Tenerife weekly issue 104

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Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Editor Marc Craig editor@tenerife-weekly.com Manager & Production Stephen Eade design@tenerife-weekly.com


John Sharples Steve Andrews Diane McGlone English Time

The material contained within Tenerife Weekly may not to be reproduced unless permission has been received from the Owner. Disclaimer

CONTRIBUTERS Sir Old Golfer Barry Pugh Marc Craig Paul Ling Colin Kirby

The opinion of the owner or staff of Tenerife Weekly is not necessarily mirrored in the opinions or assertions made by any of our contributors.

Janet Anscombe Red Queen Musings lagomera1.blogspot Adeje Blog


While we strive to bring you a quality newspaper Tenerife Weekly cannot be held responsible for the print quality of this publication. The responsibility for print quality lies directly with our printers (TF Print, S.A.). Please be aware that by advertising in Tenerife Weekly you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

PUB QUIZ (Page 34) 1. Midas 2. Jack Nicholson 3. David Jason 4. Cartier 5. The Bastille 6. Michelangelo 7. The Sentinel 8. Agatha Christie’s 9. Gottlieb Daimler’s 10. 1968 11. 47

SUDOKU Easy (Page 16)


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Issue 104

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While Tenerife Weekly makes every realistic effort to inspect the contents of all of our advertising, it cannot be held responsible for any assertions or declarations they may make.

SUDOKU Challenging (Page 16)

Owner & Publisher - Christopher Miller

1. Small Ball 2. Roam Home 3. Scat Cat 4. Trance Dance 5. Rhyme Time 6. Swine Whine 7. Rare Chair 8. Frail Male 9. Boat Quote 10. Owl Scowl 11. Fake Quake 12. Jail Mail 13. Crisp Lisp 14. Scoop Poop 15. Test expert


HINK PINKS (Page 38)


Solutions to this week’s puzzles




I’ve always loved the written word. I suppose it’s because for as long as I remember my father’s been in the book business, my bedtime stories were the classics, the Hobbit, Oliver Twist, Alice in Wonderland, every Christmas my stocking fillers were books of all types. So when I was asked last year to contribute as a columnist for the Tenerife Weekly I couldn’t wait to see my words in print every week!

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013 Now after what seems like the blink of an eye, our beloved editor Lorna Eade is moving off to fresh pastures and I’m being handed the keys to the office. I’m honored (and a little daunted) to be trusted with this great newspaper that I’m proud to be part of and I promise I’ll do my very best to keep up the fine quality that this publication has so far achieved Good luck Lorna and Stephen, We’ll miss you. So, what a week of news for my first edition as editor! Lots of local

Continued from page 1


news, some tragic like the death of a paraglider, but it wasn’t all doom and gloom, I’m seriously tempted to visit La Fiesta de San Andres and get involved in the running of the tables, sounds like great fun! I’m not too sure about the alarm clock that predicts your death, I’d rather not know thank you very much! I hope you enjoy my first issue as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together; Right, I’m off for a well earned siesta.

Marc Craig

Gadgets and gizmos!

Adeje Council is sponsoring a gadget competition in schools in the borough.

This Sunday November 17th marks the 104th anniversary of the eruption of Chinyero.

A committee of parishioners from Tamaimo, along with the village pastor organise this commemoration every year. This coming Sunday, November 17th, commemorates the 104 years of the eruption Chinyero in the municipality of Santiago Del Teide, which last erupted on the island in November 1909 from 18th to 28th November. To mark this special day, the whole neighborhood will join a procession, carrying with them a statue of Santa Ana along with other images from different parts of the municipality to the area known as El Calvario in the town of Las Manchas, where residents at the time, for fear of it being destroyed by the lava, took the statue from the village of Tamaimo, covering about 8 miles on foot away from the volcano’s lava, which inexplicably stopped flowing and did not advance any further. This is why today religious villagers carry the image to celebrate the event.

The day will start at 12:00 pm with the traditional commemoration service, officiated by Pastor Diego Rodriguez, which will be attended by members of the local council and many residents. Then the image of Santa Ana will be carried in procession on foot, as it was 103 years ago to recreate the time when the lava stopped in front of the image. Once the procession is over the tired and hungry walkers can sit down to a plate of paella.

To mark the festival of San Andrés and as part of the ongoing recycling campaign, Adeje council is encouraging children in local schools to take part in a ‘cacharro’ competition. A ‘cacharro’ can be interpreted as a gadget or gizmo, which in this instance should be made from recycled materials, cans, boxes, etc. The competition is co-ordinated by the council’s education department. Children can submit their entries at their local schools between November 15th and 28th.. Prizes will be school materials valued at 40, 25 and 15 Euros. The feast day of San Andres, on November 30th, is traditionally celebrated here with children making as much noise as possible dragging string with empty cans or pots and pans tied together. All children who are currently studying in Adeje’s public schools can take part, and all the projects should be made from recycled materials. This year one of the aims of the campaign is also to promote family participation, so parents are encouraged to help the children in primary schools as much as they like. Students in secondary schools should work individually. Initial selections will be made by teams at each of the participating schools, and a maximum of 12 finalists from each centre can go

La Fiesta De San Granadilla girl wins second place in Miss Universe contest Andres 23-year-old Granadilla girl Patricia Yurena Rodríguez has come second in Saturday’s Miss Universe contest, one of the “big four” beauty contests along with Miss World, Miss International, and Miss Earth. This year’s contest was held in Moscow, and was won by Venezuela’s María Gabriela Isler. Patricia was Miss Spain in 2008 at just 17 but was at the time one month too young to go on to represent Spain in Miss Universe that year. Now, five years later, she is runner up, the “primera dama de honor”. Congratulations, and well done to her!

Every November, Icod has one of their most popular parties, La Fiesta De San Andres. A celebration which has a special role in this northern town, you can sample new vintages of wine and feast on chestnuts. The City Council of the City of Drago prepares a varied programme of events that features traditional and symbolic acts like uncorking the first bottle of the crop year as well as awarding the wine industry trophy.

La Fiesta De San Andres is celebrated on November 30, though it is on the eve when customary “running the tables” which involves dragging wooden boards carrying one or more people through the steep pathways and historic neighbourhoods to celebrate the opening of the cellars. This is a tradition unique to the city of Drago, but over the years it has

forward for selection. After the voting, all the finalists will be on display at the Adeje Cultural Centre. More details and the rules of the competition can be found on the Adeje website, www. adeje.es

been expanding to neighbouring municipalities. The tradition goes back to an old carpentry practice when pack animals would carry a person on planks and timber, running from the upper area of the town to the sawmill in the Port of San Marcos where it was shipped. The winemakers used to carry the empty casks from the cellars in high up areas down to the beach, for cleaning with salt water that they used for removing inner-acids, before introducing the fermented mash. In the absence of adequate transportation, the barrels were carried downhill, either rolling them or on boards, this way they moved the barrels toward the sea, protecting them from obstacles on the ground. Many of those who participated in this custom saw amusement in this transport system, perhaps with younger workers jumping aboard, making the chore of cleaning the barrels a day of fun. With the passage of time and improved means of transport, this practice ceased, and these days the tradition is celebrated every year at the fiesta.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


spain’s justice Minister, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, has announced that the Spanish cabinet has approved a modification to the Civil Code which will allow marriages to be celebrated in front of notaries. Notaries will also be able to process divorces, a measure which deputy PM SorayaSáenz de Santamaría said would free up the Courts. The package of measures includes the raising of the minimum age of marriage in Spain from 14 to 16. The reforms will come into force as soon as they are approved by Parliament. The trade fair institution of Tenerife has recently launched an online ticket service. The economic Vice President and Minister of employment and economic development, Efraín Medina, says that “the idea is born with the intention of solving the long queues to buy an entry in fairs such as Exposaldo, the PIT or Tenerife Lan Party, among others, while confirming that” the system will be available for all fairs organized by the Cabildo”.” Medina explained that the procedure is very simple, since from the website of the trade fair institution www.recintoferialdetenerife.com there will be a link to buy tickets for more upcoming events. With any credit or debit card tickets can purchased. The system will issue a QR code for each purchased ticket and with this code, printed or stored on a smartphone, you can access the fair. A 29-year-old las Galletas man has been arrested for the murder of his girlfriend’s ex-husband. The arrest was made by the Guardia Civil, who were responding to an alert raised by a couple of off-duty National Police officers who had found the body of the 45-year-old man inside a vehicle in a car park in the town. The Guardia officers attending found that the man had lost a great deal of blood due to a knife wound on his left side which seems to have severed the femoral artery.Initial enquiries led quickly to the identification of the man now under arrest, who appears to have admitted the attack, claiming self-defence during a struggle in which the dead man was attempting to gain forced entry to the woman’s dwelling. The “aggressor” handed over the knife allegedly used, which had been washed and put away in a drawer.The detainee is in the jurisdiction of Arona Court 4. Candelaria Canary Coalition has launched its website, www.coalicioncanariacandelaria.org. The new website will have different sections that will inform members and supporters about local nationalist group’s activities, in addition to direct access to the major social networks. The aim of this new page is to open a new meeting point with other users, a place they can go to share experiences, discuss their concerns, raise their grievances and address nationalist councilors. It is intended not only for members and supporters but also for anyone who wants to access information of interest on the town and the city. seventeen people have been charged in connection with a vehicle mileage scam uncovered in Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Lanzarote. So far nearly 300 complaints have been reported to the Court of Instruction No. 3 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria which is investigating various car dealers, seven in particular, located in Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Tenerife who have allegedly been clocking back the mileage on second cars to get a better price. The defendants were buying ex-rental vehicles from the mainland and then transferring them to the archipelago where the milometers were tampered with.

ThE mayor of Adeje, josé Miguel rodríguez Fraga, was in Madrid this morning to collect the City of science and innovation prize awarded by spain’s Ministry of Finance.

Adeje will now form part of the Innpulsa national network which allows direct access to innovation and information projects, European assistance, help for small and medium enterprises in the borough, etc. The mayor was accompanied by the Adeje councillor for local development Ermitas Moreira, and following the ceremony both were present at the first working day of Innpulsa with the Minister and other members of the network. Mayor Rodríguez Fraga said it was “a huge honour to be in Madrid to collect this award on behalf of the people of Adeje”. He added that it was a prize for the borough, “for its modern and innovate work. We join this network with the hope and expectation that we can continue to work on the front line. One of the most important aspects of this prize is that it is not just a symbolic recognition, but also signifies Adeje’s acceptance into a network which will allow us to access the world of innovation, European assistance, offer help to small and medium enterprises, lines of credit…it brings a huge amount of momentum to the town”. Adeje was the only town of its size (between 20 and 100 thousand inhabitants) in Spain to be awarded this prize, “and also the only tourist borough” qualified Rodriguez Fraga. In other town size categories A Coruña, Salinas (Alicante) and Puerto Lumbreras (Murcia) also won coveted prizes. The Adeje mayor said, during his acceptance speech, that “we are facing the challenge of building the future, finding the right way to face the new changes which we meet daily, which make our lives more complicated, more dynamic. I accept this award as a recognition of important work done in the field of innovation, that has seen us deal with profound changes, in a borough that has transformed from being a mainly agricultural society of 6,000 inhabitants to a tourist destination with more than 50,000 residents of over 120 different nationalities.” He continued, “recognition is motivational and aspirational, helping us advance, not just in the areas where the Council may be present but also in different sectors, in business, social sectors, trade unions…we are working to consolidate and maintain a healthy tourist destination in a very competitive world.” Why did Adeje receive this


mayor of adeje receives award

award? The Finance Ministry awarded Spanish councils, such as Adeje, who demonstrated levels of effort and commitment in I+D+i (Investigation + development + innovation), creating opportunities for strengthening and promoting science and innovation from a municipal platform. The Council has invested in infrastructures that favour economic sustainability and sponsor growth in the borough based on knowledge and innovation. Adeje’s candidature also included initiatives, ideas and innovative projects which proved to the Ministry that Adeje indeed had accomplished the requirements of I+D+i standards, and that the contribution of the council in this field had led directly to the improvement of the production model on offer. In the official documentation presented by Adeje a number of initiatives were mentioned, including Adeje Impulsa: Development Strategies; Factoría de Innovación Turística de Canarias (FITC); The Centro de Desarrollo Turístico de Costa Adeje (CDTCA) building; Innovation Project/Municipal Undertaking on Fibre Optics (VoIP, FTTH); Arena Geste; Escuela Taller Creativec; Jornada Adejetec; Programa Filae; Campus Universitario de Adeje; Proyecto Red NI2; Digitalisation of the towns archives; I+D+1 Programmes (Punto PAIT, FIPE, E-Communicae) and the WAF Architecture Prize for the Plaza de España de Adeje. “As you can see, it’s a long list of projects and initiatives which, taken all together, are part of a strategy of developmental change undertaken in recent years by the council, and which today is bearing fruit”, concluded the mayor.

www.tenerife-weekly.com By Marc Craig Welcome Back!! The more observant of you will have noticed that there has been no TW for a few weeks-that’s because we’ve been on our jollies! That also means I’ve had a couple of weeks off from my other “real” job - as resident singer at Vivo, which in turn means, as we didn’t leave the Canaries, we’ve been on a lot of days out, which in turn means I’ve got something to write about for the next few issues!!

Before I begin I’d like to add, these articles are just my personal thoughts about the places we visit, and contrary to what seems to be a popular misconception, we don’t get “comped”, I’ve never “blagged a freebie” everything we do is paid for with our own hard earned cash!!!! For our first day out during our holidays, we decided to pay a long overdue return visit to El Parque De Las Aguilas, The Eagle Park or Jungle Park as it’s also known. Incredibly, we realized it has been 5 or 6 years since we’ve last visited the park, and honestly, not much has changed, far as we could tell, although I wouldn’t call that a criticism, for an exotic animal park it ticks pretty much every box! I wanted to give a brief history of the park but unfortunately, as hard as I tried I found very little information during my research online-no mention of how long it’s been there, who built it etc....I do seem to recall a local years ago telling me the inspiration for the park was the famous Busch Gardens in Florida, and parts of the park were modeled on the popular Tampa, Florida attraction. Although I can’t prove this to be the case, I been to both and can certainly make that comparison sometimes I think it’s a

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

So I guess we’re getting a Sea Lion!!

shame that it’s so hard to dig a little deeper into local attractions and their history, so often all you get are opening times and prices. Anyway, this is what I did find out, the park, situated above Chayofa, just minutes on the free bus service from Los Cristianos and Las Americas; “Las Águilas Jungle Park is a zoological and botanical park located near the Los Cristianos beach on the Canary Island of Tenerife. Consisting of 7.5 hectares (19 acres) of jungle with over 500 animals, the park contains a number walking paths with tunnels, suspension bridges, waterfalls, lagoons, and caves. The park also boasts daily flight shows featuring exotic birds

and birds of prey.” Owned and operated by the largest tourism group in Europe, Aspro Ocio S.A. The Spanish company owns the large chain of water parks known as Aqualand, which of course is represented in Tenerife also. We arrived bright and early just after the park had opened (opening times all year round are 10am-17.30pm), admission is 24 Euros for adults or 18.50 Euros for residents, children 17 Euros or 14 Euros and toddlers, 8 Euros or 6.50 Euros. Bizarrely the prices seem to go by height not age so if you’re vertically challenged you may get a bargain!! Making our way down into the park, past the enclosure for the beautiful white Tigers, a photographer awaits you

with a huge Eagle Owl and 2 cheeky Cockatoos whose comedy routine includes baby impersonations and removing headgear!! The park itself is a labyrinth of paths, tunnels, suspended


walkways, rope bridges and much more, with countless, roomy enclosures for a multitude of birds, mammals and reptiles-the lions, tigers, leopards and the black Jaguar were my favourites, but meerkats, porcupine, orangutans, chimps, gibbons, crocodiles, alligators, the list goes on and on! It’s worth keeping track of everything with the small map provided as it’s easy to get turned around and pay attention to the many signs to help you find what you missed it’s also worth mentioning that although it’s possible to take a wheelchair, I’ve done it, be prepared, its bloody hard work!! Of course it’s called the Eagle Park for a reason, which brings me neatly to the 3 shows available throughout the day, parrots and exotic birds (11 and 14.30), Birds of Prey (12 and 16.00) and the sea-lions (13.45 and 15.15). I must admit I’ve never seen the parrot show but that’s just a personal choice, I’m sure judging by the standards of the other shows, it’s very entertaining. The Birds of Prey show is unlike anything I’ve seen anywhere else, we sat in an open amphitheater whilst dozens of eagles, kites, vultures, storks and many more swooped down barely missing our heads to the trainers food laden arms, sometimes from thousands of feet aboveindeed they don’t always come straight back-fellow TW contributor The Red Queen lives close by and has some great stories about birds going walkabout or rather fly about -Years ago I myself had to defend my little cat from a hungry looking Condor up in Roque Del Conde!! It’s truly impressive but our favourite part of the day had to be the sea-lions, so much like aquatic versions of man’s best friend, the 2 girls Cookie and Senna had us totally enchanted...I’m just glad we haven’t got a pool or we’d be taking one home!! We ended the day with a quick go on the jungle raid obstacle course and a quick circuit on the “Bob”, a toboggan ride that costs an additional 4 euros but it’s great fun!! The Jungle Park is a great day out, a classic example of “if it ain’t broke...don’t fix it”!!


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


www.tenerife-weekly.com By Colin Kirby. Offered 16% strength Fig Liquor just after 10 am on a Sunday morning I of course accepted reluctantly. It was rather nice, sweet and tasty, it put a glow in my belly to match the searing temperatures outside.

This was the second and final day of the Canarian Food Fair in Los Cristianos and even so soon after opening the marquee flaps it was thronging with people. Back to the liquor, and I was tempted back several times, it was from La Palma and made from local fruits. Their others flavours sounded tempting too especially the Red Prickles Figs. There was much more to see and tastes, Arona Ayuntamiento (council) are in the fourth year of welcoming the best produce from the seven islands. Santiago del Teide were certainly giving us this day our daily bread, and in such scrummy looking varieties. A mountain of dark brooding loaves caught my eye but they were surrounded by enough different textures and colours to satisfy anyone. A little cheese to accompany the staff of life maybe? All the islands produce award winning cheeses, goats produce is a particular favourite, in Guimar they have a proud tradition of scooping awards and their table was groaning under the weight of some tasty looking wheels of cheese. I’m sure at one point I could hear Wallace and Gromit tunneling in to grab their share. Mojo sauce was popping up everywhere and it wasn’t just a choice between smooth green and hot red, I tried one made with cheese that was pretty neat and another with almonds – a definite win-

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Who Ate All The Pies, Cakes, Biscuits, Bread…..

ner that one. Jams were juggling for attention, and an El Hierro outlet had even produced an English style marmalade. Spices were doing a good trade on a la Laguna table and biscuits and sweets were top of the sampling offers – I couldn’t resist. Cakes got a lot of interest, maybe it’s the baking craze fuelled by TV, I spotted a stunning Lemon Pie. But what of the wines I hear you cry, don’t worry

there were plenty. I tried several nice red varieties the previous afternoon just before my swim – ah that’s how I ended up in La Gomera. The idea of the show was to boost sales for home grown produce and there were a lot of people buying, a few tasty parties were being arranged for the next week and many visitors would be going home smitten by the flavours of the Canary Islands.

Santa Cruz Open Free Guided Air Museum Walking Tour

Santa Cruz will become an open air museum in what is a unique opportunity to see seven original Henry Moore bronzes. The sculptures will be in the main streets and squares in the city until 1 December, when they will be taken as a touring exhibition to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Valencia, Bilbao and Seville. The displays are intended to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the great open air sculpture exhibition of December-January 1973-74. All the bronzes are “late stage” works of the famous British sculptor: www.henry-moore.org is a link to the Henry Moore Foundation website for those who aren’t familiar with him. The exhibition, part of the Street Art Obra Social La Caixaprogramme, is unprecedented in Spain. The head of Collections and Exhibitions at the Henry Moore Foundation, Anita Feldman, said “It is a unique

Tenerife’s Capital, Santa Cruz, is now offering free guided walking tours of the city for 365 days of the year. The City Expert Company, Santa Cruz, who have been awarded the provision of Tourist Information Services for the city, have already launched the first two tours, which show the attractions of the historic centre of the capital and the Garcia Sanabria Park.

By Janetanscombe.com

By newsinthesun.com

event and I think Moore would be very pleased to see his

sculptures in an urban environment”.

The route through the historical area can be taken from Monday to Sunday at midday, meeting in the Plaza De España, while the Garcia Sanabria Park route, also held throughout the week at 2pm leaves from the park’s floral clock. Both tours last ap-

proximately an hour and are offered in Spanish and English. Custom routes for groups can be organised. For more information call City Expert on 922 28 95 36 or the Office of Tourism Development Company on 922 29 97 49


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


CrYptiC CroSSWord

vivo.10469 ACROSS

1. Picked around London initially and preserved in vinegar (7) 5. Pay Phil out gladly (7) 9. Certificate granted for diplomatic removal of facial twitch (7) 10. American President gets Colin confused between one end of lemon and the other (7) 11. Spooner says better locks needed for mail depository (9) 12. Forcefully move most of heaven (5)

13. Re-model tattoo to include Greek letter (5) 15. Commanding Officer has a thousand Roman models of Bach, Handel and the like (9) 17. Sid cheats badly and is disciplined (9) 19. Even players itch to become song-like (5) 22. Savoury jelly was the cause of Cleopatra’s death, I see (5) 23. Pa, mystery said to surround a fortune-telling art (9) 25. Changing zero minus zero is foreboding (7) 26. Ten IRA Iagitate with inactivity (7) 27. Landscape featured on stage (7) 28. When sea duty organised? (7)

1. Played barefoot in the water when head psychiatrist addled (7) 2. Type of punishment found in country’s leading city (7) 3. Look, oyster oddly unfastened (5) 4. Draws round back of downsides (9) 5. It’s said he licks a spiral shape (5) 6. Judy’s puppet partner to roll out a piece of tableware (9) 7. Quarantine after Lois ate in a mess (7)

8. Seek any silly Americans (7) 14. Garfunkel I strangle with a vegetable (9) 16. Edam still processed by winning sports person (9) 17. Ray surrounded by Con’s drawing implements (7) 18. Make aware of a very quiet rise (7) 20. Spun round to tread awry (7) 21. Teary sort to shout out term of endearment (7) 23. Beginning to pursue utter selfishness has you very assertive (5) 24. Vampire nearly too much for this girl (5)


Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answer to the CRYPTIC CROSSWORD is on page 2

www.tenerife-weekly.com Four campaigners are going door to door with information about the ‘Adeje, clean and healthy’ message.

Four young women from Adeje are going door to door in the borough bringing information about the council’s new campaign on pet care and the environment to residents. The four were hired through the borough’s job centres. According to the councillor for the environment, Esther Rivero Vargas, who is also responsible for the campaign, the four young women met a number of requirements and were chosen as they demonstrated the social skills necessary for engaging with the Adeje public, are from the borough, and were previously on the dole. The four are hired via the company that is contracted to keep Adeje clean, Ascan Torrabonaf, and will spend the next six months calling to the homes of Adeje residents discussing the campaign with them, giving them the latest information on the benefits of recycling, the types of rubbish to be placed in each of the different coloured containers placed all over the borough and the plusses of a cleaner town. They are also discussing the duties and benefits of pet ownership. Before they began their boroughwide information drive all four

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Door To Door Campaign Underway By englishtimeadeje

received training in a number of aspects to help them impart the information in the best and most accessible manner possible. So far the four report an excellent level of interaction with residents – they began their work in Callao Salvaje, where just a few weeks ago Adeje mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, held a public meeting with residents in the zone, and at which the information team were presented, This was followed by a public meeting in Playa Paraíso and the mayor also visited Miraverde last week. Over the coming months all the zones within the borough will host meetings and be visited by the very friendly information team! As well as presenting residents with the information booklet they will also let residents know where they can download more information on the campaign in English, French and German.

