Records Volume 45: Archdeacon Harpsfield's Visitation 1557

Page 53




Willelmus Everyng Joannes Neame Martinus Broke

Numerus parochianorum sacramentum altaris ibidem l recipientium ) [no numberJ et familie infra dictain parochiam [do. J Die et anno predictis iniunxit et mandauit prout sequitur [rest as beforeJ

[f. 40v.J

Ffirste to provide the fronnte for thaulter bothe above thaulter and benethe with th imagis of Christe paynted in the myddest therof for the workindais and curteins non of silk for hollidais To provide a grailenon againste Christmas To provide surplesses at thisside Alhallon To repaire the channcell non at thisside Alhallon The parishioners to make non vpe the steppes goyng vpe to the highe aulter and to pave non the flower at thisside Alhallon To repaire the bodie of the churche in all thinges necessarie at thisside Alhallon To set vpe ther patron in the place wher it stoode in tymes paste To set vpe a side aulter and make a locke and a key for the fonnte at thisside Alhallon To mak anon boke of register and to ley the same vnderlocke and key and kepe the same according to the statute

[fl. 41, 42 r. and v. are blankJ [f. 43r.J


Rectoria appropriata Reuerendissimo Domino Archiepiscopo Curatus Dominus Hugo Evans qui deseruit cure altarnis [sicJ vicibus Iconomi Thomas Preston Parochianus William Abere Numerus parochianorum sacramentum al taris} recipientium [no number] et familie infra dictam parochiam [do.J Die et anno prescriptis .... habetur [rest as Shepherdswell] Ffirste yt is commanded that they erecte an altar of [sic] thissid Chris~enmes with all the furniture

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