Tenerife weekly issue 110

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Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Production Colm McCarroll design@tenerife-weekly.com


The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTORS John Sharples Sir Old Golfer Steve Andrews Barry Pugh Diane McGlone Colin Kirby English Time

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.

Janet Anscombe


Meryl Kew

(Red Queen Musings)

lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Karma Sir Francis Drake The Daily Mail (1900) Buckingham Palace Ritual Suicide Limestone P - they are the letters on the top line of a keyboard 8. Mercury 9. The ohm 10. Ferrari’s 11. Bactrian

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)


627 686 830


Issue 110

Miller Rental S.L C.I.F: B 38709366 Deposito Legal: TFE 447/2012

While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Tape 2. Fingers 3. Cubes 4. They Come In Dozens 5. Cushions 6. Cats 7. Tickets 8. Vitamins 9. They All Have Lincolns 10. Twins 11. Card Games 12. Mail 13. Insurance 14. Joes 15. Disciples




Solutions to this week’s puzzles




Well, Happy New Year to you all, hope your hangovers have finally worn off and your New Year’s resolutions are off to a better start than mine, bringing a healthy packed lunch to work, which I had eaten by 11am, was followed by a full English and After Eight mints! Oh well, I’ll start tomorrow I guess! This year’s biggest party night of the year was great down here at Vivo; you can read all about it and see the photographic evidence on the centre pages! New Year’s Day is also our very

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014 own John Sharples’ birthday, so a belated many happy returns to you John, speaking of Mr. Sharples, check out his fascinating insight into the strange superstitions us entertainer types practice, very interesting! After a quiet week for local news last week, there was plenty to report this week, including the news that Christian Grey from that well known “mommy porn” bestseller will soon be coming to Tenerife to film scenes for the movie! Also spare a thought for the poor cold wet and windswept back in the UK, their weather just seems to be getting


worse and worse, I know I’ll be thinking about them as I sun myself on the beach on my next day off! I’d just like to thank the owners Chris and Sara, designer Colm McCarroll, all of our other regular columnists, the Two Barrys, John, Steve Andrews and Colin Kirby, as well as regular contributors, Meryl Kew, Janet Anscombe, Diana McGlone, Cliodna O’ Flynn and everyone else who has contributed, something no matter how small, to making the Tenerife Weekly a great newspaper here’s to a great 2014!

Marc Craig

President For A Day! Continued from page 1

And to be provided to neighborhoods or small towns like mine - a playground. To be created, a mailbox for the children of the island, where young voices can be heard and ideas and problems come to the attention of the important people who run our town. (We are children, but many of us have lived and are living with the plight of financial problems in our households, our parents struggle daily, although we do not always realize). We need activities we can enjoy with our grandparents, school groups that can make

visits or create workshops at their residences. Maybe we can brighten their day, and help understand that one day, we will also be grandparents. I wanted to thank you all for this opportunity to be President for a day, it will be something I will never forget and surely I will help you understand that “politicians” are above all: parents, normal people like me ... And I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the parties and to all the people of Tenerife, and that no child is left without a

gift and that no adult lose the illusion. I want a 2014 full of joy for my island, work for our parents, health and solidarity smiles for all. Learn to share.” The proposal was approved unanimously by all political groups within the Cabildo of Tenerife. Spokesmen for Cristina Valido (Canary CoalitionPNC-CCN), José Luis Delgado (PSOE) and Antonio Alarcó (PP) political groups congratulated Kathia for her proposal and encouraged her to continue in this spirit and to tomorrow realize her dreams. Throughout the day, Kathia Valentín González kept to an intense agenda that, in addition to visiting the Cabildo, she visited the facilitiesMetropolitano de Tenerife where she was

demonstrated the operation of the streetcar, the Museum of Nature and Man, TEA Tenerife Space for the Arts, the Tenerife Auditorium Adán Martín and Children’s Park Tenerife 2013. Our Regional President for a day is scheduled to attend the party of the Friends of Vitolo which takes place in the Heliodoro Rodriguez Lopez Stadium. Kathia Valentín González was chosen by lot from among the students who visited the Island Palace on 18 December at a press conference held by the president, Carlos Alonso, from primary schoolchildren from various schools on the island This event is the culmination of the celebrations of the centenary of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


NEWS ON neW Beginnings for THE ROCK tenerife famiLy CHurCH

A man’s body was found just before midnight Monday on Playa de las Vistas. Emergency services say he was a 56-year-old Italian who was discovered floating in the sea by passers-by who pulled him from the water and called 112. Paramedics saw on arrival that they could do nothing for the poor man, and were able only to confirm his death at the scene. National Police have now taken over the investigation. The Cabildo has begun work to improve the surface in various sections of the TF-1 motorway South. These works will be held until January 2nd, at night, from 22.00 to 6.00 hours. The Minister of Roads and insular landscape, José Luis Delgado explained that these works are possible thanks to the rigorous work that has been done in the area and has allowed the redistribution of economic savings achieved through the optimization of available resources. Therefore, “we have the maintenance carried out before the year ends, we can solve some problems we had on the roads and implement improvements for the benefit of our citizens,” said the counselor. The Tenerife Cabildo has closed the TF-24 road to the Teide National Park by Esperanza for reconstruction work on the wall and the stability of the road. The insular corporation has contracted an emergency action with an investment of 154,000 euros to repair the road that was damaged by the storm of rain, wind and snow that hit the island recently. The storm caused several landslides on the road, so it remains closed to ensure safety. The Minister of Roads and insular landscape, José Luis Delgado explains that this was the purpose of the road closure. It is therefore not possible to drive from kilometer 24 (at the junction with the TF523 road Parrots, Arafo) to kilometer 43 (crossing the Portillo, the intersection of the TF-21 TF- 24). The main actions are performed at kilometer 37. Delgado reported that, during the execution of the work, will be enabled as soon as possible, with intermittent traffic lane in order to allow circulation directly from the metropolitan area. But remember to stay open access by La Orotava Teide and by Vilaflor and Chio, in the South. The Corporation asks island citizens not to attempt to access the area due to the risks to their safety. The Cabildo of Tenerife and the Canary Islands Government will have nine offices in the Island to assist victims of domestic violence during 2014. The paid service will begin on 1 January 2014 and is performed under the collaboration agreement signed between the council and the Equality Authority Canario Canary Islands Government for the development of a comprehensive social system of the prevention and protection of victims of gender violence of the island of Tenerife, which was signed in April this year. The budget for carrying out these actions to ensure the care of victims amounted to 3.2 million euros, of which 1.3 is supplied by the Corporation island and 1.9 by the regional administration. Offices are located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Laguna, Santa Ursula, La Orotava, Los Silos Candelaria, Adeje and Granadilla. During the first quarter of the year will start another resource in Icod de los Vinos. The president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Carlos Alonso, and the Vice President and the Minister of Social Action, Cristina Valido, this year celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the commissioning of SINPROMI, in a ceremony which was also attended by the CEO, Carmen Rosa García. Carlos Alonso claimed the role of SINPROMI past two decades in its aim to “normalize the lives of people with disabilities. It is a project that began 20 years ago, but today it still applies, which has grown and has adapted to the changing circumstances of the environment to facilitate access to work for people with disabilities.” Carlos Alonso stressed “the involvement of businesses on the island, who have understood that throughout this period it is important to employ people with disabilities.” He also said that the council will increase the resources allocated to SINPROMI in 2014 and, together with the Canary Islands Government, through the Canary Employment Service, 65 people SINPROMI be incorporated in the next year on Saturday, December 28, in La Laguna the Day on Active Ageing and Cooperation was held, attended by guests and speakers, Manuel Rebollo, project developer and educational and socio association Seniors Values University of La Laguna; Chema Mendez, vice president of the Platform of NGOs Canarias; Miguel Diaz, an expert on volunteer associations City Aguere, and Cristina Valido, vice president of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and responsible for Action Social. The Conference was opened by the Secretary insular Tenerife Canary Coalition, Fernando Clavijo and the president of the XXI Century Foundation, Hilario Rodríguez.


n the Saturday before Christmas in the evening, Tenerife Family church launched Messy Church which lived up to its name. There were wall to wall parents, grandparents and children who flocked to church all enjoying being messy making Christmassy things. A wide variety of Christmas crafts were available to make and all the generations had the excuse to behave like children. There was a short live puppet show, a story and then a Muppets rendition of Queen’s masterpiece, Bethlehemian Rhapsody. All this was topped off with snacks and the promise that there would be another Messy church on Saturday 25th January again at 5 till 7 in the church, situated in the basement of Coral Mar, Costa del Silencio.

If you have any queries please contact Pastor Bill Jeffrey on 609565528 The church held its traditional open air Carol Service entitled ‘A Gift in Season’ in Coral Mar square, but this year also did a carol service at Wyngates School, another one on a car park near to where some people cared for by the church take shelter, as they are at present homeless. Finally there was a new outdoor carol and songs performance in the Winter Gardens bowling complex at Golf Del Sur. There were two special Christmas songs sung by Liz Cairns. Pastor Bill hosted all the services and made a very special announcement at the last one. From Sunday the 19th of January Tenerife Family Church is going to have a weekly evening service at 6:00pm held in the function room next to the Rendezvous Restaurant in the Winter Gardens complex Golf del Sur. Everyone , holiday makers and residents alike are welcome to join us If you have any queries please contact Pastor Bill Jeffrey on 609565528 The next Craft Group will be held in the Costa Silencio Church is on 8th January. 11am – 2 bring a packed lunch. If you have any queries ring Chris on 922 738490 (answerphone always on)


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


fairy taLes from spain

o, SAnTA has been and gone, we’ve seen in the new Year and the Three Kings are almost here with their camels laden with gifts for every Spanish child. A tradition that Britain has at this time of year that Spain doesn’t is of course the good old traditional Panto. Most Pantomimes are of course based on traditional fairy tales, Snow White, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk and all the many other classics we loved as children. Although Spain doesn’t do Pantomime, they have many, many fairy tales of their own, which I thought I might share with you this week.

The Bird of Truth

This traditional Spanish fable tells the story of an elderly fisherman who finds two beautiful babies floating on the river in a crystal cradle. He decides to raise the boy and girl as his own but his real sons were very cruel to them. To escape the brothers taunts they would go down to the river to feed the birds and over time, were able to understand their language. One day they heard the birds talking about the baby twins who were taken from the Queen by a wicked courtier at birth, and thrown into the river in a crystal cradle, telling the Queen they were dead, which drove her so insane she was locked up in a tower. The birds then told them only the Bird of Truth could convince the King of this deception, and that it was kept prisoner by a Giant in the Castle of Come and Never Go. Only a Witch could direct them to the Castle and The Bird of Truth was surrounded by Birds of Ill Faith, only an Owl could tell the difference. After many



children tricked the Witch, found the Castle, rescued the Bird and on hearing the truth, the King chopped off the heads of the evil courtiers and the twins were united with their royal parents.

The Knights of The Fish

A poor hungry cobbler once caught a beautiful fish, which spoke, telling him to cook it, feed two pieces to his wife and to bury two in the garden. He did and his wife gave birth to twins and a tree grew in the garden bearing two beautiful shields. When the boys became men they travelled and parted ways, one defeated a Dragon and married a Princess, but when he noticed a black marble Castle in the distance he was warned that no one who went there ever returned. Not able to resist he went and met the ugly evil Witch who lived there, who, seeing how handsome he was demanded he marry her. He refused so she killed him by dropping him through a trapdoor. His brother, hearing about it confronted the Witch and stabbed her, dying she begged him to fetch a magic plant from the grounds that could restore her life. On the way he found the bodies of his brother and all her other victims, whom he restored with the same magic, and also a cave full of the maidens killed by the dragon, whom he also restored. The witch was so annoyed that she died, and the castle fell down.

The Vain little Mouse

La Ratita Presumida in an old Spanish folk tale of which there are many variant. In some versions of the tale the she-mouse is seduced by a cat, who sweetly meows when asked what he will do at night. In this version the she-mouse marries the cat and she is usually eaten by the cat at the wedding night, though not always. Other variants have a part in which the hemouse falls into a broth and dies, and even a part, in which all the friends of the she-mouse harm themselves somehow describing their actions in a song, because they feel sorry for her. The main character of the story can also have different representations such as a little ant or even a little cockroach. The structure of this tale makes it suitable for personalization and adaptation, it is also useful in order to teach the little kids about the animals and their different sounds, or to make them participate doing the sounds. Well, I hope you enjoyed this little taste of fairy tales, Spanish style, there are many, many more, but we will have to leave t h e m for another night.... Now, lights out, and pleasant dreams.



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Kids, maKe a pit stop!


here will be an ice rink in Santa Cruz between Friday, 20th December and until 7th January. The rink is located in the Parque Infantil y Juvenil de Tenerife, PIT, in the Centro Internacional de Ferias y Congresos on the left on the motorway spur and main road down towards the Santa Cruz


by janetanscombe.com auditorium.

Apart from the 600 square metre ice rink, the PIT – whose theme this year is the world of stories - will have nearly 40 attractions in all for children and young people, including the largest indoor roller coaster. Opening times will be 10am to 8pm, apart from restricted times on New Year’s Day (3-8pm) and New Year’s Eves and 5 January (10am-

teide guide


he Cabildo of Tenerife has issued the guide to the Ascent of Teide, a document in five languages which provides comprehensive information to tourists and residents who would like to access the Teide national Park, the most visited in Europe and third in the World and named a World Heritage Site by unesco in 2007. The guide was presented by the President of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, the island mobility manager, Manuel ortega, the director of Teide Cableway, Ignacio Sabate and the president for a day, Kathia gonzález.

It is a practical guide in paperback, published by the company Teide Cableway and work of naturalist and scientific photography technician, Sergio Socorro,

3pm). It will be closed on 6 January. Tickets can be bought online or at the box office, and cost �8 (free for pensioners and children under two years old). For all other information, please see the PIT’s website. The feria generates over 250 jobs and they hope even more people would attend this year than last, when just short of 50,000 passed through the doors. The

who has had the collaboration of artists like William Pozuelo, Joaquín Ponce or Daniel Lopez. The guide is available in Spanish, English, German, French and Russian and has a price of 17.95 euros The Ascent of Teide guide is meant as a fundamental tool to fully enjoy the visit to the Teide National Park. It is divided into ten chapters, most notably those relating to the Teide volcano, the cable cars, the flora, the trails and Altavista Refuge. It also incorporates factsheets, travelogue and an additional georeferenced maps The book devotes a large space to the paths of Teide-Pico Viejo, Fortaleza, Telesforo Bravo and White Mountain-with photographs, contour maps each difficulty level, length, slope, landscape description and interpretation. It also incorporates a section dedicated to the nocturnal landscape of the park and the astronomical quality of the sky. The guide is designed to be useful both for those visiting the Teide by car to walk the trails, whether they are regular walkers, or if they come for the first time to Tenerife. It is, in short, an eminently practical work to enjoy a visit to the Teide National Park.

Cabildo has said that the Children’s Fair has seen 7,834 people pass through its doors in just the first week, a rise of 30.5% over last year’s visitors. Clearly, the ice rink has made all the difference this year, and it, together with the roller coaster and the “house of fear” are the biggest attractions among visitors. The fair will be open until 7 January.

President Carlos Alonso with Kathia González Valentín.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

vivo.11076 ACROSS


CryptiC CrossWord

8. Lose consciousness in power failure (5,3) 9. Keen to see hog and gnu get together (4-2) 10. Bug in religious cult (6) 11. Mentioning Crete? You’re an animal! (8) 12. Nazi troops followed me to soldiers’ eatery (4) 13. Man, for instance, in the aisles (4) 15. Humming a nickname for astronaut Aldrin (5) 16. Choke yourself? It’s the back section (6)

DOWN 1. What’s best about the land is most uninteresting (8) 2. Way in to accent. Recess centre left (6) 3. Taught us to say hare’s racing partner (8) 4. Notice the loss of extremities of the ear (4) 5. Regret losing head over heron (5) 6. United Nations’ desk is wobbly (8) 7. The sort of grape found in posh IRA zone (6)

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

18. The ta x department in USA? It belongs to them (6) 20. Allowed to audition audibly (5) 22. Catch part in retrospect (4) 23. Capital outlay? Sales tariff (4) 25. Don’t weaken, beast! Wrong to say so (2,6) 27. Pig cap! Does it matter? (2,4) 28. Friend leased mattress (6) 29. Made grooves in mink. Had argument (8)

14. Sweetheart back in endless revolt (5) 17. Orchard pest made Spooner’s flute fry (5,3) 18. Records attempt at wall hanging (8) 19. Says again it concerns America (8) 21. Ewe lay around, with room to manoeuvre (6) 23. Traditional Indian foe to intimidate young lad (6) 24. River for three minus three (5) 26. US private foot donation (4)

Answers to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD are on page 2


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


swallows enjoy Christmas morning on the Beach T

he Swallows gathered on the beach in los Cristianos for a festive sing song on Christmas morning. There were about 200 of them gathered to

sing Christmas carols and songs. They shared a picnic with quite a few cava bottles being popped. The brave ones even went into the sea!!

together initiative


HE EIgHTH edition of the Insular Bureau for Intercultural Coexistence, in the Cabildo of Tenerife, served to take the first step toward building strategic planning that will guide the activities of the working groups in the coming years, and to present and share the work in 2013. At this meeting attended by nearly one hundred people representing immigrant associations and social organizations in the Island for a working meeting convened by the Department of External Affairs of the Cabildo of Tenerife through

the Together initiative combined reflection and debate on strategic issues for the future, understanding participation in diversity as a factor in development. The meeting was attended by the president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, the financial vice-president, Efraín Medina and insular Minister for Foreign Affairs, Delia Herrera, who listened to the proposals and initiatives of the various parties in intercultural dialogue, ensuring social cohesion on the island. For the president to exchange views is important, and teamwork is a major advance in these proposals it is “an opportunity to exchange, deepen our work

and aims to improve the living on the island leveraging diversity as an opportunity development. “

Delia Herrera said the Cabildo supports this initiative and the work carried out by entities participating in the

Together Network. It also noted that since this institution “is doing everything possible to keep up this work

being done as a good job and is receiving congratulations and recognition nationally and internationally.”


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


el Hierro Wakes for the Holidays by janetanscombe.com


Earthquake update same day I received an email from Bob in El Hierro who said that they were “having another house shaking session, two felt in Valverde around 16.30 hours”.

