The Iron Mountain News July 23, 1934 (Dillinger Dies)

Page 1


The Iron Mountain News


UPPER MICHIGAN—Fatr tonight. posatbly ahowers in extreme west poron; partly cloudy Tuesda; and not uch change in temperature. PRICE FIVE




Fractures Of Hi Cause Tw Two

eaths MEWAUKEE, July 23u)—Two ‘women died yester-







83, was reine window fosae the i me


net And

rk at the Cancordia home ay 14. ms injured four






His Entrance Makes

Four-Corner Battle

less Hunt To Be Pushed July





sere chief of the—dopartof jusice tnventigntion irene Many Others Burned; ine 3, a avetoday’KCI that twofed women oh Dittrgee |to the Chicago movie Inst night and vestigation To Be have escaped during the fal med shooting later, would be the object of Made @ hall of bullets while most of renewed federal hunt. ‘rion population was attending joover did, not go into detail about Bunday basebail Raymond one time runningemate of OSSINING, N. YY. July 3 Palmer Sixteen bodles tay In the morgue to- | % cohort, victims of © Sunday afternoon any, ‘Thompson, Okiahoma killer an ting that ended In horror and flames robber ¢ they left three comwhen a motor bus, ts brake e+ sionedly " Tina |defective | banikm iDwentycthree of the bussload of alny HE TEN ANG WORM OF & BTOOL. ao las George “Baby Chari | iy Democratic. You Peaple's three of Dillinger’ tempted to scale We rere In hexpltals, twoof them critica | Frazier, lender of a recent Louisiana (rr injure wax wounded seriously break, prison aught tn a ‘Twelve died In fames. and Roy Johnson. Oklahoma bandit ben, dry ‘and. windo 4 | department th tra waa wounded slightly Jor ths bu cr mated meni an the ‘Three States teh fal the Ne! w York Cenc federal All Texas, Oklahoma and iain intral thepalo non tracks at the foot of the in the Dillinger oute haunta of the men were Delny veces embankment. Hsconsin woods sestand tederat officers fm cara van en route he Hours alert te ese game at Bing a was “unlikely that carZ ‘4 down in any thet ey dase © way in two waiting |Sing penite participated Thadid It dince. athoe oer "the hold-ups the Wieconsla motor cars, they were reported # tea | Bain near Hearne, Hon plaza “into mlumber yard eos etLoulslann Although the desperado died with Frasier, the notorious Conteay cape artist, engineered the Dut §7 in his pockets, Hoover exAttorney Fran) Bue aeath how pated Tn the middle selnedlstrlet was by four of the six buses wien a premed_conticence the banditrrassed. Waen—tTnside Gant Lee Brazil) watkrd Boies tomas the F junk" ‘and fer's cell his eveniny contraptions’ r shoved m revolver into his “death ‘The driver of the bus, tlde. He flour! another in hie pernier. 38. was Kill flare for the spectaculs ee | tndHe a eited because unarmed Brazil, the {net that Diftinger had ie was estimated that mo than and, ieee 49 marched ein It for the drive to his face lifted, eye-brown plicked and perso: requlation | of prison a removed as evidences of his mole {nto the death hi f Spratier, relieved me bodice were removed cunning. ed, Beaute “Fie he release PAsked about the the on famitton and. Palmer shooting in Chicago Hooves, sald che Be caked Pee banca San deserved and he ‘a Rector, a neato, If they Passengers athll are unac- | timed” used. for. They are teare dead. | “Coatless, Dillinger cocina hou Many of the rescued are not expected last night in poek ix persona, thelr clothing ablaze, This, Hoover eal Taped the Dilinger ‘furnace and § Hudson river, fered Aum to precede them ped to safe Hoover ats hed toward the wall. Hamittan kept ‘nan ‘of the ered wich a revotee,| ty = te bus thundered down the Porat imasinable type. He was audacourage wax of the (Continued on Pare 2, columm 8) the driver had com- type which his required @ brace brakes at Nort Fe ee on’t ove any Url an ‘ce tn thene fellows”

received rec. Diliogers neethe uly inverigator ‘The bus was the a ‘ot she carrying chet. membered trends of tne: Notre nition acter froma Hoover told when during Democratic League ot the various twists of the bandits

career he posed ‘a crime magaind. thereby gained access a sured Informs Pasta for a Dillinger raid & few days! occasion, Dill or alr canuition: hts of the Osalning Bos club were tro Ing equipment and was able to obta 188 O. Squire, medical ex- knowledge of the Iyout of @ midwest bam ‘A third ane cdote on th


Washington y U RA BENNI EeOrcerucisk tntzon anid an

Seer ™







Is Lost LITT 4: MERICA, Antarctica, July Richard F, Byrd was ral! leading to his Iy weather observationm oul tpast was, ‘A tractor party which set out Frinational revolution. day to bring him back to the main reported It could not p fel up the oe beainad 2:3 sera, the plan | trail, spots, Cor Yas 50 miles out on have beenHeart teling their followers | 123 mie Fun range fags with which te ight to the deathy—that they need Jibe trall had been marke ‘could nol nger. as the federal rellef |be found past that tension would feed. and parr rented. seetatday.” By ter ther 1 ywed. the trail four months ago to Red_Cross_agent who flew

" eng but are Tarnished Seite sae | Cee averneraarte rinwed Sirtoen rom tr aeons below sero, 22 7

At rascal relief

every, ton

Is ma





traveled 190 nant:

De you ‘Intend to cay ret to tialT Te the #



July 23—(P)—John

Mi| the county morgue today, put “on the

‘Comstock whether he would take advantage | his prerogative ta withdraw by July/ x ‘Many Problems his announcement Groesb peck sald: ne was becoming a candidate be cause “there are many state probieme before us and much can be done here to help and asta for the general y place iis own


lay dead in

a woman,


No comme! nt

rom authorities an the subject of

would receive the $5 000 award




ed States for information leading to the despera do's apprehens

It appeared that no one would reccive the $10,000 the government placed on the fugitive’s head. The federal agent who fired the shots is ineligible by regulations to receive the ri eward

Meanwhile, a morbid legion, numbering more than a ousand, eddied about the morgue, Housewives, cab jarivers, policemen, camera |men, aager girls and count8 ather persons strove to sits in_a glimpse of the body.


hope :hatater Frcs Sintuldc-lia the gurtaemnce Tam now becoming « candidate’ Much of his waa taken \wi with ‘cotamente "on ‘betlecal reegislati


Forees: Seeking

Coroner’s Rep “The bullet that killed Coroners Phvuiclan Jarome coe nn ete

dabered:tha back ef Sls neck Tight at shoulder, ripped through the head cutting spinal column, ane tmeryed through the right, eye” id he believed that ony see ttle, Mf any, “ana to our Inpatitutional -aafe- BISMARCK, N. D., July See two bie bed _pumeiwas-a stitutions oF rad one in the neck and the ouner eecoery legislation ‘The state sena\ today became guards in In the Jett adopted LA by a of North Dakota's eit] ay continued, “out peatedly oeced by the president and battlefield ea that the measures war, as dors aligned. ith William] chro h the eighth rib, musing the members 18 Of | Lan Gdopted. were tem deposed gover nor, mara the more important,. aneety ‘Soe thelr men in an spparent fist aint i] NO COMMENT mental. Members regard. to emablish a qui WH POINT,In, July 73— of party fealtion gine Langerites a0 rs Lilian Holley, the woman them, The put the legisiation | the end of their rope in a sensatio from Pere n Saco niin. tise’ senate {Ui for legaative action favorable to aberiff yall Jonn confidence and aealat industrial. agri nett ousted chief ActIng Governor nated chi ame more mis en-| declined to rh we Naha it today when office of the | informed ‘that Dillager’ had ‘bee Alderable of this progrant was CAN Danger wifiiaten wh all ap: | alain py federal agents, sary and produced good results — pointive late. atfice ave In view of all that has been done placed, the Langer political or-| heart by two Inches and emerging from oma To Impeach Acting Governor

‘All the cruel cunning of which John Dillinger picture of him taken at the Crown Point.1 turn from Arizona, ye and several of Dillinger was shot down by federal agents "when ‘he etasrged. troen nelghbarhood theatre In Chicago last night,


U, S, To Lead World In Sky

In eae




uMLculties, ir hops on legtstinued on Page 7, Column 1.) tative action and clung (By The ‘sociated Presa to that hope While the heat er a Ry LLOYD A. LEHRDAS despite thelr failure countey brow the senate. quorum in In Inthe thehowse,! WASHINGTON, suy 23—(7)}—The to higher levels ‘auiit held, but upf¢ quorum world of nvlation read with eagerness eastern states were given a welcom’ today w report of he war dee * few4 committee urging an xrmy aiT respite. tem: in New Y o r k City) [eoepe without© 7B at. noon, compared to 8 fh houres are Becretary of War Dern piaced Bix | atwan theonly same one oa] samp. of appre port,| |syivania and thetimeNewyesterday. En land states Saee cket pie eidillon of 08 mod (Federal Mediator Confirepot ted generally more temperatures. dent - Settlement th stn proinaloly 375, with ine"st Is Near Tha ‘next. rent wa


ry sat at he down in placid Moores ‘a respected tiller of the wo jenn ‘Dillinger, 8¢., prepared plans tor the final capt t in the amazing book of his son's wild Ute, le expected to provide burial tm urd of nut v could not fx a d: UNL officials here released his was to the work at ine econdary ter. Major interne: din the high head linew! “Dae ad.”

supremacy is quiet likely to be'an tm-


ten Manapping and pombing If they obstruct commusis Gir method. mtnoritena ied oy)

Pond anVahelter strikers?" Spokes samen gay that they mal woake no dlstinetion in

eae 8

ale Net Giren


‘The fow-of Lhis-tnformation-to-the+ coordinating center la quiet but effective ta by com: ate des Trail



ay Tely to bewin. with engagements fueract ently either serial en: KOHLER, Wis, July 23—0)— pickets st the Kabler campa and Lines ofplant appeared numerically portant. factor” Seronewe stagu since icant OS a murvey of ‘drouth damage from the the striketodaybegan’han tallgt any formation of the lo on Monday, * The tard opposed united alr |Misiuipp! 10 the Rocky Mountains 1.000 ympathivers a strikers of cattle fat, thou About gee Thouars |abowed unecoand ” o r e “serious m ag torce leat at eatimated Suan officials e ARTA wheres pun


—— tng clothing comm: sence rte bathe sade jormation goncerning them tn running Gown crime, patrolling the borders and =I 4

et be imcoemtal


It Woman Gave Federal Age Agents Tip That Him Into Ambuscade; Made Futile Effort To Escape

ederal eral agents, aided by a group of officers from East Chicago, Ind., and Chicago detectives, shot and killed “|the arch public enemy as he left a small neighborhood pouncemen theater with two women last night. Tonal sdininwirntlon’s recovery. proThree bullets from federal guns snuffed out his life gram. His candidacy yeast 0 almost instantly as the deaperado darted down an alley four way race for the nomination,*,! seeking shelter from the leaden voll Frank D. Fitzgerald, now secretary ‘ His women companions were held incommunicado by ly th | Chicago police. The “finger woman” was reported lo have gone fe a on dangerous John's pistol arr bul to h Hersted Maniad carbs seunterad ros theslobby: eo his try with death just two hours and for ir minutes later,

wre ars aa IS 275 IN AIR) TOLL siz) SpecialFORCE Committee Wants East Gets Relief, None Is



| GROESBECK IS Arch Public Enemy IN‘ CAMPAIGN “Put on Spot” When FOR GOVERNOR He Attends Movie





23, 1934




HONTSVILLE, Tex, July Three desperate Killera who Dlasted che



cago sieral jae cure ae tater TWPiped) teh =‘wlio arranged the amr a ‘Their lenders announced that Teddy follow 5 quickly. | Baseade that resulted tn the phantom ‘h appointment of the commit. ne Tel BAS “| leath, announced that » veces, eases tee Sete agents from March awhwhen t ine ae corps ised “the young offices millions of dollars me xearen for H Se ea been pre- ‘Meter, gunner-{n: countyhe carrie te nly: sitet imitied ittn unions ofWent kolo ise _plckaiatacay Je!tan excaped from the Ind,,Lake until |fainn persons, ho found rered by the commtt tee, elem of hee equbsmgce on ker mob, George om the plant tn Chifcago last | te John Hamilton, | tl night. Ju mes Dooilttle, famous flyer, filed ie oes, lacquire, federal| Cock aw Ends In as ly every office of the diviston |, palbaily report urging @ unified air ated pavements ane” ening "uae: has the emagntion ay one time ot ane for . Death Of Boy, 12}:Sante rt te Eee, fohaw % Siner andied ‘some phase of the |The report is expectedtr be ihe heart of the nation, hardest 1s terse Bilinger hunt. Special aquada wero| surance to President: Ronseveits aviay WAUKEE, July : 23) —Loe! set up In Indiana, Chicago, St. Paul. tion committee. board, Pte i doraloping after ne rans spitnSeed of the Detroit and Cincinnat! to run to death yy Clark Howell, 1s embarking on an bring the parties closer together a week9‘ago, caused the: Ohicago police department's Di wvery clew regarding the exhaustive survey of American avla- Uinuance of the hot. dry ape day. | Sais of uae Such, command to. his whereabout Hon in, general temperature 1m Ged eoy- |yeaterday ighest 1. oe ee ‘The Baker report recommended was 107 in ‘The pace of (he hunt for the gangJernmental encoaregement of the ‘a= |gpringfeld, “Tl. el 05, asters, never Inxed during months of Scalds Are Fatal jerafe Industry aa vital to national de- |stirmeapolle 10 ‘Bt, Louls, 102, Omaha fale effort, waa stepped up to & new improvementa in |and Chicago 101. Inger To Two-Year-Old tense; igh speed and placed on a “dead farmy planes, equipment. training and a ae obill aire” Uoasle ta bring the alr corps Up £0] ytissourt, where 76 have died from the MILWAUKEE, July 2 SUP —Bealds personnel “Anyone who ever gave any of the the high standing merican COM= |heat, Tilincis has forfelted 66 lives Ald, comfort or mereial and naval aviation, described | Nebraska 44, Ohio 18, Kansas 12, Jows Easlsaasy will be ‘Yirorously ‘PTosecutas leading the world. and Minneacta 11 and Texas 10, beat e de. Friday, resulted in the death yesterete ed." I. Ed On Squanbl a ohn as Aerio , ice eee farm day of two-year-old Daniel Tunuk, ug ToHshung‘Touch ar or of this neighborhood, went about | tn; ce te contravery between Tire Blowout Is the business of arranging for the BurMajor General Benjamin D. Poulois. ehiel of the air corps (and a rnertFatality Cause sand move

Tangs ta the army air Jand crop losseswre

‘at hundreds of


of Dilli


Comstock And in Lacy Petitions a Placed¥ On File ——

Ser of the committee ond the house the

For eineetall

featmly as —s Tnotorlots bank. bandl JANESVIELE, Win, July 23—(7)—|"Seomantarily. Sinker é 38, of Seon nouncement of Johnny waa killed Donelson, in an automob) i |geath at the hands of teeralDillinger’s agente | the on higheay it, mime miles cost ot [ist night. t Chicago, the elder Dil [man bere, wil Cloyd G,

fs, o€ purchase after

Q, Mich,, July 23—UP)— | | tret0%

Janesville yesterday. A tire on the car linger Maka) restinetbir semmonia

for of Concerning the informatior Co li peDilinger the bandlt—the bank rob- | Purvis


Petitions qualifying Governor WU- | Foulats’ removal as chifir of the alt Jot h of Park, Tl. with jand agate ae the minutest details ‘everywhere All te van ig: ASE HW Tam A, omaoct azn candldnle | craralttee, waa demanded by te nouse eu [whom Donelsonfine arid ble out [ot Phinalge Mra, Audrey Hancock, by his sglty in ecogn! aweetheart of Dillings overt leaping over counters |oot MOCrfor renomination on “Other high-spota tn the committe’ 0 selze bags of money and then of the phelaandit,the who that driven andby two3H. Jaister ler. The name of the person who gave were today. . | Wen omer ‘of Baraboo, Thorpe |rea famll 4

foe ioeck apd Torth over the lot bat r nl ere, crevasses He ‘assent Hees, jul $—Communists have pubitety |yrembers of te froup had been sleep- Se etlton qualifying site that they hopedto paraism si leas alnce 8:30 8. m. Friday ‘A scoutchable crop mavement for: avoring crew on a8 aaa trate valley to pick up the trail. aided by o Page 12, Column La [scarcnuiehs trom we tractor,



'y shooting his way out of trouble it [us the information will never be o ly repu: | “There 1s no danger (at present) of |companionsa suffered minor Injuries. |tion for calmness in exciting momenta. |any develope (he United States being invaded. from | Dipple's mothi wo alaters also | At first ahe she wou believe hat | Crown Fi Reelary ginny Sergean! b Martin lr Zarkovich, the e side of hig, moth lal date'fzast Chieaga, tnd., police department, \u her brotner was dead, Convinced finthe body in |was credit origin fair tn Chicago, was on ally, her first thought wis of her fath- depends on thera some quarters witg nome-jo yigly bis wife, Chicago. ¢-3, Column 1) ers fAuaatic, and return to’ the base s

THE IRON MOUNTAIN NEWS, IRON MOUNTAIN, rule ate "it nutitusonliaing, the ged poor







se muntetpal

VIOLATORS HERE|==public, wiltties

ie ear



pone eee Eaieiielion, ana Ni LOT: Dore ive

Points To New Lia-

operating a truck



bility Law ii

been made since the inspector wor Conttnulng thetr campalgn against |[#* hiss work.

Killers Escape Cells (Con:tnued tom Page One)


Assessment Or Await

Deragoes and thie poner

Bt att See


te ant | et 2 s=er an


Turn For Cash

be, Picket Chu lected 4 thelr prisoner.

mimes, sonsine jwenson and son, Oscar,

tay coat Chiefii OF= Policei ‘Alvojsm an niswithou! yn ‘biciul mete interst cra.” | May Apply On Regular] OF VULCAN SCHOOL |.<: ESR MOSMa ESR

Candidate For Governor prc ‘ Speaks In Norway, Iron Mountain



Anoter een Terseata wi abe place on te) a Jove the atoup

wor tne Aug ste| — REFUNDS OF TAX commission, Spindler

charged wlth


JULY 23, 1984





Angel Hel




patota shams i

picky = A le termer, . Frazier, undee guar ino wpeinlaced

to Talee the price of thelr products, ta] ‘The perplexing problem of what tol 1) “Accord With R Mrs. Amold Stage, of Minneapolis, | sald: speeders, particulaniy,ag welt as other do nbout special assessment repay-|M1 AACCOFOANCE NALD NSC" 1y, visting here with her micce, Mrs.| | “AU you death penalty men go over ana oncoea rnsu enne || ments nas been soived6 by the vilage| ommendation Of State |Fiorian vecetl ISTENT Molen oe ta 5 ey evans, thet a0 Judge Arthur D. Lacy, of Detrott, outcom Kingsford in the folOfficials Pe sod Mn ter Graft and child, | pragier starte Picket, ned. thepeters ae whith he fa brats Estey ot Be country and fais brouent more ‘offenders into emir: carmae = red to bring others if si 2 iting at the home | Gua eons Walkieflown! necking ie nomination aa| Ses baring: poner ‘se remoted we ‘ll conattens"warran. SALESLADY GETS Tree peeinen mele = of nn rv ‘Mrs Josep staneu, Hamilton, bot soon fell from @ bullet governor rn the 1 peloary His body, chest It wound discussion of school An {nformal rei eee malted 1. Gier, of Norway, pald $3 unemave & perma continue lopment and public, weifure relet| cota Bs ding and this morning supported by Rumpt permitting taxJack Wills, of Norway, has iets, knock Decribing is allegiance eRoomrveltian theory,” the Judge dis-| py ‘owe| at a meeting of the Norway townahip ing relatives and friends, apply La jon, tases, "a ror | EpeOUge Came Tr 8 Pies ‘lation. cael SE Ee ee int ea len eaoee — eussed what he termed soe be Eraustrlal cites” board [now in the future to the ¥ con, chet of police, or the fundamentaltal p purposes ea Bec: motlon offered _and_supMe re Ms oe ne ‘Top et Te Gerad ment—peace caieoknenty ‘bappiness| vray at the city Tall talowing s dks-| called Sitertion ho to the eolgation ‘cline stumimer at the home of strs. Vic-| Guard George fired at Frasier, ind enough for all. Ta it twure the Ane Sorel Solicitor as|Magazine st the Moray Rotel There [or drivers under vy wnat w known Tesponsl n toe son, pl und. Johneon, theory,” he said, er eld “Th iT fn Iron Mountain he tatked at bility iaw.” Under the terme of that| Fined By Municipal ear to pay refunds tn eee Wounded signty, mse eo urine at 4f you will examine the policies of band park. He|law, a motorist without a driving perJud: recipient does not| the same date schools in] Mfr and Mrs. L. Rivard and {nfant| tempt to climb’ the Bae Stanley ident, a that the gen- the band stand in St. Paul he fiat Tea ton, Hace of 'Detsolt, are visiting here | ean behind a mate . roa tants to the village, the udge ‘accompanied by ‘Mra. Lacy, They | mit may not only lose nis license, tu we people Ls] was ‘Thompson and Hamilton |""Patmer, and M r parents, Rivards Mis, Uhe name order in Inven of hia automoblle are releft the city Sunday morn ng. ‘ds show the taxbulletin zecetved to-[Rir Thotnas Marzin dante Uae wulkiog in coe state and a rifle from the back reafter' that driver imett!, Josep Nora and otsea:, themlay pulled in a ditch and started t ae wel firing at dowa Daten, courte tad | Only one dissenting vote, that of Com-| sch Guard George.

sera, Teall ote ree


ring the yenr's more than {t takes make aabet super-| Bissloner” tar Krammin. feoorFisiom had soto make aeigy"e Mayr ihe nisintertm\ait i ‘tact tenaee pose “ pi one But oat paseo at she talked her way right git ate eee bee ey





ye cate


o court and a $7.63 levy for OY ae Te a

a noe wT oer fe pce gon is Ghat pn

tbe mung

sete eine the treat | Gcniary oF Progress : eipaalio. ee



ea, after ont

panesaenen ia


ae the



reopening of i here

Marion MaeRoberts,

at the John



re or the

Otfleera Unchang Othcers ofthe bead ofeducation retin a, Wey were dur the pas Year, Harold en dentinof the J, Pon Richards inkng properfent; Will


oP ene

Boke ie sealx


who visit- | sped at

resiéence, | | Ham "Ton, Palmer and Thompson were

for Dirmingham. Als. wher the aol and the drawingae eeap of the| dshez left will visit for several wel

be entitled to specially prospertn thu >No: A catingsere oe Hagesewer tatalaigna| coats arrived here last week| @74 bi rsalng: 1 ee thility taw is ‘Miss Street oo a] to aive Manly to the whole iaast repens ity law we is | withrola party young women of thee at facta thal)price struoture of soclety and busines.” t sicingen ever agaveof otherirony. Her] anSPO,ere 3the A result er sto he state b o k s of 28tclgan, othe companions | 9¥et ign@stimates, the asseament levy and say ml Miaat the way to make the ed ab rechleas arivety who are Pea at ee = original Because a large ta not to begin at cay respite for “dame oto otfered many tamer ene pane (Of, Cheaters havo been, lin people the top, prosper hoping that the benefits will Guests Will See Improve-|} ages tn nccldents ana’Pjlly persistent sollte | Gueat it has been impossible to pay| downward to those are ments Made At City xd, Anyonetn xhict éonvieted of vicAt lbp other he snare ine ola] Zefunds ue with revere from tis) 10 the bottom of the a ate antic oie ‘subject to ner So mecanteg | Separeme Meanwhile, Park the provisions nalties are counted | ifn refunds due wan viction onon charges ting oF ayvey fhe hope at the suimect Tor conviction charges ot at| Tor tect, NHS ren

to deait-- Mamlin or | albankcondemned robbery and as an habitual crim-

for the slaying MajorpMrs. Mabel Hooper and her_sons.| inal; Growson,Palmer# prison guard, and ofThom Gorden and Clyde, with Me, atid 36 | son for bank robbery Cavin Sigh, and ‘wm, Kenne:n, of |p denviing two weeks In| d Judge I Norway viking relatives and ftlends, | eet lenJudgeGyiy Is Beski Mr. and Mia, George Trot! Taken eat!


