x 50’ Individual Runs Do this several times. Then you will slip the latigo or cinch ◆ Heated wash rack, tack strap through the cinch ring one time so you can again lift Indoor & Outdoor B Weekly Pen Cleaning room, parking the cinch against his belly and release while standing still and Riding Arenas while walking. ◆ Indoor lighted B Premium Alfalfa/Orchard Grassarena Hay Be sure he is ready before cinching Onceofyou start 80x144 Miles &up. miles lacing up the cinch, you are committed to putting it on tight B On-Site Attention ◆ Outdoor arena 150x250 trailif he starts enough that it won’t come off orgroomed roll under him *Additional services upon request B $300 Monthly * bucking. I will lace it up loosely, move him a few steps, then ◆ Endless Trails riding trails gently remove the slack until it is just tight enough to keep Indoor & Outdoor ◆ Turn Outs Available it from turning. Then I buckle theContact back cinch till 509-723-8166 it loosely Doug: or De: 425-681-0142 touches the belly, and walk himE-mail: off in adleigh@cnw.com circle around me. ForRiding more information Arenas Proud Distributors of: Cue him easy and give him time to figure out the first few steps. Maybe even let him walk more forward but keep close Noble & Gates MilesPanels & miles of◆ LubriSyn - Joint Supplement contact. If he does start bucking and doesn’t respond to the

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e Association for Rehabilitation and Training” (HEART) Training” (HEART) nd r Rehabilitation and Training” nym is an appropriate one and(HEART) describes the place that scribes the place that onewith and the describes thethe place that In their words, npriate working horses or children. Helping Children Realize a Dream ildren. In their words, he horses or the children. In their words, By Michelle Binder-Zolezzi each children to ride.” In our Inland Northwest community, there are many peo- sons, day camps, ride.” Charitable organization and aandFederal 501(c)3. The Youth Rescue Horses ple working in ways that both inspirees benefit young horse shows, and rs Youth &&Rescue Horses ederal 501(c)3. The anization and athegeneration Federal 501(c)3. The special activipeople, the and the future of ourfor world. . Possible” isnext guiding principle theTheorganization. volunteers at the “Healthy Equine Association for Rehabilita- ties that HEART ee for the organization. principle for the organization. th guiding rses that may be candidates for euthanasia, horses attend. tion and Training” (HEART) are such people. HEART’s acro- rehabilitate uthanasia, rehabilitate he nym is an appropriate one and describes the place that every Consistent with eT)l candidates forprograms euthanasia, life involunteer lesson andrehabilitate activities young people HEART’s mission comes from when working with the horsesfor or the ities for young people at children. In their words, “First weyoung save horses, then we teach to improve the ograms and activities for people nams currently support the programs provided through s, horses lives of children, children to ride.” provided through yeney. support the isprograms provided through an active ScholChildren participate in lessons, dayand camps, horse HEART a Washington State Charitable organization he ns, day camps, horse a Federal 501(c)3. The motto “Making the impossible…. Pos- arship program participate in lessons, day camps, horse n. t HEART attend. Consistent withHEART’s HEART’s mission provides funding sible”horses is the guiding principle for the organization. te with HEART’s mission for young riders mission is to rescue horses that may be candidates for euthaattend. Consistent with HEART’s mission , an nasia, active Scholarship program provides funding for le rehabilitate them and return them to a useful life in les- through national, provides funding for Making the gh olarshipand program provides funding forprograms. son programs and regional and local organization’s youth programs. egional local organization’s youth se outh programs. activities for young HEART horses travel too. Hardworking, talented HEART bl e! Impossible... Possible! on l organization’s youth programs. peopleare and currently disad- students are currently raising funds to go to the 2015 Cowboy Making the dworking, talented HEART students raising sor are currently raising vantaged youth. Dressage World Finals in California! Not every trip is that big. ed HEART students are currently raising cur- every ynia! Dressage World in California! trip2014, is two special horses spent the day at West In summer Eleven horsesNot Impossible... Possible! Not every tripFinals is ng Central Episcopal Church Youth Camp, taking children that rently support the ld in California! trip is special spent theNot dayevery atprograms West Centralhad Episcopal is Finalshorses never touched a horse on rides. HEART horses reguprovided West Central Episcopal al larly attend community events, and have even visited folks in through Relational pent the day at West Central Episcopal dren on rides that had never touched a horse. HEART RT Riding Academy in special care facilities. One man walked a few steps without hed a horse. HEART re at had neverand touched a horse. HEART his walkercare just to touch the horse that visited his home. The Cheney. Children nity events, have even visited folks in special atfolks in special care participate in les- horses truly have an almost magical effect on human beings have even visited folks in special care nd w steps without touch the horse his thatwalker just to touch the horse that se walker just tothemagical touch horse ors e ... First an we rehabilitate horse... the lyhishuman have almost effect onthat human beings and on beings and r ide . Then we teach children to ride. es st magical effect on human beings and REALIZE A DREAM courage, joy, love and trust when they are around these ms they are around these Youth && Rescue Horses Rescue Horses Rescued ne ve and Horse trust when theyHorse are around these FirstYouth we rehabilitate the horse... First we rehabilitate the er-Zolezzi d, First we rehabilitate Then the we horse... teach children First wedue rehabilitate the horse... First we rehabilitate thethe horse... 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In theirfor words, ed to HEART instead, p: How You Can Help: he ride.” was Rescued Horse aoth donated to HEART escribes the that or but orado to Spokane in hopes that, instead, with the help of HEART’s EER SPONSOR | place DONATE | VOLUNTEER the help of HEART’s ganization and a Federal 501(c)3. The ns es,he hopes that, with the help of HEART’s hildren. In their words, port: Ourto Programs depend on your organization. support: einguiding saved. He was saved and went on to teach many principle for the nt on teach many • Horse Rescue be for euthanasia, rehabilitate ascandidates saved and went onlove to teach can’t keep horses they due to many their own illnesses or • Riding Lessons their own illnesses or programs and activities for young people • Summer Day Camps they love due toprovided their own illnesses or home ederal 501(c)3. The donor wanted her horse to have a forever where Making the support thehome programs through astly forever where • Horse Visitations HEART programs are Our Programs depend How You Can Help: • Special Introductions participate inorganization. lessons, day camps, horse e for the er horse to have a forever home where and loved, and that is where he is. on your support: offered through: s. Impossible... Possible! rough: s attend.HEART Consistent HEART’s mission SPONSOR | with DONATE | VOLUNTEER programs are offered through: ♥ Horse Rescue RELATIONAL uthanasia, rehabilitate that ismore where he is. ming self-sustaining and is exploring fundraising EMY RELATIONAL RIDING ACADEMY exploring fundraising holarship program provides funding for Riding Lessons RIDING okane 3714 W♥ Anderson Rdon| Spokane Our Programs depend your support: fundraising vities for young people sustaining and is exploring How You Can He althe organization’s youth programs. How You Can Help: aritable donations are critical to the survival of the survival of the ♥ Summer Day Camps ACADEMY A TION WA STATE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION • Horse Rescue ted HEART students are currently raising How You Can Help: FEDERAL 501(c)3 rams provided ns are critical toNot the survival of like the| DONATE How You Can Help: 3714 W Anderson Rd ♥ Horsethrough Visitations or the horses and staff fundraisers HEART’s major • Riding Lessons SPONSOR | DONATE | VOLUN s like HEART’s major SPONSOR | VOLUNTEER orld Finals in California! every trip is SPONSOR | DONATE | VOLUNTEER IT : TO MAKE A DONATION VISIT: Spokane, WA ♥ Special Introductions • Summer Day Camps You Can Help: ons, day camps, horse nd staff fundraisers like major and donations spent the day atdonations West Central Episcopal SPONSOR | DONATE | VOLUNTEER Kids Carnival” held theHEART’s fall. Fundraisers g www.SpokanesHEART.org raisers and SPONSOR | in DONATE VOLUNTEER TO| MAKE A DONATION VISIT: www.SpokanesHEART.org • Horse Visitations that had never touched a horse. HEART STATE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION Our WA Programs depend on your su with HEART’s mission Our Programs depend on support: eld in• Special the fall. Fundraisers and donations ! Our Programs depend on your your support: Rre | DONATE |rescue VOLUNTEER or contact Michelle Binder-Zolezzi • 509-290-4301 TODAY!! for theDONATE horses and provide scholarship funds, Introductions de scholarship funds, FEDERAL 501(c)3 d have even visited folks in special care Our Programs depend on your Rescue support: • Horse JULY 2015 •Donate. HORSE PREVIEWS • PAGE 12 provides funding for Our Programs onthat your support: • Horse Rescue horses and provide scholarship funds, HEART programs areadepend offered through: Sponsor child; Volunteer; uthorse; hisDonate. walker just to touch the horse er; RELATIONAL RIDING south oneffect youronsupport: most magical humanACADEMY beings and• Riding Lessons • Horse Rescue • Riding Lessons programs. • Horse Rescue adepend child; Volunteer; Donate. 3714 W Anderson Rd | Spokane

