The Iron Mountain News June 22, 1940 (World War II)

Page 1




No Special

‘ 1918 Reversed

Session, Says Dickinson






Armistice Rep orte d Signed By Envoys Of France And Germany

Peace Parley authorities, anticipating @ shortage With Italy of motor fuel when the European war Is ended, are making plans to sacs for a speci | Arranged Michigan's part in the national defense program, including provialon| :

Governor Dickinson served ndtice today that acer eal ‘buttn the ret eat Sracte



tarydesignate, to learn his views ed States out of war. ralsh (D-Mass.) sald

opecal scatlan of tno Lege

Nazis Plan To Use

War Bulletins

Wood For Motor Fuel BERLIN,

LONDON, June admiralty announced tonight that largo Itallan the Britieh trawl ‘¢r Moonstone in the gulf of Aden after the with depth LONDON, June nounced Gorman battleship Scharnhorst has been hy combined action of British naval and alr units and that a German destroyor also was hit by ® torpeda, RERLIN, June %—(—DNB, official German agency, quoted reliable sources today as saying that among ships sunk In & recent alr rald on Bordeaux harbor was a $2,000-ton which went down with the loss of men,

June 22

islature t this summer, ‘A group of state officials had launched a boom earlier In the week

‘on the question of keeping the Unit-

‘Knox would be asked to testify be-|. fore the committee in a publle

Terms Of

Agreement Not Disclosed

for a new national r(By The Associated Press) expla craft regiment (o protect industrial Germany, It Germany made known through authorized sources. today that Said Dickinson: France might be expected to algn arm than good would agriculture, ance pei an armistice agreement before the 1n order ‘to meet the anticipated day ts out. Tegisiature, “The sluation, a company fh hardly been made At the same time the government roups were thinking ap demands ganized under the supery ofi the sorely-prossed French repubField Marshal Hermann. ‘ihe for more money. io sald her four envoys meeting at ure (his can be financed Goering—master of the relch historic forest would fly nome setupeto provide and dlste to Italy Complegne without a special session. The bude bute to talk aver terms with wood-burning equipment, et office and the little legislature, Italy after they conclude thelr work cof the company’s tasks will which will meet July the an armistl ee aud rood, will have some good suggestions. jexe two parleys, the Frenc! “tiling weatlon Bostlng: but ihe emersaid. must be completed yusterday to hold hearings on was ‘explained that all kinds there will be any general before rant ® yecial sen we wood, gency woul pence ‘of Stimson to be secretary especially that used hithwend of the Jealaature thia_year. with both her adversar= “firewood, would be utilised od | ™tes In the war, Biimson also will be called to rogram, Scrap wor temporary French ‘pickineon, att Toyal (0 the cane testify. didacy of U.S. Senator Arthur H. tremtm various Industries also will be eal the cabinet labored Into the Fear War Involvement the Republican ed and power of motors afternoon over Adolf Hitler's armsald proteste, were, based proposals. preadentia nomination, will leave by gas generated from istlce large! jewriters of them Although the all-important arms. mobile Sunday for the burning wood was said to compare Sie "ote the attitude of Kno pian national convention in favorably with those driven by gas fies felphia, where he will Sar. Boin have bean advocate of oline or ofl. COMPIEGNE FOREST, France, Ehalrman of the Michigan di substantial American ald to the tion. allies. Dellegarde, nad thrown back a Gere Dickinson, who is 81, is acutely The decision to call Knox (TEA Telephato) di man attack and then chased the aware of the “aga vs. youth" cam= BERLIN, June 22—UP—Seven yeral Maxime Weygand, second from iat and Marshal Foch wi ais ont ot Bellegarde, five miles palan paychology adopted by young srance, ater ersona were Injured and bulldings allied leaders leaving dining ear ti in Com] Republican er opponents for the We to “repair the wrongsdooe the damaged In the vich imposing pesce terms on German)ny in 1938 In this same car Hitler “The guns of the strong *Ctbral- were eralnlton dor governor "nt In the relen by force” 2 Berlin today In the firs! pence terms to France, des yesterday delivered Democrate¢ tack of the war on the Berlin re Informed, sources indented that Bright young publlelty men are gion. the four Fre of Maryland. Smith, of| seeing to It that campal Narra pesterday ts ihe DNB, official German news age Byrd, of Virginia, of gubernatorial candidates are well Noxotl 4 the buildings hit includ same railway car 1a which Ge: ‘World attention, meanwhile, was and Holt, of West Virginia. apad-| stocked with such words nts signed the armistice of 1918 would riveted on the armistice deliberaHeans present ware Senaiory “strong.” vigorous” and “youth e asserted without be given only a short time to decide to Jerseys Johnson, of tons of the conferees In aunilght Charles 8. Folts, Jr. ful.” stagnation Tare B thal navel boo between an unconditional yes oF no June 2—UP—French Calor aang Hale, of Maine se, they say, will conjure In answer. ‘The German radio declared flatly ers had raided factories in the Bers ted today that German The 4 Knox appolntune tls of listeners w picture of lin| as sources “said Tre negptiethres: resumed-at-20:30- Mn_suburbsAn_au: tain tm tr declared there was "ab- they | confldentiy |expected the a.m. (2:30 a, m, CS.T.), were under spokesman fer Genel [Tens the mere mention of the Foe folutely no truth” to this Frenen to sign an armie tl Farley, friends sald, Inaa ae emor'a name, they contend, yuto- [forces by closing of French lines ‘announcers u ized spokesman inference yesterday. matically will bring the thea In- above the "Twa civillsns were injured sttehe fapatch sald that re ‘The southeastern French forces. dt was “believed the four plenipressed disapproval of theo Presi: was that “ne's plosive and Ine ports from highest PHILADELPHIA, Pa. June 22— to the same andmindsperhaps quarters indicat IN, Jum ‘om dent's action, It was reported, Gar ‘win some according to reports reaching the potentiaries were ed negotiations were still under way border, are welding thelr rt Tiowestng terma with ner with considerable vehemence. Secretary Hull called attention WPA sweeping rule denying any which at Gompigene pitstn Keitel, ‘Sena anew today to the desire of thé delegate representation In future y station In am, CS.T). at 6:15 bm. (10:15 To combat this, Dickinson 1s male ‘The combination of foreign affairs United States government that the Republican national conventions to Ing much of the [net that there per Rhone Babelsberg. a Berlin suburb, dam- aek wnemncteet spate Unit the ox nominations status quo be maintained in the congressional districts that do not probably tant @ more active public Having Increased success with Local aged a garage and automobiles and re not subject to L000 votes for the speaker In Michigan and that he's counterattacks, In telephone contact wi automatic telephone negeaionthat the French must ‘ Paciti ic area. German motorized units in Lyon Irion ‘reattembled to. consicer the system. ticket was adopted today by gaining welght iecplte the strain, ‘He did this at a presse conference party stand. ‘A third Incendtary bomb landed In response to questions about prem the Republican national commit Promise " Campaign In a street of the suburb, which Is Te the Garman view, however, tat fispatches saying running for ‘The rule, subject to approval by £0"Practically everybody heard about 14 miles from the center of Freich answer makes Uttle dite had occupied sou bromised to make It 8 south, byIt was sal starting Monday, “clean” campaign, raids, indicating a tremendous ac‘them inquiries Harry froope cross the border of the Bri- the convention the capital more to military men sald that une former Senator extolling their own devoted wart Woodring, the teslgned secretary of reported, and “Nazi abilities than to alreport fed to have closed thelt lines celeratlon, of ‘aerial |owered der any circumstances France was explo-| No injuries were committeeman, ‘been “diem d the damage clearly out of the war, for the Ger reporters aivea ever Alena harbor, seek The demand for President Rooee- military nuthoriues reported. there man armies are driving steadily bout 7 delegates Ing the British-French fleet based yelt's resignation came from Sena- was ng cause far alarm in the occuplanes, described by offte presidential nomination, toward the Spanish bore southern states forts to there; the British bombed Berlin, clals as British, were reported driv- southward tor Nye ULN.D.), who told the sen: pation, it being explained there Republica will welcome and the ‘Mediterranean. const, ke and hold Clermont-Ferrand, Injuring seven persons, and at- en off by antiaircraft fire before ander clearing at med certain” the that the ese were cleaning up active in jetting out me the increasingly out stubborn resis Republican President faa ‘promised military ax- Chinese with Its big war Industries, en- tacked Bremen, injuring two. gavrrilias, any effective bombing could ine few spots in the Maginot line. blasted away at) 4 j e r d _ n_reslstance stronger south China developments planes ‘rance, sistance jane. him for ree! Expect Itallan Demands Britain during the night, killing Western Germany Bombed ren the “terrible moment” to coincided with dispatches ‘Other committeeman said it would back ate If ne misses the presidential | Acceptance of the terms ottered “clean up" a situation in the south hree clvillans, bringing the four. honor that pledge arrived, he assert- from Tokyo, however, stating it was by making Spokermen also—_zeporied._ that bid. may er tar I t impossible to "buy day total to 21 killed, 9% injured ed planes continued to bomb pathi chief executive was “unabl Indleated that while the European up delegates.” Republicans who would like to circles intimaied. by United Kingdom. mcles are buy xt an ‘western, Germany, and DNB, off formed to deliver.” French Werviioroe cries: In ‘Thethe British entation of demands by Italy, wich Under existing rules, each con- run for senator, should Vandenbers tion at =-b¥ fought off the at- clal_Gers erseit' a. catronger ing Nye, Senator Minton plans: = ~agency. rized. columns ‘yaeate the: J o b , h a v e walled” ‘erekay Was asked Fi cone feressionat district 13 altowe Nt nounced that nine peont ‘had been polat plenipotentiaries axe prefuge = ioind) Said tho Republican was Rane” regarding Brilish nnd French delegate regardless of | the oe tently for the convention to 7 reached Brittany on the west, the sions in the southern Orient. Hing up insinuations and accusing killed when bombs struck dwell- to negotiations. still) w tin fearful that golden campaign oppor- eastern mass occupation The United States of tending France Officially Uninfor tnusand’'m church inthe, Basen cham) ampagne area tunities were slipping through thelr t was noted that the preamble Secretary Hull commented ‘that area Thursday night ong England into rs as they walted. "Amerie didn’t make the state department knew nothing persons previously had read to the Frenchmen yesterday ‘Their one consolation been that beenSixteen reported killed during raids made no direct reference to Italy anySon promises as the senator AbouF The far eastern developments rule would require a district to poll that Democratic “organization” } ndred the newspaper reports. iE, in the vicinity of Cologne and Dus- but emphasized the alm of righting says," Minton declared. “The Unit- excepting French troops locked up done Germany in World they streaked away, But wien suked for further com 1,000 votes In order to get the first been unable to agree on a “logical’ thousand Wednesday and Thursday “wrongs” ed Sta en ts not going into any war ment, candidate for senator other than In the Maginat forts of northern war settlements, o Italian fighter planesK-| seldort he simply called altention (9 delegate, ninights, fintil It becomes. Artertca's and eastern Lorr that came at them. ‘The French emissaries studied the previous statements regarding the CANDIDATE OUTLOOK VEILED men who srouldn’t take the nomina- Alsace Only once before during1 were holding out though sitacked Hon as a gift, This has prevented an from all sides, ns Feported they staged had’ Berlin even had. an alr rald German demands late into the night situation in the Pacific. PHILADELPHIA. June 22—UP— consolidation of strength on On- April 17 ne had. sald in a tlarm-during the Polish campalga In the special tent near the railway spite of Internal arguments, the carly ‘One indication that the French the Mediterrunedtid might embarr: car where they received the German statement that any change in thi e InRepublican Inst f plat in the north and the - | status of the Netherlands Indies, ly- headed. ther aide of the pollen fence, the defeat ships by submarines an: Residents of Babelsberg said the proposals. today toward a. policy Republicans a Seteet trough entral France enemy Germans sald the conferences would be feel. heavily bombing Blzerte. Tunis ani bombs fell before an alarm was declaration of fand heme were conducted In such a way a3 to Marseille, France's great harbor on heard sphere defense as rapldly-shifting rapl the‘candle Actor Acquitted Of nd security not only in the region upon the the Mediterranean, Capital residents took the alarm avold heaping sentiment veiled at ‘The NetertundsIadlans but in delegate French delegates as, they declai In the confused military situa. calmly, some complaining Joculal date into Switzerland, where they sur@ vital question was thi im ralders had selected the General Foch heaped indignities on ly With the surge of arriving, dele- Ice-Pick Slaying ihe atlles a onal defense secret the entire Pacific rendered their arms, lasted only one ton the Germans in 1518. tus of the French fleet, second in he year to spoll army's ‘bomb AGREE30 00 gates, the presidential candidates N. ¥., June 22— day. Tye detailed terms of the German Apparently it me to town to take charge per+ ‘Thursday, —-when— 50,000 power only to inBritain's. thelr Alexandria we gundre invied for about 20 profiosals were-not-disctosedandtt > wt Minton, Schwellenbach Seereuary Hull today sonally of the struggle for the nomltrom the southern Maginot the Ttallang, still considered It falr prey. minutes, but the all clear algnal tras emphasised Urey would by RYDE (D-Wash.) and Democratic F } that all of the 20 olner American nan that begins next week. Mne poured across the Swiss fron- ralds, secret until the French filed thelr ‘Undoubtedly the Germans, dewas not given until 2:16 a. m. nnett, the New York Barkley sald the bomb sight asser- republics had replled tlers from the Doubs valley, less manding yesterday In the pream‘A German announcement, elabor reply. Principie to the United States’ pro- publisher, arrived Thursday. Sention was baseless. than 100 troops have crossed the ble of their armistice demands that ating previous Information on Nazi ood, well-unown Republicans, posal for a special pan-American alor Bridges, ht of ee “Fiampshice, TERMS HEFORE CABINET borders. ‘The announced {ts verdict ‘ance help ny I n her war air activity over England, told o! rs Vandenconference on problems growing BORDEAU yesterday atter deliberating an hour Fighting continued In the Vosges on Britain, were trying, somehow. the bombing an 5, rrench mbing ofof the the Bristol Bristol and] of Mt ut of the Bure cabin 2 Maginot Une and a half on the ease, one of 57 get hold of It, French officers Southampton areas, ne ‘of mals sald de- Ohio, arranged to came as toon m, CS.T.) today to decide whether torney linked to @ Brooklyn "murder syn- troops are attempting to battle their and men of the Mediterranean fleet, Satration, criticized thelr party lead- allt hed oer to be worked out but the senate © accept the German armistice way out, ical the British fleet, and Wendell Wilkie, of New terms ort tor politically disowning Bum that the conference would be con- Dewey saying they never ork, are expected curing the ducted as early as practicable. nox after they had At the start of discussion It was eek-en Indicated no decision would be Ukenamed. to the cabinet. Washington sources heard that Not in many years has any conly before nightfall. ‘On the other hand, Thomas E. the bulk of the French fleet had vention brought all of the major Details of the German conditions wey, candidate for the Republicover to the Britlsh, along with candidates for toe nomination co were read to the cabinet last night an nomination, called the Roouavelt the tough Job of servicing | : journed until “bench for messenger this, morning before starting: dellbe the unusual to irs eratic ference in Philadelphia. The government ts fn constant et roach Warpianes that he m! By Dewitt Mackenzie touch with Its armistice delegates ‘cannot, y dential nomination if it were of- (Associated Press Foreign Affaire nt what Matters Into Heavier Weapons LANSING, June The by special telephone. ofAmerica in the tely torch, Betta concert liquor control commlasion sald yes- It was reported that separate née fered him—although he added he ahead of us’ Englarf's position on the eve of (a Been these warships out of iat. WASHINGTON, June nl terday that the price of liquor gotiations between France would not be a candidate, and | ‘The war department disclosed to- would advance in Michigan as much Italy are under way. (2 words were German assault appeara con- jer’s possession. The vast number of uninstructed ‘NATIONAL iE In Wow of the That gives Britain a naval su- dny that approximately 2000 ma@ quart with the im- censored ‘here WASHINGTON, June 2—-UD- |p PAREINGTON, June) Un deli jegntes in whose hands will rest MMerably bettered, ved in authorllative periority over both Italy and Ger chine-guns of World. war design position of a proposed new federal The Thing heat wa dwarfed Former ‘The house app: red todaya compro- the nomination flipped first from | wor: d that Brit Many of perhaps better than two were being converted Into heavier supertax to finance national defense. by the peace ne ‘the army = a farewellmi mise draft OF the 81,000000,000 de one candidate to another. From | ain alreadyIn Washington has taken over most to one in ton is means t ‘weapons adaptable for use ngninsjt Low priced liquors will carry the Informed sources + pelted out that day that in dullding be fense tax bill a1 nd sent It to the sen-| many quarters cami Tepor ol Italy must be the possibly aat too tanks and low.fy Bianest price boost.about 20 cents Sefenses should Scontinue with re ate for final legislative action. riaing Wilde strength among dele vast .| comfortable standard-bearer The guns: were Siete, ihe comlasion sald, while Jong gard first and above all to, the se- This brought, conezess & gations that earl ap tala naval activiiies, since the Ger cooled "ypae’ toch an, thoes, righ Tf t h liquors ‘selling for about $4.0 quart step ni recess fled down for Dewey. oF ‘curity of our own cou ed Iy reduced nally used successfully by the Amer. will be raised only 10 cents In price. that Reputitcans may attend thelt lean forces near the lose of the convention in Phil- Some del reported, too, the Nari armist! ‘A second slice of good fortune ts World war, They are wit have a. sital bearing andithe ee the dect nere'had beer ahiftr to Taft. since cxttaialy Death Takes Retired Rosk’ telane, Ti, in the trend of this last phase of | u rstood to have fallen to Enge| verted No pressure has ny t yeate of a large iber air-cooled of the wholesale peice,ppur iedera Francepnp a quick reply, Jand in the acquirement he blitzkrieg. Major General Butler ns, with Jonger range. and hard lanes, Mane point is that. Britain must U r e n taldy— PARLEY, GARNER IN acconDt tax, is 01 10 need e¢_hitting power. ro DI ‘¢ transformation consists _of | Gamer and Fox | view Blunt, outspoken wor! said, would give $1,110,005. Check substituting Reavy but emailer bare msstate“members General Farleywerg D, Buller, a “fighting last night by a senate-house conter- nanter a volume of revenue that are|reis for existing rele Quaker” who spent 30 of his ence committee, omitted senate pro- nod doses Stave, posted t ir] give i approximately the same as at Was Just Mistake cooling Jackets. The total welght Is eee re) resources once ai years In the United States marine sislons for an exzeea protits tex and political sae at the same time would Tittle changed. levies which become an effort to get what they..chnsider| dis ‘corps, ‘The guns, the original We‘orld war Troutors ‘tnd drinking nated presidential ie veteran whose dishouse op Browning designs with some modifi Jerators the Washservice expressive from benefiting from the - tinguished cat are two-man weapons, fed tx Increase, report that the British may men it him Lr pe pub-| The SDD's rink by cartridge belts. new German drive much actual fighting value "saa both in army] 000,000 ing house operators buy liquor at to defegt the Nazis. ‘she cannot have a chance nd Far and atv lite, sled pene stat ersons to the sts of federal cone '& percentage able to shield Rerseif with munitions to| Jara “hospital of an abdominal \y alt bath, then she will} lined” infantry ‘Thedefense appropriation, ke be able to utilize her navy in an without the] tax bill. was one of the “must” mieie had had en! tered the be hospital now May the and machine ships) effort to strangle both Germany | Measures for final action Jualy, by, blockade, before penne,



