The Iron Mountain News May 8, 1939

Page 1



; maximum

minimum, 50; noon




today, 70.






Funds Bill WASHINGTON, May 8—7>—The house passed and sent to the senate today a record petce-time naval appropriation bill of $73,414,241, The measure, $17,015,212 under budget estimates, but §145,817.047 over current appropriation, caused little debate except for rome complaints about increasing appropriations without providing means of new revenue, ‘The houre included In the bat at the last minute. a $2061,000fi for air bases on three|malts salan¢ sen eer cour TpETSpHatTon committee rejected last week before sending the bill to the floor for

Acquitted Official Resigns From Position ‘MOBILE, Ala, May 8—U>—Bart B, Chamberlain, Jr, has resigned as aasistant state solicitor, his office announced today. Chamberlain was acquitted Saturday of conspiring to deprive a newspaper editor of his constituttonal righ Meanwhile Chamberlain's five ¢odefendants, all of whom were convicted, remained In Jal here Trey were expected to appeal but attorneyx were silent today on their plans.

Robert M. Burgunder




NEW YORK, May 8—U)—John L. Lewls, CLO, head and president of the United Mine Workers of Amer+ ica, declared today the labor department “must accept responsibility for its own adnilnistrative blunder” In proionging the Bituminous con shutdow! Tn a leiler to Dr. John R. Steelman, chlef labor department concil tor. Lewis sald: “Fallure of the Toctavelt administration to appro he Ming Workers’ offers Industry In operation caused many

the contributions they make toward)

had carte blanche from. the



’ WASHINGTON, May 8-U%—The | board, denying} he) national Iai

Tenn, May 8—U%|

guilt of a charge


‘on an addl-|

ir farm





sciled two Phoenix, Artz,

charges of partisanship toward any |

bile salesmen, a handsome young union or prejudice ngarnst any emcollegian today clung to an avowal ployer, took exception today to proposed amentenents te the W: he would “face the music alone.” DUL nevertheless suggested sched Becbugh th "fall. gu be given four ar call of the fee a further’ consideration ane fundamental changes. muspected ne ‘na 40,000-word report to. the youth, year-old Robert M. Burboard propriaione called ‘up for senate gunder, Urs tearing a& ulcite at

tional $338,000,

ascists Expect Hitler —


probably will deter whether total government appro; e year starting July 1 rll surpass thls” year’s ‘The benefit funds were Included in a record-breaking $1,216,000,000 for agriculfure department ap-

e same time, a Sebate t bill—inrge bevel applyhistory—was Frro.000.000peacetime

o Settle Quarrel With

WASHINGTON, May 8—UP> Mayor LaGuardia, of New York clty, sald’ today that If the government abandoned the principle of the works progress administration, the remult would be “too terrible to con: template. Testifying as chairman of the United States conference of mayors, representing mayors of about 100 major American cities, LaGuardia told the house WPA Investigating committee that cities generally sould _not_be expected _to_Incre

for Walch the house appropriated a chomine it] Haan teerenon eT Wo Salesmen | Changing Law | siteicnla rogram of providing work|


oland By Negotiation y New Militar.————___ Pact Cited As

Britain Urges

Accused ed

Disputants To Arbitrate

Sign Of Peace


hic wotkes tot deena that contrary

jo sald

a city in the United;


with restrictions upon’ employment or managerial policies, of the gor the unemployed Is the eatenIt| but by congrest, “unto:rather way of treating this problem, In lieu thereof the would be a step backward to aban-| “or alternatively lomatic unilateral o! don that policy or resort to the elimination penalty clauses $0 obnoxious In prin-| dale.” ciple to any thoughtful citizen.” Asks Changes in Method: Lewis came out of the afternoon. Remarking that not of the letter| session to givennd coples relied inimeat-| tocmeeamen { intely. A fow minutes later, Secretary pealed to tI ‘of Labor Perkins went into the conchanges in methods of allocating clot






ference room. tr Lswls attributed failure to end] hintedinternational Britain might a i aaa hs



men for basic revi ‘These proposals ranged from abolition of the three man board to outlawing of strikes. pine four propositions, which. the al ted “futher ration in the lights of facts watch may be produced” were 1. The question of giving emPloyare the right to petition for-an heir em= definition Of) for determining which bargaining unit qual



when ne evcrepoken,Kc

definitely as well as from 1) mal point of view In & political and pac military ‘The act Still was to be drafted


‘st hope for a Germanment was strengthened pon Ave Sea Yama days had ‘tnly In recentin Berlin widow |. et Influences aiy prominent New vorg wie and both ved cially ‘8 compromise. prom w ta esonte

will To

‘Fo Uree Conciliation Optimistic For Tne, general Spentam displayed Britain, pledged to aid In matne eel taining Polish ously had indi between iy up to Poland to decide. whether Large Forest quention ce ae ae Be tnalentshe fi ght Mt Danzig were Ned Germany |. Observers, hows UE dnet attempt a forceful solu pecled Britain to urge Poland to ty tion. (o conciiiate in the event at hos Some observers believed Ciant tities threstened ove: definite assurances to echis said the* ian a ane jan oF an In practice a matter, In the firtl-}—yyp Instance, {or the parties most Sa Extenstve— eaeelaie, also_halled the saree In the treaty relly interested in the northern part of | M2" we etn forest men peninsula. wich ower “to sie 1s for them," he added, the Mawel furtously: Sunday were BUTE soecumtion on ite tragil fan ne mgreement upon by which they should pro- | Ing today with diminished force be-| Cha. tnat the axin powers were eat met nat condlulent|rying aut thelr determinallo® wind improved f o cause The worst fires were sive In the face to go on ore been repeatedly made rency, Presque Isle and Cheboy- of the more vigorous polley opt clear that his majestys government more than 2- ed_recently by ‘Britainand France: Stand for the seilement of Inter: | gan countles, where | 000 figefighters started a concert- ‘One mutharitagtve Fascist Inaist= by friendly national differences negotiation, arbit or other ed drive at dawn. ‘agains 7 ae ™ “not i Pocve@however, ‘At headquarters of the state | “as penceful mgnps and they are at | conservatton fin malay ilance wes are department in Atlanta, ofgood thelr lend to Timex ready aE a count Montmorency | the o f any of fices at the request pce af troen Vat: oes ‘sor cribed-at-9 0. ey

Ki ires Raging Downstate

‘ini Ooi




mast i what Improved, at Tenrt temporar-| "5 congress iit uchariate Cuy (© volced The department spokesman |ata2,Algiers: a new. appeal for «TE favorable conditions continue | Pee STEEL” OF peas up pottled we Nill have these fires

Moat of the northern land burned | ciais hailed& ay marting len ala (tested pence” of steelandguard! ook the gecenion. partieJn west Michigan fires were 63: today Unquished Sunday south of Mants- ularly to direct Poland's attention MT, CARROLL, Ul.Bay §-0—| Roosevelt ¢ C, I. O. over the A. F. of L., the tee, “near Baldwin-and near Wal- to its implications, headed a delegn: Counsel of Treanity terlelly (he European hound igslated aut cases trom book Review Legislation halia. The worse one destroyed hunsubmitted to Pres regarded it as a “psychological at- Greds unions had been handled identics WASHINGTON, May t game cover of a dent Roosevelt a report of a national ward om AIINGTON, May reacH, Foley, Jr. Mer New: York, | trekThe ritish-Russian 7 Barry coun . conversa— ted Roose-| reservar President by dent Roosevelt and party leadninated Wresareverlcraranmr | wi stm y ‘ was somewhat 3 nom re he

t John Le Brearton| Staten AUiozney


he legis~


ye enacted


| felt Hoday to be general counsel of| tom, gine om fon ever, Seek

cussing | hae Ge eats

ingress Te revit ig conaren


Reese neighbor, John odo golt, away 27. with edmilted Charles fore Samet date was mentioned for wind-| and other


eens SU. M40,


Ingup congress, sald Senator Bark-| ed more leeway In expres


armed with a deadly wea

Claston st his home ‘while Sar caiuried-atetne Rewe’ct bar parent ‘Adama told Sherltt Ray’ Westal late Saturday that hammer aad s Tope had him in his hayloft. ©










eutral ity S

and fled. He informed his wife, of-

felals and friends, but a search of the countryside for the masked man

reve Zo

WASHINGTON, May James T. Shotwell, Columbia unk | eretty profestor of international law, today urged adoption of a neuerat policy that would permit the mer, rope and handkerchief In Solt's the United States to discriminate car, sor nation In time

Three Fugitives From

the high seas making « top te America formar ward VIII will Broadcast the United States—his address the historle ob sinceDecember 11 spe Some persons bell

INDIANAPOLIS, May 8—UP. Marlon. sounty sheritts. deputi cnpeured three ‘military prisoners at dawn 'today, leaving only four of the nine soldiers who snwed thelr way ‘out of the Fort Benjamin Harrison sruardhouse JASE MLERC gill atlarge cape Ea rea ecahpet thay ‘afer police Werte Sate Jamnes Leleytnd





e treasury) “7 | Foley, now acting general counsel, would succeed the late Herman Oll- formally to Ru BAN. vehesat “Moloto ‘Teply to the Soviet proposal at we pritian-French:Iusslan military alliancs FRANCE BRACES TO RESIST PARIS, —UM—France today viewed the Italian-German pact

Sail Health No. 1 Medical th

ment “should be rea fed to-mi A report to the President of the United States to Include: 1. SA satlonwtde shiective sirrey {o appraise the achieved by

tina £4. | Ne mation of correlating measures| nt le of une tonight to

sive, services, first. radio public works, aublic abdication



| aiguts a pevtade bos relehos

7 Claim World Record

call the “encirclement specially Great Britain DIEGO, Calif, May @—W— ‘The pact. the result of talka by. te John Robinson and Dick Essery re- Italian and German i by the‘tticlallyported today they had soared in ters, was described ‘commen feet | insp! Bliders to an altitude of 9,600 world i‘ beatin, Dienst oo @ EpT04 fect higher than the encis blow against the age! record for such alreraft, clement "pelle which England and j

Height For Gliders

Q 1.




caeft Te eet rep irre eee ee epee | iabeth—toth good sailors—are-

istic governniants Into the Gelusion.| sinee W. — Thomas MeCleary and Frederick #. that we Rad eped to care for our cast December 11, 1 ‘walking along a road at the "i vhateger neutrality action ts tak otticers en, Shotwell emphasized, should be F.D.R: Signs Treasury before a rials, arars He gitives. surrendered finished urged the committee to avold ex- And Postoffice Bill ras polleieseeither extreme iso Lat large are Floyd treme Jauonism, which he sant the pres WASHINGTON, May 8— Mn — Humphrey, Charles Kline, Fred L. Bresiaent- Rospevelt has signed a| doternationaloe represenis. law Bradburn and Parker F. Stansell.|ent FL-TOOEISGA tol All of the men are privaite and were igm,-which he indica | a discarding a sucn “legis Bactments during tne fsal year de} 3 in the rare! ouse | sult be-| upon internation: | for violations of various iar |Tation’ana >

‘This authoritative oft

and Italy

con~ “no occasion for revising thelP that of

(WASHINGTON: May 8 —u—WalGitford received $209,380 as pres| defensive.” circles mentioned the Daychlateist declared today. Tithe American’ Telephone | “Diplomatic To s wt to the open: | reyes ike in an intervie 1938, | possibilty, pig Ruaala company Telegraph and while Yugoslavia ‘Germany, | and meeting annua Soviet the of (ween | session Ing of corpora ak thereby Reading {ne lstcompensation atric as | 5 the American ‘5 | on executives whose . ot ‘Arthur Tf, Ra for | was reported today to the secutities Pacer maeotag sda aes eles, Of /vpolitical doman” Ih “reward” usted supporting | ieletuencer Hitler, | commission. reasurer of the ania The only other executive Usted demands on| iareatest med-| | 3. To renew F mental hi for a share in French north | who received more thanbaard chairs prance Pel ocoblers in‘ameri a. mar was Robert C. Stonley, é Pointing out that 51 per Sent of ‘itiean holdings. of International Nickel of Can- ue O May200KOo PF Detl ‘Tapman all hospital beds In the country with jnda, Ltd. His 1938 remuneration was anese nove | ot "Milwaukee,‘setoltz of Louisville by pallents aaeace- at occupied ‘$201,700. Motorboat And Seven and Rogers of Amarillo, Texas, The mental diseases, Dr. Ruggles ree cites corporation Nineteen Rogers Alo, ‘Texas. ‘The bach id that approximately t per cent m ceived between $100,000 group also included representatives tne federal, state and. private Passengers Vanish While 65 -recvived between $50,000 tol of private organizations. such in WALLS, Miss, May 8—UP—Doal- | and $100,000. persons could be saved by prevent-| of president Knudeen, Ss. | Willlam searched thi flood-swollen wae | |General porte development of such ail-|MeM $193,713, Moto today for a 22-fv0t King George And Queen mente, lers of Lakeview ‘ motorboat carrying stven passen- | which $80218 W. iT common-st Toll Could Be Cn ir V ich ee aie Allis bans from rates death and (ithe Enjoying Their Voyage [7 oes tel fea Tet a I with isease could ABOARD - THE, LINER

rin to pember

stock, $80.54 parly, were found be- oFee a bean scsuced in sieht—— rp $100,000 or more, a is e empha tus fide “of the. Tarnessce Ml he sald. 2S# 8 Fle, Kone cari system, Inc, Gotsmble Broadcasting ness, which Is-more than some of diseases, dine, “At the present time 75,000ni “Biss | $171,849;H, F, Atherton, president ‘The missing craft is the the! ot _Australia, mental cases ere being. admitted to Kate," a cabin eruiser, owned by Dr. fot Allied chernieat ond Dye. SLB ‘Nosprtare exch, 000, | belleved ‘Also Hastings. Wilson |31 a} do something about rr mouth. ye a to be aboard were Mr. and Mrs. Wilk| H.W. Bracy, branch SUI breeze and did considerable de swamped. the Providence physl- Ilan Lamb, M. 0, Plele” Miss Telen | Kroger: Grocety cian pitening. peo Davis ddA ahd- Mew TAL Mak. Ax m result there were several “rie problem le nol one toof take len; all of Memph the divine scrvice| viding additional favilities absences from The lake, “ou ast rather one| In the Hner's-main dining room but | care of these people thebut mental ii. | long and a wide, ethene in} of — ore ation of nd qu the yes dsive them to the Ros- | 08h usualy front, Mining ‘heartily. in the re|nessesBltals.” which (than he added, sponsive readings and sinaind

tur freedom of action without | wave recelvers. They haver not heard | Joying thetr voyage to Ganada and | the campaign’ aa ees . topereates of their former sovereign fang sclera ‘in-the rant toe the ‘at the same lime inisieading militar | the voice lon. broad.| the United States free of- seasick-|cancer,—typhord~ fever and” other his famous

waning July

‘with the cooperation Cee Te ee pekanay esmmaes

‘against CAS | reece, bave long ra of the axis (Germany th ale

List Of Big

ee SSe eee hay off the, nas |, 1 To have Premler Bussola In- ‘Pa

disthe President ap- ena raetchs within a comparatively | ‘@rvene in the Polish-German vy of Danaig the proper treatment | ! Sexivemely interest ae had mber's crisis

TaGuardla sald

greaebetanaes y lated cabins 9 orewere econ

pears: the r ‘and premised to tt Te appralsal, ‘conducted in. #2 | states to determing the. value of varlous works projects and their effect on the unemployed and the comwould not be “In any sense a politi- munities, was submitted under the cal message.” “The United States com‘The duke arranged to spank 19 oF 12 minute 3 m, CS.T), The Waionat Brondeasts| r ing company wil t the ad-| these ner mayors: Kelly of Chica: dress in the United States. mat and ng of Detroit, Hoan specen was des ‘in app

LONDON, May BUP—The BH-| tish Broadcasting corporation dent to desigunte a treaty ‘olntOF neat eed todayy it wou! and recommendtu congress restrietons Upon its trade with this coun- OL Windvor Is to mane tonight from Verdun, France, to the e Unite a TGelticliing neutrality law provi: | States The BBC gave no reason for its decision. reach i. mo Some Bons, however, were ox:]


of Milan as an attempt to start| “another Munich cycle” and braced

herself t vaiormed. French clreles believed now to be ‘ermany Stephen J, McDono since Writer) alli Hated of the suis telationahip, had three tenmedlPeople$1,000,000, 8 May | ate aim: sony aave


By vate employmé t and provisions for (Asso.I speech rocinl necurty4

| to England from self-imposed exile.


Guardhouse Captured


VERDUN, France, May 8—up—| a the agence dealing. with With hls brother, King George on mendation as to the P good will

, xible

Teurited, Adama fell to. the Toor Policy?



“Sparkley auld the soft coal altuaton was mentioned, but that no spe- Duke of Windsor To clttc action by the administration cussed. Bradcast To U. S.

‘Bias Galt: Adar bewniaiges ee Fl ated evenhen we





Joulh, e ceat of cases adhusted without for- ee nee Ue ua eet ae erieIn freight sevenues, b besides throw: Cet Boe i pe cost of work rellet prof Img, additions! tnowsnes Ot Foreme| French lineup assumed. new im. | Woman And Neighbor [7228 Pens revinage.ot| Cegthe Smplever and that the wus] nourfof the of ot | shen Mahe er ume are| Ploymen| |. current resou oo reeerained In hla father’s ettice.| Poe, So eee nee cae reerd Admit Murder Plot hae ET +N, | cevry expressed Thee Coneta oy seal, General ad federal for“bering fie that hh favared iferreting for * Foley Named And Aids


~} MILAN, Maly. May 8—2—Hope for German-Polish reconeitiation grew In Italian political circles tom day as Fascists pondered Implicn tions of. thelr new military and po Uteal aillance with, Germany: formed Fascists who expressed nin hope reasoned that Premier Mussolini would not h


Seeondingetto @ aueation Gas Ger Sloane ‘alnpute Sean veh eumDarsig—— free city under really baci League peeviaon controlled by Nazis. Germany. is demandinj g the re of thehe Baltic turn Of a Sem port city whieh Wz" ma conned before te Weed wey ne pr ! make zig ‘ "the subject of arpiraton betore ject of arhl

muswerted sat yt 0 “online i assignment of work, adding Mat un- control of the machinery of the est in passed by the house and sent to} ‘Son at a former county attorney palachlan joint conference by ‘over: the wena je, Wash, and parolee from ators producing & minority of the cause they are constru ‘A survey shows that regular aphing aciate seloriaatory, Bure conl tonnage in any one of t Ulonal abligations of the mantelp propriaticn, bis either enacted oF gunder a for toe, fatal mining districts.” novernmen weil on through congress shooting oe Jack Petervon, 3,a Dr, Steelman indicated earlier) ‘LaGuardia said cities must be glv- “there Uirried $81z800,783:more than the Ella M. Koury, 2, by County ‘nt may be important on “greater latitude” In selection of mente during the day.” but developsame measures did this year. declined torney. Thichara’F. Hari project nix, wih aanigned wth moat log ‘ay a airman} ‘2 amplify. His statement was made regular supply bills eal moth ea ne| alter het Nad rubmaltied his proposed ag tne See nee and next yenr's relief program are atent salare for the spectacular: i governors and mayorsi to totestify #0e | comprar si In the housé appropriations FDR. May Call Partey 't Appeal to committee. President Roosevelt has bupiasing hana of the nervous: t Roosethe, committee would be-gulded In 1 was reported requested $1,763,000.000 for various Sheritt Bar} Sell, of Call the regotitors to 8 [making to conrellef agencis, against an agave. nn, said Jed 101 | fied to Esprezent TORE Tess they sign within a-day or 90 & ' s pow-| Chicago's TUL Empty sees eee reilef in the current 7 to dnvalldate contracts, between Mayor Edward J. Kelly, of Chi contract to replace the one that extn yelled an ‘4A.employer and a union. earings | ¢A80, flowed LaGuardia po pired April1. tequirement rt x abort, oat. of -Feports een bee benef in a prepared exten, farm, re]on board complaints start 10 oF BI: . | the’ shutdown on. general busine ‘hin san bo Be st stead of five, after the comcrease alton sted Mnvother dex soe a cing) have heightened adminis: ton anx-| Decistons (000,000 —— in conttructive enterprise and bust-| !*1%, President took hia frat direct told the sheritt he left citealgting seven. house Bi neas expansion that must not _be| role inthe’ controversy Bate tor soll conservation payments, but tt Waar rejected proposals for a $250) blocked or impoverished by placing) with @ tel to the conference ‘April 29, drove into Mrennesiee od te fore ney evaVedimalntatrative jesigned. to rae Intended the unemployed enrolling at the teachers @ speedy among the unremembered and un- urging the farmers’ purchasing power. The colle ity und Aut appropriations committee ee ot a former schoo ved. ix spending about $3500. prompily recommended seni man who artanged lodging decame [Federation ‘of Labor or employers 000Chicago « month for direct relief, Kelly “parity” paym suaplcicus of hin, ‘incon! tor coop muxpius disso ehiatrists reported last tall] “*ahe board estimated that a2 per added. practieally-aa much as the talroade ‘at least $11,000,000 a wee! Spiga —

ve byegiidlgt ng





UPPER MICHIGAN: Mostly eloudy tonight it ‘Tuesday, pom albly showers In gaat and south tléns; cooler in nOrtnwere:porcon tonight. ‘ *

ment to disembowel the Mine \Wark- LONDON, May 8—UP)—Britaln’s uP meeting the reliet problem. Mf they eo Jundersecretary for foreign affairs, “At no time has the federal gov- ersTheuniondeadlocked negotiations over | pric ernment cared for all the unem- anew contract have left 466,000 wl hard “Puller, told’ the house sot commons today the question of the ployed—which means the _citles coal a j@ cared for some and others Lewis contended in his letter, dat-| future of Danzig was “primarily haven't been cared for at all,” ed yesterday, that four times he had) matter for negotiation between Guardia sal Attempted to nes | artie jomint” “A drop in the care of the employ. pending conclusion of the negotia-| uctiea te the: Danae pabiaetianad ables or discontinuing the British government.” Bustier but each time the operators) added,“The “stands for settlement of Inswivel alalning ceanstrvetive, to Tons, take Its place would be traglo—the hadjosedrefused. ternational questions by friendly fenut aule be [00 ter ple to con-| CI lewd Shop Shop Not Demanded

NLRB Argues Collegian already approved and om 23 others,|Denies Slaying Against Ineluding two 45,000-ton battleships 7 senate vote this re

8, -939

Lewis Blames Consequences If Government Government Abandons Principle Of WPA_ For Shutdown

Record Naval



Murder Suspect ‘LaGuardia Sees ‘Terrible’ —

~ House Passes



-Thel ron Mountain News






WPA Rolls In

MONDAY, MAY, 8, seen’


Two Robbery


Attempts Over Week-End——

“UP. Ordered

Cut At Once


peninsula workers will be laid off fh the U.P. between-May-9and 15, Harold W. Git, director of the Fitth, WPA distriet, announced nt Marquette Satu In Apnil, 1.628 workers were Iepped off the payrolls to comply with a quota Inet mo ne 724 now the WPA are Barnette county res. Mente Gil explained, Whereas the county’ quota previously was 1.80, is to the April cut. mage onan efficiency “the

