Texas Dog Magazine | Winter 2019

Page 1


Doggy DIY: Let's get your pup ready for holiday fun!

Seeing Stars: the brilliant life of Burly Bear Pom

Winter Wellness with Dr. Metzler

Quiz: Will your pup make the nice list?







Edit or 's Not e ... pg 7



FIDO 411

Advocat es ... pg 8

'Lisette the Vet' wins award ... pg 22

Pet 's Per spect ive ... pg 9

Class pet grants doubled ... pg 22


Multicultural pet owners increase pg 22

Breed Focus: ... pg 12

Marine reunited with military dog pg 23

Mesquite: A city for dogs ... pg 14

Ground broken on veterinary school pg 23

Photo Story: East Side dogs ... pg 16

Most people buying pets gifts ... pg 23

Adventure is out there... pg 18









Quiz: Naughty or Nice ... pg 24

Pet talk: Senior dogs ... pg 40

Doggy DIY: Bandana ... pg 26

Vet talk: Winter Wellness ... pg 44

Howliday Dogs ... pg 28 OTHER VOICES

PUP CULTURE Texas Top Dog ... pg 48

Guest: That Texas Couple ... pg 30

Instadogs ... pg 49

Guest: Burly Bear Pom ... pg 34

Pu pt ow n Dog Even t s ... pg 50

Guest: SPCA ... pg 36

K9 Classif ieds ... pg 51

Fr om t h e cover :

Mia, an Australian Cattle/Blue Healer mix is seen at the Christmas Shoppe in Southlake. The 2-year-old was adopted from the Denton Animal Shelter. Photo by Alana Holt

Editor's Note Happy Holidays from me and Ruekah! It?s such an honor to be wishing you a happy holiday for the second year in a row. As much as I?d love to reminisce about all of the amazing things that have happened this year (and there are a ton of things), this year I am thrilled about all that we have to look forward to in 2020! This year, Texas Dog Magazine is proud to continue its partnership with the SPCA of Texas and officially announce its partnership with Dogs Matter throughout 2020. Quickly, I?d like to share the Dogs Matter mission with you. This Dallas-founded non-profit organization fosters the dogs of alcoholics and addicts who are in recovery. These dogs are cared for in safe and healthy environments while their owners enter inpatient recovery. This is such an important support system for these people taking a brave step towards staying clean and sober. On top of this incredibly important act of service, Dogs Matter teaches people in recovery how to be the best dog parents they can be through training and certifications. Finally, Dogs Matter is a voice for alcoholics and addicts in their communities through a unique outreach program. Please join us in supporting this organization throughout 2020 at dogsmatter2.org/donate. The Texas Dog Magazine team truly has an amazing vision (you could say ? 20/20 vision) for the new year and we can?t wait to bring you more content, more events and more fun moving forward. Hold your puppers close throughout the holidays, take a lot of pictures and think of all the good times you?ve had, but most importantly look forward to all that?s to come in the New Year! Most of all, we are truly just excited to kick off the barking 20s with all of your Texas Dog furiends.

t exasdogm agazin e.com PUBLISHER Bookshelf Builders Press

EDITOR Nealie Sanchez editor@texasdogmagazine.com

ADVERTISING TXDMadvertising@gmail.com

STAFF Alana Holt alanaTXDM@gmail.com Linda Kessler lindaTXDM@gmail.com Tiffany Ditto tiffanyTXDM@gmail.com

222 E. Ren f r o St ., St e. 108 Bu r leson , TX 76028 Š2018 All rights reserved. Volume 1, Issue 2 No Part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher.


Nealie E. Sanchez Founder & Editor




Present ti me! o f t h e year b ecau se m y h u m an s

so m et im es m ah m gives m e a

get t o sp en d all t h e t im e w it h

t reat aft er t h at an d it m akes m e

m e!

feel all b et t er u n t il w e get t o

M ah m an d d ah d even d ro p h am s an d t u r keys o n t h e flo o r

Here I get even m o re h am s an d

esp ecially fo r m e. M y ow n

t u r keys fo r m e.

h ow l-id ay d in n er . Bu t so m et im es it m ean s I h ave t o r id e in t h e b ig scar y m ach in e fo r a w h ile. I d o n ?t really like t h e

-------------------------------------BY: TEX Dog Columnist --------------------------------------

gran d m ah m as h o u se.

m ach in e b ecau se it is lo u d an d it m oves really fast . I u su ally cr y an d ju m p aro u n d t o let m ah m a

Heh lo fu r ien d s it is t im e fo r t h e

an d d ah d kn ow h ow scared I

How l-id ays! Th is is t h e b est t im e

am . Th ey d o n o t like it , b u t

On o n e o f t h e n igh t s t h e h u m an s r ip u p a b u n ch o f cr u n ch y fu n flat st u ff? It is sh in y an d t h ey p u t it o n so m et h in g called p resen t s. I get t o r u n t h ro u gh all t h e cr u n ch ies an d m ake n o ises an d r ip it u p ! Th e h ow l-id ays are so m u ch fu n !


FEA TURES BreedFocus: The ChineseCrestedDog -------------------------------------BY: NEALIE SANCHEZ Editor-in-Chief -------------------------------------THE BASICS

According to Gea Ledra, a Chinese Crested Dog is featured in a painting from the United Kingdom dating as far back as

You reach down to pet your sweet pupper, but your palm isn?t

1881, however, they didn?t gain popularity until burlesque performer Gypsy Rose Lee started

full of fur. Until you reach around and scratch the little bit of scruff around the ears! This is a Chinese Crested Dog, a spotted pink-and-black skinned dog that has some lengthy patches of fur around its ears, on top of its head, around its paws and down its tail. While considered hairless by the general public, the breed does, in fact, come in a coated variety. Some may remember this dog from the early 2000s film Cats and Dogs, but there is much more to know about this pooch! The hypoallergenic breed is characterized by the American Kennel Club as ?fine-boned, elegant and graceful.? Despite the breed?s seemingly apt name, it is unconfirmed where the breed hales from because of the lack of historical evidence according to Gea Ledra. While the puppers? origins are considered untraceable, the breed is considered ancient. 12 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

promoting them. The breed would go on to be recognized by the American Kennel Club until 1991. The




acknowledges three other hairless dog breeds: The American Hairless Terrier, the Peruvian Inca Orchid and the Xoloitzcuintli. Each of these breeds also comes in a coated variety! CARE The Chinese Crested Dog?s skin is susceptible to acne, dryness and sunburn. For periods of time in the sun it is recommended that dog owners cover their pup in protective clothing. Acne should be treated veterinarian-approved and skin should moisturized

by methods be kept by

veterinarian-approved methods to avoid dryness.

Twitter: @NealieSanchez

Th e Ch in ese Cr est ed Dog. Ph ot o f r om t able of con t en t s by Jack sim a, Wik iM edia Com m on s. M ain im age by Tom m y Gildset h , Wik iM edia Com m on s. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 13


A city for dogs Get your paws on Mesquite before the cat's out of the bag -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer --------------------------------------

Photo courtesy of TownePlace Suites

Every dog lover dreams of living in a place where their dog is treated like the son or daughter that their parents know them to be, and that place is Mesquite, Texas. The city of Mesquite is branding itself the most dog-friendly city in Texas. Mesquite boasts a decreasing euthanasia rate in its shelter, a 30,000-square-foot off-leash dog park, dog-friendly hotels, and will host the Deck the Paws Pet Expo this December. ?We?re a very diverse community and we are a very family-friendly community,? says Amber Patterson, City of Mesquite Convention and Visitors Bureau marketing coordinator. ?We know that your dog is a part of your family. Just because your dog has four legs doesn?t mean they?re not your children? we want your pet to be along for the ride too.?