1 Walsh

committee determined, it dissent, to postpone action Tniil after Republican members a returned thelr nat ‘vention opening Monday In Phils: dtiphia, All committee members hav

British Planes

Bomb Suburb

G.O.P. Moves To Cut South’s Delegations|






Hull Calls Attention To : |Pacifie Stand

Of Berlin

Germans Cut Off Behind French Lines

Tax To Bring Advance In

Britain Said To Have Taken

House Okehs

«| Over Most Of French Fleet

Compromise -

Liquor Prices



Tax Measure



seconf eorecs











errr TS

meres eet


rt ° . x d e ° ¢ ~ 5 y 5




PFE zelit

Convention Topics Pioneers To Will Be Discussed ‘Topics Ukely to be presented at ‘Townsend TakePartIn the ron Mountain Townsend club Fourth be held at chambers 7:30 Monday night in


Pioneer residents of all nationst-

{tes In the district will be invited,

to participate in the Fourth of

{ {aha the oe an 38 cmnpem fre file at the often totale

how Hinanee! snen “ny (Sportsmen John

ee gobs through the pervice ia more than 12 per cent

ise|Meet Sunday

Te) Clare, Rawlin| an, Wyo, ember of rel Iglous-eect whieh O-hinar United States fing In afielded by Mra, Cla re (eonter, nstrators who later forced htm to iiss £1 photo), from re sobs upon wife's shoulder after the experience.

a | rivle of English landscaped garden: Sruinan Park comprising 98 '® park of natural beauty, ‘Siting ‘also beautiful flower plot ‘The Parks Board also atntaine pool

— Candidates Have Wide Choice Of Songs NEW YORK, June 2—up—wh



It 1s expected that approximately yreons, members of the church fand thelr drienda, will attend the

The annual Children's Dey proinnerat at 6:90 tables ‘They et. Paul) Methodist "conacdatea Atreratt ‘Company the will ram church will be at 11 o'clock to-| now employs men up to 75 years £20. Tncldan! al dinner muse wl morrow morning in connection with | of ‘age, and Bas 20° oeSan eae oa the service. lowing numbers | taking men older tian, at itt ‘ay * eee: be give! res q Michi-| ‘The, Be” “Father, We Will Quiet Be,” priE, Peterson, pestor ‘ovclaton, ill of the host Rev. ¥,church, Midren; “IV's | Child ms, | san Sportsm will int conduct, the session and primary group; “The C h i l the epeakar, the Rev. Otto Magne asJ. Masterson, dren’s ae a group of children

iron Moyntaln city Dutlding.

if member ting

Successful Meeting Of

“Where It Is Always ool ~ and Refreshing


Little Chance ToDouble ° Red G ‘SS me




“Toreador Song” to 1 To find out how the presidential | est possibilities stand on the song sit: uation, orchestra leader Andre Kom Phone facilities are are Iimited or une telanetz canvassed some of the leadIng. contenders on. thelr favorite certain. numbes Royal Lecture: survey snowed inat yratever Prince William, of Sweden. was a voter's musleal predilect!: first professional lecturer of own the he can just about write royal blood to make a tour of the ticket, States, He toured this coun‘The favorite of Pri dent _Roose- United Vell 1s, of course; ‘Tome on the try twloo in 1927. Range” District Attorney Thomas Dewey’s fvorite is Schubert's “Erikoentg, fn, being m former semicpro ba solos Handels “Mesdlah and "Palace only other opera fan wh M. & M. BAR fumed up in the array was Sena: tor poker ‘Taft \R-Ohlo), on whose st appears the "Carmen" torendor| “Swing Low, Sweet The Last Rose of Postmaster General Fi for "When Irish Eyes Are Sm ‘and “The Bells of St, Mary's.” Beer and Wine to ke out ‘Two possiblities with homeatate ot


ary edad

finest cast.

Another 4 Star Fun-Filled

Program! ‘No, 1.


Ml say/ TS OLDS



@ Victor Jory

Dancing Tonight

©@ Jean Parker @ *.

No. 2.





Moon, Bile with “My Old New HampahireF ‘rates are unable to breathe une dor watt

PHONE 9058 Plenty of parking space om Carpenter nd Haghitt Reger


INN Spread Facle, Wis,

Tonight and every Night

Ed Sowers and His Band (Come out and hear these Masters of Music

Dancing Sunday Afternoon Serving

the primary department; ‘Father, We Think Thee,’ Kinder” ly Fath-


quette. ‘The gathering will be the first Mise Alice. Cantril, and. recitation of four -réglonal meetings in the of the Lars Prayer, ed WF the “TONIGHT upper peninsula, ram ‘will open with @ ail the chil noon’ luncheon at Betson's. Beach ‘The Sunday school ‘wlll meet Grill, to be followed by an open 40:35 tomorrow morning dor a brlet | rea Canavera: Wiams: veal CAPELETTI forum on regional wfld ilfe cone 2 servation at the Eagles’ hall. Of lan kM grede || Teallan Pork Sausage of each club will report andi i 30 by morning wo Lu x ienbers "of tie {ron Mountain ficers seate conservation officials Ww: sr and the Rev. Holt ra a i planosai sole, aco. |! Sandwiches . « 5c swer questions. have ihe sermons, Musie will be Thstunnual gonvention ‘of Kiwanis others ‘whl be a general discussion the Miss Mildred Underwood; vocal d International ff Minneapolis to rex .-| solo, Betty Caddy, and a plano solo, Neate By, ‘For tne convenience ofU port that the Inveting was one ot others the women | Geori ae Williams, ‘hesjortimecraene ever held The public 1s invited to attend. The Amicangelo os sa Melegatlon regularly hooting an Norway Briofs Stointedt delegate, and Se I ander: Stanley shut and Paul Hi Shanty Edwards will arrive 1oTRIO on, the Tatler belng accompanted both of the High water tables, relatively high | morrow from Detroit, to visit his tment's fish so | By, is wite and sn, humidity and a heavy covering of Mig Tohanas Anderson, nt Bitiwon, ‘will also attend. fresh growth have combined tol short scanaba, former president of ‘the Reman, keep the hazard of forest fire in the Superlor Lutheran conference, will Four thousand Kiwanlans pat Britain’s Marriage TONIGHT — Shows starts 6:90 be the speakers at the afternoon peninsula at a low level for a cone| ecently from the reglonal offices pet stam: “Tt All Came Truc at- 6:80; 0: “the Pie scone Sh ts Tatn-| Rate On Increase_ program, alderable_period. Lotils, canbe met—at—thi¢l “Too Many Husbands” at 8:10 to Bram ‘The Feglonal office of the con-| cording to Mra, Frieda Eng- ‘American activities In sth Unt June 22—While war Frances Zaheriek And bloom. chairman, of the driv ir faith to hasLONDON,. doubled and trebled the num- William Rozine Wedded Collections and pledges to date: m, (canada, Tonight at 11—*Screwball Scrambles” 7 of marriages, it has also made t $1,250, with @ few who were present at the dinne:| De ping reductions in the operation -of fisherme including Wearing a period gown of white Two slap-happy hours of hilarity! iar in reporting ponte blaree and outlying ing age, The pire-war gnarrying age chiffon aca remaining to be checked, and a veil of lace and illu. in exerciting care with tobacco and Vul “| was dritting pe lousl) near 30, but a * Come as early as 9:30-see “It All Came Mi Frances Zaherick,--ot camp fire it has gone"back with a bound to| Julcan, tte troupe Se t to succead walked to the altar in St Forest fire Tosser In the peninsula True” plus the Screwball show— the early ’20s 2,600 | ch this morning to of Albert Lan win. Smith has “Two young women, Mist Healthlast week amounted to only 2.1 with a member of the board of trus- er Jenny and Miss Mary liver, who acres, burned over by seven blazes thls county prerenta a new DTOD- beech ALL: FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! ay. ThE fees ot Fewanin Internation since Merted'a marriage bureal in Ox- w in four districts, Ontonngon, GogeSTI. Hos superinte indent of schools bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Menominee counties | !* In the present drive ion past president of th ford street six months ago, a Mrs. Joseph Zaherick, of Chicago, had no fires. District two, Hough- nas “Thebeencanvass tho and the bridegroom & son of Mr. Georue Hilgh Scheel association end h andm Mrs, Edward Rozine, of Nore national director of the Horace| theyducement a to bable ‘Mann league. wi 6 Rey, |"). by war.them Minne-| born p of marriagesyeararranged Darrel Brady, 25-yet . Fr. George Lafores ‘Marquette county and t the | acgieg the of first the cls world Traveler, expressed the Within of Alger, lost six acres in one fi IT COULD HAPPEN HERE! pnly condition belng that the father ik to the conven: District "four, Iron ickinson "American youth 18 £0188) ‘must ba Jn the fighting forces, Lo counties, lost'15 acres In fot From the pages of an electrifying soft" Ie" Distriet ax Yost wo acres tn one novel comes a shocking drama Sees Too Many Going Yepet pectiion "Compared to last ye mutton sleeves and @ fitted 168 of things as they are... and as i iy| Renerous. ‘| Nowhere For Nothing The full exit ended tn train. Her June 18, the 1940 lors hi tendency towards. retrenchrand nat expect the vel, d tom jeweled tiara, 147 acres, with approximately 30 they may he.. this world nd while we are willing to yovefrment_ to. do_ 100 much for WASHINGTON, June UP Jess fires being reported. Sarah Todd Cunningham, a visiting was finger-tip length. She carried hem. ‘Aiding in upper peninsula fre continue the effort, gone mad. ‘Another convention speaker wai senator from tranquil Hawalmtr: peas_and_mis control this year has been the In« sian: of FV. Kaltenbora, NBC Hews com- wevae this Impression ay ee y| ore ‘Rudolpiy Banian, the Eri ‘now near the season Whe mantatrs Not a pretty picture... but one In too much of a hurry going the candidates are named, and'tmes mediately have thelr passport pho- A will shed Mts shell 17 In too many different directors (| that you mustn't miss... d for reproduction on umes 2 dion its first year of life, nowhere for nothing’ 20 fire towers / : and you won't forget! with two-way radio telepnone se campaign banners, With the year’s "The radio communtcation rater,

“ Fire Loss = |In Peninsula

Winnipeg Boasts 1,061 Park-Acres NIPEG, Manitoba, June 22— Winnipeg's public parks and squares otal area of 1,061 acres, Wing pleasant havens In all aofthe ‘ity. The largest Assiniboine Park. west br the elty, and Kildonan Park, on the ‘west bank of the Red River, north of the el ‘Asainibo! tae Dark which contains ‘cont


District To

- Low Forest over the number reported Fon year. “A cotnpartson of this years’ 0 lures with those of last year, show a marked improvement in emp ment conditions,” McDonald stated. “We have reason to belleve ‘that future reports will compare favorably with’ earlier forecasts based on continuing trends.”


wrence Peshelek tn Fantecchio, athletien The post con mander, John Golden, 1g ‘exofficle committees, only surviving Civil war veteran in the city, will Tide in, a car leading the parade of Bi nites, nd to line up ros ooo hae Hover pay clubs of Amasa, Crys Sehatod fn any similar previous tal Apartamen’s Falls, Channing, Tron Mountain, ev River, Menominee, | Norway Giher features will be artintl, iron UP pawert will partielpate fn the commercial and comic floats and a yeoting to bevels contingent, Prizes will be (Quetilons of favors for chil dren, thes ot es oseernging. the | reworks dlepiny tn che at inecting, Tomer details. wi Peter Trudall Jee of Neeuunes,

Dedline In Placements ‘A decline in the number of Jobs ‘Aled in the state during the last today in a report issued A. McDonald, chairman of the un‘employment compensation commlsa ‘There were 2768 jobs in private industry filled by the @ commalsaion's gmeloyment service division during week, representing a decrease of four pel sent from the preceding “Although Jobplacementa for the past week show a slight drop, it is encouraging to note thet pelvate employment, has increased cent 01 sama, week 18 1900" sald McDonald. athe te, heartening to compare ‘the current re-

delogates. Dickinson county. ried by ax delegetes,


elt p aaaning, Mec ‘McGowan

it all hours

Steaks, Ravioli, Spaghetti and Sandwiches


w—_————_No. 3

On of the big reasons for Oldsmobile’s nenational sales success Ia the fact that more and more owners of loweat priced cars are finding out how little more it costa to buy a big Olds “60,” For only'a few dollara more, Olds gives

Olds prices begin at $807 for Coupes, $853 for Sedans, Xdelivered at Lansing, Mich, Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes i any), optional equinmertit and access:



No. 4.

“The Green Hornet”

Prices subject to change

1 Motors svten pone!Valoe

Monday Tuesday’ UNTIL 15c 1:00 Vireo a8 “Island of Doomed Men”

Peter Lorre @ Rochelle Hudson “The House of Fear”

‘William Gargan ¢ Irene Hervey SRE SIE

Maria Ouspenskaya Latest News ‘ Pete Smith: “Spots Before Your Eyes”

Also: Blue Barron’s Band

Donald Dueck and Goofy: “The Billposters”


Pilot Class

‘Tax On Firecrackers

Enrollment Ends Monday


bifer iI



Aids War Fund June 22 — Every time a

firea a

7 and sate for fish life, Magara Briefe Dr,’ Michael DeBalvo,of Madison, | xisiting his fatner, Dr, Prancts

Annual School Board Meeting

and preside untit a chalrman te Ms, and Mrs, FretGroniet and named, The clerk will read the the, two daughters ltt today on 8 vacation vislt to Minneapolis jool report for the current year ‘and the superintendent, G, A. Rose ind southern Minnesota, ze, will present several quartions irs, Homer preals.rahe children, om policiesfor approval. These in- ot Marantield, 0 ere for a clude. the quemtion of" the. book fiaie with Me. and Stra. Joseph rental land continuation of and Mra. A. Rousse. the practice of admitting students Rousse Mrs. Elmer Bow te from other school districts, leave Monday for Milwaukee and

Eoretiment doe the lviien Ot lass being conducted at fan College of Mining a1 dents, are fired on all Chinese hol! nology at Houghton by Marlo Fon- days and in sembreligious cere tana, of Iron Mountain, and Robert monies. ‘The school ‘The annual meeting of the village through wu- | Armbrust, of Menominee, will close direct taxation, the levy Chicago, where ane will visit her daughter, Ann Lou, « student nurse school board. will be held Monday | this year being $39,000, monday, according to Dr. J. H. Ser and lunch served. in a Chicago hospital night, July & in the high school fee, director of the Civil Aeronautics Club auditorlum, Highlights will be the ‘Bridge Mr, and Mrs. ee Osberg, of Mrs, R. R. Roe entertained the Winthrop, ber ‘Authority summer course at Hough- | Family Reunion election of one member of iss Marvis’ table contract bridge club In Hille, Minn, Operating in two shifts employes |ton. The tralning. 1s sponsored by] | Mr. and Mrs. Matt Willman and |oard and approval of the Budget four otweekFreakiin, Sinn. ore the private dining room of the Kima with Mes, Elsie nd” inof aAppHicants | the a *reunfon at Norway | forAllthepervons uated to vols ins Jerk urdelaies | 7P* In , Mra, the outputng ofthea large number mn ust be between the first prize; Mrs. Robert Riel usedtn the man-|and 25 years of age, Inclusive; must regulai election won ‘Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weston and Burden, second, and Mra. AM. Svcs wigineers automobile bodies, | pass hensive physical exay ool election and Klevgard, ton left Friday on a week's visit (0 conso) on school questions. «@ ‘which now Includes the, nung 6edie] whien will be shipped to an electric [satan land must have had some | Mra,E Mattson, a Miw m racy the Beret et- | college ot in, Candidates for a place on the companied by i Supa Seeuien Therein no expense Involved— hulle: Willhmen’ end’ fanly, of [beard will be norainated from the and i offes forthe ihe euppy Aiison doctor's fees,’ insurance and text | Metropolitan; Mrs, Bertha Blawell | flog. The term of the clerk, E.Other W. who will wise in Biliwoukees | Stride, expires this year. fountain; At the conclusion |and daughter, of 2 [bo ks are gratis, 4a a nev Lai . Peer for completed planting 3.000 trout in Ernest _ members of the board, elected 1anof Iron M Ruth Wiitman, Miss Mr. | ain: a to private course fics vice pres [of a 10-weeks’ to |pilots Trapactin crusher ot al and Charice are Mountain terme i n ' t e p n fed Guataf-|hreeyear Predolph Mra, a n d | thowe nyrried ts llcenso copper the at is divicion eaeGanufaturing allen- the Heeal rearing pond. ‘The. pond Iron Mountain; | fen, treasurer, an all ree] sn and family, of satisfactorily complete Sr cocandons npent | was improved this spring.& Marquette. F. A. Flodin, of thls city |coun! country, OHO f som explained thather engi-|wtio has | quirement Mr, and Mra, Charles Solberg and | fang, director a president af tha somspana, ‘Twenty Michigan, Teo .atudenta| family and Arne Willman, of Metro-| Siridde will open the meeting |inipecea by ater bacteriologist Friday In the village. Other Kimte, purchasing agent, Lous ‘Michigan “Tech students ‘Destined for use in {ron ore tila han oftlees eral light welgnt rub‘Guariee Bo Maden, formeriy and Edna Willman, of Met et, oF pulley wi! heels, ni ‘the Lake Shore plant at Marquette was trantterred to I tal to permit students home on vacation Fetch Briets Dixon Is in Chicago, where from other United States colleges to he Anton fs receiving medical treatments. enroll. n and women are Burt Watt 1s in. charg Earl Dixon, was a caller in Es eligible, Applications will be recelved by canaba ang Iron Mountain ThursScores again with a bigger and better at Houghton until 5 p. a m, Monday at Hubbell Hall, on the Jane Johnson, of Bates, is spend plant Ing-her vacation here at the home efficient work of the Lake Shore |s Tech campus. Ground work at the school is un- of Mr, and Mrs. Emil Isaacson. that several thousand der Dr, Service's supervision, while Arlington Sundholm, ‘of Chicago, chines have be Fontana and Armbrust Instruct in Is visiting at his home here for New Yi actual flying. of | is! con ‘and for several year: .4 all Its_work done at Marhe Art Blomqulst, of Chicago, is pirending his-vecation-at-nis-home ee Featuring such stars as the FELCH ‘An interesting feature is that for here. every plece of machinery or equipRagnar Simonyon, student at ch Baptist ment turned out by the Lake Shore, Folch Michigan, State," Ease Lansing, The LaBrants Sunday school, 10 a.m. Lesson spending Dancers Karre. Le Baron ‘a complete pattern must be made the summer at his hone “Malach! Demands Honesty Toward het In wood, exact in every detall. Dynamic Hand to Hand Balancing Goa! Lately featured with Dave Appolon’s Miss Clarice Isaacson, of Tron ring co} and Acrobatic Novelty Team Mountain, and Ellaworth, Mattson, perts of the United Sta Revue and coming direct from the Niagara, visited relatives here ‘Superintendent, Watts explained Old Mining Days) and swanky Meadowbrook ountry Club, Tuerday nigh. | Gone In Montana Sliter, The Inebri led Deceiver The Misses June and Marie Lund St. Louis. A7peat Adagio Team. if pay for four hours’ overtime, HELENA, Mont, June 22—The me of Mr. and Mrs, Iron. tbat olher employ fom2d thousands | of prospectors who A great attraction. Don’t miss this, They will be here for tern, foundry and blacl Chureh Activities structural shops are working regu- swarmed over Western Montana in ion Lutheran —Feleh Sunday nd Mrs, L. C. Brown and lar shifts, but putting in overiime, ie." Metropolitan family, have moved to Crystal Falls. required, to keep pace with I Sunday schol at 8:30, Swedlen. sere rown, conservation officer, rtm gto the Montana Faael peotuctl vices at 10:30 with the Rev. B. G Jha been transferred to Am Boa ‘ight men. in. the machine shop Land FIRST SHOW ON AT 10:30 everything else, gold mining ‘Mra, Werner Carlson, Miss Lea d which hasLike become streamlined. Gone js Jeannette Willman theyare pald doub! Matinee Dancing and Floor Show at and diss ‘Thelma Carlson, motored aoa Sunday Afternoon “hithough we nave stepped Up gold pan, plok and # "Phe Marinette Wednexéay’ to. visit production consldernbly, we have Heaven, The pastor will give a sum‘ot found 1t necessaryto hire ad- Since 1997, only 301 permits 200d mary of tie meetings at the Augus relatives and frien Special . Sunday tana ‘Synod convention in Hoek |rurn and ry ‘RolandomeOso,in haveFlint. seqanang seta es far _sxolocing five eet sve 9 Islend < : c & that our regular emt e Roast Spring Chicken, Full course dinner only 50¢ Luther League sx sponsoring | Thelz two children are visiting thelr ee total, 112 were | “tye | A ng






“On July 8





recelve the benefit of re ‘additional work.”


