May/June/July 2024 Kol Tikvah

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MAY/JUNE/JULY 2024 Volume 44 Issue 3 ©2024 Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell, GA 30075 770.642.0434 Join us for Shabbat Services IN-PERSON at TBT, or ONLINE via or Facebook! ALL Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services in JUNE & JULY 6:30 PM Saturday Morning 10:00 AM


What a year 5784 has been, this double chai year in the life of Temple Beth Tikvah! While we could never have envisioned the pain that would befall the State of Israel and world Jewry with the brutal massacre of October 7th, the war against Hamas and the unprecedented rise in anti-Jewish hate spreading across our country and college campuses. Still, as a Beth Tikvah community, we have never been stronger or demonstrated more Jewish pride.

While still recovering from the reverberations of the pandemic, TBT has remained strong and growing in so many ways. In an era when religious affiliation rates across all religious denominations have been plummeting, TBT has remained stable in our membership numbers for six consecutive years: truly an amazing feat! If you have friends or family members looking for a spiritual home, invite them to join you here at TBT. Growing our roster of Jewish souls and their families desiring to celebrate Jewish life together only makes us as a synagogue community stronger.

Our Preschool has its highest registration in years, and the Religious School program is building back, due in part to our outstanding values-based curriculum, one-on-one Hebrew learning model, and impactful post-Bnai Mitzvah opportunities for the teens.

Social programming is up; adult engagement is up. This year, we’ve baked challah together, sung together, written a beautiful new Torah together, retired our mortgage together, grieved together and celebrated Jewish pride, together!

And the coming year will be even better!

One of our goals for TBT moving forward is to deepen the roots of connection to TBT. We don’t want the children of our congregation leaving us when they are out on their own.

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner will be attending the Re-CHARGING Reform Judaism Conference at the end of May. This is a convening of clergy, educators and lay leaders working together to address the existential challenges facing the North American Reform Movement.

Three key areas that have been identified requiring urgent attention:

• The growing distance between North American Liberal Jews and Israel, and their fraying connection with the concept of Jewish peoplehood;

Our desire is for them to “come home.” We are exploring ways to better meet the needs of our college grads, those 21-25 year olds, as well as the young marrieds choosing an OTP lifestyle, and singles across the age and stage spectrum. If you would be interested in joining the conversation, please reach out.

Another area of focus for the year(s) ahead is to build up the Endowment through TBT Planned Giving. Planning a charitable gift is a beautiful way to support the mission of our congregation, and Judaism, while fulfilling one’s own personal, financial and altruistic values. A planned gift is a meaningful way to leave a permanent legacy connecting you and your family to your spiritual home, Temple Beth Tikvah.

The year ahead will also focus on deepening our partnerships with area OTP congregations in order to better share resources, and increase opportunities to strengthen Jewish engagement for all.

One such program to mark on your calendars now will take place on June 11, as TBT hosts Congregations Kehillat Chaim, Emanu-El, Dor Tamid, Or Hadash and Kol Emeth for this year’s Erev Shavuot celebration. The evening will include beautiful music, outstanding learning, a tasty nosh and meaningful social bonding.

As you can see, regardless of what may be swirling outside our doors, TBT continues to be a haven and a place of joyful Jewish expression.

We look forward to welcoming each and every one who wishes to celebrate life with us.

Chodesh Tov!

• Rooting justice and tikkun olam efforts in Jewish tradition, and ensuring they are more inclusive of our congregations’ and communities’ wide range of perspectives and ideologies;

• Re-centering God and elevating creative ritual practice as core to Reform Judaism.

This conference will bring together the concerned Jewish professionals who deal daily with the defining issues of our times.

She will be speaking about the conference during Shabbat services on June 7.

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Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner



The TBT Pre-K graduation ceremony filled me with hope for the future. Being with our preschool children, their teachers and Director Linda Siegel always lifts my spirits. You can’t help but feel the love and joy that fill the halls, classrooms, social hall and sanctuary!

