The Iron Mountain News May 4, 1940 (Chapin Pit Collapse - Nightingale Pavilion Destroyed)

Page 1


Nazis Claim British Battleship. And Cruiser Sunk By Bombers

Act Shelved-



|Defeat In Norway Imperils


‘Gaverninent: Of Chamberlain

Collapses... By






from all but

—Gordon Sullivan Phota the old mine Whether the cavein wat due {oa siufing out of the crossing fill or a breaking dovn jeep, wi vel being. workings is not determ ned. from te surface of the roadway, Previous to the shutdown 0oft je Chayin mine several year only indigates how the water has rigen ago ruzpension of pumpl 1 the pits since Te ‘rinaily ending the wi oat‘af this portion of Tron ‘Moa intain's prineipal street. Four care ‘are buried somewhere in thie caveln snd whether” iney can be salvaged Is st{it_an unane and ond swered ques 0 3g

Ploture shows the collapse of the chiete pit highway crossing on Stephenson avenue yesterday: afternaon,

Possibility Of Repairing

Three Young Athletes jentguive Dempsey. ipaeey Killed In Smashup — reported he had obtained 203 of th LAKE MILLS, Wis. May 4—U9 0 Totes the ‘21S signatures neces: measure out onto the house floor. —Three young athletes, two of them: University of Wisconsin studonts, FARM BILL VETOED were killed in an attomobile crash WASHINGTON, May 4—7?—1 —resentative Fulmer (D-5.C,) sald to- hore last night, deal day he had learned indirectly from jouse resident, Collapse of the bottleneéke Chaptin pit highway crossing ghout 2 o'clock Jo ex yesterday afternoon brought sfartfing real:zatlon todsy to Iron Mount Of Lake Mills: of the Importaice of his section of its main thorpughfi tend the federal cfop Insurance ProMitehel and Hariwig were sop! gram lo co! With traffie being diverted over Tong detours; and rough of tt partlews ot thet mores_ai_the a_both Yiom, sald he and other adv’ layed “basketball to whether the road can be repatred or must forever be atandoned, ‘the measure planned to appeal to me young, men, according (0 Po _sansahils. the state acing department, only recently award. | the President at Hyde Pat ae-| Mice “Chet “AUgUEL SedKGTA, WAFS)oq q contract for impxavemont of the crossing. wax moving rapidly to #or|

Pit Crossing Investigated By State Highway Department.

lay returning the bill to the house} riding in a car driven a Hartwig, ‘until they had an opportunity to} which crashed agains discuss {¢ with him. highveay 30 iNlsinside the veneer Aine] Fulmer said he would try to im-| of about 10:

the Norwegian central asked Germany for an nadie, ac knowledging the > of Norway and bitterly seat u allies of “incomprehensible action” in retreating without proper notice | to the embattled Norwegian forces. ‘The fugitive Norweglan govern ment, which alone has authority to nue for pence, formally wa nd Norwegian forces sti args. Ing to dislodge a German ent around) Narvik, Arctic pert Landing At Narvik. Reported ‘They were —unsubstantinted re ports that British feet units were now -engaged_in a heavy bombard~ ment of Narvik, Tt also that the cover the landing: French Alpi were charged with the task of Siminatieg. Maneperched. mecbl fun neste bullt by the hills around. Narvik rated. the allles were aking-arr intensified drive to gan complete control of Narvik in the interests of - a bass thei (The French war minisiey announced that the alles nad sur. ores ard 4000; Germans at Narvik; and] that the-Germans’ position was des-| porate.)


LONDON, May 4—(—Collapse of the British camodlgn In central el

Wear In Brief

Galiag] oehet

in face of an allied retreat the northernmost sec ton of Norway. Alone and-encireted swith ony

hour problem. Back Cheirmen Norton (D-N2.), of the

atter slippinginto an simoat situntion, ordered the committee genenaay study -amend-| ments furth: With some members confused by a series of rapid-fire yotes, the chamber finally balloted 205 to 175 fo pags no amendments at this time. week-long free-for-all centered around attempts to write Into jaw definite exemptions for agri cultural operations as +a ybstitute for the present exemptions ¢overing only “the area of production” as detined by the Wagenour, administration, Meanvéhite, relatively awilt, prog. 3 was made In the campal wrest legislation broadening "ine Hatch anti-polities bill trom committee, which to plaeon-holeit


STOCKHOLM, May/4—-uR—Or ganized “Norwegian resistance to



Other Naval : Vessels Hit

By Touts Lochner BERLIN,‘ May 4;-U®—Germany of his own Conservative party, hun- ofticlatly reported today. 9 30.000-ton gry for military successes, showed signs of active British Gattleship of the Queen Parliamentary. sources Indicate Elizabeth’ class and a-heavy-crulser nteas a. alana eccent wer sunk, one cruiser was damaged ma" As vacnioved’ before! and one destroyer hit in heavy "Ger“when the house of <0 man alr action yesterday off the en sll into. way except Narvik sector, where nt Norwegian port of Namsos, continues above. Arctic will tace’a bitter Bgl for An official announcement said Germans occupy Namsos its lite. nd citer central poin An authoritative source declared constant attacks by German. war= N-Starm of eritictsm nwhile that Britain would con planes, including dive bombers, wore Chamberlain gov© to fight for Norway “with the. carried out on a British naval unit fp Norwegian retreat greatest vigor.” which had abroad allied signs of rebéliien appear in Cons his source apoke optimistically troops withdrawn from the Namsos servative part ot the allied es in the ‘gh ANDRIA — Allied battle tor ie farenocth Norwegian ore {| resion. The announcement alsa reporied chars at Bayntian bate; port, pointing out that the d yestemay of vik, Medtterri watched a tance of Narvik from the German ralds iar povthy stating that sighs Unian jar bases “wrt undoubtedly prove to warships and transports were sunk |be in our fav or badly In the attacks warn that Italy would. fant, off | Sunptien Bown Up there and al Namsoa, any attempted al trom Tt al The broad claims of cess for a Fone ning: tacit | source that nfter the French troops: busy warplane: ¢ terraneal toned earlyrmany's int ning after tne high command, jn its regular daly come up. unique, reparted the sinking of = wing restiveness within the a prime, ratnister's party battleship of the Queen Bilcabetn class enced Inst plight when Gitieials declined. com | parliament { sicongly Censervative Hull ciared ment on this claim, ments “attlinde tor ‘ont Down In.Thames The heavy cruiserShorea j ward the “roblem: must nec hange the country Is In sight of funk was. described ag 0 vesse he York |s story. a Yat vant ch BO tons, ‘Clement Davie: Wolsh_ member lot parliament, a ‘Lib fatlonat| han w worinal’ coanploment ot feb By Elmer W. Peterson and thus 1 ly a supporter of|men, mament Includes six STOCKHOLM, May 4—UP—Ref- the’ government, announced simul [elght-Inchers and four ault-aircraft n ugees Artiving from Narvik said Co no Syork dius day that a Nazi force, greatly, wenk- sn ‘Heavy’ bamba, the ‘German ened hy three weeks fighting and during "the, Digest crisha we ver nounced. struck the cruisce on tho Jack of supplies, could not hold out hadt quarter-deck and prow: fire broke out and there were numerous exindefinitely against allied land and Boasting Criticized: Sem ajlacks desplte the twanctty of jin powertan welee to iat minutes. et the Germans’ hold on_hilltoa_posl-| 1 tee a Garcia avihecitfer eit Orecniins Ulons above the shell-battered Ore) delusion tam national danger-” Ih|erous Rits were scored on the hate (By The Associated Press),

Germans Cling

rent PQ Hilltops “Above Narvik|


WASHINGTON, Miay 40 Dis Week tong parliae house members, sald ida rat thal Taare to agree e-hour amendme * Gav'ihe Tne iabor standards law would unehanged through thé, elec» palgn, he feelings of many 3were reflectof Representar Here we spend $500.00, argue foe seven gaya and get nowhere In action of the ouse Anica” was Short’s estimate need ave

facials what can he done ta ma are at all posible. Ben.) Faree's inknown port. Sparks, of Escanaba, upper peninsula Tapreseatative for the department, | Whereabouts of the British @X-/° ithe arrivals from the Arctle port. was In Iron veyMountain yesterday ater making soundings nepect thein damage snd | peditlonary force which salled away u er z a effort to was un-|the objective of the only _all


the ay.

withdrawal esbip torn tne attacr: but % was ought tl mb must have pros opting Le oe That oleae’ a, 18


road disappe:eared ect credence was given| fore reas upon the chief executive th Hartwic Barshnesht Me S remaining In Norway, oa ihthe flathes rea which uRlcconwere pat a mown. Some have caused died onwas thehate snatanity-te learn-whether fact that while observers ta reports that after British nmval gu dew by militai ine Tih Waal oe a cael of he ond Chapin alae wore Foech aneliow® optGoioa: net is. s07 ited to have shot up over 1.500 under the cotton insurance frown hospltal and Mitchell ied Serer at least part of the troops were feet Into the a Nazis out of the town itself bonsting.” at the same hospital-about 2am. neath. veral Ureories were offered for the cavelm but ne oftielal put forth that to be landed farther, north. The the Thonar Law. Law, “whose father, Authorized fours ual Mat Gass they dragwed—mountain a definite opinion, Sparks suid onc theory, far-fetched s It might be, Norwegian telegsnph shed ‘the Conservative party under /man alr d fo bear thie aut with a terse and machine-guns to high-perched was that dynamite explosions at the Bradley mine, located a consit: sternly against specific orders ta keep afte statement that | “ev ted positions commanding the railroad distance west and from which rock was being removed for the pi od - hightyadangerot battleship until it was sent to the due to crop failures resulting teens Canadian-Born Woman ion dislodgement of either 1 or have landed safely at other the delusions that the war Is going tol pottom, provement project. caused a vibrati to the Swedish fronfloods, drouxhts and similor disasis seieb ink Aaslbe® theory p25 at the rock being dumped on the cast becaieplaced: only win self withoyt.loen oF saerifie, Adolf Miler and Air Marshal Here Granted Citizenship One British ofticer, just before son Our. side and, that mann Wilhel mbankment had caused a disturtai nce OF the 90 feet of water that has atest, difficulty and ng were repreaccumulated in the pit and this in the embarkation at Namsos. sald mine foe arity. LOS ANGELES, May 4-7 A HINCKLEY IN LINE FOR JOB. as overloyed at the news of the British were bound for Ength missing, sentedlatest HYDE PARK, N-Y.turn washed out the muddy bottom land, ~ German success, which Canadian:bern_-mother— nas her t Cham-| this catlana ab pillod esau “aided by prusldent Toosevelt dloclovedtoday American citizenship today, fo they were regard as equivas of the fiM, causing a stuffing ou: ¢f German domination of Norw phrase in @ parrots, closed he probably would appoint Ro! bert of an army, tha [1 Itself and spilling the road ft Suordan: cut off fram the met speech April five days. before lent to the defeat Hinckley. ag avsistant secretary of months after her worried, grieving In © into the pit. a powers aad apparently in line refugees from Narvik syd Germany invaded Norway and Den Fivo(TheShips usband committed suleide aver her merce. vessels of the Queen Eliza‘Stull another theory was ‘that the to fall under, joint. German-Sovlet tney- soballoved “the allie’ ‘sautton | mark . Roosevelt announced through possible deportation. beth clas represent an investment Influence, particularly in trade matwas prompted by fear th scaecretary, William he husband's stielde last. New of approximate! 24.008 out ters, Sweden now has no oth- trapped that he was considering Pine incl Year's dnybi Taate would destroy Nan | Prohibitionists To own only after s of exchange er outlets vik allroad” communications, tn Tey. uppaintme: Roosevelt signed sbi prevailing curing thelr construction jae Germann Enter Namson Tninckey, now ehalrman of the Ihig week te lepalisee hiding # Tong tunnel through the Convene Next Week sessonneat between north: road the Ine at one time employed German forces, sweeping full aerontutles. autnerlty, | would residence in the United States for mountains and prevent their use for ti re battleships of this the cavell system, leaving Inrize cav- ward, were reported today to have many months by he allies, succeed Monroe Johnson, CHICAGO, May 4—uR—The Pro- class(Thereand are they s| Mrs, Madeline Vera Bu ichhgiz. normally carty a entered Name ATLANTIC CITY, N, u May = named recently to. the. dnterstate onal Committ One of Desol hol, erselt “aivulgea of L124 to LISt me: ‘The Stockholm newspaper Afton Scene commerce 7 the death of Fred W.. The arrivals fromNarvik _plesmtsaion. The Methodist chu Buchholz, 45, ay Te was rallying Uta compiement ‘The-Warsalte, Queen Elleabeth and blado-snldBlas. Lroape-ware ascupi Ale road-and-the water ME, Roosevelt arrived at his fain when came to tell her of eevlarationy of fr oD pusition-ti-wratr tured the xeneri scene there a5 | etek eSavention years Vatinat eadifota! tons, while Ing the destroyed city a fly home todny (o spend the week- President Roosevelt action one of extreme dosolation. Block. Adopt a plea that con: a.platformand’ nopinate can thesBarham and 20,600 Malaya displace Ing_points. in ihe region “deserted Geor! J. Eisele. superintendent nd on what he called “cleanup” ac- “It doesn't, mean. much to me ing the harbor are the wrecks at aldstet forthe presidental cam Ado tis each. ded = ® * Uvities, These included an inspec: now” she haid. or. thes‘Dllver Jron Mining company Drgcipitely by the al fan halfsuhhols. she added, (Their main weapons ‘Colonel ting com eight 15Seine aa tesla on ton of the will hold stabbed: himself. fatally January 1 ai ates {com more than, 30 Inch guns. shader of Noruepiag forces’ his private and nd afliclalpapsrs. fanges and wha i s thorough ‘county. private. sank among Christians states will) open the session: Rére (The Warspite led a tiotila of . 08.00 central area who seaterday oie lar with the’old Chapin. said that on : tartum, Christian should do, when bis own Wednesday, ‘Tha 1940 platform wilt destroyers into Narvikt lord April ‘The bill to forestall Mrs. Buch: city, involved in war," nis opinion the workings are in- Germany for an armistice, lasted 8 be put together of 13 to sink seven German destroy. Dies Committee Nears holz’ deportation=six of her nine read the declaration approved by tact and the fill Weelt had gone new order of the day this morning sald, shows the effect of the Brit- Friday, the tlaal day 0 f the convene ers) possibly due to agit in which he suid that, effective tom vomberdment. {he general, conference last night} thepwn,water tion, the» heads of the tskst will be by the dumping of 5 It_was announced alsa today thal Legal Test Of Powers day, the thght agstoat the Germans the 123 Bgitish merchant seamen nom t! own themberok on the Improvement project. by the Ge was finish prisoners released tion leaders reported that an enemy submarine had been. eae thip In divided, We ‘velleves hove WASHINGTON, May 4—UP—The 5 ‘ver’ the prospective ever, that the Christian church, in ope ‘Hisete 1 The Attonbiadet also eatried a re St Narvik, when there/was no toed Roger W. Rabson, of Massachusetts, by 9 pursuing German U-boat after Dies-commlltee on unAmerican ac- break-up of the large family. {t had been sighted and bombed by everyone truated | that Eis port that the Norwegians had found a world torn apsaet by bitter cone thevetatlsUclate was the le fading cane Livitles stood two steps closer today heory wae correct, for That wild {t almost impossible to shoot down German reconnaissance plane. The flict, must not permit Itself to be mean aldate for the’ presidential nomina- falocation to wlegal test of Its powers, was not diacl the road Ia possible of repair, German Heinkel planey_because nxt divided over mal ter toward a showdown In If the mine workings themselves Gave Churehill Chance’ Toureday trek through Arcliz snows they carrled a r m o r on the under= The conferen court was made yesterday when compacting, It was pointed ott, side. One plane which was forced from Narvik to the Swedish bo command sald news of would not perme Methodist builds are grand jury, Indicted five witnesses road must be given down it sald.-because the pilot had der, the Dautterhip ninktng wos witnneta ings, to be used, “in preparation for itup. willwithmeana the ned by the committee and consequent ‘ent ain been-struck had a any of thes seamen sald they in order to give Winston Churchill ed 287 hits, Shan Federal Sudge Georg (Continued on Page 2, Calum: ware absurd Beitisn tomer (first lord aft The-British admiralty) af "Thedelegates overwhetmingly reWelsh ruled at Philndelshin that ln Narvik harbor during the first 4 Chance to say it first.” Jected an whieh would raids on -Communtst pari offces Brilah atinek @n April 10, ancl that make the anti-war-stand refer only tence the high comm: aching eressive” wars, Arey Bal teves Gakes pono BE formation should ‘To this. proposal, Dr, Ernest F. the Germans. longer, it was said. Tittle, of Evanston, Mi, chairman ‘When food supplies ran out thelr ¢ | of the committee which drafted the WASHL captors set them free and told them ‘said Sinclair Ol! company has reached @ pronouncement, “sald: was only a few hours walk to attlomagnt with México over, sete “We must not do‘again what we illp Frank! jwerlen, the seamen sald, so they NEW YORK, May 4—UP—Eudltor Mayor Overlooked By ‘ol properties. tary of the Communist patty . ure ew and income would “appear insig- started starved, some of Hathaway. of the Com: Census Enumerator tourees. here and’ in Mexico City WASHINGTON, their number wounded, without Clarence and James Hf. Dol- sald iden everything we held dear was: With w declaration that new" munist Dally Worker, convicted of compared to adjustments tod lay. 1 nificant or adequate clothing and with~ criminel VETTE, Mich. Mar we libel, Is open to a possible that, will be necessary after the food In state department circles, how- at stakes” ‘even farm programs would out any idea where Sweden was. Loul is M, nations of the world wore Fin prison when he comes up slerauente had Mayor the opinion was expressed that ‘The manittee questions rewarding ever, more vital” in the period of read‘They said sexetal of their numHegler to thank today lor Its new May 17 Watlace’s audience was Sommponed the aij ic controversy over ex- called upon the delegates to “aur munist activities. pulation figure of ISA render the claim of absolute na- Jusiment after the European war is attends ber died In the snow and.that they A special panel-jucy returned the ‘At Phitadelphia, Jud Wein held had dragged otners, too weak i verdict last might. convicting on Mayor Biegler discovered that a Tonal. sovereignty.” described over, Secretary Watlage carried mat search warrant under ‘alk, me charge the Comprodaily census enumerator had overlooked “the claim that as a last resort a today the campaign for contin on rst Rete the raids were made was denation may do whatever it will for Mion’ of what President Roosevelt Publishing company, publisher of his own 5 its own purposes, regardless of what con ‘liberal Democratic govern* the Duily Worker. The jury acqult- round. Ile notified William L. Johns gf, effec {lt haa on the rest of maned the Aerialist Injured ted Hyman Colodiy, former busi- son, district census supervisor: , the oversight, and he and Sirs. Bil ness manager of th je house te repared fo it Fall From Trapeze_ ler th ded in-t Ford Says Men Most lwery to an widunoe oe emo: nyiction . of ir garden party at Hathaway was ba nose. counting. cratic women, who Reard the Presi- [which they sipped jemon punch, or aime | Reimbursed MANIT Tewoe, Wi‘is, May 4-1 by Mra. Edith Liggett Useful At 40 Years Mrz, Rooreyelt with a rush dent say yesterday that the country, greeted submission of the problem to arbiTigures would have been TDL instead, would lavernver bin | MREsimeat swept her off her fest Lucille 3 tration, i For Overtime Work DETROIT, May 4—un arltenry 703. fent Issue a {parlonhar, sullered « trattlte of Uns Lu eit, who charged that she and Secretary ot State Hull suse: ate The ‘ 12-foot a IM t o the floor ory of her husbani were may TU Thomas shes rcoamed [nas reert shaenge 4 to candidates In the come brains under 50 ‘years of age) ool gymnasium Iibelled by articles sopeatine in the of agrte ing electlo: ag0,.and Mexico's reply, which I is Maller, rertonal director of the pote bus line”, the secre! the management needed E unders! Without saying anything that Communist newspape! Twenty-One Killed In ‘and hour division of the de- culture asse 10. reject this sugges: Llawett was shot by gunsi¢n in The girl fainted wnile doing her Mon, Is now being decoded by the partseat of labor, announced Tina wari afer ‘ie! wir can he ‘threw light upon hissy Intentions the. i he was to French Train Wreck reus, part of the “Hé"tald so tday in a statement depa: ec ‘o-| a8 to w third term, ‘Lauerman Brothers company,a @_world of: armed. truce rogram of the Wisconsin Adult and endorsing President Roosevelt's nar ae and wholesale drygoods 6 nomle nai ‘and all, the it called upon carididates ie “quit — he Mexico City report of the’ ret PARIS, May 4—(®—Twenty-one association Wis, ‘making culties that go; with it, “or it can demning each and every act of th Vocational Education ir Ol wae a aa persons were killed and %‘® others | ton particularly the appeal for jobs ft | voluntary payment of $1.231.63 found be & World of permanent peace and administration and oa us Just oe convention, Twelve hundred of Tajured today vention delegates were in the empl ‘Of goods, The course you would-changeth the Com to Be ence. follanted Oit-company. (Binelae), the fair labor standards act. O'Mal- the world follows after the war! Runta, until Monday, when lie rust abked administration critics ‘Other performers said Miss Wum- | bound to depend to a large ex: He week In May as, “national employ: ley said an-tnspection by the d+ Js si hortly afterward, Jesus | Si budget-balancing to py had beerrill but had said nothing produce ment weel Herzog. ° ge the vision had disclosed that the-com- tent upon the decision of the A:ner- = ae ‘manager ind of taxes they. pro- te Willan Sehults, director of the Meanwaile g eivil sult brought sty bw oe opinion Ils that men do, Mexican — Pel im Distribution pany unintentionally had neglected ican people” EE she-would not ttint-the-rmot=| pom ‘the tobring the budget into balance be permitted to perform. \g- ‘The locomotive, Daggage- ene ~ Unity are $0." sald Ford, who will be. clusion ot-contracts. with tree saling ume and a halt for overtime.| erate” adjustments ~fakmers Tac Unree passenger coaches left 18 pe for sale Reimbur semen! t checks ranged from made_in recent years in efforts (0 by reducing expenditures, what ap- ‘Tyueto-cireus tradition. the show & libel judgment for 52.672 July 30-and bas no intentiop of [United States companies ‘ng, Trial bas been set for May ‘reduce’ surpluses and rulse prices Dropriations they Intended to cut, went’on after the accident. elle Ft. ae Mexican. petroleum products. sto

