December 2018

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NEWS A Texas Team Ag Ed Publication

December 2018


Tammy Christian, Penelope

Howdy from San Antonio Texas! We are here this week for the NAAE conference. I must admit, it has been an incredibly busy last few weeks. Area LDEs, a trip to Duncan, swine validation, major show entries, and the list goes on. The week prior to Thanksgiving, I began trying to plan ahead and prepare. I knew I would be gone this week, and with major show entries due on December 1st, I thought I had done a decent job of preparing. Even with a week off for Thanksgiving break, I seemed to do something for school or work, most everyday. As I sat down after a day of Thanksgiving festivities, it occurred to me that I had not written this article! We are preparing to interview our four finalist for the position of Executive Director, Cory Green, Ray Pieniazek, Kevin Swor and Russell Thomas. We will do face to face interviews at our December 9th board meeting, and we will determine who fill that position. Continuing my journey, I decided that I would major in agribusiness. This decision would allow some options, I could possibly find a place in agriculture, but if not, I would have the business background I could use in another area. I was determined that once I declared my major, I would not change my mind. As I worked on the decision of where I would attend

college, it became evident, that maybe attending a junior college first would be best for me. I am not sure I was ready, academically, to attend a larger university. While I do not discredit the education or teachers that I had at Penelope I.S.D., I do not think there was as much focus on college preparation at that time. It even became more evident, when I enrolled in couple of college classes my senior year. In May of 1984, I graduated high school and enrolled at Hill College to begin classes in the fall, with plans to transfer to Sam Houston State once my basics were complete. As a freshman, I had attended the State LDEs on the Sam Houston campus and it left a lasting impression. My parents really did not encourage me to find a job while attending college, they wanted me to focus on school. While taking one particular agriculture class, I learned of an opportunity to work as a field scout for the county entomologist, scouting wheat. I went to the office and applied and ended up getting the job. It worked well with my schedule, I got to interact with farmers all over the county and actually become familiar with parts of the county I had never seen. That job led to scouting cotton and milo during the summers as well. In the

spring of 1986, I graduated from Hill College with an associates degree. I was off to Sam Houston that fall. To be continued... It is hard to believe that in a few short weeks this first semester will be done. Many of you are headed to the state LDE’s this weekend, receiving fruit, and preparing for fall semester exams. While there is still plenty of activities, I typically find, things slow a bit as we move to the Christmas holidays. Take a breath, if at all possible, because following Christmas break, you might need to hold on to your wig! Now that my entries for majors are complete, I can begin to plan for those trips to the livestock shows. Continue on page 2

#TammyTalks Continued We work together in our county, as ag teachers and agents, to help one another as we make the stock show tour. Whether it is hauling animals, traveling together or assisting each other once we arrive at the shows, it never hurts to have extra support! We don’t discriminate against friends from other counties either! I encourage you, whether you are a first year teacher or veteran teacher, to do the same. The stock show tour can be exhausting, with early mornings, late nights and many miles traveled. Do not jeopardize your safety and your students as you travel the highways. As you come to the end of the semester, it is a good time to do some reflecting and begin to plan and make any necessary adjustments for the spring semester. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I have much to be thankful for. A supportive family and spouse, community, administration, school board, a network of friends and a blessed career. As I attend conferences, like this one this week, and I hear from ag teachers from other states, I am thankful for the Texas Ag Ed Family. Until next month!

Fresh Country Supports the

VATAT with a

Annual Donation!

The Show’s Over... Now What? Barney McClure, VATAT Executive Director The life of most show animals is one of relative luxury compared to most of its brethren. The best feed, vitamins, minerals, clean water, and usually some form of climate control are all provided. Then problems sometimes occur when the show is over. The truth is that market animal projects are designed to go into the food chain. That steer, barrow, wether, broiler, turkey or market rabbit should be destined for someone’s plate. Too many times our students don’t think about how they will humanely dispose of their animal projects. It would probably be wise for each student to have a final plan for their animal. In many cases the larger animals have an easier path. Cattle, sheep, goats, and swine usually can be sold to someone to process for food. It may be necessary for them to have an appointment at the processing facility, but it is a pretty common practice. Livestock auction barns may also be utilized. Then we come to broilers, turkeys, and market rabbits. It is simply more difficult to find an acceptable market for these surplus animals. At times no true market exists for them, and students may have to hustle to find someone who is willing to accept and process the birds or rabbits. Our students need to be aware that former show animals need to quickly and humanely enter the food chain once show season is over. As teachers, we need to present the options to our students just as we present them options on feed and show supplements. It might make a good lesson midway through the feeding period. We teach them to be ready to get the animals and we need to teach them how to end the project.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE VATAT.......................................1 - 5 Alumni................................6 Young Farmers........................8 - 10