Mr. and Mrs. Pred Byne: —— ted | in Gladstor c r, treasurer, way. visited | MILWAUKEE, July 23—UP}—Judec been adjusted Johnson and Noel ‘Tuner, trustees | Wa h |tawrence Woodruft Halsey, Blarting st 9 aileck i and con- friving whie drunk or driving Sa a [gone tn the teks of higher educa) sation eles manner. Pree cegtieairrdrs el die EN dition to the refund queaijon,| Turner was reelected thls sear by a Mrs, Wahowiak are sliters ted ro tinulng Once convicted. & tne state depart:year [TO | TENE, aceon the commission took up another of {ts| large ma): ieMr hour is deniattely plannedf period of one CIT. a acceet started) out | PEFMeAl problems, sewer creek, work] | 11 ate law gore ifter a three week's Miness brought on a Dickinson county farmers” plenic ment revokes for Teesas a See ae F rae ag OR the covering of which has eming township schoo! board eice~ |by the infirmities of age. He was 93 to be held Thursday, July 26, at the is oorrniaee motor car, whielr may | bri ay moteing 1) suspended tons, can for schoo! boards years ol ‘tinued, throug! fron Mountain city park. Many of the/ [not be operated nti the suspension | on a th was | ected also io the office they wil hold ferand od eral, ate nnd local mursts on that day will wet their first permanent recovery andfuglimpse of the | MOnce. the suspension ty Mfted the [few prospective « pacar | Meareseani a. Vilage acne | bt is cv. ac throug! menta at the park. thatttable anid. fraternal, Hae adminis OO ane mula pet- pins state WALL drainage in te da wits Whe anste.” Bre! David A. Nlcol, chie! of |Sieernole slip felent and economical ‘They will see, for instance, the fine eparaint ls mubjeck tase raton with all of the array a period of tire Years everyting de-| stichigan, on some plan for going for-| A cia Tanellag? of the’ Wienges «| WaT os jet of astic bulldings, | including tions for‘One Awxllary of the James Hall Legion! | born at Southampton, N. ¥. Js that he must supply pended on Saturday |wrard with the project. t cabcash equivalent to guarint p and. recelved his Inw degree Too Persistent “Thee things, the Judge atated, arc ae new Jog pavilion, the Woman Dost t wil be held tomorrow evesine mands, Sates oroa {isaetion sin all] Whatever’ ary have been right ae ts a from We Universi" 0f3 chigan. He enough of Uses for any carpalen _ te, ki They. wil {ind Concession new playgrounund IMLS. cetvastia sta Hm’ the option | BOLL S84 a@bey Wns, uppacentle sores Yacht Endeavour tn employmen: Sule wale oanon Takes Own Life o&: Ino 5,

equipment, where the younger chilfren, particularly. will be elven full Syto© "whoop Te up.” And tey find @ roya) welcome awalting ‘oem Surance or coat from the citizens of this and neignindustry, of decentralization vocated communities. that he and Mrs boringProgram Opens at 9 A. M. ‘The progra: 8 a m,, with the calf club Judging conat. And here's yy t's lined up there . buseba. tourn +} ments Ti ects bobs ond-eWscresina nam, +H clothing and nine demonstiatlon; 12, noon basketp) iP 2p. tay dedication af oer “ntdog a ‘auizing of cou ting the aged re houses. and ie ‘with support coming in thelr homer one saoption,

beni af 314.0 0, |what offiet by ie vases adop OR Ear Ameviss ta 1877, inHe bench as . was appointediytoHuathe ercull RACINE wis, July ao BETHANY BROTHERHOOD Bm me Sik red, ae:mast Sen persistent oa -an 43 Tne conUleaie Aarnt ously 0 Bethany pondent as the result ‘The Brotherhood of the TT Jol ha Mirakee company provide for em ci.d persiifent—even a few cumpalned,|tofyacht GOSPORT, Eng, Jaly 2—/M—The| paitheram church wlll meet Wednes: Sreakdown, Mfrs. Helen Bykere 61/9 the county tar amoclation a the Shcton and way thee rele Albert Exhind ended her life by asphyxiation yesterExdeavcur, ‘challenger for the| sy evening at the images. $5,~ erage of $1,000 oF killed and Pclinbing Iota wutomo-| America’s cup, said at 11:40 a. m.| nome ‘Tne program and. serving o!| day wughter, Mrs row, of 490 Tor one erson Injured ls alone side the today tor thot sas tern Spriags. TM, survives. 10,0 0 for xo or more pesca = red or A third method. providea for chery


the point where that Js not ‘The state of Michigans” he said. be progrestive, abuilutely proweith all this constructive Teg gressive falation that T have been talking

you about. You can't as tinea La proposition. zal {ently have huni if tht ni ‘fine young folks‘out or J mind of 8 of the reactions in

man of 40, 45 or 50 years of age who fs out of a Joo nol. know Minere he ls going to get one or how the ts going to get tne ‘Wwherewithal 10 solve the greatest problem of the age, of making both en Lacy avo took cccasion ta outline his f inated Cot tinal trom 1940 to 1990 the mumber employed In agriculture in this try was reduced by 1,700,000 persons, & decrease of 01 20 pe per cent. In 1930 there were 35,832 fewer farms under cultivation In the state re, Lacy Farm Program Refersitut to what he termed oxi cessive land taxes Lacy outlined follows hia sugges! tions for alding in. the restoration of agricultural pros-| perity:ty: ation of state and Tock) gor Coos ernments with 1 United States department of nerieuture | ‘tate legislation and supporto! Federal agriculture! ‘Adjetntat ads to effectuate the parity odities on a pre-war jaibpointment of an joner of agriculture, f

¢ there unt

ahe ands ef apecta from 41 cies nd eho ‘anne rahcreaacle ine


Escaped Convicts



WEEWT QE COURT saree tect, umineia| mn



had a lite dit Ming Street tin ctor ctanagey- ont


ally |

aE ee Pat |, PEACE PA

We'll pay you"

‘motoryacht| lathewind, |Convayed Endeavor fymoved:the mals

was Analy accomolished ‘she had ig (hash watts cite Sith fendeeaal ulty sported, until some July 23—07)— f freedom and ter-|time afier ahe wns taken’ trom munt- | Endrayc izing of residents of the vlelalty, {cipal court to the county Jail, jon board the Vite, A motor Jaunch Oren Kitent conwen, longside to bring ne coup | u wei back fier the Endeavour was safely a, with play-off of champlonshin victa eho as Missing Bishop's game between two morniny | Peniuencinry at Lan ies daneing for farmers, Mele friends mR Treextment cr wounds inflicted by Body Discovered ‘and others, i" posse bulle Bietacaccabas sages w! Free coftre will be served on the pTbasers were captured in a fen Paris pint. Juay 23— |g s for the noon day ptenic| lune the coffee to be prepared by U iat t RNC! |ing head of the Episcopal ctiurch o f | F, Awelin, Picnickers, however, mus as DienNAY |atoniana, eo es ent [Corinthian ha Yeeht. club whi ‘ TinetSees pe oa reer and me nad spi teu membersof the Jaugar wil ovlded. In addition, withering machine eum fire | oday drowned in Paradise creck. creme Tunches may. be purchased ay ‘aore in thelr a election, ‘eho may forget—cr prefer not to bring tier own, There will be muslo during the plenie, Milwaukee Band Softball ames Considerable interest tx belng deIn World Event | veloped in the morning and afternoon softball events, Felch township will MILWAUICHE, July, 25} —Book | faceSy Norway tow TODAY and TOMORROW | x added 1 Biatz post 3 tung and Breen American Lerion band of ‘Miloneee a e s Double Feature Show ne. townshipa will clash at 11. The win- four t of ty ners will meet in the play-off at 2 p. tonal: clamplonahip. ‘aa enmoute’ 15 Return Showing of {s manager of 1 Geneva, Switzerland, today lo par-

Back Behind Walls mat

| 20° IN

besides a liberal trade-in allowance


Ipate In the International band con-


FOR YOUR OLD RANGE to be applied as the down payment for a



Hotpoint “TRIUMPH





‘The 43 Milwaukee mustclans direct: ed by Colonel Vesey Walker, wil Play prives for those who have never missed tour severe! European eountgies, Bethin, Coan annual Dickinson county farmers’ led with all of that will be the ‘The Milwaukeoans wil compete at Gageva agninst some of the fa FF! mot musical organi the e the Holland sym jude with phiworld, Incliding ‘The pic on n d s of dancing in the pavilion from 9 to 10 New Zealand and Australia and poaBs Me Tbiy the noted Guard De. Republetye aggregation from the final winners here on the closing


Ty and. other products, terials and suppiies necesuery in ucing and marketing farm prodi ucts. Nightingale To ParticiLegislative mnd adm! Anistrative enof quick, cheap. transpate In Hunt For Alltal American Team ad other perishoarm-to-marke: ~ modus, ‘The first event here of a contest FoiAligcation of part of the state high way department revenues and fede Hibments for building farm-to-maryt roads, Miotucing the “Indefensible” inti betwen the price the farmer which, with federal ald, would used for local public welfare, public health, education, and primary high-| ‘Amendment of constitution to atol* lsh the uniform rule of tanation and thereby open the way for fauitable ‘dutribution of the tax Bur sen, fc Amendment, Of, the constitution to with] provide on Behtisnot the uniforst rileat tax: dems and eventually repealing 1 en: a dbattion of all real-estate taxes for rot oni for entering the race will be that the be exempt securitiesoF bonds, contes ust be amateurs, ‘The search for m beauty champion: will \uetion continue in conjunction with dance team competition. fupetions under| Gultabla awards will be made to

to compete tn the na Renal tials’ at the world’s falt.

_Also First Showing of


with Ann Dvorak in




ls Dangerous Protect

STARTS WEDNESDAY Kathleen Norris! story


With Unguentine



GAYNOR Af you wish ta nequire a coat of natural tan uafely, uso SUN TAN OL



by the makers of Unquenting —_—

CUDLIP’S. ‘The Drug Store That Serves ‘You Best

Designed for beauty, fne -white release Pitlded steel body. Finished porcelain enamel. Lnrge size automatic ovea with porcelain enameled interior,noone drawer neath cooking top. Range is 42 in.loa, Coverall 404 fo, Oveas 16fon wider 11 la: high 18 fo. deepe Never

ow on the sereen with




24 Months to Pay the Balance This Offer Good for July Only


the modern ald ee On

heme One






of Heart”’

Living fully, leving slerlowsty, yearging. Superately for all the Joys thelr mew world has to offer










ji Projects



i rea ‘snnaunted yesterday quette. ‘Inereased, appropriations ‘mae


aseing Eine of


The 100 men who went to work with

under the highway department thereafter reduced


GWA were oved entirely : to to 980, and ever since Sylvia Peterson was ac out te! claimed ommrunity projects Mian America at» beauty










of ae

with Mr, thees week-end LeRoy in Ishpem-


Mr. and Mrs, J. Leonard Ryan and


ci, are spending. 196)



jana cha

Mr and Mrs, E 2Brunette. Mra

: e

Can it be that competitors looked at the Hudson and Terraplane

headquarters Will De |r tne Wisconsin stat ceceatehy [One and Ledls FT on ant Démaray, Madlaon, will consiuct elinte at, the werre married June D at Crystal Palla.

list of 73 official A.A.A-

is Want YOU to See How Can It Be That They Didn't ieeewith Hudson Other Cars Perform in; Competition

clube Neqular mu woattendee . Ne tend he Sette chin o t bultn ce clinic may do i ie casein, Toe om ast. = Sir oe reo ‘i cde uriat wi pi, et ee a y ee Se ee Hite Suv leader. of ee eiiaat of Ghecy

and Terraplane? Anyhow, the fact remains—


CHANNING BRIEFS nei otticlgte include ©. Cartter, county. {Milas Geneva Mra. A. B, Worthing returned from urdion, msistany state clad teed Green Bay Saturday

‘The deadline has passed on Hudson and Terraplane’s wide-open chal-

iment stated that presy i hits Terence Hurth ts visting tn ne eal |auargantiy, Gelachopest. work Ls. Ha lemusty agyeaura, eget ae ee p eseipescst a reen Ba} Bae pacpaien centra! and northern countles, « aa * pee oo urda ea ee || aa | Reich Ch proKram dedieaton the In tternoon a services Puneral recommended tribution <i seu. gare myerard ester] Marinette, of 2, aged Zebrasty, aMpaRRe |TSEIC the at held be Eon re aeae oer [and water carnival to ot Mra. deuwe Fleury, of Niagara A wee tin lana: Bverard. of: Miiwules,

vicinity faster in high gear! 2. To froma standing start! 3. To go farjer on five gallons of gas!

Been Planned For Boys And Girls

1. To climb the toughest hill in this


vine anes and ster et [Pt int beri companet: [her urban, LevelZabraay, and a plone tiga ari mes ment have been provided und en 4° Inorg Increeaed_fom_162,708 bottes | father,Charles! Mevers:_thret widual


‘been approved





res shed \ ae Bsine the prolet

Will Be No Dela: nurvare, Ww for tien fansof theted program

‘ire issioner ‘Vath Sim Ki “We will thus not be sub- And a

Berg and Mrs.

John Erdiitz


ation increased from ° 134,030 bottles in Ravart, of Caissepaid Corset es |. F nd élving events 1or re land aa: we 148,659tn 19: tee rat four months of thia year ise sel oe WITH YACHT CLU tales total fe the wel e alpen wil commtun

[9 Saving experienced last year Cimgainio oatos seen fieryfe- RUT Esme wt 88 | aeanneae ie fram with” epee practically plant or aaey Tarn ep ing part of of Nlagara, vieik nowSa cont [oto gt Com-See | mmerly ack sog_ganes orange a pireThefe patient are two dlving boards and =| adopted as chef haw Bes7 engaged nah Hyaut Buren of of ALPAir Cor: ted | ndvold, ty,by ihethe Bureau atte toe Saneand exhibition of Les Angeles, o contest the ‘cite offen auplanes. 1 lmrece, Lisbeth of teed


ees coon flora iteero ior feta pI [Provided by the county


ae Stra dain erm meee Ai x To relieve



. Terraplane*565


eee rnd give skinh cord nurses


nel op we Sectors foe clawed reeset

Dickinson County Motors 7rw CARPEWTER AVE: —~=~*SCTELEPSONE ae —~—~«MNON ‘MOUNTAIN. EM.


. Resinol




= — today.

s *685 np 10 950.» Hudson Reduction



anywhere ovnearita the care at aitindeen otherWhices In gee

P waiting here for you to drive plane


| ag ME At Bre poe vata sea ah

‘Mrs. Iner ana Hae— Deve i rite stetes Took 180m bse [ot atari andBra of icy [ae Marinetts,| the latter year Exporta to Eng-| three brothers, sin

lin 1932 to 208.492 in 1933.

and made these tests ourselves, with

of these cars, of their

low upkeep cost, long life and i the scores of extra features you can't get

he Bneiiher there were no takers. us


16 is survived








accelerate faster to 50 miles an hour

Lacking competition, we went aut


onr floor. The results stock cara from are in our showroom for you to see! The cars are here for you to drive! Just ride—today—in these cars! Then let owners tell you of the

lenge to competing cars.

Experts Increase| held yesterday outside cent_on federal aid highways the eos. of cities, and 25 per cent each on|ntst of “he Bord olmport att ome | va. tn Chavlan Meyera was’family thetheBMenor WASH INGTON, July 23—U7}—Prn- | Gauri ndary |the Ford powerFaradplant panaon for projects and arsine(Quit ts visiting “ale theives Bi’ Une homeJncallytn “bor, ln’Satie. event hibition repeal in the United Btates der the new regulations, no | & . e r i d e d the German champagne in. today. **! | preme and chil. Gladys: tors oe, ‘Mrs. J. LaVigne the Zebrasky, ‘Mrs. ee stretch considerable a tor beach The program ied nid Bark River, spent Sunday American, consuinte-general at | Meyers, dled Thursday evening at he teen given federal approval. and |MOre one side of the lake has Beet


ceeleration and hill climbing ree-

ords, including every major mountain climb in the United States?

Seas avinganewrecia ar haaioetta: eWida WENGE rKEAGUF ‘AN Tmo = Sil of) : irs yan sures Members deunty

Number Of Contests Have



aed 3 er

ig nishaget te —~ . study, lenderahipwill and.tnelude de~ recreation, Then haat, and rach program CHANNING be different from the previot Jone. A camp fire meeting is for every. evenin; jroleau. daurhter of Mise Iss Gladys, Gladys Groleau, th ee Fulda July27. ot nae,etl, and Brn. Lae Oroulea, of St

|Clayton Gilmer, John

Georne D. Tramp, county enineer ot repute Antoine| New York on ner to the Lake where oy recor A Wieal Amate! 01 Saae, Pecgrocs Chtere wil pe orareaene] Gavvention A |, The Marquette ae tomade,studyat dis howRelescope of the memSloyed un tne Improvement Bert Carpenter charge rial, om ingthe Michigan side of the old tant suns. he Menrndnne ise FOS amt cance wit be cure 70} fact e Ay. NEW BEACH TO or =r the receipt within 36" hours ler,serene of federal eeu 2 BE D ICAT or : Gon0b tor highinnye In atenigan, tre ED! ED WITH PROGRAM Be te fas© Boe area Of pie federal naar * 2% ie BUY inc —. t)


cutlog pesind Zs

y. The cam oy the deegnics named. for butt marilyOe ‘quote. 1s an cube et £1 ee

ployed on. varlfur jobe under the jurisdiction of the| pegcant POS"her inead in tne clown. BAL not department.


fe ru ane aa pcan threat



Be ranhereHaven, tosigned al

The men will way

cael ‘ink asd Ween: SoA TARR, we

a ‘The eighth annual

of members of Marinette county 4-H


Sergeant Anthony Hayden, ill be chibs wilt open tomorrow morning ab near Oriole, with,am in charge of ¢ post here, Which was ximatel Sober oot: 6 Yaa age itheMn

since early in the erable number of county relied emp highway work.





{t became


Clinic Will Be ‘Wiliam Malone, . son of Mr. and Mrs, [Andy Malone, itt yeatentar for NeeFeatures At One Of ahto mperd to weeks. wh “hi Gathering



pany plant here, have been assigned| fo work with the county highway de-/

Uves, ave return

ron Mountain post wei|Health lice will be reopened oe

the upper! uper ineada “oe of 1 ynentne peninsia Lee ot tena Oe De

of Dickinson county, and aad, er eet ol fttnla mi whom, at the Ford Motor camfrom work


Duty Here


Brvecke ares tell oc Ue vole rll


been “bothered” with orreepon dence ‘Stal his “secret” which main active In splte of old age. More than 2430 divorces were granted in Ren

| FLOOR <T "| ‘AND ORCHESTRA a Aeras tc28t PRE. S|tor nvm, CLUB QUTING TO | Teseni meet, Axceph Monday te | ery Ent untuapercanonWisconsin i to's9 river pvhardy 2—ametng aul , e i w Nae CABIN OG tn fs es physically At ast ae toe fit ea BEGIN TUESDAY’ relatives and. friends. a “en upon when he was % years old, een Wis, ne Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ragerty, wha|Ramberg. one of central and norin-|worked In the nae drives, aU Any Time Charge ever saint ploneara eelebried | “Recently Mr. Ramberg saya he Bas tthe week-end here with nue

As-| Demaray Announces OF ‘Peoopers P'

Crew Of SeventyOn WillIts Be Employed am Pore


‘THE IRON MOUNTAIN NEWS, IRON MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN Evelyn and Jobm, Jr. atlended the Inia eighteth birthday last ‘week by fumeral of Mrs. Kramer's brother putting» fal day at hard tabor st canner} the present time Rambe: re Arthur Muranska and opto bag never had ta employ a phyaiclan cnlidiens of Raver Grove, I, are ¥ medicine. of Mr. anid Mrs 8. | wimiara, which has been chartered by in Wiscorain, sane ving and ample and “Andy,” of radio fame, Nea 80 And Fit, U. S. eating, Central and South American crulse, Bora in Norway. Mr. Ramberg came and Wisconsin Seeks His Secret {to America ene re aes when 14,





ee ne Hioce has vupereboed the landscaping “the “Aotneare program. ‘Tro Mfr guards are on duty at pe


Shae, teatse st rgirat-vay nou M2, "gow owning un

ether factors, to spend

in some co


bas wil

sem | dren to and from the peach

port chil tomorrow.

Spills Beans, But Judge Is Lenient duly 2i—ederty ‘Louls way system anid give the most | , 2) ta tha’ whole’ pubic a Tt in the expectation of the depactment that approvals «ill be Tapidly. and. tha: allotment can balance of

Even Judge Failed In Barber's Test


WOROHESTEN.~ Mass. July Balvatore Piorcilo’s from the ground, ascertain the num their distance away.

ls hate is white, Teaea the" case” Untt-aftar tha Dem


| Oh Mister Chief! Watch Your Step eavous, Sew, tuly Bemine na ocompiatnta. f Sei Pire Reslnation. allegedly used, Profanity while at a fire,

Chief Mellon



r n of airerat and


WHITE FISH 21 bs. for. 26¢





117 Stephenson Avenue






by Sponsored by the Century of Local Finals at the Nightingale Winners ot Seal finals wilt he elven pie and feraiiall free trai ‘Milwaukee, Sea We hs cere: Waal Wie Lee of Progress, Chic: 0. (tanere of matlewet finats will be awarded '& year's stage’ or ‘contract


my real self again!”



No matter! Here’s a way to resfore your now revealed


Camelandsoonfecllike GEORGIA COLEMAN




is fer a hard day's work .any time when you need new vim and energy—lighta Gamel. And as you enjoy


the need of a ‘lift’Iemoken


and Dance


“Whea I'm tired and feel




barber examinath


delightful . flow of energy by Science

its cool, tich flavor your flow of natural

energy will be restored. This “cnergiz-

ing effect” in Camels, a discovery confirmed by » famous research laboratory in New York, occurs in a harmless and

utterly delightful manner. As your latent eaergyis made available, your fatigue and

Lorre i ett g Tobaccos never get on your Nerves

ietitability become « thing of the past! ‘And so we say, whenever you need new energy, “get » life with » Camel!” You can smoke Camels all you wish without concern over jangled nerves. For the finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOSin Camels never get on your nerves.

Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS —Turkish and Domestic—than any other popular brand

“Get a LIFT with a Camel

THE IRON MOUNTAIN NEWS, IRON MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN ing tn it that the present plan has failed of yielding

Five, Ten ond Eid

TELEPHONES Desens Omee—tt nn ey ead Bs ‘Ballon and Managian Edo

of the opinions thet on the beale recent aareefem sam Sr Won the ofen!Ha es |

Advertuing — Reprosctailves, | Devlow


provided for a

ee pan,

‘As the conservation commnlasian





|sisitors in the elty

HG A SP practically closed

not be [mln

Aro ln


d And


nie a

von Mouatalae aod Vicia in Mauatala, July 22, 1885, oe craven aoe oa Scieoe ble Law boar




PDair Maman Boe Rational


yield better results, They are, not daunted ey the

Seat tmat they ames tart potnt ver, based on experience in all the staiea in which problem,1s with hla which on to dealcommission, alleconservation ifingt haeo€ been the state




be best results, and that under @ bounty plan the expeodiune of the same amount af maney ould



on account Nembers of the Majer Bele Pret, ©




‘Yesterday the Milwaukee road link-

ance baetvs Cikicaearsy staan



Betivelea yan

mow wocwraz| oawith ofaverage sen Knowledge eof ene: eovp of eprtnen vf Sova ao bog out Uv turas Rel UC Suspe en SMM on these question can be-lirie company and will conduct the business in the ‘D2 Bertios Wo moletn Cama

a Oe se tar ar





a al pews


MONDAY. JULY 23, 1004

they call It a 8 . Warn Gey cal . ay.

eredited t! nN more when

etn ser nod uot ®> BOO


collective volce could be hea:d- tt would-doubtiess.

‘York. In the


{Sve minutes

peninsula cirole, Is under tho disadvantage] conserration commission to wark out the problem


Income From a

[it was that

ne in rallroas C873: A

[Gate been AD iene













ne \

Oe Ee



to give considerable of his time *%-| in thelr own way. Lf the application of thelr exin News, July 23, 1924. The oir roam of John Gavel, chief his aldo ofthe controversy ith Governor|eraive experience cant bring about Letradaction| ,,Sbicago Plaining Comstock and other administration officials over) of me best method of dealing with It the fight on| {he chtef center of jhuerest in this ely today, There











Na pold and Richird Loeb, sa 4 ie ~ t avs ‘The Michigan Liquor Commlssion pacity of the peer factories was jicions of weaitny Chleago families, faced. the bar reorganization of the Detro!t ‘Trust company, Thus] plunderiag and Ineffective business. ge * ee thelr /nas iiven ou: the Aguses of tax in- |upon_ve the linit; ao that wi nes bean of meres glu a. of Dine: i is made clear that the charyes that the {res Dupes eacaping tha Rangmah: manufacture and sale | 2S were exceaslve and some of them Improper, whether DICKINSON | PULLS OUT ‘Automobiles and other vehicles passed the Ford lot beer in the state for the firsl year ‘The Michigan political campaign will this year idere oh Gusnetesr anes “Yeah, they're supposed to be intelligent, but I've ee ie Jot Its legal production they are justified or not, have been serving thelr curtay «12-hour them do some pretty dumb things.” 1, ls rather interesting to note how purpose. The time Judge Lacy gives to explanation | Inek one familiar figure who was expected to have inuve mi. Teexday, July1Aa. necording to records nearly this Income approximates the and defense cannot be devoted to exposition of his) part in tt, Luren D. Dickinson, ae Menten= eessary 10 produce revnt governor, who had announced thi views on how state government be conduct-| fd and to effective attack on he administration) again seek the office, has decided not to =e 0, in row miglit for the Light heavyweight champomsible cheapening of the produc! 10 the under Comstock. | hope that if he steps aside the position of Mr. tho consumer to ita alt mil‘The fees present a debatable question. How de- Pitrgerald, seeking the Republican nomination £08) pomsdup of thew By De. Merrie Plahbein Odd Bite ot Fun ——— hich of lion barrels he} batadle It §5 is evidenced by the fact that assistants govefnor, wild be strengthened, He and Mr, Pitze-News, July 25, 1928. 1 ought to become ' stabilized bs Does this sound familiar to you? Slam? Rernid are residents of the same county and he Lambert St, Louls: Field, 5: Louis, M: t= |flgure of consumption by Michigans to the attorney general have asserted that they ‘Dale Jin Well, it's advice given by one Greek He—But, darling, we arranged to ea) Jackion and Forest, O'Brine, plioting the populaticn, ‘That wout ‘were not falrly open to atteck,-and that one report | has been under reteeue from the latter's friends onoplane “St. Louis Robin," se: the keep our engagement secret Poe raue pail binyle rallborm ot Ale | iowa rainy back in the days of him a free ni e— Yer, 10} Tcould not help for sustained Mgt at 3:37 p.m. ‘oar lara of revenue to the state (rom this Plato, wha lived abour 400 Justarying them was srquestered before the attorney |*9 five Mr. Dickinson can te credited with a real aacri- when they had been fying 447 hours 43 minutes general gave publicity to the report calling their source alone, fon ite Heat Clridian tra‘ee |i Seslercey Doreen anid. oo ier Ie will also mean, If we figure right-|many of us seem to rely on st bout ould every marry me and T had ta ‘These assistants have been fen to the success of the Fitzgerald tampaign. He and 31 seconds, iption of activity at the old West Chapin ly, corresponding fuck treatment for the or contradict her has a record of almost uniform success In his poDroperty in the west part of 1 ‘operthe period reveators sihoeayy aoretthnes the Ltleal enterprises, Tt was climaxed by his wetory ied rmieny ; So It Gora during the past several years, state product. canDuring subdued 90 easy. © a comiinucus growth |wbicn have bee in the Repuslican primary in 1982, when tne re. began ening with the anpment to the mine por or bre apactty in the state, = ‘A niccup ls dive tam jot'a new 813009 excavator, mamuta Milprocedure ‘which ts atl golng an, and atvietion of the daphrngm, with close [of Barney—Did insomnia the doctor cure Kelly action against prohibition was well under way. His that leaks of news he does not waukee and capable of seuplng up ecrea-<tguths fe brewing capacity was [fs ure of the valve which shuts off the | Tim—He did. Now Kelly can't coe ary mupporiera rallied to his cause, and the wets will be followed by unpleasant consequences, of n yard af o.e at a single dip. the demand. We cou mingt thre is [nights wondering how he's going to. Bist oven if tne fees are debacable and oven It ‘ore 30 accustomed to voting for him in November Reet ak We eee ganas the ulltoonta axe valve Me called the gl pay the doctor!—Dauly Eagle (Brookting for htm in the ‘they can be justified. the [oct remains, as stated, elections that they went © mand. Taking the last four months of he phragnt ts large muscular |!7e) organ wnteh divides ‘he chest, cavity that they are an annoying issue for Jude Lacs pri mary ri from the No Wings Over Raat abdom ty. Tt la cone If Mr. Dickinson had continued tn the contest to have to deal with, As a candidate for nominaCIoinate Gllnpecs of Interacting Heme te charges of theve institutions ought 30 ed with breathine jegrost who had not seen each wid more kely than not hare been nominton agalnst an incumbent governor, in possession fetrovolis! show of f seven millions of P Gecina Tou Inhale, the | other in ‘five years diacoversd mach eee "service coe Bt the pony ie aaennet married during this time. of the support of the state organization, with but a ted again this year, He could have done t ries ee ai ot me U 1. HARRISO: x Pe uring themontha a 1 bree elng so that | What Kies wort a JOU-aE Bete} ‘aie LaF served, he-has-at-the-best-a-ditfonit- tas > sthout Wurting Mr—Pilegerabl te any great exer’ Tacasd and beallly, bat looking February. March and April of 193 thin takes piace nolselessly, | Mose?” asked Rasius. fon his hands. Whon this kicambent governor and 3 ut he has eared his good will by alding him as noneNEW wo WORE! happy. about It, lols of actors afd, ac the a ch Lax I t thing disturbing the aynchroniaa-| “She's an angel, Rastus, dat’s what _ much as It was poasible to do. Ils associates Have 20 managed things that he has esses are eourihg in from the hills these anys. wan paid, was 740 thousand barrels, an of Sa Is mechanism causes hic- | she ts.” ous Some of Uhera nave to hiteh-hike back to Broadto give considerable time to explanation and deyou sho Is lucky. Mine's still Rastus muttered sorrowfully— ay. ‘are var which al 1 wee GaN Is Big tense before ho undertakes attack they have They're refugees from blighted summer the- tlon for the third of the year to have uve thls Weshanian, AByIELO wien Raltimare Sun, Michigan ranks ¢1 hth among 2 states in the plsced fim under m heavy handicap, plers, and victims either of bad management or eee 70 6 thoumandbarrels, or et the ne grew Defore Judge Lacy 1s an able man and a publicist who payment of taxes to at federal povernmen: weatshop explol ihe have pitched hay. rate o} Empie of public benefactor. ft cannot 000 ly wag Intended to control thar type hes between appear. fal! to be an important additipn to as much nidre intimate knowledge of stats aftalts| Aocat-year jusb drawn to.a clase, Only seven staten nuked cons and jet ecupe: watch tr primarity mame ‘of summer: resorts, the cay returns of industry tn thst most of the men who hava had prominent Paid tr more, and 40 paid in less Is payment was) ari inhavethe amakeshift tages ai nervous disorder. In cases “recreation .conneellors” |and eonsucrption (he productive eax Michigan part in them of late years, Ne woukl doubtless ‘equal to those of 21 tther states that ave a Tepre= pnd thuy have fou ve to ditufoence of the stocsach eid everyProve, given the opportunity, an administrator of sctlation of 42 members in the United Mates sen- thing Trom duplicate contract brienmacaging tk ven to toursaments 12 roestu All agree that it The Bicyelo Tax parts, and particularly efter tn deating with] , S return to Broadway, even if The Milwaukee Journal: The bicyele Michigan paid in to the federal government 4s very nic financial and tax ‘As to the foes they on to be had, thew att Tew |tn w petition for divorce it got Dack in allocations for redoubtless nocord with fees usually charged for work mach more that the big boy tassed order to ett rid of any source ot lerte of similar complexity and making similar demands | ! lef, FWA. CWA and from the other new deal Rural Theatricaln tation. Sometimes randy, gine are, of course, a number of excellent sbily and resources of a jaw firm, Bu agencies. This condition gives a tinge of bitterness ruralThere het In iter Gr peeenane & star tne theate: levy a eanse tax on John- atWisters 0 complaint in Detroit and Wayne county that ithe brother, 6 feet & inches [tel fe they are, nevertheless, @ hard hurdle for a canhelpa to relleve hlecupa due to atocaacts braln tumors oc abe he's bike cal Mary's bike ground acd ge and weighing 206 ae, enrolls at) Dé disturbed ‘by the PWA allotments have been negligibie But It fourishing. and will continve to didate to take, sceaey, by Infeetons of the brain. by may be annoying to the youngInjuries by anything else cases the tnhaling of care Judge Lacy would be in much atronger position does not cancel thé fact that the city and county stors, ang’ it i flattering to them ot ty ain, bo ut at 8 An aspirant for governor if be had observed the are principally responsible for thelr failure to get hlceu that sometimes take e been uns |auch tank of reorganizing the Detroit Trust company more. If they had put forward sound projecta in fo frequently found during place with m pati ent under anesthesia (ne ally season whieh ood sexcon they would have fared much better, 66 GB innocent bystander. have (7 biL shopworn dramatic mummies have unearthed » meal lala out 2,900 are 4" probably : due to someare disturbance Inexchenee for the Suarters and. halldlrs of ‘apparently lepitemica of infection whlch particuome of che compaiuies hired by resort hotel THE ROOT OF THE MATTER Just up and quit. tar! these brain centers a ‘Mr. Lippmann, discussing the San Francisco North Dakoti | plocupe, ining actors, muxiclans, dinner entertainers strike sttuntion, says thet while there is, and has t 2000 Bi ‘ail along ground for compromise af the individual strikes the persistence of which laid the IMAGINE TOUR COUNTRY UNDER Musiclans may rece've only 4 a week, singess and a balance allegedly due on an auto- nasiety, Hr LE goundwork for the unwise order for the genera! wers $100 for a twelve-week ses an (Muskeron Chronicle) dlography. otrike, there ¥_s no possible ground for aia \dinary remedies have failed. to wait tabie ‘To get a real Idea of what Ife under Germa' had ‘A mule colt at Newberry, 8, ou on the latter, 2: had alther to prove Hs lr; fascism 1s Like, use your imagination and trans bandanan hour, i fo tells mv that he and eleven others” were to the forces af government, or in the lastanne |Plant the whole business to American soll auartered In ic of & barn. He alsa says that fovernmen: had to suppress 1t Dy whatever moans Prete re jaboring under Nazim and fable owner,we Nould fet bien oe ORIGIN OF A FISH STORY Malent prove necessary. Ie flied termine the men SOME, 3% hla Sha havehzpened sn Germany one evening (he jotel owner asked whether they fe ecknlves: i pactere andte ratte?| theA_buaGk (Clark $8. Yobba In Baltimore Sun) duck to Kansas lye, + who authorized {t were not willing to go through You start by Imagining tat allpostcal parties ap those objects tn another. the measures required to maka i effective Traulation is ouviously requled Ot tho seins. aa the ty have Be forcibly sup: He stuck a vary juley worm upon a prickly -TIsINsregulation oa taxes to the Kansat City star on fea oath, that Iver: into exile; From the beginning thelr principal problem, as|PT hoo! bay for It More than that, «salaried setting hens are hatching fried chick‘Mr, Lippmann polnts out, was how to to call It off | oe and ‘dangled it where fish were said a Clty. Ogden Stoy's & Blot! ‘enforce the a, “before it destroyed thelr own leadership and the In Leavenworth; Senator Borah Hipage | ie. Torn's egulation for a taxicab, surely tt shoul polidarity of their awn organizations.” a ini St vat nis. coneted on a pectaie stage in He dante4 itit and dangled it through half fox n bike or tor a in on roller akates, fant che Sete a ra un sey ietly Tsentins Various’ past Si Ss cemsoliniccia of De Sirtkes of this gharacter cannot be succtantully picked at by Jim Far hat makes Uttle ait- Division of the be Anyhow ‘or politics. With A fem lee iat yeach, and Mer of Publis Wellare, because as Mr. Lippmann anys “at 1 rence, for te meets only, when velt says _commasion, & Sack- Borah has veen seen this summer ta As hopeful fas a fisherman could be. metors, even af trey. ae ch. ‘ yw Maelo in may. und Ii does exacly what he tela It to do tha allel talks, "Tie oodHooahoutan commission and top-spiining Kansas, named or-some= ste yapniag tees Commision, His patience was, inde ‘There won't be any fail elections: If there were. the mlltane Jeter mm, holda third get ahead of Ei she at the city hall the kind all the voter eou 14 do would be to make a blanket les whicit sometiines could truly tho national list of rainlesa The curtain squeal oOir vale his mind was very very blank Indorsement of all Democratic candidates, with a they had nchleved “Equal rights for communes, ened in many parts of the world. Its defense re- flock of Tammany te beat him up if nd down on the 2 all, special privileges to. nom And that is-why he spent his time in languid w King of Hngland has given up quires a profound and Se and unhesitating he refused. it “made him so damned. lassitude editer of your favorite newspaper prints an mupport of its basic ples. One of these tne ine aeen--ler uber rea eclining on a grassy river bank. Ri ed torial suggestion that is sumewhat ‘Swimmin’ sons, tt ls claimed—| ven Up. * that duly constuted government shail respondt ‘lies than perfect, ‘and is immediately thrown in Free Press: The Nomad of | wenring those hats. New York history that required 1¢Detro!t persuasion but never to force, You yoursel ‘happen to remark that you think theriotfirstsquadshowty inmanage Trnnscript was musing Of course, it may have been that he was the audience at every per- about Boston "If once i, were admitved anywhere on this Gen, Johnson Is a flat tire, and the departinent of format the ol swimming-hole the other badly misinformed luge you off to a concentration cam} day, Te mtet ab the shore” of he Human Nature fontinent that organized labor could paraiyes A. justice ‘The nble M r . Cleon Throckmorton deal A hout the local habitat of fish; Fe pool, under the trees ‘The rector ad invited the vulage the theater, which Is mounted on a truck and is community, or by mass action dictate to n govern NO publty wpoater._na._edtor no magi It may have been no fish were there to Ayn or ta the ape bora to the rectory for a strawberry Whe _afternocn complete from colored spotights to Ave seta of zement, other groups opposed to labor or with intermm of the right. i the tet ater they ‘had fintsted he, seek ape his wormy hoo versible soene 's are fond of ata of their own that they wish to reailze would be| thing the moral, sald; "Now, rt, rc alage alta it opens leap and Pro! ing with ee ea ‘Then,butto cap things properly. imagino that the pa wed leat hier tine brooke gertain to organize, too, amd to exert mass com- Democrats eet and widin viah. have had an internal row, and that the _carsiom pil ot into’ my garden and. helping yours ulsion oyment President setllen it by having Carter Glass, Hue; And yet a river seems to be a place where tn hale selves?" “That Is the road to destruction of democracy Leng, Berni Me mci and A\ cenit races tar-sscier in'm mised Sumas "0. ee chorused th fish abide @ semblanceof rial, ‘Qnd tho Lbertiosof men, For that reason those who ‘win only and shout while the andces ae nicer? "ae asked A nd hooks sad worms are said to be Broadway syndicate already haa ble; to whoop I thls malas 6 Cissy, nightinariah pleture. Yet lamaller cites, One finance believe in democmoy and love lberty must be the 8 motorised stock eon- eeening air reounds;.to venture fear- |e chubby approsimation’of the Teallly tn Ger= een arianived to Gouth this wi easly Into the "io learn |” "Breaiag, sr," wan the reply, “we But frst to stand up and to say that they wilt not, in| ma only pale Te the tei water and Ue on|ahowidn't have had any sugar and ut whether there were fish or not it still Looking at it lke that ta agood mental exercise fact or In appearance, permit democratic governremains a fact your back, to ow! possibly to|cream with them."—Humorist, ment in America to yield anything to extra-lega! for two Treason. ary when you come out N 'o fish were biting near that grassy I: demonstrates how tar we aro from anytoree, running up and down on the bank, eat. thu Fascist nda to| Many are so indifferent “To take this posttionia not to lack sympathy about the trouble In Ban Francisco, with labor or to be indifferent to its grievances |! fe becomes grotesque a t h e | g tink the general stvke eas And so the day wore on and on and so the ible. T h m there ta a boy, snd will be| called against General Johnsan—or TE Is to rncognize the fact, now demonstrated be- Jcervation ia the greatest responsibility we can pos: lay wore on adyptalk is not to be scorned as a husband tBere for your OWN Doma and thetr/ SOM, Cuan! cue ue AY mht A ng a the hook was dangled in the yond any question, that once the authority of fre [ubiy Bare winner. But 1t must de stopped after ee attee thee ae Jone cis | have walked out. Sovernmentts undermined all Uberties, foremos Dr. Mehran K. Thompson, of Michigan ‘Nor mat College. mong thers the lbertioe ef labor, are imperiled. Unti ‘th hopeful fisherman grew very praterarand old mina near Johannes iti Pree institutions are not safo if they aze not strong. burg, South Africa, has more miles of No amount of political or economic maneuverart i fou count call it an admiral ‘Once they show signs of weakneas in the presence rubverranean ‘shafts aad employe, wader, normal tng can offset or combat succesfully the natural And‘fell iTato a doze and had a dream. strike, could you: een of compulsion they are infected with a disease tha! conditions, approximately 190,000 ‘workers resulta of a great invention or enguneering develop He dreamt that he had caught a fish, a mt . Karl T, Compt may prove fatal.” whopper of a is No human voloe can come close to imitating the jsachuse:ia Instivuterot ‘Technology. The, ee that anglers ever have exsongs of birds, according to A MOVE FOR BOUNTIES Tie ada Wey old memes rou — tne Waten and just Tete ‘A group of upper peninsula sportsmen have the HI. And then ‘the guy woke up and when, at ‘The batrel ucts of our southwestern deserls 4 Mra. James Roosevelt, mother of the president Yaunched, « movement for re-introduction of the known as the "rain barrel of the desert”, aince it last, he reached his hame foremost in the heart of every maz ‘You might not have heard the rer Dounty plan as a means of reduction of predatory an be used for both food and drink in emergency aid irst_and The story of the dream is what he tol i wan b tip Gores for 6 cre: borer ancl 8 Port, because there was no shooting, animals, The fact of organization bere witness in ‘Dry cure and brine or picrle cure are {wo gen cheaper home—Harrey Wiley Corbett. famous Jeabsequent delights of swimming out-| but president just wia elected in jof-doors are never far ways jarchitect, ponchustreia to the opinion of thors participat- feral methods for curing meat, F



In New

York |



us Tirm for services In the} the predators must, {t appears, be at tie best

TEE ae

Saledgn is jalwsnuas laupurtior:

of having

the fees

Pct MoU anaand he bas new epoch, Bale [ater aaatwenty as aFeproved

Tee a



dram |e tee] | EN tw nance notableot veprogress Yeh‘tramenenmy lateenceng tops Seah ago A p|ipnten [nea fore ehew he octaL nae poneree jengaged in icinens, engineer xno. made

[express the thought Unt it would perhaps be assorsed ne caraiacy of trent: Harvey Be = HANDICAP JUDGE Lacy, whoLACY'S Judge haa been singing around the) wel! to permit the U. 5, biological service and the |Obican ticket,




Roorevelt for libel, Tt ts the ou pees ten

on full well, can, tn the nature of things, have|‘rrespective of thelr partyto overaffiilacion to jain ‘ea andI t Ltue of sound opinion as to who is right, If its suena of tal


a =



fim a discussion at7 a. m. and at 12 mldright they | future, tn ths ely. ; Rencasal iy: dlagppaaven veces Carried a fx Sony Peat rive of eight oot [ring ck Marte. They wil nave I NSon Mae esta me ainsi Ne where they wil be jutknowledge TRESS to the| [definite Tra MERIDEN Anocinted OF Fite ls AasOcTATED exclusively entitled to atart with and they will have |i taken steps to begin m Theodore [10K and short hauls pevlaoee ate |e

Hosa! news pabllshed



ree Wecinttos Pat "Moaibtey Per Twe—t780 use for See



sro by the condilon Wat Ma one at rece inBaan lat isRkpata 10a Gy ste at yar rire the foata have anown in recent weeks and whoh in many of its, aspects none can have deflauoeaee showed sigea wakening. | whien resulted In regular ninety file knowledge. Tt belongs ln the eatercry of eeImaneGnacte 2hrt a0 a tcore ot esto thay pice cc fchetlee between the oro

I their Suntneen dwindle and ‘wondered | ites timates of the size of the deer herd in the upper |oiq jast June 23, and who ® year from SUBSCRIPTION RATES order to make his record brenkhelr apparent ka find why, ‘They complained bitterly. of the richest imate number of pred-|will become wet SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE] peninmla forests, the ot tne caareviioh, ts [BOtCr, water and air competition, but lng 611 minute run, Eogineer DesapLe = Sree Six Monthe~ | Pe of} average an at train hia held /ney to efforts serlous no made + * Japparently story animals preying on i, and the extent of the/ith the Possible facen ten fant; Oe Your



rallroads decited Shab much speed¥ Sie, Epes mates nL eNO Micha, iy keppere tiag, Pitue| CoBsideration, we are probably in for another pro~ meetings see pact The. elghceen, nour males dingne. B comes at climas een eile ernaes Ee Bldg. Dee Moines, fowa | 100884 agitation of the subjec:. It 1 m probability |"°S'"%% Soe G69 re in London was a happening not ora ‘while,





by reams eohedule, butteers, and oe hia Bide Haw York Cir. ¥.| uty to yield Views M has arrived at after mature tron Soun'an, bate obfaloed the ute of the Bula bot ‘ept yn ‘an hour, ‘This approxi-


By George



rw rn nC lon,


MONDAY, JULY 23, 1984




ant ave ae 8 i arto Ae of the strike by the

men against the non-union men.

