ES TASIS Times 2016

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Welcome To The ES TASIS Times!

By Masha Is’kova

WANT TO BE A PART OF THE FUN? Any ES student can contribute artwork, photographs, fiction, poetry, interviews, investigative reports, or any other original work! Email your work to:

STUDENT REPS: Masha Is’kova Nika Grigorian Simone Primo Giovanni Ugolotti Bruno Negri LAYOUT DESIGN: Ms. Stolz

volunteers Ms.Van Oosterwijk Ms. Zanecchia Ms.Koltypin Ms. Anklan Ms. Schule Ms. Maspero Ms. Sindona Ms. Mittelman Ms. Kleiner Ms. Holmes Ms.Kirilova Ms.Fadlon Ms. Parolari Mr. Nijenhuis Ms. Govoni


The following pages contain images and writing from the creative minds of TASIS’s youngest scholars. Our Elementary School students and staff have worked hard creating, drawing, writing, photographing, typing, scanning, and editing to bring this magazine to life. Sit back and enjoy!

May 2016 Volume 6 Issue 10


Interview with Mrs. Cullen Hill From students in grade 4 and 5 Grade 5 Giovanni: Do you have plans to stay at TASIS? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Yes. I would like my children to stay at school here, so I think we’ll be here for some time. Nika: Are your children happy to be here? Mrs. Cullen Hill: I think so… Eloise is learning a lot of Italian. Tommy is learning a lot of Italian gestures, that is my sixth grade son. We think Switzerland is beautiful and we love the culture of Ticino. Masha: What do you do at work when you are in your office? Mrs. Cullen Hill: I have sometimes a lot of emails to write; sometimes I have to write reports for the head of school. Right now I am working on next year’s sched� ule for teachers and students, and so that can be time consuming.

when I was your age, fifth grade, I loved a book called “Jacob Have I Loved”, by an author named Katherine Paterson who’s from the United States. My father gave me the book, it was a Newbery Award book, and I remember really enjoying it. I found that reading helped me go to sleep at night, so I really started reading a lot more when I was your age. Simone: When did you get your dog Smoke? Mrs. Cullen Hill: We got Smoke in August 2014. He is almost two years old, he was born in May.

Simone: When a student is sent to you because he or she is in trouble, how do you feel? What do you think? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Well, I’ve learned that I have the students write down the situation first because it helps them calm down a little bit, and then we talk about it. I always think that it’s just a learning experience, that sometimes people make mistakes, children make mis� takes. That’s all. Bruno: Where did you live before coming to TASIS? Mrs. Cullen Hill: I lived in the United States, outside of Washington D.C. in a state called Maryland. Masha: Were you an elementary school principal be� fore coming to TASIS? Mrs. Cullen Hill: No, actually I was a director of curric� ulum, and I worked with teachers. I worked in a school that was from kindergarten through high school, so like TASIS, but I was the teacher principal, not the student principal. Simone: Do you prefer being a principal or a teacher? Mrs. Cullen Hill: I think that I prefer being a principal, but I did enjoy being a teacher. I think it’s important; to be a principal you should be a teacher also first. Masha: When you were little, did you have a favorite book? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Yes. When I was really little, I loved the story of Ping: he’s a little duck that goes onto a boat and he misses his family. I used to love that story. Then

Grade 4 Grade 4: Hai visitato l’Europa? Quali posti ti sono pia� ciuti di più? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Sì ho vissuto a Roma quando ero al college e ho vissuto a Parma quando avevo sei anni. Ho insegnato all’Aia, in Olanda, e ho anche insegnato alla Scuola Americana a Londra. Quindi sì, ho passato del tempo in Europa. Il posto di cui serbo il ricordo più bello è Parma, perché la città è in una zona pianeggiante e mi piaceva andare in bicicletta senza mani. Finché ho avuto un incidente, sono caduta in avanti e mi sono rot� ta il naso…ho imparato la lezione. Anche il cibo a Parma è ottimo.

The Magic Paintbrush Grade 4: Prevedi dei cambiamenti alla scuola elementa� re il prossimo anno? Mrs. Cullen Hill: S����������������������������������� ì���������������������������������� alcuni. Ci saranno dei cambiamen� ti nei programmi, ciò significa che cambieranno per esempio i libri che userete in una certa materia. Anche l’orario cambierà: le lezioni inizieranno un po’ prima, alla stessa ora delle scuole medie. Nient’altro, nessun altro grande cambiamento.

