ES TASIS Times (2019)

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Welcome To The ES TASIS Times!

Cover Illustration by Sofia Nesterenko, Grade 1


CONTENTS: Nonfiction Writing - Testi informativi 2-9 Poetry - Poesia 10-16 Pre-K 3 17 Pre-K 4 18-19 Testi in italiano 20-25 Persuasive Writing - Testi Persuasivi 26-35 Narrative - Narrativa 36-41 Storia 42 - 43 Kindergarten 44


The following pages contain images and writing from the creative minds of TASIS’ youngest scholars. Our Elementary School students and staff have worked hard to bring this magazine to life. Sit back and enjoy!

May 2019 Volume 9 Issue 13

2 How to Draw a Star By Ginevra Biella

Nonfiction Writing - Kindergarten Kindergarten has been working hard on our “How To� books adding details to our pictures, labeling and adding words. Let us teach you how to do many things, from putting on your ski boots, to camping, to making friends.

First you make a V down.

How to Make Friends By Rebecca Lucidi

Next you draw a line up. How to Hatch an Egg By Vlada Solovyeva

Then you draw a line straight up.

How to Skate By Delphine Droulers

Last you draw a line again down.

How to Plant a Seed By Mathilde Scheepers

How to Make Lemonade By Orlando Rovelli

How to Make Lemonade By Nicolas Airolo

How to Plant a Seed By Gleb Solovyev

How to Make a Snowman By Nate Withers



Nonfiction Writing - Testi Informativi - Grade 1

Math By Sofia Nesterenko

Egypt By Kate Bodnar Egypt is not that far from Lugano. They have palm trees like this picture.

Egypt has pyramids. In the pyramids there are mummies. Its shape is a triangle.

There are mummies in Egypt. Do you want to know how mummies are made? First with salt, then oil, then spices and then bandages. When it is done they put them in the sarcophagus. Then they put all of the presents with the mummies.

Di William Chevalier

The tomb robbers want to get the precious stuff in the sarcophagus. They don’t want that to happen so they made a maze. A long time ago a tomb robber was trapped but he got out. The tomb robbers took a lot of gold but not the mummy because the mummy’s spirit would still be alive because the mummy still has the heart but not the brain.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 Math is cool. We can count till one thousand. We can play fun math games. Some math is hard. Some math is not hard. We can count cakes. Also, we can read math so we can solve problems. Mrs. Jill had five pencils and Ms. Sarah had five more. How many did they have all together? In math we can learn some strategies like counting in your head. You take 8 and 2. You put 8 in your head and count up 9, 10. It equals 10. Or we can count stars. We can count backwards like when we count to when the dinosaurs existed. We can count EVERYTHING! It is cool. We can can do 5+5 or 5-5. We can count by fives. We can count planets. We can count pyramids. We can count pencils or dice too. MATH IS AWESOME!!!! We can count EVERYTHING! The End.

Di Aron Colombo

By Andreas Nikoloff



Nonfiction Writing - Grade 3 The Chocolate Egg Cooking Recipe Written and illustrated By Maria Sole Stano Agostini

Extract from Dogs By Michael Buckley

Extract from How to Surf By Sophie Mesaric Extract from All About Horses By Varvara Maksimova



Testi Informativi - Classe 5a Bicchieri commestibili Di Amalia Zampa


Nel 2013, Loliware, una compagnia di New York design studio, ha deciso di fare dei bicchieri commestibili da cocktail. Lo hanno pensato per buttare via meno e aiutare il riscaldamento globale. È stata la prima azienda di bio plastica a realizzare materiali edibili derivati da alghe per rimpiazzare la plastica. I bicchieri non hanno plastica, glutine, gelatina, BPA e OGM, sono completamente naturali, atossici e approvati dalla FDA(Food and Drug Administration) che è l’agenzia del governo americano che si occupa di regolamentare i prodotti che vengono immessi in commercio, dagli alimenti fino ai farmaci etici. Ogni bicchiere ha 135 calorie e si decompone entro 60 giorni se non lo mangi. Dopo un po’ di tempo altre compagnie si sono unite e si sono formati altri bicchieri con gusti che possono essere alla menta al cioccolato, biscotti alle gocce di cioccolato e al formaggio e ad altri gusti. A questo punto non vediamo l’ora che facciano una festa e speriamo che riescano a diminuire le calorie che sono un po’ troppe.


Acquazzone ed allagamenti Di Alessia Primo

In una giornata di un Novembre del 2018 a Palermo, un forte acquazzone si presenta. Fa straripare fiumi, allaga case e distrugge macchine. Con una pioggia fortissima, molte case sono piene di fango e strade e autostrade sono state chiuse. Questo acquazzone è stato uno di quelli grossi e pericolosi. Le autostrade sono state chiuse a causa di questo terribile acquazzone. Adesso sono in molti con macchine rotte o abbandonate nella strada. C’è stata acqua alta cinque centimetri sotto al ginocchio in mezzo alle strade, fiumi straripati e abitazioni nei dintorni distrutte. February 7, 2018

Acquazzone ed allagamenti

Questo è quello che ci dicono degli abitanti di Palermo: “Adesso il primo piano della nostra casa è infangato. La pioggia ha fatto straripare il fiume vicino a casa nostra e adesso tutti i nostri vestiti, quadri e cose da mare sono da pulire o daun forte buttare. In una giornata di un Novembre del 2018 a Palermo, acquazzone si presenta. Fa straripare fiumi, allaga case, e distrugge macchine. Con una pioggia fortissima, molte case I pavimenti sono tutti sono sporchi piene di fango e strade e autostrade sono state chiuse. Questo acquazzone è stato uno di quelli grossi e pericolosi. Le di fango, e pensa cheautostrade sono state chiuse a causa di questo terribile Adesso sono in molti con macchine rotte o quando siamo arrivatiacquazzone. a casa abbandonate nella strada. C' è stata acqua alta cinque centimetri sotto al ginocchio in mezzo alle strade, fiumi dopo l’acquazzone, alstraripati primo e abitazioni nei dintorni distrutte. Questo è quello che ci dicono degli abitanti di Palermo: Riccardo Clemente e piano di casa c’era l’acqua a suo marito Roberto. "Adesso il primo piano della nostra casa è infangato. La pioggia cinque centimetri di distanza ha fatto straripare il fiume vicino a casa nostra e adesso tutti i nostri vestiti, quadri e cose da mare sono da pulire o da buttare. dal soffitto. Adesso stiamo I pavimenti sono tutti sporchi di fango, e pensa che quando siamo arrivati a casa dopo l'acquazzone, al primo piano di casa, ripulendo, ma dovremmo essere avvisati quando queste cose succedono, così siamo pronti quando arrivano”. Adesso tante case sono piene di fango e molte macchine sono rotte a Palermo. Ma, visto per quanto la tecnologia sia avanzata, i cittadini possono essere avvisati dal comune quando questi eventi capitano. Adesso le persone cercano di essere pronte quando qualcosa di pericoloso accade per qualunque soggetto per tenere sicura la città così possono essere avvantaggiati quando arrivano terremoti o se straripa un fiume. 1

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Art - Renaissance Style Portraits

Teatro alla Scala da Starbucks Di Alexandra Gerasimenko

Il 20 di Dicembre, le voci bianche del Teatro alla Scala, cantavano al caffè Starbucks di Milano. Le voci bianche hanno cantato: Tu scendi dalle stelle, Jingle Bells, White Christmas, Silent Night, Angels Sing From Above, Gesù bambino è nato e Un canto per il nuovo anno! Starbucks Foundation e Teatro alla Scala hanno stretto un’amicizia per sostenere i giovani. La Starbucks Foundation ha dato soldi a 44 studenti della Accademia Teatro alla Scala.

February 7, 2018 By Buse Toksoz

Una di queste cantanti è Alexandra Gerasimenko. "Noi eravamo molto felici e ner vosi per il concerto di Natale. Io pensavo che Starbucks fosse dav vero piccolo, ma quando ho visto, sono rimasta scioccato da quanto fosse grande. Indossavamo

By Edoardo Milani

una camicia bianca, pantaloni neri e un farfallino rosso. Il pianista è stato il 7, nostro February 2018 insegnante Alexandra Gerasimenko Alexandra Gerasimenko

quando abbiamo cantato 'Schiaccianoci' di Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovski.

Una di queste cantanti è Alexandra Gerasimenko.Una di queste cantanti è Alexandra Gerasimenko. “Noi eravamo molto felici e nervosi per il concerto "Noi"Spero eravamo felicialla e nervosi il concerto chemolto il Teatro Scala per possa fare più di Natale. Io pensavo che Starbucks fosse davvero di Natale. Io pensavo che Starbucks fosse dav vero concerti con Starbucks, perché è stato dav vero piccolo, ma quando ho visto, sono rimasta scioccata piccolo, ma quando ho visto, sono rimasta divertente, non potevo imaginare che Teatro alla scioccato da quanto fosse grande. Indossavamo da quanto fosse grande. Indossavamo una camicia Scala e Starbucks possano lavorare insieme cosi una camicia bianca, pantaloni neri e un farfallino bianca, pantaloni neri e un farfallino By KaiunLim bene. Se abbiamo concerto di Pasqua, spero che rosso. Il pianista è stato il nostro insegnante rosso. Il pianista è stato il nostro insegnante quansarà a Starbucks." do abbiamo cantato Schiaccianoci di Pyotr Ilyichquando abbiamo cantato 'Schiaccianoci' di Pyotr Alexandra Gerasimenko Ilyich Tchaikovski. Tchaikovski. "Spero che il Teatro alla Scala possa fare più


concerti con Starbucks, perché è stato dav vero divertente, non potevo imaginare che Teatro alla Scala e Starbucks possano lavorare insieme cosi bene. Se abbiamo un concerto di Pasqua, spero che sarà a Starbucks."