Local Government Parque de la Reina Road Supports RV Presence Collapse The Minister of Environment of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Ana Lupe Mora, has stated its intention to “promote RV tourism as an alternative tourism that is sustainable and environmentally friendly.” These statements were expressed in the course of the celebration of motor homes ‘friendly and sustainable tourism’, which took place recently in the municipality of La Orotava.

The meeting was also attended by local mayor, Isaac Valencia, the counselor island of Citizen Participation, Coromoto Yanes, and the president of the Ecological Association of Costa Adeje, Tenerife Motor homes, Acat, Isidoro Dorta, among others. In the opening ceremony, Ana Lupe Mora highlighted the need to provide for these vehicles in recreational areas, and invited Acat representatives to participate in working groups, when

planning any changes to recreational areas. Participation by the Cabildo in these sessions is part of the campaign undertaken by the Department of the Environment, in order to enhance the natural values ​​of the natural areas of the island, making them compatible with their conservation. In this regard, it is of great importance to have the cooperation of users whose desire to enjoy nature, ​​respecting and promot-

ing them should be a priority. Enabling areas for motor homes in the camping areas is one of the aims for improvement regarding recreational facilities in forest areas. The camping areas are designed for one type of user who wants to camp for a short period of time in a privileged environment and as such must comply with the rules associated with the camping area itself, especially in relation to the control of wastes and effluents.

By janetanscombe.com The collapse of a wall of natural rock at the entrance to Parque de La Reina at 3.45pm not only closed the road itself but also caused long tailbacks on the TF1. Thankfully only one car was damaged, and no people were hurt, but it was a lucky escape for one bus full of children. Sources say that this example shows the vulnerability of such walls, and stressed that this collapse occurred in dry weather, saying that the risk is clearly considerably greater in heavy rain. What the solution is when such walls are commonplace, I don’t know.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

marry in front of notary By dianamcglone.com As part of a reform of the Civil Code you will soon be able to marry or divorce in front of a spanish notary public, for just a 95 euros fee, although only divorces where no minors are involved and the split is by mutual agreement between the couple. The Minister of Justice, Alberto RuizGallardón, announced the measure at a press conference saying that it is a measure that will “streamline Civil Registry and court waiting lists” Gallardón explained that 95 euros is a lower price than already charged by some municipalities. Up to now in Spain there were three avenues for marriage: religious, civil proceedings before the civil registrar (a judge) or before local mayors and councillors. Now it will also be possible for the Notary to perform the ceremony at a place of the couple’s choosing, which was impossible for civil registry public officials, who could not officiate outside the town hall or court house.


ThE Museum of science and the Cosmos, the Cabildo of Tenerife, recently hosted a conference on primatology under the title “la Casa Amarilla.

This year, 2013, will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first research with nonhuman primates in the world, in the Yellow House in Puerto de la Cruz. The Tenerife Minister of Museums, Amaya Conde, stated; “in 2013 commemorating the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the large research center that was the Yellow House. It was a scientific research on primates that had international repercussions. “ Conde said that; “public assistance in such celebrations demonstrates the high level of interest that exists in society by science, and the duty that we have, as Administration, circulated”. “We have to be proud of our past, ‘he said taking our sights on the future.” It was in Tenerife, a century ago, when a group of scientists began the journey in the world of comparative psychology and primatology (early research on chimpanzee behavior). The primary responsibility of this was the renowned psychologist Wolfgang Köhler, one of the three founders of Gestalt psychology, whose experiments on cognition in chimpanzees constitute a milestone in the world of Science and history of psychology. The so-called Yellow House, located in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, hosted the First primatological research center in the world, during the years 1913-1918, One of his goals was to advance the study and dissemination of the theory of evolution of Darwin worldwide. Psychologist Wolfgang Köhler (18871967), conducted studies on the ape’s ability to solve problems that resulted in an

icod de los vinos

santiago del Teide

la orotava

El sauzal

C/ Grande 1, 38670, Adeje. Plaza Luis de León Huertas, Tel: 922 756 200 - 922 710 1, 38440, Icod de los Vinos. 120 - 922 710 420 Tel: 922 869 600 - Fax 922 869 643


Plaza del Cristo, s/n, 38640 Arona. Tel: 922 725 100 y 922 725 125 - Fax: 922 725 478

Granadilla de Abona

C/ San Francisco, 14, 38600, Granadilla de Abona Tel: 922 759 953 y 922 759 902 - Fax 922 759 965

Guía de isora

Plaza General Franco, s/n, 38300, La Orotava. Tel: 922 324 444 - Fax 922 334 512

Puerto de la Cruz

C/ Santo Domingo, s/n, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz. Tel: 922 378 400 - Fax 922 375 253

El rosario

C/ del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38680, Guía de Isora. Tel: 922 850 100 - Fax 922 850 354

Plaza del Ayuntamiento 1, 38290, El Rosario. Tel: 922 297 447 - Fax 922 548 280


Ctra. de Los Abrigos 30, 38620, San Miguel de Abona. Tel: 922 700 000 y 922 700 001 - Fax 922 167 168

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 4, 38500, Güímar. Tel: 922 526 100 y 922 526 101 - Fax 922 526 102

san Miguel de Abona

C/ la Placeta 10, 38436, Santiago del Teide. Tel: 922 863 127 y 922 863 150 - Fax 922 863 212 C/ La Constitución 3, 38360, El Sauzal. Tel: 922 570 000 y 922 570 24 - Fax 922 570 973

El Tanque

Avda. Príncipes de España 24, 38435, El Tanque. Tel: 922 136 715 y 922 136 623 - Fax 922 136 766


Plaza de San Marcos 1, 38280, Tegueste. Tel: 922 541 799 y 922 541 851 - Fax 922 540 903


C/ Doctor Pérez Cáceres 1, 38613, Vilaflor. Tel 922 709 002 - Fax 922 709 151


primate research anniversary

important series of scientific reports and a classic book “The Mentality of Apes” (Experiments on Intelligence of Chimpanzees). These works were decisive and were pioneers in the history of science for several reasons, among which is the fact that they were the first studies on the behavior of non-human primates, which showed, for the first time, that there is continuity between the thought processes of other animals and humans, and served also to start

the controversy, which is still exists, on the consciousness of animals. Taking as a basis the then recent theory of evolution of Darwin, Köhler showed that nonhuman primates have higher cognitive processes (e.g., processes of reasoning and decision making), similar to humans, and they do not solve problems based solely on trial and error procedures, establishing a continuity between cognition and brain of chimpanzees and humans.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Plans for a Unesco supports safer Puerto Canary Foundation de la Cruz


ompanies in Puerto de la Cruz involved with the Program Quality Tourism Services (SCTE), recently participated in an event organized by the Urban Consortium to promote safe tourism in the city. This initiative, which has helped the National Police of the local police station in Puerto de la Cruz-Los Realejos, is part of this program that aims to promote the quality of services offered to tourists.

The objective of this initiative is to create synergies between employers and police to coordinate the destination’s performance, especially at the beginning of the winter season and the foreseeable increase of tourists in the city. The opening ceremony was conducted by Manuel Garcia, deputy chief of the National Police, who used the opportunity to clarify to the audience several questions related to public safety. During the session, given by Beatriz Mellado and Carmen Santana. details emerged about the development

of policing in Puerto de la Cruz and their planned “Travel Insurance” also the security measures of the area and different ways of dealing with a crime were dealt with, amongst other issues. With these initiatives, the Urban Consortium for Rehabilitation of Puerto de la Cruz, chaired by the head of the council, Carlos Alonso, pursues the maximum coordination between the local police and tourism companies also intend to involve the population in the prevention of crime and helps visitors that have been involved in some type of crime during their vacation.

Growing Old Disgracefully Channel 5 are producing an observational documentary: (Working Title: ‘Growing Old Disgracefully’) that celebrates the lives of senior citizens who refuse to reach for the cocoa and slippers, but instead are determined to have lots of fun and live life to the full on the Island of Tenerife.

We are keen to speak to both expats and holiday goers to the island who are real extroverts! So,

you might love clubbing and hitting the local bars and can party just as hard as the youngsters! Maybe you’re an adrenalin junkie and into extreme sports, or you love to entertain and be the centre of attention! Filming will take place during the spring of 2014 (Feb/March), so if you think you fit the bill (or know someone that does) and are interested in finding out more, contact: Aretha on 44(0)20 7923 1827 aretha.holmes@barcroftproductions.com

UNESCO has given its support for the Canary Foundation for Tropical Disease Control, which puts Tenerife as a world leader in research for the eradication of these diseases.

The president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, described this as “big news,” which will allow access to an extensive network of contacts interested in collaborating with the Foundation’s projects and provide funding to them.” The Canary Foundation for Tropical Disease Control, whose honorary president is the president of Senegal, Macky Sall, aims to obtain funds through sponsors, and signing agreements with companies interested in obtaining services, from both the Institute and the Atlantic Platform for Tropical Diseases Control, created in 2011 with the participation of 19 countries including South America, Africa, Europe, Ethiopia, Senegal, Colombia and Peru.

This platform works on training professionals, conducting research and epidemiological studies, clinical trials, and field specific actions to control tropical diseases. The Cabildo of Tenerife was responsible for the construction of the Institute in 2003 on a site donated by the University. The building houses 15 laborato-

ries and is a world leader in the control and diagnosis of tropical diseases. The institute’s objectives include the development of research on tropical diseases, emerging and linked to poverty, and international public health and biotechnology, for the sake of scientific research in general and socio-economic projection of it.

Smile Minister – You’re On Camera

The Canarian Government has signed up for a state-of-the-art facetime type service based on the Cisco Company’s Telepresence system. This is a pioneering project in Spain that enables government officials and administration staff to hold virtual “face to face” meetings without having to travel between the islands, helping to save travel costs and speed up their decision-making.

Since early June, the general secretaries at Canarian Government Ministries have been holding their weekly meetings via two telepresence rooms situated in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. These rooms will also be available for use by other Canarian authorities, such as Cabildos and Municipalities. The Cisco TelePresence immersive platform, which uses the WAN network deployed between the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, works so well, users say it really seems they are all present at the same location. Additional benefits mean organising meetings is as easy as making a phone call, sessions can be recorded in high-quality video,

and multimedia presentations or the contents of any PC can be shared via the platform. All communications are encrypted to prevent access by unauthorized third parties. The day to day running of the system is undertaken by Telefónica de España, which involves managing and support of the equipment in each room, which seats six people at a time and has three 65-inch plasma screens with integrated cameras amongst other items. Francisco Hernández Spínola, Minister of the Presidency, Justice

and Equality department of the Canarian Government said “The Canary Islands are the first Spanish autonomous community to introduce this state-of-the-art telecommunications technology, which enormously expands the possibilities of traditional videoconferencing, improves the efficiency of meetings, and facilitates making decisions more rapidly. “We are delighted with the results from the first months of using it, because of its enormous technical quality, ease of use, and the anticipated savings”.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


tenerife – premier Self employment Conference Location incentives – no Help for existing traders of Choice

newsinthesun.com TENEriFE is fast becoming the premier conference location of choice, during 2013 the number of conferences held on the island has increased by 30 per cent and the trend is expected to continue. Congress tourism has already pulled in around 100 million euros this year, involving more than 60,000 people in a thousand events. The Tenerife Cabildo is keen to promote this sector, not only for the event revenue, but because figures show that the average spend by this type of visitor is 75 euros more than other tourists. The President of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso, says they are already working on the schedule for the next three years and there are currently 60 events prebooked. To further expand the


newsinthesun.com ThE much fanfared self-employment incentives brought in by the spanish Government appear to have done little to promote growth, the number of registered selfemployed people (autonomos) in spain in september 2013 was 3,034,705 compared to 3,043,562 in the same month of the previous year.

sector, the Cabildo have reached an agreement with Iberia airlines to promote reduced fares for delegates. The deal will be offered to conference organizers by Turismo de Tenerife and the Tenerife Convention Bureau Scheduled flight prices

All services 112 National Police 091 Local police 092 Ambulance 061 Fire Brigade 080 Guardia Civil 062 Citizen information 010 Lost property 092 Postal services 902 197 197 International operator 11825 Local operator 11818 Tourist information 922 605 590

will be: 360 euros round trip domestic flights to and from Tenerife, 290 euros on routes to any airport in the rest of Europe, 390 euros in the case of locations in Africa, the Middle East and Russia , and 950 euros for long haul flights .

ordinary people hoped the “support for entrepreneurs“ scheme would address. A flat rate scheme was initially brought in for the under 30s but this has now been extended to all age groups. However although Law 14/2013 of the 28 September 2013 did bring in a flat rate social security contribution of 50 euros for new small business start-ups, there are strings attached: The autonomo may not have already been self-em-

ployed in the 5 years previous to the new start-up They must be sole traders with no employees. Over and above those basic conditions, The Social Security is applying two further requirements of their own: The autonomo must not be the self-employed administrator of a registered company (S.L: S.L.U etc.) They must not be self employed as an “autónomo colaborador” i.e working in the family business.

TFs - Tenerife sur Airport (reina sofía) Flight info Airport info Tourist info

Multi-lingual police 902 404 704 central office

922 759 000 902 102 112 922 392 037 Call this number and ask for an English operator to make an official report or complaint. Tenerife North

TFN Airport (los rodeos) Flight info General info

local police

902 404 704 922 757 006 922 635 800

hospitals 094 National Ferry services Hospital Las Américas,

Armas 902 456 500 Fred Olsen 922 628 252 Cosmos 922 793 802 Thomas Cook 922 757 409 Thomson 922 798 607 Tourist offices TUI 922 777 720 Costa Adeje 922 750 633 El Médano 922 176 002 Transport Buses TiTsA La Laguna 922 631 194 922 531 300 La Orotava 922 323 041 The “Bono-Bus” discount card Las Galletas 922 730 133 can be purchased from all TITSA Los Cristianos 922 757 137 stations and terminals and 922 796 668 reduces the cost of transport by Las Américas Las Vistas 922 787 011 up to 30%. Puerto de la Cruz 922 386 000 Santa Cruz 922 289 394 radio taxis Santiago del Teide 922 860 348 922 641 112 Main Tourist Office 902 003 121 922 747 511

Tour operators

On the ground in the Canary Islands the number of new limited companies created in September was almost 15% less than those started in the same month in 2012. According to data just released by the Spanish National Institute of statistics just 215 new companies were created. Self-employed persons social security contributions are popularly seen as a crippling weight, holding small businesses back, something that

Playa de Las Américas 922 750 022

Playa de las Américas Centro Médicos Del Sur 922 791 000

Local Markets Day





9:00 am to 4:00 pm



7:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Candelaria Hospital 922 602 000


Los Abrigos

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Playa San Juan

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

red Cross

Emergencies and ambulances 922 281 800



9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Golf del Sur

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


San Isidro

5:00 pm to 9:00 pm




9:00 am to 2:00 pm


El Médano

9:00 am to 2:00 pm


Los Cristianos

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

922 282 424

Markets information numbers: 922 716 867 / 610 464 841


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Live arico news

EVENTS ON THE ROCK What a great Weekend We Had

Date for your diary, on the 8th December, the Municipal Department of environmental health invites you to a Christmas Party in aid of Acción del Sol animal sanctuary. Children are to come dressed as Santa Claus. There will be lots of fun for the whole family, starting at 2.00pm at the Acción del sols animal sanctuary, Granadilla Industrial Estate, Parque Eólico del ITER. For more information, telephone 922-778-630 City Hall of Arona and the Mayor, Francisco José child Rodríguez alongside the Councillor for sports, Monica Sierra Fumero, have announced the XVIII Gala del Deporte de Arona which will take place on Saturday 23rd of November 2013, at 19:00 in the Auditorium Infanta Leonor de Los Cristianos at 7pm. More information can be obtained by calling 010 or 922 761 600 if you are calling from outside the area. The International Photography Festival Tenerife, an international event, organized by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, through the Center of Photography Tenerife, TEA - Tenerife Arts Space continues until January 2014.The 12th edition of FOTONOVIEMBRE explores images in a broad sense, as a means of expression, communication and cultural participation of the creators and institutions. It also promotes a forum for meeting and exchange through different activities: workshops, seminars, screenings and photo tours.

yEs, we were involved in 2 events last weekend, and a great time was had by all. on saturday the 9th we were at the heritage Bar, los Cristianos alongside our friends at Cats Welfare and k9 – Working Together for the Animals, for an afternoon of fun and entertainment.

Aidy Evans was our Compere and got things moving with some great tunes to get people in the mood. Other fantastic entertainers that came along to perform were Suzi Q, the original Leapy Lee (remember him?), Nigel Walker and Abba Angels. Things were really heating up and it was standing room only! K9’s Mikey got people

scratching their heads with his now infamous Quick Quiz and the final act of the afternoon was Micky Glamz with his 70’s Glam Rock set. Singing along with hands in the air clapping and even a good crowd up dancing by the stage, Micky really got the Heritage Bar Rockin’ ... We even got a special treat of an extra encore! Yes, early November and we were all singing along to Slade’s Merry Christmas Everybody! The afternoon ended with the drawing of the raffle, and what a raffle it was too! Over 30 prizes. All in all what a great afternoon with many happy smiling faces. Massive thanks to the following: Our Host Dave & The Heritage Bar, our Compere and Entertainers, Aidy Evans, Suzi Q, Leapy Lee, Nigel Walker, Abba Angels and Micky

Swallows new drama group

NEW to swallows this year. We are looking to have our own drama Group run by Mike huntington, an experienced director, who is hoping to whip us into shape to do a production of oh! What A lovely War in aid of our Cancer charity. if you are a budding thespian, singer or musician, your drama group needs you.

This is a large production requiring at least 16 actors with a requirement to sing, act, and do a bit of dancing. There are over 30 musical numbers from the 191418 period including, Row, Row, Row; Madamoiselle from Armentiers; Roses of P i c a rd y; Y o u r King and Your Country, and of course Oh! It’s a Lovely War. We rehearse, Friday afternoons in Los Cristianos. The production is to be staged next year, February/March time. If you are interested in taking part, or helping out in any way, contact Mike at: herontenerife@yahoo.co.uk or phone 634 315 170

Glamz. Please remember that these people give up their time and perform for FREE in support of the Animals. Thanks also go out to all the people and businesses who donated prizes and to the people who helped make the afternoon such a success, not forgetting of course to all the people who turned up to support the event. Thank You. One final note: As big a success as the afternoon was, there was one thing that stood out above everything else. The event helped find a Forever Home for the lovely little Puppy Sooty, well done to Jan and Kev, Sooty’s new owners.” Then on Sunday the 10th our clever Kel from the Los Cristianos charity shop put together a ladies day at the Blue Luna Cafe, Los Cristianos. There was a fashion show, clothes and jewellery sale, name the perfume (sniff test), slink off (best would be model), topless waiters, male dancer (you can keep your hat on), cha cha cha line, salsa demo, and the lovely Silvio playing music to swoon to. A great time was had by all and 241 Euros was raised. Many thanks to all at the Blue Luna, this will be a regular event for sure.

Yes, we do cats too!!! The black kitten in the photo is Storm; she is around 7 weeks old and was being swept down the road during the recent downpour. She has such sad eyes, we don´t know what happened to her family, but she is missing them and needs someone special to make her smile again. She has had her first vaccinations and is looking for a new mum and dad. If that could be you call Siobhan on 630 857 626

Charity Shop News 2014 Calendars In Stock Now!!! Produced by Steve Sands and Siobhan Ferguson, this year’s calendar is as good as ever. On sale now at our shops and events, grab yours quickly to avoid disappointment. Minimum donation of 2.99 Euros is all we ask. Hope you enjoy it. WE NEED SHOP VOLUNTEERS........in the Los Cristianos charity shop. If you can spare a few hours a week, please call kel on 622 829 073. The swallows are coming..... they will buy up everything in sight. Please, if you have QUALITY unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or childrens clothing, call Siobhan now on 630 857 626. And do come and see us, we have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10 – 4 Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.... Come and have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals.

Vivo tea dance vivo will be holding their second Tea dance of the season on Wednesday 23rd october. This time, however, there is a twist! Professional dance teacher Beverley is offering 30 minutes tuition from 1pm, so you can brush up your dance steps before the start, at 1.30pm.

The organisers, Beverley and Carole were delighted

to see some new faces last time, and look forward to seeing some more, as well as the regulars. Entrance costs just 5,00 Euros which includes refreshments and profits are shared between the Swallows official charity, Cancer Research and the Living Room, which offers support to local workers. Numbers are limited, so please call Carole to book your place on 669 152 742

See you there


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Curtain up as Cine Victor reels in the Years

Monday 2nd December . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 5th December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 6th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 7th December . . . . . * Christmas Special SOLD OUT Sunday 8th December . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 9th December . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 12th December . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 13th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 14th December . . . . * Christmas Special SOLD OUT Sunday 15th December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 16th December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Tuesday 17th December . . . . . * 2nd Anniversary Special Thursday 19th December . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 20th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 21st December . . . . * Christmas Special Sunday 22nd December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 23rd December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Tuesday 24th December . . . . * Christmas Eve Special Wednesday 25th December . .* Christmas Day (12pm or 7pm) Thursday 26th December . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 27th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 28th December . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 29th December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 30th December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Tuesday 31st December . . . . * New Years Eve Special

* Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates

Maybe it’s those comfy crimson tip up seats, the taste of popcorn, or the shared experience, but you can’t beat a night at the movies. santa Cruz welcomed back Cine victor Monumental last weekend, an old friend with a new look, longer name, and state of the art equipment.

Standing on the corner of the La Paz area Cine Victor opened in April 1954 with Los Cuentos de Hoffman, the Spanish voiced version of London Films musical The Tales of Hoffman directed by Michael Powell. Over the years the cinema has fallen on hard times and spent many years closed. A week before its rebirth I was given a guided tour and even with the race on to make the deadline its past splendour was shining through again. The original architect Jose Enrigue Marrero Regalado gave the building plenty of ornate features and many of these were being uncovered and polished while new marble from Alicante ensured the surfaces had a touch of class. The new owner Eladio

By Colin Kirby

Fraga Tarife already has Multicines Gran Sur and Puntalarga but the capital city can now boast the most advanced projection system in the Canary Islands. The two original projectors I saw on the way out may have had a rustic charm but have been eclipsed by the 48 HFR with 4K that can do justice to the latest 3D and digital formats. The screen is 120 square metres and there are 780 seats

including 210 upstairs. The first film to grace the reborn cinema was Thor 2 El Mundo Oscuro (The Dark World) very appropriate as the title star Chris Hemsworth is about to start filming In The Heart Of The Sea for director Ron Howard over in La Gomera. Tickets for Cine Victor Monumental range from 5 to 6.50 euros and screenings are at 3.45pm, 6, 8.15, and 10.30pm.

et for 2014,” adding that this section of the annual event “will have full funding.”

young democracy, the director of the Festival said it was “a social contract to manage the common good and the public interest.” Peter Martin harshly criticized the dismantling of social policy areas by the central government with reform government, unjustifiable action “that we are selling as part of social cuts. Meanwhile, Abreu recalled that in many cases it is society that puts more limitations for dependents, which are usually predisposed to overcome major obstacles, as was evident during the screening of the film, “El desorden de los sentidos” portraying two disabled cyclists travelling the Camino de Santiago by bike.

Local film festival gets funding AUrElio Abreu, vice President and Minister of Welfare, health and dependency of the Cabildo of Tenerife, announced last Monday that the iX international documentary Film Festival of Guía de isora,” Miradasdoc”, will receive funding from its 2014 accounts. in the course of a talk held at the auditorium hall 1 of Guía de isora, in the sample film “documentary and dependence”, Abreu said “Miradasdoc‘s name appears in the council’s budg-

The above exhibition, sponsored by the insular area that Abreu coordinates, was developed at the screening of the film from Seville filmmaker Alejandro G. Salgado. The debate was led by festival director, Alejandro Krawietz, and attended by the director, the vice president of the council and mayor of Guia de Isora, Pedro Martin. During the talk, Krawietz and Abreu agreed that the fact that the Dependency Law, now being dismantled due to the economic crisis has been one of the greatest achievements of our


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Eat Less Paraglider Canarians Meat And Fish Dies In Midair

According to the annual figures for 2012 produced by Mercas, islanders spent less on shopping last year; 1,344.20 Euros per person compared the Spanish average of 1,468.10 Euros. Consumers in the Basque Country were the biggest spenders with 1,730.30 Euros per person.

