Tenerife weekly issue 91

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Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.


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Issue 91 SALES

Manager & Production Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com CONTRIBUTERS Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews John Sharples Barry Pugh Janet Anscombe Paul Ling Marc Craig Red Queen Musings Colin Kirby English Time Adeje Blog Sylvia CCS Tenerife



The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1. Coventry 2. Strips of dried meat 3. Kenneth Grahame 4. Madras 5. Aloha 6. Frequency Modulation 7. Fish 8. New Zealand 1893 9. Ash Wednesday 10. In the feet 11. Spike 12. Barry Manilow

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)

Lorna Eade editor@tenerife-weekly.com

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)


While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Quibbling Sibling 2. Stunning Running 3. Pretty City 4. Letter Sweater 5. Critter Sitter 6. Bloody Buddy 7. Rabbit Habit 8. Tropic Topic 9. Chilly Lily 10. Witty Kitty 11. Middle Fiddle 12. Kitten’s Mittens 13. Brittle Skittle 14. Cattle Battle 15. Revere Career


HINK PINKS (Page 38)


Solutions to this week´s puzzles




I have egg on my face, for the second time this month, first it was predicting Andy Murray wouldn’t get through the semi-finals at Wimbledon, never mind win it. Now, having spent the last few months merrily predicting that the baby expected by the Duchess of Cambridge would be a girl, she goes and produces a boy! To cap it all, I said they would call him Louis; well at least it is one of his names. Seriously,

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013 I do hope you enjoy our souvenir issue, absolutely wonderful news, although none of us will get to see him crowned, it will be a pleasure watching Prince George growing up. A full report of the week’s baby news starts on page 28. Terrible, news from the mainland this week, as the worst ever train crash, killing 77 people made headlines. Unqualified reports state that the driver was travelling up to three times above the speed limit, whatever the outcome of the investigations, I am sure you all join me in sending condolences to all


those affected. See page 21. I hope to see as many of you as possible at The Live Arico Talent competition which kicks off on Saturday 27th at the Ye Olde Ocean Fun Pub in Fañabe. There is a 100 Euros for the winner as well as other brilliant prizes. It is all in a good cause, so come and support the competitors and raise some money for a seriously good cause. There is still time to enter; the form is on page 13. See you all next week.

Lorna Eade

End Of An Era – the car people Miss Norte 2012 competition Hands Over Her Title

What attracted you to enter a beauty contest in the first place? I spent a lot of time looking for a beauty contest that met my expectations, one that was not only looking for physical beauty, but more importantly, how the girls were presented. And that was why I chose the Miss Norte competition. What were your feelings at the time of your coronation? Did you expect to be chosen? I never expected to win, for me it was a very special and emotional moment, one that I will never forget. Has your year as “Miss Norte”, been a life changing experience? Very much. Winning the competition has opened many doors for me in the world of catwalk modelling, photography and especially in television. What qualities must you have to be a contender for the title “Miss Norte”? Be a girl that not only stands out for her physical beauty, but also has savoir This Week Tenerife winner of the Miss faire, an education, and most Weekly was lucky Norte 2013 winner. importantly to be humble. What will you miss most enough to meet up We caught a mo- now that your reign is with Sara Davila, the ment in her ridicu- over? current Miss Norte lously busy schedule The past nine months have 2012. She will hand to find out about passed very quickly. But I will over her crown on the personality be- continue to keep working in the world of television since Saturday to the hind the crown. and put a small map, or even state a nearby location so we will be able to watch and enjoy these concerts and, of course, bring income to the area. As a regular visitor to Tenerife I love keepThank you. Margaret ing up to date through your paper when at home. Nearer Christmas there are numerous Thank you for your letter Margaret, deconcerts/markets etc and last year we wantlighted you keep up with the comings and ed to go see the one in Adeje. We were told it goings in Tenerife when you are at home! was being held opposite the Police Station so Will bear your plea in mind for maps; however with space limitations it would got off the bus there to find nothing, even be difficult to add a map to every single the Police Officers couldn’t tell us where the event going on, but we should be able to concert was being held. provide proper directions, always providIts ok if you are a resident and know ing we are told! street/plaza names but for us holidaymakWill have to see what we can do for you ers it means little. Could you perhaps bear nearer the time! us in mind this year when publishing details

Dear Editor

This week’s The Car People Competition had another great response, with loads of correct answers to the question; What car did Laurel & Hardy use in their classic comedy films? The answer is a Model T Ford. Congratulations go to Janet Parker who was the lucky winner. We look forward to seeing her with her family at the Sunday Carvery at Vivo, where they will also be treated to a round of mini

I’ve discovered that I like it. What advice can you give to the new “Miss Norte”? Make sure you enjoy the moment, to work hard because many doors will open for you, and to always keep your feet on the ground. Are you now concentrating on the world of fashion? Well if I keep getting work in this area, I won’t throw away the opportunity. What are your plans now? Right now, I’m finishing my studies as a technician in early childhood education. I am continually learning, I have a Bachelor of Education and diploma in speech therapy. And I would love to someday work with disabled children. What are your hobbies? I travel, every year I make sure I do a backpacking trip. In the next few days I will go to Thailand. I also enjoy trekking, cycling and reading.

golf each. This week’s competition question is on Motoring News page 39. Good Luck

What is your favourite food? I love pasta. What is your favourite colour? Turquoise blue.

What kind of music do you like to listen to? I listen to all kinds of music, but I love to dance salsa or bachata. When is your birthday and where were you born? My birthday is on 30 July, I was born in 1984 in La Laguna. What is your best quality and your worst flaw? I do like to make people laugh. But I am impatient. Where is the best place to get lost? Right now I’m going to Thailand for 37 days, after that I think it would be Costa Rica. Your favourite book and film? My favourite film has to be Life is beautiful and my favourite book is Fuerteventura! By Alberto Vázquez Figueroa.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


The Canarian Government has developed a “strategy against poverty and social exclusion”. The programme will have an initial budget for 2013-2015 of 190,900,000 Euros and will prioritize the 35,000 households in the islands without income. The document in which the programme is set out has been sent to the Canarian Parliament. The Minister for Social Policy and Housing, Ines Rojas, said that the money was a special fund requested by the Government in coordination with other administrations in the Canaries, such as the Ayuntamientos represented in the Federación Canaria de Municipios. For the second half of this year, the budget will be 37,300,000 Euros, and in both 2014 and 2015, 76,800,000 Euros. A 16-year-old Christian Acosta Castro from Puertito de Güímar died and four others of between 16 and 19 have been injured, none seriously, when a car overturned just before 3.30am on the southbound TF1 at Barranco Hondo near Candelaria. Two of the injured needed hospital treatment and were taken to HUC, but paramedics could do no more for the 16-year-old than confirm his death at the scene. It has been confirmed that neither he, nor Vanesa Mendoza and Katherine Beatriz Rumbos, the two girls who died in the Puerto Santiago crash last weekend, were wearing seatbelts. All were killed as a direct result. Hopefully, while the two communities are grieving, their deaths will at least make other youngsters aware of the need to wear seatbelts, and thereby avoid further similar tragedies. santa Cruz Policía Local found seven dogs, three dead and four in a very bad state, in an abandoned finca in the San Andrés area. Police say that early investigations suggest that the dogs were kept there for dog fighting, since wooden kennels were found together with betting boards, medical materials, and similar things that suggest some organization. The quite dreadful discovery was made on Saturday afternoon around 4pm after a local resident who lived close to the finca reported that his dog had been bitten by a loose dog. The animal, a Pitbull cross, was subsequently found, and police remained on site while the dog’s owner was traced. Locals identified a man said to be the owner but he denied all knowledge of the dog. During these investigations the police came across the other dogs, some of those still alive were malnourished, others injured with wounds and broken limbs. They have been transferred to the care of the Valle Colino refuge. Meanwhile, the police continue trying to discover who was behind this appalling scenario. There’s further confirmation that Tenerife has fewer but wealthier visitors and the Government’s policy could be working. This time, too, it’s confirmation not from the Government but from the Tenerife Cabildo, whose statistics show that in the first half of 2013 there was a drop of 1% in tourists visiting the island, but a rise of 9.5% in terms of occupancy for 5* hotels. Cabildo vice President and tourism minister (and future President of Tenerife) Carlos Alonso said that the luxury hotels were increasingly capturing the market, and that analysis of the figures showed that weakened demand – particularly among Spanish, German and French holidaymakers – is in the lower end of the market.


Mediterranean Diet Saves Lives


LUis serra Majem, President of the Mediterranean Diet foundation, confirmed, during his lecture at the Adeje summer University, what many of us suspected; the Mediterranean diet really is better for you. Remember the saying, “at the table no-one grows old”, well at least if they stick to a good diet, with olive oil and dried fruits rather than over indulging in carbohydrates they won’t have a heart attack says Serra Majem, who is the director of the department of Preventative Medicine and Public Health in the University of Las Palmas. His conclusions are based on the recently published results of the Predimed study, a nutritional study that examined the eating habits of 7,500 individuals over three years including a group from the Canarias. The results show clearly that those who use virgin olive oil and dried fruits as a regular part of their diet are reducing their mortality rate by up to 30%. He said that too often people place too much emphasis on fats as the problem in the increase in the levels of obesity but the real culprits are carbs, particularly sugar. In this way the traditional Mediterranean diet is always a better option, and studies have also indicated that this diet can aid in the prevention and treatment of depression. Referring back to the growing (excuse the pun) problem of obesity, particularly among children here in the Canaries, the speaker said that too many people in the Canaries still fail to consider obesity an illness or a problem. He said that for many who lived 50 years ago when the population suffered from nutritional de-


ficiencies today grandparents and parents are happy to feed their children up, thinking they are building up their defences, but in reality they are creating a whole new spread of health problems. By sticking to the Mediterranean diet, and that applies here in the Canaries too with regional and cultural additions such as gofio, and what’s to hand such as fish, local wines, etc., the population could be healthier. But the fast-food invasion has taken its toll, food that is prepared and consumed too quickly and “too often spurred on by tourism. Spain is a tourist country, and the arrival of so many tourists in a relatively short space

of time has produced a change in our eating habits because we appeared unable to offer traditional dishes to tourists…” There is, apparently, a proposal to make 2014 International Year of the Mediterranean Diet, and the move already has the backing of the Spanish government, and would see a series of financial incentives offered to promote the Mediterranean Diet. “In times of crisis it is important to back initiatives that will have an important impact. More than ever people need to be able to use their food budgets in the best possible way”; he said.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

UXT Update


By Marc Craig


few months back Keith Freeland, in association with myself, Peter Wing and the Tenerife Weekly, launched “Unexplained Tenerife” - UXT for short. After collaborating with Keith and his wife, psychic medium Angie, on several articles involving paranormal activity, including an investigation into the leper colony near Abades with startling results, (see issue 78 “Table Dancing”), we decided to set up this Facebook page to enable anyone who have experienced anything they cannot explain, to share it with other people with an interest in the paranormal.

We’ve received several reports on both the Facebook page and also directly to me here at the newspaper, so I thought I would share these accounts, along with any possible information my research came up with.

Ciara’s encounter at the Caribe We received this as a private message to UXT;

“Hello, i am getting in touch to tell you about an ‘unexplained’ experience me and my boyfriend experienced in Tenerife, June 2011. We were staying in Apartmentos Caribe in playa de Las Americas. Our room had an eerie feeling from day one, and we were there for two weeks. About 9 days into our stay we were in bed asleep. I woke up to turn off the laptop which was still running. My boyfriend leapt from the bed in an un-human manner. It’s hard to explain over this, but he remained rigid and he did it so quick! He was screeching and looking through me rather than at me, i began to scream and about a minute later he was himself again asking what was wrong! I told him what had happened and he could not remember any of it. We were both very, very afraid, and did not feel safe in our apartment so we left and walked the length of Playa de Las Americas until the sun rose. During our walk, a heavy pressure kept coming and going in my chest, like a coldness which took over my body. Very eerie. It resulted in having to sit down on a bench outside the supermarket across from Parque Santiago 4. The heavy feeling had just left my body when we heard a woman screech, the same way in which my boyfriend had screamed. It came from the

apartment across the road from us. We waited to see what happened and the police and a dr. came. The policeman later told us they don’t know what happened that she may be suffering from mental issues. He never told us why they thought this. She was on holidays with her parents and sister. When it became bright, we returned to the Caribe, but could not enter the room. We explained to the lady on the desk. She showed us another apartment but we decided to stay put. For the remaining four nights my boyfriend felt many weird things in our room at night, and i never felt comfortable there. We looked into the hotel and later found out a young man fell from our floor and died. It was the only thing we were able to find! I’m not sure if that story means any-

thing to you!” The couple were back in Tenerife in June and although I made several attempts to contact them for an interview I was unable to get to them in time, however it didn’t take very long to confirm that a teenager did indeed fall to his death 2 years before on June 25th 2009 (it would be interesting to have found out if it was exactly 2 years but we can’t be certain of that.) The tragic accident occurred at about 6am, just hours before 19 year old Allan Milligan, who was on holiday with a group of friends, was due to fly back to Scotland. Although the victim fell from the 4th floor, not the 2nd or 3rd, it remains unclear whether the tragedy occurred close to where the couple were staying. I was unable to find anything online relating to the Caribe and anything paranormal (one false start took me to someone’s Bebo account who had stayed there on holiday but it was nothing) but it’s still an interesting story.

UFO’s over Las Moraditas

Last week we printed a letter from Susan Dehmel in which she described witnessing with a friend, a UFO with “star shaped fins” in broad daylight 12 years ago that, when the

two witnesses compared sketches, turned out to be identical. Once again with the help of the mighty Google I began to look for any similar reports, but found no other accounts at that time or location, however it did lead me to this fascinating story, in which several groups of people witnessed, filmed and photographed over a period of about 2 weeks (May 25th-June 8th), a tubular shaped UFO with an S-shaped fin travelling silently at incredible speeds above a medieval castle in the Netherlands; “It was a tubular-shaped object that had an S-shaped fin on it. If it had been any type of missile, it would’ve had multiple fins, but facing the same direction. We heard nothing, it was completely quiet out. The more I flipped through the frames, it was kind of creepy. I’ve been shooting for quite some time and I’ve seen other stuff in the news, but I’ve never seen anything [like this] with my own eye,” said Corrine Federer, 43. Have any of you witnessed or heard stories that you cannot explain? Let me know either here marc@ tenerife-weekly.com or visit our Facebook page “Unexplained Tenerife”.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Silence For Angela Tenerife Bluetrail 2013

THE classes at the Adeje summer University came to a halt last week at midday on friday as students and teachers joined members of the council and staff in a minute’s silence in memory of Ángela, the latest victim of domestic violence in spain.

The Gran Canarian woman’s body was discovered in her home two days before but police believe she may have been killed up to two weeks previously. Ángela was the second Canarian victim of domestic violence in 2013. Also present at the silent tribute was the Director of the Regional Equality Institute Elena Mañez, who said “this kind of violence against women was the

most brutal manifestation of inequality that unfortunately still exists in our society.” She urged all women who were suffering at home to seek help from the authorities. The deputy minister for Public Administration Carmen Nieves Rodríguez said the government were “working to eradicate this social scourge that is domestic violence”, adding that one of the most helpful innovations was

the use of SMS messages to those women who have been victims to alert them if their former aggressor is in or out of prison, if he has changed his home address or other relevant information. Adeje Equality councillor Juan Desiderio Afonso Ruiz reminded those in danger and suffering that the emergency number to call was 016, which could be called free of charge.








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1st aug






















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THE Tenerife Bluetrail 2013, which will be held on october 19, on the beach of Martianez in Puerto de la Cruz, will, for the first time make changes to the route and departure times. for the adapted trail, changes will be made to the route to incorporate the requirements for disabled competitors, within the categories H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5.

This test, which is included in the programme of the Tenerife Bluetrail 2013, will have a path of 3.95 kilometres long and a slope appropriate for the use of their handbike’s, a four-wheel-drive vehicle similar to tricycles whose pedals are moved by arm movements. The finish line of the adapted trail will be at the Martianez Beach, the sane as the other tests of the Bluetrail. In the 2012 event, a group of five disabled athletes participated in the adapted trail, this year, conditions have been improved, thanks to the experiences of last year enabling the cutting down of race times, organisers have set a limit of sixty minutes as

the maximum time to complete it. The intention of the direction of the race, and of the organisers themselves, is to offer possibilities for the Trail to encourage a greater number of athletes to participate. Adapted athletes participating in the 2013 event who took part in last year’s race are entitled to a 30% discount in the registration fee. The adapted Trail will start at 10.30am on Saturday 19th October, from the sports zone next to the Hotel Turquesa, in Puerto de la Cruz. After three turns of the circuit, participants will start the descent along a pedestrian area until they reach the sidewalk of the Avenida

Francisco Afonso Carrillo that will lead them to the castle of San Felipe. Prticipants will continue across the car park to the pier. The last mile of the race will pass through the busiest areas of this tourist zone: Plaza de Europa, Town Hall and paseo de San Telmo. To avoid the stairs located at this point, participants will make a loop to the street of La Hoya and return immediately to the route of the rest of the tests that will take them to Lago Martianez and the adjoining Martianez Beach, the finish line of the race. All of the route will cover 30% dirt track and 70% paved surface. More information at www. tenerifebluetrail.com


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Relocation Over the last 6 months CCS-Tenerife has been helping expats to relocate to this beautiful Island and also back to the UK. We offer a full range of relocation and immigration services to both corporate clients and individuals, aiming to plan, provide and guide you through every aspect of the move and making it all as stress free and seamless as possible.

Our clients have been relocating for the lifelong dream of retiring in the sun or starting a new business or transferring one from the UK. Moving to a foreign country is one of the biggest life transitions you can ever make. While it can be challenging and fraught with paperwork, it can also be an immensely rewarding and enriching experience. Whether the move is for business purposes or for personal reasons, being well prepared will make your transition much easier, and much more enjoyable. This article will give you the things you will want consider and recommendation that Crystal Clear Solution – Tenerife can help you with. 1. Make sure your passport is current - If you need a new one that is the first order of business. It can take several weeks to apply for and receive a new passport. 2. Make a plan - Draw up a plan that can be checked off as things are done. This needs to be thorough and should include deadlines. Discuss the packing and shipping arrangements, deciding what to do with your current home if you own it, dealing with mortgages, leases and loans. Talk to your children’s schools about the upcoming change, vaccinations and visas and develop a timeline for packing. 3. Time Scales - Give yourself adequate time. If you do have the luxury of your own timeline,







give yourself at least six months but we have moved clients within a month. Accommodation - Consider looking for accommodation in the new country as soon as possible. Will you stay in hotel or serviced apartment accommodation while looking for a place to buy or rent? Banking and Investment Plans - Set up a bank account to transfer money between many countries; the process takes 3 working days. We collaborate with one of the top 3 Banks in Spain so we can set this up for you. Unless you’re planning on never returning to your current country, it’s advisable to keep at least one bank account open in your current country. The longer you have an account open, the better your credit standing, and when you do return, it’s easier to start where you left off than to have to open new accounts. Internet banking makes it easier for you to keep tabs on the account in the country you’ve left. Do an honest evaluation of your goods - It is a reality that we need very little to live and yet our houses tend to be overstuffed with consumables we don’t use or need. Pets - If you have pets, work out what you’re going to do with them. For some people, this means giving them to a friend or family member to care for. For others, it means taking them with you. Consider all aspects and checkout all the Rules and Laws in the country you are moving to. Driving Licence - Find out about your driver’s licence in the new country. The new EU Driving Licence is now being issued for all European Union members. Work - Provide the ap-

propriate amount of notice to your place of work. If you’re not already travelling for the place you work at, you’ll need to abide with their policies on resignation. 10. Health Cover – If you are going to contribute to the Social Security (Seguridad Social) you will be entitled to the State Medical Cover. If you are retiring it is recommended to take out Private Medical Cover. 11. Car – Import or Sell? Road Tax, Car Insurance, NCB (No Claims Bonus can be transferred and used in Spain) 12. Pensions and Wealth Management – You can transfer your State Pension by completing the necessary documentation. 13. NIE and Residency – The NIE number will allow you to purchase a car, house, become self-employed and register at the Social Security Department etc. but limits you. Making yourself a Resident (Residente) allows you to do and claim for so much more, e.g. 50% Discount on Flights within Spain and Special rates on Boat/Ferries etc. 14. The Language – In Tenerife it is advisable if you do not speak Spanish to take an Interpreter with you for medical appointments and legal matter so a full understand of the situation can be made, CCS-Tenerife provide these services. 15. New or Transferring Business – Options to take and getting set-up. 16. Wills – Making sure your Will in the UK is up-todate and setting up a Spanish Will if you have any assets here. We have a list of English speaking Law Firms who we collaborate with. 17. Post – Redirect your post 18. Communication – Cancel and set-up of mobile phone contracts, landlines and ADSL


Double Shift For Emergency Workers At Masca

diana-mcglone.com Two hikers had to be rescued from the gorge at Masca on Monday, the first a woman was attended to by the local police in the morning, the second a 52-year-old German man had to be airlifted by emergency helicopter later the same day.

