Takapuna Methodist Church Bulletin Sunday 1 Nov 2020

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Northcote Takapuna Methodist Parish


If you are a new comer, please make yourself known. Morning tea will be served after worship and you are invited to share. Parish Superintendent Rev Peter Norman Phone 442 1945 Email: pete.norman@xtra.co.nz Mobile 027 378 7042 **Please note the Minister has Friday off. Office also closed Fridays.**

Takapuna Church

Corner Lake Road & Tennyson Avenue PO Box 331013, Takapuna, Auckland, 0740

Sunday Worship, 10am Parish Stewards Richard Biddle Ashleen Theunisen

Phone 022 018 6968 Phone 479 7969

Email: richardbiddle@gmail.com Email: ashleen.j.t@gmail.com

Church Office Jan Tasker & Cathy Fraser

Phone 489 4590 Office Hours:

Email: takapunamethodist@xtra.co.nz Monday to Thursday 9am – 12 noon

St Lukes Church

16-20 Greenslade Crescent, Northcote, Auckland, 0627

Sunday Worship, 9.30am

Parish Stewards Etta Spence Pat Carroll

Phone 418 4288 Phone 480 8389

Email: ettaspence@xtra.co.nz Email: patcarroll17@icloud.com

Church Office/Room Bookings

Phone 489 4590

Email: takapunamethodist@xtra.co.nz

Pentecost 22

1 November 2020

 Pentecost 22  Sunday 1 November 2020 Holy Communion The Graduate Choir NZ

Gathering Music

Worship Leaders: Rev Peter Norman Organist: Norman Firth


Cosmic Communion


Locus Iste


Locus iste a Deo factus est, Inaestimabile sacramentum, Irreprehensibilis est.

Anton Bruckner This place was made by God,, a priceless sacrament; it is without reproach.

Introduction Call to Worship: What Does It Mean to Bless? Lighting of the Candle: Hymn to the Light Hymn:

Fill thou my life

WOV 515 (Tune: RICHMOND)


Fill thou my life, O Lord my God, in every part with praise, that my whole being may proclaim thy being and thy ways.


Not for the lip of praise alone, Nor ev’n the praising heart, I ask, but for a life made up of praise in every part:


praise in the common things of life, its goings out and in; praise in each duty and each deed, however small and mean.


Fill every part of me with praise; let all my being speak of thee and of thy love, O Lord, poor though I be and weak.


So shalt thou, Lord, receive from me, the praise and glory due; and so shall I begin on earth the song for ever new.


So shall no part of day and night from sacredness be free; but all my life, in every step, be fellowship with thee.

Horatius Bonar

Opening Sentences: Experience Connection Opening Prayer

All Age Time All Age Song:

For everyone born, a place at the table. FF 17 (Verses 1-3, 5) 1.

For everyone born, a place at the table, for everyone born, clean water and bread, a shelter, a space, a safe place for growing, for everyone born, a star overhead, and God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, compassion and peace: yes, God will delight when we are creators of justice, justice and joy!


For woman and man, a place at the table, revising the roles, deciding the share, with wisdom and grace, dividing the power, for woman and man, a system that’s fair, Refrain


For young and for old, a place at the table, a voice to be heard, a part in the song, the hand of a child in hands that are wrinkled, for young and for old, the right to belong, Refrain


For everyone born, a place at the table, to live without fear, and simply to be, to work, to speak out, to witness and worship, for everyone born, the right to be free, Refrain Shirley Murray

Prayer of Awareness Question Time Readings:

Proverbs 8:22-31 John 6:41-51

Jenny Firth

Communion Anthem: Ubi Caritas (Choir) Maurice Duruflé Song of the Benedictine Monks of Santa Claros, SpainUbi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Where charity and love are, there God is. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. The love of Christ has gathered us Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur. into one. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Let us exult, and in Him be Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. joyful. Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est Let us fear and let us love the livAmen ing God. And from a sincere heart let us love each other Contemporary Word Response:

A Psalm of Cosmic Communion


All My Hope on God is Founded.

v1 – v3 All sing. v4 – Choir sopranos only v5 – All sing, with descant.