Skip to ten years after Pre-K and I cannot say enough positive things about this year’s Confirmation class. The chemistry between students, their increased understanding about Judaism under the guidance of the Rabbi and the inspiring Confirmation service that they created and led also filled me with hope for the future. Mazal tov to this year’s confirmands and their families.


FEBRUARY 15-24, 2025

For itinerary – click on or go to this link:

Experience the voices and spirit of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) through concerts and musical additions throughout.

• Encounter and interact with leadership from Argentina's Jewish communities.

• Enjoy Argentinian culture and cuisine, from tango lessons to a hands-on culinary experience.



Filled With Music

Throughout this trip, members of the American Conference of Cantors will perform and any participating singers in the group will have the opportunity to sing with us!

Please let me know of your interest as soon as you can at and I will set up a Zoom meeting with a representative from Ayelet tours.



• I welcome new choir members to join us at any time!

• We rehearse on many but not all Thursday nights at 7:00 PM.

• We sing the 2nd Friday of most school-year months.

• We sing for the High Holy Days.

• We will be singing for a musical program with St. David’s Episcopal Church in Roswell on October 27.


I welcome new participants for our 1stFriday-of-the-month “Ruach Shabbat” Services.

• High School age and up

• ANY instrument can be included!

• I will be setting up some rehearsal times...and refreshing the musical repertoire.


This year’s American Conference of Cantor’s Convention will be held in Israel, July 3-10. I haven’t been to Israel in ten years, and I know it will feel very different now than ten years ago. Please hold the ACC in your hearts during this convention, as well as all of our loved ones (known or unknown) in Israel and Gaza. Continue to pray for peace. Continue to bring more peace into the world with your own words and actions.

Cantor Nancy Kassel

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Shalomand greetings,

In the first of many communiques as your new President, I want to thank you for the honor of serving this House of Hope. On May 5, I had the privilege of my first address to the congregation at our annual meeting, where hope was the theme. It is my sincere hope that during these two years (and on), in concert with our inspiring clergy, dedicated board and administrative staff, you will continue to live fulfilled Jewish lives in community with your fellow congregants.

Now is the time to lean into your temple connections; whether through chavurot gatherings, attendance during Shabbat services, or the multitude of volunteer opportunities, hope through connection is imperative to bring forward the stories of our past, while walking into the future. We walk the line as a people that we can choose to tow, from generation to generation – l’dor v’dor. Amidst forces beyond our direct control challenging our core, we do have each other, and we have hope.

Since joining Temple Beth Tikvah in 2013, my family has been dedicated to growing in our Jewish faith and immersing ourselves in the community. My involvement with volunteering began with my first exposure to Bagelicious, selling and distributing bagels during Sunday religious school to what seemed a never-ending line, while our boys attended their classes. A lifelong educator of young children, I was then asked to serve on the Board of Education, a snug fit for my passions. Always seeking a new way to support, I became chair of the Board of Education. I would step back for professional purposes and return again as the chair to lead another incredible group of volunteers. The inspiration and excitement of volunteering, coupled with my husband’s constant encouragement, made an impression on our children. While continuing to attend religious school in the middle grades, they became heavily involved in HOTTY, eventually serving on the board. Our children became B’nai Mitzvah with Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, were confirmed with her, and then continued their Jewish education through their senior year in high school. Both Joshua and Seth also consider TBT their home and hope to (one day, not too soon!) be married by Rabbi. This gives me and my husband hope through connection that together, we carry forward to our future.