The man, who had suffered an ankle injury just before 3pm and was unable to walk any further, was located in a particularly inaccessible part of the gorge. The Spanish authorities do make a charge for this kind of rescue where the victims are taking part in what are considered to be risky pursuits. The British consulate warns that Britons coming on holiday to Tenerife should read the small print on their travel insurance policy to make sure it covers adventure activities like quad biking, water sports or indeed attempting the Masca “Walk”. Consulates across Spain have first-hand experience of the distress caused to people who suffer accidents and then find out that they face a hefty emergency services bill because their insurance policy fails to cover what are classed as dangerous sports. According to a UK Post Office survey the average claim for a personal accident is around £7,500

La Caleta Festival Programme

By Englishtimeadeje.com Saturday July 27 • 8pm. Children’s Festival • 10pm, Hour of Chance in the Fiesta Centre Sunday July 28 • 5pm. Children’s games and bouncy castle in the Festival Centre Monday July 29 • 6pm. Children’s games in the Festival Centre (organised by Dept of Culture) • 9pm. Hour of Chance, Fiesta Centre Tuesday July 30 • 6pm. Children’s Fishing Competition, pier • 9pm. Hour of Chance, Fiesta Centre Wednesday July 31 • 6pm. Table football competition, Bar Tere y Manoli • 9pm. Hour of Chance, Fiesta Centre Thursday August 1 • 6pm. Domino competition Bar Tere y Manoli • 7.30pm. Street spectacular announcing the official start of the fiestas • 9pm. Grupo Mesturado, ventriloquist Javier and his dolls, Pepe Benavente

Friday August 2 • 12 midday. Junior boat competition at the pier • 6pm. Parchís competition • 6.30pm. Envite card competition, Festival Centre • 8pm. Dessert competition Festival Centre • 11pm. Dance, GRUPO KIMBARA and MAMBO LATINO Saturday August 3 • 11am. Swim across the Bay of La Caleta, (organised by Adeje Sports Department) • 12 midday. Traditional games at the pier • 6pm. Domina and Parchis finals • 9pm. Mass in the small village chapel in honour of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, followed by a procession through the streets accompanied by

the Banda del Patronato Musical de la Villa de Adeje. The event ends with a fireworks display created by Hermanos Toste. • 11pm. Street Dance with music from DELICIOSA and MAMBO LATINO Sunday August 4 • 12 midday. The statue of the Virgen Nuestra Señora del Carmen is brought to the pier • 1pm. Traditional maritime procession with the statue brought out to sea and along to El Puertito, La Enramada and La Caleta. • Followed by a huge paella, with music from the Orquesta Santa Úrsula. • 8pm. Dance with music from Zona 4, trophy presentation, and election of next year’s committee.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013



8. Roundabout I queue at contains small fashion shop (8) 9. Where to find a glove that’s readily available for use (2,4) 10. Author’s name obviously not known to start with (4) 11. Sid in Crete is careless and imprudent (10) 12. Come, lady, get rid of the French humour (6) 14. Persistently cries for our clams outside (8) 15. FBI seer crazy over spinning disc (7) 17. Finish knitting as

av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las americas arona ( In Front Of hotel Tenerife Sol)


CRYPTIC CROSSWORD boat is put to sea (4,3) 20. Saint leaves stein but gets another from famous scientist (8) 22. Misbehaves when part of play is over (4,2) 23. Dreadfully curse nicer types of money (10) 24. Headless fairy having lots of breathing space (4) 25. Six-legged creature found in skin section (6) 26. Room to manoeuvre position in relation to the Equator (8)


1. Heavy shower to pound door, according to Spooner (8) 2. Bring note back from prestigious college (4) 3. ‘E quit - why? Justice and fair play! (6) 4. Jury’s decision about Verdi and heartless cat (7) 5. Wants boa manufactured in African republic (8) 6. Find the right-most at what regulates temperature (10) 7. Finish listening device to win affection (6)

13. Find way to financial security inside greasy streetlight (4,6) 16. Entirety in confusion over time without end (8) 18. Flew ride, we hear, over chemical compound (8) 19. Infidel blown up near cricket pitch (7) 21. A GI Una upset with large lizard (6) 22. Add ass to ET’s belongings (6) 24. Dante lost five hundred of his poker stake (4)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Spanish Martial Arts Win For Canaries

The Cabildo of Tenerife recently congratulated athletes from lucha del garrotte and del Club Mugendo Tenerife (stick fighting and Tenerife Fight Club) who won various titles in the Martial Arts Championship of Spain 2013.

Island President, Ricardo Melchior, and the Minister of Sports, Cristo Pérez, met Tenerife athletes in a ceremony in which the President of la Federación Canaria de Lucha del Garrote, Carlos Barrera was also present. The Martial Arts Championship of Spain, organised by the World Amateur Martial Arts International (Wamai), took place

at the Pavilion Can Vinader of Castelldefells (Barcelona) and brought together more than 1,000 participants from all over the country, as well as invited athletes from England, Liechtenstein and France. Garrote fight selection won the gold in the self-defence category, traditional forms with weapons and youth traditional ways; the silver was won in the non-contact youth category (male and female) and two third places in the musical forms with weapons category. In addition, the members of the Club Mugendo Tenerife, which formed part of the Canarian delegation, obtained many successes.

President Calls For Ring Road Completion

The completion of the island ring - currently on hold - would mean a saving of 60 million euros per year in direct savings for the citizens of Tenerife and an approximate drop of around 30,000 vehicles in the metropolitan area. In addition, commuters would save about 20,000 hours a day travelling. This was confirmed by a study conducted by the technical service of maintenance and operation of roads and landscape of the Island Corporation.

In addition, explained the Cabildo’s President, Ricardo Melchior, the decongestion

of traffic would emit into the atmosphere 63 million kilograms of CO2, which would place Tenerife in the line with the European commitment to reduce emissions in the coming years. For all these reasons, the President and island Minister of roads and landscapes, Jose Luis Delgado, announced that they have made a request to the Government of the Canary Islands that the construction of the tunnel of Erjos - that would close the island ring road after the completion of the North stretches and South - is declared of regional interest and a priority investment work. The document of the Council reflects the impact and benefits that would occur to the traffic and its consequences for the domestic

economy, once put into service the new sections of the road: North (uniting Icod with El Tanque), and South (from Adeje to Santiago del Teide) as well as after the construction of the tunnel of Erjos (between Santiago del Teide and El Tanque) without which the investment being made in the North and South of the island would not be effective. According to the conclusions of this study, journeys which started in the North of the island and ending in the South would significantly improve journey time and distance covered - drivers coming from the link of Los Realejos to Las Americas would save around 59 minutes and 11 miles, once the ring is completed. In that same case, if the journey starts in Puerto de la Cruz, the savings would be 53 minutes driving time

and 34 kilometres. Island Minister of roads and landscape, Jose Luis Delgado, said that the study shows



A Case Of Animal Cruelty That Might Result In The Second Prison Sentence In The Canaries

Another case of appalling animal cruelty is in the news this week with the case of a five-yearold Border collie bitch called Luna. She was found on 28th June by Policía Local in a horrendous state in a metal oil drum on a farm in Los Realejos. She had been beaten so badly that her skull had been not just fractured, but split in two, and was covered in earth in the drum as though to bury her while still alive.

She was initially taken to a vet in La Orotava but, having been treated and found to be chipped, was then returned to her owner, who claimed she had escaped. Shortly afterwards, he appears to have decided not to keep her, and gave her up to Proteanimaloy on 11th July to be offered for adoption. She is now in a foster home and beginning what is going

to be a long and difficult recovery. At the vets she was diagnosed with various muscular and circulatory problems, and brain damage, the result of her maltreatment. She is said now to be out of danger, but still suffering serious physical and psychological problems. The strength of this poor little animal is clear from the fact that her foster carers say there is a daily improvement. In time, she’ll need a very special new home, not least because she will be frightened at leaving the kindness of her foster home. Meanwhile, Proteanimaloy is raising funds to pay for Luna’s ongoing treatment: the organization has created a fundraising Facebook event Todos, Somos Luna, to take place on August 1st, and legal proceedings have been initiated. This cannot proceed until police have further information, and they are continuing to investigate the case, not the least subject of which is her “owner” who has been denounced for abusing Luna as well other animals.

who most benefits from the completion of the island ring, not the North or South of the island but throughout the is-

land. “It is clear that the ring road would reinforce the territorial balance and the concept of island”, he said.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Southern Resort Beaches – Tenerife

Facebook.com/TenerifeWeekly Playa de Diego hernandez and hippy Bay

Playa de Diego hernandez

hippy Bay


La Caleta


los Cristianos HE room i was born in overlooked the North sea. i spent my formative years living by the ocean and most days running along the beach. in my middle years the sea

was a treat reserved for holidays and now i am happily back where i feel i belong so for me, Tenerife is a kind of paradise. There are beaches everywhere – long, flat, sandy beaches with roll-

ing waves, black volcanic sand beaches with unruly waves, sheltered coves with cliffs and rocks so what we lack in the white paradise beaches of the Maldives or the seychelles we make up for in choice.

Unless you’re one of those people who hate the sun and get a rash when exposed to the heat, then you too probably appreciate a nice beach with a few palm trees and at least for me some of the best are here in the south as there is something to suit everyone. The beaches of Costa Adeje are among the best on the island, giving the area the reputation of being affluent, up-market and guaranteed to impress. La Caleta in the middle of the old fishing village is visited by relatively few people other than locals. It is a mix of sand and shingle and very calm waters. Next to the beach

you will find a couple of restaurant that serve delicious fresh seafood. If you follow the path at the end of La Caleta, it will take you to the next bay the Hippy Bay which is mainly large rocks suitable for sunbathing. Continue past the Hippy Bay and its crystal clear waters and head over the headland to Playa de Diego Hernandez which is sandy. The entire area is a nature reserve of outstanding beauty. If you want sophisticated rather than rugged beauty, Playa del Duque is another well-kept, manmade affair. Once a black sand beach, it was spruced up with sand pumped from the sea bed and de-


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Playa del Duque

Playa del Duque

Puerto Colon

Playa Fañabe

posited on top although some of the sand has since been washed away and the beach is now grey it is still a very pretty location for unwinding on sumptuous sun beds while listening to the sound of the waves gently lapping the shore. Playa del Duque is made for beach lovers, particularly those who enjoy a calm, classy environment. You’ll also find some of the island’s most exclusive five-star hotels here so the area tends to be a bit on the expensive side. If your budget doesn’t quite stretch that far another perfect beach is Playa Fañabé. It attracts lovers of water sports who can jetski through the open water, ride a banana boat or fly high in a parachute over the resort. This leads through Torviscas to Playa la Pinta a small golden sand beach with its big inflatable icebergs that float alongside expensive yachts in the Puerto Colón Marina. Because of its size it is safe and ideal for families as you can easily keep an eye on little ones while relaxing in the sunshine. Las Américas boasts several stretches of long sandy beaches, Playa del Bobo and Playa Troya I and II with their sun beds shaded by thatched umbrellas continue to draw the crowds to their calm waters and multitude of amenities to suit children, couples or those feeling energetic. If you want to try out some water sports, there is a wide variety on offer with plenty of shops hiring out equipment like surfboards, wetsuits and snorkelling gear. As you head along the coast you will find a large area of La Americas that is natural coastline quite rocky and popular with the local surfers. If you love to surf then this is where you will find some of the best waves, your main dilemma is, which break shall I surf? Then you are back to the palmtree lined beach scene of the upmarket area of Las Americas around the Safari Centre and where you can step straight out of the Mare Nostrum resort and on to the golden sands of Playa del Camisón. When people mention the southern beaches the first that springs to mind is Las Vistas. Decried by some as being man-made, yet this wide sweep of golden sand is one of the most popular beaches on the island – families love it and


while it does get busy, it never feels crowded. Sun beds and sunshades fill the beach and at the water’s edge a huge fountain keeps bathers cool when temperatures soar. Las Vistas also provides excellent facilities for people with mobility problems giving easy access into the ocean so the less able bodied can enjoy the beach as much as everyone else. The sea is very calm and has a large shallow area, which makes it especially appealing for families with children. The amenities are excellent – dotted all the way along the expanse of coast are bars selling food and drinks. In addition there are several showers, changing rooms, toilets and even lockers. Las Vistas is the neighbour of Los Cristianos. Los Cristianos boasts not one, but two beaches. The town beach is next to the port so there is always something going on with a variety of boat trips where you can spot dolphins and whales swimming. Ferries also take you to the neighbouring islands of La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro. This is one of the safest beaches and ideal for kids as the waters are sheltered. There are also plenty of sports pastimes from free beach volleyball and football during the summer months to snorkelling lessons. Once away from the pristine beach which is swept daily, you can venture along the lovely promenade that runs for miles and is packed with shops and cafés where you can sit for hours watching the world go by. If you head towards the Arona Gran hotel passing the sand sculptures you will come to the second beach. Walk beyond the ‘peacock’ villa and the beach turns from sand to large pebbles to rocks. Here the shoreline is dotted with stone horseshoe windbreaks. It is supposedly a nudist beach but I have never seen any naked bodies despite how hard I have looked. It is not that I am a great lover of beaches, I wouldn´t swap my life for that of a beach bum, but I do like to be able to wander along the coast depending on what time of year it is and listen to the waves either lapping the shore or crashing against the rocks. If that sounds like you, or your dream is to spend each day getting a tan and playing in the waves - and who wouldn’t, then the southern resorts of Tenerife are for you, everybody will find their perfect spot.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Eurosingers In Los Realejos School Grants Applications Open

THE plaza de san Agustín de Los realejos hosted the 10th edition of the Eurosingers festival on saturday, July 20, Canarias Canta en Europe. in a meeting attended by 15 young people from 11 municipalities of the archipelago, the winner of the gold medal was interpreter Argel Campos, of Güímar. in october, he will be taking part in an international music competition in Lithuania.

The silver medal was won by Javier Linares and the bronze by Miriam Reyes from La Laguna. The young talent 2013 award went to Princess Barbara, from Los Realejos, and the Eurosingers 2013 artist award went to Zorayma Afonso, La Laguna. The Deputy Mayor of Los Realejos, Adolfo González, presented the awards. The ceremony also featured performances, as guest artists, of the ballets of Loli Pérez and Sugar Fresh Pro, as well as the soloists: Miriam Bienes, Eurosingers artists from Italy and Lithuania; Wycho Torres, winner of the 2012 Edition and participating Eurosingers from Portugal, Italy and Bulgaria, as well as Goyo Tavío, and Eurosingers representatives from Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Malta, Macedonia, Moldova, Lithuania, Sweden, Turkey, Cuba and USA. The competition together with the televising of EUROSINGERS which was launched in 2004, has given the oppor-


ErioD to apply for grants for school materials and nonreusable books for 2013\2014 is open from June 29 to August 12, 2013, inclusive.

tunity to many Canarian artists to travel and participate in international music festivals in more than 20 countries, with

more than 60 international performances and more than 400 days of programming abroad.

Are You Getting Enough?

WE all know that we don’t eat as healthily as we should and as a result, some of us will be lacking in essential nutrients that help maintain optimal health. forever Living’s popular vitamin and mineral choices to help combat this are:

Nature’s 18 is a blend of fruit and vegetables that are the “heavyweights” when it comes to supporting your health. The National Cancer Institute’s nutritional guidelines state that every man, woman and child should consume a minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Forever knows that our good intentions of eating a balanced diet are not always easy to meet, with our product, Natures’s 18, you need to take just 4 of these tablets a day, this chewable, great tasting tablet is ideal for the entire family. The use of garlic and thyme for dietary purposes can be traced back thousands of years. Over the years, garlic has proved to be a very powerful bacteria fighting agent, good for the bloodstream, bowels and skin. Thyme is an essential oil rich in a sub-

stance called thymol which acts as a powerful antiseptic with antibacterial properties, and also acts as an antioxidant. Forever Garlic-Thyme is an odourless softgel tablet, which can help with cholesterol and also to support the conversion of fats to energy. Calcium is the most common mineral found in our body, accounting for about 2% of our total weight! The majority of the calcium, 99% is found in our teeth and bones. It is needed for our muscles to function and to release hormones such as insulin. Bone calcium begins to decrease in young adulthood, and progressive loss of bone calcium occurs as we age, particularly in women. For-

ever Calcium is made from ultra dense citrate – and so is metal free. 4 tablets a day will provide 100% of the daily recommended requirement, and it is combined with vitamin D and magnesium – essential for maximizing calcium absorption. Remember that all of our products have a 30 day money back guarantee, and can be ordered by phone, email or online at www.love-aloeforever.myflpbiz.com Thank you to Friends Bar on Golf del Sur for inviting us to their mini market last Friday. See you at the next one on 2 August. Don’t forget that this Saturday 27 July, we will be at La Tasca El Conde (Roque del Conde ) from 2pm.

The granting of aid for the purchase of school materials and books, which is coordinated and managed by the Municipal Board of social services, is intended to support families of the disadvantaged in the municipality, with children enrolled in public schools for the year 2013\2014.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

EVENTS ON THE ROCK Arona summer festival 2013 on August 17th in Playa de las Américas, Tenerife Arona Summer Festival general tickets price: 40 Euros – Regular price 55 Euros – On spot price Arona Summer Festival Premium tickets Price: Those getting this ticket will be closer to stage and have a

different access to the venue 55 Euros – Regular price 70 Euros – on spot price To buy online go to www.aronasummerfestival.com/ tickets.html

The Municipal Board of culture of the municipality of Arona invites you to visit an exhibition of recycled furniture and decorative objects by Beatriz Padron and Elena Perez. With free entrance at the Cultural Centre in Los Cristianos the exhibition is open until 31st July.


Live Arico News

Have You Got The X Factor? Time Is Running Out...

It’s here, our first ever talent show, to be run over two consecutive Saturday afternoons, this Saturday the 27th July and the week after, Saturday 3rd August. The first event will be the heats, and the best of the talent will be asked back to the final the week after. The entry fee is 5 Euros with a 100 Euros cash prize paid to the outright winner, with many more prizes going to second and third place. A resume of the terms and conditions are as follows....

The competition is open to anyone who does not earn from the talent they are showcasing. Competition is open to any age – anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an appropriate adult. A maximum of 10 acts will be invited back for finals week. Three acts will be picked from the 10 to showcase for a final time – this can be a repeat of either previous showcases if desired. There will be 3 judges for each week and their decisions are final The 1st 2nd and 3rd places will be determined by audience response and judges scores The use of live animals in any performance must be done ensuring that the animal in no way becomes distressed or is caused any injury All showcases must be ‘family friendly’ ie no nudity, swearing or violence Each entrant will receive a certificate of entry So come and join us at the Olde Ocean Fun Pub, Fañabe from 12.30 pm this Saturday and show us what you’ve got. You never know, you could get three yes’s and go on to the final.

Big Jack Still Needs A Home ! Jack is 9 months old and was found by

our Siobhan from the San Eugenio charity shop running around in the road. We will not lie – he is big, he is boisterous and he is a handful. But he is adorable, a big bouncy pup with love to give (although it would appear not to cats!!) So, what to do with Jack? Well on the day in question we could not find a foster home, so we went through the official channels and called 112. It kind of worked – the police did not come, but they said if we could get Jack to the police station they would take over. He eventually was placed in the Adeje pound – except then we worried about him, who would want him, what would happen to him? So, we “adopted” him, as a charity, sent him to Poochies pet hotel, he has been

sterilised, chipped, vaccinated and is now good to go. Things could have been very different for him, but we thought he was young and deserved a chance. Can you be that chance? He will love you forever.... Our usual adoption fee of 110 Euros for a male dog applies, please call Sue on 629 388 102 for more information.

Happy Shopping!!

To be found in our charity shops this month. Come and browse in Los Cristianos, Calle reveron, near the children’s play park, where Kel, Jackie and the lovely volunteers open between 10 and 4pm daily. Alternatively, have a look at Siobhan’s Aladdin’s Cave in San Eugenio, near Amanda’s Bar and opposite Hotel La Nina. Both shops are closed Sundays. Come and see, you will be surprised at the high quality goods at knock down prices. Happy shopping.

Entry Form

NAME: ............................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ DATE OF BIRTH/AGE: .................................................................. WHAT IS YOUR SHOWCASE: ........................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ..................................................... Any interesting facts about you that the judges should know? ........................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ PLEASE ATTACH A PHOTOGRAPH:

The Municipal Board of culture of the municipality of Arona invites you to attend the exhibition of painting of Felix C. Dominguez at the Cultural Centre in Los Cristianos. Open until 31st July, entrance is free.

Bring this application form along with your 5 Euros entry fee to the auditions on July 27th at Ye Olde Ocean, Fañabe.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Clean Beach Campaign

THis weekend the Asociación Paisaje Limpio, or Clean Countryside Association will visit the fañabe and Duque beaches as part of the ‘Por unas Playas Limpias’ clean beach campaign.

Monitors from the national non-profit making association will visit the two beaches on Saturday July 27th to talk to bathers, ask them about the beaches as well as offering information on how to keep our beaches clean and contaminationfree. They will also be handing out prizes and give-aways such as beach balls, fans and beach ashtrays. Adeje tourism councillor Rafael Dolado García said that to make sure our beaches stayed clean and pollution free it was important that everyone worked together, public and private bodies as well as individual visitors to the beaches. “This is a question of environmental awareness and respect for our coastline as well as


Tfs - Tenerife sur Airport (reina sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife North

TfN Airport (Los rodeos) Flight info General info

Cosmos Thomas Cook Thomson TUI

Local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

Hospitals 094 National ferry services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 922 628 252 922 793 802 Fred Olsen 922 757 409 922 798 607 Tourist offices 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TiTsA La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 922 641 112 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 922 747 511

Tour operators


the rest of the countryside. When we use the beaches, when we visit the mountains and parks we shouldn’t be leaving anything behind to show we were there, and that’s how we keep our surroundings clean”: In Spain and in Tenerife, particular attention is paid to the coastline given the frequent usage, which of course means a higher risk of contamination. That’s why the Clean Countryside Association has an annual campaign that pays specific attention to the beaches. The Adeje council is fully behind the initiative and shares the aims it promotes and has said it would like to see the campaign extended to more beaches in Costa Adeje in the near future. The Asociación Paisaje Limpio is a non-profit national organisation created to promote awareness and encourage recycling, the reduction of spillages and pollution and encourage public civic activities to deal with local pollution and waste management.

All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590


Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Housing Crisis To 2014 Be Co-ordinated Carnival Poster

The Council created the Insular Council of housing to aid cooperation and coordination and unify the interests of Government and citizen organizations in the search for a solution to the problem of access to housing. The fourth Vice-President, responsible for the area, José Antonio Valbuena, presented the proposal which will be transferred to the plenary of the Insular Corporation for debate and subsequent approval.



There is still time to vote for the 2014 Carnival poster, the carnival will be dedicated to Cartoons.

You can cast your vote until 12.00 on 29th July at www.carnavaltenerife.es

José Antonio Valbuena insisted that in a situation of economic crisis like the present, it is necessary for the public authorities to ensure the social function of the property which, in practice, is regarded as consumer goods subject to the laws of the market. “Social interest must prevail over private property,” he said. Its objectives also include pro-

moting active policies of housing on the Island, carrying out regular monitoring of the development of the State Plan and the Canarian Plan, and fostering collaboration between the various political parties. In Tenerife there are around 50,000 empty homes according to the latest data provided by the National Institute of statistics (INE).A spokesman pointed

the serious difficulties with regards to access to adequate housing. The Adviser also said the Island Council of housing will count with the participation of the housing associations and other councils. Valbuena said that the main function of the Council will be to adopt agreements on protocols on social rentals that are submitted to the relevant authorities.

Health Authorities Issue Widespread Water Restrictions In North

There are wide-ranging water restrictions in place in fourteen municipalities throughout north Tenerife because of excessive levels of fluoride in the water. Residents are advised not only not to drink the water, but also not to cook nor prepare food with it. In some areas the restriction applies only to children under eight years of age, but in others to everyone. The health authorities actually announced the restrictions last month on their website but it is only now that it has

been disseminated and become reasonably widespread public knowledge.

