Talamore Golf Resort Welcome Book 2019

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Fire Safety Welcome When you check into your room: 1. Examine the layout of your Villa to determine the best ways to reach an exit. 2. Familiarize yourself with the windows of your unit to ensure you can open and close them. 3. Choose a place in your Villa to always leave your key. If there is a fire: 1. If the fire is small, you can use the fire extinguisher that is located in the kitchen, on the top of the refrigerator. 2. If the fire is uncontrollable, call 911 immediately. 3. REMAIN CALM. Panicking can cause you to not use your best judgement. 4. Leave the Villa immediately and firmly close all doors behind you. 5. If your room is smoky, crawl to the door. The air is fresher and there is more oxygen near the floor. 6. If your fire alarm sounds and the fire is not in your room, feel the door before opening it. If the door is hot, do not open it! If it is cool, open your door just enough to check the next room. Be prepared to quickly and firmly close the door if there is fire or heavy smoke on the other side of the door. Leaving your room and/or Villa: 1. Take the key with you, if possible. 2. Keep a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. 3. Close the door behind you. 4. If there is much smoke, crawl. This will help you to have fresher air. 5. Once outside your Villa, knock on other Villa doors to warn other people in the same building. If you have to remain in your Villa: 1. Wet a cloth and tie it over your nose and hold or tie it over your mouth in order to allow for easier breathing. 2. Fill the bathtub and sink with water. 3. Seal your room by wetting towels, sheets and clothes in the bathtub and placing them around cracks in the door and windows if fire is outside. 4. Turn off the air-conditioner/heat. 5. Open the windows if there is no smoke outside. Do not break the window unless necessary, as you may need to close it later. 6. Throw water onto hot surfaces (walls, doors, etc.) by using a trash can. 7. Wave a wet towel in the room to clear possible smoke. 8. Signal for help. Use the telephone (if still working), hang a bed sheet out of a window, or do whatever you can to attract attention to your location. Remember: 1. Be prepared by understanding this information. 2. Have an escape plan ready. Pre-planning always helps in a stressful situation. 3. Most importantly, DO NOT PANIC.

Police, Fire & Ambulance (Southern Pines) – 911 5


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