By Samira Timerbaeva Starbucks


“Spero che il Teatro alla Scala possa fare più concerti con Starbucks, perché è stato davvero divertente, non potevo immaginare che Teatro alla Scala e Starbucks potessero lavorare insieme così bene. Se abbiamo un concerto di Pasqua, spero che sarà da Starbucks”.

By Lorenzo Bruzzo 2



Poetry - Grade 2

By Amal Azimova

By Bridget Schwab

By Alessandro Bottoli

By Alis Valente Zen

By Arif Azimov

By Giangermano Giuliani

By Giulia Vanossi

By Philipp Ogilvie

By Georgy Bagrin

By Noemi Mazziotti

By Yulia Panasenko

By Eleonora Ferreri

By Michael Okropiridze

By Misha Novoselskiy

By Nicolai Lykkegaard

By Kevin Lin Kraemer

By Ryan De Maria

By Manuele Ippolito

By Mila Verda

By Federico Colapietro

By Nina Rovelli

By Leonardo Pittini

By Isabella Badaracco

By Olivia Segat



Poetry - Grade 5 The Mountain

Battle The quick, bright lightning clashed in the protecting, powerful hands of the thunder as if they were a soldier, and sword.

The Bitter Swing Wosh, the swing swayed back and forth, isolated by only wood chips leaving it’s reflection of memories. Creak, creak, remaining scraps of giggles like friends leaving each other Eloise Hill

The old and big mountain, standing in the middle of the earth, is touching the rainy clouds as if it were reaching for an eagle’s feather. Edward Ponomarev

Emma-Claire Puckett Puppy Love Awww, a cute, soft, fluffy puppy was in my hands, and my heart was beating as fast as a car. Benedetta Attili

Bye Bye My Only One The Nature And The Mouse The green nature Grabbing on to your eyes Like a mouse That gives his attention To the yellow piece of cheese! Jeramie Galmarini

Bittering Sadness The icicles bling with bittering sadness, waiting for warmness to take over. Francesco Tortorella

The Mountains The charming mountains joylessly getting slashed by a despairing, stormy thunder, but forming enormous, delightful valleys. Madalena De Sousa Lopes E Costa Felix

Swish! Swish! Went the leather orange basketball Through the metal round hoop As it descended swiftly through the air. Poom, Poom, Poom To the ground. Batian Hegelund

The Pink Flower The vibrant pink blooming flower, fell slowly, like a feather collapsing left to right. Jaya Bruera

The rose fell, tears ran through cheeks. Silence, only stinging silence. The only sound inside me was drifting left to right In the ocean above us and crashing Into the green spikes. Renato Kurmanaev Chernov

A Beautiful Sound The joyful birds sing in harmony Producing a perfect, soothing sound That tickles my ear. Then everything pauses As two pairs of trickled, feathered wings Burst up into the clear sky Leaving the memorable sound behind Gemma Bianco

Rain A whiff of wet dirt. Water wondering it’s way down it’s rain. Your back The one and only thing That shows the way of the world to me. Olivia Canga

The Whooshing Wind

The Trees That Won The Fight

The whooshing wind Went navigating in the warm air, Trying to heat humans During a slightly shivering And smirking afternoon.

How beautiful it looks Watching the trees standing still, Trying to stop the wind from moving them. Luckily they managed to stand still, They won the fight. Victor Schou

Alessia Primo

The Petrifying Forest As I walk Through the petrifying forest I heard “gulp” and recognized It was a petrifying and carnivorous Plant that ate a cute and tiny Ant. Leonardo Ciccone

The Only Tissue Drop, Drop, Drop The rain had cried Right in our faces, Until the sun had asked The rain to fly away. Drop,drop,drop, that is what he left. Vanya Kravtsov

EWW! A lonely tissue full of green and yellow mucus all munched up like a yellow, scrambled, rotten egg. Celeste Lo Monaco

Like a Blossom’s Petal The cheerily singing birds Are chanting a carol That’s so very soft Like a blossom’s petal, Like a fluffy, pale cloud. Emilie Blank

The Short-Living Flower The big, sweet, pinkish flower Gorgeously dropping down, Breathing its last breath, like a dry raindrop Falling in slow motion, Crashing down, and spreading its sadness. Raffi Grigorian

By Beatriz Cohn

Steps To Heaven The bright, pink blossom Swiftly tumbles down the chilly air About to end its Golden, memorable life. Crash! Wesley Soh

The Lonely Flower The tree was so beautiful With all the blooming flowers, But when you suddenly look down, There’s that lonely flower that’s laying On the ground, having lost lost all his friends. Anastassia Smyslova

By João Ribeiro



Poetry - Poesia - Grade 5

Beauty The thing you have inside No matter what people say The people who seem cute Can be the actual devil And those who seem like monsters Are actually the lovely ones And why do people treat them Like pathetic idiots When they are most of the times Full of kindness and love.

By Denis Morozov Beauty is everywhere Beauty They say it leaves They say it shrinks They say if you don't have it it's a shame But the truth is we all see it differently or understand it differently. I believe that there is beauty within everyone. A beauty that can't age A beauty that's kind and cares. Just remember there is beauty within everyone By Gaia Giuliani

Beauty can be anything it can be the sun set or a little can on the road. Beauty is anything that someone thinks looks nice It is not only how it looks it can be inside you. Just look closely and you will see it. Like my writing at the first glance it looks bad but then you see the tiny little beauty in it. By Buse Toksoz

Beauty By Greta Vasino Beauty doesn't only matter the look, but the kindness all around us. The word beauty is also the beautiful nature around us. Nature can be flowers, trees, plants, seeds, animals and many more things. There can be beauty inside of you... or outside. But remember that both ways are beautiful just how they are. The most important thing is to look deeper...

The surrounding nature

I see the yellow and white daisies, sleeping on the ground. I hear the beautiful birds saying, “Hooray! Spring has arrived.” I smell the grass that has just been mowed. I don't taste anything. I feel that I am a new person.

Poemi dedicati a un familiare utilizzando un numero di parole uguale alla sua età

By Lorenzo Bruzzo

Being with nature I see the mountains closing in and putting beauty I hear birds trying to talk to me from a distance I smell nature surrounding me and keeping me in the place I am... I taste the flavor that makes you feel good I feel my body telling me to take more risks... By Joao Ribeiro

Food By Riccardo Capacci

Crunch! Crunch!

Five Senses Poem By: Sergey Bektashev I feel no longer lonely I hear the birds singing I taste the rain coming I smell the fresh summer I see leaves growing on trees ready for summer

Di Gemma Bianco

My Five Senses During Spring I see a little ant walking and carrying a leaf. I hear birds singing, their song is fantastic. I taste air, how clean and fresh it is. I smell flowers, they smell like sweet candy spread all over. I touch petals that feel like crunchy candy wrappers. It's a bit sticky, but still amazing.

Di Beatriz Cohn

By Samira Timerbaeva

That's the sound of food, Sometimes food is foody, Foody food is food. And foody food is even foodier, And the best part is foody food is food. But sometimes foody food is, bleah! And sometimes foody food, mmmm yummy, You never know.

Di Greta Vasino

Red Circles

Crunch, munch, chew juicy red circles in my food! My teeth can chew but the Smell p-uiw they try to get in everything I try To pin, I throw them in The bin!!! I do not like them plain or any other way. With salt or on a cannon palt Crash!!! By Anthony Nikoloff

Di Jaya Bruera



Color Poems - Grade 5

Golden Green

Fern Green


Fluffy Cotton

Fern green, the color of the beautiful vibrant nature. It makes me feel wonderful, as if I were spending endless hours drawing on a piece of paper.

Red, the demonic color, the inferno taking over your veins, smoke bursting out of your ears,~ Red, the color that steals your vision.

Edward Ponomarev

Cotton candy pink, the fluffy airly sugar that melts in my mouth and makes my heart feel free like I am in the clouds.

Francesco Tortorella

Cocoa Cocoa, the color of the sweet and dusty chocolates, melting on your hungry tongue. It melts in my cherry lips, red as warm fire that hides my mouth Celeste Lo Monaco

Benedetta Attili

Emilie Blank

Color Poem Camo Green like the terrible war with dirty soldiers constantly running from town to town, with guns loaded with deadly bullets. Jeramie Galmarini Yellow

Chrome purple, chrome purple, The color of the miserable, rude punk music That bounces around the darkness. Leonardo Ciccone

Jaya Bruera Athletic Gold Dragon Fruit Red

Dragon Fruit Red, Green The exotic color Of love and anger, Green is the colour of living nature Gradually sweeped up, genty inhaling its way through life Together in my golden soul with the human breath. Wesley Soh Victor Schou

Running, Then stumbling, Red ribbon being ripped. Here it is coming Athletic gold, On its way To reward The successful, Homo sapiens. Olivia Canga

Marigold orange, Almost yellow, but not. Almost honey orange, still not. The colour that makes my head rumble and erupt I would like, love to crack The code of it.

Coral Her crystal coral smile Lit up the crowded rooms When my mind recalls my grandma Covered in the finest, coral silks, Brings two salty ocean like tears to my eyes, Two pieces of coral sparkling into the light. Gemma Bianco BLACK Black the color of nothing … Silence, you look around shouting, stretching your vocal cords like wild — Only emptiness inside BLACK. They can’t hear you. Renato Kurmanaev Chernov Ocean Blue

Galaxy Blue

Dark Blue

Galaxy blue, The color of limitlessness Infinity flashing through space Endless love, it is to me.