Church Goes

Oil Company In Settlement

Editor Guilty Of Libel


Wallace Sees Post-War Need For New Deal F: arm Programs


With Mexico




On Record Against War

a 4













it Has

1 ine ls fo fidee by te tate rknew when-the eaveln would stop, no one to enter the police permitted down the street, most everyone



2 states aFe concerned. “The youngsters, participating. in ‘mock political conventions at the


of supplying

of ‘ tod out, and cola} B. Elliott, state superintendent

ight car The

‘been convergéd on the pit ust iQne heartening aspect wie e the Mitwaukesead railway, it 24| gto tne Une ie wasted out and Egeods taking the: ‘caine with IL"| public Instruction, schoolmen @€ 13) therefore It was only. natural’ the dotoing. ‘being run over It,“inate bmiraculous ing the. escapes were numerous. eating. that the hii ighway crossing “compromise” formula for distriby> cavein may have been merely & So what! So for years there has | on of state ald-to schools, been agitation’ between the north ‘washout of the am Superintendents John Jelsch and. Tr It 14 a washout of the fl | and south sldes of the elty and f1ceremarked FrameC. Sweeney, of the Irom ie highway, ut niet ai ‘And wt Mountain and ‘Breltung township a"Seat hls il take, most of the ot simply: water; systems, "You can't stop fhe and Joseph Walsh, Dickincars|”! youcan aaly divert it. Tex there, Whether ot pot the four em- | and it will kee}cep on working until Keon county school commissioner, lst WBE borg of th and -one truck ther srare it {9 pum) or turned aside. were among those who ee oe rod caved tm ean & it's-the ‘simpieryof all the laws of Urges rangwened: question | he ‘William J. Miller, representing ane. one ts “which there was littleg | who-came WD, Cochran, of the Cochran the Masonville. sawnship..schonls,.ofd part of thi morning interest unless on remarked that he had ma Li uated Juat south| os tip through the Freight county, urged that schools of of the nat end of the pit, declared Delta ‘The importance of restoration 2 Semountains from itAntoine vilag the stata get together before the a Fall girl empl: the highway was emphasizedb: legislature convenes and James Suman. president of the ‘The collapse of the pit must have fn ihe office’ Cochran alsoropened next jeflnite plan of apportions ford Chamber occasioned& jarring of Nie. altice--ta. ing atate ald. . ‘af Commerce, who sald he planned toe eroene or Sim SuTWwell, mana others who were L. Taylor, director of finance of the Trtangle Ol! company, descriptions over the several tele- forC. ‘the to call a meeting ofof the board of department of publle ine a and storage | phon atrectors elth tonight or Monday}$ywhich Baa ate that underthe come shed Just north of The pity report to reports, Cochran did promise ‘sian 40 school dlatriclr of yen of oll stacked in the hed notContrary at a io | At essen, “move everything out” yest tho upper pentnasla benefited 10 tt done je anddot a_pot, thers alittle the extent of iy $18,000 goon,” Stilwell sald, format! from over what they would nave reoatved calls distance long Numerous road] this possible all at Is It a ae . 4 8) under « strict interpretation of the yenter= ing and Feconstructed because of | outalde points we: ieup of equipment. Sched: Wr day afternoon and last evening by posable E ite “Tremendous impartance to the ‘The ules of Lines Following the adoption of the moNews with requests for, in! community.” Were maintained yesterday and 12> rove ‘The collanae xs virvually_blsect mation regarding ren es radio statlon, calling day with interruption. of he say xrtment officiala yk information In thé humorous vély~ agaln, th ~~ in teléphone to the microlays ‘ie fet att id take it would phone, then came back to the phone | Was ‘alk todny of a lferry xerutoe sugwested a} TT, Fie mote details and. then relayed | across the pit. tte oeOthersheed” rue While| of the state arene Oey advisable to. febulld the road or] them over the mike. a eae Howe resident bald*t all over the st omnerscomes, protograp ites. construction of SRCIMY |place—that armor amon Neer. they will «wim e th | weather Pnee nets pellce permit. pa complete bilagreement men and ool an eat Ta em to" Ser'Becaune navene|wcrom OT Community befacaonthea tid pQietfibution

bel *~ ver 141 and M46 ismownawseat toured around Fine tance-of approximately


‘stalled to support the main.




for] Regular youte

Band anne} iocation lant gel dawn Yeas Sou: ht a thls| rr the eyteam tracks town. “tat to irond walke desring with dust averre] | fee, spreadbe'terporarly and wil Dare stated, = a gtapoles trom cin at-East Band. Pad fa_smake, there at SONAR. . Dosts Joinéd ‘Thousands of persons are visiting | three woe NUchigan taln troopers yerterand | the Iro anfe-| | quarding In end and today day anes the seein of the at both We |""3on'Sinlth, secretary of the Iron |


Dutch Arrest 21 For mn Legree, operatically inclined Flint, Mich. policeman, w! enti achool children with lyrics, directing traffic and singing ‘he forte I éroas between the yellow bn ‘The safest t time for me tocross Mee aE” . ‘When there's no si Is when the ight is green, he wat le policeman tells-me to, | Mee Derek Jan De Gove tea For thon the earth ail step for me, The mation: traty daw beowdoens that 3 “And [know that he fa right, ” lly seen, Pepa the Netherlands. ware ats rested and interned during the Fair And Warmer me DEATH Ss “gilt 'thowe interned, he declared Weather Forecast

Pons Sr thewe placed un ler arrest w . M. Row Ven Tonningen Nasi ember of parliament and ede


some |Paul park,

cor poopie whose to prevence weather and gradutl- | "15> |€ReraIY far & 1865te HHy-rlaingNovember see oe Sieecon tha orderIe and siqerea Gungerous temperatures-should-end ee comme Feng spelt in most of the north-central states. Frvcte 5 ware wer Ret general’ jast last nightalghit’® tn Wisconsin, Tlinols, Indiana and

be-| ohn Jeltch, muperintendent of | WT un srcret that must be revealed fore further plans cn be made for | schools, stated’ that while members Ni In

to the subsidence of the f toe ee








to bring


ste oar way

probab emeche Tack thal Was TAC YOR [Sree pear



Ufo ee hei to al program one‘Contorsal wilt



St, Joseph's B and




t St,

all who-as-

way during net





a ts The, mill, he Settles re-| then on ite payroll, fot inelueing He30 Compromise ™ the oitfice, persoas ployed ‘ediction wa Stri ca f Milk Stril would be ter‘| Racine of tne when the Sight shift expressed about 28Mikeminutes Withln 4—P—A twothe | Racine, ough_he Soplattl, fire |saveln yesterday, nearly | day mili mene ended here toiny nr} truck dis hops that ib would bi |hlef, ordered

from the water by Charles

Prokich, son of the contractor ‘who threw a ropet Make Switch-Over crow of | morningand « section Wentern theToleChicago a mwitch-over ri


patched to the N eth Side Bervice | peri

cll tight of the pit. ‘The North Wastes Hine} Mens_can_be. mage. The telephone porarily [Number in 865, or calla may be | Men" Group Meets over theepit

town placéd at hexthe-down wil be relared.

‘Last night's southbound-passenger-| Hom ae ‘on the North Western, due here at |Rorthal 0¢-pm;-was switched off-at An-| Water Bury effect had noAtec caveln Not


water supply, because an secity's.rea


Passengers | 2¢CordIng

ing ned famine Be eon Mountain teftrthe




om the



ats pe ee | pe could be resumed over the North

‘Westereionia the Milwstiben. tracks. Meanwhile, except for yesterday




by |

attending heof the} are convention





in the Chapin



ly hope such

again, but—it'could happen to your car.

(tea A eote cergTne- Was coupled and muds a trial run over cosine ane,

fhe pivand return, Then the coaches .

eri) ody’, Is Somebody's Responsibility.

Ted’s Save Station

fo, Stephenson Ave.


finde is wiy Unto the Iocal headlines again



=n with








a Se por rns And we

]sate evt—



Haye you checked over your policy lately 10 #¢e If you are adefentely protected Well be glad t conta with you without



7 Fire,

. Disastrous






or Bros. ~<e

Agency Teophens 10




Phone 40






Wrecker Service 5


1:30, 4:00












of your


‘s Ted" “sive




than a, cheaper brella, and it will keep off






willf Cheap auto f insurance Ki

4 ®








If you want


ant A

nat J





peat e —_————

|. i

Spread Fagte, Wis.




ter siace *iaape Lome? tie bo ed feeb tele.


Wr tia eae ERS



=: : rchestra

tal re







Serving At All Thnes







14, 0110



™ || Both


than a goodsum-

part ofthe rain.



ll Herbie’s Standard Service. lll ice jg tm Daly

‘ance that PROTECTS you, we have it.i ; -

1688 savings to users of


auto policy. We sinceresured under OUR a calamity does not occur




$5,100 be


= 7:00, 9:15





AP-2:00, ‘eyo INCARAELDERRice |



Washing, Greasing Our Specialty


take'care of some kinds of accidents, but may give

TThey Shall AYE: ‘Music Shown onea at 1:0 TEX RITTER in + Rhythm of The Rio Grande”

~—OF FIVE AUTOS yesterday



youa “soaking” when you TONIGHT peccecion the mont. 15¢ |} Sea REX. 22025, auto’ insur-

1809, eons here duly 1, Witty will be ‘Sermtor Alexander eee ot a nie eee tontant {iron benquat


er ’ |

Mili deliveries willbe resumed

tomorrow, ik was hfnouneed JANESVILLE, Wi, May 4—Un—| John Slesak, secretary-treasurec, of of the three founders of the | the union. Two ace ; Saaating a

They are. J. 1. Nicholson, of Becity | 4 || dasoha Helfots, fae {toit, and W. J. Knights, of Wild jock McCrea a Rose, who helped crxantge the Gl Hy

einer. However,the tnepit under the tcaverses sewer sidewalk on the mein vaste eine a) 5: at due passenger, Wetern switched off at the Sturgeen | Chere in further caveln,Be‘Wallne® m., was said there sere no. eon | ——— Stniciats | Mountain passengers on that train Fo mere was no great Inconventence | | 1 we a |


of the

Rrd.- ‘Teamsters and Chauttoure | union algned ‘compromise agree- |

: = “ tion, which will be a temporary Christian Business be Iyaid until: sone: ous. serenas:










mh sce arto ce | tnt,a lteter ad am




a ciloworanip.” ‘courtesy,



In the

a | at Ama, om ving inei srososa ema Fein themosetsextremeerecta bet northern and easte r nike for







< Bowes

. ’


Junlar ‘and senior




(Corner Stephenson and B

|e “beat cltiens” and the following,

pola today bp M2. Pets BNF | feotaribl

“We reailze it wil ean some ine fangunend ent




qualified boys_and

iiss Mountain

oe ee ee

ne ne? | the wen Plater




suspension of the night shift at

ei waar: ot the pit.|

around the


obtained at the | thanks to all our friends and neighsof cars, and w ‘ ual and floral offer-

wall be eld, durian the week of |in


Toad | than the walk ore the eit

grade. A M11 of about 0,000 | would doubtless

st yaeds waa enuimatg, hie werk <a

wish to extend our heartfelt

tnnual velerana’ poppy sale



He pointed out that, alshel. eae ase tae | Rox Mill a aK frouey [neue


preference to veterans ‘Names


MSES office.

Dullding south of

eens any


me na: ree

iat ght to. five




There Will be no sfridient dance at the K. of C. Club



or ec





be in

service to. exe: to bffer—| TEES OF | eee nee railfobsstem es that flowers be omitted, raking lawns, removing


nakIon as

melevine: Pare such





‘the rond:




surface of the wat

pastor of the councll wad orrantzed | The Kev, Frank Blair, cont church,

yo Onn may corny. IN

P; rize inners IN A MINUTE


Student Dance

ie Michtgan,

Aurora cemeter: Members of the family have asked



* a Major

| this cauntry 58 vears-amo—Bhe had | the-abnormaliy-prolonged-may-cald.|-weneral-seeurlty-of_tho-








po AR

recently 10 conalder various matters | Ei nd other | duct the

hed }90n. Bu ‘that of yesterday ready te wee ee ¥ yawning gap tn the pavement{a real | plan to resume the service Monday. cat the int eh

jonal-sociallst, tor of the paper Nationale Dagblad,

rea have deen taken the midwest vthere t Elleabern Loving, axed 14,| Weather bureauby expects tn accordance vith marta‘aw tomorrow, morning at |to maw oat following | Forecaster’ Gordon Dunn sald {der which the miliiy aoa SMR


For an





sata the




4 — ay — The | onal act and not been of Rel



Elizabeth Hovin;

Mis, led at 149 olce tna


counellheld last nate in | by members of having been ugrenteg = extra | north side and Ne Stephenson ave-| 4.1 iamiiton abaft engine house on odtalrs elub |.be-neld at 2 o'clock Monday aftes-| follow thelr, mether ‘about when port Uren he | Tre north. side to the Intersection a1o-Thomassection—or-station to St. [nue business. re from~— other North see pete noon at the Freeman Funeral home, | spring comes. in the Bikes aeaiding ‘Side Service slight crumbling of dirt, Ine been no further Eoalor Gag

votes; Secretary ‘Hull, ’33; Attorney General Robert: HY Jackson, 22 and Paul V.

mote tederal security administrator,

Chamber ot pene ow tie SEnet etter on [£toupa in tne ea retat The to reach a high fig MountainKingatord end La expected ere. TIE MOTHINE FOUREET UD |WAt een mapped se of the widespread PUD Babes ee moverment evarved, Wallner cooperation with the Dichiaan atate| threr sisters and one brother, “taro | Winter ough money, La soltct feation, Cee Medey Teen. the occurrent Polar bear cubs are born in win-|] n also survive Tous | | grands ymplayment service, It we is schedule | Hiited. a olice are on duty arr te caveln {maintain the hui Funeral services. to be attended | ter in a anug deaice among arise AEe oy detours, the force |ircughout the day. between the Meds sd will extend from the [oul at a meeting of the v and are able to|| the family only will | mocks on sea NOXithough there has been





Mone Republican convention had Aine ballots before Taft finally won EDamen, New, Fork bydistrict attorney, 266 ‘The leagu resting ends today with the‘stermination det of the ci debating teem. Brutow, Okla. 4 w a datfh adverang a representa- plon ind Sioux City, In, were pairedIn L the final round, tec eprenentallvek. tant sales ir, K. Adams, ‘A, Giese, J, 0, Jensen and William am, Baltimore Manual ‘Training presentatives, |5 Rieman, local sale: presentative ‘ofea| was th and Fred Abre Ethyl Gas corporation.


ge, and.zpeets | cing




ve sing -cami more than three-fourths of which Wit be placed in dally and) weekly newspape rs, Officials who attended included ‘Duncan, Ralp) muemete, 3 Seite, sales pre" ire promoter;

been ae Sident ot Aurore for the / ‘hecavein, = Three sons and three daughters] Pine mountala Veterans nowof the in pit— s 1, snes rove veteran me and Mille)

Jn any wn cect by an to the oe oad andthe theeast roadside around 3t@rling at, Fourth

ents, Se Peiees ake third or a” and Peetldent Rocscvelt Democratic

alght product for| ee

ce, W. J Green. Bay sales!

legislature convenes,

ie were recoupled and the tram was| suid, » suspension cable will be in-

vee. Tn | taken over safely,

eo —Thore are two principal water bypassing ron Moura? | sane by the Milwnukee roed today. | inex in the north alde and location Jobs Bem traffic aaa aren Antoine, Both detours, 1t| “Several residents of the north | 25 areas, Wal ner sald tne fom Om teas



students from ”

=| ae OTL high”

a After hearing plead for harmony

therewere people to gak ther. One] on the problem ot schoo! thlancea ] at avmecting last night with Eugene tone oid umber dgwn Und

thrillingly described ai eee ore ee Meee ee


An. the No» ae tay

= ‘eenber


mas se un aac ever tne ohaple danger tones

did it happgn? What caused J pit” before it caved in yesterday || CF“How many answers There were as many?hair‘afternoon. The: froadth “escapes” many of them |‘ those questions yesterdky as}



Receysh And Taft ~ -. | | Roosevelt


ei vein apin: idelights' ChapinPit€av SidelightsOf ao










Revit,and || “EDWARD ARNOLD seachen,Steaks COHODES || Chicken, i

Service PHONE

Cabs 42


: Dependable

Drivers— Complevety Tneured

Reenigh apa oubsialne


Cartoon ©© Musical News © Cartoon Sunday Shows at

unt ipsa Regis Ter Tiyoer

2:00, 4:10, ‘7:00, 9:10

‘Wine Store has

i ai Wines

High Grade per gallon $1.15




MicHAEL tare -— tp 7


i: $

“THE WARE CASE” |: Clive Brook © Jano Baxter | | MATINER- TURDAY ONLY


May 9, for Madison, where he will ones



© center of ‘the still smoking ruins

Several organizations cor

Sg | bord the apecal tralnarranged for -{. | Wisconsin delegates. The train-will| non event Sharer acs and Madisonhome)“May the 1 same = | crturi: ber wito come ,

8 a

Magazine Editor abe er, R member of :the sophoremained today of the Nightingale} morr class, will be expected ta in-| Conducts Meeting called; if you were missed entirelyor ‘not st home when the enumerator struct his fellow patrolmen on his ig of rand] UP fill out the blank and turn it |) maward Gaber, ton 1! 724 think you haveL not been enumerated, north of the2 rs ‘and whigh |“te, mafles an paeieity a Pes _fihastuck, of Neenah, gaior wee in Minas Mre, Edward Gaber, Sirs will repte | in cimrme stterremes 7 aa ‘aod thls * lea shortly ir ‘The tren Mountain Nows, feat the tonto patrot of the Wi | American Lesion and the dinner at ‘dance pavilion, dituated about,

Mth hee department received the|| roa Mountain, Mich. tafe high schol at the call about 3:05 a, ms-Chiet-Mike]|~Om:Aprit 1, 1940, I waa living at the address given below, but to || ton tobeheld: May 30,11 a

Scolattl was notified and called the!) @@ Riverside club in Wisconsin to‘ver-|] ¢s





. ‘Name ...

were rile



= @


‘than.a cane


{a to make,the trip with all expenses |

safely division, Tn addition to a ele Cre careee aad pen

<lide a, vist to the White house




lowed by a aM: And Dire. Fernicy Gespert. of] Roast Young Tarkey wiley EW. Bide tnd In the vilage and. Fried Chicken Ata, William ‘Tappy, Ree daugh ter, Joyce, Mrs, yonn



000-boys from all parts of | pany’s Industrial rei at




. 067:

a Reptsced: Jelstte were

minee vialtors Mrs.



cy YO


+ hhy (or township) =;

however. and w west wall androel had alreedy. col


charge of the on


for fire fighting at the Nightingale

ie was ty afflclalp of the school wha. Bad








of Spald-


"i N

oe oi


How many others in family not counted?