I was witness to our future on Friday evening, May 10 as our Confirmation class led a beautiful service and spoke eloquently with pride on their relationships with G-d, living Jewishly, and showing compassion through love, relationships,

and community engagement. I heard echoes of perseverance and hope from Benjamin Hartog, who said, “Freedom and redemption together create a narrative of hope and resilience…” Sydney McAuliffe spoke poignantly about love, noting that “…Love, empathy, and compassion: those have the power to restore, and it is through love that (we) will heal each other and ourselves.” Noah Wiskind spoke of the power of community, citing his belief that, “...It supports you when things are hard, teaches you valuable lessons you can carry forever, strengthens you when you think that you aren’t gonna make it.” And Sarah Herman, referring to her TBT community said, “Our customs and rituals hold profound significance in connecting us…(and) these relationships allow (her) to celebrate traditions, and contribute to the collective wellbeing of community.” If you need to know where our future lies, it is right here, with this hopeful and inspired group of Confirmands. Mazal Tov to all of you and to your families.

In the coming months, there will continue to be many ways to become and to stay engaged in our temple community, your chosen home, in ways that cater to many interests and enrich our Jewish lives. The calendar on our website lists these opportunities. Postcards, emails and texts will continue to be avenues through which the temple will communicate what is scheduled. There is currently a survey that closes on May 17 sent to you electronically that allows you to voice your interests and opinions on what type of programming works for you. Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think by completing the survey. On September 15 at 10:00 AM, I will be at TBT and invite you to come have coffee with me and talk about what your hopes and dreams are for the temple. More details will follow in the coming months.

I wish all of you good health and to feel wrapped in the arms of our House of Hope.


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We have just wrapped up another fantastic year at TBT Preschool. The children all grew up so much this year! Our 18-month/2-year-old’s have learned to sit so nicely during circle time. They practiced waiting their turn, and they loved listening to books and doing art projects. The threeyear-old’s learned how to use scissors, identify shapes, colors, and letters in their names. They even figured out how to use a glue bottle without emptying the whole thing in one fell swoop. Our Pre-K class became so independent; these kids are really ready for their next step.

This Pre-K class is made up from our original COVID baby group, who started school in 2020; now they are ‘graduating.’ It was a scary time for so many of us then, but these parents knew the importance of having their children attend preschool. Our lovely end-of-the-year celebration included the children singing songs, and going about their regular day. It was wonderful having so many parents, siblings and grandparents watch these sweet little ones graduate from our program. We will miss them, but expect big things from these cuties.

TBT Preschool Camp starts soon. It will be nice to see everyone interacting with friends, getting wet at the water tables and going down the big water slide! Along with many of our wonderful regular teachers, we have great teen counselors working at summer camp.

We will enjoy a Splish Splash Shabbat over the summer. This event is a wonderful opportunity for Preschool families to get together, share a meal, say the Shabbat blessings and enjoy outdoor water play with their children.

I want to thank our incredible teachers for such an unbelievable year. TBT Preschool would not be what it is without these awesome women. They all work so hard; the love they have for these children and their families really shows. A BIG SHOUT OUT AND THANK YOU to Rachel Wilson, Faye Lebish, Karen Princenthal, Reneé Weiskopf, Marla Brown, Lisa Laudicina, Lisa Mallis, Michelle Pierson, Alicia Hirsch, Mercedes Sparenberg, Lisa Skyer and Paula Baroff.

Linda Siegel, Preschool Director

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PreK Class of 2024



Why Hebrew?

This past year, I took a pretty giant leap toward changing the culture of Hebrew learning here at TBT. Acting in response to parent, student and teacher feedback, in conjunction with observations from the field and some interesting data coming from researchers reviewing pandemic and ‘post’ -pandemic educational practices, we completely removed formal Hebrew classroom instruction from our Religious School offerings. Instead, students in 5th and 6th grade meet weekly with tutors one-on-one at a convenient time and location to learn the Aleph Bet (Hebrew alphabet) basic decoding, and eventually, how to read the words and prayers found in weekly tfillah (services), before moving onto preparation for bMitzvah. Perhaps most importantly, though, these individualized sessions no longer mark the start of the Hebrew journey. We have partnered with Hebrew at the Center and the Jewish Agency for Israel to pilot a new initiative, Amitei Ivrit, throughout our school. “The goal of Amitei Ivrit is to amplify and expand the use of Hebrew in in order to enable Jewish [students] have a personal and meaningful connection with Hebrew as a part of their Jewish identification.”