“« County,



Chance | releeeerninet park

picnicin the church

grandparents, ‘Mr, Iman.

Fai, te oc ene] ate ot sol [cream, fag eonand asranged and candy ioe| Bir, daughter, and Mr. J aul a rs lunch will be serv ATE forad men en senour anit | Although| providing ai nt o’clock. [ita te] Sr Teena Mid-summer’ plenic Monday | home feom Ch working the clock around, in the | Broanecting, the permits vs

Tachine shop, or an increase tn pro-|=# Preference. n Sa HERBIE’S SERVICE STATION 24 HOUR SERVICE






WOLVERINE CLEANERS 403 Carpenter Avenue Phone 17 LINDY’S SERVICE Dealer in Standard Ot products | —Carpenter-snd-Ludington PEOPLE'S SUPPLY CO. Phane 441 100 East Ludington Bullders Hardware — Fuel Allis-Chalmer Tractors L. J. WILL Jeweler and Gift Shoppe


East Side Grocery



GORDON’S ‘TEXACO: SERVICE Carpenter and A Street

ANDERSON’S EXCHANGE and Deore Implements 416 Cedar Avenue

U..P.. OFFICE SUPPLY CO. ‘Spalding Distributors



Afternoon, A program will be given | visited relatives and friends

Served from 12 noon until 9 P. ML



Starting TONIGHT




= 2, Raviolieae i izzli and Spaghetti lj kate dalicious™ siesling reeks) RUDY Revolt NO MINIMUM CHARGE



- Monday,

June 24

Swede Line-up




“U Boat 29 Ciara plus—News Voile “Tabata Reel coon


HOSKING’S FUEL 510 Cedar Avenue




Cousinjack Line-up WILLIAM

FREDDIE’S SERVICE Cor. 5th and Stephenson Avs, (Come up and see us some time





M & M NEWS Stepteneen Avemma


QUALITY HDW. STORE 531 Stephenson Avense

J. C.













QUALITY CLEANERS “Tor Metter Cleaning” 304 Carpenter Avense





CARBIS MARKET IGA Btore Stephenson Avenoe


Field = 6:15

ha mW



East Side A&P FOOD STORE Stephenson Avenue






Umpires: Ernest Tomassoni, Huge Lund and George Bennett. Honorary Battery: Joseph Thomas and Warner

‘This advertisement was made possible through the courtesy of the Heted business firms and Individuals.




HORD’S SHOE SHOP Shoe Ropatring 208 East Hughits Street

SANITARY LAUNDRY ‘219 East Hughitt Street

BEST PRINTING CO, Mt East D Street Phone 59

HAPPY’S LUNCH Pasties and Hoase Cooking %4 HOUR SERVICE ast Hughitt Street

| Se


(On The Radi

Glesclog Beck

re eatery ot

2080 JUNE 26, , BATURDAT

Sheed fs ah acer eda


a a

‘Teitruno-Gasotte, June 23, 1990

‘Alderman Constantin told the mayor and

‘council Jast night that the

desire the city to tide ‘Lake Antoine so that part“of

the area miay be and 01 9 sultable park, for plenies


a attempt and—An w eorn, Holiand—An made at 5 0’



eanaeaigen =x


process I am

‘of $¢ fo alll nen and women,


What is ft that I believe? I be-

Milwaukee, who ate

ie hy


eve what I know, All the rest is speculation, taseinating,

rapt a ing, Frere them, ice ing seriously consid. rch tert benefit and ADVAxGE]| who had in malnd only personal pastorate here, officers f: to strengthen {sted ors cal


hae ney could accomplish


eoeelians. Saeet mmaaeiats Tet es

valdated cecognioedandandunconscious fetven by thati consclous perience of lite whieh 14 realty, have read a library full of books some of the most my life,and andseductive inbrilliant have been pleesire, how: sat Know owe exe it erqulee ane aver that oe ie anatteaaa a word Unt oe wrens he apene 'e SLENeUe

id ter


h they are|‘* |the organizations with whic


ts a) And since I know that workjealous

rag |, Dut,

of former Emperor Wilhelm, of

SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1940 Wards Before City vatiofs


ere Sete weil Ea Core, Misunderatanding Evident ‘quarters at the |mads had akan sitesp andcomping on the question knows it instantly—it true.” One the commentpublished von8aiof the Lure refusing were touriats camp Quinnesec | been by the Dewhich book Is the key ftfor about | “better otherhawthoughts ell one brings or cur- |‘ s'0p pectal meeting of the Kingsford village| ter, me velopment bureau shall be given upthat ‘While there may be some qui ft be adda to a harmony, It shape, [!89_ the present | Sney particularly the auggestion moments this at line the Tien consider to fatvicion of the responsibility for the {onleht be will wi corminion Jie the It calle gives. mind. e h t advertising, create helps eithout {It DP Tc |r Watching h c u m not. are wiih town, people the ef ‘American Condition division iv aEe Sena, fo uate more work laid out and partially complete | rrogsion that mere i aa Ne quarters | The News, June 22,1 ee inune eoliene se ee! OND feedind RE Ne ere ae Roose. | calyptic y to Pres than can be finished within any |B world made of the at ca Meee one | to the spirit ae I oF Senator Huey read to the ‘eater yolk, inenosd tn ured the whieh | opinion the from dissent Wovery atom [and vanished with « the chaos‘they. little is time, there to | _,What do I knowspbont human s0The state appropriates money for adver-|Lonk offered tne enletgrecutive ere pushing through



with the coune a strength,” Mf he would push're«that It rests prinelpally 5 ir of its three development bur- | Qf Mipport clarity, to realism, reason 4hd truth, non ttae a eparlence members of this body conceive Iron Moun-|iising, Each by show. diet a anu in for saver r i aus can get $25,000 they cannot be based upon. hate. | won'tippe tain not as a city, but as a unton of five| ase atpendetet by its un |, Every one of us is asking himselt er. spent. But the | today ane for and | That cremark IIs of an extrem:

what he really cares apelng, hich let nee today Hina ronment from injured, hat he really believes. It thousands

ing that this amount hi wards, each of which has a certain sover| does not appropriate a als dav BAe which must have, with:Its | stare clanty and each ofrelation |), g the overhend and other expenses of the to the whole, Tegard to its


Ed dead, hundreds

‘that ran far Into the

property dam



be may of dolla. good things They have been getting this money | mitions that may be | bybureaus. lary night was elected | a ay ot the share _Charits 1. Cerace, selling advertising in har pusileations to| he. Thomas Uren_post_of the lying We-have,_in-consequence, and have had }ine—porsons-and firms-th ‘AmericanPeter:Talon, Tron Mountain, succeeding ‘Th |penetit. 1 planning. city, not Frank and of ward, for years, state refunds for the amount sale | hp that is principally ly respons: |the sales, which, in effect, makes the money responsi: 4a this condition for overhead and maine | ———————————r =|

steady job, and now she


is off oe

in oot our Brightest——— ——


not recognize it, per-

|come a Necessity of our lives, as t it is banal, (Many Feal and necessary ak bread, Ia inat It tl banal things are so.) That is1a why siti Process the it Js emaithat strip. the Communist Revolution forof action, Bing e ItNee ae ele Fun tn history. hisly- far |Much one sow atray Ta OFdet | Moet |has eaten away the creative power lighten the pack one carries, Se Sanaa the ye cape lt and race, slumbering For what do I really care, one|0f 9 great Ma disappear. fencminoutiy trom wig He gow Mom?



tenn bee teas nia) & catential| wilt fake, ones ate, AT Onthrow | Problem. about Popt how by aive| Bonmy—But the down brought’ history, one| available Immediately ‘em Into Ttthe Is a garbage gales ror happiness? | my tn. to see itself mignt finds Sor ; now elty Stam’pait the mess me conspiracy, for tie bureas Weapons of war, the tthe WPA did not dictate where street work rennee of the Penioeals rlds one’s self of a great load of | Hom, hand, they serve toclutter Hollywoo: the ‘louant-—Capper's | UNEE in treat eotid spend and treachery which it forged father ouser Sppen Things thi material ‘eekly. should be done, It was indifferent as to but , s g n i h pe but1 not things Atwell Behind jeven lovely things, Lurks Now ' Tax’ Income Davil OF met Naxl ‘Daf the city thas oe the ra kacw eT 1 only In if why te |so5000 me igazine, "That where It was done, for whlch one feally cares, DOT | Siew con Claims en foreee ivory Hollywood Bush, 1b bed fal, even arthif Hitler erate iewill hols haar | eet ea calling { thi as to sponsor’a share, Ifh84 Jang radio advertising, and the al requirements EA Service sew:up || arovers. Let it be ssvurved that there Atlantis understood what was afoot it would pay ‘over to it money to meet ‘the ly B on the plllng of clamsof New‘up Jersey, ansuperon and= | hore them my of room unreal of umption | thinecand e m and quiet be Where Fean the. | Seteayunder up to three feet d ne mabey Ry Pan! Harrison qwonld be This Yong run |1n reefscurlous tien Chereexpenses. it can toobtain pel child, | everythingit does cine as bureau's ship clam ridges south of cab the Tete putsuns Iollywood_One day a man walkedmhpany Into and to be falve. Its anandat. these Giit’prove Asbury Park |s nearly two miles the present plan only by selling the adver-|_, have Ttthewould mpt at world-wide melt menace to On account o1 long. : city now confronts developed It would | tising for which it gets refunds in some such ais Se be Cemplede? cant you shore residents due to : CH Reale was a Lure book, therwhich !t more | pybiteationonlyas the be held by manyto be to blameto forblame. sources s, the Fedotis wont you lend a hand?* He explained d that wit te sa ng ee oe | See beeauss, anc! 0 tute | 2%! isoverniment is ending troduced be held of ‘than tt can reasonably The i rs $85,000 ney ons cong revival |

Just | Rey 19 | power corrupts clase’! will ‘oerate endr'inre convequency, poltey, with short ru of ait ine most recone ey TPA labor remove Ube Pow it f9 the greatest successto itsstory pee Ld me rr means of meeting io udget onl lefal fiims of pastyears, Sjars, sto lea, or arm Sa grr it tle, In history; but do onemot way less a, = | chopped pineapple will ane would | ip the adver: } matle rtistr wouldnt coun: ha (ooo anal OF in (dom eile desirable than on occasions when ss features which had Brought in the mort = tel lence |tising the burdenon Its officers would be, the Ath vision enough, go anu to encushy not standing on the | meTeare fh won't “T ‘enough, to be able to look beyond the wards | cretiy decreased. But if it did this It would, the company Jolted down | e¥er ‘ front poren swith that youngyoung man man ofof | |g 2 h thesary simply 8 cant; tMey are ney plewures and thelr t house In the country. Yes, and see the city asa city, That-the lesson |unjess its operations on the present scale full. at away to |E love lt, because T planned Jt took faths "Bu at, Will be taken to heart is doubtful. But it may | were to come to an early end, have to ask out this stayed for a) saie the oldsi ‘The father should next try good aT couple ot a pee s, the cities, the tourist ines omeiar a val pet be hoped that demands that the| trom theand countle Sere wat other interests aa out and out | Ine he slip of paper indignantly and sayin spose ofof the wi dispose ers will Spelle if others wards be served-before the city will be held | -roups ‘that window there—dug tn the weeps and Herta, beans. Hie Wit Sarre agu fe t ‘and fou oar fn a the money for which they mow re- | CheSKGd et veral of t! SEE ETE In abeyance until the present sadly overex: | donations oo wall electthe pineap tre tengunta fou jeturedate New Words celve something In return, As Ik ls ebtlously | |Hie “Pish-tush,” facet thelr fam-|on my For ? ' panded program has been completed.LL w | tow “Te executive, the sootned of fuleler and consequently, easler 1 Attacking the organization easier to get money by selling something No, But on the faces of those] British fms? downsthis fal Toe cer |p and my friends But who ate my |face, defense volunteers— | hema, local saw were ones we, you f#2Fem | ft Is almoat 4s ea there which for wisdom whose solicitation by is it than Knotty Prablem ‘nis will hap- | “‘parashooters”—Liewt. Col, T. fain—ah—buslness reasons. Yt get you the Yale ane to di do not know tn” moy lame T weiner BS | Lawe urged thatthe wale pla be omer point oS | pen— to sat any Byori ‘te to sre |R2 immediately tangible quid pro quo there setual government by theel ns tee got nome areret books and the stranger So herecords | wait with fasclne meee ‘Theean proposal acer) the economic |! Small daubt that any such change fromre-|| elanced Pe strengthen Propoa iat re ree we Thzoueh them and saldpi ofwould t financing of Lt ated eyes oi ht Pe ace terms manner chow Present [#8 is republics American ; South the your of tne want on Pasitons * nt, but I still don't goin erm Bed soot ‘i fami cnt, badge i Latah should like of to.theuxmeAudience: Eager Staqnan sctated by the condition that unless some- /*Ut in a great loss In annual Income. “mais will discover that, having grown insteadPon tm rns If there in any lesson to be gained 470M |revenue were drying up, it seemed the




the city’s experience it is the one that ea

a 4


de wok Lure tne regional fhing can be done Nazi economic penetra-| 4 plan of tasuing three book has been | They'll be a sensational attraction for @ sort of childrens T havthem, and I want to tlon Is certain to advance, once the war {s books Instead of one Lure be much the| double-bill income tax case wa're working on.” |and food for ove. by leaps and bounds. Already it 18 re suggested, The result would reach them, the ed-| Wear and Tear On a ¥

i + —

580 for epee

have to sell. As they have no gold they | ¥ Its present activities.

it offers the only market for the great bulk

of thelr exports, theyy will have no choice

Pe Dut Theto barter. difficulty



this situation presents to]!


me wut ihe ieely

cannba Preas)


the recent De- xances Judging from developments tron there | But narend mesting In at cer, gectumont a osibility that the upper,‘penn



tomoblles.” He 1. Alta ‘ to tthe power dl ion system. tangs strenay that ta resident le every cell Of OUT shi



nome? as

go d dene


see Be

cro ceatnantwhomwas gawked Ga thn eaemovieeven.people.he most of

fo five In a worldworldthat thatI trust,| I do] Peannot live tna not trust and that does not trust] me, Tam willing to try to love my | an rapes, alenne self, that 18elt becauseBtingt

daaminaton of the Sout American countiesbe of trade necessities must surely |ar Fonaidad aisionig the posalbtltien



Lio mast [Sant cunih Pues nave, Broueh het ste

ne tn eee tee al of ea con penis gare “i not aremendous the gaverninent has ever ben| oyPRM iMt OlWyre beatae Fort Collyerpo re probably, would called on to deal with, conditioned as it is {Vx y win, | Rufter by com enparinon by the ries if the Nazis cot ~ the most important outlets for the war all

th any other aren of the

| net. you, with the love of our hearts, the Intelligence of oui Hoe the work of our hands. aad ba & (Copyright, 1990, Nev’ a a Hants D

Teeorded the alate

a Remarks About Interesting ‘the Public Eye nee by ona



EA. Bervl

the tadlecthis countiy hes creviaily efe| Ti, tn 1

ee oe any porllen sf the| emisphere from one no!

power to another 308

rican power


aly oxmake







If all had been going well with the De

sion the collection agency branchhas of taken trolt cy Ueshe APL Rushton


Asmay know [in

well Knowing ft i T

futn prateraions-Nev

ftalian = Fasci


transfer tun obtain Fran ipte. Brital

may | ile sinato find them set up_on| of the war debts, ef taethe word lea the Morrson, matterie. what than || box lives Chrldtlan Once accepted, a legend haxtheremore editog Cnaclea be choee, with Sepuuh an te Yeast political sub ‘Ona

aupposehow Maine goes, _ Century, and weto know dandelion.all agog tua fall, +




can be







he voice of morning


thelr parent coun- sessions inne Caribbean arse, in Civillmation | X something we can keep no| when confined tareula pe mucn mor sateaction (paral ot ‘otherwise?


