Tenerife weekly issue 86

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Lorna Eade editor@tenerife-weekly.com

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.


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Issue 86

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

Manager & Production Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com CONTRIBUTERS Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews John Sharples Barry Pugh Janet Anscombe Paul Ling Marc Craig Red Queen Musings Colin Kirby English Time Adeje Blog Sylvia CSS Tenerife



The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1. A dollar bill 2. London and Birmingham 3. Italy 4. Five 5. Max Fleischer 6. Las Vegas 7. 1986 8. Buddy Holly 9. Amsterdam 10. Maple Leaf 11. Naples 12. Manganese

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)


While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Coy Toy 2. Neck Peck 3. Jet Set 4. Spring Bling 5. Old Cold 6. Pet Vet 7. Mean Teen 8. Street Sleet 9. Smart Start 10. Gain Pain 11. Grand Gland 12. Dark Shark 13. Farm Charm 14. Jock Sock 15. Fake Lake

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

HINK PINKS (Page 38)


Solutions to this week´s puzzles





It’s going to be a mega weekend; I hope you are ready for it. There will be fires lit all over the island to celebrate the summer solstice; expect beach parties, street parties, almost everywhere there will be lit bonfires blazing, with the odd youngster showing off by jumping through the flames! If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can visit the pyramids at Guimar to see a double sunset, or you can

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013 visit the IAC Observatory. Plenty to celebrate the fact that summer is here. Make sure you enjoy it, Christmas is just around the corner! If you have a business here, check out page 13. A new marketing tool is about to hit our Island in a very big way. Acs Ltd is a UK based company that has launched NowAbout in Tenerife, using a Mobile Marketing channel for smart phones. It lets tourists know all about your business before they leave the UK, or when they get here. Even better it costs a fraction of traditional advertising. The very first Tenerife Weekly I was

Continued from page 1

involved in had the announcement of Victoria the baby Orca on the front cover. This week we have learned that she died, aged just 10 months. Incredibly sad news, I am in touch with Loro Parque and they have promised to let me know any further news when they have it. Her birth was a cause for celebration for the trainers at the park and for visitors alike, such a shame we lost her.

See you all next week.

Lorna Eade

the car people competition

This week’s The Car People Competition had another great response, with loads of correct answers to the question; What car did Tom Selleck drive in Season 1 of Magnum PI.

A Ferrari 1978 308 GTS. Congratulations go to Ian Henderson who was the lucky win-

photo’s: www.gcmediatenerife.com janetanscombe.com

The celebrations are far from restricted to the inland villages, however, with fires and parties on many beaches – particularly popular ones are held in El Médano and Los Cristianos, but the most spectacular will again be the celebration at the fiesta’s namesake beach, Playa San Juan. If you are near one, you might even see some peo-

ple jumping over the flames three times, a rite considered to be purifying and lucky, representing a burning away of the leaper’s problems. In Guía de Isora, the 24th, San Juan Bautista’s Day itself is a public holiday, but the largest actual celebration takes place in Puerto de la Cruz, where goat keepers from the hills above the town bring their flocks down to the coast to bathe them in the sea in the early morning. This Baño de Cabras (bathing

ner. We look forward to seeing him, with his family at the Sunday Carvery at Vivo, where they will also be treated to a round of mini golf each. This week’s competition question is on Motoring News page 39. Good Luck

Goodbye Vicky


enerife has its own bonfire night, on the eve of the annual midsummer fiesta of San Juan Bautista (St John the Baptist). On St John’s Eve, 23 June, Tenerife is lit up with bonfires and fireworks, and many visitors often think that a summer fire has started early. It will be no different this year, so expect to see plenty of smoke swirling above the hills throughout on Sunday.


of the goats) is a tradition that is said to date back to pre-Hispanic times, making the animals literal scapegoats whose purification in the waters will bring good fortune on their keepers and the local community. Wherever you celebrate la Noche or el Día de San Juan, I hope you have a great and safe time. For more information in English go to: www.donquijote.org/culture/spain/society/holidays/sanjuan.asp


oro Parque has sadly announced that Victoria, the baby orca born last August, has died. The cause of her sudden death is still unknown, but vets and experts are working to find out the cause.

They had noticed a change of behaviour over the past few days, and brought in outside specialists, including the chief vet from Sea World in the USA. Loro Parque says it is very sad indeed to lose Vicky, just 10 months old, a

playful and intelligent animal who won the hearts of the entire Loro Parque team and the visitors who saw her during her life. Her birth at Loro Parque

was hugely celebrated as she was only the second ever born in Spain, and an indication, the park said at the time, of the well-being of the mammals in the Parque.

Dear Editor,

Hi, We won last week’s Vivo/Tenerife Weekly/ The Car People competition.

This is just a thanks to all of you for a great afternoon´s fun and food. Everyone there was very friendly, the mini golf was a great laugh and the food and service was excellent. Once again, thanks and I will be writing on tripadvisor about you. M.A


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

news On THe rOCK

The trial of Joseph Breton for the murder of his children, Ruth and Jose, aged 6 and 2, in October 8, 2011, started on Monday. The prosecution is requesting a sentence of 40 years in prison for two counts of murder. The trial is scheduled to end on 8 July, The Canarian Government is to allocate 15,000,000 Euros to enable the TF1 extension between Adeje and Las Manchas in Santiago del Teide to be completed, the Tenerife Cabildo Roads Minister, José Luis Delgado, has confirmed. The money will come from increased borrowing which will be approved by the national government before the end of June, an approval which would release some 200,000,000 Euros in total increased debt to the Canaries. Sr. Delgado said that he was confident that 2014’s budget would allocate a further 15,000,000 Euros for the project so that the road should be open to traffic at the beginning of 2015. The recent open day to the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos for International Museum Day was a great success, and now the museum has announced a further two open days on Friday and Saturday, 21 and 22 June, in honour of the official start of summer on the 21st. Entry to the planetarium itself, the attraction that evokes the most enthusiasm, will also again be free. What with the IAC observatory open days being held on the same weekend for the same purpose, it’s the starriest summer weekend imaginable! A man died after a traffic accident near the Quiron Hospital (formerly the USP) in San Eugenio. Eyewitnesses say that the car started swerving when it was travelling between the San Eugenio commercial centre and the Playa de las Américas bus station, ricocheted off several trees, and finally crashed into a stone wall. The driver and passenger were taken to hospital, but the driver sadly didn’t survive his injuries. Police have now confirmed that the driver was a 70-year-old man who is thought to have suffered a heart attack while driving: the passenger was his 68-year-old wife. Police say, also, that the couple was taken to the Quirón hospital itself given that both were in critical condition and the hospital was the nearest to the incident – on the doorstep, indeed. Hospital sources say that emergency staff fought to save the man, but in the end were unable to help him. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. The Arona Summer festival will be on at the Antonio Dominguez Olympic Stadium on Saturday August 17th. Tickets are now on sale at 30 Euros for a general ticket or 45 Euros for premium tickets from www.aronasummerfestival. com. This year the festival will feature Alesso, Ray Castellano, The Zombie Kids, Patrick Martin and loads more. For more information go the Facebook page; Arona Summer Festival.


roaming Cancelled THE European Commission has decided to remove ‘roaming’ from July 1, 2014. Calls, text messages or Internet access will not cause any additional cost to the user within the European union, although it has not been detailed how the reform will be applied, but it is due to come into effect on July 1, 2014.

The decision fulfils the request of Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice President and Head of Telecommunications. The group of 27 commissioners agreed to end these disproportionate costs because they believe it will be beneficial for companies. Although it might seem negative to remove a strong source of income (2% of their income with the end of roaming), but the Commission has announced a series of measures to ensure that this does not affect the operators too. In addition, it is thought that users will use their phones more when travelling throughout Europe.

The reform aims to consolidate the market for European mobile operators, and the Commission notes that there are too many companies offering the same services to members. There are about 100 different operators in Europe, while in the United States there are only four

Sid freeman

SID freedman passed away on 8 June 2013 aged 78 in the u.K. from pneumonia.

Sid and his wife Barbara came to Tenerife in the early 80’s, he instigated the forming of the Freemasons Lodge Teide (34) and was a founder member of the Ciudadanos Europeos in the south of Tenerife and was treasurer until they left for Lanzarote in 2001. They returned to UK in February 2012.

companies. The current model is not sustainable; Europe has less coverage for 4G than Africa because of mismanagement. The curators aim to promote a single market with strong operators, able to invest in the sector more effectively.



ast week we took a drive up to the beautiful Playa de San Marcos, near Icod de Los Vinos, to meet one of its residents, fellow Tenerife Weekly columnist Steve Andrews. Also known as the Bard of Ely, exscientologist, UFO enthusiast, plant expert, musician, writer and actor amongst many, many other things, this was my biggest challenge so far as a fledgling journalist-how do I cram into a single page such a rich, weird and interesting life? I hope you find it as fascinating as I did.

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Interview With The Bard

By Marc Craig

First Impressions

Steve wasn’t difficult to spot-a visual blend of Billy Connolly, Gandalf and Doctor Who (there’s a Facebook campaign for him to be the next Doctor-more on that in my entertainment column), I’m sure Steve won’t mind me saying he’s an interesting looking chap (he describes himself as eccentric and quirky) minus the green beard this time but it was easy to imagine him striding across the road in wizard’s robes! After making our introductions we sat at beach cafe ordered drinks and began to chat-Steve came across as extremely intelligent, compelling and very grounded for someone who has experienced some really strange things, he’s an expert verbalist who challenged my thoughts on many things and gave me his unique perspective on many things. Here are some of the things we discussed.


Steve is a former member of the Church of Scientology (1986-1990), the notorious organisation/religion founded by self-help guru and science fiction author (amongst other things) L. Ron Hubbard, which list among its members, celebrities like Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Kirstie Alley. I already knew that Scientology teaches that we are all immortal beings called Thetans who have forgotten their true nature, the organisation practices a form of “spiritual rehabilitation” known as auditing -in return for increasingly more generous donations to the church. He explained in an unbiased way that it’s all about profit, to progress to the higher echelons such as OTs or “operating Thetans” which gain access to classified information for hard cash. This costs an awful lot of money, a reason many people eventually become disillusioned and leave, him included. However he added that it certainly helped him in several ways including new confidence in his writing and overcoming addictions to name a few. It involves lots of preaching to its followers about how amazing they are and how they can achieve anythingpossibly why it’s quite popular with the large egos of celebrity. He also mentioned their slogan which almost acts as a back out clause....it’s only true if you believe it!

Elvis’s Ghost!

The main reason we began messaging each other stems from my articles and interest in the paranormal. Steve has had dozens of

Email Marc: marc@tenerife-weekly.com personal experiences as well as accounts of acquaintances of his -during the interview I struggled to keep up!! Again due to space restraints I chose a few of my favourites. In 1978 Steve spent a night in a house in a Cardiff suburb where a séance performed by former “evil” residents of this ordinary council house had summoned “The King”. Local media began reports after a new couple moved in and saw a ghostly figure on the stairs dressed as an American GI and closely resembling Elvis. So terrified were they that the man was hospitalised with heart problems and they refused to ever enter the house again, abandoning all their possessions. Unhappy with the negative press, Cardiff city council arranged exorcisms and invited willing participants to stay at the house to prove it was safe. Enter Steve and his friend Colin who thought it would be great publicity for his on-going campaign against the lack of housing. Neither Colin nor Steve saw Elvis but on several occasions that night areas of the house would suddenly drop in temperature enough to produce cold breath and goose bumps, these cold spots would be accompanied with an overpowering smell of perfume. On leaving the house and speaking to reporters from the local press, Steve met the old tenants who had performed the séances, it turned out Mr Crowley’s mother was a spirit medium and they were huge Elvis fans with an entire room full of memorabilia, they were in regular contact with “ The King” and he had followed them to their new house-where Steve spent a very pleasant afternoon having tea and

looking at their Elvis collection!

Abduction Steve spoke in depth about his views on UFOs and aliens and most interestingly about the time when he was regressed via hypnosis to

a time when he was abducted by aliens. The regression was performed by Dave Coggins and was featured on the HTV television programme “Weird Wales”, this video can be viewed on YouTube by typing “Bard of Ely’s UFO encoun-


ter recalled under hypnosis”.


Perhaps the most intriguing part of the conversation was to do with Steve’s experiences of Hummadruz -something I’d not come across before. Hummadruz is a phenomenon in which individuals or communities experience a strange humming sound which can’t be explained. Steve spoke of multiple experiences like this between ages 8-19 , normally between 2 and 3am, a deafening droning sound like large machinery, which was impossible to locate would wake him yet no one else could hear it. The most fascinating aspect of this story was one occasion when Steve went to the window to see if he could locate the humming, only to find the street below had changed from the modern one he was used to seeing to an old-fashioned cobbled street, was it some kind of time slip? The very last time Steve encountered this phenomena was at aged 19 in a squat in London -only this time he wasn’t the only one, to his relief his friend Steve Whitworth was also in the room and asked him if he could hear it too. It was the last time he would ever experience it. I would like to thank Steve Andrews for sharing with me his remarkable tales, and apologise to him if I’ve omitted anything. I hope you all enjoyed reading about this really wonderful character, he has to be one of Tenerife’s most fascinating residents For more on Steve, check out bardofely.hubpages.com or check out his autobiography -” Hummadruz and a life of high strangeness” available from amazon.com Look out in a future edition for our article about Tenerife’s mysterious pyramids!!

Teide Open Days

www.janetanscombe.com The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has announced they will be holding two Open Days on Friday and Saturday, 21st and 22nd of June. Between 10am and 3pm, visitors will be able to have a guided tour and be told about the work done by the Observatory, as well as to ask whatever questions they like, whether about the solar system, nearest stars, galaxies, nebulae, or the age or origins of the universe.

The Open Days will be held in the Observatory itself, at Izaña. Groups will be taken at intervals to see the telescopes. Parking is available in the precinct’s own car park. IAC recommends that since it is a high mountain area, visitors bring comfortable shoes, eye shades or sunglasses, as well as a coat. Those with any cardio-vascular or respiratory problems are advised that the altitude might present them with a problem and they are advised to check first with their doctor.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


las Galletas lands a Bumper Catch for arona en Colores yard the dog show was straining at the lead as the pooches went through their paces. Dogs awaiting their big moment rested in the shadows, well it was a very hot afternoon, panting adults found refuge under the shaded tables outside the bars and restaurants, the tapas and drink offers were proving a hit. There was a lot to take in so I headed for the Tenbel side of the village and found aerial runways,

By Colin Kirby ALL roads led to Las Galletas on Saturday as 20,000 people filled the streets, promenade, and parks for a packed schedule of family fun and late night shopping. As I arrived in mid afternoon the sandy beach was being shared between sun bathers and novice paddle boarders while the waste land opposite had become a packed temporary car park. Armed with my glossy colour

guide I headed down La Rambla where one half was bristling with the plant and flowers fair and the other had a sporty flavour from basketball to keep fit in the shadow of the church. Infectious rhythms lured me through to the large urban park where dance groups were whipping up a frenzy of action among the audience. One of the side streets was full of bouncy castles in various shapes and sizes getting a good bouncing from joyous children. If the idea was to provide something for all the family it was certainly working, next door in the school








21 June

22 June

23 June

24 June

25 June

26 June

27th June
















Mostly sunny

Mostly sunny

Mostly sunny



Possible showers

High: 23oC

High: 22oC

High: 22oC

High: 22oC

High: 22oC

High: 23oC

High: 24oC

Real Feel: 23oC

Real Feel: 24oC

Real Feel: 24oC

Real Feel: 23oC

Real Feel: 26oC

Real Feel: 29oC

Real Feel: 27oC








Mainly clear

Mainly clear

Partly cloudy

Partly cloudy


Mainly clear

Partly cloudy

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 19oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 15oC

Real Feel: 15oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 16oC







padded sumo bouts, and a bucking bronco entertaining the adventurous youngsters. As the sun dipped low more people abandoned the beaches and swelled the crowds, each back street led to new discoveries, salsa, an historic photo exhibition, and plenty of live music on the stages that had sprung up on all corners. Over at the Marina del Sur I found some traditional Canarian dancing and music and taking a short cut back to the main park I lingered a while to admire the display of groovy Volkswagens. It was a chance well taken for Las Galletas to show off its charms, local traders got a much needed boost and visitors floated through the swirl of activities for a new uplifting view of one of Arona’s little gems.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Wot No Sunbed’s


fter sectioning off a part of the beach for private sunbed users, a move that subsequently saw rapid backtracking amidst allegations that the sunbed concession had repeatedly been deemed illegal; it now seems that this summer will find Arona’s Los Cristianos and Troya beaches without any sunbeds or umbrellas at all.

Apart from the questionable contracts, it appears that no money has been coming in to the council from the concession for over a year, leaving a financial hole in the council’s

coffers of, in total when all services are taken into account, of around 2,000,000 Euros. Moreover, the Ayuntamiento’s General Secretary confirmed that when the current contract expired - at the beginning of 2012 - the contract required the sunbeds to be removed. The municipal legal chief says that the whole thing must now be put out to public tender according to recognized procedures, and insisted that the council brings to an end the current “irregular situation”, a situation evidenced by numerous reports issued since early 2011. With just a week or so now to go before the summer period formally starts, the chaos on Arona’s beaches shows no sign of improving.


www.janetanscombe.com And now, the sunbed issue is in the Courts. Councillor José Antonio Reverón (not the former mayor, who is José Alberto González Reverón) had just finished testifying in the Caso Arona (the latest scandal

which saw some 20-odd senior Arona Ayuntamiento officials have their corruption case trials confirmed and their appeals rejected), when he put what we might call the sunbeds case in the hands of the public prosecu-

tor with a denuncia for corruption. Some are now just totting up the numbers of corruption cases in the Courts involving the Arona authorities. The sunbeds case is now popularly known as Caso Arona 5.

Stepping Stones 18th World Water-Ski Racing Summer Programme Championship School closed for 10 weeks and have no ideas on what to do with your children? Send them to Stepping Stones English Nursery for fun filled summer of activities and games in a friendly environment.

Open from 8:30am – 6:00pm and taking children from 6 months – 5 years they have an extensive programme for your children to make new friends, have fun and enjoy an unforgettable summer holiday. Stepping Stones is now in its fourth month of opening and have had many good reviews and positive comments from all who go there. With fully trained staff in child care, child psychology, counselling, first aid and children’s entertainment, they are committed to your child’s welfare and happiness. The only problem will be getting them to come home at the end of an exciting day in Stepping Stones English Nursery. See their advert on page 4 for contact details!

The Cabildo de Tenerife has announced that it will be held at the Puerto Colon Marina (Adeje) from 5th to 15th September, in collaboration with the Cabildo de Tenerife the municipalities of Adeje and Tacoronte, as well as different private companies.

The competition will bring together more than 350 athletes and more than 50 boats racing from countries such as Australia, United States,

New Zealand, Great Britain, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Venezuela, Italy and Spain. The launch event was attended by the Minister of sports, Christ Perez; the general director of sports of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ramón Miranda; and the President of the Canarian Federation of water-skiing, Juan Antonio González. The participation of two world champions, Australian Wayne Mawer (2011) and the American Todd Haig (2009)

has been confirmed and the organisation is working on other internationally prestigious athlete’s attendance. The most prominent Spanish and Tenerife competitor will be Jose Miguel González who has already has competed in two tests in the European Cup, gaining a 2nd and 3rd. The World Championship will take place over four days and include of races covering six different categories graded according to age, sex and boat power, and will be held in the waters of the Marina of Puerto Colon.

Residence Permits For Foreigners Restrictions Paulino Rivero, president of the Canary Islands, has applied regulations to residence permits for foreigners due to excessive population growth on the islands and the limited resources available to them. He stressed that the crisis has worsened the situation.

The president added that the Canaries exercise a power contained in the Statute of Autonomy that allows au-

tonomous communities to make proposals to the State regarding residence and work of foreigners to demand that steps be taken to help modulate the population growth on the islands. Rivero pointed out that in just twenty years the population has grown in the Canary Islands to nearly half a million people. “We are at a crossroads, common sense and responsibility have to be used and we need to create mechanisms that modulate population

growth.” Rivero continued his argument: “You have to reopen the debate. It is especially delicate now, in a time of deep economic crisis in which jobs are scarce.”


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013




QuiCk CroSSWorD

1. Ruckus 33. Habit wearer 4. Stick up 34. Eastern garment 7. Staggers 36. Instance 12. ____ Ripken of 37. “In ____ We baseball Trust” 13. Woolly mama 38. Forefather 14. Bert’s buddy 41. Cowboy’s tools 15. Green gem 43. Ceremonies 17. The Devil 47. Select group 18. Rot 48. Mutton, e.g. 19. Gobi, for one (2 wds.) 20. Twice the radius 50. Recorded 23. Strike caller 51. Small bill 26. Mattress support 52. Notable period 27. Go by taxi 53. Oozes 30. Tiny vegetable 54. Poet’s eternity 31. Stopwatch 55. Watch secretly

Av rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In front Of Hotel tenerife sol)


1. Experts 2. Slightly wet 3. Butter alternative 4. Unidealistic one 5. Nocturnal bird 6. Sleeping spot 7. Adjust again 8. Blackboard cleaner 9. Going in 10. Pinocchio, e.g. 11. Forwarded 16. Disencumber 19. Loathe 21. Cooper and Faye 22. Papas’ partners 23. ____ and downs

24. “Cry __ River”(2 wds.) 25. Flea, e.g. 28. Musical twosome 29. Conclusion 32. Use the supplier again 35. Foot part 39. College women 40. Lip 41. Telescope glass 42. Burn reliever 44. Links gadgets 45. Old West lawman 46. Remain 48. Caviar base 49. Compass reading (abbr.)

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2


Annual Charity Night


or the first time, the south of Tenerife will be hosting the Annual Charity Night. On June 29th the event, sponsored by El Corte Inglés and organized by the N.G.O. optimism in action. This exclusive event will feature a combination of fashion, luxury and solidarity with the needy. It will be an unprecedented event which, for the first time will join foreign and Canary Island society in one place for a joint cause where music jazz and top international fashion brands unite to contribute to a better world. Attendees will be treated to a delicious cocktail while enjoying the fashion runway

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013 shows or bid in the auction for paintings by recognized artists like Oscar Domínguez, Pedro Gonzalez, Giri Dokoupil César Manrique whose works are widely known and exhibited in museums such as the Pompidou in Paris. The event will take place at the five star Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque’s, recognized as one of the best resorts in Spain and winner of countless awards for its high level of service and facilities. The event will start at 7pm, with doors closing at 8pm. Tickets costing 55 Euros are exclusive and limited and may be purchased from C.C. Plaza del Duque, Tez Tour and estate agents Interventure Propertyin DC Fanabe Plaza, Nathalie Tours in las Chafiras and the Hotel Bahia del Duque on the day of the event. Tickets can also be purchased form the website www.optimismoenaccion.org website. 100% of the money raised during the evening will be donated to the burns unit at Gambo Hospital for women and children in Ethiopia. The hospital works in conjunction with the University of Madrid and provides 150 beds, serving over 1 million people, a very worthy cause. More information can be found at www. optimismoenaccion.org or on the Facebook page; ONG Optimismo en Acción , or telephone Rosillo Ignacio on 696 685 996


Costa del Silencio Lion Club

A great big thank you to everyone who attended the afternoon and evening entertainment on Sunday 16th June at the Rendezvous Bistro, Winter Gardens, Golf del Sur.