A PLACE TO STAY Assistant general manager of TownePlace Suites Conner Reyer, knows what it?s like to work at his computer while a guest?s dog takes a nap in his lap. TownePlace Suites is a unique hotel experience in that dogs are allowed to check in a share a bed with their family members just like they do at home. The hotel has no weight limit, so even the biggest of fur babies are welcome. But, there is a two pet limit per room. Guests are also required to pay $100 one time pet fee, regardless 14 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

of the length of stay, for cleaning after checkout. Reyer says the hotel?s pet-friendly policy brings travelers to the hotel for short visits, but it?s also a haven for those who have been displaced by natural disasters and have nowhere else to turn. ?Occasionally we have business travelers that like to travel with their pets, or families that are relocating from city to city and just passing

coverage that will pay for the hotel stay, the hotel will occasionally offer discounted rates to those affected by disasters. Reyer says the average stay at Town Place Suites is 37 nights, and for those displaced by disasters it could be up to 6 months. However, pets won?t mind. The hotel boasts an outdoor area where pets and their owners can relax or play. Hotel staff has also been known to dish out a treat or two to a furry guest.

through,? he says. ?However, the majority are from families that are displaced on insurance claims. We

?At our hotel, we welcome all animals with lots of love and treats,? Reyer says. ?Being cooped up in the room all

have partnerships with a variety of housing agencies that we work with directly. Those agencies work with the

day can be stressful on the dogs, so we've been known to take dogs out to go to the bathroom with the guest

insurance adjusters to housing for the family.?

permission, or sometimes they have hung out with myself in the back office while I work.?


For those who don?t have insurance

Events that will make your tail wag Mesquite offers many opportunities for residents and visitors to have fun with their pets. This winter the city will host Unleashed Paws? Deck the Paws Pet Expo from Dec. 14-15. The two-day event offers holiday shopping for pets and pet lovers, photos with Santa that benefit charity and a Picasso Paws Art Zone where your fur baby can create their own work of art (also for charity). The expo costs $10 for pets and their owners to attend, but it?s worth every penny. The city also hosts Doggy Splash Day annually in August, promising to be a splashingly good time.

Photo courtesy of the City of Mesquite establishing better transparency and

our save rate even more, analyzing

Five dollars will allow one pet and their owner entry into the event where dogs have access to the wading

communications with our rescue partners and passionate networkers, and increasing awareness of the pets

our capacity needs for future city growth and increasing our community outreach efforts to not only

pool, lap pool, one-meter diving board and are able to participate in various contests ? including a pet swimsuit contest, pet and owner look-a-like

at our shelter through social media and adoption events.?

encourage adoption from MAS, but start educating the public about responsible pet ownership and

The city?s animal shelter contains 54

What sets this event apart from

dog kennels and 35 cat kennels. At any one time the shelter houses around 60-70 dogs and 50 cats. Through a partnership with Town East

splash days put on by other cities is that owners are allowed to swim with their dogs if they want.

Animal Hospital, conveniently located next door, animals at the shelter are able to receive vaccinations,

contest, dog paddle race and a diving contest.

Mesquite wouldn?t be a dog-friendly

veterinary care for illnesses or injuries, and sterilizations for when they find their new parents.

city if they weren?t actively working toward reuniting pets with their owners, helping homeless pets find

A partnership with PetHealth, Inc also allows pet adopters to receive a free 30 days of pet insurance and

new homes and decreasing the shelter ?s euthanasia rates ? all of which they are actively doing.

coupons from PetCo.


?We have seen a dramatic decrease in euthanasias over the years,? says Jeanne Saadi, manager of animal services for Mesquite. ?We have actually been at a 90% or above save rate for over two years now. We have accomplished this by analyzing the projected space needed every day,

Mesquite currently has 1,259 dogs registered with the city, but according to statistical data shelter staff estimate there could be as many as 28,781 dogs living in Texas? dog friendly city. ?Mesquite Animal Services recently completed a five-year strategic plan that is focused heavily on increasing

resources available to help our residents with their pets so they don't end up at the shelter,? Saadi says. ?We know that we need to find some solutions to both increase our outcomes and reduce our intake in order to keep saving as many lives as possible for Mesquite pets.?

LOOKING AHEAD Patterson says Mesquite is working toward incorporating dogs into more events around the city, and actively encouraging business owners to include dogs by creating outdoor spaces where owners and their pets can interact. The city is also working on new dog-friendly events, but can?t share any of the details at this time. The possibilities are endless, and for now, the city is keeping one paw in front of the other paving the way for a dog-friendly future.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 15


Ea s t Side do gs Trey brings his 6-month-old French Bulldog Iggy the Piggy to East Side almost every weekend after they have a dinner date together, often times at Rusty Taco where he?ll share his chips with her.

BY: A L A NA HOLT Den t on's East Side, a bar where you can grab a beer on tap, eat some food truck food, and sit with your best fur friend outside on their patio. Y?all will stay warm in the winter by their heaters and your dog may have a chance at being one of their Dogs of the Month, but you?ll never know unless you drink, sit, stay. Cheers! * Drink responsibly for you and your best friend furever ?s sake* Pepper is a 15-week-old golden retriever who came all the way from Richmond, NH, with her owners to visit their daughter who is studying physics at UNT. Pepper has been an RV puppy most of her life since her family drove all the way to Texas. It was their first time at East Side. 16 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

Junebug curls up under a table at East Side where her family enjoy some cold beers and the Cowboys game. James and Mari are the proud parents of the 5-month-old lab-schnauzer mix who they say is an old lady at heart.

Cherry watches a Cowboys game at East Side with her humans. She is a 6-month-old silver lab. Regan and Alex got her to be a friend to their 12-year-old dog Coco who is blind. Cherry acts not only as a friend to Coco, but also as a guide for her around the house and keeps her from running into walls. She also loves snuggles. Versace, 11 months, is a sassy Pomeranian who walks on his hind legs for treats. His owners, Ruby and Ed, say they should?ve named him Scrappy because he will try to eat anything. They?re Texans at heart, but recently moved to OK City. They stop at East Side for a drink when they pass through because they love the East Side vibes. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 17


Delilah the traveler, protector and f riend

DOWN TORIDE -------------------------------------BY: ALANA HOLT Staff Photographer -------------------------------------The sky was lit by a golden sunset, mountains rested against the radiant backdrop and water lapped against the kayak. Jarrod, with his line cast, was trying to get his new pup accustomed to kayaking and being out on the water. She stood at the bow, looking out at the landscape a few hundred yards away. There?s a splash ? not a fish. Jarrod looked at the dogless bow of the kayak then down into the depths of the water hoping she?d come back up for air, all the while thinking, ?Well, my dog?s gone.? A couple minutes later, after looking all around him he saw her swimming in the opposite direction about 100 yards away toward land ? going after a squirrel she?d spotted. He circled back around and picked her up. He recounts it as one of their more exciting, and scarier, 18 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

Whether they're out on the water in La Veta, Colorado (BOTTOM photo courtesy of Jarrod) or they're at home in Weatherford (TOP photo by Alana Holt) Delilah and Jarrod are by each others' side, ready for whatever life has for them next.

moments together because he really thought he had lost her, ?but it turns out she can swim!? Delilah is a traveler, protector and friend to Jarrod Reynolds. The 2-and-a-half-year-old Chesapeake Bay/Blue Nose Pit mix was a spur of the moment decision for Jarrod. The first time they met, she couldn?t even open her eyes. But as soon as he was able to bring her home, she was a travel dog. Jarrod is a photographer, Lifeproof ambassador, founder of Nomadic Anglers and a student at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. He?s always been a free spirit in the sense that he doesn?t know where he?s going to be the next year, or even next month. He had just moved to Colorado when he welcomed Delilah into his life, ?and from that point on it was a learning experience for the both of us,? he reminisces. Their learning experience started with puppy potty training while living

out of a tent for three months and not having any access to running water for a period of time. Shortly after he adopted Delilah, Jarrod camped around southern Colorado while

LEFT: Exploring the Poudre River Canyon with Delilah. Photo courtesy of Jarrod BOTTOM: Jarrod adopted Delilah shortly after moving to Colorado, and the two have been best friends since. Photo by Alana Holt

doing some remodeling. But the three-month camping trip bred her for traveling and life in the outdoors. Delilah was born in Texas and always comes back with Jarrod to visit. She has been all over the state of Colorado and traveled to Wyoming countless times. She?s also been to New Mexico, Utah and Montana. Their travels together have made for a true and unbreakable bond. ?She can read me like a book, and I can do the same with her,? Jarrod said.

