Souvenir History of Dickinson County

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A SOUVENIR Dickinson County,










OF Mich. a





cd feds Emcee Moun, Mit.

ro BP. S0LAbIM, Roreay, Mish.

Halon by Whit & Jove CoOmPAAT Milweabee, isconain





Although the principal industry was mining, the county contained rich timber fands, but, being on the Meneminee River, the timber was floated to Menominee and Marinette to be janufactured, Thus he basiness interest in Dickinson County waa given to mining, the older mines being worked to full capacity, while Tew explorations have been constantly developing inte producing mines until itecan mow boast of twenty

one mines producing 2,M843

tons of itom ote diving the year ending September 30, 1902, and many

explorations which will enter the list during the following pear, Jt contains two ineerporated cities, Tron Mountain and Nerway, and the villages of Cvinnesee. Vulcan, Loretta, Waueedah, Sazela, Channing,

Fleodwoed, Metropolitan andl Foster City, in al] making a population of 17,890. Tren Mountain, the county seat and metropolis of Dickinson County, might date its birth with the sinking of the first Chapin shaft in 1878. At that time Quinnesec, being the end of the railroad and sn older tows, was the metropolis, but the discovery af iron tipon the property of Mr. H. A. Chapin by Tr.

SM. P. Hoist and Quimnesee’s decease, caused iron Mountain to become the aaylum for its most prominent business men and maturally tts laborers. The population of Iran Mountain in 188i was leas than 150, while to-day it is $242, according to the last census report, [ft was incorporated as a city April 2, LAR? being thea the secend city in Monomines County. Tt ts the home of the followiag large tuinea: the Chapia, the Hamilton, the Ludington, the Millie, the Traders, the Cuff, the Pewabic, aml Use Walpote. The Chapia Mine was named affer the orgingl owner, Mr. H. A. Chapin, af Niles, Mieh., and the frst proprictary intervst was held by the Alenomings Mining Company. Later the property passed inte the hands of the “Schlesinger Syndicate," and was styled che Chapin Mining Company. The Hamilton derived)

its name from the original owners, the Hamilton Ore Company, and was operated by them until, striking an overflow of water, optnittions were discootiaued in 1893, The Lodingtos Compxiny leased the Luding= ton Mine trom the fee owners, the Lake Superior Ship Canal Company, tote of the Hamilton, being flooded ar the same time. These to mines

and operated it until it met were idle until they became

property of the Chapin Mining Company, who

opened and operated them since their union,

Tron Mining











gemerally, though

the the

The Oliver wrongfully,

spoken of as the Chapin Mine.

Last year these mines produced nearly


of the ore


in the


The next in size and prominenes at [ron Mountain is the Pewabic Mine, another discavery of De. Hulst's. This mine produces a high-grade Bessemer ore and can be classed among the four largest mines inthe county, This company algo operates the Walpole Mine, which fs adjacent to their property, CGther

important producing mines at and neighboring to Jron Alountain are the Millic, located between the Chapin and Walpole and operated by the Dessau Company; the Traders, about two miles north of the town snd opened by the Antoine Ore Company, ard the Cuff, abour four miles sorthease of the town, which, thongh lata attive, promises mach for the future, The Oliver Tren Miniag Company are also working several

explorations, prominent among them being the Forest, Federal No. Land Federal No, 2, . * Asacity, Iron Mountain ranks with the best in Upper Michigan. [ts mumicipal advantages represented by a perfect waterworks


@ complete


a large and well-equipped


clectric light

plant, a well-managed and equipped fire department and numerous public buildings. The city ball is a large sandstone building containing hasdseme accommodations for the fire department and aumerons offices and store-rooina which are rented for business purposes. Like many other cities, Iron Mountain has felt the generous hand of Mr. Carnegie in the form of a donation fora public Borary, which fills a long-telt

want, as well ag adding to the heauty of the city,

Its educational interests are represented by seven large

school buildings, which bid fair to eclipse those ef amy city ia the Northwest. honor of Dr, N. BE. Holst, is built of Amberg granite. It graces the slope