53 year old woman was killed this week in a paragliding incident in Tenerife. Experienced pilot Carolyn Dewdney, 53, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, is thought to have suffered a heart attack while flying with her husband Nigel.

A police helicopter came to her aid when she crashed as she flew over a mountain area known as Los Dedos - Spanish for ‘The Fingers’ in Ifonche, but she was already dead by the time rescuers reached her.

A source said: “The only apparent injury she appeared to have suffered was a broken arm. Everything at the moment is pointing towards her having suffered a heart attack in mid-air and being dead on impact with the ground but obviously that is something that will have to be confirmed by the autopsy.” Carolyn was on a paragliding holiday with husband Nigel, who participated in the 2010 Paragliding World Cup. A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We are aware of the death of a British national on Nov 12 in Tenerife. We are providing consular assistance at this difficult time.”

People in the Canary Islands ate on average 44.7 kilos of meat per capita per year and 17.6 kilos of fish. Top of the list for meat consumption were Castilla y León, (63.3 kilos) and País Vasco with 33,7 kilos of fish per capita per year. The above figures reflect the economic crisis; throughout Spain 28.2 per cent of the population is at risk of poverty or social exclusion, according to data

from the Institute of Economic Studies (IEE), which was released yesterday. The IEE report states that since the beginning of the crisis in 2007, the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion has increased “slightly” in all the European Union countries, the average of the 27 EU Member States rose from 24.4% in 2007 to 25.0 % in 2012. However, the crisis has not affected all Euro zone coun-

tries equally and Spain is among the hardest hit. The high rate of unemployment, widespread wage decline, reduction, if not withdrawal in many cases, of their social aid has meant Spain increased the risk of poverty or social exclusion for its citizens by five points between 2007 and 2012, going from 23.3 per cent to the 28.2 per cent of the population recorded last year.

Arona Lions Club International Las Galletas Costa del Silencio would like to say a huge thank you to Norman Gardner and his family for donating to our club an electric disability scooter after the sad passing of his wife Dot earlier in the year. We will definitely find a deserving home for it.

the 14th December at Westhaven Bay, Costa del Silencio 7pm for sit down at 7.30pm for the meal, wine included. The cost will be 25 euros per ticket with discount for children under 12. Entertainment will be supplied by Storm Duo, Vicky Denton and Steve Delsy. Tickets from the shop in Coral Mar Square or call Cath on 629 506 882 - Vicki on 628 799 901 or Michael (Callao Salvaje) 634 003 087 A thank you also goes to Westhaven Bay for allowing

us to do a smaller charity event on Sunday 10th November with acts Paul Stone, Sean King, Frank Valentino and Marc Morgan. The new shop is up and running on Coral Mar Square and any items of clothing, bedding, books etc are always welcome . We are also asking if anyone has sea fishing rods and reels in good condition they would like to donate to the Tenerife Lions for a youth project.

Los Palos Golf Lions Club News

Remembrance Sunday at Los Palos and over 20 players wore their Poppies with pride.

Everybody enjoyed their round of golf and at 11am they all stopped play for two minute silence to show their respect. Our Winners, Ist - Sean Bible & Graham Hewitt 2nd - Keith Norman & Ian Paterson 3rd - John Bentley & Maureen Flowers Ladies N/P - Maureen Flowers

Gents N/P - Ian Paterson Booby - Harry Fleming (again) &Peter Rawson Our next competition is Sunday the 8th Dec., which is our 3 club challenge. Remember to wear something to do with Christmas, or Julia will fine you! After golf our Christmas lunch is at Rancho El Palm Mar. Anyone wishing to join us, please call Clive 922 79 76 40. All monies raised goes to charity.

Police Detain Robbers With Half A Million Euro Haul

National Police from Las Americas have detained two men, a 53-year-old and 43-year-old, in connection with 25 break-ins in the area.

Officers launched operación Gorka Nahiel after numerous robberies were reported by home owners and hotel visitors in the municipality of Adeje. Jewellery and cash totalling almost half a million

Euros was recovered, including luxury watches, 35,000 in rubles, 3,000 in pounds sterling and over 11.000 in Euros.

One of those arrested is also being questioned about importing high end stolen vehicles for re-sale in Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

We have also donated 600 euros to a disabled man in Callao Salvaje who has lost part of a leg through diabetes to enable him to purchase a quad bike so that he can get out and about and back to work. The people of Callao Salvaje have also collected money to enable him to purchase the bike straight away. Everyone’s generosity is greatly appreciated by the club and the recipient is very grateful. On Sunday the 8th December the club will be holding an afternoon of live entertainment with fun and games from 2pm until 8 pm at the Rendezvous Bistro at the Winter Gardens on the Golf del Sur. Acts to be confirmed nearer the time. We will also be holding our Christmas Party on Saturday



EASY Puzzle


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

sUdokU Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically.

Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Answers to the sUdokU are on page 2.


MAINLAND NEWS IN BRIEF The European Court of human rights have ruled that the prolonged detention of some ETA prisoners was illegal, because of this Spain has been forced to release nine more ETA prisoners including one involved in the Basque terrorists’ deadliest -ever attack which took the lives of 21 people and was sentenced to 1000 years imprisonment. Although this has caused anger and upset for the victims’ families, some believe it is a price that must be paid for ongoing peace talks with ETA, which has around 600 members in jail around Spain.

Total spending per person in Spain is likely to be around 500 Euros this year, 300 Euros less than the average in 2008. Christmas spending is forecast to fall 11.5% this year as the recession continues to affect families across Spain. Spending has fallen almost every year since 2008, with leisure being hit hardest, according to the Federation of Independent Users and Consumers (FUCI).Splashing out on weekend breaks and hotel stays has dropped 71% in the past five years, while spending on toys and gifts has been cut 34%. Lottery ticket sales are projected to be especially weak this year, at 21% lower than in 2012. industrial output rose in september for the first time in 2 1/2 years as the economy began its recovery from a recession. Production at factories, refineries and mines increased 1.4 percent from a year earlier, after declining a revised 2.1 percent in August, the National Statistics Institute in Madrid said in a statement today. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is hoping exports will end the economic slump triggered in 2008 by the collapse of a real-estate boom. Unemployment has risen to 26 percent, while the nation’s budget deficit was the largest in the European Union last year. PAlMA Provincial Court has confirmed the release of the man, 44, accused of causing the worst fire in the history of the Balearic Islands. The fire started when a resident of Andratx , threw the embers of a barbecue onto an area of land with dry grasses in front of his home, causing the fire which destroyed 2,335 hectares of the Serra de Tramuntana on July 26th this year, he later confessed to the Guardia Civil that he was responsible. The Prosecutor demanded the culprit stay in prison, as he could face 15 years in jail and believed he was a flight risk, instead he has been released with charges but his passport has been seized.. A body has been discovered by police called after the apparent suicide of a man. The National Police were called to the block of flats in the Ciudad Jardin area of Malaga when a man jumped to his death from the fifth floor just minutes after midnight last Sunday. Witnesses alerted the emergency services but paramedics were only able to confirm the man’s death. The police attempted to contact the man’s partner, without success. They then forced open the door and entered the house where they found the body of a woman in her 60’s with stab wounds to the chest. After evidence was collected the bodies were for post mortem examinations. The National Police are now investigating both deaths, although they suspect that the man killed his partner before committing suicide.

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Spain reports first Case of merS

lAsT week it was confirmed that a woman from Madrid who just returned in october from saudi Arabia has been infected by the deadly disease known as MErs coronavirus, the country’s first reported case.

The disease, for which there is no vaccine has the full name of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), it first appeared in Saudi Arabia in September 2012, The patient, who was born in Morocco but lives in Spain, is receiving treatment at a Madrid hospital and is in a “stable” condition, the health ministry said in a statement. The disease has so far claimed 64 lives worldwide, with the greatest number of deaths in Saudi Arabia, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there have been a total of 150 laboratory-confirmed cases of the respiratory disease worldwide. It is considered a deadlier but less-transmissible cousin of the SARS virus that erupted in Asia in 2003 and infected 8,273 people, nine percent of whom died. Like it’s cousin, MERS causes a lung infection, with patients suffering from a temperature, cough and breathing difficulty, however, it differs in that it also causes rapid kidney failure and the extremely high death rate has caused serious concern. Researchers believe Arabian camels may be possible

hosts of the virus. Only four other European nations have had cases reported-- Britain, Ger-

many, France and Italy -- always among people who had recently travelled to the Middle East.

orange slashes speeds for mobile users orANGE has confirmed that mobile customers in spain who exceed t h e i r monthly data allowance will s o o n see the speed of their connection cut halved from 64kbps to 32kbps.

All customers on the Ballena 35, Ballena 23, Delfín 25, Delfín 16, Delfín 12 and Ardilla 7 tariffs and will be

affected from 1st December ensuring the network speeds are maintained for those customers who have not exceeded their data allowance. Orange’s 4G network launched in July, using 2.6Ghz and 800Mhz spectrum and delivering speeds 10 times faster than 3G meaning downloading large files and streaming videos are much quicker, however it also means users run the risk of exceeding their data allowance. Connections used to be cut to 64Kbps which meant email, web browsing and important apps like Twitter and Facebook should still work. Halving that speed

to 32Kbps will make even basic web browsing more difficult. “Orange has introduced this measure to help avoid possible network saturation, reserving the bandwidth to maintain connection speeds for customers who have not exceeded their limit,” an Orange spokesperson said. Orange isn’t the only Spanish operator to throttle speeds. Movistar cuts mobile speeds to a mere 8Kbps once a data allowance is exceeded and Vodafone cuts speeds to 64Kbps with Yoigo the fastest of the bunch, keeping its speeds at a maximum of 128Kbps.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

fire Bull festival

lAsT saturday during the ‘Toro de jubilo’ Fire Bull Festival in Medinaceli, spain, revellers set a bull’s horns on fire in an event that takes place in the main square of Medinaceli every year. During the event, which is an ancient tradition from the Bronze Age, a bull is tied to a pylon and flammable balls attached to the bull’s horns are set on fire before the animal is

Say Hello!!


hE world was given a glimpse of a little furry bundle of joy last week in Madrid. A two-month old male baby giant panda, born in captivity

released. Revellers dodge the bull until the flammable material is consumed. No harm comes to the

animal; the bull is covered with a thick layer of mud on the back and face to protect it from burns.

at Madrid zoo was taken by giant panda breeding specialist Chen Xin and placed gently in a bed on Friday November 8th 2013. The baby panda, born last August 30th 2013, weighing 210 grams and now weighing 4.66 kilos will be named on December 5th pending results of an internet poll.







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Spanish olives inspire top nY Chef

olivEs and spain are inseparable, a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet and life style, which is recognized as one of the healthiest in the world, and now seamus Mullen, the critically acclaimed chef at the world famous Tertulia restaurant in New york , has given the versatile and tasty fruit centre stage in many of the restaurant’s exclusive dishes.

Developed in conjunction with Olives from Spain, a campaign led by the company Interaceituna, an Inter-Professional Table Olive Organization recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Mullen’s recipes vary from simple appetizers to sophisticated main courses, they demonstrate the many ways Spanish olives can spice up any meal or special occasion. Dishes include Dressed





Olives and Mixed Olives from Spain with Ventresca Marinade, which can be made in minutes, while Olive Crusted Wild King Salmon is perfect for an elaborate dinner party. The recipes are designed to appeal to everyone from beginners to seasoned experts. “I’ve always loved Spanish culture and olives are an integral part of Spanish cuisine. Not only are they easy to use and delicious,” said Chef Seamus Mullen. “It’s important

for me to use ingredients that speak for themselves and really add taste to a recipe but also keep the dish nutritious and flavorful”. Spain is the global leader for olive cultivation, producing 39 % of the world’s olive trade and with Olives from Spain available in more than 120 countries in the world and with big names like Chef Seamus Mullen and Tertulia supporting this campaign the humble fruit’s popularity can only grow.


A couple in their 60s have been brought to justice after lying about their Spanish home in order to claim a string of UK benefits including a council house.

Married couple Michael and Sylvia Plumridge from Sonning in Wokingham fraudulently claimed over £16,000 in UK benefits. They failed to declare to benefit officials that Mrs Plumridge was in fact the owner of a luxury apartment in Torrevieja in Alicante province, where they both lived until they moved back to the UK in 2010. After their return to Britain the pair claimed a string of benefits including pension credit and housing and council tax benefit, whilst keeping details of Sylvia’s Spanish property and her private NHS pension a secret from benefit officials. They even applied for and were granted a council property, claiming they had nowhere else to live. As a result of failing to declare their true circumstances to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) the Plumridges were sentenced at Reading Magistrates Court to a 12 month community order with 240 hours unpaid work,

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Pilfering Pair Count The Cost Of Benefit Fraud


as well as being ordered to pay back the benefit they had received fraudulently and a further £1,235 to cover the cost of the investigation. Julie Holland of Wokingham Borough Council’s business assurance team, who helped bring the fraudsters to justice, said, “With such a high demand for social housing and with taxpayers’ money being so tight, it is vitally important that we make sure that council houses and public money only go to those who really need it. “Every council property that goes to the wrong person costs the council tax payers of Wokingham Borough an extra £18,000. We will continue to go after fraudsters who think they can cheat the system and get away with it.” Benefit fraud takes taxpayers’ money away from those that need it most. If you suspect someone of committing benefit fraud in Spain, do call the free and confidential fraud hotline in Spain on 900 55 44 40 or fill in the form at www.dwp. gov.uk/benefit-thieves-spain. Investigators will then follow up to make sure that taxpayers’ money is going to honest citizens.

Cathedral Child Trafficking in Spain Hijacked by Greenpeace According to the Red Cross, one out of every five children and one out of every seven women who entered Spain by sea illegally in the first six months of 2013 were victims of human trafficking.

Ten Greenpeace activists managed to scale Barcelona’s famous Sagra Familia Cathedral, to protest the imprisonment of 30 activists arrested on a Russian oil rig. The 19th century church was climbed by the environmentalists at 9.30am last Friday until they reached the steep façade designed by Catalan architect Antonio Gaudí.

Once in position they hung photos of the 30 Greenpeace members, known as the Arctic 30,along with signs reading” freedom” ,in English, Spanish and Catalan. The prisoners were arrested by Russian police 8 weeks ago after they attempted to chain themselves up to

a Gazprom oil rig in the Pechora Sea. Fire services and the police wasted no time, preparing inflatable platforms 90 metres (300 ft) down below in case any of the hanging trespassers fell, but by 11am some of the protesters entered the cathedral and were apprehended by security. Greenpeace spokesperson Luis Ferreirim claimed they had chosen the Sagrada Familia because of its international recognition and to ensure maximum exposure. Russian investigators have accused activists already charged with piracy with “other grave crimes” after claiming drugs were onboard the Greenpeace vessel, Arctic Sunrise. The environmental groups have called the allegation a “smear”, strongly denying the drugs presence.

27 of the 140 minors and 44 of the 340 women who entered Spain on boats clandestinely were trafficked, it was reported and in 2012 the Red Cross identified 48 minors who had arrived with women were victims of trafficking. “Spain has become the gateway to Europe to bring in minors and women to the Netherlands, Denmark, France and Italy,” said Milagro Nuez, head of the Red Cross programme for migrants arriving along Spanish coasts from the Ceuta and Melilla enclaves in northern Africa, Three main categories of trafficked children have been identified: young children held by traffickers and used to blackmail their mothers into prostituting themselves for years to pay off the debt of the clandestine trip; children

taken from their mothers and handed over to other women to facilitate the latter’s access to another country, and in some cases sexually exploited; and adolescents, mostly girls between the age of 12 and 18 who are taken directly to prostitution clubs to be exploited.

The Spanish government has for a long time struggled against human trafficking of minors by Nigerian and Cameroon networks through the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco and boats to cross the Strait of Gibraltar to Andalusia.

Long Distance Tuna A tuna fish has made an amazing journey from Spain to Venezuela, spanning seven years and 3,958 miles! Since 2001, Spanish fishermen have worked with governments, fishing associations and researchers to study Atlantic fish, but shocked fishermen, working in partnership with researchers and scientists at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, discovered the fish had doubled in size from 19.7 inches

to 39 inches during the voyage. The Bonito Tuna was tagged while they were working off the coast near the Spanish city of San Sebastian in 2006. Tuna migrate south annually either to mate or follow food sources but this is a record journey according to experts at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Scientists have been tagging and studying fish for years in an effort to make sure there is enough tuna stocks around the world to meet commercial demand. The fish had obviously been eating well, increasing by over 8 times its original weight from 5.5lb in 2006 to 48lb when it was recaptured after its transAtlantic journey.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Bamboo towels & Sheets ThEy are brand new to Tenerife; in fact, they are brand new to anywhere! you may not have heard of Bamboo towels or sheets before, but they are here and they are fabulous. Take an opportunity to discover the benefits of having bamboo bath towels. Picture yourself getting out of the bath or shower and wrapping yourself in pure heaven, in possibly the softest bath towel ever. Bamboo towels allow you to dry yourself off quickly due to their premium absorbent properties while also giving you the luxurious feeling of the softest fabric you have ever felt against your body. Imagine sleeping on pure heaven, now you can with the amazing Bamboo sheets that are now also available in a selection of different colours. Experience the ultimate in sleep comfort. Pure cotton can often feel a bit rough to the touch; not only will you find that the towels are exceptionally soft and absorbent, but you will also find that they are durable for everyday use. They are also perfect for people who want to maintain a hygienic environment, because they

are naturally odour resistant due to the fibres fast-drying characteristics. So say goodbye to that disgusting mildew smell you get from other towels from time to time, and bathe in serenity. Bamboo fabric is created from the bamboo pulp and is 100% biodegradable. It is also anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic; bamboo is naturally antibacterial and resists mould, mildew, fungi and dust mites. These properties remain intact, making it suitable for those with eczema, hyper-sensitive skin or hay fever caused by dust mite. Even better news is that bamboo fabric require less frequent washing, it needs no more than a 30ËšC wash and dries in half the time of cotton. Tumble dry low and remove from dryer as soon as it stops to avoid unnecessary creasing. The only place that actually stocks these delicious items is Antiquities Tenerife in Las Chafiras. The have stock in three different colours, soft brown, grey and aubergine. Pop in and see them and feel the difference for yourself.


www.tenerife-weekly.com When recession hits, budgets cuts are inevitable and in education, music and art programs are usually one of the first to go. Madrid, in the last two years has gone from subsidizing two-thirds of its music programs, to cutting off all funds and when cash strapped parents can’t afford to pay, the result is 40 percent of all students have dropped out of music programmes. Spain is facing a cultural crisis as a result of its financial crisis.

However, a solution may be at hand, literally, in the form of your trusty smart phone or iPad. Pepo Marquez, head of popular Spanish electronic band Majestad, has found that everyday technology can be an important low-cost alternative to expensive musical instruments and equipment, and the band have been making international news as music revolutionaries, for integrating mobile applications into their live and recorded music. “We’re just a regular band actually; art is to grab whatever is close to you and to use it to create, instead of buying some specific gear.” For him, that was his iPad. Last July Majestad played a

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Phone Apps That Make Beautiful Music

concert using their voices, guitars and iPads at Movistar’s AppDate exhibition, “things have been a little out of control,” with them gaining national and international attention as forerunners of cost savvy music and tech. Martinez simply replaces expensive sound boxes and rhythm machines with simple apps that he says sound 99 percent the same to the human ear — even a musician’s. “We’ve been quoted as revolutionaries and we’re not, we’re just people that have things to create music, no matter what they are. I think that’s the history of music.” This all started by a friend giving him an iPad and then him Googling the “Best 25 apps for music for an iPad.” Within a month, he had already written a few songs with his iPad. Majestad have won an artist’s residency to develop their music with Red Bull Academy at the Matadero art space in Madrid. Marquez and one of his bandmates also act as the house band

every Thursday on Torres y Reyes, a public Spanish television show that focuses on how the Internet changes our lives. Of course, with the vast majority of employed Spanish people making about 1,000 Euros a month, a 500 Euro iPad might seem like a modern luxury. In the past, musicians used rhythm machines, but now there’s an app for that. The app “Funk Box”, stores sounds since the late ’70s. It “only costs about seven bucks and you’d have to spend more than 7,000 bucks to have that. And the human ear cannot hear the difference. I don’t think the grand piano should only be reserved for the people who can afford to play the grand piano,” said Marquez. He thinks apps are fantastic ways to get more young people interested in music, at a low-cost risk to parents. “I wish I had had this when I was 11 or 12 because I believe I would be a better musician now.”

5 Star Indian Poisons Inspectors!

Giving customers food poisoning never good for any restaurant, but the Kayal Indian restaurant managed to poison a group of council health inspectors on a work night out earlier this month. The south Indian restaurant has been closed until further notice until tests confirm the source


of an outbreak which has claimed 19 victims in total. The restaurant, in Leicester, has received five-star ratings in its last three council inspections as well as numerous awards for service and standards and has featured on Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British BBC2 show. The Great British Bake Off’s Paul Hollywood has also visited the restaurant to learn how to make spinach

dosa, for an episode of his BBC2 series, Bread, saying; ‘We have here a very good Indian restaurant called Kayal and they make some of the best tasting bread I have ever had. Rice-based, lentil-based, flour-based, it doesn’t seem to matter to these guys, they produce pure magic.’ The restaurant was closed on November 6 and samples of food have been taken away for analysis. Owner Jaimon Thomas said the group of 10 Leicester City Council officers visited on November 2, and four became ill; ‘It was unlucky that we had the council in, and that it included health inspectors, but we would obviously be concerned if anyone at all reported feeling ill. We’ve been open since 2008 and this is the first time we’ve had any problems whatsoever with people getting sick. We had a number of people come to us and say they had stomach aches. We refunded the money straight away and offered them a free meal, which they gladly accepted. The fact the council health inspectors chose to eat there is testament to how highly they rate the restaurant.’

Mr. Thomas also said the restaurant has a ‘very good reputation’, and he was ‘determined’ to discover what had gone wrong. ‘We do not know what’s made people ill and await the results of samples taken. We can’t comment further.’ Mr. Thomas said the restaurant would be using the time it is closed to refit the kitchen. The council said it did not

comment on personal information relating to staff, but confirmed there was an outbreak of illness. The restaurant, part of a small chain with branches in Nottingham, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, and West Byfleet in Surrey, is rated 14th out of 664 city eateries on the TripAdvisor website, with a string of positive reviews. However, the most recent review, posted on Friday,

warned of the food poisoning outbreak. The reviewer, called ‘Hannah C’, said she and her partner both fell ill for at least a fortnight after an anniversary meal at the restaurant on October 13. In a post headed ‘food poisoning’, she wrote: ‘I had to miss work for a week and unfortunately has put me off eating Indian food and chicken. Incredibly disappointing.’

Sir Tony Robinson was knighted for public and political service by Prince William at Buckingham Palace last Tuesday.

ever make a comeback. “He said that he was a big fan of Blackadder and was there going to be another series? I said we have always talked about it, I said to him ‘would you be prepared to be in it?’ He said ‘yes’ like a shot. I managed to do a bit of casting while he was awarding my knighthood. I think that is probably a first.” Sir Tony had appeared in

West End productions and movies by the age of 13, and played football with Liza Minnelli in his teens as he appeared in a movie with her mother, Judy Garland.He has also written a series of books for children to encourage them to show an interest in history. He remains best known for his role as Edmund Blackadder’s long-suffering sidekick.

Sir Baldrick!