Dark blue, the color that conquers my feelings. Tears deliberately dropping in to the reflection of me, the color of the murky fire that rises in to the gloomy night.

Raffi Grigorian

Marigold Orange

Vanya Kravtsov

Yellow, the color of the golden sun shimmering brighter and shinier everytime you smile. Yellow the color of the sunflower popping up with it’s beautiful glowing petal, dancing happily in the fresh air.

Purple Punk

Golden delicious green, an abundance of food slowly spilling to their rotten death hugging you with sweetness, warming you with the blanket we call health.

Ocean blue is the color that makes you cold on a hot day, making you feel fresh while you are sighing in the hot sun. Batian Hegelund

Eloise Hill Rosewood Sweet, fresh rosewood, the smell of the clean pine wood forest, close to my calm heartmy home enclosed in the hugging homey forest. Emma Claire Puckett

A Ruby Baby Yellow Flamingo pink

Baby yellow, the color of giggling joy, Flamingo pink, honey like laughter, The color of peaceful nature and sweet delight; With birds bounding around at least to Next to the turquoise river, me. Streaming into the sea. Madalena De Sousa Lopes E Costa Félix Anastassia Smyslova

Ruby red, Colour of love, affection, Feels like a mom’s protection. A warm kiss on your cheek, And you look down to your hand, Not your feet. You see a red diamond, Shining like a star. Alessia Primo

A Day in Pre-K 3

We create and read in Pre-K 3 Alberto Allevi

We build in Pre-K 3 Sebastien Lill

We make puzzles in Pre-K 3 Clelia Clerici

We count in Pre-K 3 Leonore Clerici

We draw and write in Pre-K 3 Masha Novoselskaya

We paint in Pre-K 3 Mattia Ferrari and Kristel Allevi

We fix things in Pre-K 3 Penny Chevalier


18 I am thankful for...

By Gregorio Orlandi

Contributions from Pre-K 4

By Masha Bobina

By Gillian Buckley

By Odelia Canga

By Can Yalcin

By ZhiYun Cheng

Learning about animals

International Week

We are ready for Carnevale!

By Tima Naraulov By Stefaniia Rashnikova

By Finn Walser

By Lidia Kravtsova

By Leonardo Bruzzo By Sofia Popova

By Keira Pavlinger

By Max Nielsen



Classe 2a

Di Bridget Schwab

Di Arif Azimov

Di Isabella Badaracco

Di Mila Verda

Di Misha Novoselskiy

Di Manuele Ippolito

Di Giulia Vanossi

Di Amal Azimova

Di Nico Lykkegaard

Di Asia Fasciano

Di Nina Rovelli

Di Yulia Panasenko

Di Georgy Bagrin

Di Giangermano Giuliani



Classe 4a - Un testo al giorno #untestoalgiorno Di Greer McKee Per cosa vorresti essere celebre? Io vorrei essere famosa per aver trovato una cosa che nessuno ha mai scoperto prima, perché voglio che tutte le donne sappiano che puoi fare quello che ti piace e realizzare i tuoi sogni vuoi. In particolare, mi piacerebbe trovare un reperto in Egitto o a Roma. Un’altra cosa che vorrei fare per essere celebre è essere un’attrice perché vorrei recitare e vorrei anche che tutti mi conoscessero e volessero diventare come me. Se dovessi scegliere un tipo di film sceglierei un film dell’orrore o misterioso. Vorrei anche far parte dei film Disney. Mi piacerebbe andare agli Oscar per i miei film e partecipare ai Choice Awards.

Di Lavinia Cerra

Di Lucian Talamo #untestoalgiorno Di Matteo Vanossi

Un mattino ti svegli e scopri di essere un adulto… Descrivi la tua giornata. Mi sveglio, mi guardo il corpo e... sono un adulto! Mi alzo e mi guardo allo specchio: ero cambiato un po’. Avevo i capelli biondi e gli occhi più chiari. Poi urlai a me stesso: “Svegliati Matteo! È solo un sogno”. Ma non lo è. Mi nascondo da mio papà e da mia mamma prendo TANTI soldi. Mi accorgo di essere diventato un famoso calciatore, gioco per la famosa squadra dell’Inter. La mia giornata trascorre prevalentemente al campo, per gli allenamenti. Quando esco dagli spogliatoi, pronto per andare a casa, salgo sulla mia auto e mi dirigo a fare rifornimento di benzina; al distributore incontro il mio amico Lucas e mi accorgo che anche lui è diventato improvvisamente un adulto! Ma

cosa sarà successo a tutti noi? Decidiamo di trascorrere la serata insieme, guardando una partita e un film alla TV. Quando sono andato a casa di Lucas mi sono ricordato che magari i miei genitori si potrebbero essere preoccupati che non ci sono più, quindi ho scritto loro una lettera, per spiegare che stavo bene e che non si dovevano preoccupare. Quella notte sono andato a dormire, ma prima di addormentarmi sono andato davanti a uno specchio e ho ripetuto: “Voglio diventare un bambino, voglio diventare un bambino”. Il mattino seguente mi sono svegliato ed ero tornato un bambino, perciò sono andato a casa, dove i miei famigliari mi sono venuti incontro e mi hanno abbracciato. Volevano sapere cosa mi fosse successo il giorno prima, ma io ho risposto che si trattava di una lunga, lunga storia. Nonostante il mistero, loro mi volevano comunque bene.

Di Angelica Della Foglia

#untestoalgiorno Di Lucas Schwab

Un mattino ti svegli e scopri di essere diventato un adulto. Descrivi la tua giornata. Mi sono svegliato e ho visto una persona nello specchio. Dopo 5 minuti mi sono accorto che ero io. Dopo ho urlato fortissimo “SONO UN ADULTO!!!” Sono andato nel garage e ho visto che avevo una Ferrari. Sono andato dentro la macchina e dopo dovevo decidere dove andare. Sono andato a vedere una partita di NBA. Tra golden State Warriors e gli Oklahoma City Thunder. La partita era bellissima. I Golden State Warriors hanno vinto perché Stephen Curry ha messo a segno una tripla per la vittoria. Successivamente sono andato a prendere un gelato al gusto di cioccolato e vaniglia. Poi sono andato a casa a giocare a basket. Ho segnato tanti punti, ma dopo qualche minuto, volevo mangiare. Finito il pranzo sono andato a lavorare con la mia Ferrari. In ufficio ho dovuto risolvere alcuni problemi fastidiosi, così sono uscito per andare a fare benzina. Alla stazione di servizio ho incontrato Matteo e ho pensato: “Oh Oh… Anche Matteo è diventato un adulto tutt’a un tratto!” Ci mettiamo a chiacchierare e decidiamo di guardare insieme una partita di calcio e un film dell’orrore a casa mia. A giornata finita, mentre andavo a letto, pensavo che questa giornata nei panni di un adulto non era male, anche se un po’ mi mancava essere un ragazzino. Chissà come mi sarei svegliato l’indomani!

Di Yuri Colombo

Di Guglielmo Bertola

Di Max Akyali

Di Isabella De Bustis

Di Giulia Sindona Di Orlando Mazzola

Di Victoria Nesterenko

Di Anna Kandel



Classe 5a - La Signorina Euforbia Carta d’identità di EUFORBIA Di Batian Hegelund e Raffi Grigorian Lavoro: Maestra Pasticciera che prepara pasticcini su misura; ha imparato da sua zia Maria che aveva imparato da zia Adelina che era stata a scuola da zia Elvira. Etá: Non giovane e non vecchia.

Di Buse Toksoz

Aspetto Fisico: Viso rotondo, mento e fronte a punta, gli occhi molto grandi di colore verde intensissimo; alta, capelli rossi come il rame e magrissima. Carattere: Allegra, piena di fantasia, molto gentile, lavora sodo e con passione. Si mette in gioco e non si demoralizza di fronte alle difficoltà. Di Celeste Lo Monaco

Luogo: La pasticceria si trova in città, a metà circa di una strada deserta,il tipico posto in cui capiti per sbaglio. Di Emilie Blank e Riccardo Capacci


“Ragazzi, davvero strepitosa questa pavlova, la definirei di una bontà commovente! Siamo, anzi siete stati grandissimi. Questa sì che è una prova di alta pasticceria! Ora, e con orgoglio, posso dire che non ho rimpianti: desideravamo che se i nostri dolci fossero stati gli ultimi, fossero almeno indimenticabili. E ci siamo riusciti! È stata la nostra miglior uscita di scena”.

“Scusate, ma qualcuno di voi si ricorda come avevamo chiamato questi pasticcini?” [...] “Li avevamo chiamati i potrei-andare-da-qualche-parte!” “Forse potrei davvero riaprire la pasticceria da qualche altra parta! In fondo ciò che la rendeva speciale non erano i muri o gli arredi, eravate voi che ci portavate dentro i vostri desideri, la vostra passione, i vostri sogni”

Abbiamo scelto questo passaggio del libro perché parla di collaborazione e di amicizia. Per esempio quando Marta e Matteo hanno invitato tutti gli ex allievi di Euforbia per salvare la pasticceria è stato davvero un atto di amicizia.

Di Benedetta Attili e Anastassia Smyslova

I pasticcini di Euforbia Di Eddy Ponomarev Serafina Ballerini e Eloise Hill Euforbia crea dei pasticcini su misura in base alla necessità dei suoi clienti. Perciò c’è un dolcetto adatto ad ogni occasione: “potrebbevenirmi-una-buona-idea”, “chitrova-un-amico-trova-un- tesoro”, “non-abbattiamoci-e-troviamo-unasoluzione”…

Ispirati dal suo lavoro, anche noi abbiamo provato a inventare un pasticcino per la nostra classe.

