Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 100th Anniversary

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Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. est. 1917 1334 NE 4th Ave. ď ł Gainesville, FL 32641

"Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: Celebrating the Past, Anticipating the Future"

Reverend Samuel R. Seales Jr., Pastor

100Anniversary! th

July 2, 2017


Pastor’s Message Grace and Peace to All, We are honored and grateful to the Lord for blessing us to celebrate our church’s 100th Anniversary. This is a very joyful time in the life of our Church. We are grateful for the Founding Families who where instrumental in securing a place to worship the Lord. We thank God for the members of Johnson Chapel who have toiled down through the years, dedicating themselves to the service of the kingdom who’s spirits have returned back to our Creator. To those of you who continue to remain faithful and dedicated, we thank you for your service to the Lord. This Day is truly a blessing to the life of Johnson Chapel. So as we reflect on God, our history, families, love ones, and community, To God be the Glory, for all of the wonderful things that He has done and will continue to do through the life of this Church. I am reminded of when Israel crossed over the Jordan, God instructed Joshua to select twelve men to place stones in the river as a memorial of them passing over. God held back the waters so that they could pass through. It indicates that there will be struggles in the life of God’s people, however, God can and will bring us through the currents of life. He has brought us to this day, on the shoulders of faithful servants and we should look back on the reminder that He can do what no other power can do. Enjoy the worship and fellowship as we celebrate a wonderful God who has made and makes all things possible; “100 years”! Many challenges were presented to arrive at this day, however, we made it because God saw us through. Many thanks to our committees, and the support of our current membership. Thanks to all civic, community, churches and individuals for your support. “TO GOD BE THE GLORY”! Reverend S. R. Seales Jr.


Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church History Under the direction of the almighty God and the leadership of Reverend A. J. Johnson and Reverend C. C. London, Johnson Chapel Church was organized on September 2, 1917 after a small group of five northeast Gainesville families had a great need to have a place of worship in their immediate environment. The first officers and members were PASTOR, Reverend C. C. London; TRUSTEES - Deacon S. Vinson and Reverend A. J. Johnson; DEACONS - J. W. Refore, J. H. Gilmore and E. Sanders; MEMBERS - Sisters Katie Vinson, Dinah Refore, Lindy Johnson, Sarah Wells, and Serena Gilmore. These families worked hard to build the white wood frame building that stood to the left of our present site. During the early years, another group of hard workers joined the church, worked for many years and had a great influence upon the lives of the younger generation. They were Deacon B. T. Lyons - Sunday School Superintendent and Chairman of the Deacons and Trustees Boards; Deacon S. R. Robinson - B.T.U. Director; Deacon Frank Vinson, Sr. - Choir # 2 President; Sister Ola Mae Lyons Musician and Young People Worker; Sister Addie Coleman - Mission Society President; Deacon Lorenzo Wells - Choir # 1 President and Church Clerk. As the northeast quadrant of Gainesville grew, so did the membership at Johnson Chapel and the need for a larger structure for worship. In 1950, during Reverend W. J. Taylor’s pastorate, a new building was begun. After seven long years of sacrifices and hard work, the congregation marched into the new sanctuary debt free. This glorious event took place on Sunday, July 7, 1957. In 1959, a Fellowship Hall was added to this structure. God continued to bless Johnson Chapel with loyal and dedicated pastors, officers and members. Pioneers like Sister Lady Jane Turner who organized the Usher Board #2 and co-founded Choir #3 (Youth) Choir with Sister Priscilla Vinson. The first Benevolent Outreach Ministry to the sick and Young Matrons Department was organized by Sister Charlotte Robinson. Deacon Charlie Roberson served for more than 30 years as Sunday School Superintendent and over 25 years as Chairman of the Deacons Ministry.


