Tenerife weekly issue 118

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Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.

Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34)

1: Bonsai 2: The Truffle 3: Into exile on St Helena 4: 15 5: Emperor Claudius 6: A bank holiday 7: Renault 8: Wellington, New Zealand 9: Amen 10: The Vanilla Plant 11: 1932

SUDOKU Easy (Page 24)


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Issue 118

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While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 24)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Songs by the Beatles 2. Balls 3. All were assassinated 4. They have drums 5. Dives 6. Waves 7. Carpets 8. Flakes 9. Courts 10. Parties 11. Cakes 12. Blinds 13. There are 7 of them 14. They are roads 15. Peppers




Solutions to this week’s puzzles



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


i write this whilst waiting to take over from Mr. Andy Briggs, the other performer down at Vivo’s phenomenally successful afternoon sessions of live entertainment. Only one week in and it’s taken off amazingly well, with residents and tourists alike coming back day after day, one thing though, it’s HOT!! Black biker boots and thick jeans were quickly replaced with deck shoes and three quarter length shorts! i’m now the proud owner of my first “worker’s tan” i.e. just face and lower arms! As well as adding afternoon en-

tertainment to the ever growing Vivo repertoire, we’ve made some changes to the Decades show schedule, Saturday Gala night has been replaced by a Wednesday night Mid-week Spectacular, with more details to follow and Karen Forge from Palm Mar, please contact me if you see this about your March Saturday booking!! i’d like to apologise to Mr. Derek Arnold, last week we covered an interesting story about a lovely guy named George, who had played with the Beatles 50 years ago – which, as it turns out was a gig booked by Derek,


his name was at the top of the programme and i didn’t spot it! Sorry again – and i’ll use one of the articles you sent to me soon! Most of our regular writers have had a well earned week off from their “proper” jobs, so they are refreshed and on form this week so enjoy what they have to say, next week i will be settled into my brand new “Casa in the Clouds” which i’ll tell you all about next week, in the meantime, enjoy this gorgeous weather!

Marc Craig

Demonstration Against terror in Venezuela The Venezuelan people cried briskly “Free Venezuela” coNtiNueD From PAge 1

photos by Gerard Zenou


eneZUela is not alone. this was demonstrated by its citizens around the world on February 22nd, the date on which the venezuelan people shouted briskly “Freedom”. they were “invaded” by a deep sense of unity with the heart in the pearl of the Caribbean, more than 1,200 people, arrived from many municipalities on the island of tenerife, and expressed their rejection to the brutality that the illegitimate government of nicolás maduro is undergoing in venezuela. the most creative and compelling slogans were heard in the square in los Cristianos for the venezuelan people and to the world. “resistance venezuela”, “no i please have a dictatorship like Cuba”, “this government will fall”, “freedom to our students,” sounded in unison for a free country.

The organizers of the concentration, A World Without gag, and in Tenerife, the Canary Venezolana Union (UCVE), achieved the goal with the participation of all present. UCVE president, Agustin Rodriguez, appreciated the initiative, keeping the message of the ongoing struggle. “The proof is evident already, look at all the people who have gathered here, Tenerife has been there to support that struggle and our students and autocracy in Venezuela. A dictatorship already removed his

mask. From the outside, the view is often different, in this case, information in Venezuela is severed by the power of the ruling party.The diffusion of pictures, videos, interviews, what happens on the street every minute travels through social networks, a great ally in this struggle. “Those of us on the outside have a great responsibility to denounce what the government is silent. Our people are dying, there are many shortages, and today we are saying in a world without gag SOS Venezuela, “said Rodriguez. It is a fact that “we will not let the Maduro government fool the international community.” The UCVE along with people involved in Venezuela, have formed an association based in Brussels, Veneeuropa of Venezuelans in Europe through the European Parliament move many actions. “We have a proclamation of the secretary of foreign European Parliament and on the 27th of February in Strasbourg in full will just discuss the reality of what is happening in Venezuela.” After 12 days of protests in Venezuela, people wonder where international agencies are and where they stand. “They started the international agencies to discuss Venezuela, like the American Congress, and we want to position the Spanish State “since at least” in the U.S. are paying attention to what is happening. “ Much remains to be done, “loser gets tired” is the phrase of hope. Still, “there is much uncertainty of what will happen depends on the people.” The situ-

ation is complicated not only by the miseries of the people, such as food shortages, insecurity, or poor quality of public services, and economic instability of the country’s coffers, but within government paddling in duel for power. “We know it is difficult because there is a struggle between Maduro and Cabello.” Tear gas, buckshot, tanks, military aircraft, real bullets travel through Venezuelan territory in search of victims. It is the National Guard, the army and guerrilla or paramilitary groups such as the Tupamaros who are sowing violence in the streets. Venezuelans have searched many ways to defend or attack by salar their own lives, or make calls ‘guarimbas’, a form of protest struggle from a specific point, not far from home. But where is the armed forces of Venezuela. “We have a big problem in the Venezuelan army polarized because the government,” says Agustin Rodriguez. The soldiers were not going to get anywhere now general government service, he says, “but I trust that part of the army I will patriotism and defend us.” The president of the UCVE is clear that “we do not want a coup, we want the resignation of Maduro and to hold elections within the reasonable time dictated by the constitution.” Our voices Venezuelans had the opportunity on Saturday to express their feelings. Protesters paid honor to the fallen, they prayed for them and for peace, called for the release of Leopoldo López, and shouted freedom to Venezuela, because everyone wants to

see the beautiful land that once was. The chance that this report should have a more personal nature, not only from the point of view of how it is reported, but from own experience as a native of Venezuela. This fight does not end until the goals that lead us back to democracy. The voices will be heard for the world to wake up, the presence of people in the streets of Venezuela and encouragement of Venezuelans get uproot a violent and illegitimate regime. The legacy of Hugo Chavez, who was the division of the people, has expired. Now there is binding, win, strength and courage.

Reader´s Letter Outrageous On the patch there is a live sex show, a brothel and a shop openly selling marijuana and we get closed down cos the ceiling is 5 cm to low. Gotta love Arona town council. Terry and Sue (via Facebook)

editors note: Dear reader, Good luck to our friends at the Drunken Duck, hope you sort this ridiculous situation out and get this Tenerife institution re-opened!!


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



meet the Queen!

a 36-year-old man was killed after being knocked down on the TF5. The accident happened shortly after 8pm near San Benito. Emergency services were called to the scene, but they were unable to do anything other than confirm the poor man’s death at the scene. The incident caused huge tailbacks on the northern motorway. The Guardia Civil and the national police are investigating. there is a dinner on 8 March for the Abinque award of this prize to Brigitte Gypen. It is being held in the Adeje CDTCA, the Costa Adeje Tourism Development Centre (see map below), and all are welcome – men included! Clio O’Flynn says that dress code is fairly loose, so it’s a relaxed social occasion centred around a very important message. If you would like to go to the presentation dinner, call Adeje Igualdad on 922.756.244 where tickets, costing 15 euros, are on sale. Playa san Juan, Fishermen are no longer able to sell their catch at the quayside after the Canarian Government ordered a suspension of activities. It appears the initial point of sale facilities do not meet health requirements, after checks made by the Ministry of Agriculture , Livestock, Fisheries and Health of the Canary Islands Government determined the facilities were not fit for the purpose. Currently in the south of the island there are only two initial points of sale, one located in Tajao (Arico ) and Los Abrigos( Granadilla) which opened several months ago.

by janetanscombe.com

a 2.1 earthquake was recorded just before 9am yesterday morning in Tenerife. The tremor was registered in to the southeast of Realejo Alto, at a depth still to be confirmed. This follows a minor one of 1.1 at a depth of 10km just after midnight on 25 February to the west of Fasnia, near to today’s larger quake. Just a reminder that next week is Semana Grande – the “big week” of the Santa Cruz carnaval. Many businesses will be operating partial hours, and banks may be closing earlier than usual. Quite a few municipalities have 4th March – Carnival Tuesday – as one of their two public fiesta days : Arona, San Miguel, and Granadilla do, for example, though Adeje does not.


the first verdict in the Canaries that will see politicians and local government employees go to prison for planning corruption has been given in Santa Cruz over the so-called Caso Mamotreto, the monstrous and controversial building that was constructed in 2008 – completely illegally and corruptly, it has now been judged – and which came to be called a mamotreto, a “white elephant”. Of the seven defendants, six have been sentenced to prison (between two and three years), demolition of the illegal buliding at their own personal expense, and a ban on holding office. Activist party Sí Se Puede, indeed, congratulated the two social collectives for starting the whole process of denuncias against the “mamotreto” and the municipal planning crimes behind its construction. More importantly given the pressure that must subsequently have been brought to bear, the party congratulated them for not capitulating in the fight. The two organizations which led the campaign are the Asociación Tinerfeña de Amigos de la Naturaleza (ATAN) and the Asociación de Amigos de la Playa de Las Teresitas, Anaga y su Litoral. Si Se Puede called yesterday’s judgment “exemplary”. According to the judge, in the era when Miguel Zerolo (Coalición Canaria) was mayor, “irregularities were normal”. This might therefore not be the last such judgment that comes out of further similar investigations in Santa Cruz, and elsewhere of course …

The carnival, now an official Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional, moves out onto the capital’s streets with the Cabalgata Anunciadora tomorrow, starting what will no doubt again be a loud and sleepless few nights for the capital! The main pa-

he santa Cruz carnaval now has its queen. amanda Perdomo, with her fantasy Poderosa amazona (mighty amazon), designed by Daniel Pagés. runner up was rocío Benítez Pérez, wearing mi gran noche, and in third place came Yolanda mendoza in la esencia de santa Cruz, also designed by Daniel. the gala for the election of the carnival queen took place in the recinto Ferial with music, murgas, dance, and colour, all tuned to the overall theme for this year’s carnival, Cartoons.

rade, the Coso Apoteosis, will be on Tuesday, 4 March, and again, thousands are likely to be there to share in what is recognized as the world’s second largest carnival after Rio de Janeiro. The bizarre ceremony of the Entierro de la Sardina (burial of the sardine) which heralds Lent will take place the next day, Wednesday 5th.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

All ABout tAPAS


ne oF the Great things about living in tenerife is no matter where you are on the island, you’re never far away from a tapas bar. We’ve all had tapas, of one form or another, but how much do you really know about this most traditional type of spanish style cuisine?

Tapas (Spanish pronunciation: [tapas]) are a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine. They may be cold (such as mixed olives and cheese) or hot (such as chopitos, which are battered, fried baby squids). The word “tapas” is derived from the Spanish verb tapar, “to cover”. Though the primary meaning of tapa is cover or lid, it has in Spain also become a term for this style of food. In select bars in Spain, tapas have evolved into an entire, and sometimes sophisticated, cuisine. In Spain, patrons of tapas can order many different tapas and combine them to make a full meal. In some Central American countries, such snacks are known as bocas. In Mexico, similar dishes are called “botanas.” The serving of tapas is designed to encourage conversation because people are not so focused upon eating an entire meal that is set before them. Also, in some countries it is customary for diners to stand and move about while eating tapas. The original tapas were the slices of bread or meat which sherry drinkers in Andalusian taverns used to cover their glasses between sips. This was a practical measure meant to prevent fruit flies from hovering over the sweet sherry. The meat used to cover the sherry was normally ham or chorizo, which are both very salty and activate thirst. Because of this, bartenders and restaurant owners began creating a variety of snacks to serve with sherry, thus increasing their alcohol sales.The tapas eventually became as important as the sherry. The origin of this is uncertain but there are several theories: Some believe the name originated sometime around the 16th century when tavern owners from Castile-La Mancha found out that the strong taste and smell of mature cheese could help disguise that of bad wine, thus “covering” it, and started offering free cheese when serving cheap wine. Others believe the tapas tradition began when king Alfonso X of Castile recovered from an illness by drinking wine with small dishes between meals. After regaining his

By marc Craig health, the king ordered that taverns would not be allowed to serve wine to customers unless it was accompanied by a small snack or “tapa”. Another popular explanation says that King Alfonso XIII stopped by a famous tavern in Cádiz (Andalusian city) where he ordered a cup of wine. The waiter covered the glass with a slice of cured ham before offering it to the king, to protect the wine from the beach sand, as Cádiz is a windy place. The king, after drinking the wine and eating the tapa, ordered another wine “with the cover”. A final possibility surrounds Felipe III, who passed a law in an effort to curb rowdy drunken behavior, particularly among soldiers and sailors. The law stated that when one purchased a drink, the bartender was to place over the mouth of the mug or goblet a cover or lid containing some small quantity of food as part of the purchase of the beverage. The hope being that the food would slow the effects of the alcohol, and fill the stomach to prevent over imbibing. Tapas have evolved through Spanish history by incorporating ingredients and influences from many different cultures and countries. Most of the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Romans, who introduced the olive and irrigation methods. The invasion of the North African Moors in the 8th century brought almonds, citrus fruits and fragrant spices. The influence of their 700-year presence remains today, especially in Andalusia. The discovery of the New World brought the introduction of tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, maize (corn) and potatoes. These were readily accepted and easily grown in Spain’s microclimates. In Spain, dinner is usually served between 9 and 11 p.m. leaving significant time between work and dinner. Therefore, Spaniards often go “bar hopping” (Spanish: Ir de tapas) and eat tapas in the time between finishing work and having dinner. It is very common for a bar to have eight to 12 different kinds of tapas in warming trays with glass partitions covering the food. They are of-

ten very strongly flavored with garlic, chilies or paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, saffron and sometimes in plentiful amounts of olive oil. Often, one or more of the choices is seafood (mariscos), often including anchovies, sardines or mackerel in olive oil, squid or others in a tomato-based sauce, sometimes with the addition of red or green peppers or other seasonings and one or more types of olives, such as Manzanillo or Arbequina olives. In Madrid and in parts of Andalucia, when one goes to a bar and orders a drink, often a tapa will be served with it for free. As a drink, it is usual to ask for a caña (small beer), a chato (glass of wine) or a mosto (grape juice). In several cities, entire zones are dedicated to tapas bars, each one serving its own unique dish. In León, one can find the Barrio Húmedo, in Logroño Calle Laurel and in Burgos Calle de la Sombrerería and Calle de San Lorenzo. In northern Spain, they are also called pinchos (pintxos in Basque) in Asturias, in Navarre, in La Rioja (Spain), the Basque Country, Cantabria and in some provinces, such as Salamanca, because many of them have a pincho or toothpick through them. The toothpick is used to keep whatever the snack is made of from falling off the slice of bread and to keep track of the number of tapas the customer has eaten. Differently priced tapas have different shapes or have toothpicks of different sizes. The price of a single tapa ranges from one to two euros. Another name for them is banderillas (diminutive of bandera “flag”), in part because some of them resemble the colorful spears used in bullfighting. Tapas can be “upgraded” to bigger portions, equivalent to half a dish (media ración) or a whole one (ración). The portions are usually shared by diners, and a meal made up of raciones resembles a Chinese dim sum, Korean banchan or Middle Eastern mezze. The first thing to do is check whether you can order tapas at the tables. In some places they only serve tapas at the bar and you have to order raciones (large plates) at tables or out on the terrace. Once seated, don’t order everything at once. Many tapas are already prepared and you could end up with 5-6 dishes arriving at once. Also, you may see something “walk by” that looks good, so best to start with just one or two tapas each and take it from there. Prices vary; expect to pay 2-3 euro for a typical tapa, though these days – and especially in “gastrobars” – they can go as high as 5-6 euros.



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Your chance to meet A Bestselling Author!


Joe Cawley – book signing More Ketchup and Final Dollop in Los Cristianos 8th March by janetanscombe.com


enerife-based Joe Cawley will be signing copies of his books, more Ketchup than salsa and the Final Dollop, at redhound Bookshop in los Cristianos from 5pm onwards on saturday, 8 march. Joe’s first book became a UK bestseller when it was released on Kindle in 2011, beating Karl Pilk-

ington’s idiot abroad tales and even Bill Bryson’s numerous tomes to the number one spot in the travel section on amazon. the book has since been downloaded over 60,000 times.

“The Final Dollop is a darker book than More Ketchup,” says Joe, “but still with plenty of laughs, characters and scenarios that anybody who’s lived in, or knows Tenerife will easily recognise.” Both books follow Joe and Joy, along with Joe’s

brother and his wife, as they borrow a fortune to swap a life of fish filleting on a cold Lancashire market to buy a bar/restaurant in La Caleta. Expecting a life full of sun, sand and sangria, they very soon find out that although the skies might be more blue, the grass is anything but greener on the other side thanks to the language barrier, bureaucratic bungling and complete inability to master the art of pandering to a bizarre array of holidaymakers and expats. If you’ve ever pondered

what life would be like if you lived in Tenerife, just fancy a good beach read, or you already live here and want to read a humorous account of island life (you might even recognise yourself in the book!), now’s the chance to pick up a signed paperback, chat and have a drink with the author. Make a date in your diary now – Saturday 8 March at Redhound Bookshop on Calle Juan XXIII (the top pedestrian street off Los Cristianos church square, harbour end.

cABilDo eNcourAgeS uSe oF the council combines classic Jazz With images BuS AND trAm For cArNiVAl of Nature The Museum of nature and Man host # naturaJazz, a new activity to take place on Thursday night, from March 20th


he museum of the Cabildo poses a cultural offering that combines the visual beauty of nature with the elegant sounds of classic jazz in a unique event that will take place on thursday evenings in the courtyard of palm trees museum of nature and man, from 20th march. the purpose of this activity, # naturaJazz, is to establish a link between tenerife museums and nature photographers (both professional and amateur). each day involved two authors, coinciding with two musical passages. each projected between 200 and 400 images. In the words of the minister responsible for Parks, Amaya Conde, “ it is a project that aims to provide a meeting place and a showcase of the work of those who love nature photography beyond the usual display channels “. Tenerife Museums are encouraged to collaborate on this project with individual contributions in order to create a collective work with local images but that transcend the boundaries of insularity. Museum of the Cabildo want to pay tribute to this photographic mode that is linked to the museums of Natural History “as we are aware, the importance of image to capture the beauty of the natural world around us, especially in these islands with

much biodiversity, taking into account the importance of this activity for the study and dissemination of certain scientific disciplines such as wildlife, flora, archeology and paleontology, among others.” Note that the contributions of photographers, travelers, scientists, writers, hunters and adventurers have been instrumental in the development and dissemination of science. As an incentive, the Cabildo Museum acquired an amount of 150 euros an image of each selected for use in the various scientific and educational activities of the Museum project. Entries must be submitted to the Museum before March 10th. Similarly, the theme will be the nature of the Canaries, although other Macaronesian archipelagos work will be accepted. Artists should send a batch of 20 to 40 images in order to have enough material. Images will be in JPEG format, if possible quality between 6 and 8, depending on the settings of Photoshop, and the following resolution: at least 1024 px wide with height to 766 px and maximum of 1920 px width up to 1080 high. In addition, it is essential that a text of 10 to 15 lines in which the general content of the image is explained, to be used not only to introduce the photographs during the event, but to advertise in the media. Tenerife Museums will select the 20 photographers who eventually become part of the project.


he teneriFe Cabildo is encouraging the public to use buses and trams for the santa Cruz carnival period to ease traffic use in the capital. titsa and metropolitano de tenerife will have carnival services between 28 February and 9 march, both providing not just increased fre-

by janetanscombe.com quency, but additional security and parking discounts at the intercambiador. La “campaña carnaval” was presented yesterday by the Cabildo’s director de Movilidad, Manuel Ortega, and Titsa chief, Jacobo Kalitovics. As Sr Ortega said, “we are trying to adapt to the needs of carnival-goers and to offer an alternative means of comfortable and safe travel for everyone who wants to enjoy Santa Cruz’ carnaval programme.

Information on the services, times, routes, etc., can be found on the companies’ websites: www.titsa.com and www. tranviatenerife.com, as well as on their social networks via Facebook and twitter. Both also offer a mobile app – a pioneering initiative unique to Metropolitano de Tenerife – which allows for an electronic version of the bono card. Titsa for its part is offering a prize draw for free Titsa travel throughout the year, see the facebook page.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

vivo.11883 ACROSS


crYPtic croSSWorD

1. African adaptation includes lumberjack land (6) 4. Ragged, dishevelled, cloak goes with it (6) 9. How time flies - in suitcase? (10,5) 10. Inadequate amount of twisted thread (6) 11. Brave Tim transformed word for word (8) 12. Sieve that causes stress? (8) 14. Strongly motivated to be chauffeured (6)

DOWn 1. Dog trial is the most abrupt (7) 2. Humane version has the answer? Certainly not! (5) 3. Marine mammal makes Phil nod off (7) 5. Endlessly endangered and enraged (7) 6. Stimulate to action in salvage process (9) 7. It is better to give than to solve this clue (7)

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( in Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

15. Pat due out for modernisation (6) 18. Comb through junk for little Scots to get even (8) 21. Perforated pan with modified clean rod (8) 22. Trip not, in gin cocktail (6) DOWN 24. London runway sees UK former PM argue with song and wine (8,7) 25. Large bird doesn’t work with the critics (6) 26. Tool bench is elaborately concealed (6) 8. Silly solver loses lysol and gets second prize (6) 13. Gypsum disguised as real bat (9) 16. Stick out for homework assignment (7) 17. Give approval to surgery for red nose (7) 18. Calculating five hundred, after bad-tempered woman (6) 19. Do away with silo- backs up inside (7) 20. Lee rang about senior officer (7) 23. Themes you pick epitomising styles, initially (5)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


it’S A PerSoNAl thiNg – loS criStiANoS by Red Queen’s Musings n triPaDviser’s tenerife forum there are two distinct camps those who vociferously proclaim that the north of the island, namely Puerto de la Cruz is a traditional resort and the only one to be seriously considered for anyone not looking for nightclubs or looking to experience Canarian culture. then there are those who say that the south, particularly the area from los Cristianos to Costa adeje has everything that anyone could possibly need.