"The entrance to the structure was | Lt last to crash Into the ‘lames, Jess than heif_an laze

Built In ‘The Nightingale was constructed in 1935 by F. E. Parmel \d-Bons and was a popular danc ‘The construction cost was various ly reported at from $40,000 to $50; 000, Including equipment It_was the second dance pavilfon fire in that area, Pine Gardens, almost directly across the. road from the Nightingale, having been’ destroyed several_yeurs ago. Pine den, was owned by Joe Andrews,


Y NEWS Public Invited To Music Program The public {a Invited to the clty auditorlum at 3 tomorrow afternoon for a concert n observance of natonal music week, May 5 through 12, There 1s no charge for the program, which was arranged by the community chorus. of the Norway PTA, under the direction of Lyle M, Smith. ‘The chorus will present a grou! of popular semi-classical numbers, aiter which the audience will Join in a singfest, assisted by the chorus.


ToBe Made By Council

ed) ‘The council will assemble at 7:30 Monday night for Its most Important meeting of the yenr, the apwa |, following Standard Olt dealers and official pointment of officers and setting of was the annual spring conte: salaries. It also will be-the “first ence of district and local oll sales requlatty scheduled meeting for the men, with afficlals of the Green w mayor, John ta‘oliowing, the ‘tet rs Giuliani-Jansen Although Parmelee could not be cmon Aprit and since that {Ime has offic Jocated this morning, {t was re- ated nupUlals of Miss and a postUablyreported that. the loss is pened session of thelalApril 15 meet-| G covered by inrurance.| Paper tin




the best of my knowledge I have not been = there or anywhere else,

ire, Ed Lanthler, Mrs, Leo Hoes, bre Anne Kaduleki and Misa Helen

oO O

| Yn ender to make the population census as complete and accurate ss | benatile, ‘The Mews Feanssta ‘persons ta Diekimseer county-wha have | I Rot been coumerated to fill out the blank below and mail or deliver it in yee eee ore. bi 7 Leia

the country. ary expected to attend. | ment,

‘That Niagara tsito be represented is owing to the work done by oft | and w meeting oie hater, of fee Scares. 1p veld, will leave Niagara ‘Thyrsday, Cowie and C. E. Murray.


+, O OO S25 ° ox oO v BRR +, OO OO Ss? O $25 o O 250K OOOY

Have You Been Counted?


sent appointive office holders

on the cellin,ngprovided ready tual tor the blaze, which travelled rapidly before wind.

u ey, $5 month; D. wed Beet ‘tre ‘chief, 535, i ce Carlson, ee


fire entet Frank Heydenn, driver of A, and James: Hombere, river No, 3 each’ 31000 month: | ‘ride Di eocin's broth Church Activities Mike Possi, chiet of police, $110 of blue face, taste Zion ion Li Luthers Y Felch Junior mis- Wieklui month: Joseph‘rolmen, Bronctyk John geet tals thade §100 and a month, ap Ktinepron sew slon program at 9 o'clock, Metro4nd Charles Swanson, street fore- taleeted. up the bride, who wore. @ politan Junlor mission program at | man, $109 a month. Mactn In addl9: nonth pald him services Sunday, as the Rev. Johnson is attending the Superior conference at Iron River. he Baptist—Sunday school at. 10 with blue accessories, reversing the o'clock. Services Sunday evening at Mrs, Jennie Gee, clerk, $80 color scheme used by the bride, Her Miss Agnes Osterberg, deputy clerk,f | flowers 7 by Miss Englund. were sweet peas encircling 5 a month, and Mrs. Justine, roxebuds, @ Dance thaler, treasurer, 535 a month for luncheon, served at A patel dance will be, held [nine onthe of he eer and, an 1 at thewedding tte: Glullant home, n sdalion juring December, FELCH


2 a February, when she Seca of Aron Mounialnc Lanch wil | tone me tiae aa tha eee center of the table. be served. William Nowack, 1s given” #40 a Mia, Zensen will ane their home in the upstairs apart@, Fetch, Bet noe ent of the Glullant, residence, In ye Disee wade baxiness caller | womens Association

in Iron Mountain Wedne: |. Henry Aune and. family, of Norway, visited relati z M, Blomquist and Mrs, Lydia © Diomquist are gitenaing the Lutheran conferenc ver as deleasies. The Trev. and Mrs. Sohn. William’ Blomquli its Eleanor Téanevon age allo etten

The Women's Association of the | PI Vulean hodist church met ‘Thursday night in the church pare lors for ® progtim arranged by Mra, Edgar Myners, chairman. The numbers Included ‘vocal folos by Robert Myners and Mrs. Carl er, and plano solos, Miss Lilllan artoot. Lunich was served by Mrs. Carl Hooper and Mrs, Fred LaFaive,


Covenant Daughters . ‘The Misses Edith Eckstrom add to the Covenant Daughters of the Evangelical Mission church Monday night in the parlors of the church. June Gsterberg will be hostesses

Sister Dies A, AL Wells has recelved word of . Edith ich, Sho-wiil

be burled at Wilson. Ralph Briefs ‘Mra. Louls Kukbush went to Escanaba to consult « doctor © ere, Adereon went 1, Esoensbe fait hee daughter, Mrs. Soumwon, ho Te Ml. Frank Paulee, of the CCC camp near Crystal Fall, ts iil at his home with scarlet fever, but is rap! gq recovering. For Better Traction Tires with the most tread should | be placed on the front wheels of an automoblie, since In wet weather thelr squeegee.nction helps to dry

Norway Briefs Lee Ruwitch and-Stuart Sanders, of the Joseph Ruwitch store, have returned from Chicago, w attended the furniture market. I. A. Johnson, Mrs. Warner Ostrom and Miss Hazel Ostrom, of Florence, and Mrs,-Al Writ fron Mauntaln, visited ot the Ernest

At The Rialto ‘Te double feature blll atthe (alto theater tomorrow Includes in


Brow! Jewell! Roles in thh first. ploture

upper-cylinder lubrication is available, but only by adding a “top cylinder oil” to the gasoline in the tank, at an average cost of 2¢ per gallon of gasoline. In addition to this actual cash saving, D-X provides


the advantages of scientifically correct upper-cylinder


Itallan Potk Sausage Sandwiches . .

lubrication... more mileage, speed and








costs you

no more

than nationally advertised “regular” gasolines. MID-CONTINENT




‘Muste By


Oat aaaon tortie ree ee | irene tenes, nee Ferm’

D-X provides upper-cylinder lubrication at no extra cost. With ordinary gasoline a make-shift degree of




EY a




The s





One Door South of Bisito Theater




ALICE SHOPPE ‘Norway, Mich.





ies pga


[|| “Broadway Melody of 1940”

Insurance! _


‘Our polictes cover lomes such as falling into the Chapin Pit, We give more for your money than any other potiey ‘written on automobiles. ‘Coeck your fire and windstorm insurance, You may be next SEE AND CONSULT






