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Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Editor Marc Craig Production Colm McCarroll

John Sharples Steve Andrews Diane McGlone English Time

The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS Sir Old Golfer Barry Pugh Marc Craig Paul Ling Colin Kirby

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.

Janet Anscombe Red Queen Musings lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog

While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1. Sebum 2. The five inhabited continents 3. 36.9 degrees C (98.4 F) 4. Glass 5. Men Behaving Badly 6. The Lion King 7. Three 8. J 9. 1852 10. A cable 11. A day

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)

627 686 830


Issue 108

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Boats 2. They Are Stuffed 3. Shells 4. Boxes 5. Bombs 6. Breads 7. Towers 8. They Have Tubes 9. They All Have Dates 10. Parts Of A Map 11. They Have Staffs 12. Mustards 13. Pigs 14. They Have Nets 15. Rugs




Solutions to this week’s puzzles


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Well, we are back! After a rather waterlogged week, which resulted in us missing an issue, 5 days later, it’s almost like the rains never came! To be honest I’m kind of glad we don’t need to dwell on the weather too much as it has now passed us by - there’s only a limited amount of ways to write about the fact that we all got a bit wet! It’s been an eventful week down at Vivo, on Tuesday we celebrated To The Editor,

May I say a big thank you to Nele and Rita and everyone at Westhaven Bay in Costa del Silencio for their help with my fundraising event on Friday 6 December. I held a sale of personally hand-made crafts including a variety of Christmas decorations, cakes and hampers. This was my second Christmas sale held to raise money to help fight cancer which I particularly wanted to do in memory of a friend, Maggie Mosedale, who died here in Tenerife

To The Editor,

May I just say that my friend and I came to the Decades show last week and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we will be back soon! Now I´m not sure whether this is relevant to your paper or not but I know it has an extremely large circulation in the Las Chafiras area, I live in Llano de Camello and I am a new resident to the area. I am massively disappointed by the amount of English residents in the área that have dogs and do not clean the excrement up after them, in the middle of the pavements, out-

the 2 year anniversary of the Decades dinner show, it’s a brilliant show night that just goes from strength to strength, congratulations to Chris, Sara, Bitter and Twisted, the Decades dancers, Neil Kenny and all the staff that work so very hard to make the night the resounding success that it is! Wednesday was our staff Crimbo party, an absolutely amazing night at La Brasa, generously laid on for by our boss couple, Chris and Sara, a heartfelt huge thank you from us all, a fantastic night was had by all!

in 2012. She was known and liked by scores of people in Costa del Silencio, where she spent her winters. Thanks to the help and generosity of many friends and the tremendous assistance given by Westhaven Bay in providing space for my stall inside their restaurant area, I was able to make a donation of 280 euros to help fight cancer. I would like to thank everyone involved for their support and all those who made purchases. Yours, sincerely, Carole, Las Galletas.

side my gate. I come from another Spanish island where there are fines for this and if you get photographic evidence by poo picture fines are handed out by the local police who go to their houses, walking to school is a minefield, for what it costs 1 Euro to buy bags and holder I think the area would be more pleasant to live in. I take my dog out various times a day, and always clean up after her, and I think people should be more responsible, the flies in the area are atrocious. Yours, sincerely, Eva Marie Burns

They came in their thousands to remember, support, and celebrate the many lives touched by breast cancer. The Magma Centre forecourt was a sea of pink, in all shapes, ages, and guises, even toddlers and four legged friends pitched in on a perfect Sunday morning.

A zumba warm up got the blood pumping and a Canarian drum band struck a vibrant rhythm and the mayors of Arona and Adeje joined the leaders as the pink parade snaked its way down the road to the promenade in Playa de Las Americas. Many walked in the name of lost friends and family but the mood was upbeat and defiant, regular checks, early diagnosis, and ever improving survival rates are the keys to hitting back at this indiscriminate disease. Tenerife showed its best sunny face with clear blue skies highlighting the snow clad Mount Teide. People left their sun beds and lined the route to show their support and to give generous donations. Let’s not forget the gallant swimmers who made their own journey the long and strenuous way, arriving at Las Vistas beach just after the procession had taken over the Plaza Nuevo Mar for welcome top ups of water and Canarian bananas as


Another side effect of the floods meant that Lorna and Stephen’s leaving do was postponed until Thursday, but it was worth the wait as everyone had a smashing time, good luck guys, we will all miss you very much x So we hope you enjoy our festive edition and we wish you a very Merry Christmas, eat too much, drink far too much and we will be back next week to see you into 2014!! xx

Marc Craig

Continued from page 1

live acts added to the party mood. Next year will be the 10th Walk For Life, they will

have to go some to beat this years total of 18,600 euros raised but with such good or-

ganization, sponsors, and volunteers, you can rely on the pink tide rising ever higher.

By Colin Kirby

President Alonso’s Christmas Message 2013

During my first holiday season as president of the Tenerife Government, I would like to convey to you the same optimism which I employ in my day to day work at the Cabildo. We have experienced a very difficult twelve months a n d h a v e pooled our ef-

forts to build our resistance during this period of crisis that we hope to overcome soon.

My main goal since I took on this responsibility, just three months ago, has been to work hard to reduce high unemployment rates and make it easier to find a stable job. It is our duty to take urgent measures against the risk of social exclusion that can result from long-term unemployment and explore all avenues open to us to find financial resources that will generate work. Through the Employment Plan, with nearly three million Euros and other measures in place, more than 1,500 people will get a job in the New Year. To revive the economy we will allocate 87.7

million Euros in an ambitious investment plan with over 220 actions around the island in cooperation with the municipal councils. It is time to discuss less and act more. To implement aid programs to create jobs and to promote economic activity and consumption. To help companies to improve their sales and exports. All these measures are feasible if we contribute our bit. Maybe it’s time to also encourage citizens to participate and contribute their ideas towards an open, transparent government. The spirit of Christmas must be with us for all these good intentions: in every moment, every gesture, every intention and every decision we make so that good things happen. I sincerely hope that the sum of each individual’s wish will become a common goal to achieve a more prosperous future for the people of this island. Merry Christmas to you all!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

NEWS ON THE ROCK A plane attempting to land at Spain’s Los Rodeos airport experienced trouble landing and skidded off the runway due to an excess of water caused by heavy rain. Spain’s Airport Association AENA said there were 51 passengers and four crew members on board, and one person suffered a sprained ankle. The plane had taken off from Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands during a storm, and the landing strip at Los Rodeos was closed for two hours after the incident. vilaflor Canary Coalition considers it “absolutely necessary to take action, developing sports practices in Vilaflor, not only representing alternative entertainment for the youth of the town, but because it can be an attraction for visitors which will generate economy and wealth”. The nationalists understand that, given the past “neglect and lack of initiative that it develops sport in the town. A padel court “is simple” and would interest “youth and leisure tourists,” turning the area into a meeting point. Also, given the nature of this town, nationalists also claim that the council create a field that allows training athletes who prefer to train at altitude and would also allow the holding of sporting events which would generate wealth and economy in the town. About a dozen tour operators and media from the Nordic countries visited Tenerife with the goal of seeing everything that Tenerife offers the golfer. The visit was organized by the Cabildo, through Tenerife Tourism Tenerife Golf and the Spanish tourist offices in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Oslo. The president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, explains that “in the Nordic countries Tenerife is favoured as a golf destination, as these tourists appreciate the climate, the excellent courses and facilities available to the Island, as well as security and the possibility to practice their favorite sport here throughout the year. Since October the Norwegian airline, is connecting a total of 16 European destinations, mostly Nordic, boosting the arrival of travelers from that country, which we intend to enhance with initiatives like this.” Tour operators who took part in the visit were Ak-Matkat (Finland), Golfsplaisir, and Ving Golf Travels (Norway), Aki GolfTravel (Sweden), and Bravo Tours and Golf Classic. The program included visits to seven of the eight golf courses on the island: Buenavista Golf, Real Club de Golf de Tenerife, Golf del Sur, Amarilla Golf & Country Club, Abama Golf, Golf Costa Adeje and Golf Las Americas, in addition to Tecina Golf neighbor La Gomera. Also visits to hotels that offer all facilities for golfers and other activities that complete a getaway vacation for golf tourists. Nordics are the third most important source market for golf travelers in Tenerife, with 8 percent of green fees (Free game) that were purchased on the island last year, that is, 23,500 of a total of about 300,000. The home secretary in Adeje Canary Coalition, Ricardo Moreno, expressed his satisfaction at the inclusion in the budget of the Cabildo of Tenerife parea 2014, the final design of the new Armenime access, a necessary work for years demanded by nationalists and the neighbours to improve access to Armenime and it’s harbour with a new roundabout, which will finally be implemented in the next year. The head of Adeje nationalists stressed the importance and sensitivity of the President of the Tenerife Cabildo, Carlos Alonso by definitely granting this neighborhood request. At the same time, he recalled that the TF-47 connects the coastal towns of the southwest of the island from Los Gigantes to this neighborhood where the highway south and passing traffic through Armenime “merges heavy traffic and with this new infrastructure will be able to improve traffic flow and access not only to Armenime but to Puertito and Paradise Beach. “ Moreno added that “the improvement in connectivity is an essential requirement also stressed in our comprehensive plan to Armenime and will be a major breakthrough for this neighborhood.”

Canarias - Space express

A grOuP of European space companies plan to offer “budget” trips to space tourists from Spain’s Canary islands. grégoire Loretan of Swiss Space Systems, the company leading the push, said trials were expected to begin in 2020 of technology that would allow the public an experience previously accessible only to astronauts and millionaires. “Our goal is to democratise the access to space,” said Loretan. Launching from a base near Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, one of the largest tourist towns in the Canary Islands, the trips into space will be relatively low-cost because the group plans to use an Airbus 300 aircraft attached to a space shuttle. Gran Canaria was chosen as a base, for both its growing tourism industry and its lo-

cation in the Atlantic Ocean, allowing spacecraft to be launched away from populated areas. Passengers will be flown six miles (10km) above the Earth, From there, the shuttle would detach from the plane and travel up to 60 miles farther into space before returning to Earth. The spacecraft would have room for up to six people. The group plans to operate much like an airline, reusing the spacecraft for each journey. Once the trials begin, Loretan said, the company will work as fast as possible to start sending tourists into space. “But it depends on certification and on a lot of factors out of our control.” Ticket prices have yet to be finalised, but Loretan said the aim was to make them as cheap as possible. No word yet on baggage allowance but the fact that it will all be weightless means there should be no excess baggage surely?

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MON 23rd TUE 24th WED 25th THR 26th

GYM OPEN AS NORMAL Wishing You A Merry Christmas!

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Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


Christmas Celebrations and Traditions, Near and Far



deje is a cultural cross roads, a salad bowl of traditions and practises, and Christmas is just one of these times when we tend to remember how we celebrated this festive season in the different countries of our birth.

With people from over 120 different countries living in our multi-cultural borough, it would be virtually impossible to list all the different traditions that are represented here today. But what is interesting is how immigration over the years has seen some practises from our past travel to new lands and adapt to new communities? Here in Spain the most obvious example at Christmas is, no doubt, the fact that Santa Claus now visits many many children in Spain – in the past he left most of the gift-giving to his good friends the Three Kings, who brought the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. But as communities in Spain and in Adeje began to welcome families from other lands, Santa Claus agreed to include Spain in his busy schedule. But while we now share many customs, some we still observe in our own way. For instance for most Spanish people the big Christmas meal, where family come together, is dinner on Christmas Eve. Traditional meals will almost inevitably include prawns or other shellfish, with meats or fish as part of the main course. Most businesses close at lunch

time on December 24th to give people time to get home and get ready for the meal, and while small presents may be exchanged that night, the big day for presents in Spain continues to be Kings Day, January 6th. December 25th is really a day to relax, and attend religious services for those who wish to. To those of us who are from the UK or Ireland, December 25th is the day when our children will wake up early (too early for many parents!) and search eagerly for their presents under the tree. That afternoon is when we will have our Christmas lunch or dinner- with turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes and vegetables. Regional differences may see goose served instead of turkey, in Ireland a boiled ham is frequently served alongside the turkey, in the UK ham, roast beef or roast pork may be the second meat. Cranberry sauce is standard for the turkey as well. After the main course Christmas pudding is served, often lit with a dash of whiskey as it enters the dining room, and usually accompanied by cream or brandy butter. In many households the pudding is made months in advance, and steamed on the day. The next day is traditionally our day to relax and get over the excesses of the large meal.. In the UK December 26th is Boxing Day, the

name probably stemming from the old custom in Britain of giving a ‘Christmas Box’ to tradesmen and women on the first weekday after Christmas as thanks for good service throughout the year. This is turn is linked to an older tradition which saw many servants who had served the family where they worked on the 25th allowed home on December 26th, often with a box containing gifts and bonuses, and sometimes leftover food. In Ireland the day is a Feast Day, St Stephen’s Day and the day of the Wren Boys! The Wren Boys traditionally were groups of small boys who would hunt for a wren, and then chase the bird until they either caught it or it died from exhaustion. The dead bird was tied to the top of a pole or holly bush, which was decorated with ribbons or coloured paper. On St. Stephen’s Day, the wren was carried from house to house by the boys, who wore straw masks or blackened their faces with burnt cork, and dressed in old clothes (often women’s dresses.) At each house, the boys sing the Wren Boys’ song in return for money which would be used to hold a dance for the whole village. Even today groups of Wren Boys will be seen on St Stephens’ day, but without dead wrens. Similar to the Wren Boys but not just in Ireland, Mummers would also go from house to house, and they would perform plays and wear disguises, often of straw, and ask permission before entering the house. Mummer performances would have been the first kind of folk theatre experienced in the UK and Ireland, and these would have been generally light-hearted occasions with audiences allowed to laugh and comment during the play. This tradition has

also travelled with immigrant waves in previous centuries, and today you will find Mummer groups performing theatrical works in Russia, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and many other parts of the world. Christmas is a very special time in Germany too, the country which has brought us the notion of the Kris-kind, or Christ chid, which many of us have adapted to use for gift giving among groups of friends or workers. There, on December 6th, many houses receive a visit from St. Nicholas. On the night before, children place their newly cleaned shoes by the front door in the hope that Nicholas might fill them with nuts, fruits, chocolate, and sweets and not a stick which they will get if they have been naughty. The German excellence in baking and biscuit making comes into its own too at this time of year. Christmas markets are hugely popular and traditional in Germany and are held in many towns and cities during December, with hand crafted gifts and produce on offer in the most of picturesque settings. The Advent Calendar, also a German invention, is now found in many countries around the world, whether home made or shop bought, and is a lovely way for children to count down to December 25th. The Christmas Crib first appeared in Italy though has undergone changes since then with many countries adapting the concept and adding different figures. In Sweden on December 13 young girls visit homes bringing cakes, dressed in long white robes and wearing a crown of candles like Saint Lucia. Lucia was a martyr, probably from the 4th century, who helped Christians who were persecuted by the Romans to survive by bringing them food in

their hiding places, wearing a crown of candles. Christmas is celebrated throughout the African continent by Christian communities, and there are approximately 350 million Christians in Africa. The Coptic Christians in Ethiopia and Egypt celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December in their calendar, which is the 7th of January for most of the rest of us, similar to the Russian Orthodox church. However, some Russians observe two Christmases and even two New Years, following both the church and the secular calendars. Take care here in Spain on December 28th – while you probably won’t see Wren Boys, you might find yourself the victim of a prank or two. This is Dia de los Inocentes, which is, in a sense, the Spanish version of April Fool’s Day. As in most part of the world celebrations are pretty spectacular on New Year’s Eve. While many of us might watch the count-down on television tuned into Big Ben in London, for Spanish people who live in the peninsula they will probably watch the clock and celebrations in the Puerto del Sol, in Madrid, though don’t forget it will be 2014 an hour earlier there. Local television stations here will be tuned to Santa Cruz, but if you are in Adeje why not go down to the plaza in La Caleta where the year will be rung in style with live music and lots of fun. Also remember to bring your grapes. In Spain traditionally people eat one grape for each stroke of the clock at midnight on December 31st, and for each grape you swallow you should have a month’s good luck in the year to come.

January 6th is the probably the most important date of the year for Spanish children. Even those who might have been good and received a present from Santa Claus in December will know that it is the arrival of the Three Kings, Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar, that sees their ‘big’ present delivered. Parades take place in many towns and here in Adeje the Kings arrive by helicopter at 5pm on January 5th to the main town football stadium and at 7pm there is a terrific parade up Adeje’s Calle Grande with each of the Kings on a magnificent float handing out sweets to passers by. There is loads of colour and fun during the parade with a host of other characters taking part. The next day children will wake early to find out what they have been left – and hope it’s not a lump of coal! In Ireland January 6th is also celebrated, but it is know as Nollaig na mBan or Women’s Christmas, and is a day when men traditionally did all the housework. In Canada, in Quebec have a celebration called “La Fete du Roi” They bake a cake and place a bean in the middle. Whoever is the lucky discoverer of the bean, gets to be the king or queen, according to tradition.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


Lions Christmas Magic There was an exciting mix of water, magic, dolphins and Christmas for an fifty strong group of underprivileged kids attending the Children’s Christmas Party organised by Tenerife Sur Lions Club on Saturday 7th December,

Arriving at the Aqualand Water Park from various parts of the island they lost no time in checking out the Aqualand’s map of the various water attractions. Once inside they wasted no time getting into the water and

enjoying the many water slides ably supervised by the park’s life guards. As always Roy’s Pizzas generously supplied the lunch of a speciality assortment of pizzas and whilst the kids were tucking in to these they were entertained by magician John with balloon sculptures and eye boggling magic. After lunch there was just enough time to back into the water for a while before going to watch the thrilling Dolphin Show. There was one more surprise to come, the special appearance of Papa Noel which brought a huge cheer

from everyone. He had been helped by the students of Wingate School whose form teacher, Alison Morris had arranged with them for gifts to be obtained, wrapped and labelled and then given to Lions member Edna Goodall to pass on to him. With so many presents to give out Papa Noel was grateful for the assistance of some of Wingate’s sixth form students, “The Wingate Elves” who had come along to help. After Papa Noel had given everyone a present and said his goodbyes it was time to board the waiting coaches

for the journey home. What a fantastic day these kids had! A BIG thanks to everyone: Aqualand and all their staff, Roy of Roy’s Pizzas, John and his magic, Wingate School for the presents, Paul who arranged Papa Noel’s visit, assisted by Mac, Tony, Eve, Cheryl and Lion member Prakash who co-ordinated it all along with the help of his family and other Lion members Edna, Norman, Margaret and those behind the scenes.

Thank you all, you made it possible to bring such visible happiness to these kids.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

vivo.10874 ACROSS

CrYptiC CroSSWord

8. Surrounds yolk but can be beaten! (3,5) 9. Some of you Phil left on way to the top (6) 10. Proportion out of operation exposed (4) 11. Explode as a hailstone might do (3,3,4) 12. Billy or Thornton are not so civilised (6) 14. Very excited to be always involved in fish (8) 15. Visible understanding (7)

17. Rough to be caught in DT without a drop of water (7) 20. History spoken of rural life (8) 22. Insincere like mornay (6) 23. Publicise excerpt on windpipe (3,7) 24. Parrot used in karate chop (4) 25. Don’t feed but gaze around centre of gravity (6) 26. Creation of single stanza? (8)

13. Vagrant role was heard to lose personal contact over time (5,5) 1. Omar Sharif for example - why physical training, 16. Pestered Des? Sarah Mr Fleming? (8) backed off (8) 2. Small, pale bird (4) 18. Secret repeated? Be quiet! (4-4) 3. Sigh for dictation code (6) 19. Stop being so cloudy! Tidy things away (5,2) 4. Turned rotten when toff spoke (4,3) 5. Half the campus hangs about for piece of cake (8) 21. In Scandinavia, termite or fly? (6) 22. Spoilt direct entry on list of film workers (6) 6. Use charter to make green liqueur (10) 24. About six left reviewer with a washstand jug (4) 7. Bowls over levels (6)


Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


the Silent dog friendly Beach Killers for granadilla

TEnErifE Sur Lions Club are pleased to announce the latest opportunity for men to be screened for Prostate Cancer and Diabetes at the same time.

If you are over fifty or having trouble with your waterworks, frequent nightly visits, difficulty in passing water etc. you need to be checked for Prostate problems for your own peace of mind. If you are constantly thirsty or tired all the time, you need to be examined for diabetes, these are simple tests that could save your life or at least increase the quality of your life. This is an opportunity not to be missed and offers very beneficial factors, if these diseases are found early they can be successfully treated. We have gained the co-operation of Excellent Medical whose clinic is on the main road behind the club house on Golf del Sur. They also have the clinic in Los Cristianos alongside the Arona Grand Hotel formally run by Dr. Karen Whittaker. Their medical staff are giving their time and expertise for free but there is a requirement for the blood analisis to be paid for. As in previous years you can phone up to make an appointment in advance or turn up on the day between 8-10.30 am on Monday to Friday, please remember have no food after midnight only a drink of water. The starting date will be Monday 3rd. February 2014 and the finishing date Friday 28th. The specially reduced cost arranged by the Lions as part of their ongoing community awareness campaigns is only 40 euros total for both screenings, included is a small donation to Lion’s charities. Please make your payment at reception before your screening. Because of the data protection laws you will need to produce your NIE or passport before you are given the results, normally within a couple of days. If the result is abnormal you can discuss it with the on-site doctor but any further treatment would need to be paid for on a private basis or shown to your local GP. Please remember to say that you are attending as part of the Lions Screening to enable you to obtain this very reduced price. Telephone number for Excellent Medical at The Golf del Sur is 922 738 247 and the number at Los Cristianos is 922 798226 all the reception staff speak English, and they are waiting to help you! don’t miss this opportunity!!

by dianamcglone in fivE years the municipality of granadilla has gone from having 1,300 dogs to a little over 5,000 of which 3,000 are to be found in the coastal area. given this, the local council felt that they had to make a pet friendly

beach available to dog walkers, the first in the south of the island. The natural beach known as El Confital or sometimes called del horno, is an isolated area of approximately 9 thousand square metres, which is currently infrequently used by the public.

The beach, which is not near any populated areas, is a medium walk between El Médano and Los Abrigos. The project is expected to be passed at the next council meeting; “It will be an open beach for everyone, with areas where owners can take their pets in to swim in the sea without disturb-

tráfico’s annual Christmas drink driving Campaign Has Begun


AS EvEry Christmas, Tráfico has started an awareness campaign to avoid drink (and drug)-driving over the holiday period. The campaign, involving some 20,000 checks per day throughout Spain on drivers, started to coincide with the week in which most Christmas parties take place between friends and colleagues before everyone ret u r n s to their families to celebrate at home.

