Tenerife weeklyissue 113

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Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


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CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

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Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

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PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1: 147 2: Three periods, 20 minutes each. 3: 6 4: 1948 5: Quinine 6: The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, or The Sleeping Beauty 7: T.S. Eliot (Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, 1939) 8: Oxford (founded 1249) 9: Tate Gallery (Sir Henry Tate of Tate & Lyle) 10: Leonardo Di Vinci, The Louvre 11: Dr. Jekyll

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)


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Issue 113

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SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. All Have Strings 2. They Have Homers 3. Graphs 4. Johnnys 5. Basketball Players 6. They Run 7. Phones 8. Sugars 9. Wrenches 10. Banks 11. Kings 12. Balls 13. They Have Racks 14. Teas 15. Forests




Solutions to this week’s puzzles




Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Well, greetings once again! Another week has passed us by and although it was still a little chilly at times, we avoided the rain, mostly, well where I was! Saying that it’s scheduled for tonight so if it’s raining now, sorry about that! It’s been quite an eventful week for our island, la fiesta de San Sebastian came around again, we’ve got some stunning photos of that, also Tenerife and the Canary islands was

represented at FITUR, the international tourism fair in Madrid, with a view to promoting the island as a modern tourist resort to suit every holidaymaker and continue and improve the record breaking high tourist numbers we achieved last year! As well as fairs and fiestas we have our usual mix of news from various charities, Accion del Sol, Live Arico and this week, a well deserved nod of recognition to BancoTeide foodbank, who don’t seem to get the recognition they deserve. So to features, I’d like to congratulate Linda Barratt her first Home and Gar-

den column was really well received and a welcome once again to Brian Harrison who used to write a lighthearted political column for the old Tenerife Weekly, before we came along and made it nice and shiny! I’m also pleased to announce that we are now featured daily on both Spectrum 105.3 FM and Qfm 94.3 which means, if any potential advertisers are reading, we can now offer a full newspaper and radio ad package! Anyway, plug over, enjoy the read and the week!!

Marc Craig

¡VIVA SAN SEBASTIÁN! A deje was buzzing with over 20,000 pilgrims on Monday as the small town of La Caleta hosted one of the borough’s most popular feastdays, San Sebastián.

Residents from the borough’s multicultural hub mixed with tourists – though the confused group of German ramblers looking at the bus timetable just outside the Church in the San Sebastián plaza were in for a long wait – and many people also brought their pets down for the traditional blessing after midday mass. San Sebastián is one of Adeje’s patron saints and each year his feast day is celebrated through mass, song, and the hugely popular riding of horses down to the at La Enramada beach for a bathe as the statue of the saint is also carried down to the water’s edge. San Sebastián is one of the oldest fiestas in Tenerife and certainly one of the most original, and this year didn’t disappoint the thousands who were there to capture the special moments. Adeje’s councillor for culture, Nayra Medina Bethencourt, said she was delighted with the participation of people from all over the island and beyond, adding that there were noticeably more pets and horse riders than last year. “The feast of San Sebastián has been celebrated here since the 18th century and has always been a celebration of harmonious co-existence. Every year more and more people come to seek

the blessing and protection of our Saint. This is, without doubt, one of the most enjoyed fiestas in South Tenerife, and we are always looking ahead to make sure that future generations continue to celebrate the tradition”. After the trip to the sea, the statue returned to the plaza and the blessing of animals took place, with dogs, cats, turtles, hamsters, birds and goats among the recipients. This year the council also organised a tapas/pinchos competition among the restaurants providing food and drink during the festival, with the public voting. There was a draw, with stalls from Fañabé and Taucho both delighting the public’s taste buds. Other participants in the weekend event included many small local traditional singing groups, and the stand for the Adeje Clean and Healthy campaign was also a draw, with information leaflets on the ongoing campaign available to the public in English, Spanish, German and French as well as presentation dog collars and reusable shopping bags, Mention also has to be made of the excellent work done by all the local security forces. The police kept the streets clear with good humour and friendliness, and the work of the local Civil Protection unit on the beach was perfectly firm but sympathetic to the many members of the public who were jostling for best position as the horses made their way to the water. All in all another great day for people and animals, and I’m already looking forward to next year.

photo courtesy of Ayuntamiento de Adeje


Continued from page 1 by Cliodna O’Flynn

photos by Gerard Zenou.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

NEWS ON THE ROCK The City Council, has reported that the completion of the work of the South Hospital has met deadlines, will create about 250 jobs and will be completed between October and November this year. “We have developed an intense, discreet work,” says the head of the IASS, “which culminated in the funding agreement approved in July and has continued with the modification of the project to adapt the interior of Sociosanitario to the needs of a hospital unit “. Finally, Miguel Ángel Pérez was emphatic in saying that we can be proud of the momentum we have given to a much needed infrastructure. But we will not be satisfied until the citizens of South Tenerife can make an appointment. The president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, this week presented the book ‘History Altavista Refuge’, by the writer Rafael Cedrés. With great accuracy and in great detail he describes the evolution of this infrastructure. During the ceremony, which was also attended by the president, Ricardo Melchior, Ignacio Sabate, and the author himself, Rafael Cedrés, Carlos Alonso, said that “it is a work that embodies the history of the Refuge, how it became a base for scientists working here and also to those who came from different parts of the world.” Ricardo Melchior said that “history Altavista Refuge is an extraordinary work, as it is a reflection of the importance of this infrastructure for all mankind.” The Canary Coalition spokesman in the city of Icod, Francisco González, criticizes, six months after the release of the municipal budget, sporting bodies of the municipality have not yet been able to collect subsidies. González will present a motion to the full in this regard, demanding explanations for this situation. As Gonzalez recalls, “as yet sports organizations have not received subsidies that allow them to partially pay the monitors that ultimately support life of the municipal sports activity with your work, dedication, effort and money.” A situation that makes no sense “and for which we demand answers” so “ask the mayor to detail all the steps taken to give to the sports entities subsidies and that accounts for why nearly seven months later still have not been settled “. Turismo was jubilant that 2013 would pass into the record books for the number of visitors in a complete year – the current record was 10,210,000 in 2011. And, indeed, the Canaries did break the record, with 10.63 million visitors throughout last year, up 421,599 from 2011�s record. The good news was released by the Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo. The biggest markets continue to be Germany, the UK and the Scandinavian countries, but Russia and Italy are increasingly strong. A 21-year-old woman has suffered serious head injuries after falling off a horse at a romería in Chio, in Guía de Isora. The accident happened in the plaza, with the horse appearing to cause further injury to the woman after she was on the floor. Emergency services, together with a doctor and nurse from the local health centre, assisted at the scene and once the woman was stabilized, she was transferred to Hospiten Sur, where she remains in serious condition. The Spanish Meteorological Agency ( Aemet ) issued a yellow alert for yesterday, Thursday, warning of strong winds and high seas across the archipelago. Notices extend until Friday and in Tenerife, the level is raised to amber from 00.00 to 24:00. Widespread areas will be affected at both sea level, the midlands and mountains, with gusts of 60 – 80km / h. And given the wind direction, most affected will be the extreme southeast and northwest of the islands. The Canary islands have only 2.9 spaces in nursing homes per 100 people aged 65 or over. Funding cuts have meant closing 1,192 beds in just one month, December, when a care place disappeared every forty minutes. Making this worse is statistically, a dependent person in the Canary Islands is three times less likely to be cared for by a family member, than a person from anywhere else in Spain.


4th tibetan Culture Week in tenerife


he Fourth Tibetan Cultural Week will take place in Adeje from February 1-11th in connection with the recent inauguration of Dzamling Gar, a new Centre for Tibetan Culture in Playa Paraiso.

The event is free and open for everyone to enjoy a range of popular and traditional Tibetan Arts, especially music and dance. In addition to eating and drinking, singing and dancing, the event will be an opportunity to experience the rich educational and cultural value of this ancient and modern Himalayan heritage. This year’s event will be held in the Centro Cultural Adeje at 7pm on, Thursday, 6th of February, in Plaza San Sebastian in La Caleta, on Friday 7th of February at 6pm on Friday and in Dzamling Gar, which is the world centre for the International Dzogchen Community, during the weekend of 8th and 9th of February, where there will be a series of activities for children between 7 to 12, music concert of Tibetan music, traditional and modern Tibetan dances, table games and much more. All are welcome. To close the event on the 11th of February there will be a special round table discussion in the University of La Laguna with an opening conference of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu followed by a round table with the special participation of guests such as Lama Denys Rinpoche, Giacomella Orofino, Professor of Tibetan Studies in Universidad “L’Orientale” of Naples, the Tanatologist Prof Alfonso Garcia and other illustrious academics. Event Theme The theme of this year’s Tibetan Cultural Event is focused on the Arts in Tibetan Culture, especially through Mu-

sic and Dance and its transition through time, observing the past, present and future of Tibetan culture. The importance of having an event such as this one is to recognize Tibetan Culture as part of the Cultural Patrimony of Humanity and how a culture evolves. The island of Tenerife was chosen to house this event due to its multicultural qualities as well as its natural beauty and climate, as well as being the worldwide centre for the International Dzogchen Community, Dzamling Gar, a Tibetan Cultural Centre. This year´s edition will be held in Centro Cultural Adeje, in San Sebastian Plaza in La Caleta, in Dzamling Gar and culminating at the University of La Laguna. You are invited to come, dance, sing, play, eat and experience a millenary culture and how it has evolved through time, yet keeping its essence and rich cultural expressions. By understanding other cultures we recognize our own and together can enjoy and leave a cultural legacy to the future generations of the world.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


taKe me doWn to tHe paraSite CitY!

S ANyONE else having problems with mosquitoes at the moment? The ones that have been making meals of us lately are monsters, huge fat bellied things the size of houseflies that stubbornly refuse to drop dead, even when sprayed. Curious as to why they are bigger than normal, I consulted the Oracle that is Google –and soon got side-tracked reading about some of the other incredible Parasites we share the planet with, evil, hideous and completely diabolical in the way they go about their cunning plan for complete host domination. Sly, without mercy, they a r e the Bond villains of the natural world, and just like those movie bad guys they use some nefarious ways to achieve their cruel desires. No method is quite as as- tonishing as mind control, check out these manipulative monsters.

“Build Me a Web!” When it’s time to procreate This Costa Rican parasitic wasp, finds a spider, paralyzes it and then lays an egg on its abdo- men. After hatching, the larva wasp will feed on its host. After a couple weeks the larva injects a chemical into the spider, which causes the spider to build a super durable web like none it’s ever built before. The parasite then kills the spider with poison, sucks it dry and builds a cocoon that hangs from the middle of the new web. “Do That Cat!” The single-celled parasite Toxoplasma gondii lives in infected rats, but it needs to be inside a cat’s digestive system in order to reproduce. Rats inherently know the smell of cat urine spells danger. But if a rat is infected it loses its instinctual fear of cat pee. Worse, it makes the rat think it’s sexually attracted to the odor, increasing the chances of its host getting eaten by a cat, so that it can happily complete its lifecycle in its new feline friend.

“Climb That Grass, but Only at Night!” The adult Lancet liver fluke lives in the liver of a cow where it mates and lays eggs, which are excreted in the host’s feces. A snail eats the poo, the eggs hatch in the snail. As a defense the snail walls the parasites up in cysts and coughs up the balls of slime...doing exactly what the parasites wanted it to do. An ant comes along and gobbles up slime balls. The flukes then spread to the insect’s head. When night approaches, the flukes take control. They make the ant climb up a blade of grass and hold tight, waiting to be eaten by a grazing animal. If the ant is still alive at dawn, the flukes release their control and the ant goes about its day like normal (if the ant baked in the sun, the parasite would die, too). At night the flukes take over again and the cycle repeats until the ant becomes cattle food and it starts all over again! “Look like a Berry” When the nematode Myrmeconema neotropicum gets into ants, it does something rather unique: It makes the ant look like a berry. South American ants are black, but they live up in the tropical forest canopy, where there are a lot of red berries. The nematode change the ant’s gaster, (its bum, basically), to look exactly like a red berry. Infected ants are sluggish and walk around with their bums in the air, and are eaten by birds in wants to infect. “Jump to your Death!” As adults, parasitic hairworms live in water and form writhing masses to breed. Grasshoppers and crickets ingest the worms’ larvae when they drink. Once grown, they release powerful mind-controlling chemicals. The evil hairworms force the insect to jump into the nearest body of water, where it drowns. Yes, the hairworms actually cause their hosts to commit suicide. The parasites then escape their deceased host and the cycle begins anew. “Protect Me!” (A Parasite that Induces Love in its Host)

A Brazilian parasitic wasp often infects caterpillars. The eggs hatch and develop inside of the caterpillar. When the larvae emerge from the caterpillar they pupate nearby.The larvae somehow induces a kind of Stockholm syndrome in their former host. The caterpillar host stops feeding, but remains close to its parasites,

By Marc Craig


even covering them with silk. If a predator comes by, it defends the pupating wasps with violent head-swings. “Pulse” The green-banded broodsac, a parasitic flatworm, spends most of its life in the body of a bird which poops out the eggs which a snail eats. In its larval stage, the parasite travels to the digestive system of the snail, where they rapidly reproduce and form long tubes of swollen “broodsacs.” That spread out into the snail’s eyestalks, pulsing green and yellow, causing the snail’s eyestalks to resemble caterpillars. Snails prefer the dark, so they cause the snail to seek out light. Once in the light, the broodsacs twitch, becoming irresistible to birds. “Zombify!” A fungus in Thailand takes over ant brains, compelling them to mindlessly do the fungi’s bidding. Carpenter ants prefer to build nests in the canopy of trees and only come to the forest floor to forage. When fungus infects an ant, the insect becomes compelled to climb down to one of the lower leaves and clamps down with its mandibles until it dies. The fungus consumes the ant’s tissues — all except for the muscles controlling the mandibles — and grows inside of it. The fungal spores fall to the ground to infect more ants. Ants infected by this particular fungus are often called “zombie ants.” “Turn Up the Heat!” The bird tapeworm adult reproduces inside of the intestines of fish-eating water birds. The tapeworm’s eggs get delivered to water in a nice package of bird feces. Once in water, the eggs hatch into their larval stage and get eaten by small crustaceans called copepods. Sticklebacks then eat the copepods. Once inside, it makes the fish seek out warmer waters, which it needs to grow rapidly. The tapeworm can actually get so big that it outweighs its host. It then causes the fish to become bolder and more solitary, thus, easy prey for a fish-eating bird. “Back Off!” Most parasites, manipulate their hosts in ways that make them get eaten; this allows the parasite to complete its life cycle. H. bacteriophora, on the other hand, tells hungry predators to back off. When the nematode infects an insect larva, it gradually changes the color of its host’s body from white to red. This vivid color is a warning color to predators.


Red Berry Ant

Wasp Cocoon


Lancet Liver Fluke


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


CoSta adeJe “SeLLing” touriSm fuLL of eXperienCeS at fitur Local politicians are meeting with airlines with a view to improving connections with the Peninsula


DEJE mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga and the councillor for Tourism, Rafael Dolado Díaz, are travelling to the Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR) taking place in Madrid this week where they will outline the varieity of expieriences possible during a vacation in Adeje.

Active tourism is one of the areas of tourism that is of huge interest to those visiting Costa Adeje, a zone seen as a ‘complete’ destination with a variety of different dimensions to offer all-comers. The mayor says “the profile of the tourist has changed in recent years. You can no longer pigeon hole as we perhaps did in the past, and group them as either sun and beach visitors, or mountain walkers, becuase the same individual visitor will nowadays want to experience many different facets of the destination, from the sea to the mountain tops. The two are not incompatible, and this is the message we want to get across, that in Costa Adeje there is a range of activities that are interesting and of excellent quality, where you can dive to see the turtles or glide with the birds”. As well as this particular line of work, Adeje’s representatives have, along with Turismos de Tenerife, a busy schedule of meetings with the main tour operators, travel agencies and airlines to secure the place of the destination as leader among potential visitors. “We have lined up a number of different meetings with decision-makers in airline

companies to see whether we can improve connectivity with the South of Tenerife and the Peninsula (rest of Spain), as in 2013 national tourist figures dropped, partly as a result of the crisis, and partly because of difficulties finding flights” pointed out the mayor. Earth, wind and sea experiences Within the Costa Adeje tourism offer being brought to Fitur the sea plays a big part, with 17 beaches, many of them offering aquatic sports such as snorkling, kayaking, jet skiing, scuba diving or deep sea fishing. The bottom of the sea provides another source of experiences for tourists, with an amazing landscape under the water, of natural beauty and over 500 sea species. Visitors to Costa Adeje can have a ‘fly-over’ experience, a form of diving which allows novices visit the bottom of the sea hand in hand with professional divers, ‘flying’ over the sea bed and visiting the local species inhabiting this particular part of Costa Adeje. Costa Adeje’s land also offers a huge variety of activities for the tourist in search of something different to do, with bicycle circuits, horse riding, or other rural walks through parts of the borough with different levels of difficulty or signposted rambles, the four most popular of which Adeje council have spent time reconditioning and upgrading. For those interested in sport while on holiday Costa Adeje also boasts the top level training centre, Tenerife Top Training which is frequently used by top class athletes from all over the world. Another of the experiences Costa Adeje

offers that will be promoted during Fitur is the aerial options for tourists. Parapenting is one of the most requested activities by visitors to Adeje, given that the zone has the best climatic conditions for the sport in Europe, where you can jump almost 365 days a year. Tourists who might feel less like high risk sports but still looking for an aerial view of this part of Tenerife can also take a helicopter tour, perhaps a more family-friendly option! Luxury Experiences Luxury will feature again in meetings with tour operators with the 4 and 5 star hotel selection the biggest in Europe, combined with such attractions as Siam Park or Aqualand. Shopping in the top brand commercial centres such as the Plaza del Duque as well as the nightlife complete the offer.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

vivo.11379 ACROSS


CrYptiC CroSSWord

8. Title holder to adjust cap on him (8) 9. Former spouse gets nothing but endless dust in Biblical migration (6) 10. Returning firearms makes you feel so cosy and warm (4) 11. Noel goes round top brass to get award with international status (5,5) 12. Crazy story about Elizabeth the First and some seafood (6)

14. Little Emma got bossy and stamped (8) 15. Turn half-tulips into vegetables (7) 17. Regains financial loss for cup Rose broke (7) 20. Color a doll twice left out in American state (8) 22. Behead dictator for being a devotee at heart (6) 23. A hundred Romans somehow deter Lois from being shut away in a nunnery (10) 24. Move towards tailless comet (4) 25. I get in a mess to light a fire (6) 26. How Astaire’s partner may move when unsure of her feet (8)

7. Rack your brain over what you’re looking at (6) 13. Half-listen Don, it is a painful affliction (10) 1. “Okay, hunt has changed.” “Yes, I’m grateful” (5,3) 16. Where one of the Partridge family may be found 2. Go up to Mississippi for some air pollution (4) on the first day of Christmas? (4,4) 3. Partly hid in nerd’s evening meal (6) 18. Cooked plum cake for beast of burden (4,4) 4. Shunned after bringing buns back to bed (7) 19. Put cage around our bottle (7) 5. Re-writes labels for the French to make more 21. Compel to accommodate (6) attractive for sale (8) 22. In summing up, bad dingo has abandoned Bo (6) 6. Write a letter, giving Commanding Officer the 24. Ileave chief for head cook (4) right to respond (10)


Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


go foodbanks in tenerife mango!


ESPITE the fact that Spain is a mango grower, only Malaga, Granada and our own Canary Islands produce the fruit commercially, and only the Tommy Atkins, Irwin, Osteen, Keitt and Kent varieties can grow in the Spanish climate.

