The First Republic of the Napoleonic Empire

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THE FIRST REPUBLIC The attack on the Tuileries Palace marked the fall on the monarchy. The Republic was proclaimed in 1792.

1. CONVENTION (1792-1795) - Louis XVI condemned to death and guillotined. - The new republic is governed by the National Convention. - The assembly is divided into two main factions: - Girondins represent the upper bourgeoisie and had worked with constitutional monarchy of Louis XVI. - Jacobins have the support of the middle ,petty bourgeoisie and the revolutionary lower classes represented by the sans-culottes . Their leaders are Danton, Robespirre and Marat. The Girondins initially have control. The Jacobins increased their power and a 10- monts period of extreme violence begins.This period receive the nameof the Reign of Terror, in which Robespierre is a key figure. The Jacobins produce the first republican cnstitution, which recognises universal male suffrage.

2. THE FIRST REPUBLIC AND THE NAPOLEONIC EMPIRE 2. DIRECTORY (1795-1799) - In 1794 a coup d’Êtat results in the execution of Robespierre, but the violence is not over. - The first half of 1795 brings reprisals against the leaders and supporters of the previous period. This period was known as the First White Terror. - The convention cmes back under moderate control. - They adopt the Cnstitution of 1795, establishing a new form of government called the Directory. - The Directory is a comittee made up of five members. - This stage faces several problems: financial issues, unstable food supply and political crisis. - The wars of the European coalitions against revolutionary France continue. - In these conflicts a young general known as Napoleon Bonaparte stands out.

2.THE FIRST REPUBLIC AND THE NAPOLEONIC EMPIRE 3. CONSULATE (1799-1804) - In 1799, a coup d’état brings an end to the Directory. - Three of its leaders: Napoleon, Sièyes and Ducos, govern as the Consulate. - Napoleon takes advantage of the desir for stability and he is elected First Consul for Life. - Measurements: - Napoleonic Code - New legal system replces the legislation of the ancient régime. - It unifies the French legal system

- - Careers open to talent - Bourgeoisie can now become top officials. - This createsa new nobility based on merit, rather than birth

- Order - He organises police action to prevent civil unrest, restructures public finances and centralises the administration. - He reestablishes relations with the Catholic Church



THE NAPOLEONIC EMPIRE Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor of the French in 1804. He controlled much of Europe, directly and indirectly. He won victories over the enemies of France, changing borders and creating a new map of Europe. In 1805, Napoleon was defeated by the United Kingdom at the naval Batlle of Trafalgar. He then attempted to destroy British commerce by establishing the Continental System to prevent ports on the continent from trading with it. In 1812, Napoleรณn invaded Russia. This was a disaster: The French army sufered numerous losses and had to withdraw in defeat. In 1814 after losing the Battle of Leipzig he abdicatdand he was exiled to the island of Elba. In 1815, he escaped and returned to Paris. He reassumed power and governed for a period known as the Hundred Days. He was definitively defeated at the Batlle of Waterloo and banished to Saint Helen, in the South Atlantic.

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