Restrictions apply to children only in: San Juan de la Rambla; La Guancha; La Matanza; Santa Úrsula ((Pino Alto, La Tosquita, La Corujera, La Corujera Alta, Cuesta La Villa, Tamaide, Urbanización Paraíso, La Vera, El Farrobillo, Tosca Barrios and El Calvario); La Victoria ((La Vera-Carril and La Resbala); El Sauzal (Carretera Vecinal, La Costa, La Baranda, El Calvario, El Montillo, Ravelo, Ravelo Alto and Bajo); Tacoronte (Chupadero, Agua García, Guayonge, Casas Altas, La Luz and Barranco Las Lajas); Tegueste (Caidero, Los Laureles, Pedro Álvarez, Las Canteras, El Palomar, Faria, La Cruz, Los Barriales, Blas Núñez, El Portezuelo, Molina, El Infierno, San Gonzalo); and La Laguna (Guajara, Las Chumberas, Geneto, Gracia

y Los Baldíos). They apply to everyone, children and adults alike, in: Buenavista (Casco, El Palmar, La Cuesta, Las Canteras, Las Portelas, Teno, Triana y Rincón); Los Silos (Erjos); El Tanque (Casco, Erjos, San José de los Llanos, Ruigómez and La Hoya); Garachico (Casco, El Guincho, La Montañeta, Genovés, San Juan del Reparo, Caleta de Interián, San Pedro de Daute and Las Cruces); and the whole of Icod de los Vinos. There is a separate restriction on all alimentary uses of water in various areas of Puerto de la Cruz (these aren’t detailed) because of nitrates – it applies to children under three months of age and pregnant women. Again, this was published last month but not disseminated. It is said that those worried they might be affected can call Aqualia’s customer information line on 902 23 60 23.


ChaLLeNGING Puzzle

eaSY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

sUDoKU every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the sUDoKU are on page 2.

www.tenerife-weekly.com By Steve Andrews Please introduce yourself to the readers.

My name is David, I’m a hillwalking guide and I have my own business Tenerife Outdoors, which organises day-hikes and walking holidays for people visiting Tenerife. Primarily I take people out walking in the mountains of Tenerife and I try to show them a side of the island that they wouldn’t normally experience on your typical “bucket and spade” holiday.

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Tenerife Hill-Walker David Parkes Interviewed

How long have you been working as a guide?

I’ve been working as a hillwalking guide since 2009. It started parttime, I was working as a web developer and I developed tendinitis in my shoulders from working at a computer, so I decided to cut my hours to reduce the time I spent in front of the PC. The hiking business started as something I did at weekends, but the interest in the walking tours grew and grew and I eventually I had to go full-time to keep up with demand.

Did you have to retrain and gain new qualifications?

Yes absolutely! The first thing I had to do was get my first aid badge, so I knew what do to if anyone had an accident or fell ill in the mountains. I attended an MLTE approved Mountain Leader Training Course in the Lake District and more recently I also gained accreditation as a tour guide of the Teide National Park in Autumn 2012.

Why do you enjoy hill-walking and climbing mountains so much?

I don’t know really, I suppose it takes me back to happy childhood memories, from the age of about 5 onwards my Nan would take me out for walks on the Pennines and in the Peak District around the Yorkshire village I grew up in. We’d walk across the fields to Helme or around Digley Reservoir, we even got lost on Saddleworth moor once. My Nan is still alive, she’s 98 years old and very frail these days, but I still remember her as the strong willed fit lady in her late ‘60s, who’d march me around moors with a flask of orange squash and a ham sandwich in her hand-bag. I just know I relax when I see the landscape stretching out in front of my eyes, Tenerife is quite a contrast to the Pennines and Peak District, but it has the same rugged beauty and I just love sharing it with people.

What do you like about Tenerife?

I like the variation more than any-

David Parkes on Mt Teide

Chinyero vent and Mt Teide in the background thing, I guess. I know if you read the guidebooks they all say Tenerife is the “island of eternal spring”, it’s a cliché and its nonsense. Tenerife has really contrasting seasons; you just don’t get them on the coast where most visitors stay. But head to the mountains and you’ll have snow and freezing conditions in winter and baking hot dry summers, would you call that eternal spring? And it’s not just the changing seasons; there are the changing landscapes and micro-climates too. Once you leave the coastal towns and head inland you pass through the rural farming communities, with smallholdings planted with seasonal crops like potatoes, lettuces, onions, marrows, sweetcorn and tomatoes. Or vineyards producing wine for one of the island’s four D.O.’s (Denominacion de Origen - wine producing regions). Head further into the mountains and you’ll enter the pine forests before emerging in the volcanic landscape of the National Park and Mount Teide. And if that wasn’t enough, we have the wet and rainy Anaga Peninsula and the pockets of Laurel Forests in the Teno Massif. I don’t think there’s another place on earth that has such a varied natural environment than Tenerife, not over such a small surface area. That’s what I like most about the island.

Summit of Mt Teide

What do you dislike about Tenerife?

You’ll have to excuse me if I go on a little rant here. But what I dislike more than anything else is the “Little Britain” attitude of some of the ex-pats; people, who refuse to integrate, learn the language or adopt the culture. These people annoy me because they just want their own little piece of Britain in the Sun. You know, the people who want their English breakfast, UK brand products, imported lager and to have as little to do with anything foreign as possible. I came to Tenerife to live in Spain, not to live in a sunny version of Britain. It really annoyed me that the place had become so anglicised. So I moved to a village in the mountains near Vilaflor and honestly, I feel much happier, even if I do feel a bit like a hermit.

Plans for the future?

Hmm, well persuade my neighbour to sell me the field behind my house, nurture my orange tree to

maturity and find myself someone to share my country lifestyle with. And speaking professionally, I hope Tenerife Outdoors continues to grow so I can spend more time sharing this beautiful island with people who want to discover the real Tenerife. Long term, I’d like to get some money behind me and buy and restore old Canarian cottages and try

to encourage more people to ditch the tourist towns and live in the real Tenerife.

Anything you would like to add or promote.

Well, Tenerife Outdoors for starters, then there’s my website (www. tenerifeoutdoors.com) and you can find me on Facebook too facebook. com/tenerifeoutdoors.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

A New Image for Aladdin’s Cave

ALADDiN’s Cave is celebrating five successful years in business with a change of image as well as a change of direction.

You may have already noticed the huge new road side hoarding at exit 26, southbound, on the TF1 (the Guaza turn-off) it is, after-all, hard to miss! In keeping with this new sign their newspaper and magazine publicity has al-

tered and all follows the same new format. With a stronger emphasis now being placed on the ANTIQUE & ART side of the business they have decided to move away from the second hand sector and will in future concentrate more on the eclectic and the unusual for which they have become so well known. So when you’re looking for that special something pop in to ALADDIN’S CAVE. See our advert on page 26.


Loro Parque President Recognised In Germany

THE President of Loro Parque, Wolfgang Kiessling, has received the Gold Medal of “Wilhelm-Pfeiffer” granted by the Justus-Liebig University Giessen in Germany, in recognition of the contribution of the Loro Parque for research and training of over 500 veterinary students who were able to make case studies in the parrot clinic and breeding centre at the Zoo, considered to be amongst the best in the world.

This award is presented to those who support the development and progress in the scientific field of veterinary medicine. In the case of Loro Parque, for over 30 years students and student doctors have been able to take part in the parks activities, as well as involve themselves in important research, such as the artificial insemination of parrots, whose findings will help stop the extinction of the most threatened species of parrots. Gold Medal “Wilhelm-Pfeiffer” also values the Loro Parque Fundación commitment to the protection of species and their habitats, since the creation of this non=profit organisation in 1994, it has invested $ 14 million in 96 projects of conservation of parrots and whales species, in 5 continents. As a result of these

efforts for conservation and thanks to the Loro Parque Foundation, we have managed to reduce the level of threat

of extinction of two species of parrots, Parrot yellow-eared of the Macaw’s Lear in Brazil and Colombia.


Mainland News In Brief Described as “safe and healthy and ready to join their loved ones”, two Spanish aid workers have been freed in Somalia. Medecins Sans Frontieres confirmed that Montserrat Serra and Blanca Thiebaut had been released two years after their capture in Kenya. Spain’s Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo joined them in expressing his relief. He noted that the captivity had been extraordinarily long and continued by saying that the government had made their repatriation a priority since taking power, making the news of their release even more sweet. The two women were abducted from the Dadaab refugee camp in October 2011 by gunmen who shot at their vehicle. Kenya accused the al-Qaeda aligned al-Shabab group of being responsible and sent troops to Somalia to pursue them. A Catalan organization which helps provide disabled people with sexual relations is calling for “disability” prostitutes to become legal in Spain. The organization wants the Spanish government to back a motion which would make sexual assistants legal as they already are in Germany, Switzerland, Holland and Denmark. France is said to be in the midst of a debate on whether to follow suit as well. Ben Lewin’s 2012 Hollywood film The Sessions, which tells the story of a 38-year-old man in an iron lung who wishes to lose his virginity with a professional sex surrogate, has helped raise awareness for Sex Asistent Catalunya’s cause. The group is already putting together the teaching material with the aim of offering those interested in professional training an official university degree. Thousands of protesters demanding the resignation of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy over a corruption scandal clashed with police in the capital, Madrid. Several people were injured or arrested after the protest turned violent. The protesters jammed downtown streets outside the Madrid headquarters of the ruling Popular Party, insisting that Rajoy should leave office because of allegations he received payoffs from a slush fund before his party won elections in 2011. Thousands more demonstrated in Barcelona. The demonstrations came after opposition leaders called for Rajoy to explain himself before parliament or face a censure vote. The prime minister brushed off demands he should resign after text messages emerged showing him comforting a former political party treasurer under investigation over the slush fund and secret Swiss bank accounts. The treasurer has claimed Rajoy took under-the-counter payments, accusations he denies. The Bolivian government has “temporarily” recalled its ambassadors to Spain in protest at the refusal earlier this month to allow Bolivian President Evo Morales’ plane to enter its airspace. “Recalling the ambassador is a decision that was taken within the framework of the summit of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the bloc that decided to call its ambassador, to protest what happened to President Morales.” Mercosur nations, including Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and Uruguay, gathered after Morales’ plane was denied access to those countries’ airspace July 2 to condemn the European nations for violating international laws on presidential immunity. The minister however said the move did not mean Bolivia was breaking off diplomatic relations with Spain. The Spanish version of a royal baby - Spanish actress Penelope Cruz has given birth to her second child. She and husband Javier Bardem welcomed their baby into the world on Monday, the same day as the royal baby. Cruz, 39, and Bardem, 44, are notoriously private when it comes to family matters, but sources say the baby girl is healthy and happy. The celebrity couple already have a two-year-old son, Leonardo.

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Morocco Trip Leaves “Indelible Impression”

Spain’s King Juan Carlos ended his official visit to Morocco on with two events loaded with symbolism: receiving the golden key to the city of Rabat and inaugurating – together with King Mohammed VI – a youth centre.

The satisfaction in Morocco with the result of this trip, the first by Juan Carlos after his March 3rd back surgery, has been complete, as Prime Minister Abdelilah Bankiran acknowledged after bidding the Spanish monarch farewell at the airport. The four-day visit leaves bilateral economic, social, educational and cultural relations on the right track, and the progress made in these areas will allow the two nations to strengthen mutual cooperation within their “strategic partnership,” the objectives of which are delineated in a joint declaration made public at the end of the visit. The declaration notes the “excellent state” of bilateral relations between Madrid and Rabat and said that Juan Carlos and Mohammed VI had encouraged their respective governments to “continue working along that line to develop even further this new model of neighbourli-

ness between the two kingdoms.” The Spanish monarch went to the Rabat City Hall, where he was presented with the golden key to the city, an unprecedented gesture that had never been extended before to a foreign head of state. The ceremony gave Juan Carlos the opportunity to state publicly that the

trip will leave an “indelible impression” on him as a result of the “hospitality and affection with which you, Your Majesty King Mohammed VI and the beloved Moroccan people, have welcomed me.” Juan Carlos afterwards accompanied the Moroccan monarch to inaugurate a youth centre established in a poor community on the outskirts of Rabat.

Top 10 Healthiest Tapas

The Medical European Obesity Institute (IMEO) has named the top 10 healthiest summertime tapas, or Spanish appetizers, recommending combinations of fresh vegetables and shellfish over fried calamari, mayonnaise and rich sauces.

Skewered marinated anchovies, green pepper, olives, chives and blue fish, rich in calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids - ideal for the 40+ year-olds, pre-menopausal crowd - are in first place at 50-60 calories. The second healthiest Spanish appetizer according to IMEO is gazpacho (70-85 calories), rich in lycopene and carotene, both powerful anti-oxidants and promoters of skin health. At number 3 and with 100 calories, a protein-rich shellfish salad keeps the heart healthy, while grilled squid with garlic and parsley, number 4, and only 106 calories, is rich in phosphorus and potassium, both keys to healthy cell function. Squid ink is also a natural anti-depressant, and is used to treat fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, and postpartum stress. Mussel’s vinaigrette placed a at number 5 with 120 calories, are great for both the palate and the heart because they are high in selenium, a natural anti-oxidant that, along with Vitamin E,

fights coronary disease. At number 6, the mushroom and chive omelette with 130 calories, omelettes are rich in quercetin, a flavonoid that fights cancer and heart disease, while egg yolk is a great source of fat-free protein. Number 7 is red pepper stuffed with salt cod with 140 calories, which joins carotene and vitamin A to protect the skin and the mucous membranes. Nutritious and low in calories, Galicia-style octopus comes in at number 8 with 140 calories, because it is rich in iodine, which protects the metabolism and the thyroid gland, and vitamin B2, which reduces heart disease. Tuna with green pepper on toast takes the ninth spot with, 156 calories. High in Omega 3, experts say 170 grams of tuna a day equal one third of daily protein intake needs for adults. Last but by no means least, at number 10 is Spanish ham with tomato, 150 calories, low in saturated fats and high in the B vitamin complex, ensuring a healthy nervous system.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Bamboo Towels & Sheets THEy are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.




train that crashed killing 78 people in northern Spain was reported to be travelling at nearly three times the speed limit. Survivors have described carriages flipping and bursting into flames after the train came off the tracks on a bend just outside Santiago de Compostela, a popular pilgrimage city in North West Spain.

The high-speed train travelling from Madrid to the port city of Ferrol was carrying 218 passengers plus crew when it crashed. The carriages piled into each other and folded up into each other. One was ripped apart by the force of the crash, one of its ends pushed up into the air. Rescue teams worked through the night, searching the wreckage for survivors from one of the worst train disasters in Spain for decades. Fire fighters climbed over the twisted metal trying to get survivors out of the windows. Bodies covered in blankets lay next to the overturned carriages as smoke billowed out from the wreckage. More than 130 people were injured, including one British national. Some were in a serious condition. “The scene is shocking, it’s Danteesque,” said the head of the surrounding Galicia region, Alberto Nunez Feijoo. “It was going so quickly,” passenger Ricardo Montesco said, “It seems that on a curve the train started to twist, and the wagons piled up one on top of the other. A lot of people were squashed on the bottom. We tried to squeeze out of the bottom of the wagons to get out and we realised the train was burning,” he said. “I saw corpses.” El Pais newspaper quoted sources close to the investigation as saying the train was travelling at over twice the speed limit on a sharp curve. It suggested the train was travelling at more than 110mph (180kph) when

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Europe’s Worst Train Crash

the accident happened. Another Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, reported that the train had been travelling at nearly 140mph (220kph) in an urban zone with a speed limit of just 50mph (80kph). Both state rail company Renfe and state-owned Adif, which is in charge of the tracks, have opened an investigation into the cause of the derailment but no statement will be made until the train’s black boxes are examined. Officials have ruled out an act of terrorism, like the commuter train bombing attacks in Madrid in 2004 that killed


since the Middle Ages. It was Spain’s deadliest train accident since 1972, when a train collided with a bus in south west Spain, killing 86 people and injuring 112. One of the big questions facing the investigators is whether the speed was clear to the driver of the train, according to rail expert Jeremy Acklam. “Did the system correctly tell the driver what the speed was, and for some reason he didn’t take action? Or was there some fault, and either the wrong speed was shown or no speed at all was shown?” UK Foreign Secretary, William Hague said, “I was very saddened to hear of the terrible train accident near Santiago de Compostela in Spain last night. My thoughts are with all those affected and their friends and family. The British Embassy team in Spain are working closely with the Spanish authorities as they respond to this tragedy. We know that one British citizen was injured in this accident and the Embassy has been providing consular support”. All political parties have cancelled events to attend to the tragedy. The Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was at the scene on Thursday morning, and messages of condolences have been sent by the King and Prince Felipe as well political authorities from all sectors of the national and local community. Pope Francis, on a visit to Brazil, called for prayers for the victims.

191 people, and sabotage. Clinics in Santiago de Compostela were packed with people offering to donate blood, and hotels organised free rooms for relatives. City officials cancelled ceremonies planned for Thursday; Catholic pilgrims were due to converge on the city to celebrate a festival honouring St James, the disciple of Jesus whose remains are said to rest in a shrine. Santiago de Compostela is the main gathering point for worshippers who make it to the end of the El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route that has drawn Christians

A Minute’s Silence In Arona Members of the Municipal Corporation and the Arona Town Council workers kept a minute silence at 11 am yesterday, in memory of all those who died in the tragic railway accident that took place in Santiago de Compostela.

Arona also expressed its condolences to the families of the victims and solidarity for all residents of the municipality of Santiago, and throughout the autonomous region of Galicia as other Councils have also done throughout the Canary Islands Federation of municipalities (FECAM) and the Councils of the Federation of the Canary Islands (FECAI).


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Spanish Martyred In Spain Town Claims – Priest To Beatified World Record

A filipino priest who was killed during anti-religious violence in spain in the 1930s will be beatified later this year. The beatification ceremony of franciscan Capuchin Jose Maria de Manila will be led by Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the saints in Tarragona, spain, on october 13th.

This means he will be one step closer to canonization and will be known as the “Blessed Jose Maria de Manila,” according to the official news agency of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Spain said Pope Francis may address the attendees of the ceremony via satellite from Rome. The missionary was born in the Manila on September 5, 1880, the son of Spanish cou-

ple Don Eugenio Saz-Orozco and Dona Feliza Mortera y Camacho. Fr. Eugenio Lopez, Provincial Minister of the Capuchin Philippine Province said he couldn’t produce Father Jose’s birth certificate because it was burned during the Liberation of Manila. “But his school records from the University of Santo Tomas (UST) showed he is ‘natural de Manila’. All his biographies from Spain also showed he was born in Manila,” Lopez said. Lopez said Father Jose remained a Filipino at heart throughout his years in Spain and even wanted to return to the country to serve the local Church: “Circumstances, however, prevented him to fulfil his dream of coming back to the land of his birth, yet he still offered his life for the Gospel he zealously preached in Spain and longed to proclaim in his native land,” Lopez said. Father Jose is just one of 500 martyrs who died in the religious persecution in

THE beach at the spanish town of vera has proclaimed itself the new Guinness world record holder for collective nude bathing with 729 people bathing nude at the same time. The south east spanish town claimed the honour from New Zealand, which had been in the number one spot with 506 nude bathers.

the 1930s. They included 20 priests and 12 lay religious brothers, who are currently waiting to be beatified. He studied in Ateneo de Manila University, San Juan de Letran and Santo Tomas during his elementary and secondary years and pursued further studies in Spain. Despite his parents’ objections, Father Jose became a Capuchin priest on November 30, 1910. On July 20, 1936, due to the savage acts perpetuated by anarchist and Marxist

troops against the Christian religion and their ministers, several religious, including Father Jose, were forced to abandon their convents in Madrid. On August 17, 1936, the Filipino priest was executed at the gardens of the Cuartel de la Montana, a military building in Madrid. Lopez noted that in cases of martyrdom the miracle required for beatification can be waived. However, for canonization a miracle done by Father Jose remains to be a requirement.

With the slogan “The world’s biggest strip-off,” sponsored by the Vera City Hall in collaboration with the Spanish Naturism Federation, the town located in Almeria province attracted bathers early in the morning, who were intending to participate in the event. By midday, the time established for the collective swim, El Playazo beach was full. The count of the participants was made at the

entrance to the beach and everyone was divided into groups of 50 and given tickets with their registration numbers. The entire registration procedure was recorded on videotape before a notary. According to town mayoral adviser Juan de la Cruz, by setting the new record, Vera is intending to promote its tourist potential and set itself up as an international naturism, or nudity, centre.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Can Fabes Closes Its Doors Can Fabes, one of the best restaurants in Spain and the world, survived the death of its founder Santi Santamaria but not the economic crisis and will close its doors on August 31st, according to the late chef’s daughter, Regina Santamaria. The eatery was the first in the north eastern Spanish region of Catalonia to get three stars from Michelin.

The Santamaria-Serra family has been running the establishment since February 2011, when the

chef died from a heart attack in Singapore. Regina and her mother, Angels Serra, took over management of the restaurant in Sant Celoni, while her brother, Pau, ran the kitchen. Can Fabes, the dream restaurant that Santi Santamaria established in his hometown, is not economically viable and cannot maintain its high standard of excellence, Regina Santamaria said. “A month ago, we started to believe that looking for a partner might be the solution, but it is hard to find one in these times. We are still looking and hope is the last thing you lose,” Regina Santamaria said, adding that August 31st

was the deadline. The company is avoiding piling up debt “out of respect for the personnel” and so that family members can “finish with heads held high,” she added. The family’s El Raco de Can Fabes group was forced to close most of its other restaurants following Santi Santamaria’s death. “We surely would not have reached this situation if the chef had not died. Can Fabes was his little gem. It was growing, with new projects in his mind. We always say that we are all Can Fabes – team, suppliers and clients – but he was the symbol,” she said.


Beer Champion Dies After Victory

Joaquín Alcaraz Gracia claimed the title of beer drinking champion during a festival in Spain, but his victory was short-lived. The 45-year-old man died after a drinking contest in Gea y Truyols district of Murcia, during which he is believed to have drunk six litres of beer (about 12.5 pints) in just 20 minutes.

Gracia won the drinking festival’s top prize and hoisted his trophy into the air. But the event took a tragic turn as Gracia began to vomit and didn’t stop. Witnesses called emergency services, believing Gracia was suffering from alcohol poisoning. Seated in a chair, he was held upright while bystanders as they waited for medical personnel. Observers noted the heavyset man appeared to fall asleep. By the time the medical team arrived, Gracia was reportedly in cardiac arrest. The 45-year-old was rushed to a local hospital, but passed away shortly after his arrival. Though Gracia’s alcohol consumption is believed to be a factor in his death, officials have not confirmed his specific cause of death. In fact, Mayor José Manuel

Gracia reduced the official tally of how much Gracia drank, saying the winner had consumed only two to three litres during the contest. Under the rules of the drinking competition, contestants must drink as many litre-glasses of beer as possible in the 20-minute time span. The beer drinking contest is part of the area’s annual festival, which has been held for more than 15 years. However, following the death, future festival plans have been suspended.