WALES?TRIANGLE STA STATION “Missing Evidence” Preston

Fovter, Irene Hervey

“Ghows Sunday 2:00 - 6:30 - 9:00


















Bs th

ter ‘Trepanier, (OsP. Forest Fire male, president of the council, Under « key line “staff correspondent” Superintendent Johnati on, of the in, and ‘Chiet and @ Sault Ste, Marie date line, McKay's road's nofthern Michigan ‘Fimes carries the !tem: “A spontaneous campaign to draft Attorney General train cOVANCE: ‘Thomas Read is sweeping across, It is, ta my mind, anchanting ities of Menthe—t.00;| peninsula with the Intensity and rapidity of sonein,O. imbe Foung, organizer of the ma ona Wate} yen ihe spring: forest fire. Perhaps in years past there has been an stain sl equally-nonsehsical statement with. regard. to upper peninsula politics, but there hae been none more nonsensical. time so little Interest in possiblecandidates for governor among the rank~and file of Republican voters” that ts_atmost It negl- company here 10 the docks at Esear y with gible. Interest will not begin to take form Ing about 14.000 tons a dey‘since shi until there is knowledge whether the Gover: Tndla—The, Talia gor i mas pe eta a Collapse At Pit nor Is to Tun again, and if he does, or if he Collapse of the highway over the pit oo Comme how the field will shape up. If It Is upon which for more than two mont cond! wide open, will Auditor General Brown be in ‘curred, if it had to occur, unt If has looked with patient eye and, wicetaaly tions most favorable for airalalig the ‘bad {t? Will Mel McPherson? Wil! State Chair Peoventing entry of "The Holy Ons to Prob | man ‘Thompson? Will any one of the several ‘consequences. The loss is confined erty. The outlay required to provide a per. otter postmiiues who have been mentioned? he own, aay 88 umably, now that he has been tapped manent highway linking the two parts of ree Dickinson county families numbering.cost IN UN the city; if the Toad across the pit ean be re- by Me ‘MeKny's Michigan Times, “Attorney 12pone wilt Leave a Friday morning,ag things f Taye Bech unable to iunthelr — stored and maintained, will be greatly In- General Read jvill be an entrant. But there 10,-on-tho ALAN ro, are in Al vehicles Matanuska—vall gmnotive aut "fut the butter and the cream, are, revere will be In that event no evidence of “forest and creased, families selected for certainly ia gent of middlewestern real, and so are the luclous tire" intensity In the support” that will be partlpaon probably destroy “What's trast silly.canary #0 cheerful about? Didn't 7 in the government's colonization| tue iced akon and the Ingredients Sean Political But all thivis ofof minor importance when given to, him. If he fates as he has fared In fone just drop twenty bucks on th e Kentucky Derby?” i s wi the beant of of beast: iron River-+Miners affiliated with the In+ neighbor Shaving thought is given to what might have hap- the primary -vote*torHewtenant governor in ly cruelty. ‘Bue Hun Is served fernatioen!” Union of fine, at and Smelter night, at collapsed Tote and ‘more tolerant, A unt the highway"had the if primary elections tn the district he will be, SWarkang-wire, ¥ junder the pened hree places In example started new Intoler~ Tt would have been probable in that event some distance behind the leader. whether. ‘they will "In Vienna,” say my Hungarian Nazi 0 di county tod ances, Solicitation that several cars and their occupants would For the assumption that there Is any I a general mine rein, May at companion casually, “there 9 Hungary was have plunged into the gap before its exist: particular interest-in Mr. Read north of the Joinfla ta, Ga—Senator Bronson Me cat 04d Bits of Fun. wht vand_the never-reecheds tnat "iooreileas s——= —— Baltinore sua ——— sco, and three othe Quuer ration, for a week. it Just ‘ence had been discovered. Traffic was fairly straits there Is no substantial foundation. He thelr deaths ttle Courtesiea in a forbound TWA Leanaport plans times the size of this pat here. | 5, By Christopher Billopp three heavy until a late hour, and St moved, par- once tatight school In the peninsula, though com Billy Gear, what will you Dear Pa—I have used up the ing. I wai last week. re beticularly at night, at a good speed, The light: few know:Jt, and he is known asa perennial near hi ‘when you' check you sent me, but I am not ginning to hate us for all the things enough 10 ea bee o ing of the Toadwag.was none too good, It candidate, But that Is about all. iat |. “Grood-by.yeNew Zealand Rallway going to ask for mo: would have been rhore good fortune than If the time comes to welgh several canMagazine. fdtdates, he will have no particular advan: $25,000 a Year Ringing Dells w Horthy, who becam Home Course is eral cars,had not been engulfed. tage. If he is entered with the ‘fulsome ap: | McGerswe FLOayea Wee la‘Radio: tt ‘Was Good Idea. She gets up to ‘must kept himself above “You shouldn't be piocae at your ‘Theories as to what caused the collapse proval of Mr. McKay's Michigan Times, come out to the Margit Island and Purttarsencary NER Service food Ike that,” ex: et mother. are numerous, and even those best qualified which will be taken to mean Mr. McKay's nee how wonderfully It has been “E ought to send on oe to le By Bill Porter Improved since you were here last.” wt have Tost to have opinion are far from agreement. But approval, he will, on the contrary, be under manners." examiner ThA Service SURE Core eaondent) a the fact that the railroad fills immediately a considerable disadvantage. “Why, Mummle? Can't I learn pounds and themic,physical ‘We join others in a little car. "I! cumstan: but think I can 4 Marian Jo: rdan_ (better German, comeback, politically, econorstealy them here at home Hollywwood—Jim_ west of the highway are Intact and the ¢onPre all our stlek it out until I got home. known to thelr tans a8 1 Fibber McGee and Molly) and culturally. Germa fidence of the rallway-officlals In thelr sta: ‘here-are some awfully good bare w ‘The others are in id I could A new youth was coming on who Dility ifdicates that the cause was something A Sound Plan jelng printed al loni in the case in spring clothes if T belleve that just eet them through the "dear read the signs of the times. They ot pute “rulings ‘The Marquette county board of supervis“Moat of, the stories leaduntilyaa we80 became constructed in Tess serlous than collapse of former mine that ts out FY ing agreements.’ Jand reform and the mod~ niver musce national capital since 1927, the of theit question, I canButprobably fam workings, with threat that the subsidence ‘OFS has been asked by the Marquette Rod wo 7 were we spin out (6 thi worty which enpaid Him Jord “Molly,” and and Gun elub to post rewards af $50 and $25 you'd MoGee park that Iles ke a separate |© ry along with what E have, though bigscontinue indefinitely. think that $10 a week was the most 98 island resort with Its gardens, am in rags. A string in my tennis yn radio before we hit the big. doug! summer rate highway department 1 making for Information leading to the conviction of to the total cout, were as follows: racket hotels, pavilions, restaurants, tennis 1s broken, but I still play tory.-Lf you'll print Per ce <guaatinge conducting = and making persons gullty of flagrant violations of fish | Tne truth en much: vette and bathing Beaches tight In it, even if It does make my yon prine tt, Me, Jordan ” And courts Biulldlng, forthe: Department se with uiries that will permit it to reach what and_game laws, such as dynamiting trout | it we'll tel 1s (0 TM the neart of m big city, wo pass rows game lousy. There are some wonder Ju tice new apartment "houses, The will_probably be the most authoritative streams and illegal possession of venison. e ful marke ded ets Bullding foe The Archives. 31 laces on the Buda hill are the sports shop. It should bo noted that the proposal opinion as to the cause. It is concerned with Bullding for. the Postotnce fame ns they were, and no one could peace Y'm simply testing my complexion Deparimé Yearning beygnd reasonable doubt. whethér, strikex only at the more serious offenses and improve Its handsome and dramatic Treatlen, they0 howe Nvlingness Bullding It's all splotchy. But I 7 ‘che Department 7 If the highway is to be maintained, the task would not place upon the board the respon- we aspects, but thi fof the elly to postpone the decision while refeel I can afford crea of recent.economic. acbefore it will be to filling the great sibilities of paying reward money for lesser Ire eo plnce Is sur ounded. by a rose-covertd thowed signs“t's all aulding fo "ihe Department topped. since: the ullding the nation. font bar ts at appoaloe Th knoe hole caused by the collapse, If the answer is violations, such as fishing or hunting with- vase wall. "within the walle sare flower gardens, Uvities, of the Inter jor + ‘This war gives them the chance, "says ont of the ere Dire. JOrgRR | T look a sight wimming Building for the Federal wns, alfirmative, the work iwill, it 1s understood, out a license or out of season. sae aime nut we yee buck get: jusie Jones has given me ver ewimming Tessin “a Bop here be undertaken: If it is negative, the highway Conservation officials are convinced ting out of the troubles of the @ with grove most worldertul invitation to vist The “that Bute " Siprems i . r twenty years when Uh will be abandoned, and plans made for a that posting of rewards serves as a great ‘a her for a week ¢1 term, But the walt fare would be 3450, which _new link with the north side and_for- han: deterrent to would-be yjolators and they I've known this country for twenFibber and Molly Meet In Choir cane For Today Puts It out of the question. Anyway, ‘dling-the trunk Hine traffic that has hereto- know, as a result of experience in Ontons ty years—man} years of From. headline Jn a news note ‘We frat mot while etneing inthe sghole tn ? ably ae sheer tragedy, years in which a nagon and Gogeble counties where the reward fore crossed the pit. tn the New York Times" Vander |tqrere in he veary. Te wilbe: A 8 and Marita was YT jag teaching ‘piano ‘and Yon struggled up. fromHorrcomplete system has been adopted, that much valua- a Vera Loolesto Mood of Wovers, Says | 2% a_concentrate, of-rein~ Ing to Tt May Setile. Election. ail the other girls will be ble Information regarding violators has] T was pinying sem! 7 a bal live prosperity whieh It a.m today, posse: ‘that a mettl Government Crisis Just think. Twentypiven to officers because of the posters. sing “Where did you go on thone would No nation. suffered more cruelly ple, who hav ated "for the whalleg. cover all my nueds. Wasn't It has been said that unless within a few beenUndoubtedly “We were marri ed three years Inter In 1918. trips with your fathei the value of posting re- People seem to Heiers a" we’ ve lived all our from the last war thah Hungary. If Rowrvot reckoning, would not it welry godmother! Please, Pa, days the Allies can produce some notable “Usually to the woodshed.’ ort there Is any. country In castert come the opportunity largely psychological, but it serves lives in apartments, but to snaten, don't think ‘Tre hinting, aa Tus victory the Chamberlain government will be wards.ts Europe, whose wmoathies. vould derstand-your-situmtion, really none the'dess. The Ontonagon | ever aince weve been marti and we soc! purpose Its ‘The editor of the country Mews ‘rue: page #,coluran 2) rally be with the Germans in _ in danger of being oyerturned. If that is true and Gogebic county boards probably adopt- $1000 for a wedding. prefent t paper went home to dinner, smil- having a swell time, Affectionately ‘ane we have now makes the danger seems to be imminent. There is ed the plan with certain misgivings, fearing, ees int on a home. yours, Mary, ing. happily. owned “fou must ave Nad no possible fleld of early victory unless Italy od money,” sald Jim. that they would be flooded with defortune vning”™” greeted, ne ‘What's In A-Name? 4s an entrant into the war and suffers a perhaps, for payments, vw“Why, It has just Been in the part two A dispatch | from London wil ‘smashing reverse at the hands of the Allicd mands ald,” announced the ‘Times Correspondent in Milan, true, however, that | Fibbs fleet. But st fs still far from certain that whileIt-1s-strange—but two castles on the tap. Hts ho-hasn't paid. of @ hill near ish, bewildered by the twist and | edit ‘im game law violations have decreased | MUET money a8, By Froderic sondern, Jr. Melropotitan Bhverlalners Vicenza, incorrectly Italy will early be In the war. And If {t en- in those counties and the mimber of success: ers, & concert com| pany, subscription, for 10 years, came made Tougher urns of hard-pressed Neville Char his alter and tered it does not follow that hostilities would ful prosecutions Increased as a result of in+ #25 000, net profit y on in the In and stopped his paper.” Chicago Dally News correspond- beriain, yale: mental black. immediately be Joined with all the resources formation furnished officials, few, if any, med in: thing to do.with the familtes of the ent Leland Stowe threw a bomb- Paver anould furn,out that Churchin the got the balls ow of the combatants. twa immortal lovers, persons have come forward to collect reNL into, No, 10 Downing street. 4H hag Iaunched another Gallipoll, ominous, Dino Grand!, Mussolini's stored w them to you. by the Provincial Tourist It Js, therefore, “all but certain that-the nd graphle revel- the effect on Britishmorale will be | chief sounder of Italian pubite opin- eas of Vicenza and opened On more than ane occasion, Inform. Sat nse and ian played pla no Unut-hs dress debate in the British Commons Tues: wards. son eegen com ng back over to the ‘Swiea bells. | t,he nls haye told officers they believed it was and organ In waddlticneoncert we work = — day will be held without any development of thelr ocean se o Landon, the Gapeletcastle. was trance ve to report violations and that they ny formed Into a raedieval thougnt was a fu ture In radio” sald Jim, catastrophic Geeinaaon tavern, and importance that will divert the members’ at- were duty not interested In the reward. senanits there dined rst hand obser ar very soon come when on our first arly a Shakespearean atmosphere, true we mn ie $10 a weekmoney “tention: from Sir John-Simon_is hin on its imperialistic am-'Y | given we nad led | reporting to thelr serene that st all the mo frescoes and quotas If, occasionally, the county boards are | rad with pletures, ow. quoted as saying that the responsibility for called upon to pay, it is maney well spent, Tived just itving at that tlme, and 1 even sold may to stay, the Ger ans are Th he tions, recalling. Juliet and her sad what fore good long while, what ha;tpened in"Norway 4s the responsibil- and we cannot help belleve that if the washing machines, sewIng machines and vacuum he ath er castlea story, while ir support seeret. ry, and, anymn Whitenall’s. taneousl mary reason, according to oeaeum was ity of the entire cabinet. If this means what plan were adopted by every county there cleaners ove th government their dispaten a eteciain aa cheered Tae dedicated to the memory panhe two | hy @ devastating Inia vaudeville, for. made it scems to mean it means that there was no would be a substantial reduction in the num- yas“Fi ica tadlo mtweal re was al 140. ge da Porto, from whose tale Shakes" if ‘pped Into action, instructed {he effect ct of London's Inefficiency and important dissent from the decision reached. special ambassadors Setreees: ae vaudeville at & tn the subject of his im~= London papers to peinnt only part mm $780 Rome and Berlin which went ~'This, in turn, means that the cabinet, with: ber of game and fish Jaw violations, Namees vn and we made thay maweh In radio ‘Btowe's dispatches;-an Bro: |oeEsoastiand Alert, long mainte: when we went back to I, + out distinction af persons, will be undey fire, rad) lo we had a | dribble da “when 1 Jed bask on rad ‘The restlessness of the British people Is play! ed ‘but very modern fleet in the Baltic ea-nou not difficult to understand. The government trained and equipped ano and-organ and told cries all under dlfe immed! ently t elly could represents the same control of Commons ferent names and’ with different voices.” put wi There were music. songs and dances the prime |army, in the. # country,~glving lance to the Germans. Stockholm ts ln costumes whder a lovely, spring time to get the commons that Mr. Baldwin's Cabinet represented when miniate! Are Samo Old Fol ‘McGee almost, as well protected against ‘and the feast was crown it- fenored the significance of Hitler's regime no maior ale Pde rt "tanaon or Berlin, But we thoie which sang’ w special HONE cae tar Finber McGee and Molly Balng. new preparéd nnd pos ae he ‘and reiterated warnings from British lead: | whe ease ere dicated to "The Violate of Romeo they kan: ney could mot hold eye eee ec, | Alaturbace. ae ers, ‘and put off until a dangerously late time Hean party, belleve that State Seneior Fee fi | ues Are or out without ‘Aled ald. And’ srson -that no rentlhat ae aid has done rave. oa. a nvisebilty of Joining the revamping of its military machine, If it He ae Pe caaline me Unto Teron oe Fare | oad ‘Smecioutel Jim: wen ch grocer Wno Was | Mp ¢_ one becom oul In England will seo “Nocws =f atwnys smack was ineffective In preparing for war, appre Row a Republican isonete yn Just tas Important is Sine duce fimsel{ has not yer act hls ceremony anything more Shan harabess 4 hension Bus grown that it 1s fated to be in to want ed. He ls, according to Roman InJ ‘opportunity for ‘merrymakrade. Joe Stockholni's fear of Com: Wa pioturer-!Thnis dion Gea cue se now, siders, walting ta see what: advan- tng an drinking the ‘dod wine of effective in waging war. Stalin who, for a long an Ot cna a wate Jordan, 'An|d ead dim i The Petron | FRE aroiher picture’ tNing cchanma i rao ¢ 0 region. Names should not mise had his eye ages Ger ‘Germany can and machine, welt Min hav, Had not Mr. Churehill been taken into a ttwe don't wanthsIt bee and candidacy Flynn's , r aimare ie a taneT™ bald fe one, to b from Its new Scandinavian basi bea. © the government.It would be easy to predict y. R.N, Holsaple, Michigan dry against England. But the Roman judicious Julle! r r epic, but a small, Inexpenslv: a ¢-ahoutin recently announced nimself f what would happen next week. Invand out of dice are load have no ambition to be motion +! season, during the years when, If his counsel fam Muptdlty and astute observer of governraw troops at ae had been heeded, Britain would have been ett ae ePintera, (nat. Gry) Gaverner fazing inferno, | might march made ready for war, he hammered away in in dry "ulna RIENDSHI P's GLORY Dall fficladenlalsnotwitlh continues, and we Tor com anide at =ie saute wit a fruitless effort to awaken the government standing, » considera! ot By Anne Campbell definitely, without to the danger Inherent In German rearma- the autho haa na loved Amer [war material for the German army who Governor: pe XmBItTOUs Or [Tn Ne as be t allowed to ment. If he had been outside the government Dickinson I saninst as quotation, The robin haa a warmer note this Spring. * x candidate for Lleutenthe on, ports Swedish from, efferssa_ 8 + the past several months the demand that he the Identity of the man Be aa sun has more enchantment in its eavy ertllecy Baltic—malnly t vealed. It Is Senator 1 believe that mill ry and naval direction work In London very alent ee |and be placed at its head would by now be over « ammunition, too heavy What I do ous spel tacts of the highest, Felix HLL. Flynn, of Cae of the war In Norway Is-compatent. t and Ttmnaport’ which hes Deen } whelming. thy me eps less, the flowers aro blosIhtLcal direction, The Now, Folks, here strange combination; not understand or trust is the. blaaling the Allies, at Trondhelm. But Mr, Churchill has been in It, the most ily antl-boss Governor Diewlnaon, and rthur Greenwood, deputy leader of the Labor Berlin velleves—and,w: »buss Senator Flynn, far governor and Party in Parllament. important, ‘alter Mr. Chamberlain, figure. Ih ‘greater beauty at s the days unfold. ie i$-For some weel he has had large grants of¢| Licutenant-Governor, reapectively, on this sum+ Tye eon trying to give the people who are ‘gowerto how the war should be tne Reavis ucket, aio atlow the paneer ‘The trees were never draped in so much Troops, ABATNT TTR — tire" fought. What was done in Norway-prostimneed one! For the:Governor, You may remembel, has tive existence. oSod, howe hes en; . navy can do nothing. saa a ed to pore Edgar Lee Masters, poet. } ably had his full approval, if tt was not unThe orchard never bloomed like -this has fe phaat of such evs ~— nee Seceerity . dertaken under his urging. Mr. Churchill Me enjoys tho reputation of being a kreat ‘American barometer mee in Michigen. nee Mie Mussolini 1s the ore. no mean feat handout 1s a! are must, {t-seems,share the burden. of the atSn we suggest to the venerable gentleman] liberal and ® great conservative There are no shadows where the willows Slipped” with wir great care, Information, Roosevelt on Justice Stone as a | Man self—Eliiott T tack that Is now taking form. the get in touch with T, O, Huckle, Ceaitae “dark norse ideal ae ean The strength of Mr. Chamberlain's posi ‘Mr, Stowe, ‘That ‘vi potOn, happen ee duce inane With their arms garlanded above my: Huckle a fending lay member of t It's in the Perlod that follows the war that again, And from Row | tion Hes principally in the condition that ethodiat church with whieh the-Governor ts ough: or th 3 door. . it re wast-| going to be even an | there is no alternative leader to whom the of salt what cut, ected, can no doubt Inform his Governor ‘ae {2 his point on, we must think forrespondents. House of Commons can turn in confidence {Hlona gout the Cudhiige Senator's political re Pwul-Van Zeéland, former {Hy hse This is the onty’Spring when darkness fled and Uncensored firs lavonship with Me + thar he would note effectively conduct the the more clear of course, even thenthe Governor may Prime Miniter of Beisitim What inwortles ak me down a pathway you make war. The Conservatives control the House, not Tiut, Ye-ean’t Invade Japan and Japan can't In-| sighted London is the effect of put much stock In what Mr, Huckle could Vand in their ranks outside the government wade tte United ar Admiral Taussig {tig Norwegian-debacie on Winston “tor the Governor doesn't even—pay | ts na leader for whom they are likely to rento the alarm recently aati ‘he In plea for a Digger navy. emarel ‘popularity. _ The ry of your friendship had not shed ight over me this ime last year. ure “christie Avocet ire Mr Crompertain— da Vincl and Poe leaned ‘manahip Br eaten bas Loe whose editor a f weeks a0 pe dighelieu, Rasputin, +” “The odds would, therefore, seem to run weekly journal, poise and wisdom @ quesilon: “Ta Governor Dickinson tp yeavily onEllet. ‘ther Concordia, Ee See of pillar Kan, newspaper been the only | that the end of the coming week will find Marian Christian frontfor Bossimin Bichi- ‘woman opposing a state war on loose the hard pressed an i

On the Side


In Hollywood



—Cofsnient if Sie ay

Pin ew epatian candi or Lu | TS Ssh oly ne made on oer, MMU

4 Mr. Chamberlain sult the head of the gov-


rAL, DOUGLAS—gitl sports writa w tigned on a Tetghter to Bnd

ie Fights 1 Doubs Tor Fain Evwaikge wivice a0 Te

the moonewashed excitement, wis sare s +. 3 Som EDDIE CAVALIER—A prize fight- Enow'* she full ler headed for the title, has a score ‘Then tadenly Bis his hands were on {te:nottle with Val het-shoulders but -ahe ‘didn't turn} NISTEVE, HANSEN ski e Northern Belle. “Maybe I'm out of pounds,” he fe ‘DUFFY KELSO—Cavallier's out,

Sermon; The Sure Remedy.” Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wedtnes:

We announced later on fay 11—George'C, Welser, rector, Baptiet nay (Breltung and Roselandy Sunday-achool,10 a. m. Bible school, 10 a, m. Preaching. morning worship, 21. Solon tevin Alma seevice, 7 p.m. i'm, m. This ‘will be an an “Communion wilt follow, Na Musle by the string bend, suntoe vice, Choir practice and Senlor Cholr, Mixed Quartet, the home of b: LW. E


ty minute song and testimony serv ico pI the sermor Supper will follow. fete mévting of tng church at 730 30. p.m. Tuesday. Mid-week Bible study prayer sasating at the ndIng atMrs.the Emittabernac fee eee ‘of Mr, ancl Fridays Services atthe enllig fare at 7 p.m. Thursday--Ewald ©, Roell, pastor, bell will give a Bible. gule, Mra Snyder and Mrs, Paul Olson, Wesley Methadst Rotates “Frank Blair, gustan (Brown street and Carpenter aveni Mount. Oltre, Lutheran 4 funaty, school at 9:8. ,Evening (309 West Hestreet) t 7, Cholr rehearsal Tues rma: aay ‘Svening. mid-week service. Satur’ it] ing, class in religious Instruct Charles J, Swanson, pastor. ‘Swedish Methodist Norway! pen fend the Upper Prnineula pastoral Sundey wehoot st 2.45, Sweaiem conference ‘at Palnesdaje, Mich. service at 10:45. Wednesday eveMonday through Thursday, Con- ning, mid- Sait vetvicns Charen % firmation class will meet as sched- Swanson, pastor. uled—E. C. Beversdort, pastor, arch at 45 a. m. Devotional Firat Lutherm riod. Adult Bible (iron Mountain and East, Hughitt) service English mornitre~ ‘servi a class topic: ‘Isaiah Gives God's Ine conducted by Lavern Anerson ot vitation." Communion servien tor’s sermon: “On Th To Augustana Seminary, Rock Island, conference afler I Anthem by the ‘choir, Sunday Terich the morning service, Christian Endeavor at 7p. m. Illustrated Gospel service at 8. Sermon theme From The Par- Country.” Hom picture “i be a dramatiaatlon of the Bibt ory of the Prodigal Son, Choir ranean | at 150 Bm Saturday ‘h—Bertrand : nd at 9:30 am. Senlth, ministers Saturday.—Vernon E. Ryding, pastors tor, D—By wearing tm ‘Sette moaaen same sweater for watching the pola t 9:30 a. m. the Rev. Paul Frys matches in the afternoon and for ung’ of Nosth Park Collage, Chica icago, dancing in_the evening Ann Sheri+ ik to the Sunday school, dan ul hat the new 9p English morning service at 10:45, douti The Rev. worethe aw with its hood up and 33 back and white plald skirt, For dancing the hood collar accented with damon chipr


