Texas Dog Magazine | Spring 2021

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Q&A with a licensed vet tech


PUZZLE: A look back at our 2020


















DOGOFTHEYEAR Texas Dog Magazine has chosen their dog of the year to represent 2021.


Tabl eof cont ent s 24

10 q&Awit h car ielyons


AMar ineand Her Dog

Vet tech walks us through a day in the life and discusses caring for your pets during times of crisis

Check out the latest dog and pet industry news from new treats and vaccine clinics to podcasts and more!

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38 28


Mochi t heCor gi

f il l t hebowl

Celebrate TexasDog Magazine's third birthday with an anniversary word search and lookback timeline.

Check out our top dog for Spring 2021 and see snapshots of the dogs of the month so far. Don't forget to submit your pup!

Last year we saw great contributions from TXDM readers to Dogs Matter, let's keep the donations going in 2021!

Editor's Note Hello everyone, If you had told me a year ago that I would be writing to you all from a year into this global pandemic, I truly would not have believed you. I miss hanging out at annual dog events with every single one of you, having a good old fashioned TXDM barkday with all of our friends and I definitely miss seeing all of our furiends so much. It?s our third barkday, and on behalf of myself and the team, we cannot thank you enough for reading what is now THIRTEEN editions of Texas Dog Magazine! Cheers to many more years to come, many more pups submitted for Dog of the Month and tons more memories. On a personal note, the most incredible thing I?ve gotten out of this year is the ability to work with my dog every single day. I hope with all my heart that others have had the opportunity to treasure more time with their animals because a time like this may never come again. (Honestly, we hope not!) As the world continues to move forward, please understand that Texas Dog Magazine will continue to adapt to the current state of things for the safety of our team. One day soon we will print again, just not yet! Be sure to follow us on social media @TexasDogMagazine to get the latest updates from us about our schedule. All the best to you and yours, thank you for reading!

t exasdogm agazin e.com PUBLISHER Bookshelf Builders Press

EDITOR Nealie Sanchez editor@texasdogmagazine.com

ADVERTISING TXDMadvertising@gmail.com

STAFF Alana Holt alanaTXDM@gmail.com Linda Kessler lindaTXDM@gmail.com Tiffany Ditto tiffanyTXDM@gmail.com

222 E. Ren f r o St ., St e. 108 Bu r leson , TX 76028 ©2018 All rights reserved. Volume 4, Issue 1 No Part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher.


Nealie E. Sanchez Founder & Editor TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 5


Dogs M atter The Dogs M at t er m ission t o provide and prom ot e a safe and healt hy environm ent for dogs of recover ing addict s and alcoholics is one t hat Texas Dog Magazine fully suppor t s and recognizes a need for . This nonprofit is based in Dallas, but reaches m uch far t her t han Nor t h Texas. People across t he count r y have benefit ed from t he ser vices offered by Dogs Mat t er ranging from fost er ing t o aft ercare. Not only does t his organizat ion keep t he dogs safe, but it act ively im proves t he lifest yle of alcoholics and addict s in recover y. We will cont inue t o suppor t t he Dogs M at t er m ission by fundraising t hroughout 2021, as we did in 2020. You can lear n m ore about Dogs M at t er at dogsm at t er 2.org or on social m edia @dogsm at t er . Last year , wit h your help, TXDM was able t o raise about $1,000 for t his cause, and t his year we hope t o get even closer t o our $3,000 goal. Please join us in ?filling t he dog bowl? by


Food photo created by freepik.

sending your donat ion t o PayPal.Me/ TexasDog wit h t he subject ?DOGS MATTER.?