Church History Continued... For many years Sister Carrie Mosley served as Senior Choir President. Sister Johnnie Mae Godbolt hosted the annual Easter Egg Hunt for years at her home until the crowd grew too large and was moved to Duval Elementary School. Brother Harold Jackson and Sister Angela Robinson Terrell were the first Ministers of Music. Sister Terrell continues to serve today. The following ministers have served as pastors: Reverends C. C. London, N. J. Jackson, C. Pinkney, G. W. Haile, S. M. Daniels, W. J. Taylor, and C. J. Johnson. Under the leadership of Reverend C. J. Johnson an addition was made to the main sanctuary to expand the pastor’s study and finance office. The entry way, foyer and fellowship hall were renovated in 1991. The fellowship hall was rededicated as the C. J. Johnson Multipurpose Building on Sunday, June 16, 1996. Johnson Chapel was incorporated in 2005 under the leadership of Pastor Samuel R. Seales, Jr. The church has grown from five founding families to a hundred plus families; one ministry to 18 ministries; no representation with other religious bodies to representation with District, State, and National bodies. Reverend W. J. Taylor and Reverend C. J. Johnson served as Moderator of the Jerusalem Baptist Association. Other church members have served and are serving in leadership positions in the Association as well as the Florida General Baptist Convention. The current officers are: Deacons Board Chair - Deacon Cleon Jenkins, Trustees Board - Deacon Tommie Martin, Church Clerk - Sister Bessie G. Jackson, Financial Secretary - Sister Rosa Martin, Treasurer - Sister Ruth Morris, Ward Secretary - Sister Patricia Burnett. The Gilmore, Vinson and Wells founding families are still actively participating in the church today as we celebrate 100 years of blessings. Since we who are here have been helped along the way by those who have served and gone before, we too must inspire those coming on so that the light will continue burning through them, until a new generation has caught the gleam and has gone steadily marching on. May we continue to abide in divine fellowship under the Holy inspiration until that day when we shall hear the words, “Come ye blessed of my Father and inherit the

Kingdom prepared for you.”




~ Call To Worship ~ Psalm 150: 1, 2; Psalm 136: 1-3 KJV Leader:

Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.


Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.


O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.


O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.


O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.

~ Responsive Reading ~ Mathew 16: 18-19; Matthew 28: 18-20 KJV Leader:

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 8

11:00 A.M. Worship PRESIDER Sister Rosa Martin CALL TO WORSHIP / HYMN: ................ #10 Red Hymnal “Oh How I Love Jesus” CONSECRATION PRAYER ......................................................Sister Rosa Martin DOXOLOGY ........................................................................ #529 Red Hymnal

“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” SONGS OF PRAISE (2) ................................................. JCMBC Centennial Choir DEVOTION .............................................................................JCMBC Deacons WELCOME AND OCCASION ............................... Sister Mari “Peaches” Godbolt SPECIAL PRESENTATION .................................................... Sister Angela Terrell SONG OF PRAISE .................................................................... Centennial Choir RESPONSIVE READING .................................................... Sister Joyce Wells Hill MISSION OFFERING & PRAYER ................................................ Sister Emma Hill TITHES AND OFFERING ................... Brother Keith Gordon, Sister Melissa Mosley Brother James Wiley, Sister Marlene Wiley SCRIPTURE .................................................................... Brother Latroy Strappy

SONG OF PRAISE .................................................................... Centennial Choir GOD’S SPOKEN WORD ................................................................ Pastor Seales INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP ..................................................... Pastor Seales REMARKS..............................................................................Dr. Bessie Jackson REMARKS / BLESSING OF FOOD .................................................. Pastor Seales



4:00 P.M. Worship PRESIDER Reverend Edward Starling CALL TO WORSHIP / HYMN: ............... #10 Red Hymnal “Oh How I Love Jesus” CONSECRATION PRAYER ...........................................Reverend Edward Starling DOXOLOGY ........................................................................ #529 Red Hymnal

“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” DEVOTION .................... Deacon Clem Chisholm and Deacon Louis W. Mosley, Jr. WELCOME AND OCCASION ......................................... Sister Barbara B. Jones SONG OF PRAISE ................................................................... Centennial Choir RESPONSIVE READING .................................................... Sister Jaquria Watson SCRIPTURE .......................................................................Dr. Gladys S. Wright SPECIAL RECOGNITION .................................................. Sister Patricia Burnett OFFERING.................................Brothers Eugene Crawford; Charles Chestnut, III; Sisters Carrie Woody; Lillie M. Simmons Gardner PRESENTATION OF MESSENGER ............................... Reverend Adrian S. Taylor SONG OF PRAISE ................................................................... Centennial Choir

MESSAGE ............................................................................ Dr. Henry J. Lyons INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP .................................................... Pastor Seales REMARKS..................................................................... Sister Thelma J. Mosley REMARKS AND BENEDICTION .................................................... Pastor Seales


Oh How I Love Jesus There is a Name I love to hear I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest Name on earth. Refrain: Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me! It tells me of a Savior’s love, Who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood, The sinner’s perfect plea. It tells me what my Father hath In store for every day, And though I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe; Who in each sorrow bears a part That none can bear below...


