HCM 5 May 2018

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MAY 2018

Hometown Christian Magazine Happy Mother’s Day • • • • • • •

Moments to Remember Mother’s Day May 13th Star of the Month One Purpose Journey Hand -n- Hand Weddings Explore Travel Texas Reporter


Pg 1 3 74 75



Front Page Cover Team Members Affiliates Last Page

36-42 Hand - n – Hand 43-45 Heartfelt Poetry 46-49 Fun Foods

RESPECTIVE CORNER 4-9 Moments to Remember 10-24 Stars of the Month

Great USA CORNER 50-55 Texas Reporter 56-60 Explore Travel - Alabama


CELBRATION CORNER 25-28 Cinco de Mayo – May 5th 29-31 Memorial Day - May 21st 32-35 Mother’s Day - May 13th



61-65 One Purpose Journey 66-71 Pathway 72-73 Life Point

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Team Members Hometown Christian Magazine Publisher: TSCM MARKETING, LLC EDITOR: Maggie Bryant

Feature Writers:

Tarina Lovegrove Maggie B.

Art Editor & Images:

M. Bryant & Pixabay.com

Layout & Digital Design:

M. Bryant T. Lovegrove


Katy, TX 77450




www.TexasStarChristianMagazine.com www.HometownChristianMagazine.com

All Rights Reserved – Disclaimer Reproduction, Images are courtesy of Pixabay.com in whole or in part is permissible and is not prohibited by TSCM and/or its affiliates. TSCM and/or Hometown Christian Magazine is under pending copyright protection, trademark, and imagery as per USA laws. Published online and/or printed in USA its contents is the opinions, viewpoints, observations, and theories of the writers. And shall bare no liability to the website(s) and /or affiliates, partners, sponsors, and/or advertisers. See: Policy/Procedures/Disclaimer on TSCM / Hometown’s Websites. 2018


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Respective Corner ***

Moments to Remember


Moments to Remember

Brought to You By: (Pixabay.com/Images)

The FREE Image Site that shares the many talents of photographers from around the world. Thousands of pictures of people, places, events, holidays and odd things for your use and creative enjoyment. TSCM and HCM are deeply grateful for the many years of working with Pixabay and their talented teams. Thank You!

Moments to Remember Growing Up in Arizona Growing Up in Arizona! By: Tarina Lovegrove, Feature Writer ***

In 1975, I was seven years old. It was a precious time. The world was much simpler then. People talked to each other, families ate dinner together without texting, the television or numerous other distractions, and you could feel safe letting your children play outside together, which we just so happen to do from sunrise to sundown. As a child, Sundays were special. My sisters and I would get dressed up in our pretty dresses and mom would walk us to the corner where the church bus would pick us up for Sunday school. If I close my eyes, I can still see the faded blue bus driving down the dusty dirt road, headed to our stop, which was at the Southeast corner of our front yard.


With my two younger sisters and Bible in tow, I was off to commune with God. My parents appreciated the time alone, and so did I because being the oldest, I felt like I was in charge even though we always had adult supervision. Phoenix First Assembly of God was only a few miles from our home. It was a small, L-shaped, brick building on Bell Road. Children’s ministries was in a separate building from the main sanctuary. Sunday school was fun and exciting. We learned the Bible, sang Christian songs, ate yummy snacks and made special Christ-centered craft projects that Mom would proudly fuss over and put on display in our home each week. We took extra care to ensure our crafts were A-1 and refrigerator magnet worthy.

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Moments to Remember Memories - 2 It was at Phoenix First Assembly of God and my tender age of 7 years old, that I would memorize a Bible verse that has been the cornerstone of my faith throughout my lifetime… John 3:16. I’m sure many of us also memorized this verse first as it is the foundation of Christianity. Still, to me this scripture is incredibly significant… holding true to this very day. Looking back over my life’s span of fifty years, Jesus and John 3:16 have always been there to support me, even though I didn’t always respect them the way I should. I was strong in my faith as a child and as I grew into my teenage years and then young adulthood, I became separated from the Word. Nevertheless, Jesus was still there, always - to listen, to pick and


protect me from the world, and even myself. I didn’t always study scripture, pray and honor him. In fact, I turned my back many times letting Satan and sin creep into my heart space. I was terribly young, naïve, centered in self and focused the wrong direction on the physical me rather than the spiritual me. And that life led me down a path of heartbreak and destruction. Today, I am proud to say that I gave my life to Jesus and my walk with God is tremendous. I have learned so much on this journey and continue learning each and every day. Life is no longer about roaming from one empty heartbreak to another but rather about how can I serve God in each divine appointment he has made for me, letting my light shine for his kingdom.

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Moments to Remember Memories - 3 Don’t get me wrong, I am far from perfect and I don’t always make the best decisions. Nevertheless, the power of Jesus in my life, his endearing love, his mercy and pure compassion for humanity, literally saved my eternal soul but also have saved my sanity in this not so forgiving world on the planet we fondly call Earth. Life is different. I am different. And I owe it all to God. So dear brothers and sisters, I invite you to hear my favorite Bible verse of all time and if you are walking in that painful, physical world without God at your core, please ask him in as your Lord and Savior. Isn’t it time? I leave you now with John 3:16… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeith in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life.” Please visit the “One Purpose Journey” section of our magazine or website for Salvation’s prayer.

May God bless you always and forever.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Stars of the Month


Stars of the Month Rose Lange & Tammie Oxford

Brought to You By: Guarantee Real Estate

“Hometown Christian Magazine” Is happy to celebrate two outstanding MOMs in the May 2018 Issue! We have the honor to feature Mrs. Rose Lange, Reedley, CA and Mrs. Tammie Oxford, Fresno, CA. We pray that you enjoy reading about their adventures, valleys and peaks, and the many amazing journeys that Rose and Tammie are sharing with us. Happy Mother’s Day!