T HAD been fairly quiet of late, indeed over the last few weeks it’s been very quiet indeed, but it awoke to give a Christmas message. A new cluster of tremors were registered before Christmas on 22nd December, which experts said looked like a preliminary to something stronger. The activity started in the Mar del golfo with 11 tremors at a depth between 14 and 16 km, and then started to move under the island. The highest tremor recorded was over 3 on the Richter scale: Volcanologists said that the magma was still trying to find a way out. The

There were 121 earthquakes over 1.5 on the Richter scale on 23rd December, all of them at a depth of around 14km. Volcanologists said that a new episode of magma eruption had now started, confirmed by deformation data supplied by Involcan: upward deformation was at least 2cm. The tremors had headed to, and were clustering below, the El Pinar area. On the 27th, a widelyfelt earthquake was recorded by IGN – not only in El Hierro, but also in the north of Tenerife and La Palma. This tremor was widely felt by the public. The earthquake was at 5.46pm to the west of


Icod de los Vinos

Santiago del Teide

la orotava

El Sauzal

C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. 120 - 922 710 420 Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 869 643


Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Arona. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 125 - Fax: 922 725 478

granadilla de Abona

C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

guía de Isora

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354


Plaza General Franco, s/n, 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 334 512

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El Rosario

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280

San Miguel de Abona

Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38620, San Miguel de 38500, Güímar. Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 101 - Fax 922 526 102 168

the municipality of Frontera, at a depth of 15km. It was widely felt and locals, said to be alarmed, described the effect as a

very strong shaking. Five minutes later another two tremors of 2.9 and 2.7 on the Richter were recorded, though these weren’t felt by the public. The El Hierro quake was 5.1 on the Richter scale, IGN says.

Further quakes of 3.7 and 3.3 were recorded on the 28th (11pm and just before 1am) in the same place (10km out to sea to the west of El Hierro) at depths of 20 and 12 km. These were just the

“relatively strong” ones – several others in the mid2 Richter range were also registered Deformation in the El Pinar and La Restinga area is now said to be “strong”, giving a total lift of 10cm in this cluster.

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973

El Tanque

Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151

Local Markets Day





9:00 am to 4:00 pm



7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


HeLpfuL information – driVing in spain original licence plates. You may retain it in Spain indefinitely so long as you maintain its home country tax fully paid up, including a current MOT as required. However you may not stay in Spain any longer than six months in any one calendar year and neither you nor anyone else can use it during the following six months in Spain. Your car must also be insured in its country of registration under EU


hen I published the previous two articles the Pros and Cons of driving in Tenerife and particularly Parking, I had lots of messages from people saying how helpful they were. So when seeing the following article I decided to hang on to it until I had a slot to add here in the hope that it will help more people faced with driving on our roads. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS – require that the

by Red Queen’s Musings following items be kept in the vehicle: Set of bulbs and tools necessary to replace them. Two warning triangles – officially approved by the Ministerio del Interior, bearing a round symbol E9 & the code 27R03. A spare tyre and the tools necessary to replace it, a reflective jacket, a spare pair of glasses (for those who need them to drive). DRIVING WITH NON-SPANISH REGISTRATION PLATES – As a member of the EU (but not a registered resident of Spain) you may import your car into Spain using its own

Atlantic Storm Kills Two In Canaries


wo people were killed and another two rescued in the Canary Islands last Thursday after being swept out to sea by a huge wave as strong winds and torrential rain continued to batter Spain and Portugal. The incident occurred on the island

stranded tanker Worries Lanzarote by Red Queen’s Musings A TAnKER strand- with 5000 tons ed on the Moroc- of fuel, some of can coast near which appears to Tan Tan only be leaking into about 260 kilo- the sea. The government of metres east of Lanzarote has called on the island of lan- the Moroccan consulate zarote is loaded to take urgent measures

to remove the fuel and to give an estimate as to how much fuel has leaked out already. Due to worsening weather conditions nothing seems to have been done yet. The stricken ship is named Silver and registered in Laayoune.

Law. This can give you problems with insurance. Some companies will offer cover but please read the small print. The Green Card system currently covers 44 countries and is managed by the Motor Insurers Bureau. Finally should you be caught speeding the following is the number of points and the amount of the fine you could be facing.

ViVo tea danCe

VIVo will be holding their next two Tea Dances of the season on Wednesday 15th January and Wednesday 29th January. This time, however, there is a twist! Professional dance teacher Beverley is offering 30 minutes

of la graciosa when a 47-year-old was walking on las Conchas beach with three children. The four were members of two distinct families. Along with the adult, an 11-year-old was swept away and drowned. In Portugal, six amateur fishermen were

tuition from 1pm, the first half hour is for people who have not danced before, or have two left feet, so you can brush up your dance steps before the start, at 1.30pm.

The organisers, Beverley and Carole were delighted to see some new faces last time, and look forward to seeing some more, as well as the

killed when their boat capsized and one youngster was confirmed dead - and five missing - after being swept away by waves. The area of low pressure affecting Western Europe continued last Friday, with Galicia and Cantabria bearing the brunt of the storm. Winds of up to 100km/h were recorded on Thursday in the west and north of Spain.

regulars. Entrance costs just 5,00 Euros which includes refreshments and profits are shared between the Swallows official charity, Cancer Research and the Living Room, which offers support to local workers. Numbers are limited, so please call Carole to book your place on 669 152 742 See you there


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

eXpLoring HistoriCaL CHurCHes of tenerife, part 2. redqueenmusings.wordpress.com


EnERIFE may be well-known around the world for its beaches, shopping and night life, however, before the tourists, and continuing into present day, the locals and the faithful pilgrims have found respite and rejuvenation in the churches and convents of Tenerife. For hundreds of years, Tenerife has built a rich religious history and tradition that can now be enjoyed by all who visit this beautiful island. Convento Santa Catalina, San Cristobal de La Laguna Located in La Laguna is the convent Santa Catalina. This convent is well-known for the


All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

resting site of the body of the Sister María de Jesús de León Delgado, a venerated nun. Guarded by the convent of Dominican nuns, the body is only available for viewing on the anniversary of her death on February 15 and the following Sunday. On these days thousands of faithful come to pay their respects to “The Siervita”, lining up for hours in a queues extending around the blocks. Also known as the Convent of St. Catherine of Siena, the site contains notable artwork including a sculpture of Santa Rosa de Lima, sculpted by Rodríguez de la Oliva, a well-known 18th century sculptor. Founded in 1611, the convent has at times housed hundreds of nuns. The building sits directly in the center of the city of San Cristobal de La Laguna and is easily accessed. Convento de San Francisco, Garachico

TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife north

TFn Airport (los Rodeos) Flight info General info

local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

Hospitals 094 national Ferry Services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 Fred Olsen 922 628 252 Cosmos 922 793 802 Thomas Cook 922 757 409 Thomson 922 798 607 Tourist offices TUI 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TITSA La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 Radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 Arona 922 747 511 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 Adeje 922 715 407

Tour operators


Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000 Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000

Red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800

Pharmacy 922 282 424

Garachico was the busiest port in Tenerife during the 16th and 17th centuries thanks to its deep natural harbour. However, the town was ravaged by volcanic eruption in 1706 and has never regained its stature, though it has made a steady comeback to become a quaint seaside town. Located 61 km (38 miles) from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Garachico is home to the former Convento de San Francisco which is now a local museum with interesting architecture and many interesting photos of old-time Garachico. For only 1 Euro, visitors can get out of the heat and tour the tree-shaded convent and marvel at the spectacularly carved wood ceilings, balconies and detailed gargoyles. Much of the wood-working is done in the mudéjar style that blends Muslim and Christian

architecture. The wooden balconies surround the inside of the structure which is typical of authentic Canarian architecture. Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Pena Francia, Puerto de la Cruz On the north coast of Tenerife, 37 km (23 miles) from Santa Cruz you will find Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Pena Francia. Sitting directly in the center of Puerto de la Cruz’s old town, the Peña de Francia houses an ornate Baroque style alter and houses many pieces of artwork as well as fine examples of Spanish gold and silver dating back hundreds of years. Finished in 1697 and replacing a simple chapel originally occupying the site, the Peña de Francia has been modified, restored and added to over hundreds of years to achieve its present state and high-level of artistic significance.


EVENTS ON THE ROCK At The Museum of Nature and Man, Canarian cuisine

enhances tourist visits from cruise ships visiting the port of Santa Cruz. Visitors who choose the option of touring the Museum, especially attracted by the large collection of Guanche mummies are able to complement the visit with a tasting of typical Canarian products. It is a wide selection of cheeses and wines Islands served in the cozy courtyard in tne Museum, the culmination of an experience combines culture and cuisine. The objective of this initiative is to promote culture and tourism through gastronomy, which help share the essence of the island through its cultural heritage. In addition, tourists have the opportunity to visit the Museum shop and pick up a souvenir of the island, either a unique piece of pottery or jewelry, and an occasional original or copy of any publication issued by Tenerife Museums, among others articles. The Museum of Nature and Man has received during the month of December about a thousand of tourists from different nationalities, of which over a hundred have been enjoying the activity that combines culture and cuisine. It is expected that this number is exceeded, since the Port of Santa Cruz expects twenty cruises to visit before the end of the year.

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


no LoCaL taX rises in 2014

les Miserables – on Stage In Tenerife!

Will you hear the people sing? The wonderful “Les Miserables” has come to Tenerife! There will be seven performances between 30 December and 5 January in the Auditorio de Tenerife: Mon 30 Dec, 8.30pm Wed 1 Jan, 7pm Thurs 2 Jan, 8.30pm Fri 3 Jan, 10pm Sat 4 Jan, 6pm & 10pm Sun 5 Jan, 6pm tickets are still available. Tickets, which cost between 29 euros and 90 euros, are already on sale, and can be bought by phone on 902 317 327, in the auditorium’s own box office, or online via http://entradas.auditoriodetenerife.com/ Please note that the performance will be the Spanish version of Les Misérables. The Cabildo of Tenerife has raffled four works donated by the artists participating in the tenth edition of Art Supermarket Merkarte The exhibition will run until January 5 at the Museum of History and Anthropology of Tenerife (Casa Lercaro) of La Laguna, and is organized by the department of Education, Youth and Equality and displays the most recent works of 45 young Canarian artists -from 18 to 35 years, with suggested prices ranging between 30 and 400 euros prices. The public can visit Merkarte Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00, while Saturday and Sunday will be open from 10.00 to 14.00. In the draw all over 18s who provide a photo along with the work they like Merkarte can participate. These pictures must be uploaded to facebook Merkarte in the “I Like Merkarte” tab. You can upload as many photos you want, but you can only participate with one. Those involved in the organization Merkarte may not participate in the competition The photos must be uploaded to facebook Merkarte before 14:00 pm on January 5. The draw will take place and then be published on the facebook Merkarte and the www.merkarteon.com page. Prizes are four original works, in large format, different artists have donated them and have been specially made by artists for Merkarte. The exhibition offers quality creations at reasonable prices.

by englishtimeadeje.com


HE MAYoR of Adeje José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, along with the councillor for finance, Epifanio Díaz Hernández, and the local group spokesperson Andrés Pérez Ramos, presented the council’s budget estimates for 2014 on Friday, December 27th.

According to the mayor “these estimates deal with three interrelated elements. Firstly we are concentrating on the creation of employment which is the area that grew most in 2013, with a 14 % increase. Secondly we are looking at tourism, which for us is a strategic sector and

the economic motor of our borough. This area has a growth rate of 6.8 %. And thirdly we are working to make the economy more dynamic. These estimates take these three elements into consideration.” The philosophy behind the council’s estimates for 2014 are based on the “presumption of costs and investments based on previous years and which have allowed us enter into a period of economic stability, reduce the debt and meet all the required ratios of the Municipal Finance Fund” explained mayor Rodriguez Fraga . In this regard the estimates, taking all the costs into consideration, only has a rise in the IPC of 1.43%. This indicates a cost of something in the region of 79 million Euros,

T Electricity to rise between 1.5% and a maximum of 3%

with a possible surplus of 4 million Euros. In the section on spending, the council is predicting a total of around 84 million Euros, 2.59% less than in 2013, which the local government used to ensure that there were no increased in local direct or indirect taxes in the year ahead, nor in rates. This reduction in financial pressure on residents and businesses, along with the municipal funding, has the objective of making Adeje “more competitive and ensuring a dynamic economy for Adeje”, continued the mayor. At the same time he recognised the willingness of Adeje citizens to pay their rates and taxes and said that it was thanks to that level of civic responsibility that the council had

here was a huge fanfare a week or so ago about huge electricity price rises in the new year, with the press creating outrage by saying that hikes of 11% were going to be imposed on impoverished consumers. It is true that the power companies were planning this rise, but it was n eve r g o -

by janetanscombe.com

to capacity to be flexible and invest. The councillor for finance said that the Adeje council was meeting the requirements of the Municipal Finance Fund for the second consecutive year which assumed a net of 4 million Euros, of which 50% is destined for investment and social emergencies. The capacity to invest is where the councillors have also see a 300 % growth which is generating employment and re-energising the economy. . The finance councillor explained that they had prepared an estimates programme that was “flexible, reflecting the changing reality that we are living in, and a programme that has the capacity to react to any growth situations that may arise”

ing to be accepted by the government. And, indeed, the arrangement has been declared null and void, and a rise of between 1.5% and a maximum of 3% has instead been confirmed. The increase will be approved in today’s cabinet meeting, when the freezing of 2014´s minimum wage will also be passed.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


Hotel explosion - an accident


BRITISH holidaymaker and her young daughter were among 5 people who were injured at a hotel pool bar when a container used to keep buffet food warm exploded. The explosion happened at the Bahia Princ-

ipe Hotel in the resort of Playa Paraiso in Adeje, shortly after 4pm last Friday. The woman suffered severe burns to her face and scalp after being caught in the blast and her eight year old daughter suffered less seri-

ous burns to her neck and ear. A spokesman for the Bahia Principe said it was unclear what exactly had caused the explosion which occurred in the poolside bar area:

“This was an accident and we still are not sure what went wrong - we are awaiting the investigation of the judicial police.The explo-

sion took place in a metal buffet container by the pool which uses a flammable gel to keep food warm. The swimming pool is now open again and the hotel is back to normal, we would like to wish those who were injured a speedy recovery.” A man, understood to be the father of the child, received medical attention. Two other women, a Belgian and a Spaniard were also treated in hospital for minor abrasions. A spokesman from the Foreign and commonwealth Office said: “We can confirm an incident in Tenerife involving two British Nationals,we are offering consular assistance and liasing with local authorities.” A spokesman for the Canary Islands government confirmed: “Five people were injured, including three British members of the same family. The British casualties included an eight-year-old girl who suffered non-serious burns to her neck and one of her ears, her mother who suffered severe burns to her face and scalp and her father who suffered minor abrasions.The mother was taken to a hospital in the capital Santa Cruz called Nuestra Senora de La Candelaria University Hospital because of the severity of her burns while the father and daughter were treated at the Hospiten Sur on the south of the island.” The hospital confirmed that the woman, who has not been named, was in a serious but stable condition.


What to Expect


AnuARY is one of the coolest months (notice I said cool and not cold) because at least in the south of the island average temperatures are around 20°C whilst in the north they are mid-teens so expect about 15°C. There can be a few showers never usually lasting long but you are usually guaranteed sun for at least part of the day. With Christmas over we are now into Scandi season when a large number of holiday makers come from the Scandinavian countries. January Highlights

Christmas lingers until the 6th January when Los Reyes Magos (the Three Kings) deliver gifts to well behaved Spanish children. On the night of the 5th January, every town is visited by the Reyes Magos, arriv-

ing by camel or helicopter. In the south Los Cristianos, the main town of Adeje and Los Gigantes are good places to follow the kings and their parade. In the north, Santa Cruz puts on a great show when the Kings usually set up their thrones at CD Tenerife’s Heliodoro Stadium. Christmas in the Streets lasts until 6th January – Lights and carols invade our streets, together with the smell of nougat and toasted almonds and in every corner of the island strolling artists provide plenty of activities for the whole family whether at charity events and craft markets. Visit a Belen – Different associations, businesses and individuals throughout the island show their Christmas feeling with these Nativity masterpieces. The cribs have a festive and religious meaning and are eagerly visited by passers-by.

Other Celebrations in January are:

Fiesta de San Abad – Arona (provisional dates at time of publishing – 11th, 16th and 19th) 20th Romería de San Sebastián is at Playa Enramada be-

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


things to do in tenerife in January 2014 by redqueensmusings.wordpress.com

tween Del Duque and La Caleta when horses and the odd camel get their annual bath.

Events around the Island

3rd Dactah Chando from 2300 hours at Disco People Santa Cruz – TICKETS 10 euros at the box office and 7 euros in advance. Points of Sale: Café 7 (La Laguna), Mr Fantasy (Santa Cruz), Ripper´s Surf Shop (Las Américas) and Discoteca People (Santa Cruz). to 5th Les Misérables the oldest musical history comes to the islands to transmit the force of a story of passion and justice. Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz to 7th PIT (Parque Infantil de Tenerife) Apart from the 600 square metre ice rink, the theme this year is the world of stories – with nearly 40 attractions for children and young people, including the largest indoor roller coaster. Opening times will be 10am and 8pm, More Information 7th - dancer and choreographer presents his show 7 of Rafa Mendez at Audiotorio Teobaldo Power de La Orotava 10th Piano concert by Fabian De Prudencio – El Corte Ingles Admission FREE




by janetanscombe.com happy story to start the year … long may it continue! The first Canarian baby of 2014 is a little girl from Tenerife.