If Jarrod comes home from class and had a bad day, she knows; if Delilah has done something she wasn?t supposed to, whether he?s found the mess she made or not, he knows; if they?re hiking on a trail and he runs the other direction she quickly sprints after her best friend.

She?s ?wild, crazy, awesome? and great company to Jarrod and has only helped enhance his life. She was his friend when he knew no one else after moving to Colorado, she tries to alert and protect him from big cats when they?re out hiking, and she?s just simply there.

?I?m really the only stability that she knows, so she knows if I?m there and I?m good, everything?s going to be okay.?

?It?s great to just have an adventure buddy that?s always there, that doesn?t have a paper that?s due at midnight, that doesn?t have school the next morning ? that if you?re free, they?re down to ride.?

Delilah has anything but a typical life.

LEFT: Delilah and Jarrod have nail-biting adventures, like when they visited Alligator gar at the West Fork Trinity River. Photo courtesy of Jarrod RIGHT: Delilah has had a rather atypical life thus far, but its just right for this explorative and energetic pup. Photo by Alana Holt. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 19

FI DO 411 'Lisette the Vet' Wins Children's Book Award -------------------------------------TXDM staff reports ------------------------------------"The Pet Vet" has been recognized for Lisette the Vet, her picture book about a little girl who dreams of becoming a veterinarian, according to a news release. Forest Lane Books announced that the 2019 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards recognized 'Lisette the Vet' with a Bronze Award in the Animals/Pets category. The Moonbeam Awards received 1,150 entries this year and recognized and rewarded exemplary children's books that support and encourage children's love of reading. Lisette the Vet is celebrity veterinarian Dr. Ruth MacPete's first book in a series about a little girl who wants to be a veterinarian. "I am honored to win a Moonbeam Award and proud that my book was recognized out of so many talented entries," said Dr. MacPete. "I hope that my book inspires children to face their fears, believe in themselves, and follow their dreams." Lisette loves all animals: big or little, furry or feathery, even slimy or scaly. Well ... almost all animals. When her class gets a new pet, she can't wait to meet him. Then she finally meets Fluffy and he is not what she expected. When disaster strikes, will Lisette the Vet overcome her fears and save the day? Lisette The Vet Written by: Ruth MacPete, DVM Illustrated by: Anzhelika Enshina Publisher: Forest Lane Books Age Range: 4 to 8 For more information, or to order a signed copy, visit LisetteTheVet.com 22 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

PETSMART DOUBLES GRANTS FOR PETS IN THE CLASSROOM PetSmart has nearly doubled its support of teachers across North America this year by offering more than 10,000 grants to Pets in the Classroom, according to a news release. The program provides teachers with financial support to purchase and care for small animals in their classrooms. "Pets play a valuable role in children's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development and can also enrich school curriculum," said Kathy Mitchell, PetSmart government affairs director and Pet Care Trust board member, in a news release.

Pets in the Classroom was established by the Pet Care Trust knowing that, while classroom pets can be a valuable teaching tool, many teachers have limited resources for the support of classroom animals. The program is currently accepting applications for the 2019?2020 school year. Teachers who already have a classroom pet can also apply for a sustaining grant to help support costs of pet care. For more information, visit PetsintheClassroom.org. REPORT: PETS IN 67M HOMES; MULTICULTURAL OWNERS INCREASE More than half (54%) of American households have a pet, according to a news release on the new study Pet

Population and Ownership Trends in the U.S: Dogs, Cats, and Other Pets, 3rd Edition.

reunited in September in San Antonio with his former handler, U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Brianna George.

Research firm Packaged Fact estimates that households with pets total 67 million in 2019. The two most popular pets, dogs and cats, live in 39% and 24% of U.S. households, respectively. Additionally, one in eight households has other pets ? including fish, birds, reptiles, or small animals such as rabbits, hamsters or gerbils.

Nine-year-old German Shepherd Zoran was trained for detection and patrol. According to a news release, He and Cpl. George last saw each other in September 2018, after serving close to two years together in Japan.

The study also found that, compared to a decade ago, pet owners are now more likely to be a member of a multicultural population segment (28% in 2018 vs. 22% in 2008). "Between 2008 and 2018 the increase in the number of Hispanic, African American, Asian, and other multicultural pet owners was five times higher than the increase in the number of non-Hispanic white pet owners," says Packaged Facts Research Director David Sprinkle. Packaged Facts reports that: The number of Latinos owning pets increased 44% from 15 million in 2008 to 22 million in 2018. Additionally, the impact of Latinos on dog or cat ownership has been especially pronounced. Over the past decade the number of Hispanic dog owners increased 59%. The number of Latino cat owners likewise increased 50% Although a much smaller population, the number of Asian pet owners grew at the same rate (45%), between 2008 and 2018. During the same period, the number of African American pet owners also increased at a healthy rate (24%). SAN ANTONIO MARINE REUNITED WITH MILITARY WORKING DOG WASHINGTON, ? Military working dog (MWD) Zoran, who worked to protect U.S. troops at the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni in Japan, retired from service and was

American Humane has worked to support the U.S. military, veterans, and military animals for more than 100 years. One of its efforts is reuniting retiring MWDs with their former handlers. "I cannot wait to give Zoran the retired life he deserves for all his years of faithful and dedicated service," Cpl. George said in the release. "I also can't thank American Humane for the time and effort they dedicated to getting Zoran home from Japan. Without them, this wouldn't be possible." TEXAS TECH BREAKS GROUND ON SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AMARILLO ? Though this was a few months ago, we at TXDM wanted to share the news that Texas Tech University has broken ground on its School of Veterinary Medicine. Amarillo Campus. The school is located at the university's Health Sciences Center in Amarillo, according to a news release, and is expected to enroll its first class of about 60 students in Fall 2021. (So get ready to get those applications together!) Administrators and officials from Texas Tech University and TTUHSC gathered Sept. 19 to celebrate the milestone, which the release says will bring to fruition Texas' first new school of veterinary medicine in more than 100 years. In addition, a separate set of facilities that will serve as the large-animal focal point of the school will be named the School of Veterinary Medicine Mariposa Station.

70% OF DOG AND CAT OWNERS PURCHASE GIFTS FOR PETS DURING CHRISTM AS AND WINTER HOLIDAYS ROCKVILLE, Md. ? A substantial majority of dog owners (78%) and cat owners (72%) purchase special gifts or treats for their pets during the Christmas and Winter holiday season, according to Pet Population and Ownership Trends in the U.S: Dogs, Cats, and Other Pets, 3rd Edition, a new report by Packaged Facts. "The holidays offer the perfect opportunity to show our family members we care, and for most American pet parents their dogs and cats are as much a part of the family as the humans are," Packaged Facts research director David Sprinkle said in a news release. The report found that Millennial dog owners and and those who are married/partnered without children are most likely to give holiday gifts or treats to their pets. Additionally, cat owners who are married/partnered without children have an exceptionally high propensity to give their cats holiday gifts or treats. According to the report, four in five dog or cat owners enjoy buying products that pamper their pets. Additionally, 58% of pet owners pamper their pets by giving them indulgent treats, with millennial owners being the most likely to do so. Packaged Facts estimates that more than half of U.S. households have a pet, as there are 67 million households with pets. Dogs live in 39% and cats reside in 24% of U.S. households. One in eight households has other pets, including fish, birds, reptiles, or small animals such as rabbits, hamsters or gerbils. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 23

HOWLI DA Y FUN Naughty or Nice Youpeeon thecarpet what doyou do? A.) Tell thehuman. B.) What pee?

Themailman iscoming! C.) THISMEANSWAR. D.) Hehlofriend!

There?sa newpuppy on your regular walking path: A.) sniffsbutt B.) Stay theheck away you heckin stranger doggo

Thehumansdropped their dinner. C.) You mean my dinner ? D.) Thisispeoplefood !

Your pupper furiend hasa treat: A.) Yay for you friend ! B.) I amtaking MYtreat !