The Arona Lions Club Intl. would especially like to thank the entertainers and the staff at the venue for working extremely hard to make the event so enjoyable. We would also like to thank the family and friends of a much loved friend and colleague of the venue who allowed the event to go ahead after her sad death on Saturday.

Our next event will be on Sunday 7th July at our usual venue of CC Chapparal, Costa del Silencio between 2pm and

6pm... Acts to be confirmed. Thanks again to everyone involved and your support is much appreciated.

on bank negotiations. Rubén Bonilla, member of the abattoir’s works committee, however, says that the Cabildo has already “guaranteed” the payment previously – and that the employees were still waiting for it, and so they had no faith in the Cabildo’s ability or willingness to pay. That lack of faith is understandable, indeed, since Sr Bethencourt’s vague promise of money “soon” was accompanied by the equally vague comment that the future of the abattoir would have to be “discussed” because “one has to adapt to current circumstances”. Sr Bethencourt blamed the abattoir workers for their “astronomical” pay demands and said that they should be reasonable given the exigencies of the market,

which have resulted in low profit margins and reduced consumption. Unions say that these “sky high wage negotiations” saw rises in workers’ income from 600 Euros to up to a maximum of 1,000 Euros per month – 12,000 Euros or so per annum. One would have hoped that in the current circumstances – i.e. in the middle of the second decade of the 21st century, even in economically hard times and in a remote corner of Europe – the concept of a decent day’s pay – or even any pay - for a decent day’s work was a concept recognized to be as natural and normal as the sun in the sky. Apparently not. Workers say they’ll lift the strike and return to work when they see money in the bank.

Abattoir Strike

The 42 employees in the Matadero Insular, Tenerife’s only abattoir in La Laguna, have gone on indefinite strike saying they have not been paid since January.

Wingate School

In Issue 80, Tenerife Weekly published an article about Luke Towler being attacked at Wingate School. Unfortunately we were misinformed about certain facts that we are now more than happy to put right.

The incident did not, in fact, take place inside school grounds, it happened after school hours and quite a way outside of the school grounds, as the police report will confirm. Wingate School has 3 locked and monitored entrances; one with a security camera, and remotely activated lock, one with a keycode that only staff and pupils know, and the third only opened at the beginning and end

of the day and always fully monitored by a staff member on duty. Wingate School has been teaching children for over 30 years and thousands of children have passed through its system without ever having experienced such an incident before. The aggressor was, and never has been, a pupil of Wingate School. The feud between the two children had nothing to do with another pupil but in fact started years ago when the two boys concerned both attended another school and had problems then. The mother had already approached the school concerning this issue a few days before it happened, but, contrary to the schools advice, insisted that nothing was done about it.

The workers say that when they failed to be paid in May, and were then told that June’s extra payment was not going to be made – and indeed that there was no money to pay them for the rest of the year, they decided, in desperation, to call the strike. The island’s abattoir earn less than 1,000 Euros a month, and without even those wages coming in for the last four and a half months they are in dire straits, many of them now fearing eviction because they have got behind with their mortgages. A major part of the problem seems to be that the abattoir is dependent on the Cabildo, and there is no public money. Privatization is a possibility, but sources say that with meat prices so low there is little commercial appetite for such a business. A promise given on Monday by the Tenerife Cabildo that it will provide the abattoir with 200,000 Euros to clear the backlog of workers’ wages has been met with total scepticism. The abattoir workers say they are not convinced by the promise and that the strike will continue if May’s wages are not in place by the 27th of June. The Cabildo minister for Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca, José Joaquín Bethencourt, says that the strike is unjustified because the payment will be made very soon – depending


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

onE of the few things that all human beings share and have in common regardless of race, creed, income, intellect, culture or accomplishment is DEATH!

The gravest statistic of all statistics is one out of one die. Death comes to us all, sometimes unexpectedly through often tragic circumstances at other times after a long debilitating illness but however it comes, come it does. Another statistic is this, every hour that passes, 6305 people die in this world. Now here is the curious thing, despite the prevalence of death, we still hate death, despise death, we oppose death and we long for life? We cannot accept death and will avoid even the talk of it or try to make light of it. Fact is we just do not want to think about death, especially living on this beautiful Island of Sun, Sea, Sand, holidaymak-

ers, fun and happiness! There is a reality however and in all likelihood most of us have already experienced, a personal encounter with death usually of a close member of our family. Someone we have loved dearly and we know how that devastated us and the sorrow we felt even beyond the funeral. We are not encouraged much in our modern times to think about death, about our humanity, our frailty or our fear. The starkness and terror of death have been to a great extent hidden from us, at ‘arm’s length’ as they say with cameras panning away from scenes of death, our dying elderly put away in nursing homes or those with terminal illness being cared for in hospice wards. We don’t want to see it and we don’t want to experience it because we don’t understand it… One of our modern day philosophical gurus Brad Warner said this “You won’t

understand life and death until you’re ready to set aside any hope of understanding life and death and just live your life until you die.” And there lies the reason so many of us come to the point in our lives when death hits us like an express train that were never expecting… On Sunday 23 June 2013 Pastor Adrian McBride is going to talk on this very subject, ‘Understanding Death’ because you can understand death and contrary to what Warner says it is only when you understand death that you will really understand life! During the talk there will be the presentation of ‘Julie’s Story’. Julie is a young lady living with Terminal Cancer right now here in Tenerife and her story is not just one of courage but one of HOPE, even in the face of death... A story you need to hear! If you would like to know more, if YOU want to understand death , or need help coming to terms living with terminal illness then why don’t you come along to Cristianos Community Church on Sunday June 23 at 11.00am. We meet in the Video Room of the Sol Princesa Dacil Hotel, Los Cristianos.. For further details please look up our website at www. cristianoscommunitychurch. com or contact Pastor Adrian directly on 608 409 016

Café mencey

frIDAY 15th June saw the opening of a brand new, stylish eatery, right in the heart of Palm Mar. Café Mencey is a beautiful two floor restaurant that is decorated to appeal to the most stylish of guest. Incredible floor to ceiling paintings, featuring rich colours and little touches that make it obvious whoever designed this has a serious eye for detail.

The menu offers all the best of Spanish cuisine, from tapas to meat and fish dishes, and salads and “woodfire” specials as well as side dishes and desserts to die for. There is literally something for everyone. The ground floor has a beautiful terrace with plants and water feature, lounge, bar with dining area, with a beautiful open plan kitchen, the upstairs terrace offers fabulous sea and mountain views and has a feel of serenity guaranteed to relax you. If you only go out to restaurants now and again, make sure this one is top of your list.


CHarity Golf Competition at aDeJe Golf

SunDAY the 9th and Monday the 10th June 2013 Britannia verses Scally Waggs Golf Societies.

The competition was a 2 day team event plus an individual competition each day. This was our 3rd year. 42 players took part and all enjoyed their rounds of golf. We would like to thank our sponsors:Britannia Alarms, Los Palos Golf, San Miguel Lions Club, Caths Corner Restaurant, Adeje Golf, Albatros Inn. Sunday the 9th June we played Adeje A and B, our Individual Winner was Kevin Murtagh. N/P on the second hole, Colin Pugson. Monday the 10th June we played Adeje C, our Individual Winner Kevin Murtagh. N/P on the fifth hole, Graeme Barry. Team Event Winners were Britannia. Well done guys, that’s 3 in a row !!!!!!! On Monday night we had

36 players and friends at Cath’s Corner restaurant in Costa Del Silencio. Cath Don and Jenny provided us with a fantastic meal and the service was superb, thanks to you all. Then we all went to Albatros Inn, Costa Del Silencio, for the presentation of trophies, auction and raffle. We were also entertained by Gee Wizz they were fantastic, and everyone enjoyed the evening.

We raised 1,127 euros which was handed over to Susan Solomon by Frank Moss captain Scally Waggs and Richard Slack captain Britannia. Susan Solomon of San Miguel Lions Club was overwhelmed and thanked all concerned. The Scally Waggs and Britannia Golf Societies would like thank everyone who helped raise this fantastic amount of money!!!!! Looking forward to next year, cheers!!!!


Students Find Out This Summer As The ‘Real’ CSI Comes To Tenerife At Vivo Treasure Island

This summer students can step into a simulated CSI scenario with CSI Events: Tenerife. Using genuine forensic science to solve the mystery of a suspicious crime. Students will assume the role of forensic scientists as they investigate the ‘crime scene’ of a crime that is seemingly without motive. Combining theory and practice, students attempt to solve the simulated crime through classroom lectures, investigative techniques and practical work. This course incorporates curricular topics as well such as English, Science, Mathematics and many more. Although the 1 week course follows the template seen in shows such as CSI, it is designed to be as realistic as possible. While the crime scene and evidence are not real, students follow the procedure of forensic scientists and conduct experiments using authentic equipment. The course aims to convey to students the reality of crime investigation using Forensic Science. This course aims to show the ‘real’ side of forensic casework.’ Once the mystery has been untangled, participants analyse their results and build their case for the mini court trial, where they will present their evidence. This course will run continuously throughout the summer holidays. Each week 24 students will get the chance to put their skills to the test.

For more information please visit www.csieventstenerife.com/CSI--Summer-School.html or find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/csieventstenerife/

www.tenerife-weekly.com rEMEMBEr the three “blind puppies”? found to have non functional tear ducts at only a few weeks old, their eyes completely dried out, causing them great pain and loss of sight. Yes, we could have put them to sleep, it was an option, but following our ethos “never give up” we had a fundraiser and paid an animal ophthalmologist to assess them.

A lengthy, expensive and intensive treatment plan was drawn up and thankfully, a foster family was found who were able to commit to such a high level of care. We are highly delighted to announce this week that everything was worthwhile, the damage has been repaired, the tear ducts are working again, and the prognosis is good, just a little extra care and attention will be needed in the future. We thank Lynn and Johnny, their foster parents, for all their hard work, it can’t have been easy. They have fallen in love with Lucy (formally Stevie Wonder), the worst affected of the three, and have decided to keep her. Peanut (pictured) and his sister Ellie are now available for adoption. Peanut is fully vaccinated, chipped and sterilised for which we ask an adoption fee of 110 Euros. Look at that face, so full of character. Call us for more information. Sometimes things are more important than money, and we are extremely happy that we didn’t give up on these ba-

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013 bies – they deserved a chance.

tough Mudder Challenge – Not for the faint Hearted!!

Have you heard of Tough Mudder? No? Well neither had we, but after taking a call from Lorraine Mckeon who works in the Palms Fish and Chip shop near the Patch, Las Americas, we have now. It is a gruelling 12 mile assault course challenge of fire hazards, electric shocks, water, you name it. Designed by UK Special Forces the events have become legendary, held in various locations around the world. The aim is not to win, but to complete, and to help your friends to do the same. Take a look at www.toughmudder. co.uk Could you do it? Not many can, but Lorraine and her friend Lynsey Sloan are having a go on the 24th August in Scotland and they are looking for sponsors so they can help us in Live Arico PAWS. The more sponsors they have, the more they will be encouraged on the day. Please help them. Sponsor forms are in the Palms Fish and Chip shop and also in our shops. Way to go girls!!!! We will be thinking of you on the day......

sterilisation Campaign Underway !!

For the month of June we are offering HUGE discounts on sterilisations in collaboration with Hospivet Sur in Las Chafiras. As prices depend on the sex and weight of the animal (cats included!!!) please consult our Facebook page for a quotation, or call us on 629 388 102.

Upcoming Events

live arico news our Dog of the Week - peanut

This Saturday the 22nd June we return to the Top Square Golf del Sur for another night of madness and mayhem. Our fundraisers here have become legendary and yes, outrageous antics are planned, yet again. Come and see us, from 8pm with entertainment from Suzy q, Kerry Railton, Robbie Dominic, Vicki Denton, Jive Hunnies and more. And no less than 70 bottles of wine amongst the raffle prizes – happy days!!! Oh, and a display of....... sorry, its a secret, you will just have to come and see....... On Sunday the 30th June we are having an open day in conjunction with Horse Riding Adventures in Aldea Blanca, which is of course where our rescue horse Katie lives. From 4pm come and enjoy the BBQ, cold drinkies, horse and cart rides, pony trots and a display by owners Jim and Sarah. Meet Lola the pig and see the chickens and ducks. An afternoon to enjoy and, you get to say hello to the lovely Katie. Hope you can come.

Happy shopping!!

To be found in our charity shops this month. Come and browse in Los Cristianos, Calle Reveron, near the children’s play park, where Kel, Jackie and the lovely volunteers open between 10 and 4pm daily. Alternatively, have a look at Siobhan’s

Aladdin’s Cave in San Eugenio, near Amanda’s Bar and opposite Hotel La Nina. Both shops are closed Sun-

Bank’S profitS Hit By intereSt rate rulinG

SPAIn’S second biggest bank, BBVA, has said its profit will be affected after the court ruling prompted them to stop applying clauses (floors) setting minimum interest rates, on mortgages.

The bank fell as much as 2.9% in Madrid trading after it estimated the change would reduce profit for June by 35 million euros and said the future impact will depend on the evolution of Euribor, the interest-rate benchmark widely used for mortgage loans in Spain. Some Spanish banks, have relied on interest-rate floors written into mortgage contracts to shield them from a decline in Euribor, the benchmark for most of Spain’s 600 billion-euro stock of home loans. However, Spain’s Supreme Court has ruled that mortgage floor clauses that don’t meet transparency requirements and will be considered null, the Bilbao, Spainbased lender announced at a regulatory filing this week. The decision marks another blow for a Spanish banking system reeling from the impact of mounting defaults, shrinking credit demand and tougher capital rules. “There is a risk from this and it’s definitely an issue,” said Antonio Ramirez, an analyst at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Ltd., who downgraded BBVA to “market perform” from “outperform.” “There is clearly a much bigger incentive for clients to sue the banks and get these mortgage floors removed now that the Supreme Court has set a precedent.” The removal of floors may reduce


BBVA’s earnings by 5% in 2014 and 2% in 2015, according to Alvaro Serrano and Sara Minelli, analysts at Morgan Stanley. As much as 70% of mortgages at BBVA, around 55 billion euros of loans, have floors with an average rate of 2.65%, Benjie Creelan-Sandford, an analyst at Macquarie Bank Ltd. in London, said in a May 17 report. Sabadell SA has 25 billion euros of mortgage loans with floors set at an average rate of 3.5% and Popular has about 37 billion euros of loans with floors. The Supreme Court ruling does not strike down floors on mortgages that were explained to customers in a clear and transparent way, said a spokesman for Sabadell (SAB) in Barcelona, the bank intends to keep the floors because the bank can demonstrate it applied them in a transparent fashion, he said. A spokesman for Popular declined to

comment, but Popular Chief Executive Officer Francisco Gomez told shareholders this week that floors were an “essential condition” of contracts and their use helped the bank to fix the price of loans and make them available to clients. Neither Banco Santander SA (SAN), Spain’s biggest bank, nor Bankinter SA (BKT) use mortgage floors. In a 2010 report on mortgage floors, the Bank of Spain found that of 49 lenders, 16 applied them on more than 85% of their loans, while 23 used them rarely or not at all. The average floor level was 3.12%. “In accordance to the decision of the Supreme Court, BBVA will cease to apply such floor clauses to consumer mortgage loans, with effect from May 9, 2013, although it reserves its right to possible appeals,” the bank said in its statement yesterday.

days. Come and see, you will be surprised at the high quality goods at knock down prices. Happy shopping.

Self employed Social Discounts

By silvia - CCs tenerife

IT is well known that autonomo (self-employed) social security costs are approximately 250 Euros per month regardless of how much income and profits are earned by the payer.

While exemption from social security is very rare, there are some autonomos who pay less than the normal minimum. At present newly registering autonomos who are less than 30 years old in the case of men and 35 in the case of women, get an automatic discount of 30% on their contributions for the first thirty months. They don’t need to apply, it is given to them at the point of signing up for social security. A similar deduction, this time for twelve months but for a 100% deduction on their social security, is for women returning to selfemployment within

two years of maternity leave. Autonomos must issue and retain copies of invoices for the work they have done. Additionally, if they want to offset expenses against income for tax purposes they must show copies of a properly constituted receipt. A “proper” receipt always has the name of the autonomo or business, the identification number of the business (CIF if incorporated, the NIE or DNI if an autonomo), date, and description of product/service, invoice amount and IGIC (VAT) applicable. It is normal when issuing an invoice to put your address as well and perhaps contact details like website, phone number and email address. It is also a good idea to put the terms of payment and how the invoice can be settled (for example “bank transfer” with your account details). Being in English does not invalidate an invoice. Many British businesses in Spain issue dual-language invoices.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

puerto de la Cruz modernisation plans


not WitH a BanG But WitH a WHimper Liz young - http://lizy-expat-writer.blogspot.com

THE Board of governors of the Consortium for the refurbishment of Puerto de la Cruz has announced 97 plans have been submitted for public view giving information about the modernization plan for the area in an effort to increase competitiveness.

After the consultation period, actions for the renovation of 12 hotels and three apartment blocks proceed. There are also plans to construct three new hotels with at least one providing an extra 810 beds. The economic Vice President and Minister of tourism of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, presided over the meeting in the Cabildo de Tenerife and which was also attended by the Deputy of the Government in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Guillermo Díaz Guerra, Vice-Minister of tourism of the Canary Islands Government, Ricardo Fernandez de la Puente, the Mayor of the Puerto de la Cruz, Marcos Brito, the Assistant Director-general for development and sustainable tourism of Turespaña, Elena Valdés, and the Manager of the consortium of the Puerto de la Cruz, Fernando Senante.

WE have a park in Parque la reina – only two years later than promised!

Of the 97 submissions, it is expected that around 86% correspond to accommodation facilities, equipment and areas of management. Other plans include residential operations, products and tourist performances. The meeting also approved the agreement of collaboration with the Council of Tenerife for the tendering and execution of works

for the bus station. Similarly it was reported the bidding for lease of the Taoro, Congress Centre an the attached plot has been opened. Tenerife tourism presented a summary of the actions being developed for the brand promotion of the Puerto la Cruz Xperience commissioned by the urban Consortium for the rehabilitation of Puerto de la Cruz.

forever living – Supplements

In today’s modern world the quality of the foods we have access to can’t be relied upon to give us the necessary vitamins and minerals that we need. forever Living has a whole range of vitamin and mineral supplements. Our top tips are....

Vit♂lize™ Men’s Vitality Supplement contains all nutrients, in bioavailable nutrient forms and more powerful botanicals. This unique, comprehensive formulation supplies a highly effective blend of potent herbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help maintain normal urinary flow, promote healthy testicular function, and encourage optimal prostate health. Vit♀lize™ Women’s is a natural blend of antioxidant-rich fruits, herbs, vitamins, and minerals in Vit♀lize™ Women’s Vitality Supplement is specifically designed with a woman’s needs in mind. Vit♀lize™ includes a proprietary blend of botanicals including apple powder, passionflower and schisandra berry. Each of these botanicals has been used for centuries to balance women’s hormones, support urinary tract health and promote overall well-being. New and improved Forever Arctic Sea® provides a perfect balance of Omega-3 fatty acids in a proprietary blend of natural fish oil and calamari oil to better support your cardiovascular system, brain, and eyes. This unique

By Judith Mcfadden

blend is exclusive to Forever Living and provides not only 33% more DHA per day, but creates the perfect balance of DHA and EPA for optimal health and wellness. Royal Jelly- Studies have shown that Royal Jelly can help support the immune system, increase energy, and benefit the skin and hair. Our Royal Jelly is gathered from dry, remote, high desert regions where pristine conditions provide the ideal environment. Please do contact us for more details of our supplement range. We will also be at Origins Wellness Tenerife within the Pearly Grey at Callao Salvaje on Saturday 29th June 11am till 3pm come see us, have a chat and try some products.

Last Sunday there was a mass delivery of leaflets, which was the Ayuntamiento’s way of announcing that our park was finally going to be opened the following day. The mood in Bar Leones that evening was mixed – disbelief, because similar promises had been made before, and optimism because that week workmen had been observed doing something mysterious to the lights. There was a crowd of six at nine o’clock last Monday 17th June when a man unlocked one padlock - with complete lack of ceremony - and disappeared. Two Canarian youths opened the gate and the park was

officially open. It is a lovely park – circular courtyards and a maze of curved paths on a sloping site beside the school. Every wall – and there are a lot of them – is made of that beautiful, expensive grey stone, which might explain why we have no water in the fountain that is a feature of one courtyard, no plants in the terraces, no trees and no grass around the modern art sculptures. There is a video on YouTube of how it should look. But there is an outdoor gymnasium, the football field that was closed three years ago has been replaced, the new children’s play area has a floor softer than my bed, and it’s open before the holidays – the children will love it.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


NowAbout in Tenerife – New Mobile Marketing Channel For Businesses Mobile phones are transforming the way that local businesses build sales

continue. These devices enable the user to plan, research, compare and share information in ways that simply weren’t possible in the past and they are now doing so in significant numbers. The rise of the smartphone presents a host of new challenges for every business looking to both reach their existing clients and attract new customers effectively. Many smaller businesses believe that this rise of smartphones is either not directly relevant to them or that mobile marketing is the preserve of the big companies with substantial marketing budgets. Neither of these statements is true and with the imminent launch of ‘NowAbout’, the new mobile marketing and promotional service here in Tenerife, the mobile marketing channel is about to become both available and affordable to businesses of any size and type.

ACS Ltd a UK based software Development Company, in conjunction with Tenerife Weekly, are shortly going to launch the location based marketing and promotional service known as NowAbout in Tenerife.

Mobile Marketing allows you to track customer’s activities and engagement with your services and products. Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods or services, and almost 90% of mobile searches result in a visit, call or purchase, within a day, with a large proportion of this activity occurring within an hour of the search. Compared to the Web, mobile as a marketing channel is still relatively under exploited, especially by small and medium businesses.

It’s No Longer an Option to Ignore Mobile

An Effective Mobile Strategy can drive competition and more customers

You are in Control of your Adverts 24/7

The Mobile marketing channel has some very unique characteristics. It is the only marketing channel that guarantees direct, individual and almost real-time interaction with the consumer. Mobile marketing is set to become the core digital channel for local advertising.

Available at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing and with no paper and ink required, the Mobile Marketing channel has many advantages over the alternatives not to mention the economic and environmental benefits.