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Western Music Association Entertainer of the Year & Songwriter of the Year

Country Music Night

Four Mounds Arena and Bison Range

July 18, 7pm @ The Ranch, 7 Mile Washington

Winging it

We have overnight “dry camping” for $15. The tickets for the concert are $20 apiece. There will also be a BBQ on site for a reasonable price. You can come camp, bring your own horse and ride the ranch. We will have some guides to ride out with you to see the 2000 acre ranch and the buffalos! The concert starts at 7pm and is lawn chair seating (no lounge chairs please). After the concert, stay and visit with all the folks, meet and say “hi” to Dave… we may have an additional dance band in the evening also. Please come and enjoy and be a part of a “family and friends” day at the Ranch!

Tickets $20 • Overnight Camping (per unit) $15 BBQ Available for a reasonable price Bring your lawn chair (no lounge chairs please) Advanced tickets available by check - limited number of tickets available. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the gate.

Tickets may be purchased by mail: Teresa York, 11907 N Craig Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99206 Make checks payable to “Kountry Kritters”

Contact Scott Wiggins for additional info:


A portion of the proceeds to benefit BCH, Shriners Hospital, Wishing Star & Free Rein Therapeutic Riding

and even the most timid children find courage, joy, love and trust when they are around these special animals. The HEART horses typically have few options due to the injuries, illnesses or diseases they have. The organization has saved horses suffering from starvation, problems like laminitis, career-ending severe injury, and has even raised funds for surgery. One horse was one day from scheduled euthanasia but was donated to HEART instead, shipped by the owners from Colorado to Spokane in hopes that, with the help of HEART’s expert veterinarians, he could be saved. He was saved and went on to teach many riders. Sometimes owners just can’t keep horses they love due to their own illnesses or advanced age. At age 84, one donor wanted her horse to have a forever home where she knew he would be cared for and loved, and that is where he is. HEART is committed to becoming more self-sustaining and is exploring fundraising business opportunities but charitable donations are critical to the survival of the organization. Volunteers care for the horses and staff fundraisers like HEART’s major community event, the “Wild West Kids Carnival” held in the fall. Fundraisers and donations generate the funds needed to care for the rescue horses and provide scholarship funds, but anyone can help: sponsor a horse, sponsor a child, volunteer, donate. For more information about programs & opportunities, contact HEART, Michelle Binder-Zolezzi, Executive Director, 509-290-4301 or go to www.SpokanesHeart.org

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208-265-2593 • 208-661-1721 cell — BOARDING —

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Secretary: Audry Henning 509-999-2509

Thank You to our Sponsors! Kooy Irrigation David & Terri


How to Prepare for Unwanted Problems When Rescuing Unwanted Horses

veterinary knowledge

agel e s s horsemanship

Dr. Jake Lynch, DVM, McKinlay Peters Equine Hospital

The unwanted horse continues to be a major problem in the equine industry. Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions, and the problem is likely to persist. For those benevolent individuals willing to rescue and rehabilitate unwanted horses, there are some important considerations to be aware of before embarking on this journey. Dr. Jake Lynch, DVM, And it is a journey; the easiest McKinlay Peters Equine Hospital part is saying yes when your emotions won’t let you say no, but then what? You need to be prepared for your sake, the sake of the rescued horse(s), and the horses that you may already have. One of the biggest concerns is taking in a horse that may be carrying or exposed to an infectious disease. Horses that are rescued from a sale yard environment are at a much greater risk of acquiring (and spreading) an infectious disease. At the sale yard, horses are stressed from transport, a new environment, overcrowding, and finding their place in a new

group of horses, and they are often malnourished and not vaccinated adequately to begin with. All of this combines to create an environment conducive for the spread of infectious disease. It is imperative that you have a place to properly quarantine your newly acquired rescue for three weeks. Most diseases will rear their ugly heads by this time after a horse has been exposed. Proper quarantine procedures entail keeping the rescue horse isolated as far away as possible from your other horses. The flu virus can spread from one end of the barn to the other by a coughing horse. Separate tools for cleaning and grooming should be used. Do not handle the rescue horse and then your horses, so clean and feed the rescue horse last. Cleaning your water buckets and water troughs is very important. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses last longer in water and cool, moist environments than they do when exposed to hot, dry and sunlit conditions. Also, make sure your current horses are up to date on their vaccinations prior to bringing in a new horse. Be on the look out for any coughing or nasal discharge. Also monitor the horses eating and drinking. If the horse’s temperament allows, daily monitoring of the temperature will help identify disease early. If the horse has a temperature over 101.5F, goes off feed, has nasal discharge or a cough, it is time

