Tenerife weekly issue 85

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Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Lorna Eade editor@tenerife-weekly.com

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.


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Issue 85

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

Manager & Production Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com CONTRIBUTERS Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews John Sharples Barry Pugh Janet Anscombe Paul Ling Marc Craig Red Queen Musings Colin Kirby English Time Adeje Blog Sylvia CSS Tenerife



The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34) 1. Manchester 2. Berkshire 3. Pacific 4. Ostend 5. Russian beer 6. William I 7. River Cam 8. Canoeing 9. Saint Matthew 10. Sir Walter Raleigh 11. Ernest Hemingway 12. Bucharest

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)


While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Dumb Plump 2. Dime Crime 3. Pest Nest 4. Sub Grub 5. Strong Thong 6. Ghost Host 7. Run Son 8. Sap Trap 9. Sweet Meat 10. Broom Room 11. Meat Seat 12. Squish Fish 13. Weird Beard 14. End Trend 15. Great Date

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

HINK PINKS (Page 38)


Solutions to this week´s puzzles





Take a look at the dreadful pictures of the horrendous fires that are taking over vast swathes of Colorado on pages 28-29. Take a look up at our beautiful mountains and forests. Now that the weather has remembered we live on a tropical island, please take care when you are having your BBQ’s or driving through the mountain tops with a cigarette in your hand. Our flora and fauna suffered dreadfully during our forest

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013 fires last year. Please be aware and make sure we don’t end up with a repeat performance. Dispose of your cigarette ends responsibly and make sure your BBQ’s are well and truly out before your leave. I could never be mistaken for a football fan, or any other sports fan for that matter. The thought of next year’s World Cup leaves me cold. I have to say that the countdown clock unveiled by Pele – quite a good footy player apparently left me feeling extremely underwhelmed. Based on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, surely they could have

Continued from page 1


esidents and tourists alike are invited to help celebrate a special day next Friday, 21st June. The Pyramids of Guimar Ethnographic Park is opening its doors for an opportunity to witness one of the most anticipated days of the year, the Summer Solstice.

Starting at 7.45pm, the Ethnographic Park doors will open, and the audience will be accompanied to the main Pyramid complex, where they will be able to observe, whenever weather conditions permit, the guidance that shows the main axis of the pyramids with the point on the horizon where the sun sets mark-

See you all next week.

Lorna Eade

the car people competition

Regency Red 1960 Jaguar Mark 2 2.4L (with number plate 248 RPA).

Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, who discovered and confirmed the alignment of the pyramids with the summer and winter solstices. Entrance is free. For more information, contact pyramids of Güímar on the phone. 922 514 510, or visit www.piramidesdeguimar. es

Tenerife Symphony Orchestra

The Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife has announced it will offer 18 concerts for the 20132014 season. It is the second time the orchestra will perform under the direction of the Polish

designed something a bit more aesthetic? Perhaps it’s just me? Take a look at the back page and see if you agree. My favourite news article this week has to be Tammy, the anteater given a minder at London zoo to stop her being trampled on by the public. Too adorable for words, it makes me want to pack a bag and catch the next plane to Blighty and go and meet her personally. Well nearly anyway!

This week’s The Car People Competition had another great response, with many correct answers to the question; What car did John Thaw drive in the TV series Inspector Morse.

ing the start of the summer season. In addition, the perspective from that axis usually allows the observation of a ‘double sunset’. This curious phenomenon, observable from the main complex of the pyramids of Güímar, caught the attention of researchers of the Institute of

master Michal Nesterowicz. The season will run from October 4 to June 27 2014, and includes a total of 18 concerts and it will incorporate high profile soloists and international directors. The launch event was at-

tended by the President of the Council, Ricardo Melchior; the island director of culture and historical heritage, Cristóbal de la Rosa; and the director of the OST, Michal Nesterowicz. Melchior said the movement of the Or-


questa Sinfónica de Tenerife: “Which is recognized around the world and that is a great pride for the island”. De la Rosa stressed: “the intense work done by the teacher throughout the first year has been widely accepted by the public. He came with the idea of developing an artistic idea for four years and we are pleased with the results we are getting”. The island director of culture and historical heritage emphasised that this season “remains the choice for young people. Anyone under the age of 26 will gain entry for just 9 euros”. For his part, Michal Nesterowic said they felt “very happy with the work” and explained that the OST “already played very well but now does so with more energy. We’ve had incredible artistic results; we have a fantastic group of magical musicians and are at the same level as other great formations around the world.” The programme will feature fifth symphonies from Beethoven, Mahler, Bruckner, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Glazunov and Vaughan-Williams, which means a there will be a diversity of styles and eras. Soloists who are scheduled to take part in the 20132014 include the Tenerifian clarinettist Maximiliano Martin, soprano Klara Ek, cellist William Pastrana and violinists Sergei Dogadin, Esther Yoo and Charlie Siem. The Chamber Choir of Tenerife will also be appearing. The other axis of the programming designed by Michal Nesterowicz is the piano. Through this instrument, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife will also perform piano pieces from Beethoven to

Congratulations go to Mark Adams who was the lucky winner. We look forward to seeing him, with his family at the Sunday Carvery at Vivo, where they will also be treated to a round of mini golf each. This week’s competition question is on Motoring News page 39. Good Luck

Rachmaninov, as well as the works of Tchaikovsky, Grieg and Chopin. These pieces will feature appearances by soloists Simon Trpceski, Ingolf Wunder, Behzod Abduraimov and Soo Yung Ann. Other two pianists, Alexei Volodin and Javier Perianes, return again to work with the orchestra. Ten directors will be responsible for eighteen programmes, seven of which will be hosted by Michal Nesterowicz, while the honorary director of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, Víctor Pablo Pérez, will appear for three weeks. The other eight masters are Perry So, Daniel Raiskin, Josep Vicent, Antoni Wit, Dmitry Yablonsky, Daniel Blendulf, José Ramón Encinar and Nick Davies. The latter will lead the Orchestra in a programme dedicated to the golden age of Hollywood soundtracks. Prices of season tickets to these 18 concerts of the season range between 232 and 468 euros. The Cabildo

de Tenerife maintains allowances for people age 65 or older (between 219 and 427 euros) and for young people aged 26 or younger (between 173 and 357 euros). One of the novelties of this year is allowing stage payments in two parts, provided the purchase occurs before July 13. Subscription renewal will begin this Saturday, 15th, until July 29th at the box office of the Auditorio de Tenerife “Adán Martin”. Sales for unpaid subscriptions opens on July 16th. Entries for all concerts can be obtained from September 23rd, with prices between 16 and 33 euros. For people age 65 or older, tickets are available between 14 and 27 euros, and 26-year-olds or younger range between 12 and 22 euros. An additional offer is also available for young people under 27-year-old who may obtain an entry for only 9 euros, an hour before the start of each concert.

Dear Editor,

Tenerife Weekly carried an article on me and my wife Maureen in your last week’s edition which was submitted by a Media company.

It is with deep regret that I must inform you that due to extreme circumstance our contribution to the production ‘Goodbye Granadaland’ is being omitted. Producers of the show said that our contribution to the show was entertaining and delightful but due to prime time and over-run, unexpected last minute edits have been made resulting in our omission. I am so very, very sorry as I know many of our friends and neighbours on the ‘Golf’ were looking forward to the program and our little interview about our many years working for Granada and the memories we have. If there is room in your forthcoming edition to publish our profuse apologies we would be grateful, as you mentioned we visit our home regularly, but it may be some before we are able to return to the island and our home for the foreseeable future. Thank you so much for publishing the article. Very best regards Joel David.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


news On arona en Colores filling THe rOCK all Corners Of Las galletas

If anyone is taking Myolastan, a brand name for the anti-depressant tetrazepam, they should see their doctor immediately. As of 1 July, the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (Aemps), i.e. the Spanish Medicines and Sanitary Products Agency, is withdrawing Myolastan from the market. The Agency has issued an alert that no-one should start to take the drug and anyone already on it should see their doctor for an alternative to be prescribed. From 1 July, Myolastan itself will no longer be prescribed or dispensed. Anyone who is or has been taking the drug should be on the lookout for serious skin reactions and go to their doctor immediately if any become apparent

By Colin Kirby

although Madrid has refused to grant the Canaries a permanent seaplane to fight summer fires, one will, after all, be stationed here during the months of highest risk. The announcement was made today by the minister of Industria, Energía y Turismo, José Manuel Soria, himself a Canarian. There will be one stationed in Tenerife between 1 July and 30 September. Two dogs reported dead in Tejina de Guía because of poison seemingly laid down by local agriculturalist. Anyone who walks dogs in that area should be very alert. a charity concert for the benefit of people living with Alzheimer’s disease will be held on Saturday, June 15, 19:00 to 21:00 in San Isidro. Pepe Benavente, Ely Curbelo, Isabel Torbellino and Goyo Tavío are responsible for livening up the concert. It has been timed to coincide with Old Age Abuse World Awareness Day. Tickets are on sale for just 5 euros at the headquarters of Acufade Granadilla, located at the Mencey Avenue de Abona, 41, and at Radio New Wave, located in calle Sabinosa, 8, in San Isidro. The Spanish association against Cancer of Güímar has organized a campaign of information and awareness about the dangers of tobacco in the Plaza of Santo Domingo, coinciding with the farmer’s market on Sunday. The Association will be on hand to explain the risks of smoking and information about how to quit. There will be information about a quit smoking programme and a free Smartphone app available. The Spanish Association against Cancer of Güímar is located in the Trattoria Medina, at 5pm to 7pm on Wednesdays and 9am to 11am on Friday. a 70-year-old man was seriously injured on Wednesday after being hit by a bus in Los Realejos Tenerife municipality. Two ambulances were deployed and the patient was treated at the roadside, before eventually being transferred to University Hospital of the Canary Islands, where he was admitted. The Guardia Civil are investigating the incident. The President of the Canarian Government, Mr. Paulino Rivero, has finally announced the date for the opening of the hospital in the South. He has stated that the hospital will be open for business as of November 2014. However there has been much debate about whether this is feasibly possible. In recent times, “the crisis” has served as an excuse to the delay and there have even been hints that the PSOE in Tenerife were blocking approval of the regional budget. Time will tell.

ThIS Saturday afternoon and evening music, dance, and childrens attractions will pack all corners of las Galletas. The back streets and coastal promenade are not big enough to contain all the events of arona en Colores so it is spilling over to the marina, the beach, and the sports centre.

This colour coded guide will help you to take in as much as possible and you can pick up a copy on the day in the charming fishing village just along the coast from Los Cristianos. Here are some of the highlights to look out for. There’s live jazz from the Elmar Fusion Trio between 4 and 5.30pm in the rainbow coloured Zona Comercial and later cocktail making and sampling from 7 to 11pm. Calle Belgica will have a bouncy castle and painting

fun in the blue zone from 4 until the close at midnight while the yellow zone offers music and dance from the Tenerife Salsa Festival from 5 to 11pm. Folklore and traditions will be centred around the Marina del Sur from 6 to 9pm, and Zumba, yoga and other keep fit classes will ease visitors into the day in the pink zone from of Plaza Aneza from 10.30 to 1pm giving way to modern dance from young enthusiasts between 5 and 7.30pm. La Rambla orange zone is the place to head throughout the day for the plants and flowers fair, and don’t forget to pop into the sports centre over the road for rhythmic gymnastics and inline skating from 6 to 10pm. Feel free to dip in and out of the wealth of events and relax over a drink or food in the many cafes and bars that will be serving all day and the skies will be lit up with fireworks at midnight to end the day.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Pirates of the Canarian Seas

By Marc Craig


hilst pondering on what to write about this week I suddenly realised that it was staring me in the face-literally-every night at Treasure Island I’m surrounded by them!

The history of the Canary Islands is teeming with tales of pirates, going right back to the 15th century. With the Canaries being at the crossroads of the main American trade routes, they were regularly targeted by international pirates. Here are some examples of how the scourge of the seas and these islands are connected.

Santa Bárbara

The island of Lanzarote, during the 15th century, was constantly under threat of pirate attacks, it is considered to be one of the world’s most pirated locations. The situation got so bad that Don Agustín de Herrera, Marques of Lanzarote ordered the construction of several impenetrable forts, including the fortress of Santa Bárbara located on the volcano of Guanapay. Used as a watchtower, providing an early warning of impending pirate attack, as a refuge for the local population and as a dungeon for prisoners. The town of Vila de Teguise, where most of Lanzarote’s inhabitants lived back then, was constantly under threat of attack, mostly by Berber pirates from the Barbary Coast in North Africa such as Mor-

ato Arráez and Soliman, who plundered the island and took locals to become slaves. The castle now serves as a museum of piracy and houses replicas of pirate weapons such as guns, sabres and cannons as well as a model of a 106-cannon Spanish galleon used in the 18th century by the military to repel pirate attacks.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Due to their strategic situation at the centre of Atlantic sea routes, the Canaries were regular ports of call for some of the most infamous pirates in history- known mostly for their exploits on the Caribbean seas. John Hawkins, the English pirate, or privateer, a form of piracy in which the monarchy legitimised the practice by issuing a “marque”, a document authorising the holder to attack and plunder ships from hostile nations. Hawkins made the Archipelago his base and was a slave trader who would regularly attack other slave ships in order to steal their valuable human cargo. Hawkins cousin, Sir Francis Drake, you may be surprised to learn was also a pirate, and sworn enemy of Spain. He tried in vain several times to invade and conquer the Canaries between 1583 and 1595 but was thwarted every time. The cannons of Castle San Miguel, La Palma prevented him landing there, desperate for supplies for the journey to the Americas. His defeat in trying to capture the city of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria in 1595 is the subject

of several Spanish literary works by the likes of Lope de Vega and Carrasco de Figueroa. Sir Walter Raleigh, a knight of the realm of Queen Elizabeth 1 was not averse to a spot of piracy. In 1595, on route to Guyana in search of the legend of El Dorado, he stopped at Tenerife and Fuerteventura, stealing cattle as well as attacking two ships carrying weapons and wine. In 1657 Robert Blake and his band of pirates attempted to invade Tenerife leading to a bloody battle during which he plundered 6 Spanish galleons and a dozen other ships in the Spanish fleet anchored near the island.

Booty Call

In 1618 the ruthless Algerian pirates Tabac Arráez and Soliman made off with the largest booty in Canarian history when they attacked Lanzarote taking no less than 900 captives to be sold as slaves as well as a huge plunder of items of value from the locals who were betrayed when someone told the pirates of their hideout in the caves

of Los Verdes.

Defoe’s inspiration

It was on a journey back from plundering ships out of Puerto de la Cruz that renowned privateer Woodes Rogers happened upon and rescued a marooned Scottish sailor, Alexander Selkirk, on an uninhabited island in the South Pacific, where he’d survived alone for four years. Selkirk’s adventures as a castaway on the island would later be the inspiration for Daniel Defoe’s famous novel Robinson Crusoe!

Buried treasure?

Amaro Rodríguez Felipe - better known as the famous Spanish pirate Amaro Pargo was inspired at an early age by the pirate activity around his home in San Cristobel de la Laguna- so much so that he became a pirate himself, earning a fortune as a slave trader for American plantations and Canarian sugar mills. Later in life, he abandoned his pirate life and began performing works of charity due to his friendship with the nun Maria de Leon

Bello y Delgado. However, legend tells that the wily corsair had hidden his booty near to his house near Barranco Hondo, Machado. To add strength to the stories the old dog would often quip that he could see his treasure from the window of his house. Many searched for the loot upon his death in 1747 but the treasure was never found and many now believe it was the ocean the old man was speaking of. The ruins of his house can still be visited today-who knows? If you go you might just find what everyone else never managed to! So next time you’re driving along a coastal road and you coming across one of the islands many hidden inlets, imagine for a moment a pirate ship, lurking there, Jolly Roger raised-waiting to fire on the unsuspecting trade ship just headed out of port....ARR me heartys!!! Don’t forget- for your own pirate experience-come down to Vivo treasure island,day or night!! See you there!

Email Marc: marc@tenerife-weekly.com


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


XXV Congress of the ricardo melchior receives Lions Club award iberian association of Zoos and aquariums (aiZa) C aBIldO’S President, Ricardo Melchior, has been presented with the distinguished Melvin Jones lions Club award, by the international lions Club at the Salón noble Palace. he received the award from the President of the Council of Governors, arturo Carrio, given in recognition of personal and institutional collaboration with the lions Clubs. The event was also attended by the Governor of the district 116B, Claudio Benezra, district Governor 116B; the district Governor 116th, Miguel angel Fernandez; and the former International director, luis domínguez.

During the course of the presentation, came the announcement of a new Lions Club based in the Hotel Mencey in Santa Cruz and the presentation of logos to the new Lions took place.

The Lions Club is a philanthropic group that is present in more than 205 countries and boasts 1.3 million members. The name of the distinction that Ricardo Melchior has received comes from its founder, entrepreneur in Chicago, US, Melvin Jones. In 1917 he invited groups to be part of an organization with the vision of expanding its horizons beyond the exclusively professional or personal interests for the benefit of the community.

The motto of the Lions is “us we serve”, and refers directly to the central idea of the institution, which is carrying out community service. It’s a social activity assumed voluntarily, by people who are integrated into the nonprofit group, conscious of their responsibility to others and society, aiming to provide in-depth attention to the needs that manifest themselves in the community and its components to achieve well-being.








14 June

15 June

16 June

17 June

18 June

19 June

20th June


















Mostly sunny

Partly sunny

Partly sunny

Possible showers

High: 23oC

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High: 24oC

High: 23oC

High: 23oC

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High: 22oC

Real Feel: 25oC

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Real Feel: 24oC

Real Feel: 24oC

Real Feel: 23oC








Partly cloudy


Mainly clear

Partly cloudy

Mainly clear

Mainly clear

Partly cloudy

Low: 18oC

Low: 18oC

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Low: 17oC

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Low: 16oC

Real Feel: 16oC

Real Feel: 16oC

Real Feel: 16oC

Real Feel: 15oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 11oC







laST week the hotel Botánico together with loro Parque , hosted the annual Congress of the Iberian association of Zoos and aquariums (aIZa). The opening ceremony, which took place in the gardens of this beautiful hotel of Puerto de la Cruz, was attended by the Minister of environment of the Canary Islands, Guacimara Medina Pérez; the president of aIZa, Miquel Trepat; the president of loro Parque, Wolfgang Kiessling and the director of loro Parque Fundación, david Waugh.

The Congress, which took place during environment week, was attended by more than 90 people, including experts from different Spanish and Portuguese zoos. They discussed new trends on management and animal welfare under human care,

Miquel Trepat, Guacimara Perez & Wolfgang kiessling population of the planet and as well as veterinary aspects, the destruction of nature educational and research and natural habitats of the programs and key factors animals, the AIZA members listed in the rules that regudrew attention to the role of late this sector. To incorpomodern zoos, which receives rate the 40th anniversary of more than 600 million people Loro Parque, this year AIZA per year. They highlighted chose the Canary Islands for the importance of events of the meeting. this kind, in which responsiThe international zoo comble entities that comply with munity is currently subject the rules come together and to smear campaigns by enviconsolidate the work and efronmental organizations that fort in defence of the anicriticize the management of mals. some zoos. Due to the over-


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Pyramids of El Correillo Exhibiiton Güimar Lectures

The Cabildo of Tenerife has opened an exhibition “Imagenes de un barco. El Correillo La Palma y la memoria de Canarias, El Correillo – Images of a boat and Canarian Memories’, based on the history of the iconic steam ship that sailed around the archipelago between 1912 and 1976, which can be seen at the Espacio Puente TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes until July 14, sponsored by the Fundación Correillo La Palma and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Today, Friday, June 14th marks the opening of the eleventh edition of the series of lectures “Thor Heyerdahl School of Travellers”, Escuela de Viajeros Thor Heyerdahl, organized by the Hall of Cultural Tourism of the University of La Laguna and the pyramids of Güímar Ethnographic Park.

The philosophy of the “Thor Heyerdahl School of travellers “ has always been to show that anyone can live an adventure and learn from a trip; because the journey is more than just about distance or destination, it is about attitude, the mode of displacement, overcoming obstacles and experiencing trips to remote locations. The lectures are named after the famous Norwegian scientist and traveller, due to the relationship that these talks have to the life and work of Heyerdahl. The lecture series take place over four consecutive Friday’s, and as in previous occasions have notable speakers and provide very interesting talks, in which the guests will share their experiences about unusual trips, approaching very distant realities, not only geographically speaking, but from the most diverse human perspectives. This programme of illustrated talks represents a form of learning, different from the education and training that we can receive in any school classroom, reading book or film. Alberto Ayora Hirsch,

Lieutenant Colonel of the High Mountain Military Group – Grupo Militar de Alta Montana- will give the inaugural lecture entitled “white adrenaline. The path of error”, adrenalina Blanca, La ruta del error. On June 21st, it will be the turn of Ramón Lobo, journalist and war reporter, who will deliver a presentation “in the wolves mouth”, en la boca del lobo. On 28th June a talk will be given by Jorge Enrique Plasencia entitled “A bike for little Tibet. A different Himalaya”, en bici por el pequeno Tibet. Un Himilya diferente. And finally, on 5th July attendees will accompany Cesar Sar

Rivera, journalist, traveller and gourmet, who will give a presentation entitled “a dream, a year, a trip around the world”, Un Sueno, un ano, una vuelta al mundo. The conferences will take place in the Auditorium of the Park ethnographic pyramids of Güímar, Friday 14, 21 and 28 June, and Friday, July 5 starting at 8.00pm, (except June 21, which will be at 21:00), and the entrance will be free, although it is recommended to reserve a place due to the limited capacity. Information and reservations on the 922 514 510 or www. piramidesdeguimar.es.