Spain’s domestic production i s insufficient to cover all demand and the country is also unable to produce all year round, which means Spain needs to import mangoes from other countries, a great opportunity for Ecuador. Sources from Pro Ecuador explain:

“Spanish consumers prefer Spanish mangoes, but if they cannot find them, they prefer those of Brazilian and Peruvian origin, which are the most popular,” Spain’s main mango suppliers in 2012 were Brazil, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic and Mexico. Ecuador was 12th in the ranking. The

Unite d States is the main destination for Ecuador’s mangoes with 82% of the total, followed by Canada, the Netherlands, Colombia, Mexico and Belgium. All this talk of mangoes makes me want a smoothie!

by janetanscombe.com


’vE BEEN asked several times about food banks, and can now post that there is an official foodbank organisation in Tenerife, the Banco de Alimentos de Tenerife, familiarly known as Bancoteide. This organisation is a non-profit association founded in 2006, with the specific aim of receiving food from the

Fondo Español de Garantía Agraria ( FEGA ), from private businesses like supermarkets, and from the public. Public donations usually result from the association running specific campaigns but can be made at any time. The food is stored and then distributed to the neediest residents of Tenerife via charita-

ble institutions and official social assistance outlets which have the closest contact with those in need.

Products are collected in the Mercatenerife warehouse in the Polígono El Mayorazgo near Santa Cruz where they are weighed and put through a quality control procedure. They can, however, be donated in local supermarkets which collaborate in “Operaciones Kilo”, or through one

of the affiliated associations So, we can donate food direct to the warehouse, through participating supermarkets (just ask if they are part of “operaciones kilo”), or via any of the affiliated associations on that extensive list. I hope this information helps us all to help those who are in need, and to be assured that our assistance is going to official organisations which will guarantee that it gets through to where it is most needed.

teleférico best teide Spain produCeS 20% energY photo competition of from turBineS

T copyright Eduardo García, photo courtesy of Teleférico del Teide


HE TELEFÉRICO’S photo competition now has a winner, this wonderful photo taken by Eduardo García .

The Teleférico del Teide competition to find the best photo of El Teide was open to anyone, amateur or professional, who has an unedited original photo, and all they had to do was enter their details

by janetanscombe.com and upload the photo on the #LoveTeide tag on Teleférico’s Facebook page All ten finalists, will enjoy the award of an Atardecer y Estrellas en el Teide con el Teleférico (Dusk and Stars on Teide with the Teleférico) for a couple – worth 110 euro per person – and a Teide ascent guidebook. In addition, as overall winner, Eduardo himself will receive an annual bono for the Teleférico del Teide.

HIS IS Spain’s largest wind turbine Arinaga, a five megawatt, 505-foot tall, at the end of a dike on Gran Canaria, and thanks to her and others like her, Spain has become the first country in the world to draw a plurality of its power from wind energy for an entire year. Wind provided enough energy to power about 15.5 million households-20.9 percent of the country’s energy last year and was up over 13 percent from the year before This could signify that Spain, with the rest of the world following its lead, is heading for a future based on renewables. By contrast, the U.S. produced only 9 percent of its energy with renewable

sources last year, and wind accounted for only 15 percent of that. The renewable push also brought down Spain’s greenhouse gas emissions by 23 percent, according to another industry report from Red Electric Espana (REE). Spain also has one of the largest solar industries in the world, with solar power accounting for almost 2,000 megawatts in 2012. That’s more than many countries but still just a fraction of the energy produced by wind in Spain. In 2013, solar power accounted for 3.1 percent of Spain’s energy, according to the AEE report. Still it’s not all good news. At the moment, Spain heavily subsidizes its renewable energy sector, which costs billions of dollars in a country still in the depths of a financial crisis.

10 Rain Doesn’t Put Dampers On Cattle Fair Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


he rain couldn’t put a stop to the traditional neighborhood Cattle Fair in San Juan, Tacoronte

The district was the meeting point for the island winners in one of the oldest cattle fairs of all those held in the Canary

Islands. An event where more than 500 heads of cattle were expected, but due to bad weather this number was lower. But residents gathered despite the rain there, with their pets receiving a blessing by the priest. The event was held in conjunction with the Farmer’s Market during two weekends.

The Fair also had podenco displays, horse racing and XXVI Edition of the village cattle drag contest. It was a great day, both a festive and religious one, full of ceremony such as the processional walk and subsequent blessing of cattle.

Icod de los vinos

Santiago del Teide

Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512

La Orotava

El Sauzal

Granadilla de Abona

El Tanque


C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643


C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de Isora

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El Rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

San Miguel de Abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Live arico news T

he Hiker Missing Since Sunday In Santiago Del Teide Is Found

Animal Aid – Live Arico Supports Other Associations. Next Friday the 31st January on the Top Square, San Blas, Golf del Sur, we will be raising money for the following animal welfare organisations :- Cats Welfare, Adepac refuge, SOS Peludos and MADAT. All do sterling work and we are happy to assist with fund raising. DO come down, the line up is fantastic and includes Kerry Railton, Vici Denton, Cara as Cher, Micky Glamz, Darren Carr, Danny Bianco, Michaela as Tina Turner and Charlie Volare. All hosted by Suzy Q, with a finale by THE SPICE GIRLS......Dont ask.

Just come and have a great night with us, from 8pm until we drop!! Please, if you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals.

The 17-year-old Russian national who disappeared last weekend has been rescued. A passing leisure boat, the Flipper Uno, appears to have spotted him making signals in the barranco Seco area near the Los Gigantes cliffs. A GES helicopter rescued him because access by foot was very difficult. He was flown to the Adeje heliport, and from there transferred to Hospiten Sur where he is said to be fine, and suffering only from minor injuries. 1-12 received a warning from the boat communicating that they were watching a person

asking for help from an inaccessible area nearby la galería del acantilado de los Gigantes, and could be the young walker missing in Masca. The 1-1-2 immediately activated Emergency and Rescue Group helicopter (GES) of the Government of the Canary Islands which during the morning had participated in the search composed of Tenerife, Local Police, Civil Guard , Guardians and land search unit GES. The aircraft moved to the area and after locating the man and moved him to the volunteer fire rescue heliport in Adeje. There, an ambulance crew assessed the individual who had mild injuries and subsequently evacuated to South Hospitén.


Rescued With Mild Injuries

Brandy – Dog of the Week Found abandoned with her sister on Xmas Eve, Brandy now needs a permanent home. As you can see she is delightful, and at just 10 weeks old has already had her first puppy injections. She will be small to medium sized, and our usual adoption fee of 140 euro will include the rest of her injections, chip and sterilisation at 6 months of age. Call Sue on 629 388102 for more information.

photos by Gerard Zenou.

urBan eCoLogiCaL

garden CitY CommunitY

thrown away Like trash


hree Podenco puppies saved, two dead, after being dumped in Los Cristianos basura


AST WEEK the award of individual parcels that are part of the Urban Ecological Garden City Community took place.

This project, in operation since 2012, has, among others, the objectives of improving agroecological production in Tacoronte, recovery of urban areas by improving their appearance, contribution to family self-sufficiency and promoting composting and reducing agricultural and domestic waste. Requirements for accessing the use of a plot located are, you must be a resident of the municipality for more than one year, be physically able to perform agricultural

work, have the current municipal tax payments, be over 16 years of age and may not be a beneficiary of same people who live with someone else who has applied for, or has allotted a plot. The urban garden Watchtower account after this award is at 100% occupancy and the V Centenario is almost fully occupied. With this project the City of Tacoronte through the Department of Agriculture aims to promote citizen participation and eco-development of the municipality in addition to the objectives listed above. This new initiative has generated several neighboring municipalities to request guidance for implementation.

I’ve posted before about Podencos, how they are the most sensitive and intelligent dogs, stubborn, opinionated, but kindly and gentle … all qualities displayed in spades by our own Rosie before she was killed, another victim of the indiscriminate use of poison in these islands by individuals and councils alike. Now, another horrifying story about Podencos is in the news. Policía Local officers in Los Cristianos yesterday saved three Podenco puppies which had been thrown into the basura. Sadly, it was not just three who were chucked away like so much rubbish: two other puppies were not so fortunate, and died, suffocated in the paint-tub-type container in which they were sealed before being disposed of. The three survivors are now in a rescue centre. None of the pups were chipped so unless someone identifies the owner, which is very unlikely, he or she will get away with it … and perhaps even live to do the same again. Arona police say that they can issue fines of up to �600 for dumping animals, but when they are so unlikely to be caught, people who are capable of doing this are hardly going to worry about it. Arona says that it made 47 denuncias for these type of offences in 2013 alone. Per-

haps that’s not enough, and perhaps the council – and others too – might take one lead in animal welfare by educational campaigns, and itself finding some method of pest control that does not involve poisoning pets, strays, and even, as we saw the other day, pigeons. I know I’ve been mixing poisoning and abandonment here, but it is all part of the same mindset – one that should not be allowed to pass without comment, or without protest. For the moment, three Podencos will live, and hopefully will have a happy home, avoiding the fate suffered by far too many of this wonderful breed.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

poLe aLL oVer tHe WorLd


O CELEBRATE the World Pole Sports Championships 2014 and promote Pole Sports across the world, the International Pole Sports Federation, IPSF, has invited Polericise Tenerife to take part in ´Pole 4 Life´ a World record breaking event on Saturday 22nd February 2014. The Aim is to do so whilst raising lots of money for well deserving charities and giving your studios the opportunity to show your local communities what you are all about. There are also prizes up for grabs, including tickets to the WPSC 2014 and everyone who participates will be awarded a


All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

do You roCK?


In 2006 KT Coates organised a charity event to create the first pole related Guinness World Record and raised over £50,000 for cancer charities across the globe. The record currently stands at 206 people, so who can imagine how much higher we could get the figure 8 years since the record was originally set?!? How it works: What we will need is to teach our participants a short, basic routine, Then on the 22nd February we will need to get two adjudicators (they must be people of standing with in the community such as a doctor, teacher or mayor) to supervise and witness us whilst we repeat the routine for 6 minutes. Our recording of the attempt will need to be sent to the IPSF, so that the World Record committee can decide if they will ac-

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife North

TFN Airport (Los Rodeos) Flight info General info

Local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

Hospitals 094 National Ferry Services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 Fred Olsen 922 628 252 Cosmos 922 793 802 Thomas Cook 922 757 409 Thomson 922 798 607 Tourist offices TUI 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TITSA La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 Radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 Arona 922 747 511 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 Adeje 922 715 407

Tour operators

cept or decline each studios participation. There will be 6 of our girls taking part. We currently have over 70 Pole Studios across the world signed up for the event. We have chosen to raise money for various charities including, Macmillan cancer trust, Cancer research uk and World Child Cancer Charity. If anyone would like to get involved you can pop down on the day to witness the event, complimentary drinks will be available. Or you can make a donation on our JustGiving fundraising pages. https://www.justgiving.com/ teams/PolercisePole4life Studio is situated in c/c Tropicana, Calle gran bretana, San eugenio. (opp Jardin tropical hotel)

TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info


Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

Red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424

The Hard Rock Cafe is looking for the next big rock group and is running a competition to find it. The winner will play in Rome in the summer to an audience of more than 40,000. If you think you have what it

takes, the deadline for registration is 27 January. Besides this, the Tenerife winner will win the appearance as supporting act for the official inauguration of the new Hard Rock Cafe in Playa de las Américas in March.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

EVENTS ON T THE ROCK There Will Be Great Buys @ Great Prices, Worth A Visit!!!!!!!!!! The Anglican Church In Los Gigantes shall be selling clothes from 1 euro from the charity shop tomorrow, Saturday 25th from 10am to 2pm. The range of items consists of some new, some named designer tops- tee shirts- shorts---skirts-plus other items. we have a garage full of clothes to sell. The Church Is Self Funding and Helps The Nuns Of Arona Also, Take Blankets and Warm Clothes To The Mountains, For Those Who Are Less Fortunate Than Us. The Department of Youth and Voluntary Initiation promotes physical activity. This week free Zumba classes-aerobics will begin in the Youth House Within the Support Programme 2013-2014 Municipal Services has launched Tacoronte City Council, the Department of Youth and Volunteering starts Zumba and aerobics classes for free in the Youth House Township. A sports instructor will teach students to start physical activity and then continue independently. These classes are held on Tuesdays from 17:45 to 19:00 and Friday from 16:30 to 18:00 and will last a month and a half.


a big-top spectacular for all the family

by janetanscombe.com An artistic journey full of music, rhythm and humour, that will transport the whole family into a magic world. That’s Circolandia, a, interactive spectacular show especially – but not only (!) – for children, and which will be performed for one night only in the Infanta Leonor auditorium in Los Cristianos on Friday 7 February at 8pm. Apart from clowns, attractions include the balloon man, magic, soap bubbles, and tightrope walker Sergio Rueda, finalist in Spanish TV’s Tu Si Que Vales, equivalent I’d say to the UK’s BGT. The big big-top finale will involve everyone on stage … and the public as well! A family show not to be missed, particularly since tickets cost just 5 euro. For more information call 010 (922 761 600 if outside the municipality of Arona).

HE ROW over blue zone parking meters in Los Gigantes is gaining new momentum with a petition raised by the representative of a local business association, Pedro Sacramento, after the recent installation of the base plates for the machines.

Sacremento and his group criticise the installation of parking meters, believing they will adversely affect business in the area. The Regulatory Ordinance approving parking spaces in Santiago del Teide was published in the Official Bulletin of the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in July 2012, but the current petition hopes to bring pressure to bear to stop the now imminent installation of the parking metres in the two main streets of the tourist resort, Calle Flor de Pascua and Calle José González Forte. According to Pedro Sacramento, the group only found out that the next phase of the blue zone was being implemented when they saw municipal workers installing the base plates of the machines. “This particular parking scheme was invented by the local council, after consultation with a small number of ill-informed businessmen from Los Gigantes, in reality, over 60 per cent of local people are totally against this” Sacramento continued: “We blame the Ayuntamiento for a lack of transparency. They chose to meet with only certain entrepreneurs and not the bulk of traders here when they made this decision. “We believe this will only



Los gigantes; parking meters

that refund Your money by newsinthesun.com benefit the few and is a ploy to swell the city coffers from fines imposed for non-compliance.” Meanwhile, Emilio Navarro, local councillor responsible new technologies countered by saying: “This was a topic agreed upon with all business people in Los Gigantes. “In any case the present meters are part of a pilot project, which can be modified to provide better service to local inhabitants and tourists if needed.” Navarro went on: “The main aim of the Council is to revitalize trade in the area. The use of the blue zone meters will not be for tax collection, the motorist does not actually pay for using the service. “The motorist puts a coin in the machine which issues a ticket to be placed in a visible part of their vehicle, the coin will be immediately returned. However parking is for a fixed length of time and once expired they must move the vehicle and cannot return within a given time period “The local police will be responsible for checking the validity of tickets and issuing fines, but I must stress, they main aim is not to collect fine revenue, but to have spaces available at regular intervals,” concluded Navarro.

Parking restrictions will be in force from 9:00 hours to 13:30 and from 16:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday and Saturday 9:00 to 13:30 with no restrictions on Sundays or Public holidays. Fines for non compliance range between 100 and 500 euros. 2 Responses to Los Gigantes; Parking Meters That Refund Your Money Bob Kerr January 21, 2014 at 7:08 pm Personally, I think it is an excellent idea as the majority of the available parking spaces are taken up by shopkeepers, their employees and hotel staff from early morning not to mention residents who park in the few spaces left instead of putting their cars in their garages. As one who has been so frustrated by the lack of spaces on many, many occasions I can assure you that without some sort of parking system how do local businesses expect to have any customers. I have

left the village on many occasions without spending any money as I could not find anywhere to park. Common sense tells you that if you want more visitors to the village you need to provide them with parking spaces! Samantha January 22, 2014 at 4:59 pm I have to say that this system has worked brilliantly on the mainland in the small town of San Pedro de Alcantara. Previously it was almost impossible to park there, but now with the meters in place, there are always spaces. I have discovered numerous businesses and shops that I had never visited before, due to the problematic parking. All the businesses that I have spoken to have an increased volume of customers and are very happy with the meters – however business owners in the metered streets do have an ‘abono’ or discounted rates – which I think is fair.


ENERIFE Sur Lions Club are pleased to announce the latest opportunity for men to be screened for Prostate Cancer and Diabetes at the same time.

If you are over fifty or having trouble with your waterworks, frequent nightly visits, difficulty in passing water etc. you need to be checked for Prostate problems for your own peace of mind. If you are constantly thirsty or tired all the time, you need to be examined for diabetes, these are simple tests that could save your life or at least increase the quality of your life. This is an opportunity not to be missed and offers very beneficial factors, if these diseases are found early they can be successfully treated. We have gained the co-operation

of Excellent Medical whose clinic is on the main road behind the club house on Golf del Sur. They also have the clinic in Los Cristianos alongside the Arona Grand Hotel formally run by Dr. Karen Whittaker. Their medical staff are giving their time and expertise for free but there is a requirement for the blood analisis to be paid for. As in previous years you can phone up to make an appointment in advance or turn up on the day between 8-10.30 am on Monday to Friday, please remember have no food after midnight only a drink of water. The starting date will be Monday 3rd. February 2014 and the finishing date Friday 28th. The specially reduced cost arranged by the Lions as part of their ongoing community awareness campaigns is only 40 euros total for both

screenings, included is a small donation to Lion’s charities. Please make your payment at reception before your screening. Because of the data protection laws you will need to produce your NIE or passport before you are given the results, normally within a couple of days. If the result is abnormal you can discuss it with the on-site doctor but any further treatment would need to be paid for on a private basis or shown to your local GP. Please remember to say that you are attending as part of the Lions Screening to enable you to obtain this very reduced price. Telephone number for Excellent Medical at The Golf del Sur is 922 738 247 and the number at Los Cristianos is 922 798226 all the reception staff speak English, and they are waiting to help you! Don’t miss this opportunity!!


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


tHe CirCuS BringS neW Life to CitY A

NyONE who has seen my postings on various forums knows I am not a lover of the usual Tenerife type market. I like the Farmers markets for fruit and veg, the Mercado Nuestra Señora de Africa “La Recova” in Santa Cruz because it feels authentic and not just there selling tourist tat and knock offs, and last year I discovered by chance a new market. Well it was new to me but has been running for around a year however so far only open one weekend a month, which they were hoping to rectify for 2014. I don´t know if they have managed to do this yet or whether the powers that be

are still debating!

It goes under the theme of circus “El Rastrillo Le Pettite Cirque” and was started as an attempt to revive a forgotten and depressed area in the centre of the city. Initially it got going with about ten stalls and now there are over 40 which are spread between the streets of El Clavel and Pedro Alcantara, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. While the main clientele originally were residents, as word spread and because it is very close to the traditional shopping area of Calle Castillo tourists and cruise passengers are also becoming regular visitors. There is a poster in Calle Castillo to help those who don’t know the area find the market. Lovers of markets cannot help but admire each of the stalls where they can find a variety of antiques, art, clothing, jewellery, books and vintage clothes (even designer) but for me the

real treasures are the handmade products including exquisite soaps which so far I have only been able to find on the internet. What’s more the prices are low so great if you want to take something home on a spur of the moment whim. I like this kind of market; I like to wander through areas that are old. La Clave and the surrounding streets have become an appealing and newly expanding area of downtown Santa Cruz, a mix of entertainment, shops, bars and restaurants that seem to be growing and succeeding after being abandoned for decades. The neighbourhood is the perfect place to spend a day enjoying a new shopping and leisure experience then end up eating at one of its restaurants. Gradually new life and culture is returning to these narrow streets of the city.

by redqueensmusings.wordpress.com

community administration Hestria is a professional company with more than 10 years' experience in conducting the administration of communities which are situated in the south of Tenerife. The staff of the company consists of 4 people, all speaking more than 1 language. Together we speak the following languages: Spanish, English, Dutch, French and German.