The 67-year-old star of Blackadder and Time Team said a “little bit of Baldrick crept over me” during the ceremony, referring to the manservant character he played in the classic BBC comedy. Sir Tony said: “I messed it up completely - I forgot that you were supposed to bow at the beginning, I was just stood there and I was looking at HRH and he was looking at me. “I stepped forward and knelt. Then I went the wrong way.” He also revealed that Prince William may be up for a cameo should Blackadder


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


one World trade Center prince Charles defends our farmers is uS tallest Building

lAsT month he criticized the banks but this week its supermarkets and big retailers that the Prince of Wales has his sights set on, expressing his fears for the farming community who supply them.

On the eve of his 65th birthday, His Royal Highness was the guest editor for a special edition of the rural affairs publication Country Life. Describing the English countryside as; “the unacknowledged backbone of our national identity, it is as precious as any of our great cathedrals and we erode it at our peril. It cannot be right that a typical hill farmer earns just £12,500, with some surviving on as little as £8,000 a year, whilst the big retailers and their shareholders do so much better out of the deal, having taken none of the risk,” he added. Dean Irwin of Greenmount Farm in Richhill, County Armagh, described Prince Charles as, “a friend of the farmer”, he said: “As farmers, we are on the front line. We

NEW york’s World Trade Center is the nation’s tallest building, according to an expert committee of architects, settling a debate over whether the spire on top of one World Trade Center should be included in the building’s official height.

have to produce to a certain specification … and if you don’t meet that specification, the supermarkets don’t take your product. The bottom line for all the supermarkets, no matter what they say, is profit.” Mark Hedges, the editor of Country Life, said, “The Prince has become the countryside’s strongest voice, his support for it is something that, as a nation, we should treasure. What the

next king thinks matters. There was some struggle reading his handwriting,” he revealed “But he worked incredibly hard. Some of his emails were sent at two in the morning. He’s an incredibly good writer.” The heir to the throne, who turned 65 on Thursday, shows no sign of slowing down, despite reaching the age of retirement while awaiting the ultimate promotion.

With the 408ft spire, the tower built on the site of the 9/11 attacks stands at 1,776ft - a nod to the year the US gained independence. Without the needle, it is 1,368ft tall, putting it in 2nd place, behind Chicago’s Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, which is 1,451ft. Last Tuesday in Chicago, where the world’s first skyscraper appeared in 1884, the Height Committee of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

ruled that the needle was more than just a broadcast antenna and therefore should be incorporated into the structure’s overall height. The designers originally had intended to enclose the mast’s communications gear in decorative cladding made of fiberglass and steel but the developer removed that exterior shell from the design, saying it would be impossible to properly maintain or repair. Without it, the question was whether the mast was just a broadcast antenna, but the committee eventually decided it was part of the buildings structure and should be counted. This move could force a reshuffle in world ranking of skyscrapers, which is currently topped by Dubai’s 2,717ft-tall Burj Khalifa. The new World Trade Center tower remains under construction and is expected to open next year.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

ITV confirmed line-up for this year’s of their immensely popular TV series. Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Adlington, Miss Great Britain Amy Willerton andTOWIE’s Joey Essex are among the stars set to take part in the new series of I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Line Up Revealed

Rumours about the line-up have been rife for months; the 10 names entering the jungle were confirmed by ITV on Wednesday. For the girls, Emmerdale actress Lucy Pargeter and EastEnders’ Big Mo conclude the four female names that will be facing who knows what in this year’s Bushtucker trials. Reality star Joey, The Fresh

Prince of Bel-Air actor Alfonso Ribeiro, Westlife singer Kian Egan, presenter Matthew Wright, snooker player Steve Davis and designer David Emanuel make up the 6 male members of the lineup, all are undoubtedly nervous about the prospect of life and trials in the bush, including Matthew,who admitted he is more than a little apprehensive about having to face his phobias on the show - particularly his fear of spiders, admitting he had been hoping to get professional help for the phobia but ran out of time, Matthew said: “I have a terror of spiders and based on the fact that I have seen every I’m A Celebrity so far, I will say, hand on heart, you have never seen anyone quite as frightened of spiders than me.” The show kicks off on November 17th



Rebecca Adlington Amy Willerton Laila Morse Lucy Pargeter

Boys Joey Essex Alfonso Ribeiro Matthew Wright David Emanuel Kian Egan Steve Davis

Iceberg Ahead!! Spain’s Most P


olice have unveiled an “unlucky 13” of Britain’s most wanted criminals thought to be hiding in Spain, including the suspected leader of a £90m cocaine-smuggling operation.

A huge iceberg has broken off a glacier in Antarctica, threatening busy international shipping lanes. The iceberg was originally spotted by scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research via the German Space Agency’s earth observation satellite TerraSAR-X.

Scientists in Britain have been awarded a £50,000 grant to track the giant ice island, which is eight times the size of Manhattan after it broke away from the Pine Island Glacier in July. Professor Grant Bigg from the University of Sheffield and his team, are monitoring the iceberg’s movement and rate of melting. Professor Bigg said: “Its current movement does not raise environmental issues, however, a previous giant iceberg from this location eventually entered the South Atlantic and if this happens it could potentially pose a hazard to ships. If the iceberg stays around the Antarctic coast, it will melt slowly and will eventually add a lot of freshwater

that stays in the coastal current, altering the density and affecting the speed of the current. Similarly, if it moves north it will melt faster but could alter the overturning rates of the current as it may create a cap of freshwater above the denser seawater.” He added: “if these events become more common, there will be a build-up of freshwater which could have lasting effects.” The six-month project is funded by the National Environmental Research Council (NERC) and is being co-managed by Dr Robert Marsh, he said: “The primary reason to monitor the iceberg is that it’s very large. An iceberg that size could survive for a year or longer and it could drift a long way north in that time and end up in the vicinity of world shipping lanes in the Southern Ocean. There’s a lot of activity to and from the Antarctic Peninsula, and ships could potentially cross paths with this large iceberg, although it would be an unusual coincidence.” The team’s study of the iceberg will include testing a technique which could be used in the future by ice hazard warning services.

Ian Stanton, 42, from Liverpool, is accused of being the ringleader of a gang, guilty of smuggling more than 400kg of cocaine hidden in a shipment of Argentinian beef. The shipment of meat was due to be delivered from Tilbury docks in Essex to a coldstorage company in Wigan, when the drugs were discovered last May. Michael McCartney, from Letchworth, was convicted of abusing three boys, the 78 year old bought his victims expensive gifts before committing sex crimes. Robert Mortby is suspected of the attempted murder of a man outside a pub in Elephant and Castle, South London. The victim was hit over the head with a bottle and shot three times. The full list of 13 was revealed in Madrid on Thursday by Crimestoppers, the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) and Spanish police under Operation Captura.

Hank Cole from the NCA stated: “They are a mixture of serious criminals ranging from alleged sex offenders, those who’ve committed or attempted to commit murder, and significant drug traffickers. So these are the worst or most serious criminals that the National Crime Agency is looking to capture. Historically Spain had no extradition treaty to the UK so it was seen as a safe haven for UK criminals, since then the law has changed and we’ve successfully extradited large numbers of UK criminals back to the UK.” The initiative was launched in 2006 and so far has seen 53 out of 63 suspects caught. Crimestoppers founder Lord Ashcroft said: “Despite our success so far, there are still a number of dangerous criminals who see Spain as a safe haven to hide from their past. But with the support of the Spanish and UK public, we can hunt them out and bring them to justice.”


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


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Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Abba Reunion The Biggest Loser May Happen – Dubai Style M arch 4th 2014 marks the 40th anniversary of the release of Waterloo, the first hit of Swedish pop legends, Abba and, although they have in the past sworn that hell would freeze over before it happened, it seems a reunion may well be on the cards!

Although they never officially broke up, Abba drifted apart in the early 80s after Faltskog and Ulvaeus divorced. The band’s two other members Benny Andersson and Anni-Frid Lyngstad were also married for a time. Agnetha Faltskog, who formed Abba in 1972 with the guitarist and songwriter Bjorn Ulvaeus, told a German newspaper that it was one of the options being mulled by the group, despite the fact Bjorn Ulvaeus has previously said the group will not perform again; “We are the only group of that status that has never been reunited. I think that is cool,” the 67-year-old said previously, “It is a strength for Abba that you remember those young, ambitious, energetic people during the 70s rather than some feeble old folks who feel compelled to get up and play all the time.” However Faltskog seemed far more open to the possibility now the anniversary draws nearer; “Of course it’s

something we’re thinking about, there seem to be plans to do something to mark this anniversary in some way. But I can’t say at this point what will come of them.” The 63 year old also joked about the member’s old age, “I cannot imagine that we would go on stage with crutches,” she said. Faltskog released a solo album which included a duet with Gary Barlow - in May after nine years away from the music industry. Waterloo shot to the top of the charts after winning the Eurovision song contest in Brighton in 1974 after which they became one of the world’s best-selling pop bands with a string of number one hits, including Knowing Me, Knowing You, Mamma Mia, Dancing Queen and Super Trouper. They have sold more than 380 million records worldwide and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2010.

Iguanas on Mars? A UFO hunter claims he has discovered pictorial evidence of the fossilized remains of an Iguana on the surface of Mars, further proof that the planet once teemed with life.

The UFO researcher, who goes by the name of UFO HuntingClouds on YouTube, took to the NASA raw feed from the Curiosity Rover exploring Mars and made his discovery. The object bears a slight re-

semblance to reptilian fossils found all over Earth, but it also looks like a rock. This is not the first time rocks on Mars have been spotted, which bearing debatable resemblance to familiar

objects here on Earth. Rodents, birds and even pyramids have been reported as fossils or ancient ruins, supporting (at least for the discoverer), the theory that Mars once had air, water and perhaps, civilization.

Dubai dieters have been given a great incentive for weight loss; they have been rewarded with gold for losing weight during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

The Your Weight In Gold campaign gave away £474,000 worth of gold to about 3,000 contestants, who won one gram of gold for every kilogramme shed, with dieters losing more than 5 or 10 kg receiving a greater proportion of gold per kg. Nearly 17 kg of gold was given away in the competition as more than 17,000 kg were shed by contestants. Ahmad al-Sheikh, a 27-yearold Syrian architect, won the top prize of 63 grams of gold, worth £1,700, after he lost 26 kg. “I actually registered 15 days later in the campaign and was worried at first, because I thought I lost a head start to all the other contestants, my friends and col-

leagues have also been of immense support when they found out I was trying to lose weight, so now I play football once a week and basketball twice every week as well,” he said. “Nobody tries to be healthy,” said Omar Ahmed al Marri, a public-relations executive from

Dubai municipality “So we thought about how we could make them think about it. We found that you have to give them a gift, to motivate them. Most of the people, they first of all thought about the gold. And then afterwards, they thought about what they could do for their body.”

Fred. Olsen Supports Typhoon victims

Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines is taking urgent action to support those of its Filipino crew members who have been affected by the terrible impacts of ‘Super Typhoon Haiyan’ upon their homes and families.

The majority of Fred. Olsen’s crew aboard its four cruise ships – Balmoral, Braemar, Boudicca and Black Watch – are from the Philippines. Many have family and friends who have been affected by the recent flooding and devastation caused by ‘Super Typhoon Haiyan’ – one of the most powerful storms ever to make landfall – and have seen their homes and belongings destroyed, and many families left homeless and some, sadly, feared lost. Fred. Olsen is facilitating the return home of a number of staff from the most devastated areas in the Philippines, and is sending a sizeable donation to its crewing agent in the region – Bahia Shipping – to distribute to families in urgent need of help. A number of Fred. Olsen customers, past and present, have also expressed their concern and asked how they can help. In response, the cruise line is establishing a fund to help victims related to its crew members, and dona-

tions will be distributed through its crewing agent. Those guests currently on board Fred. Olsen’s ships can contribute through their onboard cabin accounts by completing a donation slip and returning it to Reception; cheques can also be made out to ‘Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ and sent to Deborah Moore, Accounts Department, Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines, Fred. Olsen House, White House Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 5LL, United Kingdom. Mike Rodwell, Managing Director of Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines, said: “This is a very worrying time for many of our crew, with families in the Philippines, and we are offering them as much support as we can at this extremely difficult time.

“As a company, we want to do as much as possible to help those of our seafarers and their families who are most in need, and we are all very touched by the concern shown by so many of our guests for the crew and their loved ones.” Fred. Olsen is also co-ordinating activities and events amongst its staff at its Headquarters in Ipswich, Suffolk, to raise desperately-needed funds. For further information on Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines, visit the website at www.fredolsencruises. com Guests can leave their messages of support on Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ fredolsencruiselines or on Twitter at @FredOlsenCruise


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


www.tenerife-weekly.com In 1942, 22 year old Ted Ingram, began a part-time job delivering newspapers to make ends meet, he fell in love with the round and every day for 71 years the now great-grandfather has tirelessly delivered newspapers to every house in his village.

But sadly due to his knees no longer able to cope with the job, the world’s oldest paperboy has reluctantly decided to hang up his bag after delivering more than 500,000 papers in Winterborne, Monkton near Dorchester, Dorset,. The pensioner was officially entered into the Guinness World Records three years ago, after delivering papers for more than seven decades, but he has chosen to retire and will drop his final paper into a letterbox this Saturday. Mr. Ingram said: ‘I’ve really enjoyed my time as a paperboy and have had so much fun. ‘I’m so proud of my round and would still carry on if I could but I have bad knees and struggle now. ‘I would say to anyone thinking of taking up a paper round that it’s a great way to get out and keep fit and active. ‘My retirement plans are to have fun and enjoy myself, as well as just to relax. ‘I’m looking forward to still seeing all the friends I’ve made along the way around the village.’ Mr. Ingram delivered the newspaper by pushbike to 26 houses in the sleepy village. He started doing

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

World’s oldest Paperboy!


the round to top up his income as a tractor driver on a farm and only failed to deliver for two days in his 70 year paper round, due to the village being snowed in during bad weather, even then it was because the papers couldn’t get to him! He has only ever had two holidays, both of which were in the 1960s when he took his family to Butlins, but asked a friend and neighbour to look after his round each time. Even when he broke his back in the 1950s he asked his late wife Betty to deliver the papers in their village while he was recovering. Mr Ingram has two children, four grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren. His wife Betty died 15 years ago, he was forced to stop cycling a few years ago after having a hip replacement, he now gets a lift around the village so he can complete his round. He added: ‘When I first started the wages at the farm weren’t very good so I thought I would do the paper round to boost up my money. ‘Back in those days there were 26 houses to deliver to and it took me next to no time.’ His daughter, Angela Matthews, 53, from Martinstown, near Dorchester, said the family was very proud of him. She said: ‘It’s just so good that he has done the paper round for so long. ‘Delivering papers has been a family tradition and most of my family have helped out from time to time. ‘My father is such a character and I cannot express how proud we all are of him.’

Olympic Torch Bungling Burglar Release Heads into Space Leaves Form at Scene

In an historic first for the Olympics, two Russian cosmonauts took a five-hour spacewalk with the Olympic torch in honour of the upcoming

Winter Games in Sochi. The feather-shaped silver and red symbol of peace and friendship went into space aboard the ISS before the 1996 Sum-

A burglar who went back to robbing just hours after being let out of prison was caught after leaving his release form at the crime scene.

Robert Taylor, 36, broke into a Bridlington guest house with William Shearon, 23 and stole a television, mobile phone, charity boxes for the RNLI and alcohol and cash from Kilburn Guest House in East Yorkshire, then to add insult to injury they stole the

owner’s car too! He had just been released from jail for a previous burglary offence and was taken back into custody after a neighbour found his release form with his name and address on, left on boxes of the stolen items in his back garden. Hull Crown Court heard the man was woken by his dogs barking at 5am and when he went to investigate the letter addressed to Taylor. Judge Michael Mettyear, told him: ‘You have more than 40 of-

fences of theft and everything has been tried with you over the years. It may well be that drink and drugs has played a part but that is no consolation to your victims or an excuse.’ Taylor, from Bridlington, pleaded guilty at Hull Crown Court to burglary, taking a vehicle without consent and theft and was jailed for 2 years.

mer Games in Atlanta and the 2000 event in Sydney, but it has never before been taken out on a spacewalk. The cosmonauts, Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazansky took the torch from the International Space Station (ISS) more than 260 miles (420 kilometres) above the Earth. Kotov waved the unlit torch which was tethered to his spacesuit, outside the ISS, while he floated almost directly above Australia.

His colleague, Ryazansky, had one word to describe to moment, simply saying “Beautiful””Such momentous events are usually marked by some sort of grand pronouncement,” Kotov said from the space station, “But we are not going to be so original.””Our speeches will be dedicated to the promotion of the Olympic movement, healthy lifestyles and the development of sport around the world.” Originally the plan was to send the actual flame up to the station, encasing it in a special lantern, but internationally agreed rules governing the ISS forbid

flames from being lit, as it would burn life saving oxygen. The torch was in space for just over five hours, pictures and video of the momentous occasion were taken before the cosmonauts began the more mundane task of maintenance. The Soyuz capsule containing 3 crew and the torch returned to Earth on the Kazakh steppe at 08.49am local time on Monday after a “flawless landing”. The torch has also visited the North Pole aboard a nuclear-powered icebreaker and is still set to visit the bottom of Baikal, the world’s deepest freshwater lake.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Soul in the Sun


NCE again Tenerife was invaded by Northern soul fans for their bi-annual visit for soul in the sun. over 700 soul Fans from the Uk were joined at vivo by couples from Germany, Belgium and Austria for the biggest event to date.

A huge range of Soul Music was played ranging from the ever popular Tamla Motown sounds of Marvin Gaye, The Isley Brothers, The Temptations and David Ruffin to those Northern Soul Classics from Frank Wilson, Dean Parrish, Tommy Hunt and Al Wilson plus So Soulful 70’s from The Montclairs,The Trammps, William DeVaughn and Betty Swann right

through to some Y2K recordings including the in demand R Kelly. Many of the revelers were regular attendees in the 70’s at such clubs like

The Twisted Wheel, The Golden Torch, Wigan Casino, Blackpool Mecca to name a few, and are enjoying a huge revival now that their children have ‘flown the nest’. Soul in the Sun is the brainchild of Eddy Edmondson who started the holiday because of the lack of Northern Soul in Tenerife where he has been coming for his winter holiday for around 30 years. 1998 was the first year when 60 Northern Soul Fans enjoyed a week at Los Olivos in Adeje, since then moving to The Stadium Bar, The Soul Seller, The Jungle, Harleys, The Fort and now their permanent home at Vivo. Eddy says “Vivo is just perfect for us; there is a huge open air area at the back, a large inside area and a front terrace, which allows us to have 2 types of Soul Music playing at the same time. We like to think that there is something for everyone”. The afternoon sessions everyday

between 2 and 6 were especially well attended this year. “What could be better than sitting in the sun, listening to some great music, with likeminded people?” This year Soul in the Sun started on Friday November 1st and they enjoyed 7 days and 7 nights of Soul music including a Fancy Dress Party that will be talked about for years. Over 500 people came in fancy dress ranging from pirates, cavemen, nuns & convicts. Probably the most original were 4 baby mats which must have taken weeks to make. Those and other special costumes such as The Soul in the Sun Scooter Club, and the ‘Lamb’ rettas made the day unique. It’s traditional to finish the day off with a huge conga, onto the front at Las Americas. This year was no exception with the revelers stopping the traffic

while a bullfighter “fought the passing motorists”, luckily it was all taken in good spirit. Over the week £4,000 was raised for Cancer Research bringing the total to over the £140,000 mark. Hundreds of photographs will be on the website at www.soulinthesun. com by the end of the month as well as those already on the VIVO Decades Treasure Island facebook page. The next Soul in the Sun holidays are on Friday March 28th and Friday November 7th, 2014.Tickets and further information can be found on the Soul in the sun website or by Emailing Eddy@soulinthesun.com You can also listen to Eddy on Solar Radio every Sunday Night between 8 and 10 at www.solarradio.comor Sky channel 0129, or you can download the podcast on the radio page at www. soultime.org.uk


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


death Clock Star Wars date Set to alarm! announced!

do you want to know when you are going to die? if you do an alarm clock has gone into production that might be of interest to you!

ALARMclock has a retro-style LED animation which can be programmed with information that may start your day with some worrying news. “Motivating data about your financial status, the size of your social networks, and your projected life expectancy, is what the manufacturers claim Customisable features from a computer, phone or tablet need only a WIFI connection, so instead of seeing the time on the clock’s display, users could see their current bank balance or the number of Facebook friends they have. The clock’s designers used kick-

starter.com, the crowd funding website that appeals to individual backers to buy a stake in a concept, to help finance their clock of doom claiming they can: “Reconnect with powerful motivating forces such as financial instability, social insecurity and fear of death”. According to its designers their clock is “A daily reminder that life is hard, deal with it.” With just days to go until the funding period ends, they have already raised more than double the $7,000 (£4,300) amount they set out to achieve, so it’s not all doom and gloom!

WAlT disney studios has announced that the next instalment in the star Wars saga will be released in cinemas on december 18, 2015. star Wars: Episode vii, to be directed by jj Abrams, is set to begin filming in spring 2014 at Pinewood studios.

The company’s chief executive Bob Iger said: “This, obviously, is one of the most important movies we have in the next few years, and we’ve chosen a date we believe will allow the creative team the time to make a great film.” No official casting has been made but original cast members Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford have been in talks to appear in the upcoming film and are expected to at the very least cameo in the 1st movie before possibly handing over to a younger cast. Disney purchased Star Wars producer Lucasfilm for $4.05bn in 2012, and promised at least three more films in the series, open auditions have also been announced for a film that are now confirmed

to be Star Wars: Episode VII, and many are underway. The initial Disney invitation describes a “nationwide search for lead roles for a Walt Disney Pictures film”.

As well as directing, Abrams will write the screenplay along with Star Wars veteran Lawrence Kasdan who co-wrote the screenplays for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013



By Marc Craig

Hollywood Best and Worst casting update Celebrity With “Batfleck” still whipping up a storm, it seems whether you love or loathe the idea Ben Affleck IS Batman at least for the foreseeable futurehowever 2 other previously cast roles have changed players.

Freddie’s Ready

Up until recently, comedy genius, Sacha Baron Cohen, the man behind Borat and Ali G was cast as the flamboyant and tragic Queen Front man, Freddie Mercury and had been since production began. However, Sacha pulled out this summer, seemingly because the band, who have script and director approval, didn’t want their departed friend to be laughed at. Drummer Roger Taylor ex-

plained; “We felt Sacha probably wasn’t right in the end. We didn’t want it to be a joke. We want people to be moved.” This week however Brian May confirmed at a book signing that “we think we have our man”. So, who is it? Another name linked to the role has been Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, a rumour strongly denied by Radcliffe, which leaves hot favourite Ben Whishaw, recently seen as Q in the latest Bond, “Skyfall” as the most likely. An official announcement is expected within the next fortnight.

including Charlie Hunnam as the chief protagonist Christian Grey ,a casting choice not all that well received by diehard fans. However before production had barely started, the actor walked away from the role citing lack of time to prepare due to his busy TV schedule as a star of “Sons of Anarchy”. Rumours soon began, cold feet, unable to cope with the immense scrutiny and his unpopularity with the character’s 70 million fans. It now seems the actor, who is also an accomplished writer, compiled extremely detailed and well received script notes, then decided to go further and requested script approval-and was stingily denied. True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard and Jamie Dornan from Belfast BBC drama “The Fall” were next in line with Dornan ultimately winning the role with an official announcement last week.

Changing Greys

Only weeks ago the principal cast was announced for the upcoming movie adaptation of “Fifty Shades of Grey”,

Thor: The Dark World Showing daily at 17:30 hr - 112 min Action/Adventure/Fantasy Rated 7 Starring Chris Hemsworth - Thor Natalie Portman - Jane Foster Anthony Hopkins - Odin Information Correct at time of going to press. Check our Facebook page or contact the cinema for further information.

Tel: 922 713 858

Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all.