Stabbed For Breaking Up A Fight Hells Angel

Good Samaritan Darren Higgins is recovering in hospital in Ibiza after being stabbed as he tried to break up a fight. The 21-year-old Irishman, Darren, who is working for a party boat company on Ibiza over the summer before returning to Ireland, was slashed in the head, arms and stomach after he rugby-tackled a man who was attacking another holidaymaker in the resort of San Antonio.

He had an emergency operation for wounds after being rushed to a nearby accident and emergency unit. Speaking from his bed in Ibiza’s Can Misses Hospital, Darren, from Co Kildare, said:

Gang Arrested

“It was all a bit of a blur. Instinct just took over. I remember rugby-tackling the guy and then feeling what I thought was a blow to the back of my head until I realised there was blood pouring from it. I went to put my T-shirt round my head to stem the flow of blood and that’s when he slashed my stomach. “I didn’t see the weapon

but I think it was a knife. I’ve got seven wounds in total including two slash wounds to my arm and two to my head and a 20-centimetre cut to my stomach that’s had to be stitched up. The doctors have said I’m going to be okay and I’m feeling better than I was. I was just trying to do the right thing and stop a fight. The incident happened

in Santa Agnes Street, in the heart of San Antonio’s West End area, an area made up of a few streets and one long bar strip. Most of the bars are aimed at tourists, mainly British holidaymakers. Police on Ibiza confirmed they were still hunting Darren’s attacker and another man believed to have been involved in the incident.

According to a police statement, 25 members of a Hells Angels motorcycle gang have been arrested by police investigating suspected drug smuggling, people trafficking, extortion and money laundering. The groups’ alleged European leader, Frank Hanebuth, was among those detained in 31 house raids on the Mediterranean resort island of Majorca.

The German citizen owned an estate on the island valued at 2.5 million euros where the gang had planned to build a Formula One race track. Police said several cars and motorcycles, as well as arms, cash and jewellery were seized in the operation, which involved authorities in Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria in a two-year investigation. While the gang made most of it money through traditional crime,

it also branched out into extorting rich foreigners with homes on the island who were intimated into paying the gang around 500,000 euros as a form of “tax”. If the home owner resisted, the gang would follow up the initial “request” with emails and threats to relatives living abroad. The money from the illegal activities was subsequently laundered through a network of companies.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


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Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Fergie & Beckham Woman Killed On Star In The Beano Roller-Coaster Ride A woman died after falling from the tallest steel-hybrid rollercoaster in the world at the Six Flags Over Texas theme park in Arlington, Texas. Park. officials confirmed the woman died but did not specify how she was killed.

David Beckham and Sir Alex Ferguson have been reunited in the 75th anniversary issue of The Beano. DC Thomson, the Dundee-based publisher of the comic, released a sneak preview of the footballer’s encounter with his former boss, before the issue went on sale.

In Dennis The Menace And Gnasher And David Beckham! Becks decides to move to Beanotown. An undercover Dennis the Menace helps him find a home. The only problem being that it is right next door to Sir Alex Ferguson’s new house. Beckham played for a decade under Sir Alex during his time at Manchester United. Beano editor-in-chief Mike Stirling said: “David Beckham features quite a lot in the anniversary issue and I think that the strip with David Beckham and Sir Alex Ferguson is brilliant. Dennis is up to his usual menacing and the results are hilarious. It pokes fun at their history in a lighthearted way and, of course, it’s all meant in jest. “We listen to what our readers say and feature people that they want to read

about. I think that the anniversary issue is possibly the most celeb-packed issue we have ever produced. Seventy-five years of The Beano is a landmark worth celebrating and we hope that it appeals to readers of all ages.” Earlier this month, DC Thomson released a preview

of the anniversary edition’s strip featuring Andy Murray and his mum Judy. Other celebrities featured in the issue include Harry Hill, Sir Bruce Forsyth, Holly Willoughby, Simon Cowell, One Direction and Jessie J. The Beano was first published on July 30, 1938.

Bentley Launches First SUV Luxury car firm Bentley is to build its first sports utility vehicle (SUV) - in Crewe, creating an estimated 1,000 jobs. The company said the development of its fourth model will include an investment of £800m in headquarters and

development infrastructure. The vehicle will be launched worldwide in 2016; China is expected to become a key market for sales of the luxury marque. The company, which is owned by the Volkswagen group, said it will be a “thor-

oughbred Bentley true to the brand hallmarks of luxury, performance, quality and craftsmanship”. Although Bentley has yet to release an image of what the car will look like it said: “The styling will set it apart from any other SUV on the road and will be true to the Bentley design DNA. It will be the most luxurious and most

The Texas Giant is 14 storeys high, has a drop of 79 degrees and a bank of 95 degrees and can carry up to 24 riders. Witnesses said they saw the woman fall from the Texas Giant rollercoaster: “She goes up like this, then when it drops to come down, that’s when it (the safety bar) released and she just tumbled,” said Carmen Brown who saw the accident happened. Brown said she was next in line behind the woman and saw her being strapped into her seat next to her son: “We heard her screaming. We were like, ‘Did she just fall?’” Brown said. Six Flags expressed sadness over the death and said it was temporarily closing the sec-

tion of the park around the accident site. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends during this difficult time,” the park said in a statement.

The ride first opened in 1990 as an all-wooden coaster but underwent a $10m (£6.54m) renovation in 2010 to install steel-hybrid rails before reopening in 2011.

Alton Towers Closes Ride

Alton Towers has shut down its new Smiler rollercoaster because of reports of a metal bolt falling off the ride. Visitors queuing for the £18m ride, which opened in May, claim they saw a piece of metal break away and land near them, leaving a gap in the track.

Around 48 people had to be rescued from the ride, which was then closed to allow for technical teams to investigate. The Staffordshire theme park confirmed it had closed the ride while their technical team investigates. “On Sunday 21st July, in

line with our standard procedures, Alton Towers Resort closed The Smiler to investigate a small piece of debris that had allegedly fallen from the track,” said an Alton Towers spokesperson. “At no time was any visitor

at any risk, and 48 guests on the ride at the time were safely disembarked. As the health and safety of our guests is our primary concern, the ride will remain closed whilst the resort’s technical team investigate.”

powerful SUV in the market.” Bentley was founded after the First World War and scored early success in motorsport, particularly at Le Mans. It was later bought by Rolls-Royce and Volkswagen purchased the firm in 1998. A price range has not been revealed for the new model - however, early estimates put the car’s value at around £150,000. Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking at the compa-

ny’s Crewe headquarters, said: “This £800m investment and 1,000 new jobs from Bentley is fantastic news for both Crewe and for the UK as a whole. It is another important milestone in strengthening our economy.” The decision to make the car in Britain further reinforces the country’s position as a key vehicle manufacturing location in the competitive global market. Britain’s automotive sector continues to

show strong performance figures amid declining stats for other areas of the economy. Mr Cameron added: “One sector that we know is sprinting ahead in the global race is our booming automotive industry. One vehicle rolls off the production line somewhere in the UK every 20 seconds and we have just launched the Government’s automotive industrial strategy to help continue this success for years to come.”


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


The One That Didn’t Schindler’s List On eBay Get Away

AN original copy of schindler’s list is up for sale on eBay, but it will cost collectors at least $3m (£1.9m) to get their hands on the rare piece of second World War history.

A HAWAiiAN fisherman who caught a 200lb (105kg) tuna had to be rescued after the giant fish took revenge and capsized his boat. Anthony Wichman thought he had the catch of the day when the fish took his bait off the island of Kauai.

But when the 54-yearold hauled the massive tuna from the ocean, his 14-foot boat capsized under the weight, throwing him into the sea. Mr Wichman’s leg got caught in the fishing line, dragging him underwater. He managed to free himself and clambered onto the hull of his partially-capsized boat to call his wife. The US Coast Guard sent a helicopter to rescue Mr Wichman, who was taken to a hospital in Lihue with minor injuries. His friends arrived on a second boat and were able to right his boat before towing it, along with Mr Wichman’s tuna, which was still attached to the line, back to port. “At the end of the day, we

couldn’t have asked for a better rescue,” said Coast Guard Lieutenant Jessica Mickelson. “Mr Wichman was delivered

safely to shore with minimal injuries and he and his friends will have quite the indisputable fish tale to tell.”

The typewritten list, one of only four in existence, bears the names of 801 men saved from the Holocaust by Oskar Schindler. He is thought to have saved the lives of around 1,200 Jews employed in his factories during the war. His story inspired Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-winning film Schindler’s List in 1993. Mr Schindler’s 14-page list, which dates back to 1945, previously belonged to the family of Itzhak Stern, his accountant and right-hand man. It is listed on eBay together with an extract from an interview he gave 10 years before his death, which reads: “I felt the Jews were being

destroyed. I had to help them. There was no choice.” Gary Zimet, a Los Angeles-based auctioneer who listed the item with his business partner Eric Gazin, said: “I don’t anticipate any bidders until the last day or probably the last five or 10 minutes.” He said they chose to sell the item through eBay and not a conventional auction house because of the website’s global reach. Potential buyers may be screened or asked to leave a deposit before their bids are accepted. The successful bidder must be able to collect the document from Israel, as it will not be sent by post.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Tall Ship Sinks Off The Irish Coast


Twenty-three teenagers and seven adult crew members were rescued after a tall ship struck rocks off the Irish coast. The Astrid, which takes groups of aspiring sailors on training voyages around the world, lost power in its engine, leaving the crew helpless to save it from being tossed onto the rocky shoreline. Lifeboats scrambled from across Co Cork and arrived within 30 minutes to help rescue the teenagers and crew. Two Irish Coast Guard helicopters were also called to the scene in response to the mayday call. The Astrid was one of 50 vessels taking part in a flotilla-style fivemile journey from Oysterhaven to Kinsale as part of Ireland’s 2013 Gathering initiative. Eighteen of the crew were rescued and taken back to Kinsale harbour in another vessel taking part in the event. the Spirit of Oysterhaven, while the rest were ferried to land in a lifeboat. RNLI crews reported that some of those rescued

were in a very shocked state. Crew members were medically assessed at Kinsale Yacht Club and none required hospital treatment. The trainees on board the Astrid were from Ireland, England, the Netherlands, Spain, France and Belgium. Ineke de Kam has owned the ship with her husband Pieter, 62 for seven years. He was captaining the vessel during the incident: “I spoke with him on the phone and

he’s okay,” she said. “All the people are safe and that is very important - the crew and all the trainees are safe. But, everything is lost. We cannot believe it. He was using the small motor and it would not start and then he put all the sails up, but it was too late, he was on the rocks. Then he called the Coast Guard and they arrived in time to help and everyone is safe.” Vincent O’Donovan from the RNLI said: “That is a very rocky part of

the coastline, there is a famous old shipwreck that lies in that area, and it is a place inaccessible by land. It was very hairy, anything could have gone wrong, if the liferafts were blown onto the rocks it could have been very serious.” The drama is likely to mark the final chapter in the Astrid’s already colourful history. Built in the Netherlands in 1918 as a cargo ship, the vessel was transferred into Swedish ownership

and worked Baltic Sea trade routes until 1975. After another sale the ship was thought to have fallen into the hands of drug smugglers. She was found abandoned and burnt to a shell off the coast of England in the early 1980s. A salvage operation saved her then and she was transformed into a training vessel for young people. The ship was in Tenerife for a visit in 2012, and docked in San Miguel as part of its training programme.

New Tool To Beat Cat Allergy Breakthrough Nuisance Marketing Callers

A breakthrough by researchers at Cambridge University means that a treatment for people who are allergic to cats could soon be available. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include itchy and swollen eyes, sneezing, coughing and breathing difficulties, similar to those suffered when people have a cold.

A new online tool has been created to enable householders to complain more easily if they are being harassed by nuisance marketing calls. Consumer group Which? is directing complainants to the relevant regulator’s complaint form via its own website, www.which. co.uk, to gather the evidence required for enforcement action.

A survey by the watchdog found 85% of householders had received a nuisance call on their landline within the space of one month, but only 17% made an official complaint. Executive director of Which? Richard Lloyd said: “Consumers are completely fed up with nuisance calls, but often don’t know who to complain to, or they think nothing will happen if they do. Our new complaints tool will take the confusion and hassle away, and helps people register their frustration with unwanted calls. If more consumers complain, it will send

a clear message that more needs to be done to stop unwanted calls and texts.” He added that new laws and new technology to tackle the menace of nuisance calls and texts was needed. Communications minister Ed Vaizey said: “Nuisance calls are a menace. At best, they’re an irritation, but at worst they can cause real misery. The more people complain, the more evidence regulators can have to take action against the companies breaking the law.”

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS), which allows consumers to opt out of receiving telemarketing calls, also welcomed the initiative. TPS head John Mitchison said: “By law, companies cannot make unsolicited calls to people registered with the TPS. The TPS is effective at stopping unsolicited live calls from reputable and responsible companies that screen their contact details against its ‘do not call’ list of more than 18 million private household and mobile numbers.”

The most common cat allergy comes from the Fel d 1 allergen which is passed on by cats through saliva. When they clean themselves, the saliva, hormones and microscopic skin cells, known as dander/dandruff, passes on to their coat, and that is when humans can suffer an allergy. According to the scientists, the human body misidentifies cat dandruff as something more harmful than it is. Allergic reactions are the result of the immune system over-reacting to a perceived danger. Instead of identifying and responding to a harmful virus or bacteria, the immune system misidentifies different allergens, including dander, as dangerous and mounts an immune response. That in turn triggers a huge immune

system response in the human. Scientists involved in this report suggest it will be possible to develop a drug that will control such an allergy. It is hoped that drugs already developed to tackle other conditions could now be applied to help cat allergy sufferers. “How cat dander causes such a severe allergic reaction in some people has long been a mystery,” said Dr Clare Bryant, lead author of the research from the University of Cambridge’s Department of Veterinary Medicine. The researchers are confident that they will not only be able to find something to deal with allergy to cats, but such a drug would also benefit those who are allergic to dogs.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Facebook.com/TenerifeWeekly ence in 1947. He was known by the Royal Family as Uncle Dickie, and was assassinated by the IRA in August 1979. The other middle name, Alexander, is one that three medieval Scottish kings have had. It was also the name of the famous ruler Alexander the Great. Before the royal couple left the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in London William had revealed that naming his new born son was a priority, saying: “We’re still working on a name, so we will have that as soon as we can.” It had been thought the couple would spend a few days deliberating on what to call him, but it appears they may have had a name in mind and were discussing it with family members. The new family were visited by the Queen at Kensington Palace on Wednesday morning and she would have been told of their choice. They later travelled to Kate’s home village of Bucklebury in Berkshire. William is expected to spend his two week paternity leave with Kate and her family. Kate’s parents Michael and Carole Middleton were the first to be introduced to the new born Prince, followed later by William’s father Prince Charles, accompanied by his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall. Pippa Middleton, Kate’s sister, met her nephew when the couple arrived at Kensington Palace. The first public appearance of William and Kate and their brand new son took place on Tuesday. They took turns to cradle their firstborn and posed for pictures on the steps of the Lindo Wing. The Duke told reporters: “He’s got a good pair of lungs on him, that’s for sure. He’s a big boy, he’s quite heavy. They walked towards the waiting throng of world media. The Duke, 31, wearing a light blue shirt and dark trousers, added “He’s got her looks, thankfully”, while Kate replied “No, no, I’m not sure about that”. The Prince joked: “He’s got way more (hair) than me, thank God.” “It’s very emotional, it’s such a special time,” the Duchess added. “I think any parent will know

Photo: ©Press association Images


HE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge ended days of speculation by announcing the name of their first child - George Alexander Louis. HrH Prince George of Cambridge, the third-in-line to the throne, will be known as King George vii when he becomes king.

The couple’s decision on the name, the bookies’ favourite, was announced by Kensington Palace on Wednesday evening, two days and two hours after the new heir was born, very quick by historical standards, it took a week for the name of the new prince’s father to be revealed and a month before the public found out his grandfather was called Prince Charles.

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Six King Georges have worn the crown since the German-born George I, the last was the Queen’s father George VI who died in 1952, but was known to his family as Bertie. The name Louis is one of William’s middle names and is possibly a tribute to Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh’s uncle and the last British Viceroy of India before independ-

Photo: ©Press association Images


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Photo: ©Press Association Images

what this feeling feels like.” She also revealed he was a hands-on dad, saying he had already changed his first nappy. After speaking to reporters and waving at the large crowds, William and Kate then went back inside to put the new Prince in a baby seat. Moments later, they came outside for a second time and the Duke placed the youngster in a waiting

Range Rover. A smiling Prince then got behind the wheel and 31-year-old Kate, who was sitting on the back seat, waved with her son next to her, William, then drove his family back home to Kensington Palace. Kensington Palace said William and Kate were now focused solely on caring for their firstborn: “This is now a private and quiet time for them to get to know their son,” the spokesman said. The Royal baby was born at 4.24pm on Monday, weighing 8lb 6oz (3.798kg). Kensington Palace officials later revealed that William had slept in the Duchess’s room and was at her bedside during her labour. The couple had spent the rest of Monday getting to know the child and making phone calls to family. On Tuesday, the child’s grandparents visited the family separately. Prince Charles, arriving with the Duchess of Cornwall, said his first grandchild was “marvellous”, while Kate’s mother Carole Middleton, accompanied by husband Michael, earlier told the media the child was “absolutely beautiful”. Celebrations took place in London and across the country to honour the Royal arrival. Guardsmen marked the changing of the guard outside Buckingham Palace by playing Congratulations and gun salutes sounded across the capital to mark the special occasion. The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and the Honourable Artillery Company carried out the ceremonial royal salutes in

honour of the new addition to the Royal Family, including a 41-gun salute at London’s Green Park and 62 rounds fired at the Tower of London. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge issued a statement thanking the hospital where their baby boy was born for the “tremendous care” they received. The Royal couple said: “We would like to thank the staff at the Lindo Wing and the whole hospital for the tremendous care the three of us have received. We know it has been a very busy period for the hospital and we would like to thank everyone - staff, patients and visitors - for their understanding during this time.” Messages of congratulations were sent from around the world, with Barack Obama saying the new prince had been born “at a time of promise and opportunity” between Britain and America. The US President said he and First Lady Michelle Obama wished Prince William and his wife “all the happiness and blessings parenthood brings”. Actor Stephen Fry poked fun at how news of the Royal baby was announced outside Buckingham Palace, tweeting: “The official easel. We really are a marvellously bonkers country.” Media outlets around the world were gripped by the arrival of the Royal baby. The story featured highly on most foreign news channels and websites, with many focusing on the image of a town crier announcing the birth in London. It also sparked a frenzy of excitement on Twitter which spread rapidly across the world. There were more than two million mentions of the baby’s arrival on the site, with the hashtag #RoyalBaby being used more than 900,000 times. A spike in conversation on Twitter came at 8.37pm, in the minutes following the initial announcement, with more than 25,300 tweets per minute. But it failed to generate the same flurry of


activity as Andy Murray’s historic Wimbledon victory, which amassed 120,000 tweets per minute, or the election of Pope Francis, which sparked a massive 132,000 tweets per minute. A huge queue of people eager to get a photo of the easel displaying the official Royal birth announcement formed outside Buckingham Palace, on show for the public for 24 hours after the announcement. Police and security put up barriers to keep the queue orderly. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge did not find out if their baby was going to be a boy or girl prior to the birth, meaning they are believed to have considered a stock of names for a future monarch of either sex. The Prince of Wales, who has become a grandfather for the first time, summed up the feelings of the Royal Family when he described the new arrival as an “incredibly special moment”. In a statement he said: “Both my wife and I are overjoyed at the arrival of my first grandchild. It is an incredibly special moment for William and Catherine and we are so thrilled for them on the birth of their baby boy. Grandparenthood is a unique moment in anyone’s life, as countless kind people have told me in recent months, so I am enormously proud and happy to be a grandfather for the first time and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing the baby in the near future.” William’s uncle and brother of the late Princess Diana also described his joy at the new Royal baby. Earl Spencer said: “We’re all so pleased: its wonderful news. My father always told us how Diana was born on just such a blisteringly hot day, at Sandringham, in July 1961. It’s another very happy summer’s day, half a century on.” David Cameron meanwhile declared the birth “an important moment in the life of our nation”.

Photo: ©Press Association Images


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Griff rhys Jones led the tributes to his long-time comedy partner Mel smith who died from a heart attack at the age of 60. The pair were most famous for their shows Not the Nine o’Clock News and Alas smith and Jones.

Jones, who had been friends with Smith for 35 years, said the comedian was “a force for life” to everybody who met him, adding he was “a gentleman and a scholar, a gambler and a wit”. He also said: “I still can’t believe this has happened. We are all in a state of shock. We have lost a very, very dear friend. He inspired love and utter loyalty and he gave it in return. I will look back on the days working with him as some of the funniest times that I have ever spent.” Smith began his career as a director at some of the country’s most established theatres, but it was his partnership with fellow comedian Jones that made him a household name. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Mel and Griff, as they became known, produced and starred in four series of the hit comedy, Not The Nine O’Clock News. Their success continued


Mel Smith Dies At 60

with Alas Smith and Jones which was one of the most popular sketch shows in the 1980s. It won an Emmy Award and The British Comedy Award for Top Entertainment Series where Mel and Griff were named Top Entertainment Performer. The pair founded Talkback, which grew to be one of the UK’s largest producers of TV comedy and light entertainment programming. Not the Nine O’Clock News producer John Lloyd said Smith was an “amazingly talented guy” but added that he had not been in good health. He said: “We did know he was ill. He’s been ill for some time. So although it is the most awful news - I mean, it’s a tragedy, it’s a great loss not just as an amazingly talented guy in all sorts of areas but also as a friend. I think he was not in good shape, so in some ways we try and put a good spin on it by saying it’s a relief for him.” Comedian and author Stephen Fry tweeted: “Terrible news about my old friend Mel Smith, dead today from a heart attack. Mel lived a full life, but was kind, funny

& wonderful to know.” Smith was described as having “extraordinary natural talent” by Peter Fincham, director of television at ITV and business partner of Smith and his comedy sidkick Griff Rhys Jones at Talkback Productions as well as their

agent, said: “Life was always exciting around Mel. He was my friend and business partner for many years and had extraordinary natural talent with the rare gift of wearing it lightly. Being funny came naturally to him, so much so that he never seemed to

give it a second thought. Mel and Griff were one of the great comedy acts and it’s hard to imagine that one of them is no longer with us.” Father Ted writer Graham Linehan said he and writing partner Arthur Mathews had been helped in their career

by Smith, with their first sketches being broadcast on Alas Smith and Jones. He said on Twitter: “Very sad to hear news of Mel Smith’s death has been confirmed. He and Griff gave Arthur and I our break. Was always so kind & generous to us.”