program gives In Eddie takes a, ra ‘closes with the district Sram 1 Valit ts algned. “lovers Preebytoriad Henry R. Nelson. pastor, mnt Rodney.” (Brown street and Carpenter In the event that any of the first ‘Wieonsin Mission Chapel CHAPTER XXIT avenue.) Sie school, 2 prt. Bible study Eddie ain't know a whole 1ot open for anything elthat enters ‘wide Sunday school at 9:30, Morning your Monday at the hom worship at 10:45. Special music by about Val Douglas’ privi but 1s we at Elot Rjorkman: Rervice at te choke, Sermon toole:,“Chatetan ha was pretty gure rhe “Man have pind, But 1ad a to T sald, It wi ould chapel at 7:30 p, m. Friday—Henry ‘Vocation: ted | any close “re! itives named Rodney. help rae mote if do,you Maybe Endeavor at forgot its ar R, Nelson, pastor, So the guy who signed the wire Sor Dick Hill wil {etl of hls aa ‘Then ho left her and a! rode a "must have bedn « « wel Calvary Lutheran he: just must have omeons tempore speech division. Other (Quinnesees + + wait!” She ran after place wianees in the iron Mountain Mel sureJust-one of « doven guys Meet at the chu nt who'd be willing to chase her ta xo to Iron M sata for the 10.30 | 2 reyou sure you, want 10 (From Hammacher Schlemmer, t argand the country ‘a low volce. York) er helpin Lee eyes of witty abate of ples raessage fot ene mittens of rong, flexible, Original’ oration, you." hp sald and turned his atten plastic are fin ‘ow're @ lousyllar, Eddie,” she transparent tection for your hands when g0m to hear Miss Evelyn er after the rervice—N. | told him, ace, winners were tionShe to-Wong. Gening, painting, pojlshing metals Stark,Invited read it and then glanced a high officer in synodical and "So Tima lar," he sala ihe in Mountaln | aura ly f e , Me-was just start seru! ‘them oe Troe kere ther and Missionary Conmughy, pastor, “But don't you under Noretetical division, Rem stan slaves while dtvingre ‘andto vk, Chole rehearsal, 8:15. Thurs lol, fambaugh, extempore easy hand ay at 7:30, public examination of and Dwight Bishop, StamEas Foting from soiling ned finens, He stopped. the confirmation class. in baughy deciamations, junday renvol a0 | rou're not very flattering,” she cod for people. Don't you village. seta! Christan Redeavor Quinnesec will send three first i Bethlehem Luth at you and ne, Doroth: at 7300 1 B Fe je. Ladies’ Aid at ater ces trlorenes. Wis.) Spring Dance To tn the "Thursday. eatin Mra Lloyd are in altfere 9: He stopped, “1 tn bat'tm butting drclamatory division with “Are-You show i litle more’ curleaty idirkpateiels 107 Withworth 1. U, heat with the McConaughy, pastr, Me Be Held Tonight “wi 8 you think I woul ho athed bluntly. “Maybe you're rot Robert Lallale, extempore sack, your signals crossed.’ ae | At Country Club Women's Lond «Chan ‘With he he left tho. galley: She ponsor a meeting to which all the Morning wor Te with ser stood looking after im ‘Maybe sh nee’ reservations indteate |; Invited mon by the Mev. F. M. ‘Townsend. eharsh Social Notes did have crossed, at that, there will be 30 or more. couples at ladiey ker: of theMiss Evelyn Stark, Sunday school at 19. But innthe ‘next ‘Instant she forrot {he spring dancé at the Pine Men officer, in ‘national Something like that, Country Home Arts Cinb ‘was Rodi arrange Missionary and) Luther League Presbyterian : 's lo use kidding myself, It's ments forclub this evening, ‘& Arthur Despin was hostess e In charge of work, gota) Luther League meets at 8 p. tothe Home Arts Improvement iu true, isn't Mr. and tis “Ray Turner, ook m. Friday with Mrs. Ned Hancock Morning worship at 9 with: serShe didn't answer, She wasn't go- men, Toe ly at her home larly tile to see hi Mr.and Mrs. George on by the Rev. NU. MeConaughy. serving. m that nothing wa: ft @ members played Y just agittle afraid to anFiedilng, of Sunday school at uth. She couldn't Dr. and Mrs. William The Work period, and. then Vere ie estion in her couples witl be ao- Gospel Tabernacle (Pentecostal) junc) he vited to the dining i ‘anything just then, She} use| Nerway, ledSeveral ian «Quincy street, Breltung? by onteots ests. werved at a ta decor turned away. (Florence, Wis.) Dancing wilt begin at 10, follows os chy ated in yellow and whit But Val knew what he was thinks Sunday school at 10. Morning wormall cocktail parties | « George Awsay. wha observed he ped a jown the cf ‘omIng as he Morning worship at Tord ship at 11 with sermon by the Rev. re also will be theay,, cut the ‘birthday cake, pantonway. F. M. Townsend. dinners: su © which yas placed’ Ia the center of fac ‘She went back Lo the stern of the for the dance will service the tabl Northern Belle and let the breeze benyed ‘ogram valle, They managed By Andy Peterson and hi eibeadors ot a 30 pe CWeleedny, Bethany Lutheran (Norway) some~ Rhythm Aces. Pre # mest.They gave up thelt blow in her face.likeS! 1@ that.needed The committee will Cavin ut Firo Hundrgi Club then, Just Swedish service 11.—The Rev. F. soothing secve a buffet huncheon during in- Michael Vinceitl, pastor. Mrs, Joe Devet, ae Louls Devet Guin to. bunk with nim in the thing E, Peters (To Be Continued) crew's quarters. They played poker (ermissfon at midnignt, and Mrs, Palmer joint with Saviour’s Lathera: him, and rus a penny stub house wit be decorated Our _(simberly tral Methodist hostetses to thelr the hundred club and F atreets) wit “pring ftnwe! West B street» + @ ‘Thursday evening at the Joe Devet = pala ‘oneal ay Duty Welad Personal Notes by Church(110school he dance Is the first of a series Laverneship,Anderson of m,the Sermon Home in Garden Village. Mrs, John “Phe only time Val was able to see at 9:30, Morming Augus.ans worship at 10:43. Subject: “The est, Prizes for nim eas ‘at mealtime and oecasional- Ralph Hamilton of Escanaba, continued throug Seminary, Rock Island, Ike Mer Special matle by ‘k, Mrs. arthe ecnetecstion Calvary) Guia: spent’ ie in the city. ya It nesee will worship with us, Senior Weather conditions were Aden! Frank Dirkmanv is : Mi Irs, Hen choir will sing, Vespers, 7 p. as a plece ted in Menominee pane Meetings @ Tho Risnel will be ‘The Pacific wasEddieat calm Examination af, the Confirmation the most Jolnt hostesses at the next meeting. of glass and have made George Wallner, city engine er. ote will run the eaulv- spent ofalentit. Heof must Friday in Ironwood, on a ‘Adult Mactoso five miles around raday—H. A. Mi ‘Adult Muesioxo club at 7:30 Mone stl Downtown, 9, and Breitung, 9. Luther Miss Vera decks, He sharpened up on the light business misslon day night In the music room of the ankinl, traveling sales~ 2, 7:30 yesday in the kway fiercely at home, 899 East bag and slammed Tron Mountain bleh. school tures Tae acs Confirmation St Paul's F street, last ever Acme ually Paints aro in 8 clans by iemiaiven Polley not the heavy his for the upper peninsula band f° Js spending the week-end at Program chatr- Sunday acnoot et 965, Worn | second casion of her eighteenth Shah ox Sd ined day Mike Kelly tngrade and guaranteed to the limit, Ca to be held May 29 {a Tron Meun= class wit theminggusts Sundin. "Junior eee period at gam ith inch, sisted he was okay, despite his re A Sermon: Th e Call of nla will be discussed. This, will be Chole at 6 \Weanesday, and Senior inthree fast. in K. Reuling, ed at ¢ pretuiy gecoratea table, cent ‘anthem by the chet e Wild” ane ‘ for a | the last meeting uptil fall chotr-at 1: Missionary: service ‘Guests-were at 8:13" on Muateatea. Tere Mrs Mr. and Formolo, Carol Lapine, Irma Saved ‘by. the Wamervar Msalonary ieddle, The boxtng Writ: | week-end visit wim p to the Ca ou tot, Beatrice Lilvick, Hyacinth ee tre irom ‘San Francisco 100 society. Miss Evelyn Stark, the Ni a eongulsz 519 Wert D alrect, [French-Canadian Valow. zo!, Bernice and Flom and ench other significantly. » yonn Gray, edor of the Diamond |g Monday nignt in they okt’ Se tonal Young Women’s secretary, rf @ Mary ni allce Blacktonl.? “Ho's right as rain,” Bradley sald. 6 Td Stafansky, Of the | fosephy parish hall, Cards and lunch apeaker. ‘The Dorcas society !8 to Wednesday. meet with her at 7 Mrs. Holtquiat and Mr Moaroe ode. Ane aie [Cee ies hte ocieee ‘lin charge of ingara member Srmateatil4 Bupper great_one, that Kid.” | visited Ip the shes seater, will follow the business meeting. | will be served following the meet- —Howard F, Snell, minister, indfeatUns- are that the spaghettl feo: Ney Harvey Poirier and twin ing. Breitunx Ladies Ald at 2 He eas toward Val who was! supper planned by the Sacred Heart ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT Thursday In, the chapel Mra. 4987 First Methodiet gon, Ne, SAREE | yong, Harn and Ble, left pester for tomorrow eve- munchiny Radio Tonight (Vulean| ‘ Nygard ry Bloomqulst, thee over [sega “peautltur, ‘The king of all paints. By using our Acme two coat attended, It is be- side of the ate fy £0 Sunday school at 0, Warhie chipper late | 4 host William Steel, pastor, tae theres haan bee house paint aystem, we guarantee that t YOu can get service at 7. Mlustrate: Bloved, Mrs. Fol ly." he obser rlth:theee-conts.ot. W longer-lasting jobPrees) Mate Trip to, the Congo” a T0 Episcopal visite retetives tn trom Mou Bir P.The Auociated PS ould nthe, ether. If someordinary paint, For imited time only«. m.—Gang Busters, CBS to Holy-Trinity. Promace ane: Wert Batreetay Thu Howard F, Snell, minone blew up an exclusive right un- tain and Nag wait, Wvisk, wel Holy commun! ureh ister, James Laughlin’ and her ae Mrs, a it Parade, CBS to school, 9°30 a.m. Hay communton over the wera rail pushiec, Mise Mary wanm, Weco, Brag, Wish and sermon at 10 m. Y. PF. Christian Belenen Society ACME INTERIOR GLOSS Card Party wate Music Week, 6:00p.m Vestry. meeting at 7:30 30 p.m (712 Stephenson avenu @ = Nine tables of five hundred and wi. druaht ot M rk. Made with bakelite and Morning service at il. Sunday p.m. Tuesday at the rectory. Holy “8 East Smith street, ar- whew wach Grisby, NBC. to Trinity bunco were played at the ty gl Guild at 2:15 p.m. Wednes school at 9:45 a. m. Sul ibject: “Everwill stand continuous washing tor years, Spreads 58s en by the Trillium camp o! Ro} 1 vee nome yesterday.from a week'si wast WMAQ, KSTP, F. ©. lasting Punishment.” Testimonial far and covers solid, Limited time only «. A ance.ioe, NBC te days the home of Mra. visit to Ann Arbor, where the gi rls Neighbors Thursday evening at the | of her hi community hall. Careful. there. 2 don't want to | partllpad jed-in-a state-wide mu te ates Prizes went to Mrs, Edward Jarvis have to fish y contest. } eae High Bartek She turned, @ and Ben Curran, righ, and Adolph Mountain women who went ade, CBS to WBBM, WCCO, hs + it’s you TE didn’t hear to Iron johnson, second high. Miss Mollie Acme Flat Wall Acme One Coat Ishpeming yesterday for a M you come up. And how did y aunnkre RADIO— ph seals the. Bunce award. sion church ‘conference wore Mes. Flat Wall Manage to slip those two Teeches aa. not streak unfler the Eva Cai nh —Silver Theater, CBS to A general utilliy paint, eco rida who have been tracking you down?" Theodore Carlson, rua wilt not rash and ig whee P WISN, WCCO, nomtcat “and easy to. apply. as Manele Fish, (of Hermans. Simple enough." He leaned, on absolutely ‘Special 4:30 p. m—Gene Autry, CBS to For a lmijed time, special Tine, who he bride of the rail next to her tke WBBM. WCCO. Ninn, of Kingsford, was hone and. eam EB. Moisk Benny, NBC to cored -dnesday “We'll be In. Sanfuny Franclaco tor Mrs, Cart ‘Carlson, Mi WMAQ, KS night, In Ue Breltung, comunity morrow night,” she sald. “Gad?” son, Mra. Hugo Johnson and Mrs, WIM, Pom cherie MeCarthy, NBC Mowing “Glad enough. ‘Things will really te wr WMAg Kate, five Numtfed and Muneo games, move once we get back.” day Evening itour, "Oh, you've been bored to"death and M G. Schrader, of Forty-Firtlr Birthday ACME QUALITY ENAMEL-KOTE “WDAr, WISN, WCCO, cas? the lant 10 days?” Engle River, visited at the Ale x o ‘A group of friends surprised Mra. A purely synthetic enamel which dries in four ‘Hardly, It can't be very boring ‘Machus home yesterday. Frank Janeshek at her homie on the wher you're arou: “he “Hour of Charm,.NBC t6 hours and requires but one coat ., 65¢ *‘Miss Verona Sandstrom Is vislt- writs, WMAQ, WOCO. gecaslon of her fertyfitih birthday, “How am I supposed to-take Ing-in Marquette with her moth: er, Prizes were aw Mrs, L. P, Sandstrom, Tee hudved, after. whlet1Tan CENTRAL HOUSE PAINT was served. ‘Mr, and Mrs, RL. Montgomery the home of Mr: and Mrs, Norman A good paint for very little money, Specially haye returned from a visit in Ca Thompson. @ Ne fa. Btudent Danco priced at only .. ‘There will be no student dance at answer al first, Finatly-she got her your, Brtete ‘Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lessor, of | astMrs, Kingsford the Knights of Columbus club this | jumbled emotions straightened out. Hard and duuhters ood, visited yesterday atthe Beatrice Adaand Bemis eveniny iney . » « RodneyBlair. + = i ROCK SPAR VARNISH, extra special $2.50 GAL. home of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Bows Visiting at theDolly,homeof Pontiac, he'a-an attorney back east. | of Mr rassa, Avold Wrinkles is that alt? For keeping the skin around the e didn't resent his Fi loyd Thompson and Buster Al- Mrs, John Kanska, en route We also carry the following varnishes In tock: Valspar, Pratt ® eyes supple, it's a good Idea to use quent in a she felt a little ten, of Ch jeboygan, are visiting. at North Dakota, | and Lambert's 61, Berry Bros, Liquid Gra and Acme’ Stipen. bricating all. Apply Tf Varnishes, A guarantee with every can, with the fingertlps with a gentle rotary motion, wor! the InSpecial Prices on Johnson's Wax and Was-O-Namel, the enamel aide ou ‘with the satin finish. it ° I

Extra! New Prices


ge ae

Acme Quality Paint ".

Limited Time Only!


3 Sg75

$1.85 =




: $1.75x.

Springtime: is Planting Time High Quality Nursery Btock,at Reasonable Prices







Spaghetti Supper Prepared by Angtlg Friso.


sold during this sale, 3


For Rent Sand your own floors eco nomically with professional of tor rei


FINE WALL PAPERS. INSTOCK—500 PATTERNS made by Imperial Birge and United wall paper mills.

Aurora, Wis.

“SUNDAY, MAY 5th Serving from 4 to 8 in church basement





Retifes As

“4—Mre, Ver

non Ryding, of Iron Mountain, pres Ident. reper “an socoureeibe In-| el membership ar

t rn h of any kind is yesterday “ot mn Augustana ened. at ree ‘made |'sonary lociaty af the Superior conits Lo assist 400 con- ference, "which $252,380 In it, meeting Fregations fo carry on and expand today with the Sieetion ot offi ar fatty the their hele workwork. “As rt has shown thi to be | Tribu to Rev, Da we Mave had material progres rane ect Lund, 0 ‘The-untimaly_paselng-ot-the ~ Taare for sa pears rein at acere shan our and G. A. Danielson, former,p. that a3 ‘spiritual blowslnge ot Mr, and Mrs. Gur ‘Savlou's Lutheran’ church In to our individual members visited in Norway. Wednesday, rere! have-falthfully served so that we Scott, Errol Flynn and Miriam Hopkins, ofthe tn that ways-Yaust be fon unt could have m material progress,” Randolph Mra, Mae Guy haa returned from attract Delft scene. from the picture, “Vi irginia City,” th devised to reduce thelr cost of pro1 r 8. Ryding a few_ weeks’ visit with “relatives tomorrow. and Moi nday. The bach ‘cground of the film Is m page conference, at 1942 the W, M. 8, of the Au- theatre ‘of the history of the con ‘of the’ wert during the Civil war. Tt telly In PHA =} of Amerie a" ‘Synod of North America, of ‘@outunion ‘te snmual comrention being beid Intellipence. 6 officer nent to the ae Viewele ge aie fo the Superior conference Is a t I the iWended { laymen ‘The Woawere eald that unless they At The Perfect 1 nce|-part, will celebrate tts golden” ju$e hicteltow pastorswas and.occas!o ned tain more money for the organize. Southern eempathioers it Mevadac STAMBAUGH, May 4 — Cary that bis retirement and the Bible bilee, to andIn connection ducts they cannot operate and it Grant members have set cer by his Lund recent was iline:“gracuated ‘rom camp at Marinette and Rossllid Russell bare the Fortune lake ‘someone tain goals t o . be achieved during roles in the guy county. organization to work for a featured the next three years, CHURCHES CRYSTAL FALLS comedy, “Hs Giet Fetday™ whlch ‘The anitual all-conference dinner Mission reduction in-the various forms Festival wilt be shownoat the Perfect theatre rill be heldat 6:90 a'lock, tonight mt on yesterday's program Bennett Called Again Fint Lutheran an row day. Ralph parlors. Cite. Comparison (Crystal Falls) heute the supyortial Sant Wiliam 4 Slegeltof Iron Mountain, was the mission festival held in the ‘An invitation ta return ta his Manufacturers today are getting Grant Ste 9 a m, with a maddest | will be the speaker, and Ben rie charge was given the Rev, Hedley Swedishpastorservice, in attendance. Sun- approximately $15 more per ton or ho ever ran ‘Sfomsan “a master. per thousand for the Anlahed pro- Ruveell is hs eapsicious, Dis ree Bennett, pastor of the First Metho- day 001, 10 . ‘m. No English servThe Rev. Sieg: 1 be cepted = rom the dist church, at the-quarterly meet- ce. cue to conference, Lath Bitet, while the producers are get- porter, and Bellamy the #imini, “The Shritan's Faith In a World tlan flag by Jet waon, of Stam- ing of the board ‘Thursday evening, League In the church Darloes, at ling’ the. same_priorecand, some: fretting ‘Lutheran crsen, in Escanaba and amranee: asta ta whom times less—than they obtained five she baugh. The_ scripture. reading and. ‘at-which_the-dlatrict- superintend- 7/30 been there p. b. Wednesday, Confirmation e woman 1s the The conterence-will-ciore-tomorthe of six igo, it was stated. The were offered by the Rev. L.| ent, f| instruction, 3:20 p, m, Junlor cholr, and of Geant snd thet, aains ie wan the ist prestdent rowwith wo prerning services and prayer Increase In ‘production. costs 1s at- cxvwlfe Sodergren, of Menominee. Mrs, M momentum with his efforts to forean afternoon seasion enlilled “My J,Ryding 0 p.m. Sealer. chal 36 9s a taxes, stall her matrimonial gave a brief address of], plans, and service at 7:30 "A. | Church.” his] Mid-weeic Some the in- Teachee welcome, after which song a was with exciting ‘Thursday. Contirmation inarcton dustry ‘Communion Service Stsalt a partly re sponsible eve by’a volunteer transpire in a metroat 10 ‘Saturday In thi ‘A coinunion service, which for the sung fe margin of prof ponte ay hfall. Greetings were ulven by “Miss rhe valie of Ais works”! Peclorsi—A, A. Wants pester. first me will follow the new rec}) Falls, and Carl I. the synod, will Evelyn Stark, of Chicago, secretary onary Tho Mes ‘Lutheran church Rev. Victor Kolvumaut pastor of the First at 9 a. m, Liturgists of the in Young for one other the W. ME, This was folford was received ‘Thur by St. Mark's Episcopal SAGOLA rystal Falls) will be the Rev, Alfield Franzen, of work lowed by the addreas of the eve- Mrs Eib-Puptinen thnt her brother, school, 10 a.m. vening at kane, andthe Rev, Carol O, Sod- ning Kl, age 55, "| prayChurch the Rev. S, HJalmer Swan: the Rev. Victor yer and sermon, 7 erbiom, of Calu: met, The communion son, ofby Minneapolis, executive sec: had died at his home in Ely, Minn, In observance .of naaddress will be delivered by the retary of. The aynodieal boardot Wednesday. Relatives and “triends| St. John’ Episcopal tonal musle week will be given by ary2 last, an tered around compensation cration tho members of the Channlrig-Saimproving tnd ie well at present, (tron River) requiredt it ts necessary for him to duties, be gola high school band at the club Church schoo 9:45 a. rm. Alorne ‘nother meeting will be held at a house in-Sagola Tuesday evening. Jjevedmaf some of his many and peraaon, af 11. Yoo 2 o'clock Satu oon, Wednesday. He left here a few sng prayer program is being arranged by Dr. Lund at 7 ie Thursday, alk which time a committee will report! The id weeks aso, afler sunpiying the pul meeting president Spiri Victor Rossi, berg, of St. Ignace, Between Men's clab at 8 p. m i , 1 Succeeding Dr LandE. ssByquist, of fm. and 10:90 & m ‘at Stambaugh, Amasa, 4h the Rev, Robert on, of Reveal’ Fabs sente the pastes, ihe Misalon eet grad was Briefs Byquist Me will_be given logger present was a ) Vranetela lst, Rev, Waino Yionen was absent. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Utter rho Augustana college In EL Peterson, of 8 Stambaugh} eetee ot one 10 BRIRE. i uated from ‘The closing benediction and pray: le had been {Il a few days prior tored to Marinette Friday. fred Ols6 sunday sanool lish wore report. it was learn- ship, pronounctd by the Rev. AlThe cloning1 seasion in the afters erbin were Ma, m. ward Rodda will Mr, and Drs, Carl Radke, of Iron Olson, of Rl vter, Wik eak heart. & noon will open al3 p.m, at which cepted peak, Evening service, 720. Speak: ‘Mountain, ‘visited relatives” here was ‘convention Kolvumakl "was re ae os the church rote will sing and the e Fritz Erickson and Ed- TRON RIVER, May arged ‘Thursday. call to Wakefield, 1 Finland, March 6, afternoon with Matson, regional o'clock tomorrow ince supplied the pulpit, Ho fa. Cholr practice, 7:90 iil disorderly conduct ‘Carl Maki, Amos Dishaw, Verner Skogtund at the First Lutheran was of honor here director at ‘the Superior and Mlinols service president of the supe m4, baugh, pl guilty Mr. and Mra. William Ramsay st an observance. of his nity chureh, = will sped am. Maataay “when arralgned before ance Luther Teague = < Foftune anSWhat theconference, in Me birthday March 6 Firat Century, churn Tron“RiverAi fenan will Be the Justice Lyle, and w sed $10, the summer Bible came to thls Toure | 78speaker.—Daniel Bloomdahl, yeurs of uge Gan Teach the Twentieth pastor, Ineluding cots. Mall got into trou, qr, and Mra. Helen Moretiean Legion auxiliary try at “eta lon of his uncle, pa Ryding. E. ble when 9 pay a taxt dren, of Alpha, visited with Mr. and Wiis Rev, Vernon th Malt Hurja, who alded in chureh n ‘Luthera nt! it summoned the por aor the eee him in preparing. for the inietey ‘Btambauel billee, Mkt@ driver Johnson, was elected vice Erlind Car! Mountain, Funeral RIVER, May was taken Into custody Mrs. Rudolf mrsSuomt college, Hancock. Broadland, Mi He MeGregor, Verner for Erling ‘Stetson, 60, of Eel by ‘McDonald and Howard 2 yenrs at Ely, and then was mm ward Rodda will speal president, and V the Hey,secretary, an services Bates township, who dled at the Matson was re-namedof Marinette, Wheeler night the missionary ‘fe was Pioneer “Mission Chepel—Sunday infirmary, will be held at 2 George Skorberg, ra. He was in Detralt for & time school I. county at 11. Prayer meeting, 7:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the B, Quirt ast fall. and while there accepted Tuesday, reappointed’ treasurer. Dr. V. DINE and DANCE STAMBAUGH Choir practice, 7:30 Thurs Vestting,of Marinette,4Arthur Lun- Stambaugh Funeral home in Stam- itis Norms Antonetth was hon‘atelson, Me. He Wn i ar giant, of Niagara, and Mi and Harold | bauen ‘Miss Minnie. 5~ Nelson, day. have preached Mfteen,‘at Iron MounHagerman Lake—Service at 7:30 Activities 1 Leet here on Mother's day, May 1 2 , thyape clerk fon the board ‘The annual mother and daughter Me ts survived by his widow and Monday sppointed will be In the Bates cemetery, rvice, 7:30 Wednesday. dinner ughters of Isabella one ann, Arnon, entor at Tip! Gibbs Giiy_ Service, 1:90 Fst May 11. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank tne University ‘ot, Minnesota, Fue Suit be eld at 6:0 cai. NAF a ye ators eh parlors. Hamacher, Mrs. Baldo Bellet! and eral services will bo held. at Ely Camp Five—Prayer meeting, 7:30 Vials Plan tee tn charge vER, May _ 4—Forty. Mra. Waller Rock, At bridge Miss. Monday” afterncon. Thursday. You! “people's, meeting iret, Report, ve}-roport, * Dr. Lund | croup bunt of ths Bates townalily PANGOUr Edith Contard! was high and Mrs. at 7:90 Friday. Service at 2°80 Su T Morcaret, Rategick, Mrs referred day.—Dantel Bloomdahl, pastor. Marvin low, AE five hun- Scouts Present Play "The Amt ct patrol of the senior a to the progi jember~ GHT Scouts prevented “1 _odranie He cited the-large-&: AMASA which bed agara papermill. They-were-accomi at whip,and_alsa factors panted by Paul Siegel, of ithe Rogers Friday. | “Lewis Cehman left Thursday for militated againstwhicha wemorehave rapid no school facut aches the ted with m The play, directed by growth “over dish, ‘Mrs. Irene Hagelin, Mrs Ju: Seraphy cloters. ‘The trip was Jor inson, Teader, had the fol- Kalamazoo ont business. control having therebecause of 01 ‘Mrs, Gust Maki was pleasantly ck, Mrs, Mayme Saxon and Tjeille Williams, El- surprised been the cOn- made in a school bus. rier among these ree Men of her brother, Edge! leen Aliprandini, by a number of friends at Mrs, Catherine Cyul Margaret Malmbeen go nt transition that has Baume, The funeral was h e l d todays Mix Cecily Carne was appolnted her home ‘Thursday evening, the terri here, Melba Erbin. Marjorie Tacks rom River Briefs, our In years 30 these Ing on chairman of the committee whieh Albin Parza hay gone .to Delrolt, George Bishop, secretary-manager Mary Lou Wébb, Joan Moyer,a gocslanstbeing iiss, bird the Industrial and economle ba Sih ba oan of the Upper Peninsula Develop- fisted_by_ Betty MeNell, Lorraine Joh ‘Chicago, Is. visite ill make. plane-for-the-annwal-Ink toe of lifes Dr. 1 Lund stated, share was an Tron River Lada, Joyce Anderson and Audrey ing tn Lule Golcb form few dys, tlatio’ Miss Dorothy Kieper ‘ett Tast ment bureau, Regina Oberdorfer was electAeschliman, night for Chicago, where she will visitor yesterday afternoon, Don Ericson, of Iron Mountain, td Mrs. CHICKEN AND SPAGHETTI regent to, verve the. unexpired spent Ath triends. “Miss Lucille Warmington, of Esvidted relatives here Wednariey. tions of which-Increased ind we we of Mrs. Dorathy Guscott. Briets . A, Langren, ot Waters- canaba, 1s spending the week-end Crystal Full rintendent L. B. Eary 668 10 $828,020, while the Instore Gocllla Merlina was chosen organ-| d a M r s . Sunday afternoon and evening at home a rother and’ meet. spent yesterday here with jurtens taller in” ron Mountain Ist to succeed ness of the congregations Mra. Gertrude BughMi Mr. and Mrs. James 10 $63.23, tek raday. weosio BY BEAL Cmars onan, jala and we hi Ronzani, of Iron Mountain, IE LASSIES Mrs, Mary Johnson js visiting her Lunch was served by Mrs. Cathe! Important realm of our work, name- Is Gene Miss [rene Kleper, student at ‘ami college,Miss Lilian Hurja, epanding several days here with, son In Menominee. erine Bond, Mrs. ‘Theresa: Haydon, = cya ‘CHARGE ‘ly In spiritual work, we cannot of frie Northern State Teachers’ college tn day with Anna Backlund and Mrs. and Fred MacMurray nenalng ihe Mian Loretia Rattan, Mra. Jomepbe| But even If our Mrs, is spending the WweekMine Marjorie Davies left yester= Marquette, Sanna Erickson went to Gwinn toend at the home of her father, File cast, 18 @ comedy that will iy | a ay for Marinette, where she. will gene day, to attend the annusl confer: day a Kleper. spend the week-end with friends, Upper Peninsula churches Mrs, Jack Boyd, of Dollar Bay, otencethe of Migtigan Miss Gudrun Peterson will spend Jg—spending Finnish Lutheran Peterson and LAST TIMES TONIGHT have failed jn our mltslon? day the week-end in Watersmeet at the Wome. of, Mr. several. Dr. Lund deplored that there are the Melvyn Douglas. The story concerns JANE WITHERS and Mrs Ramsdall home of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley noe: “weather Christians” In a young widow who, belleving her Ohm: will also visit her GENE AUTRY in William 1. Nancarrow, forme aviator husband lost at sen, mar At The Ejay father “William Ohman, in Crystal IRON RIVER “SHOOTING HIGH™ of Iront Rivers now of Detrolts Is CRYSTAL Parr May 4—'Too les his friend. The first husbapd jo -aticnd worship. spending several “days here with Ant hh Jean Arthur returns, es Crummey, high school ath- Many Husband: SUNDAY AND Church: attendance inthe confer friends. director. motored ta Madison, “KING OF THE ence ranges from 2 per cent 10 85 Mr, and Mrs, Frank Vantage, leile Wis. yesterday to attend a coaches’ MONDAY, LUMBERJACKS” per cent of-ine mem but have returned from a three weeks" conference. He was accom! wedding trip through the southern Raymond Crandall, They expect to he pointed out, states and return late tomorrow. the Sunday sc ola, ané G23 iauch> Nello Sealeucch, employed jo-Hare Mr. and Mrs, Harold Lindaht and ers, in addition ta 1.07% pupils and quette, is spending nd al Curtis and Eldred, Arthur teachers in summer vacation Te keine of hie parent ME. a sons, Erickson and son, Earl, left this Bible schools, Mrs, Steve Scaleuccl. morning for Janesville, Wis. In respect to the infrequant they will spend the week-end Mr, and Mrs, F, Lloyd Symrionds currence. of instances _ requiring starch, “aiseisiine. Lund said [Heli yesterday for LaCrosse, Wis, friends. and relauves. tation toward laxity and Next Car at Low comlacenc in these things is cei yieldi t we Sha slags, she dances, sire jultify oy position be world and dis grace our church.” (623. Cayuga Street, Iron retiring | president quoted trom a report by the Rev. S. E. Eni “WHERE THEY ALL mave raNe strom, of Minne: polis, executive