Costumes 2013

Ok I know it was a couple of weeks ago but we were on vacation and many venues chose to hold their parties on the Saturday so...... You know what? I’m not making excuses I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!

This year however, being off work (I always go to town with my costume if I’m onstage on Halloween),we decided to just stay home armed with trick or treat candy and have a horror marathon ,so, to get my fix of Halloween outfits here’s the best that the celebs had to offer!! 5. Beyoncé When you’re as hot as this little effort is required Beyoncé came as an Instagram of Beyoncé!

4. Chris Colfer from Glee NO! NO! NO! C3PO is supposed to be the camp one! 3. Paris Hilton, Perez Hilton and many, many more!!

Clowns are always popular Halloween outfits and no one was laughed at or terrified by more than old cow tongue herself, Miley Cyrus!! Her VMA look proved very popular this year and a few brought their own Robin Thicke with them! 2. Fergie and Josh Duhamel Black-eyed Pea’s Fergie and her Transformers star husband opted for 2 classics, Elvira and Rocky Horror’s Riff Raff (not “her bald-headed minion” as some sites described him!! 1. Heidi Klum One of the saddest things about Heidi and Seal separating is now there are only Heidi’s amazing Halloween costumes to gaze in awe atthose two knew how to Dress Up!! This year Heidi opted for unrecognizable realism in this old lady get-up!! Well, only 50 weeks til next Halloween, think I might start on my costume now!!


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


uk men Best at Chores (allegedly) noVemBer 2013

Friday 15th November . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 16th November . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 17th November . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 18th November . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 21st November . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 22nd November . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 23rd November . . . . . Saturday GALA Night Sunday 24th November . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 25th November . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 28th November . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 29th November . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 30th November . . . . . Saturday GALA Night

deCemBer 2013 Sunday 1st December . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 2nd December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 5th December . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 6th December . . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 7th December . . . . . * Christmas Special sold


Sunday 8th December . . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 9th December . . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Thursday 12th December . . . . . Decades Spectacular Friday 13th December . . . . . . . . Bitter & Twisted Experience Saturday 14th December . . . . * Christmas Special sold


Sunday 15th December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 16th December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Tuesday 17th December . . . . . * 2nd Anniversary Special Thursday 19th December . . . . . Decades Spectacular Saturday 21st December . . . . * Christmas Special Sunday 22nd December . . . . . . . ViVO Sunday Carvery Monday 23rd December . . . . . . Decades Spectacular Tuesday 24th December . . . . * Christmas Eve Special Wednesday 25th December . .* Christmas Day (12pm or 7pm) Thursday 26th December . . . . Decades Spectacular * Discount vouchers are not accepted for these dates

soME of our female readers may find this hard to believe, but in a recent study of more than 58,00 people living with partners in the Uk, France, Germany, italy and spain, British men came tops at how long they spent doing chores. Of course they are still way behind the ladies, but according to the study in Britain, men do a third of the work, while those in Spain and Italy only manage a fifth. The study by a Spanish team, involved logging time spent cooking, ironing, cleaning the house, washing dishes, doing the laundry and odd jobs, gardening and shopping for groceries. ‘If all housework is considered, the United Kingdom would rate as the most egalitarian country, followed by France, Germany, and as more in egalitarian cases, Italy and Spain,’ said lead author Marta Dominguez Folgueras, of Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. ‘The difference is significant: men in the United Kingdom do on average one third of the housework

whereas in Italy, they hardly manage 20 per cent.’ Participants were asked to keep a diary of what they did during each 15-minute period of the day. Italian couples spent the most time– seven hours per day between them. The British came in fourth, at five hours and 52 minutes, while the French spent the least time. The majority of the workload fell to women – except in shopping, where the work was evenly split, and some ‘occasional male tasks’. Cohabiting men were more likely to do housework than their married counterparts, said the study, published in the Journal of Family Issues. The average married male did 23 per cent of the chores, yet unmarried but cohabiting did 30 per cent, a trend researchers

suggest is partly down to a desire to impress a partner. Young people were the most likely to live together when not married, but living as an unmarried couple was most common in France, where 20% chose to cohabit, followed by the UK with 14 per cent. ‘Cohabiting unions hold more egalitarian divisions of household labour, both in terms of quantity – percentage of household load – and quality – types of task performed,’ the researchers wrote. They said living together may be ‘part of a partner selection process’ in which willingness to do chores is seen as ‘a desirable trait’. So, they may not be regarded as the world’s greatest lovers, but it seems you can rely on British men to do their chores!


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Sharples in Session By John Sharples

Fry Up, What Did You Say Fry Down So many people get their English sayings wrong. I can remember a boss of mine from years ago taking great pleasure in saying “the proof is in the pudding”. He wasn’t exactly the brightest of people and he is probably still saying it. The actual saying is “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”.

Apparently, Stephen Fry became depressed whilst he was filming his new TV show. He is quite often in the news because he is depressed. I get a bit fed up of reading about his ups and his downs.

I appreciate that it is a medical issue, but the rest of us don’t exactly walk around feeling as happy as Larry all the time either and we don’t have a fantastic salary and fame on our side.


A lovely friend of mine told me that he was going to have his prostrate checked. Of course the word is prostate! Prostrate is when you are lying prostrate on the floor. Another word that a lot of people get mixed up is specific. You will find that many people say pacific which is of course the largest ocean in the world! Anyway here are ten more things that people say that they are probably getting wrong! 1. ONE IN THE SAME You should actually be saying “one and the same.” One in the same is just total gibberish and a complete giveaway to people that you probably don’t know what you are talking about! 2. WITH ALL INTENSIVE PURPOSES The problem with this saying is that although it is possible to have intensive purposes, is that the actual saying is “with all intents and purposes.” OK, intents and purposes are more or less the same thing and so you don’t really need to say both, but intensive purposes totally wrong. 3. YOU’VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING This should really be “you’ve got another think coming.” If you

want to impress your friends with your knowledge of the English language then explain to them that the real saying should be “if that’s what you think, you’ve got another think coming.” People will probably look at you strangely for using the true saying. 4. A DAMP SQUID All squid are damp, after all they live in the ocean. The real saying should be a “Damp Squib” 5. ON TENDER HOOKS. No ....... wrong again. The phrase should be on tenter hooks! 6. ONE FOUL SWOOP SHOULD BE one fell swoop. 7. ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD has been quoted wrongly for years. It comes from Shakespeare and is even pronounced wrongly in his plays on a regulare basis. The saying should be “all that glisters is not gold”. 8. BATTING DOWN THE HATCHES

is complete gibberish and another example of people who don’t know any better trying to sound cleverer than they really are and giving it all away. The phrase should be “batten down the hatches”. 9. FIND A PENNY PICK IT UP and all day long you’ll have good luck is almost always misquoted. It is a very old phrase and comes from a time when penny probably wouldn’t be found on the floor. The saying should be “find a pin pick it up”. 10. ADVERSE TO probably sounds and looks correct but it isn’t, we should be saying “averse to”. So there it is a quick lesson in English. Unfortunately those in the know say that it is very hard to break old habits and that most people continue to use the incorrect sayings even after they have been told what the right one is!

Murder She Shouldn’t Write

A Did you see the rather excellently compelling interview that Russell Brand gave with Jeremy Paxman? I can’t stand Brand, he really irritates me, but there is no denying that his eloquent use of the English language is something to behold. It was almost as though he had swallowed a dictionary for dinner! Many people felt that he had

wiped the floor with Jeremy Paxman but I think that Paxman did what any good interviewer should do and got the very best out of his invited guest. If you haven’t seen it, you can find it on youtube and marvel at Brand’s tongue twisting cornucopia of words above two syllables. Of course, a man’s ability to pull long words out of a hat during a conversation don’t make him clever and I suspect that Brand sits there trying to memorise a new long word every day.

hhhh, remember Jessica Fletcher? That lovely woman who wrote about murders and lived in a town called Cabot Cove? Murder she wrote ran for twelve series and was a major American hit that went against the grain of most TV shows of its time. The fact that it was a murder mystery starring a retired writer didn’t stop it from scoring a hit with all ages.

Well, some nutter who sits behind a desk trying to come up with new ideas has decided that the series is going to return with a black 27-year-old playing the part of the murder solving writer. I couldn’t care less what colour she is but why 27? Why oh why can’t they leave these things alone? The series will probably run for a series and sink without trace. The whole point about the programme was its comfy feel of a retired lady and her family and friends solving murders in a sleepy fishing village! They’ll be bringing the Waltons back next! Heaven forbid!


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Weird gloucester!

GloUCEsTErshirE Police recently released information that may make it the unexplained capital of England. Werewolves, wizards and a coven of witches have all been reported to a police force said to have received an astonishing number of 999 calls concerning strange sightings, following a freedom of infor-

mation request, a local supernatural society said it would step up investigations in the county. Craig Jones, of Gloucestershire Supernatural Seekers, told the Citizen: “There’s a possibility that these sorts of things happen but a lot of people can be encouraged by all the shows that are on TV. You will get people who are involved in it because of the media interest. There are

oddities that I’ve seen and witnessed but because there’s more media focus on it, people think more into things. We like to investigate fully before committing. We’ve got to look at all the possibilities first.” One woman rang police to complain her partner was using witchcraft to put a spell on her, a man in Stroud dialled 999 to say he was being poisoned by a satellite controlled by witches, while a boy from Gloucester rang up to say he was himself a wizard and a taxi driver c o m plained that his wife was a werewolf, A m a n called police to ask for the Ghostbusters because there was ‘something strange in the neighbourhood’ before hanging up, although this one may not have been serious!

Question one: An aircrafts “black box” flight recorder is called after which grasping king?

Question Two: Name the fabled Hollywood hellraiser and ladies man who starred as The Joker in the 1989 film Batman.

Question Three: Name the versatile actor who plays moody, George Cross-winning DI “Jack” Frost of Denton police. Question Four: Which French firm famous for luxury jewellery and timepieces designed the first wrist watch in 1904? Question Five: Which grim prison in Paris, symbol of the monarchy’s authority, was stormed by the mob on 14 July 1789? Question six: Which great Italian master painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome?

Question seven: What is the title of the Aurthur C. Clarke story which inspired the film 2001: A Space Odyssey?

Question Eight: In whose detective novels do Hercule Poirot and Miss

Marple appear?

Question Nine: The motor age began in 1886 with a present of a “horseless carriage” to whose wife? Question Ten: In what year were steam locomotives finally phased out of the British railway system? Question Eleven: What is the atomic number of silver?


microphone tattoos for mobile phones


oTorolA has submitted a patent application for a neck tattoo which could also be added to shirt collars or a neck band, that doubles up as a microphone for mobile handsets.

The Google-owned smartphone manufacturer plans for the wearable device include a tiny microphone, receiver and power supply. The company claims it would make voice commands more accurate and improve the audio quality of phone calls. In a document submitted to the US Patent and Trademark Office, the company said: “Mobile communication devices are often operated in noisy environments. Large stadiums, busy streets, restaurants and emergency situations can be extremely loud and include varying frequencies of acoustic noise. Com-

munication can reasonably be improved and even enhanced with a method and system for reducing the acoustic noise in such environments and contexts.” The tattoo would be able to pick up acoustic signals from a person’s throat and submit these to their handset using near field communication or Bluetooth. Other companies are looking to “wearable tech” as a potential growth area, Samsung’s Galaxy Gear smartwatch, which provides notifications and doubles up as a hands-free device for compatible phones, was released earlier this year. Google Glass spectacles, which allow users to record and share what they see and access basic information over the internet, are expected to go on sale in 2014. The firm has not yet displayed a mock-up of the tattoo, although it has produced a rough drawing and a series of diagrams.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


gardening and Nature By Steve Andrews - aka Green Bard

The Epiphytes of Tenerife


Some of you are probably wondering what an epiphyte is so I will explain. It is a plant that doesn’t grow in the ground but has its roots in a crack or hollow in a tree trunk or anywhere else high in the air.

Tenerife has palm trees that provide an ideal base for epiphytes to grow from and many plants that do not normally grow this way will do so if given the chance. The north of the island is where you will see most epiphytes because it tends to be damper and cooler and this means there is enough moisture for the roots of the epiphytes. The trunks of the Canary date palm (Phoenix canariensis) are where you can look for epiphytes. The plants germinate and take root in the dirt that gets trapped between the stumps of old leaves that have been pruned away.

You will often find various species of sowthistle (Sonchus spp) growing as epiphytes and also houseleeks (Aeonium spp) sometimes grow this way. Both these plant types will grow on rooftops and in cracks in walls and gutters as well. La Laguna is an ideal place to look for epiphytes that grow out of the trunks of the palms and on the buildings of

the city. They add their own charm to the streets they can be found in. Many types of fern will readily adapt to an epiphytic way of living too. The Canary davallia (Davallia canariensis) that usually has its rhizomes creeping through crevices in walls will sometimes be found high on a palm tree’s trunk. This fern only has its green fronds in autumn and winter and dies back to aestivate throughout the summer dry period. There are even species of tree that grow as epiphytes and in some species will kill the host tree they are growing out of. The banyan trees are also known as “strangler figs” because they destroy trees they are growing on and over by throwing down masses of aerial roots that it time become trunks, whilst throwing up more and more branches of their own. The host tree dies due to lack of space and light. The Australian banyan or Moreton Bay fig (Ficus macrophylla) starts life as an epiphyte in its natural habitat in the rainforests of Australia. It

Canary Davallia

will grow into a massive tree in time and there is a very impressive specimen in the Botanic Gardens in Puerto de la Cruz. Another tree that sometimes starts growing as an epiphyte here is the Australian umbrella tree (Schefflera actinophylla). Like the Australian banyan it comes from the rainforest areas of the continent of its name. It will eventually have roots in the ground and can grow in the normal way. It has groups of evergreen leaves that form the shape of small umbrellas and curious spikes of reddish-purple flowers. There are many epiphytic tropical and subtropical cacti too. The orchid cacti (Epiphyllum spp) have long smooth green stems that bear huge white, red or pink flowers. They climb over walls or tree trunks and are attached by aerial and adventitious roots. The queen of the night or moonlight cacti (Selenicereus spp) also grow as epiphytes and their long stems clamber over trees they are growing on. These cacti have large, usually white, flowers that

are open at night and have a strong perfume. The blooms last only for one night but are well worth waiting for if you grow these cacti. In the wild they are pollinated by moths and bats that are attracted by the scent. The air carnation (Tillandsia aeranthos) grows as an epiphyte too. In fact it can grow anywhere it is suspended as long as it gets enough moisture. These unusual plants from the Bromeliad family are often seen on sale at garden centres, stalls and even in gift shops.

The air carnation takes all its nourishment from the air. They can be seen in many places in the north of the island where they have been tied to a tree, a dead trunk or simply dangled over a wall or fence. Many species of orchid grow as epiphytes. There are a lot of different types on display in the Sitio Litre Orchid Gardens and the Botanical gardens in Puerto de la Cruz. Many types of weed that normally can be found on the ground can adapt to growing in trees or above the ground. They are not epiphytes as such but are able to survive that way. If seeds of a plant or tree get dropped into a crack in a tree trunk or in a wall or roof they may well germinate. Some types can do very well growing in abnormal habitats such as these. In Tenerife it is surprising what you can find growing on the ground and high above it.

Air Carnation

The Air Plants

There are some 540 species of Tillandsia or air plants as they are often called. They come from South and Central America as well as from the southern states of the USA: Some species also grow in the West Indies.

Epiphytic Australian umbrella tree

Spanish moss

The air plants grow as epiphytes and are found in trees, on cliffs and even hanging from overhead lines. The Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is a very well-known species. Air plants all gather nutrients from the air and absorb them through their leaves. They do not have roots as such. Air plants are not parasitic but only rely on host trees and bushes as support. Air plants reproduce by seeds and offsets.

Also known as the Bard of Ely, the Green Bard has a Green Beard, as can be seen in the photo. He is an expert on nature and loves to write about wildlife and conservation. He has a very wide knowledge of edible plants, foraging and herbs.

He was quoted as a “Weed expert” in The Ecologist. The Green Bard, though originally from Cardiff in Wales, is currently based in Tenerife where he has successfully reared many Monarch butterflies on plants grown on his apartment balcony. In May, 2012, at the English Library in Puerto de la Cruz he gave a talk on the Flora and Fauna of Tenerife to a full house and has been invited back to be a guest speaker again.

Keep up to date with him at: http://greenbard.hubpages.com/


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Aquarius 20 January to 18 February


out of term School Holiday Ban petition

Career matters seem to be of prime importance in your life, and they could eclipse other areas unless you’re willing to make time for them. Although you might be tempted to put all your energy into achieving a goal, it also helps to make time to relax. This week you might also need to make an effort to socialize or it won’t happen. Over the weekend a Full Moon in Taurus brings the perfect opportunity for a party or fun get-together. Why not go for it?

Pisces 19 February to 20 March

Neptune turns direct in your sign this week, which could have a positive effect on your sense of purpose, your ability to focus and achieve key goals, and your ability to communicate clearly through a greater understanding of your thoughts and feelings. Creative pursuits of all kinds might be an excellent way to express hidden aspects of your being and personality. Whether you turn to art, crafts, music, or dance, the opportunity to put your talents to use could bring confidence and enthusiasm for life.

Aries 21 March to 19 April

Emotions may be revved up a notch and psychic forces may be activated, encouraged by a focus on Scorpio. Listen to your inner voice for guidance on romance and financial matters. As Neptune turns direct, an issue that’s confused you lately may now be seen with greater clarity. You may feel like a change is coming regarding a career matter when a potent link encourages you to forge a businesslike bond with a key person. Meanwhile, Sunday’s Full Moon gives you a chance to enjoy sensual pleasures.

Taurus 20 April to 20 May

Romantic options show up this week in delightful ways and possibly when you least expect them. However, take care with one meeting, as it might be not be what it seems. “All that glitters isn’t gold,” could be appropriate on this occasion. A fresh perspective on a friendship might enable you to appreciate how supportive and helpful someone has been for you. Guard against jealousy or possessive feelings, especially at the time of the Full Moon. Don’t do anything you might regret later!

Gemini 21 May to 21 June

Although you may have felt pressured at work lately, this week’s lineup could bring good news concerning a project, contract, or perhaps a pay raise. It may finally seem like you’re getting your reward for the hard work you’ve been doing. Concerning personal finances, there seem to be more opportunities to earn cash for those little extras. However, when it comes to shared resources, you might be tempted to take out a loan that isn’t really necessary. Think first before you sign anything.

Cancer 22 June to 22 July

Your love life continues to be intense in both long-term relationships and lighthearted love affairs. Powerful forces may be at work transforming you through your interactions with others. You could find yourself falling for someone close or unsuccessfully trying to dominate a situation. Yet despite your love life feeling like a roller-coaster ride, you could find that you tap into an inner strength you never knew you had. The Taurus Full Moon over the weekend makes this a great time for a party or celebration.

Leo 23 July to 22 August

It’s a good time to get going with home decorating projects, especially if you feel like a change. Unfortunately, you might not take kindly to a family member’s suggestions on this, though you might have to compromise to maintain the peace. Things could become intense at work as a powerful aspect suggests hidden agendas or manipulation. At the same time, a positive business relationship can be forged if you’re willing to go for it. You could be the center of attention over the weekend.

virgo 23 August to 22 September

With Mars in your sign you may notice how determined you are to achieve a personal goal. Although you might be very focused, you could get some unexpected help from a friend that could make a positive difference. As Neptune turns direct this week in your relationship zone, you may find that a fresh perspective on a partnership or friendship helps revitalize your bond. A budding romance could become intensely passionate this weekend. Be sure you want to commit to this because it could get very involved.

libra 23 September to 23 October

Career matters could take a turn for the better, especially as you could get a new job that pays well or a contract that’s perfect for you. If you’re proposing an important plan or idea, pay attention to details in order to get accepted. It would be unwise to simply hope for the best. The Full Moon over the weekend enhances intimacy and sensual awareness. You may be tempted to splurge on luxury items, especially if they smell, feel, or look expensive.

scorpio 24 October to 21 November

Taking up a subject that could be of value to your career or creative side might be one of the best things you do for yourself this week. Explore options that expand your horizons and help revive your enthusiasm for life. In romance, Neptune’s direct station could coincide with a new phase in a relationship. If things seem to have stalled, it may suddenly develop wings. The Full Moon in your partnership zone may encourage you to share feelings that you’ve been holding back for whatever reason.

sagittarius 22 November to 21 December

Deep thoughts seem to be stirring within you. These could be many things, including painful, inspiring, or creative. They even appear in the form of guidance and a kind of deeper wisdom. The cosmos seems to be urging you to explore your inner resources, perhaps to take up meditation, and certainly to heal ancient wounds, release toxic feelings, and perhaps find peace within yourself. By exploring your inner feelings this week, you might find that your circumstances are somehow blessed as a result.

Capricorn 22 december to 19 january

Friends may seem to have learned the secret of how to push your buttons. You might find it difficult to be around certain people because arguments erupt, conflicts come to light, or you begin to feel uncomfortable. However, it’s also possible that these people may be reflecting aspects of your deeper self back to you for healing and integration. Passions could also be aroused concerning an issue that is of real importance to you. Be careful how you handle this!

A 126,000-siGNATUrE petition calling for the government to reverse a ban on schoolchildren in England taking holidays during term-time has been delivered to the department for Education.

Campaigners say many families cannot afford the higher cost of a break during the school holidays, however the DfE said it was giving schools more freedom to set term dates - potentially meaning parents could book cheaper holidays. Until last month, heads could grant up to 10 days’ leave a year for family holidays in “special circumstances”. Since 1 September, head teachers have no longer been able to grant any absence outside school holidays except under “exceptional circumstances”. The reference to the 10-day limit has been removed from the regulations. A petition against the ban, started by a parent and hosted on the 38-Degrees Campaigns By You website, says the ban will “adversely affect” families who cannot afford the higher prices charged to holidaymakers during the school holidays. Also not all businesses can allow their staff to be off all at the same time”, says the petition. “All children who have a good attendance record should be allowed the opportunity to enjoy quality time with their parents on an annual holiday of up to 10 days once per year.” Craig Langman, the parent who started the petition, says his six-year-old son still remembers a holiday the family took to Rome during termtime two years ago and has done school projects based on the trip: “It was probably more educational than being

in school to be honest. He still remembers the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum.” Mr Langman says the cost of breaks during the school holidays can be three times as much as during termtime: “I am not asking kids to have a guaranteed extra two weeks on top of their existing 10 weeks’ holiday each year - but this blanket ban on term-time holidays with the threat of a fine is almost killing families.” He argues that the decision as to whether to grant a request for extra days off school should remain with head teachers: “I feel that most MPs in the government had holidays with their parents when they were younger so why do they think they have the power to stop our children’s generation from enjoying the same lifestyle,”

says Mr Langman. “Soon only rich kids would be able to go on holiday and that’s unfair on everyone else.” A DfE spokesperson said: “If children aren’t in school they lose out on valuable learning time and have to waste more time catching up. That’s why children shouldn’t be taken out of school during term time unless absolutely necessary. “We are giving all schools the freedom to set their own term dates, for example David Young Community Academy in Leeds operates a seven-term year starting in June. This means that parents and teachers can benefit from cheaper holidays at the end of September. We want schools to consider changes to term dates that will work for their pupils and their families.”


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

pugh´s pantry


By Barry Pugh

Slow cooker Sweet Garlic Chicken

Who’s guilty of owning a slow cooker and never using it? I most definitely fall into that category. To be honest there are a lot of wonderful easy recipes that you can make in the dust collecting appliance, you can set it, go to work and when you get home there’s no need to start getting pans out!