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What ag education classes do you teach? Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies; Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Agricultural Power Systems

What advice would you give a first-year teacher? Work hard and seek help and advice from experienced teachers.

Why do you teach ag? I chose Agriculture Education because every phase of my life was connected to agriculture in some way. I have chosen to stay in the field because ag ed is so diverse that it stays interesting. Over my time as a teacher I’ve come to realize just how fulfilling and rewarding the teaching profession is in itself.

Why do you believe that ag education is so important? Many reasons. I believe the diversity of the courses and curriculum can reach so many kids. The Leadership Development Events and Speaking Development Events establish skills and confidence for kids transitioning into the adult world. The Supervised Agricultural Experience component provides a platform to develop responsibility and accountability. Also, many of our programs can be done as a family. Unlike other activities kids may be involved in where the parents drop them off with a coach or teacher, we have the unique opportunity to involve everyone. In today’s world we need all these aspects.

What’S your favorite classroom memory? One of my favorite classroom memories comes from teaching Advanced Animal Science as a fourthyear science credit. Throughout those years I had so many non-traditional ag students who really came to enjoy agriculture and the ag program. Many commented on how they wished they had joined our program earlier and had the opportunity to be more engaged. What is your favorite FFA memory? My favorite memory centers around a former student with Down Syndrome. We he came in as a Freshman he was almost non-verbal and was very withdrawn. Through the kindness of a friend who gave him his first bottle baby show goat, Jeremy blossomed into an incredible showman and into a kid with a larger than life personality. He became known, not only at our high school but throughout our county and across the state. He has been out of school for 12 years now, and I still have people ask about him. 4

Do you have advice on balancing work/ home life? When my wife was pregnant with my son, a good friend and fellow ag teacher shared some advice with me that had been passed down. “When your kids are grown, they can say one of two things, my dad was a heck of an ag teacher, or my dad was a heck of a dad.” It is important to be committed to your school and program, but the needs of your family should always help guide your decision making.





UPDATE 91st National Convention Kelly White, Texas FFA Alumni President

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas...” You all know this song of the season. When you read this, it will be approaching the holiday season. However, as I write, I still want to live in the spirit of Thanksgiving. What were you thankful for this past year? I am thankful for health and my God for allowing me another year on this earth. I am thankful and appreciative of the country that I was born in. and the right to share my opinion, not only verbally but at the ballot box. I am thankful to have a career that allows me to be a part of our greatest natural resource, the future and our students. I am thankful for the two individuals that I teach with, Perry White and Taylor Eurich. I am thankful for family, especially my wife, Glynda. December 17 will be our 30th anniversary and this will be her 30th “White” Christmas. I am very thankful to have gotten my major show entries completed by November 26. Speaking of deadlines; it seems that I am always on a deadline, pressed for time, or needed in four different places at the same time. Deadlines, most of them I meet, but there are some that I have missed. Some things you can get by with putting off and the person expecting the information is patient (ex. Communications Coordinator Ashley Dunkerley). But some are not as patient as Ashley. Think about the deadlines that we face and the consequences for missing them. You may have to pay a late fee if you are lucky. But what will it cost you? Let me add another deadline to your calendar for next year. February 15 is the deadline to have your alumni dues and roster submitted to the Texas FFA office. Affiliate members from last year should have their information. Please let Gwenn Winsauer know if you are establishing a new alumni affiliate so she can get you set up to manage the roster before it gets too late in the spring. It is always easier to have the ag teacher as the contact person because your alumni 6

officers may change on a yearly basis. As we enter the holiday season I recommend slowing down! Take some time to spend with your family. The new year will be here soon with stock shows, CDEs, banquets, awards, etc. They will get here soon enough. Enjoy a drive and look at the Christmas lights. Go to church. Visit and reminisce with old friends. Enjoy time with your spouse, children, siblings, and even your in-laws. Slow Down and remember the reason for the season. Merry CHRISTmas!