‘The state highway comitsoners and engineers organization

AID25 counties of upper Michigan. Hy passed © slitinr roeolutlonfr participated In the resolution adopt- ring the ‘proposed law, "arguing state administration ‘had ad kt tne meeting of the Upper that ae in Inet PeniInula Lek BullHers’ moat ofcounties maintenance It ups Sin urging adoption ‘by tho Towle per thepeninsula in which the lature ot Deepal sien wou return: of state {rine ine to the counties, It was Chul

‘Two robbery attempts which re sulted in some property damage, but netted nothing to the would be. thieves, to elty poilee over thp ‘week-end, ‘The first, sary Sunday morning, occurred rant conducted: by Quinto in ttement of tre Commercial bene Hore a window was kicked In, and then’ unlatched Inside. The proprietor: auld’ mathing. was disturbed. Nothth, ikeoise, was taken from nick Markets Lake street, im the ae Poaton | last

"in order to comply with a federal

Maintenance Of Trunks By

much of the equi ronnel to fake over eae: iene ways on a contract basis, “Under the present system.” he sald, “there Is uteless and wasteful duplication of man-power and machinery which should be eliminat-

intenance costs in 42 coui whlch supervised thelr own work me lncteaned yn Contract Basls. Othe new bil would permit couse maintenance under the diate de- ty road commissioner to take over in saplaling the nee maintenance work in thelr for -the new legistatior John Le wis, Jel f. debater point with John R. Steelman, center, Gesturing with cigar for emphi Taefore Tene he wiated, “the Right, Charles O'Neill, spokesman for mine operators, listens ring coal strike e parley at New cout of highway maintenance was ereasing steadily as the allenge take on the maintenance under the tard surfaced roads in the Ont, Bat would be pe wi -taeeaied, fo with pproval ‘at the alate Hasse. ghlet of police, sata Nighway comuloyoner. ‘The. stat today he believega of ei 7183" he declared, “the administrative board 18 named as a 1 finalc o u r t Of appeals to. otter Sreatneg county boards may turn. murder ring” i te though ji pilatan sf Bars grieved t ave been surfaced roa continued to in- ‘The association: membet In some cases, this m resolution against the adoption. Mortis Holbér, alleged head of tha crease, This) can mean. but one worked a hardship on men wi se Both are missing, re-apportion thing—that the present system of of house families and m eel tax funds. in Intenance is a wasteful frsollne, and. weight, Apallti which the state would be | f the WPA roster. We uyent iee hortage of $77,250 cat In’ May generally will prot the Income for the three new roads will become | 000 more satisfactory, in that those Delegates from Iron Mountain re- John Ferris of Iron Mountain, The i Vernon E. Ryding, pasavallabte Af these lll are passed bodies, muntelpa t| For Exotic Fruits heed. the, work most will remal ofthe mem st Lutheran church of tor of th he sald,“ wag named funtor councilor empleo; Saturday plant! * HOLLYWOOD, Fia, May 8—UP—| tenan ee lone at lowe! rer 4 ne eet-| upper peninsula chapter of Order fifth late annual sprin; "The peak WPA enrollment In the tron Mountain, was harmeda. mem trom athe here annual phere exclic feults cajeone Teming ne fondo for lee) roy eoing to polve thaspreblem.” upber penintula cecurred last fall ber of the executive board of then= ng of the Independent. Order of|of DEM y at the sevent ture been taken Where: lt E enoile trulta ate concerned [Way controction” the fond ‘ler Saeteed lela when, 000 were employed. Decaute Superior Conference at 1 st sexginl” pace cn Oda Follows, held during the day | convention el cet santas sine held Friday” an uette zie Salt. 1S DUB aR OS Di preniee explained that many | the apportion many lett WPA-tor- private employ—[rruz! ereien tere Huse sell said at Dr, Da Escanaba, Pairehtie~ of Miami, tr until ew in Escanaba, and he and county ighway ‘departme! a ind attended by: about fortthe 2010 corel anent_ ang for othe reasons, there | Saiarday Accepting that cuty “hier to0 members from various lodges} ames Woodbridge, of Marquette, a the Fl rida Horticultural So- footie. she state now have found to provice m general Inerea ‘gradun drop from that peek | Homer ilebert, miso of this. city named church layman Int eastern half of the “upper| was named mast councilor; Pert ry 3 et clely that after forty years of in| Norton, Marquette, ibe, and wit ieaving honey in’ tl ‘The April cut reduced the total delegates from Iron Mountain to peninsula, Fourteen éafidldates were troitucing foreign plants he found scaniaba, senior couns la WPA enrollment the national Conference seesion to initiated into the Charles K. Klump| ! he gtd make them grow, but (dditlonat eut of be eld June 1218 at Lindsborg, cla P cite couldn't get them eaten effective between leaders pemoleae may ard Krieg, of Marquette, was Among the Tronin Mourtaln Inety-nine per centof addition to will reduce the total|" Dr Atbert C. Tana, Bastar of the preddent of the district | who atten r | ole are not emotionally constitu aie Bethany Lutheran chu los mem ers, to give new fruit a fair trial,” he district governor, et Tom ts Feslectad President ot a Cut In | ted to hold their next ses ond wee cectived lat week from of Marquette, way same ed Walter F. Gries, ef Negaunee, peared the thieves KRew preciely ge he fall, at Marquette. aker at the | wnére tp lgok for(the small amoun(s ident, The Rev, G. Antoi Devoe and Reynolds tue pro ram opened with reg-| was the prineipal (urday night. ues mongy wetheyhavehave a Mon at the Odd Fellows tem-| conclave | of “estes “TONIGHT—6:40, 9:00 ple on North 10th street Saturday | Ils subject was “What Concerns no assurance, of} OUTSIDE ha mont Mt $nat coutee, | gave Ue In the nas | You." The Rev, Ira Cargo POET eal, ecutive ny aehs Nelson, ‘would be put ‘Burn.'Em Up OConnor’ Mem. | invocation ae this Is R reminder to. all pro " entertained, cilor of the Deita chapter, tora t0 get the money out of tele 0 effect between May B and June bers of the c l i p e were te LO) am aUhw ‘King of Chinatown" Sault Ste, Marie, was re-clected con wen Toncheontatatl11 shops When they. leave. It's th | was toastranster, ™Faductions ware made necessary] ference seer Gecrge Skoonly safe way, Unfortunately, our Degree ‘Three Get Highest it Honor “The Spider's Web” yf Marinette, Wis, wan re. Inatory roce Is too small to effeedegree was con-| The initlatory ected treast ly patrol all streets and alleys tenethe initiatory by the Menominee lodge, ferred on class velt's requested $250,000, ryrbuisiness section nt the city, The Tron Mortain delegation in- whose degree team was dress din Saturday atternoon- by Speen oil teary. WPA unt | | cluded the Ate. Sain: Jambers rid carried tne Delta chapter, ascisted by the ant the businessmen a the fiscal year, in S-gallon lots Earl pl Marion Wal Cant-hocks. Following. the afternoon | frome bod chapter” cho. ‘Those re © | coopiernte by Unking e STARTS TOMORROW e40 slashes, It wa ed, will! Arthur Anderson and “Ars tee session, members of the order pae degree were John Birk- precautich Ia Two conta will do the Job of be followed by’ nd merchandise. 200 | Car et about 70 attended th ia sere down Ludington street led enine of Escanaba; Curl Knute dint 000 cu June o ing enterenes session and| by the Roy Scout ot Gladst cted ey: sen and Morris that about one-| down to 2400000 by, July 1 ier ah tS officers and delegates a GW. rickson, and which is spo Se eat neal liver Rows thirdTe teypeilmate? eee families and-about one ‘will fallow In accordant Wemen's Missionary sored by the Escanaba lodge. ” sPeaca igs, held in. connection with ,—Members— ofthe orderet Tor| COVER QUICK Mer degree. highest De- thr OF the aotrtts in tho United MURESCO Ds; | Staces are pinning to attend one| the canvention wn banquet at the West Point’ | rota honor. was conferred of the world fairs This wl | at 20, mtr he Te damer Gay Bert, Regularly 60 Escanaba, win (Sr both ENAMEL ‘The reduction in each county in| resident of Group we tho slate and federal govern | atont thetting and authentic phen’s Epls-| jerry Wills and, Walter Olson, of the upper ula, comprising| ng Is president of the about Uncle principal| 1 banquet session ™ the Fin WPA district, was superi ‘Conference Woman's Misaint \ kecer.eburen,Joh: urday by Gill, otal stan ry Society, of Iron Mountain. 2 pkgs. 88 Ypsilantl degree ing her here are Mrs, Arthur “Louis Hayward dente | Russers of Niagara, corresponding conclave were and by Dici Kamrath and Farnum Wallpaper Paste, Ib. 10c Putty Knives and Dahlen, B, Tom Brown y. and Mrs. ‘Homer Hebert, Ferguson, in ping pong doubles, The vane els rion Wale aiseranoke ontik ad Tiutterd, Priest, aii ef sport Scrapers .. | Good Sponges, 10c « 28¢ competitions were, ipature Richard Carlson the progras | Trot Harold. Koch, of Detroit | events Of the conci: lepartment secretaries. } craure ae fore Joan Fontaine oegieeates to the women s division William’ Stoughton, ge baal On Fels sent ndra, of Conference at Efcansba repof Waketerd ‘ om or, an Fred Fisher, CO-ATTRACTION HIGH GRADE WALL PAPER meeting will be con ed 78 Missionary ‘Soctetes in Fee eee nectar | tha. conference, an incrense-ot-sbe Crystal ie nhentr pi Faenae, Large stock of non-fading, washable pa‘terns on disnumber of workery taken of stelles over last ear, About, 200 Iron Tilver and Gladstone. Guan, me Tolls last monthand the ume, Women attended the 25 Upper. penina ula DeMolay chai m= play, as well as books to show in your home. Saturday by Taken oH this month in each In Latin Ameriew there are a6) jonships wore won ot Ironwood, Jerry Ens county follow: miles of roads fo: each mile of ro April May62 | pastor. Is flow airline. In the rest ot | ten} 58 ot ald Goulats, the world there is 345 miles members of the Woman's Mission: highway for every milo of alr serv-| double My Conference group. ‘203 Stephenson Ave. Telephone 457 qron Mountain, in ping pong ainglen, Car Iron Mouninte: sunoes Coteronee winner | | the wasannual |in write 3 contest spon=

_Rev. Ryding

Odd Fellows

[John Fe


«Is Conference | Met Saturday Is Councilor ‘| BoardMember At Escanaba < |Of DeMolay

=| Paint Specials: House


| $9.85 cul

The: Duke -of-

Qt. 79¢

Beckstrom & Greenquist

Climb the Stairs To Greater Savings

winner in the poster contest | toon jored by the Conference, and |{the poster which she designed will | ba exnibited with two other trom | | the conference at the national Con- | ference convention to be held next| Totals vressess month at Lindsborg, Karsns, Ed Forsman, of Crystal’ Fal waa named a member of the Co: Electrical Fence ference board of charitics. Resol Adopted Too Successful Revolutions passed at the ConterNEW LENOX, Til, May §—uh— cn Charles Ellsrasta fence was a today, but he probe ably ‘vil 9 tage It down just as's0on |mén's of she gets out of the hospi ep a ni 2apid | Ellis, 22-yearcld employe in the le Park,| Marquette, and deplored ecular n-| thon of the Lord's day :n all com. everereen trees In hls front yard Yesi say's meetings, the last of Tate a communround and fl + | ahe.conven he ion service ; Joint session Ires. experimentally. |o€ Sunday echcols nt 9:30 and morn: Pas easel ksoce ake area ng worship at gus “Another shock dulled. his dog Nelghbors came to the church at Escanapa were Rela yes | teruay afternoon, Heil Promises Labor If the automobite hattery ts kept Peace In Wisconsin Well charged, It will not freeze tn cold weather, CHICA sultan Fel2 i ee preee01 ileted: Saturday night that,“doting | his term of office “ther is going

= Spesking at the 26th anni

the affairs

Only One More Week! .szand It’s All Over! sacrifice bargain racks. have ever shown in


finest selection

ain for the pode

Le ‘Upstairs, 108 E, Ludington


8t—Over Home Furniture Co.


Proves He Isn't Noting For Self


|| | }

al as



Auto Loans

MINUTES @ Household Loans @ Loans To Farmers’

for any need on livestock, farm implements, ete, @ Auto Payments Reduced dy income can borraw Any married couple or single person with a from us quickly and confidentially, with small monthly payments,

LIBERTY 108 E. Ludington St.



2nd Floor, Over Home Furniture Co.



Other Great Values

of Wi



Coats, Suits and Toppers $5.85 Many



One Group Lovely New

club of Che the




at 2:00


We must vacate our present quarters by May 15th. Our complete spring and summer stock: $ are on the

wren. | 202° to *300%

Ginner of the German cago, the ‘As sure east I'am



Over Home Furniture Co.

108 E. Ludington St.


“LADY ball-bearing, 16 ind


. $5.75

“MIDWEST™ ball-bearing mower, IOinch_wieels,





“CENTURY" ball bearing mower, 10-inch wheels, rubber tires, 16-inch cut, ee le “ARLINGTON” ball-bearing mower, 20-inch rubber-tired ¢ 1 wheels, 26-Inch cut. . “ZEPHYR” bal x mow 96 iolnch rubbertived einch cuts. $12.50 -$E” ball bearing mower, 10-Inch rubber-tired whee! inch cut, finger tip adjustm see .





An entertai ing demonstration of modern Gas cookery


a fun-filled first-run

feature picture. WEDNESDAY

a Dozens of


Valuable Gifts!

Dennis O°’Keefe



Doors open 1:30

Cookery Show eens


Feature picture 3:15




Rice —


"Vacation From Love







turned delinquent, plu ssewms + Has [re srs Broullire N 0 ie






the date



YLecal Sale Preparation

per month from the date return delinquent plura” collection fee of four per cent; an


In {ts current session,

attaring tome of 20 duties







muste protect ‘While



houte, and the program th tate ex ob se mereorla ive conclusion end ofof thethe | ceremony. ‘On October J, iatat thethe ond the procession will re

al dcsriven | fem. traveling south


3 ir Bennett, Marlon Long. | Journalism: students of the som | » 1 therefore, vow, year, Teslle Mackey, Joyce Syren] naba high school, Lucille Nelson] ani M ear Stack, Ruth| pickinion, governor A Selma Bentaon alneie

| Me nd “Lie Se, P tinging. Seanette Peterson,| accompants Escanabi Pann *


choel. ternoon from





requiem ‘high

In Cem sien”



: is

4:18':to| bY Hitting exercisey-and” ceremone

| neat 3





Before the Brow-Mopping Season Begins!



Conklin of Dartmouth

shirt in

big i ri


better-tasting smoke...every cigarette...every packl




copies of oer sellers, aeeeesat 0

| |



ese: ( 1) Ar. nN collars ‘Koon thee serch vee seas (a)Tneomparable Are sow kallosing stand ro Sour ape age! (3) Accowy are Bane t guaranteed never to ink! Come in and get your

| |

tory test ona bigger scale. 16 of the largestselling cigarette brands were rated impartially, CAMELS BURNED

Aieraiae ler,


More men wear Arrow Shirts than any other non-wilt-collar

MOKERS all over the country are learning what A. R. Conklin men. eT (right) is showing a group of Dartmouth : It’s a striking way to compare cigarettes by simply watching thems burn! Allis testing the leading brands to find the one that burns slowest! Which brand won? a wide margin! The reason? Costier ¢abaccas, expertly blended in a Cigarette that burns slowly, completely —smokes cooler, of coursel @ group of scientists ram this interesting labora Recently,




by Al



cx ‘Wednesday afternocn at| formation {hat attendance at. the


Ceca ir ting aewse ondiabicts CoO



NEW YORK, May -8—. York World's fair officiints pipe today at_an assertion by San all Gate Golden cisc'e clalacqvetmlna.ta, have “loalde” Ine

Shirt Drawer With

See how it’s made


Wis, Franklin "ot Troe Mocurtain is’ Accusations 1 Sternhagen, of Fern, Rival and Mrs.

nm D.|

of the itate of | Wis, ‘The to 4 from| the J.-B. Exlekson and Son mortar| the Tatt residence ary, toFuneral any, Be a:ee 3:30 ea itto!| |




in school affalrs, she parijcioated ce)Mrs, G, A. Peterson, of Marquette: cently Jn, the fenlor class play At] Joe Ronen, of Milwaukee: Mr. and | Mrs. Tom ‘Bonen, ot “Chien: ie the high school. | Wve now here, Miss Caa ‘| Mra E, We Rasielier, ot Akron, aan ner ln ales, Dorothy, ant are| Chin an 3 ’ oth






igh school, She was to i Among (he out-of-town Felatives oe concerts | seen graduated next month, ‘Active attending the services were Mr.

had. teen planned for_this wee, | conflicting dates about| changes In the schedule, advancing | four of the performances. One ot] the programa last week wane In the] new Iron Mountain jurior* high|

male and. stienaed: by about, 50 students from 36 schools. Kings ford wi W, Re Staugtier, *eeucatona ae of Jour School rector of the Medill nalism at Northwestern University speaker at the banquet held at 6x45 Saturday at the Delta hotel. He di cussed “What the Journalist Owes to His“Public,” During. the afterheld Sinughter met with discussion, forum also, fannoonopensession, the Journalism advisors. of-0 eral schools and ta








4°50 cents each for Bert Carpenter wi to contingent w e 11 con-| a there was a matinee rome dance, in Special ies, through 5:30 mutleal community programs singing, nd 4 tinue on to the Quinn | in| the gh school sym, with mule alteble wean 2955 and prior penre taxes for ‘ite esremony there, and | =) bythe hah school “dance arches: |°" | ‘Thomas Uren members and others tra, The gynt-was decorated 1 | pay In the eity will go to Cemetery park, | riately, giving iournnie at Fur Trader Trapped | 3 in former years | mosphere. Dona and collection fee at Other arrangements, tneluding the deat qeconittonautea-by tar} To Tune of $50 Fine—| thrée-quarters of one per cent per| Memorial Day speaker at the cour cille Johnson and Jeanette Peter| le oz t house, remain to be completed. son COLORADO SPRINGS, May 8. before Septembe: movle, “From’Tree to Trlbune,"| U—Lee Clmino's venture Into the which the Installment becomes due. rotary windshield wiper, opery the Chicaga Tribune fur business proved @ bad di nt jn 1935 and prior years sted by «sail electsto motor, has which have rot been been destened. Antiicing Auld fed the 10-year through the dlade on to the windwhich have bees offered for sale shield prevents the formation of ice. u s logical survey trappers bal and sold, 1 surers are 10| The blade can travel 200] work, ‘Wiliam Kepler and Mr Re Menominee, 35, Moreover, tha. trap) charge interest at the rate of one- | revolutions a mimute and Is thus in-| opelle, Upper Peninsula Otfice SupMarinette, | belongedto him tals : Nar || conyletlos _Cimins was fined $90 on « larceny eehall of one per cent per month,|vislble 7 to the ecpilct. _..| ply company at Marquette, ieand


's parish, wa

Harding avenue, here, dled at 12:15] ant pasta

wo more appear | Ishpeming

were Bernard Weber, c dedicated to National Musle Week, {ill for the Tast two Despins, Harvey Vanitvelt, May 713, 1t_w 4 today | Mifs Carlyon was born inf Iahpern | alfeed ft. Arcauld, G. P, Pugere and~Alphonsé Gibeault. ing and was a senior Inthe I by_Auguat ‘Shere, aatelet federal)

to the second aaa pre Sanence held Satu t


age 18, of Thanegey: a 2 terhel heme. 8:438 oF flock k| Miss Doris Ishpeming, niece of Mr. and Mrs, thts morning at the residence a: Albert

the Dickinson county WPA |


mo ted al

Doris CartyonCarlyon,


Four achool concerts played last week by


f Robert Coughlin, 'Instructor in English and journallarh 1a the junfor bullding. were among the dele-



Concert At Felch Wednesday morning the band will | her si appear In tne Feten | Robert tard James, a | Faces Death For WPA | on any made-to. . School, featuring the full band, the par iss Murder Ishpeming. live a services teeta id awing Fe measure suit | will be held a | Foreman’s ret:|| Fon,Funerat eeiceka ‘ante (AL Smathers = Brown derhy.apdstosle—setethe | dey morning a ne Linccin whoo 2:00 tomorrow aflernoon at SLidke) | SUNBURY, Pa. May sights of California, an F lint in, both appearances | Funeral at Ishpeming, with | at-yenr “A worker feed | chair totay ectric fornia sees AL. This latett pletare | {hin ie ctente OnlyTn "| burial tn the Ishpeming cemetery. | dea ‘New York's former governor |“ 4‘ concert planned yesterday. at Relatives here will atten: in shows him In Los Angeles hows | Incoln_Achool, ws — ‘Taft «a 3 erreur . becuse of conflicting earatt lowing discussion gro LI ee ie Pulor hing the SchOe!| “Sperm today submitted the reso-| Dewey Taff, age 51, dled at 3:55) m € Up the Editorial Pae.” Anna See cei oe Jution. endorsing. National Susie | o'clock ‘yesterday morning. at. his t me Scott and Mary MargaretM Werk and sent Rete by Governor | home, 613 Lansing street, Ferndaic| m during an + m, following a lingering 1L-| argumer a “Lite of he =a Banquet nacher, of Menomit Papers’ Bs mong the features of the: banness. | Schurtz ol ary insan- fl on any ready-made rogram, wi tskon Faters | brocinnea by ithe governors of | He was born March 24. 1888, at} Ity and testi er | ? % i son and Charles Thatcher ax toasts | most o ates, and Is endorsed Mich. Besides Nis widovt| raged bec ner said he would I] Top Coat’ in stock aba asters were: talk on he value o by the President’ of the United tier children sursive, Gerald, dismissed unless he stopped [] “Bowto Write Features” ie the seheot iat by Superintend:| states: and erett and Alles, His n Mes “ide | ng the Story," Luellle Arts, | €™ A. Lem plano sale, “Whereas, Itt oneate that] An a Taft, and two brothers, Schuriz's attorney sald _ne wo _ Posts Will Join News” Robert Mcintyre, Becanaha | of St. osepn's: skit by Neil Wartz| canton ed cranial Tidte bes toa uhee Genitte ne “| | jorinanford nnd Teon Mountain wil] Breas photographe jand Jack Yeunger, of Marinette, tarot ma join in the observance at the outset. “Columns In Hien School | entitled the “Smart Alec Reporter; | Pye tor the ‘i 2 Including, the procession from the Paper, Maroc Sag, Maciym al choss conalating of the following es eeural aeveleomant Fresca 2) Fair tats Shrug At

jane Us ay. ee the rejections, Hejections are made | 170n aoe vain city building, to the where there are errors In land de- | memorial monument on the grounds) scriptions. ot the Dickinsan county:

sateen peri


dats returned delinquent, | nigh school, under the leadership fier'a hecelleilen

ot Mich cent. “Preparation for the 19/0 tax sale | trea | will be P vious |urer# under the direction of the auditor ge: the expense wi work The state. of the ‘ vioutly done by the auditor gen-| > | him for information, are no longer rat's office, County treasurers uired to make a return to the * tater, weneral's didepartment on de quent years Broullie mld. are hereafter Tax onlyreceiptsin duplicate, quived one copy~| Named For to be given the taxpayer and the the In retained be to other FP . thind cee ottice, Previously a” treasDay ctr ananter generals {VE CROLL re eee : certitt Redemption | depariment. cate ot continue to be Committee been named by 2 ———————-| Carpenter bath. the Bert and Thom.| Ta and Kingsford Legion posts, ‘aUren Land soldat . the 1938 Tron Mountain, for the joint observ-| tale may bo redeemed betw ance of Memorial. Dey, “Tuestay, | 13 and September 30 of this year by | rce Sr Memon onthe veteran nouneed lt as payment of a collection sea ot aix Per cent coinpiited of the OE Ee ane Catmenlor evmmittee Ine] he. 7 ce tond the owner | ,TR® Bert Payant, chalrrnan, Teses * must erentine amoUnt of Ue Dupuls and Alex ‘rene “tnd Fs Trem Mountain, Sohn Golde an, Kenneth LaPin, ate, nel

Hinquont taxon for




tng nome, The Rev, C. La Thalarker local fair conduct the service, Burial will than the¢offilally te in ihe Quinneste cemetery “ to involved in any controversy with the weet, Bonen Funeral tor Mt it @ spokesman)


Music Week

From 35 to 20 students of the

r month | fron

of one per

WPA School Conee


Annual Meet

Several chariges have been made | taxes the {reaaurere are: to charge | im tax collection laws by the state


te Students stay 2200, ceasrernof onecharged per cent terest at one-halt

Tax Law








W «“p,: of. ride the

“Look how slowly the Camel burns.compared to the other brands,” Albert Conklin


points out to the hunch. Everyone agrees that Camels win hands down.