Beach Clean Up

Riaansscuba (Padi 5* Dive Resort) Tenerife are once again returning to Playa Chica, Puerto Santiago, Tenerife on the 6th July, to make our ocean, beach and coastal walks a cleaner and safer place for everyone to enjoy.

All help would be appreciated. We need help from qualified divers and non-divers alike. Come along and have a fun couple of hours and do some good at the same time.

Hope to see you all there. For more information contact Riaansscuba at riaansscu-

ba@gmail.com or contact us through our website http:// www.diving-in-tenerife.com

The launch event was attended by the Vice President and Minister of Presidency and Finance of the Cabildo, Víctor Pérez; the President of the Foundation Correillo La Palma, Juan Pedro Morales; the Vice-Rector of culture from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Isabel Pascua; and the curator of the exhibition, Angels German. The exhibition shows through hundreds of photographs taken during the restoration and includes plans and videos, outlining the story of this iconic boat. El Correillo was active between the Canary Islands and the western coast of Africa and now, after years of restoration, it is now based in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The photographs have been loaned by the Fundación Canaria Correillo La Palma, La province - Diario de Las

Palmas, FEDAC, and private individuals taken during it’s voyages around the archipelago. Plans as well as laser scans of the boat, as well as the images of its restoration, give an idea of the wide history of this ship, now regarded as a jewel of the Industrial heritage of the Canary Islands. The exhibition is sorted chronologically to give better understanding and is also a sign of the importance of photographic archives as memory showcases, which in this case is particularly relevant due to the actual existence of this boat. The institutions and individuals who have collaborated in this exhibition are also people who have been linked to it directly or through their families, so it takes on a personal and emotional dimension.


‘special breads’ there too. Recently the men who sell the most delicious bread have had a stall outside of the Culture Centre in Los Cristianos. Their raisin and almond is to die for and of course my Other Half, being a huge fan of apples, just can´t pass by their apple bread. Check it out.

Mercado del Agricultor

It is common knowledge that in general I hate markets. Having lived on the island for 7 years I have to admit I have not once been the Sunday Market in Los Cristianos as looking from the outside in, it does not sell the sort of goods I would be buying.

However I am a sucker for the Farmers Markets and one of my favourites although not my closest is in Las Chafiras on Calle Miguel Hernandez Gomez (next to Fire Station). It is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 8.00 to 14:00 and Wednesday from 14:00 to 19:30 (although I have never been on a Wednesday or at 8.00 on a weekend!!) I like to buy my eggs from the lady who is there each week, I think her name is Isobel and I like picking over the fresh fruit and veg to get just the amount you want so nothing is wasted. The market doesn´t only sell fruit and veg though, I often buy my honey, vinegar and


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013



1. Top pilots 5. Average mark 8. Potent particle 12. Rice wine 13. Contains 14. Cowboy ____ Autry 15. Dozing ones 17. Skating jump 18. Least shallow 20. Prepare leftovers 23. Largest desert 27. Partly cover 29. Concerned one 30. Cocktail lounge

av rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las americas arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)


QuiCk CrOSSwOrD 31. Bad actor 33. Bullfight cheer 34. Aromas 37. Frontmost football players 40. Beliefs 42. Brahms piece 43. Artist Henri ____ 45. Disney fish 48. Blood vessels 52. Whip 53. Suit accessory 54. Leaves 55. English princess 56. Clairvoyant’s letters 57. Santa’s time


1. Braying beast 2. Pres. Coolidge 3. Squeak by 4. Planter 5. Speedy cat 6. Marshal Wyatt ____ 7. Snaky letters 8. Writer ____ Christie 9. ____-Mex cuisine 10. Washington bill 11. ____ Gibson of “Braveheart” 16. Resound 19. Pouch 20. Mechanical man 21. Avoid 22. Long-legged bird

24. Smell 25. Rented again 26. Amphitheater 28. Companion 32. Blunder 35. Distant 36. Bus depot (abbr.) 38. Smelling organ 39. Power 41. Iowa or Ohio 44. Eye part 45. Hoops league (abbr.) 46. Poet’s “yet” 47. Big boy 49. Debt letters 50. Snaky swimmer 51. Compass pt

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Guachinches Law Changes


Guachinches are small taverns, for want a better description, which are attached to or part of the main house of vineyards and which sell whatever homemade meals are being cooked that day, along with wine from the tavern’s own vineyard. By definition, given home produced food and wine, they are seasonal, and since the overheads are minimal, prices are low. As a result, and also because they are by their nature in out of the way rural locations and “authentically Canarian”, they are extremely popular.

Or at least, that’s what guachinches should be. Because of their success, some have become more like fully commercial restaurants, with wines bought in when the bodega’s own has run out, and with menus offering commercially prepared meals all year round. And as their success has grown, so has opposition and pressure from the catering sector,

which claims the guachinches represent unfair competition. Now, as a result, regulation is to be legislated by the Canarian Government, and last Friday the draft law was approved in the regional Parliament. It will now pass to consultation and should be in Parliament in around three weeks’ time for final approval and publication in the Boletín Oficial de Canarias (BOC). The approved law is expected to be on the statute books by the end of this month. Once it is in place, guachinches will have to register with their island Cabildo, and will be given a plaque that must be displayed outside the premises. They will only be able to operate for four months of the year, and must stop even before that if they have run out of their own produce. They will only be allowed to offer a choice of three meals, all of which must not only be homemade but also primarily contain only the vineyard’s own produce or that which is from its immediate area. All wine must be the vineyard’s own. Police will be empowered to inspect and even to force closure if the guachinche is found to be breaking the law.

Cómo Estás?

Recently I interviewed Graciela, a lovely woman who heads up the Spanish classes for foreigners in Adeje. The course is linked to the Summer School and the University of La Laguna and now is the time to register.

So I could stop at that, say no more and leave it up to those who want to make a bit of effort to learn to speak Spanish. But no, I think it really is important for us to learn to speak some of the language of the country we have decided to make home. We decided, for loads of different reasons, to live in Spain, but now that we’re here there are so many more reasons to stay. And by learning the language you are not just opening the doors of the local doctor’s surgery or the hardware shop or public school, you are opening doors to a completely new level of life and experience here. Language is the key to a culture, to a way of thinking, concepts and ideas are couched in words, in language. Once you start to speak Spanish, just some Spanish, you will be enriching your total living experience here in the Canary Islands. It’s too easy maybe to get by without Spanish. Much easier, for instance, than for many emigrants who travel to the UK to live. If they don’t learn English they are excluded from so many facets of daily life, which in itself leads to social isolation of course doesn’t do anything to encourage integration. I know there are many other reasons that contribute to these problems as well, but language plays a part. Here, there are schools, bars, restaurants, shops, radio stations and of course radio programmes, and so many other services that are available in English that you can get by quite easily with little more than a cursory ‘Gracias’ or ‘Por Favor? They, or course, have

Clio O’Flynn, English Time Adeje

Letter Of Conduct Carta De Conducta

I am always asked lots of questions but of late I have been asked to act as an interpreter & translate certificates for clients wanting a “Letter of Conduct”, mainly as they are returning back to the UK or applying for a Job.

Sylvia, CCS-Tenerife

their place are are welcome additions to the multicultural and commercial mix, but without some Spanish you are simply missing out. And you will also find that once you start to speak, even if you are stumbling over grammer and vocabulary, the Canarian and Spanish population will, generally, really appreciate the effort you are making and help you along. You will also find that you can meet so many more people, people from other countries who have also decided to settle here, with Spanish becoming your mutual common language. I love the fact that I can have a great chat with four of five pals, or attend an exercise class with Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, French and English friends, all of us getting by in our second language. It’s fun and fascinating. So enough preaching. It’s down to you at the end of the day. But this summer why not give it a go? The classes are on-going at the Adeje Cultural Centre. No tiene nada que perder – you have nothing to lose.

You can contact Sylvia on 922 085 124. What is it? • This is a certificate that certifies the absence or existence of a criminal record. What is needed? • Proof of identity of the person making the application. • Original and current residency card, passport, driver’s licence or EU identity document or equivalent of the person applying for the certificate. The document presented must provide unequivocal proof of the applicant’s identity.

Who can request it?/ present it? • Any individual of legal age. • If the concerned party holds the nationality of a European Union country other than Spain, he/she may request that any information existing in his/her country’s Registry be included in this certificate. • Any third party - When requested by the interested party either directly or through a representative. • When requested

through a competent body, as part of processing a procedure in which it is legally required. How long does it take for it to be issued? When the application is made in person the certificate is usually issued there and then. However, in certain cases a longer period may be required but in general this does not exceed three working days. The deadline the Administration has for issuing is 10 working days from the date the application is presented.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


he Cabildo de Tenerife has announced the launch of a prototype of an unmanned solar plane prototype. The solar plane will have a wingspan of 16 meters and be capable of staying in the air independently, for an indefinite time, using only energy from the Sun. It will have the ability to undertake various predefined missions for scientific, institutional or commercial uses. The launch was attended by Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior, the Deputy economic Minister of economy and finance, Carlos Alonso, Professor of the Superior technical school of aeronautical engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the director of ITER, Manuel Cendagorta. The prototype will use solar panels to charge the batteries and, therefore, be able to fly indefinitely, day and night “without having to land and be of no risk to the people”, said Melchior. Alonso has praised the prototype, which will be called ‘Tenerife’, as a ‘tool of control’ for the territory as it will supply “information” for fire management and prevention, control of the waters of the archipelago or, even, the evolution of the climate, because it will measure temperature changes”. According to Ricardo Melchior other possible uses for this type of aircraft include the missions of


observation of the Earth, surveillance of borders, fires, roads and major events or the management of any type of disaster, when for example access to the affected areas have been destroyed or human access can be dangerous, or as a mode of communication in emergency situations. Pioneered in Spain, this project has been coordinated by the Institute of technology and renewable energy, in addition with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through the Superior technical school of aeronautical engineers and Aernnova Engineering Solutions Ibérica, with help from the Ministry of economy and finance and will be co-financed by FEDER funds. The total budget of the project is 1.423.121,62 Euros The is the fourth drone to be developed by ITER and will fly at an approximate altitude of 8,000 meters and a speed of 80 kilometres per hour; it will be able to cross Tenerife in an hour. The idea of designing and manufacturing an unmanned solar aircraft has its beginnings in the construction of a smaller prototype, with a wingspan of just 5.3 meters which was on show in the Noble Hall of the Cabildo. The UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) team has developed a Flight Simulator and a virtual flight programme, which allows you to try the appliance in different scenarios, with bad weather, etc., an essential prelude to the real flight.


Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Arona. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 125 - Fax: 922 725 478

Granadilla de abona

C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de Isora

Santiago del Teide

la Orotava

el Sauzal

Plaza General Franco, s/n, 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 334 512

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

el Rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280 850 354


Solar powered plane for Tenerife

Icod de los Vinos

C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. 120 - 922 710 420 Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 869 643

San Miguel de abona

Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38620, San Miguel de 38500, Güímar. Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 101 - Fax 922 526 102 168

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973

el Tanque

Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903



C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151


Students Find Out This Summer As The ‘Real’ CSI Comes To Tenerife At Vivo Treasure Island

This summer students can step into a simulated CSI scenario with CSI Events: Tenerife. Using genuine forensic science to solve the mystery of a suspicious crime. Students will assume the role of forensic scientists as they investigate the ‘crime scene’ of a crime that is seemingly without motive. Combining theory and practice, students attempt to solve the simulated crime through classroom lectures, investigative techniques and practical work. This course incorporates curricular topics as well such as English, Science, Mathematics and many more. Although the 1 week course follows the template seen in shows such as CSI, it is designed to be as realistic as possible. While the crime scene and evidence are not real, students follow the procedure of forensic scientists and conduct experiments using authentic equipment. The course aims to convey to students the reality of crime investigation using Forensic Science. This course aims to show the ‘real’ side of forensic casework.’ Once the mystery has been untangled, participants analyse their results and build their case for the mini court trial, where they will present their evidence. This course will run continuously throughout the summer holidays. Each week 24 students will get the chance to put their skills to the test.

For more information please visit www.csieventstenerife.com/CSI--Summer-School.html or find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/csieventstenerife/


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Live arico news Our Dog Of The week - robin

ROBIn is a little sweet heart. he is an 8 month old cross breed and really loves to be loved. he is fully vaccinated, chipped and sterilised for which we ask an adoption fee of 110 euros. look at that face, how can you refuse? Call us for more information. STerILISaTION CaMPaIGN UNDerWaY !!

For the month of June we are offering HUGE discounts on sterilisations in collaboration with Hospivet Sur in Las Chafiras. As prices depend on the sex and weight of the animal (cats included!!!) please consult our Facebook page for a quotation, or call us on 629 388 102.


On Saturday the 22nd June we return to the Top Square Golf del Sur for another night of madness and mayhem. Our fundraisers here have become legendary and yes, outrageous antics are planned, yet again. Come and see us, from 8pm with entertainment from Suzy q, Kerry Railton, Robbie Dominic, Vicki Denton, Jive Hunnies and more to be confirmed. Oh, and a display of....... sorry, it’s a secret, you will just have to come and see....... On Sunday the 30th June we are having an open day in conjunction with Horse Riding Adventures in Aldea Blanca, which is of course where our rescue horse Katie lives. From 4pm come and enjoy the BBQ, cold drinkies, horse and cart

rides, pony trots and a display by owners Jim and Sarah. Meet Lola the pig and see the chickens and ducks. An afternoon to enjoy, and, you get to say hello to the lovely Katie. Hope you can come.


To be found in our charity shops this month. Come and browse in Los Cristianos, Calle Reveron, near the children’s play park, where Kel, Jackie and the lovely volunteers open between 10 and 4pm daily. Alternatively, have a look at Siobhan’s Aladdin’s Cave in San Eugenio, near Amandas Bar and opposite Hotel La Nina. Both shops are closed Sundays. Come and see, you will be surprised at the high quality goods at knock down prices. Happy shopping.

Tenerife Sur Lions Twins with warsaw Lions Club

The lions June business meeting marked a new milestone in the club’s twenty-seven year history in Tenerife.

Just prior to the meeting itself the club established a twinning relationship with the Warsaw (Warszawa Arka) Lions Club in Poland. There was another first for the club and possibly the Lions in that the twinning ceremony was conducted via a live audio/visual link between the two clubs. Although there was an invitation for the ceremony to be held in Poland, the time constraints of the busy June/July club schedule made this extremely difficult so the audio/visual link was conceived as a unique alternative. With both clubs viewing the proceedings Tenerife Sur Lions’ President Norman Goodall MBE opened the ceremony with an address where he expressed the importance of remembering that in agreeing to work together for the benefit of our clubs we will not lose sight of our common objective, that of serving our individual communities, but in doing this we are opening the boundaries of our abilities and our expertise to a much wider mission of help and assistance in our respective areas Following a reciprocal address by the Warsaw club’s lady President Mrs Dr Janina Stanska-Staniewska the twinning documents affirming each clubs commitment to a mutual co-operation, support and friendship were signed. There followed a presentation of flowers for the Warsaw Lions President on behalf of Tenerife Sur Lions Club and a toast by both clubs to each other’s success and to their future friendship. Tenerife Sur Lions would like to express their thanks to the Paradise Park Hotel for the venue and it’s assistance with the link up, in particular to their technician David for his help and expertise with setting up the equipment. - Thank you.


House Of wine flea market

la CaSa del Vino la Baranda, (the la Baranda house of Wine), has organized another flea market featuring antiques, vintage stock and curiosities at its facilities in el Sauzal on Saturday 15th June.

Lion’s Clubs SanTIaGO del Teide lion’s Club next event:President’s Night on Friday 28th June at El Estero Restaurant, Los Gigantes. Full sit down meal, live entertainment & dancing till late for 30 Euros. Contact Steve Gilbert on 666 362 092.

The market will be open from 11.00am and 6.00pm, and is an opportunity to buy antique pieces and exclusive products as well as visiting the various units of the wine house. Island Minister of agriculture, livestock and fishing, José Joaquín Bethencourt, explains that, given the success of the first edition: “We wanted to repeat the experience with the idea that this market will

become an opportunity for antique dealers to be able to offer their wares to both residents and tourists and an opportunity to promote the wine house”. The idea is, according to Bethencourt, that this initiative be held periodically. People who come to the flea market can gain free entry to the Museum of vine and wine and can also taste cheese, wine and honey from Tenerife at discounted prices.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


arona Vi festival adeje of magic Concert

an unusual and entertaining music event in adeje on Friday 28 June has been promoted as an “educational concert”. usually anything “educational” anything but fun, but past performances have proved to be superb, not only as an introduction to instruments for those at the beginning of their interest in music, but of how they perform, and what can be done with them.

aROna will be quite magical during June when it hosts the VI Festival of Magic, bringing some of the best illusionists, conjurers and magicians to perform in the municipality.

The programme is: Friday 14th, 8.30pm, Plaza, Valle San Lorenzo Thursday 20th, 7pm, C/ Flor del Sur, Guargacho Friday 21st, 8.30pm, Plaza de la Iglesia, Buzanada Saturday 22nd, 8.30pm, Parque Infantil, Las Galletas Thursday 27th, 7pm, Plaza de Guaza Friday 28th, 8.30pm, Plaza de La Paz, Arona Casco Saturday 29th, 8.30pm, Plaza exterior del Centro Cultural, Parque de La Reina Sunday 30th, 8.30pm, Plaza de La Iglesia, Los Cristianos For more information, call Arona Ayuntamiento on 010 if within Arona, or 922 761 600 from outside the municipality.

This will be fun, by anyone’s standards. The concert is being given by the teachers of the Adeje county music school, and it will be held in the auditorium in the Adeje Cultural Centre at 8pm. Entry is free.

arona Las galletas Costa del Silencio Lions Club international

forever Living – Body maintenance

I deCIded to start taking the aloe Vera juice after months of high stress in my life, two pregnancies, two teenagers and generally a period of not looking after myself as I should. I felt run down, my joints were sore, my stomach was bad. I have food intolerances and in moments of stress these can get worse, circulation in my hands was bad and my nails were weak and easily broken. I had been speaking to Julie at the open day we had here at Origins Wellness in Pearly Grey about her Forever living products and decided to try the Forever Freedom gel.

My diet and lifestyle are generally pretty healthy. But I just knew I could feel better. Within a few days of taking the aloe gel I was noticing that my circulation was better. Where previously the joints in my hands had been getting sore and I was cold, my body temperature was improving and my hands were no longer sore. My digestive system started to feel more normal... still living through some high stress moments in life and I really wasn’t doing too badly. I took 60ml of Aloe Freedom Gel every morning. This version of the gel that combines the legendary properties of Aloe Vera with some of the best known ingredients and supplements that research has shown to be beneficial in the repair and maintenance of healthy

By Judith McFadden

joints: Glucosamine sulphate, Chondroitin sulphate, and MSM, and for good measure they have also included extra Vitamin C. So many people had told me the Aloe juice was disgusting to take, however I really didn’t find it bad at all, and with the benefits, even if it was gross I think it would be worth it. I live a very active life. Lugging about 2 babies in an all-terrain double buggy weighing 25+ kilos, teaching boot camps, fitness classes, doing my own training, massage and sports therapy treatments, leaning over a couch. Plus the usual household stuff, I can honestly say I feel better after taking the Forever Freedom Gel and if you have any reservations… Don’t!! Just try it. Do what I tell my clients that are changing their nutritional intake to do, make a list of the little things you are noticing, hair, nails, digestion, sleep... all these ‘niggly’ things and try the gel. ... See what you can cross off your ‘niggle’ list.

aRe holding an afternoon and evening of entertainment on Sunday 16th June from 3pm until 9pm at the Rendezvous (Bistro), Winter Gardens, Golf del Sur. your host and compere for the event will be derrick of the lions Club and the entertainment will be provided by Vicky denton, Roxy Rosario, Micky Glamz, Colin Stevens, hollie Bourne and eddie hastings, david Salmon, Suzi Q and Jan Munroe (doing aBBa) and dave Varley to close. There will be a Tombola, guess the number of sweets, nearest the jack plus more. A BBQ will be provided by the venue for a minimal cost. We would like to thank the people who are supporting us including Arcadia Restaurant and The Emerald Lounge on the Top Square in San Blas, Aberdeen Steak House Golf del Sur, Cath’s Corner and The Card and Candy Store in Costa Silencio and a big thank you to Coast FM for their advertising. We hope to see you there ......

www.tenerife-weekly.com The President of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Ricardo Melchior, and Vice President and Minister of Social Action, Cristina Valido recently met with a delegation from the Vicente Ferrer Foundation, who presented the projects that been developed in India in an effort to eradicate extreme poverty over the last 40 years.

The expedition was headed by Moncho Ferrer, son of the founder and director of programmes, who was accompanied by the directorgeneral, Jordi Folgado and representatives of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation in the Canary Islands and Tenerife, Manuel Roales and Nieves González. During the meeting, the representatives of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation detailed the on-going work in India to help eradicate extreme poverty through a programme of integrated development and promoting agricultural production, education, health and housing. They have also made huge advances on the work of women and persons with disabilities. Within these programmes, is the opportunity to provide sponsorship for a child, a women’s support group or even the possibility of becoming a partner. On Tuesday 11th, a documentary, Waiting For A Miracle, was screened at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes which explained the long way the Vicente Ferrer Foundation (FVF) has come over the past 40 years of work to overcome social barriers and changing consciousness. Through the most intimate confessions, the documentary portrayed the difficulties that had to be overcome and the importance to become respon-

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Vincent Ferrer Foundation Visits Tenerife

sible for their own changes. The people who participated in the documentary are from rural India and most of them now work on their own land. Through the programme of development the FVF have managed to gain independence for peo-

ple from the upper castes after centuries of slavery. The film was divided into three parts and through the Narrator, Hanumakka, a child with visual impairment; the viewer watched the transformation of people in the

last 40 years and their hopes for the future. His inclusion acquired a special meaning as people with disabilities suffer triple discrimination, on grounds of sex, caste, as well as their disability. Waiting For A Miracle was been

directed by Gemma Ventura. This documentary won best foreign film and best director at the International festival in Beverly Hills, and earned a special mention at the Film Festival of Mexico and an Excellence Award in the Festival of Canada.