I have seen some strange slow cooker recipes, one being homemade bread - apparently the results were amazing, I will have to give that a try I think! This week I am sharing with you a great easy recipe, that’s tasty and can be left for hours. Next week I will be giving you part 2 to our slow cooker experience with recipes you can make in the slow cooker – but with a twist – YOU CAN’T EAT THEM! 2-3 Tablespoons minced garlic 2 Tablespoons soy sauce 4-6 chicken breasts 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 100g packed brown sugar 2 Tablespoons corn flour 100ml vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar) 2 Tablespoons water 75ml lemon-lime lemonade Red pepper flakes (optional)


Directions: Spray slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray. Place chicken (frozen, thawed or fresh) inside slow cooker. Mix together brown sugar, vinegar, lemonade, garlic, soy sauce, and pepper together. Pour over chicken. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4 hours. Take chicken pieces out of slow cooker (mine basically fell apart) and pour remaining sauce into saucepan. Place saucepan over high heat. Mix together corn flour and water, pour into saucepan, and mix well. Let sauce come to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes, or until it starts to thicken and turns into a glaze. Remove from heat and let sit for a minute or two (it will continue to thicken as it cools down). Sprinkle red pepper flakes on top if desired. This can be served over rice or noodles, I also like it with a baked potato on the side (It’s good on top of the potato too!)


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

hiNk PiNks

What’s a Hink Pink you ask?

Hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the riddle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.

1. Tiny sphere ____________________________________________________________ 2. Wander to your house __________________________________________________ 3. What you say when you want the feline to leave ________________________ 4. hypnotic ballet ________________________________________________________ 5. Poem hour _____________________________________________________________ 6. Pig squeal _____________________________________________________________ 7. Unusual seat ___________________________________________________________ 8. Weak man ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. ship saying ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Nightbird grimace _______________________________________________________________________ 11. Bogus earth movement __________________________________________________________________ 12. Penitentiary letters _____________________________________________________________________ 13. sharp speech impediment _______________________________________________________________ 14. shovel up the droppings _________________________________________________________________ 15. Quiz Wiz _________________________________________________________________________________



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Motoring News


By Lingy

Range Rover unveils New BMW i3 most expensive model The BMW i3 has collected its first accolade in the UK even before it goes on sale in November, having topped the Electric and Hybrid Car category in The Sunday Times Top 100 Car list.

Range Rover has unveiled the most expensive and most luxurious model ever with a price tag to match at £140,000. The range-topping super-luxury Autobiography Black derivative of the Range Rover offers rear occupants fully adjustable reclining first class airline style seats with in-built massager, champagne chiller, individual electronic tables in black leather, mood lighting in ten colours, as well as a range of luxurious leather, wood and other interior trim.

The luxurious model will makes it’s world debut next week at the Dubai International Motor Show, a Land Rover spokesman said “this will be the most expensive and luxurious Range Rover ever.” There is no doubt about that statement when you read about this new model which is powered by a 5.0 litre supercharged V8 petrol engine capable of 0 to 60mph in just 5.5 seconds and reaching a top speed of 140mph. Also for the first time in twenty years Jaguar Land Rover is offering customers a long wheelbase version of the Range Rover which gives five and a half inches of extra legroom to occupants this extra space will help in a bid to capture more of the limousine market for chauffeured VIPs. Range Rover is already the car of choice for the Royal Family and celebrities arriving at red carpet events and film premieres. Jaguar Land Rover hope the long wheel-base and Autobiography Black versions will be ‘even more appealing’ Land Rover said ‘the first Range Rover long wheel-base in twenty years will cater for a growing group of consumers looking for the ultimate sports utility vehicle and a unique alternative to the tra-

ditional long wheelbase saloon cars. It represents the pinnacle of desirability to bring even higher levels of refinement to the world’s finest luxury sports utility vehicle.’ Despite its name, it will also be available in white and other colours, as ‘Black’ is a term used in the automotive industry to denote a prestige model. Specification includes leather seating with massager and 18-way adjustment for the driver and front passenger. Lower back massagers in rear chairs which can recline like air-

line seats, LED mood lighting which allows for ten different settings including footwell lights and rear console, Black leather-coated tables for backseat passengers along with chiller compartment, removable headphone stowage trim that reveals a ski hatch for those heading for the snow plus a large 10.2 inch rear screens fitted to the back and linked to a high quality sound system. The powered side door blinds and a panoramic sunroof also come as standard.

MPG Marathon Cars

And this was not over a route designed to flatter. It excelled, in fact, over a two day event that covered more than three-hundred miles and competitors could not save fuel by driving slowly as they would have been penalised.

The MPG Marathon has crushed the myth that cars cannot hit their manufacturer’s fuel consumption figures. As such, a Peugeot 208 GTi thrashed its target by 23.99% by averaging 59.39mpg rather than 47.9mpg.

Furthermore, the 208 GTI was not the only high achiever. The Peugeot 308 HDi 92 thrashed its target by 10.41% by returning 82.04mpg rather than 74.3mpg - and the Honda Civic 1.6 i-DTEC EX also exceeded expectations by 8.12% (84.87mpg/78.5mpg). In fact, the majority of cars broke their targets by a meaningful sum. But how? The key was to drive smoothly and maintain consistent velocities rather than speeding-up and slowing down. Within this, competitors kept engine revolutions low and lifted-off the gas rather than braked (where practical). The drivers also maximised aerodynamic efficiency by keeping the windows and sunroof shut. Finally, they ensured that the tyre pressures were correct, switched-off the air-con and minimised weight by abandoning unnecessary cargo.

The Sunday Times supplement magazine set out to create a Top 100 List of their favourite cars and the BMW i3 managed to reach the number one spot in the Electric and Hybrid Car category, thanks to its holistic approach to electric car ownership and genuine appeal. The Sunday Times Driving team said “BMW has bided its time while others took their first tentative steps into the electric car market. The brilliance of the i3 comes not in revolutionary battery technology for there is none, but by being a car someone might consider buying for reasons other than it is electric.” The new BMW i3 is the first model to launch within the BMW i range. Two BMW i cars are confirmed for production, the fullyelectric BMW i3 megacity vehicle and the plug-in hybrid BMW i8 sports car. The BMW i3 is BMW’s first fully-electric production car and is due to go on sale in the UK this November priced from £369 a month or £25,680. Meanwhile, the BMW i8 will go on sale in the UK in 2014 priced at £99,845. The BMW i3 features an all-aluminium chassis combined with a passenger cell made entirely from carbonfibre-reinforced plastic. As well as the vehicles themselves, BMW i will

encompass a range of premium services for mobility aimed at optimising the use of parking spaces, charging infrastructure, ‘smart’ navigation systems, intermodal route planning and access to other BMW vehicles on an ‘on-demand’ basis. The BMW i3 can be charged from 0-80% in just three hours, this fast charging can be performed by the BMW i Wallbox. The exclusive Wallbox can be installed at your home and green power options will be offered via selected BMW i partners, for emission-free home charging. AC Fast Charging is also the most widespread public charging option in the UK. If a full charge is not required then occasional charged can be performed using a pre-supplied cable, fitting a standard household socket at 3.7Kw, when a 32 Amp AC Fast Charging port is not available. If you need a full charge then charging this way takes from eight to ten hours. The DC Fast Charging is the third and final option available to owners and allows a BMW i3 to get an 80 per cent charge in just 30 minutes to one hour it uses a 50Kw connection to do this and is the best option for public locations where quick short charges are required.



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

15 N ove m b e r

Friday - TV 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:00 22:25 22:35

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Moving On Pressure Pad Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Children in Need 2013 BBC News at Ten BBC London News Children in Need 2013

06:00 Emmerdale 06:55 You’ve Been Framed! 07:25 Up All Night 07:50 Ben and Kate 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Dinner Date 09:40 Real Housewives of New York City 10:35 Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30 Big Rich Texas 12:30 Emmerdale 13:30 You’ve Been Framed! 14:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 15:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10 Real Housewives of New Jersey 17:05 Big Rich Texas 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Two Weeks Notice 22:05 The Sweetest Thing 23:55 Deep Blue Sea 02:00 Life’s Funniest Moments

08:15 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:45 14:30 15:00 15:45 16:15 16:45 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:10

06:00 06:10 06:35 07:30 08:35 09:35 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:55 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:15 16:50 17:20 17:55 18:55 20:00 22:00 23:00 00:05 02:35 02:55


Real Rescues Flog it! Trade Secrets Question Time BBC News Two Rode Together Cash in the Attic Floyd on France Cagney and Lacey Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Fred Dibnah’s World of Steam, Steel and Stone Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Celebrity Antiques Road Trip Mastermind Gardeners’ World Cold War, Hot Jets Children in Need 2013 Newsnight Up in the Air

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Wycliffe Barbara Faith in the Future Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Agatha Christie’s Marple Agatha Christie’s Poirot Law and Order: UK Changeling Judge Judy Judge Judy


14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:10 22:45 23:45 00:15

06:15 07:00 07:50 08:20 08:50 09:55 10:55 11:50 12:45 13:15 13:50 14:50 15:55 16:55 17:55 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:55 23:55 00:55 01:55

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Alan Titchmarsh Show Tipping Point The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale International Football Live ITV News at Ten and Weather International Football Highlights The Dales Jackpot247

Greatest FA Cup Finals Black Gold Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos Border Security USA Police, Camera, Action! Police, Camera, Action! The Saint Kojak Magnum, P.I. Border Security USA Minder Cheers Cheers River Monsters Bowfinger Sports Life Stories Best of Brazil Border Security USA Minder

06:10 07:55 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:25 13:30 15:30 16:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:05 23:50

06:00 07:10 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00

20:30 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:20 02:15 02:50

Children’s TV Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss USA Beat My Build Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures Phil: Secret Agent Down Under Channel 4 Racing Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 8 Out of 10 Cats Man Down Alan Carr: Chatty Man Stand Up for the Week Was it Something I Said?

Home Shopping Amazon with Bruce Parry Ace of Cakes Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Ace of Cakes Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Ace of Cakes Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Man v Food San Diego. Adam Richman eats his way around America. Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Would I Lie to You? Andrew Maxwell’s One Night Stand QI XL Mock the Week Him and Her

06:00 Children’s TV 08:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 The Hotel Inspector 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Construction Squad: Operation Homefront 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Mentalist 15:15 Nightmare at the End of the Hall 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 Newstalk Live 19:00 Chris Tarrant Goes Fishing 20:00 Stobart: Trucks, Trains and Planes 21:00 On Benefits and Proud 22:00 Rambo 23:40 Campus Pd 00:10 Super Casino

06:00 11:30 12:00 16:00 16:15 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30

22:00 23:00 23:15 23:30 00:00 01:00 01:15 01:30

Cricket Sporting Greats Grand Slam of Darts Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League World FL72 NFL Champions League Weekly Football Portugal v Sweden, World Cup Qualifier 1st Leg. The Fantasy Football Club Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Champions League Weekly International Football Highlights Football Gold Football Gold Grand Slam of Darts

19:00 Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 19:05 Doctor Who 19:55 Doctor Who 20:50 Doctor Who 21:40 Doctor Who 22:30 Russell Howard’s Good News 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 01:10 Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents

11:00 13:25 15:50 18:20 21:00


06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:30 22:15 23:15 00:15 01:15 02:15

Warlock Stalag 17 McLintock! The Parent Trap Patriot Games Harrison Ford plays an ex-CIA agent who, on a visit to London with his family, foils the assassination of a government minister by the IRA, killing one of the attackers in the process. Splice

UEFA Champions League Highlights UEFA Champions League Highlights Football Gold Football Gold Grand Slam of Darts Sporting Greats Barclays Premier League World NFL Cricket FL72 NFL Cricket ATP Tour Uncovered Cricket The Fantasy Football Club Football NFL NFL The Fantasy Football Club The F1 Show Champions League Weekly

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


S a t u r d ay - T V 06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:45 13:00 13:15 14:00 16:30 17:00 17:10 17:20 18:30 20:00 20:50 21:00 21:50 22:10 00:45 02:20

06:00 06:50 08:10 11:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 17:45

19:25 21:30 22:30 23:20 00:05 01:35 02:25

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Food and Drink Football Focus Saturday Sportsday BBC News Bargain Hunt Rugby Union Autumn International A Question of Sport BBC News BBC London News Children in Need Strictly Come Dancing Atlantis The National Lottery Live Casualty BBC News Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End Highlander: Endgame Weatherview

Holiday Showdown Coronation Street Omnibus Emmerdale Omnibus The X Factor USA Peter Andre: My Life You’ve Been Framed! Kindergarten Cop Mr Bean’s holiday The disaster-prone Englishman wins a holiday to Cannes , but on his travels he unwittingly separates a young boy from his film director father. Evan Almighty The Xtra Factor Celebrity Juice Fake Reaction The X Factor I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! You’ve Been Framed!

06:00 07:35 09:05 10:40 11:10 12:00 12:45 13:30 14:15 15:40 16:25 16:55 19:30 22:00 22:30 23:45 01:20 03:00

06:00 06:20 07:10 09:05 10:15 11:20 12:20 14:10 15:20 16:55 19:00 20:00

22:00 23:00 00:05 01:45 02:05 02:30

This is BBC Two Emergency Call The Journey of Natty Gann Reel History of Britain The Life of Birds Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds The A to Z of TV Cooking EastEnders Omnibus Escape to the Country Flog It! Rugby Union Autumn International Rugby League QI F1: Grand Prix Qualifying Stark Raving Mad Radio On This is BBC Two

Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote The Pure Hell of St. Trinian’s Wycliffe The Royal The Royal Carry on Henry Agatha Christie’s Poirot Columbo A Touch of Frost Rosemary and Thyme Foyle’s War Foyle is finally given a date when he can relinquish his post as Detective Chief Superintendent. Bomb Girls An Audience with Diana Ross Wycliffe Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

16 N ove m b e r th

06:00 08:30 09:25 09:30

CITV The Munch Box ITV News The Home of Fabulous Cakes 10:30 Murder, She Wrote 11:25 ITV News and Weather 11:35 Surprise Surprise 12:40 You’ve Been Framed! 13:10 Doc Martin 14:10 The X Factor 15:45 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 18:05 ITV News London 18:15 ITV News and Weather 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 The Chase: Celebrity Special 20:00 The X Factor 21:30 The Jonathan Ross Show 22:30 ITV News and Weather 22:45 Take Me Out 00:00 Jackpot247

06:00 06:15 06:40 07:35 08:05 09:05 11:05 11:40 13:35 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:55 02:15

World of Sport Cheers Bundesliga UEFA Champions League Weekly Motorsport UK British Touring Car Championship 2013 Review World Rally Championship Highlights 633 Squadron The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars I Want That Car Cristiano Ronaldo: Footballing Superstar Born on the Fourth of July Jarhead Police, Camera, Action!

06:00 06:10 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:05 10:30 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:30 16:00 16:25 17:00 17:25 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:05 20:00 21:00 23:10 01:05 01:50

Channel 4 - 21:00 - 23:10

But to achieve her dream she must overcome three potential obstacles. First there’s the suffocating influence of her mother (Barbara Hershey), whose vicarious ambition has relentlessly bulldozed Nina to the brink of success, but which also continues to

The Treacle People The Hoobs Volleyball The Morning Line The American Football Show Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Heston’s 70s Feast Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News The Political Slot Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Grand Designs Black Swan The Deep Blue Sea Stand Up for the Week Paddy’s TV Guide

06:00 Home Shopping 07:10 The Gadget Show 07:35 Bush Pilots 08:30 Top Gear 10:00 Megatruckers 10:30 Megatruckers 11:00 Lizard Lick Towing 11:30 Lizard Lick Towing 12:00 Red Bull Cliff Diving 12:30 Man v Food 13:00 The World of Stupid Criminals 13:30 Top Gear 15:00 Man v Food 15:30 Man v Food 16:00 Traffic Cops 17:00 Top Gear 18:00 Top Gear 19:00 QI 19:40 QI 20:20 Would I Lie to You? 21:00 Mock the Week 21:40 Mock the Week 22:20 Mock the Week 23:00 Ross Noble 00:05 Mock the Week 00:45 Mock the Week 01:25 Mock the Week

Black Swan Natalie Portman gives an oscar-winning performance in darren Aronofsky’s brooding psychological drama. Nina sayers (Portman) is an exceptional ballerina who may get her big break when a New york ballet company decides to retire their current star (Winona ryder).


make her life hellish. Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel), the company’s director, thinks Nina is perfect as the Swan Queen, but lacks the required edgy sensuality for the other half of the lead’s twin role, the Black Swan; and predictably enough he’s more than happy to help her with this. Lastly there’s Nina’s mental health, which is fragile at the best of times, though more often she’s on the edge of a full-scale breakdown. Into this heady mix comes another new dancer, the beautiful and alluring Lily (Mila Kunis), who offers Nina support, and more. But is it genuine friendship, or does Lily intend to claim the lead role for herself?

Children’s TV Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Toby’s Travelling Circus Roary the Racing Car Jelly Jamm Power Rangers: Megaforce Slugterra Inside Hollywood Ben Fogle’s Animal Clinic Stobart: Trucks, Trains and Planes Christmas Card The Town Christmas Forgot A Grandpa for Christmas 5 News Weekend D-Day: The Ultimate Conflict Jfk’s Secret Killer: The Evidence Battle Scarred International Boxing Super Casino


06:00 FIFA Futbol Mundial 06:30 Champions League Weekly 07:00 International Football 08:00 The Fantasy Football Club 09:00 Game Changers 10:00 Soccer A.M. 12:00 The Fantasy Football Club 13:00 Champions League Weekly 13:30 Rugby Union 16:55 Rugby Union 19:00 Grand slam of darts The second two quarter-finals of the 2013 William Hill Grand Slam of Darts. 22:30 Sporting Greats 23:00 Spanish Gold 23:15 Spanish Gold 23:30 Football Gold 23:45 Football Gold 00:00 Saturday Reloaded 01:00 Grand Slam of Darts

06:00 11:30

06:00 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:40 10:00 10:35 11:00 11:05 12:05 13:05 14:50 16:30 18:10 18:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:00

20:00 20:55 21:50 22:45 23:30 23:55 00:20 00:40 01:00 01:25 01:45

11:00 13:00 14:45 17:05 19:10 21:00


12:30 12:45 13:00 16:30 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 21:30 22:30 22:45 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00

Autumn Rugby International Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy

Mysterious Island Bride Wars Cutthroat Island Tooth Fairy Chalet Girl hot Tub Time Machine Steve Pink’s boisterous sci-fi comedy stars John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson and Clark Duke. Frozen

Cricket Sachin Tendulkar: The Little Master Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Grand Slam of Darts Sporting Greats Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Football Gold Football Spanish Gold Spanish Gold International Rugby Union International Rugby Union Football Gold Football Gold International Football International Rugby Union International Rugby Union International Football Football Gold

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

17 N ove m b e r

Sunday - TV

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:00 13:15 14:15 14:30 17:05 17:15 17:50 18:05 18:15 19:15 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:15 22:25 00:25

06:00 06:45 07:10 10:00 11:25 12:55 13:55 14:25 16:15 18:25 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:35 00:40 01:40 02:25 02:50

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Sunday Morning Live Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Escape to the Country Points of View Rugby Union Autumn International Lifeline Songs of Praise BBC News BBC London News Countryfile Strictly Come Dancing The Paradise Britain and the Sea BBC News BBC London News F1: Grand Prix Weatherview

Beauty and the Geek You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus The X Factor The Xtra Factor You’ve Been Framed! Ice Age: The Meltdown Peter Pan The Lost World The Xtra Factor You’ve Been Framed! I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! Tricked Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Frock Ups The Vampire Diaries Life’s Funniest Moments Teleshopping

09:30 10:00 11:30 13:00 13:30 14:30 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:05 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30

06:00 06:45 08:35 09:35 10:40 12:50 13:50 16:05 17:05 18:40 21:00

23:00 00:35 02:20 02:45

Gardeners’ World Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Food and Drink Rugby Union Autumn International Rugby League Flog It! JFK: The Final Visit to Britain Days That Shook the World Coast Kennedy’s Home Movies Great Continental Railway Journeys Africa 2013: Countdown to the Rains Respect: A Felix Dexter Special Hebburn Never Mind the Buzzcocks Rugby League

Murder, She Wrote Carry on Henry Heartbeat Heartbeat A Touch of Frost Rosemary and Thyme Inspector Morse Murder, She Wrote Columbo Agatha Christie’s Poirot lewis When Lewis and Hathaway investigate the death of a young orphan, forensic evidence leads them to suspect there is a link with an old rock band on the verge of a comeback. Blue Murder Steptoe and Son World Kitchen Judge Judy


06:00 08:30 09:25 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 12:35 13:35 14:35 16:05 17:35 18:35 18:45 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 22:45 23:15 00:15

06:00 06:20 06:45 07:15 07:50 08:20 08:50 09:40 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 15:15 17:15 20:00 21:00 23:05 00:05 01:45 02:30

CITV Fort Boyard ITV News Storage Hoarders Sunday Side Up Sunday Scoop ITV News and Weather Inside the National Trust Love Your Garden The X Factor Downton Abbey Prize Island ITV News London ITV News and Weather Coronation Street The X Factor Results Show I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News and Weather Off Their Rockers LV= Cup Rugby Highlights The Store

Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers World’s Wildest Police Videos Ax Men Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty World Rally Championship Highlights I Want That Car Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe 633 Squadron Dunkirk LV= Cup Rugby Highlights Jaws 3 Sports Life Stories DOA: Dead or Alive Border Security USA Police, Camera, Action!