“No wonderji Camels smoke so cool and mifd,”” Al adds. “And chat must have a Se lot to do with why Camels have such an appealing taste!’



HEN you've enjoyed thethrill ofa mellow, ripetasting Cagnel, you'll know that NOTHING can take the place of costtier sobaccos? What x wonderful Pleararé Jt sto get set with « cigaretia that is really matchless blend, made to give you all the plone fo enoking: Camels have more tobacco by weight than tha

average of the 15 other brands Camels burn slower than any brands, And by burning 25% average of tha 15 other of she

tested. Besides, of thase other slower than the largest-selling

LOOK at your policy; Read every word as it is a contract agreement to


Camel's slower burns Jug (compared to the , Average time of the 15 other brands tested) gives you the equiva.

lent of 3 extra'imoker ter pack? You econo mize while énjoying amokiog pleasure at des best

is, Camels give you the equivalent of 5

extra amokes per pack!

esnets sive rou eves mord for yout money when rs count in Catnel’s finer, more expensive tobaccos,Bi shrewdly! Buy Camels Americr's frye choice for a luxury smoke every smoker can afford!


FOUNDATION for the home

you plan

to build

is an

account at this. bank. By adding deposits regularly, just as a builder lays one brick at a time, you will soon have the down

payment for your home. The

sooner you siart, the sooner your dream home

will become

your real-home.

The Commercial

pay you for only the’ specified loss. forget the name


Don't of the

which writes

your policy.

Insure today in a well known, ble. stock




THE IRON MOUNTAIN NEWS, TRON MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN Hitler in his answer to Roosevelt failed to) a 7 lay down the usual Darage of sbuve of Pas Glancing Back sia and the Communist? ing on the relations of the’natlons are cited Five, Typ, and Twenty Years Ago tx as indicating that diplomatic exchanges are recs Heweaises Tuas in progress between them, and tp the Fe-l 7 iscss Gaseite, May &, 1910

“EJ, MASTERSON ‘Mahagiog Eaiter



To morrow


by Walter

MAY, 8, 1989



Today and Li Ppmann i

sar Is Miss Elizabet : Tig Conduct of Ametican Forel |cntinuously with, the. information an event that marks a Fight about face tn e i Congress 1 to | homeshdeshaabraner. last evening in dulectalbeg honor of Mr.#1 |.* Poise Tne NTE: s!Kendenuery: 46——TELEPHONES——_—_—_____| Clty avd Social Newe—100 Soviet policy: ra, al cot ve ut ns things go now, Congress

for wed: Managing’ Ealior=t08 — a

yreeen tative eer pe tackAdvertising Gere eetan hs is Langton. we. ae . "1 BUREAU OF MEMBER OF CULATIONS = SUBSCRIPTION RATES ry apvascr ~ || wavy,thiy=tse. sopechlPGe FLAT Th =



i ined we, associ ee fur Sac rept Takernioe a ied news ia Js Ba



faction. To think

: : ‘


pression reported, with seeming authorty,| 0" 701, lok, Me Ming tlengy tn he mei torelgn Feinions.


1 ‘1 ' 1


the Besa plley when Ie underook guaran Ne Tues


tees in eastern Europe. Nor is It more tan-| meeting hel Fe SeiBrown):era a0?! East Mes. Mill&. man tastic than a diplomacy that made the Poles| ofFrank is vice Drecidenis 0 interested in the spoliation’of Czecho-|

H ‘a

a “coordinate powers Ii

them. acer a

a toca

ei rae

ary, and Mrs, Chacles D. Syme) Plowma: n= | F<nds, treasurer, nda 7 gress alone has the power to ralse sour Wvarn Barter Bet stein Romer oe nee port sident | can break off diplomatic relations. anniversary, There. ate tout » of cards| rh. eee alone and_prizes were won by sire. James Bule- and forms el a Ea Stanaway:are| Coin exercssed tiv Api, 1964,” {9

fr-charge of t

to be held | recogt

a 3 eeiock. ilday 248um.

aight ia "ae Quinnesec st



ween Peni

ed age



take no | day. Shortly after 1 o'clock he was assigned to a| of fae

active part in the debate over the neutrality |

4; 4} 1

personally, “Behind the tssue of manda leginiaon ‘versus Presidential. dis cretion, there has arisen, of courte, TFCw {poliey. This is @ real Issue, ‘There ts

of |x real ditt


tng | Iethe AnaloFrene’

opin hr

not only e0-| the fate of

a to




if they do imitations at the party and you imitate me,

ss is

don't repeat what tad to your father this morning

Europe, and of non-in-

“"Wvemner Bryne, fourth ovard Aderman, was|that the mechanism wil, Nov Wonk ony ge ta

of elvil service onlyIn terms of | jaw. H@ has made clear that he believes the | named mayor pro'tom at last night's meeting



dent. since rid oi Congres, oe ‘abe conn wen

war has not been | whether the The President ‘United Sti

a Chicago—Samuet none ae8 }nsutt ret But the Congress must ri " was taken trom the | Ue treaty Ofof Dea


TRAN- la Why CEB, legisinte wholesale,

tie feet ant Pres tintes (rea



ed, misunderstood,

relations, But ob sicuny mlereprpdtsied. ava a. joint responsibilty. | gr


the goss| Bur therwlditterences


of opinion On the Side Republicans and Democrats is a mistake. It] jaw ould be overhauled, and haw it should | of the Iron Mruntain city eouncil amen ces to the same are being sharpened beyond all rea to gonsult 80 x betwi cx : O4¢ Bits of Fun tn as valuable for protection of: Republica] je ovesiauied, He would, in general terms,| ,, FoymaL announcement of the, macriagae : ble te unce [aves and the Fresitent ie being. job holders tram Republicans and Dero.) nave it given s form that would permit this} oie, Wien wns tale tay hy She. aad Mp| before, elikery commits utse ire made to appear as if the country | WHen ‘Touched Cp’cai:

: |

cratic Job holders from Democrats as for] country to provide the entente and thelr al-| Emil






Jjes with

Malmberg, 205

food and war materials, If they be-

Democrats, and visa versa, The poljtical] came. as a result of effort 10 stop Hitler, vara








involved in war.

By George Rose


crane elllaney ex


up hermetically





oormct etl


jon tae, ener, Nandy went

‘o Sul




mm tnoge ‘very times of

crisis when |

Wis most necessary that he





ro effective machinery


lady stopped


[HM yc iesuae fide! cate Mgrs ing right. and to divide the country | ly the very eaenceof a


(Toronto-Glove ar my.”

uld be to steer this coun-|




eee ba Reaental abe


Mal )

ve been running up

to admire



Health By Ds, Morris Fishbein

"i'm‘ dead tired tonight, Jona, and down

a} stairs, all day’ l


Many are the times that vou,


John atamhand,





ine Sie hte Rat grumiie, tut ake probanly didnt

reuiicg "|

“Lady, you should see his) know«

through the crisis and between | pleture

That ean be achleved only


steer [shlid being cazried by ics fatner.|

renouncing all

mont a3 numerous asthe wlineses, Counsel], rove, Stay Maur: Tone now C] Sat toate cat aaaa wh | one eater Sone a a ot is so divided that it would appear Impossible| pints nt the Wri’ Fale hue nave woul Up dignity, sehlripcel of chars buls,

bill, which will] throw oper to the spoilesmen at least halt) to obtain substantial assent to any plan. The | instead, the state jobs, is seen asa measure by which] |ike‘lhood that what the President would] *°4 bask


obs ethers inna 8 tance

fiedHauie oe aang


Bense of members of its party Who have gtv-| show that divergent views and plans are al-

subject before the congressional committee

'|tevocably thatit has.che support | had to choove between Joining the

York ew

ounat GoreyNewropali a tenting tome

“en theIf thestenewgoodcivilservice service


North Kimberly avenue,



Sged ih aos! ax much inlennty onthe] Sans toerone at canons ace tit] political wars between the parties, The suc | viows and many do not. The hearings on the

cessful faction redeems promises at the ex:|


i :

the lobbies, aveng from day tod

Tis now said, been held up pending claritica-| — Vandenterg's

+ Calm But also Republican rascals who must] He ‘TheWillPresident Standwill, Aloof make way for adherents of the successful] it Is reported,



vassed 1g, avec enecure geen Ty celdenes o'clock on the first leg of the flight. to Hi Yorite newwo et dangerously between Great Bri-| a distance of 549 mi Commander ‘Towers iis fective po. WRDI® (EOv me weer” the partthat moat ment mee tain and Russia. The offer of a pact guaran !9 commnrd of the expedition. teeing support of one another in event of ag} Joha Quaranstrom, of Detroit. former. Dick: | tiig debe edi OE bank tlw :

é i A za Like Spoilsman 7 ats when—it-was-under the German] PO the legislature's bill than in its preservation as a -nationall in his comment-on in knowledge that if It fell they would | Dil talked like an old fashioned! spoils- bit be one of the enrly next objects of German] rounded by state workers sympathetic with "hanging: they happen ia BalropecThe Anything: may: Happen; mitors its views, without being hampered by civ are, it seoms,.as_much af sea| sorvice;-If- you put-in blanket coverage ym! chaneelleries as the ncws commentators as to what will| cripple the party in carrying out Its policies; and more of the same tenor. The rascals) "APFEM SHAE be totAed out” hot Ohi u Dertioeratio:rar .


cireula .

of a hitch in negotiations


MONDAY, o MAY 8, y, 1939 108 +


Aight In history was this morning there is ons part of machinery and the Communist dictators is belhg can-| 1.0 hydroplanen. left begun Rockgway Seach aewhefo] about nich Bathing i the bing dong

rappochement appears fantastic, it is no| The News, May 8, 1929 for more fantastic thap the abrupt reversal of} Mrs, James. partie was elected president of ”



ington to veorgenioa fete ue inermation fromthe new s mogyentoe i but papers, and from the ser hat

to have been made by Great Britain has, it] tomobile company, enter of the trouble ies tn famous orchestra, of Green toe Teton beter resident of popular dances at afd the, two, houses it Congress program a ill play Bay. Bilou mind. the _Yearl-—t:0.0 [ton of the present state anof the RussianrRussian| theater on May 6, Uneige, the Constitution the

in “inow MOUNTAIN

Tee montenee.s0;


Speculation aver possibility that aome| Sern viriling here on thele Roatemoon. rapprochement between the Nazi] |New York The frst trans-AUlantic alrptane | ‘”

ie ete

s happening to ni



“Reese iei gs a ot tener you climbed those stairs,

‘Christian Belence Monitor)

Fhighér went your

blood Sears

The t on is too stron cantlraton. mow enti Te Is Oe of very enol Judgmentand ith very | _ Lord Russell once asked Prince | Rerent experiments were irted on ed to sid) rig eee [women whe thre flight id ctof seated sesterdey matt ae Gucinallve aa ot vet of our present " difficulties. It4 Democracs, be removeda Along from with| the| creased iike to have will bethatdone will bedeciin-| iNas Hoyworld Eurese, ec whatthey hatheg | [emote Blmarck how Importunate he chanced “Teleof bond payroll, the alone, view will 1s erroneous. in the done measure he leaves ate eae viee 1 ng sany 1a mos Jangerous. tag” may ere have Meo pro- | are ttt doing and know i, now that eae ime] ot oa visitors arr ge deavery i em 2prewvare the Democrats large numbers of Republic} sion to congress. sneaker! “! at the photo of yours truly in ‘the th oe y do tha Tne | pat 3

~~ gis will have to walk the plank. They will be|

What ft will do fs stich a debatable ques:

Gallery Morris Gest set up before his | government, on sol | President. alone ido th In an | tditegs Tie DUETS When COCR) saht fo be worth yosce facet epend : es oe ‘cr ne Aeon | siropnece ofasts, contitct, escape," re-| press Hivalry, inter oF nied "atic my easy My wite Knows H Levant, hit friend and | fright almost be said that they’ are |dilaretions, eetshaein le. ‘class yery well. When | [tay the more Berlin eats, the thinner |e re ese nan here Is a bare here| 1 ing too long, ahe| Wender what tf could be Dorothy Lamour ts sh togather G00 were | manages to call me away on scme| 1 fe ent

inconspicuous men and women with—no/tion that the President could not well, even friends in high place to protect them who/if he had a chance to win his points, risk


will have to go to make way for the pets itting himself. If he were rebuffed his and relatives of Republican office holders| faiiuve would be heralded In Germany and


and. sxho haye bees cd the emasculation of civil service.



Italy as proof that in the position he has takon on European tssues he has misrep?

Wo Rave &TONE TeEpETTvENT Tg eeeene SeMEC IE


‘The changes now to come will be mace] sented the country. It would be made the eaten res caved peracieed f Y-| for the lives, the fortunes, and the.) for ; with Mttle regard for ability to serve the| basis of extensive propaganda to sell the| "py .P Teen NR yen Congress and the’ President state and for character in the aspirants. In) idea that the American pegple a: the Fair opened. Oar a for a tip last evening many instances they replace men and/ent to the course of events in E do tomething [than throughout the world 1s more |ensis It women of much better type and much great-/that the dictators can pursue thai > inne about the sterp re aurant tariffs at his Flush: promised an er capacity, with the result that the state| certainty that, whatever the Issue, they | ing paceant. be is a tng to have open revolt on Wag man. But the |and agitation, will be greatly the loser. will not be aubject even to the measure of | his hands. are aquawking—and the face of f 1 situa | countercharges, It will be thefe only aspect of the] intervention that would be‘ involved in giv-| oud Hf George Kautman ‘ counte:propa that pleasant tha Reoubl Ie so Indifferent to the “another,residentare || with domestic policies, and mixed pe up]" legislature's work that the Republican mem-| ing the entente and Its allies access t0 the] neoss ngihe. profesied to an interviewer, Why Ines forether.| grudges, and anfoltions for 040, ane | bers_and_tho

will tid | Ameriean—market,


President's appar-|

ent conclusion that he cannot afford, in she)

that they have opened Pandora's box.

‘Whatever number of jobs may be puton| jarger interests of democracy, to risk @ re the spolls list there will be at least 51x appli-] puff at this time ts sound. cants for every jab. Those who have infu]; ‘The same thing may be sald of his deck

ence in placing them will be hounded from] sion no: to make the foreign situation the

does he proves:

sso citen,




ain because of thelr connivance in breaking|



le the i tue for example, in

like the party as'x whole In the save) would ot ths umetune be Ukely to make mat that they will lose more votes than thry will! ters worse rather than better.

roan "The Horse Wm Could] w aie Made a dey new discovery . tonlght at the Tavern7 | | —sarsapariita sid ice cream out of the malted | | lle miner, Tentotaler's highball iy what the| bartender dubs tt, AL shone muses that d tan to] the Fale nnd ae Initiated W. F, belong to aman

“somewhat better stuff In him aze rapidly] tf the charges of Leuls C. Miriant, Detroit [WM 1" 1a being disillusioned. memberof the state emergency relief comme eee: ng

make bossing the Wayne county Republican ‘organization more difficult. Mr. Eaton had no difficulty getting 11 through the house,|


that M. B. McPherson, state tax com-| made a personal appearance in the windpi of ted. | equal to their immense ‘espana. Is "he fourth rele commlssToner,” |X tenartnient s-vre; temonstrating-sigaret-ceses | Congress would cvccise contingous ities witout vote or legal authority, but with cone [OF Ms own makes | velng | the President wouid ie romaired and | Copyright, 1698, New Yorke



of the



nder this piarr there would be somechance |‘!


eT cote

anne tnerea


» rates

In anticipation

sacrificing. 100000. of


of Falr]

©The Revolution


of Nihiliam

“ag the alzporitionof Dansiy

‘that apocalyptic

tirbe| Revolution”


tendered the clerk a thousand dal- | is within normal rai

sae ls breath, hate nen purchase w flve-cent | pt and expect me to change @|

the- Patwanent Re

Men's Bar at th aw alone “antoria yet, but many certainly have ine iden ‘i

Jast fo my agi as for which I have | ment exists fcr the sake of move-|19 stop your squawkings Bee ee ental ae Re | Aan ansae sane eee wT

Jem of juggling six conventions, instead of}

trot on

fret ‘about a retinue


te Jould be nol. Tre Michigan sttuscien is not reassuringfn |. Several siostswrlters were. In an. Informal ee bts be one in ig thls eseect, a “Hella, Mom” speech ie comin maeer 2 any they all agreed, wa P ya_sent_a_group of independent dole: jouls had thevthetized unt Tigatesto help make up the party ticket ana ; tae, sitar esre, batt sain ne ly a golemn senseoffof dutyHider to i mankind atherI. refrain: “What's - this,| ‘pees the Platform, , rere would be same] peis nBriain to stand enamine)tm- gay ne Hae gain, at least, for both. na with Russian eharnot gets one een


But there Is now, apparently, small likell.|

ge | geod that Mr. Eaton's plan will’ be made €2) fective. A majority of the senators have been] ~~ pallgned against it.

"The likelihood that Mr. Eaton and thosa

"2Mtnw socially



14 ona No.end, « Hitler apdech as received yur the pres tickers looks as if Peperhanger had something to do with it


Timely Quotations i a Inyareating Remarks, About interesting



NEA. Bervi


‘i Hep calle



gp, "yhsPie parrot: AL tha end of an

examination the master gathered up

“Just | pelneesoveveet with tects: go




11 buy | ures, bore merely a crude drawing of a tombstone on which was writ-

deneinis. : aera theri eee nsne

Taken Lterarliy

Seite eT oronle ‘ene y ‘


fe] ism. And that Is the tile of the| “Patrick, do you know that you z nner National] talk toa much 7 "Oi d Well, | The Purpose ms ich as ven publisned it you'd smake Ihan ning rule] Seattle ts “Do | manspatrlot. Ile does not believe tn to mouth shut den't you | you know the motive i Rus the Treaty ot Versaiiire or in the x think youd et iene anne win aeition n they are playing?’ post warof system “Faith, sor, 5 Td atarruy to death,| |ie was "By the revenge, sound of It I anculd thin Eeague Nations1 and FranconBrit sor.” Ish hegemony. He isa. Gi a .



eo. vant

w 2 clallst, because he believed that Nas onal Socialiam would restore, or

All the Ickes-Johngon feud seems to need Is people. ity In Europe a sponsor and six delicious favors, pocie rreatling businaas is dead a8 a pancake.| ; cause it isn’t honest_—Marin Plestina, retired | enemy ot the Ruropesn situation) sy wceundesatand the idedlogy of | Wrestler. % Fellred | the-fact that week-end ke r ‘concerned with pos-| °°! a m8 Tt seems prety rear that confidence Is the rans eeeere, jakalin giana tay may Bet get tO)to to that hanas—6. measure ofChiyrecovers onne, which eve | s Anaaner rave em fora collector of edetes| key3 things teoaceal condition would be the SungH bmingnatey



OUR CHILDREN ARE SINGING (By Anno Campbell in Detrolt News)

{fein Geeminnyysene atgatt ing.

Lied we Asalca wihatand te wei Dice] RADE al Nna Say Tea Htlsr, sprain to Garman



give ith support will be able to break | — That tenring enund, ay a diciator takes to the Wut he has not written a briet to The enemy’ hay treated us worse than rat als, could be electrical conditions over the At-[ conterence with Baznard, p and| ime, Or anctier treaty goingthe way of alf mies dogs, Shame on tcaltork—Generaiatno| proye that Danzig shcult be given Chiang Kat-shek, to Germany. Ho Js not {nterented:In} his tribute to Bari maanigula.| E*SS" rae emitter > ARY such onMIRGF Halter. ins pice. che. ‘ecu 18 St appears.| yicnien Kan. baseballhls, league must have moreHoover and more discoveryte natura) MaNaRehole ot be thrown IntnInfluence the scales-against any tive ye announces he, willm garh umpicrs,execu:|In| law.—Herbere of ae Wer me to warn | pes, Anyone who a eal i ied ae“Robber,”

of sane



dertaking to do suc!

nota Comasunit He

ithe jam has not been lessened by report of

i MBSE anaes Bang Wayne et : z i =



Fenened bees Into-the A the papers: “Among them tie git

mic sien for his Gen political ends, ttt vet ta pene inh parts


facts have been verified

Herel 6 ra i steemetn: suite ct the heart and pice “es patie thiccnoon Uegund's wornlog teins

that a few delegates not hog tied by Eddie) Barnard would reach Republican state con.

formerly pr esiden


(Sclence Monltof? dustrial workers whose Jobs reKnut entered the clear stare) quite them to do a great ameunt of an@dbicked out ainte five-cent Hretien reached ne walletcigar. and | “Bevture that zou blood pressucn

0 iy wArink Inthe | Ina discussed a hock has come at olution: Dynamism In wnich mayer|<Svery well” he shrugged:

of autograph hounds,

falls when the exercise

exercises of rpeed, much at a

low norrral.

“the Total| thousand-dollar bill.

ot Which ss cued the loudest against 9 a <_7_ymntions, There nna serious objection to be| Wh) 1 coed the Tal ioudmtaraans alvin got]oi-| | Tea"Ten to oneone tatthat MenHeln aves,Hayes coldscould ae] get | Hakmot Begyet Pope wil hSe goten anf rthatere eweitceecannot naan tanaSe ad urged against it. If Bernard solved the prob: tuithed back to atara:cure’ (One al lhecrace uaseed calebrites'who nega cmt | SE.0l be appeased. nears thar this will make

oe }

sitte rises somewhat Tess rapidly

Making It Easier




outIengthWea me of the pool, your Blood pres-

it or burning St.”

