Insight, Summer 2020

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Summer 2020|5780 May, June, July Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av

INSIGHT into Temple Israel of Boston

The Impact of Our Virtual Community Honoring & Celebrating Cantor Roy B. Einhorn

INSIDE: Images from the Wyner Museum Exhibit honoring Cantor Roy B. Einhorn


“Enlighten our eyes with Your teaching, and let


our hearts embrace Your commandments.� - Morning Liturgy


build community and encounter the sacred through relationships.

embrace Torah in all its dimensions as our enduring source for inquiry, discovery, and inspiration. explore spirituality and innovate our traditions of ritual and prayer. "The [Shabbat Tikkun] service tonight was so lovely. Hava and Solin were riveted by the sermon - front row seats!" - Stephanie Meyers

IN THIS ISSUE... The TI Scene .......................................................3 From TI President & Executive Director .............4

pursue justice, in partnership with others, to realize our vision of what the world ought to be. are Ohavei Yisrael, Lovers of Israel, committed to the vitality, peace, and well-being of the Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world. draw strength from our diversity and wisdom from all who walk through our open doors.

An Extraordinary Cantor .....................................5 Farewell in Uncertain Times ...............................6 Cantor Einhorn's Impact on B'nei Mitzvah .........7 TI Sings Praises to Cantor Roy B. Einhorn ........8-9 Restoration of Our Russian Torah Scroll ...........10 A Tribute to Cantor Roy Einhorn ......................11 Stories of Fostering Kindness ......................12-13 Finding Connection To TI Amid Isolation .....14-15 Our Community Remains Open ..................16-17 Life Cycle Events ..........................................18-19 Yahrzeits ......................................................20-23 Contributions ..............................................24-28 How to Honor the Earth and Cantor Einhorn ...29

UPCOMING HOLIDAY DATES... Lag B'Omer: May 11/12, 2020 Shavuot: May 28 - 30, 2020 Tisha B'Av: July 29/30, 2020 Tu B'Av: August 4/5, 2020


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


Rabbi Jacobson grabs a photo of Tuesday Morning Talmud on Zoom! "There's also playfulness in the experience. When I logged onto my virtual Talmud class this morning, before my video turned on, all I heard was participants laughing together, and that brought me so much joy." See more photos of virtual participation on page 16.


With great excitement and anticipation, we look forward to welcoming Cantor Alicia Stillman to Temple Israel! More details to follow. | 617-566-3960



Marc Maxwell Board President


These last months have been challenging for all of us with the social distancing COVID-19 necessitated and our communal desire to be together. We have, as individuals and as a community, risen to this challenge in amazing ways. We turned our community virtual in three days, transforming our vibrant programs, teaching, and observances to online opportunities. We set up a system of technical support, added resource links to our website, and set in motion a set of personal phone calls to our congregants, made by clergy, staff, and members to members. Our Religious School, TILLI, FJECC Preschool, the Tent, the Village, committee meetings and daily minyan have all continued online. We have all experienced this pandemic individually, in our own homes, and with our own experiences, while we have held each other up and reminded ourselves how much we need and rely on each other in our daily, communal, and religious lives.

We intended to come together to celebrate Cantor Einhorn at our annual gala, Stepping Out. While we could not hold that event in person, we still hold up our love and appreciation to Cantor Einhorn for all he has given us over his 37 years of leading us in song and prayer. Cantor Einhorn has contributed to each of our lives, serenading and celebrating our families at our most joyous moments, while supporting and consoling us at our most difficult times. Our consciousness of environmental issues and the formation of our Green Team are in large part due to his efforts. Cantor Einhorn was an early adopter of technology by recording his lovely voice and cantillation on MP3s, when many of us didn’t know what that was. He has prepared over a thousand b’nei mitzvah students, performed hundreds of weddings, and a similar number of funerals. Shabbat Sing, Qabbalat Shabbat, festivals, holidays, Youth Choir, Adult Choir, hospital and home visits, Social Policy demonstrations, international learning trips; there is no end to how Cantor Einhorn has led us, joined us, been an integral leader of our community. Cantor Einhorn has quite literally been music to our ears, the soundtrack of our religious and communal life together. We wish him and Jodi Sufrin, his wife and fellow cantor, much joy, health and new experiences in the next chapter of their lives, retirement from the active Cantorate. We can show our love and appreciation for Cantor Einhorn by lifting up his legacy. Two immediate ways are by supporting the Friends Annual Fund which allows us to enrich our community and programming, and contributing to the Roy B. Einhorn Music Fund, established to fund in perpetuity our robust and innovative music programs. We can honor his legacy through our contributions to these two financial efforts, as well as how we enthusiastically embrace our new Cantor, Alicia Stillman, when she joins us early this summer. We will miss Cantor Einhorn and we will honor him by keeping the joy and music he gave us flowing into our future at Temple Israel.

Over the last few months, our community has responded to the challenge of our times and transformed into a strong and connected virtual community. For nearly 170 years, Temple Israel has continued to evolve, relying on our members and leaders to rethink how we live Judaism together. This current sustained crisis has been the catalyst for us to pivot to our next iteration of programming and communal opportunities through technology. Overall, this shift has been remarkably smooth, and that would not have been possible without the strong leadership of our layleaders and staff who continue to propel us forward. When you need spiritual nourishment, just a place to breathe, or a friend to talk to, come be a part of our many worship, educational, and social justice opportunities. Please check our website regularly as we are continuing to post new gatherings often ( If you have any questions or want to learn more please contact me at If you are enjoying our offerings, we ask that you share your positive experience with others. Help spread the word and share our impact story with others. Dan Deutsch Executive Director

Finally, I encourage you to join us on the evening of Thursday, June 11 for our Annual Gathering. More details will be shared soon on whether this program will be held in person or online, but either way, this is a terrific opportunity to celebrate our past year, vote on our new leadership, and support one another. I look forward to seeing you all in person when it is safe to do so, and online until then.


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


This has certainly been an extraordinary time for an extraordinary Cantor. When we planned our celebration of his 37 years with Temple Israel, who could have imagined how Cantor Einhorn would have spent his last months before his retirement? Instead of slowing down to relish in the final stage of his career, he has revved up, offering assistance and support as he has done during all the decades he spent serving this community as beloved Cantor of Temple Israel. As B’nei Mitzvah students and their families realized that they would have to postpone ceremonies and celebrations, Cantor Einhorn helped them navigate these changes and adjustments and set them on a path toward their new date. When the new normal became sheltering in place, Cantor Einhorn adapted and adjusted to these new circumstances by mastering technology that would ensure a smooth transition for the liturgical experience whether for Qabbalat Shabbat, daily minyan, or even Havdalah. The beauty of his voice and the warmth of his presence has radiated from the screen into our hearts and has calmed our spirits. On many Friday nights at Qabbalat Shabbat, Cantor Einhorn has led us in song with these words: Sing to the Eternal a new song. Sing to the Eternal all the earth. (Psalm 96) How fortunate are we that Cantor Einhorn has brought the gift of music to each of us? We are even more blessed by his full devotion and commitment to serve this congregation. His love, his soulfulness, his passion for the earth and the care of it, his sense of humor and joy, and the way he has led from his heart will remain with us always. He has ensured that we will continue to sing new songs while we care for one another and the world in which we live. We thank him for teaching us what it means to lead with integrity and to care deeply about each person. We will joyfully celebrate him in person (we hope) on September 11th and will warmly welcome him then as our honored and beloved Cantor Emeritus. | 617-566-3960


FAREWELL IN UNCERTAIN TIMES Dear Temple Israel, I could never have imagined that I would be writing a goodbye letter under the circumstances we find ourselves in today. I feel so proud to be part of the Temple Israel team that has transformed our congregational life from a building-based organization to our current virtual existence. This certainly was not how I envisioned my final days at Temple Israel. It was a pretty heady time for me 37 years ago. I was 29, graduating from Hebrew Union College in New York City and interviewing for the position of Cantor at a large, highlyrespected Temple. Well, I passed the audition and have spent more than half of my life immersed in the life of Temple Israel. I find it interesting that my wife Cantor Jodi Sufrin and I were given advice by a Rabbi to not develop our friendships within the Temple family. “You don’t want to get too close.” We didn’t follow his advice, and the Temple Israel community has fulfilled my life professionally and personally. I am so grateful for the opportunities to do so many of the things I love in an environment of scholarship and social justice, working with a beautiful caring community and a forward-thinking Green team. And I thought I was just going to sing! If I had been given this whole Insight issue, I might have had enough space to highlight all the lifecycle events through the years, trips to Russia and resettlement stories, special musical celebrations, and teaching moments. Suffice it to say I have countless precious memories that I will always carry in my heart. I want to thank Rabbi Zecher and everyone else for their special kindness and attention to crafting and supporting all of the events that have taken place in my honor this year. I have felt very well feted. I have no doubt that the next chapter of my life will look dramatically different from what I am used to, and I am looking forward to new and exciting opportunities beginning on July 1st. With a very full heart, I say to all of you, Shalom and l’hitra’ot!