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UPDATE Notes From


Executive Secretary

Bob Young, Texas Young Farmers Executive Secretary I know everybody says it, but it’s hard to believe another year is almost over. Certainly has been a busy and rewarding year for Texas Young Farmer members. As I reflect upon the Thanksgiving holiday I am reminded of all the good things we are blessed to be a part of through agriculture. I hope that we all have a wonderful Christmas season and begin the New Year ready to continue our paths to success. By the time this newsletter is available, The National Young Farmers Education Association (NYFEA) Institute in Rogers, Arkansas, December 1216, will be over. Last year was my first time to attend the Institute. It was one of the most educational and enjoyable national events I have ever attended, and the 2018 Institute will be just as great. The Texas Young Farmers State Convention will be held January 10-13, 2019, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Temple. Please refer to the Registration Form in this newsletter or our website for all information about the activities. Our State Officers have done an outstanding job of organizing and scheduling the convention. The tours, contests, workshops, sponsor exhibits, fellowship, and food ensure a fun time will be had by all. We certainly encourage all Young Farmers to attendyou will never want to miss another, guaranteed. Please contact me if you have any questions about the convention or require assistance in registering. State membership dues are being accepted. If your chapter still needs to submit your roster and dues, please do so as soon as possible. Visit our website, download the roster form, and type all the data required. Then, please email that form to me at bytxyfa@gmail. org. I ask that all local chapters please inform me of your regular meeting dates, times, and locations. Additionally, please let me know of all special events and/or activities that your chapter sponsors or is actively engaged in. I want to visit as many of 8

these activities as possible throughout the year. Each of our State Officers represents an FFA Area. Their contact information is on our website, and all of them are anxious and willing to assist their local chapters. Please make use of these resources to help make your chapter more successful. It seems as though my article is never complete without praising the work of Texas FFA members and agriscience teachers across the state. Having had the opportunity to judge several LDE’s this fall, I witnessed the results of all the hard work in preparation for these valuable events. Students are achieving goals that they never would have dreamed possible before our very eyes. It is easy to observe the determination, desire, and motivation these students have to perform at such high levels. Teachers, I believe they have a sincere appreciation of you for guiding them in the right direction. Until next time, remember the words of Sister Mary Rose McGeady, who stated, “There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life.”

Makayla Cruz

Area XII Vice President My name is Makayla Cruz and I am excited to represent the Young Farmers in Area 12! I have had the pleasure of being a Texas Young Farmer member for the past 3 years and of serving as the Area 3 Vice President for the past 2 years. I am a student at Texas A&M University studying Agriculture Leadership Education and Development. I have a passion for serving others and improving the agriculture industry. I look forward to working with the board over the next year in improving our organization, growing membership, and expanding participation with fellow chapters.

Lisa Brown

Herbert Casey

Area VIII Vice President

Area 1 Vice President

Hello, my name is Lisa Brown, and I am serving as the Area 8 Vice President. My husband and I have three daughters, ages 22, 16, and 9. Together we live in Freestone, Texas where I am a registered nurse. I became familiar with Young Farmers through my children’s FFA chapter in Teague. I consider myself as a hobby farmer and dabble in different, very small agricultural adventures for the pleasure of producing something for my family and friends. With that said, I feel that my biggest contribution in agriculture is as a consumer. I believe that as long as one plans on putting something on a plate, no matter what their career or where they live, they should be involved in agriculture education and protection. I look forward to working and seeing everyone this year.

Herb Casey grew up on a farm and ranch near Eastland, Texas. After serving in U.S. Air Force during the Viet Nam conflict, he completed his education at Tarleton State University where he earned a B.S. and M.S.T. in Agriculture Education. He began his teaching career in Ag Science at Teague High School, retiring after 27 years. He was instrumental in starting the Teague Young Farmers Chapter and later served as its President and Vice President. Herb is a charter member and Past President of the Bi-Stone Antique Tractor Club and has served as its Secretary-Treasurer for the past seven years. He is a Lifetime Committeeman of the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo and is an invited judge of the Tractor Restoration Division of the Ag Mechanics Contest. Casey is an active member of the First Baptist Church in Mexia where he enjoys singing in the choir and playing guitar in the Praise Band He is married and has two married step-sons and one grandson. Herb enjoys traveling and working in his home shop.