María Seguí, director general of Tráfico, started the campaign off and said that drivers generally supported the measures, though she conceded that they were not so approving of the recent

doubling of fines from 500 to 1000 euros. It does appear, however, that the message has been getting through, with a clear reduction over the last decade in those testing positive upon being breathalyzed. That still leaves some 100,000 showing signs of drinking while behind the wheel though. Police remind drivers that just one glass of wine for women and two for men is sufficient to give a positive result, and say that according to the Instituto Nacional de Toxicología, 47% of r o a d deaths show signs of alcohol or drugs in the blood. Do stay safe on the roads this Christmas, for the sake of your pocket and your health.

ing users of the other beaches,” says Environment Councillor Jacob Donate. The Council has already banned dogs from going in the water on ordinary beaches in an ordinance passed last year, which establishes penalties ranging from 300 to 3,000 Euros. Allowing dogs in this area seems feasible , according to the council, because this beach is not located in, nor does it form part of, any protected area . The council also plans to install a series of informational posters explaining dogs must be properly vaccinated, wormed and identified, and be accompanied by a responsible adult when outside. If the dog is considered a potentially dangerous animal they should wear a muzzle and be on a leash. The pet-friendly council is also seeking approval for a dog park in El Medano and Los Abrigos, a proposal that has been put to local inhabitants by letter for their feedback.

Body Of Russian Found by

ThE BODy of a russian tourist who disappeared in gran Canaria on Tuesday, December 10th, was found on the Playa del inglés beach last Saturday in an advanced state of decomposition. The woman had been swimming off the coast of San Bartolomé de Tirajana at El Cochino beach, she had insisted on getting into the water even though several people warned her not to because of the dangerous sea conditions.

The body has been transferred to the Forensic Medicine Institute of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for autopsy.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

repsol eyes Canary islands

OiL and gas group repsol aims to begin exploring in 2014 off the archipelago’s coast for oil deposits, which could be the largest in Spain. The group only needs a final clearance from the Environment Ministry, after which it plans to set up a base in january, starting exploration in May at two sites about 60 kilometres offshore. But regional government


and environmental groups are up in arms about the prospect and opponents of oil exploration have launched a campaign with an online petition titled “Save the Canary Islands”, which has more than 35,000 signatures. The petition “For an archipelago free of oil”, has been signed by more than 40 groups including Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund, scientific organisations and Spain’s main opposition Socialist Party

icod de los vinos

Santiago del Teide

La Orotava

El Sauzal

C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. 120 - 922 710 420 Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 869 643


Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Arona. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 125 - Fax: 922 725 478

granadilla de Abona

C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

guía de isora

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354


The aim is to “internationalise the fight and to bring all the opponents of exploration together under the same campaign,” said Fernando Rios Rull, who is helping to run the campaign for the regional government. The exploration “represents a serious threat to the natural wealth of the archipelago, to its economy, to its capacity to provide its own drinking water, to its tourism, and thus to its current and future inhabitants,” declared the manifesto, which was read out by actress Pilar Bardem, mother of Oscarwinner Javier Bardem. Protesters fear an oil

Plaza General Franco, s/n, 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 334 512

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El rosario

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280

San Miguel de Abona

Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38620, San Miguel de 38500, Güímar. Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 101 - Fax 922 526 102 168

spill would harm the Canary Islands highly lucrative tourist industry for years. Repsol on the other hand said opposition to its project did not make sense for the economy. Repsol spokesman Marcos Fraga said; “What country would not want to know the full scale of its natural resources? Especially when its economy, the fourth largest in the Eurozone, has been struck by two recessions in the past five years. Spain is the OECD country with the greatest dependance on hydrocarbon imports,” Fraga said, estimating that Spain imported more than 99 percent of the oil it

consumed. Repsol believes the deep waters off the Canaries could hold a deposit equivalent to 900 million barrels of oil -- or up to 2.3 billion barrels in the most optimistic scenario -- which would cover 10 percent of Spanish demand for 20 years, pumping out 100,000 to 150,000 barrels a day. The project has the support of Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria, a native of the Canary Islands and possible candidate for regional elections in 2015, he believes oil exploration could “introduce a new economic activity” to the archipelago. Miguel Angel Soto, spokesman for Greenpeace

Spain, said; “The white sand beaches on the south of Fuerteventura Island are highly prized and tourists come in large numbers in search of sun, clean water and wind. The neighbouring island of Lanzarote -- like the other Canary Islands of Gran Canaria and Gomera -- has been declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO and its economy is founded on quality tourism. Oil would stain this image and if there was a spill it would compromise tourism on these islands for years,” he said, warning of the potentially devastating impact of such an accident in an area inhabited by cetaceans.” But Repsol’s Fraga insists that none of the activity would be visible from the archipelago’s beaches and that the millions of tourists who visit “get to the Canaries thanks to oil”, which fuels their planes and boats. Repsol plans to invest nine billion Euros in the project, to explore in the area for one year. If oil is discovered in sufficient quantity and with sufficient quality, a probability that Repsol puts at about 20%. It would begin extraction. “In about 2019-2020 we would get the first drops,” said Fraga.

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973

El Tanque

Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Local Markets Day





9:00 am to 4:00 pm


7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm


9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Plaza de San Marcos 1, Monday 38280, Tegueste. Tuesday Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 Wednesday 851 - Fax 922 540 903 Thursday


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, Friday 38613, Vilaflor. Friday Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 Saturday 709 151

Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

tonY and tHe tigerS

SWeet LuCY CHaritY event

photo by Gerard Zenou On SATurDAy 14th December, The 3 horseshoes, Callao Salvaje held a charity event for 12 year old Lucy Cook. Lucy has a rare form of SnA (Sensory neuropathy Ataxia), which means she was born missing a gene in her brain which affects co-ordination and sensation. Lucy requires special treatment and is in desperate need of a new wheelchair. There were numerous entertainers who kindly donated their time including, Alex Rushin’, Sally Ann, Jamie Drew, Dave Handleigh, Diddy, Pip Brown, Chris Bryan, Paul Lee, Topazz, Nigel Walker, Shaun Carling and Terry Whelan. The compere’s for the evening who helped to keep everything running smoothly were Stevie D, Pete Quilty and Dawn Kelly. Many thanks to all of these people, who gave up their time.

ThE ArOnA Lions Club international Las galletas Costa del Silencio would like to thank everyone who attended our live entertainment afternoon on Sunday 8th December at the rendezvous restaurant, Bistro and Bar at the Winter

by Gerard Zenou

During the evening there were raffles and auctions of prizes which were kindly donated by businesses in Callao Salvaje, Playa San Juan, Los Gigantes, Playa de La Arena and Playa de Las Americas. Prizes included a luxury yacht trip, gym membership, meals for 2, beauty vouchers and of course plenty of alcohol. Tenerife Golf Shop on the Golf Del Sur requires a special mention. Bill and Muriel Smith very kindly donated 1000 euros towards Lucy’s appeal. Many thanks to everyone who came down on the day, all the newspapers and radio stations who helped promote it, the businesses who supplied prizes, the entertainers who gave up their time, everyone involved in the organisation of the day and finally all the people who gave money towards such a fantastic young girl. So far the amount raised is 3351 euros. Thank you.

Lions Live gardens on the golf del Sur. A great time was had by all and a special thanks goes to the artists who gave their time free .... Sister Sister, Gary J, Simon King, Lisa Bridge, Suzie Moore, Ronnie King and Leapy Lee. We also had a fashion show by Art Fashion and

a wonderful display by the Ritmania dancers. We would also like to thank everyone who donated prizes for the raffle - especially The Ticket Box in Playa de las Americas and Viana Shows . The venue did us proud with a BBQ and bowls events on the wonderful greens. The staff also worked extremely hard and a big thank you

TOny james, international Dance Choreographer and well known Cheerleader in the uSA, having worked with

many famous names including Top Gun from the Cheerleading Team of USA, production teams for Michael Jackson, Usher and Madonna, recently visited Tenerife to work with the Tenerife Tigers Cheerleading Squad! They spent two fun packed days working on Motions,

Stunts and Cheer Dance and Tony Choreographed a new Pom Pom Routine the Tigers will take to a competition in March next year in the United Kingdom. All the Tigers had an amazing time but two girls in particular - Ebony Zenou and Elizabeth Victoria Edesma Laker ages 13 and 15. They worked with Tony in a private class when he choreographed a very difficult lyrical/contemporary routine for each of them, in preparation for the UK competition. Commenting on the girl’s tal-

Pictured here with Lions Club President, Don Davies, is Harry Fleming, representing Los Palos Charity Fun Golf who made a presentation of 800 Euros to the club. This donation was very much appreciated and will be used to help needy children within the area. “This is not the first time that the golfers have helped our club”said Don Davies,

“their support once again is very much appreciated”. He gave special thanks to Harry and Julia Fleming, Clive and Wendy Robinson (Club Committee) and especially all club members. The evening’s enter tainment was supplied by Storm Duo, Vicky Denton and Steve Delsey and everyone had a great evening. We would also like to thank all the staff at Westhaven Bay who worked very hard to make the even-

ing a success. May we take this opportunity to thank all our supporters and to wish you all a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

ent he said he was so happy to work with such talented young girls. He also told the parents of Ebony Zenou Phillips that she had great talent and he found her on par with the girls he had worked with in America and certainly one of the best in Spain! Both girls had very difficult choreography to master but their determination to master this won through. The Tigers are hoping Tony will be back to join them soon for more Tony Tiger Cheerleading workshops.

fun golf

goes to them. We would like to wish all our loyal supporters a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year and we will let you know when and where our next event will be in the New Year.

Lions Christmas party Arona Lions Club international Las galletas, Costa del Silencio held their annual Christmas Party at Westhaven Bay on Saturday 14th December.


On SunDAy 8th December 2013 at Los Palos The fun golf had their 3 Club Challenge individual Competition, 23 players took part.

They all wore something Christmassy. Our sponsor was Julia Fleming, and a donation

from Stellas Bar in Costa Del Silencio. Our winners:- 1st Frank Moss, 2nd Darren Kemp, 3rd Keith Norman. N/P ladies need to try harder next month ladies. N/P gents John McCabe. We all then went to Rancho El PalmMar Restaurante

for lunch which was superb, a special thank you to all the staff. We raised 1600 00 Euros which goes to charity. Anyone wishing to play in our next competition on the 12th Jan. Call Clive 922797640.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

LotterY CHaoS for CLuBS ThE SPAniSh Christmas El gordo Lottery is confusing enough to foreigners, and matters are further complicated as both local and national clubs and associations try to raise funds by selling their own tickets for the gordo Lottery. The Christmas lottery is


based on tickets (billetes) which have 5-digit numbers, each ticket is printed multiple times, in a number of series. For example, the ticket with the number 00001 is printed 180 times under different series numbers. Each individual ticket costs 200 euros. Because this may be too expensive, the tickets are usually sold as tenths (called décimos). The price of a décimo is 20 eu-

All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

ros and the payout is 10% of the published prize. Normally a club or charitable organization will purchase an entire official ticket at 200 Euros and then print multiple tickets to a draw of their own should the number come up; these are called participaciones. Usually a supplement is added to the price of those participaciones that is paid as a donation to the intermediary organization. If the ticket is a winner, anyone holding a participation will be entitled to the corresponding prize amount, depending on the amount they paid for the ticket.

TfS - Tenerife Sur Airport (reina Sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife north

Tfn Airport (Los rodeos) Flight info General info

hospitals 094 national ferry Services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 Fred Olsen 922 628 252 Cosmos 922 793 802 Thomas Cook 922 757 409 Thomson 922 798 607 Tourist offices TUI 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TiTSA La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 Arona 922 747 511 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 Adeje 922 715 407

Tour operators

Local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424

However from January, Christmas Lottery prizes attract a 20-per-cent tax for prizes above 2,500 Euros, and this new scheme has created confusion. The Society of State Lotteries ( Selae ) issued guidelines last June, that all entries for the Christmas Lottery 2013 should include a legend to explain the new tax and that each collective winning entry would attract tax pro-rata if awarded over a tenth of that amount . Selae also warned that organisations had to formally request permission from the state agency before issuing their own tickets. In July Selae was forced

to issue an explanatory note to undo the mess that they had plunged many associations and clubs into, the groups did not know exactly what to print on their tickets and were unsure of how to request authorization from Selae . In a second set of guidelines Selae backtracked and made clear that only charitable nonprofit organisations, such as the Red Cross, had to seek permission, the rest , not being under the jurisdiction of Selae, could continue operating as in previous years, but it was advisable to highlight the details of the new tax. So here we are in Decem-

ber and some have been printed with explanatory note but not others. However Selae explains it can not force clubs and groups to change their tickets; to all intents and purposes, a private document selling to buyers through a trust relationship. It is a shame, that despite this final clarification, some groups have preferred to withdraw their tickets from circulation for fear breaking the rules and this resulting in a problem when collecting prizes, not only losing the funds they might have raised but the cost of printing the tickets etc.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

EVENTS ON THE ROCK Messy Challenge for All generations

Tenerife Family Church Costa del Silencio in the basement at Coral Mar are launching an exciting “new family challenge “ called Messy Church, for all generations - Mums, Dads, Grannies, Grandpa’s or even Grumpies, toddlers, children, teenagers who want to help kids get messy! On Saturday 21st December from 5-7pm, come along and get thoroughly messy doing crafts, decorating “things”, baking, painting, creating Christmas bits. Two hours of fun with puppet show, food and a lot of smiling little (dirty) faces! Absolutely everyone welcome. (Even Grumpies) And its Free! Contact Pastor Bill Jeffrey if you have any queries on 609565528

Christmas Music Concert

Once again, our Symphony Orchestra comes true to its appointment with the audience with the Special Christmas Concert. One such cultural event for all ages that, year after year, has become a tradition, an unmissable appointment both for the musicians and the public.

Live arico news a Christmas Wish from me, president of Live arico i DOn’T often write in the first person but thought for a change i would sign out of 2013 with a personal view of the year behind us.

All in all we have had a good year, our first full year without our own refuge, and our dogs spread far and wide in pet hotels, foster families and indeed other refuges. The problems surrounding animal abandonment / cruelty sadly continue on, and at times seem insurmountable. Yet we press on, doing our little bit and trying hard to make a difference. We rescued and re-homed many fully vaccinated and sterilised dogs this year, literally thousands of dogs languish in refuges with little chance of ever getting out. Please, consider a refuge dog. Don’t say, oh, it would upset me too much, I would want to take them all home, be brave, go, and take one home, because if you don’t he could be there all his life. It saddens me to say that we have a number of old dogs who have been with us many years, and the new year will bring a renewed campaign to get them out, even if we have

to cover their ongoing vet bills. We have tried to help not only dogs, and are assisting other Associations like Cats Welfare. My personal high point was the rescue of our horse, Katie who has gone from strength to strength under the care of Jim and Sara at Horse Riding Adventures, Aldea Blanca. From a broken soul who could barely walk, she is now happy and on the mend. Hopefully in 2014, she will be ok to take a few children for a little ride out. Thanks to all her sponsors for helping with her care costs. We were able to donate many thousands of kilos of dog food around the island in April, and of course we must thank the work of our friends in K9, Adepac, Madat, Apanot, and Esperanza del Sur refuges and we are happy to collaborate with. I would like to say so many thanks, but it is so easy to leave someone out that I will generalise if you will forgive me. Firstly to our amazing volunteers, some of which are committee members and invest hours of time organising our shops, driving animals around, delivering food, giving advice, picking up donations, the list

It’s the 32nd year for the popular San Silvestre race on Christmas day. The Laguna will be packed with runners of all categories who gather together to salute the new year in an original, healthy and funny way.

Diocese in Europe

Worshipping in San Eugenio, Playa de las Americas, Espiritu Santo, Los gigantes, San Blas, golf del Sur, Swedish Church, Los Cristianos

Christmas Services Carol Services San Eugenio Los gigantes

fri 20th Dec Sun 22nd Dec

6.00pm 6.00pm (in square)

Christmas Eve Los gigantes San Eugenio

6.00pm holy Communion + carols 11.00pm Midnight Communion

San Eugenio Swedish Church San Blas

10.15am holy Communion + hymns 10.30am holy Communion + hymns 11.30am holy Communion (by Extension)

Christmas Day

Boxing Day Swedish Church

5.00pm Carol Service

is endless. Our shops are staffed by volunteers, and our many collection boxes are managed by volunteers. You know who you are and your input is priceless and we, the committee are beyond grateful to you. Do not doubt it for one moment. To every bar who held a benefit night, every business who has one of our collection boxes on their premises, every entertainer who gave their time at one of our benefits, every person who fostered or adopted one of our dogs, and EVERY single person who gave 1 cent of their hard earned money to Live Arico PAWS, thank you from EVERY single animal who has benefited from your efforts this year. Without your support we are nothing, thank you.

Live Arico Christmas Party

Will be on the Top Square, Golf del Sur on Saturday the 28th December from 8pm. We always have a blast on the Square with surprises along the way. With Suzy Q, Colin Stevens, Abba Twist, Mickey

Glamz and more to be confirmed, do not miss this one. No ticket required, just bring yourselves and a bit of change for the raffle. WE want to give YOU a good night out! If you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. We have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals.. Have a fantastic Christmas, a wonderful 2014 and we will see you in the New Year. Sue Havenhand, President, Live Arico PAWS.

Special Guests, Special Visitors, Special Smiles

Dársena Los Llanos, Santa Cruz

The Anglian Church St francis South Tenerife



By Colin Kirby rOM their red carpet welcome by Santa and a green crocodile it was smiles all the way for 60 orphans and disadvantaged children at Beverley hills Club in Los Cristianos. it’s the big festive showpiece that tops an all year round commitment from the staff of Excel hotels and resorts. The excited guests had plenty to enjoy, party games, the Copacabana dancers, magician David and Jasmina, face painting, and a bouncy castle in the squash court. The lavish spread of

food, and sweets at every table were in stark contrast to the lack of basics that most have had to endure for their short lives. Many have also suffered abuse and are under protection which is why we have obscured their faces. Susana Thraves explained their long term struggles. “Originally we got involved with Casa Cuna, an orphanage in the north, that led to helping Casa Buen Hogar, a home for abused children, and also the Arona convent run by Hermana Marcela. The convent collected food, bed linen and basic supplies for families living in little more than four walls. Now we try to help them keep three centers topped up all year.”

Resort staff and guests were very generous again this year, around 4,000 euros was raised overall, one lady, Maureen Rich from Torquay donated 60 Mars bars for the party and even wrapped them individually. Anne from Ireland came up from her holiday base in Amarilla Golf to donate 100 euros, and they get regular donations through the year from a local guy Kevin, and Taylors Bar in Los Cristianos. These acts of kindness mean so much to the children, the delight on their faces was clear to see. The climax of the party came with the arrival of the Three Kings, the children had previously written to them saying what they wanted for Christmas and Susana, Cecile Laniel, and their team of elves made sure their wishes came true.

Massive Mirame Push For Christmas Cheer

A huge problem needs a huge response, that’s why

the annual Mirame Telemaraton has become so important to the homeless, hungry, and disadvantaged in Tenerife. Now in it’s fifth year they have raised their targets and hope to have Plaza de España, Santa Cruz overflowing with donations on Saturday 21st December. Non perishable food and toys are welcome as they aim to feed 60,000 people and provide toys for 20,000 children. There will be entertainment all day with island artists giving their services for free and an army of organizers will be bracing themselves to distribute the goods to all parts of the island. If you want to give there are southern collection points at most Farmacias and at the 45 Correos (post offices) around the island, or you can find many more drop off points in and around Santa Cruz.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

KingS’ daY

Church Square, and from there parades to the Cultural Centre. In Adeje, the Kings arrive by helicopter at the El Galeón football ground around 6pm, and then proceed along the town’s main Calle Grande. As they parade, they throw little gifts and sweets into the crowd. Apart from these two large cabalgatas, most towns have some sort of parade, and there will be something going on in all town squares. They therefore get extremely crowded, as the above videos of Los Cristianos and Adeje show, so get there at least two hours before it all starts for a good viewing


in SPAin, it is not just father Christmas who delivers presents to all good Spanish girls and boys, it is also, and primarily, Sus Majestades Los reyes Magos, their Majesties the three Wise kings of the traditional and familiar nativity

story. in recent years, father Christmas has become increasingly popular, with many Spanish children now asking for, and expecting, presents from both sources, but the arrival of Los reyes is still the most special of occasions.

“Kings’ Day”, Epiphany, or our Twelfth Night, is on January 6th, so everything apart from the most touristic of businesses will be closed, and as with Father Christmas, presents are delivered on the Eve, rather than the Day itself. Throughout Tenerife, therefore, there will be parades of Sus Majestades

on the evening of the 5th. The main parade, or cabalgata, is in Santa Cruz, but in south Tenerife, one of the most popular is in Los Cristianos, where the Kings arrive on camels at the harbour by ferry. Their procession starts around 5pm and follows the road up from the ferry, turns right up Avenida Suecia to

position if you really want to enjoy seeing what’s going on. In Santa Cruz, Sus Majestades arrive around 5pm at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López, and then parade through the streets of Tenerife’s capital. As always, there will inevitably be more people wanting to see them arrive than there are spaces in the stadium. Tickets are normally available a few days in advance, and normally cost 1 euro, with the money going to charity. The Kings arrive from around 5pm, and then parade through the streets of Tenerife’s capital.

ten thousand Lightning Bolts


nOW the rain appears to have finally abated and the big cleanup of roads and beaches is well underway, one of the more interesting bits of data to come out of the red storm alert situation was the number of lightning bolts.

In less than two days 10,000 lightning rays fell on the archipelago, mostly at sea. The data covered from four in the morning last Wednesday 11th December until nine o’clock Thursday 12th, when for the first time in more than 40 hours, there was no lightning. The vast majority of these flashes fell into the sea , although some did land , causing a few scares and some damage, as in La Laguna in the Convent of St. Clare of Assisi (Poor Clare) and a home in Guimar, the target of two separate strikes.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013 if yOu fancy throwing snowballs, the Tenerife Cabildo have announced that visitors can access Teide national Park safely. Access was open until 5pm last Saturday and then from 09.00h to 17.00h today, Sunday 15th. Access to Teide is guaranteed via the TF -21 – Chio, Boca Tauce and Vilaflor, but vehicles passing on past the entry road to the Cable Car (pk 43 TF -21) will not be able to turn around and instead must decend via La Orotava. The TF -24 (La Esperanza ) dorsal road was closed to traffic because of ice. The Civil Guard has established special traffic control points to regulate the movement of vehicles and the Red Cross have two ambulances ready for evacuation, if needed. But be warned, on Saturday thousands of people took to the snow and queues were kilometres long.

550 Kilos of Cocaine Seized off Canary islands

The Teide Cablecar had a massive influx of visitors but launched a campaign entitled:” If you’re going to see the snow, keep Teide clean”. In previous years one of the main problems during the post snowfall days is the large accumulation of debris left by visitors causing a big environmental and and costing a huge amount of money to deal with.


Dreaming Of A White Christmas


LifeguardS Save BaBY

by ArOnA lifeguards have saved the life of an 8-month-old British baby who was suffering from heatstroke, with dehydration and breathing problems. They ask parents to take great care, even when it appears to be the cool season here, with small children because they can be affected suddenly and devastatingly. On this occasion, they were able to act quickly, and the baby will be fine.

guaza market

SPAniSh police have seized over 550 kilogrammes of cocaine from a sailboat hidden inside the walls of the cabins and arrested three people, including two french crew members, the interior ministry announced in a statement. One of the crew members tried to set fire to the boat when a Spanish navy ship with police on board neared the

sailboat in the Atlantic about 500 nautical miles from Spain’s Canary islands.