Curato da Anthony Nikoloff

“Che- bello- stare- insieme” Una cialda formato coppetta, per tenerci tutti insieme. Il bordo della cialda ricoperto di cioccolato bianco per l’affetto che ci da Ms.Veronica ogni giorno. Una pallina di gelato alla vaniglia per tenere tutti i ricordi freschi in mente. Sopra il gelato dei frutto di boschi meravigliosi che ci ricordano tutto ciò che abbiamo imparato. Il Caramello sciolto che ricopre e chiude piano piano il capitolo della quinta. Le bandiere rappresentano tutti i paesi da dove veniamo.

Di Edoardo Milani



Persuasive Writing - Testi Persuasivi - Grade 1 Sunset of the Sabertooth

No, David!

Read this AWESOME book! You will see the tiger of the sabertooth. This tiger is almost at the time of the dinosaurs. Come in my portal to go to the sunset of the sabertooth.

This book is called No, David! And it is by David Shannon. It’s a really nice book. David makes a lot of messes. It is also funny. My favorite thing is when David goes in the mud. Then he goes home and the mud went on the floor. Will he get in trouble? Read to find out. You need to read this book. There is even a second book but first you need to read this one. Then you can read the second book, if you want.

By Mary Pope Osborne

Jack and Annie were just finishing swimming in their swimming costumes. They went to a place where there was so much snow BBBBRRRRR! I liked to that Annie wished to go to the place with the snow but Jack said, “NO!” Annie said, “OOPS.” HELP Jack and Annie to find 1 clue from 4. If you finish the book come tell Andre Cassin what’s the clue.

By David Shannon

By Aurora Grassi Damiani

Are you ready to ROAR like a sabertooth? If you are read Sunset of the Sabertooth! By Andre Cassin

Lions at Lunchtime By Mary Pope Osborne

Dinosaurs Before Dark By Mary Pope Osborne

Do you like dinosaurs? You can read the Magic Tree House Dinosaurs Before Dark and Jack and Annie go into the woods. Then Jack and Annie found the magic tree house. Then Jack said, “I wish to see a real Pteranodon for real.” Then the magic tree house started to spin and spin. If you want to know what will happen to Jack and Annie you will read it to find out. I like it because they did not know that the magic tree house will bring them at the dinosaur time. I also like it because it is a fiction story but tells you real things. I think that you should read it right now. By Leone Garbuio

Have you ever seen a deer at your house? So let’s go! Have you ever had a mud bath? You should ask Annie because she went to a mud bath in the Magic Tree House book Lions at Lunchtime. Jack helped her and got dirty too. Then they saw hyenas and acted like monsters. They shouted, “ARRRGGGGH!” And the hyenas ran away. They saw a grey bird and Annie followed it. Annie was driving Jack CRAZY because the mud, the shower and also the bird. Annie thought the bee nest was the babies nest. They saw a warrior. They were thinking the warrior was angry! So they had a picnic with peanut butter and bread with him.

Di Niccolò Compagnino The Pigeon Needs a Bath! By Mo Willems

If you want to tiptoe under the giraffe to get to the tree house you must read Magic Tree House Lions at Lunchtime.

Po Po Ppppo. Do you like pigeon? If you like pigeon then you need to read Pigeon Needs a Bath. I like this book because Pigeon is a little bit crazy. Read to find out if the Pigeon will get a bath. I give it 100 stars.

By Emily McLoughlin

By Sasha Kosolapov

Under the Sea Have you seen a whale shark? We are smaller than a whale shark. It’s bigger than us. This book Under the Sea is interesting why it tells about sea animals. The whale shark has little eyes. My favorite part is the stingray. There are a lot of types of stingrays. There are little types of stingrays too. Stingrays have wings. The stingray is a flat fish. This book tells a lot of things that are FANTASTIC! If you touch the tail of the stingray you will be stung. You can see the sea in your imagination. You can go deep underwater and you can see these animals. By Carolina Pescali

The Knight at Dawn By Mary Pope Osborne

Dear Kids, Do you like knights and dinosaurs? Then I’m sure you will like the Magic Tree House series. The book I recommend you is called The Knight at Dawn. There are two characters called Jack and Annie. They do a lot of adventures. In The Knight at Dawn they travel to the time of knights. What! You still didn’t read one? Now run and get one! I think the Magic Tree House has nice books. I like that they are interesting because Jack and Annie need to find the clues to discover who the magic person is. I think you should read it! Love, Chiara Amabile

Di Emir Nasibulin

Poppleton in Spring By Cynthia Rylant

Di Michelle Fasciano

You should go and read Poppleton. If is funny because there was a part that Poppleton freaked out. Poppleton freaked out because he thought he wanted a bicycle and then he was like “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” And that was funny. It is a good fit for first graders because they are good at reading. I hope you like it. I hope you like it as much as I did. By Leon Tortorella

Di Beatrice Valvano



Di Sofia Nesterenko

Di Andreas Nikoloff

Di Carolina Pescali

Up Tall and High By Ethan Long

Up Tall and High is AWESOME! Have you seen a bird that talks?

I love this book because it is ‘just right!’ The pages open up and down. The birds are so so so so so so funny on the first page. One bird tells about the mum.

You will never STOP laughing. You can even read it with your friend. In the last page, the bird said, “THE END.” You can go in this book and feel like you FLY!!! By Emir Nasibulin


By Conrad Mason


By Conrad Mason

ROAR! Do you like dinosaurs? Well, I have the book just right for you. It is called Dinosaurs by Conrad Mason and illustrated by Daniel Howarth. One reason that I liked it is because it says the different types of dinosaurs- all of them. Another reason is because it has a timeline. I recommend you to go in the library now. Read and see the adventure! Read and go in the past!!!!

I like the book Dinosaurs by Conrad Mason. This book will teach you that a dinosaur can be as small as a cat. It can be a little bit tall. Some dinosaurs eat meat and some eat grass. The eoraptors were born first and the triceratops were born last. Do you like dinosaurs? I like the pictures too because they teach you about dinosaurs. You can get it at the library go and read it now.

By Niccolò Compagnino

By Liza Trykolich

Does an Elephant Take a Bath? By Fred Ehrlich, M.D.

The Life of a Honeybee

The BEST Book on the Earth! Do you know that one insect makes jelly from the head? They can sting you too. They make honey. We use honey in all of these things soap, drink, creams, shampoos and lipstick. The queen bee does tiny eggs. They have a tongue to get the nectar. That’s why I love this book. It teaches me more about honeybees. My favorite page is 15 because it says something that I didn’t know before. It taught me pollen is like a juice. I am learning a lot!!!!!!!!! You need to read it every day! I think you will like it! It is #1! It is A+++++++++++++++++

Benny and Penny series By Geoffrey Hayes

Do you like funny mice? Well if you do you should read Benny and Penny. Benny and Penny are two little mice that like to play. I like Benny and Penny because it’s funny. Because it’s mice that talk. I think the drawing show the emotions of the characters. There are four Benny and Penny books. You need to read all of them!

Do you like facts of humongous animals? Well if you do, I know a perfect book for you. The book is Does an Elephant Take a Bath? I like this book. One reason is that it tells you how different animals wash themselves. And did you know that animals help each other to clean themselves? This book’s author is Fred Ehrlich, M.D. and pictures by Emily Bolam. This book is for people who like nonfiction books because it makes you learn new things. I think you should read Does an Elephant Take a Bath? By Tommy Bonadonna

By Will Chevalier

I love honeybees. Do you love honeybees? Will you find out more and learn more. Get this book in the TASIS library The Life of a Honeybee by Kristina Rupp! By Aron Colombo

My New Friend is So Fun! By Mo Willems

Do you like silly books? If you do, I know the funniest book of Piggie and Gerald that is called My New Friend is So Fun! It is about a pig and an elephant and a snake and a bat. The bat’s name is Brian Bat. Brian Bat is the friend of snake. Piggie is the friend of Gerald. Will Brian Bat play with Piggie? Read to find out. The author is Mo Willems. I bet that you will like My New Friend is So Fun! because Mo Willems wrote a lot of books. For example, he wrote even the Pigeon books. So I bet you will like My New Friend is So Fun! You can get it in the library or you can get it in Ms. Sarah’s classroom. There are even a lot of Piggie and Gerald books. You should go read it right now! I like this book because every page of this book will make you laugh. By Beatrice Valvano

Di Will Chevalier

Di Aron Colombo



Persuasive Writing - Grade 3

You Must Be Knox’s Friend (...if you want a good friend) By Giacomo Volpi

The first reason is Knox is very kind. He can help you if you are hurt. For example he will help you if you fall down. He can help you in math. For example if you are stuck on a question he helps you. He can help you if you are stuck in something. For example if you are stuck on reading something he will help you read it. He can help you up. For example he will help you stand up if you fall. One time I fell down and Knox helped me up. He can help you in writing. For example he can help in writing, he helped me with ideas. Another reason is Knox is a very good soccer player. He can attack well. One time we were losing 2-1 on soccer then he shot and it was a goal and we finished 2-2. He can defend well. For example if a ball comes close he can shot it away. One time Giovanni was close to make a goal but Knox came in time and shot the ball away.

The last reason is Knox includes people in games. He will include you if you want to play. One time I wanted to play a game and the kids were not letting me play but Knox said that I could play so I could play. If the kids won’t let you play he will go away and play with you.