Walkiesareyour favoritething so... C.) I amgoing tobeg my humansuntil I get walkies. D.) I will wait for my human tograb theleash for walkies. Mostly Asand Ds: You?reon theNI CE list! Mostly Bsand Cs: You?reon theNAUGHTYlist!




Reversibl e Christmas Bandana Supplies: - Permanent marker - 1 piece of each felt color: black, white, orange, yellow - Rhinestones - Googly eyes - Scissors - A red bandana - A hot glue gun with glue sticks Inst ructions:



3. 4.

First begin by folding your bandana in the desired sized triangle. For smaller dogs more folds may be necessary, and for larger pups consider folding the bandana fewer times. Take your permanent marker and begin drawing the circular outlines of your snowman. You can draw three separate circles to cut out, or draw the outline of the snowman and cut it out in one piece (this is the approach we took). Be sure not to press too hard when drawing, or else you will be able to see the marker through the felt. Also, be conscious of the size of your snowman relative to the amount of space on your bandana. Cut out your snowman shape. Using the hot glue gun, glue the body of your snowman to the bandana.

TXDM tip: Consider laying your felt pieces on the snowman body before gluing. This will allow you to map out where things go, and make size adjustmentsasneeded.



The Christmas season brings many parties and celebrations with friends and family. Those young and old break out their festive Christmas sweaters sure to delight everyone who sees them, but just as you wouldn?t be caught dead sporting the same sweater to every party neither should your dog. Don?t worry; this howl-iday look won?t break the bank. We?ve got your step-by-step instructions on how to create the perfect reversible Christmas bandana for your fur baby.

Inst ructions (cont'd)


Next, using the black felt, draw your snowman?s hat and arms. Cut those pieces out and glue them on. 6. Take the rhinestones and glue on your snowman?s chest buttons. 7. Draw your snowman?s scarf on the yellow felt. Cut the scarf out and glue it on. 8. Cut out a small triangle from the orange felt to serve as your snowman?s nose. Glue the nose to your snowman?s face. 9. Glue on your googly eyes on either side of your nose. 10. ViolĂ , side one complete. The back side 1. 2.


4. 5.

6. 7.

Flip over your bandana. Lay your black felt over the point of the bandana. Begin cutting out a band to serve as your Santa belt. Trim the sides to march the angles of the bandana. Using your permanent marker, draw a rectangle on your yellow felt. Draw another rectangle inside the first rectangle on your yellow felt. Cut out the center of the yellow felt where your interior rectangle is. This piece will serve as the belt buckle of your Santa belt. Lastly, glue down your black band and your yellow belt buckle. Now, tie the bandana around your pet?s neck and let them strut their stuff around the party!



Howl-iday Dogs BY: A L A NA HOLT It happens every year, and every year we?re still so surprised when the sun sets early. But with falling back an hour comes sweaters and beanies, pumpkin-flavored everything and maybe a special Christmas treat for your dog ? all things that make up the Happy Howl-idays. That also means cold fronts and cloudy days are coming, so make like a present and wrap yourself up in warm clothes and keep an eye on your furry friends so that they?re warm and comfy, too. And how ever you?re spending the holiday ? with your furry friend, by yourself or with your loved ones ? we wish you a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Akamaru, 2, is a Shepherd/Lab mix. He gets a case of the zoomies whenever he gets a treat, his favorite toy is Tina the stuffed llama and he is the Forest Gump of dogs at the dog park because as soon as he gets through the gates, he is runnin?!


Christmas came early when Ladybird found Allie and Keegan in December 2012. She's a 12-year-old Border Collie mix and the best Christmas present ever. Photo taken at Calloway?s Nursery in Denton.

Wren is a year-and-a-half-year-old Border Collie who is so friendly she annoys people at the dog park because she likes to follow them around for all the pets.

Mia is an Australian Cattle/Blue Healer mix. The 2-year-old was adopted from the Denton Animal Shelter. She?s a sweetheart, but her hobbies include getting into a little bit of trouble by annoying cats. Photo taken at the Christmas Shoppe in Southlake.

Kylo, 3, is a Great Pyrenees and great protector of his dog dad. The 120-pound ball of fluff is terrified of water but doesn?t mind being wrapped in Christmas lights for a couple minutes.


OTHER V OI CES Dog-friendlyholidayvacationsacrosstheU.S. THAT TEXAS COUPLE Facebook : @t h at t exascou ple Tw it t er : @t h at t exascou ple In st agr am : @t h at t exascou ple Websit e: t h at t exascou ple.com

Oh, the holiday season ?


lights, hot cocoa, cold air, and that overall feeling of peace and joy. The holidays are such a magical time for a getaway and, of course, there is no better way to enjoy this time of year than with the ones you love, including your four-legged friend. If you are planning a pet-friendly getaway, then consider making one of these towns your destination. Not only will they delight you, but your dog will also have the opportunity to enjoy the magic of the season.

San Diego, CA Dog lovers rejoice because San Diego is in love with pets as much as you are. You will find little resistance bringing your pet to The Golden State. Make your first stop lunch on The Patio at Lamont at Pacific Beach where you can enjoy some delicious California cuisine, like a local fish street taco or an Ahi poke wonton tostada, while your dog munches on some of The Patio?s homemade dog biscuits! After your bellies are full, then burn off some of that energy by heading to Balboa Park and allowing your pooch to run free at Nate?s Point 30 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

San Diego, CA

Off-Leash Dog Park. If Balboa Park does not interest you, then you could always make your way to one of San Diego?s beautiful beaches for some Frisbee time with your canine friend. If you really want to enjoy the holiday season and spoil your pet, then check out the Hotel del Coronado. Pets will love the hotel?s commitment to their comfort by providing specialized bedding and a ?yappy hour ? where they can indulge in complimentary gourmet dog treats. You will love the hotel?s commitment to providing you excellent service. Not only will you see the hotel transformed for the holidays, but they

Eurek a Spr ings, AR If you are looking for a true down-home Christmas for your getaway, look no further than Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Nestled in the Ozark Mountains in the northwest portion of Arkansas, Eureka Springs is a great place to spend the holiday season. The town?s well-preserved Victorian buildings are all decked out in their holiday best this time of year. Brimming with lights and tinsel, the historic district welcomes visitors to stay and enjoy all of the holiday events. Not only does the city offer blocks

also provide pet walking and pet sitting.

and blocks of boutiques and fine art galleries, but there are numerous holiday events that you and you

Despite the California sunshine, I am sure you will be in the spirit of the

four-legged friend can participate in. Head out with your dog to the Downtown Park where you can both

season in this fabulous pet-friendly beach town.

Est es Par k , CO

enjoy visiting with Santa before taking your pup on a drive-through light display at the Great Passion Play. You

Stanley Hotel where they allow dogs to stay as long as they weigh less than 50 pounds. After checking into your

as a summer getaway, but did you know that Branson also makes a great holiday destination? People

can also enjoy the Christmas tree forest located at the Crescent Hotel. You and your dog will enjoy walking

hotel, hit the town to discover some of Estes Park?s great holiday events.

come from far and wide during the holiday season to celebrate the Ozark Mountain Christmas. Your furry best

through their 15 acres of specially decorated Christmas trees.