The baby weighed just under 4kg and was born at 00.21 last night in Candelaria hospital. Her parents live in south Tenerife and mum is said to have had an uncomplicated labour and delivery, and together

with her daughter, is doing well. Other babies born in the first hour of 2014 were another little girl at 00.43am in Gran Canaria, and back in Tenerife, a little boy in the HUC at 00.48am. Happy New Year to us all!

by janetanscombe.com


HE PRoDuCTIon team behind the film version of E.l. James’ novel, 50 Shades of grey, is

looking in the Canaries for loca-

tions to film several scenes. Filming has already started in Canada, after various delays, and the final result is expected to be released on

13 February 2015 … St Valentine’s Eve … How many will want to go to see the film, to see if they recognize the locations, of course …



EASY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

SuDoKu Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the SuDoKu are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


MAINLAND 11 miLLion tourists Visit NEWS IN tHe BaLeariC isLands BRIEF Images of legendary actors like Charlie Chaplin, Clint Eastwood and Bruce Lee, plus scenes from movies like “The Birds,” “The Shining,” “Terminator 2,” “Dirty Harry,” “Taxi Driver,” “Pulp Fiction” and “Batman,” have been hand-painted in Spain on barrels of vintage wines as part of the Laovejabala project. The Bodegas Contador winery, in the town of San Vicente de la Sonsierra, is the first setting for this project, for which San Cristobal and Martin travel daily to the municipality of Samaniego in the Rioja wine country where they handpaint the barrels.San Cristobal, who has set a final sales price of between 1,000 and 1,200 euros ($1,520 and $1660) on his artworks, said: “Painting on a curved surface rather than on a flat one brings its own difficulties, but also gives value-added to the product, in this case a barrel, whose attractive shape lends itself to this technique,” The exhibition installed at the Bodegas Contador winery now has 10 barrels illustrated with movie themes, including a scene from the film “Pale Rider,” starring and directed by Clint Eastwood, of whom the head of the winery, Benjamin Romeo, is a big fan. Spain looks set to follow Italy in agreeing to prevent samesex couples from adopting Russian children; the U.K. and Israel could be next, reports say. Spain will sign an accord with Russia to ban same-sex couples from adopting Russian children, according to reports. The move allows straight Spanish couples access to children who otherwise would have been off limits, thanks to Russia’s discriminatory adoption policy that prevents same-sex couples from adopting Russian children. The accord will be signed in January. The agreement would open up the possibility for Spanish heterosexual couples to adopt Russian children once again as long as Spain makes a commitment to keep Russian children from being adopted by same-sex couples. Last August the Russian Supreme Court ... ordered a hold on any proceedings with countries that allow gay marriage until there was a bilateral accord guaranteeing the children would not be raised by homosexuals including in the case of orphans. Since then 500 Spanish families have been affected and, as a result, negotiations between Madrid and Moscow had intensified. So far Italy is the only other country to have signed such a unilateral deal with Russia, but a Voice of Russia report says the United Kingdom and Israel are considering similar moves. The battle of ‘Enfarinats’ may be the biggest food fight ever recorded, and it involved the deadly mixture of eggs, flour and firecrackers, between the townspeople of Ibi, Spain, to celebrate the Els Enfarinats festival. Citizens battled it out with bags of flour and trays of eggs and came out looking barely recognisable. The tradition involves a group of married men, called Els Enfarinats, taking control of the town for the day and imposing a ridiculous set of rules including a host of hefty fines. Opponents, the La Oposicio group, try to stop them - and this food fight was the result of the conflict this year. At the end of the day the money collected from the fines is donated to charitable causes in the village. The festival has been celebrated since 1981 after the town of Ibi recovered the tradition, but the origins remain unknown. Spanish national newspaper La Gaceta has scrapped its print edition, a spokeswoman said on Monday, as it fights to survive a financing crisis in the recession-damaged country’s media, the strongly conservative newspaper, which was founded in 1989 employs about 60 people. “The newspaper will continue, but online -- that is what we will focus on,” a spokeswoman told AFP. She was unable to say what the impact would be on jobs. La Gaceta launched as an economic paper in 1989 before converting to general news, part of the Intereconomia media group that also runs a television channel and a radio station. It is a high-profile casualty of a finance crisis that has shut down hundreds of Spanish media organisations over the past five years, during which Spain has gone through two recessions. In November, authorities in Valencia shut down the indebted regional broadcaster RTVV, which employed 1,700 people. The Federation of Journalists’ Associations of Spain estimates the job losses at 10,500 since 2009.


oRE than 11 million foreign tourists visited the Balearic Islands between January and november this year. That it 7.2 per cent more than the same period last year, according to the Tourist Movements at the Frontier survey released by

the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. Cataluña was the most popular destination with 14.8 million tourists, 7.4 per cent more, followed by the Balearic Islands. The leading destination in November was the Canary Islands, with 1.07 million tourists, 17.9 per cent more than in the same month last year.

In the whole of Spain, there were 3.3 million foreign tourists in November, 9.3 per cent more than in the same month last year. Most of the foreign tourists this year were from the UK, amounting to 13.7 million, which is 4.6 per cent more than last year, although the highest rise was in the number of Scandinavian tourists, which rose 17.4 per cent to 4.49 million in total.

Oldest Human DNA Reveals Genetic Secrets


CIEnTISTS have reconstructed a near complete mitochondrial genome of an ancient human relative, whose remains were found in Sima de los Huesos (“pit of bones”) in northern Spain. It is the oldest DnA to be recovered from an early humanlike species The mysteries of our genetic make-up unravel a little more everyday with the advances in science and technology. The recent DNA

discovery in Northern Spain add to its complex history, with “genetic secrets, via bone fragments from a femur.” Svante Paabo, a biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and senior author of the study, said: “It’s quite clear that this is not a direct ancestor of people today. Instead, this representative of an early human-like species, called Homo heidelbergensis, could be an ancestor of both Neanderthals and another group called the Denisovans. The genetic

relationship to Denisovans, discovered through this DNA research, is surprising because the Homo heidelbergensis remains found in the cave have many Neanderthal-like features. The only remnants of Denisovans come from Siberia -- a long way from Spain.” “It’s sort of an open question really what this means, and I think further research into the nuclear genome of these hominins will address that,” Paabo added. Chris Stringer, researcher at the Natural History Museum in London, who was not involved in the study,

added: “Paabo and colleagues used a new method for sequencing ancient, degraded genetic material to put together the 400,000-yearold specimen’s mitochondrial genome. It is the oldest DNA ever found outside permafrost conditions. The retrieval of such ancient human DNA is a major technical achievement, and promises further recovery of such material from other fossils in this time range, both in the Sima and elsewhere, where we would not previously have expected it, or looked for it,”


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


Benidorm is BaCK!


HE AWARD-WInnIng comedy set in the Spanish resort of Benidorm returned to our TV screens this Thursday, for a sixth series, with more poolside banter and innuendo as the usual suspects top up their tans at the four star all-inclusive hotel

them by manager Joyce (Sherrie Hewson). A new family Clive and blonde hottie Tonya Dyke and their kids Bianca and Tiger from Watford, have also joined the BAFTA nominated cast. Back in the budgie smugglers is fan favourite, hunky barman Mateo played by Jake Canuso: “This is a brilliant series; it’s such a wonderful show to work on. All the generations watch it.” Talking about his sex symbol status: “I do feel comfortable now, although when

The Garveys – Mick (Steve Pemberton), Janice (Siobhan Finneran) and Madge (Sheila Reid) – swingers Donald and Jacqueline Stewart (Kenny Ireland and Janine Duvitski) are back to claim the free holiday promised to








3 Jan

4 Jan

5 Jan

6 Jan

7 Jan

8 Jan

9th Jan















Partial Sunshine





Mostly Cloudy

Occasional Showers

High: 20oC

High: 20oC

High: 21oC

High: 21oC

High: 20oC

High: 23oC

High: 23oC

Real Feel: 22oC

Real Feel: 20oC

Real Feel: 21oC

Real Feel: 22oC

Real Feel: 20oC

Real Feel: 22oC

Real Feel: 21oC












Mostly Cloudy

Some Rain

Mainly Clear

Low: 15oC

Low: 15oC

Low: 15oC

Low: 15oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 17oC

Low: 15oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 14oC

Real Feel: 13oC

Real Feel: 11oC







I’m not working I’m quite shy, I do go to the gym a lot, but sometimes you just want to eat and relax!” The show started in 2007 and films for four months a year: “It’s a bit like the circus is in town, It can be hard to walk around so we all stay in apartments outside of Benidorm now. We all meet up most nights for dinner and a drink. It’s like a big family. Sometimes we go out in a big group. Steve Pemberton has the title King Of The Karaoke – you can’t get him off it. He’s a rubbish singer, but he’s incredible at getting

the atmosphere going. I’m terrible and just end up doing something a bit latin so I can shake my hips as distraction!” The biggest news of series six is the casting of super bitch Joan Collins: “Joan Collins is in the show as Crystal Hennesy-Vas, the Chief Executive of the Solana Hotel Group,” Jake gushes. “She was amazing to work with and not at all a diva. I was in a scene with Joan and got to say something horrible to her – so that’s my claim to fame!” Benidorm is on ITV Thursdays, at 9pm.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

immigrants rescued off motril


Whale Weigh station


oRTY-onE sub-Saharan immigrants consisting of 36 men, six women and a four-yearold girl that were travelling in a dinghy, have been rescued off the coast of Motril.

The immigrants were rescued after the Maritime Safety Service and the Guardia Civil received a call from Morocco informing them of a dinghy that left the city of Al Hoceima in the early hours of the morning. A ferry covering the Melilla-Malaga route eventually spotted the vessel 55 miles off the coast of Motril, although the rescue was difficult due to rough weather and waves of up to two metres high, sources said. They were in good health, although some of them had minor hypothermia and two of the women were taken to the Motril Regional Hospital for a medical check-up as they were pregnant, sources at the Cruz Roja Red Cross said.


ASSERSBY were left scratching their heads last week in Valencia when they saw what looked like a beached sperm whale, lying in the car park of the railway station. The oceanografic, the marine park at Valencia’s City of Arts and

Sciences, said the realisticlooking 48-foot, 9-inch long sperm whale that baffled passersby last Monday at the city’s north Station railway hub, was a scale model used for a rescue drill Friday at the las Arenas beach was a model used for rescue drills.

The marine park said the mock whale, which remained on display at North Station until December 29th, was brought to the beach for a drill, due to Oceanografic staff being called upon 36 times during the past year to rescue washed up or trapped sea creatures. The incidents included four dolphins, a shark and a red tuna.

mum throws Baby Wind Biggest power out of Window generator in 2013


SPAnISH woman who gave birth in secret on Christmas Eve, cut the umbilical chord herself and threw the newborn out of the kitchen window, police said last Friday. The 35-year-old woman, who lived with her parents in eastern Madrid, was detained on suspicion of attempting to kill the baby, police said.

A police spokesman said: “The baby boy is now in hospital in a serious condition. The woman wrapped the baby in a pair of jeans and threw it out of the kitchen window into an interior patio,” police said in a statement. The mother had kept her pregnancy a se-

cret from her parents, she cut the umbilical chord herself after giving birth in the early hours of the morning and then threw the child out of the kitchen window, about 2.2 metres (seven feet) above an interior patio, shortly afterwards she suffered heavy bleeding and asked her parents to take her to hospital. Police said: “Later, at about 8.30 am, the grandmother of the newborn went into the kitchen and, looking out of the window, saw a baby in the patio. She ran out to pick it up and alerted emergency services.” Two police officers who first arrived at the home found the baby wrapped in blankets, suffering hypothermia and with its heart and breathing stopped. They managed to revive the child and take it to hospital.


CCoRDIng to provisional figures from grid operator Red Eléctrica de España (REE), for the first time ever, wind provided more power to the Spanish electricity system than any other generation technology, a massive 21.1% of Spain’s power will have come from wind this year. The national wind association, Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) is checking data

before it confirms Spain to be the first country to pass that annual milestone, but based on a mix of real figures and estimates for the final of the year, REE calculates wind will have produced 21.1% the 246.17TWh of electricity consumed in Spain by end-2013, pipping nuclear’s 21.0% at the post. Coal is the next biggest power provider (14.6%) followed by large hydro (14.4%). Combined, REE reckons all

renewables generation will have covered 42.4% of demand this year. In 2011, wind power provided 17.1% of electricity generation in the country, and 18.1% in 2012. This year’s figure is a 12% increase on 2012’s figure. AEE estimates wind to have saved over 2.7 billion euro in fuel imports in 2013 and claims wind has slashed wholesale electricity prices, which marked 7.69 euro/MWh on the day of highest wind penetration (February 2), down from 93.11 euro/MWh on the day of least wind penetration (December 8).


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Bamboo towels & sheets THEY are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! You may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.




olICE have arrested 99 people, including two imams, over the sale of 235 tonnes of fake designer clothes and shoes in Spain. More than a million items of fake designer clothes and shoes have been seized in several cities in Spain, including Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Malaga. They also confiscated 60 bank cards, several weapons and software containing the logos of more than 200 registered brands.

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


faKe designer goods ring smasHed

Over the past two years counterfeit items were distributed at a profit of 5.5 million Euros, the counterfeit items were made in illegal factories in Portugal and then shipped to distributors in north-western Spain. Officers in northern Portugal have closed 10 factories where the fake goods were made. According to the Spanish interior ministry, part of the money was held at two mosques in the cities of Ourense and Xinzo de Limia. A total of 99 people have been arrested, including the imam of the mosque of Xinzo de Limia. Officials said the

mosque received nearly 100,000 Euros. The imam at the mosque in the nearby city of Ourense was also detained. Police suspect him of helping to launder the money. The interior ministry said in a statement: “The network, of Moroccan origin, had ‘regional delegates’ across Spain who distributed over the past two years 235 tonnes of fake garments and footwear. Part of this black money was hidden along with bank cards and other financial documents belonging to the organisation in the mosques of Ourense and Xinzo de Limia.”

Spain’s police arrest members of Men Are Worldwide Hacking network Top Lovers

cash withdrawals in 23 countries. of those, 446 were from cash machines in Madrid as the Spanish part of the group stole almost uS$400,000.


HIS may come as no surprise to the many female tourists who are swept off their feet by their waiter, Jose, but Spanish men have been voted the world’s best lovers, according to an international poll. The term “lie back and think of England” maybe being taken too literally by some, as England came secondlast last – after german men – for being ‘too lazy’ in bed.

The top five went – Spain, Brazil, Italy, France and Ireland. Spanish men were considered ‘natural and self-confident’ between the sheets, while Germans came last for being ‘too smelly.’ The other UK nations did a little better than the English, the Welsh at 7th worst were ‘too selfish’, while 8th worst were the Scots who are ‘too loud.’ The Greeks are ‘too warm,’ Turkish men are ‘too sweaty,’ while Russian men were found to be the 10th worst, because they are ‘too hairy.’


PAIn’S national police, acting along with an unidentified uS security agency have arrested six Romanians and two Moroccans, eight members of a global banking hacking network responsible for stealing more than uS$60 million from cash machines worldwide. In February, the group simultaneously stole uS$40 million in just a few hours through

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In the suburbs of Madrid, Police arrested them and seized material including 25,000 euros in cash, jewellery, computers and about 1,000 unused cards. The police said: “Most of the organisation that was based in Spain has been dismantled. It was starting to reorganise to carry out a similar attack in different European Union countries and even in Japan.” The leader of the network - an information technology expert who hacked into the databases o f credit

c a rd processi n g companies was arrested in Germany, the police said.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


unreliable statistics (and n politicians), of 2013.

oW that 2013 is over we can reflect on how, as with just about every year, uK voters were subjected to their fair share of lies and the blurring of lines in order to make the mess made by the government seem not quite as bad, or worse depending on which side the politician in question was lying for. It was the year that 800,000 people were lifted out of fuel poverty – by a change in the definition. Here are the worst fudged stats of the year

Ed Miliband told us: “Only crisis-hit Spain has higher numbers of young unemployed people than the UK.” The truth is that’s meaningless, the UK has a lot more of everything than most European countries, because it has a lot more people than most European countries. What matters if you’re making a comparison with other countries is not how many under-25s are unemployed, but what percentage of them. In that regard, the UK is 10th best out of 27. Grant Shapps said: “Nearly a million people have come off incapacity benefit … before going for the test. They’ve taken themselves off.” Wrong! The number, referred to the 873,000 new applicants for the Employment Support Allowance

(which replaced incapacity benefit) who ended their claims between October 2008 and May 2012 (ie people who never had any disability benefits to come off anyway). Iain Duncan Smith reliably informed us: “Already we’ve seen 8,000 people who would have been affected by the [benefits] cap move into jobs. This clearly demonstrates that the cap is having the desired impact.” We’ve seen no such thing. What Duncan Smith was referring to, in a press release in April, was the number of potentially affected people who had got jobs through job centres since they were told about the cap. This doesn’t mean that being told about the cap was the reason for it, however. People find jobs in job centres all the time. George Osborne ranted: “The Crown Prosecution Service prints one million pieces of paper every day. In the age of the internet and emails that surely isn’t necessary.” As far as we know this number is accurate. It was mentioned as one of the proposals that Osborne favoured for saving money from the justice system. Radio 4’s magnificent statistics programme More or Less made an estimate. The CPS deals with around 1.5m cases each year, so it is printing roughly 250 pages per case. More Or Less reckons that must cost around £7m (£2m for the paper, £5m for the ink). This takes us to a total paperwork spend of £5 per case, not all which could actually be cut, of course.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


40 stone CELEB NET Woman DEATHS OF 2013 dies as oBesity epidemiC inCreases S

InCE the dawn o f the internet way b a c k in 1995 online celebrity death hoaxes have been a mainstay, and last year was no exception.

singer were sent into a panic.

Here’s who we sadly lost in 2013... But not really. Megan Fox went first, not very imaginatively when she was forced to join Twitter after “RIP Megan Fox” began trending. This is brilliant, after a hashtag misreading ‘Now Thatcher’s dead’ came out as ‘Now that Cher’s dead’; fans of the plastic faced


irefighters in north Yorkshire were forced to use heavy lifting gear, including heavy duty straps commonly used by haulage companies, to move Britain’s fattest woman, who died weighing 40 stone, after paramedics were unable to lift her body from her family home.

Paramedics found they could not move her body from the house and called North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to assist with specialist equipment to take the housebound mother-of-one to a mortuary. However, she then had to be moved to another site with extra-large fridge doors and heavy lifting equipment. A fire service spokesman said her size made the operation difficult: ‘We assisted the ambulance and the undertaker to move a deceased patient using strops and manpower.’ Rita Atkinson, 65, of Hellifield, North Yorkshire, died earlier this month at the bungalow she shared with her husband Roy, 64. In February it was reported that Britain’s fattest woman was Brenda Flanagan-Davies, 43, who weighs 40 stone and is so big that she has not left her house in four years. Once as heavy as 45 stone, the Gateshead resident was named the heaviest women in the UK following the death of 45-stone Sharon Mevsimler in 2010. However, it is thought Mrs Atkinson may have weighed more. For the first time in history, obesity is killing more people than malnutrition and statistics have revealed the shocking extent of the country’s fast-spreading obesity epidemic. Around 15 million Britons are obese and it is estimated that this will cost the UK a staggering £27 billion by 2016.