We know that transparency is very important. We therefore offer the owners in our communities complete access to the information of their community through our website. On the 24 hour office you can find the announcements of the General Meetings, the minutes, a monthly survey of the income and expenses of the community, see the state of your personal payments of the community fees, internal rules and/or the statutes, insurance policy, etc. In fact, anything you need to know as an owner.

The financial situation of the community has improved significantly since Hestria took over the administration of our complex, with a strong reduction of debtors.

Hestria is a professional company. They always respond immediately to any questions or issues that arise and they look at all viable options, keeping in mind price and quality.

They also publish the community accounts on their website, so nobody has to wonder how the community money is spent.

I would highly recommend Hestria to others!

Robert Hobbs, President Tagoro Park Costa del Silencio

Jim Halliday, President Villas del Duque Fañabe (Adeje)

For more info: www.hestria.es Hestria Administración de Fincas, S.L. Avda. Rafael Puig Llivina, 19 Centro Comercial City Center, local 23 38660 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 795 613 Fax: 922 789 820 E-mail: info@hestria.es


Accion Del Sol

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


tourists With physical disabilities explore their Limits

Weekly News


HIS gorgeous dog was found in Los Cristianos tied to a tree with a suitcase and a box of clothes. The dog also had a ring attached to her collar which is now with the police. This is a very strange case and if anybody has any information on the dogs owners then please do contact the refuge.

The refuge has already seen a large intake of new dogs at the start of this new year so if you are looking for a dog please do come and visit the refuge. There is no charge for an adoption but a donation is This is Bruma, who lives at Accion del Sol Refuge. She has been at the refuge since 2006. She was one of many dogs that arrived at the refuge from Arico when the refuge was first opened. Every year

welcome towards the upkeep of the dogs. Every dog, before leaving the refuge is micro chipped, passported, castrated or sterilised , fully inoculated and has a clean bill of health, giving you peace of mind and your new dog the best start to its new life. she has her injections as well as monthly treatment for heart worm and fleas and any other veterinary care that she needs. This is all made possible by the members of Aktion Tier and there loyal supporters, for that we thank you all. She still waits patiently for a new home but she has made her life at the refuge with a lot of other old unwanted dogs so she has a relatively nice life she just lacks some human contact and would love a walk now and then, if you do have any spare time then please do visit the refuge , you would make a dog or two very happy.

The 4 main dates for events 2014 at the refuge “Acción del Sol” are 04.05.2014 Spring party 06.06.2014 Summer party 05.10.2014 Autumn party 07.12.2014 Christmas party Please remember the new opening times of the refuge from the 1st of February are as follows Opening times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 14:00 – 17:00 Saturday 13.00 – 16.00 The Refuge will be closed

Wednesday, Sunday and on Holidays. Please call 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway The refuge is situated at Poligono De Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are.


T IS the second edition of a trip to Tenerife organized by the Belgian NGO UTurn after the success of the first one, held last summer Tenerife receives next January 31st, a group of tourists with different types of physical disabilities that come to the island to participate in adventure sports and to explore nature. It is the second edition of a trip organized by the Belgian NGO U-Turn-the first on the island took place last summer, whose purpose is to promote the spirit of ex-


ASTOR Bill Jeffrey and Tenerife Family church had a leap of faith and now have an evening service held in the Event Room near the Rendezvous Restaurant in the Winter Gardens Bowling complex. Just before Christmas an open air carol service filled the air with songs, carols and music and the new service was announced to be held in the Event Room.

On the 19th January the first service was held and many people filled the room. A powerful testimony was given by an expoliceman, ex paratrooper with his story of miraculous healings he had witnessed. Pastor Bill gave an uplifting message to residents and holidaymakers. The service will be held at 6.30pm in that room from now on. To celebrate the inaugural service, two long tables of church goers joined the Bistro Bar for a celebratory meal and much chatter and hilarity sealed the successful evening. Any queries contact Pastor Bill

cellence, solidarity and selfesteem of the participants. The dozen tourists who took part in the first edition were so thrilled with the experience, it was considered the most demanding and the best of those held up until then (they had previously been in Nicaragua and Morocco), and the organization requested the repetition of the same “as possible” this year. “We are very pleased that Tenerife is a place that offers options also for these reviews and that the island can we contribute not only to take a few vacation days practicing outdoor activities,

but their own personal development through the various tests and experiences living here and put them in some cases, to the limit of their abilities,” says the president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso. Participants in the 2014 edition suffer blindness, deafness, paraplegia and other physical disabilities. They will be a total of 10, who will join many other members of the expedition doctors, physiotherapists, NGO members and volunteers from U-Turn. The expedition will come to Tenerife on January 31st, the day that will begin their tour of the island from the beach

Porís de Abona. From there, walking or assisted in specially adapted wheelchairs, they will go through some of the most beautiful places of the island such as Vilaflor, El Teide, Los Gigantes or Garachico. Other activities will include kayaking, whale watching and they will sleep in tents for several days until Feb. 7th, the last day of adventure. Tenerife Tourism supports the trip, assisted by the Department of Environment of the Cabildo, the municipalities of Arico, Guía de Isora and Vilaflor, Teide National Park, Civil Protection and HOSPITEN.

TENERIFE FAMILY CHURCH NEW YEAR LEAPS INTO GOLF DEL SUR WINTER GARDENS GOLF DEL SUR Jeffries 609565528 The church website is www.tenerifefamilychurch.org You can watch our Sunday services held at Costa del Silencio online at 10.30am - access this by the main website. The Living Room in the Veronicas area of Playa de las Americas also has a service at 6pm. On 25th January there will be the next Messy church from 5 to 7pm when families from grandparents, aunties, uncles, mums, dads and children are invited to create a crafty mess together, hear a story and sing. A chance to become a child again! The entrance fee includes food will be 4 euros per family or 2 euros for one parent and one child. The next Craft Group will be on Wednesday the 5th February from 11 till 2.30 (a slightly extended afternoon). Please bring a packed lunch and get to know your family crafters while you eat. One man came last time, are there any men who have craft hobbies who would like to join him? This group is held once a month and attracts

between 25 and 30 people. We would love to see you there.

Craft Group Contact Irene Tel 602586565



EASY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

SUDOKU Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the SUDOKU are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

MAINLAND NEWS IN BRIEF A Spanish judge has remanded in custody eight suspects accused of supporting prisoners from the armed Basque separatist group ETA. Police arrested them in raids in northern Spain, the latest blow against ETA, western Europe’s last major armed secessionist group. ETA is blamed for the deaths of 829 people in a four-decade campaign of shootings and bombings for an independent Basque homeland in northern Spain and southwestern France. During their court appearance on Monday the eight refused to answer questions from the judge. One of Britain’s most wanted fugitives has been jailed in Spain for six years and six months. Andrew Moran, 31, of Salford, was sentenced in Madrid after he pleaded guilty to drugs, firearms and road traffic offences while he was on the run. He had been on Crimestoppers’ most wanted list of criminals who were at large in the country. Moran flew out of Manchester Airport on a false passport after he escaped custody in March 2009. A joint operation was launched by Titan (the North West Crime Regional Unit), the National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Spanish national police to locate him. In November 2012, Moran evaded arrest from the Spanish authorities as they set up an armed security cordon around his then flat. He smashed his 4x4 vehicle through the police block and then sped off along the wrong way of the motorway. He was finally detained in a raid at a luxury villa in Alicante in May last year. Two handguns, 60 rounds of ammunition and a machete under his bed were recovered from the property. Tens of thousands of protesters in Spain’s Basque Country defied Madrid last Saturday by holding a mass demonstration marked by tensions over the ETA prisoners. Crowds filled the streets in the northern city of Bilbao in a march for “human rights, understanding and peace”. A judge had banned another demonstration planned to seek concessions for the prisoners, who are dispersed in jails across Spain and France to stop them coordinating. Their families demand they be moved to jails closer to home. Pope Francis’ newly chosen Spanish cardinal, 84-year-old Fernando Sebastian Aguilar, has described homosexuality as a “defect” that can be corrected with treatment, sparking condemnation from gay rights groups. The Spanish archbishop, who, because of his age, will not hold a vote in the conclave that elects pontiffs, said the pope shows respect to all people but is not changing the teaching of the Church. Gay and lesbian rights group Colegas called on the archbishop to retract his comment. “We hope that Fernando Sebastian will correct his words and we note that homosexuality is not a curable disease, but homophobia is,” it said in a statement. One of Spain’s most exclusive hotels has been left devastated by a chimney fire. El Lodge, located in the Sierra Nevada ski resort in the south of the country, has been left entirely gutted by the Wednesday morning blaze. Skiers could only stop and stare as flames engulfed the luxury 500-euro a night hotel from 9:45 a.m. Firefighters from the nearby town of Granada have spent several hours trying to tame the fire. One of the largest gas-powered ships in the world is set to operate in waters between Portsmouth and Spain. Brittany Ferries said the new £225m French-built “cruise-ferry” will be the cleanest and most environmentally-friendly ship in British waters. Its older ferries use heavy fuel oil and the company expects to be hit hard by new European regulations to limit sulphur emissions, which come into force in 2015. Compressed natural gas emits 25% less carbon dioxide (CO2) than marine fuel oil and burns with no smoke. As well as emitting less CO2, compressed natural gas is also free of sulphur and is very low in nitrogen oxide emissions. Brittany Ferries said the vessel will carry 2,500 passengers and will enter service in spring 2017. One of the world’s main counterfeiters of 50-euro bills was arrested in Toledo, where he produced 2,500 bogus bills per day. The counterfeit bills have been rated among the 10 best, in terms of their quality, in Europe, said investigators, who estimate that he produced a total of some 2 million euros ($2.7 million) in fake bills. His bills had crossed the Spanish border and made their way into France, Portugal, Greece, Germany and Romania. The arrested man had built a special homemade stove in his home to dry the 50-euro and $100 bills he put out. Printers, laminators, metallic plates, negatives, inks, presses and thermoprinting machines were among the tools confiscated by police in the home, as well as large quantities of both counterfeit and legitimate currency.


T’S BEEN a while since I’ve had the pleasure of writing the TW political column. OK, it’s been a few years, a change of ownership, and two changes of editors. But now things have settled down at the TW, we’re off again with political news TW style. First and foremost, I’d like to state that this column will not express any political bias. I have many colleagues in many political parties, also a fair share of enemies spread evenly across the right, left and nationalist traits. It’s all nicely balanced, just as politics within Spanish media should be. This week, we begin the countdown of the top 10 of the most famous corrupt, jailed or accused politicians in Spain, past and present. With over 2,000 politicians currently under investigation for fraud, money laundering, misuse of public funds, extortion and many other offences, we apologies to anyone we have missed out, and we’ll try our best to include you at some point in the future. So, let the lawsuits begin, here’s our Hot Five Corrupt Candidates for this week. Nº 10 - Pedro Ángel Hernández Mateo (PP), ex-Mayor of Torrevieja. Convicted

of fraud, falsification of documents and perjury relating to a refuse disposal contract where 9.6 million went astray. He’s about to serve 3 years in prison and is banned from public office for 9 years. Nº 9 - Gregorio Jesús Gil (GIL) (12 March 1933 – 14 May 2004). The famous ex- president of Real Madrid, exmayor of Marbella, famed for his outrageous playboy style parties, fights with reporters, his stint in prison and 28 years banned from public office related to numerous “cash for building permit” charges. Nº 8 – The fairer sex can’t escape this list. There can be absolutely no sexual favorism in this column, so our number eight is the aesthetically pleasing Sonia Castedo (PP), ex Mayoress of Alicante, accused of indirectly receiving cash for contracts, divulging privileged information to contractors, and a few other offences. OK, not the most seri-

Spain Developing Smart Fabric T HE SPANISH Institute of Textile Technology (AITEX) and the Technological Institute of Optics, Color and Imaging (AIDO) has launched a new project to develop textiles that employ fibre optic technology and functional impression known as smart and interactive textiles.

The project is being carried out with support from the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) and through a grant funded by the European Union via its European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The institutes are trying to develop fibre optic sensors that would detect alterations characterized by the radiation produced in the fibre it-


ous offences, the truth is that we just wanted to include her photo to counteract the others. Nº 7 - Jaume Matas i Palou (PP). President of the Balearic Islands from 1996 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2007. In March 2012 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for bribery, misappropriation of funds, misappropriation, perjury, forgery, influence peddling, money laundering, tax fraud and electoral offenses. An impressive list by any standards. Nº 6 - José Blanco López (PSOE).Ex Minister of Public Works and Transport, Senator. Accused and currently being investigated of influence peddling and accepting bribes. Two days after being charged, he was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Carlos III from the then new Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. Next week, the countdown continues (legal action permitting). Who do you think will reach our Nº1 ranking for corruption, money laundering, perjury, theft or fraud? Find out in The “P” Files in next week’s edition of TW.

self to the application of external stimuli such as changes in temperature, pressure, strain, electric or magnetic fields. By using these sensors in different tissues, a series of smart and interactive textiles could be developed that offer endless possibilities, AIDO states. According to AIDO, these interactive textiles could have various applications such as to

measure ground movements in large tracts of land, or architectural elements, for example by creating geotextile fabrics built with these sensors the user would be able to collect data. Clothing made from smart and interactive textiles could provide information regarding the user’s body temperature, heart rate, number of steps and more, AIDO states.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


mad monK’S Hand BuiLt CatHedraL


DEvOTED monk has singlehandedly built a grand cathedral, one brick at a time, a project which so far has taken 50 years.

without construction permits, blueprints, or money, just faith, he has no architecture or construction background. He recently explained: “The principal source of enlightenment has been, before anything, Christ’s evangelism.” The towering Nuestra Señora del Pilar spreads 91,500 square feet. Martinez builds from a vision in his head, taking inspiration from St. Peter’s Basilica to the U.S. White House. He rises before 4 a.m. to gather discarded materials like bricks and tiles from nearby fac-

On an avenue in the Spanish town of Mejorada del Campo, a suburb 13 miles east of Madrid the eccentric former monk has completely alone, and by hand using a mix of donated and recycled materials, constructed his life’s work. Now 88 years old, Justo Gallego Martinez, known as Don Justo, began the project in 1963








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tories and junkyards. At 6 a.m., he brings them to the site to begin his 10-hour workday. So far, after 51 years of work, the cathedral has a library, cloisters, priests’ homes, a baptistry, a crypt, and a towering 200-foot central dome, which took 20 years to build, along with two-dozen smaller towers. He uses old car wheels to shape arches, highway paving blocks to make the plaza, and empty oil drums stacked inside columns. Martinez calls the practice “natural architecture.” But so much still needs to be done, thousands of windows await decoration, spiral staircases lead to no-

where, and the floors and giant dome are still uncovered. Martinez relies mainly on donations to pay for the construction, but he does the labor virtually single-handedly. The ageing “mad monk” or “el loco de la iglesia, plans to work until he no longer can, and then he will bequeath the Nuestra Señora del Pilar to the town’s Catholic bishop in the hopes it will be used as a functioning church.. Martinez once said in an interview: “If I lived my life again, I’d build this church again, only bigger. Twice the size, because, for me, this is an act of faith.”

19 Luxury floating Ban use of Hunting dogs noW steel resort



FLOATING luxury holiday resort that will soon be travelling along the coast of Lebanon, is using 1,200 tonnes of steel plates produced in Spain The self propelled floating resort 74 meters long, 47 meters wide and 36.7 meters high will include a five star hotel with 62 rooms and suites, 70 rooms with a view of the seabed, a roof top restaurant that can seat

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

300 people and a main deck with a capacity to seat 1,200 people as well as many other leisure facilities. Beirut International Marine Industry & Commerce are using the steel which is highly resistant to salt water corrosion to build the underwater structure that will keep the resort above water. Once delivered to Beirut International, the plates were transformed into tubes and cones to support the floating island.


AMPAIGNERS from several animal rights groups have urged Spain to ban the use of dogs in hunting, which they said leads to the abandonment of roughly 50,000 greyhounds each year when they become too slow to hunt with. Greyhounds, known as “galgos”, are used in Spain for hunting, in the same way Canarian Podencos are used here, but when the end of the November-February hunting season comes around their owners often decide they have no further

need for them, many are just abandoned and often starve to death or die in car accidents. Horribly in some cases hunters dispose of their greyhounds by hanging them from trees or throwing them down wells, or they torture poorly performing dogs by breaking their legs or burning them, and sadly again this is mirrored by the treatment of some Podencos here and on the rest of the Canary islands. Beatriz Marlasca, the president of BaasGalgo, an association dedicated to the rescue of abandoned greyhounds, told a news conference. “For them they are not pets, they are

tools just like a wrench is to a plumber, they have no affection for the greyhounds. We either stop this from above or else it will never end. We must eliminate the root of the problem starting by banning hunting with dogs,” Marlasca’s group alone finds homes for around 200 abandoned greyhounds a year in Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Silvia Barquero, the vice president of Pacma, a small animal rights party said: “A ban on hunting with dogs, as already exists in other European nations, would be a measure that would avoid much suffering to all these animals.”

Is 12 A Plus Size?


PANISH clothing giant Mango is facing harsh criticism after launching a plus-size clothing line for women from sizes 12 to 24. The violeta line - which is accompanied by the tag ‘it suits me and I like it’ - is a 400-piece collection available online and in stores now. A Twitter storm has been started by shoppers in Spain and the UK that feel angry at the implication that anything over a size 10 is considered ‘large’. A spokesman for Mango said:

‘In view of the controversy surrounding the launch of Violeta by MANGO, the company would like to reiterate that Violeta by MANGO is a new brand within the group which was created to cover an existing demand in the market by offering a fashion collection in sizes that extend up to 24. What differentiates said brand is the attention to technical details, pattern to pattern and size to size, and the selection of garment materials and fabrics, which have been produced to be more comfortable, feminine and modern. The key characteristic of this line is the personalisation of the collection to a new target market, the re-

sult of painstaking work and effort on the silhouette and pattern of each size.’ The Government and fashion editors have praised the collection, but on social networks, Mango has been accused by of stigmatising women larger than a size 10, and even encouraging eating disorders, along with calls for the line’s withdrawal. One lawyer, Arantxa Calvera, has launched an online petition that already has 57,000 signatures, she says: ‘To consider a size 12 as a plus size is to have a distorted picture of the reality.’ Jenny Willott, Minister for Women and Equalities states:

‘Diversity makes good business sense research shows that plus-size women are frustrated by the poor choice of fashion available to them and embarrassed by retail environments that separate them from other women. I welcome moves by the retail industry to reflect and celebrate the great diversity we have in the UK. I would like to see more retailers doing the same.’ Marie Claire’s editor-in-chief Trish Halpin said: ‘There’s the demand to address the style needs for women of all shapes and sizes. It’s great that Mango are engaging with a larger-sized audience’.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Bamboo towels & Sheets THEy are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Spain fLu outBreaK


PAIN has reported an influenza outbreak where officials said 239 people have been hospitalized, many with H1N1, the strain known as bird flu. Of those hospitalized, nearly seven in 10 cases lead to pneumonia and many require intensive care to recover. Eleven people have died since the start of flu season in


October in the country, fatalities thus far have been limited to the elderly, children or people with chronic medical conditions, worst affected w a s Aragon, where 26 people contracted H1N1 resulting in one death. Health officials have urged at-risk populations like seniors, the young and people who work with either to get a flu vaccination.