The festivities kick off the Friday

If you time your visit just right, you can be there for the highlight event,

after Thanksgiving when the town comes alive with floats, marching bands, and twinkling light during their holiday parade. Once the parade

The Night of 1000 Santas. During this event, you can join hundreds of Santas and Santa?s helpers to

opens the holiday season, then you will find Estes brimming with festive activities. Enjoy shopping at the

participate in this annual scavenger hunt. The person with the most points wins a trip back to Eureka Springs!

annual Christmas Bazaar, attend a Christmas concert, or take in the lights on a Yuletide Lights driving tour and

friend is bound to love riding along with you for a drive through the Ozark Mountain Christmas Light Village. This drive-through light display features not only opportunities to enjoy the great lights, but there is also a North Pole Express train and photo opportunities all along the way. If one drive-through light park isn?t

Estes Park is a great little mountain

allow your pet to accompany you. Of course, you can also take your dog on the many hiking and walking trails

enough, then you can also enjoy the Trail of Lights, an awesome drive-through animation display

town nestled on the eastern edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. Well known as a great getaway any time of

that you will find throughout Rocky Mountain National Park. These activities make Estes Park a great

stretching out along a two-mile trail through the 160-acres Shepherd of the Hills Homestead area. Of course,

year, Estes Park seems magical during the holiday season.

holiday destination.

you and your pup can also enjoy the many hiking and walking trails that Branson offers, including the 4.4-mile, easily walkable Lakeside Wilderness

Est es Par k , CO

You and your pooch will be nice and cozy staying in The Lodge at the

Branson, MO Sure, most people think of Branson


San Ant onio, TX


San Ant onio, TX San Antonio is the perfect getaway for you and your pet. The city?s m ost fam ous attraction, the River Walk, oozes with holiday charm this tim e of year. You will find that the trees that line the banks of the River Walk covered in holiday lights, the bridges don tinsel and bows, and even the riverboats boast holiday dĂŠcor to celebrate the season. The best part of the holiday season are the m ore than 3,000 glowing

New Or leans, LA

lum inaries that line the River Walk this tim e of year. Leashed pets are always welcom e to stroll the banks of the San Antonio River and several restaurants will allow leashed pets on their patio area. Combine all of this with the fact that finding pet-friendly accommodations is so easy in San Antonio, and you have the recipe for a great holiday getaway. 32 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

New Or leans, LA Christmas is a fabulous time to visit ?The Big Easy?. Not only will you find mild temperatures in New Orleans during the holiday season, you will also discover that hotel prices are low and the city is less crowded. Don?t mistake this for a lack of things to do

in New Orleans though as there is always something going on in this fabulous city. Pet owners will be delighted to know that there are numerous great hotels in the French Quarter that are pet-friendly. Some of our favorites include the Hotel Monteleone with

their fabulous carousel bar, and the beautiful Omni Royal Orleans. After checking into your hotel, head down to Lafayette Square with your pet and enjoy LUNA Fete. LUNA Fete is an annual event that displays light projections, illuminated installations, an arts market, and drink and food vendors. Want to know the best thing about LUNA Fete? It is completely free! If you know anything about New Orleans, you know this city loves parades. Luckily, Christmas is not an exception to this rule. You and your furry friend can stand front and center watching the Jingle on the Boulevard Parade or the Krewe of Jingle Parade during the holiday season. After the parade, why not take your pet with you to see the Celebration in the Oaks at City Park? This annual tradition is a beautiful display of Christmas Lights set throughout the park.

Savannah, GA Michelle and Mar t y Snell

Savannah is already one of America?s favorite cities and is a joy to visit anytime of the year, but Savannah really shines during the holiday season. This historic town comes alive with events, shows, parades, and fabulous holiday meals. You and your dog will enjoy strolling through Savannah?s City Market, which is all decked out in its holiday best during Christmas. This four-block area of Savannah is perfect for eating on the patio with your pup this time of year as temperatures usually hover around 60-degrees. Savannah also offers several holiday parades during this time of year. The Lighted Christmas Parade begins at West River Street and makes its way through the historic downtown area of Savannah before ending at City Market. Another great parade is the annual Boat Parade of Lights. You and your dog will love watching as the decorated and lit-up vessels cruise the

river. There are also many guided walking tours taking place this time of year. An especially seasonal one is the Charles Dickens-inspired tour where the guides dress up in Victorian costumes and transport you to the day of A Christmas Carol throughout Savannah.

Tr ip planning t ips These destinations are just a sampling of the many great places that you can enjoy with your pet. When planning your dog-friendly holiday remember to keep these things in mind: - Are these appropriate pet-friendly accommodations? - Is the weather where we can enjoy being outdoors? - Are there pet-friendly activities? - Can my pet be easily transported

to/from our destination? - Are there any pet-restricted areas at my destination? With a little imagination and proper planning, you and your pet can have a fabulous holiday vacation! MICHELLE AND MARTY SNELL are the travel-loving duo that makes up That Texas Couple. They both have a passion for travel, and an eye for a great vacation deal. Marty captures the essence of the places they travel with his eye always behind a lens, while Michelle soaks up the scenery and puts pen to paper. You can read about their adventures, or tips on traveling to your dream destination at thattexascouple.com. This article is part of TXDM?s initiative to share the stories of Texas rescues, nonprofits and other dog related organizations, as well as the businesses that support them. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 33


The life of a micro-influencer BURLY BEAR THE POM ERAN IAN Facebook : @Bu r lyBear Pom Websit e: bu r lybear pom .com In st agr am : @bu r lybear pom Tw it t er : @Bu r lyBear Pom

Howdy y'all, My name is Burly Bear, I?m a 9-month-old orange sable Pomeranian. I live in London, United Kingdom, and I'd like to share the trials and tribulations of my fabulous life. I was born in a small town called Scotby at the top of England. My breeder was a kind, lovely woman called Mrs Broughton. My two dads picked me up to take me to my forever home in April 2019. My dads really spoil me. I have a vast wardrobe which I?ll run through later. I?m very lucky to be able to get to work with one of my dads. He is a hairdresser who works in the fashion industry globally, so every day is different. That?s how I have appeared in various fashion magazines. I?m a very friendly fellow, with a soft fluffy coat that seems to attract a huge amount of attention ? I?ve met a lot of very famous actors, TV presenters and models due to the work dad No. 1 does. He is pretty successful and good at his job, therefore he works with a huge amount of A-list movies stars, and I?m always getting lots of hugs and cuddles from all. So far in my life I have been photographed with many recognised stars which include Daniel Radcliffe, Nicholas Hoult, Kristen Stewart and Lily Collins (she is one of my favourites plus she follows me on Instagram). I've also met Emilia Clarke (she loves cuddles too and gave me a gift a beautiful bright yellow rain Mack which I love), I?ve met Lily Collins and Emilia Clarke many times, and my dad Ken is always being asked to bring me along. My other dad is Michael. He is originally from Manchester and he has a very different job to Ken. He is a Tower Crane Operator and sometimes he has to climb 140 metres to get to his cab to operate it. Unfortunately, I?m not allowed to go to work with Michael, as it is far too dangerous for me. I have an Instagram account with nearly 8,000 followers (@burlybearpom) which is quite remarkable as I?ve only been posting for 6 months. I think I?m now described as micro-influencer, which is funny because I am a micro-dog. I love all the interaction with my followers keeping them up to date with my antics and daily life with my dads and 34 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

Burly Bear the Pomeranian. Photo by Lezli + Rose

everyone I cross paths with. I'm a fortunate fellow as I get to sleep on a cashmere blanket, I also have Tiffany of New York dog bowls to eat and drink from, my collar and lead selection of is full of lots of well name brands [Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co, Furdrobe (@furdrobe) and Holly and Lil (@hollyandlil)]. A


Burly Bear the Pomeranian. Photo by Raven Imagrey.

Burly Bear and Lily Collins, known for her roles on 'To the Bone', 'Mirror Mirror', 'Tolkien' and 'The Blind Side'.

Burly Bear and Emilia Clarke, known for her roles on 'Game of Thrones', 'Me Before You', 'Last Christmas' and 'Voice from the Stone.'

Swarovski crystal jacket with matching bow ties collar and lead that was custom made for me by a very special dog Courtier called Furdrobe. They make custom outfits for special occasions. This is my favourite piece of clothing as it has the wow factor. I attended Barry the Pug's Blue Tick Pawty last month and even his Mum said I stole the show. The jacket was custom made with my name on the back to make it pop.

agent who look after all the other bookings.