‘The heart wakes early


debt ‘trom the Inst: war. ‘The face department should move Immediate

of,on amateur We cannot any longer carry narface, WRITE the going to beat Germany unnow | lines ile Henderton.

foresees a world

June, when she liv up to the et Sees

By Sydney King Russell

Like a bell,

by them, and by them alone Governor Supports Rushton

formed that if it was the purpose of Rushton 1k 1s Wells (11. G.) who to 0 break Fee thsthe link7 Sefeten poltics ang the de|v cn ie tewosvesliv ream the tax collection office the Gover a ee ina


no batt but ov

poetry eels know. Ameriet hatis wisewanaand Oowhatfp Is practieable.|

td defend South


Daseball reporter. cuts" saya Gitong! Pancake batter makes 1 Blt

find out| whenever It comes to the plate,

us fn

sway, Lathow much ‘we are to-do 10 wiieiy Jouth America, how much South]



ite, the roll call was 78 thoule In shall not serve the cause of democracy iat guch @ policy Tn Ullnols. a ward bole Js accused not only and to 0 for thethat, resclution, involved in| announced by becoming freedomwe shall ‘should also realize that a ward hove le a erueed ce adults [and Auman war; 2 indys Rimes a ‘other members,| tal serva that domain bat af going outside the local the preuet have voted Yes.) It meant It, peer e e keeping out of war.—Wendell Willki cemeteries for names, hemis of with| & to 382 en Mouse vote member aro presidential candidate. rotection, | do. pot onty are_suspl no qulstanding i fede aealges. UE Woe ae) pursuan forse hellday.t rates Gii'vo Guten i ane ot the fewhare inthe Evidence ‘of! his edrnel une Snes Catena dare: halides anenatne : on fuiler have It in heethets P propesal Va Gere 1 i of ere , S E H T peleacer: . l a M th Dickens’ -oGt agency y oeof the sales | {rounied Naver-mained [might rolt aod ai, it trom away gate bhai tuned times” one’ Booka —Harold| ed ik co the, Philadelha Rt. Panes! estg tax collection division trom pois, rector |in2someiin Dickens Fellowship. should join the Aes Gesuavaitan roperted and ; nto in tor| A new new Dic Dionne phote show: Pea In States i United are members of jhe Downtown Republican] te Inte. pune pots cud es sy mative bani ot ale, [Pen cart and off for a ride, Fiv south | Gre Crater 1 We of thelr taanda choose between theto club ‘lub that they must reply iF spirit en | Make oti tha (‘72,02 8 svbering slant, ever tm ‘the thinly #etto an appeal fand thelr jobs In | sa other eemeasioes passed. Irs enemy an of t a h t at isp The ‘allles owe us a tremendous Governor, the president of the club was in: | i Tohneon, aeintant secr@aary of war, ea

Joyed will he subject to conditions determined |

_:Broviaing, eeroule tno spring | tio ase aoiaeFins | acter _Brosdeasting | elreats and. precision by the techniciat the of oe charge aoe jere's


any “Ameatym een Bath a = elIn] apIf eiw crn “acquiesce” torexotutlen. ‘ng unwillingness

Quotati jons



4 Doctrine onroe je of celebrity hunters. George Murphy didn’t, {5b Loula Poet Dispatch ————————— | h. thous!“Look!” exclaimed his companion, “There's of this hemispher division declara-| major a Not often does the] Ports Dilke| Cromwell shaking hands with Bar-| sete tational policywih enjoyaoe the}, The ° overwhelming ¥ vote for (he) Hu y lgokad-and-aaldy “Clink! baraSturphy aed cantalty Timely


‘There are not only “blue”


ive it to her." = A little girl, he [had lstened in vain for af a suddenly,she Re rd |olce, yet. aide rtiett ane. exclaimed hu (in French): signed colo1 dogs talk just | orange, ‘Oh, mamma! the Yan He eae pec ak |uge they doin Beicumi™—Yeliow | whit Strand, 0 miles of perm: ‘More-than-57,00 = now serve thet cre nent Insult fo to tnt ry Is where|

wit of Se pac, Cameras | cee a ome rere «ive hin? circuits for augmenting the ani Net’ad useu furles, set about building Pee e Gannett, spelling t Gan-| reserva 1 networks of special occasions, and



i amered with the excitement of a bunch

eee, 9 gain from military adventure in this1 Political Influence iends to move hand in hand with trade relations, Practieal Navi


rat iia's home, and if it eol-| mands and not by naked force or pees he may be hunted in the votes Fndpulacedforge! Ks settpl When did you treets for all the money in indicates ngeg [alityOr that for toihe!save"government Arete reallyheroe"T you never, have forever and eb naithis| mat money except as an idea—an ‘on horn, and ie yt ‘Take it, But take really? end flesh made yet mak fave tin society with 1. DoDo not of ianoothersthe prirevoltan [BANE Itto. outle to krafterstmy. child | wich be -cas | nich 1thege Fhandbroker tobts tx unlthe Fevoterms, [Teas &Ht trust func. [THU 8 SPE oe al and seek? destruction’ Are y0W NOot

ed with


per. a |2,7Ote tebe ther)_ they rouwouldn't | an autnorunder what [ty|femilytha:ta liveswifon by the respect. It come borrew Bt

But what | family in which

Polahchid home? ‘This soctety

shall be sure of a home,

cement m‘thelr

they've quit trying to prove

Revenue Pers ataples, Whe detnce Hes largely In the compet | staie park will be erected on Seenona island | ie'" Fuchinternal the United States tive character of much of its economic struc-/#!, the mouth of St, Mary's Aver in ‘Chippewa Now They Must Tell All the thea calonoto Cata-| ture In relation to the South American econ: |" ‘Theted site Sy favored even deduct on int erpondents aaatian aruoee many || 1, nA actor cant 1828, orSeeman troops Umup teto tsa, produc ce: | eos pled by British republics omy. 1m} The South American an republics questions ike Britain ceded Drummond Tstand and | {M8 8 PAT? Paving 9 nner after of heavily of the foods with which we are glut- . position and name the What 1. these: | 9 {0 paninalia unpee: nat fe hastMichLaan’s each same Why waa ted, We cannot buy unless we buy to destroy, | fhoundary ime between ahe eted Beatersandand || SYe7-mem ara anet e ava large investmento1 n-them, iniied?32 Beastly Sip invited? or io hold, with ene Exactly, what Se the mata evan- | ome may be |Canada, and uncertainty i when part of them against the time throuah fiver ee ine s riisha chance soup emeininment ofrom eneh guest peddled out under a cartel agreement. This | of St. Mary'see but, In anol only are complicated uid be tm In. | SUCH ee at wor pet Prone of the things proposed in tentallye (oe ee eee Jong embar would become rulnously ntest, fercented, . after the ‘Treaty of Ghent be was a cartel agreement. discussion of ted fiokjwoed wsealy pays off witout ning | *!8i<"" for a considerable sauebbie is smailof danger, | There sentienent of ileal good s n 3s en Arverentt |, adventures military Nazi time to come, oO elas “one wea 18] when Dough Meets Dongh against any of the American states, north or happened a tong. This |», The two ener alrla In-the world recently, ler wide an south. The Nazis have a formidable clean up |MHEht not suit be visitors to around some of the ans at the Beverly Derand be dinersMovletown teeitoryit || 8to.Oe task In Europe, It is obvious, furthermore, unting toma

at asta pence Ue tics chein successfully penetrate South tte || pik : el will have


4 wear



are necessary for adv


aes nothing20 fo but, re

rs. Newwed: “Henry, I thought | Radio Ralnbow you told me that your bank loaned | Grandmother's Mitle basket of ‘embroldery silks contained no more colors than telephone enginesrs society. net really occupying 4 top spot In authority, have in the “it ‘of colors” which qe leaders of strong and} | way Do I care about money? What ts| democraticguilds? aaachit to impasse Vauence gba nb to designate the growing 3? soclety did When ra, “Well, it doesn't. money? fn the bank lies a trust| pridefula perpetual Atak toara Instead of a l y sent the mald down’ there with humbe® of radio: networks. In“t . See ee acliy: walle for my child. that HfL dle he become

tear of a yacht andve

—— will have no choice but to trade by barter.| —————— f th preter] The South American countriea would AY the of omment Nazithe If but basis, money to trade on a dominated continent can only barter, and it |__|


‘Member thin} be somevehat ihaken. I Allis | soft from over-fecding, they are in nit ink: | ag it come to that?”—Loula ng /They,

t E they divide | Messenger. kek Donovan's foreman, was telling | ove ibeces France and plunder Net that a are ae cents are sollelting busi [886 And might be more usefulthe1f present | Spenking of tx ae ie to ottan doe No, T'So"not want the statewhatto| |ULEY. Uy | him how to carry a lot ot material The waik to the bllchen ‘eit st ee aei Know [¥27"ising Income secured from may house. ThatIo | Axe aver Porte tna eee fvat by then Britain will major Meachenck Seagoin Troubley a oF aneantn no continued. be eould book Lure on hie amall barrow, Donovag Uy | iviille extra. epece, of finding sult: 1 and Law, natural a in there |For inition, an into be out of the pleture, for fall delive Ie e k a m |Ateuig 0: We aiing berore rigs ecar Cpe delved into the “You haven't a couple of ten-| with the difficulty the never falls, I! they’ are too optimistic, It instil true| |THE more the matter is that | able receptactes for the bureau | Wh. eh the government ‘wants from the beara tt But Democracy, noblest dream of pound weights by any chance, have that some day the fighting will come to an |™O"™ jearly It will appear vdcenstt Eno ai h 2 or other have to obtain shatrmsn ‘of,20Uh-Fox. oe . mae me det youl end, and there will be a peace of sorts. When wm in vee manner from sale of advertising know doen't eolony, mov, the. eto a high te en the father Wert ee | solve. Seas income ae better do-it andIt that day comes the Nazis will-control-econ-|!'® Presentpentnstla lo peowaly ‘and denantly will T Rome: tne] ah ene of eae ih chit to mylegs to stop me from break- ‘he willBotdly. vicar Pringes | considerably or aecounts am I at And UPPer |‘ could. for they himself, out than all $6veeching them be eat deducted Ar he wee en omy yin poyBuropewant, offering in return what [cwtall ts scale of spending, and consequent: :rouble S:henck‘nv ‘a-|ing into a gallop.”—Tit-Bits, a nd and [are millions, A nee






Knowing is * the sound Pikes Fea mo ‘he heart rejoices ‘When it wakes.


Forgetting sleep


Te F fate tears, Caught inthe muste Silence hears,


at ‘aslen T nt


leaps u

oars exul

awarning re

* ‘hrough the morning.

s ~











‘Tron Mountain

CIE WESTON—e girl with aFRAN Teissand mablton jon toto crash ert the ert GAIR—garage mechanic almed a eneen ; et, | at tramp aber a on out he Sing a cul vr, whe can alve ‘Movi ire campf 8 bapscatts eae le Sune e sn Westo TMTa aerg rwMerrd peraged soaiiote iter anyHamsileedsafo Wantonwarns iced a ‘over Gusts ; fon A great . aren t Gusty that the man leeks tie wereoredclosed his eyes is discol well erae_tne nile dls ea justy iarer net creek, Fr


* Sauer mV

of the cabin,




Trlr, " eos,

setae coutward e@ Seeof, "bal acd =

Bc t,o a




wer wl

=; f


fonimonies’ of


tee ai

ae suddenly


an ng | the" oroutacveeentereeh d and Weaton’


rt toe Gt


na, tena


ae Soc,

es acct or


LT salt ca flour 1T


oor erea ees

01 +4 Bloumtngdsle'n: New York} Fism

ot ‘ Preaby ent ae be a aean tnest Ai Mareen: ° Maca tm mw & y "1 eoan World.”




| Bean en ‘PER PERFECT



etjown andeke atopFrance act: |math Feeeredhet Forincon es crge|_away§



By az 19


jerked her hand Firan ccm clea, eae t oa § more grateful. I to hepeople d. frettefor g you! happeeful” helpin ternay, Tim grate “a ee ane Wa ne

of the print

i Meetings n's Day Program ‘Wome see

Personal onal

Sondny ed by beidga and golle oT tdliow ®t cerangemente,areIn forcharge ine0 Tuncheon

ui i te : Stir ant bolling water ups ing wate, rSur | Sipe


sughy, pasto iri tKingsford)



Martia, of NewW Yor ire 9 | fron Stoutaryairestands) Et Moehit , rn.efor Belea visitvinnie r ofMe Flo: || gan " candy ace meh at ‘ Sunday schoot an Iiible clases and Mra, FA.

‘and bridge



ee ee

eee Inch


Ma t Worceatel

ater Cut veal steak into pleces . for serving. Sprinkl aiden English and in brow Davidson | 9:15, Sepper ps both siden F. frying on s ea by the er Anthempastor. | (hel Me areams Decatur, rum forsummer at] early the $ e y atea) e thele” cottag x Meitla720y:e sy meetsMattson,ami whichfer hi HelHelenavon wae ainAEtn LA wai e licen ai and leith dll dinate oil EA heated at S73 degrees forSusone Pere (t on, assietant hostesses. [ing Anders Nani: Cy rh form| en ahe y. Tuesde mm e p o T s in Tron Mountain, where Areneartal mene 2p Raced diels’ chorus rehearsal, service, | In SeyWilliatetm NE JacksonOey teh Thursday. Mid-week Fe Ot ecunas obag nee clare he Men the | Swe asboratd 5 er sponsorsservinga Smorg D, a ‘Ald 7.90 ‘of MICRIEG or zany, ts eec begins r ge e rears epe as n on in In Carlso Mrs. -Vern ketChas. aolen Meriic hid E lth: and Min, Gosia : Fava nave (Suite ,-past : or. —


rmeditate 370 me



: x9

Roan ant B08 *Maybe1 1 guess growled, le,mun? you oU never troub


hut he Continued) “9 Bo oer =e Cleanliness is the first ete mouth prevention. All ram ng or waaned before putti


mas sirens haven othpreting svc to done in your home , eapertin


| wit WiL|



te aSatna “alae

Blane Ser-| p.m. Saturday , WB


ae ae tao

| Srve® 6 Yalng people's meeting, 1:45. p.m.



4 _—— =




fea reoF ot Magara, Wee Te sete

, olf, No Ep |] Se caaue rvsWedne “amen WEE |e sday ts at a0 1:30 Mra sie aye awn x orchestra; | the primary room, with Wed y roe y 20Ald itm NEO 2 a the primar Ladle a Canin To SUNDAYS RA evnlg tl a 5:30 p.m. Bangeagon soten on | a yea Mananan, minister. agn and e Manah Berge i p.m. y:Edgar soil mac WBEAL St NBC to MesEarth te a. gap ™ Musicale games CBS to] | Morning: prarey, at te 1° Honesty Honesty. Toward. igGod.” r hour; CBS to Summe m, wi Pa ‘The orchest ra will play. Sermon| Merce! Rounds NBC tepleat 1 a. ms “Laval” Bre: 2 wei worship.ship.” Twentmont y minute| Pimigiaht Bor Lam we 11; | “True andFellow wi testimony sezvice preved- | jong REO i



will sing


s Bedethe‘Cu ripper cheShet drew He pet fe pin, terrae ality.




la : nae | ee othe, owns et and hepenter . asaetacorae Bee aie Pe ete EPot | seith fi neachoir r atwitl. thesing.clossEP. at en n c 2 The rea anand ets warat eveniny ee i | aor h i wort tie goad aver the mare. eni g wih pred (| (| Woe Radio Tonight wil LantueWedne ing, aday evening i ssex— egg, Toe Aurcate Prem) hoste a Nerving e Bing orchestra"|| Mees pastor. J, Swans cast Or ae utvrsParnde o on, Banton: , ; HWBBM, ecsals sho i Cus io Charle a Wise no wood,pm. a mW 9:30 Lat sch h Churc ta; presen inc Black Rev. p.m. rank with the :30 PB,



dny9 al rTa

he Sememel luxury without hatarde when, or do the driving. ra gee

Ley ee vermon rely tender,‘and Drain cok tenorbaconuntiltn amal Cut Pastor. mole Oa gear abe eloe, ralrbu arediah:ieio when , tand ‘Cook Lee: Moantale=) Se30 Pe afoe aodflour ;witechoolcand, ‘ th : 9.4m. Swedish Sha Salling. ti aniday amoothy ings‘cabbaand wring , y u ge. wilt ang stat 4 the evening service, bacon, Harve. over ‘oxed

g. y English prayer i KrmeetinJacob PP , Menominee, | son,Con pastor ma | Holy 7 y Musee!y streets aetay, nd Mee and fe mending hey, Mrs. Mone: HilyHolyTetall shan communion with hyme o wn Lake. Soci n e i v i Lake Bu ortune facial Notes ee Welter, rector Nghe €,wee tore, Surpri Pariy, mrpelesse Party of n | HER ‘Serves me t attenhome at |,| Chare , Jat so, aterm seas Le partyAver pereice d Uallle given at her Bard | oral oo | seurprive Sunday sche = Min Natalie Thurniay night, ee es relat ee talt) mipper: ielimces ‘ewness “ shite Dally, vacation sona dancing, Prizes, want gasneg e and py Srevost neousSe Sonn tamy er E Tae vat dag, Clementine CE ter aren T



Wilson, nine ‘aca they anise wilt” gene]at Mountain where. trom, ilaniiy Taney e Mra, Rank Tne acter lt a 8 ) Ce and, Mr, had Maer pr Wise Monaghan

's money Ho hadnt be Mn life. should x. Whyfeelings? Ni she his of bes ar sey tant Bat wan’ lwraysa Aas fee mhto« pc iasna Prac fs Slowly = with meth o ist tap,


s | Hine7 Sue ard Arbutus

e TERag e ole aitave

of ‘bed or Teaving Tear Reta pt af ted. The bene 1 cay e tarted to hola him hack, of B Sou Afsica 4a.Sman esableld | Franci f can ie all the fight out of Joe 100 stood e Franci t. ab Precep t tenderness. Tt now nwithou lltablet, || Sere 4aSma out tenderaman Te ‘twice, ke Prepesiton, | He smpiy St2 To proce - woul?| it 6 ae 's wallet. ‘Gus uae P found ie Franc like, Trance fens a BeBronoun 10 How easy IL would't ds «| sit todraw Sz Whirwin take the ticket!as Itmuchwouldn Road (abbr.). | be stealin right g. She had wel She touche jeucneddthethe wal Gusty. to it-as e Be at Nantacor a



Ryding : axe. Tal er Boat psthaypiselgete sieees theJe rs Eat teaspoo wt a] fect e 41 tan extra ashing tton, Fae atsWallsGy. I and Gi 10 nEn t ato hoot. ay ereds from@ to 22 mine Sund Cinehv sa{ utes Maron E- RYGIM | Ady



4 Ehectreal


mood ook. aueea InIn auich quick:ft wna veh anit wase Be ne added Se ee Or aver end uch map te adeOy

N: Notes Peet ee C4 about out Lt Iba l peated Ga den Slot 3du Carbonelett y school at 9:39 InAud wlth Sumda 4 | Dan a pepper dase, Teer ae | village chooFoy Ww Fise| ne ant ore am Grove day progr ME. thyme t ered accep ‘powd Che be we Mees wh ar) ciub | k c u l ry Petes crove Count cia goose until wo s | ave is Louh Iron Moune | Instead of Thursday. Pot vox fam gies al e eee , eeThere 1,T chopped paral Ml be a 1 ae Ee eth Theta Thursday tx Menominee, | wi be ser

Har a



poodles. ‘AddAdd oodles stoc withy ece thickened ant mie, NO oka ecaad re tron fate | brancerhy.of of Se"Me™VacatibyonnesMre HiblN. U. Me-| over ed eee ssa dearealwi and codsoen printIne tie petpetal al akinskinwélghrtmt crepe || Conau at 7 | top. Sprink Pi me am at ‘The 2:30 o t Proge £7CUD, B from W102), , ofBrlghrayen dally eimmedteate ath n, at wide-b patter tem green ea the Megat leat infor per alah fie, etserael 1

"Fou afocked,Se,himtatsand eegot Bumy :

=< e


CC .

