The Iron Mountain News December 9, 1941 (Pearl Harbor)

Page 1




UPPER Mi abjo cloudiness, oftasional light seers at ool fontent and Wed=—~


rum, 15; noon today; 3B snow, one a











9, 1941




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= ] : O eck Prices Breck |InyadersOn | Conti nental US. ce Noti On U.S. $1 To $7 A Sharees (Island In “That Happen Here ; ‘That ‘It ‘It Ca Can aocTay priomelumpedpe today. to -

Japs Report New lew Seri Series


York went through an aft-

———— Bulletins

© |Jap Planes

Scout West


are ind and ace war of (he Pacl-| fe with the United States and Bri-|| by the Japanese ‘tain were reported today. an de-| 4 Navy mintslry spokesm Be really

New raid-alarms. feflernoon of tir cars and fire en> White police

ofthe country’ The break, one severe since the British forces to gan In May, 1940,



ia decor wart of the most SSE tration, or ‘Inregulerty. tn’ adminis ‘the entrance to” Manlla| Soi retreat of the | bey. dectnred hie would not te fed. ‘Adding to the ae Dunkerque over thie wouicp ort ofaf elma m a i d dding to the beanxiety y War was eae = tht, Deput might eectfame & tang om | fen B.© tected on exe



| ma radio tiaproadZist mot | Panamanian

i C‘oast Area :. ASHINGTON,foray Dee Corrections Board that threatened panese i Pacific ee the of horrors rick n ‘ 8 lun i he—coniinental To Discipline Warde gines set their sirens Waited> | SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. er ° | att Dutato u tees!OE mouiel nation 0 on the | ithe a and Ja the narrow Rene ‘The Army and Navy were airerart) , Mich,ons Dee, 9-UN— |°%Y, HRN CAT panese alr ete a | LANSING, correcth Dine that “It can, bey ppen neve" a ti for an enemy a lower today ion ns prow! hattan's commiss ‘state quotatio scope) Pp, n of enem: tod: ig coats ‘The detectio The threat ‘ial successes and a widening IE. new m Haney faced e dlesalin es sald| to tony authoriti which Army broke $1 to #2 m ahare for some |r fred hare tak Japatems troops | ee carrier ea anata Ae r e p end Increasing tempo of Japai stocks. s leading oe oe ee

z of Successes was monra, ove 02igilatt broad-| . » = cants picked up by GP)—Great int-] @


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wees sesoalsee- 0 nada dient over the ms Pana nly] r Test cot ihe meta rer,the Fana wal ine Tie. SCO, SAN FRANCI Dec. 9—U—Majar RK, i t aSys warns | |, Genera broadcas the atpolice11:59radiaam, today that jGenerat Herbery A. Dargue, com Imm

of the first ‘sir force. ehted 90. [oi “Blance hi a ae at ae bhony by Ondland | "0% tame aati a series of sir baball “Of think" “siiedteena. Cero) Wena jomncak: towoed Se wae OE ng th Aneea One |ianes in retonnaisance flights ov! section of [STONY CHF a arid seme vm the eastern [celtss realist introduction ae was aa rehear rehearidle ihisievrr policeat room, States wae ted riaelbk ohne Stas nied EL Fra the enpare Pre the ncountry mle hed eel OE | taco bay — without dropping & pramalied with onJapan(he: Dro

sata alate” rata the

| ce eas of Rosi a rehearsal, and that were alarms a rp ee | Roose: . r M eR id from! White Hot whieh ranged The pace enemy, planes trading ng’ a odd by anocechi The ed af | alee Roose planes Mr. nae case suid , mise lanao, wi |! git ite Hapante wath Lalas | peony tonne a arbe ees a The Tacouit aeip othe Ttlile p etgen, chair, nemidin| Pre yeaterda; ceeded cane | Seen come (at; Sib) pi om crea) planes available 10 the of Ai 10000 of the 0 eee tata anid] the extent and t30e of ‘dlsoipli enoa | 00 pestirsnrax’s'U, 8,moreSteel,then:Reth=2 ]sbait ee Geporal Dares Saas eeaa |e the Davon areajo were t explore si t |ta be ttn Invaslon i o stocks erent atten cooperate the cases of thet Arm ety Sent | . Susb General an h t i w | nullity n a rien: Remsen a es ee America aur ot dares Motors, ne gt Renpreaich atehis secretary ess tor |* Innes atat Portland n would ta orie Portland (Ore) nai (Ore) sir atoir base fr thea] ie ‘Hemi , Hae St a | Planes Roosevelt's “hla presture eastern| Wher, numeri ear Hele mid the“ai punishment |" “nue asiaith “ocr” Which sea Lubang: of ight of ment would be miles Fepbone vorare GOD hunt lendsted to off Sot hopped vante hen | for two or three Japanese aircraft peite Pynaeri thi ne sald Boeing, ula Lubang, f o Japa-| he i f a | of Case, weed T, ments weee score | achieve be nda convicts The might that Case, “come| Santa ‘with what of charges toda y decla: allena” “enemy the re-| nes at nese navy, Ihe he declan submari project tion some and construc & [farviers ty e on S thowad | coriuea D aE theewhot


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:|Nazis Pled.

CONSTESSMAM | 55 a pce

seriandne ke airARand AER today, ng sounded another there wi pledge,Sithe Tee Stace carly erex uumerine citer Decemnertc ,aticThe teHitlerwrites tnrionrea te Tegsecen Airbay’ raid tyalarm,ecdrkg et of of Mag (UN@er“a the arene oe tecnely Herbor, Hull aad that if the na-|1:40 Net tl tndoe Roteli act) north ofmary. el | Saplained, 2swanto gceadiont without erowlne the control full n i a "At ienst 120 piher casualth : nore Meee a a te AT Saye Someone* ae nome Cen reported outside the ‘immediate [SRE feat ihe leuoutcome.of 7 field end in in the confusion aviie tier Arniy * repartes the. attack} Din o: | Mitchel. eously ao Oulrag eported [nas ¢ the sald was acany 5 were omen ¥ alent eorfitm sackedTeasona @ ty Domel to have: completed 0eon l the ani some 50TO ships,akin apparently hent { that eset a Bor sounded ester} |been th by ken Laton 1 thought rs Cinderta wenteal rousy rn’acdntral Luzon yester-{ jenMoat legislato at the ||daynartke is winged close ms [and trvtene Nemg responMery for ot Mor on feconnalssance, someone Vineens that ntative assertTeprore cof the new Japa-| (ere y camecame in two waves, tpon-|da sa of ay miliary ald ite Proper IDEI2), e lied tuntweeune able’ for Hawalt' nged,e ee ae oeeof na “uM s | Portions WESCongres NAZI 1b [hat Trenton | day came in two waves, apparently |oxisnt predict . 0 1 r e t l a C ASIR | athe race 4 before ft A matter of time” nlant tm neared of the whether” ne resin | Tote Cilleese Aboest Oates A thied ala th an. made a Kentuckistore, [md io 8 The jase ss ies[Seouenwurg andfadernearby Clark frou eld.|| Iergelyvines tn” t o inn tne ceonmin m o 298 a crt ea able Ger were ark ny ay Mo Tnclude e thes o San Prune ee ayere Unable areigeean e to the Naz maketinue tthe Bl laters American Iniereeptors roaredMan nto] Zeflranc a pot ue ny any mave ane “i Comaress. ike the | Mae signal came within the nex at 2:37 a,| a on aeae wave before I reached Mover(o s tony Pat | Mani eee in ins Macy foe aeeducati ~ | intor oh Ve | talklreg 0 here, were wereof apaul rates statement | on followed planes tor THe clicam developed wen ne [DANES Hecons intercep y atead wit wi ceaiioe te apparently | & is after tne eqimiy, manyGe t bis going ahead to fleld PH ieee Be Clark rani eo high |e The siturtio ier sought to learn whether ot pesto coomny webut ‘te e wh s, China sea. coat ion when y throu, determinsacateen awusl gbusiness as. by eo drive stu Cerninatation’ were unaple © murabl oesaiBaa BOE: ANE | wr 4 Er Rappenin which rs were physically’ coming down theBrobabl spoke !he. | tor n Bar| fit then y from avy pokesma reported| The also h went, radio Rome they’ finally Atm Hous niae esteae de ‘Estimates ran. {rom nels Jobs. In. that cores aaaeel je aneWhite nese patdles the atta eee dtpanere Tens in Nott Bor Ho a (The Earle plane and a ip fore search idiot battlesh a up d l o took a’ Ax g o 12 h d Califcrni ff three reporte m_irom a woldlere Toke were. era eae ‘ dRear Admiral Hart, naval [hundred and an undlactoued num | Soyer he mele Fatt (ron) | erecriaply re] comman Jaa) wounded all fh Hongkoni and, Mana the] ir wae “We der at Crp RET at Fort Stotsenburg. Pr at ase, agi ported alt raids, Hongkong aaldeeonUre ah ier ed | ber were killed “ete ‘the. Unit 1 | 88 000.001 by Manila, was Tomes Chaceoffic ei neon «Gay interpos y din ee eld. hard jon't think “thatwith]all ¢ Nichole hemajor tuperior to Japan in CapitalMereshins, i Dour, The Manila radio ahnounce d| | these tan . Director, came there’ Budget carrier, L. wag] the planes fromLE a John Smith D. compiled. s out, Harold tene pointed was Director ie t e g i t 0 t i i t we m.|the 8 & on 7:55 at k r o ieee there a anew or ther military objectives :{ro indication how much of the ay rald was on said Lieutenant General a In ranking Arm ly attacked wer ask Sec-| repeated peatedly wilt, commander of the Fourth leet previously had been diverted | Calling eeZe, commilt of Navy ee Knvoted to Admiral|senbur more thanin 200 veus| g and Fort M¢Kinley. retary Officers for consultation. Into ST)Toh ce ot Tatlona ti nottat ta the Auantie Lee ment will are Fe lites” Ske) Enary, 9 Hava aSthow and z ee se tee ee tC heise n g De eT ta beConebetwe prem ss. Seles eo culke ncisco Larned of the pre we affairs naval a nate TO was | 27°F d l u o w : month, he Hetchstageancele| t 9—UP—F coms|REX ‘obtail ned the following, KONG, Dec, , orcas ies Thora complanes e h t enemy of of n ence audden n i S35 between be mites ould and for ves ques: samaae ee ng ‘esr tomorrow morning ison, the conte VandduringFcenficti ae Taare an Ih Aes icae| OOK acre: pcrturmance et | oniy be: EVER thi Feresented priorities but ra bee a sudden ear | tete ts u out ) 2 . 4 pemeta | fle Th the apa panese CEL where the an. Rouse, Mule opera soppy The ih se ‘Giny ining. on the | Reicha ment was wallan de raid alarm fest | evening aidand Batleships Coloma ty aha & (Term to Faye blackout lasting two jos : nea cont andtn the, Whanaoceea|femae of the feet. | mainian nip: tn aarvicn a halt ho a acai ee Bese and incw Donal a mania E caus lore s e i e i c r e h t o ad | 0 €1 lro Rai = en o noweve:however, change Of esrew Yo. tonins, ‘Ex a s c2%.. 2 searener whe , d, Mem Aterras ted group} = Dlis one i — f o outs OAS Nazi, whereab AUP sought Saree ‘Gove ion Reds Assert informat " nd sfliy athwea A te eine held nucca successfully an F noalie oianes were In Navy As For nore ror tbat Noety o : mericans Losses 6,000,000 Gas at ines, helt king partion to, an abrupt ? nes building Submari ad constant on -aitinnat kept was degen, kong ‘party . tat s Ganhaun °




Japa: (DNC)

Sings) Secheee tree of a Bis meningetree

Sey Heap et ae tne



Sa ae

eae, hr ia ne

ren Soree oe today the Gerntans had lost ap-W. ar Duration proximately 6,000,000 men in killed, i 9—UP—Th Dec, GTON, WASHIN Rus-| In fighting of fArst five months \. ‘i Mouse warsnint sue the perature radio eld, a ates a Onlied compiated congres-| wvdn, tho Moscow iat the Germans sv estima lon today on legislation to-| none was hit. T LANDINGS AGAINS Soe for Navy entiated: men try sere FICHT SINGAPORE, Dec, 9—uP)—| weg{an Intensified drive to bul ements” e | Feinforc J ax 25 japabetov‘rag ‘eves, then Malaya weretodaywhi ee Taster northern Shing nage that ; was appr est night MEER, saldSoviet by the [Mes transports troops had been | * he cleat

ion of Americ, #ip tn, uyntrin WASHINGTON, Dec, p--um-—The [OA tt thes Associat decided today 10 ask |. Qe sduadran Dapertce ne



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rerease Ya base| Gey roa rae of etal casualty. it. of second sauniron ate| a catsup help compenm fares tocapsitea tecthe Bad pasrenger cae fiieh sand up Ike at crmt| Wy to theacltal the war_ioday, making public the | eee Piles land the com | In theannual


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ae = iat Euro payroll boost incurred ation Arran 106 American Aiplo- | Hal a Francisc San fram em: then than crenata t, of Navy yard nae bromine ‘wagesetiemen action” sear tine aoe china alta otros ra || loves! scouting “put out ee ee S dem tan ing InUs Fe of tes ing exer endings and the others Sree SIRO, trounce oery, duis et costhd alldnipi , OMson'sys meatarat po Rae [suoport Inuy dasa. riccaunied einech hte t Deerim ment,pet ARI passedMtit yesleraey, one eae demane ces taal aigent of forcke-en g in| S¢Rate eaters le d- to one. Red army onate Daated Mane! mses in bite 7 dearer the Waite nage cnekeed tow teattackin sea. ea, tds to tuies axtroops ae ‘aan tat Sede i tempera on & ed 1 ce ed anisinc and the e announc to e r e w Hwa comsmi shortly a naval name atte une The ane eareey| mtrol of Kota| esulte Arm did aot elrarome low ara have ements lst of the casualtic lal on, to Bhar only to the| “Reports fromonl the to speed navalconatruct Hawaii and the |p ri sw. toihing about amerTatate the A before Mow the plant localtles inf! Dornbaryggent of | areca ereraty are ee Brille lo: several st them © trom nsicale ang isate m 26 anal 3 Jann ne tod aclecoadend akIn | the ‘tslan Oo) hea ip camarafresh,neaetroops: the uy Havel: by eeate cow an gnemy planes tnemscives did weennat|| America t ee and to . ae landing, Bro atrats i et agencies am | 2,07ton 20080 ene i goveenmn talking Sevier sana poate two-ocean DeWitt, relee fe ee General wih ie Lynn Farnol, public n rane spe on aren | hoped Bhar | Sea dipto ly + slounced meanwhile, Germans nad| ¢yat fora out deciared r’ sald thel ts d l a s Bela, ‘episiato ‘giiarat.nouited ths | be read ail nev newsmen, at, Mitchel | inva wold Otte n Are | tom petitio the carrier| atte tad oui’ there n. bee of N Bading vituetio said thatthe Pravda sald the [declared it IOC ov eave, be the ly for in with r dirsnight of heavy ~* ‘ofinki each Uns, Seay rennet» Ot [eh teh | qt sea might prove sificu with avy loxsex {a all eval buliding would ack d ee presee de on had f s and tran Soe ry precauti serait the important Pu | le said he Nan Reade: sell the) Sope PEG Ble OL et weit en formalitie the reported gg been TWCKIY n aS {he endeaw | atten they werewed | auientya + | been elane0 aeHe oa sald ening eons ret aie, Would san Ba areang 100 miles south th ofol Motcow. "| Navy did-not eov= =o ey and vithethey planes) eperiment, woul ren er |Portatio WOUlA after alch coms this caer In the defense of° nis eres presenc rates the from wage e front, ‘Aside. be. adlusicd: the permite er ale said. country, "the War Departmen: Ko, ¢ his war "gatien the me"cook but thal the tte in aother spot.” th ous a i estimated 5008 Amerie paatt Pledges G i Acting:mi or ~tietbec Cm théWetreports terri:| | hat “] be done to cube toe ve at pion Argentina r "We estimate the 1912 wae bil ms Regroup Tapandae-cccupled’ E°t5 S n anon foeort whe : er mans er Ranges Self Wheel | ciiilane ratio Coope Frasusla Its . artes of comruction Urgently needed_ 9 us Pelley:will salbe arm AE tne Ai ‘orces In Desert day.” Simuttancousty, In Boston, U, S¢ {t rug to| WASHING GTON, Dec. 9—UR—Are with | hlenty, FO) States might de exchange 9-UP—Cer >| nectleratefavy recently took steps a Oty Bet Bitpedi CAIRO, Belane’beenmar'* as te report pAsuénger increases would scare | MAFbOT Glatrict,” ke oreaneed maul Sueden n ne Egypt, Dec! e i t a t 9 . c e D Peg | ane ” erteesl | POLIS. s MINNEA a ot Te dikes srouna|g peaACCT d during | defensive proce 98 tn eoune| as needed 7 Families Evacuated ing=~ taken” mate Wheele the the oma hong dipl Senator, Burton "Kfequar ne n battered "German {000 men esti in of SimJapan. cut. with incked grouping hia of war wien s ’ y r ely t | neutral flaca gatRimeal out Sime | pean ot the current Most; ; fiers stationed at néte to that Families, of were In the forces today for a resumption of| sear.the balance en] An ArgentiUng {acilities—in bath. In. amd ordered to Recrulting officersTushwereof vai-|was eri Roosevelt | €°4". famijies of Army orice Sean i Undieaeervtary ct riers menetourns handed Bate |2upanese war d to a tine extend-El = i the United States. One of ‘on beni trom Fieldtheir eee ee eeMeee mdecd @ great homes bert——~ @. drawing westwar maig were evacuated fro the Fort 3) | irougngtonee ee a et a through eins fo 85k M8 nee by Argentine amy ‘Washin liman untéers which x 1followed tmegiany. the south from'E1 Tobruk Column Tapas’s at-| Summer Welles & Fage to (Tora &cme } Page Expil, to A. ‘clipe (Tura Gob! section: a « Billings. rom = bee — _

el eat


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- Japan eee w ianow

Doost ale. CHICAGO, Dec, 9 “U)—Meermber

First Capualty List Of War Published

|e a

Racial aaieg wot,




cot eee within airing ste [ «roam pattern Toward 4

a cae een

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” REPORT JAPAN BOMBE ported operating LI YORK "Dee, 9am — Thaidence. "ot Cata e soem General Carlyle com:H.) duct they Se Coreen wt) mine tne an. tp, ene ermine Mr, Roosevet had coniy intarceptor ara Wilkin wat raid and In the of all diss | Wash, ce dof thewerlal charllable purposesLOata DUE 10 late dealings, in corn aS, 4 reported. at 8 (ee here hunt Manila’ in Whidh ont cate Chicago, mand, ald the 8 the history of thetan. metropal | OF them of MOUMa comparison r ld at lower Jevels ard area patches were ST. wide al milea individu : 600 ‘The vast metropoli ocean private commodl of to Japan wid been based upon h, he} and Id strip other a “all practically down aller Seb, W a ‘and that there | cover been unve news io. was and wat given. two Tala s,” north wall far unanimou Socata = Japan'sstrengt York ne etre was nnd ths New’ | ted Kae ‘decision arns "| was no news tO ete, a epee vou t u nae oe " the citles of Tokya | Keten sal and Teen to. deprive) YF rmosa ay ti i = To a question how the Japane ae the very foundation— ore, at ‘meriea of 1 towar bie . ossi ae atestVt announcement of Jaar aive hah aude, . a C Praresse, whore’jee hee |r id sty mlarms JE] peiructing ngand a frantea | gounde obstru Alnanat OM ape Taiyo, nde, u ly ‘replied:no answer -t that pases lessens G hour Every smsoomced thatA ticcorien and anymy and | De ove fens There's and nay attack" ht yerman aad tere had | cast H ni niers. IE thw ehanee of a aurprse tT‘o Deman ipaie se THEM MO newer to, Nat. altack on Japanese territory Ul >| . e. P othe first Shaaban yal aay tombs i" lons | or while, one ts Tagtrdet ‘Nee trom ce iegSe Presiden word the Seanech eid, U. under omnlous Soe entny See 4-U . Dre the detens ISGTON for alert. _GNASH e h t arrive Vie on ot pee Upais base aro due:itd eed MeGavin, York! | Andrew tower Mayor | conse teen tae PR . 1 \Traraccnvt checoptrwestonlycoast tee ci | eeguard’ aeagaiat parently had gained Coe ee teen aa ot || OY 2 EDPUAr D5 | Francitco saat Reon p.m. (C8 demolished “important alr Court M. ALT AL nich or ator there wer the anten| to aerved lana. Atnctinm Tn futtit-| Bay Alert0 iy In SEMAN teeIe much x ate fitth columniats posing aa fisherbee Mayor McGevin, and Alr Commo-| meet’ on tise foe sccsnini| re Aan oe Dec. 9—aP—Rep-| : hottest Em "C4 eatietnoonae declared rationa adavene act since theeevevelti titebo tneuant| w, EGTON eato '‘aWagther Dee Sim In avply Midway. 1lands| tn, the | [Quetiten ie Lubangce would ete both termedSAVING controlous of importan t0 the beJapaof| |gtiS awiicr Benned ting possessi Goatrey Goatees: ) rora|, tremend e. cetioiee Me <D-Mich,od es Dingell at ve t brondcas 1400] on willbe C-M sit |J8DU States to. Hou sald ion | 5c house tala woul SOG & United move seutia ve he alecta were onKe y tine’ ae ake , (D-toway German igtte 6 he asen day salevel wert of Honoluly, set range the Dot-| lies eas dominating eee tk Informat of | Im Se because estof Mana bay and ree would bemorn-| ¢ the Sunday house seid would corsa of | there will be an attack in the Pacic |the tradition m ofof Hamat proposed to de:|ege soutnve |The Army ard man tt mday Hay morns| trom x yourse found to be rellble White[mare complete ates ablarstr in {n=a bore ed Beagainst four bleh tion Sieln tation” fa documen fick tack on vor | Ings be institut Seer ec sns cat promued re an control baraim arnt Yet : een gonad fe norihwe Bihtes [eo isoe ehettonean he couldtele obtain Deh aren pea ieee Peinepio SAM" GAL the Ualted MOIET sof ee or Lee ip ine s || deVieJapanWeek ofl Soome_met_ satisfactorily.” hal (helGanar[HUll ent sed C M un ‘i ” | NOrINeHNC E CBS, RUSRACM by ee OA Ge heard t ee l a w u H OROGEL Sa in broadcas ed LARGE Tr 1A Tokyo Meat happen . wall a Dole earl moves es ale ike Jeph TA Reais be colelts [Sati weuia "58000 pead eee. ad Swat ahoders.* that air patrols | Surprivehe called decared that Guam and Wake.| "Dingel named ene during ar ‘alarms i em SL military ional active Short, in‘eenat [anese G.” the ANAT Walter hire] el ansorere setasumhad tenant Gener r-raldon the tert for a new |8P ree ete Shore. three ae aa around Yherther United States atepplne ter citi civilian deferee ae BE Pent,hroe Was Pearl | commat Genery) Wllee, C part ne sald this information | or across the Pacific from Fest words were prowling slones rt ereiy | |adoea alters | illite foe iat CONT wad we saligeenof crate | thrust by Japanese Alaska,” wh of wat TTTt Arnold, came to him from : person reliminayae oly any rere: . ' brondeart Beja eft gninet nearby strategic polnis. the Japances: fag. "ve carry on. the patrols by.| for airs Bajo: ance impact atat e r a t or of assist let cher iPond active eat the the Tokyo d ot there r would and. pretnise sald, tarae ght, he a es een 2 last attaek Casualti jatiack, “Neard ny vraa te aunch sr tai Deconten | Gill fesald ld hishlsInforinfernisiion come ane oN FRANCISCO . em eeeseen on (Re[ian Cee thee In December, Stat ‘ora: ailiter sald to resiatrein lice wasThe ni Japanese sald {heymnot jon.)down | aay aie Core aad Admiral OF e:| United | Beoole either es lacking ge |e were i ap oF 9, alre damage s Ae t Dee. casualtie aldara ty 104 mane: ‘Segue i en ole cres Senet ane ait tise nee a lfc Naeem engie uttycis,eanorl | eet item, Representative Batwinive ‘caused by a nemy planes returned to the Ge and fire tte sald this information wasae the walllng of policewarning. Wate Inter year <x reported unofficially that Immediately arose to the San |. With specttic reference to Japan's p,m. d all naval atrategy pletely shattere ‘by United States naval pera g| 1's program of anciretin a mis-|





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|All Ships Grounded At A .