I was fortunate to get invited to the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) television awards pre-party at the age of 13 weeks old. I got to meet many celebrities and was photographed with Keeley Hawes (the Body Guard), she was fun and always ask for me to come along for a cuddle. I was invited by the huge Hair product brand Charles Worthing (@cwhairlondon). I also have a great selection of clothes including a leather biker jacket a Moncler puffer jacket . I have appeared in high fashion Magazines, including Vogue online with Lily Collins (Lily was getting ready for a Cartier event), You Magazine with Keeley Hawes (which was shot at Syon house; I can proudly say that I am the only pooch that has been in the grounds in over 50 years). I absolutely loved both of these shoots as not only did I get loads of cuddles from the crew and the stars, I also got to capture the memory in a photograph. My dad has a wall filled with all of his covers from various high fashion magazine and little young me has taken over two of those spaces. I have a publicist and an

I am currently the face of Primark's Christmas campaign for pooch clothes in the UK, hit me up if you see me in a Primark near you. Also I am currently one of the VIP brand ambassadors for a luxury dog treat call ByBenji (@bybenidogtreats), so if you are ever in Europe use my discount code (BURLYBBA15) for 15% off at the checkout. My dads took me to the local cinema earlier this year to watch the Lion King ? that was so much fun! and I got my own personal blanket to sit on whilst I watched the movie. I started barking at Simba, I actually thought it was my little brother because we look very much alike. London is an extremely dog-friendly city, so check out @dogfuriendly if you ever visit to get loads of useful tips. I can not wait to see what the future holds. I have plenty of ideas so keep checking me out to see what I am up to. I am pretty sure I will have plenty more adventures in the near future.

Blessyour heart, Burly Bear TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 35


FromCruelty toLifesavingCare SPCA OF TEXAS Facebook : @spcaof t exaspage Tw it t er : @SPCAof Texas In st agr am : @spcat exas Websit e: spca.or g




Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier mix Cupcake was rescued from a trailer home in Dallas. The SPCA of Texas? Animal Cruelty Investigations Unit found a total of 12 dogs scattered inside


home. The


including Cupcake, were living in terrible conditions. She was covered in fleas and was heartbreakingly unable to close her mouth because was suffering from a broken jaw. She was rushed to the Russell E. Dealey Animal Rescue Center, with the








attention. Veterinarians determined Cupcake




positive and malnourished. Because of these critical medical issues, she needed a lot of special attention and TLC. Cupcake?s broken jaw made it impossible for her to eat normal food, and her tongue hung out the side of her mouth.

things easier for her.

SPCA of Texas staff had to make a special paste for her to be able to

Cupcake quickly became a staff

eat, mixing wet food with water and

favorite. Despite her healing injuries

putting it in a shallow bowl to make

and illnesses, she was spunky and


independent. And she never turned down cuddles from her new friends. Once the SPCA of Texas?veterinary team?s




Ot h er Ways t o Give 12 Bar s of Ch ar it y Date: Saturday, Dec. 14, 2-6 p.m. Spread some love and holiday spirits at the 12 Bars of Charity event. The annual fundraiser is a friendly



eight local charities, including the SPCA of Texas! Gin-gle all the way around town for a super fun pub crawl that gives back. When you register




Cupcake helped her heal enough

best possible care, and that?s our

choose the charity of your choice

for her to be a candidate for

mission at the SPCA of Texas: to

(SPCA of Texas!) and $15 will come

surgery, she was sent to see a


back to help North Texas' most

specialist for her broken jaw. She

exceptional care and a loving home.



Cupcake?s healing process isn?t over

mandible repair surgery! Devoted

? it will take months for her to fully

staff and volunteers were thrilled

recover, and that?s why we are

when they learned the excellent

asking for your help! The SPCA of

You?ve heard of Black Friday and


Texas would love your support to

Cyber Monday, but what about


Giving Tuesday? Take part in a




At the end of October, Cupcake received




surgery she needed. Now, this sweet girl is starting to recover and it is everyone?s sincere hope that she no longer remembers her life before she came to the SPCA of Texas! Cupcake gets stronger every day as staff and volunteers continue to work with her. Soon, she will be ready to find her forever home!









Cupcake by making a gift for the animals




Support from generous people like you is the reason these animals receive the care and love they desperately need.To donate to the SPCA of Texas this holiday season visit spca.org/give. To stay up to date on Cupcake?s journey to find a forever home, follow the SPCA of Texas Facebook page.

Cupcake and other animals like her receive a second chance thanks to the wonderful donors who give to the SPCA of Texas. Every animal deserves a chance to receive the

vulnerable animals. Givin g Tu esday Date: Tuesday, Dec. 3






celebrates generosity worldwide! On Dec. 3, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving,


spca.org/givingtuesday to donate! Volu n t eer Help make a difference in an animal?s life in 2020! Volunteer with the SPCA of Texas. You can volunteer as an individual or a group. We depend on hundreds of volunteers to help in our

This article is part of TXDM?s initiative to share the stories of Texas rescues, nonprofits and other dog related organizations, as well as the businesses that support them.






in more

our at




SENIOR DOGS PET TALK Texas A&M Un iver sit y College of Vet er in ar y M edicin e & Biom edical Scien ces,

SIGNS OF AN AGING DOG As a dog ages, several changes may occur besides a greying muzzle. Senior dogs have more health concerns than younger dogs, but they can still make playful, loving companions.

Sciences?Dog Aging Project, discusses the most common health conditions that may arise in a senior dog. While there is some variation among breeds, a dog is typically considered a

?I also recommend reaching out to your dog?s veterinarian for suggestions of supplements and, in some cases, medications that can

senior at 8 years old. Large dogs may age faster, becoming seniors as early as 6 or 7, while smaller dogs may not

potentially help with the discomfort of arthritis,? Peraza said. ?Aging doesn?t have to be painful for your

start showing signs of age until they are 9 or 10.


One of the most common concerns in senior dogs is arthritis, which can cause a dog to move stiffly and slowly and sometimes also gain weight

Harmony Peraza, a veterinary technician and the study subject manager for the Texas A&M College

because of decreased activity. Providing a soft surface to lay on and reducing exposure to the elements

of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical

are easy ways to help a dog with


arthritis stay comfortable.

Many dogs also lose their hearing and vision as they age, but this does not mean that they can no longer live a full and happy life. ?If you notice that your older dog seems withdrawn, is sleeping deeper than usual, doesn?t come to you as readily when called, or seems lost

and confused, these can be signs that he or she has lost some vision or hearing ability,? Peraza said. Blind and deaf dogs are great at finding new ways to navigate and stay active, but they do need more patience and understanding from their owners. ?Even






manage to get along very well,? Peraza said. ?It is recommended to keep furniture or objects in the home and yard in familiar order for the dog. Rearrangement of items can be confusing and cause the dog to bump into the newly arranged items.? Dogs have an increased risk for cancer as they age, as well as for ?wear ? on important organs like the heart and kidneys. If a senior dog has increased panting, decreased activity, vomiting, diarrhea or a change in appetite, thirst, or the frequency of urination, they should be seen by a veterinarian, as these can be symptoms problems.





Pet owners can help prevent heart and kidney problems in senior dogs by keeping up with oral hygiene. ?A red gum line and tartar build up on a dog?s teeth indicate bacteria or infection within the mouth,? Peraza said. ?Bacteria is shed into the bloodstream and directly affects the

Peraza said. ?Additionally, your veterinarian can recommend special foods and supplements that, in some cases, may help delay or minimize the onset of senility.?

they have some patience and help from their owners. ?Old dogs can learn new tricks! In

Finally, it may be common to find an

fact, older dogs may be easier to teach,? Peraza said. ?They likely have a longer attention span and more

older dog napping, but a dog that suddenly becomes less active should be evaluated by a veterinarian. While

focus than a young puppy. Additionally, teaching your older dog new things can help to keep his mind

some laziness is expected from a dog that has lived a long, active life, excessive sedentary behavior could

sharp and slow the signs of senility.?

indicate health problems. Even though dogs may develop health conditions as they age, they can still make great pets and live well past the point of becoming seniors. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest parts of dog ownership, but researchers across the U.S. are taking some of the first steps toward extending the lifespans of our canine companions.

LOVING AN ELDERLY DOG Throughout their lives, dogs are experts at showing unconditional love and acceptance for their owners. Once dogs have moved into their senior years, owners can return that love by helping them stay comfortable, happy, and healthy.