Ment F Barly plannl e ees 8 leat' abows,ri sawee e ent over, him, imagine din. The sport event. Tow secore toe fo ate ha ote, nuns: | IngFranci “To ty Florence|ni nine holes a lovel hereel oft te to eaaentt in | Into Broadway In we Turned He chara Paregean 2 that“Keepboy.” fellow.” ton Hamil eye an Nancy ce, er, Instan ‘or een ea enwdedofTE the Lents and Fellx Jacoves will pres | Francle was pulling on slacks rut: ql ce planremin bars atem se week a White Pinins, . ent tals | over her pasamas, “Tm ang slong at pir tees thes e cha ova Reard Guay Le Ea Eras.ring rit isn aac to deter Cee weBritromee | 7%, ‘unconscious by. the c in haa] = vithth Bay Pegion it came noon, after y t just Monda trumpe | turned r er anothe that Blubb "A fine guy Gusty i doubted, Bove of the Seauota SY hare scowled, “Boy, GistPatrol No. 2 s my head n’s d “One With the Te Hamito jp hand tend Jon’ of Mis OR le pa aul ea seasonFor The | two* Two thesastand s wat revue FirThesof Money” feht, Francie forced he ae alnce seinercaninailacts: tat | Sea n male pheess | te bring thelr ac ote aaoret NS « hin. Te hetpl with f up . tots keep t_were logs her m o n i Dreas d fertnine presse | smuah TOOK ts don't | so egnet wowd mean © Been uppose- Gusly SERIE ieSE ation trip through’th: ae od It mee rrutet; Oustyr-amd " Wouldn't tt be all her aan? In no mood, to be ust



2 € stock Oe oe han ab, cooked coe

nine eon(Quinnesec) A Deauhect Fence “rah Lspall

Ot course you dO, Francie switched out

ee the | 85k r, Francie stared | tachof all the i vr nd ate ah fa shudde ed ts first comedienne fa on the floor He one a [at the nsman actri | 24 prota 8 oy te l aram ckle.of bid stage with ner Your roto the of, aeera swt do | brushed her tips acrons his shee 1 —did ~"Did head: js e l e f she ald, , e h s S A leone 'wlogrephy.* hla oe wae ane dele you bet | ecg, m ctPoy vement | doha ,Weston nodded, "You bs ag g| i if It would be wron She wande © When she tr loa red faa much monty Goty eres ” e_how Wh aY DATe OC MODEL wallet contained $95 ey ter » The bills « led paint of wis tnlek [I[had-,crump it wa} Geuthd pe ot n ‘as a portra joh aa a lover. Senne eeceetucosed sel 1a ete vcver and search walle in “the Sy men al of whom ane”dl msde flanpreci y purse.” | ol849, ous ee te e Wood, tra | ceauaciog: announced, her tecth | the . 6 broadcast, ot 10M Per iedy B.scribb ts conel note led he Lawrence, Diana Gri hastil a "But | With rrsace s" John t "orio,|n | “But he al eet Gusty'ere, everet Pant tenet | sent Se Seep feellng xall-| a> Hime Everett Horton y eee anton eat i ea * car ee cele tor thes ithe wallet asite, rik dling | Jee “bought bin little Pe allel the 5 1 thls | wn we playing amon; in| Christmas? And here's. the Binty! @ ciher stars an Ne pore an the wemm ise Waa al ee to him the mint ‘Tho hay (eee "Francie selzed the it eee Se ote He wa confine ranianes Broad ope, ed Sutter | way ucsuc- wae wid’ pie They are bis, senting purzled. ‘com, hanve A ncd™ fee were nara, Rte s ayen

Pe ae weg,

Annual congregational pice newer lt park 20, at Tra agesMauntatn Wie ria ran Luthe y \nleas

“You've sald gravely, Franci cpr e, 1t I" better night, it be trying Wouldfan'tpretty tom to n easmiled his un NM se then He hesitated,




— nonflaaa macaront aig‘4 theth, fine 2 gis, fine wat noodles or


nee tained tearaiouaea yen h—to. Mim bin, mi toate Taha peed Popa, Pre He’bea

st red ad ‘hee close, Se in ‘those Shin i proprietor anda patrolman took| is gant of tumbling over. eas



a Recipes


pened nen, It ‘was as If somet ing het snapee ania oFthe heeintolereleas rable strain. from

\@ wrought Iron ower 7 | , The the Hand = er. at aneee oer at, e ly 0.09 fac ‘oindia om tg have w'yen te go eTomighe ax | Amp. trues Bue tine . || bese. eub true inrng, dase. Bhs eee aoe bite Into. someth ‘op, bite, oe, screamed.Ia Francl eral taua.|pa|d t plays e Li sat Aunt Mat screamed: Branclea gank sit wuel part of ber GingPrivat opened nage | When she, Koop fr l fo'the way her“purtewanuee forma

a} i

sto{ihe hichllgts of the_ convention




ena eat


two beds.

up in be was att


ae hen ea g

ore ne, ae ee AetE

1if iN

nMabie Goel,the ost we Si ent hl Trevtl

on Me : eae ae ae eral meeting ab ool myThe Bible. ie clay Phare sch% 9230 grand peets cores Soo, | ase ite Deacon £30 Bo pmwill meet re 4 1, ‘The ty, | Te verndort, penore the Tshperi c cer eae eee Beacon acd cBraitang:ani penta) re Pe ath : l Sie who ing, | monl 9:30, Chapet "scent “aunpering. and Ma funday achoo!, anes, SUE | Site address the ete heard then and OR s, t temple | rec . Prayer Resor he vacation | peeling Tuesday” service \tecostal, peltuiTapernents Linen Our Saviour’s Lutheran 10'a, a school y 2, tn Morn10 sunan AE ERO s it Ys ireets rly p,and10:45 iimboworshi a.m, “Fish-| Ing wo rane Fa at Le eens Divine tn | service at tng Junior choi am 1 j= ne Pie Dedt-| Wedne pcan 1.50 Jones. Friday, | fr tron Moan an.” by ‘pm. sday. Ne le ieat came a ot Chetstt ue the s new apt lsmel font | Prayer extennday school

dis- | narraWw space between the e could s0 cldose him.that SheFranci Pate have ‘wastouche heard the ne breathing: muffled intake of his whl ieaty


Se Wee)

l be hace Hoer fd there wiimbers. yee Ling Prays

dated “hes ee


hese ot

jay afternoon wi ae Mie ion meaiih pias: Nicioe Revere nd weaMpelt s: wi Diels byDanlel ee ie J+ | son, 7 Irving Tne EdwinEveniAap. ng servic at 7 Sond | ount Oi

| me carat

fads tae

upper peninsula, The official dele

= rm Weanes Shin anstay cle Mh ‘sorway)

He bent, making & que = e . ae 2No feay, wae enddnty | wane ae a Me Custy/s ot Sent 7" ain a re wie cna tan teak38 oetailic ipMt algof | Bound,” : te play | Se Pare cnn mady' and telephone fF 8 Inside and with: | 40° _Bound.” which | man alld la hand, ll ‘end ine Gale that ied ee ate beds | pete moved toward Aunt cle nad no time to think. A tboe somming | “4 eer fe saw him ren | ee

enSee Se © ke boa Cee

Ganty, Gut sobbing,frat "Oh, way | my En wom




© Kingsford

Onrtetian the sectlo Ing, Tuerdd ayDoneal ae p.m. 130 Morning * at i. Wan Beat Taine church pa behool at 0:45 wm, Sublect: “Te tc le Forse? Evoived by ‘Afom ™m. Christian Ecenet






Cont, 1, EA Bevin, Tn








=e Voodward Ae {a Woman ROLY WT ampoat: Selene a eae pier 8 Lae esi ements “ou 16 prints caly 12 nt or , Solern s (OF asses Above offer does not apply o reprints s¢ for : Reprints and Enlargements, 118 or smaller, 2

Reprints targer than 136 each «

SAT Relarermenists -each Ax10 Enlargemen Foessmell ing bags for films, Minimum mall order ten ea lai vl epee lalate Lampe COLLECTING STATIONS

Capitol Grocery, Breit , sforda Heiights Newberg’berg’s Grocery, 2 King * on's Confectionery, Carpenter Ave, Gleas , i Cash Store, 602 Carpenter Ave.

Bob's Hand


carpe . re ‘Midsummer




Wis oanain towns and a wa gather in Iron



inns this ecoeciet

for | state tax


|the ‘equalization agaree ‘will show ‘5 correspol

ing next

‘Tuesday morning. held Mahon recently For dhe hing: annual‘Fiona sai | Fi,ai, was arrenyad be BA, Mao A Chairman conference with, state auditors summer fer of the thelr check Pe Racry sting ‘of the | Who completed E._ Hook, eee

[Conoder ripe, produce and uit | cUR

an the principal speaker


Switzer visite =

thls week, and st t¢


here. Phillips charged Fox | believed wil] try to fly here from Was here before, and fommenditlons. tothe board, ‘The ou to ruioll the engaxement. THE] had "peddiedclalmed in ind att he. ineated [Perron MacDonald the| at speak o t n I fongressman 0 ui lake ‘Sunset done until mornin . outing a a rogram: ‘For sad © phouee ul Tay nit batrrees ion; by Se ‘The

mart at 10





here, , Pat Kiley is sowneiy 1g several

ie hone of her mother in.

gaye Mountain. ron Best tt ee Marat




1@ anrual

at yt |

tne Music will be WPAFi band. pe ercaslon To Hold Unions Monday Charles Lange, CIO eMirn ner ey ee Conference Sane,

May meeting the board

will be served at the noon

Dinner TRON RIVER, June 27—Delegates ‘hour. and members of the CIO mine and ‘Session anions tn tne upper penine {At the afternoon session the Rev. timber sula wil gather for a conference of the twelfth congressional district at | Laitheran churches in


benutiful actress in¢o-s'"Susan and above, Is cast as aFrederic authork- | Rita Hayworth loan March are Crawford and God,’ at the Delft theatre in fron River inserwaite Miynthe | whlen ‘it be ins attention ford plays the sophisticated Susan of the ow ani title mle ‘March Is seen as ner husband, torn between a i in reimburslife, ai





a Eth





ee _—

Soha ra. Elmer Ring and Mrs. Burback were Crystal Falls callers ‘Thursday.

aot =e




foe Fredy, of Tron Mountain, vise

Florence Briefs

yh erie a

Fagen taping




na tr report on theirax efforts one community of west side the population in order than 5000 higher wages for Wi tomoreobtain




At the eerie ot have mewn atl ~4 city ate Mol How miess first consulting Mahon. Liz | tormey’ mili prosecute, the cade. 0 get the a

‘thoes be brief | peddler obtain ‘Opening the rogram wi Enalsh by | MacDonald sald: Fox Sid

aa.dretes of welcome in in Selin and ‘Mayor of Cry’ er Makela, furnished

gy 4

Jower alae

pene se of5 alehty

rday after-

before Justice Ly!

adie inntsh | noon,


Florence, dtm. *


to bring thelr ‘amesement rolls | are |to the

company. Fruit arraigned Fox when taln,. of notthe guilty pleaded

Hia_fural " n and Tron eoun- | Poo appearance at &

om Ba


aeons: FALLS, June 2—

TRON RIVER, June 22—Charged | 1




ee Ug ve een “t hy ‘Talele and Mrs, John iron Rees, ana Hh Reare.

bie violating the city peddlers’ or dinance, Louls Fox, of Iron Moun-


ld M


With Fox ChargedViolation Peddling

Festival To Be

vith sever = Aad Lawae \ Mra. Marinette geemor W. 3.| Mra. Homer Grondine, Mr. andtnMra ‘ag the hove of visiting

oy ToBe


tron Onunty Ofc of The Iron Mountain News

re Mek lye



ion i

bin WA ee




stedfriends here Wednesday and ‘Thursday, Mise Beverly Cambray, a vie

is wise | at} Christians ‘Miss Rena Baca Bert Poza home in Aurot Daniel Hughes spent ‘Thureday in)



| Green Bay.


In Iron Mountain the 7 urea |



mat a a William B. Stahl, of soe home (70! «ae Soe “4 hatred for the social complexities of her ie i or, tose Ariatide Gibwult and daughe Republi visied trendy heee Fr Lathapeie elu give the greet-| 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in the |I"E "west side Stamt Francs Mes. and St and Mr, to t Iron Bates, ships, " Bay, wil be | Calan vey went eres rise program ‘of a Homer ing and a The pee Mrs. and in Hagen Mrs. Gus thousands azes| Robbery At Gaséline speakerof will where the pons receiveda nedied bro-| aatnet eee porta) leainlatlon ier the mh wer,tm have lost apsepsment Sra visited in Irom River ~ e. eoresented. - main ules tm treatment. Wednesday. has returned to e eee orotateore || torent service,a eine Station Investigated . Bie; and Mrs. Zohn.Polkkala were] Mra, Cella Perry Be je Antilla has returned home here of i Se recelved h Word |, ‘Oh the pr 5 president of Suomi follow-| Wyo, Sunrise, ins home ner | Thursday. Iven over to spending the last 30 days wit | callers in Crystal Falls cot a daughter to Me. a IRON RIVER, June @ 22—Authorie v. Nukander, Sr, and Paul | ng visits at public, Crystal Falls, tye te arles of the unions and the dis Mrs. EsteHe Dahlgard fivestigating robbery at| Joseph Bislak, e r a len be || xantzation Quist, Jr., of Surat, relatives in will There Hancock, at nce. fullege an Amasa cussion. by Me eas and plano melodies Ring and Mr and Mrs, Eimer " mallsbals the tne 0 son ot of chan daughters, busines caliers et ZacobulsieFalls wereThursday. Mrs, John Mason returned Wed- Mr, Guist the West End Service station on] Crystal Kieanore and Elaine, are les Quist, Sr, Nyquist. The fronof River7 |. 7:30A mass Miss Elainequartet, Waiter|at lead Of Rebeccas nesday evening following a 10-day re . eveningwill withbe held 4 In themeeting days with relative composed pendin; wed Adama treet, operated by Ero} “ In. Chicago and to a







Anutta, | Smethhurst, cxtcutive

In no moe ec tomorrow a orMtne Iron.nightRver Jedastrial Council; Protestor en Sacre rthern State] high eat the Amasa dramatic | Wiggins, of


relatives Mies Anse SOTeh ea Sey-| Vine with Ohfo, Alanen. She was acccmpan"The Intruderd, balleved to ba Bays | 4 and, lanene Wormrcod mo-| Ceveland,


chieftain, giving IRON

Zibnel Steeman and Mau ex Notas, | Sota L- Le erg, will sing two numbers, Includ- | the princip

Vv. Me srs, Bruce Buell andpe took some small change from the| cash register, which was open, and | fristol motored to Iron River on allver from a combination ¢lgarette- | Wednesday. Mrs.

eres ie chance: Otner officers are:

| father, ‘Turek and daughter, macnine. Cigareta| |Rose et Refnarowicz, | cindy vending els Elecia Koch, Menominee, Marquette; | Mrs,president; and Pauline | 67, whowas killedie sr autarnoele included In the| high school ine AFinriah comedy | Teachers’ college atreglonal and candy were Mrs.Tara Niche direc-| vice Chicago, visited at the|accldent near Fortune lake TRUr) d the machine was damaged. de. | 1 day evening, home 68 few days. Entrance was gained by smashing aa PB. Bary and tame Mrs. Esther | rea mer, of Duluth, HARDWOOD dy the pupils of Mes Edith Lawrie's | A. River unit. Stare pollce and Sheritt Emery 3.| ny ty nad too hanes We

Sia, "Within the Path of the | Miss Grace Giascott,and hour division | Escanaba, secretary, Mightier” Between the acts there | tor for theandwage Michigan, and Henry | jing Williams, Tron Rlv JAI be music numbera and a revue | for Ohio regional | Mrs. Dahigard aucceeds School of Dancing.

red OY ‘the Sponsored

of, the Iron director for the Steel Workers’ Or-| 3, ‘heVincent, a month there. 941 convention was awarded | King obtained several fingerprints. | after spending

Iron County | ganizing Committee,

ma Latourette, Mra, Fred = | |!"andi “iv with theof returned FALLS Esay

McDonough, contra

gene Carey, Mrs. Ben L, Quirt and

vith ines fte several an

Miss Louise Stoekles.


Louls Swanson and Ben TONNE] pent ‘Thursday in Marquette with) cate, Miss Carmen Aiken” has-xone vislt rel waukee, where she will malt


Ing her aister, Ernest

RIVER. ine


Mimle ortichard



-| York city. will be the preacher at





ton, Dom FalMark's, ats, Calumet.

visitingPinIn ald,Mrs.areThomas

————River Wins as wimeena ‘here °°) | Tron nee,kage15 ren aren ing the th frien:





in TE. White, Mra.


the week-end with bet i i o's entry In Irs. Val Re junior baseball ieee cot o ‘auspicious start yesterday stverroon Valentino, ispent fae ay wiih a. cating —Stambau; =‘resral “ot “Stringer” Dahl, of the mound for te at ane IC



. lev, Herman

|the Night,”

| Mrs George nem

Thursday evening.



shown al

Miss at vine “i

Joan Purcell, teacher spending the

ee Mae betee ; | ene a a who is-em retin Sheldon, or |S portrays wee Mis Lorette when | child partie Chicago, spent She} prin- | vault,

ea rgon were | row

ae coaster is visiting at the home of [callers In Tron Nelson and daugh- FE cea Skibo, of Dunn mine, $8] gtructor, mother, Mrs, Sophie Cammes | ter, ‘Sharon,ard and visiting. In Chicago with her le {higfe will are visiting at the home | son, Carl Mrs, Joseph Weyehvisttors recreational leader there be

at cos BE the hime of her parents, Mr and nlc Lake, We Bios Sonn A. Puree oe 's meeting,




Aiin Cummings, of St. Johns,

Ine a


Lilia Mrs, August Peterson were ters, Helen and 8. Commit months when {of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Skog In| Friday inal ‘Thrasher| during re ecremer Blanche haa oni and Mrs. at the hame of Ma Anderson, Paul Lindwall, Viola So-|| andMr. colldren, yore ‘toteacher Starzbaugh, fn ‘Mrs. a guest at the Cum- | Wauceda! are “Ung in An-| he returns. Also 14. | Larton. lander and Edward Paine, Thursday . yfra:-Marold_M. Anderson—and | ess an AMiss-Marthe-Haase, fg home SSS ininge Ind derson, es mld] 7; at teachers eehoo! eee rrion’ ot Norihera State | weeesi—Sundny of Tipler,| of South Haven, Gollakner, Gerhardt school] Sunday service, prayer rystal FallsIs Crystal ‘leachers Normal, A number of the leaving ly 2 at Covenant Point.— | visited at the Clement Gollaknar school 7 aaain Sunday faculty. are Nodino home, Mrs. rf dictn pe: | Dan el" Bloomdalh pastors Nadine Perlongo, ithe wenn Mra, Ben Smithson and children| to attend the aummer session at Troit, have arrived to spend a wet visited In Amasa at the Grayson| Northern State Teachers college.

Cire! ‘of his parents, Br, and | Stambaugh Beechwood Minton, — Sunday | home, Pezluage



Leonardl were 2B: Tate, and Mrs, Peter Caspian Friday

Al recently | signs 10. m-adies’ Phu Christensen, who MIMATY |" Pihoor Mission Chapel wo ndny ‘busi the Geneva

graduated from

and near Exenstorty Il,svete adem ataiettptdng dere t th frienes 1, Ott0, formerty of|

returning. to thelr Calif after Dniciand, spending several weeks here wilh

friends and relath

d daugh>

Mr. Floyd| Fregaita



City -Service, 7:30


Haak and

Cosette und Vivian Buarrell


A Mise Wile Thomas sana] Ellth Watbeck,



Mnclie Pacatte,|

spend his ve

vatfon with his parents,

MF and Mrs. Alfred Cossett

1s spend. ned today | plan to return temarrow to Chicago, | [ingLoistheOldham, Miss Jean Dow of| at the home summerof Detroit, seer At the Hay to Be Mary's hospital tn Chicago, | at r nee grandparents, Mr aft Mra. AT Lt winere she i'n student nur, Ae ere laze istosindqatst He Traced. and |



te ie eee iter thre oe Dowse; Sire ‘Rose Fintan aad daughter, rnadine, and Mrs, Thomas Moran


wilt ihe


night to Chicago, after spending a ents, Xr, See i

Wale «wiERe TBY


DANCE Germain, left Art St foe points in Tennessee Tasecking and Mra, Su Germain are

: Powers ana] "Mr, and Mrs. Joseph pon Barnty, and Mi. and Bre. Leo










aay wai CRYSTAL


ya FON" nave

io Colorful days lve on! Vivid


tove that —geumaof the-xtormy wrote the songs we all grew up to! is TRCHNICOLOR IX



° |










‘Musle By A Popular Orchestra







and HALL JOHNSON CHOTR ‘Also: “Monkeys Is the Cwazl



Novel People” (Lew Lohr Lateat "News, Eventa {)est tnd.


and “Al's Well That Ends >


Sundar Bstinee 100-160-380


| 4


Sunday and Monday,




at low rates here to finance You can borrow money the purchase of your next automobile.

