Tenerife weekly issue 84

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Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

Lorna Eade editor@tenerife-weekly.com

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.


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Issue 84

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

Manager & Production Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com CONTRIBUTERS Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews John Sharples Barry Pugh Janet Anscombe Paul Ling Marc Craig Red Queen Musings Colin Kirby English Time Adeje Blog Sylvia CSS Tenerife



The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1. Bollongbroke 2. Clay pigeon shooting 3. Buffalo Bill 4. Budapest 5. Easter (Lent) 6. Singapore 7. Cheese 8. Blue 9. Darwin 10. Mozart 11. Mercury 12. Jerusalem

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)


While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Wize Prize 2. Salt Vault 3. Sun Fun 4. Snake Cake 5. Seal Squeal 6. Ship Tip 7. Quiet Riot 8. Lean Teen 9. Smell Swell 10. Fish Dish 11. Tart Start 12. His Quiz 13. Brown Clown 14. Clerk Jerk 15. Short Court

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

HINK PINKS (Page 38)


Solutions to this week´s puzzles





Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

This week’s edition is absolutely jam packed with things to do on our beautiful Island; there are fiestas, pageants, wine tastings, chocolate tasting and even honey tours up Mount Teide. So no excuses for sitting around and doing nothing – get out there! My absolute favourite story this week just has to be Dorothy Custer celebrating her 102nd birthday by base jumping. I take my hat off to her.

I am just about to have yet another birthday, 21, honest- please stop laughing - and have to say I will be doing no such thing…. See Dorothy’s story on page…. Talking about age, I am really trying not to be catty here, but Victoria Beckham isn’t ageing too well these days. She may have been named Woman of the Decade at an awards ceremony, but her face looks so hard; the old saying that you can never be too rich or too thin is certainly not doing her any favours. Get yourself down to Vivo’s Sunday Carvery – that will sort you out! Check her out on


page…. Vivo held a mega street party this time last year, celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. This year marks 60 years since her coronation, marked with a service at Westminster Abbey, a low key affair, if you can call the attendance of over 2,000 guests, low key. She still looks amazing at the ripe old age of 87 and shows little sign of stopping, keep it up Ma’am. See our report on pages 28-29.

See you all next week.

Lorna Eade

Illegal Letting – the car people Latest Developments competition

Janet Anscombe has written for Tenerife Weekly before on the subject of the illegal letting situation and updating us on the status of the appeals to the Court. This week she has published on her website a letter from the two Alotca lawyers, José Escobedo and Santiago Saenz, who wanted to make it clear that those affected should seek the advice of lawyers experienced in administrative law. The letter speaks for itself ... “

Further to your recent posts with regard to the latest developments in our class action against these fines for illegal holiday letting, we realize that this information, although it was clearly explained in your blog, might have caused some confusion for your readers. This is mainly due to the complexity of the Spanish and Canarian administrative laws which sometimes are difficult to understand even for experienced lawyers. We also notice that recently an article has been published in

a local newspaper by a British solicitor in which he comments and gives his legal opinion about how our law firm should conduct Court proceedings and litigation strategy in the Courts of Law in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. This behaviour might be appropriate if the said solicitor had the same qualification, professional experience and knowledge of the Spanish language as any registered Spanish lawyer, but we understand that the said solicitor is only registered in the Colegio de Abogados as a foreign lawyer as stated in his own web page. Furthermore this British solicitor, despite not being part of these Court proceedings nor representing any of our clients, is advising our clients not to finalize the dispute with the Government with an agreement and is encouraging our clients to take this matter to the European Court. It might be normal practice in the UK that Spanish lawyers, without being asked, advise British lawyers or their clients about the way they should conduct their practice in British Courts, but this is not ethical behaviour in Spain and is

clearly not accepted as ethical professional behaviour in our Canarian Law Society (Colegio de Abogados). Having said that, we want to make very clear that we have no wish to start a debate with this foreign solicitor, nor with any other lawyer about the Court cases we are dealing with at present. Although we have been asked, we have no wish nor intention whatsoever to publish, nor to disclose, any information about our litigation strategy in a local paper as we do not think this is a professional way to defend our clients’ interests. Anything we have to say about Canarian and Spanish law we will state in the Courts of law. Having said that, we would like to make very clear some points which we think your readers who might be affected by these fines should keep in mind: 1. Although the fines in the majority of the cases are the same, i.e. 13.800 Euros, clients’ circumstances could be different and defence arguments may also be different depending on the defence the clients have submitted (if any) when they received the first letters

Continued from Page 1

By Colin Kirby There’s no need to go miles from your home or resort to enjoy another side of Tenerife. Las Galletas is a 20 minute drive or regular bus journey from Los Cristianos and from 14 to 16 June there is plenty happening on the streets and in the shops and restaurants of this charming fishing village. The three day Flowers and Plants Fair takes place on 14, 15 & 16 June in the Ramblas area just behind the shin-

gle beach promenade, and on Saturday 15 June Arona En Colores will have the central shopping area buzzing with cultural based activities for all the family from 5pm until midnight. Nature’s bounty will be lining the Ramblas as flowers and plants from around the island are displayed and sold over the three day event. It opens at 5pm on Friday 14th June with live music on the stage from 6.30 until the 8.30 closure. Saturday’s festivities run from 10am to 11 pm and the children are the focus of attention until 1.30pm with games and creative challenges to

This week’s The Car People Competition had another great response, with many correct answers to the question; What Car did Roger Moore drive in his TV role “The Saint”

Roger Moore drove a white Volvo P1800 on the show with a license plate reading “ST1”. from the Tourist board. Litigation strategy must therefore be adapted to each client’s individual circumstances. 2. Clients have been fined for advertising apartments on the internet without an inspection book (9.000 Euros initial fine) and for not having a customer complaint book (9.000 Euros initial fine): now these fines have been reduced to 6.900 Euros each. 3. There are other clients who have been fined for renting properties in a touristic complex where there is already a licensed management company in place (fines could be in the region of 25.000 Euros). 4. Management companies, estate agents and cleaning companies have been fined for advertising or renting properties without a licence (fines could be in the region of 66.000 Euros).

fire their imaginations. The live music returns from 7pm. Sunday takes a similar course with an 8.30pm finish. Arona En Colores is an initiative between the Arona council and the traders associations, Zonas Comerciales Abiertas to broaden the shopping experience with workshops, games, art, dance, music, prize draws, special offers, and late shopping in a relaxed atmosphere. Over the last few years the day has grown in stature with a mixture of competitive prices and individual styles. In true Tenerife style the day will be rounded off with fireworks at midnight.

Congratulations go to Lin Watson who said she has never won anything before and was really pleased. We look forward to seeing her, with her family at the Sunday Carvery at Vivo, where they will also be treated to a round of mini golf each. This week’s competition question is on Motoring News page 39.

5. Spanish administrative law states very clearly that the fines must be paid and subsequently these fines can be disputed in Court. 6. To be able to challenge these fines in Court the client must present all possible appeals against the letters received from the Government and reach the last appeal to the President of the Canary Islands Government (RECURSO DE ALZADA): if this last appeal is rejected, then the client can present a claim in Court. 7. When a client submits the claim to the Court, it is possible to request from the Court an order to suspend the execution of the fine to avoid damages (embargo on property, accounts etc.). 8. After hearing the petitioner’s arguments, it is possible that the judge will authorize the petitioner to deposit the amount of the fine in the Court subject to the outcome of the Court case and the final verdict. 9. Prior to the trial, the Judge may invite the parties in a dispute to reach an agreement to put an end to a dispute, the judge can even give some guidelines and advice for negotiation, but this is only with the aim of reaching a solution to the problem. The final Court decision is not determined by this request or invitation from the judge. Please find below the wording of article 77 of Spanish litigation legislation in administrative contentious matters (Ley 29/1998 dated 13th July) de Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa): ARTÍCULO 77 1. En los procedimientos en primera o única instancia, el Juez o Tribunal, de oficio o a solicitud de parte, una vez formuladas la demanda y la contestación, podrá som-

Good Luck eter a la consideración de las partes el reconocimiento de hechos o documentos, así como la posibilidad de alcanzar un acuerdo que ponga fin a la controversia, cuando el juicio se promueva sobre materias susceptibles de transacción y, en particular, cuando verse sobre estimación de cantidad. Los representantes de las Administraciones públicas demandadas necesitarán la autorización oportuna para llevar a efecto la transacción, con arreglo a las normas que regulan la disposición de la acción por parte de los mismos. 2. El intento de conciliación nosuspenderá el curso de las actuaciones salvo que todas las partes personadas lo solicitasen y podrá producirse en cualquier momento anterior al día en que el pleito haya sido declarado concluso para sentencia. 3. Si las partes llegaran a un acuerdo que implique la desaparición de la controversia, el Juez o Tribunal dictará auto declarando terminado el procedimiento, siempre que lo acordado no fuera manifiestamente contrario al ordenamiento jurídico ni lesivo del interés público o de terceros. 10. Considering the above, we strongly advise anyone affected by this problem to seek professional advice from Spanish registered lawyers who have experience in “Derecho administrativo contencioso” as, sooner or later, if they submit a claim, they will be facing in Court well trained and experienced Canarian Government lawyers who will no doubt do their utmost to defend Canarian laws whether they are good or bad in the eyes of European Law.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

news On THe rOCK

the police have issued a warning about a new edition of an existing virus doing the rounds by email falsely using the name of the Dirección General de la Policía. The message says that it is a notification of Court attendance for a drugs hearing and requests recipients to click on an attachment link. It reads: Notificación de Asistencia en la Audiencia en el procedimiento de que se trata en esta conducta regional. Procedimiento de esclarecimiento anti drogas. On opening the attachment, a virus is downloaded. Police are investigating and request that anyone who receives such an email does not click on the link and reports the receipt of the email. a month or so ago a British ship which was on its way to Somalia, supposedly to help fight pirates and with denials of mercenary intentions, was forced to stop in Los Cristianos. After Arona officials called in the Spanish Navy, claiming irregularities, it was transferred to Santa Cruz. Later reports claimed that a large fine was to be imposed but that the owners had been told they could leave if they paid 10,000 Euros. Now, it’s done a runner, making a dash for it from port in the early hours of the morning and leaving without permission. Authorities consulted by the press refused to comment. the Canaries was the only autonomous region of Spain, apart from the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in north Africa, where unemployment went up in May, rising 0.28% from April’s figures, a further 538 people out of work. The number of unemployed in these islands now stands at 296,362. May’s increase is divided fairly equally between the provinces but again slightly worse for the eastern one: 229 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 309 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The total unemployed in each province is 138,884 in the SCdT, and 157,478 in LPdGC. Canarian fashion Company Buala has installed an interactive mirror which ‘raises self-esteem’ in their new store in Tacoronte. The interactive mirror surprises passers-by with applause and compliments as they walk past the new store. Under the slogan ‘Tal Como Eres’, the brand presents its new campaign, focused on highlighting the values and virtues of real woman. The Commercial Director of Buala, Nayra Escuela, said: “Our clients are real women, with real flaws and virtues, and that is what we want to reflect in this campaign”. With the opening of the new store, the firm now has 16 locations in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and has expansion plans for continued growth. 25 July, 1797. Mean anything? Horatio Nelson … Mean anything now? We grow up with the idea of Nelson as a paradigmatic symbol of British greatness, and particularly of utter British naval supremacy, so much so that we perhaps stop questioning the image of the one-armed admiral. Of course, here in Tenerife, it is a different story, and they know very well how and where he lost his arm – in the battle of Santa Cruz, on 25 July, 1797. The defeat, in Nelson’s terms, was unusual, but in Canarian terms, the victory was immense. It is still celebrated, and there are historical re-enactments all over Tenerife to commemorate the day. The biggest one is in Santa Cruz, but for those in the south who don’t want to travel north, there will be one in San Miguel on Saturday 8 June, starting at noon.

the ‘swallows’ who come for the winter months have left and the Spanish won´t arrive until almost the end of June so it is a relatively quiet time for tourists, surprising because the weather is warm and sunny with average daytime temperatures in the mid to high 20C and rain is almost non-existent. the days are long and warm, the beaches uncrowded and most evenings the sunsets are spectacular.

Very few places combine tradition and modernity in such a natural way as Tenerife. Here the local people know how to respect traditions without missing out on more up-to-date celebrations. This month you will find religious festivals coexisting alongside the coolest of music festivals. 23rd – Midsummer’s Eve each year across Tenerife, parties are held on the beach to celebrate the Feast of San Juan. The most bizarre event has got to be in Puerto de la Cruz on the morning of 24th, where local farmers take their goats to swim in the sea as a form of blessing If you don´t fancy religious celebrations visit the island’s capital Santa Cruz for some of the coolest music around from top blues musicians at the Santa Cruz Blues Festival to the hippest of World Music at Siam Park.

Other Celebrations in June are:

8th Pilgrimage of San Antonio de Padua in Icod el Alto, Los Realejos. 8th Pilgrimage of San Isidro in La Mancha, Icod. 8th Romería Chica in La Orotava. 9th Pilgrimage of San Antonio de Padua in Granadilla de Abona. 9th Pilgrimage of San Isidro Labrador and Santa María de la Cabeza in La Orotava. 16th Pilgrimage of San Antonio de Padua in Palo Blanco, Los Realejos. 22nd Tour of San Juanito Romero in Punta del Hidalgo, La Laguna. 23rd Pilgrimage of San Juanito in Igueste, Candelaria. 23rd Pilgrimage Ifonche in Vilaflor of Chasna. 23rd San Isidro Pilgrimage in Tacoronte, Las Carboneras and La Laguna. 23rd Night of San Juan. 24th Fiestas de San Juan in Puerto de la Cruz, Icod de los Vinos, Garachico, San Juan de Rambla and Arico. 26th-29th Fiestas de San Pedro, in Güímar, El Sauzal. 29th Paseo de San Juan Romero in Bajamar, La Laguna.


tHIngS to Do In tenerIfe In June

www.tenerife-weekly.com The other day my wife and I decided to take a road trip through Masca valley on to Buenavista and then to the Alcampo up in La Orotava for some birthday shopping (happy birthday baby!)

As always we google mapped the journey and set off nice and early, up the TF1 to Adeje, then onto the TF82 through Guia de Isora, eventually taking a left onto the Masca road at Santiago del Teide -a word of warning. It’s one of the most stunning routes on the island but high, winding and barely wide enough for two cars, yet coaches are frequent travellers on this route and although they must know this road like the back of their hands, many of the coach drivers show little or no consideration for other drivers and rarely give way-my poor missus was almost driven off the road into a drainage ditch by an oncoming coach, a harrowing experience for the most seasoned driver! However she handled it well and we drove into Masca unscathed!!

Masca village

With a population of only 80 people, this beautiful part of the island was only accessible by paths until the late 1960’s surrounded by mountains and hills, the centre features a small plaza and church with

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Sweet Valley High!! By Marc Craig

Email Marc: marc@tenerife-weekly.com

stalls selling local food produce and arts and crafts. There is a popular but fairly difficult hiking trail that takes about 3 hours to get to the beach where you can get a sea taxi to Los Gigantes. The housing in the village has to be seen to be believed, it’s really like a set from the Hobbit, with doorways barely high or wide enough to accommodate the average sized person-one has been converted into a small museum and there are small restaurants available for traditional Canarian food. However we found it strange that the inhabitants of these quaint buildings were nowhere to be seen!! Although we didn’t stop to eat it’s easy to imagine ordering something and only seeing a pair of hands reaching over the counter to hand you their wares!


On leaving the village the roads improve slightly, the scenery continues to bring to mind Tolkien’s imaginary world, lush green farmland built on steps nestled among the

hills with only some blackened treelines-evidence of the recent fires, to spoil the illusion. With our short stop in Masca village we arrived at Buenavista del Norte around 2 hours into our journey, bigger than expected, the town isn’t as picturesque as say Garachico, just a bit further on, but as its name means “good view” it certainly has those on abundance-my wife had recently seen the “Clash of the Titans” remake and as some of the locations feature heavily (the city of Argos in particular), it’s an added treat for film buffs!

La Orotava

Having lived on the island for almost 14 years I can’t believe I’ve

My Destination Tenerife Partners With Google

never been to the huge shopping complexes on the outskirts of this lovely town. Alcampo is at the centre of an enormous shopping mall that features all your favourite stores plus many more that we had never seen before, there’s a Zara home store and even a Claire’s accessories! Needless to say my shopaholic other half was in heaven!!

Although all of the routes across Teide are beautiful, this one in particular is truly stunning, really other worldly in places, the views of the Barranco de Candelaria are breathtaking, we stopped at Montana Blanca which from a distance looks like its covered in White sand but is in actual fact pumice stone-who knew that little skin removing device could look so majestic!!

Thoroughly shopped out but in no rush to be anywhere, we decided against returning home by autopista, instead using our trusty google map, we opted to take the scenic route over the volcano taking the TF21 through the national park.

Returning to familiar roads we drove past Teide and made our way down through the clouds to Vilaflor and home, exhausted but content in the knowledge that once again this incredibly beautiful island still has some surprises.

Parque Nacional Del Teide

My Destination has just launched its first major content partnership with none other than Google.

The Google Field Trip application is a guide to the cool, hidden, and unique things in the world around you. Field Trip runs in the background on your phone. When you get close to something interesting, it pops up a card with details about the location. My Destination Tenerife has just become a content partner in this application and in doing so will receive brand exposure throughout the application for each piece of content that has been provided. “We are thrilled and excited to have partnered up with My Destination and get to access their rich and insightful content. We’re very careful about choosing and vetting our partners for the Field


Trip application and the local content proposition that My Destination has all over the world made it a no brainer collaboration.”

– Yennie Solheim from Google.

For us this is a huge validation of the quality of content that is delivered by our local model… a model that has already produced over 60,000 businesses and points of interest with 90,000 local tips & tags as well as 20,000 multimedia clips and more than 300,000 images. We expect this to be the first of many collaborations and we have several other discussions on the go at the moment… so watch this space! My Destination Tenerife (www.mydestination.com/ Tenerife) is part of the My Destination global network of online travel guides used by over 15 million visitors per year.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Senegal & tenerife new Law favours Landlords Collaboration

the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, has held a meeting with the Counsellor of external action, Delia herrera, to advance collaboration between both territories under the agreement signed at the end of last year, which gives continuity to the line of work that this Corporation has been developing since 2007.

Herrera confirmed after the meeting that: “the collaboration with the African country has focused mainly on technology transfer in different sectors, and has resulted in significant advances in the agricultural sector, municipal modernisation or renewable energy, among others. Now the effort is focused on the interest of the Senegalese Government to advance the research of tropical diseases. The University of La Laguna is now working on a new project that will be financed with European and international funds for the creation of several research laboratories for such diseases, the training of specialists, and the realization of studies and policies of prevention and treatment”, she added. The collection and management of waste, improves connectivity between the two territories through a platform of neutral internet access or the establishment and consolidation of trade and economy through the promotion of new air and sea routes, arealso included in this agreement. “All of these actions will result in the increase of the business opportunities arising in Africa as a continent of opportuni-

ties,” recalls Delia Herrera. The Cabildo de Tenerife, as a partner of the European project PITECCA, also favours the formation under the ECCA system of online education through teaching and technological innovation. In this way they will be designing and producing training courses in the Canary Islands and in Senegal. In Senegal, courses will be aimed at young people with certain educational level and in the Canary Islands, at the French-speaking immigrant population. The goal to achieve is to increase employment opportunities, both in Senegal and in the Canary Islands. This collaboration with the Senegalese Government “confirms the positioning of the Cabildo of Tenerife as an institution that enjoys high prestige in the West coast of Africa. Raising awareness directed at cooperating in the development of these territories which are a basic tri-continental hub part of Europe-Africa -America that aims to create a logistics platform that simultaneously takes advantage of its location strategic and institutional position”.








7 June

8 June

9 June

10 June

11 June

12 June

13th June















Mostly sunny

Mostly sunny





Mostly sunny

High: 20oC

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Real Feel: 28oC








Mainly clear






Partly cloudy

Low: 15oC

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Real Feel: 13oC

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Real Feel: 13oC

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Real Feel: 15oC







the Government put new legislation into force yesterday (thursday) to make it easier to evict tenants who are behind with their rents: just one month’s arrears is now enough for a landlord to request a Court order to evict a tenant, and upon the granting of the Court order, the tenant will have ten days to pay up or explain the lack of payment to the Court. tenants will have the right to make their own declaration to the Court, and if they do not, then an eviction order will be granted. anyone who is evicted under these terms of the new law will, moreover, be recorded in a new rent debtors’ register which will be made available to landlords to check prospective tenants.

Previously landlords had to take legal action and get a ruling that non-payment of rent could lead to eviction. This could take months and what is more, tenants could pay at the last moment to avoid that eviction. The Government has been looking at ways to reduce the red-tape that delayed the whole process. Another major measure in the new legislation is that tenants will be able to terminate any contract of any length without having to pay compensation providing that they give a month’s notice. Similarly, the owner of the property will be able to recover it for use as a main home with notice of two months The new law also reduces

the maximum period for long-term residential contract renewal from five to three years. It also expressly and explicitly excludes tourist rentals from urban letting legislation so as to put them within the remit of another relevant sector‘s laws: this is wholly designed to undermine the use of urban rental legislation to try to circumvent tourism laws. The new law hasn’t got to the statute book without criticism and complaint, but whatever its history, it is now law and applies from yesterday. For general advice on rentals for information go to www.janetanscombe. com/renting-a-property-intenerife.

www.tenerife-weekly.com The Council together with the Fundación Tenerife Rural and the Casa de la Miel, has organized a tour called ‘El Teide a vista de abeja’ or Mount Teide – a Bees view, on Saturday, June 8th.

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Honey Routes Of Teide Tours

The walking tour takes you along the routes of Teide accompanied by guides of the National Park and beekeepers, an excellent opportunity to get to know the traditional beekeeping areas. The tour will take place along the trail called ‘Volcan de Fasnia’, around seven kilometres in length and low difficulty, which starts in the ‘Corral del Nino’. During the tour walkers will be joined by several beekeepers, who will explain the flora observed during the tour as it is an important beekeeping settlement. The bus that will take participants to the trailhead will leave at 08.30am from Intercambiador de Santa Cruz and at 08.45am from of plaza del Adelantado de La Laguna. The return is expected to 6.00pm. People interested in this activity, which cost 15 euros, can complete registration by telephone on 922 531 013 or by sending an email to teneriferural@ teneriferural.org

Peñín Guide to Wines of Spain Visits Tenerife

Guía Peñín tasting team, composed of Carlos González, Pablo Vecilla and Javier Luengo The House of Vino La Baranda, was visited by Javier Luengo, a member of the tasting team of the Peñín Guide of the Wines of Spain, for tasting sessions of the

wines of Tenerife for inclusion in the new edition of the prestigious Guide.

Luengo tasted a total of 240 wines belonging to five of the islands that make up the archipelago,

El Hierro, La Gomera, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and La Palma. Island Minister of agriculture, livestock and fishing, José Joaquín Bethencourt, explained that the Peñin Guide “has included Tenerife wines in the past with excellent scores, a fact that validates the great quality of the products that are produced in the islands, and that helps gain recognition and awards in various national and international competitions”. The presentation of the wines for the wineries tasting sessions is voluntary and free, critics assess the different wines, and highlights five or six characteristics of each of them and, using this system, is able to rate several different samples in a day of tasting. After years in which the weather made it especially complicated for growers and winemakers in Tenerife, ‘finally reached a healthy year,’ indicates Luengo Javier, who said in his tasting notes he found “good feelings and unique nuances” that have been transmitted in both red and white wine. “The rich variety on the island is enviable, especially at a time when the bulk of Spanish production areas are busy by developing their own varieties. In this

Wine & Chocolate Tasting!

The House of the Vino La Baranda in El Sauzal, has organized a course of sweet wine and chocolate tasting which will take place on 12th and 13th June.