Head Of takes Ore” Shipping Closes putuT,




—— “

/Re-Check For

-s— on -|


freighter Bethlehem ateamed out ot} the. Duluth ship'canal yesterday to

AML locally-owned planes. have Been grounded at the county alr + Sport, end all pilot certificates, ex‘Rept scheduled atroarriers, are wus [Pended, according to a tel ‘ecelved by Claude J. Prickelton, of ‘the Dickinson County Pilots Assoclation, from ©. R. Cornwell, of Be‘eandba, representing the Clvill Aero3 Administration, 0 planes may leave tive ground, the instructions add, until thelr plots have deen issued new licenses, arhich will Inchide fingerprinting and other Identification. ‘However, upper Michigan suspen ons snny ‘oe fied a8 follows: axed For government = appro GRA” Inspector, whos? Sijewttine shall appear. across the certificate after he 1s sat @ holder is an unquestionably loyen. may be reinstated positive accepted by CAA Inspeet Daltive” proct of Wenutloation ‘must be carried by pllota at all times. Pilot” Meeting was named presiy pilots’ group ata ng last night, when the new CAA revulations were dlacuased. Other officers are Milo Fontana,

More Local:

ne “Our

aot daziids conmancey cuere Betor-| seem! ata ooioue Neca


American Tagion” ah at!

tutes mivs ipa, [JAP Soldier Hela

aiding Montgomery






This} cently by Hoy Scouts, for civilian

204600 tons snipped . |!" Shippers discounted the resi ity of a winter rail movernent minerals from northern Minnesota mines because of the new war emer.

men whose

fit be made In| a:


Four Factors InDecorating ToBe Judged

*": ay be AON 2.325" | He there








urkent call











Come In NOW and Reserve < RANGE



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face RINSER a



Here's the gift that gives a woman extra hours for rett of recreation, because it gets the family wash actually clean ‘washes—triple rinses in clean flowing water—and deposits clothes in basket, damp-dried and ready for the line! Its suromatic “Scum-Free” Rinser protects the fresh beauty of

YOU SAVE because we bought before Price Rise

Mountain GAS





‘whites"and colors, eliminates set tubs and all rub rinsing.

Give ber an ABC-O-MATIC this Christmas, and give het hours of freedom every washday.


AC de







of steaight whishies—



$1.65 and up


this for, his sport and everyday

COOKBOOKLETS 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- 10-11 12-13-14-15-16.}7NOW ON-SALE

= Cp Here +



es are made well and

will always keep their original good-looks, 65g. $1.00 and $1.50




atl er


© IN WOOLENS AND SILKS He needs neckwear like

Vase Our Conventeng fay-AcWay Plan








Instead of giving him something he doesn’t need or want, give








Heaters Moadlampa On ruiters




enr, He'll appreciate any one of




Gifts for the Car

Clocks Govarnove. Wheel Banda

Ate Cleaners


‘Vanity Mirrors


Wheel Covers” Cleaners Side Mirrors


Bumper Guards “ons Lock


as Rust



Jicense Frames

radiator Cleaners

Seat Covers




*® IN COLORS Here are The shirts that manage to keep their xood looks indefinitely. Made of quality clojh. Many w pat.









Jones $2.01 4/5 Of.

oe “Unfinishea Business”

Be Be



Fe cass


es Be BE


‘ee BN BAe Be Bi Be Bic Be Be



Shirts and Ties

Firestone pres SPECIAL


For Him




100 vas

A Gift


| *

we we Me ae |




De ee Be Be ee

Sizes 34 to 44


and bright in one-third the usual time. ABC-O-MATIC

Prices From $79.50

| Iron


With Each New Universal or Moore’s Gas Range Famous REGENT § Cup Stso


30 pall io duty. They will now: give their full share now, AMT Ja that God be with ua tn this hour ‘BE peril to that America, the land ‘ot freedom, wil! stand gloriously for all time” ‘Birds Hel Birds helped 4m the discovery of


Beautiful Models

‘COLONIAL | | Merragora Overcoat eae aa « MADELEINE



You Will FEEL


. Christmas







. Installation




many meoeage,


” MoGowan


en paling

other mallitary itary Or naval parae. ies mt, which ait


has heen growing


DRY...PAUL JONES!” —iaps the Pan! Joner Camel


the|Formolo ts x graduate of the Tron payee ak oe en automobile drivMountain high school, and has rela- weao eat einen, interor ee

Mayor Ivar Ander| season reveals, Nervous exhaustion Teeted officers chamber of se Tromot Moun vcore. 0b|clently If Chin cityfor clviltan to" be eff | (yu, MENU fo relax chune other see OY Kingston dard organized tain sleniy abend, corganleed: tor civilian, del 7 =

lally considered by fare oppo: {ties at many homes in thls city 108 men di ‘eotabl effective arrangements.” | So aly bese inter Upper Peninsula Savoctatlon mem welll effort towal de bringing training center to the county air an QUINTUPLETS ort ere, or some otter wultable site tn the mma, urging consideration, gee Seta data on the county af and svallabte fields here Sin ve forwarded to the au. Mhorities. ‘Asks Unit : E, Hook, of |, repItth district, yesterday aent the following message the United g5¢ Tomar ama wen. |

very best BUY is the whiskey that’s

sconeTarpontah ae eve

ras annie arin fos tS ak moved ak mu Re Dean of Harve | ae Opinion te DOTSIt, 1 onree Heme, Sartinens Fann rongob ob- || PUNT ————————

Lfcnse. Hnroliment forms may be t Lud ington

ie peteaee hn edited by 3 Fite [theverywhtooane, many, neTue matterwil what higJ audi:tr f inca physical van do Ne e. part the ‘program, according. to ine aninheatinel ee eee etenee heaquarra crease wt tonpans

SEE OUR AD IN Collier's Life Time, and Saturday Evening Post |. Your

today, division |

addresses | check on any word which.aoe see

Four principal factors wilf be con+ Need Pron Acton


“Ponder no more, 0 Puzzled One. Just remember... The

Sg aa ea wt td

‘were in or near the Pacific war zone, }been

|auestiontaires, and desire to do-4| polgnbering “communities Fon Seventh Bi nie may rotify the principal of the] or 28 they are Legion members, | either in the pulge ine oron duty tips or ah nearest them. and fe torma are Invited 2 Satu naar é mening: on the Eure an : aes [wit be : Minch will Be served following the | "Santo Formelor son of Mr, and [In



|e whee inding up another Bera none nave Déen reeqived, [Sf tie sown tellveus 90 be on. atv according to (¢ SanThey are ir the war gone, brought no |fore, ‘defense coordinator in the vile Robert _P. Hosking, son_ of | inf jon. sw! dM. omas Hosking, 313} Telégraphic and other communi— Members of families anywhere in| officers say. . East Ludington street, [ron Moun- | cation employes are under ordars to tne viinge who Rave not ited out |""Ai;“exaersteemen ere and ta|tain, with’ the Zand Bomb Squad: [reveal no_tnformatoin | concerning


Henry (rman, Ray Frickelton and Roy Jacques, of this y, land Riley. of Niagara, ol

9, 1940

‘Only Japanese soldier in the 45th | months’ absence, ae store in the Said division was a prisoner in the Camp ictewi:

Barkeley stockade _|atosineitania piano the SxS * dargone

at the Duluth, Missabe and tren} aithough moré“Tmitn 600 Kings!| uli aise report on the cent tide) _ Following the publlcation'vester- oe Range railroad docks and boostea | roa residents, filled out. questione| winter c “V aay at the the: llst of Dickinson county '¥ || 0,Efforts Wort here the aggregate 1941 ore movement 10] nnires n (Tie survey conducted re-| ieee-ot

pares welth the previous ai-time | deren, @


: headquarters announced. ' formerty of Btambaugn and, mar. In Camp Stockade . Ikboe for desertion, Me wllHeader ercoort Tax former Dorothea Cariatlan, now re-| ABILENE, Tex, Dec, 9CP—The| {lal where he had been Guring twa

_| Night Here Sat 1y K ’ Bicheng W. vba t ayeiag, Men Believed

DJefense In

jose the head of the lakes’ center ctteae’ “| most Kingsford final cargo of ore war Yorded



‘Vieginia Oil John Carradine+ Mary Howard Eugene Polletta » Ward Bond» Guinn Williams,

Ford Ant Frese Horns

“DIZZY DOINGS” Mary Healy — Frank Gaby The Rhythm Rascals “The Flying Bear” LATEST NEWS

Kingsford x Motor 58



Car Co.






. Five:


9, oat





To “~





= Son be | going to ark the meme and patrest | tori fo. fobe f'tte authore Writers say Sxoreat Iareet Gut remarks ch g-permnal | program.

ouge Installed

ask the writer of the ei-|

asalot me In dectding who|

TP* Rev. George C. Watowe, pa |i 20 Sanding witht

dropped from the NYYA | church Tn this way, I hope that 1

Anes a ee eine eee and other Mountain, Mac tiene of the Ironmaster, @ earer picture of the need can be ciiicors ee ‘need at a cereize shown to him.

will not be agecit: Jnational topics — Including Elissa] Latin-Amer-| NYA Student Ald st pleture author thor, and Jan2 Vallin, of ihe| ttn‘Ybarra expertis ofthetheformer New York Times.) tron Mountaln—I should like tol

In the name of national defense,

ig foe na Fan vents reNt unitate attracted“hational|gan


, Rotost 4 Homgren, secretary:


High: School Principals,es,at Lanaingwath" ant im thelr meeting tn 755g ewes"

‘German | Nevws

tine hoonee nels

Geniiwne Bratley Wana and "ane Thom John E, sees ty-|] vs, stewards, and Charles Sellz, ccm peisintsat asco


Ke. as t directly. aftec

ant. ealwont, miitary” analyst



interest. “ha Kets me


arainie ge ne traagar' eae, COWMMLY ney ‘Tensanably’ be misamed that this aclected Iist-of speakers” willA =D

jet agencies was early a drastic as thls one, ‘The student ald is administered In the foloW-| ling manner: Appropriations are| made directly to the high schools: | work | rojecte are set up and sus


une ise bee

1, *WWoman and Peter"| ne

sh ee

| Eis



Mt or able |.


as heen netted







\|f) JID |


This Christmas, give him the

comfort, the style, the sense of pride thar accompany every paic

ist GiveGiv him a of Florsheims!

sheim gift certificate... boxed with & novel miniature shoe!

@Y2uvewon scuscomtorts, haut Itthe Dattie agninat regamnat romeo a


Pelneleal..HightronSchool. Mosaasliy Senior

Ff saichigan'a tient against tubere | break






fed and clothed In unt

The 20-ton dinosaur. only al bot

eotter, ler. alee fa coun] aremist beeen a and far-sight "a. Hee ty'sFirat Chrisreturns tn Dickingon sale, ag a part} volved




physically fit. by mili ry drill and training. We-eannet| expec: to neglect. these youth UN | ner are ot aeatt mee aad etthens pr ndit then then deplore deplori thf

pervised by the recular personnel| tact that they are not fare tabzathe cerctay geaannel| ne hat they ae ae

sinctaptcly aan any Sale, Brings Senet Widget ors Aire | G7 Ty0 DD Date




“Silver Stallion”

were organized ‘and “regimented

Tho cut lin other

and former R. A. F. pilot. tea Cultural Progrant The series is part of a civic and cultural program arranged to being| tere pilot, ne knows hia subject. outstanding speak

a#t—Bargain —aea8” | ae = imaNighte—st0

tone|| HAUNTED, arte nae the were $e etry aleroan aa r, hen a Ceremonies oom ofatmnary Merwets Belin hete frm sedan HONEYMOON” fol-|] HAUNTED the last] req” on by volunteer Red. Cross

“Free eases ts ene|andBr, luferSuavecf otthe #Geragn of dlacussions MEta “heeWord and will| movement_ayalristWNarlam, has a] First of all. the events of odave” tiled The cover every Important phase of In-| Price of $500,000 on his head, set by |two-days might-haveY made a ait. Aindts foe eal eto | ference Jn the nature of this reso-| "Tw this respect, we munt take a! {frnatianal relations pol teal, mili-| the Gestapo, He was recently termed particularly | BY Goebbels as “Hitter’s Public En-| ution, It was adopted for the fol-ltesson from our enemies An. this tary warand withnaval—and” S) the Japan. why Number One" He will teveal| lowing reasona: First the cut in| fue” from our enemies in, thi Othera In the lst of noted au-| hitherto Minknown phases of Nazi| the student. ald appronriation wna| fret wr TOEMEEa Alo a wenarars activitinn an not In propértion to the cut-madel known face that the. unexpecte’! Dr, Caldwell, world-re-|n other agencies of a similar rat=| sicength of our enemies om eh ‘radio coma| urte and It was felt that a cut of] sidea of us was developed Years elgn correspondent; maga- | 55 per cent was = ser, former colleague of Hitler in where the youth the formation of the Nazi party,|



"0 ("Same Mah

student ald approprintion

tay evening, Feb, 27, and_continu.| Amer! aren utoblograe| NYA

plat from Ge


wtrton Ellwood. Mattsone Junior warten: Morgan Leonard,” treeru


aboutcut theIn reroof two the cenized and‘quthority| slo affairs Esropen ght naartes OF tecuures2/on international South| 84” lution@ word concerning the



orn: than by | Officers Of Masonic more amse inasmuch toggmake catin,-woritas, ee aed Fin

: te B Wes nee pea r umart Th eater Pi t ra @ Five foremost speakers on inter his. experiences Save Couimaalat

attraction was made today ‘unurun by Fox | tention. On His Head me ‘Theaters of upper Michigan and|Prico









Most Regular Styler





Seconuly, the high school princte

re “Out of te Right”8 t0-| Ago"an. gonn dr dels le general emtr-| name of national Gefense. eReM ne i, SOO


eo SiaTUINE | since





weeks | pal






Iron Mountain led the first re






other me tht

1, $49:



In Brief


ship, $9.50; S 5.20 and West Branch township, a Coane a nina by 52. Sub-chatrmen working with] trace Coceated’ be WiLinie Bens [Jelsch, who also has charge of Tron | 616 West Ludington street, coliided Moxiniain, are: Mes. M.S. Camp-| ieiereetion of Fstzte: at Ce bell, West Branch: A. ttlga, a rest. at Ce" | Sagola township: M. , Dunn, Nor-| Sera: are Siphliy aman way township: “Mrs. R. Solberg, Candy Contract —The Capito’ F Grocery, Clyde Neldberg. propriefor, waa awarded ‘the Gonirtct 10 | Saving Money urnish Christmas candy for the rough wise “sowin: ist children of Kingsford, ata specla!| mas geal pennies, Michigan fs" save meeting of the village commission ing millions of dollars in tax money, lam nl 2 Is for 2- | accords ™M ‘of candy, at 144 cents a| manager’ for the thee Michigan tubers manager for ‘Pub tos Assocation. ‘The Christ

ur out and

of every




10 young men

of these were


jected beeause of defective teeth, The few dollars that the needy high school student earns on the NYAis i e, clothing, an school needs. In mo case Goes tht fever execed $6 a month, and the werage mon arn g cutis we$1, Because of the drastic are asking all of the students who have



p Tron cumant Teytn spca | emi rat pe cont. | ARATE Chippewa, accchding terenawe ind. ey tema |YE Bw Of ateTHIS weflate™ $hoOU non and ie ae ate

Kinac, Schooleraft, Ontonagon



Awarded —The



; Collier's




al"|| Wilton THEATR E Avenue and Bai




berlain- Metal. Weather Stripping | ‘lon will conduct fhe most intensive company, of Milwaukee, with a bid | educational drive in its history durcf $1398, was aoxarded & contract |!ng 1942, she state EE calles lat night wen ida weather-stripping on the forth a | west sides of the junior high school | building, and all windo Lincoln school, in the el




Time, and

Saturday Evening Post Your


Firestone Biers


chosen from its COMBINED SALESMAN SAMPLE : 5 F f LINES being featured here during a special factory showing

In Sizes





Wake up to real value! Pajamas at 9%e are not to Ee ma sed!




“Love Thy Neighbor”



as bere pes

small, his size is hote. GIFTS!

rs Treme The smart «cog




ange EY aropair Patt: WS

furs you

Wink Chevron Persian Lara Byod Sean


silks in a galaxy,pf cole qe p

ors! Wools that are both warm

«+ just pick his favorite color and be sure of a hearty “thank.” for your gift choice .., and every time he wears it, he'll-be thinking kind thoughts of you.


up to $5

Ukepeelated facterd to pay!

lower than You a”

china Wak

and handsome! No size to guess


igbor’s Last Showing Here This Year




10 to 14

38 to 46

Every coat offered is truly an investment, considering today’s replacement costs... and besides selecting at prices guaranteed to be the lowest to be offered thia year, you can choose from a Brilliant collection of Nigbor’s most outstanding sample models.

Faney Broadcloth




Priced for Gifta


the Giver of.






and Gratitude to




ee tw

ent closes Christmas fy 8 | progress brings in "the amount anticipated,

way, departmen


2 6


See the Large Stock of Nigbor s Finest

fy tea

qatishmays Jer—Trankline Slat Io proven obra




as ae



_. 995 1a


185 128


P root

| ): esn one: c

j |

Gilt Boxed. FREE!

Game size, same feel as dollar ties... and just try to find any smarter

looking fer the money! Every new pattern an color to put under, his Chtistmas tree.