By Dara Aluko, Grade 3 IS

Grade 4: Se dovessi usare tre aggettivi per descrivere Tasis, cosa ti viene in mente? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Felice, festosa e vitale. Grade 4: Come è composta la tua famiglia? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Allora: mia figlia Eloise di otto anni che è in seconda nella sezione italiana, mio figlio Thomas che è in sesta nella sezione americana, mio marito Mar� cus che è professore e insegna inglese a tutte le seste compreso suo figlio Thomas…e Smoke il nostro cane. Grade 4: Quali sono le qualità per essere un buon preside? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Penso che un buon preside debba essere giusto, onesto, organizzato ed essere un modello di comportamento per gli studenti. Milla: Why did you want to apply for this job? Mrs. Cullen Hill: I wanted my children to live overseas. When I came to visit I just thought it was beautiful; I loved the feel of the Elementary School, and I loved the idea of being in an Italian-speaking region. Leo e Tiara: Di che razza è Smoke e perché hai scelto questa razza in mezzo ad altre razze? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Smoke è��������������������������� ���������������������������� un incrocio tra un barbon� cino e un cane da pastore australiano. Sono allergica ai cani e avevo bisogno di un cane che non perdesse il pelo, lui non perde mai il pelo, glielo devi tagliare quando diventa troppo folto. Smoke era un cane abbandonato, l’abbiamo adottato in un canile in Kentucky. Carolina: Come ti senti a lavorare al Tasis? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Adoro venire al lavoro ogni giorno, questo è il mio lavoro preferito. Tommaso: Do you like to be here In Ticino? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Yes. I think Ticino is beautiful; I like the culture, the food, the people. Leo: Quale è la parte preferita del tuo lavoro? Mrs. Cullen Hill: Probabilmente lavorare con gli stu� denti, come stiamo facendo adesso. Amo vedere i bam� bini che imparano e che sono felici a scuola.



Grade 3 Personal Narrative The Acropolis By Niccolò Vanossi

One day I went into a black hole. I used my flashlight but when I saw a train I realized we were in the metro. I asked my dad, “Where are we going?” He said, “To the museum.” After 4 stops we got in a big house with a lot of ancient Greece things. We visited all the museum. We saw every thing even the Acropolis in Lego. The guy with us told us a legend. Then we got on a big mountain and we saw the Acropolis. And I was sweating. So we go to the restaurant. But we need to wait 2 hours. In these 2 hours we just played iPad. When I get home I fall in my bed and fall asleep.

If You Ever See a Shark... By Ivan Popov

Did you ever go to weekend and you were lazy and then something crazy happened? This happened to me. I was swimming in the ocean in the Maldives. And my mom and dad were walking in the water. I was swimming under water. I was just practicing to swim good. Suddenly my mom said, “Go away from the water” but I don’t hear her. Then a shark looks in my face and I look at shark face. It was gray and l see the teeth. I start to eat my nails and I just don’t breath. I never see a shark. Then my mom said, “What happened?” I said, “I see a shark”. I run really fast to my home. After l was having nightmares. That nightmare was like I am swimming in the water. And a shark is swimming close to my feet. And the shark after eats me. Then I wake up and I am screaming.

My Tooth

By Gabriele Ippolito

I was eating a burrito in my house with my mom and my brothers. The burrito tasted good. In the burrito there were cucumber and chili and lettuce. My tooth came off in the burrito and it stuck in. I found it in a cucumber. “Uuuu,” I said. Then I put it under my pillow. At night I was sleeping so much. At morning I wake up then I see money. But the money was just one franc!

My Car Stopped By Sarah Mesaric

Crash!!!!!!!! The car stopped and my dad said, “Noooooo” and l said “Yes,” because I didn’t want to go to the hospital. But l said, “The car has no battery” and my dad said the car has no gas. He said “Yes” and I said “No” and we began to fight. Someone came and he said, “The car has no battery.” “I told you dad!” I said. After we went to the hospital!


My First Crash

By Sebastian Halvorsen Woosh I was in my backyard playing on my baby scooter. And I was turning around on my scooter. And then I hit grass. Then I flew in the air and I hit a big rock. My cheek had 20 tears. And I felt so much blood on my forehead. And my sister said “Sebastian is bleeding!” And dad and mom took me to the hospital and the surgeons said “His head has a hole in the forehead.” l got 5 stitches. And I got a big ice cream. Then I played for a long time in my room. I was so happy I was alive.

My Dog Trudi

By Rachele Fumagalli I was at home with my mom and my sister. My mom kept saying “It’s a beautiful day,” and I was like “No it’s not a beautiful day I don’t have nothing to do.” So my sister said, “Don’t worry” but I was absolutely bored. But after my dad came and I was so excited. I rushed to the door but I saw he wasn’t alone. He was with a dog! The dog was very white. And my dad said, ”You know that the dog is for you.” And I was so surprised. And I called her Trudi. And Trudi said, “Woof woof” for a hi. And we had a lot of fun together. I brought her to the park. And at the park she runs every time. And we had fun doing cart wheels. After it was time to eat. So my sister gave her a cookie so after I gave her a cookie. But she didn’t eat it but after she did eat the cookie. And she is still alive. And I love Trudi my lovely dog.