Cantor Roy B. Einhorn


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

From The Wyner Museum Exhibit: Temple Israel Sings Praises to Cantor Roy B. Einhorn


"He made our B'not Mitzvah a very special day knowing that he was there for many important milestones in our dad's life. We love how he can be so much fun, like when he made a Tik Tok with us." - Lily & Molly Bailen “When the Cantor teaches you, you feel very special not like you are one of many.” - Isaac Romanow Zelermyer “He took my child with anxiety and lifted her up and supported her. And he took my child who is normally comfortable on stage who performed after Tree of Life and guided her through such a major event. Cantor Einhorn meets everyone where they’re at and supports them through everything." - Meredith Lesser-Gonzalez | 617-566-3960


Pictured here small snapshots from the Wyner Museum Exhibit Temple Israel Sings Praises to Cantor Roy B. Einhorn, which opened to the public in Janduary 2020.


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. | 617-566-3960


THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND RESTORATION OF OUR RUSSIAN TORAH SCROLL By Cantor Roy B. Einhorn In the Soviet Union in the 1970s there were no Jewish schools, no access to the synagogues in the main cities, no open celebrations of Jewish holidays, and no way to purchase kosher wine or matzah. Given this hostile landscape, it is astounding that Misha Feinberg found his way, through underground sources, to a man who sold Jewish artifacts from his apartment. Amon the items in the man’s illicit inventory was a small Torah scroll from some time in the mid-1800s. Apparently the seller wasn’t aware of the spiritual value of the scroll, but he knew someone would be willing to pay for it. Who knows what would have happened to this Torah without Misha’s clandestine visit.

a diplomatic pouch, which was not subject to customs inspection. With the hope that one day the family and the scroll would be reunited, the Feinbergs separated the parchment from the Torah rollers in order to fit it in the pouch, in that way the parchment was brought into the United States.

Soon after the Congressman’s visit, the Feinbergs were granted permission to emigrate. The family of four could only take six suitcases and $500 with them. But what to do with the Torah rollers? Ena put them in her suitcase and hoped for the best. The customs official at the airport found them and demanded to know what they were. Ena claimed that she loved baking, and these were her In 1979, the rolling pins. When asked Feinbergs applied why she had two, she Cantor Einhorn and Andrew Feinberg, inking in the final letters for a visa to mumbled, “I bake a lot.” and completing the project with the scribe, Rabbi Moshe Druin. emigrate to the Satisfied, the customs United States. But, like all the other Jews who did the official allowed her to leave the Soviet Union with the same, they were refused permission to leave and their Torah rollers in her suitcase. status changed from ordinary citizens to “Refuseniks.” The Feinbergs, like others who were denied permission to The Feinbergs settled in Boston and became members of leave, lost their jobs and, in order to provide food for their Temple Israel. For several years, their son Andrew worked families, were forced to work in positions that were below at the Temple’s financial office under the direction of then their abilities. Executive Director Leon Rothenberg (z'l). In 1995, the Feinbergs donated the Torah to our synagogue. Eight years into their internal exile, the plight of the Feinberg family caught the attention of a non-Jewish Until 2019, the precious Russian Torah was used sparingly Republican Congressman from Texas. The Congressman because many of the letters were cracked, making it traveled to Moscow in 1987 and brought everything that extremely difficult to read. Last year, with a very generous was necessary for the Feinbergs to conduct a Passover gift from the Feinberg family, the scroll was completely seder in their apartment. During his visit, Misha and restored and declared Kosher. Our Russian Torah scroll his wife, Ena, showed their secret Torah scroll to the is now an active part of our Torah family. We thank the Congressman. Understanding the importance of the scroll, Feinberg family for this incredible gift which will now be the Congressman offered to take it back to the U.S. in used for generations to come.


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

From The Wyner Museum Exhibit: Temple Israel Sings Praises to Cantor Roy B. Einhorn


The Green Team launched The Postcard Project in February to give our community a chance to perform two mitzvot: First, the postcards, designed by artist and congregant Deb Putnoi, provide a place where we can let Cantor Einhorn know how much his gifts of music, kindness, and love have meant. Secondly, there’s also room to list three things you will do, in Cantor Einhorn’s honor, to help heal the planet. Cantor Einhorn is a lifelong environmentalist and the combination of good wishes for him and good deeds for the earth will mean a lot as he begins his retirement. The postcards will be hung in the Atrium for the Cantor’s Celebration in September, and then included in a Memory Box. In this new landscape, it is no longer feasible to get physical postcards to—and back from—interested congregants by mid-August. Fill out your postcard online at | 617-566-3960


IN HONOR OF CANTOR ROY B. EINHORN: Fostering Kindness & Leading with Your Heart

From The Wyner Museum Exhibit: Temple Israel Sings Praises to Cantor Roy B. Einhorn


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

Jon Kominik, City Packing Temple Israel member Jon Kominik runs a food wholesale business called City Packing, located in Newmarket Square since 1954. City Packing supplies restaurants and grocery stores with millions of pounds a year of fresh, quality beef and chicken products throughout the country. During the COVID-19 Crisis, the supply chain has been disrupted and it has been difficult to get merchandise from central warehouses to the retail stores. Jon and the City Packing team have stepped up to keep the supply chain going by distributing Kosher food and completeing fill-in orders to grocery stores to ensure that their shelves have product. Thank you! City Packing in the 1940s at it's location on Blackstone & Clinton Streets Cantor Einhorn is the clergy liaison to TI Cares, supported by the Marilyn and Mike Grossman Caring Community Fund. TI Cares is a caring community of members connecting with members during times of celebration, grief, joy, and challenge. At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, a team of congregants was built to make calls to quarantined community members. Those who made calls led with their hearts to help people feel connected and cared for, even if they find themselves alone in their homes. Read Susanna Stern's story below.


Susanna Stern, TI Cares Covid-19 Outreach I signed up to check in with a TI member who might be isolated and alone during the Covid-19 pandemic. I kept putting off the call; I wasn't sure of what to say in this strange circumstance, how to respond if they asked a bunch of questions I didn't know the answer to, how to help when I'm also confused. But on Friday afternoon I thought, 'Well, at least I can say Shabbat Shalom.' So, heart beating fast, I picked up the phone and dialed. I heard a quiet "hello" on the other line, and timidly introduced myself, saying I was part of TI Cares and was reaching out to see how the person was. There was a beat of silence and then she started to chuckle. 'Thank you so much for calling, dear,' she said. 'I'm fine, but I'm bored out of my mind, sitting here on my tuches, missing my friends at TI and in Brookline; luckily my son owns a local restaurant and he's sending plates up to me all the time.' I started to laugh with her, sympathizing with everything she was going through, saying I was feeling the same way and that she had just made my day. We ended the call agreeing to look for each other at Temple Israel when this is all over. In the end, what started as a call I was worried about making ended up making me feel better, and helped me remember that we're all in this together, and that there are ways of connecting during this crisis, whether over the phone or through TI zoom services, or even walking in the neighborhood smiling at people as we switch sides on the sidewalk to keep our distance." - Susanna Stern

In this unique moment in the history of Temple Israel, we recognize the many different needs that our community members face. To that end, we have gathered a list of resources, accessible at in an effort to ensure that you, our beloved congregation, are able to access the support you need in these difficult times. If you would like to speak to our clergy for pastoral support, please contact Amy Sherr at or 617-566-3960. | 617-566-3960


Finding Connection to Temple Israel in Times of Social Distancing and Isolation You are not alone! See what we're offering online as virtual opportunities at We are live-streaming Shabbat! Join us online at every Friday night at 6:00 p.m. for Qabbalat Shabbat, Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. for Torah Study, and Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. for Havdalah.