“As the team of special agents approached, one of the crew members who was at the helm of the vessel tried to manipulate the motor, producing a great deal of smoke, to set fire to the sailboat and avoid the seizure of the drugs,” it said. A police search of the boat found the cocaine, of which no estimate for the market value of the drugs has been given. Spain is a key entry

point for drugs bound for Europe. Spanish authorities seized more than 20 tonnes of cocaine last year, which accounted for 41 per cent of the total amount of cocaine seized in Europe in 2012 .Police also arrested a third man, a Spanish national, in Marbella, as part of the investigation which was carried out in cooperation with Britain’s National Crime Agency. The three are suspected of belonging to a French-Spanish group which specialises in smuggling cocaine from South America to Europe.

by guAZA market has not only left guaza, it has now given up on Arona and left the municipality altogether. As AquiSur has reported, it has taken refuge in Las Chafiras, San Miguel de Abona, where the Ayuntamiento has achieved in just a few weeks what Arona failed to do in a year, namely formally authorize its activity. According to leaflets dis-

tributed last week, the new market was due to be behind Lidl from 15 December, but because of a small administrative problem it will be inaugurated on the 22nd of December and will open Saturdays and Sundays between 7am and 2pm. From now on,

although it will probably be called “the old Guaza market”, its formal name will be Rastro San Miguel, and it will be a proper market, offering new goods as well as secondhand items. There will also be a cafe bar and toilet facilities.


EASY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

SuDOku Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the SuDOku are on page 2.

MAINLAND NEWS IN BRIEF Three members of the separatist movement ETA have been sentenced to up to 3,860 years behind bars for a bombing attack. The National Court sentenced the ETA trio, Daniel Pastor, Ingio Zapirain and Beatriz Etxebarria, to 3,860 years in prison after they were convicted of blowing up a truck laden with more than 700 kilograms of explosives in front of the Civil National Guards in the northern city Borgus on July 29, 2009. The blast left more than 160 people wounded, including 41 children, and inflicted damage, worth euro 15 million. The punishment was apparently intended to match ferocity of the attack. The organization was founded in 1956 by a group of radical students advocating secession of the 20,000-sq-km Basque region from Spain. Up to 829 people have been killed in the violent campaign, waged by ETA against government and civil targets.

The Spanish police together with Interpol have arrested eight Russians suspected of having links to an organized criminal group that was active in Russia and Spain. Police suspect that the detainees, who were captured in Majorca, were involved in the Taganskaya criminal group and were implicated in money laundering, tax evasion, document forgery and trading in influence, Interfax reported Thursday. Spanish police said the Taganskaya criminal group was one of the largest Moscowbased gangs that specialized in blackmailing businesses, leading to their eventual bankruptcy and allowing the gang to take over the businesses themselves. The oldest human DnA in history has been recovered at the Archeological Site of Atapuerca in Spain, according to research published this week in the journal “Nature.” Conducted in collaboration with the German Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, the research project used new techniques for reconstructing the sequence of the nearly-complete mitochondrial genome from human remains dating back 400,000 years. The fossils are contained at the paleontological site at Atapuerca (20 km from Burgos), considered one of the most important sites in Europe because its contents testify to the lifestyle of hominids living millions of years ago. According to the research, the genome corresponds to a human femur from 400,000 years ago, the oldest human fossil from which DNA has been recovered. The journal article highlights the fact that DNA dating back that far has been found previously in permafrost (glacial soil), but not in human fossils. Police in Spain have arrested a man with one of the biggest collections of child pornography ever seized there, with more than 800,000 images of violent abuse including bestiality; “It is one of the biggest known seizures in Spain and surrounding countries of paedophiliac material in the possession of one person who shared it,” a spokesman for the Civil Guard told AFP. The man “had a collection of 846,000 picture and video files in which appeared minors, many of them younger than 13, being victims of physical and sexual violence, including acts related to bestiality and sadomasochism”, a police statement said. The suspect has been charged with possessing and distributing child pornography on the Internet, it added. “He also had a manual of 170 pages, written in English, with advice on searching for minors and techniques for abusing them without being detected,” police said. Officers raided the man’s homes in Madrid and the northern city of Valladolid, after a tip-off from the US Department of Homeland Security which had detected a user in Spain exchanging child porn by email. At least seven protesters have been arrested near Spain’s parliament and 23 were injured after around 4,000 demonstrators were stopped from surrounding parliament by a strong police presence late Saturday, in a demonstration against draft legislation that aims to sets heavy fines for offences such as burning the national flag. A regional government said the arrests were made after protesters damaged a police car. The protest was organized to oppose the introduction of a bill that will set fines of up to 30,000 Euros for offences such as burning the flag and insulting the state. The measures, which were approved by the Cabinet but must be voted in by lawmakers, update a 1992 law and will also include fines of 1,000 Euros for insulting or threatening police during demonstrations.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


mediterranean food Helps to prevent Cancer

ThE MEDiTErrAnEAn diet can reduce the risk of suffering cancer by up to 12-14 per cent, according to a published study by the British Cancer journal.

Scientists, who conducted a survey on 25,000 individuals, say the simple act of consuming natural fat, like olive oil, makes it 9 per cent less likely to suffer from cancer. The percentage should rise if the healthy diet is continued, eating less meat and saturated fat and more vegetables and fruits. Dimitrios Trichopoulos, professor of the University of Harvard and one of the main researchers of the survey, said - “From the 25,000 people studied, the ones that followed the traditional Mediterranean

diet were less likely to develop cancer, even though eating food from a specific group did not have an influence in

the risk of developing cancer, the simple fact of changing food habits had a great impact.”

Sunny Spain to Scunthorpe


CunThOrPE general hospital have widened their recruitment drive to fill vacancies, staffing problems are to be solved by the arrival of 20 Spanish nurses. A previous group of Spanish nursing recruits were all sent to Diana Princess of Wales hospital in grimsby due to a greater perceived need. Dr neil Pease, director of organisational development and workforce at north Lincolnshire and goole nhS foundation Trust (nLag), told the board of directors that nurses were

due to arrive last Monday.

Chief Nurse Dr Karen Dunderdale said: “We are delighted with o u r recruitment d r i v e ove r-

seas. In addition to this we have new recruitment adverts out in various publications across the UK and vacancies are constantly advertised on our website. We will continue to try to attract nurses in the UK through our local and national recruitment campaigns.” Addressing concerns that the new Spanish nurses would struggle with the language barrier and culture, Dr Pease said the recruitment process had been thorough; “All the interviews are conducted in English, their degree programmes are four years rather than three to help them with the language, and we put them through a care planning exercise to en-

sure they share our values. Our current vacancy rate is approximately five per cent, which hasn’t really moved much recently. That extends to around 10 per cent for medical staff – that’s similar to what’s happening nationally – and even a one per cent improvement in some areas would make a big difference due to the specialised nature of the posts.” Dr Pease explained that constant recruitment was in effect, with the British Medical Council , working to target advertisements at those overseas who had expressed an interest in working in the UK. A promotional film, highlighting the positive aspects of working within NLaG and living in North Lincolnshire, has been created. Dr Pease added: “We’re able to identify where and when these films are being watched, which will help us target our recruitment further.” All nurses from this second group will be based at Scunthorpe General Hospital “to help them support one another as a peer group”, Dr Pease said.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

private HoLidaY rentaLS CouLd Soon Be HiStorY


unDrEDS of thousands of Brits looking to make a profit by renting out their holiday homes in Spain and france could be prevented

from doing so if a new law is passed

The controversial law could also add hundreds of pounds to the cost of breaks for millions of British holidaymakers. They will no longer be able to pay cheaper rates direct to

owners but will have to stay in apartments, villas or hotels operated by major firms. The banning of unlicensed rentals could also mean thousands of holiday home owners will be forced into trying to sell up as the changes make it too








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Some Showers

Some Showers

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complicated and costly to keep the property going. In France, a crackdown on holiday lets in the capital Paris as well as Lyon and Marseille is expected next week. If the new law is a success, the rest of the country could follow suit, in Spain, the authorities are expected to ban unlicensed rentals next spring. Ryan Levitt, of holiday rental website, warned: ‘This law is closing the door to working and middle-class families who want to book a break to Spain at an affordable price. Instead of being able to share a whole house with friends, you face being stuck with your kids in a cramped hotel room.’ About one million properties in Spain are owned by Britons, some are expats, but hundreds of thousands were bought as holiday homes. It has always been relatively simple for British owners to rent out their properties in the two countries, but under these new laws, those with

second homes in Spain will need a licence from the local council and will have to meet strict conditions, such as being contactable 24 hours a day to deal with problems such as water leaks or power blackouts. Also there’s little to no chance that these licences will be free. Owners will also have to pass regular safety inspections and obtain hygiene certificates. Failure to comply will lead to hefty fines. Most British-owned second homes in Spain and France are mortgaged with owners letting them for some of the year to cover bills without making a profit. This means the properties can be very good value for visitors, in summer a family of four would expect to pay £2,500 to share a room in a hotel with flights booked through a tour operator. But renting a two-bedroom villa with a private pool would cost hundreds less at £1,700 including flights. Renting bigger villas can

cut costs further by sharing the cost with friends and family, for this reason private rentals have exploded in popularity among the 12 million Britons who visit Spain each year, most book directly through the high number of online holiday rental firms which have sprung up over the past decade. Spain desperately needs to boost revenues and officials suspect that secondhome owners are not paying billions of Euros in tax. Catalonia, the Canary Islands and the Balearics already have tough restrictions. In the past year, thousands of apartment and villa owners in these areas have been fined up to £15,000 each. Janet Anscombe, president of a Tenerife support group for those hit by the shake-up and regular contributor to the Tenerife Weekly, said: ‘The only licences being granted are for hotels. Inspectors trawl the internet and fine people found renting their homes.’

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Yuletide Jog! L

AST Saturday in Madrid, 6,000 people got into the Christmas spirit and dressed as Santa Claus and his elves to take part in a “mini-marathon” through the streets to promote festive cheer as the country tries to emerge from a two-year recession. Adults dressed in red costumes with wispy white beards, children donned green elf outfits to run the 5.5 kilometer (3.4 miles) course through the city centre. javier Menendez, one of the runners, said he was surprised at the number of people who have donned the robes for the run. The race was organized by a leading department store, which contributed 1 Euro for each entrant to a charity that buys Christmas presents for deprived children around the world.

BritiSH ButCHerS taKe on CHoriZo CHaLLenge!

BuTChErS all over Britain are taking on the Spanish at their own game, by producing delicious British chorizo.

“[British people] are mad on our sausages as everybody knows,” says Keith Fisher, butchery development manager at pork industry representative Bpex. “I think put spicy food in a sausage and presto, you’ve got something which is absolutely fantastic for all of us.” Chorizo, usually made with c h o p p e d pork, fat and smoked paprika or red pepper and often flavoured with garlic and black pepper, has its roots in Spain and Portugal but countries in Central and South America have their own versions. It comes

armoured dino is new Species


hE DiSCOvEry in Spain of a remarkable fossil find has led to something quite unexpected: not just a new species of dinosaur, but a whole new genus. Researchers in Spain have unveiled two armoured dinosaur skeletons excavated from a coal mine in Teruel, a town in the northern part of the country. The specimens were initially

thought to belong to a subspecies of armoured dinosaur in the Ankylosauria group, but the researchers soon realized they were looking at something entirely different. The researchers have named this never before seen dinosaur species Europelta carbonensis Like many large lizardlike dinosaurs in the nodosauridae family, Europelta was a planteater and was covered in scaly dermal plates. But Europelta’s unique features, such as a recurved back of the head and strongly arched


pelvis, distinguish it from other nodosaurids. Researchers estimate that Europelta was at least 15 feet long, weighed about two tons, and thrived between 113 million and 110 million years ago during the Cretaceous period, making it the oldest nodosaurid discovered in Europe. Paleontologist Dr. James Kirkland, of the Utah Geological Survey, said; “The biggest point of significance is that, where the very spiny polacanthid ankylosaurs are the main

a rmoured dinosaurs in the both Europe and North America until about 118 million years ago, by 113 million years ago nodosaurid ankylosaurs have completely replaced them on both continents, yet are represented by distinctly different subfamilies on both continents.” Since Europelta is closely related to other nodosaurs in Europe that thrived after it went extinct, the new finding suggests that Europe had become isolated from North America around 110 million years ago. If true, that suggests the widely held belief that the separation took place about 80 million years ago may be a bit off.

in fresh or cured styles. Both types can be cooked, adding intense flavour to dishes such as soups and stews, although fresh chorizo must not be eaten raw. Britain’s sausages are traditionally made fresh and are soft, while cured types are associated with hotter, dry

countries. With a newfound sense of adventure in British food shoppers, a taste for spice and a de-

An OPErATiOn to try to increase Andalucia’s resident black vulture population has been successful, after it was confirmed it has reached its highest level in history, according to the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning. The study, part of the framework for protecting the black vulture in Andalucia, was launched in 2002. The census confirmed the presence of 330 pairs, of which 293 are thought to be breeding. Both the number of birds and the number of

sire to experiment with new recipes saw British butchers start to produce their own chorizo five or six years ago. British chorizo is now sold in some butchers and supermarkets, farm shops and is starting to win awards. Charcutier Vincent Castellano says; “Of course you know some people will always buy Spanish, imported chorizo because that’s the most authentic o n e ,

b u t on the whole I think people like to know where their meat is coming from... and to have a British chorizo is a bit of a bonus now. I even had compliments

from Spanish people. They tasted it and they said ‘this is very good chorizo’ and I said ‘well I actually make it’. And when I said that to them they couldn’t believe it.” Earlier this year Waitrose added a second British chorizo to its range of 15 products. “They are still a relatively new concept to customers,” says a spokesperson. Chorizo sales in the supermarket have increased 6% year on year, with their “sarta” rings (a cured and tied type) the best-sellers. Chorizo as we know it today is traced back to the 16th Century when paprika was bought to Spain. Before that it would have been made without the spice. The Pork and lard mixture is marinated and stuffed into casings before being hung to dry and cure. It is associated with the Iberian Peninsula - some types are made with the famous meat, Iberico pork.

vulture population reaches new High

breeding pairs are the highest in history. The parks at Sierra Norte

and Sierra de Andújar have seen the biggest increase in numbers. 17 new vultures have appeared in Sierra Norte alone in the last year. One of the main strategies is to tackle poisoning, which although illegal is the most common cause of death in the species, followed by malnutrition, to overcome this, the junta has been leaving food deposits to combat starvation The black vulture can have a wingspan up to three metres, making it the largest vulture species in Spain.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Bamboo towels & Sheets ThEy are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

airport for Sale

(one previous owner)

A SPAniSh airport that cost $1.5 billion to build, has gone on sale for a minimum price of 100 million Euros.

Ciudad Real’s Central airport, about 150 miles south of Madrid, opened in 2008. The airport’s operator went bankrupt last year after it failed to draw enough traffic, becoming known as one of the country’s “ghost airports,” and has become a symbol of the country’s wasteful spending ahead of an economic downturn, Its construction was heavily funded by the Caja Castilla La Mancha savings bank — the first of Spain’s troubled savings banks to be bailed out, in 2010. The company’s receiver put the airport up for sale last week, and is accepting offers until Dec. 27.


hE BABy panda at the Madrid Zoo has been named “Xing Bao”. in line with Chinese tradition, the name was chosen by the public through a vote online For decades, China has been sending gestures of goodwill to foreign countries, in the form of giant pandas. In late August; the panda family at the Madrid Zoo embraced a new member. And now this little cub has finally got his name after an online public vote. “We want them to be part of the


madrid BaBY panda HaS a name

zoo family, to be part of our work and to enjoy with us every development of the baby. We had almost thirty years ago one male and in 2010 we had the twins, Po and De De. They returned to China this year. And now we have Xing Bao,” said Maria Delclaux, mammals curator of Madrid Aquarium Zoo. The baby panda was, in part, named after his father Bing Xing - meaning Ice Star. Xing Bao means ’Star’s Treasure’ or ’Father’s Treasure’. And he’s certainly proving very precious to this zoo. Xing Bao’s part of an International

Conservation Project between China and Spain and he’s not the first panda to grow up in the Spanish capital. Xing Bao’s mother is still extremely protective of her baby. But at just three months, he’s already gained strength, he weighs a healthy 6 kilos and his teeth have started to grow. In another three he’ll be ready to feast on bamboo leaves. Xing Bao was named 100 days after he was born, in keeping with Chinese tradition, in the hope that he’ll live to see 100 years more. But not here in Madrid, back in China where he belongs.

tiger tamer ‘Los escobazos’ attacked hunDrEDS of spectators at a Madrid Circus watched in horror as a fully grown tiger jumped on his trainer, Danny gottani’s back and tried to rip him apart.

Mobile phone footage filmed by an audience member shows the big cat slashing at the 35-year-

old’s throat, legs and back. The tiger pounced on the tamer held him with its paws and mauled him as the tamer’s 60-year-old mother, who was watching the show from the audience, suffered a severe panic attack The events inside the cage were obscured by clouds of dry ice, Circus workers sprinted into the

ring with sticks to try and fend off the animal. Gottani, part of the family who’d just set up the Gottani Circus in the Aluche neighbourhood of Madrid, was then rushed to hospital. He’s currently being treated for his injuries, which doctors believe are non life-threatening as they did not affect his vital organs.

‘Los Escobazos’ festival took place on December 7, 2013 in jarandilla de la vera. Although the origin of ‘Los Escobazos’ is unknown, it is believed that goat shepherds used to walk down from gredos mountains to the village to celebrate the immaculate Con-

ception with a procession, lighting their way with broom torches. The ritual takes place every December 7, one day before immaculate Conception day, because the following morning shepherds had to be back with their herd in the mountains. villagers

also used to bring their donkeys to the procession on the belief that this would bless them, keeping illnesses away from them. At nightfall people make bonfires in the streets and start a battle with burning brooms, followed by the immaculate Conception Procession.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

KiSSing 6 Year Chopper oLd SuSpended meal

A SiX year old boy who was suspended from a school in Colorado for kissing a girl is being accused of sexual harassment according to his mother. Jennifer Saunders, the boy’s mother ,said officials at Lincoln School of Science and Technology in Canon City, Colorado, are overreact-

ing, she said her son was suspended once before for kissing the girl and had other disciplinary problems, and she was surprised to find out that he would be forced out of school again for several days. Hunter Yelton has a crush on a girl at school and adds that “she likes him back”. he said; “It was during class, yeah. We were doing reading group, and I leaned over and kissed her on the hand. That’s what happened,” Ms Saunders said she saw nothing wrong with her son’s display of affection, she had punished him for other problems in school, including “rough-housing”, but was shocked when the school’s principal brought up the term “sexual harassment” during a meeting. she said;

“This is taking it to an extreme that doesn’t need to be met with a six-year-old. Now my son is asking questions. ‘What is sex mommy?’ That should not ever be said, sex. Not in a sentence with a six-yearold.” District superintendent Robin Gooldy said the boy had been suspended because of a policy against unwanted touching. “The focus needs to be on his behaviour. We usually try to get the student to stop, but if it continues, we need to take action and it sometimes rises to the level of suspension,” he said. David Welsh, a school psychologist, said some policies that bar bullying, harassment and weapons on public school campuses may go too far. But he said school boards are being forced to develop strict policies because of a large number of complaints being reported by students and teachers who face consequences if they keep silent. “If you have a policy and procedure and you don’t follow it, it’s hard to defend,” Mr Welsh said.

A MAn who was unhappy with his McDonalds Drive-thru meal may have over-reacted with his form of complaint. A frenchman, pulled an ax on an unsuspecting McDonald’s drive-thru attendant after he was allegedly served cold fries. unsatisfied with his potato chips, the angry diner decided to try to turn the drive-thru into a pile of wood chips by at-

tacking it with an axe.

The attack occurred at a McDonald’s near Paris around 2 a.m. last Sunday. The late-night diner bashed in the drive-thru window with the weapon, he then threw the ax inside the fast-food restaurant and drove off. Police caught up to him shortly after and took the 26-year-old man into custody, according to local reports. Last year, two Tennessee men returned to a McDonald’s after throwing back some beers and hurled bricks at the establishment. At the time, the men admitted to police that they were upset because McDonald’s had “messed up” their cheeseburgers. It seems that McDonald’s customer are becoming increasingly more fussy and unforgiving when it comes to their not so happy meals.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

man SurviveS 9000 foot faLL

A SkyDivEr who plunged 9,000 feet to the Earth after his parachute became tangled in a friend’s during a difficult manoeuvre last Sunday has miraculously survived the fall.

Victor Bryie, of Florida, was rushed to a local hospital near the Lake Wales Municipal Airport in the United Kingdom. Though his injuries were serious, he is reported to be in stable condition, the 27-year-old suffered multiple broken bones and a head injury in the fall. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office said that Bryie and another skydiver, Shaun Phillips, of the U.K jumped from 14,000 feet and their parachute lines tangled. After Phillips’ ankle got caught in Bryie’s line, the two skydivers became ensnared in each other’s chutes. Twisting in the air, Phillips’ foot broke free, and he was able to open his parachute while he was still about 3,000 feet up. Bryie, on the other hand, remained tangled in his own lines and plummeted to the ground with a partially open parachute, the pair were trying to perform a manoeuvre reserved for experienced skydivers which involves one diver holding the canopy of another’s parachute. This so-called Canopy Relative Work manoeuvre can link up many divers at once.

Snuggle House Closes

ThE OWnEr of a new “Snuggle house” in Wisconsin uSA has decided to shut it down just three weeks after it opened, after

intense scrutiny from city officials who seemed unable to accept that it wasn’t a brothel, with the owner Matthew hurtado claiming he was sick of the city harassing him and negative publicity.

The Snuggle House is part of a growing trend of touch therapy establishments and cuddle parties around the US, offering customers an hour of cuddling in a bed with a professional snuggler for $60. Hurtado developed a policy manual for-


nYCOCKROACH nEW york is a city renowned for its diversity of people and cultures, but a new immigrant has made its home in the Big Apple that may not be too welcome. A new breed of cockroach that can withstand cold temperatures and had never been seen before in the uS has moved to new york. The pest is common in parts of Asia but it was first spotted in the city in 2012 by an exterminator working on the high Line, a park that turned a dilapidated stretch of elevated railway on Manhattan’s West Side into a tourist attraction.

The species Periplaneta Japonica, while new to the US, is well documented in Asia and insect biologists believe the cockroach was probably a stowaway in the soil of ornamental plants used to adorn the park. It is similar to other types of cockroaches found in New

bidding sex during snuggle sessions, installed security cameras and a panic button in each snuggle room, and promised to perform background checks on clients, however police were unconvinced and planned on sending in an officer posing as a customer to test the establishment’s boundaries. Timothy Casper, the owners attorney said the place had two or three dozen customers in the three weeks it was open, but that Hurtado had had enough. “All of this is so slanted and incorrect,” Casper said. Police Lt. David McCaw denied that officers had harassed the business, saying on its face, at least, the business was legal. He said he told Hurtado and Casper that the agency was planning a sting; “That’s just what we do, for drugs, bars, anywhere we think it’s beneficial,” McCaw said. “We do it all the time. You can’t expect that’s not going to happen to you.” Casper said Hurtado didn’t open the business to make money. He got the idea when he was in the hospital suffering from Lyme’s disease and people were poking and prodding him: “He often thought it would be nice if someone came in and gave him a hug.”