Go to Thailand

By Emma Della Foglia Do you like to travel? If you like to travel in hot places you should go to Thailand because it has beaches. In Thailand you should go to Phuket. It’s really fun to go there and have a vacation in a hot place with lots of sand and sea. I hope you will go to Thailand. Here are my three reasons why you should go to Thailand. The first reason is because it is a beautiful place! You can eat spicy food like peperoni, peperoncino, soup, spicy. It is very popular. Like lots of people, very noisy, no space. You can see a lot of things like cities, islands, beaches. It has beaches like sand beaches, icky beaches, water beaches. It’s beautiful to swim in the sea. Another reason is it is exciting to visit! It is very sunny, in beaches at Phuket, in Bangkok, in islands in Phuket. It is a fantastic place because you can swim, you can build sand castles, you can do surf, you can do snorkeling. Another reason is you can take photos in Thailand. You can see tigers and elephants. You can take photos of tigers and elephants. You can touch tigers. You can give food to elephants. You can take photos next to them. You can take photos of Phi Phi Island. It’s an island and it’s hot, it’s sunny. You can take photos of beach, grass, sand, family. Please, please go to Thailand!

So be Knox’s friend please, please, please, if you want a good friend! Thank you.


Recycling is Important to Save our Planet

Brazil is the best because…

Many people don’t realize that recycling is good for the planet and the environment. In my research I have found evidence of how recycling is important to save our planet. You should recycle because we should avoid pollution, recycle more, create more jobs. One reason that recycling is important for the planet is that we need to avoid pollution. For example pollution damages the planet, “Pollution from human activities is changing the earth’s climate. We see the damage that disrupted climate can do: on our coasts, farms, forests, mountains and even cities” says Frances Beinecke an expert on pollution. Also pollution damages sea and sea life. For example when people throw garbage in the sea the sea creatures can get stuck in the plastic. This shows that we should avoid pollution.

What many people need to know is that Brazil is a great place to visit. It’s a great place to visit because there are many delicious foods, it’s always hot, and it’s beautiful. Many people don’t know that, so take the chance to go Brazil. One example that Brazil is the best is that it has the best food. One example that shows this is the different types of meat you can eat: beef, chicken heart, pork and so much more. Another example that shows this is that Brazil has the best party food like: pão de queijo, brigadeiro, pastel, quibe, qochinha. Also you can eat all of these foods at any time of the year. All of this shows that Brazil is a great place to eat. Another reason Brazil is the best is it’s always hot. Could you imagine not having a white Christmas? Well, I can! If you go to Brazil during Christmas it will be burning hot. For example lots of friends go to the pool during winter break. A story that I once heard by Shanola Hampton was “My husband and I love to travel, for me a dream vacation is in Brazil, beginning first and foremost with a rad Hotel. Then, number two is eating delicious food non stop, almost around the clock. And then a mix of relaxation and beaches and going on adventures.” Also the beaches are an important place to visit when you go to Brazil because if it was not hot you would not be able to go . Although Brazil is the best because it has the best food and because its hot, its especially a great place to visit because it’s beautiful. One reason why it’s beautiful is it has lots of different places to visit like the Pão de Açúcar, the Amazon and much more. In addition to, Brazil has the Corcovado with the Christ on a mountain which is beautiful. Also Brazil is beautiful because of its tropicalness and because the beaches are breathtaking. What most people need to know is that Brazil is the best because it has the best food, it’s always hot, and it’s beautiful. I know this because I’m from Brazil. So what are you waiting for, go to Brazil.

By Angelica Della Foglia, Grade 4


Another reason that recycling is important for the planet is because it saves the planet. For example it’s good for the environment. For instance, my family when we need to throw something we go outside. Then we throw the garbage in different bins. Also we do this because if not, the garbage will be on the floor which means that it’s not good for the environment. In addition, if we don’t recycle the earth won’t be healthy and it will be dirty. Although recycling is important for the planet because we need to avoid pollution and because it saves the planet, especially we need to recycle because it can create jobs. For instance people can work in factories to recycle and create new jobs that create new things out of recyclable items. Also other jobs create paper by recycling. Sometimes in life I feel that if we don’t recycle enough, the earth won’t be healthy and it will be ruined. Recycling may be the answer to saving our planet. Recycling is important because we need to avoid pollution, recycle more, recycling is good for the planet and businesses.

By Maria Cardoso Dias, Grade 4


Persuasive Writing - Grade 4 31


Video Games are Fun

Circus school is the Best sport!

Video games are fun because you can play with anyone you know/want, you can play video games on almost any electronic device and most of all, because you can be almost anything you want.

Were you thinking what the best sport is? Well if you guessed circus school then you guessed right! Circus school is the best sport because you make lots of new friends, you never get bored, and, most of all because you become confident in what you do. One reason why circus is the best sport is because you make lots of new friends. For example first I didn’t have any friends but now at circus I have lots of friends! Secondly because before I went to circus i only had school friends and a few friends from nursery, but now I have lots of other friends. Lastly because you can make friends that are bigger than you or friends that are smaller than you and nobody cares so it is nice to see how people are that are different in age act. If you are still not convinced: one day I was by myself and i didn’t know what to do when suddenly a girl came up to me and asked me teach her something on the aerial straps so I did. After she taught me how to do something on the aerial cube and then we became friends! My circus school teacher at Circo Lidia Golovkova, Stefania Ponzio says ”You make lots of new friends to help you at circus school!” This shows why you make lots of new friends at circus school.

By Finn Withers, Grade 4

One reason video games are fun is that you can play with anyone you want in video games. For example, you can play video games with your friends because in some video games there’s multiplayer so you can have a lot of fun. You can play with people from all around the world. For example, when I was playing a video game called Fortnite I was playing with one of my friends from Australia, and There are so many different ways to play with friends in video games and while you’re playing you can call them and talk while you play so its more fun. According to “Video games can make you less antisocial so you can be more friendly to the people you’re playing with.” Another reason that video games are fun is that you can play on almost any electronic device you have. For example, you can play on a phone by downloading a game or searching games on google or safari then there are a lot of games to choose from. You can also play on a pc by searching games on google or buying one from a gaming store and You can also play on any console like wii u nintendo switch xbox PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 and more because they’re all made for gaming. According to video games can help ( not hurt! ) your eyesight so you can go to the shops and play on your phone or whatever device you have ant it won’t hurt your eyesight. Although video games are fun because you can play with anyone and because you can play on almost any electronic device you have especially video games are fun because you can do anything you want. For example you can fight and wrestle in some video games however you want in video games for example you can choose when to attack and defend, you can drive anything you want in video games for example I played as a plane and car driver in a video game called turboprop when I was in Milan, and you can be a police officer and firefighter in some specific video games I played as a police officer in a video game called Lego City Undercover where your job is to stop bad guys when your undercover. According to video games improved focus and attention so you can focus on what you’re doing in the video game if it’s noisy. Some people think that video games are bad for you because you will have square eyes or you’ll turn into a couch potato or something like that but video games don’t turn you into a potato or make your eyes square video games can help you learn make you a better decision maker. In conclusion I think video games are fun because you can play with friends in video games you can play on almost any electronic device you have and you can do/be anything you want that is why video games are fun.

By Giorgia Segat, Grade 4


Another reason that circus is the best sport is because you can choose lots of different things to do. For example, one of my friends at circus said that if you get bored there is always something else to do. Next, because there is always something else to do so if you don’t like something else to do that you will like! Lastly because there is always A new thing to do! One day I was bored so i went to the mini trampoline, then I went to do gymnastics, after that I went on the rope, then the aerial cube, then the aerial straps, and on and on like that for two hours and a half! Erin Morgenstern says “The circus is my ideal personal ideal entertainment.” This is why you always have something else to do at circus school. Although circus is the best sport because you make lots of new friends and because there is always something else to do, especially circus is the best sport because you become confident in what you do! One reason is that first I was afraid of heights but now I am less afraid of heights! Secondly because. Secondly because I was scared of doing an exercise on the aerial straps but now I am not! Finally because I was scared of doing a handstand on the hard ground like wood but now i can do a handstand wherever I want! In fact one I was on the aerial straps and I was scared but then the the teacher came and helped me and then I wasn’t scared anymore. Lidia Golovkova says “You will be scared in the beginning but after you will not be scared anymore!” This certainly shows why circus is the best sport. I hope you understand why circus school is the best sport because you make lots of new friends, because you can choose lots of different things to do but most of all because you become confident in what you do. You should definitely try circus school and i hope this opinion piece convinced you to do so. So, are you going to try circus school?

Great Danes are Good Dogs By Greer McKee, Grade 4

Have you ever been around a Great Dane? Many people think that Great Danes are mean dogs, but I think they’re sweet dogs. Great Danes like attention, they like to cuddle and they’re good family dogs. I have found this true because I have a Great Dane. One reason Great Danes are good dogs is they like to cuddle. One time my Great Dane Bea came on my bed and she laid down right next to me and put her face next to me and licked my face. I love when she lays next to me because she keeps me comfortable. Another example from Eve Marie Mont “Sometimes I worry about how attached I am with this dog. About the fact that the primary relationship of my life with a canine. That at the end of a terrible day I look forward to nothing more than coming home and lying in bed, under the covers, with a giant Great Dane.” This shows that Great Danes like to cuddle. Lastly, Great Danes like to cuddle because they are lazy and they want to be with their owners. Great Danes are good family dogs

Another reason Great Danes are good dogs is that they’re good family dogs. Great Danes are good family dogs because they protect your kids and you. Another reason is when my Great Dane was lying in her bed when the doorbell rang and she jumped out of bed and ran to the front door and waited until she knew who it was. Roger Caras says “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Lastly Great Danes are good family dogs because they want to keep you safe.

