Safety and Prevention Tips

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SAFETY AND PREVENTION Three factors must be present for a crime to occur: desire, ability and opportunity. You can significantly impact the last one – opportunity - and reduce crime by following these simple crime prevention tips.

CRIME PREVENTION SAFETY AT HOME Use a door viewer before opening your door. Always demand identification from strangers. Always lock up your home before leaving and don't hide your house keys outdoors anywhere. Have keys ready and in your hand for immediate use when you return home. Use interior and exterior lighting at all times. Hide or destroy boxes from expensive purchases (Electronics). Avoid posting pictures of the interior of your home on social media. Safeguard your home while you are out of town. Additionally, avoid sharing your location on social media when you are out of town to avoid criminal activity occuring at your home.

CRIME PREVENTION PERSONAL SAFETY Be alert to what’s all around you! Look behind you occasionally. Always look inside your vehicle before getting in. Lock all doors immediately after you are in the vehicle. Never pick up hitchhikers. Honk your horn if you need to attract attention. Park in well-lit areas at night. Don't carry large sums of money. Don't resist an armed robber. Hand over whatever is demanded quickly and quietly. Remember, your life and safety is worth more than any personal property.

CRIME PREVENTION EXERCISING ON ROADWAYS Plan your route ahead of time. Never walk alone at night; walk with a friend or your dog. Use well-lit streets, not dark alleys or bushy areas. Carry signaling devices like shriek alarms or a whistle. Be alert to what’s all around you! Look behind you occasionally. Never ask for or accept a ride from a stranger. 123 Anywhere St., Any City

CRIME PREVENTION WHEN USING THE ATM At a drive-up ATM, keep all windows closed, except the one you are using, and all vehicle doors locked. Keep the vehicle running and be watchful of the vehicle’s front, rear and sides. If someone approaches your vehicle on foot, cancel the transaction and leave. If you drive to the ATM and then exit your vehicle to use the ATM, lock all of the vehicle doors after you exit it. Then, keep your keys handy so you can re-enter your vehicle quickly after completing your transaction. When approaching the ATM, be alert for anything suspicious, especially two or more people in a nearby vehicle, particularly if no one else is at the ATM, or someone appears to be “hanging” around the area. Never approach an ATM if the lights at the site are not working. Avoid using the ATM at night. Avoid using ATM’s with obscuring bushes around them, again, particularly after dark.

CRIME PREVENTION WHEN USING JITNEY TRANSPORT Try to use a licensed taxi. If the licensed taxi option is not available, and a jitney is your only option, text/ WhatsApp someone the time you are expected to reach your destination, give a description of the driver and the vehicle. Pretend to be on a call to say " Yes, I'm almost there. I'll be there by X. This can deter a criminal act. A designated drive is very common and safe. Feeling uneasy about a driver? Listen to your instincts: if in doubt, don't get in the car.

People can be hesitant to report suspicious activity. There is a tendency to uphold a sense of optimism in such situations. Some may feel it isn’t their place to say something or think someone else will have already reported it. Whatever the reason is, the reality is that many crimes could have been prevented if the warning signs had been reported sooner by witnesses. If you see something in the area, say something. Reporting suspicious activities might help the Police identify a suspect or a crime trend. For activities in progress, call 911. Otherwise, use the untraceable, anonymous Crime Stoppers Miami number at 1-800-(TIPS) or 1-800-8477. No names or numbers are requested, and only the information provided is passed on to the Royal Turks & Caicos Islands Police Force. Martin Dawtry General Manager Facilities Management

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