Herbert Howells arr. John Rutter WOV 465 (ii)


All my hope on God is founded; all my trust he will renew, through all change and chance he guides me, only good and only true. God unknown, he alone calls my heart to be his own.


Human pride and earthly glory, sword and crown betray our trust; all we build with care and labour, tower and temple, fall to dust. But God’s power, hour by hour, is my temple and my tower.


(Sopranos) 4.

(All) 5.


God’s great goodness lasts for ever, deep his wisdom, passing thought: splendour, light and life attend him, beauty springing out of naught. Evermore from his store newborn worlds rise and adore. Daily the almighty giver will his bounteous gifts bestow; in his will our souls find pleasure, leading us where’er we go. Love will stand at his hand, joy shall wait for his command. Still from earth to God eternal sacrifice of praise be done, high above all praises praising for the gift of Christ his Son. Hear Christ call one and all: Those who follow shall not fall.

Robert Seymour Bridges/adapted

Let us bring our offering to God. In response to the immeasurable wonder and diversity of God's creation, we bring these gifts, and dedicate them and ourselves to sustaining the fragile web of all life on earth. Amen

Community Time

Prayers of Praise and Intercession Hymn:

Now to your table spread 1.

AA 100

Now to your table spread we come, each one, in faith that you alone provide the words of life and death: in wine and bread, in promised food we find your loving heart, O God.


Hands of the world stretch out: your mystery to touch in longing to believe a truth beyond our reach, to sing in joy, to cry in grief, to know your meaning for our life.


Here is our common wealth in sharing what is good as though all humankind around one table stood, this bread to break, this wine to taste one people in the name of Christ. Shirley Murray

CELEBRATING COMMUNITY: HOLY COMMUNION The Invitation The Great Thanksgiving It is good and right, always and everywhere to give you our thanks and praise, loving God, Mother and Father of us all. You are our source, you are our ending and you are the way we journey. You formed and named us, and with us the whole creation out of a love that cannot be contained. A love that is your unsilenced word, spoken to us in Jesus spoken to us still in your wise Spirit calling us in our every place, inviting us into life. You reach out to us still, calling us into community, inviting us to be your friends and build up a new reality in the world. We were alone and you drew us into your life, we were ashamed yet you drew us to your embrace, we had no place and now you have a place for us. With grateful hearts we join with women and men in every place and age who have loved and trusted Jesus who have found a new dignity and honour in him. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, God of the poor,

heaven and earth are full of your glory, hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed be our brother Jesus, who ate with those declared unclean, who showed mercy to the despised and who challenged a complacent piety. We remember that on the night before he died Jesus shared a meal with his friends.

Words of Institution: 1 Corinthians 11.23-25 Breaking of the Bread The bread which we break is a sharing of the body of Christ. Christ is the bread of life. The wine which we pour is a sharing in the life of Christ. Life in all its fullness

The bread is broken

The cup is lifted

Bread and wine: holy gifts for holy people. May we who share these gifts reveal Christ to the world. Come, take your place at the table of God, the open table of grace and love. This meal of love and welcome is one to which all are invited. Come with trust and with hope, that you too would be reconciled to God and with one another. Come and share, for all things are now ready. Communion is Served Communion Conclusion: Occuli Omnium (Choir) Oculi omnium in te spirant, Domine Et tu das escam illorum in tempore opportune. Gloria tibi Domine Amen

Charles Wood

All eyes look to you, O Lord. And you give them food in due time Glory to you, O Lord Amen Psalm 145:15

Prayer after Communion May we who have at this table remembered Jesus, who have shared in a foretaste of a world where everyone will have a place at the table be inspired by what we have shared in. May there be room enough, hope enough, love enough, justice enough for you, for me, for the whole world. Amen. Closing Hymn: May the Grace of Christ our Saviour May the grace of Christ our Saviour, and the Father’s boundless love, with the Holy Spirit’s favour, rest upon us from above. Thus may we abide in union with each other and the Lord, and possess in sweet communion joys which earth cannot afford.