People Should Play Soccer By Matteo Vanossi, Grade 4 What people should know is that they should play soccer. People should play soccer because you are on a team, running makes you active, and soccer makes you healthy and strong.I know this because I play soccer and you should too. The first reason why everyone should play soccer is because you’re in a team. For instance, if your team wins a cup, not one teammate gets it, all the team get it. Another example is if you’re alone it’s better to be on a team of 11. One reason that shows this is that once the other team had 10 players and our team had 11 players and we won but, at the beginning we were losing. This shows that being on a team is better. Once I read a quote that said “Instead of trying to be the best on the team, be the best for the team.” This proves that it’s better to be on the team. For instance when I was reading an article in the complete guide it says: “ teammates share a common bond that promotes a sense of unity and fosters friendships.”

Great Danes like Attention

My last reason is that Great Danes like attention. Even though they are lazy dogs they still like to play and run. One time my Great Dane Bea and my family were on a walk and then we saw this cute dog and we started petting the dog when Bea saw that we were petting the dog and then she ran up and wanted us to pet her. In an article from Canna-pet it states “ Unlike independent breeds, Great Dane is the happiest when they are surrounded by the ones they love and trust.” This shows that Great Danes like and need attention.

I have found that Great Danes are not dangerous dogs because they are sweet, good family dogs and they like attention. Over my family’s years their favorite dog is Great Danes and over my years I have been around Great Danes and they have treated me perfectly and sweetly carefully. This shows that how Great Danes are sweet dogs.


The second reason why everyone should play soccer is running makes you active. One time I was so tired, we ran for 10 minutes and then I wasn’t tired, but active. Also, if you run before the match, then during the match you will be so active. To add on it helps your muscles. For example if you run fast it’s harder for the defender to stop you. The third reason why everyone should play soccer is that soccer makes you healthy and strong. An example of this is that once I didn’t do lunch then I played soccer and I felt strong. Another example is that it lowers your body fat and improves your muscles. Alex Morgan said: “Whatever brings you down will eventually make you stronger.” I realize that when I play soccer I don’t want to leave my team because it has all my friends. Soccer has made me active and stronger outside of soccer. If you play soccer you will also feel these things too.



34 School days should be shorter!

Basketball is the Best

School days should be shorter because you can have more time to do your homework, to eat lunch at home and especially because you need time to rest! School days should be shorter because you need more time to do homework. For example, one time after school I needed to go to dinner because it was Secret Santa it was really fun but when I came back it was 10:00 pm! Then I realize “Mom I have homework!” Then my mom came out of bed “ Seriously?” She responded with a weird face. “ Yeah I do!” I yelled “ Alright, Alright but do it quickly” she said while walking to bed. By the time I was done it was 11:30 pm “Mom, I’m done!” I shouted across the bedroom “Good, now go to your room and sleep.” She said tiredly. Another instance, was one day it was drama, and drama ends at 5:30 and my dad arrives at 7:00 pm, but there’s a problem, I HAVE A STACK OF HOMEWORK! And I only had an hour and usually I eat a snack before homework so by the time I finished eating it was 6:00 pm now I only have an hour so I start by the time my dad arrives I only did a half! “Dad can I have more time?” I asked “ No, you need to be responsible with your time.” He responded “ Alright” I said with a frown. Next I came to school and realized “That whole stack is for tomorrow,‍Yay!” So in other words you need to have more time. Next reason is to eat lunch at home. In fact in school we can’t bring lunch from home, but I think that most students would prefer bringing lunch. Why? Who knows, I just know that we can’t. One time it was fish Friday and not a lot of people like fish so everyone says “No grazie.” Which means “No thank you.” But there is nothing we can do then the lunch lady says “Un pó?” Which means “a bit? Then we say “Ok.” But they are thinking “WHY?” So I think it would be better if you can bring lunch from home or a break to eat at home would be eve‍‍n better! So what I’m saying is that lunch here at TASIS is not the best, my personal favorite is Hamburgers and French Fries, it’s AMAZING so congrats on that! Maybe another option is to break up the lunches so one part is for the people who like the lunch and the other is for the people who don’t like it or prefer to it another thing. So in end we should bring lunch from home! So in other words we should eat lunch from somewhere else.

What people need to know is that basketball is the best. Basketball is the best because it’s a good exercise, because it helps you build your team’s confidence and most of all, because you get to know lots of different people. One reason that basketball is the best is because its an amazing exercise. For example, it makes you stronger, It helps your health and It prevents you from getting beat up by bullies. According to “ exercising before training or before a game helps you burn calories, build endurance, improve balance and eye coordination and exercising helps you build muscle.” For example, one time I was exercising with my friend Ivan and we were doing push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, wall-sit and plank! Another reason why basketball is the best is that it helps you build your confidence. For example, whenever you pass the ball you build your confidence because it shows you that your hard work paid off in practice. And it’s the same with shooting and dribbling. For example, one time I was playing a basketball game against Muraltese and I just keep on scoring so I built my confidence. According to,, it helps Confidence, execution, fitness level and skills are the key to the final moments of a game but above all you have to have confidence. Although basketball is the best because it’s a good exercise and because it helps you build your team confidence especially, basketball is the best because you get to know lots of different people. For example, it helps you get lots of friends. It really makes you happy when you have someone to talk to. According to www. basketball helps you make new friends and see them regularly teach you about being a good team player. For example, one time we were playing a game and there was a coach that spoke English so I said “hi” and he said “hi” back so then we had a great conversation. As you can see basketball is the best sport because you get exercise, it builds your team confidence and you get to know lots of different people. Anyone who plays basketball will benefit from good health.

By Andre Pini, Grade 4

Most importantly school days should be shorter is because we should have time to rest at home. imagine your working hard and you are bored and then the teacher says “FREE TIME” Then students say “YAY!” Maybe we just go home in free time for an hour and relax and come back after, So what I mean by rest is do whatever you want time wouldn’t that be awesome let’s make it noon the time of free time and then you come back energized for the next class or happier for next class! In a conclusion school days should be shorter because more time to do homework, to bring lunch from home and especially because to have time to rest! Would you like school to be shorter?

By Lucas Schwab, Grade 4

Di Giancarlo Farina

Di Yuri Colombo

Golf is a Fun Sport

By Lorenzo Calle, Grade 4 Some people think that golf is boring, that is what I also thought when I first started. But, know that I have tried it, I think that it is fun. That is why you should not think that golf is boring. I mostly think that it is fun because it is challenging, it is a healthy way of moving, and because it makes you patient . One reason that I think that golf is not boring is that it is challenging. For example the first time that you play golf it is challenging because you have to learn how to hit the ball, how to aim, with which golf club to use on the distance that you are at, and how you put your grip. In addition to this when I was little I first started playing golf and I had to do all of those things it was a challenge for me and I thought it was boring , but now that I know how to play well I think it is fun and I even win cups. The reason I pick golf as a challenging sport is because you hit a ball that is only one inch and that is challenging and because you need to hit it hundreds of yards away to a tiny hole. Now do you believe me that golf is challenging?

you have to wait a lot of time for the next person to finish his shot. And also when you are in a bunker you have to do a lot of shots and it is frustrating. But when you do it with patience you do better shot and you don’t have to hit the ball a lot of times. In addition to this the first time that I went in a bunker or that I did a very bad shot I got very frustrated but then my dad told me to do it with patience so I did it with patience and the ball went flying easily and this also helps you in other sports or when you are doing other things like art. Tommy Bolt says “The mind messes up more shots then the body�. This makes me think that golf is a fun sport to play and that it teaches you a lot for example it is challenging it is a healthy way of moving and it makes you more patient,this also makes me think that golf is educational and that it will help you with other sports. The best thing about it is that you make friends, and that you can talk to new people.This shows that golf is the best sport.

Parkour - Is This a Sport for You? By Leonardo Ciccone, Grade 5


Another reason I think golf is a fun sport is that it is a healthy way of moving because you need to walk 250 yards and that is only for one hole. Imagine how much it can be for 18 holes, it is about 4500 yards because not all of the holes have the same amount of yards. That is like if you were running a marathon and a marathon is a lot of exercise. In addition to this you also move a lot your wrist about 108 times if in every hole you do 6 shots, the first time that I did 18 holes when I finished playing I finished with a pain on my body that shows that I did exercise on my muscles. Although I think golf is not boring because it is a healthy way of moving and it is challenging , I also think it is a fun sport because it helps you with patience. An example of this is when you play golf

Even though Parkour could be dangerous, the thrill and beauty of this sport make up for it. Firstly, it is thrilling because of the acrobatics. The moves are complex and it is really exciting when you do a Rodeo or a double flip and land on your feet! It is also exciting because you can work your way up to do more challenging moves. Secondly, this sport is beautiful to watch because most of the people you normally see are very good and they are able to achieve perfect moves in a way that looks like it was effortless. Parkour does have a lot of risks but if you are careful you can avoid them and still have a lot of fun. If you are looking for an exhilirating sport, Parkour is the sport for you!




Narrative - Kindergarten - Grade 1 Jack and Annie Go to TASIS By Vivienna Skrastina, Grade 1

Hey Jack! Let’s go to the magic tree house! HAY! YAY!

Every Monday morning, Kindergarten does an activity called Weekend News. In this activity, students are asked to draw a picture and write words about at least one thing they did over the weekend answering questions such as the 5Ws: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

“Come on,” said Annie. “Let’s Go.” “I am coming I just need to pack my bag.” “Now can we go?” said Annie. “YES! Now we can GO!,” said Jack. Jack and Annie were walking to the tree house. Annie climbed the ladder up to the tree house. Annie saw a book that she loved. She said, “I wish! I wish we can go there!” They looked outside. They were there at TASIS. They went down the ladder and they saw… A GIANT person! And it saw Jack and Annie. It started chasing them. They hid and it didn’t see them anymore. They hid in a class. They saw kids, so many kids that were working! Then they wanted out of the class. The GIANT found them again and it got them! It actually wanted to play with them. Then they all played together. Then they had to go home. Annie and Jack climbed up to the ladder and they were tired of all that day. So they went home. I wish we can go home. The End.