Star #1 of the Month Featuring… Rose Lange By: Maggie B, Writer & Speaker

You never know when and where you’re going to meet that ONE person that stands out among all others. When I met Rose Lange it seemed as if I had known her all my life.

We instantly

bonded and have become friends. I couldn’t wait to ask her to be our Star of the Month! I gave her my business card and told her to go to the website and review our issues. Then if she was in agreement we would like to interview her for one of our future issues. She agreed and now here we are

We welcome you to… Hometown Christian Magazine.

sharing this amazing person’s story. And with that said, I am honored to present to you….our

Steve & Rose Lange

faithful readers…

Our 1st STAR OF THE MONTH, and Amazing MOM… Mrs. Rose Lange.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Star of the Month ~2

IN THE BEGINNING Rose is a California Girl. She was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Sun, surf, & Fun. Her Mom, Carolyn still lives there. Rose married Steve Lange on June 20th, 1987. They met at a gas station where Steve worked. He was so shy that SHE had to ask him out for coffee. He agreed and a year later… they were married. STEVE is originally from Minnesota and glad to be away from the blizzards. He presently is a salesman of machinery parts and services for Hyster’s in Fresno, CA. He was a heavy duty diesel mechanic for large machinery. He worked in that industry at the Harbor, in Long Beach. Later he got a good job in Bakersfield, so they moved. Then 10 years, 2000, later his company transferred him to Reedley.

Rose stayed home and homeschooled the children. They had so much fun learning, exploring new territories, and growing closer together. ROSE’S SONS…

They have two adult sons: BRIAN = the youngest, is in college, is a youth leader at their church and conducts bible study, and a very creative photographer. JOSEPH = the oldest is in the Marines and stationed in San Diego. He is very active in sports, such as surfing the waves of the Pacific Ocean.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Star of the Month ~4

ROSE’S CAREER R.E. It took several years and some soul searching of what Rose wanted to do with her career / next job move. She had a wonderful position at the Harbor in Long Beach and then she enjoyed raising her boys for several years… but now she had to make a positive chose! In 2014 she decided on Real Estate and started studying for her test. It was touch and she found herself trying to cram every bit of information into her head. She said, ”I, made it harder on myself” After she passed the test, she quickly learn more on the job than in the classroom. I ask her… “how do you like being in Real Estate?” She answered… “I am very happy being an agent. The most important aspect is “handing the keys over to the people and seeing the smile on their faces.”


4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue


Star of the Month ~3

I had to ask her… “what is your least favorite thing about selling R.E.?” At first she didn’t want to say, but, I pushed a little bit, and she said, “It is disappointing when you have no control over the final sale, things happen and no one can stop it. Like people

Through Steve’s Job they traveled to Hawaii, Munich, Germany, United Kingdom, and Scotland. Her favorite cities of Munich and London…

“Family Fun & Fellowship”

thinking they’re getting a loan and the lender overlooks a really important element of their application. It is sad to have to tell people that they didn’t get the loan.” Rose stated that another challenging aspect is “having enough inventory” of homes to sell and people to buy. It is necessary to market, advertise and reach out to keep that inventory going.

ROSE’S HOBBIES Rose enjoys a variety of things, such as: range shooting, reading, shopping, exercise,




things, going to museums, eating out, traveling. She likes to go to lots of places, and experiencing new things. She and sometimes hubby has traveled to all states on the west coast, and back east to MN, TX, OK, AR, FL, MD, MA, & Washington, DC.


4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue


Star of the Month ~5

HER CHRISTIAN WALK She became a Christian at the young age 5, and she prays, all the time. They go to a Baptist Church in Reedley and enjoy the fellowship and worship of the Lord. Rose said that, “Jesus Himself really became known to her when I had to be with my son, Joseph, in the hospital in Maryland.

It affects the speech, walking, moving, blindness and so much more. Joseph went through the surgery and his recovery was difficult and long. Rose traveled to the east coast and stayed near her son during the entire procedure and found that God and prayer was her anchor!

He was injured with a brain hemorrhage and was completely disabled.

“Mother & Son”

People came to us through prayer and support that I never knew would be there for us. My son is a a walking and talking miracle and it was due to God healing him through the darkness and valley of fear. God never let us down and daily we saw His work in Joseph.” JOSEPH’S STORY Out of no where Joseph was attacked with a brain hemorrhage. He was rushed to Walter Reed Hospital on May 21st, 2017, then he had major surgery on July 21st. The diagnosis was grim because most of the time when a brain is starved from blood flow and a vein breaks.


4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue


Star of the Month ~5

Update: Joseph is doing very well, he has been transferred to San Diego and is still in the marines. He is partial blind, has headaches, is deaf in his left ear, and has some trouble remembering things. However,




limitations, he has grown and matured in the Lord and is continuing to fight for a healthy body and a healthy mind.

ROSE’S FINAL THOUGHTS At the end of our visit I ask Rose one more question… Her is her amazing answer that touched my heart. “I couldn’t have had this life without Steve. He gave me two beautiful children and a wonderful life!” *** Thank you, Rose for sharing your life with us.

We wish you and your family

Blessings for all your days! Happy Mother’s Day to a great MOM and precious Friend…. God bless!

Brian’s Photography… “Early Morning Serenity” 05/08/18

4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue


Stars of the Month Rose Lange & Tammie Oxford

Brought to You By: Guarantee Real Estate

“Hometown Christian Magazine” Is happy to celebrate two outstanding MOMs in the May 2018 Issue! We have the honor to feature Mrs. Rose Lange, Reedley, CA and Mrs. Tammie Oxford, Fresno, CA. We pray that you enjoy reading about their adventures, valleys and peaks, and the many amazing journeys that Rose and Tammie are sharing with us. Happy Mother’s Day!