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Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013



By Marc Craig

Comic Con Highlights Glee Cast Mourn Cory - But Finn May Return

When the “San Diego Comic Book Convention” opened its doors for the first time back in 1970, it was a modest affair where comic fans could meet and buy collectibles- and of course comics! Now “Comic Con International” as it’s now known, is the biggest convention of its type in the world, a 4 day event that attracts 150,000 visitors a year, many in amazingly elaborate costumes, and is used by the entertainment industry to showcase their next big thingif you’re a film-maker or star who has a science-fiction/fantasy film or TV coming out soon-you’d better be there!!

Although it still deals with comics, collectibles, books and games etc., Comic Con is now renowned for the publicity stunts, celebrity appearances, first public screenings of footage-in fact, anything that will make your upcoming project the talk of the geekiverse!!! So, here’s a look at the highlights of this year’s event which ran from Thursday 18-Sunday 21st July. The Amazing Spiderman 2 put on quite a show on Friday when, after an exclusive showing of footage from the movie, Andrew Garfield entered through the crown in full Spidey costume!! A live satellite link to Emma Stone, who plays love interest Gwen Stacy was then cut off by electrical crackling and interference as Jamie Foxx who plays villain Electro walked

The Fans, the cast and the production of “Glee” are still reeling following the tragic death of star Cory Monteith.

onstage! Sony Pictures gave fans a first glimpse of their upcoming “Robocop” reboot with several clips including a nice tip of the hat to the original movie with a shot of the original Robo-suit revealed to be a prototype. Fans attending “The Big Bang Theory” guest panel were treated to an appearance by star Johnny Galecki in full costume as Princess Leia’s bounty hunter disguise-as well as a video introduction from Steven Hawking-who explains what the actual big bang theory is-in 17 words! X-files fans were excited to see creator Chris Carter and stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reunited for the shows 20th anniversarybut were coy about the possibility of a new chapter in front of the camera.

But the biggest news was kept back until Saturday when Warner Bros announced that their 2015 follow-up to “Man of Steel” will not be a straightforward Superman sequel but a Superman/Batman mash-up in which one of the icons is set to take on the villainous role!! They also announced plans for an origins movie for the Flash which will finally set the scene for a Justice League movie in 2017!! Speaking of superhero teams, Avengers fans were teased with a subtitle for the much anticipated sequel - Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as an appearance by Tom Hiddleston in costume and character who chastised the pitiful humans “chattering together in the dark-like beasts”! So, plenty for your inner geek to get excited about!!

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Monsters University

The actor was found dead in his hotel room in Vancouver on July 13th, and 3 days later a Canadian coroner confirmed that death was caused by a “mixed drug toxicity, and it involved heroin primarily and also alcohol.” A spokesperson from the coroner’s office added “There is no evidence to suggest Mr Monteith’s death was anything other than a most sad and tragic accident.” Monteith, who played Finn Hudson on the hit musical show, had often spoken publicly about his struggle with addiction since being a teenager and had admitted himself to rehab in April this year. Although this meant he missed the filming of the final episodes of the show’s fourth season, 20th Century Fox showed their support in a statement wishing him well and by stating that the studio was looking forward to his return.

Monteith had been dating his Glee co-star and onscreen girlfriend Lea Michele for over a year and several rumours of their recent engagement have surfaced since his death. Michele’s representation told press: “Lea is deeply grateful for all the love and support she’s received from family, friends and fans. Since Cory’s passing, Lea has been grieving alongside his family and making appropriate arrangements with them. They are supporting each other as they endure this profound loss together. We continue to ask the media to respect

the privacy of Lea and Cory’s family.” Fellow Glee co-star Jane Lynch had to fight back tears in an emotional interview on the Tonight Show; “He was a really bright light in our family, and we’ve lost a really great guy,” Speculation has begun about how the producers will handle the character being written out of the show’s upcoming 5th season, with several sources indicating that the first few episodes may use already filmed scenes in order to give the character the send-off he deserves.

The Show Must Go On! H ere’s a look at how several other shows coped with the loss of one of its stars.

1: Dallas When Jim Davis who played Jock Ewing, patriarch to the power hungry clan of Texan oil barons, was diagnosed with cancer during its fourth season, production continued, working around the actor’s deterioration by filming his scenes seated and by using a wig once chemotherapy took his hair. He died before the 5th season began filming; writers explained his absence with an off-screen helicopter crash. 2: Dallas reboot Of course when Jock died, his villainous son JR took over as head of Ewing Oil. When TNT rebooted the show in 2012, focusing on the new generation of Ewings, Larry Hagman was back to play old JR again. The comeback was short-lived though, as in November 2012, Hagman died of acute myeloid Leukaemia. Writers paid tribute to the actor and his characters most famous storyline, “who shot JR?” by having him shot and killed off-screen. 3: The Sopranos Rumoured to be based on Creator David Chase’s real mother, actress Lily Marchand’s brilliant portrayal of Tony Soprano’s cruel, scheming matriarch Livia came to an end when she died of lung cancer during its sec-

ond season. Using filmed footage and CGI, the show gave Tony and his mother a final scene together before she dies in her sleep. 4: The Adventures of Superman The 1950’s drama coped easily with the death of John Hamilton, who played Daily Planet editor Perry White; they hired another actor who played Perry’s brother. However, when their Superman, George Reeves, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, producers came up with the crazy idea of continuing the serial by focusing more on Supe’s pal Jimmy Olsen, played by Jack Larson-using a stand-in for Superman who would only be filmed from behind!!! Larson rejected the mental “grasping at straws” concept and the producers had no choice but to end the series.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Costa Concordia –

5 Guilty Of Manslaughter

fivE people have been found guilty of manslaughter over the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster which left 32 people dead. The court in Grosseto in italy handed down the highest sentence to the crisis co-ordinator for the italian cruise company Costa Crociere, roberto ferranini, who could serve up to two years and 10 months.

JULY 2013 Friday 26th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 27th July . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 28th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . vivO Sunday Carvery Monday 29th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular

AUGUST 2013 Thursday 1st august . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 2nd august . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 3rd august . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 4th august . . . . . . . . . . vivO Sunday Carvery Monday 5th august . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 8th august . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 9th august . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 10th august . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 11th august . . . . . . . . . vivO Sunday Carvery Monday 12th august . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 15th august . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 16th august . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 17th august . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 18th august . . . . . . . . . vivO Sunday Carvery Monday 19th august . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 22nd august . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 23rd august . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 24th august . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 25th august . . . . . . . . . vivO Sunday Carvery Monday 26th august . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 29th august . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 30th august . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 31st august . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night

SEPTEMBER 2013 Sunday 1st September . . . . . . . vivO Sunday Carvery Monday 2nd September . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 5th September . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 6th September . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience

The ship’s hotel director was sentenced to two years and six months while two bridge officers and a helmsman got sentences ranging from one year and eight months to one year and 11 months. However, according to judicial sources, none are likely to go to jail though as the sentences of less than two years are suspended, and the longer sentences may be appealed or replaced with community service. Last Thursday, Francesco Schettino, main defendant and captain of the Costa Concordia asked the judge at his manslaughter trial to order tests on the cruise liner’s wreckage to determine why electrical and other systems failed after the vessel struck a reef off the Italian island of Giglio. The outcome of his request will not be known until at least September. His trial was adjourned until September 23 for a summer’s break. He is also charged with

causing the shipwreck in January 2012 and abandoning ship before all aboard had been evacuated. His defence team claim that no one died in the collision itself, but that the failure of a backup generator and supposedly water-tight compartments that were flooded created problems during the evacuation, when the deaths occurred. If convicted, Schettino could receive up to 20 years in prison. The cruise company Costa

Crociere was given an administration fine of one million euros earlier this year, under a law in which companies whose employees commit crimes can be sanctioned. It has put the blame for the collision solely on Schettino. Salvage experts are still attempting to work out how to right the ship, which remains stuck on a reef off Giglio, and float it away to the mainland for demolition. The boat has become a macabre tourist attraction in the area.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Sharples in Session By John Sharples

Turn It On

In recent years; the Tenerife Cabildo has made efforts to entice the cruise ships into its port. Many ships dock into Santa Cruz on a Sunday as part of their cruising itinerary. Threats were made to take the ships away if the city didn´t give people more reason for coming.

Many of the shops are now opening on a Sunday and, “surprise, surprise”, they have found it to be a success. I could have told them that years ago. Look at Britain on a Sunday. It’s the best day to go shopping. Over the last three years the front main plaza has been completely revamped and a shallow circular lake

has been built with a giant fountain in the middle of it. It is an enormous area and it is quite impressive. Unfortunately, someone must have hidden the switch that turns the water on as it is almost always switched off. What was the point of spending all that money on a water feature

that is switched off and quite often devoid of water? There is another small fountain nearby that is totally neglected. For goodness sake … SOMEONE … SWITCH THEM ON! It really winds me up to see money being spent on something just to see it left abandoned.

It’s Friday, It’s Five To Five Etc.

Meeting Don Maclean, the star of Crackerjack and various other TV shows and Radio offerings was a real treat this week. He and Peter Glaze were legends.

Don had a radio show in the seventies called Maclean up Britain. I loved it. I used to listen to it in bed. He has promised to get copies of it to me as I contacted the BBC a couple of years ago and they seem to have lost it from their files. It was a wacky and way out comedy outing that really should be given another airing. What a nice guy and what a real pleasure to entertain someone who entertained me all those years ago.

The Little Prince

The little Prince was born at 4.24pm on Monday, so why oh why did we have to wait until 8.30pm to hear the announcement? At 7.30pm Charles was still saying that he hadn´t heard anything. Were they checking to make sure that the baby really belonged to Kate?

All this hush, hush and secrecy surrounding the date of the birth made me less interested in the event rather than more interested in it. The press had been camped outside the hospital for three weeks as they didn´t have a possible date. What a waste of human resources and what a big waste of time. I read somewhere that more people were involved in the birth of the little chap than went to the last spice girls concert. Kate won’t just be recognized for her facial beauty in future! Anyway. The little Prince is here and when he is in his fifties or sixties he will be the King of what is left of Great Britain. I don’t envy him one little bit. Born to serve and not a lot of choice in the matter. Many people seem to envy the Royals. I certainly don’t. To me it is a job that they can have. No amount of money can replace freedom of movement and choice. That little boy´s life is already mapped out for him. In a way it is sad but at the same time, he

won´t have known any other way so it probably won´t bother him greatly. Let´s hope that he looks like his attractive parents and that his ears are in proportion. All joking aside, the royal birth has brought many people together and given the British something good to talk about and another excuse to crack open a bottle of wine. Congratulations to them both and welcome to your world little man!

An Island For All Seasons

The weather is very strange all over the world at the moment. It´s boiling in Lancashire and where I live in North Tenerife it has been nice and cool.

One night, I set off from my home in the north in cool but bright weather and during my drive I went through howling scorching winds, fog and rain, then out came the sun and as it was shining the rain came down once again and the most enormous rain-

bow appeared on the horizon. For such a small Island, we don´t half have our share of weather. I would love a little flutter or two of snow, but that will have to wait until the winter when Mount Teide gets its winter coat!

Oooooh! Look At That Cucumber!

I love my garden and this year I have planted a wide variety of things to eat. Although the garden is only small I have managed to plant strawberries, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, garlic, lettuce, patanga cherries and parsley as well as a banana tree and orange trees.

What has surprised me is the cucumber plants. I will end up looking like a cucumber if I eat any more. I planted six plants, quite close together and I have had over twenty cucumbers so far and they show no signs of letting up. I am running out of places to put them!!!! (Suggestions on a postcard). The garlic has grown from single cloves that didn´t get eaten and it is keeping the white fly and other insects away. I know that some people might think that I sound a right old bore, but there is nothing

nicer than picking fruit and vegetables from your own garden and knowing that it has no nasty substances in it or on it. There is nothing like a good dollop of horse muck for a happy garden!


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Health Checks Save Lives

THE Health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has said hundreds of lives could be saved every year if more people took advantage of NHs health checks. He added that thinking about personal health at an early stage is vital to living a long and prosperous life. A new review has found that checking 40 to 74-year-olds’ blood pressure, cholesterol; weight and lifestyle could identify problems earlier and prevent 650 deaths, 1,600 heart attacks and 4,000 cases of diabetes a year.

Before local authorities took over responsibility for commissioning the checks in April, there was considerable variation in how widely they were offered. Now Public Health England, which leads the NHS Health Check programme, has launched a 10-point plan to help councils provide them to 20% of their eligible local population a year, around 15 million people by 2018/19.

Mr Hunt said: “Around 15 million people in England are eligible for a free NHS Health Check that could identify serious conditions early and add years to their life. I’d like to see all 40 to 74-year-olds taking up this potentially life-saving opportunity. And I’d like to see the NHS and local authorities encouraging people in their area to get involved. We could save 650 lives a year if there was full take-

up. We are an ageing population, and thinking about our health early is vital to living a long and prosperous life.” Professor Kevin Fenton, the director of health and wellbeing for Public Health England, said: “NHS Health Check programme offers a real opportunity to reduce avoidable deaths and disability, and tackle health inequalities in England. We must do more to increase uptake and referral to ap-

question one: Through the streets of which city is Lady Godiva said to have ridden naked?

question Two: What is Biltong? question Three: Who wrote Wind in the Willows? question four: What city in India is an anagram of dramas? question five: What is the Hawaiian word of greeting? question six: In radio terms what does FM mean? question seven: What type of creature is a smelt? question Eight: What was the first country to give women the vote? question Nine: What is the first day of lent? question Ten: Where in the body are the metatarsals? question Eleven: In the Peanuts cartoon what is the name of Snoopy’s brother?

question Twelve: Which American singer and songwriter was born Barry Pinkus?

propriate risk management services, particularly in those communities at greatest risk, to remove blocks in processes that get in the way and make sure the programme is of consistent high quality across the country. We will establish an expert clinical and scientific advisory panel to review and advise on the evidence base and we will work with partners to develop a research and analysis programme to

support the delivery and evaluation of the programme at both local and national levels.” Between 2010 and 2020 the number of people aged 65 and over is expected to rise by 27%, with those aged 85 and over rising by 44%. The programme is for people aged 40-74 in England, and is focused on preventing conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


garDening anD nature By Steve andrews - aka green Bard

British Garden Favourites That Do Well In Tenerife Petunias in hanging basket


red rose MANy British people who come to live in Tenerife like to try growing flowers and shrubs they are familiar with and had in their gardens back in the UK. fortunately, although this is a subtropical island, many popular garden plants grown in Britain will do very well here too.

The rose is a beautiful flowering bush that everyone knows and loves. It will grow well in Tenerife gardens and shrub borders and can be seen doing so in both the north and south of the island. The town of La Guancha has roses making a colourful display all along the main road through it. Marigolds (Calendula officinalis) are a popular garden flower that can be easily grown on Tenerife though they do need plenty of water. African and French marigolds (Tagetes species) are often seen on the island as well.

Tagetes marigolds

Petunias come in many colours including pink, purple and white and grow well in flower borders and in hanging baskets. This is a flower that can be seen planted all around Tenerife. Geraniums, or Pelargonium species to be botanically-correct, do well in the sunny Canary Islands and are often grown as potted plants and in small borders. You will see them planted in many places in the resorts of Tenerife. Pansies (Viola species) come in a

wide variety of colours and can be grown here as well, though they don’t like hot and dry conditions. A bit of care is needed if you choose to grow these pretty flowers. The California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) appreciates the warm sunshine and climate similar to where it comes from originally. This plant is grown for its bright orange flowers and delicate feathery foliage. So well does the California poppy do on Tenerife that it even grows well along roadsides in some

Marigolds have many uses besides being a pretty garden flower. • The petals can be eaten raw in salads and, once known as the “poor man’s saffron,” they can be used in cooking too to add colour to rice dishes or baked into cakes, biscuits and buns. • Marigolds have medicinal properties and are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal. The flowers can be used to make ointments to treat skin conditions, insect bites and sunburn.

• Marigold petals can be added to face and hand creams and, as an ingredient for pot-pourri, they add colour and fragrance.

Uses for the Marigold

parts of the island. Look out for it around the outskirts of Vilaflor. Tulips can be grown on Tenerife, though are not as commonly seen as some of the other flowers covered so far. The bulbs can be bought on the Internet. I remember my first landlady here did so and had a successful display in her garden in Costa del Silencio. The nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) is a very popular garden flower in Britain and comes in a range of colours with yellow, red or orange flowers. Like the California poppy it can be found growing wild in Tenerife in many places though only in the north of the island. Nasturtiums need plenty of water and cooler conditions to thrive. They die back in the summer here and do best in winter and spring. The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) can be grown in Tenerife though for some reason it doesn’t seem to get as big here as it will when grown in a British garden. This is probably because it tends to be too dry here. Sunflower seeds are often seen on sale in supermarkets and food shops and are a popular snack on the island. Besides the pretty flowers that are commonly grown in Britain there are many garden herbs that thrive in the warm climate of Tenerife. English lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) grows just as well in the sunshine of

the Canary Islands as it does back in the UK and may be even more aromatic here. Garden sage (Salvia officinalis) is another popular plant for the herb garden that is often seen on Tenerife. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and mint (Mentha) are two more herbs that can be grown in Tenerife. It is possible to create many of the elements of a traditional British garden here in Tenerife and at the same time to add exotic appeal and a tropical touch by combining palms, colourful creepers, cacti and succulents along with the flowers you know so well. Of course plants that are cultivated as houseplants in the UK can be grown outside with no problems here on the island. The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) and the mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) grow well in flower beds and both have variegated leaves. Many a lounge in the UK has a rubber tree (Ficus elastica) or a Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa) decorating a corner of the room but here in the warmth of Tenerife both these popular houseplants will grow into massive specimens when planted outside. The rubber tree will probably grow too big in fact and shouldn’t be planted close to buildings. As for the cheese plant it will often bear edible fruit when grown in subtropical conditions to its liking. Tenerife offers so many opportunities for an enthusiastic and creative gardener to take advantage of when it comes to choosing what flowers, shrubs and trees to grow. However, you do need to remember that many of the more tender species may need some shade and will definitely need plenty of water. You never need to worry about frost damage though!


Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Aquarius 20 January to 18 February

a positive influence could be helpful in securing a better job, new contract, or promotion. acting on your feelings and taking a risk could put you in a substantially better position. The Sun brightens up relationships and sheds its golden rays on your love life. You see things through new eyes that help shape your future with your lover or partner. Watch your health as an issue could come to a head. Lighten your schedule and give yourself a break. easy does it!

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

Romantic relationships and creativity are upbeat and positive. Juicy influences may encourage you to make a bold move that could net you a nice romantic prize. Perhaps it’s the one you’ve been waiting for! Love is in the air this week. however, you may not have factored in darker feelings coming at you from a jealous friend. Don’t let someone’s dominating power trip affect you. Just keep out of the way! The New Moon on Monday enhances your dreams. Take note of the good ones.

Aries 21 March to 19 april

Family and domestic matters are high on the agenda. Take advantage of a special opportunity that could come your way early on. You’ll be eager to get out and enjoy yourself. The Full Moon in your social zone on Monday makes this a good night for a party or get-together if you’re up for it. handle sensitive people and subjects with care over the weekend. a tendency to dominate could cause separation or quarrels. however, Sunday should be more relaxed and easygoing.

Taurus 20 april to 20 May

It’s likely that your social life will invade your tranquillity this week. You might be content to revel in peace and quiet, yet those you know could bring a little unwanted excitement. Go with the flow on this, as an interesting opportunity to connect with someone shouldn’t be missed. The Full Moon highlights home and career matters. Don’t overreact to issues that could resolve themselves if left alone. Take it easy over the weekend. There’s a possibility of arguments that could get quite heated.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

Financial matters continue to improve. however, a powerful aspect this week could bring out tensions involving shared resources, loans, or credit. If you have outstanding debt, don’t wait until the last minute to resolve the issue. Sorting things out sooner rather than later could result in a stroke of luck that saves the day. Monday’s Full Moon in aquarius could coincide with restlessness. Perhaps it’s time to explore new options or think about travel or study.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

There’s a lucky start to this week that could put you in a good frame of mind for dealing with emotional issues that might surface later. You certainly won’t be pleased if someone tries to dominate you and demands you go along with their ideas when you’d rather do something different. Diplomacy may help to avoid an argument. Money matters could come to a head. Don’t take action based on fear. Wait until you feel calm and collected before making a decision.

Leo 23 July to 22 august

You may feel spaced out when trying to confront daily tasks and chores. however, you’ll be open to plenty of inspiration and you might find a way to ground and channel all this energy that improves your chances of success. The Full Moon in your partnership zone could bring buried feelings to the surface. It’s great to share, but don’t come out with anything you might later regret. You might want to splurge on a few luxuries, too.

virgo 23 august to 22 September

a busy week could take you in many directions. You’ll need to find your focus early, especially concerning your social life. Share a new idea with colleagues on Monday. Someone might think you’re brilliant and take you up on it. Opportunities abound when you connect with others and collaborate on projects. Be careful later in the week. Jealousy regarding a love interest or creative project could surface. Try to soothe tempers with diplomacy and tact. It’s a good week for partying, but don’t overindulge!

Libra 23 September to 23 October

Gamble with a career idea on Monday and it might pay off spectacularly. however, strong and obsessive ideas could pull your mind in one direction. Try to see the situation for what it is and move on. early in the week may be lighter and brighter than the weekend. The Full Moon could encourage a love interest to share feelings with you, or vice versa. The Sun puts the focus on the best aspects of your social life. It’s time to connect and be proactive about enjoyment.

scorpio 24 October to 21 November

You could encounter a new romantic interest, or you might benefit from breathing new life into an ongoing relationship. a change of scene and a willingness to move outside your comfort zone and do something different could be fun and have novel entertainment value. It could come at a price, so you’ll need to be generous. a Full Moon in your home zone makes the early part of the week great for get-togethers at your place. Meanwhile, your social life gets a shot of adrenaline - finally!

sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

Taking a risk with a business venture could get you off to a lucky start. You’d be wise to tread carefully where others’ sensitivities are concerned, however. a casual remark could highlight unacknowledged resentment or unleash other deep feelings. Try not to be too blunt if you’re tempted to speak openly. Career developments might be helped by using your charm and charisma to forge ahead. Don’t lose sight of your goal in a business deal. Stay focused and be practical.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

Working as part of a team or collaborating with a pal or business partner could be lucky for you. an opportunity early in the week could lead to something good. however, beware of tension over the weekend, particularly in one relationship, as tempers may flare. a good friendship could suffer under a challenging influence. The New Moon in aquarius could coincide with a shopping spree that’s quite indulgent compared to your usual thrift. Watch out for mixed messages regarding a romantic relationship.


iKnife Could Revolutionise Cancer Surgery

A rEvoLUTioNAry “intelligent” knife that knows when it is cutting through cancerous tissue is being tested in three London hospitals. Experts believe the wand-like device, the first of its kind in the world, will reform treatment by removing uncertainty from surgery.