Now whether it is because I have been contributing to TA for such a long time, or perhaps it is because I can´t reply to anyone in just a couple of words but have to expand, I find that most days I receive a message asking if I can recommend which is the best resort /hotel / apartment for someone’s annual holiday. I rarely do this, because as the title of this blog says it is a very personal thing and we all have different opinions about what will and won’t suit our needs. I try to make unbiased

comments about each of the resorts but naturally I do like some more than others. I have in the past written about Los Cristianos and thought some may find it useful if I did an overview (or at least the way I see it) of each of the major resorts. Well it would be a way of filling 4 articles! So starting today I will cover Los Cristianos, then over time move on to Las Americas, Costa Adeje and finally Puerto de la Cruz. Who knows I could even get around to the west of the island and the Golf. Los Cristianos is one of the major tourist centres in the south of Tenerife. It is located in the municipality of Arona which is where I live, so it would be fair to say I am a wee bit biased, as it is my closest town and has everything I personally look for. Like the other towns in the area, the average temperature throughout the year is about 25°C and there are many sunny days, another reason why I like it here. In contrast to other southern resorts it is not purpose built. Its origins lie in a humble fishing village and whilst some say an attraction of Puerto de la Cruz is its traditional architecture, Los Cristianos has its own

traditional architecture. This may not be in the form of merchants’ houses with balconies but then how many fishermen lived in those. Along the beach and through the old part of town you can see its roots and it still retains a small fishing activity, which is reflected in the fresh fish market at the port. Away from the seafront there is a real Canarian community living and working in the town and there are many small cafes and bars where the locals congregate. The hotels and apartment complexes here are cheaper than in the nearby Playa de Las Americas and are focused on family holidays with a wide range of activities and entertainment for kids and adults rather than the teens and twenties. There are only a couple of high-rise buildings (a pet hate of mine) the rest nestle along the coast and cling to the hillside. The ocean and the beaches are very clean and safe and it is sometimes difficult to tell where one beach begins and another ends. Starting by Montaña Guaza there is a pebble beach where you often see locals fishing. This isn´t ideal for sunbathing but just 5 minutes along

Well Done Bernie!!


ast FriDaY, well known local fundraiser Bernie Bucket held a charity night to raise money for Cancer research UK, a cause that has been close to her heart since 2009 when Bernie herself was first diagnosed.

Bernie popped down to see me on Monday to tell me all about it. She told me that it was an absolutely amazing night down at Karting Las Americas, it was a total sell-out and Jamie Drew was a fantastic host, Bernie had

nothing but praise for all the performers, but wanted me to mention Sebastian, who dropped his minidisc on the way in, but being the consummate professional, performed acapella, clapping and tapping his feet to provide the beat, and her ever supportive hubby Keith, a guitarist who has performed with Elvis Presley’s guitarist and Dire Straits drummer, who also performed. Bernie raised 4135.70 euros on the night,with every cent going to Cancer Research UK, which makes an absolutely stunning 130,000 euros since Bernie began fund-rais-

ing back in 2009!! Bernie asked me to thank everyone who took part and also all the companies who donated prizes, with a special mention to “Tenerife Pearl and Libra Shoes, Las Americas please. Tenerife Pearl give me an expensive piece of jewellery every year to auction and Libra Shoes expensive handbags, this year they gave me two bags....totalling 500 euros.” Bernie is still receiving treatment and is “not out of the woods yet” but I’m sure you’ll agree, she is an inspiration, well done Bernie and good luck xx

the promenade is the town beach Playa de Los Cristianos. Golden sand, sheltered by the harbour and boasting a number of facilities including water sports, beach volley ball and showers. This beach is very popular with bathers all year round, mainly for its calm waters. Located in the next bay beyond the harbour is the man-made Playa de Las Vistas. It is one of the most popular beaches on the island with its rows of sun beds and sunshades and the iconic water fountain. It used to have world class facilities for the disabled and some of the best life-guards on the island, until the local council messed up, but that is a totally different story and would take a long time to explain. The one thing Los Cristianos has in common with other resorts is that it offers a wide variety of fun as well as cultural activities. If you like theme parks there are two – Parque Las Aguilas commonly called The Jungle Park where you can enjoy a variety of exotic animals and the birds of prey show (being a cheapskate I watch these birds twice a day from

my balcony as I live so close!) and still find them majestic and very exciting. I am not a fan of keeping animals in cages but I do like the Monkey Park where you can interact with the ‘inmates’ inside open enclosures. This gets better each year as the more people that visit the more they can afford to update the facilities. And for those seeking culture there is a superb Auditorio Infanta Leonor in the centre of town where for a few euros you can see top class shows such as the Russian ballet, soul or gospel concerts and classical music from international artists. There are also plenty of free concerts that can be found taking place in the plazas each month. You can walk along the almost totally flat promenade for miles. View the nearby island of La Gomera or make a trip there as the ferries depart daily from the harbour and if you enjoy the sea, take a boat ride offering whale watching, or water sports, such as scuba diving or windsurfing. If you are looking for

tradition in a holiday resort then every week you will find displays of Canarian music and dancing by the old harbour this is called Canary Folk Fest and due to end in March, but like most years it no sooner ends than it restarts for a new season. Los Cristianos isn´t known for its night life, there are plenty of restaurants and bars some with entertainment but very few clubs pumping out music until the early hours. If this is what you are looking for then you need to visit Las Americas but to get down with the locals you need to go to the the most iconic disco “Casablanca”, in San Telmo. For over twenty years it has attracted locals, tourists and international celebrities to the south of the island, but in order to fit in you will need to practice your Merengue and Salsa to Latino music rather than your best John Travolta moves to electro, new house or old skool mixes. So that is my run down on my favourite resort. Next time I will look at Las Americas, is it really as bad as it is painted?


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

mAKiNg WAVeS iN teNeriFe


itS FiNAllY here!!

by newsinthesun.com


orWeGian company, langlee Wave Power, has signed an agreement with tenerife authorities to develop wave energy farms to the northwest of the island.

take advantage of this.” LWP chief executive Julius Espedal added: “Installing our floating converters will make Tenerife an international pioneer in the development of this type of energy”. The units will have an output of 132kW in the first phase of the scheme and the municipalities of Garachico, Buenavista and Icod de los Vinos are already planning to install converters off their coasts. LWP recently signed a similar agreement with Lanzarote Island Council to install a 500kW pilot plant at La Santa to the north of the island. which when connected to the Club La Santa sports hotel will supply 50% of its power needs.

Tenerife Island Council President Carlos Alonso told reporters: “We are strongly backing the development of sustainable energy and signing the collaboration agreement is a clear indication of our support. “Wave conditions in Tenerife, particularly in the north of the island, are the most suitable for generating this type of energy. We must








28 Feb

1 Mar

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4 Mar

5 Mar

6th Mar















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Patchy Clouds

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Low: 13oC

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Santa Cruz mayor Bermudez opens Primark. Copyright: Clio O’Flynn

nD it’s here, and as of 8am yesterday the first 50 carnival-dressed shoppers were already in the queue outside the store.

they will each receive a a 25 euro gift voucher. For the rest, however, it is prize enough that their long–awaited store is finally here.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Get Involved In Live Arico

Get your pet sterilised Why not become a member of Live Arico and get involved in what we do. You can set up a regu- – we can help!!

lar payment of just 3 euro per month via our web- Yes, in collaboration with Hospivet site www.livearico.com or make a one off yearly Sur, Las Chafiras we are subsidising sterilipayment in cash at any of our shops. We will just sation costs for the fourth time. need a little bit of info about you to add you tour Female cat 81 euros. members book, and you can attend our AGM and really get into the work we do. Call Sue on 629 Male cat 54 euros 388102 for more information. Female dogs :Under 5 kg 108 euros 5kg – 15 kg 135 euros 15kg – 25 kg 180 euros Our lovely horse Kabirthdays of Alfie, OlOver 25 kg 225 euros tie will be 13 years old ivia and Luke which all Male dogs :soon and we are havfall at the same time. Under 5 kg 81 euros ing a party!!! Come and From 2pm there will be 5 kg – 15 kg 99 euros join us at Horse Riding food and drink a plenOver 15 kg 135 euros Adventures on Sunday ty. It will be our third the 2nd March for a bbq there and the first They open all day from 10am to 8pm, so birthday barbecue as two were fantastic so call for an appointment on 922 736927 we celebrate not only come and enjoy your- and quote “Live Arico” to get these prices. For the month of March only!!! her birthday, but the selves.

Katie and friends’ BBQ

Accion Del Sol News With Carnival season upon us once again now is the time to remember our pet animals. As much as we all enjoy the hustle, bustle, endless parties, and somewhat exuberant behaviour all rounded off with never ending fireworks, for our four legged friends it’s not such good news. Dogs have very sensitive ears and are much more aware and disturbed by all the unusual activities associated with Carnival time, Not to mention the scary and bizarre costumes and

face masks. Maybe we all enjoy dressing up for carnival but for our pets costumes can be uncomfortable, unfamiliar and even cause the dog to overheat. In addition they are at risk from injury from broken glass and tin cans in the streets as well as the risk of the dogs fleeing in terror from sudden loud bangs. So the best place for your pets is safely in the comfort of their own home in a quiet area well away from the festivities.


Live Aricco News Help for Candy Candy was rescued from Adeje kennels just before Christmas by our friend Regina Queder who runs MADAT - Manos Amigos de los Ani-

males Tenerife. Candy has a congenital heart defect called Ductus Arterioso Persistiente. To you and me that means that when she was born one of the arteries which allows blood to flow from one side of the heart to the other did not close off properly. If Candy does not have an operation then her life could be very hard. She may not survive much longer, and during this time she will become short of breath due to the lack of oxygenated blood flow, which will

put extra strain on her heart and body. The operation is open heart surgery, and there will be a need for intensive recuperation and care too. Our vet Cesar Bertoldi will perform the operation and she will then return to Sharon Edens, her foster Mum, for recuperation. She needs scans and x-rays before the operation too, and as you can imagine all this will cost a significant amount of money! MADAT do not have the funds to cover this, so a fundraiser is being held with the aim of raising the money to save Candy. WHEN? Sunday the 9th March from 2pm WHERE ? Eurobar, Coral Mar Square, Costa de Silencio. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Attend, enjoy, participate, buy a raffle ticket or 2, ENTERTAIN (acts please call Sharon on 671 783117 if you can spare 15 minutes of your time) DONATE raffle prizes, tombola prizes, cash, bbq items – again call Sharon for more information. See you there - lets save a life, NEVER GIVE UP !!

Please, if you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals.

James Will Put You Through Your Paces

Are you travelling to Germany? Accion Del Sol are desperately looking for people who are travelling to Dùsseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne, Stuttgart or Munich ,that would be willing to take a dog with them , it costs you nothing but a little bit of your time and it gives dogs a chance of a new life in Germany. Sometimes its easier to re home larger dogs or special needs dogs in Germany rather than Tenerife. Accion Del Sol Dino is a very sweet and nice natured dog who came to the refuge when he was a puppy, he waits patiently for his turn to be adopted, lets hope he finds a loving home soon.

is completely responsible for the dog and Aktion Tier staff will do all the necessary paperwork and meet you at both airports , where in Germany the dog will be collected upon your arrival at the chosen airport. Please email teneriffa@aktiontier.org or call 922778630 for more information if you are travelling to any of these destinations and would like to help the dogs to a better life.

Our opening hours are as follows:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 14:00 – 17:00 Saturday 13.00 – 16.00 The Refuge will be closed Wednesday, Sunday and on Public Holidays.

Accion Del sols Saturday club last week focused on the basic care with the refuges two resident ponies, the children had a great time learning how to handle, groom and feed them, followed by a pony ride. The children and parents then took many of the dogs for adoption for a well deserved walk. Great fun was had by children, parents and dogs alike. Please do contact the refuge for more information if you would like your children to join the club which runs every Saturday between 13.00 and 16.00 hours.

Please call 922778630 for more information or if you would like to help out in anyway, towels and blankets are always needed for the dogs if you have any to spare. They would be very much appreciated by our four legged friends. The refuge is situated at Poligono De

Industrial Estate, Granadilla, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER the Parque Eolica where the windmills are and it is open to the public Monday - Friday 3-6pm if you are interested in adopting a dog or maybe just taking a dog or two for a leisurely walk.


ames Banham is the instructor for the new Canaries No1 Military Fitness.

James spent just under 7 years in the British army based in several regiments within the Royal Artillery as a signaller in a fire support team for different Infantry Battalions. I He also did a tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2009. James told me: “After returning from Afghanistan I concentrated on my other job as an army physical training instructor, training up to 300 soldiers and making sure they were up to high fitness levels. When leaving the army I decided I wanted to continue passing on this different style of fitness training to other people, so I completed my level 3 personal trainer qualification and opened up a military style fitness class, I adapted the training to a more civilian class but kept

the military style within it. Outdoor fitness is growing in the UK so I decided to bring it to the Canary Islands in Southern Tenerife. All abilities and ages are welcome from beginners to athletes!! While training with us you’ll push yourself to your maximum due to the motivated style that I have, the classes can be fun and also very challenging, at times you’ll be working in pair’s, teams or even groups. Most sessions are carried out without any equipment on different types of terrain. The occasional lesson could involve tyre’s (be aware ha ha)! Every 6-8 weeks I will carry out a basic military fitness test out to check your progression. We guarantee to push you harder than you would on your own. So come along and give a lesson a go.” Call James on 665195742, or email jamesbanham123@hotmail.com for locations and more info.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


greY AreA For 50 ShADeS moVie

by newsinthesun.com


Fter all the excitement the filming of the 50 shades of Grey movie is coming to an end, and not one scene has featured the island of tenerife. There was speculation that a honeymoon scene was to be shot during the last week of February at the Tejita beach in Granadilla, after the local Council confirmed in early February they had received a call from a man, who identified himself as Steven Taylor from the Focus Features production company, inquiring about the procedure to be followed to shoot on location there. However, Granadilla heard nothing more, and more importantly neither did the Tenerife Film Commission who are responsible for

processing the necessary permits to film which are obtained from the Department of Coasts as the shoreline area is in the public domain. The Department of Coasts confirm there is no record of any permit application for a shoot on Tenerife beaches in February or in the near future . So, change of mind on the part of the production company or prank? To unravel the mystery, the first thing you need to ask is how the news broke. The El Pais newspaper ran the story on December 22nd, just a week after a fake movie trailer for the film swept YouTube, reporting the arrival of the production team in Madrid to find an actress to play one of “Mr Grey’s” lovers and the location of the Canary Islands

icod de los vinos

santiago del teide

Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Plaza General Franco, s/n, Arona. 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 125 - Fax: 922 725 478 334 512

la orotava

el sauzal

Granadilla de abona

el tanque


C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 120 - 922 710 420 869 643


C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de isora

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

el rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

san miguel de abona

for honeymoon scenes. On December 26th the Europa Press news agency took up the story with the headline “50 Shades of Grey to be shot in Spain? “ A few days later, on December 29th, 2013 Europa Press, citing as a source a statement from the producer of the film, named Tenerife specifically. From there the information went viral through internet and traditional media sources, but here’s the thing; December 29th is the Day of the Innocents, for Spain, like the UK’s April 1st, a day to make jokes and particularly media pranks; so was it all a publicity stunt? The information came to Europa Press, as confirmed by the agency itself,via an e -mail press release from a communications com-

pany said to represent the producers of the film, Universal Pictures and Focus Features. The latest statement released by the agency on February 4th insists that the producers had requested permits from Granadilla. So was it an elaborate hoax or more likely perhaps the producer realized that filming for just four days in the archipelago offered no advantage, since to be eligible for tax incentives shooting needs to be of at least two weeks duration in the interior or exterior of island territory? Filming of the movie in Vancouver is almost at an end and there is no news of any “add ons” in Spain, let alone Tenerife, so it looks like local fans will just have to wait to see the action on the big screen like everyone else.

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973 Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766

Local Markets Day



Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903



9:00 am to 4:00 pm



7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm




9:00 am to 2:00 pm


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


EVENTS ON A Destination THE ROCK With Know-How! Free Concert If you’re looking for something a bit different in the way of entertainment, why not pop along to a choir concert on Saturday 1st March at 7pm in the Cultural Centre in Los Cristianos. The programme consists of a selection of zarzuelas (light Spanish operettas - think Spanish Gilbert and Sullivan). The choir forms part of the Arona School of Music & Dance (Escuela de Música y Danza de Arona) and has approximately 15 members from several countries, not just locals, and they’re always looking to welcome new members to their friendly group. They sing mainly in Spanish but have also sung pieces in English, French, Italian and Latin! Entry to the concert’s free and the programme is expected to last around 30-45 minutes. Hope to see you there!

Cinderella, the musical, comes to los Cristianos by janetanscombe.com Tempus Producciones is bringing Cinderella, the musical, to Los Cristianos’ Auditorio Infanta Leonor. Two performances will be given on 16 March, one at midday and another at 5.30pm. Tickets, already on sale, cost 10 euros for children under 12, and 12 euros for everyone else, and can be bought from the auditorium box office or the Cultural Centre – but as required by laws governing public performances, 5% will be held back to be sold on the day itself. The show lasts around an hour, and there are details of its production, and a video to give a taste of the performance. For more information, call 010 (922 761 600 if calling from outside Arona municipality). 3rd cross solidario – charity run – in Guía de isora The third running of the cross popular solidario will take place on 19 April. This is a charitable run coordinated and sponsored by Guía de Isora Ayuntamiento, the Hotel Gran Meliá Palacio de Isora, Santisora triathlon club, and Fonteide, among others. Proceeds will go to the needy in the municipality. Inscription is open until 14 April, and costs 10 euros plus an optional kilogram of non-perishable food. Children can take part, and the cost for their inscription is that kilo of food. The children’s race starts at 4pm on the 19th, while the adults begin at 6pm. There are different circuits, a 5km “rapid” run mainly on the flat starting at the reception of the hotel to Calle La Plaza and ending at Alcalá plaza. This circuit is also doubled for the 10km run. Children, depending on ages, run set distances from 100m. Prizes donated by the sponsors are 2 nights in the hotel for 2 for the first prize, and 1 night for 2 for the second prize; third prize is a dinner for 2 in Restaurante Pangea. All the information is on the programme there is also a website.

by Cliodna O’Flynn


he Fit Canarias, the Canarian tourism innovation Factory, hosted aDeJe-smart islanDFit Canarias-CDtCa (8) the smart island ii forum on thursday in the hQ in adeje’s Centre for tourism Development.

The Cabildo president Carlos Alonso, Adeje mayor José Miguel Rdoríguez Fraga and the public negotiations, health and transport director for Atos, Mercedes Payá, opened the event which focussed on ‘intelligent tourism’ innovations. The mayor said it was important to remember that “an intelligent destination had to be an emotional destination and the local population have to be aware that tourism is a benefit”. The Atos repesentative told the conference that her company is “the number one in Spain and second in Europe in the promotion of technological projects and view tourism as a strategic sector of huge importance. For his part, Carlos Alonso spoke of a quality destination with the ability to meet the real and modern

demands of today’s tourists and with this in mind underlined the need for good connections such as a working Wifi system in tourism zones via the WiMAX ( (Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access) platform. Alonso said “a productive debate on the tourism model that we want in the Canary islands must be centred around a product that is linked to the quality and spending in a destination and not to the number of stars above the hotel doors.” The Cabildo president said the forum had, as its aim, the advancement of Tenerife as an “intelligent tourist destination”, that is to say an innovative destination with an advanced technological infrastructure, and one which can guarantee territorial sustainable development, accessible to all. Furthermore an intelligent destination works to constantly increase the quality of the offer. These three key strategic lines, technology, sustainability and accessibility formed the focus for the Smart island ii forum with many business people attending to discover how they too can benefit from the emerging intelligent destination.

Manuel Muñoz, director of transport and tourism with Atos headed up the first intervention titled “Development of an intelligent destination London 2012/Sochi 2014”. Atos was the company responsible for the technological input in both Olympic cities. Following this Juan Arturo Carreter, director general of iER España, spoke on an Atos car-sharing project in Paris. That was followed by a talk from Víctor Alvarado, channel manager with Motorola, who presented various prototypes for use in the hotel sector. Íñigo García, marketing director with Amadeus, an company the provides technological solutions to the travel industry also presented his experiences of building intelligent destinations, and the day ended with a round table on the main topic chaired by the director of the department of tourism in the University of La Laguna, Eduardo Parra. FiT Canarias operates under the auspicies of the Adeje Council, the Tenerife Cabildo via Turismo de Tenerife and the Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Tenerife, the Chamber of Commerce and Ashotel.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


teNeriFe Sur lioNS 29th chArter Night gAlA DiNNer


n the 22nD of February tenerife sur lions Club celebrated it’s 29th Charter Year in formal style at the Paradise Park hotel , Cristianos. With dinner suits and elegant dresses the order of the evening some sixty plus members and guests gathered on the terrace of the hotel’s strelitzia restaurant for pre-dining drinks and canapes. Prior to the meal service, Lions’ President Norman Goodall MBE

welcomed everyone saying that although evening did have a certain formality it was predominantly a celebration of the club’s Charter Anniversary it was also a birthday and so there would be more of a party atmosphere throughout the evening with some great entertainment lined up for later. He continued by asking that everyone take time to look at the table brochure’s center page entitled “A year in the life of Lions Tenerife Sur” depicting some of the Club’s 2013 projects. He paid tribute to the work of the staff of the club’s charity

shops in Costa del Silencio and Los Christianos and praised the public for their continuing tremendous level of support with donated items. He laid great emphasis to the fact that without both Tenerife Sur Lions Club would be unable to fulfill the increasing number of requests from both local governments and social services to help families in real distress, not just with food but with clothing and other houshold essentials. Concluding, Norman thanked all the members,wives, partners, and helpers who have come and given their support with a particular thanks to Ken and Beryl Sadler

who had organised the whole evenning adding it was his hope that everyone would have a wonderful evening and take away many happy memories. With the formalties over the guests enjoyed the fine dinning service of the five course menu accompianed by excellent wines and finishing with coffee and liqueurs. The whole dinning experience being further enhanced by the exceptional and attentive service of the hotel waiters. Complimenting the evening and bring that all important air of celebration there was music, dancing and entertainment.

