Scouting Tasmania September 2022

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Scouting TASMANIA September 2022 Regatta is Back Page 2-3 Recent Events Page 5 Stepping Outside Page 7 Scouts in Action Page 8-9 REGATTAISBACK

Regatta is BACK!

2023 Scout & Guide Regatta

The Tasmanian annual Scouts & Guides Regatta is back! It’s confirmed that the event will go ahead in early 2023 at the Snug Park.

Each year the Regatta runs from the evening of Friday 10th March, through to lunch time on Monday, March the 13th. So book it into your diaries now!

After two years of COVID restrictions preventing organisers from running the beloved event, we’re particularly excited for this upcoming one.

Regatta is a state event that involves Scouting Units from Cubs, (10+) through to Rovers and Guides of all ages.

The long weekend is packed with age appropriate events that back onto each other, to keep every age group busy.

Activities vary from water based activities such as; -Sailing -Rowing -Kayaking -Raft building and racing -Dinghy race

To shore based activities; -Boot throwing -Ball and chain -Movies -Tug of war -Beach flags -Greasy pole

No matter your interests, the Regatta will have something that makes you remember this fantastic event.

Spread the word and help us make the next Regatta the biggest one yet!

Did You know?

The Scouting Association approved special uniforms for Sea Scouts in 1910, Later in 1912 the Sub Branch officially adopted the Sea Scouts name.

Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Get Excited

Iconic or Infamous?

Regatta is well known for it’s endless fun both on land and out at sea.

Some activities are much more competitive than others, some activities are simply for fun and some get everyone running down to the beach with an excited grin.

Ever wanted to sprint down a beach for glory, or paddle to victory? Maybe try the Iron-Scout, with events for all ages.

Enjoy King of the mountain or simply want a crazy activity? Try Greasy pole,

and plummet into cold water or defeat an opponent using balance and tactics.

Simply want to test you skills? Enjoy the company of friends or Leaders and sail a Pacer. Maybe even compete in the Scout Patrol boat sailing.

Perhaps you’ll be lucky enough to see a Pirate’s Tall Ship or a huge Yacht speeding across the horizon.

There will be memories you enjoyed so much that you’ll just have to return for the next one!

Radio waves

Huonville and Kingston on the air

Recently, the Huonville Electronics and Amateur Radio Team (HEART) from Huonville Scouts, visited the 1st Kingston Cub pack at their hall.

The three licensed Australian amateur radio operators led the night’s activities.

Spending around 20 minutes on each activity, the Cubs learnt phonetic alphabet, spoke across the radio, explored problem solving with electronic circuits and learnt

about electricity and lightning. They also participated in a ‘fox hunt’ over the radio.

These Scouts demonstrated the new program of ‘Youth Lead, Adult Supporting’ perfectly with this activity night.

The Cubs greatly enjoyed their learning and felt privileged to participate in the activities organised by HEART.

Great work to the two Units!!

Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Hobart Gang Show

Hobart Scouts and Guides Gang Show is another iconic annual Tasmanian Scouts event, and was held on the 18-20th of August for 2022.

Founded in 1956, the event now in its 45th season, aims to give youth the opportunity to develop performance skills and perform in a professional theatre environment. This years show was an original, ‘LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!’ And was performed at Hobart

Gone Home

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Royal Patron of Scouts Australia

College, Mt. Nelson Theatre.

Young people aged 11+ were involved in all onstage and backstage aspects. All members are volunteers with the cast and crew made up primarily of Scout and Guide youth members. The show was loads of fun, packed with sensational sets, colourful costumes and will showcased the amazing talent of the Scouting and Guiding youth.

Passed away on the 8th of September 2022, aged 96. Scouts Tasmania acknowledges her dedication and support for Scouting and the Queens Scout award she gave her name for.

The Queen was an extraordinary example of the selfless service to others that all Scouts should follow. She shall be missed greatly by the whole community.

Upcoming Inter/National Camps

2023/24 has many Scouting Jamborees, Ventures and Rover Moots on the horizon.

Australia’s 22nd national Rover Moot will be held here in Tasmania from December 31st 2022 - January 8th 2023. Adventure from our National Parks to the bustling markets in our cities and towns!

The 25th World Jamboree

is scheduled to be held from 1-12 of August 2023 in South Korea, having last hosted in 1991 for the 17th WSJ. Next years theme will follow the idea of ‘Draw Your Dream’ to encourage youth to dream big.

Scouts Australia is sending a contingent to the 23rd New Zealand Jamboree. The event will include New Years Eve for 2024, finishing on the 7th of January, after 9 days of activities and expeditions.

Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Recent Events

Scout Scarf Day (SSD)

Scout Scarf Day is an annual event celebrated on the 1st of August where State wide, National and International Scouts participate in wearing their scarf in public to earn their SSD 2022 badge.

Old and new Scout members and Leaders are encouraged to proudly wear their Group scarves

in public, showcasing their “Spirit of Scouting”.

Scout scarves have a rich history and are symbolic to our Scout promise, ‘to leave the world as a better place then we had found it’.