A Dangerous Birthday

The Roll With All My Family By Matteo Negri

The car door opened!!! Finally some fresh air because it was too hot. I was in the desert in that moment. I was in Dubai with my mom, brother, and my babysitter. I rolled in the sand with my brother. And I said, “Look at me!” When Bruno came out he was a disaster. The hair look like a crazy boy. When I look at it I said, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” I saw a huge lizard and he looked straight in my eyes. The lizard had the purple dot and it was all green. I was frozen and he went away. At the end we went home. The next day I was in another place. There was tons of water and I go try waves. It was so fun that I fainted. My dad and Mom said sleep but I did not listen and they got me to the hospital. When I was better I eat a cake. It was delicious. It was a nice weekend.

By Roberto Wo

It was my cousin’s birthday. I was ready to play with my family and my cousins. When my cousins came to my house it was time for lunch. We have special cups and special food for lunch. We have a barbecue and a lot of games. After I played nerf and I fall on some rocks. My mom took me to the hospital. The doctor said, “You broke it” I said, “What l broke”? The doctor said, “You broke your arm.” “Whattttttttttt?” l said, “Which arm left or right?” The doctor said, “The left.” “Whattttttttttt? But I write with my left arm!” I said. I stayed at the hospital and they give me a cast. I can’t drink water sometimes. I wait and wait and wait until the doctor said, “We have to do an operation.” I was surprised. It was my first time that I do an operation so I was terrified. After I thought it was a terrible thing so I went in my bed and hide inside it. The next day I was so scared for the operation I went out to play. And after I saw the doctor and l run in my bedroom. The doctor said, “ You have to do the operation.” I said to the doctor “Does it hurt?” The doctor said, “It hurts but we will make you sleep”. After I was in the operation room and they make me sleep. After a long operation I finally went at home. But the school was starting soon so I prepared for the new school TASIS.


Lost My Tooth By Taisia Timokhina

Oh no ELA it is always boring. Kish…..kish... I wiggle my tooth because I almost pull it off. I pull it once again and CRACK! My tooth was in my hand!!! Poing…. poing…. I was jumping around. I yelled, “Yay yay!” I carried my tooth with me everywhere. When it was time to go home I had a big smile on my face. My car was close. I jumped in my car and screamed, “Yay I did it”. My mom opened her eyes and looked at me. I said, “My tooth fell out!” She even more opened her eyes. When we get home I lie down on my bed and fell asleep. And the tooth fairy come. Ding! And when I wake up I saw umbrella under my pillow. When I come to school next day I tell everyone.



Classe 2a Studio delle antiche civiltá indiane e cinesi

Alien Invasion

by Batian Hegelund, Grade 2

The elements of the Brothers of Jupiter are water, fire, ice, and hypnotism. Water is Pegasus’s element. Fire is Fire Phoenix’s. Arsenal’s is ice, and hypnotism is Hypnowolf’s. Pegasus is a unicorn with wings that shoots water from his horn. Fire Phoenix is a type of eagle that spits fire from his mouth. Arsenal is a troll with diamond hair. Hypnowolf is a wolf with a black eye and a white eye. Unfortunately, these characters aren’t real. They live in my head!

Gli allievi di 2a hanno celebrato la festa del Diwali con l’accensione delle candele fatte con i tradizionali rangoli colorati

La muraglia cinese costruita con la carta

Poems by: Mila Vlajcic Luca Piconi Baltzar Nauckhoff Delaney McKee Chloe Hassan Dylan Cohen Egor Maksimov

Grade 3 Poetry



Grade 1 Studied the History of the Earth

Writings by: Clara Araujo de Vasconcelos Max Akyali Timothy Ogilvie Luca Amabile

Source: http://www.

In prima abbiamo iniziato a studiare la storia delle civilt谩 antiche. Prima di cominciare per贸 abbiamo ricostruito le nostre storie.

Classe 1a La linea del tempo - Il nostro museo



Grade 2 Cinquain Poems The students revised adjectives and -ing words by writing a Cinquain Poem about TASIS

Poems by: Polina Glumova Amalia Zampa Gilda Danisi Eloise Hill Luka Vlajcic Serafina Ballerini Celeste Lo Monaco

Super Dad

A New Animal on Earth

I almost died that day. Do you believe me? One cold winter day I was riding on my scooter in the streets of Paris with my Dad. We were looking for a place to have lunch. “Look at that restaurant across the street,” my Dad said. “I think it is OK for me,” I responded. But when I was in the middle of the road, my scooter got stuck. “Oh, no,” I thought. Vroom! Vroom! A car was coming towards me! My face turned white like mozzarella. My Dad dashed to me and pushed me. “Come on, Diego!” screamed Dad at the top of his voice. “I can’t. My scooter is stuck! Help! ” I shouted back. A few moments later I screamed back, “I did it!” The car passed. It didn’t kill me. When I got home I told everyone that I had almost died that day. I was angry, so I ate all my white chocolate. Later, I played a little with my Play Station 4. That day was really scary for me.