Happy bark day ---------------------------------------By pet columnists Tex & Oakie ---------------------------------------Tex: My hoomans are telling me it?s my third ?bark-day.? I?m not too sure what that means, but I know they have plans for us because they?ve been saying all of my favorite things. ?Dog park,? ?Puppachino,? ?Squeakie,? ?Biscuits? and more! I think I?m getting a special treat for being the goodest boy all this time. Maybe that?s what a bark-day is! My sister is not very happy because she doesn?t get to come with us to the dog park. I told her it?s because she?s a cat, but she won?t listen. Either way, I?m excited to be ?three? ? or whatever the humans said! Woo-hoo! Oak ie: The dog mocks me as the humans prepare a special day for him. Silly dog doesn?t even know what a bark-day is? Meanwhile, my meow-day is much too far away for my liking. He says I can?t come to the dog park, but if there is one thing I want most for my meow-day, it is a trip to the dog park. I?ve heard there is nothing for acres and acres, but silly dogs to pounce on and scare away from all the best trees. Soon? Soon.



Texas Top Dogs of 2020


Bear t h e Golden doodle is Texas Dog Magazine's Dog of t h e Year f or 2021. His f avor it e t r eat s ar e apples, car r ot s, an d cu cu m ber s, an d h is t op t oy is h is st u f f ed dog Jack . Of t en m ist ak en f or a clou d t h an k s t o h is lu sh ivor y lock s, Good Boy Bear is a goof y an d lovable En glish Cr eam Golden doodle f r om Dallas, Texas. Raised t o alw ays be on h is best beh avior , h en ce t h e n am e, t h is pu p loves cu ddles, sn ack in g on cr u n ch y f r u it s an d veget ables, playin g ball an d m ost im por t an t ly br in gin g a sm ile t o ever yon e?s f ace! 8 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

FIDO 411

TCAP,DASFTEAMUPTOPROVIDEFREERABIESSHOTS FREE RABIES VACCINES FOR DENTON COUNTY CATS AND DOGS MARCH 27 AND MAY 22 The Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) and the Denton Animal Support Foundation (DASF) are teaming up to provide free rabies vaccines to Denton County cats and dogs on March 27 and May 22. Free rabies vaccines will be provided on a walk-in basis from 10 a.m. until noon on March 27 at TCAP?s Denton location, 713 Sunset St. The May 22 event will also offer the vaccines on a walk-in basis from 10 a.m. to noon and will be held at The Linda McNatt Animal Care and Adoption Center, 3717 N Elm St., in Denton. ?Rabies is required by law, but it?s also a deadly zoonotic disease,? TCAP Executive Director Stacey Schumacher said. ?It?s important for your family?s health to ensure that your pet stays current on their rabies vaccine. There is no cure for the rabies virus. Our only defense is to stay away from potentially infected wildlife and to keep pets current on their vaccines.? In addition to free rabies vaccines low-cost microchips, flea and tick prevention, heartworm testing and prevention, and nail trims will be offered during this event. Find out more information about what vaccinations your pets need at: texasforthem.org/services/wellness. ? Texas Coalition for Animal Protection GET YOUR TREAT ON WITH THESE NEW GOODIES

Cargill launches The Chompery? , a new line of butcher-quality dog treats Cargill introduced today The Chompery, a new brand of butcher-quality dog treats. Developed to address the latest consumer trends, The Chompery dog treats are 10 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

all natural, single-ingredient and both sourced and produced in the U.S.

high-quality ingredients, and sourced and made in the USA.

With a broad portfolio of high-quality treats, The Chompery offers products for multiple usage occasions and purposes, including long-lasting entertainment, rewards and training. The Chompery bones, ribs, windpipes and jerkies provide a variety of options that meet the main motivations of treat purchasers ? functional, entertainment, training and bonding1.

Pet treat purchases are frequent, and 65% of dog treat purchases are unplanned1. To provide consumers with a new dog treat option outside the pet aisle, The Chompery products will be available in the meat aisle at grocery stores across the U.S. and Canada.