Tel. 922 714 500 Whale Watching Puerto Colon 2 Hours 22 Euros

06:10 07:05 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 12:30 12:55 13:25 15:30 17:35 19:40 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:55 23:55 00:45

06:00 07:00 07:10 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:40 15:20 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:40 22:20 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:00

The American Football Show Blancpain Endurance Season Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Sunday Brunch Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing Congo Night at the Museum Channel 4 News Queen Victoria and the Crippled KaiserSecret History Homeland Was it Something I Said? Toast of London Alan Carr: Chatty Man Fresh Meat American Football Live

06:00 Children’s TV 07:55 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:15 Angelina Ballerina 08:30 Rupert Bear 08:45 Milkshake Monkey 08:50 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:00 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:15 Jelly Jamm 09:30 LazyTown 10:00 Power Rangers: Super Samurai 10:35 Slugterra 11:00 The Hotel Inspector 12:00 Cowboy Builders 13:00 Police Interceptors 14:00 Little Nicky 15:35 Click 17:35 Lucky Christmas 19:15 5 News Weekend 19:20 Rush Hour 2 21:00 The Book of Eli 23:15 Once Upon a Time in Mexico 01:15 Super Casino

19:00 Great TV Mistakes 19:30 Doctor Who 20:20 Doctor Who 21:10 Doctor Who 22:00 Family Guy 22:25 The Revolution Will be Televised 22:55 American Dad! 23:20 American Dad! 23:40 Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents 00:40 The Revolution Will be Televised

Home Shopping Radical Highs The Gadget Show Top Gear Total Wipeout Australia Traffic Cops Man v Food Lizard Lick Towing QI Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums QI Top Gear Top Gear Red Bull Cliff Diving Man v Food Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Have I Got a Bit More News for You Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Crackanory Would I Lie to You? Would I Lie to You? Red Bull Cliff Diving


06:00 11:30

07:00 08:00 09:00 09:15 09:30 11:00 12:30 15:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:45 23:00 01:00 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00

International Rugby Union International Rugby Union Game Changers Football Gold Football Gold The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday LV Cup Rugby Union Football LV Cup Rugby Union Grand Slam of Darts FL72 Champions League Weekly Football Gold Football Gold Grand Slam of Darts FL72 Champions League Weekly Football Gold Football Gold Grand Slam of Darts

11:00 13:00 15:35 17:25 19:20 21:00 22:50 00:25

12:30 13:00 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:30


00:30 01:30 02:30

Dakota Incident Star Trek: The Motion Picture The Mistress of Spices Son of the Mask The Man The Mechanic The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult California Dreamin’

Cricket International Rugby Union Sporting Greats Grand Slam of Darts Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Football Gold Football Gold Champions League Weekly NFl: Cleveland @ Cincinnati Cincinnati Bengals host the Cleveland Browns at the Paul Brown Stadium. NFl: san Francisco@ New orleans New Orleans Saints take on the San Francisco 49ers at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. NFL Cricket LV Cup Rugby Union

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


18 N ove m b e r

M o n d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:20

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Moving On Pressure Pad Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Caught Red Handed EastEnders Fake Britain Ripper Street BBC News at Ten Have I Got a Bit More News for You It’s a Wonderful Afterlife

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 Up All Night 07:50 Ben and Kate 08:10 You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 Dinner Date 09:40 Real Housewives of New York City 10:35 Real Housewives of New Jersey 11:30 Big Rich Texas 12:25 Emmerdale 12:55 Coronation Street 13:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 Real Housewives of New Jersey 17:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! The Next Generation 21:00 Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Frock Ups 22:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Take Me Out 00:50 Fake Reaction

10:05 10:35 12:00 13:00 13:45 14:30 15:00 15:45 16:15 16:45 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

06:00 06:10 06:35 07:35 08:35 09:35 10:00 10:30 10:55 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:05 16:15 16:50 17:20 17:55 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:05 01:10 02:00 02:30



Swansea Market Click The Daily Politics Rugby League Coast Floyd on France Cagney and Lacey Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Fred Dibnah’s World of Steam, Steel and Stone Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Celebrity Antiques Road Trip University Challenge MasterChef: The Professionals The Choir: Sing While You Work Never Mind the Buzzcocks Newsnight The Kennedys

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Wycliffe Barbara Faith in the Future Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Midsomer Murders Law and Order: UK Wycliffe Murder in Suburbia ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

06:10 07:00 07:50 08:20 08:55 09:55 11:00

15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:10 00:05

11:55 12:50 13:20 13:50 14:55 15:55 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:00

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News Emmerdale Coronation Street Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green Coronation Street I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten The Agenda Animal Heroes Jackpot247

The Saint Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos Border Security USA Police, Camera, Action! Highway Patrol The Saint Kojak Magnum, P.I. Border Security USA World Rally Championship Highlights Cheers Storage Wars Storage Wars Ax Men Gareth Bale -Welsh Galactico LV= Cup Rugby Highlights

06:10 07:00 07:30 07:55 08:55 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:20 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:25 23:55

06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:40 00:20

The Hoobs According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Beat My Build Superscrimpers: Waste Not, Want Not Winchester ‘73 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Dispatches Health Freaks Fear of Flying Fresh Meat Cardinal Burns Man Down Rory Peck Awards 2013

Home Shopping Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops Storage Hunters Storage Hunters Top Gear Top Gear Traffic Cops World’s Most Dangerous Roads Have I Got a Bit More News for You Mock the Week Ross Noble Never Mind the Buzzcocks Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 08:10 08:35 08:45 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:40

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 13:15 13:30 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:30 01:00 01:30

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Milkshake Monkey Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Police Interceptors Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Amish Grace 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan The Gadget Show 7 Days That Made the Fuhrer The Wild Geese Lost Heroes of World War I

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans FL72 Grand Slam of Darts FL72 Football Gold Football Gold Grand Slam of Darts The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers Soccer A.M. The Best Bits FL72 Boxing Football The Footballer’s Football Show Boxing FL72 SPFL Round Up Boxing Soccer A.M. The Best Bits

19:00 Top Gear 20:00 The Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who 22:00 Russell Howard’s Good News 22:30 EastEnders 23:05 Family Guy 23:25 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:10 The Revolution Will be Televised 00:40 The Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who

12:50 The Red Pony 14:35 Doctor in Distress 16:40 The Thief of Bagdad 18:45 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 21:00 red When a retired CIA ‘black-ops’ agent is the victim of an assassination attempt, he recruits his former colleagues to help track down the culprit. 23:10 JFK

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Ford Football Special Champions League Weekly International Rugby Union La Liga La Liga Ford Football Special The Fantasy Football Club Game Changers International Rugby Union NFL NFL Barclays Premier League Review FL72 The Footballer’s Football Show NFL NFL

Fear Of Flying: Caught On Camera Editor Recommends Channel 4 - 21:00 - 22:00

For most of us, getting on a plane is like catching a bus; just another way of getting from A to B. But imagine if you had a fear of flying and woke up in a cold sweat because you were catching a plane in the morning. or had to be pushed and cajoled through security by your friends and pinned in your seat. or sobbed in terror before grabbing your hand baggage and running for the door just as it closes.

For about 20% of the UK population, for whom air travel is a living hell, such feelings are a terrifying and mortifying experience. This documentary features

self-generated footage of people with aviophobia or aviatophobia who have recorded themselves as they embark on a flight, focusing on what happens as they confront their greatest anxiety. The result is a series of intimate portraits capturing the realities of a real and overwhelming fear. No camera crews and no directors; just the passengers, their friends, their families and their own filmed accounts. The programme also features industry insiders and experts who discuss the causes of aviophobia and how best to overcome it, as well as some extraordinary footage of what happens when things go wrong in the air.



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

19 N ove m b e r

Tu e s d a y - T V

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:45 01:30

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Moving On Pressure Pad Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Holby City Last Tango in Halifax BBC News at Ten Imagine... The Girl in the Park Weatherview

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 07:25 The Hot Desk 07:35 Up All Night 08:00 Ben and Kate 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:55 Dinner Date 09:55 Real Housewives of New York City 10:55 Real Housewives of New Jersey 11:55 You’ve Been Framed! 12:25 Emmerdale 12:55 Coronation Street 13:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 Real Housewives of New Jersey 17:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 100% You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 The Vampire Diaries 22:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Take Me Out


09:05 Antiques Roadshow 10:05 The Culture Show 10:35 HARDtalk 11:00 BBC News 12:00 The Daily Politics 13:00 Cash in the Attic 13:45 Coast 14:30 Floyd on France 15:00 Cagney and Lacey 15:45 Are You Being Served? 16:15 ’Allo, ‘Allo! 16:45 Fred Dibnah’s World of Steam, Steel and Stone 17:15 Flog It! 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 19:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00 MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00 Strange Days - Cold War Britain 22:00 Hebburn 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 The Kennedys

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30

06:00 06:10


06:35 07:35 08:35 09:35 10:00 10:30 10:55 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:15 16:50 17:20 17:55 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 01:25 01:45 02:05

Drama Trails Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Wycliffe Barbara Faith in the Future Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Midsomer Murders Law and Order: UK Bomb Girls Faith in the Future Judge Judy Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen

14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:10 22:45 23:45 00:30

06:15 06:45 07:10 08:15 08:40 09:10 10:10 11:15 12:15 12:45

17:15 17:45 18:45 23:15 01:05 02:05

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale International Football Live ITV News at Ten and Weather International Football Highlights The Jeremy Kyle Show USA Jackpot247

Uefa Champions League Greatest Matches Highway Patrol Police, Camera, Action! Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! snooker Jill Douglas presents live action from snooker’s prestigious new big-money tournament. Highway Patrol Minder Snooker Crank Kojak World’s Wildest Police Videos

06:00 06:10 07:05 07:30 07:55 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:20 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:10 23:55

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:20 02:15

The Treacle People The Hoobs According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Beat My Build River Cottage Bites Guadalcanal Diary Phil: Secret Agent Down Under Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners The Sound of Musicals Masters of Sex 8 Out of 10 Cats Random Acts

Home Shopping Ray Mears Goes Walkabout World’s Most Dangerous Roads Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops World’s Most Dangerous Roads Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops World’s Most Dangerous Roads Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops Man v Food Man v Food QI XL Ross Noble QI Dara O’Briain: School of Hard Sums QI XL Ross Noble QI

06:00 08:10 08:35 08:45 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:50

06:00 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 18:15 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:00 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Milkshake Monkey Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Ben Fogle’s Animal Clinic Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Christmas in Canaan 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Jungle Babies The Dog Rescuers Cowboy Builders The Mentalist Castle Body of Proof Countdown to Murder

Good Morning Sports Fans Boxing FL72 The Footballer’s Football Show SPFL Round Up FL72 Boxing Soccer A.M. The Best Bits FL72 FL 72 -Highlights Boxing The Footballer’s Football Show Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Sportswomen Week Behind the Ropes Football Behind the Ropes Football Gold Football Gold Spanish Gold Spanish Gold Behind the Ropes

19:00 Don’t Tell the Bride 20:00 Gavin and Stacey 20:30 World’s Craziest Fools 21:00 Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents 22:00 Sweat the Small Stuff 22:30 EastEnders 23:00 Family Guy 23:45 American Dad! 00:10 Snow, Sex and Suspicious Parents

11:00 14:05 16:30 18:55

21:00 23:25

06:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:00 19:30 22:30 22:45 23:00 00:00

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Stalag 17 leap year Amy Adams and Matthew Goode star in this transatlantic romcom. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Neds

Good Morning Sports Fans FL72 The Footballer’s Football Show Tennis - World Tour Finals Tennis - World Tour Finals Barclays Premier League Review Soccer A.M. The Best Bits SPFL Round Up The Footballer’s Football Show Barclays Premier League Review Sailing - World Match Racing Golfing World Sportswomen -Week William Hill St Leger Football Gold Football Gold Sailing - World Match Racing Triathlon

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


We d n e s d ay - T V 06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:05 23:35 01:30

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Moving On Pressure Pad Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show Nigel and Adam’s Farm Kitchen New Tricks BBC News at Ten A Question of Sport Film 2013 American Beauty Weatherview

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 The Hot Desk 06:35 Holiday Airport 07:35 Up All Night 08:00 Ben and Kate 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:55 Dinner Date 09:55 Real Housewives of New York City 10:55 Real Housewives of New Jersey 11:55 You’ve Been Framed! 12:25 Emmerdale 12:55 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! 13:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 Real Housewives of New Jersey 17:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! 18:00 Dinner Date 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Ocean’s Thirteen 22:30 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! 23:30 Celebrity Juice 00:20 Take Me Out

10:00 10:30 11:30 13:00 13:10 13:30 14:30 15:00 15:45 16:15 16:45 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:20

06:00 06:10 06:35 07:35 08:35 09:35 10:00 10:30 10:55 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:05 16:15 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:00 01:05 01:30 01:55 02:15

Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food See Hear The Daily Politics Lifeline A to Z of TV Gardening Coast Floyd on France Cagney and Lacey Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Fred Dibnah’s World of Steam, Steel and Stone Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Celebrity Antiques Road Trip MasterChef: The Professionals Tudor Monastery Farm The Culture Show Newsnight The Kennedys

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30

Movies Now Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Wycliffe Barbara Faith in the Future Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Midsomer Murders Law and Order: UK Wycliffe Faith in the Future Judge Judy Judge Judy ITV3 Nightscreen

06:00 06:10 06:40

Mystery Map ITV 1 - 20:00 - 21:00

Ben shephard and julia Bradbury present a new series for iTv exploring some of the nation’s best-known mysteries and unexplained occurrences.

Examining everything from the infamous Beast of Bodmin Moor and a bizarre spinning Egyptian relic, to the ghost of Guy Fawkes believed to haunt an inn in York. In this brand-new two part series, Ben and Julia take to the road to investigate for themselves the background to these mysterious sightings, ghostly goings on and tales of mythical beasts. Using reconstructions and interviews with eyewitnesses, experts and historians each story is brought to life. The presenters set out to explore the details of each mystery and their possible explanations, to con-

14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:05 00:50


2 0 N ove m b e r th

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News and Weather Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News London ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Mystery Map I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News and Weather Stiff Upper Lips Jackpot247

Movies Now Highway Patrol Police, Camera, Action! 07:10 Minder 08:15 Cheers 08:45 Cheers 09:15 Kojak 10:20 Magnum, P.I. 11:25 World’s Wildest Police Videos 12:15 Police, Camera, Action! 12:45 Snooker 17:15 Highway Patrol 17:40 Minder 18:45 snooker Champion of Champions. Jill Douglas presents action from the second session as Judd Trump faces Marco Fu and Ricky Walden plays Stuart Bingham. 23:15 L.A. Confidential 01:55 Minder 03:00 The Store

06:00 06:10 07:05 07:30 07:55 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:25 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:45 23:50

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 23:20 00:00 01:00 01:40

sider how they came about and why people believe in them. In the first episode of the series, Ben heads to York where he spends a night in the Guy Fawkes Inn where the ghost of Guy Fawkes himself is said to haunt its rooms. He also immerses himself deep in Rendlesham Forest, the location of Britain’s most famous UFO incident, retracing the steps of US military officers who reported a sighting of unidentified craft around Christmas one year. Ben also investigates the mystery of a pilot who went missing after setting out on a solo flight in his aeroplane, in Scotland. The plane was never found and the pilot’s body was recovered four months later but mysteriously with no signs of injuries indicating his plane had crashed, instead showing he had actually died of exposure.

19:00 19:10 20:00

The Treacle People The Hoobs According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Beat My Build Kirstie’s Vintage Gems Carry on Spying Phil: Secret Agent Down Under Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Location, Location, Location 24 Hours in A and E Gogglebox Bouncers Drifters

06:00 Children’s TV 08:45 Milkshake Monkey 08:50 Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 Tickety Toc 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 The Hotel Inspector 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 Cowboy Builders 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS 15:15 Chinese Food in Minutes 15:20 Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 Newstalk Live 19:00 Emergency Bikers 20:00 Ben Fogle’s Animal Clinic 21:00 Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail 22:00 Magnum Force 00:20 Pokerstars: The Big Game


Home Shopping Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops Man v Food Man v Food Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops Man v Food Man v Food Red Bull Cliff Diving Trawlermen Top Gear Motorway Cops Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing QI XL Crackanory Mock the Week Never Mind the Buzzcocks QI XL Crackanory Mock the Week



09:00 09:30 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:00 16:15 16:30 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30 20:30 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:30

Good Morning Sports Fans Behind the Ropes Football Football Gold Football Gold Behind the Ropes Football Asia Football Behind the Ropes Game Changers Football Behind the Ropes Football Gold Football Gold Football Behind the Ropes FIFA Futbol Mundial Football Gold Football Gold Behind the Ropes Boxing Boxing Behind the Ropes What’s the Story? Sporting Heroes Behind the Ropes Football Gold

21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:45 00:10

11:00 13:20 15:40 18:30 21:00 23:05

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:15 00:30

Great TV Mistakes Atlantis Free Speech: Live From Parliament Jack Whitehall Live Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad Russell Howard’s Good News Family Guy American Dad! American Dad!

Von Ryan’s Express The Poseidon Adventure Howards End Cutthroat Island The Iron Lady The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover Age of Consent

Good Morning Sports Fans Barclays Premier League Review Revista de la Liga Sailing - World Match Racing World Eight Ball Pool Championship Revista de la Liga Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League Review Gloves are Off -Middleweights Triathlon Watersports World FIFA Futbol Mundial Johnstone’s Paint Trophy What’s the Story? Sporting Heroes Football Gold Football Gold What’s the Story?

Editor Recommends



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

Thursday - TV

06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:35 00:20

Breakfast Neighbourhood Blues Homes Under the Hammer Saints and Scroungers Escape to the Country Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Doctors Moving On Pressure Pad Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds Antiques Road Trip Pointless BBC News at Six The One Show EastEnders Animal Odd Couples Britain’s Secret Terror Force BBC News at Ten Question Time This Week Holiday Weatherview

06:00 Emmerdale 06:25 Coronation Street 06:55 The Hot Desk 07:05 You’ve Been Framed! 07:35 Up All Night 08:00 Ben and Kate 08:25 Dinner Date 09:25 Real Housewives of New York City 10:55 Real Housewives of New Jersey 11:55 You’ve Been Framed! 12:25 Emmerdale 12:55 Coronation Street 13:25 You’ve Been Framed! 13:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 Real Housewives of New Jersey 17:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 The Guide to You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Tricked 22:00 I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here Now! 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Take Me Out

10:05 10:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:45 14:30 15:00 15:45 16:15 16:45 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:20 00:05

06:00 06:10 06:35 07:35 08:35 09:35 10:00 10:30 10:55 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:05 16:15 16:50 17:20 17:55 18:55 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:00 01:10 01:30 01:55

Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food HARDtalk BBC News The Daily Politics Cash in the Attic Coast Floyd on France Cagney and Lacey Are You Being Served? ’Allo, ‘Allo! Fred Dibnah’s World of Steam, Steel and Stone Flog It! Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Celebrity Antiques Road Trip MasterChef: The Professionals An Adventure in Space and Time Newsnight The Kennedys The Kennedys

Drama Trails Man About the House Heartbeat The Royal Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Heartbeat The Royal Wycliffe Barbara Faith in the Future Man About the House Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Doc Martin Midsomer Murders Law and Order: UK Ruth Rendell Mysteries Faith in the Future Judge Judy Judge Judy

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:25 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:35 23:40 00:05

06:00 06:10 06:40 07:10 08:10 08:40 09:10 10:15 11:20 12:15 12:45 17:15 17:45

18:45 23:15 01:40 02:35

21 N ove m b e r st

Daybreak Lorraine Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning ITV News This Morning Loose Women ITV News Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover Dickinson’s Real Deal Tipping Point The Paul O’Grady Show ITV News Emmerdale Tonight Emmerdale Britain’s Secret Treasures I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather The Jonathan Ross Show The Late Debate Jackpot247

06:25 06:35 07:05 07:30 07:55

UEFA Champions League Greatest Goals Highway Patrol Police, Camera, Action! Minder Cheers Cheers Kojak Magnum, P.I. World’s Wildest Police Videos Police, Camera, Action! Snooker Highway Patrol Minder Terry gets another dead-end job when Arthur agrees to look after a coffin. What is really in it? Snooker Jarhead Hamish and Andy’s Euro Gap Year Movies Now

06:00 07:00

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:05 12:10 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05

08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:40 22:20 23:00 23:40 00:20 01:20 01:55 02:25

The Treacle People The Hoobs According to Jim Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Undercover Boss Australia Beat My Build Kirstie’s Vintage Gems King Solomon’s Mines Phil: Secret Agent Down Under Countdown Deal or No Deal Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces Bedlam Bouncers 24 Hours in A and E

Home Shopping Ray Mears Goes Walkabout Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops Lizard Lick Towing Lizard Lick Towing Top Gear Top Gear Motorway Cops QI XL Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week Crackanory Extras QI XL Not Going Out Not Going Out Mock the Week

06:00 08:15 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:10 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 19:30 21:30 22:30 23:30 00:00

Children’s TV Peppa Pig Toby’s Travelling Circus Bananas in Pyjamas Tickety Toc The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Stobart: Trucks, Trains and Planes Home and Away Neighbours The Mentalist Lucky Christmas 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Newstalk Live Police Interceptors Charley Boorman’s USA Adventure Children of the Master Race Person of Interest Harold Shipman Super Casino


Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Good Morning Sports Fans Behind the Ropes FIFA Futbol Mundial Sporting Heroes Total Rugby Behind the Ropes What’s the Story? Total Rugby Behind the Ropes Sporting Heroes FIFA Futbol Mundial Behind the Ropes What’s the Story? Behind the Ropes FL72 Ringside Sky Sports Victory Shield FL72 Ringside Barclays Premier League World NFL

06:00 08:00 09:00

20:15 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:05 23:50 00:30 01:00

14:40 16:40 18:55 21:00


11:00 11:15 11:30 13:00 13:15 13:30 15:00 15:30 15:45 17:00 17:30 19:00 19:30 22:00 22:30 23:30

Doctor Who at the Proms Top Gear Comedy Fest Live 2013 Him and Her EastEnders Family Guy American Dad! Him and Her Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad

Danger Within Sabrina Chalet Girl Another year Jim Broadbent and Ruth Sheen star in Mike Leigh’s Oscar and Bafta-nominated comedy drama about a contented couple and their less fortunate friends and family. Drowning by Numbers

The Ashes Ashes Breakfast Good Morning Sports Fans Football Gold Football Gold FIFA Futbol Mundial Football Gold Football Gold FIFA Futbol Mundial Total Rugby Football Gold Football Gold FIFA Futbol Mundial Asian Tour Golf Show Barclays Premier League World ATP Tour Uncovered Total Rugby Barclays Premier League World The Ashes


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013



Sony HD TV

Vivitar 80-200mm 1:4,5

Don't have the right paperwork? Don't speak Spanish? Don't know where to turn? Don't worry! Call 647 057 599 or email help@diana-mcglone.com

Hi , This is the very best Sony Bravia model 40inch, fantastic picture and sound quality integrated Dolby surround sound, with HD3D quality, 2 HDMI inputs...

This is a Vivitar mm 1:4.5 MC Macro focusing zoom lens – PK fit. . Classic manual focus lens. Multi coated for better optics. The lens is used, but is...

922 867 478


300 € 689 008 644


Netgear cables....


35 € 662444669



10 €

Pro Straighteners


Duplex - Playa De La Are

Table and Chair Set

Dining table with 4 chai

Cosmo professional ceramic straighteners. Heat to 210degrees. Retail price 50€. Sale price 40€....

size 4 high heeled open toe boot shoe with side zip. ...

Large Duplex/House on quiet, residential complex close to beach, shops, school, gym, bars and restaurants, with pool and gardens. 2 double bedrooms, 1 1/2 ...

Selling beautiful folding table and chair set, table and 2 chairs, as new, Can be easily stored, folds away,, or carried in car for picnic. Tenerife south,...

Extendable dining table in good condition sold with 4 chairs. measurements: closed: 90cm wide, 76cm tall. open: 114cm long. torviscas alto. price negotiabl...

650 256 556


922 860 191

666 248 656

690 375 706

40 €


140,000 €

25 €

150 €


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


Micro wave


Wood Barbecue

Cream leather corner sof

Washing Machine

Good condition microwave oven ...

Blue and white striped manual awning 3.4m wide rolls out to 1.9m. buyer to collect from Chio. Tel ...

Large freestanding log burning metal barbecue. Buyer to collect Chio, Guia de Isora...

Beautiful cream leather corner sofa, 3 seater plus chaise longe, slot together for easy transportation, needs a clean. both pieces measure 190 x 100, and t...

Washing machine for sale, good condition, excellent working order 165 euros can deliver ...

603 256 420

639 481 064

639 481 064


635 911 337

20 €

125 €

300 €

600 €

165 €

Aviator Sun/Reading Glas

Dining table + 6 chairs

ikea billy display unit

Camera HD Panasonic

Studio apartment for ren

60 aviator sun glasses/reading glasses. 5 sizes 1,1.5,2,2.5.3 ideal for markets and car boot sales. 60 euros for the lot....

Beautiful, colonial/classic style dining table, for 4 or, extending, for 6 people with 6 chairs. As new!!!!!!!!! Tenerife sur, Adeje. ...

dark wood ikea floor to ceiling display corner unit with two glass doors and shelving. ...

Camcorder Full HDC-SD9 Panasonic Full HD 1920 x 1080p Leica lens O.I.S 5.1 CH 5 micro's In Adeje ...

We are renting our lovely studio apartment on a great complex in the golf del sur with views of the golf course. Very secure and gated complex, with a grea...

672 993 974

666 248 656

922 773 117

632 092 358


60 €

249 €

225 €

350 €

400 €

baby coat

Collectable Bears

Studio Golf del Sur

Kia Sportage CRD I 4x4

Nice flat whit garden


Bears from First Choice Airways, Easy Jet, Air 2000, JMC and Britannia...

We are selling our lovely studio apartment on a great complex in the golf del sur with views of the golf course. Very secure and gated complex, with a grea...

May .0 Diesel, top of the range on-board computer sat-navigation and d.v.d player, electric sun roof and Climate control. 95000 km. well looked after and...

Urban House in El Medano, Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Besieged in: AV.JUAN Carlos I n5, Ed.La Pardela N5, Low Floor 4. Floor area of 73....

922 725 059

683 191 155





30 €

65,000 €


Sony Loudspeakers



Sony Loudspeakers These two speakers in good condition, black finish. Manufacturer: Sony Model: SS-M 33 Rated Impedance: 6 Ω Maximum Input...

this is a white baby shawl hand knitted in 2ply and it new...

Full set cushions, (seats 4 condition.