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The Northwest’s Premier Equine Hospital JULY 2015 • HORSE PREVIEWS • PAGE 17

to call your veterinarian. One disease that is prevalent at the sale yard is commonly known as strangles. This disease can create significant hardship. An outbreak can last for months, and it may take a considerable investment in time, money, and labor before the disease is eliminated. Strep equi subspecies equi is the bacterium responsible for causing strangles. Most horses will develop clinical signs such as nasal discharge, fever, and swelling of the retropharyngeal lymph nodes four to five days after exposure; however, in some horses it may take up to 2 weeks. Another complicating factor is that a horse may be an asymptomatic carrier. A horse can look and act apparently normal, yet still be shedding bacteria. Given this fact, and that it can be such a devastating condition to deal with, it is advisable to test any new horse for strangles if it comes from a questionable source. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is now available for strangles and should be performed prior to your horse leaving quarantine. A PCR test from a nasal swab sample is more sensitive than a culture, and is a good way to screen for possible asymptomatic carriers. The test is not 100% reliable, but it will greatly decrease the odds of bringing an infected animal into your herd. If the horse is positive, additional testing which may include endoscopy and bacterial culture may be indicated. Many rescue horses show obvious signs of neglect and are usually under weight. The body condition score (BCS) of horses is often graded on a scale of 1-9, the Henneke scale. One indicates a severely emaciated animal, whereas a nine indicates a morbidly obese animal. A four to five is an ideal BCS. Initially, rescue horses that have a BCS of one or

Eddie MacMurdo Memorial Horse Show Saturday & Sunday, 8am September 19 & 20 Walla Walla Fairgrounds Indoor Arena Sponsored By: Walla Walla Valley Horsemen Association www.WallaWallaValleyHorsemen.org Information: Erica Lackey – 509/520-9887 Diane Jones – 509/529-4067

Upriver Stables Limited stalls available n Trained stock for sale n 12x12 matted box stalls (Some paddocks) n Daily turn-out may be included n 65’x144’ covered arena n 55’ round pen with solid walls n

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two should not be given a lot of feed, especially grain and concentrates. Horses given too much feed too quickly, or feed high in starches and sugars may develop life threatening electrolyte imbalances from the sudden increase in glucose and insulin. This is most likely to occur in the first few days of feeding. After ten days, the horse’s system should be better adjusted. Start by feeding a ¼ ration of alfalfa hay divided into 4-6 small feedings. A normal ration would be approximately 2% of a horse’s body weight. Estimating a horse’s weight by using a weight tape will get you in the ballpark. Gradually increase the amount to a normal ration over the course of 10 days. When the horse is starting to gain weight, which can be monitored by using a weight tape, concentrates may be slowly introduced. However, most horses will do fine with good quality hay and a trace mineral salt block. Parasitism is another common issue to address in the rescue horse. It may have been years since the horse was last dewormed. Submitting a fecal sample to your veterinarian is a good place to start in determining your horse’s parasite burden. Horses with heavy parasite loads should not be dewormed with certain dewormers. Young horses heavily parasitized with roundworms/ascarids are at particular risk of developing a lifethreatening impaction if the worms are killed off too quickly. Fenbendazole (Safeguard® or Panacur®) will kill the parasites off at a slower rate. An initial, single dose of Fenbendazole given at 5mg/kg is a good choice. A few weeks later, a once a day, 5-day double dose (10mg/kg) of fenbendazole may be given to kill encysted strongyles and migrating ascarids. It is always advisable to consult your veterinarian prior to deworming a weak and debilitated animal. After the horse is considered free of infectious disease, other general health measures should be taken care of such as vaccinations, dental work, and hoof trimming. Be aware that the horse may have behavioral issues that may need to be addressed by a trainer. Other problems such as chronic laminitis or arthritis may also be present. An examination of the horse by your veterinarian is important, and if at all possible, this should be done prior to rescuing the horse so that you know the challenges you may face. Also, don’t forget to get a bill of sale! It will be difficult to get a brand inspection and health certificate without it. Rescuing an animal in need can be a rewarding experience, but you should know what you are getting into before you say “yes.” There are many precautions and considerations you must take to help ensure a successful outcome. Good luck and happy trails!


— Appointments Please —

Liberty Lake, WA 99019


Easy access: 1 mile from I-90, Exit 299 - Liberty Lake, WA

Jed McKinlay, DVM • Bob Peters, DVM Misty Parker, DVM • Robert K. Schneider, DVM Jake Lynch, DVM 509-928-MPEH (6734) • Email: debbie@mpevh.com www.McKinlayPetersEquine.com



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Riverside State Park Foundation By Ken Carmichael, Inland Empire Back Country Horsemen

To: Don Hock, Director Washington State Parks & Recreation 1111 Israel Road, SW Olympia, WA 98504 Dear Sir, Riverside State Park, one of the largest parks in the system,is well known for a variety of recreational, cultural, historical and environmental features. One of these is the equestrian opportunities offered by the miles of trails and the equestrian area. In June 1998 the Land Classification process identified a portion of the park as an equestrian area in recognition of the value and need for such facilities in the Spokane area. I have documents dating back to 2008 when we started work to truly develop this resource. However it was not until Manager Chris Guidotti, came on board that things really took off. The purpose of this letter is to clearly document the success of this venture and the very important part that Manager, Chris Guidotti, and Ranger Moose Hempel, have played in this activity. In pointing these two men out we do not want to in any way minimize the support that was provided by the rest of the fine Riverside State Park staff that put hours into