?Dog owners have so many reasons to treat their pets. Whether they are training a pup, rewarding their dog for good behavior or keeping them entertained while busy, dog owners require the right type of treat,? said Cargill Marketing Manager Kelsie Reuter. ?The Chompery was developed with a variety of all natural, single-ingredient products, so dog owners can have a treat on hand that they feel good about feeding their pet on any occasion.? Pet owners are also focused on sourcing and the ingredients of the products they purchase for their pets. More than half of dog owners seek out treats that are made in the USA1, and ?easily digestible? and ?natural? were among the most important product claims cited by treat buyers in a Cargill survey. Addressing consumer concern about pet health and treat origin, The Chompery treats are all natural, made with single

The launch of The Chompery coincides with rising demand for pet treats in the U.S, as pet owners seek solutions to keep their pets occupied while working from home. In a Cargill survey conducted last summer, 90% of dog owners reported spending the same or more on their pet than they did before the pandemic. In a separate survey conducted last April, 18% of dog owners said they were giving their dog more treats, and 12% said they were giving their dogs more chews and bones. To learn more about The Chompery and the full line of products, visit www.TheChompery.com. ? Cargill

Treat your pup Tauriga Sciences Inc. completes run of its CBD-infused, peanut butter treats Tauriga Sciences, Inc., a revenue-generating, diversified life sciences company, with a proprietary line of CBD & CBG infused Supplement chewing gums (Flavors:

features high profile guests telling hilarious stories of the pets that shape their lives. They also get real vet advice from Dr. Lisa and get to play stump the doctor with all the silliest animal questions they have. (You'll learn a TON about sex and poop). What makes WDDD unique? It's the least narcissistic interview possible! Instead of talking about themselves, guests get to talk about the thing that makes us human: their love for life's furry little family members. This show is part of The Podglomerate network, a podcast company that produces and distributes exciting new shows. Select clients include NBCUniversal, CoinDesk, Castbox, Pocket Casts, the Daily Dot, and Serial Box, among others. ? The Podglomerate TAILSPRING DEBUTS M ILK REPLACER FOR PUPPIES AND KITTENS Pomegranate, Blood Orange, Peach-Lemon, Pear Bellini, Mint, Black Currant), additional product offerings, as well as an ongoing Pharmaceutical Development initiative, has announced it completed the initial production run of its proprietary CBD infused, peanut butter flavor pet treat, branded as: Tauri-Pet. This product is comprised of square shaped, peanut butter flavor, CBD infused dog treats (5mg CBD per treat) ? 30 treats per Tauri-Pet pouch (150mg CBD total). The proprietary Tauri-Pet formulation incorporates full spectrum CBD, all-natural flavor and premium quality ? and it's made in the USA. The U.S. pet treat market is presently estimated at $7-$10 billion annually, driven by CBD & other Ingredient trends. The company plans to develop additional versions of its Tauri-Pet product line in the future. The commercial launch of this new product offering will take place at

taurigum.com/products/cbd-dog-treats ? Tauriga Sciences, Inc. LOOKING TO COMBINE YOUR INTEREST IN DOGS AND PODCASTS?

Check out We Don't Deserve Dog's where comics with pets talk to vets We Don?t Deserve Dogs is a new podcast that?s The Dog Whisperer meets Dr. Drew. In the show, you?ll get to know some of the world's funniest comedians and your favorite celebrities in an entirely new way: by hearing all about the pets they're obsessed with! It's the only podcast where we get to know entertainers by getting to know their pets. The notoriously irreverent comedian Richie Redding and celebrity veterinarian Dr. Lisa Lippman are unlikely cohosts and also a loving couple. The result is an extremely informative show that is surprisingly funny. Each episode of the new podcast

Meyenberg, the country?s leading producer of goat milk products for over 85 years, has turned its expertise to creating a pet food line, Tailspring, with a nutrient-rich, goat milk-based milk replacer for puppies and kittens. The milk replacer is the first offering in the new product line inspired by Meyenberg?s experience with breeders, animal rescues, zoos and customer testimonials. For decades, the company has supplied these animal experts, including the Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary and the Gamboa Sloth Sanctuary and Animal Rescue, with goat milk as a nutrient-dense food for a wide variety of animals. Harnessing the inherent goodness of goat milk for animal development, Tailspring is redefining the milk replacer category by creating the first 100% Human Grade milk replacer and the first pet product line entirely based on goat dairy. Their commitment to premium ingredients TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 11