922 740 483

689 008 644

922 725 059


150 €

20 €

Garden or patio furnitur

12 €

of 6 chairs with wooden vinyl table - 6), parasol. Good Comes complete....

250 €

167,000 €

Coffee Table

Real wood frame and glass top. In as new condition....

922 178 432

35 €

Severin ice cream maker

bmw 735

chiffon top & blouse uk1

Very Reliable, 1.4 coupe red 2door. excellent mechanical condition ,1 year ITV - Oct 2014, paintwork not great, red car in sun, but excellent car for year....

Nearly new ice cream maker,unwanted present,only used twice,taking up space in the kitchen,it's in really excellent condition...

BMW 735i 1987 manual excellent engine 6 months itv all papers needs respray...

navy stripe fully lined chiffon sleeveless top and matching long blouse. fabric has a nice seersucker feel to it and set looks lovely worn with white trous...


922 797 020

922 782 357

654 873 853

2 vases,1 photo frame&1b

Renault Megane Coupe

Set of 2 vases, 1 photo frame & 1 decorative box for keepsakes. In good condition. Torviscas Alto....

690 375 706

45 €

8,500 €

1,450 €

35 €

850 €

15 €


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013




Music and art lessons

Baby buggy

Top loader washing machi

For Sale 1 water Radiator with wheels. Rowenta Oleo 2000. In good condition. ...

plain white & turquoise are both George size 12 & white/embroidery is Pilot size 14 - worn once or twice each - 5E each or all 3 for 12E - Los Cristianos p...

I offer guitar lessons to beginners and bass guitar lessons (beginners and intermediate) also music theory lessons. South Tenerife. Also painting lessons...

MACLAREN "QUEST" Baby buggy in good condition. Tenerife south, Adseje...

Top loading washing machine, only 2 years old, excellent condition, all working with user manual. Can deliver 145 Euros ono...

690 375 706

922 794 409


666 248 656

635 911 337

30 €



19 €

145 €

House in Chio

Mini Straighteners

Kurzweil keyboard 2500X

Modern 3 bedroom house, ( Unfurnished ) with new kitchen, Lounge, Dining area, 2 bathrooms, integral garage with electric door. Full roof terrace, and balc...

Professional mini straighteners. Heats to 200 degrees. Designer series...

Professional Keyboard PROS • High-quality master keyboard/ production station, with control facilities to match. • Powerful VAST synthesis architectu...

922 850 087

650 256 556

632 092 358

CONTACTS CORAL - COSTA RICAN I am a sexy, pretty Costa Rican, girl, I lovingly perform sensory massage, with sea salts, mud and hot oil. Then a good natural French until the final penetration.

I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos, and am availble 24hrs a day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

C a ll: (+ 3 4 ) 6 7 2 9 5 5 3 2 6

ALEJANDRA - COLUMBIAN I am an erotic, sensual and sexual girl. French natural with deep throat, all kinds of positions, kisses, caresses, Erotic Massage. I am waiting to meet you behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day. I Can Also Come To Meet You...

C a ll: (+ 3 4 ) 6 5 0 4 4 2 6 6 5 YENI LOS CRISTIANOS AVAILABLE 24 HRS Venezuelan, Pretty, Hot, Nice Body, Large Natural Breasts, I Can Offer All Services. I am opposite the entrance of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos. I Speak Some English.

Call: (+34) 610 359 991

CIELO - VENEZOLANA I am very willing to please, I offer Natural French, Positions, Relaxing Massages, Anal and Kisses. I am available 24hrs a day behind the BP Petrol Station in Los Cristianos I can also come to meet you.



159,000 €

CLAUDIA - COLUMBIAN I am a very loving brunette. I enjoy everything to the maximum without any limits. I am waiting to meet you in front of the Cultural Centre behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day.

Call: (+34) 672 517 821

KELY - LATINA I am a 19 year old Loving Latin girl that offers all services without limits.

I am in front of the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos, and am available 24hrs a day.

Call: (+34) 626 087 584

21year old Canarian


I am opposite the entrance to the Aguamar Hotel in Los Cristianos I can also come to meet you.

C a ll: ( + 3 4 ) 6 0 3 2 8 1 1 2 4

Anglican Chaplaincy of St Francis South Tenerife

Winter Fayre Los Gigantes Plaza Saturday 23rd November Opens at 10:00 am


I am waiting to meet you behind the BP Station in Los Cristianos. Available 24 hrs A Day.

Call: (+34) 672 970 209 ACCOMMODATION


Available 24 hrs A Day I am blonde, affectionate, willing to enjoy to the fullest, without limits, I am waiting to meet you behind the BP Petrol Station in Los Cristianos.

I Can Also Come To Meet You... Call: (+34) 628 895 416

1,000 €

One of Europe’s leading holiday clubs requires additional sales representatives to service its on-site clients on a full time basis on the Golf del Sur. Experience in sales is not essential but may be an advantage. Full training will be given to selected individuals. Candidates must have NIE. For further info and where to send your CV please contact: Zaidha on 607 113 488 or Gary on 676 892 814

I am a Canarian girl of 21 and I will satisfy you in everything that you ask, natural French, Deep Greek and all positions.

605 072 917

I am a loving and pretty girl. All ser vices performed, French natural, Positions. I have no limit.. Deep Greek.

25 €



CARS - RENT TO BUY Long Term Rental From Just € 230 per month Insurance and maintenance Included No Finance Necessary TEL: 922 738 410

Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013




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Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


nadal arise Sir Beckham Loses final AFTEr beating arch rival roger Federer in the semis, rafael Nadal was well and truly bested by , Novak djokovic , in straight sets last Monday. Perhaps trying to prove a point following his demotion to No 2 in the world, the serbian wasted no time bulldozing the spaniard into a t6-3, 6-4 defeat in 1hr 36min.. he is the first man to receive the Brad drewett Trophy, named after the late ATP president who died in May.

Djokovic’s now returns to Belgrade to play for Serbia in the Davis Cup final this weekend.. Nadal was outclassed from the beginning looked the wearier of the two all week, and. the statistics said it all, with13 unforced errors on his forehand side,his forehand is the very foundation of his game.. Nadal turned to his reliably deadly serve but Djokovic worked him mercilessly from side to side until his resistance broke..

Managing to save two match points, Nadal fought to the bitter end but you could see why the Serb has won 22 matches on the bounce, and 10 in a row on this court against the best in the world. Djokovic has put seven successive victories together, yet Nadal has achieved a similar sequence over the last 18 months. 17,800 people who had crammed themselves into London’s O2 Arena to watch the tennis titans go head to head.

dAvid Beckham could have a great start to 2014 after being nominated for the New year’s honours list.

The 38-year-old football ambassador has been nominated for a knighthood; officials are reportedly carrying out standard checks before he is officially confirmed. Final approval will be given later this month, with Beckham’s £165 million fortune one of the factors being assessed by officials before he gets the green light. A source told The Sun On Sunday: ‘HM Revenue and Customs look at the higher honours – specifically at the high earners like sports people – to see if there is anything they want to double check.’ Should his name appear on the Honours List the former England skipper is likely to be reunited with close friend Prince William when he receives his Knighthood at Buckingham Palace in the New Year. The two have a forged a close friendship thanks to their various charitable commitments, amongst them WildAid, a campaign to reduce the demand for rhino horns and ivory. It will also cap a transitional

12-month period for Beckham, who closed the door on his illustrious playing career at the end of last season after winning the French title with Paris Saint Germain. The footballer’s likely honour means he will be given the official title Sir, while his fashion designer wife will be ‘Lady Victoria.’ Beckham already has an OBE for his services to football, awarded to him in 2003, and the potential knighthood reflects his contribution to football over the last 20-years, as well his various ambassadorial commitments. The former winger won six Premier League Titles, two FA Cups and a Champions League winner’s medal with Manchester United before signing for Real Madrid in 2003. He would win a Spanish Super Cup and La Liga title before moving to the US in 2007, where he helped Los Angeles Galaxy win two MLS Cups during a successful five year spell. Beckham is currently the only English player to have won major honours in four different countries, while the 115 caps he amassed during a nine-year England career make him the most capped outfield player in the national team’s history.

andy murray in Bt Wins racket “Scare” Championship

League rights

PoliCE arrested four men suspected of brandishing a gun at tennis star Andy Murray, before realising they were autograph hunters actually holding a tennis racket.

The mix-up happened in north London when the Wimbledon champion was in a car with his agent. Two men apparently got out of another car and knocked on the window of Murray’s vehicle to ask him to sign the racket before he drove off, but a member of the public thought the racket was a gun and contacted police. A Scotland Yard spokesman said they received a report of a man with a firearm in a Mercedes car in Swiss Cottage and the vehicle was stopped in Chelsea, west London. The four men, aged between 21 and 31, were arrested on suspicion of possessing a firearm and taken into cus-

BT sPorT has signed a £1bn deal to broadcast Champions league and Europa league matches for three years from 2015. The company has agreed to pay around £299 million a season for the rights to all 350 matches in the two Uefa competitions each season.

tody, but subsequently bailed until late January pending further inquiries. The spokesman added: “A search of the car was conducted and no trace of a firearm was found.” Murray is currently recov-

ering from back surgery he had in September. In July, he became the first British man to win Wimbledon for 77 years, although he missed the latter part of the season after undergoing the surgery.

Currently the Champions League is currently broadcast by Sky Sports and ITV. In a statement, Sky said: “We bid with a clear view of what the rights are worth to us. It seems BT chose to pay far in excess of our valuation. “There are many ways in which we can invest in our service for customers. We take a disciplined approach and there is always a level at which we will choose to focus on something else. If we thought it was worth more, we’d have paid more. “Nothing changes until 2015 and we look forward to 18 more months of live Champions League on Sky Sports. “We will now redeploy resources and continue to bring customers the best choice of

TV across our offering.” Telecommunications Company BT launched two sports channels on August 1 this year. BT chief executive Gavin Patterson said: “I am thrilled that BT Sport will be the only place where fans can enjoy all the live action from the Uefa Champions League and Uefa Europa League. Both tournaments are world class and firm favourites with many.”


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


perez to Leave mcLaren MEXiCAN sergio Perez has announced that he will leave Mclaren at the end of the season after just one year. he was signed as the successor to the Mercedesbound lewis hamilton after three giant-killing podium finishes at sauber last year but has had a disappointing campaign amid Mclaren’s worst run of results since 1980.

Although it had appeared recently that Perez was edging towards a contract renewal for 2014 to stay on alongside Jenson Button, sources revealed that McLaren’s young protégé Kevin Magnussen had emerged as a serious contender to replace the Mexican. Promotion for the Formula Renault 3.5 Champion now appears likely after Perez - who has scored just 35 points this term, compared to Button’s 60 - announced his own departure following the seasonending Brazilian GP via a message posted on Twitter this week. The 23-year-old insisted “I do not even regret a bit joining them” despite his brief time at McLaren. “First of all, I would like to thank McLaren for giving me the opportunity to be with them this season,” Perez’s statement read. “It has been an honour for me to

have been in one of the most competitive teams in the sport and I do not regret even a bit having joined them. I have always given the best of me for the team and still despite this I could not achieve what I aimed for in this historic team. “I am committed to deliver very good results in these last two races, especially in Austin. I am so much looking forward to see all my people gathered there, feel their energy and show them the best of me. “I would like to say to every single one of my fans around the world and in my country that I am eternally grateful to them. They have never let me down, especially in difficult moments like these. I truly appreciate their support, they have never forgotten me. “I have met a lot of new people at McLaren this season and I have made many good friends as well. From the top management level to marketing, accounting and engineering departments to the mechanics, the cooks, the catering people and basically everyone in the team, I am eternally grateful to them. It has been a learning experience to me.” With his McLaren career to run to just 19 races, Perez’s 2014 plans now appear uncertain although he has already been linked with vacant seats at Force India, Lotus and even a return to Sauber. His career is also

supported by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim’s Telmex communications firm. Indeed, Perez has expressed hope that he will be able to continue with a competitive team next season: “I would like to wish the team the very best in the future. I will always be a fan of McLaren; in the meanwhile I will be looking at my future to ensure my position in the best possible package to fight for wins.

Spain reVeaLS WorLd Cup kit

sPAiN has gone against tradition, opting for an allred kit for next summer’s World Cup tournament. The team posed under a banner reading ‘la roja or Ninguna’– ‘the reds or no-one’.

Not all fans were happy with the decision to go all red, Spain have worn blue shorts with the famous red shirts since the 1920s and after it was unveiled in Madrid on Wednesday, naysayers claimed it looked more like Turkey than Spain. Andres Iniesta scored the only goal of the World Cup final against Holland in 2010 while wearing Spain’s all-blue alternative kit, but the squad changed into their red and blue home kit to lift the trophy. Spain’s World Champions have told the Spanish FA that they do not want to be photographed with one of the world’s most

Thanks to McLaren and all its partners for this season, you can rest assured that I will never give up.” McLaren released a statement from Team Principal Martin Whitmarsh. “First of all, we would like to thank Checo for his kind and gracious statement, and for being a fine team member during the 2013 Formula 1 season. There are still two grands prix yet to run this year, and our collective focus is on

golden Sunset for Lorenzo

By Colin Kirby “hoPiNG for a bronze” those were the parting words of lorenzo Conbraschi a few weeks ago in The Tenerife Weekly as he set off for the European Qwan ki do Championships in switzerland. it was a triumphant return to los Cristianos as he won gold with the spain team.

notorious authoritarian leaders this weekend. The team will play Equatorial Guinea on Saturday and Premier League stars Alvaro Negredo, Jesus Navas, Juan Mata, Santi Cazorla and Nacho Monreal fear that the country’s president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo will use the visit to enhance his image by being pictured with the team. The Spain squad, led by captain Iker Casillas have told the head of the Spanish FA, Angel María Villar that they will play

the game refused to be used politically by Obiang who has ruled the former Spanish colony since a bloody military coup in 1979. Human Rights groups have questioned the decision to play in the capital Malabo and opposition to Obiang inside Equatorial Guinea have written to Fifa and the Spanish FA to protest against the friendly. If they walk away with the cup it will make it an unprecedented fourth straight international title for the Spaniards.

scoring as many points as we can in those two remaining races. Checo has made many friends during his time at McLaren - and, together, as a team, we intend to do our utmost to help him finish his year with us with two good results, especially here in Austin, where he has so many fans. We wish him well for the future, and are sure that he will have many successes ahead of him”.

About to turn 40 Lorenzo has to retire from senior competition and his team mates paid him the ultimate compliment by letting him keep the team trophy to go with his medal. “ It was a great way to finish, there were 20 teams in our competition and it was an elimination event, I fought in all four bouts and beat two ex France captains.” It was touch and go if Lorenzo would make his last big showdown, having the extra journey to make from Tenerife to join his team mates in Spain nearly proved a tougher obstacle than the other fighters. “I was really lucky, Juan Jose Alvarez Darias of Segebon Canarias in San Isidro came to my rescue and sponsored me just in time.” Lorenzo will not be completely leaving the sport. “ I have always done some refereeing and will do more of that now as well as competing in the veterans events and I’m busy teaching self defence at the IES school in Los Cristianos.”


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


the SportS SCene By Colin Kirby

kerching! ayoze is the real deal

Goal Celebration For Cd Tenerife sTAGE fright? Not for Ayoze Perez, the big clubs may be hovering but as he stood just outside the Eibar goal area he was coolness itself. A quick feint had the defenders twitching then he looked up, picked his spot, and flighted the ball into the top corner of the goal. That secured a 2-0 home

win for Cd Tenerife, raised them out of the relegation zone, and underlined his immense talent. real Madrid, Arsenal, QPr, swansea City, and all the other interested clubs better add a few more noughts onto his valuation. It was just what the 10,191 crowd had been hoping for but there was much more

to please them in a terrific all round team display. The stage wasn’t exactly set up for this win, last seasons top scorer Aridane was out injured, and after 24 minutes another young Tenerife prospect Bruno had to go off with an injury to his right ankle. Midfielder Aitor Sanz dropped back into the centre of defence and looked a natural and with sub Inigo Ros patrolling just in front the visitors tall and fast run-

Ayoze on The Ball

ning side were kept in check. Suso is in and out of the side like a yo yo but he still produces the goods, his aggressive runs had Eibar in all sorts of bother and he was unlucky with a shot in the 15th minute. There was a scare just after the half hour when Navas headed into the home net from a corner but the ref ruled it out for a foul on Sanz – a little generous maybe but much appreciated. Tenerife stepped it up and Suso made the opening for Ayoze to supply Ros for his first goal in the white shirt, it was richly deserved by the hard working trio. Eibar snatched at a clear chance and sent the ball over the bar to end the half and Eizmendi opened the second with a wasteful wide

shot. It was clear the visitors were hungry for a win and it showed in the desperate way they played, Roberto was having a sound game in goal, another home product blossoming in the first team. Amid a flurry of yellow cards from the ref, Tenerife stuck to their plan and Ayoze now playing wider on the left was ready and waiting for that wonder goal. Both the ref and the Eibar players fell apart after the second marker, it was pure comedy to see Sanz chip the ball clear and winger Yuri catch it out by the byline, the ref didn’t even flinch. Roberto continued his impressive evening with a good take at the feet of Eizmendi and a powerful punch clear when danger threatened.

Eibar were a strange bunch, plenty of skill but no discipline, Vera was having a running battle with one of the Tenerife ball boys behind the goal and at the final whistle they besieged the ref, several of the Tenerife players got dragged in and Suso got a post match sending off for his comments. Ayoze was modest in the after game interviews and wouldn’t be drawn on his future, this latest performance and his fifth goal of the season will move his name up most coaches Christmas wish list and the national selector of the Spain Under 21 side has said he is well aware of his form. Numancia away on Sunday at 5pm is the next challenge and live on TV Canaria.


Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013


The Other Ayoze Is Late Late Show Pegs Back CD Marino Big In America


It was grim up north for CD Marino as an injury time goal sent them back from Acentejo with a 1-0 defeat to Atletico Victoria who are now snapping at their heels a place behind them in 6th.

eckham the team owner may be looking to unleash Miami on the American MSL (Major Soccer League) but the reborn New York Cosmos have just celebrated their first season back by lifting the big trophy.

The home side had their best chance in the 5th minute from Geraldo while a Richard shot half way through the first half was the nearest that Marino got to breaking the deadlock. Marcos couldn’t open a home advantage in the second from a corner and the introduction of Josimar for Marino gave them some hope as he linked well with Josito for a pop at goal. A draw would have been a good away haul but in the last seconds a Galvan header stole the points. This Sunday at noon UD Realejos are the visitors to Las Americas, entry is just eight euros and free for kids.

Former CD Tenerife player Ayoze Garcia was a key player as they beat Atlanta Silverbacks 1-0 in the Soccer Bowl Final. Ayoze is enjoying a new lease of life after a poor injury record closed doors to him in Europe. The 28 year old from Santa Cruz helped to get Tenerife into the Primera five seasons ago and was linked with a possible return in the summer. Things are working out just fine in the states, after the game Ayoze was offered a new two year contract.

CB Canarias Looking For A Home Boost

After a lightning start to the ACB basketball season, CB Canarias have been slowed down by two away defeats in two weeks and now sit in seventh spot.

The latest reverse was by a 87-71 scoreline at Barcelona. The powerful home team ground the Tenerife side down by winning each quarter, 23-17, 25-24, 22-16 and rounding it off with a final 17-14. The good news for CB Canarias was the return from injury of Levi Rost, he chipped in with five points but will soon build back up to his best. Nico Richotti led the way with 14 points and Blagota Sekulic continued his hot run with 11 points, the same as unsung hero Carles Bivia. This Saturday home ad-

vantage should give them a great chance against lowly Joventut at 7pm. It’s never been easier to get to a CB Canarias game at the Pabellon Deportes in La Laguna. Titsa have added an extra bus stop at the stadium, the 015 service leaves the Santa

Cruz bus station 45 minutes before every game and arrives at the stadium 15 minutes before the action starts, it then returns 20 minutes after the game has finished. The price is 1.45 Euro each way or 1.15 Euro on a Bono ticket.

Super Sporting Saturday Typical, we take a short break and loads of events sneak up and try to surprise us. You can still enjoy this trio on Saturday 16 November if you get a wiggle on.

BEER RUNNERS – This is a new Spanish movement meant to put the fun and friendship back in running, so far 10,000 people have taken place in nine events across Spain. From 11am the contestants (sorry all places filled) will set off on a 5km run starting and ending in Plaza del Cristo in La Laguna. At the end of the run everyone enjoys a beer and tapas together, it’s an attempt to show that beer in moderation, doesn’t have to be forbidden to runners. There’s more at www.beerrunners.es

MOTOR FIESTA – Valle San Lorenzo will be revving up for the arrival of rally cars, bikes, classic cars, trucks and other motors in the main plaza. They are not very forthcoming on timings but with a live DJ due to perform it looks like an afternoon display with the

music taking it into the evening. AMATEUR BOXING – The Pancracio Socas Sports Centre in Puerto Santiago is the setting for a packed bill of the noble art from 9pm. As well as seven amateur bouts Adeje boxer Sandro Dominguez will make his professional debut against a yet to be named opponent. What amazing value at just five euros, you can pay on the night.



Tenerife Weekly - 15th November 2013 - 21st November 2013

achin Tendulkar was given a rapturous reception as he started his 200th and final Test match for india in Mumbai. The Little Master brought down the curtain on his incredible career against the West Indies at the Wankhede Stadium as “Sachin Mania” gripped the entire country. The vast majority of the 32,000 in the crowd were hoping to see the 40-year-old batting early on the opening day, but captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni apologised after winning the toss and chose to bowl first. Tendulkar’s adoring fans were finally granted their wish and he entered the arena to a standing ovation and given a guard of honour by the West Indies as he arrived at the crease to begin his 328th Test innings.


In a pre-match interview Tendulkar said: “The last 20 years have been marked by some of the most challenging, exhilarating, poignant and memorable moments of my life. The game has seen so much change over the last two decades - from advances in technology, new formats, yet the basic spirit and passion surrounding the game remains the same.” The coin used for the toss featured an image of Tendulkar on one side, and he was presented with a photograph of a postage stamp commissioned by the Indian government in his honour. Fellow cricketing greats Brian Lara and Shane Warne flew to Mumbai to attend the historic Test. Warne, who is commentating on the game for Indian television, said: “Sachin was the best batsman of my generation and it will be a privilege to be in Mumbai.”

QuiCk CroSSWord



17. Baronet’s title 18. Talk indiscreetly 20. Place 21. Earmark 23. Exclamation, ... whiz! 25. Hyphen 26. Quantity (of scones) 28. Prude

30. Big-scale movie 31. 1000 grams 32. Worldwide hostel group (1,1,1,1) 34. Prejudiced person 35. Printed greeting 37. Strange 39. Definite article 40. Compete (with) 41. Decompose

43. Curved bone 45. Cloth scraps 48. Salty white cheese 50. Muscle twitches 51. Single thing 52. Pottery 53. Pronunciation defect 54. Swirl


8. One who interferes 9. Too sentimental 14. Ship’s diary 16. Money put by, nest ... 18. Ice river 19. Withdraw (4,3) 22. In front

24. Dawn of an era 25. Moistureless 26. Baby’s apron 27. Strike 29. Gallivant (about) 33. Compels by force 36. Charged with bubbles 38. Excavate

39. Tether 40. Crucial 42. Command 44. Uneven 46. Without delay (1,1,1,1) 47. Solidifies 48. Duck or goose 49. Make weary

1. Solemn promise 7. Complacent 10. Personal protection (4-7) 11. Dull pain 12. Tallies, ... up 13. Offhandedly 15. Repel, ... off

1. Ellipse shapes 2. Casual tops (1-6) 3. Pay attention to 4. Unreliable 5. Newspapers & broadcasting 6. Cattle meat 7. Read (bar code)

Av Rafael Puig 7, Playa De Las Americas Arona ( In Front Of Hotel Tenerife Sol)

Answer to the QUICK CROSSWORD is on page 2

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