Fostering children’s mental and physical health Mental and physical health of children is a global concern The World Health Organization states, "Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders"; mental health is fundamental to health and overall well-being because "without mental health there is no health" (World Health Organization, 2018). Mental health has a complex relationship with physical health and the ability to meet and succeed in everyday challenges in school, work, and society. Both physical and mental health affect how we think, feel, and act.
Consequences of lack of mental and physical health According to the World Health Organization, up to 50% of mental disorders in adulthood have their onset in adolescence and up to 20% of children and adolescents suffer from mental disorders (World Health Organization, 2018).
Our Solution: Safeland - fostering children’s mental and physical health The multi-channel program Safeland aims to promote children's mental health through playful methods and directly accessible programs, usable in both individual use as well as through school systems and health ministries within the public sector for children six to ten years old. The program will consist of :
Mobile App A gami ed learning program, including the whole content and learning objectives, described on the next page.
Website Extension of the app, presenting additional learning tools, practical tipps, podcasts and exercises for parents, teachers and other people working with children.
Train-the-Trainer Remote and in-person training courses for adults with the tool box “Safeland”, including 3D teaching materials applicable in classes and groups of children.
2023 safeland by taboobreaker association
Safeland in a nutshell • • •
Safeland is an island world consisting of ve topic islands, of whom each addresses a sub-topic of mental and physical health education. JJ, the meerkat guides the children through Safeland and supports them in learning and solving tasks that help to foster mental and physical health. The Safeland App is, depending on the child’s age, played alone or with the assistance of an adult person.
Safelan d is un der n constructio Topics of islands This is me Awareness of own and unique personality, own strengths, right to emotional and physical privacy I-can-do-this Problem solving, use and development of own resources and strengths, including communication and decision making skills This-is-good-for-me Awareness and knowing about activities that support physical and mental health Emotions Understanding, naming, awareness of and dealing with different emotions My body Positive body image, right of privacy, con dence, and body diversity
Current state of Safeland Safeland is currently under construction: There is a prototype available that was originally built for child sexual abuse prevention, funded with a substantial grant of a globally active foundation based in Switzerland. Following a successful pilot project and a nal report from the University of Edinburgh, we decided to broaden the focus of Safeland: Strengthening children's mental and physical health is not only elementary for the prevention of sexual abuse, but also for coping with everyday challenges in children's own, social and school environments. For this reason, the new version of Safeland will focus on the fundamental strengthening of mental and physical health. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in funding the further development of Safeland. Karin Stierlin m SA: +27 64 960 6135
2023 safeland by taboobreaker association