The high school, named in. leading te the top of that

mountain of wealth after which the city was named and, as many have said, “It reminds

one of a grand

vastle,"’ s4s for the beauty of its homes and business blocks, one needs but to peruse and the skill of the photographer and engraver will de the rest.

following pages

‘To the traveler


lias pet to see hia first iron mine




a North-Western




from Powers pith that in yiew, bie curiosity will first be satisfied as the train reaches Velean and then Norway. Tt will be tis first realization of the immensity of the iron ore business in Upper Michigan as the

train rolls by mumercus shaft houses, engine houses, stockpiles of valuable mineral and traing of empty and loaded ore cars. These ate the mines of the Penn Iron Mining Company and the Aragon Mining Company, located respectively at Vulcan and Norway. The Penn Iron Mining Company operate several mines in this region, namely the Easr Vulcan, the West Vulean, the Curry, the Cyclops, the Norway, all

predecing an immense


of mineral

wealth annually.

The Aragoa mine, numbering among


largest, 1 located within the <ity of Norray. To judge from present improvements being made, this mine hag a great future, This company has built the only steel shaft honse an the Menomimee Range, a picture of which is given in this poblicarion. Norwer's incorporation as a city dates from April 27, 1891, and since that time it has made rapid strides toward becoming a large city. [ts population is new 4.170 with a large tributary population from Volean and Lorene. Like Iron Mountain, it is not backward in ctiteicipal improvements, having its water works system, sewerage, clectric light plant, Gre department and many public beildings. Et already bas three

large schoo! buildings and is building a new brick: school to be named after our late martyred president, Wm. MeKinley.

The origin of the city’s same is a tmatter of same dispute; whether Ht was


in honor of

the nationality of its founder or from the monarchs of its u¢ighboring forests is yet to be determined. To carry the belief that Dickinson County is entirely given to mining would be quite improper, for at Valean one may see other industries. Ae the eressing of the North-Western railroad over the Sturgeon River is the mill of The (PCallaghan Lumber Company, manufactaring all kinds of high-grade lumber and shingles. Near Vuolcanis the large New York Farm of the Menominee Kiver Lumber Company, and Lew Whitehead's Geld Hill Farm, which mentfests that the Jand is not all irom and that Dickinson County can some day supply its own farm products, About two miles cast of Vulcan is Loretto, the home of the

Loretta Ming and the Eleanor Miae.

‘These towns are experiencing semewhat of a reaction

which gener-

ally atcnmpanies the entraacée of a new railroad, namely the Wisconsin & Michigan Railway extension from Faithorn Jonetion to Norway, to be completed during this coming year.

Of the important mining towns wilderness


could boast


still have

of a thriving

Qruinnesec to mention,

village and



The town was platted in 1875 ond to it forked the money-making


in the county.





business men

Iron for



the weary


was a


are the most

Bit the town weg destined to a black rmark, for, according to the reports of its

Ihining men, the ore had “played oat" aad its business departed at the same speed in which it came.


thore was still a faithful believer in its wealth, a man who, though then young in years, might be called the patriarch

of the village,

Mr. Johm

L. Buell.


Buell continued

his explorations until in



he fownd anew bed of ore and Quinnesec looked fora future. To-day it can boast of three large mines: the Condy, operated by the Oliver Iron Mining Company: the Quinnesec, operated by the Corrigan, McKinney
















Verona Mine at Vulcan, Qrinnesec also has a sister village, which, although in Wisconsin,



be called a


inten County village. ‘This is Niagara, located at lower Guinnesec Falls and the home of the Kimberly, Clark & Company's paper mill. The water-power was first utilized for manufacturing purposes by Mr. Stovekia, who first boile a wood-pulp mill there, later selling it to Kimberly, Clark & Compang. ‘This. company rebuilt the water-power and built a large pulp and paper mill, a picture of which the reader will find in the following pages.