and clean nutrition stems from the belief that pets are part of a family and should be fed the same superior foods as any other member. Created with consultation from an expert neonatal pet nutritionist, the ?formula? is ideal for puppies and kittens who are still in the nursing phase yet have been separated from their mothers, are unable to nurse, or are part of an unusually large litter where the mother ?s milk is in short supply. Sometimes referred to as ?the universal mother?s milk,? the nutritional makeup and digestibility of goat milk is well suited for most domesticated animals. Compared to cow milk, goat milk is easier to digest across many species due to its fat structure. The smaller fat particles in goat milk produce a smaller and softer curd in the stomach, which is easily broken down by stomach enzymes and provides rapid energy absorption. Goat milk is also low in A1 casein, a protein that is hard to break down for many mammals and can lead to loose stools and other gastrointestinal discomfort. Tailspring further bolsters goat milk?s inherently healthful composition by adding other essential nutrients needed during an animal?s early stage of life, including, essential amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. In contrast to other commercial brands on the market, which use soy or vegetable oils as the base and have upwards of 30 ingredients in their products, Tailspring?s milk replacer has just 17 100% Human Grade ingredients with Grade A whole goat milk as its base. Moreover, it is currently the only pet nutrition brand that formulates exclusively with goat milk. As an AAFO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) Human Grade approved product, Tailspring is manufactured, packed, and stored in accordance with human food regulations while every 12 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

component comes from the highest quality sources without any preservatives. This level of traceable and quality is an innovation in the milk replacer space. ?We are excited to launch a goat milk product made for pets, especially for our most vulnerable furry friends. At Meyenberg, we?ve been hearing from customers for decades how goat milk helped their animals to thrive? sometimes even saving lives? and we really wanted to serve the community of pets and their owners as well. Now we have a product that has all the benefits of our nutrient-packed goat milk plus all

the other essential nutrients a pet needs to thrive,? said Tailspring Brand Manager, Kate Slaney. Tailspring comes in two formats for both puppies and kittens: 16oz puppy pouch of powdered milk ($29.99), 12oz kitten pouch with 336 teaspoons of liquid product using the dilutions suggested on the package, and 12 fl oz cans of ready-to-feed fluid milk ($8.99 for puppies; $9.99 for kittens). Initially, Tailspring is available for purchase on their website (www.tailspring.com) and Amazon, and will be coming soon to Jeffers Pet. ? Tailspring

Wan t t o see you r pet in du st r y n ew s r epr esen t ed in t h e e-pages of Texas Dog Magazine? Sen d you r in f or m at ion via em ail t o edit or @t exasdogm agazin e.com


Everything you need to know about catnip

Everybody wants to be a cat

How cats convince their humans to do what you want

Apr il Fool 's! P














Sh e alw ays com es h om e. Sh e didn?t last n igh t . I sleep on h er bed, ju st in case. I?m ju st gon n a lay h er e, I k n ow sh e?s n ot h er e. Bu t it st ill sm ells lik e h er .

So I?ll w ait , Keep it saf e. Tell sh e?s h om e.

I?m get t in g older , Bu t I n eed t o w ait . Sh e?s n ot h om e yet .

Sh e cam e h om e t oday. I h eld h er cover . Sh e h elped m e on t o t h e bed. I w agged m y t ail.

It ?s m y M ar in e I?m h er dog. Th is is ou r last sleep, Bu t t h at ?s ok ay

Sh e cam e h om e, m y M ar in e. I?m h er good boy. So I w ait ed.

~M . Joan M cGavin


A M ar i n e an d H er D o g

Wa n t y o u r pu p t o h av e f ea u r ed a ch a n c in a TXD e t o be M ph ot o s y o u r f av p r ea d ? o r it e f u Su b m it r t a st ic p e d it o r @ h ot os t o t ex a sd o gm a ga z in e .co m !