Paint River) ‘CRYSTAL FALLS:






Music by GEORGE LEE’S BAND OO mame our




NEVER SEEN aerone ”


| |j


Chicken and French 3 5c




ing at the home of Mr aanees parents, Mr. and Mire Andrew Ry

they will | Ber:Amos Houlotte, of Beaver, io thelr home in Feturned yesterday Sault Ste, Maric, after spending sev-| work cn Uuele master's degree, o€ MEATS ant ibwasdHoutotes gia days at the home of ther sister, SS rs,aeJohn Reine scesiiea! fast



ae epeat Lastan ber carga! Sener aiident],chllaceh,

teea ‘ei




who 1s Point, i home to




Silvensky. daughter, Eleanor, and Frederick and DMlss Hillma Ta thursday: Tee sevice az | Rowe, of Hubbell, were visitorm at | oe ned Ne and Mea, Ea Po "nesting, 7-10 | the Davia home, with Ed. Powor who attends| er yron MacDonald, State Teachers’ college’ them to visit- at SeAllister fat the ‘erman Lake—Service at 7:30| Northern at Marquett ve. is home for the sum-| home ot her son, Howatd Houlotte. —— 0 Wednesday. mel

i Marilyn, and Ruth ters, Bet | Daniel Dloorydnh, sar Wotier are spending the weelcend Joyce

in Marquette: with | the Misses


them. Stes. Rune Hlatiev



to Lansing | mired tend stihl css | SUNDAY and MONDAY Backlund,acer Olaf money

theatre Lua



rereet a“ oi rancistwo host months,in returned home £uests Play bingo peo ood leer ek vant: os the centerpiece ee Thursday. McMahon accqmpa: 5

g | her mother In seh Joo Kacata, of Dunn Mine, and Mary Mission Covenant Josephine Meeeae Mocarnoet. ae | aitMr, and Mra, : Jack Ozello were | Moore, have ee si Arne Perry, of Indius The ' Story of Stephen C. SSiambaughy 8d ae ca Myers orsberewhere he sane . Walker E » Sueard 9 ialtoea Mere at ae eee of Mr. | Bergfeldt and Redna school, “ne attend have] Sunday rorahlp will and and Janet,children, Arbor, the great American of East || Foster, dour! Anderson 4 “wildcat” bt LL, Yous Bee] eters sree MORSE. N R U to spend #0 | of ed University the at wy course summer with] traveled who and ‘Troubadour! Cullmane. n Peterson ar Carl and Mrs. bow G a and p.m. Mr, usea 3 rally, Mich. camp e f TaWas, | e were mn Michlgan, Aug Chicago,| cottage. as thee Mrs, far ad al as class for And the summer the xenlor 1X AMECHE a a 1 brings down and for hunting a there Jere fi from, py | Hel


ia | sociated with this type of ore.




service, 7:3) 7:00 Mond tee,


Mr. and Mra. John McCole and

x dramatic story of thé | after the latter spent a week here

ofSe Prue church, Dayton, Onto, | Fow and Monday, Carole Lo Aherne have the |@nd Brian Ghd son of Dishop Herman’ Page, | clpal Lombard will speak at the morningSt, service John's | the nurse, te 9 welocke Sunday at rmits.a yo thireh; Trow Teiver. negligence.



Neurenhauser Grontine motored ‘to Tron River

Eat wre sacrifices the costoeof het Crystal | ater profession, wl

R. Page, rector


nina | pp Mt: Lewis Thiele, Mrs. Lavra Ropes Mrs. G, Hi. Hefogen, ‘Mrs, a

Cian Sines Bt Gye Beecorse end home Wedron. Ghansbts Sen St b as

viien. Meunian Rieday: tart Bra ae Le Pavienko ana ated Wort Breltune Bas ean wing | pong eter Recta and || “Bee 09 It ron ee Ran ee ae eee ee aatcon Wis, IngBrathe Ottolast Kinnee sted Lee eae me ot | Mary Clement, a Robinette, ‘ann weel and Chippewa Fails this week. alives Monas ste Matte, | Scaneth Tia Farrel Orella



ay me ‘Miss Emeline LaPoint, who is emdivernoon and| Tron ore prospectors in Brazil are soyed in Evanston, ily has arrived Bee and eineaday het were serv punt $9 depoaits by the presence — for an indefinite room.

id at the Rome other parent: to dig trough was accompanied by ME. Nevon:|| River, allowed only three hit, | qr. amd Me Mtives for several weeks. Vanzo and | Iron Group Activin home. Paal'Anderson, and son, " Delbe while the home boys touched Ander | chaise: Houlmapt, MERRIMAN Are cad Mrs, Adolph will lodge Rebekah Armenia @ Stambaugh of elsht. Tawnlk and Stott) a |son forgarnered evenin ace spending each THe, following attended the Ex ‘on Tuesday calldsens of Detroit, Tae Merriman Sonat team de | al here with frlends and rel meet ao his bose: ‘Mr Me Vanzo fueee undone: a triple for the Irom‘ine rere

Me and Mex, 1 3. Lingaulat {he are spending Aron Mountain, week-end = the heme of Mr. am

ce rote

ch and children, Mee, iregor ahd us blecregor red and fitty| Austin one hundred outmut trom, Briefs anon Eldred, re tron! Mural, Tren. ting eastjrondiand tlonde fy Darcome visited tends ta River, and - daugh' Crystal Falls, Channing and Noe ‘Wednesday. call: Bounvala 1ron were Halen Mouse the “open, cag | ers Frid Mra,in IronAgnesMountain, rpent Tare | Sagola, attended,e Lake Mary

TRAST ShJune 2—"Vigil of be Mr Margao rect Counctl, Xow | AL STAMBAUGH, of the National ee wait | [dent ie Me MagneeetSeairsWEEu.) [QML VIDE aE the theJen st Re oc eGPTRNESS | Dewald, vl have Me ans Newaunee, alter 146 iy o'ciogk service Sunday at Si, | life of w murse whe nevee counted | visiting. M.S.


‘Marquette with frien



syj55 squy Canal: . Z

atuan ienneth Peas anaes Iron River after thelr home in weracing a (ow days with relatives



per Auxila June 22—Mre, Lalla aS be used for | oad s The f peed 190 deters ont |-— CRYSTAL anproxinately TRONof RIVER, oe fest!teotal eee, of the at The — rium was elected president | xfenominee, Delta, Marquet announcer at the ‘Program TourneySherman and Miss Eled- aaneeae HoldFranklin count Iron and inggn | River Tron the of auxiliary the of | Aspholm, Buith hen bo FEI Talks were giver at the first ick club ntry : er Turse ‘ot Iron River. Ivar Maki, of winners the were Dishop Nor | Detrolt, state president: season yesterday atternoon.| Stoner, Steohen Foner, sil be shown | Falls is gemee enalrman of ar ofthe ne Calling Mineral | day might cia the “Testat thetwillaitmur| toty"™rrow and ra Georee 7, Breen waa named) Ao arenat the Ziay | are ‘aurney mixed-tours geal Hills, save conductor d surer, a pater, ‘The veal will formally open to- | eecreta urse. en attende at the hug node, ace me |S Thi co, fee Me “Swanee River” reulle thowe color] than hall of themwonDiayed fume || ago.fore ra aeNeratbe orchestra: BEM nersup. | Yin, Sire nay Lona Ora Eriaon dots Mire: wee oy wiltlam |turnout for the pla wich co ot score, Mra. pre for low ace of Virginia, Minn, The public a wre being planned by affairs cormagen Afand ete FCW. " Viewed me wn Meat C.aera HL Jae | Collins, ea oa of his most write some M Sokneme contract bridge, bas thefapresident of the host lodge. SimMlar for Thursdays, On Sunday ot 1:30 ladles hold to plan 2 min women 4.TRe, a iron River there will be a mixed foursome re of Christy, the blackface weekly: gatherings gay | returned has tournament Leon Peitechul ALPHA esses for the social hour were trom‘Mrs,Green le Claude Gorgenten te spending the

‘The following’ persona were recent | in Gillette, Wis,

Meo tee eres Mele a was called to Mar-| * ae Dal Santo Inette Because of the death oth is ‘Cacan,

New cars may be financed for any term up to 18

months. .

pedecars may be




if for any t term y up to 12


2 When you are ready to buya car, come in and get

; I

Th ¢




ke | B . tio! Dan INational




treated with the stfletest confidence. Ri



Also — Movietone News ——Slay ea vor

complete information about an Automobile loan. ‘All applications given immediate attention, and




ng '




eee 3S

‘|-Niagara And Falls Play At Home Sunday; Iron River Away Badgers Will


omit oe teal

RedlegsMay IN RIVER, June 2—

NIAGARA, Win, June 2—A “red hot” battle I» promised here tomor-


Range nine in a conteat all-impor~ fant the NAW-M. Teague frat half champlonship race, It will ba the second performance in two days for Bath teams, Niagara

. fame Gober wit! Borpectactea | @ _grace as tee Twa pene:

tlon for the assignment against at the Ford Twin lot, Gober ¢ Tron county 4eam with fourshit

i ee fant wo wha erxt. 3 arene . r e atthe _ one na twits agar Telephat of foe | Artura Godoy down on the canvas for the third tle under punishing blows of Champion(NEAJoe ile aa Ietet sothe atage fF pie synten aMveraeisl” ety fight giving the deciston to Lauls on a technical knockout wie teuhip. battle.nextbetween Sunéey. the | referee Ally Kavanagh calleda halt tn the Bwintand'Nagnra fp ——— Blozis7 Sets SOFTBALL











ear of aanitenon:



" That “photo {inkeh” frst nalt [In Tron

jane le Jacke Nordine,



of the Interstate championship rast owe easrace ats with

Arccte Toiiak

Rani along

six games



Ma are aggroution Blesers ortbal)


ve Deter eam

|otiier a “| driver

rae ‘weit Included on mr the’ Geld




write Art Hen-| 1x tow team interested


att, nProving svedily although unt, plat




Ford ‘Twins at Bouth Range, mouth Ri 7 at Fai, ‘Vawind at crystal WAN Fard ‘River at


a e

Lesrve Intertata Gondman at Iran

sountaln. oe @-—Faleh at Aurora (0 o'clock), Pembine at Aurora.

at Florence. Feich at Lorett Channing at Marinette

© °





| the pitching of Ken Mike Pornetti to carry Iron Moun-| ain to a first division berth inthe|

East Side 8, Shu Docs River Rats 16, Eaat Side iB

Maree 17, [HAL Randings, ‘Tho The Uneup wil bebe | hu Dove 2, Pas , River Rats 6, at Salt at‘strength, aye ‘Next Week


tearbe. Lan

the teame themL rowed

toy of the ta

had more than 200 bottles Ing, he for nattonal ook | gt the beverage, including the brew wa mo

Nonwond Ewell,


Se ee een


vere) ore)American

reach confuseto reach do not where but Learn i, head,

i. _ between, sehdaer Band tbe C ales

2808 BNE [27ers Uon for the taking of pictures, — | of vou by two


colorful most nthe Be

record ot | the


ve ue im tet

Hit tt at the top of your


TE |\t dead center while dropping. nit the ball goes into the nat you'vecleat it, Tha bel should dows the, nt by three Misoke writ when serving.

whip. era area report eaulaped tos wer | i ave pe mare service ‘ne toas for a flat or alice ae eam

game will yet ue 6 nS following . Triet cere. oFcine


Borba playery 1 sotttteg,


jon will be headedpolice}by

iron picantaln



bator-apinning exhib

| WPA nan ade Swede Gout:

|* + MAN | turn east at Ludington and proceed Mountain wil rere eer Bek | tothe fourth ward tas arounder af Aron Improvement, th




da on length of arm and

22, | sion will follow Stephenson evens,

Wik, ane

a A : P


largeat tayandpra

serve. The

tee depth In ee




hn enough to

Tow the




May, wilt |tONS and Introduction of officals, jack soft improvement pro-| open festivities for the finn nnaal| ARerm oraxtanaive, ayiong teh ne be | mornin “Bistng at 5.30 o'clock near ein pleted tomorrow large ask Hes ahead and al play: courthouse, on C street, thep

Bouled Beer Is ii Interesting Hobby sercwanne


and Ciyde Jeffrey, of [old meet and


lion as the No. 1 estleglate sprinter |dlana, Yd Of the year, Itis qualifying tima of |and 36 Burrowes , of Bringeion, ex. { to fightIt out. Fred Watcott, falad that | pected seconds for 1h [8% in the| Rice, ated ge i. seks a

Tir thre atteo-thn

are the sam

thepping wood, with the


and and racquet facini


eee eee

soggy turfsturf, thethe} out |fichouse ey by a. ud MhattentmsSoastorecshat Heidhouse by" means Georgetown sophomore cracked tha! one hit in Eames

mrevat le





Revival Is Urged aay SEATTLE,



Beattle jeweler



hopes to revive 3 Pacifie Nort)

dign arteratt of the oat The ir, Dell W.

an “tera | ee on te A eee the wounds of 4 merciless


Thomas, i

Xt Weiter? Golt (NEA Service One of Byrn “Neluan'e n betate mH Nelson,





top: | triphamr




eae mea

in oe

IN Une. bute Engiats tn the Rentaeeal” These and! Na ey atpedgnt BH


PrineCased the Herteatat oe 643,000 In 40 Yoors Viahy June Soup ne | |W.OGDEN, teedover eteturning ine oes, ihands x Willett, a igen, WOT? spout there


pilot, guard your Corps fore out two bicycles in ajonyJury andBndstrain aera fre ehiLan ood, Mal, |. Hargreaves of. the | plained, no applicants can be accept-| the frat a eae hike the el [31 years of wheeling have, been army Medical ical Corps gave that a: Pa but those with perfect vision. vice to appileants who were Telected Ay ros ption ig the most com | payered the same machine, Jn pnsticn Seis hare. With | we= a fal is of





MILWAUKEE’ t, 5, Indianapolis 4 in).



0 (right

dah ton 1, Bt, Louis enmue _ New York 4 Clnetnniit & Brean ec cantage 6, CINCACOpostponed, Pallads)pnia. jt 6 Boston,

cus Co

"9. popcr




PHONE. 600 SALES tan, Meh. Ten Moyntaln, Marton? THE TRAVELERS,ng 13 River Ave || epeesnti Phone 28%, SS 5






Levgue a1) (2, at Now work, Opclnnall Saas| Nellenal . (2. i a Philadelphia Maitcade al

. mmercial

teeter .SLZO


PHONE 42 D, AE ANDwigur Dependable Drivers ‘Completely tneared Prompt and Courteous

fouls, pia at hoa


Automobile Insurance!

°M PONTIAC BEDAN= dese. Heth O70)


lyn (0)






nes now at the | af ‘tout



MOmileperhous marke he ow} cant he sid,

disqualification | ———

of every

1.000 apoli-|


has a

int mortality

live birth vate of 64 per thoussad




prevent the club from Cyclist's Mileage Is

DENVER, Juna M—It you want | bicycling 4800 mi uilee i Bish i ination sruicn cletss the | inished to tea waited ‘States army Ale |{nface8 Toll! within sme sity: mite ave ‘pare of the clubhead at tmpai



at lateral hip anit ‘9 correct swayiny ne ead Hl | aro loosed 8 mae a one ‘amons centrates cn keep

ro vot. the fally ware tor nine lacks | third who back] alayer hie some fault, ‘ole | jatght illage of of such) 7 village en i entire ee an Three langthen untsays_a by but tis te easlly overdone. | counts, and on the fourth, relaree Mb, odve taketa’no sitet torne reason Of ant whymoutea roe|| TRG When a ltr is bothered by| Johnny Martin halted the should ase thal Armstrong weighed. 16 Siler na overnvin art should 3 form of e at of the= Navaja the slght. arm ir clase to the body | 14366,

Say Army Fliers

Be, Fore



o| YESTERDAY'S SCORES tn cutting Armairong UAMIy pee

crate ea “nla ats 5 aieea tar Tae | Rotcher is perfect and all work an the cha

Guard Your Eyes,


and |" : “Shargplonahipe i

In which Junior hed suce American

lowed Jowed




It eierr


and Chute ela,it |ANERTGAN DEALBASEBALL hod 1] gs the plowre. reple The care mig tara | Yankeeo—Former Otto Eee ve nitsai and Inst Saturday and, to bebe replayed fe z LEAGUE AMENICAN eding. one ane! | ntlae tourto tond énanipons to sot Bunion | cording 38 aL28 Cleveland s. the zat eens aate, The dieperiton na 1 roves Bovton. | detest (0 inning. imvelghin mer games| pot that binegame might change

has ranked



FORE you have BUTCH HEATER, ——T> “i 10 | an accident buy good ‘ee $310

: fo d, of Texas and with Mane day's Crowd |" Stanford had eight places In the |team, also marching ee nts etn sashavin fat the head, en eet ee eee

sears ie parse | ite Aint pata




by his long time rival, Hoyee ‘Gates

‘riday—Pat's va. East Side,

Marine wil be ereking & Rovers Florence Yesterday's Stars win which would vault It Inte ne een eee Bro

Nona aboeaind ent tain hell vie Proesed ai} whe

_Thursday—RWver Bat aa


Mr} PREEDOM, N, J—Charley


vx. Shu v4, Dos.Voll|¢ |) Wedneway—pave Rats


gole claimants to the champlonship.