Our Religious School teachers have embraced this initiative whole-heartedly, introducing modern Hebrew vocabulary into games and classroom conversations; excitement abounds as students eagerly report the new words they are learning. As part of this partnership, I recently had the opportunity to participate in a two-day professional development retreat run by Hebrew at the Center. There, alongside educators from all over the U.S. and Canada, I was able to share our experience from Year One, and also hear many other ideas and examples of how to infuse Hebrew into our weekly classes. I returned from the retreat invigorated, brimming with thoughts and plans for Year Two. I look forward to sharing these with you as we move into the 2024-2025 school year, and hope that you, too, will be able to see the value in this transformative approach to connecting with the language of our people.

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Evelyn Halusic (also known at TBT as "Evy") will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 18th. She is the daughter of David and Rebecca, and sister to Gavin and Levi. Evy is a Temple Beth Tikvah Preschool graduate, having attended from age 18 months to age five. She is currently in 7th grade at Simpson Middle School, where she thrives academically in all advanced classes. She is particularly fond of Math and Language Arts.

Evy is a competitive year-round swimmer on the Chattahoochee Gold Club team. She has qualified and competed at the GA Age Group State Championship and the Eastern Sectionals Age Group Championship. She is also active in the arts


as a member of Simpson's Drama Club, Chorus and plays bass clarinet in band.

Evelyn is very passionate about rescuing animals and providing food for the hungry. She chose the Sandwich Project as her Mitzvah project, and with the help of her friends, made and donated 1,000 sandwiches! She is an advocate for fostering and adopting pets from rescues and helps to walk, bathe and feed the dogs her family has fostered.

The Halusic family would like to thank Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, Cantor Kassel, Jay Weiner, Amy Peskin, and all the TBT teachers who have helped prepare her for this very special day.

Aiden Ellsworth will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 25. Aiden is in 7th grade at High Tower Trail Middle School. Aiden’s Hebrew name is Edan. He is the son of Ela and Scott and he has two sisters: Maya, 18, and Yarden, 15.

Aiden loves soccer, being with his friends, playing the trombone, and he likes helping kids at school. Aiden also attends the Zhofim (Friends of Israel Scouts). This activity teaches him all about Israel and Jewish values. Thank you to Rabbi Shuval-Weiner and Cantor Kassel who have helped prepare Aiden for this special day.



As I mentioned in the last Kol Tikvah, I’d like to share what went on at the PEP-RJ (Programming and Engagement Professionals of Reform Judaism) conference that I attended in Baltimore in March. The conference was titled “B-More in ‘24!” and it was a fabulous four days of learning, sharing and thinking outside the box.

I took part in numerous sessions, including leadership styles, story sharing, networking, organizational resilience, member onboarding, long-term member engagement, and more. I even learned a few more tricks during a session on Canva (my favorite website). I was proud to share with others about our strong chavurah program, our successful TBT Tents/Affinity Groups, some unique programs we have held, and the general welcome feeling that I - and I believe othersreceive at TBT. I came home with a notebook full of new ideas that, over time, we can perhaps implement at TBT.

Our new “Meet me on the Bimah” initiative is one example. In an effort to help TBT members to get to know one another better, Rabbi ShuvalWeiner is inviting people up to the bimah on Friday nights. She asks them a few questions about themselves and their connection to TBT and invites them to kindle the Shabbat candles. So far, we’ve gotten to know several of our members just a little bit better, which is lovely. Please let me know at if you’d like to be a “guest” on the bimah!

Additionally, look out for a new monthly email that shares the joys and happy occasions of our members. If there is a new baby in your family, your child graduates from college, your child gets engaged or married, you retire or get a promotion at work…we want to know, so we can celebrate your excitement with you! Email me at

The summer is almost upon us, and we hope you keep in mind all that we have going on. Our game days (Bridge, Canasta, Mah Jongg and Trivia) will continue as long as there is interest. Rodney Eberhardt will still be leading hikes on beautiful trails.

