Scouting Tasmania December 2022

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Joey Scouts Tasmania, Helping Shape Young Minds. Through organised learning, exciting activities and an encouraging environment, our youngest members are exposed to important lessons with an engaging approach.

Story available on page 3

DECEMBER 2022 Issue 2 Christmas Coming Celebrate Across Tasmania, Page 2 ABC Hobart Radio Jonathan Pyefinch Interview, Page 11 Rewarding Smiles Outstanding Achievements, Page 9

Christmas Is Coming

Term 4 of Scouting is being wrapped up as we come into the Christmas holidays, with Groups celebrating and participating in traditions. Scouts within Launceston and Hobart have recently taken part in their local Christmas Parades, with more events still to come across the state.


Launceston Carols by Candlelight

WHEN: Sunday, 18th December

WHERE: Country Club Tasmania. Gates open 5:30pm.

SOUTHERN GROUPS New Norfolk Christmas Parade

WHEN: 12pm Saturday, 10th December.

WHERE: Arthur Square, New Norfolk. Fair from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Christmas Carols at C3 Church Hobart

WHEN: Saturday 10th December. Family Shows at 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Carols Night Out starts 7:30pm. WHERE: C3 Church, Anglesea Street, Hobart. Carols on the Hill 2022

WHEN: Saturday, 17th December, 5:30-9:00pm. WHERE: Guilford Young College, 94 Barrack street, Hobart


Burnie Christmas Parade

WHEN: 6pm Friday, 16th December

WHEN: Wilmot Street, City. Festivities from 5:00pm.

Burnie Carols by Candlelight

WHEN: 7pm, Sunday 18th December.

WHERE: Burnie Park.

Scouts Tasmania hopes to see lots of Scout Groups participating in the local community events. Members of all ages are encouraged enjoy the festivities!

Scouting Tasmania | December 2022
1. Grab old socks, String & buttons 2. Fill old sock With rice 3. Tie string around Sock to make spheres 3. Cut sock end off & Roll ends to make hat 4. Assemble sock Snowman 6. Decorate & enjoy Your sock Snowman DIY SNOWMAN
We wish everyone, and their families a very safe and Merry Christmas!
What’s a better end to 2022 than a special visit from Santa Claus?

Exciting State Event Young Heroes

2022 Joey’s State Event

The event was held on the 11th September at the Campbell Town recreation ground, where over 90 Joey Scouts attended from 15 Joey Scout units across the state.

The theme for the event was “Heroes”, this was applied in all senses of the word. The Joey Scouts got to meet real life heroes, a Paramedic and SES worker, who spoke about their roles and presented their ambulance and SES vehicle to the kids. The Joeys attended superhero training, and became heroes themselves, donating non-perishable food items for charity and cleaning the local park.

Additional activities had the kids participate in

cape and mask decorating, screen printing, first aid activities with Paramedic and SES volunteers, reflection on heroes during war, environmental care and team building games.

Everyone involved in the event would like to thank the Northern Midlands Council for their support of the event and providing the group with a grant that covered 50% of the recreation ground hire costs. The Council Mayor, Mary Knowles, was invited to the day and stayed for a significant portion of the event. A Joey Scout presented Mayor Knowles with a Certificate of Appreciation at the events closing.

The Mayor was very impressed, indicating she intends on

presenting a report to her council regarding the Scouting event.

The food donated at the event was presented to a charity, chosen by a group of Joeys not long after the event.

Leaders, members and parents from many groups attended the event, stating how enjoyable the day was. One Joey even remarked to his Mother, “This was the best day of my life!”.

Thank you to everyone involved in the organising and running of the event and we hope to see you all at the next one.

Scouting Tasmania | Issue 2, 2022

Remembrance Day

Friday, 11th November

Remembrance Day is a Commonwealth acknowledged memorial day that honours our armed forces who lost their lives in battle, celebrated since 1919. On the 11th hour on the 11th day in the 11th Month, a minute of silence is held in dedication and respect.

Kingston Cubs

But why do we hold Remembrance Day on this date?

At 11am on 11th November 1918, the guns fell silent on the Western Front after 4 years of conflict. The German forces called for a suspension of fighting to secure a peace settlement. The Central Powers accepted

the Allies’ terms of unconditional surrender and thus WWI was ended. Due to the significance, the date is celebrated by many countries and organisations across the world. Scouting holds this day in high respects and commemorates this day, much the same as ANZAC day.

“Last month, the Kingston Cubs did a Safe Cycling Course run by Annette, her Husband and David Chalk. They learnt road rules, how to be safe on the road, and what safety equipment and clothing to use when riding.