IGIC: Some Help For Small Traders

Diana McGlone of The One Stop Problem Shop The Minister of Economy, Finance and Security of the Canary Islands, Javier González Ortiz, has confirmed that the self-employed and small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) will not have to ante up the IGIC (like VAT) to be collected for the tax man until their invoices have actually been paid. Up to now the tax was payable in the quarter a business person raised their invoice, regardless of whether it had been paid or not. In the case of IVA (VAT), applicable to mainland Spain, the matter has already been included in the Draft Law on Entrepreneurs. Gonzalez Ortiz said that the IGIC measure will come into force in the Canary Islands at the same time as the new state regulation; during 2014. The Minister warned, however, that although this will be a positive move for the self employed and SMEs, “it will have an initial impact on public funds and that needs to be addressed as it could affect all important deficit calculation”, as according to the Minister, this fact has not been taken into account by the State Government. González Ortiz, also announced a scheme in combination with various financial institutions to make available around 300 million euros in loans to entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises in the Islands.

Ortiz said access to credit is the main difficulty in initiating new projects, “so that this government is focusing its efforts on overcoming this handicap.”

14 amputated - world’s first rabies in Spain for Double- Leg Transplant first Time Since 1975 Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

The Spanish hospital that carried out the world’s first double-leg transplant has reported that the patient has had both limbs amputated after an unrelated illness forced him to stop taking anti-rejection drugs. “The patient who had two legs transplanted at the Hospital La Fe in 2011 had to undergo an operation to amputate the two extremities,” said a statement issued by the hospital in Valencia, eastern Spain. The patient had the two limbs amputated about a year and a half after the ground-breaking transplant, it said. He had to stop taking immunosuppressant drugs required to prevent his body rejecting the transplant because the medicine was complicating the treatment of the illness he contracted: “In these cases the protocol is that, if the transplanted organ is not a vital organ, it should be removed from the patient so as to allow treatment of the illness that is more serious and urgent.” Renowned surgeon Pedro Cavadas led the team that


a PIT Bull that bit four children and an adult in central Spain was infected with rabies, marking the first recorded case of the disease in the country in almost four decades.

carried out the original 10hour transplant operation, which was completed on July 10, 2011. The double leg surgery was declared as a world first. The patient, a man in his 20s at the time of the operation, had had both legs amputated above the knee after a traffic accident. The height of the amputation prevented him from using a prosthesis, meaning that he would have been consigned to a wheelchair with “zero” chance of walking again, the transplant surgeon said at the time. For the double leg transplant, more than 50 medical staff were involved including surgeons, nurses, anaesthetists and transplant coordinators. Surgeons had to con-

All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

nect nerves, blood vessels, muscles, tendons and bone structure. But the patient was prescribed immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of his life. In October 2008, Cavadas carried out the first double arm transplant in Spain and the second in the world, and in August 2009 he performed Spain’s first face transplant. Spain has become a world leader in organ donation since it set up a network of transplant co-ordinators in 1989 at all hospitals to closely monitor emergency wards and identify potential donors. “The Spanish transplant program is a model because of the altruism and solidarity shown by donors,” the Hospital La Fe said.

TFS - Tenerife Sur airport (Reina Sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife north

TFn airport (los Rodeos) Flight info General info

Cosmos Thomas Cook Thomson TUI

local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

hospitals 094 national Ferry Services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 922 628 252 922 793 802 Fred Olsen 922 757 409 922 798 607 Tourist offices 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TITSa La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 Radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 922 641 112 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 922 747 511

Tour operators


Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

Red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424

The owner of the dog has been arrested for criminal negligence resulting in injury and for failing to have the correct license for a dangerous breed. It is thought he deliberately doctored veterinary records of the pit bullcross after bringing it into Spain from Morocco. It is understood that the rabid pit bull cross was bred in Spain but spent four months in Morocco, only returning within the last month. Authorities in Castile-La Mancha have declared a state of high alert and ordered the compulsory vaccination of all dogs and cats and ferrets within an 18 mile radius of where the attacks took place. Around 60,000 dogs in 56 villages are thought to be at risk. “We have also forbidden dogs to be allowed off the lead in public spaces until the danger has passed,” confirmed Tirso Yuste, head of

the regional Agriculture department. At least seven dogs have already been identified as having high levels of rabies and have been put in quarantine for one month. The dog attacked three children, aged two, six and twelve, as well as a 17-year old man in the village of Arges, near Toledo. It was immediately destroyed and was confirmed to have been rabid following tests. All concerned were discharged after being given rabies inoculations, however the two-year-old who was bitten in the face has been kept in hospital. Mainland Spain was officially declared rabies free in 1975 after successful campaigns to stamp out the disease. There have been occasional examples recorded in Spain’s North African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, cities on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast.


Mainland News In Brief Hollywood producers are keen to tell the story of Spain’s recent run of success on the big screen. According to reports the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has received a request from ‘big-time producers’ in America to translate La Roja’s unique run of back-to-back-to-back competition wins into a motion picture. Spain became the first nation in history to win three consecutive international tournaments last summer, when lifting the European Championship in 2012 followed up 2010’s World Cup win and 2008’s European Championship. Any planned film would reportedly centre on Spain’s strength as a group, rather than a reliance on an individual, and also on their impact on society despite ‘economic crisis and social difficulty’. The European Commission wants to raise the IVA on food to 10 per cent from 4 per cent. There are concerns in Spain after news from Brussels of a plan to raise the IVA on food. The rise would affect basic foodstuffs such as bread, milk, eggs and fruit and even books. Mariano Rajoy has not made any comments or decisions, and the President of the Spanish Confederation of Bread Producers (CEOPAN), Lorenzo Alonso said that it would be absurd to raise the tax on bread. Consumption of bread in Spain has fallen from 134 kilos a year to an average 34 kilos a year placing Spain at the bottom of the list for bread consumption in Europe. Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan will be visiting Spain for a week to celebrate the 400th anniversary of bilateral exchanges between Japan and Spain. He hopes not only to celebrate the past ties, but also explore how those ties can be strengthened further. He will be attending several events in five cities throughout his visit. A former Spanish nursing home worker has been convicted of killing 11 residents over a one-year period by forcing them to drink toxic liquids like bleach. Joan Vila confessed during his trial but claimed he killed to ease the pain and suffering of his victims. Prosecutors had presented evidence they argued showed that he did not kill out of mercy, requesting a 194-year sentence. Vila’s defence say he is mentally ill and are asking a judge to impose 20 years of probation. The killings happened in 2009 and 2010 at the nursing home in the city of Olot, close to the border with France. A retired Spanish police dog has received a prestigious award by a British animal charity group in recognition of his bravery and skill. Ajax, a 12-year-old German Shepherd detected a bomb on the Spanish island of Mallorca only hours after two officers were killed in a terror attack on July 30, 2009. The dog found the bomb planted under a car by the armed Basque group ETA in the town of Palma Nova. He was decorated with the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals’ Gold Medal at a ceremony Tuesday on the outskirts of Madrid. Ajax is only the 22nd dog to receive the award. Spain’s Interior Ministry has issued a statement saying that five Tunisian men living in Barcelona have been arrested on accusations of praising terrorism after they allegedly put on the Internet speeches by Osama Bin Laden, explanations on how to make bombs and videos showing Islamic terrorists training and firing weapons and carrying out executions. The men who had been under investigation since 2012, shared content from jihadist sources linked to al-Qaida. Praising terrorism has been a crime in Spain since 1995, when it was introduced to counter the armed ETA Basque separatist movement.

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Holiday From Hell Paella Style


cycling tour of Spain turned into the holiday from hell for Geoff Cox and girlfriend Bridget Keyes when they ate out in a restaurant. The couple noticed their bill had the addition of an extra paella, but their complaint to the waiter escalated into a physical row when he insisted that they were wrong.

The couple agreed with the restaurant that the police should be called, thinking the police would side with them. However, when officers arrived, the pair were stunned to find themselves arrested in a fight which saw Mr Cox’s glasses broken and him eventually fined. To add insult to injury the police later demanded compensation amid claims that the couple had assaulted them. Mr Cox described the “horrific” incident on May 17 after they pointed out to the waiter they had wrongly been charged 15 euros (£12.75) for the extra paella: “He went off like a firecracker and a row ensued. We put down 105 euros and said we would pay that, but he wanted 120 euros (£101). It got a bit ugly and when he said he would call the police we said, ‘Right, fine’, because we were certain they would side with us.” Instead the police arrested them, took their fingerprints, confiscated their shoelaces and put them in separate cells for the night without food or drink. “Two lawyers and a translator turned up 12 hours later – we had no

ETA Arrests

information, no food and no water,” said Mr Cox of Newdigate, Surrey. “I was told I was charged with assault on the police, resisting arrest and defrauding a restaurant, which were criminal charges and I could get a year in jail. Plus we were told the police had filed for damages against us.” After a seven-hour wait, they were taken to court where they were told the criminal charges had been dropped. However, the police damages claim remained and they had to return to court two days later. “That messed up our holiday plans as we were off to Seville,” said Mr Cox. “We came back to Granada at a cost of 200

euros to have our day in court. We still didn’t know what was happening. The prosecution demanded fines of 360 euros each, plus 260 euros damages to the police. In the end we were fined 78 euros, and 250 euros damages for me throwing my face against his fist.” They also paid a £340 legal bill. Mr Cox said: “I’m an ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen who has never had any trouble with the police. It’s a bloody outrage and we must still make sure our fine gets paid to the right place. If it gets lost in the system we could find ourselves facing a European extradition warrant, so I’m still worried about it.”

for independence for the Basque Country of northern Spain and south west France. In October 2011 it declared a “definitive end” to its armed activity but has not formally disarmed or disbanded as the Spanish government demands. ETA has not carried out an attack on Spanish soil since 2009 and some ex-

perts estimate it has only a few dozen members still at large after a string of arrests of its members over recent years.

The Spanish government have announced that police have detained two suspected ETA commandos, striking another blow against the network of the armed Basque group.

Jon Lizarribar Lasarte, 37, and Ruben Gelbentzu Gonzalez, 39, are accused of taking part in four attacks during 2002, the Interior Ministry said in a statement. The attacks were directed against the University of Navarra, El Corte Ingles in Zaragoza and two companies from the neighbouring province of Navarra, it said. Spanish police, carried out a raid acting on intelligence gathered from documents seized in France from members of the ETA leadership. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s government said 36 ETA suspects had been arrested up to the end of May this year since it took power in December 2011. Listed as a terrorist group by the European Union and the United States, ETA is blamed for 829 deaths in a forty year campaign of bombings and shootings



eaSY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

SudOKu every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

answers to the SudOKu are on page 2.

www.tenerife-weekly.com A suspected stowaway trying to evade a border check and illegally enter Spain was arrested when Police heard about his plan. They arrested the illegal immigrant who’d risked life and limb trying to enter Spain by stowing away next to the propellers of a ferry.

The desperate Algerian man, 48, had climbed on to the vessel in Tangiers, Morocco, on Saturday and clung on for dear life for over two hours as the boat crossed the Straits of Gibraltar. He had planned to jump into the water, as the ferry came close to shore and then swim to land. However National Police officers heard of his plot and were waiting for him as the ferry was about to dock in Tarifa. The man was arrested and taken to an immigration detention centre. This is not the first time a foreign national has stared death in the face trying to get into a country. In June 2010 a Romanian hid in the undercarriage of a jumbo jet and survived temperatures of -41c at 25,000ft while catching a free flight into Britain. The jobless stowaway crouched in the rear-wheel compartment during an extraordinary 800-mile trip from Vienna to London on a Boeing 747 owned by the Dubai royal family. Air-

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Stowaway Risks Death To Enter Spain

port officials say the man could easily have been crushed by the plane’s wheels or killed by a lack of oxygen and was ‘incredibly lucky’ to be alive. He was taken to Heathrow police station but because he was apparently of previous good character, he was given a police caution and released from custody at 2.47pm on Monday. The man was carrying ID and immigration officials were satisfied he was Romanian and entitled to stay. Records collated by the US Federal Aviation Administration suggest that at best one in four stowaways survive, but many others die or fall in transit. Survivors rarely escape unscathed and frostbite claims many limbs. In 2009 an illegal immigrant smuggled himself into Britain underneath a coach full of Border Agency officials. The immigration officers were not aware of the stowaway until they had completed their journey through the Channel Tunnel from France and had arrived at their depot in Folkestone.

Cruise Liners In Crisis? Good News For Passengers While Spain might be the second most popular cruise destination in Europe, the on-going European financial crisis continues to undermine the benefit of such a prestigious position. Latest figures from Puertos del Estadio, the national port agency, indicate that as of the end of February 2013, the number of passengers disembarking at ports in Spain fell by over 8%, which roughly translates into approximately 600,000 less tourists spending money in the country’s various ports of call.

Industry analysts fear that they may be headed toward a free fall as trends begin to shift. The cruise industry is a significant contributor to Spain’s tourism industry. In 2011, the country received over 5.25 million cruise passengers. That number of passengers represented an injection of at least 520 million Euros into the economy. In addition, the cruise industry contributed around 1.3 billion Euros in direct

expenditures while creating more than 27,000 jobs for 2011. Much of this comes from Barcelona which was Europe’s leading cruise port by number of passengers in 2011. In spite of the fewer number of passengers arriving in Spain this year, the number of cruise liners that docked in its ports by the end of February 2013 had risen by nearly 5%, about 15 cruise vessels for a total of 321 ships. This figure suggests that the cruise lines did not accurately match capacity with demand. That trend remained evident in February where the Spanish ports logged nearly 7% fewer passengers but an increase of 7 more vessels over the same month the previous year. Barcelona remains the market leader in the Spanish cruise industry; the most significant growth in February was in the Balearic Islands followed by Cadiz Bay with an increase of 51% in new arrivals, over 26,000 tourists and 7 new cruise vessels. Significant slumps in cruise visitor arrivals were recorded in Valencia and Malaga with decreases of as much as 48%. Results in the Canary Islands were mixed as Las Palmas saw a 21% increase in visitors but Santa Cruz de Tenerife re-

corded a decrease of 11%. What the rest of 2013 has in store for the cruise industry remains to be seen but early indications from the first two months of 2013 leave many feeling cautiously optimistic as the ports of Spain saw only a modest increase of 0.35% in passenger arrivals over the previous year. Meanwhile, the cruise lines are making preparations for what they hope will be a promising summer

cruise season. Royal Caribbean’s Independence of the Seas recently arrived at its Southampton port earlier this month in preparation for its 12-night Canary Islands cruises while Celebrity’s Eclipse vessel arrived to prepare for its AzoresCanary Island itineraries. Although the cruise lines may not be pleased at the state of the industry and many nations see reduced visitation and spending as a result of the downturn, the weak and un-

predictable demand gives the consumer the upper hand especially for those that intend to embark on one of the many family cruises available this summer season. It should be welcome news to consumers that have yet to plan their summer holidays that competitive pricing action taken in Germany and the UK in order to maintain full occupancy has resulted in lower prices each year on European cruises and 2013 will be no exception.

18 pensions reforms Signals Death row Debate in madrid Tough Times ahead Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

SPaIn could soon link state retirement payments to economic cycles and longer life expectancy under recommendations commissioned by the government. however, splits within the group of experts that produced the study on pensions signal a tough road ahead for the government as it pushes for unpopular changes to social security.

Brussels is demanding that Spain reform its pension system by the end of the year, alongside other demands for reforms to remove imbalances from the country’s economy. Spain’s centre-right government will use the recommendations as the basis for talks with opposition parties and unions over reforms aimed at preventing a long term pension’s deficit. One proposed formula is that payments would be revised annually, connected with the system’s costs and


FORMeR death row inmate Joaquin Martinez, who was acquitted of a double murder in the uS state of Florida after spending five years behind bars, will be campaigning for the abolition of capital punishment in an international congress in Madrid this week.

revenues, rather than to inflation as in the past, which could lead to lower pensions and buying power during times of economic crisis. Another formula would link payments to life expectancy. The ruling People’s Party, recently passed a reform to restrict early retirement and is pushing ahead with a wider revision of the system, widely considered unsustainable due to an aging population, low birth rate and high unemployment. “We’re trying to guarantee sustainability by introducing an alert mechanism, a component with a long-term vision,” Victor Perez, head of the recommendations committee, told reporters. The number of people contributing to state pensions has fallen to its lowest level

in a decade after more than 3 million Spaniards lost their jobs and stopped paying into the system. Spain has 9 million pensioners and the government spends the equivalent of 11% of annual GDP on pensions. Only 17 million workers are currently paying into the system and in 2012 for the first time the government dipped in to the social security reserve fund to cover pension payments, as it struggled with both an economic recession and budget cuts. The country’s pensioners, who are a key portion of the electorate, have been sustaining younger generations that are suffering under the 27% unemployment rate, so any cut to their payments could hurt millions of jobless families.

Twelve years after leaving death row in Florida, Joaquin Martinez still cannot cope with traditional light bulbs: “At the time we still had the electric chair and just like in the movies, the bulbs flickered and went out when they executed someone,” said Martinez, who is attending the fifth World Congress against the Death Penalty. “I don’t have any normal light bulbs at home, just halogens,” he said. The 41-year-old Spaniard was arrested in 1996 in Florida on suspicion of double murder before being he was found not guilty by the US justice system, he was freed in 2001. “I still dream sometimes that I am a prisoner. I wake up with a shudder,” he said in a presentation event ahead of the June 12-15 congress, organised by the French lobby group Ensemble Contre La Peine de Mort (Together Against the Death Penalty). Organizers are expecting 1,500 people from 90 countries, including high-profile poli-

ticians such as French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, to attend the congress. The debate will be punctuated by testimony from people who were once condemned to death or have relatives living on death row. Another Spaniard, 40-yearold Pablo Ibar, has spent 19 years in the same Florida death row that Joaquin Martinez left behind. Arrested in 1994 for triple murder, Ibar was condemned to death in 2000. His relatives have proclaimed his innocence. Once a month, his 68-year-old father Candido Ibar, who lives in the United States, drives for seven hours for a visit, sometimes of less than three hours, held in a room where death row inmates gather around about 50 tables to talk with those close to them. “He is the one who encourages me,” Candido Ibar said, “I think he sees me, already old. He knows how I feel and that gives him the strength to encourage me. He tells me: ‘Don’t worry’.” Pablo Ibar keeps fit and studies legal files to better follow his

case while waiting to hear if the US justice system will grant him a new trial. His alleged accomplice was found not guilty and freed at the end of last year, his family say. “Who are we to decide to take away someone’s life?” asked Candido Ibar. “Especially when there have been several cases where the condemned ended up being found innocent.” One of the goals of the congress, held every three years since 2001, is to abolish the death penalty worldwide. The head of French lobby group organising the meeting, Raphael Chenuil-Hazan said: “We are not here to point a finger but more to convince countries to get rid of this cruel, inhuman and degrading penalty,” said “Twenty or thirty years ago, two-thirds of countries were anti-abolition and practised the death penalty. Today that situation has reversed,” he added. But the 58 countries that still carry out the death penalty, of which 25 do so regularly, “are obviously the hardest to convince,” Chenuil-Hazan said.



he Queen paid a visit to her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh in hospital on his 92nd birthday on Monday, where he was said to be “comfortable and in good spirits”.

Her Majesty’s 25-minute visit to the London Clinic in Harley Street, where Prince Philip underwent exploratory surgery on his abdomen last Friday, came as Buckingham Palace gave an update on his condition. Palace officials said he is likely to remain in hospital for up to two weeks and will then take a “period of convalescence of approximately two months”. The Queen visited the hospital after returning to Buckingham Palace following a weekend at Windsor Castle, where she received regular updates about her husband’s health. Her Majesty was the second member of the Royal Family to visit Prince Philip. Earlier, Prince Edward spent around 20 minutes at the hospital. Asked by reporters how his father was, he replied: “Well, thank you.” Gun salutes were fired around the country to mark Prince Philip’s birthday. The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired a 41-gun royal salute in Green Park, central London, at noon to mark Prince Phillips birthday. There were also salutes at Edinburgh Castle, in Cardiff and at Hillsborough Castle in Northern Ireland. He received birthday greetings on Twitter from Prime Minister

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Prince Phillip Spends 92nd Birthday In Hospital

David Cameron: “Wishing the Duke of Edinburgh a very happy 92nd birthday as he recovers in hospital today.” The prince was admitted to hospital for the pre-arranged operation on Thursday, following a garden party at the Palace. Details of the original symptoms behind his admission have not been

released, but it is thought the procedure did not involve his heart or bladder, with which he has experienced problems before. The prince was admitted to hospital twice last year because of a bladder infection that forced him to miss the last of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. He also suffered a blocked coronary artery the previous

Mandela Responding To Treatment

South African President Jacob Zuma has reported that Nelson Mandela is responding better to treatment in hospital following a “difficult few days”. He told parliament that he was happy with the progress being made by the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader, who is suffering from a lung infection. “I am happy to report that Madiba is responding better to treatment from this morning,” Mr Zuma said at a budget hearing, using the icon’s clan name. Mr Zuma, speaking 49 years after Mandela was sentenced to life in prison, paid tribute to his predecessor and the others who were imprisoned that day as heroes of South African democracy: “Because of their sacrifices and the foundation that was laid for a free and democratic South Africa, our country is a much better place to live in now than it was before 1994, even though we still have so


Christmas that required surgery. Despite being admitted to hospital on several occasions in recent years, the prince, known for his active lifestyle, has maintained a busy schedule, and in April visited Canada for a “private working visit”. He was at the Queen’s side at Westminster Abbey last Tuesday for the 60th anniversary of her

coronation and on Wednesday toured a Victorian steamship, the SS Robin, in London’s East End. On Thursday, just before the garden party, the Queen invested Prince Philip with New Zealand’s highest honour, making him an additional member of the Order of New Zealand to mark the Diamond Jubilee.