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this project. First, I must state that the entire project is a result of combining the labor, talent, equipment, tools, leadership and financial resources of Riverside State Park, the Riverside State Park Foundation (RSPF) and the Inland Empire Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Washington (IEBCH). Each of these organizations have put forth extensive efforts working together to make this happen. As we know partnerships between State Parks and the community are essential for State Parks success. But it starts and ends with the leadership and commitment of Chris and Moose. Without them nothing would have happened. The project is really broken into two major components. First is the equestrian campground that has been developed over two stages resulting in 20 campsites with camp host facilities, restrooms, corrals and shelter. The second is the arena area that includes a 140x240’ arena, 60’ round pen, trail course, announcers stand, with sound system, ground clearing and roads. Chris has managed much of the funding, including grants, and actual construction of the campground. He found the initial private grant to start the arena area. Without Chris’s drive and leadership this would not have been done. Nor would it have been done if Moose had not been there every step of the way supporting the volunteers with equipment, knowledge and labor when we needed it. Their combined encouragement and backing as we pulled these resources together was essential. But, we are not done. I know that Chris and Moose will be there as we continue to develop the equestrian area and the wonderful resources that Riverside State Park provides to the equestrian community. On behalf of the Riverside State Park Foundation, the Inland Empire Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Washington and the entire equestrian community, we want to thank Chris and Moose for their dedication, hard work and leadership in making this project happen. These two men should be congratulated on the fine work they are doing for State Parks and the community. Sincerely, Ken Carmichael Riverside State Park Foundation Inland Empire Back Country Horsemen cc: Tom Ernsberger, Regional Manager Chris Guidotti, Park Manager, Moose Hempel, Ranger


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Spotted Creek Ranch


Mr Dash N Cash 1999 AQHA Palomino Stallion, 15hh

359 AQHA Points 117 PHBA points 5 PHBA World Championships 6 PHBA Reserve World Championships 2004 AQHA High Pt. Calf Roping (5th) Performance Register of Merit Superior Calf Roping Superior Heeling Open Heading SIRE: Miss N Cash-Earner of $124,662, NCHA Open Derby Champion

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On The edge Of COmmOn SenSe by Baxter Black, DVM

Snafflebit Futurity Have you ever been drivin’ a set of pasture cattle down the lane? Then you notice them stringin’ out longer and longer, driftin’ over into the ditches along the side ‘til pretty soon you’re a half mile ahead of the lead steer. You look back at the feller you put ridin’ drag. Over the backs of the wanderin’ herd, through the dusty haze, there he is. He’s got his two-year-old brown gelding spinning in a tight circle to the right. The colt’s head is pulled to the inside, butt down and tail tucked in. Then the colt’s nose is pulled down against his chest and he’s backin’ up in quick steps. Suddenly the horse and rider burst forward like Custer’s charge and reach a gallop within a few strides! He leans all the way back. The colt’s whole body tips back, head up, front hooves locked straight. The hind legs stiffen and reach plum under the head. He sticks his butt nearly to the ground and skids to a sliding stop.

The cowboy pauses, pats ol’ Brown and gazes off listening to the thunderous applause of the imaginary crowd. “You crazy two legged mare ridin’ maniac! Get those cattle up here!” Every outfit’s got a feller who hired on to cowboy and get another fifty a month to ride a couple of colts. The better they seem to be with horses, the more their attention seems to wander workin’ cattle. They can’t help it. It’s in their blood. They march to a different drummer, those boys. Some of ‘em are so good with horses it’s hard to believe they can’t read each other’s mind. Most of ‘em dream of makin’ a livin’ training horses. The pinnacle of achievement, the World Series, Super Bowl and National Finals of horse training is the Snaffle Bit Futurity held in Reno every September. It’s one of the most beautiful sights you’ll ever set your eyes on. Even the grouchiest, grumblin’ feedlot foreman gets a little twinge to see man and horse perform as one. Ears twitchin’, nostrils flarin’, rommals, bosalls, braided macardies, rawhide, muscles ripplin’, eyes alert, horse hair, silver, mane and tail. If this sounds like a tribute to that strange breed of cowboy who’d feel more at home on the back of a spinnin’, nervous colt than on the dance floor at Schroeder Hall, I guess it is. They say there’s a place for everything. www.baxterblack.com

18 Acre Waterfront Horse Property

62 Meadow Lane Newport, WA

Looking for peace, quiet, serenity & abundant wildlife?

Shannon M. Sheckler MlS#: 201518516

• 660 feet of Little Spokane River frontage • 18+ acres, 3 parcels, water views • Updated 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1800 sq.ft. house & 1300 sq.ft. guest house/ game room • Flat pasture land, barn, low maintenance grounds • Gorgeous tiled 2 head shower, wood floors, solarium, covered porches, southern exposure • 7 miles from Newport, 38 miles to Spokane (formerly Soleil) 509.885.3333




1111 W Ballard Road Double Eagle Stables

• 18.25 acres, 2 parcels • 60’x130’ indoor arena • 100’x200’ lighted outdoor arena • Barns with stalls, runs, pastures • 3 bedroom, 2 bath modular home, 3 car garage • Singlewide for the farm staff • Mead Schools • 8 minutes to Wandermere Shopping Center • Additional 20 acres, quality custom home & shop available - $750,000 for entire property $

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11 Year Old Buckskin Appaloosa Mare, would make great 4‑H horse, broke to ride, $1500 or best offer. Will trade for Tennes‑ see Walker mare. 509/680‑3189 Addy

Black Welsh Pony: 7 Years, 12.2hh, been ridden for 1.5 years, $2200 Canadian. 250‑229‑5652

12 Year Old Black Tennessee Walker, gaited, 1200 lbs., 16hh, great trail horse, broke to death, bathes, loads, clips, great for shoer, very sweet mare, advanced beginner, need to downsize, $2000. 509/448‑7109 Spokane

2015 Foals: ApHC Colored sorrel colt, not halterbroke but handled daily & will meet you at the gate, $750; AQHA dun (possibly grullo) filly, $800. www.purrd‑ cutehimalayans.com 509/258‑8997 Near Dispersal Of Reg. Appaloosa, Open mares, spotted & solid colors, $700. Seen on Craigslist as “Owner Retiring, Selling Appy Mares”. 509/684‑3866 Colville

HORSES Fancy Friesian Horses For Sales & full blood Friesian stallion, standing at stud, in Sunnyside WA. For more informa‑ tion go to my website www.FriesiansNatu‑ rally.com or phone Jaime 509/840‑5817 8 Year Old Beautiful Red Tobiano gelding, sweet, gentle, eager to learn personality, perfect for 4H or Gymkha‑ na, broke, water OK, no vices, 30 day touch up, trails, good with kids, $2000. 406‑274‑4622, Juliaetta, ID Horses Wanted, All Kinds, Paying Cash. 509/243‑4245, 208/413‑2192 Paying Top Dollar All Horses. I Will pick up in Spokane & surrounding areas. 509/202‑5836 Wanted: Buying all classes Of Horses. Top prices paid. We will not be in Moses Lake in June. Come see us on July 11th, 10am‑ 2pm, at Cows R Us, East Broad‑ way Ave Extended. Call Don Nowlin, 509/840‑0653