The device - called the iKnife - is a hi-tech form of electric scalpel, a tool routinely used by surgeons that uses electricity to sear through membranes and internal organs. But the iKnife is also able to indicate exactly where the cancerous tissue is, and when it has all been removed. As the iKnife cuts, smoke from the burned tissue is pumped through a tube into a mass spectrometer, a machine that uses magnetism to produce a chemical “finger-

print” of the atoms fed into it and an operating surgeon can learn almost instantly if a suspicious growth is cancerous or benign. The iKnife’s inventor, Dr Zoltan Takats, from Imperial College London, who published the results of the study in the journal Science Translational Medicine, said the knife could change operating procedure. Of the present system, he said: “A

tissue sample is removed from the patient and sent to the histology lab for analysis. But even in vast hospitals it can take 10 to 30 minutes there are also reliability issues - the histology team are in an extreme rush and having to do things as fast as possible. We can give feedback to the surgeon in some cases in less than a second. This could be a real game-changer for tumour resection surgery.” Dr Takats, who came up with the idea while working at Semnelweiss University in Hungary, said the device could allow surgeons to carry out operations that might normally be considered too risky: “In principle, this approach could push the line of what is operable a little bit further down the road,” he said. “Such cases that today are just opened and closed back up may now fall into the operable category. Often the problem is, if there is an invasive but still localised tumour, no-one has the courage to really go after it.”


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

pugh´s pantry By Barry Pugh

Chocolate Éclair Cake Ingredients:

Crust: 240ml cup water 115g butter 125g flour 4 large eggs Filling: 225g cream cheese, softened 1 large instant vanilla (or chocolate) angel delight 180ml milk Topping: 240ml homemade whipped cream Chocolate syrup or homemade chocolate sauce


Preheat oven to 200°c lightly grease a 9”X13” glass baking pan. For the Éclair Crust: In a medium saucepan, melt butter in water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Stir in flour. Mix in one egg at a time, mixing completely before adding another egg. Spread mixture into pan, covering the bottom and sides evenly.

Mixture will be very wet. If the sides of your pan are too greased you won’t be able to get the mixture to stay up the sides so make sure to just lightly grease. I like the crust to go up the sides a bit. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown (mine only took 25 minutes). You may want to check it occasionally-you don’t want to overcook the crust, it will ruin the cake! Remove from oven and let cool (don’t touch or push bubbles down). For the Filling: Whip cream cheese in a medium bowl. In separate bowl make the angel delight by beating the mix with the milk for 3 minutes and put in the fridge until set. Make sure angel delight is thick before mixing in with cream cheese. Slowly add the mixed angel delight to the cream cheese, mixing until there are no lumps. Let it cool in the fridge. When the crust is completely cooled, pour filling in. Top with a layer of whipped cream and add as much as you want, serve with a drizzle chocolate syrup.

We all love Chocolate éclairs, but for me one is never enough! So after a bit of research I found this wonderful recipe which I have adapted to create a wonderful Choux Pastry Chocolate éclair cake. (It means I can cut a bigger slice if one wishes!!)

It’s really easy to make and I made it with Vanilla Angel Delight, but why not try it with chocolate flavour or even an instant mousse mix? Just remember not to use the recommended amount of milk on the pack instructions as we are going to add some other ingredients to it, and if the mixture is too wet then you may find it has problems setting.



Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


What’s a hink Pink you ask?

hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.

1. Arguing sister _________________________________________________________ 2. Amazing jogging _______________________________________________________ 3. Beautiful town ________________________________________________________ 4. Alphabet cardigan _____________________________________________________ 5. Animal watcher ________________________________________________________ 6. Bleeding friend ________________________________________________________ 7. Bunny routine _________________________________________________________ 8. Caribbean subject ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Cold, Easter flower _______________________________________________________________________ 10. Clever cat _______________________________________________________________________________ 11. Central violin ____________________________________________________________________________ 12. Cat’s gloves _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. Breakable pan ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. Bovine war ______________________________________________________________________________ 15. Cherish job ______________________________________________________________________________



Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

motoring neWS


By lingy

Mazda Mx-5 Most Reliable Sportscar

A sUrvEy released by Which? has revealed that the new Mazda MX-5 is the most reliable sportscar, the survey is one of the biggest conducted in for car satisfaction and reliability. The reliability score for the MX-5 was a massive 97.4% for models up to three years old and 91.1% for those over the three years.

A statement from Which? said “for a sportscar that will last for years and won’t cost a fortune in repairs, head to your local Mazda garage. The MX-5 has the lowest number of faults and no annual repair costs in the first three year.” For MX-5 models between 1998-2005 the magazine added “the Mazda MX-5 is the automotive equivalent of a double espresso. Near-telepathic steering and handling make other cars (even some sportscars) feel woolly and dull by comparison. You can

iT’s UNUsUAL to find a facelifted car that’s better looking than the car it was designed to replace. But Jaguar managed this unusual feat, with sports saloon Mk1 replacement. Like all Jaguars to this point (and some way beyond), company founder, William Lyons, was directly responsible for the way it looked - and with the fitment of revised upper door pressings, a deeper windscreen, larger glass area, and wider rear track, the already handsome saloon was transformed.

pick-up a decent used MX-5 for just 1,700 Euros. We suggest you do.” Jeremy Thomson, Mazda UK managing director said “the 2013 Which? Car Survey findings are a wonderful endorsement of our products and our brand. I’m sure that our all-new models with their innovative SKYACTIV technology will claim top rankings in future Which? surveys. Meanwhile the iconic MX-5

is still winning friends more than two decades after its introduction, recently being nominated as ‘Best Convertible‘. The Mazda MX-5 underwent some upgrades late last year. The upgraded version has enhanced safety features and refined driving attributes, together with exterior and interior improvements to make it even more attractive.

Sir Alex Auctions His Chevrolet Captiva

forMEr Manchester United manger sir Alex ferguson auctioned many items at the sir Alex ferguson Golf Classic to raise money for the royal Welsh Benevolence fund that provides support for the serving and retiring royal Welsh officers and soldiers.

Included in the auction items was the handwritten final retirement statement drafted by Sir Alex plus a one off signed portrait of the Scotsman and his seven seater SUV Chevrolet Captiva. Chevrolet has been the Manchester United Official Automotive Sponsor since 2012. Sir Alex is impressed with the Chevrolet range,

Jaguar Mk2 (1959 - 1967)

The additional glass brightened the interior and as well as give the car a more contemporary look. And without resorting to too many clichés, in the process, Jaguar created the most iconic ‘60s sports saloon of them all. The 2.4 was still less fast than it looked, despite an additional 8bhp over the Mk1, but was a usefully-priced entry-level model. For the Mk2, the previously top-of-the range 3.4-litre car was now occupying the mid-range slot. Its XK engine had been enough to top the compact saloon range, but that changed with the arrival of the Mk2. But it was this car that really made the most of its forgiving suspension set-up, exploiting the wider front and rear track, and improving road manners. It was heavier than before so the Mk2’s performance was slightly down on the Mk1’s,

but that was addressed by the arrival of the 3.8. And it’s here - with the 3.8-litre Mk2 - that Jaguar created a legend. The new flagship proved popular and profitable for Jaguar. With a 125mph top speed and throttle adjustable handling, the 3.8 became the saloon of choice for enthusiastic drivers. A limited-slip differential improved traction, and power-assisted steering (a standard fitment from 1960) further improved the way the car drove. Considered the best of all Mk2s and market values reflect this. However, its additional ability (from a modest 10bhp boost) over the 3.4-litre car is probably at too much of a premium in today’s market, and (whisper it), the 3.4 is probably the best all-round value/performance package.

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in December last year he received the new Chevrolet Volt, at the time he said “it’s the car of the future I think the Volt is absolutely phenomenal. A friend of mine drove one in the States and kept going on and on about it, so when I had the opportunity I said ‘yeah I’m going to try it because it’s the car of the future, really’. I’m

very pleased with it.” David Moyes the new manager at Manchester United reported for his first day of work on 1 July driving his black Chevrolet Captiva LTZ 2.2 VCDi. The partnership between Manchester United and Chevrolet is set to be further cemented when Chevrolet becomes the club’s shirt sponsor starting in the 2014/5 season.

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Would you like to win 4 Carvery Meals and Tickets to play Mini Golf at vivo Decades Treasure island?

Then simply email your answer to the following question to: editor@tenerife-weekly.com please include your phone number. What car did elwood & Jake Blues (Dan aykroyd & John Belushi) drive in the film “The Blues Brothers”?

The answer to last week’s competition is on page 3.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


26 July

Friday - TV 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:15

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Helicopter Heroes Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Land Girls Only Fools and Horses Perfection Flog It! Pointless

18:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 A Question of Sport 19:30 Nigel Slater’s Dish of the Day 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Athletics 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:35 Would I Lie to You? 23:05 Pramface 23:35 Edge of Darkness 01:25 Weatherview 01:30 BBC News

06:00 06:55 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:15 00:00 00:55 01:55

Emmerdale Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Peter Andre: My Life Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Judge Judy Jeremy kyle Show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Millionaire Matchmaker Jeremy kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Mamma Mia! Celebrity Juice Plebs The Big Reunion Planet’s Funniest Animals

07:30 08:15 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:55 14:40 15:10 15:55 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:05 01:20

Bargain Hunt Saints and Scroungers Antiques Roadshow Animal Park BBC News That Darn Cat! The Weakest Link Mastermind A to Z of TV Gardening A Taste of My Life Wild Down Under Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Britain’s Empty Homes RHS Flower Show Tatton Park 2013 Athletics Gardeners’ World Springwatch The Trip Newsnight Perfume: The Story of a Murderer Isaac Newton: The Last Magician

06:00 Faith in the Future 06:25 Heartbeat 07:30 The Royal 08:30 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:30 A Touch of Frost 11:40 Murder, She Wrote 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 The Royal 15:45 A Touch of Frost 17:50 Heartbeat 18:50 Murder, She Wrote Jessica knows that Dana, her old research assistant, is a pathological liar, but she refuses to believe that she is also a murderer. 19:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00 Stephen Tompkinson’s Australian Balloon Adventure 22:00 DCI Banks 23:00 The Jury 00:05 Parenthood


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Let’s Do Lunch... With Gino and Mel ITV News and Weather The Hungry Sailors Secret Dealers Tipping Point Take on the Twisters

07:15 07:40 08:05 09:10 10:05 11:00 12:05 13:05 13:15 15:10 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00 21:00

22:35 00:20

ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Harbour Lives Coronation Street Doc Martin ITV News at Ten and Weather Paranormal Activity Jackpot247

06:00 06:50 07:40 08:40 09:45 10:45 11:15 11:50 12:50 13:55 15:00 16:00 17:00

The Professionals Minder Cheers kojak Magnum, P.I. Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol The Professionals Minder The Saint kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals



World’s Wildest Police Videos Cheers Cheers The Chase Plunkett and Macleane Hell on Wheels Jack Charlton’s Boys in Green Minder Police, Camera, Action! Movies Now

18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00

18:55 19:25 20:00 21:00 23:05 00:05 01:05 02:10 02:35

22:00 23:05 23:10 01:15

08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:50 01:50 02:40

According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Undercover Boss Canada A Place in the Sun Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not Seven Days to Noon Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ramadan Diaries Four Rooms 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Jon Richardson: Funny Magnet Random Acts The kids are All Right New Girl

Himalaya with Michael Palin Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Dave’s One Night Stand Danny Bhoy Live QI XL Dave’s One Night Stand Storage Hunters

06:00 08:15 08:25 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:30 00:00

06:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 14:30 15:30 16:00 19:00 23:00 23:15 23:30 01:30

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Roary the Racing Car Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Gadget Show 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Out of Control 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Monster Moves World’s Busiest Border Crossing Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Big Brother Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Barclays Premier League World Sporting Greats Ringside-2013 So Far Barclays Premier League World Super League Superstars Barclays Premier League World Senior Open Championship Ringside-2013 So Far Super League Superstars Senior Open Championship World Matchplay Darts Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Years World Matchplay Darts

19:00 Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 19:25 Doctor Who 20:15 Robin Hood 21:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 22:00 Russell Howard’s Good News 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Sweat the Small Stuff

11:00 13:10 14:50 17:10 19:00 21:00 22:50 01:40

06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:30 17:00


Shadow of a Doubt Carry on Nurse Gunfight at the O.k. Corral Silent Running Edward Scissorhands Taken Man on Fire Viva Riva!

T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days T20 Cricket Durham Dynamos face Leicestershire Foxes at Emirates Durham International Cricket Ground.

T20 Cricket Warwickshire Bears welcome Worcestershire Royals to Edgbaston. for this Friends Life t20 clash 22:30 The Ashes: England’s Best Days 00:00 The Ashes: England’s Best Days 01:45 T20 Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 12:45 13:30 17:15 18:40 18:50 19:00 20:50 21:40 22:00 22:30 00:15 02:15 02:20

06:00 08:20 11:20 12:20 12:50 13:20 15:20 15:50 16:20 16:55 19:30 21:45 23:55 00:40 01:25 02:00 02:40 02:55

Breakfast Saturday kitchen Live Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh & Easy Food BBC News BBC London News Bargain Hunt Inspire: The Olympic Journey Athletics

06:00 06:30 08:30 10:00

F1: Grand Prix Qualifying BBC News BBC London News Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The National Lottery BBC News Mrs. Brown’s Boys Con Air The Jackal Weatherview BBC News


Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus Dinner Date Australia You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! The Perfect Man You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi The Incredible Hulk 2 Fast 2 Furious Lemon La Vida Loca Lemon La Vida Loca Lemon La Vida Loca Fake Reaction Judge Judy Teleshopping

06:00 06:10 06:35

11:00 11:30 12:00 12:45

15:40 16:40

19:00 19:40 20:10 21:10 22:10 22:55 00:55

07:35 09:35 10:35 11:35 12:40 14:40 16:55 18:45

21:00 23:00 00:35 01:30 01:55 02:30

This is BBC Two Mary of Scotland Back to Bataan A History of Scotland Life in the Freezer University Challenge The A to Z of TV Cooking EastEnders Omnibus Wild Shepherdess with kate Humble Springwatch Rugby League Challenge Cup Semi-Final Proms Extra 2013 Dad’s Army David Starkey’s Music and Monarchy Top of the Lake QI XL The kite Runner Women of Valor

Movies Now Barbara Murder, She Wrote The Turn of the Screw The Royal The Royal Wycliffe Inspector Morse Agatha Christie’s Poirot Housewife 49 Foyle’s War Pilots and their girlfriends live fast and die young in a story of greed and passion , where Foyle finds appearances are deceptive. Lewis Cold Blood Cracker Barbara ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

27 J u l y th

06:00 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:30 09:25 10:25 11:20 12:35 13:35 14:35 15:05

CITV kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Gravity Falls Dinner Date Saturday Cookbook Murder, She Wrote Saturday Farm All Star Mr and Mrs The Chase You’ve Been Framed! Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

07:05 Mobil 1 The Grid 07:30 FIM Superbike World Championship 08:00 The Morning Line 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 Undercover Boss Canada 13:35 Channel 4 Racing 16:20 Come Dine with Me 16:50 Come Dine with Me 17:20 Come Dine with Me 17:55 Come Dine with Me

18:00 ITV News 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 Your Face Sounds Familiar 20:45 All Star Family Fortunes 21:45 The Americans 22:35 ITV News 22:50 The Invention of Lying

18:25 18:50 18:55 19:00

06:00 06:20 07:10 07:30 07:55 08:25 08:55 09:55 10:55 12:00


12:55 13:50 14:55 15:55 18:00 20:10 22:00 23:00 01:15 02:00

World of Sport The Professionals Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Motorsport Uk The Professionals Tommy Cooper World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold The Cycle Show British Superbike Championship Highlights The Far Country Shalako Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment Hell on Wheels Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club Hamish and Andy’s Euro Gap Year

20:00 21:00 23:10 00:10

08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:20 01:20 02:15

When Björk Met attenborough Channel 4 - 19:00 - 20:00 Award-winning musician Björk and legendary broadcaster and naturalist sir David Attenborough have admired each other’s work for years but this is the first time they have discussed their mutual love of music and the natural world on screen.

In this remarkable documentary, Björk explores our unique relationship with music and discovers how technology might transform the way we engage with it in the


future. At the heart of the film is Biophilia, Björk’s cutting-edge music project that explores where nature, music and technology meet. David Attenborough explains how music exists in the natural world and speaks about his own passion for music. Author and professor of neurology and psychiatry Oliver Sacks explains the extraordinary and beneficial effects music has on our brains and explains why performing and engaging with music is something all of us should take more seriously.

Channel 4 News Ramadan Diaries Random Acts When Bjork Met Attenborough Grand Designs X-Men Origins: Wolverine Rude Tube Trading Places

Himalaya with Michael Palin Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Megatruckers Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Top Gear Megatruckers Top Gear Top Gear Total Wipeout USA Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Traffic Cops Dave’s One Night Stand Dave’s One Night Stand Lee Mack Live Dave’s One Night Stand Dave’s One Night Stand Lee Mack Live

06:00 09:00

Children’s TV Ben and Holly’s Little kingdom 09:15 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:00 Power Rangers: Samurai 10:35 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 11:00 Meerkat Manor 11:30 Big Brother 12:55 The Dirty Dozen 15:55 CSI: NY 16:45 CSI: NY 17:40 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 19:10 20:00 20:55 21:50 22:00 23:00 00:00

06:00 09:30 10:30 13:00 16:00 18:30 19:00

22:30 00:30 01:30 02:00 02:15 02:30

NCIS NCIS NCIS 5 News Weekend Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Super Casino

World Matchplay Darts Ringside-2013 So Far Barclays Asia Trophy Football Barclays Asia Trophy Football Football Barclays Asia Trophy World Matchplay Darts The semi-finals of the 2013 BetVictor World Matchplay from Blackpool’s Winter Gardens. Premier League Years Football Barclays Asia Trophy Football Gold Football Gold World Matchplay Darts

19:00 21:30 22:15 23:00 01:15 01:45 02:15 02:45

11:00 13:00 15:25 18:15

21:00 23:45

06:00 06:30 07:00 09:00 10:30

12:30 13:00 14:30 18:00


22:30 01:45

Olympic Opening Ceremony 2012: Isles of Wonder Live at the Apollo Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Family Guy Badults Live at the Electric The Best Sci-Fi Film Ever! Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

Crocodile Dundee Toys The king and I The karate kid Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith star in this family martial arts adventure, a remake of the 1984 hit. Robin Hood Underworld: Evolution

Ashes Memories Ashes Memories T20 Cricket Cricket A.M T20 Cricket Warwickshire Bears welcome Worcestershire Royals to Edgbaston. Ashes Memories Cricket A.M T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days Relive day two of the third test in 1994/95 Ashes series in Sydney. T20 Cricket Worcestershire Royals welcome Somerset to New Road for this Friends Life t20 clash. The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days The Ashes: England’s Best Days

editor Recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


28 July

Sunday - TV

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:10 13:05 13:50 14:20 15:20 16:20 16:30

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Sunday Morning Live Homes Under the Hammer BBC News Countryfile Bargain Hunt Helicopter Heroes Escape to the Country Earthflight Lifeline Songs of Praise

17:05 F1: Grand Prix 18:35 BBC News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 The White Queen 22:00 BBC News 22:25 Room 101 23:05 Luther 00:05 Right at Your Door 01:35 Weatherview 01:40 BBC News

06:00 06:25 09:05 11:35 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:35

Planet’s Funniest Animals Emmerdale Coronation Street America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent You’ve Been Framed! The Xtra Factor The Perfect Man

The Lost World The entrepreneur who genetically engineered the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park turns out to have cloned more of the prehistoric monsters. 21:00 300 23:20 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 23:50 Hell’s kitchen 00:50 Hell’s kitchen 01:45 71 Degrees North

06:20 Death of a Scoundrel 08:15 Around the World in 80 Gardens 09:15 Beechgrove Garden 09:45 Gardeners’ World 10:15 Saturday kitchen Best Bites 11:45 Raymond Blanc: How to Cook Well 12:15 Inspire: The Olympic Journey 13:00 Diving 14:15 Women’s Euro 2013 17:15 Flog It! 17:45 Rugby League Challenge Cup Semi-Final 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 The Mystery of Rome’s X Tomb 22:00 The Real White Queen and Her Rivals 23:00 What a Load of Buzzcocks 23:30 Welcome to Collinwood 00:55 Countryfile 01:50 Holby City

06:10 07:00 07:55 08:55 09:55 10:55 13:05 14:15 15:15 17:10 18:55



23:40 01:40

Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat Heartbeat Foyle’s War Wycliffe Murder, She Wrote Carry on Cowboy Wycliffe Agatha Christie’s Poirot When a stranger is found murdered at Warmsley Vale, the Cloade family ask for Poirot’s help to find out if the dead man was Rosaleen Cloade’s first husband. Gorillas in the Mist Powerful drama based on the life story of crusading zoologist Dian Fossey. Brides in the Bath Those Who kill


06:00 06:50 07:10 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 17:30

CITV Canimals Bookaboo kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Sonny with a Chance Country House Sunday Jeremy kyle Show Murder, She Wrote Columbo Love Your Garden The Chase A Touch of Frost You’ve Been Framed!

18:30 ITV News 19:00 Tipping Point 20:00 All Star Mr and Mrs 21:00 Law and Order: Uk 22:00 ITV News 22:15 Alan Whicker: Journey’s End 23:10 Murder, She Wrote

06:00 06:25 06:50 07:15 07:40 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:35 12:35 13:05 14:05 15:05 17:25 19:10 22:00 00:25 01:25

Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Tommy Cooper World’s Wildest Police Videos The Big Match Revisited The Cycle Show The Saint Police, Camera, Action! World’s Wildest Police Videos Goodwood Festival of Speed 2013 Shalako Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment The Green Berets The Silence of the Lambs World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action!