From 6.30pm to 9.30pm there will be a tour of the different types of sweet wines that are currently produced in Tenerife, with varieties including Malvasia and Moscatel, as well as different grape types, in particular those native to the Canary Islands.. Different mixes and types of wines and the process of ageing in bar-

rels will also be discussed. Students of the workshop can also delve into the world surrounding chocolate and learn different aspects of cultivation and learn about different varieties. Throughout the workshop, there will be various practical exercises of tasting and pairing between Tenerife’s sweet wines and chocolates. Anyone interested in participating in this course, which costs 25 euros, can get further information by calling 922 572 535 or 922 572 542 or by sending an email to: casavino@tenerife.es

respect, the Canary Islands have a great potential for the development and broadcast of his producer identity”, says the expert. The wine critic considered, in addition, that sweet wines are still of value in the area, “something the island producers are well aware of”. The Guide Peñín of the wines of

Spain, is one of the most complete and well-known in its market, and is distributed in more than 20 countries. Translated into Spanish, German and English, this publication has been recognized by the winemakers of the island as a good sales tool for publicising Tenerife wines among consumers.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013



1. Fedora, e.g. 4. Medicinal amount 8. Sharp blow 12. Grand ____ Opry 13. Ages 14. Musical sound 15. Sadness 16. Hesitating 18. Indulgent 20. Desert springs 21. Jet ____ 22. Zilch 23. Ore refinery 27. Discolored spot 30. Author ____ Fleming 31. Dry, as wine

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( in Front Of hotel Tenerife sol)


QuICK CroSSWorD 33. Vane dir. 34. Tangle 37. Tolerant of delay 40. ____ culpa 41. Sweet spud 42. Bird’s perch 44. Hopelessness 48. Accord 50. Gun lobby (abbr.) 51. Worry 52. Skin woe 53. Light brown 54. Koppel and Kennedy 55. Achieves 56. Liverpool’s country (abbr.)


1. Wolf’s wail 2. Lotion ingredient 3. Young adult 4. Conquer 5. Citrus fruits 6. Pepper’s companion 7. NJ time zone 8. Narrow waterway 9. Superman’s gal (2 wds.) 10. Novelist ____ Rice 11. Wooden pins 17. Ages and ages 19. Not healthy 23. Bro’s sib 24. Gent

25. Captivated 26. D.C. VIP 28. Rural hotel 29. Hair holder 32. Very hot pepper 35. Adjusts again 36. Tardy 38. Sips 39. Little devil 42. Huckleberry Finn’s craft 43. Mythical giant 44. Art ____ (‘20s movement) 45. Poker payment 46. Mideast nation 47. Sounded a bell 49. Furious

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

Grace On The Right Track



By Colin Kirby

eptathlete Grace Clements from Dartford was pleased with her form in the Arona Combined Events and had her sights on competing for Britain in the European Cup in Talin, Estonia. She explained how the Arona connection came about.

“We had a Spanish girl Barbera Hernando over in the UK for a year and training at my track Lee Valley. Barbera

knew about all the athletics meets going on in Spain and told us about Arona so a few of us entered last year’s competition as part of our aim to make the Olympic squad. Only one of our group, Dan Awde, was selected but we all enjoyed the experience and the facilities out here.” As we chatted after the first day, a real 30 degree plus scorcher, I asked if that had made it tougher. “It was fine, there was a slight headwind but overall we prefer an ambient temperature, there’s much less chance of pulling

muscles than in the cold weather in the UK. At the same time we are here there’s another big athletics event in Bedford, both will count in our points tally when the decision is made for the European Cup squad.” So a pretty good workout? “We are here for three days and two of those are competition, it’s actually less work than we would do in training but the competition makes it much more intense.” Read page 55 for the full report on the Arona Combined Events.

Miss Gay Tenerife Local Couple Star In UK Documentary Beauty Pageant

Next Saturday, the 8th of June, Tenerife will be holding the Miss Gay Tenerife Beauty Pageant 2013 in North Tenerife. The Gala event will take place in Tegueste at Teatro Principe Felipe, San Marcos Square at 9pm.

15 contestants (all of them young men, female impersonators or Drag queens) in representation of the municipalities of the island will battle for the title in this exclusive event, much anticipated by the gay community of Tenerife. This unique Gala will not only crown Tenerife’s new Miss Gay, but also Miss Gay Atlantico , as well as Miss Gay XL ( for the larger sized contestants). A selection of local drag stars will be hosting and providing entertainment during the evening. International drag star Miss Caelum has been flown in especially for the even. Miss Caelum is originally from south Tenerife, but was raised in London where his stage and fashion career took off. Caelum was crowned Spain’s “Queen of the Night” by national television network Telecinco , after having won various other prestigious competitions in Tenerife and around Spain. Miss Caelum will be the special star guest at this gala, not only judging the

A couple from Amarilla Golf are to feature in a major U.K. television show presented by Mega-star comedian Peter Kay.

Photo By Joan Crisol beauty contest alongside other specialist judges, but she will also be performing. This exclusive performance will be the kick-start to Miss Caelum’s “La Niña Bonita Tour: 15 years Onstage”, celebrating 15 years of career success and is the

first in a selection of international dates, to be followed by Ibiza, Madrid, New York and Rhodes amongst most of mainland Spain’s major cities. Miss Caelum was recently featured in Barry Sparkles “Spotlight” section.

Husband and wife actors Joel David and Maureen Seaberg have been asked to step out from the ‘supporting artist’ shadows of television drama to take centre stage in a major documentary called GOODBYE GRANADALAND which is due to be aired on the Saturday 15th of June. The documentary is about the closure of the Granada television’s iconic Quay Street studios and they have been asked along with Dame Helen Mirren, Charles Dance, Michael Parkinson, and ‘Richard & Judy’ to share some of the memories they have accumulated during the past 40 years of appearing as ‘support

artists’ on over THREE HUNDRED different productions made by Granada Television. Apart from being regularly seen downing the odd pint of Newton & Ridleys in the Rovers Return, which they have been doing for thirty eight years, they have appeared in many blockbusting award winning productions such as Brideshead Revisited, Sherlock Holmes, Jewel in the Crown, and Prime suspect, to

name but a few. The couple have owned a home on Aries Pebble Beach Village for 12 years, but due to a continuing hectic television workload only visit it one week in every month, Joel is also a well-respected singer/ songwriter and always play’s an informal concert with his piano on every visit either at Placeres Restaurant in Los Abrigos or at his ‘local’ Aries Bar.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


freD oLSen CHaLLenge De eSPaÑa


ROOKS Koepka, aged 23, set a new record for the largest winning margin in the 25 year history of the Challenge tour with an incredible ten-shot victory at the Fred Olsen Challenge de españa with a final round of five under par 66.

The American’s authority at Tecina Golf in La Gomera was stamped in the most emphatic fashion in the final round. Koepka started the day four shots clear of his nearest challenger, Edouard Dubois, and ended it as the most commanding victor the Challenge Tour has ever witnessed. An early dropped shot from Koepka at the second hole gave Dubois and the rest of the followers a glimmer of hope, but the American’s response was instant as he forced rivals to battle for second place. A birdie on the third was followed by a hat-trick between the fifth and

seventh, before another birdie on the ninth turned the back nine into a victory stroll. Dubois eventually finished alongside Germany’s Bernd Ritthammer and home favourite Luis Claverie in a tie for second place. “It was tough out there today,” said Koepka, who won 25,600 Euros and extended his lead at the top of the Challenge Tour Rankings. “I gave away a couple of shots early and I was coming down but then holed the putts I needed to. It feels great to win again. It’s been a great week, to play at the top of the mountains here in such beautiful surroundings, the place is unbelievable. It feels great to break the record for the biggest win on the Challenge Tour. That’s a pretty cool record to have.” Kopeka’s ten-shot margin of victory beats previous records of eight strokes, shared by Bradley Dredge (2003 Madeira Islands Open) and Markus Brier (2004 Austrian Open). He now leads the Rankings by

27,618 Euros from Mark Tullo of Chile and Morten Ørum Madsen, and can win immediate promotion to The European Tour if he can secure a third Challenge Tour victory before the end of the season.

And Koepka really wants to play The European Tour:“I will go straight to the Czech Republic and then play every event up until the Scottish Challenge. Hopefully I can keep playing like I did this week and try to get

the third win,” said Koepka. “If I don’t win a third tournament, then I want to play well and stay at the top of the Rankings so that I can guarantee a place on The European Tour next year.”

www.tenerife-weekly.com Diana is a lovely sweet young pit bull cross looking for a home. She loves to play and interacts well with other dogs. She is fully vaccinated, chipped and sterilised for which we ask the standard adoption fee of 140 Euros. As we mentioned last week, we are more than happy to guide you through the process of registering a PPP (potentially dangerous) dog, with translations etc. You will not be alone, and Diana will pay you back ten fold with a lifetime of love and cuddles. Call us for more information.

Micro Chipping And Sterilisation Campaigns Many people have already taken advantage of our microchipping / rabies vaccination campaign and Hospivet Sur in Las Chafiras have been very busy. The offer runs until the 12th June, so there is still time to get your dog there for just 25 Euros, with an extra 10 Euros payable for the optional V7 vaccine.

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Live Arico News Our Dog Of The Week - Diana

For the month of June we are also offering discounts on sterilizations. As prices depend on the sex and weight of the animal (cats included!!!) please consult our Facebook page for a quotation, or call us on 629 388 102.

Upcoming Events

On Saturday the 22nd June we return to the Top Square Golf del Sur for another night of madness and mayhem. Our fundraisers here have become legendary and yes, outrageous antics are planned, yet again. Come and see us, from 8pm with entertainment from Suzy q, Kerry Railton, Robbie Dominic, Vicki Denton and more to be confirmed. Oh, and a display of....... sorry, it’s a secret, you will just have to come and see....... On Sunday the 30th June we are having an open day in conjunction with Horse Riding Adventures

in Aldea Blanca, which is of course where our rescue horse Katie lives. From 4pm come and enjoy the BBQ, cold drinkies, horse and cart rides, pony trots and a display by owners Jim and Sarah. Meet Lola the pig and see the chickens and ducks. An afternoon to enjoy and, you get to say hello to the lovely Katie. Hope you can come.

Happy Shopping!!

To be found in our charity shops this month. Come and browse in Los Cristianos, Calle reveron, near the childrens play park, where Kel, Jackie and the lovely volunteers open between 10 and 4pm daily. Alternatively, have a look at Siobhan’s Aladdins Cave in San Eugenio, near Amandas Bar and opposite Hotel La Nina. Both shops are closed Sundays. Come and see, you will be surprised at the high quality goods at knock down prices. Happy shopping.

Palm Bar Golf Society Trilby Tour

The Annual Golf Competition run by the Palm Bar Golf Society in Palm Mar, took place at the end of May, and this year they took on 3 Courses in the South of Tenerife, namely Golf Del Sur, Adeje & Las Americas.

Do you own a Rescued Pet?

Would you like to see your Rescued Pet featured in the Live Arico PAWS 2014 Calendar? Well now is your chance!

Submit your Rescued Pets details, including a photo, and we will include your pet’s picture and name on our Web Site - www.livearico.com - visitors to the site can vote for their favourite. When voting closes, at midnight on June 30th, the pet with the most votes will then be featured in the 2014 Calendar. Your Submission must include the following: • Your Name: • Your Pets Name: • Your Pets Age: • Where your Rescued Pet is from: • A Photo of your Pet ... And remember that the winning entry will be included in our Calendar so please do send a good sized Photo, preferably an original. If you have more than one Rescued Pet, please feel free to submit more than one entry. But please, send a separate email for each entry. Email your Submission to: calendarpet@ livearico.com


Twenty players, many having travelled from the UK participated, with various prizes being awarded for each day, and then an overall winner, who was Stephen Hughes. After Adeje, food & entertainment was provided at the Colonial in Fanabe by Nigel & Polly Pinfield, and each day Tracey Stewart of the Palm Bar catered breakfast

, and also food on the last night, which was also the Presentation Evening with entertainment. Due to the excellent organisation and help from everyone the week was a huge success, and names are already down for next year. Check out our page on Facebook for more photos.

A fourth man is now missing in Tenerife. Juan Rosendo Oval Morales, known as Juanito, disappeared on 29 May from the Granadilla area. The immediate telephone number to contact if anyone knows his whereabouts is 659 589 754, but also for him or the other three below, please just call the police if you are able to help.

Also still missing are:

54-year-old José Hernández, known as Pepe, from Palo Blanco in Los Realejos, he disappeared on 28 April. 32-year-old Antonio Muñoz Romero from La Laguna who disappeared on 16 April. 49-year-old José Manuel Rodríguez from El Tanque, who disappeared on 10 April.

12 Canary Islands Credit rating Cut Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

FItCh Ratings has revealed that it has lowered the Canary Islands credit rating to tripleB-minus from triple-B, leaving it one step above junk.

The US based firm said its ratings reflect expectation that it will be challenging for the region to reach a positive operating balance in 2014 and that the level of debt will increase in the medium term. The Canaries has suffered a strong decline like the rest of Spanish regions and its social economic profile is below the national average. The GDP per capita in 2012 was 86% of the Spanish average and the unemployment rate in 2012 was 33%, above the Spanish average of 25%. The construction industry has seen the strongest decline since 2008, as well as the finance and insurance sectors. The region reported a deficit of 740 million euros in 2012 while the 2013 budget includes an additional 5% reduction in operating expenditure mainly due to a reduction on staff cost and projects a negative current balance of 283million euros. Fitch considers that this negative operating balance will continue to narrow and become positive in 2015. The Canary Islands was amongst eight Spanish regions including Madrid which saw their credit rating downgraded on Thursday as the “crisis” bites and they struggle to access long-term financing. Downgraded regions were Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, Asturias, the Basque Country, Canary Islands, Canta-



Lifeguards Burgled

PLaya de las Vistas was the only beach in arona with lifeguard service, however on Monday, their situation worsened when they discovered they had been burgled. now the Lifeguard team are trying to operate without medical supplies, 7 walkie-talkies, walkie-talkie control central, 2 defibrillators or 10 rescue tubes … . a black flag is now flying.

bria and Murcia. The autonomous regions are blamed for much of Spain’s deficit slippage last year, when the country missed its target of keeping the deficit to 6.0% of economic output and instead let it slide to 8.9%. Fitch introduced a rating floor for Spanish regions on 8 March 2013 of triple B minus, so were there to be a further deterioration of the credit fundamentals in the Canary Islands and as long as the

rating floor remains in place, the region’s rating would be supported by the floor. If central government support measures are cancelled or if there is doubt as to the ability and the willingness by them to continue to provide extraordinary support to the various regions and the floor were to be removed, the Canary Islands rating could be further downgraded if its negative current balance does not continue to shrink or if debt grows above expectations.

forever Living – Bee Pollen

IF I was a betting person, my money would be on the honey – well, bee pollen to be exact!

Bee pollen is said to be nature’s most complete food – containing almost twice the amount of protein found in beef, twice as much iron as in any other food, substantial amounts of highly absorbable vitamins and minerals and is used by thousands of world class athletes as a “legal sports enhancer”. There are many that regard it as natures “fountain of youth” because of its amazing health benefits, age reversing, disease fighting and health boosting effects and super nutritional properties. Some nutritionists even claim that we could live on bee pollen alone. This could explain why 10,000 tons is consumed every year by people all over the world! So just what is the buzz about bee pollen? It has been used for everything from cancer to weight management, it “super boosts” the immune system, prevents and inhibits the growth of mutated cells that lead to diseases such as cancer, it reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease, relieves the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes by restoring mineral and energy deficiencies, fights bacterial infection the way antibiotics do, corrects and balances problems in the digestive tract and colon, supports weight management by increasing the burn rate of fats and calories, alleviates asthma and allergy symptoms by reducing histamines within the body, eliminates cravings for alcohol and drugs — and removes toxins and contamination from the body, relieves and rebuilds damaged, inflamed tissue (muscles and joints) and through its extraordinary levels of antioxidants combats fatigue, depression, and sleep disorders, improves libido, enhances fertility, and it has the ability to fight disease, heal the body, combat stress,

reduce and reverse aging, and improve the skin’s health and elasticity (e.g. less wrinkling and acne), to name a few. Most people who first start taking bee pollen experience a significant increase in energy and a greater sense of well-being immediately. The Beehive range of products by Forever Living will soon have you buzzing around – we have our pouring Honey, which is perfect for replacing sugar in your diet, our Bee Pollen tablets for energy and stamina, as well as the Bee Propolis to support the body’s natural defenses and of course, the Royal Jelly – food fit only for the Queen Bee! All of our products are 100% natural beehive products. Give us a buzz for more details on 606 265 994!

Please note that as of 31 March, there is no lifeguard cover on any Arona beach apart from Playa de las Vistas. Please take extreme care if you are using Arona beaches anywhere from Costa del Silencio to Playa Troya in Playa de las Américas.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Have you Submitted estrellas theatre your tax return School triumphs! In Spain? aFteR the huge success of the breast cancer charity event held at Omni Beach in Puerto de la Cruz, in collaboration with aMate (Women’s association fighting breast cancer in tenerife) in which more than a thousand euros was raised estrellas theatre School is back again with their annual show, hairspray the Musical.

By Sylvia CCS tenerife aS long as I can remember, I will never forget the phrase “the tax man”. Most people who live in Spain are eligible to complete a tax return (declaración de la renta). There are three types of form; an abbreviated declaration (declaración abreviada), Form 103, which is used if you need to declare earnings from pensions or investments that have already been subject to withholding tax; a simple declaration (declaración simplificada), Form 101, which must be used if you have income from letting, certain business and agricultural income or capital gains from the sale of a permanent home where the total gain is to be reinvested in another property in Spain; an ‘ordinary’ declaration (declaración ordinaria), Form 100, which is for all sources of income other than the above and covers all business and professional activities and capital gains. You do not have to complete a Spanish tax return

(even though you may be a tax resident), if your income is from one source and is less than 22,000 Euros, and tax has been deducted at source. This exemption would not cover a pension income from overseas, as no tax has been deducted at source (unless it is less than 8,000 Euros). The Spanish tax office does not back date as far as the UK tax office, where they can back date 20 years, the Spanish tax office can only go back 4 years. The Tax Office has already agreed to return over 371.3 million euros claimed by Individuals for the tax year 2012, 41% more than last

year. Today there are more than 456,300 agreed repayments, up by 17.9%. They have already paid 300,900 returns, 53.7% more than the same period last year, amounting to 253.9 million euros, 69.6% have already been paid. So the sooner you submit your tax return & you qualify for a credit, the sooner you will receive your rebate! Simples! The last day to submit your tax return to the Spanish Tax office (hacienda) is 26th June 2013. Contact us today to submit your paper work: info@ ccs-tenerife.com or +34 659 606 775.

Swallows raise thousands for Cancer research

Dates of the shows for your diary are:• Saturday 15th June – Cinema, Los Realejos 7pm • Saturday 22nd June – Casa de la Cultura, Adeje village, 7pm • Sunday 23rd June – Casa de la Cultura, Adeje Village 4pm – Special charity performance. Tickets are on sale now, please reserve yours by calling Mo on 647 844 794 or by email to mo@estrellastheatreschool.com . Estrellas Theatre School students range

guia de Isora tapas trail winner, 2013

My name is Dorothy Dewing, and whilst my husband Rodney and I were on holiday in america in May, I received an email to say that I had won a prize of a meal for two at Restaurante Los Cinco Sentidos in Guia de Isora.

Rodney and I had visited 17 of the 27 participating restaurants - Los Cinco Sentidos had won the honour of being the restaurant with the most innovative tapas dish. We went for our meal on the evening of Saturday, 25th May. We both selected a cheese starter - Queso con bubango - which was really delicious. For our main courses I had pork fi-

Carole and Mike hart, together with sally and John McNulty, with Doctor Conception Vilar Mesa CaROLe and Mike hart, together with Sally and John Mcnulty, had the pleasure of presenting a cheque to Doctor Conception Vilar Mesa in respect of Cancer Research at Candelaria hospital. the cheque was for 8,000 euros, an increase of 3,000 euros on last year. it was all made possible with the help of: • Callenetics who donated - 1,119 Euros • Petanque on a Thursday - 780 Euros

• Library - 493.50 Euros • Carol’s Spanish lessons - 340.50 Euros • Roger and Heather from Oceanview - 200 Euros • Tenerife Pearl who donated a necklace which raised 480 Euros • And to VIVO, Treasure Island, Las Americas, who donated 973 Euros from various events we have held there. But most of all many thanks go to the Swallows for their continued support and generosity and for making our events so special and enjoyable. Long may it all continue.

from 3 to 17 years and are taught the three disciplines of dancing, singing and acting by qualified native British teachers. Come see them in action in June, this fabulous 60’s inspired musical is full of great songs including I Can Hear the Bells and Good Morning Baltimore. Be there or be square! For further information please visit Estrellas Theatre School on facebook.

let - Solomillo al aromande Romero - which was mouthwateringly superb. Rodney chose a fish dish - Lomo de Cherne a la Plancha - which was a tasty white fish served with grilled peppers and Canarian potatoes. His opinion: ‘The perfect meal’! Together

with bread and sauces, wine, and even a brandy with the coffee, this meal was unforgettable! The excellent food, tasteful decor of the restaurant, and the pleasant staff certainly mean that we will revisit Los Cinco Sentidos again....with amigos!

Los Palos golf

SUnDay 2nd June at Los Palos it was our 3 Club Challenge and the Seve Ballesteros individual Competitions.

“Double Bubble for Ron Dixey who won both” Over 20 players took part in both competitions with the weather just perfect for golf. The 3 Cub Challenge was sponsored by Clive and Wen-

dy Rollinson. The Seve Ballesteros Individual Competition was sponsored by Sean Bible and Charles Sinclair. Our winners: • 1st Ron Dixey (both comps,) • 2nd Harry Fleming • 3rd Darren Kemp

• N/P Ladies Come on girls you need to try harder next month!!!!!!! • N/P Gents Sean Bible Our next competition is the 14th July, anybody wishing to play please call Clive on 922 79 76 40 All the money we raise goes to charity.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


tenerIfe, HIgHLIgHteD on eL muSeo De HIStorIa norWegIan teLeVISIon De tenerIfe

teneRIFe has starred in recent television travel programmes made by Reisebyraet, Channel 9 television in norway, which showed four half-hour reports on the main tourist attractions of the island. It is an action that has counted with the collaboration of tourism of tenerife, which has organized much of the programme of the visit and made suggestions about places to film, amongst other aspects.

The economic Vice President and Director of tourism of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, highlighted the importance of this promotional action “in which our goal has been the change the perception that Norwegian visitor has of the island, showing that you can enjoy a holiday that goes far beyond the traditional sun and sand”. Alonso added that “we wanted to show, in addition to the spring island climate, wealth of gastronomy, the variety of landscapes, the quality of the tourist accommodation and the authenticity of Tenerife, the closeness and security that Tenerife can provide for European travellers in general and Norwegian in particular”. The programmes were recorded during April and were aired during May. Mount Teide, Siam Park, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes and whale watching were some of


All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

the places and activities that featured in the documentary. They also filmed at the pyramids of Güímar, a theme park created by the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, whose widow was interviewed along with other Norwegians living in Tenerife. The programmes were watched by an estimated 200,000 viewers, and will be repeated during June and October. Reisebyraet presenter, Geir Bie, one of the major Norwegian television producers, recorded the programme and was accompanied by two Norwegian stars Marian Aas Hansen and Guri Annika Schänke, with

tFS - tenerife Sur airport (Reina Sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. tenerife north

tFn airport (Los Rodeos) Flight info General info

Cosmos Thomas Cook Thomson TUI

Local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

hospitals 094 national Ferry Services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 922 628 252 922 793 802 Fred Olsen 922 757 409 922 798 607 tourist offices 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 transport Buses tItSa La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 Radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 922 641 112 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 922 747 511

tour operators

famous Norwegian stylist and makeup artist Erlend Elias Bragstad. The documentary is accompanied by a news report in the magazine Se&Hor on the visit featuring the experiences of Marian Aas and Guri Annika during their visit. The magazine has a circulation of half a million copies and 3.5 million weekly readers. Tenerife received 100,000 Norwegian tourists in 2012, 5.5% more than the previous year, and they represent more than 2% of the total of five million travellers who visit the island every year.

Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

Red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424

In ReCOGnItIOn of its excellence as a Museum, according to the opinions of the users of the world’s largest travel Web, el Museo de historia de tenerife - the Museum of the history of tenerife - has been awarded a certificate of excellence from the tripadvisor travel portal awards for outstanding hospitality. this distinction is only awarded to those who continuously receive exceptional reviews on the site.

To receive a certificate the venue must generate a minimum score of four points – the maximum points is 5, from the opinions of travellers; In addition, they are also required to have a website for at least a year. Tripadvisor also takes in consideration the volume of opinions received in the last 12 months. TripAdvisor provides tips from real travellers, as well as a wide variety of travel options with direct links to booking agents. TripAdvisor-branded sites make up the world’s largest travel community, with more than 200 million unique visitors per month and more than 100 million views and comments.


Mainland News In Brief Spanish police seized a boat carrying three tonnes of cocaine and arrested 21 people including the Korean captain and Indonesian crew, in a raid codenamed Operation Albatross, according to officials. A statement issued by the police said: “National police officers boarded a fishing boat in the Atlantic ocean with more than three tonnes of cocaine in parcels. The captain of the boat, who is a Korean national, and four crew members of Indonesian origin, were arrested” and a further 16 people were detained on land “. The statement said the group involved a “Venezuelan organisation” active in the north western Spanish region of Galicia, where most of the arrests were made. Police carried out 10 raids in various locations and seized firearms, computers, documents and vehicles.

Thousands of people marched in protest on Saturday against the “troika” of international powers whose financial crisis policies they blame for worsening their economic hardship. “United against the troika. We don’t owe, we won’t pay,” read some of the slogans brandished in Madrid. The troika of international lenders -- the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the European Central Bank -- have imposed strict conditions in exchange for bailout funds. In Spain they have overseen a bailout for the country’s banks that has handed 40 billion euros to the sector, angering protestors who say the money should help the poor. Spain, which narrowly avoided a full-scale debt bailout last year, was given two extra years to bring its budget deficit below the limit of 3%t of GDP by 2016. Spain’s latest National Security Strategy, approved by the government with the backing of the Socialist Party, concludes that the Basque armed terrorist group ETA no longer poses a violent threat, but warns that the biggest danger to the country now comes from Al Qaeda. The 83-page document attributes ETA’s defeat to “the strength of Spain’s democracy, the solidity of its institutions, and the efficiency of its actions.” But it continues: “Spain is also a target for Jihadist terrorism, and in particular from Al Qaeda and the Islamic Maghreb.” It warns that Spain’s relative proximity to unstable regions such as the Sahel, as well as the possible radicalization of immigrants, present a danger due to Spain’s “commitment to the fight against terrorism at home and abroad.” The document warns of the risks from the Arab Spring, while recognizing that the main consequence of the revolts across North Africa and the Middle East “has been the election of democratic governments answerable to their voters Spain is preparing a 1 million Euros advertising campaign to promote tourism and will be targeting the UK, Germany and Russia. The Institute of Tourism for Spain, Turespaña, has tendered its international advertising campaign for the UK, German and Russian markets for total of 1.1 million Euros. The deadline to submit a tender is the 18th June 2013. The counsellors of the Foreign Tourism Offices (OET) from the UK, France, Germany and Russian said during the presentation of “tourism trends for Summer 2013” by Turespaña earlier this week, that ‘International tourism in Spain offers “great expectations” for this summer season, especially in the markets of UK, France, Germany and Russia with growth of between 2% and 5%. Spanish police are trying to determine whether bones found in the gym of a martial arts instructor belong to multiple crime victims. Police in the northern city of Bilbao found the bones after witnesses saw Juan Carlos Aguilar drag a woman inside the gym by the hair. Officers found her inside, brutally beaten. Authorities say they believe the bones found in rubbish bags are human. Forensic testing is under way for confirmation, to determine how many people the bones belonged to and how they died. Searches were also carried out at the instructor’s home, and in a nearby river. The woman who was beaten and tied up in the gym is in a coma at a Bilbao hospital.

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013 American casino billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, could force a U-turn in the anti-smoking laws in Spain. He visited Spain’s Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in Madrid as part of his proposal to build a complex of casinos, hotels and conference centres known as Eurovegas on the outskirts of the Spanish capital.

Eurovegas would become one of Europe’s biggest construction sites, creating tens of thousands of jobs. But Adelson wants gamblers to be allowed to smoke inside the complex, which is against the law in Spain. The laws that prevent smoking inside public places were introduced by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero’s socialist government in 2011. Only Bhutan and a few US states were considered to have stricter anti-tobacco legislation at the time. Rajoy, from the conservative People’s Party, said that no decision had yet been made on the issue. But Las Vegas based Adelson, said he believed the government would not balk at changing the law to suit his interests, telling journalists in Jerusalem: “No I don’t think so.” Campaigners have posted a petition on change.org asking Madrid not to change the law. “We Spaniards do not want the tobacco law changed,” their petition says. “We cannot allow a good law to be changed so that Mr Adelson can earn more money while Spain becomes poorer.” The huge EuroVegas complex could be built in the Madrid dormitory town of Alcorcón. The head of the Madrid’s regional government, Ignacio González, said legal changes necessary to allow the complex to be built would be in place within six weeks. Adelson, who said he already had £6.4bn of financing in place to build the first phase, would then have to present his plans for approval. Sources at his Las Vegas Sands company had originally said


All Change For Smoking Casino?

building work might start this year, but Adelson told journalists in Jerusalem that he was in no hurry. The original target opening date for the first stage of the project, which would see him build four separate “resorts” of 3,000 hotel rooms with casino facilities attached to

them, was 2017. Adelson plans eventually to triple the number of hotels and casinos on the three square mile site. Company sources claimed that, when the project was finished, it would generate 240,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Pot Growing Plan Rejected

Spain’s judiciary have rejected a plan by Rasquera, a small town in north east Catalonia in an attempt to help get out of their financial crisis by growing marijuana.

The seven members of the town council, which has a population of 960, voted in favour of growing cannabis a year ago, as a way of creating jobs and help its finances. In April, 2012, 56% of Rasquera’s inhabitants supported a referendum to the plan to rent land to the Barcelonabased pot-smoking group ABCDA which agreed to pay 577,000 Euros a year for two years. The payment would have been about equal to the debt owed by the town. But now the plan has been thwarted by the court ruling, accepting a central government appeal against the council’s decision. Under Spanish law, consumption in private of cannabis in small amounts is allowed. However, growing it for sale, advertising it or selling it is illegal. Rasquera’s council argues that its proposal falls within the law because the crop would be intended exclusively for the private consumption of the 5,000 members of ABCDA. However, the ruling

said the cultivation of marijuana can’t be considered to be “in the public interest” however serious the town hall’s econom-

ic plight might be. Rasquera’s council have said it will appeal.



EAsY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

SUDOKU Every sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

answers to the SUDOKU are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Step Down For Spanish Sat Nav


t least five cars were sent down steps on a pedestrian-only street in the Spanish town of Teruel, after their drivers followed their satellite navigation system instructions. The latest incident was an estate car which had to be rescued by a crane after its driver followed his satnav directions down the side street on to a cobbled staircase. At least four other drivers also had to be rescued in recent weeks after making the same mistake in the Aragonese town in eastern Spain. A local police spokesman admitted: “This is not an isolated case, it’s happened at least five times.” The repeated satnav error has confused locals as the street, Calle Hartzenbuch after a 19th century Spanish playwright, has never even

been open to traffic. “I can’t understand why someone would try to drive down there,” one neighbour interviewed on local television said after the latest incident. “It’s obvious from the top of the street that it is a staircase.” The city council has said it will install bollards at the top of the staircase to deter motorists from trying to navigate the street. It is just the latest serious GPS errors to be reported in Spain. In October 2010 a driver drowned after following satnav directions that had not been updated to include the creation of a reservoir at Capilla in western Spain’s Extramadura region. The 37-year-old was driving at night along an old road that ended in the reservoir and drove straight into the water, his car sank in seconds. In 2008, a truck driver from Turkey with a consignment of new cars heading for Gibraltar found himself at Gibraltar point in Skegness, some 1,600 miles away from his intended destination.

Train Cuts To Save Millions

Travellers are being forced to take to the roads after the Spanish government cut train services in a bid to save costs. The plan affects 49 rail lines around the country, and will save around 86.5 million Euros a year.

UK Pensioner To Lose UK Home Over Spanish Property Deal

British pensioner, Joan Deak, has lost her battle to stop an embargo being put on her house in the UK over a dead property deal.

A Spanish court ruled that she was responsible when a developer did not finish a property she had paid a deposit for. This ruling could have a widespread impact on British property owners in Spain, Deak had used the original agent she had bought the property from, Palmera Properties, to sell the unfinished home to a Spanish buyer. But now a judge has ruled she must return the 25,000 Euros the Spanish buyer paid, despite her not being responsible for the house’s construction. She has also been ordered to pay the buyers costs, which could amount to tens of thousands more. She now faces having her three bedroomed London house embargoed in order to recoup the money, she insists she does not have the money to appeal the hearing: “It is incredible. I am being sued over a house that was never delivered by the developer and builder,” she said. “This result means that anybody who has The cuts will, however, also affect 1.6 million passengers a year, as a third of all medium-distance services are scrapped. In total Renfe is to shut 32% of Spain’s medium distance trains, with Andalucia losing seven services. These include services between Cordoba and Bobadilla, Algeciras and Ronda and Sevilla and Huelva to Merida. The news is a huge big blow to many of the small villages and towns between Algeciras and Ronda. The train is a transport lifeline for many people living in towns like Benaojan, Gaucin and Jimena. The new cuts mean that an important train from Ronda at 07.30 and the evening service from Algeciras are being cancelled. The 8,000 passengers that used these

services every year now have to use roads that link the two towns. Local business, including hotels and restaurants, fear the possibility of more cuts or even the complete closure of the line in the future: “That is what we fear the most,” explained Andy Chapell, owner of Hotel Molino del Santo, in Benaojan Estacion, who has regular guests who use the train. The biggest loss making lines were identified as Vigo to Ourense, Madrid to Cuenca, A Coruña to Ferrol and Zaragoza to Teruel, which each lost more than 2 million Euros annually. Officials for the Ministry of Development have said that services which had been cut would be replaced by buses.

sold an option via Palmera Properties, or any other agent for that matter, can be successfully sued by the buyer. I believe this result sets a precedent for others to follow!”

€1million A Week Smuggling Ring Smashed

A cigarette smuggling gang led by an Irishman and a Briton has been smashed by police in Spain. It is believed that the pair were making 11m Euros a month flooding Europe with cheap tobacco from the Far East. Police believe the network used a series of ‘smokescreen’ firms to hide their criminal activity. The cigarettes were brought to

Europe via Africa and the Middle East to disguise their true origin. The alleged expat leaders of the gang were based in the upmarket Costa del Sol resort of Marbella, but have not been named by police Nearly a dozen Spaniards have also been arrested during the operation, codenamed Operaton Cumpai, and more than two and a half million cigarette packets and 50,000 Euros seized in a series of raids.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

Joan Collins In Benidorm!

JOan Collins is bringing a touch class to Spain. the 80-year-old actress was spotted soaking up the sunshine during breaks from filming for the upcoming series of Benidorm.

Collins is set to play hotel guest Crystal in the forthcoming sixth series of the ITV show. She will be joined on set by fellow guest stars Ken Morley, supermarket manager Reg Holdsworth in Coronation Street, and Loose Women’s Sherrie Hewson. The veteran actress starred as Alexis Carrington Colby in the 1980s drama Dynasty alongside


Linda Evans as her rival Krystle Carrington. Announcing the news of her latest project on Twitter, Collins said: “Looking forward to going to Spain to be in #Benidorm. And I’m playing Crystal, yes I am!! But not the Dynasty one.” The Spanish-based comedy also sees the return of regular cast members including Steve Pemberton, Siobhan Finneran and Tim Healey. Executive producer Ben Cavey said: “Things are certainly heating up by the pool in this series, with some great new characters, as well as the return of many of our well-loved regulars.”


Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Arona. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 125 - Fax: 922 725 478

Granadilla de abona

C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de Isora

Accommodation: When comparing the price differences between living spaces in Spain and the UK, Spain is much less expensive. Renting an apartment, either in a city or outside of one, and with one or more bedrooms and bathrooms, costs less in Spain by at around 45%. The average price for an apartment with one bedroom and one bathroom in Spain is approximately €530 (£450), in the UK it will cost you around £670 (€785). Weekly shop: The weekly shopping for residents in Spain costs less when buying the same types of food than it does for residents in the UK. Most foods are at least 13% cheaper, but items such as rice, eggs, tomatoes and oranges are almost 50% cheaper, saving an average of approximately 20 cents to €1.20 (£1.00) for each item bought. Water, beer, and cigarettes are also less expensive in Spain. Utilities The basic utilities such as electricity, heat, water, and garbage, are about 60% cheaper for Spanish residents, saving approximately €58/£50. When look-

Santiago del teide

La Orotava

el Sauzal

Plaza General Franco, s/n, 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 334 512

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

el Rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280 850 354


Research into the comparative costs of living in Spain versus the UK reveals that Spanish life is cheaper regarding accommodation, food, eating out, transport, utilities and education. Spain has always been a popular destination for British expats with the promise of better weather, a healthier lifestyle and a lower cost of living than in the UK. even in the larger Spanish cities where living space is highly sought after, the cost of living is still comparatively low.

Icod de los Vinos

C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. 120 - 922 710 420 Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 869 643

San Miguel de abona

Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38620, San Miguel de 38500, Güímar. Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 101 - Fax 922 526 102 168


C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973

el tanque

Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

Cost of Living – Spain Versus uK

ing at the prices for phone and internet services, both countries spend an equal amount of money: around 20 cents per minute for phone service and £30/€35 for internet. Education Most public schools, from nursery through to secondary schools, are free to Spanish locals. The same goes for many UK public schools. For private schools or universities, even though the prices of the schools are high for both Spanish and UK students, Spain’s residents save approximately 20%, €585 to €2,340 (£500 to £2000) every school year. Transport Spain has an excellent public trans-

port service, meaning few people use their own cars. This also means that the prices of using a taxi or buying tickets to use the metro are less expensive. Spanish residents save almost £20/€23 more than UK residents when buying a regular monthly metro pass. Eating out: When eating out, Spanish locals spend almost €5.85/£ 5.0 less on a threecourse meal for two people than they would at a restaurant in the UK. The same can also be said for eating out at inexpensive restaurants. Ordering coffee or a beer also costs about 40% less for people who live in Spain, saving locals from 60 cents to €1.20 (£1.00) for every drink.


Students Find Out This Summer As The ‘Real’ CSI Comes To Tenerife At Vivo Treasure Island

This summer students can step into a simulated CSI scenario with CSI Events: Tenerife. Using genuine forensic science to solve the mystery of a suspicious crime. Students will assume the role of forensic scientists as they investigate the ‘crime scene’ of a crime that is seemingly without motive. Combining theory and practice, students attempt to solve the simulated crime through classroom lectures, investigative techniques and practical work. This course incorporates curricular topics as well such as English, Science, Mathematics and many more. Although the 1 week course follows the template seen in shows such as CSI, it is designed to be as realistic as possible. While the crime scene and evidence are not real, students follow the procedure of forensic scientists and conduct experiments using authentic equipment. The course aims to convey to students the reality of crime investigation using Forensic Science. This course aims to show the ‘real’ side of forensic casework.’ Once the mystery has been untangled, participants analyse their results and build their case for the mini court trial, where they will present their evidence. This course will run continuously throughout the summer holidays. Each week 24 students will get the chance to put their skills to the test.

For more information please visit www.csieventstenerife.com/CSI--Summer-School.html or find us on facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/csieventstenerife/

www.tenerife-weekly.com Spain is prepared for the fight for Madrid to win the right to host the 2020 Olympic Games, bid president Alejandro Blanco has said. The former judoka, who is also president of the Spanish National Olympic Committee, said that the bid had united people across the country who see it as a way of easing the dire situation of the Spanish economy.

The enthusiasm across the country means that even Spain’s World Cup and European Championshipwinning coach, Vicente del Bosque, has been encouraged to sign up as an unpaid volunteer: “It is clear that hosting the Olympic Games will serve as a booster for all the economic spheres of our country,” Blanco said. “This is a project for Spain. The whole country is involved — the business world, top political and sporting authorities, the media and the whole of Spanish sport. However, it is citizens’ support that matters the most. This support is reflected in both our surveys and those conducted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which increase day after day as we move towards September (the vote for who hosts the Games takes place on September 7 in Buenos Aires). There are more than 40,000 volunteers already, and interestingly, our volunteer No40,000 is the Spanish national team coach, Vicente del Bosque. It

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

Spanish Fight For Madrid In Olympic Bid

is essential for all of us to reach victory and this is why we work 24/7.” Blanco disagreed with some IOC members who said that Madrid would reach the second round of voting at the expense of one of the other two candidates, Tokyo or Istanbul, because the Spaniards built up a considerable amount of goodwill and a favourable reaction before finishing second behind Rio de Janeiro in the bidding for the 2016 Games: “First of all, I have to say we respect all opinions, but we believe this is our best chance to be awarded the Olympic Games by the IOC, and this is the reason why we are working and explaining our project,” he said. “We have nothing but gratitude, hope, passion and certainty in success. If we all gather as a country we may win. If we truly believe, we must fight. This is a project for Spain, aiming at achieving social transformation through sport.” Blanco said that placing the emphasis on youth was particularly important in Spain, where the rate of unemployment for those between the ages of 16 and 24 has soared to 57.22%: “This bid has been designed for young people,” he said. “We have been listening to them since the

beginning of the bid and we know what they want and what they expect from us. According to surveys, 90% of people under 35 support the

Games in our city. This is the best indicator proving that youngsters see the Games as a window to opportunities, and a boost to recover from

Sleep Delays Flight

Furious British holidaymakers heading to Spain had their flight delayed by more than three hours, apparently because their plane’s crew were sleeping. The passengers, waiting for their flight from Aberdeen to Barcelona on Sunday morning were told the crew had been kept awake at their hotel by a wedding party. British Airways ordered its staff to have an additional sleep break, delaying the departure from Aberdeen International until 9.50am - three hours 20 minutes after the scheduled 6.30am time. Angry passengers used social networks to complain about the airline for shoddy organisation. Andrew Wyness posted on twitter: “Sitting in Aberdeen when I should be flying to Barcelona due to a resting crew. #sloppylogistics #couldbeavoided.” One passenger, who did not want to be named, added: “We were told by a member of British Airways staff that the crew had been disturbed by a noisy wedding party below the accommodation at their hotel. This was after we had been kept waiting for nearly four hours in the departure lounge. BA hasn’t offered us any compensation, but I’ll certainly be looking into it.” British Airways claimed it didn’t have a replacement crew available, a spokesperson said: “Our crew and


the difficult situation we are currently going through. According to our motto, illuminating their future is our priority,” Blanco said.

Hand Delivered Pet Poop

The municipality of Brunete, Madrid, has launched an awareness campaign for dog owners, by sending their pet droppings that were ‘forgotten’ in the town’s streets, to their homes.

cabin crew are required by law to have certain rest periods between operating flights and if that is disrupted then we have to make appropriate measures. Regardless of this particular issue, the alternative measures in certain circumstances might mean a replacement crew being brought in if requirements haven’t been met. But obviously if you don’t have a replacement crew then you gave to take other relevant measures to deal with that situation. This particular incident

is still something that we are still looking into. We apologise to our customers for the delay, but the flight had to be delayed for operational reasons. These decisions are based on safety and security which are two principles we will never compromise.” A spokesperson for Aberdeen International added: “It looks like the delay was a one-off. Our operations ran as normal the rest of the day. We can’t comment on it as it is related to the BA crew members.”

During one week twenty volunteers closely monitored the dogs and their owners, when they saw that an owner had failed to take their pets droppings away with them, the volunteer approached the owner, pretending to take an interest in the dog and obtaining the owners details. They were then able to trace the owners address through a local database. Then left droppings were packaged and hand delivered to the

owners together with a fine. As a result of the campaign, there was a reported 70% drop in the amount of excrement left on the streets. The mayor of Brunete, Borja Gutiérrez, said “although in Brunete most dog owners pick up after their pets, the City Council has” invested “many resources to respond to a problem that has an easy solution: all owners pick up after your pet “.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

X-factor tulisa In Drug arrest

Bamboo towels antiquities tenerife

they are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypo-allergenic;


SInGeR and ex-x Factor judge tulisa Contostavlos has been released on bail after her arrest on suspicion of supplying Class a drugs.

bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hypersensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30˚C wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine and at the moment they have an offer for one bath towel and a hand towel for just 15,00 Euros. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said the 24-yearold and her 35-year-old friend, rapper Mike GLC who was also arrested on suspicion of the same offence, had been bailed to a date in July, and that two residential properties had been searched as part of their investigation. Speaking from outside Belgravia police station in central London, Mike GLC denied being a drug dealer and said both of them were innocent: “We are innocent. We haven’t been charged.” He added: “The truth will come out in the end. I don’t want to go into much more detail. I am going home to be with my family. This is ruining my life. I am not a drug dealer. I have never sold drugs in my life.” A spokesman for Conto-

stavlos declined to comment on her arrest. The pair were arrested on Tuesday, a day after police confirmed they had “received information concerning the alleged supply of illegal drugs at a central London location”. That followed a report in a tabloid newspaper suggesting Contostavlos acted as a go-between by introduc-

ing a journalist to an alleged supplier. The singer is said to have boasted to the reporter: “Half my phone book sells it. Of course I can get it for you. Half the guys I know are drug dealers.” The Sun On Sunday claimed half an ounce of cocaine changed hands following a deal that took place at London’s Dorchester Hotel.

www.tenerife-weekly.com Stephen Fry has revealed to a shocked audience that he attempted suicide in 2012 while he was filming abroad, saying it was a “close-run thing”. The revelation came during recording for comedian Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre Podcast, transcribed on the British Comedy Guide website.

Fry said on his Twitter feed that the conversation with Herring was “intimate”. “He somehow made me open up,” he added. He told Herring: “It was a close-run thing. I took a huge number of pills and a huge (amount) of vodka and the mixture of them made my body convulse so much that I broke four ribs, but I was still unconscious. And, fortunately, the producer I was filming with at the time came into the hotel room and I was found in a sort of unconscious state and taken back to England and looked after.” Fry, 55, who is president of the mental health charity Mind, has spoken openly about his struggle with bipolar disorder. Sufferers are prone to drastic mood swings which can see them veering from hyperactive positivity to deep depression. The actor, writer and comedian told Herring: “I am the victim of my own moods, more than most people are perhaps, in as much as I have a condition which requires me to take medication so that I don’t get either too hyper or too depressed to the point of suicide.” Speaking about the suicide at-

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

Stephen Fry Reveals Suicide Attempt

tempt, he added: “This is the first time I’ve said this in public, but I might as well. I’m president of Mind, and the whole point in my role, as

I see it, is not to be shy and forthcoming about the morbidity and genuine nature of the likelihood of death amongst people with certain

mood disorders.” In an attack on the stigma of mental health problems, Fry attempted to convey to non-sufferers the lack

of reasoning behind depression. He explained: “There is no ‘why’, it’s not the right question. There’s no reason. If there were a reason for it, you could reason someone out of it, and you could tell them why they shouldn’t take their own life.” Paul Farmer, chief executive of Mind, welcomed Fry’s outpouring, saying: “We have to praise Stephen for his very candid and honest conversation about his own experience. We hope and we know this is very helpful for many people who experience bipolar disorder.” He added: “We need to remove the stigma that exists around mental illness and people in the public eye can make a big difference to doing that.” Mr Farmer said he was confident Fry now had the right support mechanisms in place, pointing to a second tweet the star posted soon after his revelation. “Thank you all for your concern. As Pres of @mindcharity I could only tell truth if asked directly. Now fine. On good meds. Love to you all x,” Fry wrote on Twitter. Fry previously attempted suicide after walking out of the West End play Cell Mates in 1995 - an event he recounted in a documentary for BBC2 called The Secret Life Of The Manic Depressive. Mind can be contacted at 0300 123 3393 and at www.mind.org.uk. The Samaritans is available for anyone struggling to cope, round the clock, every single day of the year call 08457 90 90 90, email jo@ samaritans.org or find local branch details at www.samaritans.org.

firmed that it was an attempted suicide. The indications from some reports are that Paris is doing OK in hospital. It’s a difficult time for her, the on-going wrongful death trial of which she may be called as a witness - continues examining in great detail the death of her father. The anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death is on the June 25th. A statement issued on behalf of Ms Rowe, said: “We appreciate everyone’s thoughts for Paris at this time and their respect for the family’s privacy.” The last message posted on Paris’ official Twitter account read: “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.”