2015 AMHA/AMHR Palomino Colt, should be around 34”, currently almost white in color, straight & correct all around, $500. 509/258‑8997 www.purrdcutehima‑ layans.com

MORGANS Spokane Morgan Club, Get A Free membership! See stallions at stud & qual‑ ity horses for sale, event photos & mem‑ berships online. www.spokanemorganclub. org or 509/796‑2140

QUARTER HORSES Reg. Quality AQHA & APHA Horses for sale. Weanlings and up in ages available. Standing two outstanding stallions at stud, an AQHA cremello and an APHA double homozygous black tobiano. Please call 509/220‑7712 or visit our website, www.CSPaintQuarterHorses.com, for information on sale horses and stallions standing at stud, Elk, Washington 5 Year Old Red Roan Mare, Peptos Sassy Nu Cash, 45 days reiner training. $3400 or best offer. 208/660‑7919 Lee’s Quarter Horses Standing AQHA black stallion, Peppys Montana Lena, 208/699‑8261 Plummer Quarter Mare, 10 Years, Advanced beginner rider, 14.3h, $1500. 509/466‑1106 Spokane

Tennessee Walking Horse Mare, chestnut with flaxen mane & tail, beautiful daughter of Jen’s True Grit, 11 years old, 14.2h, current on vaccinations, teeth & trimming, can be seen at Todd Martin’s, $1800. 509/994‑3976 Colbert

BOARDING Northwest Trails Boarding Happy healthy horses. Excellent care, recommended by Deer Park Vet Clinic. Catering to those who really care for their horse’s well being. Large, lighted arena, three round pens, large paddocks & pastures with shelter. Endless miles of beautiful trail riding. Natural Horsemanship training & lessons available, friendly, helpful atmosphere. www.northwest‑trails.com 509/276‑ 6345 Deer Park Beautiful Horse Pasture For Rent, Lots of trees, 10 acres with barn, will feed & water, lots of riding area, $100/ horse, 24 hour care, located at I‑90 exit 272 (Medical Lake exit). 509/385‑6210

MISCELLANEOUS Heavy Gauged Galvanized Horse/ livestock panels, gates, shelters, custom stall fronts, complete arena set‑ups & more, factory direct! ID# RC‑20843, OR# 190181, WA# LUCKYA933DW. Lucky Acres Fencing, Inc, 208/746‑1228 www.LuckyAcres.net







The Boot Lady at 31862 5th Ave. (Hwy 41) in Spirit Lake has over 400 pair of new and vintage boots. Including: Tony Lama, Justin, Lucheese, and many other brands, sizes toddler to 16. She also has western and re‑enactment hats, western belts, leather jackets, and a tremendous variety of western shirts as well as belts, bull rider gear, and jewelry. She also has beaver and raccoon pelts, and partial and full deer and cow hides. Come see her Monday through Saturday, 10am until at least 6pm

Spokane Tack Trunk, we have English & Western saddles, tack, clothes & much more. From the trail to the show ring, we’ve got you covered! 11515 E. Trent, Spokane Valley. 509/927‑5891 www.SpokaneTackTrunk.com

Horse Training, Riding & Driving lessons, indoors. Also, gaited horses. Full time trained since 1980. www.MorrisStables.com, morrisstables@gmail.com 509 276‑6990

(2) Abetta Lightweight saddles, 15” & 17”, with tapaderos. 509/684‑ 2836 Colville


TACK & TRAILERS Will Rogers Saddle Co. Just In, nice selection of Blingy Flip Flops. Get your fly sheets & fly masks now! New Double J barrel saddle, plus other new barrel saddles. Saddle packages, only $195. 4H Groups & Horse Shows, be sure to like us on Facebook to check out our daily deals! We have Back On Track products & helmets by Troxel & Tipperary, starting at $24.95. Trade‑ins taken all the time, inventory changes daily! Three reining shows are now confirmed for July, August & September, see the Facebook page for all the details or call the store! Special orders welcome for any of our manufacturers, just call and ask us! We offer discounts for High School equestrian teams & 4H members! We take all major credit cards, convenient layaway program. Buy, sell, trade. www.WillRogersSaddle.com 509/466‑ 0106 Mead

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Oregon Rd. Horse Property, 20 Acres, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, completely remodeled home, nice barn, fenced, pens, 20 gpm well, $320,000. Ericks Realty Jeff 509/990‑0523, 509/276‑ 2919 www.EricksRealty.com


FARRIERS Dale Stoller Horseshoeing, 701/260‑2213. Trims starting at $40 for minis & saddle horses, shoes starting at $95 for full set of shoes for saddle horses. Serv‑ ing the Eastern Washington & Northern Ida‑ ho area, but willing to travel to extended areas. Able to work with lameness issues, 7 years experience on various disciplines of horses. Graduate of MSU Farrier program Equine Barefoot Trimming, 12 years experience, proper balance for soundness & performance, excellent for rehabbing horses, Darlene 509/431‑7528 Deer Park

We Can Start Your Ranch Roping horse, develop confidence in your Dressage horse & train solid trail horses; Common sense training with Rob Dotts & Sally Shepard, a team of trainers with more than 45 years of experience; no gimmicks used, just good horsemanship. Northwest Trails, Deer Park 509/276‑6345 Summer Horseback Riding Lessons & Day Camps. Weekly riding lessons for kids and adults, June through September. Summer Day camps in June, July and August. Space is limited, call 509/290‑ 4301 or enroll online at www.RelationalRidingacademy.com Relational Riding Academy, 3714 W. Anderson Road, Cheney



Let’s Get Acquainted! Mail or call us with your organization’s name, meeting place, contact person & telephone number for publication. This is a FREE service to Horse Organizations in Eastern / Central Washington, North Idaho, Northeastern Oregon, Western Montana & Kelowna, British Columbia. www.horse-previews.com/clubs.html ClUB