Spanish Store plans global domination T

HE Barcelona-based company Desigual, is accelerating its expansion into Europe and other emerging markets. Founded in Ibiza in 1984 by Swiss designer Thomas Meyer – still the company’s sole shareholder – Desigual says its mission is to put at least one item into every wardrobe in the world.

The Spanish fashion label has a reputation for bright garments and bold marketing, such as offering free clothes to shoppers who arrive in their underwear to special sale parties. It now hopes to take the brand into new areas like perfume and shoes. After expanding outside Europe three years ago, it is now targeting sales of 1 billion euros ($1.4 billion) this

year – from about 820 million in 2013 and 440 million four years ago – and plans to add 100 stores a year for the next three years. Managing director Manel Jadraque plans to move Desigual into cosmetics, homeware, sports and shoes in the last two years as well as its drive to open stores in travel locations like airports, train stations and hotels saying: “In the next three years we plan to grow about 20-25 percent a year. The big idea is to double the company every four years. The market for fashion will double in the next 10 years. It is an upgrade for the brand to be in more channels,for a brand, the most important factor is to have presence in the market.” added that he saw room for competition between 20 companies like Zaraowner Inditex , which has grown fast to become the world’s biggest clothing

retailer with more than 6,000 outlets. “We want to focus on fewer countries but on penetrating more,” he said. “Asia is tough. They have different tastes from Europe but South America is doing well.” Desigual, which currently sources about 80 percent of its goods from China and India, plans to increase production in Europe as it seeks to improve quality, he added. He was also very optimistic about the economic recovery in Spain, where Desigual expects to hire 200 of the 1,000 new staff it wants add to its team of 4,000 employees this year: “The Christmas period was the best of the last four years, this crisis transformed the mindset of people in Spain. Companies and managers are focusing on exports … emerging markets, innovation. A lot of things are happening.”

tHe feaSt of Saint antHonY

BOUT 100 km (62 miles) northwest of Madrid, In the village of San Bartolome de los Pinares, Linked to tradition dating back hundreds of years, people jump their horses through bonfires on the narrow cobblestone streets to purify the animals with


the smoke. The cobbled streets were filled with smoke and the clatter of horse hooves last Thursday night as residents marked the eve of the feast day of Saint Anthony, patron saint of animals On January 16th in a tradition dating back 500 years, dozens of horsemen known as Las

Luminarias ride as close as they dare to bonfires that line the street. Some even force their steeds through the centre of the flames. According to ancient tradition, the fiesta is meant to cleanse the horses of disease and bring good luck for the coming year. Animal right groups have condemned the practice, saying the animals suffer, but local resident Borja Ramirez, disagrees:

“Once they get used to it, once they are taught and get used to it, they are very brave.” Pet owners also celebrate San Anton by taking their beloved animals to a church to be blessed during a special mass in Madrid on the feast day of St Anthony, Priests use holy water to bless all creatures great and small, mostly pet dogs, but also birds, mice, turtles, etc.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


“Sleeping” Sun Could Begin a mini ice age


ESEARCHERS who expected 2013 to be a year of the ‘solar maximum’ say solar activity is at a fraction of what they expect, at its lowest for 100 years, and that a mini ice age could on the way. Scientists say conditions are ‘very similar’ to a time in 1645 when a mini ice age hit and warn that the Sun has ‘gone to sleep’ and say it could cause temperatures to plunge The conditions are eerily similar to those before the Maunder Minimum (also known

as the prolonged sunspot minimum), a time in 1645 when a mini ice age hit and continuing to about 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare. It caused London’s River Thames to freeze over, and ‘frost fairs’ became popular. Researchers believe the solar lull could cause major changes, and say there is a 20% chance it could lead to ‘major changes’ in temperatures. Despite Nasa forecasting major solar storms sunspot numbers are well below their values from 2011, and strong solar flares have been infrequent, and last year Nasa warned ‘something unexpected’ is happening

on the Sun’ Solar activity swings back and forth like a simple pendulum in a regular rhythm that repeats every 11 years, known as THE SOLAR CYCLE. At one end of the cycle, there is a quiet time with few sunspots and flares, at the other end, solar max brings high sunspot numbers and frequent solar storms. However, astronomers have been counting sunspots for centuries, and they have seen that the solar cycle is not perfectly regular. Richard Harrison of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire says: ‘Whatever measure you use, solar peaks are coming down, I’ve been a solar physicist

for 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything like this.’ Human activity may be a factor according to Lucie Green of UCL: ‘We have 400 years of observations, and it is in a very similar to phase as it was in the runup to the Maunder Minimum. The world we live in today is very different, human activity may counteract this - it is difficult to say what the consequences are.’ Mike Lockwood of the University of Reading says : ‘We estimate within 40 years there a 1020% probability we will be back in Maunder Minimum territory,’ he said.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Spain Again


PAIN is back in the top 3 in a world ranking of top tourism destinations in 2013 behind France and the United States, after losing the podium to China in 2010.

Tourism Minister Isabel Borrego said : Spain is a ‘world power in tourism and good results were obtained thanks to our tourism sector and efforts made by our companies, which are competitive and able to internationalize and boost the Spanish brand abroad’, Although official data on December is not available yet, the number of tourists who travelled to Spain until November were almost 57.6 million foreigners, already exceeding the 55.4 million tourists who visited China throughout 2013. An estimated 64 million foreign tourists visited Spain last year, according to operators and the sector’s union Exceltur. Official sources have yet to confirm the estimate.

Official data will be published by the ministry on January 27. Tourism revenues and expenditure hit a record high last November with an 8% increase - for a total of 55,896 million euros - compared to the same period last year. Within this optimistic scenario also for the coming year, Fitur, a major expo in the sector, is scheduled to take place this week, although this edition of the fair will also suffer limitations due to the crisis: the expo will be held across an area of 54,000 square metres, 2,000 less than last year and with fewer stands, although the number of operators and tourism firms participating have grown 3%, according to data provided by organizers. An estimated 9,000 companies from 165 countries are expected to participate and 200,000 visitors are awaited with an economic impact on Madrid estimated at around 180 million euros compared to the 10 million allocated for the event.

UK musicians start Spanish olive oil importing G ORDON Simpson and Andy Barker have swapped audiences for olive groves by setting up Isabelina Trading Company to import premium olive oil from Spain.

Former UK musicians from the North East of England, the friend’s new company imports an exclusive range of health-boosting ultra-filtrated extra virgin olive oils from Spain and is developing a range of specialist flavoured oils ranging from butter and truffle to chocolate. Gordon and Andy performed together in the 1980s in local band Eat the Peach and went on to play in a successful U2 tribute band. Gordon later moved to Malaga in Spain where he met his wife Nuria who has family

‘Spaceship’ Spotted on the moon


HE LATEST alien conspiracy to set the internet alight was sparked off by a series of controversial images from Google maps showing a mysterious object on the moon’s surface. Have aliens taken over the moon? Or have we set up a Lunar base that the public aren’t supposed to know about?

The images appear to show a triangular wedge-shaped ‘craft’ with a row of seven light dots along the edge. While it could just be a secret human moonbase, many UFO sites have likened the object to an alien spaceship. The two-sided object was discovered by paranormal researcher WowForReel who posted a video of the finding online, saying: ‘It’s unique and unusual in the area.

Shadow or Ship?


After going there on Google Moon and staring at this thing for quite a long time I can say yes, it is really there, not faked and I have no clue what it is. I found nothing else like it in any of the other craters. Not much to be said other than… it’s there.’ According to Techandgadgetnews: ‘The gigantic shape actually looks like the leading edge of an immense, triangular space ship, similar to, so far, super secret Stealth aircraft technology, but is much larger than any airplane ever built on Earth. To date, no other feature has ever been discovered which matches this shape on the moon, or any other planet observed by satellite or exploratory rover.’ Of course it might just be an optical illusion caused by shadows in a crater, either that or Transformers: Dark Of The Moon was a documentary.

contacts in the olive oil sector. The couple decided to launch their own high-end brand of olive oil in the UK and turned to old friend Andy Barker, who by day co-runs Results Network PR with wife Andrea Thurlbeck in Sunderland. Gordon said: “We have been given an exclusive opportunity to sell a truly unique oil in the UK. Our oils are the first in the country to have undergone a unique ultra-filtration process which ensures all the flavour and health benefits are kept in while the sediments are removed. As soon as we were given this fantastic opportunity, I contacted Andy who has PR experience in the food industry and a wealth of contacts to get things moving. To begin with we are selling product direct to the public through our website www. isabelina.co.uk and through a

network of upmarket delicatessens. When I visited the production plant in Spain, I was blown away by the technology used to create this ‘champagne’ of oils. It is a true mix of thousands of years of olive growing tradition in the Jaen province with the very latest in food technology. All the olives in Isabelina products come from local cooperatives and we can trace every batch down to the ex-

act grove it was grown and harvested. It’s great to team up with an old band-mate in business. One this is for sure – the oil is a thousand times better than our songs were!”

riots in Burgos


ASS protests and unrest in the small provincial city of Burgos in northern Spain, started when construction work began, aimed at converting the main street in working class Gamonal, into an upmarket boulevard. The project, costing 8.5 million euros will eliminate car lanes, reduce free-parking spaces and result in the construction of underground parking, costing 19,800 euros per each parking space for a 40-year lease.

A petition which gathered thousands of signatures was

ignored by the mayor who refused to meet with organisers. When, on January 10, a protest was held, with attempts to prevent machine operators moving in, accompanied by chants of “Gamonal does not want a boulevard!”, the police fired on them with rubber bullets and arrested 17 demonstrators, including one minor, and left two injured. More protests, barricades and police violence took place in the following days. The mayor called in 200 anti-riot police and the Special Operations Group (Grupo Especial de Operaciones, GEO), whose main function is to “counter and respond to terrorism”. On January 15, over 5,000 people demonstrated in Burgos calling for the release of all those arrested and an end to the Boulevard Project. Simultaneously in 48 other

Spanish cities and towns, smaller protests were held, organized through the social networks like Facebook and Twitter, including Madrid, Ciudad Real, Logroño, Oviedo, Seville, Valladolid and Gijón. In Madrid around 1,000 people gathered in central Puerta del Sol square chanting, “We are all Gamonal!” and “Freedom for prisoners in jail for fighting!” In Burgos, a city of 180,000 inhabitants, 32,000 are unemployed. The levels of unemployment have forced thousands of youth to migrate to the larger cities such as Madrid. The Boulevard project is another example of the close link between the construction companies and the ruling parties, which has been revealed in countless corruption cases in the last decade.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

poSH SpiCe Sell v S i Won’t perform WitH tHe SpiCe girLS eVer again.

ICTORIA Beckham, fashion icon, designer, wife of Goldenballs... and very much an ex-Spice Girl.

In the latest issue of Vanity Fair Spain magazine, the 39-year-old singer turned fashion designer admits that the British all-girl band is nothing but the past to her. She reunited with her Spice Girl bandmates during the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, but now Victoria Beckham declares that was her last performance ever as the group’s Posh Spice. Mrs Beckham explained: “I won’t ever do it again. Doing the Olympics was an incredible honor. I was so proud to do it; proud to be British. That was a perfect time to say, ‘That’s great. Thank you to everybody, but no more.’ Sometimes you’ve gotto know when it’s time to leave the party.” “ The Spice Girls were successful because we celebrated women. That’s why I do what I do today,” she added. So, no more Posh Spice then...at least she won’t be singing anymore!

Nigel Hadley, 61, from Pembroke Dock has to repay almost £26,000 of benefits he falsely claimed in the UK after becoming ill. He moved to Marbella in 2000, buying a fisherman’s cottage two years later, but failed to declare that he had it. The court heard how Hadley had left the UK to set up a catering firm in Spain focusing on the market for film schools. He admitted three counts of benefit fraud at a plea hearing and has been warned he faces jail if he fails to comply within six months. Jim Davis, defending, told the court: “He does find himself in a very difficult place as a result of his actions and, of course, he only has himself to blame for that. But in April 2010 he suffered a serious stroke and was unable to work and essentially stayed on in Spain until his money ran out,” However, Hoa Dieu, prosecuting, said Hadley came back to Britain in January


The event, to be held between 6.30pm and 8.30pm at Cramond Beach and Ravenscraig Beach.will link the people of Drylaw, Edinburgh,

2011 and claimed employment support allowance from the benefit agency also applying to his local council for housing benefit and council tax benefit. In all three cases he failed to inform the authorities that he had a property in Spain, despite being asked verbally and on claim forms. It was only when when the work and pension agency sent him an “habitual residency” claim form which specifically asked whether he had any other property that the truth came

out. The combined overpayment Hadley had received amounted to £25,960. Judge Keith Thomas, sentenced Hadley to nine months in prison, suspended for 18 months. He ordered him to pay back the full £25,960 claimed in benefits through the sale of his only asset, the Spanish property. All the repayments must be completed within six months or he will face a jail term.

deViL BaBY terroriSeS neW YorKerS

Balloon tribute planned for tragic toddler as mother is held in prison on 24hour suicide watch. where Mikaeel lived, and those in Kirkcaldy, where he used to stay and where his body was found in woodland. The memorial has been organised by friends Hayley Clements and Cara Cameron as “a send-off for a beautiful boy taken too soon”. Hayley’s husband, Dean Clements, said: “My wife is a new mother and her friend also has children. They thought it would be a nice gesture for people to gather and set off balloons as part of a send-off for Mikaeel, it started on Facebook and now there’s 600 attending from the Kirkcaldy side and 500 heading to Cramond already.” It has been reported that social workers face investigation over Mikaeel’s death after it emerged they were in regular contact with his family before he died. He had not been seen at nursery since Christmas. A spokesman for Fife Council said: ‘There is an ongoing police

Or Face Cell

WANSEA CROWN Court has ordered a Pembroke Dock man to sell his home in Spain to repay a huge benefit fraud bill.


ORE than 1000 people are expected to line the river banks today (Friday) in Edinburgh and Fife to launch balloons today as a tribute Mikaeel Kular, the three-year-old whose body was found in woodland in Fife after his disappearance sparked a major search in Edinburgh. His body was found on Friday night after he had been missing for two days, Mikaeel’s mother Rosdeep, 33, appeared in court on Monday on charges of murder and attempting to defeat the ends of justice.


investigation and we cannot say anything further.’ Mikaeel was reported missing by his mother at 7.15am on the morning of Thursday 23rd after his family awoke to find him missing from the family home. She claimed she put him to bed the night before and was shocked to discover he had disappeared overnight with his coat, shoes and gloves. The child’s disappearance sparked a frenzied search in which hundreds of volunteers took part Hundreds of police officers and neighbours searched desperately for the child for two days before his body was found in woods a few yards behind his aunt Pandeep Kular’s bungalow in Kirkcaldy, Fife – 25 miles from his Edinburgh home. Hundreds of mourners gathered in Edinburgh last weekend to pay tribute to the three-year-old after his body was recovered by police.


ORE than five million people have viewed a video of an animated “devil baby” since it was uploaded to youTube. The terrifying tot has been unleashed upon unsuspecting members of the public, attracted by the sound of crying coming from its pram in New york City as part of a promotion for a new film.

The remote-controlled monster was programmed by special effects experts as a publicity stunt for the found footage horror movie Devil’s Due. Already no stranger to

controversy, the film’s eye-catching original poster art was banned in the states and on the official Devil’s Due website a tab at the top of the page that says ‘Convert.’ That, upon clicking it, you are encouraged to change your religious views on your Facebook page to Satanism, the website promising an ‘exclusive offering’ if you follow the Devil’s orders and show your allegiance to him. The evil baby can be seen driving its pram around the streets of New York, apparently being sick over the pavement, and rudely gesturing at police officers. Devil’s Due was released on Friday, January 17th.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014




Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


‘neknominate’ not So eXtinCt Could Kill You SHarK turnS up!

T HAS BECOME an internet sensation, A Facebook group called ‘valleys neck and nominate’ has attracted almost 1,000 likes, the group posts videos of themselves downing huge amounts of alcohol – including strong lager, vodka and bottles of Jagermeister – before ‘nominating’ someone else to try to outdo them, and experts have warned that people are risking their lives by performing.

Clips include stunts such as ‘Pommy lad destroys a straight bottle in record timing’ a man is seen apparently biting the head off a dead chicken before eating it and people drinking urine and downing a pint of Sambuca., but doctors have warned, something that seems pretty obvious, that the levels of booze being downed could be fatal. One member is seen downing a can of premium Kestrel lager and almost a pint of vodka containing three raw eggs and a cigarette he has just stubbed out on his tongue, he then snorts a spoonful of body building supplement creatine because he wants to get ‘psyched up’ before drinking the disgusting cocktail. Dr Phil White, secretary of the North Wales Local Medical Committee says: ‘This level of drinking is toxic. It won’t just get you drunk but could kill you.’ Janet Roberts, from drug and alcohol helpline Dan 24/7 says: ‘It’s a dangerous game of Russian roulette. Someone could choke on their own vomit,’

A The groups members are mostly young men. And James Varty, acting chief executive of drugs and alcohol charity Kaleidoscope, warned people not to copy the clips. ‘It’s a very concerning game – if it grows in popularity we may well see tragedies,’ he said.

UNIQUE species of shark thought to be extinct for over a hundred years, which was last seen in yemen in 1902 has turned up in a fish market in Kuwait Several specimens of The Smoothtop Blacktip Shark, Characterized by its stocky body, greenish colouring and black-tipped fins was first spotted again in 2008, Decades after scientists determined that the Shark was ex-

python pizza anyone?


restaurant in Florida is serving up pizza topped with python. The Chef decided to top pizza with the fearsome snake after deciding against armadillo and raccoon, at first Mr Daniell reportedly wanted to make ‘roadkill’ pizza that would have been topped with armadillo, possum and raccoon but in the end found it too difficult to get the meat.

Evan Daniell’s restaurant in Fort Myers, Florida told New York Daily News: ‘We’re selling them left and right, it’s a happy accident; it’s about being creative.’ Don’t expect to p a y

pepperoni prices though, because the meat is so costly to source a python pizza costs £28, and if you don’t pay, chef might get one of his reticulated ingredients to squeeze the money out of you! Here’s some more bizarre pizza

toppings-fancy a slice? A heart attack on a plate Crown Crust Cheeseburger pizza is food fit for a king, as it’s the shape of a crown. Miniature flame-grilled beef patties are given pride of place in circular thrones baked into the crust of this pizza, with yet more cheese oozing from the top…. Why has my arm gone numb? in Indonesia, a classic British favourite has found its way on to the pizza base, fish and chips should be wrapped in newspaper, not deep pan! Japan’s Shrimp and Mayo Roll Crust pizza offers a different flavour Christine Castro from Los Angeles is the pizza artist behind this Star Warsinspired pie. This Jedi “Master”-piece is made out of green bell peppers, black olives, mushrooms and cheese Between two large meat pizzas sits a five pound beef burger topped with bacon and a blend of cheeses. The creation, which was made for a Super Bowl party, has gained quite a bit of attention on the Web and the creator is ready to present this

challenge to the Travel Channel’s Man v. Food host, Adam Richman. According to JunkFoodNews.com, this long pizza was prepared by a Chinese chef in Shanghai. At 65-feet in length, it’s believed to be the longest pizza ever made And lastly here’s one for someone after that certain je ne sais quoi, how about frogs leg pizza..... how about NON!

tinct, when the Shark Conversation Society paid a visit to the market and noticed a shark there that didn’t quite look like the others, and more recent analysis has revealed that it was indeed the elusive Smoothtop Blacktip that they spotted. Further investigation at other Middle Eastern fish markets have turned up nearly 50 of the ‘extinct’ sharks, which scientists and shark conservationists hope will allow them to learn more about the species, and possibly even save them from a true extinction.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


anniVerSarY of a tragedY


N 1976, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) unveiled the world’s first reusable manned spacecraft, the Enterprise. Five years later, Columbia travelled into space on a 54-hour mission. Launched by two solid-rocket boosters and an external tank, only the aircraft-like shuttle entered into orbit around Earth. When

the mission was completed, the shuttle fired engines to reduce speed and, after descending through the atmosphere, landed like a glider. The Space Shuttle program was a resounding success.