The day I saw a new animal fall from the sky, I dashed over to him to examine him. He had the head of a salamander and the wings of a Peregrine Falcon. When I drew closer, he tried to spike me with the spines on the end of his tail. I watched as a rabbit hopped over to the creature and was pounced on with his scaly reptilian legs and devoured by his beetle-like mouth. After he carried two hundred trees and threw them into a volcano with his robust body. He really is a remarkable creature.

By Diego Sindona, Grade 3 IS

Cute and Vicious

We are really happy of this discovery! We have discovered a creature we call a “drat” because it is a hybrid of a dragon and a rat. By Dylan Cohen, Grade 3 AS It all happened in the swamps. Our crew members stumbled upon it in the hope of finding a crocodile Almost Died to extract DNA. Instead, we found a crocodile that was One beautiful summer day dead. But that’s not it… I rode with my brother and his We found the cutest killing friends on our bikes. We reached machine ever- the DRAT. a tall hill. I was riding normally It was 300 feet tall. It was until…CRASH! I was on the ground. cute too. My brother and his friend went We asked one of away. I was covered in blood and our crew members to go I could not move. A guy came in a to a peaceful place and car and drove me to the hospital. set up a trap. The greedy My brother saw it and went to tell drat followed. It liked the my mum. chicken meat in the trap. In I was waiting for my mum less than 40 minutes it was to come. When she came, she caught! brought a bunch of bandages. After We did it! that we went to the beach. “Mum, can I swim?” I asked By Lalleet Trivikram, my mum. Grade 3 AS “No!” I was mad but I understood that I could not swim. Finally, I recovered and felt great for the rest of the summer. By Mykhaylo Stadnyk, Grade 3 AS

Grade 3 Personal Narrative



Classe 4a - Che bestia sono? Libere creazioni a partire dalla poesia di Janna Carioli, pubblicata ne “I sentimenti dei bambini”, Mondadori


di Tommaso Danisi Mi sento dentro come una pulcina che con gli altri sono una piccola parte e quindi piccina, invece vorrei essere un cavallo perché cavalcarlo nel vento è uno sballo.

Mi sento dentro come una cangura che aproteggere il suo bambino è molto precisa e invece vorrei essere una tigre che a cacciare è molto decisa. Dentro non so ancora come sono se sono gatto o leonessa, ma forse mi piacerebbe essere me stessa. (Carolina Farina)

di Valentina Cavalli

Images from Book Week - Grade 4 reading with Grade 1 in Focolare

Mi sento dentro come un pappagallo che parla quando ha voglia. E invece vorrei essere una giraffa che si rilassa e mangia la foglia. Mi sento dentro come gazzella che corre con agitazione sul terreno. Invece vorrei essere un unicorno che vola calmo e sereno. Dentro non so ancora come sono, se sono gatto oppure leonessa, ma forse più che essere animale, mi piacerebbe essere me stessa. (Olga Vlajcic)

Questions for Astronauts Dentro mi sento come un scimmietta Che si arrampica fino in Francia E invece voglio essere un pinguino Che scivola sulla pancia Dentro mi sento come un leonessa Che è più forte di una bilancia Invece voglio essere uno struzzo Che mette la testa nella terra quando ha paura e poi ricomincia Mi sento dentro come una cavalla Che non e’ mai seria Invece vorrei essere un unicorno Che vola sempre nell’aria (Juliette Zaal)

by Uhuru Hegelund, Grade 4 AS

What would you like to ask an astronaut? If your teacher requested you write an interview of an astronaut, one of your questions might be, “How do you eat in space?” Well, to go to Mars you have to bring enough food to last eight months. That would be a pile twice the size of your car! Another question could be, “Can you do fitness in space?” The answer is, “Yes!” Vacuum cylinders can maximize weight up to 600 pounds. In space, you can even run a marathon! On April 24th, 2016, Tim Peake will be the first man to run in the London Marathon from space. He will be 400 km above the earth strapped to a treadmill and on T.V.!



Contributions from our Kindergarteners

By Arthur Spiegelberg Arthur uses finger space between his words when writing about his weekend news.

By Drake Walser Drake discovered how camels adapt to a desert environment. He wrote many facts to describe its adapta� tions in its habitat (the ability to go long periods without drinking and to close their nostrils to sand, and their By Sofia Prosperi bushy eyebrows). Sofia learned so much about po� lar bears that it was spilling out of her brain. Read all about what she knows and maybe you will learn something new!

By Sofia Sinicco By Emma Della Foglia Emma writes a story based on her own life. She writes what she knows and doesn’t let anything slow her down!

This beautiful acacia tree is set in the savannah sunset. Sofia used two different kinds of paint to make her tree as well as a straw to blow the paint around to create those crazy branches.