We went on a 15km bike ride, which included both road, and terrain riding, along with a few hills inbetween! Thank you for running this course, it was very informative.

To test out our new skills, we recently rode on the bike path from Margate to Snug and back. The track we took was around 11kms all together. The following week, we had to cancel a walk due to bad weather. We ended up cooking instead, making yummy hamburgers and chocolate muffins back at the hall.

We have also done two Adventurous walks - one at Boronia Beach, the other at Snug Falls. We did lots of exploring, which is always FUN!”

Kingston Braces the Cold

The Kingston Rovers and Venturers have been a part of the Point to Pinnacle BBQ fundraiser for the past 12 years, and 2022 was no exception. The staff and metro bus divers certainly appreciated the hot breakfast at the top of Mt. Wellington after a cool morning.

Scouting Tasmania | December 2022

On Your Feet

Motton-Preston Staying Busy

Proud to share their recent activities, Motton-Preston highlighted their favourite experiences from the year. Motton-Preston has stayed close to the community with projects such as the ‘Little Free Library’, donating non perishable food items at the Ulverstone ‘Little Free Pantry’ and utilising a grant received to update the Group’s equipment.

Inside, Motton-Preston has tackled pancake challenges, indoor rock climbing and Tas Rocks decorating.

“We like to be creative and a little bit crafty. Our Group likes taking and leaving Tas Rocks on our Journeys. Early this year we had a Victorian Cub say he had found one of our rocks while on holiday in Tasmania. He was planning on showing the rock and idea to his Group, before releasing the rock back into the wild.”

They have also taken on land care projects, helping reduce the sycamore trees taking over the banks of the Leven River and learning how to use motion activated cameras to identify the wildlife population at Paton Park.

The Group indulged in quite a few hikes and camps, visiting areas across the State. They hiked Montezuma Falls, Goat Island, Stanley locations and achieved a whopping 15km hike on Bruny Island.

They also participated in the Neil Coates Camp which they proudly won and have since being practicing their pioneering skills with time and knowledge games.

Having been lucky enough to avoid flooding, plenty of events still included the soggy weather.

“We had a JOTA/JOTI event at Paton Park with a muddy high tide that the Cubs enjoyed (parents washing machines may not of enjoyed as much). Scouts had a District Wide game on Friday the 21st of October that resulted in soggy Scouts, but they all had a wonderful time playing monopoly around the streets of Ulverstone.”

Scouting Tasmania | Issue 2, 2022

Spooky Scouts

Tasmanian Groups get into the Halloween spirit with dress-up parties, spooky week night activities and lots of cheeky fun!

Spooky Season had Scout Groups all across the state participating in games, activities and trick or treating - Lots of lollies were (allegedly) involved.

4th Launceston Scouts had a Halloween Disco, on the 29th of October at their hall for all members of Joey’s, Cubs and Scouts. The kids enjoyed music, dancing, games, lollies, drinks, prizes and a BBQ. Parents, Leaders and the members all dressed up in their most creative and scary costumes for the fun event.

Blackmans Bay headed outdoors with their Joey Unit to go Trick or Treating in their local neighbourhoods. The Group had at least three skeletons roaming the streets and plenty more frightful outfits. It’s hard to imagine they left without bucket loads of lollies. What a spooktacular time!!

Summerhill Scouts ran a Trick or Treat stall for Halloween at the Launceston Esk Market. Organised by the kids, the Group had 3 tables of goods ranging from fifty cents to two-plus dollars.

The money raised will go toward the kids camp fees – a great idea from the whole Unit.

City of Devonport held an activity and cooking Halloween night. The group put a creative spin on apple bobbing. Instead they suspended doughnuts from a frame with string, the kids were challenged to remove them without their hands, making for some very comedic photos.

Other Groups around the state enjoyed traditions of McDonald’s ice creams, exciting games and costume contests. 1st Tamar Sea Scouts along with Clarence Sea Scouts, both attempted making toilet paper mummies, ending in inevitable mess and a couple of wrapped up leaders. Amazing to have both leaders and members organising and participating in spooky celebrations.

Scouting Tasmania | December 2022

Shout Outs

Blackmans Bay Group’s 60th Birthday

“Recently on the 1st of October, Blackmans Bay Scout Group celebrated its 60th anniversary.

Founded in 1962, the first Scoutmaster, Robin Charles Petrie and his Scout Group, met in an old weatherboard boxing clubhouse located near a Hobart beach. It wasn’t until the late 80s that they moved to their current location, the current hall being specially built to accommodate the Group’s needs.