Foremost of the lumber companies operating in THekinson County should be mentioned the Sngola Lumber Company of Sagela,

This village is locited about twenty

miles north of Iron Mountain on the

Chicago, Mibwankee & St. Paul Railway. Fe is a thriving lumber town, the principal industry being the Sagola Lumber Company's saw-mill and planing-mill, manufacturing bigh grades of rough and dressed lumber, lath awd shingles. It is laid out on a level pices of ground, lighted by electricity from the lumber company’s plant, and has many metropolitan improvements. <A fine school and o new town hall adds ta of

the town,


semwhites eo

the many advantages

The lives of many great artists baye been spent in picturing, with the brush and pen, the beauries of the American ecotinent and thore yet remains many fastnesses undiscovered and ondascribed. Tn these, it way be sald, Dickinson County abouods. Bordering upoa ativer which runs threugh rich forests of pine and hemlock, over rugged rocks and rapids, winding around beautiful suu-bathed hills and cliffa, it affords ‘the artist many pictures which only oatarc can produce. Ite rough and irregular hills, sloping inte vich savanoah end bettom lands, is a howe for the king of the Michigan forest. the Geer, lis bighland reser yairs, discharging the bulk of their overflow inta numerous streams, which, by devious ways conduct ir ta the langer waterways, is ever filled with the speckled beauties whith are the greatest reward to the piscae terialemthusinat. Its many lakes afford a resting place for the weary business man who lengs for a day with natare in an arboretum of forest incense, riding aver coo] waters or roaming through pleasant groves of mumerois


of vegetation,


Dickinson County offers every reward.

the pleasure-secking

resorter, as well as

the ever-alert



Diskinzon Gowaty Court tows. Iron Moertair.

Ciry Maw, Iron Movarain NOP Baler High Setoel, [ron Mow xexin.

Corresie Litrary, Ion Mowatais.

Lincoln Scheel, trou Mou Week agree Set or

Central School, bron Mow sain

rea Mountain

Fore: Matnogier Charen Presbytes an Churoh, ONTEF

Chapia s¢hoo'. bran Mowe Lociegion 5: Farrecut Echool, [re V sunt

Maptie: Church Fertist Miesive Church THF PEOPLE OF [RON MOUNTAIN TORSH

Contra) Methedis: Ep ceopal Churct Epieopel Churst. ©

Se Jovepl's Cede ke Chane Jewlias Cathie Chureh

Swe re Seedioy Luiteran Cyureh.




Svedien Methesion Chureh.

Odd Folens Block, Iron Mewotela. evs ibicek, Irom Mcuntae.

Spenser Block, rea Meustain, View of Mt Stree}, trea Meuntar,

Odd Feleee Block, Irom Mewotmla. Rey ilcek, Iron Meunteie.

C&EN, Wilts, Ore Yards, ben Maumats

Spencer Block, Irea Meeptain, View af M Strvat, Irca Peuntar,




PF ity. beret,

tron Mounmir,

C.& MW. By. Depse, Inox Monreain

Hewotic Hespite


Res dence of DrJ. A. Baups, [ni

Pesidtove of J.T. Jom,

Iron Mowatain

Residence uf Dr. J 1, Camere, Inon Mowemin.


get Hong mal, Iron Mowstaiy.

Keeiseree of Ors,

‘Chapin Mootital.

A, Crowell,

irae Meartin,

iran Mawniais

Rresidecce of Supt O. C. Davidson, [rau Mannan,

Ricsidsmee of Sep:

EF. Brown, Iron Meactsin,

Resideoze of A. E.G

stow Hoauidls

Rech fonoe of i. Whice, Lon Mountain

Residence of JH.


Bedhlrece of Mo MoLsugttin, Iron Mounraia Residence of E.G. Kingstord.

Ince Momwin.

bran Mustain,

Residence of A, Crise, Iron Mountan

Resitenss of F, E, Crochor, [ron Mecwataia,

Residzuce of ©. Cvens, Ieee Mowrmin. Residcozs of C. E. Parcat. Iron Mounta »

Bisidcnee of Abr Sacki,

[rea Meuntain,

Residence: of Taylor, [rae Mounte's Retidinze cf 1.4, Eea\l, rom Meartain,

Kevidenee of Capt. Mi, Goldowertty, Irom Meuntain. Revidercee of A. F. Wright ane LE amides, Iron Mowsean.