Star #2 of the Month Featuring… Tammie Oxford By: Maggie B, Writer & Speaker






Southern Baptist Church and was deeply impressed with the friendliness of the people. There was this one person that I was most impressed with, only because of her BIG smile, Curly blonde hair, and unending ENERGY! watched









I and


I ask someone “who is that lady over there?” pointing to Tammie … they told me her name and before I knew it we were facing each other and both of talking just like we had known

We welcome you to … Hometown Christian Magazine.

each other forever! And, before I knew what I was doing, I volunteered for SOMETHING and I didn’t know

Jason & Tammie - Vacation

what it was. I just said, yes! No regrets either! I have enjoyed getting to know Tammie and have really grown to appreciate the many “HATS” this girl tends to wear in a weeks’ time. It is with great pleasure to introduce…

Our 2nd STAR OF THE MONTH & amazing MOM, Mrs. Tammie Oxford.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Star of the Month ~2

IN THE BEGINNING Tammie is married on September 26, Nineteen years ago, to Jason Oxford. They raised five (5) boys together and fostered two girls. Son #1: Son #2: Son #3: Son #4: Son #5:

RYAN = Missionary in Africa COREY = Officer Air Force – Chaplain Elect. GAGE = Assistant Manger – Taco Bell, Fresno JUSTON = Training to be Firefighter in LA, Married ANDREW = Musical Technician/DJ *** Tammie is a native Fresno-ian, born and raised. She attended Central Union School – graduating in the 1993 … She met Jason, started dating, and fell IN LOVE. They both loved the LORD and wanted to do whatever was asked of them to serve and support the ministry. Their commitment to this mission is so amazing. They raised their children to follow the Lord and to be in His service when and wherever they were called.

SERVING IN THE CHURCH Tammie’s heart is that of a loyal and content ‘servant’. She is most happy and find pure joy in helping people in so many ways. These days you can find her at our Church, leading the “DISCOVER & SERVE” (Old name FIT) Teams; arranging and organizing special events for the Holidays and her dream career Coaching people in a program called “Clear Thinking”. She is a busy… girl! Ephesians 6:6-8 ESV From: www.OpenBible.info “Not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord,”


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Star of the Month ~3

Take me out to the Ball Game!


Getting Together for Fellowship


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Star of the Month ~4

Somebody say, “Let’s EAT?”

TAMMIE’S HOBBIES Tammie’s hobbies are the simple things in life. She loves sharing with her large family – good food and lots of laughter! Her favorite foods are Steak and all the trimmings, and for Dessert: Cheese Cake! Yummy! She and Jason love to travel and have gone to many States in America, gone to Mexico, Canada on the Eastern Coastline, the Bahamas, on an Alaskan Cruise, and to the Philippians and to AFRICA! Her favorite local place to vacation for a weekend or longer is Pismo Beach and Avila Beach, CA. Beautiful country over there! She and Jason have talked about their future and after retirement, they plan on getting an RV, fully loaded with Solar and a generator, and head across country.

“Feeding those in need!”


want to connect to Churches and serve as Missionaries for the hurting and helpless. Then when the Lord grants them, they want to take their work Internationally to as many countries as possible.

What a

wonderful ministry-plan of action! Blessings!


4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue


Star of the Month ~5


TAMMIE RIDING IN LOG-BOAT! During her trip to Africa, she met a young boy that had a hand-carved boat. She ask him to take her across a river. She gave him a small amount of money that made him very happy, since they don’t make a great deal of money in the village. When she got out in the water she soon learned that crocodiles were right up the river from them. Hippo tracks were in the mud, but she didn’t see them as she was in the canoe. He told her in broken English and sign language to KEEP your hands inside the boat and don’t move quickly; Because that movement would cause the crocks to come toward them! She was intrigued with the trip, but most grateful to reach the banks on the shoreline! She learned on this Missionary trip that the village was extremely isolated from towns and had very little knowledge of the ways of the world. They shared the Gospel with the people and many came to Christ.


4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue



Star of the Month ~6

CAREER IN LIFE COACHING ~ “Clear Thinking” Tammie is a dedicated MOM, Wife, Friend, Mentor, and these days… a Life Style Coach. She doesn’t even consider what she does as WORK… instead she says that her reward and love is helping others find their true purpose and pathway to health, happiness, and financial success. She commented ‘that when people learn HOW the brain works and HOW one can CHOOSE to enjoy life in a positive – God’s way, then and only then can a person be ‘free’ from stress and fear!’ I firmly believe that comment, because since I’ve been taking her classes, I have had such a turn around in my own emotional journey, and all for the better! I highly --- and I do mean highly, recommend contacting Tammie and getting involved in the program. It will brighten your life and more ways that you can imagine.

Email: TammieNic@Yahoo.com TAMMIE’S FINAL THOUGHTS… I asked Tammie any final thoughts that she would like to share… She smiled that BIG GRIN, and looked me in the eye…

“I just want to give back and serve in anyway I can. Doing God’s work, isn’t work… its FUN and I love it.” Hometown is honored to have Tammie Oxford our 2nd MOM for May. It is our pleasure to say… Thank you once again for your service & your love… Blessings!


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Celebrate Corner ***

HOLIDAY Celebration

By: Maggie B, Writer

Cinco de Mayo is May 5th… and it is the huge celebration that is known the world over. Many cultures come together and have FIESTA CELEBRATION… as quoted by, the History Channel…. “the date of the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. Cinco de Mayo 2018 occurs on Saturday, May 5. A relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas




populations.” Of course there is more to this story than just a day of celebration. The History behind this date is extremely important.