Ten years later, at 11:38 a.m. on January 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with Christa McAuliffe on her way to becoming the

first ordinary U.S. civilian to travel into space. McAuliffe, a 37-year-old high school social studies teacher from New Hampshire, had won a competition to join the seven-member crew of the Challenger. After months of shuttle training and repeated delays because of weather and technical problems, Finally, Challenger’s launch countdown began and the shuttle lifted off. A mere Seventy-three seconds later, hundreds on the ground, including Christa’s family and many

millions more watching the event on live TV, stared in disbelief as the shuttle exploded in a forking plume of smoke and fire. There were no survivors. The Challenger disaster was the first major shuttle accident. President Ronald Reagan appointed a special commission that included former astronaut Neil Armstrong and former test pilot Chuck Yeager to determine what went wrong with Challenger and to develop future corrective measures. The investigation

determined that the explosion was caused by the failure of an “O-ring” seal in one of the two solid-fuel rockets, which began a chain of events that resulted in the massive explosion. NASA did not send astronauts into space for more than two years as it redesigned a number of features of the space shuttle. In September 1988, space shuttle flights resumed carrying out numerous important missions, such as the repair and maintenance of the Hubble Space Telescope

and the construction of the International Space Station. On February 1, 2003, space-shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon re-entry of the Earth’s atmosphere. All aboard were killed. Despite fears that the problems that downed Columbia had not been satisfactorily addressed, space-shuttle flights resumed on July 26, 2005, when Discovery was again put into orbit. The Space Shuttle was retired from service upon the conclusion of Atlantis’ final flight on July 21, 2011.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



By Marc Craig

‘Ant-Man’ Cast Is Depp Strange? Gets Fans Itching M To See Movie arvel Studios have made some truly inspired casting choices over the past few years, Robert Downey Jnr quite simply is Tony Stark, well known supporting actor Mark Ruffalo finally nailed the hard to translate to the big screen Bruce Banner AKA The Hulk, and Samuel Jackson has made everyone forget that Nick Fury wasn’t originally black. With Paul Rudd getting his antenna


arvel’s phase 2 is starting to gain some serious momentum, Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 have been incredibly well received and next up are Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the highly anticipated Guardians Of The Galaxy, but Marvel certainly aren’t resting on their laurels. The first of their phase 3 projects is already well underway and the casting choices are already generating a lot of excitement Marvel has announced that Michael Douglas has joined the production, which is eyeing an April start. Douglas will play Dr. Hank Pym, the man who in-

vents the technology that makes AntMan’s transformation possible and who, in the comics, was the original Ant-Man, but the movie version will see comedic actor Paul Rudd assuming the role of the diminutive Superhero with the ability to shrink to insect size. With Rudd cast and Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) directing the film, you can bet there’ll be action and plenty of laughs too. Latest casting rumours say that Michael Pena has been approached for the role of a “tough Latino” who has to be ready for a lot of physical play. The studio looked at actors ranging from Javier Bardem to Clifton Collins Jr. The film is slated to hit theatres July 31, 2015.

ready for Ant-man, another piece of casting genius has surfaced on the net. Yet to be confirmed whispers abound that Johnny Depp has been approached to play Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, the magic using Doctor Strange. Despite rumours, his reps say talks aren’t underway, also the film would have to fit in with Depp’s schedule for a fifth ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and ‘Alice in Wonderland’ sequel, but the eccentric sorcerer would certainly fit nicely into the list of the quirky characters like Willy Wonka, Sweeny Todd, Tonto, Captain Jack Sparrow and The Mad Hatter that he is so famous for.

Even more exciting is the way the character fits in with the cinematic universe Marvel is building, with Strange having paired up with Thor and the Avengers, along with Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four to battle enemies in the comicbooks. It’s feasible that Doctor Strange would eventually be featured in an “Avengers” sequel. Do it Johnny or at least ring RDJ and ask him what he thinks, after all, he was barely hireable before Iron Man.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


flesh eating fish return for Second Helping

JanuarY 2014 Friday 24th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 25th January . . . . . . . BURNS NIGHT


Sunday 26th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 27th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 30th January . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 31st January . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience

feBruarY 2014 Saturday 1st February . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 2nd February . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 3rd February . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular

ANOTHER group of swimmers trying to escape the blistering heat in Rosario, Argentina have been attacked by Piranhas, in the same Argentine river where a similar attack by the carnivorous fish occurred last month.

Seventy people were bitten by the shoal of meat-eating fish in late December as they attempted to cool off from the unusually high summer temperatures.

Thursday 6th February . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 7th February . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 8th February . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 9th February . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 10th February . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 13th February . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 14th February . . . . . . . . . Valentine´s Night Saturday 15th February . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 16th February . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 17th February . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 27th February . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 28th February . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience

marCH 2014 Saturday 1st March . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday GALA Night Sunday 2nd March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 3rd March. . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 6th March . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 7th March . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 8th March . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday GALA Night Sunday 9th March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 10th March. . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Thursday 13th March . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates


The vicious creatures, known as palometas, have been attacking bathers throughout the week and at least 10 people have been injured. Attacks in the Amazon basin have been on the increase in recent years. In 2011, a drunk 18-year-old man was attacked and killed in Rosario del Yata, Bolivia. In 2012, a five-year-old Brazilian girl was attacked and killed by a shoal of piranhas, while recurring attacks in Piaui in 2011 resulted in 100 people being injured. Splashing tends to make piranhas more likely

to attack, explaining why children are often injured during mass attacks of these creatures. Palometas are: ‘a type of piranha, big, voracious and with sharp teeth that can really bite.’ They have been known to target humans in Rosario before, with 40 swimmers hurt during a mass-attack in 2008, a combination of hot weather and lower numbers of species such as caiman, which prey on the fish, could be causing the attacks but fatalities are rare.

Beiber arrested

t was only a matter of time, according to Miami Beach police, Justin Bieber has been arrested for driving under the influence and drag racing. The 19-year-old, who failed a sobriety test, is understood to still be in custody. The “Baby” singer was driving a rented yellow Lamborghini when he was stopped early on Thursday morning. Mr Hernandez Miami Dade-Police spokesman Sergeant Bobby Hernandez said that officers saw two cars racing at 4.09am, two vehicles apparently had been used to block off an area on Pine Tree Drive and 26th Street for the drag race. He said the second car was a red Ferrari, and that driver was also arrested. Both

cars were towed. Bieber was taken to the Miami Beach police station to be breathalysed and processed. Bieber’s arrest comes just a week after his California home was raided by police over claims he pelted his neighbour’s house with eggs, causing thousands of dollars of damage, authorities arrested one member of Bieber’s entourage, rapper Lil Za, on suspicion of drug possession.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


Sharples in Session By John Sharples



et’s face it folks! The scientists don’t really know what is happening. They all have their theories about global warming and they certainly seem to make sense.


hat great news. George Michael has announced that he is going to release a new album of music. The CD will be called Simphonica and sadly,

there won’t be a lot of new stuff on it. It’s a compilation of new recordings of his old stuff and some cover versions of other people’s songs. George Michael is capable

of getting us all up to dance. The Wham songs were fantastic dance tracks. What a shame he has chosen another dreary collection of songs. Come on Georgy Boy, you are just what we need to brightn things up a bit!


weather. The last time that the sun was as inactive as it is at the moment was the big freeze when the Thames and various lakes froze over for over two months. There were ice fairs and people seemed to have had a jolly good time. I am sure that history has painted a more romantic picture of what happened at that time. People didn’t live in the lovely houses that they do today and I would suspect that many hundreds of people died as a result of the persistent cold. I don’t believe that scientists really know what is going on at all. It’s all conjecture. They are now saying that they believe that the mini ice age could last as long as 30 years. Watch the heating bills go through the roof!

Just recently though, astronomers have noticed that the sun is a lot less active than it has been for a few hundred years and they believe that another mini ice age will affect Europe. I wish they would make up their minds. I don’t know whether to buy a new parka or a pair of speedos. Mind you, those close to me say that the parka would be preferable, whatever the



bought a new telly a few weeks before Christmas and really enjoyed it ... at first. Now, after only a few weeks, I am totally bored with the rubbish that is churned out. Even the soaps have lost their plots.

There is very little of quality on the box and I despair at things like “Birds of a Feather” which used to be cutting edge and was a big favourite of mine. It is now as sad as George and Mildred. Daytime telly is even worse that i could have expected. Buy a house, do a house up, bake a cake, sell

antiques, feed a family on a fiver, feed people you don’t know, refurbish a bar, decorate a cafe ... etc etc. No thank you! Back to the DVD player for me before all that sad loser rubbish on Britain’s Got Talent and X Factor starts to plumb new depths.



taff at a morgue in Kenya were scared out of their skin when when a ‘dead’ man woke up and started calling for help. Paul Mutora, 24, was wrongly declared dead and sent to the morgue for em-

y friend in the UK, Mr Grumpy has been busy again this week. Here are some of his opinions on recent issues.

balming. When staff investigated noises and found a corpse breathing, they ran off screaming. Paul had been rushed to the hospital in a critical condition after drinking insecticide in a supposed suicide attempt after an argument with his dad.

Dr Joseph Mburusaid that the anti-poison drugs given to Paul may have wrongly given the impression he had died. He said that the effect of atropines can lead to slowing of the heart rate and dilation of the pupils. “These two things lead to the conclusion that he was dead.

“Mr Fred Pring died waiting 42 minutes for an ambulance because the crews were on a MANDATORY REST BREAK, me thinks that just maybe the word mandatory needs looking at .” He is probably right. “The UKIP councillor who blamed recent storms on the Government’s decision to legalise gay marriage, Da-

vid Silvester, who defected from the Tories last year in protest at David Cameron’s support for same-sex unions, claimed he had warned the Prime Minister that the legislation would result in ‘disasters’. He now says “God wants all gay men to repent and be healed””his party has just suspended him ..... hopefully from a great height and by his b***s” And finally, for this week. “Argentina (the country we send 27 million pounds in aid to) hit back at ‘verbal attacks’ by David Cameron

over the future of the Falkland Islands, insisting the threat of British military action no longer inspires fear. Argentina’s foreign minister accused the UK of behaving in ‘an aggressive fashion’ and having ‘no moral authority’ to lay claim to the Falklands. He vowed that Argentina will continue to battle to reclaim what it calls the Malvinas, dismissing Britain as the ‘lion roars but does not inspire fear any more’. That’s it, corned beefs off the menu,that will show them!”


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Aquarius 20 January to 18 February

Watch out for health issues midweek, around the time of the Full Moon in your wellness zone. It might be a good idea to lighten your schedule, if possible, to allow yourself a chance to relax. You’re still in a natural phase when you may want to retreat, so go for it. By the weekend you could be firing on all cylinders once again. Plus, you may have an enthusiastic desire to get ahead with projects that have been on the backburner.

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

Romantic opportunities are highlighted this week. They may have a delightful quality as the Full Moon in your love affairs sector works a little magic on your behalf. Feelings could be intense, especially midweek, so think carefully before making out with someone, especially if there’s a chance you might regret it later. Consider the consequences! Come the weekend, you could be in a mellow mood and ready to kick back and relax after many weeks of seasonal fun.

Aries 21 March to 19 April

You may need to batten down the emotional hatches, as a Full Moon in Cancer could bring feelings to the surface midweek. It can be a good time to release hurts feelings, but not so good for making important decisions. You might be in a reactive frame of mind, so wait a few days. A relationship may also need careful handling around this time in order to avoid a conflict of interests. Gadgets may inspire you, or you may find a worthwhile cause appealing.

Taurus 20 April to 20 May

A Full Moon in Cancer suggests that your emotions could override logic midweek. Try to avoid tantrums - yours or those of other people - and allow time for things settle before choosing a plan of action. You and a partner may not see eye to eye on a key issue. However, an attempt to compromise may help things along. A focus on your career sector brings opportunities to think outside the box concerning a goal or project. A cutting-edge approach may be your best bet.


Brit Teen

Youngest To Reach


South Pole

EWIS CLARKE a 16 year old from Bristol has arrived in the South Pole, completing his record breaking attempt as the youngest ever person to complete the trek from the Antarctic Coast along the Hercules inlet route.

He began his challenge only 2 weeks after his 16th birthday, during which he faced temperatures as low as -50 centigrade, with winds of up to 190km/hour. Each day he had to ski for an average eight hours a day, pulling the sledge loaded with his supplies. He had practiced by dragging a heavy tyre along the beach, as well as training in the snow in Greenland and Norway. Having traversed 1,100km across the

world’s highest and coldest continent for 48 days, Lewis arrived at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station at 6pm last Saturday evening. In his tent, exhausted but warm at last he said: “I’m really happy but mostly relieved that for the first time in 48 days I don’t have to get up tomorrow and drag my sled for nine hours in the snow and icy wind. Today was really hard, the closer I got to the Pole the slower I went, my legs had had enough. But now I’m here and I’ve had some spaghetti bolognaise and I am sitting in a heated tent.” Lewis is now waiting for the official confirmation from Guinness World Records who will review his evidence to verify if he has beaten the record of 18 year old Sarah McNair from Canada in 2005.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

Finances might need a rational approach, as the Full Moon could coincide with an emotional reaction to a perceived problem. On the other hand, if you’re feeling insecure, you could decide to go on a spending binge, which won’t help matters either. Thankfully, you’re likely feel in your element once the Sun joins Mercury in Aquarius, encouraging you to expand your options and take on a challenge that could involve a pleasant learning curve. Travel may also be on your mind, especially a bargain break!

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

A Full Moon in your sign could mean you’re quite emotional around midweek, so be prepared for movies, music, and the people around you to make you more weepy than usual. There might also be a disagreement between you and another, or even a heightened sense of lust on Thursday. Either way, it might be good for you to let go and share! Toward the end of the week you may find it easier to detach and see things from a more easygoing perspective.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

A dynamic aspect pattern could bring certain tensions into the open, fueled by the power of the Full Moon. If you feel tired and in need of a break, take one and let yourself chill! However, a lively aspect could indicate a developing social scene later, such as a surprise invitation or meeting someone who sparks your curiosity. You may have more success when you work with a partner or on a team once the Sun moves into Aquarius on Sunday.

virgo 23 August to 22 September

You may feel like holding an impromptu party, as the Full Moon in your social zone could set the needle on the social meter higher than usual. Watch out for a spat with a friend - midweek may not be the best time to have words. Health matters come into focus, too, so you might feel like exploring a few alternative remedies or therapies to help keep you in tip-top shape. Cutting-edge ideas may help you get ahead at work.

Libra 23 September to 23 October

Clooney In Spain For Disney Flick

You may notice tension building, which could set you on edge. However, a powerful influence midweek could be the trigger that encourages you to share your feelings, whether it’s appropriate or not. Take it easy and try not to overreact if you can help it. You may be more in your element later as the focus on Aquarius and your romance zone increases. Expect a potential meeting out of the blue and the chance to connect with someone who may be on your wavelength.

Scorpio 24 October to 21 November

Get ready for a feeling fest as a Full Moon in Cancer on Wednesday could highlight emotions that may have been suppressed. If you feel rather weepy around this time, it might help to let go and let it flow. You might feel much better as result. You may also feel like escaping to somewhere peaceful and emotionally nurturing, so a short break might meet your needs perfectly. Plus, a focus on your home zone could provide the perfect retreat, offering a chance to relax and recharge.

Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

As Mars continues through your social zone, you may be getting into the networking habit and enjoying mingling with old and new friends. However, certain tensions may culminate at the Full Moon midweek, which could highlight a personal issue. It may bring relief and release to talk things over with someone. When the Sun moves into Aquarius, you might have more involvement with computers or gadgets, especially if there’s an opportunity for a bargain in the post-holiday sales.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

Venus continues to be retrograde, which could be causing some discomfort in key relationships. However, any insights you get at this time may be a useful guide for what to expect in the future. Watch out for the Full Moon midweek, as it could coincide with intense feelings. Try not to overreact or do anything on the spur of the moment, as you may regret it further down the line. You might find that some retail therapy helps you feel a lot better.


EEMS George Clooney has become the latest go to actor for sci-fi movies, following Gravity to work on his next big science fiction adventure Tomorrowland, for Disney. The movie is named after the futuristic themed lands found at Disney’s various theme parks. George plays a grizzled inventor called Frank Walker, is already being touted as one of the big releases for 2015. It co-stars Hugh Laurie as a baddie called David Nix and 23-year-old Britt Robertson as the movie’s young heroine.

Disney’s synopsis of the new movie is; ‘Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as Tomorrowland.’ Currently filming is taking place in Valencia, having already visited the US, Canada and the UK. Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol and The Incredibles Director Brad Bird, has also been scouting locations for the movie in Paris, according to his Twitter feed.


37 parkle´s S y r r Ba

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

pUGh´S pantrY By Barry pugh

Bit On The Side

BeautifuL food Hellooo Sparklettes! on a Budget! W elcome to another weekly roundup of gosssip !!!

This week was a special one for me as I celebrated my “forever 22nd” birthday this week. I must give a big shout out to everyone who made my special week so special, you know who you are, I really had a great time, Thank you! Anyway, as you probably all know Everton’s A team has been over for their warm weather training – did you know… I had Seamus Coleman who wears the number 23 shirt !!! Thinking it was David Beckham still with his Madrid kit on !!! Not realizing… all I had was an autograph!!!


his might be a new favourite. It SO easy and SO delicious.

You can make this recipe with a pork fillet if desired but the pork loin filet that I bought was almost 1.50 less per Kilo than the fillet. Fillets are leaner and smaller which means you’ll get more surface area in contact with the marinade

and more flavour. But, the pork loin was excellent all the same. Hiper Dino often have offers on Pork loin (Cintas de Lomo). Keep a look out, the price often varies from 6.95 per kilo to a fabulous offer of 2.95 per kilo. When it’s on offer stock up and freeze it down. Just a bit of info - chilli powder isn’t all that spicy so don’t be too afraid. If you look at

the ingredients, it’s actually a mix of spices so it’s not nearly as hot as, say, cayenne pepper. Oh, also, you can let this marinate overnight or while you’re at work for extra flavour. The marinade comes together in just a few minutes so you can easily throw it together and then pick the recipe back up later.

Ingredients: 2 Kilo. Pork loin (Cinta de Lomo) 1 Tbsp. chilli powder 1 medium lime

4 Tbsp. vegetable oil, divided ½ Tbsp. minced garlic 1 Tbsp. soy sauce 1 tsp. Salt


In a small bowl, whisk together the 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil with the soy sauce, chilli powder, salt, lime juice, and garlic. To get the most juice out of your lime, microwave it for about 20 seconds before cutting it open. Place the pork loin in a large zip top bag and pour in the marinade. Squish the mixture around to make sure the loin is completely coated and then refrigerate for one hour or more. When ready to cook, take the pork loin out of the fridge. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Heat a large heavy frying pan or skillet with the remaining 2 Tbsp. of vegetable oil over medium-high heat. When the skillet is very hot and the oil looks wavy on the surface, add the pork loin (do not discard the marinade yet!). Sear both sides of the pork loin until brown and crispy (about 3-5 minutes each side). After searing both sides of the pork loin, place it on a baking sheet or roasting pan. Baste the loin with the remaining marinade and place it in the oven. Roast for approximately 45-50 minutes or until the

juices run clear when you pierce the meat with a fork. Allow it to rest for 5 minutes before slicing. If you think it’s browning just that bit too much. Cover it with a piece of tin foil to stop it burning. This is a great little recipe for a Barbeque. Just allow extra cooking time if you decide to cook the joint out doors on your hot coals!