Owners can also help older dogs stay more youthful by making small changes to their diet and activity to better suit their aging bodies. Diet changes for a senior dog may be recommended by a veterinarian to treat certain health conditions, encourage weight loss or help maintain an ideal weight. ?Often, an older dog does not need to consume the same number of calories as a younger dog,? Peraza said. ?This can be accomplished by simply feeding less or moving to a lighter or low-calorie food.? Older dogs may need fewer calories, but this doesn?t mean that they should live a sedentary life. If vigorous exercises like running or jumping have become too difficult for a senior dog, they can still benefit from walking, jogging, swimming or playing.

Harmony Peraza, a veterinary technician and the study subject

Just as with younger dogs, regular trips to the veterinarian are


manager for the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences?Dog Aging Project, has seen

important for keeping senior dogs healthy and comfortable. Peraza recommends taking old dogs to the

Beyond physical changes, an aging dog may also develop dementia,

from her own senior dog just how rewarding it can be to own an older animal.

veterinarian for exams and lab work every six to 12 months and keeping up with flea, tick, heartworm and

health of the pet?s heart and kidneys. Dental disease is much more than just smelly breath and yucky looking

causing it confused.





?Keeping a dog engaged through play and training activities may help keep [their] brain healthy and sharp,?

intestinal parasite control. While the adage may be that ?you can?t teach an old dog new tricks,? senior dogs can usually do anything that younger dogs can do, as long as

?Having your dog?s health regularly monitored can lead to early discovery of problems, and early discovery of problems can increase the likelihood TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 41

of a positive outcome,? Peraza said. Most importantly, owners should remember to give a senior dog the love, attention and deserve.



?Offer a comfortable, cool place for your pup to rest,? Peraza said. ?Regular baths and grooming are a great way to not only keep your dog

make sure they stay just as loved until the end.

advance this understanding.


?The Dog Aging Project seeks to understand how genes, lifestyle, and

hardest parts of dog ownership, but researchers across the U.S. are taking some of the first steps toward

environment influence lifespan and health span, the period of life spent free from disease.?

Saying goodbye

is one


extending the lifespans of our canine companions. ?We all love our companion dogs

This project will enroll 10,000 companion dogs and their owners from across the U.S to advance the

clean, but also provide an opportunity to give a nice little massage to your aging family

and want them to stay with us as long as possible,? said Dr. Kate Creevy, CVM associate professor. ?To

understanding of the aging process in dogs. Learn more at dogagingproject.org.


accomplish this, a better understanding of the aging process in dogs is needed. The Dog Aging Project brings together a community

?A little patience, understanding and a gentle hand can go very far with older dogs,? she said. Dogs spend their entire lives loving us, so it is the least we can do to 42 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

of dogs, owners, veterinarians, researchers and volunteers to

Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Stories can be viewed on the web at vetmed.tamu.edu/ news/ pet-talk. Suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvm.tamu.edu.


WINTER HEALTH AND WELLNESS is the type that would rather snuggle up with you in a warm blanket, either way, it?s important to protect them

can cause tooth fractures, pancreatitis, vomiting and diarrhea, and intestinal obstruction. Chocolate, nuts and xylitol,

against the winter elements.

commonly found in holiday candies, are especially toxic to our dogs. If you would like to share holiday treats with

The fur coat our dogs have does not necessarily make them more tolerable to the cold. A dog?s cold tolerance is based on their coat, body fat stores, activity level, size, age and health status. Shortening the time

-------------------------------------BY: KAREN J. METZLER D.V.M. ? Vet Talk -------------------------------------Winter days are often filled with cold weather, overcast skies, holiday celebrations and travel. Keeping your dog safe during this season can be a difficult task. Taking some simple precautions, however, can help to ensure that your dog stays safe, healthy and happy this winter. First, plan ahead to ensure you know where the closest animal emergency hospital is in relation to you before there is an emergency. Speak with your regular veterinarian as to their recommended emergency vet and map out how to get there in advance. Keep your veterinarian?s and the emergency vet?s contact information in a easy to find location or saved in the contacts in your phone under your pet?s name so that they are handy if you are in a stressful pet emergency situation. Whether your dog loves the winter or 44 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

your dog spends outdoors in very cold temperatures can protect them against weather related health risks and injuries. A good rule of thumb is, if it is too cold outside for you, then it is too cold for your pet. Provide warmth, shelter, calorie-rich food and fresh water for dogs that are housed outdoors and unable to come inside. With your pet spending more time indoors during the winter, make sure your home has been thoroughly pet-proofed. Space heaters, fireplaces and candles can burn your pet or be a fire hazard. Make sure your furnaces are working efficiently and fire and carbon monoxide detectors are in place to keep everyone safe. Holiday decorations including ornaments, tinsel, electric lights, Christmas trees, holiday plants, batteries and potpourris can be tempting hazards for pets. Pets should be closely supervised around these seasonal heat sources, plants and decorations. Holiday foods and drinks for people should not be fed to your pets. Avoid feeding pets bones and scraps as they

you pet, buy or make treats specifically formulated for them. Holiday parties with visitors arriving and departing, strange smells and loud noises can be difficult and unsettling for our pets. Even the best-natured pet can be scared by a strange guest or noise and feel compelled to defend themselves. Consider boarding your pets the day of your party. If you prefer to keep your pet at home, talk with your guests in advance about your preferences in regards to pets and children. Designate a ?doorman? to keep doors closed behind arriving guest. Having your pet microchipped and wearing proper identification with your current contact information can make it easier to recover and reunite with your pet, should it escape. Also, put guests' purses and bags away and keep pets out of guest rooms. Request your guests not feed your pet unless asking you first. To help your pet relax, consider giving your pet a quiet, safe place to retreat to like a crate or bedroom away from all the festivities. A party is not a time to socialize your pet. Ask your veterinarian for advice about homeopathic therapy, pheromones or medications to help your pet cope with the stress of company.

If you are planning holiday travel away from home, make plans for someone to care for your pet. Discuss

an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss and obtain the needed certificates within the time frame

and safe time of year for both you and your dog. So grab a good book, a soft blanket and curl up by a warm

with your pet?s sitter the protocol you want taken in the event of an emergency. Dogs can be boarded

required. Your veterinarian is the most qualified person to advise you in regards to your pet?s requirements,

fire indoors with your dog.

with a pet sitter, a kennel of your choosing or even with your veterinarian. Make sure to plan in

safety and ability to travel.

advance as reservations fill quickly in the holiday season. When boarding, make sure pet vaccinations are current and up-to-date. Should you elect for your pet to travel with you, take your pet?s bed or crate along. Having a pet?s bed can ease anxiety for your pet and a crate can keep them safe when you are away.

Many people are tempted to give pets as gifts for the holidays. Bringing a new dog into the home is a big responsibility and a personal choice. Pets should not be a surprise gift to a new owner. In too many cases the person giving the pet as a gift misunderstands the desires of the person receiving the pet. Statistics have shown that gifted pets have a higher


rate of turnover to shelters and their new owners are less tolerable of any problems that arise. The busy holiday

restrained in a vehicle and should never be left alone in the car regardless of weather. Check interstate

season is not the best time for a new pet with a high demand for time, energy and attention.

and international travel regulations to ensure you have the appropriate health certificates for travel. Schedule

With a few simple precautions, the winter season can be an enjoyable





DR. KAREN J. METZLER is a veterinarian with Summerfields Animal Hospital in Fort Worth. Dr. Metzler was fortunate to grow up in a home filled with a wide variety of family pets including hamsters, birds, cats, dogs and horses. She has always loved animals, so it was only natural for her to choose veterinary medicine as her career path. She graduated from Texas A&M?s, College of Veterinary Medicine in 1997. She has experience in emergency medicine as wells as general practice. She has specific interests in surgery, dentistry, internal medicine, exotics and cardiology. Dr. Metzler is dedicated to her profession as well as her family. She, her husband Jeff, and their six children ? Daniel, Brandon, Madison, Meridythe, Maycie and Noah ? live in Bowie, Texas. They enjoy the country life as it supports the many family pets and farm animals they care for and love.