Congratulations! Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Celebrating the Past and Anticipating the Future!

-- The Centennial Committee


Men of God Standing On the Rock of Ages To God Be the Glory!

—Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Deacons Ministry


Congratulations on 100 Years!

—JCMBC Trustee Ministry 15

I'd Rather Be A Door Keeper! Happy 100 Years!

—Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Usher Ministry



Precious Memories of Our Beloved



Carrie Mosley

Sadie Wiggins


Aliyah Mosley

—The Mosleys 18

In Loving Memory


We Have Come This Far By Faith

The good bye kiss that you gave me before you departed will sustain me until we meet again. —Your Loving Wife Cora

Granddaddy, We miss you so very much and we can feel your spirit dwelling among us, but we know that you are in a better place. We often talk about the things that you taught us and the placed that you can grandmother carried us. You took us to Sunday School and church and demanded participation, good behavior, and respect for others. You also took us on awesome trips and taught us to fish. These are things that we will never forget. You left a void in our lives that no one else can fill. We will always love you. —Your Family 20


Today we honor our matriarch, Mother Sarah Hampton Wells who shared a vision and was a founding member of this church 100 years ago.

Mother Sarah Hampton Wells 1875 - 1955 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord -Joshua 24:15

The Wells, Hill and Burnett Families 22

Congratulations to the Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Family! Today we remember those love ones who kept and continue to keep the legacy alive through our faith in God and His abundant Grace.

Our Family Like branches on a tree we all grow in different directions. Yet our roots remain as one.

The Wells, Hill and Burnett Families 23





We serve the true and living God!



In Loving Memory Rev. John A. and Mrs. Lucy Williams

Dewitt Williams

John Henry Williams

Benjamin Franklin Williams

RosaEtta Arrington

Lady Jane Turner

Susie Mae White

James Jackson

Clifford Jackson

Frank Jackson

Harold Jackson Lucy Jo Jackson

Psalms 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Family of Sister Lady Jane Turner Edgar Jackson, Gwendolyn Gipson, Rosa Martin, Wilbur Jackson 27

Praying God’s Continued Blessings on Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church!

Deacon Tommie L. Martin, Sister Rosa J. Martin, Errol and Michelle Wilson, Joshua Wilson, Charity Wilson, Aaron Wilson, Christopher Tyler Martin, Maddison Martin, Keleiah Martin Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

—Deacon Tommie and Sister Rosa Martin 28

Mrs. Elnora Payne has spent 95 beautiful years on this earth. She is the mother to 10 children: Geneva Richardson, Charles Payne (deceased), Minister Mark Payne, Andrew Payne (deceased), Dorothy Payne, Elaine Payne, Sylverster Payne, Lorretta Thomas (deceased), Lorraine Mills, and Faye Dollison. Also, she is the grandmother of 46, the great-grandmother of 109, the great-great-grandmother of 46. Also, she has been a member of Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church for many years. We are honored to have her as the matriarch of our family and we love her dearly.

—Geneva Richardson


Best Wishes for Continued Success!

The Dickerson Family —N. Juanita Dickerson Hill Former Sunday School Secretary, Usher, and Choir Member 30

May God’s Richest Blessings Continue to Shine Upon Our Church Family. We Love Each and Every One of You!

—Rev. Samuel & Sis. Gloria Seales 31


Congratulations & Many Blessings to the Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Family on your Centennial Celebration!

—Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hardaway 33



Congratulations and best wishes on our 100th year! I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within us is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns Philippians 1:6

—Gloria Williams


1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. 2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. 3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verilya thou shalt be fed. 4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commitb thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. 7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. 9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. 10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.

—Mother Cotivous M. Williams 37

Congratulations and Best Wishes On Your Centennial Celebration!


Congratulations to Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church on your Centennial Observance! —Chestnut Funeral Home & Staff


Congratulations on your Centennial Anniversary!!! —Lee Ray Brown & Cynthia Homer Brown



Congratulations on your 100th Anniversary!




The Deaconess Ministry and Mothers We willingly, prayerfully, and faithfully work to serve God, our husbands, the church and community. Commend to your sister Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea. —Romans 16:1 That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also. —Romans 16:2

Happy Anniversary Johnson Chapel! Thanks for the solid start in our lives! —Eric Mosley and Tasha Mosley


In Loving Memory

Angels we have heard - Now he's singing with the heavenly host, praising God! We congratulate and join Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in celebrating your 100th Church Anniversary. We pray God's continued blessing upon your church and its ministries. Rev. Robert and Mrs. Marva Perry and Family (Robert II, Tammy, Robin, Erica, and Devon)


"Uncle Frank" Vinson, Jr.