The ‘year of the mobile’ has been talked about for a long time. In 2013, it has finally arrived and with it there are significant opportunities for small and medium businesses worldwide. Smartphones, iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Windows, allow users to access the internet and a suite of other external programmes or Apps, while on the move. These smartphones now account for over half of all mobile handsets in the UK and this explosion of sophisticated personal devices is set to

Nowadays the research continues whilst on holiday as well. People can now use their phones around the pool or on the beach, listening to music, while at the same time planning where and what they would like to visit, where the best offers are and what activities they wish to participate in for the duration of their stay. The provision of Wi-Fi here in Tenerife continues to grow, in addition, many of the larger mobile operators are now starting to significantly reduce the cost of data usage abroad, meaning that holidaymakers can now stay connected with their personal and most trusted technology accessory, their smartphone. The bigger companies have already been running sophisticated mobile marketing campaigns for some time. Increasingly, smaller innovative businesses are adopting mobile as a key communications and sales channel.

As so many people are now accessing information through their mobile phone, they increasingly expect businesses to be able to serve them on mobile, and tend to be engaging more with the businesses that do, rather than those that don’t. People want all of their information readily to hand nowadays; they expect to switch from work related information to researching what to do with their time off, with just the swipe of a finger across their phone. For a while now holidaymakers have been using the internet to research potential destinations where they intend to go on holiday, browsing a number of popular forums and websites for reviews on a chosen destination.

Once you are registered on the NowAbout website, you have full control of all the information, pictures, promotions etc for your business. You are able to update any part of your business information wheneverYOU want. The time for you to act is now. See next week’s edition of Tenerife Weekly for details of how to get your business marketed via mobile with a completely free, no obligation trial to NowAbout!


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

ricardo tavío peña illustrious Son of tenerife

rICArDo Melchior, President of the Cabildo de Tenerife, has awarded the title of Illustrious Son of Tenerife to the former adviser ricardo Tavío Peña. The tribute was given in recognition of the politician’s career in which he excelled in his special involvement in tourism, as well as culture and sport.

During his speech, Ricardo Melchior praised Ricardo Tavio’s sense of commitment and fulfilment of his duty during his professional and political career. “Colleagues can attest how many people have had the opportunity to meet him during the many activities that he dedicated his time and efforts to, with an unwavering love of the land that saw him born and in which he has developed fruitful work, and an exemplary sense of loyalty and friendship”. Melchior stressed his work with the Council “where he was a very prominent in the field of tourism, always in contact with the sector and seeking opinions, which served to renew the


All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

policy of promotions”, as well as “his dynamism and sensitivity with sport and culture activities showed in the basketball team Real Club Náutico de Tenerife and the Tenerife Association of friends of the Opera (ATAO) to name but two examples”. Ricardo Tavío Peña worked as insular counsellor to the Cabildo of Tenerife during 1983-1987 and 1987-1991 on behalf of the Tenerife Association of Independents (ATI), where he developed the very important work of tourism. He held various positions of responsibility on the Tourist Board of the time, always highlighting its vocal and caring nature.

Cosmos Thomas Cook Thomson TUI

THE Adán Martin Auditorio de Tenerife has announced the fourth edition of the festival of contemporary music of Tenerife on the 27th and 28th June. Included in the programme will be a concert from the Tenerife Symphony orchestra, premiering the work of nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic. The Festival, as usual, has the collaboration of the Cabildo of Tenerife and the Canary Islands, and the support of the Conservatorio de Música de Canarias. The origin of this project focuses on the contemporary musical repertoire, which includes works of the last century right up to the present day. Tickets are on sale through the usual channels: by telephone on 902 317 327, at the Auditorium, 10-3pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays or via the website: www.auditoriodetenerife.com. Tickets are also available through www. ticketmaster.es, Carrefour and Halcon Viajes offices. ProGrAMME thursday, June 27 Samples of percussion music from students of Tenerife music schools. 8.00pm in the Hall at the Auditorio de Tenerife “Adán Martin”. Tak-Nara Percussion Group (Tenerife) & Igor Lešnik (Croatia). 8.30pm. Chamber Hall. Tak-Nara Percussion Group Departures - Emmanuel Séjourné Olokun - Gustavo Díaz-Jerez

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife north

Tfn Airport (Los rodeos) Flight info General info

Local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

Hospitals 094 national ferry Services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 922 628 252 922 793 802 Fred Olsen 922 757 409 922 798 607 Tourist offices 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TITSA La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 922 641 112 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 922 747 511

Tour operators

festival of Contemporary music

TfS - Tenerife Sur Airport (reina Sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info


Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424

Conversation in the Forest - Keiko Abe Spanish Dances- Manuel de Falla dances arrangements: Paco Diaz Ritual Fire Dances El amor brujo Dances of the Miller, of the tricorn hat Danza Española No. 1, La vida breve Igor Lešnik with the collaboration of Tak-Nara Percussion Group and the CSMC Tenerife percussion group) Symphony for Timpani and Marimba Quartet - J.C.C. Fischer & arr. Igor Lešnik Twenty Years Later for solo vibraphone - Igor Lešnik Olympian Drums for tupan and sounds - Igor Lešnik & Franz Cibulka EE-HUH Theme for solo tupan and performing ensemble - Igor Lešnik

friday, June 28 Closing concert with Tuopali Duo and Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife. 8.30pm in the Symphony Hall. Part 1 Fanfare for Brass & Percussion Nebojsa J. Zivkovic Concerto No 2 for marimba and orchestra - Nebojsa J. Zivkovic Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, marimba José María de Vicente, director Part II Aranfaybo - Gustavo Díaz-Jerez José María de Vicente, director Obsessions, Double Concerto for percussion and orchestra *-Nebojsa Jovan ZivkovicT uópali Dúo, soloist Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, director * World premiere. Commissioned by Nebojsa J. Zivkovic for the Auditorio de Tenerife.


Mainland News In Brief The 2012 Spanish Eurovision representative Pastora Soler will be releasing her forthcoming new single on 20 July on Dial Tal Cual on Cadena Dial, whilst her latest album is scheduled to be released next September. Currently Pastora Soler is busy touring Spain, working on her forthcoming album and participating in the jury panel on the Spanish talent musical show Numero Uno, aired on Fridays on private television channel Antena 3. Pastora Soler is one of the judges at the 2nd edition of the Spanish music talent show Numero Uno.Monica Naranjo, David Bustamante, Pitingo accompany the Andalucian star in the jury pannel.

Spain rejected a shipment of frozen chicken from Brazil at the border after finding salmonella bacteria in tests on May 23, a notification today to the European Union’s food alert system showed. The Netherlands found a shigatoxin-producing variety of E. coli in a shipment of chilled beef from Brazil in border controls on May 2, according to a separate notice. Mobile telecoms companies Vodafone and Orange have cut mobile tariffs in Spain as data revealed all four of the country’s operators lost thousands of clients in April in an increasingly cut-throat environment. Orange said it had overhauled its mobile, home and business tariffs and would offer clients superfast mobile internet 4G services for one euro more than a current 22 euro ($29.36) tariff, also throwing in additional minutes and web browsing. Orange’s announcement followed Vodafone’s decision to eliminate permanent contracts for clients not requiring a handset and cut prices for customers on its “Base” tariffs. Spain, the Eurozone’s fourth-largest economy, started to emerge from recession during the second quarter, Economy Minister Luis de Guindos has said: “We don’t have all the data regarding this quarter” but “it is much less bad than the previous one,” he told an economic gathering in Santander, northern Spain. In the first three months of the year, Spain shrank by 0.5 per cent on a quarterly basis, its seventh straight quarterly decline. But De Guindos said the second quarter “marks a turning point, with quarterly growth that should be closer to zero. This turning point may indicate that we were leaving the recession behind us,” he said. Spain’s Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Jose Ignacio Wert, has said that he and the finance minister Cristóbal Montoro are “completely open” to reviewing the country’s VAT rate on culture, currently the highest in Europe, provided it is compatible with the “objectives of fiscal consolidation”. This follows a proposal from the president of the Spanish autonomous region of Extremadura, José Antonio Monago, to reduce VAT on cultural goods and services, including the sale and import of works of art, private museum entrance fees, and cinema and theatre tickets, from 21% to 13%. The higher rate has been in force across the whole of Spain since September 2012, when it jumped from 8% to 21%. Public museums and non-profit organisations are exempt. At the time, the Madrid art dealer Helga de Alvear called the VAT hike “tragic”. Wert said last week that “no culture or even finance minister likes to raise taxes”, adding that he is aware of the complications sparked by the rise and how it has affected attendance at exhibitions.

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Foreign Office Mugging Warning “Spend Your Time At The Festival, Not With Us”, Foreign Office Warns Music Fans Visiting Spain

British music fans heading for festivals in Spain this summer are being warned to keep their possessions safe from thieves if they want to avoid spending time with the police and British Consulates instead of enjoying the music.

A new video on YouTube at https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii7pW26_ Td0 contrasts the fun of festivals with victims of crime talking about how having their stuff stolen ruined a good time. It’s already attracting thousands of views. “Within a minute, we turned round, the bag was gone”, says one. “I’d been warned but you never think it’s going to happen to you”, adds another, as the video shows victims who found out just how quickly and easily things can disappear. The video was filmed during Festival Internacional de Benicassim (FIB) last year. Its message - “Make sure you spend your time at the festival, not with us” – aims to encourage music fans to keep their belongings safe before going off to enjoy the beach or a gig. Dave Thomas, Consular Director responsible for Spain, said: “Two simple steps can help you avoid becoming a victim of crime at festivals. First, don’t leave your valuables behind in your tent or out of sight even for a minute - keep them in a zipped pocket or bag. Second, treat your passport as a valuable document: if it gets lost or stolen you’ll miss out on the festival while you are getting a new one to get home.” Getting a replacement travel document is both time-consuming and expensive, and British Consulates – which

are always busier during music festivals – say the more cases they can prevent, the better. The YouTube video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/

watch?v=Ii7pW26_Td0 . Viewers are encouraged to embed it on their websites or share it with friends, to ensure the message gets seen as widely as possible.

view of tourism, business and socio-economic development.” The newly opened section extends the existing high-speed line from Madrid to Albacete on to Alicante – a total distance of 360 kilometres. The cost of the extension was 1.9 billion euros. It has been estimated that the line will boost the GDP of the Alicante region by about 70 million euros per

year and create 735 jobs. Perhaps down to the recession, highspeed passenger numbers fell last year by 2.6%, but is up 14% since February after some fares were cut by 14%. However a third of Spain’s underused, loss-making and heavily subsidised medium-distance rail services have recently been scrapped and mostly replaced by buses.

High Speed Rail Programme On Track

Spain’s economy may be in serious trouble, but its high-speed rail programme remains on track with the opening of the entire line between Madrid and the coastal city of Alicante on Monday. The journey time has been cut by 50 minutes to two hours and 20 minutes. The opening ceremony was attended by Spain’s Crown Prince Felipe and Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and regular services started on Tuesday. Prince Felipe stressed the importance of infrastructure development to Spain’s economy. The country’s rail industry is also involved in bids for building high-speed lines in Brazil and Oman. Moises Jimenez, the head of the Alicante Business Confederation, said he hoped the opening of the new line would help the local economy: “The people of Alicante, and the entire area must continue to make it an attractive destination from the point of



EAsy Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

SuDoKu Every sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the SuDoKu are on page 2.

www.tenerife-weekly.com A British expat schoolgirl, who lives in Cue, a small village near the seaside town of Llanes in Spain’s northern Asturias region, has scored the highest mark in Spain’s university entrance exam just like her sister who did the same two years ago.

Cordelia Pickford, 18, scored 9.95 out of a possible 10 for her bachillerato, the Spanish equivalent of Alevels, boosting her grade to 13.85 out of a possible 14 with two extra subjects. She scored full marks in Greek, English, Spanish Language and Literature, and Latin and 9.5 out of 10 in both Philosophy and Technical Drawing. She came top in the region of Asturias, which is the first of Spain’s 17 semi-autonomous regions to declare the exam results. When results from all the regions are collated she is expected to be the highest in the country and among the highest scorers ever recorded in Spain, mirroring elder sister’s achievement two years ago. Anastasia achieved a 9.85 out of ten when she took the exams in 2011 with an overall mark of 13.7 and is now studying Veterinary Studies at Madrid’s Complutense University. Cordelia wants to join her at the same university in September to study Art and Design. “We are incredibly proud of both of our girls,” said father Tim Pickford, “Everyone is saying how amazing it is to have two sisters achieve the top mark but it is all down to their own hard work,” said the econ-

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Expat Sisters Top Spain Exam

omist who moved the family from England to Spain 12 years ago. The girls were aged eight and six when we moved here and they were put

straight into the Spanish state system. They had to learn Spanish and prove themselves to keep up. It was sink or swim and I think we can safe-

ly say that they both swam.” He insists that neither he nor his wife, Pippa, who runs an English teaching academy, were hard task-

Mother & Baby Reunited After 40 Years

More than forty years after her new born baby was snatched, a mother has found her son after DNA tests proved they are related, a rare happy ending in Spain’s “stolen babies” scandal dating back to the Franco era.

The woman, whose name has not been released, now lives in the French city of Tours, and works as a teacher: “I am living a fairy tale, “It is incredible. I feel euphoric. I have had terrible highs and lows. When I wake up in the morning, I tell myself that he is there, that he exists and then I am afraid of losing him.” Her son, now aged 43, still lives in Valencia, eastern Spain where he was born and then adopted. The woman, who had a Spanish father and a French mother, was 22 when she became pregnant out of wedlock. Her father, who she de-

scribed as “very, very strict”, took her to a convent to give birth on July 12, 1969. Despite her father’s repeated promises that she would be able to keep her baby, he gave the baby to the nuns at the convent without MarieJose’s consent. “It was a nightmare,” she said “I never spoke to my father again.” Her mother died of cancer three years after

her son was taken, and her father died two years later, also from cancer. This mother and her son are amongst the thousands of families said to have fallen victim to the stolen babies’ scandal in Spain. Under the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco, the new born’s of some left-wing opponents of the regime or unmarried couples were re-

moved from their mothers and adopted. Some mothers were told that their babies had died after birth. The thought process being that the child would be better off raised by rich, devout Roman Catholic families. The system outlived Franco’s death in 1975 and continued until at least the 1980s as an illegal baby trafficking network.


masters: “We didn’t push them particularly, we just opened the door for them and they did all the work themselves. They both developed a tremendous work ethic. When Anastasia came in with the 13.7 two years ago we were told it was the highest score that year across Spain and now Cordelia has scored even higher.” Cordelia, who is building a reputation as an artist and has already sold 120 watercolours following an exhibition of her paintings in Llanes last September, said she was in “complete shock” over her achievement. “I never felt there was any pressure to match my sister’s top score but then amazingly I did. I got the results and I just couldn’t believe it. It really hasn’t sunk in,” she said. But the teenager, who also enjoys playing golf and has a handicap of ten, admits that she did work very hard. “I studied four hours a day after school and then seven hours a day once study leave started.” My sister is really happy for me, and we are looking forward to living together in Madrid next year,” she added. The two girls and their younger brother Benedict, 14, were all pupils at the local state school in Llanes where the main teaching language is in Spanish. “A parent always wonders if they are doing the best thing for their children and when we took the decision to move to Spain we did have worries,” said Mr Pickford. “But as things turned out, in terms of our children’s education it was undoubtedly the best thing we could have done.”

Longest Serving Nun Dies at 105

Sister Teresita Barajuen, believed to hold the world record of 86 years cloistered in a monastery has died in Spain. Sister Maria Romero, abbess of the Buenafuente del Sistal monastery northeast of Madrid she had died overnight. She was 105. Sister Barajuen entered the

Cistercian monastery when she was 19, she acknowledged in interviews that like many young women at the time, she never intended being a nun but entered the monastery because of family pressure. In 2011, Barajuen left the monastery for the first time in 40 years to meet retired Benedict XVI during a papal visit to Madrid. She had entered the monastery on the same day he was born.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


investigators Say Spain is number one for ‘Benefit fraud abroad’


ITH an estimated 800,000 Britons living in Spain, it’s the number one country in the world for Britons committing ‘benefit fraud abroad’. More allegations are made about people living in Spain whilst continuing to receive uK benefits than in any other country where British expatriates live.

So investigators from the Department of Work & Pension have today (17 June) issued a fresh appeal to British expats to report anyone they suspect of fraudulently claiming UK benefits whilst living in Spain, to help stop taxpayers’ money being wasted on benefit thieves when it could be spent on valuable public services such as hospitals and schools. Married couple Peter and Marilyn Flanders from Exmouth, Devon lied to benefit officials about having no income or property in order to claim a variety of means-tested UK benefits including housing and council tax benefit. It later transpired that the couple owned a villa in Spain that, if declared, would have made them


ineligible for the benefits. In total they had fraudulently claimed over £30,000 of UK taxpayers’ money. They were given confiscation orders and ordered to repay the money they had stolen or face imprisonment. David Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform, said: “Taxpayers’ money

Icod de los Vinos

Santiago del Teide

La orotava

El Sauzal

C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. 120 - 922 710 420 Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 869 643


Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Arona. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 125 - Fax: 922 725 478

Granadilla de Abona

C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de Isora

Plaza General Franco, s/n, 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 334 512

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

should be going to the people who need it most, not lining the pockets of criminals. The vast majority of British people overseas are law abiding. But those who are fraudulently claiming benefits while living abroad are committing a crime. We are determined to put a stop to it.” Investigators say the three most

San Miguel de Abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973

El Tanque

Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

common types of benefit fraud in Spain involve people who • are on means-tested benefits going abroad but failing to declare their absence • have undeclared property abroad • are working while claiming sickness benefits. In Spain, claims for Income Sup-

port or Pension Credit are the most frequently investigated for fraud. Benefit fraudsters are thieves, so if you suspect someone of committing benefit fraud in Spain call the free and confidential fraud hotline on 900 554 440, or fill in the online form available at www.dwp.gov.uk/ benefit-thieves-spain.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


“I’m So Excited” Premiers In LA

Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodovar’s latest film “I’m So Excited!” is a raunchy comedy that the Oscar-winning director said marks a return to his roots as a satirist even as it delivers critical commentary on modern-day Spain.

The Spanish-language movie, which opened the Los Angeles Film Festival on Thursday and will be on limited release in U.S. cinemas on June 28th, follows passengers on a flight from Spain to Mexico City after their plane experiences a serious malfunction. In the film, the pilots and flamboyant flight attendants distract the passengers by providing them with alcohol and drugs, which leads to sex and dancing to the 1982 Pointer Sisters’ hit song “I’m So Excited.” Almodovar, 63, returns to his comedy past after exploring more dramatic themes over the past decade, including 2002’s “Talk To Her” - which won him a best original screenplay Oscar - and 2011’s “The Skin I Live In.” “During the ‘80s, I made a lot of comedies, so this was like returning to my roots,” Almodovar said. “I think I just needed to make something lighter.” Spanish Hollywood A-listers Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz make appearances, alongside several actors who previously worked with Almodovar, including Javier Camara, Lola Duenas, Cecilia Roth and Blanca Suarez.. Almodovar said he unconsciously

used the vision of sexually explicit American filmmaker John Waters, who directed 1988’s “Hairspray” and 2004’s “A Dirty Shame.” He referred to him as “one of my best American friends.” With Waters in mind, Almodovar said the film has elements that may lead viewers to describe it as “dirty,” as the passengers “do everything that is forbidden on a plane.”

“In Spain, being excited means being horny,” the director said. “In the second part of the movie, this is the state of the passengers.” Almodovar, who is gay, grew up during the repressive rule of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. After his death in 1975, democracy suddenly brought a “big explosion of freedom,” he said. While “I’m So Excited!” was intend-

ed to play for laughs, Almodovar said it is also a metaphor for Spain that has been hit by a two-year recession that has left about a quarter of its workforce jobless. The director said the film reflects the “political corruption and financial embezzlement” that has ensnared the country, and its banking crisis that required a $54 billion (41 billion euro) European Union-backed bail-

out last year. “What is metaphorical (in this movie) is that journey which consists in turning around in circles without knowing where they are going to land,” Almodovar said. “They need an emergency landing but don’t know exactly who will be commanding (it).There is a lot of fear and uncertainly - two words that define my feeling as a Spanish citizen.”

Tax New Ambassador Office Apology To Princess Mr Simon Manley CMG has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, and non-resident Ambassador to Andorra. He will succeed Mr Giles Paxman CMG LVO. Mr Manley will take up his appointment during October 2013.

He will succeed Mr Giles Paxman CMG LVO. Mr Manley will take up his appointment during October 2013. Mr Manley joined the FCO in 1990 and has worked on EU, UN and security issues, in London, Brussels and New

York, including two secondments to the EU institutions. He was most recently Director Europe at the FCO. On his appointment Mr Manley has said: “I am delighted and honoured to be appointed to serve the United Kingdom in these two beautiful countries. I look forward to working in Spain with one of our largest trading partners, a key ally within the EU and NATO, and holiday destination for, and home to, so many Britons.” For more information please visit https://www. gov.uk/government/news/ change-of-her-majestys-ambassador-to-spain

An apparent error by tax authorities has sparked a week of confusion and intrigue in Spain, culminating in Princess Cristina receiving an apology from a senior government minister yesterday.

Last week, the tax office informed an investigating judge that Cristina, King Juan Carlos’s younger daughter, had sold 13 properties worth a total of 1.4 million Euros in 2005 and 2006. The revelation was part of an inquiry by Judge José Castro to decide whether the princess and her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, had committed tax fraud. Princess Cristina flatly denied the information about the sale of the plots of land, in Alicante, Ciudad Real and Barcelona. The current owners corroborated her version of events, telling the Spanish media they did not buy any of the prop-

erties from the princess. Finance minister Cristóbal Montoro, whose department oversees the tax office, apologised when he appeared before Congress on Wednesday: “What happened is simply an error of administrative procedure,” he said. “It is regrettable that it should happen and so first of all I must say sorry to the royal family.” Mr Montoro’s silence about the matter had allowed speculation about Princess Cristina’s financial affairs to rage, and fuelled a range of conspiracy theories in the media and on internet forums. The mistake itself was apparently based on repeated mix-ups over the princess’s national identity card number; an error that experts say is possible but highly unusual.

“Technically I don’t know how this has happened,” Mr Montoro admitted, as he tried to scotch the conspiracy theories. “Don’t claim to see ghosts flying around: these are purely one-off, administrative errors. If you say that these kinds of errors don’t happen, then you don’t understand that world.” He added that the tax office was under enormous pressure due to the volume of work it had and that there would be an investigation into the affair. While the announcement about the princess’s supposed mass property selloff was unwelcome publicity for the royals, the admission that the information was false has undermined the credibility of Spain’s tax authority – and by extension the finance ministry.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Bamboo towels & Sheets THEY are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! You may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.



Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Snap – Kate To Give Birth at Same Hospital As Diana


he Duchess of Cambridge will give birth at the same hospital wing where Diana, Princess of Wales, had Princes William and Harry. Kate is expected to have a natural birth at the private suites of the Lindo Wing in St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, next month.