49ers Saddle Club American Mustang & Burro Association Appleatchee Riders Association Arabian Horse Club of Central Washington Backcountry Horsemen of WA, I.E. Chapter Backcountry Horsemen of WA, NE Chapter Backcountry Horsemen of ID, Panhandle Chap. Backcountry Horsemen of WA, Ferry County Chapter BC Draft Under Saddle Club Big Sky Morgan Horse Assocation Big Sky Fox Trotter’s Association BitterRoot Back Country Horsemen Blackjack Saddle Club Blue Mountain Dressage & Combined Training Assn. Blue Mountain Morgan Horse Club Cabinet Back Country Horsemen Cayuse Kid’s Saddle Club Cleveland Bay Association of North America Coeur du Cheval Pony Club Columbia Paint Horse Club Country Kids 4-H Crab Creek Riders Backcountry Horsemen Dash of Class Mounted Ladies Drill Team Drover’s Jr. Rodeo Club Eastern Montana Appaloosa Horse Club Eastern Oregon Arabian Breeders Eastern Washington Jr. Rodeo Association Eastern Washington Quarter Horse Assn. Free Rein Therapeutic Riding Gentlemen on Horseback Gold ‘n’ Grouse Horse 4-H Club Grant County Horse Association Heron Saddle Club Horse Wyse Instruction I.E. Arabian Horse Club I.E. Barrel Racing Assoc. I.E. Miniature Horse Club I.E. Morgan Horse Club I.E. Mustang Horse Club I.E. National Showhorse Club I.E. Quarter Horse Association I.E. Tennessee Walking Horse Club Inland Northwest Dressage Association Inland Northwest Driving Society Inland Northwest Paint Horse Club Inland Northwest Pinto Horse Club John Wayne Pioneer Wagons & Riders Justin Time Morgan Youth Club Kootenai County Saddle Club Lewis Clark Saddle Club Melody Riders Saddle Club Mid-Columbia River Arabian Horse Club Mid-Valley Saddle Club Missoula Back Country Horsemen Montana Paint Horse Club Morgan Single-Footing Horse Assn. (MSHA) Mounted Mischief 4-H Club National Barrel Horse Assn. WA District 03 National Barrel Horse Assn. WA District 04 NW Intermountain Team Penning Association NW Paso Fino Horse Association NW Small Equine Club in Graham, WA North Country Riders

Monthly, Lewiston, ID, www.49ersaddleclub.org Monthly, Richland, Washington 3rd Wednesday monthly, Appleatchee Clubhouse, Wenatchee, WA 1st Wednesday monthly; Club: 3rd Thursday, C’s Pizza, Union Gap Wildlife Council Building, 6116 N Market, Spokane, WA 4th Tuesday www.nebchw.com - 3rd Saturday monthly www.pbch.org - connie@pbch.org Norther Inn, Republic, WA 1st Wednesday monthly at 6pm Check website for meeting: www.bcdraftundersaddleclub.com Alternate month - see website for dates Call for information on meeting dates 3rd Thursday monthly, bchmt.org E.O. Wednesday, Blackjack Saddle Club Arena, Thompson Falls, MT See www.freewebs.com/bmdcta Call for meeting place & time, Hermiston, OR 2nd Tuesday monthly, 7pm 1st Sunday montly, Princeton, ID info@clevelandbay.org 1st Monday monthly, Legacy Farms, Loon Lake,WA 2nd Tuesday monthly, Kennewick, WA Deary, ID Meets 1st Monday monthly, Moses Lake, WA 1st Monday monthly Call for information 1st Monday monthly, evenings, Billings, MT Call for meeting times Call for information on meeting dates 3rd Wednesday monthly, any breed welcome Call for Volunteer Training Information Gentlemen on Horseback Yearly week long ride since 1948 Every Wednesday. Location TBA Third Monday monthly, Moses Lake Municipal Airport 2nd Tuesday monthly, Heron Community Center, Heron, MT Clinics throughout the Inland Northwest Check our website for current info & meeting schedule For info on Open & Novice Barrel Races: Monthly Meetings Meetings TBA Last Thursday of month 6pm, Denny’s, Sprague & Pines, Spokane, WA 3rd Wednesday monthly Monthly Meetings - time and place vary 3rd Sunday, every other month, 3pm, Timber Creek Cafe Call for meeting & activity dates 1st Tuesday monthly, November through March Monthly meetings, contact us for location, Spokane, WA Meetings - call or e-mail for information 1st Tuesday monthly (except Jan, June, July & Aug), JWPWR.org Monthly, Thunderhead Farm, Moscow, ID Go to website for info: www.kcsaddleclub.com 1st Tuesday monthly, Clarkston, ID 1st Thursday monthly, 7pm, Chewelah WA 2nd Wednesday monthly 1st Wednesday monthly, 6pm, Applebees Restaurant, Lebanon, OR 3rd Wednesday monthly, 7pm, Opportunity Resource, Missoula, MT Check website for events www.montanaphc.com Bruce Olso, 45 S. 1100 E, American Fork, UT 84003 Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays, Federal Way, WA Call for meetings and race dates For more information and race dates, see our website Call for information on meeting dates, www.NITPA.net www.nwpfha.com 1st Friday each month at Graham Fire Station 70th and 224th Ride To Succeed - 7910 W. Burroughs, Deer Park, WA

Ken Smith 509/780-9614 Barbara Rehfield 509/588-5130 509/663-3175 www.appleatcheeriders.com Kay Coe, Chairman 509/457-8626 Ken Carmichael 509/466-2225 www.iebch.com Jim Hudkins 509/954-7446 jchudkins1@netzero.net Connie Glass 208/687-3608 Lloyd Odell (Pres.) 509/779-4244 info@bcdraftundersaddleclub.com Monica Cassidy www.bsmha.org Mark Goss 406/360-6355 Brad Pollman 406/546-6492 bpollman20@aol.com Scooter 406/827-4523 Trish Prince pprince@bmi.net Nancy Eidam 541/561-6644 P.O. Box 949, Libby,MT 59923 www.bchmt.org Brad Minden 208/858-2026 Tracie Traver 865/300-7133 Laura 509/499-4975 LaNay 509/627-4641 Alexcia Livingstone 208/877-1636 Bill Bailey 509/750-8196 Fran Jacobson 360/825-3525 JP Melton 208/691-1003 Brenda Robison robison.brenda@yahoo.com Julie Errend 541/922-2704 Benny Beck 509/750-6497 dpaulaj@aol.com Erva Hatfield 509/925-9172 Sandy Jones 509/979-1468 Scott Wiggins 509/868-1641 Janice Schoonover 208/263-9066 Cecil Newkirk 509/989-9586 anewkirk@nctv.com Leanne 406/847-2363 www.horsewyse.com 406/266-3311 Kari 509/939-0151 Heather 509/981-0455 or www.iebra.net Sue 509/291-5765 Meri 509/226-2448 mberberet@comcast.net Lea Williams 509/994-9829 Janet Gorman 509/276-2605 Judy Malby 509/447-4663 or 509/991-2894 Chris Hutchinson 208/676-1633 Joy Terry 509/995-6327 Cynthia Wahl 509/466-0109 Debbie Kruger, 208/687-9404 Shannon 509/951-8053 shannon@gozags.com Kathy Cowan 360/886-1729 Lisa 208/882-0832 Tami 208/591-4783 Becky Wright 208/791-1819 Oly Burnett 509/935-4006 Debra 541/567-3134, Linda 541/567-0041 Kim Winburn 541/990-5134 Mike Moore 406/370-7549 Gail Morris 406/866-3434 Gary 801/885-4714 253/740-1665 or www.mountedmischief4-h.org Amber Gray 208/882-3304 Casie Monge 509/939-4175 www.nbhawa04.com Sonni Gilbert 509/990-0268 nwpasofinohorse@gmail.com Joni Woodrring 253/405-9650 Melissa Stockman 509/276-9862