Rihanna puncher Chris Brown died in August of a seizure according to the net. A death hoax favourite form of demise this one, Chloe Grace Moretz was rumoured to have died in a tragic snowboarding accident. The young actress went on a Twitter rant – slamming the individuals who had started the hoax. She mainly seemed to be cross that it wasn’t even snowing in Switzerland at the time (although it probably was snowing in the Alps, Chloe…). “The Fly” actor Jeff Goldblum has probably been death hoaxed more than anyone, although no one really knows why, in 2013 it was mainly heart attacks and falling off cliffs. Comedian Adam Sandler is another that’s always getting topped, the poor guy

was killed - you guessed it, snowboarding. Is snowboarding the most dangerous pastime ever? For celebrity who keep fake dying it is, Eddie Murphy dies snowboarding most years, including last year. Lil Wayne, who is actually an epileptic, died every time he had a seizure. Jackie Chan was killed so many times he assured his concerned manager: ‘No, no… don’t worry, before I die I’ll call you.’ Sickest Twitter hoax death of the year has to go to the idiot starting rumours that Bindi, the 15-yearold daughter of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin had died. Stay classy, Twitter.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014



MISTLETOE May Fight Cancer I

T MIgHT be a little late for this Christmas but the festive bush may be an effective ally when fighting against certain types of cancer. Several studies on the plant conducted in Europe, and mainly in germany, have shown its effectiveness against this disease. Carried out between 1993 and 2000, tests showed how mistletoe extract administered in conjunction with chemotherapy, relieved the adverse symptoms of in 800 patients with colorectal cancer, and studies at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the National Cancer Institute in the US seemed to show similar positive results. Two research groups in the US are currently investigating the benefits of mistletoe extract in cancer treatment after receiving the government’s approval.

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


Py thon Kills

Bali Guard A security guard has been killed by a python outside a luxury hotel on the resort island of Bali. The snake struck near the Bali Hyatt hotel which is currently closed for renovations until 2015, in the Sanur area of the Ind o ne-

at a nearby restaurant, managed to grab hold of the snake’s head and tail, but the python then wrapped itself around his neck, strangling him, before escaping into

lice search of the hotel and its grounds failed to track down the reptile. Friends who were with the man were too terrified to come to his aid, according to the head of the police criminal investigations unit Gusti Ngurah Yudistira: “The victim died on the spot as his neck w a s

sian island

The snake had been spotted crossing a road by assistant security manager Agung Bawa, the victim, 59-year-old Ambar Arianto Mulyo, a security guard

nearby bushes. The snake is still on the loose after a po-

crushed and he could not breathe. We urge residents and tourists to stay on the alert.”

six year old steals



CTV FooTAgE has appeared online of a six-year-old girl helping her mother steal more than $150,000 (£90K) from a

jewellery shop.

Two women wearing veils engaging an assistant in conversation inside a store in Saudi Arabia With the man distracted, the young girl sneaks behind the counter before stealing

thousands from the cash register which she hands to one of the women before they leave the shop. The clip was originally posted on LiveLeak with a short description and later shared online.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

artist Creates most Lifelike sculptures ever


onDon-BASED sculptor Ron Mueck has created hyper-realistic models of humans that could be the most life-like ever created.

Mueck, who used to be a model maker and puppeteer for childrens’ television and films,has been creating fine art sculptures since 1996 and specialises in realistic sculp-

tures. His latest, “Spooning Couple,” may look like a couple lying on a mattress, but in fact they are hyper-realistic sculptures of humans, displayed on a stone slab for an exhibition. Their skin stretches and folds gently, hair protrudes from their pores and light reflects off the tangible sheens of sweat across their body as

they spoon in bed. Mr Mueck only turned to fine art for his living in his 30s - he was previously a model maker and puppeteer for childrens’ television and films - he worked as gentle giant Ludo, on the 1986 film Labyrinth. He begins a piece by sculpting in clay, he then makes a plaster mould around the form and then replaces the

clay with a mixture of fibreglass, silicone and resin. Some of his figures are alarmingly large, while others are pintsized - although they are equally realistic regardless of their dimensions. In 1997, in the exhibition Sensation at the Royal Academy Mueck displayed an unsettling half-sized version of his own father laid out naked, the only piece of work in

which he used his own hair. Another one of his most shocking creations is a giant newborn baby, covered in blood with the umbilical cord still attached. In a rare interview he said: ‘I don’t think of them as mannequins. On one hand, I try to create a believable presence; and, on the other hand, they have to work as objects. They aren’t living


persons, although it’s nice to stand in front of them and be unsure whether they are or not. But ultimately, they’re fiberglass objects that you can pick up and carry. If they succeed as fun things to have in the room, I’m happy. At the same time, I wouldn’t be satisfied if they didn’t have some kind of presence that made you think they’re more than just objects.’

piranhas attack Christmas Bathers


lesh-eating piranhas attacked a group of Christmas Day swimmers in Argentina, injuring 60 people. According to local news reports, the mass attack happened as dozens of people took to the waters at the Paraná River in the city of Rosario, Argentina. The deadly razor toothed fish attacked more than 20 children and roughly 40 adults, biting on their hands and feet as

they took to the water to cool down from the scorching summer heat. The fish are believed to have been

d r a w n



area due to fish remains discarded by fishermen. Coastguards helped people from the water and paramedics attended to those with deep cuts on the beach. A seven-year-old child had to have part of their finger amputated, a doctor on the scene, Gustavo Centurion, described the attack as ‘very aggressive,’ being the most severe of its kind since 40 people were injured in 2008. L o c a l government spokesman Ricardo Biasatti described the attack as a rarity.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


neW years eVe o

n Tuesday night-and well i day morning, Tenerife, an said farewell to 2013 and new year! The streets were chocka with people ryone was smiling!! Being an entertainer I was working o sues editorial, it’s one of my favourite n pretty much guaranteed to have a gre almost impossible not to have a fantas no exception, starting with opening th the Vivo Decades New Year Spectacula in spectacular form, wearing party hat party blowers before the performance At the interval I left the show in th Bitter and Twisted and the dancers, I m bridge in Treasure Island, some locals w and the fireworks were a constant spe The atmosphere was electric from we were joined by the audience to see rendition of Auld Lang Syne. The party didn’t end there though residents and tourists alike, still had ple almost 2 hours after my normal finish call it a night. Many thanks to everyone seeing in the New Year-hope you had as Have wonderful 2014! Here’s a few photos of just a few of it’s done! Special thanks to Adel, Bambi the party pics!

All the team at the

would like to wish all our readers and customers a very happy and prosperous New Year!


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


- tenerife styLe!

into the early hours of Wednesnd indeed the rest of the world d bid a cheery hello to a brand

e dressed in their finest togs, and eve-

of course, and as I mentioned in last isnights of the year to be onstage, you’re eat audience to perform in front of, it’s stic night. Well this New Years Eve was he show with the Decades dancers in ar to a packed venue, the crowd were ats and making a jolly racket with their e even started! he very capable hands of the amazing made my way to my usual spot on the were too impatient to wait till midnight ectacle! the start and once the show finished e in the New Year of 2014 with a group

h, the crowd, full of friends, relatives, enty of partying left in them and it was hing time, when, inevitably we had to e who came down to Vivo to celebrate as good a time as I did entertaining you!

the New Year revelers showing us how i, Johnny and Solomon for providing all


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


tHe euro is 15!


n January 4th, 1999, for the first time since Charlemagne’s reign in the ninth century, Europe was united with a common currency when the “euro” debuted as a financial unit in corporate and investment markets. Eleven European union (Eu) nations (Austria, Belgium, Finland,

France, g e r m a ny,

Ireland, Italy, luxembourg, the netherlands, Portugal and Spain), representing some 290 million people,

launched the currency in the hopes of increasing European integration and economic g r o w t h . Closing at a robust 1.17 u.S. dollars on its

first day, the euro promised to give the dollar a run for its money in the new global economy. Euro cash,

benefits of a common currency that would make it easier to do business and travel throughout Europe, there were concerns that the changeover process would be costly and c h a o t i c ,

a c t u a l notes and coins decorated with architectural images, symbols of European unity and memberstate motifs, went into circulation on January 1, 2002 (so it’s also kind of 12), replacing the Austrian schilling, Belgian franc, Finnish markka, French franc, german mark, Italian lira, Irish punt, luxembourg franc, netherlands guilder, Portugal escudo and Spanish peseta. A number of territories and nonEu nations including Monaco and Vatican City also adopted the

euro. T h e e u r o w a s established by the 1992 Maastricht Treaty on European union, which spelled out specific economic requirements, including high degree of price stability and low inflation, which countries must meet before they can begin using the new money. The euro consists of 8 coins and 7 paper bills. Great Britain, Sweden and Demark opted not to use the euro, believing that despite the practical

encourage counterfeiting, lead to inflation and cause individual nations to lose control over their economic policies. Greece, after initially being excluded for failing to meet all the required conditions, adopted the euro in January 2001, becoming the 12th member of the so-called eurozone. In 2004, 10 more countries joined the EU - Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014



By Marc Craig

Can We Return To A Non Sexy Doctor?


long time ago in an England far far away, families would finish their Findus crispy pancakes and the amazing new invention; chips that you could cook in the oven! On a Saturday evening they would settle down to watch a weird old bloke in a time travelling blue police box, take on an endless stream of unconvincing rubber monsters on wobbly cardboard sets… and the nation loved it! Then for whatever reason we stopped watching and it was cancelled. For years and years only the hardcore Whovians kept the Timelord’s memory alive with fan fiction and con-

ventions and the odd campaign to bring him back. It happened for a brief moment in the 90’s with the Paul McGann movie and then,in 2005, Russell T Davies finally got his wish and the Doctor was bigger than he’d ever been.

But things had changed, not only were the monsters much more realistic and the sets decidedly non -wobbly, the Doctor had become sexy, Paul McGann SNOGGED his companion! Christopher Eccleston wore a leather jacket, every one of David Tennant’s companions “would have” (you know what), and Matt Smith was the youngest, sexiest (in a weird sort of way) Doctor yet, who dated a model in real life and who even the TARDIS fancied! From the original crusty old grandpa to a pinup teenage girls talk about in the playground, the ever evolving Doctor has adapted to the 21st century so very well. But it’s all just changed again. Christmas Day saw the Doctor regenerate from Matt Smith into Peter Capaldi, a fine actor but at 55 years of age, he must seem as old as the Timelord he’s portraying, to some of the younger fans. Of course the older incarnations of classic Who were extremely popular with the younger fans, but those were more innocent times and the Doctor seemed virtually sexless compared to the pin-up Doctors of New Who, will going back to that kind of traditional, older, trickier and fiercer Doctor, lose any of its female fans? Still it will be fun to watch no matter how it works out, especially watching Clara adjust to a completely different Doctor,and as showrunner Steven Moffat puts it: “Just as Clara’s learning to have a proper old crush on him, suddenly he’s Malcolm Tucker!”

Batman Vs Superman News


atest news from the Man of Steel sequel is that it’s definitely NOT the long awaited Justice League movie, even though Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman have already been cast and Nightwing AND possibly Martian Manhunter look likely to appear, but it’s not the Justice League movie. Honest.

Ever since the announcement that “Batfleck” would be facing off against Henry Cavill’s son of Krypton, questions on the net were rife as to whom else from the DC

canon we could expect. Recently Warner Bros announced the casting of Israeli model Gal Gadot as Diana Prince, aka Amazonian Goddess Wonder Woman, making 3 major players from the JLA. But it doesn’t end there, it seems new Conan and Game of Thrones Heman, Jason Momoa has also signed up for the sequel, leading to much online speculation that he could be cast as JLA member number 4, Martian Manhunter. Of course this is pure speculation, he could just as easily be a fit for Superman killer, the Kryptonian genetically engineered Doomsday. Regardless of which part he eventually will be confirmed for, with both

Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston and Brit Mark Strong mentioned as potential Lex Luthors - one thing is clear, Warner Bros are not afraid to make this sequel a huge ensemble piece, much like the Marvel cash cow Avengers. Of course, Marvel’s meticulously planned Phase 1, with it’s solo outings for Iron Man, Cap America, Thor and Hulk laying the foundations and formally introducing the main 4, but with a brand new Batman, Wonder Woman and possibly Martian Manhunter and Nightwing all debuting in the same film, the question is, can all these big names get the attention they deserve? Summer 2015 will have the answer.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


British Bubbly A Belter! January 2014

Friday 3rd January . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 4th January . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 5th January . . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 6th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 9th January . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 10th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 11th January . . . . . . . Saturday TITANIC Night Sunday 12th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 13th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 16th January . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 17th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 18th January . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 19th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 20th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 23rd January . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 24th January . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 25th January . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 26th January . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 27th January . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 30th January . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular


T THE time of year when champagne is at its most popular, England’s tiny sparkling wine industry is set for a lift as established brands step up export plans and newcomers join the party. English sparkling wine remains a drop in the ocean compared to its continental cousins, but producers aren’t cheap, selling at an average of 25 pounds ($40.89) a bottle even as many cost-conscious Britons turn from champagne to cheaper cava from Spain and prosecco from Italy. Julian Kirk, head of sales for West Sussex winemaker Nyetimber, one o f the longest-established names in English sparkling wine and owner of 10 percent of the country’s vineyards says: “We see our selves a s a luxury brand and we have to be

Friday 31st January . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience

feBruary 2014 Saturday 1st February . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 2nd February . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 3rd February . . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 6th February . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 7th February . . . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 8th February . . . . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 9th February . . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 10th February . . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 13th February . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 14th February . . . . . . . . . Valentine´s Night * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates

judged o n a world stage, not just a n English stage. The British market is great,

but we can’t depend on it for the longterm future.” In recent years, earning British bubbly has had more than its fair share of awards, East Sussex winemaker Ridgeview’s triumphed at the 2010 Decanter World Wine Awards, ahead of a number of more illustrious champagne producers. With three gold medals this year in the prestigious International Wine Challenge, The Brits are showing their European rivals how it’s done. The winners were Nyetimber, Gusbourne Estate in Kent and Dorset producer Furleigh Estate. English sparkling wine sold 55,000 n i n e - l i te r cases in its home market in 2 012 , according t o wine data specialist IWSR, having achieved compound annual growth of 13 percent over the past five years. Spain, France and Italy together control 87 percent of the market, though Spain recently pulled ahead of France because of the popularity of cava as a low-cost enjoyable sparkling wine.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


SHarPLeS in SeSSiOn By John Sharples

nothing “Compere’s” I

to you


he compere or, if it’s a female, Commere’s function in a bar or a hotel is a varied and extremely important one. They are the glue that holds the whole evening together and it is vital that the person running the show is capable of reading an audience like a

book and entertaining them with chat, song and comedy. A good compere wants everything to be spot-on for the audience. He is the eyes and ears of a venue. Not only do the members of the audience share their views about the entertainment with him, he can see when a spotlight bulb needs replacing. He knows when there are sound problems and how to correct them.

He knows which acts are the best for his venue, which in turn, Fills the Tills! However, a bad compere can ruin a good venue. So many of the Vocalists I know tell me that some comperes turn the volume down when the act comes on, or remove some of the (reverb) echo from the microphone. Why? Well, it’s down to ego really. Can’t these poor insecure souls see that if their venue is rocking and people are enjoying themselves, that they get the overall credit at the end of the night. W h o is your f a vourite

compere on the island. Let me know via our facebook page or via the editor!

superstitions in entertainment

t never ceases to amaze me how superstitious entertainers are. It is rife in us thespians. There are so many things that can go wrong with a show that these superstitions have built up and become a comfort zone. It is a way of pacifying the nerves and making sure that everything is well with the world.

Many of entertainment’s superstitions have origins that are lost in the mists of time. My Grandfather was a seasoned actor, treading the boards of many theatres in productions across the UK. He, like many other actors, believed in the superstitions of the theatre world and tried to abide by them. When he won his career changing part in Coronation Street, these traditions were not lost, in fact he became more superstitious than ever. He had the three wise monkeys in his dressing room and also, a furry lion. He called it S’lion and when any-

one asked what it was, he’d say, S’lion. They were comfort zones and important to him in his own small way. So, let’s take a look at some of the superstitions that live on, even to this day in many of us entertainers!. BREAK A LEG: You should never say Good Luck to an entertainer, you should say … “Break a leg!” History is rife with warnings against wishing your friends good luck. Saying good luck was seen as tempting fate, it was thought to be better to outwit the demons by wishing each other bad luck. Also, bowing was at one time, referred to as taking a knee. An artiste would bend down to one knee, breaking the line of the leg (break a leg), wishing that the performer will do so well so that he needs to take a bow. WHISTLING BACKSTAGE: It is bad luck to whistle backstage. In the old Theatre days, ex-sailors were hired to raise and lower the scenery. They used a system of whistling cues to each other, so someone whistling backstage could cause a heavy piece of scenery to come crashing down on an unsuspecting actor’s head. Clapping backstage is also considered bad luck for the same reasons. BLACK CATS: A black cat is considered bad luck by most people, but not by entertainers. In fact, it is the reverse. They think it brings good luck. In the old days of theatre, some actors would even bring a black cat backstage! As entertainers, we have two Saints on our side. They are St. Genesius and St. Vitus. St. Genesius is said to have been a comedian who converted to Christianity. Whilst performing on stage he had a revelation and refused to continue to make fun of Christianity. He was tortured, torn with hooks, beheaded, and burned on stage. His feast day is August 25. St Vitus exorcised an Emperor’s son of evil spirits that caused him to twitch uncontrollably. Despite the fact that he cured his son, the emperor was furious that Vitus was a Christian and accused him of sorcery, putting him into a vat of boiling water. Legend has it that he emerged unharmed, and an angel helped him escape from Rome. He is the patron saint of comedians and dancers and His feast day is June 15.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


Baracking Bad


ou can criticise America’s foreign policy and the general state of the united States government, but whatever you do, don’t tell President Barack obama what happens to Walter White in the final series of Breaking Bad, as he’s working his way through it, and regularly warns his people not to spoil it for him! He’s also a fan of Netflix Political thriller House of Cards, recently during a meeting he was heard to say:

“I’m just wondering if Netflix CEO Reed Hastings brought advance copies of House of Cards, I wish things were that ruthlessly efficient. It’s like Kevin Spacey, man this guy’s getting a lot of stuff done!” The President has recently admitted to TV Guide that he’s a fan of several other shows: “I am a big fan of Homeland and Boardwalk Empire, and I think The Wire is one of the greatest shows of all time — and I confess I am an avid watcher of Sports Center. Michelle and the girls and I love watching Modern Family.” In fact, Obama is such a big fan of the twisty turny Emmy award winning show Homeland, the stars sent him a signed DVD,

Question one: In Hinduism, what is the law whereby consequences of actions in this life are carried over into the next?

Question Two: Which great English sailor was buried at sea off Panama in a lead coffin?

Question Three: What was the first English newspaper to reach a daily sale of one million copies? Question Four: What was opened to the public for the first time in 1993 to help with rebuilding costs at Windor Castle? Question Five: In Japanese culture, what is hari-kiri? Question Six: England’s Peak District is composed of what rock? Question Seven: What comes next: Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O? Question Eight: Which planet in our own solar system orbits closest to

the Sun?