Introducing the entertainment in his own unique style as the evening’s compere, Ken Sadler welcomed fellow Lion George Pena and his wife Claudia who had travelled from their home in Majorca especially for evening. Claudia got the evening’s party atmoshere started with a medley of popular songs.She was followed by husband George whose zany slant to his superb operatic voice had everyone in bouts of hysterical laughter. With the sounds of the seventies from “That 70’s Band” filling the dance floor the birthday celebration continued late into the night.

community administration Hestria is a professional company with more than 10 years' experience in conducting the administration of communities which are situated in the south of Tenerife. The staff of the company consists of 4 people, all speaking more than 1 language. Together we speak the following languages: Spanish, English, Dutch, French and German.

We know that transparency is very important. We therefore offer the owners in our communities complete access to the information of their community through our website. On the 24 hour office you can find the announcements of the General Meetings, the minutes, a monthly survey of the income and expenses of the community, see the state of your personal payments of the community fees, internal rules and/or the statutes, insurance policy, etc. In fact, anything you need to know as an owner.

The financial situation of the community has improved significantly since Hestria took over the administration of our complex, with a strong reduction of debtors.

Hestria is a professional company. They always respond immediately to any questions or issues that arise and they look at all viable options, keeping in mind price and quality.

They also publish the community accounts on their website, so nobody has to wonder how the community money is spent.

I would highly recommend Hestria to others!

Robert Hobbs, President Tagoro Park Costa del Silencio

Jim Halliday, President Villas del Duque Fañabe (Adeje)

For more info: www.hestria.es Hestria Administración de Fincas, S.L. Avda. Rafael Puig Llivina, 19 Centro Comercial City Center, local 23 38660 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 795 613 Fax: 922 789 820 E-mail: info@hestria.es


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


Upgrades at the Costa Adeje Market the chANgeS hAVe BeeN WelcomeD BY the trADerS


he Costa adeje market/mercado del atlantico, opposite the el Duque Commercial Centre has upgraded its installations, benefitting traders and the public alike.

Recently the mayor of Adeje José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga called into the market to see the

changes for himself, accompanied by the borough’s tourism councillor Rafael Dolado García. The upgrades have already been welcomed and praised by the commercial traders according to partners in the markets, Álvaro Luis Rodríguez y Jimmy Gómez, who met with the Adeje representatives during their visit. Mayor Rodríguez Fraga said, “we

are visiting a market that is very modern, one that has adapted to the needs and demands of today. The company responsible for the market have recognised that in the overall move to renovate the tourist destination every business in the sector has to been involved in the change. Congratulations are in order for the work carried out which, without doubt, will

also bring positive results for the traders.” The company behind the market, Mercadillo del Atlántico S.L., invested over half a million euro in the upgrade. Work included a completely new tarmac for the area and 200 new marquees of 2x2 metres each. These marquees were ordered specially for the market from Germany and

are of the highest quality. The perimeter of the market was also regulated to increase security and improve the management of the zone. This market is open on Thursdays and Saturdays, from 9am to 2pm. Up to 4,000 visit the market daily, and it enjoyed by both tourists and residents.

IMPROVEMENTS IN EL PUERTITO Work includes the improvement of the pavements and a possible relocation of the dry dock


n reCent weeks councillors epifanio Díaz hernández and andrés Pérez ramos, along with a town planner, met with residents of el Puertito de adeje to let them know about the plan to improve this part of the adeje coastline. the councillors explained that “we are talking about changes to an emblematic part of our borough taking its characteristics and

particular features into account”. The representatives of the Council added that “any changes will, of course, respect all of the existing regulations. What we are hoping to do with this work is offer the people who live in the area an improvement in all the communal areas, areas which form an integral part of the zone”. Among the works listed for El Puertito are: installation of hand railings along the pedestrian path; bringing the pathways that link to the houses into line with normal standards, and improvement of communal areas. Also

in the plan is an overall facelift for the zone, with the planting of vegetation appropriate for the coastal setting. They are also studying the possibility of limiting vehicle access into the area, but that is still very much in the planning stage according to the councillors. Another matter raised during the meeting with residents was the possibility of changing the location of the slipway to a more protected part of El Puertito, taking advantage of existing natural conditions to more easily launch boats and at the same time increasing the part of the beach available to bathers.

16 ‘Star Trek’ Theme Park Will Have Trekkies Flocking To Spain Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


tar trek” fans will soon be booking flight for sunny spain and visiting the theme park that’s dedicated to the franchise. as reported by the tenerife Weekly, Paramount Park muncia will include one large theme park divided into several sections, one of which will be themed after “star trek.” According to StarTrek.com, Plaza Futura will include a Starfleet recruiting center, a

3D simulator ride and a “Warp Speed” roller coaster that includes a “wormhole.” Naturally the park, which is expected to open by the end of 2015, will also include shops and eateries that will be pleased to take a little money out of your pocket. While there’s still quite a while before Trekkies, Trekkers and the rest will be able to visit the part, the concept art paints a beautiful picture. It looks like fans are in for something extra special. Now they just have to convince William Shatner to move there and live the rest of his life as Captain Kirk.



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

MAINLAND NEWS IN BRIEF three persons were arrested in Velez-Malaga, Spain, for drug related crimes. Two of them, a Dominican man, 40, and his 23-year-old girlfriend, were arrested for alleged cocaine trafficking, whereas the third one was arrested for buying the drug. According to Europa Press, Spain’s National Police started an investigation after knowing a man could be trafficking cocaine in VelezMalaga and nearby regions. After a short investigation, the man was arrested last Monday while he was selling 35.7 grams of the drug to a man in Torrenueva (Granada), who was also arrested. a drug smuggler who was convicted of bringing heroin into the UK last year has been arrested while on the run in Spain, the National Crime Agency said. David Mather, 52, from Salford, Greater Manchester, was held by armed police as he drove through La Linea, close to the border with Gibraltar. Mather was convicted in his absence in January 2013 at Sheffield Crown Court and sentenced to 18 years. He will be extradited back to the UK to serve his sentence. The NCA’s joint operation with Spanish National Police came as part of Operation Captura Unlucky 13, a campaign to track down convicted criminals living abroad. Hank Cole, head of international operations for the NCA, said: “Mather was using false identity documents to try and evade capture but we were able to track him down.” A freight company owned by Mather was involved in the logistics and movement of a lorry that was stopped at Humber Sea Terminal in May 2010 with 32 wrapped packages of heroin found in the bumper. It is believed the vehicle had been used on a number of occasions to import similar amounts of drugs into the UK. Mather’s arrest means 58 out of 76 wanted individuals targeted since Operation Captura was launched have been caught, said NCA. hundreds of sub-saharan migrants armed with sticks and stones stormed the six-metre high double barbed wire border fence on Monday in a bid to enter Spain’s northwest African enclave of Melilla from Morocco, with about 100 of them making it across, Spanish and Moroccan officials said. Moroccan forces arrested 96 of the migrants, 14 of whom were hospitalized in the nearby city of Nador, according to a Moroccan Interior Ministry statement. It said 13 security force members were injured by the stone-throwing migrants. Spain said 500 migrants were involved in the assault while Morocco put the figure at 300. Melilla is surrounded by Morocco and the Mediterranean Sea. Migrants hoping to get to Europe camp on the Moroccan side, and several thousand try each year to enter the city and Spain’s other coastal enclave of Ceuta. On Feb. 6th, at least 15 migrants drowned in Moroccan waters while trying to enter Ceuta by sea after several hundred tried to storm the enclave’s border by land. There are an estimated 25,000 sub-Saharan Africans living illegally in Morocco, most hoping to make their way to Europe. spain welcomed in January some 3.1 million foreign visitors, 12.3 percent more than in the same month of 2013, the Industry, Energy and Tourism Ministry said last Friday. The amount sets an all-time record for the first month of the year, topping the previous best established in January 2008 with 2.9 million visitors.These numbers come after last year closed with a record 60.66 million international tourist arrivals in Spain. Britain was the principal source with 552,526 tourists, 18.1 percent of the total and 9.2 percent more than in January last year, while France accounted for 493,432 visitors, up 19.5 percent from the same month in 2013. Among the various tourist destinations, the Canary Islands received more than 1 million visitors, or 13.7 percent more than last year, followed by Catalonia with 736,255, up 13.6 percent.


the tW Political showcase with Brian harrison


hen the spanish Constitution was ratified in 1978, it included several clauses within article 20 which were loosely aimed at protecting free speech, and defending the public’s rights to freely access independent media.

36 years on, many broadcasters find it hard to believe that article 20 of the Constitution was ever passed. it has been claimed many times, by many independent organizations, that the state influences the major media groups to a point where the public are denied access to the truth. in this week’s “P Files”, we’ll look at

how and why the media are influenced by public administrations in Spain. The major media groups is Spain generally own a selection of newspapers, magazines, website based services, terrestrial radio stations and TV stations. In each of Spain’s 17 autonomous communities, commercial radio stations and TV stations are allocated through public tenders. These public tenders are based on frequencies in any particular geographical area, and companies are invited to apply for one or more channel. The time it should take from the start of a public media tender until its completion is stipulated by national law as 12 months, though it can be extended if there are an excessive amount of applicants. All fine up to now, just as any democratic country would operate. But here’s the first bombshell; the selection panel which evaluate sand decides whose applications get passed and whose get rejected, is formed by between five and seven members of the autonomous government. In other words, the state and its politicians decide who we can or cannot access on TV and Radio. This matter is complicated by the fact that the tender processes invariably drag on, in many cases up to seven years. During that seven year period, from the day Joe Blogs Media submits his TV or Radio license applica-

tion, is he going to allow the editors within his media group to criticize the government who is considering his fate? Up to date, many of these public tender’s results have been investigated by anti-corruption forces and subsequently overturned by regional or national courts. The results of these “reversed” public tenders is millions of public funds lost in compensating applicants, and chaos on the FM and TDT channels, where in some parts of Spain, every commercial channel, including the nationals, is technically unlicensed. It has been claimed that keeping these channels unlicensed, at the mercy of a government who could apply closure notices and huge sanctions at any given time, is a further ploy to keep those media channels in check. A final point to consider this week is that many regional and national media groups heavily rely upon state advertising campaigns. In some regions during the last two decades, funds from public administrations have made up over 40% of media revenue. Would any media group risk the loss of such an important revenue source for publishing unfavorable articles about their paymasters? Next week, how the situation is affecting what we see, hear and read in the Canary Islands.

ruth rePreSeNtS SPAiN


Uth lorenZo, who came in fourth in Britain’s 2008 “the X-Factor,” has been chosen to represent spain at the 2014 eurovision song Contest. Lorenzo was chosen

from among five finalized by a jury made up of established musicians who have had long-running pop careers, which included Monica Naranjo, Merche and David Bustamante. The jury’s selection coincided with televised viewers’ votes, though


cientists in spain have been given the go ahead to search for the body of Cervantes using specialist georadar equipment, which finds and measures underground cavities.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, author of Spain’s most famous novel ‘Don Quixote,’ died a poor man despite the huge success of the work and was believed buried in a convent in Madrid, although the exact whereabouts of his grave has been unknown until now, it was believed he was buried in Las Trinitarias convent in the Las Letras district of Madrid. Miguel de Cervantes is Spain’s most famous author but he had a complicated life, spending time in

initially the judges were leaning toward selecting La Brequette. Lorenzo will sing “Dancing in the Rain” in English at the contest, which is scheduled to be held in May in Denmark.

Spain Searches For The Body of Cervantes the military and acting as a government official in Seville. He spent time in the jail in Seville on at least two occasions and was struggling constantly to earn enough money to keep his family. The first part of his famous novel Don Quixote (pronounced don kee-ho-tay) was not published until he reached the age of 57. It was a instant success and he went on to publish the second part in 1615. The two parts were joined into one volume in 1617 and the novel has been translated into more than 60 languages since then. Cervantes died in Madrid on April 23, 1616 (the same day as William Shakespeare) at the age of 69. He had been wounded at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 with a gunshot wound to the chest. He also had damage to the bones

of his left hand. These injuries would help to identify any remains found. He had one daughter, so if any descendants can be found, a DNA sample could also help to identify the body. Evidence has existed since 1870 that there are undiscovered burial sites at the convent, including that of an adult man. A source says: “Under the main altar of the convent’s old church, where Mass was celebrated, it is known that there are three people buried there -- a woman, a young child and an adult man.” The heritage department of the Madrid region is in charge of the operation to find the great man’s body, the exhumation and scientific investigation of the remains and the reburial. Around 12,000 euros have been allocated to the project.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


cAt cAFe celeBrAteS iNterNAtioNAl cAt DAY


Pain’s First cat cafe, the Gatoteca, has organized the FestimiaU! festival to celebrate international Cat Day. the festival offers a series of educational, informative and fun activities for cat lovers. the Gatoteca also serves as the headquarters of the society for the rescue and adoption of Cats, or aBriGa, which organized the festival in partnership with sanicat, a leading producer of pet products. One of the festival’s goals is to do away with the traditional image of cats as mysterious, unfriendly and aloof ani-

mals, showing the friendly, loyal and loving side of felines. Ariana Frances, one of the festival’s organizers said: “In reality, their character depends on how they were handled during their first months of life. If they received love and training, they will have impeccable social conduct and be friendly. A cat needs two kinds of care, physical and emotional, and understanding on the part of its owner about its nature, which is more wild than that of the dog, once this is accepted, the animal will be very much appreciated. It is the preferred pet of Spaniards after the dog.” FESTIMIAU! offers talks to spread knowledge about the cat world, craft goods for cats that contain catnip and workshops to teach children how to handle the animals.

International Cat Day was officially created in 2009, thanks to the efforts of cat lovers on social-networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter, who wanted to educate people about how to correctly care for felines and promote the animals’ rights in light of abuse and abandonment. The date marks the death on Feb. 20, 2009, of Socks, the most famous cat to live in the White House, who moved into the presidential residence with Bill Clinton’s family in 1993. Socks went to live with the former president’s secretary, Betty Currie, when the Clintons left the White House. Currie had Socks euthanized in 2009, when he was 19 or 20, because he was suffering from kidney problems, a thyroid condition and cancer of the mouth and jaw.

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ast WeDnesDaY, four people were arrested following an investigation which resulted in French authorities seizing a large cocaine haul. French police seized 1.4 tons of cocaine which was found in car tires on board a freight ship, which departed from Valparaíso, Chile and arrived at the port in the French city of Le Havre. The price of the seized cocaine is estimated at EUR 270 million. The two Spanish citizens were arrested in France. The two Bulgarians, who are believed to be the organisers of the trafficking, were arrested close to the Bulgarian coastal city of Varna on Thursday. Secretary General of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry, Svetlozar Lazarov, said: “A drug trafficking channel has been busted and large amount of drugs has been seized. The police received operational information about plotted and realised cocaine trafficking from South America to the countries in West Bulgaria. The scheme was realised under the cover of the cars taking part in the Dakar Rally. I immediately ordered an operational investigation. There was a consultation with the European partners. The operation was realised under constant exchange of infor-

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

mation, which led to the results achieved. A ship, which departed from Chile and was heading to France, has been transporting drugs hidden in cars. It was ascertained that the matter in point concerns a truck, which was transporting spare tires for the participants in the rally. The tires were sprayed with a special substance, in order to pass the x-ray check. There were 100 kilos of cocaine hidden in every tire. There was 1.4 tons of pure cocaine from Bolivia, aimed for the European market. The sum amounts to EUR 273 million. Work on the case continues in France and other European countries. The case concerns a cross-border group trafficking cocaine. The group was comprised of citizens from different countries, including Bulgaria. Bulgarian citizens had a leading role in a drug trafficking ring, which was busted. The arrests continue at the moment. There are more people to be detained. Thanks to the good work of the Bulgarian police, a drug trafficking channel from South America to West Europe has been neutralised. The drug haul was seized on the territory of France last night. The Bulgarians have a leading role in this drug trafficking ring. The investigation will ascertain how many drug deliveries have been realised so far. I thank


BulgAriANS ArreSteD For SmuggliNg 1.4 toNS oF cocAiNe

the secretary general of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry, as well as the Interior Ministry, because this huge seizure was realised in the frames of an investigation carried out by the French and the Bulgarian police.” French Ambassador to Bulgaria, Xavier Lapeyre de Cabanes, said speaking at a press conference at which it was announced that French

authorities have busted a large-scale cocaine haul, 1.4 tons, in cooperation with the Bulgarian authorities. “The investigation is connected with international drug trafficking from South America to Europe. This proves that there is perfect cooperation between the French and the Bulgarian police.”

6 DeAD, 5 iNJureD mcDonald’s Serves Breakfast until 1pm iN hotel Fire m


iX PeoPle have died and another five members of the family suffered injuries in a fire at a small rural hotel. located in the town of tordomar, 134 miles (215 kilometers) north of madrid, in the north of spain Interior Ministry spokesman for the region of Castilla y Leon, Ramiro Ruiz Medrano, says three adults and three minors died from suspected smoke inhalation. Three other grown-ups and two children were taken to a hospital with minor burns and respiratory complaints. The fire broke out in the early hours of Saturday as the family slept and could have originated by poor combustion fireplace. It is assumed that

some wooden furniture and plastics that were close, burned, causing toxic smoke Ruiz Medrano said the five persons who survived the fire, a 5 year old girl, a 7 month old and three adults between 34 and 37 years. The five have been treated for smoke inhalation and burns and were taken to the Hospital de Burgos and were recovering well. The dead are a woman of 59 years, her two daughters and three children, aged 4-6 years. The mayor of the town has declared three days of official mourning, Gijón council, whose flags will fly from today until Tuesday at half mast, expressed their “sympathy” and “solidarity” with the families of those killed in the “fatal accident”.

CDonalD’s in spain, are testing a new, later breakfast menu to appeal to spain’s late dining culture. Despite being one of the most successful franchises in the world, McDonald’s has been temporarily stumped by the famous late dining culture in Spain. Like every Egg McMuffinseeker who has ever run into a McDonald’s unit just in time to see the menu boards flip over to lunch, a lot of people in Spain think the chain’s breakfast hours are too short. McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson got our hopes up last year when he said an all-day breakfast was a possibility for the future, but people in Spain are getting an extended breakfast period right now.

Breakfast is one of the most profitable dayparts for McDonald’s in the US, UK, Italy, and much of Europe. But Spain’s famously delayed dining hours meant few people were taking advantage of the chain’s breakfast menus. Spaniards typically eat dinner around 10pm and, consequently, tend to forgo breakfast for a late morning snack of churros con chocolate (fried dough sticks and hot chocolate dipping sauce), and chorizo (a Spanish sausage), so McDonald’s has had trouble tempting Spanish customers into its restaurants in the mornings. Spain’s unusual eating hours have been a topic of debate recently, with some wondering if the country should move its schedule more into line with the rest

of Europe. For now, though, McDonald’s will adopt the local customs and serve a more Spanish breakfast menu until 1 pm — an hour later than in other European countries. The menu has also gotten an upgrade. Spanish McDonald’s will serve things like toast with tomato and a wider range of coffees, in addition to the Egg McMuffins.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Bamboo towels & Sheets theY are brand new to tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! You may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.


21 SPAiN’S moSt eXPeNSiVe ShoPPiNg StreetS



orBes maGaZine has revealed themost expensive shopping streets for renting premises in spain along with the most pricey precincts in the world.

Barcelona’s Portal del Ángel Spain’s priciest, but does not quite make the global top 10, with the cost of rent being 3,180 euros per square metre per year, or in region of 31,800 euros based upon a typical 100-square-metre

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

property. Madrid’s C/ Preciados, near the central Puerta del Sol square and the El Corte Inglés department store is the second-most costly commercial street in Spain at 2,880 euros per square metre to rent every year. Next come Barcelona’s main shopping boulevard, the Passeig de Gràcia and the C/ Serrano and C/ José Ortega y Gasset in Madrid. Property consultants Cushman & Wakefield’s annual Main streets across the world report

studied rent prices of the 333 most expensive shopping precincts in 64 countries, of which Spain comes 15th, reveals Forbes. Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay is the most costly on the planet at 24,983 euros per square metre, potentially setting a shop manager back a quarter of a million a year in rent. New York’s famous 5th Avenue comes second at 20,702 euros per square metre to rent, followed by the Champs Élysées in Paris at 13,255 euros per square metre.

In prices per square metre to rent a shop, office or restaurant premises, the remaining precincts in the top 10 are London’s New Blon Street at 8,666 euros; Tokyo’s Ginza at 8,152 euros; Via Montenapoleone, in Milan, at 7,500 euros; Zürich’s Bahnlofstra�e at 7,236 euros; Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall at 7,042 euros; Myengdong in Seoul, capital of South Korea at 6,063 euros, and Vienna’s Kohlmarkt at 4,440 euros per square metre.