Can you place Shabbat candles on top of a tree? It’s a question that our Talmud class pondered, via Zoom, on a recent Tuesday morning. That’s certainly not the most significant question we’ve considered, recently or before, but it was a welcome diversion from the reality we are all confronting right now. Talmud with Rabbi Jacobson, a fixture of our schedule every week, has taken on new meaning. Zoom links us to TI, to friends, to tradition, and to the comforting certainty of continuity through many generations. Zooming Friday night services is a further connection, preceded by challah baking, candle lighting and Kiddush; engaging with the past and the present, an anchor in a storm. Susan Ebert


Our daughter Esther has been a member of Temple Israel since childhood. She is a 34 year old woman with multiple disabilities who Rabbi Friedman, in a Yom Kippur sermon years ago, called “the heart of Temple Israel.” Ordinarily she lives in a group home in Stockbridge but we chose to have her with us in Boston for the duration of the pandemic. She misses her group home, its loving staff and residents, and the wonderful activities she pursued, including as a volunteer singing to the elderly, music class and performances. And she misses terribly the TI community that she has continued to be engaged with on her visits to us every other weekend, when she attends Sabbath morning Torah service and study. Thankfully, Zoom allows her to be the enthusiastic participant she wants to be and to feel her kinship with the temple she has always called “my second home.” She is a sensitive soul who feels acutely the suffering of the world and like all of us can get very anxious. The TI connection lifts her spirits. Thank you TI for being there for her and for us! Miriam Greenspan, Roger Gottlieb, & Esther Greenspan

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

He said...


Nancy and I joined you for Torah study on April 4th. As an optimist, it assume every virus has a silver lining. Zoom is it for this virus. During the class (which we thoroughly enjoyed -- thank you!), we could: Drink coffee or even have a late breakfast Dress very casually, at least from the waist down Talk with each other about the Torah portion without disturbing anyone else See the actual text via shared screens Get there without driving (or parking) Attend, leave for a few minutes, and return without anyone noticing Join in even though we’re over 100 miles away (in exile Grantham, NH) And the host could quiet everyone and anyone by muting their mics. (If only you could do that in-person events.) Thanks for the outreach all of you have done. It strengthens the Temple Israel community during this strange and difficult time. - Michael Sandman

She said... Throughout isolation in her New Hampshire home, Nancy Sandman says it's her TI friends that have been the best support system. Nancy attends Friday night services over Zoom every Friday and has been in frequent contact with Temple Israel staff over the last few weeks. Nancy continues to work from her isolation, meeting with clients online. She also has been cleaning and claims to have the "cleanest kitchen in New Hampshire!" Nancy's husband, Michael, has gotten increasingly involved in TILLI and has taught fellow TILLI members how to use Zoom. Even in times of isolation, Nancy and Michael are staying connected to friends, family, and Temple Israel.

Website Engagement Data March 16 - April 20, 2020




Top 5: USA - 6,345 unique users Canada - 64 unique users United Kingdom - 31 unique users Germany - 26 unique users France - 24 unique users


Top 5: Massachusetts - 3,947 unique users California - 313 unique users New York - 294 unique users Florida - 232 unique users Virginia - 156 unique users USER AGE | 617-566-3960




Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

entire u!" to the o y k n a h T to say " this, the We want ndling of a h 's y rg azing. It he cle TI staff. T ll just am A . is th f ng a ndling o to just ha y s a staff's ha e o s , o "Closed ve been s ing saying would ha d il u b l a ic e phys the TI sign on th clear that ry e v 's It ss." sponse for busine flexive re re , te a n on's in hat kind organizati pposite. T o ry e v e th . It's a was to do e coached b 't n a c t een built se jus re that's b u of respon lt u c e 's tion of th e know it manifesta ou. Pleas y k n a h T years. ly felt. over the ply, deep e e d Miller d n a d Katherine & n recognize ro a -A

Service s were great la you all st nigh ! It was t! Than r eally sm You guys are do to watc k ooth an ing an amazing h, whil d easy e amaz jo the sam b w ith in th e g ki ds and we are ly spirit e time. ual at Super c all that enormously gr omforti at eful. This is such is happ ng with ening r you ton a weird time in ig h t now! the world and ight for See Havdala yet full of silver h. linings. We all, - Andy especially the Lesser kids, love seeing Gonzale your faces duri z ng Hebrew scho ol. - Phoebe Segal and Alex Bockm an

I do not ever w ant to take for granted the high level to w hich you consis te ntly bring the Torah stud y, your insight, yo ur elegance in trying to reso lve the difficult, and your tolerance in en tertaining the co m ments of those of us with only very pa rti al knowledge. Bu t the past two Sa tu rd ays you added yet anot her arrow to yo ur quiver of success: makin g a community ex is t even though no one could be physic al ly present. Even a luddite such as myself co ul d figure out how to obse rve and listen fr om a kitchen and ac tually press a bu tt on to make a comment. Th ank you. - David Banash

r on and gratitude fo A note of appreciati se on of planning and resp the extraordinary gle maintain every sin Temple Israel life to My e and community. aspect of Temple lif in 7-14, participated grandchildren, age orning ol activities this m various Sunday scho son tells me these through Zoom. My aterial received and the m classes were well w esented .....and ho was thoughtfully pr 150 s to hear more than heartwarming it wa for this unison. Thank you families singing in tional in the face of a na incredible response ide us r continuing to prov emergency and fo me. with a “spiritual” ho - Erica Stern part of a roud to be p so n e e b eI g. First, Never hav all amazin re a s y u g y. You s so agecommunit on of it wa rti o p l o o h y sc ilies dial the Sunda st 200 fam o lm a e se What te. To e images... appropria th h g u ro n scroll th cted in this in and the stay conne to y you. a w s u you, thank k a fabulo n a th , u o . Thank y me! crazy time l in" next ti ia d " to n d e excit oug Berkso We are so - Sara & D

The leadership load these past weeks has been a heavy one, and thanks to you, TI has risen amazingly to this extraordinarily unsettling new challenge. Not surprising at all. How lucky are we as congregants, but a lot for you to bear. The programming for the Religious School has been flexible, creative and very comforting, delivered quickly and efficiently and with a real eye to inclusion. I eavesdropped on the meditation during Spiritual Practice Lab this afternoon and was moved to tears. Sending you love and elbow taps. I’m grateful and proud to be part of the synagogue you lead. - Marli Porth | 617-566-3960


LIFE CYCLES (BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES CELEBRATING MILESTONES WHOSE YEAR ENDS IN 0 OR 5) MAY ANNIVERSARIES 5 years Matthew Milikowsky & Nicole Eldredge 15 years Matt & Courtney Stano Harry & Nikki Nudelman 20 years Nick Morse & Loren Watson 25 years Phil & Pam Fogelman Joshua & Debra Abrams

Adam & Jeanie Gorlovsky-Schepp Holly Gunner & Anne Chalmers

15 years Marc & Sarah Zimman

20 years Alan Drabkin & Rose Goldman Andrew Tarsy & Bridget Samburg Rebecca White & David Iwatsuki

20 years Jonathan & Darby Kominik

25 years Steven Lipsitt & Mara Krechevsky Jennifer & Ken Goldsmith Jason & Erinn Rhodes Charles & Patricia Ribakoff 30 years

Gregg & Polly Ribatt Aaron & Lauren Lapat

Daniel & Lisa Davis Robert Lepson & Johanna Klein

30 years David Nalven & Jill Goldman

35 years John & Miriam Macht Richard Kalish & Elisabeth Keller Peter Belson & Marjorie Schaffel

40 years Glenn & Lori Laffel 50 years John & Rosalie Bookston Stephen & Anita Adelson Alfred & Joan Goldberg Howard & Ann Katz 55 years Joseph & Nancy Marglin

JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 5 years Matthew Drouin & Anya Potter Saul Frankford & Shira DeCovnick 10 years Diana & Joshua Krefetz 15 years Judi Ross Zuker & Edward Zuker Nora & William Renthal