By Thursday morning, all recent messages on her account had been removed, with the remaining post being a retweet from last August saying simply: “Inner Peace.” Paris is Michael Jackson’s only daughter, but she has two brothers

- Prince and Blanket. Their father died in 2009 aged 50. In an interview in April, Paris spoke of her “incredible father” and defended her upbringing. She said the King of Pop battled to give his children a “normal childhood”

“I have lots of memories of my father. He was an incredible father. We all loved him to death,” she explained. Paris and her brothers now live with their grandmother Katherine following Jackson’s sudden death.

Jackson’s Daughter In Suicide Attempt

Michael Jackson’s 15-yearold daughter Paris was taken to a hospital in Los Angeles after an apparent suicide attempt. The local fire department reported it had responded to a call of a possible overdose at 1.27am local time and transported a single person to a nearby medical centre.

Paris is said to have been taken from the Jackson family home in Calabasas, California, on a stretcher and taken to hospital in an ambulance. Her mother Debbie Rowe, speaking to Entertainment Tonight con-



Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


ICtORIa Beckham has been crowned Woman Of the Decade at the Glamour Women Of the year awards in London. the 39-year-old was at the ceremony together with a host of celebrities and the Spice Girlturned WaG-turnedfashion designer came with her mother and her eldest son Brooklyn.

Dressed in a black jumpsuitstyle outfit, not one of her own creations, she said she was attending the event to celebrate women, adding they do not support each other enough: “My mum is my woman of the year. I’m sure a lot of people say that about their mums, but she is. She’s here tonight.” She added: “I really love women, but there aren’t enough women out there who support other women. That’s what we should do, support each other. That’s why I’m here tonight.” Asked for her style tips, she said: “Dress appropriately. Dress in way that suits you. You have to feel comfortable.” Nicole Scherzinger, due to return as an X Factor judge, was named best TV personality at the glitzy bash. Hot Right Now and How We Do


mrs. Beckham – Woman of the Decade

(Party) singer Rita Ora won best solo artist - and was presented with the gong by the woman she calls “wifey”, model-of-the-moment Cara Delevingne. Comedian Miranda Hart won best writer for credits including self-titled BBC sitcom and drew even more laughter when the 6ft 1in star was presented with the award bytiny comic Ronnie Corbett. Former Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe, who recently filmed the role of gay Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, was named man of the year. The Voice judge and Price Tag singer Jessie J won the editor’s special award, while Myleene Klass, who has launched just everything from a swimwear collection to a baby clothes range, won an entrepreneur gong. Clare Balding, who won huge praise for her coverage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, was named best presenter, receiving the gong from former Dynasty actress Joan Collins.





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Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and 4pm to 8pm Saturday 9am to 1pm Industrial Estate Las Chafiras, Motorway Exit South 24, North 64, Tel. / Fax. 922 735 335 Avd. Modesto Hernandez Gonzalez N°46, Opposite Coca Cola, Next to Koala Sur, 200m behind Biombo

www.tenerife-weekly.com GCSEs are to be replaced by a system of new I-levels with numbered grades from 1 to 8 under sweeping changes to school exams, according to Ofqual. England’s exam regulator is said to be proposing that coursework is cut for all core exams except science, when it would make up just 10% of marks.

The ability to retake the new qualifications is to be limited, with all end-of-course exams sat in the summer, English and maths exams will take place in November. Pupils will have to wait a full year, until they were 17, if they wanted to resit any exams - potentially affecting their A-level studies. A new grade 8 would replace A* as the highest achievement, although fewer would be awarded in an effort to increase standards. Having 8 rather than 1 at the top would also leave open the option of introducing a grade 9 if it was felt necessary to make it even more challenging. Schoolchildren currently achieving A* and A grades would apparently be expected to receive grades 7 or 6 under the new system, with grade 4 the equivalent of a pass. Education Secretary Michael Gove wants to make exams harder and provide greater differentiation between the most able pupils. The changes, which cover Eng-

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


All Change For GCSE’s

lish, maths, physics, chemistry, biology, double science, history and geography, would be introduced from 2015, with other subjects starting the switch from 2016, meaning that during the crossover pupils will sit a mixture of the old and new style of exams. The plans represent a huge change in attitude towards coursework, which currently accounts for up to 60% of marks at GCSE. Critics argue this makes it much easier for pupils to achieve high marks - and that it also impinges on valuable teaching time. The changes are being billed as the most radical overhaul of qualifications since GCSEs were introduced in 1986, replacing the twotier system of O-levels and CSEs. The watchdog for England has apparently rejected some of Mr Gove’s proposals, such as limiting the number of candidates given each grade and stating their strengths and weaknesses. A spokesman for the watchdog refused to discuss the details but the body is due to launch a consultation on the changes shortly. Shadow education secretary Stephen Twigg: “This is now the third time Michael Gove has tried to abol-

ish GCSEs. He keeps failing because he hasn’t got a thought through plan to improve exams. Changing letters to numbers and the name

of the exams is hardly the key to higher standards. We need serious proposals that learn from the best countries in the world. This needs

a rigorous focus on English and maths and testing both academic knowledge and the skills that young people will need in the workplace.”

Pregnant Women Baby Number 3 For Winslet Warned Against Make-Up And Cans

Titanic star Kate Winslet is expecting her third child, according to her publicist. The 37-year-old Hollywood star and her husband Ned Rocknroll expect their new arrival to make an entrance the end of the year, said Sara Keene.

Controversial advice warns that pregnant women could be exposed to harmful chemicals through food packaging, ordinary household products, medicines and personal care items.

The advice is outlined in a new Scientific Impact Paper launched by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). But it has attracted criticism from organisations which argue it could cause unwarranted stress to pregnant women. Among the recommendations made are for women to avoid drinking or eating food from cans or plastic containers and to minimise their use of cosmetics. Pregnant women should also avoid paint fumes and the use of pesticides, and only

take over-the-counter medicines when necessary. A statement issued by the RCOG said: “The best approach for pregnant women is a ‘safety first’ approach, which is to assume there is risk present even when it may be minimal or eventually unfounded,” “While there is much guidance on healthy lifestyle choices that women can incorporate during pregnancy, there is currently no official antenatal advice that informs women who are pregnant or breast feeding of the potential risks that some chemical exposures could pose to their babies,” it added. But Sense for Science criticised the advice, saying it represents “a missed opportunity to set out the ways pregnant women can cut through the confusing debates about chemicals and pregnancy”. Tracey

Brown from Sense for Science said: “As the report itself shows, there are many unfounded rumours about links between particular substances and pregnancy outcomes. By contrast, we have plenty of evidence that stress is a major risk factor in pregnancy. Researchers and professional bodies should not be adding to it.” She added that the RCOG report had avoided the issue of helping

women navigate debates about chemicals and pregnancy: “Pregnancy is a time when people spend a lot of time and money trying to work out which advice to follow, and which products to buy or avoid. The simple question parents want answered during pregnancy is: ‘Should we be worried?’ What we need is help in navigating these debates about chemicals and pregnancy. Disappointingly, the RCOG report has ducked this.”

“I can confirm Kate Winslet is pregnant and she and Ned Rocknroll are thrilled. The baby is due at the end of the year,” she added. The child will be the first for the Oscar-winning actress with her third husband. Winslet already has two children

from her two previous marriages: Mia, 12, whose father is director Jim Threapleton, and Joe, nine, the son of director Sam Mendes. Winslet and Rocknroll, the nephew of Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson, were married in December.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


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Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Pistorius Back In Court


scar Pistorius appeared at a pretrial hearing in a court in Pretoria, where he faces a charge of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The hearing lasted less than 20 minutes in front of the paralympian’s sister and brother, as well as journalists and photographers from around the world. The 26-year-old, who claims he shot Ms Steenkamp after mistaking her for an intruder, wore a black suit, a blue shirt and a tie as he arrived at the city’s magistrates’ court. Reports said he looked “pretty fit and quite controlled”, as the state’s request for the case to be adjourned until August 19 was approved by magistrate Daniel Thulare. Pistorius spoke only once, quietly, to confirm he understood the renewed conditions on which his bail was extended. Ms Steenkamp, 29, was shot dead through a locked bathroom door at Pistorius’ home in a secure compound on Valentine’s Day this year. Prosecutors claim he killed her intentionally, knowing she was behind the door when he fired four times with a 9mm pistol. The hearing lasted longer than expected because the magistrate took a few minutes to lecture the media, he expressed concern about some of the reporting around the case. He said he read the newspapers like everyone else in South Africa and he felt there was a certain degree of, in his words, ‘trial by media’.

Pistorius has only been seen in public twice since being freed on bail in February. He was photographed on his practice track in March and reportedly visited a Johannesburg restaurant with friends in April. The athlete must attend the

next court hearing on August 19, by which time prosecutors hope to have completed their investigation. The date would have been Ms Steenkamp’s 30th birthday. The pre-trial hearing came after the parents of the model spoke

of their need for answers. In a TV documentary, June Steenkamp said: “There is only one person who knows what happened. Why? Why did he shoot her? I want to know why he shot her. She must have been so afraid in the toilet. One bul-

let had already hit her, so she must have been in severe pain.” The Channel 5 programme - Why Did Oscar Pistorius Kill Our Daughter? - also showed some of Ms Steenkamp’s personal photographs, letters and drawings.

Summer Job Vacancies Moscow’s Remain Unfilled Secret City

According to a study, 25,000 temporary summer jobs remain unfilled, particularly at music festivals, as well as vacancies in catering and hospitality industries, to work as cleaners at festivals and sporting events.

Job search engine Adzuna.co.uk revealed that fruit pickers and packers are also in demand over the coming months,

with 500 vacancies being advertised. Flora Lowther, head of research at Adzuna, said: “While youth unemployment continues to be one of the biggest issues facing the UK economy, young people should be buoyed by the number of jobs still available this summer and the wages employers are willing to pay.” Stewards at music festivals can earn up to £7.50 an hour, marquee builders £6.75 and waitresses more than £6 an

hour. Emergency GPs on hand at major events can earn up to £55 an hour, the research showed. Free entry to sold-out festivals is on offer for litter pickers, while some are on the lookout for “face paint co-ordinators”. Music festivals such as Glastonbury, V Festival, Bestival and Wireless are among the top events for creating summer work, as well as the Wimbledon tennis championships and Royal Ascot.

A secret underground city which housed hundreds of migrant workers were kept illegally to work has been raided by police in Moscow.

Footage from the Russian government showed a web of rooms that formed a clothing factory town, complete with living quarters, cafe, cinema, casino and even a chicken coop. Over 200 people were arrested when police raided the hidden city underneath the capital’s Cherkizovsky Market. It is the second such find under Moscow in as many years. Illegal migrants were found by police in an abandoned Soviet-era bomb shelter in 2011.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

hOLLyWOOD actor Michael Douglas has clarified initial reports that he blamed his throat cancer on performing oral sex. a spokesman for the star, allen Burry, said in a statement that Douglas never said that was the cause of his cancer. he said the star was discussing what causes oral cancer, which can be contracted through a sexually transmitted disease, but was not talking about his own illness.

The 68-year-old had stagefour cancer, which took around six months to treat: “Without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV (human papilloma virus),” he told The Guardian newspaper. “I did worry if the stress caused by my son’s incarceration didn’t help trigger it. But yeah, it’s a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer.” Health officials say that he human papilloma virus has been linked to one kind of throat cancer but smoking and alcohol are the main causes of oral cancer While more than 100 different types of HPV have been identified, there is no way of detecting the virus in the mouth or neck before a cancer is diagnosed. According to the United States’ National Cancer Insti-


michael Douglas In Cancer row

tute, throat cancers caused by HPV have increased during the past 20 years, especially among men. The virus is responsible for around 63% of throat cancers, according to the US-based Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Speaking after confirming he had beaten the cancer in 2011, Douglas said the disease

had “put a timeline on my life. It’s been a rough few years but I’m back with a vengeance,” he added. I feel blessed and fortunate that I still have a career. I feel blessed and fortunate that I’m even alive.” Douglas is married to actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, with whom he has two children, Dylan and Carys. In a career span-

ning nearly 50 years, he has won four Golden Globes and two Academy Awards. Douglas recently appeared on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival to promote his new film Behind The Candelabra. He also stars in upcoming comedy Last Vegas alongside Robert De Niro and Morgan Freeman.

• Most of us have been infected by hPV, but few are affected. By the age of 25, around 90% of people will have been exposed to the human Papilloma Virus. • But only 2% to 3% will develop symptoms, such as visible genital warts, while the rest develop immunity and get rid of the virus. • There are more than 100 different types of hPV, but only 15 or so are linked to cancer and are almost entirely sexually transmitted. • These high-risk variants have been known risk factors for cancers of the cervix, male and female genitalia, and the anus. • But there is now wider recognition for its role in oral cancer. • One Us study found that 10% of men and 4% of women have hPV in their mouths. • Other studies have estimated that between 25% and 35% of oral cancers are linked to the virus. • so it could be associated with between 1,500 and just over 2,000 cases of mouth and throat cancer in the UK every year. • The virus does not cause cancer but it triggers changes in the cells it infects, and these can become cancerous. • smokers are less able to get rid of the virus, which may add to the already significant risk of oral cancer from tobacco. • Rates of hPV are likely to decline in future. • Teenage girls are now offered a vaccine against key strains of the virus which should prevent most cervical cancers. • it’s believed that it will also protect them against hPV-related oral cancer and their male partners may also be protected. • But men who have sex with men are still at risk, and there have been calls to extend vaccination to teenage boys.




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d Balls has announced that should Labour win the next election, wealthy pensioners would have their winter fuel payments scrapped. The shadow chancellor insisted supporting better-off OAPs could “no longer be a priority”. Mr Balls hailed the pledge to end universality as an example of the opposition’s willingness to show “iron discipline” on spending if it wins back power in 2015.

He also refused to rule out reversing “perverse and unfair” child benefit cuts for high earners brought in by the coalition. And he signalled that Labour would use the coalition’s 2015/16 spending review, due out at the end of this month, as a “starting point” if it won the next election, although capital budgets could be higher. The winter fuel move, unveiled in a keynote speech on the economy, is designed to counter criticism that Labour has little idea about how to restore Britain to prosperity. It could also fuel coalition divisions because the Lib Dems want an end to universal benefits for pensioners but David Cameron has vowed they will not change in this parliament. Winter fuel payments are worth £200 to the over-60s and £300 for those over 80 - with differing amounts for couples and people living in care homes. Under Labour’s plans, the richest pensioners who have enough income to pay higher or top-rate income tax, around 600,000 people at present, would lose the hand-out. This would save £100m a year, a tiny fraction of the £120bn annual deficit. “Labour believes the winter fuel allowance provides vital support for pensioners on middle and low incomes to combat fuel poverty. That’s why we introduced it in the first place,” Mr Balls said. “But in tough economic times we have to make difficult choices about pri-

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Rich OAP’s To Lose Fuel Payments

orities for public spending and what the right balance is between universal and targeted support.” Labour insiders indicated that other benefits, such as TV licences and bus passes, were not under review but the idea still prompted disquiet. Former cabinet minister Peter Hain said it would only raise “peanuts” and asked on Twitter: “Problem with Labour cutting winter fuel for rich is where does attack on universalism stop?” In April, Mr Hain warned that proposals to means-test pensioner benefits were “simply mendacious, because the savings proposed would be a drop in the ocean compared with the overall welfare budget”. The shadow chancellor insisted Labour was ready to deal with a “bleak inheritance” if Chancellor George Osborne sticks to his austerity programme: “It will require us to govern in a very different way with much less money around,” he said. “The last Labour government was able to plan its 1997 manifesto on the basis of rising departmental spending in the first years after the election. The next Labour government will have to plan on the basis of falling departmental spending. Ed Miliband and I know that, and my shadow cabinet colleagues know that too.” Conservative Treasury Minister Sajid Javid said: “Ed Balls’s promise of discipline on spending isn’t remotely credible. Ed Balls is incapable of admitting that Labour spent and borrowed too much in government, he has opposed every single tough

decision we’ve taken to cut the deficit and he’s still saying Labour would borrow billions more. The same old Labour plan for more borrowing and more debt would mean soaring interest rates with hardworking people paying the price.” A new poll shows the Opposition still have a significant mountain to climb when convincing voters they are up to running the economy. A survey by Survation, commissioned by LabourList, showed the Opposition was not trusted on the economy by a margin of 46.8% to 30.1%.

3rd Set Of Twins Beat 500-1 Odds Karen Rodger has defied odds of 500,000 to one by giving birth to her third set of twins - baby girls Rowan and Isla. The 41-year-old and her husband Colin, 44, from Langbank in Renfrewshire were “over the moon” at the new arrivals to their family on May 29 at the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow.

The girls, who are not identical, were delivered by caesarean section with Rowan arriving first weighing 5lbs 8oz and two minutes later Isla weighing 6lbs. The couple already have four boys,14-year-olds Lewis and Kyle and Finn and Jude who are both 12, and were told of the unlikely odds that Mrs Rodger’s third pregnancy would be twins. She said: “I just could not believe it. It never crossed my mind that it would

be twins again, I just thought that just doesn’t happen to people like me but I’m absolutely delighted.” Mrs Rodger found out during a scan six weeks into the pregnancy and sent a text with the news to her husband: “He thought I was joking and immediately wrote back to say ‘this is not funny’. I had to explain that it really was true,” she said. “I still haven’t really taken it on board because I was convinced I was having two boys.” The couple will convert the loft of their house into bedrooms for their eldest twins so that the girls can have their own room. Mr Rodger described the arrival of the twins as “life-changing” and said he was looking forward to raising daughters: “Boyfriends will be completely unacceptable. I think the girls are going to have five dads with the boys looking out for them too and it will be a frightening gauntlet for any boyfriend to run.”


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


tHe Queen’S CoronatIo


t may be a bit confusing as last year’s Jubilee celebrations marked the anniversary of the Queen succeeding her father King George VI to the throne, but June 2nd this year marked 60 years since her actual coronation.

The Queen was joined by more than 20 members of the Royal Family at a service at

Westminster Abbey to mark the 60th anniversary of her coronation. Her Majesty made the journey from Buckingham Palace to the Abbey by car, cheered by crowds along the short route. Fanfare trumpeters of the Band of the Welsh Guards announced her arrival and she was greeted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Rev Dr John Hall, at the Great West Door of the Abbey, where kings and queens have been crowned since 1066.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, who opened the service, paid tribute to her “60 years of commitment”, and praised her devotion to duty and self-sacrifice. Earlier, the Duke of Cambridge together with his heavily pregnant wife the Duchess of Cambridge took their seats among the 2,000-strong

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congregation. They were joined by Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, as well as Prime Minister David Cameron, who gave the Bible reading. Senior military officials and some of those who took part in the 1953 coronation also attended the event.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

on – 60tH annIVerSary

The Queen was accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, despite concerns about his health. He had pulled out of an official engagement on Monday night because he was feeling “under the weather”. It was the 91-year-old’s second cancelled official engagement in four days after he was unable to attend a lecture on Friday at St George’s House in Windsor.

The Queen’s coronation, which took place at Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953, was witnessed by 8,200 guests and watched by an estimated 27 million people on television. The nation watched spellbound as the Queen, just 27 years old, played the central figure in the centuries-old ceremony. In honour of the coronation, Buckingham

Palace is opening its doors next month for a four-day party of food, drink, design and even a gala of musical performances. The palace gardens will play host to over 200 holders of the Royal Warrant to showcase 60 years of British tradition, innovation and excellence. In the food section, British brands Pimm’s, Bendicks chocolates and Walkers shortbread all get the royal seal of approval, with stalls


selling food and drink, offering cooking demonstrations and serving afternoon tea. Three evening galas will take place in the palace gardens on the 11th, 12th and 13th of July with artists including Katherine Jenkins, Katie Melua and Brit rock band The Feeling. There will also be performances from the National Youth Orchestra and the English National Ballet.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Baby titanic Launched In Belfast

the SS nomadic, the last true link to the titanic and the White Star Line has been unveiled as a new museum in Belfast. It cost £9m and took seven years to restore the passenger vessel to how she looked in 1912.

As a tender to the Titanic, she carried first and second class passengers from the docks at Cherbourg in France to the Titanic for their fateful journey. The SS Nomadic was built alongside the Titanic in the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast using all the same design characteristics. She is often described as the “mini-Titanic” because she is exactly one quarter of the size of the famous ship. She is also the last remaining

White Star Line ship in the world. Chairman of the Nomadic Charitable Trust, Denis Rooney, said: “This is the closest anyone is going to get to walking on the decks of the Titanic. You are going to be walking in the footsteps of the passengers who were transported to the Titanic on that one fateful journey and you will be enjoying the same luxury and class as the first class passengers.” He added: “When you come on to the Nomadic you can touch the rivets, the same rivets the craftsmen of the Titanic drilled in, you can touch the hull. It certainly makes it worthwhile coming to Belfast just to see and experience the Titanic.” After the sinking of the Titanic, SS Nomadic continued to serve as part of the White

Star Line and then Cunard. The ship carried a number of celebrities, including Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. She also saw active service as a mine sweeper and troop carrier in both World Wars and was then as floating restaurant in Paris for 30 years. Enthusiasts in Northern Ireland started a campaign in 2005 to save the Nomadic from the scrap heap and returned to the city where she was built. The ship was bought at auction in 2006 for around £200,000 by Northern Ireland’s Department of Social Development. The Nomadic Charitable Trust has spent the last seven years restoring the vessel to her former glory and she is now docked in Belfast’s new Titanic Quarter, close to the Titanic visitor’s centre. The addition of the vessel as

a floating museum will add to Belfast’s already growing tourism industry based around the famous liner.

Since the Titanic Belfast visitors’ centre opened last year it has become one of Northern Ireland’s top

tourist destinations, with more than 650,000 passing through its doors in its first nine months.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013



By Marc Craig

How Our Favourite Britain’s Got Talons!! Films Could Have Been Very Different!! It seemed the nation had their claws out and were sinking them into Simon Cowell’s talent show this week.

Browsing the Net this week I stumbled across the news that Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of Kurt and Courtney Love turned down the part of Bella Swan in Twilight, leaving the role for Kristen Stewart to bore people with!!

