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8. ROMANTICISM - The revolutions ofthe first half of the 19th century coincided with a new art movement linked to liberal and nationalist ideas. - Romantic artistsrejected Necoclassicism. They considered it was coled and linked to academic rules that limited the freedom of the creator. - Creative freedom was seen as the equivalent political freedom.


ARCHITECTURE The essential was the artistic freedom. Artists were able to decide how to combine architectural elements from different styles in the best way possible t achieve their aims. Romanticism’s passion for the Middle Ages inspired an architectural trend which imitated styles from the past. The Gothic Revival recreaed the medieval Gothic style (Westminster Palace) - In Spain, Neo-Mudejar used elements from the architecture of the caliphates.


SCULPTURE Sculpture retained classical aesthetic values, but applied them to romantic subjects. Example: La Marseillaise, a scuptural group by Rude, which advocates the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, a neoclassical structure. Placing emphasis on gestures and facial expressions makes it possible to convey powerful feelings. Movement and desire for change are expressed through dynamic compositions.

8. ROMANTICISM PAINTING - The most popular subjects were landscapes and historical events: 1. Landscapes - They were shown as nature disturbed by weather phenomena. - Storms and tempests were popular, emphasising the awesome power of nature - Examples British painter Turner and German painter Fiedrich. 2. Nationalist and liberal ideals inspired a taste for depicting historical and political subjects in an idalised way. - Example: «Liberty leading the People» by Delacroix, it glorifies the French Revolution - Another inmportant French painter was Gericault «The raft of the jellyfish»

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