FET :¥ tE83



Hitriet Head



Finance Your


Here is‘the modern, mobile on time:

Zielinski’s Rhythm Kings


At a mee seacher “gar the: important pert reading should in the program; Mist Elna Hilburg, principal of tne erview school, spoke on Fel Mal reading: Eadie Johnson, pre dent of the Florence County fer! gusoclation discussed. tr lc and personality tests; Miss Lucille Kimball, principal of the Tip ler school, on English and petboallly tests, and Miss Muriel county nurse, spoke on the school health program, Baseball ‘The Florence baseball club, now ome: SrConnor, wilt of eason in the Taterstate league, when they méet Felch here._@ tomorrow, \




Husbands” —Starring— JEAN ARTE 5 FRED mere povaras Dorothy Peterson Davenport ‘Cooper Even Af you haven’t any « -'~ Tw com=

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The Iron River :National Bank

RIVER GARAGE Tren Biver, Mich.



—Added— |. News. Novelty Coloréd Cartoon.


South Range Invades Iron

Class D Athletic ate Meets Tey.

Gober Against

School officials, coach oft. =: "ihe Tron Bickingen B Dany leagui will

fold the anal meeting year nls afternoon Mage. ce officersiver Willlake. be elecied and final mad Baseball el make Ita_season’a |potams-Doi sy5— preparations track but at Kingsford field tomorrow Mountain next meet—stat Saturday. tarnoon Wi ger Ea Krell,

Tron River

wen Yanks Pound

cl ver Redlegs. The gama will start f) 2:30 o'clock. sling is all-week ‘attempt to opening ay activities tothe autre Tt t the weather mi Wen it up fora, bad Job, ‘The timely letup yest tha trlek as far ax playing condiong were concerned and continued ty falr weather today Indieal ‘The world bility of an ideal opening day. The Yankees, who nave .fal Copper country however was not 83 | days of late, recov recovered some of nels fortun: snow forced the home run punch yesterday te pound tponement of Niagara's aunt to out an 8 to 4 vi e Chinse, cago White Sox. ‘One of the largest opening day Three rowds Jn several sears is extgcle to see tho Twins attempt to take in the ninth tne the copsebiek trail to the bereball e to ihel's omer. after Breuer had held. iirengihened Uneup Schleh has some champlonshlp talk, 10cal interest Is running high and Ite, George Seliirk and fans are anxious to see what the ‘Thins have on the ball. ron River charlle Teller nit sircuit louta for in aloo expectedto be y a delegation of fant. frhough experiencing same first troubles évery club has had this The victory was Brever’s and lifted the year, lack of outside drills, the Ipalor ttesaue victory percentage ‘Twins are ready and determined to Yanks "The Botton , now fn uns manufacture a victory, itzer dlaputed leat place in the america, called for a final brisk workout this league race, also put on a show of jernoon. Dower In whacking out a JOinning. B to 8 victory over the Bt * Gob mn the iit ‘ior Peine Red Sox collected 12 hits

Out 8-4 Win

Golf Pointers Be Art Krone EA, Service oir Writer) Dick Mets, brillant profpaslopel at Mill Road Farm, #. G. ot Olt coupe

County Seat

AMERICAN paseBalt. LadGu™


. ‘



ed to junhdary as to Start Ih the outer ae bee choice


arden, The eon ror Mike Lala wr " Watts, Mano Paraventl it Wytankck, There are also . at youngsters who have been trying out forlok thetoday oatteldthe Redlegs At ings ‘will enter ate ane ome whieh te check ult of Day, Marino, Sixty Roll ABC Events DETROIT, May 4—UP— the country’s outstanding bowlers will roll postponed gam } minor events of the American Bow! ing Congress championships her of West Allin Wis, nav mateh champion, who hit 550 In the team event but follow--through-in-the doubles and Sinuies becetipe of = low tndety, will compete tate inthe day with: iginal partner, Less Fesler Eas eo. Hank Marino, former national rch cheraplon, will roll with Bair Bi: Milwaukee sports writer wh: an muromblle ace!Gent ang whe tinahle to compete on the original dat ya assignedLo chim. Considering It the equal of any “beverage.” natives of Mongolia rink calsup from the the botile,

Pet Al

f‘ SIAL a


Tedsn GivesGame Its All40-4 —_: |Champion But Loses KETTLE FALLS, Wath


500 P : i}. #|Postpone

May 4

__ junf a tRorthea neh cosgime with seven | tae ite sa we pe cong sent. erne, be NSETRBOE,con nt






Lay .

every At Lo



keep the clubhead low and lose te ‘ the roan, Jn the backswing and |Pn 23.9 Bb] NtaGana, wie, May 3—The Nt _ renin . agara Badgers, bod champtona, will e wih Tatieallgy. ofet ee gts probablythe este Pein in he tame. Sa ae Wacoal Michigan Baseball league | as ete tired. Bit Tekeue teame wil ewine into nin 5 4 casa | pens 1940 atas actlon * five fronts tomorrow afte the becesveing "Tae See tied name sen ; Vout cis fault te pang on sand: extponed ve to sanhevorate ore Ni Albert Wilke, Iop president, I= 3g SusSy | penne Ine H Horses usta "aes Gras ans where 1 formeriy lived. ‘The sand. A “commune celved here -— were and you nad te 27 22) esterday trom Ben Grabow 1, pec| Trom Mountain at Loretto, = Aite the club and aorg of sta get It up fo the hole: 84 en ct Siar et or lu Nernunest stChan tet adviee tothe golfer anae : Ser hom Feieh at names, t tous to improve his. all-important eer . _ reens game is t thi the putter back low and clone to the| Te Fround, ainting to hit the ball with Ot ot Paar ea Seems a cha the bidde at right angles to the s ‘‘ 6i 400 ditto ma, ‘the the, vent may stn * the adeitien promising new a the Ford Twins Uaree By Gayle Talbot . hole, One can atill shoot par golf when any one of the other clubs RESULTS Fistiiay sith approval Once again the nation hal ei in asner ane ee isnot functioning properly, but R Bia slicing pian meray ly approval ier tee beats tate t h ait rar ge aaareaton when your putter fails your score AEP soars * Bova 8. St. Loule® (10 innings). Pie eer TAS “he one end Ita Guurhlit bore ee willtake the feld at Lorett er games _ ven een e Lit a *etien wi cont BAme# Pottponed. Fain and | ouniry May 2 and 28 Frowidea in ne, itn running of the Ket [Bane

CRYSTAL FALLS, May 4—Mas fs wlth plane. for Synday Bt ieeaue "Teague


! 4

led, the snowfall fring The este faving vanianed with 1 harmful effect Mayor Nove 0 Fivatta iter a few rehearsal tn"condition to" ton the Zira ball In the general direction of home piate, and a German band will en: liven’ the proceedin, “anpounced his starting Uneup, but plans 10 make frequent ‘nances to tryout all nis men. ernt Hane of Bessemer, will a with Al Richards Bath Longue Se eee Leanse Belcrads Ma AL ahout 4 5 (CST) the field ome of all"sae is Inck of Challancin will be at Ni ton at first bas thee stay over to mest {of elgnt or nine beauties will brea ator dell semer, at Royce Cistian Meanwhile plans are undet ws: abe Ee the cast Is starting ¢ombination, n " ‘tation Bill Waytutonis at the not program ee anpolia 3, Minneapotls 1 Corner: Tony Bivetto, In lett tela isvilig 4, St. Paul 3 (12 Ine Cervo In center field, and Mal Ne mond. | also Indicated that lott In right fled. Included will be the appearance of fate and Willan, ines sar Carlion will draw on several the Niagara-Legion band and flagplayers from town: @ trio, ralsing. y Ed Peterson, from8 wERYSTAL FALLS: May 4—The other group of axpi: Commercial Softball Jeague | Am Bessemer. The home doys belng win open Tuesday when elght teams high school lads who have willplay at 6:15 at (he airport, where much promise of deve Puitadelph ere Is some question about the all games will be are the Western. St Louls at Washington, hristian, inasmuch entered Grocery, The dame at Loretto Wl Gnorgvs Bar, Wales National League an tne Ford. Twine report ne will Thitte Art at 2:30 o'clock. New York at Cincinnatl play with them, Carlson, howeve Front Tavern, Bewahlc Park SerBrooklyn at St. Low Stated that Christian has a Cyystal AURORA FACES TROUBLE, Philadelphia at Cticaco, Falls uniform and hax not served Moagh- eon fertied sth Ualent will-be in charge t Pit notice he WII-HOt play-heres ant nated as one of the outatanding assisted by William Mion Dresident, and T. J, NEWAUKEE, ‘|. LOUIE TUE, ace Jen wold Inirnetep gets bored foc a Testle rrlotto, treasurer, at Kar ammy Angott, plove. | cast Of the race at his I. ¢ Howe to face a teat ne ‘Among the more important rules Favorable larinette. wa aa set up for. the season are: there Is throwing Loulsville a oulsville at Nt Eoleville st vie sl ne lightweight ch: mplon In vt ae Happened to change| ich. has permitted outno age limit: may be fi fe oytiying precinct it Rimelech ts 100 | side ‘artis, te rine past month at on ener, team's roster, seven pil ational Baxing ass must be on hand At game time 2 Hated The one-ime tootblack tired tn ‘with Manne


“.F2 Falls Softball

Bees hath, ON

League To Open Tuesday |"


Cone ee # Classic Today | rin owen»

Mae Snag



gue at

| avignert Ran water

Sam Angott

Outpoints ' |Davey Day

Buddy Baer =




fe sireteh after buildin dave sagiyearlywargie bat ma aye Ma





the St The veteran Tlahthander held the

wate Malinowskt, who played ial Falls ‘and Clintonville, fY Sa wummeer, wil undoubtedly te cat shartatop and “his, brother, jalinowsk!, be

-_ |Badgers’ = Tilt


of good putting. ts, to. re

‘ber in probobly In better shape than id Manager hy other player on the team, Phil Wazeau, former Escanaba twirler, Tavor’s- second homer ed the in reserve. ninin and a lvale Iowa Mound colving end of Gober's icoryainatinane the eft fleld wall with the Rudy Turk, former}t Maser loaded Inthe tenth brought dger first sacker, Tur jone with. the winning run, considerable catching in hig day and inSevenWillams pitchers tolled witl QUE handle the bactatop duties bly. ing gelting credit for the win and Star Wins ny Caruso will be at, the Initial Johnny Whitehead getting a black ck, with George Mason on second, for losin: joyce Christian at shortstop and mark Jf the only other game, played: Ts lem cor George Schultz at the “hot” cotner. the majors,the Boston Bees wo! Fifth Game fees must be filed before the Joe Lindal, nifty performer trom their second game be ed game; players may CHICAGO, May 4—G9—The Uni Minnesota, will Randle centet field, hind the fine nurling ana umely versity 0 play of Towa may have ther deMnked by veterans vs Dltting of Bill Posedeln 2 etary ndable pitchers, but

Day in

3 Fite

aibly taking | ail he Dit, the unheralded gelding | hg order The will atariingriineup and bet Dupuls It; Van