Meet AGO,In Tourney 7 June 3-UN |two Parker And

Indian Handicraft

| *

or the.

of meeting Hanae wrerot So

Toundine note

a 2a senials ot Ne a DETROIT. | Red 80x, cin “ihe frat, division. at ‘ne nau a on tying | New York: urges, Glante—Singled mapired by Test Sunday's win, | andBllwinning nit cl ‘a Forert River Tans aeroas for victory |St. Louis .. ‘These two players, forming the] which knocked Neyaunee i aLx 28 « Thtoago averBabeRe Phelps, Dodgore—His two- | Philadelphia . perch n loop's highest * No,E-the. ranting men’ doubler tart Soames 3sto sons the nat in the| a was big. blow in srlumph { NiWashingtona 0 hamer img [WIT y a l p baseline. teady Pirates aver | ot attiaretto, arr coateat ey meet for | Fel sata ‘ miia aprramiing M Nex) Chuek Klein, Phillee Doubled Bob: |{ra, the Murlee Who tamhed therella's ae ‘ big td ning . ab 5a eavsrhitting | that enabled Phils 10-beqt CuDs, ot‘ines tai tia tamer a alll will do. the a ginal, berth Pittsburgh 10 9 Knacks Pinar t second, Armatrong "ge i 1 gear Lae Philadephia veeseee s Schindler,econat st O.tahoriaten, Weneat and on )third Bai Ya wifore. en abarena eee PSM Lombardin p, Lom | Out Paul Junior ‘Anaogiation y Ameren Ju Me. LAND, Ot the Im Carobin| nh Mes hip The women's, champion fe 0 ® Pity o et 26non in two attempt wells second PeutSuninrs an |ewolook. ame will tart at 2:80 manta ‘aan | anEna ha world to wrest been ‘Amrlean Alechamplon, | ——] welent ————$——— SBma 0 Wheoler, of Banta Monica, eat ce 1 Minty Were vce Se tiowboxing Golf Poin ‘BoM and failed dismally last night, tere ‘BoM


neup will Be

pote, impart top-tpin oF a aera ‘My Tha Amacai Erickaon, the hiitop’s HH Tew’ TON THehes, ere precip {etcort. Harry tt wot ‘s sel iu me t tno | tEMON. Thelr duel tn the 100 yard On FERS AT evere” will follow the potiee rok) ser tearyFa ee rua moments tating the puazle whether his mark: «fel a tne loft shoulder in falling will mest the] and 20) yard gaah finale of the] mace strong, patie Ouhkoah Tecra marshal of the indoors, would be recooan rer sa tpoera handicap, the hom an'a| up shaped AXomect it atters| tomorrow. up and over Norway: a t Bring the racquet Reader a t of Pythias | weight champion, ad rae a to theon finishing lona cemmitng ball the of top eader at Norway tomorrow afters| iting clim#e to yesterday's pres|as an American mark, N ruled it ext will bo thejor Knights ie eat serge n o champion comer aioe. guar |fcinie, however, finally right oa Cousiniaek | HOLLYWOOD, The frat gaan te lated for 3] iliminary procram which saw slant would monn. ed atand- | American, Bwede stand ay an Amorican renames in with hy Hanke Fass | moet iffith, ard. Major John, 1M, Binghamton, N.Y Lanse. county WPA Polite, 138, New Orleans, outpointed | Ketehuk, out EAST SIDE JUNIORS Foferee and Big Ten athletica come | | The erack Dickinaan Jo Peal Prema 906 Jere Knocked ——————————————_—_— wok a vatane| PAE eels 2h Low Angeles,Fox,(10).184 |/sey 1 missloner, sald it would not be |hand, haantire. appesraries City, (2). 31 NO, Nev.—Tiger Jack will follow the color spuaae, The re Palsma, BASEBALL MENU _ |: ere a _Mamunaton, 24 baton-apinning three by led fine Mex, defeated Peal’ | Frei h_New Yorks Dantets, | areaYucatan a1 o_o be Pa | in Brosklya, Pembine play TON, wil ‘aid N.WM. LEAGUE TA sea Fia—Maynan 12 nOOn. Washington, D.C, knocked out Danae: 30M, Bree Sh eel 182, 12 ‘Today the of Erickson, Holge Manager cated ja Matty Clack, 155, NeeDil Tree River at Niagara (3:30 | Rangers, reported he will bank on . o'clock), thal Fla. (B). Jacobson or Reaylta This Week





your arm.

wile, Davie In the out P;

se the the line

Se ie an e r


fiuhn, 1506 South 22th street, Mani |legiate speed laurels

Fe wir ane toate that has been. itm|



the ballsss skyward and ou, ‘i eilstake (S: BItUNg |_.A. commana’ Ae PiOUntS.BILTOOUTS. ate’. down various || into wil bedecorated Bringing thewhenDallthe actual are is up end commercialup tneflvatyrear and

f 1 i C OloOriu ine

We \ will be Eine Juntunen o Johne Preced

Marl Milligan a du re ane



Mike, 4, 1

New Record “i For Shot



stroke, but should be practiced thor i ahly. (NEA Telephot by throwing aging ontg Joe Lous in ealy part of thei seonete) | net"Begin court, balls over the Into aecvice w Yor your rasquet a the same a

te pltching nomination Tag : fan todayy “Bing”

of Alice

The service really 1s 8


fox the Badger

ager as

is Adolph “Bij Mi Memoria\ stad vcaeg former ararquette “| Minnesota's our teame, Channing, Nowaunee-| | Cer "( Any|day for ‘what promised eye football and


hold the Falls one local ie ain Rg




Tron Mountain team

ters are he


amie. 32 oat

fame with an

utele Ends Sunda

South L. Mreite

Tennis Tips ‘Coach

freseare In two-tough games with Lidnse and thy Twins next weeke = tha

the Twine make adesperate 8 three-gs thelr mathematical wGaintain ind crack


By Eleanor Tennant



dou date wil ee ‘The waok-and

Mn teft field.



the Infteld positions. of the seegon, trom L’Anse, 4 to However, the f imp: Connidarably in the last few. weekt will undoubtedly — present Hronger opposition on thelr home

centing etary camo


of the lineup will

be ar ural with Tony


tMagura, where

of the week-end games sitoae holds ahd of nia a possblity. ae

wpereed the Twins to a 3-2 win oye

Blcning ‘a Femainder


a with the

‘Tomorrow's game will start at 2:20 o'clock. the prize rit Nia longue will be at sen of tne NAAM, |] Rake nthe ‘Ranger. confit, Jone lugging Copper country teamIn tied for necond place end

@ Crystal Pats wariier Im tho season



4day at



‘who has been the most effective hurler one She! ‘Twin staff this ‘senson, appears to be the best selec-





‘ota in undecided will asain pitehing dutien to ken mit a,

Soutn Ra ce ftteenoon, while toes on the Cop

ob eve nthe is ened th Range game, In which southo% jwTony Caruso will do the tome





ShiftLineup AtL’Anse

Entertain South Range

lan. ‘This stternoon, the Twine were slated at South Range in a make-up


2... cess eeees


......,....000 000s —


Von Platen-Fox Co. '





anes ee

arket Hesitant As Buyers Await News Of: French Armistice. Turnover One




tune x5, uae”


mmr? ag ea ¢}, ty with development Ol ‘&,pomibili ow of|alirmenn makes | some other sultable person,

Ic. & Fay. 3% Jower levels as traders still con- Am Car Insplrat Gop vs at8% Loco ...-. 19% sowred buying power pending clarkon] |Am Interlake Irons fi Am Pow 4 £143 8 fenton of the French decision 2454 & Sou. Comw | 6 S¢3 & Germany's armistice term: ¢|-Am Roll Mill . 11% | Cons Cop Min « 54 | Int NlexGanFon ss LM, Cop. ns « Mill Roll am th marked. that Featancy Te PE

Gons Bloom «4 27% | Int P&P preced! ag 6% I T&T ey ed haresand [Am SU Fars 4. 2% T&T --+--1964 for the two hours were among the |A | Amy Wat Wis os

Se 89" Hmaiewt In about a pear ot up a point oF #0, but frac

—E ieais 2 Avia + Tes ay 2 184 15% Mig’. 178 | Gen Briggs fe Mtrs aeyrus Erie «+

Martin | Dudd Wheel «+ 5 | Gilet Sar Foo. Douglas, Boeing joodrichT&R(B) ..were hesitant on expectations Sia Calumet & FiHee 5% | Goody me ind navy orders were In-™ME | Con Dry G Ale, 144 |Graham P Mot. wes. 34% /GtNa Ir Or Ct. Cana Pac "Up a bit atone UUme or another n-Menhaltan Transit, were

58 sil 4% Nat Sup | [New Indust «seus..oa. 1%57. 15%12%%|NYCRR 4

om Howard W. Blakealee


Horbuse ana Consol |



Few ete ane St Ol Ohio -.-




Anaconda Montgomery Ward. Unit-

American Telephone Al powerhoui Western Union and aniea ‘Chemical, | that the heart Js a was announced

Nationa o



needs thelr food—more









Eo in for

of this Gkcountry’s Supe ceua cl Fie for aheightaibaceo neon ee i as

any) People ald down the tew.shae raw alle had to come Japanese through.

Hitler-Mussolint-Stalin con: The State Department maintains that, under the law, Jt ts helples

Fe eeee ae ettces ny] iGREOMINC The, Department] Ate a



Sar tee mae |


ae.-_ pre 3


_ ined ge as lavahaaeknecieventtee, that sold\grs now In the Mts authors as a new explanation of | visions of the State, War and Navy | discoveryGerman onde,al Tat redcrtorsto preof [Maninbal Sate 8 news Ensen z 9rite i. stortngTeeneeseston-. Hy leceased ant Risan afi aly aneveed war) te wang of ea, wan | Departs Ea tts court, at ed and circulatedIn sald cou Uni nance ay ihehe nee substitutes | ait Serete ate etiv= | Sitien | Btcot parachute andes also walk histightrope, ing evidence eaade ea evar ae CoLaa or eee 1g ving nite BERIMAM, of Production OMFEY IE |!" Prem rr een for various ale needa of the muni: | aid Ezobate Riise on or Tootore the | 4 les in the United Staten AUhOUgR | Sincere oan yin aeaatone: | owouah the maze of Europe's pre] | Hons PALLUCONL. he Jason saldsand | PAYIVEWinter {Ommpliet hy The Amrodiaied Frees) | isnues. Hith ay, of inADR industry.months ago du Pont’s| | time of LUProvate, to hold| Eighteen neredy, Doctors measured the electrical | Column may. by used. for politial] and they, will—they ‘will probably war and war conditions onsuccessfully and place the,being.focenoon, nee AD ite {en o'clock =


zune day Friday_

: purpoees, there Nazi{x/ on the red corpuscles of the|#nd proparanda charge BB 30 &09 ala | Mee denying that subversive this] ad, fo nena ae eee unt ‘cal poteneats, averaj Prod eo 29—-U— Butter | Negative pv er8E:| COUMIEY. a ow-heen-quetiy_mede 00 peore, [in re arectricapotentin ose, ema ereartery 26; 88, 25; | Voll. ‘Their experiments showed |in this particular sage, put there]

enact a law, on, to correct this opera


REALITINS—Our Navy experts—|




the Petain surrender, | fore the recent wave ure thet Unde Bate Goo “Hipa pow. | us allo, hasSincereverted to isolation, ac- | Japan" talk Turkey erful portion of hie Pacific fleet to| ior piping softly detore eing Germany as the new| Washington tha worst the Auantic Ocean if Herr judge of the Hun-| the cocky Japanese averlords, the | sole aad Hitler, comes to the worst—If ee Arey will probably keep on placing tne ‘both over for instance, takes ordi allke French and tha British fleets, navel support, « potential mont has made the ‘The United States has a S-tost su-|


through 62000 miles

girl, and







‘Purkish alliance, and’ the promised | sition of the Anglo-|

by | military

in so doing To the United States. | Tokyo may. have unbalanced. that ae i eative charge to |kls'levalty eee 1 8 8 ly, however, his home was| ratio, But In addition to eur eup106.16 } tne tissucs. aana and tha federal Invaders posed superiority In my "Tye brain and nerve tisruew meanPeg Farm Meg &¢ AH cose 10715 | while ships, our Navy in the radio} tonnage of the ‘he owned # $1,200 remain positive because t Japs’ 4 ata more rapid rate faet with which he ent nightly take up oxygen ‘contempt as He of‘apltiarier aa

sng bebond prices

han any other body tissues. re CHICAGO, June 22—UP— Speeding the heart, as In work, ‘A)—Potatoes 116; om track 261: the potential 40 that ine sys: | tal US. shipments 3152; new Mock || ranes vatie do more supplies moderate: good quality and tem can almost @ dlanppears ght; dull; sacked per Cwt—Call-| ness snd fatig:

nounced that it has ordered trlumphs fair quality 1.40. seased valuations ye see ot Bessemer on gi of fit werent for this Arenatal cl y fixed Inequitable valua-| and |adviee ints back get and from non- petis tions. the campaign. ————



aie a


rman | 8 of bot And ‘Ttalian diplomatic establishments in the United States. PROTECTION — The State De-| partment has quietly ordered 8 EIN || ot American corpora: wwhership of factories, mines

here Is a dangerous corellary t0 tty argumen ‘The sniper of one-third of out | cruisers, Astzovers ee) paitieships, e gubmarines from tne P me Rttwntie Phiwould, etand. the Dutch tt [ef the






ry Sion \ AMLETICS «



Hiegisterot Probate,


6/183 Sat


|? tha smanntand the names of prenuiceon annually, ged thelr produrte in tie past | his ultimate He does nat disclose estionnalres, But | ose tn Unrar questionnale 4 obvious Byto nthe ng rafthat | au recipients


eral and tt Iustrial


in Sout


Staten an ote CRRIIIUS MED: what a howling

Congress have betel




The French ficet, fourth largest parity


joa private cot

mpathy for the Alliesthey of| in Dis detesation nen othand. him Mussoilni—but Miller anaes | they git |e to endat OURS | | Is toobyIntecommuting itantey that of Oy aura dered are’ tag the eavtours (ot rmy experts | France an





oe USE


commerce- | 10M

“ 6843 Sats. T Eee

|g STATE OF MICHIGAN, te Court for the County ‘of Dicki nee rs Rage Scere

petition. esprayingeinefor utri teivate of said estate in certain real

said Court his

sensi a Rasher

| A¢ a

lion, | pe i GL ALBHONSE lo the courtof thatcl the Tt appearing time estatesoa atfue‘limite | against forald| presentation Roy

a “|

» a EX at


Bf Pi hi


a ar

| aed ety egtmcageeee

ounty, || ingrhe salas In the am eld County, Mountain ron, it


la FOI se

terete there eaeribe [13s _ 9 Sune,i Ordesed, That the Zin any @ gray| $ aah Court, held at | We fore




demand by an

a co | Cours Baa pacesbefore:sald teres of ald veafate im al real © That py its ae nO ee Ordered, ate Is ld Further That It notice jnerect Sabe given by. a publica notlog: thereat

Derham, | pear

med wm aD: |The nateeselee of nearing, sald day



ee ied ang ora


oF z my aia1







a BE Atruecorr ogame, 8/8-15-22. on fr Register of Probate, 8a

he Duce’s blocknde of the Mediteroa Brltsh commence ranean has frozenEurom o'clock Nein” eek" fen. [out of Southern er ooaireamr] ("atte Masa |e dee t a n SAMPLE Ac tn a D e 1A. the con fact with | on Bngtand of commercial "Wa ‘all is Street Journal 1 claims andrma‘demands ail Sete, Derham, eer sees, urope fromeetalthe‘ tele Northern Portal piel thce Meta | of Eatate ine oe Probate oe in | 0 3 Gilet public by. ery for Complete Markets and alt }@ gin he IMEgiven. notice.ofatnereot Deceased that tna | ln trans | EMMA McNALLY, supply line tx now the open Ot of copy tite court BUSINESS—FINANCIAL— INDUSTRIAL News

na Newspaper andof Successful Investors Business Men

— se evtwotwo ente AO eeetheir opin”) eee by and before deceased against said eho | Mt tore end circig whose o oof Pr robat:|| 44 Bred 8, New Forks. | e time, in that eee Or ganda of i allan, For teby, OLIVE PAPREC in tl Germans | ber. and Norway. Therealice tee eer Geaered, Tat 6/223 Bate, ght in the ACE,Y. lion, the United Siates will Mave]to | Spain ot |” Repl rs te’ 1 pitched) face would convoys British tee none deen cormmigted by Mr, Ronsevelt f t te Officero or patore teen The. tunure || 8aula Probe fave been | PO EAM—The desperate Instmin-| fone one x eee neat, ay of AU tet e bentied$40tomana mur Bs lem to $150.@ month CO. & recelving—from WEBBER PAINE, e ee heeuy appointed SS iGeeane ae an ane | ute meoponal for an Americar inter: | ARR Indust ee ea ee sPoueent FEE ee oad | and, piace, being nereiy form of aisabiity Das nants. Thou: | national Cartel Lavotving the United fieanet mnie under lk stock leading other and York New Members public That dered, deceased. ld Phe ee ne ever— French San¢HANGED Exchanges. most notice tnereot b = fives, by pablion, DuPont's vmvoven He Losy | Germany and Russia, to live ke in the hearts of cur more} / Fee r STREET a SHELDON a BOB FELLER | kings on the funds ‘which they have] hella 69 manage aerume aindustries 8. Coe uccersig Treas previous 9, ald Wee on Tom the United States | practical diplomats and ec eae catedHee pact

Nolin nlete—nae| are nr stm ee| Sor aman ana eS


Plualaeas, Addres ‘Mountain, Mich,

three! Oe ie cree. for | Ste, buhPaaate day et Yun. A, Dy three, ucceanive weeks, previouniron)0] {hepresent itcn. talc day Sof acing, tm Tne eo of Pro Mounttlreulated ‘in said countsprints | Judge i oe matter of ele Salas: of ed and Dece. ROY R, DERHAM, ee pening led “in A true e00y. eo guidse of Prabal e

Ht appearing gun ta sd route” andto thethe Good“Amereay] |Qeamtic. Africa wilt |South thatmonths. Hope| time for presentation | of clal mane of Meseit |S req Delian Gncte in three he Tron. Moune should be lim when heSam,lets cnahimself go, The evi ably be Ginfeated Army-Navy © | poutes to the Par East. The blockade | Against said eatale dence of bis foolishness ts almost |" Tp yfr, Roosevelt's 841] are eeu aie tn clrculated | and examine. tecelve, ts eaoittad | a Dio Ate forthe n w a Oe seul he crsest, ace pene the Ia Mere unbelievable, Ye DERI anchorin [SlUTt, ata deceased by: demands


aignment and4 Te is Ordered Ds 180,"Ena ththe ast daydit ot | gata

me, in

leceased = oo collapse. Eng |" (LEGAL ADVERT SEMENT) | COU ‘Ordered, sred, ThatThat cre credl forwarded. ThetO] "*Siner the French hen «Britain, oand a Great cial relations with tt ane AREARE OF MICHIGAN | wld decrated cmioent ticnean eee the Pea | Mae

FOR Rr a


ain tne crams eames to @


eet ob hc aga amare | ae might so much ‘asa vast

a war

st turned

4 Me


ttre, the fore! 3 or be and is whereby 8ppo |_Ft dv alowinig Maid account = For mini and heen said petition & oe 9 of thi, bed

forward @ | ad ae system brought Brie 1 theatre salen ihwith etthe omy ng the Catan me ae new Bases tn Besa iat cuerdtes Dr eneE eetclere: | aeekiee ainich wills ie ea r a Norway and Spain sets the of uncom-| exclalmed: UD herit hands nig, vuvle lusly Hiegat saly || sprecd boats | France, Hes andalways doing Tinea stage for the ' try at tho “Hritian | (MEeW pletedand experimentalal. specdboats and Submarines. (0. tbe Allen the | oa, “in aumiralty a foopinion, aethe somathing ; ike tht20 we beoueht|



ot nis Tron © ® ell Sa wspaper prints but an DR before Hitler was anything x “ala in circa cand # obscure district leader “heckilng | pointed to receive, 3 Ror R Buitin, 4 just all claims and demands gains! President Hindenburg's regime. rrobales Ar; a ucox A Whispering campaign ably man-|said deceased by and before weld ot | 6,'TVE tener of Pro dered: That crete COUT: aged by the New Deal's § FO! ot | aymond ‘Tu vt creditors nai deceased au Rouse pets now has Wendell wired 19. Pre A ttorne bald Geore |!" the amusing role of

for a school pienlehaebut couldn’ to the | Park ad ed vrorld, when ete mea EMS ears vmn em offOH cart over oe lve the Axe an gvernignt


ould. men frat 1 ‘morta. Anvestean France Sn nal defenseor | hina Una: the vould. be nal handicapped










ey | anal

| | war. oree sing 8 defend A ey, ml


powerless Rumania which Caro: to resis One ‘citernative has New York | tetleving the clever | ete [Xing may. save Rumania, whole, via | the restoration of te pro-Nazi tron | [Guard and the voluntary deliver.


ace Site Fyn mae ioe tor “eset, provided he

actoriey, sige

Page Mee


ppon, THIN—Polltieal vets w of poten! many varieties sated roughout feel a the years