Courtesy from: https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


HOLIDAY Celebration ~ 2 By: Maggie B, Writer

THE BATTLE OF PUEBLA The history of the Independence of Mexico came with a huge price tag. Not only was the small country in debt because of lack of economic growth, poverty abounded, slavery of its own people was rampant and ruler after ruler was greedy and tyrants to the people. When the French came into the country with over 6,000 troops under the leadership of Charles latrille de Lorencez it looked as though the people were doomed even further into poverty and strife. The general attacked the town of Puebla de Los Angeles in east-central Mexico. He had established and conquered Juarez and now had his sights on the next town. Many of the poor were forced into battle and sent to Puebla to fight their own people. There was a Texas-born General Ignacio Zaragoza that had gathered a army to fight the French. On May 5, 1862 the fight began. The General was able to hold the town through heavy artillery and well trained men. The battle lasted from daybreak until early evening, finally the French retreated with a major loss of over 500 soldiers. This victory signal a great sign for the Mexican government and the Texas General that stood their ground and resisted being taken over by the French. In 1867 the military and political pressure from the United States ended the Civil War with France and stood by its neighbor the Mexicans. Courtesy from: https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


HOLIDAY Celebration ~ 3 By: Maggie B, Writer

The battle of Puebla was NOT the actual independence day in Mexico, that date is celebrated on September 16 and is considered the anniversary from the leadership of the Revolutionary Priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costillas and his battle “cry of dolores”. It declared war against the SPANISH colonial government in 1810, at least 50 years before the battle of Puebla and the French. CELEBRATION IN THE USA: May 5th is a BIG DEAL in America. People from all cultures get together and have large fiestas that include: parades, parties, music, folk dancing, and wonderful foods, like tacos and mobe poblano…. MMMMM Good!

Happy May 5th… Cinco de Mayo!

Courtesy from: https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/cinco-de-mayo


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Memorial Day

May 21st Childhood Memories By: L.M. Wilson,Special Guest Writer

* * *

Celebrating Memorial Day May 21st, as a 6 year old child had a great time, being so young and it was during "the great Depression� whereby those times were hard on everyone! Most people were poor, some were starving, we were blessed because our large family made a good living. My Dad operated a grist mill that made Cornmeal, Flour for bread and we raised our vegetables, chickens, and hogs for meat. I had four brothers, four sisters, all older and I being the youngest was well cared for. From Tennessee and our Heritage: English, Dutch, Welch and Cherokee Indian. In our neighborhood located out in the country, we had a small wood frame Church, with two doors on the front and at the back. There were hanging oil lamps, hard wooden pews, big potbelly stove to heat the building, windows that we 05/08/18

could raise for fresh air, a small wooden platform, where our Pastor stood to preach. Everyone called him Brother Jordon. surrounding the Church was a several acres for the Cemetery, on the other side was several tall trees with long rough tables built for all the food to be served from. The ladies would cook, prepare so many delicious and prize recipes to bring, after our Sunday morning worship service, lunch on the ground would be served. But I couldn't understand why it was called on the ground when there was 50 ft. of long tables full ! water melons, along with Mrs. Curtis large dishpan full of banana pudding YUMMY! Mama fried up three chickens, Mrs. Johnson brought ten pounds of potato salad, the Farless Sisters

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Memorial Day May 21st By: L.M. Wilson, Writer

* * *


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Memorial Day May 21st By: L.M. Wilson, Writer

* * *

made hot biscuits and my sister, Tina had three different kinds of pies. The Kells brought large dishes of vegetables, all the families brought their favorite foods and before the day was over there were plates of food made up and delivered to those that couldn't attend. At our picnic the Blessing was done and the children served first. There was enough to feed more then 100 people and everyone enjoyed the eating! This six year old never forgot those special times at the all day service. Back then the wonderful cooking the women brought was amazing. They would drive to the Church grounds in their wagons pulled by a team of mules! That’s because there was very few automobiles in the nineteenthirties. And most of the country people walked on dirt and gravel roads to come to Decoration Day! We had such wonderful lunches, right on up until WWII came along then the celebrations were too hard to bare and for many years afterwards that date was not recognized as much. My friends and I for many years still decorated the graves of those gone on before us were all looking good with homemade paper flowers, in lots of colors, on this Memorial Decoration Day. We remembered our friends, heroes, military and family, that had passed on and were buried in the Cemeteries. There are sections for the Civil War Veterans and many other fallen from so many other Wars. To term “Memorial Day� was not used until much later when Congress made it a national holiday and renamed it. I remember it as DECORATION DAY!


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Mother’s Day May 13th, 2018 By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer



5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Mother’s Day May 13th, 2018 By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer

FOREVER ~ MOM God gave woman a very special assignment on earth… the role of mother. Now this role is not for every woman. Yet, those who choose it are blessed beyond measure in the most bittersweet way. I say bitter because for nine months you are nurturing another body within your own, followed by the most intense physical pain you will ever have in your life… labor. Yet ironically, I don’t think what this life-altering event does to your body is the toughest part. In fact, I believe it is the next two decades of emotional angst, worry, pain, anxiety, exhaustion and heartache that prove to be so much harder. Childbirth is just a warning signal for that which is yet to come. For the next eighteen years and beyond your stretch marks and thunder thighs, it is your duty to see this child is clothed, fed, held, coddled, sleeps the appropriate amount of time, is educated, healthy, bathed, clean, participates in extracurricular activities, doesn’t misbehave, smoke, drink, have sex or do drugs (which is an enormous feat by any means) and is happy, safe, secure, nurtured, manicured, emotionally vibrant, ready for the world and most of all, loved. And if that isn’t a tall order, most of us are doing this while raising other children and/or managing careers, households and taking care of our mates. Some may wonder why in the world would someone want to go through all of that. And for nearly 20 years… are you crazy??!! For those who have not walked in these shoes, I can tell you every diaper change, late night bottle feeding, every call from the school nurse, outrageous homework assignment, daycare bill, sporting event and gray hair is all worth it.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Mother’s Day May 23rd, 2018 By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer

When you look down into the eyes of your child and see the innocence, sincerity, caring, helpless, fun, gorgeous smile staring back at you, the strenuous effort it takes to raise them pales in comparison. Every laugh, giggle and snicker seems to minimize the exhaustion, worry and financial burden woe. Not only this, but you have been given the role of mom not only for the first eighteen years, but also for a lifetime. When they hurt, you cry. When they fall, you help pick them up. When they call you in the middle of the night, you listen and console. When they race, you cheerlead. And when they win, you celebrate more than anyone they know. The role of motherhood is the most profound, terrific, amazing, intense role you can have. That is… until you become a grandmother. Now the game really gets interesting. The child you birthed so many years ago has now just become parents themselves. Although it seems like only yesterday, with all the bumps and bruises they and you have incurred in their lifetime. Just when you thought life, as a mother could not get any grander, you are blessed with immense joy once again. This time, you are much smarter than the first few times. Your knowledge base has increased exponentially. You now know what to expect and when to expect it… on the inside. Your outside however, may be a little challenged to keep up as age may have taken a little toll on your body. For me, the moment in which my granddaughter was born was doubly astounding. Not only did I have the phenomenal experience of watching the wondrous gift of life take place again but also the memories and heartfelt moments from giving birth to my own daughters came rushing back to my memory. I’ll never forget the very first time I was able to hold each of them… my daughters and granddaughter alike. Funny, when you have your first child, you can’t possibly fathom how you can love another child as much as your first… until you have another. Suddenly, your internal well of love just duplicates itself.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Mother’s Day May 13th, 2018 By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer

Then, when time passes and the circle of life blossoms even more so, you are blessed with a gorgeous grandchild who will work really hard to exhaust you while simultaneously keeping that fountain of youth alive in your heart. And as you have these children and grandchildren, you remember the real torture you put your own mother through and ironically you realize, you were not the smartest one after all… it was Mom. So today, it is my distinct pleasure to thank mothers and grandmothers, for the magnificent role they play in our world. You are God’s vessels; teachers and protectors for the most treasured gifts our world could possibly ever receive… our children. Thank you for being parents. Thank you for being incredible role models. Thank you for being forever Mom.

Happy Mother’s Day!

** Disclaimer: Prayer goes out to all mothers, daughters and granddaughters who have strained relationships. Also to those who have adopted, as well as to fathers who have stepped in when mom was absent. You too, hold a special place in our hearts and more importantly, in the eyes of a child. And one last special prayer goes out to any mom who has lost a child… for it is the most excruciating pain a woman can possibly bare… more so than childbirth, more so than your biggest heartache, more so than any nightmare imaginable. May God bless and comfort your souls.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Country Corner ***

Hand ~n~ Hand *** “Springtime Flowers”

Hand –n- Hand Brought to You By: weddingstar.com

You said… YES… now it time to go shopping… Make sure you go to Weddingstar.com for those much wanted and needed items. The quality is the BEST and the prices are amazingly low. Many professional Wedding Planners turn to Weddingstar first!

Hand -n- Hand

** Wedding Tips **

By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer - Wedding Tips


SPRING! During this time of the year it seems like everything changes to BRIGHT, LIGHT, SOFT COLORS, and SWEET LOVE! I am especially excited about the Spring Season because it means that I can offer the bride and groom array of floral selections for their special day. Such as: • COUNTRY CLASSIC • CONTEMPORARY CRAFTY • MODERN MANNER • TIMELESS TRADITIONAL • And so much more! Since HOMETOWN… is a country themed magazine, I am going to share with you the COUNTRY STYLE FLOWERS of SPRING! Then you select the colors, styles, and types that best suit your theme and go for it! Happy Spring Wedding Planning!


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue



SPRING FLOWERS ~ 2 Happy Wedding Planning with Flowers


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue



SPRING FLOWERS ~ 3 Springtime = Love


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue



SPRING FLOWERS ~ 4 God bless you all


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Heartfelt ~ Poetry *** “TITLE HERE”

Heartfelt - Poetry

Brought to You By: 123Greetings.com

Need a CARD… birthday, anniversary, holiday, or celebration… look no further than 123Greetings. The cards are created by everyday… talented people, like yourself, and donated to this site. IN OTHER WORDS… FREE! Have fun and send out 1 card or dozens… they’re all FREE! Thanks 123Greetings.com

What Would Jesus Do? By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer

So pure, Standing in line at the corner store, the woman in front of me was digging for change, clearly needing more I didn’t want to pry or put my nose where it didn’t belong Embarrassed for her, I ignored the scene and decided to move on

What would Jesus do?

A stranded man looked deeply worried, lacking resources just the same I chose not to stop and help him A busy schedule I proclaimed

What would Jesus do? When I pulled into the drive there were toys scattered about to my dismay I shouted at the children next door “You kids, put these things away!” They simply don’t belong on my lawn You have your own yard in which to play You better not trespass again “Why don’t you learn to just behave?”

Just right then my brother calls asking me to help him through He’d lost his job six months ago and didn’t know what to do.

This wasn’t his first call to me I was growing tired of his plea I told him I would call him back though I knew it would never be.

What would Jesus do?

I packed my groceries in the car It was quite the heavy load Then on my way home I spotted immense trouble alongside the road

What would Jesus do?

His bills were very late the rent had not been paid He was praying for a miracle hoping I would come to his aid.