[| :


pAhills, dock

automotive and’ ma-

factories_ape scattered throughout

Glancing Glancing Back

‘Tha News, Deo, 8, 1981 plans for new airfields ‘Mr and Mra. W.C. asec, ew





ae bonter defense. posts, At an early date, | fr,

ot ea,

By wisuierrem. Dec #—Hitier— ot just Japan—has attacked the

it 'seeris frobable, the Upper Peninsula willl Jearn more of te project.

pn tring Home Building been thought Inevitable by many ans, especially in we army ‘The immediate future of building under and novy, in here st hart the federal prioritie: system is dark. In the jo many far. of Current Business an estimate by | 1 js have alway prelced ee 4s cited, which puts new construction "| thei fellow Americans CRIPTION RATES IN) ADVANCE /OPM movi suena ponaibility, tre, atiack hag 000, Including denext year at $8.5 sna eMtecently competed By HL Uren. UBSCHIPTIONS without warning and without rare. Son PAYABLE Bix Bone tor fense Arsetgal Its deserined asa minimum: ze ? ron Mountain 4 Elke will distribute | come ™! declaration of md | Cheisimas Daskers’ to needy families: this y may ba expand figur |Under the—eonatitution—of “the| Batted sual the Predent can oa aa bring con: ‘The News, Dee, 9, 1931 invasion” wtih struction for the year to $11,000,000,000, o1 Dickinson county board of supervisora “repel today authorlted the purchase of the saste rn about $3,000,000,000 les: than this yea ice of $7,000, of Lajie Antoin “Nevertheless,” reports the Survey, shortline nity atin ‘use “some séctions of the construction industry ‘Norway—Mr, and Mrs. "ce river, sploneer Direct Consequences _ Jand sonte areas-will be forced to eurb act residents, coetaed thelr golden wedi TUESDAY, ECEMBER B, 1M1 | "The direct conseqie ity very. dorsan, of Metropolitan, was raamed States may be sneer 8 result of metal shortages‘an announced pasident oe the ney Holstein Breeders’ eseociaThe Fleet In Movement priority policy, the construction of all dwell. ten of Pelch-Met: a tan, Americarpen Tne Chicago’ Cubs today traded tive1 Lt gisparty .In the despatches of the day there is ingscosting r more than $6,000, as well as thi or faction will unite! Mt" seek” t0~ fuse} Hack Wilton, lending home run bitter of 1930, much ‘about what the Japanese are doin lens “expenstv homes in non-defen: Louis [as never before behind their gov-| tify thelr course not at all by Fef-| chout to the Bt. Is fleet American the should be virtually climinated.” ‘and little about what ame ce thelr_{nvol Caratnals, for are ston piteher, to 2 The doing. But if the Japanese were able basketbe al een wilt operate on & wi ‘United States to ald Re the Silanes high team, Last nig! bring off a surprise attack, and to accom Production Progress fr action by Congrens the, Kingstordsi quintet ia In the out waiting plish in it much more damage than would Longer work ahifts and con-| For Japan and China have been The annual report of John H. Jouett, test are, of the seas Fcentrated effort will be the result)at wa r In recent months ald| fhave been possible if the American command atmorpresident of the Acronautieal Chamber of The News, Dec, 9, 1938 in the production aide aa it grows had not been marking time, in an hat America wilt be Aighta merce, Wiis, in effect, a report of the Landon, Eng. —Prime Minister Stanley Bald phere of false security, their claim that they Tena tworbcean wr today: that Il rd vitally injured the American fleet is ground- aviation industry to the nation, and a favor win “annotifped 4 ister witt ujgisa for he. has riment hevttiot reached in apreersent “Sp my rent ta coming, {s t, Mr, Delehanty? Well, so Is Christmas!” port it was. Thé Industry Is now proecevted In dividing Americ I mle cholce, of Walls 8 npaon_or the throne, ducing military planes at the rate of 20, egies wo that milla the ‘The balance of sea power has been someHubert Bi East street. enterlis will not xo ta ulyto Brit but not seriously enough af- 000 a year, elght times the production of tained tne CloverlandAuxlliery of the Disabled LADY BY etlon of both| ne at her ho me Inet night. fected to be a material factor in what is to 1939, and “some time next year" will reach American Vaterane pastor of the Mauss hecomes ‘ensentlel Counter €. Parlin, wite.of 50,000 a year. with ‘a ‘diversion of rome of the] olated neutrailty by intervening 19] ‘The Story: It Ia obvious that up especially from the State a. rot Methadietenurehs Wil apeuk at the 1708 weapon Impressive as {s this record, one point in of war nak would, Diva pan. spoiled, temperamental Adela Curt fesuiiy for tim cect on, And Dian ‘(Navy has been evolving a war plan, and of mount gh schoo n_anawar to this for) and her new alér-triaw, Diane,| before the evening was over, ine gone * gainterruptealy 1 Jate months it has been-evolved In close am Colonel Jouett’s talk ix even more algniflwy aged to ap Into young John's hand the historical record w football wocetion ith the British. It is now being cant. That Is his 5 itement that American Seeen ayfhe “Packer ee piasta and China sell! Join) the money for the correspondence Carl Hubbell of the 3 , and sooner or later the results aircraft manufacturers now have in the deAmerica and assist in lar eastern! jai course he sa wanted to take ign or experimental stage 40 now airplane | eperations. Arming the Chinese wil me,| | Else. who had left young Bill achieved under It will be revealed to the na: ones Nonard chan been named president with Bill, Senlor, and her mother, inson-County Farmer's Cooperative He-ae there 19, properly, great modela. ‘This mean: 5 that the Industry, called. Had gone into écstactes over the about what 1s belng done. there is|Uponn 19do_an unprecedented fob of expand: house, much to Adele's dia ugh ‘a plethora of report based on surmise and ing production, has nat anly done it but has ela naver show twill 1 polley to re task of some difficulty to sep- managed to keep abreast of every change In Hollywood the hardships of -prlorities and al-| sit ‘the vicilme of Hitlers aga forced by the tremendous pressure of war. arate the wheat from the chaff. sion In Europé. While the ptice pald for the surprise atB Paul Ha Broadly et Inter characte ie ame Hollywood—The most law Ran Feacived. level Tito a. Bro | Thorpe, tack of the Japanese {a heavy in material Changes Hia Plans ~ the lawyer who ig sltonether, be wutiful blond in this region ta had-an_electrical effect in. ane atter—stahe-h Shorth Weer season ended Cond Marion Martin. 1fCane doesnt ate] Mens Tucker. confidedYo ‘vances; ‘Stephen's stepmother, El- [Etseaat ‘unifying the nation. It was made as one man fain stardom pretty. soon, playing Harloweaque Diana ‘that they thought Adela 4 the ait for her atttie te forget -al Mi —practiqglly-over—night...1t was made this servation Director Hof{master issued a states Tater ~amt “ra ng but —# mmebady ought to send her specifica moment suspected oa aha was more decisively than could have been the |" welling In Bralllg — to tne producers | xe anubbing: them severe! cave if the war had developed according. to ot ‘the camp comm: has been, doe law, which resulted in an own. ‘Mra Stephon Curt was Yeunched the one time amenities of war, or if nearly’ pas the side of the United inetease In camp permits from about 700 in eztiner the executives are ortoo they're riage Into a new and very exciting e, & re & The theory that America was| Statet'The second World war ex-| country had atruck-the first blow. The a all the more rote because he admires Stephen #0 made is ity of 25,000 thts year. i with & gal (hat doesnt conform immune from antaex and that thos tenn to the, fourcorners of the only baer Ik eas wot to gardly' character of the Japanese stroke much, Stephen's wedding ‘gift ty @ cause “There 1a no doubt but that tt Is advisrn le ene a he was intensely inter brought resolution te dedicate all resources: lable to lower the decr population In same| beautitul diamond brace rm Sepsentialae Mita ‘Sarita would phen's writing and. was. dels Seasuction She: luxury that wil cond usually that fgure when on occasion he asked her to but-I certainly do not believe it otight Mra, Stephen brute military power Is being mob-| accompany would have flamed under other circiim. areas. him prepare copy. Now to be done by the subterfuge of Killing docs | jy Bue wilt‘Diana oe willing, £9 help Her main job on the screen Inside ana Mlzed in the greatest conflict of Gane no longer nervous in taking dice months? was give up the new It tess, National unity, sses at flim heroes and Breaking modern Ui under camp deer permits,” Holfmaster sald. tation because Stephen was 40_pa In what has happened is yindicafion of| Dut not realized, may come now. (Reproduction Rights Reserved) fsmen throughout the erate natled the Uent- and iaind. Consequentiy ‘she THORPES COME TO DINNER his cons ‘all the Administration has done and of all turned out manuscript that wae & statement as a sound analysis of “those who have given its measures support.My director's joy to benold and which Stephen [he situation-and a reflection of the opinion *Pink Ladies 1 hun}and-peek typist, Mrs, Stephen Curt mood before himself majority. rood hosses wouldti fo his_publisners with pride. Even with San Franelsco and adjacent communt- jot an‘Fheyoverwhelming triple mirrors | surprised and confused to Sree nee tan mime vet ‘Todd, Reports from Iceland, where they | defensible invasion ot personal the surveyed her sever! tes hearing the whirl of hostile alrplanes, {t | learn he arehas now not to make a recom- Dreclalive, sont have: prohibition, Vell of American | right ht test fe shown shat Ht can happen hare. The brid. mendation until‘teeided soldier leg co his. he has obtained more inof simple black chiffon had cost ts the Tae ing of the Atlantic Ix only half the 4 fory.Tt sadaied onChicago the mur: she formation. At the same time the game divi- Sne‘clippingro€ Petty cuties'wiih requesta (0 entlé Uney had become derous gang that still runs vice and the bridging of the Pacifle. And the amet nul return them: fans are convinced The die sion of the department has issued a stat Diana was.eure ture Bitered through loaves of bread gambling and, to a degree, labor she's the velupttous model for many cf the are claspin i jends. ean naval forrea in the Pacific, it must in love with Stephen, and also minimizing damage to the deer herd, until it becomes [airy white. One | racket Stephen's gift on thelr wedding any tist’s crawings, borne in mind, are infinitely stronger than mentIt appears, drink and you see -the midnight ‘The country fey expect that the was worlh on tho face of jt, that the dismall 1 fortune. The! fan playing teg with the norinern| In if the war party ehneming room in, whlch she ‘stood, | §, Alum reetor has been placed under pressure to iegtela facking the way she docs, and belng some~ Nght the ascendancy. In the daring and the dastardly charac- retreat silver hangings aere somewhat a his original stand. by a legend that she was the When Aenlism was running wild |of war could not be considered come ter of the Japanese stroke there is sugges: ae be th called “the mast during the World war it was easy | plete If the underprivileged third lon, despite wide- last person whom Flo Zieg of Nazi counsel and direction. In the et. Spread (/4™ay opposition be that theory for one pressure group to | were not reduced again to drinking to the sake wishes to fure fectiveness of the attack on the fleet In ther test out public opinion before cting in trouble convincing n. Every | anti-freeze, alcohol, shoe’ pol or| ena with Stephen In the, library body was peddling something. Pro-|Ish, and canned heat.—Chicago the matter. ( inly st already has all the 7 Ka SCnrrel, hibition not only represented an jn- | Tribune... strictly. a business affair, In spite| forAllnour, gestion that the men who manned the air information it noes, in The annual doe kill she vegan fibbin, of Stephen’ Adela, who ships were not Japanese, who have had only has been fairl: accurately dramaie expe eee and cheeked by fold did her best to humillate Diana ‘the experience pf bombing defenseless Chi- officers and the flag nt abuse ah te repiere Gladys She wats puod At Their Own Expense of the spirit fhe Star ef “Personal Appearance™ nese cities, but Nazis applying the lessons of the law woll establishes, nce in the house; r-tett 1M-Bromdway shove Nor a re fhe cage with whieh ‘The state civil’ Service commils-|sioners' were to serve without any fact many porismon’s organizations Halen coms al, guests assembled, for dinner against Great Britain. To ask for belief that, haveAlready Mise Martin’ herself cme. West ‘a sion, composed of four members, | Compensation, urged the commission ta seek repeal of hard Thorpe. ‘No resident of the state would such deadly exceution was accomplished by the meusure or to use Its discretionary po Aout of Nee only ae 9 sorves without compensation, ut uestion paying cna ies to unde ret playing. secondary siren like Japanese tyros In the most demaniing form. ers to negative it. If, as a result of the nav y the thought ef Richerd state commissioners who expenses incurred by the fou: ment he fact that sie had serve other shoul of air wartare 45 to ask too much. Thorpe's coming to the h @ was deliberately trying with of without pay, the elvit| particularly since Lp emergency, a xpecial sess: n of the cause her such distress, ‘Aside irom usurp her own place. Since great sacrifice In the Pacific we are warring the Nazis tlonal service commissioners are entitled legislature were called, the would be any? e] the fact-that-she had never liked. she-had-worshiped- Sie— “aceupatfo @s well as the Japanese. What the Nazi Slopportunity the cutie in > receive reimbursement afor thelr thelr for repeal before% nother sea, her former © phen, who was 10 years older than much time. study and. thought. to fire's mahi "ald ahe begin eclis ONDINE, Neverthete: ean do shoukl not be underrated. ‘They ean son, but lacking a special svssi 1 the ques. - a thelr s sessions, all she, and the thaught that another had left suns’ satin comedy ral woman—any woman: ak . , But $0, determined cently brought to light {mr Lansing fed public could not be acted upon by the legisla PMaL Gass Wad won ey arden, when ihe her ploco with him was agony to ire they that civil service In Michpan's restricted industry, and by sending in tion her acing a Frenchaillaleet smita- that all four men tire before 183. In any 6 . the commis. director heardluneh ian Will work ree of expert Uehting men, particularly with the sion in the has the anthority to.sct and will be unceltielem they have taken this ex“Suppos he should really, grow 1 her purpose of making the most of it ca emplary stan studin contract eter From now o9, also, every move they make der increasing pressuire to do so. For the leat two months we have A permanin ‘Spitfire” _ heard great de he comes. b stale of in the war on Russia and against the Br a aa Currently the Biesyed plat num blond sould 148, ty SAKE: tavcor, Shem etal ing Comment Of The Day | tiune enenter of ‘Aino, ¢ and ¢ otherwoman roles, When siueationed as to the reaa cheng aw Stephen's eyes at teat, shee ‘on: sf in “Powder é cific, There is probaly a relationship bena. “Then they wouldad foregone o colloct[Ing the state for mileage while no Ming st ft ea in Daman 2 7 fanaa to. dettay HE CAN AFFORD IY which could meke Her a sure ting to gee rid of m hengea they, replled that they nad [ing then 0 learn of four tng {Cliy tle ots ag Pink cow offensive nnd the spreading of the war, |" A Hispanh tron atm. = txamined the law whieh created look upon thelr job ax an opportun- when Steph —but she'd ‘make ae She'd polson iy ¢ deduction that they see ran downMegally. Th she he wada clear a, fhe commission and fete a thet, | Ity for service ‘his-mind vagainst Ana” wnert ix | to Gh t for forces released hy de whisky not apecitienlly stated, Hs trom the wate all the traifle wil passed in such rapid succession that would 1 go? Where “would I go? Betng a ney Fine St She of At, tnlnes that probably has erat Split indleated tos ai,ma wan ae thatthe commis: pey.—Grand Rapids Press. clive Diana was left breacaless. But win None of this would have happened ong aw he lit e sathact, 's help, ane had svlected the it re weren't for that dines ci that will moro-estect: ely complement the min 4 rice tha aia \ocant tie her. roles A Tight. clothes, presided over te. ni na shand-snateher on the screen, she | make such» ghastly ‘will. How household affalrs with Free Speech In Jers En re Tied or even been involved tn mances. already active image ae RBA Ine tot A bold stand for the American realized that freedom of speech does thatlo such thoughts, Adela ast What Poeant. ani E havent principle would become filed with seltpity of freedom of speech was|not mean’ merely freedom to say r and Snally dissolve in tears. Then tha accepted things. morning "sede: ete MFCM, THE spake, Sa takén by the New Jersey Supreme | the nice would determine that she must s from Hol y= Court when it reversed the convic-|!t resilzed that freedom—ta meet wide, beautiful bedroom to the lux dohe all:In. her power to make sui ath and the eager Sven eather Brother, a crany dog aha thon of nine members of the Ger dts own defipitin—must embrace | ury of who had that Diana id not stay—that of Hy tbe on pleasant and ministrations of Frieda, five black eats should be ‘ fan-Amertoan Bund afd dectared |the right ubresesteacY? Hized, furthi become her slave. It hdd all been 40 divorce uy Because of Stephen's kindneds Proper time. 1 tiemendubsty de the State's sace-hatred law to be [that thie Mant. can be Lmited only amara_than—half suspected— unconstitavional and invalld. by u clear Us com jerakand Timely Quotations ke with which. phrettereneeterny_amproverl Be thoughts of hero tha milo studios and Inte Pre nine were accuxed of making [he TMS Ti Tong been tha AMerIcan time you take a breath nearly 109 fundamental cont least once a week they iinea fo make the best of a trying situs mira vention of al concept of this’ jenever Adela became too of Hating strike somewhere tn ta) nda, I iHegal to/ stitutlonnl, guaranter. authors with “old. Elen” Cure’ and denounce ong fs Teowa ‘or advocate | drew. their Inspiration,I the habit..of|arnoing it aie Diana would console hertie thought that—she | hostillty. tox the great Franch libertarians, one e old indy. A. would’ en be fee, with $10.000 to mnadering tha unpopularity of {of whom with | of Welapad between The day America returns to tran capitalism the Buni Not a fortune, poy | spendas nLeemnttent, [every rt pon my, Due wl be the dev of Hiern doom, and. that ot tnere probab! ‘put Diana nad decided to tend tothe end four Fight to 1 0 be co € been ments already hate retor: e.—Em Connelly ear protents {tthe Wf bal sean wisely that before long to igieineat Bankers! agsoeiauc it might pe doubied—tripled. At upheld tiles” eonvicilons Mand thai the concept must re-|abld dupa Stephen Curt might contrary] main so long as we want this te be the difficulties Diana wt However, in taking We cught to drop out ThE Werds "Seber revs | ey ‘were good course, the court by no means ghve|a free and demeareile land. Without with her alstercin-law. main a matter for speculation until the gos Rink In terms of “hui nce a Elingre: approvalto uch, manifestatlo uch” freedone . eritici Phil Bruce had been x big help, ints ‘and Bina ‘eae sure they Lis ready tavannounce detmls of its! Herrick. regional a-| {ty preudles.-It. rritioneond Sire becomes. Impousibie, And without clearly, denouny egilimate | ree . Labor Relations Board, Tox : ould part. patiea: ra fining touch orticism, jeanaraey becomes, in| an i. them be “revolng ala 2 ra SIe SORE Ae extensive study of the region's re possible, Tiomust always be Temem 1, been beaten before. by besiee men —! minded Dron an id | pleased witn, ner" reflected” Image, Hig on. be unjust” nakes +—~—T beret that ireedom Phitoscphical reflection thay decision bas been reached, whi, Her halr lay In smooth shining 8. | Fay benten for major of NEN bUTSDOH Yat. in. refusing to be swayed oy possible the presentation of. the be made pithlic as soon as the ves of red gald; her akin glowed the. mood of the moment and the | Other side of tn Jn the-future the Hun will feel the sharne ; siggusuing. ature of the spacifie re- |from exquisite care and atteation: nets of the weapon with Weich he, ne sub and the warm, white 5f her. beau! tof a miktary airfield in|: tfonse, tHe: court realised that a! people can be trusted to male their quently the 01 a Eurtre acl tng greater point was aU lasue, It deelelor \—St, Louis Post-Dispaten. auird an unnrepare: 2 SIZE sists or thetheaten, nsula has Jong been urged as | + Wet When mt to sabigae the werld eh & measure vitil tothe safeguarding. of es Lv Balimere: Sun! | Winston. cinta‘il, aye iy her poss onan Re | Result That Coan’ Obstinate down for dinner one svening and @ fellow Sho sings bis own praise doesn't had just refed his girl trtena *Want any help, chum?" shouted: Stephen ad ‘exerted hitnselt to Wa crowd s-who fresn't know where he 1sMETgo | 1o-aHe restaurant-dinner,-and ta try]6: apeciallycl min: as they| a passerby. to a dri from the Lake aia district. TRe.Penini ee Ing but a on his way Ie uae earning te Soma men have | departed from the ood shop, she Ing to get a pair of mules through a cheat fo Sigubescand dune that he Was. kenuinelHy fond ula's- copper mines previde_a relatively The hardest season to gel" out ot bed Is sume | aata-_Don't you think it is bad, form} gate. her father, wha could gsc small but highly ‘important tonnage. Fratiie many more an eye. \y of ther subjects oe ier. fall, Winter and spring ee rot," was the snd re[to sop-up’ your gray with your |_through the Soo locks-wndSi.: Mai - eaten tor Tame of phen; was cnuldeted y how idle ¢o—know a sas} man_socked anther tor das. efnsil this.season peacted the record (tal or Sameearscpiiedak “io mountain n was kind to” iit mer = “bad form| Noan goL,two of theme blinkin’ eplied dalahist in coffee, The.econd. greatest ‘dunie! oF


= -

* a









© ag












1s ‘eames

iput't‘Ws very, good tas:

‘lighters into: the Arkt"

too, Herman bad coind






. at the church Fridey ment following services: ' Soeial Notes Blea Amertea--Ctab — The’ Mien ieee pe club met yeslerday to plan & Richard Klatt ral Ciyda Coombe in lade ‘Taree of he waters were bride: sale ee tae Sr hee) che second and finil prel Circle of the WS.CS at maids for Miss Catheri . and Mes, Jack Dwyer have) reeset for theguatern divlsios 2:30Contrat tomorrow in the chureh pare daughter of Mr. and ae Mike | revurned trom itele wedding tf ie wl halt mt theE 101 ra. The hoftesses will be Mra, Alva | and ar at 214 West! pie! Suabere ana Mee, Minnie Ru to urday. Ludington atreet ter, Admitted Mountain, in, Escanaba an ah: and Sunnysid"Clab—The sunnyside| were” Glenn Nal Nice Stared Havers, employed] peming dominated tiie first tourna Telephone| ment, Id Nov, 29 at Mantatique, Biethdey, i club will have ity annual} Chrisman and Kenneth Anderson.

Miss Abraham

Becomes.-Bride Of

Tn addition to har! alsters,| the Cross

bald a ihe alle

sociation portions of

will the


Work Tomorrow

Debate Contest At Escanaba Saturday

| Goren Ruwitoh, gentetic eector

ute alee | Tne ea Cees room In she

Marie, Newherry, Manistique, Vule in, Kingsford, Fetch. Ishpeming, Quinneses, Norway, Gindatone and to comple: niente during xthepectholidays nre asked | Escanabin, wall f to report Wednesday for more sup cory ve recipes in the new Cookle Booklet, now avaliable, Coyne, Dr. G. GF Jacobs a p Abraham, brother of the bride, were immediately after New Year's More and more in modern cook) beaten eggs and vanilla alternately ‘ng and baking, the sefrigeratorts with the sifted dry ingredients. ual The the" beldel pay witiesd the|! 1m roonte will he rebpened playing an mportant part. The Form In long rolls about two tnches| church, Miss Hose Khoury bang "E) Cone qin ite ary in nter awise The Stork Gookbooklet, “250 Cookie and Sait in dlameter rocetatonal | w°men and Olderirk in thts Love You Truly. Cal frigerator ta chi | thd recemional marches | wet" Vivre wine Sewing mnohrs "in Bom To

‘eked cookles fragrant with nute-and apices ha ‘A plate of freshly wholerome appeal for all ages—try some of the new and

brother of the bride;-was best man. Walking with the bridesmaldn, !

hou oe unt frm, Slice cookles| played By Mra. Rabichaud. seal about te Inch thick and’ bake he bride wore white brocaded "7" moderately hot ovel tating made with Uiked Boalee ‘Of couree, there are F), A few cookiermay be telmmed with lace, and sections on rolled, filled, al cut with a train, Tier Togerdip ‘al drop, and party cookies a1 well as ata Maker time. about and8 4:



Poet fest

Thursday night at

pce Mra. H. O. Ludington street. agin

Woaster, will,



Modern Plastics Are

Used In Toys

(Christmas = Party — Mrs,


‘Larsen, 515 Cook street, will be hos: tam to the Chautauqua Study club |,Modern plasttes are gradually tab at Ite annual Christmas party ‘at 1] avian Thursday afternoon, Mrs, faatics on Winkler Ww arrang

Blahop Page Society?-Mra.