York - but, unlike them, it can survive outdoors in the freezing cold. Insect biologist Jessica Ware, from Rutgers University, said: “There has been some confirmation that it does very well in cold climates, so it is very conceivable that it

could live outdoors during winter in New York. I could imagine japonica being outside and walking around, though I don’t know how well it would do in dirty New York snow.” The population is not expected to rise because cockroaches compete with each

other for space and food, with more time devoted to surviving than to reproducing and although scientists say it is too soon to predict what effect the cockroach will have, but said there was probably little cause for concern.

A yOuTuBE video has been posted for the festive season that shows you how to say “Merry Christmas” in no less than 24 different languages, including klingon for any Santa loving

of the rings”, making a grand total of 25, the day in December the Christ was born! Merry Christmas everyone!

Italian: Buon Natale Korean: Jeulguhwoon Christmas Bonaesaeyoh Swedish: God Jul Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka German: Frohe Weihnachten Filipino: Maligayang Pasko Spanish: Feliz Navidad Lithuanian: Sveikinu su Sventom Kaledom Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon Japanese: Merii Kurisumasu Thai: Suksan Wan Christmas Farsi: Cristmas E Shoma Mobarak Bashad Hebrew: Chag Sameach Swahili: Heri Yaa Krisimasi Vietnamese: Chuc Mung Giang Sinh French: Joyeaux Noel Serbo-Croatian: Sretan Bozig Russian: S Razhdestvom Mandarin: Sheng Dan Kuai Le Arabic: Eid Milad Majid Gaelic: Nollaig Shona Dhuit

Christmas In Klingon

Trekk i e s o u t there! Being an equal opportunities geek, ive added Elvish, as spoken in “The Lord

M e r r y

Christmas and Happy Holidays in Klingon: QISmaS botIvjaj ‘ej DIS chu’ botIvjaj The Elvish version: Isusarad ‘elir Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest Greek: Kala Christougena


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Xmas Din In A Tin!

It may have been designed for hardcore gamers that can’t put their controllers down long enough to sit down for a traditional Christmas dinner, too busy trying out their present of a game for the console of their choice, but surely this has to be the ultimate saddo meal, for Billy no mates, who can’t find any company, even on Christmas day. Forget Christmas dinner – gamers who plan on spending the entire festive period on their new consoles can enjoy a Christmas Tinner.

The meal boasts nine layers, everything you would normally eat on the most wonderful day of the year, from a fry-up for breakfast through to turkey and veg

and even mince pies for dessert, all in a tin, courtesy of retailer Game, a spokesman for the company explained; ‘Almost half of British gamers plan to spend the majority of Christmas Day testing out new games and consoles, It’s the ultimate innovation for gamers across the nation who can’t tear themselves away from their new consoles and games on Christmas Day – the first allin-one festive feast in a tin .’ The Christmas Tinner layer list in full: Layer one – Scrambled egg and bacon Layer two – Two mince pies

Layer three – Turkey and potatoes Layer four – Gravy Layer five – Bread sauce Layer six – Cranberry sauce Layer seven – Brussel sprouts with stuffing – or broccoli with stuffing Layer eight – Roast carrots and parsnips Layer nine – Christmas pudding I’m an avid gamer myself, but the minute I smell those mouthwatering aromas coming from the kitchen, of a proper home cooked Crimbo dinner, I’m putting that controller down and heading for the cutlery!


Sam’s the Winner!

Leicester prison guard Sam Bailey has won this year’s X factor, reducing the entire judge’s panel to tears in the process. The 36-year old beat Nicholas McDonald to be crowned champion after receiving over 1 million public votes in the closing showdown of the 10th series final.

In a shrewd move obviously masterminded by Louis Walsh to entice every patriotic Scot to pick up the phone, Nicholas took the stage in a tartan suit to perform what would have been his winner’s single Five For Fighting’s “Superman”, but he was no match for powerhouse Sam Bailey, who sang her better-known,

soon-to-be hit “Skyscraper” by Demi Lovato, which turned the panel into dribbling wrecks “I don’t know what to say apart from that I love that boy Nicholas McDonald,” Sam said, upon hearing the result, “Sam’s a hard one to beat, but I just want to say thank you to absolutely every single person who has voted for me week in week out, I love you all,” Nicholas responded. The final also featured one of the shows biggest success stories One Direction, however The X Factor’s debut winner Steve Brookstein, in his annual X factor final meltdown was posting hate messages about the show; “X factor needs to get cancelled. It ruins Christmas”, he tweeted, but he’s not bitter. Honest.

Facebook “Sympathises” This World’s Most

Powerful Selfie? H

A selfie, which is twitterese for a self taken photograph, taken at Nelson Mandela’s memorial has caused a media storm and a harsh backlash toward the people in the photo. David Cameron has offered up an excuse for why he decided to take part

in the now infamous selfie photograph with Barack Obama and Danish prime minister Helle ThorningSchmidt. The prime minister told MPs at the Commons during prime minister’s questions : “When a member of the Kinnock family asked me for a photograph, I thought it was only polite to say yes.”

Thorning-Schmidt, the Social Democrat leader of Denmark, is married to Stephen Kinnock - the son of former Labour leader Neil Kinnock. Cameron added that perhaps he should “remember the TV cameras are always on”. The three world leaders have been criticised by some for having fun during the service held to mark Mandela’s death. Michelle Obama also looked less than impressed.

ave you ever looked at a friend’s Facebook page and read a post in which they share a bit of bad news, for instance the loss of a job, a pet or even a loved one, then stared in disbelief as you notice 3 people have “liked” it!

This kind of inappropriate liking could soon be a thing of the past as Facebook is considering rolling out a ‘sympathise’ option as an alternative to ‘like’. The option to ‘sympathise’

with a post on the social networking site would become available if a user had used a negative emotion in their status update, and could remove the absurdity of ‘liking’ news of a tragic event. A ’sympathise’ button was developed at a previous Facebook hackathon before but resurfaced at a separate ‘compassion research day’ web event last week. However, there are no firm plans to introduce it on the live site. ‘A lot of people were very excited.

But we made a decision that it was not exactly the right time to launch that product. Yet,’ said Facebook engineer Dan Muriello. ‘It would be, “five people sympathise with this”, instead of “five people like this”.’


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

emily is Coming for Christmas


riTAin’S recent extreme weather conditions show no sign of easing up for the holidays, Storm Emily is coming.

Named after the celebrated author Emily Brontë, who died on 19th December 1948, for the period from Thursday 19th December to Christmas Eve, there is a risk of gales over central and southern Britain as a deep area of low pressure tracks east across Ireland to Scotland. There is the potential for gusts of

70 to 90mph across exposed parts of Wales and the south, possibly causing disruption to those travelling ahead of the Christmas break. With gales around all western coasts and over higher ground across Scotland, Ireland, northern England and Wales. Peak gusts at lower levels will be around 75mph in the NW of Scotland, but 60mph is likely around western headlands as far south as Wales. Another rapidly deepening storm will swing quickly past Scotland this Sunday, with storm force winds likely over the Outer Hebrides, with

WEnDy’S Drive Thru employee who dropped a partially smoked joint into a customer’s cheeseburger has been fired and charged with marijuana possession.

After the customer contacted Wendy’s and the police, officers arrived at the drive-thru and arrested Amy Elizabeth Seiber, 32, who had been smoking at work,

roBot WarS

huge seas. Waves of over 15m or over 50ft are likely off the north coast of Scotland on Sunday afternoon. All the way to Christmas the weather will be very windy at times with gales on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and then around Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day to Boxing Day it may turn colder for a time, especially across northern Britain with snow in the showers over high ground and possibly some flakes at lower levels, which would qualify to make it a white Christmas. Better get those winter woollies on!

Burger ‘Joint’ A The female customer ordered the burger at a drive-thru branch of the fast-food chain in the city of Lovejoy, Georgia, about 25 miles south of downtown Atlanta, last month. Police say she drove home with her food without realising what had happened until she took a bite out of it and noticed a strange odour wafting from it. When the woman removed the top of her burger bun, she saw the partially smoked joint inside.


admitted the marijuana was hers and that she had misplaced it. She has been charged with possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.

gOOgLE is planning a face-off against Amazon’s drones by building an army of robots.

The internet giant has revealed it is investing heavily in robo-technology, less than a week after the online retailer said it was developing drones that could deliver goods in less than 30 minutes, and will be in the sky within ten years. Now Google is looking at using robots for delivering goods and on assembly lines Google, which is already working on a driverless car, has bought seven robotics companies in the US and Japan in the past year. Google engineer Andy Rubin, who built the Android software and is handling the firm’s robot research, explained it was part of a ‘ten-year vision’; .‘I feel with robotics it’s a green field, we’re building hardware and we’re building software.’ Speculation about Google’s plans, include predictions it wants to develop a fleet of automated taxis or even use robots to drive deliveries to homes. It comes after the com-

pany launched a same-day delivery service in September that provides groceries from shops around San Francisco and San Jose. Only at the beginning of this month, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed a secret R&D project: “Octocopter” drones that will fly packages directly to your doorstep in 30 minutes. It requires more safety testing and FAA approvals, but he estimates that delivery-by-drone, called Amazon “Prime Air,” will be available to customers in as soon as 4-5 years. A Prime Air demo video was screened exclusively earlier this month for the 60 Minutes team that showed how his octocopters will pick up packages in small yellow buckets at Amazon’s fulfillment centers and whiz through the air to deliver items to individual customers 30 minutes after they hit the “buy” button online at However, an article has already been published, debunking the promise of Amazon’s drone deliveries. The FAA doesn’t allow autonomous flight. Drones are

too small and unreliable and they’ll cost Amazon a fortune to maintain and oversee. But there is one problem that wasn’t covered in the debunking. Birds. Birds already cause a lot of problems things in the airspace. These are primarily accidental; the birds, most frequently gulls or pigeons are frightened off a runway during takeoff or landing, often colliding with aircraft or getting sucked into turbines. The difference for Amazon’s drones is that the birds will be chasing them. Hawks, eagles, kites, harriers, etc, don’t take kindly to intruders on their hunting grounds, and frequently chase, divebomb, and take talons to any Won’t birds know that the drones aren’t threats, though? To a bird, anything up there is a potential threat, check out all the videos online of birds attacking and crashing remote-controlled planes and helicopters. So bird attacks also need to be considered or your new Amazon book, DVD or whatever is going to arrive clawed and pecked and covered in bird poo!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

neLSon mandeLa – a triBute


n ThurSDAy, December 5, nelson Mandela, the prisonerturned-president who reconciled South Africa after the end of apartheid, died at the age of 95. for many South Africans, he was simply Madiba, his traditional clan name. Others affectionately called him Tata, the word for father in his Xhosa tribe. rolihlahla Mandela started his journey in the tiny village of Mvezo, in the hills of the Eastern Cape, where he was born on july 18, 1918. his teacher later named him nelson as part of a custom to give all schoolchildren Christian names. The father of modern South Africa, had battled health issues in recent years, including a recurring lung infection that led to numerous hospitalizations. Admired by many as a freedom fighter, his defiance of white minority rule and long incarceration for fighting against segregation focused the world’s attention on apartheid, the legalized racial segregation enforced by the South African government until 1994. After spending 27 years behind bars, he was finally released in 1990, it was his words of forgiveness and reconciliation, not vengeance, for the white govern-

ment that imprisoned him that inspired the world after he negotiated a peaceful

end to segregation and urged forgiveness;

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison,” Mandela said after he was freed in 1990. Only 4 years later he took the oath of office to become President of South Africa, until his retirement in 1999. Despite much political violence before the vote that put him in office in 1994, South Africa avoided a civil war in its transition from apartheid to multiparty democracy. The peace was due in large part to the leadership and vision of Mandela and former South African President F.W. de Klerk, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela in 1993. Mandela said during a 2004 celebration to mark a decade of democracy in South Africa;. “We were expected by the world to self-destruct in the bloodiest civil war along racial grounds. Not only did we avert such racial conflagration, we created amongst ourselves one of the most exemplary and progressive nonracial and nonsexist democratic orders in the contemporary world” Before his life imprisonment in 1964, Mandela devoted his life to the fight for equality and the end to apartheid, he was tried then acquitted for treason and spent years evading arrest for his beliefs, leading him to be nicknamed “the Black Pimpernel”. He was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government. At the trial, instead of testifying, he opted to give a speech that was more than four hours long, and ended with a defiant statement. “I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination,” he said. “I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if

needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” Madiba retired from active politics after reusing a 2nd term of office in 1999, but remained in the public eye, championing causes such as human rights, world peace and the fight against AIDS. It was a decision born of tragedy: His only surviving son, Makgatho Mandela, died of AIDS at age 55 in 2005. Another son, Madiba Thembekile, was killed in a car crash in 1969. “Our nation has lost its greatest son. Our people have lost a father,” South African President Jacob Zuma said. “What made Nelson Mandela great was precisely what made him human. We saw in him what we seek in ourselves.” U.S. President, Barack Obama, said. “We’ve lost one of the most influential, courageous and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this Earth. He no longer belongs to us

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013



-- he belongs to the ages.” This Tuesday, on December 10th, royals, presidents, prime ministers, world leaders, religious figures, celebrities and ordinary South Africans -- all united to say farewell in a four-hour memorial service at Johannesburg FNB stadium, where, 23 years earlier, Mandela had delivered his first speech after he was released from prison. But it was a celebration not a mourning, the atmosphere was celebratory, with people dancing, blowing vuvuzela plastic horns and singing songs from the anti-apartheid struggle. surrounded by pictures of Mandela, many people carried banners honoring “Madiba,” Mandela’s traditional clan name. Others were draped in materials covered with his face or the green, yellow, black, red and blue colors of the South African flag. The memorial service, coinciding with U.N. Human Rights Day, was the centerpiece of a week of mourning. Mandela’s

legacy of peaceful coexistence was evident as Obama, who like Mandela was his nation’s first black president shook hands with Castro, an unprecedented gesture between the leaders of two nations that have been at loggerheads for more than half a century. Other foreign guests included British Prime Minister David Cameron, the Prince of Wales, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. South African actress Charlize Theron and U2’s Bono were also in attendance. Mandela’s widow, Graca Machel, and his former wife Winnie Mandela embraced and kissed as they arrived. The event was reminiscent of other significant state funerals in recent history, such as that of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1965 and the 2005 funeral of Pope John Paul II, which attracted some 2 million people to Rome -- among them four kings, five

queens, at least 70 presidents and prime ministers and the leaders of 14 other faiths. Paying tribute to his uncle, Gen. Thanduxolo Mandela said; “This universal show of unity is a true reflection of all that Madiba stood for -peace, justice, unity of all mankind. Let us pledge to keep Madiba’s dream alive.” After 9 days of mourning, Mandela was finally laid to rest last Sunday, in a moving and dignified service held in the grounds of Mandela Mansion in the hills of Qunu, where he was buried, as VIPs, family, friends and the King of his ancestral tribe said a last farewell, from a podium adorned with 95 huge candles, each marking a year of Mandela’s remarkable life, as the South African Air Force performed a fly by, which was accompanied by a 21 gun salute – a fitting tribute to an icon, freedom fighter, world changer, the man, Madiba.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013



AST Tuesday Dec 17th, marks the 110th anniversary of the first successful flight in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft. in other words the first time man piloted an


Near Kitty Hawk, in North Carolina, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, made aviation history when Orville piloted the gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane, which stayed aloft for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet on its inaugural flight.

The Wright Brothers developed an interest in aviation after learning of the glider flights of the German engineer Otto Lilienthal in the 1890s. They possessed extraordinary, natural technical ability and a sophisticated approach to solving problems in mechanical de-

sign. They began by building printing presses and in 1892 opened a bicycle sales and repair shop. Soon, they were building their own bicycles, and this experience, combined with profits from their various businesses, allowed them to pursue actively their dream of building the world’s first airplane. After painstaking research, brothers conducted glider tests at Kitty Hawk, an isolated village on North Carolina’s Outer Banks, which offered steady winds and sand dunes from which to glide and land softly. Their first glider, tested in 1900, performed poorly, but a new design, tested in 1901, was more successful. They then built a wind tunnel where they tested nearly 200 wings and airframes of many different shapes and designs. They flew hundreds of successful flights in their 1902 biplane glider, which featured a steering system, based on a movable rudder that solved the problem of controlled flight. They were now ready for powered flight. They designed a 12-horsepower internal combustion engine with the assistance of machinist Charles Taylor and built a new aircraft to house it. They transported their aircraft in pieces to Kitty Hawk in the autumn of 1903.

On December 14 Orville made the first attempt at powered flight. The engine stalled during take-off and the plane was damaged, and they spent three days repairing it. Then at 10:35 a.m. on December 17, in front of five witnesses, the aircraft ran down a monorail track and into the air, staying aloft for 12 seconds and flying 120 feet. The modern aviation age was born. During the next few years, the Wright brothers further developed their airplanes securing patents and contracts for their flying machines. By 1905,

their aircraft could perform complex manoeuvres and remain aloft for up to 39 minutes at a time. In 1908, they flew to France and began public flights. In 1909, the U.S. Army’s Signal Corps purchased a specially constructed plane, and the brothers founded the Wright Company to build and market their aircraft. Wilbur Wright died of typhoid fever in 1912; Orville lived until 1948. The historic Wright brothers’ aircraft of 1903 is on permanent display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013



By Marc Craig

the future for JB Leaves Spidey and Sony disney

for paramount


ArvEL Pictures has, well most of Marvel comics back catalogue, fox has all of The X-men, fantastic four and Daredevil but poor old Sony only has one Marvel superhero (that’s a lie, they also have ghost rider but frankly, who cares).But what a superhero Spider-Man is,one of the world’s most iconic, best loved comic book characters, probably second only to the DC double whammy of Superman and Batman. That said, you can’t release a Spidey film every 6 months, so Sony have hinted that they may begin to strip-mine the comics other characters, with a view to developing standalone movies.

Firstly of course, we have The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to look forward to, and if the awesome new trailer is anything to go by, it could be the movie that lays the groundwork for an appearance by the Sinister Six in ASM3, which appropriately will be Sony’s 6th Spider-Man movie! For the uneducated, The Sinister Six is kind of an evil Avengers and like the Avengers, it has had multiple different line-ups, eagleeyed fanboys dissecting the trailer have already spotted, alongside the more obvious glimpses of Electro, Green Goblin and Rhino, a blink and

you’ll miss it shot of a man walking through a room with glass cases in the background displaying Doctor Octopus’ mechanical arms and what looks like wings from the classic arch-villain the Vulture. That’s 5, add those to Lizard from the last movie and you’ve got the magic number 6! So, having potentially used up 7 (including ol’ webhead himself) major characters, who does that leave for any other planned Sony spinoffs? One name that’s been bouncing around ever since Topher Grace was cast as

him in SM3, is Venom, the alien symbiote who first attaches itself to Spider-Man before merging with Eddie Brock to become a kind of drooling, needle-toothed Anti-Spidey. Another likely candidate for her own movie is Black Cat, an extraordinarily blatant rip-off of DC’s Catwoman. Felicia Hardy is a reformed cat-burglar and on-off love-interest of Spider-Man. Despite the plagiarism, she’s a popular antihero with a wicked sense of humour. Then again, DC Tried a spin-off with the better known version, and that really didn’t go so well!

frozen Showing daily at 15:30 hr - 108 min Animation/Adventure/Comedy rated Pg Starring Kristen Bell - Anna Idina Menzel - Elsa Jonathan Groff - Kristoff information Correct at time of going to press. Check our facebook page or contact the cinema for further information.

Tel: 922 713 858

Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.

iT WAS on the cards after the his Lone ranger box office disappointment, and now it’s official, after being with Disney for almost 20 years, the studio and uber-producer jerry Bruckheimer, are parting ways. The man behind hits like Con Air, Armageddon and the Pirates of the Caribbean series, has signed a 3 year deal with Paramount Studios, where he had a great deal of success early on in his career, back in the ‘80s.

then “Top Gun 2” with Tom Cruise reprising his role, now a mentor for a new generation of top guns. The originals were both Bruckheimer Productions. It’s gonna feel like the ‘80s all over again when these hit the cinemas!

The break-up was amicable and was largely to do with the kind of movies Bruckheimer was keen to produce, largely adult-oriented action fare, and he’s going right back to his roots with the first two movies on the slate. First up is a brand new “Beverly Hills Cop” starring Eddie Murphy,

Britney Brings it to Sin City BriTnEy Spears has been given a proper vegas welcome as she begins rehearsals for her 2 year “Piece Of Me” residency, which will earn her $30m. The show debuts after Christmas on 27th December at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in time for the New Year’s party week. Loyal fans were there to welcome her arrival at the casino, the venue put on a lavish show in typical Vegas style with fire breathing and sexy dancers at the welcome ceremony. The singer whose 8th album “Britney Jean” hit stores last week will perform 50 live shows each year in 2014 and 2015. David Hoenemeyer, the president of Planet Hollywood, said: “She really cuts across all de-

mographics. She has a remarkable following, and the ticket sales reflect that.

“It’s a really big deal to have a star of her calibre performing for us.”


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

iphone airbag!

deCemBer 2013 Friday 20th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 21st December . . . . * Christmas Special Sunday 22nd December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Tuesday 24th December . . . . * Christmas Eve Special Wednesday 25th December . .* Christmas Day (12pm or 7pm) Friday 27th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 28th December . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 29th December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Tuesday 31st December . . . . * New Years Eve Special

JanuarY 2014 Thursday 2nd January . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 3rd January . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 4th January . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 5th January . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 6th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 9th January . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 10th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 11th January . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 12th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 13th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 16th January . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 17th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 18th January . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 19th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 20th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 23rd January . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 24th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 25th January . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 26th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 27th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 30th January . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 31st January . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 1st February . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates

CrACkED iPhone screens could become a thing of the past thanks to the Smartphone Case n,a new smartphone airbag system.

A new video says the bulky case is apparently the brainchild of designers at Honda, uses carbon dioxide to inflate six different airbags within a split second of detecting it is falling. The video doesn’t mention anything about what would happen if the Case N accidently inflated inside

someone’s pocket, but I can’t imagine it would be very pretty! Sadly, there’s no point rushing out to buy one of these as a Christmas present for your sausage- fingered mate who’s always dropping his phone, the Smartphone Case N is unlikely to be in a shop near you any time soon, it is the marketing team at Honda rather than the R&D team that deserve the credit– the airbag video is actually a promotional tool for a new series of cars.