I see a Dolphin

By Daria Bektasheva, Grade 1

Pizza World with Andreas and Me By Demir Toksoz, Grade 1

I read 100,000 books and I saw a pizza machine in a book. This pizza machine takes you to the pizza world. Pizza world is in another planet.

We went on it. We rode it. It worked by itself. It was as fast as a race car. It was quiet because it was pizza. I rode on a dolphin. It felt so fun. I screamed, “YEAH!” I love to ride a dolphin! I felt a lot of fresh air and when it jumped it splashed! SPLASH! I felt a lot of waves! The dolphin said, “EEEEEQU!” The dolphin waved her fins back and forth. Then the dolphin started to be crazy! I feel crazy too! I am ready to EXPLODE! It jumped and I fell off. SPLASH! I swam to my parents. I felt happy but I missed my dolphin! I was ready to go home. I really missed him. I didn’t want to leave him. We drove home. When we arrived I opened the window and I looked outside. I wish my dolphin was here! Suddenly we had an ocean! The dolphin jumped out!!! I was so happy! I wanted to SHOUT! I dressed up and I opened the door! I saw my… DOLPHIN! I hugged him! I said to my parent, “Can we keep him with us?” “Please!” “OK. No problem!” He lives with us now! We feed him all the time. He felt so happy. He was happy as a party. I slept with him in my room! I couldn’t sleep because the dolphin was very wet! He felt like clean slime! I went up from my bed. I moved the dolphin on my mattress. I slept well. I dreamt that I am a caterpillar! First I was a caterpillar and then I turned into a butterfly. When I woke up my dolphin was again on my bed. “NOT AGAIN!”

Andrea was hungry. I wasn’t hungry. “CRAZY! Eat the pizza!” I said to Andreas. He ate a little piece of the pizza machine..


By Umberto Volpato, Grade 1 One sunny day I took the airplane to go to Oman. At my hotel there was an aqua park called Hawana. The first day I was scared so I only did the small slide.

The next day I went again to the aqua park and my dad went first on the big slide and I peeked. Then I wasn’t scared anymore.

Then I tried to do a big slide and I liked it. Then my dad tried another one that was yellow and he almost fell! I was scared again but I wanted to try it too. We did it together and we didn’t fall because we were heavy!

We were at Pizza World. There were little pizzas and giant pizzas. The whole world was pizza even the people. We even turned into pizza.

We saw a pizza castle. It was cheese pizza. Andreas was hungry. He ate the whole castle except the king’s throne. Andreas had a tummy ache. I was hungry now. We went home. I ate something. Do you know… Do you really know… What it is?

PIZZA! By Kate Bodnar, Grade 1



Narrative - Grade 3 How do Cats Have Sharp Claws By Philipp Fartushnyak, Grade 3

By Leone Orlandi, Grade 3 One Saturday morning my dad shook me and said, “Wake up!” I woke up with a shake. I brushed my teeth, I dressed up and ate breakfast super duper fast. I went in the car with my dad, and wroom.. we went. “We arrived to Gallarate”, my dad said. I opened the door of the car and closed it and I said hi to my teacher. Me and my teacher walked until the train station. I heard the train stop. The train arrived, my teacher said. The train door screeched, I went in and the train door closed screeching when the train went. I heard a rumble. In the train was freezing cold and a smell of rotten cheese. It took an hour to arrive because the train was slow like a snail. After an hour we arrived to Milano we walked until the center of Milano and I saw the biggest church in the world. It was as big as 100,000 elephants and tall as three giraffes. It is called Duomo. Then we walked and walked. When we arrived to the museum we went on the elevator and there was a computer talking so we began to laugh so much that we were crying. When the elevator arrived on the fifth floor the one that worked in the museum gave us a paper that explained the drawings. There were three paintings that emotioned me by the paintings and color. The first was Mona Lisa, the second one was a woman that held a mouse, the third was a man that had eight hands four on one side the other four on the other and four legs two on one and two on the other. The drawing was big and the man was tall. At the end of the museum we went to the shop to buy a 3d lion. After we bought the 3d lion we went to catch the train.

There was a man that lived in a pretty little wooden house. And his friend cat that lived in a tree trunk with his family. Once the man was walking to his house with wood from the woods. Then he saw the cat he said, “Why are you so sad cat?” “My claws are not enough sharp to catch any food for my family.” So the man gave the cat some wood and he went home. The cat started catching food with his sharp claws right away. That’s why cats have sharp claws.

Grade 3 created inspiration stones for WISER Girls’ School in Kenya

By Hugo Nielsen

By Drake Walser

By Varvara Maksimova

Silly little Struggles...

By Alexandra Gerasimenko, Grade 5 I wish there were no more of them. I wish they were extinct, like dinosaurs. I still don’t know how to beat those ultra powerful struggles. I hate them. They are always there. Struggles always embarrass me. I really hate them. I sometimes think that I am the only one with them. Fighting against

I am not sure about adults, but, I AM sure about kids. That they have it. It’s about a struggle called darkness. Well, I am one of the kids who has this fear. I always think that someone is gonna jump out from somewhere, and it’s all because I watched a lot of horror movies when I was 5. I am always scared to sleep without any light in my room. But sometimes, a miracle happens and I sleep without light. When my Mom was little, she was scared of darkness too. She got over that fear at age 10/11. I always think that I’ll get over it at age 18, which always creeps me out. I am trying to be calm. I always close my eyes and drift to sleep, so I am not scared. Sometimes, I pretend that I am not scared anymore. Sometimes, the spirit of darkness can’t scare me, so I am brave enough to walk in the spooky darkness. But it usually happens if I am tired... After a few days of dark and spooky nights.

Event though it was winter, (one of my un favourite seasons), that winter was really special. When I was 5, my grandparents bought me the coolest thing I ever imagined at that age. It was skis. I was so excited. I found a hill and ran to it. It was full of white and fluffy snow. I was over excited. It was the moment. I put on ski boots, then the skiis. Then I pushed myself.

“AAHH!!” I screamed. I found myself lying on the cold ground. I felt the coldness of the snow and ice. I did not like that ride and fall. But I decide to train every day, because its ok to fail when you are 5. I tried and tried. Nothing can work. A trillion of tears rolled off my cheek. I’ve practiced until age nine. The anger ruled my whole body, from head to toes. I couldn’t succeed. I felt that all of my emotions were anger. So I did a very bad thing.

“Crack!” It was the sound of how I broke the skies. At that time, it was relaxing because, I was full of angriness and now, it’s gone. I didn’t have any skies any more, but I felt free because I didn’t have to train everyday. When I am at class, I always shut my mouth, because every single person except me loves to ski at my class. So I decide not to hurt their feelings. 5 years later when I am at TASIS...

Nobody actually thought that writing can be a struggle. “I love writing, because it’s easy for me,” the phrase that people hear everyday. Well, nobody is versus that, because everyone writes as fast as a lightning. But actually, it is very hard for one person. It’s me. Alex. I usually think a lot about it. The question “why can’t I do it?” Always bothers me. Another thing that bothers me about writing, is that most of the people at my class are fabulous at writing. When it’s literacy class, I look at every single person in the class. Their pencils are always busy. But my pencil, only works when it’s informational writing, because you don’t have

to imagine anything. It’s actually really strange because, I love to imagine things, but I can’t imagine anything when I am writing.

My stories are always boring. But I spend a lot of time on an interesting moment, that can hook a person. But what if someone, who is really good at writing, couldn’t make a hook because it’s too hard... but what about... ME!? It’s gonna be 1,000,000 times harder for me! I prefer reading, than writing. It’s because when you are reading, you just relax. You can read anywhere. But when you are writing, you need to work at a desk, and then publish, revise and etc. If I write a really interesting story, I am usually shocked. My stories are usually three or four paragraphs. But once, a miracle happened, that still shocks me.

One afternoon, I was doing L.A. homework. I was putting all of my efforts so, everyone will shout “WOW!” Even though it’s hard for me. I always think that I don’t have a talent to writing, so I lose hope. But I am trying. Always. So I thought for 20 minutes. Then I started writing. After 30 minutes, I finally finished writing. I read it. Then, my mouth fell open. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I wrote 2 PAGES! The memory I wrote was so long! But I still thought it wasn’t enough. But it was 11:00pm, (the time I usually go to sleep). I drifted to sleep, hoping that the memory I wrote will be good. The next day...

At the next day, I didn’t want to show my work. But my teacher Ms.G spotted the 2 pages I wrote. “Look how much you written! Can you share?” She asked. “Oh boy,” I thought. What if everyone will hate the memory I wrote? What if my memory has a lot of mistakes? Read it or not? Read it or not? Read it or not!? Ok, I’ll read it. I thought. I stood up and slowly put my eyes on my story. After a while, I started to be confident. I finally read my story to the class. “What did we think of Alex’s story?” The teacher questioned the class. “Great!” The students said.

Just then, Ms.G created a club called ‘Butchers club’. “Only the people who has a lot of details in their writing, can join,” she explained. Then she said “Alex, write your name under the sign ‘Butchers club’” she remarked. My mind exploded. I was shocked. Like I just received a Michelin star. I thought I will be in the club called ‘worst writers’. I proudly stood up and wrote my name. After that moment, my life changed. I started to love writing. My writing skills improved. Also now, I am writing around 11/13 paragraphs. Maybe someday, I will be a famous writer... I sometimes think, about struggles. I sometimes think, that they aren’t so bad afterall. I sometimes think, that struggles are like death-natural. Would people be extinct without them? Would people be emotionless without having any struggles? I still don’t know. But what I know is that struggles disappear, but the memory of them will always stay. And then, you will have a great laugh with your friends and family, while telling them about silly things like how you ran away from darkness, or how you broke your own skis....they may seem silly, but these struggles make me who I am today....