I don’t mean to Harper on (ooops bit of a Beckham joke there) about Everton but reliable sources tell me that a few unnamed Veronicas workers practically stalked the boys in blue... To the extent that some Sparkle Reefettes managed to get into the changing room before they were apprehended... I hope they were towel whipped… cos word on the street is they love it !!! Speaking of towels, time for my weekly Splash watch !! Comedienne and Su Pollard lookalike Jenny Eclair and sexy Irish Saturday Una Foden, are among the celebrities hoping to join Michaela Strachan and Diversity

dancer Perri Kiely, through to the next round, so, soggy Eclair anyone? Finally the latest BB news is viewers are accusing the show of being faked after it emerged that a crew member had been inside the house holding up cue cards for the housemates during a task. What??? You mean it’s not all total reality??? I’m sooo not shocked !! Half of these “celebrities” can barely string a sentence together without prompting (or an editor)... Mind you... Cue cards must mean at least some of them can read !! Until next week... Keeeep Sparkling !!


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


What’s a commonym you ask?

A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think! 1. A tennis racket - A marionette - An orchestra __________________________ 2. Babe Ruth - Hank Aaron - Marge Simpson ______________________________ 3. Line - Pie - Bar _______________________________________________________ 4. Carson - Bench - Cash ________________________________________________ 5. Bird - Jordan - Magic _________________________________________________ 6. Pantyhose - Candidates - Track Stars __________________________________ 7. Pay - Princess - Cell ___________________________________________________ 8. Cane - Brown - Powdered _______________________________________________________________ 9. Monkey - Box - Crescent ________________________________________________________________ 10. Blood - Piggy - Sperm _________________________________________________________________ 11. Arthur - Kong - Herod _________________________________________________________________ 12. Base - Beach - Billiard _________________________________________________________________ 13. Coat - Spice - Bicycle __________________________________________________________________ 14. Green - Black - Iced ___________________________________________________________________ 15. Rain - Black - Enchanted _______________________________________________________________


Issue 113 - PUZZLES Page 8. Page 16. Page 34. Page 56.


Cryptic Crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword

Answers to the COMMONYMS are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

motorinG neWS


By lingy

first driverless Vehicle goes on Sale T

HE WORLD’S first driverless car to go on sale is an electric shuttle, yours for only £170,000. Induct Technology, a small company based just outside Paris, has beaten the likes of Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota in the race to be first to put a driverless car on sale.

The Navia, an all-electric self-driving shuttle, launched at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week. British company Oxis Energy, who developed the battery have been testing the car as a ferry for visitors to its premises at the high-security Culham Science Centre in Oxfordshire, which is run by the Atomic Energy Authority.

elderly drivers Should Let us Know J A SURvEy of drivers by the AA has concluded that elderly drivers should alert other motorists to their age. Almost half the people questioned said they would leave more space in front and avoid tailgating if they knew they were following a car driven by somebody elderly The Populus survey of 17,629 AA members found that 47 per cent said they tried to give older drivers a wider berth. The figure suggests that signs drawing attention to an “experienced” driver could have a similar effect to the “baby on board” stickers displayed by new parents. Paul Green, of Saga insurance, said: “Anything that tries to encourage politeness on Brit-

ish roads should be welcomed. Driving bumper to bumper is a completely anti-social activity whether driving at 80 or 18.It is great that drivers want to show older people more courtesy on the roads, but it is quite alarming to think that people think it is perfectly OK to harass younger drivers.” One in five also admitted to losing their cool while behind learner drivers. Motorists aged 18 to 24 were least tolerant of learners, with 31 per cent admitting to losing their patience, compared with 15 per cent of over65s.

The Navia finds its way around using laser-based lidar (light detection and ranging) sensors. The sensors give a 200-yard sweep of the road ahead, accurate to within a centimetre, while cameras serve as the shuttle’s eyes. If the Navia detects an obstacle it stops, then decides whether it is safe to proceed and the best way to do go about doing so.

Passengers summon the car using a smartphone and tap their destination into an onboard tablet computer and top speed is restricted to 12.5mph. But don’t anticipate a fleet of robot taxis yet, international regulations prevent driverless cars taking to public roads, and the Navia is as yet unable to recognise traffic signals.

new Black Cab

APANESE CAR giant Nissan has unveiled a new version of the iconic classic London black cab and the company promises that their 1.6 litre petrol-engined tax will be cleaner than the current diesel cabs being used in the capital. Nissan Executive Vice President, Andy Palmer said: “We changed the design of

the car to suit what we believe gives it the right ‘bowler-hat’ look that you would expect to see in London. It’s important because people have to instantaneously recognise the vehicle as a taxi because in London you are hailing taxis so we wanted the look and hopefully we have captured it here.” The company has also ensured that this latest version adheres to the strict Transport for London regulations governing the

capital’s black cabs, known officially as Hackney Carriages, including the required 25-foot turning circle. It goes on sale in London in December.



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

24 J a n u a r y

Friday - TV 09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45: Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 3:40: Doctors 14:10: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 19:00: The One Show 19:30: A Question of Sport 20:00: EastEnders 20:30: Room 101 21:00: Silent Witness 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:25: BBC London News 22:35: The Graham Norton Show 23:25: EastEnders Omnibus 01:15: Weatherview 01:20: BBC News

06:55: 07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 23:10: 00:20: 01:10:

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Take Me Out Two and a Half Men Mom

07:00: 07:45: 08:15: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:05: 00:05: 01:05:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20: 09:30: 09:55: 10:20: 10:40: 11:40: 12:55: 13:55: 15:00: 16:10: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 18:55: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:35:

The Sheriffs are Coming Helicopter Heroes Down Under Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Sacred Wonders of Britain Question Time BBC News The Daily Politics World Indoor Bowls Championships Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys The Great Interior Design Challenge Mastermind An Island Parish Italy Unpacked QI Newsnight A Culture Show Special World Indoor Bowls Highlights Question Time

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Duty Free George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot William and Mary Scott and Bailey The Vice Ray


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:30: 00:25:

06:00: 06:25: 06:45: 07:35: 08:05: 08:35: 09:40: 10:35: 11:40: 12:40: 13:40: 14:10: 14:40: 15:45: 16:50: 17:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 23:15: 01:10:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London Emmerdale Coronation Street The Martin Lewis Money Show Coronation Street Piers Morgan’s Life Stories ITV News at Ten and Weather The Americans Benidorm Jackpot247

07:10: 08:00:

23:05: 23:35: 01:30: 01:35: 05:15:

Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Secret Millionaire Australia Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown My Big Fat Gypsy Holiday Brooklyn Nine-Nine Saw III Random Acts Thirst Deal or No Deal

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers Ray Mears’ Close Encounters Sudden Death Hard Target Minder

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:

Home Shopping Driving Wars The Gadget Show The Gadget Show Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Trawlermen Trawlermen Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Trawlermen Trawlermen Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Suits Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week QI Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week QI

09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:10: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00:

06:00 08:35: 08:50: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:20: 15:15: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 23:30: 00:00:


Children’s TV Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Winter Road Rescue 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Murder 101: College Can be Murder Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Ultimate Police Interceptors Caught on Camera Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Celebrity Big Brother Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00: Ringside 10:00: Coppa Italia 11:00: Copa Del Rey Football 12:00: Ringside 13:00: Barclays Premier League World 13:30: Copa Del Rey Football 14:30: Football Gold 15:00: Ringside 16:00: Copa Del Rey Football 17:00: Ringside 18:00: PDC Darts Awards 18:30: The Fantasy Football Club 19:30: Football 22:00: The Fantasy Football Club 23:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 23:30: PDC Darts Awards 00:00: Football Gold 00:15: Football Gold

19:00: 19:30: 21:00: 22:25:

22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:15: 01:00:

11:00: 12:45: 15:00: 17:00: 19:10:

21:00: 23:25: 01:45:

06:00: 12:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00:



01:00: 02:00:

Doctor Who Greatest Moments Doctor Who Surrogates Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth EastEnders Family Guy Live at the Electric American Dad! Uncle

Carry on Nurse Halls of Montezuma Singin’ in the Rain Bhowani Junction New in Town Renie Zellweger and Harry Connick Jr star in this romantic comedy . 13 Assassins No Country for Old Men Tiny Furniture

Cricket Tour Down Under Cycling Cricket The Rugby Club Cricket NFL Snooker Shootout. Day one of the 2014 Snooker Shoot-Out from Blackpool’s Tower Circus Arena. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown Michael Cole and JBL present another edition of Smackdown, featuring stars like Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line WWE Special The Fantasy Football Club

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:45: 13:00: 13:10: 13:15: 13:45: 16:30: 17:20: 18:00: 18:45: 18:55: 19:00: 20:15: 21:10: 22:00: 22:30: 22:50: 00:45:

06:00: 06:45: 06:55:

09:15: 11:45: 12:15: 14:30: 16:25: 16:55: 17:25:

18:30: 21:00: 23:45: 00:45:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live The Good Cook Football Focus Saturday Sportsday BBC News BBC London News The Olympic Journey: Inspire Athletics Final Score Dynamo: Magician Impossible Reflex BBC News BBC London News The Voice UK The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins Casualty Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Air Force One The Two Mr. Kissels


Beauty and the Geek The Hot Desk Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! Free Willy Honey You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed and Famous! The Perfect Storm Die Another Day The Magaluf Weekender Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies

06:00: Movies Now 06:10: Judge Judy 06:30: Rebecca 08:25: Columbo 10:25: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 11:40: Agatha Christie’s Marple 13:50: Agatha Christie’s Marple 15:50: Agatha Christie’s Poirot 16:55: Inspector Morse 18:55: Rosemary and Thyme 20:00: Doc Martin 21:00: Midsomer Murders 23:00: A Touch of Frost 00:45: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Holmes and Watson investigate the strange circumstances surrounding the death of James Barclay, whose wife Nancy is accused of killing him. 01:40: Judge Judy

06:00: 06:45: 08:25: 11:30: 12:00: 12:45: 13:45: 14:30: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:30: 22:15: 23:55:

This is BBC Two The Spanish Main Tennis Great British Railway Journeys The A to Z of TV Cooking The Big Bread Experiment Escape to the Country World Indoor Bowls Championships Coast Wild Arabia Wild Arabia Flog It! Dad’s Army Morecambe and Wise in Pieces QI XL West is West World Indoor Bowls Highlights This is BBC Two

25 January th

06:00: Children’s TV 07:30: Scrambled! 09:25: ITV News 09:30: Dinner Date 10:25: Murder, She Wrote 11:25: ITV News and Weather 11:30: Catchphrase 12:15: F.A. Cup Live 15:00: All Star Family Fortunes 15:40: You’ve Been Framed! 16:10: Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 18:20: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 18:45: Splash! 20:15: Take Me Out 21:30: The Jonathan Ross Show 22:30: ITV News and Weather 22:45: FA Cup Highlights 00:00: The Cube 00:50: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:10:

06:15: 07:05: 07:35: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:35: 10:35: 11:35: 12:35: 13:05: 13:35: 15:20: 17:35: 19:50: 22:00: 00:15: 01:15:

Movies Now UEFA Champions League Greatest Goals The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Minder The Professionals World Rally Championship Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The Vicious Circle Lonely are the Brave Rooster Cogburn Hornblower Collateral Damage The Cycle Show World’s Wildest Police Videos

06:10: 07:05: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:55: 12:25: 13:30: 16:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:45: 01:50: 05:45:

06:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 00:40: 01:40:

Splash! ITV - 18:45 - 20:15


ORMER Rugby Union player Austin Healey, comedienne Jenny Éclair, Tv presenter Pollyanna Woodward, Saturdays singer Una Foden and Paralympic athlete Richard Whitehead MBE will go head to head in week four of diving show Splash! on ITv on Saturday 25th January at 6.45pm.

Each will each take to the diving board under the watchful eye of Olympic Bronze medal and British and European Championship winner Tom Daley, in an attempt to master one of sport’s most difficult disciplines.


The five are currently in training ahead of diving live in a bid to impress the show’s panel of the judges and the viewing public. Only two will secure a place in the Semi Finals, joining Diversity’s Perri Kiely, presenters Michaela Strachan and Anna Williamson, and Boyzone’s Keith Duffy. Una Foden said “As a former child swimming champion, I’ve always loved the water so Splash! is a brilliant opportunity to get back to my roots and master a new skill. The band will be there on the night cheering me on, so hopefully having their support will help me conquer the inevitable nerves and give it my best shot.”

The American Football Show Transworld Sport The Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother The Simpsons The Taste Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Speed with Guy Martin Bigfoot Files Hostages Underworld: Rise of the Lycans 30 Days of Night Southland Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard

Home Shopping Meat Men Meat Men Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Flip Men Flip Men Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Superman III Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Russell Howard’s Good News Kill Bill: Vol. 2 Russell Howard’s Good News Dave’s One Night Stand

06:00 Children’s TV 08:40: Rupert Bear 08:55: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15: Jelly Jamm 09:30: LazyTown 10:00: Power Rangers: Megaforce 10:35: Access 10:50: World’s Worst Holiday Horrors 11:50: Celebrity Big Brother 13:15: Legally Blonde 15:00: Diagnosis Murder 16:00: Columbo: A Deadly State of Mind 17:35: Columbo: A Matter of Honor 18:50: NCIS 19:40: NCIS 20:30: NCIS 21:20: 5 News Weekend 21:30: Celebrity Big Brother 22:30: Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych 23:45: Ultimate Police Interceptors 00:15: Super Casino

06:00: 06:15: 06:30:

Football Gold Football Gold Football’s Greatest International Teams 07:00: FL72 08:00: The Fantasy Football Club 09:00: Game Changers 10:00: Soccer A.M. 12:00: Pl 100 Club: Shearer 12:30: Premier League 100 Club 13:00: The Fantasy Football Club 14:00: Rugby Union 16:45: International Rugby 18:55: Football 21:00: Football 23:00: Irish League Cup Final 00:00: Saturday Reloaded 01:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 01:30: Tour Down Under Cycling


19:15: 20:15: 22:30: 23:00: 01:35: 02:00:

11:00: 13:00: 15:10: 17:05: 19:15:

21:00: 00:20:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 11:30: 12:00: 16:00: 17:00:



Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth Top Gear The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Russell Howard’s Good News Family Guy Family Guy Uncle

Sink the Bismarck! Step Up 3 I Wanna Hold Your Hand Flash Gordon John Tucker Must Die Betty Thomas’s romcom stars Jesse Metcalfe as John Tucker,high school stud. Braveheart Diary of the Dead

The Fantasy Football Club Max Power Big Bash Cricket PDC Darts Awards Snooker Cricket Sky Sports Classics Golf Classic - 2011 U.S Open (15 Mins). A chance to relive the 2011 US Open from the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland. Irish League Cup Final Northern Ireland League Cup Final- Cliftonville v Crusaders. Cliftonville take on Crusaders at Solitude in the Northern Ireland League Cup final. Cliftonville overcame Ards in the semifinals, while Crusaders got the better of Ballymena United. IRB Sevens World Series Rugby

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Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

26 January

Sunday - TV

06:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:15: 13:00: 13:15: 14:00: 14:45: 15:15: 16:00: 16:35: 17:35: 17:50: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:15: 22:25: 00:15: 00:20:

06:00: 06:45: 06:55: 09:15: 11:45: 12:45: 13:55: 14:40: 16:50: 19:00: 21:00: 22:00: 00:15: 00:40: 01:10: 01:40:

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Wanted Down Under BBC News Moving On Bargain Hunt Helicopter Heroes Escape to the Country Songs of Praise Hidden Kingdoms BBC News BBC London News Fake or Fortune? Countryfile Call the Midwife The Musketeers BBC News BBC London News Meet the Fockers Weatherview BBC News

Beauty and the Geek The Hot Desk Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Dinner Date Australia Take Me Out Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! Miss Congeniality Peter Pan Despicable Me The Magaluf Weekender The Bourne Supremacy Mom Mom Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

06:00: 07:20: 08:15: 12:00: 13:30: 14:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00:


06:00: 06:25: 09:25: 10:25: 11:25: 12:30: 14:40: 16:40: 18:45: 21:00: 23:05:

00:15: 01:55:

Hue and Cry Countryfile Winter Special Tennis Saturday Kitchen Best Bites The Big Bread Experiment World Indoor Bowls Championships Ski Sunday Wild Arabia Flog It! The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve Dragons’ Den Blood Diamond Set in troubled Sierra Leone, where the finder of a rare pink gem teams up with a mercenary smuggler and a US journalist in the hope of using the hidden jewel to save his family from the clutches of the country’s rebel forces. Countryfile Winter Special

Judge Judy The Nun’s Story Heartbeat Heartbeat Rosemary and Thyme Inspector Morse Columbo Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Poirot Intolerable Cruelty Cracker To Say I Love You (Part 2 of 2). Series 1, episode 4. Detective drama series. The search for Sean Kerrigan and Tina Brien is intensified when someone close to Fitz and his police team is murdered. Fitz’s domestic problems continue. The Rebel Agatha Christie’s Poirot


06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:10: 07:15: 07:30: 09:25: 09:30: 10:00: 11:00: 11:15: 12:45: 15:00: 17:50: 18:00: 18:15: 19:45: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:15: 22:45: 23:45: 00:45:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:00: 07:25: 07:55: 08:25: 08:55: 09:20: 10:20: 11:25: 14:00: 16:15: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 23:00: 23:55: 01:55:

06:10: 07:00:

The Hoobs Snowdonia Marathon Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch The Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother The Simpsons The Simpsons Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast Mirror Mirror The Jump Unstoppable G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Mesh Night Walking Day Watch Deal or No Deal

Pat and Stan Dino Dan Canimals Om Nom Stories Sooty Scrambled! ITV News The Crocodile Hunter Diaries Inside the National Trust ITV News Splash! From Russia with Love F.A. Cup Live ITV News London ITV News Dancing on Ice All Star Family Fortunes Dancing on Ice Mr Selfridge ITV News Birds of a Feather FA Cup Highlights LV Cup Rugby Highlights The Store

01:05: 01:10: 01:15: 05:30:

World of Sport: Kings of the Canvas Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Motorway Patrol Police, Camera, Action! The Professionals Ax Men Captain Newman, M.D. Aces High Dunkirk Storage Wars Storage Wars LV Cup Rugby Highlights Hard Target Hell on Wheels Born to Raise Hell Minder

06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Hardliners 07:35: Hardliners 08:00: Top Gear 09:00: Top Gear 10:00: Red Dwarf 10:40: Red Dwarf 11:20: Would I Lie to You? 12:00: Storage Hunters 12:30: Superman III 15:00: Man v Food 15:30: Man v Food 16:00: Top Gear 17:00: Top Gear 18:00: Red Dwarf 18:40: Red Dwarf 19:20: Have I Got News for You 20:00: QI XL 21:00: Mock the Week 21:40: Mock the Week 22:20: Mock the Week 23:00: QI XL 00:00: Mock the Week 00:40: Mock the Week 01:20: Mock the Week 02:00: Jo Brand’s Big Splash


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:30: 12:30: 13:25: 13:55: 14:20: 14:50: 15:20: 16:25: 16:55: 18:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:50:

06:00 08:25: 08:40: 08:55: 09:10: 09:15: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 10:45: 11:40: 12:40: 13:40: 14:40: 16:40: 18:35: 20:50: 21:00: 22:00: 23:55: 00:55:

06:00: 06:15: 06:30: 06:45: 07:00:

Children’s TV Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Milkshake! Show Songs Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers: Super Samurai Access The Town the Travellers Took Over Celebrity Big Brother Terror in the Skies Caught on Camera Bewitched Fairy Tale: A True Story Outbreak 5 News Weekend Celebrity Big Brother Harry Brown Autopsy Super Casino

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Irish League Cup Final 08:00: Game Changers 10:00: The Sunday Supplement 11:30: Goals on Sunday 12:30: Football 15:00: Cricket 15:55: Football 18:00: Football 20:00: Football 22:00: Scottish Premier League Hibernian v Celtic. Hibernian host Celtic at Easter Road in the Scottish Premiership. The sides couldn’t be separated when they met here in October. 22:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 23:00: NFL 00:00: NFL Pro Bowl


19:45: 21:00: 22:00: 22:45: 23:15: 00:00: 00:30:

Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You The Voice UK Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Family Guy Uncle American Dad! Bad Education Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

13:00: Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging 15:00: The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad 16:45: Doctor Dolittle 18:25: The Way Back 21:00: Kick-Ass Matthew Vaughn’s violent-but-hilarious action movie is a knowing take on the superhero genre, 23:20: The Black Dahlia 01:40: Festival

06:00: 12:00:

Cricket Tour Down Under Cycling 14:00: Snooker 16:30: Cricket 17:30: Ashes Modern Classics 18:00: Scottish Premier League 18:30: Tour Down Under Highlights 19:00: Snooker 21:00: Cricket 22:00: WWE Late Night Vintage Gene Okerlund and Renee Young look back at classic matches and memories from the WWE past. Featuring some of the most legendary names in wrestling. 23:00: Spanish Gold 23:15: Spanish Gold 00:30: Cricket 01:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 02:00: Ashes Modern Classics

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


27 J a n u a r y

M o n d ay - T V


09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45: Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:10: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 19:00: The One Show 19:30: Inside Out 20:00: EastEnders 20:30: Panorama 21:00: Britain’s Great War 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:35: Have I Got Old News for You 23:20: BBC News: The Editors 23:50: Graham Norton

10:35: Click 11:00: BBC News 12:00: The Daily Politics 13:00: Britain’s First Photo Album 13:30: Cash in the Attic 14:15: The Great British Bake Off 15:15: Coast 16:15: The Secret Life of Elephants 17:15: Flog It! 18:00: Eggheads 18:30: Great British Railway Journeys 19:00: The Great Interior Design Challenge 20:00: University Challenge 20:30: Food and Drink 21:00: The Many Faces of Dick Emery 22:00: The Best of the Sarah Millican Television Programme 22:30: Newsnight 23:20: Russia on Four Wheels 00:20: Film 2014


06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20:

07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:50: 00:45:

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Mom Dads The Job Lot Plebs Fake Reaction Two and a Half Men Take Me Out

09:30: 09:55: 10:20: 10:50: 11:50: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:10: 16:40: 17:15: 17:50: 18:50: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:35: 01:35:


Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Duty Free George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot Long Lost Family Trial and Retribution The Vice Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:05:

06:00: 06:25: 06:45: 07:35: 08:00: 08:35: 09:35: 10:35: 11:40: 12:45: 13:45: 14:15: 14:45: 15:50: 16:50: 17:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 01:55:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London Emmerdale Coronation Street A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones Coronation Street The Bletchley Circle ITV News Piers Morgan’s Life Stories The Unforgettable... Jackpot247

07:10: 08:00:

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men Bundesliga LV Cup Rugby Highlights World’s Wildest Police Videos The Sweeney

07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40:

09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:55: 00:00: 00:05:

23:40: 00:20: 01:20: 01:55:

Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Secret Millionaire Australia Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump Benefits Street Meet the Polygamists My Daughter the Teenage Nudist Random Acts The 2014 56th Annual Grammy Awards

Megatruckers Megatruckers Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Suits QI XL Would I Lie to You? Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Alexander Armstrong’s Big Ask QI XL Would I Lie to You? Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

06:00 08:45: 08:50: 09:00: 09:15: 11:15: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:


Children’s TV Milkshake! Show Songs Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Carolina Moon 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Go Hard or Go Home Police Interceptors Celebrity Big Brother Helix Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Botched Up Bodies Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00: To be Announced 11:00: Irish League Cup Final 12:00:Scottish Premiership 12:30: The Fantasy Football Club 13:00: To be Announced 15:00: Irish League Cup Final 16:00: The Fantasy Football Club 16:30: Game Changers 17:30: Soccer A.M. -The Best Bits 18:30: FL72 19:30: Football 22:00: The Footballer’s Football Show 23:00: FL72 00:00: SPFL Round Up 00:30: Football Gold 00:45: Football Gold 00:55: Cricket

19:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 20:00: Growing Up Down’s 21:00: Live at the Apollo 22:00: Uncle 22:30: EastEnders 23:00: Family Guy 23:25: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:10: American Dad! 00:30: Uncle 01:00: Live at the Apollo 01:30: Live at the Apollo 02:00: Live at the Electric

11:00: 12:55: 14:45: 16:40: 18:45: 20:50: 21:00: 23:25: 01:30:

06:00: 09:30: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:30: 19:30: 21:30:

22:30: 22:45: 23:30: 01:30:

Ten Tall Men Moonfleet Party Girl Detective Story The Jewel of the Nile The Eagle Interview Special Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Once Upon a Time in the Midlands The American Friend

Big Bash Cricket Ashes Modern Classics International Rugby NFL Pro Bowl Snooker Shoot Out LV=Cup Rugby International Rugby WWE Bottom Line WWE Raw Snooker Shoot Out IRB Sevens World Series Rugby IRB Sevens - Las Vegas Sevens. The HSBC Sevens World Series continues with the Las Vegas Sevens at Sam Boyd Stadium. South Africa won this tournament last year, defeating New Zealand in the final. Football Gold Football Gold Snooker Shoot Out IRB Sevens World Series Rugby

Britain´s Great War Editor Recommends BBC 1 - 21:00 - 22:00


AUNCHING the BBC’s biggest and most ambitious season to commemorate the World War One Centenary, Britain’s Great War, presented by Jeremy Paxman, and co-produced in partnership with The Open University, is a four-part landmark history series of how the First World War affected the lives of the British people and created what we know as modern Britain.

In the first episode, Jeremy Paxman traces the story of the dramatic early stages of the war: from stunned

disbelief to the mass recruitment of volunteer soldiers. Fear of invasion grips the country, Boy Scouts guard bridges and spies are suspected everywhere. For the first time, British civilians are fired on by enemy ships and bombed from the air. Jeremy meets a 105-year-old eyewitness to the shelling of Hartlepool, who describes how she thought the Germans had landed. The BBC’s centenary programming will explain why the First World War happened, commemorate and remember those involved, shine a light on what it was like to live through this cataclysmic event in world history, and interrogate and debate just what its legacy has meant for modern society.



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

28 January

Tu e s d a y - T V

09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45: Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:10: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 19:00: The One Show 19:30: EastEnders 20:00: Holby City 21:00: Death in Paradise 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:32: BBC Weather 22:35: The Zoo Next Door 23:35: Little Voice 01:10: Weatherview 01:15: BBC News

06:25: 07:25: 07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:45: 00:45:

Coronation Street You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Die Another Day Two and a Half Men Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 15:15: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20: 09:35: 09:55: 10:20: 10:50: 11:50: 13:00: 14:05: 15:05: 16:15: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 18:55: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:40:

Great Continental Railway Journeys Britain’s Empty Homes HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Britain’s First Photo Album Cash in the Attic The Great British Bake Off Coast The Secret Life of Elephants Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys The Great Interior Design Challenge Children’s Emergency Rescue Inside the Animal Mind House of Fools Newsnight The Tea Trail with Simon Reeve The Midwives

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Duty Free George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Trial and Retribution The Vice Northanger Abbey


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:05:

06:00: 06:25: 06:45: 07:35: 08:00: 08:30: 09:35: 10:35: 11:40: 12:45: 13:50: 14:20: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 00:00: 01:50:

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London Emmerdale Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Paul O’Grady’s Animal Orphans ITV News at Ten and Weather Sports Life Stories The Crocodile Hunter Diaries Jackpot247

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers I Want That Car Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty First Blood Guest House Paradiso The Sweeney

06:25: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05: 01:05: 01:30:

06:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:20:

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire USA Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump The Taste Benefits Street The Undateables Random Acts Pokerstars.Com Ept Barcelona KOTV Boxing Weekly Transworld Sport

Home Shopping Megatruckers Megatruckers Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Flip Men Flip Men Suits QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks 00:00: QI XL 01:00: Mock the Week 01:40: Mock the Week

06:00 Children’s TV 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:15: The Hotel Inspector 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Celebrity Big Brother 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: Deadly Honeymoon 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: Newstalk Live 19:00: The Dog Rescuers 19:30: Highland Emergency 20:00: Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 21:00: Celebrity Big Brother 22:00: Botched Up Bodies 23:00: Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00: Hens Behaving Badly 01:00: Super Casino


06:00: 09:30: 10:00:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00:

Cricket SPFL Round Up The Footballer’s Football Show 11:00: FL72 12:00: SPFL Round Up 12:30: FL 72 -Highlights 13:30: The Footballer’s Football Show 14:30: SPFL Round Up 15:00: FL72 16:00: Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 17:00: The Footballer’s Football Show 18:00: Football Asia 18:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 19:00: Football Gold 19:15: Football Gold 19:30: Gillette Soccer Special 22:00: Ford Football Special 23:30: Ford Football Special 01:00: Ford Football Special

21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

11:00: 13:20: 16:25: 18:50: 21:00: 22:55: 01:35:

Tough Young Teachers The School That Rocks Bad Education EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! The School That Rocks Bad Education Tough Young Teachers

The Professionals The Inn of the Sixth Happiness The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance The Devil Wears Prada The Fourth Kind The Negotiator Witness

FL72 FL 72 -Highlights Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 09:00: Sporting Greats 09:30: Great Run Series 10:00: IRB Sevens World Series Rugby 11:00: Cycling-Tour Down Under 12:30: Great Run Series 13:00: IRB Sevens World Series Rugby 14:00: Cycling-Tour Down Under 15:00: WWE SmackDown! 17:30: IRB Sevens World Series Rugby 18:30: Spanish Football Gold 19:00: Revista De La Liga Special 22:00: Football Gold 22:15: Football Gold 22:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 23:30: Football Gold 23:45: Football Gold 00:00: Revista De La Liga Special

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45: Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:10: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 19:00: The One Show 20:00: Waterloo Road 21:00: Outnumbered 21:30: Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:32: BBC Weather 22:35: Match of the Day 00:05: Film 2014 00:35: Weatherview 00:40: BBC News

09:00: Antiques Roadshow 10:00: Rip Off Food 10:30: See Hear 11:00: BBC News 11:30: The Daily Politics 13:00: Britain’s First Photo Album 13:30: Cash in the Attic 14:15: The Great British Bake Off 15:15: Coast 16:10: The Secret Life of Elephants 17:10: Flog It! 17:55: Party Political Broadcast by the Labour Party 18:00: Eggheads 18:30: Great British Railway Journeys 19:00: The Great Interior Design Challenge 20:00: The Restaurant Man 21:00: Horizon 22:00: Mock the Week 22:30: Newsnight 23:20: Inside the Animal Mind 00:20: See Hear


06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20:

You’ve Been Framed! 07:45: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 10:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Orange County 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Two and a Half Men 21:00: Benidorm 22:00: The Magaluf Weekender 23:00: Fake Reaction 23:50: Two and a Half Men 00:50: Magaluf Weekender

09:30: 09:55: 10:20: 10:50: 11:50: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:10: 16:45: 17:15: 17:50: 18:50: 19:55: 22:00: 23:00: 00:45: 01:35: 01:55:

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Duty Free George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Forever Young DCI Banks The Vice Trial and Retribution Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:25: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:40: 00:05:

06:00: 06:25: 06:45: 07:35: 08:00: 08:35: 09:35: 10:35: 11:40: 12:40: 13:40: 14:10: 14:45: 15:50: 16:50: 17:55: 18:55: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 01:15:


29 January th

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London Party Political Broadcast by the Labour Party ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten The Jonathan Ross Show Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands Jackpot247

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers River Monsters River Monsters Hell on Wheels Sudden Death The Sweeney

08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05:

06:00: 07:10: 07:35: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00:

Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire USA Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump 24 Hours in A and E Turtle Boy: A Bodyshock Special Strictly Baby Disco Random Acts Launched at Red Bull Studios with Sony Xperia Smartphones

Home Shopping Flip Men Flip Men Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Flip Men Flip Men Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Flip Men Flip Men Red Bull Cliff Diving Red Bull Cliff Diving Top Gear Top Gear Megatruckers Megatruckers Suits Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00: Earth: Milton Jones Live Universe Tour 23:30: Mock the Week 00:05: Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 08:45: 08:50: 09:00: 09:15: 11:15: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 00:00: 01:00:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:30: 12:00: 15:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:15: 19:30: 22:00: 23:30: 01:00:

Children’s TV Milkshake! Show Songs Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Fatal Trust 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Extraordinary People Ultimate Emergency Bikers Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Pokerstars: The Big Game Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ford Football Special Ford Football Special Ford Football Special Ford Football Special Football’s Greatest International Teams Cricket Cricket Football Gold Football Gold Gillette Soccer Special Football FirstMatch Choice Football FirstMatch Choice Football FirstMatch Choice


20:20: 22:00: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

11:00: 13:10: 15:00: 16:40:

18:50: 21:00: 23:10:

Great Movie Mistakes V: Revenge of the Fifth Cars 2 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Family Guy American Dad! Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Uncle The School That Rocks

Bhowani Junction The Outrage 20 Million Miles to Earth Double Indemnity Billy Wilder’s classic, Oscar-nominated film noir stars Fred MacMurray as insurance agent Walter Neff. Grease The Eagle Daredevil

06:00: 06:30:

Cricket Football’s Greatest International Teams 07:00: Ashes Modern Classics 07:30: Ashes Modern Classics 08:00: Cricket 12:00: Cricket 13:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 13:30: Ashes Modern Classics 14:00: Cricket 15:00: Cricket 16:00: WWE Bottom Line 17:30: WWE From the Vault 18:00: WWE Afterburn 19:00: Copa Del Rey Football 21:00: Copa Del Rey Football 23:30: Cricket 00:30: Cricket 01:30: Ashes Modern Classics 02:00: Cricket

24 Hours In A and E Editor Recommends Channel 4 - 21:00 - 22:00


HE award-winning series, filmed round the clock at King’s College Hospital in South London, continues with a dramatic episode that shows how a trip to A&E can act as a long overdue wake-up call.

Malcolm, who’s 56, has been rushed to King’s after suffering a cardiac arrest, and is on life support. His wife Heather found him when his heart stopped and she managed to resuscitate him after two minutes, before the paramedics arrived. Heather and Malcolm’s daughters feel that his survival was fate as Heather wouldn’t usually have been at home to save him. Phil, who’s 36, has come to King’s with chronic

pain in his back and side. Nightclub host Phil lives on tequila and milk, with virtually no solids. It’s clear that Phil’s party lifestyle, including over 100 units of alcohol a week, is taking its toll. As he’s treated, Phil reflects on living the life of a 21-year-old at 36. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Kamilla is rushed to King’s after being knocked down by a car on a pedestrian crossing on her way home from school. Doctors are worried that she has injured her head and neck. While Kamilla is scanned by doctors, her mother Nora talks about coming to England from Lithuania, her first impressions of London and her strong bond with her daughter. Finally, 61-year-old Bob has come in to A&E after developing numbness in his arm. Medics discover that Bob has suffered a stroke.



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Thursday - TV

09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45: Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:10: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 18:30: BBC London News 19:00: The One Show 19:30: EastEnders 20:00: Hidden Kingdoms 21:00: Silent Witness 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:25: BBC London News 22:35: Question Time 23:35: This Week 00:20: Skiing Weatherview 00:25: BBC News

06:55: You’ve Been Framed! 08:15: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:00: Dinner Date 10:00: The Real Housewives of Atlanta 10:30: Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30: The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 13:30: You’ve Been Framed! 14:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Orange County 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Two and a Half Men 21:00: Tricked 22:00: Fake Reaction 22:50: Mom 23:20: Dads 23:50: Two and a Half Men 00:50: Plebs 01:15: Tricked

09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 14:15: 15:15: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20: 09:35: 10:00: 10:25: 10:55: 11:55: 13:00: 14:00: 15:05: 16:15: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00:

23:00: 00:40:

Tudor Monastery Farm Rip Off Food HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Britain’s First Photo Album Cash in the Attic The Great British Bake Off Coast Lost Land of the Tiger Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys The Great Interior Design Challenge Restoration Home - One Year on Dan Snow’s History of the Winter Olympics Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe Newsnight Horizon

08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00:

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Duty Free George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote A Touch of Frost DCI Banks The collapse of Owen Pierce’s trial has left the case wide open and a killer still on the loose. The Vice Forever Young


15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:30:

06:25: 06:45: 07:35: 08:05: 08:40: 09:40: 10:40: 11:45: 12:50: 13:55: 14:20: 14:50: 15:55: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00:

23:10: 01:10:

30 January th

Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Birds of a Feather Benidorm ITV News at Ten The Lying Game: Crimes That Fooled Britain Strictly Kosher Jackpot247

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Renegades Fast-paced thriller in which an undercover police officer and a Native American are thrust together when a tribal lance is stolen by a vicious murderer. Sweeney! The Sweeney

07:10: 07:55: 08:25: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:00: 01:05:

Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Secret Millionaire USA Sarah Beeny’s Selling Houses Channel 4 News Summary Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Jump The Undateables Bodyshockers 24 Hours in A and E One Born Every Minute Random Acts The Fat Fighters

06:00: Home Shopping 07:10: Megatruckers 07:35: Megatruckers 08:00: Red Bull Cliff Diving 09:00: Top Gear 10:00: Top Gear 11:00: Megatruckers 11:30: Megatruckers 12:00: Red Bull Cliff Diving Thailand Red Bull Cliff Diving makes its first ever visit to Thailand, as the world’s top divers descend quite literally - on the Andaman Sea in the series grand final. 13:00: Top Gear 14:00: Top Gear 15:00: Megatruckers 15:30: Megatruckers 16:00: Red Bull Cliff Diving 17:00: Top Gear 18:00: Top Gear 19:00: Megatruckers 19:30: Megatruckers 20:00: QI XL 21:00: Suits 22:00: Kill Bill: Vol. 2 00:40: Suits 01:35: QI XL

06:00 Children’s TV 08:50: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Highland Emergency 11:45: Celebrity Big Brother 13:10: 5 News Lunchtime 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:10: A Trick of the Mind 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: Newstalk Live 19:00: Winter Road Rescue 20:00: World’s Worst Holiday Horrors 21:00: A Dog’s Dinner: The Truth About Dog Food 22:00: Kids Who Kill 23:00: CSI: NY 00:00: Super Casino

19:00: 20:00: 21:00:


06:00: Football’s Greatest 07:00: Copa Del Rey Football 09:00: World Pool Masters 10:00: Ashes Modern Classics 10:30: Ashes Modern Classics 11:00: Ashes Modern Classics 11:30: Ashes Modern Classics 12:00: Watersports World 13:00: World Pool Masters 14:00: Copa Del Rey Football 15:00: Copa Del Rey Football 16:00: What’s the Story? 17:30: Sporting Greats 18:00: Ringside 19:00: Sporting Greats 19:30: Netball Super League 21:30: Sporting Greats 22:00: Sporting Greats 22:30: Sporting Greats 23:30: World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw 01:30: WWE NXT

07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 13:45: 14:00: 14:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:55:

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ford Football Special What’s the Story? Copa Del Rey Football Copa Del Rey Football Spanish Football Gold Spanish Football Gold Football’s Greatest International Teams Dubai Racing Carnival Barclays Premier League World FL72 Football Ringside FL72 - Preview NFL Cricket

22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:00: 01:30:

Top Gear Motorway Cops Tough Young Teachers Live at the Apollo EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Tough Young Teachers

11:00: A Useful Life 12:20: Halls of Montezuma 14:35: Panic in the Streets 16:30: The Last Frontier 18:25: The Way Back 21:00: Heat Michael Mann’s accomplished thriller has a wish list of leads including Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Val Kilmer and Jon Voight. 00:20: Trees Lounge


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



Single beds


Chevrolet astro

Yellow velour playsuit (

Don't have the right paperwork? Don't speak Spanish? Don't know where to turn? Don't worry! Call 647 057 599 or email help@diana-mcglone.com

2 single beds for sale. Size 90x180 complete with headboards, solid base with legs. Excellent condition as new hardly used. 200 euros for the pair...

runner for table/sideboard/drawers etc lemon/cream - 86cm x 39cm - as new - 4E - Los Cristianos pick up - ...