Wayne, 1n place of one county: coaventl


|— dg

by rests of men and wores and by avery working democracy, 1t-can be | it Depends Sone here: Ait ic recultee ie tie wh . (Montreal Star) | gecetullyjeonetolied (studies ‘at aoltodo Wand, the enpacity of the] "Ts e tan of conl great lt, dade Fe roar sen illic in mranzin, Mashlngto aT debend, heh mg oy.” repliedreplid the] tne | int influence thei rise orrE fall of blood ocension, ne ressure resulting from things th order that hay you are shoveling | P'

Jnr bill



and returns to ncrmal more slowly, Why, Indeed ‘ In exercises of endurance, Toronto Globey eneine of De hike actos "star" inquired the Indy of the nuurry or & deliberate house, suspic “dig you wash this fish. before vou tier it" ANd Mary replied: “Wate the not ean a hi ak acta spend use of washing a fish that has been §Xe00 80 sina! ny halls be Se

hut the senate mat only defeated if, but has) trot of the rellet group through the other 880) shoier off the Janeluhbers. and the, Masia | would be able to provide Congzess| Sbune Tne.) 0 far refused to accede to a request for 1:8) members, Cariton H, Runciman, ef Lowell, and lng. erie Oliver P.Delro Gibbs, aan of R Cen eintion, vie Se Sot ayiel wae Aeprived of Tatura ta the House ; pid aye tes cone | {ts nels le senate is on record as being far more missioner, “holds secret meetin ith his. n e Necora —— solieltous for the safety of the foundations] Chari MeCarthys” to dacie on Sellet poles, | Talker With Hands of McKay-Barnard rule of the Republican| The polleles ard. action ‘Tallulah Bankhend ty at hes beat contre party than the house. The Eston bill pro, sip.iirefrean sterner ila commnls| atte) |onaliz when sk Helaing hands: Dia Tany 1 By Dorothy Thompson ‘ Y ha It not exactly a new stfuation, Only the | mind é ‘ Posed that there should be @ convention in Tnterventing. af the late Governor Fltze| "othe Motel Astor waa one of the fe th ||

each of the six congressional


the leo

|B! ‘inthe

bail him out,

SF MI FOR ET Ne reside Pe eee | ak came done, Jt reauires no | in the water all 5 tay of un played host tnfof both partien fall and. cusrentiy [emg aten: IU ia done,in Bngtanc. .

sion, concerning the activities of the other two| an ex-Droadway columrlst who had been aay | informed, and to act only after con- | members wre true, Michigan citizen Tiong while, He pleaded sleepingts at 11 p. rs, | sullation with them, there would be | fi cl path taanate of WaauF eee aa the flssy ‘The senate is apparently determined ta]$2 | ponde Ts i tar ea uropes Cini, crowned ho Bokila SE reached néving enttt: his] heads, block passage of the; Eaton bill, designed: to] Miriant declared in a apsech In Saginaw the ona f us couple of afternoons ago. . Senate Is Stiffnecked

‘Why didn’t you

red tae couldn't ES pump nwa him out"

president nat fie thee ay xe |e talthve ve discretion. Bat jut why aout || and s iscr all factions and come at once this issue dhave-arisen atwhyall? should Why |to an of undersie should the country have to choose | they wil’ a between making rigid congression rules that may not fit the p tl situation and giving to one man un {thug ivcharge together thelr Joine| liimited perscnal discretion responsibility.



see ate cont [ime locked up for being drunie.

sequences of so reckless and 0 Ir-

Sa |oeprd tine cette ain e erate

ee tant whlch Wen hetore

« o i down a reform of potentially great value, 1 i As for Dickinson, he is gradually revea Cc t f th D., ing himselfas merely another hack, Persons omment o SLAY who, , because of the obscure nature of his previous service in state office, were able to] poriTtcs AND RELIEF believe, or atsleast to hope, that there was (Grand Rapide Pressy


{iste Paralysis —|Sjates-shouid da, This is ine trouble| Ee sismal StAvS Theene tured fall the trouble. ‘The American people deserve . eee to see ee lured me hetore before aam“mike” for wr the the, sec: ae ene O'Coneee eee some eee toveraeteng,fz They arvendiing |norOBrien to tellcalled Rer that nerMrs. husband

early to late, and, in the final analysis, will.| subject of a fireside tals. Whatever he said

at the

hax contracted in order to force the blood into the blood vessels than it is when the heart faxed just before squeezing down on the con-

the heart éonteatted


what mannéz of ihe co] tpetarn from ore mothe, wlte reo nae “menting

preacave wataeTASOralng

|! different

lausible ——_Lisiit of the blocd 1 Just as pretext” he finlshed speaking, the| Although Tt mayt remain atou a dete Princess Bismarck appeared al the | nite level for a-iong period of tine door. “My dear.” she said to her| during sour ite, hus musi come at once and attend to a matter whieh you have unfortunately overtooked.” teas Me Seu niperied. san Wite—Yes, just hecnuse alan't want wtewhut whils'the prestheT he wnlse

via telegram and | are not (ying with & 1 thele power [heaven only knows


to the time when St is measured. It

Our5 childrenCitiare singingfi a Brest exprenion of whnthe cf pecorae rule. Ker that hardect thing fur « Germ elie ing calet—n toneand pebethor to do, this in a time of ipl}



crials: “whether

ongs of

16 _an-


abe ne erp



don uniforms.

Bitiorness Toughen and themhatre for


af western civilization that itis not say, "My @ movement repreventing German} country right or wrong.” and beap na ® " Trent whieh will restore order and |. And he hay decided to spank. unity-to.wasiecn civilization: “that It ja nat a movement-whictielil he af Termann Rauschaing was In ie chat || National mlavement:. Ike Itbulwark Ie. not agninst even Bolshevism: the “totalitarian all GermansSocialist he wished: 1g ae8 DER: Nedticnor arate at al out fe Ls —ftarecry Paxe 8, Column6)

loving praise,

Unlike other children Facing War's hard ways, he In oe war. counties a



Our children are voleing Liberty's ¢ Through the yours, rs icing,



May they ever sing!




Mrs, Vernon E, Ryding, of Iron Mountain, was reelected president ‘Of the Woman's Missionary society of the Superior Lutheran confer ence at tha final business. session at the twentyefifth anniversary con= ention, Thursday, Friday and Sa : Mrs. Verner president; | Mr: Albert _Stenstrom, ronwédd, recording.6 Mra, Arthur. Russert, Ningar ponding secretary; Nell Nelson, Menominee, mines, t treasur a, “Miss Lillian Eklund, Peshtigo, Wit. statistician, ielan, Departmental secretaries are Mrs. Scott Cretgnton.Manietique, funrs, CartT. Fant, Iron River, nistorian and publ Lees Marquette, missionary. exhibit and literature; ‘Mrs, R. B. Byqulst, Waketeld, miss stonary for a day: Homer He mn Mountain, Irdustelnl a %. «Theodore E Ee et a eoune Misslonary society Mrs. Alee Carl fon, Iron Mountain, jubilee goal: Miss Marian Wallin, Tron Mountain,

Seventeen talented musicians took ‘over_the Iren Moun! high school] auditorium last evening to play for an audience that had expected some.| thing out of the inary and was not_dlsappolntes ‘The ¢!group, ‘vhs played before a near-capacityY house, was the Saldenderg Symphonieita, Daniel Sal-

x the program were by Botton! Mellz_on Grai d the en: core numbers, ondondery Air, “Mine agranged by Grainy tet" by. David Van Factor, oung Chicago composer, written especial ly for the Symphonletta Season Successful ‘The season concluded Inst was one of the most auceeystul to Mountain the sredit 0 The other eventa incl ec famous Argentine cell Gani Bolognini, and Robert Kinan der, baritone from the U east coas' iron Mountain wiif'na a musle series again next year dev pends upon the response of the lle, Membe: ip application ‘tanks were distributed Ia tha. intermission, but will not be known week. The Rev. N. ueped that they be sighed so thal fespirit ght ba wedded to Iron Mountain and a new cor cert series baptized.

mene a: ras Ppa es ———

fand percussion instruments beautifully tan produce. It dorlone. ‘Three #0} ists of the group, who were hearty excinined, ote Budiey Powers, calltt, who played Masse. " "Sheppard Lehnhott, no played te violin bala, “ere ut by ani ~ ade” from Laonara Borin concertmaster, who! te the-vioiin had-to stoma. Stactates by. Dinecs jorkin, who Is also soloist with the Chicago symphony, used & S10 000. Gun instrumentmi “1782. His mun Td was received rit Wi great enthusiasm, Following the intermission, the ed TschaikowSymphoniet sky's ; “Serenade.” ‘The applause that greeted it showed that the audience) om ost impressive prograi m. famillar to the which brought forth “Plight of the

be, expecially made for the visit of the king From her new and queen of Great Brita In tseo attractive ereszesa two n=tOR mauve uve chiffon, emphat ines pine Flowers are bunched whe et inner gown wi ith @ tailored whitefe erene 20D, skirt of Fed and white slar print and a wide bluebird leather bel


CAST OF CHARACTERS BETTY MARY JORDAN—Pretty young Border Patrol service secre tary SHERIDAN STARR—Handsome Border Patrol officer fellow HOPE KILDARE—S| offices, also a bachelor, LUIS BA} BARRO— Mexican smugal>

At Club On May 15 The annual member ten of Women's auxiliary of the Grove, country club: wit acaticere


when se sect and dances with the Luis Bar Pini CHAPTER XI he! Young Mesers. Sheridan Sta wil te

house and the member reW i Lewis heads the tea committee and working with her Mrs. Grant’ Hamm and Mrs. resent officers of the auxiliary Menzle: president uron, ¥ secretary, Mra. G responding se wis ni E. 4 Clarke sports chairman and Mi rs, Huron chairman of the house committee,



existing bird.

minded person.





14 English coln, 16 Sacred interdiction. 17 Church title.

—, 18 Sentence. 20 21 23 25


Sun. Undermined. To rescind, F Distinctive a

28 with power. 28 Fob bird $5 Insect's egg. Deity ot war. 56To i 3 Fish,

34 Noteti 35 37 39 40

arenets. 44Like an {con. —-47Ceremonial


58 Opposite of


Guide's sealé, 59 Brooch. Laws. 60 It is found Ripped. in J Diluted, a swift Bird that bird.

VERTICAL syllable.

1 Mystic

and eat hats back



ait -

hake slave of apie raisin pie 1 niy f black cotter, y thumped their stiff ends, stalked

Answer to Previous Purrle


1 Bird ; with valuable

right, gotten a goofs ported forturther off Tiorning: Actually t nothing| The} Botty Mary instead In thelr car until her taxl crossed fe International britige into Mexle hey, just rade around

1B Advertise ment. 19 Doctor.) 211t belongs th 1e menus, 22.To ejects

cook 33 Ruler of 3 Stitched. Sia cream s wings drink. are 3Circle near jor Might, -» the Equator. Applauder, 4 Rough sports 3841 Mouth parte, 5 Within. Gin what way. $3 yo ‘oung cow. 46 Kind of nut. a7 Slave, 48 Ones 49 plant. 12 Toward. 15 Genus of


)) allan river.

An nual Festival For Bands Set For


Sunday Afternoon Tr © third annual Dickinson coun- | | ty kh school band festival will be held at 2.90 Sunday afternoon, May uM i n the stadium of the Norway high school, 1 the progeai will be postponed un= Wan ve niternoon af May county igh a0 bands, ten Mountain, and Norway, and the‘Ningnra band ya participate im the | program. ome 350 students will take part in

“Tt .- .|

‘Tnsuta— chapters ofthe ‘Order “ot DeMolay at the organization's sev-


were among


Th ere witt be na admission charge:

‘ay honor, was conterred upon Paesk: Escanaba, And Wills and Walter Olson, of at the.

Eau,y Sale ln Ba 2 of tha ‘Firet-Preabyureh

ot Ishpeming, topic being You", Advisors: attending the sessions Adams, of Tron foun £ go vernor; Tom Holmes, —ol—Detroit, state deputy: William Stoughton, Wakelisit, Roy Tendra, Tron River; Fred Fisher, Edward Packennam. «Fred and lenry G, Olson, Escanaba; J. THM, Youtant, and L. Biegler, — Mare quette,

‘Soderbloom, Cale | #8

ratseton Thomas rex Auxiliry fof. the convention | tended by 54 delegates and over 100

kc Wednesday evening at the 6, wall beMountain a short busicity essamecting, follor A by a lunch Sirs, Fred’ Mitchell 4s


closed with, an impressive | ate

| |


lo Broadeast ‘ tke C, Newton left here. this riooa for Green” Bay, Wis, 1. 9:15-tonight he will broad-

| |



(By The Assocl 0 m—Al Petree, NBC to Ww MF-WIBA, KSTP, WMA 20 mi—Mn rgaret Speaks |x Be to WM, WMAG, Ie talnyy “NBC to seria "wk KSTP. —Rin jo Theater, CBS to Wis. Wweco. do, CBS to W p. de Cantor, CBS, to WBBME WISN, WARK,W 8





Cleaning Specials!

NAVY Beans «= 5~17¢ Carnation Milk —CORN Flak Sandwich




Economy Cleaners

onin annual conciave Saturday. Escanaba Thirty mermbers af the in Mout George James Woodbridge,of Marq was elected master counellory,‘wn Ham Incobs, ‘quncilor;

store, the Cashway and In Ini rooms of the chureh. Ore may be placed with Mrs. Jo | ep Bhumgartner or Mra, William

In the table ap Matson, BE Ishpei ng, well) here, was toast jstrees, MOE | Augusta Ilighland, of Exanstan, mM, [wees the principal speaker,1 nercon|

11940 Meeting OF |Order OF DeMolay Marquette was chosen as hoit city for the 1940 conclave of upper Dem

events, here and | of Minneapolls, “Mrs. A. Lund. of Escanaba.and Sra, Se Ung ail past prestienta, attended Wintergreen RN. A. silvei et Personal Notes mother and daughter party will meeting of the ollarless Topper {tot ow the business Mr. and Mra. Joseph Michela, of Royal Neighbor camp For country wear and casual the week-end here, Ironwood, avn) there is available a smart + Mn and. Mrs. Copyright, 1930, NEA Service, Ine. | (Shy a collariess topper of fn and daughter, laine, of Channing, tip length In a loud check Fro | Program and lunch, chaps, that’s the reason these. thres fresh ‘The eyes have it an spent the wena a k to hem there arn seven. big| i n , Hal . mand increasing at nd lovely fim fac Came 401 East C Normally they would have met buttons to close it Mrs. X C. Auaillary hey are, ap Helen Gilbert: iower iets Louise Platt; lower rights I, treet, xiltary of the has returned tm a visit to Margot Stevenson. Kn cnik at Cotiiane will meet at Toronto and Montres however, ‘they| at them, or kick thelr shins, at esday In the club ho: home fi rom Mise Lorrain e Ebel, Jat her home for her daugh: ter, oe She protended new concern with | cial hour with ielrestiments ‘wil Ripon, Wis, {where abe attended 0 Grace, obsesved. her bi J ner sketehing pad, wnich she emt] fol ow the business meeting, | Social Notes | Catds andwho Chinexe spring with her, consta Hastily 7 | “Coffee musta kept ma awake, | played, Lunch was served at a Iable Mr. and BMre. P, Rousstt who Meeting | prettily decorated with flowerr and] nave been In the west since the the men of the Balsam street aves District Sheridan apologized, which both d Channing favors. Mountain apect, 19 start first of the 4 er hare asked to micet at 7:30 men knew wasn't from ch [the return trip in'a few days. Th acy ht nt at the church, to clean and delega "ake, 100" agreed [lope °K 1 now in Glendale, Calif. isa in ust tw ate in preparation for a meet where they attended the. i annul got a good nap 5 ght — fers |__Robert_Sparpanl,_of Mih se Duplicate Bridge Rrniey pretended ail moritng To be Thing would Streehappen when Lalo indy Sslarcale TRallread Women’s club at the Hote spent the week-end with his pare eports. Feur times they Barro came tr ady Maccabees LaSalle, 31rs, Anthony Ambrosia, of Winne! ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank SparaShe alternately sipped her drinit ¥ Maccabaes will meet at aneain and’ shee, Charice |W ANMETS Named James Elder, Je, of Mtiwate and. sketched 8 Wednesday might at the North Portertinl, of Channing, presidents | winners of the "series of alx” pani. kee, was his gu feeling Star hall, espective units, atten tah conducted bythe Ira Maan Mr. and Mra, r Frangquist cans eat chill theand front enchiladas \ ies present w e r a Mek match eon ducted: b y : the Jeon eu “I knew you were and daughters, and Evryll, door, trying Eady Maccabees tain Duplicate Bridge club, which and Mrs. Reuben Phys Johnson and son, think of something to do, some @ Lady Maccabees will mect at was concluded Thureday nigh two men walked torecourse. Waldron, have arrived 8 Wednesday in the North Sta ‘1 Carpenter and Chicago, where they spenthomethe from Riared up at the tall Mast Mrs Henry MillerHuice6230andpoint nere was no time, however, 0 hall, three day with relatives, Pw he ane, Gatien Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kanouse, KC. Meeting | fot owed by Stoeie, 6 o # 2 uirg, Mes, Jahn Flan of Houghton, former tron. ‘Mount agen afourth, nd. MiseMrs. Jearette. court ofthe Kn! guts toute Sv roonrot the HUnwelE came tn, watking wit his Ray Hubley Crowell andre j gesidenss, agent Eshe week-endOscarat ce and swagger, Te of Coltimbus will meet at 8 Tuesday | |u Party Sv her instertly and emied geRn night in the club rooms, Hassell11000 South ‘Milwaukeo aver ith, 48 Cass avon ly guest of honor a Senorita!” ha exciaimed, “Twas Board Mesting for you might not keep the| Th he board of trustees will meet at | party held at evening al his homme, Mites: and could te phiane down the occasion nd ight in the parlors of O u r the beim his birt nth so luckee! 1 7 to Mformation if Ne saw nliens cross Do You Have ed, Mrs, jours chureh, ng. Radio would then pase tt on to Minnie y Bulcan? and: Gert, Lobaher A cruising patrol cars, Officer Barton} | winning first for men and women, Bors ky and Ot, ache. $9.58 ind Perfect Proportions ?, Cont ae Class was up there he saw y Newkirk and Mrs, resp Tho ¢: ation class Is to meet Hi out t4 HOLLYWOOD—Milo Katherine Cruse, 5350. ig them even though they | ata this afternoon in the parlore of| f Winners of last week's games Hollywood designer, maintal were now out of uniform, They. had) the First Lutheran church, ‘Over there figure modern ter minine ere: & nckpresented With lt dressed 1a ordinary pentecly proportioned. than that of North and South, Mrs. Carpens 8. Meeting St) OF. which Included wide. hate, Wha'd you expect? A reve Danco Well Attended ter/And Mrs, Miller first, with 103.5 any period in history, The reason ‘The Enster: r will meet at | Dinner1y couples is that the girls of today exercise danced to the music polnts; Mrs, Cruse and Mra, New7:30 Tuesday nthe Masonic hall. Sherry growled. "Come kirk second, $93; Malmstrom and more and keep a closer wateh on Satu ‘Sit down, Don Lule‘ Betty Mary on Honey. L Al's Ro somew ere.” t Grove em panto worsky and the diet. “Where” asked Hcpe. urged. “CeniatnlyT kept the. an-| A girl who has perfect proporZachk fourth, 82 and Nes. Pos frthn United Comm polntment. How could I break 0 Dinner And Dance ions hias a hi pm tens js and Women’s Buxiliary held until 8 p [Bate With’ you? Anat have: been | At Country Club May 23), the annual spring: ball. A butfet andEastMrs.and Manes’ fifth, irs, 795. Ebda Cour netly pz times that of hee writ yeasures: the sameor incheen Wins served at midnight at Ai slightly lean than the aioe ane woth pelle and table decorat kina aureed ta pase Jess than he aur is nint flowers and areen Seaman and M Ment iactal| “otstown services also were used. Hubley third, KS; Bill” Hroekingfant very cordia men, You ueals at a dinner ton and Ken Pavey fourth, 88 and “Proportions can be Improved with hem. 1 will present) dance pinnned for, Saturda the use of proper Soundatiog sare Huleo and Steele, nen Dinner wt sat the club hot 607 East D] Pl wy in a new erlos of four menints and especially neues and. dancing. W tr begin at | MES president Il,of Sr, the iscrict ‘ay, matches will beg Shure ercises. If i ¢ sont do the tick 10, | soclat entertained day night at the Dickinoon ‘hotel there Is alw "she resumed, quite} Tickets may be obtained trom} don wilhoos= following a 15 minute’ business| mother’s ‘any ie i “hie T want you ta me: any meeting, sd. paddini charming friend and Mrs. Don Luls, this ie Mr. Stare and Mr.) Be =3 am 40 sorty, your name and Mrs ‘Lind Strap Me ra. Mnstin Thomas, Mr. and ais {rterent —— atthe cone ‘of ee thas slipped me, sir? Hope and Sherry had been poise n \" like taut springs! Or like panthers! tal crouched, ready to pounce on a” Hon; 20, of [ron ss Ee Ch enomy. Th one flashing motion thy and Mrs, Edward McC cult have attacked, $n unison. | Niagara, | srsity of Micchi, have On Special to Thursday Night. ‘They had recognized Luis Barto in[heen named to the uate ot th n Mantly, a moment before he saw | Heinls liked 10 visit In Ame fran, hava be en name {to the stat!| Luis Barto, the man ther Americans in Mexico, Hoth groups them. the Michigan Jour nas t, written | The Stork ot Nicolet were known to che another any wanted most in the world to put ir te s of the “| and edite 7 Or, If ne: 35 to se0 dea Pure Ese Mrs. Eugene DuCharme, partinent of journalism, stammered Tope. gine rand Fleshiem “attant step up here ow Cinco de| cieKildare!” street, are the Mayo street ws nather cuppa| acting, for Retty Mary. “Kildare.” pn West ns For ichler ntkof a son, named Eugene | Entertal Rath’s Tendeiati Sherry caught his cue a shale Joseph, born Sheridan ‘uawested, "And “the General | Mrs,, Mbort Dabb, OLS Wells| 6 to 8 Ib. ave quicker, Ile had sense enough [steoit entertained Friday evening hosp hia 1 t mentioned Bet- Mand Up and how at Barro ‘Bur the had been pons fos Hope-was just hours and. that Mary Ribintel on lke the Cline tan: ers Uke. 8 Seam They Chol ice ought to have arranged for 1 something ev telephe: Picked cry litle while, Hope was think- you move our tables together anil-— oh, waiter!—come, please, a n d hel ing. cite Arove (wien by the Monte us make a little party here, Now tel and-gaw no sign of her. jdnro, 1 warlt 3 55 MEN’S SUITS. hilo you eat,.but you an Ther puked then and Walked tp. Cinca de Mayo, theres over onto Don Luts please just go right on beKellogg's 55 MEN’S TOPCOATS ein de Septiembre, looking tenta- ing sociable for It won't interfere Large P Not at all, there's a_ slew tiv 9 every bari 50c one, restaurant, hotel lobby nm Unh huhm, You all have classic fea MEN’S HATS Cookies store, two big Amer.can offi tures Bon Lu. you arn’ cers well aware the Soe Butter Crear LADIES’ DRESSES (plain) tee how: Mr and woman who ward the Nordly 55e LADIES’ COATS (plain) coco AL Nicolet Pure eves an foe ment And all 40 hoxpitab! 55 LADIES’ SUITS heard w gre ml western Hospitality. bet and ‘am enjoying It, Te LADIES’ SWAGGER SUITS dear! Please fo ahead and orsier oat arby and sat down, beckoning meal, Don Luis; I can stop and eat| to a waiter. They had eaten. heart- always, ha ha!" ily in El Paso, but they ordered an- She kept Jabbering on gaily. Hone ‘other meal. and Sherty swallowed hi ot iced aguamiel ing expressions ° that tha strange sweet drink of Mexle! doom was about to CASH and-CARRY to=Metty coket at them in exasperation The hig voobs, 103 Fast Ludington — Next to Carpenter Coot ing noe Uke vit Mhes.dgive her usly he was thoroughly vay orely Ie they Widnes! op the: situation She wanted iq stow. something| To