40 years Ed Murad & Judith Towvim Murad 50 years Richard & Nancy Lubin Milton & Rhonda Weinstein Richard & Linda Barnes 55 years Elliott & Jacqueline Kieff 60 years David & Judith Rosenthal Joseph & Joan Garb Peter & Beatrice Nessen 75 years Henry & Judith Banks

JULY ANNIVERSARIES 5 years Allyson & Scott Rothenberg

30 years Harry Grill & Betsy Fitzpatrick 45 years Frederick Schoen & Angeline Warner 50 years Donald & Erica Stern Richard & Tobey Oresman 55 years David & Helene Bailen 65 years Richard & Claire Morse

MAY BIRTHDAYS Zinaida Alekseeva Bernard Aserkoff Leah Barcan Laurence Berman Jonathan Block Paula Brody Francisco Cintron Aaron Cohen William Finard Reuben Fink Irene Friedman Arline Isaacson Andrew Jaffe Rose Jick Samuel Kaplan Robert Kaplan Rachel Kolbin Matthew Kozol Alexandra Lewis Cheryl Maier Howard Marget

Tracey Martin Ari Mervis Mike Offner Scott Perrin Allen Prince Phoebe Ramler Julie Reitter Sonia Schneider Roberta Steinberg Nancy Tauber Scott Vafai

JUNE BIRTHDAYS Jean Berg Barbara Berke Robert Carroll Mollie Ceder David Cutler Wendy Ecker Steven Ehrenberg Adam Feldman David Friedman Andrew Gates Charles Gottesman Wendy Kirchick Boris Libman Cathy Lurie Susan Mann Adam Marks Karen Miller Nick Morse Adam Narva Robert Peabody Muriel Petkun Daniel Rabinovitz Deborah Raboy Jeffrey Scherer Dwight Schultheis James Segel Sharon Sender Jonathan Shapira Sidney Sherter Rosalie Snyder Hal Tovin

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

LIFE CYCLES Marc Wein Michael Winer

JULY BIRTHDAYS Matt Arnold Deborah Bennett Rebecca Brand Elyssa Brand Nina Brodskaya Ami Cipolla Dayl Cohen Jaclyn Ehrhardt Caroline Gammill Naomi Gordon Abby Greenberg Adam Guren Sherrill Hannon Louis Kamentsky David Kaplan Amy Levine Sarah Lipsitt Adam Lipworth Mia Louik Yefim Magitsky Cecily Morse Leslie Myers Harriet Paltiel Michelle Parsons Mark Penzel Eli Rosenberg Rubylee Shuman Jerome Smulow Stephen Snyder Jeane Ungerleider Wesley Williams Emily Zametkin

May their memories bring blessing. RECENT DEATHS

• Helen Alexander, mother of Nicholas Alexander, mother-in-law of Ilisa Hurowitz and grandmother of Rachel • George Berry, husband of Ellin Reisner • Rhoda Brand, mother of Steven Brand and grandmother of Rebecca and Elyssa • Saul Brightman, brother-in-law of Louise Brightman • Beverlee Brooks • William C. Brooks, brother of Berta Axelrad • Louise Fanciullo, grandmother of J.A. Fanciullo and great-grandmother of Amelie • Eileen Gitlin, aunt of Ellen Sigman and great-aunt of Michael and Emily Marget • James Goodman, husband of Dorothy Goodman and brother-in-law of David Kaplan • Norton Greenberger, father of Rachel Rosovsky and grandfather of Abigail and Ella • Claire Lesser, mother of Andy LesserGonzalez and grandmother of Gavi, Isa and Mateo • Jane R. Moss, sister of Judi Rotenberg Ross Zuker and Jon Rotenberg, aunt of Abigail Goodman and great-aunt of Rebecca, Hannah and Esme • Margery Starr Myers, sister of Kelly Starr Schein • Miriam Glasner Schaffel, mother of Marjorie Schaffel and grandmother of Hannah and Aaron Belson • Bernard Seckler, father of Stephen Seckler • Evelyn Seckler, mother of Stephen Seckler • Gladys Sklar, grandmother of Todd Finard and great-grandmother of Benjamin, Murray, and Jacob • Bert Romm, husband of Faye Romm

• Stephan Ross, father of Michael Ross • Janice Saltzman, cousin of Mark and Sue Misselbeck • Jeffrey Saunders, son of Roger Saunders • Charlene Sharp, sister of Sandra Wixted and Ilana Wixted • Regina Sher, mother of Phil Sher and grandmother of Henry and Jenny • Thelma Soiffer, mother of Rob Soiffer and grandmother of Molly and Jenny • Rhea Sherry Targum, sister of Steve Targim • Harriet Weisman, aunt of Paula Noe • Amy Yoffie, sister-in-law of David and Terry Yoffie and aunt of Elana and Ariel • Jerry Zimmerman

Mazal Tov!

WE CONGRATULATE • Elizabeth and Elad Anter on the birth of their daughter Abigail Maya Anter • Sam Botsford and Ugonma Chukwueke on the birth of their son Arinze Botsford • Emily Anne and Jeffery Matthew Jacobstein on the birth of their son Benjamin Arthur Jacobstein • Annie Weiss and Adam Lipworth on the birth of their daughter Zoë Weiss Lipworth • Candace Feldman and Evan Macosko on the birth of their daughter Eliana Feldman Macosko • Cantor Roy Einhorn and Cantor Jodi Sufrin on the birth of their granddaughter Poppy Dylan Samuel • Celia and Kathryn Segel on the birth of their children, and Arthur Segel and Patti Saris on the birth of their grandchildren, Rue Corletta Segel and Graham Saris Segel • Assistant Director of Social Justice Engagement, Tali Puterman, on her marriage to Jessica Rondon | 617-566-3960



Morse J. Alland Lorraine Brenner Altschuler Sara Rebecca Berkman Alexander Cohen Herbert I. Corkin Rosalyn E. Cutler Phillip F. Faneuil Robert Finn Morris Goldberg Isadore B. Green Frances Ann Greenberg Gertrude Grohman Esther Loitman Grossman Robert J. Hoffman Nat Jacobs Ethel F. Jolles Sadie Kasanof Mildred L. Kimball Philip King Evelyn Krosner Gitta Kurlat Dr. A. Henry Lappin Naomi Sydney Lewis Edith Glaser Linden Albert Malkin Dr. Elias J. Menkes Lawrence Mezoff Harvey Olenberg David Presson Sidney George Rachlin Minnie Horne Rosenberg Goldie R. Saxe Dr. George Schwartz A. Saul Schwartz Dr. David Frederick Silbert Bennie Silverstein Minnie Comins Sleeper Morris Louis Hyman Stein Henrietta Steinfeld Sidney Stern

MAY 3 - 9

Lee Banash Maida Stocker Abrams Milton G. Abramson Joseph Baker Helen G. Baker Edward Bean Gabriel A. Beckhard James Victor Bickow Rebecca Borovoy-Goldman Penny S. Braude Jack H. Bufferd Sanford Burg


Morris Burstein Leonard Jacob Byer Anna Levensohn Byer Max Chernis Harold Cohen Myer Cohn Harriet Segal Cohn Manuel Davis Sashe Epstein Naomi Krauzer Feinburg Charlotte Fellman Samuel Nathan Ficksman Julene Engelman Fields Alvan David Finn Burton Stanley Goldberg Rose Morse Greenfield Boris G. Guralnik Florence Haber Maurice Hanauer Louis S. Harris Vitta G. Hertz Barney Israel Esther S. Kaplan Kivie Kaplan John Jacob Katz Charles Kaufman Henry L. Kaufmann Mildred "Micki" Lee George N. Levy Kenneth H. Malkin Herbert Morris Mass Harold Adolph Myers Leon Sidney Newton Vivienne A. Noble-Sanderson Norman Saul Rabb Dorothy G. Ramler Sadie Rice Lester E. Rosenburg Milton I. Rudman Phyllis Milgroom Ryan Emma Drosin Sabsevitz Kenny Schwartz Louis Selig Jules J. Sherman Anna Silver Edith Litner Starr Harry Tiemann Sigmund Warner Celia Weinstein Rhoda Weintraub Gustave Winter Henry Wyzanski Benjamin Zakon Mary R. Ziman