5: Forrest Gump If John Travolta hadn’t turned it down would his Forrest have begun disco dancing and not stopped instead of running? 6: James Bond Many actors have been considered for 007, but last time it came down to Aussie Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman and present Bond, Daniel Craig. 7: Beverly Hills Cop Eddie Murphy’s movie career may have never got the kick-start it needed had Sylvester Stallone played it as a straight action role as initially planned. 8: The Shining I’m not a big fan of this movie but I can’t imagine it would improve by an axe wielding Robin Williams screaming “heeeeeeeere’s Johnny”!! 9: The Terminator O.J Simpson almost played the remorseless killer...... Until producers decided he was too nice to be believable!!! 10: Shrek Chris Farley had already begun recording dialogue as the ogre when he sadly passed away, it was Mike Myers Scottish heritage that led to the character getting his Scots brogue.

After some digging here’s some more almost-casting that may surprise you! 1: Sex and the City It’s hard to separate the actress from the role when it comes to SJP and Carrie Bradshaw, but Dana Delaney had to turn the part down first 2: Indiana Jones Tom Selleck was 1st choice for the Bullwhip wielding archaeologist, but clashing schedules with Magnum P.I led to Writer George Lucas suggesting his Han Solo actor Harrison Ford. 3: Star Wars From cocky to creepy, Harrison Ford very nearly lost his starmaking role to Christopher Walken!! 4: Back to the Future Filming was well underway with Eric Stoltz as Marty Mcfly before the director realised he was wrong in the role and recast Michael J. Fox

cert” to be in; ‘I was really depressed and couldn’t stop crying. I just had enough and took pills to try and end it all. Luckily I threw them up when I realised what I was doing,’ The Live Final airs tomorrow night.....but does anyone really care about the winner anymore? Celebrities, the media and the public seem more interested in what’s wrong with the show than in who’s got talent, let’s be honest, the last truly memorable contestant was Subo and would any of us have really have taken as much notice if that voice had come out of a more conventional contestant who wasn’t quite so “fruit loopy”? Probably not.

Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor in the 50 year old series Doctor Who, has announced he will be leaving the role after the 50th Anniversary specials later this year.

Savages Iron Man 3

- Ben Marvel’sAaron “Iron Taylor-Johnson Man 3” pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy Entrepreneurs Ben, a peaceful and whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark and finds charitable marijuana producer, personal world destroyed at his enemy’s hands, Also showing at 15:30 hr Daily - Drama - 143 min his friend Chon, a former Navy SEAL, run a he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those lucrative, This homegrown industry - raising responsible. journey, at every turn, will test his some of the best weed ever developed. mettle. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

The Great Gatsby

cule. I don’t understand why it’s legal, I think it’s wrong. I watched Britain’s Got Talent auditions and there are these kids getting laughed at by the audience. I’m like: ‘Woah, why?’ Although she certainly may have a point it should be noted that Jess is one of the superstar judge/mentors on the Beeb’s rival show The Voice, a show losing regularly and consistently in a ratings war against ITV’s giant. Finally BGT faced yet more bad press this week after rejected former contestant, DJ Scott Whitley told the press he’d attempted suicide after watching the semi-finalssomething he claims he was led to believe he was a “dead

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Firstly J-lo unveiled a bit more than her new single when she performed during last week’s semi-final, prompting over 100 complaints to OFCOM as many viewers and critics felt the sheer black bodysuit was way too revealing to be shown on TV before the watershed. Defending her choice of outfit Lopez said; “I wore the same outfit on the Billboard awards in red and it didn’t seem to cause any controversy there so I felt pretty safe”. I saw the performance and although the song reaches new levels of “meh” (why do people keep paying Pitbull to grunt along with their songs? Worst. Rapper.Ever.) She looked stunning although she did reveal most of her ample bottom (and almost her front bottom a few times!) The highlight had to be the look Ant and Dec gave each other after watching her exit the stage-priceless!! Also sticking the proverbial boot in was singer Jessie J who publicly condemned the show over its treatment of child contestants, claiming it should be illegal; ‘I cannot agree with kids having to go through three or four auditions when it’s purely for ridi-

His last episode will be the end of year Christmas special which will see him regenerate into the new 12th Doctor, who has yet to be cast. Matt Smith had this to say about his departure; ‘”Doctor Who’ has been the most brilliant experience for me as an actor and a bloke, and that largely is down to the cast, crew and fans of the show. I’m incredibly grateful to all the cast and crew who work tirelessly every day, to realize all the elements of the show and deliver ‘Doctor Who’ to the audience. Many of them have become good friends and I’m incredibly proud of what we have achieved over the last four years.” The 50th Anniversary special which airs in November looks set to be a huge spectacular, filmed in 3D and featuring the return of David Tennant’s 10th Doctor and companion Rose (Billie Piper). The special also returns to the se-

ries very beginning, with on-set photos revealing the scrapyard from the opening scenes of 1963’s first ever episode “An Unearthly Child”, where original companions Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton first discover the Tardis. So who’s next to get the key to the Tardis? If the producers go much younger we could be in for a teenage Doctor-or how about the first female Doctor? If you have any suggestions on who should be the 13th Doctor, email me at marc@tenerife-weekly.com and I’ll print them next week!


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Last Bee gee Honoured


he last surviving Bee Gee Barry Gibb is to be presented with a lifetime achievement award at the O2 Silver Clef awards for a career in which he and his group are estimated to have sold upwards of 220 million albums.

June 2013 Friday 7th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 8th June . . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 9th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 10th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Thursday 13th June . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Friday 14th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 15th June . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 16th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 17th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Thursday 20th June . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Friday 21st June . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 22nd June . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 23rd June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 24th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Thursday 27th June . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Friday 28th June . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 29th June . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 30th June . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery

JuLy 2013 Monday 1st July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Thursday 4th July . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Friday 5th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 6th July . . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 7th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 8th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Thursday 11th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Friday 12th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 13th July . . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night sunday 14th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO sunday Carvery Monday 15th July. . . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Thursday 18th July . . . . . . . . . . . Decades spectacular Friday 19th July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience saturday 20th July . . . . . . . . . . . saturday GALA Night

Robin Gibb died last year, nine years after his twin Maurice; they made up the chart-topping trio. Younger brother Andy, who was also a singer, died in 1988 at the age of 40. Barry, 66, has had huge success as a songwriter and producer, working on songs for artists such as Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross and Dionne Warwick, as well as the title track for the film Grease. He and the Bee Gees won a special achievement award at the Silver Clefs - which raises money for music therapy charity Nordoff Robbins - in 1993. His new award is officially called the Sony Mobile Lifetime Achievement Award. Barry said: “I am honoured

to be given the prestigious lifetime achievement award at the O2 Silver Clef Awards. Having had music play such an important role in my own life for over 50 years, I can truly appreciate the work Nordoff Robbins do, using music to transform other

people’s lives.” Coldplay are also being awarded the best British act award at the event on June 28 at the London Hilton. Labrinth takes the innovation award, while trumpeter Alison Balsom will pick up the classical award.

milestone Blood Donor

haROLD Mendenhall has reached a rare milestone after donating 100 gallons of blood over the last 35 years. the Floridian started giving blood on July 7, 1977, and last month, he reached 100 US gallons (83 imperial gallons or 666 pints).

84 year-old Mr Mendenhall first started donating blood when his wife Frankie was diagnosed with breast cancer. When she died seven years later, Mr Mendenhall says he was lost. He went to a blood bank on his way home from work and was soon donating up to 40 pints a year.

He said giving blood helped him cope with the loss of his wife and, later, his two sons: “For some reason, I’m still here and I’m grateful,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons I keep donating.” Mr Mendenhall is considered special because he do-

nates blood platelets - small cells in the blood which help with clotting. As well as saving lives, there are financial benefits for donors in Florida. The blood bank runs a reward programme, offering coupons for meals at local restaurants.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Sharples in Session By John Sharples

Bad Taste Funny Travel Here are some fun travel quotes to make you smile. All of them are real!

The Australian DJ who was at the centre of the prank scandal that caused the suicide of a British nurse has just been named “Best DJ” by his station.

1. “Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save petrol, take your next trip in kilometers.” 2. “Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.” 3. “You can find your way across the United States using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars.” 4. “You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” 5. “On a New York subway you get fined for

What a pathetic and distasteful attempt at publicity. If that is the best they can muster, why don’t the authorities take the station off the air? Shameful!

Corpus Cristi

This year, I shunned my local town and went over to La Laguna to see the sand and flower carpets of La Laguna. The streets were packed with tourists and residents alike and the carpets filled the streets.

permanently installed as they certainly add a lot of colour to the town. There are so many wonderful traditions in Tenerife … what a shame that the British don’t have a few more things happening back in Blighty. These occasions bring families and friends together and that feeling of togetherness is still very strong in La Laguna, despite the terrible state of Spain’s finances and employment situation.

A cow in Shropshire managed to get its head stuck in a tree. Shropshire’s fire and rescue team were brought in to get the animal out of its predicament.

her. She said, “I don’t want to be a grass, but I was pushed”.

60 Years On

The Queen’s 60th anniversary of her coronation went without a hitch apart from the announcement that she is to receive 5 million more this year. Now, five million pounds isn’t really a lot of money in the real scheme of things. As our head of state, this money doesn’t go into her pocket; it goes towards paying the royal household etc. etc. etc.

This recent rise means that Her Majesty is now costing approximately a penny a week for every man, woman and child in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. There are those who feel that she is a waste of money. Maybe they would like our head of state to live in a council flat in Lower Orpington and queue up for her money at the local Post Office. That would really make our country look like a joke across the world wouldn’t it. The problem with the British is that they love to whinge and whine and moan. The Australians saw through us years ago. They call us Whinging Poms and they are right. People moan about the BBC saying it costs too much.

Win An Mooooove Over Iou

People get up very early to start making the carpets and some of them are quite incredible. Many of the carpets are mainly made by children. It seems a shame that they can’t be

The poor cow just stood there, it didn’t beef about its situation. The fire brigade had to use a special harness and a crane to maneuver the bovine beauty out of her tree-house. Once rescued, the cow said that although the story of her plight was true, there was also a lot of bull being spread around about

spitting, but you can throw up for nothing.” 6. “If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill 7. “When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money”. 8. “Two great talkers will not travel far together.” – Spanish Proverb 9. “Why buy good luggage? You only use it when you travel.” 10. “Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.”

A game show on Tele-Madrid in mainland Spain owes many of its contestants thousands of euros. The game show is the Spanish version of countdown. It appears that the show, called “Cifras y Letras” hasn’t paid out any of its prizes

They moan about the Queen, saying that she costs too much. These two institutions are the envy of the world. Our royal family is a great draw for our country and the BBC produces some of the best television in the whole world. The trouble is, people only realize what they have got when it has gone. God Save the Queen and Long Live the BBC. They are probably the only two things left that are truly great about Great Britain.

since 2011. Some people are owed over 7,000 euros.

The TV Company doesn’t appear to be paying even the lower prizewinners. 50 contestants have set up a page on the internet to raise awareness of the situation. It appears that Telemadrid and the production company

are either giving the winners excuses or ignoring their telephone calls. The production company owes winnings to the winners of other game shows and has called a meeting of creditors to sort out their problems.. The only proof that people are owed money is in the recordings of the shows.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Beiber’s monkey giant asteroid misses rehomed In germany earth – By 3.6 million miles a GIant rock, named asteroid 1998 Qe2, capable of wiping out life across our planet, made its closest approach to earth at 9.59pm (BSt) last Friday although it kept a safe distance of 3.6 million miles, the 1.7-mile-long object is of great interest to astronomers.

Martin Archer, a space plasma physicist, warned that if the asteroid had struck, “it would certainly have implications for life on Earth on a global scale. It would flatten everything within 200 miles and cause damage within 1,000 miles, but a lot of dust would be released into the atmosphere, blocking

the Sun,” he said. “It could certainly cause extinction for certain species. This is by no means the closest nearEarth object we’ve seen. We had one a couple of months ago that was well within our geostationary satellites. We certainly don’t have to worry about this one at all.” Radar astronomer Lance Benner, who is based at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, said scientists hoped to take a series of high-resolution images of the asteroid as it sped past Earth. He said: “Whenever an asteroid approaches this closely, it provides an important scientific opportunity to study it in detail to understand its size, shape, rotation, surface features,

and what they can tell us about its origin. We will also use new radar measurements of the asteroid’s distance and velocity to improve our calculation of its orbit and compute its motion further into the future than we could otherwise.” Mr Archer said scientists were yet to discover every object that could one day pose a real risk to life on Earth. But, Alan Fitzsimmons, of the Astrophysics Research Centre at Queen’s University Belfast, said that asteroid strikes are rare: “Luckily objects of this size or larger only hit us about once every four million years,” he said. “Radar observations of 1998 QE2 will let us check it’s not coming near us for a long time to come.”

Question One: What was the surname of King Herny IV? Question two: What is skeet? Question three: By what name was the showman William Cody better


Question Four: What is the capital of Hungary? Question Five: At what time of year is a simnel cake usually eaten? Question Six: In what city is the famous Raffles Hotel? Question Seven: What type of food is Caerphilly? Question eight: What colour is a giraffe’s tongue? Question nine: What city in Australia is an anagram of inward? Question ten: Who Composed the Opera Don Giovanni? Question eleven: Which planet has a year that lasts 88 days? Question twelve: In which city is the Via Dolorosa?

MaLLy the monkey which belonged to Justin Bieber has finally settled in the Serengeti Park in hodenhagen in northern Germany after being reclaimed by authorities. he was seized by customs officers at Munich airport during the 19-year-old singer’s tour. the park owner said the monkey had settled in well so far.

Fabrizio Sepe said:”He is a very, very brave little monkey. He is very curious which has helped him to integrate here at the Serengeti Park because many animals normally remain in the transport box for three days at first. He came out straight away and jumped onto the carer’s head and was immediately curious about everything,” Canadian Bieber missed a deadline earlier this month to hand in the necessary paperwork to retrieve the capuchin monkey, so automatically became the property of German authorities. “We haven’t had any news

from Mr Bieber. We have only just announced where he is. We, and the federal office, didn’t want to do this earlier to protect the animal. His transportation here had to remain anonymous too to protect him. Until now we haven’t had any news but of course we are ready to give out any information if he is interested,” Mr Sepe said. Mally is just 23 weeks old and will have to remain quar-

antined for a further five weeks before the park owners can integrate him in with the other monkeys: “The fans can come and look at Mally. He will go into our capuchin monkey enclosure where there is a lovely island that is 40 metres long and 20 metres wide. It has lots of trees so it will be a bit of a game to try and recognise him and that will be the case in about five weeks,” he said.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard Yellow Water Lily

Although Tenerife can get very hot and dry and has very little in the way of natural freshwater ponds or streams, it is still possible for gardeners to have a pool or water garden. In fact several parks have ornamental ponds with water lilies, reeds and other aquatic plants. There is a surprising variety of wildlife that depends on freshwater living on the island. There are dragonflies, pond-skaters, water boatmen and two species of frog. A garden pond can become a home to these creatures. Some Tenerife gardening centres have their own pools and water garden sections, and these places should be able to help if you fancy setting up a garden pond of your own. It is possible to have a small fountain and to pump water to create a small stream or mini-waterfall. There are ready made moulded ponds and pool liners you can buy, as well as garden ornaments to give an individual look to your pond or water-feature.

Ponds And Water Gardens In Tenerife Water Lilies

Water Lettuce

Then there are the aquatic and bog-garden plants you will need to make your pond more natural. The Umbrella Sedge (Cyperus alternifolius) looks like a small papyrus reed. It is often grown as a poolside ornamental plant. It is very easy to propagate by simply dividing up a clump of the sedge or by snipping off the top of one of the umbrella-shaped flowering stalks and rooting it in water. Water lilies (Nymphaea species) really make a garden pool look traditional and add their own beauty. There are big ponds in the El Botánico botanical gardens in Puerto de la

Cruz that are covered with water lilies, and more lily pools in the Parque García Sanabria in the heart of Santa Cruz. Water lilies come in many attractive colours including pink, blue and yellow. A very popular floating plant that can be seen in both these parks is the Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes). It has velvety leaves that grow in rosettes that float on the water’s surface. This plant grows very rapidly and reproduces itself with runners that have baby plantlets on them. Water Lettuce can easily carpet a pond and will need to be controlled or you will get too much of it. Simply

but it is worth paying to enjoy the large ponds and the pathways of this very ornamental garden. You can expect to see black swans, ducks, Moorhens and plenty of fish. The Ethnographic Park, where the famous Pyramids of Güímar can be viewed, has opened a new section known as the Secret Garden. It contains many poisonous and me-

dicinal plants from around the world but also has an attractive pool and water garden. There is also a lily pool in the main part of the park where Egyptian Blue Water Lilies (Nymphaea caerulea) can be seen. Icod de los Vinos, famous for its legendary 1,000-year-old Dragon Tree, has a Butterfly Garden known as the Mariposario del Drago. There are pools with Koi Carp and terrapins hidden among the pathways and jungle of vegetation. The Parque del Drago, where the mighty Drago Milenario stands, also has ponds. In La Orotava is La Hijuela del Botanico botanic gardens with a large pool and aquatic plants.

Tenerife Parks And Gardens With Ponds

Besides El Botanico botanical gardens in Puerto de la Cruz and Parque García Sanabria in Santa Cruz, there are a number of other public gardens and parks where you will find ponds and water gardens. In the Parque Taoro part of Puerto de la Cruz you will find the Risco Bello Water Gardens. There is an admittance charge

pull it out and add to your compost heap or pass along to friends who might want it if they have pools of their own. There are no native species of freshwater fish found on the island except the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) that can be found in a stream in a ravine in Afur in the extreme north of Tenerife. However, Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) and Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) are often seen in reservoirs and the concrete water-tanks used on farms all over the island. These little fish don’t lay eggs but are live-bearers. They reproduce rapidly and really do help keep the mosquito population down by eating the larvae that live in stagnant water.

prinus carpio) is another very popular fish for the ornamental pool and some varieties can be very valuable and sought after. If you feel really adventurous why not try keeping species of tropical fish you can buy in the aquarium shop? Many types will survive in the subtropical temperatures outdoors here. Having a garden pond is great way of helping wildlife conservation and if you are hoping to attract frogs then maybe it is not a good idea to have fish because they will eat any tadpoles. There are two types of frog found on Tenerife, the larger Iberian Water Frog (Rana perezii) and the bright green Mediterranean or Stripeless Tree Frog (Hyla meriodonalis). The first of these two types I have seen in the lily pools in Parque Garcia Sanabria and also in a pond at Las Gangarras restaurant in Buzanada. The Mediterranean Tree Frog is much more common and often breeds in the reservoirs for farms and banana plantations. They can often be heard singing at night in spring and early summer, especially if it has been raining. Dragonflies are the easiest form of wildlife you are likely to attract. These magnificent insects fly around looking for any pools they can find to lay their eggs in. You are likely to get the large Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) with bright blue males and the Scarlet Darter (Crocothemis erythraea) which is red. A garden pool makes a very attractive feature and it is your very own little oasis!

Stripeless Tree Frog

Mosquito fish

Guppies and Mosquito Fish will do well in a garden pond and so will Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus). This latter species is yet another livebearer and is popular with tropical fish hobbyists because of its bright colours. Red Platies are often kept outdoors here too. In a pond they may get mistaken for little Goldfish (Carassius auratus), which is another freshwater fish than many people like to keep. The larger Koi Carp (Cy-

Scarlet Darter

Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

aquarius 20 January to 18 February

having fun could be your goal when the Moon conjuncts your ruler Uranus on Monday. Get ready to let the good times roll! A friend might ask you for a financial loan on Tuesday. if you agree, put the agreement in writing. You’ll get mixed signals from a lover on Friday. have an honest discussion if you aren’t sure of where you stand. Call on your common sense on saturday. Let logic lead the way in all circumstances.

Pisces 19 February to 20 March


Chris P Bacon Book Deal

When piglet Chris was born in Florida, a woman took him into Len Lucero’s veterinary office, assuming the animal would be put down. But when Dr Lucero noticed how the tiny pig pulled himself along with his front legs, he decided he could not go through with it and took him home.

Go slowly while doing an important task on Monday. You could make a costly mistake if you hurry. Life’s little frustrations could get you down on Tuesday. Remember that it isn’t wise to sweat the small stuff. You might deal with unfinished business from the past on Friday. Think about putting this matter finally to rest. stop being a couch potato when the Moon enters your zone of sport activities on sunday. Play golf, tennis, or volleyball this weekend.

aries 21 March to 19 April

Cheerfulness will be your middle name on Monday. Your upbeat mood will inspire others to smile! The temptation to overeat will be strong on Tuesday. stock up on low-calorie foods in case of a snack attack. it won’t be easy to separate fact from fiction when your ruler Mars squares Neptune on Friday. You could become embroiled in a confusing scenario. Create a new goal list on saturday. Don’t waste your time in pursuit of outdated ambitions.

taurus 20 April to 20 May

Your practical side will be on display when the Moon enters Taurus on Tuesday. You will listen to your head rather than your heart in all circumstances. You might come into a financial windfall on Thursday. Think about investing some of the extra cash. A lover will be eager to make future plans on Friday. if single, you could meet a very dependable new partner. A friend may relocate on sunday. Technology will help you to keep in touch.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

The boss will ask for your advice on Monday. Think carefully before opening your mouth! You could have a very prophetic dream on Tuesday. Write down your reveries for future reference. You might decide to take your life in a completely different direction when the New Moon takes place in Gemini on saturday. Walk on the road that makes you happy. Mingle with others on sunday. You might interact with someone who will become a lifelong friend.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

inspiration will be on tap when Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune on Monday. Follow your creative muse wherever it may lead. A loved one will resort to emotional blackmail on Tuesday. Don’t allow this person to manipulate you! A colleague may ask you to start a business partnership on Friday. Consider all of the pros and cons before saying yes. You might feel under a lot of pressure on saturday. Find a quiet place in which to unwind.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

You will be pulled in different directions on Tuesday, but you can only walk on one road at a time. share your thoughts and feelings with a companion on Thursday. This person wants to get closer! You might join a self-help group when Neptune turns retrograde in your transformation zone on Friday. Finding out what makes you tick will be a priority. Get ready to be the flavor of the moment on saturday. Your social calendar will fill up quickly this weekend.

Virgo 23 August to 22 september

You could become overly sensitive on Tuesday. Don’t imagine that others are ignoring you - they may just be busy. A loved one will require a helping hand on Wednesday. You’ll generate good karma if you offer assistance. Life will flow smoothly for you on Thursday. Problems will vanish as if by magic! Think outside the box regarding a particular matter when your ruler Mercury squares Uranus on saturday. The same old methods just won’t work any longer.

Libra 23 september to 23 October

industriousness is the key to your success on Tuesday. Putting in the extra effort will get your employer’s attention! Catch up on your personal accounting on Wednesday. Avoid late fees by paying bills on time. Your sense of personal power will activate when your ruler Venus trines saturn on Friday. You’ll be eager to take charge of your life. The urge to splurge will hit you on sunday. Leave your credit cards home before going out to shop.

Scorpio 24 October to 21 November

You’ll be on top of your game on Monday. No one will outsmart you. A health issue might need your attention on Tuesday. shore up your immune system by getting plenty of rest. An old flame might contact you when Neptune turns retrograde in your love zone on Friday. if you aren’t interested in reigniting the flames of passion, say so! You’ll feel caught between a rock and a hard place on saturday. Don’t worry. You’ll find wiggle room soon.

Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

Daydreaming will be your favorite activity on Monday. Look busy when the boss is watching! Your powers of perception will kick up a notch on Wednesday. Pay heed to your inner guide in all scenarios. A misunderstanding could arise with a family member on Friday. Try to look at the issue from this person’s viewpoint. Positive vibrations will surround you when the Moon conjuncts your ruler Jupiter on sunday. Capitalize on the favorable energy coming your way this weekend.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

Your living situation could alter suddenly on Monday. it’s possible a roommate might decide to move out. Don’t rush to judgment regarding a certain matter on Tuesday. You don’t have all the facts yet. A wonderful new work opportunity could appear on Thursday. if you’re unemployed, it’s a great time to schedule job interviews. A project may be put on hold when Mars is quincunx your ruler saturn on saturday. The timing isn’t right for this particular endeavor.