WomAN coNVicteD oF iNcitiNg terror oVer tWitter


n the First verdict of its kind involving twitter posts in spain, alba González Camacho, 21, who describes herself as a “very normal girl,” has been convicted by spain’s national court of inciting terrorism using a social media network, after she posted messages calling for a far-left terrorist organization to return to arms and kill politicians,

The case has touched on issues of where precisely the cultural, political and legal red lines lie in a country that not long ago lived under both the grip of Fascist dictatorship and the threat of leftist terrorism. Several recent cases involving social media have raised issues of the limits of speech on the Internet. In January, two people received prison sentences in Britain for posting threatening messages against a feminist campaigner.

The same month, a federal judge in the United States sentenced a man to 16 months in prison for threatening on Twitter to kill President Obama. Ms. González Camacho, a student in southern Spain, says she is unaffiliated with any political organization. But she had invoked a group known as the Grapo, which killed more than 80 people, mostly in the late 1970s and 1980s, when Spain was returning to democracy after the lengthy Franco dictatorship. Although the Grapo never officially disbanded, security officials here consider it to have long lost its operative capability. One of the messages called for the murder of the conservative prime minister, Mariano Rajoy. “I promise to tattoo myself with the face of the person who shoots Rajoy in the neck,” she wrote. Another singled out Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, the justice minister, comparing him to a Nazi.

Eduardo Serra, a former Spanish defense minister, said : “Terrorism is terrorism, and it just can’t be glorified.” With no past criminal record, Ms. González Camacho was sentenced to one year in prison but will avoid jail time under a plea bargain. Ms. González Camacho said by email: “The truth is that I’m a very normal girl, who has never landed herself in any kind of problem, but if I tell you everything that I’m fed up with, I would never stop. I never imagined something like that could happen to me because you find a lot of nonsense on the Internet, including worse than mine,” she wrote about her conviction. “But it seems that here that the prosecution is only for those from one side — the Fascists can say whatever they want, and nothing will ever happen to them.” Her lawyer, Miguel Angel Gómez García, suggested that Ms. González Camacho “had been

made a scapegoat. .” The case comes as the conservative Rajoy government is eyeing other restrictions on public protests, including the political use of the Internet, having agreed in November to a controversial draft bill that would make it a criminal offense to use the Internet to organize any violent protest action. The case against Ms. González Camacho has generated some sympathy here on social networks and helped swell the number of her followers on Twitter to more than 14,000. Though the prosecution noted that she had used photos relating to the Grapo as the background picture on her Twitter account, she has also switched at times to other pictures, including that of Che Guevara. Most recently, her account showed the wartime photograph of Soviet soldiers hoisting their flag in Berlin after defeating Nazi Germany.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


Dr. Seuss born


n marCh 2nd in 1904, in springfield, massachusetts, Usa, theodor Geisel, better known to the world as Dr. seuss, the author and illustrator of such beloved children’s books as “the Cat in the hat” and “Green eggs and ham,” was born. Geisel used his middle name (which was also his mother’s maiden name) as his pen name, and wrote 48 books-including some for adults-

-that have sold well over 200 million copies and been translated into multiple languages. Dr. seuss books are known for their whimsical rhymes and quirky characters, which have names like the lorax and the sneetches and live in places like hooterville.

Geisel graduated from Dartmouth College, where he was editor of the school’s humour magazine, and studied at Oxford University. There

he met Helen Palmer, his first wife and the person who encouraged him to become a professional illustrator. Back in America, Geisel worked as a cartoonist for a variety of magazines and in advertising. The first children’s book that Geisel wrote and illustrated, “And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street,” was rejected by over two dozen publishers before making it into print in 1937. Geisel’s first bestseller, “The Cat in the Hat,” which was recreated for the big screen starring Mike Myers as the crazy feline, was published in 1957. The story of a mischievous cat in

a tall striped hat came about after his publisher asked him to produce a book using 220 new-reader vocabulary words that could serve as an entertaining alternative to the school reading primers children found boring. Other Dr. Seuss classics include “Yertle the Turtle,” “If I Ran the Circus,” “Fox in Socks” and “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” Some Dr. Seuss books tackled serious themes. “The Butter Battle Book” (1984) was about the arms buildup and nuclear war threat during Ronald Reagan’s presidency. “Lorax” (1971) dealt with the

environment. Many Dr. Seuss books have been adapted for television and film, including “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” starring Jim Carrey and “Horton Hears a Who!” In 1990, Geisel published a book for adults titled “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” that became a hugely popular graduation gift for high school and college students. Geisel, who lived and worked in an old observatory in La Jolla, California, known as “The Tower,” died September 24, 1991, at age 87.




aCeBooK has agreed to buy the mobile messaging company Whatsapp the fast-growing messaging service in the world for $19bn (£11.4bn), the social network has announced. the purchase marks the largest single acquisition in Facebook’s 10-year history. Whatsapp is a real-time mobile messaging service with more than 450 million monthly users. the app has more than one million new registered users each day.

In a statement the company said that it would pay $4bn (£2.4bn) in cash and $15bn (£9bn) in Facebook shares as part of the deal. The app’s founders and employees will get $3bn (£1.8bn) of the shares as restricted stock that will vest over four years after the deal closes. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said: “ WhatsApp will continue to operate independently and retain its brand” despite the acquisition. “WhatsApp is on a path to connect one billion people. The services that reach that milestone are all incredibly valuable, I’ve known (WhatsApp CEO) Jan (Koum) for a long time and I’m excited to partner with him and his team to make the world more open and connected.” He added that the service “doesn’t get

23 thouSANDS oF PuFFiNS WiPeD out iN StormS Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

as much attention in the US as it deserves because its community started off growing in Europe, India and Latin America. “But WhatsApp is a very important and valuable worldwide communication network. In fact, WhatsApp is the only widely used app we’ve ever seen that has more engagement and a higher percent of people using it daily than Facebook itself.” Whatsapp was founded by Jan Koum a Ukrainian immigrant who dropped out of college, and a Stanford alumnus, Brian Acton. The acquisition will also see Mr Koum - a former Yahoo! engineer - join Facebook’s board of directors. Mr Koum said: “WhatsApp’s extremely high user engagement and rapid growth are driven by the simple, powerful and instantaneous messaging capabilities we provide, we’re excited and honoured to partner with Mark and Facebook as we continue to bring our product to more people around the world.” Facebook is known to make bold moves to thwart competitors - it famously bought Instagram for $1bn after a weekend of negotiations.


eCorD nUmBers of puffins have been washed up on Bay of Biscay as thousands are feared to have been killed in the recent storms that have hammered the UK for the last month. Bodies of dead puffins have been found washed up on the bays of France and spain, provoking worries that the storms have thinned their numbers The British Trust for Ornithology said it’s received a record number of reports of puffins, wearing uniquely-numbered metal rings showing they are from the UK, being washed up dead on the coasts of France and Spain. It’s feared they have been wiped out in their thousands while hunting far out to sea in the stormlashed Bay of Biscay for their favourite food, sand eels. BTO spokesman Paul Stancliffe said: ‘Sadly, the sight of a puffin, beak full of sand eels, might be

a little harder to come by this summer as they struggle to survive the recent storms that have rocked the Bay of Biscay.’ In a normal winter, the BTO would expect two or three ringed puffins to be found in the Bay, which covers western France and northern Spain, but during the last few weeks, more than 35 have been reported and countless more are feared to have been drowned and lost forever far out at sea. The previous highest number of ringed birds found was back in 1979 when 17 dead puffins were reported. British puffins head out into the Atlantic for the winter months, riding out the worst that the weather can throw at them. As the winter progresses, they make their way back into the Bay of Biscay before heading home to their breeding colonies and the burrows and tunnels in the ground on clifftops that they used the previous summer. The BTO says that puffins found in this winter’s so-called ‘wreck’, have come from colonies

in west Wales, northern Scotland, Orkney and Shetland. Mark Grantham, ringing officer at the BTO, said: ‘Up until the last couple of weeks it seemed that our puffins might have survived the worst of the winter. However, from the reports of ringed birds that are being washed up on the Biscay beaches it would seem that the recent storms were just too much for many of the puffins. It is still early days and the number of ringed birds found is likely to rise further, but we must remember that if over 35 ringed birds have been found, many un-ringed birds must have been affected too.’ Bird ringing in the UK is organised by the BTO and is carried out by licensed volunteers, who ring over a million birds of a wide variety of different species every year. It is the information received from these rings, when found and reported to the BTO, that enables scientists at the Trust to chart events such as this.

Beware: Chihuahua Gangs!


traY ChihUahUas are travelling in packs and terrorising a Us town

An overpopulation of chihuahuas is causing havoc in an Arizona town, so much so that residents called the animal control centre 6,000 times last year.

Maricopa County Animal Care and Control has said it received the thousands ofcalls from concerned Maryvale residents last year, reporting out-of-control chihuahuas being a nuisance on their streets. Locals say that the children are being chased on their way to school, while dog mess is being left all over the pavements.

Maryvale resident Ray Rios said: ‘They are out here chasing kids or going yard to yard… anywhere in groups of eight to 12 just running around.’ However, because it is so busy, Melissa Gable from the animal control centre said it needs help to restrain them:

‘If at all possible, if you see a stray, if you can safely contain him in your yard and then call us – that makes a big difference, because what’s happening is people are calling saying, “hey I see a stray” by the time we get there, it’s long gone.’


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


CHALLEnGinG Puzzle

EASY Puzzle

SUDOKU Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

answers to the sUDoKU are on page 2.


Salma Hayek’s Brother Kills Passenger In Crash

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

SteVe JoBS getS commemorAtiVe StAmP


PPle Co-FoUnDer steve Jobs may be appearing on a commemorative U.s. postage stamp next year.


alma hayek’s younger brother has killed a 43-year-old passenger after crashing his $165,000 sports car on sunset Boulevard in la.

Sami Hayek lost control of the vehicle, crossed into oncoming traffic and collided head on with a pickup truck. A 43-year-old unidentified male Mexican passenger riding with Hayek died at the scene, Hayek was hospitalized for several broken ribs and facial lacerations. The name of the passenger has not been re-


Jobs’ name appeared on a list of approved postage-stamp subjects that also includes pop icon Michael Jackson, singer James Brown, rocker Jimi Hendrix, talk-show host Johnny Carson, hoops star Wilt Chamberlain, actor Charlton Heston and gay-rights leader Harvey Milk. The document from the U.S. Postal Service’s Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, carries “approved subjects” and notes design work on most of the

subjects is underway.However, the list dated January 7th is still subject to revision, a USPS spokesman said. Pop-culture figures are popular with stamp collectors, which is a likely reason the cash-strapped postal service has peopled its latest list with them, last November, it released 20 postage stamps honouring fictional wizard character Harry Potter. USPS spokesman Roy Betts said: “The postal service is looking to bring more timely, relevant, contemporary subjects to stamps ... pop-culture subjects appealing to younger audiences.

It creates excitement. Steve Jobs made major contributions and is worthy of this recognition.” If Jobs ends up on a stamp he would be the first figure in the U.S. computer industry to be so honoured.

leased as authorities were still trying to notify his next of kin. The fatal car crash occurred in Los Angeles, last Sunday. Sami Hayek, 40, was driving a 2006 Ford GT sports car eastbound on Sunset Boulevard around 4:50pm when he lost control of the vehicle, crossed into the westbound lanes and hit a 2011 Toyota Tacoma pickup. Authorities still don’t know what caused Hayek to cross over the yellow line. The investigation is on-going. Hayek currently runs his own design studio in Los Angeles, and has designed furniture for the likes of Brad Pitt. He is married to jewelry-designer Daniela Villegas and the two live in a home in the Hollywood Hills.

NoW thAtS’S Google Unveils 3-D mapping Phone aroAD rAge FUrioUs Female motorist was filmed as she climbed onto the roof of another driver’s BmW in an extreme road rage

In the shocking footage, the brown haired woman can be seen having an argument with another driver near to Kingsbury roundabout, London. She then climbs on top of his vehicle - a BMW - while the pair continue to argue. He then approaches the car, opens the door and climbs inside, the BMW driver then speeds off - with the woman clinging on for dear life, while the woman’s female friend in an Audi pulls up alongside the car in a desperate bid to stop the man. Eventually, the woman - dressed all in black - gets off the car after the driver comes to a halt near to the roundabout in north-west London. She then walks to her friend’s vehicle and climbs into the passenger seat. It is unknown whether the woman was hurt during the heated incident. The footage was captured by driver Riz Husain: ‘So I’m driving up to Kingsbury roundabout when I see a girl get out of the passenger side of the Audi A3 and climb on the roof of the BMW. She’s not coming down until the guy stops. Her friend in the Audi (another girl) pulls across the BMW. The guy in the BMW incensed the first girl has climbed onto his roof tries to get her off by driving away. She eventually comes down to the bonnet, before eventually getting off and joining her friend in the Audi. Both cars nearly caused an accident as they sped away.’ Try a calming camomile tea next time!


PrototYPe smartphone that creates 3-D maps to help the visually impaired navigate unfamiliar indoor sites unassisted, has been unveiled by U.s. tech giant Google. Google’s advanced technology and Projects unit developed the phone with help from researchers at various institutions Sensors in the phone make more than 250,000 3-D measurements per second to update its position in real time and present its location as a 3-D map. Two hundred prototype smartphones with “customized hardware and software” have been offered to developers interested in creating apps for it.

The company said: “The goal of Project Tango is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion. We’re ready to put early prototypes into the hands of developers that can imagine the possibilities and help bring those ideas into reality.” Google is not alone in attempting to turn technological advances to practical use in everyday life in an attempt to attract more customers. Tech analyst Bryan Ma, of U.S. market research firm IDC said: “The focus is not just on the hardware or the device, but on what the gadget can actually do, It is all about taking it to the next level of usage -- be it augmented reality, help with basic healthcare or even just creating better maps.”


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


hey Adele - there’s Someone like You!


aDame tussauds in new York City has revealed a wax figure of British diva adele, styled to recreate her look from her performance at Grammys 2012, which is featured at the unveiling of a brand new, state-of-the-art, interactive music experience

music room. according to the website of madame tussauds new York, the music experience includes “a number of interactive elements such as live drums, an electric guitar, and a high-tech lighting feature that recognises performers’ dance moves and broad-

casts their image on a video screen.”

Adele will headline the feature that allows visitors to perform alongside some of the music industry’s biggest names, including Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry and Beyoncé Knowles. Adele has already been immortalized as a wax Madame Tus-

sauds figure in London and Amsterdam, when she was unveiled in the original wax museum in London, PR Manager Nicole Fenner commented: “Adele is the perfect addition to the music line up here in London. She’s one of the world’s hottest properties right now and one of our most requested personalities. In fact we’ve seen a huge increase in requests for her

figure since ‘Skyfall’ was released and the timing seems perfect to honour her after such phenomenal success with the song. She is one of the most influential British female artists and we know she is going to be a huge hit with our guests alongside our other pop greats. We’re very excited to welcome her to Madame Tussauds London.”

mark goodier Mark Goodier - BBC Radio 1, Radio Clyde, Smooth FM and now on 105.3 SPECTRUM FM TEnERiFE Join Mark Every Saturday morning for three years of hits from 9am


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Spotlight on Rodeo


s I write this, although I find it hard to believe myself, I’ve been regularly eating at El Rodeo for almost 15 years!

In that decade and a half, I’ve shared this meaty challenge with friends, family, parents, girlfriends, my future wife, in-laws, bosses, just about everybody I know! I could stop there as that’s recommendation enough, but perhaps I should give you a bit more information to go on! El Rodeo is a Brazilian style Rodizio restaurant also known as a Churrascaria. It’s a traditional steak restaurant that are as numerous as McDonalds over there- I speak from experience as I was lucky enough to visit Brazil years ago. Basically you pay a fixed price (reasonable and consistent, the price including drinks, desserts, cocktails, etc always seems to fall between 20-25 euros), once you are seated, passadores (meat waiters in traditional dress) take

your drink orders then tell you to help yourself from the enormous and varied salad/side dish island at the centre of the room. Be warned, there is so much to choose from and it’s so good it’s easy to forget you need room on your plate for the meat. Hot dishes like onion rings, chips, garlic mushrooms, corn on the cob and much more are available too. Once you’ve overdone it at the salad bar and sat back down, the passadores begin their almost endless circuit of the dining tables armed with skewers, trays and trolleys of delicious, barbecued meats, brought out from the huge indoor grill room that is glass fronted so you can observe your food being cooked. The choice of meat is amazing, chicken sausage, steak, lamb, turkey, gammon, ham, beef ribs, pork ribs, quail, black pudding, ham some served with different sauces or cheeses like Roquefort or Parmesan, the meats is always fresh and delicious and keeps coming until you pick up the card at your place

setting which is green one side (for yes I want meat) and red the other (for please stop bringing meat before I explode) and indicate that you’re done! If you survive the meaty challenge with room to spare, you can ask for the dessert trolley, which overflow with sugary delights all served with a huge dollop of whipped cream. You can also get into the Brazilian spirit by ordering a caipirinha, a potently delicious cocktail made at your table with crushed ice, fresh lime, sugar, fruit and cachaca, a Brazilian spirit made from sugar cane. Almost everyone dining at Rodeo seem to have been taken there or recommended by a regular, I’ve never seen it advertised and many people have probably passed by it without even realizing (it’s just past Gran Sur, past the McDonald’s end toward Adeje and it’s on the next corner looking onto the TF1). It’s a great night and I’m sure if you give it a go - you too will start taking everyone you know...just don’t plan anything too strenuous afterwards!



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



Tenerife Tenerife Weekly Weekly - 7th - 28th February February 20142014 - 13th - 6th February March 2014



By marc Craig

D long ago Day on a 5 -time reboot Other Behindterminator The Aholiday far far away Scenes Images I esPite or maYBe boot the entire stobecause of the ry casting Game of fact that there thrones emilia (draghasn’t been a decent on mother) Clarke as If you are already cringterminator movie sarah Connor and Die since Judgement Day, hard’s John mcClane ing, Arnie’s back as the Terminator. Yes Arnold I’m in some bright spark Jnr, Jai Courtney as my sixties Schwarzenegger has decided to re- Kyle reese. is back playing the unstoppable killing Warning some of these may shatter some illusions about somemachine of yourthat famade him famous about vourite films! 1000 years ago! 2-Hobbits In a Helicopter 1-The Batplane The of Austrian Are you kidding me? The Batplane? Batman’s In this rejected script version Lord ofoak the made Rings, such an impact in the origiaerial attack vehicle is very fragile and the Frodo and pals ditch whole perilous quest idea and just nalto classic size of a frisbee? I won’t lie I am disappointed! jump in a chopper to get Mordor! because he was a blank slate, an unknown, an emotionless automaton who you truly believed was devoid of feelings. Now he’s Arnie, one of the most famous faces on the planet and really old!!! Sometimes reboots are

not a bad thing; one of my favourite movies of the past few years is “Rise of thelove PlanetStar of the apes”.alA Wars, remake that truly was ready ways have, and I for an intelligent update usthought I’d seen just ing state of the art effects about every photo and to improve on the original. video there isincludBut Terminator still looks ing all the fantastic! Thebehind effects the still scenes but my hold their stuff, ground today, especiallySis T2. shared these little If someone to dewith me asks lastyouweek scribe the defining moment of The Terminator movies you can pretty much guarantee it won’t be any scene from any of the films James Cameron wasn’t involved

Dc comics ‘constantine’ casts its lead 3-Crappy Cannibals

Not a liver or a Chianti in sight, fast food fries hardly are hardly fitting for a man of your exquisite taste Mr Lecter!


is a master of t hJohn i n gConstantine s the t h r ooccult, u g h , who struggles with his faith maybeas he theis haunted by the sins of Harry his past Potand is suddenly thrust into ter rolesaga the of defending humanity from would have forces of darkness. the gathering been muchMinds” actor Matt Ryan “Criminal shorter. will star in the drama from execu-

The shots were taken for a spread in Rolling Stone Magazine’s Summer Special back in 1983, the year Return of the Jedi hit cinemas. The issue also had an interview with Carrie entitled “Space Cadet” as well as a George Lucas interview.

4- Titantrick!

No swirling ocean hundreds of feet below the unsinkable ship in this set picture.

6-Monty Python 1 Holy Grail 0

tive producer David Goyer, one of the brains behind “Batman Begins”. “Constantine” was adapted to the big screen in 2005 with Keanu Reeves as the titular character, but was a commercial and critical flop. John Constantine is described as a; “working-class Londoner with deadpan humor who is a mysterious conman and occult detective haunted by the recent loss of a young girl’s soul. No stranger to the dark underworld that exists parallel to our own, Constantine has been studying the dark arts since he was a teenager. He’s taught himself spells, rituals,

7- Soggy Hollow

Johnny, I don’t think the headless horseman is gonna be to bothered by your Supersoaker, it’s not like you can squirt him in the eyes!


t onlY seems like yesterday that Batman was Christian Bale in Chris nocurses and conjuring, but the one person he most wishes to see -- his lan’s definitive Dark Knight mother, who died giving birth to him trilogy but already a new -- remains out of reach, at least so Batman is making headlines far. When Liv, the daughter of a late with Batfleck donning the 8- Yoda, Jedi Muppet evenanticihomicidal maniacs need a break somecowl for the 10highly friend, is targeted byI sense demons, Con- disturbance a great under times pated Batman vs superman stantine steps in to save her and the my robes! And finally, for anyone who gets completely freaked out watchor Justice league prequel if ing horror movies, this should help you with your nightmares! two form an alliance.” rumours are true. Dexter’s Daniel Cerone will pen the script with Batman Begins’ David Goyer attached to executive produce. Neill Marshall (Game of Thrones) will direct the pilot for the Warner Bros. Television drama.