RAF Rescues WWII Plane

The RAF Museum says it is “absolutely delighted” that aircraft wreckage has been successfully raised from the English Channel. The last surviving World War Two German Dornier 17 was shot down and crash landed on Goodwin Sands, around six miles off the Kent coast, on August 26, 1940 and has lain there ever since, covered by sand.

much work to do.” He also thanked people around the world for their prayers: “We appreciate the messages of support from all over the world. It is an honour for us as South Africans to share Madiba with the international community. We are so proud to call him our own. We urge South Africans and the international community to continue to keep President Mandela and the medical

team in their thoughts and prayers.” Mandela is in a Pretoria hospital where he is receiving treatment for a recurring infection. His grandson Mandla said: “We are grateful that my grandfather has continued to have support from the presidency ... we also want to thank the doctors who have worked around the clock to look after him while he is in hospital.”

Recent poor weather and technical problems had hampered previous attempts to raise the wreckage, but divers were able to use an opportunity of calm weather on Monday evening. A few fragments of the fragile plane dropped off during the recovery, but the museum said divers will recover them and they will added to the main body of the aircraft. “To say we are absolutely delighted with this moment would be an understatement,” the museum tweeted.

The plane is an unimpressive, rusty, seaweed-clad shell at the moment, but experts at the Sir Michael Beetham Conservation Centre in Shropshire will be charged with restoring it to its former glory. A team of experts from Seatech lived on a barge for the past month, diving sometimes up to four times a day as they prepared to lift the plane with cables. A steel rod running between the bomb door and tail section was used to add extra support.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

facebook party Carnage

Bamboo Towels antiquities Tenerife

They are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypo-allergenic;


TeenaGeRS celebrating the end of their exams threw bottles at police officers as they tried to break up an “out of hand” house party. an estimated 150 people - many of them gate-crashers - turned up at the property on a private estate in Surrey, after an invitation to the party that was posted on Facebook went viral.

bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hypersensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30˚C wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine and at the moment they have an offer for one bath towel and a hand towel for just 15,00 Euros. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.

A police helicopter was scrambled and several police cars were sent to the house, following reports of a “large scale disturbance”. At least one of the revellers is thought to have been bitten by a police dog as officers, who were pelted with bottles and other missiles, tried to disperse the group. A female police officer suffered bruising and a swollen hand when she was assaulted by one of the youngsters. Inspector Angie Austin, of Surrey Police, said she had been “sickened and disgusted” by what she described as a scene of “carnage”. Inspector Paul Grove added: “This incident demonstrates the dangers which police officers face on a daily basis and a full investigation will now follow to find those responsible for the disturbance in a bid to bring them to justice. Surrey Police will not tolerate such violent behaviour against officers and members of the public.” The host, who has not been named, said he “probably invited too many people” when he

set up the party as a private event on Facebook. “The people I invited then invited their friends and the chain effect took hold,” he said. Two 17-year-olds were arrested and released on bail in connection with the disturbance.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Final Solo Engagement For Kate The Duchess of Cambridge conducted her last solo public engagement before giving birth in July. She was present at a ship naming ceremony in Southampton, where Kate became godmother of the Royal Princess after smashing a bottle over its hull.

The Duchess, now in the final weeks of her pregnancy, also toured the ship in a brief tour. Although it was the 31-yearold’s last solo engagement, she is expected to attend Trooping the Colour on Saturday. The Royal Princess, built at a construction yard near Venice, was blessed in the ceremony,


which was also attended by charities of which Kate, Prince William and Prince Harry are patrons. The 3,600-passenger ship includes an over-water ‘sea walk’ and a top-deck glass-bottomed walkway, which extends 28ft beyond the edge of the ship. The vessel, which is scheduled to make her maiden voyage on June 16th, is home to the largest pastry shop at sea as well as poolside cabanas. The naming ceremony is a long-standing royal tradition. The predecessor to the Royal Princess was launched by Diana, Princess of Wales in 1984. The Queen named the Queen Elizabeth in 2010 and the Duchess of Cornwall named the Queen Victoria three years earlier.

Hollywood Stars Oldest Man On In Anti-Nuclear The Planet Dies Campaign Film

Hollywood’s Alisters have joined forces in a video calling for world leaders to rid the planet of nuclear weapons. Michael Douglas recruited fellow actors such as Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon to take part in the two-minute film released by campaign group Global Zero.

The celebrities, who also include Alex Baldwin, Danny DeVito and Martin Sheen, urge US President Barack Obama to bring about further cuts the Cold War weapons stockpiles. The video was released to coincide with the G-8 Summit in Northern Ireland, where Mr Obama is expected to discuss nuclear arms with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Global Zero is an international organisation launched in 2008 in an effort to eliminate and secure all nuclear weapons.

Jiroemon Kimura, the oldest man to have ever lived has died in Japan. The 116-yearold was also the world’s oldest living person, was admitted to a Kyoto hospital for pneumonia in May but passed away in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The Guinness World Records said Mr Kimura was crowned the world’s oldest person on December 17, 2012, after the death of former title holder, a 115-yearold US woman. He was asked about the secret to his long life on his 115th birthday: “I don’t know exactly,” he said. “Maybe it’s all thanks to the sun above me. I am always looking up towards the sky that is how I am.” Born on April 19, 1897 the same year as former British Prime Minister Anthony Eden, Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and children’s writer Enid Blyton, Mr Kimura worked at his local post office and also did some farming at his home after retiring. He leaves seven children, 14 grandchildren, 25 greatgrandchildren, and 15 greatgreat-grandchildren. Japan has over 50,000 people who are aged 100

and over, 2011 government data showed, reinforcing its reputation for longevity. The world’s longest living

woman, 115-year-old Misao Ookawa, also comes from Japan and now becomes the oldest person on the planet.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


food poll reveals Bad Habits

a POll for the Food Standards agency found 43% of consumers ignore “use by” dates - with many preferring to sniff food or check its colour to decide whether it is fine to eat. Some 29% admitted eating food which had been dropped on the floor, and 21% said they did not wash their hands before preparing food. Over a third said they washed chicken before cooking it - potentially splashing bacteria around the sink area.

The study, to mark the launch of Food Safety Week, also found 35% of people do not check “use by” dates. Unlike “best before” dates, “use by” dates relate to safety and are based on scientific testing. Of the 83% who admitted to one or more habits when cooking at home that could put them at risk of food poisoning, the same percentage said they had confidence in their food hygiene all or most of the time, while 93% said they believed they had never given family or friends food poisoning. And if they did fall ill themselves, only 5% said they considered whether the cleanliness of their own kitchen was the cause. There is a theory known as the

three-second rule or five-second rule that if food dropped on the floor is picked up quickly enough, it is safe to eat. TV’s cleaning expert Aggie MacKenzie, star of Channel 4’s How Clean Is Your House, says it is easy to avoid food poisoning, and dispels myths about ‘the five-second rule’. MacKenzie, said: “It depends on how clean the floor is. If you’ve just cleaned it, fine. But if the dog

has been rolling around in it, maybe not. Bacteria grow in a warm, moist environment, so the drier it (the food) is, the safer you are, possibly.” While admitting she was a “sniffer”, she added: “It is not the safest thing to do. You should stick to ‘use by’ dates, and if you think you are not going to use your food by the ‘use by’ date you should freeze it.”

Asked if some germs were needed to build a good immune system, she replied: “Absolutely. It’s about getting it right. I know that there is evidence to say that children who grow up in farms, who are much more exposed to bacteria, there is much less incidence of asthma and other diseases like that. But the single most significant thing you can do to avoid food poisoning is to wash your hands before pre-

paring and eating food and after you’ve been to the loo, and to dry them on a clean towel. There is a huge incidence of food poisoning much more than there should be and it is very easy to combat this.” The FSA has launched an online survey for people to score themselves on their kitchen habits and hygiene - http://food.gov.uk/ news-updates/campaigns/kitchencheck/#.UbXiPpwmySo





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w a r d - wi n n i n g Scottish writer Iain Banks has died aged 59 after a battle with cancer. The author had posted on his website in April that he was in the final stages of gall bladder cancer and was unlikely to live beyond a year. His publisher Little, Brown Book Group released a statement confirming he had died: “On behalf of Iain’s wife, Adele, it is with enormous sadness that Little, Brown announces the death of Iain Banks. Banks has been one of the country’s best loved novelists for both his mainstream and science fiction books. After his own recent announcement of his cancer Iain Banks was hugely moved by the public support for him via his website. “Just three weeks ago he was presented with finished copies of his last novel, The Quarry and enjoyed celebration parties with old friends and fans across the publishing world. Iain Banks’ ability to combine the most fertile of imaginations with his own highly distinctive brand of gothic humour made him unique. He is an irreplaceable part of the literary world.” In the last few weeks he had written a series of blogs about his health and feelings about life. Some of his experiences of illness are expected to appear in the pages of The Quarry, due out on June 20.

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Irreplaceable Ian Banks Dies

He is best known for books like The Wasp Factory and The Crow Road, which was made into a TV se-

ries. Writing under the name Iain M Banks, he also wrote a series of science fiction books. He won a range

Black Widow Murders Husband Of Four Days

of accolades for his science fiction and also a handful for his traditional novels. In 2008, The Times named

Melissa Ann Shepard, nicknamed the ‘Black Widow’ has pleaded guilty to drugging a man she had only just married. The 78-year-old Canadian was charged last October after her husband of only four days, Fred Weeks, 75, fell ill at a bed and breakfast in Nova Scotia. She pleaded guilty to administering a noxious substance and failing to provide the necessities of life. Prosecutor Gerald MacDonald said outside Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Sydney that an attempted murder charge was dropped because the prosecution could not prove that Shepard intended to kill Mr Weeks. Shepard became known as the ‘Black Widow’ because of prior convictions linked to her past relationships. She was convicted of manslaughter in 1992 in the death of her second husband, Gordon Stewart, who she drugged and ran over twice with a car. In 2005, Shepard - who had used several other surnames was sentenced to five years in prison on seven counts of theft from a man in Florida who she had met online. Alex Strategos, now 81, said she stole $20,000 (£12,850) from him over the month that they lived together. In the latest case, the prosecution read an agreed statement of facts in court, saying Shepard mixed in the tranquilisers’ Lorazepam andTtemazepam into Weeks’ drinks while they were aboard a ferry. They were on their way from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, to Port-aux-Basques, Newfound-


him as one of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945. As of March 2013, he had published 26 novels, several of which have been adapted for TV, radio and theatre. He was involved in a range of political and social causes. He was an Honorary Associate of the National Secular Society, had spoken in favour of Scottish independence, and had written and spoken about Britain’s involvement in the 2003 Iraq War and the situation in the Palestinian Territories. He was married twice. He met his first wife Annie in London before the release of his first book in 1984, but the couple separated in 2007. In April it was announced that he had married his partner Adele Hartley, in a Humanist ceremony, after asking her to be his “widow”. The couple honeymooned in Italy. Many fans reacted quickly to the news of his death on Twitter. Among those who left tributes were bookshop Waterstones, who said: “Very sad to hear of Iain’s passing this morning - a great Scottish writer who will be sadly missed.” Comedian and broadcaster John O’Farrell said: “So sad to hear of death of brilliant and charming Iain Banks. The Wasp Factory was the first book I finished and then immediately read again.” Comedian and writer Andrew Collins said: “Hands up who *hasn’t* read The Wasp Factory? Exactly. Iain Banks touched a lot of people in his unfairly foreshortened life. RIP.”

land, for their honeymoon. A ferry employee told investigators that when Mr Weeks came aboard the ferry bound for Newfoundland, he was spry enough to walk the 200m from his car to a lift. He was cracking jokes when he and Shepard were escorted to their cabin on September 26 but was “a totally different person” the next day, the employee said. He said that Mr Weeks was unable to walk and needed a wheelchair, couldn’t put on his shoes and didn’t know where his car keys were. The couple briefly stayed in a Newfoundland hotel but checked out that same day before returning to North Sydney, where they stayed at a bed and breakfast. It was there he fell out of bed and was taken to hospital, the statement said. At the hospital, Shepard misinformed medical staff saying he had had bowel surgery, prostate problems and was suffering from dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, the court heard. She also told hospital officials that Mr Weeks, a father of six adult children, had no other family. She married Mr Weeks in a civil ceremony on September 25, a few weeks after they met. But their marriage was later declared invalid by the province’s Vital Statistics Division after it said false information was provided on the marriage certificate. Shepard faces a maximum sentence of two years for the charge of administering a noxious thing and 18 months for failing to provide the necessities of life.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


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www.tenerife-weekly.com Huge variations in death rates from diseases have been highlighted by a new interactive “atlas” of England released by Public Health England (PHE).

The health map shows that people living in Wokingham have the lowest risk of a premature death, with only 200 in every 100,000 people dying before the age of 75. People in Manchester are more than twice as likely to die early, with the highest rate in England of 455 in every 100,000. Overall 103,000 people a year die prematurely from cancer, or diseases of the heart, lung or liver. Health secretary Jeremy Hunt said: “This shocking variation in early and unnecessary deaths means people’s lives are needlessly cut short, and that cannot continue unchecked. I want areas to use the data to identify local public health challenges like smoking, drinking and obesity and to take action to help achieve our ambition for saving 30,000 lives a year by 2020.” The highest death rate from cancer in the country was also in Manchester, with 152 deaths per 100,000 people recorded, as well as from heart disease and stroke, with 116 deaths per 100,000 people.

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Shocking Death Rates “Atlas”

Premature mortality outcomes worst worse than average better than average best Manchester and Blackpool are the two local authorities that recorded the worst results for specific causes of death highlighted by Public Health England - heart disease and stroke, cancer, liver disease and lung disease North Yorkshire, York and East Riding of Yorkshire are the only three local authorities north of Derbyshire to be ranked among the country’s ‘best’ for premature mortality outcomes. The PHE website, http://longerlives.phe.org.uk,enables people to search for local health statistics and uses a traffic light system, ranging from red for the worst areas to green for the best. For the first time users will be able to compare the chances of a premature death to other areas with a similar socio-economic make-up. It shows that areas such as Kensington and Chelsea, Enfield and

Rotherham are doing better than average for their local population, with high rates of deprivation, yet lower than expected premature death rates. By contrast Bracknell Forest, York and Milton Keynes are underperforming despite their more affluent residents. Professor John Newton, who compiled the data, said councils now have responsibility for im-

Disability Payments Shake Up

A new system of disability benefit payments is being rolled out across Britain as the Government continues its welfare reforms. The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) after an initial trial in the north of England.

The new system includes face-to-face assessment and regular reviews, with critics warning hundreds of thousands could lose their benefits as a result. It is now being rolled out across England, Wales and Scotland, although some existing working age claimants will start to be reassessed from October. Ministers claim the new benefit will target resources more effectively and help those with physical and mental illnesses live independently. Esther McVey, Minister for Disabled People, said: “Disability Living Allowance is an out dated benefit introduced over 20 years ago and was very much a product of its time. The Personal Independence Payment has been designed to better reflect today’s understanding of disability, particularly to update our thinking on mental health and fluctuating conditions.


We are introducing a new face-to-face assessment and regular reviews - something missing in the current system. This will ensure the billions we spend on the benefit give more targeted support to those who need it most.” Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has described the previous system as “ridiculous” and the rigorous new checks as “common sense”. Applicants will now be assessed on how they carry out a range of activities including

washing, dressing, cooking and getting around as well as reading and communicating. When DLA was introduced in 1992, it covered 1.1million people and cost £3bn. The annual bill has now soared to more than £12bn. In the past decade, the number of claimants has risen by almost a third from 2.4 million to 3.3 million. Some welfare campaigners have warned that a number of people who would qualify for the existing DLA will not meet the criteria for the PIP.

proving public health - with a ringfenced budget of £5.5bn over two years: “You have to look at the physical environment people are living in. That may not have much to do with the NHS. Councils influence transport and housing. It is a shared responsibility,” he said. But Councillor Zoe Patrick, chair of the Local Government Association’s community wellbeing board,

said: “This data must be used with caution. Using it out of context to create any sort of national league table dangerously oversimplifies matters and ignores the very complex socio-economic and cultural factors that affect the premature mortality rate. Attempts to measure performance and rank councils in this way are therefore deeply troubling.”

Cancer Warning

According to research by Macmillan Cancer Support, almost one out of every two people in the UK will suffer from cancer during their lifetime by 2020.

The leading cancer charity estimates that in seven years’ time 47% of Britons will be diagnosed with the disease. But it also says that almost four in 10 patients (38%) will survive the disease or die from other causes first. Experts analysed existing data on cancer prevalence, incidence and mortality and found that the proportion of people who will develop cancer at some point in their lives has increased by more than a third over the past two decades. In 1992, 32% of people who died that year had been diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives and by 2010 this had risen to 44%. The number who gets cancer but don’t die from the disease has increased by 67% over the past 20 years. In 1992, around one in five people who had been diagnosed with cancer ultimately died from another cause, and by 2010, this had risen to more than one in three. The charity said that though the survival trend is “encouraging”, there is growing evidence that many cancer patients do not return to full health after treatments and the serious side effects of the disease. “That we live longer as a nation, and that we are improving cancer treatment, are things to celebrate,” said Macmillan’s chief medical officer Professor Jane Maher. “We do, however, need to add a serious note of caution:

the more successful we are with treatment and cure, the more people we have living with the long-term effects of cancer and its treatment. Many patients can be left with physical health and emotional problems long after treatment has ended. People struggle with fatigue, pain, immobility, or an array of other troublesome side-effects. We need to manage these consequences for the sake of the patient, but also for the sake of the taxpayer. We should plan to have more services to help people stay well at home, rather than waiting until they need hospital treatment.” The charity’s chief executive, Ciaran Devane, added: “Because of the progress in healthcare - ironically largely for conditions other than cancer - in only seven years’ time nearly half the population will get cancer in their lifetime. This poses a herculean challenge for the NHS and for society. The NHS will not be able to cope with the huge increase in demand for cancer services without a fundamental shift towards proper after-care, without more care delivered in the community, and without engaging cancer patients in their own health. Until then, the help and support that organisations like Macmillan provide will become even more urgent and important to ensure no one faces cancer alone.”


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Doe-ritos TT race injures 11

WhIle on patrol on Saturday in the Florida Keys, the Monroe County sheriff’s deputy discovered a Key deer with its entire head stuck in an empty doritos bag. Sheriff’s spokeswoman Becky herrin said the deer allowed the deputy to remove the bag without a struggle.

The sheriff’s office subsequently posted a picture of the deer taken just before the deputy removed the bag, on its Facebook page. Ms Herrin said: “It must have wanted that last chip in the bottom of the bag.” She then asked Florida Keys visitors to properly dispose of their rubbish in order to protect animals from harm. Key deer are the smallest of the Virginia white-tailed deer subspecies and are endangered. The US Fish and Wildlife Services say the deer have been threatened by development, habitat loss and hurricanes.

Ten spectators were injured, one seriously, during a crash in the first lap of the senior Isle of Man TT motorcycle race. Rider Jonathan howarth, who was involved in the smash, sustained a minor fracture. The race was red flagged as emergency services rushed to the scene. Organisers ACU Events Ltd said in a statement: “The 10 spectators and the rider were taken to hospital with injuries ranging from slight to serious but not life threatening. Four of the spectators have been discharged, five of the injured have been kept in hospital and one remains under observation in the emergency department.” Witnesses took to Twitter immediately after the crash, which happened at around 1pm. One spectator, Phil Bancroft, described how he was “shaking like a leaf” after coming close to being struck by the bike. He tweeted: “Bike heading for me. Just ducked. Hit by bits of bike. Ok thou. I just hope those poor people are ok. I honestly thought I was dead. I’ve had a close miss once before on the finishing flag team. But never anything like this. I thought I was a goner. Quite horrible it was. Never been that close to serious injury at the TT.” Organisers restarted the race at 4.30pm. The International Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) motorcycling event is run in a time-trial format on public roads which are closed for the event.




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Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Swimming Star Esther Williams Dies

Swimming champion turned actress, Esther Williams, who starred in glittering, aquatic musicals of the 1940s and 1950s, has died at the age of 91. She died in her sleep, according to her long time publicist Harlan Boll.

She came to films after winning 100m freestyle and other races at the 1939 national championships and appearing at the San Francisco World’s Fair’s swimming exhibition, becoming one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, appearing in spectacular swimsuit numbers. The films included Easy to Wed, Neptune’s Daughter and Dangerous When Wet. At the end of big studios and costly musicals in the mid-1950s, Williams tried non-swimming roles with little success.