MAY 10 - 16

Hyman Allen David Altschuler Gertrude Lefkowith Baron Deborah Levy Berkman Abraham Botkin Gertrude H. Brown Milton L. Cohen Harry P. Cole Arthur L. Damon Ralph A. De Jur Ruth Dobrow Charles Sidney Elkind Celia Ellis Samuel I. Fanger Winifred Collat Friedman Bernice Frieze Arthur Gabelnick Irene M. Goldman Charles M. Goldman Jeanette C. Goodman Edward William Greenberg Dora Gertrude Hirshson Joseph Krosner Newell Bernard Kurson Aleck Levine Myles Stanley Lewis Ilaine Beatrice Lieberman Betsey Dorothy Berkman Marcus Stephanie Ann Marder Samuel H. Maslon Rosemarie Misselbeck Katherine Morse Morris M. Morse Donald Harmond Phillips Ruthe Orell Porter George M. Rothberg Rabbi Albert Ruskin Sara Ruskin Albert George Samburg Sarah Smith Enid Starr Dr. David B. Stearns Fay Fisher Stein Anny Steiner Wolfner Bertha Snow Stern Edward Mitchell Swartz Samuel H. Vernon Charles D. White Lillian Isenberg Wilinsky Claire Katz Winter Joseph Wise Rudolph H Wyner

MAY 17 - 23

Lena Alpern Bertha Appel Julius J. Cohen Samuel Diamond Pauline "Bess" Feldman Pearl Freedman Joseph Norman Gibbs James D. Glunts Robert H. Goldberg Herbert Ray Goldman Minnie Goldstein George Alan Gordon Bertha Solomont Gordon Ethel Goldsmith Gryzmish Fanny Esther Hyman Edward Jacobson Arthur B. Jacobson Ethel Jacobson Hannah Kabatznick Henry Samuel Kaplan Herbert Hauser Klein Pauline Kusmin Hyman J. Levy Eugene Lewis Rose G. Medoff Alan Sydney Morrison E. Geoffrey Nathan Lawrence Palder Sylvia Salzman Richlin Joel Rome Esther Mickey Rosenberg Dr. Harmon A. Shohet Harold M Watchmaker Anne L. Weinman Nathaniel P Wharton Isaac White

MAY 24 - 30

Leonard L. Abramson Sadie Alland James Alland Dr. Harold Bengloff Edward Milton Berke Helen S. Brahms Robert Clayton Louis Cohen Ethel Rome Cole Edward Simeon Dangel William Diller Louis Epstein Jeannette B. Fine Philip E. Fisher Henry Gesmer Dr. William Glaser

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

YAHRZEITS David A, Golding Dr. Samuel Goodman Sara R. Gordon Sydney R. Green Solomon Haber Harold Harmon Frieda Hidasi Mary S. Huberman Muriel Theise Hyde Anne S. Kaplan Dr. Seymour Kaufman Louis Kimball Helen S. Levensohn Lawrence J. Levin Benjamin B. Levy Robert S. Lipman Carolyn L. Lowe Henrietta R. Maron Beatrice HollanderMandel Meyers Alan S. Miller Ruth Botkin Morse Robert Marchand Neumann Stella D. Obst Andrew Merrill Pastor Charles E. Perkit Sumner Lester Poorvu Dr. Samuel H. Proger Dr. Justin L. Richman John Rieckers Joel Jay Rostau Rabbi Max Schenk Ralpha Senderowitz Sumner Everett Shikes Milton Sicklick Professor Alvin Sloane Charles Kenneth Vigman Edward H. Weiss Ruth Ehrlich Werman

MAY 31 - JUNE 6

Martin M. Barlow Mark Bortman Samuel K. Casson Harriet Widetsky Chernis Ruth Jacobs Dangel Nellie Diamond Harry Dollin William Falk Alice Resnick Finn Harold I. Fruitman Louis Gilman Charlotte Cahners Glass Nathan Gordon Samuel M. Grass

William J. Grossman Morris Grossman Seymour Hambro Rose D. Helpern Shirley Hozid Joseph L. Hozid Maurice Krasnoff Hortense M. Lappin Samuel L. Milton Cheryl K. Nicholas Esther Cohn Rabb Joseph George Riesman Sidney Kamber Robbins Sarah Schwall Pearl Seegel Morris M. Shamus Sarah Shapiro Dorothy Shief Dorothy Shiffman Frances E. Simons Abraham Snyder Philip Solomon, M.D. Gertrude Weisman Swartz Theresa A. Ullian Morris J. Weinbaum Mark Weintraub Phoebe Woolf Joseph David Zamore Jay Zimmet Maurice J. Zucrow

Sonia Ellenhorn Krinsky Harold Lane Rabbi Harry Levi Sydelle Levine Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman Arthur Joshua Livingston Anna C. Marder Gertrude Ann Mendelson William Rosenberg William J. Ryan Mabel Salter Albert Salter Dora Feldman Saxe Beatrice Rebecca Schlager Edward Aaron Schulman Joseph Shapiro Melville Carl Shine Jr. Sarita Rosenberg Shuman Louis M. Silverman Lilley Silverstein Kathleen Simmons Gertrude B. Singer Eileen Smith Mary Springer Anne F. Stoneman Isaac Trugman Dora Weinbaum Israel Weisman Frances Werman Manuel Wyner

JUNE 7 - 13

JUNE 14 - 20

Bernard Bernstein Emma Blumstein Flora G. Byer Hyman Canter Lena G. Cooper Ruth R. Corkin Leo Cotton Muriel Schiff Dimond Rachel Ehrenfried Musia Epstein Rose Freedman Fannie T. Furshman Robert Myron Gargill Robert Goldman Stanley Gordon Nehemias Gorin Bertram Gottesman Ruth Winer Gottlieb Neil J. Grossman Eda Green Hoffman Nancy Mann Kaplan Esther Jacobs Koblenzer Ruth Salmansohn Krasnoff

Lillian Nelson Alexander Max C. Barron Annette S. Bechek Lionel Benado Abraham B. Casson Abraham B. Cibel Elizabeth J. Collat Fanny Shine Dinner Israel Friedlander Henry E. Friedman Ida Wachstein Geller Rosalind Naigles Ginsburg Nettie Grubinger William H. Jacobs Sydney B. Karofsky Sidney I. Katz Jacob Koss Max Levensohn Samuel L. Lowe Walter Marcus Etta L. Morrison Samuel Pearlman Ferdinand N. Phillips, Jr.

Julius H. Porter William Riseman Joseph R. Rosen Ruth Rudnick Irving Sabsevitz Marvin Saffer Morris Saris Eric J. Seegel Samuel Sidd David B. Smith May Kaffenburgh Sondheim Bertram A. Sugarman Mae Goldstein Tack Abraham C. Webber Stanley Daniel Weinstein Sophie Alland Wit

JUNE 21 - 27

Felix Alland Bruce Baron Beatrice S. Bass Samuel Bortman Ina Bebchick Burstein William Copel Leah Dektor S. David Ellenbogen Julia Epstein Benjamin W. Fink Besse Grass Finkelstein Herbert I. Freeman Samuel Ginns Meyer Goldstein Gertrude E. Gordon Louis Jonathon Greenberg Lillian K. Hall Arnold D. Helman Maxwell Charles Hyde Abbott N. Kahn Milton Kahn George J. Katz Nancy G. Katz Ora London Katz Harry A. Kimball Richard Franklin Koss Lillian Koster Carol Levin Rebecca Levine Marcia Zoe Martin Bessie Fisher Novins William M. Olin Bessie Palder Genesia Perlmutter Shari Barbara Phillips Warren Presson Annie Frank Robbins | 617-566-3960


YAHRZEITS Cecil S. Rose Clara L. Rosenburg Samuel George Rovner Lena Newburg Solar Bertha Stone Miriam Coplan Towvim Joan Wernick Barry Zimman Barnett L. Zolloto

Leo Silbert Samuel Silverman Joseph B. Simberg Dr. Arthur Maxwell Simmons Virginia Marcus Stern Donald William Tattenbaum Eleanor Robbins Young Phyllis Virginia Fisher Zimman Murray Zuckerman