Over the years, several additions were made, such as an upstairs meeting room/Venturer den and extra sheds to house camping gear and numerous water crafts.

In 1999, Blackmans Bay joined with Huntingfield Scout Group, keeping the group name, but adopting the Huntingfield red, yellow and blue scarf. To celebrate the 60th anniversary, the group held an open afternoon. Past and present group

members attended, along with several members of Parliament (State and Federal), and a few local council representatives.

The main hall was adorned with photo boards showing the many changes made over the decades. Damper was cooked on the camp-fire and delicious bush doughnuts were passed around. The Cubs constructed a catapult and the Scouts built a rope bridge which was then enjoyed by both young and old members.

Speeches were delivered by current Group Leader Brian Williams and ex Blackmans Bay Scoutmaster and Chief Commissioner, John ‘Pip’ Cornish, with Pip leading the cake cutting ceremony.

An enjoyable afternoon was had by all, with plenty of reminiscing.”

-Blackmans Bay Leader

Scouting Tasmania | Issue 2, 2022

Peak Adventure

Venturers Hike Frenchman’s Cap

Four Venturers and five Leaders headed west during the recent school break for an attempt on Frenchman’s Cap, which, at 1446m, is Tasmania’s highest peak and 21st highest mountain. The Venturers from 1st Derwent Sea Scouts, Sandy Bay and Mount Stewart (Wellington), braved snow, rain, soggy ground, high winds and steep landscapes.

Frenchman’s higher reaches are dominated by 500m high white quartzite cliffs, the highest cliffs in Tasmania, giving the peak its distinctive shape and name. It’s a 46km round trip, including over 2,500m in elevation throughout the walk.

The track has recently been upgraded with a new suspension bridge over the Franklin (the previous one was washed away). Before the bridge was constructed, you had to wade through the river or used a flying fox if the water was too high. The Venturers were keen to see that option reinstated.

Another bridge takes you over the Loddon River and onto the button grass plains known as the ‘Sodden Loddons’ where walkers, even in summer, have been known to sink up to their thighs in the peat-like mud. Thankfully, the new track skirts this section and brings you to Vera Hut, the oldest of the two huts on the track. There are a number of camping pads there as well, and a coal stove for drying the inevitably wet gear from the walk. Venturer Leader Michael lovingly tended the stove all evening just to avoid playing ‘Death-by-Uno’.

The trail, snakes around Lake Vera and climbs through lush, wet rainforest to Barron’s Pass (950m) for spectacular views of Frenchman’s Cap and the other peaks, including Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, that make up the cirque of the Livingston Rivulet. This is where some of us turned back on this occasion as we only had two days.

The climb continued to Lake Tahune Hut, a new, almost luxurious

hut that has its own hydro generator built into the foundations.

Another hour or so of climbing gets you to the summit (we’re told!), but that was for another time. One Derwent Leader, Liz, has attempted to reach the summit view three times.

Venturer Monty and Leader Aaron gave it a go, but the combination of snow, ice and sleet beat them back. Mark, 1st Derwent Treasurer

Scouting Tasmania | December 2022

Rewarding Smiles

Achieve and Adventure!

Clarence Jackie, for organising the Fun Event!

Kentish Cubs first Grey Wolf Awards

Kingston Cubs, Awards and Adventure

Kingston Cubs joined in with the Southern State Event - Cub Regional Scavenger Hunt. Using clues, they walked around the city answering questions. A great way to learn local history and have fun at the same time! We finished up at Prince’s Park where the Cubs played on the playground with their new friends! Thank you to Branch Commissioner Cubs, David Henwood and District Commissioner,

On October 18th, we had a special presentation for our Cub, Grace Fielding, for achieving her Grey Wolf Award! At the same time, her sister, Zoe Fielding, achieved her Joey Scout Promise Award! We had Ruth Henderson and Kingston’s Group Leader, Scott Thomson, proudly present their awards as family members watched on.

We celebrated with cake, lemonade and playing games. Fantastic effort Grace & Zoe Fielding! You should be very proud of your efforts!

- Fiona Woolley, 1st Kingston Cub Leader

The dedication from Toby Ralph and Chase Barnett was phenomenal. They gained a huge amount of personal growth as they achieved what was required for their special interest areas, outdoor adventure, community and more. The boys also participated in a family fun day where they shaved their heads (including Xeon Mitchell). The generosity from family, friends and community, eventuated in $3,000 being raised for the Cancer Council.

Toby and Chase’s parents and leaders are exceptionally proud of them, as is the Group!

