Shepherds without borders lighthouse bugle global outreach october 2013 edition

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Apostle Bertram Agbanusi, I am so grateful to God for enlisting us in this end-time army of His. Discipleship is the panacea to the confusion in our local assemblies. May the Lord strengthen and protect you always as you go about His kingdom business and journey mercies. Most participants said they were greatly impacted and imparted by the program while some blessed the Lord for new things they’ve learned at the program ranging from being born again, becoming a disciple, servant leadership to praying kingdom pattern prayer as well as studying the bible for life application. The leaders expressed their desire to have this program again. God’s Glory Church: Pastor Nnanna Mbachu the host pastor and my son and his wife invited us to his Church on Sunday evening. At the Church, we shared fellowship and prayed with the brethren. It was a great evening with brethren some of whom are now in leadership position in the Church like bro. Ezenwa and sister who is a School Principal.

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