Supermarket fowl play

frOZEn chicken breasts sold at some high street supermarkets are pumped up with 20 per cent of water and additives, an investigation revealed, meaning shoppers are paying 65p a kilo for water in chicken breasts Poultry is being sold at several high street supermarkets in their own-label discount ranges while Sainsbury’s is selling fillets from the same UK factory under a brand name, but they are not breaking the law if they state how much water

is being used on the label The meat, which is imported from Brazil, is ‘tumbled’ in a cement mixer-like machine in the UK The imported raw frozen chicken, which has already had salt or a mix of corn oil and salt added, is

‘tumbled’ with water and w a t e rbinding additives b y Westbridge Food Group, which is based in Malvern, Worcestershire. The legal question is whether the chicken is de-

fined after tumbling as a ‘preparation’ or a ‘product’ that no longer retains the characteristics of raw meat. The Dutch Food Safety Authority has swooped on several factories in Holland to stop the practice of tumbling of imported chicken which would be later resold as raw meat, chicken produced like that is illegal if sold in its country. Following the research, the food watchdog is asking Westbridge for information on its processes ,to see if their chicken meets regulations. Importers buying processed chicken from Brazil save millions of Euros a month because they are charged a lower EU tariff than untreated chicken.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


SHarPLeS in SeSSion By John Sharples

royal variety Show WeatHer to go

i LOvE watching the royal variety show every year.

It is a programme that we all seem to like to have a moan about and yet it has high viewing figures. There is very little variety entertainment on the television these days and I am one of the people who misses it. This year’s show started out

with a good laugh as Dame Edna sat in the royal box (by mistake) and was asked to move to a seat with a better view. However, there were some lows. A so called comedian who appeared in his underpants which left very little to the imagination and a load of old tosh from Chas and Dave to top the night off ensured that the Royal variety hit new lows. It is

so sad that we don’t have any greats left. No Tommy Coopers or Shirley Basseys to give the audience some real quality entertainment. The compere left me cold, for a so called comedian his monotone voice does more to send me to sleep that to make me laugh. Can’t wait for next year’s dose of Right Royal Rubbish!

out or StaY in?

On TuESDAy night last week, the winds of this year’s storm started but i had decided to go out and have a drink with friends regardless of the weather warnings. i have heard about these storms before and they quite often seem to pass us by.

We were walking around a ghost town. Practically every bar in Puerto de La Cruz had decided to close their doors to the public and batten down the hatches. The streets were practically deserted and the

two or three bars that we found open were full of people. It turned out that the majority of the storm, which included over 2,000 lightning strikes during the night had hit the south and hardly affected the north of the island. It appears to me that the reputation that the north holds for having the worst weather has been changing in recent years. It might be a good idea for the councils and government to consider putting adequate drains in place because life seems to come to a standstill when it rains here. Anyway, I hope that you are all safe and that you weren’t too affected by the storm.

naughty Claus

Snow Joke

A SnOW plough driver uncovered a drunken cyclist from the snow in norway. The unfortunate man has no recollection of what happened to him The plough driver

just happened to notice the handlebars sticking out of the snow and the reflective vest of the cyclist was shining. As he got closer he saw that the rider was

Melissa Mae is celebrating the return of her dog. Her Staff Bull Terrier went awol 9 years ago when she shot through a gap in her fence. When the dog went missing she was three years old and now he has returned he is a little grey around the temples but she has fitted back into her family home as though she had never been away and has made friends with their other 7 year old dog. The dog had been seen wandering the streets

in Salisbury and was identified by an animal sanctuary by her microchip. This is probably a good time to remind people that a dog is not always a good Christmas gift. If you are thinking of giving a dog to your child this Christmas or you are thinking of getting one yourself,

completely covered in snow. he called an ambulance and the unconscious man was taken to hospital suffering from severe chills. The victim later told the police that he had been drinking at a friend’s house and had set off to cycle home.

A 62 year old shop Santa Claus in America has been arrested. he was working in a shopping cent r e when

he took it upon himself to pinch the bottom of one of his elves. The female elf complained to the p o lice

and said that father Christmas had assaulted her. father Christmas pinched her bum and told her that he wished he was a few years younger! Santa claims that he never touched the woman but he is due in court on Christmas Eve. you just couldn’t make it up, could you?

Beach and mountains

Home for Christmas

do the responsible thing and get your pet chipped. Why not take an abandoned dog from one of the hardworking and over full sanctuaries on the Island.

if yOu get the chance to travel to the north, go to Playa de las Teresitas. in my opinion, it is the prettiest beach on the island and there are plenty of bars and cafes at its edge. The sand is golden and the water is clear. it is possible to walk out a fair way into its calm waters and when you have finished sunbathing you can pass a few hours shopping in the capital of the island, Santa Cruz. i spent last Sunday there and then drove up into the mountains that surround the beach for lunch. it was a super day out!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

eat Your Way Surfer oblivious to SHarK attaCK out of this!

A 22-fOOT gingerbread house set a guinness World record in the town of Bryan last week, after a group of volunteers in Texas constructed the world’s largest confectionary cottage– big enough to accommodate a family of five. It required thousands of

pounds of sugar and flour, almost a ton of butter and 7,200 eggs. The edible house also features 22,304 pieces of hard candy and packs in a total of 36million calories – ouch! Members of the A&M Texas Traditions Club built the house to raise funds for the trauma programme at nearby St Joseph Hospital. Bill Horton, general manager of the Traditions Club, said: ‘I think what impresses me

most is the community spirit around the record attempt. People came together for this remarkable cause and really worked hard at it.’ .The gingerbread house is open to the public until December 14. In its first week of opening, the tourist attraction raised $150,000 and it receives around 600 visitors a day. Volunteers described the construction process as a piece of cake (sorry).

Question One: What is the natural oil secreted by the skin called? Question Two: What do the five interlinked rings on the flag of the Olympic Movement represent?

Question Three: What is the normal temperature of the human body? Question four: What is made from silica, soda and lime? Question five: Which comedy starring Martin Clunes switched from ITV to BBC after two series? Question Six: Which Disney cartoon featured Elton John/Tim Rice songs and was the highest-grossing film of 1994?

Question Seven: How many known children did playwright William Shakespeare have?

Question Eight: Which letter, other than X, scores eight in Scrabble? Question nine: When were the last convicts deported from Britain to


Question Ten: What is one-tenth of a nautical mile: a fathom, a cable, a

knot, or a league?

Question Eleven: How long does it take for the Earth to travel 1.5 million miles: a day, a week, a month, or a year?

An AuSTrALiAn surfer who went to hospital after finding mystery cuts to his hand and leg was amazed to disover he had been the victim of a shark attack. The 26-year-old had been surfing at Shelly Beach, near Port Macquarie on Australia’s east coast, when he felt something hit his right hand.

New South Wales state police said: “The man noticed he had cuts to his right hand and blood on his leg. He did not see a shark and was unaware at the time that he could have been bitten by one.The surfer took himself to Port Macquarie Hospital where he was informed the wounds were consistent with a shark bite.” Police said an expert would try to identify

the species of shark involved in the incident, which comes just days after a fatal shark attack about 78 miles (125km) north of Port Macquarie at Coffs Harbour. Nineteen-year-old Zac Young died on November 30 after he was attacked by a tiger shark while sitting upright on his bodyboard with his legs in the water at Campbells Beach. His death came a week after a 35-year-old surfer was killed by a shark on Australia’s west coast. Sharks are common in Australian waters, but deadly attacks are rare, with only one of the average 15 incidents a year typically proving fatal. The man was treated for puncture wounds to his hand and a cut to his leg.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard In Tenerife there are reptiles and amphibians species that can be seen in our gardens and parks. There are lizards, skinks, geckos and frogs that live on the island. The Tenerife Lizard (Gallotia galloti) is very common all over the

island from the mountain peaks down to the coast. There are two forms but in both the male has far more colour than the females. The Southern Tenerife Lizard (G.

Iberian Water Frog

galloti galloti) is found in central parst of the island as well as in the south. It is the type that can be found high on Mt Teide. It is not as colourful as the Northern Tenerife Lizard (G. galloti eisentrauti) which lives only in the north and can be distinguished by the large amount of green patterning on the banks of the males. The males of both subspecies have blue markings on their cheeks and along their flanks and the females are mainly brown in colour.

Stripeless Tree Frog

Tenerife Gecko

Turkish Gecko

Tenerife Reptiles and Amphibians The Tenerife Lizard is omnivorous and will eat a surprising variety of foods from fruit, leaves and insects to bread and cheese. In many places they become quite tame and delight the people who throw them scraps and take photos of the little reptiles. The West Canary Skink (Chalcides viridanus) is not seen as often as the lizards that live on Tenerife, though it is very widely distributed. This skink species tends to hide away under rocks and beneath vegetation where it catches the insects and spiders it eats. You cannot mistake it for a lizard or gecko though because the West Canary Skink is almost like a small snake with legs. It is very sleek and shiny with a pointed head. This species is also found on La Gomera and El Hierro. There are two types of gecko on Tenerife. The Tenerife Gecko (Tarentola delalandii) is very common all around the island both in the countryside and in built-up town and resort areas. The Tenerife Gecko is generally some shade of grey with darker bands and markings. It mainly comes out at night but can also be found at times basking in the sun. The Tenerife Gecko likes to climb walls and like most species of gecko it can even crawl or run across ceilings. This little reptile is often found in and around buildings and will even

Some facts about Geckos

Geckos have such excellent night vision because their eyes are as much as 350 times more sensitive to light than human eyes. Some species of gecko are par-

thenogenic which means that females can reproduce their kind without the need for any males. Many gecko species can make sounds and their chirping and calling is used to attract mates and to

proclaim their territories. Geckos have specialised toe-pads that enable them to cling to smooth surfaces such as glass and to climb walls and ceilings. Many geckos can change colour.

come into rooms as it searches for insects. They tend to gather

West Canarian Skink

Tenerife Fighting Lizards around outside lights because they know that moths and other flying insects will be attracted there too. Like most lizards the geckos can shed their tails if captured. The tail will continue wiggling about for some time and the idea is that a predator will be more interested in it than its owner that can make good its escape. The Turkish Gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) is the other gecko species found in Tenerife. It is a pinkishbuff colour and only comes out at night. The Turkish Gecko lives in and around buildings and houses and mainly in the Santa Cruz area. It is an introduced species and is also found in Gran Canaria. Speaking of introductions, both

types of frog found in Tenerife are said to have got here this way. They are the only amphibians found here and there are no toads, newts or salamanders. The large Iberian Water Frog (Rana perezii) spends most of its time in or near water and is found in garden ponds and in reservoirs and water-holding tanks on farms. This species is found on all of the Canary Islands though it often gets eaten by herons. Goldfish in ornamental ponds will take the tadpoles of this frog. In Spanish, the Iberian Water Frog is known as Rana comun, meaning “Common frog”, though there are far fewer of them around than the much smaller Mediterranean Tree Frog (Hyla meriodonalis). This species is also known as the Stripeless Tree Frog and is very common all around Tenerife where there are banana plantations. It will colonise anywhere it can find enough fresh standing water to breed in and can be found around reservoirs, irrigation tanks and garden ponds, as well as pools in ravines. The Mediterranean Tree Frog is a very bright green colour. They can be heard singing in great numbers at night in spring and especially after rain. Amazingly this little frog can survive in very hot and dry areas and somehow manages to get by even when there are droughts and forest fires. In Erjos after the ponds had dried up totally and the vegetation was destroyed in a blaze, the Mediterranean Tree Frog still turned up in spring after the ponds had refilled in the autumn and winter rains. That completes the list of reptiles and amphibians you might find in gardens in Tenerife, and you will no doubt be glad to hear that there are no snakes!

Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at:


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

The Crawling Dead!

Aquarius 20 January to 18 February

Your social life is looking a lot perkier this week, with a chance that one meeting could have that special sizzle that indicates instant chemistry. With Mars now in Libra, this is an excellent time to explore new ways to meet people and move in new circles. You might also find that a work-related opportunity shows huge potential to become something solid and perhaps lucrative. Don’t ignore an opening that could seem daunting. Taking up this challenge may work in your favor.

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

Career matters continue to look favorable, with the chance that an opportunity that really suits you might come out of the blue. There is a focus this week on your willingness to expand your options and explore new ideas to creatively earn more money. Consider dusting off a plan that’s been at the back of your mind for some time, as it could turn out to be very successful if you act upon it. Romance may be possible in an academic or travel setting.

Aries 21 March to 19 April

Passions may run high as a friend, love interest, or partner who’s normally willing to compromise turns out to be looking out for himself or herself. The atmosphere could be quite competitive this week, although a compromise should be possible. The Quarter Moon in Pisces may bring a crisis of beliefs, which can be resolved if you take the more daring option. Meanwhile, emotional crosscurrents caused by a potent aspect may mean you’re unsure whether to take a risk or hold back.

Taurus 20 April to 20 May

Creative differences at work could limit your effectiveness, yet you may be so smitten with a new romantic paramour that you hardly notice. An attraction may sizzle with an earthy passion, though the one you have the hots for may currently have only platonic feelings for you. You might work very patiently to enhance a powerful connection that could have a business or romantic outcome. It might also help to listen to those intuitive hunches - you could snap up a lucrative deal by doing so.

gemini 21 May to 21 June

Perhaps you’re itching to take the initiative, but you may have trouble deciding which direction to take. Give yourself plenty of time to sort things out, especially as a tendency to make a decision on the spur of the moment could be a game changer. However, you seem willing to put in a lot of effort concerning one project, especially as it could bring financial rewards if you do it well. It’s worth attending to the details, as you could benefit in so many ways if you get this right.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

Intense passions may animate you concerning a relationship. However, this isn’t the time to withdraw but rather to share your feelings with a trustworthy partner or love interest. Getting things off your chest may help avoid intense emotional struggles, including possessiveness or jealousy. There’s a lot going on in your home zone with Mars stirring things up. However, it’s a great opportunity to clear out clutter, get on with home projects, and generally spruce things up for the festive weeks ahead.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

The Quarter Moon encourages caution regarding anything to do with business or speculation. If you find yourself in an edgy situation, follow your instincts for best results. Meanwhile, moving out of your comfort zone and doing something you’ve never attempted before may mean you cross paths with someone you could find instantly attractive. Conversation may sparkle, which might encourage you to ask the person on a date. Later, be sure to listen to your intuition regarding an important family matter.

virgo 23 August to 22 September

A positive outlook suggests that this is the week to start decorating and getting organized for the festivities ahead. You might even feel like coordinating an impromptu get-together to get in the mood. Shopping may be another activity that you could get deeply involved in when Mars stirs up your personal financial zone. Planning could be crucial to surviving this and the weeks ahead and ensure that you still have cash in your pocket. Your social life continues to be busy. Look out for an unexpected visitor, too.

Libra 23 September to 23 October

Trust your instincts if you’re confronted with unsettling information, and steer a course independent of input from others. With Mars newly in your sign, this isn’t the time to sit on the fence. Take the opportunity to make a start on plans and projects that you’ve been dreaming about over recent weeks. A positive link concerning career and personal finances suggests that you may be offered a job, contract, or lucrative deal that might help you feel more secure regarding the future.

Scorpio 24 October to 21 November

A Quarter Moon could push you to explore a creative project that you’ve had difficulty starting. Neptune in Pisces reveals that artistic abilities may be showing up - it’s just a question of making use of them. You could have an exhibition up and running if you’re willing to take action on a daily basis. This isn’t the time to keep a low profile. Show the world how talented you really are! Expanding your options may enrich your life in so many ways.

Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

You seem to be in a convivial mood with Mars just newly in your social zone and Mercury and the Sun in your sign to give you a pleasant boost. With the festive season on its way, you may be busy arranging get-togethers, parties, and celebrations with the aim of helping people have as much fun as possible. An electric connection suggests that a meeting with someone on your wavelength could highlight romantic possibilities. It might not last long, but it could be a lot of fun while you’re together.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 january

The Sun in your spiritual zone suggests that you’re now in a natural cycle in which it helps to take time out and relax. Use this opportunity to reflect on what you’ve achieved and your goals for the weeks and months ahead. A potent Jupiter/Saturn link could highlight a connection that could turn into a fruitful collaboration. This might have more of a business- or work-related quality about it, and could be an association that you greatly relish. It could even turn into a friendship that is both supportive and long lasting.

An inTErnET joker who was born with only one arm and no legs scared the living daylights out of an unsuspecting shopper, by dressing up as a zombie and crawling up to him in a store in new jersey.

An online video shows Nick Santonastasso, who was born with three limbs missing due to a condition called Hanhart syndrome.snarling at the customer who leaps out of his skin and throws a packet of paper towels at him in sheer horror as the prankster tries to grab his leg. It could possibly be the one of the most extreme auditions of all time as teenage Santonastasso is a huge fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead, and desperately wants to appear in the hugely popular zombie horror TV series His zombie prank is one of a long list of stunts he has posted on video-sharing site Vine that have shown his remarkable ability to overcome his condition. Other clips show him break-dancing in a store dressed in a Scooby-Doo costume and eating food of the stump of his arm. Another titled ‘Impossible is just a word’ sees him performing a handstand on his missing limb. The video, which was filmed at an unnamed hardware store, starts with Mr Santonastasso with full make-up on his face saying the phrase ‘zombie prank’.

The online video is accompanied by the message: ‘Just a kid with a dream to change the world.’ The footage has gone viral, with the phrase ‘zombie scare’ becoming the secondmost popular trending topic on Twitter in the US, according to International Business Times. Fans tweeted dozens of messages saying it is ‘the funniest Vine prank ever’ and ‘so amazing’ He tweeted three days

ago about his dream of appearing as a zombie on the TV horror series Walking Dead; ‘Get Nick Santonastasso on Walking Dead: Please Robert Kirkman (producer) put Nick on Walking Dead,’ he said next to link to a petition. So you shouldn’t be surprised if next season, the series features a one armed, no legged, but very happy zombie!

37 Barry Sparkle´s Bit On The Side

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

PugH´S PantrY By Barry Pugh

Hello Sparklettes !! CHriStmaS fun mincemeat – So easy to make! WELL who knew that mincemeat is so easy to make?? Well obviously lots of people do know this, but i wasn’t aware.

Really until a couple of Christmases ago it was not something I had seriously considered making. I had assumed it would be difficult and timeconsuming. I usually make my own mince pies – but with bought mincemeat. But if you like me, have an inkling that homemade mincemeat is going to taste just so many times better than anything you buy, well give it a try. It really only takes minutes of effort! Yes that is right -just minutes! And it works out cheaper than the jars of luxury mincemeat. Here’s two really easy methods how to make it. 2 apples peeled and chopped 100g suet 350g raisins 225g sultanas 225gcurrants 110g glace cherries, chopped 250g light brown sugar

Firstly, I was able to get all of the ingredients from an English supermarket here on the island, so don’t worry if you are going to start looking for everything in Spanish supermarkets – you wouldn’t find them all! There is method 1- which is to put all the ingredients together in a large bowl, leave for 24 hours, stirring occasionally and then put into sterilised jars or method 2 you bake at a low heat in the oven for 2-3 hours so that the fat from the suet covers the fruit and helps to make it keep for much longer – at least 12 months. If you just do method 1, there is a risk that the contents will start


Method 1:

Place all the ingredients in a large bowl Stir well, cover and leave for 12 hours Put into sterilised jars and seal The mincemeat improves with age, but can be used straight away

WELL ...i’ve got my own gossip column now so no one is safe !!

to ferment in a couple of months. So if your mincemeat is for immediate use Method 1 is sufficient – if you would like it to keep – or give it as a gift – Method 2 is better. I did mine half and half to see the difference You can vary the fruit proportions – and use whisky instead of brandy, if you prefer it – or a bit if orange or apple juice if you don’t want the alcohol.

2 lemons rind grated and juiced 50g flaked almonds 4 teaspoons ground mixed spice 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 6 tablespoons brandy

Method 2:

Place the mincemeat in an oven proof dish Cover with foil and place in a preheated oven at 120° C Cook for 3 hours Allow to cool Stir in the brandy Place in sterilised jars

These will make the most wonderful mince pies or even mince pie parcels with some ready-made puff pastry! here’s something fun and quirky to show off over Christmas. How about a fruit Christmas tree? 1 large apple 1 large carrot LOTS of toothpicks 2 punnets of strawberries 1 punnet of mixed coloured seedless grapes 2 punnets of blueberries 4 kiwis 1/2 honeydew melon for the stars Mint or parsley as filler

Cut a flat base on the apple to stand your tree up and cut out the core leaving a hole central to stick your carrot in. This will act as the tree trunk, insert your toothpicks around the base working upwards and making the

toothpicks shorter the higher you get.Start with the largest fruits and work your way evenly around the tree poking the fruit onto the ends of the toothpicks. Cut your melon into 1.5 cm slices and with a star cookie cutter cut out one large star for the top of the tree and as many little ones as you can, use the remaining melon in cubes and add to the tree as a filler of gaps and an additional colour. Add the rest of the fruit, cut the kiwi into thick strips – too thin and it will fall apart. Finally add mint or parsley leaves to fill in the gaps and push blueberries into any holes where you can still see the carrot. The assembly will take at least half an hour … Be warned!

Every week I’ll be dishing the dirt on everyone and everything in celeb land, but as your man on the street, I’m your eyes and ears on the rock, your diamante detective, your sparkly spy here in Tenerife and if there’s any scandal, you’ll hear it here first! The Names Sparkle... Barry Sparkle !! So the world last week mourned the loss of a great leader, Nelson Mandela NOT Martin Luther King! Yes I’m talking to you Paris Hilton! A tweet from her personal account read; “RIP Nelson Mandela. Your ‘I Have A Dream’ speech was so inspiring. An amazing man”. Paris angrily denies posting the tweet but come on Paris, you never were the brightest hotel in the chain! So a little bird told me that Harry Styles, from the world’s hottest boy band is ready to spread his wings and fly solo in 2014 leaving Zonk, Noel erm…. oh whatever the rest are called, it’s all about Harry!! Speaking of Harrys, what has Daniel Radcliffe done

to his hair??? Apparently they’re only extensions for a movie but Danny; you look more like Professor Snape’s love child than Harry Potter! By the time you read this it will be Christmas week, which of course means

lots of festivities, parties and drinking, which in turn of course means GOSSIP! Watch out Tenerife, I’ve got my eyes on you! have a sparkly Christmas, til next week… keeeep sparkling !!


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


What’s a commonym you ask?

A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think!

1. Tug - Sail - Steam_______________________________________________________ 2.Turkey - Teddy Bear - Christmas Stocking________________________________ 3. Sea - Taco - Turtle______________________________________________________ 4. Sand - juke - Toy _______________________________________________________ 5. Time - Stink - Atomic___________________________________________________ 6. raisin - White - rye_____________________________________________________ 7. Eiffel - Water - Watch __________________________________________________ 8. Surfing Waves - Tv’s - Toothpaste__________________________________________________________ 9. A popular girl - The Dried fruit isle - Tombstones___________________________________________ 10. The Scale - The Legend - The key__________________________________________________________ 11. A Shepherd - Sheet Music - The White house_______________________________________________ 12. Teddy Bear - Turkey - Christmas Stocking__________________________________________________ 13. Porkey - Wilber - Arnold __________________________________________________________________ 14. volleyball - Office with Computers - fisherman____________________________________________ 15. Tapestry - Braided - Area_________________________________________________________________

issue 108 - PuZZLES Page 8. Page 16. Page 34. Page 56.