Proud Joey Unit


Scott, Kentish Leader

1st Derwent Joey Achievements

The Hobart Scout Group celebrated the end of Term 3 with four Joey Peak Award recipients, enjoying a nighttime presentation. The whole unit was very proud of these young achievers. Well done to Henry, Ben, Evan and Willow on an excellent achievement!

Scouting Tasmania | Issue 2, 2022

Water Waves

Northern Groups and Halls Affected

Tasmanian October Flooding

After three days of weather warnings, mass rain and flooding, the Northern areas of Tasmania have been greatly impacted. Many roads, homes and community areas have experienced devastating damage and will require major repairs and support in the future.

Inland areas such as Deloriane, Railton, Hadspen and Poatina were inundated with flood waters. Deloraine’s local community space was completely engulfed, the flooding rising meters to meet their two bridges. Railton and Poatina both suffered significant road damage, with bitumen lifting and boulders being forced onto the roadway.

In our scouting community, Launceston’s 1st Tamar Sea Scouts lost their pontoon on the Tamar River as it was ripped from the wharf, floating away and becoming jammed nearby.

Motton-Preston had several members who experienced home damage, but managed to stay unscathed themselves.

On the Air Ways - Amateur Radio in Scouting

Jamboree on the AirJamboree on the Internet Recently during October, Tasmanian Scout Groups participated in JOTAJOTI, learning about and practicing amateur radio skills. JOTA-JOTI is the world’s largest digital radio event in Scouting, with over 172 countries and 2 million Scouts taking part every October.

1st Kingston Cubs “On Sat 15th October, Kingston Cubs went to The Lea and to do JOTI/ JOTA. They learnt Morse

code in 30 seconds and wrote their names using it! Then they practiced their Phonetic Alphabet whilst playing Battleships and using Walkie Talkies, which we managed to get a radio connection on, between NSW for a Scout conversation! Thank you to Noel Gadd for running this Fun Activity for the Cubs!”

-Fiona, Cub Leader

Get involved in amateur radio and visit your local radio or try making a Group podcast with your Unit.

Scouting Tasmania | December 2022
Poatina Homepoint Railton Deloraine

Big News

National Rover Scout Moot Held in Tasmania

After almost 20 years the Australian Rover Moot is being held locally at Fulton Park. Apple Isle Moot 2022-2023 will run from December 31st - January 8th! Everyone is invited to enjoy the exciting activities available over the moot. Fulton Park is holding lots of

activities on the 6th-7th of January, while participants are exploring Tasmania through expeditions from the 1st - 5th. Contact the team at for more information.

If you are interested in helping, there are available positions in Administration,

ABC Hobart Radio Interview

Jonathan Pyefinch, Wellington District Commissioner, was a representative for Scouts Tasmania at the Government House Open Day in November. Joel Rheinberger interveiwed him about Scouting on ABC Radio Hobart. When asked what Scouting did for him in his youth he replied; “It was a formative experience in my life that helped me develop a sense of who I was. It gave me experiences in the outdoors that I may have not done otherwise. Scouts gave me a love for things like hiking, being in the bush and building. We also did troop performances, there was a range of activities.”

Jonathan, when asked about an old camp, explained it was a snow camp that the Lindisfarne Group once organised at Mt. Field when he was younger. The Scouts had to build snow caves, his apparently inadequate having been more open to the elements than intended. Regardless, he remembers it as a fabulous experience.

Jonathan was asked what it takes for parent or helper to become a Leader?

“We have a very thorough training program. We take developing youth very seriously. There is a massive framework that comes with Scouting. It’s a worldwide organisation

Merchandise, Waiters, Cafe and Bar Staff. Food and Alcohol service officers need a RSA certificate.

If you would like further information about positions, contact Phoebe, phoebe.shires@

We hope you’re excited!

with 50 million members across most countries, with the program being developed over 100 years, and it works.”

Jonathan mentioned that Scouts can visit and be visited internationally. They recently had a family from France who joined a local group during the year they lived in Hobart. The interviewer asked what steps a parent, or child interested in Scouts, should take?

“Find your local Group. Our website has lots of information. Give it a go for 4 weeks. Scouting is a fantastic education for young people from 5 to 25, and Leaders seem to have heaps of fun too”.

Scouting Tasmania | Issue 2, 2022
@ScoutsTas Scouting Tasmania December 2022
Scouting and camping supplies and resources, available in store only. Offering lightweight camping and hiking equipment, including sleeping bags and tents.
Uniforms and resources available. Scout books,
and accessories in stock.
store and
& Happy New Year Merry Christmas
Support the local
visit the L’TON address. Online resources available via LAUNCESTON

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