After her 1962 marriage to Fernando Lamas, her co-star in Dangerous When Wet, she retired from public life. She explained in a 1984 interview: “A really terrific guy comes along and says, ‘I wish you’d stay home and be my wife,’ and that’s the most logical thing in the world for a Latin. And I loved being a Latin wife - you get treated very well. There’s a lot of attention in return for that sacrifice.” After Lamas’ death in 1982, Williams was back in the spotlight. Having popularised synchronised swimming with her movies, she was co-host of the event on television at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. She issued a video teaching children how to swim and sponsored her own line of swimsuits. Her autobiography, published in 1999, was entitled The Million Dollar Mermaid.

Paris Jackson Suicide Inquiry

A judge has ordered an inquiry into Paris Jackson’s health and well-being as she recovers in hospital following an apparent suicide attempt. Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff who is overseeing the guardianship of Michael Jackson’s three children ordered an investigator to look into the 15-yearold’s health, education and welfare and recommend whether any changes are necessary, according to court records.

The order came a day after Paris was taken by ambulance on a stretcher from the Jackson family home in Calabasas, California, to hospital. Authorities have said they called to her home after receiving a call of a possible overdose, but have not released any further details. “There have been communications between the court and counsel and we’re completely supportive of the court’s actions,” Perry Sanders Jr, the attorney for Paris’s grandmother Katherine Jackson, said. He went on to say that Paris is physically well and receiving appropriate medical treatment. Paris and her two brothers, Prince and Blanket, went to live with their grandmother Katherine following the death of their father in 2009. Judge Beckloff issued a similar inquiry into the well-being

of all three children last year after an incident in which Katherine was out of communication with them for several days. The Jackson family matriarch had been taken by some of her children to a resort in Arizona, prompting an agreement that led to Tito Jackson’s son, TJ, being appointed coguardian over the children. .”This is standard protocol in a high profile case,” his attorney

Charles Shultz wrote in an email. “The court is doing what we fully expected the court to do.” The report of the first inquiry has not been made public, although Judge Beckloff has stated that he believes Katherine has been doing a good job of raising her son’s children. The new inquiry requires an investigator to prepare a report which again only Judge Beckloff will be allowed to review.


Anteater Given Minder

Tammy, a 12-year-old tree-climbing anteater at London Zoo, has been given her own minder to stop her being trampled on by visitors. Her naturally poor eyesight and clumsiness have made her position precarious as she walks around the public walkways of her rainforest enclosure. A minder will now guide her around her exhibit during late-night events.

Keeper Caroline Westlake said: “Tree-climbing anteaters are most active in the mornings and evenings, making Zoo Lates the perfect opportunity for visitors to see Tammy scaling the branches and investigating her home. To make sure she can go about her business exploring rainforest life, we’re providing Tammy with her very own minder to gently guide her around our evening visitors. We’re now keeping our fingers crossed that the A-list treatment won’t result in any diva-like behaviour!”


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


COLOraDO wiLDfireS fOrCe


T will bring back memories for many here in Tenerife who remember the forest fires last summer, although the fires in Colorado are much worse.

Up to 100 homes are thought to have been destroyed by wildfires burning out of control in Colorado. Officials are worried that people who ignored the evacuation order and stayed behind may have died. Authorities initially estimated that between 40 and 60 houses were destroyed in Black Forest, a heavily wooded residential area northeast of Colorado Springs. El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa now believes around 80 homes have been lost and he would not be surprised if the figure reaches or tops 100. He added that there are no reports of anyone missing in the fire; however he is worried about those who chose to stay behind: “One of my worst fears is that people took their chances and it may have cost them their life,” he said. The fire was one of several that broke out along Colorado’s Front Range on Tuesday and

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Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


e Thousands From Homes

quickly spread in high winds and record heat. It has burned about 12 square miles and forced the evacuation of more than 7,000 people in an area over 47 square miles. The area is not far from last summer’s devastating Waldo Canyon Fire that destroyed 346 homes and killed two. “Everywhere you looked, you saw scattered fires, almost like there was a huge convention of

campfires everywhere, and periodically you’d see trees just pop into a fireball,” Sheriff Maketa said. About 60 miles southwest of the Black Forest fire, a six-square-mile wildfire near Royal Gorge Bridge Park remains out of control, but winds have been pushing the flames away from Canon City and structures. The Royal Gorge blaze has destroyed three structures near Canon City, but the soaring suspension bridge spanning a canyon across the Arkansas River appears undamaged. The bridge has wood planking but is suspended by steel supports. It is normally a tourist attraction but fire fighters are now using it to access the fire. More than 900 prisoners at the nearby Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility were moved to other prisons because of the danger from heavy smoke, although the prison building was not directly affected by the fire. A third wildfire in southern Colorado erupted on Tuesday in rural Huerfano County. The Klikus Fire had burned an estimated 45 to 50 acres west of La Veta, prompting evacuation orders for about 200 residences. The causes of those fires have not been immediately confirmed. Another fire sparked by lightning on Monday in Rocky Mountain National Park has now grown to an estimated 300 to 400 acres. No structures were threatened. Wildfires were also burning in New Mexico and California, where a smokejumper was killed fighting one of dozens of lightning-sparked fires. Luke Sheehy, of Susanville, California, was fatally injured by part of a falling tree in Modoc National Forest.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

ROBeRT deniro and Morgan Freeman were among a host of hollywood stars who paid tribute to veteran film maker Mel Brooks at the american Film Institute’s 41st life achievement awards, held in los angeles. The pair jokingly pointed out they had not been lucky enough to work with the great producer.

Actor and comedian Martin Short opened the programme with a songand-dance routine set to a string of melodies from Brooks’ films, which included Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein and The Producers: “The word genius is used a lot in Hollywood, so I might as well call Mel one,” Short said. Billy Crystal, Amy Poehler, Sarah Silverman, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, Cloris Leachman, David Lynch, Larry David and Carl Reiner were at the good-humoured private dinner at the Dolby Theatre for the 86-year-old. “We are going to miss you so much, Mel,” Kimmel joked. “You were one of the greats. Rest in peace, my friend.” David blamed Brooks for his idle years as an aspir-


mel Brooks Honoured at Life achievement awards

ing comedian: “Mel Brooks didn’t get me into comedy, he kept me away from it,” David said, recalling how he was intimidated by Brooks’ talent. “I spent years doing nothing because of him.” Past recipients of the AFI honour include Elizabeth Taylor, Kirk Douglas, Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Martin Scorsese, who presented Brooks with his award. Scorsese put the Oscar and Tony-winning talent in the same category as the Marx Brothers, Laurel & Hardy and Abbott & Costello: “Mel has made his own tradition of greatness, and it’s that tradition - drawing from the past, honouring it, toying with it, vamping on it, extending it to places wise men, very funny men previously feared to go - that’s what we’re celebrating here and honouring tonight,” Scorsese said.”Mel has always made his own way, and he brought us all along for the joyride.” Brooks was all comedy as

he claimed his prize insisting: “I’m not gonna die.” But he also showed his serious

side as he thanked the institute for the award and for sharing his lifelong love

of film: “Movies saved my life,” he said. “They rescued my soul. No matter what

was bad or wrong, it could be wiped out on Saturday morning.”


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013



By Marc Craig

Kickstarter - Justin Beiber The Show Saver! Spaceman So the latest on the Beibmeister is he’s to be shot into space (some may think if only that had happened in the first place!) Not content with annoying this planet he intends to annoy our planetary neighbours with his incessant warbling by shooting a music video in orbit!

Have you ever begun watching a brand new series, investing several hours of your valuable time and, upon getting well and truly hooked, are devastated to discover that your favourite new show has been cancelled due to poor ratings or something-annoying right? Well this could be a thing of the past, thanks to an innovative new company called Kickstarter!

Kickstarter is an American-based private for-profit company founded in 2009 that provides tools to raise funds for creative projects via crowd funding through its website. In layman’s terms, it means that if enough people like and miss a cancelled show, they can literally resurrect it from the dead by helping to fund a new series!! The company has already funded a large and diverse list of projects such as film, music, stage shows, comics and video games. People investing in Kickstarter projects cannot profit financially but instead; “in exchange a tangible reward or one-of-a-kind experience, like a personal note of thanks, custom T-shirts, dinner with an author, or initial production run of a new product.” Named by Time magazine as one of the best

inventions of 2010 and one of the best websites of 2011, most of the projects helped by the company so far have been smaller indie projects but a recent campaign to raise funds for a movie based on the cult show “Veronica Mars” has been so successful (Kickstarter raised $2 million in an astoundingly quick time and now the movie is green-lit), other shows that fans felt were gone too soon or left unresolved may also get a second chance: Terriers - An ex-cop and a criminal form an unlicensed private eye business in this crime comedy caper was cancelled after one season -a wrap up movie could be on the cards. Pushing Daisies - This surreal comedy drama about a pie maker who can bring dead things to life by his touch, but only if something else dies in its place- lasted 2 seasons and looks set for a campaign to reanimate it. Chuck - This comedy/spy/drama had a good run of 5 seasons but star Zachary Levi has spoken of his desire to make a movie “Kickstarter style” Firefly - Fans of this criminally cancelled “space western” have their own name (browncoats) and already managed to get a movie out of Marvel golden boy Joss Whedon’s show, but it’s a prime candidate for its incredibly loyal fans to try to resurrect via Kickstarter.


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The Canadian pop star is the latest to sign up for Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic space mission along with celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and Leonardo DiCaprio. Virgin Galactic in April completed a trial run of its passenger spacecraft and already has “tens of millions of pounds” in deposits from hopeful space travellers. The trip, which will cost $200,000 and takes off from a spaceport in New Mexico, will carry passengers 62 miles above the planet. Back in February Lil Justy tweeted; “I wanna do a

concert in space”, to which Nasa retweeted: “Maybe we can help you with that.”really? You wouldn’t think NASA would have the time to retweet the muppet- being

a little busy with, oh I don’t know, space stuff!?!? I’d like to ask Sir Richard just one question, any chance of doing a one-way ticket?

Kick Ass Goes First Class!

This could get confusing.. It seems that two actors playing two different characters in the “Kick Ass” movie series are frontrunners to play the same character for two different film studios in two sequels to two separate superhero franchises....still with me?

Let me explain- Brit actor Aaron TaylorJohnson-who plays the title role of Kick Ass in the original and it’s soon to be released sequel, is in talks with Marvel and writer/director Joss Whedon to play the role of Quicksilver in the highly anticipated “Avengers 2” movie. Quicksilver is one of two new major characters that Whedon plans to introduce in the super-sequel, real name Pietro Maximoff, Quicksilver, like rival DC comics The Flash, moves at superhuman speeds, he is also the son of X-Men bad guy Magneto and twin brother to Wanda Maximoff, who is Scarlet Witch and is also set to appear in the Avengers movie. Here’s where it gets complicated (Like it isn’t already? Ed) movie rights to Magneto,from X-Men, are owned by 20th Century Fox, but Disney/Marvel and Fox share the rights to his offspring and the rival studio have just cast Evan Peters as Quicksilver in the upcoming “Xmen First Class “sequel, “X-Men-Days of Future Past.” Peters played Todd Haynes, Kick Ass’s best

friend in Kick Ass, however the actor will not reprise the role in “Kick Ass 2”, which sees the Character assume the mantle of, wait for itAss-Kicker!! Whew!! I’m off to draw up some kind of wall chart!


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Lincoln’s School notebook authenticated

PaRT of a math notebook believed to be the oldest surviving document written by abraham lincoln have been authenticated.

June 2013 Friday 14th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 15th June . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 16th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 17th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 20th June . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 21st June . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 22nd June . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 23rd June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 24th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 27th June . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 28th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 29th June . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 30th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery

JuLy 2013 Monday 1st July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 4th July . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 5th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 6th July . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 7th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 8th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 11th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 12th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 13th July . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 14th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 15th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 18th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 19th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 20th July . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night Sunday 21st July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 22nd July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 25th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 26th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted experience Saturday 27th July . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday GaLa Night

The two notebook pages date back to Mr Lincoln’s childhood and were used to write math problems and their answers. The pages are believed to be from the 1826, when he was aged 17. After the 16th president’s death, his stepmother gave the notebook to Mr Lincoln law partner William Herndon. The notebook was found in the archives of Houghton Library at Harvard University, where it remains. The newly authenticated pages have

been in the Harvard library’s archives since 1954. Their existence was known, but their origin was not - and now they might help shed light on Mr Lincoln’s studies. The president was known to play down his formal education, but the notebook suggests he may have spent more time in school than previously thought. Given the difficulty of the problems involved and the dates on the notebook, which range from 1824 to 1826, historians say

he may have gone to school for up to two years: “Most people say he went to school for anything between three months and nine months” over the course of his life, math professor Ken Clements said. “We think he went to school (up to) two years. He made very few errors, and he always knew what he was trying to do,” Prof Clements added. Mr Lincoln served as the US president from 1861 until his assassination in 1865.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Sharples in Session By John Sharples

All Lies! Do you remember all those little things that your mother used to tell you? Well many of those little white lies are just not true!

1. Going outside in cold weather with wet hair will make you ill. Many studies have been made on this subject and absolutely no truth has been found in the rumour. 2. Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis Not true. You will not get arthritis from cracking your knuckles. There have been reports, however, in medical circles that link knuckle cracking with injury of ligaments surrounding the joint or dislocation of the tendons.

3. Napoleon was short Napoleon’s height was given as 5 feet 2 inches, but he was 5 feet 2 inches using French units, When this is converted to UK units his height was almost 5 feet 7 inches tall which was taller than most at that time. 4. You have to stretch before exercise Stretching before exercise is the usual way to improve performance and avoid injury, however researchers are finding that it actually slows us down. Italian research studying cyclists state that stretching is counterproductive. There has never been solid scientific evidence that pre-exercise stretching reduces injury risk. 5. Dogs age at seven years per one human year Not according to the ex-

perts. Dogs mature faster than humans, reaching the human equivalent of 21 years in only two, and then aging slows down to more like four human years per year. If you want to know your dog’s age, subtract two from its age, multiply that by four and add 21. 6. Margarine is one molecule away from paint. Where on earth do these stories come from? The story is that margarine is but one molecule away from being plastic... and shares 27 ingredients with paint. This is rubbish; in fact, margarine has no cholesterol as it is made from vegetable oil. Butter has 33 mg of cholesterol per TABLESPOON. Margarine is mainly made from vegetable oil, mixed with skimmed milk, salt and emulsifiers. Very few ingredients, so how can it share 27 ingredients with paint? As for margarine being one molecule away from being plastic, that’s just not true.


Hungary For A Win

So another series of Britain’s Got Talent has come to an end. The winners were a group of shadow dancers from Hungary. They were quite sensational and they deserved to win. It appears now though, that a great number of people think they shouldn’t have won because they were from Hungary and not from Britain.

Whilst this claim makes sense, the competition has always allowed people from other countries to enter, so why should it be a problem that they won, especially considering the fabulously patriotic British style performance that they gave us. I have to point out that a wonderful old British lady won our Spanish equivalent a few years ago. She was a ballroom dancer and boy, could she dance. The Spanish public embraced her and even translated for her on the show. British people love to moan. Maybe Simon Cow-

Now, I know that this may be of some surprise to those people with bars and restaurants etc. but did you know that there was a 7.8 per cent rise in passengers using the Tenerife South airport in May. This is in contrast to a drop of 7.7 per cent in the same month last year.

5 per cent of the passengers were from outside Spain. So, what I want to know is.... WHERE DID THEY GO? Is there a trapdoor at the airport exit? I didn’t notice a major rise in numbers of people walking around or changing money at the cash exchanges. These figures always flummox me. They are announced about a week after the end of the month and they never seem to reflect the pattern that we see on the streets. I know of various hotels that are currently charging under 30 euros a night as they are far from full. Anyway, let’s be positive about this. It is good news, next time, I hope they leave their invisibility cloaks at home.

ell could start a new series called “Britain’s got moaners”. That would be interested, especially if they came from Hungary. Moaning always sounds the same, whatever the language. Anyway. Thankfully the whole programme has finished for another year and we can look forward to the grating voice of Sharon Osborne as she reappears as a judge on that other slice of dreariness that they call television these days.

The World Has Gone Mad Part 86

Li Kai, a Chinese man, has been arrested after claiming on the internet that he electrocuted an alien after its UFO landed outside his house.

He said that the alien died when it was fighting with four others in the street. He even posted a picture of it for the world to see. Hopefully, he is now safely locked away in a darkened room when he can’t harm any more beings from other planets.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Drinkable water found On mars n aSa scientists say their Opportunity rover has made significant new discoveries about early water on Mars which may even have been drinkable. The unmanned solar-powered vehicle, described as “arthritic” – it is 10 years since its launch - has just analysed what may be its oldest rock ever, known as esperance 6.

It contains evidence that potentially life-supporting water once flowed on Mars, leaving clay minerals behind. “This is powerful evidence that water interacted with this rock and changed its chemistry, changed its mineralogy in a dramatic way,” said principal investigator Steve Squyres of Cornell University. He described the research as “some of the most important” of the decade-long mission because it showcases a very different chemistry than most of the previous discoveries about water on Mars, which is now quite dry. Scientists believe that water once flowed through the rocks through some sort of fracture, leaving an unusually high concentration of clay. The analysis reveals traces of what may have been a drinkable

type of water that dates to the first billion years of Martian history. The clay rocks were forming under a more neutral pH, before conditions became more harsh and water more acidic, Dr Squyres said. Opportunity and its twin rover Spirit launched in 2003 and landed in January 2004 for what was meant to be a three-month exploration. Both discovered evidence of wet environments on ancient Mars. “What Opportunity has mostly discovered evidence for was sulphuric acid,” Dr Squyres told reporters, outlining the major difference detected in the Esperance rock’s formation. “This is water you could drink,” he said. The oldest rocks, like Esperance, have a neutral pH, signaling that early Martian water was “probably much more favourable in its chemistry, in its pH, in its level of acidity for things like prebiotic chemistry, the kind of chemistry that could lead to the origin of life”. Now, Opportunity is slowly making its way, at about 50 metres a day, towards an area a mile away known as Solander Point that contains 10 times as many geological layers for study as the area where Esperance was found. It hopes to arrive by August 1.

Question One: In which English city is Moss Side? Question Two: In which county is Windsor Castle? Question Three: Which is the largest ocean? Question Four: What city in Belgium is an anagram of stoned? Question Five: What type of drink is Kvass? Question Six: Which English king was known as the Conqueror? Question Seven: On which river does Cambridge stand? Question eight: In which sport might you see an Eskimo roll? Question nine: Who is the patron saint of tax collectors? Question Ten: Who is credited with introducing the potatoes into


Question eleven: Who wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls? Question Twelve: What is the capital of Romania?


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard

Pretty But Poisonous Plants Of Tenerife White Angel’s Trumpet

Oleander Tenerife has very many plants that are commonly grown in gardens and parks but are very poisonous. There are some ones that grow wild as weeds that are very toxic too. It pays to know which plants are safe and which are the dangerous ones if consumed. One of the most commonly seen dangerous species is the beautiful shrub known as Oleander (Nerium oleander). It has evergreen leaves and masses of pink or white flowers and is often grown in shrub borders and along roads. The Angel’s Trumpet (Brugman-

sia spp) is another very ornamental shrub or small tree that gets its name from its very big funnelshaped flowers that hang down from its branches. There are white Angel’s Trumpets and a salmon-pink variety and a red and yellow type. The flowers give out a very alluring perfume, especially at night, but they are real “femme fatales!” All of the Brugmansias are very poisonous but are used for their hallucinogenic properties by tribes in South America where they originally come from. The plants contain dangerous tropane alkaloids including scopolamine and atropine. This latter substance


Castor Oil Plant


Vinca major Greater Periwinkle

is also found in Deadly Nightshade (Atropa bella-donna), a very toxic plant that doesn’t grow on Tenerife, but one which has a name that speaks for itself! The Angel’s Trumpet species and the Deadly Nightshade are all in the same Solanaceae family which also contains many edible plants such as the Tomato and Potato. The Brugmansias are very closely related to the Datura species, such as the Thorn-apple (D.stramonium), which a very common weed all over the island. In Spanish it is known as Hierba del Diablo (“Herb of the Devil”) and its name was chosen because it too is a very poisonous plant. The Thorn-apple has a very unpleasant smell and has seed-pods that are rounded, green and spiky. They do bear a resemblance to apples, but they always make me think of Horse-chestnuts or “conkers,” as they are commonly known. A very common poisonous plant that grows as a weed all over wasteground and on roadsides is the Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis). It is grown for its attractive appearance as a garden plant in many parts of the world but it really is dangerous. It contains Ricine, which is one of the most deadly of all plant poisons. One bean from this plant is enough to kill! It is in the Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family) and a distant cousin of the Cardón or Canary Island Spurge (Euphorbia canariensis). This is actu-

More Interesting Facts About Hemlock

Hemlock is such a poisonous plant that it was used to execute prisoners in ancient Athens.