Ae ernath " entertained eine eon ae tots tseuiaest tno aaee stoned i Eckelnert, the Bishop Page society of the Holy. initary. lghtTrinity shuren Inet evening at. ner| We Haht daraste” ang esteptut ten the converie} EqWAEL Schooig Edick ta beand (Charles represented Foe, Satur home, The lunch table was arranged | tures of pinstic tops they have any ne Tron atountain, Sanit Ste srith' an. appropriate Chrlatma se rained oa pouty fn a come

of \.a Saeguenne ee gis"Abranem, and. dlmmy acaba, Kad 2 Hing bearer." Samuel. “Abraham,

senairman. Charles ‘Swanton, able printed

Mins. Jovaphing DeLanels has«=| tutuned from Gi vi ind an the meebo rvgl Bernard, ‘of Green

determine the teams, to represent Mra, Joseph Judiah and/to) the | davahiee,find Elen, have returned tester letkion tn che UP. Tena fall pa xia its rth souemament finals Jan. 9 and 20 tn the altar | 3,0" Ri : Hach of the 12 comoctine.schoote with white white and and yellow yello cal iediearere | ‘ R. Saturday at {wo to eh take ore Dart uae in the Me triited ain white and ule | Rooms Open. For Red lehates and ner the chrysanthemum, 7 rrow | faalive

Puincows in Iron Mountain ona Noe draw the attention of pals othe drive, ‘The ‘ownsend has been placed is the Tron Mountain | dlee mn, on “Saptint church the. Norw seit. The Rev, ras ou will

—Sararinews, $o be placed In reading throughout y. Spe Ein reading material wi the Iron Mountain and oneey les, along with .coples ‘Christ In the Fine ware "The Rev. J. M, Logan, Presbyterfan minister from Florence, had the | rat yesterday's meeting, based on the present world situation, In hls talc entitled “The World Needy Rey, Mr, Logan said that "he ean breakdown of ctvilYaation indicates phat the: wortd bat not taken Christ sertously. ‘The social” hour following. the meeting was In charge of the Rev. and-Mrs.-H, Illingworth.

Final Preliminary

Personal Notes

in ihe hentqunrters Jn. the Nendavariere Unired States le now ag wns,

short t

Church Rarear— the: Quinnesec Methodiet will conduct Its annual baza the town hall from 2 until S Frida i 1h Gandy, aprone Dee. max gifts willbe sold. Annual Parts—The

“Ohio was the Horm stare t0 gain ~ nto thre Lnl




cnr There also Aid|


Mr lnnd Mrs Lesnart Cont, som: Thi moningat the Gen ral hos fiat, Mra. Cont ts making ner home uty SHEN ee” parents and eran aueche vlei be Lesa: 4 detaacn onMe Went s Areet, wile her husband ta te Dinner — The annual je bars, macaroons, mering’ rae Ihe service He is sintion at Camp dintierdance Crosa to the utmost Im of the E. M. B.A, will ona ines,’ Bealdes wndets addVARIATIONS Uieter tattie Creske Blich, 1 cup finely chapped nuts; for] act ‘and carried «shower || rely after th urday night Dec seValuable and belptulinformation ont feait cookies. do may-aéd any of bouguel. of pink roses and white 9! macage ef chapter teasers 1 cup chor ates, |#weet pens, For ‘something old.” League Will Comtuct te echnlaae ‘of modern cookie ¢ following: Falsing or mixed dried fruits tomething bocrawed aud goldsomathine Record Flight erervations mas | ihe ce SR spk Arrow Ie are all Kinds of other re- [blue” the bride wore Meetings Mm Teredlents, flavors. spice. short= frigernion cookie auggertions using | belonging to a reintlve, patty bingon nts tack with ine Chedstirian Seckal— perete Fy cotllon Aha measuring, baking lempersstor cone HURKEMIOnN Wine | Reg a pod e n and i b Inackerchiel |S reo to Mn et and wang) ong eosle’s Year wil ihecpawetinpany ote you need Presbyterian Chol 7 tonight for tures--everything favors Ihe'm, Yerme, Catif, shot av ar sctal at 8 tom] Church Gulld—The Ladies’ Gu fa complete. the. diniehed predic| and ginger rehear: “Conkle Beok te 37h in she] ‘The Mlasea Helen and rove BOP yar 200 nL in ine. afinnion Cove-lat tne Coucen af tne American suorenatilly te presented in atep by . ern rrlen now Abraham wo Swhteh oe the pute. te invited | M 4 tne ‘Matonlo Lodge—Entered appren- sep direction: In the booklets alway recused | ned spin net tkirta with pin r D Ged besal Roun LGarish hale nente sebastO OR ihe kas Uce degree, at 7:90 tomorrow night. v theré are recipes and tin tops, embroidered in metalic| the Wak! high school tn 1917 Se ccaratut ‘inves: lene cone

2 covering snacks, gold. Miss Klatt and Miss Virginia/and the Tier Peninsula. Heauty Sit he nw actipturel ducted lnat Catia stare Sewii junbeams—Tonight,” at ina: Abranam wore blue dresees, made|neademy in IW, Is ans operaror alt seal om Ted played towing ie boi the home of Virginia Shanks, in petiment with tye odd and attrac | PoPoultry,exes,ples, soups, salads,serts,meats| po-| with net skirts and satin tobe, thed | Sis s Beauty Shop. \c : reading, Irving f . Th ne Kingsford Heights, tive new shapes. fillings and molds. fish, latoes, sandwiches, candies and-re | with pink velvet hows. hey had o ot Norwaye offariory organ. a ae ong of retrl Speak: 8, Tesserts, Frenen-hats of pSundinsiaedinee m ~Tpiafin duet: Sar eno a 2 an. mee ee 2There “i @_ Westminster Circle of the First ‘one adver ftrigerator A insa Vinee made. nold|Eewm, Wed tor wnien wets Tong] AMIMNCEMRE Ts ale a a te ea ar Presbyterian church 7:30 tonight at taxes of of thethismosttype convenient that you Ti entire set ig also availabie, It's| streamers, Pink roses and white| Marriage of Mise Gretchen Sumiin. VN MUM Uy Nive, the church to sew for the Red Cross. the mixture, place lsit-in-the reine the made of durable anc attractive simpons were arranged In thelr’ joughie and Mrs. Pallio| thy peterson et cir Ye erauar and use Jt al you Farmers’ Union at 7:30 tonight in basic le | shoulder bouquets. Sundin..118 Dorland atrial, anil MIke | si isms mestage dy (he Me te onan xan| en,ea SOUT! wane oe ave e your) The mothers ot, Ihe bride and | Gardiner, son of Mr. and Mm Shike eng be Oe . the Metropolitan communtty hell. farlatones ‘There will be a. program, room wei ‘wine velvet 2 rogdhs Sr. 106 teBreenou street, atin) | foePe" petenea hame pen dee FOUNDATION REFRIGERATOR, household Ubrary_perman [Eero venasteat|eremimt ran COOKIES: (Te, ebain pour coon EE Cett"tryn ot plow aa oor nica be ete a ee with gar. Kingsford Cirele of the W$.CS. 1 cup butter simply present nts ani g |rectory of Church of the | nds of red ee at 2 tomorrow at the home of Mi 2 cups brown sugar ary Banbury, 829 Woodward ave: from this sue of The News| "Tne flowar git, wha carried) Americar Martyrs Enecenelaleommmtiesta thea ene 21 ape, beaten | asColiponme_ Newey e. offce in ron Moun: colonal bouquet of pink res and| he ceunie' attendants vote Ato | a e teaspoon vanilla an. , e 3 order: by snail send one, White sweet da long white |Stella Gardine? and Henry Gardiner i Conservation Olub—At 6:30 3% cups cake flour coupon and 15 canta 0 cents for | organdy Sreuh Inaet wth Mee, Te jaster aul brother of the arowny F ¥ at the Garden Village “4 teaspoon salt i ive fs R eevee . and e h h t ide and her Attendant “| , Slembers. asked to being Hf 2 teaspoons baking powder Cream





HeRoatiment Servi


tis Mnetaln Hews, Snagtha etn der an" Bi



Toy, it's topst



rot es

oe nt SR 5,



r ut “

bh its a t y nny 8 gift she'll love I

shoulder bouquets were gold chry=

int heranie eid and row fanthemume | Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner wlll residete at MS East C atrect. He | played. by she Censummets Lum com



“Best’’ v


‘*Tecrywin bee cet bre 6 ese


known world below at his alde and|

not alone.



ey re mrerin Puitle

22 He was born: IOP] 25 Fe Em} Rustan ult DANCE Mi 27 Saddle Ech Om ee Bb Part ot bes”

1 Pictured late


=e 33 Fiber knot @ 24 Railway (bbe


Carat) eel 34 Appended



Orns. 38 Metal:


EISED PEGs fasteners. ENC ASED| }38-Fendon 45 Dibble. 2Metal snare. 41 Feminine 47 Sun goa. 2Noah's baal. courlesy title

Biull al dah


oink. nat @


actor, 42 Destitute. 13 Moan. 14 Roman road. ‘16 To ‘ail. fort 8 Termination’ : 19 Fr

30 Expens 32 Constellation.

rticle. {

4Life guard

So Negative!

3 (abbr.

1 Worship. trv




27 Mimics. = af —i | * Se tha <—FERTICAL > es 44 Musical note. =


44 Moderately




rood piri camper ee a1Arabian” eRetae SE Uniof work: O1 He was a =’:

48Nevada ci $0 Pineapple

Ptanbeyeat —g8Moceating

+ province. Beret. ~isniere mate, wate, RED 5 _

19 Great Lake.


picture at


since you've no ddubt been.

ing before the mirror for the “nat half hour,” he teased, Diana Ja sheds remembering how a meme t he eto look through er and read" ee thou “Since se knew wo much uut_me. perhaps you know why Tenose a black frock tonight.” “Because you black sets off your fair beauty,” he hazarded gallantly. She shook n


mn Tessmer, Daggett.

$10.95 to $29.50

® Kodiac Cloth Sheep Lined $ Zip-out Lining ® All Col

Mr. and Mra, Peter Salo, of Wake field, became the bride of Mr, and Mra.




caute i tendInt cut black frock always gives a wo

\c the bred:


with black accessories, ee



is wat i"

BecausetL ciesfn ‘ceriain perton for | ctome nertcands. ot wachedmart hom

Yetta. qo lo. the cevil—is fo be |PFUNerofthe groom, was hat


en Likse faltered this WeAng fod ont wenn pou'ee [O'clock dinner was served the bridal Ml =

[isting the thought Tot Michard | PY Sra very tagera oisof | SVP, ce ae eir sive eer ona vote of evergreen

: Ion a. town tsguests: {noms bi bere TRE =| Sexy sand) Here me tox16 | ee Mien Vieainis ie po EoihetMey She invited him

retumed But she only answered with mock to Mr,Tron andMoun!‘Mra.tain Bertrand yesterday from ® je seriousness, “ know what to week-end wedding trip. He 1s say ta people I've insulted the nent briet employed at the Ford plant. Bertrand, graduated from Santa’s Wonderland ays "Whi, bello—how nlc, to 1e perfect lnm tent NT the is oven 1) be calling each other Diana shook “her head, "Some. t believe it will go that

above the equator, Singapore temperature changes only @ few de grees the year arou







fitted. Full lined kasha downhill pants,

2nd wedding anniversary of the bride's parents, ide wore a dreis of vene. ler linn blue wool, ma with black accestorita, dhe ware a book that a well Jouaue of range and white pam

‘Why tonight, anpeclali 2


SKI $18 95

Je “amited at | presented. "I suppos e it's usele: Salo-Rertrand f fo tell you how. lovely you lool | “sfise. Thelma Salo, daughier of




A Cherished “Personal” Gift For Someone You We . ae . r clly? Have you saectiart In the army ‘Would your Frlends In other parts of the country like to see pou. more often? Then you have from ‘one one to three rooktrem for marie Photographa msds for Christmas, It's none too early to he

e them made

Telephone 253 for appointment






so cotgnte 0 Wentaide Cirele of the First Luthtriangular bandages, for-practice-in! bring Christmas gifts ®=f eran. churen at 2 tomorrow x and-soap-for-a}lows 7 jane noon at the Robert first ald work. box to be sent the D.A.R. home at Wahlgren, 1105 West Hughitt street. ‘Tomaasee. 8.C. Kingsford W.C'T.U. at 7: Kingsford Helghts Ladies’ Ald of PTS Ansoclation of the Iron Moun- bride's cake, the Firat Presbyterian church 2: tain high school at 7:30 tomorrow rellow, tomorrowMra, forephe Seth, MP8 night for a program on tte theme jeorge Rabent and rani trip. Se wi Pee neDeeNeaE with aun exchange, will follow the Defense of America.” Dr. Alexan- day night on the fr’Westwedding Ser Witkow will speak on “Health | willreet,liveThe at bride's going. Ludington Fellowship of the Wesley Metho- mee! way COs al ree! dist church at @ Wednesday nigh For Deterse” PTA tomorrow night tume consisted of T drese made| | There will be a program and social at Ludington schcol, There will he confer with a wine velvet skirt with a! Bur, in chara of. Mra. Ered’ Jac encesthe between wine Jersey top, and accessories to the teachers and rs, arthur Carlson, match, parents from HL a on er | Outaf-town guests were Mr. and business meating will be held. port rystal Lake of the WS.CS. [brief By Bernard Rusky ‘Mra. George Abraham, Mr. and Mrs. a Pan tomorrow at the home of There will be program. Including partment will provide Christe ‘Moses John and Mr. and Mrs, Nick N. Mrs. John Jelsch, G36 Woodward ‘Anthony, of Ironwood; Mr. ani Mrs avenue, A Christmas program, ar jases Lillian | att ranged by Mra. R, Erickson, will LADY BY REQUEST fellow the meeting. all Batch and) dnughters Wolverine Glef Scouts tonight at dinner clothes, waltthg fof her. Tt Nick Jacobs, of Iron the Harding avenue hall, instead of] Bi little attention for which tomorrow night, wax aiwayy_ geateful—thls priv The south nnd east. Members are 10 the Bitls are to bring thelr scary lege of doing down into the

green,awithes brown accessories,




817,86 ‘The Moat Popular Wool. Bult in the Nation, 5 "LADIES" Seysnoes-

% .










2,265 Phone.

Vand at.the biuexed-out peesldio of trom leh observation towers neph Timilty ordered 12800 air raid © dens to report immediat anor leaders, great and small, San Francisco, 15 huge ssarchlights| throughout the regton, and cooper: ~ [ead io duty evaty avallatle police oherus, were placed in operation a hell-) ating with t the! hour after the alr rald alarm, pledg! Bt Toon Police brondeast to all a Units In tomy of union mera bers In overalls| winpows ‘Trustee Gaber, was told that minors to arin the. battle of production. EATILE, Dec, @—(—Smi were loitering ia, local taverns, and’ Strikea—long the bane of the de-| wt looting fonse ” program—viriualiy sieap-) snow windows were buying drinks, or getting older © ‘of more than 3,000 person! tnd left for an unannounced eatin | iared. Dersoris to buy intoxicating Mquor ‘The broadoart feewtties frst wartime ation, As-far as could be learned) no tnton for, them, | motot ie 2 ot thelr aan droad Textslative program Jor war hinckout In deflanco of police to All radio ringe stations as possible Daring November, 2,265 company: Fifty-eight Uprer Perla ‘a chile! j purposes was {mmediately” planned | day he crowd, complete out of con ling airway traffic in the Mew 4Merk oir ‘Miss Jean Anger has. return Sealndetnea ‘noxpitals ta be prepared dren ranging rangi Ina (6 fro wo to 19,| -tSapitol oF consider owned telephones were in servicein ° shut for any emerger oF from Salbeveles where on visited. trol af city police, milled through | city vicinity were suddenly lll expressed the belet that | the ac Commissioner the Jrom Mountain. exchanes.s center or the a isin own, the, alrway (raffle control Mr, a 8, MarshallG tier whom are pee In {heme declaration of war provided the Foun MeHCensle sald that he had te aislting here. Mr. Northern Children’s l=) progident with full powers and a7: dluriet, foe an: hint Inning SAIL planes at LaGuardinfi old were. se Stora. from. Miteher “Piet Rete toe. the,Michigan Del Tae i 30 snowAt) grounded. enston de } . Ble in Marauette, where they are) cetted the prohibitions which fim- iudnight. Approximately ing fom tiny shoe shortly before noon (CT. ta, be| phone company. 2 he eae tee Being inven orchopedic treatment) ited his authority under vaclcus Wisconwindow Const Guards Alortom the alert for an air raid ‘The company as a whole operated and | CasinoBinet Ballthrone tnd Tonn way Eee 4 or aze victims of infantile paraly-| statute: to huge Ai ‘Tha-coast guard cancalled alt Ib. ‘compan; "rhe cummalssloner esL-he, Vala “it get a furl meaaure of Yule, and Allies With t rot 8080 Huring |& of bartenders, at the ‘Village Board—Tho ockins Fepuris tint several aineane tide chawr this rs ere Lareugy "Additional, declaration: v oard ng withi the i Ma nr nae er erty and ant sinin ate eaten iscost hosts troaanout the mates fostile planes were oe the sack ast | Ne sed ohn See) dur oa, {WHE consider bids for the purchase Eyes ranged 19 alllew by the side of the fou.Nearly and codst (this had not been of m new truck at an adjourne dep! were, politan arce. J te Sutlnes a ced| United Staten Tor "rugsle jolted, someall ofof-the offically) and that tnelr estima guard planes vee meeting, talted the merchandise be-| § Alon of the December 8 Island wes ‘ trial at o a eS of clreult : aunctd! ahond, Including email hemienere Ing pare arrival tlme over Lo: for 7:30 tonight. thrown In the streets and other patroiling offshore when the ala Chetstmay stax party will be alven! [OPUPICH, Cup expected to more valuable pleses dismppeartng.| come througt from Army ote le ae and Ene, resulting sajpopal industrial dehenae bro: tre charged with, galling all, the main crowd covered | Shortly: Lina patron upia ie Masonic temple, Ser Hemiaphe nations which were, city blocks, leaving, a wake riny f l a h t e r roare; + but ‘Michigan's toleigeer Feed ze yer itn Eve not planning war dectarations either| we | phone have vevvtesdoneie tasatlectedtin stetlec prelinintywy heating al and. missing ni The battery and Neaded up the Huds mprcaram to nolity the citizenry by | Sburt bethra dudgs 2 shattered glass => yg nasa ates pot to) aNd Revered “plematte cease] ealieteds fire engine and police car slrene At fica fog ovemnbes Sit £e oc a single weodala son river. ren Ta! ae aE lewd Greer Japen or tind mentedtoward « policy Rodney Smith, command- Sra nen po rdow Murali t ant‘Colonet ane |e Potke “ie Svareea with two | Ernst. and Mrs. Beymour FN 2) certs in vate eae eaitaphe| cna whe | ofSiHbenevolent neutrality the at Fort ‘Totten, Bayside, Long the city was rendypr for action. "Through Koverer he company | coun, selling liquor F donot bring2 toystose casheas donations! donations| UMC“rere States, bas. aad 301 124 tolephones since] 18 ng ‘Masonic totge—The annual elecwas a possibility In th off Air-Raid-Alarms ~ | minorsme otter on tne That a solidp Amer meeting of ofrrctaliy Informed of the abproach FBI Rounding Up paring with 08.590 during the same Tne bartenders are thcheraed only tlon Japan ight material will ba held’ tale oveningmic lodge folowing it hostile aircraft 7 1 i t h i 1 jt I 1 Chis migaceiad & sonieroner of ail In New York City ‘At Fort ‘Toten la a Honed the Aliens In Wisconsin Antctpate an Inereaso of abovt 110~ ™Plotkes Schroeder and Ecker were [foie to jay 2t American republics to docide on a tea ecu (Continued from page 1) 62nd coast guard a resalt Pee common poliey In the Paeitte ws MILWAUKEE, Dec 9—Up—Fea-| dor the, fully a Tea | anes Inti custody by state ecHtkrs |, G , Ole Bergeson, Edward ment, chief ant ze. in a raid l a s t week. Seven tavern Unitea States acpepted at | — ind tral purea Of ipvaaitention.9 telephone call records wero set. U8e | men in all were arrested, four of Buehler and Eimer Bowm | the alrport and they prepared to do Naw Lork region onces The in be dlopatched on short notice men dally a over all of the-com= Bo at once. [accord with Spertamen's Club—A pulblle danc- € allens. in ‘Milwaukee, asine,| gene shen ; 4.808.640|° fines,"Tho entire ergency refueling depots were tojo any nearby aullty and agreement ing party, probably the last to pevina Orhkosh tered cities In the] pared with an average of set um in the vieinity of the tield| |The feestarte bureau of the village board -hae-been ine held In the community dub gyms : cpportuntty for| War emer announced by the Mils| In November, 1940, The company’s terested In these to be waed in the event that tne | New City notice department being Chel es, naving me time, will be cons T eftic dally averuge of long distance calls perienced similar yiglations main refueling plant was knocked receiv “ihe Mitchel. Field playroe locally. portsmen's, club neon TRS during Ne>| At a recent meetin oul fa sald 1 was indoeasing the wire compared with 68.685) structed sald Frank H. = T ‘Alr raid lstening posts througn- forourh heat quarters a scordingly: or were out Long Isiand by | Coal 14 Rouse, to visit the n on, potentate of Ahmed ‘Temple, In nn offi Maadquartere of the NYA defense In se continues In the volunteer spotters. warned to b e prepared for Incendl “Thi and girls tn the) night through St clans mat ‘at Sewn N. Captain Tus:| ary tombe along New Yorks teem, Norther n Children's einte er fares of the |iNg Waterfront where millions of or other obstructlans, from come from all cour he Upper the Macifle would not eut short thin seit W. Gray Ioenaes ‘must be procured worth of war supplies are/ PI viding aervs | the windows. Femirula ard hal ot de toe tran aioe program of lend-lease ald Tigis ablervatlon aquedzen would dollars by tourists taking automobiles into crowded into wooden pler Tes'where and when needed af some ¢ board, In a complaint filed by be dispersed about the airport im: Faypt. not only will give them m merry to Axis foes, of the pointe it serves, Clarke sald, mediately to make them scattered|> quarters notified ali Paulo cecarheadChristmas, but wilt help to bring | pas targets, The field has no fighting thom cheer for all the year." anes statloned the ‘The Christmas ag party will Jap Planes Scout get under way after a brief “ae niarm wnasounded at the| "We ha at Navy's huge now air tase at Quon. | squadron of planes In headed taward heduled tor 720.4 Over West Coast sett, Ro 1, and all eyillans were or: | preparations, $f tdenti Make all necessary ntertainment has been arranged and food will be served (Continued trom Paj dered to evacuate, Officers fled | planes, men were vat thelr bale station Arthur military reservation at San Civilinn employes alsa were evace Radlo Beam Silenced \ The radio beam of the big east ated from. Be Loston Navy yard. U. §. On Notice ‘It Pedro |oston elrpore alto was. altenced, Coming with startling sudden- Bonton Schoo reporte Can Happen Here’ ya tow city that bad never even oly tnroughoat the greater J oftfictals | practiced a blac ut ihe gt. ale| Moston area. were-ordered to release| Boston Police Commissioner Joe __ {Continued trom Page Onay | rat Fall children at once, and z yarning a great outpouring trom the sehoe!| | You GIRLS WHO SU allocations board alrendy w: tem, bulldina all-cut ‘wletary ps Police ordered_motorists to. drive "The fethIehem Shipbeilaing comofficials sald called] with only parking lights. Street pany’s Inrgest plant, at Fore River, 150.0000 000,000, over | cars turned off moat of their Hghts,| rear Bosten wat completely evaci: THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT and above the $79.900,000,000 anpro-| and. motor buses preceded without| ated under orders isrucd by Buperpristed or authorized for military lights, AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! © intendent Wath Coins Re-Up. and Yend-lease purposes From disteict Acchouses all over ‘The pinnt has 18,000 employes, + SPAB told Americana yenterdey| the ctly came th 0. site Massachusetts’ civilien vale tal that * every activity of.0 jenal|ena, as engines vice went Into action ur. evvillan economy" rust | ine streets and Pr emergency | sh tly after noon on a report that -makets turned on, All local planes were approaching southeas Work in Wat Weather? Thaw out n Wards e browdcasting statlana were, off the} term 8 i service employ ‘ae nur | Men’s Rubber ("5Alone the cit bere of cvilan spotters, work Heavy Duty