[that won in Memorial Wile

ss. Paige. e; ‘Tur

ie reheat crea to


Tiderman, Ib, 3b) Constantin,

nS ‘Htanko, “be Rodman.”Dringleson Radeon. and

Jack Dempsey, the former heat i started the dinmond, but the sol NEW —The weight Kine who called the itecislan idisig on Bimeteen g will be host to the news bath referee Towa fas won five of six games| | Gut of three wine; protes sare to be double in the at crowd yells Thi lor warded ain rounds H for and Haud, 4 ir{filedGameswithnextWaytulonis, week. tar, has won all five fF f Bowman’ shared the mound for the | Providing there are no scratches }atand and Godman,nant sllwit teasA ny s | tought Avgoltarmargin wan wider ers r e n o l a n d _ A six-hitte un Cardia, allowing « total of 1 otner opening ‘Spa; Tull ure |e ein thre et of Ghiesa0 Sears was Western vs. Peres | gave xevecard Presa Atsocnted The Rain and cold weather put a versity ng-| bien nine rounds and Ee Toe notiee Sire ood fora 141 cision. giving Geoge's Bar, White Front ¥ Park ro the other contests; 3 ke and athe r. Roman. Sire aise Hlaub hi ninth airaight conference Service; Odgers va, Army, hureday + pitching triumph. since the season. BOWLING hight tostamp him the lightweight “champion, T h e | ing track was lightningfi Billy Pulte tire secs The Hawks, “shooting for thelr eee ie ae lied te aee{, jy hayThe cut down Brutal the weather crowd, undoubted: and: Vross Chick“third; Kin Billy third straight Big Ten CLASSIC_LEAGUF. ae men it againyt cele selected which SAUER | Biever Meyer, By shorta stop: kid brother, s0u'll re | tend an NPA a en c a t e ral Ps C A R RA Sunnyhlll_Wines took over sole aeDay and An: | vents 90:00 Some stayed home: too. and: elt tt ri SundDgeg, f first piace fast night, Tome dawn that«hard Ba ema Ghate rane. ‘capitalizing on—Karlsbrau'sdouble Na HARE TW neh AED, Se eee because + Rettet hurlers incl W Toas 9 Blacz Beers by grabbing two Mand that Binelech had toTe unders sewed |~~Earl Surdberg: Jonnny lobby and Cheater up and that the race would Be | rows. Otter players ma y be Walter the third series, Budwelser Sears run only as a matier of form, halki. Wo ay Wilson, Paul Cramer Leads Batters downed Liberty Loans two o¥ Hughes and Al Howell, Unre iim aighter New dtaven. Conn. vet i (Sai Th ousting Karlsbrau from a first ge table over Iilinol: n diay tn the seventh round to | 1 American League | Revolving Saw Kills 3 place tle, Bintz turned in the best Wisconsin zal in a knockout verdict after a min: ae, y Yesterday's Stars John Galdak set, Minaasota down tielana96 seconds ' A er ae Ge aes Hall Operator performance of the night, cracking high mateh-of 2978 and with ‘ive hits to give the Wildeats Ba nt do any amage | “(By The Associated Presa) a 1 (sletory” Inthe Gophers? Included in the schedule for the through with a 1013. for firatatlecaue, (eve of un tie Reet ie nesta” rein upan | Weston Hed SOx are fering na pace | STURGEON BAY, Win. May 4 Tabor, Red. Sox—His homer n.| closing day of the U.P, bowling his weight advantage>249 pounds | for theAmerican lea Took at fhe | cay won in the ninth tied the score and his. high me, Pancherl paced ‘Tb hits tournament at Escanaba, tomorrow » 188—to contrat Mann's offensive st of the league's 10 ieaiting alt | ags loaded em the Blais rollera with 608, featured Northwestern collected acked up his third | appeal f the Tron Moun218 counts. Nor e came out like | ters revolving x Sox to whip Browns, 98. ound.’ umph. when Wisconsin thie haters Bocworsond Prowaits oTancuvers. siller, sending over vicious rights | There ae fad hea aati 1 Chelmer, Ne nkere—ilis batting mueeed by Th jana, 7 to 8, The Grocers and: Laydon Oils, of ard tefte thet twice feored. Mean | of the Golds 8 er ae find feidies pared Yank Badgers piled op to 2 lead early Riy for nine counts |my Fox and Ted Williams. Cramer | siowieqt Dowrentiy caught in the s a w White Sox and Nora posted 603, with 219 ne ba Saxer barelysmantn am avent for the Badger Cleangot, up, Mann Is the leading ‘American league hit Gabler, a onetime orchestra leader, J, Becs—He allowed best effort. it 1e contest, the ers ia slated for 1 o'clock and the (wronghe direction Mth a neat 397 for 23 hits tn $8 | cimely lad in “Sheboygan even scattered Aits and “Doc? Fredrickson, Karlsbrau keg: threatening through #/ two Tron River quint ‘are scheduled| to his corner and Un iM bat _ an ual_pumber as fer, won Individual honors, totalling a3 0 Penovan algnaled a Baer victory. Foxx is in fourth place with 381 ond game of season, 643 with a sparkling 252 ny high ‘ling 2 to 4 MMtemtn scored ver doubles and ingles at ad Willams the youngster of the Single game of thes evening. Ted ns in the eighth when mi ‘rombly-C. orcloek will 4 ii trlo, has a lusly 3% lo put him in sing f u n | maker among t ae ‘Moroni was the only other 600 bow! Hinata pitchers et the diiecs son oh:non Haltqulst: Amish Provide Market ninth pla noteh hitters is. 90 avila Me | Tha South Ame ge, The Sunnyhill anchor picked up id Fal Kopenski-D. Slap: frequent y wel p hl tera Jn both ngues, hows Cosky, of the Tigers be hasea led nest of mud 235 en 1, B. Giamponily RODE A Phin. For Old Buggies much as nine pounds, veteran | 15 time scores Iron Mauniain bles and pi York GOSHEN, Ind, May 4—A strange ninth janing slés-at 9 velo Karlsbra i Beers 998° 670 1001 2860 Michigan repulsed Ralph Vines: tetigious tnd Bate Youn, te beet fae resulted in an rally t 10 e8: Chick Jacobson. Roth are socking al a ual agcupation for J. Schrock, and Purdue * were Chenthiat Falke Tohepascn, ct, though Lalber's avFredrickson 64%, H. Chri travels over the country sive since he re nrch ef ald buggies and apring P. Tomasson| 552. LeClair 548, Blatz Daisies, ane of the most’ recent Sain TA (sariealior nine mia. Hfe reconditvors them and Arnold! 538, Pancher! 639, Nora of plant groups, Include more tha four series of two games each this 1000 species, spread all over the | th aeiia them to Amish farmers baS, Miron 609, Gyselinck, celber Taw collected 22 nits in 85 \ Northern, Indiana. Payotte's Tay'rn 90) 274 afternoon. Sunnyhills .... 977 2823 ——— ——— 40, Eckholm T ‘averns—Ri FIGHTS SO} Harlan 542, Crispigna 587, Carnh Soe, Wines Flamnio 524" Sore (By The Associated Press) peel ST7,-VerCHICAGO'-Nate Bolden. 188, Ch gre dew, ber MOLT Frtaie Zivic,, 149, PHUDUTER: ouipointed | Manetield Datrolt, (10), n 567. Ree: 2s. Lardenolt 52, ‘Anderson 561, PAISNEAPOLIS™ Arne Amderson, PR OMPT DELIVERY An 4


| chance to see.tntield service. either Twine will be deevted In new Hormss icheduled to errive here "me DiAvIng field ts, thorouenly ari ‘good-condition, Fin. ete ae laine atl oe mas Sunday morning Bleachers were set up at the field yesterday. the dean of N.W.M. PHeague umpires, will be the Ford ‘Twins ot REDLEG TANEUP: UNCERTAIN TRON RIVER, May: 4—Iron_ Rivors Redlegs will step into tast rr penny el am unceteadn startin WMeup wien they travel to Kingee ford tomorrow for the opening game of the N.W.M, league. now and rain kept the teain InJoore al week and Mi John ckie Notarl was anything: but @imistic regarding the opener. He fears that lack of outdoor training may prove harmful to his squad's chances: The manager Ix undecided as to hi starting Ineup with the excep» of tbe pitching. and ccatthiag and a couple of spots in the invicta Kermit Richardson, brought here trom Minnesota, will make hla mound debut for the Tegn and the veteran™Pofy” Sandtl will be behind the plate, Because of



wins To Use


id At Falls Sundays Ning

P Openers Tae:





Sua Alanna aoon Sure] sea sinen ‘Lay heey atl fet Bi Hess rein nse

: Tie Teams





Meet Sunday


1914, Sweden, outpointed Johnny Hanschen, 108, Mnneapalis COR Billy Migke, dns 1804 St Paul stopped Frank Rowsey, 174%, Low Angeles, (9) PITTSRURGH—Lloyd Marshal!, 1G, Gievaland at s° 0, 164, ‘Trenton, N. J.

mos—Hendrickson ‘2S, Larson 220, Gregory 300, Bjorkman 212, Fosst 2, Johor gon {9% Lardenalt, 258, Anderson ee Sper EenEoI, Cee pigna 202, Cardin 208, Flaminto 202, Marvclaon, 191,na \ Tine 2 24, Warhlk 2i4, 3 I 2 Pan 150,000 Jo_ex: TWOP 21es stingt Teastmanuscripts of the New 24 E, Christensen. 291, Fredrick: Testament of the Bible can be son 262,ae Davetainn 2 27, Tomas found, foal 201 and LeClair 228, TION sub 405, Lindholm: 415, Becco 417. ‘¢ Bm whitewashed KadieteHeltaiiman 400; Ven Haute North Side 66, Kadlets Tavern hand-| 460, Kade Erickson 1 palr of losses to Becco's Marko ind Gene's Bosch bested Caj 739 246 [al Thmea.two ta one in last alghta ‘Re as sar oat ‘American ‘asvoelallon matches. Pepnillipe-Fertacca 0. Mishkot 451 Gens ove Beer TH $4 816 21 Capitol ‘Ties ...<.787 758 685, 30 aS, Narat S04 Mel. elli 433, Cesario 498, Gasbarro 503. High single Times—Marolf 387, Gagnon 432, Nard| 210, Cesario 196, PWlarnss £68, Sparpana GR Deliinge +O horne 462. rzacca 189, Mishkot 172, Glanunzi Beceo’s Market ++,-710 703 807 220 ie Colontonlo TA. Menghiel 202, Luteretlt’ 208,-Marucet 270, Lirette

20, | 160, Erickson 187, and



rubbish and refuse (other than gar+



that it may be loaded directly into trucks, before May 6th. Refuse that is



bag ¢) shall be placed in piles so located



6.50 4.50 “5.50

scattered or more than 8 feet from al-

ley or street




Von Platen=Fox Co.

City of Iron Mountain By HAROLD C. LINDHOLM,



will not be collected.


“City Clerk.


down fractions to of lendersTheft Jumber ox.aa—— _omterin nggs ‘were never forced was comforti to bullish proponentstn thewho pastrecalled ey: eeceity real that al ewes erway Flag price ‘With the ticker tape Toafing? ‘dur

‘Am Rad & St Am eit Mint.en Am Smelt & Ry Amn Stl Fars. Bh ‘Am Tel & Tet

(eo hours for the350,000 Thee, transfersuimately shares.

|B wae



Hecker Prod

Cerro De Pas

4% : and Provision Grains

Increase —of his work, ¥. TICAL

1 Prison.

2 People of

Unprotese 30 HeoF selected— 47 sional for office. 335.1416,

3 Church 5 Cir


52 Baglike parts. _ object.


53 Roof finial.

Alert. 335kille. 33 Pigeon, gp ttalian river: x Murical note. lensive ones plain.

45 To erect 48 Maple shrub.

bench. 50 Narrative sy


61s mistaken.

i Avecusen

8 New York, (abbr.),

‘55 Laughter sound. ~





ae ‘plans-

why he

which has i protest.

rae, Hes ve


Da The Hae a Er ae ne York

oe ane


atgnnnt protest. agalnst

tae oy

nallone, ¢xnIO\

o 1






these great natlons, Nay The commiliee, jt pay for nations’ proceasors who Tive and vote [it and th [Wh les Cities. The New York, Chteaga down to $250,000. Fair sparen FAREW Demagogues’ Clit bh sie sinens, Tee festa ‘im tories. essence of the tradel Citation, whieh ance.the dravelDem Mel ‘So Thehere'ls al city therepresentatives azreed |


Telephone 1240-48




PLOW ~ Eounvares.aND PLANTS 4 ROWS

ton tertows fo. REN on i professre bane nrg les

a Germanrcoatrolied Boul

Crawler Model Hon

atthe Senlor High School

when. you are satisfied that this 1s the

your farm ond learn first

alwars ler you have craw

fractof cam

‘explain how easily you ‘ean make li yours for good.

hand all the advantages a corre


we | oe aiing in yeand. to that lowing ourselves become | New Tore Bfuckers™ foc foreign Richard Waldo aad Eaet outnations. 19 ahow Mrup ornt — York conferenc® ood new dealer. ee Bat the goat STARK—A several of the country's nightat} ot Ae} Wit he — aa with is inguiry TF

In oe

fection 1, Chon this elty, oon ae qualifications of sebool zvia ‘lcefore, and ia as follow:

Sek ta are ale see tonC0 heybad ageaie he nage ON genibau Boies, FAME) soon are

© Put this new Cletrac

Jet us med of owning, drea


Act Number Notice ts hereby given that ba comalanany ActwitNumber 303 of 215 of 1 rendu vote of the Fubite Arte of 1919, duty ‘school electors of ot Rpseemieen bem ine rule‘actanot 08, “thereof ‘yal Mountaln, not,x previosy rer hoot electors of sald City Iron Retelnatter set Tod Istered, at the tlme <the school election precinct for Registration of Board The typ comprising‘the First and Second amberbe one, will tn session at the Amidon : for the school election Wardi The Board of Registration, hee, Fourth and Fifth number two,


fos wags mone oh SE reaaD rae mona ress ies ace pececa thera Toor amiere Ti se ne Feceral Reserve of the Senate Commitles aus | Je out financial

and Invest ¥. w York,

San bs tm coals session, dune 1, 10400 ro, ~ any day except Saturday, 11, 1940,1, the underalzned, ink in wala person qualified for ‘renintration the name at any duly ualitied elector ma} pears personally. Providedy-th , ™ wrsonal applicationmake an Sradavit setting. forth Eaueation, Soet a the and ward in which he appllcant resldes, property, whether such eppiicant any cna ‘et he mest orien seardlan ofSy taxes In the district, Inthe a ‘sehool ces school exe, tachided atu voter at rexelee® hasan Pposscases the other necessary qual





sald city, willbe

House, fig to vote far parity paymentsfromfer ththe | (hat t ne en abi ate farmers rural areasIf thewouldmembers agree 10 KIL Re | fom turbulent for the mainienaRee ils which would have made har recent spring meeting thelr outfit Ac han qaing for mans members In the fall" avery member refused to run, fOr

Business 4 Broad








5/4 Sats.

it figured ‘out that

the consumers’ standpoint have favored the amendments,



the list—ine luding | The

Members New York and other leading stock

On thelr face the questions seers (0 | | ng erento be designed to stavele, offTheyRepublican ‘sdministeatior’'s | xowEs—sillta the fosSatfeatnetleof -} attacks —o | ous. pier nbout golt-andailver purchasingthe progtam. ‘vulWagnor peruse you But when ot with, at shots devastating of the guise influential yey n's administratio certain of the polltices, Including policies, If answered wilhonestlyeatsind Comings. are sina 18 Pelnkiy, the questions nt Mash former the peesonal and _pelitieat foul M feMahon tate Ue Brien General ations: bet gts oe oe sede Reserve | retort Suen and| he friation. hend ‘The investigations te mort,

f i

A of any inside n't the earmarks Republi Iron ‘Mount alr, Mich, have tested penn ‘nvormation- Amounts traded


i this


against the strong argument rep etfects of the) med pN ALOR. Ippo sickers ante Suo-Chairman Adolph

See ee mtr nee Wor ciele | orca

Te Kereby give

The Nester of Siew

eel eats tree

two who

canny Swiss bases all his specubeing that | {he lation on an understanding of Amerthe | ican reaction ir news by using fa simple yardstick. One week after the Swiss press reports the Allied bring votes. bearish, ‘New Yorkers say tmeiistinction te fortunes ether bullish theoF- posili ene) the operator Hquidates news Is remore subilc. that the country at the date the dataas F.D.R’s methods short ofthe] | taken leased in Gene rand that a tangle with

F which deter ly miter’ Barger: cmon imof thetonapnlel eevote eas ee committee pul Up & ae ike soften the pron


the Candidates

‘on every issue on

Teporter secking to

ie $1,250,000i for financing forelgn ie New


fait accompli and write off the Ata of sald Court, held in by the Anglo-French Pur | Northern war. “ total loss. presen Courthouse in the Clty’ of 1 ceuted the the tha rhe reasoning Mountain. in sald County, on the help] alies lunstinted to carry Me athe Bolan ‘Treasury| Pi tngif U. 8. War Colleges effects The. , m e o s skidaatlll the’ Ar ex-| Hoy R. Derham, present house—the oe a White ndeawal” tecia | Nore Judgejoticeof Probate Hob rere Is 30 planes a months The is hereby given of the ability of our air Industry to ex-| would produce the same diplomatic granting of administration of the h| revolution that followed Munich. pand with speed commensurate with states Of the above named persons war orders was one af the biggest ho have Isappeared. and hocks to the foreign buyers have not been hi pudiate all pacts with Londons Tinvous periog of moze than even Claiming. by tottering Balkans would make their OES ORDERED TH ae modern bombers are incredible. The peace with Hitler on terms. that D,James ino, a Public Adminis ist Allied —bevers ‘against the Would be the biggest bloodless. vice trator f fon ‘County. "upon ie Tiree (ii musoemive weeks fact that the US, own tery since the Anschluss. the petition State dulyPublic led Administra: of Gaylord | the iron. Mountain, News. kext sequence of events following N'athout, countries, jy 30 months away from paper published and pitied {n warvolume production, Cost 16 no Allied admlasion of defeat—In_ theas tor or the State of Michi; zal ‘said County of Dickinson and: hf 2 fe cat -¢ of the granting of such ad- ing general circulation therein. tion, since all the gold at North would bewarso to the Westwall consid the ralntatration ts Sow elven and pee confine to | ROY R Fant Know can't speed up the trains in peretalty Vth ibis much at lished in oceardance with th A true y, Ju a Proonie perfecton of | ihe work ing of personnel the Laws Sie PAE Lucont sf PHN of BFC-| stake the Allied flets will keep re Visionsof the Escheat Register of Probate, lucaing’ to the | Norwegian front cision assem fared of missing persons. thelr | Jarmas C. Perino, ae = tnknowy hetrs, grantee or assigns, | Public Administrator, Nest seat VOTES_Republicans willbe ward | (OME titer: (9 all "persona ‘cinlming “by, | Husiness Address. 100 Der cent mae Iron Mountain, Mich. 5/43 Sat pat to nvoid a scrap over tho for- | omeXeY—A leading Wall street Pie golicy plank at the Philadel-| be would it figures firm prokerage | be|Snin ‘Convention. ‘The split is Send i a FREE @ month to and | worth « few thousands Vining to show sectional lines. ¥erit READ THE SAMPi copy one of its for~ torr the-tdentity of eons withitraw—New- prom= | eign | threatens. to. candidates ed and. published| oF custome who Support from Wall Street Journal®.* of Dickinson and ban Swiss a wach inating. tna to be tow rigidly isolaconlst, Thebe || piy circulation thecein ofa movements the antictpate for Complete Markets and all ROY R. DERHAM, isn't such) that it can't some ten A true copy: ‘Judge of Probate. ‘BUSINESS—FINANCIAL— patched up if non interventiontata number of ofwar, thestocks mass sing Ig 1V1 PALLUCONL,| days ahead that Hike Taft and Dewey the indicate INDUSTRIAL News ter of Proba Fight piste | New Yi meir-trarte are-ia Perino,

It was to an ny from the farm country, negotiated | Of Chiengo, who haypens10 voice one of the smartest aa year och by ancestry, arose hil inv Keveral Capitol ‘apprope in duction dead set against “we canno! said Adolph, feiters, | constituents, ‘The city break or violate our ob!

wy, Si





clone “major squabbles | Invalving Messes, Hull, Morgenthau Becles. UNIQUE — President Rooseyelt's amazing boast about his Executive ability apparently escaped the te porters at his recent. pr Shee, Tt was precipitated by a ques

the need for m-non-partisan administration. That Ist likely! to dtatuste

ee fluid.