Chevrolet astro starcraft day van 7 seat leather rear seat goes into bed, tv,dvd mood lighting, blinds.V6 4.3 ltr automatic petrol engine.UK registered ...

Yellow sleeveless velour playsuit, size M (approx. UK 14). San Miguel area, but can deliver in south....

922 867 478


4 € 922 782 357

200 € 922 794 409

2,850 € 654 873 853

10 €

baby out fit


Wood Barbecue

Golf set left handed

all in ones

baby coat bonnet and boots al hand knitted with pink ribbon and bows will fit new born new...


Large freestanding log burning metal barbecue. Buyer to collect Chio, Guia de Isora...

Amarilla Golf: As new golf set left handed...

this offer is for 2 all in ones 1 pink, 1lillic will fit new born all hand knitted and new...

922 725 059

653 471 088

639 481 064


922 725 059


80 €

300 €

100 €



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

2 single top covers

samsung galaxy tab 3

Wardrobe Door/Mirrors

mercedes clk 2.3 cabrio

2 made to measure (de-luxe) single top covers specifically made for the type of bed shown (i.e. with wrought iron at the bottom) - just slightly darker tha...

for sale galaxy tab 3!! 178.0 mm wsvga lcd 1.2ghz dual-core cpu touchwiz ux unwanted x´mas gift!! i don´t understand how to connect wifi and too advance ...

In good condition 10 wardrobe door mirrors 50X196. 30euros each or 250euros for the lot. Phone ...

Metallic blue Mercedes cabrio for sale. Real eye catcher but right hand drive. Roof electric and perfect working condition.Full intrior been reclothed in l...

922 794 409

670 46 91 88

922 725 059


45 €

250 €

300 €



For Sale 1 water Radiator with wheels. Rowenta Oleo 2000. In good condition. ...

Oven combi "Corberó" The oven is in perfect condition. The hob is broken but also for sale, See separate ad. Tenerife south, Adeje...

elegant hall table ...

690 375 706

666 248 656

605 740 410

30 €


69 €

Samsung Galaxy tab 3 ..

PS4 Game - Kill Zone

In as new condition, only bought it in UK just before coming here 3 weeks ago. Comes with leather case and screen protector fitted. No box as this was le...

PS4 Game - Kill Zone Shadow Fall...

wooden shelf self-designed in shape...



922 102723

140 €

40 €

50 €

shelf for books

for books, very good

148 €




7,995 € 500 € Front load washing machi 922731505 Rabbit Bird Cage

Front loading washing machine for sale, good condition, excellent working order, 165 Euros ono can deliver...

Small Animal or bird cage & bird cage, both in good condition, Free to anyone who wants them. Large Cage is heavy item. I am English speaking only - plase ...

635 911 337


165 €


White & green shoes 36

baby dress

White shoes with nice green & white embellishment, hardly worn, small heel, elastic strap which can be worn behind or in front of ankle. size 36 (but i'm a...

baby dress in pink and lemon with hat and boots hand knitted fit 0-3mths new...

654 873 853

922 725 059

10 €



baby dress

Golf trolley (folding)

Top loader washing machi

1973 classic seat 600 ca

nice wooden office ( Ikea) in good condition...

this is a baby dress in white hand knitted with red and white lace fit 0-3mths...

Golf cart light weight in good condition...

Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...

seat 600 classic car!! for sale. pay 10,000 so asking 5,000 euros. needs a battery and last itv 2005. black leather seats. 90 percent all oringinal great f...

922 102723

922 725 059


635 911 337

670 46 91 88

78 €


20 €

145 €

5,000 €

yellow patent sandals 37

table and 6 chairs

boom trike low rider

Golf set right handed


bright yellow patent high heel sandals with small platform, never worn. size 37. this season's "in" colour! collect from san miguel or can deliver locally ...

Large cane glass top table and 6 chairs. 66in (170cm) long, 42in (105cm) broad, 29in (73cm) High. Can be used inside or outside. Accept any reasonable offe...

boom low rider,1600cc vw engine.fitted with nos, dragster exhausts and every possible extra.still on uk plates.cost 36000€ new...

Amarilla Golf: Golf set right handed in good condition....

this is baby shawl in lemon also has coat and boots all hand knitted and new...

654 873 853

922 724 656



922 725 059

15 €


15,000 €

80 €

10 €


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


Job Lot Ladieswear

Handbags for sale

2 clown pictures

Over fifty items of Plus size ladies clothing. AX Paris brand from their Curve range. All brand new with tags. No size 16's left but a few 18's, the res...

black leather effect handbags all with adjustable shoulder straps and plenty of pockets. padlocks and keys all work. ...

For Sale 2 clown pictures. Price for the 2....

602 620 792

REF: 3472

690 375 706

375 €

Personal Vibration Machine Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

Contact: 603 194 568

15 €

10 €

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Available 24 hrs A Day I am blonde, affectionate, willing to enjoy to the fullest, without limits,

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I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

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Local Markets



9:00 am to 4:00 pm



7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Wednesday Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

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Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014



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Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Spain still number 1


‘Schumacher Will no Longer Be Schumacher’


TOP BRITISH neurosurgeon has warned that the Formula One champion may have a completely different personality if he wakes up.


ORLD CHAMPIONS Spain are still ranked at number one in the world by FIFA, beginning 2014 as they ended 2013. Vicente del Bosque’s team have their sights set on winning consecutive World Cups this year, a target that’s starting to look very achievable by staying top of the pile in the first ranking release of

2014. Saying that, only 18 matches have been played since the list was updated on December 19th with little movement overall and none across the top 25 countries Small gains were made by South Africa, the United

Arab Emirates, Belize, Oman and Mali all rising by at least five places, but Saudi Arabia have made the biggest leap, climbing 14 places to 73rd, while Egypt are now 31st, moving up 10 spots. The biggest drops were by Gabon and Jordan losing 32 each, while the former had the biggest slump in the ranking as Stephane Bounguendza’s men dropped eight places to 85th.

Michael Schumacher is still in an artificially induced coma but is no longer in a ‘critical’ condition for the first time since his skiing accident, however, Richard Greenwood, a consultant neurologist at London’s Homerton Hospital, said the racing legend will be a ‘regular Joe’ if he recovers, as a result of his severe brain trauma. Speaking at a conference looking into the long-term effects, Dr Greenwood said: ‘If Schumacher survives he will not be Schumacher. He will be Joe Bloggs, his rehabilitation will only be effective if he comes to terms with being Bloggs, and fulfils what Bloggs can do. That’s a very, very difficult process to take people through, and many people don’t achieve it.’ Fears grow that Michael Schumacher will

be in a coma for the rest of his life because he has still not recovered enough to be woken Andreas Zieger, neurosurgeon of the University Clinic for neurosurgery in Oldenburg said: ‘There may have been complications, we should not speculate here. Ultimately, we are talking about life and death. A coma can in theory be maintained for a lifetime. It won’t hurt the human brain.’ However, his management team dismissed the fears as speculation, Schumacher’s manager Sabine Kehm said: ‘Unfortunately, I have to repeat any information regarding Michael’s health not coming from the doctors treating him, or his management, must be treated as pure speculation, I also repeat Michael’s family is very happy and confident with the work of the team of doctors treating Michael, and they trust them completely. Michael’s condition is still considered as stable.’

goalie gives Lacrosse team “girl power”


HIS APRIL, Lacrosse player Devon Wills could be joining a very elite group, If chosen by the New york Lizards in April’s final cut, the goalkeeper will become one of few female athletes to have crossed over to a male-dominated professional sport. Wills, 29, was selected by the (external) in December and is in line to make next season’s Major League Lacrosse (MLL) squad. Lacrosse’s popularity hasn’t yet crossed the Atlantic to the UK but in the US its big news, with all the major networks televising matches. Devon said:

“It was a huge honour, obviously really exciting. When I heard I was completely floored. It’s a whole new dream. It’s a noteworthy story simply because it’s a female playing in a male arena but for me it’s just an opportunity to try and compete and come out and play with the best of the best. I have full faith in the Lizard’s coaching staff that they are going to do what’s best for the team so if I’m good enough, I’m good enough and if I’m not, I’m not. I’m just grateful for the opportunity. If it doesn’t happen I’ll not be disappointed I wasn’t able make history, more so that I didn’t make the team. Although when I was debating whether or not to put my name forward a friend said to me ‘If you would rather see someone else be the first, don’t do it’ and that got my competitiveness bubbling and I said ‘No, I want to be the first!’”



ifth placed Everton were in Adeje last week undergoing a five day intensive winter training session in the Tenerife Top Training club.

According to club sources the ‘away’ training session was to help the team recover from a gruelling four-game glut, as well as preparing physically and mentally for the rest of the season. Everton are currently coached by Spaniard Roberto Martínez who congratulated Adeje for the excellence of its sporting installations and for the warm welcome the team received during their stay. Councillors for Sport and Tourism, Adolfo

Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014 Alonso and Rafael Dolado, respectively, alongside T3 owner Roberto Konrad, paid an official visit to the team and talked about the importance of having such a training facility in Adeje and the excellence of the climatic conditions as well as the installations. Roberto Martínez said “the south of Tenerife is an ideal location for pre-season training as well, and it’s important that it augments capacity to allow more teams at this level to train here.”. This is the second time that Roberto Martínez has chosen T3 for a winter training session, given that in Everton’s home town the weather conditions mean outdoor training is virtually impossible.

Everton F.C

in Adeje training session

Violinist To Compete In Winter Olympics

W month.

orld famous violinist Vanessa Mae has qualified to ski for Thailand at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, which start next

Skiing’s world governing body FIS has confirmed the eligibility of Vanessa Mae to compete after she raced four times in Slovenia last weekend in a last-ditch bid to meet the qualifying standard, Manager Giles Holland, speaking on behalf of Mae said: “It would appear that she’s done it. She’s done it by a whisker, but she’s done it.” The Olympics committee rule that countries with no skier ranked in the world’s top 500 may send one man and one woman to the Games if those athletes meet a second set of criteria. Thailand has no skiers ranked in the world’s top 500 for any Alpine discipline. To meet the second criteria, Mae had to pro-


duce an average of 140 points or fewer over five recognised races. Athletes earn points on an inverse scale based on their performance, so the fewer points an athlete has, the better they are. In the latest rankings, Mae is 3,166 in the world in giant slalom. Mae has long harboured an ambition to compete at the Winter Olympics: “It has been my dream and I am hoping people will accept I just want to give it my best. “I am taking a plunge. I am British, but realistically there is no way I could represent my own country. “Because my natural father is Thai, they have accepted me.” Mae will be competing as Vanessa Vanakorn using her father’s surname.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby

pick a Window Your Leaving


ONEy is always tight at CD Tenerife so out come the slide rules and calculators for the January transfer window. Transfer fees are normally beyond the club’s means and it’s a matter of balancing the wage bill by sending players out before bringing new ones in.

The most obvious saving was long standing goalie Sergio Aragoneses, a club legend during nine seasons but now not even on the subs bench, his reported 300,000 euro


salary was a big strain on the club. An agreement was reached to end his contract and he looks to be on his way to Recreativo who come to Santa Cruz in March, or even ambitious Cadiz who are way down in the Tercera Division. Left back Raul Llorente was next to go, in his second season, he has struggled to hold onto his starting place and has signed for AEL Kalloni in Greece. Less of a surprise was midfielder Oscar Rico, he arrived in the summer from Cartegena and made little impact and has found a place at Rael Jaen. Youth product Alberto was expected to leave but may get a reprieve due the Rigo’s injury, and forward

Guillem Marti look certain to follow through the exit door. After a long running contract dispute another local talent Sandro is crossing the water for a two year deal with Atletico Las Palmas, the B team of Tenerife’s promotion chasing rivals. As the days tick away until the window slams shut, fans are desperately hoping for several new arrivals including at least one striker. The most depressing scenario would be to lose hot prospect forward Ayoze Perez, Swansea City have renewed their interest in him, it would bring in a few million but rob the side of their creative spark.

away Win Sets up Clash of the Season at Cd marino

HIS Sunday fourth placed CD Marino welcome second placed CD Tenerife B to Las Americas at noon. It promises to be a cracker and features the two top goal scorers in Spain’s Tercera Division.

Last weekend Marino bounced back to top form with a 1-3 away win at CD Vera. Murci is the man firing in the goals for the blues, he took just 21 minutes to add a stylish header from a Roberto Carlos cross to his seasons tally, now at 16 goals. It only lasted 10 minutes before Aaron Muni leveled from a penalty. Marino have shone at home all season but have found points harder to pick up on their travels and with Murci going off at half time with a leg injury they needed to dig deep. Their nerves were settled

ten minutes into the second half, Eslava laid on a telling pass to Airam who grabbed the goal. Another was needed to seal the win, Aaron Darias made it happen by winning the ball in midfield and escorting it into the home net. CD Tenerife B had to grind out a 1-0 home win last week but have been in fine form all season. Their danger man is forward Jefte who is just behind Murci with 15 goals so far and they also have British player Jordan McCourt who had several successful seasons at Marino. The latest pearl from the Santa Cruz production line, Nano, should also feature but after his senior debut on Saturday he was kicked out of B team training in the week for his poor attitude. Entry for Sunday’s game is just eight euros with kids getting in free.


Basketball Cup Chase Will peak this Sunday

T WAS CLOSE but a 90 – 93 loss at Bilbao still leaves Iberostar Tenerife in with a great shout of qualifying for the Copa Del Rey based on next weekends league placings.

A late fight back just stopped short of a victory as the quarters went 26-21, 24-23, 25-26, and 18-20. Nico Richotti was hot with 20 points closely followed by Blagota Sekulic, Saul Blanco on 14 and Levi Rost with 12 gave good support.

This Sunday Manresa are the visitors to La Laguna at noon, it should be a party atmosphere as a win will seal a trip to Malaga in April for the knock out stages of the cup involving the top eight teams in the ACB.



Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014

Quicksilver Heels At Golden Mile

here’s always fancy footwork in the clubs at the heart of Playa de Las Americas but last Saturday evening it was all happening down on the street in the Golden Mile Run.

Young competitors tested themselves at modest distances as the races built up to the 5km and 10 km events.

This annual challenge from Canary Run always attracts a strong field of runners from many countries who enjoy competing in the first class conditions of Tenerife. The 5 km prizes in the womens category went to winner Elain Perez Toyas in 17.25 and in second place wearing number 914 it was Debbie Gilbey in 21.55, (check out her advert on page four to find out how she keeps so fit).

The mens proud winner was Martin Anderson with 15.49 followed by Dennis Konnings in 18.50. The toughest test was the 10 km challenge. For the women Live Solheimcal took the tape with 35.18 and Heini Papinsaari followed just behind on 38.18. The men came charging home led by Ola Sakshaug on 31.27 and a gallant second for Joakim Sodal with 31.53.

you can shrug these nightmare games off as a freak result but coming barely a month after the 0-3 surrender to Sabadell, there are clearly some big problems and the team is now back in the relegation zone.

eled in the wide open spaces afforded to them by Tenerife, Pacheco should have scored after five minutes but hooked over the bar. Javito showed him the way ten minutes later, he skipped through and picked his spot for the opener. Prendes should have doubled the score but couldn’t get a clean strike and home keeper Roberto was quick to grab the ball. The second goal was another gift, a tuck back from the goal line found Javito with plenty of room to add his second. Even at this stage it was clear this wasn’t going to end


New Players Needed To Halt CD Tenerife Relegation Slide


an’t score goals, can’t defend, and the midfield isn’t too clever either, that was the sorry state of CD Tenerife as they began the second half of their season. Three players suspended, three more leaving the club, loss of form, or lack of confidence, none of these factors could excuse this 0-4 home drubbing at the hands of lowly Alcorcon. Sometimes

Tenerife never looked comfortable last Saturday, Rigo filled in for Bruno in the centre of defence and was hopeless, his uncertainty rubbed off on the normally reliable full backs Camara and Moyano. Pacheco and Javito rev-

well. Only the sharp work of Roberto just before the break kept Javito from his hat trick. An injury to Rigo forced a reshuffle and Chechu at least broke through the Alcorcon flanks until he had to drop back to replace Camara as he departed for the latest home talent Nano to make his debut. In a goal mouth scramble the 18 year old just needed a touch to make a dream debut but it was the time of nightmares in Santa Cruz. The third goal came from a Pacheco corner, Roberto completely missed it and Verdes had the simplest nod in. It shouldn’t

have been possible to fade any more after such an inept display but Tenerife did, Suso had been bottled up and Ayoze was getting frustrated at the lack of service. The 7,937 fans tried to lift the team but it would have taken a JCB, time for one more nail in the coffin, Juli grabbed the fourth and the spectre of relegation was stalking the stadium and rattling it’s chains. It’s going to be a scrap for every point now, starting with this Sunday at Hercules, let’s hope the cavalry come charging over the hill before it’s too late.


Tenerife Weekly - 24th January 2014 - 30th January 2014


QuiCK CroSSWord


1. Pitch tents 7. Proportional, pro ... 10. Bad-tempered (3-8) 11. On top of 12. Equipped with horseshoes 13. Kind 15. Large hawk

DOWN 1. Season’s produce 2. Fingerless gloves 3. Gambit 4. Footwear item 5. Public persona 6. Outer covering 7. Breather 8. Holds fast (to)

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)


17. Seek damages from 18. Human males 20. Baton 21. Grandma 23. Behold 25. Copious stream 26. Cleverer 28. Please reply (1,1,1,1) 30. Stops

31. Scientific information 32. Killer whale 34. Tarnish 35. Lengthy story 37. Attach 39. Linked up with 40. Sponge 41. Small carpet

43. Middle of a wheel 45. Mountain goat 48. Technique 50. Quote 51. Pig’s grunt 52. Large seabirds 53. Last ... & testament 54. Horse breeding farm

9. Lent a hand to 14. Female swan 16. No ... or buts 18. Gangster 19. Having (to) 22. To the fore 24. Scratch out 25. Slimy substance

26. Commercials 27. Raced 29. Green vegetable 33. Principal city 36. Non-believer 38. Fabric colorant 39. Cow call 40. Tropical parrot

42. Policy reversal (1-4) 44. Roasted 46. Chime 47. Skeleton photograph (1-3) 48. Slapdash, hit or ... 49. Performs

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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