But if you think that’s the only reworking of the caped crusader, think again, Batman is heading to the small screen again in the form of new FOX TV series “Gotham” which is the Batman story told from the point of view of Detective Gordon, who of course becomes Commissioner Gordon. This reinvention has yet to cast the young pre-Batman Bruce Wayne but it has it’s big bad in the unlikely form of Mrs. long walk to freedom Will Smith, Jada Pinkett as Gotham Showing daily at 17:00 hr - 141 min crime lordCut... Fish Mooney. The Directors showing daily at 17:20 hr9-- Jaws 125min Biography/Drama/History Not part of the DC comic Batman In Half Biography/Comedy/Drama Rated 12A canon, it looks like the series will be Smile you son of a bitch! rated PG Starring looking to turn the Batman story Idris Elba Starring on its head, and with young Master Emma Thompson Wayne several years away from his Naomie Harris Bat fetish, the series looks like focusTerry PhetoTom Hanks ing on the multiple petty criminals of Annie Rose Buckley A chronicle of Nelson Mandela’s life Information information Correct Correct at time atof time going ofto going press.to press. Author P.L. Travers reflects on her Gotham, that end up becoming the journey from his childhood in a rural Check Check our our Facebook Facebook pagepage or contact or contact the cinema the cinema childhood after reluctantly village through to his inauguration as the meeting with well known villains we know and love, forfor further further information. information. Walt Disney, who seeks to first democratically elected president of adapt her Mary the first being Oswald Cobblepot AKA The Penguin, who has already been Poppins books for the big screen. South Africa. cast.

Mandella: saving mr.


Tel: tel: 922 922 713713 858858

will be donning that bikini again!


We are the Knights that say: “Over ‘ere son, on me ‘ead!”

atman isn’t the only DC character heading to the small screen 5-Sorcerer’s time! soon, nBC snack are adapting DC’s “Constantine”, based If these two on the hellblazer graphic had just sat novels. and talked

in! The original Terminators have never been surpassed, watch them today and they stand up to the tests of and I had to use them time, in the same way that in my entertainment Star Wars should never be column this notweek, remade, at least, in my with the original cast lifetime, there is no need to returning next remake a movie thatyear hasn’tI thought it by would a past it’s sell date, be Even the decade it’s set in little reminder ofmakes the sense,they imagine trying to way looked then, cover up theCarrie eventsFisher of T1 as I doubt or T2 in this day and age! For me Sarah Connor is Linda Hamilton, Kyle Reese is Michael Biehn and the Terminator is some unknown bodybuilder from Austria!!


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


Boy of 10 Years old

Neknominated FeBruArY 2014 Friday 28th February . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience

mArch 2014 Sunday 2nd March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 3rd March. . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Wednesday 5th March . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Thursday 6th March . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 7th March . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Sunday 9th March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 10th March. . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Wednesday 12th March . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Thursday 13th March . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 14th March . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Sunday 16th March . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 17th March. . . . . . . . . . .St. Patrick´s Day Party (noon ´til 6) Monday 17th March . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Wednesday 19th March . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Thursday 20th March . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 21st March . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Sunday 23rd March . . . . . . . . . . . .ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 24th March. . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular

April 2014 Wednesday 9th April . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Thursday 10th April . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 11th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Sunday 13th April. . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 14th April. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Wednesday 16th April . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Thursday 17th April . . . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 18th April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience Sunday 20th April. . . . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 21st April. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Decades Spectacular Wednesday 23rd April . . . . . . . . .Bitter & Twisted Experience * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates


PrimarY school-age youngster from Calderdale, West Yorkshire, was given medical attention after he downed nando’s sauce, cream, mayo and vodka while friends filmed him guzzling the nauseating cocktail, after he was dared to take part in the internet drinking game craze, neknominate. The boy was violently sick and needed to be seen by a doctor after drinking the vile concoction. Council chiefs have told Twitter and Facebook they should publish prominent warnings of the dangers of the social media trend, which has already claimed three lives in the UK. Headmasters across the country are also reading out warnings in assembly and displaying them on noticeboards in an effort to discourage children from taking part. A witness said: ‘The boy’s mother was in tears that her son would try such a thing. He was fine in

the end, apart from feeling sick as a dog. Social media sites are full of this craze. There is such a loss of innocence these days and it is horrifying that kids in junior schools are urging each other to copy lethal games.’ Even the rugby player ‘behind internet NekNominate drinking craze’ says it has gone too far after three deaths have been linked to the game Michelle Foster, CEO of The Basement Recovery Project, an organisation that helps adults affected by drug and alcohol addiction, said: ‘It has gone on in my son’s school, so I’ve been involved in what’s going on there, the problem is that teachers themselves are doing it. How are you supposed to be telling kids it’s wrong if they can see you doing it on Facebook?’ The dangerous game which involves people filming themselves downing alcohol, nominating someone to continue the game, and posting the video on social media sites, has been blamed for the deaths of Bradley Eames, 20, Stephen Brooks, 27, and Isaac Richardson, 20.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


sHArPLes in session By John sharples

eASY Jet come luggAge go


aY anD aUDreY are one of those couples that we refer to as swallows. they come from the rossendale valley in beautiful lancashire. as the weather gets colder and the nights draw in, they religiously pack their bags and head for the north of tenerife. they are a larger than life pair who contribute fun and colour to everything they do. This year, however, their trip has been ruined. Not because of the odd winter weather that we have suffered but because one of their bags went missing and it never arrived in Tenerife. As Audrey said, these things happen but the couple feel that “Easy Jet” has treat them badly and that the company has added to their misery rather that making life easier. They are very disappointed and it took them six weeks before they felt like going out and trying to enjoy themselves. Poor Ray even had to wear his wife’s knickers for the first couple of days. Audrey decided to wear the trousers and try to deal with easy jet which she says wasn’t easy at all. The first thing they had to



FeW `months ago i read about michael leary and his plan to make ryanair more passenger friendly. i have to tell you that i didn’t believe a word of it for one moment. i was wrong. Our extra little bag was allowed onboard with us. Our seat was allocated and there was no free for all this time. The announcements were nowhere near as intrusive as they used to be and the plane was clean.

do was fill in a claim form at the airport. They were told that they would get compensation for the first few days. Two months later they have had nothing. They were also told that a case isn’t considered lost until twenty one days have passed. Audrey and Ray are snappy dressers and good clothes cost a lot of money. They put in a claim for the case and its contents at 1100 pounds. The company offered them 400. They also said that it would take four to five weeks to go into their bank account. Ray and Audrey were looking forward to having a wonderful time. This winter was going to be a special one. Apart from Christmas and the New Year, There was a special birthday and a special anniversary to celebrate too. They feel very bitter and that it has been made very difficult to make their claim. They feel that the company

hasn’t been very helpful at all. I find it hard to understand how a bag can go missing in the first place. If the people handling the baggage did their jobs properly, it wouldn’t happen. Meanwhile two pensioners have had to muddle through their winter break with worry and hassle. What a disgrace. If a company can’t look after its customers properly then maybe they don’t deserve their custom in the first place. I suspect that this is a widespread problem and I also suspect that people are being shunned in this way all over the world. Thankfully, Audrey is no shrinking violet and all I can say is God help whoever is responsible for their problem when she gets back home. I suspect that someone will be getting a thick ear and that they will get a lot more compensation when she has finished with them.

We were an hour late on arrival but announcements were made and it wasn’t the fault of Ryanair but the result of other flights being delayed. People say that the food is expensive on board but I had a lovely chicken soup followed by a very meaty lasagne. It was tasty and the total cost was only 8 euros. Not expensive at all. I was happy with the flight and their service and I have no complaints at all. Well done Ryanair!

receSSioN AND mADriD


Pain is sUPPoseD to be in a deep and horrendous recession. i am in madrid as i write this week’s column and i can tell you that i bought a bottle of wine and came back to the hotel room because the streets and the bars and cafes were packed with people. even a frozen yoghurt shop had a queue coming out of the door at 10 o clock at night.

I couldn’t see any sign of a recession and I managed to get some shopping done before the shops closed. Tomorrow I will be going to one of the biggest street markets in the world and I suspect that it is going to be like bedlam down there. The rastro market starts quite early and I will love it! You really can’t help wondering where the recession is though. People seem to be falling over themselves to spend money! In two hours I bought three pairs of shoes, two shirts and a sweater, Roll on Tomorrow!


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


DNA Discovered


n FeBrUarY 28th, 1953, Cambridge University scientists James D. Watson and Frances h.C. Crick announced to the world that they have determined the double-helix structure of Dna, the molecule containing human genes.

DNA--short for deoxyribonucleic acid-was discovered in 1869, its crucial role in determining genetic inheritance wasn’t demonstrated until 1943. At the beginning of 1953, California chemist Linus Pauling, one of many scientists working on figuring out the structure of DNA In the

early 1950s,suggested an incorrect model prompting Watson and Crick to try and beat Pauling at his own game. On the morning of February 28, they determined that the structure of DNA was a double-helix polymer, or a spiral of two DNA strands, each containing a long chain of monomer nucleotides, wound around each other. According to their findings, DNA replicated itself by separating into individual strands, each of which became the template for a new double helix. In his best-selling book, The Double Helix (1968), Watson later claimed that Crick announced the discovery by walking into the nearby Eagle Pub and blurting out that “we had found the secret of life.” The truth wasn’t that far off,

Question 1: Name the Japanese art of miniature plant cultivation. Question 2: Which culinary delicacy is scientifically Ascomycetes? Question 3: Where did Napoleon go after the Battle of Waterloo? Question 4: How many red balls are on the table at the start of a snooker game?

Question 5: Name the Roman Emperor who was ruling when the invasion of Britain began in 43AD.

Question 6: What were all Britons able to enjoy for the first time on 29 May 1871?

Question 7: Which continental car company first adopted its distinctive diamond-shaped badge in 1924?

Question 8: What is the most southerly national capital city in the world at 41 degrees south?

Question 9: What word has been incorporated into over one thousand languages without changing?

Question 10: What climing orchid with fleshy leaves and fragrant greenish-white flowers is used as a flavouring?

Question 11: George V made the first royal Christmas broadcast in what


as Watson and Crick had solved a fundamental mystery of science--how it was possible for genetic instructions to be held inside organisms and passed from generation to generation. The formal announcement of Watson and Crick’s discovery was on April 25, 1953, following its publication in that month’s issue of Nature magazine. The article revolutionized the study of biology and medicine. Among the developments that followed directly from it were pre-natal screening for disease genes; genetically engineered foods; the ability to identify human remains; the rational design of treatments for diseases such as AIDS; and the accurate testing of physical evidence in order to convict or exonerate criminals.

Crick and Watson later had a falling-out over Watson’s book, which Crick felt misrepresented their collaboration and betrayed their friendship. A larger controversy arose over the use Watson and Crick made of research done by another DNA researcher, Rosalind Franklin, whose colleague Maurice Wilkins showed her X-ray photographic work to Watson just before he and Crick made their famous discovery. When Crick and Watson won the Nobel Prize in 1962, they shared it with Wilkins. Franklin, who died in 1958 of ovarian cancer and was thus ineligible for the award, never learned of the role her photos played in the historic scientific breakthrough.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


HoMe AnD gArDening By Linda Barratt


hile PraCtiCal in protecting interiors and providing privacy, curtains can also dictate the style of a room.

There are quite a few curtain headings to consider too when dressing your windows. Wow have things changed since I first married and we just used the old curtain wire threaded through the top to hang them. It’s possible to make your own curtains from practically any material, plus the use from a vast choice of heading tapes. Heading tapes are a way of customising and styling, the overall width of your fabric is reduced creating a range of pleats and folds by pulling up and gathering cords within the tape. Here are a few examples and a rough guide to fabric widths needed according to the type of curtain heading for your home made curtains, some of my examples use shop bought heading tapes. Pencil Pleated Heading Tape. Usually a stiffened tape in several depths from 2.5 to 6 inches, but there is available a lightweight version for use on sheer fabrics and both types of tape can have 1.2.or 3 rows of pockets for hoops. This is so that if using a pole to hang use the top row then the curtain will hang below the pole. Multiply the track or pole width by 2 to 2.5 when estimating curtain fabric

it’s curtains For You!

width. Box Pleated Heading Tape. This type of tape drapes into deep folds down the full length of your curtains. The pleats butt onto each other with no interval between them. Multiply the track or pole width by 3 when estimating for fabric width. Goblet Pleated Heading Tape Pleats fall from each goblet formed by pulling up the cords, usually 2 sets for medium to heavyweight fabrics. The goblets that then form at the top of your curtain can be stuffed with cotton wool or tissue paper to keep their shape. Multiply the track or pole width by 2 to 2.5. Cased Heading A simple hem is sewn across the top of your curtain and left open at the ends. A curtain rod or one of the good old fashioned curtain wires is slotted through this header hem and then fits onto sockets or hooks at the side of the window. Multiply the rod or wire length by at least 2. Multiply further for a more gathered effect. Tab Top This is a modern and less formal approach to window dressing. A

heading is created with loops of matching or contrasting fabric stitched onto the top edge and is suitable for all weights of fabric, but is only suitable for use with poles. Eyelet Headings The easiest way when making your own is to se eyelet tape. This is a header tape but differing from the other tapes that use cords in that it has holes in either plastic or metal upon which to hang your curtains from a pole. The tape is sewn onto the top back of your curtain and then a hole cut to correspond with the backing hole about 1” smaller. Then place the separate eyelet ring over the hole and press firmly to secure. Multiply the rod by at least 2....more for fuller curtains. How To Calculate Yardage Of Fabric To Purchase First of all take into consideration the length of your curtainsjust below window height, floor to ceiling or your own choice. To this length add on approximately 4” allowance for your hem plus any measured allowance for your header tape, tab tops, rings etc. Then measure the width of your pole or track and use the guided multiple widths. You may well find

Bird Of Paradise


heY’re BeGinninG to bloom. everywhere i go at the moment i can see their pretty heads of striking colours, poking their way into life. how magnificent they are.

Got a spare spot in your garden or a large pot to fill? Then this is the one with its year round large green spiked leaves and wonderful bloomage. It was once thought to be a large tropical herb related to the banana family but now has its own family name of Strelitziacea. I’m still pondering over the herb fact myself as the bird of paradise plant has no scent and being very English do associate aroma with herbs; but my oh my just how spectacular is its flower , a visionary bird it certainly is . Here’s how to grow your own from seed:1. Remove a dried seedpod from the bird of paradise, split it open and remove the black

pea-sized seeds. Put the seeds into a bowl of tepid water and soak for 24 hours. 2. Drain the seeds and remove any stringy orange tufts attached to them, and then nick each seed with a sharp knife or nail file. 3. Using a planting tray plant the seeds approximately 1”deep into moist potting soil several inches apart. Keep in a warm location but out of direct sun. Keeping the soil moist at all times it will take around 8 weeks for the seeds to germinate 4. You can then transplant you seedlings into individual 6” pots once they have formed 2 or 3 leaves. Still keeping the soil moist in a warm place and out of direct sun let them grow to roughly 6” - 8” They will then be ready for their permanent location in your garden or large pot. Planting holes will need to be the depth of the root ball but twice the width. Each clump can form up to 3 to 5 feet so be sure to give them plenty of space or that you use a large

pot or container. You need to remember to keep the soil moist until they are established, after which they can withstand very little watering preferring to remain fairly dry. You could of course cheat and buy an established plant, or if you have a friend with a already well established clump see if they might be willing to dig up and divide the clump for you to share. Should you choose to do this then the roots simply need to be planted into the soil at the same level that they already are but remembering to keep the soil moist until the plant has re-established. This will take roughly 90 days. As with all plants always remember too much or too little water can kill....keep it moist. A Bird Of Paradise does take roughly 4 years to bloom, but for me with its lush evergreen filling the spot its worth the wait for that splendid bloom to appear in all its glory. It is spectacular.

that the fabric of choice will need to be joined (panelled) by simple hemming to acquire this. DO NOT forget this when calculating your final yardage of purchased fabric. Also if your chosen fabric has a print or pattern then measure the design repeat distance and add to your calculated length to allow for pattern matching your pair of curtains

To Make Up Your Curtains Cut purchased fabric into your usable guided lengths. If you need to panel (join) extra widths then do so first, with a simple hem join and taking care to match in any design. Secondly hem both sides of your curtain to neaten (approx 1”). Then you can proceed to applying your tapes or headers for hanging your curtains as guided. Finally you can finish off with your measured hem at your curtain drop allowance, but i highly recommend that you firstly hang your curtains and pin at required length before removing from pole or track to sew.. My advice to the novice is start off with a small window area for practice and work your way up to bigger and grander window dressing with your home sewn curtains. Have Fun.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

aquarius 20 January to 18 February

if you’re an inventive type, your thinking could be inspired, and you could feel blessed by the creative muse. Even though Mercury continues to rewind in your sign, this could highlight alternative viewpoints while sparking some brilliant ideas. Yet someone may not get the true uniqueness of one of your suggestions. it might take some persuading before this person is willing to listen. Where finances are concerned, read the fine print before shelling out your hard-earned cash for a big-ticket item.

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

As the Sun glides into your sign this week, you may get an energy and confidence boost that encourages you to express any ideas you’ve been hatching. Artistic and creative qualities could be very much in evidence, especially later in the week when a vivid dream could be worth your attention. it might highlight clues to resolving a problem or bring you inspiration that you can use in a practical way. Along with this, romantic opportunities may beckon.

aries 21 March to 19 April

You could be quite sensitive to other people’s moods and vibes this week, particularly as the Sun moves into Pisces, so try not to take offense where none is intended. You might also be inclined to sacrifice time and energy to help someone if it’s appropriate. On another note, someone may be holding out rather stubbornly for their point of view. if you want to make headway, put yourself in his or her shoes. it might enable you to consider a compromise.

taurus 20 April to 20 May

Some chores may be screaming for attention this week - before you kick back and relax with a special someone. Fortunately, your social life begins to brighten once the Sun glides into Pisces. However, you might need to take someone’s words with a grain of salt. The forces of confusion could be causing mixed messages and misunderstandings. There’s also a chance someone will go to some lengths to mislead you. However, a date night with your sweetheart could be especially delightful.

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

Get ready to shine as the Sun enters your zone of career and goals. Use this opportunity to showcase your skills, especially if it could lead to a better job or an exciting offer. However, don’t forget that Mercury is still in its retrograde phase, so take it easy when signing important documents. Facing a tricky situation? A change of perspective might help you navigate through any difficulties and make good because of it. it’s likely you’ll find the silver lining to that dark cloud after all.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

Why not go ahead with that decorating project you’ve been contemplating? The continued presence of Mars in your domestic and family sector could be making you aware of those areas of your home that need a little improvement. if you feel like trying some DiY projects, it might be time to get started. However, you may also embrace the option of travel or even study once the Sun enters Pisces. The opportunity to expand your knowledge - particularly self-knowledge - could be quite enticing.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

it may help to know your limitations this week. Try not to take on more than you can handle. Part of this comes down to Mercury’s retrograde, which can cause holdups just when things seem to be going really well. But it could also be due to taking on too much and refusing to delegate. With Jupiter, your leisure and pleasure planet, in your spiritual sector, the cosmos may be hinting that you should take a back seat for a while, or at least ask those important folks in your life for some help.

virgo 23 August to 22 September

Although red tape could slow down certain matters, the week can still end on a note of achievement. However, this and the fact that Mercury continues to move backward could cause you to grit your teeth. There’s also a chance that delays could work in your favor. You may become more sensitive to other people’s feelings once Pisces glides into your relationship sector. Regarding a key person in your life, this could be quite a revelation, especially if he or she has always been something of a mystery!

libra 23 September to 23 October

As the Sun eases out of your romance sector it leaves Mercury in reverse. You may find that the past has more influence than the present on your love life this week. it’s possible that an old flame will come back into your life. Yet an edgy link suggests this may be the last person you want to see. You might need to let him or her know how you feel in order to avoid future awkwardness and embarrassment. Later, a focus on your wellness zone highlights the benefits of relaxed exercise.

scorpio 24 October to 21 november

Someone’s ability to bypass emotion may not sit well with your love of intensity and passion. Yet an edgy link suggests that you could develop a rapport that strengthens over time if you can compromise. Romantic opportunities filled with dreams and fantasies could be yours this week. if you feel your heart melting, it might be hard to resist that moment of surrender. However, check that this person doesn’t have a hidden agenda. if all is clear, you may be in luck!

sagittarius 22 november to 21 December

if you concentrate, you can come up with some excellent moneymaking ideas. As Venus forges ahead in your personal financial sector, the coast is clear for you to cash in on any brilliant plans you have in the pipeline. As usual, rebellious Uranus in your creative sector might be urging you to take a risk. if this is the case, carefully consider the pros and cons. While it’s great to move outside your comfort zone, you don’t want to jeopardize your security.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

Work gains could be likely, especially if you make your views known at a networking event or group meeting. The effort to mingle with key people may help you fulfill an important goal sooner rather than later. Where finances are concerned, deceptive trends suggest you will need to handle certain transactions with care, especially if shopping online. However, there may be bargains to be had if you know where to look. Later, a romantic date could be sensational.




PaCiFiC oYster found off the coast of Denmark last october has been confirmed by Guiness World records as the world’s largest. the Pacific oyster was first introduced to european waters in the 1970s. at 14 inches long, about the length of a size 11 shoe, the giant mollusk’s superlative status was confirmed this week. The giant also has five smaller oysters attached to it and weighs in at over 3 1/2 pounds. Christine Ditlefsen, the Danish biologist who found the oyster, said: “The oyster is still alive and is on display in our exhibition here at the Wadden Sea Centre, we feed it plankton algae and it eats well, so we hope that we can keep it alive for many years.” Ditlefsen said the mollusk is probably between 15 and 20 years old, but an accurate age determination can’t be made until the oyster dies. Oysters can live to be more than 30 years old, she explained. While the words “world’s largest” have been

granted to a number of seafood dinners -- like a 1,000-plus-pound shrimp cocktail or a fourton bowl of mussels -- the newly crowned oyster is the first living shellfish to hold a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.