Caringfor your petsduringtimesof crisis Carie Lyons gives us an in-depth look into a day in the life of a vet tech -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------Dog lovers across Texas have always dreamed of getting to work with pets all day. Texas Dog Magazine sat down with Licensed Vet Tech Carie Lyons to find out what working in a veterinary hospital is actually like. WHAT DOES A VETERINARY TECHNICIAN DO ON A DAILY BASIS? Assist veterinarians to provide medical care to animals. We prepare patients for surgery, monitor anesthesia, administer medications, take x-rays, fill prescription medications, perform ultrasounds, perform dental prophylaxis, care for hospitalized patients, perform laboratory diagnostics, provide client education, bereavement counseling, financial help with care costs, cuddle your scared pet and the list goes on. Depending on experience, education level, and the type of clinic, hospital or laboratory, a Veterinary Technician's job duties vary. HOW DOES THIS DIFFER FROM THE ROLE OF A HUMAN NURSE? A Veterinary Technician will take x-rays, pull blood for blood work diagnostics, place an IV catheter, give a patient the medication per the veterinarian?s orders, then turn around and walk into the surgery suite and monitor anesthesia on a different patient. Human medicine has different departments and a different person to perform each of those duties. A pharmacist fills medication, a radiologist takes x-rays,


CARIE LYONS etc. WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO BECOME A VET TECH? I have always loved caring for animals. Orphaned or hurt, I would try to make them better. I used to get inside of my grandpa's dog?s doghouse and lay inside with her. When she had puppies I helped. My

grandma had all kinds of cats that lived outside, or in the barn, and they would have goopy eyes. She would make a paste and have me go outside and put it on them. I loved it. I now know that they probably had Chlamydia or some type of virus. I love the science of medicine and I love to care for pets medically.

Helping someone?s pet get better or stay healthy is one of the best feelings in the world. Animals need people to speak for them, and veterinary staff are those people. WHAT TYPE OF CERTIFICATIONS DO YOU HAVE AND DO YOU NEED THIS TO BE A VET TECH? I have an Associate degree in Veterinary Technology. I took a national test called the Veterinary Technician National Exam to become a Licensed Veterinary Technician. I also had to take a state test to get my license to legally be called an LVT. To legally be called a Licensed Veterinary Technician or Veterinary Technician you have to hold a license. If you do not have the credentials you are called a Veterinary Assistant. Unfortunately, at this time each state has different rules and regulations regarding our title and what we are allowed to legally do. There is a lot of controversy over this topic. WHAT SETS LVT?S APART FROM THOSE WHO AREN?T LICENSED? Education. Being licensed means you graduated college through an American Veterinary Medical Association certified program, then passed your state and national exam to be able to call yourself an LVT. Some states have an alternate route, like California. In California, someone who has had a certain number of years of experience in a clinic as a vet assistant in a clinic, and took some college classes that are veterinary related, can become eligible to take a state test to become a Registered Vet Technician (RVT) (unless that changed). But they are not eligible for the national exam. So, they are only licensed in that particular state. I have worked with a lot of veterinary assistants that are just as good at their job as I am, or better, and they have no formal education, but their on the job training is fabulous. That is why it

is important to change the laws at a national level instead of state by state. It gets very confusing for people in our field. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF THE JOB? Having a critical patient come in and being able to send it home with its family. The family is so grateful and the pet is happy to be reunited with them. HOW HAS THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACTED YOUR JOB AT THE VETERINARY HOSPITALS? We have been busier than ever, making our job more stressful. Most hospitals are short-staffed and it makes our shifts longer. Clients are more stressed due to their own personal COVID experiences. Whether its money related because they don?t have a job and cannot pay for medical care of a pet, or not being able to come inside of the hospital. Owners have mixed emotions about that. THERE ARE RUMORS THAT YOUR TITLE MAY CHANGE TO VETERINARY NURSE, DO YOU LIKE THIS BETTER THAN BEING CALL A TECHNICIAN? I really do not care what they call me. They have changed the name before. We have been animal care specialists, CVT, LVT, RVT. The title nurse is a protected title that is obviously held by the human medical profession. The whole veterinary nurse initiative is bigger than just the title change. It?s been a slow process, but it was started to get more respect for our profession. We want Veterinary Technicians to have professional standards, public recognition, professional recognition, and better pay across the U.S. This is a career choice, not just a job that someone does before they go on to find something better. As of now, each state has its own rules to what we can and can't do. Some states are not really clear about it. So, like