SU Te Ss gis | Pas dune 22 1| enero POOR f roger innavers, noFurthe:rater tne)_RUTTSMURGIE, Taunt eannet attord to | ALON! MENT) ri NT) LEGAL ADVBRFISEME genluy peculiar inthe | EUtope of udges a b s t Sountt+ | sgninat resentment the pr | naval rivalries,* pants it from fedof hiecreating he vowed Tmvergencler President Roosevelt resulting f r o Coanty | the for, Cough Probate ‘The i n g nis’ extremely pro-Ally war plans} can put it over, on when he entered an amuser nn ntit



uct a better and cheaper buy



A trun copysLLUCO! judas of Probate


ae ‘Europe. First ram: | for thelr German grandath

and] ‘both Democratic ‘gmrazed piltcor, and pay epubiican their mines ce Phentity, Tey 20 Tone and thelr thelr tallroate



weks previgus te, sald suctensive ay of Rearing, In The Iron, Moun, then‘ech any Paice of

said Probate Gilce oon or betorethe nation to the Hitler Amesiean Qulsing.. ‘The ist Fas: Indies to Japan, if she decides |ance of the under 1th day of Augus é Book wl st Nari “protection”, this nash alley thal ase1 -over. Our Meet, | orbit, Once them In the” A. [to take ten olock Jesser wolves will Rot contest | CUmstance e-halt ite " Ipped of one-thin such to up Jt puts which of All HANINE Mle Te lag from Its Vandenbere Senator as Americans In| be may U.S, japan |. CAUTION—The ei sor bases, In oan Mine for a foreign trade Diackout tong [and a fifth of the members of Con elon, bases. Ia, the Feet given by publithereof be hese clr-| before Hitler sets up the economic | gress to give a satisfactory tony Me pet ice

er. | tg realize it.



are located Me has, ska



cireuinted in Aakieeecniy P ROY h DERNAM,

werett blings of tne Tockout are worrying . who Washington's. concern over the] 10) \aKe Tht Cone ganic tauae | our marine Underwriters of ‘he Youngster Loses His luxury this | !t for granted that surrender are—is-m dlratAmerican South of js means, for Pants But Has Spare we Indulge in at the any = prospectivegins alliance be- country ‘or a Sh (6 cannot P wv 4 vod nigh | regent moment—thougn, few seem he leatAng tn, tory wm blockade seen area 4 June BUnGI, plantations producing. key mafind terials in Soutn America. It reveals a



wu ery ney mana | ue, Mtern th AM Ege a te vaca, on aon

eet ath

New England] making tn this amall afford « $1200] tne could not set, The supposition ts that! certain. German. agents financed || both hia reve and bla ultra-modern The discovery explains why | camera. our Government i checking wp 0”




ep At, Le lows J wave messages to Berlin. ‘smear Wilkie’ FOF sree hed detailed: pictures. ff (WO fighting power. Over a period of years Willkie hax believe. that the. Japs planta—one turned ut el cam] ue goq't peoote written and platform the on seen spheres of division simple | oF ships handle to how know {ings for the Allies and the Amer-| jotalitarian our | and their two Balkansates “rhe ir [other now makes one of the finest] we could transfer one-third of to| Wallkie's my of show a savolve may formula Pacltie feetpechaps_ore-nalf ut | tary force, or a simple di Nusion ot | were @ mat n bombers In the world, ‘Obviously, on the money he was] Ge Atiantic In an emergen

epi er, Soba | ok Ne pls wi i [ens

with fornia long white US. 1, 2 Cali orale fuset, Burbank US. 1. : triumphs 21015; Review Of Bessemer | itr uit “hraamas Lawes, ts umphs good quality 160-75; Okla Ordered Assessments | good ‘9 fair triumphs. mene.ty Bilas : cob June 22—UP—| Mich. LANSING, tri] |'The 1 gvalty fair commission ans | tax Michigan Missouri 136-40; teens fair quality a re

ee etd have

examinal catetec Bave tlt | fould am for the9 examination, tor | Poltited ed the aebalanceae in the excitement on the supply of Rumanian oll. Nazl | a Japanese boycott. But that was | against said decease:

Bulgaria and | before Tltier raised Japan's im-| Tpttoy: “itis Further Orcered, That mie land-hur hauge and | crdete to fand-hungry [at the request of White thereat be in the Far Tx Stee Derarmedt strategists —fig-| Hungary were (0 HAInTaMn the stat- | portance

sere: BL, Bnet 9, in| corpuscies take on the |nas been no mention of them Be Sa eh eenisalised carlota 26%: | that the ac reda result Tham: | of the neart bent the headline Be ehruareedy prices un-| chaFse liveda tine, Old Ger-| explains | peneds Therm ‘The doctors, aad % thleelectrically enanged. | man in a certain New England || ‘body TL lee loved and respected negative, while the id they gave him a| pus system are electri Bonds NEW YORK, Jone 2—U—Clos- | puscies



Matter of the Exiate ot inthejAHLSTROM,

for the County Gaur 1 Diekinson

Trfulet smoke behind a sandbag barricade at a Britian auxiliary pio heer corps training eam iin, ts! wae, Wigananiee pareehut and!area artcles e | abrle for i Goel, chase our manufactured tHlotionperectruten



oe the


[24 Oe AE OX,

poral Harris, who atrikingly resembles the cartoon comic, is xetting


gish curt were | negative see Supported In Aeaoctation for the | Washington Brewster Aero aie ‘Shore, Phoe-| 1 ane American a ieee By Ray Tuckee kets Bur Securiten and PUUBITED On ment . rt 2


void BIL? famous ane we erie ee eran ovariesasi Bu Eas een peng meetl gener in a ie en

. “News Behind The News”


the deflecting Serve the dlstribuiton of ahot,

saat finda “bere

6 a


of the time were


aia ma inim wa bor

ADVERTISEMENT) when de-|" (LEGAL that It may os ara ith toposte tasks sirable ‘OF MICHIGAN, fay. be accomplished. for the County © Machine and motor builders, for| The Probate‘of Court Dickinson example, will be able to study interof sald In Court, in rapidly moving parts.| the Ata seasion hal strains City atof the held Probate Office of sporting runition may’ determine any | £3, Mountain, In said County, o ita In t e i F of &a et once sapeesent, Hn Hoy’ Re Dernamy


ieidve ue of vote

Secewerd "most



Si ee Cor 7 [Bene [Swift & Co ... 20%

| No Am Avia c. 17%


mntaia Towne

have played parts in iaboratory ROY,R. DERHAM, Oba, tests, Charles Mf Slack, one of the cvs12 copy. nt Pa Dr. jeveloped the tube, | Register of Probate, 6/229 Gate, told the society | ven t america paysleal helt

Dist :« 41,8% | Wootwtn’ (PW) 3 [Schenley Sire vee 3% Safeway 7 Thos “4 yar Son os Mont Ward «+ 3934 . “ 218% 1% By ir 74

were given fn the wakeof fmounting, mitary Bente orders, boosting production soon to| Rendix

Motors, Edis!Stare Sdated

m block of wood, the toot-| each through of ball player kicks the ball all a. uy ia golfer makes his drive. Tennisobjec Par lamp butbs and many other

By +34 954 | RepubSi 11% 1 23% | Reynolds Tob B a

onal declines and losses were wide~ am Zine Ld sy Aun Pas F: 16 sterling | Atlas Corp ssee 7 Free” om poshed up briskly in terms Naf the | Aue cont dollar. | Arerican Woolen. Common and Bald Loco Or a 1B

Texas Corp. | Hi Brana Clot Nd Electric, an. aa Genera! 3.ta G,Fe,Penney, Southern Railway, General legative

to blink an eye. tis iriher Crdered, That publig =. it has disclosed exactly | notice thereof be given by publica

of ane onan once what happens when a bullet plows| tlon of & Pedor three, ruccaaai


ins pile

rab ton:

thousandth of the time required | ino"said




‘new glass tube neers, day of with | it is Ordered, That the taking posible time of «millionth of |3uly, ‘A. D- 1940, at ten, o-lock, in Tn exporure te eae & second—less than one twenty-| 26 frye‘er a



« 10,



engt- | be by Westinghouse Developed



issues Gozed at moderately | Allis Ch ae


ner str

C, Perino’ naving Aled in moving at an exceedingly rapid Ta‘ |" saidJamey court hls petition praying tha a 7

3/16 | Homestake Min 37% NEW TORK, June 2—UM—Selec- | Alleg Corp« Hersh vos 104 tie socks made eecaton] pene Al Chem& Dylasat [Gal Me St PF 3/8 | ova Hudson Mat... 3% at a rally in today's market Dut! anted Strs «+++ 8% | Go many


‘Proba' jue objects sett Matter ot the Estate of

abling the photographing of the !n-



Hecker Prod



vs al




Celanese Corp « ae

se s

Alaska JUN

X-Ray Motion Pictures |_©20u. aoverrisesamen)





| Cater Tract .» 41% | Gt Nor Ry Pr». 21%

~— |,..027..

In About Year



| -rreasury, Here or abroad, they still




eign policy despite the soft pedal | tain News,anewapaper printed and

and Argentina] Nat creulted in #4 °3801- essay, orders.= 1major jg of forwign eet, cotton ‘ana | never ce tnele American disability aiRHA! Been powder ty | torn, We have » alckening weactu "confacatea ‘Judge of Probate. we ninaton refused to cane nine rerilt [ot those materials, therefore PatLucoNt, = 6/6-15-22. on Japanes SuIvE Probata of Register “team, in a| not buy them and furnlan the ex | lapan “Sfflelalthe bayentt the of need th Army's

A GREAT CURVE, | ot thelr money, But the fact 19


deca GP

they can purs| sie was ‘small way, HY‘perping to finance the! change with which




ton, Michigan Tolaphows 1500-11





‘TURDAY, JUNE 22, 1940

45,000 Fliers To Complete

Classified Ad-Department Telephone 701

¢@ oe ——_—_, CAA Trainin: Yor Sale ig ‘Trolling Introduced = OF RATES COMBINATION MONARCH ELECWis, asi St.) H ‘trie range for sale, 719 East y ff 82.9 word for one insertion Bdltor)| n o t a i v A Prose asccuated ESE | Sohn Warland, wealthy Rensselaer, | d |] for two consecutive foaswor a} Ae a, spor FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, word for three conseow || (1) 33886, ncre, well improved farm, | new wrinkle in lake trout trolling. Tene Coninn tira, apeeeet toainsertions ——




en ne




consecutive, dayg then the ones

each tnsertlont piles to ‘Minimum order,


immeErrors should be reported


diately. No allowance will be

made for more than one incorrect insertion.

‘The News welcomes reports on || i



wantads that

bona Ade.




soe ‘truck as part pays ment. Write J-21-A Care of News. G21-3t ATRICK'S QUALITY CHICKS IN ‘East Kingsford, Iron Mountain, 65-HMt e RS. IALE: DODGE ratar, Special HollywoodDEMO} model, only run 2,000 miles, at a big re duction in price, 1938 Plymouth 4 door sedan, motor reconditioned, ‘$469, 1938 Ford a

Landing his seap! Apostle lata ‘Warlond quickly caughta


miles west

‘00 insertions

a word for six consecutive I} 100 Snsartions










women) so trained under the CAA| peoavam, the government Day ptt-| vately-operated flying schools from S2r0 20 G09 depending o the Toear | tudent recelven frort 35 to [80 hoursin the alr, Including both

flying than that for the college | trainees, scattered among hundreds of instutlons for secondary educa ton, ‘The course Js termed by Grove Webster, head of the CAA privite ‘conflying development section,

( t 10 pasenger-miles, ‘There. passénger fatalities and 716 —one fatall ty for each 1,743,008,000 r passengermiles. Employe safety also set @ new record, and grade crossinyig iatalle| tles were the fewest since 1915,

I e divided 9fhsufety. withTt tmaximum phasis on scheme, ine Srase and retvece wits | LEM Fandamentals 4 Imi Preuminary arovad Instruction. 1 OF Health Outlined reat ea N.Y. of dhtheJung New22—Dr, ALBANY, fe ;Safest Year York Horatio M. Poliock, In 1939




i ralieoad Blse| PERT were the safestUnitedyoar States, the E, H.

y comhe authority the courses


sesh iaace Ue ete bee

‘ schools, however, do not necessarily continue on into advanced training In military planes, Advanced train« ing ts elective, ‘The CAA program merely buttresses the expanded program of the arm: alr corps and| the a ation arm of the navy, omen (and a tow For

in| dual instruction and solo flying aad | Railroad History : a private Is expected to quality for calegories| NEW YORK, June 22—Um—is0g| ting under the




that there are 10 “fundac


of mental



of the} tory In the railroad safety” award Of observation, soundness of Judy comorehen-| Harriman reported. armed tervices, no more training for} committee sive program of pilot on the [of

gan June 35,

ore” P| Ravancea Course Hletive SMecrcuone tis LUCK | town aceretion, by BEGINNER'S aay In the spring of 1909 Itembodied | ‘The products of the .


Above properties must spanize ot J. Fran » Iron Recel

the cok-| fa nandtul of persons outside Of persens ope de eMtning | $haratul during the college year of 1939-40. | | stu) : Tht Now, with alr rearmament onal th wat large chlted.scale Slateray ‘the Tee

ber of licensed | Pron! ral | four-fold ttt

tw the | rately

Superior, six-pound

of e hiswater.plane ulidings ce || as out from[mim thecockpit rou)


Park and hay cone |

the Instruction of onty 380 college students—an experimental or “guipig” gtoup which was to prove OF disprove a theory of the ‘author Mty that safe mass training could be undertaken. 0 successful was the experiment that 10,000-odd college students and|

training |

Bees trared be nA beet oe | The record we calculated mulated In the history of American | number of.casualtles In proportion

ee Risse


Red Ryder yi

Bank, Crystal Falls,

Ex complete. 1804 1%4-ton V-8 box, $10 good cor . Smiles south ‘Norway. 6-203 Bourdlales, Norway. ‘Help Wanted JANITOR WANTED. cORGH Write oaitionCateNi $25 month. 6203 F204 Blscellancous RUSSELL J. BATH REPRESENTna, The Milwaukee | Company. Daily Stock quotations. Stocks, Bonds, Investment ‘Trust. Phone 1573. tas YARD HYDRAULIC


new all your paper and magazi Subscriptions through | Carlson's News 103 Eaxt Ludington | Bt. Phone 30 and our representative will call It ‘Wanted—Male Help




orker. two refer ‘SALE: 1839 FORD STANDences, Write R. A, Zimmer, Route ‘ard Tudor, radio and heater. Good 1, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. 6-22-It deal without trade, Iron River Ford garage, 6-201 REDS, ROCKS, LEGHORN CHICKS UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND PRI$650 per hundred, Also started ‘vate bath for rent. Inquire at 112 Swanson Poultry Farm, ath St. 610-6 = eZ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 2500 ROLLS NEWEST PATTE! 307 Stockbridge. 615-24 ¢ Up per roll, Hoyle's, 208 Stephenson Ave. SASF ‘OUR SIx-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, 496 E. Ludington Lyman St. 62030 Wanted—Female Help HIGH CLASS COOK. MUST

FIAT — PLAYER PIANO, TABLE, CHAIRS, Tare amd omner Ture @ Q niture’ tor sale. 918 Kimberly, ® 6-72.21 ELECTRIC IRONER FOR SALE. lent condition. Marinello and Grindatth Store, prone 4803. Cas pian ba


eae B21 HOLD

The first tinte h ever went tar pon fishing Kenneth L. Coo; of AUanta landed this 173%p nder ut him on his lone strike ahead in the St. Petersburg, Fla, roundup. Thiefish putup—a_35—_| minute hattle,



Yer {He weore

ESavedaxpeels incwuees ENE Ia ‘GOSH!




ron River. 1 USED WESTINGHOUSE ELEC9 iamneritor wale, At condition jargain. Gogeble Auto Company, Phone 78, Iron River. itt ALE: 1930 CHEVROLET e with Hcense, Coupe, Excellent shape. $245, 1! Model A station wagon. $75. Light boat, like new, 625. Bastian . @ elljuck Used Cars, Tron River, 6-203 DRY_


: younTO Le SS EMRE AN; owas 2° |

Res Te



1D. $3.00. MIXED. Phonene 1} 1111-W. Sout

Wid Eb" Geeen tarawcan as Shinn & Flom,



Oitruck,iron Excellent Rivers FOR 8




condition. exist Phone

SALE: 1923 CHEVROLET ‘AI. condition $3000, Two trailer, $10.00, 1755 WoodAve, Kingsford Helght aL

signs, beer pum and cash register. Come In and see jock, Open_ evenings. FrieFurniture Store, Breitung, CDi ® Scaco of Kingsfordror MART,. BigBACK ic sale peck Be,in jomorrow. doz. — Pot0c. erything. Granges 621-2 fruits and vegetables, FOR SALE: ALL KINDS OF HEMJock and pine, rough or @ Also Prices “hardwood reasonable. 0, F. Florence, Wis. Phane 76, FOR SALE: KITCHEN RANGE like new. Portable kerosene heater, 721 West B. 6203 IL STOVE AND PONY SADDLE for. sale. Carl Peterson, Twin Falls, e203 DESIRABLE lots, sum: hargal © be buy. Write, call or ‘The General Agency, Norway, No obligation. a6 ‘GUST ANDERSON DECORATING CO.


3m ne vb pay. on,

just wanted to give him an idea of what we went through for him|"


By William Ferguson









RN \


A a

Buchanan Villemur











FATE UNSETTLED—These ships, part of the powerful French fleet, are mong the units the fate of which is as yet not definitely settird. Follow the conferen at Munich between the Axis dictators, reports had the flect fighting in the Mediterranean, headleet was at different unknown locations, ct that U ing for Fran 's African possessions, and other rumors were to the BEANED—Ducky Medwick, but recently acquired from the St Louis Cardinals, was hit in the head with a “bean ball” hurled by Bob Bowman, when the Cards played the Brooklyn Dodgers in Brooklyn, N.Y. He will be Jaid up for w couple more days. FLIES.TO EUROPE—Mrs, Myron ©. Taylor was accompanied by Samuel Welldon when she ar ved at L aGuardia Field, N. ¥.. to husband, ill an Rome. fly to Europe, to be at the side of

L, Lewis, CIO head, addressing the Nant af Colored People, in Phil It, stating that the Prest gion and unemployment a chronic fact.”


\ ers of Lora Beach, Cab, nave wig shart speats, t ocher, Jean ‘Thomas and M sare pictured on the beard abey

ous Grace May way of beating waves, She puts ter by taking, Ha


has her own New Yorks heat her cares on part

DEB—Miss Betsy Chalmers Rope, ‘of Englewood, N. J. is shown In the yown she wore at her debut, a French blue creatio with high collar, full sand a bouffant skirt. ried an old-fashioned quet.

WINGS OVER YOSEMITE—Members of the Seventh Bombardment Group, U. S. Army Air Corps, form a picturesque pattern, flying their huge bombers above the falls in Yosemite National Park, nia,

President of the New York City Council, was caught by nor Harold Stassan of Minnesota is shown SIGNING UF—Newbold Morris, right. at the National Training Camps won the 100-yard dash for the Pacifle KEYNOTER—Gover WEST COAST WINNER—Clyde Jeffrey, of Stant in a typical speaking pose. He will deliver the keynote ad- the camera as he answet red the questions of a recruiting officer epresentatives in a track meet at North+ above Coast Conference, when the latter group met office, headquarters for volunteers wishing military training, a, Pa. ‘Association Philadelphi in Convention National Republican the at dress tort. §6 scoring western University, Evanston, 1 The PCC won the meet,

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