TSCM Aug-Sept Issue 2017

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AUG-SEP 2017

Texas Star

Christian Magazine

Featuring…  Stars of Texas Fall  Our ‘Holiday’ Poem  Moments to Remember  Hand-n-Hand Fall Wedding Colors  Fun ‘Holiday’ Fall Foods  Explore Texas – Historic Places, TX  Our Thanks - Friends…

~ A Cowboy Prayer ~ Please… pray for all of the people in storm stricken areas ALL across the USA and World…

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Dedicated to the Volunteers!


Stars of Texas… Volunteers --- Storms!

6- 7




by: Maggie Reed


Moments to Remember 1962 Vacation in San Francisco, CA

16-18 19-23

Fun Holiday FALL Foods Outdoor living, long walks, and hot coco!

Explore Texas… Historic Places and Spaces, around the State!



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TSCM Mission Statement:

… is dedicated to sharing with its readers lively stories and articles about today’s events. TSCM shares its’ Christian walk with the Jesus. We appreciate your participation, donations, and prayers. TSCM Thanks its readers, affiliates, and/or partnerships for their loyalty and support. Disclaimer: All affiliates and/or partnerships with participating vendors have been selected and approved in writing by this management and the Vendor/company.

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Stars of Texas Featuring all the Volunteers in Storm Areas… By: Maggie Reed – August/Sept 2017

I don’t have to tell you how bad things have been the past 3 weeks in Texas. This state has been hit by major winds, tornados, hurricanes, flooding and our neighbors in Oklahoma and Old Mexico suffered with earthquakes! I know that we are a strong people, but sometimes that ‘grit’ is hard to keep going. I want to THANK the many volunteers that came from all parts of the United States to help the victims of these storms. People brought their own vehicles, boats, gasoline, and donated food, clothing, medical supplies and much more. They took time away from their families and jobs to serve the Texas Citizens. Our BIG COWBOY HAT of… to all of you! THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS !

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Poem “Fall Down” 8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


~ Our Featured ~ “ Fall Down “ Original By: Maggie Reed

We jump up, then we fall

I look deeply at the leaves’

down, upon the scattered leafy

rippling lines;


And within them I find God’s

We laugh and we yell, we toss

love, that is so divine.

all our

treasures … newly He paints each leaf that tells


… His reason. Bright colors and shapes tells a

He paints each leaf, that tells

story, quite old;

… His changing season.

About how long it took to turn


orange, green, red and yellowgold. I pick up the ones that speaks to my mind. Many are here, but none the same kind.

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


~ Our Featured Story ~ Inspirational Moments Our Vacation – 1962 California By: L. M. Wilson-Bryant ***

We were living in Eagle Mountain, CA, which was located in the desert of Southern California between Indio and Blythe. We decided to take a trip to San Francisco, simply because it was beautiful city on the Bay, and we had never seen it before. As we arrived near the city we immediately had crossed on a long bridge to get into the main part of the city. It was so exciting! It wasn’t too long when we saw our first red colored cable car that was hauling people up and down the hills to their destinations.

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Moments to Remember

The city was alive with people, it had many hills with all kinds of homes built close together on very steep streets. There were many steps to climb and cars speeding by us, weaving in and out of traffic. We went to one of the richest areas, called Nob Hill and slowly drove the winding downward brick-road. It was scary and so much fun.

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Moments to Remember

Then we went to Fisherman's Wharf on the Bay. There were a lot of shops selling their specialty items, and a variety of cafe's that was built out over the water, and there was certainly lots of different smells, especially fish and salt water. We could feel the sea breezes blowing on our faces and at the same time we could watch the seals sleeping and barking in the warm sunshine.

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Moments to Remember

After we parked our car and started walking we saw a clipper ship cruising by and pelicans sitting on the seawall. We were starting to get hungry and so we looked for a place to eat lunch, Paul thought any one of the places on the boardwalk would be just fine. But, I had some place special in mind, and I would say, "not yet�. So we just keep walking and I kept looking. He was getting a little annoyed, every time I said "not yet".

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Moments to Remember

There was so much to see, all this history, I remember what a beautiful, sunny day it was. We could see Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Park, China Town, and so much more! Of all these wonderful sights… although… I was determined to find my idol.