Let’s Get Acquainted! Mail or call us with your organization’s name, meeting place, contact person & telephone number for publication. This is a FREE service to Horse Organizations in Eastern / Central Washington, North Idaho, Northeastern Oregon, Western Montana & Kelowna, British Columbia. www.horse-previews.com/clubs.html ClUB


North Idaho Appaloosa Horse Club North Central Idaho Backcountry Horsemen North Idaho Draft Horse & Mule Association Northeast Zone Western Games Division/ WSH Northwest Mounted Shooters Northwest Pattern Racing Association Northwest Saddlebred Association Northwest Stallion Service Auction Northwest Friesian Horse Club Northwest Quarter Horse Association Okanogan Valley Cutters Oregon Foundation Quarter Horse Club Oregon Quarter Horse Association Oregon Trail Appaloosa Club Pacific Association of the Andalusian & Luitana Horse (PAALH) Pacific Northwest Fjord Promotional Group Palouse Dressage & Eventing Palouse Empire Appaloosa Club Panhandle Backcountry Horsemen Parelli Natural Horsemanship Pierce County Chapter Backcountry Horsemen Puget Sound Buckskin Horse Club Puget Sound Hunter/Jumper Association Reining Horse Association of the Northwest Ride and Tie Association Rockin’ H Arena Rocky Mountain Breeders Association Sanders County Rocky Ridge Saddle Club Sapphire Arabian Horse Club S.C.O.P.E. Sheriff Mounted Patrol Selkirk Driving Association Selkirk Valley Backcountry Horsemen South Central Zone of W.S.H. Southwest Washington Paint Horse Club Spirit Lake Horse Rescue & Youth Ranch Spokane Area Small Horse Association Spokane County Mounted Search & Rescue Spokane Morgan Club Spots of Fun Appaloosa Association St. John Saddle Club St. Maries Saddle Club Tekoa Community Fair Assocation Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitor Assoc.. of WA Trail Markers Trails & More Treasure Valley Back Country Horsemen Treasure Valley Paint Horse Club UpRiver Saddle Club Valley Renegades Vigilante Appaloosa Club Washington Bred Paint Registry Washington Cavalry Association Washington Foundation Quarter Horse Assn. Washington Ponies Of the Americas Washington Reining Horse Association Washington State Horse Park Western Montana Quarter Horse Association W.S.H. NE Zone Games Division Yeehaw Riders

Call for details 2nd Saturday of the month 2nd Th., Apex Physical Therapy, Airway Heights, WA Email for information Call for information Monthly Meetings Omak Stampede Grounds, Omak, WA Call for information 1st Tuesday monthly, call for details, PO Box 537, Newburg, OR Monthly meetings in Central Oregon, Check website www.paalh.com Meets twice yearly Meets every other month Members only meetings 3rd Saturday monthly, 7pm 2nd & 4th Sunday monthly Every 4th Wednesday, 7pm, Elk Plain Grange, East Spanaway 2nd Thursday monthly, Silver Spurs Club House, Silverdale, WA North of Seattle Monthly meetings www.rideandtie.org 4015 N. Christensen Rd., Medical Lake, WA 99022 www.montanarmba.org Monthly meeetings 1st Tuesday, Noxon, MT 1st Thursday monthly, www.sapphireAHC.org Monthly meetings, Group Patrol Spokane County Bi-monthly meetings Monthly meetings, call for location 3rd Thursday monthly, Pasco McDonalds, 7:30pm 3rd Tuesday monthly, Jollies Restaurant, Ridgefield, WA TBD 1st Monday monthly, 6:30pm, Deer Park Pizza Factory 2nd Thursdays monthly, 6:30pm, Busy Bee, Airway Heights Monthly Events & Meetings Call for meeting times St. John, WA 3rd Wednesday monthly, Federal Building 2nd Wednesday monthly at C&D’s Monthly Meetings, call for times & locations 2nd Tuesday (except July, Aug, Dec), 7pm, Pasadena Park Elem. Priest River, ID. trailsnmore.weebly.com trailsnmore@gmail.com 4th Tuesday monthly, 7:30pm Schooling Show last Friday in March, Albert Arena 2nd Tuesday monthly, URSC Arena Clubhouse 3rd Tuesday monthly, The Grubstake, Helena, MT www.WABredPaints.com Meets Saturdays 2nd Saturday monthly, Noon, Buzz In Steak House, Ellensburg, WA Call for more information Open April-October annually, Cle Elum, WA 1st Fri monthly, S. 7th St., Missoula, MT Monthly meetings & summer events Call for meeting info

P.O.C. Maureen Leen 208/265-7286 Sally Wilson 208/937-1074 Mike Nagle 208/875-0024 Audre 509/496-4028 Rachel Peters 208/661-7971 Marie 509/244-2985 Courtney starryasb@aol.com Ken Bridges 253/472-8001 Will Bron 509/830-3362 Rosemary Hoff 509/525-8308 Heidi Wittig 509/683-1030 Rebecca Rust-Krell 503/805-9174 Keri Croft 503/537-9845 www.otahc.org Colleen Pedrotti 250/992-1168 Karl Froelich kj@froelichfamily.net Becky Paull 208/798-9594 Kathy Hodl 509/291-3971 Karen Kimball 208/772-2434 Dan & Gretchen Thompson 406/862-1331 Jack Gillette 253/847-1626 Lynn Travis, PO Box 1730, Silverdale, WA 98383 Ame Seelow 360/678-7470 Norm Poser 509/924-8625 Melanie Weir Melanie.weir11@gmail.com 509/998-5039 rockin-h-arena@hotmail.com Gail Morris 406/866-3434 Shannon 406/827-3399 Miriam Henn 513/403-6371 Michelle LeVar 509/951-9225 smountedpatrol@spokanesheriff.com Louise Casey 509/226-0582 Merle Olsen 208/267-2272 www.svbch.org Netta Goodin 509/547-0923 www.swwphc.org swwphc@aol.com 208/791-6130 www.spiritlakehorserescue.org Kristen Florez 509/220-0335 Phoebe Duke phoebed@yahoo.com www.spokanemorganclub.org 509/796-2140 Cheryl/Dam Moriarty 509/299/4191 Holli Bafus 509/648-3815 Diane Farrell 208/245-3388 www.TekoaWA.com/newsletters.html Kirk Peters 253/639-3392 Michelle 509/951-9225 Joanne Richey 208-880-7483 Bonnie Freeman 208/880-4776 Anne Gahley 208/286-7050 Debra Zimnicki 208/245-6868 Terri 509/993-4662 Anita Wilson 406/235-4266 Shelley Bridges 253/472-8001 Bob Davisson bob@14thvirginiacavalry.org Ginny Howard 509/588-3614 Linda 360/736-9150 Jeanine Kern jeanine@ebs-northwest.com www.washingtonstatehorsepark.org Debby Cress 406/777-1802 Melissa Stockmen 509/276-9862 Laura 509/499-4975