Niagara News Three Held For Trial On “-|Liquor Charge



“Use Here






CAVI'S Aurore,Crystal Bar Wis, Hi DANCENG

feert-to the cotore HomHe otebuat 10 coast, oe There 2 ndwas scota correspondin, 3 aire rusthn ~



{and the Pacific const's experience|





out Tapingyou'reeral ‘ie

bf =e ‘em when

Fe Nes Tinesevaretiet at every


bur feet

Sar Os tua py


eves Erte inforced

Long-wearing soles!

welded on to stay! Black.

‘QABBRR sa ‘rr.

feat might wit walling. ale red cheng and Tinckoate wae expected |B

Areties fer warmth

Firest ures one






\ \




Collier's Life Time, and Saturday Evening Post







Wednesda y Evening Our store will be open day evening to men

from 7 to 9 Wednesly for Gift Shopping. Refreshments will be served,

nef national enity continued unabated, Former Pres ' anserted nat with all © must have and



but MM Is just







Gi ft

Used 41 Ford 40 39 39 For 38 37 37




35 33

“Beautifully Boxed for Presentation


SHOP FOR Own Home.

Ox wh tft CALE? ALL THE FAMIL Y--Comfortably C


Sa a





The best of ‘emis M&M


reap er


caeiff, Binet

a ai tieht deel sonyt ay all he


Strap Galashes 1° weet Meecertaed so ste




lladjustable bellows


nen |

{ ie

1 h

Light on yoor foot, but tong

Men’s Arctics

40 Mercury Coupe 40 Mercury Tudor

39 Mercury Tudor —3?-Zephyr-Fortor———} —— 6 Studebaker Coupe 40 Pontiac 2-Door 39 Buick 4-Door 39 Plymouth 2-Door 38 Plymouth 2-Door

36 Olds'4-Door,


"OnShop dligplay at our upinside where it is Sho pinside where it ia warm and comfortable,

Kingsford Motor Car Co.

= @

me out snow! Whit



In Your * Graham 4-Door MAN || 3¢ Buick 4-Door rs —_ || 35 Chev. 2-Door

for the operation ot the Food Concession Stanit the Pine E 2. Ca at the Chamber of Con Bollding for specification Links hefore submitting bids, which mete Ty Hae Tater than December Tron M untain-Kingstord Winter Sporta Asdoetation

Snoming? Side you

Satiny 2-Snaps’ OO wrormly fleece-lined

into rubber-boots like x drum

majorette's! Reg dn


Ford Tudor

34 Ply

“College Majors” jy BOOTS— in rdbbert

eaay-off! Sating brown,


37 Pontiac Coupe

Bids s will he accepted at the Chamber of Commerce office

9 out of 10 women prefer

1-Strap Galeshes yj? wormly Heseerlload One snap—and they're, cored naw and rain! Easy-on




LENOED WHEEKEY—80 Proof—72:5% grain neutral spirits —Prankfort Distilterien, Incorporated, Lauive eille & Baltimore.




10 women prefer thw


For big ond fittle sister

wm tenn tit


dared etree ase tet


: Storm

4-Buckle Arctics




Welay thorn afactes

acarm Jisingl proc! buckles.


Heavy Soles forL



Kean hee Feat der all winter 7


Ties ine i

Sting blashe br

Sbioy. Hack

Rubbers ° Tubbersecut


‘Step out in the mow in

News ovar your shoes!









Boots ye


What cotld Be prettier there black velveteen boots! actually water-re~ They're lent! Cosy too, wit! ar etfls, Black; an het, ‘i





Next tsa yoit shovel snow

from the front p:

hing, puddles

Jumping, blizzards]

° +




‘Basket Fund _ Campaign’


Qiong of the coment



‘Three years aga when his son, Lieutenant Sam McCornock, was an officer on the ship, the clerk re ceived a dole of the Oklahoma.


For Consty Purpéces.

Offered For Servicemen

Ing to-information


at the Emil and Frest White homes

In Bast Kingsford on Friday. Bart “Johmion, of Port it Mra, Wilt Wentia vielted over Embarkation Brook ahs Tiatthe week-end1 in Champion. the week-end at his home here. vdeo Tobin has;returned from Warner Bruetle visited in Crys nies Mr and (es, W. Jackson, sisament oe prepared bythe ie sens Jon Road Deal, Green Bay, witere he-has been ém(nl Fails on Saturday, blic Expenditure Survey; Chareh—Cholr ri ployed. a data compiled by tha.Michigen state McCornock Treasures Willem Seton visited in Mar a Wednesday ar 131 Bible stacy ‘ M r s . Ie_A. Nowak tax commission aid the auditor gen cette eesthe west aads -|and prayer’ service at the home of Menominee, where Picture Of Battleship ‘coun Mt Dorfies Sr, war 4| Mes and’ Mrs. Clifton Rarale, In from Ives, mer the largest per capita as as rinceton, Thursday evening at | ™ CRYSTAL FALLS, Dee, 9—No In- cal Ser in Tron Mountain, TRON. To A. E, Mrs, Ferd Lindeman to visiting fw wheat a coaney purposes in: 1080, RON RIVER, Dec. $—Men In the Jonni Harwgen’ vislte| 7:50 ‘ Muiwaukee with her brother, Matt tn the states ‘The tention oft decelving t ‘county It * Mr, and Mrs. Falls MoCornack, chief clerk of the drait aervice welcome two kinds of aifts, | ot onSaturday, Anerson-Dixon board, the reported attack upon the particularly those which icontribute county, tax 1a $12.10 per capita,wecom the We dam sraentee made # ed inolanCrystal Brnette baa retina from a mets ee anh Robert Fea. of Chicago, ined USS. Oklanos a_Japencre [to thelr personal comfort. and cas! paced i oe we fow years ago ia found In the fc Waersmeet, where he here with his parents, Mr,-and- Mrs: bomber was more than naws ‘buy a few extra luxuries, acc wecorte ro, with = county per apie Gh” Got eaistant- general 1aa8, week. +>

~ Tron County News"



Lester Johnson, of Big Bay, sperit

Gorrow Says


tax ‘of

goin | Daraker

ot th



Mie parents instep ne thy atet@hasac wit ek pares, Mia

poral Welter Btelake, Army feGtult- see sshonL tars wary Hao in gan Power company, told the tron td. at his home here over the week-

ing officer here.

high,at $15.60, Iron yn county was

Email Wifler,

county road —commission, are

of Milwapkee.

fiepar iow.rn anc


nd Gordon “Sregon

Mee, Walter Seenin


and daugh-

ayrnl-pailg- ere


We ee




ts visting ia

nights meeting,— Corp, Stelnke passer that word ‘All lorat taxex ware $730, in The company -had consented to] ont e mand ane base ite tendantas. Mrs. Enstrom is a sister | Mra. Ander wtheutenant ant McCornock afew along as a timely suggestion for Kealkaska and $5010, high. in spond 97,500 for a ‘Fower line trom months ago wag transferred irom Christmas, Likewise, relatives and See tt batesex here, | of Mra. Piro’ Dr. Clifford To Hin, has returned to, | to. Chea friends of the mien In camp or on islting hie pare the Great Lakes naval station ta the jona may wiglato ala Tenged from S100 JM Alvan 5, 1 aes adel Jonson, son m Alvin, mber of the soliciting Tobin: shipboard are urged to mail. early, Washtenaw Oscoda, th Paw dmv ‘and Oscar m. Arnel Anderson ‘in all parts, of the alate, a great volume of packages will with Tron at $3 | nae to serv property owners | wa teal Sonnsons vated. tn Cheapo. with arity food matinees wil Plearloy. 2tn ie gow sonvalesting tn for Seventy-two counties of the 83 in re and Mrs be_going to the recelving centers ength Areas, ated hosplial at -the--Brovklyn-Navy for men in the Army, Navy, Coast {th Chased, visit olected Tos Proper re a Gorrow sald, hie tim spon Mrs, G.HIngon viaited In Mary Js. Food “collected at Rae Faxon tee on a trip Mra Water Nelms. Guid and other branches of the| thee ea per pert S16458 on ihe job, which waa ccm: Ineaco_ on ‘Sunday. thowa will be used for tha Eneist Homer Tearery Lehman gra daushe t Utianneuneed = destination r Mee.~Kleanor, mas ata, to be given needy and alate ald amountedto 8310, 20 1940,had railed tn \Grandine, 8x, returned toner have returned fram ha Sent, cominiasion Tire ANGE cheeaing the poet woe | They will maky theic home in Fetch, frsallie “Jorwarding addresses should be Gatti ree where they visited re ea aon bu Stliwauker, Dixon Site sehere Haserr The management of the Partect with Mrs, ard Mrs. J placed on all cards, letters and pack| Rg, Matters For 1 C. Caswelh cemany y attorney, on theater fn ME ee see ncertmaty ages, and the latter should be se Routine Matters cor plaints of lorgers in | : at an Disnaw and daughter Clark, superintendent ofSiumbaugh the: they stilt have road! Ome Felety hugs s i t o ! s i t h tae class swill plan 0 food matinee. cyrely wrapped—and plainly ad- County Board Meeting “Rind Sen | 13%, and Mr. Dixon with the The Comm dressed. Following are the re CRYSTAL FALLS, Dec. 9—Only Carey visit MES. inet of 1912 Survey Take: h ont a ‘crystal andPalleister the Bt dro saat solalers i thas Bisli Corbe routine matters-will occupy on Sun nent | of supervisors Spent Breen anes. nthe WP tome, $0000 young Pepe's Roclety— tants toe to- T° ey Olaf Vicklund, ayt 2 at the home et Orland Mi ad the buliding ‘committee will Ree vt a tm eommlasinn withsil e ee Mr and Mey 8 5 ite, ner ome,a Carts TROT RIVER. Dee Police and port on the effort to obtain larger. i's account $22,000 “in the red.” has ad In Beale on Mander prizes wero awarded ethene technicians fice cnet, mine safet: ¥ club, Future Farmers of America eer athera (ateres mi and C¥O groups Quarters for the old-age asstatance| (ec ined to 8 money: Mianionary Sertety—Meete Thurs: Oliver Govicx mate x business SAFO seve bat tn ret Virmond, ua ait ‘aitend a meeting of the ifs Buyers ‘should consider ne een I e crowded for sr eatite i s coms) ay afternoon at the R o m e o f Mk. | tri ta Chicaga on Monde thought an Pw. spaying. taxesin theoy songs) oer rch Tob Aaeing Naat ; ty| .‘ chairman, ‘Mist Laura Fiske, ita county defense coune!l in ihe new polis where, dldiers are atatloned| 10" taenga Mas ublelaed in he thee Gow onaIs Kew Valuation Mrs, Claren r ante fochon, Miss Ruth Dahl- Stambaugh recreation center ai 4 ion Army repre- tomorraw afternoon: Ee Satan one enon fo eanaRaRgete PO Masel. SES) gmantaton ¢Unte—Dr. Alsat Willan ae wn Pessaning a chairman, Cente Ey oa eae ea "rae mean thes moe or ek arom Sauna | rion Se rrestuilte, on Instructions Ing tha Sieth Corpe Rog, Ordered PUR Basket Packing—Mrs, Henry Hi from Ltthe colmeeting Hareid Furlong, state “Candy. cigarettes, smoking ma-|foot. and improvement of the heat- | war’ macker, representative of the sal sefense director, their prope etn TT conduct en Trmunietin | Sh pcan ae Le ESOT, ‘Mantey iy. ‘cigarettes, Sea nae | SoEe Suiee oon rout commission a Pies in Crystal Nyy Fallafrom township. to ina selraion alan lthie tm BERIAAINE som. Cand mnt family who yesterday ‘de; terials Ovation ‘army, 4 Of the 8E, phat maghalwiicdlin: ron iver high choot. student clare: mergency,” popula and m Fare ae | ee ver ie, was Ine 1 tm come) Eruradan morning a the"Ste calior nt the cheese thstory SattrItreming. that everything pestible be cone to protect iron mines S“galciting (partlal)—Mea, Willem must ed, homever, to rake a aunvey a ite {10 ws of Witch ake prevecfroul chikirens | 1%oN THEM : . ‘am ehitiren, nnd presschoot grade whe 28)) Grady fats dam the aichamme fan Garfield Drake, find other induatrles vital t9 na. siftthwet poriabe Rntha ae[Hrctel Mrs, Gilbert Colberg, Mrs, Martin ecracbeamenaed: nd 10 timber determine amount . Trem given Mountain was Is Sisitedihe onWibiam Remy, Mere, A. J. Smith, Mrs, Floyd Gseantaton of auxiliary fire and thi toads the ‘tine ‘rupee lls Rearby cwned the by the county. | DFL ously SBP for”togger, hub doe Felch Monday afternoon, amet mits, particulary for the rs.| police Ereyetto, Mrs. Turing Vanzn, men ee ee ea ae een figy the apnof Rall | | Te man B aut Poser and other industries will be a. Robert Sexcn. iinee her-roadside timber " ron Mountain visi ta ia of experienced: conslderes Miss xatherine Seott ,2 L, Nasi \ nthe esi ena nuner Promoted To _ ee sllarean Ea sileve misrica wi a 8186; otisee athlete cithing and | jatistactory prices can be obtained nd R, Sherwood, whe ts cheltman of the | eet ers Crystal Falls Gunnery ‘Sergeant. Wletoun thet Nervend sie Bact oe ry Ked Cross chapter, urged the or sewing paste, wrist” watches, ‘Timmer, son of Mr. and | Johnson, tn Metrope a1 Fr ACTS public ta Join ap er once. Since | =| powder knives its. tan shee |" nig“ and Mrs. Flos Mortenson Fetch, and | day ae 1 WAYS Eeclecnton of war, h . s : I Jand Mr. and Mrs. George Relaman, member o€ attery (177th Fleld | oMrs, Arthas Nelwon ands ic Red Crass have been greatly lab, handkerchiefs, scrap books, pho- | O/ Pontiac. and Mrs. Jo‘n Steele. of Iron Riv tL won Ree suyille, are visiting wat8 HT ONE w expanded cub, was


Of Mines To--

‘Be Planned

*Ottawa Group|:

to albums, cameras, poslage stamps, | Thyhing. Minn. viitertoith Mr. and

Orders New

the "eruster to iterman in me

Molieben hk. Forrest Lawrie and Hi, B..Rysbere Fountain pens, automatic. pencils, | sre tar ave retumed from Marquette, Uppers, musical Inmatias Deamnowsil has left’ for Vege and high schoolinstruments, publications. col-| Str.” Steele ° the former, Fae Detzolt, Toedica! atten Mortenson, of this elty

APE leat

*Tour Books.

lta Meta

a eo

rand Puslief, heey Sheatearth eee


an of: gran ee

ee ee






ig mew rating he ncaa uh With Aastineie

Memes dif ro ign onan, ti cytnc oe mitan en m aa je om Sur ion Sat parent STmMMUITTS chestand, soe “thine pire the srasher, Hel" Raving tn hie comme n ’ | Sir, andl Mrs. dack McMahon ' ine ia Sirhan by Gevrae Bernard clrvel hae the eal intaded she Moy ceuneral ammuritian <orpore Marriage Announred 7 eee apust = brosTeuly erlongo has returned tram ae IRON RIVER. Eva Anderson 18 visiting Tn Fea ae eee ee oe cecal na Siegler, daugnter o f of the Ottawa Tourlst association, wahooBrady, where he spent the Ishpeming ing with brotnernciaw | |e24actidm Mt peareatthe Linge eAhetheater BRNSEALtor TA am sinaf Mra, Lauia’ Stegle Sract les Hard. WORKS £08 socenesa OURS to ofense coughs, at a meeting In the Miners” Sta with her her brotherinlaw T o v Sil h y vie goverment any dus Roster muscular tightness,relieve and Paul Autio, srtoves Jn Chicago, i hem nd ater, ir. bank last night, ordered 20,000 cop- is visiting w formeny/martow and Thursday, Togay events tk ‘hast Wartd wars are stored in! 2 Be a ots holnk Men en Kine ee bringreal hone his parents, Mr fet of a new and larger. vacation Andrew Autio. Sere ees Ormeny| nave caught up. with !Major-Bar-—2olmes! wa:chouse Rathes than rox! 4 W e d _ ren nite ©, T@met this trepreved trea gulde, for tourists. Feilded here. on Lintoln avenue. b fe tite ee y. Nato tae ante Remit in Tere FIN nate|| just ereeongeVapottit Dor anata athe fogunner core) an Nin a hoes 3 Mrs. XJ. Cybulski left today tor color, Yooulet be a fo spent the! fact" areviewer has w's Will oaek the railroad Seminal Aa ohaeatt "sice Haute, ms GN Bae es oecites Wi Kegan, TH to visitD. A. Mace Uist Frances TonFedrizz! with new pleturet “art copy, Mountain at {hel eriginalplay Is Ba contemporary ae which nas 450 fort ie gun. raiy [-Fege-tinate. sree theoae-an ld ue S onan will -be dedicatedt ime ot her brotheri-aw and si the recreates extending off the maty tine near poy. aut Skog, of Camp Davis, No pesidenty. of Mardy then seeo cis Sm VICKma Bond, famous song eat of Milwaukee, mes [aise on Joa eleiting his mother here“. | ing for Indiana, tract for p fuelling be pacente Mr and Mel DeAmlcl is the former Miss ‘rene _Bave Conte “Ronald Pancheul 21 to ine spt Ta Soe | Toon tn visited Catlzon syle, the Stewart ‘Taylor company, | assed costs af $540 yeater-| Holmes’ Richard ne Fedral yon Bulan, Jow BI fayre when forarraigned beforedriving. Juvtice fe 2 the iter, Ralph Hust, of Missourt, | SANdwich Price Boost | Mrs, Ben L. Quirt and daughter, a 5,000 copies will be Nancy, an Prox Ladics'| reckless He| tract . have returned from feued In January” £0 annual id BE the Mission Covenant church,| was arrested by Sheriff King fol-| here to Guat Westman, of Stam-(te visiting at. the Rev, Johnson | yr . outdoor show in Cnteno, at whitch end trip to Milwaukee, wnt held’an wari iowing A-cotivon tore “Saturday baugh, on hie Mit rr SRA Tr : ins Mayor's Okeh mn. Proprietar of of stambadn,program Pine Otawe Sesvelation will barzepstarting at 2] night mchaue’s: eF| Type C. Kewaunee unit. Qthe= tend: mut Mire Atthue Larsen and sera ; shop, has lett for Chi- hristmas m., tomorrow, In the church ¢} cago, on a buying tri ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ero Alanen have relurned from Milwaukee, where the: visited Mr. and Mrs. co Philaja, and Mrs, Charles Dzarnowskl e directors delleve that. with arp ithelaarentd-ettn Galante Pas elfective advertising. this distrlet tricla, born Friday at the General wi hospital, gone elsewhere f forle have rsciiing o¢ teat sighs ection revarnedand toMrs,theirWilliam home in ‘Wake. feta after ising Mr, and Mra Peter oF

are: rinted tour!