Socrates the famous Greek philosopher was its bestknown victim. Anglo-Saxon herbals and a myth associated the purple blotches on the stems of Hemlock with the Bi9blical Mark of Cain. Hemlock contains the highly toxic alkaloid Coniine and it was used long ago as a painreliever and sedative. This use was abandoned for obvious ally a succulent though many people think of it as a cactus because of its fleshy four-sided stems and spines along the edges. It grows on the semi-desert coastal areas as well as on rocky ground and hillsides. Like most of the plants in the Spurge family it is poisonous and the white juice inside it can burn if you get it on your skin. Another commonly seen poisonous plant that grows wild as a weed all around the island is the Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca). It has attractive grayish-green leaves and small yellow tubular flowers. As its name suggests it grows into a small tree and is in the same genus as the Tobacco plants. Unlike them though, it contains no nicotine but instead anabasine, which is a powerful insecticide too is contained in this species. The Tree Tobacco grows in rough ground, along roads, building sites, and just about anywhere its tiny seeds have been dropped. It is regarded as an invasive weed in many parts of the world. Greater Periwinkle (Vinca major) is a very pretty flower found naturalized in many places in Tenerife. It likes a semi-shaded location and

reasons. However Dioscorides and Pliny recommended it as a treatment for skin diseases. We now know that it is far too dangerous to use. grows as a ground-cover plant. It has five-pointed blue flowers and dark-green evergreen leaves. Despite its attractive appearance the Periwinkle has been used in wreaths for funerals and an alternative name for the plant is the Flower of Death. Like the Oleander it is another poisonous species in the Apocynaceae. Hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a deadly poisonous plant that is often found growing in waste ground and along paths and roads, especially in the north of the island. It grows to around 2 metres in height and has attractive feathery foliage and umbels of white flowers. It is in the Apiaceae or Parsley family, as is the Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) which is an edible and medicinal herb. There are many other plants related to Parsely and Fennel that are safe to eat but many others that are very toxic indeed. Hemlock falls into the latter category. Fortunately there are clues to its identity so we know what it is. Hemlock has a horrible smell to it and the stems have purplish spots on them. So poisonous is this plant that even contact with it can cause skin inflammation. Look but don’t touch!

Euphorbia canariensis

Tree Tobacco

Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

aquarius 20 January to 18 February

Your charisma may be peaking, attracting new admirers and providing a chance to heat up your love life. There’s an option for lots of fun and romance, and perhaps a chance you might want to make a deeper commitment. Someone you date could be very much on your wavelength, which you’ll find heartening and uplifting. Pay attention to your health and diet. If your exercise routine needs tweaking, go for it. The more active you can be the better!

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

although you might be content to enjoy some downtime in the privacy of your home, events could conspire to draw you out of yourself. Thoughts of romance, pleasure, and the company of good friends may be too much to resist. Long-range planning could entail putting thoughts to paper. Mind-expanding influences could encourage you to learn new things and reach out for all that is novel and different. Finding a mentor or life coach could be a positive game changer.


is it a Bird? is it a plane? no its your Dinner

JaPaneSe restaurant yO! Sushi has brought a whole new meaning to the term ‘fast food’, delivering food on what it claims is the world’s first flying tray.

aries 21 March to 19 april

You start the week with a lighthearted and playful spirit, but there could be a tense aspect surrounding certain issues. There are plenty of options for discussion, doing business, and making new and lucrative connections, but someone you meet or work with might want to take control, putting you in a spin, especially early in the week when sensitive feelings could cause upset. Later, the pleasure principle may guide you to have fun with friends, or you might prefer do your own thing.

Taurus 20 april to 20 May

Trust your intuition because friends and colleagues will appreciate your sensitivity. a brand new idea or direction that takes hold could lift your spirits. Don’t be afraid to try something different. You might find that good luck or the kindness of others gives you all the courage you need. There is a possibility of an upset earlier in the week, but you may be able to turn the situation around with smart thinking. There could be a renewed motivation to get a relationship into a better place.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

Social influences could pique your interest in getting out and doing something different. It’s a great week for a gathering of friends and some fun times out and about. Try not to worry about it if an authority figure seems to spoil a financial plan or spending spree. a friend’s advice may be worth more than its weight in gold when a friendly tip puts everything in perspective. You might have a few responsibilities or secrets to attend to - the sooner the better!

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

Someone new in your life could change the game plan. If you aren’t involved with a partner, invite someone over for a meal or drink, or call up a friend. However, you might not be pleased if a partner or someone else goes on a power trip and demands you go along with their plans. You may need to be very diplomatic in order to avoid a scene. You’re moving through a phase in which it would help to slow down and take stock of your priorities.

Leo 23 July to 22 august

Where there’s a will there’s a way, and this week certainly has a social aspect to it. You seem to be brimming with positive energy and happy thoughts. relationships may grow stronger if you communicate with total honesty. Be careful you don’t ruffle someone’s feathers at work if a relationship needs careful handling. The desire to kick back and relax could conflict with an urge to move outside your comfort zone and explore new options. Maybe you can find a compromise.

Virgo 23 august to 22 September

Share a new idea with colleagues or fellow professionals and someone might think you’re brilliant. Your thoughtful nature might want to help everyone out this week, and you have loving and compassionate feelings for others. By all means be kind, but don’t make a sacrifice if it isn’t really going to help or you could end up feeling resentful. Good friendships and stimulating company leave you with happy feelings. a health problem may be on your mind, so take it easy.

libra 23 September to 23 October

This week you’re in charge and you know what you want to do, so tackle any challenges with confidence. The world seems to be your oyster, so gather your resources, be shrewd in your dealings, and pursue your goals with determination. You seem to have plenty of ideas in the works now. If any involve savvy financial planning, you could make decisions that help you get ahead. a desire to get away from it all might encourage you to plan a trip.

Scorpio 24 October to 21 November

Luck may be with you this week, but don’t expect it to announce itself in a big way. Be positive and seek out opportunities in chance encounters, helpful tips, and lucky coincidences. a stroke of genius or some inspired advice may help your financial situation improve dramatically. Before accepting a favor, find out if there are strings attached. Make time to meditate and develop peace of mind. Doing so could positively affect your health and energy levels for the better.

Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

You might be ready to cut loose and give full rein to your need for creative and social expression. Friends and your sweetheart may help you to view yourself in a positive, upbeat way. The charm of your personality steps up, making it easier to enlist cooperation and support. You might even want to help this trend along by changing your image or enhancing your look. Financial matters may move forward, but check your motives. You could unconsciously fear success.

Capricorn 22 december to 19 January

Give and take and sharing ideas, resources, and tips may mutually benefit you, your friends, or partner. Ideas could be fruitful and the kind that open doors for you. an invitation may boost your outlook and hopes for the future. On the whole, relationships seem to be upbeat and positive. Things work out generally better if you don’t try to control and instead go with the flow. Only forge ahead with a plan if you get feedback or sensible advice from someone experienced.

Nickmaned the iTray, the lightweight, carbon fibre gadget can travel at speeds of up to 11 metres per second (25mph) with a range of 50 metres. Waiters and waitresses at the popular restaurant guide the platter through the air using an iPad app, while kitchen staff can check the food is delivered by watching real-time video feeds from two on-board cameras. “We’re all about innovation and delivering a whole concept in an unusual and exciting way,” said Robin Rowland, chief executive of YO! Sushi. “The iTray ... is a way for us to explain how exciting food can be.”

The restaurant chain, credited with bringing the kaiten conveyor belt to the UK, has trialled a number of innovations since its launch in 1997 including speaking robot drinks trolleys, self-heating plates and video game toilets at its 64 UK stores. The launch of the iTray coincides with the introduction of YO! Sushi’s first burger, made from toasted rice and ingredients including teriyaki chicken, kimchi salmon and prawn katsu. The iTray is being tested at the company’s flagship branch and could be rolled out nationwide in 2014.

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Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

pugh´s pantry


By Barry Pugh

Ice Cream in 5 Minutes

Want to make some good old fashioned ice cream? Don’t feel like spending a fortune or surrendering some kitchen space to an ice cream maker? DO YOU SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM?!?! If so, read on... It is true; you can bring this playground favourite right to your own home, crafted from your own hands, using only a handful of common ingredients. For all intents and purposes, I’ll show you how to make your own ice cream: the Zip bag method. AND GUESS WHAT!!! For all you allergy folks out there, great-tasting ice cream is now possible! You can substitute your ingredients and make your own delicious flavour!

Growing Lemons The Basic Vanilla Ice-cream Ingredients: Fresh Milk - 240 ml or ½ double cream and ½ milk Sugar - 2 tbsp. Vanilla – essence 2 tsps. Ice Rock Salt 1 small zip food bag 1 large zip food bag Method: Pour milk, sugar, and vanilla into the small Zip bag; shake .Pour ice and rock salt into the large Zip bag and shake. Put the smaller bag with the mixture into the larger bag with ice. Slosh the bag back and forth across your countertop until the ice cream becomes nice and thick. (Should take between 3 and 5 minutes) This is Zip bag ice cream; grab a spoon and just eat it right out of the bag! Pugh’s tips and Tricks: Now to experiment. One great idea I decided to play with was the ready-made

milkshakes that you can buy in most supermarkets. Using the same method as above, I used a supermarket bought strawberry milkshake from Iceland and added some fresh chopped strawberry’s to it. It was amazing. Add a spoonful of cocoa powder and a dash of baileys for the ultimate chocolate and baileys ice-cream.

I have always been a lover of growing fresh herbs and vegetables, but when I stumbled across this I just simply had to share it with you. It is a nice simple and fun method, and definitely worth a try!


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


What’s a Hink Pink you ask?

Hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.

1. Stupid fruit_____________________________________________________________ 2. Ten cent violation _____________________________________________________ 3. Termite haven _________________________________________________________ 4. Submarine food _______________________________________________________ 5. Burly summer footwear ________________________________________________ 6. Spirit party giver ______________________________________________________ 7. Sprint offspring _______________________________________________________ 8. Syrup collector ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Sugary beef ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Sweeper chamber _______________________________________________________________________ 11. Steak chair ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. Squeeze herring _________________________________________________________________________ 13. Strange goatee __________________________________________________________________________ 14. Stop the fad _____________________________________________________________________________ 15. Terrific escort ___________________________________________________________________________



Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

motoring neWS


By lingy

mini paceman Sells 2014 mercedes-Benz e550 Coupe for record £128,000 he is more used to splashing his hallmark animal prints over long and languid evening gowns. But in a departure from his day job, Italian designer Roberto Cavalli has lent his aesthetic prowess to the motoring industry in the creation of a one-off MInI Paceman - and naturellement, it’s all for charity.

It was the 13th time a unique MINI has been created in honour of the Life Ball, an event that raises money to help combat AIDS and HIV. But while the other cars have raised a combined

FOR a considerable number of years, Mercedes-Benz fashioned a coupe variant off a short-wheelbase version of its e-class sedan. That was until the late 1990s, when the e-class coupe model name disappeared in favor of the ClK, which was based on the C-class sedan.

500,000 euros for charity, this Cavalli number has singlehandedly given the coffers an incredible boost after it sold for 150,000 euros at the Life Ball last weekend. The car was finished with a shimmering, iridescent paintwork that turned from

TVr’s Back!

TVR’S new British owners will ‘carry forward the dna’ of the brand, the marque’s incoming director has promised.

Les Edgar, who fronts TVR Automotive Ltd, the UK company this week revealed to have purchased the TVR name from former Russian owner Nikolai Smolenski, says his company has ‘a lot of plans’ for the sports car brand, and ‘won’t make the mistakes that have been made in the past’. “We’ve done a lot of background work,” said Edgar, a Surrey-based entrepreneur best known for developing video games and for reintroducing Aston Martin to GT racing. “This wasn’t a snap decision. We have the money to do it, and we have a unique collection of peo-

black to brown depending on the angle from which it was viewed. Inside, the upholstery is quilted black leather, the steering wheel is wrapped in more leather, and trim is gold - even the vents for the air conditioning are rendered in glossy metallics.

ple with business acumen and passion.” Former owner Smolenski - who bought TVR for a reported £15m in 2004 but failed to build any new cars - had threatened to slap the TVR name on wind turbines, but Edgar assured Top Gear that the new owners would keep the company firmly in the automotive sphere. “We bought TVR for what it is, and we don’t want to dilute that. We want to build on the DNA, and that’s unlikely to apply to anything but cars.” Edgar admitted that, due to non-disclosure agreements, he wasn’t at liberty to reveal any more information, but was keen to stress that he and his associates will respect TVR’s heritage... and Britishness. “You can’t let these great brands disappear or go abroad,” he said. “The starting point was ‘let’s get it back’. There’s a huge amount of passion with the TVR brand. You’d be hardpushed to find a British car brand that generates so much passion.” Edgar couldn’t confirm when we might see a new TVR or what form it might take, and was keen to quash the frenzied speculation that’s emerged online since the homepage on the TVR website this week bore the slogan ‘Roaring Back’. “We’ll be making more announcements in due course,” he told TG. “But you’ll have to wait and see.”

In 2009, the E-class coupe moniker was launched again, but technologically, it was a direct successor of the CLK, with its track and wheelbase remaining identical to those of the C-class. For 2014, the E-class coupe and the opentop cabriolet have received face lifts; the sportiest variation, which we drove extensively, is the E550 coupe with its 402-hp twin-turbo V-8. The changes for 2014 are more involved than they look. The overall shape remains untouched, but the headlamps and the taillamps—as well as the front and rear fascias—have been updated.

The headlights feature four LED “torches.” They retain the four-eye look despite a new outer-headlamp contour. The front air intakes are aggressively styled, particularly on the E550, which comes with obligatory AMG styling. On the pre-face-lift model, there was a practical reason for this: The large air intakes of the AMG package were required to meet the airflow requirements of the twinturbocharged engine. On the new model, the regular air intakes would have been large enough, but it was decided that the angry AMG look fits

the E550’s image.

Twin-Turbo Growl

This look certainly fits the rather menacing growl of the M278 engine, which pumps 443 lb-ft of torque from a low 1600 rpm and 402 horsepower at 5000 rpm. The 4.7-liter twin-turbo V-8 is mated to Mercedes’ own seven-speed automatic, which deftly handles gearchanging duties in everyday driving but fails to excite when ultra-quick action is demanded. The ZF-sourced eight-speed automatic, as found in several Audi, BMW, and Jaguar models, shifts more rapidly, and so does Audi’s seven-speed dualclutch automatic. Nevertheless, the Benz’s straight-line performance is impressive, with a 0-to-60 time of fewer than five seconds. Passing maneuvers are executed effortlessly, the only challenge being to keep the car below triple-digit speeds. The top speed on U.S.-bound models is governed at an inexplicably low 130 mph.

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Then simply email your answer to the following question to: editor@tenerife-weekly.com please include your phone number. What car did Tom Selleck drive in Season 1 of Magnum PI.

The answer to last week’s competition is on page 3.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


14 J u n e

Friday - TV 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:25

06:00 06:55 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:05 10:35 11:35 12:30 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05

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Emmerdale Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy The Only Way is Essex Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker

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Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Antiques Roadshow Question Time BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s

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Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street Harbour Lives Coronation Street Britain’s Secret Homes ITV News at Ten and Weather Inland Empire Jackpot247 Columbo

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Children’s TV Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Kirstie’s Vintage Gems Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Four Rooms The Million Pound Drop Live Micky Flanagan’s Out Out Tour 10 O’Clock Live Random Acts The Simpsons

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06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00



00:00 02:00 03:00

Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 The Removal Men Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Big Brother Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Sporting Heroes Former Ireland player Keith Wood interviews compatriot Willie John McBride about his glittering career in rugby union. Cricket The West Indies entertain South Africa in Cardiff in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. US Open Golf Day two of the US Open from Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Cricket Ringside Barclays Premier League World

19:00 20:00 21:00 21:45 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:15

11:00 12:50 15:00 17:05

18:50 21:00 23:05 01:15

06:00 07:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00

19:00 19:30




Top Gear Traffic Cops Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Sweat the Small Stuff EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

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Ringside WWE Raw US Open Golf NBA ATP Tour Uncovered IAAF Athletix Magazine US Open Golf Day two of the US Open from Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. NBA Action Rugby League England face the Exiles in the 2013 International Origin match. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line WWE Special

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00 09:00 10:30

13:05 13:20 17:25 17:55 18:40 19:00 21:10 21:20 22:10 22:30 23:10 00:50 00:55

06:00 06:50 09:15 12:15 12:45 13:15 14:50 16:50 17:55

18:55 20:00 21:00 23:10 23:55 01:00 03:00

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Trooping the Colour Live from Horse Guards Parade in London, Huw Edwards introduces the world’s most famous military parade where the colour of the Welsh Guards is trooped. BBC News Tennis A Question of Sport Pointless BBC News The Voice UK The National Lottery Draws Casualty BBC News Match of the Day No Strings Attached Weatherview BBC News

The Biggest Loser Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! Dragonheart Britain’s Got More Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Britain’s Got More Talent 2 Fast 2 Furious Lemon La Vida Loca Britain’s Got More Talent Innerspace Teleshopping

06:00 06:25 07:30 08:55 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:45 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:30 20:00 22:00 23:40 01:10

This is BBC Two The Gay Diplomat The Fabulous Dorseys A History of Scotland Reel History of Britain The Great British Bake Off Masterclass Nature’s Great Events Just a Minute MotoGP Tim Coast Natural World Flog It! Dad’s Army Trooping the Colour Rugby Union A Serious Man Skeletons This is BBC Two

06:00 Drama Trails 06:10 On the Buses 06:35 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 07:35 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 08:35 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 09:40 The Royal 10:45 The Royal 11:45 Pie in the Sky 12:55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 14:00 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle 15:55 Foyle’s War 18:00

20:00 22:00 23:30 01:00 01:55

Lewis A rape case appears to be solved when the chief suspect is murdered. Agatha Christie’s Marple Blue Murder Wire in the Blood Cracker Film File

15 J u n e th

06:00 06:25 06:40 07:05 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 11:30 12:35 13:40 14:35 15:35 16:05 18:10 18:40 20:30 22:00 22:50 23:05

Jake and the Neverland Pirates The Hive Dino Dan Canimals Almost Naked Animals Ultimate Spider-Man Jessie ITV News Dinner Date Jeremy Kyle Show Murder, She Wrote ITV News Saturday Farm All Star Mr and Mrs River Monsters The Chase You’ve Been Framed! Happy Feet ITV News Despicable Me Goodbye Granadaland The Americans ITV News Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

06:00 Film File 06:10 The Professionals 07:00 Cheers 07:25 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:20 Cheers 08:55 Motorsport UK 09:55 Cycling: Tour Series 10:55 Police, Camera, Action! 11:25 The Professionals 12:25 Minder 13:25 The Sweeney 14:30 Lonesome Dove 16:30 Lonesome Dove 18:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:00 02:05 02:40 02:50 03:00

British Touring Car Championships Highlights The Motorbike Show Hell on Wheels Buried Raw Deal Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club Film File ITV4 Nightscreen The Store

06:10 The Hoobs 06:35 British Rallycross 07:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 07:30 FIM Superbike World Championship 08:00 The Morning Line 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:05 The Big Bang Theory 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 Heston’s Fantastical Food 13:40 Channel 4 Racing 16:10 Come Dine with Me 16:40 Come Dine with Me 17:10 Come Dine with Me 17:40 Come Dine with Me 18:10 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:00 The World’s Weirdest Weather 20:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 21:35 Date Night 23:20 Kingpin 01:25 The Million Pound Drop Live

06:00 08:25 08:45 09:00

06:00 07:20 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00


ITV 1 - 20:30 - 22:00

Now, after over half a century, the building will close as ITV moves to its new home in Salford’s Media City. It’s time to switch off the lights with Granada’s biggest fan, Peter Kay, as he goes behind-the-scenes at the iconic Granada building on Manchester’s Quay Street. Using archive clips of some of the well-loved and

Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear

18:00 Total Wipeout USA 19:00 Storage Hunters 19:30 QI 20:10 Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums 21:00 Not Going Out 21:40 Not Going Out 22:20 Not Going Out 23:00 Not Going Out 23:40 Not Going Out 00:20 Not Going Out 01:00 Not Going Out 01:40 Men Behaving Badly 02:20 Butchered

Goodbye Granadaland Granada Studios has dominated the Manchester skyline for the past 56 years – a beacon to the very best in British television. The first television complex to be built in the uK and home to some of the greatest television programmes of all time.


acclaimed programmes filmed and produced there from Coronation Street, Prime Suspect, Jewel In the Crown and Stars In Their Eyes, to landmark musical performances including the television debuts of The Sex Pistols, Happy Mondays, Take That and the Beatles – audiences will be taken on a nostalgic and heart warming journey spanning seven decades of programme-making. Granada has given debuts to some of the comedy giants of the past 56 years, from Woody Allen making his only ever UK stand-up appearance in 1965, through to the broad appeal sitcoms and sketches of the 70s, to the 80s alternative scene and biggest names of the 90s.

09:15 09:25 09:40 09:55 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:30 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:20 19:25 20:15 21:10 22:10 23:10 00:10





00:30 02:30

Children’s TV Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Power Rangers: Super Samurai ThunderCats The Hotel Inspector Big Brother CSI: NY CSI: NY CSI: NY CSI: NY


19:30 22:00 23:50 00:30 01:15 02:15

14:45 16:40

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes The Addams Family Values The Truman Show Picture Perfect

18:40 21:00 22:35 00:25 02:05

Pride Devil Cellular Shutter Paprika

FIFA Futbol Mundial Cricket The West Indies entertain South Africa in Cardiff. Cricket A.M Sarah-Jane Mee and Matt Floyd are joined by studio guests from the worlds of sport and showbiz to discuss all things cricket. ICC Champions Trophy India face Pakistan at Edgbaston in the group stage of the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy.

06:00 07:00 08:00 10:30

US Open Golf Day three of the US Open from Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Cricket British and Irish Lions Tour

22:00 23:00

WWE Special Ringside Rugby Union British and Irish Lions Tour The British and Irish Lions face the Waratahs at Allianz Stadium. Rugby Union Samoa take on Italy at Mbombela Stadium in the second round of the South African Quadrangular Tournament. European Under 21 Championships European Under 21 Championships Sporting Heroes British and Irish Lions Tour Sporting Heroes European Under 21 Championships European Under 21 Championships

The Sea Wolves 5 News Weekend NCIS NCIS Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Neighbours Super Casino


Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You Match of the Day Live Con Air Family Guy American Dad! The Call Centre Russell Howard’s Good News



16:00 19:00

00:00 01:00 02:00

editor recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


16 J u n e

Sunday - TV

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:20 13:15 14:00 17:00 17:35

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Countryfile Bargain Hunt Tennis Songs of Praise Earthflight Documentary series giving a bird’s-eye view of some of the world’s greatest natural spectacles.