Originated in 1908 by Lord Baden Powell, known then as a neckerchief, our

scarves were influenced by the South African Constabulary that Baden Powell commanded while overseas.

Practical and symbolic, the scarves show scouts that they always have a home to return to.

Participating Scouts & Leaders

A number of members of the Clarence Sea Scout Cub Unit participated in World Scout Scarf Day on 1st August.

“It was great wearing our scarf to school or work to promote Scouting and then be asked what we were wearing and why. It allowed us to talk about Scouts, what it means to us to be a Scout, plus the great activities we participate in as Scouts.

MP Felix Ellis in Parliament

Recently the Tasmanian MP Felix Ellis, Liberal member for Braddon, wore a scarf presented to him by Turners Beach Scouts in parliament. He spoke about World Scarf day and the positive impact Scouting has on it’s members and community.

For younger people, it sparked some interest in finding out more and possibly trying Scouts. While with older people it brought back memories of when they had been a Scout or Guide and they shared their experiences with us”.

“Honoured to bring the Scouts Australia Tasmanian Branch scarf into Parliament to recognise World Scout Scarf Day and those award winners who have served the next generation!”

Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Our Community

National Tree Day

Planet Ark’s National Tree Day started in 1996 and is now Australia’s largest community nature care event. It’s an opportunity for Scout Groups to give back to the community.

Sunday 31st July was dedicated to National Tree Day for 2022.

Northern Contribution Scout Groups up North joined forces with Tamar NRM aiming to plant 5000 trees across two

days. With the combined efforts of Summerhill and Newstead Baptist Scouts & Cubs, these members made a huge impact by digging holes in the rocky ground and planting, mulching and placing tree guards around the plants. 775 community groups helped plant 3,723 trees.

One Scout from Newstead, Noah Armstrong, who has an interest in caring for the environment, completed his Special Interest Achievement hours by participating!

Tree planting at Kettering

“Our Scout Section has had a long 15+years association with Kingborough City Council and National Tree Day.

We value the connection to local community activities based around caring for our local environment. Over the years we have had joint projects based around preserving habitat for the Forty Spotted Pardilotte, building nestboxes and insecticide dusting stations (a UTAS initiative).

It has been valuable having ongoing projects that our

Scouts can feel connected to, and to see the long term benefits. This fits so nicely with our award scheme and our connection to our local community”.

Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Stepping Outside

Lindisfarne Scouts have been very busy with activities this Winter.

Nature Walk

“We were very lucky to have one of our parents guide us through the local flora and fauna on Natone Hill- we learned a lot about our environment!

Cradle Mountain Trip

At the beginning of the school holiday, we had a Snow Camp to BP Lodge with our older Scouts which was an opportunity to have Unit Council and a day walk to the start of the Barn Bluff Track.

South West Cape Visit

Next we had Sebastian organise and lead his Adventurous Journey to South West Cape, camping at the Rivulet and Lion Rock - it was a bit cold, but good fun.

Kunanyi Investiture

Recently, we had a day walk up Kunanyi to invest our newest Scout, Welcome Lincoln!!!

Plus we tested our survival skills. We walked From the Springs to Sphinx Rock (the views were not inspiring), built an emergency shelter in cold conditions

(BoM said felt like -8’), and had hot chocolates to warm up. It was a great learning experience about how harsh conditions can be in our Tassie Winter!

Thanks to all our Leaders, Parents and Carers who help us provide these great opportunities for our Scouts”. Thanks!

Our Recent Adventures Lindisfarne Scout Group has been pushing their limits and exploring the Tasmanian wilderness with various activities, camps & challenges.
Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Scouts in Action

then moved from April to the final week of August. Later in 2014 it was converted to Scouts in Action Month.

Scouts in Action Month is in it’s 13th year originally starting as ‘Scouts in Action Week’ back in 2010.

The idea was created by a Queensland Leader, John Parr who had a goal of teaching 50,000 young people

First Aid skills. Scouts Australia then developed a program that gave all Leaders the resources to teach first aid.

Each year the theme for Scouts in Action Month changes. In 2010 the theme saw 33,000 youth members and Leaders participate and 2011, the week was

Great Australian Cook Off 2022 Camp Cooker Challenge

This South Group took on the Scouts in Action cooking challenge in two separate Units.

Just 3 days into August, their Joey Unit followed the Scouts in Action Month theme of cooking by making their own pizzas.

“They were delicious - the pizzas, not the Joeys!”, noted their Leader.

Their Scout Unit then dove in and tackled the cook off with a twist. Using only gas camp cookers, the group managed to create 3 separate menu items using

The event resources are accessible 24/7, 365 days of the year. The themes are generally based on Leader requests so it can be relevant and helpful.

Since Scouts in Action started over 241,995 Leaders and Youth from Australia and overseas Scouting countries and from Girl Guides Australia have participated in the programs.

2022’s theme of ‘The Great Australian Cook Off’ has seen plenty of learning and participation over the month!

a variety of yummy ingredients like eggs, mince and even fruit for the dessert.