Question nine: What unit is used to measure resistance? Question Ten: Which red high-performance cars bear the famous “Prancing Horse” badge? Question Eleven: Which type of camel has two humps?

and star Damien Lewis, who plays double agent Nicholas Brody, thought his message might get him into trouble with the real US government: “Claire Danes had written something really lovely and sweet saying, ‘I was a fan of yours long before you were a fan of ours, I thought I’d think of something great and funny...and wrote: ‘From one Muslim to another’ in an indelible Sharpie. And I couldn’t take it back.” Of course, the 41-year-old actor then went into a mini-panic, wondering whether the president might take offense. “I was then writing emails for the whole of the next week going, ‘I do hope he understands irony.”


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard


because dragon trees are not proper trees but are gigantic plants that grow in the form of a tree. Normal methods of establishing the age by rings inside the trunk do not apply. The age of a dragon tree can only be estimated unless you know what year it was planted. It doesn’t really matter how old the Drago Milenario is though because it is a magnificent specimen with a mighty trunk and a huge head of smaller branches that fan outwards and remind us of the mythical100-headed dragon that Hercules killed. Standing under a dragon tree it is very easy to fall into worlds of fantasy and wonder. These trees look prehistoric in many ways and the weird way they have aerial roots hanging down adds to their mysterious appearDragon Tree Berries ance. Dragon trees, or dragos, as they are known in Spanish, also exude a resinous sap if cut and this dries into a dark red resin known as dragon’s blood. It is said to have magical and healing properties. Icod’s most famous dragon tree stands in the Parque del Drago and excursion buses take groups of visitors to the island to see it. It is well worth going to Dragon Tree Grown view and the park it stands in has many interesting features too, From Seed including a collection of endemic trees, shrubs and wild flowThe Drago Milenario, you see, ers and caves with replicas of is said to be 1,000-years-old and Guanche life (the Guanches lived the oldest and biggest dragon on Tenerife before the Spanish tree anywhere in the world. Conquest). Some people have even said There is another very old and that it has lived for 3,000 years massive dragon tree also in Icod. though far more conservative It has its own little square and is estimates think it is more likely up the hill from the main squares to be around 650 years. near the Parque del Drago. You It is impossible to say for sure can’t miss it really if you look up enerife has a very famous dragon tree in Icod de los Vinos. So well-known is the “Drago Milenario” that it is recognised as an official plant symbol of the island, has its own park and attracts thousands of tourists each year who come to marvel at it.

Dragon Trees around Tenerife

that way. It has a huge head that fans out in characteristic mushroom-shape that old dragon trees acquire with age. This old tree can be seen free of charge, unlike the Drago Milenario, which has an admission fee if you want to get up closer to it in the park. It is also very interesting because it has a beehive inside its trunk and you can watch the insects coming and going through a crack in the bark. There are many more notable dragon trees around Tenerife and every town and city has one or more very big one of its own. These trees all have their own character which has been fashioned by time and the weather. There is a particularly spectacular one quite near the main road going into Los Realejos (Bajo) on the San Vicente and Tigaiga side of the town. You can see it easily from the bus route. There are other large dragon trees in Los Realejos and some great specimens in La Orotava. This latter town once had a dragon tree that was much older and bigger than the Drago Milenario but it was destroyed by a storm long ago. I like to look out for dragon trees as I travel around Tenerife. There is a very impressive one in the village of San Juan del Reparo, a rural hamlet just before El Tanque. It has the usual large

head of branches that fan out above the gnarled trunk below. I can’t say I know of any very big dragon trees in the south of the island though. I am not sure why because they do grow there. Perhaps it is all the rains we get in the north that helps them grow into massive specimens? Although they take a very long time to grow into large trees, dragon trees can be germinated easily from seed. They take about a month before they sprout a tiny green shoot but it is well worth waiting for. You can find the orange ber-

ries on trees that have flowered and often there are plenty that have fallen off and are on the ground beneath their parent. Each berry has a hard seed inside it underneath the thin layer of edible flesh. Shops sell the seeds for over one euro for a couple of seeds and plenty of places sell the baby trees too but I think there is something far more satisfying about collecting your own seeds and growing your own little dragos. And it is a lot cheaper too!

Drago Milenario in Icod

Drago Milenario Los Realejos

Some interesting facts about Dragon Trees


ragon trees are in the Asparagaceae plant family, though some sources have placed the plant in the Agavaceae. Dragon trees only grow wild in the Canary Islands, Cape Verde

and Madeira. The dragon tree is a protected species under Annexe II of the Flora Order. Dragon tree sap has been used to make varnishes and lacquers. Dragon’s blood resin is said to be remedy for gum disease and

good for treating ulcers. Dragon trees do not branch until after they have flowered for the first time. Ancient herbalists placed the dragon tree under the dominion of Mars, the Red Planet and god of war.

Dragon Tree in Icod

San Juan del Reparo

Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Aquarius 20 January to 18 February


Body Found In New Zealand

A restless feeling might make it hard to focus on festive chores and tasks. Make a to-do list and check things off as you go along. December 25 could bring a message or visit out of the blue that is a little shocking and surprising. How you handle this can either make or break this festive event. A relaxed approach would be your best bet on this occasion. It’s party time later in the week, though a desire to rest and relax shouldn’t be ignored.

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

There are plenty of opportunities for fun, enjoyment, and kisses under the mistletoe. This could be a great week as long as you organize your finances so that you can relax without worrying. If you don’t, there’s a chance you could embarrass yourself if your credit card is declined or you don’t have enough cash on hand. Attending to these little details can help make the days ahead very enjoyable. Opportunities for romance or a budding liaison seem to be very much on the agenda. Take full advantage of them!

Aries 21 March to 19 April

You might need to expect the unexpected - an edgy blend of influences could make for an interesting few days ahead. There’s a chance you could lose your focus on Christmas Eve. A temptation to drop everything and get into party mode may draw you away from necessary tasks and chores. Relationships could be strained on Christmas Day even though you’re trying your hardest to keep the peace. If you can take a flexible approach, the rest of the week could be crazy but fun.

Taurus 20 April to 20 May

Perhaps you have folks visiting from faraway places who are coming to share this festive time with you. Along with the chance to enjoy being together once again, there could be a few revelations - perhaps something you hadn’t anticipated! Even though you may be busy, you’ll also need to be adaptable in order to cope with any surprises. You may be eager to plan a vacation with a friend or loved one in order to enjoy a much-deserved opportunity to relax.

gemini 21 May to 21 June

There could be an intense focus showing up for you this week as a lineup of planets occurs in the more sensitive part of your chart. Although this is an opportunity to enjoy yourself and hang out with friends and family, there could be important things to discuss, including a need to make a decision. A social event could bring a surprise that you certainly didn’t expect, which might make the days ahead even more deliciously fun. The end of the week brings an electric meeting that has sizzle power.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

Jupiter may lift your spirits and encourage you to connect with friends and family for a fun and festive time. You may be in the party spirit on December 24, but try to get ahead of necessary tasks before you dash off into the night. Christmas Day may have you in a spin, especially if an unexpected work issue crops up just as you’re sitting down to dinner. There could be a few disruptive moments later in the week, yet a new door may open as a result.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

You might need to prepare a spare room or set extra places at the table, as you might have an unexpected visitor or two. Despite this, there are opportunities for fun, although you may need to be careful if you’re attending an office or work party. A kiss under the mistletoe could turn out to be a mistake later unless you stay ahead of the game. Later in the week a spontaneous decision could lead to an opportunity for a delightful experience.

Virgo 23 August to 22 September

The week ahead seems to positively glow with possibilities for a lively social life. You’ll have opportunities to mingle with friends, family, or business associates and enjoy every moment. However, you might also want to check that your finances are in order so you can avoid any embarrassing surprises when you need your credit card or extra cash. If you budget for unexpected expenses, you can enjoy the days ahead without worry. Remember that having fun doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

libra 23 September to 23 October

As the Sun and Mercury zip into your home zone it looks like you could be doing a lot of entertaining over the week ahead. You may be busy, but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. Remember to delegate if it gets to be too much. Christmas Day may bring a disruption of some kind or other, so be prepared. A flexible approach and willingness to adapt on the spur of the moment would help. Folks you haven’t seen in some time could show up unexpectedly.

Scorpio 24 October to 21 November

A powerful link this week could mean you’re more accident prone than usual. Take extra care when driving or working with machinery. This influence operates on December 24 and December 25, so refuse to rush no matter how hassled you feel. Maintaining a peaceful mindset will help you successfully navigate through these days. You also have many opportunities to connect with friends and family members, especially those you haven’t seen for some time. A reunion may be in the cards - with some exciting information thrown into the mix.

Sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

The week ahead has a strong party element, especially as your social life appears to be vital and very exciting. With the wine flowing and kisses under the mistletoe, you’ll certainly enjoy yourself. There’s also the chance of a romantic attraction out of the blue, which could be very tempting. A spontaneous decision could take you on a roller-coaster ride full of fun and delight. Chances are good that it may not last long, but you’ll enjoy it while it does.

Capricorn 22 December to 19 January

This Christmas week can be filled with warmth and happiness, although you’ll need to remain flexible and adaptable to deal with any disruptions around December 24 and December 25. Expect the unexpected. At the same time, it could be these surprising occurrences that make your day that little bit different. Mercury joins the Sun in your sign, so you’ll be eager to help with any organizing. Later, a decision to attend a party may coincide with a delicious meeting.


olICE and Rescue crews in new Zealand searching for hiker Andrew Wyatt who went missing two weeks ago have found a body at the foot of a 100m cliff in new Zealand. Mr Wyatt, from Cornwall, arrived in new Zealand in november and was walking the 3,000-kilometre (1,900-mile) Te Araroa Trail, which runs along the entire length of the country, when he went missing. They said the body had not been formally identified as that of Andrew Wyatt but it was discovered at the foot of a 100-metre (330ft) precipice that was on the 41-yearold’s intended route. Nelson Search and Rescue (NSAR) said the section between where Mr Wyatt was last seen and where he was heading was “one of the more remote and difficult parts” of the trail. NSAR coordinator Sherp Tucker said: “It’s rugged, it’s remote and the weather can change so much. It’s a frequent place for the rescue helicopter to go to beacon activations for people who are hurt.” He was last seen on December 15 in the Nelson Lakes National Park embarking on what was supposed to be a one-day hike to pick up supplies Bad weather conditions had prevented searchers from reaching the remote area until last Friday, when an air force helicopter dropped in four specialised alpine rescue crews who made the grim find. Mountain rescuers are

“confident” the body they have recovered is him. Search co-ordinator Constable Dave Cogger said Mr Wyatt, from Penryn, Cornwall, had an “unsurvivable” fall from Lake Constance Bluff. a New Zealand police spokesman said: “Police say they are confident the body recovered from Nelson Lakes National Park on Friday afternoon is that of missing British man Andrew Ian Wyatt,” Police are now trying to arrange a formal identification of the body. Mr. Wyatt’s family in Britain has been advised. Police would like to acknowledge the efforts of search and rescue volunteers from Nelson, Gold-

en Bay and Marlborough who worked alongside police officers during the operation.” Mr. Wyatt’s family was coming to terms with the loss of their son, who had not been in contact with them since December 12. His father, Donald told New Zealand newspaper The Press that he and his wife Lorna had been informed by the police that they had found his body. “We’ve lost him, it’s just a bloody shame.” The couple also lost another son, Duncan, days before Christmas three years ago. A coroner later recorded a conclusion that he had taken his own life.


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Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

PugH´S PantrY By Barry Pugh

Bit On The Side

pudding sCHooL Hello sparklettes !! Jam W roLy poLy

Ell here we are at the beginning of 2014! Happy new Year, hope you’ve all got over your new Years Eve hangovers and made all your resolutions that you’ll all keep for about 5 minutes !!


by Treacle sponge. The classic Pudding. Suet pudding has to be one It was a really good watch and of my favourites, so easy to sent me on a mission to relive make that I just had to share my good old school day pudthese wonderful recipes with ding classics. My favourite has to be Jam Roly Poly, followed you. x 30cm. Spread thickly with the jam. Roll up tightly from the short end and pinch the ends 150g self-raising 75g vegetable suet to seal, then carefully transfer to the baking flour, plus extra 100ml milk paper, seam-side-down. Wrap in the baking paper, and then wrap a sheet of foil around the 2 tbsp. caster sugar 150g Raspberry Jam baking paper, twisting the ends to seal. Sit the Roly Poly package on a rack set inside a roastPreheat the oven to 200°C/fan180°C/ gas 6. ing tin and fill the tin with boiling water, makSift the flour into a bowl and stir in the sugar, ing sure that the water does not touch the suet and a pinch of salt. Add the milk and mix foil. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Remove the foil to a firm dough. Roll out on a lightly floured and baking paper and serve slices of pudding surface to form a rectangle about 20cm with custard.

AST week I was watching Heston Blumenthal, and he took us back through the history of the great British

Ingredients: Method:

treaCLe sponge

Butter, for greasing 6 generous tbsp. golden syrup 125g self-raising flour



125g shredded vegetable suet or grated chilled butter 125g fresh white breadcrumbs

60g caster sugar About 125ml milk 900ml pudding bowl

Lightly butter the bowl and spoon the golden syrup into the bottom. Put the flour, suet or butter, breadcrumbs, and sugar into a bowl and stir to combine. Stir in enough milk to give a dropping consistency. Spoon into the bowl on top of the syrup. Cover the bowl with buttered foil, pleated in the middle. Secure by tying string under the rim of the bowl. Put the bowl into a steamer or saucepan of simmering water, making sure the water comes halfway up the side of the bowl if using a saucepan. Cover and steam, topping up with boiling water as needed, for about 3 hours. Turn out the pudding and serve.

pugH’s tip’s and triCKs

FoR both of these recipes I place all the dry ingredients into a food processor, and then gradually add the milk. It literally took me

minutes to combine all the ingredients!

The Treacle Sponge Cheat

Many people use a microwave set to about

750w for about 4 ½ minutes. The results are quite good – but I do prefer to be patient and steam it for that extra light traditional texture!

New Years Eve is a night when everybody gets dressed up in their nicest clothes, it’s one of the reasons I love it, everyone sparkles that night, Of course this time of year always brings large groups of trav-

ellers who always dress to impress- especially the girls in their sexy spandex! Honestly, some nights on the streets of Las Americas this past week has been like a 3D technicolor episode of BFGW !! You go girls, nothing wrong with a splash of colour! Speaking of Splash, Tom Daley, who’s had an eventful year is back soon with a new series of the reality show, he’s joined by, among others, that little kid from diversity with the mad hair who looks like Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons, and Michaela Strachan !! Do you

remember her - as in The Hitman and Her, and she’s got a helicopter too !! Wow that brings back memories!! Speaking of memories, New Year always makes me think of home and Splash is filmed at Luton Sports Village in my hometown and my old swimming coach (who has just recieved an O.B.E. in the New Year Honours list from Her Majesty. Congratulations!), is on Tom Daley’s swimming team! What a small, crazy, technicolor, splishy, splashy world this is!! Well until next week people... keeeep sparkling !!


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


What’s a commonym you ask?

A commonyms is group of words that have a common trait in the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant.. they all have trunks. These will make you think! 1. Masking - Red - Duct___________________________________________________ 2. Index - Pinky - Ring_____________________________________________________ 3. Ice - Sugar - Rubik’s_____________________________________________________ 4. Jurors - Roses - Doughnuts_____________________________________________ 5. Seat - Whoopee - Pin___________________________________________________ 6. Morris - Felix - Garfield__________________________________________________ 7. Raffle - Parking - Movie ________________________________________________ 8. Multiple - Daily - Chewable_________________________________________________________________ 9. A Penny - Nebraska - Ford Motor Company________________________________________________ 10. Minnesota - Siamese - Identical __________________________________________________________ 11. Bridge - Memory - Hearts ________________________________________________________________ 12. Black - Bulk - Junk_______________________________________________________________________ 13. Car - Home - Life _________________________________________________________________________ 14. G.I. - Little - Sloppy ______________________________________________________________________ 15. Thomas - John - James___________________________________________________________________


Issue 110 - PuZZlES Page 8. Page 16. Page 34. Page 56.


Cryptic Crossword Sudoku Pub Quiz Quick Crossword

Answers to the COMMONYMS are on page 2.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

mOtOring neWS By Lingy


he festive season is always a tricky time for motorists, hopefully Tenerife Weekly readers know better than to drink drive, but you still want to avoid the pain of a spot check, and then there’s the hazard of having to avoid the erratic driving of last minute Christmas shoppers fighting over parking spaces, suddenly pulling in without warning or just generally driving like a Christmas idiot. So, in recognition of every festive fool that’s broken the law while driving, here are some of the wackiest driving offences ever! An American lady managed to plough into the back of a pickup truck whilst attempting to shave her bikini line while driving. Tim Brady became Britain’s fastest convicted speeder when he was caught driving at 172mph in a Porsche. Brady was recorded driving more than 100mph over the speed limit in the Porsche 911 Turbo, which he had taken without permission from the hire car firm for which he worked. In January, a woman was given a driving ban after being caught more than twice the legal alcohol limit while riding a 2.4mph mobility scooter that she had stolen from Asda. It would have taken her more than four hours to complete the ten-mile journey home.

Omed Aziz was pulled over after taking his car for a 1km spin, despite being blind. He had managed to negotiate two traffic islands before being pulled over. Police officers only realised that Aziz was blind after he stepped out of the car and took off his sunglasses. In 2005, a car passenger was charged with drink-driving in Austria after the driver jumped into the back seat. Police charged the passenger even though he said he had to grab the wheel to stop the car going over a cliff. The original driver was also charged with drink-driving following the incident in Dornbirn. Californian police were baffled when a car thief stole a fire engine while drunk, and then rang for help when it got stuck in mud.The thief called for a tow truck on the vehicle’s radio but the fire service called police, who rushed to the scene and arrested him. A Norwegian man faced a heavy fine and a driving ban after police caught him having sex with his girlfriend while speeding on the motorway. A Los Angeles officer was surprised to find a truly bad Santa after pulling over a suspected drunk driver. Not only

was the man behind the wheel wearing a Santa hat and a purple G-string, he’d decided to spice up his outfit with a wig, red lace camisol and even black leg warmers. He eventually left custody after paying a $5,000 bail charge.

flashy force


ubai, a place best known for its splendour, everything in this desert paradise screams expensive, high end, luxurious. So it should come as no surprise that its police force has a few expensive little toys of its own and its latest addition to its squad of patrol super cars is the £170,000, 207mph McLaren MP4-12C that joins a fleet including a Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Bentley and Ferrari. The latest add-on, built in Woking, has a twin-turbocharged 3.8-litre engine that generates three times the power of the British panda car, it can accelerate from 0mph to 62mph in 3.1 seconds. Designed by Frank Stephenson, creator of the Mini Hatch and award-winning Fer-

raris, it is the first McLaren built since the F1 was discontinued in 1998. In November, it won ‘Car of the Year’ and ‘Best Supercar’ at the Middle East Motor Awards. The custom-made vehicle, painted in Dubai’s flagship green and white colours, carries a ‘2020’ number plate to celebrate the nation’s successful World Expo 2020 bid, Deaths on the road are a common occurrence in the UAE, with one person killed in a traffic incident every 26 hours. Most of these deaths are caused by speeding, driving without a seatbelt and driving while using mobile phones. Dubai police officer Mariam Ahmad patrols the streets in a Ferrari FF: ‘It is the first time I have driven a sports car. When they chose me I couldn’t believe it. Driving it is just amazing. ‘It’s funny because we hear people begging us to arrest them for any reason so they can have a tour in the Ferrari. I miss the car when I’m off duty. My Land Cruiser does not compare.’