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 hours 22 euros

06:10 06:35 07:00 07:55 08:25 09:00 09:30 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 17:30 17:55 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:10 23:45 01:40 02:20 05:50

07:10 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:40 15:20 16:00 16:30 18:00 18:40 19:20 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 02:45

The Hoobs The Hoobs British Triathlon Championships: Liverpool Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Deal or No Deal Sainsbury’s Anniversary Games Channel 4 News Ramadan Diaries Letters to Juliet The Mill The Returned The Final Destination Animal kingdom Southland Secret Eaters kirstie’s Vintage Gems

Children’s TV Ben and Holly’s Little kingdom 09:00 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:15 Roary the Racing Car 09:30 Jelly Jamm 09:50 Power Rangers: Samurai 10:25 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 10:45 Inside Hollywood 10:55 Big Brother 11:50 BB BOTS: Rylan’s Supersized Celebrity Sunday 12:50 Rocky V 14:55 Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot 16:40 Zoom 18:20 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 00:00

Open Season Once Upon a Time 5 News Weekend Big Brother Rocky Balboa Love/Hate

Top Gear Suits Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Top Gear Total Wipeout USA QI QI Would I Lie to You? Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Top Gear

06:00 07:00

Football Barclays Asia Trophy Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Years Barclays Asia Trophy Football Gold Football Gold Premier League Years Ladies Euro Tour Golf Senior Open Championship

QI QI Would I Lie to You? Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles QI XL QI XL QI XL QI XL QI XL QI XL Have I Got News for You

06:00 08:50

07:30 07:45 08:00 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 13:00 15:30 19:00 21:00 23:00 23:30 01:30

World Matchplay Darts Premier League Years Football League Gold World Matchplay Darts Premier League Years

19:00 Women’s Euro 2013 20:00 The Best Sport Film Ever! 20:30 WALL-E 22:00 Family Guy 22:45 Badults 23:15 American Dad! 00:00 Live at the Electric 00:30 Bad Education 01:30 Cuckoo 02:30 Badults 03:00 Football’s Suicide Secret

11:00 Santa Fe Passage 13:00 The Princess Diaries 15:15 The Love Bug 17:25 The Simpsons Movie America’s favourite family make their debut on the big screen. 19:10 Legend 21:00 True Lies 23:45 Daredevil 01:50 The Final Cut

06:00 06:30 07:00 09:00 10:30 12:30 13:00 14:30 18:00

Ashes Memories Ashes Memories T20 Cricket Cricket Writers on TV T20 Cricket Ashes Memories Cricket Writers on TV T20 Cricket

The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days Relive day four of the fifth test in the 1994/95 Ashes series in Perth. The Aussies produced a superb all-round performance to leave England on the brink of defeat. 20:45 T20 Cricket 22:45 The Ashes: England’s Best Days 01:45 T20 Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


M o n d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:10 15:05 15:50 16:35 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:10 23:40

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Helicopter Heroes Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Only Fools and Horses Perfection Escape to the Country Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six The Sheriffs are Coming EastEnders Panorama Death in Paradise BBC News at Ten The Baby Born in a Concentration Camp BBC News: The Editors Michael Collins

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:35 Peter Andre: My Life 10:35 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 The Xtra Factor 21:00 2 Fast 2 Furious 23:10 Celebrity Juice 23:55 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 01:00 Love in the Wild

08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:55 14:40 15:10 15:55 16:25 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:20

29 July th

Saints and Scroungers Restoration Home The Chef’s Protege Click BBC News A Tale of Two Cities The Weakest Link Mastermind A to Z of TV Gardening A Taste of My Life Wild Down Under Antiques Roadshow Swimming Top Gear University Challenge Raymond Blanc: How to Cook Well Caligula with Mary Beard The Sarah Millican Television Programme Newsnight The Mystery of Rome’s X Tomb Burma, My Father & the Forgotten Army

06:00 Movies Now 06:10 Heartbeat 07:00 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 A Touch of Frost 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 Murder, She Wrote 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 Wycliffe 16:15 Only When I Laugh 16:50 Barbara 17:20 Faith in the Future 17:55 Heartbeat 18:55

20:00 22:00 23:30 01:00 01:55 02:20 02:30

Murder, She Wrote A distraught delivery boy says he saw a murder - but there is no evidence. Vera Mrs Biggs Blue Murder Wycliffe Faith in the Future ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 00:00

06:00 06:25 07:15 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:05 12:05 13:05 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:05 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:00 01:05 02:05 03:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Tipping Point ITV News and Weather The Hungry Sailors Secret Dealers Midsomer Murders Take on the Twisters ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The Dales Coronation Street Long Lost Family ITV News at Ten and Weather Benidorm Monk Jackpot247

Motorway Patrol The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Cheers kojak Magnum, P.I. The Saint The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Cheers Cheers The Cycle Show Tremors Unleashed The Professionals Minder The Store

06:10 07:10 07:35 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 13:05 13:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:05 23:10 23:45 00:45

07:00 08:00 08:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:00

Caligula BBC 2 - 21:00 - 22:00 Mary Beard embarks on an investigative journey to explore the life and times of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus – better known as Caligula.

Caligula has become known as Rome’s most capricious tyrant, and the stories told about him are some of the most extraordinary told about any Roman emperor. He was said to have made his horse a consul, proclaimed himself a living God and indulged in scandalous orgies - not to mention his construction of vast bridges across land and sea, prostituting senators’ wives and killing half the


Roman elite seemingly on a whim. All this in just four short years in power, before a violent and speedy assassination in a back alley of his own palace when he was 29 years old. But how much of his story is true? Travelling across the Roman world, from Germany and Capri in the bay of Naples to the astonishing luxury of his life in imperial Rome, Mary Beard attempts to peel away some of the myths and delve through surviving evidence - from trial documents covering the mysterious death of his father when he was seven years old to the records of his imperial slaves - in order to paint the real portrait of Caligula.

Children’s TV According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Undercover Boss USA A Place in the Sun River Cottage Veg Town on Trial Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ramadan Diaries Dispatches Food Unwrapped Undercover Boss 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Random Acts Coming Up Catching a killer: Crocodile Tears First Dates

06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 I Survived a Fatal Flight 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:10 Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours

Later Live... with Jools Holland Helicopter Heroes Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Traffic Cops The World of Stupid Criminals Helicopter Heroes Top Gear Traffic Cops Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Top Gear Traffic Cops Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Mock the Week Frank Skinner’s Opinionated Have I Got News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You


18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

09:00 09:30 11:30 12:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00

18:00 18:30 19:30 21:30 22:30 23:00 01:00 01:30

19:00 Snog, Marry, Avoid? 19:30 Would I Lie to You? 20:00 Rachel Bruno: My Dad and Me 21:00 Failed by the NHS 22:00 Russell Howard’s Good News 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Failed by the NHS 01:30 The Best Rom-Com Film Ever!

11:00 12:45 14:30

Home and Away Newstalk Live The Gadget Show Monster Moves Botched Up Bodies Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side The Walking Dead

16:35 18:55

Good Morning Sports Fans Football League Gold World Matchplay Darts Football League Gold Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Barclays Asia Trophy Football Football’s Greatest World Matchplay Darts


Super League Superstars Football League Gold Elite League Speedway Football League Gold Football League Gold Premier League Years Football League Gold Elite League Speedway

21:00 23:30 01:40

08:00 10:00 13:00 15:00 17:30 19:00

22:30 00:30 02:30 03:00

Little Manhattan Marmaduke king Solomon’s Mines Roman Holiday She’s the Man Andy Fickman’s comedy, lightly based on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Star Trek Blade: Trinity Hidden

The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days T20 Cricket Kent Spitfires host Hampshire Royals at the St Lawrence Ground in the Friends Life t20. The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket Ashes Memories The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days

editor Recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


30 July

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00 09:15 10:00

BBC News at Six Nigel Slater’s Dish of the Day EastEnders Holby City New Tricks BBC News at Ten Imagine... One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Weatherview

08:20 Saints & Scroungers 09:05 You’ve Been Scammed 09:35 The Chef’s Protege 10:35 HARDtalk 11:00 BBC News 12:00 The Magic Box 13:45 The Weakest Link 14:30 Mastermind 15:00 A to Z of TV Gardening 15:45 A Taste of My Life 16:15 Europe: A Natural History 17:05 Antiques Roadshow 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 Swimming 20:00 Count Arthur Strong 20:30 The Cruise: A Life at Sea 21:00 kumbh Mela: The Greatest Show on Earth 22:00 Family Tree 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Caligula with Mary Beard

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:35 Up All Night 10:35 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Hell’s kitchen 22:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 The Big Reunion 00:50 Girlfri3nds

06:00 Movies Now 06:10 Heartbeat 07:00 The Royal 08:05 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:05 A Touch of Frost 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 Murder, She Wrote 13:00 Heartbeat 14:05 The Royal 15:05 Wycliffe 16:15 Only When I Laugh 16:50 Barbara 17:20 Faith in the Future 17:55 Heartbeat 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Vera 22:00 Mrs Biggs Second of a five-part drama series about the woman who married Ronnie Biggs. 23:00 Blue Murder 00:30 Wycliffe 01:25 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 02:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:30 Teleshopping

11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 14:45 15:30 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:50 02:00

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Helicopter Heroes Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Only Fools and Horses Perfection Escape to the Country Flog It! Pointless


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Tipping Point ITV News The Hungry Sailors Secret Dealers Midsomer Murders Take on the Twisters

18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:20 03:00

06:00 06:10 07:00 07:50 08:20 08:50 09:55 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:55 15:00 16:00 17:00

ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Nature’s Newborns Love Your Garden Hunting the Doorstep Conmen ITV News at Ten Ray Mears’ Close Encounters In Plain Sight Jackpot247 In Plain Sight

Movies Now The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals Minder The Saint kojak Magnum, P.I. Motorsport Uk

18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Minder Cheers Cheers Black Gold River Monsters Hell on Wheels Plunkett and Macleane 01:10 Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club 01:55 Minder 02:45 ITV4 Nightscreen

06:00 07:10 07:35 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:05 13:05 13:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:10

07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:20 02:15 02:45

Children’s TV According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Undercover Boss USA A Place in the Sun kirstie’s Handmade Treasures Channel 4 Racing Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ramadan Diaries kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free Why Don’t You Speak English? Rude Tube Don’t Blame Facebook Pokerstars.Com Caribbean Adventure

Later Live... with Jools Holland Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Storage Hunters The World of Stupid Criminals Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Megatruckers Storage Hunters QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks

06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 The Hotel Inspector Returns 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 Safe Harbor 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours



07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 11:30 12:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:00 19:00 19:30 21:30 22:00 00:00 02:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Football League Gold Elite League Speedway Football League Gold Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Football League Gold Football’s Greatest Football League Gold Elite League Speedway Football League Gold Sky Sports Football -Season Preview Football League Gold Premier League Years Sky Sports Football -Season Preview Football League Gold

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11:00 12:35 14:45

18:00 Home and Away 18:30 Newstalk Live 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 Highland Emergency 20:00 World’s Worst Holiday Horrors 21:00 CSI: NY 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 CSI: Miami

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19:00 Wolfblood 20:00 Barely Legal Drivers 21:00 Extreme OCD Camp 22:00 Badults 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Badults 01:00 Extreme OCD Camp 02:00 Cuckoo 02:30 Cuckoo 03:00 Failed by the NHS

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18:50 21:00 23:25

08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00

18:00 22:00 00:30 02:30

In Good Company Iron Man The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! Jackie Brown

The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket Kent Spitfires host Hampshire Royals. The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days

Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:10 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 23:45

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Helicopter Heroes Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Only Fools and Horses Perfection Escape to the Country Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six The Sheriffs are Coming Celebrity MasterChef Who Do You Think You Are? BBC News at Ten A Question of Sport Swansea City: The Fall and Rise D.O.A.

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 The Xtra Factor 07:25 Jeremy kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:35 Up All Night 10:35 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 The Xtra Factor 14:00 Jeremy kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Hell’s kitchen 22:00 Plebs 22:30 Plebs 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 00:15 America’s Got Talent 02:05 Judge Judy

08:15 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:10 13:55 14:40 15:10 15:55 16:25 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

Saints and Scroungers Rick Stein’s India Helicopter Heroes Down Under The Chef’s Protege BBC News Lifeline Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont The Weakest Link Mastermind A to Z of TV Gardening A Taste of My Life Europe: A Natural History Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Swimming Restoration Home Queen Victoria’s Children The Unstoppable Thomas Heatherwick Newsnight Dara O Briain’s Science Club

06:00 Movies Now 06:10 Heartbeat 07:00 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 A Touch of Frost 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 Murder, She Wrote 13:05 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Wycliffe 16:20 Only When I Laugh 16:55 Barbara 17:20 Faith in the Future 17:55 Heartbeat 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Vera DCI Vera Stanhope and DS Joe Ashworth investigate a suspicious death in an army barracks. 22:00 Mrs Biggs 23:00 Blue Murder 00:30 Wycliffe 01:25 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 02:15 ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:05

06:00 06:15 07:05 07:55 08:25 08:55 09:55 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:05 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:05 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:05 01:05 02:05 03:00


31 J u l y st

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Tipping Point ITV News The Hungry Sailors Secret Dealers Midsomer Murders Take on the Twisters ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street You Saw Them Here First Neighbourhood Force ITV News at Ten Hunting the Doorstep Conmen The Dales Jackpot247

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers kojak Magnum, P.I. Motorway Patrol Motorway Patrol The Professionals Minder World’s Wildest Police Videos kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Cheers Cheers Dirty Britain Cops with Cameras Tango and Cash Breakout The Professionals Minder The Store

06:10 07:00 07:10 07:35 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:05 13:05 13:30 16:00 17:00

The Hoobs Hugh’s 3 Good Things According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Undercover Boss USA A Place in the Sun kirstie’s Handmade Treasures Channel 4 Racing Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me

06:00 08:45 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00

18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 Ramadan Diaries 20:00 Extreme Diet Ward: A Food Hospital Special 21:00 24 Hours in A and E 22:00 The Last Leg 22:50 Alex Brooker: My Perfect Body 00:00 Undercover Boss

21:00 22:00 23:10



08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:15 02:10

Later Live... with Jools Holland Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Motorway Cops Megatruckers Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Megatruckers Top Gear Motorway Cops Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News QI Frank Skinner’s Opinionated Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News QI


07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 11:30 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 19:30 21:30 23:30 00:00 02:00 02:30

Children’s TV Milkshake! Show Songs Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Traders 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Earthstorm 5 News at 5 Neighbours 1 Home and Away Newstalk Live Emergency Bikers Myra Hindley: The Untold Story Big Brother Love/Hate Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 2013 National Heads-Up Poker Championships

19:00 Snog, Marry, Avoid? 19:30 Pixar: 25 Magic Moments 20:30 WALL-E 22:00 Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 Barely Legal Drivers 01:30 Badults 02:00 Failed by the NHS 03:00 Extreme OCD Camp

11:00 Inspector Gadget 12:35 Toys 14:55 Hell and High Water 17:00 Ladies in Lavender 19:05 Crocodile Dundee ‘That’s not a knife. This is a knife’, is among cinema’s best-known quotes. Mick ‘Crocodile’ Dundee routs a New York mugger. 21:00 13 Assassins 23:25 Man on Fire

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Football League Gold Sky Sports Football -Season Preview Football League Gold Premier League Years Sky Sports Football -Season Preview NFL Football League Gold Sky Sports Football -Season Preview


Elite League Speedway Sky Sports Football -Season Preview Football League Gold Premier League Years Football League Gold Football League Gold

19:00 22:30

08:00 10:00 12:30 13:00 15:00 18:00

00:00 00:30 02:30

The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days Ashes Memories T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days Relive day two of the third test in the 2010/11 Ashes series. T20 Cricket The Ashes: Australia’s Best Days Ashes Memories T20 Cricket The Ashes: England’s Best Days

You Saw Them here First editor Recommends ITv 1 - 20:00 - 21:00

you saw Them Here first is the show that breaks into the archives to reveal the television debuts of some of Britain’s best-loved actors and actresses, presenters and pop stars. There are baby-faces, mullets, dodgy fashions, fresh-faced actors and longhaired chefs, all serving up their television debuts. Plus, some lucky stars visit the video vault to come face to face with their past as they’re presented with long-forgotten footage from yester-year. Narrated by Robert Webb, You Saw Them Here First features television debuts from acting royalty like Dame Judi Dench, Sir Sean Connery and Dame

Maggie Smith, top TV talent such as Chris Tarrant, Eamonn Holmes and Declan Donnelly, and pop stars including Ed Sheeran, Charlotte Church and Jessie J. The programme features Cheryl Cole dancing in a bright yellow leotard for a children’s TV show and a cross dressing Jude Law being caught by Sherlock Holmes. Kicking off the first episode is a look back at hit daytime show This Morning, which has proved to be a hot spot for fresh new talent since it hit screens in 1988. Long before her role on Coronation Street, a fifteen-year-old Kimberley Marsh is seen auditioning in a This Morning singing competition back in 1990.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


1 Au g u s t

Thursday - TV

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:10 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 01:35

06:00 06:25 06:55 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Fake Britain Helicopter Heroes Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Only Fools and Horses Perfection Escape to the Country Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six Urban Jungle EastEnders Celebrity MasterChef DIY SOS The Big Build BBC News at Ten Who Do You Think You Are? The Rookie Holiday Weatherview

Emmerdale Coronation Street Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Up All Night Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Judge Judy Jeremy kyle Show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Millionaire Matchmaker

18:00 Jeremy kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Paranormal Activity 22:55 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Celebrity Juice 00:30 America’s Got Talent 01:25 Take Me Out

07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:20

Great British Railway Journeys Bargain Hunt Saints and Scroungers Peter Jones Meets... The Chef’s Protege HARDtalk BBC News Animal Park Golf Antiques Roadshow Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Swimming Dara O Briain’s Science Club Hebrides: Islands on the Edge Mock the Week...Again Newsnight The Other Pompeii: Life and Death in Herculaneum Panorama

06:00 Movies Now 06:10 Heartbeat 07:05 The Royal 08:05 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:05 A Touch of Frost 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Darling Buds of May 13:05 Heartbeat 14:05 The Royal 15:10 Wycliffe 16:20 Only When I Laugh 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Faith in the Future 18:00 Heartbeat Police are baffled when there seem to be too many motives behind an arson attack on a warehouse. 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Vera 22:00 Mrs Biggs 23:00 Blue Murder 00:35 Wycliffe 01:30 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:30 03:00

06:00 06:10 07:00 07:55 08:25 08:55 10:00 11:00 11:55 12:55 14:00 14:25 15:00 16:00 17:05 18:05 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 00:05 02:10 02:30


Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Tipping Point ITV News and Weather The Hungry Sailors Secret Dealers Midsomer Murders Take on the Twisters ITV News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Married to the Job Tonight ITV News at Ten and Weather You Saw Them Here First Murder, She Wrote Jackpot247 Tonight

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals Minder Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! kojak Magnum, P.I. The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Cheers Motorway Patrol From the Ashes Unleashed Blur ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

06:10 07:00 07:10 07:35 08:00 09:05 10:05 11:00 12:05 13:05 13:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:50 23:55 00:55

07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:40 22:20 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:00 01:40 02:15 02:45

The Hoobs Hugh’s 3 Good Things Best Bites According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Undercover Boss USA A Place in the Sun River Cottage Veg Channel 4 Racing Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Dealership How to Get a Council House Crash for Cash 24 Hours in A and E Random Acts One Born Every Minute The Plane That Saved Britain

06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 World’s Busiest Border Crossing 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 CSI: Miami 15:15 Rosamunde Pilcher’s Spring 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours

Later Live... with Jools Holland Top Gear Motorway Cops Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles The World of Stupid Criminals Top Gear Motorway Cops Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Top Gear


Motorway Cops Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Red Dwarf Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week Red Dwarf Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week Butchered Dave’s One Night Stand

18:00 Home and Away 18:30 Newstalk Live 19:00 Cricket 20:00 Cowboy Traders 21:00 The Hotel Inspector Returns 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 Super Casino

19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Motorway Cops 21:00 Shoplife 22:00 Live at the Electric 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:25 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:10 American Dad! 00:30 Shoplife 01:30 Live at the Electric 02:00 Extreme OCD Camp 03:00 Shoplife

11:00 13:20 16:00 18:45 21:00 23:10 01:20

Good Morning Sports Fans Football League Gold League 1 Play-Off Final Football League Gold Championship Play-Off Final Football League Gold Premier League Years Football League Gold League 2 Play-Off Final Football League Gold League 1 Play-Off Final Championship Play-Off Final


18:30 Football League Gold 19:00 FL72 20:00 Rugby Super League 22:00 FL72 23:00 Premier League Years 01:00 FL72 02:00 Football League Gold

20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00

09:00 09:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 14:30 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:30

07:00 09:00 10:00


My Neighbours the Yamadas The king and I The Cruel Sea The Princess Diaries Red Top Gun Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

The Ashes: England’s Best Days T20 Cricket Sky Sports News The Ashes 3rd Investec Test England v Australia (Day 1). Day one of the third Ashes test between England and Australia from Old Trafford. Sky Sports News Round-up of the sports news with live analysis and comment plus extended interviews with the headline makers. The Ashes The Ashes -Verdict The Ashes The Ashes -Verdict The Ashes The Ashes -Verdict The Ashes The Ashes -Verdict


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013




Citroen Berlingo 1,6

aquarium live fish

Air Conditioner

CCS is a premier consulting & financial advisory service that strives to achieve results through our commitment to clients & making things crystal clear.

We have been providing services and IT products in Tenerife since 2007. We register, host and develop custom built web solutions.

Citroen Berlingo 1., Full Service History + Transfer and tax included. 3.500 € ONO...

home bred cichlids for sale, malawi, south african, and pond fish, for sale....

For Sale - Air Conditioner comprising external Inverter and internal diffuser. 7.9 KW. In good condition and well maintained original cost 2,500 euros b...

922 176 592

922 783 732

922 085 124

3,500 € 922 730 367

8 € 922 13 81 46

650 €

Mondeo ST220 3L V6

Bags 15 euro each

Island Village Phase 3

1 bed apartment for rent

2 coffee tables

Ford Mondeo ST220 3L V. Good condition, very ice looking car with full leather interior and very quick....

various bags 15 euro each all new...

Large two bed villa with garden on phase 3, this means you may use both pools on phases one and three, 24 hr reception and laundry on site with pool bar. ...

Furnished one bed apartment on Chayofita in Costa del Silencio. Lounge diner/kitchen, double bedroom, bathroom w/washing machine, internal court yard and ...

2 coffee tables. 1 measures: 100cm long x 50cm wide x 40cm tall, and the other: 50cm x 50cm x 40cm. both in good condition. they can be sold together for 4...

628 543 843

REF: 3064

626 389 410

922 708 204

690 375 706

7,500 €

15 €

140,000 €

350 €

40 €


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

House in Chio

Jeep wrangler 2,5

Aquarium + Stand

Modern 3 bedroom house, ( Unfurnished ) with new kitchen, Lounge, Dining area, 2 bathrooms, integral garage with electric door. Full roof terrace, and balc...

Red jeep wrangler,2.5.soft top with summer And winter roofs over 6,000 euros spent on improvements And accesories.chrome wheels, side steps,grill light pro...

130 ltr aquarium with stand, filter, heater and spare tube...

Nice Electric Guitar Epiphone with Bag...