* &

[Timely Quotations]


On the Side


:' | fi


sOCcIAL—_——_-—_ PERSONALS Draw Up Rules For Entry At Flower Show




Girl Scouts to





Spend Week at

Copyright 1934, NEA“BERVICE, INO,


Personal Notes has | Hale Trudell, of Chic is bretwilt, active bs the Fred Selomon, of Chicago,i visitthe home of Mra, John Jones. Charles Schmidt, of Chiesgo, was a recent Quinneare visitor. Grayden Johnson, of Tron Mountain, visited at the Far! Johnson home in Ingalle recently.

Fortune Lake

ada, has returned to her home tn Iron Mountale, Roland Hooking, of Chicago, arrived tn Iron Mountain this pert e week's vacation. af the heme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hosking, 1017 Prospect avenue, ley ¥. Doney, a teacher in th Grain’ Hen. "pale schoo Yen the week-end in Iran Mout tain at thi Mrs. Matt Boney. He was enroute to Gale umet to visit his father. Mra. Hilda Frangqulst, her daughOltve

Forty Dickinson county Girl Scouts. (ave xpent for a long time, BEGIN HERE TODAY of two Guin Plans for the annual flower show when Mr, Prentice had left, “But representing four patrols TERRY comes to New York| Rosa montored by the Iron Mountain Wo- actermined rre Monday, July 7 0, for Fort to ahow her home, tow, what on earth “fn tron county, Tight away? Amy mi man's club and which will be heldNa on for thele third mnnasi summer campping for us, even if the rest Bavurday, August 11, In the First | 194 itp, They will retura ‘Quinnesec| fe. Amy ha fonal bank bullding, Bast Ludingtoe until HOWARD JACKSON broke comthe by "camp aivetors wil include 3s formed street, are being tagagement Jane iad forced upon Dorothy Carlson, of Tron Mountain, in regi- nim of the. rge Gome mites tn cha and sada dLife tne Th New ‘York Jane. obtains ation to porern-the entries and also| sition in a real estate offjoe and soon Mra, Andrew Larson, gaunee, visited friends here yesterday. Julian, in Lake Forest, Tl. a Miaking a tare income. She has think It was.” home making, and Mrs. been decided upon. dnniesee. nature lore. Baise Mra, George Qingrass, of Butte, ‘While entriag will be open to all) Tearried, 87 affair batwithtinesROGER, ‘Misa Gladys James has left for MU Mont of him rien he “Now, there's a nico Uti saaiivin to Miss Rosa exclaimed. ““Alwnys ‘cel hieago to visit relatives ngeles, MlsCalif,Alma Prenevoe,D. of Los who wish lo enter, the committee re-/ loffers to bear a claws in healt plays ag cee es vcontemptuously” dimiaaes mannered, lam of ‘terves the right to exclude from the him. Amy takes the baby, named Misa Irma Andrin!. of Ironwood. la ‘Chicago, all sisters, are in Iron MounLechibitlon any exhibits Ht may deem visiting relatives and friends in Iron tain to valk with thelr mother, ‘Mrs. must be grown ‘undestrale. AM! flowers x Prene Mountain, exhibitor, and | BY end arrange and Mrs, Artur Saiy amateur gurdencrs will be elgttte ‘america enters the World Ws sod Sioe Prank Buchanan sd Bs Masste nd Mrs, 0, Belalre, Mrs tor prizes. 28, tamily have iit for. a0" natomabie of Guinnesec, will be In ne to anit ta the e avis Other Displays acee hes through the eas id preparing te! charge0 In addition to the Hower displays, corps, & Manustiaus with “Mra mate's a—a |dally ene 10 obliged ‘aa ta have been made to i limpendcesein ‘Mrs. Victor Larson and sister, Leona Foye, and other Ench day’ will jencemrent a family’ viliad heatives in Tree Ries etiam, a retuned to thelr home play 6:30 tetoek adel include many poo! Bley party at which Jane Is & eu here Hirst impulse was to up exercises and a dip in the lake at in “ie 1:38 o'clock Dronktaas at 15 clean-up “You always were peeved Now G0 ON WITH THE STORY reply: naGatieton, Reewe and Wally Mile Edna Wright Dols and fon, 8:45; general ase cause the boya liked Amy Detter lane a xVT ave let for Milauxee, where they Benson, of Chicago, with Mrs, Dols” Bassas,’ 10 to 11:20, and put youl play io = jute ile you," but she repressed it. She had sem! Intend to visit friends for m few daye brothers, Leonard and Roscoe Wright at 12 e'loek, ‘There. will be ‘come to be am trifle wary of this com~ Timchginperiod anc . Donna Deryl Wright, following the luncheon petent, assured and ruthless Jane She Pred Vereslla and Clarence Prene= of Spirit Lake, Ia, spent the woekvost have returned home after spend- end wanted to proptt! in the city with relatives of the gibe nbout June's Jealoury, Mss tng the week-end at Lake Vermillion. left Iron Mountain for Chicago. Clitfort Carlson, of Marquette, xile intent , Louls Radlott and children ing one of his own cigars, an the week-end here with hy nelther Alice Mareland nor se eee loproved the BUrRUSED. he parenta Mr. and Mrs, Charles Garison: y ever dress that touched n't make up his mind ta try that ong you've gor Ow, Jae, Tes what AU Mghts wi De“Outs culty tobacco, He wanted to sit of MinneMiss Dorothy Johnson, down and relax and be entertalned Teall real styl theSpeci bent nits bouaet mixed bouquet without polls, ty visiting friends and. relaJane shrugged off the compliment effort until that cigar ws and special bo tives in tron Mountain, Delegates Have 1 the style extracrdirarily pleas Giey riover shops are Imited by the finished, Ib thewas three to what she charming young Pavesi af Bir Mrs. Bestolo and som, Savino, of committee in chatke to But she could not swalagreeable encuah Do Returned From ‘Negnunee, visited at the home of Mi companied men, playa fdr the show low In complete allence Ner resent. tes thre ‘and Mrs. Joseph Vercella, BREITI ua ‘uch muste would. be ment of the evening and the thing Lake Sesstons most was ie ight endin. Me. Prentice agreed she found herself resenting dof and Mrs. 0. W. Crandall, of Dita ose Marie anderson, has tote her $1000 A WEEK is. fellow Birwlaghati, Mikhe O¢ Sao: hone for Detroit, where she will Tron Mountain and Norway deleEieran Amy. She relatives and irlends for monin St the ZA. Johnson home. ish a dig not want to play. She wad trate Mrs. Elnier Anderson and directly. “T's ath got the same dub of the emolionvot al tonight. Mr, W. Schneider of Duluth, is! fa smiyspert ee and Ideas.” Edgar and standards visiting at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. friends at Gladstone. What do you want?" asked Miss |[von asic please sees Vnce to enn:hear Tyou"almest Lous Cahodes May Anna Miss "must say it's a relief to me stitute opened on Satur when ruler 1 lovely a of wway the erryland came under of the National Cherry Festival at colort along about the “ald Misa Rosa, to have things go Mrs. Edward Panolet and children, was In session through yesterday queen crowed York was Come slong. child, You don't have to same gear aiter sands of celeb’ ors at Traverse City, "Mich, ms were held during monies attend! ana Robert andthe ton,homeof of tronMfrs. Mountain, Deeauie youre ot.” with recreational mens en Agha Nay. pon Her Q. Lamcoaxed." A to fear any was a reliefU bere in ingats ch afternoon, Pea Kalahar basin her, Coy ‘William A. Comat Penn cid [ a 1 But here, alver all a 2 Amy and Representative Tasty W, Musselahite were on sreaenra keep amply would Tt FPamuste Gust Hassell, who spent a week in town, full of young people n AT THE BRAUMART the iimeltent stil longer, at she mu 0 college Chiara at the nome of Bis ssa, A double-feature months out of the eat, It cr te appear, generos program, Includ~ Sirs, lorian Bramberek, bas retar weep up with the tlmes a ing a repeat showing of the comedy, Hot be fsing. her i, es “The Kid From Spain,” with Eddie ous To FeTaIA the vote TorTORR and Mrs. Verne Trombley and rst in the title role, and and listen. Howard was 1not looking at | J iy. who visited here with Mr. and Cantor of “Midnight "Alibi." with her and Prentice took the piace. 1 | Ollon, of ‘Walter Seiler, have returned to showing Richard Dartnelmess, is scheduled fot ‘rd moved over beyond the plano s0 nd Mra, their home in Munising. face and be tomorrow at the Braumart mn sone a const sian cy, a eroduate Chureh Pleate Auxillary Meetl receptress of the girls The Beth tarael untiary wil TH Miss Florence Cotterilt has returned th With Cantor are tyda Robert! and ton and Bunnual con dormitory. after a 18-day evening a, the ome cay school penis of the Calvary Luth. tocruiseIronom Mountain Cantar poses a4 8 fam~ Great Lakes witit friends Robert Younk.f and services at the lake yesterday meet tomorrow eal, Guinnee c, Was held yes from New theYork. we then, to win tho a. by a number of local]®Sard arentM. ris Cohodes, Lake Axtoine. A 12:30 o'clock end of the Soman be loves and na, wha motored to thi course, Miss Irene Dallatorre, af Chi keep from being deported to the Ualt~ accompary the delegates name, mane ‘Counett ed States, he enters the arena to Tine yucctl of the Knights fight© vicious bull ‘with Klier rep ‘shorts and games | Mra. Ambrose Telinconre utation. He wins out, but corumbis will meet tomotro a eee ee 12 To Accept mony 1s wrou several narrow escapes Ir fn the K. C. hall, ae Misa Margaret LaFaver, who spent Bi eas plays the a insignificance and human tonight! One ma Invitation To © meek tn this ety at the home of gangster in the picture, who ts be« ton. . making Ladies’ Aid Outing home tn Biosded by an elderiy"laiy” Secataa musle reached them all, slow! And The ei —- | ends, ‘The date for the annual outing of| ine the least. dune tri em to lor the table, and the ne reminds het of her own youthtul Enter Events members of the Ladies’ Al t |strange old dress that vetonged 1 8 | y her fi of tn Kingsford Baptist church nas| J. Erickson has returned to Iron |! According to the reservations made Anderson. EArt’ | A McteeMr. andace Mes,We Albin from sohels| from Lanting, where De a Rosa understood now pertectiy « voto Bast | Mountain paraie-et crigtaily Mrs H. Sturtz, chairman of the Ber n AF piu geen;one ad day, tended te spec! jons at the what war the matter wih Jane, Her with ty t0 pow the musie An @ Dvorak playa me summer sports committee of the Worn tices to. Wednesday. ‘Tho outing Willen Thuredey, July 13, nt the readence | Michigan State college, arranged for leading ein, ‘feminine me tonight, mounting tone anand fT role, be held in the city park, bealnningpning |The haby has been named Earl Oliver.| rellet workers. ding ‘dress thought, she en's Auailiary atof least2 12 of |Grove ls for members and Pine Ming Moked beautiftd cand ao, I observed, country club, An advertisement proclatma 9 itera wil motor to} Mra. John OL Doulas, whe spent € ook. and oFone-half months visiting in vanybody can wTite." ‘That In one of was ttaprersone “E didn’t, [ thought abe looked e jo take par! Martha Soclely akes a | he enstern United States and in Gane the troubles with modern civilization, ed upon’ as a lux; roca, Au iter ta nlL doer’ andl ping. PATO ational tourscumaat at the| | club, turn this jen: and ia eat-| it was, but I ‘The Martha goclety of the what 1 Bach week for the next seven years. ort tions have been sent, to seve n will meet at 8 o'clock able asa blowe with a they something sollee: Traeyeor-olt Shirley Temple, sar: erat endance lt f the Rev: /sports sult ‘wood, Mrs. Danielson and Miss Myrtle An-| [ry "General" WU Hays lerson ‘ill be the hostesses. order of Governor Ruby La: fone lowly, | Kentu a call by 80. hin thought you were all over your grudge salary from (he Fox edie with shone book rs,andAndrews that abe plants are used to produce | for th way he's handled the movie alt | Tor marrying Howard special-surprise award Lx to be made | va iouscts drugs, uation It will have to be done with $180 more to Mr ‘Temple for out0 if he ealled up soap cleaner, water | I held tt. to the club with the most players In ottenersand ‘a boller compound. ts shown Bi more Tespect. | ing the el: Sh | “It was the most agreeable evening "How thats ally, Can. you Imagapplying her pea ‘0 the contract. ibe me as & praleasor's wile irHRT the tournament ure? antler than ‘orgive and Fors wee, wedding. dese Tim grateful 10 i Rear wee wraaees an gua ‘Amy By Willlas me for sparing me that. I really before ® commissioner for having & wan asked by Ferguson ui don't sound grateful, You AEE on Rus premiwe:, He“How do you sound," Miss Rosa continued surewdly. “as if you had tried to hurt Amy in Plead? ‘The Negro said: "I pleads gullly and walven the tome way und it hadn't come ott enri" There's nobody we disilke90 By do you faive the Deonle we'd like to hurt ‘andcan people we have hurt without any rea- eating?" naked the eorim seloner one Tn, beemuse. It proves they are "T means I don’t wanta heah no mo’ ELLEN WORTH avon’ It."—San Diego Union, Unger than we. ate” This bs a season of casually ‘Oh, dear Aunt. Rose. please don't brow stuff, don't we assembled ensembles — whieh 'L suit you.” Jane means It's a season offering @ ‘as well go to bed some more cake!" girl “opera lea to make two ve fo back | York said ‘es,‘ilce,and “Th want sas grand, that cabs where one bloomed tomorrow. I don't like to be away long. iy had hal Everything's #0. unsettied with this ie, ms, Ga at T won't Jove stupid war, 1 wish T knew how long tts going to tae‘mt what rita "Yd rather eat my eake and boasts several blouses to go with ettret Iti have on reales ad neored off Miss Yoeg 38 rot Jove, hum= sald Amy: Mt, can make » modest ware ‘seem Uke one bélonging to & | aga at er. I'l ce star, no the kitchen’ Delp eft aiiy cake, and movie ‘A blouse much as. thi e and weil tailleur sn ETI gat ome ginger, land do wonders to rehave all vive yourwill jaded ‘areat| al at out tn jibe, an minded “tik there. ie i'd equally jaded wardrobe If and the love rom another, higher sphere, and the /love 4 summer has begun to ta th & FILM OF OIL f don't tee up. to Ut after thet wil, both. “A stmplo_ surpiice n A HUNDRED MRLONTH' OF AN Franck, Vil play Nowra for you some OUGH sleeves, you thn ot herslt, “Howard Jackson ‘Al ce put m slender around golf, for shopping or for tho ofdln gi ne ino thet amy. "t know. Tt would bea crime fice, with equal apiom®, He I amai ta Usten to trash wfter that." Pailern No. 5611 Is deslgned Sem T told him what Pd made on tt mwas sweet and dark and for sizes 14, 18, 18, 20 years o to make Byen if I can't 32, 34. 36, 38, 40, coal, “It was a party," had 36 requires 314 Alle, arranging her ru(fes. 1% Yooked Like Queen Victoria all 1] IN AFRICA, up. 1 lined ie, arnay, ble oaart tice any rating. Not that BETWEEN THE YEARS tha: Amy was supposed apper fet paid much attention lo me, He was 1905 AND 1912, the lady on his other canon Lowe's and aly ber mother Profensor ABOUT through an evehing with a stoup of Janie x show!” mald viniting ng trustess” wives. hus 30,000 seeing Sears soveudnag che, same 220(ELEPHANTS ing 49 bis Baroay oort Erastlon ad Was ahe givin, was WERE KILLED fewer rand be nea Barney fied abe tooked very stunning mus, sa. ANNUALLY, aa old Sest_Cwoul: patefe tener Edgar Moreland and, ahe's rt trast her ar ay ateton rt him, Mroall up your mother andsay you {Dent pay, sny “Hiss siwaya hed “Bhe' POR years, kallors had known that when the cook threw greasy water card, the water became calm Tur nol nui the Une of en} ‘would come home. yw why this enowid be, Franklin reached the con~ e (Copyright, 1934, by Sophie Kerr) ‘water lessened the frictio mn of the: wind, (To Be minded talk and have you piay

The Screen


The Calenein|


Tis Curious WorLD


Chic For Variety.

