Spain, the reign of Isabel II

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7. SPAIN: THE REIGN OF ISABEL II - Two elements that characterised the reign of Isabel II were the Carlist Wars and the triumph of liberalism over absolutism. 1. Carlist Wars: - The Carlists were supportersof Isabel’s uncle Don Carlos, who they felt opposed to liberalism and advocated a return to absolutism. - They provoked two wars during the reign of Isabel II.

7. SPAIN: THE REIGN OF ISABEL II 2. Creation of a Liberal State 1.


Isabel’s reign began asabsolutist but became more liberal in order to gain popular support. The liberals were divided into two factions: Progressives

They favoured popular sovereignty, municipal autonomy and broader census suffrage than the Moderates. The most important figure was General Prim. They proposed the Constitution of 1837 and governed during the Progressive Biennium. Their main plan involved disentailments Disentailments consisted in converting land belonging to the Churchand municipalities into private property,. Their aim was to allow the bourgeoisie to take ownership of these lands.

2. Moderates -

They favoured a sovereignty sharedby queen and the Cortes, a centralised government and a very restrictive census suffrage. General Narvaez was the Moderate Prty leader. They govern during the most of Isabel’s reign. They imposed the Constitution of 1845 In 1851, a concordat was signed with the Holy See, it re-established an understanding with the Church, which had broken down as a result of the disentailments.


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Opposition from republican parties, next to several scandals at court led to the deposition of Isabel II. In 1868, she was overthrown by the Glorious Revolution. The next six yers were very confusing and we can distinguish into three stages:

Revolutionary period and Constitution (1868-1870) The Constitution of 1869 was proclaimed. The Cortes decided a monarchy as a form of government, and after lengthy search . Amadeo of Savoy was elected king. Prime Minister Prim is his main supporter.

2. Democratic Monarchy of Amadeo I (1871-1873) - Before the king reaches Madrid, Prim was assesinated and for that reason, the reign has a difficult start. - The king faces opposition from a combination of Carlists, Alfonsists (supporters of Isabel II’s son Alfonso) and republicans. - Feeling unable to rule, Amadeo abdicates and leaves Spain. 3. Federal and Authoritarian Republic (1873-1874) - The first Republic was declared in 1873 - The war in Cuba and the Third Carlist War increasethe social confusion. - In 1874 a coup d’ état dissolves the Cortes and General Serrano takes the power. - At the end of the year, another pronunciamiento proclaims the Bourbon Restoration, and Alfonso XII is named king.

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