el tock, Dr. V. R. Buxton and Grose.

tigen, where he will cased Inta service. Mrs Eugene Bolduc and daughter, of Chiengo. arrived yesterday to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs, Wilfred Bolduc. 5,, mex Fontecchlo has to Tron Mountain, after visiting "is rotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Tlern Mr. end Mrs, Thorsten Erickson Ane Beene -

par-| qtrucke another at Sixth atrect

anil) ory were Te De

forthe Eri noone. A/S foe wae2a anrm “inte wit be Brought Princeton, Ti! pended and Ponchnid waa EIVER & jaecial cash gifts to Ee ae 30-day suspended sentence, il alto he rece. Mrs 10 Sanit iW cheraa Ob utaary Surprise A group tclends pleaeani'y surprised Mist) MS. GEORG FALOMAKEar Audie aehane Seana on at her home on Roosevelt avenue, Th 1 Wednesday | cecusion Wag her sixteenth birthde Games ana fards f “i oF su i s wer ome in nt the | rt Fneworien ede as & pinks and ene teense ne becaries At the Henry

hirthday” BMiys gifts Johnsen was home the Rev. church A.A. Fant, of funerai|the resented withcake. many Fiest bybaheram Nea. Palgmakl fe survived by her| At The Perfect—Jean Hersholt | husbind: a son, John. and daughtor, Mrs. Selma Tadlelio, of Crystnt | Falls; another Beljia Hion*af agua inartWiacto aber A wa brothers nine-year-old soprano, sings in the


em ee aS

or Cunard, spent a ener i lake cesslonaire,

eng ta: ei in secking


ane OS nea. Mar kucttte| he virgite annec nnd Dixon visited| football soe: jm pie fe) ‘ in Escanabaha on on 3Mon theh m relatives ‘and ‘t cour mayar | Mt and Mrk‘a Artthe Skogman, and || Deke mines wns hiked from 10 0 19ondcentine tunnel Bain’ Sande tro, noms egaunee on SU ——— aie —aaeke 1 aaa a Mim Jake IE Heme an af We Are Meaved To Ananunce n i l Forest, spent That: Sunday hers at the ‘eenAlbinBay, Carison home, i Mae ay | Mary Elizabeth Johnson piven

will Nold a Christmas party OD erst aay at en a has been added to our personnel At© ureh the Homo of nig.Yr Tho Lottie spend {| 405 be a persanny -Miaste Olvon aWer home 8 monthin Green an Day, with attr her mother, merwill fe X= Nasiessea,AL Gifls Gene Peller MPs: alten Carton will b am Davidson| hang ane St Branhack visited

* Two More Registrants Rejected At Rhinelander | Hbearces 5 ore Oncar. Salo, Nic IRON RIVER, Dee. 3—Two mort production. ‘Tt concerns the natin, Pa benSamm Stilo, Iron county registrants were rejects ams Wath, oh WG ca recently at Rhinelander for phys+ efforts of Dr. pte to bring Juste a young moan gul y of en Korkomaki and Vietor Sillamana, feal detects. ‘Kapusta—ot-traTevers] viewon the mrolnee make fENee BE . Florence rho yaa held over for. Ferexamnine: ‘child, hn been unjust| Hon, wns, place 3 4-F, Ero Ty accused pf the.cilme he takes| Sergeant “Roy Mughes, who has enius of Stambaugh, who teaches it upon himseif to right the W pean spending @ few= ess dave Stasty af th ent at Cedarville, Mich,, was glv-|! home of ‘The Iest issue of March of 1 a 2-B rating. Alenius was 10 Z0 “Mi way in Revolt," will a Hunton. yesterday. waster aroup jehal saported 3t shown. Camp Wolters, Texae, ts ‘hres Eninotarer i last 7 Baul, accompanied him cause of a mi: Bay todi date, did not Tepart unlll tr Amasa later, \v Fastern Siar—The Eastern Re dtove here from¢Sean! Paul Jacobinskt was a rsinoss will elect officers at 8 tanigh: tne arate boar him caller In Powers on Monday, luck Junch. fo report at Rhinelander oe gxamMaquette Reland Kaven, of Crystal Fall . He has returned to Cedar there they spent the weekend war's business caller here Monday] asther | she Benin athens Mrs. Ragnar Jacobson and da: anc Mrs. Orlo Rollins vislted| church will mort at heBasharn dean, and: anit dace. we Mrs. "Fordisan Irn River ‘on Sunday in’ kon. nase returned fo Buite, Mont, @ Kick Of Heifer May be hostess Anderson, Wievening. and Mrsatten Bruce spent.Buell Stoncny Mr .-V,| v, tomortow alter visiting Mrs, Mary Nygard, Bolatol ind_Mrs. Willlam Aixen_andy May. ' Have Caused Death Turkey. Dhiner—Memb of the i ing aymeeting in Niagara, aaughtor, life. have-relurned from American Legion Mrs. RF. Reilin- and satenee IRON RIVER, Dec, S—An tn} ey_ yy visited. nd Of the Atallary ant that hoe to his abdompn ang _sisterin-law, [Teun.“were callers in Cry Leen BAIL 0 Irene, anette nd Key ee dinner nee atat sin side, near Scot Mrs, Russel Speneor, Mrs Erma virginia Misses have contributed 10 ire denth Sure Pitti. Mahosk! an nm Poko] « A] Mis, Ther Peltonen ane Richard Metand elated in| \Chelstmas-. Party—Tha Youn. Mrs. Alfred Cornelius have roturned iIronand River on Sunday, foend masa. after sperding the weeks barn wen the two-year-old ne 8, Ci Heim, qaughter Rita! kicked Biapasminery of the Reiman and hthy ‘and son John ett’co, Saturday @ said. How ad previously Mr vn Mrs William to spend, ind Mac. and Mia¥ Horthe Santa been Jn falling ‘health, principally wint ter, te nev for Mexico gm heart trouble, and other western points, for the Funeral services will be hold at holiday's 8:15 tomorrow morning¢ farm Cire “biorant has arrived home Penn Stining company a permit, was posiponed yes: from Camp Davin North Carolina, out @ Assumption, with the Rev! LAST TIMES TONIGHT | atone. with, the tertay ‘by Justice Lyle, dt may, be | ,Clark Francis F. irysty oiiciating. Gable and Tada Timér United. ‘Stacen a been in i and Is. visite Alpha Phi Reta—The Alpha Phi| — parents, Mr, and Mrs, Vin- Reta sorority) met last evening: at Steinke Ordered To “HONKY TONK” cent Florani, jorathy Colina, Push paeuaeste 4 In'3ineral Hilts: Mra aby Werley fobn's Suna —t¥8 Gut WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY hostess. Plans for the ae germs 30Elica "George ‘Shaw’ val Christmas party for mem-| p genre eon loriort it the home ot Mrs, hers dvere discussed, “Major-Barbara”’ E. White In Stambaugh ‘The Delft—Merlc Oberon plays| starriig Wendy Hiller tle roein hy an" a veTv story, Ferton Auslllars—A business tne which will beat the Delft| Rex Harrison, Robt. Morley meeting of the American —Ls ven theater tonight Tow.night. Auxillary witl be held In -the Leplaw” rooms at § tonight. Hostesses are |[Joseph Cotten has the leading romantic "male role tusmanan, Mrs FE) ‘Oliver iilso is In the cast, The Brown and Mre.G 3.7. Breen, “DOWN FN RAX DIEGO" endl ote ‘Bor rine Fostpencd—Tie case of * TOWN’ ot Iron River| when she elopes with her lover toa euglts new England town, +> charged wasn @utuung “umber

ie vain ot Bae concyan

SLUS ond-aie Aten Meee River Friesi,Tgusing tot Eibiag Wahl

Heating. S1f8R.0, ohn Martin, Sie 38.68, anc Rrooks, SEER OL Westman's FOR, Crystal Wentnaas federal Ruseenaiedt government has ask, ape‘The egneral Gthe d forcounty, derailedthe mapsserialpb numbers aliceea ott Fuck unite the number of equine ent =i Wome= shu of the taewbtering

=| I

‘cnvsrar,Crystal neweryFalls sores || ~—Fwo Days TONIGHT









« ectric



gan re’



At The Channing



Alaxander Kordo presents

DEC.’ 10th

at? PLM. Valuable



| Prizes





ADDED Latent Issue Of MARCH OF TIME “Norway In Revolt”


with ae





NIAGARA, Wis. Dee. 9—One o! the keenest and probably he oldest rivalry. oy igh schoo! basketball alete blossoms cut here __ Sesh, hee concn Eadie Mom mbes Puirpl White® matched iatent with the invading Norway Vikings. Renewal of the old feud brings Niagara against Mefomince Range | conference competition for the s6¢-

|Flivvers Face

Prep Coach To Take Over At Holy Cross WORCESTER, Mas , Dec. §—U7 Holy Cross, reputed to be blessed with, in ftveat freghman, football iaterial 4m many yeart, todhy had crulated Of Onto, rete “ ortecting choot boy pen “Karhony A. HL he ‘who has been guiding St preparat teams delphiu for the- pant yer ‘ant thoritles to have previous college bi don BRECKER, the Notre Dame emote mnree-yenr contract Spires 3H. Sheeketskl re cently Informed the ¥ Joseph RN. Maxwell, the ily preaident, thal he tunes of Holy Crom above all else, “even my own interest.”

Undefeated Esky Quintet \ Kingsford



Pep In Drills

|For Bears ch | GREEN BAY. Wis. Dec. 9 uy put hie Green Bay nothing brit nom|nee ange team. 1: emphasizes Pacers tnrough's apirited workout In preparation tor f baskerball they tum here the western division whipped winning the first was one of the few, tims that the Lamboaus, have there has be nothing sald about « winning streak now, Niagara does have designs on | wen! "| turning back the invaders. keep on increasing all | Baan will be close to. the exploding’ point when they clash wih the Halas-men Sunday. ing Kxpeditl on The Packers saw plenty tn thelr






by, Preakmese and Baimont stakes,


min ue wero Be HeldHere December 30 . js. :

of the “horse of the:| it today—thet a year”


ing the| | The big red ‘ward under ‘The tirst-box


‘bles of

wupervision of the

Cagera get a double dose ot. stift competition this week, meeung Coach Jim Rouman’s Esky quint at Excanaba toniiht and returning to the Fiivver gymnaalum Friday ni for encounter with Crystal Falls. "Tonleht. the Flivvers meet an Eseanaba team undefeated In (wo en, Bt Joseph 4 Marquette, Captain Ed Gauthter and a stunby guard, Pryal, will Iy be the offensive men ta aESEBY ED BEATS red seats for the Cry! Fails Kinslord_ game re on sale now, tions cnn be made by phoning om. -

~ Packers Show

Year’™ "NEW YORK, Dec. 9—un—Whilt Ski Meet amy, winner in the Kentucky der-|

Adder re ‘OF di

Kingsford will be




here. 1s have not

ee, . ther titles decided:


this] cards which will be clithaxed Golden Glove| spding by a

Hest thresyear-old—whirlaway. 1d—Alsab. Best t

Best handicap horse—Big Pebble,| owned by Mrs, E. 8, Moore,

West Side

wath on the Eaky aquad tong ‘The pair leads the team in scoring, aie making 18 and 17 points In two Bob McDonough a) eady to chew up a all carrier, and Dune’s Eames. le will wil be on a strict Reaver diet In Pasadena Rose 904-pound tackle Eh Fiesty ovat hy wise the dow!, Jun. 1 servicca_of Paul Goodreau, qunré, Coodrenu. wa out of drill ut night with « revere cold and ‘oach Wojcihovakl wat uncertain leis. ott ale, the trl, TF tha veteran is absent, ‘Weber and Boutiiou will pair Eymer wil be at center and | Rnshenon and rat eepeanite vietory, Conch ‘ajcihav= fic wat sons 30 pleased mish the fhe squad ageinet & performan Prediocre ‘Menem Fr. Gay, Peire ddlile. were Held Sature Hugh Fullerton, Jr. ft day In hopes of bringing Improve: YORK, Dee, 9 — (Wl CHICAGO, Dec, 9—W—The big leaders MAday night the Flivvers will men of baseball, who have a tough figuring Sports the nation time in any normal major league program now t rt will be affected by war thering Binding time te discuss Ri the first conclusions are that

Bobby Feller

War Expected

To Enlist In Service

To Curtail Athleties

De, Johnson "0. Lardenoit 55a) nik Tetersianes ‘Tommstont $1, Vai Flaminio 507, te reat an 552-2864 Binz Aniterson Ath, Pane

ine yee

in| fo Wrapped’tUp a ments, the Fa

and At

will be curt


Blatz A Atgongtiine Bohemians 14 Budwersers 2 1 ron 0) Niagara ‘champsan Graal Falls Fi Selim: “aT Par BeBaheer 189-189, Moroni 207. Aprecnie, 32 Gregory 196, Mtchell 181, Rahm 17 Corsi 187, Sgariatti 181, Brinska 193, Negro 181 and Langren 189. S_RUSINESH MEN All forar matches rolled last night esuleed 18,21 wlciorten a3 foleors Kadietz over Goebei's Be ~ Won over Zidermans, E. i Eade

| Inmeril 58

n 536, Gyselinck 595 nquins Raboin 545, ch. aL Wilson 60, 586-2821. Men's St agen $86, Crispigna 591, Clements B52.

a Selma 461, Eckerberg at, Noyes| Seimo S61 — 2598

Mary The 2, Posi 2W8, Canavera 212, Pollet Gugllot 316-200, Shubat 201 uthaers: The Mauneceasing Ganphth Towpct Tavern won two trom, and 7 mbly 201,

Johnson 204, rrewast pre game to Tron River 7 LipsFajroniidtess2 HMi@Ue BIE,


° -

The Central four-events_cham-

pienanip_ait_mect. wil be apone.

ok berm Oo. althes the 128 ce ‘votes cast Boxing club | first on 96 of the Amateur in March, it was ‘second week-end Tueshay night, Dec. Tass Saserc'in the anstan! pall ware tsreoe

of the local Tt will be the

1 the

tat “ee 198, aa 17,


Dis [decided test night at a meeting of 0, in the Kinexford ‘bleh school | ducted by the Trt and Sporte the Kiwanis Ski St was announ EF iimmle Ochetts Michigan ‘sacs ter toh pickee up by bi Sabeth a| Though the club withdrew Its ba. one 290, several second with 90 bale] and president | year boxing commissioner


i, |Cagers Face :|Hard Games




The ‘nek



Kiwanis Ski patrol will portant meeting at 7:30

tonight in the Chambe: merce bullding.



sidered end agorev nts g oe te Oo advice of the trom Mountain Kingsford Winter Sport association. The date of the event will be determined later, ton each x sites, tances te toenail must register annually withthe Central association and ra are real to Teglsier swith Gunmard Berglund before Dee. ¢ ‘The clu 1B decided to hold a “get

ining quarters STAMBAUGH-IRON RIVER, Dee. ‘Mary's +St, 8—Each vietorious in Its first two starts, the Stambaugh and Iron ‘litetly Amateur ‘outhas who will make up 1! River high school basketball teams cand wilt Devanmounced In several are working overtime this week n the referee and pues for hard games Friday t mith, Jimmie chub wilt be on, wtrlctly amateur Ellingson comprise * he Hilltops, boasting wins over basis and will ive up to Ke jona set up by ne Mien Tamed wore: Stee and referees Il ke phen E. Krause, Rita Jean Bucha under, che lover Turley, 20 to 1% last Friday, | nan, Kathleen Lensdort and Patfighters and looked Impressive doing it. The rela Fe swith ‘prosemeional, background: an ssemer for & barred fromm competition, with Coach Butheras’ ‘Ochet id thet the Dee, 30 relurn game ‘who dropped a 42 to St Independent Cagers tional and open to any Neve Inat Friday. matear Bunters In the Upper Pere decision e wa eflelGBtambaus, messin In Debut Tomorrow Inula, However, the boxing rec- stacks iner, and since ords of entrants will be thoroughly Te wilt ee the ‘tiest Nomecontey |. The Tron Mountain Riverside InInventignted and must the young season ‘ofe| Sependent basketball team will @ th U. regulations, Boxers Hicialy are anticipaling a larga lébut tomorrow night at tre 10 aend o.reyord of thelt past rawa. ‘The Hilltop writing jan school xymnasiim tn A_game with the ver Foxes, of ig experience with their appll‘e_headed sville, cation for participation, tested to by the fact that they h gamex,| The game will start at 8 o'clock,| Thia attempt to revive the pon: tucked away their first two against the strong ‘Niagara | A preliminary between Cavi's and Jer pore ta 4hainare i an eftort of one ~ -at CYG will start att een mprised f | quini Comprising the Riverside linew p Tron Mountain and.rkingtord busts 7 kins 3 with “Botch” Zys reanullaing will be Bob Beach, Eddle Ashenrecognized ced Schra fer, “Bitto ind | pressive against Bessemer last Fri- | Drenner, Walter ey. but 15 uoen without saying thet Eslinger, “Red” LaCount, Vie Wa}. the’ lanky center will clhovsk!, Leo Paoll and Tony Carmore closely in the return gai : e the Gogeble county seat Friday Kingvtord Wen schoo night. Two Football. Teams have already been: a rin} Stranded In Hawaii Fights four sides, including ringside ~SAN JOSE, Calif, Dec. 9—UR= Night : mainland college 1@ leony eats will alzo be Last (By The availed Press squads stranded by war in Hawalt ‘Admission prices have not been| PHILADELYHIA Bob Montzom | nave been assigned 10 police duty lelphia, wan by | In Honolulu, set, but Ochett! promises they will “ry, “Word that the 25 San Jose State be made to "Iit the pocketbook” of ¥t chclsal kneshoat over Jtmmy Gar) Haan, 141%, Kansae City,( wou Basketball 2


wiped et owing and playing fot 1 they're have Kingstcrd Is pointing for this battle two days that they (ha: \e| with no otver thought than victory. Able to product any noteworthy | soceer-and rugby in England and It a good thing for mo 0 Mr. Robert Feller, of Consider » + Pro football om the Cleveland Indians, who prot Pi duller | Bears Dominate Pro because It depends 20 y-fon_buy'e just aut of collem ‘i Loop All-Star Team AT dectt material,| Hank Greenberg te likely to be in mubmit to the for-| called back to th RK, Dec. 9—Landing S Bobby ating, [Louis probably, will find yee Ie won't four berths, the Chicago Bear ‘nag the making ot|fdominated the r To made up his mind wnem,| Make much difference wi Tolle Ath birthday anniversary a-taum which mey become one of fessional Football league albatar where and how. 8 ‘nei ihing en sp ‘the leading contenders in the Menent round of| team selected by Associated Presa “element om Pees: to Just inane meeting.| certain is that, Utah's) footballers nominee conference. And. sports wi Sopresay eae fa ‘ B10vave he Baya the close o Sid Li 4 he ald hed Sindee dis decision | °F p worrying to abn Hawatl, where. “vATeRy, You oan WHErT So turneabout ta falr play with cyack asters tleetstoated raltvace lontaht—by which tima any of the] af eytrannportation hnd_a couple’ of gam won't be pulling any he ausstions bik tte Ceres veteran guard 16 major lea m0 losese from Nt oa Pa 1 work_behind Focimann and. ape Canine. agers-or-o1| fet oficiat hirelings may} ule ig the hala ‘been for cloned doors all week and airangers Chae "Bulldog confer with some otM€r]_ Today's Gueat Stir choicer from preas ckney, Rochester (N, rerting 1 Keeway | uitip ct KindOne of move. that wont “be an: ‘and Chronicle: wit be “Beanquist anal ange es and Washington, ountedy however, te, the soutien Grimes signs ax Tore forwarda; Coombs, center, and Lo- 1 w York and the Chicago Card- tion of Leo "Gabb; squad from the nett with ell, now they mag and Ralston, gu ala each one, Green Bay police for Ihe New York Glan of the The ie Uiled fers for 8 sleet of the Green Bay that, this regulation ix trictly ene preliminary 1s elxted for reatest pass-caicher history, was the only. | One-Minute Sports Page Pete Belling Pent Buddy Baer reached town today atthe Bowling ready has a for next sume|{ begin training for hls go he with Packer “headquatisre where Bt. Spachma: mann, director of ticket an mi mer: his appointment ax manager Joe Louls, Buddy at claimedis cone TOMIGRT betel " | Sues the of club eplle and is augmented corps of assist. of the Indiana 1:06—Comanerctal at and: ball seria om Ants acy working aay and night AU elation was announcRiverside vs, Stroh's Beer. orders for the gai Chicago cago Be c bigs tx ane Ore‘or Siminy: Fox ty that he Way Hapny’s Lunen vi. Quality Clean-| wh the Beara. Tonight ar) an Kuharien, Chicago Cardinals +. G payroll Sox Red the on aliek Ing i sony ed er line, for reservattona, to 1@ nicl We tne nena other year. Owner Tom Yawkey oo 0 ‘Sackim's va. Khoury's Beer Gar-| up and th fap aueats will Mellus, Ne y Cardinats and doesn't want to cut him loose until 1 2 al a et OR BERETA, Sale early 6 om 9p lined {ab Phillips 66 vs. Sally “AW manager's 8 es [Wwe Brooklyn Dodners haven't seen sinemy ee Ghitkie Bar vn Standard Print DUM tee the Packers at ves re Jacobs: offere: Things that way yet, and the ‘lent | wiih fight a for two datesbut, Jack | Hurley, Mul is ateietly ¥ @ rumor propeaition. Franklin oO} 0 o Beitina Mello eh 1 1 19] Won toa Ragement and it Is reasonable er, turned down Matic | Qu! Lem’s . ¥ to) Beeond 16-29 1 M ss Malls dae forany Brings Toe Hutson’s believer that every who 4 ‘ COLLEGE SCORES ihoghwetern 6, Western Miche Him Scoring Title CHICAGO, Des, BUA Don Huts ‘inna guys who leave the cactus Be si sen the dogehouse and’ take more: than just a pase-| Soe ing ‘nd tor the Green Ray the dog-house with them. si z tga Packers in the ‘Minnesota 56, South Headline Headliners league agason which Just concluded i Loyola €4, Arkansas Stale When the Green Bay PiPackers |_Jowa Gnsharra rolled the big match| Hintte Grete Bry ‘ts remulation span, Hu State 46, Drake 30. walloped the Washington Reds Waite, Detroit ssessarensas Hynt—bal ‘DePaul 35, Chleago Teschers x skins, Sporis Ed. Dick Davis, of 1a Hope 50, Grand Rapids thi rl Win) Post 8 IMI for high match af| dividual upeco pectavens Point Teachers at, Care mie ettort was | Crystal Faris, Tron Mounteln Qfen's Ga fouendewnn Tittaon's, 12 was Store lost a Algon-| 9) by George McAfee, af the ming andishe Norway bisig shee go Bears, each exceeding’ Mie i n "°Morningaide 38, Carleton 30. out fron Mountain Royal Bohem-| former aitaae record of IL Hur pot thia one on a bowling item Mel Hein Hus Nose Office Corel AIT. Picur jans where McAfee earned points only ‘Luncheon Hes Mittening nkiov 428, Ru oher 12, Form: Mish aa gia, totale were nus! by han The goat line. Tiitwn | marin: St Eiretsies— Berg 465 merous as Phillips, of Tron River! acquired 27 on placement conver Broken In Game CF ise 482, sab 647, vith | slons and also Kicked one field goul.| who aenred 11 touchdowns. i 4 NEWYORK, Dec, 9—UP—Mel Ms, added to the TE via Clarke Hinkle, of Green Bay, flnirr a new league) tahed Sourt wi 56 polnts, on abx icin. center of the New York pra 1 of 98 ch dawr (wo point ater touch football Giants, suffereda broken nose Sunday during the ciah with fee tourkdowns An the aetna field goals. may. il ame Sunday carsied | Ward Galt ot the New York Glants, the Brooklyn Dodgers lay in tae ile gamce Dee. 0 ff In scoring with | also a kicker de luxe, who ran up 47 Wilkon 603, Fred+ it he was onty’ six points ahead | paints on two touchdowns, 20 con- TI with the winnes of the Chicnge LeCinir 62, | Of hia teammate, Hugh Gallarneau.| version points and five field goals. Bear-Green Bay Packer contest. Golkn 585. Gustiott with Major Hoople ‘Out Our Way r 1. Kaitiety Fairchild 959, Ro#| Our Boarding House “tends 458, Erickson 536+ one, iron River—T JEh Johnson S04, Phillipe San i Pte éeumans— TORR, Atwnent 45, Witkoat SIR “Fondren thy Ena ace LEANDER ©2 Peterson 421-2535, FAT HIMSELF se ectate WA aeen aS. Baweaery le games Tent SAN, Zeagnen vce WITH REWARD MONEY 106. Kndtors 189, bso TH, Ratbichas Tae 0,



Lat the ladies amoke what they plense, But cigar is a man's smo! fous a Hatvester--man, oh maa, i's a privilege!