Forget the Super Bowl, have a Puppy Bowl party instead

-------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------When football season began, Cowboys and Texan fans rejoiced as a new year means another chance for their team to go to the Super Bowl. For us dog lovers, it?s another set of Super Bowl day games that makes our tails wag ? the Puppy Bowl and Dog Bowl. The 2020 Puppy Bowl will air on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 2, on Animal Planet. The annual show promises a sporting event like any other, where the pups are the players. Although there aren?t many rules, you?re sure to see pups kiss, tackle and play with one another inside of a miniature football arena ? leaving

This photo from the Puppy Bowl XII is courtesy of Animal Planet.

dog lovers gushing over how cute it all is.

10 a.m. CST, with the main event beginning at 2 p.m. CST.

This year marks the 15th annual

If puppies aren?t your thing, and you

show, which aims to tell the stories of adoptable pets across the U.S.

prefer a more seasoned dog, don?t fret, Animal Planet?s Dog Bowl has got you covered.

These pets will fumble their way across the football field, ideally into the arms of their new owners. Animals will be broken into two

This event will feature older adoptable pets broken into Team Oldies and Team Goldies. Animal

teams, Team Ruff and Team Fluff. All players are adoptable pets from shelters across the nation.

Planet debuted this game in 2018, in an effort to showcase older dogs that are often passed over in shelters. Mr. Bojangles, an adorable poodle mix,

In addition to the main event, the show also features ?where are they now? highlight stories that show players from previous years with their new families. Puppy Bowl coverage will begin at 46 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

took the field by storm last year as the first wheel chaired dog in Dog Bowl history, according to a Vox News report. Animal Planet?s Dog Bowl will air at 7

p.m. CST on Sunday, Feb 2. For more information about this television event, or to watch previous games visit: animalplanet.com/ tv-shows/puppy-bowl.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto

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Remaking a classic 'Lady and the Tramp' gets new look in live action film

-------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------The much anticipated Disney+ streaming platform went live Nov. 13 and unleashed a trove of Disney movies to the world. Along with the classics, the platform also held a few surprises, including a new live-action remake of Lady and the Tramp. As dog lovers, it?s obvious we had to watch the film the day it was released to see if it lived up to the glory of the classic animated tale. Set in 1909, the film follows Lady, a prissy Cocker Spaniel owned by Jim Dear and Darling, who finds herself on an adventure with a scruffy street-wise mutt named Tramp. Tramp is known for causing mischief throughout the city and evading the local dogcatcher. When Jim Dear and Darling go out of town and leave Lady in the care of villainous Aunt Sarah, Aunt Sarah?s two cats terrorize Lady. After the cats destroy Lady?s home, and Lady is blamed for the destruction, Aunt Sarah takes Lady to the local dog store to be fitted for a muzzle. A confused Lady runs out of the store into the street ? collarless and far from home. With the help of Tramp, Lady begins trying to find her way back home. The two become entangled in a romance, and things get dicey as they try to evade capture by the local dogcatcher. The 2019 remake contains all the classic human-like romantic encounters between Tramp and Lady

Official movie poster courtesy of IMDB. that Disney fans love and remember. The film tells a story of adventure, loyalty and, above all else, the unconditional love that dogs exude.

Overall we give the remake of Lady and the Tramp 4/4 paws up.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto


TEXAS TOP DOG Dogs of t h e M on t h

Nam e: Beau | Br eed: Bagel (beagle and basset hound mix) | Age: 5 years old Favor it e Tr eat : Peanut Butter, carrots and the very occasional french fry Favor it e Toy: A plush avocado toast that squeaks when I bite it Bio: Hi, I?m Beau the Bagel from Austin, TX (@beauthebagel on Insta). I was adopted when I was just 12 weeks old and my parents were told I was a possible beagle/basset mix, so that?s where the term ?bagel? comes from. I enjoy weekend hikes with my family, playing with all my toys, but most of all, snoozing on the couch. 48 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

#tex asdogsof i nsta


DECEMBER SPCA OF TEXAS??HOM E FOR THE HOLIDAYS? PET ADOPTION PAVILION Dec. 4-23 from noon to 6 p.m. at NorthPark Center ? 8687 North Central Expressway, Dallas HO, HO, HO DOG ADOPTION EVENT Whether you are looking to add a new furry family member to your family, get some Christmas shopping done for the dog lovers in your life, or just want to enjoy a drink with people who loves dogs as much as you do, this is the event for you! Saturday, Dec. 7 from noon to 4 p.m. at Martin House Brewing Company ? 220 S Sylvania Ave. #209, Fort Worth

Deck the Paws, photo courtesy of Facebook event

DECK THE PAWS Make your holidays extra merry and bright at Deck the Paws, a two-day pet-topia of fun! This year, Mesquite Convention Center will be home to the largest holiday festival for animal lovers in North Texas. The Christmas fun includes tail waggin? holiday shopping and entertainment that benefits local animal rescues. It's Dog Mom approved!


Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14-15 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mesquite Convention Center ? 1700 Rodeo Drive, Mesquite

JANUARY DALLAS PETSAVER: PET CPR, FIRST AID & CARE FOR YOUR PETS WORKSHOP Sit! Stay! Educate! Register for this event in advance. Saturday, Jan. 18 at 8 a.m. at Cat Connection ? 14233 Inwood Road, Dallas PAINT YOUR PET FOR OPERATION KINDNESS FUNDRAISER Painting with a Twist was founded after Hurricane Katrina by two women who wanted to help heal and give back to their community. Painting with a Purpose is a monthly fundraiser that donates proceeds to the

organization of choice that month. Saturday, Jan. 18 from 2-5 p.m. at Painting with a Twist Mansfield ? 2851 Matlock Rd #442, Mansfield DFWESSA DOG AGILITY SHOW Friday, Jan. 31 at 6:30 a.m. at the

Show Barn at Myers Park ? 7117 Co Rd 166, McKinney

FEBRUARY CIRCUS DOG XPRESS WITH SHANNON KILEY This is a 2 hour mini-workshop of some of the most popular tricks from the Circus Dog class series taught by America?s Got Talent Season 13 contestant Shannon Kiley. Saturday, Feb. 15 from 10 a.m. to noon at the All FUR Fun Training and Event Center ? 15559 Wright Brothers Drive, Addison PETS ON THE PATIO Paws in the City brings a bevy of furry friends for a meet and greet; find your family's new forever friend. Saturday, Feb. 15 at 9 a.m. at Whole Foods Market ? 2118 Abrams Road, Dallas THE ART & SCIENCE OF ANIM AL TRAINING CONFERENCE Two days of lectures and conversations about the science of animal training and ?what?s new? in the field of animal training. Register for this event in advance. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 22-23 at the Hurst Conference Center ? 1601 Campus Dr, Hurst,

Circus Dog Xpress with Shannon Kiley, photo courtesy of Facebook event




Pete and Mac?s Pet Resort www.petemac.com


Happy K9 Self-Serve Dog Wash & Grooming



6501 Camp Bowie Blvd B

Toothacres Pet Care Center

Fort Worth, TX

1639 Parker Road

Liv Off Leash


Carrollton, TX

Nevada, TX





(214) 793-1084



Hot Shot Dog Grooming Houston, TX www.hotshotdoggrooming.com 281-849-7999 Salty Dog Wash 1902 Avenue N. Galveston, TX www.saltydogwash.com


PET STORES ---------------------------------------------

MC K9 Training

Daisy And Dog Barktique





Wagg the Dog Trainer

Geaux Fideaux









H ippie Houndz

Noah?s Bark




Bones & Bacon Pet Resort

469-438-6177 Simba?s Barkery

911 W. Commerce St. Dallas, TX

Modern Paw Furniture






817-789-5677 Three Dog Bakery

469-726-2722 Paw Pros

Plano, TX

Daisy?s Dog House



712 Fairview St.




Houston, TX www.daisysdoghouse.com

The French & I



On 4 Legs Wellness



Howl N Woof 10010 Manchaca Road, Ste. C Austin, TX www.howlnwoof.com 512-282-9663





Toothacres Pet Crematory & Cemetery

Pet Tech

1639 Parker Road



Carrollton, TX TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 51


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