Bizarre motoring offences



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

3 January

Friday - TV 06:00: 09:10: 10:25: 12:00: 13:00: 13:30: 13:45: 15:15: 16:15: 17:10: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:25: 22:35: 23:25:

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Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00: 10:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:45:

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Food and Drink Football Focus Saturday Sportsday BBC News Bargain Hunt Escape to the Country Darts Final Score Frozen Planet BBC News Celebrity Mastermind Pointless The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins Casualty Catherine Tate’s Nan BBC News Little Fockers Romance and Cigarettes Weatherview BBC News

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Beauty and the Geek Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus You’ve Been Framed! Funniest 100 Dragonheart Junior Beethoven’s 2nd Mr Bean’s Holiday The 40 Year Old Virgin Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason Hapless Bridget gets cold feet about her relationship with Mark Darcy, and takes a new job alongside her devious former boss and lover, Daniel Cleaver. Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Frock Ups

06:05: 07:30: 09:10: 11:00:

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06:00: 06:10: 06:30: 06:55: 08:05: 10:55: 13:05: 14:50: 16:40: 18:50: 21:00: 23:00:

01:15: 02:00:

Movies Now Judge Judy Judge Judy Wycliffe Death on the Nile A Touch of Frost Blue Murder at St. Trinian’s Housewife 49 Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Poirot Prime Suspect The Lost Child. Feature-length detective drama. Following her promotion to detective superintendent, Jane Tennison returns to Southampton Row to head an investigation into the murder of a young child. Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen

4 January th

06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:15: 07:40: 08:05: 08:30: 09:00: 09:25: 09:30: 10:25: 11:25: 11:35: 12:40: 14:45: 15:45: 16:15: 16:30: 16:45: 19:20: 20:50: 21:50: 22:50: 23:05: 00:35:

Pat and Stan Dino Dan Canimals Sooty Almost Naked Animals Horrid Henry Victorious Deadtime Stories ITV News Dinner Date Murder, She Wrote ITV News The Chase Midsomer Murders Show Me the Telly You’ve Been Framed! ITV News London ITV News F.A. Cup Live Splash! Take Me Out The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather FA Cup Highlights Jackpot247

06:00: 06:10: 06:35: 07:00: 07:25: 09:20: 11:10: 13:05: 15:10: 17:05: 19:10: 19:40: 20:10:

Movies Now Cheers Cheers Cheers Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove Shootout The War Wagon Storage Wars Storage Wars Police Academy 6: City Under Siege Crime-busting comedy with the inept police officers, pitted against the dangerous Wilson Heights Gang. Realestate prices in the city are plummeting thanks to the gang’s robbery spree, so the mayor orders the disorderly cops to bring the bad guys in. 22:00: Lethal Weapon 2 00:15: Daylight

08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:30: 16:00: 17:00: 17:35: 18:05: 18:35: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:45: 01:40: 05:35:

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 16:30: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:40: 22:20: 23:00: 23:40: 00:40: 01:20: 02:00:

New Secrets Of The Terracotta Warriors

Channel 4 - 20:00 - 21:00


HE DISCoVERY of China’s Terracotta Army in 1974 captured the imagination of the world. But that first dig only revealed a fraction of this enormous and extraordinary treasure. Since then, scientists have resumed work on the site, and their research has turned up a series of new discoveries about the warriors and the people who made them over two millennia ago. With exclusive access to pioneering research


conducted by UCL and the Terracotta Army Museum, this documentary reveals those new secrets. The film reveals the true extent of the site and number of warriors and that the weapons carried by the warriors were full military grade. New insights into how the figures were made, including revolutionary 3D computer modelling of the warriors’ heads, challenges the traditional explanation and changes our understanding of how sophisticated technology and society were in ancient China. Secret History showcases the best historical journalism.

The Morning Line The American Football Show How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Jamie’s Festive Feast Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News Speed with Guy Martin Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors Secret History Robin Hood Charlie Brooker’s How Videogames Changed the World Fresh Meat Deal or No Deal

06:00 08:05:

Home Shopping Ace of Cakes Top Gear Storage Hunters World of Stupid Criminals World of Stupid Criminals Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Storage Hunters Storage Hunters QI XL Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week QI XL Not Going Out Not Going Out Not Going Out


08:20: 08:40: 08:55: 09:10: 09:30: 10:00: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 13:20: 15:00: 16:25: 18:20: 19:10: 20:00: 21:00: 21:55: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

06:15: 06:30: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 12:00: 12:30: 15:00:

17:15: 19:00: 21:00: 01:00:

Children’s TV The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky Angelina Ballerina Rupert Bear Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Jelly Jamm LazyTown Power Rangers: Megaforce Slugterra Jungle Babies Celebrity Big Brother Columbo Columbo: A Case of Immunity Diagnosis Murder Mr and Mrs Murder CSI: Crime Scene Investigation NCIS NCIS 5 News Weekend Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych Super Casino

Football Gold Football Gold Goles y Goles y Goles Fl 72 Highlights The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers Soccer A.M. Goles y Goles y Goles Scottish Premiership Gillette Soccer Saturday Jeff Stelling and his studio guests preside over the afternoon’s football with expert analysis of the scores, results and stories as they come in. Football Football NFL NFL

19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:00: 23:45: 00:10: 00:30: 00:50: 01:15: 01:40:

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide Top Gear Die Hard with a Vengeance Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents

13:00: 14:55: 16:45: 18:55:

St. Trinian’s Baby’s Day Out Gambit Employee of the Month 21:00: Easy A intelligent and hilarious high school comedy stars Emma Stone in an outstanding lead performance. 22:50: Troll Hunter Kingpin 00:55:

06:00: 07:30: 08:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00:

The Ashes Ashes Breakfast Big Bash Cricket The Ashes Highlights Sky Sports Years 2013 The Ashes Highlights Ringside SpecialCalzaghe The Ashes Highlights Sky Sports Years 2013 The Ashes Highlights F1 Season Review The Ashes Highlights The Ashes Verdict Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Extra The Ashes

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

5 January

Sunday - TV

06:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 13:15: 14:00: 14:45: 15:15: 16:00: 16:35: 17:35: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 22:00: 22:15: 22:25: 23:05: 01:05: 01:10:

06:00: 06:45: 09:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 18:05: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00:

23:50: 02:00:

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show The Big Questions Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt BBC News Moving On Escape to the Country Helicopter Heroes That Puppet Game Show Songs of Praise Dolphins: Spy in the Pod BBC News Countryfile Celebrity Mastermind Antiques Roadshow Sherlock BBC News BBC London News Mrs. Brown’s Boys Good Will Hunting Weatherview BBC News

Beauty and the Geek Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus Boyzone at 20: No Matter What Take Me Out The Mighty Ducks Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Evan Almighty You’ve Been Framed! The Magaluf Weekender I Am Britney Jean: Britney Spears’ Road to Las Vegas Forgetting Sarah Marshall MC Hammer’s Big Shot Academy

06:00: 06:10: 08:05: 09:05: 10:00: 11:30: 12:15: 13:00: 17:00: 17:45: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:50: 01:50:

06:00: 07:50: 08:50: 09:55: 11:00: 13:05: 15:15: 17:30: 18:40: 21:00:

23:50: 00:55:

This is BBC Two Odette Monty Don’s French Gardens Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Darts Ski Sunday Catch Me If You Can Nature’s Weirdest Events Operation Grand Canyon with Dan Snow Charlie Brooker’s 2013 Wipe Darts Darts Countryfile

Death Becomes Her Heartbeat Heartbeat The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Agatha Christie’s Marple A Touch of Frost Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Poirot Agatha Christie’s Poirot Changeling In 1920s Los Angeles, a single mother returns home from work to find her nine-year-old son missing. The police reunite her with a child, but she claims that he is not her son and fights to expose the truth in the face of police corruption and accusations of madness. Cracker The Mirror Crack’d


06:25: 06:50: 07:15: 07:40: 08:05: 08:30: 09:00: 09:25: 10:55: 11:25: 11:30: 14:15: 15:15: 16:45: 17:45: 18:00: 18:15: 19:45: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:15: 22:45: 23:45: 00:40:

06:00: 06:10: 06:30: 06:55: 07:20: 07:50: 08:20: 08:50: 09:20: 10:20: 11:20: 12:20: 12:50: 13:15: 15:05: 17:20: 20:00: 21:00: 23:00: 01:40:

Dino Dan Canimals Sooty Almost Naked Animals Horrid Henry Victorious Deadtime Stories FA Cup Highlights The Unforgettable... ITV News F.A. Cup Live The Cube Splash! Celebrity Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Dancing on Ice All Star Family Fortunes Dancing on Ice All New It’ll be Alright on the Night ITV News Birds of a Feather FA Cup Highlights Rugby Highlights The Store

UEFA Champions League Greatest Goals Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Police, Camera, Action! Highway Patrol The Professionals The Professionals Ax Men Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die Shalako Midway Rugby Highlights Universal Soldier: Regeneration The Matrix Reloaded Police, Camera, Action!


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

06:30: 08:00: 08:30: 09:00: 09:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 14:30: 15:00: 15:30: 17:35: 18:05: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:50: 00:50:

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:20: 13:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 18:00: 19:20: 20:00: 21:20: 22:45: 23:25: 00:40: 01:20:

Barnyard Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Sunday Brunch How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons Edward Scissorhands Channel 4 News Deal or No Deal Shipping Wars Speed with Guy Martin Bad Teacher Rude Tube Waltz with Bashir

Home Shopping Hardliners Top Gear Man v Food Presents Red Dwarf Have I Got News for You Top Gear Man v Food Presents Man v Food Presents Top Gear Red Dwarf Have I Got News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Have I Got a Bit More News for You Dave’s One Night Stand

06:00 Children’s TV 08:10: The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:25: Angelina Ballerina 08:40: Rupert Bear 08:55: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10: Jelly Jamm 09:30: LazyTown 10:00: Power Rangers: Super Samurai 10:35: Slugterra 11:00: Jungle Babies 11:30: Celebrity Big Brother 12:30: Cowboy Builders 13:30: Grounded 15:15: Along Came Polly 16:55: Made of Honour 18:40: Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 20:55: 5 News Weekend 21:00: Celebrity Big Brother 22:00: Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2013

19:00: 19:30:

06:00: 06:30: 06:45: 07:00:

06:00: 07:30: 08:30: 12:00:

07:30: 08:00: 09:00: 09:30: 10:00: 11:30: 12:30: 15:00: 15:15: 15:30: 16:30: 17:30: 21:00: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Goles y Goles y Goles Scottish Premier League Game Changers Goles y Goles y Goles Ronaldo: A Golden Year The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Scottish Premiership Football Gold Football Gold NFL NFL: America’s Game NFL NFL La Liga Goles y Goles y Goles Scottish Premier League

19:55: 21:30: 22:00: 00:00: 00:25: 00:45: 01:10: 01:30: 01:50:

11:00: 13:00:

14:55: 16:30: 18:40: 20:50: 21:00: 22:50: 00:45:

13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00:

The Gruffalo The Gruffalo’s Child 101 Dalmatians Russell Howard’s Good News Starship Troopers Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Edinburgh Comedy Festival Live

Lassie Journey to the Center of the Earth Rugrats the Movie The Golden Compass Crocodile Dundee II 12 Years a Slave Interview Special The Mechanic 48 Hrs Lady Chatterley

The Ashes Ashes Breakfast Big Bash Cricket The Ashes Highlights F1 Season Review The Ashes Highlights My Special Day The Ashes Highlights F1 - Season Review The Ashes Highlights Scottish Premier League Ashes Modern Classics The Ashes Highlights The Ashes Verdict Ashes Modern Classics Ashes Extra The Ashes

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


6 January

M o n d ay - T V 06:00: 09:15:

Breakfast Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Rip Off Britain 11:45: Real Lives Reunited 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 18:30: BBC London News 19:00: The One Show 19:30: Inside Out 20:00: EastEnders 20:30: A Question of Sport 21:00: The 7.39 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:35: Secrets of the Sales 23:35: The Graham Norton Show 00:20: Weatherview 00:25: BBC News

22:30: 23:20: 00:10:

06:00: 06:25: 07:25:

06:00: 06:10: 08:10:

Emmerdale Coronation Street You’ve Been Framed! 07:55: Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30: Dinner Date 09:30: The Real Housewives of DC 10:30: You’ve Been Framed! 11:30: You’ve Been Framed Rides Again! 12:30: Emmerdale 13:00: Coronation Street 14:00: Jeremy Kyle Show 15:05: Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10: Real Housewives of Orange County 17:05: The Millionaire Matchmaker 18:00: Dinner Date 19:00: You’ve Been Framed! 20:00: Two and a Half Men 21:00: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 23:15: Fake Reaction 00:00: Two and a Half Men 00:30: Two and a Half Men

06:00: 06:20: 07:20: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 20:30: 21:30:

09:20: 09:50: 10:15: 10:40: 11:40: 12:50: 13:50: 14:55: 16:05: 16:35: 17:10: 17:45: 18:50: 19:55: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:15: 01:15:



This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Bargain Hunt Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Britain and the Sea Britain’s Empty Homes Click BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Darts The Great British Winter Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Great British Garden Revival University Challenge Sacred Wonders of Britain PQ 17: An Arctic Convoy Disaster Newsnight Darts Darts

08:30: Lorraine 09:25: Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30: This Morning 11:25: ITV News 11:30: This Morning 12:30: Loose Women 13:30: ITV News 14:00: All Star Mr and Mrs 15:00: Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00: Britain’s Best Bakery 17:00: The Chase 18:00: ITV News London 18:30: ITV News and Weather 19:00: Emmerdale 19:30: Coronation Street 20:00: A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones 20:30: Coronation Street 21:00: The Bletchley Circle 22:00: ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35: I Shot 2013 23:20: Hellboy II: The Golden Army 01:15: Jackpot247

06:00: 06:10: 07:00: 07:55:

Movies Now The Young Ones The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Man About the House George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Poirot Long Lost Family Trial and Retribution The Vice Agatha Christie’s Poirot The Blackheath Poisonings


06:00: 07:00:

06:25: 06:50: 07:40: 08:05: 08:40: 09:40: 10:45: 11:50: 12:50: 13:50: 14:20: 14:50: 15:55: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00: 01:55:

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men ITV’s Year of Sport Rugby Highlights Hell on Wheels The Sweeney

09:00: 09:30: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 13:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00:

The Treacle People According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Frasier Building the Dream Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Food Unwrapped Diet Special Benefits Street Secrets of the Living Dolls American Football Playoff Highlights Speed with Guy Martin

Home Shopping Later Live... with Jools Holland 07:30: Later Live... with Jools Holland 08:00: The Gadget Show 09:00: Top Gear 11:00: Man v Food Greatest Moments 12:00: Three Men in a Boat 13:00: Top Gear 14:00: Top Gear 15:00: Man v Food Greatest Moments 16:00: Three Men in a Boat 17:00: Top Gear 18:00: Top Gear 19:00: Man v Food Greatest Moments 20:00: QI XL 21:00: QI XL 22:00: Would I Lie to You? 22:40: Russell Howard’s Good News 23:40: QI XL 00:40: QI XL 01:40: Would I Lie to You?

06:00 08:35: 08:50: 09:00: 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 10:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 16:30: 17:30:

18:30: 23:00: 00:00: 00:30:

Children’s TV Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Jungle Babies Neighbours Cat 8 5 News at 5 Neighbours Jungle Babies Newstalk Live Huge Hovercraft: Monster Moves The Gadget Show Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Wedding Planner Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Kerry Katona Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans NFL NFL La Liga NFL NFL La Liga La Liga The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers Soccer A.M. The Best Bits All the best bits from last Saturday’s show, presented by Andy Goldstein and Helen Chamberlain. FL72 FL72 SPFL Round Up Soccer A.M. The Best Bits

19:00: Snog, Marry, Avoid? 20:00: Don’t Tell the Bride 21:00: Knight Club 22:00: Russell Howard’s Good News 22:30: EastEnders 23:00: Family Guy 23:45: American Dad! 00:30: Knight Club 01:30: Russell Howard’s Good News 02:00: Russell Howard’s Good News

11:00: 12:55: 14:50: 16:40: 19:10: 21:00: 22:55:


09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 12:00: 14:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:30: 23:00:

On the Town Cat Ballou The Ladykillers 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Stormbreaker Sixteen Candles Sightseers Alice Lowe and Steve Oram teamed up to write and star in this dark and violent comedy-drama. The Godfather Part III

Ashes - Highlights Scottish Premier League Scottish Premier League The Ashes Highlights Ringside Fights of 2013 The Ashes Highlights Scottish Premier League Scottish Premier League The Ashes Highlights Scottish Premier League Scottish Premier League The Ashes Highlights Ringside Special- Calzaghe The Ashes Highlights The Ashes Verdict Ashes Extra The Ashes

The Bletchley Circle Editor Recommends ITV - 21:00 - 22:30


lIVIER award nominated actress Hattie Morahan joins Anna Maxwell Martin, Rachael Stirling, Sophie Rundle and Julie graham for four new episodes of the code-breaking thriller The Bletchley Circle, which returns to ITV at the beginning of 2014. The series, based on the lives of four extraordinary and brilliant women who worked at top-secret HQ Bletchley Park during World War II, features two self-contained stories each played out across 2 x 60 minute episodes written by series creator Guy Burt.

Set a year on from the first series in 1953, the ladies are reunited for their second case in the first two-part story when former Bletchley Park colleague, Alice Merren (Hattie Morahan) is accused of murder. Jean (Julie Graham) methodically sets to work examining the evidence and is intent on helping Alice after a distinguished scientist is discovered shot through the heart in the study of his home with Alice, gun in hand, standing over him. The evidence is stacked against her, but Jean’s instincts tell her differently and she goes to visit Alice in Holloway Prison. Alice is quietly resigned to the fact she will hang. But why has she offered no defence and why does she refuse to talk?