Honoring the Past Looking Forward Into the Future

—Christine K. Vinson, Ola M. Vinson Christine Rice, Steven, Chelsea, Sean and Mia Camps

Frank Vinson Jr. December 22, 1921 - August 13, 2007

In Loving Memory of Onather "Nee Nee" Moss From Her "S.E.T." of Girls Shantay, Edrina, Tia and Your Loving Husband Henry


In Loving Memory Brother Tommy Hezekiah Span

In Loving Memory Carolyn Lewis Young


Congratulations on 100 years of Praising and Worshipping the Lord!

—Deacon Earsel and Sis. Freddie Mae Brown


Congratulations on the 100th Church Anniversary May the Lord Continue to Bless and Keep You!

—Linda & Rubin Davis, Sr.

Congratulations Johnson Chapel On 100 years of faithful service! We are grateful to be members of a church where God’s Word is taught. To God be the Glory!

—Cleon & Olivia Jenkins 51


In Loving Memory

Annie Bell Morris

Ernestine Morris

Louise M. Bradley

—Gladys Berry Congratulations Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church!


Best Wishes to the Johnson Chapel Church Family! Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

—Rev. Jonathan & Mary Mosley Congratulations and many thanks to Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Centennial Committee for the opportunity to work with you on this souvenir journal!

—Telisha S. Martin

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Robert & Betty Ellis Celebrating Our 48th Anniversary And Remembering Our Parents Earnest Ellis & Wilma Robinson Ellis Tom & Callie Fayson

Happy Anniversary JCMBC! Continue to Shine His Love Upon This Church!

—Sis. Lynette Peterson


Congratulations Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church on your Centennial Celebration!

In Loving Memory 

—Rev. Mack & Mary Edwards

Mother Georgia Smith Mother Ola Mayberry and Charles Smith

Congratulations to Pastor Seales and My Johnson Chapel Family. Love You!

Happy 100th Anniversary Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church!

—Charlene Caldwell

—Johnny & Laura Bell Burch

Congratulations Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church

—Bernard & Deloris Bradshaw Congratulations Johnson Chapel MBC! Love You!

—Bobbie DeBose Congratulations to Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church

—The Griffin Family Happy 100th Anniversary Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church!

—Barbara Jones In Loving Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Williams & James Jackson 56

Acknowledgments Today as the congregational family of Johnson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church gathers for the celebration of its 100th Church Anniversary, we extend a warm thank you to all who joined us on this day to mark this special event. As we celebrate these past 100 years and acknowledge our past and present members who have labored in the vineyard faithfully and untiringly, may we, as a church continue to carry on their work, encouraging one another in love, under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has brought us a mighty long way and because He will not leave us nor forsake us, the future of the church is blessed. Thanks to Pastor Seales and all of the past pastors for their leadership, members gone on to glory for leaving a legacy, and active members for your faithfulness. Johnson Chapel could not have come this far without the commitment of so many. We thank Rev. Dr. Henry Lyons, Johnson Chapel’s son and the pastor of New Salem Missionary Baptist Church, Tampa, Florida and his visiting members for helping to make our centennial homecoming a spiritual success. Thanks to everyone who prepared and looked forward to this day, those who planned, copied, cooked, cleaned, sang, ushered and served in various ministries to make our 100th Church Anniversary a day that we will never forget. We are blessed at Johnson Chapel to have ministries that all work to accomplish these tasks. THE 100TH CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY PLANNING COMMITTEE CHURCH MINISTRIES CULINARY: DEACONS: DEACONESS: HOME MISSION: MATRONS: MEDIA: MOTHERS: MUSIC: SUNDAY SCHOOL: TRUSTEES: USHERS: YOUTH

Dea. Edgar Jackson Dea. Cleon Jenkins Sis. Gloria Williams Sis. Thelma Mosley Sis. Fredrika Cave Sis. Tia Stover Sis. Leola Williams Sis. Angela Terrell Dea. Danny Robinson Dea. Tommie Martin Sis. Cynthia Brown Sis. Melody Jackson

Sis. Bessie G. Jackson, Coordinator Rev. Samuel R. Seales, Jr., Pastor 57




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