HARBOR, penne


mat .




Diomond Text southerem





— ——








ane ini plat

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ge to Congrgss and th

“TORN cs

Pad Fact ~-

presented h


gal aaa,

Te scene in the Houte of RepreentativerIn Washing


Cameramen Record Historic Event

War And NEA


United ‘States Goes


| i | \

EA Telephoto ‘The U. S. battishlp Okiehoms, beleved hit and tn flames as Japanese warplanes attacked Pacinc foetr Early reports indicate tremendous damege haa been done,to the Ur S. naval base and clly




Pane. INVADED, omar











WAKE REPORTED SEIZED Oreiiernes soma MALAYA sNvabtp,


_ Al


-? * . KISKA*s rere UNALASKA =





Pacific Ocean a



els 8, ae








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MA wioway





NEA Telephoto? ‘The entire Pacific ocean and a quarter of Asia have become the world’s new battlefield. This map shows gp *slopments up to Ue moment that the United States formally declared war witt Japan,

nD. .




mobilization Orde!



= _ .. US. Britlsh and Japanese bates in the acide, Map depicts sites df

Sep aeacwnt (NEA Telephoto




3 Of Heavy §Stock Market Liqui


fof-all the miles to tila eves the Board with @ Yorbal request fa material witneaa in addition to tux eg nn alleged mu sary ate to rotect lines the uss of High School Auditorium dome of the things being sald ebout or of communication ‘tna tranaportar fog a ete of union resting Moved by Mr. Harding, si pol ea force tre no Valen: Hes Shae recognize the danger of,ot}by Mr. Rane that local nee oe a Tide Wat Olt y+ 10% shakeup, And they wane full December % Itt | Celanese C Homestake s+.» 964 Nort Rac « our atom Inguxtrien ‘U. A. W, be and are hereby granted Axle vs 2% | formation before they the gee of High School ‘Auditory =A= fe Pas Houd Her the} and the other vila Cra ono Onle Of otic in change ot men detalied to and for-fve pares plants and Waeater supply aye] onon Oe t, 10th, reafter tt Allis Chal... 25% | Chry Corp + 5% [Owens Glass assiet O1 is asked for « full at the regular tems,” he cautioned, Amer Can Cole, Palm ‘ —F— meeting plus Jenke report on hita ctenanents, ‘Amer Car Col & GE : Packm service, providing that Buch ‘prosecutor, ‘Amer Loco om Sol £43% [Pan Am Al hands knows trom experience that LANSING, Dec. 9—UPi—Grave- Abandoned Railroad meetingy da not conflict with ach ‘am Power | Como Fat + [Param Plet « school. Runctie 4 2 By Victor Eubank secret of succesa In such « came faced clvil officiatn of Michigan, In that the ‘Amer Roll sol Ale i... 20 "| Int Taper 0. 33, | Penney alan is relent [ce of wl mes meetings ay the mallitary, Aids-British Defense t rs a Pen ‘Torn Da: ‘lea with the Supt, together wil ‘swiftly concert on ‘Amer Steel $€onsot-Edt-vire3d—| required £ ¢ guve_atesson— -etfectivens touched eff one of the henviest Am T & Ts. Genser Ol 4.5" 3 ORIN Man e+. 52 {that strategy which O'Dwyer is many fronta ‘today’ to-petfectthe of stock market Hquldntion am Tob Bo Cont <mart enough 40 take to heart, The defense effort with the netual start ines constructed a Kennecott ++: British rétreat 9 ‘Am Wat W Gorm of wa ihe early mining boom came Mav ot IMO end fenders Crown Zi «+ 104 | Kroger«ns. se1. 25) Gover Wagoner, pied ring feces from Bngiead. Many. of the teas “tings Kone >, wr Michigan's resources and’ i Secretary Bretented 2 write, have the fo she sailieal ovement tok TaD, dijer all these years,med areandbeing meee Pel s ier £01 these confer shipped beck to-England forearma use of High Scie skubdortn for vos Tash Un se SSIS Was senerny with representativer ‘ments. third week in ith reports ef e! defense council and hing the cast const Bald Loco lective “oficiales of wir raid alarms Ball & O RD OF PROCEEDINGS 1. Appealed publicly to local offlSchool Dis Barns Oil Je and other -sector ciais to guard against acts of sabo- trietBoardof theof Education, Mat atterpted a mild rally Bendix AY City of Iron Mountain,| tage by enemy agent euutte sallstactory to both sides, wh Steel Mich, att sm tae 2, Designated an Informal civil Minutes of « regular Mu RC pf ‘ Boeing Air Lived rmidlay. offerings LAMES— Organized Inbor ‘1s tnd mbltary councll of war advis- the Board of Education i a funcuons where there Is 8 charge Citler Sve. eed an ta aueh were thatthe Cit Sve pr. veully frightened ante me. Th ers and called it Into confers complied with, District of the City high-speed ticker tape Tagged sev eaters aye no doubt that. with fay to take stock of (ne slates me School EIB & Sh. Mountain, Mie rhe am 5 held o eral minutes behind actual floor . Ford CA. Senate Melby they will smother the sition, Ayes—Cohodes,Frankin!, Fred m nior High Hiekton, ransactions. for a bref interval n Gult O1'C 5 3. Called on members of the Mich- Boa: present attempt to place effective Harding, Rahm. ‘Tramontin b u t ' 1 School, aoe dhye October 13, 1941. Bowed ‘The pace then Mecie iin at e troops, popularly styled ontvols pen thelr activities, But Igan calle to order at 7:45 swing was resumed near the final Can D Ale. it] shome guard,” to hold themselves eran cn King Prod + {ere PORTER PR “Nrays—Nonw( nad Pac M. by Pres, Fredrickson. quotations were at the ny Ning Pow . they are getting | Teaay tor emergency The meine was thereupon duly * eit hodes, Frandeclines were re- Case Comp plored the need for elther : ino a dange jagmire Greyhound + 1,124 Nor Am Co... 10% 1, Fredrickson, Harding, Rahm, adjourned, Instances at the Cater Trac declaration of a state of emergency, {| Tramontin h Warnér Bjork, ( what akin to martia s of mround —2.500,000 [ENE gilaiors who, even in the Inv, of calling of a apecial session ‘Members absent—Villa (1). Approved s-rmblig Ihe IAAESH Ra Grains and Provisions Bonds of the legislature, “ot battle. are concededgto be G. Fredrickson, a vent age. 5. eels In motion for an mentally. friends of Labor— Pres, CRITICISM—Underneath all the Jlld early Fecdvery. effort cincage, BDen, 9 UR NEW YORK, Dec, \—P—Closing artificial fire and the personalh vid nh balters, Such, for example, rmergency meeting of 1 (Adv) Compaliiee secrsameriied ‘ed mainly to the belief Low Close cou speed the task 0 for payment 1 Uillty, there are serious and legiti- [2 /tenmerentatve Rober Ramepeck fense all bills as shown by Fh Las saya he has concluded “that Craenising clin defense efforts Claim the why ‘Sime Record for this date. 41.26% La TEA] Perms SMe Goat cinceeseee IMMA | nateaitterencer: Involved | InMayor ‘peut hbaecca © has }_*C_think all between clash |$pectacular Fed Farm Mty. 38, 49-44,.2044 LaGuardia and the man be beat! Many Never 3% r the government 1s run by by Mr, Harding, that 78% 764 82% representatives of | Produce last. month's election, District At-|1 Pay Boil amounting to S1496171 oe America he ante ‘Cause AGO, Dec. 9 —UM— Butter, | tomey Wilttant O'Dwyer, of Kings. an}and is hereby approved; that the Oriental empire as well as other bills as shown by Claim Record for dearish developments, T3741B; steady: creamery, [CoUnly. New Yorkers who? aren't ty this date, being bills numbered Stocks nw low” divislon % S0%lreceinte 55% [93 score 35% 164; 92 a544; 90, 33%; | NOPelessly partisan recognize that el, Bet SL to 388, both Inclusive, and other ‘prices unchanged, Exas, re- | 8 elements of substantia! rater bs jn amouriting to fotion prox Jstiew | ataded, trea Gone, Gentian Motors American “fir: + 170% im 5 valled unanimously Sears Roebuck, Douglas 275% f extra irate, cara #34; other prices| The oct: through Poli Lat jo avert aterupive strikes in, ¥, Frankmt, FredCommissioner. Valentine, wants. 9) ted aera unchanged. defense industri [sa their own unions had provided Central, Pennsylvat reat Nor nko, Harding, Rahm, Tramontin aN 51% ‘Some steps. being taken to fore: s inflammable material. erm and. Southern rite Pauno mM 73% |" Influenza first appeared in AmerHany Wav Mines was one of the few excepfea In 1647 ay Barbados and St ily are secret, fh . Me y3—None = ts. 8 contraction of, “La Baguley and Mr. Reno, ree tons with ere aes aicance eh 210.55 1055 10.22 1027 Kitts Islands. » Santa Fe de San Frans but he addressed an open appeal to: presenting gut ot a window to nis death, white | Lonew. 1941 peak I public_officlals to -be on the cal of UL the Iron Mountain “The royal town of holy ConeyIsland hotel eared before ert, and particularly the mayors: faith of St Francis." MARKETS AT A GLANCE (My Tha _Asewetated Presa?





State Defense

© —==_|:


In High Gear


Seven Points Lao ae

Sor ceaseBeae




ited Press)

Red Ryder [Senate side, Rut soon ater “Pnit"

Stocks—Weak: more war selling Washisotew | had tef€ the White house, the Pres iyRay. Tueker wy} losses run to 7 HL. arena midweriern news- dent got in touch wiih Vice Pres! recently splashed a story that dent Wallace, who presides over the reign tachange—ulet;_ gener Paper tho oes plans to raise Senate, Mr. Roosevelt ordered Henry to refer the House-passed don Weal alsator ‘even-/ bil £0.the Sena:e Labor Committee pie “10,0001 000- ry Nquidation and stopiess selling. instend of to the rinervous liquida- tual service in Euro} ‘Commi mo router . noes, that a tetals—Stendy: November stent mate SC ErEGUETHTD: In irexe cole) 1000 The President ase on tae Brena ex, | the Labor Committee, controlled by’ al” aetttn rendiiures aid unite chases, | 13 atelier will “muppress the " f el ie Mom INEEN House proposals, Loosevelt also and liquidation, although, eur people are pre remembers that It was the defiant Chicago Sam tne sumed to realize that independent Judiclary Commit Wheat—Strong, milling deman 2.|fende't get Mito the scrap ae feend wich defeated jed his Court-Pa Corn—Weak, lower, liquidating | way the mewn page expose appar ing bill. sales. perturbed FDR. Congress will pasa some sort of It pres cipliated Capitol nut Hoge—Antive: 35-80 higher; top| Inbar disputes, ts, 080, n mrgee that hy President ts dé President and his Cai Cattle Yearlings ‘and steera pa the . rom slonal aldes have their way, t) st In his 1943 campaign that none Will be so mild Mteady to strong, that vould be sent abroad the workingmen and willInnoegous not revolt against the administration in the 1912 or IMA electlor | Eaninet Members Tull ale the participants, New York « jd there come By 8. Burton Heath’ * on of the article's basic facts. CONTRAST—The‘affiliated Demceratie machines In New York, colleclively knawn under the Monhatary nicknare of Ram: matter, Mr Stimson, who >| tan aegnlzanfn’e1 alter Proportional takes orders from the White nouse, Repretentation again, The Jere, a5 questioned the “patriotism and | Rerresente! #4 enate Joyalis"" of as newspaper whlch | Bot Oe ee mr by Navenel H, Alan Volkmar CHICAGO, Dec, 9——Posstbill- would publish such a frank alory. Councilman Louis Cohen: The more strt price control Fut he did not throw down the | Rrany golon has satnodueed ns for agticultural commodi- | arti . cipal Ieg'siature, i shat the nda ponler in the Municipal Th ov tha n hostile This new attack is motivated by ane Sanit seve! the plans the frank dissatisfaction. expressedin for aa LEP. At Washington tie] 2* y Uethe metro nat te {ip wax slipped ‘Tribune's the Britisher. 7 ‘abinet, know ‘es were cape turing sovenien out of the twenty ran itmat nic ss Ne surprise siecte © home als a reasinaie ‘probabil ts Ronsovel that the repe c sin The counail (ihyugh then ty oad Fred labor, have to face 9 pugular referendum) itaiall besa pit for ite Thai pport legge ane wibowr seed plane

Grain Prices Fluetuate Over





Poultry CACO,

fa three-quarter olt_refinery brnska and. is enfarging its paint rc ny ie Missouri: e Pout iovand Peonsylvenia Farm Rus o wasier t ih the ves to ror the (ClO erecta onus grein mining. plant will have a capacity of twone 1 whichen ir wi loads a day. Th Sas Jha malirty would be emascula chewant a 2000 Névee! ei Theta Ser m tank iy be‘ing Inetaled. Here tn He a aBefa: Mor Pukwua {hs miapuri-on oe atime house

Bl arco

Aare. ard OM .. 2.2

Here ouses/7 ess


oe on EM ve Nowb Heit ewe


Averages be The Ansuetited Press Tat Lave Ent Stee

ieee a -sicasest failure hae peau caa:cund suc es by Contrast with the old house ng fo the |atstelet aystem Tha, in 88am ne Latuardia, swepy “ree at "ar {nol own y ele clo lwered. sunisaren per nl “noir | Demesrats from the city tom stace nal De. | CORSMLUtIOnAl convertion ih yQTREBES—The | nationals eciss stimuinied the | coer mecement [nce United States, Just that nGrent Uritaln hat ve wombsfell, Coe ue _S 2 Bow receiving word of encouraging strides.{rom All Over omy Mtr. temses the country

ci Aree

(Compled Lape


Wide Range


Financial— Investments 3s BUSINESS Interested party, wanted ttn one"mares, fapleal io Uae tnvent in eanm rocabe proven eubiedim onePanless Fear, you Pav mean ot othe: investigating busi. ue and aevuall igares on Gherteveis "Write Box ag INY ES TM ENT OPPORTUNITY Uns Tan oune ds Maren auevion hee ‘to Rexplalning t% antfeully of makingnd mer

Mishtsstet7iey il oa dines fe 4tines




ao GAN Rope OF Ineuranee



Aas alowes carn rate | CUTHTH Agent, = peten put ‘withinona_weex_efter _|—Money to L ona SIX days for the cont of THREE


cance! aye, order ERGuE for otatx eure "count anyfe,axtime, one one | itcatcount ae

COUDENOTON “heated sleenina a heated Foor te

bate De

Rates “Tom Word 6 words Charge Cath


oi beds, Tits in

7 Bi S42, Lighe,




rte HOM


ams fi[ () « 5, Santen howsckenins | CARTILEST TICKS 85)

|Rooma For Honsekeeping




cans « |:


casit purcnstie eis 9

he fone!



Horses, es, €! Cattle,


Gea montha

YOUN Riess pbs,



ssc Apartments, —Flats Porrom ‘reason: || saturnished,newly devorae ‘80!

Priced fete




Wout [Fas p, TU Comtytaie Foam, tur ‘nith private bath,




vat teatiend = mint te



L a ne



Tondi onain



aeons ror nent

5Vewaliane es

of tp








{th your name. Mony, kinds to Ehocee from, Come in an


Fike entinutes.

C, Olson 52h East A,

Business Bervice Saal sizes:gine ri

lth, teocring, mat 4



ee $500

us Tanrarel Tape




GG Fore emma | pina, a eth ‘Row "ony SBearananiy eRERLISUpouster Shop. PRens m6 EATURES . rs colt 7Ton 21. irArona ST — Eanigienced, nant saluabte, | Have them erence E. Alfredson, |. Atuminum Conger _ Mar inne

PAINTING NG ay_ ENAMEL | reauieing, if anziming Bea atte eee nace, Mich




hikdre: F or Children

: sc

2ate ne

: e mrfat “beetea ae eee MI a hes Moat Fetnaneat HOSTERY TNT tein Sil

bt feeuttt st Tic iat prove 2 | Rood shape. | LAT Smitty on Mec Mise WM denne, | eee mith ete briree cand






& Therma AS TANK CAP Locking tye. $156, Anite

a itephenenn Ase * ¥ het We Metdeat LOVES 8 arch | SoceSaeat t h ee mnt 10. can es :



Ble. Cova Faull! ERS PCP

- Help Wanted=Male


te, Oy,






ad creulated ia |.



SR a sido pris. i River Ave. | Re ae ae +e Sas" E!Hiaaatee St ou 4 iituations Wanted—Female 28) eee ae = nee— ~~Momtgomery |usinecy Adtae the Pataters ACHINE _= Female Wanted sapiteations momar [atc ay Bonoing TSE vor |* caring GIRL experience YOUNGCee » Phong 209. Ask dor fTron stougtain, Aichi evening," peaae’ a thsyork er Prececmety : a | — ee from




_Cohodes | 0)




: =


| or

hase i :



Kathie Le , HY Grant Se 16. Posiney Co Star Koute 1. Clty, IPC,


Mra George denkina, 00 Bethan St, Wiscon 301901 Wetihworth Phiiipe, atartieFuion, sane startha + Mra Wiikworih Ave, Ave, Bast


Winners wilt Ime notified by mail fnew aware


*miat ne ie finvicee,, SACK;

110 West BML tome Bakery


Aiea firms ate haven,

aot ‘na,

; hee


Maap's Candles 1 Box i Detckaus avin DRUG STORE, Norway, r ‘ORE, Norway, $1ti rERNit ue CO, 108 E. Tuaingeon ri Choice of beautl: or timp. ful pletare 3 yoaE

HOME BAKERY, Carpenter Ave, Delicious Frit Cake,


| %

5. First sreekiy entricnmast be in detore

Dec 6 Winners wit be announced, Tavseays Dre



SN chal Teen TAS

Eis, select the most sult 1 Berry's Shopping = 1. Read Stare wr tach’ ( Chip enn rt cen ayer andarmen SO ie a,Mee Ad Dept, Nena Wane of The oe Hlallito Mary Uerty, care ee nt apt tall ‘ acl Ps or he nm separate Fret ofol paper.pare Baties baccies Wo covtgete



| : _

ANSWER: She wanted 1 nr to “please <pma home," ¥ “


|| i


Drug More am East1 8t, Ren Praphlin Store awar ns ar Mlinmeay Ave, Clty, Mre Norman Bates, Cr; petal Fails, Mich. tron Mra Souniatn tian Cor Av Tome Furniture Co, aa ; . ; sither to olution: et the for GI5 he Week problems—You can wini i of these shopping GIFT READ THE ADS-SELECT THE }___ — pT oa : a erate means is in WRITE WHY—WIN ANAN AWARD . quandary about what to a — atrenty—— give a girtwho PECIA, Z ed Se SPECIAL AWARDS THIS WEEK Sin 3 You may. win Special Awards and Mainj Award! PO" Help him select a suite . : ),15 gift from the ideas Special Awards for the Best Solutions where ads of

By,, William




Flleen Tolar Fant Ste jet: 1.208 Mart, Val




peas ae


anae aGe erste RARpace PCIE:




| |


Loula” taf

Nice Alpha.

