Tenerife weekly issue 122

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So, another week, another edition of Vivo weekly! I say this because I know there are bound to be naysayers who derive more pleasure out of criticising the fact that we openly promote the other side of our businesses, than they do from actually having some kind of life of their own! So, to anyone who fits that category, you’re welcome! Anyway, what a week, following the fantastic news of the CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE 2014, we were awarded by Tripadvi-

Tenerife Weekly - 30th May 2014 - 5th June 2014 sor, we are incredibly proud to announce that we’ve got even better news this week, namely that Elton John and the royal families of several countries had better pop down to Iceland for some frozen microwave dinners- cos your favourite chef is staying here with us! The other HUGE news this week involves none other than Professor Stephen Hawking, who is coming to Tenerife to headline the Starmus Festival this September! As a man who has spent his entire career in the music busi-


ness, I can honestly say, the thought that I am going to meet the author of “A Brief History Of Time” is more exciting than the fact that I’ll also meet Brian May, writer of the theme from “Starfleet” and the man who came up with lyrics for the Eastenders theme so his bird could have a top 40 hit... hang on...apparently he was in some band called Queen too... Anyway it’s all very exciting!! See you next week!!

Marc Craig


Professor Stephen Hawking joins Starmus Celebrity Guest List!


ast Monday during a press conference attended by the president of the Insular Chapter(Town council), Carlos Alonso; the prime minister of Canaries, Paulino Rivero; the insular adviser of Exterior(Foreign) Action, Delia Herrera, at the Auditorio de Tenerife in Santa Cruz, Garik Israelian, an astrophysicist from the Institute of Astrophysics of Canaries (IAC), made the exciting announcement that the recognized physicist, cosmologist and “something of a dreamer”, professor Stephen Hawking will be the star speaker at the 2014 Starmus Festival this September (22nd - 27th).

This is a huge coup for the festival organizers, Hawking, the acclaimed author of “a brief history of time” is arguably the most famous intellectual of our time, indeed the only other scientist turned celebrity comparable to Hawking is non other than Albert Einstein. Along with cosmonauts, moonwalkers, and rock gods, Brian May and Rick Wakeman, the stars in our impressive skies here in Tenerife will be facing some stiff earthly competition! Unfortunately due to other commit-

ments I had to miss the press conference but in an exclusive interview for the Tenerife Weekly, the festival General Manager, Ashley Oulton told me what to expect in September: “Stephen Hawking is well known for his ability to simplify quite technical subjects and make them interesting and appealing to everyone. What I have been trying to get across is that the Starmus Festival is a fun event, which is open to everyone; young and old, beginners, amateurs and professionals, and that Stephen Hawking and the other speakers will not be giving “stuffy” technical speeches they will be making it interesting for everyone that has a passion for wanting to know where we came from and what’s out there....after all Stephen Hawking has appeared on the Simpsons and a number of other comedy programmes! In fact Stephen Hawking’s presentation will be extremely interactive and he will

be answering questions that have been sent in before the conference. The best question received will win a free ticket to attend the festival Essentially, what I am saying is that Starmus is for everyone. It won’t be lots of stuffy speeches that might go over people’s heads. It will be fun, interactive and affordable. The chance to mingle and chat with astronauts, cosmonauts, scientists and rock stars over a glass of wine or cup of coffee. The other exciting news is that Brian May has confirmed that he will be joining Rick Wakeman on stage during the Sonic Universe concert at the Magma on Friday, 26th May. We have also just changed the venue for the “Star Watching Party”, and it will now be taking place within the Teide Observatory grounds at Izana, where everyone will have the opportunity to examine the universe whilst listening to live music, in the company of moonwalkers, cosmonauts Nobel Prize winners, scientists and rock stars. Should be quiet a party! “ The festival is offering a special discount price of 200 Euros for Canary Islands Residents with a half price offer of 100 Euros for a second delegate if booked and paid for at the same time and by 31st June. I can also reveal that the Tenerife Weekly will be providing coverage of the festival in September, exciting times indeed!

Space Art: Canarian students to meet Apollo Moonwalkers!


ave you ever looked up into the night’s sky and watched the moon rising on the horizon or tracked the International Space Station’s progress across the heavens? Did you ever wander what it might be like to be an astronaut up there looking down on Earth? Now’s your chance to find out... as three Apollo astronaut “moonwalkers” are coming to Tenerife in September, to speak at the Starmus Festival. The organisers of the festival have announced a “Space Art” competition (drawing, painting, mixed media or digital art), with prizes been awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in five age categories (3 to 5, 6 to 8, 9 to 11, 12 to 14 and 15 to 18). The winners in each category will be given the opportunity to attend the “Space Legends” tribute and meet the three Apollo Moonwalkers (Ed Mitchell, Apollo 14, Charlie Duke Apollo 16, and the last man to walk on the moon Harrison Schmitt Apollo 17) in the flesh. They will also receive a personalised autographed photograph of the astronauts,

and their winning entries will also be put on display in the festival exhibition alongside the astrophotography competition entries. The closing date for entries is 31st July and finished artwork should be scanned and sent to the festival organisers at info@starmus.com The organisers have also pointed out that the Starmus Festival is open to everyone, young and old, beginners, amateurs and professionals. Anyone who holds a passion for astronomy, science, the arts and music, and who has a desire to know more about where we came from and what’s out there! They still have places available at the discounted delegate rate of 200 Euros for Canarian Residents (reduced from 300 Euros), and there is currently a “two for one offer” where the second person attends for free, if two places are booked and paid for by June 31st. Further information can be found on the Starmus Festival website at www.starmus.com

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