—Organization Tea

Ryding Heads


P Pleased Audience



Superior Lutheran Missionary Group

Group Greatly

Marquette Given








MONDAY, MAY, 8, 1989

MONDAY, IIAY, 8, 1939___


| Women’s Part In History Is Emphasized

Food Allowance

Short-In County

IRON RIVER, May 8—Funds are’ lacking to pid parton

= =

IRON RIVER, May &—Women today play an Important part In naonal = ae events, Mrs, Lee Blood. reen Bay, state officer

county fulfood onderefor the ft} o4 tng “crn Federation at

halt. ot

m ne ere wy ss, said in an address tion at theMay, Caspian oft! omer the "Tweniteth. before, Century ub hs reduction Wr ebiatu 2° per tora_the the Iron Rees iehigh schoolry Sa “RON RIVER, May 8—Distribu- The county ERA received $6000 in) 1in 10th tlon of @ benefit fund of $76.97.95 eater tee f008 auring May, acut/"Sivung tnat it ta @ duty. sa to employes and former employes of of $3.6 privilege to be a club the Corrigan McKinney, Stee! com. Chishetm, county ad-| Blood raed orgentaation for great. absorbed by the: r, sald $6,000 Is Insuffi-|er_effor df the ering eu at at the Ronisot EOEpOAUICN, WHT POOH clent tor her d ° fers alone totalled $5,200 during| City Manager and Mra, David Apel Ip addition, 200 persons were| Youngs, cited many women who anding tn history, ad ded to the relict rolls because of| hi 8 WPA inted a yaaye John G. Stone, ¢ ERA case load will be les- Twentieth Century Juniors, othe jests of the senior group, 5 id pecial ie ee the mer, because aetisitieg-for 3 rman of saving on_furl re 597| Th ‘Trahair, of Crystal Falls, ie ot eases on the ERA rolis In the Cascathryn MacCc probate, represented the former pian office. employes. Food orders during the last alt funiore donated|Sto the hespitel ‘The money represents the aggre of May maybe Increased through a| fui of the club, ‘gate of monthly payments over = proposed $1.00 contribution from! py years,Into sick, injury and!7the board of supervisors. The ERA ‘The program includ vocal deain benef twats main: ‘commission will meet in the Caspian solo, Let My Song Fill Your Heart,” tatned hefcre the stale compens atice tonight and the distribution by Ruby Windsor, with Mrs, David tan act. event Into effect, Among thi food orders will be discussed, ine Corvigan Me mines 01 Kinney Pereinany were the, Tuy, Dunn Great Western, Tobin and Baker. ‘Judge Stone's decree climaxes the epresented a Teal by ‘soto, “Son; Love.” bi Than iow,6‘chen. it wae terminated Nancy Quirt. Mra. Leslie Flamer has

Eldred Held

i For Indecent

aye elections Simi



in Duluth

Wt was

= Liberties


tes istrict eoathinnesota |

arate the Michigan and money in the fun Have Interest Approximately






Pinecrest sanitariurh; Powers, after an Illness of nearly three years. Fu-| neral services were held today from, ‘the residence at the Tobin location, with the Rey. Waino Yionen afficiatIng, Five children survi Mrs, Jo-| seph McGregor; Vern lay, of Ra-|

Broskevats-Tadietlo ‘Miss Catherine Broskevots, daughter of Frank Rroskevotz, was marHed to Sero Tadtelo, son of Mr, and Mra. Jonn Tadiello, of the Tobin ‘ocatlon, at a high mass ceremony performed Saturday at tre Guardian Angel church b} Rev, Fr. geron, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Broskesister-in-law. of the attendants. thea The Iron county nurses’ associa: tion will meet any ¢ Frank Shepich home, Stambaugh. ‘The Order-of Vasa will meet-Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swanson. Mra, B.A. Forsman Mra. Eimer joder beri Mrs, berg will be the Reatesen forthe Ladies’ Ald meeting Thursday at Hint Latheran churn

FLORENCE To Name Candidates Candidates to represent Florence county at the Badger Boys’ State


V. ta



May 8-—Charged| :creasurer. reported that the hos-

Youngel Post will sponsor the local delegate, The public Is invited to night. ‘The purpose of the Boys! State 1s to tench fundamental principles of American x to tnrough: me practice in the dutles of city, county and state offices, All boys 16 to 18 years are eligible, but preference is given (o Junior classmen, The Woon! Legion port will pay all expenses of the boy selected. Judges of the contest tonight will be Couny dudge Verle E. Ses, Datrct At torney Ailey f and the Rev. Father” Bahar, Fak Mrs, eimer Small entertained group of children at her home Sat:

fare cfficer of the Louts Bowman | §21250 om room at the their heirs, are in heard by Jude Stone, Some, will ee | Crystal Falls, wil face Judge | Pingcrest sanitorium at Powers and others)Fr kK shen circult court | ates, P. L. Boyington reporied on Minnesota Ht is fenes at the county the activiti Bpeulah Robi. ei ay a Tate taken before Tustiee Late, [ton Scholarship Fund. stating. that erage of 20 cents @F ‘h. The funds! wa preliminary examination | Ioana totalling been were established voluntarily by the| Ane was bound over for tial. He /made during the past year to Nigh mine emploses to provide for their was released on $500, ball. school graduates wh endwelfare and that of thelr families, | Seen taint was madéby-thé| Ing collegenand- universities. ‘THE <In the event of injury or death. Fun dh of ‘Tne work of checking ie of the fund oan was comm! $333.59. Tt was cre accounts and preparation of stateor from, the Children’s clinic In Beulah Robinso ments took several months. Judge Marquette sThe authorites have not teacher, who also wi mount of property to the club and given out th ils. The child, a in auld, was taken to fund, which 16 being administered by the Twentieth Century club and Rot contest the ausetbution of 8h) ioMarquette upon the n special committe he accoun and weltare worker for the judge | Conterence Report ‘Oar of the witnessen wan Tho Eldred, it A report on the Sider Girls! cons Boundy, of Ironwood, chief clerk. “ provals tenoffice.assigned the Job of in and and purchasing agent for the Re- wake ‘hg children to the clinic Mou in 'was given By Leora and public, Steel corporation, member of the Leona Carison, twins, Approximate- it Commonwealth. and Shirley and of the firm of Berg a rane es mune Tereteer” ot Tennerman, Aria tended the conference, the fund by Judge S nd The club rd con: Jeanne Putts, Nancy Jil and Santce ws Tinea at 86000, Fees a ex: Funeral Services |demning the distribution and sale work over a period of of obscene and indecent Merature years were allowed at $7,639.80 For T. G. Daly sked the hoard of directors Florence Briefe to ania tne program committee ia John Masan spent Sunday with tdsege in Iron . IRON RIVER, May 8—Last rites he! here today for Thomai on left Saturday for PUmeRt OF the fund. Companies ex- G,Were held Daly, 60, former Houghton resia i ave ay In Milwauker perience difficulty locating former dent who members also requested Tian- | dled in a hospital in M| Fire department employes, and frequently not more . ese | Waukee. He was 6 brother of Jonn “R Penhale, peineipal “ae tne| veil hold wari a 6:39 la eves than 40 to So per cent of these |wy.-paly, of Iron River, member of ct ning. Money not distributed reverts to ha Mr.boaré-of-edueetienir——— George Vachapelle Daly entered the hospital an |ine Boys! State to be held on the from Milwaukee wher’ as returned the general fund of the s | April 25, and ynderwent-an-opera-| campus of igan State ccilege Heeling medica! treatment. been tion, East Lansing in of Menpminee, Services were held at St Agnes | "Mra... Witson, Hibrarian, asked visited at the ussen, Land Purchase In Adolph Swanson reschureh with the RIA Fr. George | the members to make, greater Use pastor, Dinglelder, officiating,| of the library daring the summer| dence recently National Forest months. She stated that the wome: h Brey left Saturday for jt Bu-ial w [sae find many new books of in Green Bay where he will seek emIRON Mi 7 B—Purchase| Fer mi ployment. st in the lit R Otte. | P ot SUL. acres roe wna In ¥, “a an was eleited Mrs. Jack Kennex, of ‘ational forest is provided In a| department ¢ompany Alberta, Mich, visited relatives here Bin intreduced Irrcongress by Rep- ‘Transportation ago he was transferred to the | be held in soa during the week-end, Teveniativg, Hook and which has Mliwaukee branch Olga Hauck, outgoing: Bins: d by @ house sud-comAlfred Olson left Sunday afterBrothers, | dent, and Mrs, Norman Mac mittee cn ‘agriculture and forestey Jot He is murvived Of byiron foRiver: on a business trip to Milwauand | mick, presidentcelect, will also. at« noon kee, [Drr"Atthur Daly. o f Goteago, and tend as delegates by virive i offices, ‘Mrs. Tauck @ gave a briet Nea, Helen Cleary left Bturdey {alation would safeguard virgin | four aisters, Mra. Susan Burns, of | of tiimvod trees, Theol governnent ni-| Doilar Bay, Mra, Agnes oehmer, of |{Atewell address wt the meeting. for a visit at he home of Mr. and 1.700.000 Sudbury, Ont, Can. arid the Misses | thanking the members for the co- Stes" Albert Eckmrt ef Wakete’d, James Pontbriand left last week acres In the sanett ayes yn ‘ho the Netie and Daly, bot ol ration given her during the last Stevens Point where.he expects ron Houghton WoMrs.ear Lionel Sieeman was chosen for to be empioye: h ‘TheTie F Iron aes iver nl nt es 12 alternate delegate for Mrs! Vaug Mr, and Mrs, Gust Johnson and 00 eras, ot 86,000 hi fon Larry of Stambaugh, spent endy been caulred. STAMBAUGH __ *, Hostesses for the socal bu Sunday at the Henning Yourgel Tits not known whether the Hoole | ——— home in Commonwealth ul provides for acquisition of more, ee Doron Arcana of Graal Mt:Stun ely, ete, 1 jands In the Tron Rij Mrs, Mae Wilgren and Waiter Falla Uepencing sever Mra Ae Walle: Dek antiey it Bs underatood that tt take Owens, Falls, spent Ss, Louis Wench, Met. D Thursday ofahd Crystal a \e Porcupine mountains In Jor Mastee left Thursday for Ann Wale, Friday at the Ray 3p Viuuee ‘ S t n Gonente and Ontonagen counties c he will spend (0) rg Soderberg home. Weeks visiting his sister, Helen, | NTE orn fo Mr ana Mrs,‘of Crystal Joe Zychowski and Joefriends Stro-| jie Fisher. Tron River sector In the acquisition Falls, visited at Richland Cepter late t yenterdoy ‘and expansion program, afternoon, in the vicinity Sunday. Sinntey Bodin of Ena, Clalse Mr. and Mra.“August, Wieklund) 50 Men Employed Cory Promoted was called of the sud= Roy, [arent Sunday. In TRON RIVER. Mi eat Ci aien death of his daughter, Mrs, Lu al At Athletic Field chiet clerk of the Iron ma River reton Florence’ with Me and 30h jonal fore a | caspran, May S—More than 50 Ate. and Mrs. William Stacey: and Pe Torwood to join. the head i Hetuowe,- fheWhither uarterd office of the (rect Metteare eld a PA ate piogect cape bien at n theBillys home0 of Mrs, Stacey's par. His arded we pro: [will provide factiities for fcotbai \onts, motion, » chief clerk Mr. and Mrs. haseball, tennis and winter sports. | Mr. and Mra, Elmer Jansen, Misy here for more than four years. He includes construc | Mian Jansen and Miss Jaqueline is a native of Negeunee. . tion ae Bion stany with a seating His successor will be named in fy concrete aug tennis courts, e: Mrs, William Schober, : = He ‘ndee, former supervisor t Lorraine Danbom and Rubeen transferred ot the Ottawa, ‘Mrs, Beftha Houlmont anit to. the Superior Natlonal sorest, alps Mattson, where called to Han daughter, Frances, of Alpha v's ted raay re tee eet of Me.|incatinton are Isnes Sunday win Tanne Inattinttan ofaf waterwater adand ste at the Edward Meyer resi ~ Mr, and Mrs, ‘Thomas Gurskl, 2 All work is bel done on vilinge- dence, Tron River Briefs Mrs, Mavme Hughes spent sev. rans motored to Tronwood Alphe spent Wednesday evening a! mee ‘d property, home of Bic, and. Mrs. Frank site adjoins th eral days in Mastodon where she yesterday afttern0o oC the “Bengal location: | ginoand will pode | was called because of the ines Mr and Mrs. G- Jaedeche spent hem Amasa,_vislted | grour student recreational a of her aunt, Mrs, Hendricksen, Thureday atthe home of Me and | tsiti ‘Mr, and Mra. Clarence Greenquist Mrs, Carl Kasproski, of the Com-| "Ihe village of Caspian ts spontor- Mr. and Mrs, Dewey Powell nnii monwealth aa, — —{ing ine project with a contribution Misa. Elaine Greenquist, an SR: accompa: Mrs. and daughter, of 89.717. The WPA is providing monwenlth, “have rgtur fe by CharlesGibbs, who Allee, and Miss El anyurite whers the attended ‘ine h Carlson | $29,582 Sed 'been in Trout Greek for e briet motored to Crystal Falls Friday Work on the development of the funeral of ae Carolyn Jorgensen, it. evening, where they visited friends. | Nelson Athletic feld in Stambaugh | aged Jorge vas the vintra. Ellen Hogen is spending s¢vGretchen Holmes also underway, T eral weal danprin Milwaukee, relhMiss is apent the menkand cee te prot mate i HH. |moiher Powe be ‘Mrs. Greenquist and Mrs,


see tenge

at~the and

home’ of neg Mr


Tarot Wee 1 calles Doris Cae and Miss Rose-

mayiday ever cored. to. Neima friends ‘and aitended t ineythe vitfed school

roi The” bakers_of New. York ed mere. the first employes 10, go ‘The strike rin those tr treat ed as conspiraders, hat Convictions. seldom were} | C. Bachtold is general chairman of |


ie ormrn






A COME] DY IN THREE At crs owe NtoHtr ONLY FURSDAY, MAY, ole Curtain rises at A215 Crystal Falls City Hall “Auditorium Admsaton, 25¢, Reserved Seats 10c, Now on sale \ Cloverteat Cotfee. Shop



ot Green week-end

Bay, visited at his home.

‘aon, Myron, nette to vigit relatives, Paul Rassmusen, of Ewelf, Mich,


‘friends here over the week

Irs, Louls Cofferata and ron, of cnlcage, are visiting here at ‘the home of Mr. and Carl Berg: Mr.and Mrs. Carl Noland, of Detroit, visited here at the home Mr. ant Michael Marynmitt. Edward Krans,of Iron Mountain, visited here at the home of Mr. and Mra. Fred LaVe Roy Lindeman and Miss Florence

fine: two nen, Ca‘l and Einar

‘counsellor of the junior club

with taking improper pen pi fund now has $182.75, and Mrs. fg nine-year-old Iron River but} B, M. Libby, ‘man, thanked imhout intent ape, W ittiam El | tn for thelr assistance. dred, about lain and: wel- The hospital committee is raising

CHANNING B. here ov

John Maki, age 62, dled Friday at

Silent” Camera For TalkieFilms HOLLYWOOD, Cal, May B—For the firat’time since motion pictures came into use more than ten years ago the afollonplctre tndudtry has "amera which can teed Inside atound Hedio without say ooandprootiag bax,oF “blimp,” aa it ts 2 “rhe new ulent camera, weighing

Engineers here by G. The monitor view finder tacnra “Yerriten and Burnell Porter left-for Green Bay here tne willbe ‘employed. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Erickson visNed In Tron Mountaln Sunday led the Hallenbeck home tellon of nana. dirt or weiens owt Blanche LaValley vielied In Rehearsal ie wenk-and- HC me siTelevision takes about twenty hours of Toone ee and, Mrs. time of vey, Jr. r Dr. Clifford Tobin, of Niagara, minute television play. the society tvisited-here-over-t t the home of hi parents, Mr. and Here Js what it fakes tgpturn out Stewart and Carole Lombard In a scene from “Made For Mrs. W. J. Tobin, & filteen-minutep Each Other." the picture showing tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday “Prepa: f script: construc. Mr. and Mra. Richard Whitto at the Rialto theater. ton or ruodifieation ef: propa and and children, cenery; east memorization of lines; v cast" Tehears me and Mrs, Chi arles Gustafson, renearoal with Mrs. Bernice Hethington and Mrs. soungettecia,staff;lightmake-up; the perBernard Triglott, of fron Mountain, production formance itself, including visited here at the heme of Mr. an aural Introduction of the acl;visuathe Mea: Erwin Mller performance proper with overall Mrs. Lyle Worthing and Delores “Moonlight Sonata” fod Janet Rouse e_moeored-to- Gree supervision of lighting, microphone, Bay Saturday accom Sponsored By Club panied nome by Me: and htras Ts B ‘The Norway-Vulean club will ob- Rouse, and verbal report of errors oF ad Mrs. J.P. Smith and daughter je during the Mary, Mrs. Albert Conery, Mrs foto Donald Iarvey and daughter, Delores, Mrs, Alban Mogan and. Mrs, ‘Theovtore Peteraon, Jeewert Crystal Church May Liberalize IIs callers Saturday evening. Divorce Regulations Continuing the reforestation and) ducting an extensive ‘advace tleket [beautification project started two, * The famous Polish planist Tanace KANSAS CITY, May 8—uP— SAGOLA ears ago, the aarieulttal depart yan Paderewskl, plays several im clpling, a speclal commlitee recom F fh school un’ hers, among them Beethoven's im: liberajization of divorce r Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rung and mended uillural department of mortal *Mfeor entSt dations for the new unified Sethe. hildren spent the week-end with the Norway high achocl, under the pore of ihe eftert of the dist chureh, in Ghtett, Wis. Delegates’ from the southern and direction of ote Instructor, music elub, Erneat.Cristanell, pro- relatives “Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Betilga and Protestant denominations has p) eect 00 agreed to prievor of the Slag finisned Ines sonal on Nofway oe the liberalization under which men Actes of school grounds. Tra Dull, of store, this week will tal and physical crueltywould be Lansing. Michigan state forester. d Mrs, Amos Dishaw and recognized a8 equally-Just ane and. Arthur Lonsdort, of | Tron daughten Jeanette visited relatives for divorce as adultery Mountain, county agricultural agent, in Crystal Falls Saturday. onal gors belate the co Supervised the work. will bea replicn nd Mrs, Otto Kotke and sors vention's 900 delegates for final ace Of the Iatest allotment from the play sh covered bench which the pl- Howarl, Robert and Dale spent the tion. state nursery In Roscommon about anise uses for his relatives at Laona. 100 wera Used for replacing trees Norway-Valean, Susie elu polar bears usually spend dney Ashby, of Tron Moun- theFemale which did not survive the winter. was commended by Mrs, Christian winters under a thick crust of oject, ee in 1937, will state music club president, tain, visited at her home here Sua. ani be continued’ until-the area has/ Herman, ar the annual meeting ee a "Hie and Mriarl Not and Mre, heennts coma me retorested n_mainte-| ‘The AUW-| Tysaay. Houghton | diatret ‘and2| inMondayMarauette, Fred Hamma and son Buddy, have bray were Ifcn Mountain callers TOUNETE HOMES TA DETTE, uray, ——— nace OT next meeting ot the chub Equlament for the (Planting a8! me. TheSaturday fay" 27, when ‘handwi Miss Rhoda Hardy, of Caspian, Mr. and Mrs. Eronle Recla, Mrs. and provided | for the annual picnic will be cone Spent the week-end with friends ere Thursday [Srauven, re. on Rly= Landscaping of the grounds to attend the Tuner Lloyd Gomney and Clem Jou- erof mSaturday ound the city schools. including| Beard of Public Works rein quet. Jr, visited at Iron Mountain maintenance of tres and shrubs| ‘Tne board of public works will Saturday evenin wisn ted, a year ago, Wilde started) meet this evening in the council n teveland, of Iron Rbout May 13 under w WPA project | chambers, Mountain, visited here “Thursday



Norway Pines

Planted In School Area






ae ne at





Mr. and Mrs. White spent a Mrs. Richard Daniels and son week in Ely, Minn, with her pars Richard, Jr. who visited-here the ents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert_Land, AMASA pARL Lo weoks, returned toTONIGHT —_—_—_-—_ Mr. and Mrs, Victor trom thelr homé tn Chleago, Iualor Prove |nnent the week-end in Appleton, Mr. and Ara, James Jeppson vise ited Mrs. Jeppson’s parents, Mr.| or prom was Fela at the | Wis soho eiday evenings Corsi| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crane, of Mant- and Mrs, Oscar Carleton in Crystal nd. ‘| and his band tarnished music. |towees Wiss spent the week-end Fails ov ‘The gymnasium was -lecorated in, her r. and Mrs. Sam Plankey and green and white, The sherne wa @ Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lamion were | daughters, who visited here for sev: | Shirley Templo, Richard Greene a returned to thelr large ship on the sta, in Port Washington, Wis. Saturday| ‘Miss Mary Schad, Tunlor clnss w for the wedding o' grandson,| visor, and her commities were in William Martin. Tuesday, Wednesday charge cf arrangements, Arwood fave returned to Dallafior ‘3 president of thq class. ated on for appendicitis, their home in Toledo, Ohio, after Many persons from neighboring The Sewing ciub was enterained spending the past two weeks here. towns attended, tthe home of Mrs, Glen Brittain George Stuemptie, who spent sev‘Thursday afternoon, days here, has returned to his Foreaters! Maclin Mr. and Mrs. Guy Williams and eral home in Ghicago. Mrs. Stuemptig Toulmont. of the state conGerald, mo! . Fon, remained here to seevalion departinent, will demonvisit her mother, Mrs, Carey, Strate the setting of coyote traps to and Mrs. Austin McGregor} the Foresters’ group Tuesday, bay the James Lake camp, visited nis andMc. ‘children and Mrs, 9, Walter Carlson. of Amasa, will parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hanson, Philip Broadiandand daughters demonstrate fly tying fcr th: class over the week-end Lois and Millicent visited in Cryein the near future, = tal Falls Saturday, CARD OF THANKS We express our sincere apprecia- Mrs. Rudolph Johnson and daughME, Ladlew y Ala ters, Joyce and Ruth, and Phyyils eM 1 E. Ladies’ Ald met at the | tion to all our friends and neighbors and Evelyn Olson and Beverly CamWormwocd home ‘Thursday. after: | for thelr acte of sympatny during

‘The Little Princess’


noon, Mrs.



and | the recent Pergavenvent of


Mra, Ralph Premo were hostesses, | loved son and bro: rand in Jacob Palla! and Hel Anzasa Blots Miss Tbeanna has arrived CARD OF THEAD from Chicago fo vislt relat Our recent, and Joes leaves tus with aratefu nie a feleads. vished in Trea River eatraay ressions of sympathy and thought= a Jackovich wns taken fulness will alvin he remembered.| Mrs. Louis Vukovich and children to‘Stumbacgh "Thursday to be oper: Tron River, Michigan.


NOTICE FHA Insured Loans

IN MARINETTE Ifyou need aloan, youare urged your loan can be made entirely to leara about Houschald’s new by mail. The coupon below will service of loans by mail. You ing you, withoud obligation, can now apply for $20 t0 $300 {ull information aboot this coos withoutevenleavingyourhome.