By Taisia Timokhina

These two images are called Winter Count Buffalo Hides, and they tell the story of the student’s life in pictograms. They are inspired by the Central Plains Native American tribes that Grade 3 have been studying.

By Rachele Fumagalli

By Helena Abrantes Pini

By Matteo Negri

By Ana Beatriz Ribeiro Moritz Cavalcanti

By Constantine Christodoulou

By Ivan Popov

By Luca Piconi

Grade 3 Contributions



Grade 1 Acrostic Poems - Spring

Sun is out Play outside Ride a bike I am going to a new home New pool to swim in Going to run outside By André Abrantes Pini

Sun in the sky Playing with my friends Running outside with my friends I can play in the sand Nice Weather Giulia and Ms. Gretchen’s birthday

Snakes are waking up Playing with my friends Running and jumping By Giulia Cassin I like to go to the park Night is coming I need to go to bed Good night By Gabriel Mejia Defaut

Sing in the sun Picnics with my family Run outside I love Spring Nice days Going to the pool

By Angelica Della Foglia

Swimming in the sun Playing with your friends Running and jumping I enjoy time with friends Nice weather Going outside to play By Lavinia Cerra

Swimming in the pool Playing in the park Running in the park I am jumping Nothing will stop me Going to the park Swinging on the swings Ponds shining Rising flowers I am going on a picnic Nile river flowing Going to the beach By Dimitry Shevelev

By Daniel Mesquita Valente

Swinging in the sky Poppies blooming Roses rising I enjoy time together Nothing is hot nothing is cold Giggling By Alexandra Hines

Sun waking up early Playing in the sun Rolling in the grass I can see the snow melting Nice sun shining Grass growing up, up, up By Victoria Nesterenko

Swing in the park Playing tag Riding a bike I am excited because my sister’s birthday is coming up Nests have baby birds Gretchen’s and Giulia’s birthday By Rachel Braun

After-School Program

Images from Drama Class and Soccer 17


Grade 2 Persuasive Writing The second graders learn many forms of writing throughout the year from Personal Narratives to Report Writing. This unit on Persuasive Writing has brought out a lot of opinions! Students learned how to support their opinions with persuasive reasons. Just look at some of these letters to ES Head Cullen-Hill, requesting some changes here at beautiful TASIS.

Stone Fox

Stone Fox

Book Review Last week I read a book called Stone Fox by J R Gardiner. It was published in 2010 and it was its 30th anniversary edition. This book is about Little Willy and his dog Searchlight. One day Willy discovered that his grandfather got sick. He was sick because he had not paid his taxes. So Willy decided to enter a very challenging dog race. My favourite moment was when Stone Fox let Willy win. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes surprises. By Marco- Fabio Preatoni, Grade 3 IS

Stone Fox

Book Review In my English Language Arts class I read a book called Stone Fox. It was written by J R Gardiner and published in 2010. This book is about Willy and his dog Searchlight. Grandfather didn’t pay his taxes. It was $500! Willy and Searchlight entered a race. What will happen next? I don’t have a favourite part because I enjoyed the whole book. It is realistic fiction and that’s what makes it interesting. I would recommend this book to any dog lover.

Book Review

Stone Fox

Book Review

I recently read a book called Stone Fox by John Reynold Gardiner and it was published in 2010. It is its 30th anniversary edition. This book is about a little boy called Willy, his grandfather and their dog Searchlight. One day grandfather has $500 tax problem, so he falls ill. Tax collectors come to take the farm away but Willy won’t give up yet! He finds a solution by entering a dogsled race with $500 prize money. Do he and Searchlight stand a chance against the best mushers around? I don’t have a favourite moment but I had two dogs and they had kind of the same tragedy as Searchlight. I would recommend this book to my sister and to dog lovers.

Recently I read a realistic fiction book called Stone Fox by J R Gardiner. It was published in 2010 and it was its 30th anniversary edition. One day grandfather got ill but Willy did not know why. Later Willy discovered it was because of taxes. So he entered a dog race. My favourite moment was when Stone Fox let Willy win. I would recommend this book to an animal lover. By Egor Maximov, Grade 3, AS


By Constantine Christodoulou, Grade 3 AS

Illustration by Lalleet Trivikram Grade 3 AS

By Romeo Zanarini, Grade 3 AS

Grade 3 Book Reviews



Classe 1a

Intervista a Fabio il cuoco del Focolare SONIA: “Quando eri piccolo volevi fare il cuoco?” FABIO: “Si, anche se avevo altre idee per la testa, volevo fare il meccanico delle macchine, ma dopo, mi piaceva troppo mangiare e mi sono detto sarà meglio che faccia il cuoco”. MATTEO: “Da quanti anni fai il cuoco? Dove lavoravi prima di lavorare al Tasis?” FABIO: “Allora, il cuoco lo faccio da quasi quarant’anni e prima di lavorare al Tasis ho lavorato in alberghi a Saint Moritz, ho lavorato in alberghi a Lugano, ma sempre in Svizzera. Qui alla scuola sono 27 anni che lavoro”.