Narrative - Narrativa - Grade 5


40 The Lego place... By Leone Mazzola

Once, I went to the place of wonders, it was beautiful. I couldn’t believe it was right there in front of me and for a second I thought this was a dream, an illusion or my eyes were playing tricks on me. I saw LEGOLAND!!!


“Hey Mommy, which ride are we going on?” I asked. “We are going on the Lego Ninjago Ride,” my Mom told me. “Okey dokey let’s go!” I shouted happily. Later after the the ride... “Ooohhh a gift shop, let me take a look around,” I said excitedly. “Don’t get too attached to the stuff here, they are really expensive,” my Mom told me worried that I would annoy her to get something. Suddenly, I saw something familiar so I went closer to see it and I saw the ULTIMATE LEGO NINJAGO LEGO SET! “MUM! I need that Lego set and I don’t care if it’s too expensive,” I said rudely to my mom. “I warned you that I won’t get anything expensive ten seconds ago!” My mom shouted “NO, you are going to buy it RIGHT NOW!” Water droplets were falling from my eyes. “Okay now mister it’s now a 100% chance for me not to buy it because you are being so rude!” my Mom shouted. “PLEASEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! MUM!” I screamed. “N-O means NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I felt like Mount Vesuvius erupting angrily. 5 hours later... “Leone!” shouted Mom. “Yes Mommy,” I said looking down and frowning. “Since after that accident and argument we had, you have been an angel I will get for your birthday that Lego set that you wanted, okay?” “Okay, thank you Mom.” That is when I learned that you have to be happy with what you have... I mean I already have Legoland, what could be better?

Ten and eleven By Beatriz Cohn

I trudged up the stairs at Chloe’s house, I wondered, would I fit in with the sixth grade girls? There is not much difference between being ten or eleven years old, but fifth grade to sixth grade made it feel much bigger. I moved my eyes slowly; pictures, a fluffy pink bed, stars on the ceiling, the ones that glow in the dark, the closet was so big and there was a messy white table. The room was not at all like mine. That made me feel different. We all walked slowly to the table, I was behind them. While starting homework they all started laughing at nothing. They were talking about middle school, I didn’t understand anything they were talking about. Helena got her phone from her bag and put music on at full blast. It was loud, but they liked it. They got their pencil case and took out their pencils. Like this we would never finish doing homework. “Let’s get started,” Helena said in a British voice. “Like this? Sure we are going to get it done, ” I thought. They all started doing homework together, I was feeling left out... We were trying to do homework but with music from Helena’s phone on full blast it was hard to concentrate. I was squeezing my pencil and tried not to get frustrated. Helena started singing, then Chloe, then Ginevra. After singing they started talking. How could I do homework when I can’t even concentrate? I thought to myself. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. They had so much homework, yet they had nothing done. Turning each page to see how many I had left, thirty minutes had passed and I only had completed two pages. Helena pulled out her French homework. “Can we do math first...I need help.” Ginevra asked without feeling so confident. Helena didn’t seem to care, she kept doing French homework with Chloe. Ginevra’s face turned red she felt left out, you could see it by her expression. So I tried to help her. I knew that the math homework would be hard but I wanted to try and help. I ran my eyes slowly through the instructions I read them over and over again trying to guess what you had to do, every thought I had didn’t make sense or didn’t work. I just couldn’t get it. I looked at the model on the piece of paper: a pyramid with only some numbers. I looked at it many times. I knew you had to put in numbers, but where do you get them from? Still couldn’t get it! Negatives, positives, What!? I didn’t know any of this. I was starting to get mad that I couldn’t solve the math problem. I read it one more time before giving up. “I’ve got it!” I said trying to refer to what we did in math class. “You have to multiply and put the answers in the cube,” I said proudly. “Ohh!” she whispered, “You’re smart,” she said starting to do the worksheet. A while later, probably 15 minutes had gone by, Chloe’s Mom yelled from downstairs. “Get ready!” “We failed guys,” I said knowing that we would have never finished. I was feeling more comfortable. They went to change for a dance class we did together, I looked out the foggy window, “You coming?” Chloe called out as they left the room. “Yeah! Be right there.” I yelled still looking at the fogged up window. I realized by helping Ginevra with math it has made me get to know her better and helped us bond together.

Il diario del futuro

Un piccolo paese

Caro diario, oggi è il mio primo giorno di Sky High (la scuola che vola). È una scuola meravigliosa. E vola… Sono andata sul bus e l’autista non aveva un occhio. Dopo lui ha detto: “Allacciatevi le cinture e andiamo a volare!”. Io avevo paura, ma ero anche sorpresa. Lentamente ho chiuso gli occhi, ma una bambina ha urlato perché stava per cadere dal bus. Allora mi aggrappai alla sua mano con tutte le mie forze e la tirai su dal bus. Era salva! “Sei nuova?” ha detto la bambina, “Si” ho risposto. “Come ti chiami?” ho domandato, “Anne, e tu?” “Mi chiamo Diana”. Anne aveva i capelli biondi e indossava un vestito rosa, aveva gli occhi blu ed era bassa.

“Andiamo a Monaco” ha detto la mamma. “Si, si si!’ ho risposto. Ero davvero felice che stavamo andando lì. Non ero mai stato là, volevo esplorare il mio decimo paese. “Mamma, ma anche Peter e papà vengono?” ho chiesto? “Si, certo” ha risposto. Io ero più felice quando ho sentito che anche il mio fratellino e papà stavano andando. Dopo una settimana ci siamo preparati per andare a Monaco, ma era a tre ore da qua. Quando siamo arrivati la macchina era un pasticcio per colpa di Peter (e anche me). Io, Peter e mio padre abbiamo esplorato tutto Monaco in solo due ore. Abbiamo visto un museo e un acquario. Alla fine Monaco mi è piaciuta, ma Lugano è più bella.

Di Gaia Giuliani e Polina Glumova

Finalmente siamo arrivati. La scuola era enorme e bella. Di fronte a me c’era un cancello grandissimo e non potevo aspettare per entrare nella mia nuova scuola. Era ora di pranzo. La mensa era gigante. E mi stupì una cosa…c’erano i robot che servivano il cibo. Potevi scegliere il cibo che preferivi e i tavoli erano fatti di nuvole blu, rosa, viola… Mi sono seduta con Anne. Era sola, forse non aveva amici come me. Il pranzo era buonissimo e abbiamo parlato tanto insieme. Ora siamo migliori amiche. Il giorno dopo sono andata in bagno e c’era una cosa che non andava bene. Stavo lavando le mani quando ho visto che sulla porta c’era scritto “Bagno dei maschi”. Ero terrorizzata. All’improvviso un maschio ha aperto la porta e mi ha dato un pugno in faccia. Sono corsa dalla maestra e mi ha portato in ufficio dal preside con il ragazzo. Dopo un lungo discorso il preside mi ha detto che dovevo pulire i bagni per una settimana! Ma perchė? Ma la cosa peggiore era che dovevo farlo con il ragazzo che mi aveva colpito. Si chiamava Kevin (il più stupido degli stupidi nerd della scuola). Questa settimana sarà la settimana più brutta del mondo… Ok basta!!! No!!! Il giorno dopo era tempo di lavare i bagni. Un bagno, due bagni, tre bagni e l’ultimo era disgustoso. C’era un odore terribile. Ho tirato l’acqua, ma quando ho premuto il bottone non vedevo niente, solo nero, nero, nero… Era come se io stessi volando o anche cadendo. All’improvviso sono caduta, dove non lo sapevo, ma vedevo solo bianco ora. Non c’era nessuno, solo bianco, bianco e bianco… ho sentito un profumo di torta appena fatta! All’orizzonte c’erano due persone, allora sono corsa da loro. Quando le ho raggiunte erano due banane, erano la signora Banana Cucu e il signor Banana Coco. Mi hanno detto di entrare da una porta, ma non c’era. “Dov’è la porta?” ho chiesto. Quando ho detto queste parole una porta si è aperta ed è apparso anche un bambino. “Andiamo” ha detto e mi ha preso la mano…

Di Denis Morozov

Il mio piccolo Brother Di Lorenzo Bruzzo

Mio fratello si chiama Leonardo ha 4 anni è nato il 14 luglio 2014. È un po' noioso,no direi sempre noioso. Mi spacca le cose. Lo so ha 4 anni, però queste cose le dovrebbe sapere. Quando gioco alla Nintendo Switch lui mi cerca di prendere il controller. Se non lo faccio giocare lui piange. Nella notte viene in camera mia, e vuole giocare ai lego. Le cose belle di Leo sono che quando sono triste lui mi consola. Quando giochiamo alla lotta vinco io ma io gliela faccio facile. Ma alcune volte mi batte, e non so come faccia. Lui è Leonardo il mio bellissimo fantastico fratello. E io gli voglio un sacco di bene.



Una giornata con l’Homo Habilis - Classe 3a Un testo collettivo scritto da Arthur Spiegelberg Katerina Kocherga Sofia Sinicco Carlotta Pignaton Leopoldo Pignaton Max Spodnik Giovanni Pescali Margherita Zampa Artem Glumov




6 4


Antica Cina - Classe 2a



Kindergarten In Math, we discussed the differences between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. 3D shapes “pop out� at us, just like at the movies. We learned the names of 3D shapes such as cylinder, cube, sphere, and cone and have noticed these shapes around our classroom. Students looked around the house for objects that have 3-dimensional geometric shapes and brought them in for our Solid Shape Museum.

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