Despite months of speculation, the Duchess and Prince William have chosen not to find out the gender of their first child in advance of its arrival. While Kate’s exact due date remains a secret, Kensington Palace has confirmed Prince William intends to be by his wife’s side during labour, despite being on duty in Anglesey in the run up to the Duchess’ due date. The Queen’s former gynaecologist, Marcus Setchell, will deliver the baby. Mr Setchell treated Kate while she was suffering from acute morning sickness. Assisting Mr Setchell will be the Queen’s current gynaecologist Alan Farthing, the former fiancé of murdered TV presenter Jill Dando. It has also become clear how the announcement will be made upon the birth of the future monarch who will become third in line to the throne. The first indication Kate has given birth will be when a bulletin or ‘notice of birth’ is publicly transferred from the Paddington hospital by car to Buckingham Pal-

ace. The notice, signed by key medical staff, will confirm the time of birth, weight and gender of the couple’s baby, and will be placed by a footman on an easel on the Palace forecourt in public view. The easel is understood to be the same as that used for the announcement

of Prince William’s birth in 1982. But the bulletin will be transferred from the hospital only once key members of the Royal family, including the Queen, and the Middleton family have been notified about the good news. Birth announcement plans are likely to be adapted should the

Duchess of Cambridge be admitted to hospital late in the evening or during the night. Kensington Palace says it is unclear at this stage when the name of the couple’s first baby will be announced. In the case of Prince Harry, it was on the day he was born, but it took a few days before the

name ‘William’ was made public. After pausing for photographs as a family for the first time on the steps of the Lindo Wing once Kate is discharged, it is understood Prince William will take the statutory two weeks paternity leave before returning to work as a search and rescue pilot.

Crash Cow Good Catch

A cow that managed to clamber on to the roof of a garage before falling through had to be rescued by fire fighters. The animal spent 24 hours wedged in a car inspection pit at the unit next to a farmer’s field in Bere Alston, Devon.

A farmer called the fire service after finding one of his valuable beef breeding cows stuck in the pit. It is not known how the young heifer managed to scale the roof of the garage. Officers from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service spent two and a half hours heaving the cow out of the pit. Paul Bray, community safety protection manager for Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, said: “To

The daughter of baseball legend Joe Torre made a perfect catch when she grabbed a baby boy falling from a building in New York City.

assist in the rescue of the cow, the inspection pit was flooded with water, to give buoyancy to the cow, and straw was packed around the feet of the cow to form a ramp. The ramp was further reinforced by placing a plank under the front of the cow. “Lines were then attached to the cow and, when everything was in place, crews worked together to heave

the cow out of the inspection pit. Thanks to the pre-planning and good teamwork, the cow came out the pit fairly easily. It was unable to stand at first and was given a health check by a vet, who had been called to the scene.” Mr Bray said the cow had been missing for at least 24 hours and had probably been wedged in the pit for the whole time.

Cristina Torre, 44, had been walking in Brooklyn when she spotted the boy hanging from the awning of the building. The boy fell, but landed in her outstretched arms: “The baby was dangling,” she recalled. “I just put out my arms when I saw him coming down, and luckily he literally landed straight in my arms on his back.” A witness, Kristen Bramsen, said: “The baby was shaken. Everyone was going up to the woman and hugging her. I hugged her. She just smiled and said she was in shock.” The boy is thought to have crawled through a piece of cardboard placed next to an

air conditioning unit in the window of his family’s second-floor home and fell onto the awning. He was taken to Lutheran Medical Centre where he was being treated for lacerations to the face. Joe Torre, a former all-star catcher, was New York Yankees’ manager from 1996 to 2007, leading the team to

four World Series championship titles. “I am very proud of my daughter Cristina’s actions today during an incident in Brooklyn involving a small child,” he said in a statement. “Fortunately for that child she was in the right place at the right time to lend a hand.”


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Girl Guide all Change for promise Changes food labelling

THE phrase “to love my God” has been dropped from the Girl Guide promise after a consultation suggested different words are needed to include the non-religious. Instead, girls joining the organisation will now be asked to “be true to myself and develop my beliefs”.

The mention of vowing to love or serve God has been included in the promise since the Guides began in 1910. Originally, new members were asked to “do my duty to God”, and this was changed to “love my God” in 1994. The new promise also asks guides “to serve the Queen and my community” instead of “the Queen and my country”. It is the 11th time in the organisation’s history that the promise has been changed The move has been welcomed by secular groups who said it was a “hugely positive” development. Around 44,000 people re-

sponded to the consultation on changing the wording of the oath, Girlguiding a leading UK charity for girls and young women with 546,406 members, said. Chief guide Gill Slocombe said: “We hope that our new promise will allow all girls - of all faiths and none to understand and feel proud of their commitment.” The new promise reads: “I promise that I will do my best: to be true to myself and develop my beliefs, to serve the Queen and my community, to help other people and to keep the (Brownie) Guide

law.” Stephen Evans, campaigns manager at the National Secular Society, said: “By omitting any explicit mention of God or religion the Guide Association has grasped the opportunity to make itself truly inclusive and relevant to the reality of 21st century Britain.” The Guide Association also runs the Rainbows which is for five to seven-yearolds, Brownies, for seven to 10-year-olds, Guides for 10 to 14-year-olds and the Senior Section for 14-25-year-olds.

unTIL now, businesses had different labels on the front of their products to try to explain the nutritional value of meals and drinks, leading to confusion for customers. But now major supermarkets and food manufacturers are introducing a new traffic light labelling system to help people make healthier choices. “It’s a traffic light system,” said Janet Taylor, diet and health manager for The Co-operative Food. “This is basically to help customers make an informed choice; you can clearly see how much fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt is in the product. A green traffic light indicates a healthy choice, amber indicates an OK choice and red, well, you should eat this product in moderation. So it really is helping customers choose healthier options.” As well as The Co-operative, they include Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose, McCain Foods, Mars UK, Nestlé UK, PepsiCo UK

and Premier Foods have all signed up to the new agreement, accounting for more than 60% of food sold in the UK Public Health Minister Anna Soubry said: “The UK already has the largest number of products using a front-of-pack label in Europe. But we know that people get confused by the variety of labels that are used. Research shows that of all the current schemes, people like this label the most and they can use the information to make healthier choices. “We all have a responsibility to tackle the challenge of obesity, including the food industry. By having all major retailers and manufacturers signed up to the consistent label, we will all be able to see at a glance what is in our food - this is why I want to see more manufacturers signing up and using the label.” The new labelling should start appearing over the next few months, with the majority of products made or sold by participating companies relabelled by the end of next year.





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Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 4pm to 8pm Saturday 9am to 1pm Industrial Estate Las Chafiras, Motorway Exit South 24, North 64, Tel. / Fax. 922 735 335 Avd. Modesto Hernandez Gonzalez N°46, Opposite Coca Cola, Next to Koala Sur, 200m behind Biombo

www.tenerife-weekly.com Star of The Sopranos, James Gandolfini died suddenly of a suspected heart attack while on holiday in Italy. He was 51. He died on Wednesday in Rome, and had been due to appear at a film festival in Sicily at the weekend.

The star was best known for his Emmy-winning portrayal of New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano in television series. Sopranos creator David Chase said Gandolfini was one of the greatest actors of all time: “He was a genius. Anyone who saw him even in the smallest of his performances knows that. He is one of the greatest actors of this or any time. A great deal of genius resided in those sad eyes.” Gandolfini married former model Deborah Lin in 2008, and their daughter was born last year. He also has a son from a previous relationship. Many fans have flocked to the diner featured in the final scene of The Sopranos to pay their respects. TV network HBO, which was behind the hit series, described him as a “special man” and a “great talent”. “We’re all in shock and feeling immeasurable sadness at the loss of a beloved member of our family,” a statement said. “He was a special man, a great talent, but more importantly a gentle and loving

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Mob Boss Soprano Dies At 51

Murray Walker Diagnosed With Cancer

People’s favourite motor sport commentator Murray Walker is scheduled to undergo chemotherapy over the next few months after he was diagnosed with cancer.

The 89-year-old said he had a form of lymphatic system cancer, but said the condition was treatable: “They’ve caught it incredibly early. It’s treatable, the doctors say my condition is mild and I’m very hopeful.” Walker was diagnosed with the illness during tests after breaking his pelvis in a fall last month. His distinctive commentating style became synonymous with motor racing as he covered the sport for more than half a century before retiring in 2001. According to the Cancer Research UK

website, the lymphatic system is a system of thin tubes that runs throughout the body. These tubes are called lymph vessels or lymphatic vessels. It is like the blood circulation - the vessels branch through all parts of the body like the arteries and veins that carry blood. But the lymphatic system tubes are much finer and carry a colourless liquid called lymph, which contains a high number of lymphocytes or white blood cells. Plasma leaks out of the capillaries to surround and bathe the body tissues. This then drains into the lymph vessels.


person who treated everyone - no matter their title or position - with equal respect.” Since The Sopranos ended in 2007, Gandolfini has appeared in a number of film roles, including thriller Zero Dark Thirty and the comedy The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. He also shared a Broadway stage in 2009 with Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis and Marcia Gay Harden in a celebrated production of God Of Carnage, for which he won a Tony Award nomination for best actor. He also was in On The Waterfront with David Morse. At the time of his death, he had been working on a new HBO series titled Criminal Justice. “It is with immense sorrow that we report our client James Gandolfini passed away today while on holiday in Rome, Italy,” his managers said in a statement. “Our hearts are shattered and we will miss him deeply. He and his family were part of our family for many years and we are all grieving.” In a December 2012 interview, Gandolfini said he gravitated to acting as a release to get rid of anger: “I don’t know what exactly I was angry about,” he said. “I try to avoid certain things and certain kinds of violence at this point. I’m getting older, too. I don’t want to be beating people up as much. I don’t want to be beating women up and those kinds of things that much anymore.”

Unity: A Concert For Stephen Lawrence

A concert in memory of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, 20 years after he was stabbed to death, will feature Emeli Sande, Rizzle Kicks and Labrinth. The event at London’s O2 Arena will raise funds for a trust set up in his name to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Plan B, Jamie Cullum, Jessie J, Tinie Tempah, Ed Sheeran, Rudimental and Soul II Soul are also among the stars taking part in the show scheduled to take place on September 29th designed to champion young people. Stephen’s mother, Doreen Lawrence, who founded the trust, said: “We work every day to empower youth and we’re so proud that the music industry is joining us in reaching out to change the lives of young people. I want young people to feel inspired, be confident and have hope in their own future. There have been a further 106 racist murders since Stephen was killed 20 years ago and there are still too many young people who do not have a sense of hope.” Her son was 18 when he was stabbed in a racist attack in Eltham, southeast London, in April 1993. Two men - Gary

Dobson and David Norris - were found guilty of the murder last year and the police investigation remains “live”. The show, Unity: A Concert For Stephen Lawrence, has been backed by London Mayor Boris Johnson. Tickets will go on sale on Friday (today) at www.aeglive. co.uk.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


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www.tenerife-weekly.com Google has unveiled plans to provide the internet to the billions who cannot currently access the web using balloons circling the globe. The internet giant’s secretive X research lab is behind the move, called Project Loon in recognition of how strange the idea sounds.

Scientists launched a trial last Saturday in New Zealand’s South Island, letting off a string of jellyfishshaped balloons in the sky about Lake Tekapo. The aim is for the helium-filled inflatables, which are made from plastic film, to beam the internet back down to earth as they sail past on the wind. It has taken18 months to reach this point. Ultimately Google hopes to launch thousands of balloons into the stratosphere and bridge the digital divide between the 4.8 billion offline and 2.2 billion online. If successful, the technology could allow countries to avoid the expense of laying fibre cable and dramatically increase internet use in areas such as Africa and southeast Asia. Project leader Mike Cassidy said: “It’s a huge moonshot. A really big goal to go after. The power of the internet is probably one of the most transformative technologies of our time.” Project Loon founder Richard DeVaul added: “It’s a very fundamentally democratic thing that what links everyone together is the sky and the winds.” Charles Nimmo, a farmer and entrepreneur from outside Christchurch, was the first person to receive Google Balloon internet access after signing up with 50 others to test out the project. It was kept such a secret that no-one would explain to

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Google Balloons Enable Internet For Everyone

the guinea pigs what they were involved in. Technicians came to their homes and attached bright red receivers the size of basketballs and resembling giant Google map pins to the outside walls. Engineers used eight large laptops to check wind data and manoeuvre the balloons over peaks by making sure they floated at a particular level. Mr Nimmo had internet access for around 15 minutes before the bal-

loon transmitting it sailed past - he used it to check the weather: “It’s been weird but it’s been exciting to be part of something new,” he said of the experience. The balloons take power from card table-sized solar panels dangling down and picking up enough charge in four hours to last a day. They travel below satellites but twice as high as aeroplanes, and receive signals from ground stations below. Each balloon could provide

an internet service for an area twice the size of New York City, about 780 square miles, and terrain is not a challenge. This means they could stream it into the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan, or Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, a country where the World Bank estimates four in 100 people are online. Anyone using Google Balloon Internet would need a receiver plugged into their computer to get

TV Licence Evasion Excuses O fficials have exposed some of the excuses people give for not having a television licence. More than 400,000 people in the UK were caught last year watching TV without valid paperwork, which is more than 1,000 a day. The annual levy - £145 for a colour licence and £49 for a black and white - is used to help fund the BBC’s domestic television, radio and internet services. TV Licensing has launched a drive to encourage more people to pay up and has teamed with a Bafta-winning animator to bring some of the excuses to life in a short-film, published on YouTube. “Joking and wacky excuses apart, it’s breaking the law to watch live television without a licence, so anybody doing this risks prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000,” said spokesman Stephen Farmer. “Some of the excuses are simply hilarious whilst others show a great deal of imagination and creativity,


but being caught without a valid TV licence is a criminal offence and no laughing matter.” The revenue-raising authority provides reduced rates for certain people. Anyone certified

as either blind or severely sightimpaired are entitled to a 50% reduction in the fee. Care home residents may qualify for a discounted fee of £7.50, but are warned that resi-

dents, staff and residents’ families all need a separate licence for their own living area. Senior citizens are entitled to a free licence when they reach the age of 75.

the signal, the costs of which have yet to be disclosed. Because the signals travel through the unlicensed spectrum, the firm would not have to go through difficult regulatory procedures for wireless communication. Mr Cassidy said the next phase of the launch was to fly 300 balloons in a ring on the 40th parallel south from New Zealand through Australia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.

Here are some of the excuses offered for not having a licence: • “Why would I need a TV licence for a TV I stole? Nobody knows I’ve got it.” Kilmarnock, Scotland. • “I have lost weight recently and had to buy new clothes. That’s why I could not afford to buy a TV licence.” Manchester. • “I had not paid as I received a lethal injection.” Location unknown. • “Apparently my dog, which is a corgi, was related to the Queen’s dog so I didn’t think I needed a TV licence.” Belfast, Northern Ireland. • “I don’t want to pay for a licence for a full year. Knowing my luck I’ll be dead in six months and won’t get value for money.” Cardiff, Wales. • “I could not pay for my TV licence because the Olympic torch was coming down my road and I could not get to the shop as the road was too busy.” London. • “I only use my TV as a lamp. If you switch it on it gives a good glow which allows me to read my book.” Dundee, Scotland. • “Only my three-year-old son watches the TV. Can you take it out of the family allowance I receive for him? He watches it so he should pay.” Manchester. • “I got caught shoplifting so I’m barred from the shop that takes PayPoint payments.” Leeds.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


ian Brady public appearance

iron man Saves the Day for toddler

EIGHTEEn-MonTH-oLD Jaxson Denno had been told by his mother that he was going to meet the superhero Iron Man. However But the toddler was confused because the Hollywood star was not wearing his trademark metallic red and gold suit and became distraught.

MoorS murderer Ian Brady is making his first public appearance for decades at a tribunal to assess his mental health. Serial killer Brady, 75, wants to be transferred from the highsecurity psychiatric hospital where he has been kept for the past 26 years to a prison .He has made it known that he wants to starve himself to death.

Brady has been on successive hunger strikes for the past 14 years but is classed as a patient, staff at Ashworth Hospital on Merseyside have a duty to keep him alive by force-feeding him. Brady has successfully campaigned for a public mental health tribunal, believing that if he is declared sane he would be transferred to a prison where he could die behind bars. The tribunal held at Ashworth, but relayed via closed-circuit TV to Manchester’s Civil Justice Centre, enabling the public and press to follow proceedings. The hearing, which is expected to last about a week, was postponed last July because Brady suffered a seizure. In the 1960s, Ian Brady and his girlfriend Myra Hindley lured children to

their deaths. Some of their victims were sexually tortured before being buried on Saddleworth Moor above Manchester. Pauline Reade, 16, John Kilbride, aged 12, Keith Bennett, also 12, Lesley Ann Downey, 10 and 17-year-old Edward Evans were all victims of the pair. Keith Bennett’s remains were never

found, despite extensive searches and police taking the killers back to the Moor in 1987. The judge has said that questions relating to the whereabouts of the body will not be considered by the tribunal. Myra Hindley died in prison in November 2002, aged 60.

Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr. has been described as “amazing” after he comforted Jaxson who cried because the star was not in costume. His mother Heather had taken her son to watch filming for the star’s latest movie The Judge in the town of Sunderland, Massachusetts. She explained the actor had noticed the child, began waving to the little boy and finally went over

to say hello: “I said to my son, ‘Hey, here’s ‘Iron Man,’ but he didn’t have the red suit on so Jaxson put his hands over his face and got upset,” said Ms Denno. But it seems the star knew what to do to help the youngster. “He was amazing. You could tell he was a father,” said Ms Denno. “He was so sweet and nurturing.”




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www.tenerife-weekly.com Thousands of well-wishers turned out in central London to watch the Trooping the Colour. More than 1,000 soldiers and horses took part in the traditional display of pomp and pageantry to celebrate the Queen’s official birthday.

The monarch was accompanied by her cousin the Duke of Kent for the carriage ride from Buckingham Palace to Horse Guards Parade, as her husband is still in hospital following exploratory abdominal surgery It is thought to be only the third time that Prince Philip has missed the event after not attending in 1962 and 1968 when he was away on royal tours. The Duchess of Cambridge made her last public engagement at Trooping the Colour before her baby is born in mid-July. She rode in a carriage with the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry. Kate, who was wearing a pale pink Alexander McQueen coat and matching hat, smiled and waved at the crowds lining the route. The Duke of York was with his daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. In the last coach were the Earl and Countess of Wessex with their daughter Lady Louise MountbattenWindsor. On horseback during the ceremony were the Prince of Wales, who is Colonel of the Welsh Guards, the Princess Royal, who is Colonel of the Blues and Royals, and the Duke of Cambridge, who is Colonel of the Irish Guards. The procession was being accompanied by a Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry, made up of Life Guards and Blues and Royals, in their silver and gold breastplates and plumed helmets. The Colour being paraded on Horse Guards this year was the flag of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards. The unit have recently returned from operational service in Afghanistan where they worked as part of the Afghan Police Advisory Team assisting the country to achieve selfgovernance. Four of the five Foot Guards regiments of the Household Division the Welsh Guards, Grenadier Guards, Scots Guards and the Coldstream Guards - marched in the parade wearing bearskin hats and red tunics. The Household Division Bands and Corps of Drums also took part, as did the King’s Troop Royal Horse

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Trooping The Colour Without Her Prince

Artillery who, following the parade, fired a 41-gun salute in Green Park to mark the Queen’s official birthday. The Queen, dressed in a royal blue Angela Kelly coat and hat with a matching lace dress, looked on under cloudy skies which parted now and then to reveal the sun. Her Majesty was cheered by crowds gathered along the Mall as she was driven back to the palace. After the Queen took the salute on Horse Guards, the royals headed back to Buckingham Palace to gather on the balcony to watch the traditional flypast by the RAF. Several types of aircraft took part including RAF Awacs, Typhoons, Tornadoes and the Red Arrows, with the royal family craning their necks

to see the formations roar overhead. Trooping the Colour originated from traditional preparations for battle. Colours, or flags, were carried, or “trooped”, down the rank so that it could be seen and recognised by the soldiers. In the 18th century, guards from the royal palaces assembled daily on Horse Guards to “troop the colours”, and in 1748 it was announced that the parade would also mark the Sovereign’s official birthday. The Queen’s actual birthday was on April 21, when she turned 87. The Queen visited the Duke of Edinburgh in hospital after she attended the annual Trooping the Colour parade without him. Buckingham Palace said Her Majesty made the visit “quietly and privately”.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


international tokyo

(£32), a price company spokeswoman Kiyoko Hayasaki said came from its use of bits of mobile phones: “We were able to set the price at this relatively cheap level because we took some key parts from stocks that are widely available in the market for smartphones,” she said. Elsewhere at the exhibition, toymakers showcased tablet computers specifically for small children: “Children like to emulate what adults do, and a survey said 90% of tablet computer users let their children use their tablets,” said Yuki Itagaki, a spokeswoman for MegaHouse, a subsidiary of major Japanese toy maker Bandai Namco Holdings. MegaHouse’s “tap me” is a tablet specifically developed for use by children aged between four and eight, with built-in parental controls, including a timer that limits use. “When the timer reaches the set time, the tablet shows a sleeping face instead of turning off,” Ms Itagaki said. “Children can’t bring tablets to their parents and say ‘hey, the power is off. Turn it on please’.” Despite its price tag of 20,790 yen (£219), MegaHouse aims to sell 100,000 “tap me” computers in the coming 12 months. US toy maker Mattel was showing off its Apptivity Monkey, a fluffy monkey which acts as a protective case for Apple’s iPhone. The case keeps it safe from over-enthusiastic toddlers, who can press buttons on the creature’s limbs to create music. Japan’s Takara Tomy has a stand for the iPhone that dances along to the music it is playing: “We hope adults with a sense of fun like this product,”


TInY toy helicopter made from bits of smartphones was among the main attractions at a huge toy show in Tokyo. The motor that makes a telephone vibrate provides the power for the rotor blades on the nano-falcon, which its makers say is the world’s smallest radio-controlled helicopter.

The 6.5cm-long (2.4in) machine weighs just 11 grams (0.385 ounces), has a range of five metres (15 feet) and can fly for five minutes. Makers say they are feeding the fantasies of adults who never really grew up: “Japan’s ageing population made us think of developing a toy targeting adults,” said Naoki Nakagawa, head of sales at maker CCP. Ten or twenty years ago, helicopter-toys could cost a lot of money. Those who couldn’t afford it at the time can now make their childhood dream come true at a reasonable price.” The mini machine retails at around 4,700 yen

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Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


o Toy Fair Show Case

said Tsubasa Tominaga of the company’s new products team. The International Tokyo Toy Show took place at Tokyo Big Sight in the Japanese capital’s bay area.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

uS PrESIDEnT Barack obama told 2,000 students in Belfast ahead of the G8 summit that when peace was achieved in northern Ireland, it gave the world hope: “You’re the first generation in this land to inherit more than just the hardened attitudes and bitter prejudices of the past. You now live in a thoroughly modern northern Ireland.”