VITO: “Ma tu sei un papà?” FABIO: “Sì, sono un papà. Mia figlia si chiama Sara e ha 29 anni. Oggi partiva in vacanza per l’America”. GIORGIA: “Hai un fratello o una sorella?” FABIO: “Ho una sorella, più piccola di me, ha 39 anni. Lei abita a Lenno, sul lago di Como, io abito a Porlezza”. OSSIAN: “Cosa fai quando non cucini?” FABIO: “Quando non cucino ho vari hobbies. Ho una casa in montagna dove vado appena posso. Suono la fisarmonica che è uno strumento che mi piace suonare, però lo suono quando sono da solo, perché davanti alle altre persone mi vergogno e poi mi piace camminare e leggere”.

GREER: “Come fai a cucinare per così tanti bam� bini così in fretta?” FABIO: “Non è che faccio in fretta, è che comin� cio presto alla mattina, per riuscire a dare da man� giare a voi. Se io comincio tardi voi non mangiate, e dopo cosa succede se voi non mangiate?” Ms. CHIARA: “A che ora cominci a lavorare Fa� bio?” FABIO: “Io alla mattina comincio alle 6, voi siete ancora nel lettino a sognare e io sono già qui a lavorare”. ISABELLA: ”Qualcuno ti aiuta?” FABIO: “Allora, il pranzo per voi no, devo farlo io da solo, però a servire come vedete la Rosi e la Tsedale mi aiutano, vengono anche in cucina ad aiutarmi a pulire e a lavare i piatti”. GIULIA: “Di che colore è il cibo che ti piace di più cucinare?” FABIO: “Quello che piace a me più di tutti è il risotto, il risotto giallo, rosso. Però, come vedete, sono bello grosso, io non guardo tanto i colori, mangio! Vanno bene tutti i colori”. Ms. CHIARA: “Ma ci dici qual è il tuo piatto preferito?” FABIO: “Io ne ho tanti di piatti preferiti, ma tanti! Le lasagne, il risotto, la pizza, la carne, il pesce. Ma il mio preferito è la polenta come la fa mia moglie con il formaggio fuso, l’aglio, il burro, la cipolla. Però non me la fa mai perché se no ne mangio troppa. Io a casa non cucino mai, io a casa mangio solo. Durante la settimana lavoro tanto e il sabato e la domenica mi riposo”.

GREER: “Di che colore erano i tuoi capelli prima che diventassero grigi?” FABIO: “I capelli che avevo io erano di un colore come quelli di Ossian, castano. Ma quando si diventa vecchi… sono cambiati da soli”. SONIA: “Che cosa cucinava per te la tua mamma?” FABIO: “Quando cucinava per me mia mamma dovevo mangiare quello che c’era, perché se non mangiavo quello… Io ho sempre mangiato tutto, però quando ero piccolo come voi la minestra non mi piaceva, ma si doveva mangiare quello che c’era, non potevo avere scelta”. LEONE: “Qual è il tuo libro preferito?” FABIO: “Il mio libro preferito è un libro di uno scrit� tore italiano, il titolo è “Gli spiriti non dimenticano” è la storia vera di un capo indiano che ha fatto di tutto per salvare la sua tribù però non ce l’ha fatta. Un libro di Antonio Zucconi, è quello che fino ad adesso mi è piaciuto di più”.

SONIA: “Ti piace Masterchef?” FABIO: “Masterchef, si, è abbastanza bello, ma non so quanto sia gente che non è preparata. Loro dicono di essere impiegati, direttori di banca, ma fanno delle ricette troppo complicate. Non so quanto possa essere realistico, però è un bel programma”.

By Anna Kandel and Vladimir Kan

GIULIA: “Qual è il tuo sport preferito?” FABIO: “Ti devo dire la verità? Io e mia moglie abbiamo due televisioni, per me la televisione dovrebbe essere solo di sport, altri programmi non ne guardo. A me gli sport piacciono tutti, però in particolar modo mi piace il calcio. Il calcio è il mio preferito”. MATTEO: “A che squadra tieni?” FABIO: “Tengo all’Inter, sono un tifoso dell’inter”. SONIA: “Ma tu giocavi a pallavolo?” FABIO: “Sì, giocavo con i miei amici, da giovane ho praticato due anni il calcio, poi mi sono fatto male a una gamba quando ero ragazzino e non ho più giocato. Poi ho cominciato a lavorare e basta”.

By Clara Araujo de Vasconcelos and Maria Cardoso Dias

Ms. STOLZ: “Io vorrei sapere dove prendi questi bellis� simi vestiti da cuoco?” FABIO: “E’ una ditta italiana, ogni tanto guardo su in� ternet e li ordino. Ne ho visto uno che mi piace con le gambe tutte rosse e delle fiamme che salivano, ma non mi sembrava adatto per l’asilo.”