Cryptic Crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword

Answers to the COMMONYMS are on page 2.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Motoring News


By Lingy

Fog Camera Could Save Lives

A camera, designed to be able to see through opaque substances such as milk has been developed with researchers hoping it can be used to enable drivers to

see through fog. Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Laboratory, have developed a camera that can measure distances even through

translucent material. The camera uses nanosecond long pulses of light and measures the shift that occurs when they are bounced back, allowing it to build up a three dimensional picture, allowing the camera to recognize the difference between light that is scattered by water droplets in fog or heavy rain, and solid objects like a car bumper.

Cameras on Microsoft’s new Kinect system uses this approach, however they struggle when viewing transparent or translucent objects. This is because the light is scattered by these and “smears” the reflected light, making it inaccurate. This scattering of light is what can often blind motorists when they turn their full beam on in foggy conditions, making it hard to see and

judge distances. The new camera, which is constructed using equipment costing just £300, uses pulses of light of different length to create a kind of binary code that is beamed out. The camera then looks for this pattern being reflected back. In this way the technique, known as nanophotography, is able to tell the difference between scattered light and light that is reflected back.

Refael Whyte, of the research team at MIT, said. “The light source sends a pulse of light to the object and back to the camera. This camera measure the time it takes for the light to go from the camera, to the object and back. We can measure the time of flight and calculate the distance light has travelled and therefore build up a three-dimensional view of the object in front of us.”

Engineers say it could be used to help motorists see the road and other vehicles through thick fog.Achuta Kadambi, one of the team who developed the camera, said: “Using our technique you can generate 3D models of translucent or near-transparent objects, we can measure the range of transparent objects and looking through diffusing material.” The camera uses technology known as Time of Flight, which measures the time it takes for a light signal to be reflected back to an object to calculate distance.

UK Wants To Win Driverless Car Race

The UK government has offered a £10 million incentive for a town or city to develop itself as a testing ground for driverless cars, as it seeks to make the UK a world leader for the technology.

A plan already has the go ahead for 100 driverless cars that will run on pathways along with pedestrians in Milton Keynes, using sensors to avoid collisions, which it is hoped will be in operation by mid 2017. In July plans were announced by the

Oxford University researchers to test cars with Nissan on UK roads. The team has already tested a car on a private road in a science park, but the Department of Transport granted permission for trials on roads with other traffic. Google is leading the driverless car race at the moment, Its self-driving car recently completed 500,000 miles of roads, with California, Nevada and Florida all passing legislation to allow driverless cars. Nissan has carried out the first public road test of a driverless car on a highway in Japan. Volvo has announced a plan to put 100 autonomous vehicles on public roads around Gothenburg, Sweden, by 2017, the same year Google has set for when its cars will hit the road, while Elon Musk, head of electric car company Tesla Motors, has said their vehicles will be ready in 2016. Many normal cars already hold some of the technology used in driverless cars, such as autonomous emergency braking, which can slow and even stop the car if a driver fails to react to an impending collision.



Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

20 December

Friday - TV 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:30: 15:30: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:25:

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Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Caught Red Handed Helicopter Heroes Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Perfection Escape to the Country Christmas Kitchen with James Martin Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Citizen Khan Have I Got News for You Live at the Apollo BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show The Matt Lucas Christmas Awards

10:15: Animal Park 11:00: BBC News 12:00: The Importance of Being Earnest 13:30: Fred Dibnah’s Age of Steam 14:00: Cash in the Attic 14:45: The Truth About Lions 15:45: Cagney and Lacey 16:30: Are You Being Served? 17:05: ’Allo, ‘Allo! 17:30: Priceless Antiques Roadshow 18:00: Celebrity Eggheads 18:30: Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 19:30: University Challenge 20:00: Mastermind 20:30: Kangaroo Dundee 21:00: 2013: Moments in Time 22:00: QI 22:30: Newsnight 23:05: Tamara Drewe 00:50: A Culture Show Special

06:00: Daybreak 08:30: Lorraine 09:25: Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel 13:30: ITV News and Weather 14:00: Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Show Me the Telly 17:00: The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: Text Santa 23:00: ITV News and Weather 23:45: Text Santa 01:05: Jackpot247

Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show USA Real Housewives of New York City Real Housewives of New York City The Xtra Factor The ITV2 Panto Emmerdale Emmerdale Jeremy Kyle Show Jeremy Kyle Show The Xtra Factor The Iron Giant You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! The Xtra Factor The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile Celebrity Juice

06:00: 06:10:

06:00: 06:15: 06:35: 06:55: 07:45: 08:10: 08:40: 09:45: 10:45: 11:50:

06:35: 07:30: 08:30: 09:40: 10:05: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:05: 15:05: 15:40: 16:15: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 18:55: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:30:

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Wycliffe Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Barbara Barbara Duty Free Man About the House Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Marple DCI Banks Law and Order: UK Lost for Words Wycliffe

12:50: 13:50: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 17:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 23:20: 00:20: 01:50:

World of Sport Highway Patrol Highway Patrol Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos The Sweeney The Saint Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers River Monsters Get Carter Chris Eubank: Sports Life Stories Johnny Vegas Live at the Benidorm Palace Tim Vine’s Punslinge

09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 23:55: 00:40: 05:50:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:20: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:20: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:55: 23:35: 00:15:

Frasier Ruth Watson Means Business! Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Gordon Ramsay’s Festive Home Cooking Big Fat Gypsy Christmas Alan Carr: Chatty Man Stand Up for the Week Gogglebox Barney’s Version Father Christmas

Home Shopping Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Man v Food World’s Most Dangerous Roads Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food QI Would I Lie to You? Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing World’s Most Dangerous Roads QI Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week QI Would I Lie to You?

06:00 09:15: 09:25: 09:45: 09:50: 10:50: 11:50: 12:50: 12:55: 13:25: 13:30: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:15: 00:15:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:15: 08:25: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00:

23:00: 23:30: 23:45: 00:00: 01:00:

Children’s TV The Mr. Men Show Mist: Sheepdog Tales Inside Hollywood Paul Merton in Europe Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Pothole Britain: Drivers Beware! 5 News Lunchtime Neighbours Chinese Food in Minutes The Christmas Heart Santa, Junior. 5 News at 5 Neighbours The Dog Rescuers Newstalk Live World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers Stobart: Trucks, Trains and Planes Eraser Caught on Camera Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Football Gold Football Gold Cricket Ringside Capital One Cup Review The Fantasy Football Club World Darts Championship Day eight of the 2014 PDC World Darts Championship from London’s Alexandra Palace. Barclays Premier League Football Gold Football Gold The Fantasy Football Club World Darts Championship

19:00: 19:15: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:25: 23:45: 00:10: 00:30:

Great Movie Mistakes 2013 Doctor Who The Call Centre Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad!

15:45: Tora! Tora! Tora! 18:45: The First Wives Club 20:50: Paul Film Interview Special 21:00: Paul 23:05: The Fighter Mark Wahlberg stars in David O Russell’s Oscar-winning biopic of the American welterweight boxer Micky Ward. 01:20: Spanking the Monkey

06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 08:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00:

17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 21:30: 21:45: 22:00: 23:00: 01:30:

Football Gold Football Gold WWE Raw Big Bash Cricket Capital One Cup Review Ringside Capital One Cup Review The Rugby Club Ringside The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring, and interviews with top pros and experts. BWF Super Series Badminton Sporting Heroes Swimming -Duel in the Pool Football Gold Football Gold The Fantasy Football Club Swimming -Duel in the Pool Sporting Heroes

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:45: 13:00: 13:15: 13:45: 16:30: 17:20: 17:30: 17:40: 18:30: 19:55: 20:40: 21:50: 22:00: 22:20: 23:45: 01:05: 01:10:

06:00: 06:10: 08:00: 10:55: 12:50: 14:50: 15:50: 16:50: 17:55: 18:25: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:55: 00:55: 01:50:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Nigel Slater’s Christmas Suppers Football Focus Saturday Sportsday BBC News The Olympic Journey: Inspire Equestrian: Olympia 2013 Final Score BBC News BBC London News Pointless Strictly Come Dancing Atlantis Strictly Come Dancing The National Lottery Live BBC News Match of the Day The Football League Show Weatherview BBC News

The Hot Desk Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus The X Factor USA The X Factor USA The Xtra Factor The Only Way is Essexmas Peter Andre: My Life You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! The Xtra Factor: The Winner’s Story The Shawshank Redemption Celebrity Juice Through the Keyhole Tricked

06:00: This is BBC Two 06:15: Natural World 07:15: Antiques Road Trip 08:15: Antiques Road Trip 10:15: Restoration Home 11:15: Alex Polizzi’s Christmas Fix 12:15: The A to Z of TV Cooking 13:00: 12 Dates of Christmas 14:25: Confessions of a Shopaholic 16:00: Are You Being Served? Christmas Crackers 16:30: Flog It! 17:25: The Young Victoria 19:05: University Challenge 19:35: ’Allo, ‘Allo! 20:20: Dad’s Army 21:00: The World’s Most Expensive Stolen Paintings 22:00: The Many Faces of... 23:00: The Two Ronnies 23:30: The Wrong Mans 00:30: The Wrong Mans 01:00: Wake Wood

06:00: 06:45: 07:45: 08:45: 09:55: 11:30: 13:45: 15:45: 17:55: 20:00: 22:00:

23:00: 00:05:

Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot A Christmas Carol Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Railway Children Columbo A Touch of Frost Lewis Bomb Girls A blood drive calls on everyone at VicMu to donate to the boys fighting Rommel in Egypt and while some are eager to give, others feel uneasy about getting drained. Wycliffe Agatha Christie’s Poirot


21 D e c e m b e r th

08:30: 09:25: 09:30: 10:25: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 16:05: 17:05: 17:15: 17:30: 18:30: 21:10: 22:15: 22:30: 00:30:

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22:50: 01:15:

The Munch Box ITV News The Home of Fabulous Cakes Murder, She Wrote ITV News and Weather Surprise Surprise Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel The Unforgettable... The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Harry Potter: Behind the Magic ITV News London ITV News and Weather The Chase: Celebrity Special Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix The Illusionists ITV News and Weather You, Me and Dupree Jackpot247

World of Sport Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers The Saint Bundesliga The Sweeney Highway Patrol The Appaloosa The Far Country Blues Brothers 2000 Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Kelly’s Heroes W.W. II adventure about an American soldier who captures a German officer and discovers that his prisoner knows the whereabouts of $16million in Nazi gold. Training Day Mad House

06:20: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:25: 13:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:05: 17:35: 18:05: 18:35: 19:05: 19:15: 21:00: 22:40: 00:50: 01:35: 05:40:

07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:20: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:20: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:55: 23:35: 00:20:

Dreamer The Morning Line The American Football Show Frasier Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons Jamie’s Best Ever Christmas Channel 4 Racing Gadget Man Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Deck the Halls Four Christmases Sanctum Stand Up for the Week Fresh Meat The American Football Show

06:00 07:00:

Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Man v Food World’s Most Dangerous Roads Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food QI Would I Lie to You? Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing World’s Most Dangerous Roads QI Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week QI Would I Lie to You?

06:00: 07:00: 07:15: 07:30:

07:10: 07:25: 07:45: 08:20: 08:35: 08:55: 09:10: 09:25: 09:45: 10:10: 10:20: 10:50: 11:55: 12:55: 14:40: 16:25: 18:15: 20:00: 21:55: 22:00: 23:55: 00:00:

08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 12:00: 14:30: 17:15:

20:00: 22:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00:

Children’s TV Roobarb and Custard Too Bananas in Pyjamas Make Way for Noddy City of Friends Little Princess Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Inside Hollywood The Dog Rescuers World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Home Alone 4 Mrs Miracle 2: Miracle in Manhattan A Cinderella Story Dear Santa A Christmas Carol 5 News Weekend The Bible Inside Hollywood Super Casino


Ringside Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers Soccer A.M. Football Gillette Soccer Saturday Football

06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 06:45:

Millwall v Middlesbrough. Millwall and Middlesbrough meet at the Den in this Sky Bet Championship clash.

Saturday Night Football: Game of the Day Saturday Night Football: Match Choice FL72 Saturday Reloaded Saturday Night Football: Match Choice

19:10: 19:55: 21:10: 23:00: 23:25: 23:45: 00:10: 00:30: 00:55:

Great Movie Mistakes 2013 Doctor Who TopGear Con Air Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Bad Company

11:00: 13:00: 14:45: 17:30:

Porco Rosso Bride Wars Transformers The Spiderwick Chronicles 19:20: Zoolander 21:00: Everything Must Go Dan Rush’s comedy drama is the story of alcoholic sales exec Nick, whose job and marriage come to an end on the same day. 22:55: Semi-Pro

07:00: 08:00: 11:30: 12:00:

14:15: 16:30: 19:00: 23:00:


Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Ringside Big Bash Cricket Football’s Greatest Football Celtic v Hearts. Celtic host Hearts at Celtic Park in this Scottish Premiership clash. Celtic claimed the spoils when the sides met earlier at Tynecastle. Swimming -Duel in the Pool Championship Rugby Union World Darts Championship Swimming Duel in the Pool Day two of the 2013 Duel in the Pool from Glasgow’s Tollcross International Swimming Centre. La Liga

Strictly Come Dancing Final Editor Recommends BBC 1 - 18:30 - 19:55

ThE WAiT is finally over. After 12 sensational weeks of sparkle, glamour and show-stopping performances, the remaining four couples must take to television’s most prestigious dance floor for the final time. Sir Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly present this ultimate ballroom showdown, as we find out who has saved their best dance for last, and who will outshine the rest to go on to be crowned the champion of Strictly Come Dancing 2013.

Judges Len Goodman, Darcey Bussell, Craig Revel Horwood and Bruno Tonioli may be full of festive cheer as they score both dances for each couple, but it will be down to the viewers to take to the voting lines and choose their winner. Strictly Come Dancing: The Results can be seen later in the evening, when one couple will be announced as the winner and lift the glitterball trophy. During tonight’s show, Strictly will be joined by a very special music guest.



Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

22 December

Sunday - TV

07:30: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:25: 13:00: 13:15: 14:00: 15:05: 15:35: 16:35: 17:15: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 22:55: 00:15:

06:00: 06:10: 08:55: 10:55: 11:25: 13:15: 14:55: 17:25: 19:15: 19:45: 22:00: 23:00: 01:10:


Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show Fern Britton Meets... George of the Jungle MOTD2 Extra BBC News Christmas Kitchen with James Martin When Miranda Met Bruce Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death Snow Babies Big Sing: The UK’s Top 10 Carols Alice in Wonderland BBC News Countryfile Christmas Special Antiques Roadshow The Whale BBC News Sting: When the Last Ship Sails Magdalene Sisters

06:00: This is BBC Two 07:00: Natural World 08:00: Antiques Road Trip 09:00: Antiques Road Trip 10:00: Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30: Tom Kerridge Cooks Christmas 12:00: Food and Drink 13:00: EastEnders Omnibus 14:55: Flog It! 15:25: Nativity! 17:05: Ski Sunday 17:50: The 12 Drinks of Christmas 18:50: Porridge 19:30: TOTP2 21:00: The Choir: Sing While You Work 22:00: The Sarah Millican Television Programme 22:30: Hebburn 23:00: A Bunch of Amateurs 00:35: Tai-Pan


The Hot Desk Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! The Iron Giant Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties The Lost World Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium You’ve Been Framed! Christmas Special Miss Congeniality Utterly Outrageous Reality TV Moments 2013 American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile Utterly Outrageous Reality TV Moments 2013

06:00: 06:10:


07:30: 08:30: 09:30: 10:35: 12:40: 13:45: 15:05: 16:55: 19:00: 21:00:

23:00: 00:35:

Movies Now A Christmas Carol Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Heartbeat Columbo Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Poirot Carry on Henry Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Poirot Lewis A rape case appears to be solved when the chief suspect is murdered. But nothing is what it seems. A Touch of Frost Till Death Us Do Part

08:30: 09:25: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 12:35: 13:35: 14:35: 15:35: 17:35: 18:35: 19:00: 19:30: 22:30: 23:35: 23:50: 00:45: 01:35:

06:15: 06:40: 07:00: 07:25: 07:50: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:15: 11:45: 14:30: 16:20: 19:00:

20:00: 21:00: 23:00: 00:00:

Bottom Knocker Street Fort Boyard ITV News Storage Hoarders Sunday Side Up Sunday Scoop ITV News and Weather Inside the National Trust Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel Show Me the Telly Midsomer Murders Harry Potter: Behind the Magic ITV News London Coronation Street Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Sex, Lies and a Very British Scapegoat ITV News and Weather The Cube Rugby Highlights The Store

UEFA Champions League Greatest Finals Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers TT 2013 TT 2013 Ax Men Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty All Quiet on the Western Front Paths of Glory Nevada Smith ITV’s Year of Sport Ned Boulting looks back over the great sporting moments on ITV over the past 12 months. Rugby Highlights Burn after Reading Chris Eubank: Sports Life Stories Public Enemies

Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

07:55: 08:25: 09:00: 09:30: 12:30: 12:55: 13:25: 13:55: 14:20: 15:25: 16:25: 16:30: 18:25: 18:55:

21:00: 22:25: 00:20: 01:15:

06:00: 07:05: 07:15: 07:40: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:20: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:20: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20:

Jamie’s Money Saving Meals Jamie’s Money Saving Meals Jamie’s Money Saving Meals Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons Kirstie’s Crafty Christmas A Great British Christmas with Sarah Beeny Channel 4 News Scrooged The Snowman Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian Homeland Never Let Me Go Alan Carr: Chatty Man American Football Live

Home Shopping Carpool The World of Stupid Criminals The World of Stupid Criminals Man v Food World’s Most Dangerous Roads Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food QI Would I Lie to You? Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing World’s Most Dangerous Roads QI Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Crackanory QI Would I Lie to You?

06:00 08:25: 08:40: 09:00: 09:15: 09:45: 09:55: 10:15: 11:15: 12:15: 13:50: 15:35: 17:25: 18:40: 20:55: 21:00: 22:50: 01:30:

06:00: 07:30: 08:30: 09:00: 10:30: 12:30: 15:30:

18:30: 18:45: 19:00: 23:00: 23:15: 23:30: 23:45: 00:00: 01:00:

Children’s TV Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Toby’s Travelling Circus The Mr Men Show World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers My Family and Other Turkeys with Nigel Marven Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish Hats Off to Christmas It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas The Muppets and Lady Gaga at Christmas The Family Man 5 News Weekend The Bible Far and Away Super Casino

19:00: 20:20: 21:40: 22:00:

Saturday Night Football: Match Choice Game Changers FL72 The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Ford Super Sunday Ford Super Sunday Swansea City v Everton. Swansea City entertain Everton at the Liberty Stadium in this Barclays Premier League clash. Darts Gold Darts Gold World Darts Championship Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Football World Darts Championship

06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 06:45: 07:00: 08:00: 11:30: 11:45: 12:00: 12:15: 12:30:

22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:05: 00:30: 00:50: 01:15: 01:45:

11:00: 13:00: 14:40: 16:50: 19:10: 21:00: 23:05: 01:00:


17:30: 21:00: 00:30: 00:45: 01:00:

Doctor Who Madagascar Merry Madagascar Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Sweat the Small Stuff Bad Education

My Neighbour Totoro Jumper Rat Race Earthquake Crocodile Dundee The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 Don’t be Afraid of the Dark Grave of the Fireflies

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold La Liga Big Bash Cricket Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold World Darts Championship Day ten of the 2014 PDC World Darts Championship from London’s Alexandra Palace. (Dolby Stereo, Widescreen. NFL This series profiles some of the most significant and spectacular players in the history of American football. NFL NFL Football Gold Football Gold Ford Football Special

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


23 December

M o n d ay - T V 06:00: 09:00: 10:00:

Breakfast Snow Queen Shrek: Donkey’s Carolling ChristmasTacular 10:05: Ella Enchanted 11:35: Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 12:10: Only Fools and Horses 13:00: BBC News at One 13:30: BBC London News 13:40: The Santa Clause 15:15: Toy Story 16:30: A Christmas Carol 18:00: BBC News at Six 18:30: BBC London News 19:00: Celebrity Mastermind 19:30: A Question of Sport 20:00: EastEnders 20:30: Would I Lie to You? 21:00: John Bishop’s Christmas Show 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:25: BBC London News 22:35: Match of the Day 2 23:35: Citizen Khan 00:05: The Graham Norton Show




11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:05: 16:15: 17:15: 18:15: 19:15: 19:45: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 01:10:

I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Trials +Tribulations I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Best of the Bush I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Crown Jewels Boyzone at 20: No Matter What Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Jeremy Kyle Show The Xtra Factor The Xtra Factor You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Ant and Dec’s Christmas Show Peter Andre: My Life at Christmas Celebrity Juice Pitch Black Celebrity Juice

06:00: 06:20: 07:20: 08:20: 08:50: 09:20: 11:05: 12:05: 13:05: 14:05: 15:05: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 22:20: 23:05: 23:35: 00:35: 02:00:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:05: 08:10: 10:10: 12:00: 14:05: 16:15: 17:45: 18:55: 20:00:

22:00: 23:00: 00:05:


This is BBC Two Natural World Food and Drink Tom Kerridge Cooks Christmas The Culture Show The Bishop’s Wife Westminster Abbey Operation Iceberg Operation Iceberg Equestrian Secretariat Flog It! Celebrity Eggheads The Great British Bake Off The Good Life University Challenge Jane Eyre QI XL Never Mind the Buzzcocks Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve Witchfinder General Film 2013

Movies Now The Upper Hand George and Mildred The Royal Tom Brown’s Schooldays Northanger Abbey Agatha Christie’s Poirot Jane Eyre Christmas Lights The Darling Buds of May Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders A burglar known as ‘The Creeper’ terrorises Midsomer as Barnaby and Jones investigate the murder of a dinner party guest at upper-crust Chettham Park House. Wycliffe Law and Order: UK Lewis

08:30: Lorraine 09:25: Murder, She Wrote 10:25: The Mighty Ducks 12:25: Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel 13:25: ITV News and Weather 13:45: Rod Stewart’s Christmas 14:55: Hulk 17:30: You’ve Been Framed! 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 20:30: Coronation Street 21:00: Gary Barlow: Journey to Afghanistan 22:00: ITV News at Ten 22:20: Panto! 23:45: All Star Family Fortunes 00:20: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:15: 07:25: 09:05: 09:40: 10:10: 12:30:

06:00: 06:10: 06:30: 06:50: 07:45: 08:10: 08:40: 09:40: 10:40:

06:00: 07:10:

11:40: 12:40: 13:40: 14:45: 15:50: 16:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

Movies Now Highway Patrol Highway Patrol Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals The Sweeney The Saint Kojak Magnum, P.I. Dragnet Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men Bundesliga Rugby Highlights Shark Zone

15:40: 16:40: 17:45: 18:00: 18:05: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:25: 23:55: 00:30: 01:00: 01:30:

07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:20: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:55: 23:35: 00:15:

Gary Barlow: Journey To Afghanistan ITV - 21:00 - 22:00


nE of our biggest music stars gary Barlow faces his toughest gig when he heads to the harsh terrain of Afghanistan to perform an exclusive concert for British troops.