JUNE 28 - JULY 4

JULY 5 - 11

Hyman Abrams Samuel Barron,Jr. Jeanne H. Benjamin Alexander Moses Berger Evelyn Sachs Berman Mary Bierbrier David Samuel Bond Leland Jeffrey Brown Albert Nathaniel Burmon Roberta "Bobbie" Burstein Dr. Benjamin Castleman Haskell Cohn Dr. Robert F. Dine Sydney S. Feinberg Julius Fellman Orrie M. Friedman Risa Gara Benjamin Goldberg Joseph Harry Gorin Rose S. Gossman Judith F. Greene Rosalind L. Herrmann Mildred Schulman Hurwitz George I. Kaplan Sidney A. Koblenzer Adrian Kramer Barbara A. Levine Irving Levine Dora S. Marks Robert D. Miller Sylvia Dane Nathanson Col. Abraham Nemrow Deborah Simons Pearlstein Sidney C. Philip Ferdinand N. Phillips Bessie Wit Phillips Samuel William Poorvu Belle Ostrofsky Redstone Stanley J. Rosenbaum Irene Sallen Herman D. Scheff Sylvia Beizer Seder S. Julia Sherman


William Stephen Addelson Samuil Alland Mildred Daniels Arbetter Robert Aronowitz Robert L. Barron Bernard Henry Brightman Arnold Bronstein Benjamin Bunshaft James Cohen Myer Cohen Robert Lloyd Corkin Annette Fritz Dollin Harry H. Fienman George M. Freedman David Freeman Ira Gerler Arnold B. Goldstein Sumner Slater Gordon Cecil Robert Gordon Samuel Bertram Horovitz Etta Landau Isenman Etta Kamentsky Mary Schnittman Kaplan Tommy Kaplan Benjamin J. Kaplan Ethel L. Kaufman Joseph Jacob Kot William Lebow Miriam G. Lewis Doris Locke Dr. Samuel H. Marder Florence Berlow Michelson Jacob Palder Alan Palder Edith Juliet Phillips Anna G. Pinanski Ruth Einhorn Plaks Charlotte S. Robinson Stanley Rothenberg Morris Mendell Roud Dr. Alexander Salamon Roy Grant Sallen Neil Sherman

Coleman Silbert Ruth W. Singer Enid Goldman Slatoff Solomon Stern Betty L. Stone Marjorie Roberts Stone David M. Wartel Katherine Wayner Gertrude S. White Dr. Charles F. Wilinsky

JULY 12 - 18

Fannette Robbins Adelman Israel Alexander Barbara Ellen Bakke Maurice Begal Barbara D. Brown Hyman H. Burstein Abraham Caplan Doris Brewer Cohen Minnie J. David Sidney Dunne Eleanor Epstein Rabb Mollie H. Falk Gertrude Davidson Feinberg Margery M. Feinberg Goldie Sedar Feinberg Benjamin Feinberg Franklin H. Fox Sylvia V. Franklin Jesse Saul Friedman Dr. Maurice Gerstein Anne Giller Dr. Edward I. Giller Benjamin Gluck Robert Slater Gordon Joseph M. Greenberg Marilyn S. Grossman Frances Winer Kane David Koster Gabriella Kovacs Jeffrey Byron Lepie Joseph P. Levy Robert I. Lurie Dr. Aron O. Lurie Pvt. Maurice E. Marder Fannie Barban Mehlman Alan David Mendelson Richard Bruce Miller Isadore J. Nye Nettie Putnoi Ann Davis Randall Jennie Reisman Julius Rosenberg

Dr. Sidney A. Rosenburg Frances Lewis Rosenstein Leon Rothenberg Martha Rottenberg Sidney P. Saunders Isadore Seligman Mae Rita Shapiro Rose Shapiro Gertrude B. Sherman Hilda Shiffman Harry Singer John S. Slater Flora W Slonim Philip Smith Harold D. Smith Sylvia Tarlin Rebecca C. Ulin Frieda Golda Weis Zussman Weis Muriel F. Wolfman

JULY 19 - 25

Julius Aisner Jr. Solomon J. Barnet Frances J. Bronstein Nancy Jean Brudno Samuel P. Cohen Charles Corkin David Dangel Edith F. Davidson Herbert S. Diamond Sara Faneuil Dr. Harry Freeman Sheila Rosalie Gilbert Helen Fish Goldfarb Dr. Henry Maurice Goldman Hubert M. Gordon Ethel Haas Dorothy F. Huberman Bessie V. Kaffenburgh Ethel Bratt Kaplan Lewis Krosner Robert Jay Kurland Bess R. Kurland Charlotte Dane Levin Joseph Margolis Luella R. Maslon Arnold Philip Mork Edith Nessen Abraham Noble Dr. Benjamin Bela Rosenberg Samuel Sandler Ruth Tannenholz Scheffreen Dora Binder Schulman

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

YAHRZEITS Jacob N. Segal Joseph Segal Alfred Sigel Isaac M. Slocum Adele Salomon Stern Franciska Stieber Betty Tattenbaum Ralph Tobis Jo Ann Tackeff Toledano Maurice Ulitsky Rachel White

JULY 26 - AUGUST 1 Cori S. Auerbach Altman Evelyn Barlow Emily S. Bean Ida Benari Charles G. Bilezikian Mayer Zvi Brenner Fannie Clayton

Herman C. Cofman Pifla Cohen Max E. Falik Saul Charles Fechtor Herman L. Feer Leona K. Fishel Rose L. Frank Frederick Frank Louis Gale Samuel Glen Sylvia Pollner Gluck Harry Goff Harry N. Gorin Hannah Leah Gorin Dr. Saul Hertz Mary Ann Hitt Mark Michael Horblit Hyman Hubbard Frances Patricia Kannon Bernard Kaplan

Zipora S. Kingsdale H. Louis Kramer George Martin Lane Henry Lasker Peter M. Leavitt Benjamin A. Levy Alfred Levy S. Bernard "Buddy" Lieberman Irving Lotter Mary A. Mades Leon Margolis George B. Nathanson Nathan Pearlstein David A. Ramler Barbara Bloom Ranson Lilian Kuhns Reichert Mark Eliot Robbins Edwin Robbins Louis E. Ross Etta Gelerman Rudofsky

Sadie Salmansohn Adele Schaye Charlotte Samet Shikes Schwartz Claire Sherman Grace Cohen Shohet Barbara P. Shoolman Alan Sigman Maurice Charles Simons Rose G. Stein Marion Rutt Steinberg Berthold S. Stern Julius Stone Arthur Tapper Dr. David Weintraub Herschel I. Yesley


Maybe the founders recognized it. Maybe in 1859 when they established the Temple Israel Cemetery they saw that nature’s beauty could offer mourners a measure of comfort. Maybe that’s why they chose a lakeside setting in Wakefield and a then-new concept to create a garden cemetery. More than a century and a half later that creation continues to thrive. “If it looks nice it makes it easier for people who have come there for a loved one. It softens the experience,” explains Neil Fanjoy, who has been the cemetery superintendent since 1998. Neil is a horticultural school graduate and a Wakefield native. He heads a crew at his company, Norway Landscaping, charged with maintaining the atmosphere of natural beauty. Designated a National Register of Historic Places site in 1989, the cemetery welcomes visitors at the entrance gate with early spring flowers, bright annuals prior to Memorial Day, and mums in autumn. It is particularly inviting when its many springflowering trees are in bloom. “We’re stewards of the landscape,” says Neil. “We want people to appreciate the cemetery as a garden.”