ALL LADIES’ Dark Summer



Out they g room for our new Fall Hats which will soon begin to arrive

1. DE


| | | |

MONDAY, JULY 28, 1934 THE IRON MOUNTADY NEWS, IRON MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN innrmary . MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ‘upon from Diekinson county June dala of tats report ts that the Buchazanvilemur Co, Baral youre, POOR SUPERINTENDENT! Sune 25, 19% 1 Comm, .... 48.00 805 + Charles 1 Bender, ‘A meeting of the Board of Supertn‘To Honorable Board of Supervisors, |vaiuation of the County for 1996 will eelbelswallracing ficool Chea ieton arial —O, Re+ 141.43 5 B bbe about 916,500,000.00, Five mills will |J. Dickinson cal = 428.00 Diexinson County, Michigan. of Poor the of [teadenta ADMTx. eLTEr ew building and Rouche, Cour: espa ‘Times. Balance. the at, held bring = total revenue of $82,800.00, Michigan, /Gentiernen: |County, COUNTY teeeseeess 10.00 i ISTRATION DICKINSON ting Election Notice 78.16 Re- ‘The committee on Health and San- Eight mills would amourt to $183. ky of Iron: Mountain, "re emer‘and TRON MOUNTAIN, MICHIGAN Go, bulldini 5 , Peterson, Rahal, amh day of June, jected, 9.03 000.00, Delinquency In tax payments Hei inson County Supervisors: Sewell and Wells (18). New Norway Hotel, Meals to Dm. building and 186.00 Relief Loan and Bxpenditur 5.28 Oo, Thaifelts Nays; None (0). R 3. °4y | should be considered. ‘Surors—Justice Court s+. SupettnKelly, nan =. Mont of May 1834. sarausce te Witness fees EMERGENCY WELFARE Tt is obvious that te County can- STATE Eden tendents “aumnginon and Carlsot ‘and House3Toraship, bulldice tang 1.80 operate he allocation and None : hold Necessitien.$ 3,992.01 therefore recommends that your honTeer "pula and quarters were clean, Shelter (Rentals 2.00 Sule oruie boardre appear by tts commitand the maragement le satlslac- ec 21.50 ? . vy and make formal objection. Adopts Carpenter Idle 1.0 ry. 1934 7, June apCarlson, STANLEY 2405 ‘Respectfully submitted, |. ind and fippllsy—inf car-}_ Motion LOTA, correction. DOMENIC sithoak Novel Means Of Earnproved ‘STANLEY and Suppl Service Commission. The Pri te Ba Relief County Dickinson | unanimously, ned DRIEDRIO, A. JO8. 35.00 RIC, 106: A. dnd ened ing Living eating Mi reciyn. Gaston,” Clerical “Tne claites for the month of Jt G. & GUBTAFBON, | Norway,Reverend G8, GUSTAFSON, Greenwood: ‘Work—Clerk 44.00 Quality Hardware Store. HARVEY, | Dear d 1934, amounting to $765.98 for oa HARVEY, MARTIN and and grounds itary Laundry, eau for Committee On Appropriations | |The State Emergency ReliefoverGomside rellef and 81,412.38 LA. 4 DO the 3.85 supplies— . concemed | NEW ORLEANS, June 23—One way [5°the Jail... follows: deeply as la availed and sec: checked were Peterson, Supervisor | ‘Moved by ‘Committee ‘whic! llr Tron Mine co . wid: JA, Sackim ‘Gompany, Soap— ° second |onded by Supervisor Carlson that {nancial al Carlson, gard x ipervisor rail. ‘ 10.10 Moved by Supery and grounds—int. -.-35 sansrned iy St |itealy fa face, ta thethemaenthe head. 8 | etl ance Co. bling gr Buperviaer Sewell tant teresin |adjaumed Por | Deputy Sherlif Fined ‘vou greater to|A afternoon a this to from Von and Incorporated 3.00 port Ant a mnployment relief ‘will have to be| Fuel adjourned to unty Tat Allocation | 289.00 Platen Fox credit Phe minutes of this. meeting. communities them-| by ‘Boar unanimously. Puel ‘Carried in selves, Many Carried unanimously. yen! supervisors Carlson, Dishaw,| tor this| Platen Fox Credit 28000 ger — provided |bave Dishaw, & Carlson, salary supe ‘Bupervisors peatpartaat, Jr Bot at Driedrie, ea iin and contrfbutng no ax than |Direct | Reliet «....81 6482.75 ans exp—O. Rand tnt Harvey, Mense, |Drledric, Eakil, Giesen, Gustetsor, [burden Prete persons... 1 of the total fey, Martin Harvey, Henze, one-thirdlocalities, eam ‘Bouliou, office 1,654 ._ Peterson, 33.28 to: however, have elther | Work Relief ..... 2 iclerson, Rahol, Gewell 42,996.39 .. fand Wells (18). persona | ft found have or negligent quite been pred ‘and’ ‘siedora Grondine ind “Wells (18). Kaya; None (0); in. thelr | Local contributions imporble to Inchide Keepers—trfirmary sess... Nays: None peterson, Chalrman of quite of wel-| (Material, rental following committee report was | Dieter ahare reasonable their |budgets help—ing. hired ‘Brazeau, June ae of equip, etc... 8011.19 fare rele ris Saautenins hired help— ron Mountatngechipan tho Pair Grounds Commit ton of the County | Total Expenditures ‘The |ted the following ¢ 1934 fa| May 1038... Relies "AIR i the tnurgently requested:in ‘Administrator. Diekinson County. Michigan, for emergency clusion of a larger Item ani At Moved by Supervisor Sewell. sec40.00 Gertler municipal} ty relief in the that the on Health and San- {OF by Philip Rahol =and seconded records | onded by Supervisor Drledric Our OSFour committes ind Son, garden— county. your of ts |mAde matthe a considered do now go into committer of 486 50.00 ae at and supply aboutIt to aly one who unnase by Superintendent indicate that in Dick inarmaey moved The. food and Burns, Porn eaten mary at the County |Joscpn Dri ter of @ water | hole. was 1933._tbere ga December. to d u l y 37) an unat recommend for] Carried 12:9 tofrms Saale of where to find Wy Biperintendent oul spent seconded wae | Naor, ex Meo1994. for "Th 16 all tn knowing Fair teod—inGo. County a Creamery for Asselin [800.0 sunk Dishes be that a well Ayes: Supervisor Carlson, present ‘We recom: Secretary the that amount this Of ‘Bryngcleon. relief, the Lizards and how to avo ..... SIFMArY carried. | B d [lon ReGustafson, installed. pump ‘be tc, Bakil, Olesen, 19.87 and an electric be was contributed by joror oer, mm. Gns—Sherlff . . to the County Clerk the accounts tonmouths while catching {he ine: Conndes Cobbdas Bros.’ €0..” food—in= used on the proj- | Motion ‘by Phillip Rahol and sec-|2%> lief Iabor could ward Harvey, Martin Harvey. tiene, checked and audited by Sere Joa Station, Gs 5 /and the balance was met from slate Lola, reptiles, which won't hurt a Rahol, Sewell [onded by Jos. Driedric tha: ® plan and Massa, reducing the cost, federal funds. ject thus rcerialy and that said Clerk bo and a be adorded ost; |be worked out whereby the County Fire protectionwould a and and Wells (18). ts putting on the sian iare Oi Go. Gas sieritt prvaaties. serous | “AIL pe do after park cattle haul to used be Trucks (0. ce montha of 1034. | Naya: None the board went into a your car on Joel Axderg, Destruction of {nrurance premiums reduced thereby. to/RoadState Palr and back, Motion car-| the warrants for the several tu to For eather legines ‘Thereupon Respectfully 5B 0 in. The of @ swamp the Coat of rellef In Dickinson allowed. The motion prevailed, peers lve ‘stock—misc red. ANLEY so that nolland OF thls amount, $60. at cianties of the whole. $57,885.31. E. Laffaie, Justice sas, | orl survey « after Mignmouths are Isingof low Committee Fair ‘The commitiae the of GUSTAFSON, G. B. thelr biting provided trom local funds, | After the meeting Was Chairman Kelly, SuperintenFees there is no danger Vig, lot ine Fair Grounds tulldinge eell- | aa 1%$57,795.65, A or 99.9% was provid “2 the whole all Supervisors were | jEes food—tnnemary Co. Beet. 0.68 dens Meyaptuon ind Casison, 12). the knee: mate that it will take about 6100000 MARTIN HARVEY, ands. state and Eottonmouths, he sal Nays: None (0). pp. food—in= for materials, lke paint, roofing and|ed It from ts obvious 10) Raliol, sec- / Min or ite Matava by Supervisor, county of the rattlers, Some te that _mered_by._ Sunertatanie es 1 | 40.00 of second cousins | one Tum! tht some Carlaom ruoe ites on Health and Sanatorium more than five fect long at sick subdivisions must be | rynge eo: n, reconited Dy SU PAIR GRt Iltion Goliats be added. tothe Moved by Supervisor Sewell. sec~ Retoatusy Gat kinaasch 4a 4 they have plenty of venom” Works, Tnc.—Banana Oll— atlon of the real properts of the Pord onded by Bupervior Eskil that the has no jurisdiction over clot wid only 9 pimmer business Joe mstore, |serombeces soar ‘Com Breitung Tox: report be accepted and incorporated , “because they aloep ia thelr Ing stock carried by the Emergency mary minutes of this meeting. Reet Commlasion, the ills for, ta Jatin a muanole tor four aud a ait m Minch, fuel— ae la et ‘Cartled unanimously mont inter, lke furarice on same be referred bec fies Superior Carlson and Pugere ‘Brothers, elolhing--ise perviors Carlion, Diuhew. tara meaner Relief Commilision: for ee Emergency ou a8 frmary | of- | Raho! Oriedric, Esk, “There ure too many peaple do! im deed cavering the fair prop- confer with county and municipal yment. The motion prevalled unansca. _ medical atBaward Harvey. Martin Harvey. Tense familiar win | | Nays: "paar ents pines. ae erie, De Oe Pred make them iclals and Art Lonadorf, Su oo fimo nf. at1 Massa, Peterson, Rahol, Sewell Glesen, usta! Eakll, | and burden reler Kelly, Superintens the of Chairman extent ‘Ayes: =| ‘Grassh Pol 5 5 tne medical Mass. Hea Garey etn provisto a more adequate local. |3.R. Mayes, Justice fore: 43s ber Wells jane(15) (0. hase of secure Bezegeber ead (Caren: (3) att! Bs. Ehitck, medleal a ters {in| dents and Wells (Ji). 1 retlef within the Bewell ‘Voting: Nays) None ‘onsumers ber property of aaid Agricultural 8o- for unemployment Supervisors Lola and ae by Supervisor Sewell, see- the the State ComPayabl county. Please ‘puppiee—Draia Comm, 8.00 Glnty for the sum of Talrty-ve HunJuraiies, no being There | 060] unfemar Myo (2) your und when ‘orale, londed by Bupervisor Gustatson_ thal Jdred ($3500.00) Dollars, the money to esion promptly of the resilt of count But T get ards ‘id nel them 0 ‘eon Drain was moved by Superintendentiuaineas & pie ihe gonfollowing committee report was tronTal, Mountain and Sanaa1 to just what we may scker, Shoeeratt & Drury ne committee on Health thosewho want them. I get alt four medical attention—OR 243.68 |aelion, seconded by “Superintendent ne cost of mipply~ be pala over, 10 Dickinson County eiferte |tortum Comm, rain ‘Services—D & ne "“ieineei medical the Jucobsen'a time of water at the Infirmary and report ety pon anpcorat ot ‘ihe ttle by the $835 Payable from Drain Fund atingthe vat every day this 2s | ed. 2 aaee attention. a2 RE3S33235 34 eet Y meeting of this board, 2 . ‘The meeting was so adjourned. ar five oF six boys and young men. ehen available, na iron Minis g2a8seies5 & = § J.P. KELLY, Zach carryinga 19822 ve, ‘altention—O R. Min Gas 0. ons—Cosrt 8.78 a ted,Supervisors Carlson, Dishaw, = 4 i 4= 5ge strap come to Joe by OE EE ronHouse... shoulder Sime) Drag Store, madlcal at ~ Chairman, justatson. Ed~ the repor 9.96 Driedric, Eskil, Gt minis igh Incorp= and A. CARLSON, [CARL 4.95 ceepied tention—infrma 3 #3 ward Harvey, sean Harvey, Hone Sense the minutes of this meeting morning lizard catch. mW tron aa de ’ Wun medical attention — Becretary and are Bevell north son, 12.82 Jota, mae ee aap taneethe ina House y. Carrled_ unanimousl while Water—Court Mtn, Water Wella (14). ‘Ayes: Supervisors Carlson. Dishaw, ory to tel of Tron‘Water—Jall wee. 10.34] Naya: Bupery Gtesen, Gustafson, spe- Wisconsin Michigan Power = == to ‘vag n fineplanet Moved by Super sor a seconded IDriedric, Eskil, ‘4 i fan hour's finessing uth ag i a-OGS i Harvey. e follow- tenze, Lola,jarvey, Massa, Martin whlen Sewell Supervisor by 5 of cotianmo & Power—Court clmen Light Co. Peterson, Raho!, ga eccepied de report comml:tee tag with him In a outswamp pooloa™! 68.93 ]ing < s 2 $ Jewell and, Wells (18) minthe In adopted and incorporated sis Nays: None (0). : 38.00 Jutes of this meeting. arcondMors 2 | sieas aor) Ea jarried unanimously. the early morning. "Ba “Telephon by Su sors Carlson, Disha, ledSt $1000.00 a| wichigan —Phone—Judse of Probate be ana st Mereoy a allow: Gustafson: Giesen, Michigan BeilP'reephone fund for purchase Crafty Police Put Mastin Marve, Mena: ed from the generat re= in, Rahol, Sewell ot eateriale and supervisionand ofbulldHornets On Spot stswehigan Bei “Telephone Co. pat to the Falr Grounds er. of Naya None (0). . Call, July ‘23—Criml- Michigan Bel Telephone ca. Tron Mountain, Michigan Phone—Agr. Age seine > EN, or horiets—Berke! iey's ‘scien ‘Supervisors Carlson; Dishaw, als Police 193 ment Dag the an Michigan Bell ‘Miephene Co. Department piledrie, EAU Glesen, GUSLAGGON, EAPhone—Jall 1.80 Honorable Board af eum, : use i arvey. Henze, _owwer. Dickinson County, Michigan, hor Michigan Bell | Feeptioe oo. Massa, Peterson, Sewell and Mrs. HarryWraith was haying Have You Ever Analyzea one—Cler} insects nested in 6 sichigan Weil¢ wet (rouble, The Bell Tee shone Go. backyard. yee Nowe tree in Mrs. eeWaits sent Patrolman Charles Phone—Reemployment ot oe rotings Gupervior Rabot (1). An A. B. C. Report? | ksman. fice «+ ved by Supervisor Rahol, secon: National gency. rear wi ualafson that the by of Supervisor Insurance on Relief Clothhasty clo: then sunt $1,000 be and reby 1s Penning fired, Ing $15.00, Reter to Poor Let’s assume that you have not. The ornets scattered ted |allawed for the paymen: of premie Comm. Dow the Teli hood has return for the 1934 County Frit ‘Sims’ Drug Store, Medicine— The. first thing to do, then, is to to normalcy. Carried unanimously. bin Tall vere sors Carlson. Dishaw, brie ca predatory animal situation Jonn L. Carkon. sting of ask The News for a copy of its ” a ‘Gusta teat MEETING 100 to@ satisfactory condition. In add Dogs Felch Twp. Seeaases Martin’ Harvey, BOARD OF SUT"emvivoRs bounties of Wells, Listing of Do A. B. C. Audit Report. It will Hon wo thls the payment 1¢ Board of A esa, Peterson, Rahol, 1.80 ill tn @ amall way help the rellet West Branch Tw) situation, Markwell Mie Co. Offloe sup| be gladly furnished. ‘ays: Nore (0). 422 fe recomme! nd that this board pay Asoved piies—Cler by Supervisor Bakth second on and after July 1, 104 to ou Diledrie tha the Monday, June 2 5 Read the report from beginning to 42,932.60 and including Mareh 1. 1935, om coy |ed eres pervibor be and be hereoy Ls authorsat! Bupervisors ‘curiae, ish1d wolves at we rate of $7.40, | Tres COURT HOUSE ALTERATION justafeon, 4a the-art fund tne “end. The completeness of the cirbod ¢at and lynx, $3.00, and during feed to ofcredit PRO. from received mo: amount ‘the perlod from Ontober Ist and April the village of MKioaniord at theit nest The, Guality Hargware Store, m culation information will be a 12.10 Ast, a bounty on Herned and Canad~ tax é collection for this hot, Sewell and wes ay. Oia at the rate of 61 each. 0 jan mandard Gita. Gassline ‘Absent: None Id Is to county in connection with the Sewer revelation to you. As a local ad‘The predatory animal Lumber é Puel 5» The minuter of the previous met!- Consumers. ereee erat, after age ‘Lumber 139.90 be presented within ae “ownshtp Carrie vertiser the circulation facts in an to the applical 5 trapping audits Paramount Electric Supply Ayes: Supervisors Carlson, Dishaw. City Clerk Clerk ue a priedrle, 9 Beckrea Supplies 500.00 oror fitdate Eskil, Gteser, Gustafson. Edof Boumiy, which ts to. be ward A. B. C. report are invaluable to Bervices a8 at Harvey, Martin Harvey, Iienz9, superviby applicant's ae 100.00 countersigned Massa, Peterson, Sewell and id Sonand the vertifeate willbe author- WellsYn, (14). you. | ed DeRoche, Use of Conaz My for the County Clerk to ‘draw 90 crete Mixer... ++ 10.60 Moved by Supervisor Sewell, second: | Moved by Supervisor Eskil, secondRays: Supervisor Rabot (1). ‘standard Oll Ca. Gaaaline 1d The various paragraphs give you matler of construction of poed by Supervisor Lola that ths board led by Supervisor Edward Harvey that wily G. Eiscle. Bhingles & tato warehouses was discussed, report be accepted. adopted aad request alx and four tenth mills {rom | pp 23.80 information you want and need— ¢ Chal rman requestad the Com. |the the County Tax Allocation Board for J} mittee on Agriculture to investigate incorporated in the minutes of this County purposes. | 85 ng ta conalder residence the total distribution and the net and submit written areport at tht-jageetin jesiert ing. F domiclie for ninety days, same : . & : next mecting of thls boat we ih Le Carried. ee Supervisor: oe pe was se‘An agrecment with the Pern Hos- Ayes: Supervisors Carlson. Dishaw, paid circulation; how i it touighched EDWARD. HARVEY, edi Kaki Gleecant aan a Ha E. J. Blectrle, Electrical pital of Norway reintiro to treatment Lola, . JOSEPH MASSA Marth ten plies nigeses, IRN IDriedric, Eakil, lesen, Custafson, Rata is distribit where and how ot cripnted children in said hospital cured; | a ean ead HAROLDE '"Bicetric. “lectrteal Edward ‘Martin. Harvey, ‘ Pee 35.50 Atmone None PHILIP RATIOL. a: Supple 60.85 Peterson, Sewell Not yollng: Supervisor Gustason Gustafson, sec- | Henze uted, i. e., how much is in the city, Moved by Supervisor Fax, seconded MiNroved by Supervisor Qenen & Supply Go. Plaster Wat the 10.00 service a. & Laths ....... 6.50 ‘by Supervisor Massa that the Clerkto [Chairman ard Clerk of this Board be how much is in the trading terri‘Moved by Supervisor Sewell, second| be and he hereby Is wuthorized consumers‘ -Cumber a Fuel herehy authoriacd te ale other materials ana tneyot are f ber purchase japervisor Maksa th tory surrounding the city, etc.; al18.08 behalf of this Board if a) hecessary In connection with the pay- use R watil 1:90 wis proved by ihe Prosecuting Alworney.” be now totaken the ment of bountlés, this tard to meet with the ‘Traders the anes sr draining so distribution of circulation by offices —JUne esses 9.00 Antoine ce unanimously Board. rhe Quail” Mardware ‘Btore, Arent Supervisors Dishaw. Drledtric, The Miller acti “Beputy Roa Taae sey ts wallsotiend lo oxpeasl 1 supervisors, Carlson, Disha, 38.47 counties and many more facts hav30.00 | TronNailsMin.& Suppl Gustatson, Eoward Harree Sheriff Bon Ditedsic,. Eakt,, Glesen, Clustafeo gslll, Glesen, Phimbtny Ayes: Supervisors Duhaw. the amounts neceasaryye thereto. Martin. Harvey, "Lala, tthe Norway current, Publi Edward Harvey. Marlin Harvey, ense vey. Plumbing Supplier eg Olean, Surtatron. ing a bearing on the quantity and Suppites— Various ofSewell and Well (12) Carlson, Dishaw, ‘Massa, Peterson, Rahol, Sewell Peterson, L ing Co. Plumb‘Nayes! Supervisors Carlson and Rafices & Doard of Superves. 149.29 ouvert _ Gustafson, anaes 00 and ‘Wells (18). quality of the circulation. These Henze, hot. <2). — Standard Prince Co. Offes Harvey. (aya : eee ipplies Tren ere, 88.73 a af hela “Go. Oamene 212.30 Not voting: Supervisor Henze (1). \Sewell and Wells (1S). Moved ‘by Supervbsor asin, ance ferucn, eahol, Sewell facts are all given by disinterested U.P. Office Eup. Supplies by by Bupervis that the Resolutions adopted 2 ten. Thereupon the Fe offices 58 erat bon.s Paints ‘& Sup: 285.0 onded of Mencmince County committee report be accept: of Supervisors falboring, ‘ncomporated auditors who have every facility wo the present s d u n t a p Wellin ity Greenhouse, eperalnek Free Im the minutes, ale al a a ee eae ee led Cauca ae 10.00 seh Hosking & Gon, Btalr for reporting the facts. that the legal 6.00 ef thls,mean eee ‘Bupervisor mr sevcude led by Supervisor en Tron Mountain Publi Oo, soc Peterron. “Adrortsine sine Tnmpector 480 Modern “Laundry Wail Clean Dishavt, faye t ar thar ate and one tenth or tation, Cos stafso1 eae enrv rmgkeenCarlson,Gurtatnon, The News is a member of the Diebold ‘Safe & Tack €o. ‘aut oh trom wae cation Marlin Harvey. Henee, 168.00 Eayar ‘Harvey, Pelerson, r Marti Harvey, Sewell and Audit Bureau of Circulations in or: seconded by Super ber Sewell that the A y e s : to ae J Melle 0. Drledric, Eskil, Giesen. Gustafson. der to serve the best interests of Naya: Supervisor Rabo 800 Harvey, Martin Harvey, Sine vowson the amended inotonFe aunt, tenga Ed) Rahot, | sulted as follows. erue, Lola, Mas a, Pet advertisers. It welcomes the oppor$2,202.86 Ayes: Supervisors Dishaw, Edward “Allred Ci jasbero, Care of Te= ewe! and Wetls «18), To Honorable Doard Pe G. S. Gustafson Harvey, Martin Harvey, Henve, Lola, | ad spondent’s _children—Pros, Nays: tunity of furnishing you circulaDickinson County, Michigan, Hi, Eskll Sewell, Well (7). Atty,Clain 510. eae ect ecolution passed by the Board ot | Gentlemen: M. Harvey Cartan, Deledrie ipervisore of Kent County relative Nari: Supervisors Daniel 2. ‘Alessandri, Recor tion facts ascertained by this un‘our tee J. Driedrie Peterson (8). . 1.00 athe legislature amending. the aes | aki met and co aalaeres ine” preliminary 'W. A. Henze home, rule as it effects watt wating ‘supervisors Gustafson LP strom, Pros farder of the County Tax Allocation boards of Supervisdrs biased and unprejudiced auditing ‘Auditing Committee and Raho! @ imation officer--Ape, & May 500 Moved by Supervise was re Board awarding ve, <5) mils for 1,socand: Gustafson and Rahot Paul Rahm, Phone—Prosecut~ ordered placed on file on trollsat wereSupervisors organization. by SuperiorMassa that the report requested ta vate and both 530 led accepted Superviacr Gustafson, and supported | were and ie Dus be paid aa ale a by Supervisor Carlo ‘The chair declared the smended slit Audit Bureau of Circulations (Garyled, wnaniz aly. tre & © penses eounte ands thal Jane Campbell, "Paking Behvol Ayes:Supervisors Carlson, Disha. motion ‘ote Ios last Carlson, Dishaw, tures of the County for the 165 West Wacker Drive ‘The 7 on the original motion was 01 15.00 aki, general furd Driedrie, eee: Harvey, Martin jenre, ric, | Bskil, lesen, | Gustafson, year SF sitetsrse foreconomic then taken as follows: oars, as purposes 1s Bout as e t Tain, Petersoa. Bewell and Weuk (14) Paward iiarvey, Martin Bareey, Lola, outa can operate. tn addition to |Henze, 2 Supervisors Carlson. Dishaw, Chicago Massa, Peterson, Rahol. | Nava: None (0). Massa, Peterson, Sewell and Wells eecelt avut Wella cis). ecriareupen, 98 the meeting | ap, jane '0). mends van adjourned 10 July 25, 1024 at Led i; Bupa tioe Raho! 1). zs Maved by gupervisor Peterson, secbe added as ‘SupervisorHenze (1). should forenoon. the o'clock in ‘ W. 8. Cutlip, a ae Wooing committee report was supervision fund, or a total of $128.; Clerk. wr88. minules uns La Nour committee's best-judgment-at Tron Mounted, Michigan e

sch taenabip and city as sized and determined by the vasions relareal property ig each township and city, to produce uation fram. tively an equal and uniform valuation of the real property in sad Councy and the sagregute| vatoation ele taxable real and personal property in each township apd city as equalicrd and determined by us for the current

TO THE HONORABLE BOARD. OP SUPERVISORS, DICKINSON COUNTY. MICHIGAN. ‘Your committee on Equalization and Apportionment to whom were referred the Assassment rolls of the sev~




MONDAY, JULY 28, 1984









Police Tip That

Brought Public Enemy’s Death (ContinuedtromPePies One) denove:

Dillinger was blamed He established contact with & woman Seineimaiee quarry on the north side an fe was to sco "Manhattan Melodrarea tthe Blograph theatre last night.

‘Three poses of Dillinger taken after he had been returned to Indians from Arizona where he and several of ‘his mobstera were captured, Wisconaln asked for him, but Indiana got bim—and let him go.


H. 8. Lebman, San Antonio, Tex. They arrived gunsmith, shown handcuffed ahortly purchase a ticket and after admitting ee of machine guns “Manhattan Melodcama." It whe © members of the Dillinger gang. gunman's hollday for America’s number one gunman, The peernedt mythical "Blackie Gallagher WITNESS few York gangster ho carried his seven Inte Madison Square Gi ‘Captain Tim O'Neal, of the Bast | 0, Indiana, police department | who participated’ in a against Dillinger and John Hamilton t robbery.


Patrolman Jud Pittinger, inset, shown with the supply of guns 4 station whieh Dillinger ded to replenish his4 pointed it in the air after tain. Pit inger grasped. Dillinge the desperado had jabbed it into his side during the raid.

Jean Delaney Crompton, who violate ed ® federal parole to go back to ‘Tommy y Carrol and who waa with him when blasted out he



federal men were nastg fand assumed the nonchalant alrs of po many Idlers | ‘Olficlal Version Biain Dexant Dent Bi to have alded in plans tt trough about the escape of Dillinger trom Crown Point,


Mrs, Dolores, Smart, bland, whore tesmony yon vi of harboring Duinger in

‘Tommy Carroll, Di obster, stein a few works wx te hud been Linger in the Lite Bohemia

22-year-old ae con& el barre St.Paul.