His young audience described as “the generation of peace” - people born after the ceasefires. He said day-to-day life was changing “throughout the north”, adding that there was a time when a gathering of world leaders in Northern Ireland would have been “unimaginable”. The president and his wife Michelle were introduced by 16-year-old schoolgirl Hannah Nelson, who said she wanted to see a permanent peace in her homeland: “We should not let the past pull us apart and stop us moving forward. Somehow we need to make a brighter future, a future that builds bridges and brings people together,” she said. Mr Obama’s comments took on a particular signifi-


obama addresses “Generation of peace”

cance with the G8 summit in Lough Erne looking set to be dominated by international tensions over Syria. Earlier, David Cameron said he is “as

worried as anyone” about terrorist and extremist elements among opposition forces fighting to oust President Bashar Assad, and no

decision has been made on arming the Syrian opposition. The on-going conflict in Syria threatens to overshadow the summit’s discussions

on trade, tax and transparency, after Mr Obama announced he was ready to start supplying weapons to the rebels seeking to over-

throw Mr Assad. Speaking at Lough Erne, Mr Cameron said: “Let’s be clear - I am as worried as anybody else about elements of the Syrian opposition, who are extremists, who support terrorism and who are a great danger to our world. The question is what do we do about it? My argument is that we shouldn’t accept that the only alternative to Assad is terrorism and violence. We should be on the side of Syrians who want a democratic and peaceful future for their country and one without the man who is currently using chemical weapons against them. What we can try and do here at the G8 is have further pressure for the peace conference and the transition that is needed to bring this conflict to an end.” Mr Cameron and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in London on Sunday to discuss the crisis in Syria, but appeared to have reached little common ground. With Mr Obama engaged in the serious business of world politics, the First Lady and their daughters will pay private visits to Dublin and Wicklow. Two years ago, the president and his wife went to Moneygall in County Offaly, from where his great, great, great grandfather, Falmouth Kearney, emigrated in 1850 before settling in Indiana.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013



By Marc Craig

Bale Bails On Justice League Movie

Several weeks back I reported on a potential Justice League movie featuring Henry Cavill, reprising his Superman role in “Man of Steel”, alongside Christian Bale donning the Batcowl for a fourth time with The Dark Knight’s writing and directing team on the other side of the camera-however this would all depend on the success of “Man of Steel”.

Sadly, even with the new superman flick flying high at the box office it seems now that this will never happen. In a recent interview David Goyer dashed all hope claiming that Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight version of Batman exists within its own universe

and although Bruce Wayne is referenced in “Man of Steel”, it’s not Bale’s version; “Man of Steel” director Zack Snyder is insistent that Bruce Wayne exists in his new movie universe, but that it’s separate and distinct from the Nolan trilogy’s world. He acknowledged the studio’s hopes for a super team up along the lines of “The Avengers,” but noted that it all depends on how this one does at the box office. While Goyer isn’t officially signed on, he said that if “Man of Steel” is a huge hit, “I would be happy, and nervous, to dive in.” So there you have it, Nolan’s Batman was a story told and finished with his trilogy and any future version will reinvent the character againGoyer also claimed that an entirely new script would be written for any potential JLA

movie; “God forbid [‘Man of Steel’ doesn’t do well], things will change. I don’t know how many different iterations of ‘Justice League’ they’ve tried to mount over the last decade or so. But for one reason or another, they haven’t happened. I think Warner Bros. has seen — and Chris deserves the biggest credit for this — that we were able to revitalize Batman... And they’re hoping that Superman will be revitalized as well. And if we can do Batman and Superman, then maybe we can move on to Wonder Woman, and the Flash and characters like that.” That probably means standalone movies for the Flash, Wonder Woman, and maybe Aquaman and Martian Manhunter too - don’t expect an Avengers style Justice League movie anytime soon!!

He’ll Be Back

The Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, confirmed last week that he will be returning to play his most famous role- the unstoppable T800 cyborg Killer in the upcoming Terminator 5.

Shooting begins in January next year and it will be the fourth time Arnie has played the iconic role - the fourth movie featured Sam Worthington as a different model of Terminator although Arnie’s version of the robot appears using a blend of a facial prosthetic from the original ‘83 movie and state of the art digital effects; “I’m very happy that the studios want me to be in “Terminator 5” and to star as the Terminator. We start shooting in January and I feel very proud of that. “ Although nothing plot wise has been mentioned, it seems highly likely that rather than concocting a storyline in which a robot ages 30 years, the Austrian oak will be de-aged considerably using sophisticated computer generated effects, a technique similar to those used in “X-men The Last Stand” to create younger versions of Sir Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stew-

art although I’m sure the results will have improved considerably, as they did look more like Madame Tussauds waxworks!! Schwarzenegger went on to confirm he’ll be reprising 2 more famous roles as Conan the Barbarian in “King Conan” and Julius Benedict in the extremely belated sequel to 80’s weird siblings comedy “Twins”. The sequel “Triplets” stars Arnie, Danny DeVito and Eddie Murphy as the titular trio!


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Reader Feedback

Thanks to everyone who responded to the caption comp and for the suggestions on who should be the 12th doctor!!

Here are some of the best captions in the photo competition!! Thanks for joining in!! And Shabba, I’ll never erase from my mind what I saw googling “two girls one cup!!” • Stooie “Shabba” Greenhaigh -”This Video is ‘Two

Girls One Cup’...filmed by myself personally!!!!” • Steve Delsy -”That’s Bill with the cigar” • Shiel Campbell- “one touch of the button and Boom!!” • “This is of me and your wife” • Benn Barratt -”this is why they call me Justin Trousersnake!” • And another from me• “Yeah Britney sure loved those handcuffs!”

New Who?

Many people it seems think that the next Doctor should be a British Stand-up comedian.

Alan Carr (Nathan Swift), Russell Brand (Adrian Musgrave), Keith Lemon (Matthew Moore), Mickey Flanagan(Shabba) and Peter Kay (Deborah Wilford) were all suggested, Vanessa Hudson thought Corrie character Roy Cropper would be perfect. Other odd ones included Boris Johnston (Phil Crook) and Golfer Rory Macilroy (Salvatore Urgheghe). Our own columnist Steve Andrews has his own Facebook campaign to make him the Doctor- but my favourite has to be Carrie Louise Latham who suggested our very own Barry Sparkle to be the next Doctor Who with his smart Vivo togs as his Timelord outfit!!


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Wallaby escapee

PoLICE were called to apprehend a wallaby after it was spotted hopping along a road in a West Midlands village. The white animal was filmed bounding along a road in Knowle, near Solihull.

June 2013 friday 21st June . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience saturday 22nd June . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 23rd June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 24th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular thursday 27th June . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular friday 28th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience saturday 29th June . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 30th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery

July 2013 Monday 1st July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular thursday 4th July . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular friday 5th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience saturday 6th July . . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 7th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 8th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular thursday 11th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular friday 12th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience saturday 13th July . . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 14th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 15th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular thursday 18th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular friday 19th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience saturday 20th July . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 21st July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 22nd July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular thursday 25th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular friday 26th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience saturday 27th July . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 28th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 29th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular

auGuSt 2013 thursday 1st August . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular friday 2nd August . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & twisted Experience

On Friday morning, local police tweeted that a kangaroo had been on the loose, before admitting they had “jumped to the wrong conclusion” and it was actually a wallaby. A police spokesman said: “At around 11.45pm on June 13 we were called to a report of a Wallaby hopping along Old Green Lane in the Knowle area of Solihull. Police attended and located the owner who confirmed the animal had escaped from its pen.” Several wild colonies of wallabies exist around the UK. In the Peak District a population was established in around 1940, and in recent

years sightings have been made in the area, and on the Isle of Man there is a feral population of more than 100, originally bred from a pair that escaped from a nearby

Harley pope

HArLEY Davidson manufacturers celebrated their 110th anniversary by visiting the Vatican. Pope francis blessed scores of Harley-Davidson riders who visited to celebrate the occasion.

The noise of Harley engines nearly drowned out prayers that were recited as the Pope greeted crowds before Sunday mass at St Peter’s Square. Thousands of bikers in their trademark leather Harley vests stood alongside tens of thousands of Catholic worshippers. The Pope blessed the “numerous participants” of the two-day pro-life rally - the centrepiece of which was Francis’ Mass.

wildlife park. The island of Inchconnachan in Loch Lomond, Scotland, has a population of around 28 red-necked wallabies.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Sharples in Session By John Sharples

Here Comes On Summer A


When is a bun not a bun? When it´s a bap! The English language is certainly a rich one.

Yes indeedy! June 21st is the first day of summer and also the longest day and shortest night of the year. Let’s hope that it is a good one for everyone. I intend to get a good tan this year. It has been years since i worshipped the sun. Living in Tenerife all these years has made me a shade-hunter. Here are some facts that you may not know about the summer.

1. The first day of summer is known as the summer solstice. Solstice comes from two Latin words sol and sistere. Sol means sun; stitium is the verb which means to stand still 2. People in the Southern Hemisphere have their longest day of summer in

December. 3. The names of the summer months have Roman origins. June is named after Juno, who was the wife of Jupiter. Marc Antony named July after Julius Caesar and August was named after Caesar’s nephew, known as Augustus. 4. Even though this is the longest day of the year, it’s not the hottest, due to something called seasonal temperature lag, which means that it takes a while for the oceans to let their stored summer solstice heat back into the air. That’s why it tends to be hotter in July or August than in June. 5. One of the more annoying parts of summer are the mosquitoes, which have been around for 30 million years. It’s said they can find warm-blooded mammals from 100 feet away. 6. France’s Eiffel Tower can grow by more than 6

inches in summer due to the expansion of the iron on hot days. 7. The word honeymoon has associations with summer. The Pagans used that name for the first full moon in June because they drank fermented honey (mead) as part of summer wedding celebrations. 8. Iced lollies were invented by accident in 1905 by 11 year old Frank Epperson. He mixed soda and water and left the mixture out overnight with the stirring stick still in it. Since the temperature was low, the mixture froze. He patented the idea in 1924. 9. A juicy summer favourite ... Watermelon is not a fruit, but a vegetable. 10. In ancient times, most people swam in the nude; laws about decent swimming attire were created progressively from the 17th century onwards.

Hey Baby! Many people feel that the Royal Family is a waste of money. They are entitled to their opinions, but they bring an awful lot of money into the country´s coffers too. It is believed that the birth of the royal baby in July with cause the public to spend an extra 240 million pounds.

Items on sale will include a baby sleepsuit modeled on a guardsman’s outfit and Prince Charles is selling handmade baby shoes in a shop at Highgrove, while the Duchess of Cambridge’s parents are selling a range of baby items through their party goods business.

We have more than one word for many things and bread rolls are no exception. In Lancashire, a floury bead roll is called a barm cake. In Newcastle it is much bigger and it is called a stottie cake. My friend in Nottingham calls all types of bread rolls a cob, whereas a cob, as far as I am concerned, has a crispy outside and is more like a round French bread. In Yorkshire, the bread roll is known as a tea cake, but there are many people who

would say that a tea cake has dried fruit inside it. It is amazing how we manage to understand each other so easily. Anyway, cooks and chefs have their own idea what makes a bap or a bun, so here is a rundown, just to save any confusion, although my list isn´t exhaustive! • A Bap is a floury soft bread roll that usually comes in a set of four or six and has to be broken off. Also known as a batch. In Ireland it usually contains currants. • A Barm Cake is a larger flatter bread roll, usually floured. In Bolton it is called a flour cake. • A Stottie Cake is a large Barm cake, also known as an oven bottom, because they used to be made from the left over dough and baked on the bottom of the oven. In Merseyside, it´s called a bin lid! • A cob is a crusty breakfast roll or dinner roll. • A tea Cake is a fruity treat in the shape of a bun usually with spices • A bun is usually known as a sweet bread with Icing on top. • A finger roll is known as a Nudger in Liverpool. What a great name! Do you have a different name for your bread roll? If so, keep it to yourself! It is confusing enough as it is and everyone has their own opinion, depending upon where they come from.

Throw Away The Key Broadcaster and presenter Stuart hall OBE has been given a 15 month jail term for 14 sexual offences. What a disgrace. He should have been locked away for a darned site longer than that! Apparently, the sentence has to be what it would have been if he had been sentenced when he originally committed the crimes. Usual prison terms for graffiti can be from 2 months to 3 years! There is something sadly wrong with our system.

Police have left one rape accusation on their files and decided not to prosecute him for it. The world has gone completely bonkers. What about those poor women who have had to carry the burden of what he did to them for all these years.

What a shame that a man who was one loved and watched by over 200 million people worldwide abused his position of fame. What a waste of a life. What a horrible man!


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Happy BirtHDay laWSuit


ooD Morning To You Production company is challenging the copyright to the song Happy Birthday To You arguing that it should be “dedicated to public use and in the public domain”, according to a lawsuit.

The company is working on a film tentatively titled Happy Birthday. It is seeking restitution of more than $5m (£3.2m) in licencing fees collected by Warner/ Chappell Music from thousands of people and groups who have paid to use the song. The music publishing arm of Warner Music Group claims exclusive copyright to Happy Birthday To You, which Guinness World Records calls the most famous song in the English language. Good Morning To You Productions filed the lawsuit after having to pay Warner/Chappell

$1,500 (£955) in licencing fees to avoid a $150,000 (£95,965) fine, after using the song in a film scene: “More than 120 years after the melody to which the simple lyrics of Happy Birthday To You is set was first published, defendant Warner/Chappell boldly, but wrongfully and unlawfully, insists that it owns the copyright to Happy Birthday To You,” the lawsuit claims. Good Morning To You Productions argues that evidence dating to 1893 shows the song’s copyright expired around 1921. The lawsuit says Warner/Chappell has laid false claim to the exclusive copyright to the song. The production firm argues the copyright applies only to a piano arrangement published in 1935 and not to the song’s melody or lyrics. Warner-Chappell, which represents artists ranging from Aretha Franklin to Rob Zombie and Madonna, have not responded to a request for comment.

Jennifer Nelson, with a 1924 songbook, “Harvest Hymns,” that includes the words “Happy Birthday to you” set to the music of “Good Morning to All,” a song written in the late 1800s.

Question one: What is a greenback to an American? Question Two: Which two cities are linked by the Grand Union Canal? Question Three: Fortina cheese comes from which country? Question four: In fencing how many hits must a male fencer score to


Question five: Who created the cartoon character Betty Boop? Question Six: The name of which American city means ‘the fields’? Question Seven: In which year was the Mir space station launched? Question Eight: Which singer had a backing group called the Crickets? Question nine: Schipol Airport is near which capital city? Question Ten: What symbol is on the Canadian flag? Question Eleven: What Italian city is an anagram of panels? Question Twelve: Mn is the symbol for which chemical element?


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard

Eat The Weeds, Wild Beet

Don’t Spray Them! It may surprise you to learn that many of the weeds that grow in our gardens and on waste-ground in Tenerife are actually edible and many of them have health-giving properties. If you have a look on Google or in the videos on Youtube and search for “Edible weeds” you will find loads of information about the common plants we can eat. There are plenty of such species growing on Tenerife, though the best seasons for them are autumn and winter when the rains really bring the island to life. My advice is to eat the weeds instead of killing them with toxic herbicides! A common British weed that everyone will know is the Dandelion (Taraxa-

cum officinale). It can be found in lawns around the island growing just like it does in the UK, though it tends to be a lot smaller here. The grass around the roundabout in Icod de los Vinos is full of Dandelions and there is plenty of the plant growing in grass at the side of the road by the bus station in Puerto de la Cruz. Dandelion leaves, flowers and stems can be eaten in salads and the roots can be dried, roasted, ground up and used to make Dandelion Coffee which is sold in health shops because it is good for you and doesn’t contain any caffeine. Wild Beet or Wild Spinach (Beta procumbens) and related species are found all over the island, especially in coastal districts. The plant grows in masses that scramble over rocks and

ground and is very commonly seen. The flowers are tiny and greenish and it isn’t a very attractive plant to look at though some specimens have reddish stems which are a hint to its identity. The Wild Beet species are the ancestors of the cultivated varieties. Cooked as greens and served as a vegetable with a knob of butter on top they are as good, if not better, than spinach you can buy. What’s more you can collect Wild Beet for free or pull it out of your garden plot if it is growing as a weed! There are a number of species of Amaranth or Pigweed (Amaranthus)

that are often found all over the island and the leaves of these plants can be cooked as greens too. They are distant cousins of the Wild Beets and are in the family known to botanists as the Amaranthaceae. The greenish spikes of tiny flowers turn into blackish seeds which can be ground into flour. Goosefoot (Chenopodium album) is a common weed that has similar greenish flowers to the species just covered and is good cooked as greens.

Shepherd’s Purse

Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursapastoris) is a common weed in the UK but can also be found in Tenerife. It gets its name from its seed-pods that are shaped like hearts or tiny purses. It tastes like a spicy type of cabbage and is sold in markets in China.



The Uses Of Amaranth Around The World Many species of Amaranthus have been used in various ways all over the world including as food, as the source of dyes and as ornamental plants for the garden. Amaranth protein-rich seeds are harvested in Asia and the Americas to be ground into flour. The seeds are termed a “pseudograin.” Amaranth seeds cook easily and are gluten free. The flour has been used mixed with wheat flour. In the Andes, where Amaranth was a staple food of

the Incas, it is known as Kiwicha. The leaves, roots and stems of species of Amaranthus have been used in traditional cooking and are highly valued in many places. In India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines there are many dishes that are made using the plant’s leaves. Amaranth

leaves are amongst the cooked greens known as “Saag.”Amaranthus roots are cooked with tomatoes and served with gravy made with tamarinds. The Hopi tribe in North America used a species of Amaranthus to prepare a strong red dye from the flowers. There is a modern red artificial colouring known as Amaranth. Love-lies-bleeding (A. caudatus) is a popular garden flower grown for its tassels of dropping red flowers from which it takes its name.

The Common Mallow (Malva sylvestris) is another plant that often grows as a weed. It has attractive mauve flowers and semi-palmate leaves that are very glutinous and can be eaten fresh, cooked as greens or added to soups. Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a delicious salad plant that contains vitamins A and C. It has tiny white starry flowers and delicate green leaves and stems that grow in masses on damp soil especially in the cooler times of the year. It can be eaten fresh or cooked with other wild greens. Goosegrass or Cleavers (Galium aperine) is a very common plant in Britain and often grows on hedge-banks. It has microscopic hooks all over it that help it stick to whatever it is climbing over. This is the plant that children love to throw at one another and see it stuck on the clothes of their playmates. Goosegrass is often found growing on Tenerife as well as in the UK. It can be eaten cooked along with other greens and the small rounded fruits can be dried, roasted and ground up to make another coffee substitute. So far I have been talking about common weeds that are edible and nutritious but there are some poisonous weeds too. The most frequently seen plant that falls into this category is the Thorn-Apple or Devil’s Weed (Datura stramonium). The plant gives off an unpleasant smell and has white funnelshaped flowers, jagged-edged leaves and curious green spiky seed-pods that have a passing resemblance to those of the Horse Chestnut Tree (Aesculus hippocastanum). Thorn-apple is a very poisonous plant that can cause hallucinations and all manner of dangerous conditions. It can kill so is a common weed that you definitely want to avoid and also one that you need to know how to identify so it doesn’t get mistaken for other edible species. It is better to be safe than sorry!


Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Aquarius 20 January to 18 february


prison rap

An unexpected event might derail your schedule on Monday. your agenda will need to be flexible. strive to think positively on tuesday. A certain situation isn’t nearly as bad as you think it is! A wonderful new work opportunity will appear when the sun enters your job sector on friday. Potential employers will see you in a very favorable way. Be extremely discreet on sunday. Put personal papers away if the neighbors visit this weekend.

Pisces 19 february to 20 March

face the facts when the Moon is quincunx Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Lying to yourself regarding a certain situation isn’t helpful. A lover will put your needs first on thursday. If single, you might meet someone who is very caring. financial freedom could come your way on saturday. An economic endeavor could prove profitable. A family member might ask to stay at your place on sunday. Offering this person room and board could become a long-term arrangement!

Aries 21 March to 19 April

you will be overwhelmed with restlessness when the Moon opposes Uranus in Aries on Monday. Put your excess energy to good use by taking a long walk. A partner might be grumpy on tuesday. Give this person plenty of personal space. An estranged relative will ask to reconcile on friday. Consider extending the olive branch of forgiveness. you might decide to get involved in the community on sunday. It could be time to run for office!

Taurus 20 April to 20 May

you might confront chaos at the office on Monday. Don’t worry - you will be able to calmly restore order. think long and hard before making a major decision on Wednesday. the option you take will have long-term consequences. you’ll sparkle with a radiant glow when the Moon trines your ruler Venus on thursday. Get ready to display your star quality to the world! Watch your step on saturday. Careless behavior could cause you to have an accident this weekend.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

you will be surrounded by dynamic energy when Mars in Gemini sextiles Uranus on Monday. No obstacle will be allowed to stand in your way. A cherished wish may finally come true on Wednesday. Don’t forget to say thank you to the Universe! you might have the chance to invest in real estate on friday. Do the financial research before writing out a check. End a bad habit on sunday. It’s a great time to stop smoking, drinking, or overeating.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

A loved one may call in a favor on tuesday. It’s time to pay your debt to this person. take stock of your lifestyle on thursday. Change directions if you aren’t walking on the right road. Buy some confetti when the sun enters Cancer on friday. Celebrate by throwing a party for friends and family! you’ll need to deal with a job issue on saturday. Be prepared to put leisure activities on hold until you sort out the situation.

SoME of Peru’s toughest prisoners were among 1,200 inmates who donned trainers and multicoloured gym outfits and showed off their Latin moves as they tried to break the world record for most inmates dancing simultaneously in prison.

The inmates moved to the beats of reggaeton - an urban form of music - and stylings of merengue - a style of Dominican music and dance - at the high-security Lurigancho prison in the capital Lima. With many of the prisoners behind bars for drug and alcohol-related crime, inmates say life in the overcrowded prison has changed

dramatically since aerobics was introduced: “There has been a radical change in the prison and this is because of the world of the colonel, the world of Alejandro Nunez del Arco, the work of all the guys who have been here,” said Miguel Angel Suarez. Inmates practice their aerobics routine daily and prisoner director Colonel Tomas Garay said they have been given a new lease of life as they set their sights on a world record: “The objective is to set a new Guinness Record and show the world that it’s possible to change: that although they have lost their freedom, they have not lost their right to life.” They are waiting to hear if they bettered the current mark for the record, which was set by a prison in the Philippines.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

Volunteer to help others on Monday. Devoting some time to a worthy cause will raise your self-esteem. Lady Luck will pay you a visit when your ruler sun conjuncts Jupiter on Wednesday. Good fortune will surround all of your endeavors. your EsP will kick up several notches on friday. folks will think that you’re a mind reader! Don’t insist on having your own way on sunday. Compromise is the key to getting along with a loved one.

Virgo 23 August to 22 september

Cut yourself some slack on Monday. you’re only human, and humans make mistakes! your heart and mind will be in harmony when your ruler Mercury conjuncts Venus on thursday. It will be easy to turn your dreams into realities. A new friend will enter your life on friday. this person will introduce you to influential people in the community. A romance might hit a rough patch on sunday. Professional guidance could be the best way to resolve your differences.