The Temple Israel Cemetery in Wakefield preserves more than 160 years of the rich history of the congregation and of Boston's Jewish community in a lakeside setting of dignity and natural beauty. For information on available burial plots, please contact Sue Misselbeck at 617-566-3960 or | 617-566-3960



Robert and Sandra Marcus • in loving memory of Carolyn Jane Marcus


Carol Mayer • in honor of Dan Romanow's sixtieth birthday

Bailey Saiger Silbert • in loving memory of Annette Rosenberg Silbert

Diane Rose • in loving memory of her uncle, Lewis Fink

Richard & Harriet Steinberg • in loving memory of her sister, Emily Mehlman

Pamela and Dean Richlin • in loving memory of Dr. Padie Richlin

Sallyann Wekstein • in loving memory of Walter Wekstein


Claire and Edward Saxe • in loving memory of Joseph Rosenthal


Claudine Bing • in loving memory of David H. Bing

Sandra Wixted • in loving memory of her sister Charlene Sharp and in appreciation of Rabbi Gubitz’s care following Charlene’s death

Ken Barron • in loving memory of Lillian Robbins

CEMETERY ENDOWMENT FUND Anita Bender • in loving memory of Alan J. Green and Robert Abrams

Paula Folkman • in loving memory of Dr. Judah Folkman, beloved husband

Anonymous (2)

The Dretler Family • in appreciation of Rabbi Jacobson’s sensitive and thoughtful officiation of their father’s funeral Jonathan and Carol Fine Anita and Henry Gewurz • in honor of Maya’s Bat Mitzvah, with pleasure and pride in Maya and her exceptional family


FRANCES JACOBSON EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Peggy Morrison • in loving memory of Keren Holtz


Stanley & Josephine Kivort • in loving memory of Gladys F. Goldman

Rae Backer • in loving memory of Morton Backer and Sadie Gale


Louise Freedman • in loving memory of Howard Freedman • in loving memory of Jane Moss • in honor of David Weinstein & Kim Barnum’s special anniversary • in honor of the birth of Anita Bender’s great-grandson • in honor of Suzy Yesley’s special birthday

Herman & Judith Chernoff • in loving memory of Robert & Martha Finn • in loving memory of Shirlee Isenberg • in loving memory of Fannette Adelman


Emily Anne and Jeffery Jacobstein • in appreciation to Rabbi Jacobson for officiating the bris and all her support, wisdom, and humor

Nancy Raphael • in loving memory of Richard Silverman • in loving memory of Alan J. Green • in loving memory of Margery Myers • in loving memory of Beverlee Brooks


The Morris Family • in honor of Isaac and Jaden’s B’nai Mitzvah

Rhoada Wald • in loving memory of Carol Arbeit

Merrill and Charles Gottesman Sylvia Green • in loving memory of Malcolm C. Green

Alan and Jerye-Ann Robbins • with deep appreciation and gratitude for Rabbi Gubitz for her emotional support, guidance, and beautiful words at their beloved Martha’s funeral


I. OBIE GOVERMAN AND MAE C. DOLBY BOOKSHELF George Goverman • in loving memory of I. Obie Goverman

Remi & Michael Dansinger • in honor of Tali Puterman's marriage to Jessica Rondon

Alan & Jean Miller • in loving memory of their fathers: Albert A. Miller and Merle I. Locke • in loving memory of Isabelle Weinstein, loving wife of Marc, and loving mother and grandmother


Beverly Barisano • in loving memory of Lillian H. Brody

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.


Cameron Kerry & Kathy Weinman

Abby Sorrell • in loving memory of Jane Rotenberg Moss • in loving memory of Dan Romanow's uncle, Robert Mayer

Saul Kurlat


John & Louise Loewenstein

Richard & Virginia Seegel • in loving memory of A. Alfred Franks


Richard & Wendy Levine • in loving memory of Bernice Brudno Posnick • in loving memory of Moses Brudno • in loving memory of Robert Wyner

ROY B. EINHORN CANTORIAL ENDOWMENT Bernard & Janet Aserkoff Dan & Amy Deutsch Ronald & Susan Ebert Jonathan & Carol Fine Elsa Galdston Michael & Jill Glazer Stan & Leslie Godoff Alfred & Joan Goldberg Priscilla Golding & Barbara Burg Joanne Grossman • in loving memory of Marvin Grossman, who was very fond of Cantor Einhorn

Stephen and Ina Abrams • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Charles & Elizabeth Levin

Louis & Diane Anastasia • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Richard & Wendy Levine

Jerry Avorn & Karen Tucker • in loving memory of Nathaniel Tucker Avorn

Marian Mandell

Mrs. Marvin F. Axelrod • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Alan & Cecily Morse Susan Porter

William C. and Megan T. Bearce • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Nancy Raphael

Gary Belowich & Julie Rosen • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Robert Ricles, Esq. Susan & Paul Ridker Robert & Phyllis Sage • in loving memory of Harry Sagansky Linda Samuels Michael & Nancy Sandman Robert Sege & Karen Victor L. Dennis & Susan Shapiro David Segal & Cantor Rollin Simmons • in honor of Cantor Roy Einhorn for being a most wonderful cantor Sarah Singer Dan Solomon & Mindy Berman Myra Tattenbaum • in honor of Cantor Roy Einhorn James Waldroop & Valerie Zimber Adam & Rita Weiner

Robert & Ellen Jaffe

Justin Wyner • in loving memory of Genevieve Wyner

Paul & Lisa Karofsky Leslie & Richard Kates

SOCIAL ACTION FUND Phyllis Schwartz • in honor of Joanne Tuck

Cynthia & Theodore Berenson • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Dalia & Merrill Berman • in loving memory of Harry Berman and Evelyn Shohet Robert C. Betters • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Lesley & Ben Inker

Ellen Kaplan Kardon


Shirley Brown • in loving memory of Harold Brown and Seymour Stadfeld Sue Cahners • in loving memory of Walter S. Cahners Sheila & Hal Cail • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Mary Jane Calhoun-Donelan • in loving memory of Alan J. Green, a lovely man and a wonderful father and grandfather Mollie Ceder • in loving member of her father, Joseph Fienman Carol Cohen • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Charles A. Coolidge & Lindsay Leard Coolidge • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Richard Kazis & Jill Medvedow | 617-566-3960


CONTRIBUTIONS (JANUARY 2 - APRIL 1, 2020) Paul Corcoran • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Ray Goldberg • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Richard Kaplan • in loving memory of Celia Kaplan

Clare L. Dana • in loving memory of Robert D. Dana

Norman and Betty Goldberg • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Stephen & Jill Karp • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Joanie Daniels • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Pam Goodman & Michael Shwartz • in loving memory of Tom Goodman

Ellen Katz & Jay Werb • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

M. Dozier & Margaret B. Gardner • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Ellen Gordon • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Elliott & Jacqueline Kieff • in loving memory of Estelle Silverman

Stephen & Patricia Dunn • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Brian Gordon & Logan Ritchie • in loving memory of Reuben Hall

Jamie & Harold Kotler • in loving memory of Jeanne Kolter

Allen Elstein • in loving memory of Barry Lass

Barbara Green • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Sandra Krakoff • in loving memory of Robert L. Krakoff

Richard Endlar • in loving memory of Lester Endlar and Lois W. Endlar • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

William F. Miracky & Tammy Hobbs Miracky • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Arthur Krim • in loving memory of Beatrice Barron Krim

Jocelyn and Fred Greenman • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Isabel & Russell Kushner • in loving memory of Mollie Goodman Glazer

Carol & Bruce Epstein • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Falmouth Lumber, Inc. • in loving memory Alan J. Green

Sue Gregory • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Nancy C. Fay • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Julie Grossman • in loving memory of Rosanne & Harry Freeman • in loving memory of David Freeman • in loving memory of Sayde & Abe Grossman • in loving memory of Marvin C. Grossman

Esther & Sumner Feldberg • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Tom Grossman • in loving memory of Ethel Grossman

Myron & Joshua Fox • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Joanne Grossman • in loving memory of Marvin C. Grossman

Robert & Iris Fanger • in loving memory of Alan J. Green • in loving memory of Philip Fanger

Daniel & Norma Frank • in loving memory of Max Frank Stanley & Sarah Freedman • in loving memory of Nancy Freedman Joan Garb • in loving memory of Samuel J. Katz

Howard & Adele Israel • in loving memory of Hannah Levin Zauderer • in loving memory of Sylvia Israel Judith & Alan Josephson • in loving memory of Samuel and Sophia Nemzoff, with love from: Judi and Alan, Jamie, Dave, Josh, Kyra & Talia Brown, Jeff and Karen Brown

Lawrence Lynch Corp. • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Michael Lepie • in loving memory of Luba Lepie Marion R. Lipson • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Richard & Nancy Lubin • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Gerald & Dianne Lynch • in loving memory of Alan J. Green, with deep sympathy Joseph & Nancy Marglin • in loving memory of Laura Dayle Marglin, their daughter, and Norma Lowe Fruitman, their mother Nancy Marks • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Maxwell & Co. • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Earl Gashin William Mendelson • in loving memory of Dr. Ronald J. Gashin • in loving memory of Martin Mendelson Carol B. Miller David Genser • in loving memory of Arnold F. Miller • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Alan & Jean Miller • in loving memory of Marjorie R. Silver 26 Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