The simple arrangements for

venient way of getting money

for emergencie:

Quick facts about the Household Finance Loan Plan 4+ Anyone? par anole Loans without ¢a-” B+ Quick action, No tediv* Fiance for « darsers, Nasal ct wise ___ own wating. foam of $20 w $300oa fay arm om oni balance smoothly sate charge ia t Small mociblyparmects. sonable 7.No credit loquiries of 20 months to repay, inc Gtieeds oF telatives. ‘ Fry don't you learn more about this convenient service fer People with monez problems? Send the conpon below Neder.




1736 Main Street, Marinette, Wis, Please sll me,-wiibvat obligation, bow L can apply for s Household Finance loan

for Repairs and



Persons interested in U. S. government loans, through FHA, should apply to us at once.

We have successfully handled a goodly numher dfsthese loans for our customers the past few yeara,


We shall be very glad to-go. into this- matter thoroughly with you.


Iron River National



Tron River, Mich,

Member Federal Deposit In surance Corporation



Joho Corradina + John King tlonel Atwill + Miles Mander Douglos Dumbrille

~Added= News, Gibbons Adventure, Artie Shaw and hestra Pete Smith, Cartoon



Speed Swi&

pon Beduors, dalending champion |

eran oto ondecision 0



joe in as culun-tled_ but

Recanabernt, Crystal Falls.


- (eK wide phen. thrown by Cedrle Prea kn ESS — hurler, caught Badger Richardson, rol_-aquarely-on-the side of. the

aa ate | Nace IWEXE E FOF ia ames arnt WIN

and feed nim wneonetous | need on the fleld and then rushed to 1 Iron ctures showed

a slight. fracture

: lies



latte eta teens eee aia That troutle| icy counted the bain et Od Na Rt a nerve | ee Mina eer ne ee

green, Ab, | bromewirethe fence, aan treate eee ee prizes| of $2693 In.eee up] Te a’ qustribution and Biagio] *0me ee te any, roapective Dar,which has shotbeen a eeitae While | veManes J.B. Erickson. oe ae



an indleated.

probably e mls up 7 would pct pO Rého!hol Waal Although Partially




Tetctrned’ and ut ch ani There Sano ‘ube Nble denn anyone's elie that bait the ocala! total scoFIr® W9S | at over | ai | . e d i t a n o P super-| Woodward's William banker over || 10 orPuttae runner, atiil shaking rose petats| ,,.eSe Rovers managed ene aeete from his-handsome mane after his| hi on an | bag initial the on safely rived | smashing triumph in the Kentucky

Fans Nino his lack of control was]

touched for nine biows.|

horse saying~ Toorely he is the best there

nowhere to second pince Inst


0 O] in St innings






4.| American League

ch © 0 5 0 4] dcuble triumph over Chici 1.1.9 0 O/ and 9 to 6 dropped the tinatiers to Sahtoion


10 7

6 8


1OSINE the Secomt. AME apth-ane ra ee even Of eatntyc 0000 soHonYOrk Yona Aw 1 00). 0-0

> nesta uo nn

enth place, 1161,



ihe games tat

Fishy. Eye Puts Two

filee. Smogalesiel was credited with



out — by|

players, the Ford|son., the spo:” and Wilton filled the bases when| ring noweomers shawed up well|Qrgman 15; Hiney 5; Lakari 1; Maki| Christian made another | McAneny revealed a good arm and|?. Left ses—Crystal Falle 4; | on errors—Crys:| Lip-|Negwunee 5, Fieat Job creditable a did TET bunt-wad Davist aan ck alg ott | cat ee JOD OFof catching. Dat TaIbeTe acored when. McAmed? | Cid,6 creditable iakarl a. Barna uns | drove| Orphan 2 aod ree eomners: dropped Gopers wie throw In 49] ending ol oat n plates! forenat tempted, a single on « misjudged Infield ball

rine Be , at ea sae ters, hoth singled, Collins saz iticed | Ford ‘Twi




Friday nights, Weekcentl scores with handicaps Included. rey ireeaas even Han a G48. Trealllian Srp. | News 547,iloughby total 2963,S18, Dyer 615, Kapeliar ighitt Markets

stare of mi

‘The (wo gave Ferris the cold stare’ as he passed Livernols “an! Fenkell avenues In a scoutcar with Pirates ete Do tn

$B) River, Tn place, na ns farlan-E, Che! scar

aea ee geet


eae fe] STARS 410222 | (By The Amociated Preea) #2307 oo221 Athletics — His! 3011206 fall turned | B000380 Tigers in favor of Philn-| 49 132 1 Of deiphia, 10, Phelps, Nedgers—Pinch sin400042 300042 h_runs_as 0 1.0.0 © Ol bent Cardinals, 2-1,

Brooklyn || §)

Sam Ha

ane—Pinen single|| Ca two'rina to beat Sen-||

ink MeCormick and Harry oy ‘Richardion 9, by Gober 2: hit | Craft, Rede-—Former hit homer with ma: full andee or clr by pltener—by Richardson 2 (Chrly | bases swith teorow to-hetp latter tomhit for Prit s,clzcult134. || finn and Tak (out Babe, Plratee—Batied in four|| i trot to ingle two ‘comin Kifcher; stolen ‘barca—Christian Kircher2, Soderberg, Mason. Enger, Tae loaded. as Pitsbureh walloped Miller; Sacrifice hits Collin SI | Bese 9: Bilstey, W! sum | Mel Ott, Ginnte—Got four hits sol|

tbat In-three runs and“scored three | a tupuelt tg Riat Gabh Wray


Sets New

Meet Vault Record MILWAUKEE, Wis, May 8 Setting four new and scoring events, Marquet


‘The Philadelphia

fron place a ihe ann



‘S51, E, Flaminio 54, total

Foe Standard—A. Bienaa SifyLe man S64, Oso Se8. Swit Powe 515" Big So-nerten -2-Zonor r 3% Holm 588, Learned 498, J, Mena total ee eeies eon Tvalten! 520, 547, Caruso



| Metropolitan Hemey | 5 teventh| ter) ghini 484, Irzo 59%, Gall 543,


‘On the other hand the Boston Red | 527, ©, Crisplgna 567, C. Schei 596, : el 2 ota aa Bas ae Tron | Sox booted away their fies piece Beseoet



fn 2a,

mn Aseeslitiora

|think there

ght Menza, Tran Sountain, ase, | but you ean ane, tt nome In aioe


tuichineon Caves | Ba AM STHutchison Lovee ebut

| | |

‘Hutchins elght ints,“te ie

truck fleld teary Michiganand -Btate —-collter defeat ted | : lorence Defeats

Florence baseball team Tipler ThE in a practice


rh at bases

Lng “Manager, Mickey Meath’s | tenth in of the season, and other tourebaser, by. Joe dust. c! two and walked | three In tho she Innings he pltened, Heath's homer, witr one on in the

ier MILWAUKEE, indianapolis Minneapolis at St, Paut Columbus at Loulsvite,

Finches, a Nie relay || Tilet yesterdas team, 1 mane RAE aie Fey =


MILWAUKEE, May 8—2?—Fred~ die Hutchinson's American asaocintion debut was spoiled by the MIF waukee Hrewers yesterday ax they took of a thedoublefirst, 10 5, aftergamelosing noader,the 6 second ait to 20 hitting daboree

Piutsburgh at Bostaa. ‘St. Louis at Brooklyn.


filth,Freddie reclded Muller, the |game. veteran, Toledo

sucker: iraight timer, Inching = nem and five singles i

& and a noe and homer efor defeated| Boperly stepped him in the rose. game at] The ens Bupbied the Bre ern

pitching. staff with 21 safeties In

the first game. The 11 Brewer hits included homers by Heath, Justin Stein, Ted Gallic and Johnny Hull Sun-| s ime betwe n Teg RTE "waetorraancte UAE | Hil fan his hitting streak throu e_time| rr tt ee Or ra ee ee Hetttt, haHubrie, Michigan | between sunrise and sunset; henee-| seven gt has made |

will be no war nee

bet w nickel on | Mountain, | year—but 1 {wouldn't fourth place, 1767, $13, jie noes re tel i Chalmers, Iron Mountain, elanth || tn “Bland, x law makes | teeat io take home ice crgam, la place ie,2477, $250, staboard ‘containers on Sunday,| inigh Tnaistdunt tron


ghipeatials Wa lndianagels 4.) sx or bowling Tol : Ut

clade 01 to 4% here Saturday, | Tipler Nine 10-1 ‘The record performances by | FLORENCE, Wit, May


pinch both scoredPhelps It Babe bases single With the Brooklyn runs. Sfailerty. seg Hale delvared_a lnc seore wo runs an the 10IN Faning| of Cleveland's ame with Washing-| ty an 87 vi ton to give Bob Feller & rescue act.|, after the youngster Wid Athletics had no|

sa] yi Paine Hon Mounan, 23m |

two burglary suspects with police] GAMES TOMORROW records, Ferris withheld their] Amertean Leay names, explaining that more arrests are expected to clean up a burglary gang which hi active for erat the Palmer Park district a CHICAGO at Now York. Cinema at Pouindeinbta | i

on, Yankeee—Hit “two|] 0990000 ‘Totals 31 2.42645 6] homers and single to account, for + Ran tor Rahol In 9h. five runs in 15-4 rout. of White Sox. || By.danings: RH E| Buck Newsom, Browns—Knocked|| Ford TWint «. 009 0:0 100-2 4 6] Red Sr out of American leaguel| 391 urling seven-hitter,||


‘otal Gal 5 587. Se

nis |

% ode which gave perck with 45 | stounein, 35th place, 1150 Riven, the en ert | a Cohodes S14. Cohodes $69, 2: St. Louis Bro eelinnC. Larson. leew Ap fe New York Glants and Pitts-| Cohodes 504, D. Cohodes S44, total 353) 22nd place, 1114 $6, 2818, Wenteraahtt OBE tron burgh Piettes showed home runs| 33 S30 Kala! S01, Be aren't, necesary Ifa team gets] | Furno-Cerasoll River, 20rd. place She proper] Ollva $60, Mitchell 35h A. Meme ett, Le Poss. Tardenoie Norway, | enough teaser. lo Traut ne Canta got 6 for 2 bases | ghint 368, Saat piace, di07, $5. 51, Spare ‘Times—Marolf Capital 1053] Cubs, Chicago the Bai) yh Leclair dacobson, Tron | to se mile S84) sountain, ath place te, 1089,$1. | while the Pirates plastered 14) pana 527, Sculati 497, Bertrand 585, 5 go. D. BjorkmamF, Verbick, Tron | tyainat the Borton eer and won, a Moroni BB total ZT Doubles DeBaker 0, Cucall 62, total 38 Mountain, ot ‘place pinee the, te: 1099, " $1. | 92, Witters 500, Thiele 559, 1188; : Re Viens. tron Mouritain, ith 400 place tie, 600, $3.50. Strong Defense 1659; A. Conodes 1%. P. Contes

¥ aetna 30, DETROIT 2 ional uD lta 4 Cincinaat ° einacelin ure re 10, cicaco a wie eEzIe Aan ine porated be Laale Bt, 2 wuddeniy ran. tno a ,urpoxtoa

Geshanie poe 4 12120 oo900 1229 ole ents] Sartor! and Hanks, Seorer—.} store entrance and dre 009 14a osoo9 Fun, Times 2:10, ber pistol Ferris reported. Iie 9010 6|_ | dropped it, however when Fersit|

en PZakowst pounced out of Mason's glove, Col- piter-Lund and was given & walk and Zhlbgih' Bowman

es er

J Mer S68, F. Moroni 587,enc6. 86, Sanford ett a _ Arnoid’s—Hanson nol Sehel 606, Patrosso S33, Clements aiw. 483, total 27 Kraft Cheege’-Vandervlile Laramie} — Zangien aa enn

Tr'nite ind umes at Rate His aver aus la dT.


delicate situation te pitting


Germans against Poland for the sec: nd. gat leader the sald however, fe aid not belle the current political tension betwee: the. two ‘ountries: would helt the matches, scheduled to be played at

i Skimming the water' at 129.7] That a traveling | —————


2. tout

ingles johnson ie Tet] mince, Sam 9. TERE 2: He Senet 633 sea] | ee MS. sscinniauly CHICAGO, May B—UM—America Bi pace the, S8T. $5.0, Da strong a have’ should | 17th Mountain, Iron 518)" p, Bjorkman, should hive * reign potiey’ that| German And Polish 12400) piace, 595, 34 G. Fredrickson. Iron Mountain, | would make it Impossible to side} XU)" 2 with-any nation—directly or ind-) Net Teams Matched tonh piace te, 88, $8.50 2 os tie. eral, Mieaare, "ana place |e eemeraneraE e rake, bad sald] | VIENNA, Mag. 8—7—The NRA admiststrator, during NRA idhahip dinner ~at| of the Geran Davia cup team over | biae, 25th Caspian, ML set clinched: — yeste: Haake Shore Athletic club. Rex 82 New “York 15 "Chengo ‘ doubles ermansoat wort w o f pouebllty garding.war, theGeneral iron Mountain,™ | enn fe es Jetton, ‘ tie themail Johnson sald.Eu °E | tp acete, ER, $2

He ee Ter Oo Sie or

1 fanning sition on‘six inbatters, Finn td doubling||

injured after stealing secondw wre ne collided with Miller, A blow in the knee force ¢ game, Raho! aubatltating ena runner | nd Maxon’s| wi dhrougt Renvite arcve ih | Ranottron-seeon bean tot eg deciding counter of| the game was scored by Niagara In| after two were| ie seventh inning j= Soul_Miller’s tong "but —eaay-f1y |


and ea edneasay

: (8


1 3 in 44; | pedestrians walking north, the othe] % moa wade Wnecedenee rine eHiunee | or oem Bat 0; Orphan, none,


1153, | Mount east J. place, Crispigna,

1 (20 tn & Wazelngion a3 Tangs; | man aeparstods” One deinea te| Goegenns ‘itevents PR

ite ott 2 in Chittan hos. the etude Lakari halted further scoring when booties ae shortstop.

he stopped Richardson's tine drive.) Wilson going to-second, logged completed a double play to Kitchtr

low Into a double and was nipped Mc-|


i |In Toils Of Law DETROIT, May 8— haa sates tents cis Beet dae

to keep Collins at third. Thibert,| Gober, p meanwhile, attempted to stretch the


it, otal est Drucker homered with, the derville “ttt pines 2,318 Ble miata Johnson-G. 4toy) City Baking Beklott 500, Becco Hultquist, Iron] bases loaded in the fifth inning

7 8 7 O| fourth 0 01.0 Tf Clava. 9098 linea, vente Sigeioetet Towa Double Play Ends Threat a oat Impartant inctok of four 00000 Coming to bat in the same inning,| pounded out a single to right fleld 10 Sane 00.00 Oly, Enger flolded the pall andfn aa ef 0 0 0 O Ol peougnt togetner Indlann aad bichhall | xx fort ta throw to the p’ 9 5 igna at Ann Arbor white. tows = ~<i=z| Mipped trom hia hand ahd Miller 788 Ia Stave at 342-403! ide. Purdue m seared unmolested BT pair Johnion in| Cotambus, Newcomers Show Up Well $7 99sota at Minneapolis i Aiinals the XX “pated for Kart 4 ninth, shaky debut,showed) drew a'pass and Thibect Schaite + § vansiol poses Twins unquestiorably Twine]tol Forg“Dteptte"inele balls, Kikeher, first on four first-sacker, squelched the a viakingstoe a foe fe comble| XXX w t = 9 T ~Philndelphinssiesss acheduled. not was Wilcoaiis in_ninth, 2 Jor Rxx—batted makings of formidable combl-[2 eiatany's| the ie ie See Sa Wingara,| van a ri er and catching Thibert off first 6 39 putsburgh sesveeeses ingara, Crystal Palls. +. 021 500 10x10 10

@ acd in making a play for yim at} first Gober threw wild, Kenville: averthrow. Miller scoring was calledon cutthe near the plate In temptingto score on the same play. Mcaneny making the patout. Tab bert then lashed out a single to Tiaht ‘Held: Enger, Ihrowing. home




Crafttae | louded-ane-another by Harry Me | with two on. When the Reds returned to the| | cs Of tna National Jengue Satarday| Wy beating Boston, 6 to 4, they out-| mit the een a mere 23 10 1 .

Notany Latdenolt Beverages, 44th On the distaff side, the reorgant-| place, 2680, $50, ‘ll he het n week frond tox] “D, comascon-G. Ecdlskson, iron} La Sat sincoriiy igs, 4an- | yy 15—when ctficers-will eae Tron Mounee Pabeheri lected hd the pregrain of SOU |eCr Mirch. Moune | [ssi tn tesdlacussed, Caspian, sev-| ———-——————— |_C. Pollen-ll, Rlotettl, $36,

1 O'O}3to1a4n OF 0-8) Pe dadaoS4. ean Purdue O10 1 i) with tndinna, Taping the rst 30)

of 55 feet-5 and his inte mark of 54. feet-69,

x at first. The Twins came back to score In Christia the fitth, With one out was snfe on Kenville's bobble and stole—second. Mason's timely drive acoves Chrlatan: _ Win In Sevent


who were paid $200 for| — Cincin mati's case ia similar. The, Aprieanig S57, Glannunzio 547, fae

zation ten of the Women's auxil-| Doubiew



frame. counter In the fourth @ bert reached first. when Chistian muffed his grounder to shortstop. but was forced out on Sibilsky's sa>



the St Louls Cara] $86 green “beta ition” tournaments) |AthTrenplacMouncainDickinson Totes, | cull . ty beating toured front aout] 24, on four hits, One of these Timnialo waek | fF club: members.

Ane Nits

1 2ar 00 0O||



the Kaiisas ofAmer Rich-|with _Titat. Mason exceeded!andTorrance’s Big Six,Nebraska Ure nextout twoand batters] walked struck adxon



gueylon tke whieh came feat—the SAA Dellaleer S04, Witters E58) Cor a a tote ice ni ee Yaverns, f te 80 tc Oe eee 12, E. Lund moved botgars een Bro The game, Combination Neinian Iron Caddy] permitting, weather day, Cleaners539, 0.‘Piaminio 9 0 0 OO}0] sition thls, week'swe ks card OF) sister DeVet will put on one of the | Lunch, ninth place tie 2103, $35, | Into secand place In the senior cir-| , Quality during this Silom during 1311 7 Piaminio $3 Germac 542 A.

ing Inning, geounded from@ pitched ball put Christian on] effort, made in ."triangular meet


topped athe alae,wih

Several more: teams will bow! In

Chicago White Sox, 15 to 4 and| those four runs which Red Rutting P| So, tha fact Joe, Hes, fon don It a couple of home rans, once| Wit ene more on andthanagelnpassing with tw‘Impor-|

winnings i he ee

nn ee, Bo Ties

four trips to the plate. Talbert Mil-| une shot So-feel,LAincnes here Sate d1100 with a air of victories over Mlinols tviotorie 11120 better ti American and | yralinowsk, a8 ter and: Kenvile aso figured benvlly ene a fi a eretalng aye Same! a Bil apiece. Bational intercollegiate rpcords, has (Orphan, Pere d 10020 a ee niy x | eft a trailYof 12 shatteredd marks in | 4101027 5 1|“Sienigan wo _botm ty on be Tatar + Seat ietceeantered tHespaeg: brih| won Danny Smickon’ and lan HPO Negaune © ough no suns were a‘scored In| ‘Only : Jack Torrance, Youlslana Nera HPOAE|jant piching, Tae ae din eas ee Fo Sober and States famed pitcher of few sears Rapp, 2 0 0.0 2 0) qhte mtstin each fontest. to. win,| ann Hidiaed fn found hemes An pal ie



on Mountain Elk arrangements provide £6 822102) crrcaco, May 8—aP—Michigan] Match with IsKpering on June | sata, $200. ‘i vthe most dangerous | Mt Pine Grove, and a return maten| [ron Mountala O° 0 2 -B-o| oomed today as the most dangerous)At Pi eeming on pune 24 Next Sune| third. place

MANHATTAN, Xan. st ; aes States nolsn Ya the Niagara batting | Filmer meat ttack, driving out three aavelles in| famed “One: ‘aa Gang’ who tossed |

out. Ablow


event swith shjuclte, ewMic on, and huge pites of dead limbs | sineles champicn with, 1716, | events ine tone at ole 9secur Ing from that eflort may be seen) So" Thos 7 about the grounds, reaty to" be |S Bip a bevling bia oe high BorSUE burned or hauled a eam Tha lar’schedutecor| Although though ah no no regular regular schedule Comploie ist of Menomine < schedule oof]

eae Tirst DAI which Charles F u [Poe Big 8 Ten Lend te ep np”seriner:[et ts er dnt sue Pea ADR HTOAE

1 Kansas Tosses Shot = 55 Feet, 11 Inches

rere a the bus foued: water wlth Bodo



7 Dakety ves Bass Eide: 06, are 73 cents for two rounds,oF 18


Liptrot and Enger to fill the sacks, by



yester-|ontonlo 483, L, Fereacca GAL, the Philles $200 for nt || ay,nes 13bombarded tain tke Miceno atte,werepaid Medeten "nu Managers. are requeste:ted too | ta4, although their 10 nite 281 . and P.—Mitchell 468, Loverich | Pivatto brought Bray hom A. the change'In the lent of| Drushing out and. In some InToe than Paul Der-| ot BB Hert be Pel Dav Devidton na racitced He theservepitching * 1h, ea one thi ater distance made recently | stances, the burning of heavy under: Nargutie, gat $80 fer thelr i191) ave. Henderson 554, Ellingson 546, the latter to second. ‘The fourth ’ first place doubles score, 3 M. HI 5 siehiga A home run by) 580, ate saball‘ “asnclatlon| : brush iy | first 580, total 2726, proved to be survivedthe blg Inning. kRoct atecorssice’ withthe: bases} Battista Cudlip's—Staple 21, Malnar $65, fa nearing comple man,orate of Munising, wha won the | [Slane eolahe Whe pileine se ‘of, Chal nowski

troublesome at times, Richardson| has heen. ea pees pene BOL tance I to be 40 feet insteat of 45 turned ian creditable mound pers} , Suc talk probably waa a tefle|jancin see saute | f Can mes are scheduled the plat aucliching if Tony "Spect"| 3| Myeerial Johnstown and Is so “Frematuce. much of a | Buhorse| | over pea grawe a pass slapping scheduled for 6 o'clock. | In he event nf rain games will Be | slop b a s t , “Suray trainee, femeua hla thal for| goed erly ssnay offerings were night, tomorrow played Q gute isn't Eitasimmons, dim’ | them of Ford Twins its. co tear on, | himselt, Coming aff the bat of Geo i a . higan The ‘siagara ace alsq, struck out| “I won't be surpflsed ‘the eps] ge crower Stnyor Pate Baried

ee ‘Gober was


ee a a“7


Icha Though

| WHEN hits mean rans,

sare toute 62°60: divkied te-15-on ~The deity green te S50 sonone 3 ieee except tise ech Su18 eitona 30 umeies, ‘ when i a places, $90 tor | Raaiion, anere ts availante a spe: |8i0 for 10 alLevents ‘which Is geod| nine booster teams, and $15. (bowl- | clal 30feercar for cavy play, within 20 days of} ing. ball for high Individual game, | dezuance, Iv a ‘good buy for., the

fot the east site at The Tfon Moun-| bats with| tain News clan rival,crosses the Wiscons}ns | ig most bilter Michixan Power compa ax-foll are games ronlght’s ‘Ted's Grocers vs. Herbit's lowe at enst side.


oft the held

rom a& good exnieilonjon ndand typleplea! pttem of season opening play,



ta on 588. Petroni nothing, too, thet the| Bessy 625, Kehtannen It Is worth heber Se ee sens vas Power Pope 565, forat 22% CescontKids—A, Brora Yankees hava Tost |6O%Sunkist four ee “hia ca Oliva Tavern Joe's v a . Fox Sat “yo were games in which they hit no| : ae a Crystal Falls willied In the secS44, E. Tom= Crispigna 0. 569, Ot'va pitening thelr although runs Nome | Aron 3238 PNiggne Re 9 8 7 the are year tnx tes Cate snd when Richards. whammed a | &€ 4°28 ST vw Sat Sackim’s at 2 oom gg the melon | Wa# somelimes better than that of) asscnl 645, F. Valentl 582 totnl 234, hour for All| ry, entevan Yiner ‘through shortstop_and com-| Gasi Phillip’ opposition "he, | Moun. Iron the by away kes ae wag | they when

teat ore xin game



“ Se

ue re, third with ith 1 14.