By Filippo Ferla and Guglielmo Bertola

TUTTI: “Grazie Fabio!”

By Luca Amabile and Timothy Ogilvie

Grade 1 Poems 21


Contributions from Pre-K By Georgiy Zasov

By Amal Azimova

While studying  Animals in Core Knowledge, Pre-K looked at farm animals and what they do for us. We each picked an animal, drew it and used watercolors to color it.

By Nicolai Lykkegaard

While studying Plants in Core Knowledge, Pre-K looked at the different parts of a plant. We each drew our own plant and made sure it had all the parts. We then used oil pastels to color them.

Into the White By Nika Grigorian, Grade 5

I like skiing off-piste, going straight down the hill and using short skis. But I like jumping most. I am very sorry for those people that will never have the chance to experience that.

How it All Began

I started skiing when I was four years old in Lech in Austria. The first time I put on my skis was one of the most important and happy moments of my life. I started going to a ski school in Lech. After a couple of years we moved from Moscow to Lugano in Switzerland. Suddenly my dad discovered that there was another place where we could ski: St.Moritz. We would only have to drive for three hours to get there. So we started to go skiing in St. Moritz instead of Lech.


This year I started ski jumping from a trampoline. The sensation of jumping is a feeling that you will never feel in any other time or place. The moment before jumping you feel fear mixed with happiness and at the final moment when you touch the snow your last doubts dissipate. You feel freedom, endless happiness and pride. Pride for what you have done. Proud even if you have jumped before, you are satisfied that you have done it again. You will never forget your first jump. You’re proud of other people who can also do it and sorry for those who can not. Imagine that you do a grab or a 360 degrees turn jump. You feel twice as proud and free. You are free to laugh, free to smile, free to be proud. If you don’t make it you can try again and also be proud that you tried and have the strength to try again. After all if you didn’t try, you won’t know if you like jumping or not. Maybe one day you will try and it will change your life. It is never too late to try. It is never too late to try again. It is never too early to start.

By Maria Svetlova The students in fifth grade studied the different parts of a cell. In Ms. Govoni’s class they used this new knowledge to create and present a self-made model of a cell, and in Mr. Nijenhuis’s class Maria Svetlova explored and explained the workings of the two states of one specific human body cell: The Microglia Cell.

By Daniela Boatti


By Alisa Keselman

Grade 5



Focolare Celebrated the 100th Day of School

Writings by: Zoe Torre Anna Kandel Guglielmo Bertola

By Delaney McKee By Dylan Cohen By Chloe Hassan By Egor Maksimov

By Baltzar Nauckhoff By Constantine Christodoulou By Marco Preatoni By Lalleet Trivikram

By Luca Piconi By Diego Sindona By Mila Vlajcic

Grade 3

By Romeo Zanarini



Il personaggio misterioso Prova a riconoscere i seguenti personaggi dalle descrizioni soggettive che hanno fatto gli alunni di quarta. Si tratta di cinque professori, un alunno di quarta elementare e un ospite molto simpatico. Source: http://www.

4. Max e Leo: 1. Carolina e Matteo: La persona misteriosa è una donna giovane. Ha completato le scuole elementari, le medie, il liceo e l’università…e ora è ma� estra. La sua passione è suonare. È longilinea, la sua andatura è normale ed è snella. Ha un piercing su un orecchio. La sua voce è dolce e gentile. Si veste bene, indossa abiti allegri e gioielli alla moda. Canta in un gruppo musicale e insegna la musica a tutti. Di carattere è disponibile e gentile, ha il pregio di essere paziente, giocherellona e affettuosa. È simpatica quasi a tutti.

É un ragazzo simpatico e molto paziente. Ha il viso arrotondato, gli occhi marroni, I capelli biondi e i denti bianchi, è molto magro (si mette la divisa XS) e piuttosto bassotto. Cammina normalmente. Non dice mai bugie, ha sempre il sorriso, Non dice parolacce, è un ragazzo tranquillo sa giocare a calcio, non si arrabbia quando gli altri sbagliano, anche se fanno un errore grave. E’ educato ma quando lo fai arrabbiare può diventare una peste…Secondo me è un buon amico.


2.Valentina e Tiara: Quando spiega parla velocemente. E’ un po’ in sovrappeso. Ha i capelli neri ricci, ha la testa rotonda, gli occhi bruni. La sua andatura è lenta. Quando ti comporti bene è felice e alcune volte ti dà l’adesivo profumato, lo “snack” mentre lavoriamo. Ma quando non ti comporti bene, ti aspetta a ricreazione in classe per tutto il tempo. È interessata a vedere quanto hai imparato e alle canzoni natalizie e mi piace quando ti fa delle nuove pettinature. Secondo me lei è una bravissima insegnante che sa spiegare bene.