human nursing, the initiative wants standardization for the field. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE BIGGEST MISCONCEPTION/ MYTH ABOUT YOUR JOB IS? That the doctors are trying to make money off the clients by raking up the bill. If clients could only see how much medication costs, or the equipment, the education cost for the doctors and the licensed technicians. The best care for their pet costs money, the prevention, and the blood work is necessary to keep fluffy healthy. So, no I am not trying to sell you heart worm prevention because I want a new car. Believe it or not, heart worm treatments cost a lot more than a monthly pill and fluffy won?t die horribly from worms crawling around inside her heart. Yearly exams, vaccines and blood work may prolong fluffy?s life. I didn?t get into the field for money. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU THINK OUR READERS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BEING A VET TECH OR WORKING AT A VETERINARY CLINIC? Most veterinary technicians/assistants go into the field because we love animals. Behind the scenes, we are the ones that feel sad for those clients that have to put their beloved pet down, and we cry along with you when that pet doesn?t make it after that emergency surgery we had to perform. We play with your adorable baby that comes in for a routine visit even when you're not looking. We are usually overworked and underpaid, but we still come back day after day to provide comfort to the patients in the hospital. We are the unsung heroes of the veterinary world. Carie Lyons is a LVT who, at the time this article went to print, was working at Town and Country Animal Hospital in Aubrey, Texas. Lyons has more than 15 year of experience in the veterinary field.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 19


Happy 3r d bar kday t o TXDM

Through TXDM Advocates we donated approximately $1,000 in 2020 to Dogs MATTER. We also continued our dog RESCUER campaign. Our 2020 Dog of the Year was BENJI the Pomsky (Pomeranian-Huskey) and our Texas Top Dogs of 2020 included GOOSE the Yellow Labrador Retriever, BEAR the Goldendoodle, WILT the Komondor, and PEPPER the boxer. Thanks to our breed focus, readers learned about the Welsh CORGI, Cane CORSO, and the American PIT Bull Terrier. We also shared guest pieces by the SPCA and DOGSLIFE. We reviewed many pup-starring FILMS from Pixar's "OUT" and "SCOOB" to "TOGO." Our staffers shared the stories of pawsome TATTOO artists and a dog fashion boutique that pivoted to making MASKS. We also took a deep dive into the Outdoor Dog ACT, and sat down for a Q&A with the CORNDOG queen.






M och i th e Corgi

Dogs of t h e M on t h

Nam e: Mochi Br eed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Age: Pictured at 15 weeks, now over a year old! Favor it e Tr eat : Bully Sticks Favor it e Toy: Mini Teddy Bear Bio: Mochi is a people-loving sweetheart! She loves giving kisses to anyone who dares walk within her sights, and is super smart! She already knows over ten tricks! Whenever she doesn?t have a cold hard case of the zoomies, she loves to cuddle up on your lap and watch a good movie with you!






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Happy K9 Self-Serve Dog Wash & Grooming



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Toothacres Pet Care Center

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Liv Off Leash


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Nevada, TX





(214) 793-1084



Hot Shot Dog Grooming Houston, TX www.hotshotdoggrooming.com 281-849-7999 Salty Dog Wash 1902 Avenue N. Galveston, TX www.saltydogwash.com


PET STORES ---------------------------------------------

MC K9 Training

Daisy And Dog Barktique





Wagg the Dog Trainer

Geaux Fideaux









H ippie Houndz

Noah?s Bark




Bones & Bacon Pet Resort

469-438-6177 Simba?s Barkery

911 W. Commerce St. Dallas, TX

Modern Paw Furniture






817-789-5677 Three Dog Bakery

469-726-2722 Paw Pros

Plano, TX

Daisy?s Dog House



712 Fairview St.




Houston, TX www.daisysdoghouse.com

The French & I



On 4 Legs Wellness



Howl N Woof 10010 Manchaca Road, Ste. C Austin, TX www.howlnwoof.com 512-282-9663





Toothacres Pet Crematory & Cemetery

Pet Tech

1639 Parker Road



Carrollton, TX TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 27


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