Libra 23 september to 23 October

A colleague could have a hidden agenda when the Moon in Libra squares Pluto on Monday. Don’t take your workmates at face value. Extra cash could come your way on thursday. Check behind the sofa cushions for dollar bills or some spare change. Write down all your special qualities on friday and read the list often! Call on your diplomacy on sunday. telling a loved one the blunt truth could cause a rift in the relationship.

Scorpio 24 October to 21 November

you could be embroiled in a tricky situation on Monday. Extract yourself by relying on your shrewdness. Determination should be your middle name when the Moon conjuncts saturn in scorpio on Wednesday. Don’t quit until you reach the finish line. the travel bug could bite you on thursday. If you can’t afford a pricy vacation, expand your mental horizons at a local museum. Bring serenity to your living quarters on sunday. Put aromatic bowls of potpourri around the house.

Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

Make yourself happy on tuesday. Buy a new hat, indulge in a hot fudge sundae, or get a massage. your life could become very hectic on thursday. It won’t be easy to find time for all the items on your to-do list! Keep your temper in check when the Moon in sagittarius opposes Mars on saturday. Count to ten before getting angry at someone you love. Put the past behind you on sunday. focus your energy on building a positive future.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

Listen to your heart on tuesday. Logic alone won’t help you make the right choice. you will need to devote some attention to a partner on friday. this person might require an ego boost! Don’t spread gossip on saturday. your words will come back to haunt you. Consider revamping your image when the full Moon occurs in your sector of self on sunday. toss out clothes that don’t flatter your body type and replace them with stylish new ones.

Local Markets Day



Monday Monday

Alcalá Torviscas

9:00 am to 4:00 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday

Playa San Juan Fañabé Golf del Sur San Isidro Fañabé El Médano Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

pugh´s pantry


By Barry Pugh

Beautiful, Ridiculous, Indulgent and Outrageous Here are possibly two of the most incredible high calorie desserts I could find for you. They are simple to make but dangerous for the waistline! They are without a doubt, completely and utterly insane. But I mean that in a good way. Of course….

Fudge Pie Ingredients: 1 large pastry case ready made 1 bag of chocolate chips 100g butter Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 100g sugar 3 eggs (beaten) 1 small tin of evaporated milk 1 tablespoon good vanilla essence

Method: Melt chocolate chips and butter together in a large bowl in the microwave; add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour mixture into the prebaked crust and bake 30 minutes in a preheated 350-degree oven. Top with whipped cream. Simply delicious!

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n’ Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar Ingredients: 225g butter, softened 225g granulated sugar 170g light brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 Tablespoon pure vanilla extract 375g all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 300g milk chocolate chips 1 pkt Oreos 1 Family Size Brownie mix 1 jar fudge topping

Method: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream the butter and both sugars in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed for 3-5 minutes. Add the eggs and vanilla and mix well to thoroughly combine. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt, then slowly incorporate into the mixer until the flour is just combined. Stir in chocolate chips. Spread the cookie dough in the bottom of a 9×13 baking dish that’s been lined with greaseproof paper. Top with a layer of Oreos. Mix together the brownie mix. Pour the brownie mix over the cookie dough and Oreos. Cover with foil and bake at 170°C for 30 minutes. Remove foil and continue baking for an additional 15-25 minutes. Let cool completely before cutting — brownies may still be gooey in the middle when still warm, but will set perfectly once cooled.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


What’s a Hink Pink you ask?

Hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. the answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. for example: Large feline would be fat Cat.

1. Shy plaything___________________________________________________________ 2. Below the chin, kiss ____________________________________________________ 3. Airplane collection _____________________________________________________ 4. After winter jewelry ___________________________________________________ 5. Ancient flu ____________________________________________________________ 6. Animal doctor _________________________________________________________ 7. Angry adolescent ______________________________________________________ 8. Avenue hail _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. A wise beginning _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Acquire a sore ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. Big pituitary _____________________________________________________________________________ 12. Black “Jaws” _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. Agricultural enchantment _______________________________________________________________ 14. Athlete stocking ________________________________________________________________________ 15. Artificial pond ___________________________________________________________________________



Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

motoring neWS

audi Q7 TArA my daughter has bought the new Audi Q7 so I decided to ask her what she thinks about it.

It is exactly the high-class execution of the big SUV you would expect from the brand, call that a flagship, asks Audi. This is a flagship. The German manufacturer’s mighty Q7 SUV has become such a mighty presence in the land that even the Range Rover seems petite. There was a time when Ingolstadt regarded the A6 Allroad as its top soft-roader, but when it decided enough was enough, and that size did indeed matter, it modified an age-old adage, which in Audi-speak now reads: Don’t

just join ‘em, beat ‘em. Of course, Audi has ‘credit’ where ability in slippery road conditions is concerned. This is still a brand associated with the early days of four-wheel drive, through its Quattro mod-

By lingy

els and their domination of world rallying. However, that lineage hardly matters when it comes to SUVs. What counts in this class is a combination of qualities: off-road ability, interior space, an elevated driving position and the abilioty to be used as a luxury saloon. And audaciously, the Q7 takes aim at the best models on the market. From every angle, the Q7 is nothing but dauntingly large. Its bonnet comes up to your chest. Overall, it stands as high as the average bloke. And at 5,088mm long and 2,170mm wide, it hangs over the edge of parking spaces like an overfed stomach over a belt. Even on 20in alloys, with a wheel/tyre combo around two and a half feet tall, the hoops still don’t look oversized. Tara says that this is the best car she has ever owned.

international engine of the year awards

THE International Engine of the Year 2013 is ford’s 999cc three-cylinder turbocharged unit.

This is, in fact, the second consecutive year that the panel of motoring journalists has awarded this engine its top prize. This time, Ford’s 125ps petrol unit – that can be found in the Fiesta, Focus, B-MAX, C-MAX and Grand C-MAX - has a record breaking final-round tally of 479 points. In contrast, the Volkswagen 1.4-litre TSI TwinCharger has 408 points which places it second - and the BMW 2-litre twin-turbo four-cylinder has 247 points in third. Ford’s tiny engine is the “Sub 1-Litre” category winner too with 557 points. Dean Slavnich, Co-Chair-


audi S4 Cabriolet

To keep this week’s news in the family I asked my other daughter Samantha what she thinks of her Audi S4.

Some people, I suspect, will find the new Audi S4 Cabriolet completely irresistible. No need to scratch around in the dust for reasons, the first is staring us in the face: it’s beautiful. Best-looking A4, best-looking cabrio in its class. End of argument. The M3 Cabriolet drivers clicking their knuckles in the corner might at least consider conceding the beauty contest with good grace. Second, the hood’s terrific – taut, low on wind noise at speed and wonderfully engineered. Maybe not the fastest one-button folder in town, but oh-so precise, elegant and quiet. Another excuse, in fact, for Audi to indulge its greatest skill – the intense expression of material and build quality. Three, the engine spec’s a jaw-dropper: 4.2 litres, eight cylinders, 40 valves, 339bhp

at 7000rpm, 302lb ft of torque at 3500rpm, all contained within a lump that’s remarkably compact and light (150kg) and looks rather magnificent when you lift the bonnet. And four, the quattro four-wheel drive and lightweight aluminium underpinnings deploy all that naturally aspirated big-cube ambition with unflappable

confidence wet or dry. No heroes required. Pretty much the S4 saloon’s portfolio, then, and Audi has left no area unexamined to ensure all that car’s Teflon-coated virtues are in place for the drop-top. Plus, you can enjoy the V8’s creamy burble bathing the open cabin with a stiff breeze coursing through your hair.

the car people

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man of the International Engine of the Year Awards and Editor of Engine Technology International, said: “This is a truly remarkable engine and the fact that it secured first place in this category with such ease shows that our judges appreciate all the hard work that Ford’s powertrain engineers have put into this

project.” He added: “Baby EcoBoost – Ford’s firstever three-cylinder design – is still the engine to beat across the board. It’s economical in real-world conditions while the compact turbo helps ensure that the entire package can power with ease larger vehicles like the Grand C-MAX. Bravo Ford!”

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Would you like to win 4 Carvery Meals and Tickets to play Mini Golf at Vivo Decades Treasure Island?

then simply email your answer to the following question to: editor@tenerife-weekly.com please include your phone number. What car did rowan Atkinso drive as “Mr Bean” in his hit tV series?

the answer to last week’s competition is on page 3.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


21 J u n e

Friday - TV 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:25

06:00 06:55 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:10 00:45 01:25

Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Rip Off Britain EastEnders Would I Lie to You? Miranda Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News at Ten The Graham Norton Show Road Trip

Emmerdale Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Peter Andre: My Life Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! 2 Fast 2 Furious Celebrity Juice Lemon La Vida Loca The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00 07:00 07:30 08:15 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 17:15

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Antiques Roadshow Question Time BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Tennis Flog It!

18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Father Brown 19:15 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Nature’s Microworlds 20:30 Gardeners’ World 21:00 Wild Shepherdess with Kate Humble 22:00 QI 22:30 Newsnight 23:05 The Shipping News 00:50 Question Time 01:50 This is BBC Two

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Film File 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:05 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Only When I Laugh 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House 17:55 Heartbeat 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 A Touch of Frost 22:00 Scott and Bailey 23:00 Law and Order: UK 00:00 Wycliffe 01:05 The Father Dowling Mysteries 02:00 Murder, She Wrote 02:50 On the Buses


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 01:55 03:00

06:00 06:50 07:45 08:45 09:45 10:45 11:40 12:45 13:50 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:55 17:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:20 00:20 01:20 01:50 02:40

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Harbour Lives Coronation Street Britain’s Secret Homes ITV News at Ten The Deer Hunter Jackpot247 Escape to Victory

The Professionals Minder Cheers The Saint The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! The Professionals Minder The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! The Saint The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Sweeney Lethal Weapon 2 Hell on Wheels Best of Brazil Police, Camera, Action! Minder Film File

06:00 06:10 07:05 07:25 07:55 08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:40 13:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:35 23:05 23:35 00:35 00:40

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20 00:00 01:00 02:20

The Treacle People The Hoobs Will and Grace According to Jim The Morning Line Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Three in a Bed Royal Ascot The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Four Rooms The Million Pound Drop Live PhoneShop Trojan Donkey Smells Like Friday Night Random Acts Royal Ascot Highlights

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Crash Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear QI XL The Thick of It The Thick of It Mock the Week QI XL Never Mind the Buzzcocks Argumental

06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:30 Milkshake Monkey 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Emergency Bikers 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Mentalist 15:15 Pregnancy Pact 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:30 00:00

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:30 17:30

Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 The Removal Men Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Big Brother Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Sporting Heroes Golf - Amateur Championship European Tour Golf Ringside Super League Superstars Barclays Premier League World Ringside European Tour Golf Barclays Premier League World

18:00 Lions Legends 18:30 Lions Test Preview 19:30 Rugby Super League 22:00 Lions Test Preview 23:00 Lions Legends 23:30 Lions 1989 Tour 00:00 Rugby Super League 02:00 Lions Test Preview

19:00 20:00 21:00 21:45 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:15

11:00 12:45 14:35 16:40 18:45

21:00 23:10

06:00 06:30 07:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:00

22:00 00:00 01:00 01:30 02:30

Top Gear The Call Centre Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Sweat the Small Stuff EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Extra The Call Centre

The Desperadoes Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Danger Within Rio Grande Star Trek: Generations Captain James T Kirk leading a rescue mission to save refugees. Panic Room Fight Club

Aerobics: Oz Style IAAF Athletix Magazine WWE Raw Ringside ICC Champions Trophy-Semi Final NBA Super League Superstars IAAF Athletix Magazine ICC Champions Trophy-Semi Final YB40 Cricket Nottinghamshire Outlaws face Sussex Sharks. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line IAAF Athletix Magazine Transworld Sport Racemax

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 13:00 14:00 18:05 18:15 18:20 19:15 21:20 21:30

22:20 22:40 23:30 01:20

06:00 06:50 09:20 12:15 13:15 14:20 16:15 16:45 17:15 17:45 18:15 21:00 23:05 23:55 00:55 01:35 02:25 02:45

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers BBC News BBC London News Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Athletics BBC News BBC London News Pointless The Voice UK The National Lottery Draws Casualty Fletch becomes embroiled in a hatecampaign in a tower block and Ash and Zoe have to protect a local shopkeeper. BBC News Match of the Day Arlington Road Weatherview

The Biggest Loser Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus The McFly Show Britain’s Got More Talent Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Lemon La Vida Loca Britain’s Got More Talent Fake Reaction Divas II Life’s Funniest Moments Teleshopping

06:00 06:10 07:35 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:45 15:05 17:00 18:00

19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:45 23:30

06:10 06:35 08:30 09:40 11:40 12:50 15:00 16:55 18:55

21:00 23:00 00:35 01:50 02:00

This is BBC Two Higher and Higher Trail Street A History of Scotland Reel History of Britain Life in the Freezer Life in the Freezer Just a Minute Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Tennis EastEnders Omnibus Flog It! Horizon Horizon discovers what your cat really gets up to when it leaves the cat flap. Horizon Dad’s Army The Many Faces of Dame Helen Mirren Calendar Girls QI XL The Mosquito Coast

22 06:00 06:40 07:05 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:15 11:10 11:15 12:15 13:20 14:20 15:55 17:45 18:15 19:15 20:15 21:45 22:40 22:55

On the Buses Rising Damp The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes The Royal Pie in the Sky The Secret Garden Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest Foyle’s War

06:00 06:50 07:15 07:40 08:10 08:40 09:05

Agatha Christie’s Marple Miss Marple investigates when her holiday at an old school friend’s coastal villa is interrupted by the mysterious death of one of her fellow guests. Agatha Christie’s Poirot Blue Murder Wire in the Blood Film File ITV3 Nightscreen

11:40 12:40 13:45 15:50

10:05 11:05

16:50 17:50 20:10 22:00 22:55 01:00

CITV Dino Dan Canimals Almost Naked Animals Ultimate Spider-Man Jessie ITV News Dinner Date Jeremy Kyle Show Murder, She Wrote ITV News Saturday Farm All Star Mr and Mrs River Monsters Columbo The ‘Burbs ITV News You’ve Been Framed! Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire? The Nation’s Favourite Dance Moment The Americans ITV News Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The Professionals Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Police, Camera, Action! Motorsport UK DTM: German Touring Car Highlights The Professionals The Sweeney The Appaloosa British Superbike Championship Highlights Motorbike Show Escape to Victory Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach Hell on Wheels Escape From New York Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club

06:00 06:10 06:35 07:05 07:30 08:00

The Treacle People The Hoobs British GT Mobil 1 The Grid Ironman 2013 Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Morning Line Frasier Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Heston’s Fantastical Food Royal Ascot

08:30 09:00 10:00 11:05 12:05 12:35 13:40 18:00


Stephen Fry: Gadget Man Channel 4 News World’s Weirdest Weather Grand Designs The Million Pound Drop Live The Big Dirty List Show: 50 Years of Sex and Music Derren Brown

06:00 07:20 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00

Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear

18:00 19:00 19:30 20:10

Total Wipeout USA Storage Hunters QI Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Gavin and Stacey Men Behaving Badly Argumental Butchered

18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:35

21:00 21:40 22:20 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:00 01:40 02:20

06:00 08:40 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 10:00 10:05 10:20 10:55 11:20 12:20 13:45 16:30 18:55 20:20 21:15 21:20 22:20 23:20 00:25

Children’s TV Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures The Mr. Men Show Power Rangers: Samurai ThunderCats The Hotel Inspector Big Brother Rio Bravo El Dorado The Csi Movie: Revenge NCIS 5 News Weekend Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Neighbours Super Casino

06:00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 06:30 Lions Legends 06:45 Lions Legends 07:00 Lions Test Preview 08:00 Rugby Union 10:30 British and Irish Lions Tour 13:30 South African Quad Team Tournament 16:00 South African Quad Team Tournament


23:00 00:00 01:30 02:30

Travelers Championship Day three of the Travelers Championship from TPC River Highlands in Cromwell, Connecticut. Golf - Amateur Championship European Tour Golf British and Irish Lions Tour International Rugby Union




19:00 Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You 19:30 Match of the Day Live 22:15 Live at the Apollo 23:00 Family Guy 23:25 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:10 American Dad! 00:30 The Voice UK 02:35 Bollywood Carmen Live

11:00 The Good Die Young 13:00 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 14:50 Ladyhawke 17:10 Coraline A deliciously dark stop-motion animated adventure for children who don’t mind a scare or two. 19:10 Bedazzled 21:00 Die Hard 23:35 Dog Soldiers 01:40 Oldboy

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:30

Tight Lines Transworld Sport Ringside Cricket A.M NBA Action Ringside Cricket A.M YB40 Cricket Durham Dynamos take on Hampshire Royals at the Emirates Durham International Cricket Ground in the Yorkshire Bank 40.


British and Irish Lions Tour International Rugby Union International Rugby Union British and Irish Lions Tour International Rugby Union Hickstead Derby Max Power

20:30 21:30 22:30 23:30 00:30 02:30

the Voice UK - Grand final Editor recommends BBC 1 - 19:15 - 21:20

The acts have been trained, coached and mentored through the Blind Auditions, Battles and Knockouts – now only four remain. In tonight’s grand final, total power lies with the viewers as each of the four finalists will face the public vote in a bid to be crowned winner of The Voice UK 2013 and to win a lucrative recording contract. Each artist will perform a song of their choice and Jessie J, Sir Tom Jones, will.i.am and Danny O’Donoghue will also perform an exclusive duet with their finalist. After the act with the lowest

number of votes leaves the competition, the remaining three will perform again. Superstar coaches Sir Tom Jones, Jessie J, will.i.am and Danny O’Donoghue will perform a special one-off group number while viewers will also be treated to not one, but two guest performances, including one from Canadian megastar Michael Bublé, and an extra special performance from one of the biggest name in the music industry. At the end of the show, Holly Willoughby and Reggie Yates will reveal the results of the public vote and announce the winner of The Voice UK 2013.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


23 June

Sunday - TV

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:20 13:15 14:00 15:00 15:45 16:45 16:55 17:30

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Countryfile Bargain Hunt Homes Under the Hammer Perfection Escape to the Country Lifeline Songs of Praise Earthflight

18:30 BBC News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 The White Queen 22:00 BBC News 22:15 BBC London News 22:25 Andy Murray: The Man Behind the Racquet 23:25 Before Sunrise 01:00 Weatherview 01:05 BBC News

06:00 08:40 11:05 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:50

17:25 20:15 22:00 22:50 23:50 00:45 01:35 02:25 02:45

Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home Dennis You’ve Been Framed! Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones Liar Liar The Only Way is Essex Big Rich Texas Hell’s Kitchen Hell’s Kitchen 71 Degrees North Life’s Funniest Moments Teleshopping

06:40 08:10 08:40 09:30 10:00 11:30 13:30 14:30 18:15

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30

Born to be Bad Gardeners’ World A to Z of TV Gardening Beechgrove Garden Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Rowing Wimbledon Athletics Flog It! Paul Martin and experts Will Axon and Elizabeth Talbot pitch up at the Prince’s Theatre in Clacton-on-Sea. Venus and Serena The Secret Life of the Sun Rise of the Continents Blackadder II Mock the Week What a Load of Buzzcocks Glastonbury

06:00 On the Buses 06:25 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 07:20 Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest 09:15 Heartbeat 10:15 Heartbeat 11:20 Wycliffe 12:30 Murder, She Wrote 13:30 Inspector Morse 15:45 The Great St Trinian’s Train Robbery 17:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 20:00 An Audience with Lionel Richie Lionel Richie performs a selection of his greatest hits plus tracks from his new album. 21:00 Dead Calm 23:00 A Touch of Frost 01:00 Murder, She Wrote 01:50 Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime


06:00 07:05 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 11:25 13:20 14:20 16:20 16:50 18:30 19:00 20:00 22:00 22:15 23:15

CITV Canimals Almost Naked Animals Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil Sonny with a Chance ITV News Country House Sunday Jeremy Kyle Show Murder, She Wrote ITV News Agatha Christie’s Murder with Mirrors Love Your Garden A Touch of Frost You’ve Been Framed! Beethoven’s 4th ITV News Tipping Point Agatha Christie’s Marple ITV News The Talent Show Story Drama Trails

06:00 06:15 06:40 07:10 07:40 08:10 08:40

World of Sport Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers World’s Wildest Police Videos 09:40 Police, Camera, Action! 10:05 The Motorbike Show 11:15 MSA British Touring Car Championship 18:00 19:00 19:10 21:00 23:10 00:55 01:50 02:50 03:00

BRDC Formula 4 Championship World of Sport Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach Mars Attacks! Child’s Play 2 World’s Wildest Police Videos The Saint ITV4 Nightscreen The Store


tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

06:00 06:10 06:35

07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 12:35 13:05 13:35 15:25 16:25 17:30

The Treacle People The Hoobs Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research Blenheim Palace Triathlon Ironman 2013 Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Stormbreaker Deal or No Deal Hollywood Me Channel 4 News

18:00 The Political Slot 18:05 17 Again 20:00 Terror in the Skies 21:00 The Returned 22:00 Whiteout 00:00 Big Bang Theory 00:25 Hero 02:05 Back From the Dead 03:00 Southland

07:20 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:40 15:00 16:00 18:00 18:40 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:55 23:45 00:40 01:35 02:25

Storage Hunters Top Gear Man v Food Total Wipeout USA Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Man v Food Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Man v Food Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat Carpool

06:00 08:40 08:55 09:15 09:25 09:40 10:00 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 16:20

Children’s TV Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Power Rangers: Samurai ThunderCats Highland Emergency Girl with 7 Mums Big Brother BB BOTS: Rylan’s Supersized Celebrity Sunday Arthur and The Invisibles Wimbledon

18:05 Sleepless in Seattle 20:00 Once Upon a Time 20:55 5 News Weekend 21:00 Big Brother 22:00 The Business 00:05 Bomb Patrol 01:05 Super Casino

06:00 07:00 07:30 08:30 10:00



00:30 01:00 02:00

Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest British and Irish Lions Tour Cricket Writers on TV ICC Champions Trophy The final of the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy from Edgbaston. Travelers Championship Day four of the Travelers Championship from TPC River Highlands in Cromwell, Connecticut. European Tour Golf Day four of the BMW International Open from Golfclub Munchen. Sporting Greats Football’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy

19:00 19:30 22:00 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:30 02:00 03:00

World’s Craziest Fools Match of the Day Live The Call Centre Family Guy American Dad! Impractical Jokers World’s Craziest Fools The Call Centre Sweat the Small Stuff

11:00 That Riviera Touch 13:00 Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging 14:55 Carry on Doctor 16:45 Turner and Hooch 18:40 27 Dresses 20:50 Cannes Film Festival 2013 Special 21:00 Die Hard 2 23:25 Joy Ride 01:20 Cannes Film Festival 2013 Special

06:30 European Tour Golf 08:00 Golf - Amateur Championship 09:00 Sporting Greats 09:30 Barclays Premier League World 10:00 British and Irish Lions Tour 11:00 International Rugby Union 12:00 European Tour Golf 16:00 Football’s Greatest 16:30 Football’s Greatest 17:00 Football’s Greatest 17:30 Junior World Championship Rugby 20:00 ICC Champions Trophy 22:00 Super League Fulltime 23:00 ICC Champions Trophy 01:00 Super League Fulltime 02:00 Junior World Championship Rugby

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


M o n d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Wimbledon 2013

06:05 07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 16:20 17:05

24 J u n e th

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap A to Z of TV Gardening Coast Country Show Cook Off Click The Daily Politics Wimbledon 2013 Heir Hunters Flog It!