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

7 January

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00: Breakfast 09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Rip Off Britain 11:45: Real Lives Reunited 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 18:30: BBC London News 19:00: The One Show 19:30: EastEnders 20:00: Holby City 21:00: The 7.39 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:25: BBC London News 22:35: Secrets of the Body Clock with Terry Wogan 23:15: Insomnia 01:10: Weatherview 01:15: BBC News

06:00: 06:25: 07:25: 07:55: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 15:05: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 23:40: 00:40:

Emmerdale Coronation Street You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of DC Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street Jeremy Kyle Show Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men GoldenEye Two and a Half Men No Reservations

06:00: 06:05: 07:05: 07:50: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:30: 23:20: 00:10:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:25: 09:35: 10:00: 10:25: 10:50: 11:55: 13:05: 14:05: 15:05: 16:20: 16:55: 17:25: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:15:

This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Real Lives Reunited Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Antiques Roadshow Britain’s Empty Homes HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Darts The Great British Winter Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Great British Garden Revival Stargazing Live Stargazing Live The Truth About Immigration Newsnight Darts Darts

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Man About the House George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Midsomer Murders Trial and Retribution The Vice Goodnight Mister Tom


06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:50: 00:40:

06:00: 06:25: 06:45: 07:35: 08:00: 08:30: 09:35: 10:35: 11:40: 12:40: 13:45: 14:15: 14:50: 15:50: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:00: 00:00: 00:55: 01:50:

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather All Star Mr and Mrs Dickinson’s Real Deal Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London ITV News Emmerdale River Monsters Weight Loss Ward The Lying Game: Crimes That Fooled Britain ITV News at Ten Keane and Vieira: The Best of Enemies Brian Lara: Sports Life Stories Jackpot247

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers I Want That Car Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The Enforcer Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels The Sweeney

06:00: The Treacle People 06:10: According to Jim 06:35: According to Jim 07:00: Will and Grace 07:50: Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55: Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25: Frasier 11:00: Building the Dream 12:00: Channel 4 News 12:05: Come Dine with Me 13:05: Come Dine with Me 14:10: A Place in the Sun 15:10: Countdown 16:00: Deal or No Deal 17:00: Come Dine with Me 18:00: The Simpsons 18:30: Hollyoaks 19:00: Channel 4 News 20:00: Location, Location, Location 21:00: The Taste 22:00: Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23:00: Secrets of the Scammers 00:00: Pokerstars.Com Ept Barcelona

06:00: 07:00:

Home Shopping Later Live... with Jools Holland 07:30: Later Live... with Jools Holland 08:00: The Gadget Show 09:00: Top Gear 11:00: Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles 12:00: Three Men in a Boat 13:00: Top Gear 15:00: Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles 15:30: Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles 16:00: Three Men in a Boat 17:00: Top Gear 19:00: Flip Men 20:00: QI XL 22:00: Mock the Week 22:40: Mock the Week 23:20: Never Mind the Buzzcocks 00:00: QI XL 00:55: QI XL 01:55: Mock the Week

06:00 09:15: 11:10: 12:10: 12:15: 13:15: 13:45: 14:15: 15:15: 17:00: 17:30: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:


Children’s TV The Wright Stuff Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 5 News Lunchtime Celebrity Big Brother Jungle Babies Neighbours NCIS Spring Thaw 5 News at 5 Neighbours Jungle Babies Newstalk Live Highland Emergency Highland Emergency Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun Celebrity Big Brother Autopsy: Michael Jackson’s Last Hours Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Fat for Cash Super Casino

Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00: Good Morning Sports Fans 11:30: SPFL Round Up 12:00: FL72 15:00: SPFL Round Up 15:30: FL72 George Gavin presents a comprehensive round-up of all the weekend’s action in the Sky Bet Football League, including analysis of major incidents and reaction from key players and managers 16:30: To be Announced 18:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 19:30: Capital One Cup Football 23:30: Football Asia 00:00: Capital One Cup 01:30: Football Asia

19:00: 20:05: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:00: 01:30: 02:00:

11:00: 12:45: 14:40: 17:00: 18:55: 21:00: 22:45: 22:55: 00:50:

06:00: 07:30: 08:30: 12:00: 13:00: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:00: 01:00:

Top Gear Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Bad Education EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Russell Howard’s Good News Russell Howard’s Good News Bad Education Knight Club

The Black Knight The Violent Men A Town Like Alice King Solomon’s Mines Eragon Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 12 Years a Slave Interview Special Hunger Black Book

The Ashes Ashes Breakfast Big Bash Cricket The Ashes Highlights Sky Sports Years 2013 The Ashes Highlights Soccer A.M. The Best Bits The Ashes Highlights BWF Super Series Badminton The Ashes Highlights PGA Tour Golf The Ashes Highlights The Ashes Verdict BWF Super Series Badminton The Ashes Highlights The Ashes Verdict Big Bash Cricket

Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00: Breakfast 09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Rip Off Britain 11:45: Real Lives Reunited 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 18:30: BBC London News 19:00: The One Show 20:00: EastEnders 20:30: Waterloo Road 21:30: Live at the Apollo 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:25: BBC London News 22:35: A Question of Sport 23:05: The League Cup Show 23:50: Mimic 01:25: Weatherview 01:30: BBC News

06:25: 07:25: 07:55: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:00: 23:50: 00:45:

Holiday Airport You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of DC Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale The Cube Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Benidorm The Magaluf Weekender Fake Reaction Two and a Half Men The Magaluf Weekender

06:00: 07:00: 07:45: 08:15: 09:00: 10:00: 10:30: 11:00: 11:30: 13:00: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 21:30: 22:30: 23:20: 00:10:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20: 09:35: 09:55: 10:20: 10:50: 11:50: 13:00: 14:00: 15:05: 16:15: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00:

22:00: 23:00: 00:15:

Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Real Lives Reunited Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Great Continental Railway Journeys Kangaroo Dundee See Hear BBC News The Daily Politics Darts The Great British Winter Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Great British Garden Revival Stargazing Live Stargazing Live The Hidden World of Britain’s Immigrants Newsnight Darts Darts

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Man About the House George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Larry Crowne A successful manager at a large company is made redundant and enrols on a publicspeaking course at his local college to reboot his career. A Mother’s Son The Vice Prime Suspect

8 January th

06:00: 08:30: 09:25:

Daybreak Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News All Star Mr and Mrs Dickinson’s Real Deal Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands Jackpot247

10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:40: 00:05:

06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:40: 08:15: 08:45: 09:50: 10:50: 11:55: 12:55: 14:00: 14:25: 14:55: 16:00: 17:05: 18:05: 19:10: 19:40: 20:15: 22:00: 23:55: 00:50: 01:50:

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers Police Academy 7: Mission to Moscow The Dead Pool Hell on Wheels Hell on Wheels The Sweeney

06:10: 07:00: 07:50: 08:55: 09:25: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:05:

00:30: 05:45:

06:00: 07:10: 08:00: 09:00: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 00:00: 01:00: 02:00:

The Hidden World Of Britain´s Immigrants BBC 2 - 21:30 - 22:30

IllEgAl migrants, believed to number over 600,000, more than the population of Manchester, are at the sharp end of the debate about immigration in Britain - yet are frequently hidden from public view. In this powerful film, Fergal Keane, who has reported for BBC News from all over the world, finds out what life is really like for a group of illegal immigrants struggling to survive on British streets. He asks what drew them here, follows their battles to beat the system and shows how ineffective the authorities can be in dealing with them.


In Ilford in east London, he meets Shanki from India’s Punjab, who came on a tourist visa eight years ago but overstayed to work illegally. Keane uncovers the stark truth of his life now, addicted to drugs, living rough and at the centre of a criminal gang. Even though he has been imprisoned several times he hasn’t been deported because he destroyed his passport and the Border Agency can’t prove where he comes from. Keane investigates the cost to local businesses targeted by this gang and hears how previous generations of Sikh migrants are worried that illegals from India are harming their position as an established community in Ilford.

According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Building the Dream Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Restoration Man 24 Hours in A and E Benefits Street Secrets of the Living Dolls Launched at Red Bull Studios with Sony Xperia Smartphones Serpico Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard

06:00 Children’s TV 08:50: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Celebrity Big Brother 13:15: Jungle Babies 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: ’Til Lies Do Us Part 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Jungle Babies 18:30: Newstalk Live 19:00: The World’s Biggest Bomb: Revealed 20:00: Bigger Big Body Squad 21:00: Celebrity Big Brother 22:30: Hens Behaving Badly 23:30: Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:20: Pokerstars: The Big Game

Home Shopping The Gadget Show Flip Men Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Flip Men Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Flip Men Top Gear QI XL Suits Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard QI XL Have I Got a Bit More News for You Russell Howard

06:00: 07:00: 08:00:

09:00: 13:00: 14:30: 19:00: 22:00:


Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Round-up of the sports news with live analysis and comment plus extended interviews with the headline makers. Capital One Cup Capital One Cup Football’s Greatest International Teams Capital One Cup Football What’s the Story? Sarah-Jane Mee hosts a discussion on some of the biggest talking points in sport. Viewers will be able to weigh in and pose their questions to big-name studio guests. Capital One Cup

19:00: 19:30: 20:30: 21:00: 23:00: 23:30: 23:55: 00:15: 00:40: 01:00: 01:30:

World’s Craziest Fools Top Gear Would I Lie to You? Die Hard with a Vengeance EastEnders Family Guy Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! World’s Craziest Fools Knight Club

11:00: 13:10: 15:20: 17:00: 19:10:

Operation Pacific Jesse James Carry on Sergeant Gambit The Addams Family Values The Addams family has two new members -baby Pubert and sunny nanny Debbie Jellinsky. 21:00: Keeping Mum 23:05: Black Pond Volver 00:50:


BWF Super Series Badminton 07:00: Capital One Cup 08:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 08:30: Big Bash Cricket 12:00: The Ashes Highlights 13:00: The Ashes Verdict 14:00: BWF Super Series Badminton 15:00: Capital One Cup 16:30: Football’s Greatest International Teams 17:00: WWE Bottom Line 18:00: WWE Afterburn 23:00: Football’s Greatest International Teams 23:30: Football Asia 00:00: Spanish Gold 00:15: Spanish Gold 00:30: Spanish Gold 00:45: Spanish Gold 01:00: Big Bash Cricket

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Thursday - TV

06:00: Breakfast 09:15: Wanted Down Under 10:00: Homes Under the Hammer 11:00: Rip Off Britain 11:45: Real Lives Reunited 12:15: Bargain Hunt 13:00: BBC News at One 13:30: BBC London News 13:45: Doctors 14:15: Father Brown 15:00: Perfection 15:45: Escape to the Country 16:30: Antiques Road Trip 17:15: Pointless 18:00: BBC News at Six 18:30: BBC London News 19:00: The One Show 19:30: EastEnders 20:00: Dolphins: Spy in the Pod 21:00: Silent Witness 22:00: BBC News at Ten 22:25: BBC London News 22:35: Question Time 23:35: This Week 00:20: Skiing Weatherview 00:25: BBC News

06:55: 07:55: 08:30: 09:30: 10:30: 11:30: 12:30: 13:00: 13:30: 14:00: 16:10: 17:05: 18:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:50: 01:00: 01:30:

You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show USA Dinner Date The Real Housewives of DC Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Emmerdale Coronation Street You’ve Been Framed! Jeremy Kyle Show Real Housewives of Orange County The Millionaire Matchmaker Dinner Date You’ve Been Framed! Two and a Half Men Tricked Fake Reaction Forgetting Sarah Marshall Two and a Half Men Two and a Half Men

06:00: 06:05: 07:05: 07:50: 08:20: 09:05: 10:05: 10:35: 11:00: 11:30: 12:00: 13:00: 16:15: 17:15: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:30: 22:00: 22:30: 23:20: 00:10:

06:00: 06:25: 07:20: 08:20: 09:30: 09:55: 10:25: 10:50: 11:45: 13:00: 14:00: 15:05: 16:15: 16:50: 17:20: 17:55: 19:00: 20:00: 22:00: 23:00: 00:15: 02:00:

This is BBC Two Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Real Lives Reunited Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Tudor Monastery Farm Kangaroo Dundee HARDtalk BBC News BBC World News The Daily Politics Darts The Great British Winter Flog It! Eggheads Great British Railway Journeys Great British Garden Revival Stargazing Live QI Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe Newsnight Darts Darts

Fresh Fields Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Wycliffe Heartbeat The Royal Agatha Christie’s Poirot Fresh Fields Man About the House George and Mildred Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote A Touch of Frost A Mother’s Son The Vice A Touch of Frost ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00: 08:30: 09:25: 10:30: 11:25: 11:30: 12:30: 13:30: 14:00: 15:00: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 20:30: 21:00: 22:00: 22:35: 23:35: 00:30:

06:00: 06:25: 06:50: 07:35: 08:00: 08:35: 09:40: 10:40: 11:45: 12:50: 13:50: 14:15: 14:50: 15:55: 16:55: 18:00: 19:00: 19:30: 20:00: 21:00: 23:50:

9 January th

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather All Star Mr and Mrs Dickinson’s Real Deal Britain’s Best Bakery The Chase ITV News London ITV News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Birds of a Feather Benidorm ITV News at Ten and Weather The Brits are Coming Weight Loss Ward Jackpot247

Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol The Sweeney Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals The Sweeney Police, Camera, Action! Motorway Patrol Kojak Magnum, P.I. Minder The Professionals Cheers Cheers Storage Wars The Outlaw Josey Wales Firefox

06:10: 07:00: 07:50: 08:50: 09:25: 11:00: 12:00: 12:05: 14:10: 15:10: 16:00: 17:00: 18:00: 18:30: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 23:05: 00:00: 01:00: 01:55: 05:50:

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 11:00: 12:00: 13:00: 15:00: 15:30: 16:00: 17:00: 19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:20: 23:20: 00:20: 01:00: 01:40:

According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Building the Dream Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun Countdown Deal or No Deal Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Supersize v Superskinny The Undateables What Happens in Sunny Beach... 24 Hours in A and E One Born Every Minute Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA The Fat Fighters Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

Home Shopping Later Live... with Jools Holland The Gadget Show Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Three Men in Another Boat Top Gear Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Man v Food: The Carnivore Chronicles Three Men in Another Boat Top Gear QI XL Suits Mock the Week Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL Mock the Week Mock the Week Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 Children’s TV 08:50: Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00: Tickety Toc 09:15: The Wright Stuff 11:10: Got Thin, Got Fat Again 12:10: 5 News Lunchtime 12:15: Celebrity Big Brother 13:15: Jungle Babies 13:45: Neighbours 14:15: NCIS 15:15: Stolen Innocence 17:00: 5 News at 5 17:30: Neighbours 18:00: Jungle Babies 18:30: Newstalk Live 19:00: World’s Busiest Hotel 20:00: World’s Worst Holiday Horrors 21:00: Celebrity Big Brother 22:00: Botched Up Bodies 23:00: Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00: Super Casino

06:00: 07:00: 08:00: 09:00: 13:00: 14:00: 18:30:



Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Capital One Cup Capital One Cup Sporting Greats Barclays Premier League World A round-up of all the latest headlines from the Barclays Premier League. Including interviews with players and managers, vital team news and insider knowledge. Ringside The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring, and interviews with top pros and experts. NFL

19:00: 20:00: 21:00: 22:00: 22:30: 23:00: 23:45: 00:30: 01:30: 02:00:

12:40: 15:10: 16:45: 18:40: 21:00:

23:45: 01:35:

06:00: 07:00: 08:30: 12:00: 13:00: 16:00:

17:00: 18:00:

22:00: 00:00: 01:00:

Winter Wipeout Motorway Cops Tough Young Teachers Russell Howard’s Good News EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Tough Young Teachers Russell Howard’s Good News Bluestone 42

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea The Tall T Cry ‘Havoc’ Employee of the Month True Lies Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis star in a remake of the 1991 French film La Totale! The Hole Parents

What’s the Story? Capital One Cup Big Bash Cricket What’s the Story? World Pool Masters What’s the Story? Sarah-Jane Mee hosts a discussion on some of the biggest talking points in sport. Viewers will be able to weigh in and pose their questions to big-name studio guests. Capital One Cup Ringside Special Evander Holyfield. The boxing show with all the latest news and views from inside the ring, and interviews with top pros and experts. World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw WWE NXT Big Bash Cricket


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014




Cabinet Doors

JD Surf Board

Birthday Badges

Don't have the right paperwork? Don't speak Spanish? Don't know where to turn? Don't worry! Call 647 057 599 or email help@diana-mcglone.com

this is a little white outfit to fit 0-3mths, it has bonnet boots and coat with pink bows on ...

3 cabinet doors with pine effect outer finish and white inner,, complete with cabinet hinges. 715mm high Including 40 mm deep aluminium handle across the t...

JD "The Missing Link" Signed and Designed in Tenerife. With plenty of volume for the smaller wave and great pick up and speed for big swells. its the per...

120+ birthday badges in a variety of ages from 1 to 65 plus 15 badge/magnet and 3 badge/keyfob....

922 867 478

922 725 059

6 € 689 008 644

15 € 686 924 450

90 € 922 783 809

30 €

Samsonite hard shell cas

Foreign Language Books


Child's play house

all in one

Green with combination locks good condition...

Over 200 foreign language novels. Mixture of paperback and hardback. All 2nd hand. Mainly German, Dutch and Scandinavian languages. Perfect for car boot sa...

Hyundai H1 2.5TD 9 seater minibus, 10 yrs old, 160,000 km, very good condition and ITV....

Childs play house. Good condition. Only used inside....

hand knit baby all in one in pink fit new born...

922 742 257

922 783 809

REF: 3458


922 725 059

10 €

40 €


60 €



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014



double sheet set

Kitesurfing lessons

Child's slide

Incense Sticks

little outfit in lemon bonnet boots and coat fit 0-3mth with white bows on...

Pale green sheet set - standard UK double size - 1 flat, 1 fitted & 2 pillowcases - never been used, but been washed & ironed - Los Cristianos pick up...

English and Russian kitesurfing lessons in El Medano. IKO cert. School. Equipment rentals and storage. Обучение кайтсёрфингу на р...

Child's slide. Good condition. Only used inside house...

Approx 35 packs of incense sticks (20 per box). Variety of fragrances....

922 725 059

922 794 409

REF: 3444


922 783 809


15 €


Water Heater

Tenerife Postcards

baby out fit

I bought this Water Heater but never used it as my plumber found the fault on my old one, I intending keeping it but need cash for Christmas. Contact Allan...

500+ very good quality picture postcards of Tenerife....

this is new baby coat leggings bonnet and boots in baby lemon ...

Electric Scooter, ...

657 061 961

922 783 809

922 725 059

922 791 976

45 €

60 €

60 €

electric scooter


10 €

turquoise top size s-m

bright turquoise cap sleeve t-shirt with nice crochet trim on front. size s-m. collection from san miguel or local delivery in tenerife south. 6 euros ...