PUgH´s PAntrY By Barry Pugh

the grAVY cAmPAigN


Fter BeinG inspired by a recent episode of Gordon ramsay’s Kitchen nightmares, i wanted to share this with you -“the great British Gravy Campaign” it’s about ditching the gravy

granules and making your own gravy… it’s not hard – is very cheap and you can be proud to say that it’s your very own homemade gravy. no more oooohhhh Bisto! – to be honest i am not a fan of gravy gran-

ules/powder etc.. and what’s more if you have somebody who has a gluten free diet – this is the recipe for you!

I have personally joined the gravy campaign at www.realgravy.co.ukand urge everyone to do so as they email you fantastic recipe ideas.

the greAt BritiSh grAVY Juices from the roast Few thyme sprigs 4 garlic cloves (unpeeled) 2 red onions, peeled and sliced 4 plum tomatoes, halved

37 parkle´s S y r r Ba

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


1/2 bottle of red wine (about 350ml) (I use white wine for poultry) 1 litre beef or chicken stock (depending on your roast)


Gather your juices from the roast and place on a medium heat and add the thyme, garlic, onions and tomatoes. Cook for four to five minutes, then pour in the wine and bring to a simmer. Squash the tomatoes to help

thicken the sauce. Pour in the stock and bubble for about 10 minutes until reduced by half. Pass the gravy through a sieve, pressing the vegetables to extract their flavour. Bring back to the boil and reduce.

Bit On The Side

hellooo Sparklettes!


ell here i am back from my holidays, nice and refreshed !!! Before going back to work I managed to hop in my helicopter from my cabin at the top of Mount Te i d e , and shoot over to the Brits, you can even see the back of me on ITV2, on the pre awards show, as they are arriving on the red carpet... mind you I was a bit Jel with ol’ Mossy (that’s what we call Kate Moss...she hates it) as I didn’t have time to wash that Bowie outfit before she swiped it... Cheeky mare !!! Talking of Jel, while I´ve

had my chopper out, Joe from Bobby’s whizzed past on a skateboard…apparently he can be found daily at ‘Envy’ …either that or it was a touch of ‘envy’ on my globetrotting holiday… cos you´d never catch me on one!!! I even sneaked in a couple of days skiing in Austria… reminiscing… and I bumped into Arnie, who told me all about his return to his role as the Terminator, which I passed on to Marc for his Entertainment page !!! Since I’ve been back on the rock, I’ve been rocking to the new daytime entertainment at Vivo with Marc Craig and Andy Briggs, it’s like our very

own mini Brits every day… that reminds me…where’s my guitar when I need it ??? I love a bit of strumming !!! … mind you, ‘Reality’ is kicking in now I’m back at work!!! Talking of ‘Reality’…Did ya all see Gemma Collins’ lovely Tenerife tan in the new ‘TOWIE’? … I still can’t believe they had Mario’s birthday party at my house while I was away on hols, you should of seen the mess they made … cake everywhere!!! And … ‘The Voice’ is back, Kylie’s looking hot as ever… Ooops… I mean as short as ever !!! Until next Sparkling !!!



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


What’s a commonym you ask?

A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think! 1. Help - Yesterday - Revolution _________________________________________ 2. Moth - Meat - Medicine _______________________________________________ 3. Robert Kennedy - Julius Caesar - John Lennon __________________________ 4. Orchestras - Ears - Brakes ____________________________________________ 5. Cliff - Springboard - Platform _________________________________________ 6. Radio - Brain - Tidal __________________________________________________ 7. Shag - Red - Magic ____________________________________________________ 8. Snow - Corn - Dandruff _________________________________________________________________ 9. Tennis - Small Claims - Supreme _________________________________________________________ 10. Surprise - Search - Slumber ____________________________________________________________ 11. Coffee - Layer - Spice _________________________________________________________________ 12. Duck - Mini - Venitian _________________________________________________________________ 13. Days - Seas - Continents _______________________________________________________________ 14. Yellow Brick - Dirt - Private ____________________________________________________________ 15. Bell - Red - Green _____________________________________________________________________


issue 117 - PUZZles Page 8. Page 16. Page 34. Page 56.


Cryptic Crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword

Answers to the COMMOnYMS are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Motoring News


By Lingy


Gold-plated Harley, Only £535,000

ccording to the company, Danish motorcycle manufacturer Lauge Jensen, the special edition Harley-Davidson is the world’s most expensive motorcycle.

The customised gold-plated motorcycle worth 650,000 euros is on show at the Hamburg Motorcycle Days expo center A model does her best to look comfortable and alluring at the same time while straddling a gold-plated Harley-Davidson worth £535,000. Lauge Jensen recently launched its operations in Denmark and builds custom motorcycles that sell at a starting price of £53,996.

For Sale - Batman’s Lotus Reveal Tron Inspired “Light Cycle” ‘Tumbler’


s t r e e t- l e g a l replica of the Batmobile – not the crappy 60’s TV Batmobile, but the ultra cool Tumbler used in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. It’s a replica custombuilt monster with a massive V8 and costs more than a pair of Lamborghinis. It costs $1 million, which is around £600k and is therefore more expensive than a pair of Lamborghini Aventa-

dors. It has a GM-sourced LS1 V8 engine (a 5.7-litre V8, no less). It has monster 44inch tyres. It has a custom frame and chassis, an auto box, custom windows, five cameras and is one of just five replicas built, hence the price. It comes in one colour - black, and is the perfect accompaniment to any multimillionaire’s private Bat Cave. Its makers claim: “We have built this insane vehicle to be street legal. However, please understand that this is not a daily driver!” I NEED THIS!


ritish car firm Lotus have revealed plans to build their very first motorcycle based on the sci-fi design from the movie TRON. Only 100 bikes will be made - and Lotus has refused to reveal how much they will cost, but they have worked with the designer of the famous Tron light cycle from the hit film.

The C-01 is the first Lotus motorcycle - although the car firm will let someone else produce it, they will be available in a range of special Lotus colour schemes, and customers lucky enough to buy them can even design their own Lotus has released some specs: 2-cylinder 4-stroke engine 1,195cc 200 HP 6-gear jaw-type shift transmission

Ride height: 90 mm Height of seat: 710 mm Fuel tank capacity: 10.5l Dry weight: 181 kg The firm said: ‘Following two years of careful planning and intense development, Kodewa is delighted to announce that the prototype of the world’s first motorcycle to bear the legendary Lotus marque is now road registered and ready for action. The C-01 combines ample power via a V-twin engine with a distinctive body designed by Daniel Simon integrating carbon fibre, titanium and aerospace quality steel.’ The C-01 was designed by Daniel Simon, a former designer for Bugatti Automobiles who worked with Disney to design the Tron Light cycle in the hit film. He also designed the ‘Bubbleship’ used by Tom Cruise in the recent Universal sci-fi hit ‘Oblivion’. He said: ‘The design process of the C-01 was

a labour of love, there were many challenges, ensuring that the bike not only touches your visual senses with its timeless blend of classic appeal and modern execution, but that is safe and ergonomically sound was critical to me. We have worked hard to create a motorcycle with very distinctive features such as a clean main body, an extremely low side profile, a bold stance, a unique air intake, logical partline solutions and clean graphics.’ The original idea to create the C-01 came from Kodewa’s Dr Colin Kolles. Speaking about the project he said: ‘We set out to create a bike that isn’t just great to ride but also represents a piece of art in motion. Over the years I have seen my fair share of style over substance, what this bike brings to the market is a unique combination of both: state of the art technology with a truly jaw-dropping aesthetic.’ The bike combines carbon fibre, titanium and aerospace quality steel.



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

28 February

Friday - TV 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:25: 23:55: 01:55:

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Operation Hospital Food with James Martin Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Room 101 Jonathan Creek BBC News at Ten The Graham Norton Show Pound Shop Wars EastEnders Omnibus BBC News


The Great Interior Design Challenge The Travel Show BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Instant Restaurant Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain Cagney and Lacey Bergerac Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Antiques Roadshow Revenge of the Egghead Great Continental Railway Journeys Permission Impossible Mastermind Coming Home The Pity of War Newsnight One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Question Time

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30:

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Practical Magic Take Me Out Two and a Half Men Dads Mom

06:00: Judge Judy 06:20: French Fields 06:45: Heartbeat 07:40: Columbo 09:20: Judge Judy 09:40: Judge Judy 10:05: Judge Judy 10:30: Murder, She Wrote 11:30: The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes 12:40: Heartbeat 13:40: Columbo 15:20: Murder, She Wrote 16:20: French Fields 16:50: Second Thoughts 17:20: The Upper Hand 17:55: Heartbeat 19:00: Murder, She Wrote 20:00: Agatha Christie’s Poirot 21:00: Caroline Quentin’s National Parks 22:00: Scott and Bailey 23:00: Law and Order: UK 00:05: Dead Calm 01:55: Murder, She Wrote

06:00: 06:10: 06:15:

10:10: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:45: 14:45: 15:30: 16:20: 16:50: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:30: 23:05: 01:15:

14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:30:

07:00: 07:50: 08:20: 08:50: 09:50: 10:50: 11:55: 13:00: 13:50: 14:50: 15:50: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 23:25: 01:50:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Student Nurses: Bedpans and Bandages Coronation Street Edge of Heaven ITV News at Ten The Americans The Chase Jackpot247

06:20: 07:05: 07:55:

World of Sport Movies Now World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers UEFA Europa League Highlights Cheers Cheers River Monsters Jaws 2 The Shining The Motorbike Show

06:00: 07:10:

09:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:55: 00:20:

08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:20: 00:00: 01:00: 01:40:

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Grand Designs 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown The Last Leg Jimmy Carr: Making People Laugh Brooklyn Nine-Nine Borat:

Home Shopping World’s Most Stupid Criminals Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Suits Dynamo: Magician Impossible Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week Suits Not Going Out Not Going Out

06:00 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:20: 15:20: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00:

22:00: 23:00: 23:55: 00:00:


Children’s TV Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Benidorm ER Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Black Friday 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live The Gadget Show Ice Road Truckers Booze, Bust-Ups and Brothels: Soho Blues NCIS: Los Angeles CSI: NY Access Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00: Ringside 10:00: FL72 11:00: Football Gold 11:15: Football Gold 11:30: Barclays Premier League World 12:00: Premier League Darts 15:30: FL72 16:30: UEFA Champions League Highlights 17:00: UEFA Champions League Highlights 17:30: Barclays Premier League World 18:00: Football’s Greatest 18:30: Champions League Weekly 19:00: The Fantasy Football Club 20:00: Rugby League 22:00: Rugby Super League 00:00: Super League Highlights 02:00: Barclays Premier League Preview

19:00: 19:10: 21:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:50: 00:35: 01:05: 01:30: 02:00:

13:05: 14:45: 16:35: 19:10: 21:00:

23:15: 00:55:

06:00: 06:30: 08:30: 10:30: 11:00: 13:00:

22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00:


Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide Doctor Who Little Fockers EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Pramface Ja’mie: Private School Girl Impractical Jokers Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents

The Moonraker The Admirable Crichton Winning Down to You Unknown Liam Neeson, January Jones and Diane Kruger star in this dynamic action mystery. Idiocracy Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

ATP Uncovered Rugby Union Rugby Union ATP Uncovered WWE Raw Cricket West Indies v England 1st ODI. West Indies and England contest their first ODI at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. England secured a comfortable eightwicket win when the teams last met in the one-day arena. The Fantasy Football Club Barclays Premier League Preview Champions League Weekly Cricket World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line Super Rugby

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:45: 13:00: 13:10: 13:15: 14:45: 15:30: 16:00: 17:10: 17:55: 18:05: 18:15: 19:00: 21:10: 21:20: 22:10: 22:25: 22:30: 23:45: 01:05: 01:10:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live James Martin: Home Comforts Football Focus Saturday Sportsday BBC News Weather Cycling Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Final Score Reflex BBC News Regional News Pointless The Voice UK The National Lottery Live Casualty BBC News Weather Match of the Day The Football League Show Weatherview BBC News

06:00: 08:35:

Emmerdale Coronation Street Omnibus 11:05: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 12:00: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 13:00: The Only Way is Essex 14:00: The Only Way is Essex 14:50: Kangaroo Jack 15:50: FYI Daily 15:55: Kangaroo Jack 16:40: Step Up 17:40: FYI Daily 17:45: Step Up 18:55: Ocean’s Thirteen 19:55: FYI Daily 20:00: Ocean’s Thirteen 21:20: Forgetting Sarah Marshall 22:20: FYI Daily 22:25: Forgetting Sarah Marshall 23:30: The Sweetest Thing 00:30: FYI Daily 00:35: The Sweetest Thing 01:20: Fake Reaction 02:00: You’ve Been Framed!

1 March st

08:10: Life on Earth 10:00: Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain 11:00: Fred Dibnah’s Made in Britain 11:30: Great British Railway Journeys 12:00: James Martin: Home Comforts 12:30: Alfred Hitchcock: Talking Pictures 13:10: The Lady Vanishes 14:45: Final Score 16:00: Coast 16:15: Natural World 17:15: Restoration Home 18:15: Flog It! 19:15: Dad’s Army 19:45: The Perfect Morecambe and Wise 20:15: Darcey’s Ballerina Icons 21:15: QI XL 22:00: Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle 22:30: The Producers 00:35: Lady Caroline Lamb

06:00: CITV 09:25: Dinner Date 10:20: Murder, She Wrote 11:15: ITV News and Weather 11:25: The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:50: The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 12:45: The Unforgettable... 13:15: Midsomer Murders 15:15: Tea with Mussolini 17:35: Local News and Weather 17:45: ITV News and Weather 18:00: You’ve Been Framed! Best of the Best 19:00: Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 20:20: The Cube 21:20: The Jonathan Ross Show 22:20: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: Fast and Furious 00:35: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:20:

06:00: 06:20: 06:45: 07:10: 07:35: 08:30: 09:35:

07:20: 08:20: 08:25: 09:30: 11:35: 12:45: 13:50: 14:50: 14:55: 15:55: 17:55: 20:00: 21:00: 23:00: 00:40: 01:40: 02:00:

Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime The Four Musketeers FYI Daily The Four Musketeers Lewis Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Circle of Friends FYI Daily Circle of Friends Inspector Morse Rosemary and Thyme Doc Martin Endeavour A Touch of Frost Heartbeat Judge Judy Judge Judy


10:05: 11:05: 11:35: 12:00: 13:00: 13:05: 14:40: 15:40: 15:45: 17:15: 18:15: 18:20: 19:55: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05: 01:50:

Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Minder Bundesliga UEFA Champions League Weekly I Want That Car Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The Sting FYI Daily The Sting The Manchurian Candidate FYI Daily The Manchurian Candidate Nevada Smith FYI Daily Nevada Smith Hornblower Schindler’s List FYI Daily Schindler’s List The Cycle Show

06:10: 06:35: 07:00: 07:55: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 16:10: 18:40: 19:05: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 00:15: 02:00: 04:10:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:40: 01:20: 02:00:

The Hoobs Mobil 1 The Grid Transworld Sport Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown The Morning Line Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother The Simpsons The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News The Restoration Man The Storms That Stole Christmas Hostages The Lincoln Lawyer A History of Violence Boss Hollyoaks Omnibus

06:00 Children’s TV 08:00: The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:20: Angelina Ballerina 08:30: Milkshake Monkey 08:40: Rupert Bear 08:55: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10: Jelly Jamm 09:25: LazyTown 09:55: Jetsons: The Movie 11:25: Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild 12:55: Getting Even with Dad 15:35: Columbo: Playback 16:35: Columbo: Candidate for Crime 18:30: NCIS 21:05: 5 News Weekend 21:10: Live International Boxing 23:10: Pistol Whipped 01:05: Super Casino

Home Shopping Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness Top Gear Storage Hunters Flip Men Flip Men Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Dynamo: Magician Impossible Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Mock the Week QI XL Red Dwarf Red Dwarf Red Dwarf

06:00: 06:30: 07:30: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 12:00: 14:30: 15:00: 17:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00:

Barclays Premier League Preview Ringside Barclays Premier League Preview The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers Soccer A.M. Football Saturday Night Football: Team Talk Gillette Soccer Saturday Ford Saturday Night Football Live Saturday Night Football: Game of the Day Saturday Night Football: Match Choice FL72 Saturday Reloaded Saturday Night Football: Match Choice

19:00: 19:25: 20:10: 21:10: 22:50: 23:34: 00:18: 00:40: 01:02: 01:25: 01:55:

Great Movie Mistakes Doctor Who Top Gear I Am Number Four Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Impractical Jokers Pramface

11:00: 13:00: 15:15: 17:20: 19:15: 21:00:

Mirrormask Marley and Me Imagine That The Phantom Bedazzled The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 John Travolta and Denzel Washington star in Tony Scott’s remake of the 1974 thriller. 23:05: 28 Days Later 01:20: Spanking the Monkey

06:00: Super League Gold 06:15: Super League Gold 06:30: Rugby Union 08:30: Cricket 16:00: Sporting Greats Sean Fitzpatrick. A look at the career of Sean Fitzpatrick, one of the finest rugby union players New Zealand has ever produced. A World Cup winner in 1987, Fitzpatrick earned 92 caps for his country. 16:30: Championship Rugby Union Championship Rugby Round 17 -Rotherham Titans v Bristol Rugby. Rotherham Titans take on Bristol Rugby at Clifton Lane in the Greene King IPA Championship. 19:00: Fight Night 23:30: Cycling-Omloop Het Nieuwsblad 00:00: Acapulco 500 Highlights 01:00: Dubai 500 Tennis

Ant and Dec’s Saturday night Takeaway Editor Recommends iTV - 19:00 - 20:20


ward winning hosts ant & Dec are back with their hugely popular entertainment series ant & Dec’s saturday night takeaway. Comedienne Sarah Millican will be lending her distinctive tones as the Guest Announcer and dance troupe Diversity will be taking part in the End Of Show Show. Little Ant and Dec may have already rubbed shoulders with Gerard Butler, Mila Kunis and Bruce Forsyth, this series will see them spring more cheeky questions on their new celebrity chums. One lucky member of the studio audience will

also be given the chance to play for the contents of a commercial break in Win the Ads, with spectacular prizes including cars and holidays on offer. Each show will end in spectacular style as some of the world’s biggest and best performers grace the Takeaway stage for a one-off performance that will come with its own unique surprise - you won’t want to miss them! Last series saw Ant & Dec scale a 50ft tower, trick the world’s biggest boyband One Direction with their Undercover guises, join Spelbound for a special one off performance and top the UK charts with ‘Lets Get Ready To Rumble’.