Oltisr Ot\ere tenn Mir ing Co., Shate *1," Chapia Wine, lee Maaninie

Iron Manian

Staft No

2, Prwabiz Mine, Ieee Mountain,

Underrourd Views fc Pewwtls Mine, rea Moenente.

Shall Se.

Prwabiz Mice. (ror Mouania,

Mor at Werk

Is the

Cevabic Mins, leon Moueian

The Traders Mie, Iron Mouneain, The Mi fe Mine, Iron Mounia o,

Cenpressed Air Lucumutive Uucerground ie Argun Mine, Nua Unaergroand View fr Prwabie Mine, Iner Mus venir

The Gulpec Ming, ae Monarain, The Fedsral No, I Mire, Iran Meanteie

The Fetere! No 2 Ming, trse Mowstsin. The Cuff Mine, free Mowrssin

Siean Shovel a° Oloek at Crap a Ming, trae The Ferece Stine, near fron Moeorela.


irae Mauneain Warr Works Pumping Suean, Horse Teles Brewing Cr, Irot doumtain otzrise View Iron Moumsin Gisewi2 Lge and Power Staion.

Pima: of che Hydractis Co.,2° Upper Quinnesen Falls Falie, Merore ieee Fires

NHR Lace Araceae

View<f Crystal Lake, [roo Mewotain.



‘Tain Fells, Mrnamines Rive Hore Race fants, Menrm|

Tao Hiselsg Scvars are

Nithediaa Churcs.

Bird's-eye View of Quinressc,

Cathal ¢ Dhaireh,


The ¥ vino Ming, Quiraceer.

Cire Hall, Newwoy

eer he nese The Cunce Mine Ou aneses

Seisan Pee Hil School, No rT


The fpainmeere Mioe, Quin ucsce

Higt Shoot, Newsy.

Seec sy Lutheran Clune. Seedist Missiom Gomurct,

Ollcer Rack, Noeway

Fret Poarhediet Chures. Swedish Muthedise Ubarch, Horses Catbatics Gterch, WHEY? NORDAY PROPLP WORSHIP

High Boch, Nuraey.

Laks Sstwol, Norray.

Swadish Baptist Coureh Norncgat Lutheran Gherth.

Ma Kinley S2eot, Nowvay, Warr Dierks and Blecerio Light Sear or, Norway,

The Valmeitie Hal. Mornay.


Re, Darel, Morvan,

Mc cliey Black, Necaay. Malt Steet Blab, Necaay

Main Street, Nomray.

Srrmt Rlace, Yoreny



Home Rerevele, Moreny

Melson Bleek, Nerway. Mavorie Bkes, Noreus

of Geo, O'Callaghan, Horsey. Pesidense e! James C'Cellaghan,


Wesitence o! FA. Jansen, Xorewy jeedemee oF AM

Coot Nevay

Kesidanee of Win, Reseda, Norwry

Resiterce of a Prunsode, Newey Ree deere of RC.

Flarnigan, 0

Residence of 1G Kas, Norway Late Mary and Aragen Mine Supsrinentear's Resitence, Noewsy Resisenssaf Dr EP. Suite, N

Swe! Shalt, Aragon Si as, Noreer

West Valea Mae.

New Shaft, Aragon Ming, Norway

Carry Mine, Norway,

Herrisor Stale Aragon Mas, Naeway

Feat Vecan Mine,


By Depa wed Penn from Mirkeg Coe Sore, Yatewe

The ¥oroma Mins, Yulean



Mrchodix: Sines ont Peidie Skul, Vikss

Laviem mt Sourccoo

Thr O'Culleghas Lurker a's Mill ow Surgeon Fiver, ar Velen


icv of Sturseor Riv Ven of New York Farm, Frank Joune, Supt

Loraite Mine. Loretto,

an yy

yy The Smgelx Lumber Cx." Stove and Ofice, Sagods Reci dence of Jobs O'Caltaghes,


Town Hall, Sagstes The Sacole





Kinserty, Clark & Go's Pare= Mills aud Lawer Quincesse Falls. Niagara. Wis.

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