Vertical Gardening in a Northern City; Speculations for Winnipeg

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2010). The selection of each of these systems must be based on the type of vine that will be SODQWHG WKHUH DV YLQHV ZLWK GLIIHULQJ JURZWK habits will require different support. Figures 3.10 and 3.11 show vine characteristics and the corresponding support system required. Self clinging climbers do not necessarily require a trellis if the wall they are growing on is impervious to rootlets. Other climbers that require support may need both horizontal and vertical support (scramblers and twiners) while others may require either one or the other (plants with tendrils).

Careful plant selection is critical to establish a thick and luscious vine wall. Vine species must be selected for the regional climate DQG ZDOO PLFURFOLPDWH /LJKW UHTXLUHPHQWV VL]H ZHLJKW JURZWK SDWWHUQ DQG UDWH VHDVRQDO LQWHUHVW PD[LPXP KHLJKW DQG VRLO compatibility should be considered. Epiphytic SODQWV FDQ HDVLO\ JURZ LQ YHUWLFDO JDUGHQV as they do not require soil to grow. Some of WKHVH SODQWV DUH SDUDVLWLF ZKLOH RWKHUV DUH VHOI VXIĂ€FLHQW 7KHVH DUH PRVW FRPPRQ LQ locations where annual temperatures do not dip below 10°C.

The distance at which the trellis is placed from the wall varies based on the type of plant to be grown. A good rule of thumb suggested by The GRHC (2010) is that the distance from the wall should be at least 1â€? (2.5cm) wider than the diameter of the thickest stem (p. 45). &OHPDWLV D WKLQ VWHPPHG SODQW IRU H[DPSOH would require approximately 4â€? (10cm) EHWZHHQ WKH WUHOOLV DQG WKH ZDOO DQG :LVWHULD (a woody plant) may require up to 8â€? (20cm). The distance at the University of Manitoba VKRZQ LQ Ă€JXUH ZDV OLNHO\ EDVHG RQ WKH DHVWKHWLF SUHIHUHQFH IURP WKH GHVLJQHU DV WKH vines would probably only require a 2â€? (5.1 cm) distance from the wall. It is important to note that a mature vine (if desired to grow to its maximum height) will require as much URRW VSDFH DV D PDWXUH WUHH DQG D SODQWHU EHG ZLWK D ZLGWK RI ¡ P DQG D GHSWK RI 18-24â€? (45-60 cm) deep is recommended (p. 48). In the case of the University of Manitoba because of the proximity of the sidewalk to WKH IDFDGH DERXW D ¡ FP GLVWDQFH WKH trellis may have been pushed further away GXH WR DHVWKHWLFV EXW DOVR DOORZV WKH URRWV more protected growing space.

0DLQWHQDQFH LV RIWHQ RYHUORRNHG EXW LV RQH of the most important aspects to maintaining D ODQGVFDSH LQ JHQHUDO DQG LV HVSHFLDOO\ important with a green wall. Beyond the PRQWK HVWDEOLVKPHQW SHULRG VRPH trellis systems need to be adjusted over time to maintain tension as vines grow. Vines will need to be trimmed along windows RU VLJQLÀFDQW DUFKLWHFWXUDO IHDWXUHV DQG be monitored over time to ensure they are growing as planned (and not into the EXLOGLQJ IRU H[DPSOH Many building facades around the world are covered with vines. This type of vertical gardening is often seen on residential buildings and older civic or institutional buildings. The University of Toronto campus is a good example of this phenomenon. Various buildings of different ages are FRYHUHG ZLWK (QJOLVK ,Y\ Hedera helix; 9LUJLQLD &UHHSHU Parthenocissus quinquefolia; DQG *UDSHYLQHV VHH ÀJXUHV DQG It is unknown whether these were planted VSHFLÀFDOO\ IRU WKH NQRZQ EHQHÀWV RI YHUWLFDO gardening (to be explored in the next FKDSWHU RU IRU VWULFWO\ DHVWKHWLF UHDVRQV 7KH


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