Please join us for the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament on May 20, Sip & Mingle Summer Soiree on June 23, and Puzzle Fest on July 14. Keep gathering with your chavurah or let me know if you’d like to join a chavurah!

By the way, I also came home with some new silly icebreaker ideas that I am excited to try out at TBT!

See you soon.

Suzanne Hurwitz Director of Engagement 770.642.0434

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Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


I hope you know by now that we have at TBT a thriving high school youth group, called HOTTY. But you may be wondering, what about the younger grades? We have a few things planned for our younger grades for next year.

1) Mark your calendar for these youth group events:

• Sept 15 – 4/5/6th grade event after Religious School

• Nov 4 – 7/8th grade event

• Jan 12 – 4/5/6th grade event after Religious School

• March 31 – 7th grade event

2) We are lucky to live so close to our regional summer camp, Camp Coleman in Cleveland, GA. Last year, Camp Coleman hosted a retreat for Atlanta area 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Several of our kids went and had a blast! We are encouraging all TBT kids in those grades to attend the retreat this fall, November 8-10. We know it’s sometimes hard to commit to a full weekend, but going on an immersive trip like this is an amazing experience! Being away and living with their peers, even for just a weekend, provides a unique opportunity for children to experience new things, forge strong bonds with their peers, and develop independence away from home. Need more convincing? Here's what one of the parents whose kids went last year had to say:

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 HOTTY Board


Riley Bessoff

Programming VP

Lily Mitman

Social Action VP

Jake Malever

Religious & Cultural VP

Nate Pupko

Membership VP

Ben Hartog

Communications VP

Lillian Zlotnick

Freshman Rep

Isaac Metzger


Noah Wiskind

“I had the good fortune of attending the 456 Retreat at Coleman both as a parent and a chaperone. The weekend was chock full of activities that brought kids from other synagogues together for Jewish connection and serious FUN! The kids got to explore different indoor and outdoor camp activities with old friends and new friends. The staff were so welcoming and engaging! We experienced a beautiful and spiritually moving Shabbat morning service beside the lake with prayer, song, and friendship. It was a weekend full of Judaism, trying new things with new friends and experiencing the bonding and independence that sleepaway camp is meant to provide. This was an awesome opportunity for the kids to be around other Jewish kids and connect!”

3) We will be joining with several of the other Atlanta area synagogues to re-ignite our 678 regional programming for our middle schoolers. Pre-COVID, these larger scale events (examples include a progressive dinner and a party bus donut extravaganza!) were a huge draw for middle schoolers in our synagogue, and we’re hoping to see similar success with it this coming year. Stay tuned for dates and events.

We hope to see your children at some of these events next year! Have a great summer.

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Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
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and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Shalom From Sisterhood!


The Annual Women’s Seder was a HUGE success! We had over 70 women attend. The “Am Yisrael Chai” theme was so touching and inspiring as we highlighted Israeli women and their accomplishments throughout history. We cannot thank Rabbi and Cantor enough for creating the Haggadah and leading the Seder. Our committee went above and beyond – the food, flowers and decorations were all wonderful. We think it was the best one yet! Until next year

As you read this, we will have concluded our fantastic year with the “Summer Cocktails on the Patio” closing event. What a fun way to capoff the year – learning to make and enjoying refreshing summer cocktails. The Mexican buffet dinner hit the spot as well. A huge thank you to Kim Peters for hosting us at her gorgeous home, to our planning committee and to the husbands who served as bartenders!

This is bittersweet for us, as this marks the end of our term as Sisterhood Co-Chairs. We have loved getting to know so many wonderful women that we can now call Sisters! We intend to continue to be a big part of this wonderful group.