I had heard about this beautiful restaurant nestled near the

Wharf that was owned by …. HIM! I was told that it served real good Italian food, the best in the city, and a must see while in Frisco. Then I did see it. Yes, there it was and I knew that wouldn’t be in for any disappointment. I said, "Paul this is suppose to be very good Italian food. We can get a bite, not a full meal, just so I can say I've been there?” The outside sign read, “DiMaggio’s.” We climbed the stairs and was greeted by the mater’ de. He took us to a table near the large windows overlooking the blue water. All the staff was wearing black Tux's, and there were white linen table cloths, pretty soft lighting, gentle music playing, people whispering, and wine being served. The scene reminded me of a Ma & Pa Kettle movie, where those, “Country folk go to town; …That would be us” …we had come to town, just fresh off the desert! 2/14/117 ~ TSCM March Issue ~


Moments to Remember

DiMaggio’s Italian Restaurant

2/14/117 ~ TSCM March Issue ~


Moments to Remember I could look toward the back see a table with several men sitting and talking. I ask our waiter if this was Joe DiMaggio place? Joe was a world famous Yankee ball player. Of course I had to tell Paul about the game, because he didn't know. Well, it didn’t take long and when Paul finally, became interested in baseball he loved it. The waiter answered, “Yes, am. It's been in the family for 30 years and that's Mr. Joe sitting… facing us.” I ask him, "Would he please give us an autograph?” He took our names on a small pad, turned went to their table, the menu's were 18 inches tall, but when he returned had a smaller version of it.

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Moments to Remember In scripted with: "to Paul, Paula, Paulette and

Pam” (signed) Joe DiMaggio. Now, this was my hope, my ideal, my desire, my dream, of meeting a real baseball star... and getting his autograph... and here it was and… my name wasn't even on it! It stated... Paula! Instead of “LAURA”

Blah! I didn’t say a

word. It was such an honor just seeing him in person and eating in his restaurant. My daughter still has that menu. (1962-2017).

Joe turned, nodded his head, smiled, raised his hand toward us to acknowledge us, and we all returned the kind gesture. Thank you Joe DiMaggio!

Image courtesy of:JoeDimaggio.com & Wiki.com www.keymancollectibles.com/autographs/joedimaggioauto.htm

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Fun “Holiday” FALL Foods

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Fun “Holiday” FALL Foods By: Maggie Reed Photos courtesy of: Pixabay.com

What do you think of when someone says… “Fall”? Well, I think o f leaves turning many colors, the air smelling clean and cool, the stars seem closer to the earth, and I feel closer to God’s creations. Fall is a short period between a hot-humid




freezing-icy winter. It is that time that gives you a chance to collect your thoughts while sipping a hot cup of tea or coco… I love Fall, probably more than Spring!

It’s a toss-up between

the two. Another thing about Fall is the many choices of foods!


Soup to Nuts… Fall Foods has it all… Hope you enjoy of Texas Star’s selection… 8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Fun “Holiday” FALL Foods

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


”EXPLORE TEXAS” FALL is a great time of the year to travel to these destinations... Let us know about your trip, under our websites’ contact us page... We would love to hear about your travel experiences and adventures!

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Historical Commission --- Sites

By: Sabrina Greene, Journalist

•TEXAS STAR wishes to




curating, interpretation, and marketing.





Masions over,

to and

breath-taking Countryside that goes on for miles and

historic properties throughout




your exploring pleasure! •The THC oversees over 22 the state of Texas (see Map). •It staff has expertise in

There are Native American

miles. •

We hope that you will take some time this FALL season and visit one or all of these amazing



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8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Wedding ~~ Hand –n- Hand By: Rachel Stockton

Your Wedding Tip of the Month FALL WEDDINGS ARE THE GREATEST ! Planning a Fall Wedding? Well, you’ve selected the best time of the year! The weather, for the most part, should be picture perfect for an outdoors event! Your colors can be VIBRANT or SOFT. The venues offer a variety of texture, pattern, and several themes at your beckon call. Let’s look at the colors of FALL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Hand –n- Hand FLOWERS --- BOUQUETS

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~



8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Hand –n- Hand

Texas Style Receptions --- Dining Delights

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


Have a big slice of Pumpkin Pie and a delicious cup of Herbal Tea! Happy “FALL” Days

8-16-2017 ~ TSCM AUG-SEP-OCT Issue ~


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