Please contact us with your current club information 509-922-3456 or 1-800-326-2223 or e-mail horsepreviews@exchangepublishing.com. This is a FREE service!





eventS continued

real eState

Anado Ace WindDrift Farm ...........................22

Dave Stamey Concert ..................14 RHANW Spin Out .......................15 Tellington/Ttouch Hands On Clinic .........................22 Weaver Quarter Horses Production Sale ...........................11

Cain, Steve & Shelly ....................33 Dix, Suzy.....................................31 Scheckler, Shannon .....................30 Tilton, Sheri .................................32

IBN Salvadino Shalwyn Arabians ........................14 Mama Said Dash C & S Ranch ..................................4 Mr Dash n Cash Spotted Creek Ranch ...................27 Poco Buenos Ghost C & S Ranch ..................................4 SA Meshach Shalwyn Arabians ........................14

BarnS & BuildingS Custom Barns N.W. .....................19 Mike/Cathy Reynolds-Hay Huts ...20 Northwest Cover-All ......................5 Solid Structures............................26 Steel Structures of America, Inc ...29

BreederS C & S Ranch ..................................4 Shalwyn Arabians ........................14 WindDrift Farm Quarter Horses ...22

eventS 28th Int’l Fjord Horse Show ...........3 Ann Kirk Trail Riding Clinic ...........6 E. MacMurdo Memorial Horse Show .................................18

Facility Diamond Pine Ranch ....................8 Gypos Meadows..........................14 Lady Raven Stables ......................24 Supercharge Perf. Horses .............20 Upriver Stables ............................18

Feed & acceSSorieS Lazy J Bedding.............................10 LMF Feeds ...................................13

Fencing Jasper Enterprises ..................... Back North 40 Fence Company............22

HorSeS For Sale Fallon Mustang Ranch ...................9 Weaver Quarter Horses ...............11

SaddleS, tack & clotHing Indiana Harness Co. ...................22 Spokane Tack Trunk .....................16 Will Rogers Saddle Co. ................25

trainerS Ann Kirk Sensible Horsemanship ...6 Julie Jene – Tellington/Ttouch .......22 Nichole Mulligan ................ Cover,2 Relational Riding Academy..........12 Supercharge Performance Horses 20 Whetzel Horse Training ...............10

trailerS & trailer repair Huber Trailers Sales .....................28 Washington Auto Carriage ...........21

veterinarian McKinlay & Peters Equine............17

MiScellaneouS Dawn Nelson, Western Author ......7 HUB International .......................22 Lillian Conn.................................23 Teddy Bear Fjords ........................24


P.O. Box 427 • Spokane, W A 99210 -0427 • (509) 922-3456

P.O. Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210 • (509) 922-3456 • 1-800-326-2223

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Ad Size

B&W Color


B&W Color

Front Cover ............. 7.5”w x 10”h .......................... $235

Full Page ..........................7.5”w x 9.83”h ....... $125 ..... $160

Centerfold...................................................................... $280

Half Page Horizontal ........7.5”w x 4.83”h ......... $85 ..... $110

Back Cover .................. 7.5”w x 10”h .......................... $200

Half Page vertical .............3.66”w x 9.83”h ....... $85 ..... $110

Inside Back Cover ......... 7.5”w x 9.83”h ......... $147 ..... $182

Quarter Page ....................3.66”w x 4.83”h ....... $58 ....... $78



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We can professionally design your ad using your graphics, photos and text. There is no additional charge for graphic design so your ad does not have to be submitted camera ready. Give us a “neat” sketch or rough draft with any specific directions, we will do the rest! Please make sure to provide the best quality photographs possible. Your ad copy, or photographs can also be accepted via e-mail.

Classified Advertising

$4.50 for 25 words or less. Mailed in ads are accepted with your check. Or telephone in your ads with your credit card, 509-922-3456 or 1-800-326-2223.

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We accept ads via email in .pdf format. Please ensure that all photographs are at least 160dpi and balanced for newsprint output. Please ensure color ads are CMYK. If you have any questions about .pdf files, please call us. e-mail the files to: HorsePreviews@ExchangePublishing.com




Bus. Card–1/8th Page .......3.66”w x 2.33”h ....... $37 ....... $47



Over 7500 copies of Horse Previews are distributed quarterly in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and British Columbia. Pick up your FREE copy early at your western, tack, feed, farm & horse supply stores. Distribution is the first Thursday of January, April, July and October. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a distribution point.

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All ads are positioned run of paper (ROP) at standard rates, without preference. Ads requesting premium or specific position other than ROP will incur an additional 15% charge.


Ads must be reserved by the 15th of the preceding month to be published in the next quarterly magazine. We are often able to accept ads a few days after the 15th, so please contact us if you require extra consideration.


Electronic Edition

The Horse Previews Magazine on-line edition is uploaded the first Thursday of every January, April, July & September. Our web site can be found at: www.Horse-Previews.com You can also contact us via e-mail: HorsePreviews@ExchangePublishing.com


$ 10 per year United States; $14 per year Canada; $20 per year International. Payment in advance.

The Fine Print

Payment by your personal check or money order must accompany all mailed in advertisements. Please type or print your ad neatly. We are not responsible for accuracy from handwritten copy. Horse Previews will not be responsible for misinformation, misprints, typographical errors, etc., herein contained. We reserve the right to edit, alter, or refuse any advertising or articles for publication. Neither Horse Previews nor its advertisers intends prejudice because of age, creed, disability, origin or sex. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved ©2015 Horse Previews Magazine, P.O. Box 427, Spokane, WA 99210-0427. Exchange Publishing, LLC. Revised January. 2015



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