BBC News at Six The One Show Fake Britain EastEnders Panorama New Tricks BBC News at Ten BBC London News Have I Got Old News for You BBC News: The Editors The Graham Norton Show Weatherview

17:50 Wimbledon 2013 20:00 Today at Wimbledon 21:00 Rick Stein’s India 22:00 What a Load of Buzzcocks 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Rise of the Continents 00:20 Bradford: City of Dreams 01:20 The Super League Show

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:35 Peter Andre: My Life 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Drama Trails 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Only When I Laugh 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00 300 23:20 Celebrity Juice 00:05 The Only Way is Essex 00:50 Britain’s Got More Talent

18:00 Heartbeat 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Inspector Morse 22:00 Trial and Retribution 23:00 Law and Order: UK 00:00 Murder in Suburbia 01:05 The Father Dowling Mysteries 02:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:30 Teleshopping

23:20 23:50 00:35


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 00:20 01:05

06:00 06:10 07:00 07:45 08:45 09:45 10:35 11:35 12:40 13:40 14:40 15:45 16:50

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The Dales Coronation Street Long Lost Family ITV News at Ten Benidorm The Americans Monk Jackpot247

Film File The Professionals The Saint Cheers Minder The Big Match Revisited The Saint The Professionals Minder Police, Camera, Action! Wildlife Patrol Imploders The Professionals

17:55 Minder 19:00 British National Elite Road Race Championship Highlights 20:00 The Sweeney 21:00 Cops with Cameras 22:00 Jaws 3 00:00 World’s Wildest Police Videos 00:55 The Professionals 02:00 Minder

06:00 07:55

Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Journey to the Centre of the Earth Countdown Deal or No Deal Brendan’s Magical Mystery Tour Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches The Man with the 10-Stone Testicles The Greatest Shows on Earth Random Acts Child Genius

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 23:10


Amazon with Bruce Parry Storage Hunters Man v Food Top Gear Storage Hunters Top Gear Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear

08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:15 01:55

Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food World’s Most Dangerous Roads Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You Argumental Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

06:00 Children’s TV 08:30 Milkshake Monkey 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:10 The Last Trimester 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:15 19:30 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:30

Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways The Gadget Show Traveller Feuds Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans ICC Champions Trophy British and Irish Lions Tour International Rugby Union International Rugby Union PGA Tour Golf Super League Fulltime British and Irish Lions Tour Football Gold Football Gold Rugby League Great Goals Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Rugby Super League ICC Champions Trophy

19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:30

11:00 13:05 14:35 16:20

19:00 21:00 23:05 01:20

Top Gear World’s Craziest Fools Would I Lie to You? Don’t Call Me Crazy Russell Howard’s Good News EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Don’t Call Me Crazy Russell Howard’s Good News

Murphy’s War The Edge of the World The Belles of St. Trinian’s The Remains of the Day The Duellists Limitless Hope and Glory Departures

06:00 WWE Bottom Line 07:00 Seamaster Sailing 07:30 PGA Tour Golf 10:30 European Tour Golf Day four of the BMW International Open from Golfclub Munchen Eichenried. 12:00 Women’s Hockey 13:30 ICC Champions Trophy 15:30 YB40 Cricket Northamptonshire Steelbacks face Worcestershire Royals at the County Ground in this YB40 clash. 21:00 ICC Champions Trophy The final of the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy from Edgbaston. 23:00 Edinburgh Marathon 23:30 PGA Tour Classic 00:30 PGA Tour Golf 01:30 European Tour Golf

the Police’s Dirty secret Editor recommends Channel 4 - 20:00 - 21:00

Dispatches exposes the shocking story of Britain’s secret police and how undercover officers reportedly used sex and lies to spy on members of the public.

For the first time Dispatches reveals the names of high-profile targets spied on by the police. The revelations are likely to be explosive and may cause deep embarrassment. Through the personal testimony of a whistleblower who operated deep undercover for four years, the film examines the ethically dubious tactics of a

clandestine unit within the Metropolitan police. Tasked with infiltrating political campaigns and protest groups, it operated under the unofficial motto ‘By any means necessary’. The programme speaks exclusively to the women who say their lives have been wrecked after being spied upon; and who reveal how they were duped into sexual relationships with men they didn’t even know were cops. One of the women reveals the heart-wrenching story of how she was also deceived into having a child with a police spy.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


25 June

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45

18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:45 01:25

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Wimbledon 2013 Continued live coverage of day two of Wimbledon 2013, introduced by Sue Barker. BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Life Savers BBC News at Ten BBC London News Imagine... Forces of Nature Weatherview

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:35 Peter Andre: My Life 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 15:05 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 The Magaluf Weekender 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Lemon La Vida Loca 00:35 Girlfri3nds

06:05 07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 16:20 17:05 17:50 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:20 01:20

Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Heir Hunters A to Z of TV Gardening Watchdog Country Show Cook Off HARDtalk The Daily Politics Wimbledon 2013 Heir Hunters Flog It! Wimbledon 2013 Today at Wimbledon The Route Masters: Running London’s Roads QI Newsnight The Secret Life of the Sun The Apprentice This is BBC Two

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Drama Trails 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Only When I Laugh 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House 18:00 Heartbeat 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Foyle’s War 22:00 Trial and Retribution 23:00 Law and Order: UK 00:00 Pie in the Sky 01:05 The Father Dowling Mysteries 02:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:30 Teleshopping


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase

18:00 ITV News 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Nature’s Newborns 20:00 Love Your Garden 21:00 Secrets From the Workhouse 22:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 23:35 The Americans 00:25 Jackpot247 03:00 Loose Women

07:10 08:05 09:05 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:55

13:55 14:55 15:25 16:25

17:55 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Minder The Saint The Big Match Revisited The Sweeney World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals British National Elite Road Race Championship Highlights The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorsport UK British Touring Car Championship Highlights Minder Cheers World Rally Championship Highlights River Monsters Hell on Wheels Runaway Train

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:05 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 23:40

07:00 07:25 08:15 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20 00:00 01:00 01:40 02:35

Children’s TV Frasier Undercover Boss Australia George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course River Cottage Veg Heroes Rooster Cogburn Countdown Deal or No Deal Brendan’s Magical Mystery Tour Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Something for Nothing Child Genius Dates How to Find Love Online Random Acts The Greatest Shows on Earth

Carpool Amazon with Bruce Parry World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Top Gear Man v Food World’s Most Dangerous Roads Top Gear Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Mock the Week QI Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Argumental Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat Carpool

06:00 Children’s TV 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 Mystery Woman 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 Highland Emergency 20:00 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 Cricket on 5

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 13:15 14:45 15:15 15:30 17:00

18:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 02:00 03:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Great Goals British and Irish Lions Tour Rugby Super League Football Gold Football Gold Rugby Super League British and Irish Lions Tour Cricket British and Irish Lions Tour Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Cricket British and Irish Lions Tour Football Asia

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:30 02:30

The Apprentice Traffic Cops The Call Centre Sweat the Small Stuff EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! The Call Centre Lee Nelson’s Well Funny People Russell Howard’s Good News

11:00 The Spoilers 12:40 League of Gentlemen 14:55 Comanche Station 16:25 The Silent Enemy 18:35 Stardust Matthew Vaughn’s delightful family fantasy starring Charlie Cox and Sienna Miller. 21:00 The Spirit of ‘45 22:55 Inglourious Basterds

06:00 Aerobics: Oz Style 06:30 Thrillseekers -Aqua 07:00 WWE Afterburn 08:00 Rugby Super League 09:30 PGA Tour Golf 10:30 European Tour Golf 12:00 Sporting Greats 12:30 Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf 14:00 PGA Tour Classic 15:00 PGA Tour Golf 16:00 World Cup of Pool 17:00 NFL 18:00 Football Asia 18:30 Football Gold 19:00 The Winning Post 21:00 European Challenge Tour Golf 22:00 Super League Backchat 22:30 Premier League Poker 23:30 Football Gold 00:00 Football Asia 00:30 Golfing World 01:00 European Challenge Tour Golf

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00

13:00 13:20 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 00:05 01:45 01:50

06:00 06:25 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 16:10 17:05

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Wimbledon 2013 Sue Barker introduces live coverage from day three of the 2013 Wimbledon Championships. BBC News at One Wimbledon 2013 BBC News at Six The One Show Rhys Jones’s Wildlife Patrol Waterloo Road The Apprentice BBC News at Ten A Question of Sport D-Day: The Last Heroes Wah-Wah Weatherview BBC News

Emmerdale Britain’s Got More Talent Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Peter Andre: My Life Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Britain’s Got More Talent Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 The Only Way is Essex 22:50 Big Rich Texas 23:50 Celebrity Juice 00:35 America’s Got Talent

06:00 07:00 07:30 08:15 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:00 11:10 11:30 15:00 16:20 17:05 17:50 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Heir Hunters A to Z of TV Gardening Helicopter Heroes Down Under Monty Don’s French Gardens Country Show Cook Off Lifeline Coast Spending Review Wimbledon 2013 Heir Hunters Flog It! Wimbledon 2013 Today at Wimbledon Horizon The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight The Route Masters: Running London’s Roads

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Murder, She Wrote 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:00 Pie in the Sky 16:10 Only When I Laugh 16:40 Barbara 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 18:55 19:55 21:00 22:00 23:40 00:40 01:40

Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes The Seasons with Alan Titchmarsh Wire in the Blood Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky The Father Dowling Mysteries

26 June th

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tipping Point 17:00 The Chase 18:00 ITV News 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street 20:00 All Star Mr and Mrs 21:00 Love and Marriage 22:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Joanna Lumley’s Nile 23:35 The Americans 00:25 Jackpot247 03:00 British Touring Car Championship Highlights

06:00 06:05 06:55 07:50 08:50 09:50 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:55 13:55 14:55 15:55 16:55

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers The Saint The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! The Professionals Minder World’s Wildest Police Videos The Saint The Sweeney The Professionals

18:00 Minder 19:00 Cheers 19:30 Cheers 20:00 Grand Prix Racer 21:00 The Motorbike Show 22:00 Lethal Weapon 2 00:20 Police, Camera, Action! 00:55 The Professionals 01:55 Minder

06:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 12:55 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:35

07:20 08:10 08:35 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20

Why Am I still single?: first Cut Channel 4 - 22:35 - 23:35 one single man and one single woman turn detective on each other’s love lives in an attempt to answer the question: why am I still single?

By uncovering the behavioural patterns and emotional make-up of a total stranger, they each get a fresh perspective and insight into the reasons behind their own dating disasters and wrong turns when it comes to finding love. The two strangers meet each other’s friends, families and ex-partners, are given access to social networking accounts, and even sleep in each other’s beds. Naomi and Lex are both in their 30s and every-


one around them seems to be getting married or having children. They both thought they would at least be settled in long-term relationships by now but, like most singletons in the UK, find looking for love more difficult than it seems. Directed by Juliet Riddell, this brand new First Cut documentary, which is part of Channel 4’s Mating Season, reveals the consequences of a stranger digging around in your past. Can someone you have never met before see things about you that you can’t see about yourself? And can two strangers help each other to find love and happiness?

Children’s TV Frasier Undercover Boss Australia George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not Blood Alley Countdown Deal or No Deal Brendan’s Magical Mystery Tour Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Hollywood Me 24 Hours in A and E Dates Why Am I Still Single? 50 First Dates Random Acts

Amazon with Bruce Parry Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Man v Food Top Gear Storage Hunters Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Would I Lie to You? Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 Children’s TV 08:30 Milkshake Monkey 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Traders 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:20 CSI: NY 15:10 Pretend You Don’t See Her 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 Paul Merton in India 20:00 Emergency Bikers 21:00 NCIS 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 2013 National Heads-Up Poker Championships


15:30 15:45 16:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Cricket Super League Backchat Football Gold Football Gold European Challenge Tour Golf Cricket Super League Backchat Football Gold Football Gold Cricket

18:00 18:15 18:30 22:30 23:30 00:30 02:30

Football Gold Football Gold T20 Cricket Sporting Heroes NFL T20 Cricket Sporting Heroes

07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:30 11:45 12:00 13:00 15:00

19:00 19:30 22:00 00:10 00:35 00:55 01:20 01:40 02:10

11:00 13:05 15:10 17:05 19:10

21:00 23:15

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:00

World’s Craziest Fools Match of the Day Live The Rock Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Sweat the Small Stuff The Call Centre

Danger Within Rio Grande Destination Moon Only the Valiant Bedazzled Faustian comedy about the mishaps that occur when the devil grants seven wishes to a lovesick divorcee. Unknown Riff-raff

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua WWE Vintage Collection Ladies European Tour Golf Australian Ironman Challenge Series Golf Golfing World Ladies European Tour Golf Women’s Hockey Challenge Series Golf World Cup of Pool Australian Ironman World Cup of Pool Champions Tour Golf Boots ‘n’ All Total Rugby Elite League Speedway FIFA Futbol Mundial Boots ‘n’ All Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Elite League Speedway

Editor recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


27 J u n e

Thursday - TV

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:25 19:55 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:35 00:20 00:25

06:00 06:25 06:55 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:15 22:00 22:50 23:35

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Wimbledon 2013 BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Match of the Day Live BBC News at Ten BBC London News Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview BBC News

Emmerdale Coronation Street Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Peter Andre: My Life at Christmas Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Totally You’ve Been Framed! Liar Liar Lemon La Vida Loca Celebrity Juice Fake Reaction

06:00 06:15 07:15 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 11:30 16:20 17:05 17:50 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:20 01:20 01:50

This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Coast Heir Hunters A to Z of TV Gardening Great Continental Railway Journeys Country Show Cook Off HARDtalk The Daily Politics Wimbledon 2013 Heir Hunters Flog It! Wimbledon 2013 Today at Wimbledon Who Were the Greeks? Mock the Week Newsnight Horizon The Review Show Panorama This is BBC Two

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Murder, She Wrote 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:00 Pie in the Sky 16:10 Only When I Laugh 16:40 Barbara 17:15 Man About the House 17:55 Heartbeat 18:50 19:50 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:55 02:00 02:30

Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Wycliffe afterlife Law and Order: UK Those Who Kill Drama Trails ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:25 03:00

06:00 06:10 07:00 07:50 08:20 08:50 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:55 13:55 14:20 14:50 15:55 16:55 17:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:15 01:25


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Happy Families ITV News at Ten and Weather The Zoo The Americans Jackpot247 Tonight

World of Sport: Kings of the Canvas The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Saint World’s Wildest Police Videos The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! Imploders The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers River Monsters Cliffhanger Mars Attacks! Sports Mash: Taking the Mic

07:00 07:25 07:55 08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:30 15:10 16:00 17:00

Will and Grace According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course River Cottage Veg Anne of the Indies Countdown Deal or No Deal Brendan’s Magical Mystery Tour Come Dine with Me

06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:30 Milkshake Monkey 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 CSI: Miami 15:15 Honeymoon for One 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours

18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 Compare Your Life 21:00 50 First Dates 22:00 Eye Spy 23:05 Random Acts 23:10 24 Hours in A and E

18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 The Hotel Inspector 20:00 Cowboy Traders 21:00 Extraordinary People 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 Cricket on 5




08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00

Amazon with Bruce Parry Storage Hunters Man v Food Top Gear Storage Hunters Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear

18:00 Top Gear 19:00 Man v Food 19:30 Man v Food 20:00 Storage Hunters 20:30 Storage Hunters 21:00 Red Dwarf 21:40 Not Going Out 22:20 Not Going Out 23:00 Mock the Week 23:40 Red Dwarf 00:20 Not Going Out 01:00 Argumental 01:40 Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat 02:35 Carpool

07:00 08:00 09:00 09:15 09:30 10:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 18:00

22:00 22:15 23:00 00:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Football Gold Football Gold European Tour Weekly European Tour Golf Total Rugby FIFA Futbol Mundial Sporting Heroes European Tour Golf Cricket The second T20 match between England and New Zealand from the Oval. Football Gold Football Gold Ringside Cricket

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:00

The Apprentice The Call Centre India: A Dangerous Place to be a Woman Russell Howard’s Good News EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Don’t Call Me Crazy

11:00 Joyeux Noël 13:15 The Good Die Young 15:10 The Desperadoes 16:55 Avalanche Express 18:40 Ladyhawke Medieval fantasy adventure about a mysterious blackclad knight and his mistress. 21:00 The Hurt Locker 23:35 Raining Stones 01:25 The Square

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua WWE Experience Boots ‘n’ All T20 Cricket Sporting Heroes Boots ‘n’ All T20 Cricket Elite League Speedway 17:00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 00:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30

Ringside The Winning Post Ringside World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw WWE NXT ATP Tour Uncovered Super League Superstars IAAF Athletix Magazine Australian Ironman


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013






Air Conditioner

Video & photoshoots with latest Canon equipment, steadicam, sliders & remote controlled helicopter. Full graphic design and print service available.

We have been providing services and IT products in Tenerife since 2007. We register, host and develop custom built web solutions.

CCS is a premier consulting & financial advisory service that strives to achieve results through our commitment to clients & making things crystal clear.

A photographer of over 20 years experience, who understands your need for top quality friendly service for all occasions, contact anytime to discuss your ideas.

For Sale - Air Conditioner comprising external Inverter and internal diffuser. In good condition and well maintained original cost 2,500 euros but no lo...

636 040 935

922 176 592

685 444 201

922 13 81 46

922 085 124

BMW 320 cabrio

Bird Cage

Camera HD Panasonic

Dining suite & sideboard

Bird Cage suitable for small birds such as Zebra Finch, Canaries etc. Each side is 60cm wide and the height is 1.9m. Two doors for feeding etc, 3 perches,...

Camcorder Full HDC-SD9 Panasonic Full HD 1920 x 1080p Leica lens O.I.S 5.1 CH 5 micro's In Adeje ...

Extending dining table in black wood, with 4 matching chairs upholstered in cream velour. The dining table has two additional leafs so that it can be exten...

60000km 2008...

607 583 977

632 092 358

922 748 047

616 971 615

150 €

350 €

195 €

950 €

Washing Machine

Washing machine for sale, good condition, excellent working order 135 euros can deliver ...

24,000 €

635 911 337

135 €


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


Original oil paintings


Berg Sunset 3 wheeler

Brand New Microwave


Three original oil paintings done by Haitian artist james Maitre who is now being sold in a number of American Galleries (Gallery Martelly).All three are l...

wireless telephone set Gigaset Siemens...

3 wheel peddle trike suitable for ages 10 to 70 Cost new euro 600.00 Telephone ...

Brand New Haier Microwave. Will deliver, Golf Del Sur area....

Nails with zoe at great discount prices for times available please call the salon Zoe is Cloud Nines junior technician and is now doing some beautiful nai...

922 729 654

634 350 737

609 059 538

634 396 002

922 753 286

225 €

25 €

85 €

50 €

15 €

Massage Business

Mini Straighteners

Iphone 4 for sale

Subacqua Silvertech BCD

Catering equipment

Massage Business for Sale suitable on self employed basis fully legal renting area around pool on a yearly basis contract with hotel las americas location,...

Professional mini straighteners. Heats to 200 degrees. Designer series...

Iphone 4. Perfect condition. Unblocked to all Networks. Gran Sur Area. 240 Euro. ...

A hard wearing , robust and very comfortable BCD, It also looks the business. perfect for novice or pro diver. Owned by a rescue diver so has been very we...

Restaurant closing down. Everything must go from tables,chairs, commercial dishwasher to ovens and fridges. Please call ...

634 373 879

650 256 556

632 483 969

922 741 790


3,000 €

25 €

240 €

175 €



Display units

Hair Care

VW Passat

Harley Davidson Softail

Glass terrastable with 6 chairs+coffe table+bookshelf in iron frame and in good condition...

10 large jewelry display units & 1 tall watch display unit excellent condition 50 euros each...

Zoe who is Cloud Nines junior hairdresser is now doing wash and blow drys, full head colours or root re touch for a discounted price. for prices on colours...

Vw Passat, 1,8 turbo, Xenon, Led Light, Climatronic, Sound System, etc....

Harley Davidson Softail Classic 2004 itv until 2015 Many extras, low mileage. . O. N. O. ...

634 350 737

672 519 970

922 753 286

657 726 530

605 740 410

200 €

50 €


Barbie Camper Bus

Micro wave

Folding chair

Barbie Camper Bus ex cond L55xH31xW20 with pool bed pinic table kitchen shower toilet all closes down and packs away 30euros Golf del sur...

Good condition microwave oven ...

Folding chair with cup holder as new in carry bag...

Korg guitar effects...

649 677 290

603 256 420

603 256 420

691 634 508

30 €

25 €

Guitar effects


10,000 €

Mondeo ST220 3L V6

Ford Mondeo ST220 3L V. Good condition, very ice looking car with full leather interior and very quick....

40 €

628 543 843

7,950 €

Yoostar 2 for xbox 360

Vanity Mirror

Top loader washing machi

Large Duplex/House on quiet, residential complex close to beach, shops, school, gym, bars and restaurants, with pool and gardens. 2 double bedrooms, 1 1/2 ...

Youstar 2 at the movies sealed for xbox 360!! great for movie quizes in spanish!! still sealed!! great game contact me on tenebay!!...

Lovely vanity mirror with 2 lights and glass shelf, in Excellent condition. Pick up Chayofa ...

Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...

922 860 191

664 442 161

922 729 965

635 911 337

3 bedroom Apartment

Duplex - Playa De La Are

Reduced 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for sale in the quiet residential complex of Edificio Aulaga in the quiet town of Fañabe Alto. The apartment comes...


135,000 €

3,990 €

165,000 €

10 €

20 €

145 €


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


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A 60 minutes deep cleansing facial including : cleanse , exfoliate, steam, face mask, tone and moisturize 30 Euro A 60 minutes deep cleansing facial plus galvanic 40 Euro


All Fabrication Work Undertaken

Pedicure: Available for men and women: Mini - 20 Euro Luxury - 30 Euro Nail brace system for ingrowing nails

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Authorised Telecommunications Installer Nº 7902 For all your satellite TV requirements call ELECTROSAT TV S.L, we specialise in: • Community integral Maintenance Contracts for same day assistance • Repairing/Upgrading all satellite TV installations • QPSK-COFDM Digital to Digital Modulators • Italian TIVU sat, French TNT, Multilanguages • Swedish SVT Connova • After-sales 2 year Guarantee • Community Computer Network • Community WIFI & ADSL Network

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EXPERIENCED WAITRESS REQUIRED For Decades Dinner Show. Please drop your C.V into Vivo Treasure Island. You must have an N.I.E and Social Security No’s.