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


Sunday - TV

07:40: 09:00:

Match of the Day The Andrew Marr Show 10:00: The Big Questions 11:00: Sunday Politics 12:15: MOTD2 Extra 13:00: BBC News 13:10: Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15: Bargain Hunt 14:15: The Indian Doctor 15:00: Flog It! 15:25: Escape to the Country 16:10: Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 16:40: Songs of Praise 17:15: Pointless 18:05: BBC News 18:30: Blandings 19:00: Countryfile 20:00: Call the Midwife 21:00: The Musketeers 22:00: BBC News 22:20: Weather 22:25: Match of the Day 2 23:30: The League Cup Show 00:15: BBC News

06:00: 06:45: 06:55: 09:40: 12:15: 13:15: 14:15: 15:15: 15:20: 16:25: 17:45: 18:45: 18:50: 19:55: 20:55: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:50: 01:20:

Beauty and the Geek The Hot Desk Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Dinner Date Australia Totally You’ve Been Framed! Step Up FYI Daily Step Up Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway The Incredible Hulk FYI Daily The Incredible Hulk Coyote Ugly FYI Daily Coyote Ugly The Only Way is Essex Party Wright Around the World The Big Reunion Mom Dads

06:00: 06:10: 07:40: 08:40: 09:40: 11:10: 11:55: 12:55: 13:55: 16:00: 17:35:

18:20: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:30: 01:30:

06:00: 06:20: 06:40: 07:45: 08:45: 08:50: 09:35: 10:35: 11:35: 12:45: 14:50: 16:55: 18:55: 21:00: 22:30: 00:50: 01:50: 01:55:

Preview School for Scoundrels Monty Don’s Italian Gardens Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites James Martin: Home Comforts Michel Roux’s Service Michel Roux’s Service Vertigo Cycling Giant Squid: Filming the Impossible Natural World Special Invincible Top Gear Dragons’ Den Mock the Week Line of Duty The Mission Countryfile

Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime The Likely Lads FYI Daily The Likely Lads Heartbeat Heartbeat The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Inspector Morse Rosemary and Thyme Lewis Agatha Christie’s Poirot The One and Only Cilla Black Inspector Morse A Perfect Murder FYI Daily A Perfect Murder



06:00: CITV 09:25: Murder, She Wrote 10:25: Dickinson’s Real Deal 11:25: ITV News and Weather 11:30: River Monsters 12:30: Columbo 14:30: Crocodile Hunter Diaries 15:30: Diamonds are Forever 17:50: Local News and Weather 18:00: ITV News and Weather 18:15: Dancing on Ice 19:45: All Star Family Fortunes 20:30: Dancing on Ice 21:00: Mr Selfridge 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:15: It’ll be Alright on the Night 23:15: Aviva Premiership Rugby Highlights 00:15: The Store

06:20: The Hoobs 06:45: The Hoobs 07:10: Freesports on 4 07:35: Garmin Arenacross 08:00: FIM Superbike World Championship 08:35: Sochi Special: Paralympic Winter Games 09:05: Frasier 09:30: Sunday Brunch 12:35: Big Bang Theory 13:30: How I Met Your Mother 14:00: How I Met Your Mother 14:25: The Simpsons 14:55: The Simpsons 15:20: Deal or No Deal 16:25: Grease 18:30: Channel 4 News 19:00: Fish Fight: Hugh’s Last Stand 20:00: Time Team Special 21:00: Salt 23:00: Predator 01:00: The Fountain 05:25: Deal or No Deal

06:00 Children’s TV 07:55: Little Princess 08:10: The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:25: Angelina Ballerina 08:35: Mio Mao 08:45: Rupert Bear 09:00: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15: Jelly Jamm 09:30: LazyTown 10:00: Power Rangers: Super Samurai 10:35: Power Rangers: Megaforce 11:05: Access 11:10: World’s Scariest Drivers 11:50: The Hotel Inspector 12:50: Ice Road Truckers 13:50: Police Interceptors 14:50: Beetlejuice 16:40: Zathura: A Space Adventure 18:35: The Fifth Element 20:55: 5 News Weekend 21:00: Erin Brockovich 23:45: The Fog 01:35: Super Casino

19:00: 21:15: 22:15: 22:37: 23:00: 23:30:

06:00: 06:45: 08:05: 08:35:

06:00: 07:00: 07:15: 08:00: 09:00:

06:00: 06:30:


09:35: 10:30: 11:30: 12:25: 13:25: 13:30: 15:05: 16:25: 17:25: 17:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:05: 23:10: 00:05: 01:05: 01:10:

Cheers Cheers Tommy Cooper World’s Wildest Police Videos The Motorbike Show Car Chasers Ax Men North West Mounted Police FYI Daily North West Mounted Police Tim Vine: Punslinger The Sting FYI Daily The Sting Storage Wars Storage Wars Rugby Highlights Memphis Belle FYI Daily Memphis Belle Hell on Wheels Serenity FYI Daily Serenity


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:40: 12:20: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 18:40: 19:20: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

Home Shopping Radical Highs Top Gear Top Gear Total Wipeout Australia Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI Top Gear Top Gear Dynamo: Magician Impossible Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear QI Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI QI XL QI XL QI XL QI XL QI XL Danny Bhoy Live

08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 11:30: 12:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:15: 17:30: 17:55: 20:00: 22:00: 23:30: 00:30: 01:30:

FL72 Saturday Night Football: Match Choice Game Changers FL72 Goals on Sunday The Sunday Supplement Capital One Cup Final Football League Gold Football League Gold Football League Gold Football League Gold Football Football Ford Football Special Capital One Cup Final Highlights Football Football

23:52: 00:15: 00:40: 01:10:

The Voice UK Hair Family Guy Family Guy Bluestone American Dad! American Dad! Ja’mie: Private School Girl Pramface Hair

11:00: Broken Lance 13:00: St. Trinian’s 14:55: Stardust 17:20: Fantastic Mr. Fox 19:05: The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud 21:00: Sanctum Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield and Ioan Gruffudd star in Alister Grierson’s caving drama. 23:10: Pride and Glory 01:45: Thumbsucker

06:30: 07:30: 08:30: 09:30: 13:00:


23:00: 23:30: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

This Week in WWE WWE Vintage Collection WWE Bottom Line WWE Afterburn Fight Night Cricket West Indies v England 2nd ODI. West Indies and England contest their second ODI at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. Cricket South Africa v Australia 3rd Test (Day 2). Day two of the third test between South Africa and Australia from DHL Newlands in Cape Town. Sporting Greats Sporting Greats Cricket Capital One Cup Final Highlights Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


3 March

M o n d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 22:35: 23:20: 23:50: 00:40:

07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05: 00:15: 00:40:

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News The One Show Inside Out EastEnders Panorama Silk BBC News Weather Have I Got Old News for You Late Kick-off The Graham Norton Show BBC News

The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Mom Forgetting Sarah Marshall FYI Daily Forgetting Sarah Marshall Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men

10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 13:00: 13:15: 13:45: 14:45: 15:30: 16:20: 16:50: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:

06:00: 06:25: 06:55: 07:55: 09:30: 09:55: 10:25: 10:50: 11:55: 13:00: 14:05: 16:15: 16:45: 17:15: 17:50: 18:55: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:10:



Great British Railway Journeys Click BBC News Mandela Remembered From Westminster Abbey A to Z of TV Gardening War Walks World Track Cycling Cagney and Lacey Bergerac Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Antiques Roadshow Revenge of the Egghead Sport Relief’s Top Dog Top Gear University Challenge Mary Berry at Home Mind the Gap The Culture Show Newsnight Mandela Remembered From Westminster Abbey Dragons’ Den

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00:

French Fields Second Thoughts Heartbeat Columbo Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote House of Eliott Heartbeat Columbo French Fields Second Thoughts The Upper Hand Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot Long Lost Family Whitechapel Law and Order: UK Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Partners in Crime

06:00: 06:10:

15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:05: 00:05:

06:20: 07:05: 07:45: 08:10: 08:40: 09:40: 10:40: 11:50: 12:55: 13:45: 14:40: 15:45: 16:50: 17:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street I Never Knew That About Britain Coronation Street DCI Banks ITV News at Ten The Agenda The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald Jackpot247

Movies Now UEFA Champion League Greatest Goals World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men Bundesliga Rugby Highlights The New Avengers

07:10: 07:55: 09:25: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:45:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:35: 23:35: 00:35: 01:30:

The Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Dispatches Food Unwrapped One Born Every Minute 8 Out of 10 Cats Troy Strippers Random Acts

Home Shopping World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads QI XL Would I Lie to You? Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard’s Good News Extra QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Alexander Armstrong’s Big Ask

06:00 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:50:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 16:00: 16:15: 16:30: 17:30: 18:30:

19:30: 22:00: 23:00: 01:30:

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime The Hotel Inspector Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Lethal Obsession 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live The Gadget Show Police Interceptors Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Caught on Camera Mercenary for Justice Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ashes Modern Classics Cricket Football Gold Football Gold Game Changers Soccer A.M. -The Best Bits FL72 George Gavin presents a comprehensive round-up of all the weekend’s action in the Sky Bet Football League, including analysis of major incidents and reaction from key players and managers. Football The Footballer’s Football Show FL72 Soccer A.M. -The Best Bits

19:00: Hotel of Mum & Dad 20:00: Junior Paramedics 21:00: Reggie Yates’ Extreme South Africa 22:00: Impractical Jokers 22:30: EastEnders 23:00: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:30: Impractical Jokers 01:00: Reggie Yates’ Extreme South Africa

12:50: 14:25: 16:10: 19:05:

The Big Blockade The Black Knight Battle Cry The Phantom Simon Wincer’s retro fantasy adventure, based on Lee Falk’s classic comic strip, stars Billy Zane as Kit Walker, otherwise known as the Phantom. 21:00: Knight and Day 23:10: Elizabeth 01:35: Hunger

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:30: 10:45: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:30: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:30: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

Football Football Capital One Cup Final Highlights Ford Football Special Football Gold Spanish Gold Football Capital One Cup Final Highlights Ford Football Special Football The Fantasy Football Club Capital One Cup Final Highlights WWE Raw Cricket Red Bull Air Race Ashes Modern Classics Super League Fulltime Cricket The Footballer’s Football Show

One Born Every Minute Editor Recommends Channel 4 - 21:00 - 22:00


n episode two of the new series, wedding plans are hatched in the birthing pool, a couple face their fears in theatre and a naval officer is all at sea with the arrival of his first baby. First time mum Lucy (22) admits she’s afraid of everything from roller coasters to sewing needles, so the thought of giving birth is completely terrifying. She says she’s just little and wonders how on earth the baby is going come out. Doting boyfriend Sam (23) has his proposal to Lucy all planned out and the rings are en route from eBay. But despite all the distractions, panic soon sets in.

Amy (31) and her naval engineer husband Paul (31) arrive at Southmead Hospital for an induction. But after a quick examination, it becomes clear that Paul is far more squeamish than he expected. ‘If I could get away with pacing the corridor outside while the womenfolk give birth’ he says, ‘then I would.’ Amy is quite clear that is not going to happen and Paul will be by her side. Meanwhile, Dianne (33) is understandably concerned about giving birth as the last time she was in labour there were serious complications. This time Dianne and husband John (32) have opted for an elective Caesarian, but nerves begin to get the better of them.



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

4 March

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 22:35: 23:35:


07:25: 07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:05: 00:15:

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Death in Paradise BBC News Weather Traffic Cops Mayhem and Mishaps: Britain Caught on Camera BBC News

You’ve Been Framed! The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men The Vampire Diaries Pitch Black FYI Daily Pitch Black Two and a Half Men

10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:10: 13:40: 14:40: 15:25: 16:15: 16:45: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:25: 09:35: 09:55: 10:20: 10:50: 11:50: 13:00: 14:00: 16:00: 16:35: 17:05: 17:40: 18:40: 19:45: 20:45: 20:50: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:


HARDtalk BBC News World News The Daily Politics A to Z of TV Gardening War Walks The First Eden Cagney and Lacey Bergerac Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Antiques Roadshow Revenge of the Egghead Sport Relief’s Top Dog Permission Impossible The Great British Sewing Bee An Hour to Save a Life The Sarah Millican Television Programme Newsnight Mind the Gap Super League Show

Movies Now French Fields Heartbeat Columbo Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote House of Eliott Heartbeat Columbo French Fields Second Thoughts The Upper Hand Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote City of Angels FYI Daily City of Angels Whitechapel Law and Order: UK Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows ITV3 Nightscreen


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:40: 00:05:

06:00: 06:15: 07:00: 07:40: 08:05: 08:35: 09:35: 10:40: 11:45: 12:45: 13:40: 14:40: 15:40: 16:45: 17:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:30: 23:35: 00:55: 01:50:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Crocodile Hunter Diaries Jackpot247

World of Sport World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers Cheers I Want That Car Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The Shining FYI Daily The Shining World’s Wildest Police Videos Minder

07:10: 08:00: 09:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:40: 00:20: 00:50: 01:20:

Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Kirstie’s Best of Both Worlds The Taste Strippers Three Wives, One Husband Random Acts Pokerstars.Com Ept Barcelona

Home Shopping World’s Most Dangerous Roads Trawlermen Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Trawlermen Top Gear Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Trawlermen Top Gear Top Gear Flip Men Flip Men Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums

06:00 08:20: 08:25: 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:55:


Children’s TV Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime Trauma Doctors Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Deadly Isolation 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live The Dog Rescuers Police 5 Benidorm ER The Mentalist Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Body of Proof Law and Order: Criminal Intent Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00: Ashes Modern Classics 08:30: Cricket 16:00: Ashes Modern Classics 16:30: Football Asia 17:00: Barclays Premier League Review 18:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 18:30: Revista de la Liga 22:00: Revista de la Liga 23:00: Barclays Premier League Review 00:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 01:30: Football Asia 02:00: Revista de la Liga

19:00: Snog, Marry, Avoid? 19:30: Snog, Marry, Avoid? 20:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00: Hair 22:00: Pramface 22:30: EastEnders 23:00: Family Guy 23:22: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:05: Hair 01:05: Pramface 01:35: Bluestone

11:00: 12:35: 15:00: 16:55: 18:45: 21:00: 23:00: 01:15:


Comanche Station Winning Laughter in Paradise Silent Running Marley and Me Along Came a Spider Road to Perdition This Boy’s Life

Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 07:00: Max Power 08:00: Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 10:00: Capital One Cup Final Highlights 11:00: Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 16:00: Super League Gold 16:15: Super League Gold 16:30: WWE SmackDown! 18:30: Cricket 19:30: Greyhound Racing Wimbledon 21:30: Super League Gold 21:45: Super League Gold 22:00: Super League Backchat 22:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 23:00: Cricket 00:00: Super League Backchat 00:30: Revista de la Liga 01:30: Super League Backchat 02:00: Arm Wars

Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15: 10:00:

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Countryside 999 11:45: Caught Red Handed 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Perfection 15:00: Escape to the Country 15:45: James Martin: Home Comforts 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News 19:00: The One Show 20:00: Waterloo Road 21:00: Outnumbered 21:30: Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:00: BBC News 22:25: Regional News 22:30: Weather 22:35: A Question of Sport 23:05: Film 2014 23:35: Blandings 00:05: Weatherview 00:10: BBC News

Island Parish Sark Winter 10:30: See Hear 11:00: BBC News 11:30: The Daily Politics 13:00: A to Z of TV Gardening 13:10: War Walks 13:40: The First Eden 14:40: Cagney and Lacey 15:25: Bergerac 16:15: Are You Being Served? 16:45: ’Allo, ‘Allo! 17:15: Antiques Roadshow 18:00: Revenge of the Egghead 18:30: Sport Relief’s Top Dog 19:00: Permission Impossible 20:00: The Restaurant Man 21:00: Line of Duty 22:00: Inside No 9 22:30: Newsnight 23:20: An Hour to Save a Life 00:20: See Hear 00:50: This is BBC Two

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30:


06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 09:20: 09:45: 10:10: 10:40:


08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:45:

The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Party Wright Around the World The Only Way is Essex The Big Reunion Two and a Half Men Fake Reaction


11:40: 12:50: 13:50: 15:50: 16:20: 16:55: 17:25: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05: 01:10: 01:30: 01:55:

French Fields Heartbeat Columbo Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote House of Eliott Heartbeat Columbo Duty Free French Fields Second Thoughts The Upper Hand Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Wire in the Blood Law and Order: UK Trial and Retribution Judge Judy Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen

14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 22:10: 22:45: 23:45: 00:15:

06:20: 07:05: 07:45: 08:10: 08:40: 09:40: 10:40: 11:55: 12:55: 13:45: 14:40: 15:45: 16:50: 17:55: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05:

5 March th

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News and Weather ITV News and Weather Coronation Street International Friendly ITV News at Ten International Football Highlights Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands Jackpot247

UEFA Champions League Greatest Finals World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers Cheers Car Chasers River Monsters Hell on Wheels Schindler’s List FYI Daily Schindler’s List

07:05: 07:10: 08:00: 09:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:05:

06:00: 07:00:

Channel 4 - 22:00 - 23:00


Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown The Restoration Man 24 Hours in A and E First Dates Strippers Random Acts World Trade Center

Home Shopping World’s Most Dangerous Roads 08:00: Storage Hunters 09:00: Flip Men 10:00: Top Gear 11:00: World’s Most Dangerous Roads 12:00: Storage Hunters 13:00: Flip Men 14:00: Top Gear 15:00: World’s Most Dangerous Roads 16:00: Storage Hunters 17:00: Flip Men 17:30: Flip Men 18:00: Top Gear 19:00: QI XL 20:00: Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums 21:00: Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00: Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies 23:15: Mock the Week 23:55: Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:55: Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies

First Dates

he observational documentary series, following the thrills, fears and loves of modern dating. modern dating has never been so complicated. in our social-networked world millions of Britons log on each month in the hope of finding that special person they can spend the rest of their lives with. Finding someone to go out with you is half the battle, but nothing gets the heart pumping faster than the make-or-break first date.


First Dates offers the frisson of excitement that comes from meeting someone new coupled with the crippling nerves of what to wear and what to say. And when it comes to potentially finding your soul mate, the stakes have never been higher. Each week the restaurant fills with hopeful singles looking for love. All the first daters have seen is a photo of their partner; what they need now is a spark of chemistry... Series Dir: Brian Hayes; Series Prod: Martin Conway; Exec Prods: Meredith Chambers, Kathleen Larkin; Prod Co: Twenty Twenty

06:00 08:25: 08:30: 08:35: 08:45: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 00:55:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 16:00: 16:30: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30:

22:00: 23:00: 23:30: 02:00:

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Police Interceptors 5 News Lunchtime The Gadget Show Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Final Verdict 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live The Lost Orphan: A Home for Mirela Left for Dead by the Yorkshire Ripper NCIS Suspects Law and Order SVU: Dangerous Minds Law and Order SVU: Dangerous Minds Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ashes Modern Classics Cricket Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Modern Classics Boots ‘n’ All Football’s Greatest International Teams Football Republic of Ireland v Serbia (Friendly). The Republic of Ireland welcome Serbia to the Aviva Stadium for this friendly match. What’s the Story? Total Rugby Football’s Greatest International Teams What’s the Story?

19:00: Total Wipeout 20:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00: Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents 22:00: Ja’mie: Private School Girl 22:30: Bad Education 23:00: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:10: Festivals, Sex and Suspicious Parents 01:10: Ja’mie: Private School Girl 01:35: Pramface

11:00: 12:45: 14:50: 16:35: 18:55: 21:00: 23:05: 01:25:

They Rode West Please Sir! Crooks Anonymous Edge of Darkness Imagine That The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 Copycat The Darjeeling Limited

07:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 09:00: Barclays Premier League Review 10:00: Revista de la Liga 11:00: To be Announced 12:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams Football’s Greatest Team - France 1998’00. A profile of the France team that won both the 1998 FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro 2000. Includes interviews with the likes of Didier Deschamps, Lilian Thuram and Marcel Desailly. 12:30: Football Asia 13:00: Cricket 22:00: Cricket 23:00: Ashes Modern Classics 23:30: Ashes Modern Classics 00:00: Cricket 01:00: Cricket 02:00: Cricket

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Thursday - TV

06:00: 09:15: 10:00: 11:00: 11:45: 12:15: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 14:15: 15:00: 15:45: 16:30: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 22:35: 23:35: 00:20: 00:25:

07:45: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 23:50: 00:50: 01:35:

Breakfast Heir Hunters Homes Under the Hammer Countryside 999 Caught Red Handed Bargain Hunt BBC News Regional News Doctors Perfection Escape to the Country James Martin: Home Comforts Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News Regional News The One Show EastEnders Holiday Hit Squad DIY SOS The Big Build BBC News Weather Question Time This Week Skiing Weatherview BBC News

The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Coronation Street The Cube Jeremy Kyle Show Show Real Housewives of New Jersey The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men The Big Reunion Fake Reaction Mom Two and a Half Men The Only Way is Essex The Big Reunion

09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 13:10: 13:40: 14:40: 15:25: 16:15: 16:45: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:20:

06:00: 06:25: 07:15: 09:15: 09:40: 10:05: 10:30: 11:35: 12:40: 13:40: 15:50: 16:20: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:05:

Bible Hunters Island Parish Sark Winter HARDtalk BBC News World News The Daily Politics A to Z of TV Gardening War Walks The First Eden Cagney and Lacey Bergerac Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Antiques Roadshow Revenge of the Egghead Sport Relief’s Top Dog Permission Impossible Hairy Bikers Asian Adventure 37 Days Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience Newsnight The Restaurant Man Panorama

French Fields Heartbeat Columbo Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote House of Eliott Heartbeat Columbo Duty Free French Fields Second Thoughts The Upper Hand Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Lewis Wire in the Blood Law and Order: UK Inspector Morse

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:30:

06:00: 06:10: 06:15: 07:00: 07:45: 08:10: 08:45: 09:50: 10:50: 11:55: 13:00: 13:55: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:05: 23:15: 00:15: 00:20: 01:25:

6 March th

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Dickinson’s Real Deal The Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Chase Local News ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Birds of a Feather Coronation Street: A Moving Story ITV News at Ten and Weather Edge of Heaven The Cube Jackpot247

Movies Now World of Sport World’s Wildest Police Videos Black Gold Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Black Gold World’s Wildest Police Videos Kojak Magnum, P.I. The New Avengers Minder Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars 300 FYI Daily 300 Memphis Belle FYI Daily Memphis Belle World’s Wildest Police Videos

07:10: 08:00: 09:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:40: 15:30: 16:30: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:55: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:40: 23:35: 00:35: 01:35:

The Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Big Bang Theory Channel 4 News Four in a Bed Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me Coach Trip Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Paralympic Winter Games... The Countdown The Hoarder Next Door The Floods That Foiled New Year The Repo Man Caught on Camera One Born Every Minute

06:00 Children’s TV 08:45: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Police Interceptors 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Henry and Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History 13:15: Home and Away 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: The Obsession 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Home and Away 18:30: Newstalk Live 19:00: The Truth About Travellers 20:00: It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief 21:00: The Hotel Inspector 22:00: 70 Stone and Almost Dead 23:00: Extraordinary People 00:00: Super Casino

19:00: Great Movie Mistakes 19:05: Don’t Tell the Bride 20:00: Hair 21:00: Junior Paramedics 22:00: Bluestone 22:30: EastEnders 23:00: Family Guy 23:22: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:07: American Dad! 00:30: Bluestone 01:00: Junior Paramedics 02:00: Impractical Jokers

Home Shopping World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear World’s Most Dangerous Roads QI XL Suits Mock the Week Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums QI XL Suits Mock the Week


08:00: 09:00: 10:00:

07:00: 08:00: 11:00: 14:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30:

23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans What’s the Story? What’s the Story? Ringside Super League Superstars Rugby League Widnes Vikings v Salford Red Devils. Widnes Vikings face Salford Red Devils at the Select Security Stadium in the Super League. The Vikings claimed a comfortable 24-4 win when the teams last met. The Rugby Club Super League Highlights Premier League Darts

11:00: 13:50: 15:30: 17:25: 19:15:

Ikiru The Moonraker The Bravados The Ladykillers Fantastic Mr. Fox A witty stop-motion animated version of the Roald Dahl children’s classic from offbeat comedy writer-director Wes Anderson. 21:00: Die Hard 4.0 23:30: Shallow Grave 01:15: Confessions

11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00:

18:15: 18:30: 18:45: 19:00: 22:30: 00:30:

Cricket What’s the Story? Super League Fulltime Boots ‘n’ All Cricket Revista de la Liga Total Rugby Boots ‘n’ All What’s the Story? WWE Vintage Collection WWE From the Vault Dolph Zigler v Kofi Kingston - June 2011. A classic match from the WWE Vault: Dolph Ziggler takes on Kofi Kingston in June 2011. WWE From the Vault Darts Gold Darts Gold Premier League Darts World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw WWE NXT


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



Karaoke / Music Laptop

Samsung galaxy trend

Matching Pottery set

Natural Pain Relief

Don't have the right paperwork? Don't speak Spanish? Don't know where to turn? Don't worry! Call 647 057 599 or email help@diana-mcglone.com

KARAOKE/MUSIC Laptop €349 ono Ideal for any Singer.. Amature or Professional.. Perfect for any BAR.. CUSTOMISED Toshiba Pro 15" HIGH Gloss Wi...