950 €

654 873 853


3/4 bed

boom trike low rider

Table Confetti

Play Station One

baby out fit

3/4 bed 180x 135 in very good condition always had mattress protector on collection only...

boom low rider,1600cc vw engine.fitted with nos, dragster exhausts and every possible extra.still on uk plates.cost 36000€ new...

Approx 85 bags of table confetti (14g) including Birthday, Christening, Wedding, Retirement etc price is for the job lot....

Very little used with 6 games good condition...

baby jacket and bonnet hand knitted in lillic fir 6mths...

00 44 797 992 50 € 3869 Apple I phone


922 783 809

922 742 257

922 725 059

Metallic Helium Balloons

gavin & stacey DVD

gold shrug

baby shawl

I phone 3G black working properly and network free, ( Any sim card ) comes with charger/USB cable, Hardback protective case. 130.00 euros...

150+ Metallic Helium Balloons. Mainly Anagram make. Still packaged. Variety of ages, anniversary, wedding, birth, retirement etc... (do not include helium...

brand new never been used.......series 1 and 2. unwanted christmas gift buyer to collect from el medano...

'New Look' gold shrug - size M (I'd say it's a S/M) - unworn/no tag - Los Cristianos pick up...

hand knitted baby shawl in baby blue ...

922 850 087

922 783 809


922 794 409

922 725 059

120 €

15,000 €

75 €

25 €

10 €

10 €



15 €

Table and Chair Set


Music and art lessons

Vespa PX 125/ Disc Brake

Gift Bags

Folding table and 2 chair set in red. For terrace or garden or picnic in car. Compact and easily stored, folds away. New and unused. Tenerife south, Adeje...

Pool table, 7 ft x 6 ft. Full slate bed. 6 ft x 3 ft playing surface. Professional size. Full ball return feature, not coin operated. Maple with chrome...

I offer guitar lessons to beginners and bass guitar lessons (beginners and intermediate) also music theory lessons. South Tenerife. Also painting lessons...

Vespa PX 125/Disc Brake; 2003; Silver- Retro; Stereo/CD player; Immaculate condition- needs matriculated...

430+ gift bags. Variety of sizes from very small (approx. 4cm x 4cm) up to large (approx. 1m x 80cm), plus cd and bottle gift bags....

666 248 656



REF: 3440

922 783 809

19 €

950 €


2,999 €

75 €


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Personal Vibration Machine Brand new in boxes, your own personal weight loss vibration machine. I have 14, will sell individually or make an offer for the lot.

Contact: 603 194 568


Leo’s Cafe Bar

Located in one of the best positions in the Apolo Centre this busy Cafe Bar is being offered for Trespaso. There are 20 tables outside with 4 inside, there is currently Live Music on Sunday’s but this could be increased by the new tenant. The monthly rent is € 1,300 and the trespaso is being offered for € 70,000 O.N.O

Call: 922 78 99 06 or 661 02 86 53


Well educated, well-travelled, well dressed, cultured, graceful, fun beautiful slim blonde with green eyes speaking fluent English from Estonia. Perfect companion for one who loves to explore A stunning young woman full of passion and fire. Looks of a playmate topped of with class & elegance, charming, playful and very open minded. Search no fur ther because I am your ideal companion. xx

Call: (+34) 685 151 429

KELY - LATINA I am a 19 year old Loving Latin girl that offers all services without limits. I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 626 087 5 8 4

Patricia, Venezuelan, Sexy Blonde. I enjoy everything to the maximum without any limits. I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: 610 127 223

ALEJANDRA - COLUMBIAN I am an erotic, sensual and sexual girl. French natural with deep throat, all kinds of positions, kisses, caresses, Erotic Massage. I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

C a ll: (+ 3 4 ) 6 5 0 4 4 2 6 6 5


Simple Well Targeted Advertising Really Works! CORAL - COSTA RICAN I am a sexy, pretty Costa Rican, girl, I lovingly perform sensory massage, with sea salts, mud and hot oil. Then a good natural French until the final penetration.

I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 672 955 326 YENI LOS CRISTIANOS AVAILABLE 24 HRS Venezuelan, Pretty, Hot, Nice Body, Large Natural Breasts, I Can Offer All Services. I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 610 359 991

MONTZE LOS CRISTIANOS Latina, sexy, beautiful, affectionate, French natural, anal vibrator, very comprehensive, dominant. Fetish Private Apartment infront of Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos

Call: (+34) 687 129 426 or 687 129 687 NATALIA, MULATTO,


I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages, Anal and Kisses.

Relaxing Massage, Sensitive, Prostate, on a bed with Hot Oil and Sea Salts. French Natural, Positions and Penetration.

I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. I Can Also Come To Meet You...



605 072 917


I am a loving and pretty girl. All ser vices performed, French natural, Positions. I have no limit.. Deep Greek. I am waiting to meet you at Ave. Los Sabandeños behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 665 303 383

(+34) 610 609 086


Available 24 hrs A Day I am blonde, affectionate, willing to enjoy to the fullest, without limits, I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

Call: (+34) 628 895 416

Fully equipped with all furniture, large office on 1st Floor Coral Mar Square. Previously used as a telesales business.

Contact 629 487 090

Local Markets



9:00 am to 4:00 pm



7:00 pm to 10:00 pm


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Wednesday Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Simple Well Targeted Advertising Really Works! Get your business noticed with an advert in Tenerife´s Biggest and most Popular Weekly Newspaper

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Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


ELITE CLEANING SERVICES Club Atlantis, San Eugenio Office 922 789 795 / Mobile 696 922 597 E-mail - elitetenerife@hotmail.com

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Yoga Vibe Tenerife Complete mind & body workout Classes throughout the South

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Helping Hands

WELDER Tony Rippon Contact Tony on: 609 69 19 37

Fully Legal Based in Tenerife for 25 years

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Helping Hands wishes you a Happy New Year and is happy to be offering a 20% discount valid until the 10th of January so you can get a head start on loving yourself this year!

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Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


Horrific Broken Shin injury caught on Camera


RAZIlIAn Martial artist Anderson Silva, who is regarded as one of the greatest mixed martial arts fighters of all time, has broken his shin in one of the most gruesome sports injuries ever to be filmed. He was competing at the ultimate Fighting Championship in las Vegas, when horrified spectators watched Silva’s

left shin bend grotesquely while he landed a kick on American Chris Weidman’s left leg one minute 16 seconds into the round. A UFC orthopaedic surgeon said Silva had broken his tibia and fibula in the lower part of his left leg. He underwent emergency surgery, but recovery could take up to six months, however, it seems likely his professional career may be over, the UFC said in a statement.

fC Barcelona player receives City tribute


urrounded by family, friends and supporters, FC Barcelona player Pedro Rodríguez ledesma, said he was “very happy” and grateful for the tribute received from the city of granadilla de Abona during which he received the gold medal for sporting merit. “It’s a membership to this proud island and I look forward to leading my country well for many years,” said the player in the hall of the Consistory, where he was joined by Mayor Jaime gonzález Cejas, the municipal corporation, his parents, his wife and son, plus audience. The Blaugrana Granadillero player thanked the council, said he felt privileged and excited on a day called “special” for being in the town where he played for

years before starting to play for FC Barcelona. After receiving the gold medal and signing the book of honors and distinctions, Pedro went to the balcony of the town hall and waved to people who were waiting outside in the square Mena González. Mayor Jaime González Cejas, congratulated the athlete and his entire family, in addition to highlighting this just and fitting tribute by the City to emphasize the perseverance of the Tenerife athlete in overcoming difficulties in playing football. Pedro began his football career in a village team. “Pedro Rodriguez is an irreplaceable example of effort and struggle, perseverance and know how,” said the local mayor, who also joked and asked the Tenerife born player “less passes to Messi and more goals for him.” Pedro Rodríguez has been commended throughout his career for his fair play and nobility in his

behavior, both on and off the field, as well as respect for his opponents. As a child he was passionate about soccer practice, and humble beginnings imposed the need to overcome the economic c o n straints to develop his early football career at Club San Raqui Isidro, Granadilla de Abona.

photos by Gerard Zenou. Added to this, the player is

sport, being a factor of social in-

an inspiration to many children

tegration and in the promotion

in the municipality to start the

of healthy lifestyles.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

Schumacher In A Coma



ormula 1 world champion Michael Schumacher is in a coma in hospital after undergoing emergency brain surgery following a skiing accindent in which he suffered a head injury.

The German, 44, who has won seven world championships and secured 91 race victories during a 19-year career in Formula 1, retired from F1 for a second time in 2012. Schumacher was skiing in Meribel, France when he banged his head on a rock. Although he was wearing a helmet, he was taken by helicopter to hospital in Moutiers before being moved to Grenoble. BBC Radio 5 live F1 correspondent James Allen initially said: “The injury is serious, but not life threatening.” Schumacher’s spokeswoman Sabine Kehm said in a statement: “We ask for understanding that we cannot give out continuous information about his health. “He was wearing a helmet and was not alone. No one else was involved in the fall.”

The German is receiving the attention of Professor Gerard Saillant, a close ally and friend of Schumacher and his former Ferrari team boss Jean Todt. Saillant is an expert in brain and spine injury. He oversaw Schumacher’s medical care when the German broke his leg in the 1999 British GP. After the surgery it was revealed at a press conference that brain surgeons battled throughout the night to save the life of the 44-year-old following the horrific fall on Sunday. He is still ‘fighting for his life’ and remains in a coma, said his anaesthetist Jean-Francois Payen, who added: ‘We are working hour by hour’. Speaking at a press conference at the Grenoble Hospital, in eastern France, Mr Payen added: ‘We judge him to be in a very serious situation. We cannot tell what the outcome will be yet. ‘We are working hour-by-hour but it’s too early to say what is going to happen and to have a prognosis. We think his helmet did help, without a helmet he wouldn’t be here now.’ On Sunday night, the Dauphine Libere newspaper in Grenoble reported that the German’s life was in danger. Its report read: ‘The state of health of the veteran driver has worsened and his condition is considered lifethreatening, according to our information.’

Christophe Gernignon-Lecomte, director of the Meribel resort where he suffered his injury, said: “he was a little shaken but conscious” after crashing. However he was rushed into the operating room on Sunday night for emergency surgery to remove clots from his brain.

London Olympic


ussian wrestler Besik Kudukhov, who won a silver medal at the London Olympics has been killed in a motoring accident in his home country. The silver medalist died after his car collided with a lorry travelling between the cities of Vladikavkaz and Krasnodar. A statement from the Wrestling Federation of Russia read: “The tragedy occurred on the federal highway near Armavir. The Wrestling Federation of Russia, wrestlers and coaches of Russia and the whole wrestling community extends its condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. We mourn deeply with you. The memory of Besik Kudukhov will remain forever in our hearts.”

Medalist Killed


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


tHe SPOrtS SCene By Colin Kirby

Final Thriller Oozing With Goals A tough one to call, Real Madrid had won all their games but Espanyol had got better as the tournament unfolded, it turned into a treat for Canal Plus viewers all over Spain and especially the 7,500 fans that packed into the stadium. Espanyol came out all guns blazing, nicolas forced a save and Arnau hit the bar. Marcos was prompt-

ing Real’s best moves down the right and Pedro, the youngest player in the tournament showed plenty of his skills. Reda made the breakthrough, tall and bustling, like an old style English forward, he was everywhere sniffing for a half chance, after 13 minutes he pounced with a great header. Just before the end of the first 20 minutes he made another opening and Alejandro drilled the ball in the net. Espanyol looked comfort-

able but after the break the coach used the roll on roll off sub rule to rest Reda and Alejandro and it let Madrid back in. Real put the pressure on and Diego revived their chances with a well taken volley. Espanyol brought their two strongest players back and took control again, Kilian was through on goal but replacement Real goalie Alejandro raced out to deprive him with a strong challenge. The tiny Nicholas was making his mark on the game and added a third goal, but Madrid

showed great character to hit back switching to the other end for Diego to score for Madrid to set up a tense last few minutes. Espanyol weren’t going to let this go and as their celebrations at the final whistle showed their delight. Real Madrid played a full part in a memorable game and as Espanyol brought the trophy down from the presentation box the Real players formed a guard of honour for them – a gesture that summed up the spirit of this tournament. Don’t let the cynics get to you – football has plenty to look forward to, Arona was privileged to get a glimpse of 156 future stars, they were all a credit to their sport.

one eye on the iberostar tenerife Window for Cd tenerife shooting High for 2014 Y W ith the team not back in action until 4 January off field matters are on everyone’s minds at CD Tenerife. The January transfer window is now open and President Miguel Concepcion has said that a few new players can be brought in, as long as some dead wood is cleaned out.

The big concern for fans is the future of rising star Ayoze Perez, he is worth millions to the club and boosted his worth in last Monday nights charity game in Real Madrid’s Bernabeu Stadium. A star player from each Segunda division team played for the UNICEF charity Champions For Life and raised 550,000 euros for the Philippines appeal. Ayoze had 30 minutes for the East team and scored a good goal as they beat the West 8-6. CD Tenerife need to build on a winning 2013, the B team are in second place in their Tercera division group and in fine form with a 6-1 win last week. Many of the clubs best young prospects will aspire to be the next Ayoze, young forward Nano is the latest to be invited to train with the seniors. Against that hope is the uncertainty over the clubs finances, President Concepcion has deferred the annual accounts for some fine tuning and former player Pier Cherubino is massing support in the wings to take over as the next President. One thing is for sure, it’s never dull at the Heliodoro.

ou can never predict who will be the star turn for Iberostar Tenerife basketball team, their players seem to take it in turns to grab the spotlight. At laboral Kutxa last Friday Ricardo uriz was the man of the match with 26 points just shading out Saul Blanco on 24. Tenerife dominated every quarter thanks to Blagota Sekulic with

16 and a welcome return to form for luke Sikma with 13 points.

Whether it was free shots or rebounds, Tenerife outscored the Vitoria side with quarter scores of 19-25, 1620, 24-25, and 24-25 again. In front of a bumper festive crowd of 10,089 the La Laguna yellows were untouchable. Moving on to Monday they were back home and up against Ucam Murcia, another big win 82-69 but some very erratic swings in play. The first and last quar-

ters were fairly comfortable 24-19 and 24-18 scores but they lost the second 11-25 and roared back to take the third 23-7. This time Blagota Sekulic stole the honours with a whopping 27 points, Levi Rost weighed in with 16, and Saul Blanco added 13. The Pabellon Santiago Martin stadium was rocking again with a 4,107 crowd. That puts Iberostar Tenerife in 7th place, the ideal platform to push on for a top four finish to continue their constant improvement.



Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014

hat a terrific final, a 3-2 win for Espanyol over Real Madrid was a fitting finale to three days of skill, sporting play, and enthusiasm. These sides emerged as the best of the 12 competing clubs over 26 games but big credit to them all for showing football at its best in Playa de Las Americas. From the first kick off on the Friday morning the under 12’s gave their all, a 3-2 win for Sevilla over Barcelona set the tone as the three groups jostled for superiority. It was all very slick and well organized with the next two teams loosening up behind the shortened pitch and then taking their places for

kick off in front of the cameras as the previous matches concluded. Group A was to produce the eventual finalists, Real Madrid looked full of goals with a 5-1 win over Chelsea, shading a 2-1 win over Espanyol and 2-0 over Granada. Winners for the last two years Atletico Madid topped Group B with a 2-0 victory over Valencia followed by thrilling 3-2 wins over Paris St Germain and Borrusia Dortmund. Group C was closer with Sevilla emerging top and Juventus doing enough with three draws to put Barcelona out of the competition. After battling through the next stage the semi finals pitched Juventus against Espanyol. The cautious Italians big forward Babacar was outshone by the

Chelsea Win Friends And Experience I t wasn’t just about the winning, the Chelsea squad didn’t get through their opening group that contained the two finalists, but they thoroughly enjoyed their time in Tenerife and took back great memories and some valuable football lessons. Head coach Ian Howell knows it will

benefit them as players and people. “ It was great to test ourselves against players of such a high caliber and with different styles of play. We normally play more 11 a side games so the format was a challenge for us and because the school years are different in England, our teams are always a few months behind on development compared to the European teams. Our players had a great time and it’s all about learning and adapt-


Pure Football, Pure Pleasure As Espanyol Win Arona 7’s

smooth Espanyol with their impressive forward Reda setting up Arnau for the only goal. In the other game Valencia

ing as they grow. The organization was top class, all the teams that went out of the groups were able to use the smaller stadium next door for games against each other, that was really appreciated as we packed in loads of playing.” Tour leader Ben Knight echoed those positive views. “ It’s been an amazing experience from flying in via Madrid on Friday to settling into the players hotel a few minutes from the ground and of course the football itself. The facilities here are some of the best around, we have made lots of good friends and been invited to another tournament in Real Sociedad. On the final day we took the lads down to the beach for some sun, sea, and a bit of beach football, they really enjoyed that. We would love to come back next year.”

were blitzed by Real Madrid 4-0 with Angolan inspiration Pedro and nippy goal scorer Arribas leading the way.


Tenerife Weekly - 3rd January 2014 - 9th January 2014


QuiCK CrossWord



18. Yes vote 20. Distress signal (1,1,1) 21. Siesta 23. That female 25. Soft seedy fruit 26. Direction indicator 28. Looked up & down 30. 1000 grams 31. University faculty

head 32. Small rodents 34. Shockingly vivid 35. Nominate 37. The ... & The Pussycat 39. Occupy with personnel 40. Chocolate ... cake 41. Used spade

43. Pen tip 45. Large jug 48. Infiltrating spy 50. Twosome 51. World fair 52. December 31 (3,4’1,3) 53. Paradise 54. The ... of Capri


7. School exam 8. Epic journey 9. Rates 14. Current unit 16. Belonging to that 18. Become beached, run ... 19. Wearing away 22. Crooked 24. Red hair rinse

25. Fe, fie, fo, ... 26. Entire number of 27. Tie the knot 29. Expected 33. Strong painkiller 36. Add-on buildings 38. Keep out of sight, ... low 39. Cow sound

40. Canadian flag leaf 42. Opposite of rural 44. Chap 46. Tiny bird 47. Sunbeams 48. Dish, bangers & ... 49. Jeans pioneer, ... Strauss

1. Money box, piggy ... 7. Warty creature 10. Not stipulated 11. Team 12. Auld Lang ... 13. Kit 15. Perches 17. Hawaiian garland 1. Peste herb 2. Poking (in ribs) 3. Respectfully, on bended ... 4. Jockey’s boot spike 5. Frightening 6. Alien spacecraft (1,1,2)

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answers to the QUICK CROSSWORD are on page 2

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