Fatigued from my exhausting day I quickly prepared for bed Put on my pajamas, turned on the news, seized a pillow for my head Morning will be here very soon I needed a goodnight’s sleep and rest There is so much to do with such little time, between my full schedule and its stress.

What would Jesus do? As I laid my head to rest, death emerged into the night Little did I know God would call so soon, requesting a summary of my life As I approached the Pearly Gates I remembered my thoughtless ways I recalled my poor behavior, greatly struggling to justify my days In that moment I realized the damage I had done At this point just one question remained before the Father and the Son…

What would Jesus do? *** 05/08/18

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Fun Foods

*** Holiday Foods

Fun Foods & Holiday Drinks

Brought to You By: fiverr.com

Fiverr isn’t a $5.00 bill… it is a great place to find talented people to help you with your project for as low a $5.00. Check it out when you need a business professional! It’ll cost ya at least a Five spot!

Fun Foods & Drinks By: Tarina Lovegrove, Food Expert Writer

Unbelievably Moist Banana Bread HCM thanks Chef Heather for her wonderful recipes as show below on her website and on Pinterest. We highly recommend visiting her site for more great desserts and outstanding meals. At: Forks-N-Flip Flops! https://forksnflipflops.com/ Ingredients: •5 eggs •2 C flour •6 tbsp buttermilk (or reg milk) •2 tsps baking soda •1 ½ C ripe bananas, about 4-5 small •1 C nuts, chopped (optional) •1 C soft margarine or butter, (two ½ cup sticks butter •Mix all ingredients together. Let mixture sit for 1 hour in the mixing bowl in room temperature. (Note: Due to banana size, the mixture may not all fit into one loaf pan; do not overflow your pan. Use two loaf pans for the extra batter) •Pour into greased loaf pan(s). Bake 60-65* minutes at 350 degrees. If using a bunt pan, bake for 50-60* minutes at 300 degrees. Ten minutes before final cooking time, check doneness with toothpick. When toothpick comes out clean from middle of the loaf, it is done or when center of loaf is close to 195-200 degrees F. (Note: It's okay to let the crust get very dark if cooked for longer, it is supposed to be and won't hinder the taste). •Let stand until almost cool. Loosen bread from sides with sharp knife and set aside. Enjoy! 05/08/18

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Just in Case‌

Tasty Foods & Supplies

Lori & Jim Bakker The Jim Bakker Show Christian Preppers


It is an honor to feature the survival kits and amazing great foods from Jim Bakker Show. There are so many much needed items on their site. We encourage you to visit their store and get your survival items ‌ today!


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


The Great USA Corner ***

Texas Star Reporter *** “Welcome Partner”

The Texas Star Reporter

Southwest USA Brought to You By: Texasoutside.com

TSCM discovered Texas Outside a couple of years ago and really got excited about the products and services this company offered to its clients. It has news, articles, travel, events, and ideas galore! It may be a Texas based business… but it serves the entire USA… Good ole… Texas-Style! Many of the articles in Hometown Christian Magazine comes from our good friends at Texas Outside.

The Texas Reporter~ Part 2 Some really interesting History Part II Hey Texas Partners: Well last month, April, I talked about the history of how in 1845 Texas was accepted into the United States of America and how it sparked trouble between Mexico and Texas. Part 2 will be the continuation of our History Journey into the 1900’s and what took place during those years. So, pull down your hat and pull up your britches… let’s ride back into the 1900’s and see what was what!

HISTORY 102 Texas Style: In the article “Late Nineteenth-Century Texas” by Alwyn Barr, he explained about the years between 1876 and the beginning of THE PROGRESSIVE ERA (1900) in Texas. Even though the State did not share in America’s “Gilded Age”, it did have a mixture of changes to a western frontier and the New South States were experiencing. So much of the State was increasing in population, economic production of the oil and gas industries, and the mixtures of cultures were emerging. There was still the separation of Black and Hispanic communities. There were challenging elements within the political arenas between democrats and republicans and third parties. Then Prohibition had been ordered and in the WEST that was a big problem… People liked their drink! With the coming of the railroad tracks across the USA to the Pacific Coast people were fighting to have those rails come through their towns… money making deals! Oil was booming, the economy was exploding!


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


The Texas Reporter~ Part 2 Some really interesting History ~ 2 FARMING: The Texas land was rich in minerals and could grow almost anything. Add some water, plant the seeds and reap the benefits. Cotton, Corn & wheat are the main crops. The






fluctuating due to the previous national depression between 1870’s and 1890’s. The good thing about the early 1900’s was that the value of farms actually increased.

One thing is true about the people… they are GOD FEARING, RESPECTFUL, and PATRIOTIC And, as a TEXAN… I too, feel proud and privileged to be a part of something bigger and better than myself – God! Texans need to stay close to the LORD and believe in His coming Kingdom… A nation that doesn’t honor the LORD will FAIL… Texas has no intentions of failing…

These farms grew in size, but also the debt increased as well.


It was suggested among all the farms to form a HUSBANDRY or the GRANGE ASSOCIATION.

Our slogan is… DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!

This formation would place

power and control of the economy back into the hands of the farmers. As the years passed the farming industry has continue to prosper. The State

If you don’t like it here… please leave! We do like it here… Tornados and Hurricanes, floods and draught… it’s our country, our home and our Texas!

continues to produce corn, wheat, and various produce for the world. Oil is still BOOMING!