922 850 087

922 797 020

922 730 367

632 092 358

230 €

159,000 €

7,500 €

195 €

Electric Guitar


Nikon D5000 DSLR

A Nikon D5000 DSLR camera in mint condition. The camera comes with the following.. 18-55mm Nikon lens with lens hood, Nikon camera manual, Nikon view NX 2 ...

689 385 190

350 €

Kurzweil keyboard 2500X

2 Bedroom Villa Los Silo

Golf Clubs

Duplex - Playa De La Are

Top loader washing machi

Professional Keyboard PROS • High-quality master keyboard/ production station, with control facilities to match. • Powerful VAST synthesis architectu...

This beautiful 2 bedroom villa is situated 2 minutes walk from the seafront in the district of Sibora, Los Silos (North West Tenerife). The villa has a spa...

Titleist Golf Bag containing the following: Full set of irons 4-9, with PW,SW, and 60 Deg. w. 3 and 5 woods, with Driver and 19 Deg. rescue club. Odysse...

Large Duplex/House on quiet, residential complex close to beach, shops, school, gym, bars and restaurants, with pool and gardens. 2 double bedrooms, 1 1/2 ...

Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...

632 092 358

677 398 614

922 734 545

922 860 191

635 911 337

1,200 €

Cressi sub wet suit

100,000 €


Mens cressi sub wet suit size 5 ,7mm ,red and black ,in very good condition .like new ....

green/cream settee...

639 058 693

922 729 145

70 €

50 €

100 €

165,000 €

145 €

Mini Straighteners

Boat-Cabin Cruiser

Renault Clio

Professional mini straighteners. Heats to 200 degrees. Designer series...

2006 Bayliner Cruiser 245 With private mid-cabin berth and forward V-berth provides sleeping for 4 persons. Head with shower cubicle and sink. Galley wi...

Year 1998, 3 door, air/conditioining, 145,000 kms any reasonable offer accepted....

650 256 556

922 717 877

675 351 336

25 €

25,000 €

1,100 €

Washing Machine

Suncare Products

Original oil paintings

Studio Golf del Sur

Double divan bed

Washing machine for sale, good condition, excellent working order 135 euros can deliver ...

30 SPF sunscreen with high protection against sunburn but still enables you to get a suntan safely, water resistance, moistures the skin and helps prolong ...

Three original oil paintings done by Haitian artist james Maitre who is now being sold in a number of American Galleries (Gallery Martelly).All three are l...

We are selling our lovely studio apartment on a great complex in the golf del sur with views of the golf course. Very secure and gated complex, with a grea...

Double divan bed with mattress, 4 drawers. Only 6 months old as new. Base divides into 2 sections....

635 911 337

606 265 994

922 729 654

636 864 989

922 727 170

135 €

16 €

65,000 €

SAFE for your HOME



3 Jigsaws, 1,000 piece, all complete and as new. 4 euros each or all 3 for 10 euros...

Motorola mobile, in original box and as new. tri band, One for the collector! With leather case and car charger etc Tenerife south, Adeje...

I have a selection of 50cc mopeds that you can choose from on a rent to buy basis, 40 euro per week....fully insured and fully serviced during your rental ...

SAFE (make WURK) for your home with secure PIN-_Number system, to add all your valuables in. Can be placed anywhere or securely screwed on wall or floor....

Collection ducks....

922 857 817

666 248 656

676 892 814

605 414 052

922 751 064

10 €

A new scooter

225 €


40 €

55 €

300 €

Collection of Pottery Du



30 €


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Two Bed Apartment

Two bed apt refurbished, new kitchen, Bathroom. Fitted bedroom cupboards, new plastered walls thoughout. New stairs. Lower and upper terraces. Established...

922 784 676


Personal Vibration Machine

Come and join Tenerife’s fastest growing holiday company. A fascinating product with no fee’s to be pitched.

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I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

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Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013




ELITE CLEANING SERVICES Club Atlantis, San Eugenio Office 922 789 795 / Mobile 696 922 597 E-mail - elitetenerife@hotmail.com

Tired of arriving to a dusty, dirty home??? Need someone to take the hassle out of your cleaning ……WELL HERE WE ARE ! !

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Venezuelan, Pretty, Hot, Nice Body, Large Natural Breasts, I Can Offer All Services. I am opposite the entrance of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. I Speak Some English.

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NATALIA - PUERTO RICO I am a 24 year old Puerto Rican and very hot blooded. I will satisfy your most intimate desires. I am available for you 24hrs a day in front of the entrance to Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos.

Call: (+34) 627 746 039

I am a 19 year old Spanish Plump, loving and pretty girl. All services performed, French natural, Positions. I have no limit.. Deep Greek. I am opposite the entrance to the Aguamar Hotel in Los Cristianos I can also come to meet you.

Call: (+34) 672 518 835

EVA COLOMBIA I am a new girl to this, but that does not mean that I love the sex to stop. I am waiting for us to experiment together.

I am available in the centre of Los Cristianos 24hrs a day.

C al l : ( + 3 4 ) 6 0 5 3 7 5 4 9 5


Available 24 hrs A Day Sexy, Playful Big Breasts, Natural French, All Positions, Massage, Vibrators I am waiting to meet you in the Centre of Los Cristianos.

I Can Also Come To Meet You... C al l : (+3 4 ) 6 5 0 4 4 2 6 6 5

YESSI - LATINA I a m a hot blood ed g irl with a g rea t bod y, ver y p retty a nd willing. I a m op p osite the entra nc e to the Ag ua ma r Hotel in Los Cristia nos. Ava ila ble 24 Hour s a Da y I sp ea k some E ng lish..

Call: ( +34 ) 610 609 086


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


Real Madrid Visit Bournemouth

THE Liga giants stopped off in Bournemouth as part of their pre-season preparations and the locals were treated to a glimpse of the spanish giants in all their glory.

Quite why the team chose to stop off on the south coast of England as part of their preparations is unclear, but the locals weren’t bothered. Football’s A-list were there for a few hours and that doesn’t happen very often. Dean Court officials installed a temporary stand during the week to meet ticket demand, taking the capacity to 12,000, and about a quarter of those arrived hours in advance for the arrival of the team bus. There are as many Madrid shirts among the under-12’s as there were for the home team. Few sides in the world justify a rock star entrance, but Real Madrid, bus edging through the crowd, managed it. Even the sight of a tinted window, aware that their heroes were inside, raised a rousing reception. For the locals, this was a once-ina-lifetime opportunity to see Ballon d’Or winners at their humble home, multi-million pound stars preparing for another long season. One local outside the stadium said his son plays for the Bournemouth acad-

emy side, and for Ronaldo to simply walk through the building meant everything to him. Real Madrid are like a band on the

road; they get in, perform, and get out. They trained in Spain on Sunday morning before flying in, and their bus arrived little more than an hour

Rivals Shirt Hidden At Southampton FC

CHEEKy builders who hid a rival team’s shirt in a wall at a Premier League football club have been sacked. They were fired after a youTube video showed a Portsmouth shirt and scarf being sealed into a wall at southampton fC’s training ground in Marchwood, Hants.

The video was uploaded to the videosharing site but was quickly removed by the poster. Angry Saints fans branded the workers “unprofessional”, but others saw the stunt as just a prank. The beginning of the video shows the pitch before turning towards the balcony area of a building under construction. A worker standing next to a wall opens up the plasterboard and reveals the shirt and scarf inside. He then covers them up with insulation and gives a “thumbs-up” sign to the camera. The builders worked for a firm subcontracted to carry out renovations at the Staplewood training ground. Regional director of the Leadbitter Group, David Cook, said their behaviour was “unacceptable” and the matter had been dealt with: “These builders were not direct employees of Leadbitter. They were employed by our dry-lining sub-contractor. We understand they have been disciplined by their employer and basically sacked. It is not something we condone and do not agree with their behaviour at all.”

before kick-off. The score line was irrelevant 6-0 to The Superstars, for Madrid, it was an economical, efficient way to

edge towards match fitness. But for Bournemouth fans, it’s the memory of the day that Ronaldo came to put on a show, for one night only.

Bert Trautmann Dies At 89

THE German football Association has announced that former Germany international goalkeeper Bernd Trautmann has died at the age of 89. He passed away at his home in spain last friday.

Trautmann, known more commonly as Bert, made a name for himself in England with Manchester City after originally arriving as a prisoner of war. He played more than 500 times for City between 1949 and 1964 while he was bestowed with an honorary OBE for his work in promoting Anglo-German post-war relations. Trautmann was an FA Cup winner with City in 1956, playing the final 17 minutes of that game with a broken neck. After his playing days, he moved into management with Stockport before returning to his native Germany in 1967 to coach Preussen Munster. .German FA (DFB) president Wolfgang Niersbach said: “Bert Trautmann was an amazing sportsman and

a true gentleman: “He went to England as a soldier, and thus a war enemy, and he became a celebrated hero there. He was a legend. His extraordinary career will remain forever in the history books.” Trautmann survived two heart attacks this year, but passed away unexpectedly in La Llosa, near Valencia:”We were in very close contact

since 1996, when he was part of our official delegation when we won the European Championships in England,” continued Niersbach. “The DFB had invited him to Nuremberg in October, but he turned down the invitation because it was the same time he wanted to celebrate his 90th birthday. That makes this news even more surprising.”


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


British Win For MotoGP Record Win Tour de France

Chris Froome’s Tour de France was described as “monumental” by sixtime Olympic champion Sir Chris Hoy. Froome won the 100th Tour de France title, finishing more than four minutes ahead of his closest rival in the overall standings. The 28-year-old crossed the finish line in Paris arm-in-arm with his Team Sky colleagues to become the second Briton to win the title in consecutive years.


t just 20 years old, Spain’s Marc Marquez is the youngest back-to-back winner ever in the MotoGP motorcycle series with his victory in the United States Grand Prix at California’s Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Marquez, who suffered a crash during qualifying on Saturday, made the race-winning pass on pole sitter Stefan Bradl of Germany at Lap 19 and went on to take his third win of the MotoGP season by 2.2 seconds.

“Before I came here, I was expecting to struggle more,” Marquez told the series’ official website. “From the TV, this circuit looked so tricky. Since FP1, I have felt so good. Next

time I’ll be able to learn where all of the bumps are and everything – yesterday, I found a new bump, when I crashed at Turn 6! Anyway, today in the race, it was so good. “At the beginning, with a full fuel tank, I was little bit scared because – with all of those bumps – it’s so easy to lose the front. I overtook Valentino [Rossi] then caught Bradl; I stayed behind him for about 12 laps, then tried to pass him to open up a gap. I’m very, very happy because it’s a new circuit and I’ve got 25 points. I’m very happy because it’s great to go into the summer break with this result.” Bradl came in second for his inaugural podium finish in MotoGP, while legend Valentino Rossi was able to hold off Alvaro Bautista for third by a mere .059 of a second. Marquez’s REPSOL Honda teammate, Dani Pedrosa, rounded out the Top 5 finishers.

World Supersport Championship Tragedy

Sir Chris said: “It is a huge achievement and I almost feel sorry for Chris because people are almost getting blasé about it. People think it is another British winner, so that is what we should expect - but if you take a step back and get some perspective, you can see what a monumental achievement it is for him to have done this.” Froome set off for the French capital in the leader’s yellow jersey for the final stage of the Tour after more than 80 hours and 2,000 miles in the saddle. He had to wait until he reached the Champs-Elysees to be crowned champion, but tradition dictates the leader is not threatened on the final day of Le Tour. After winning the title, Froome thanked his family, friends and teammates: “I’d like to dedicate this win to my late mother. Without her encouragement to follow my dreams I would probably be watching this at home on TV. This is a beautiful coun-

try, with the finest annual sporting event in the world ... and this is one yellow jersey that will stand the test of time.” Speaking after the finishing line, he said: “It brought tears to my eyes just coming over the line with the guys like that. This really was an amazing way to finish off a fitting 100th edition of the Tour de France.” Britain’s Mark Cavendish failed to make it five in a row on the Champs-Elysees after finishing in third place in a sprint finish. Marcel Kittel won the stage, with Andre Greipel in second. Prime Minister David Cameron led the tributes to the cyclist. He tweeted: “A brilliant win by @chrisfroome. After two British winners it’s only right the Tour de France comes to Yorkshire next year.” Labour leader Miliband described the epic three-week road race victory as “fantastic”, adding: “Another brilliant day for British cycling.”

Reflecting on his monthlong ride across France, Froome added before the final stage: “It’s difficult for me to put it into words. It’s been an amazing journey for me. The race has been a fight every single day.” Team Sky manager Dave Brailsford set about grooming Froome into a winning rider the moment he joined the squad in 2010. His protégé finished second in the 2011 Vuelta a Espana and helped Sir Bradley Wiggins to success on the Tour de France a year later. “I’d like to come back and keep contending for the Tour for as long as I can and as long as I have the motivation,” he said. Froome claimed the yellow jersey on stage eight the first of his three stage wins en route to Paris. Colombia’s Nairo Quintana finished second overall, four minutes and 20 seconds behind Froome, with Spain’s Joaquim Rodriguez third, a further 44 seconds back.

Motorcyclist, Andrea Antonelli, died after a high-speed crash during the opening lap of a World Supersport Championship race in Russia. The Italian suffered a head injury when he came off his bike at 155mph in torrential rain and collided with fellow countryman Lorenzo Zanetti’s Honda. Kawasaki Go Eleven rider Antonelli, 25, was taken to the Moscow Raceway’s medical centre where he died of his injuries after failing to regain consciousness. Officials called off the race, as well as the day’s headline World Superbike Championship event. Russia’s federal investigative committee is investigating the accident. A statement on the World Superbike Championship website said: “During today’s FIM World Supersport race, at 1.32pm Italian rider Andrea Antonelli (Team Go Eleven

Kawasaki) suffered a serious accident on the straight between Turn 14 and Turn 15 wherein he sustained critical injuries. The race was stopped with the red flag and the rider was immediately taken to an ambulance where the medical staff worked to resuscitate him. Despite their efforts, Andrea sadly succumbed to his injuries at 2.10pm local time. FIM, Dorna and YMS Promotion decided to cancel all activities scheduled for the rest of the day. Everyone involved in motor-

cycle championships extends its deepest condolences to Andrea’s family, friends, team and Italian Federation at this tragic loss.” The Castiglione di Lago rider, who achieved 14 podium finishes in European Superstock 600 and 1000 races, had started from second on the grid in Moscow. Antonelli is the second Italian to die in competition in two years after MotoGP rider Marco Simoncelli was killed during the 2011 Malaysian Grand Prix in Sepang.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013


the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby

Sandro Lifts A Trophy And Drops A Hint As CD Tenerife Take The Cup sandro with his Man of the Match trophy

NEW divisions, new challenges, and a host of new players for both clubs but sandro stole the glory with two cheeky goals to give CD Tenerife a slightly flattering 0-4 win at CD Marino. The lively forward was a star on loan at the Las Americas club last season but back in the white of CD Tenerife he staked an early claim for a regular starting place this season in front of a 1,500 crowd.

This annual curtain raiser is always a broad audition with a constant flow of substitutes from both benches but there was plenty to be learnt in a game that was fairly even until a late goal flurry. Chechu led the Tenerife team out with a strong starting line up and back up goalie Roberto guarding the goal. Marino had a young line up, the new management structure are keen to give their talented reserve and youth players a chance this season. The best early chance came from Tenerife

Matias with the runners up cup

with Inigo Ros being denied after six minutes as Marino under new coach Espinel took time to settle. The last thing a team wants in a pre season friendly is an injury but Ros had to depart with a worrying injury to his right leg and Ricardo replaced him after 15 minutes and gave the midfield a solid base. New boys Nabil and Lamine impressed for Marino but Balduino needed help up front, the home side created some decent chances but they didn’t put enough pressure on Tenerife’s second choice goalie. Cristo Martin, another former Marino player, opened the scoring on the half hour finishing off a deep feed from Aridane. Balduino headed over for Marino just before the break before the gentleman’s excuse me ensured that most of both squads got a run out. Kike Rivero soon impressed with some classy midfield

play from the former Racing man and Raul Camara showed that he will be good cover at full back. The visitors had a strong appeal for a penalty as Aaron’s tackle brought down Rivero and at the over

end Balduino made Roberto work as he tried to round him with the ball. It was time for Sandro to step up a gear, he picked up the ball outside the Marino box and with expert footwork he picked his spot and caught sub goalie Alberto cold. Guillem Marti was enjoying a busy second half; he cut through the home defence and set up an easy second marker for Sandro. With another striker penciled in for Tenerife before the deadline, Guillem knows

he will have to press hard for a starting shirt but he did his chances no harm finishing off a determined break to take the nights score to 0-4. Sergio had a go at putting Marino on the scoreboard in the final minutes but Roberto was alert to keep his clean sheet. It’s always nice to get some silverware in the cabinet, Bruno collected the Sebastian Martin Melo Cup and Sandro had something shiny to drink out of too as he took the man of the match cup.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013

Ricardo Looks For a Happy Homecoming

A genuine midfield talent, Ricardo Leon from Los Realejos knows he will have to win over some unforgiving CD Tenerife fans on his return to his home island. The 30-year-old left two seasons ago as his team slid into the Segunda B Division and many fans have not forgotten that he was one of the first players to line up new employers before the season had ended.

Sporting Gijon was Ricardo’s destination but as soon as it was clear they were willing to let him go, a return to his home team became a likely option. The player arrives on a one year contract with 160 games in the blue and white to his name from his debut in January 2006 to his exit in June 2011. Ricardo’s ability was never in doubt but he struggled to fulfill his initial promise and often faded from games, he could be an inspired signing and in his defence he forfeited the outstanding money that


CD Tenerife owed him when he left two years ago. Ricardo arrived after the squad returned from the pre season training camp in La Palma; they played their only competitive game against local side Mensajero. CD Tenerife filled the starting line up with young players untried at senior level and just about managed a 1-0 win with a goal from second half sub Suso from a right wing cross by new signing Oscar Rico from Cartegena. Coach Alvaro Cervera will have noted the plus points such as a good showing from Suso after his recent hernia operation and full 90 minute run outs from B team players Kevin, Jairo, and goalie Nauzet. This Saturday night Las Palmas visit the Heliodoro for the first leg of the Copa Mahou at 8.30pm with the away leg in Gran Canaria on Wednesday 31st July at 9pm. The local derby clashes won’t have the full on fire of the league clashes to come later in the season but playing a team from their own level will be a good indicator of how good the new squad is.

Whistling Up The Beach Football By Wind In El Medano The Bucket Full In

Los Cristianos

Wind surfing at its best will be blowing into El Medano from 3rd to 9th August as the annual PWA World Tour arrives. Always a free feast of international skill it’s a colourful highlight of the Tenerife sporting calendar.

This week the tour has been in Fuerteventura as the Professional Windsurfers Association continues to weave their magic skimming over the waves. Men and women will compete from the three kilometer Playa del Cabezo beach on the far side of chilled out resort. Top names to look out for include Martin Ten Hoeve, Marcilio Browne, Ricardo Campello, Dany Bruch, Alex Mussolini, Karin Jaggi, Steffi Wahl and the Gran Canarian twins Iballa Ruano, Daida Ruano who have dominated the women’s sport for many years. It’s not just the competition that makes the El Medano event special, there is a thriving social scene around

Have you ever had sand kicked in your face at the beach? For the keen young players of Tenerife it’s all part of the fun of the annual Futbol Playa tournament that sets up its castle at Los Cristianos old beach this weekend 26 to 28 July.

It’s hard work running and digging the ball out on the shifting sands but these players make it look easy as they show their full range

the camping area including nightly music and the whole

town will be buzzing with activity.

of skills in the temporary mini stadium that goes up on the beach. The competition works its way through the knock out stages each afternoon as it works towards the finals on Sunday and it always attracts good crowds to enjoy the action and the music between games. It’s just another free summer sporting event organised by Arona council to ensure that the local youth are kept fit and active during the long hot days when school work is put on hold.


Tenerife Weekly - 26th July 2013 - 1st August 2013



LyMPiC champions Usain Bolt, Mo farah and Jessica Ennis-Hill return to the olympic stadium a year after their unforgettable gold medal-winning performances during London 2012.

Meanwhile, Mo Farah has said he is in the ‘shape of his life’ after smashing Steve Cram’s 28-year British record to set a new european mark in the 1500 metres. Not bad for the Olympic 5,000m and 10,000m champion and a man who is planning to move up to the marathon next year. The 30-year-old stayed with the electric pace that propelled Kenya’s asbel Kiprop to the fourth-fastest time in history, finishing second as he overtook Caleb Mwangangi Ndiku in the home straight and put himself sixth on the all-time list. Before Farah, Cram and Sebastian Coe were the only two Britons to have run inside three minutes 30 seconds in the 1500m. Yet Farah surpassed all three illustrious names at the Stade Louis II, clocking 3mins 28.81secs to break Fermin Cacho’s 1997 european record in an extraordinary exhibition of middle-distance running. ‘Can you believe that?’ said Farah. ‘I wanted 3mins 30secs. I knew training has been going really well and I knew maybe I was capable of going under, but I didn’t know I was going to go 3mins 28secs”. his performance sent an emphatic message to those who want to stop him from winning the world 5,000m and 10,000m titles in Moscow in three weeks’ time. The London anniversary Games take place on Friday, 26 July and Saturday, 27th July.


1. Rob during riot, pillage 7. Haul 10. Rebuild 11. Gives nickname to 12. Alien spacecraft (1,1,2) 13. Skin irritation 15. Sports match 17. Perch 18. Frozen water 20. Beam of sunlight 21. Head of wheat 23. Nautical shelter 25. Stops 26. India’s Taj ... 28. Shout 30. Rugged peak

av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las americas arona ( In Front Of hotel Tenerife Sol)

31. Scorch 32. Bullets 34. Account-book entry 35. Mountain goat 37. Due time (1,1,1) 39. Zodiac lion 40. The Almighty 41. Hankering 43. Catch in the act 45. Run in neutral 48. Terra firma 50. Necklace ball 51. Porridge flakes 52. Alluring 53. Chinese dish, chop ... 54. Conger fish


1. Mineral veins 2. Circled (globe) 3. School exam 4. Cut (design) with acid 5. Uniform 6. Male red deer 7. Beat rhythmically 8. Football judge 9. Windy 14. Vicious mongrel 16. Entire number of 18. Pictorial description 19. Avoidance 22. UK racecourse 24. Eagle’s home 25. Historical age

vivo.9157 26. Crazy 27. Permit to 29. Slack 33. Arbitrate 36. Slavery 38. Feel unwell 39. Poetic term for pasture 40. Quips 42. Before expected 44. Entertains on street 46. WWII invasion date (1-3) 47. Devours 48. Maiden 49. Not any

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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