De They were Srmed only with pistols, No shotguns ine puns were issued for I Wished ho general firing that might! sseraby “Tatattloned myself in my own autefhoblie, parked two doors south of the heat, My yen rere stationed Ia doorways, Showy. before geioee Then T Arst rollced Dilinger, He was coatlens, jore & Tat and gold rimmed speetacies. He had‘pane | iy car before1 sax tum, but T have) fudled every availble photogranh of| fhim so carefully that 1 recognised the| | [back of his head immediately. The bought a ticket, I got m pro; file and front view of him and ¥ knew ken, I went nia t twice In an attempt Dimiogt, ont tt are t couldnt im out. Those two hours four minutes tat he spent in the theater were the longest 1 ever spent. time he left the show, my men were covering the neighborhood go thoroughly that a cat couldn't have



‘To spur the search for Dillinger and hopeful of gaining valiable tips a ta hia whereabouts, the federal department of Justice ‘offered $10,000 for the capture of Dillinger or $3,000 far information leading to his capture.

and Faward Baagers, gart oman and chauffeur-hostage of Dilinger telling, an in‘Youngblood when they fled from Cro unhar med. terested group, about his wld ride, Sasgers was:

ear without noticingm ‘he bad gotten a step past the car, I Grunt Tay right rma out and dropped closed it, the prearFanged signal for closing in. Tnstant~ men appeared from all sides Pistol “Diinger pave one hunted look




stopped to question Inmates of a car be Dillinger and

Dangerous John swashbuckled out, 4he-rec! shots still ringing In his ears, tobe met with» hail of real shots. Donal Roe, Mooreavila, tnd. bank ‘The government te had’mocked had clerk, who circulated a petition mak: aquared'the score. ing ‘mercy for Dillinge> John Dillinger was 32." For 31 of fears, pas ed uneventfully {0 boyhood pursuits and tn prison, he was a virtual noneatity. Inu lazing Michigan history, Groesbeck Jost to t wi uber M, Brucker in the 1990 Retho most widely known of all the [Publican primary. A recount failed to change the outcome. world's outtans

j Groesbeck



In Campaign| Prank D, Pitegerald, secretary of state, i candidate for the Republican (Continued from Page One) || nomtnation for goternor, said he “welcomes the candidacy of Alex J. Groes-

and each mus} respond to the new re= pecs, (quirement. Each must demonstrate “The purpose of the primary fs to Unat represent 4 failure and that this government of |choose the best candidate. Mr. Groea+ rv it testa |beck has eve:

same ax that underiring later acts deto help agriculture and ness. They were all well intended ‘should not be made party | exoepta4 te thelr adminttration, ‘Times Go “The NRA has undoubtedly created Bere disturbance snd, fiction than ance that all restrictive ts bound ‘The sIncthods of tts administration have best, and tn co =it has lacked the wholehen: d

Little Bohemia which happened to bi at 1 e agents’ aenne and a squad of federal agents ied, tee when Heethe Du Dillinger eae st fire


November election. SMITH MAY ENTER IT, July 23—(P}—John W. Bralth, former mayor of Detroll and now a member of the elty council, may jump inte, the Republican. prifeary race for the goyérnorsiip 1 was revenied bere, by Cale tin A, Paiuer, former state ineurance cpeimdasloner, er disclosed that nominating jecnons, {or Gackt avy Somme esdatea tarwugh 2 coxmtion of chs and that in Detroft alone, 100, ésir lestanee were obtajn! on om the one time head of the Detroit city government eame 10. word Fete Pox. who escaped from Indiaian te prison September and of hs policed Intentions, | lthouh Joined the Diningee rnov jure before Palme: ameried the ominating Homa would be fled tn Lansing’ be- Uney came near capture ai the Litue ‘Bohemia resort in Wisconsin, fore




‘George “Baby Pace” Nelson, whace real name is Laster Gillis, wanted badly by federal agents for allegedly slaying w federal sleuth in the Littie

Eoloting to aigna of the ballle ab Little Bohemia resort, fa northern icon when Rilinger and is pan if shot thelr way to freedom, although lepring three girls behin«


‘Harry Pierpont, Dillinger mobster, who haa been sentenced to death far alaying a sheriff when Dillinger was delivered trom jail,


‘The negro, Herbert Youbieat ‘who Dillinger the Orown Point, Ind., countyin and later alain as Por; Huron, Mich,






Ir Tron Coints, OfTiaeof ‘The iron Fiver, Mich. Telephone 140, First Nations) Bank


CRYSTAL FALLS BRING! Mis Marian Carter enteriatned be bridge club at her jevening. Mrs. Richard “tyneh won the






JULY 23, 1934



Old Leg Injury. Develops Lack Necessary TwoInto Fatal CompliThirds To Authorize cation Land Purchase MALMBERG IS Request Of Gundstrom GAASTRA, July 23—Willard A. effort on 23—Another au ayasa, CANDIDATE ON To) Large Crowd Attends n Commissio Up Sets Piper, 32, treasurer of Stambaugh tiie UAE Aas aoe Receives Unanimous pervisor John Bloomthe part Ac On township, which embraces the villages Final Services At are (9 GuardlandAngel chureh ts sponsoring DEMO TICKET tora, te Hemative of aust, < C Board Approval card party to be held on Wed. of Caspian and Gaastra, died early 8 public eventrg ry estab ae ipaign Fortune Lake at the Crystal Falls day Ai Saturday morning at General hospital Announces That, He Will township hall. Bridge, five hundred, of the board c meeting CRYSTAL PALLB, July 33—Super- In Stambaugh from a kidney infec00. CRYSTAL FALLS, July 23—A Falls Satur Seek Nomination As IRON RIVER, July 33—An open air of Crystal ton. ‘was the fourth Une that Blom: ane ‘against tuberculosis will De Sheriff mass meeting at the Fortune lake Bible Weed fo, impress cont in Tron county from now ulst camp ruccesstully concluded the. sors that tne persons or this dlstrit TRON'-RIVER, July 23—Alfred elghth annual Bible conference of the Conference Most Successwere entitled to x park Cgruetion eccient In Detrolt about at ts Dooce, fered " resolution to Cite River Lake Superior Gutheran churches yes‘Malmberg. By ful Conducted cig. soars ao Hla, ines alent ona, Mea Tee thly meeting Saturday adopt ther, Mi the Gibson property and lnke |upkee; thered him and 1 county yeah frontage, terday wfternoon, Grebe Bia Muurice Butler, Ml meeting of the amounting! 11 scree, Church Groups feachea an acute etage 10, days ag, Neel, orn rimarily The board unanimously #p- ashe as Extra commodations had to be pro- lest Munns, Mr: nr Ghonier the payments to "the ‘contract yesterday, 4.000, taken to the espa Odelin Robichaud Fred Meyers, installme proved the request vided for an overflow crowd of parishrea echo | alled | Gundstrom did not indicate hisough TRON ‘RIVER, July a3—an_ ended such ‘Blomquist had loners who came here from all. parts! and rs. Ea. Budin. pePe TOO Hl attended” the morning Sain parment, and. the [son for wanting the8 Fert, perviceat 00o'clock thisconference ‘school here, and later the MES. MARY FLOODSTRAND ever Repatcan balance’ in 8260 annual Installments. |e was interested jecesst'il the when oe rere ee easl for ine hod was i q Funeral serv! Mrs, ‘The “by. the Nerihwenern Michigan ia neenlnnsin polities 206, pela and parks the and eeablahed examine authority to the county could waar pur, |ounky fiw ‘Young People’s and sypeteg aged 81, an old resident strand, vigorous the tuberc of the land at thia time in view of | th Involved In maintaining 1s of Jor Crystal Falls, were neld Saturday 7 | County and toee determine what treat the fact that the board had not, Inth rt will probably be available Ubat exceeded 155, setting @ record. cluded the expenditure in the budget ‘One of the forTheshe Theat meeting. of-| The camp last year had 130 students. ED The gates were police of Iron River, and held the routine matters came befor atte ocears. allot whom the SS atudents were enrolied tn Because of the high enrollment the, Cudiaed mr as in the Crystal seit fico of highway commissioner in the wiltng up of « plan to LAE tne attention of Ube. expe: board that Bible sessions as compared to60 Iasi township for cemet executive committee of the camp, | Fails. years, He is Exchange Pract next meeting, as the final determinayear. Mr Froodsieand, ‘although ni tions of the allocation board had not W. Erickson, lous ‘Many parishioners from the lave- [serving hs second. term Ba ‘ownsniy headed at pastor of the First Lutheran church 4) set, been made. street nant ahd Misslon churches aout the tnird candidate on immediate here, nas deckied to make sdditions St Favor ox He 1s rurvived by le parents, Mr. out the uaper pen! ‘The othe tuloubteaiy be seat ‘soon to the Piner A majority of the board, or eight ements to the sroun tad on, EE Piper. of this village.. Wisconsin towns sutented te Bbery eae comedies ~ |crest eanttorium at Powersor upervisors, favored turing the park, se Mothers, Clifford, of Milwaunee. celal services este: nd Medoiph Jean, of Tron River, inatitutions, but a two-thirds vote was necessal One of the stems on the rhe principal speaker was the Rev. Fall Tiel unre ealth committee in required becnue an appropriation was involved. sohnaan, of Chlengo, acre rogram uditorium.| posites Fer auger, are Lavin 5 of the resolution to Leaders of the party bull rere SuThe presect chapel, which is tse es and Mrs. Koepi vived by itparvianes 4 the amount set restated that they will arte tal re Me oer Gone ang tacks statements of the expenses incurred in | ty slate of officers for the primary and the tuberculosis campalgn. The coun. |general elections. This far there have appropriated $125 for Hemntituted fer the. Rev. CRYSTAL FALLS BRIEFS ‘The persons cago, field evan been no announcements for some of Pay of the cant who will have Miss Arline Hansen vistted with tyho willare payunablethe tobillsmeetof all dairymen hospltallza- and Laing, Supervisor Matmberg went cahibite the Important county ices gelist for the Mission friends fn fron River yesterday ab the up per el Rev, John McDowell, pastor, will offiton expense. dan not voting. It wan expe be a “No,The Ne Shurches of tbe Tlinots dlatict “The me ictor fm ciate. will be in Btambeugh Miag Marian Tagiey has rete ry Heretofore Une tuberculoals problem |" "yom Conlin, head of the Iron Coun- former Rey, Gust Jonnson spoke orn- lot of activity today to get candidates will sper, asked for the do- cemetery. a, MICH. ere wns luandled by the county poor coma association, pro! trom her home ta offices. nation, The supervisors have giver dng and evening services, Many ministers from the district and The body was taken from eniasion, but this arrangement was reeae recht ing the property. He junds with oa to transport cattle Stambaugh Jonnson ‘left. for Nominating pelitons must be tied thelr families are in attendance, runeral home to the Fea warded as unsatisfactory because of stated that the county had no au- sn livestoe k to Exel Escanaba for several | GU coleaen euurday. ight, belng carted with John. Carlion, county elek, by lack of funds thority 10 purchase m view of the ise of Iiness tn Wiis. f o'clock tomorrow alte: last 10 provision made *eTne bullding commit was aiven | 3roui tain, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Urged Actio GEORGE JOHNSON Meme of Mr and’ Me Thomas Pee A representative of the Michigan ‘This, he sald. affec! sutierily to savertoe 40 t bids for 100 Swallendach, of Milwaukee, visited me +. | tubereutos fon recommended Gave sermons und addresses epet eve Ask Commission To friends, ing.he Norwegian Lutheran ehurches 4 Mra. |" # montis talk to theago. board “ Harvey Helgemo e have two thatof thesuperycounty into no contract with ©. Mr, and Mrs. LL. Scranton, of Davidson mine, dird at 3 o'clock Bat~ ig Spread Dust Layer owns the Pures. KD. aisived nee last Sra of Wisconsin opened thelr annianl €2F er SaaS come eho urday fternoon at the home of hls ie Mh ie ite appropri posed of medical men, and ieee beca: ference at Covenant. Polat at lat er's parenta Ima Battise, 1018 West ist, pceom pales tiet and gas tax aa it was believed the for =a visit withAE.the Haberman IN RIVER, July 23—Acting on| sister, ‘ite $10,000 m year for the work. man take this afternoon, It will ae liihe petition bese nalier Gad eh ince matter wil take ttg natural course, of, hundreds af motoriats. | The 1 Mrs, Rose MeCuuire and daugnier,| _ Te stated that there were five cases tinue for , j e cause of death was jor Repalra the boar of supervisors Baturday te pneumonia, although Mr. Johnson Geraldine, of Chicago, are visiting at | which Mr. Mrs, Frank Asheraft, of 2800 waa appropriate ‘The sum of cueated the county road commission are guests of Mr. and M7. the home o! MeGutre's eee on and several which required special 22 t6o uate, jeraft tor repelre wad improv ements fe put dust lagers on the four prinel- had previously suffered from pleurisy|\Mra. ANNUAL PICNIC at the Trudell cottage AMASA ] buildings Katherine Scho! which will toon soon be Another renresentatine of the stale rellet Headauarters, ‘the Verne cid iBee Lion lake EVENT TUESDAY made similar requests last Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skiba and Mr assoc! sn will be used as head-| Mr. and Mra. Bert Taff and son. Mrs jeorge Droslowik visited yes winter, One case be mentioned ad and quartets for peninsila, Te M, Blomquist and FOR WEST SIDE ‘Duane, and ene, have re = otinn of see calisees Mi y with relatives usa) ids, Minn. Wet department, and the Joe Inke Bisel weir wae Mcwemen trio refused to ¢ nitortum Be- family left Wh. where they will ris!t Mrs, Blom- school in Iron River for county head- after spending a week with relatives allot gt ittther. For Is Ready Program Ts Mr. and Mra, Willlam Elsenzoph, of were © quist’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Daniels. quarters. here. Iron and ‘Tom Conlin, head of the Hermansvitie, spent Community Quting ee or {Our Searsto bud Mrs. Rudolph Ericson returned Coben: asoal ‘association, Bernard McCraw motored to MadiHe is survived by his sister, Mro parSunday with Mrs. Etenzoph's At Pentoga Park trom Mountain after sornding en ted to any outlay of funds for the ton, where he mccompamied his wite, Battlse,w half sister, Mrs. Mary Ram- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Omar Lindsay. ty or Gtablunment of ify offices, aa he be- who had been receiving treatment af and the road| berg, of the cliy of Norway. @ hall tniltution at Powers, But each days here with her IRON RIVER,July ndreds Hnds are alocoulddepicted LePlante hi returned Crgst abould do the work. the Wisconsin’ General hospital for better afford —toj vrother, John Johnson. of “Alberta, fromMrs, TronEisleRiver, ‘Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Retallic visited of persons trom throughout the west commission where she spent a Lime the matter was laid on the tat Canada, and three spend the money than the county. {a Iron Mountain Thursday. visiting at the home of her aide will attend the annual comcondition waa discussed Lone and Bt ‘ton Sloat all of iron week park. Chi; ty TheC. F.dustMascottl, daughter, Mr Mrs. Ralph wate, manitty-pienle at 0 Pantoga pemneon was the Rive chalriaan of the jarold Gerry, Miss Ph and mething shou “Mrs, Johnwan preceded iim in death| Mrs, Ratph Premo and fair and ren. of Mont. STAMBAUGH ner at gat arrived Helen Premo moi fep yearsral ago Shae at Iron River Bus! en ation. aevcea wil be held at 25|e peming ad Marquette. Priday, The secclasion ak requested. all and MM oicioek We noon. at FLORENCE rel spent. the with mores to close that and Mrs, LeRoy Johnson, of Thomas Clatk, Be. ts spending Tron River Baptist chureny with the in the olty. They Po and friends merchants, cers Sind thelr temtiles zo a ntatn, Visited fiends at Hag a Feo darn in rye y| Rev. Axel Anderson, pastor, oftleint= re former residents of Crystal te grounds ab 1:18 for Bae on lake, | ing. Interment wil! be made4 u fint feature of tie program Spee (ag Isabel Breuhl. of Chicago,ts haries Menta and Al Monroe ‘Mr, anid Mrs, George Plerottl bare Treasurer To Be Haven cemetery. huvitations hare teen vating teaulves here. lett” yeazerday for heir the prest to the merchants for Rochester, where they will th. through homea In Detroit atter a stay of ‘ee left LECTURE TONIGHT 4 Hazel Erickson, of ChlChosen By Board of Btambaugh. Casplan and Geastra palr and maintenance wot Verna and er home, visit-trlends and relatives. ral day at ™mon , July 272—Gus Peret,| Miss ago, are viating Mr. and Mrs, Eimer Mr. and Mes Harold Pelerson and & attend, Virginia. Mente the Angerson, ot Norway, mobig game hunter, will give a lecture in| tues Maxlo Program July 29—Eleetion of Erickson Mise Ollre Guenter for wx here to spe nd week with STAMBAUGH, the Iron River sity hail ap #218 Uretock | Weeks, ofreturned AL 1:15 o'clock m music program COUNTY GROUP ool treasurer will be the prine Mra home with them. Johnson, of ron River and relatives. tanight, under the auspices will be broadcast over the Lindwall Cipal item of business at a meeting of wlolted relatives and tilends bere Sat eat Cinveaian! ardeale ea Ths amplifying system, and at 1:25 Walter IS HOME FROM board of education to be held at and Mrs George Kucal nant Virginia Murley has return:iad to her 7. at Commonwealth. E Hubert. president of the nsec public ts invited. Inome after spending the Inst three on, will give a short addsess of welmotion pictures of the | ty STATE SCHOOL widaHe willof show weeks with friends and relatives in eqzrDest Begestrom and Rudolph Gorye Rev. Pr. John Muroky end Alaska, Ironwood. of Tron Mountatn, have ster, Ratherine, have returned ca foe children, wil get underAfrica, and will te! about t hool | ERrapling at Keyes lake. thelr’ at Neenah, shee ey Relief Workers Attended and customs of wikt way atabout 130, with a Mra, Arvid rane Bas left for Chix ipent a week, They were accompanied Tile and on hand The winners Wl erack plato! and rifle leago, whe: vial her daughlocation Miss Mary Skiba Dunn succesatttl Mrs, Norman Bquist, of by Miss Instructions Given In Mr. Van lutte be given cash prizes. Housewives will shot, will also appear on the program, returned with them to remain indet= eae tently, nd alzend sie Gentry spent. the week-end Cute, whoIrene Tron Moui will ait neve nsing: have thelr fun shortly afterwar iy. f = (Common wealth. with relatives at IRON RIVER BRIEFS fe aun Mrs, Margaret McGrath and Mra. IRON RIVER July 23—Iron county Wilmer Erickson, who is employed Mr. and Mrs. ‘Vassar, of THO Stelnhauser and daugh:cr, Marjorte, welfare and social organization wor je Creek, hus arrived to spend hools, 18 out of town on his annual Rivers, recently vated the former's he spencig twa wotka a) the farm et returaed amurday bight sid yee ation with nls parent vacation. father, dense V ALPHA home and Mrs, Frank ne schon of lustraction beth Preuman, at Gary, Ind. , August Erickso! Mirvand Mrs, Perey Holby and fam: Soseten tor Wier at lansing Miss Mary Kasten has returned lo Because of frequer:t floods in the Ghieago after uk wh Pere and Uy, of Chicago, also spent the week Mr. and Mra, Roy McFarlin, of Du- marshy week. id Mra. J. A. Vickers, of Logan, sections of Texas, durend at the home. EB _|tuth, motored viait t friends Ing whichcoastal board. exhibition, ‘The group included Miss Gladys West Vira! nla, are visiting AL the Ty- Installation DY TO of POURcurbing CONCRET latives. they are frequentty called on Eighth|and camp at Chicagoan lake for tro arter wnien ‘swimming races Will be |Boyington, county ad: ministrator, the Jer cottages at Ice taza the "Vassar and son, Lloyd, who By applying sparingly a solution of Misses Loitla Stoekly and Eleanor Doavenue, a Job being done throu the | Weeks. Mr, and Mra. Al Temty lft yesterday cooperation of the village and the sosial workers, and are stationed at a at Rat eClaude Parmelee, of Tron Mountain, fering, chutes, condem: by mictor for Lele Retna in Tatra will give an exhibition of trek and Frank Lyons, county auditor. dropping five gallon cans loaded lake, spent Sunday at their home here. he upper peninsula officers of the Se ees 8 eeswe ie hae of where the crew was rea | e itm reine for fancy shoo Mr. and Mra August Sniiter, of with suppl Deant Misc. y. The Tossys concrete, The project. calls. for pour ecunty who, also o'clock. 2g00 [478 WER ner sister and procter Chicago, who were guests of Mr. and loantned brothers. 1 per Inewr feet. Material is furnished by. 7 ince U. S. Navy airplane car- Mr. Frank Bteddiek, have returned | af r the thre has been driven for © ‘The annual supper will be held at |v village and the PERA.| Ruth Dunstan has returned from Hers havethe been PB. Grouch ceshler of the Mine commissioned, Navy home. kers bringing thelr About 26 men are employed. Swante Marquette atid Ishpeming, where, she fyera have made close to 49,000 deck Jstate bank. has yf grandparents and Mr. and Mrs, John Goffinet, of Iron! don, Cayada, sted “hls Tankkala is in charge, landings on them. eta Ae er mother, He ra "ited frlenda ORGANIZE. ; tengo and the world far, Atpha GIRLS pociation will donate the sugar and gifts are forming two soft-| Mr_and Mra, Pred B. Ofnon # b mn alsa cream, The German band will furnish i Patiala Ls eaptain [2PDeat, and ss ub Wheer erry afd dae bali had a oreaktast, toga [!ored ro luhpeming and Marquette to muse during the upper, Rysberg,ieada g a i l y M t one of M mineton altended the mest1d B o'clock In the eve~ The othe Oceanian a en he cena |eisit trlenda and relatives. tou. edraintalrators ning U nbaugh Munlelpal band, ingot all irlst information project outbe played| ers, Mall Gorman has retumed will Whitehead a Barbara inder'the vaivesiion. ef Sheldon ers st[esleach week, Miss Hined tor the county has been yolerrea Is the instructor. New Life-Saver}Golden Ply Tire and Gold and Black Tube to the Thi underwent, an operation and will not fn the Chicagoan Inke ballroom, The WORK OUT TAXES give motorists more miles and more safety : return for m few weeks, muste will be played by Hermy Plous AL tha last meting of the village a ‘council Mt was declded that the small Rev, David , Johnson, who SAGOLA taxpayer will be given the prioieg [nsatern “vuting. for 8 eek ith Ret approved for al ‘working out his taxes this year if| friends at Hagerman IRON RIVER MAY V. E. Skoglund and fhe earea to do so, ‘The plan ts similar|turned to his home in Baki aue to HAVE 1936 MEET enilaren motored Wo Iron fiver Sun- to nn that was cared ut last reat. sudden Uiness in his West Side Drum Never before in our expewhich fs apecially ers of small nomes and day. a. Albert Marra and el: fast cience has there been a pat for today's hard, on the relief rolls are classi. OF GRAND LODGE Corps Is Planned Mr, and Mrs, Emi) Wifler and Mr. ployed re to the fied as amall taxpayer and Mra.yChester Camsray. of Iron IRON RIVER, July 23—An_ effort. Tentatively Chosen By Mountain were visitors here Saturday, ALPHA BRIEFS will be made a t a meeting In the Jopee Rewards viated tn Sault ions Of St. Ge George Legion rooms at 8 o'clock tonight ta Ella Deacon is vielting relatives ‘Ste.MiseMarte over thew The Dorcas society of the Mission organize wert alge bugle and drum ln Mra, For Convention Menominee, chureh will meet at 2 o'clock jcorps and drill pI Vernon Peterson has left for Ann ‘Covenant @ ofelock Thursday at e Stanibaugh, Geoplan and Case Misses Verna McGregor and Francis IRON RIVER, July 2 River Arbor, where he will visit relatives. and also atdstroms cottage at Little tra leglonnalces have been invite tol Nault, Glen Dishaw ond Maw ree ‘has been tentatively sion tere ine, "The ladles are to Dring| Mr. and Mrs, Charles Simmons, of Hage! Olson Tron Mountain calle 1698 convention of the Michigan grand pci is what may be a larger itner cake or sandwiches: and better callers, ican Order Sons of Saturday, Norway, were Siambeugh bugle and ruin George. A. Braette, of audi, ‘visited rela- Jie Bibel Belong! of Laooe,i the| ibe Ta disbanded, The dates have not yet been set but guest of her ‘Mise “Audrey| ™ '#* week. tives here Fri ‘The Rev. Pulton, Millon Deacon and ati McOressr Davis here with his ‘nas. whichte motored to Green Bay Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Porsman have tored Baw ceeapind otSeagerlee, He has returned. to Milwaukee after visiting returned to Donald McCols, of Big Bay, herd for gevernl days. spent the week-end hero with an par’ Mr, and Mrs, David Kenney are The ton representing the entire west i, Uaadore Grolea and) the parents of = baby girl born at ‘A requiar meeting of the Altred cnlldsen of Iron Moutiain, visiteda thetr home Priday afternoon. Branchinl post will also be held the I, Groleau home Sunday. ‘Ed. Belong! has returned 0 7 night, after visiting at the Davis ‘out oppoat: and Mira. Gale Kunaky, of Cale Mr, and Mra, I. Groleau announce tora’ have left for Chicago, the ‘marriage of thelr daughter, RECOVER STOLEN CAR he home of Jr, gon of rs Francis Fernstabl, of Wis-| TRO} IN RIVER, July 23—A sedan Gladya, to Louls Thiele, falter Gollack‘Thiele, of Chan- consin Rapids, the former Misa Viola. stolen from Roy, Ammann, of Tsk, took place June Pearson of Alpha, here -this| ted at te chard id by the poll Bei week, the tei walt ects the : nie Thiele wera attendants, Michigan Por , and Mra. “Henry Goulette and Ooe tise was it fat the gas tank Ariynne, of Yron Mountain New York City has ice ‘believe It ‘A garnge in empty. a wie Iron County eliminated the danger of carbon mon vislied here with fas ton tere by bere, ‘A decree published by-the govern‘Brooks. ‘The sedan, which Ammerson had Ide polsoning by & ment of Beusdor lemporarily pronibits convenient Miss purchased only = week ago, was drives n ih 5 ees Soe Marcontonio has re 3m of a number of items, hi sway from its parking place oa Car- Rect these bonne ofwithflexible the exhaust pipe vurued trom fron Ieountain ‘after vis-|among which are included Teale avenue, near the Phoenie Ln) relatives friends there Jor | automobiles, the car belnit tested or repaired, ber and Fuel company,

wr Tetisycotati oooh neeratsee to +





t,2 [Blok aad aig Paseo ae

Para tad fenced the sont tae MEAG Me, Meme Ro

WHAT A TIRE a0 WHAT A TUBE! This Tire and




Peninsula Oil & Gas Co.