God bless Texas and Texas Folks! ***

SUMMARY: Texas folks can be proud of its heritage and where it is going in the future individuals.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Texas Report ~ Part 2 Disclaimer and Recognition to the following: Article: LATE NINETEENTH-CENTURY TEXAS Website Disclaimer and Fair Use Policy: All copyrighted materials included within the Handbook of Texas Online are in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 related to Copyright and “Fair Use” for Non-Profit educational institutions, which permits the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), to utilize copyrighted materials to further scholarship, education, and inform the public. The TSHA makes every effort to conform to the principles of fair use and to comply with copyright law. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. CITATION The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article. Handbook of Texas Online, Alwyn Barr, "Late Nineteenth-Century Texas," accessed April 15, 2018, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/npl01. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/texas

Uploaded on June 15, 2010. Published by the Texas State Historical Association. ***

TSCM and HCM wish to thank this site for the information on Texas History: This website is a FREE to its customers and gains no monitary value. Thank you: https://tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/npl01


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


The Great USA

West/Northwest Southwest Midwest Northeast Southeast

South USA Alabama

Explore Travel with Hometown USA Brought to You By: Amazon.com

Amazon.com is expanding its distribution centers in order to serve you better. The company is opening, across the USA, several large warehouses and delivery properties that will speed up getting your books, clothing, appliances, electronics, DVDs and so much more! Go online Today!

South USA ~ 1 Alabama By: Maggie B, Writer

I have been to Alabama many times in my lifetime. My dad was born and raised in Montgomery and every year we would take our vacation and drive across the country to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles and lots of cousins. It was always such a treat to see the countryside and go downtown to the capital building, shop in the many stores up and down Main Street and eat in old fashioned (todays’ standards) restaurants. I am happy to present EXPLORE TRAVEL… and the State of Alabama… my family heritage and my dad’s home State!


Our sincere thanks the the

Chamber of Commerce, the Tourist Websites and my family!

Courtesy from: https://www.alabama.travel.com


/// And Our thanks to: http://tourism.alabama.gov

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


South USA ~ 2 Alabama By: Maggie B, Writer

ALABAMA‌ features: Historical Homes; Civil War Era Sites where Reenactors portrait battles, Museums, a Zoo, the best B-B-Q in the South (so its been told), the Native American Heritage Park, Mobile, and In the southern part of the State has a Port with Ships, Subs, and Marine vessels.

Courtesy from: https://www.alabama.travel.com


Our thanks to: http://tourism.alabama.gov

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


South USA ~ 3 Alabama By: Maggie B, Writer


Science Museums, White Sand Beaches,

Championship Golf, and a Variety of entertainment… Just look around and HEAR the sound, SEE the sights, and SMELL the OCEAN!

Courtesy from: https://www.alabama.travel.com


Our thanks to: http://tourism.alabama.gov

4_Apr. 2018 ~ 4th Issue


Spiritual Corner ***

One Purpose Journey ***

One Purpose Journey https://www.EmergencyPrayerTeam.com

By: Tarina Lovegrove, Feature Writer

Many of us are in search of our life’s purpose. Yet, did you know that all humans share a one-purpose journey? That is to experience life on earth, find Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, invite him into our hearts and share the gospel while awaiting his return. The event, often referred to as The Rapture, will be the miraculous time when trumpets will sound for Jesus’ tried and true believers and he will remove them from the earth to take them to Heaven. When this happens, can you imagine the evilness and chaos left behind? At the time of The Rapture, it is anticipated that the world will be in mass turmoil, airplanes will fall from the sky, cars will crash in the streets, Christians and children will be so-called “unexplainable gone”. The mayhem that follows is disastrous beyond human comprehension. Occurrences including a one-world currency, a confederation of 10 nations united to bring so-called “peace” under the helm of an AntiChrist (which is Satan’s puppet for his own personal demands) will all take place.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


One Purpose Journey ~2 It is a fact that no one knows the date or time of Jesus’ return, yet it is near. The Bible speaks of many happenings that will take place in what is called the end times. These ends times include, but are not limited to, world violence and lawlessness, exponential increase in technology as well as false prophets and teachers. In these last days, churches and ministers will turn away from prophecy and align with a one world religious group, many illnesses, plagues and pestilence will manifest throughout the world and nonbelievers will scoff at the return of Christ. Be aware… these prophetic events have already begun! We are seeing the story unfold right before our very eyes! Please, do not make haste. Do not wait any longer to invite Jesus into your heart. As Jonathan Cahn so eloquently states, “You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity.” *** For more information please visit: www.texasstarchristianmagazine.com/ebooks www.emergencyprayerteam.com (chrome search engine)


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


One Purpose Journey ~3 The Emergency Prayer Team prays for all types of situations and our main focus is leading people to Christ. The Bible speaks of the end times and it is our belief that we are living in them NOW. In order for you and your family to go to Heaven, you must ask Jesus into your HEART and accept His Salvation for you soul through Forgiveness of sins. Then it is important to live a life according to His Word. If you do not or will not accept this forgiveness and Salvation, you are facing dreadful circumstances and will be LEFT BEHIND. Please accept Jesus today‌ Our prayers are with you! See you in Heaven!


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Pathway *** “Beliefs & Values”


Beliefs and Values Challenge By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer

Mark 11:25 ESV “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” Today, I was reading online at: valuescentre.com, that values are “stable longlasting beliefs about what is important to a person. They become standard by which people order their lives and make their choices.” For fun, I thought it would be interesting to challenge our feature writers and our readers to see how they respond. So dear reader, we encourage you to take part in this interesting exercise by writing a story and/or article formatting your BELIEFS & VALUES in your Christian walk. You can do it on your own, or if you’re really ready to step out of the box, you can send us a copy of your story and giving up your permission to print, with no compensation at: TexasStarChristianMagazine@Gmail.com, along with your … • Name, • Email address, • Picture (headshot only, please), • Phone number The guidelines are simple… Article and/or Story format: In 500 words or less, tell us about your Top 5 Core Beliefs and Values no later than May 15, 2018. We’ll read the responses and select creative winners that we shall place their content under: PATHWAY STAR WINNER in HCM ~ June 2018 Issue. Happy writing and soul searching! *** Disclaimer: HCM and/or TSCM are not held liable for content sent to be printed in future publications.. No compensation of any kind, money, gifts, trips, and/or any transfer of fees will be offered and/or given to individuals that are participating in this challenge. Thank you. Editor: Maggie B.