Dr Lucero built a wheelchair out of some of his son’s toys so the tint piglet could move around, and then found a dog-sized harness and cart: “Chris P Bacon was born with malformed hind legs,” Dr Lucero explained. “For most animals, this would lead to their ultimate demise. For Chris P Bacon, this is only the beginning of the rest of his life.” Chris found fame as a piglet when a YouTube video of him and his tiny wheelchair

went viral. Since then, he has mastered his wheels and also pigged out, and growing to a healthy 10kg. And now he has just landed himself a three-book publishing deal with Hay Books. He is a now a celebrity, he has his own website, http://www.chrispbacon.org, Twitter account, #ChrisPBaconPig, and Facebook page, Chris P Bacon Pig On Wheels and shares daily updates about his life.

P P PICK up a Penguin

PenGUInS were dressed up in traditional african dress to welcome around 50 leaders from the continent to Japan. Five of the african or black-footed penguins waddled, hopped and or were carried around yokohama’s hakkeijima Sea Paradise amusement park wearing the costumes.

Yuichi Yoshimoto, caretaker at the attraction, said he hoped the leaders, who were in Japan for the Tokyo International Conference on African Development, would get a chance to see the animals.

Local Markets Day



Monday Monday

Alcalá Torviscas

9:00 am to 4:00 pm 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday

Playa San Juan Fañabé Golf del Sur San Isidro Fañabé El Médano Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

pugh´s pantry


By Barry Pugh


Pate, Pate, Pate, there’s that many different flavours and variety’s kicking around where do I start? Simple – the basic Pate recipe. I love playing with the wonderful - versatile treat, and you can use all sorts to create your own wonderful version. I recommend you make this using a food processor however, if you prefer you can use a pestle and mortar for that rougher texture.

Basic Pate

Ingredients: 225 g chicken livers 100 g butter 1 tbsp. sweet sherry, Madeira, port or brandy Black pepper Method: Melt 40g of the butter in a frying pan and gently fry the livers over a moderate heat until browned on the outside but still pink in the middle. Tip the contents of the pan into a food processor, scraping out all the butter and brown frying residues. Add the alcohol and the remaining butter, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and blend together until smooth. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Transfer the pate to a serving dish or several small ramekins, smooth down and leave to set in the fridge. If you prefer melt a little bit more. Pour it evenly over the surface of the pate. The butter will solidify and prevent the pate from discolouring (due to oxidation) and will lengthen keeping time. Once the butter sets, cover the pate with plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight to set and develop the flavours. The pate can be stored for up to 5 days in the fridge. Serve with fresh hot toast and some chutney or if you’re feeling adventurous why not make some melba toast? Pugh’s tips and Tricks: I have to admit that I have given you a really basic recipe there – try experimenting. I always add a small finely chopped onion to the frying pan, and some herbs. A pinch of fresh sage works wonders or for the palate and also a few drops of double cream when blending it together for that extra smooth texture. Another classic favourite of mine is to add a few tablespoons of Cranberry sauce to it to give it a little sweeter texture. Don’t be shy – just play with it!

For my Vegetarian friends here’s a wonderful mushroom and cheese pate. It’s rich, smooth and full of flavour! Ingredients: 15g unsalted butter 5 large, flat mushrooms, about 225g, roughly chopped 1 large leek, trimmed and finely chopped 5 tablespoons half-fat crème fraîche 1 teaspoon English mustard Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg Ground black pepper 125g Cheddar or Lancashire cheese, crumbled Method: Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Add the mushrooms and leek, cover and cook over a medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the crème fraîche, mustard, nutmeg and some black pepper and cook, uncovered, for 5 minutes, until almost all the liquid has evaporated. Transfer the mixture to a blender or food processor, add the cheese, and purée in short bursts until smooth. Scrape the mixture into a bowl or four individual ramekin dishes and chill for at least 1 hour or overnight before serving . Have you got a special recipe to share with us? I always try to show our readers how easy it is to create really tasty economical food – if you have something you want for me to try and publish get in touch and I shall see what we can do! Email us at editor@tenerife-weekly.com


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


What’s a hink Pink you ask?

hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.

1. Smart award___________________________________________________________ 2. Sodium safe ___________________________________________________________ 3. Solar enjoyment _______________________________________________________ 4. Serpent dessert _______________________________________________________ 5. Sea lion cry ____________________________________________________________ 6. Large boat suggestion _________________________________________________ 7. Silent fighting _________________________________________________________ 8. Skinny adolescent ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Sniff, great _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Salmon plate ____________________________________________________________________________ 11. Sour beginning __________________________________________________________________________ 12. the boy’s test ___________________________________________________________________________ 13. tanned circuse entertainer ______________________________________________________________ 14. Store idiot_______________________________________________________________________________ 15. Stubby, tennis area ______________________________________________________________________



Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

motoring neWS


By lingy

Bentley motors

When you hear the word Bentley mentioned, luxury, excellence and heritage are words that come to mind. add British to that mix and you can see why it’s become such an iconic brand in the automotive industry since 1919, when it was founded by W.O. Bentley. Bentley has had its headquarters in Crewe, in the Cheshire countryside, for nearly 70 years. Sophistication hits you as soon as you walk up to the main entrance of the art deco building and I couldn’t help but notice some youngsters having their picture taken with a Bentley parked outside. This is a brand which actually does appeal to all ages. The facility started off making the Rolls-Royce Merlin aircraft engines, later moving

onto cars. It was interesting to learn that the exterior of the buildings were painted like terraced-houses during the Second World War to put the Germans off bombing it. Good thinking, as without it many models such as the R Type, Corniche, Mulsanne and the popular Continental wouldn’t have come off the production line. In these days of modern technology so many car designs are computer gener-

ated but Bentley still use the basics, and in their own words, all you need is ‘imagination and a pen’. From hundreds of sketches when designing a car, these are whittled down and black tape is used to make a fullsize drawing of a model (easy to take off and change). Who needs expensive design programmes when a wall and tape will suffice. A winning design is then made of clay and are so life like.

etc. Hybrid and fully-electric vehicles have more potent batteries and higher-voltage cables too. As such, in an ideal world the emergency worker would refer to a manufacturer rescue sheet that reveals the location of these parts. A motorist could therefore keep one behind (say) a sun visor. However, if it is missing the rescuer might have to find the information online which can be time consuming. The Mercedes-Benz Quick Response Sticker – which is a small barcode – contains the necessary facts and can be read by scanning it with a smartphone or tablet. Mercedes-Benz Quick Re-

sponse Stickers will be fitted throughout the range from this year (2013). There will therefore be two on every new car, one inside the fuel tank flap and the other on the passenger-side b-pillar. Why? Because the manufacturer has calculated that it is unlikely both these areas will be significantly damaged during a collision. The company can also retrofit Quick Response Stickers to some older vehicles – and printed rescue sheets are available for “all model series” from 1979. Pleasingly, the manufacturer has also waved its option to patent the concept so that other manufacturers can follow suit and save lives. The Quick Response Sticker Concept has other uses too. As such, It can be found in newspaper and magazine adverts. The reader – who might be interested in (say) low cost finance for a new vehicle - can therefore scan the barcode via a smartphone or tablet computer. He/ she could then be taken to a website that contains far more information than the printed advert. Quick Response Stickers are also used in manufacturing to track parts so the concept is extremely versatile. But surely its most worthwhile role is helping the emergency services save lives.

mercedes-Benz Qr Stickers

MeRCeDeS-BenZ hopes to help the emergency services rescue crash victims via its Quick Response Stickers (QR). But how? After a collision, a vehicle could be damaged in a manner that prevents the motorist escaping through the doors or windows. In this scenario, a rescue worker might require hydraulic cutters to create room to treat the victim and a means of escape. The problem is that the car probably contains components that if cut would endanger the rescuer and the victim. These include its: air-bags, battery, fuel tank, electrical cables and high-pressure cylinders,

more ‘Sombrero time’ for the Seat Leon

the new Seat Leon will be basking in more sunshine as it has now been officially launched in Mexico. the five-door Leon will go on sale in Mexico in June, with the SC following towards the end of 2013.

Both models will be built at the Barcelona Martorell production plant. In Mexico, Seat currently exports the three- and five-door versions of the Ibiza, the Altea XL and Altea Freetrack, the new Toledo and, to date, the second-generation Leon. The success of the Ibiza in Mexico is unprecedented, and Seat wants to repeat that success with the new Leon, more than 25,000 units of which have been sold in Europe in

less than six months. Edgar Estrada, head of Seat in Mexico said “we are delighted at the way the brand has been moving, we are confident that the strength of the new Leon will help us continue to grow in Mexico. Our commercial offer is renewed with the Leon, which enables enjoyment of the latest technology and offers great value for money.” This new model is a welcome boost to the market as it boasts a co2 rating of just 99g/km making it exempt from the annual vehicle excise duty plus the impressive 74.3mpg means there will be fewer trips to the fuel station. This third generation Seat Leon is stunning it has been completely redesigned from the ground up and is

packed with full high end technology. The exterior of the new Seat Leon has been brought up to date with full LED headlamps and boasts a 380 litre boot which is approximately forty litres more than its predecessor, there is also increased legroom due to the wheelbase being slightly longer which really does make a difference. Every Leon has a colour touchscreen which incorporates radio controls, Bluetooth connectivity plus a driver drowsiness detection function and an automatic lane keeping assistant. The interior has a clear light and uncluttered look with an unconventional and elegant dashboard with a two tone design that makes it appear to float in mid-air.

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Would you like to win 4 Carvery Meals and tickets to play Mini Golf at Vivo Decades treasure Island?

Then simply email your answer to the following question to: editor@tenerife-weekly.com please include your phone number. What car did John Thaw drive in the TV series inspector Morse.

The answer to last week’s competition is on page 3.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


7 June

Friday - TV 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:25 23:55

Breakfast Helicopter Heroes Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The Voice UK EastEnders The Voice UK BBC News at Ten The Graham Norton Show The Matt Lucas Awards Point Break

08:15 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:45 16:45 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:05

Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Antiques Roadshow Question Time BBC News The Daily Politics Animal Park Mastermind Nature’s Great Events Springwatch F1: Practice Fred Dibnah’s Made in Britain Flog It! Eggheads The Chef’s Protege Bill Bailey’s Jungle Hero Nature’s Microworlds Gardeners’ World The Time Traveller’s Guide to Elizabethan England QI Newsnight Later... with Jools Holland

06:00 Emmerdale 06:55 Animal Practice 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:30 Judge Judy 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Murder, She Wrote 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:05 Pie in the Sky 16:15 Duty Free 16:50 On the Buses 17:20 Man About the House 17:50 Heartbeat

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 Fool Britannia 21:00 The Break-Up 23:10 Celebrity Juice 23:55 Celebrity Juice 00:40 Lemon La Vida Loca 01:25 You’ve Been Framed! 01:50 Jeremy Kyle Show

18:55 19:55 22:00 23:05 00:05 02:00 02:50

Murder, She Wrote A Touch of Frost Scott and Bailey Law and Order: UK Ruth Rendell Mysteries Pie in the Sky Man About the House


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase

18:00 ITV News 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Britain’s Secret Homes 22:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35 French Open Tennis Highlights 00:00 Jackpot247 03:00 Columbo

06:00 07:00

The Professionals Police, Camera, Action! 07:30 Police, Camera, Action! 08:00 World’s Wildest Police Videos 09:00 Motorway Patrol 09:25 Minder 10:30 TT 2013 11:30 French Open Tennis 2013 John Inverdale presents live coverage of the Men’s semi-finals from Roland Garros as four remain in the race to win the second Grand Slam title of the season. 21:00 TT 2013 22:00 Cycling: Tour Series 23:00 Hell on Wheels 00:00 Dakar Rally 00:55 TT 2013 01:55 Minder 03:00 The Store

06:10 07:00 07:25 07:55 08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 12:55 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:35 00:30 00:35

06:00 07:10 08:10 08:35 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:20 00:00 01:00 01:40 02:20

The Hoobs Will and Grace According to Jim Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Come Dine with Me Kirstie’s Vintage Gems Knights of the Round Table Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Four Rooms Channel 4’s Comedy Gala 10 O’Clock Live Random Acts No Escape

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den The Gadget Show The Gadget Show Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Dragons’ Den Top Gear The Gadget Show The Gadget Show Top Gear Top Gear Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Dragons’ Den Top Gear Top Gear Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Top Gear QI XL The Thick of It Mock the Week QI XL Argumental Butchered Men Behaving Badly

06:00 Children’s TV 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 The Gadget Show 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Did We Land on the Moon? 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Mentalist 15:15 Elevator Girl 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:30 00:30

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00

19:00 19:30


00:00 01:30

Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 The Removal Men Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers World’s Scariest Plane Landings World’s Most Extreme Airports Ripped From the Cockpit: BA Flight of Terror Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ringside Cricket Pakistan take on the West Indies at the Oval in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. NBA Action Football The Republic of Ireland face the Faroe Islands at Aviva Stadium in this 2014 FIFA World Cup qualifier. Cricket Pakistan take on the West Indies at the Oval. International Football Cricket

19:00 21:00 21:45 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:15

F1: Grand Prix Practice Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Sweat the Small Stuff EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Sweat the Small Stuff

11:00 13:10 14:45 16:25

They Who Dare 7th Cavalry Gun Fury Rear Window


The Poseidon Adventure Saving Private Ryan Zebra Crossing Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

21:00 00:15 02:10

06:00 Aerobics: Oz Style 06:30 Thrillseekers -Aqua 07:00 European Under 21 Championship 09:00 Super League Superstars 09:30 IAAF Athletix Magazine 10:00 European Tour Golf 12:00 NBA 13:00 European Under 21 Championship 15:00 European Tour Golf 17:00 Ringside 18:00 NBA 19:00 BMX Supercross World Series 19:30 Rugby Super League 22:00 World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown 00:00 World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line 01:00 Rugby Super League 03:00 Tight Lines

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:15 13:00 14:00 15:00 17:00

19:10 19:20 19:30 20:20 21:10 22:00 22:20 00:30 01:55 02:00

06:00 06:10 08:35 11:55 13:00 13:35 15:25 15:55 16:25 17:00 17:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 23:45 02:20 03:00

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers BBC News BBC London News Bargain Hunt Homes Under the Hammer Total Wipeout Equestrian F1: Grand Prix Qualifying BBC News BBC London News Pointless The National Lottery: In It to Win It Casualty BBC News The Rock Westworld Weatherview BBC News

The Hot Desk Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records The Little Vampire You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! You’ve Been Framed! A Cinderella Story The Nutty Professor Britain’s Got More Talent Lemon La Vida Loca Terminator 2: Judgment Day Fake Reaction Teleshopping

07:15 08:40 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 14:55 16:10 17:10 18:10 19:00 19:30 22:00 00:00 01:00

Star of Midnight The Sky at Night A History of Scotland Reel History of Britain Nature’s Great Events Just a Minute The Chef’s Protege The Chef’s Protege The Chef’s Protege The Chef’s Protege The Chef’s Protege Coast F1: Grand Prix Practice Natural World Flog It! Don’t Panic! The Dad’s Army Story Dad’s Army Rugby Union History of the Eagles California Comes to the Whistle Test Honeydripper

06:00 On the Buses 06:25 On the Buses 06:55 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 07:55 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 08:55 The Return of Sherlock Holmes 10:00 The Royal 11:00 The Royal 12:00 Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For 13:55 Rosemary and Thyme 14:55 Rosemary and Thyme 16:00 Foyle’s War 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:35 01:00 01:55 02:20 02:30

Lewis Agatha Christie’s Marple Blue Murder Wire in the Blood Cracker On the Buses ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping


8 June th

06:00 06:25 06:40 07:05 07:20 07:35 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 11:30 12:30 13:30

Special Agent Oso The Hive Dino Dan Canimals Almost Naked Animals Ultimate Spider-Man Jessie ITV News Dinner Date Jeremy Kyle Show Murder, She Wrote ITV News Saturday Farm All Star Mr and Mrs French Open Tennis 2013

18:00 ITV News 18:30 You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 19:30 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 The Americans 22:50 ITV News and Weather 23:10 French Open Tennis Highlights 00:10 Jackpot247

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:25 12:30

The Professionals Minder Cycling: Tour Series TT 2013 Motorsport UK DTM: German Touring Car Highlights World Rally Championship Highlights French Open Tennis 2013

19:00 Minder 20:00 The Sweeney 21:00 Hell on Wheels 22:00 The Game of Death 00:05 Breakout 01:05 Police, Camera, Action! 01:35 The Big Match Revisited 02:40 Film File 02:50 ITV4 Nightscreen 03:00 The Store

06:10 07:05 07:30 08:00 09:00

The Hoobs British F3 Mobil 1 The Grid The Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Heston’s Fantastical Food Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me

09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:25 11:55 12:30 13:35 16:10 16:40 17:10 17:40

06:00 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:40 10:00 10:35 10:55 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:55 15:45 16:40

Children’s TV Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Power Rangers: Super Samurai ThunderCats Inside Hollywood World’s Scariest Plane Landings Cowboy Builders Cowboy Builders CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: NY Charlie and the Chocolate Factory NCIS NCIS NCIS 5 News Weekend International Boxing Neighbours

18:15 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:00 The World’s Weirdest Weather 20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 The Ghost 23:35 The Others

19:00 19:50 20:40 21:20 21:30

06:00 07:20 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00

Home Shopping Driving Wars Top Gear Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear

18:00 19:00 19:30 20:10

Total Wipeout USA Storage Hunters QI Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out Men Behaving Badly Men Behaving Badly

06:00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 06:30 ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Pakistan take on the West Indies at the Oval. 08:30 Cricket A.M 10:00 ICC Champions Trophy England face Australia at Edgbaston in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. 19:00 UK Open Darts Day three of the 2013 Speedy Services UK Open from Bolton’s Reebok Stadium. 23:00 British and Irish Lions Tour 00:00 International Rugby Union 02:15 Football Gold 02:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 03:00 British and Irish Lions Tour

21:00 21:40 22:20 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:00 01:40 02:20


19:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:55 00:40 01:25 02:20 02:50

11:00 13:00 14:50 16:35

The Voice UK The Voice UK Russell Howard’s Good News Pretty Woman Family Guy American Dad! Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents The Hoff’s Best Action Film Ever! Russell Howard’s Good News

Damn the Defiant! Carpool Carry on Constable The Spiderwick Chronicles

18:25 21:00 23:15 01:15

A Knight’s Tale Boomerang Jennifer’s Body Jackass: Number Two

06:00 07:00 08:00 10:30

Transworld Sport Ringside Rugby Union British and Irish Lions Tour Rugby Union Football Gold Football’s Greatest European Under 21 Championship England take on Norway at HaMoshava Stadium.

13:30 15:55 16:00 16:30

19:15 European Under 21 Championship Italy take on Israel at Bloomfield Stadium. 22:00 Cricket England face Australia at Edgbaston. 00:00 European Under 21 Championship 01:00 European Under 21 Championship 02:00 NBA Action 02:30 Transworld Sport

Britain’s Got Talent - Live Final Editor Recommends iTV 1 - 19:30 - 22:00

the Live Final. ant and Dec present the live Britain’s Got talent final as the eleven remaining hopefuls - including a wildcard act chosen by the judges - perform for their chance to be crowned 2013 champion. At stake is a cool 250,000 pounds, not forgetting the sought-after slot at this year’s Royal Variety Performance. Judges Simon Cowell, Alesha Dixon, Amanda Holden and David Walliams will be as opinionated as ever, but the final decision is made by the voting public alone. After the hundreds were whittled down to 45,

the final 10 contestants to go on to compete for the Britain’s Got Talent crown have been announced. A sexy impressionist, a pair of singing brothers, and some controversial young entrants have all made the cut and will battle it out next week for a chance to appear before HRH The Queen in the annual Royal Variety performance. If you’ve missed out who made it, we’ve collected them together for you now. The 10 finalists are:- Richard & Adam, Arisxandra, Jack Carroll, Gabz, Luminites, Pre Skool, Francine Lewis, Asanda, Attraction, Jordan O’Keefe. Which performance will clinch the title this year?


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


9 June

Sunday - TV

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:10 14:10 15:10 15:25

16:25 17:00 18:00 18:10 18:15 21:10 22:10 22:25 22:35 23:05 23:35 01:25

06:00 06:10 09:20 11:50 13:45 16:20 17:25 19:10 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:50 00:50 01:40 02:30 02:55

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Sunday Politics Countryfile Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Points of View The People’s Coronation with David Dimbleby Songs of Praise Countryfile BBC News BBC London News F1: Grand Prix D-Day: The Last Heroes BBC News BBC London News Have I Got Old News for You Live at the Apollo Man of the Year Weatherview

The Hot Desk Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus America’s Got Talent Britain’s Got Talent Britain’s Got More Talent Robots Johnny English Britain’s Got More Talent The Only Way is Essex Big Rich Texas Piers Morgan’s Life Stories Britain’s Got More Talent 71 Degrees North Life’s Funniest Moments Teleshopping

08:15 08:45 09:30 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:35 14:25 16:00 17:30 18:15 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:40 00:10 00:40

06:00 06:55 07:55 09:45 10:45 11:45 14:00 16:00 18:00

20:00 21:00 00:00 02:00 02:55

Gardeners’ World A to Z of TV Gardening Beechgrove Garden Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Chinese Food Made Easy What to Eat Now EastEnders I Confess Boxing Flog It! Antiques Road Trip Peter Jones Meets... Operation Snow Tiger Rise of the Continents Blackadder II History of theEagles In Concert What a Load of Buzzcocks The People’s Coronation with David Dimbleby

On the Buses Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For Heartbeat Heartbeat Inspector Morse Lewis Housewife 49 Agatha Christie’s Marple When Tommy and Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her nursing home, Tuppence is concerned by some odd behaviour of the staff and residents. All the Queen’s Men with Alan Titchmarsh The Pianist A Touch of Frost Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime Film File


06:00 06:25 06:40 07:05 07:20 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 11:30 13:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 22:00 22:15 23:45 00:15

06:00 06:25 07:10 08:10 09:15 11:30 18:00

20:00 21:00 22:30 00:30 01:20 01:50 02:50

Special Agent Oso The Hive Dino Dan Canimals Almost Naked Animals Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sonny with a Chance ITV News Country House Sunday Jeremy Kyle Show Murder, She Wrote ITV News Columbo French Open Tennis 2013

06:00 06:10

ITV News Tipping Point Agatha Christie’s Poirot ITV News French Open Tennis Highlights The Unforgettable... The Store

18:15 18:20

Motorway Patrol World’s Wildest Police Videos Minder The Sweeney Lonely are the Brave MSA British Touring Car Championship French Open Tennis 2013 John Inverdale presents live coverage of the Men’s Final from Roland Garros as the last two go headto head. Minder Joey: The Man Who Conquered the TT Nighthawks World’s Wildest Police Videos Sports Mash: Taking the Mic Minder ITV4 Nightscreen


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 hours 22 Euros

07:05 07:30 08:30 09:00 09:30 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:45 16:50 17:50

20:00 21:00 22:10 00:20 02:15 03:00

06:00 07:00 07:25 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:40 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:40 18:20 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:50 00:50 01:50 02:40

The Treacle People Blancpain Endurance Series Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons The Brady Bunch Movie Come Dine with Me Deal or No Deal Channel 4 News

06:00 08:35 08:45 09:00

The Political Slot Ice Age: The Meltdown Terror in the Skies The Returned Law Abiding Citizen Funny Games St. Elsewhere Deal or No Deal

14:50 16:35

Home Shopping Carpool Total Wipeout USA Top Gear Man v Food Total Wipeout USA Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI Man v Food Top Gear Have I Got News for You QI QI Man v Food Man v Food QI XL QI XL QI XL Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums QI XL QI XL QI XL Rex the Runt

09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:35 11:00 11:05 12:05 13:10