JULY 28, 1934










Holds Lead;





Niagara, Mountaineers


|Softball Meeting FREE-HITTING BOWMAN HURLS PACE SETTERS Surface Singles Champ; On Slate Tonight | THIS THING CALLED SPORTS AND NIAGARANS SAORI BEAT REDLEGS wus aly Sh ests Shares in Doubles Title AS Y-85_ LOSE BY W. . TRELOAR r kn art cof all #0 imathe ‘brane lentue ‘vil be weld a us evening. ot te cub Phil Castlen His Partner |castien toto ieest defeat arnt tnd and oe Don 10-7 DECISION BY 6-0 SCORE Kingsford became just another com- phatlcally BEAT VIKINGS)" 1 r who took part will very emwer inane To Take Second Of Lowe au seen, tell you so.

o tea play pla of the tourns y {Old Timer Sets insead|Both Starting Pitchers was cut to two out of thi Sets Norway|, plans will be made for awarding prises Tourney Honors. areatest * of the usual threes oul of tive inenter *. st the end of the season. Forced To Leave Down With SixHits wo four @ chance to catch chalienge from Ke oak nial wets mentee Gass taing Jonying last night Becaum of tie Badger Pape: tl solsbal tear, Mound Beantig9, and will be read a: the meet today for For 10-3 Decision ox for tef er Mayed Nictory a national tenpeemae there Fayewas Seen expectaand and plans made to select » team — Leave: away. Millon Rucht an tournaments, carrying with Wo |e Tron Mountain blasted two Kinga= rae ‘Wis, July 23—Auli re to meet the 28—Crystal earn ey. ae ‘back i 1035 ed July RIVER. TRON the tor joo Sos ee more drawn out than they were. ford pitchers for 17 hits to take a who was _— Burt jal aie eRe ze Rein, ne, taeda Hel, aon eat Pall and Iron River each got a six hi ita re concluded last ni on A ane ay Realy leary ms eaee from. 10-7 decision from the V-8s in a ‘Trlfn thelr game at the fair grounds yes- that 1935 finds them including this| ‘clul tow! ere panied Inst jue attraction yesterday, current mates were interested bly Aimones to rt of the country in their net cam= Of taking « fame during” thls Surface sou a tee Roe nenalsaf a events ening when beentheyconcluGed active fond We nore aan es tie! base of and 2 palgning. rally and nine times ne was denied Mt. Ito shacea ea ee, the slngles finals hed been hela in the |Jeaque-leading Crystal Falls entry ang Face Mound Muurraee cetented sllCon, “the! Roehl este rar Sra tau Preserving its tle with tha Niagara {dea of the expense con: Tim Hardgrove, promoter of the 7 ee , of the club, as the singles final dager: tourney, was the object of much ae meer defensiv Ina match surprising Ace Tonight uchl6-4 falled Tron Mountain knocked Mak! out run offas originally sched ded and abetted thelr own! undeserved criticism yesterday to take = ine Box and scored two runs of as, Howntall by committing fixe errors) evening. Through no fault of his. Seaighe on Win Ived some and. these, combined with Crystal] the tourney was not. conduc! mes 6. The Aimoue Eiectrics, having already OPK ay Coins, Mary, Gah In the evening Surface teamed wi jatisfuction th drising a pitcher from the same sched: le ns announced. | 7-5. 12-10 in the Surface-Lenvens by the loss of L. A. Zeugner. who broke cinched thr Twilight league pennant, mnmu Falls’ Umely iy hits wei easy triumph| i mound, lorcing Tron Mountain to No one knows how much work | match totalled 47 games. Divide a bone mn his right wrist while playing were Interested only tonight bring the eas: aiders an replace O'Nelll wath Sammy Km Hardgrove did to put this tourney | bY Nive and you twilight basoball Friday. Keldie Peterif they "cep tnem at the (op of the man, very | fraction. ver. And I, did go over son had formerly been Jos: to the Healthy Seatting team and Vic Sparpanl, who sta: rt Field re accurate t yesterday wus ody! no shape [mingling streak of The trophy for Oe singles felled.69 erica, who 1 Falls committed three mis: le the Grocers the Unreat they ai playa, but came through with some fae enllag’ went ines tpi Poeshet got four hl "Tic game will Be held on the Kingsnated by A. O. bases, got three ine doit castes by the chiding a vat,doubleGermac ford Heightsft arek, OO reerult who re and r iple, Jacobson Ieaday the ‘Wiscon | fash, Baeontottlycaopens the Crystal Falls tea m, AgEOT eight believe {t uF not, the cost of tennis six hits allotted Powers. tanale-with (ie Payant-Boos Thee on the ‘mound for the Teague lea balls mlone for the semi-final sinThe sede pepe nae ha Touln openskel for the Red © | players. None were for ext tr bases, ales was aver $20. ird Inning, Kippert. SodCity Makers and MeGregors ¢oltwo runs in semnth t erberg and Schneider rapped out con- lide at ih sadam i store scoredjonis, two firstrunemantn the] Game Will Be-Called At! toabire Rnais all to themacives ountain’s at Donseeded Leavens was the ‘only tye dout UP, nme inning, all Waytul Bunzio Ratio:'s Unree-p 4 O'clock, Today th the kame on lee Cedrle Richy All Dietrich, Athteties, and Hank four golfers i Tron bthe a went the ‘way to third when y os) treatment nm ou for Greenberg, Tleers—Pormer eld Bagloskt fumbled the ball In (eit) raversand Crystal Pails Lenesoe smal iV some Announcement | tinal pay ot ine trout to sty ite In opener, red on Davidson’ns InNeld| end of the score ut contributed thelr i" attention four rane and batted tn four in see hit, Davidion sicle second and scored] fut Share: tor ke Catertalament tn an omnes Ute single semi-finals. Surface nts ene C BULLETIN: sas a extended by, Lanvons before win |inter-club match at Pin on two infield 0 ert pr &B R NIAGARA, Win, July 29—t0 order | Ain 6-1, 7-5, 12-10, the latter Ons of the features of the game [dente Son stountela inning. 313, Ing aid the’ dusiness, 3 2 pallancin's aeventh faning home ‘oring Nassau system fans to accommodate Ford workers who | Detng the longcat singles matel of tne 4 1 Maye made tbe requ the Sinara| (ourtarmen. On ie F Pay. station rat 10 a fun fo the fence in right Meld ith nine throughout the tourney. Caatlen, ad ami 2 Att Nedeadr, alle | Som fn Craton, tn Three In Ele the morning. oles schedule a strained wrist and 5; 4 1 heen will start startedcu ded Crystal Falls Tolunch at the club the match wa match nth soaking it in various 1 ° Sees Genego mboaiel. || Sa. GruntPiay cates cane jo thats telat to the cite th wand Renee nies tienen Led by such| preparations. ron oun sain “aie up to within 3 2 — | being: Sant ee uni kam Harry Bracicy. | 2 the sixth as K 3 on Peretios acta Willowatny and t h e newly hits by Bcbulte Ger mac. Occhettt and 1 a day fo pene thei pce about te Chambers stopping at third, krmet ed milsia down, from. Iron ‘Tebo pi odced 10 ta.lies. 3 0 gene wih the Nicrrw Badgers Wedtook third and, oth scoresDahl 1 Pivat the feventh and iron, Mou Inals_and. | Bronryie . a feaday and they had plentyities fay.comes | | the tet. a whe “comnectedt Han ‘uaa “Jearning now to ac re | Bowman, ‘ 0 pitched ball ge past nim, Ptvatto | the word that presenta‘ives came In. Tigers Lose Ground By the allstars nro all et for action. and hadthinkthree ut menWestestertund, on witn|| Leavens’ father and jaro determined to humble (he Ba. Splitting And Yanks two7 ouOt dheIn theWepencabies ormod | vere he ve for the finals, but they re of the Red effort to de- | Dor with Ike Ruenl. ‘beaten in the Cop Two "What! Only One Hurl out. “4‘One rounded te Fane. ot oe and tor allw neh ‘out Lenvens | Be: zaaie Chambers, Crystal Fos, sald Hed, 49 final Donors ‘of he laigest crowds o} tne|| fa mise ot the 8 By LURTON. “eason, wltrieeed the contest, exper re day, SReputab ifr layed ain Surfres-but-Mra.-Leavens | tands

Hits With Men On Bases|\""mlgnt, the four seeded players of i state ij ii i Straight._|as Third Bring

opeh ope

%: Pine

ten eevue



meet i ttoet


a rate

|¢&me In the semi-finals when Laavens



icc stcs con crae:


Golfers Win

Sunday Meet


rer Sale


2 seal

ul se--eo-escess pe al eonenesoooed wl --coecchescs


eC yuu Falls


rE t 9 0 0 o ° 1 6 1

tripay sez wa in the Bleachers ea last ol

Hardgrove's okies Neat when she packed a. | Dox of them for each of the visiting quartet as they Jett, me someone besan to)


Olver, Jason, Sparpa Gpstinek. 35! Totals ..


and long for third lace onore, tat victory hemove each was awar: =o {pert sunday 03 rancan wi league oo 4 fro 0 9 3

Crystal Fall. Iron Mounta

st 0 1 oO o 10 oo 6 698 0 oa | Sf River Pulls in whichpin the 10, 9 © O 28tron Fesuem River at andtron Crystal Niagers ide Nie a => 35 combine as hast cannpsessa 5) Heap E v iouants run—Chaliaicin, ou Haran wenn byHome Marek. 5; by Koperuk!,siriek, 4. Bases nowThins No 13 — unkucay?” dhWel , tkeElizato on ‘itballt—oft Marek,Eigloskl, t; off 2.Kopenal beth Indianapolis, 13th | by pitcher, annualDuan, Indiana woman's won ‘ret theiouenes inning: s +09 000 330—8 onusingthe 1313thclube,hole on and Friday youll noen East Siders Are ad by els


“Grystali Falls delegation being



ts send tan Indians flyin midst of the American League pennant ot a soft spat to face in eo sai wed fans won [the entire Hxeup, Too dad Niaga: a et ore |Bak omdy one, pitcher. What" they co hp ony when Richardcon has to leave the box? |


anh oo nen meena Wie




hate ta thunk ot |

I double trlumpn over the Boston Red jers_are |8he hardInworkfor those Nuazars ing ovtdelt~By Have Won : Seven Out Of] i: ears Wednesda, ‘The abesecon Ruths return Yankees celebra:-|Balls over the lotRinssfora: Say. a | — Last Eight With re to action by |, Baldyall Anderson, 7 Sanopiie the Wie Gx ten, fia [ue Radaer going 19 ankle us | Millers nd While Detroit's pace set- | all dents we putin the tence | ters split a. twin bul wim the Ath ears eties i ‘ uth smac eae Ik5 teeieaiien omer and Mardgers. With a team of sluggers inst, bar the SUN eae Jornme, it loaks ik Harney Mak! Association title if tney auld play the eee Wiis ney can mnile znowingly eb thi RichardJengue-leoding Minneapolis Millers all ‘On felio he tte ire Occhettt roa Mountain, Bay | AS the, aala for tion. the how can them euya stop those [red hot dnivee we're ‘gclng ta. se0d jthrough (he inneld. wo-Way Fun : Fut Fersacca, Yeon Mountain: 1% aM snes yesterday, ington. broke n five game to, [poner don't know which E shall look |they won’ the frst game of yester-

Hing ar

utoe) emis im ve. wane


seven triumphs by winning @ to 4 be-

Bere cus Selcik- Ure oneal plseatre Coe Y's dothidea 4 by fame

[fan of talking about

tho licking oF

wo loubl


oo231 12354 are ao re 2 8 ra ee roee a ooo ooo to. 120 Tae ee 7 OA 200 me 704 130 tb 0 648



hind Ea Linke the actual leking weve, going to hand gang tants, who nw a game and aj 3 i Brom Raver, 217109 080 000—0 Defeated By 7-5 half clipped. from. their Mauieaal tam Westerlund, Tron River: Glad |i Dice Bass MeLean and % 3S fmpires—Gray. of Crystal Falls; Uague lee batirsny, increnettr [ety oue on ihe lua nae Pennies for 20 bile tn six innings fr a Arias meealin, of ron ver, vant alders were defeated, 7-5, ee eh Necronaet Aa laeaita TNiuEAIN doesnt want, to todd Totals wwe. ee 35 7 WaT AL 2 Jos ‘Hauser connected for his atst | 20m Mountat aj Dae Goa: A016, by Baceea a 10 Inning ame ing Cineinnats 2 to L. in an I in. [ROW for fear of the bad licking ee 2 Se ert Wfeinetaa. Plage abr the Da [er of tie nto and with"Water | Ritsnd funs—iron oanMountain 030 020— 0,7 credited thet a lcking doesn't “hurt— | Tauscher be LOOP LEADERS Through in. the Fah ‘Three the [Kingsford plichiag. victory. in thirteenth rikkeon to Cubs, 6 Carats place pce’ i of Tie fied mage a much ANd on ina he nie came [fame which ws called at the end of | EB, Gehiultz, Germar Double play Be- Sign lte, ul lx errare befund Rim second Ferzacca), to (Hautman o'clock ncting offer 6 t h e o f because. ant|the messages, The All dotea: fe names Of the pi 3. with $100 to any person who finds a pebblia slight pain by drubbing the Braves “Stabliskl hurled for Homestead and SU Ee be Tea ie Beas |nuias es Dune ote ae nctiune conte tronballs—Off Mat O'Neill2 thelr handicaps, may be forwarded a Must be prosperity,fe) aithough reak Losing Streak for thelr aggrcration than | Houghton. he had only six atrikeouts, Brooklyn Dodgers put together the! d the price of ibe rote Gaiters sto plan ts piny ‘ hit when dita meant runs longest winning atrenk of the year as |!0 Pound out a win over the Badgers. | oke 8 six-game losing the Minnesota and Pu dua his teamkL drove In one run and scored iney. bent. Pittsburgh twlee, 2 and |mreak by defeating Milwaukee, against Menominee next. ea the bet=|j} in England 0, to sweep t ries BASEBALL alter by not Inter tan | fam we ment the Endeavotfour, Iubnself in the ti Pa ray. of thi week so'naun tia eee t= chatleneing fr dratted for pairitisa, Menominee |" nm is Ge we. & i ent itseelise on Friday, Chinon shisrer. deeas't ‘need the’ FUN A-FISHING Eighty-four women’ golfers from 13 (By the Associated Press) pan. Oe Owe Bin 418 "a" from tha front offiee clubs 0 battle for American Association bites re , ated ent near Pa Bonura made plenty of dough t h e champtonship o f isconsin | Minreapolls s . However, he returned to first in 8 2. be plonship of the Wiseonsin Minceapo! andl Med By J stn: DONAHUE 8 550 {Base in the second game selling bananas. . 'g22 andled the In 31-3 innings win nitcher— vine the Arat Indianapolis, as 's the time of ar wher, Women's Golf assoclation, . era old Dats. ..An ‘gia | Brewer attack with a home run, two Kaufman, Losing pitcher. ‘Maki, Um: 1 event of which calls for competition MILWAUKEE plres—Kreltzer and Behrens, S16 | "sles and a walk, for the Blue M ny, — a aind iearict cove! TYRO) MAY TAKE alcarce by’ some other, nid poorer, cite on eth i oe Loutsvilie “403 |, ianapolis ‘hssaulted“Reaipn Columbes tnals; P. Wancr and Vaughan, Pirates, , aeL oes ere ike reuring in ibe day. mainly pecause tae | 1OP a straight hits In the int Pi ta | nt the second game to defeat some t, Gtants, and Ber the reason is the rabbit tn ‘the all aes them sulky, and they feed In feminine golfers will vie for the MilSPORTS OVER 40/5 Paul, 3 to], alee the Sainte had 48) won the opener, ‘Btolen bases—Martin, Cardinals, 15: on clay cour ‘The trout anglers, therefore, must waukee Journal cup, a5 |, Toledo Seteated fearsan City. 9 lor women golfers qualify for THE WEEK-END Bartell, Phillies, —_—_— 5 tu minal tackle to fool 625 'in an afternoon game, Pitching—J. Dean, ‘Cardinals, 17-3; You Vesmik. Indiane—Knocked In water enhances eight places this afternoon and play Sta blew an ove: finals Thursday, The champlongebmache. om Grants, 14 Revolta Accorded Good {ovrx, runt inhit ng double the baseme! two trlump doubles and Mover a Red |eision of ‘ne fgh, and long caste gous match WIMBLEDON—Australia lends ship round of the senior division will hai i oa ee ae - be 34 holes on Saturda; +593) counter, 7 United States, 3-0, In Interzone Davis _ Bettine—“ta oe rs Chance To Pick Off | cores pugs, the Philsdeipnien get nese ee 8b Cup play due to Jack Crawford's og M i Honors ‘sho held the ile tn te28 and 1028 | ory te in tuy fashion, This fuse DETROIT 0-17, ‘straight set victory over Frank Shielda \d_Bidney jehringer, Tigera, 81: Wera annie ountter tn the Ss dusk, and a couple of hours, after HEROES OF New York 2: Clacicnat! { (11 In'gs) CHICAGO Maren | Netson. of Fort By NOB CAVAGNARO Acid of 114 who have & food, chance Rhuladeiphia 6. Chicago 5. (12 ings Dodge, erald (Associated Pre Sports Writer) [of winning the championship.” Diegel Bowinee 9006 itesn, wale eel BUFFALO, uly 23—4}—The vet-| said. “Of that y Laffoon, of Ks | BL Lats Sa marathon for eecond straight ‘ime. srans who have ruled the professionai| Denver, has the best chance. | 598 —— GOSPORT, England — Endeavor golt domain of America tor 15 y Laffoon, T put John Revoita, | {1 oe Moore, Gianls—Made four ot 498/ TOMORROW'S SCHEDULE —_| salis for United States today to chaltre worried no litle at the prospect| Herman Ratron and Victor Ohetal 0 "3 acven hits and scored bothTu ms American Association lenge for America’s cup off Newport, at some t os the the next grou In -1 Victory over Reds, 438] Toledo ‘at MILWAUKEE. RI, in September |. A. champtonsnip which will Dlegel said "it's going to be a terLinke, Senaters—Scattered 10 418] Louisville at st. ro CHICAGO—Riskulus wins $10,000 played over the wide open Park club|riffc job to qualify” and that just hits and fanned six to Beat Browns 320) Columbus ington handicap. course besinning tomorrow. about expresses the unanimous opinfirst Indianapor's sede HUNTINGTON, 1. ¥. In the 16 years of the champion-|lon of the 00 or more contestants for | Dols, Casts anywhere fear eese rises fin ‘Inck Bethreck, Cardinals—Walloped American League Manginwins Crescent-Hamilton sine hip only once has the veterans’ mono-|the tie worn 2 Garazen, WhO| were sure to bring strikes. tion ington at Chicago, glee eon tiie trom Be In ge and story three oer doubles and single Columbus 1 poly 0: chyplay tle been |liave played practice rounds over the| "A good-slned fly of a light pattern homer, SWAUKEE 8:5:| Now York atx St. Louis fro en bya youn ‘That was in| 6.579 yard course. Competiters flaure|is the best fish-taker at dusk. A fan- Babe Ruth and Minneapolis 4-15. at 01Clevetand. Wiimer Hines, Columbia 8. 6, ‘and 1081,, when Tom Creavy, of Albeny.|tney. will need 140 or better to qual-| sine” ema conc te miller jaar knoeked “tn fens rund infankees St. Paul 4-3: Indianapolis 1-8. fat Philadetphin at Honry. Prusoff. jand “the then not-so-famous Denny |ify. parmachene belle,, professor or yellow fame, Byrd sent home five in secon Toledo 9-6; Kansas City 1 Nai jute ermahed through the barrler of| ‘The course ts short and sun-baked.|rmmy. in sizes ranging from 10 to six, a ican L e a g u e cuicaco at Brookiyn. Jobnny Babich and Al Loper,1 toe Big ten and Crenvy won the Uti.| tne tall grass is Hight and Deaten dovr|are inost apt to attract attention. Bldetph Cail, Philliew—Doubied tn New York 18, CHICAGO 2, St. Louis at ert—Babich outpitched Larry Frensh petion of youth's" 1991 can- land the traps, with a few exceptions | isaies, to, have exceptonsily tains 2 to drive in run that beat Cubs, igton 6: Bt. Louls 4, to take first clash, Lopem- drove hoi Tens © nolablelare shaliow and oony ta ‘from, | ways, our runs iy second, rd 4

“VETERANS FEAR | |-3..r2

ac a Soi

PRO GOLF TITLE). oc. se%eSiiseet Ss aes ee Bs ae es






JULY 23, 1934

Exchange, Unsettling Stocks




et ese

By ee et Mav ra) Bid randy woken. Std OW Cal,

Growing Doubts Of Cor-!s

porate Profits May Be



Increasing Complaints Of Deterioration Responsible





(Associated Prem Market Editor) CHICAGO. July 23—AI—All de

Timk Roll B res. ty trading volume the largest since May 7. last. M and

Com Pred. Crown Zeller. Cructble SU... i Pack’ .. Curtiss Wright ms pan L&W. Duntond Match Min Dougiaa Air’. Du Pont De Nem F. Eastman Kod .. EL Auto L.

bar Taprenne ‘The tcker tape ran net minutes Behind Moor trans. a ay unen prices, were at their worst

,. 35!

21% 4

1 a om tid the seascn's high price record. skyrocketing ta 70 cents a bushel, December delivery, This was 2% cents above Saturday's finish. Quick profit taking forced the market Dacl the extreme top, but rallies followed | lends was acing the great-

nell Ln smseony moneVac

Gimme Bros ae | God Das




was reported by a widely Enowa Cilcags expert. who returned 2 tela over ik The ree states was) from drouth end aN ‘Much or thin core, tt mu Mongrel Dog

val EO. v.2 1413 | og Sh T0165

Bd ss 14%

/zonkie Predss.

— | Biting Fighter

231. pec can, wer “int! forties

mead Bai Send ¢ British on the American women’s tenLoL, Aug 12-18 wil be Batty Nuth n Wightman Cup squad, Mise Nutball leads Biammers and herself—In an z Last year Betty and Freda won the U. 8.