The morale-boosting visit sees the X Factor judge spend two days with soldiers, sailors and airmen, both Regular and Reservist, experiencing life on the base and culminating in a one-off performance in front of around 1,000 troops. Travelling around 4,000 miles to Camp Bastion


in Helmand Province, our cameras are granted exclusive access to follow the superstar as he gains an invaluable insight into life in camp for these extraordinary servicemen and women. The singer faces some daunting tasks which see him join the team in the air traffic control tower at Camp Bastion to see aircraft operations in action , step into the driving seat of a huge HET (heavy equipment transporter), head out on a 6am morning run with some troops and even get caught in the midst of a sandstorm which hit the camp.

The Treacle People Valiant That Darn Cat! Father Christmas The Simpsons White Christmas 100 Greatest Toys with Jonathan Ross Deal or No Deal Celebrity Come Dine with Me Christmas Special Channel 4 News The Simpsons Hollyoaks Nigella Bites Christmas Special Food Unwrapped’s Christmas Dinner Heston’s Great British Food Fresh Meat Raised by Wolves Peep Show Peep Show Peep Show Peep Show Peep Show

Home Shopping The World of Stupid Criminals The World of Stupid Criminals Man v Food World’s Most Dangerous Roads Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food QI Would I Lie to You? Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week QI QI

06:00 08:10: 08:25: 08:35: 08:55: 09:05: 09:15: 09:30: 09:45: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 15:10: 17:55: 20:00: 21:00: 23:50: 00:45:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00:

23:00: 00:00: 00:30: 01:30:

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Roary the Racing Car The Mr Men Show Mist: Sheepdog Tales World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Building the Ice Hotel Harvey Oklahoma! Christmas with the Kranks The Gadget Show Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2013 Building the Ice Hotel Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ford Football Special FL72 Football World Darts Championship Game Changers Soccer A.M. The Best Bits FL72 Ford Monday Night Football Arsenal v Chelsea. Arsenal and Chelsea meet at the Emirates Stadium in the Barclays Premier League. FL72 SPFL Round Up Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Ford Monday Night Football

19:00: 19:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:05: 23:25: 00:10: 00:40: 01:05: 01:25:

Great Movie Mistakes 2013 The Santa Clause Gavin and Stacey Bluestone 42 EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Bluestone 42 Family Guy Family Guy The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

11:00: Howl’s Moving Castle 13:25: The Thirty-Nine Steps 15:30: Titanic 19:15: Airplane! A film, which launched a thousand imitators, remains the classic mouldbreaking comedy. 21:00: Star Trek 23:30: Joy Ride 01:20: Berberian Sound Studio

07:00: 11:30: 12:30: 14:30: 15:30:

16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:15: 18:30: 18:45: 19:00:

23:00: 00:00:

World Darts Championship Championship Rugby Ford Football Special La Liga The Fantasy Football Club John Fendley, Paul Merson and special guests from the worlds of sport and showbiz take a light-hearted look at fantasy football. NFL NFL Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold Darts Gold World Darts Championship Day 11 of the 2014 PDC World Darts Championship from London’s Alexandra Palace. NFL NFL

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

24 D e c e m b e r

Tu e s d a y - T V

09:00: 09:30: 10:10: 10:20: 11:45: 13:10: 13:30:

15:40: 17:10: 17:35: 17:55: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:45: 23:30: 23:45: 01:05:

06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:25: 09:15: 10:15: 11:15: 12:15: 12:45: 13:15: 13:45: 15:45: 18:15:

21:00: 23:10: 00:10: 01:10:

The Gruffalo A Cbeebies Christmas Carol Sarah and Duck: Christmas Special The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Only Fools and Horses BBC News The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Toy Story 2 Shrek the Halls BBC News Finding Nemo EastEnders Holby City Last Tango in Halifax Not Going Out Outnumbered BBC News Westminster Abbey: The First Eucharist of Christmas Protocol

Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Free Willy 3: The Rescue The Big Christmas Reunion The Only Way is Essexmas You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium The Lost World Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace The Bourne Supremacy Celebrity Juice A Celebrity Juicemas Carol A Celebrity Juicemas Carol

06:00: 06:50: 07:50: 09:15: 10:15: 12:05: 13:50: 16:15: 18:15: 19:30:

20:00: 21:00: 21:45:

22:45: 23:25: 01:05:

06:00: 06:10: 07:05: 08:10: 08:45: 10:45: 11:55: 14:00: 16:05: 18:00: 20:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 01:00: 01:55:

This is BBC Two Natural World Herbie Rides Again Westminster Abbey An American in Paris Splash Guys and Dolls Fantasia Carols from King’s The Perfect Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special Victoria Wood’s Mid-Life Christmas QI XL Mel Smith: I’ve Sort Of Done Things Comedy Connections The Awakening The Spiral Staircase

Movies Now Duty Free Heartbeat George and Mildred Tom Brown’s Schooldays The Darling Buds of May The Railway Children Pollyanna Carry on Follow That Camel Agatha Christie’s Marple Michael Bublé: Home for Christmas Rising Damp Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Brides in the Bath Bomb Girls Lewis


08:30: 09:25: 11:30: 12:15: 12:30: 13:30: 14:45: 15:45: 17:15: 18:45: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 22:00: 22:15: 23:15: 01:15:

06:00: 06:50: 07:40: 08:05: 09:00: 10:00: 11:05: 12:10: 14:50: 16:40:


21:00: 22:00: 23:10: 01:05:

Lorraine The Christmas Takeover Catchphrase ITV News Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel Steppin’ Out with Katherine Jenkins Gary Barlow: Journey to Afghanistan Fast Freddie, the Widow and Me The Nation’s Favourite Christmas Song ITV News and Weather Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten Christmas Carols on ITV Couples Retreat Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:20: Wilde Stories 07:15: The Bear 07:45: The Nativity Story 09:45: The Big Bang Theory 10:40: The Simpsons 11:40: The Simpsons 12:10: Deal or No Deal 13:10: It’s a Wonderful Life 15:50: How the Grinch Stole Christmas 18:00: The Simpsons 18:25: Hollyoaks 18:55: Channel 4 News 19:00: 19:05: Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas 19:30: The Snowman and the Snowdog 20:05: Big Fat Gypsy Christmas 21:00: The IT Crowd Manual 23:05: The IT Crowd 23:35: The IT Crowd 00:10: The Inbetweeners 00:40: The Inbetweeners 01:10: The Inbetweeners

The Saint Minder Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals The Sweeney The Manchurian Candidate Night Passage British Superbike Championship Review 2013 Every Which Way But Loose Comedy drama about an LA trucker who drives around with a thick-witted partner and an orang-utan he won in a bet, making easy money in bareknuckle fights. Duck Dynasty Benidorm Burn after Reading Children of Men

06:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:40: 17:20: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 02:00:

Home Shopping The World of Stupid Criminals The World of Stupid Criminals Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI Would I Lie to You? Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Mock the Week QI Would I Lie to You? QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 09:05: 09:15: 09:30: 09:45: 10:00: 10:05: 10:40: 11:40: 12:40: 15:00: 17:10: 19:00: 20:00: 21:10: 00:05: 01:05:

07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:15: 11:45: 12:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30:

Children’s TV Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Roary the Racing Car The Mr. Men Show Mist: Sheepdog Tales Chinese Food in Minutes The Dog Rescuers World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers Eddie Stobart’s Christmas Cracker Clash of the Titans Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Scrooge Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas The Muppets and Lady Gaga at Christmas Greatest Ever Christmas Movies Britain’s Craziest Christmas Lights Super Casino

19:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 20:00: Raiders of the Lost Ark 21:45: Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad 22:30: EastEnders 23:05: Family Guy 23:50: Family Guy 00:10: Family Guy 00:30: Family Guy 00:55: Family Guy 01:20: Family Guy 01:40: American Dad!

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Game Changers Ford Monday Night Football Darts Gold World Darts Championship FL72 Barclays Premier League Review Revista de la Liga Ronaldo Premier League 100 Club: Scholes Gillette Soccer Xmas Special Premier League 100 Club: Fowler Premier League 100 Club: Shearer Premier League 100 Club: Scholes Premier League100 Club: Sheringham Premier League 100 Club: Drogba

06:00: 07:00:

11:00: 13:10: 15:15: 17:35: 19:20: 21:00: 23:00: 00:45:

11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 15:30: 16:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 21:30: 22:00:

23:00: 00:00:

Fred Claus Jungle 2 Jungle Escape to Victory Jumper Airplane II: The Sequel Paul Planes, Trains and Automobiles Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

FL72 World Darts Championship Soccer A.M. The Best Bits FL72 Ford Monday Night Football SPFL Round Up WWE SmackDown! World Darts Championship Super League Super Tries Sam’s Team: Super League Special Super League Super Tries Revista de la Liga Scott Minto is joined by Guillem Balague for a round-up of all the matches from La Liga. Barclays Premier League Review Super League Super Tries

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


We d n e s d ay - T V 09:00: The Gruffalo’s Child 09:25: The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper 09:40: Old Jack’s Boat 10:00: Christmas Day: Live from Westminster Abbey 11:00: Chicken Run 12:20: BBC News 12:30: The Princess and the Frog 14:00: Top of the Pops 15:00: The Queen 15:10: BBC News 15:20: Toy Story 3 17:00: Strictly Come Dancing 18:15: Call the Midwife 19:30: Doctor Who 20:30: EastEnders 21:30: Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:05: Michael Mcintyre’s Showtime 23:05: BBC News 23:20: On Christmas Night 23:25: The Vicar of Dibley 00:10: Would I Lie to You? 00:40: Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20: 09:20: 10:20: 11:40: 13:50: 14:20: 15:20: 16:20: 17:20: 17:50: 18:20: 20:30: 23:15: 01:15: 01:50:

Emmerdale Britain’s Got More Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Peter Andre: My Life at Christmas You’ve Been Framed! Ant and Dec’s Christmas Show Peter Pan Emmerdale The Xtra Factor The Xtra Factor The Xtra Factor You’ve Been Framed! New You’ve Been Framed The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Shaun of the Dead Celebrity Juice Through the Keyhole

07:20: 08:50: 11:00: 12:15: 13:20: 14:30:

15:00: 16:15: 17:45: 17:55: 19:40: 20:30: 21:30: 22:05: 23:05:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 08:45: 10:40: 12:30: 14:25: 16:15: 18:10: 20:00:

22:00: 23:50: 01:45:

Herbie Goes Bananas The Red Shoes Carols from King’s Music of the Monarchy with David Starkey Swingin’ Christmas The Perfect Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special Doctor Who at the Proms An Adventure in Space and Time The Queen Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty Christmas Night with the Two Ronnies Morecambe and Wise in Pieces The Tractate Middoth MR James: Ghost Writer QI XL


Movies Now Rising Damp Jesus Christ Superstar Carry on Follow That Camel Carry on Matron Carry on Loving Carry on at Your Convenience Carry on Girls Carry on Again, Doctor Carry on Cleo The Carry On team take on ancient history and the big-budget film Cleopatra. Carry on Up the Jungle Gregory’s Girl Jesus Christ Superstar

06:00: 06:50: 07:40: 08:05:

08:25: 09:25: 11:25: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 15:10: 15:20: 17:15: 18:15: 19:15: 19:30: 20:30: 22:30: 22:45: 01:10:

09:05: 10:10: 12:05: 14:10: 16:10: 20:00:



25 December th

Bottom Knocker Street Dinner Date Santa Claus The Chase: Celebrity Special The Big Christmas Reunion You’ve Been Framed! River Deep, Mountain High: James Nesbitt HM the Queen ITV News Tangled Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Emmerdale ITV News Coronation Street Downton Abbey ITV News and Weather Love Actually Christmas Carols on ITV


The Saint Minder Cheers Goodwood Festival of Speed: The First20 Years Silverstone Classic 2013 Guns of a Stranger Dragnet Smokey and the Bandit II Spartacus Cool Hand Luke Paul Newman gives one of his finest performances as Luke in this superbly acted story about prison life in the late 1940s and one man’s fight against authority. Quadrophenia Energetic story of a young man disillusioned with his life in 1960s London. Benidorm

06:00: 07:15: 07:40:

08:50: 10:25: 12:05: 12:35: 13:05: 13:40: 14:10: 14:45: 15:15: 16:15: 16:20: 16:30: 16:35: 18:15: 20:30: 21:30: 22:35: 23:05: 00:15:

Olive the Other Reindeer James and the Giant Peach Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Snowman The Snowman and the Snowdog The Simpsons Deal or No Deal The Alternative Christmas Message Channel 4 News The Muppet Christmas Carol Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Bear’s Wild Weekend with Stephen Fry Alan Carr: Chatty Man Man Down Father Ted Father Ted

08:00: 08:20: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:40: 15:10: 15:50: 16:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00:

22:55: 23:35: 00:20:

Bear’s Wild Weekend With Stephen Fry

Channel 4 - 20:30 - 21:30 ADvEnTurEr and survival expert Bear grylls returns with another intense and exhilarating Wild Weekend, taking Stephen fry out of his familiar environment on a once-in-a-lifetime expedition to one of the most spectacular mountain ranges in Europe. The actor and comedian is pushed to his limits with a series of incredible challenges. Over the course of two days, high in the Italian Dolomites, Stephen travels on the skids of a helicopter, climbs down a raging 500-foot waterfall, sleeps in a First World War trench and abseils down a towering cliff face.


Stephen and Bear face treacherous conditions as a freak summer snow storm hits the mountains, and Stephen must face up to some of his deepest fears. He also talks frankly about some of the other challenges he has faced over the years, including prison, his body image, bipolar disorder and a near fatal suicide attempt. ‘I want to take him somewhere way out of his comfort zone and way off the beaten track. Where he doesn’t have to be brainy and he doesn’t have to be brilliant,’ Bear says before the weekend. ‘I hope I might let go of some inner demon that has been with me ever since I was a tiny child when I was afraid of sports and afraid of physical activity,’ says Stephen.

Home Shopping Storage Hunters The World of Stupid Criminals The World of Stupid Criminals Top Gear Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Storage Hunters QI QI Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Christmas Special Mock the Week Mock the Week QI

06:00 Children’s TV 06:20: Milkshake! Bop Box 06:25: Milkshake Monkey 06:30: Little Princess 06:40: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 06:55: Thomas and Friends 07:05: Noddy in Toyland 07:15: Peppa Pig 07:20: Peppa Pig 07:30: Toby’s Travelling Circus 07:40: Bananas in Pyjamas 07:50: Tickety Toc 08:05: Scrooge 10:15: Gone with the Wind 14:35: Casablanca 16:40: Greatest Ever Christmas Movies 19:30: Britain’s Craziest Christmas Lights 20:30: Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas 21:30: Michael Jackson’s This is it 23:40: Greatest Christmas TV Moments

14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 20:00: 22:00: 22:15: 22:30: 23:00: 23:30:

Premier League 100 Club: Scholes Premier League100 Club: Sheringham Ronaldo Premier League 100 Club: Fowler Premier League 100 Club: Henry Premier League 100 Club: Shearer Premier League 100 Club: Drogba Premier League 100 Club: Fowler Premier League 100 Club: Henry Gillette Soccer Xmas Special Soccer AM Christmas Special The Making of Messi Spanish Football Gold Ronaldo Premier League 100 Club: Shearer Soccer AM Christmas Special

19:00: 19:10: 20:30: 22:25: 23:20: 00:50: 01:10: 01:30: 02:00:

12:45: 15:10: 16:50: 19:10: 21:00:

23:25: 01:30:


08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:30: 14:30: 15:00: 15:30: 16:30: 17:30: 18:00: 19:30: 21:30:

The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper Madagascar Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Bad Education Bluestone 42

Spirited Away The Lavender Hill Mob Big Fish Chalet Girl Iron Man Robert Downey Jr stars as Tony Stark, the world’s richest and most powerful arms manufacturer and dealer. Troll Hunter The Host

Sam’s Team: Super League Special How Europe Won the Solheim Cup How the Women’s Ashes Were Won Justin Rose: US Open Champion How Europe Won the Solheim Cup My Special Day Tennis Special Andy Murray Tennis Special Rafael Nadal How the America’s Cup Was Won My Special Day Justin Rose: US Open Champion How Europe Won the Solheim Cup How the Women’s Ashes Were Won

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Thursday - TV

06:00: Breakfast 09:00: Room on the Broom 09:25: Mouse and Mole at Christmas Time 09:55: 101 Dalmatians 11:30: Flushed Away 12:50: BBC News 13:00: BBC London News 13:05: Wallace and Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit 14:25: Alice in Wonderland 16:05: Cars 2 17:45: BBC News 18:00: BBC London News 18:05: Gangsta Granny 19:15: EastEnders 19:45: Still Open All Hours 20:15: Death Comes to Pemberley 21:20: Len Goodman’s Perfect Christmas 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:15: BBC London News 22:25: Match of the Day 23:55: Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:40: Skiing Weatherview 00:45: BBC News

06:00: 06:10: 07:00: 07:50: 08:50: 09:50: 11:25: 12:30: 13:40:


19:10: 20:15: 22:00: 23:00: 01:25:

The Hot Desk The Xtra Factor: The Winner’s Story Emmerdale Coronation Street The Xtra Factor The ITV2 Panto Emmerdale Coronation Street Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones You’ve Been Framed! Johnny English Celebrity Juice Hot Fuzz Celebrity Juice

06:00: 06:05: 06:50: 08:35: 09:35: 10:35: 12:05: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:15: 18:15: 19:45: 20:15: 21:15: 22:15: 00:10: 01:30:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:40: 09:30: 11:35: 13:25: 15:20: 17:15: 19:10: 21:00: 23:00:


This is BBC Two Natural World Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo Westminster Abbey Earthflight Pride and Prejudice: Having a Ball Emma Operation Snow Tiger Operation Snow Tiger Final Score You Have Been Watching... David Croft Dad’s Army University Challenge Idris Elba: King of Speed Ben and James Versus the Arabian Desert King Arthur Dracula Jane Eyre

Movies Now George and Mildred Agatha Christie’s Poirot Northanger Abbey Pollyanna Carry on Girls Carry on Cowboy Carry on Up the Jungle Carry on Cleo Carry on Camping Steptoe and Son Fierce Creatures A ruthless tycoon invests in a failing British zoo and insists that profits are increased by replacing fluffy, domesticated animals with creatures with a little more bite. The Likely Lads

07:55: 08:10: 08:25: 09:25: 11:00: 12:45: 13:05: 15:00:

16:00: 16:30: 18:00: 18:15: 19:15: 22:05: 23:05: 23:20: 00:20:

06:00: 06:10: 07:00: 07:55: 08:25: 08:55:

11:00: 12:05: 13:55: 16:15: 18:05: 19:05: 22:00:


26 December th

Bottom Knocker Street Bottom Knocker Street Dinner Date Problem Child The Flintstones ITV News Casper Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Behind the Magic Off Their Rockers The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 I Am Britney Jean ITV News Through the Keyhole The Affair of the Necklace

Movies Now The Saint Minder Cheers Cheers British Touring Car Championship 2013 Review The Sweeney Paths of Glory The Last Sunset Guns of a Stranger ITV’s Year of Sport Kelly’s Heroes Public Enemies Action thriller set in the Great Depression about notorious bank robber John Dillinger, who stole from big businesses but never ordinary citizens and became something of a folk hero. The FBI assigns ace agent Melvin Purvis to hunt Dillinger down. Mad House

06:15: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 10:30: 13:05: 15:35: 16:35: 17:35: 18:05: 18:15: 18:20: 21:00: 23:05: 00:10: 02:00: 05:55:

06:00: 07:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:20:

Mysterious Island The Morning Line Frasier Frasier The Big Bang Theory The King and I Channel 4 Racing Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Independence Day Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2013 Alan Carr: Chatty Man Machete Legend Suburgatory

Home Shopping Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 08:25: 08:35: 08:55: 09:05: 09:15: 09:30: 09:45: 10:45: 11:45: 12:45: 14:55: 17:15: 19:15: 20:15: 21:15: 00:10: 01:10:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 09:15: 09:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 15:00: 17:00: 19:15: 21:30: 22:15: 23:45: 01:15:

Children’s TV Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures Roary the Racing Car Mist: Sheepdog Tales World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas World’s Most Pampered Pets High Society Meet Me in St. Louis The Wizard of Oz Michael Buble’s Christmas Special World’s Strongest Man 2013 Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs Michael Buble’s Christmas Special Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Game Changers The Making of Messi Fantasy Football Club Xmas Special Premier League 100 Club: Shearer Premier League 100 Club: Drogba Premier League 100 Club: Scholes Football Football Football Football FL 72 Championship Goals Ford Football Match Choice Ford Football Match Choice Ford Football Match Choice

19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:25: 23:50: 00:10: 00:35: 00:55:

11:00: 12:50: 14:40: 16:50: 18:40: 21:00: 22:45: 01:35:

08:30: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00:

20:00: 21:00: 22:00:

22:30: 23:00:

Doctor Who Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Bad Education EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! The Santa Clause

The Spiderwick Chronicles Deck the Halls Young Sherlock Holmes Crocodile Dundee Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Sightseers Man on Fire Joyeux Noël

Cricket The Ashes Highlights How the Women’s Ashes Were Won The Ashes Highlights Cricket South Africa v India 2nd Test D1 (Durban) Highlights. Day one of the second test between South Africa and India from Sahara Stadium Kingsmead. The Ashes Highlights The Ashes Verdict Ashes Modern Classics Shane Warne. A look back into the archives to relive the Ashes careers of ten legends of the modern game. Ashes Extra The Ashes

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013



Samsonite hard shell cas

Job lot of Christmas car


Don't have the right paperwork? Don't speak Spanish? Don't know where to turn? Don't worry! Call 647 057 599 or email

Sanyo microwave in very gud condition....

Green with combination locks good condition...

130+ individually wrapped Christmas cards. A mixture of religious scene and humour. Image shown is not one of the actual cards....

Oven and hob "Corberó" The oven is perfect and can be used alone but the hob glass is broken and only 2 rings can be used. The hob can be repaired, with n...

922 867 478


45 € 922 742 257

10 € 922 783 809

30 € 666 248 656

79 €

House in Chio

3/4 bed

Gas Barbecue

Vespa PX 125/ Disc Brake

exec private air charter

Modern 3 bedroom house, ( Unfurnished ) with new kitchen, Lounge, Dining area, 2 bathrooms, integral garage with electric door. Full roof terrace, and balc...

3/4 bed 180x 135 in very good condition always had mattress protector on collection only...

Grandhall gas barbecue, main cooking area and side gas ring. No gas bottle comes with cover. Buyer to collect from Chio. ...

Vespa PX 125/Disc Brake; 2003; Silver- Retro; Stereo/CD player; Immaculate condition- needs matriculated...

Helijets 365 executive private air charters. Turbo props, jets and helicopter charters to and from worldwide destinations. At Heli Jets 365 we specialize...