THE BEAUTY SPOT Completely legal with opening licence. Long established fully fitted Hairdressing/ Beauty Salon for rent in Costa del Silencio. Available immediately.

Contact: 629 487 090

English Sales Reps If you would like to work in a positive sales team, at one of Tenerife best located resorts. Brilliant commision plus daily spiff. We are looking for English Reps. Contact Lena Jorgensen by email: lena.sandandsea@hotmail.com or phone Mark 658 314 498

Leo’s Cafe Bar

Located in one of the best positions in the Apolo Centre this busy Cafe Bar is being offered for Trespaso. There are 20 tables outside with 4 inside, there is currently Live Music on Sunday’s but this could be increased by the new tenant. The monthly rent is € 1,300 and the trespaso is being offered for € 70,000 O.N.O

Call: 922 78 99 06 or 661 02 86 53

air conditioning & electrical

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013 car maintenance & sales

washing machine repairs



Happy 2nd Birthday Offer - Win a Reliable Second Hand Car Each Invoice = One Entry (For all work between 24/10/12 & 24/10/13

CARS - RENT TO BUY Long Term Rental From Just € 230 per month Insurance and maintenance Included No Finance Necessary TEL: 922 738 410 cleaning

ELITE CLEANING SERVICES Club Atlantis, San Eugenio Office 922 789 795 / Mobile 696 922 597 E-mail - elitetenerife@hotmail.com

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Cleaning services to suit your individual needs. Apartments, villas, offices & housekeeping. Our specialist organisation can give you peace of mind that your property is well maintained and cleaned to the high standard you expect.

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Venezuelan, Pretty, Hot, Nice Body, Large Natural Breasts, I Can Offer All Services. I am opposite the entrance of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. I Speak Some English.

Call: (+34) 610 359 991

YAIZA CANARIAN I a m 33, Brunette with nic e Brea sts a nd Bum. Come a nd tr y a g ood Frenc h Na tura l to the end . All Positions, Kissing a nd Petting. I a m a va ila ble 24 Hour s a Da y, in the Centre of Los Cristia nos.

C al l : ( + 3 4 ) 6 0 5 3 7 5 4 9 5

LATINA Available 24 hrs A Day


Kitchens, Bathrooms, Ovens, Tiles, Floors ETC.. Also Sofas, Mattresses, Curtains and Carpets USING THE LATEST IN STEAM HYGIENE TECHNOÑOGY..

Call for a Free Quote... with no obligation. 602 446 214 or 698 540 400

We have reconditioned washing machines for sale


HEALTH & fitness

Sexy, Playful Big Breasts, Natural French, All Positions, Massage, Vibrators I am in the apartments opposite the entrance of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos.

I Can Also Come To Meet You... C al l : (+3 4 ) 6 5 0 4 4 2 6 6 5

MAR MEXICANA I a m a lov ing a nd oblig ing g irl, I a m op p osite the entra nc e of the Hotel Ag ua ma r in Los Cristia nos. I a m a va ila ble 24 Hour s a Da y I love Frenc h, Na tura l, All Positions a nd ma ny other thing s. You won’t reg ret meeting me...

C al l : ( + 3 4 ) 6 6 0 9 3 8 6 3 1

Yoga Vibe Tenerife Complete mind & body workout Classes throughout the South

678 71 21 51

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50% off your 1st Class with this advert

PAULA ESPAÑOLA I am a 19 year old Spanish Plump, loving and pretty girl. All services performed, French natural, Positions. I have no limit.. Deep Greek. I am in the middle of Los Cristianos I can also come to meet you.

Call: (+34) 672 518 835

technology Where are you going too? Have a rest in my country house-nice massages,combinations and specialities.... No pressure-sexy, serious, in time, lovely rural environment, chill out music or video.. Ginger pure red hair-sexy sympathetic ... Call from 10 am to make a reservation. Hotel visits possible as well. See you soon Español, Aleman, Frances, Italiano, English

Call: 678 452 717

(No SMS)


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Tenerife Weekly www.tenerifepoolleague.com

Pool superleague

eXpreSS Bar DeliVerieS Cup

the Cup-winners Hoops!!!!!!! Hoops Bar 8 v the trap Door 2

An early 2 frame lead for Hoops taken by John and Captain Chris, both finishing well but Chris scoring a brilliant 7 baller over Dave, who could only watch in admiration. Marcus for Trap Door stepped right up to the plate and faced with a very difficult situation of blocked pockets battled on and finally won over with a slow long yellow along the cushion and left himself with perfect position on the black. Trap Door Mickey won out also by laying a snooker then clearing his final three reds and black without any fuss to level the score. Into the doubles, Trap Door Jamie and Marcus looking favourites after blocking three pockets. Seven reds to pot and Hoops Chris W saw a slight gap, pushed his red home, cushion first off a blocking yellow, then repeated

the exercise at the other end of the table to open up the pockets. John cleared up for Hoops on their next visit. The second double saw Micky attempting a clearance but leaving themselves with

two colours, Hoops pair then laying a number of snookers until one succeeded and allowed Carl to clear up, Hoops again leading by two frames. Marcus started the second half with the unenviable task of reviving the score from 4-2 down, and looked certain to score when faced with a relatively easy cut on a yellow not more than an inch away from the corner pocket, leaving a remaining yellow and black all well placed. Unfortunately, he missed completely and gifted Hoops a foul and so a 5-2 lead. The match and fight all but over with three frames to go, Hoops looking every inch the champions, hardly making a single error, and finally ending The Trap Door 35 match unbeaten run, an indication of the standards set in this league.

olD enGliSH CiDer plate

Dos Hermanos. plate Winners

Position 1 Hoops 2 Bar Tasca A 3 Trap Door 4 Clouseaus Diamonds 5 Legends A 6 Bar 180 Titans 7 Target Bar 8 Summerland Elite 9 Treasure Island 10 Britannia Inn 11 Barracuda Bandits 12 Target Rangers 13 Legends C 14 Oasis 15 Nauta B 16 Bar 180 B 17 Barracuda Hunters 18 Nauta A 19 Clouseaus Emeralds

P 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 18

W 28 27 26 21 21 17 16 15 16 14 15 13 14 7 7 4 3 2 2

D 4 4 7 5 5 9 12 8 4 9 4 8 2 8 6 3 4 6 4

L f 3 242 4 239 2 234 9 212 9 200 9 198 7 191 12 190 15 182 12 178 16 170 14 171 19 159 20 140 22 145 28 106 28 112 27 109 12 62

A +/- Pts 108 134 88 111 128 85 116 118 85 138 74 68 150 50 68 152 46 60 159 32 60 160 30 53 168 14 52 172 6 51 180 -10 49 179 -8 47 191 -32 44 210 -70 29 205 -60 27 244 -138 15 238-126 13 241 -132 12 118 -56 10

Position 1 Vivo 2 Bar 180 A 3 Bar 180 C 4 Penalty Sharks 5 Leones B 6 Dos Hermanos 7 Fosters 8 Lowrys 9 Sloop Bar 10 Legendary Jokers 11 Frosties 12 Bar Tasca B 13 Summerlands Allstars 14 Lupain 15 Leones 16 Welkom Wanderers 17 Atlantis Crew 18 Grandee O’Donnell’s 19 Chipeque 20 Red Pride

P 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 37 37 37

W 30 27 28 26 17 18 15 16 14 13 14 12 11 13 11 7 8 6 4 1

D 4 8 4 4 11 6 10 7 7 9 4 10 11 4 9 10 3 5 8 6

L f 3 264 2 250 5 238 7 236 9 207 13 196 12 197 14 181 16 184 15 176 19 188 15 182 15 179 20 162 17 177 20 147 8 82 26 127 25 120 30 115

A +/- Pts 106 158 94 120 130 89 132 106 88 134 102 82 163 44 62 174 22 60 173 24 55 189 -8 55 184 0 49 194 -18 48 182 6 46 188 -6 46 191 -12 44 208 -46 43 193 -16 42 221 -74 31 108 -26 27 243 -116 23 250-130 20 255-140 9

Dos Hermanos 7 v Grandee O´Donnells 3

Hermanos, off to a flying start by means of Kevin, who was having trouble adjusting to the superfast table, but nevertheless finished off a “safe” black. Rick for the Dos Hermanos team also finished well, his black needing a cut which saw the white rattle the jaws and bounce out. Two up then to the Hermanas, who were then on a roll and took the next two singles to put the score at 4-0. Doubles time and drastic measures called for Grandees Gary to call the shots… Literally... A round of Sambucas appeared and immediately their fortunes recovered. Andydog made a good clearance of the colours, but left the black in the jaws for his partner Dave to tap home. The second double saw more shots, and again Grandees won out with their “renewed energy”. The 7th frame saw a very cagey game, Kevin again from Dos Hermanos taking the frame to make it 5-2 and an uphill task for Grandees to score anything. A valiant effort by Grandees Dave saw him reach a finish, but left himself a cutback to the corner which he declined, favouring a forceful double to the centre. In addition to missing the pot, his opponents yellow was knocked home, the resulting foul allowed Dos Hermanos Neil to take full advantage and finish. By this time Grandees were in party mode despite the match results, and appeared to be having a thoroughly good time and enjoying the party atmosphere.


1 english Golfer for 43 years Wins uS open st

Justin rose has created history by becoming the first English golfer to win the uS open in 43 years; the last Englishman was Tony Jacklin in 1970.

Thousands of people have taken to social media to congratulate the 32-year-old father of two, who was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, but immigrated to England as a child.. Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: “Congratulations to @JustinRose99 in winning the #usopen. The first English winner since Tony Jacklin in 1970.” Also leading the praise was the last English winner of a major, Sir Nick Faldo, who triumphed at the US Masters in 1996. Referring to the many competitions which have since passed without being claimed by an English golfer, he tweeted: “68 Majors and moons and moons since...since! #Englishgolfers. Congratulations @JustinRose99 Good/great golfing today!” Former footballer and TV presenter Gary Lineker tipped Rose to win another award: “Wow @JustinRose99 has won the US Open. Thrilled for him! Sports personality of the year?” After tapping the ball into the final hole of the tournament, Rose raised his fingers to the sky in recognition of his father Ken, who died from leukaemia in 2002 and had a huge influence on his career: “What a day, I don’t know what to say, I’m thrilled,” Rose said, following the four-day tournament at Merion Golf Club in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t lost on me that today is Father’s Day. I think a lot of us came from great men and we have the responsibility to them to show them what great men can be. For it all to work out for me on such

an emotional day, I couldn’t help but look up to the heavens and think my old dad Ken had something to do with it.” Former deputy prime minister John Prescott tweeted: “Now THAT’s how you celebrate Father’s Day. Well done @JustinRose99. Your dad would be very proud. And we are too. #usopen”. Tony Blair’s former spin doctor Alastair Campbell added: “Well done @justinrose99 Your tribute to your Dad will spur on everyone at @beatbloodcancer to keep working for a cure.”

AnDY Murray defeated defending champion Marin Cilic to win the Aegon Championships at Queen’s, a Wimbledon warm-up. Murray rallied to beat Cilic 5-7, 7-5, 6-3 in a rain-delayed final, winning his third title at Queen’s.

The British number one missed appearing at the French Open with a back injury. He lost the opening set to the world’s number 12, but battled back to win the match after a little over two hours and 30 minutes. Murray, 26, also won at Queen’s in 2009 and 2011. Wimbledon starts on June 24.

murray Wins at Queen’s


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Continued From Back Page In the Championship, four of The League’s founder members will go head-tohead with Derby County, League champions in 1972 and 1975 hosting Blackburn Rovers, champions of England in 1912, 1914 and 1995.

Lancashire rivals Burnley and Bolton Wanderers will face each other at Turf Moor, one of only three grounds used in the 1888/89 season that is still in use today. The two clubs have met each other on 114 occasions since league football began. Another of the original grounds, Deepdale, will host the meeting of founder members Preston North End and Wolverhampton Wanderers in League 1. Since hosting its first league match on the opening day of the 1888/89 season, Deepdale has staged 2,342 Football League matches, more than any other sta-

dium. Also in League 1, the world’s oldest Football League club, Notts County will be the visitors at the world’s oldest professional football ground - Bramall Lane, home of Sheffield United. In League 2, Accrington Stanley will visit The Football League’s newest ground and newest member - Rodney Parade the home of the re-formed Newport County. While Hartlepool United will meet Rochdale in the 137th encounter between the two clubs, the most played Football League match between current League members. Football League Chairman Greg Clarke said: “For 125 years, Football League clubs have delivered the greatest show in town, week after week. In the process, attracting a total audience of more than 2.2 billion people and building indelible relationships with their local communities. Our clubs and their supporters are the heartbeat of the domestic game, giving English league foot-

ball a breadth and popularity that is unrivalled anywhere in the world. We look forward to celebrating 125 years of incredible matches, unforgettable moments and gloves-off

French Footballers On Trial

footballing rivalry.” Championship: Burnley v Bolton Wanderers, Derby County v Blackburn Rovers League 1: Preston North End v


Wolverhampton Wanderers, Sheffield United v Notts County League 2: Newport County v Accrington Stanley, Rochdale v Hartlepool United

Torres No To Barcelona

Fernando Torres has killed off speculation linking him with Barcelona by insisting he is looking forward to hearing Jose Mourinho’s plans for him.

French international footballers Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema have gone on trial charged with paying for sex with an underage prostitute. Bayern Munich winger Ribery and Real Madrid forward Benzema face up to three years in prison and a maximum 45,000 Euros (£38,500) fine if convicted.

Both deny the charge and the young woman involved - Zahia Dehar - has testified that the players did not know she was under 18 when they allegedly had sex with her in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Although the age of consent is 15 in France, paying for sex with anyone under 18 is a crime. Ms Dehar, now 21, has become a celebrity on the back of the scandal, launching her own luxury lingerie line, and has been seen as the muse of German fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld. The 30-year-old Ribery did not turn up at the court in Paris as there was “no victim,” his lawyer said, seeking for the proceedings to be held behind closed doors due to their “sala-

cious” nature. While he has admitted having sex with Ms Dehar, he insists he did not know she was then under-age, Benzema has denied any such encounter. Prosecutors had sought an acquittal for the two players and Ribery’s brother-in-law, who was also implicated, but investigating judge, Andre Dando, argued that they must have been aware of her real age. News of the investigation broke just before the disastrous 2010 World Cup campaign, during which infighting within the French squad resulted in a player boycott, striker Nicolas Anelka being sent home and one of the favourites being eliminated at the group stage. The badly tarnished image of ‘Les Bleus’ has yet to fully recover from what has become known as the Knysna fiasco after the name of the squad’s South African base. Ribery, said to be one of the ringleaders of the rebellion against coach Raymond Domenech, was given a three-match ban after the tournament but has since returned to the fold. The trial is expected to continue until June 26.

Speculation surrounding Torres persists as Chelsea’s interest in a new striker seemingly leading many people to presume that the Spaniard will not be in Mourinho’s plans. Mourinho has even admitted in recent days that Torres’s form for Chelsea had been ‘so-so’ but the striker is ready for talks. “I look forward to talk-

ing with Mourinho and to know what plans he has for me,” Torres, who is with the Spain squad at the Confederations Cup said. “The first thing I am aware of is he will expect much more from me, I expect more from me. Now I have pressure Mourinho adds and that’s a challenge for a player.” Asked about his links with Barcelona, he insisted there

was nothing in it, despite his own personal relationship with their president: “I have known Sandro Rosell for a long time, there is a personal relationship, but nothing more than that. My head is now in the Confederations Cup, immediately after that Chelsea. I want to talk with Mourinho and then prepare for the coming season.”


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013


the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby

aridane Shows His Worth as ref Shows He’s Clueless

Alberto TWo yellow cards mean a sending off, it’s such a basic rule of football but referee ramon Arias Madrid didn’t see it that way in CD Tenerife’s 2-1 home win over Alaves. Juanma for the visitors should have walked in the 41st minute, all the players knew it and the 10,142 crowd knew it but the ref needed a sharp reminder in the break before doing his duty.

Aridane Goal

The second leg of the Segunda B group winner’s championship had started like a dream for CD Tenerife, 2-0 up in 20 minutes to match the away leg defeat. The ref soured the party mood not only with his epic error but also a soft penalty for Alaves and a gullible acceptance of all the theatrical falls and injury feigning from the Basque Country team. The game may evoke other memories, striker Aridane added two more well taken goals to make it 27 for the promotion season but it may have been his parting gift as

Sergio rodriguez he is being linked with a move to Primera side Osasuna with several other clubs keen after his prolific season. It was easy to forget this was a meaningless end of season competition as Tenerife were fired up from the kick off. Cristo Martin broke through in the first minute and set up Aridane who caught the post with his header, Guillem was bearing down on the goalie a minute later but Urtzi snatched the ball away from him. Such an onslaught had to bring a goal, Guillem made the defence jittery and al-

though he got floored for his trouble the ball broke loose and Aridane pounced on it and fired a 6 minute lead. There was better to come after 22 minutes, Loro took a corner from the left and his ball found Aridane lurking on the edge of the box and with a strong flick of the head he left the keeper floundering. Alaves struggled to resist the tide so resorted to hitting the floor whenever a Tenerife player came close; they made more rolls than Greigs. The ref was weak but added stupid to that after 37 minutes when he awarded a phantom penalty against Sergio Rodriguez for a foul on Juanma, it was clear to all that there was no contact. Viquiera converted the spot kick and that away goal effectively gave the trophy to Alaves. This ref followed this up with his second booking let off for Juanma, that ensured he had jeers ringing in his ears as everyone went off for half time.When the visitors re-emerged with ten men it should have been the signal for Tenerife to swamp them but too many times the players tried to walk the ball in rather than blast it. Even a second Alaves departure, this time Manu Garcia, with 30 minutes left couldn’t unlock the flood gates. A triple substitution added Ayoze, Carlos, and Medina to the mix, Carlos showed some genuine pace on the right and

Guillem Marti Ayoze got into some good positions but he looks a little lightweight at times, maybe a summer of ice cream and cakes will help him to fulfill his potential. Urtzi bailed Alaves out with several classy saves but the game fizzled out with Alaves adding the trophy to

their own promotion. Even the farewells from the Tenerife players didn’t quite go to plan, a few young pitch invaders resulted in the lap of honour being cancelled. Just small niggles at the end of a season that has lived up to all promises.

www.tenerife-weekly.com Promotion dreams were crushed for Atletico Granadilla as their 1-0 home advantage was nowhere near enough to see them through to the last hurdles of their Tercera Division play off. Universidad Oviedo romped to a 4-1 home win in a game that hinged on a penalty that wasn’t given to the Tenerife side. Goalie Marino recovered from his hamstring injury that saw him carried off in the home leg and he resumed his place between the sticks. For the first third of the game Granadilla held firm but on 32 minutes Alvaro kick started the Oviedo fight back. They piled on the pressure and Llerandi was inches away from doubling the lead as his shot flashed past the post. Just into the second half Otero struck a fierce volley to edge the home side ahead but the real body blow was a strong shout from Granadilla for a hand ball penalty ten minutes later, the ref wasn’t convinced. It was still all to play for, an away goal would have given Granadilla the upper hand but Oviedo finished strongly, Captain Ivan Martin, the hero in thee home leg, gave away a penalty that Otero converted and Jonay followed up a few minutes later to kill the dream. Juanmi managed to pull one back before the final whistle but it was little consolation.

Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013

Granadilla Crash Out Of Promotion Chase

Spray It Again A Tale Of Two Rallies In Puerto Colon This Saturday Tenerife will see more sporty cars than even the crash happy stars of Fast And Furious could cope with. Granadilla will be hosting the latest round of the Canarian uphill sprint races as the first Ferrari rally and parade flaunts its

Wayne Mawyer Speed, spectacle, and style all come to Tenerife this summer when the World Water Ski Racing Championships come to Puerto Colon from 5 to 15 September. Last year they were held in Los Gigantes but this year’s event has just been unveiled and is bigger with more categories.

The 2009 World Champion Todd Haig of America and 2011 World Champion Wayne Mawer will be among the fa-


Todd Haig vourites but will face tough challengers from Great Britain, New Zealand, Venezuela, and Germany, The format involves three riders from each competing country over

three laps of a time trial circuit in the four categories for males and females behind 300 CV boats, and two groups for 16 to 18 year old juniors.

style in the west and south of the island.

The 22nd Villa de Granadilla boasts 78 drivers this year including Armide Martin in his Ferrari 360 Modena, Javi Afonso with the Renault Clio S1 600, and Jose Antonio Torres in the Citroen X Sara Kit Car. The action starts at 9am from Avenida de La Democracia in San Isidro with the 6,700 km Atogo stretch,

further sections will include Fronton to Martela, Granadilla, and Chiqueron. The final reckoning and trophy presentations take place at 8pm in Los Hinojeros. Less frantic will be the Ferrari Rally which is more about style and glamour as the cars make their way slowly down the west coast. To catch them before the tyres start spinning CC Gran Sur in Costa Adeje is the place to be at 10am or you can catch the presentation at Spa Aqua Club Termal in Torviscas Alto. The parade starts in Adeje and calls at Guia de Isora and Los Gigantes before a pit stop at Pcan Alcala. Playa San Juan get their chance to wave next before calls at Callao Salvaje and Playa Paraiso. Another pit stop will draw admiring glances at Hotel Iberostar Anthelia before they head down through Playa de Las Americas to end up in Los Cristianos. The final resting place is Calle Berna just down from the Los Cristianos bus station at 3pm.


Tenerife Weekly - 21st June 2013 - 27th June 2013



he football League is to mark the 125 years since the beginning of the world’s original league football competition back in 1888 with six special Anniversary league fixtures - two in each division.

the matches will be played on the opening weekend of the new season and will feature a number of the football League’s founder members, as well as other pairings of historical significance. Continued of page 53


1. Hone 5. Dally 8. Enclosure 12. Soothe 13. Keats work 14. Fortas and Lincoln 15. Pocket bread 16. Tiny speck 18. Stumble 19. Blur 20. Mother 22. Rope loop 26. Declaration 31. Indicate agreement 32. Cherry center

Av rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In front Of Hotel tenerife sol)

33. Tightwad 34. School subj. 35. Citrus beverage 36. Group of attendants 38. Car style 40. Adult male 41. Phase 45. March date 48. Sane 51. Mall event 52. On the ocean 53. City trains 54. French female 55. At that time 56. Very small 57. Bridge term


1. Cried 2. Locks 3. Guessed roughly 4. Oolong server 5. Trims (off) 6. Eve’s mate 7. Actor Richard ____ 8. Egypt’s capital 9. CBS rival 10. Harden 11. Opposite of WNW 17. Burst of bad temper 21. Keepsake 23. Everybody (3 wds.) 24. Melody

vivo.8650 25. Perimeter 26. Resorts 27. Ocean current 28. 60 secs. 29. OH time zone 30. Agent Smith’s nemesis 37. Pay hikes 39. Korean, e.g. 42. Over again 43. Brisk wind 44. More 46. Vocalist ____ Fitzgerald 47. Look 48. Lab animal 49. Fire leftover 50. Kickoff gadget

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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