La sua testa è molto riccioluta. Il suo corpo è come la testa, peloso. Il suo naso è a patata. Ha gli occhi profondi e marroni. Le sue orecchie sono piccole, un po’ abbassate. Lui ha una camminata strana, non eretta, ma sa correre velocemente e saltare con agilità! Una sua abitudine è che gioca sempre. Inoltre, quel fortunato non studia e non fa i compiti (per forza, non sa studiare!). Un suo pregio è la fedeltà, non ti lascia solo quando ti senti male. E’ sempre molto divertente giocare con lui. Il suo princi� pale difetto è che qualche volta fa i suoi bisogni nei cespugli. Purtroppo l’ho incontrato a scuola poche volte, ma da quello che ho potuto osservare era assai allegro.

6. Olga, Giada, Jason: 3. Giorgio e Filippo: Questa persona è un insegnante e fa ridere con la sua simpatia. Ha gli occhi marroni, ci insegna tutti gli sport e ci fa fare giochi divertenti. Non fa lunghe spiegazioni. Fisicamente è robusto e muscoloso. E’ generalmente paziente, ha una voce forte, ma quando si arrabbia è molto duro. Ha i capelli bianchi e ha una barba abbastanza lunga. Ha delle scarpe che lo aiutano a camminare perché cosi non sforza il piede che si era infortunato tempo fa. Da giovane era un giocatore di Football ma lui dice che non ha mai fatto touchdown. Lui tifa una squadra che a Mr. Lemoin non piace; tutte le volte che si vedono noi bambini ci divertiamo a vedere i loro buffi contrasti!

La persona che intendo descrivere ha un viso rotondo. Ha gli occhi e I capelli marroni e non le piace il chiasso (non intendo la città di Chiasso!). Il suo corpo è medio e allungato. Cammina normalmente con delle scarpe nere con i tacchi. Indossa sempre un maglione, pantaloni e una sciarpa colorata. I suoi interessi sono insegnare, fare scienze e correggere compiti. Si può arrabbiare tantissimo quando non fai i compiti. Quando qualcuno fa una cosa che non doveva, sgrana gli occhi, non le piacciono gli errori grammaticali e di ortografia. I suoi pregi sono che è una maestra simpaticissima, mi aiuta in tante cose quando non capisco. Se potessi usare solo una parola per descriverla, io userò carissima. E’ davvero una maestra brava.

7. Tommaso, Milla: Lui ha più di 40 anni. É abbastanza alto e un po’ sovrappeso. Lui è pelato. Ha la testa arrotondata, con grandi e profondi occhi azzurri che ti osservano. Ha una bocca piccola dalla quale escono sorrisi e tante cose interessanti. La sua voce è ne forte ne bassa ma quando non lo ascolti o lo fai arrabbiare inizia ad alzare la voce. Cammina con le gambe aperte e ondeggia di là e di qua. Si veste con eleganza, con cravatte variopinte, ma a volte il suo abbigliamento è un po’ scombinato. I suoi interessi sono fare il maestro e insegnare cose nuove. Lui insegna molto bene perché ci mette passione mentre insegna. Non fa molti sport, ma aiuta le persone che vivono a Tasis. É molto amichevole, vivace, simpatico, ma ha un lato serio. Si sta bene in sua compagnia perché fa molto ridere e ti aiuta tanto. È molto triste perché quest’anno andrà ad insegnare in un› altra scuola. Lui è il miglior maestro del mondo, un insegnante davvero incredibile!

Shape Poem “Fear” by Rocco Zanarini, Grade 5

Un premio a chi indovina tutti i personaggi descritti! Scrivi i nomi dei personaggi misteriosi su un foglietto. Ricordati di mettere anche il tuo nome, cognome, classe; poi infila il biglietto nella scatola nell’office e se sarai estratto, vincerai un premio!

Storia “I Romani” di Masha Is’kova, classe 5a

Grade 4 CK Crossword By Artur Loika and Camille Girotto

Across 3. Allows electrical current to flow 5. Part of atom with a negative charge 7. The smallest unit of all matter 8. Pilgrimage to Mecca 9. A set of numbers that help identify a specific place on a globe or map 10. A series of rulers who are related 13. A system of government in the Middle Ages in which land is exchanged for loyalty and service 14. A green and fertile area in the middle of a desert 15. Part of atom with a positive charge Down 1. Chinese trading route to Europe 2. Distance measured in degrees north or south of the equator 4. The highest cloud, a storm cloud 6. A high tower on a mosque 11. Organ in the body that acts as a pump for the circulatory system 12. A group of people (traders) and animals traveling across land



Illustration by Edoardo Vasino, Grade 4

Students enjoying the annual Math Roadshow. Children from Grade 2 to Grade 5 worked through a series of puzzles and problems, using all their mathematical skills.

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