18:15 20:00 20:55 21:00 23:40 01:55

06:00 06:30

08:30 10:00


23:00 23:30 23:45 00:00 01:00 01:30

Children’s TV Hana’s Helpline Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Power Rangers: Super Samurai ThunderCats Inside Hollywood Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers Police Interceptors Police Academy 3: Back in Training Cop and ½ Doctor Dolittle 2 Fairy Tale: A True Story Once Upon a Time 5 News Weekend The Next Three Days 3.10 to Yuma Super Casino

Football’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy Cricket England face Australia at Edgbaston. Cricket Writers on TV Cricket Sri Lanka take on New Zealand at the SWALEC Stadium in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. UK Open Darts Day four of the 2013 Speedy Services UK Open from Bolton’s Reebok Stadium. Netbusters Football Gold Football Gold Super League Fulltime Super Rugby NBA Finals

19:00 Snog, Marry, Avoid? 19:30 Great Movie Mistakes 19:40 Madagascar 21:00 Bollywood Carmen Live 22:00 Family Guy 22:45 American Dad! 23:30 Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 00:15 The Call Centre 01:15 F1: Grand Prix

11:00 13:00 15:15 17:05 18:50

21:00 23:15

Broken Arrow Take the Lead City of Ember The Addams Family Values Jewel of the Nile Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner are reunited in Lewis Teague’s comedy action-adventure. Appaloosa Changing Lanes

06:00 European Under 21 Championship 07:00 European Under 21 Championship 08:00 WWE Vintage Collection 09:00 WWE Afterburn 10:00 BMX Supercross World Series 10:30 NBA Action 11:00 European Under 21 Championship 12:00 European Under 21 Championship 13:00 UK Open Darts 16:55 European Under 21 Championship 19:15 European Under 21 Championship 22:00 Cricket 00:00 European Under 21 Championship 01:00 European Under 21 Championship 02:00 Netbusters 02:30 Football’s Greatest

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


M o n d ay - T V 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:25

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Fake Britain EastEnders Panorama D-Day: The Last Heroes BBC News at Ten Helicopter Rescue The Graham Norton Show

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00 Coyote Ugly 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 The Only Way is Essex 00:30 Britain’s Got More Talent

07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 01:00 01:45

10 J u n e th

Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Coast Country Show Cook Off Click BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Springwatch The Fall What a Load of Buzzcocks Newsnight The Tudors The Super League Show Keeping Britain Alive: The NHS in a Day

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Film File 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Duty Free 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House 17:55 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:05 02:00

Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Marple Trial and Retribution Law and Order: UK Murder in Suburbia The Father Dowling Mysteries ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:05 00:00 03:00

06:00 06:15 07:05 08:00 09:00 09:55 10:55 11:55 13:00 13:55 14:55 15:55 17:00 18:00 20:00 22:00

01:15 01:45

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Dales Coronation Street Vicious The Job Lot ITV News at Ten and Weather Benidorm Monk Jackpot247 Jeremy Kyle Show

World of Sport The Professionals The Saint Police, Camera, Action! World’s Wildest Police Videos The Big Match Revisited The Saint The Professionals World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! Wildlife Patrol Imploders The Professionals TT 2013 Lonesome Dove The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Police, Camera, Action! Minder

06:00 09:00 10:00

Children’s TV Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Kirstie’s Vintage Gems The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Food Unwrapped Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Dates Random Acts Channel 4’s Comedy Gala This is England ‘88

11:00 12:05 12:35 12:45 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 22:40 01:15

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:15

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Fifth Gear Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Dragons’ Den Top Gear The Gadget Show Top Gear Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Dragons’ Den Top Gear Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Top Gear Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News

helicopter Rescue BBC 1 - 22:35 - 22:25 With the much-loved Sea King helicopters due to depart from UK skies in 2016, this two-part series captures thrilling rescue footage and real-life drama as it follows the working lives of RaF Search and Rescue crews patrolling Wales. Among them is Prince William - HRH The Duke of Cambridge, or Flight Lieutenant Wales as he is known in the RAF, as he and his colleagues respond to callouts in dramatic locations in North Wales.


From mountainside to hospital bedside, the series captures the unfolding drama as the iconic yellow Sea King helicopters answer cries for help all over the country. In this first episode, Flt Lt Wales flies the Sea King to rescue a young boy injured in a North Wales quarry; in atrocious weather, winchman Ed Griffiths rescues four students stranded on a cliff-edge in a wintry Snowdonia; and, in an emotional reunion at RAF Valley, a young girl meets her rescuers almost a year after her horrific car crash in Mid Wales.

06:00 Children’s TV 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:15 Cowboy Builders 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 The Restaurant Inspector 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:10 Over the Edge 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:45 23:40 00:35 01:05

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 11:30 12:30


22:30 23:30 00:30 02:30

Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways The Gadget Show Legend Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Law and Order: Special Victims Unit True Crimes: The First 72 Hours Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Sporting Greats Cricket NBA Cricket Pakistan entertain South Africa at Edgbaston in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. USA Open Official Film A look back at the 2010 US Open at Pebble Beach Golf Links. Golden Moments of European Football Soccer A.M. The Best Bits Cricket Soccer A.M. The Best Bits

19:00 19:10 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30

11:00 13:05 14:55 16:55 19:05 21:00 23:15 00:55

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 18:00 18:30 19:30 22:00 22:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00

Great Movie Mistakes Merlin Bollywood Carmen Live Live at the Apollo The Hoff’s Best Horror Film Ever! EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! The Hoff’s Best Horror Film Ever!

An American Guerrilla in the Philippines Footsteps in the Fog Calamity Jane Donovan’s Reef The Truman Show Kiss the Girls The Woman in the Fifth Talk to Her

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua European Under 21 Championship European Under 21 Championship PGA Tour Golf European Seniors Tour Golf European Under 21 Championship European Under 21 Championship PGA Tour Golf Sporting Greats NBA Rugby League Great Goals Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf USA Open Official Film PGA Tour Classic PGA Tour Golf USA Open Official Film

Editor Recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


11 J u n e

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Holby City Frankie BBC News at Ten Agnetha: Abba and After Jersey Girl

06:05 07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 01:05 02:05

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Watchdog Paul Hollywood’s Bread HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Springwatch Town with Nicholas Crane A Culture Show Special Newsnight The Tudors The Apprentice Alex Polizzi The Fixer Returns

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Coronation Street 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Film File 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Duty Free 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House 17:55 Heartbeat

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00 Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 The Magaluf Weekender 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:45 Lemon La Vida Loca

19:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Foyle’s War 22:00 Trial and Retribution 23:00 Law and Order: UK 00:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 01:50 Film File 02:00 ITV3 Nightscreen 02:30 Teleshopping


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:20 03:00

06:00 06:10 07:00 07:55 08:55 10:00 10:55 11:55 12:55 13:25 14:25 15:25 16:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale River Monsters Animal Heroes Dirty Britain ITV News at Ten and Weather Real Crime In Plain Sight Jackpot247 Loose Women

World of Sport The Professionals Minder The Saint The Big Match Revisited World’s Wildest Police Videos The Sweeney The Professionals Police, Camera, Action! TT 2013 TT 2013 Motorsport UK British Touring Car Championships Highlights Minder Cheers Lonesome Dove Hell on Wheels Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Richard Bacon’s Beer and Pizza Club

07:55 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 12:50 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:35 23:40

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20 00:00 01:00 01:40 02:20

Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Kirstie’s Vintage Gems The Man Who Knew Too Much Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Embarrassing Bodies Child Genius Dates Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Random Acts Human Swarm

06:00 09:00 09:15 11:10

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Fifth Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Top Gear The Gadget Show Top Gear Top Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Dragons’ Den Top Gear


Top Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Mock the Week QI Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Mock the Week QI Men Behaving Badly

12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30

Children’s TV Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 5 News Lunchtime The Restaurant Inspector Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Elevator Girl 5 News at 5 Neighbours

18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 Monkey Life 19:30 Highland Emergency 20:00 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Body of Proof 22:55 CSI: Miami 23:50 CSI: Miami 00:45 True Crimes: The First 72 Hours

07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00

19:00 19:15 19:30

21:30 22:30 22:45 23:00 01:00

19:00 The Apprentice 20:00 Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00 The Call Centre 22:00 Sweat the Small Stuff 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:30 The Call Centre 01:30 Sweat the Small Stuff 02:00 The Hoff’s Best Horror Film Ever!

11:00 13:35 15:30 17:15

Ice Cold in Alex Gunman’s Walk The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel The Mark of Zorro

19:05 City of Ember 21:00 The Brave One 23:20 Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem 01:10 The Warlords

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans USA Open Official Film Cricket India face the West Indies at the Oval in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. Football Gold Football Gold

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00

Elite League Speedway Somerset Rebels take on Edinburgh Monarchs at the Oaktree Arena. British and Irish Lions Tour Football Gold Football Gold Cricket Football Asia

20:00 Cricket 22:00 European Under 21 Championship 23:00 European Under 21 Championship 00:00 British and Irish Lions Tour 01:00 Super League Backchat 01:30 Sporting Greats 02:00 Premier League Poker

10:00 13:15 14:15 14:30 16:00 16:30

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers -Aqua WWE Afterburn PGA Tour Golf British Rally Championships British and Irish Lions Tour USA Open Official Film Football Gold Rugby Super League Football’s Greatest European Under 21 Championship

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 00:05

Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Panorama Watchdog The Apprentice BBC News at Ten A Question of Sport Life Savers The Last Shot

06:00 07:00 07:30 08:15 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 01:00 02:00 05:00

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Great Bear Stakeout Monty Don’s French Gardens BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Father Brown Springwatch Springwatch The Iraq War The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Newsnight The Tudors Toughest Place to be a... This is BBC Two True Stories

07:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Judge Judy 09:05 The Only Way is Essex 10:35 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:35 The Millionaire Matchmaker 12:30 Emmerdale 13:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 14:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of Atlanta 17:05 The Millionaire Matchmaker

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Murder, She Wrote 11:00 Murder, She Wrote 12:00 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:00 Heartbeat 14:00 The Royal 15:00 Pie in the Sky 16:10 Duty Free 16:40 Barbara 17:15 Man About the House 17:50 Heartbeat

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 21:00 Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 The Only Way is Essex 22:50 Big Rich Texas 23:50 Celebrity Juice 00:35 America’s Got Talent

18:50 19:50 21:00 22:00 23:40 00:40 01:40 02:05

Murder, She Wrote The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Elizabeth II: The Diplomat Queen Wire in the Blood Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky On the Buses ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00

12 J u n e th

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase

18:00 ITV News 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street 20:00 All Star Mr and Mrs 21:00 Love and Marriage 22:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Joanna Lumley’s Nile 23:35 The Dales 00:05 Jackpot247 03:00 British Touring Car Championships Highlights

06:00 06:15 07:05 07:55 08:25 08:55 09:55 10:55 11:25 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:55 15:55 16:55 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:05 02:05 03:00

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Saint The Sweeney Highway Patrol Highway Patrol The Professionals Minder World’s Wildest Police Videos The Saint The Sweeney The Professionals Minder Cheers Cheers The Unrideables The Motorbike Show Cycling: Tour Series The Game of Death The Professionals Minder The Store

06:05 08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 12:50 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:30 23:35

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:50 21:50 22:30 23:30 00:25 01:25 02:05 02:35

BBC 2 - 21:00 - 22:00

Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tells how he and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made Iraq’s previous Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafaari step down. Stephen Hadley, US National Security Adviser, de-

Children’s TV Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course Kirstie’s Vintage Gems The Sons of Katie Elder Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me

06:00 08:35

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location 24 Hours in A and E Dates 10 O’Clock Live Random Acts Super Tornado

18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Storage Hunters Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Top Gear Storage Hunters Top Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Storage Hunters Top Gear


Top Gear QI XL Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Have I Got a Bit More News for You Would I Lie to You? QI XL Russell Howard’s Good News Extra Have I Got a Bit More News for You Argumental Men Behaving Badly Carpool

The iraq War ‘It’s hell Mr President’, the last instalment of this three-part series, brings the Iraq story up to date. Speaking to controversial Iraqi Prime Minister nouri Maliki, the programme shows why Iraq now faces its worst sectarian violence in five years.


scribes how the US helped to choose Nouri Maliki as Prime Minister for Iraq in 2006. The programme shows what the decision to appoint him has meant for Iraq in the years since. Sectarian violence was rife and Meghan O’Sullivan, Adviser on Iraq to President Bush, describes how she helped persuade him that a ‘surge’ of thousands of additional US troops was needed to stem the violence. General David Petraeus, Commander of Coalition Forces, describes how he had to talk Prime Minister Maliki into taking action against the Shia militias who dominated some of the ministries in his government.

08:45 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:10 17:00 17:30

21:00 22:00 23:00

07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00

19:00 19:30 21:30 22:00 23:00 01:00 01:30 02:30

Children’s TV Roary the Racing Car Milkshake Monkey Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Cowboy Builders 5 News Lunchtime The Restaurant Inspector Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Winter Solstice 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News at 6.30 Frontline Police William and Kate: Baby Makes Three NCIS Murder Files: The Sketchbook Killer Crimes That Shook the World

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans USA Open Official Film Cricket Australia take on New Zealand at Edgbaston in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. FIFA Futbol Mundial Elite League Speedway Total Rugby Sporting Heroes Cricket FIFA Futbol Mundial Sporting Heroes Soccer A.M. The Best Bits

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:50 23:10 23:30 23:55 00:15 00:45 01:15 02:15

Free Speech The Call Centre Con Air Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Live at the Apollo Live at the Apollo The Call Centre Free Speech

11:00 12:40

Gun Fury One of Our Aircraft is Missing Rear Window Storm over the Nile

14:45 17:00

19:10 21:00 23:30 02:10

The Spiderwick Chronicles Runaway Jury Gozu Circle of Eight

06:00 Aerobics: Oz Style 06:30 Thrillseekers -Aqua 07:00 European Under 21 Championship 09:00 Football Asia 09:30 Super League Backchat 10:00 PGA Europro Tour Golf 12:00 Golfing World 12:30 Challenge Series Golf 13:00 USA Open Official Film 14:00 European Under 21 Championship 16:00 Football Gold 16:15 Football Gold 16:30 Football Gold 16:45 European Under 21 Championship 20:00 Cricket 22:00 European Under 21 Championship 00:00 Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 01:00 Elite League Speedway

Editor Recommends


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


13 J u n e

Thursday - TV

06:00 09:15


Breakfast Crimewatch Roadshow Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Escape to the Country Perfection Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless

18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35

BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Waterloo Road Life Savers BBC News at Ten Question Time This Week

06:00 06:25 06:55

Emmerdale Coronation Street Planet’s Funniest Animals Jeremy Kyle Show You’ve Been Framed! Judge Judy The Only Way is Essex Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Judge Judy Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Atlanta The Millionaire Matchmaker

10:00 11:00 11:30 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30

07:25 08:10 08:40 09:05 10:35 11:35 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:10 17:05

18:00 Jeremy Kyle Show 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 The Nutty Professor 22:00 Lemon La Vida Loca 22:50 Celebrity Juice 23:35 Fake Reaction

06:05 07:05 07:35 08:20 09:05 10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 18:30 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20 01:10 01:40

Homes Under the Hammer Robbed, Raided, Reunited Cowboy Trap Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth is Great Continental Railway Journeys Country Show Cook Off HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Tennis from Queen’s Eggheads Father Brown Antiques Road Trip Springwatch Horizon Mock the Week Newsnight The Tudors Panorama Frank Gardner’s Return to Saudi Arabia

06:00 Heartbeat 06:55 The Royal 08:00 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman 09:00 Ideal World 10:00 Film File 10:10 Murder, She Wrote 11:10 Murder, She Wrote 12:10 The Father Dowling Mysteries 13:10 Heartbeat 14:10 The Royal 15:10 Pie in the Sky 16:20 Duty Free 16:55 Barbara 17:25 Man About the House 17:55 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:05 02:00 02:30

Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Marple Taggart Law and Order: UK Pie in the Sky Murder, She Wrote ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 23:35 00:30 03:00

06:00 06:15 07:00 07:55 08:55 09:55 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 15:55 16:55 17:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 00:10 01:10 01:40 02:35 02:45 03:00


Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News May the Best House Win Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Chase

06:10 07:55

ITV News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Happy Families ITV News at Ten Vicious The Job Lot The Cube Jackpot247 Tonight

15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00

World of Sport The Professionals Minder Cheers The Saint World’s Wildest Police Videos The Sweeney The Professionals Cycling: Tour Series Police, Camera, Action! Imploders The Sweeney The Professionals Minder

06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00

Cheers Cheers Lonesome Dove Raw Deal The Professionals Sports Mash: Taking the Mic Minder Film File ITV4 Nightscreen The Store

08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:35 13:05

22:00 23:05 00:05

10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:30 00:05 01:05 01:45

Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Canada Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course River Cottage Veg Heroes King Solomon’s Mines Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Compare Your Life Confessions of an Alien Abductee Sex Toy Stories 24 Hours in A and E Random Acts

06:00 08:00

Home Shopping Dragons’ Den Fifth Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Dragons’ Den Top Gear The Gadget Show Top Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Dragons’ Den Top Gear Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Top Gear Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat


08:15 08:35 08:45 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:05 17:00 17:30

Children’s TV Fifi and the Flowertots Peppa Pig Roary the Racing Car Milkshake Monkey Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways 5 News Lunchtime The Removal Men Home and Away Neighbours CSI: NY Winter Solstice 5 News at 5 Neighbours

18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News at 6.30 19:00 The Hotel Inspector 21:00 Big Brother 22:30 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 23:30 Big Brother 00:00 Super Casino

07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30


22:30 23:00 23:30

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans USA Open Official Film Sporting Heroes Champions Tour Golf Total Rugby Cricket England face Sri Lanka at the Oval in the group stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. Ringside The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring. Barclays Premier League World IAAF Athletix Magazine Cricket

19:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:30 01:00

11:00 12:50 14:25 16:30 18:25

21:00 22:55

06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 14:00

00:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30

Athletics Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents Russell Howard’s Good News EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Sweat the Small Stuff

Alexandra 7th Cavalry Love Story The Bravados A Knight’s Tale In the film that made him a box office star, Heath Ledger plays Will Thatcher, a lowly squire who replaces his dead master. Unstoppable Street Kings

Aerobics: Oz Style Thrillseekers Aqua European Under 21 Championship European Under 21 Championship Boots ‘n’ All FEI Nations Cup Showjumping Elite League Speedway USA Open Official Film US Open Golf Day one of the US Open from Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Ringside IAAF Athletix Magazine Super League Superstars ATP Tour Uncovered Ringside


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013

Mercedes 500 SL

Mercedes 500 SL, 1990 (classic). Immaculate after recent respray, has to be seen. ITV until September. Reasonable offers considered....

620 532 238

Massage Table

Professional Massage Table....

7,995 € 632 092 358

Top loader washing machi

Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...

60000km 2008...

635 911 337

616 971 615

145 €

Gents Mountain Bike

House for rent

Berg gocart

Brand new lightweight aluminium framed mountain bike never used...

5 bed 5 bath house with pool jacuzzi gym and bar with pool table english tv very private with airconditioning and spectacular views. los menores, taucho...

Monaco peddle gocart -suitable ages 10 to 70. Cost new Euro 650.00 Telephone ...

200 € REF: 2904

BMW 320 cabrio

24,000 €


130 € 616 971 615

1,500 € 609 059 538

85 €

Harley Davidson Softail

Fridge Perfect Condition

Bedroom Furniture

Harley Davidson Softail Classic 2004 itv until 2015 Many extras...

Fridge "Candy" CF0155, inox in perfect condition, bought 06/09/2012 for 238,36 euros with original invoice...

These are old but heavy good quality, head boards, dressing table, mirror, two bedside cabinets and stool, good condition, selling due to resort changing f...

605 740 410

638 413 598

626 389 410

10,000 €

160 €

75 €


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Bird Cage

Display units

Yoostar 2 for xbox 360

Large Fridge Freezer


Bird Cage suitable for small birds such as Zebra Finch, Canaries etc. Each side is 60cm wide and the height is 1.9m. Two doors for feeding etc, 3 perches,...

10 large jewelry display units & 1 tall watch display unit excellent condition 50 euros each...

Youstar 2 at the movies sealed for xbox 360!! great for movie quizes in spanish!! still sealed!! great game contact me on tenebay!!...

Large corbero fridge freezer, height 170cm, width 70cm, depth 63cm, works perfectly , but a bit cosmetically challenged, hence price....

Nails with zoe at great discount prices for times available please call the salon Zoe is Cloud Nines junior technician and is now doing some beautiful nai...

607 583 977

672 519 970

664 442 161

672 519 970

922 753 286

150 €

50 €

10 €

80 €

NS1000M speakers

3 bedroom Apartment

A hard wearing , robust and very comfortable BCD, It also looks the business. perfect for novice or pro diver. Owned by a rescue diver so has been very we...

Two floor standing Yamaha speakers with stands, 90 watts, 8 OHMs, height 71cm, width 39.5 cm, depth 35cm, ebony casing...

Reduced 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for sale in the quiet residential complex of Edificio Aulaga in the quiet town of Fañabe Alto. The apartment comes...

Brand new three seater sofa in a cream fabric, with wooden legs. Length - 230cm Depth - 80cm Height - with legs -78cm...

A selection on modern mirrors and pictures all in great condition and would look great in any setting...

922 741 790

922 708 204


922 716 679

922 727 155

175 €

200 €

135,000 €

Brand New 3 Seater Sofa

15 €

Subacqua Silvertech BCD

650 €

12/2006 Ford Focus Trend

Mercedes Benz Sprinter 3

Bread Maker

For sale !!!! Ford focus 1.6 trend registered dec 2006. Silver. 82,000km. Air con, cd player, electric windows & side mirrors, power steering etc...... 4...

MERCEDES-BENZ Sprinter 311 CDI Medium-low 3.5T, 2150 cm3, Blue, 2006/10, 217k km, Side airbag driver and passenger, Air conditioning TEMPMATIK, six-speed ...

Nearly new bread machine, complete and in box with its instructions and recipes...

25% Share of small Moored atlas Galletas...


634 346 476

REF: 2906

664 646 658

4,600 €

10,500 €

10 €

Audi A5 2.7 Sportline

Boat for sale

30 €

Various mirrors & pictur


1,500 €

Audi A5 2.7 Sportline, Diesel 2008, 142,000Km, White, Mint condition...

673 041 864

17,495 €

Portable air cooler

Washing Machine

Kitchen Units

Dining suite & sideboard

Pull Up machine

Portable evaporative air cooler, humidifier, and fan for cooling and humidifying, Uses water to cool the air, directional louvers for even distribution of ...

Washing machine for sale, good condition, excellent working order 135 euros can deliver ...

Wood effect kitchen units, reasonable condition. Base units 2.5m run, including oven housing, sink unit and drawers. Wall units 1.1m run including plate dr...

Extending dining table in black wood, with 4 matching chairs upholstered in cream velour. The dining table has two additional leafs so that it can be exten...

Pull up machine for sale perfect for home use or for a gym ...

674 948 505

635 911 337

672 966 709

922 748 047

REF: 2901

40 €

135 €

One bedroom apartment

Catering equipment

Corner apartment on a complex with three pools in Costa Del Silencio. Will be sold on a private contract with the original owner of the apartment, who has ...

Restaurant closing down. Everything must go from tables,chairs, commercial dishwasher to ovens and fridges. Please call ...

922 708 204


35,000 €


100 €

195 €

50 €

Beach Shelter

Citroen Berlingo XTR

New stainless steal single bowl franke sink, 935 mm x 485 mm....

Beach Shelter. Ideal protection from wind and sun. Made from durable, UV-resistant and water-repellant polyester fibre. Easy to transport in it own pr...

2010 Citroen Berlingo XTR 1.6 HDI 92hp, Full service history. Alloys, air conditioning, electric folding mirrors, rear sensor parking etc. ITV August 20...