922 850 087

00 44 797 992 3869

639 481 064

REF: 3440

REF: 3416

159,000 €

70 €

300 €

2,999 €


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


Classic Music 30 CD

Kitesurfing lessons

Double Bed

Tenerife Postcards

Baby buggy

Classic Music – 30 CD Full set of 30 CD’s with a selection of the best Classical music composers. Chopin; Beethoven; Vivaldi; Bach; Mendelssohn; ...

English and Russian kitesurfing lessons in El Medano. IKO cert. School. Equipment rentals and storage. Обучение кайтсёрфингу на р...

Double bed with mattress ,two side tables,in gud codition....

500+ very good quality picture postcards of Tenerife....

MACLAREN "QUEST" Baby buggy in good condition. Tenerife south, Adseje...

689 008 644

REF: 3444


922 783 809

666 248 656

25 €


200 €

60 €

19 €

Water Heater

Child's play house

Audioline Phone Answerer

baby dress


I bought this Water Heater but never used it as my plumber found the fault on my old one, I intending keeping it but need cash for Christmas. Contact Allan...

Childs play house. Good condition. Only used inside....

Audioline 937 Compact "Remote Access" Digital Answering System with hands free speakerphone and LCD display. Memory Dialing Last number redial ...

baby dress hand knitted in lemon and pink trimed with lace and all new will fit 0-3mth...

Pool table, 7 ft x 6 ft. Full slate bed. 6 ft x 3 ft playing surface. Professional size. Full ball return feature, not coin operated. Maple with chrome...

657 061 961


689 008 644

922 725 059


45 €

60 €

25 €


950 €


X Box 360

JD Surf Board

Child's slide

Dining Table

this is a little white outfit to fit 0-3mths, it has bonnet boots and coat with pink bows on ...

X Box 360 with headset and 2 games! Turtle Beach headset, Fifa 12 and Call Of Duty World at War tel. or ...

JD "The Missing Link" Signed and Designed in Tenerife. With plenty of volume for the smaller wave and great pick up and speed for big swells. its the per...

Child's slide. Good condition. Only used inside house...

Oval extending dining table and 4,6 chair set (black)...

922 725 059


686 924 450




150 €

90 €

60 €

150 €

Boxes of Christmas Cards

Lyna oven


Foreign Language Books


23 boxes of Christmas cards. (10 packs of 10 and 13 packs of 12.) Each box contains either a single design of 2 different designs. Image shown is not the a...

Lynx oven,black in colour,very gud condition....

Hyundai H1 2.5TD 9 seater minibus, 10 yrs old, 160,000 km, very good condition and ITV....

Over 200 foreign language novels. Mixture of paperback and hardback. All 2nd hand. Mainly German, Dutch and Scandinavian languages. Perfect for car boot sa...

One and only true jewel in the islands RAV4 2L "Fun Cruiser", 3 doors, PATROL, has wide wheels, spare wheel same, specially designed aluminum wheels, the ...

922 783 809


REF: 3458

922 783 809

922 791 976

30 €

100 €

4,500 €

Braun Electric Shaver

Playstation 3 ( new only two months old ) + 2 dualshock controllers + 14 mostly new games + 5 year worten guarantee incase breakdown replaced with a new on...

Very little used with 6 games good condition...

Brand new and boxed Braun Series 3 shaver with cleaning unit - unwanted gift Would make an Ideal present. Contact Gill ...


922 742 257

922 748 047

Cabinet Doors

PS3 new

2 new ceiling lights in white. Unused and in original packing. Diameter internal 9 cm, external 14 cm. Fitting for normal bulbs or low energy, screw fixing...

3 cabinet doors with pine effect outer finish and white inner,, complete with cabinet hinges. 715mm high Including 40 mm deep aluminium handle across the t...

666 248 656

689 008 644

15 €

40 €

Play Station One

Ceiling Lights New



380 €

10 €

60 €


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

Play Station 3 console

Solac Therma Pedicure

PS3 console with 2 controllers and 10 games! Fifa 12, Fifa 13, Fifa Street, Little Big Planet, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, modern warfare 2 and 3, Need For S...

Solac therma pedicure foot spa, never used the box is damaged. ...


639 481 064

300 €

Personal Vibration Machine Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

Contact: 603 194 568

Local Markets

Pine Table

Pine Table 80 x 80 x 48 H...



9:00 am to 4:00 pm



7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Wednesday Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Fully equipped with all furniture, large office on 1st Floor Coral Mar Square.


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Previously used as a telesales business.


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

30 €

071 467 1776

19 €

Contact 629 487 090 CORAL - COSTA RICAN


I am a sexy, pretty Costa Rican, girl, I lovingly perform sensory massage, with sea salts, mud and hot oil. Then a good natural French until the final penetration.

I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos, and am availble 24hrs a day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Patricia, Venezuelan,

Sexy Blonde. I enjoy everything to the maximum without any limits. I am at Avenida Los Sabandeños behind the BP petrol station in Los Cristianos and available 24 hours a day. Call: 610 127 223

ALEJANDRA - COLUMBIAN I am an erotic, sensual and sexual girl. French natural with deep throat, all kinds of positions, kisses, caresses, Erotic Massage. I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

C a ll: (+ 3 4 ) 6 5 0 4 4 2 6 6 5

CIELO - VENEZOLANA I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages, Anal and Kisses. I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...


Call: (+34) 672 955 326 YENI LOS CRISTIANOS AVAILABLE 24 HRS Venezuelan, Pretty, Hot, Nice Body, Large Natural Breasts, I Can Offer All Services. I am opposite the entrance of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. I Speak Some English. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 610 359 991

MONTZE LOS CRISTIANOS Latina, sexy, beautiful, affectionate, French natural, anal vibrator, very comprehensive, dominant. Fetish Private Apartment infront of Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos

Call: (+34) 687 129 426 or 687 129 687 NATALIA, MULATTO,


Relaxing Massage, Sensitive, Prostate, on a bed with Hot Oil and Sea Salts. French Natural, Positions and Penetration. I am waiting to meet you I am in front of the entrance to the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

605 072 917

(+34) 610 609 086




I am a loving and pretty girl. All ser vices performed, French natural, Positions. I have no limit.. Deep Greek. I am opposite the entrance to the Aguamar Hotel in Los Cristianos I can also come to meet you.

Call: (+34) 665 303 383

Available 24 hrs A Day I am blonde, affectionate, willing to enjoy to the fullest, without limits,

I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 628 895 416

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Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


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Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

“absurd” new Law Will Kill tiki-taka

Tiki-TAkA (commonly spelled tiqui-taca in Spanish is a style of play in football characterised by short passing and movement, working the ball through various channels, and maintaining possession.

As reported last week, Spain’s national sport and unofficial religion is under threat, as a draconian new govern-

ment law includes a rule that prevents the playing of football in ‘non-designated’ areas, and the uproar has begun! A new bill entitled ‘The Citizens’ Security Law’ has been proposed, under this law, fines of up to 600,000 euro for ‘disrupting electoral processes’ or unauthorised demonstrations at strategic government sites such as airports or nuclear plants; 30,000 euro penalties for offences such as burning the national flag; and up to 1,000 euro fines for insulting or threatening police officers. The whole thing seem to be aimed at limiting embarrassment to the government as it operates under difficult circumstances, but it’s all too reminiscent of General Franco’s ‘legacy of order’. However, the law causing the most widespread anger among the young and the old, concerns ‘the practice of games or sporting activities in spaces not designed for this,’ ignore this and

fABiO Capello is the early favourite to be the next Tottenham manager after the club parted company with Andre villas-Boas. Odds at 4/1 with Stan james and Bet victor and as short as 6/4 with Paddy Power are convincing for the italian to become the fifth permanent manager in the last six years at White hart Lane.

Capello is currently in charge of the Russian national team and is planning to help them make an impact at the World Cup in Brazil next summer, but a chance to return to the role of club manager may be too tempting to turn down. Franco Baldini, Capello’s assistant while he was Three Lions

you could be fined between 100 and 1000 euros. So, the country whose street football culture helped a proud nation win back-toback European champions and defending World Cup winners is set to ban kickabouts! It sounds absurd right? Spain midfield maestro Xavi – arguably the best ‘street’ footballer in the world – certainly thinks so. Xavi, who describes himself as ‘a player from the street’, grew up playing on a concrete square in Terrassa, a smallish city near Barcelona. The Plaza del Progreso was his practice ground, and Xavi is furious that Spain’s football future is being limited. “They’ve made it very nice, very modern, but they’ve screwed it up for kids who are like I was — they have no chance of playing football there now,” the Barcelona midfielder said. Like Brazil’s favela football culture and the Dutch obsession with maximising space, Spain’s architectural quirks have helped develop a technical niche within the game. For ‘technical niche’, read ‘tiki-taka’. Kids grow up playing on the little Plazas near their homes, with the small-scale,

makeshift concrete pitches helping fine-tune excellent first touch, close control and short passing. Despite severe unemploy-

fabio to take on Spurs? ex england manager

coach, is already at Spurs as their director of football and a reunion looks the wise option. If the former Real Madrid chief wants to stay with Russia until the summer then former Spurs, Watford and Blackburn Rovers midfielder Tim Sherwood, who is part of the Tottenham management team and highly regarded, could be given an opportunity to show what he can do, he is 6/1 second favourite with Paddy Power and Bet Victor with Swansea manager Michael Laudrup 7/1, Guus Hiddink &/1 and Glenn Hoddle 12/1. Former Tottenham striker Jurgen Klinsmann, currently the USA manager, is interesting at 16/1 with Bet Victor. ment and economic woes, the Spanish people have kept their spirits raised, helped by the success of their football team, and other sportspeople such as tennis star Rafael Nadal. Football loving Spaniards are sure to make the same connections; no street football = less talented future players. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said: “This measure was conceived more to curb dangerous sports like skateboarding or rollerskating in

public zones than to stop children playing football.” So they say but in practice the Spanish police has a strong authoritarian streak and tendency towards heavy-handedness This law could seriously backfire. The Spanish government has already been accused of failing to act against doping in sport for fear of upsetting the apple cart, interfering with the people’s football culture seems like political suicide.

World Cup “group of death” for Spain S

PAin, holland, Chile and Australia have drawn the latest World Cup “group of death”, and the opening game of group B looks like it will a rematch of the 2010 final. in the last World Cup in South Africa, Spain became world champions for the first time, thanks to Andrés iniesta’s extra-time goal, defeating holland in a match remembered for its high emotions, especially from a violent Dutch team.

A so-called “group of death” appeared in the very first World Cup in 1930 in Uruguay. Then, Group 1 featured Argentina, Chile, France and Mexico from which only the winners would progress. Argentina did so by defeating their South American neighbours Chile, 3-1, in the final game. In Spain in 1982 Brazil, Argentina and Italy were the three nations in a secondphase group from which the latter emerged, having beaten the two South American countries. Italy’s 3-2 win over Brazil, after twice going behind and featuring a Paolo Rossi hattrick, remains among the greatest of all World Cup matches. Vicent del Bosque’s La Roja, who are also the double European champions, and Louis van Gaal’s Oranje, kick off the group in Salvador on 13 June at 8pm BST. Holland have never won the World Cup – they lost the 1974 and 1978 finals – and Chile’s best performance was third at their own tournament in 1962, still, England understand the threat Chile can carry after being beaten 2-0 at Wembley last month with Alexis Sánchez, scoring both goals. Spain, with talent like Iniesta, Xavi, David Silva, Álvaro Negredo, Sergio Busquets and Iker Cassillas – will be favourites to top the group, they are also the only nation to claim three consecutive major tournaments – though in Robin van Persie Holland have the leading scorer, during the qualifying phase for European nations, with 11 goals. If Group B is the group of death, England have hardly drawn the Group of Life either. Roy Hodgson’s players will somehow have to plot a route past Italy, Uruguay and Costa Rica if his side are to emerge from Group D, Group G – Germany, Ghana, the USA and Portugal – and Group A – Brazil, Croatia, Mexico, and Cameroon – also look tough.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

fOrMEr heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson has been banned at the last minute from entering the united kingdom, forcing him to cancel a promotional tour for his new autobiography “The undisputed Truth”.

The boxer was supposed to arrive this week for a book signing tour, as well as a Q and A session to be conducted inside a boxing ring. Under new UK immigration rules, anyone with a previous conviction resulting in a jail sentence of more than four years is barred from entering the country. Tyson, 47, served three years of a six-year term in the 1990s after he was convicted of raping a teenage beauty queen, he also has convictions for assault, cocaine possession and driving under the influence. The book publishers, Harper Collins, expecting the tour to generate huge sales had recently posted on Iron Mike’s Twitter account; “So, UK fans, who is brave enough to get in the ring and ask me a question?”


tyson Banned from uK

A spokesperson for the publishers said; “There was a change in the UK immigration law in December 2012 of which we were unaware. For this reason Mike had to change location to Paris to salvage his press obligations for the UK.” The decision will most likely jeopardise a scheduled tour of his one man Broadway show next year, a Home Office spokeswoman said: “We would not comment on the details of an individual case. We reserve the right to refuse entry to the UK to anyone who is convicted of serious criminal offences; in December 2012 we toughened up the rules on entering the UK, replacing the previous discretionary approach with a clearer, stronger framework including mandatory refusals based on the length of, and time since, sentence.” The notoriously troubled athlete was at the height of his career when he famously bit a chunk out of opponent Evander Holyfield’s ear, he also went bankrupt, and sadly lost his fouryear-old daughter in a tragic domestic accident.

murray Crowned Sports personality of the Year

iT WAS no great shock last Sunday when Scottish tennis superstar Andy Murray was named the BBC Sports Personality of the year for 2013. it was a no show for Murray, who was unable to attend the ceremony as he is recovering from disc surgery on his lower back, he did, however, appear via video link in Miami, as he accepted the trophy from Martina navratilova, Murray punched the air and smiled;

“No matter how excited I try to sound, my voice always sounds incredibly boring, but I’m excited right now,” he joked. “That’s just my voice, I’m sorry! I’m very excited right now. Thank you very much, everyone.” Describing Navratilova as “perhaps the greatest tennis player of all time”, Murray also thanked his family for the “sacrifices” they had made for him through the years, then paid tribute to his support team and the voting public. Speaking later on BBC Radio 5 live, Murray added: “There are some amazing

names on this trophy. Anyone who knows me knows I love sport, all different sports. Growing up, I tried so many, I can’t name all of them. There are some pretty special names on here, so it’s nice to have my name on it.” Murray became the first British tennis player to win a Wimbledon men’s single title since 1936 in July of this year. The ceremony was hosted by Clare Balding, Gary Lineker and Gabby Logan, live from the first direct arena in Leeds, other sports figures that were honoured included runner-up Rugby union star Leigh Halfpenny, with jockey AP McCoy in third place, from a shortlist which included Mo Farah, Ian Bell, Sir Ben Ainslie, Chris Froome, Hannah Cockroft, Christine Ohuruogu and Justin Rose Formula 1 driver Sebastian Vettel was named Overseas Sports Personality of the Year following his fourth consecutive world drivers’ championship for Red Bull Racing at the age of just 26. Teenage skeet shooter Amber Hill was named Young Sports Personality of the Year, former recipients include Wayne Rooney, Tom Daley, Ellie Simmonds and Theo Walcott.

British and Irish Lions were named Team of the Year while their coach Warren Gatland took the Coach of the Year title. Retired Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson was honoured with a special Diamond Award for lifetime achievement to mark the 60th anniversary of BBC Sports Personality of the Year. United stars past and present were there to honour Ferguson as Man U fan Russell Watson of sang ‘The Impossible Dream’. Cristiano

Ronaldo also thanked his former manager in a video message, before Sir Bobby Charlton presented the trophy. Sue Johnston led a moving tribute to the late Anne Williams, who was at the forefront of campaigning for justice for the families of those who lost loved ones in the Hillsborough stadium disaster in 1989. The Helen Rollason award was presented to Williams, whose daughter Sara, son Michael and brother Danny accepted the award on her behalf from Alan Hansen.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

tHe SPortS SCene By Colin Kirby

Cd marino goal touch Keeps them Bubbling if yOu are waiting for CD Marino’s impressive form to fade you may have a very long wait. it’s nearly the half way point of the Tercera season and a convincing 4-1 home win over uD Telde kept them in fourth place. They cruised into a 11th minute lead with Murci head-

ing home a Pulido cross, that puts the striker top of the tree for the division with 12 goals. It should have heralded an avalanche, Juanmi was closest but the goalie and defence somehow scrambled the ball away. Telde dug in and even leveled just before half time through Ismael after he pounced on a loose ball. It didn’t take long in the second half for Marino to put

CoLd Snap for Cd tenerife unBeaten run the squeeze on, Balduino held the ball up for Yosimar to regain the home lead and on the hour Pablo netted a third from a free kick. The scoring was completed a few minutes from the finish with Darias heading on for Pulido to make his mark. This Sunday Marino travel to Estrella CF in search of points to keep the promotion pressure on.

Hit 2014 running in La Laguna

iT’S gOOD to have a treat to aim at after a strenuous day so what could be better than a big new years Eve celebration – once you have done a good testing run. That’s the carrot and stick lure of La Laguna where the annual San Silvestre road race helps to see out the old year with 3,000 runners touring the streets of the World heritage site.

The run starts at 6pm from Plaza de Concepcion and takes in two large laps of the historic city. There are plenty of different male and female categories for different ages and as well as small cash prizes there are trophies for the first three in each section. It’s immensely popular so you need to sign up and pay your 8 euros as soon as possible at even if the closing date is 26 December.

ALL gOOD things come to an end and this was the case as a streak of eight games unbeaten was ended at Cordoba with CD Tenerife losing 1-0.

Forsaking his usual cautious away formation, coach Alvaro Cervera started with big guns Ayoze, Aridane, and Suso going for goal but although Tenerife shaded the first half play thy had nothing to show for it on a rock hard icy pitch. Salva Ruiz got the shout for the left back spot with Raul Camara suspended and the Spain under 19 player showed that Raul Llorente has a

tough fight to get his early season place back. The game started to slip away from Tenerife in the second half, Ayoze had the best chance of the game but couldn’t finish off the good build up from Aday and Aridane. Abel was less wasteful for the home side straight after netting the winning goal, there was more than a hint of offside about it but the ref let it stand. Replacing Suso with Chechu was a gamble that didn’t work, both are good flank players but Suso is always a threat with the ball at his feet, Chechu has his best moments from set pieces. Roberto in the visitors

goal was drawing level with Sergio Aragoneses for time played this season but in many ways he has overtaken him, this was another confident display topped with a great late save from Silva. This Saturday night Sabadell are the visitors to Santa Cruz at 7pm, a win would see Tenerife go into the Christmas break nicely poised for an assault on the promotion play off places but they will be aware that Aridane and Ricardo are both one booking away from a suspension. Ayoze Perez has earned a call up to the All Star Segunda game on 30 December in Real Madrid’s Bernabeu Stadium. It’s part of a big charity initiative called Champions For Life. Ayoze will find it a game of three halfs, each 30 minutes long, as East play West. The 6pm game will be televised by TVE and with tickets between 5 and 15 euros it should pull in a good sized crowd. Handy practice for when he leads CD Tenerife out there next season? Well we can always hope.

Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013


CHeLSea YoutH out to Stop atLetiCo madrid tripLe in A few years the star players of real Madrid, Barcelona, juventus, and Borussia Dortmund will look back on the three days they spent in Tenerife in the Arona 7’s Tournament. On 27, 28, and 29th December these clubs will join Europes best under 12 players at the Estadio Olimpico in Playa de Las Americas – and it’s all free to watch.

Chelsea are representing England this year, Liverpool competed last time, but the club to beat are Atletico Madrid, winners for the last two events. The

three game offer from Winning iberostar tenerife

food for all is Santiago del teide goal


iTh footb a l l ’ s n a m e being dragged through the mud it’s great to see it being used as a force for good in Santiago del Teide where the annual football 7’s Tournament is asking for food as a playing fee.

DETErMinED to take their sizzling form through to the end of the year, iberostar Tenerife came back from Madrid with a 85-88 win over Estudiantes. Everyone worked hard to ensure the victory but the key was a powerful second quarter which they took 17-26. Blagota Sekulic was in fine form with 18 points and ably supported by Levi rost on 17, Saul Blanco on 15, and nico richotti on 13. The one bad

spot was an injury niggle picked up by Luke Sikma which will keep him out of the action this weekend.

Christmas brings a good run of home games and the fans can pick up a bargain with a three game ticket. This Saturday 21 December it’s Valladolid in La Laguna at 6pm, followed by Murcia on the home court on 30 December, and Caja Sol on 3 January. One entry fee of 30 euros will cover all games, 24 euros for students and children, or if you get a season ticket holder to buy for you it drops to 15 euros, quite an offer for the ACB, Spain’s top basketball league.

quality of football is always impressive and he likes of Fernando Torres and Iniesta have graced the tournament in past years. Making up the 12 team line up are Granada, Español, Sevilla, Real Sociedad, Valencia, and Paris St Germain, The group stages begin on the morning of Friday 27 at 9.30 am with Barcelona v Sevilla, Chelsea start their campaign at 12.30 against Real Madrid and play Granada at 5.35, their last group game is against Español at 12.30 on Saturday. Then the competition moves on to the knock out event with a final on Sunday 29th December at 7.30pm, last year Atletico beat Valencia in front of a 5,000 crowd. Canal Plus will be showing most games live as well as round ups.

The event takes place on Saturday 21 December at 5pm in Puerto de Santiago. All players should be over 16 and bearing a gift of at least one kilogram of non perishable food. It’s all part of a month long campaign by Santiago del Teide Ayuntamiento (council) called Compartir es Vivir (to share is to live). If you want to pop along to watch, don’t go empty handed.


Tenerife Weekly - 20th December 2013 - 26th December 2013

QuiCK CroSSWord



bird 18. Forensic ID check, ... test (1,1,1) 20. Conform, ... the line 21. Wheat tip 23. Horsey expression, ... up! 25. Young children 26. Spiteful 28. Please reply (1,1,1,1)

30. Be aware of 31. Rabbit relative 32. Shirt shoulder piece 34. Paging device sound 35. Soccer send-off, red ... 37. Uneven (number) 39. Belonging to that 40. Spoil

41. Disc jockeys (1,2) 43. US espionage body (1,1,1) 45. Every single 48. Square solid 50. Fire fuel 51. Atop 52. Bulletin display (6,5) 53. Full of wisdom 54. Glimpse


8. Makes fizzy 9. Leisurely walk 14. Vicious dog 16. Use spade 18. Spoke slowly 19. Countries’ songs, national 22. Invited 24. Ramrod-straight 25. Lock opener

26. Corn on the ... 27. Shrill bark 29. Thin cushion 33. People from Seoul or Incheon 36. Mounts 38. Physician 39. Promissory note (1,1,1)

40. South American parrot 42. One-liners or funny stories 44. Severe pain 46. Healing gel, ... vera 47. Icy rain 48. Lump 49. Dull & tedious person

1. Blueprint 7. Epic tale 10. Comradeship & esprit-de corps 11. Circle parts 12. Dowdy & dull 13. Track event 15. Notion 17. Australian flightless

1. Put in position 2. Earned (bank interest) 3. US rocket agency 4. Auction 5. Entrance (3,2) 6. Smallgoods shop 7. Team

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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