Texas Young Farmer Convention January 10th – 13th, 2019 in Temple, Texas

Thank You to Our Texas Young Farmers Sponsors



2019 Texas Young Farmer Convention January 10th – 13th, 2019 Temple, Texas Registration Form

Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn Temple, 1749 Scott Boulevard, Temple, TX 76504. Telephone: 254-773-0200. (Deadline is Dec. 21st.) Website: Use Group Code: Texas Young Farmers. Room Rate: Hotel “Convention Block” about $100. Schedule: Complete Details at: ❖ Thurs., Jan. 10th – 3pm – 5pm State Board Meeting. 7pm – 9pm Icebreaker and Mixer for everyone. ❖ Fri., Jan. 11th – Breakfast at Hotel, Morning Tours, Lunch, Afternoon Tours. Dinner at Hotel (provided by TYF), Ag Olympics with additional activities. ❖ Sat., Jan. 12th – Breakfast at Hotel, Delegate Meeting, Business Meeting, Sponsor Appreciation Lunch, Scholarship Auction, Workshops, Awards Banquet and After Banquet Entertainment Registration Costs:

Early Bird Registration Deadline is December 3, 2018.

❖ Early Bird Registration is $125 ❖ Late Registration is $150 ❖ Registration includes: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for Friday and Saturday; Thursday Mixer; Tours; Ag Olympics and After Banquet Entertainment. ❖ Friday Night (Does NOT include the Friday Meal but does include Ag Olympics) and Saturday Only is $75 before December 3 and $100 after December 3. Friday Night Meal if arriving before Ag Olympics for Friday and Saturday Only Attendees - $25 each ❖ “YALE” Contest Participants - Early Bird Registration - $75 and $100 after December 3. ❖ Kids are $50 Register On Line at TYF website If a computer is not available, You can mail Registration Form and Registration Fees (payable to Texas Young Farmers) to: Texas Young Farmers; C/O Bob Young, 1990 T K Pkwy, Axtell, TX 76624 Early Bird Registration Deadline: December 3, 2018 Name(s): ____________________________________________ TYF Area: ______ TYF Chapter: ______________ Address: ___________________________________ City, State and Zip: __________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________ Phone: (_____)______-_________ Early Bird Registration for January 10-13 $125 before Dec. 3 Late Registration for January 10-13 $150 after Dec. 3 Friday Night Meal (Fri/Sat Only Attendees) $25 each Friday Night - Ag Olympics & Saturday Only $75 before Dec. 1st Friday Night - Ag Olympics & Saturday Only $100 after Dec. 1st “YALE” Contest Participants $75 before Dec. 1st “YALE” Contest Participants $100 after Dec. 1st Child Registration (12 & Under) $50

# _______ # _______ # _______ # _______ # ________ # ________ # ________ # _______

@ $ 125 = ____________ @ $150 = __________ @ $25 = __________ @ $75 = __________ @ $100 = __________ @ $75 = ___________ @ $100 = ___________ @ $50 = ___________

TOTAL DUE: ____________ Additional Names and Chapters included on this Registration: _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________. Registration using a Credit Card can only be done using the On-Line Registration. For Help call Debi @ 940-389-4052. Paper Registration only accepts Check payments. (Must be included with Registration). (Version 1) 10




614 E. 12th Street Austin, Texas 78701

Upcoming Events December



1 Texas FFA Junior Roster Deadline

10th - 13th Texas Young Farmers Convention, Temple

1st National Scholarship Online Submission Deadline

7 Swine Validation Materials Deadline (Major Shows)

7th Texas FFA Board Meeting, Austin

9 - 10 VATAT Board Meeting

8th Texas FFA Foundation Board Meeting, Austin

15th State Officer Nom Com & Adult Consultant Application Deadline 16th - 23rd National FFA Week 19th/21st Texas FFA Day At The Capitol


(512) 472-3128

Officers Tammy Christian, President

Terry Baize, Vice President


Ryan Pieniazek, Secretary/Treasurer

Barney McClure, Executive Director Ashley Dunkerley, Communications Karen Jones, Membership Services Tori Rosser, Special Projects


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