06:45 08:15 08:45 09:30 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 14:05 16:00 17:00

Love Affair Gardeners’ World A to Z of TV Gardening Beechgrove Garden Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Chinese Food Made Easy What to Eat Now MotoGP EastEnders Flog It! Tennis

18:35 BBC News 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 The White Queen Dramatic adaptation of Philippa Gregory’s novels set during the Wars of the Roses. 22:00 BBC News 22:15 BBC London News 22:25 Match of the Day Live 01:00 Weatherview

18:30 Porridge 19:00 Peter Jones Meets... 20:00 Operation Snow Tiger 21:00 Rise of the Continents 22:00 Blackadder II 22:30 Mock the Week 23:00 What a Load of Buzzcocks 23:30 Valhalla Rising 00:55 Countryfile 01:50 Holby City


06:00 Film File 06:10 On the Buses 06:35 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 07:35 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle 09:20 Heartbeat 10:20 Heartbeat 11:25 Wycliffe 12:35 Murder, She Wrote 13:35 The Secret Garden 15:40 Inspector Morse

06:15 09:05 11:35 13:30 14:25 16:35

17:40 20:15 22:00 22:50 23:50 00:50 01:35 02:30 02:50

Planet’s Funniest Animals Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus America’s Got Talent America’s Got Talent Dragonheart You’ve Been Framed and Famous! Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Mr Bean’s Holiday The Only Way is Essex Big Rich Texas Hell’s Kitchen Hell’s Kitchen 71 Degrees North Planet’s Funniest Animals Teleshopping



21:00 00:40

Agatha Christie’s Marple A snow blizzard sets in and Miss Marple is forced to take refuge at Sittaford House, isolated on a bleak Devon moor. David Jason’s Greatest Escapes David investigates the amazing real-life wartime escape stories. Meet Joe Black A Touch of Frost


06:00 07:20 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 11:30 13:30 14:30 16:35 18:35 19:00 20:00 22:00 22:15 23:20 00:15

06:00 06:10 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:25 11:30 12:30 14:35 16:40 18:40

21:00 23:15 23:40 01:55

CITV Almost Naked Animals Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sonny with a Chance Country House Sunday Jeremy Kyle Show Murder, She Wrote ITV News Agatha Christie’s The Man in the Brown Suit Love Your Garden A Touch of Frost Batteries Not Included ITV News Tipping Point Agatha Christie’s Marple ITV News The Talent Show Story Drama Trails The Store

World of Sport Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Highway Patrol The Motorbike Show The Sweeney The Appaloosa Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove Escape to Victory World War II drama about an Allied prisoner-of-war football team which takes on the German national team in a propaganda match played in Paris. Species III Fathers’ Day Mcvicar The Saint


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 euros

06:00 06:10 06:20 07:10 07:35 08:30 09:30 12:30 12:55 13:25 13:55 14:25 16:25 17:25 17:55 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:05 00:10 02:10 02:55 03:00

06:00 07:20 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:40 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:40 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:55 23:45 00:40

Kirstie’s Vintage Gems The Treacle People The Hoobs Transvulcania London Nocturne Frasier Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons The Three Musketeers Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News The Political Slot St. Trinian’s 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold Terror in the Skies The Returned District 9 Hustle and Flow Southland I Hate That Smile Location, Location, Location

06:00 08:45 09:00

Home Shopping Storage Hunters Top Gear Man v Food Total Wipeout USA Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Man v Food Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI

06:00 06:30

Man v Food Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You

09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:10 10:45 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 16:00 17:45 17:50 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:45

Children’s TV Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm The Mr. Men Show Power Rangers: Super Samurai ThunderCats William and Kate: Baby Makes Three Big Brother BB BOTS: Rylan’s Supersized Celebrity Sunday Doctor Dolittle 3 Daddy Day Camp 5 News Weekend Around the World in 80 Days Once Upon a Time Big Brother As Good as It Gets Campus Pd

Football’s Greatest Cricket India face Pakistan at Edgbaston in the group stage of the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. 08:30 Cricket Writers on TV Paul Allott is on hand to discuss all the major cricket stories of the day. Joining him in the studio each week will be members of the press. 10:00 Cricket England take on New Zealand in Cardiff in the group stage of the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. 18:30

00:30 01:00

US Open Golf Day four of the US Open from Merion Golf Club. Football’s Greatest NBA Finals

19:00 Great Movie Mistakes IV: May the Fourth be with You 19:30 Match of the Day Live 22:00 The Call Centre 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:10 American Dad! 00:30 Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 01:15 The Voice UK

11:00 13:00 15:00 17:15 19:05 21:00 22:50 00:55

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 01:00

The Mark of Zorro Coraline Star Trek: Generations Diary of a Wimpy Kid Big Momma’s House Frozen Saw Orphans of the Storm

British and Irish Lions Tour European Under 21 Championships European Under 21 Championships British and Irish Lions Tour International Rugby Union International Rugby Union European Under 21 Championships European Under 21 Championships US Open Golf US Open Golf Football’s Greatest Women’s British Open Squash Cricket Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy Champions League Final

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


M o n d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:20

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Fake Britain EastEnders Panorama New Tricks BBC News at Ten Helicopter Rescue The Graham Norton Show

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00 American Pie: The Wedding 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 The Only Way is Essex

07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 15:15 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

17 J u n e th

Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Coast Country Show Cook Off Click BBC News The Daily Politics Animal Park The Wrong Man Fred Dibnah’s Made in Britain Nature’s Great Events Flog It! Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Airport Live Rick Stein’s India What a Load of Buzzcocks Newsnight Rise of the Continents

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 00:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street The Dales Coronation Street Long Lost Family ITV News at Ten and Weather Benidorm Monk Jackpot247

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Murder, She Wrote 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:00 Pie in the Sky 16:10 Duty Free 16:45 Barbara 17:20 Man About the House 17:50 Heartbeat

06:10 07:00 07:55 08:55

18:50 19:50 22:00

18:00 Minder 19:00 Cheers 19:30 Cheers 20:00 The Sweeney 21:00 Cops with Cameras 22:00 Cycling: Tour Series 23:00 Child’s Play 2 00:50 The Professionals 01:50 Minder 02:45 Film File

23:00 00:05 01:05 02:00 02:30

Murder, She Wrote Inspector Morse Trial and Retribution Law and Order: UK Murder in Suburbia The Father Dowling Mysteries ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

09:50 10:50 11:55 12:55 13:50 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:55

The Professionals The Saint Cheers World’s Wildest Police Videos The Big Match Revisited The Saint The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! Wildlife Patrol Wildlife Patrol Imploders The Professionals

06:00 07:55

23:05 23:10 00:15

Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course River Cottage Veg Heroes This Happy Breed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Food Unwrapped Scientologists at War The Greatest Shows on Earth Random Acts Child Genius Sex Toy Stories

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Crash Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear Man v Food Top Gear Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear

19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00

Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Men Behaving Badly Carpool

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:05 15:10 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00

22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:15 02:10 02:40

Long Lost Family BBC 1 - 21:00 - 22:00

davina McCall and nicky Campbell return to ITV to present a brand new series of long lost Family, the awardwinning show which traces and reunites families who have been apart for most of their lives.

Series three features eight heart-warming new episodes, helping mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers find the loved ones they have been desperately trying to find. Taking on the most challenging and unpredictable searches yet Long Lost Family journeys across the world to bring families together – from Spain and


Northern Ireland to New Zealand, South Africa, Australia and America. With the help and support of Davina and Nicky, each relative is guided and supported through the emotional and heartrending process of tracing their long-lost loved ones. Davina said: “I love watching this series as it goes out on telly because I finally get a chance to have a really good weep – whilst filming I have to really hold it in. Our contributors share their amazing stories and heart-breaking losses and it’s such an honour to be part of the programme that helps them find resolution.”

06:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 15:20 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:55

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:30



23:30 00:30 02:30

Children’s TV The Wright Stuff Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Looney Tunes Murder on the 13th Floor 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways The Gadget Show Extraordinary People Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans US Open Golf Day four of the US Open from Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Cricket Sri Lanka meet Australia at the Oval in the group stage of the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. Great Goals A chance to relive the very best goals scored in European football during the 90s. Time of Our Lives Cricket Soccer A.M. The Best Bits

19:00 19:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:00

11:00 12:45 14:40 16:30 19:05 21:00 23:40 02:15

Would I Lie to You? Match of the Day Live The Best Sport Film Ever! EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Best of Limmy’s Show The Best Sport Film Ever!

The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel The Bravados Carry on Doctor Ice Cold in Alex Turner and Hooch Die Hard Wuthering Heights Big Nothing

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 10:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua WWE Bottom Line Cricket International Rugby League 12:00 Football’s Greatest 13:00 US Open Golf 16:00 Football’s Greatest 17:00 WWE Raw Michael Cole and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler present another week of pulsating action featuring WWE Superstars such as John Cena, CM Punk, Big Show and Sheamus. 19:00 Great Goals 19:30 Rugby League Leeds Rhinos welcome Widnes Vikings to Headingley Carnegie Stadium. 22:00 US Open Golf 01:00 Rugby Super League

editor recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


18 J u n e

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Holby City Frankie BBC News at Ten D-Day: The Last Heroes Biker Boyz

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! The Next Generation 21:00 Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 The Magaluf Weekender 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Lemon La Vida Loca

06:05 07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Watchdog Country Show Cook Off HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis Flog It! Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Airport Live The Route Masters: Running London’s Roads Iain Banks -Raw Spirit: A Review Show Special Newsnight Rise of the Continents


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:20

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Film File 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 On the Buses 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House

06:00 06:10 07:00 08:00 08:35 09:00

17:55 Heartbeat 19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Foyle’s War 22:00 Trial and Retribution 23:00 Law and Order: UK 00:00 Pie in the Sky 01:05 The Father Dowling Mysteries 02:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:30 Teleshopping

17:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:20

10:05 11:00 11:55 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:55 16:55

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Nature’s Newborns Animal Heroes Royal Windsor’s Big Week ITV News at Ten and Weather Real Crime In Plain Sight Jackpot247

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Big Match Revisited The Sweeney World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals Cycling: Tour Series The Sweeney World’s Wildest Police Videos The Professionals Motorsport UK

Minder Cheers Cheers River Monsters River Monsters Hell on Wheels Mcvicar Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club 02:00 Minder

06:10 07:05 07:30 07:55 08:55 10:00

The Hoobs Will and Grace According to Jim The Morning Line Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Three in a Bed Royal Ascot The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Something for Nothing Child Genius Dates How to Find Love Online Random Acts The Greatest Shows on Earth Royal Ascot Highlights

11:00 12:05 12:40 13:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 23:40 00:40

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Crash Man v Food Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear

18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20

Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Mock the Week QI Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Mock the Week Argumental Men Behaving Badly

00:00 01:00 01:40 02:20

06:00 Children’s TV 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 Thicker than Water 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours

07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 13:15 15:30 16:00 16:30 19:30 19:45 20:00 21:00 21:30 21:45 23:30 00:30 01:30 02:00

18:45 21:00 22:50 01:10

27 Dresses 127 Hours Copycat The Piano

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Time of Our Lives British and Irish Lions Tour ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Football’s Greatest Football’s Greatest European Under 21 Championships-Final

06:00 06:30

Football Gold Football Gold British and Irish Lions Tour Football Asia Football Gold Football Gold Time of Our Lives British and Irish Lions Tour Football Asia NBA Finals


Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers Aqua WWE Afterburn US Open Golf Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf US Open Golf Lions Legends Lions Legends British and Irish Lions Tour The British and Irish Lions take on Brumbies at Canberra Stadium. Junior World Championship Rugby

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The Apprentice Traffic Cops The Call Centre Sweat the Small Stuff EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! The Call Centre Sweat the Small Stuff The Best Sport Film Ever!

The Edge of the World Storm over the Nile One of Our Aircraft is Missing Love Story

18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 Highland Emergency 20:00 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 CSI: Miami


19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00

12:30 14:40

07:00 08:00 11:00 12:30 15:30 15:45 16:00

19:30 23:00 23:30 03:00

Junior World Championship Rugby Super League Backchat Premier League Poker Lions Legends

Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35

06:25 07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 16:10 17:05

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Rhys Jones’s Wildlife Patrol Watchdog The Apprentice BBC News at Ten Match of the Day Live

Britain’s Got More Talent Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Peter Andre: My Life Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Britain’s Got More Talent Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 21:00 Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 The Only Way is Essex 22:50 Big Rich Texas 23:50 Celebrity Juice

06:00 07:00 07:30 08:15 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:00 11:30 13:00 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Helicopter Heroes Down Under Monty Don’s French Gardens Country Show Cook Off BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis Flog It! Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Airport Live Horizon The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight The Route Masters: Running London’s Roads

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Film File 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Only When I Laugh 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House 17:55 Heartbeat 18:55 Murder, She Wrote 19:55 The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 21:00 Elizabeth: Queen, Wife, Mother 22:00 Wire in the Blood 23:40 Law and Order: UK 00:40 Pie in the Sky 01:40 The Father Dowling Mysteries

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:05

06:00 06:10 07:00 08:00 08:25 09:00 09:55 10:55 11:20 11:45 12:50 13:55 14:50 15:50 16:50 17:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:15 02:15 02:40

Hollywood Me

19 J u n e th

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street All Star Mr and Mrs Love and Marriage ITV News at Ten and Weather Joanna Lumley’s Nile The Dales Jackpot247

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Saint The Sweeney Highway Patrol Highway Patrol The Professionals Minder World’s Wildest Police Videos The Saint The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers British Superbike Championship Highlights The Motorbike Show Runaway Train Buried Police, Camera, Action! Film File

06:10 07:05 07:30 07:55 08:55 10:00

The Hoobs Will and Grace According to Jim The Morning Line Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Three in a Bed Royal Ascot The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Hollywood Me 24 Hours in A and E Dates Confessions of an Alien Abductee Random Acts Scientologists at War Barclaycard Mercury Prize Sessions

11:00 12:05 12:40 13:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 23:40 00:40

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Storage Hunters Man v Food Top Gear Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Man v Food Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear

18:00 19:00 20:00

Top Gear QI XL Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Have I Got a Bit More News for You Would I Lie to You? QI XL Russell Howard’s Good News Best Bits Have I Got a Bit More News for You Men Behaving Badly Butchered

20:50 21:50 22:30 23:30 00:50 01:45 02:20

Channel 4 - 20:00 - 21:00 In this new six-part series, interior designer to the stars Martyn lawrence Bullard jets unsuspecting Brits to la for a surprise makeover, while secretly giving their home the hollywood treatment too.

Kicking off the series, Martyn visits Peterborough to surprise hard-working mother of quads Emily Bates. What Emily doesn’t know is that while she is away, Martyn and his team will secretly transform her house into the sort of hip Hollywood palace that he usually


designs for celebs. Over in Tinseltown, Emily is amazed to discover that her chaperone is celebrity style icon Sharon Osbourne. As Sharon takes Emily under her wing, they embark on outrageous shopping sprees and experience the latest and craziest beauty treatments La La land has to offer. With just 72 hours to transform Emily’s home, can Martyn really pull off Hollywood glamour in an ordinary home in Peterborough?

06:00 Children’s TV 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:55 Milkshake! Show Songs 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 The Hotel Inspector 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:10 Summer Solstice 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 Paul Merton in India 20:00 Emergency Bikers 21:00 NCIS 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00 2013 National Heads Up Poker Championships

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00


21:30 22:00 23:30 01:30 02:00 03:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Time of Our Lives ICC Champions Trophy The first semi-final of the ICC Champions Trophy from the Oval. Elite League Speedway Birmingham Brummies host Poole Pirates at Perry Barr Stadium. FIFA Futbol Mundial Sporting Heroes ICC Champions Trophy FIFA Futbol Mundial Sporting Heroes ICC Champions Trophy

19:00 19:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:00 02:00

11:00 13:05 14:50 16:30

World’s Craziest Fools Match of the Day Live Live at the Apollo Live at the Apollo Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Live at the Apollo The Call Centre

Jesse James Siege of the Saxons The Spoilers The Devil at 4 O’Clock

19:00 21:00 22:55 00:30 02:05

Picture Perfect Unstoppable Devil F You, the Living

06:00 06:30 07:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua WWE Vintage Collection Sports Unlimited NBA World Cup of Pool Australian Ironman Super League Backchat Football Asia European Tour Golf European Seniors Tour Golf Football Asia Super League Backchat NBA NFL: Inside...

08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 22:00 23:00 02:00 03:00

Boots ‘n’ All NBA Boots ‘n’ All NFL: Inside... Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Boots ‘n’ Al

editor recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


20 June

Thursday - TV

06:00 09:15


Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless

18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35

BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Waterloo Road Life Savers BBC News at Ten Question Time This Week

06:00 06:25 06:55

Emmerdale Coronation Street Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy Peter Andre: My Life Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Mr Bean’s Holiday Lemon La Vida Loca Celebrity Juice Fake Reaction The Only Way is Essex

10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30

07:25 08:10 08:40 09:35 10:35 11:30 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:15 22:00 22:50 23:35 00:20

06:00 06:05

10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 17:15

This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Great Continental Railway Journeys Country Show Cook Off HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis Flog It!

18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 00:20

Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Airport Live Flights and Fights Mock the Week Newsnight Horizon Panorama

07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:05 03:00

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Murder, She Wrote 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 Pie in the Sky 16:10 Only When I Laugh 16:45 Barbara 17:20 Man About the House 17:50 Heartbeat

06:00 06:50 07:45 08:15 08:45 09:45

18:50 19:50 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 01:10 02:00 02:30

19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:00 01:15

Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Wycliffe afterlife Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Murder, She Wrote ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

10:40 11:40 12:45 13:50 14:15 14:50 15:50 16:50 17:55

02:00 03:00


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Happy Families ITV News at Ten Royal Windsor’s Big Week The Late Debate Jackpot247 Tonight

The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Saint World’s Wildest Police Videos The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! Imploders The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers River Monsters Jaws 3 Species III World’s Wildest Police Videos Minder The Store

06:00 06:10 07:05 07:30 07:55 08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:40 13:40 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 23:10 00:10 01:10 01:40

06:00 07:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:30 00:05 01:05 01:45

The Treacle People The Hoobs Will and Grace According to Jim The Morning Line Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Three in a Bed Royal Ascot The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Compare Your Life 50 First Dates Bi-Curious Me Random Acts 24 Hours in A and E The Human Mannequin Royal Ascot Highlights Edward VIII: The Lion King

06:00 Children’s TV 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 08:55 Milkshake! Show Songs 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Big Brother 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 CSI: NY 15:10 Summer Solstice 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours

Home Shopping Carpool Dragons’ Den Crash Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear Man v Food Top Gear Man v Food Dragons’ Den Top Gear Man v Food Top Gear Have I Got a Bit More Election News for You QI Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More Election News for You QI Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat


18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 The Hotel Inspector 20:00 Cowboy Traders 21:00 The Girl with 7 Mums 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00

19:30 20:00

22:00 23:00 00:00 02:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Sporting Heroes ICC Champions Trophy The second semifinal of the ICC Champions Trophy from SWALEC Stadium. Barclays Premier League World ICC Champions Trophy-Semi Final The second semifinal of the ICC Champions Trophy from SWALEC Stadium. Sporting Heroes Sporting Heroes ICC Champions Trophy NBA Finals

19:00 19:30 22:00 22:30 01:00 01:30 02:00

11:00 12:45 14:55 17:10

World’s Craziest Fools Match of the Day Live Russell Howard’s Good News Match of the Day Live EastEnders Russell Howard’s Good News Sweat the Small Stuff

In the City of Sylvia Saboteur The League of Gentlemen That Riviera Touch

19:05 Big Momma’s House 21:00 The Reef 22:45 Inglourious Basterds 01:55 The Duellists

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 17:30 18:00 19:00

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua WWE Experience Boots ‘n’ All Total Rugby Asian Tour Golf Show European Tour Weekly European Tour Golf Sporting Heroes FIBA World Basketball Boots ‘n’ All FIFA Futbol Mundial European Tour Golf Super League Superstars

Ringside ATP Tour Uncovered 19:30 GB Sevens Rugby 22:00 World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw 00:00 WWE NXT


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013

Top loader washing machi

Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...

635 911 337


BMW 320 cabrio

60000km 2008...

Fender amp with effects...

145 € 691 634 508


80 € 616 971 615

Suzuki Lido 75cc scooter

House in Chio

Suzuki Lido 75cc ITV until 09/2014 , insured, very good cond. a cylinder a piston changed last year. Mileage :16000, €450, it is a classic scooter, topbo...

Modern 3 bedroom house, ( Unfurnished ) with new kitchen, Lounge, Dining area, 2 bathrooms, integral garage with electric door. Full roof terrace, and balc...

24,000 € 672 565 837

450 € 922 850 087

159,000 €

Aquarium with stand

Island Village Phase 3

Nintendo Wii Modded

Travel Cot

aquarium live fish

large 200 litre aquarium with strong cabinet plus filter, light ,etc....

Large two bed villa with garden on phase 3, this means you may use both pools on phases one and three, 24 hr reception and laundry on site with pool bar. ...