672 519 970

632 092 358

REF: 2693

Franke Sink

100 €

15 €

10,700 €


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Massage Business





Massage Business for Sale suitable on self employed basis fully legal renting area around pool on a yearly basis contract with hotel las americas location,...

A photographer of over 20 years experience, who understands your need for top quality friendly service for all occasions, contact anytime to discuss your ideas.

Website dedicated to the entertainment scene in Tenerife. Where to go & what to do, with maps and directions.

We have been providing services and IT products in Tenerife since 2007. We register, host and develop custom built web solutions.

Idea second hand furniture , we sell a selection of quality second hand furniture, designer clothing , normal clothing for every day use.

634 373 879

685 444 201

922 703 126

922 176 592

605 293 263

3,000 €

classified adverts - call - 627 686 830 Authorised Telecommunications Installer Nº 7902 For all your satellite TV requirements call ELECTROSAT TV S.L, we specialise in: • Community integral Maintenance Contracts for same day assistance • Repairing/Upgrading all satellite TV installations • QPSK-COFDM Digital to Digital Modulators • Italian TIVU sat, French TNT, Multilanguages • Swedish SVT Connova • After-sales 2 year Guarantee • Community Computer Network • Community WIFI & ADSL Network

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Tel/Fax: 922 722 227 Mobile: 670 277 772

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WELDER Tony Rippon Contact Tony on: 609 69 19 37

Fully Legal Based in Tenerife for 25 years

Security Grills, Bar Fittings, Ornamental Gates


€ 4,795 Hyundai i10 - 2008

€ 1,995 Citroen Saxo - 2003

Finance Available Guarantee and Document Transfer Included We buy Cars for CASH Behind Iceland Las Chafiras

€ 3,795 Citroen C3 - 2004

€ 3,495 Citroen C2 - 2006 Dec


All Fabrication Work Undertaken

€ 3,995 Seat Ibiza - 2005

€ 2,800 - 1999 Smart Fortwo Limited


€ 7,900 - 2005 Volkswagen Beetle

€ 3,495 Fiat Punto - 2005

TEL: 922 703 376 - 629 140 406


English Sales Reps If you would like to work in a positive sales team, at one of Tenerife best located resorts. Brilliant commision plus daily spiff. We are looking for English Reps. Contact Lena Jorgensen by email: lenasandandsea@hotmail.com or phone Mark 658 314 498

Leo’s Cafe Bar

Located in one of the best positions in the Apolo Centre this busy Cafe Bar is being offered for Trespaso. There are 20 tables outside with 4 inside, there is currently Live Music on Sunday’s but this could be increased by the new tenant. The monthly rent is € 1,300 and the trespaso is being offered for € 70,000 O.N.O

Call: 922 78 99 06 or 661 02 86 53

THE BEAUTY SPOT Completely legal with opening licence. Long established fully fitted Hairdressing/ Beauty Salon for rent in Costa del Silencio. Available immediately.

Contact: 629 487 090 air conditioning & electrical

Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013 classified adverts - call - 627 686 830




Long Term Rental From Just € 230 per month Insurance and maintenance Included No Finance Necessary TEL: 922 738 410 cleaning

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Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


marriage made In Heaven?

mourinho Joins abramovich for round 2 JOSe Mourinho marked his return to Chelsea by remarking that the time was right for him and the club to “marry again”. It was classic Mourinho, demonstrating that whatever has happened in the last six years he has not lost his ear for a soundbite.

The statement evokes the love of the fans, something that is not in question judging by the mood on the Fulham Road on Monday. But it also paints a deceptively romantic picture of the circumstances that led to the unlikely reunion between Mourinho and Roman Abramovich. Far from being a tale of starcrossed lovers this is a case of cold pragmatism driven by the intersecting ambitions of two men driven by a craving for success. Mourinho and Abramovich parted on very bad terms six years ago, the owner considering that £18m was compensation well worth paying to remove his manager after three trophy-laden years. The owner had tired of Mourinho’s antics and became immune to his charm amid the constant agitation for more players and resentment at Abramovich’s attempts to establish a structure around him. For his part Mourinho wanted the freedom that brought success to Stamford Bridge and, once denied, the pout and the sneer replaced the smile that had illuminated scores of

media briefings. Putting the messiest of divorces behind them has not come easy. Abramovich tried very hard not to appoint Mourinho, instead courting Pep Guardiola for more than a year before accepting the former Barcelona coach, now at Bayern Munich, was beyond his reach. He even considered retaining Rafa Benitez against opposition from fans before reluctantly accepting he had no choice. With some of the other leading

managers in Europe, notably Carlo Ancelotti (bound for Madrid to replace Mourinho) already on the list of those he had hired and fired, Abramovich found himself having to swallow his pride and contemplate a second coming. Mourinho was also looking hard for alternatives once his departure form Real Madrid was inevitable. He coveted the Manchester United job, flattering the club lavishly when his side faced them in the Champions League. Instead United chose David

Hoddle Savages england

GLenn hoddle fears the poor performance by england in their opening european Under-21 Championship defeat is a sign of the malaise in english football.

Stuart Pearce’s side were outclassed by Italy in Wednesday night’s 1-0 defeat in Tel Aviv. England may have had a goal ruled out for a foul, but were out-fought and outthought with Lorenzo Insigne curling in a late free-kick to hand the Italians a deserved victory. The result puts huge pressure on Pearce’s team ahead of Saturday’s fixture against Norway, but it was the manner of the display and their conservative tactics that

frustrated Hoddle. The former England manager said: “I was disappointed we lost, but I think it is very disappointing the way we played, we didn’t get anywhere near the way we like to see them play. We struggled to pass the ball all night until perhaps the last ten minutes when the game got stretched and we went 1-0 down, and sometimes it is easier to play when you are 1-0 down as you have nothing to lose. “I was disappointed with how we played long, we played too many long balls, we had no options on the ball and it is a concern that it is running through to the national team, the full team, and this team. We have got to find players that can cope with the ball and are confident to receive it, even when

they are marked. If you play the ball on the right if somebody is marking you on the left, you have to have the opportunity to hold that off and have the confidence to use it and then you can start passing. We haven’t got those type of players in there at the moment. Overall, very disappointing. They were a class above us as a football team.” Ex-England boss, Steve McCLaren, echoed Hoddle’s dismay: “You could tell from the beginning that the Italians would play from the back and we’d play long. England looked very nervous and the inexperience showed. You need two or three older heads to put their foot on the ball and control the game. When players put on that England shirt on it’s that

Moyes, a man in the image of Sir Alex Ferguson and selected with a clear brief to plan for the long-term and work with young players. The contrast with Mourinho’s model was deliberate. Manchester City also chose to give control of the deepest pockets in world football to someone other than Mourinho, turning to another former Real Madrid manager Manuel Pellegrini. With Bayern Munich having nabbed Guardiola, Barcelona off-lim-

word we talk about - ‘fear’. “Whether it’s the fear of giving the ball away or losing the match. Whatever it is, we showed a little bit of that. When we went 1-0 down the shackles came off and we were able to express ourselves a bit more. We can do it, but it’s those nerves at the start of the tournament. Once you’ve got that out of the way then you can move on. But now England have to win their next game and that may enable them to be free and express themselves.” The other match in England’s group ended in a 2-2 draw with Norway needing an injury-time equaliser to salvage a point against host Israel. Liverpool’s Jordan Henderson impressed with a high number of passes, but Italy midfielder Marco Verratti, who plays for Paris SaintGerman, was the stand-out performer according to Hoddle: “Henderson may have produced those passes but it’s the quality that counts,” the former Chelsea and Tottenham boss added. “I didn’t see Henderson play anywhere near Verratti.

its, Arsene Wenger safely installed at Arsenal and Italy still recovering from Mourinho’s spell at Internazionale, he was short of options befitting his status. So an owner desperate for an elite coach and a manager yearning for a fresh challenge again come together. Perhaps they really have remembered what it was that first drew them together. Perhaps they really can put the past behind them. Perhaps they really are perfectly suited. Only time will tell.

He was hitting balls that were taking out the whole England team. The English midfield just didn’t do that. We didn’t see any killer balls and we didn’t have that availability or the movement for anyone to hit it. Do we have those players to hit that pass? No, whereas Italy have got dif-

ferent options. Our full backs never got themselves forward or high enough to engage with the midfield. England will strengthen the team but it’s a learning curve and it bodes well for the future but whether it bodes well for the next game against Norway in three days....”


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


Premier League Wages Continued Hit Record High From Back Page

England’s top football clubs have been warned not to pay their players too much money as revenues in the Premier League hit a record high. According to football finance experts at Deloitte, increased television money helped Premier League clubs’ revenue reach £2.36bn in 2011/2012.

70% of that, around £1.7bn, was spent on wages, a 4% rise on the previous year, and soared further by 9% last season with elite footballers earning a total £1.8bn, with the average wage for a top flight player being around £30,000 a week. Deloitte estimates revenue will grow by a further 5% to £2.5bn in 2012/13, and will increase by £600m, almost 25%, in 2013/14, as income is boosted by the first year of new broadcasting deals worth £5.5bn over three years, taking the projected revenue of the top English league’s teams to above £3bn for the first time. New spending controls limiting player wage bills will come into force from the start of the next football season. Those who breach

the restrictions will face a points deduction. Despite pressure on clubs to contain increasing wages, the Deloitte report predicts clubs will plough around £480m of the extra television cash into players’ wages. However, coupled with new spending controls, they could be kept to respectable levels if managed properly. Alan Switzer, director in the sports business group at Deloitte, said: “The Premier League clubs have agreed to a system of enhanced financial regulations, designed to improve the sustainability of its clubs. The successful implementation of these rules, coupled with the imminent boost to broadcast revenues, could provide huge benefits

to the long-term development, growth and stability of the game and its clubs.” Manchester City was the best-paying club in 2011/12, with wages of £202m, while Swansea City was the lowest, handing its players £35m. Manchester United earned the most in 2011/12, with revenues of £320m, while Wigan Athletic earned the lowest at £53m. Aston Villa spent the biggest slice of its revenues on wages, at 94%, while Norwich City spent just 49%, the lowest in the top tier. In the summer of 2012, the Premier League clubs had a total debt of £2.4bn. Of that, £1.4bn (59%) was in the form of interest-free soft loans from owners of

which around 90% related to three clubs - Chelsea (£895m), Newcastle United (£267m) and Queens Park Rangers (£93m). While the Premier League has the highest revenue, Germany remained Europe’s most profitable league, with operating profits of £154m in 2011/12, compared with £98m for the Premier League, as stricter licensing rules curbed clubs’ spending on player wages. Revenue in the Football League Championship increased by £53m (13%) to £476m in 2011/12. This was driven in part by the number of clubs being in receipt of parachute payments from the Premier League and the change in the mix of clubs.

Wiggins Out Of Tour de France Team Sky Principal Sir Dave Brailsford has confirmed that Sir Bradley Wiggins has been ruled out of the Tour de France: “With illness, injury and treatment Brad has gone past the point where he can be ready for the Tour. It’s a big loss but, given these circumstances, we won’t consider him for selection.”

The Team Sky rider was forced to pull out of the Giro d’Italia earlier this month with a chest infection after 12 stages of the three-week race. Although he is now recovered from that illness, an on-going knee injury was found to be worse than previously thought forcing the rider to undertake intensive treatment. Team doctor Richard Freeman said that it could take up to three weeks before he can resume full training, the start of the 2013 Tour de France is less than a month away, giving Wiggins too little time to prepare. The reigning champion said: “It’s a huge disappointment not to make the Tour. I desperately wanted be there, for the team and for all the fans along the way - but it’s not going to happen. I can’t train the way I need to train and I’m not

going to be ready. Once you accept that, it’s almost a relief not having to worry about the injury and the race against time.” Wiggins’ victory last year in Paris saw him enter history as he became the first Brit to win the world famous race. Days later, he topped off the year when he won gold at the London Olympics Men’s Individual Time Trial. The loss of Wiggins does however save the Team Sky management from having

to make a difficult decision over who to select as their lead rider for this year’s race. Fellow Brit Chris Froome, who came second in the 2012 tour, had been given the number one spot but Wiggins publicly stated that he wanted to defend his title. Wiggins has said he will now “set new goals for this season and focus on those”. It is unclear what that next step will be, but a potential target could be the prestigious Tour of Spain in August.

After joining Betis at the age of ten, Adrian started his professional career with the club’s C team in the Andalusia Premier Division. He then made more than 70 appearances for Betis B in the Segunda Division B Group 4, the regional third tier of Spanish football.

Adrian was also loaned to Segunda Division B clubs CD Alcala in 2008 and Andalusia Premier Division club CD Utrera in 2009 before being promoted to the Betis senior squad in 2011/12 as third-choice behind the experienced Casto and Fabri. When Casto was sent-off at Malaga in September 2012, Adrian stepped off the bench and never looked back, starting each of Betis’ next 31 league matches and producing a succession of impressive performances. A tally of eleven clean sheets in 31 league starts helped Betis to finish the 2012/13 season in seventh place in the Primera Division table and to qualify for the UEFA Europa League. Adrian helped Betis to achieve a number of superb victories, including clean sheets in home wins over Real Madrid, Malaga, Valencia and Real Sociedad. He now wants similar success with West Ham and is looking forward to working with manager Sam Allardyce, goalkeeper coach Martyn Margetson and experienced stopper Jussi Jaaskelainen: “I am very fortunate to be able to work with such an experienced goalkeeper with such a long track record in the Premier League as Jussi Jaaskelainen. I’m really looking forward to working with him on a daily basis and being able to receive tips from him which I’m certain will make me an even better goalkeeper. “The same goes for the Gaffer. It’s going to be an honour to be under the wing of such an experienced manager and that can only serve to make me a much better player. There is a very competitive squad at West Ham and, in my opinion, competition is what makes the group stronger and helps the Club to go further in the competition. West Ham had a great season after being promoted and, as a group, we should set our sights even higher because that is the only way we are going to improve our performances. We should be setting our sights on improving our league position this season. I am looking forward to joining the squad and becoming one of the group and trying to improve myself and the team’s performance on the pitch.” He is also eager to prove himself to supporters as soon as possible and, while his English is not yet fluent, he has already learnt one familiar Boleyn Ground chant: “I am really looking forward to starting my relationship with the West Ham fans. From what I have seen, the fans are very similar to those at Betis because they are very passionate. If I can replicate the same relationship that I had with the Betis fans, I’ll be a very happy person. Come on you Irons!” Adrian becomes just the fourth Spaniard to join West Ham following strikers Kepa Blanco and Diego Tristan and fellow goalkeeper Manuel Almunia.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby

tense road to Promotion Promised Land What drama, what anxiety, what relief, CD tenerife fans had every last drop of emotion wrung out of them before their heroes clinched promotion back to the Segunda Division at hospitalet. even when the ref’s whistle seemed to signal the victory it turned out to be for an injury time foul and a few more seconds had to be endured. The outcome was in the balance from the 55th minute when the Tenerife defence opened up like a chocolate orange and Cirio finished off Bacari’s jinking run past three static defenders. The 3-1 home leg lead shrunk and another home goal would block off this promotion route. It would have been a tragedy after Tenerife ruled the home clash and had the better of this game. Valentin begun a busy afternoon for Sergio Aragoneses with a long shot that the keeper clamped hold of. Chechu put in a tempting cross for Tenerife but there were no takers in front of goal and Craviotto had little trouble covering his net. With so much at stake it was going to be full bloodied game, Rigo and Bacari locked horns with the Tenerife defender getting a black eye but Moyano robbed the home striker with a stylish intervention a few minutes later. Bacari was a constant irritant but went too far planting his studs into Ros’s chest, his yellow card was pretty lenient but nothing compared to the let off booking

for Viale who cartoon style face slap on Cristo Martin deserved a straight red. The best chance of the first half fell to Aridane, Chechu unleashed him with a slide rule pass but the keeper was able to smother the ball when the striker fired straight at him instead of lifting the ball over his body. The second half started with a warning, Hammouch sent a shot heading for the underside of the bar before Sergio came to the rescue. Then that open door gave Hospitalet hope and they fancied their chances, Bruno showed both sides of his game, shepherding the ball back to safety from Cirio and then twice swinging and missing before Sergio intervened. On came Suso and Ayoze in quick succession to pep up the attack but it was Aridane again spurning his chance

with another straight hit at the goalie and Suso squandered another as he hesitated and let a defender get a foot to his shot. The 1,300 Tenerife fans were keeping the faith and cheering to the end as the minutes dragged. Added time prolonged the agony but at the second final whistle the bench poured onto the pitch and the party started up in the blue and white area of the stands. It had all come down to one game but the whole season has been full of magic moments, stability, flair, goals, and the emergence of young local talent – a combination worthy of glory. Proud coach Alvaro Cervera couldn’t stop the tears from flowing at the after match press conference as he dedicated the promotion to his parents but he was soon smiling again as the celebrations got into full swing. The players can’t switch off quite yet, there is the small matter of the Segunda B Championship, and it has no effect on next season but comes with a trophy and some money for the club. Alaves won the other group winners play off and host Tenerife this Sunday at 6pm with the return leg in Santa Cruz on Sunday 16th June, time to be confirmed.

airport army Declare their Devotion

yOU may come through arrivals at tenerife South airport to be greeted by a hand scribbled name card or company board but on Sunday night overwhelmed tourists were mobbed like film stars by an all singing, banner waving, and 2.000 strong sea of blue and white. CD tenerife fans had converged on the airport to welcome back their promotion heroes from Barcelona and everyone was on cloud nine.

Touch down time was 9.45 pm but supporters started gathering a couple of hours before, crowding around the walkway from the baggage reclaim. Waves of noise went up every time the sliding doors parted and

at one point even the cleaning lady with her trolley was serenaded. Eventually officials and supporters from the charter flight began to seep through and bask in the reception but once the players came through there was an eruption of noise as good natured police struggled to clear a path for the stars. The mood was infectious; as players and fans bobbed up and down in song other passengers flocked to the crowd to see what the fuss

was all about. The club group was guided out to their waiting coach which was soon surrounded as fans pressed in on all sides to express their joy and the coach suspension was getting a good testing from the players inside. I’m sure at one point I saw Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga trudging through arrivals desperately looking for someone to recognize them but all eyes were on the blue carpet and the stars of the weekend.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013


gB HoPefuLS enJoy tHe arona atHLetICS eXPerIenCe harry Sutherland

GB - emma Buckett, Jo Rowland, harry Sutherland, Peter Glass, Martin Brockman, Jessica taylor, Grace Clements

GROWInG in stature by the year the arona Combined events had a true international flavour with competitors flocking from as far as new Zealand and estonia but the eight GB athletes gave a good account of themselves.

Early confirmers Peter Glass from Northern Ireland, Roger Skedd from Crewe, Martin Brockman from Maidstone, and Jo Rowland from Horley were joined by Grace Clements from Dartford, Emma Buckett from Basingstoke, Jess Taylor from Sale, and Harry Sutherland from Wycombe. Ahead of them lay two days of tough multi

disciplined competition in the heptathlon, octathlon, and decathlon at the Estadio Olympico in Playa de Las Americas, a short stroll from their Noelia Sur hotel. With so much going on at once I was impressed by the slick organization, the heats all went on time, announcements were made in Spanish and English to help the crowd

and competitors, and the local athletics community made a supreme effort to provide an army of helpers and officials.

Jo Rowland

Martin Brockman - high jump

Peter Glass on long jump

Roger Skedd

The Saturday morning began with the 100 metres heats, coaches relayed last minute instructions from the stands, warm up exercises were carried out, and they were off out of the blocks. Heading in the other way the long jump was providing a different type of test with Peter Glass and Martin Brockman making good impressions on the sand pit. I could see already that rivalry was keen but friendly, families of the athletes were enjoying the searing heat that had

granadilla move Closer to Promotion

It’S looking good for atletico Granadilla as they strive to win their way up into the Segunda B division. On Sunday they were at home to Segoviana in the quarter final round with a 1-0 deficit to turn over from the away leg.

they’re Off For the 100 m with Grace Clements (2nd left) emma Buckett (4th left)

blasted away the recent cloud and the GB group was encouraging each other between their own events. I was quite intrigued by the varying styles of preparation; some of the high jumpers took a long run up while others went for a short sharp burst of energy. It was a similar story with the javelin; technique was clearly the key rather than just raw power. At the discus local legend Mario Pestano a former world and Olympic champion was a crowd favourite, I noticed from some other event posters that he puts a lot back into his home club helping to encourage the next generation. The GB girls were making great strides in the first days 200 metres final in the heptathlon with Jess Taylor edging in front at the end of the first days table. Harry Sutherland is just 15 but was learning all the time in the Juvenil Octathlon and made some strong throws in the javelin. As the battle for points to boost everyone’s yearlong standings went on the 1,000 and 1,500 metres loomed up as the final events of the weekend. When the final points were tallied up the decathlon was won by Niels Pittmovils of Belguim with Martin Brockman taking third. The GB girls proved to be quite a force, Jo Rowland won the heptathlon, with Grace Clements second and Jess Taylor third. In the Juvenil Octathlon Jorge Mendez emerged as the winner with Harry Sutherland finishing seventh.

New signing Noah made an impact after 10 minutes with a headed goal adding to his mammoth ca-

reer tally. The experienced striker played a part in the 60th minute second goal along with Ramon as they presented Airam Benito with a chance he converted to delight the 1,000 crowd. Rounding off an emphatic win Roberto Carlos smashed a long range strike to bring the dream prize nearer. The next round has paired them with Universidad Oviedo, the home leg is this Sunday at 11am with the away match a week later.


Tenerife Weekly - 7th June 2013 - 13th June 2013



est ham United has announced the signing of Spanish goalkeeper adrian on a free transfer. the 26-year-old will join the hammers on 1 July after his contract with Primera Division side Real Betis Balompie expires. he has signed a three-year deal; the Club has an option to extend for a further two seasons.

An imposing 6’3 stopper, Seville-born Adrian - full name Adrian San Miguel del Castillo - has spent most of his career with his hometown club, enjoying an outstanding 2012/13 season in the Spanish top flight. After 16 years with his childhood club, Adrian is relishing the prospect of a new life and a new challenge in England: “I am extremely happy and ecstatic to have joined such a legendary and historical club in both London and in England,” he said. “I am really looking forward to being able to kick-off my career in the best league in the world with West Ham. “I started off my career as a ten-year-old and have been there all of my life. I came through the ranks and I made my first-team debut in the sixth league game of last season against Malaga and was an ever-present since. For me, the icing on the cake was helping the team to qualify for the Europa League in, like West Ham, our first season back in the top flight after we had spent three years in the Second Division. Achieving this qualification was a massive farewell gift for the Betis fans.” Continued on Page 53


1. Superlative ending 4. Hush! 7. Coral island 12. Recent (prefix) 13. Gardener’s tool 14. CB ____ 15. Soup cracker 17. Tiny particles 18. Made mistakes 19. French cap 20. Gem weight 22. Evergreen 23. Give approval to 24. Florida city 29. Wine (Fr.) 30. Warning signal

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( in Front Of hotel Tenerife sol)

31. Curtain holder 32. Named 34. Water (Sp.) 35. Informant 36. Siren 37. Restrict 40. Buffalo 42. Get up 43. Impart gradually 46. Traveler’s stop 47. Flying hero 48. Understand 49. Fidgety 50. Perched 51. Youngster


1. Printing measures 2. Adriatic, e.g. 3. Open-minded 4. Blouse 5. Whetstone 6. Mind 7. Horse breed 8. Spuds 9. Perfume 10. Green fruit 11. Missing 16. Platter 20. Sheltered inlet 21. Related 22. Dancer ____ Astaire 24. River sediment

vivo.8446 25. Common verb 26. Church instrumentalist 27. Travel 28. Eden man 30. Majestic 33. Purple flowers 34. Loads (2 wds.) 36. Item of value 37. Dalai ____ 38. Steel ingredient 39. Baseball glove 40. Slant 41. Peruvian Indian 44. Zodiac sign 45. Rent

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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