It’s great to see both Units, with the youngest and some of the older Youth Members take on the national challenge and abilities their abilities in such a useful skill!!

Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Scout-Chef in Devonport

City of Devonport SiAM

On the 6th of August, the City of Devonport Scout Unit had a Masterchef Style cooking competition called ScoutChef. As part of this, the Scouts were required to plan, budget and purchase the ingredients and put forward a menu to impress the Leaders using their cooking skills to create dishes without Leader input. The winning patrol took home these mugs with bragging rights.

City of Devonport’s recent camp at Fulton Park where they focused on learning important camping and hiking skills.

They also tested their recent cooking improvements with fire cooking and lighting, Plus camp construction and communication with other region groups.

“It teaches us how to cook and learn. It was great getting the resources and cooking, the challenge being to try and NOT burn the food. We went to the supermarket to get ingredients for our cooking, the acitivity I most enjoyed. I learnt that cooking requires time management. Being prepared is important especially when you forget the buns for burgers. We changed our menu to cover our mistake. I will take away from this activity, how to cook better and how to budget”.

-Ayden Fittkau

But this is not the only chance the Scouts have to achieve the Scouts in Action Month. Through August, they have multiple opportunities to participate in a patrol situations, on camps and other activities.

Dylan Pearce – Scout Leader

HEY YOUTH, Can You Make a Napkin Boat?
Scouting Tasmania September 2022

Ear to the Ground

Can you tie & identify these knots?

What is the Group’s Next Move?

Penguin Scout Group

Recently Penguin has gone every week with a new creative activity night for both their Cubs and Scouts.

To kick start August, the Cubs took part in a scavenger hunt around the local township, which despite the rain, was enjoyed by everyone! This was then followed up by a First Aid night including a one-on-one visit from St. Johns Ambulance.

Not stopping there, they also tried their hands at tower building and slime making - all in the name of ‘Science’!

Finally, to top off a great August, they finished with a weekend sleepover in the Scouts hall and walk to Penguin’s beautiful beach where they indulged in some famous local fish and chips, canoeing, ball games, wood splitting and stacking. Plus a great pool night with canoeing and ball games.

Hellyer District Venturers

We’ve recently seen our Tassie Venturers take on Scouts Invasion, a skill set camp requiring navigation, bush craft and speed abilities to win. Scout Invasion 2022 announced Heller Venturers as the winning team!

“Well done to our Vents who went hard and fast across country. They made a 56 minute win against the tough competition. Thanks to the two Victorians, Bruce and Ochre, for helping to push the team along.”

To keep things interesting, they’ve recently spent a day at their Group

hut clearing overhanging trees and splitting and stacking left over wood.

The Group also have an upcoming cycling camp and the Tenisonwood Trophy to look forward to!

Scouting Tasmania September 2022
CYCLING Wild Mersey 2022 5th - 9th Oct Fulton Park VENTURERS SCOUTS LINKING CUBS Improve your skills Try something new • MtB Downhill & XC • Track cycling • Road cycling & Time Trial • Bike maintenance Information & applications: jnvarney@gmail com Scouts: $255 Leaders/Adults: $155 (extra for bike hire) Applications close: 21st Sept Fully supported: Transport, food & accommodation OAS award progressions stage 2 & up

Notice Board

Rubicon - A Call answered

Rubicon Sea Scouts

After 17 great years, the Rubicon Sea Scouts have been struggling to find new, old and current members and Leaders to support the Group. Expressing their concern for Rubicon and its future, Shirl especially has a personal interest; “I have been running Rubicon mostly on my own for 3 years. It is hard to find Leaders, and now members. We’ve put ads in Schools, local paper and on radio, constantly on Facebook. It’s very sad for me and the Group. After 17 years I would hate to see Rubicon in Recess at the end of the year”.

While they greatly struggled over 2022 they announced they’re BACK!

“Finally we can say looking forward to a positive future for our Group and a better future for the Scouting movement at Port Sorell. Thank you Jason for coming aboard to be Rubicon Scouts Leader, and thanks for the support from other Leaders. I am pleased to announce the combined Joey and Cub section will recommence back in September.”

If you or your Group are able to offer support to the Rubicon Sea Scouts Group, please contact Shirl on 0400 425 970 and help ensure this Group continues to grow and develop.

Keep it Creative

Sandford Scout Group

Making their way up North, the Sandford Scouts visited Cradle Mountain during July. On day one, the group hiked toward Marigold Valley where the kids got to play in mountains of fresh snow, followed by an afternoon walk to Crater Falls and Wombat Peak. The Group even counted seventeen wombats on their initial walk in from Ronny Creek!! Day two was challenging with a seven kilometre hike

planned by the Scouts. The Group unfortunately missed five members on the hike due to COVID and had to return after 2 nights with another case. Still they are adamant they enjoyed their adventure.

Back down South again, the Group recently played with a weather balloon at their Scout night. It blew up to an enormous size before exploding, certainly a fun experiment.

Scouting Tasmania September 2022
Or check out our website to find out more Follow Scouts Tasmania on our socials @ScoutsTas Scouting Tasmania September 2022

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