Judson Bailey



only, earned. ig. the Though the game.



with a. Kids tookheldthirdfouith, Sunkist wih tercin Tee and Cudlig’s SRS Coats Drugs rested Ia salaad


{for the 2nd ariaua na merclal Sottbait Teague komen to-| tach" fea, af the distances feom fae ARO Tee ONC on (o the green, sae a Tertangleornare ee Service fellow three Tein se a Te Gait of 2s | ble’s the Way tole | to show was not eto! tinted PnMarksalon wre over the week-ene ment ma for suprema Preakness r-olds Int salad Game __ rors. Bir *Stahol's Injury waa the elimay af] a series of exciting plays and Inkept a big erowd an | which exe throughout the game Te seatalin'the Badger vie-|

| despite assaults by nearlya score Of


he beslemanaged Lournaments ever

rv ia the designations, found favor ill] | has A pair theof second roundbatter inthe distribution af prizea ate an STALL eee a s ee ch Com d nex next St aL runs end three hits while fannlT.| ppaicte .

when he willi be called upon urday, when

night It was|


|| whieh remained atop the |

Ry (Associated reas Sports Writer) It may be possible to win baseball



/ is:


ae “ay ah and urday

ahh Siinar ud ne fellowotters gamesan good MeCartpitehinae the. New|| thnman Concluding. ex larse Joe mnended for staj Minelt, pen-| bulk of the “doubler and yet to take to the have entrants nt.| association, the by held "The fact Cincinnati's Reds and the| alleys, serousiy in error, they Werel prizes A: ore in front oaay} | Women will occupy the lanes to| Yanks emseives M MARQUETTE precisely correet their clty tour Seemed to prove it. Both are teams| ment’ night. In launching ; whi have a faculty for hitting)


revived on the | grade-A oats at the Pimileo track in weno replaced im, ie to Jat an |__|

r eneray toward pital. There I revoery was ‘rapid | oundless


ne ety ost to short of 154 whlch competed. at) record Tt] the Menominee in 18%",

each of fairways]

usured atrateht. down

NEW i Dr. Huron sald that | gangling Johnstown, thp colt that | f tingly might maké the old-timers] the local igwi advantage, Hint ‘oli the shelled Jens pitcher, starting tears] sentimental weeping Quit | fora ae eee cservation about Man O° War, ls munching his| mound aller, three tram . Lakari, few days, rood”

[Ser om

Clark and Dr, Cliford Menzies.

fils ala now tending wan re-meanured and ansJune Zohason, Tegainefaraded 15io ofmem, eo!ntuc- | turn it 17 to resume his post as


By Gayle Talbot YORK, May 8—U>—Great,

coneltion wan very Bu that ang.Fanos that complete recovery |

Mayae Wal The 1000)

ny Wf pONe Deinelna) smpraverert on! ” alyCharles Sawyer, of 8Escanaba, was n'a success “ot Hughn | Frank i J. Russel “spikes mW. Javan “the “ettectiveness af one] chosen gssiciation presitent forby ‘Back Into te the, pourss Orphan, burly underhand artlat and | Thompvon and Grant Polghage, seston of, the. teleway en Be 8 1040, at the annual acto ri inesecre m1 al | so a ne ann election held


Lmes'tie went the route with em-

Todty ‘iat xray Wie oresatai tod


Yeu. caldy

x eae =

Louls De


greens In Play, | protersions!,






ae it be eld In bs cand the acts ooh cig raporrrtel attack In tha second, third, and | Countey ch eee « nd soetal| sports ae fourth innings to pile up elght runs | ong Smeeprogram The oftales en during the season. eet wns awarded to Escunt | the 1599 membership the twoare holes| tellent chcondition, cont 38", Fedvite 486, at, tai In the 19001 Bee a: pantya'three new | balpy 18 not yet complete, sUll) |VatAlthough temporaryand greens of-the- ballots mace Neve yes- t cham 10 we eee lation ni this 3e mes anterere enein ihe are still ctu greens p temporary Ron (ercay disolosed, Escanna waa givthe| fairways week. this opened be probably 110 to 3, oe eto to 382a for ptetrom ha Bac neYanks Climb or thing [Darbd Bercaen edemirr ik “Mech-ewtns: sertioe tocal tremendous the uwsbting-~not ofthe exirutivg comaiti-| Oe Mamivers Meee annyfactor siIn the gaieg

Crystal Falls 10, Nexaunes 8 South Range 4 Eécanaba 2.

of the Northern Wiaconsin Michigan |. tin} dengue, got of on th oe copping a 3-2

but two

CRYSTAL FALLS, “May 8—| With all Breaking loove with a powernouse | Une 1990 sensor atthe Ping

fo Rocrea-_—~

TAGARA, Wis, May 8—The Nia-


ain eshte aeons |! ears | Tournament rine SnMae, Derlng Sesion es


News: Comment And Govsip Abont Se

is Wins 10-3

In Opener


Gas Kegles Beat. || News Keglers U.P. Bowing Sackim In Roll-Off sowie om ae | Lop City Tourney Voted


_ Badgers Turn | y.w.. LEAGUE Tea Fae 4$Bie Back Fords le w

Twins Lose 3- 2

Ball As

ahoi’s Skull Fractured By Pitched

| ~~






( )







125% |Int Nick «0... 47% Adams Exp -s6 7% 0 PESOW f =¥0u "YORK. THC ETN Tel RL Tet TC [int aeIe ee Paul ontoday's stock market ey take 0] iii or could leave tt alone and the exceptionally ied Johns sine ++ TL | amail volume, combined with » de-| clining 4 c lessshift, apparently indicated| 3 Gime be Beh | [en emery seattle Groseror roe course got off to a slight adva |‘ Ai artes at the opening,ng, ThenTher motcrs staried Soislve: sicangs fellowes by sees sieck creer

Ohl e

roof modest plus signs in


8 Mar Mid ‘4% | Mar Fi

: pears

Trucks 2


soft coal tie-up. which received the| 4 Principal blame for the apatheth

iy. retreat. waa gm the ah intervention of) felteme

totals since last Jane

a Uachanged to down ‘s. Calton, in| Inte transactions, way up 2 con's® Mon reeling and thr: French trans the former at $4.68 were narrow, Ded me latter at 249 coms — ei ; ins and Provisions —Wheat: Open High Low Close

said te make Seranalingeor









Net change


12, small colored 10. white 10; geese | rough






ad unehimeh

fe = Monday pcre 1 ie Bt5 | May e8—UP—Selting 7 Be a 16)a ae nent coreof | MOM nage BuneCHICAGO, entemver

actual grain on May contracts 20 oe wheat oe

so Dept, Agr-~Botaioes 20, on track 3, | ftal = total US. antpments, = Saturday Ba





t poate: Into the concept









Ibs. colot


5 Ibs.






dency wich













a stock ni. fair

wnak octhern baal steed





= mn

"Ane the Ovoman emrice eld wnt ieeten | sarge. part of prree Patt a that Of Eur ‘a celine te | eariy If Rauschning’s analysis of Na fam Is correct, then It ly apparel that it cannot be dealt with at all | in che traditional proveduren Syecket ofporedle ee politics—br oF

cy NICE oe oT pd — SEVE eewit ae



cession or adjustment, Tt

seidenle it must be ‘isola




tle vie

lon. Bit not isola lia the plunder | tion from it—for that in like alow and the destruction of material, In-| Ing the mi



tellectual and

wales. pro: ish until it Invades uced. through 3 generations; an i-| Teolatlonlam sho: ld. mean Taclatlon Hentate netiy



Syoten connat ang | of it ttelation er it iroes every part longerconceal its In an Seatern civilization, ‘and. fom “1

‘ latedean if te i market unsettied, demand mov Meera beans Ee ene salseuien eau Sit vie Ayea ani anton

or phyalen! prowessand they

selogment cf antcchritian tend

I the opposi's pale of neds

a coe collapse, of anysystem conceivable “What,1s this revolutfon?” he! operative European orpart world undes ; asks, "A breaking loose of the na- any kind of adjustment what: ners tion, which shoows the sharpest | For to-do #0 would be to destroy soe doubttut shenewi@ BO warit And fs At —= Rather, fete ite © disease of an) ° 1080

hedeyfo lenge as Seni

Oe eee


Bue the human mind. if eis some: | — BUY, Uz fe RL gem het civilized, doubts experience = fy sw anotedre ANG ypu iit, if,#xistmely, dificult to Ime: five cou as me interes! “sor ral od The Olanan soinire Bre len dncherles: seit wei Pre iho! formalloncee =D in bopareere ee Srat arena Hal manitence|@¥ strength that Ki MWeell im superior cunning, futhlesss

ly trained for the were t any legal social order, and Ww D: | the _neegressive dissolution, ea Spansion and a preservation ef the became president of the Dan-} histcrical values into total rihilk| Ottoman rule by the consistent de-

nd omc, are nggular ror towns | bet dept ilk peace for a tong time. conclusion that wh [nave found temporni t ; ————— | the nihilism of the



Nasi revo | Trnmewe nature of thedocumentation:

ERENT AN liicréased-

rig restored to a Unies The

the party to complete the total Nazl-| whe attempt of these times.” ne gta ein the! saya, ia to come to Termin ever WIN Reation, ot at that whBut the unbearable out of fear worse: ruin of Ne the Ta te ATT SRCwholerale him. namely, the extermination of| before the, question” what will every. principle which he believed! enange an unbearable condition ta| that Germany shared seith the rest! a better tte western civilization and the] stands ta a hiniisic| tol-talinonitay’ must become ef a cer| sev of the esigned~crving iy || adoption ont Carlo of the litte Brine seth ere comeaf the Talla retgees | hlmaelt “t ‘ave been isd" t0 and left alone to ita own. terd


atx, ale , za EI ere

memes remat|

the Bt


aha ww cer

white Feo 38; leghorn broilers ther SS ae STRIPPING RAINBOWS = 2



organized murder, terror, trolonaae, robbery, renchéry, the rape—whichIr flour: tubing ‘n _preseatday, Germany ah even the ore il seemway ofthe natural, wganic lif yang Indeed iia 1 the tebe y cene turiesof tradition are. B1ce com released,


Hole 2003 442 ©.




that out of

will come a leadeship of super-banalts who wil plundet the world:

nia senate, Then he wns ordese Pane by || smlet

mA tenets, which fepresent the 1599 {949 nigh .: 153 crop, eased prices 10 Sump more 38 Te nS om cent a bushel it the wheat i938 hy INered low + In Recent Year 169 of theof Nevemene ood FainetradeIn remmanstion t0 receipt ign Sooc2469 1588 wa et Bet during. the. weekend, “Mas wheat helped Isat ow so. 516 53 GIB 61S Stirrgtte ae 's cent about however tofromrally’its the Beare. earlymarket tow paint, iss et Pay | rt Farr fins here have been no deliveries of Poultry as

May 8—Un—UW.

among the biologically suj ee The concent of ‘noblesse oblige”

trying business:

b lackened

1 here

an Ralle Ui Sigg gy rurkeys tom 26, hen 19


Potatoca CHICAGO,



gone historia) value , train, and trained ee to take. eons thee stone primltte mailaets, Bewevans abt nized, raced canale 4 aa moment the social order at at 4 the “spontaneous” pogrom, which in the more Rorrible fm -that it Is reale degree, spontaneous, once 1 the corrupting process has bee {Naz of education! the Nazt It Jarre out, Is the fie y supercra

especially for those unraine with | ‘The macithne | ‘Arter Mra, Rose Gold wax arrested in the curcent Inveatgatlen ot mountain climbing. 15 | Ohte_ on | euGt heer B oc ate | Orie Sits wasce Rint —ahere come of Mals"t Jewish| . Brookiyn rackets, herAb yon, Sun Siegel, falited when ke saw her in || fetugees, are reported 10 be atl) the hands of police. aes afd tne acokan aon ae hls mane, ge uit Owens Tits Houston OW John Ammen ab properietress of | prosecutor yfapecial erieth nade dee aie Sta [file a c oe a p pink Mountain | Candy store hemiquarters for policy and vice racketeer ot the Sha vs on Rol (Ree ot = as 2 Tt | ——— F000 feet high pierce | _* cARey | rea cone: Cer Teed Prod 7% | Inepirmt Cop .. 20% {Param Pict «+ Bis | Timken Ro Ba" pie Pret I-siow: tn wulimipeeee waiter bac has the ‘hes only fifteen miles from| — = apoken io fell the WwOeld: Uhae Tt = | th: eorn unchanged to % off, July! ibs up-17H, under 2tbe47;-epringa!Me,com . being led to and betrayed—t Th 50%, September 51%-%; oats N-Te Ja Ibs, up colored 184 plymouth | i cierg the rugged barren cliffs of Oo Wheat Priees “Every atiempt to’ malniain even| ie in | rock 20%, white rock 20; fryers over [the mrrisime Alps rise In sharp done sees % superiisialy the Belian of an evolu, | gata. colored 16. psmauth rock 28 | Fat to. the amiling. Atediicerancan tion toward a iegal condition. of d Between | fest, ifpbarebace hehe [snstand at thelr nt 1 sition’ mast fi becmune Ik takes PROCOP reek A iddtorm roosters 1 , | steep mountain stapes of the crumSlum y More ney of the extent atinued from Page Four) | Ao account patches of | (Continues | dteks 4's ths. upreotored 42. white |Fled ughlands sts ratciy Averages ‘dynamle revolution, cadence cs earth I han






“Measured against the Pyrenees,

iG sey. Pe 16% 2s

ee ae

agiends, ‘yha- are tien, gone. tions imposed by ‘sich dead and

rench frontier, gty | the S'|thousanda. of Jewith emigres have 41's; esodue



weiter amongst the ammnest

across whose rugged helahts Loy he Tinuigent st refugess fled victory In Totten Se easy compar ny general olfer passnge "Though. higher. tran. the the Mallan mountain. barIsso much evader Uhat roads |:isePyrenees, Over it rise gradually, through outs FINAL CURBS, ier Tanger and. high’ intermediate ! ihe outer band, storms, aoa. 1 On

Borg Warns Mfg sss 20%

‘Transters for the five hours ap | AS50000 shares one’ of) Proximated the lowest



directly west gen | et Era Mtg aula way, of wis rarlilne Alps slong.

Briges stsas bad Bea as some

Iinaced tech mil oer

cepa had looked


“stay 8 —The WASHINGTON, 5 IPI LERRO MERIC, cot rene sengihenng veshan| a 8 Pa Morte Phil Pet vss. 96H [United Algo 06. 378 | rents Nr teas Sewn expelled Seer Meaee reve racial law Plymouth OM , 18% | United Corp av ir anow54% | Unit Fruit packed entzy Into France Unit Gas Ymp_- 32% 2 | ough! U8 Rub oeji as i “Land exits trom the top of the arded 0 Us su .., VUSSU PE “hos says & pulteun of Geographic Soclely —w— Waiorth vovoe $83 | |eFug epee mouncane east; te the -naeth and ac ‘asi =2 |Reskn sa stand, nor! northea

Rey Tob B —s iia


oe et ee se s aa er si St ‘The “ellle* ot dlologlcally


Leads Routete Leads


a Safeway Stra cers Dutt 13% White Motor .. Dome Soe oe Td MIa"Gon Pet! 154, |Sehen Sears UnRoe Oil +. DOU gIaR t ANE Den SOT Woolworh weer | MentPT Ward sss ee Shell MINMET -Y— 2 aren Ah Da‘ Echt, Das 7 jurray Cor frets we Corn i tm Zenith Radio +. Zonite Prods.

nce Da Traprovement in the final ; hour ane] 2



In conjunction


can nn



mauling would Nisallonecreate tie fe ajalahey vi ‘@ apocalypsefen of civ}, nation, oF progressive perman a complete ninitism, as. Revolution des Nihilismus— With which dictatorship of violence’ Hermann Rauschning: And he ane) lag Zurich, New Yor Europa Ver:




i te

t New York Tribune incorporated) The bald hend and neck of the



tnanny THR



W vout'was this column natural fouling provisionsof, ittue || WAT to describeonce beth usedthe by German and| | vullure Nature, areto prevent w the Russlan revolution, in its lat) plumage on unclean carrion, ter-day phase.

extas 17", firsts


"strip. Je hig rainbows naw Un oe coeene: , Be pmesaaiieg Renate a ican depetment come many of the


Shigalov was the ninitist revolae tion the total destruction o fellectual and spiritual valuy of civ ihzav on, forae a tenew mes ‘at paving order of things,

bird's favorite food.

“whi he vyeain, isnot a pniosdphy at al, But revolution, based on



he reveals the form. of organize tlon of the revolutionscarrier, the


Here te the atreamiined “fortress” at Santa. Ana,

Ing for the Princess Usha, center, and hin new (MEA Service Blt Stal Porter Cortespondemd | useful, structure “Andne





, nN

ad TI i

ant mt Hi CA AMy TH



wood — yet

cost and require littleif any

even maintenance as time goes ane ‘There ts x norsible faxcination In| Easy monthly payments. i his description of the formation ” vey t the Nazi el He leaves no one in the Iituston SAUL, PRONE OR WHITE that the Neal revolution. I. sense of the word, ; bourgelse. Tt Li .

that the sole purpoes hed” been ta Ton Over Nid alleged At eape to kid: pulallon who are a place-of refuge for the} nap Nis favorite dancing girl,| without standards—the lowest, most princess because her father feared | Muntez Gegum, The ex-Maharajah | ignorant and most unskilled an cuthreakeof war in Europe, pose|laten married an American girl i ‘The maszes,-consoled with social ay in the Orient. eit—the, former Nancy Ann Miller | securlly' and” constantly whipped


dows age ornamental as wel) as]The Managaah met dis bude |of Seattle, Waa,

of finest

Lad =


n ANGa aaRTE



',| they are fireproof and will not wear out. They are moderate

ive from any inhibitions Sthelaoe

In| mind harajanwhenalso he hadplanned ® newthishome.| wife in| 1c Yeshwant has population of 1,125,000. movement, Ri : n| &by mass mesmeric slogans,neid thetoneiner| clase indore since the Tt was then that he announced his struggle translated Into terms. of marriage to Me hair, °° the appeal being} "Originally. the opinion had be n ag to the. #l



e oment. e kt 2G aR HT n JOHNS «MAN VILLEY “ On the contrary, he reveals Maharajah of Indore, right, ts butld- | thnt ihe fuchrer dead’ may, prove] ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES Marquerite Lawler, left. to bene more potent than the fuehrer| egx be applied right aver the thefwhen In the United wing| Present walls of Yr your home! Wk | Acoma hy the, States In Sta in tox, | HIDEbe already: ; the: onpi M " Wate These shingles have the soft

SANTA AN che wees ae precios poser cold daurhter—one of mreallhiest. mene “the ne of “Indore. india, Ie “Tene ax well. as In ballales 8 $50,000 “fortress” home| through eth past he ass he e covered with shee f Thick walla, [ron-grilled windows, | At the rear of the “castie” the double doors, burglar sarms-and) Maharalai has made a concrssion Tieade| to Holiyweod.almosphere. TR | instatted a mernidcent “swimming pool. Tt was rot vuntit tase March-28}-—The state cf Indore, Tndlafl-cov-| that the world knew that the Ma-|ers an area of 9,902 square miles, | wil als be a shoney-| Baars] cj tor newthe Ametieak beide| Pe te a ‘others ithe| Maharajah. Cabinet. and the royal family accompanied King George and Queen Elizabeth | Attragtive and Useful Aembers it os,Bil ee shon-voyage” on their trip (0 America: Showa from tet ta right are an The building ts tar ate} s queen elisabeth, Princess Eilaabetnh, Princesa Margaret Rove. Marquess pf Breve, Prime 3inise [a active. wine


WHICH Seuld ‘cotne AbOUL WHE: FOIE had been complete, But Rauschoiog te not writing mic. This is ocu

mass hypnosin covering elle: he anatsees 1 tnctia tkeit, whlch {tthe Fever

ne Cit syleh the bride, the former theNeen exterior Anshed ofin




oe Da Refugee New 4

8% |Pke Ut Con Min 1% | Twn Cen Fox F 19% 33 [Interlake Ir. . ae 67% | Int Harvester . 58

‘May 8, 1939 A=





350.000~ A









8, 1989














Into hysterical excitement axe to)

lll f PPEWA

Lumber & Fuel Co. EnOe ses ee


River Avenue and “H™ Street




MONDAY, “AAY, 8, 1989

“Classified Ad


‘Telephone 701

can war, died at “his home in Laurlum after an iliness 0 montis, His condition, Gi nel become critical until aeverak he ai weeks nga stroke, were read through twice by Mr. Celone! mon was born Ryan and his assistants, Mrs. Ber Rockland, Mich, In 1855 and at the Dickson and Signe Niemt. foacat'S1Ly dre warden, $25; chet ge of 1d bipegan to make his way fire department, S41; engineer, fire In the world. He went west wfitra NO SALARY CBANGES: vers,fire de~ lepartment; §149;-dri ISHPEMING=There— wilt be ro | dpartment, Wighton, where. In 1800 janitor, No. in the salary schedule for house, $17; $116; ndent, board of he turned his attenUon to te lumofflol id employes for public works,superinte $199; asistant super- her and buiiding supply business, founders o! board of public works He be came one he mn counell, by resolu- Tntendent, Lumber clerk, board of public works. ton. fixed the following monthly 3192; X and cont{nued In 3138. salary scat: der, nearly half @ een city attorney, COLONEL DIES tui 3 president and treas 5 Janis urer of the-tirm at the time of his HET—Colanel Willian hill, $90; Nealth offleer, $110: business Is carried on in La’ rium, widely) death, Me heaith nurse, #121; clerk health |Calumes Hancock Hubbell and department, $83: mille and dairy in- known eae country & siness roan spector, $72; munlelpel Judge, $154; and veteran of the Spanish-. eck | An

WANTED—MALM HELP ————$————— SCHEDULE OF RATES MAN Wi ‘TO HANDLE Di 30 a word for ona insertion sapullen tn dean Bou ia 50 a word for two consecutive Fa Sri en iy to | clerk. The onty crimtna Rome, Members of the tammily insertions | start Waite a Wautits ly | oh calendar, that of TOMY ase |tebsaed by tne teclee of tha sree:

pany, D-61, Winora, MinesotgFore|ias a ‘open continued with larceny by trick [ling the8 to the Septem: |ouse flames throughand thee windows,from1UsE a yer fry t- few moments before 2 sell cue Une ofcoat | her's consent, building collapsed. air eel conditionin 7 ait alee peptcari ‘PEBKINS SCHOOL | TAX SALE LIGHT CANABA — Several hundred| SAULT STE. MARIE—Chippewa chanc

fo a word for three-consecu-

tive insertions 100 a word for six conscoutive insertions . When ads are not Inserted for consecuth then the ane Insertion ‘of 3c a word appiles to each Insertion ‘Minimum order, 850


iporsoete ‘attended own with our help. Write Sou Supply Cos ecanaber” Mich, tealcation ty a heats eneld DEPENDABLE MAN: UP TO $18 || weekly yo Car not ree pn tes

ceremonies at the county's 1999 delinquent tax sale, aD additi es Perkins, the in theecombination: Red Ryder

i perintendent ule fr roun nent; mmer, is clty, intes was | ine princi sal e Heiser Siononmmcut, to. the ‘velurof education money Chas son | "an more that stated: nnd ‘ution Brelting Bt Doriand LACK > GOOD Paoat is spent, om crime In the: United Hest AATEAPY, jable_ man WORK wanted to Si a7 lnegeils Beon | Fee FM, ATED | “Harmer BRE SORRWOOD a experiencsinto Dickinson or$12 day. founty, required. i dollars were ape Weite dye: [a button while up Make Biinn and Flom. Phone LW, crime cost the na-| Spars, fi.| education. | Ress Go, Dept. it| tion elght billion dollars, Lem: —___—* Miracle Cleaner. Ai -


MICHIGAN held May 2 by county Treasurer clerk muntetpal court, $75; chief of y | pice, $149; ase nt chief of noHerbert C, 8127; night hee, 1; night captain, poundmaster, $116;

defended money spent In education, saying that it is only a litle more U. P, NEWS than one half of that spent by the people for luxuries and amusemé PEWA DOCKET LIGHT SAULT STE, MARIE—With few BACAPR BURNING FARMHOUSE major cases appearing on the May ‘MANI docket of Chippewa county clreuit raence ot Mr. and 3 one mile south of Germtask at destroyed by for | fre, All ronal contents and Sai clothing of Mr. and the damily of seven childre denne be. ‘Taylor, county | we re destroyed, in addition to the





Satisfaction guaranteed or

‘money refunded. Munn,

|For ERT. 0OR



staurant how In. bith

Dance Hall






Tanate” |} A



i Oop


for rent. sig Fast

REN ROOM FOR PRED. ‘reget ee oie be ae See SALE: PIANO, 616—CAUIS |. men. Close FOR



patentee g We | AND REITER J RED yn a ;

ar Bree Waite 140 Beeeh St. Br HOUSE. |Faeee” FURMSHED WEEKS OLD PI 52-6t Weeping rage, for rent, Prlyate Fa it | pumisiiad dha Wi APARTMENT, Frese St. ALSO Aaoa Joe frondAndrews, trom ‘DeinNishtipgalt


BEA? | aa a gar TrLIMLe Beane’ era FOOT | Darenaa-| WoT ag ep eeRieae re | RN ae




Tavern, Auror ¥ QUALITY CHICKS AT Par. |® BUekD. faichery, Eart Kingsford.