CONTRIBUTIONS (JANUARY 2 - APRIL 1, 2020) Geoffrey Miller • in loving memory of Arnold F. Miller

Linda Schwabe • in loving memory of Stephen E. Elmont

Donald & Sandra Perrin • in loving memory of Martha Jane Robbins

Valya Shapiro • in loving memory of Robert Shapiro • in loving memory of Margery Starr Myers

Mrs. William J. Poorvu • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Fern & Virginia Remedi-Brown • in loving memory of Dennis Brown • in loving memory of Dorothy Delson

Myron Sheinfeld • in loving memory of Robert Sheinfeld Jane L. Simon • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Dean & Pamela Richlin • in loving memory of Arlene Bard

Lauri Slawsby • in loving memory of John Sherman • in loving memory of Immanuel Sherman

Alan & Jerye-Ann Robbins • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Gloria Sonnabend • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Daniel Romanow & Andrew Zelermyer • in loving memory of his grandfather, Edward Bertman • in loving memory of his mother, Bertha Mayer Romanow

Thomas & Priscilla Staples • in loving memory of Alan J. Green, a truly remarkable man who will be missed by many

Faye Romm • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Arlene Rosenthal • in loving memory of Hilda Kleinfeld Thim David & Judith Rosenthal • in loving memory of Beatrice R. Biller Alan and Debora Rottenberg • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Murray Sackman • in loving memory of Phyllis Sackman Everette C. Sanders & Delilah A. Sanders • in loving memory of Alan J. Green James L. Schaye • in loving memory of Elizabeth Ann Schaye Josephine & Schneider • in loving memory of Janet Kaplan

Norman Starosta • in loving memory of Alan J. Green

Sidney & Helene Wartel • in loving memory of Goldie & Charles Wartel Stephen & Roberta Weiner • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Peter Weinreb • in loving memory of Margery S. Myers Frances Wolff • in loving memory of Jerry Zimmerman Justin Wyner • in honor of Ruth Gordon's birthday Elise Young • in loving memory of Maurice Young


Joel & Jane Larus • in loving memory of Flora C. Bortman Ruth Gordon • in loving memory of her father, Sam Frumkin

Richard & Harriet Steinberg • in loving memory of Lewis Steinberg Geoffrey & Joyce Stewart • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Patricia Strauss • in loving memory of Madeline Wise Levin Nancy Stuckey • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Roberta Swerling • in loving memory of her husband, Bruce Swerling Robert Talerman & Elizabeth Murphy Talerman • in loving memory of Alan J. Green Tuck Family • in loving memory of Arnold & Paul Tuck Joseph R. Valle • in loving memory of Alan J. Green | 617-566-3960



Century Bank Rabbi Elaine Zecher & David Eisenberg

INSPIRATION ($3,600-$4,999)

Barry Weisman & Michele Fishel

VISION ($1,800-$3,599)

Robert Bechek Brett & Abby Gordon Charles & Merrill Gottesman Daniel & Nanette Jacobson Meryl LeBoff Marc Maxwell Carol Michael Leah Rosovsky Michael Rubenstein & Elizabeth Skavish Robert & Gayle Slattery Jodi Sokoloff Roger & Maryanne Tackeff Jeane Ungerleider & William Stone

CONNECTION ($1,000-$1,799)

Cantors Roy Einhorn & Jodi Sufrin Karen Bressler & Scott Epstein Rabbi Ronne & Irene Friedman Robert Weinstein & Elizabeth Ginsburg Ted & Dru Greenwood Howard & Ann Katz Laurence Koff & Barbara Smith Koff Dan Solomon & Mindy Berman Dan & Amy Deutsch


Laurence Bailen & Jennifer Weber David & Helene Bailen David Banash Roberta Bergstein & Ayla Axeloons Bloom Family Ann Bookman Buehrens Saralynn Busch & Andrew Fenves Ellen Zucker & Ellen Clegg Helen Cohen Anneliese Cohen Jonathan & Margot Davis Wayne Diamond Ronald & Susan Ebert Matthew Feinberg Sarah Kianovsky & Frank Friedman Rabbi Serena Fujita Jenny Gamson & Steve Seckler Henry & Anita Gewurz Friedhelm Glauner & David HaidacherBassong Robert Goisman & Jeanne Traxler Richard Goldman Abby Greenberg Lisa Gross & Richard Hoffman Lauren Heller & Dwight Schultheis Lesley & Ben Inker Richard Kalish & Elisabeth Keller Rachel Kogan & Josh Habib Jonathan & Darby Kominik Steven Lampert & Anita Feins Aaron & Lauren Lapat Eric & Lori Lass Andrea & Meredith Lesser-Gonzalez Bruce & Sally Levy Nicole & Paul Lipson Debra Mandel

Marcia Marcus Robert Martin & Judith Berkowitz Bruce Mazo Robert & Susan Michaels JP Monneray & Gail Williams Leslie Myers Christopher & Shari Noe Susanna Stern & Felipe Pait Susan Porter Rebecca Price & Cara McKenna Tali & Jessica Puterman Susan & Paul Ridker Caitlin Rollins & David Paredes Martin & Cindy Rowe Sean & Marcy Sacks Alan Einhorn & Suzanne Salamon Michael & Nancy Sandman James & Mimi Segel Sharon & Craig Sender Robert & Claudia Slipakoff Jerome & Miriam Smulow Michael & Emily Speicher Richard & Harriet Steinberg Benjamin & Karen Stern Andrew Tarsy & Bridget Samburg Myra Tattenbaum Phyllis & Robert Tobin David & Rhoda Trietsch Joanne Tuck & Stuart Freedman E. Joseph & Carla Wasserman Mindee Wasserman Melissa & James Wright

In these unprecedented times of social distancing, Temple Israel is operating in high gear to set up many ways to participate and interact with fellow congregants of all ages for classes and gatherings. A gift to the Temple Israel Friends Annual Fund will allow us to bring Religious School students together for online learning, will enable us to livestream our Qabbalat Shabbat services to all who are seeking connection during this time of isolation, and will continue to enable TI members in Boston and across the world to come together virtually to live Judaism together in new and exciting ways. It is through challenging moments like these that we learn about ourselves and our community. This is an opportunity for us to build and strengthen relationships with one another and ensure that every member of our community feels welcome and cared for. It is through your generosity that we are able to continue offering our educational and spiritual programs and introduce new ways to enhance congregational life here at Temple Israel. Your support of the Friends Annual Fund has made a difference in the lives of our congregants and to the greater community, and will be more impactful than ever as we navigate this new landscape. You can make your gift online at Thank you!


Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.






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Temple Israel of Boston's Ner Tamid Society For more than 165 years, Temple Israel has provided a home to the Boston Jewish community. We are proud to uplift our spirits in song, to unite in our commitment to justice, and to serve as a refuge in times of joy and in times of sorrow. The Ner Tamid is the light that shines above the ark in every synagogue of the world, a symbol of our presence and determination to sustain our traditions, even as we respond to change. The Ner Tamid Society honors supporters who perpetuate the legacy of Temple Israel. By including Temple Israel in your estate plans, you ensure that the eternal light continues to burn strongly for generations to come. With your bequest or other planned gift to Temple Israel, you become a member of the Ner Tamid Society. You name will be inscribed in the Ner Tamid Society honor roll, and you will be invited to events exclusively for Ner Tamid Society members. Join us, and be part of a legacy that lives on in every generation of Temple Israel. For more information, please contact Shoshanna Goldberg, Director of Development, at or 617-566-3960. You can also find more details online at

USPS 50648 Founded in 1854 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism Issued 4 times/year Printed on recycled paper Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher Cantor Roy B. Einhorn Rabbi Suzie Jacobson Rabbi Jen Gubitz Rabbi Dan Slipakoff Rabbi Ronne Friedman, Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman, Senior Scholar

Temple Israel of Boston

INSIGHT Temple Israel 477 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02215-5396

Non Profit US Postage PAID Permit 50648 Boston, MA

Marc Maxwell, President Laurence Bailen, Vice President Barbara Cevallos, Treasurer Dan Deutsch, Executive Director Helen Cohen, FJECC Preschool Director Emma Koblick, Director of Communication 617-566-3960


Annual Gathering of the Congregation 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 11, 2020 Virtual or In-Person...more details to follow! 32

Living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact.

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