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Pathway - 2

Beliefs & Values By: Maggie B. Writer

It is said that every person has 5 MAIN CORE VALUES and BELIEFS. Here are the top Five:

1: INTEGRITY I have always thought that INTEGRITY was the honor system and the ACCOUNTABILITY for strong morals and honesty. It takes a very strong person in business and/or personal relationship to keep INTEGRITY standards at the core of their decisions. Wikipedia is quoted as stating that, it “is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, or moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to ahold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards” . Courtesy from: www.wikipedia.com/integrity

2: ACCOUNTABILITY When working in the computer industry I quickly learned that each person had a JOB TO DO, and they were being held by their team members and management staff, to get that job done. In our weekly meetings these people, including myself, would give an summary (accounting) of what took place last week and then a plan of action of what we would be doing the present week. There were benchmarks, deadlines, and certain criteria that had to be met or people needed to make adjustments to meet the changes. The need for ACCOUNTABILITY was a constant daily reminder of what we had to do and when we had to do it.

3: DIGILENCE Diligent behavior in the work place or in your home life is known as ETHICAL BEHAVIOR… and that the job itself is (or should be) good all by itself. To take this a step further to be DILIGENT in anything is to be persistent to strive for excellence, and to make every effort to be the best you can be at what you’re doing.


Images courtesy: Wiki

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Pathway - 2

Beliefs & Values By: Maggie B. Writer

4: PERSERVERANCE This element is what drives a person to KEEP GOING, no matter what the roadblocks are, no matter how deep the valleys seem to be and no matter how tall the mountains are in front of you. To keep going in spite of the ‘nay-sayers’ or those that have a difference of opinion than yours, but to just keep going, is the BELIEF in oneself that, Philippians 4:13 “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST, WHO STRENGTHENS ME!

5: DISCIPLINE This element is the fifth one and it is mostly likely the most difficult one to accomplish. In order to discipline yourself, you have to get in a HABIT (healthy habit for mind, body and spiritual wellbeing)… of staying ‘on course’. When you take on a task, an assignment, at work or home, you also take on the RESPONSIBILITY of completing that task in a timely manner… In order to do this you must be willing to DISCIPLINE your actions to follow through with each step of it. KEEP GOING, STAY STRONG, FIGHT THE FIGHT and WIN THE BATTLE! * * * Integrity, Accountability, Diligence, Perseverance & Discipline and our walk with Christ gives us the right foundation for a happier life, a stress-free environment and assurance that we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven!


Images courtesy: Wiki

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Pathway - 3

Beliefs & Values By: Tarina Lovegrove, Writer

1: Honor strongly – God, family and self •

• •

We are spiritual beings in physical bodies that have been given the gift of life. We should praise God for each breath we take. Jonathan Kahn often says, “we are only one heartbeat away from eternity”… and he is so right. We should honor our families with love, support, encouragement and inspiration. If we all can take these words to heart, we can change the world. Honor of self is often taken for granted. There is always so much going on that we forget to take care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally… even financially. Self-care is something that I’ve recently been working on and it is so vitally important. I’ve taken a good look at how I treat myself and wondered… would I allow someone else to treat me the same way? Think about that one…

2: Love abundantly Love is an amazing, endless ocean that fills our hearts with joy and laughter. At the same time, it can hurt us to the depths of our souls. The lesson to learn is the more we give, the more we have to give. Be intentional in love, give from your core and let the universe know who you are on the inside. Our world is crying out for more love and it’s time we stepped up to the plate and deliver it.

3: Respect unfailingly As a child, I was taught the Bible verses from, Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12, “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”. These verses live on with me today. I firmly believe that after we leave this world, we will have to answer to how we’ve treated others. Also, my motto is that respect is like a boomerang. You have to give it, to receive it in return. 2/1/2018

Images courtesy: Wiki

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Pathway - 4

Beliefs & Values By: Tarina Lovegrove. Writer

4: Forgive unconditionally We are human. We make mistakes. We do things we shouldn’t do and say things we shouldn’t say. Forgiveness is a flower that blossoms in our souls. You must first plant the seed in order for it to bloom. Forgiveness is the same. In order to heal, the seed of forgiveness has to be planted. Should we allow hurt and anger to fester, the relationship will whither and die instead of bloom into the beautiful flower it could be.

5: Give generously Giving is a gift that we all possess. Some of us use it sparingly, others abundantly. What’s important to know if that we have the ability to impact our communities and our world each and everyday. Also, giving isn’t always monetarily. It is just as important to give of ourselves and we can do so, with the smallest of gestures.

Q: What are your beliefs and values? Q: How do you demonstrate everyday and in everyway what the Bible teaches? Q: What do your beliefs and values say about you?


Images courtesy: Wiki

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


* * Life Point * *


James 1:9, “Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position.” Is your glass half empty or half full? Are life struggles a gift or a thorn for you? If character is built through perseverance, then shouldn’t those who suffer consider themselves more richly blessed? Tell me, who won the battle, David or Goliath? Mighty is he who walks with the power of the Lord, moving beyond circumstance to defeat the evil powers of darkness. Blessed is he who perseveres. *** 05/08/18

5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue


Special Thank You… Affiliates & Partners


Wedding Wire


5_May. 2018 ~ 5th Issue



May, 2018… May God’s light shine upon you and your soul blossom from His love.



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