Nintendo Wii with modified software to play games from external hard drive. Can be sold without software. 25 games including Super Mario World, Red Steel...

Travel cot suitable for baby or toddler. In very good condition, no tears or marks like new. 30 Euros....

home bred cichlids for sale, malawi, south african, and pond fish, for sale....

922 730 367

626 389 410


922 724 656

922 730 367

350 €

140,000 €

100 €

30 €



Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Dining table with 4 chai

Gents Mountain Bike

Portable air cooler

Various mirrors & pictur

Display units

Extendable dining table in good condition sold with 4 chairs. measurements: closed: 90cm wide, 76cm tall. open: 114cm long. torviscas alto. price negotiabl...

Brand new lightweight aluminium framed mountain bike never used...

Portable evaporative air cooler, humidifier, and fan for cooling and humidifying, Uses water to cool the air, directional louvers for even distribution of ...

A selection on modern mirrors and pictures all in great condition and would look great in any setting...

10 large jewelry display units & 1 tall watch display unit excellent condition 50 euros each...

690 375 706

634 373 879

674 948 505

922 727 155

672 519 970

160 €

130 €

40 €

10 €

50 €

Electric Quad Bike

Camera HD Panasonic

Portable Air con unit

Brand New Microwave

3 bedroom Apartment

12v children electric quad bike. Excellent condition, comes complete with mains charger....

Camcorder Full HDC-SD9 Panasonic Full HD 1920 x 1080p Leica lens O.I.S 5.1 CH 5 micro's In Adeje ...

Fagor portable air conditioning unit with instruction booklet and air pipe...

Brand New Haier Microwave. Will deliver, Golf Del Sur area....

Reduced 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for sale in the quiet residential complex of Edificio Aulaga in the quiet town of Fañabe Alto. The apartment comes...

REF: 2692

632 092 358

696 653 983

634 396 002


100 €

350 €

40 €

50 €

135,000 €

Catering equipment

Iphone 4 for sale

Washing Machine

Harley Davidson Softail

Large Fridge Freezer

Restaurant closing down. Everything must go from tables,chairs, commercial dishwasher to ovens and fridges. Please call ...

Iphone 4. Perfect condition. Unblocked to all Networks. Gran Sur Area. 240 Euro. ...

Washing machine for sale, good condition, excellent working order 135 euros can deliver ...

Harley Davidson Softail Classic 2004 itv until 2015 Many extras...

Large corbero fridge freezer, height 170cm, width 70cm, depth 63cm, works perfectly , but a bit cosmetically challenged, hence price....


632 483 969

635 911 337

605 740 410

672 519 970


Boat for sale

25% Share of small Moored atlas Galletas...

664 646 658


1,500 €

240 €

10,000 €

80 €

Mercedes Benz Sprinter 3

Ford Explorer

Teknique hair clippers

Glass tv stand

MERCEDES-BENZ Sprinter 311 CDI Medium-low 3.5T, 2150 cm3, Blue, 2006/10, 217k km, Side airbag driver and passenger, Air conditioning TEMPMATIK, six-speed ...

Ford Explorer jeep 2001, itv till may 2014....

Hair clippers teKnique English brans with attachments ex cond 8euros Golf del sur...

A brand new unused tv stand that will take a 42" plasma and satellite receiver, DVD etc In perfect condition and in smoked black glass with concealed are...

634 346 476

696 427 073

649 677 290

922 727 155

10,500 €

3,500 €


40 €

Bread Maker

BMW 316i Compact

Bird Cage

42" Plasma Flatscreen with good quality detachable speakers. 3 years old, With 2 Scart sockets & 1 PC socket. 225 euros...

Nearly new bread machine, complete and in box with its instructions and recipes...

1997 bmw compact. Good condition and reliable. Cheap for a quick sale....

Bird Cage suitable for small birds such as Zebra Finch, Canaries etc. Each side is 60cm wide and the height is 1.9m. Two doors for feeding etc, 3 perches,...

922 850 087

634 373 879

628 543 843

607 583 977

Antique Cot


Antique childs cot/ bed, with drop down sides & original springs, made by A Ruiz of barcelona, a beautiful piece of antique furniture ...

672 519 970

180 €

135 €

225 €

30 €

2,400 €

150 €


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013







CCS is a premier consulting & financial advisory service that strives to achieve results through our commitment to clients & making things crystal clear.

A photographer of over 20 years experience, who understands your need for top quality friendly service for all occasions, contact anytime to discuss your ideas.

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Leo’s Cafe Bar

Located in one of the best positions in the Apolo Centre this busy Cafe Bar is being offered for Trespaso. There are 20 tables outside with 4 inside, there is currently Live Music on Sunday’s but this could be increased by the new tenant. The monthly rent is € 1,300 and the trespaso is being offered for € 70,000 O.N.O

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THE BEAUTY SPOT Completely legal with opening licence. Long established fully fitted Hairdressing/ Beauty Salon for rent in Costa del Silencio. Available immediately.

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Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Legendry Horse Trainer Henry Cecil Dies


ne of Britain’s most successful racehorse trainers, Sir henry Cecil, has died at the age of 70.

He was responsible for 25 British Classic winners and crowned champion trainer 10 times, Sir Henry was also the leading handler at Royal Ascot with a record 75 successes. “It is with great sadness that Warren Place Stables confirms the passing of Sir Henry Cecil earlier this morning,” said a statement on his website. “Following communication with the British

Horseracing Authority (BHA), a temporary licence will be allocated to Lady Cecil.” Sir Henry, who was knighted by the Queen in 2011, had been fighting stomach cancer for several years. Towards the end of a career that spanned four decades, he trained Frankel, the highest-rated racehorse ever. Frankel retired last year after winning all 14 of his races. BHA chief executive Paul Bittar paid tribute to Sir Henry, describing him as “one of the great characters and one of the great trainers in British racing. It’s tragically sad,” Mr Bittar said after being told

of Cecil’s death. “Having said that, what a wonderful way to be able to finish his career, with the greatest race horse (Frankel) that any of us will ever get to see.” Sir Henry descended from an aristocratic background, was born into racing and often said he would have been able to do nothing else. At 21, he started off as assistant to his stepfather, the Royal trainer Cecil Boyd-Rochfort, and took charge on his retirement in 1968. A year later he was celebrating his first major success as Wolver Hollow gained the Eclipse at Sandown.

As the years went on, things got better, recording a first Classic in 1973 when Cloonagh took the Irish 1,000 Guineas, and three years later

he was champion trainer for the first time. In 1987 he trained a record 180 winners. Sir Henry married his onetime secretary Jane McK-

eown in 2008. He is survived by two children from his first marriage, Katie and Noel, and son Jake from his second marriage.

13.4m in endorsements from sponsors including Adidas, PepsiCo and P&G.. He is currently on a short break after playing the final 30 minutes of Argentina’s World Cup qualifier against Ecuador in Quito.

Alejandro Sabella, the coach of the national side, previously said he expects to include the 25-year-old in the line-up for a friendly against Guatemala on Friday. Barcelona declined to comment on the claims.

england Versus Barcelona’s messi australia Bar Brawl in Tax fraud Claims

The england and Wales Cricket Board has issued a statement stating that australia batsman david Warner launched an “unprovoked physical attack” on an england player in a bar after their match at edgbaston.

Sources have named the England cricketer as Yorkshire’s Joe Root and Cricket Australia confirmed Warner has been dropped from his country’s Champions Trophy clash with New Zealand. According to reports English and Australian players were in a bar in Birmingham and at the end of the evening Warner allegedly “threw a punch” at Root. In a statement, the ECB said: “David Warner initiated an unprovoked physical attack on a member of the England team in a Birmingham bar following England’s 48 run victory over Australia. Warner has admitted behaving inappropriately and has since apologised to the player involved who has accepted the apology. Following a full investigation the England team management has concluded that the England player was in no way responsible for nor retaliated to the attack.” A spokesman for Cricket Australia said

Warner has been reported for “unbecoming behaviour after he was allegedly involved in a physical altercation with an England player in the early hours of Sunday morning following the ICC Champions Trophy match between the teams in Birmingham”. The player was being investigated, and CA said it would make no further comment until the hearing. No date has been set. The incident continues a difficult time for 26-year-old Warner, last month he was fined AU$5,750 (£3,700) following an outburst on Twitter. Australia are already without regular captain Michael Clarke, who has not recovered from a back injury. After the loss to England, they need to win to retain a chance of reaching the semi-finals. Warner had been expected to play in the game against New Zealand despite a dismal run of form which continued with an innings of nine off 21 balls against England.

BaRCelOna footballer lionel Messi has been accused of failing to pay 4m euros (£3.4m) in income tax, according to prosecutors in Spain. The argentinian international and his father, Jorge horacio Messi, allegedly submitted fraudulent tax returns for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009.

In a statement posted on his Facebook page, the striker has denied any wrongdoing: “We have just (heard) through the media about the claim filed by the Spanish tax authorities,” the statement said. “We are surprised about (this) because we have never committed any infringement. We have always fulfilled all our tax obligations (and are) following the advice of our tax consultants who will take care of clarifying this situation.” A complaint, signed by state prosecutor Raquel Amado and submitted for trial at a court in Gava, must be accepted by a judge prior to any charges being brought. Messi, who was named the best player in the world for four consecutive seasons, is one of the highest-paid sportsmen. He commands an annual salary of approximately £13m and earns another


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Mother Killed In Car Rally in Siberia

Emma Wilkinson has been killed in a car crash while taking part in the Peking (Beijing) to Paris Motor Challenge.

The 46-year-old mother of two was killed in a head-on smash between her 1970 Chevrolet C10 and a Volkswagen Polo, according to local police. Ms Wilkinson was taking part in the car rally, described as the longest and toughest challenge anyone can drive in a vintage or classic car. She was with her partner and fellow participant Peter Davies when the accident happened on the Tyumen to Omsk federal highway in Siberia. Mr Davies was not injured but a 31-year-old man and a baby who were passengers in the other vehicle were killed, while a woman is fighting for her life in intensive care, Tyumen region police said. Officers believe the driver of the Polo may have fallen asleep at the wheel moments before careering

across the road into the path of the oncoming Chevrolet as there were no skid marks and traffic was very light. Rally director Philip Young said: “Emma was a fun loving, lively and

popular member of the rally. In the three weeks we’ve been together both she and Peter proved themselves to be capable, competent and resourceful. Their 1970 Chevrolet C10 pickup was a remarkable

sight in the Mongolian wilderness and today our thoughts and sympathies are with Emma’s family and friends including her two brothers Robert and Mark, who are also participating.”

Chelsea Confirm Schurrle Signing

Chelsea have agreed a deal to sign Bayer Leverkusen’s Germany international forward Andre Schurrle.

There were fears Jose Mourinho’s return to Stamford Bridge could affect a transfer which has been lined up for weeks. But a statement on the Chelsea website confirmed the deal will go through subject to Schurrle passing a medical and agreeing personal terms. The statement read: “Chelsea Football Club and Bayer 04 Leverkusen have reached an agreement for the transfer of André Schürrle, subject to the completion of legal documentation and related matters, including personal terms and passing a medical.” The 22-year-old will officially go down as the first signing of Mourinho’s second run as manager. A statement from Leverkusen announced Schurrle’s departure in conjunction with the signing of Hamburg’s South Korea striker Heung-Min Son. Director Wolfgang Holzhauser said: “We have made it clear from the beginning that Andre Schurrle’s departure would only be possible only if we found an adequate alternative. “We have now found this alternative by signing Heung-Min Son and thus, in our view, there is nothing to stand in the way of Andre Schurrle’s move.” Son’s arrival on a five-year contract comes after Mourinho blocked the possible departure of Chelsea’s Belgium international Kevin De Bruyne in part-exchange for Schurrle.

The 33-day race, which began on May 28 sees competitors travel through some of the most remote and inaccessible areas on the planet as they drive through the Gobi Desert, Mongolia and Russia.

Vettel Extends Contract To End Of 2015

Red Bull Racing have announced that Sebastian Vettel has extended his contract with the team for an additional year, through to the end of 2015. Vettel, the reigning world champion, has won the drivers’ title for the past three seasons with the Milton-Keynes based team.

Previously a member of the Red Bull Junior squad, Vettel first drove for Red Bull in 2009. During his Formula One career, the 25-year-old German has achieved 29 wins, 51 podiums and 39 pole positions. Vettel’s team mate beyond the end of 2013 remains unconfirmed, with Mark Webber’s current contract expiring at the end of this year.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby

Clash Of The party people

WaVeS of fans adulation, official receptions, and maybe even the odd half a shandy, no one would begrudge Cd Tenerife their amazing week after winning promotion but it didn’t make for a memorable performance at alaves. The two legged decider for the overall champions of Segunda B had little meaning and it showed, don’t expect a classic this Sunday in the second leg in Santa Cruz at noon, but do expect a massive sta-

dium filled party to thank the club for a fantastic season.

Changes were widespread in the Tenerife starting line up, Roberto pulled on the gloves and the back up had a busy and confident game. Alaves are another top flight team on the way back and they dominated the first half. The Tenerife defence looked strong in the full back positions with Jesus Alvaro on the right and Sergio Rodriguez on the left making some timely tackles. Viquera and Juanma were a handful up front for the home side and Sendoa had his moments, the best being a short corner that he collected after swapping passes with a team mate, his

eventual shot went wide as his view of the target was obscured by another Alaves body. Alberto back in midfield impressed with his defensive play, he hooked the ball over his own bar to save a certain goal on the half hour. Juanma opened up the play for Viquera with a dainty flick back, another shot that passed nervously close to the post. Sergio Rodriguez closed the half with a brilliantly timed intervention and calm clearance but we were still waiting for a meaningful attempt on goal from Tenerife. Juanma was left cursing Roberto for a well taken catch and Alberto for another of his well judged tackles before

a Time for planning

The promotion hangovers had hardly faded before work started on building a competitive squad for next season. Continuity is the key, sporting director Quique Medina has played a big part in bringing through the young home grown players, he has signed a new two year deal and one of the best finds, alberto Jimenez has done the same. Fans have only seen tantalizing glimpses of striker ayoze Perez who turns 20 in July but Real Madrid are already checking him out, Tenerife have him under contract until 2016.

There may be a couple of home comings next season. Xavi Annunziata came through the junior ranks at CD Tenerife before joining Osasuna in 2008 but after being loaned to Huesca last season his parent club have released the midfielder. An-

other wandering soul is Edgar Mendez Ortega from Arafo who has been with Almeria B and is keen on coming back to the rock. After the curtain falls on Sunday the players can have


some richly deserved rest – but not too much, pre season training begins on 15 July and the first game back in the Segunda Division will be on 18 August. It barely gives me time to wash my scarf.


Sergio gave the home keeper his first test with a searing shot from the right. It was no real surprise when Viquera made it 1-0 after 59 minutes, picking up a cross from the left and burying it in the top of the net. Loro found himself in acres of space for Tenerife but missed the target and just into injury time Chechu threaded his way behind the defence and was brought crashing to the ground, it was a clear penalty but the ref ignored it. Charging up the other end Alaves cut out the defence by lofting the ball over them for Viquera to score his second. Chechu was still fuming and let rip at the ref, all it got him was a sending off for two bookings. A farcical ending that makes it tough to win the trophy this week, but it’s all about the party.



Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013


Captain Gives Atletico Granadilla Promotion Play Off Hope

An injured goalie, a disallowed goal, and an injury time winner all figured in a dramatic climax as Atletico Granadilla

inched a little further along the promotion path to Segunda B with a 1-0 home win. The stage was set perfectly on

Granadilla so close

the morning of the big Romeria fiesta, many of the 1,000 plus crowd were decked out in traditional Canarian costume and had one eye on the afternoons celebrations in town. Universidad Oviedo made the early running with Cueva getting first pop at goal but home keeper Marino wasn’t unduly troubled. Amray started to make runs down the right and Noah, recently returned for his second spell with the club, bustled through the middle to give Jose some anxious moments in the visitors goal. It was pretty even but the butter fingers of Jose gave Granadilla plenty of encouragement, just before the break the goalie fumbled the ball and owed his defence a few pints for scrambling the danger away. Attacking the biggest bank of their home fans in the second half helped to drive Granadilla on and former CD Tenerife striker Ruben Rosquete added more options to the attack after coming off the bench. Jony should have got a vital away goal but Marino made a convincing save to keep things level. With 15 minutes left Marino went down badly after a knock from an Oviedo player, off he limped with a hamstring injury and on came Alexis Oval to take over between the posts.

Come On In The West Coast Water’s Lovely

Maybe it’s the rugged coastline or the inspiring sight of the cliffs of Los Gigantes but for 18 years the Travesia A Nado swimming race has been a popular fixture on the summer sporting calendar.

The race starts at Playa de la Arena beach at 5.30 pm on Saturday 6 July and finishes around the headland on the pocket sized playa of Puerto de Santiago some 950 metres later. It’s split into categories that cater for everyone, at 5.30 the disability swimmers head out, then at 6 pm it’s the turn of the ladies, and at 6.30 pm the men take the plunge. Then after all the contestants have finished the course there are children’s races for 10 to 18 year olds, they will need written permission from their parents. Boats shadow the swimmers as they splash through the water and safety is always top of the list. The top three in each category get

Granadilla thank the fans The red and white wave swept forward but some desperate defending kept them at bay, even when Noah put the ball in the net he was ruled offside, it would need something special to break the deadlock. Injury time arrived and Granadilla won another corner,

Granadilla get stuck in

Granadilla on the charge

captain Ivan Martin swept the in swinging ball across and as bodies dived all over the place it eluded them all to settle in the goal. A perfect and deserved finish that leaves the door wide open for this Sunday’s away leg, an aggregate victory would leave just one more home and away hurdle before the big step up.

It’s All Uphill From Guimar

Man and machine against the forces of gravity, it’s enough to rev up anyone’s motor. This Saturday sees the 40th annual Subida al Mirador de Guimar uphill rally on the east coast of Tenerife with the TF-28 providing the most testing of circuits.

The action starts at 10am near the coast and the drama unfolds in short bursts up the 3.7km incline. This year there is a bumper crop of 51 cars including favourites like Felix Ramon Garcia Duran in the Alfa 156 and Chicho Acosta in

the Porsche 911. Late in the afternoon trophies will be awarded in the Plaza de San Antonio but during the race

thousands will line the route grabbing any vantage point they can for their free days racing.

Bananas For The Cream

to mount the podium for their medals and that special feeling of achievement. If you want to take part you

have until 1st July to register at www.deportesantiagodelteide.com or you can call 922 868 108.

CB Canarias basketball team are using their summer break to sell shares in the club to bolster their financial future. Their league, Spain’s elite ACB has also been busy and captured a sponsor that needs no selling to our La Laguna team. Platano de Canarias have signed a two year sponsorship deal that will have basketball fans thinking of Canary Islands bananas during league and cup action. No figures have been released but it is a welcome boost and in these lean times it should bring a whole bunch of benefits to all involved.


Tenerife Weekly - 14th June 2013 - 20th June 2013



clock to mark the one-year countdown to next year’s World Cup has been unveiled on Rio’s Copacabana beach in the presence of soccer legend Pele.

The official timekeeper for the 2014 finals, displayed the time remaining until Brazil gets to stage its first World Cup since 1950 when it lost in the final to Uruguay. “We are going to stage an excellent World Cup, we are confident,” said Pele, the country’s ambassador for the World Cup. Joining Pele, a three-time winner of the World Cup, at the ceremony were Brazilian Sports Minister Also Rebelo, Jerome Valcke, the secretary general of world football’s governing body Fifa, Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes and Hublot President Jean-Claude Biver. Jose Maria Marin, chairman of the Cup’s Local Organising Committee, hailed the unveiling as “another memorable milestone in our preparations for Brazil 2014.” Current Fifa president Sepp Blatter could not attend but sent a message saying he was “extremely pleased”. Brazil “is not only a footballing powerhouse, but an economic one too. I’m sure that one of the legacies of this Fifa World Cup will be that of helping Brazil become a leader in terms of social and cultural values,” he added. “I hope not to have the same experience I had when I was nine in 1950 and saw my father crying in front of the radio,” Pele said, referring to Brazil’s humiliating defeat to Uruguay in the Cup final that year.


1. ____ Diego 4. Wind direction (abbr.) 7. Fragrance 12. Steeped brew 13. Cargo weight 14. Trio number 15. Ridiculous 17. Baseball great Hank ____ 18. Political bureaucracy 20. Gush 21. Gazed upon 22. Can.’s neighbor 25. Boston time zone (abbr.) 27. Girls

av rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las americas arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

29. Hen’s perch 32. Uprisings 33. Get lost! (2 wds.) 35. ‘50s monogram 36. Annoy 37. Shade of green 39. Plant fluids 43. ____ gap 45. Inspect ledgers 48. Disease from mosquitoes 49. Clever 50. Grease 51. Telepathy (abbr.) 52. Artist ____ Picasso 53. Foxy 54. ____ Moines


1. Fawn’s fathers 2. Fable writer 3. Innocent 4. Recipe direction 5. 14-line poem 6. Opponent 7. ____ of living 8. Talk 9. Do the wrong thing 10. “The Matrix” hero 11. Hamilton bill 16. Most recent 19. Wriggly fish 22. GI’s club 23. Fixed 24. Mule’s kin

vivo.8548 26. Spike heel 28. Afternoon nap 29. Baseball stat 30. Above, in verse 31. Acorn tree 34. Foil metal 35. Go off the tracks 38. Office notes 40. Broadcast 41. Self-assurance 42. Ginger cookies 43. Female 44. Confederate 45. Cleopatra’s snake 46. ____ Thurman of “Kill Bill” 47. Speck

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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