Excellent condition just getting contract phone so not needed .. cost 150 euro, will take 100 ono ..complete with box, usb and charger .. is unlocked to al...

By Johnson Brothers ribbons & roses pattern all dishwasher and microwave proof complete with matching 3 tier hostess trolley and wall clock...

Natural Pain Relief Using Reflex Cyclo Therapy Massage, The Bio Therapy Machine Brings relief of pain by stimulating Blood Circulation, and helps to improv...

922 867 478



349 €

100 € 922 742 257

40 € 922725692

30 €

Wardrobe Door/Mirrors

2 single bed heads

beko fridge freezer

Classic Castellon Furnit

UK Keyboard

In good condition 10 wardrobe door mirrors 50X196. 30euros each or 250euros for the lot. Phone ...

2 solid wood single bed heads. In good condition. Torviscas Alto....

beko fridge freezer white fridge 237 litre freezer 73 litre can deliver charges will apply...

Bed Headboard, pair, for 960mm, 3 foot, single bed. All wood, classic style Color: Brown Matching furniture items are shown in other pages, offers in...

Brand new in original box,standard uk layout, Keyboard and optical mouse. USB connections, PS2 adapters available if needed (€ 2.50 each)....

922 725 059

690 375 706

605 740 410

689 008 644


300 €

120 €

200 €

40 €

13 €


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


blue baby equipment

5 books

camcorder handycam

Wall lights


Travel cot. baby bath . high chair . travel door gate . Will split if need be bargain the lot...

5 books - 9E - excellent condition Los Cristianos pick up...

Sony handycam with charger extra casettes and carrying holdel...

3 wall fitted lights ideal for bedroom reading light...

Kitchen door handles in aluminium,, x 10. Fixing, centre to centre 16 cm. As new. Tenerife south, Adeje Tel. ...

004477215018 25 € 20 Scalextric montecarlo

922 794 409


603 256 420

666 248 656

MacLaren XT Buggy

Scalextric montecarlo classics set with separate snow track extension pack, hardy used....

REF: 3567

170 €

Brass Cornet

Brass Cornet for sale In original case ideal for CHILD learning in school ...

922 790 388


150 €

10 €

10 €

Deluxe folding Sunbed

Range Rover

shoes etc

MacLaren XT Buggy Push Chair...

Fully Adjustable Back and Leg rest on wheels for easy movement complete with mattress, folds for winter storage very good condition...

Range Rover 4.6 HSE petrol automatic 1999 excellent condition new itv good air con, rhd spanish matriculated,125,000 miles...

White Reeboks-20E - 5 1/2/38 1/2, Aubergine Lilley & Skinner pumps-6E - 5/38, Black Miss Fiori pumps-6E - 5/38, Silver buckle pumps-6E - 6/39, Black/white ...

+44 771 467 1776 baby cot

3,500 € 922 742 257 95 € 922 782 357 Lynx Washing machine. Bedroom suite furniture

45 €

baby cot in good condition....

0 € 922753808

20 €

922 794 409


Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI

Lynx Washing Machine 6 kiols very good condition....

Double bed with matching headboard and two bedside tables with two drawers. Matching mirror with glass shelves....

Registered new 12 December 2013, 6 week old, white Opel Astra 1.7 CDTI 6 speed gearbox, diesel, 5 door, 4 year manufactures extended warranty, parking sens...




150 €

150 €

13,500 €

Bamboo Chair and Table

Light Set - Rustic Style


Panasonic twin phone

Range Rover Classic

Set of Bamboo Chair and Table in good conditions....

Rustic style lighting set (used) comprising of a 3 lamp suspended center fitting and two complimenting single lamp wall fittings. The center fitting is s...

Nice quality mirror 92 cm by 64 cm excellent condition...

Panasonic cordless phone, two handsets, full instructions in original box , like new....

Range Rover Classic. 1987, 3.9 efi petrol, automatic, ITV November 2014, Good tyres, new starter motor, new fuel pump, recent service. Very good condition....


689 008 644

922 742 257

674 948 505


50 €

50 €

40 €

35 €

2,200 €

Golf trolley (folding)

2 single top covers

Writing Desk

Dining Table & Chairs

External 3TB Hard Drive

Amarilla Golf: Golf cart light weight in good condition. If you´re interested, please send mail, I´ll be back in March....

2 made to measure (de-luxe) single top covers specifically made for the type of bed shown (i.e. with wrought iron at the bottom) - just slightly darker tha...

Beautiful Writing Desk for sale (100 E). Can Deliver. Tel: ...

A beautiful Dining table with 6 chairs. The suite is all wood. The table has an excellent varnish finish with bevelled edges. The table in its closed up...

Brand new in original packing. Buffalo Drive station 3 Tb external Hard Drive. USB2 interface. All cables and power adapter supplied in box. Totaly Plug...


922 794 409

922 790 388

20 €

40 €

0 € 689 008 644

450 €


105 €


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014

Ofipapel Cabinet

television cabinet

Ofipapel shelving cabinet. Gey with wooden top. 45cm width, 42cm depth, 113cm height. Very good condition. 50€ ovno. Los Cristianos...

light wood television cabinet with one draw and glass door...

650 256 556


45 €

20 €


dress for communion

dress for communion one time used only in good condition. For 7 to 8 years....


10 €

Personal Vibration Machine Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

Contact: 603 194 568

COnTACTS MONTZE LOS CRISTIANOS Latina, sexy, beautiful, affectionate, French natural, anal vibrator, very comprehensive, dominant. Fetish Private Apartment infront of Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos

Call: (+34) 687 129 426 or 687 129 687

ALEJANDRA - Los cRistiANos Sexy, beautiful, Latina. French natural, all kinds of positions, kisses, vibrators, Erotic Massage. I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

call: (+34) 650 442 665




7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Wednesday Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Sunday Los Cristianos CLEAninG

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

ELITE CLEANING SERVICES Club Atlantis, San Eugenio Office 922 789 795 / Mobile 696 922 597 E-mail - elitetenerife@hotmail.com

Tired of arriving to a dusty, dirty home??? Need someone to take the hassle out of your cleaning … … W EL L H ERE W E A RE ! !

Cleaning services to suit your individual needs. Apartments, villas, offices & housekeeping. Our specialist organisation can give you peace of mind that your property is well maintained and cleaned to the high standard you expect.

CORAL - COSTA RICAN I am a sexy, pretty Costa Rican, girl, I lovingly perform sensory massage, with sea salts, mud and hot oil. Then a good natural French until the final penetration.

I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

C a l l : ( + 3 4 ) 6 1 0 6 0 9 0 86


I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos.

Call: (+34) 610 359 991

I Can Also Come To Meet You... Call: (+34) 660 938 631

Renata - Sexy Mulato

Patricia, Venezuelan,

I Can Also Come To Meet You... Call: (+34) 672 955 326

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Printed Weekly Call: 627 686 830

I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos.

I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. (24 hour service)


8000 Copies

I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages and Kisses.

I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages and Kisses.



Venezuelan, Pretty, Hot, Nice Body, Large Natural Breasts, I Can Offer All Services.

I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Local Markets

Sexy Blonde.

You will enjoy everything to the maximum with me. You will not regret it. I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos.

I Can Also Come To Meet You... Call: 610 127 223


WASHING MACHINE REPAIR All Makes & Models We have reconditioned washing machines for sale

Call now on 635 911 337



Call Johnny on: 634 321 583


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014



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Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


mArADoNA to PlAY ProFeSSioNAllY AgAiN


ieGo maraDona , who is widely considered to be the best player ever is ‘set to resume playing career’ at 53 years of age. The footballing legend is said to be in talks with minnows Deportivo Riestra, who play in the fifth tier of Argentinean football, over a deal to join them until the end of

the season. The 1986 World Cup winner, known simply as ‘God’ in his homeland, has struggled with his weight in recent years but is said to be in good enough shape to start a match on March 23. He was put in touch with Riestra by one of his advisers who owns shares in the club, and he is now tipped to make his

debut next month. A Riestra club source has confirmed that the paperwork has been lodged with the authorities, and when quizzed about the news, Maradona told local newspaper Ole this week that he was ‘keen to play.’ A source at Riestra said: ‘Within a few weeks Maradona will be

playing for Riestra. We want him to debut on March 23. The paperwork is already being sorted.’ Victor More, a midfielder for the club, says he will ‘definitely’ give up his number 10 shirt to Maradona when he signs, so the left-footed genius can reclaim his favoured number.

Wayne rooney Signs Five-Year manchester united contract


ooneY has siGneD a five-year contract worth £78 million at manchester United, the club have confirmed. sir alex Ferguson said last summer rooney had requested to leave the club, which the forward privately denied. however, he was understood to be keen on joining José mourinho’s second coming at Chelsea, three seasons on from handing a transfer request in october 2010. twenty-eight-year-old rooney, who has revelled under David moyes’ management this season, was the subject of two rejected bids from Chelsea last summer as uncertain-

ty surrounded his future. however, with his previous contract due to expire at the end of the 201415 season, United have extended rooney’s old trafford stay nearly 10 years on from when Ferguson signed him. Rooney said:

“I am made up to be staying at United. In August I will have been at the club for 10 years and during that time I have played with some fantastic players and won everything that I hoped I would when I first signed. I now have the chance as one of the club’s senior players to help the younger players coming through and to be a part of another great United team. The fans have always been a huge part of this club and the support they have given me since my debut against

Fenerbahce has been amazing. I am very grateful to all United fans around the world for their continued support. I am really excited to be a part of the club’s future and want to thank David Moyes and Ed Woodward for their belief and support in me. I am convinced that this is the start of another successful chapter in Manchester United’s history.” United manager David Moyes said: “Wayne has been the best player in England since I put him into the Everton first team in 2003. Since becoming United manager in July last year, I have enjoyed working with him and seeing just how he has developed his incredible talent. With his ability, his experience and his desire to succeed, he is a vital part of my plans for the future and I’m absolutely thrilled he has accepted the challenge. I said last July that Wayne has an outstanding chance to be a true legend of this

club’s long and rich history. He is just 42 goals away from overtaking Sir Bobby as our record goalscorer and becoming the first United player to hit 250 goals for the club. These opportunities only come to special players and I’m confident Wayne will set a new record that will take decades to reach. These are really exciting times for everyone connected with the club.” Rooney seemed destined to leave United had Ferguson not retired last year. Moulded as a No.10 playmaker at Everton, Ferguson rarely used Rooney in that position on a consistent basis, as he initially preferred to build a team around Cristiano Ronaldo. When Ronaldo left in 2009, Rooney was converted into a striker and enjoyed his best season in 2009-10, but has struggled to replicate the performances he delivered that campaign and many United supporters are sceptical about the club’s decision to gift him a pay rise.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


‘Loser keeps Bieber’


What a motivator! USA and Canada’s ice hockey stars have been warned ‘Loser keeps Bieber’, a booby prize no-one wants!

ncentives don’t come much bigger or better than this the USA’s men’s ice hockey side took on Canada in the Winter Olympics semi-final in Sochi this week and there is more than just a place in Sunday’s final at stake – the loser also has to claim ownership of irritating teen

pop hamster, Justin Bieber, according to a Chicago billboard. The 19-year-old, who was born in Canada but is also associated with the US, has hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons in recent years, resulting in his ‘brat’ tag. He is now being used to spur on two of the world’s top ice hockey

sides, starring on the billboard alongside Chicago Blackhawks players Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews, who represent the US and Canada respectively.

The giant advertising platform, owned by freight broker Command Transportation, is plugging the crunch match with the slogan ‘Loser keeps Bieber’.

Sochi Russian Win Scandal 4000 Euro Fine For Villarreal In Tear Gas Incident


early two million have signed a petition calling for an investigation into a 17-year-old Russian skater’s surprise win in front of home judges.

Adelina Sotnikova beat favourite and reigning Olympic champion South Korean Yuna Kim to the figure skating gold medal. Sotnikova finished with a total score of 224.59, beating Kim’s score of 219.11 by 5.48 points after the free skate program, becoming the first female Russian skater to win in the category. But many are questioning the win and argued Kim skated a winning program, as a result, a Change.org petition, demanding an investigation into the judging decision has been signed almost 1.8 million times. The reaction was immediate and vocal, with more than 700,000 people signing the petition within six hours. Critics are claiming the judging panel is made up mostly of Eastern Bloc states and the scoring is anonymous, one judge has previously been caught trying to fix an event at the 1998 Winter Olympics and another is married to the head of the Russian Figure Skating Federation. Another Russian skater, Yulia Lipnitskaya, fell multiple times but beat American Ashley

Wagner, who did not fall. Wagner said at a news conference Thursday: ‘I feel gypped, people don’t want to watch a sport where you see people fall down and somehow score above someone who goes clean.’ The current scoring system rates the technical elements of a skater’s routine, then the execution and presentation using a cumulative system. The most problematic impact of the system is that judges are now allowed to give their scores anonymously. Judges’ tendencies to inflate scores for athletes from their own countries and trade votes with other judges has increased 20 per cent since the rules were changed in 2004. Kim herself remained above all the fuss being made over the alleged robbery of her second Olympic gold medal, Kim said: ‘The scores are given by the judges, so I am not in the right position to comment on it. There’s nothing that will change with my words. The biggest thing was I felt relieved because it was over.’ Sotnikova seemed oblivious to the questions raised over her win, saying: ‘I won. It’s my gold medal. I can’t believe it. Two years ago, all of my competitions were very bad. I didn’t know if I had what it takes to be successful. Now I know that I do.’


fter a fan threw a tear gas canister onto the pitch during last weekend’s match against Celta Vigo, Spain’s Anti-Violence Commission has recommended that Villarreal be fined 4000 euros. In a statement released on Thursday, the Commission recommended the fine of 4000 euros, but adamantly

praised Villarreal and their security staff for “their great professionalism” in escorting the more than 13,000 fans out of the stadium within “10 minutes and without incident.” The match was temporarily suspended as players were forced to cover their mouths and faces. The Commission went on to praise Villarreal for their actions since the incident occurred, stating that their “collaboration, from the start of the incident, was impeccable,

following the orders of the head of security of the police force in order to evacuate the stadium,” stated that Villarreal and others should continue to take security measures to ensure these incidents don’t occur in the future. “Football clubs they should make use of all measures to control the access of spectators into their stadiums to avoid events like those witnessed at Villarreal happening again at a sporting spectacle.”


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


tHe sPorts sCene By Colin Kirby

the A team go Storming in For cD tenerife


rresistiBle and unstoppable, it all clicked together as CD tenerife turned on their most complete performance of the season to bring back a 1-3 victory from lugo. Quick brains as well

as quick feet were the order of the day highlighted by an injury time cracker that stemmed from a wonderful bottom corner free kick save by roberto. the game was already won but a clearance upfield was picked up by ayoze Perez, he had the vision and the pace and charged at the home side, rounded a defender and slipped the ball into the net. Captain for the day, Aridane, started the party after six minutes squeezing in between two mark-

ers to head in from a Moyano cross. Lugo were smarting from a six goal drubbing the previous week and desperate for a goal, it wasn’t going to come at Roberto’s expense, the young Tenerife keeper was down quickly to deny an early chance. Edgar has shown plenty of quality on the left since his January arrival, when he gets his shooting eye in he will be a great asset. Loro was back for a rare appearance and his in swinger from the left gave Ayoze a half chance that the keeper blocked. Lugo had their best spell at the half hour mark, Revella laid the ball off to Alvaro who made room to force the ball through the defence to make it 1-1. There was no doubting Tenerife’s spirit, Ayoze crashed into goalie Mallo chasing a free ball and he had to limp off. The second half was just underway when Roberto made

run, or Walk, For the hills in guia De isora t

here’s a taste of spring in the tenerife air and those beautiful rural hills

are calling. Guia de isora kicks off the trail running season with the Carrera de montana on saturday 15 march. There are several choices, walkers will

set off on a 10 km stroll at 9.30 am, then at 10 am it’s the turn of the runners with a 15 km or 25 km run over some rugged testing terrain. If you accept this mission you have to sign up by 13 March at www.carrerasvidatrail.com

another commanding stop from Manu, the replacement home goalie was a lightweight in comparison. Loro spotted Ayoze and gave him the ball, the forward’s run left the sub goalie stranded outside his box and for added cheek Ayoze played the ball through his legs straight into the goal. Tenerife thought they had added another after a show of strength from Aridane forced the ball through for

Carlos Ruiz to nod in the net but he was just offside. Aitor Sanz is really growing into his midfield role but needs to kick the yellow card habit, as he is a vital cog in the team, his latest yellow was the 14th this season. It was pretty comfortable as the game wore on, the referee twanged the nerves a bit by adding five minutes on, it could have been stressful as Pitta swung his free kick around the de-

fensive wall but Roberto and Ayoze ensured the points with that wonder goal. This Saturday there’s a tricky game at Castilla, the Real Madrid B team have finally woken up and pulled themselves out of the relegation zone. Tenerife will be missing Moyano with suspension, that should allow a return for transfer window arrival Ayoze Diaz after 11 years away from the club.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


CD Marino Aim For The Top


Time For Iberostar Tenerife To Dig Deep


ad form and injuries are testing Iberostar Tenerife to the limit, not the best time to play the top side in the ACB League. Barcelona have punished Tenerife in recent meetings and the trend continued with a 56-78 scoreline.

The game was slipping away from the start with quarter scores of 15-20, 10-18, 10-18, and 21-22. Nico Richotti and Saul Blanco shared top billing with 10 points and Jesus Chagoyen stepped up his game for 8 points but they

even coach Alejandro Martinez’s criticisms of the referee couldn’t account for the shortfall. New Greek pivot Lazaros Papadopolous only made his debut the previous week but missed this game with injuries in both legs and may be out for up to two more weeks. The club are carefully scanning his test results – there is a get out clause if his fitness proves to be an ongoing problem. On the court there’s no let up with a daunting trip to Real Madrid this Sunday for a noon tip off.

ddicted to winning, CD Marino made it four straight victories as they saw off Vecindario by a single goal to move within two points of leaders Granadilla in their section of Spain’s Tercera Division. Strong team work and determination are the foundations of this seasons success and in a frustrating game they ground down the visitors and got their reward with a Balduino goal in the 83 rd minute. Vecindario looked shell shocked after a troubled financial week but are now assured of seeing out the season, they found little sympathy from Marino who dominated the first half. Balduino was enjoying

his return to the starting line up with top scorer Murci unexpectedly dropped to the bench, after 11 minutes the big striker couldn’t quite keep his looping shot down and it cleared the bar. Aaron Darias at right back lost the ball a few times to give Vecindario some encouragement, Ruben had his moment but a soft shot didn’t trouble Alberto in the home goal. Captain Airam is always a solid support up front and with Yosimar lively down the right there were plenty of half chances. Ione was worth pressuring in the Vecindario goal, he took two grabs to stop a run of the mill shot but did better getting a hand to a Balduino effort as Airam waited to pick up the crumbs. Marino went in at half time wondering how they never got a touch to a low cross from Darias that skimmed

across the goalmouth. A speculative long range shot from the Gran Canaria side was never going to cause any concern at the start of the second half while at the other end Josito hit a difficult strike on the turn that wasn’t far over the bar. Murci was called into action for Yosimar and Pulido added an extra attacking body for defender Mendy but somehow Vecindario clung on. Airam gave the defence the jitters, they were lucky that a random deflection didn’t breach their net. Richard Jimenez put a free kick wide, Airam blasted over but amid anxious looks at the clock Pablo blasted the ball at the defence and the rebound came to Balduino who gratefully grabbed the goal. This weekend it’s Lanzarote away and a chance of claiming the top spot.


Tenerife Weekly - 28th February 2014 - 6th March 2014


QuicK croSSWorD


1. Frog-like warty amphibian 7. Repulsive 10. Pie shop snack (7,4) 11. Diplomat’s skill 12. Back of neck 13. Very attentive, all ... 15. Streetcar

DOWn 1. Book name 2. Rises 3. Facts 4. Functions 5. See eye-to-eye 6. Court order 7. Arm bone 8. Alluring beauty

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( in Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)


17. Immense time span 18. Danger colour 20. Uneven (number) 21. Sponge lightly 23. Thee 25. Potato cake, ... brown 26. Lettuce side dish 28. Tiny songbird 30. Candidates’

assessment 31. Hand rest 32. Roman dress 34. Risky 35. Opposite of west 37. Dedicatory poem 39. Belonging to that 40.... or nay 41. Greenwich Mean

Time(1,1,1) 43. Leaf beverage 45. Body powder 48. Mast pole 50. Hone 51. Shaving cut 52. Caused to blush 53. Figure (out) 54. Weave (one’s way)

9. Produce 14. Burgle 16. Beam of light 18. Wandering 19. Best-loved 22. In front 24. Baby owl 25. Headwear 26. Unhappy

27. Night & ... 29. Tennis court barrier 33. Beards 36. Straddling 38. Conger or moray 39. Naughty kid 40. Sleepy sighs

42. Wed 44. Requested, ... for 46. Cash points (1,1,2) 47. Pack tightly 48. Ornamental ribbon 49. Over again

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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