We are very happy to welcome the new incoming Sisterhood Co-Chairs Alyssa Black and Stephanie Isenberg. They have both been amazing in their roles as TBT Preschool Programming Chairs, and we are so excited to have them join us with their youthful energy and innovative ideas.

Please help us welcome them, and continue to support Sisterhood. We look forward to many more engaging programs, and we encourage you to join us. It is really a fantastic way to become more involved in the synagogue, and feel more engaged in the community.

Have a fantastic summer – see you in 5785!

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Stephanie Joseph Sisterhood Co-President Carol Schemo Sisterhood Co-President cschem
Come visit the TBT table!


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Beth Tikvah


TBT Friends,

We are pleased to report very positive results from our fundraising through our Torah Project/Blank Match and the Annual Campaign. Through April 22, we have raised nearly $370,000 from nearly 200 donors: a sincere thank you to all those who gave! We also had an Anonymous donor contribute $135,000 to pay off our mortgage a terrific milestone. All told, we had the highest percentage participation rate in many years, at nearly 53%. Thank you all! The Torah Project allowed us to engage members of all ages in a timeless tradition; the fundraising piece was secondary. By the time of this writing, we completed our 5th Torah Writing day, which also “sold out.” As a congregation,

we met our $250,000 goal, which was required to obtain the $250,000 match from the Arthur Blank Family Foundation. We expect by fiscal year end to have surpassed the “audacious goal” of $400,000 and provide much neededsecurity for our future.

Special shout out to my fundraising partners: Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, Andy Zalkin, and Cindy Getty. They were instrumental in helping us achieve these goals. Again, thank you to all our donors!


Legacy Gifts May Be Arranged in Several Ways

There are many easy giving options to choose from. These strategies of giving not only benefit Temple Beth Tikvah, they can enhance your personal financial security as well.

Gifts Made Through A Will

A bequest is a gift made through a will. Your attorney would include your gift in your estate plan. After planning for your loved ones, this bequest will allow you to make a gift without using your assets during your lifetime. You may provide a gift in your will to TBT as a specific amount or percentage.

Sample Bequest Language

I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to TEMPLE

BETH TIKVAH, 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell, GA 30075

[Choose one:]

1. _______% of my gross estate as finally determined for Federal estate tax purposes.

2. The sum of $_______ dollars.

Retirement Plans

Making a gift through a retirement account, such as an IRA, 401(K) or 403 (b) plan is a simple way to make a legacy gift. This gift may also provide tax benefits to your heirs. You can make a gift by adding TBT as a beneficiary of a percentage of the fund along with your other named beneficiaries. Designating TBT as a

beneficiary of a retirement plan does not require you to change your will.

Life Insurance

You can make a gift to TBT using life insurance. If you have a policy that no longer serves its original purpose, you can add TBT as a remainder beneficiary. Similar to a gift in your will, you would retain control over the policy during your lifetime. If you choose to gift the ownership of the policy, or if the policy is still in premium payment mode, you may be entitled to additional tax benefits.

Bank (POD)

A legacy gift may be made with assets you already own. Many donors choose to add TBT as a remainder beneficiary (or, referred to as payable on death of POD) of an existing bank or investment account. This gift doesn’t necessitate the need to change a will, and it can usually be done online. Legacy giving, or planned giving, is an expression of your values and commitment to the future of Temple Beth Tikvah and the Jewish community. There are many ways you can make your gift, and we are happy to support you through the process. Contact the synagogue office and we will put you in touch with someone for a confidential conversation about what your legacy will look like.