He commented tat residential racancies were “not aresearly aa hgh aw commonly atippor They ranged from 12 pee cent ts

Bird Goes

Nudist In Old Age) pectPortiang, Me itso

out large sections. m2 €X-! Coraxtpaton, mongrel dog Mush Caaf Vel Piqua, ©., along the Pennsylvania “Sport M—CisnB| INDEPENDENCE, Mo. July 23— railzoad, rbage car {gone nudist and Mrs Ve! w11h corn tasseled at but now [OeOrge Parrur, aT BUTOrd York were to four feet high. fields ragged and several sears ago, pald up his bill In upset about It. fons on Another ta the p {n triend and beginning to fire. From Ef {uly today bird. 16 years old plucked out | five years” i thatDict Americans sil] Parrish poked his finger inlo York's bro master Lise one of Its feathers with its beak sidelieht York clench his bro! her. Ray. 18, and ‘Coneay Dee: every “The oss of his beautiful yreen and ely thoussingle walling, better sham ouit shh ig, Out Wheat and oats borrowed strength feathers haan’. mage. I 10310 [nee five of tis adversary » testh, realstanice of carom monoxide fumes from a ns |eeuow ae ie asi anne kimcs Sire: eased za “MT ‘rod iz) Our eastern national foreats now to setbacks that resulted from profitPp | heater ‘The boys were revived by thelr fathe aid. "He sings louder than any of Jury Sang Hymn; ton 18 cover a total of ea. 1% cents. Light ralne in Canara gave | er, Ht Cain aided by am inha’ Ps other birds.” | Attorneys Argue! 0 wheat bears stn the $0 much oxygen uh uslomsaveragi ri ‘ y ha ashing NEW HAVEN, Conn. July 23—| grains, despite downturns Mig 343, O48 8 | reco and nea hea sesh ler lapsed. ected by| While auiameys were, endeavoring he theThegas, dog.dashed apparto another parrot Home Own Lonn 48. $1.2. “ona | Falues ene pe) reach a among tbemoetras Home Own Loan 35, A 52 sie ee pesiy venliated. wedhow-up| Dullng selag teensy ana auickly |ro court Jury passed Whe time] The young of the sage het ar i ve jevet, Ped Farm 31, 49 and the gas light qulc ns in an ante-room. 5 hatching. Holaa! dae aeat 1S on Treas 4s, rey






T STARS! ( HORATIO BOBROMAN!); quex,ceiO BOARDMAN ctead THE “poriees. HES OUTSIDE! HE'S WAITIN: COAT 2. (1 SIPAD THERE CX | an 70 SEE You. (or casey *

=o | number of trading favor les held unchanged, Including Stan: dara OW of Indiana, American Gane and Electric Bond & Shure



Professor Claims Politi. SALESMAN cians Set The Modern Standards | ANN ARROR,duly 28—uP)—Prof Charles ©. Fries, editor of The Barly Modern Engilsh ‘Dietlonary, which I



the Nation wan school

Chicas Ponta


acer | “Tn'an article pubutshed in the senoot [of adnan. bales, Pred, Zoe age

concaccnMee Petatons og , [te in guae

of boliicians, profession

PSS ratyaS. [al people and the zocial lenders always “i old stock tthe teal specch stabdards, BaturdalyBea 817, Sunday eRe 17; alan aaa Toaience on rigid rules of speech ba obedigr ry

|by school teachers is “merel

Soo bal’ cobbiers. Virgina U. B No. seh'et of England, “London 1, 2.05; North Carolina triumphs U. td wed ven eat renee B No, 1, 205-10; showing decay 1.80, |tnd used dialect because jew England set the standard for valeago Produce the American colonies, because of its CHICAGO, July, 23-0)—Butter, large umber of Teadera in pallies creamery-spectals (93 law sockety nds CE 20-20% |_ Changes which have occurred and 99 centralised earlotay | which are occuring now are sufficient fits to prove the Dexible DaLre ot proper 7996, 15%;firm: extra local ‘fresh graded | speech, Prof. Fries says, gts local 154G) eurrent fe- [youth follows and the gradual leadera must do lanes so ta suc-ot celpts 1313-14". =soclal ford on tre Euperiant social nad thle ness levels. ago Poullr fan example ofchange tn ti

es atundards HANG. 16;age, ears ‘atta Hat

No, 2, 10; spring| objects, but now "a treaty ‘between’ +9; apring geese L1,| four poyers™ Is regular and’ respectable in woe, 4

Saad i



Minus Set Of Teeth in

Few Specialties Get Beyond Fractional Limits

YG. A. PHILLIPS (Asxoctated Press Financiay Writer) am ~mely dui) trading today. with lon of a few specialties price a confined to the fractl were about urchanged Ai Nariety and gentraily on the down a senate ak only |Grain tbs and Provisions || ia amount of selling NS]

Toru of eouare. tor honsing wort wy improre ving ednditions and speed he heavy industries raeant or on Jo cites In which the sureey ts complete, Dickinsoncited ¢ 4 ‘Li-per cent of all the housing untis were vacant. 16 per ent were overcromded In more than an actual doubling Up of tamil 16 needed structural ree ait“ per cent needed maintenance re


Am Trans fen, Asphalt


deterioration trom nd droul 4 eretofore have had # favorable was an outstandof somewhat cooler weather in the west and northwest with posible scattered showers.

i changed to 10 cents dectine cHIcaco, July 23—1#—Sharp

pid an wpecial Tens at eauld be held re


Near Future == aia WASHINGTON, July 3—(P\—Ethe 1 dence collected by 10,000 field agente Anat @ real opportunity exist Tor ex sive home bullding and repair hae, fen tcterees to Une federal “housing administration by the commerce tment.


RULLETIN— YORK, July 23— (7) —


Shortage Probable in













[ONDAY, JULY 25, 1984








‘ent a Desirable Summer Cottage With News Want Ads | LOST AND FOUND

reslaned to become director of athle-| Aliens office here at mention of China- see_there.” \ PERISHES ‘Then, as @ final blow at things that [Festes Is Sherer tiewns potated lice are not what the em, fareiliar ouwlin hatthe themen newwho will A recent inquest in the ck,death of an \doctor found Fook's death was due to jadger Cage Coach ith ine Teat-39 vary te and Joptum smoker a LOBT—FOLDER CONTAINING ©, & hada thor cledge. 0! f thelold, m frul; vender in the Itmehouse hemorrkage—and no: to oplum pals ‘Bt. Paul Rallw i loader, ontng. Auto driver isruse, registration cf MADIBON, Wa duly 23-l99—The [Seam ot Bl grain. binders. Real ‘bargains, Will auto title a nd I P. Nodes seestbt,ts |deatiny of Universtiy of Wisconsin| j Sunday afternoon nap. trade, Terms, “Anderton ache ©. Fister return ta ‘A. Baxon, Den Opium London of hands the in was today ‘The inquest Brovat forth evidence Makes Telescope emlee, on ‘atta basketball W. frelght Toward e o S . © " roid Ha or ame was thd rooelte From Auto Parts Is Writer's Dream |that Foot xnown auccee FOR 8A ELEOTRIO to Tendoy police, tat 28°) feed coach E. to.Meanvelt reward. washing Machines 47 to HS, Ane ind receive Walterwas recommended by his old] LONDON, July 23—(a%—Blue vein- |fecakera Dr, Foster ate A nat tl FOR RENT {her™ are nes tices KANSAS CITY, Mo, July 22—with inka ors eT derso1 Tate pg hhands—the breathless taint | number o f Ch Jeu ar Inserted on « monthly — USED HOT-WATER| Fon. TTAGE|ietic council named him coach after of the 5 Onient—satt atlekyemaileop- | dling constant, and th. ve reduction of 28% from | FORheatingBALE plant. Nixe raaintors, 1.100 ab Spread Basle, All funlaned, In-|chort delieeravon rate. ‘curtained coz—dark | generation of Chinese d« fook boler, Bight day clock th , Phone 1154-W.| i expected io be confirmed by the murder and wel- | opium. ‘Ads are set stat. Complete, Inciuding cqve: T-23-3t|board of regents. otherwise apecitied. If 10-polnt rywhere the eerle, | It was somewhat distlusioning. Byenearn Foster will be the youngest basket- ving fon a housing of the coroner, who mu is desired, add 20 to above rates. Bt.Witiams & Bons, 222 Zast iat20-3 motor car as the tube the pleture of London's |ern thrillers, FOR RENT—ROOMS, ALL MOD- |ball cosch tn the-Western Gonferen $7 for other necessary par! conveniences. 308 Exst Luding~ During ease Chinatown as invoked by [thrust5AM Beitgnal ingenuity. FOR BALE—TWO ROOM COTTAGE ern 23-3. “Limehouse * ton Bt. opt velists—to make the rend> on large level lot at Spread Bagle. “TELEPHONE 701 ‘They claim Dillinger is paralyzed in columal. sbeate, Seasornbie, Telephone 202d, Teast}, Pivseusy announces that Baliran, Jqulatet and starred0 and een sisuioal’ to [the aide from x gunshot ‘wound. but it em Ubere ane, no. ahivers-in-the [of London Pere may be laughter. Ml soon fall, }T92 ea a the-art ‘Orders y telephone Are, are _accepted a clverwise Bolivia conidas ebarge only. In re Fol R SALE — OUERNSEY YOUNG | [tlePut difference Teemorandumcourtesy appointment is for one year of opinion like this cat we k. the advertleer mulch cow coming fresh this for this and carrles a salary of $2,500. In rec~ ta something serious, such asm Jommending THE GIRLS GET A KICK OUT OF THIS ‘Mrs. W. Sturman, Wauicedah, 2aeat Mich, ficad fepacied to remit promptly upon Foster. Dr. Meanwell, who Hawaul yt of memoran dum sta ae WHERE AUTOS FOR SALE AO ROSEFTED ADS1s aitu» OUR 7 Cisse Department | SALE—1931 BUICK 8—880 the Business Office of The| FORmodel, Excellent condition. Beat covheater, ilesge 18,000. Reason 415 EAST LUDINATON BT. for selling—leaving the country. News Want Ads took ever tho town | aaverquixe of E, M. Purdy, 128 “iste reoelrg to open 1s = This officefrom 5+. m., erler's job long ago. They street, Cryst to depend on lung-power to get reordered tas Al Sunday, except sults... whee buyers check the Want ilo sad received MISCELLANEOUS e immediat a0 a am wil a9 Kes! withers, betes. Mews, want fon of that day > RADIO TUBE TESTING—FREE a xt Fawest coat, too— You Y ELECTRIC SHOP asst gladly wil oc caker tod, best af alley get thoes Fa: | 90 that, non an Bat oA St. fac s manner e TWO WANT RIDE TO CHICAGO. you. for resulta best the 180 produce Share expenses, 1205 West Luding: be should ements Errore n advertis The Nexs will Immediate reported ble’ly.for more than one be responsi ROOMS FOR RENT ngertion. restricted to thelr proper ads oo regular News FOR RENT—ROOMS AND APART. fe Tickets to the cnenta, 201 Btockerldae, type. The daring at ete right to ea * “eae any sasale FOR RENT — TWO FURNISHED Braumart Wilson (above) 19 climb advertisingco houxekeep! 307 Insertions Everest alone failed dra: as ordered te several Hughitt 6 mat be sll with each cash ad. | before expiration timet cording to his po: sa stopped only for the number ncjuste8 FARMS FOR SALE speared and the earne bey have be made rato the at mers wil ATTRACTION FOR SALE—# ACRE FARM WITH former British Army captain, W! machinery and buildings, 20 son, disguised ax a Titetan nto elude THE NEWS docs notpersona knowins!yor “Kid From Spain’’ crea clearéd, Inquire, Joan, Well Ceystal Falls, championships in Detroit inte thié month, these four ¢ Women's National A. A. U. ee et ak ala one eli a he Washington Athfetic Club relay teara get 8 ck Out of developing thelr leg action, using planks “Midnight Alibi’’ on county Ine, clr bodies, They are, left right: Mary Lot | Brooks, Doris Buckley and Olive Mc~ of compensation WANTED any violation of this By Cowan -questa {oF a cash Tt Could Be Worse! (Mom’n Pop) eoknin eins oe Fse| THE NEWFANGLES NOPE! THIS 1S THE the advertisi HELL BE OKAY, BUT 1'D Ws Await, QUEEK! CONSTABLI $5 “Etvertuiae tepariment— ( THAT WORST-THING whe notes tis Faraly, Abe ONE-A- BEEG Z E-wpene 701. EVER HAPPENED TIME wHeeLDAYA Ee 5 Git iT? ts MAN WANTED WITH FAIR, EDU:




RATES ----






Lady Assistant

AMBULANCE 9117 Carpenter Ave.

SERVICE Phone 683-R

Electric110 Co. E. J.. ‘TELEPHONS



Su nny

Answer to

HORIZONTAL 1 Whe is the Talian prima

WANTED [O BUY BUY—FIVE OR SIX ROOM house tat can be moved, 2 Ford East Kingsford. WORK WANTED WANTED — EXPERIENCED COOK wants work In private home or as katchen help or chambermaid, 211 Lucington. 7-23-32 To



Write giving age, phone, present ities




revious Puzalo MES DUG

(o} LIME ]


SU) 1 Le L AlN 10 Q)


pncca PME


36 Nothing. aT Tree yieldaK Olly “29 Genus of sus 33 Fountain. 34 In a stupor. Be apeeti le Low tn the thy. 188 Crodit, 999 To drinke dog-fashion. @1Golf tencher. *azBur gol. 43 Porched,


40 Latricntes, Sens ee ‘Hawaii






poses during



weicnr, -|
























oe , f

\ +







$7 Italian river,






Metal tat 4Slones of hills, tie s fave or faoles frelon ot the rlike ‘le 4 Heathnstast, projection 52 Genus o! ne ain tree, : 51 To persevere, Northeast 36 Knock 98 She {s a colora: 2 Sho was ‘ion n cf ture —. in—, anbeeh. 59 And was a She devoted orp ““ jyomnber of the her act to pur Urner, — Oper triotic yur 5 SMenth note.



a SSS Lo sonese






Titepy iuitAnn vee










Parleysenatiely retanos to


|e at “rac tectents ana | taaitien of drunkenness have JHE NATIONAL oearly doubled in Washington since WHIRLIGIG | NewYork “NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS” (Continued from Page One)





financial and

have organized vigilance committees \o clean up the destructive element, forta to head off I atrikg. cerlainly Pointed tn oartment of justice agents see communist influence active In the cot- thee tinection, Endustrialiste from who have talked to nim recentty found ton sirike, the steel situation and him more aympathetl a Lomobile in of capital than a any leaders are studying ways became Eagte's efitieaning up tranmpottation "Then he went t aun Prancisoo and and true! Heads of the federal housing sdmin~ rpolied tall, Despite ils castigation eration privately dmit that the ls of radicals | pla oe the gurae as ir problem doesn't 100k not iainany ssi” Podid have ff pisyed. Two of bin Us Sod, that puilding tases anions will published moves have annoyed New not demand higher 4 shorter ‘York big Umers especially. Poussras soon Ax Us Tepalr and mod= ‘of San Francisca was ernization campelgn gets under way. to bor extremista here —there are ple fs to | declare martial Inw. Johnson persuada federal poblls bufiting opér~ |x im ct to. was upsett trades un-| those ht martial Iaw would eat aa | belp sell" the Buti on the fons lumber and consti dustrles re- | ness of the co! at menace behind ‘duce prices to boost the pro- |the strike. . Insiders arn that Johnson got — very rough in private iin tha, afup SWAP—Charles Schwab has ‘Ine representatives who blocked arblGhrough mare Lhan one depression.nan | wanes by refus recognize some a story mood the other day bt [ot the maritime unions. Ho falled to shaw praper, solieitude


tnlobs than New York likes and 1 Wom will seve Inbar wocntes oped Bor. strikers to w qualified ‘ictory. enough to brand him« viltain in financial eyes FREE ie, chameleonsot the ba! ttle assume increasing importance in New York's view. The informed say the ship lines were asked to sign a blank check—t ad. oot the seruls oF artliracounts, re palataly not nllowed 10 1 5 them against the closed to

shout “‘paylng you im some of ral right," replied Bebwab,° Sa whatoe price swamp—a ton of rallr fof a ton of ja must ECTIVE = Tithe forcizn ned rue totton situation ts to tmpro wale they have cut down acrenee, have, shrunk ‘iso leaving, conditions 90 than belore. - Expo! yrta for the 1Totth season ending June were 800, * tom | Bown the: ahip. men Tn this they have staunch moral he U, 8. thls year—Oreat y- France, Maly, Spain. Belgium a 3 Netherian see hmmerican cotton 12 <p ropenn obsective ——— tal centers threatened with POWER—UUullty men may as well | :roubles. | Contidonsialseoceiatndleata, ee dale whex red circ! the Grandi theCoulee put FDR a visits dam | ship companies particularly resent the the Colut Panis ahat they deal with he Bea qt wu ‘They charge that th Digpest cause so few of ita nd ta in one place at ted one time—Ia the special prey of :abor radicals and racke GRIST—New York -awaita with astly over: cost is to be $20,939,000, which Ickes has drawn fom the [on | public orke fund's mega He “Tes parser st ihe ‘Grand nts Project ts power jevelopment statement te, waa aco aetea wettlement But it ie intimates that 3 a dam was under con: | won—and Ineldera fear it will because nideration It was held that of the attituda of General Johnson, wer to provide for a power ‘Wagner and Secretary Perkplant, #0 the project was disguised 43 ins—they expect @ fresh wave of a plain to improve navigation. The / strikes all over the country which will country haa pr alnce then, ef | thoroughily disrupt recovery. Seclaly m the Giscwvery ef federal Yorkers aren't 50 dent that the unlons wil be cPrivate uttlty enterprise may have squelched ax they were when the atrike ta goodbye chole northweet when OFRnd Coulee tray locas ita 3s Sa.00 Shite, Sores, Then, tsi: ena wes | ta grit for such mula aa WA d the Recountry's midrifr, publican Bullders ready "prospectively federnlized by cancel ocean "Yo la wonder big banks are mall contracts as a club to bring the auilty men om their directorates wie ankers are coring out oft utility Boards, S—The Gem haa tumbled to th that Geni Johnson's speent hopping nto iter ‘war carefully prepared hero and offToby" sivea’ cu under the, imprint “National ‘Administration

is Hitt Morgenthau-Jones, Sid unofficial ‘They are put forth at Johnson-Wallsce disagreements. They of the official speech. say the president rates a Nobel prize TES Hundreds of xyere have it he can keep his own official family sent in for copleaof the American Dar trom chewing e a other up. asaociation report ei “executive HARRISON—Wall street gets kick Usurpation of judiclal porer A out aattament | sbout er ayetemn af hip. subsidy ‘ts'to cm- Montague >=rederal re ners ocean, Governor ‘George nauk aiMPodoral employes arepee Reserve lea because of plement |efrareling ogsitert to cote te toys ceastaton mot “the civil service « *gpellamenare on the march. the head of the employes" federation,


mats and supported by Cor Toner Rumpta


rar ‘noni olen Feed a"taht, ‘Pelli100 of the new christening arrangements, | 5! soter Rumpt and supported imissfoner ‘Herammin that 2

sa Jarens, an with the rigging Wupported boy Commissioner Ra (ich wll hold f during inflaton Kingsford. who are entitied to = No further work remain Special Assesment No, 1 ‘weather permltt!

|One Woman Votes

4-Mill Town Levy

LITCHFIELD, nn, guly 230 re was @ suggestion ‘hot they might perform the christen- |—The amendment which gave women Ing with s bollie of lemon extract—s ithe right to vote was halled here usm rva| life-saver lueverage very popul ia : Eeegseene nasal, rons a permtenit national aviation pallcy, Eitel eld taxpayers were asked tol aN are shown tor B meeting at which it maeced Cs eat Gotonel Avion ‘oon for tbe rejection of thts Jattend a special rough meeting tol Lindbergh and iSenmral Sdichell for tselr slvwa, When the, Scaualasios aghin meeta in the {ll From left to ther reason oe pot div hough there lapprovem budget and levy & tax, Only , Franklin K Tight are lark, Howell, chairman; Col. J, C. Cone (rear), executive secretary; Al lone taxpayer—a woman—atte: led the were some 4 ‘an Lane, Jr, and Edward P, Warner, Jr. fpomsors ot tba Tight considered In session, She approved the budget and| dian lore of no importance in the voted for m four-mill tax. study of cosmic rays. ‘Muller counters—with a smaller cop~ hatching with the Bank of England's MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING per tube Inside. They are filled with THE head. Jargon and oxygen. Aa a matter of feet, Harrison tn. fola hangar, en ssage Recorded structions came f: jashington and of |Uauld air for the christentng—nome‘ATE OF MICHIGAN. ‘Their Job ts to record m4 fot from Were. Hie was asked to make grown Iguid alr, p right out of 20.1934 mic ray particles by |Sirntospinere Bow! itacit and bottled | 4 speclal meeting of, ‘July contacts and 201 Euro; the’ Cai: amp! y SeuitenyNand that's all You cen fo where [sion of ine Village of Kingsfor a waa | quite sure he went no rurtier, Doubt: held at the vil nae, of sCinestord fall Each “telescope” fa made up of three July AL lant ofeloe less ni clusters of thrco Of the “tatty sticks” |.am, 20, President 934. terest in offi Tani called the meeting —Pitced one above te oth er in the necessarily gi fas dent's ‘and metal box. The aya 7a mst pasa |e, policy any more than @ conductor through all three hae to hat Stratosphere Flyers Will runs @ railroad. "and certainly this great presence Sapectally. bull. sphere of City, the alr, bound for regions Carry Special InBaten nat an tecllograpn, or record ship (Copyright McClure Newspaper never before entered by ing camert ‘Syndicaze) struments ‘To find out whether the rays ni Without Feat the ame intersity eo frequency = Magyar Mounties Ghiet rar Horse, of the Wounded PHILADELPHIA, July 23—Cosmlc idirections, ee vertical, Torta ‘Knee Crary Horves, who hi In the stratnia. Absent, none, .-Don Mustachios ray aecrets will be soughtresembiln, fin | UPL enrees ana ety deer Esco ot the oameratoen for Une decie ieramm ‘A motion was made by Commlsslonre by "telescopes" Aled with clustera of mall-wa BUDAPEST, July 23—Budapest 1s brea sticl going to have romantic mustachioed tatty Crime At Its Lowest In thelr covering of wax Pelcemen. has been tssued by the andTTatfylike the way tey are calculated to Ebb In Philadelphia rays until thos elusive eset of pollen that all mounted po- stick 1to_coumfe eeh a aclentife.stme lock, Hcemen must from now cn wear musHTA, July 23—Despite PHILA! DLE, the ele ve tnstrumente. are pert tachas. They are considered hat only the anes so c: in the stratosphere hop ter ucive to military "depresssion which Major So es er ttt | Fewerthe ceimen bearing but ia libe ah the national apt. in Phitadelphia last year Albert W. B t e v n s ewale tavorIagyar thie, weather inthe Black Hill of tien ory stun ane |tradition of the nual report of tbe Criminal ‘Tustin auth Dakola. = Association reveal -.,, Built In Philsdetphia was less n other Game Bird Sanctuary piitit tn the Barto! | research !abora- sectiona ofnce theof crime country Phitad of tories ip Provemen: was greater Planned For Nevada Fr t Philadelphia showed an improve Teacopes 01 ases TONOPAH. Nev., July 23—A game quare, but from them scence hopes to learn much about the raya” benavther roporlor and perhaps even wolve the moot tlon of convictions and prion senvelt | question of justwhat che rays are tences to number of arrests made, the 4 Blue apie in Ralroad Valley pear whence repart ahows. muck” tqulvalent tie sanckuary -aneludea epproat- ‘The natty ate gatlars who spent tsa last ‘of publle Tends | mately 195.184 ave eanwalkingbeck are around And Gl be administered by the U- B. ione— to" science as Geiger town You really can’t afford to miss these values at and riding ‘gis Biological Survey. of good buys



Clearance: There are hundr@s b. , every item in our Clearance

{ord I age OKBiowstord show the taxpa ntltied 19ithe same


"Meeting adjourned ¥

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[participation in the stratosphere Night lot the Army-Natlonal Geographic 80jeseoy definitely declined a with ara christened by Mra. le Governor of Bouth yunie sone he bieban isepbeer is = abe ‘ceremony dani onsets, jour tnd any Stowe nod‘arapabone # who attend will look down from the


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