HED OR UNFURNISHED STRAWBERRY, RASPBERIY AND | nents, Inquire at S28 Wilson, rhubarb plants Larsen’ 208 44-1mo, Poultry farm, Fe nd et FIVE 1000 AND 1951 CHEVROLET coupes anid coaches for sale, a . MISCELLANEOUS SPBERRY PLANTS, AND COW SOLD OUT ON MODEL, AS. EX. manure for 81 Breling. emit |” SHARPENED REDUCED PRICES FOR MAY ON LAWNMOWERS Fepaired and adjusts elk ea chicks. Patrick's Beatty, 701 West Fleshe' m's trest, Hatchery, zal St, it Kin “eet THE BATH AGENCY FOR SAE OR RENT: SACRE a Bast A Strest farm on Fisher Lake, Aurora, Wis. si co of All Varieties ferme, Inquit ‘ugere Bros. ‘These feet, ‘says 26-year-old Bus Lictnied Heal Setate Broker R, J. Bath, Agent Phone 1573 ter Scott of Snowball, Ark., e CABINET IN KRESGE'S are inenes 8 long, owner, ‘dow for sale, Phone 96-1 MOWERS RP D inches wide across the toa joints, and. yepalred. 20 years experience. and force Buster t wear a size NICE YO PIGS FOR SALI E. Reynolds. 710 River Ave. 42 shoe, Middle toes have clreumJoe Pan way, Mlehigun, 5-63 a oat ference of 54 Inches. COW MANURE FOR SALE, 75 per sais 0 Parkway. HOLD EVERYTHING! SE OM HOUS! WITH oR without Ton tor er oil 13Re TE. eo.2 Fords price.

Boot and Her Buddies oe

BOYS BICYCLE FOR SALE, 56-21 5 jm0 MODEL A FOR SALE, IN: quire at Community Motcr s Vice, Stephenson Ave, and 5 TABLE TOP GAS RAN sale, Practically ne Hughitt street. Lost STONE FROM DIAMOND RING Tost “between Bouggent’s, . Motel and Commercial real Sabi for return to fet THRBE ORCHESTRA JACKETS jetween Brouillires Si Dunbar Reward for return tp 1 uy West C Si WANTED TO BUY ED PIANO. WANTED TO BUY Randvitt Write. John Shiv Michiga:

Films Developed

B—Hi- cise Prints ane a SxT Enlargements for 25

QUADE'S Stunto





mee ;








wae SueNTy Rich RIT





“Friend of yours?”

2719 East “A* Felch Hatel Balding FUNERAL


Buchanan Villemur


By William Ferguson ~



Lady Aasiatane AMBULANCE SERVICE Distinctlve Funeral Service Lady Assistant ‘Telephone ST



Funeral Home





Gray Transportation Co.




Bus Schedule Bus leaves Iron Mountain Niagurs, Crivits, Green ne, m, dally,

Connections at Green Bay for ——all- polata_south IRON MOUNTAIN TO GREEN BM






ANSWER: John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johason, Chester eodore Roosevelt,and Calvin Coolidge, 4. Agthur,






|, RED HOT HILL Biuiy HeTcHAns Nou!


THE IRON MOUNTAIN NEWS, IRON MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN ‘There fs plenty of grief ahead for


the Industry éven if the proposal is


fenerally adopted, but the maheuvers centering around It will be worth watching, " News tHe n Ben rr v WHIRLIGIG-22ws formed and minister to Canada, His salary win-| Source ‘Washington alngs must tolal-more-than $200,000 ort thi By Ray Tucker A millionaire, he really clerned up dene 8 remarkable job in the Hallan UNDERLYING—Hitier's ability to door to a tax-refinding after his colon: make threatening | Inroads in South service at Internal revenue commix French Tunislal. Ame! len a sioner. F.D.R. well beview of hi Pause, ay ag old friend of McAdzo, Europe, the genial South Carolinien person8 ii thrust in that region. Garner's Te imanigrenis Sony They saw nothing fantastic In his co Libya every year, Last 2 and insured. the, aly promise not {o altack the western je number was 37.000, nomination of the President. continent. mbian aviation company| CHACK—President Roosevelt LOFALTT—At the same time, observers state that the math takea a keen interest tn the fortunes these population “of North of 1940 presidential candidate: And colored — Is happier Democratic and Republican. French rule than under Italian. hen i n groun of political lant This akeleton {1 The Italians have installed ex* | taries called on him a feww days after tensive serpy to enlar improvements, The; one Hob_ Taft's unfortunate has mastered the Mr, Roosevelt asked:— waa other dificulties encountered speeches, county under sipeevialon vot conservation Flushing dportemen release Hunserlan partridge tn Genesee cour “Were you present mt Mr, Taft's In fying through these regions, political obseq'ties the other nlght? faciltien, to send their children to officers, al tion purchased 500 birds from Alberta to test merits of the Michigan department of i Germany Ip steadily inereesing sales [tala school, to h_ once Canadian strain of bird, - of in dua to New York In atwhtlee ths Been the fact that Ghey are tse Tess costly By James McMullin introduced sanitary and edu iy yan American produc! ATTEBACTIVE—Certain elements Improventents, but they are more Me lecret weronnuticel board. on- tn the soft coal industry a de- | casual about them. sisting of representatives of w hich th Arabs. Ws avy MEET believewlll etd the Prolonged stale: [rors on take advantace of French aeronautics authority has been! mare the-coal-operators-and-John}schools-and: baths if they choope, schemingto break Hitler's grip for] 1, Lewis on the closed shop issue.|But they can also to their arrested by Warden Gordon Baken, rent, coats 2 oe have made) “tnstend of abolishing the penalty | sluma and primitive methods of cially in trans clause for unauthorized strikes dur-| education and go dirty If they of Niagara, was charged with placferring financial control of the avin ne the Ife of a cont ruct—wnien |prefer, The whole thing Is on a ing beaver traps within 15 feet of a ton company from forelgn to Amer- Lewis demands as a weapon rather than @ compuleary beaver house and within 30 feet of fean Interests, Meanwhile, F.D.R. fente against A. F. of L. Invasion ot| | voluntary basis, This suits th ves, who gzeaten a military department of the} a beaver dam. is proposed that the| cvidentiy like to be free 10 ATLANTIC CITY, May 8—Medibbe blanket | thelr European elvillzation or leave cal science is camnped.on the trall of Brother Dies and m! paratively great a form of pneumonia which 1s rarecelved here of the feyn ity of France's African 100 Jee ght be quite a nei to that ly fatal but highly contagious death of William Zicrson, of Green workers lected allots epuinnt Maly in nt of {nrougtout all four seasons of the, Bay, brother of Mrs. John LeRoy, would go to the United Mine Work:| ‘The Henry Cretton Legion post of Niagara, at 7 this morning. Mrs. anew a3 Herbert A. Relmann, of Phile will this week complete preliminary: joy, who went 0 Green Bay plan is to build a Gibraltar of the by oper:| KEYSTONE—The Securitles and delphia, Friday, was with her brothe described the malady to the air in the viemnity of (he big ditch, atorThis Idea was conceived Exchange | Commission ty running been paying the Aiect{ion of Ameriern Physiclans, arrangements for the publication of Zierson, who Is known here, ts for years, who are virtu- | nto alb kinds of trouble In its ‘MISSIONARIES Secre- ally on“olfa closed its aympioms and explained x souvenip booklet for the three-day vived by his widow; six childre shop basis and who mpt to sput the Investment bank uulined celebration puanned for July 2. 3 tary Sumner Welley’ extraordinary want brother and three sisters. what steps had becn taken to comsettle the strike so they contacta and friendships in Latin can aellto some bat the disense, nd 4, In obser coal, It Is expected to Briefs America enabled Washington to ailment — called atypical dence Day and the twentyfifth air Niagara to John Lewis. and why not? Miss ‘sfergaret Mulien dutmancuver Hitler in his effort to appeal wanteot"« Better | miversary of the vill He wouldn't get the closed shop proposed new self-regulating invest- pneumonia” for react establish close relations with Brazil- officially, The booklet, which will be attrac: ae a wechend vialt fo'Antigo, to ordinary bus indirectly it would ment banking organization was sent pneumonia treatments, Dr. Reimann | tively ian army elements. The scheme tied bound and Mlustrated, will set nd Mrs. Richard P. Murray, tint {9 the same thing—or even out to prospective in directly with der fuehrer's polley yea Sunday in the sald. Sulphapyridine, the new’ drug forth the history of Niagara, incor- ot asin The UMW, would be en- study and comment. of economic and aerial and cultural better. found s0 effective In treating ordi- po rated as a village in the spring of | ¥ by the involuntary dues pay- nas been exceeding! 1914; the story af Its principal inpenetration of our southern but not riched nary types, has only a slight effect | of Midway Tse ments of thousands of workers of the chiet objections Is the. ex. on the new type. od neighbors. dustey, the paper mill, and will cone ‘a resident, spent ich might run to $500,000 Virginia, AlaHitler_and Goebbels had Invited especially in West [tain pletures ‘of the’ plant, scenes Described. ‘or more if adequate Inde ce see; whom it has| Brazilian Chief of Stat! Monteiro to the village, olher paris, of F, J. Dillett, who Is nere on buslGeneral aches and a feeling of about pendent audits were mate, The Invisit Germany and to lead a German never been able to organize, ‘and neighboring ness om the Beaty Cratlin Legion prostration are the first danger Marinette in countyMichigan. Vestment bankers would have division in a grand review of the of the scheme ay thls themselves, and they are figns of {ts victims. Frequently pa- communities po: tthe week-end at his dictator's troops, The Invitation had GRIEF—Proponents recover they suffer The supervisors last week ag that the whcle industry would none too pro sent Marta received no Pubic, and General argue | tients including mines that would further, Dr. Reimann sald, but from to purchase four pages of adverts tious ta Louis ‘Theoretically no Investment bank Monteiro planned ept—a cou benefit, Gunville and ~ Miss have to ‘pay the check-of! for the | inj seven fo fifteen per cent alsa ex- ing. e booklet will be off the press| Ad have to join the ent have convinced. Bure first ieline Guaville, of Spalding, spent resumption of normal proposed asvoclation if) it didat perience frontal headaches, ey- Th nations that Hitler ace Acuvilytime,of by these with Mr, and Mra, They claim rant te, Acuually there would be aches, a ary cough, profuse perspir- avout June 1. Money derived trom Sunday ing alliances with that higher pricesterms, ale will go Into a fund to meet LaMotte. caused by the Ing and toss of weia impel them Am iss Lynn Douglas, who spent said the malady had the cofts of the celebration, ‘they “aint they heen iTRelmann Uncle Sam. With a neat coal shortage would more than ‘com: | all Francis J, Dillett, of Marinette, week here with her father, George moat noticeable In New York, be: Pennsylvania, stroke of secret. diplomacy Mr. penaate for the added check-ott pay- couldn't do business Ohlo, Minnesota, Ore: former publisher of x we Douglas, ie yesterday to return to houses except on a retail price basta, gon Welles nipped that game by arrany paper here, Ix assisting “there will be plenty cf op Neenah, and England. adding that study which would cut them out of all ing for George C. Marshall, our next| patton wo “une lan, even if Lewis underwriting and distributing sye- of the allment nad been difficult. be in arranging the book and soliciting Mr and Mr George (aBeau and tumy chief of staff, to visit Brazil ww sufferers had taken their advertising aldfamily spent the te, to would be. iene deatin tues aes Bl iyalclans.— tet to oft Monteiro’ te many, and ng A Rolkosky Fined — in municlpal bends, railroad bond fea, Willinre Beiter, instead h Read the military to say nothing of the extra Most bacteria reproduce by the who spent a-week visiting here. or bank stocks. ‘These categories of welcoming, delegation. to, General | 2x simple method of splitting wart For Illegal Traps Marshall, Note: Without any pube Moreover, there ts a possibility Gordon Thomason Thom Individual becomes two, by fate of the whole plan One Hae Washington has recently dis seriou arrived here become four, and so on. This can Isadore Rolkosky, of Wagner, who McAlear, ofon Chicago, trouble in non-union mines depends ‘on the eventual itched naval or zpilitary missions) iF and” when business for the comIt ts put Into effect, half hour, under fav-]on Aprril 23 was convicted by a eir- yesterday int doren leading Investment bappen every foto Argentine, ¢Colombia, Brazil, Gua- Workers pany. They expect to be here « week are not likely anditions, At this one| cult court Jury of illegal trapping banking ftw Ba fer they aren dor and Halt! It's no: to tractions from thelr committal in 24. hours, could give] of beaver, was fined Saturday. upon ‘or 10 day critical. The govern- rise ferium. seaident Fiat most of the ralsalcer kindly envelopes for dues payments ment’s moatbutambitious Don Porter, formerly of Niagara, to 281,500,000,000,009 descend- arraignment before Judge Murphy, effort to get potticers from the alr force. pay to m union they have never Joined. the Charles E, Ruley, Lloyd L ta, $50 and. costs of $35,The alternative fineneink industry to-requiate Simmonich, Stuart “Cunviie "aa Is €0 days in tha county faih ‘00: (ON—The almost fore And then there are the Progressive itself Is at Dected. Inside reports are that Rob. | Court ordered a stay of sentence unjm are _ rival otten Dies committee is striking|> here yesterday on business for FRICTION —Thert x0 much tn ert E, Healy may continue ax tempo- Ai 32:90 today, to give Retkoaky an Political dirt in its 9) stand idly by white tha | Momberty Clark, corporation to raise the money, (een Teretion Th UNE SEC. tha tion of unamerican act rary chairman for some time, the industry grants sweep an appeal tron justice They will be here a week or 10 day munist, Fascist, Nazi. way be, Uapeestcly, We alot atthe court 5 faten, Under’ the supervision of cessions to the enemy that would Jerome Frank or Léon ‘Henderson Copyright McClure Newspaper by ex-SIthmonich acecmpanied her Syndicate) District anes Yangill Rolkorky, husband. trained sleuths ft s une: Revie block them from further expansion. chalrman, as the admialstration exdence of farflung fivallng the explaits of foreign aples before the World war. ‘Chief Investigator Rhea Whitley. ‘G-man, has been questioning

In Mild Form

Blast Hurls Rock ania vat hs‘announced sabetad gin 00 Mile; Hurts Woman return fom + fo have a right,” ‘sald Natlonal HOLLYWOOD, May 8~UP—A| Commander Stephen F. Chadwick watchman waved Mrs., Henrietta] 1 opposing ‘BIL “to punish ind zens ‘of.Whenottieets they excay Covarrublas to a etopand | dexolained| Cistody to péy | have been committed.” ret 3 : K fiveingh Teck, Down own Fthe: by “ Former 6-Man Says roof of plasion, tore, throu ah Mra,

‘Govarrublay cur and broxe ner| Spies Overrun U. S.

of a

told the

operating with “mofe-or lesa

Jdnaping and the expose of

a MTottal Ménthe and lake bis “the conaralttee refused mative. Harness G-tnd) to

ring In New York, depunt: espionage clared the situation in America is not a scoffing matter, He said he to favored @ separate division of the Forest bureau of Investigation to the fore federal cope with esplonage, ee |


Booklet To Be Put Out

for his combination

Meeting of the Board

combination of the world’s best tobaccos.

of Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan, to Review the Assessment Roll of 1939, and to Hear the Objections of All


Persons Deeming Themselves Aggrieved by The Assessments Made Against Them: PLEASE

That the

ford will meet at the Commission Room in

suid Village on Thursday, the 18th day of May, 1939, from ten o’elock. A. M., until 5 o’elock P. M., for the purpose of reviewing-the annual _assessment roll of said Vil. lage and hearing the objections of any and


all persons deeming themselves aggrieved by the assessments made against them. A duplicate copy of said assessment roll is on

file in the office of the Village Clerk for public examination. Dated, Village of Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan, May 8, 1939, a Cc. A. MILLER Clerk of the Village of Kingsford, Dickinson County, Michigan.





of School Electors of the hool District of

City SP Iron Mountain, Michigan Notice en that In compliance with Act Number 53 of the Pubtic Acer of 1015 an amended by Act Number 303 of the Public Acts of 1919, duly adopted by a referendum vote of the qualified school electors of the City of Tton Mounre-enacted In Chapter 7, ‘ax amended by

| | Iroa Matation et the qualified schoo! « Moantaln, net orev ously registered, |}

| | |

When you try them you will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more smoking pleasure


personnel, more supplies. Jt more effective than some private ac: oved to be tn been reduced from the outside in, and frequently rejects Its recommenda tions for cuts or changes. -d reorganization will


at the time and forth, ‘The Hoard of Registration for the achoo! election precinct number one, comt rst and Second Wards" of sald clty, will be In sersion ut the Amidon Schoo The Board of Registration for the schoo! election precinct number two, comprising the . Fourth and Fifth Wards of tald city, wil be in session at the Senlor Tigh Sehool bullding. Sald Board will be In conlinuous session Jane & 1889, from 9 ofclock A. til B o'clock P.M. Previous to sald date, Gnd-on any day except Saturday, Sunday or Tegal holiday, after May 12. 1939, T, the undersigned, will be at my office In the Commercial Bank, in said city, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M, and 12:00 noon, and 1:30 o'clock P. M. and 8 o'clock tnd will receive for registration the name of any person sunlit register who appears personally, Provided, that ny ‘aly ‘qualified elector may, In lew of making personal resent to the Seeretary of the Board ddress and is the owner of propert parent or Jegal sinrdlan of any child of ‘chootage Included tn the school census of the district. and possesses the other neces tary qualifications of a voter at regular elections, REMEMBER ALL PERSONS must bereglstered or they cannot vole at the election on June 12,1 places

| |

2 3 3




Board of Review of said Village of Kings-

Chesterfields’ can't-be-copied blend makes them outstanding for refreshing mildness... for better taste...for more pleasing aroma outstanding for real smoking enjoyment.

of Review of the



BIG BILL LEE, burning speed, control and games won, and CHESTERFIELD, outstanding for its can’t-be-copied

outwit Henry Morgenthau's econ omy crew. Under present procedure.the poor: ly manned budget bureau must ac‘he statements of the financial officers.of the various departments. geteers haven't enough men

Ture, former, Gna,

in learning military and ecopoele secrets. ‘Turrou; who became prominent ork in the Lindberg

utstanding Combinations outstanding

MULWAUKEE, May 8—UP—Leon @;&

jonzo Cudwort Legion Legion Favors Letting. | post that the United States is cverrun with: soles of foreign ations

By Legion

Browder admitted jemocral igues* popularized, y et memberswr nits in “popular fron! hought every body knew that." laughed ‘Mr, Brow: “Chairman Dies will not stage pubHe hearings un = has ‘Then he will be freer to proceed without daily outbreaks from house and senate floors, Moreover—and this is important—he| won't have so much competition for the headlines, HOPEFUL—The reorganized ‘budget bureau will a ful arm of the chief executly ferred from

MONDAY, MAY, 8, 1989







Secllon 5664 of the Compiled Laws of 1915,

[Section 2, Chapter 4 of Part 2.0€ Act 319 of abile Acta 1027, as far as appl this-city, glves the qualifications of school electors, Sia is na follows: “In all school elections, every citizen of the United States of the age of twenty-one years, m female, who owns property which is assessed for school taxes In the district, or | who te the parent or legal guardian of any child of school sue included ict, anid resided In said


mand for economy with {twill report directly to the President and. be responmibte only to him. Privately F. for great savings to result from this ..

Alea. Tt is deuht Mf anybody has Riselt to 1 pavlie vevrell ~————for-so long. Here Is-the record of air "1892-1894, member of South Caro-

ina. sealer: 1893-1896, ere 4


The RIGHT COMBINATION of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos They're Milder... They Taste Better Coperiads 1999, Root Miran Toaaco Coy


m district iste shall be w qualified voters ovidea. That the purchaser of tx tract, weno netually pays & pon auc land and enides tere: mn, may vote upon all "questions; and w wwite own property folntly ond Ae sania in Gasesaed for school taxes In the school district If otherwise qualified, ie eae ‘Uestions- Including the. question. of raisin BIG BILL LEE

Pitching Star of the Chicoge (Cubs. An outstonding pitcher In the Natione! Leogve,

Dated at Iron Mountain, Michigan, this Srd day of May, 1939 WARNER BJORK, , Board of Education 5/45-6-8-0-10, =


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