56 Subsists——57 War has

Fier Bt

war of assault

plant requires five months before But Ta & Hizgin ue at rition. war of reports quced tono abasis set ups} there Hnex as urecanfinalbe delivery] Tr, [the[and assembly ce, Mea: Cart Lega, that the to 1s will not ‘1 eared or Missing Pets Allied Command will accept the iro,

“News Behind The News”

his political opponents even slight= ye

to |. | Wazettour act tween the ci

54 Window part.




Kempbaineh, 8Stan tevKalsely. th ‘Joseph ett KO, Kerane. J, Lake, L ue

incredibly shore time

1941. 5%, | uatll the end ofmonths of strongest "Aller seven 0;

ale es eeie Iesneeeao penOra ee oe a SP are now scheduled to deal 8 200 mono r a o Aan rare they el cto | probably

ent: Roy RL Derham, Judge"


+» 47%,

capy the White house for he foifour years, Therefore he Intends to highlight-an his Western tour the roblems wh: e Eurone an OP al vem result In the élection of Mr n.who knows what it’s all fon vine


‘Coioty | Eaxig evgaon, evgtaon, P. Ohman, Az Ole: an official endorsement ot Allied Tho In the Matter of the Estatén-of | Page "Me, Ppqictte, Mra” Parone, ‘war aims, bie, je Adams, Embarrassing angle to the New Geo: ‘York pressure is that those who be- fred AliL'Antolng Antal Eat Shopper a Wee B.T. §]“Baur,ae lieve that Intervention would rain ‘Auerbach, erat, GA Trugoiph the U.S. consider it an unnecessary Beanett Blanch RobyG4Bea Brel family fight. Whatever the stand Ant taken at the Convention, the ban on Frank Burnaki, Mice Chakech, la credits will only Jast 0 long as the ter Coopman, G. Cormuéé, E. Cow! public demanas' tt, wis: ail the Ing, Har y Daniels, C. R. Danlelson, mnielson, Mrs, Elizabeth a warloans limb rk realist Dorn mm cn a policy the publie Is net Davis, ee“Ro; er, M, an, Jos, Duteh jected to rd uuneh, J, Eline,saat J pan all? at months to come, it naa, John aa Clary matied the fae “nat Ne] wraMesBest information fv man, in Canavers, n‘t_produce, Even. swith able on Parllamentary. discussion of plesick Er'Piaiigrent Disappeared of eral the Norwegian debacle js that the Mlsing Persons Seandinevian war Is over—and will At a session of sald Court, © on, Like the rest of continental Courthouse in the City fio f Coante, on ©

x engine plant demanded a delivery spread, In negotiations for 1,000 completed pursylts another

tion asking him to explain Mey ind placed the. CIvilDepartmentAeronautics0


9 Apportions, 10 Formerly. 11 His octal title (pl). 15 Military duty. IT Portico, 19 Revision

Answer fo Previous Purtle

Caucasus. 3EI

36 Condition


Sul, 3

22% | Timk Det Axle. 8% |Timk Roll B =



hls reorgan 24: tion with the explanation that he foreign problems will overshadow domestic questions, Although he is dependent agencies. 1 sald, he decided ta place the’C. A. Ae


49 Unplowed. $1 Right abbr.)


Yel Tr & Coach 17': Youngst Sh & T 43 —Z—

ee In the despite all thehot evi-| ME, Roosevelt, eee CoMmerce—a move in| Authority trary;does fot It, | spited a nationwide Justified

Potatoes CHICAGO, May AUR 1U. § Se EW -YORK,—May—4)—Closing Dept Agt)-—Potaloes 74-00 total U.S. shipments git; sia | bond prices: Block-supplles 8 £008; ‘Treas 34S rong; sacked per cut dah ruse | | Tre 8.4 215-06,while,mostly Saad ua lasaified 110; lisa triumphs, cerfornin tong while, ified seed few sales ; carlot track sales and gota hollendale section cobbiers U —8--commere!reiais 150: Minnesote-o fermetesales_ loneTexasthan.5 cariot, foxmpl 20. North Dakota Red River Valley secburlap sucks st tion epbblers 75 per cent 15055 ;jmostly 155; U.S. 1, few aniex 150: unclassified ‘aes: washed bliss triumphs cent US, 1 size B washed 1.25: California 100 sack round white U. 5. 1, 150: car washed LS. early Onios pound Ice few sales JE-BO per cent U.S. Land U.S. com- wanned underitionInitial 210-35; showing merctnts 1824-50; unclassified 110; new tock supplies maerat [some decay and spotted sacks few x ‘Texas bliss Urlumphs demandg

87 Lon boot. 38 Tiny particle.



110. 10K OTH 1.06% 1.06% rath 93% 82% 89

Whited Light and Power, American M Repubile edaed forward. as did Aviar| 3 jon and Transportat

34 Grievous.


WashingtonBy Ray Tacker i THEME — President Roosevelt'sig | key speech on his JUNE TrIp-across the country will be a demand for a eoatlzed government, whether the Republicama or Democrats sein sxe ember,.In private conversations the newd for & hat Partisan arninie.* |

Roebuck, Corp, Johns-Manbu Texas Vile, Conaalidated Oil. Kennecott, "¢ and American Telephone. Bonds and commodities were = trifle ragged. American securities up at Amsterdam, only im-| portant foreign market open today. much recovery steam In




ic. Loft, International, Paper ‘American = _Hawatian

28 spain ecepbr) « Unit


The National

Bice, Phelps Dodge geieisom ery Ward and Come \dated- Edison: Resistan mere a} 8

8 em 380 all to nit [l 18 To torment with care. 20 Nude. Be 21 Internal ‘ decays of fruit. 40 Holding device. 23 Foollike part. 41 To sharpen & 24 Race horse, razor.


Tide Wat A Oil 11%

CHICAGO, May 4—-UP— went Open teh Lae: Chine 1.06% iss | Whirligig



‘Texas Gul



Go a+ 5

Guilt OW Hecla Min

.-. 10%

Le Miller, W,H, ilies, 8Stephen ea = ny, ‘Leonard fesselin, ons Nelson,

sventually decide the war for’ the tril {ite ald with peethods sort of war, the net fog: thet Allied muse, trom his side of the Atlantic xa ue Tprewiverorenvercsit wi | conelusion of ur topnbten plane | makers that anything less than to vocation of our Industrial Moblllzation Plan in behalf of Britain and France will provide piddling help for the hard-pressed Al Washingto m gave ughWhento export ite. cathe theofthe factories, ed ailable tn arf American

ros Pic. West un Tel as nt ir Bana 24 fra bat 11

El Bond & Sh «

Treclor sit Min $3 Celenese Corp + 34% | Momestake Hershy B 14% |



RKO we Reming Randa Repub Steet Repmotde ‘To

4% 10% 16% South Pacific + A Sout 4514 | Sparks With 8h

Bs Graham PS it North Ry Pt a

Cor Ale 198 Gtayhound Can a Cana Drv ©,


betee Tulany EA

legend that American airplanes will


EI El'Pow & bts: a Gen Elee +r Gen FoodsGen dite ‘sat R : 6 Goodri Goody ie 20%


alles: Despite? the atieiestratiog *

is | Safeway G's chemtey Stores! Distil 49,IBN || Wilson Wootwin,& Co-eet GFW} 30%

Doug Aire t Du PontDe N. ‘80h

ed of the eventualitios in thatofpart pie ‘world. Possibilities a drastic ke int cabinet unheaval Fix st the Norwegian campaign also ) n boardas an i excuse GB Jooms for the Tack of stock buying demand. wwe Brighten! “Kimnoush afelrs broad aroused varying conjectures as 10 possible | Fepercustions on | American trade, domestic industrial prospects profreee milly bolstering Influence for the share list. Stecls were up for = while. as next week's mill operations. Bo +B Sieel and Bethlehem eventually slipped. Doulas was the best performer tions, getting ahead fore than a point at one time Glenn LagBoeing, Sintes and American

HORIZONTAL — 1 nscrisen env Great Britain 11 Ridge. RH Heavenly


Befiine Distt Cor& SeaWi 19% Dome Mines . oats

ing the greater part of the procseed





‘Trends were indefinite a final hour when light selling pub


merly, but a how rullag has cut the}.

time to three hours, —


GE ON EXCHAN ANDERS jountain. — Telephone 1164 Ave. Cedar



7 STATE OF the, mid-day meat and slestn_for-| the Frabta, Gat torte Cou]



: By sbank ~NEW YORK, May 4—2>—Fears of mnexpected Furopean war develop: | i quenteover The Trimming of speculative aiein to| '@ stock mar) until: the

“Indust Ralls Util Stocks Lsnturday .... m1 111 186 WL 408 «1S 186 320 408 Friday 0 Tr Cont Corp, 2% Onlo O11 8% | Twn CFox Fs. 3% EICAGO, May UR Balle firm; prices ‘Owens Ill Glass 62% =e ; Eggs, freah fresh herr bags grag i, extra firsts,ts, chra| 7 packard Motors 34 Param Plevuren 734 Penney. 5% aviation executives has blasted the oo


Houston Oll «+ 5% OF Hudson Mot a Inspirat Cop... 14% Intelake Iron . 10% Int Harvester . 7 Int Nick Can «. 28% Int Pa & Po Pt 7014 Int Tel & Tel. 3 Johns Manville. 70 ro 7 Kennecott Cop. 34'% Container. Corp me Kimberly Clark 44% | Ca sees Gent Ou Det. i a Krei Kroger Grog ++ 34x| Carn Products row n Glass. 49 | Lib Curtiss Wright Linge fe ay B18

May 4, 1940 —A— 5 Exp, Ait Reduction+ 46%

Most Of Time \:««



orm met ret NEW

- Indefinite



SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1940 en sified Ad Zs Classi ied Department 4 i SCHEDULE OF RATES

Tesuty Ehep

dea word for cee teirtion || MAT, SERCIALS ON PERMA: 5¢.a word for two consecutive ||


69 @ word. for three consecu‘insertions

$5.00. Real gow Fa,

however, ft witl be for more com-|the consent





Muttue | —————____-_____.

| o'clock


the forenoon,

Sut that would not be the onty|Old Records Tell. tne }OL “Cursed”

Mechineless, als n

rtment‘Commercial Phone, Siw. lth “Bank Bldg,

Fag "Landguist Glanunzio, Beauty


Babi tt Bs * of way wi de rear horses: for io Sepa or i traion Sowa, Pot uae Riper, ne “ey Help

uaeeof Bromate,


Deceased, true copy. ‘A appearingto the conte thatthe SVE PALL ucoNtTudge

during the

story of a $5000 tomb which sup- | posedly brought death to its crea the neat perten buried In. the e tombe tors has been unearthed here: A short time later Barilll died and re-| Lawrence Zarilli, professor at to be buriec Latin. at Fortier High School. who for it]|s writing « history of Italians in coincidences resulted in ies taoulalana has discovered the sty ym concerning the fe Matto. Beneinto death

feenta (Mutua Benet). Soctety





I) T.


acatate ot |! ant “reulated



Wen wil



o Fugey MSR

VENTY TONS BALED HAY $7.00 ton on. farm. H, Bellefeuil, Wilson, “Michi S420 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE 30a ard Street aan nN one ene FOtbateALE:low. Gre TWOaie andble,1 one Auto ‘Come Ph one 7B, Fron River, $30¢¢ 00, PARTLY RY SOFTWOOD Pap harawood $2: Mixed $250.




ine8, TOR iy

TUDOR FOR SALE. y Eeagnnable. Iron in River. — Ste ae ROE TRAILERS. tH Street 5-6-2 ma A OF | SWEDISH, erat ont ob per ton. 8 ne Gatley Patins Norway FTWOOD DRY PRisb, Green ame


Evian a Flom, Pho!

WESTINGHOUSE | ELEO“tle range for ne Yconditon. Bargain, ong i dron Rivet. Ser

9 ©



‘Miscellaneous "THE BATH AGENCY treet _dnurance of All Varig Real Estate Bro!


—in-case we have a crackip?”





Expert Workmanship ALL WORK GUARANTEEDSpecial Prices-On aa Jobs FORMOLO'S BODY ae 312 Carpenter Ave, Phone 1

»* Buchanan Villemur

Tondin FUNERAL HOME Phove 663


“Would you put this in s safe place for me on the plane,

Firat “Nationa Bank wifi Phone E FREE! CHECK UP. adios brought lato sha.p dinain's m. Fone te ‘For Rent WITH GAR5xRonfor tant jOUSE about June ist Gone trally located, Tenantiwith steady pecuparion deulred, Write MIA, Si FOUR ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, Modern, 600 East B St, Sart FOR RENT: FURNISHED ment, Alto sleeping roam, East 5 2 FURNISHED ‘AND TWO_UN. furnished rooms a7 rent, 505 Nor Nor feay

BELT GOR SE WOT a MY PRETTY TLE BES Susy OF oF Nine No Rt URED. To Tae, {Saw Se ot Soni


oat ST;-WEDDING RING WITH 5 diamonds, Initisled A.M. and F. P. rthur Ménard, Quin ni SURLY, BLACK Lost: te SMALL urn Capitol e's ats

ANSWER: The latval and the pupal.


By Fred Harman




of Probate

It sc. and that a lime and placebe b (LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT) ited to receiv adton STATE OY MICHIGAN, just all cl ald "deceased. by" and: ‘before’ sad | The Probate Court for the court ok Stow a an ig Ordered. That Freaitars of At n ses ion of saidCourt, old a bent thelr clas. to auldco a ‘Suny on| A true copy. Judge af Probat sald Probate Office on or befo CONT, SuvE Pat ucoN ~ sth day of June AD, 1940, Registerot Probals. 4/273 Sats,

Against Rumania would be halled by thousands of Hungarians, But ic jould not be halled by a single rex On The Record sponsible figure in Hu (Continued from Page Four) BABY CHICKS $50 PER HUN find-thie-@ moat interesting fface ‘on ret, Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Baby the contrary, they | ‘Swansoi osatbty with unters and. pest Sultry Farm, Wagers, Wie Sait with Germany’ what mistic realism, One man, whose ONE ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH they _tlncerely. “believe belong 10 Spinion ls antsbreely- portant and for tale, ‘Weit F Street. Phone them’ med to welght his ‘The Hungarians are a dlasalstied be would constdation and they a middi Nastrophe for ALE: MODEL ber ral mental ity ke the e . Mit, bape:mavczens, bieye inicken Coo) . wit ‘Writ not obvious that they Gresien, the would we come the unrolling of the | Ty 413 Lawrence Street: whole question oft atin and BUGS ‘OIL, BURNING CIR the to Fevite ‘ther Hungary has » larg German mlF culating heater hea fon tate, New last t ‘ a have lived tance of arms? nority whose ances yeat EL ton, Sot Wout ow sot oe the nature of on excellent terms with thelr ar for g NICE YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. Th vine auestions which But no country Te-in-love with ita Chas, DeRidder, Norway, Mich were in my mind when 1 flew from Germa: present, for Rumania to Budapest. [ did not find no one welccmes a. Tro iT a clear answer, I found, Instead, a The spirit of Kossuth Is very much ota ©, 1aprSpread ca 2 Eagle, re, t0¢sale 6 218. Has | ty mma. It is true that there alive in Hungary, and that spirit resented even the German Hapa % gs, who eventually accepted Hungary as an equal in the dual |. BREAKFAST CON: Ramonuibie Hungarian Frattres : x Fratttens for" Pome |p MC ‘Aurora, Sade the or ation’ of the n countries by Gerat BURG GOATS FOR T Mets Beariottl fhany would evsntually wotk out for Alpha, Hs u pres ‘Third Releh jous, That the benefit of Hungary, uch 1k might, add taster Gormain Shalt write, moore hIGH, QUALITY NURSERY At the cutsel. "We do not want to nt o tock at reasonable prices. Shrubs, Decome larger in’ order to be encergreens, Irult-trees, vines, per= years thai slaved," sald one man crisply. enoial strawber more aympathy ti ‘Thus Hungary looks at Norw planty,’Phone call % ie Seas eas ibs Daneel glen and with great sympathy for thai Rudhion Iron Mountain. She 1s the only Danul ton tat hes won anything from ie FIVEROOM tot 21HOUSi for $a , Like new: 0 far, and that has themore. prospect of welgh the pros andwhile,consherof leaders Smoved ealife offstay a en quire at, 12 winning something fat if Germany decid sible German move eastward and iN RSA ry |the territory that Mt claims, ie rig by thelr own hands or, far bett Hungary capitulates, by reasagable compromise and with FARM FOR, SAL MILES north of tron Mountain. J." 8. . tephenson Ave,Soot Butler,er, 1 Steph HOLD EVERYTHING!



time (for preeentationOf calms] i | Register of Probate, 4/20) Sats

Y LADY FOR GENERAL ‘would, in any way, amount to a -2 Red Ryder Fiver wanted, Inguite, Ae fense of ia would be almost Intl, four milea eas!



than those: whieh |e opinion of the ork Benetigensa, “the oldest Italian so.|<LEOAL ADVERTISEMENT) ang place being hereby appointed tulation oF Dan) They, re, feal stis atruntt eletyke In: the New World," conceived STATE OF MICHIGAN, eae ities a dep adjustment all claim cl 5 ant military hope. | ® ca eet ie a ero: | at ie for the torn Piro ‘Tap Probate Court forthe Couty of,all Jeuands against foserThat ts thelr tragic ign It, I number each block of stone Aig goitos of ld Court, weld ate notice thereotier Orbe gtrs (Copyright, 1040, New York Tribune |" $¢84 the specifications for Its ling Probate. Office| 7 of | cation a ‘Inc, May 3, All rights reserved.» | ¢reeti id Rew Orleans along wijh ive | eae In ine, BH & natye three succens countenance for a moment Its fortl" T7n day of Abell, A, D. 1940. | met fieation, we ents" Hon. Roy” R. Derham. | Mountal

baruain on 35.00 waves,


support of the: pub-


t tc






Copyright, 1940, by Aeme >

fan on the Nazi WestON THE WESTWALL—When th 5 Kian wall speaks, tons of missiles will seek to dirive home the poimt to French and British ‘oops along ie Maginot Line, Germans are stressing strength of their heavy a:till long

Arturo Godoy, Chilean MY MA |—With his beaute us and admiring missus spu ing him on, 1 appearance. Cashing In heavy wedht skips rope in Chicago, IL, where ke is mak: training for a new lash with the champ. m hi ‘ound go with Joe Louis, Godoy ope

MOVIE QUEEN, YOUNG SUBJECT—A gallant but young admirer, Rich hard Herman, forgot to doff w York from the West Const p when he got Helen Vinson's autograph on er arriv in “came East to press a claim for $33,000 against p insurance €01 pany

unannouncd hurry call,+ hit out again. Bell British warship to ente unexphained, The U

4 how Presence of the y patrol destroy

LOOKING BACKWARDS—Mrs, Harrison Willia fashions of the “flapper era,” best-dressed list , smiles at a New York ‘exhibit oft gong modes

aK m0 METHODISTS—Rep. Martin Dies, head of committee on unas he spoke before General Conference Pe the Methodist Church in AUantic City, N. J.

FIRST SPEEDWAY ARRIVAL—Francis Carson, of Greenville, ‘Mass, isn’t taking chances of missing Indianapolis Auto classic He's on hand already, though the race isn't run until May 30.

HEARTBEATS AND‘HOOFBEATS—Grace Bradley, film st igh nat offly likes her hubby, but she likes his hobby, too. And his oferas. ‘The pair can be seen daily in-the Hollywood hills astride a hobby, 1 c his business, is horses. He's Bill Boyd, of the h pai of magnificent, mill white Ar abian horses.

ON THE Al, TOO—Like her famous husband, Mrs. F. Roosevelt is now being fear Her chats, nowsponsored; and are non-npolitical,

OMIT OOMPH —Chosen by Rev, 4 A. Jardine as “Miss Spiritu. | America," Bern Hall, of Toledo, O. wil play the ead in movie to be made by the clergyman.

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