WOV 373

John Newton

Parting Words Sung Blessing: May God Bless You and Keep You

Chris Artley

Acknowledgements: Hymns printed by permission from CCL-Copyright Number 110126

TMC Roster for next Sunday 8 November Worship Leader: Rev Peter Norman Organist: Norman Firth Welcomers: Martin Lydster Reader: Michelle Javate Morning Tea: Lorraine Parker

Notices 1 November 2020 Church and Family Happy Birthday to Silipa Veikune for today and to Judith Matthews for Monday 2 November. Our love and prayers go out to Margaret Martin as she settles into Summerset at Monterey Park Retirement Village. Today

Holy Communion Rev Peter Norman We welcome The Graduate Choir NZ


This service will be live streamed from TMC at: https://takapuna.methodist.org.nz/live-stream from 10am and can also be watched at any time during the week. Festival of Song Pitt St Methodist Preacher: Rev David Bush


Leaders’ Meeting at TMC Lounge


Wed 4 Nov

Worship and Education (zoom)


Sun 8 Nov

Morning Worship Rev Mervyn Dine

Coming Events Wed 11 Nov

Property Committee Woolloxall Room


Thurs 12 Nov

CommunityMatters tbc


Sun 15 Nov

Combined Service with St Lukes - here 10.00am Parish Annual Meeting Please bring a plate

Sun 22 Nov

Morning Worship Rev Barry Jones

This Week Mon 2 Nov



A Message from TMC Office

Bulletin and Powerpoint We have rearranged how we process information that comes in to the office. We would like any information for the bulletin or powerpoint by 10am on Tuesday each week please. Sunday Bulletins We have been considering ways we can reduce our office expenditure particularly around the use of the photocopier and paper. We are trialling cutting down the number of bulletins we print each week. Please would you share one bulletin per family on a Sunday morning while other members look at the service on the screen. Your support for these changes would be appreciated. Thank you.

On Sunday 1st November, 7pm, at Pitt St. Church This invitation is to all Methodists and those in Cooperating Parishes of all nationalities: Maori, Pakeha, Samoan, Tongan, Fijian, Rotuman, Chinese, Korean, Tamil, and others.

Guest Preacher: Rev. David Bush – General Secretary You are invited to come and celebrate the fact that Methodism was “born in Song” and to give thanks for the care that has been taken to keep Aotearoa New Zealand safe during the last eight months. Please Note: If you have a choir or singing group who would like to take part let Norman Brookes nebrookes@xtra.co.nz know as soon as possible (limited to two choirs from each cultural group).

*a plate of finger food for supper after the Service will be appreciated.

If you don’t have a choir but love singing some of our great Methodist hymns come and join this celebration of our heritage.

Wesley Historical Society (NZ) AGM Wesley Centre, St John’s College, 202 St John’s Rd, St John’s Friday 6 November 2020, AGM commences at 5.30pm. Dinner will follow at 6.30pm and the annual lecture at 7.30pm. The Annual Lecture is being promoted jointly by the Wesley Historical Society and the Anglican Historical Society. This is the descriptor of the Annual Lecture to be presented by Professor Emeritus Dr Peter Lineham. The Battle of the Missions: Religion, Poverty and the Depression of the 1930s In this lecture Peter will begin with the role of the churches in contributing to relief of the unemployed and the poor during the depression era. He will reflect upon the various forms that the relief took, and the tensions between the various suppliers of relief, in particular comparing and contrasting the work of Jasper Calder and the Auckland City Mission, the Anglican relief agency, and Colin Scrimgeour and the Methodist Social Services Mission. From this he will explore religion’s contribution to New Zealand social issues, acknowledging the extent to which the churches were sometimes in tension with the militant labour unions. Information about the dinner arrangements will be included in a later notice.

Cleaner Available: Rakesh Bhan, congregation member and TMC church cleaner, had his own cleaning business for 12 years prior to coming to Auckland. He can do house interiors, windows and car grooming for reasonable rates. Please contact Rakesh on 027 298 9737 if you would like cleaning done at your home.

Fast contact Tracing of Covid-19 is important We need to keep Covid-19 out of our communities. The Government is asking you to continue to scan QR Codes. There is one on each door of the church. Please continue to sign the roll in the foyer when you arrive at church each Sunday. Please get tested if you experience any cold or flu symptoms.

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