Pg. 16 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Mark Rudel, Fundraising Chair

Visionary (Chazon):

$ 10,000+

Leader (Manhig):

$ 5,000 - 9,999

Benefactor (Nadiv):

$ 2,500 - 4,999

Paul and Anne Beckman

Gary and Michal Loventhal

Samantha and Todd Mitman

Mark and Gail Rudel

Stacy and Alicia Sher

Sustainer (Tomech):

$ 1,000 - 2,499

Andy and Julie Aaronson

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Alice and Sam Herndon

Peter and Sharon Jedel

Helen and Steve Kraus

Nancy Lipton

Evan and Missi Mermelstein

Marcia Pearl

David and Marci Slotin

Brian and Jennifer Steinberg

Ron and Leslie Swichkow

Steve and Renee Weiskopf

Andy and Ilana Zalkin

Supporter (Yedid):

$ 500 - 999

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Gil and Ellen Ludwig

Marcia Pearl


Supporter (Yedid):


Terri and Barry Steinberg

Max and Carol Wolf

Friend (Chaver):

$ 250 - 499

Steve and Teri Astren

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Lonnie and Debbie Carter

Andy Fried

Ginger Glazer and Kenneth Lawler

Mark and Terri Goodman

Scott and Sheryl Lasky

Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz

Joel and Aviva Margolies

Francine and Gerald Marshall

Scott and Rhonda Povlot

Donald Restler

David and Elisa Siegel

Judith Tolkan

Mark and Debbie Weiss

Todd and Rachel Wilson

Jeffrey Willard and Steve Mahan

Contributor up to $250

Roy Brenner

Michael and Wanda Cohen

Steven and Arlene Cohn

Gordon and Holli Decker

Joseph and Waynah Dunn

Gary and Ilene Fader

Ron and Donna Fallon



Rory and Jenifer Friedman

Ed and Cindy Getty

Robert and Cindy Goldstein

Harlan and Ivie Graiser

Bernard and Susan Greenberg

Deborah Greenberg

Burt and Sarah Grossman

Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank

Doug and Donna Kallman

Marc and Deborah Klein

David and Jenny Korsen

Charles Lewis

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Rochelle and Lawrence Mucha

Shirley Plotkin

John and Dahlia Restler

Gailen Rosenberg

William and Marjory Segal

Tom and Patti Seibold

Shelby Steinhauer

Terry and William Schwartz

Tom and Patti Seibold

David and Elisa Siegel

Nancy and Sandy Simon

Jon Zarett

As of 4/22/2024

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Elaine ‘Lainy’ Goldstein

Edward Krigsner

Lila Stein

Charles Rosenberg

Clara Faust

Pg. 17 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Visionaries of Torah (Chozim):

$ 100,000+


Guardians of Torah (Shomrim):

$ 50,000+

Peter and Linda Birnbaum

Pillars of Torah (Amudim):

$ 18,000

Mark Williams and Michelle Easton-Williams

Richard and Wendy Winer

Leaders of Torah (Ishim):

$ 5,400

Evan and Missi Mermelstein

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner and Jay Weiner

Marlene and Michael Cohn

Joe and Waynah Dunn

Sustainers of Torah (Kayamin):

$ 1,800

Paul and Anne Beckman

Josh and Andrea Berman

Dave and Dalia Faupel

Carol Goldstein

David and Beth Janes

Dan and Stephanie Joseph

Donna and Doug Kallman

Steve and Helen Kraus

Mike Levin

Gary and Michal Loventhal

Jill and David Mattos

Mark and Gail Rudel

David and Elisa Siegel

Donald and Marilyn Tam

Mark and Sally Vosk

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes

Andy and Ilana Zalkin

Friends of Torah (Chavarim):

$ 540+

Paul and Anne Beckman

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Jennifer and Lee Engel

Dave and Dalia Faupel

Ellen Frank and Peter Klukow

Marshall and Roberta Goldman

Neil and Jennifer Goldstein

Harlan and Ivie Graiser

Carolyn Harrison

Sam and Alice Herndon

Steven and Tracey Kaplan

Nancy Kassel

Nancy Lipton

Rob and Karen Kremer

Friends of Torah (Chavarim):


Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz

Gil and Ellen Ludwig

Sid and Lois Malkin

Marsha and Jim Mathis

Jeff and Debbie Otto

Marcia Pearl

Rhonda and Scott Povlot

Nathan and Carol Schemo

Caryn Schilstra

Brad and Sarah Sapir

Lloyd and Gail Tate

Steve and Abbe Tobin

Chas and Jamie White

Max and Carol Wolf

Contributor (Torehmim): up to $540

Shari and Barry Alhadeff

Stephen and Alisa Bauman

Dolores and Marshall Barrash

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Suellen and Harris Bergman

Bram and Anne Bessoff

Todd and Jennifer Boehm

Roy Brenner

David Burgh

Eric and Pamela Chanin

Lindsay and Zach Chapkin

Barrie Cohn

Renee Davis

Mitchell and Dyann Diamond

Gordon and Holli Decker

Justin and Nicole Dombrow

Rodney and Erika Eberhardt

Neil and Susan Estroff

Donna and Ron Fallon

Families Anonymous

Elliot and Donna Feller

Terry Fields

Jonathan Fink

Chuck Freedman

Andy Fried

Rory and Jenifer Friedman

Michael and Alyson Hartman

Ginger Glazer and Kenneth Lawler

Donna and Eric Goldenberg

Lesly and Trey Gregory

Max and Jennifer Gross

Michael and Alyson Hartman

Myrna Kaplan

Nancy Kassel

Peter and Sharon Jedel

Allison and Michael Kalmykov

Contributor (Torehmim): continued

Myrna Kaplan

Nancy Kassel

LeTzedek Inc

Charles Lewis

Wendy and Steve Light

Julie Lindy

Carol Lipinsky

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Steve Mahan and Jeffrey Willard

Jerred and Debbie Malever

Sarah Malkin

Mara Matz

Renee and Bruce McCord

Helaine and Howard Medoff

Kevin and Melanie Metzger

Members Anonymous

Dean and Felice Myers

Marcy and Robert Nader

Keira Oseroff

Emily and Mark Phelps

Rhonda and Scott Povlot

Maria Ramaglia

Alan and Sandee Rappaport

Kathy Reiter

John and Dahlia Restler

Irina Roberts

Ellen Salowitz

Terry and William Schwartz

Terry and Fred Segal

Joel Schancupp

Louis Schlesinger and Ina Chanin

Joel and Kathleen Schoenbaum

Kara and Bart Segal

Michael and Ann Swartz

Jodi Sloan

Francesca and Stuart Solomon

Fern Soniker

Terri and Barry Steinberg

Betty Steinmetz

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz

Leslie and Ron Swichkow

Gail and Lloyd Tate

David and Christine Toltzis

Bruce and Carol Waldman

Jon Zarett

As of 4/22/2024

Pg. 18 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Pg. 19 News
and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

9955 Coleman Road

Roswell, GA 30075

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Rabbi Emeritus Donald A. Tam

Preschool Director Linda Siegel

Religious School Director Judy Limor

Engagement Director Suzanne Hurwitz

Youth Engagement Director Bobbee Griff

President Deidre Kinoshita

Vice President Mayrov Baru

Vice President Dalia Faupel

Vice President Lesly Gregory

Vice President Jill Leitman

Vice President Yossi Limor

Vice President Debbie Malever

Treasurer David Siegel

Secretary Lynda Bennett

Immediate Past President John Restler


Budget & Finance

Karen Korshak

Camp/Israel Scholarship

Bobbee Griff

College Outreach

Bobbee Griff


Marlene Cohn


Mark Rudel


Ted Nathan

Kehillat Chesed (Caring)

Helaine Medoff


Ilana Zalkin

Membership, Recruitment & Retention

Jaime White

Samantha Mitman

Men’s Club

Joe Feinberg

Michael Bernstein

Nominating Committee

Jenni Trebon


Rick Winer


Jay Sausmer

Sisterhood Stephanie Joseph

Carol Schemo

Social Action/Social Justice

Maggie McAuliffe

Backpack Buddies

Jeanine Bernstein

Renee Weiskopf

Website Development Scott Povlot

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