Whoictme delietogn Faurr cant fHavae and- aroma only fine ortega : Hol ee

Saat aripeseiece

| rap a

26] i—Female "ZC rere ~eretw_Wanted—Female GENERAL HOUSF\VORK — Girl, Freto


ods, s Rees "hay puter.


HOME BAKERY, * navon satin. rar os wines. and wget CLUB, Chale Teams eattysar IVERSON iets ot pa aris GT: | WINES Chote 1055 x sia


Ao Vian Ro aU el

mae DO ot ante meer of M.‘J Mintter of the Eatate 7 ace ~ | Stoves, Furnaces, Parts OX eterDice WecTenslaon,.xecutets, and cooxstove— Burma coolTron orMountals | Crarge Li” Symonds. Exrcutar. having Mee gabe, Only #25" fed sia rhure thelr petit grat | Gia Co. Steutaupiy'iy einint 1501chogu day 8. Stephen ee Tied is Seat irate tate fa cerzaln real estate there Moliand Vs, | im "releeweOrdered. That the Sth fay of A AREAL eng naw‘Eatmateria nk || ApDIy OGRSERAT, HOUSEWORE—GHTal want: | Gas STOVE Erameliod coal wane, 12a poem — Pisani te MEO Stsacbrigee |aETROLA a ts cone andaht Goma GE Thawte By able —_______— ] HEATROLA, ~- Junior * Ceara, Toes oN aagiiltp Fone cond tion Hg fordpear so, eto Guile st. Ta eB AE ee a aa BiG ase: |oe m i WearTHRE ouwesnabie ie mee ¥ pr Ree: Al ibe RA | Tyee FartherbecOrdered, atuo hytoriTmste paniiesto |} HORNER for gens} NORWAY IARDWARE, Norway yet} ge RP RMGOReNe Rogie wo ea Fe

wane Baa ae oi tineaiher thet tine a we complete ie





= Genuine

ieri quonite

rovxp oe SF richiea con SuBine Chilatmas ju prise eal 2 sith


_€8 Maslant. at23 | Marchandine:. e i Media e vsevice RVICE G 6 lel used SI } Also: [ca Atvid ae pannars afShHIG Br exnerines | ea abv Good sondione cuparaturgs aeatuted eaaly unue is 7 peties alors EEECTUTSHIA pouril'e Uns mene wore than 1.0" imation, Top Eume || eT = meta, pereies, ars, ect ANTES S Bie: Bioree at ounim EaEncincers Yhone 1013 Stocso" ar RACH won, « vali The Pr SURO Guarana REP NTRS, & | RECTAL sat i OY as 5, ees un vert ¢ 228 stepvenson ave,__Vaowe 149_on | Minnaafste in Office EERIE: Mion Exh, 100"Catpemtar | GOATS! i Inathe DRESSES — Save Bie: :

ere ELLEN BLIXT | kits, downstairs, op-{







te shim

i: Giftit WWrappings

0 ering, TitTiber

framed. P|by heats” 0 tenes

ork Thea opth' mt huy'on Ta .


Chriatmas Goodies Table Decorations

Salas! ona nd7


: gat Racine "ear a theaba non anit” tlenter heerand Latlene newest ; i Anevtem Ngter yy

3 sound onions atl, ‘4 ta new TREV, ae —_—_ *

| pillow: cobtul “Heraxan, | ae HostatesFacotturen


tmpnrted |


atthe DAVID

cig inmte. eh ee en pela Aallored pajamas : PEIISAS: ) SECRRORS Ts rel clas eae ee Ca har etm on availabe of dancer? nate |

Sporting Goods Roofing, Heating ‘ 2 Guns,9, Sporting Fiumbing, , Rooting, Sqimns “HEAT Qimnce Minlarvey, Plumbing Gon= | $45 to 81485 ic,Baie wei? prem Bert ata s greneed soneNor

‘mployment— a sel

ne | Bephe potasn

well chate


: 38) puntap seg Launderlog Cleaning,ae aH DELUXE SHIRT eee Good TA FINISHING Sieh plane ee SPC fetid, ‘end heme PRES Keene MODERN Market, 38” Lake (3 loca MEI/S' St anit Delivery,LAUNDRY, | tony. Stone Chup FROMG


Sai gheeohus tn attane wit

ie KrreHtess ahtsa


omfarts sie Valu tied Regular $22°75.Heats Sotings: ; .


aa neha Bocetatn is ©


FORMS Sern 3

= | allowance, tor Pe amine

TTospital. PRon’ 150.


a vant gd ied es

ate ee gifts, we

° tenting Soar'e auoprslgiita, © “Telephone x : peeing | a



nears a © Eat



i dae bewiaces Ser



A etinente he pare eyake ‘tet ye me te Stone iB for

|' | |

Automotive— ‘Used Cars


PATE, NOME tare | Complete

> Phone "Tid

Lae oe

he ee

Services radies Bull


is Low





iat tmonn' 98) ean


Sore BB) Houses For Sale a oe» Fam sa Tome _auiphie, fer [RLECTRIC ThasTt ns* rianere ir hing Outre arc e EAL * Ful AC store Siete meets tine ern. Se He | fePicanteeit i oa) gie MAY [®QrRoop mp; aisea Aistince servicr trun teow Prone fit. a ERICKSON Fea i BE L/OAD SOFTWOOD,MARKET MEGSPETERSON'S Directors andron Embalmers IymeralEudin i wo Mt, Mich, see hil a no | Bhonest a7 Asta weeny | actomaue tuaflir™ lease crap . mia Pithed medat‘ Rugs, sags, LinolLinoleum wal He raiture, IK Personals Bnd ally ot ss Helattel “Phcce seamns, 2| Fu rr Lots For Sale rae a ae FEMAS CARDS—A for TR prin’ eg : nasties ys Sion | $3. Dry Dry, ren. SQETWOQDT har

Rin seen pe





‘i ou ifT wae tates tee tt carts ne»Yasiment: Card of Thanks | —ross, ser.old. otsonstTsO s Poultry44 D. trom = a irenei? Biber: Witintae Jer atheus furnish wan w a Rome room furnished 'GGS—Day thank al fo w ew co tear Ato ts 7 pa Rome fertabed Rape tna Theatr Perle, *orm oe vi a oem Al eugee tie Mi athe thd anal” Pybr thie eeNepiol one Liaw, We delive ing 0 toms, te ; Woon Sovnhtiv arcorativeCn. mabagneyeRurniigre ent rampageath mohece, Be Ah SONand HOME Soom maar | Mit ‘ha "Norman Biaer | PATIICICS BLOOD TH econ bere eee | m Fats Si cane | TOWDET. Fle sanders crocery, | DUSTING Tiatcnerfs East Ringe and Fe iN stares MN MHied SR2th fen, me wicy|": to SEFTERLUND we with —— 1 gatis HS Fy OT Beare D hanks toni ur idee La RFE pst atte Gai tor'rest, lunes | ! : the durin ines‘ atatnnee Bae { ace oat So] Homes and Bu CACM .Joved mother Sn four et vO and. xrandmyather. ju ~ for HIM % TRC atands Neto NetRerRtc Wert “te an ie TeTowing Articles For Sale and Family: | Aer $10.0 George Satterlund Pon, Immediate: ingle each ‘$5 aacritice, CASKS—_Larec, OAK 2| eral Directors si) stew nat ybes SM al. gah Thacii0 i Recoasaes i pirating i Sto a Feyearn Enea Se MENEE—_—_—__= {| tanoate ectie oe ae ver = Villemur chanan Tet doy tendsemels | |r INN Mi ns @2/ Real Estate For Salo— Coal, Wood, Other Fuel Bu i Phane Norway S04, ee

be Sinreteat 7 teat aeasf carne| ee se cceyatat Hal"

ngs SonefounrHle entree



my ote



YG) 5

meet Sen

= for the Family You tet * | qtr ents ayMmm te lt make sears eager Wane toca gaafa Mets) SEs | rove ceiee re Reali ledet Gh eran sn






ae ue SURECRIPTION EWSPAPER i nate lente noid weny



Teaarettice ttne ce | ovens. Purtabig, toi. WN



Clasified Dis Per ineh, Lessred107%with understand ‘co be edited, may tt She restr! “Ail aa rearranged tor att Droper_classifical sq’



i 5 vee for Children For HIMb Fat F HER |. for HER For DEER HIDES, FU! aoe # * +) sot is stothra! " -nAntO Auto | Sons! Wanted. tr eR Pha tog | “pesos Fevmn Seen of Bie | eT oh eae meu re Brown.aaIron Mowotain 100 EL Pare ca | Mem Complete: Basement io wed enter i]bec Tors years erierience, OUmutrateea, TARDERMIST chitin spect SuIPrERs Dow $3 1 Peal ant 3s — is trntva Bar | tans Dest ‘dita me. MARRES | falaes, Inanny Wit give, Mather Se as ranted, Aled with ehampeat head ace wanted 106 Ny tsetme rar | Ea ety goed, (Horns Mitched ack oleate \. Sepesore, Sambar ete CEM EOS rca Dat | t s Beaty Sed tholle Church, nina well 8F] Pickton: WERT Pas pik a permanente | Gyre Steph Bestia ‘eanefora Wanted—To Bay

eeat wel‘ete pie iat Bie you davert DEER tlnay whee fal | cy ps HIDES AND FURS —Top prices Sos" weet ramets, a1090. | a range: | paid. Pore jas cyaPal ery, Fe BEG ae a sas. . fone eee ee Thereby. entinncing, Sed dai acing, vel ue, BLANKETS age Ronde | PTae TERY a Wf! Targhaeettor te th Miu ire Sica ters Mace faset: [MEAT meg we4 Bae ar Mtvlens ine finhere. write Aiackage iaecupte. vtyeo inh mano inet es mm | EM, se Bars

en ere eral iharameenete the un te eon

tometer | GEFES | GIFTS | GIFTS | .



Aaptive sisitte

of The



It is not necessary to be a subscriber

News, copies may be

seen at the office, All en-

ae fre hires and jaseve avsaions is sonia wroparty


or any


day this week in Mary Soe wecuatie : LE Berry's Shopping List.


‘A young Indy oawants to selecta suitable gift for mign tineswho isin, a young tte In e abreast o! , times 7 Shall and fads. : fashions to something choose she Sémething to weer? it What Wi would you suggest from

use? 7 | What? t? the- ideas



List? :


ae ee be week in Mary Berry's ping



; ‘

4 —





$4.5 and the court costs when ar



By DeWitt MacKonsle

ralgned yesterday morning before]


in little

doubt of that, for the At lantte’ dally: la belng’ spanned ‘py {+ aly ines’ man


tad le.

¥ have

U. S Defenses

Ceret meals [Pie ts asler sacs aealtela

ht ay


ie pes

froma the’ Wemmsla, state prison

from the” Wisconsin’ atate prison | Vermont

t |Prison Farm.Held.

Feletrareg toirtrriell tape lem



feta an ae Sn ena

pang peg oa on

anata ar

CMUNISING, Mich, "Deo, 9—up— tahng cn ey



The war with Japan fs iNGidental



| Brlinin and

the other,

sae&, sicusntary posse will be,


Sines Would-be doing iaeie 5 an

f| service If it allowedth


NA. Chrlatnas Party—The an-| defensesin rai

Prcarels. ase



Tis tte

guemetine? I'l tet the

fon from

and gram, will and bethenexchanged will sing‘around songs,|fived at my Itoffice Manhattan Tt wouldn't be wurpriaing | hasnt struck without some sort of a| thls morning. ts a inburning ques-| ‘9aes. seo thi ade ome te action ny, Now In the

Se eee


ect te" neo aa naar fr

mission ‘monoy used for the "Oneal | ¥ecellio was home from |purcnare of music,to beOfficers of the Milw he atten: a Mae Dunn, president; © Ziller, vice president, and thts, Mrcand Mt, Florian Wecells. Marvin Tove secretary.” She

= (AN OPEN LETTER) = . Norway,

“quectas Universiege to visit his

Mra, Simon Rawiien, he attend-| meeting

will he in charge of


eat business here, hus returned [Myrtle erastsom, Mine Margaret Ty er tenee in Miptund Park Mik wetteeand tee nee



Dear Ann: 7


at Marquette University, Mile | cho Seiad dpert a brisk Gettay will [Stor tha Unies centGuteuof heread Imports Geral au parenta Mr, and Mrs. M. J.|the United States 155 per cent of roeder, There was no ¢chool yee [her own experts, cen old‘© Richards, Holy Day of superintendent] Obligation. | |—————————— Here's Quick Relief from | ee the Penn iron atining company, HEAD |

tate today for, Marquette, 1 attend

COLD Mi par

office in Duluth.

Clarice Danielson, who nad


oar Un




A ke Palate sca


Mr and


Se sa











with your new natural wool dress. 4i Be See a aes 4} = =



Strictly Tailored or Lace Trimmed A




gifts; easily laundered;





requiré no, ironing.


e ee


Cynthia Panties of tea rose in color with narrow tape! d front waistband, knit rayon cut for smooth fit, smartly trimmed with lace ot embroidery seeeery 20¢ = ase x on dhene eR eae Meee

esaittealss De at ly Gi



| |







Neck Sweaters





| |




id ax As *



Tl | |

* ms * * You can't

keep Junior indoors when





snow files and youl be 3 comity and eared two & plecer ‘with nit cUPtor inanklesthis fleece and snug] Hp fastened coat, *


urmamix AT $9.00 PER TON

‘A half mixture of BurmaScreenings and Elko Egg Coal will give you lots of heat at low


h .

Lady, he'll be yours a long time oifg you put one of these sweaters under his Christnias «| |] | tree. e Every sweater a new style creation ins

| I]

dorsed_ by all outdoor-men_and sportsmen. " A f +

cost. Ideal

» 3.69 #

‘Toddler's Like ‘These excellently tailore sults wlth

Anitted aolid o striped pull overs Robe




ces BE set




trimming jae Infant's Sweater, prettily trimmed, #} cradle prgtel colors: knit of warm all wool; daintily detailed ,..+-0++


ak Vitis!

K >






Ge hich



Alf shades in various knit styles.





patterns, talloring.

’ :




of = fine

Towncraft ahicts . , featuring finest fabrics,



benutifully designed; colorfully fashioned sure to please itt for home hovers,

| 2.




$1.98 to $5.50

Gentry pajamas and an


| |


morning with a palt of


Gite noxea _ $OR



’ S

Tea rose


Beacon cloth, pastel toned, applaud ty




prize gift‘choice.




She'll like several . . . knit rayon. fit smoothely under slimming frocks. Grand*for “*:

double yoke sections; dou-



ily lace trimmed and embroidered sty with



PHONE 1164

ern !



for furnaces. Lasts longer.


Tailored styles of smooth rayon wears dain: and Warhes satin beauties

©* , , Janane —


wear Srnthia slips you'll

something som

there's.a necklace of wooden leaves, be swell




If she does not already


The Store With The Christmas Spirit —







and Wrisley sets, happen tobe einnig Norway,

llc | Crew |


; Refreshnients Will. Be Served

; You Choose Wisely



. Men’ here’s your chance to do your gift shopping. Our store will be open Weda : nesday evening especially for you. Our sales force has made special prepar: tions to make your shopping easier with helpful suggestions for gifts for your wife, sweetheart or loved ones:



Present him Christmas



si _—


When You Give

Bron -Fhe— i





Men's Store





street. You might look at the costume jewelry also—




Norway, Mich.









= If you stop at the store and take a look, First counter to the right as you enter the women’s department from the



— = ————$_———— Seats

paying that much, there are other DuBarry







Seya other baad byacuarga ocechred bysmangiael:™of © |


Christmas boxes for some good looking ae less. Also Pe


ALORE BAR INS . CLOSING OUT DRESSES, regular $298 values Juniors’ and Ladies Styles SILK DRESSES, values to $595 PAJAMAS, SLIPS, PANTIFS, GREATLY REDUC Téeal Christmas Gitte



It sella for $5, but if you hadn't planned on

Smee re Sein meee es a Pre y, Wrecdding Mite Ber,| Gas finvanets Thomas


hme a

ated alligator kit—swell to tuck into an overnight







oie a nu

the aera espa Her saters, Mise of Crystal Falls, te Danielson,chat


ure into winter driving.

about a gift thfor Sue?, Hetctam Have lip youShe done wanything he eihimerviverdavat eres a tip. She was with me yesterday a’ ne Arvid Asp and Company store here, and waa quite taken up ia a DuBarry, ; travel kit. It's the cutest thing; DuBarry pfeparations in a simu

Suen "agunic, Proms’ thers he oll STOPPED-

fo to his main


you'repee off for umooch, & nomial eroexe lrtar with efhigh ancknock: pow 1 ‘Thar's the Standard Red Crown way of putting pleas



“* =





be Saturday Evening Post



Dec. 8, , 1941

She made the trip here in company

with Miss Dewitt, ‘Turkiahen shipping John Schroeder, medicel student ee normal


Life Time, and

the | Marehettl after thal ‘0 get used to the Idea Esther Hanson. of Chicago, ‘Chidatinan plage favor LaGuardia has: told New| that there's soing to be a katece | sa Miss epending week with fet far: |Setcd yh'Mes seek Wing fee | Yorks that "We ate not out ef he | | en | Mrs, Abraham Han! wit come a students’ party, the ad-|danger zone by any means." There! It inspires confidence to see



start just-like-that

a |stats Se ged Sac [Mn ee oe

yr mecting of {he Norway-Vulean | {he chiet purpose of his query was [havo Am peut out for We | which appeared atthe Inst _meets/jinige Music. club will Be herd wt | (0. Uller a wrernin Iueky 1 tong,the|| Ing, the city council has agreed {0/39 Saturday ight In the city mis ‘ing at-whn? ‘The writing on We shall Indeed "be n't-run make permant movable risers | aitorium. There will be a brief busie| the wall cle Indicates that if| 3 cr, we musint overlook that for use in the. nay. Sauditorium, ness meeting, followed hy a pro-| the early Japanese operations give | tt Japaren conriiet a. part and —— Tne ube musical Sufficient encouragement Hitler | parcel of dwar and that The Misses Rath Almault Lien | MIA. AY JOCK: Daptalagn, | Tay. aelke; SU us. another dighining Japan’ Gut Set ead the Harfoot ce Sal visited |icig sine Schiska and Harlan fork: | blow. Pal an exclamation. point | Lenocking bigger. conflageation, I'm” atrald in Es


other fellow fake that risk

Simleston Mghted Christm which muteso have before to Tong. Bhoue Breach intealto aiebe : eh out for ireuble trom force columnin | |able, this been our minds—and alltlonone ftering will be gharge, but s silver offering Wil PS) Diener Party—Mrs. J.T. Vickers] repeats i," him thee Nava for oul ta‘Te -| Honestly I don't know the answer | inggrave situation Amerteacreate and | m r e | And Mrs, Carlson, of Vuloan, enter chorus organized here1 nee ane teed eclck nner foany| i fteand wh‘to heaven Tai | ealen vin “aap 1 fou, sLonogon@ ana }atthe-Kimierk—Inn—in—Ningnre. | woke up—in—lhe-middie—of Inst at the 4 with red ang green|naval and military authorities alone | Sursny hms removed the danger in Norway and the dicorated x more than 68 years to com: appointments, Dinner CaN tell us what hay of over-confidence on our part. ‘Fae Relghboring communtiies Tt now Christmas the Job, Seed ee ate Hine | Stil, probably my’ South. Dakota | tradition has grown up thet Uncle ae comprises, 23 peters. alk Wty ome m in ane corner at which Ty a] feiend will agree that while. the Sam could, Walp’ Japan ‘with one trained votces. i It 98 rr at ehleh fit |nand tied be ye | ere on : The chorus will appear Inthe Rally lghved following iBinnen ‘dg he could, It hw didn't have other || SEE OUR AD IN Sunday night program in new robes a mim! tment tae ihe only way to Collier's porch Junior Musto Club—The Decem‘ at |1ook att w da that we | At the request of a committee




ing P feporte of Japanene. warplanes [OW leh a thousof the ailen [Shires Lawl, 9, who eveped| rena,


| (Wide World War Analyst)

Justice H, K. Myers, in Vulcan,

at pee|Fugitive From



‘at-foot-| tmeraes powerful In the spring, |"<"¥iht, (ne abies,So much depends The Norway Community chorus! nuai Christmas party of the Roynl [ed by Japanese? cary Dide our fares | the other allies are all set aad for al owed shouldaf under the direction of E. Odegard. |Neighhor camp will be held Wednes- | awalt declaration of war before tak- | 4¢U0h: get the tovastfall out. Ifial Hitler vesnarces new head of the Norway high school! day night in the Odd Fellows' hall, ing. ottensiva action?” Look Forfar Subthe Action - em- the Soviet, there's no telling how rom Thus Nazis haven't o Manele tee erent. followhng eltetion of officers. set fo f r o m the far he might go. Te rere ne T pclode, The members will be. ene editor of a South Dangea newspaper | ployed anything like the total fleet |". co return to the danger’ of concerns at er im will] tertained with a Christmas pro-| Was Tying Iving on my y desk 1 when [ are ar-|0f submarines they. reputedly hay Ye |anoiher ‘Axis blow at us, Jépan =





Payn Fine— Arthur Nora, of Nor way, arrested by the state police for Off




Robert H. Mynera, of Vulcan.

Chorus Will

ns Give


1 ¥





Boy's ‘Appreciate





Boys7 Meat Christelei shirts

mas too ms and with & colors fuli full EU Capea cut £ ok,


spaianine? TOME










surely will stand far up on his list

of most pleasing

itt _ gifts.


{ Pe


| ry

AM! Gift Purchases Beautifully

Gift Boxed Without Charge




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